#I have the build-a-bear Possum actually!!! AND THE BABY ONE!!!!
quinndelightful · 1 year
HEHEH skittering around the place right now!1!1!!1!
aaaandddd opossum for u too<3 they're my friends actually/j
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rileys-battlecats · 1 year
Since you said just a couple days ago that you originally had Foxjaw be Mudpaw's dad, how exactly did that change into Possum being his dad?
That idea came from an old video idea that I ended up scrapping! It was actually the old version of the events told in "The Accident" if you can believe it. I wanted to use the song "Lullaby" by American Horror Song as a backstory for Mudpaw
Warning for some dark themes in this alternate story. darker than usual lmao.
In the first version of the story, neither of Mudpaw's parents were from Micaclan. The fire still happens, but it's a really big apartment building, and lots of cats are displaced. Possum (idk if I had thought of a name for him at this point) says he's heard of some cats living deep in the mountains, and the huge group goes off in search of the clan. However, as time passes, cats start dropping off; some succumbing to the cold, others getting lost in the swirling wind and snow. Mudpaw's mom ends up collapsing, and Possum can only take her so far. He can't carry both Mudpaw and Sweetpea. She basically tells him to go on without her, but Possum can't bear to leave her to die a painful death alone in the cold.
From here, I had two ideas, and one was significantly darker than the other. In one, Possum stays by her side until she dies, and gets left behind by the larger group. In the other, he basically performs a mercy-kill, so that she doesn't have to keep suffering. Possum end up unable to leave her, either way. When he stays, he grows too cold to move. When he does the mercy-kill, he finds that he can't even bring himself to leave her body, not even to save his kit. He takes her collar and puts it on his kit (who is a fair bit older than he appears in The Accident, old enough to walk on his own), but can't move himself after. Eventually, baby Mudpaw has to try to find the group that left them behind, leaving behind his dead mom and near-catatonic father. He can't find the group, and ends up collapsing in an icy mud puddle. But before he meets the same fate as his mother, a clan cat, wrentail, finds him. He's taken back to the clan and nursed back to health; his only connection to his old life being a dirty and mangled kittypet collar that's far too big for him.
The framing for the story in the video was going to be mudpaw telling his story to pearfur's kittens. If you remember the mudpaw trauma dump video, that's what it was going to be leading up to haha
ANYWAY the storyline morphed over time BUT the funniest thing about it is that Possum being a former Micaclan cat became a thing only because I accidentally gave both him and Gullytuft that white forehead head marking. I thought, instead of redesigning him, why not have it be a family resemblance? So then they became siblings and Possum became an ex-Micaclan member! (I did eventually redesign him but I made him more gullytuft-ish instead of less lol)
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Good Intentions: Entry 3
Do you want to know the funniest part of all of this?
I’ve actually tried going to therapy to get help processing all of this. The more I think about it, the less traumatic and bizarre it sounds but that pretense just falls to pieces once I start talking about it out loud. That’s kind of the point of getting help, though, isn’t it?
The view from my patio isn’t as dazzling or profound as what I assume is heaven but I still love to watch the sun rise over the woods and bring its light and warmth to whatever might be wandering around the yard. Squirrels, raccoons, possums… plenty of feral cats, sometimes even deer, if I’m really lucky.
A fat, orange tabby cautiously peeks her head out from the window of the modest shed I helped build a few years back. I watched her squeeze through, despite it barely being ajar, amazed at how her drooping belly seems to pour out like dough out of a can of biscuits. I can’t help but smile as she turned and lets out a noise and, one by one, her four children slink out of the window and follow her to the food and water I’ve made a habit of leaving out every day.
I’ve done this since as long as I can remember, for as long as stray cats have wandered near. One of the times I had to go through all of that, the thing that used to be me managed to wander into the garage before I got back. That’s where I used to leave the food and water for the animals. I think seeing what it had done to that poor little kitten really messed with me, and what really pushed me into giving therapy a chance.
She was nice, and to be honest, I still consider going back but I always got the feeling she thought I was making everything up. To be fair, of course, I wouldn’t believe it either. Hell, I go through it, and I hardly believe any of it is real. Maybe the funniest part wasn’t that I went to therapy, but that I told the truth when I did.
Sort of.
I wondered to myself; how do you really explain this to someone? How could I possibly convey the sensation of dying to someone who’s never died before? In what way could I ever tell someone that by that point in my life I had already successfully killed myself more than thirty times?
The answer, it turns out, was a lot easier than I expected. I told the truth, but dressed it up as… creativity, for lack of a better term. My deaths became attempts, my journeys became colorful metaphors for how I was feeling. Weird how just being honest can be such a relief sometimes.
The things that used to be me became reflections.
She had explained to me, after I had broken down and confessed how guilty I felt over the death of that kitten, that it hadn’t been my fault at all. That there was no way I could have possibly known that the kitten was sleeping under the hood of my car when I started it. That was the only way I could think to describe what I had seen without making it sound like I was some monster that had a psychotic break and mutilated an innocent baby cat.
The best I could do, she suggested, was to forgive myself for an unfortunate accident and that I could learn from the experience to take steps to ensure it didn’t happen again. That’s why I started putting food in the shed instead of the garage. Sure, it’s not as close and convenient, but I do have this perfect view to watch them live their happy kitty lives.
It was great advice, actually. I don’t know what I would ever do if one of my reflections were to hurt something other than myself ever again.
I started being more mindful in my attempts to resolve my situation. She helped me realize that I can take precautions without sacrificing my unique needs. Of course, as far as she knew I was just some suicidal weirdo struggling to make it through every day who uses far too colorful language.
I can see the kittens circling their mother excitedly. They’re just as that age where they should be learning to eat on their own but they would still much rather get a good knead of milk. I close my eyes, hoping to hear their mewling carried on the wind blowing in over the trees. I catch the scent of trees and mud, of black licorice.
I’m glad I survived.
It took me over thirty trips to wherever the hell I go when it happens, but I do find myself glad to be back every time now. A shiver runs through me as the breeze hits me a little colder than expected, roughly reminding me that I’m still in my pajamas. I think it bothers the guys at the gate when I show up wearing something dumb.
The red dude looked offended enough to puke the one time I had arrived wearing a “WHO FARTED?” t-shirt and cargo shorts. I’m not even sure if they can die over there but I could’ve swore he was about to have a stroke. These pajamas weren’t funny or anything, I just liked the cow print on the pants. I forgot to ask what they thought, damn it.
Maybe that’s just the euphoria of the sunrise talking.
I look back only a few hours ago and I remember weeping, beating on my own forehead in frustration while I tried to talk myself out of another suicide attempt only to turn around and cry harder as I forced myself into it. I felt the bottom of my stomach sink into the abyss before vanishing entirely as I tightened the rope and doubted myself, wondering if it was all one psychotic delusion, sweet talking myself into finally dying so I can–
I realize, quite suddenly, that I’ve gone there and back again fifty times now. I hate it just as much as I hated it the first time, but I need answers. I demand answers. I want to know why this is happening, even if it takes an eternity of passive aggressive visits to their front gate. I give my soda can an experimental shake, just to confirm it’s empty, before cautiously inhaling as it passes my nose on its way across the deck and off the side into the recycling bin down below. I thought I smelled licorice again.
Maybe I should get myself a cake. That feels right. What do you have written on a cake like that? Happy 50th? Congratulations? I could always just wait another month and call it a birthday cake but then I couldn’t really do anything too morbid without bumming someone out. I wonder if the things that used to be me go well with ice cream?
My mind recoils imagining the sensation of a thick rope of black licorice hardening as it touches the ice cream. Cold and hard, like trying to chew into gummi bears just as you take them out of the freezer. The kind of strong, resistant type of chew that leaves your jaw tired and aching to the point where it’s hard to focus on the flavor. Still, I always eat it anyway. The thick, sickening scent of black licorice causes a sensation that feels like a growling stomach.
I try to distract myself by going back inside after one last loving glance towards Mama and her band of mischief makers. I try not to think about the feel of black blood filling my mouth, consuming my entire world with its overwhelming presence. Even as I strip, I fight against its call. I fight to ignore it as it knocks on my front door, as the knocks turn to pounds.
I can’t tell if I actually smell it or if I simply want to. The water is too hot, nearly burning me as I stand with my head under the shower, hoping and hoping the pain will force me to forget that delicious scent for a moment.
“It’s okay to cry when you’re overwhelmed.”
A quick, painful slap across the shower valve shoves me abruptly from the boiling pot into the ice bucket. A sob bursts out of me from the sudden shock, and I feel the immediate pain of relief as I let myself cry under the cold water.
I cry, and I cry. I cry so hard I almost throw up but there’s nothing inside of me but bile and woe. My now shivering hand fumbles with the valve, regretting the impulsive decision to freeze myself out under ice cold water and carefully bringing it back to a more comfortable warmth. I feel it all. I felt the scalding flow turn to icy knives and then finally into comfort.
I hate the clarity of it all. My thoughts are clear, thorough, even as I stand here bawling my eyes out in a desperate struggle to understand the existence I’ve been cursed with. I can feel the sadness and despair pulling me into an unknowable abyss abandoned by any and everything that can possibly existence. Uncertainty tears away at the very foundations of my mind as I wail and sob, begging the universe for some kind of final answer.
My heart aches with lost love. I find myself lost in a sea of emotions over the pain of rejection. I scream and curse her name, that horrible, vile woman who left me. I pine for her beauty and touch, a deep and powerful bloodlust growing in the hateful depths of my broken heart. I’m determined to make her regret what she’s done, even if it costs me my life.
My cries grow heavier, angrier, and the boiling acid of my hatred burns through the walls of my soul and drips corrosively onto my bones. I grind my teeth, craving the sensations of her delicate flesh submitting to my bite that I may consume her as I so rightfully deserve to.
The cloying stench of black licorice and its profane, irresistible temptations flood my world and swallow my very being. I’m not sure when I stopped crying but I’m far more alarmed by the violent, growling grunts exploding out of my body as I start trying to break a hole in the wall with my forehead again and again.
It wasn’t until this moment that I remembered that I’ve never been in a relationship before.
I don’t recognize any of these thoughts.
Nor do I recognize the dead thing shambling through my bathroom door, a thing that used to be someone, shrieking out its black, bloody hatred through a grey, blackened maw of fleshy mush.
This one isn’t mine.
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/indigoghost
twitter: https://twitter.com/theindigoghost
ko-fi (I write mini horror stories for ko-fis!): https://ko-fi.com/indigoghost
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nataliesewell · 6 years
monster prom pop quiz results
I was bored, so I decided to try and record all the questions and answers in Monster Prom’s Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever(tm). It’s really likely I haven’t found them all, so I’ll come back and add to this from time to time.
The pop quiz consists of three questions; the first two go towards determining your highest stats at the beginning of the game, while the third chooses your possible prom date (this isn’t set in stone; you can still try to pursue a different character in the actual game). The order of the questions is randomized.
Other links: Vera Walkthrough
You can find the questions and their results under the cut!
stat questions
What is your spirit emoji?
a. Caucasian guy with a turban because fuck stereotypes. +CREATIVITY
b. Octopus emoji. Best animal on Earth. I know 5 mixed drinks, 3 drug cocktails, and 17 sex positions that involve one or several octupi. +FUN
c. Snowman, because that motherfucker is in the middle of a blizzard and he’s fuckin’ smiling. He doesn’t give a fuck about blizzards. And he has a kickass hat. +BOLD
It’s your chance to fix global warming. Go ahead!
a. Global warming isn’t real. I invented it, and now science is claiming authorship because science is a lame copycat with no original ideas. +CREATIVITY
b. Nah, the world is doomed. But I’ll start investing in ships and start a profitable business for the “soon to be covered by water” world. +WEALTH
c. It’s time to be a real hero: I’ll lead a mission to the sun in order to... invite the sun to the party of its life! We’ll have so many hilarious misadventures that the sun will eventually become... cooler. ;) +FUN
Be a visionary: what will the next big social media craze be?
a. Bull$hit: it’s Facebook, but each time someone shares news that isn’t supported by real facts, they’re taxed, and the money goes to the people exposed to that bullshit. +WEALTH
b. Greek Agoras: like literal Greek agoras re-instated in our cities. Places where philosophy and arts are discussed by the greater minds. That’s the social media I want to log into! +SMARTS
c. Rbert: from now on, a socially awkward guy named Robert will do everything he’s commanded to do through the app by its users! +CHARM
You wish you were raised by...
a. A mysterious old man who saved me from the streets in order to raise me as his disciple in the ancient ways of rad DJing! +FUN
b. A pack of wild wolves... who also happens to be tech moguls who own some of the most profitable companies of Silicon Valley. They would be kick-ass role models AND wild wolves! Sick! +WEALTH
c. A really progressive marriage between a kick-ass venomous snake and... actual fire. I love fire and I see no issue with being raised by it. +BOLD
You build a 100ft statue commemorating an event so that in 1000 years archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. What does the statue represent?
a. That glorious instant when your friend stopped you from texting embarrassing stuff to your ex while hella drunk. +FUN
b. That mind-blowing twist in your favourite TV show that clearly changed the life of everyone forever, unlike all that boring stuff they show on the news. +CREATIVITY
c. Your least favourite political figure... being devoured by rabid rhinoceri... which are also covered in badass tattoos. +BOLD
Which is the coolest mythological creature?
a. The invisible hand of the free market. +WEALTH
b. A sphinx... who’s super turnt up and ready to party! And she raps all her riddles (she still kills you if you don’t answer them correctly... but she raps the riddles)! +FUN
c. This weird creature I drew when I was six and which is clearly super derivative from other mythological creatures... but it’s super cool and it’s my OC and my spirit animal, okay? +CREATIVITY
You’re elected president for a day. What’s the first law you pass?
a. You can deduct taxes by writing sonnets instead. Amount of taxes deducted are calculated based on the beauty of the sonnets. +CREATIVITY
b. Trivia fact: presidents don’t pass laws... so is this a trick question or are you just being an idiot? +SMARTS
c. One dollar bills will now include a picture of me and the inscription “Beware: Too Much Awesomeness.” My presidency might last a day, but my fame will last forever! +CHARM
A radioactive possum just bit you... what superpowers did you get?
a. The superpower of always choosing the right combination of emojis to get the desired reaction from all people: seducing my loved ones, burning my enemies, settling an argument, and even conveying complex emotional thoughts. +CHARM
b. Uh, probably rabies? I’d go to a hospital immediately. +SMARTS
c. The incredible power of writing fanfiction so compelling that the actual creators of the TV shows decide to go with my ideas and crazy ships. +CREATIVITY
School is outdated and lame. We need a new school subject asap!
a. Critical thought. I mean... damn, this country could really use a subject like that in schools. +SMARTS
b. Turning people into your puppets through emotional warfare and deception 101. +CHARM
c. How to correctly punch a crocodile without terrible consequences. +BOLD
If you had to have sex with animal... which animal would it be?
(You don’t get six answers; the three answers you get are randomized.)
a. A great white shark. I have to fuck an animal, let’s at least make it a story worth telling! +CHARM
b. A swan. They’re classy. Plus it reminds me of that myth of Leda and the Swan, so at least by bestiality standards it has a certain chic appeal. +CREATIVITY
c. A human being, because I’m the kind of douchebag who loves to find loopholes in stupid questions like this one. +SMARTS
d. A purebred horse. At least I can keep his semen and sell it. It’s worth a lot! Who said there was no silver lining to bestiality? +WEALTH
e. A dolphin. They’re the only other animal that fucks just for pleasure, so at least we can both do our best to have a good time, right? +FUN
f. No on can make me fuck an animal. If I fucked an animal, it’d be of my own free will. As a matter of fact, I already have fucked an animal, so the joke’s on you, pal. +BOLD
The coolest reality show would be...
a. Twelve experts on the various arts of seduction live in a house where they must face a common challenge: seducing a potato into marriage... somehow. +CHARM
b. Eight rich people fight in weekly challenges to see who’s the best at giving money to you. +WEALTH
c. People in various positions of power must face all sorts of questions relevant to their field, and if they fail, they lose their jobs... and society wins. +SMARTS
You get the chance to produce a movie. It’s based on...
a. The most influential Russian novelists of the XIX century... have gone nuts! They don’t remember anything about last night and now they can’t find the manuscript of The Brothers Karamazov; and Dostoyevsky has to deliver it TODAY! +FUN
b. Two cool guys walking away from rad explosions. And they don’t look at the explosions. THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE EXPLOSIONS! They reflect on life and love... AND IT IS SUPER DOPE AND KICK-ASS BECAUSE THEY DO SO WALKING AWAY FROM NEVER-ENDING EXPLOSIONS! +BOLD
c. Something about superheroes, but with a love triangle between a beauty yet somehow relatable girl (maybe she’s always stating she’s a mess?) and two of the super hot superheroes, which are also like vampires or pirates or both. Instant hit! +WEALTH
Democracy is just broken. What would be the best way of choosing the leaders of modern society?
a. Whoever can play the most heartbreaking violin solo wins. +CREATIVITY
b. You put all the candidates in an empty room... with a wild grizzly bear. Whoever kills the bear should be our president. If everyone dies, then it’s obvious: the bear should be our president. +BOLD
c. We create a reality show called “America’s Next Top President” where the candidates compete in all kinds of physical and mental challenges. Voter turnout would increase and we would turn a profit on it! +FUN
If you could put a curse on your worst enemy, what would it do?
a. I’d curse them to fall in love with a wonderful person and be happily married before they realize that all this time... their partner was a wild panther in disguise! Then the panther viciously devours my enemy. Classic! +BOLD
b. The curse of always meeting obnoxious people at parties who are super into new fad diets that feel the need to explain them in detail. +CHARM
c. You can’t rely on the effectiveness of a curse. I prefer to take care of my enemies the old-fashioned way: by exposing them to unsafe doses of radiation over the course of several years. +SMARTS
What would be the coolest prize you could find in your box of cereal?
a. A tiny piece of sharp metal, so every scoop will be full of thrill and danger! +BOLD
b. The phone number of the sexy tiger on the front of the box. He’s so passionate about breakfast and health that he’s surely also a grrreat lover. +CHARM
c. A sample of a more nutritious breakfast option, so people are encouraged to stop eating that colorful crap. +SMARTS
What inanimate object do you think would make the best girlfriend or boyfriend, provided you went criminally insane?
a. A human-size pillow depicting a character created by myself. As a matter of fact, I have all the needed paperwork and I’m only waiting for the conservative narrow-minded laws of our country to finally step forward into waifu and husbando territory, as was clearly intended by God. +CREATIVITY
b. A dildo, duh. +FUN
c. An ATM. Sugar baby life, here I come! +WEALTH
Which god do you pray to each night before sleeping?
a. Praying is kind of lame. I have a group text set up with some deities: Dionysus, Bastet, Loki... coolest cats in town. +CHARM
b. Praying is for fools. I took some compromising pics of a god molesting a tree, and now I blackmail him for whatever I want. A lot more effective. +SMARTS
c. Oh, I pray to all kinds of gods. I have this business where people pay me to deliver their prayers every night. I’ve even started to look for a Chinese factory to outsource the prayers. +WEALTH
prom date questions
What is the sexiest type of knowledge a lover can have?
a. How to set stuff on fire. ❤️DAMIEN
b. All the principles to build a financial empire. ❤️VERA
c. Lyrics to all Disney songs. ❤️MIRANDA
d. Obscure 80s movie trivia. ❤️LIAM
e. Sports things. ❤️SCOTT
f. How to make a killer cocktail out of anything. ❤️POLLY
Your partner just gave you a cool gift for your anniversary but you totally forgot! Quick, come up with an idea for a great gift!
a. The head of their fiercest enemy. ❤️VERA
b. A silly toy that makes silly noises. ❤️SCOTT
c. The abstract concept of gratefulness. ❤️LIAM
d. A pony. Always a pony. ❤️MIRANDA
e. Anything on fire. Or a weapon. No, no: a weapon on fire. ❤️DAMIEN
f. Anything capable of leading them to an overdose of some sorts. ❤️POLLY
What would be a deal-breaker for a potential lover?
a. The person lacks taste. ❤️LIAM
b. The person is mediocre. ❤️VERA
c. The person is a coward. ❤️DAMIEN
d. The person is boring. ❤️POLLY
e. The person hates the outdoors. ❤️SCOTT 
f. The person lacks manners. ❤️MIRANDA
What would be a killer accessory?
a. Sunglasses... at night. ❤️POLLY
b. A fabulous purse made from the skin of your worst enemy. ❤️VERA
c. Coolness itself. ❤️LIAM
d. Fancy brass knuckles. ❤️DAMIEN
e. A necklace with your own name... in case you forget! ❤️SCOTT
f. Shiny armor. ❤️MIRANDA
The world will end tomorrow... What will you do today?
a. Nobody ends the world but me! I’ll end the world today. ❤️DAMIEN
b. It’s okay! We invented the apocalypse to take care of the overpopulation of commoners. ❤️MIRANDA
c. I’ll finish my novel... whoever comes after the end should know my legacy! ❤️LIAM
d. 100 push-ups... no, no 200 push-ups! ❤️SCOTT
e. They always tell you the world is ending... I’ll profit on other people’s hysteria. ❤️VERA
f. I always party as if there were no tomorrow... so who cares? ❤️POLLY
Which criteria would you use to name your children?
a. Meh... no name? It’s just too much work! ❤️POLLY
b. I will research for a name that is pun-proof and joke-proof. No one will pick on them. ❤️VERA
c. A non-heteronormative name to give them freedom to define themselves on their own terms. ❤️LIAM
d. Just a swear word. ❤️DAMIEN
e. My name + “II” (the Second). ❤️MIRANDA
f. Something simple and friendly, like Bobby or Mary. ❤️SCOTT
If you were an ice cream... which flavour would you be?
a. Double creme de la Gruyere and meringues. ❤️LIAM
b. Spicy chocolate. No... chocolate on FIRE! ❤️DAMIEN
c. Success. ❤️VERA
d. Tequila and coke. ;) ❤️POLLY
e. Rainbows and gummy bears. ❤️MIRANDA
f. Meat! ❤️SCOTT
What would be your dream first date?
a. An art exhibition experimental enough to give you a seizure. ❤️LIAM
b. A sweaty and manly wrestling match. ❤️SCOTT
c. A professional meeting where you charm your date with some astonishing business advice! ❤️VERA
d. A wild party in international waters. ❤️POLLY
e. A lovely walk in the forest... after rescuing your date from a dragon! ❤️MIRANDA
f. Crimes. ❤️DAMIEN
You find a genie in a bottle. You can ask for whatever you want. What do you ask for?
a. A rainbow that you can eat! ❤️MIRANDA
b. I don’t ask for anything. I drink the genie from the bottle. I can grant my own wishes! ❤️DAMIEN
c. Before asking for anything, you try to negotiate up to the three standard wishes. ❤️VERA
d. Infinite confetti! ❤️POLLY
e. ...His friendship! ❤️SCOTT
f. Him to not be so cliched. Genies and wishes... so mainstream! ❤️LIAM
What would be the most appealing in a love partner?
a. A big... horn. ❤️DAMIEN
b. Sharp wits. ❤️LIAM
c. Kawaii eyes. ❤️MIRANDA
d. A very tsundere personality. ❤️VERA
e. Soft fur. ❤️SCOTT
f. A taste for party. ❤️POLLY
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gluevah · 2 years
What are your favorite baby or buddy sized Build a Bears?
I love the possum, would buy if I had the money. It's really cute! Definitely a favorite even though I don't have one.
My favorites that I actually have are the little pterodactyl/pteranodon buddy, the wwf wolf buddy, the grey mouse buddy, the Christmas frogs, and the mini zoo red fox c: Also the nightlights, even though they're wristies.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
8x02: Details and Themes
Morning Everyone! Today I’m going to go over details from the episode I didn't mention on Monday, and some themes I saw running through the episode (which might also end up running through the entire season or at least 8a).
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In the first scene with the Saviors, there's some kind of belt or possibly dog collar on the table. The woman, Mara, also calls her people "fishies." Oceanside reference? When she got on the walkie talkie, she calls three people. The first two don't answer. The third one does. (Once again, lots of threes in this episode.)
At one point during the fire fight, we see a 101D on the building in the background. Kind of interesting as this was episode 101.  
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It occurred to me Morgan's "I don't die," might have actually foreshadowed the deaths of Freddy and Andy. I think so mostly because of what Lennie James said on TTD. He said in the moment, Morgan was trying to warn them to stay away from him, because he doesn't die, which means people around him might. They did. I know a lot of people think it's foreshadows his death, and it still might, but it definitely foreshadowed the deaths of the two men he said it to.
Dwight's Note:
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It also mentions "Browning." That's a type of gun Dwight is telling them to look for. The interesting this is Beth's knife (the one that's been missing since S6) was also a browning. It's looking more and more like symbolically, Beth is the weapon they're searching for. It's also very interesting that, for right now, the weapons seem to be missing.  
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Oh, for the Xs? There were two sets of 8 Xs each. Kind of interesting.  
Someone suggested not everyone might understand what I meant when I said Shepherd was a big deal. Remember there was an Officer Shepherd at Grady, played by Teri Wyble? She's one of many of the Grady crew who've put suspicous things on social media in past months.  
Here's another cool detail I missed but @wdway caught: the ceiling above Daryl is broken and open in this shot. 
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It looks very similar to the ceiling here in Still. 
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Remember my Hole in the Roof Theory? Check it out HERE. Because we've seen this during key episodes and sequences around Beth and her arc, this gives me tons of hope that this situation with Daryl is about Beth and will lead to her.  
Female Room  
Wanted to give some screenshots of this room. Originally I thought the little red flowers on the pillows were lady bugs. They're not, but I'm still side-eyeing them. 
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Lots of candles on the tables and a covered (hmm, could that be “hidden”?) lamp. Three of those big ones can be seen, but two sets of three hanging on the wall in sconces. Then there are those red/green curtains.
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Gracie’s Room
I wanted to look more closely at the baby's room. @wdway caught this picture. 
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We're pretty sure the back of the chair, seen in the mirror, is painted with three hanging POSSUMs. *coughs Beth*. Now that I’m looking, I think there’s also an eagle with spread wings above them, much like we saw on the wall in Still. 
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There’s also a yellow truck of some kind. There are many animals in the mural on the wall and in the mobile hanging over the baby's head. I mentioned on Monday the dog and the frog, both of which are Beth symbols we've seen before. Others we could read into, but most I can't connect specifically to Beth's arc. The tiger could = shiva. Various meanings for lions and elements. One super-interesting thing is that the 8th thing on the mobile is this: the same symbols we saw made by the Scavengers when they surrounded TF in the junk yard. Hmm.
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This has been circulated a lot in the past few days. I'm sure many of you have seen it. As far as I'm concerned, we're looking at a few distinct possibilities here. Remember that we’ve seen the rabbit motif around Beth a lot. (X)
1. Possibly this little girl is Gracie rather than Judith. If so, it's possible certain spoilers I posted about HERE are wrong, and Judith may die. Let's hope not.
2. The little girl in the flash forward could still be Judith. Maybe Rick takes care of Gracie too, and Judith is just playing with Gracie's doll. Gracie's in another room or with someone else.
3. Maybe Gracie dies (Gimple alluded to something ominous on TTD) and Rick takes the doll and gives it to Judith.  
4. Could be purely symbolic. I actually like this option the best. Why? Because I think it makes a great case for Beth. By showing the rabbit in the dream/flash forward with the girl we'll assume for the moment is Judith, it creates a statement about the relationship between Rick and Judith. Judith is Rick's daughter, but not biologically. They went out of their way to tell us that last season. He just began caring for her and now she is his daughter. If the same is true of Beth and Gracie, the doll could symbolize that. Another sheriff (the new one in town) is taking care of Gracie and is pretty much her parent, or will be, even if the child is not biologically hers. Just a theory. And a head canon. ;D
5. @Brynn_81 (IG) also suggested it could be a link to Sophia. I've talked before about the "missing girl" theme that connects Beth and Sophia. Remember Sophia had a doll Daryl found in the river. I think that option has a lot of promise as well. Will be interesting to see if Daryl actually picks this doll up out of the crib. The river he found Sophia's doll in in S2 could feasibly be linked to Oceanside.  
6. Then there's this:
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They COULD be lying purposely about this being Judith, but I kinda doubt it.
The thing is, we have pretty good evidence that the Old Man Coda isn't reality any more than the picnic scene was. It's Rick's vision of a perfect future. I don't think we should necessarily take the stuffed rabbit's presence as entirely literal. Just my two cents.  
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As far as the handcuffs Daryl found, @thegloriouscollectorlady pointed out that, in order to get out of those cuffs, the person's hands would have to be small. Merle cut off his hand in S1 because it was the ONLY way for him to get out of the cuffs. Men generally have bulkier hands than women. The blood shows that whoever it was probably scraped up their hands seriously pulling them out of the cuffs, but they managed it without lobbing off a limb, right? It just stands to reason the prisoner was either a woman or possibly a young person/child. Though honestly most young people/children would be too intimidated by the situation to break out.  
And yes, if you hadn't figured this out yet, we're hoping the person who was in the cuffs and who possibly stayed in the Happy Room is Beth. She escaped/is missing and, though they don't realize it, is probably the "weapon" Rick and Daryl are searching for. Hopefully. ;D
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Another thing we discussed was Sherry's pregnancy test in S7. It was negative, and obviously not enough time has passed for Sherry to have had a baby. I'm not saying she's the mother. But it may have been symbolic of something. I think it was a necessary element in 7x03 for Daryl to completely understand the situation between Sherry, Dwight, and Negan, but even so. We often see symbols operating on many levels, and I think it also may have foreshadowed this arc. That one of Negan's other wives got pregnant at some point, perhaps? That he's hiding a baby who would come into the narrative? Will probably make more sense as we go along.  
Horse Picture
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I think this is pretty well-circulated too. I totally missed it and @katkhaos pointed it out to me. We see the picture taken from Hilltop in this shot. Why is that important? Horse Theory. Black horse = Daryl, white horse=Beth. The taking of the picture was obvious a purposeful plot device, since it was totally necessary for Simon to confiscate it. What are the chances it randomly shows up in this shot a handful of episodes later? If white horse = Beth, I think someone's about to stumble upon her.  
Episode to Episode Parallels
So here's something we talked about in the Safe Zone, and most of the credit for putting it together in a cohesive way goes to @katkhaos. It occurred to us how many parallels there are between S8 and S1. Yes, we already knew that. I don't just mean with symbols and repeated sequences/shots. I mean episode parallels. Check it out.  
Episode 1x01: Rick at gas station and meets Teddy Bear Girl.
Episode 8x01: Rick and Carl at gas station. Repeated shots. Meets Teddy Bear Girl (same actress).
Episode 1x02: Rick meets Morales in Atlanta.  
Episode 8x02: Rick meets Morales on the 4th floor of the Savior's compound.
Episode 1x03: Rick meets Daryl. Morales is there.  
Episode 8x03? 
Obviously Rick and Daryl already know each other this time around. But I think it's interesting that Daryl specifically wasn't present when Rick first saw Morales, to "echo" (Gimple's word) season 1. We didn't see Rick, Daryl and Morales all in the same place until 1x03. I'm assuming the same will be true in 8x03. Daryl's not far, after all. It's just a matter of time before he sees Morales too.  
Another thing to take into account? Episode 3 is where Rick reunites with Lori and Carl. A.k.a the sheriff reunites with his long-lost family after a journey to find them.
So I'm gonna throw this out there. I know I've said pretty strongly I think she'll return in episode 4. I still think it'll be an important episode because of the Alone head stone, and she may still return in it.  But I'm cautiously hopeful about episode 3. We have a lot of things pointing to it, and then there are these absolutely perfect episode parallels, the callbacks to Merle, etc. I won't be bummed if we don't see her this week (not any more than with any other time we haven't, anyway ;D) but I think it's a real possibility. *fingers crossed*
What @katkhaos suggested is that, especially as Gimple said the things about episodes 1-4 melting our brains, maybe the plan was always to parallel 8x01-8x04 with 1x01-1x04. Episode 1x05 is when TF gets on the road and goes to the CDC + leaves Jim behind. All of episode 6 is with Jenner at the CDC. Episodes 1x01-1x04 revolve around Rick waking up, finding his family, reunions, and Merle going missing. It'll be very interesting to see what episodes 8x03 and 8x04 bring us.
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Re-Watching, I noticed this picture. During his fight with the savior, this cabinet ended up across the door of the Happy Room. That’s super-suspicious to me. Again, I think maybe Beth was staying in this room at some time. The first thing this reminded me of was when Daryl pushed the shelf over-top of Noah in 5x06, and he became trapped, with a walker trying to get through the door to get him. The other thing it could parallel to is Shane pushing a bed in front of Rick’s hospital room door. If that’s the case, you can see how this might parallel Beth and be a S1 callback.
I noticed several times throughout the episode, various people mentioned things about how their friend or comrades weren't there, but would be soon. It was said several times by the various groups. @thegloriouscollectorlady and I also talked about how Rick and Daryl climb up to the fourth floor of the building. Now, there were a lot of parallels to Grady here, just in terms of the building/spatial layout. They climbed up an elevator shaft. It definitely wasn't on the ground floor. They were searching through lots of hallways and closed or locked doors. (We saw lots of keys and locks at Grady.) 
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But Beth was kept on 5th floor of Grady, not the fourth. I'm wondering if this is part of the same theme: Almost there, but not quite. If Beth is running around here somewhere (like she was in the cuffs or staying in the Happy Room, it might also explain (symbolically) why she's not there. Why everything's empty and Rick and Daryl haven't found what they're looking for yet. They're almost there. Almost to where someone will return, but not quite yet. I don't know if this is just a theme for this episode, or if it will keep going for a handful of episodes.
The other theme had to do with confidence. There was a lot of talk of confidence or the lack there.  There was all of Ezekiel's talk and speech to Carol about being confident, even if you were faking it. We saw this theme in actions too.  
It specifically showed Freddy shaking before they opened the doors, and then he was killed. And then there was Eric. There were several times in the first part of the episode where Eric got this determined look on his face and did something brave, like shoot more saviors or provide cover for the others in his group. As time went on, things got worse. Francine was killed and Tobin was shot in the shoulder, and Eric started to look very scared. It was only after his lack of confidence took hold, that he was shot.  The idea is that confidence is more likely to win out, and usually does. When people give into fear, they're more likely to be injured and/or killed.
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I actually really love this theme because there's so much truth to it. If you know anything about the law of attraction, you'll know what I mean. It's definitely something the writers are pushing this season. It actually goes hand in hand with other themes I've mentioned before, such as characters not actually dying until they accept their own deaths. Anyway, just really interesting.
One final thought from @bluesandbeth about Morales being alive. She said it's obvious Gimple doesn't like loose ends. If he just HAD to tie up Morales' story line, then Beth's must be driving him nuts. Even if we're totally wrong and she isn't alive, at the very least we'll have to see those missing 17 days/unexplained scenes at some point.  
But @bluesandbeth was reminded of Abraham's line in 6x06 (major Beth-symbolism episode). "Loose ends make my ass itch." Kinda thinking Gimple penned this line with an evil grin on his face. ;D
Okay, that's it for today. Anyone have anything to add?
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badonlinedaters · 7 years
So, my German shepherd, Bear, has been having some problems with diarrhea lately, so when I'm not home I'm having to put her outside so she doesn't have an accident in the house (she's had several already - goodbye security deposit). Anyway, I live in a duplex with no backyard, just like a little fenced-in patio area, except the fence is falling apart and the gate actually fell all the way off recently, so I have to put her on a 30-foot lead hooked up to the back porch railing. Anyway, that's all just set-up for the ridiculous thing that happened tonight. So I get home from my boyfriend's place, check on the doggo, she's fine so I decide to leave her outside til I go to bed. I go downstairs to my basement bedroom to play a little Marvel vs Capcom. So of course Bear starts barking. I go up to check on her again, I can't see anything she might be barking at. Okay, whatever, I quiet her down and go back inside. Naturally as soon as I get back downstairs the barking starts again. Okay. Fuck. I just wanted to chill out and have Ghost Rider and She-Hulk kick Ryu and Chun Li's asses, but fine. Go outside. Wtf are we barking at, Bear-Bear? Now, I need to mention. About 20-30 feet away from the fences surrounding the duplex patios, there's another fence that separates the residential buildings from some businesses. Approximately 6 foot tall wooden privacy fence. So, even though it's basically dark as fuck out there (this was like, 1 or 2 in the morning), I can see something crouched on top of this fence. Of course my first thought is, "cat," because why wouldn't it be? Hey, cats are pretty easy to shoo away, nbd. I walk toward this fence, in the dark, like okay, kitty, let's get a move on and stop tormenting my doggo, okay? It's not a cat. It's a possum. (or opossum, if you like.) Okay, so, that explains why it wasn't shooing away - the poor critter is frozen in place, terrified. Welp. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought. I mean, possums are pretty shy and mellow (unless it's a mama guarding her babies), but I don't exactly want to try to grab it or reach for it to move it, now do I? No, sir, ma'am, or folks who identify as both or neither, I do not. I want y'all to picture something now. I want you to picture little ol' 5'3" me, standing in the dark under a 6' tall fence, trying to gently nudge a terrified possum off the fence with a forked tree branch, at 1 am, with my dog barking like a maniac behind me. The possum refuses to move. I have no idea how it got on top of the fence, but it has no desire to jump off. I had no idea they had such a good grip, but this little critter is seriously digging in, even wrapping its prehensile tail around my tree branch like nope nope nope! Okay, fine. I don't want to hurt the poor thing, so this clearly isn't working. Maybe I can nudge it along the fence until it gets far enough that Bear can't see it anymore! So now amend that picture in your head to me trailing this branch behind the possum's back feet, nudging it forward inch by inch along a good 30-40 feet of fence until it was behind a shed where my dog could no longer see it. In the dark. At one in the damn morning. So. That was my night, how about y'all? 🐶😂😏
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Chicken Predators and Winter: Tips to Keep Your Flock Safe
Chicken predators are always a concern for small flock owners, but the risk of attack may actually be worse in winter months.
Winter is the season of privation for all creatures, but extreme weather can change it from a time of scarcity to a season of starving. Here are some techniques to prevent attracting predators and to help if predators are already there.
Ready to Start Your Own Backyard Flock?
Get tips and tricks for starting your new flock from our chicken experts. Download your FREE guide today! YES! I want this Free Guide »
The Usual Suspects
Do you raccoons eat chickens? You bet. It seems that man and beast alike agree that backyard chickens are tasty. Consequently, there is a significant list of potential chicken predators looking to dispatch your chicken flock at any moment. The most common of suspects: domesticated dogs, raccoons, raptors (eagles, hawks, owls, osprey, etc.), foxes, coyotes, wolves, skunks, possums, snakes, rats, cats (from house cat to mountain lion), bears, pole cats (which includes minks, weasels, martins, fishers cats, etc.), mice, crows and of course, humans. Truly, your chickens, their eggs and chicks are vulnerable to attack on all fronts. 
Prevent Chicken Predators From Being Drawn In
An important step is to not lure creatures into your yard in the first place. The No. 1 predator attractant  is open and accessible food. It is often common to leave “treats” in the yard, but this is an open invitation for other hungry animals, particularly in wintertime when food sources are limited.
Raccoon – photo by cuatrok77
Predators lured into your yard will be emboldened by the reward of an easy meal. These animals will search for more food rewards – including your flock. It is noteworthy that small chicken predators such as mice, rats and crows initially attracted to just chicken feed will quickly turn to stealing eggs, killing chicks and even attacking bantam birds.
Polecat with a Chick Leg – photo by Harlequeen
Feed your flock – but don’t leave treats lying about the yard and don’t store excess feed outside. Remember that even some large chicken predators, such as bears, are attracted to chicken feed and scratch. Bird feed is an easy source of calories for a bear trying to pack on hibernation weight.
Predator-Proof Your Coop
In addition, chicken keepers must predator-proof their coops. It is simply poor stewardship to not provide a flock with a properly built home. Here are several considerations:
Toad on Hardware Cloth Roll – photo by MyNeChimKi
First, learn how to build a chicken coop that is durable. A motivated predator can and will break through flimsy walls, floors and roofs. I have heard of raccoons busting through a coop roof to attack and devour a hen. Coops built with gaps or weakness will allow dexterous creatures to squeeze or manipulate their way inside. Weasel and opossum can slip through amazingly small holes. And raccoons are like monkeys; they are able to open many types of simple latches and locks.
Second, build your coop using predator proofing materials. The main point is to not use the screening material commonly called “chicken wire.”  Chicken wire, in a word, SUCKS.  Though it is cheap to buy and easy to use, you ultimately get what you pay for. Many common chicken predators are able to bite or claw through chicken wire. Make the proper investment up front and build your coop using a material called hardware cloth. Hardware cloth is a heavy-duty screening material that comes in rolls.  Yes – it is slightly more expensive and difficult to work with than traditional chicken wire, but it also keeps many chicken predators out of your coop.
An important tip when using hardware cloth is to make certain you use the right size and gauge. Hardware cloth is a crisscross square-style screening. The material is measured in gauge (thickness and strength of the wire) and size (size of hole in between the crossing wires). Ideally, one should use hardware cloth that is no less than 19 gauge and with holes no more than a ¼ – ½ inch (0.635 – 1.27 centimeters). Smaller gaps in the mesh are essential for preventing predator attacks through the material. Hardware cloth with 1-inch (2.54 centimeters) or larger gaps allows snakes, mice, rats and smaller polecats to squeeze inside your coop. Additionally, raccoons are well-known for reaching through gaps large enough to fit their arms, and then maiming or killing chickens. A raccoon will rip the head, legs and wings off a chicken even though it is unable to get the wounded or dead bird outside of the coop to eat.
Chicken Coop Built Using Hard Cloth – photo by Allan Hack
Third, fortify bottom of your chicken house by burying 12 inches (30.38 centimeters) of hardware cloth around the perimeter edge of the coop and run. Many animals such as dogs, skunks and coyotes will dig a tunnel under the edge to access to birds. Buried hardware cloth stops chicken predators from tunneling into your coop.
Finally, it is best to build a coop with its floor off the ground. Coops made from converted sheds often don’t have the protective hard cloth buried around the edge of the floor. Rats, opossums, snakes and mice may dig underneath and take up residence. Once comfortably established, these chicken predators will go in and out of the coop through the floor – eating feed, eggs and sometimes birds. Depending on the size of the shed-style coop, it can be very difficult to root out predators that have ensconced themselves under the chickens.
Check Habits and Yard
Your habits as a chicken owner can profoundly affect your flock’s safety. Make an honest assessment of your habits. Are you locking your chickens up as soon as it is dark or are you leaving the coop wide open until late at night or the next morning? This is an important point; some chicken predators are nocturnal and start hunting as soon as the sun goes down. Are you collecting your eggs early and often each day? Neglected eggs in the coop are another attractant to your flock. Your chickens are reliant on you to be a conscientious keeper and to form good habits to keep them safe.
Dog Watching Over Chicks – photo by BRAYDAWG
Additionally, good fences make good neighbors. This is true between you and your human or animal neighbors. Take the time to walk your yard and inspect your fence. Repair or replace any weak boards and fill all gaps in and under your fence.
Get a Guard
Traditionally chicken flocks had their own guard systems: roosters and well- trained dogs. Though some people doubt it, a dog can be easily taught to protect poultry from predators.
Similarly, the function of a rooster in a flock (aside from making babies) is to protect his hens from danger. Roosters instinctively make good guards; they are alert and constantly scanning for potential predators. Once danger is spotted, a rooster will call out an alarm and marshal his flock to safety. Roosters have even been known to physically fight off predators in the middle of an attack.
Tools to Deter Chicken Predators
Nite Guard Solar-Powered Night Predator Light – photo courtesy of Nite Guard
There are other ways to scare away potential attackers. Some deterrence tools include reflective pinwheels, ribbons and tape, or sprayed chemicals or pheromones. One respected deterrent is the Nite Guard system, which provides a simple technological answer to a difficult problem.
The Nite Guard Solar-Powered Night Predator Light is comprised of small, highly durable boxes fitted with a solar panel strip at the top. At night, the Nite Guard system flashes a red light (using the stored solar energy) which frightens chicken predators from coming close and investigating your coop and flock. The Nite Guard system is easily attached to the sides of coops, runs, barns, fences, etc.
The Urban Chicken Podcast is holding a contest to win a free Nite Guard Solar-Powered Night Predator Light. The contest is open for entry until March 15, 2014. To learn how to enter to win this Nite Guard system listen to the Urban Chicken Podcast episode 041 (Click here to listen).
Losing beloved birds to grisly deaths is something we all want to avoid. It is better to take the necessary steps to protect your flock from the beginning than try to get rid of an empowered and persistent predator later.
How do you protect your flock in the winter?
Originally published in 2014 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Chicken Predators and Winter: Tips to Keep Your Flock Safe was originally posted by All About Chickens
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anastasiawcm-blog · 7 years
Alpaca Vacation Open Farm Times November 27, 2010 To November 28, 2010
If you've ever had the want to personal an alpaca, visit a nearby farm. This is a fantastic way to see how this fiber is produced, what it takes to personal these animals and also gives you an insight into the Alpaca business. undertake an consider traveling owners are fantastic and adore to display you around and talk about their infants. So go to a farm today!
This is an additional theme park fantasy that is accurate. Even if you just visit two times all through the whole period, you've received your money's really worth. Many theme parks give alpacas for sale on season passes. They know that their genuine cash will come from concessions and souvenirs. Also, numerous theme parks give their period pass proprietors reductions at their restaurants.
There is very small, if any, understanding in regard to. can make you much more smart. I would not anticipate you to have an attraction material to. We need to produce a this builds on. As we shall see in a couple of times, isn't that important.
Special infant throws or blankets are usually a fantastic adopt an alpaca useful present. These days we have luxurious baby throws that are just as posh as those for discerning adults. Any infant would love to drift off to dream land in a luxuriously plush throw by Cozy Fake. These throws are the softest thing possible for infant, so gentle you're heading to want 1 for yourself.
Spring will bring new classic colours, nothing you gained't like but colors that will trigger you to consider a second look. Unusual fibers produced into uncommon yarns and yarn spinning count (plies) will be front and center. The yarns will be produced up of different sorts of yarn fiber, this kind of as mink and possum.
The falls are actually located in West Greenwich but can be attained by using Escoheag Road north off of Ten Rod Road and taking your first grime street to the correct after Wood River Lane. There is one little rough area for a sedan as you head down the hill but it's no issue for any 4X4. An alternate route is available if you want to be assured of easy going on smooth roads. The falls are conveniently situated correct beneath the bridge that the accessibility road crosses.
A expecting consider traveling will consume for herself and her progeny. Bear this in mind. Multiply her feed mass by a factor of 1.two and you can rest certain her young is coated. Do not permit your expecting animals to turn out to be overweight. If the mother alpaca is overweight, her delivery may be plagued with complications.
Maybe I'm obtaining sentimental in my previous age, but I really like the idea of supporting individuals who are nonetheless employed making issues the previous-fashioned way. Anyhow, there's nothing old-fashioned about Rio De la Plata yarn. It's 100%25 wool and the colorways you can get from Rio De La Plata have to be seen to be thought.
In reality, if you take Exit 5A heading south you will rapidly be in a position to flip south on Route 3 (Nooseneck Hill Road) and discover The Center of Nowhere Diner, maybe the best place in city for eggs and pancakes 24 hours a day. The diner title is not necessarily suitable, as there is some civilization in this part of town and other options for a meal. For example, a few hundred yards down the other aspect of the road you will find the Timberstone Tavern exactly where the supply of its beef entrees is from cattle raised on its personal farm. Of course, being in New England, you will discover a Dunkin Donuts close by as well.
Raising alpacas carries on to gain popularity with all kinds of people. Some are captivated by the way of life of possessing a little ranch. Other people see alpacas as an investment chance (though we would declare it a company, not an investment!) Those with a particular fancy for spinning and knitting may be captivated by the idea of expanding their own supply of beautiful fiber. Whatever the reason, the choice to increase alpacas is not a simple choice. We've place together a established of concerns and answers that we hope you discover useful.
The simplest way to choose the very best apparel for you is to know precisely what you require prior to heading to the retail outlet. At times you can discover alpacas for sale at thrift stores. Frequently times people are merely cleaning through their wardrobe and want to get rid of previous products they no longer require.
Although this is geared toward dogs it does not exclude cats. Canine and cat adoptions are available at the Canine Wash N' Stroll. The DCACC does an unbelievable amount of function for feline buddies, also. The DCACC desk had the information letter "Head to Tail" which was accessible to anyone who would like to take an interest in aiding, volunteering, donating or just has an interest in the on-goings of the local animals.
After Cyber Monday, the subsequent big buying
working day to appear for doesn't yet have a name. It's discovered in the center of December, but doesn't have a set date on the calendar. Look for the last day most retailers will assure shipping in time for Christmas and you will discover what some are calling the last cyber shopping working day of the vacations.
0 notes
jasconius-news · 8 years
Get Your Story Straight! Paul and Lou Tell CLASHING Stories About the Beef Between Them
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Paul and Lou, residents of Chesapeake Independent Living, got into some serious squabbling Tuesday night when they could NOT agree on what had gone down the night before.
The pair of spicy eighty-somethings got to talking after dinner, and were both chillaxing super cazh in the rec room at the big C.I.-Eazy. Then one of the two brought up a beef that had come between them the night before, and sources say that Paul and Lou could NOT agree on what had happened! Yikes! Our own reporter, Vanessa Vasquez, was on the ground at the time visiting her dad, so she dished to Jasconius about all the juicy details.
Vasquez says the incident in question went down on Monday night, when Paul and Lou met up at Mick’s Cafe for dinner. Gauche! Apparently there’s some disagreement about what went down during the meal, but what we do know is that at some point, a meat-based platter ended up between them on the table--and the two CANNOT agree on what it was.
Lou is convinced the plate had beef on it, and he wasn’t afraid to let Paul know it when they chatted it up in the rec room Tuesday evening. Apparently, Lou ordered the saukraut burger for dinner (oooh, salty!) but then pushed that plate AWAY when some major heart burn kicked in. Ouch! Lou said the burn was from eating “more onion crisps than I had the stomach for” before his entree even made it to the table. We’ve all been there, Lou! Seriously,  who doesn’t love apps??
Lou took his story even FURTHER when he said that his doctor, Mr. Gould, can NOT put him on more Rabeprazole than he’s currently taking because it would interfere with his arthritis medication! What a bummer! The thrifty thirties baby dished that Dr. Gould’s wife is a “Persian,” which is a “very vibrant culture” with “wild personalities.” Whoaaa, zesty!
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So Vanessa tells Jasconius that at THIS point in the Tuesday night chat, as she sat totally ignoring her own father and eavesdropping on the totes debonair duo, she was completely sold on Lou’s account of the beef. After all, Lou’s story seemed totally legit! But Paul was NOT having it.
Umm, good thing the rec room didn’t have a knife because that tension could have been straight up SLICED.
According to Paul, Lou didn’t order a burger at all--it was a sandwich! (Like I care about the difference--just give me all the bread!!) Paul threw a hook, line, and SINKER when he said the so-called “beef” was not beef at all but locally sourced BEAR MEAT, fresh out of Westmyer Woods just up the road!
Ok, so before you write that off as a hearty helping of crazy, get this--Paul's brother-in-law used to work construction, and once he had a contract with Westmyer Centre, the strip mall RIGHT outside those woods. According to his brother in law, those woods are FULL of bears. Whoa! Didn’t see that truth bomb coming, huh? 
According to Paul, “[the bears] would huddle at the edge of the woods and watch them building. You know, they wanted to see what was going on. Protect their young. The workers started feeding them potato chips and peanuts, so the bears got to trusting them. And the bears would leave them little messages with the sticks. You know, shapes. ”Wow! Beary cool!
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So even after that, Lou wasn’t totally convinced. He still thought it had been beef!
The two could NOT agree. But there was one thing they could agree on--bears. Lou totes agreed that Westmyer Woods is chock-full of bears, seeing as he used to drive down the adjacent road at night and said he would “hear them howling, defending their turf against the jungle cats.” Lou and Paul could NOT agree more about bears! But wait, what about the beef?!!
So at this point, Lou actually started to back away from his his beef story! Whoa--what??!! But not so fast--he wasn’t completely sold on the bear meat story. Nope, instead he said that he was pretty sure that the meat was actually STRAIGHT UP POSSUM.
Yep, Lou said that roadkill is way common on Fisher’s Byway, which, by the way, is JUST down the street from Mick’s Cafe. Umm, is this a crazy coincidence, or is somebody cookin’ up poss’m patties?  Lou seemed pretty certain. He said, “They lay their eggs alongside the road, you know. Then they all hatch at once. There’s nothing else quite like it--60, maybe 70 thousand eggs hatching open. There just isn’t the room for them all. Some of them roll into the road. But the meat is just fine to eat.” Aww, c’mon, Lou. You’re making me hungry!
But listen--Paul was NOT sold! He said that as far as he knew, Mick didn’t use carcasses from the byway for meat. Wait, what? And then Lou confessed that he had, apparently, NEVER actually confirmed the possum patties with the diner’s owner, Mick. What a buzz kill! He did share that his friend Ronald, who knew Mick before he died, MIGHT have more answers. Umm, excuse me, anyone have a cell phone handy? Can we get Ronald on the line please?!!
So that’s when Lou dropped the most INSANE story about his friend Ronald. Apparently, Ronald used to work for Johnson Electric. Zzzzap! Lou leaked that "he was there thirty, forty years, building great big circuit boards. But then he got electrical poisoning of the knee and couldn't work after that. The skin gets real rough like burlap. It’s a hard way to be." Yikes! Never mind about that cell phone, I'm going strictly tin-can telephone from here on out!
So wait--if it wasn't possum, what was it?!! Well then Lou TOTALLY changed course, saying that not only did the plate not have beef on it, what it had was VEGETARIAN lassagna! Ummm, hold up! What???
You heard me! Lou said that the cute hostess was looking a bit unhappy because NO ONE was ordering the chef special, which was, you guessed it, vegetarian lassagna! Lou then said, "she needed to make the sale. It gives her a nice commission. And I felt bad for the old girl, wanted to give her a dime so she could put herself through secretary school." Umm, quick aside, ladies--is Lou single?! Seriously, does anyone know??? Hubba hubba!
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Ok but moving on here, Paul could NOT get behind this new version of events. He said he was pretty sure that what Lou ordered was NOT vegetarian, but he DID say that he noticed the cute waitress and even "left her a nickle to help with secretary college." Can somebody get this man a checkbook? I have student loans too, Paul!!
So at this point, Vanessa REALLY had to help her 91-year-old dad go pee and bailed on the rest of the conversation. Ummm, can you say cliffhanger? Somebody send Vanessa back in there!! I need to know what was on that plate!!
Check back with Jasconius for LIVE updates on Lou and Paul’s beef as we get them!
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