#I have to get the orv-posting out of my system
peoplearescary · 1 year
There is something about Yoo Junghyuk initially coming to the conclusion that Secretive Plotter is Kim Dokja from the future because Secretive Plotter had some sort of animosity towards Kim Dokja and wants to destroy him
And Kim Dokja meeting a younger version of himself and immediately trying to kill the Oldest Dream (and himself if that's what it takes).
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orphiclovers · 2 months
Not orv related but kinda new to Tumblr so like what is the behaviour 101 on Tumblr , can I get a few tips , i desperately wanna interact but idk
Okay, I knew I would get something like this. You're already doing pretty well, in that you have a profile pic and have figured out the ask function, so good job. 
Orphiclovers’ guide to Tumblr 101:
1.The number one crucial step that EVERYONE should do, even if you don’t care about the rest. CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC to ANYTHING that's not the default one (Though not your face. We don’t generally do that here.) The reason to do this is because it’s almost impossible to tell apart a just created blog from a porn bot. If you haven’t encountered one yet, you will. They're a big thing on tumblr, a completely blank blog created by a bot (sometimes with an attractive woman as the profile pic) that follows you and and sends you ‘hot singles in your area’ type scam messages. If you get one, don’t click any links! Under the message there will be a prompt saying ‘mark this as spam?’ click that and tumblr will automatically report and block the blog.  Some people with huge bot infestations automatically block any blank blog to be safe, and you don’t want that accidentally happening to you, so CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PIC!
2. The other essential blog customization thing is go to Blog Settings>turn off ‘share posts you like’ and ‘share the tumblrs you’re following’. This will hide your likes and the people you follow from every other user. Basically everyone turns this off to have privacy. Otherwise noisy fucks like me can come to your blog and look at all that.
3. You ALSO need to go to Settings>Dashboard>scroll to Prefrences> disable ‘Best Stuff First.’ Having your dashboard (that’s what we call the “Following” tab on Home where you see all the posts) be in chronological order is objectively the best way to be on Tumblr. This is the one social media that doesn’t shove the algorithm down your throat, enjoy it to the fullest. I have never in my life clicked on the ‘Explore’ tab except by accident, and the ‘For You’ tab is also controversial. I don’t recommend it. You can learn to use tumblr with no algorithms and you will feel better.
4. Okay, but there’s like two posts on my dashboard, what do I do? You need to follow people, friend. Go to the search bar and enter a tag for a fandom or character you like. That’s ‘#kim dokja’ or ‘#honkai star rail’ - unlike instagram, you can put spaces between words. It’s not case sensitive, so #Kim Dokja #kim dokja and #KIM DOKJA is all the same to tumblr. I recommend going in tags and not just ‘kim dokja’ because tumblr’s search system is often wonky.
5. Now, scroll through the posts and follow the blogs. That’s it. Now their new posts will show up at the top of your dashboard. Currently, I follow 119 blogs and that’s a pretty decent number. I get new posts every couple of minutes, and if there are no new posts I exit the app. No endless doomscrolling. Also, all the people I follow actually post stuff I want to see.
6. You mentioned wanting to make friends and that brings me to my next tip: Reblog. Reblog, reblog, reblog. Every post you want to click ‘like’ on you should reblog instead. Everytime you want to comment you should reblog instead (and put the comment in the tags).
7. This will put their post on your blog. Most of the posts you see on your dashboard are posts the people you follow have reblogged. It’s hard to wrap your head around, but it’s essential tumblr stuff so I will try to explain it in detail.
Reblogging etiquette
8. Blank reblogs are fine.
9. If you want to say something like ‘good art!!’ or ‘wow I love this theory so much’ put that in the tags of your reblog. The original poster will see the tags you have added, and also anyone who follows you will see the post + your tags. But if they reblog a post from you, your tags don’t come with unless they decide to manually copy them (which people don’t usually do unless they want to respond to something you said in the tags. Then they will copy the tags and put <- prev as in ‘previous’ and respond to them. This is like a whispered conversation you have on op’s post but they will still be able to see all of it so be mindful.) Some people also use the tag system to organize their blogs.
For example, if you reblog art of kim dokja, in the tags you can put ‘#wowowow I’m drooling thank you op, #kim dokja, #orv, #orv fanart’. Theoretically now when you or anyone else goes to your blog’s search function can search #orv fanart and see all the original posts you have made and the stuff you have reblogged with the tag #orv fanart.
Now I will address some common concerns people have before reblogging. “Am I reblogging too many posts in a row??? Won’t the people who follow me get annoyed???” No, they will not 99% of the time. And if they do, they can unfollow you. But okay, if you’re worried about this you can put your reblogs in a queue. Here’s how tumblr themselves describe it: ‘The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent.’ Basically if you tell it to it will automatically post the stuff you can put in the queue every hour or 15 minutes or whatever you want the interval to be. Check it out.
“Won’t reblogging posts bury my own posts and prevent them from being seen???” No. All the posts you reblog are probably long buried in the OP’s blog too. But as long as they get passed around in reblogs they will get new eyes on them, forever. Also, you can reblog your own posts if you want them put on your followers dash again (usually tagging this as #srb or #self reblog). They will also still be in the tags you put on them originally. Myself, I tag all my posts as #my posts or #my art so anyone visiting my blog can easily check for those specifically (though I don’t know if anyone does…lol. Lmk.)
 “Okay, but I have so many different interests, won’t people hate seeing random reblogged posts about stuff they’re not interested in?” They can deal or unfollow you. But okay, some people create ‘sideblogs’ for every fandom they’re in. This functions as almost a fully fledged seperate blog. For example, you can’t easily tell if a blog you follow is a main one or a sideblog, or what their main blog is (unless they tell you). You only can’t like or follow or send an ask from a sideblog.
In general you don’t add stuff to the text part of a reblog unless you have something significant to add and/or are mutuals with the OP. Mutuals is when you both follow each other. I’m guessing you’re asking me how to get people to follow you back and to that I say idk man. Make posts and talk to them in reblogs and it will naturally happen. 
Also, asks are fun, send people asks (and enable them in setting on your own blog.)
10. Also, give your blog a description and a title. It’s just nice customization. The title can be a quote you like and the description anything you want to tell someone about yourself. Look at how other blogs do it. I think nickname/pronouns/list of fandoms is pretty standard.
Let me know if you want to ask anything else :)
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kadextra · 4 months
so on a whim I started reading omniscient reader’s viewpoint manhwa
..and got hooked on the story so hard that I easily blasted through all available eps in less than a week. istg they put dr*gs in this thing it’s so good???? 😭
[SPOILER WARNING! big ramble ahead. if you’ve never read it, leave this post. consider checking it out you won’t be able to put it down]
lets get this out of the way first.
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GUYSSSSS 🥺 LISTEN. HE’S SUCH A GOOD PROTAGONIST. MY TRAUMA BOY. MY DUDE WITH THE POWER TO INFODUMP PEOPLE TO DEATH. YOU SELF-SACRIFICING IDIOT. his cunning intelligence makes him super attractive what can I say, I LOVE smart mcs with ambiguous morality and self sacrificial nature
here’s a big ✨shut your mouth✨ to every character who’s said he’s ugly- get your eyes checked, get a job get away from him (I know it’s because of the fourth wall’s filter it’s not their fault I’m just being silly)
the fourth wall is such a cool power to have. the complexity of how it acts based on his perception of fiction vs reality as the reader …. that’s very interesting and well thought out!!! how it lowkey has a consciousness too and it’s so tied into his mental state makes me want to psychoanalyze this guy even more. probably one of the most unique powers I’ve seen created and explored in a story tbh
I think the entire system of how the world works is really well done in general. constellations watching the apocalyptic bloodbath via livestream and sending donos to their favorite little guys shouldn’t work as well as it does and cracks me up so much 😭 (uriel is the best). I enjoy learning about all the irl different fables, history & mythologies too. plus doing my own research is fun! I did a deep dive through the web to learn about dokkaebi folklore lol I’m having a good time
I also related hard to how dokja read TWSA throughout his life, the story was a companion for him. got choked up bc I reflected on how much my own favorite companion stories for years mean to me. there’s been situations I’ve thought “what would (character) do?” dokja saying stuff like “what would joonghyuk do?” felt like I got called out <3 I’d probably be the same as him if my favorite characters suddenly came to life
anyways yeah I caught up with the manhwa looked online and discovered it comes from an already completed novel with over 500 chapters and the manhwa is barely a third into adapting it though it’s been releasing every week for 4 years. and that it’ll take like 10 more years to finish. I then planted my face in my hands and screamed with despair
I’ll shrivel up waiting to see what happens……………heyyy woahhhh.. whats this light of salvation ? the novel file just completed download on my phone ? that’s crazyy wow I opened it ? im scrolling it right now ? omg I’m telling myself in the mirror “pace yourself, try to space your reading out do NOT read too fast” ?
jokes aside im excited, first I’ll take some time to read back through the earlier chapters for extra context of scenes! >:D after I finish doing that…. pls pray for my self-control to try stretching this for as long as possible. I’m pumped to see what happens next with this demon king part so maybe I’ll read along with the manhwa unless I get too impatient heh
to conclude- I had no idea the fandom of orv was so passionate. while closing my eyes to spoilers, I was looking at beautiful fanart and animatics (watched this one and ascended that’s one of my fav rin songs). I can tell how much you guys love the story, there’s always going to be people like me who get interested so keep it up :D if the fandom does end up reading this, ummm *knocks on the door* hi im new
I will likely talk about it more in the future!! tagging under “#kade reads orv” ! might draw fanart on my art blog too bc brainworms <3 happy reading everyone
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pttucker · 9 months
Aaaand we're done! \o/
Well... "done" in one sense of the word since I just did a very quick search and apparently there's like another 140 chapters of side stories and counting. Possibly post-epilogue stuff??? Didn't look too closely since I don't want too many spoilers if I can avoid it. I already saw one vague spoiler relating to 49% Dokja's side story. 😢😢😢
Though at least now with the main novel+epilogues finished all of the mysteries have been wrapped up (as far as I can remember).
I guess I'm still curious about the Library, but even if that's never touched upon in any side story chapters, I think I kinda get it with my theories and how he broke up into many, many different Dokjas and/or was two different Oldest Dreams?
Oh, and the stuff with Dokja & 1863's Sooyoung's blurry faces, I would have liked to have seen that resolved. There were mentions of Dokja slowly getting less blurry that were kinda glossed over but nothing concrete ever popped up for why his face was blurry or if/when it fully stopped being blurry? Unless I just missed some subtle thing?? Like I guess the epilogue did mention that Sooyoung had fun writing in stuff about him being the Ugly King but I don't think she made him ugly, that was just her memories of him?? Either way, poor Dokja. 😭
idk maybe I'm the only one obsessed with things like that. (I literally eventually started a separate section in my ORV Scrivener notes just for all the times Dokja's looks are mentioned in any way.) So maybe it just wasn't deemed important to "resolve"? Or, again, it was but I totally missed it.
Or maybe there's still something about the Library and his looks (and other mysteries I may not be currently remembering) in the additional 140+ chapters out there?
Unfortunately, English translations of Chapters 552+ don't all seem to be in one place, or at least I wasn't able to quickly find them in my first search. I'll keep looking, though. Might just have to cobble together the chapters one by one from various sources. If anyone happens to know where I could possibly find them...
Though I'm honestly not certain if I want to immediately jump into them or if I want to give it a moment to breathe. I actually am a little bit disappointed that I jumped right into the 40+ chapter epilogues right after finishing the main story since I feel like it stole some of the impact from him finding his two separate ■■.
Even if I was really happy to see how they continued living on in the system-less world and how Dokja felt after losing all of his companions to be Oldest Dream. Seriously you never get to see those sort of things after the "happy" ending.
And I did love seeing how it all tied back together with Sooyoung being the author and ORV itself being Dokja's story (which Sooyoung also wrote!) which in turn is our story and getting to see Secretive Plotter and the 999ths again and poor Joonghyuk just not knowing what to do with himself after losing his purpose as a protagonist and him and Sooyoung wanting to save their precious Dokja more than anything and both of them coming to understand Dokja better and so on and so forth.
But if nothing else, I do really want to finally read some fanfiction and otherwise engage with fandom now that the big mysteries are solved. And if I can make one final prediction it's going to be that the top fanfic is some kind of modern, no powers gamer AU or something. Because that's just how these fandoms seem to go. 😂
Anyway, I think it should be obvious from my many, many ORV posts but I really enjoyed the novel! I am very happy that so many things were so well foreshadowed, so much was so carefully planned, so many loose ends were tied up in a very satisfying manner, etc. It's very impressive for such a long, looooong story. I mean, just the fact that you could get inklings that something was up with Secretive Plotter before we even hit Chapter 100 yet not have the reveal come until much later is impressive just on its own.
I guess if I had one complaint it'd be that I didn't quite vibe with the whole "multiple walls to open the Final Wall" thing. Like, I totally was into the idea of Dokja's Fourth Wall being the largest fragment, and I actually thought that Jang Hayoung's wall was pretty clever since it's all about commenting/texting others when Jan Hayoung was created due to Dokja's comments.
But I'm not quite so into the Wall of Samsara and Wall That Divides Good and Evil. Like, I do get how they relate to the story, what with Dokja literally reincarnating into multiple worlds himself and the fact that a lot of Dokja's main theme was that he didn't nicely fit into a box of good or evil. I mean, his literal Modifiers are Demon King of Salvation and Watcher of Light and Darkness. Not to mention, Dokja went through a ton of the novel saying that just because they were evil in one turn doesn't mean they're evil in the next and vice versa, as well as the fact that the had companions on both sides of the spectrum.
So I'm not saying that they just came out of nowhere, but personally I find something to be a little off with them when compared to the other two walls? idk these are just my initial thoughts and I might feel completely different once I re-read the novel and can better appreciate things.
Which, speaking of, I'm debating with myself if I want to do the truly ridiculous thing and start this entire novel over right from the beginning in true Dokja fashion or if I want to be good and maybe give some other universe some love. I was looking at The World After The Fall but...uh...
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Not to say that things with tiny fandoms aren't also good!!!
But it does make me kinda side-eye it a little and wonder if I shouldn't just read Solo Leveling...
...or read whatever side stories I can find, aaaaaalllllll the fanfic, and then read ORV all over again. 😂
We'll see.
FYI when I do start reacting to the side stories I think I'll use the tag "orv side story" if anyone wants to block it preemptively to avoid spoilers.
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halfbit · 1 year
also gonna finally make a taglist post. only including projects i'm currently working regularly on.
reblog/comment if you want to be tagged (or untagged) for these projects. specify which/all please. i'll add links to more in-depth intro pages once i actually make those.
serpent's quest. main project, an isekai fantasy hopefully multi-media work about wolf and his debt and guilt-bound found family job-hopping in a world of magic and shenanigans and definitely not getting dragged into a plot to enact revenge on a god. inspired by tcf, gintama, orv, and every isekai/other world story ever.
project revive. my self-indulgent korean webfantasy type bullshit project. includes gay people, death not being the end, everyone has a secret, women who can kill you one-handed, curses, and a god king that can't be resurrected at any cost. inspired by tcf and a lot of dramatic villainess comics.
13 houses. formerly referred to as "adigore story" or "vampire sack project". plot is currently getting revamped (hah) but basically a closeted midwestern boy ends up getting pulled into a dangerous conspiracy by a young vampire who doesn't remember why he wants revenge. he seems harmless, he's gentle, and kind, but he's going to do whatever it takes to find out what he lost, and to make the vampires responsible regret that he was brought back as one of them.
project western sun. strange vampire x rookie vampire hunter, set in a sci-fi western where the hunters are cowboys. featuring: family secrets, exploding guts, horses that are hoverbikes, legendary outlaws, power imbalances, anime fight logic and guns that break the laws of physics. inspired by trigun and that one vampire anime until it turned out to be the world's most convoluted incest because we can't have shit in this world. also bonanza and other old westerns i would watch on tv a long time ago.
❖ reoccuring tropes in all my work (aka so common that i didn't feel the need to mention them in these write-ups) include: primary gay/mlm relationships, elements of horror varying from fridge, body, and eldritch, frequently mexican characters/protags who aren't stuck as sidekicks or have roles beyond just being the funny guy, some dramatic ass jrpg bullshit— you bet their asses are gonna kill some gods, the little guy/underdog vs. the world/the system, getting angry about the poverty hole, resorting to violence. and revenge.
♧ the tag list will be used for writing releases, art that i'm proud of/directly relates to the story, as well as the more organized lore dumps or major changes for the project.
you're also free to request being tagged for anything related to a project, but i would not recommend that. you would be subjecting yourself to a cruel fate. you know not what seals would be undone.
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rusquared · 1 year
15 for the ask game? :)
gonna mix some orv in this time, at least one hehe
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
"it could've been a slightly more excellent conclusion." dont even get me started on this one. joonghyuk is my blorbo in the opposite of how he was to dokja (not my role model, but the fucked up little guy i project everything onto). something about him laughing that even at the end, he still thought like a regressor, even after losing his stigma... yeah that fucked me up. it could've been a slightly more excellent conclusion. at his core, he will always want to try again. perfect it once more. this time, everyone lives, even dokja. though its also important that the moment he thought he'd die was also after he sacrificed his life to save others. stories that were abandoned by the system. our protagonist with a heart purer and nobler than anyone else. (i have also been thinking of that quote in relation to personal regret but that's a whole other can of worms. i'll get my ▪️▪️ too, somtime)
antilamentation by dorianne laux can't pick a single line from here. if you're someone who struggles with regret, please, take a read. won't fix u but it's nice to hold onto for those ugly days when you just need to get to the stroke of midnight and the changing of the calendars.
"i’ll make a cherry pie when it is all over" saw this post god knows how long ago and it still stuck with me. and they did make the pie! they did! so what i held onto was imagining one day, in a sunlit apartment, making a little pie of my own. i dont like cherries actually, so maybe apple. or peach. who knows! i'd love to find out.
3 things ask game
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headphonemouse · 1 year
Major orv spoilers discussing the Oldest Dream that quickly veers off-course into an investigation on Kim Dokja's age
I was thinking about the confrontation with the Oldest Dream. Kim Dokja doesn't look anything like his mother, so does he look like his father? An image of his father appeared once in the text but I forgot if his details were described. An uncertain amount of time over 13 years ago, his father might have been in his late 20s or early 30s. Having both come at that young boy with a blade, the similarities are really painful to think about
Imagining a world where he is so much more (powerful, adored, charismatic, courageous) than he is, maybe he felt like that other version of him was better off living instead. But he still didn't believe any version of himself had the right to exist happy and whole. Even so, he wanted someone to stop him from destroying and cutting off parts of himself. His frail, shameful past did not wish to be shorn off so callously
As a side note, I think the song Lion's Teeth fits him
Side note 2: I like to think he was 10 or 11 when his mom went to jail, 15 when he discovered WOS (canon), and [EDIT SEVERAL HOURS INTO WRITING THIS: EVERYTHING PAST THIS POINT HAS BEEN DISPROVEN (???) IN A REREAD OF CERTAIN SCENES (details below)*] 17 or 18 when he was seen at the train station (to account for the breadth of his knowledge of WOS. Sure the fixation could have settled in immediately but we don't know how far those first few chapters covered so im giving him a few years. Also imagining the scene where the outer god kings are holding him up in a human chariot with a big red arrow pointing at him like "South Korean Citizen of legal voting age" is funny.)
Okay because I just went into a research rabbit hole I'm breaking up the paragraph:
1. 18 is the age to vote in Presidential and National Assembly elections. 19 is the age to vote in legal elections (link, paragraph 1).
2. As of June 2023, South Korea has written their Korean Age Based on the New Year out of law (link, paragraph 2) so it's possible that when KDJ said "I'm 28 years old" in 2018, he was using his Korean Age. His International Age (age calculation system used by the entire rest of the world) would have been one year younger (thankfully he was born near the beginning of the year or else the age difference would have been close to 2 years). More evidence supporting his use of Korean Age instead of International Age: he said he was 15 in 8th grade. 15 is the age in Korean Years that kids attend 8th grade while their International Ages are 13-14 (link, section: School Grades).
3. If 8 in Korean Years is the age that kids enter the 1st grade, and his Korean Age is about 13 months over his International Age (did I do my math right???), he would have been on the older end of his grade level, at 7 years old in International Years among 6-7-year-olds. None of this has much to do with my original post, but it is interesting to note when thinking of his relationship with his peers and how small he seemed.
One more thing: South Koreans also age out of foster care at 18 so he would have REALLY needed the 999gang at this point. BUT: 1. I don't think bouncing around relatives counts as being in the foster care system and 2. Didn't he move out on his own early? I think I read that somewhere. I remember thinking that was way too young.
Chapter 408:
"I recalled the day I left the relatives' place for lodging in a hostel. I was seventeen back then."
Here's an additional passage from chapter 534 supporting my idea of when he became the Oldest Dream:
"Kim Dokja, 16 years old. 17, 18.
He'd consume this story and grow older, and eventually, become the 'Oldest Dream'."
Meaning he became the Oldest Dream AFTER turning 18 in Korean Years, 11th or 12th grade, 16-18 in International Years. He was still wearing a high school uniform so he'd have been 19 in Korean Years AT MOST.
[*Details from after rereading more scenes:
Chapter 285:
"During middle school, I even drew charts in the corner of my textbook."
Chapter 513:
"A thin, small-statured child who might have passed off as an elementary schooler were it not for his school uniform, was sitting on that bench. As if he was trying to memorise English words, he was busy scribbling something like a chart on his notebook."
SO. His uniform was NOT described as a high school uniform. He was small enough to be mistaken for an ELEMENTARY SCHOOLER, and he was doodling charts. This all points to him being 15 at the time they meet him on the platform.
Caveats: we still don't know how much was covered in the at most 11 months he's been reading WoS. It might be enough to get a basic understanding of power balances but it has nothing on adult KDJ's 13 years of reading. Also, the line from chapter 534 does not support the idea that he was still 15 when he became the Oldest Dream.
Maybe an 'oldest dream' is just a dream that's been held onto for a long time, instead of being a snapshot of a particular version of Kim Dokja at a particular age. Maybe all of him ever since the moment this dream germinated on that train platform has been the Oldest Dream.
This is ridiculous. Kid discovers a book he really likes and the first time he thinks "man I wish I could help these characters out alongside them" a future version of himself (who may or may not look just like his dad) pops out of a train and tries to kill him and then himself. And then his favorite characters also come out and lift him up, though it's uncertain if he's even read up to the 999th regression yet. I mean 1/13 of 1863 is 143 so if WoS were evenly paced no he would not have read about them yet. But WoS was NOT evenly paced so we can't tell.
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whchenlvr · 2 years
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masterlist! ➥ requests open!
| she/her pronouns. i go by e/elle.. adult :) so minors dni w potential nsfw posts (they’ll be labeled)
| i’m really into the weak hero webtoon rn and just need to get it out of my system! plus the lack of content is a Crime
| i’ll take requests for both the webtoon and the new kdrama! i do accept nsfw requests but i can’t promise they’ll be good! if you request, please be specific about which members you’d like! some requests may not be answered if they’re too vague
| reqs open but slow due to school
| this blog will be for all random ideas i get that aren’t kpop related! rn it’s weak hero and other dramas like alice in borderland or all of us are dead, but i might write more in the future (idk haha) def request for orv *heart eyes*
| ily please have a good day 🤍
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kagehisanotsu · 2 years
i don’t know if you’ve seen any orv posts ever but orv
Smirk emoji he doesnt know that I've intermittently picked up and put down orv (I used to have a rlly fucked up system where I would homemake audiobooks by taking pdfs and shoving them in text to speech and listening to them while I walked my dog) but also it has been a while so
Kim Dokja is the only fan of a webnovel abt the world ending so as thanks for being a loyal fan the creator sends him to the apocalyptic hellworld with all the characters
Hes on a train for the initial incident w his coworker yoo sangah who is nice when ruh roh the dokkaebi (<- I think that's how it's spelled) monokumas that shit
Chuunibyou boy gets it and dokja kills some bugs
His team is um yoo sangah, bug kid, a soldier, some marketing exec, and time travel gamer boy, whose full name I do not remember!
Theres like a bridge thing where dokja pulls some mad shit n hes in a dinosaur for a bit before he digs his way out. He makes the dokkaebi have a deal w him abt earnings n shit and he buys a bunch of good items and the dokkaebi is like wtf
Gamer boy is impressed by dokja's bullshit? I don't rm3meber what the consequence is. He has a teen girl who hangs abt w him too
Theres a landlord villain guy
Now for the bits I solely have osmosis for:
polyamory? Its dokja, gamer boy, and a woman who I dont think is yoo sangah so idk her
Theres a whole business w pages n shit? I've seen the metaphorical art n stuff. The furthest I got, dokja was faking a book of prophecies for some online community or whatever so maybe it that's?
Dokja either gets a white trench coat at some point or already had it and I missed it
OH YEAH THERES A WEBCOMIC ISNT THERE. Theres a panel of one of the guys shirtless I believe
And that's all my osmosing:)
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faggotgamzee · 2 years
orv classpects these classpects are written and approached from the perspective of what their roles are in the narrative/story and if they have achieved their character arcs rather than embodying their personalities !! major spoilers for the novel ahead !!
my choices also prioritize making sure they fit thematically against each other, in the same way they do in the story but I honestly didn't have to try hard just from how will written orv is and how it is very similarly approached to homestuck when it comes to certain building blocks/beats in writing a story so as such I ended up with the characters that were written as narrative foils to each other fitting very well for their exact opposite classpects unintentionally I gave yjh maid of time and I gave hsy prince of space which are exact opposite classpects to each other fitting their foil like status in the story and or how jung heewon and lee hyunsung are complimentary characters so as such they get blood and heart (sword and shield) and knight and page this wasn't my direct intention when I came into writing this but I am happy with my choices because of it haha
kim dokja - mage of hope
hope is an aspect of choices, options and possibilities as well as belief, dokja's entire story arc is guided by his hope and belief for the characters he's read in the story, and he has been kept alive solely on the hopes tied to said characters, he didnt hope for something better for himself, but something better for the story and once he is given the option to enter the story he has been a source of hope for everyone around him. he continuedly gives multiple characters hope for a better ending, hope to survive etc
and tying into this the way he gives out that hope is through his thorough understanding of the source material 'ways of survival' mage is an active understanding class one that FULLY knows the aspect and exploits the systems its given with that knowledge, mages so far in the comic tend to have self destructive tendencies/rotten ability to use their aspect for themselves, with meulin a mage of heart one who understands people's selves and hearts , thoroughly being manipulated and puppeted unable to understand or see her own sense of self and sollux captor a mage of doom not being able to circumnavigate his own continues doom even though he could see it coming from a mile away, their thematic journey is to learn to help themselves as such I think a mage of hope is a perfect classpect for someone who continuedly gives people hope through killing himself repeatedly lmao, he lacks hope for himself but that doesn't mean he cant give it to everyone else
yjh - maid of time / maid of doom
the reason I started writing this post if because I was listening to temporal shenanigan's and I was struck by how similar YJH is to aradia's story the reason I am hesitating between doom and time is because I like the imagery of YJH being a doom player as an almost foil to dokja's hope (note the opposite of hope classpect wise in homestuck isnt doom, but rage, doom's opposite is life, however, doom is rather similar to rage and I'd consider them analogous not the same but work within similar enough frames) , doom is about systems and restraints, being stuck within the bounds of a "code" a "game" and I think it also works very well for yjh, someone who is literally doomed by the narrative stuck in between the texts, but a lot of doom player's in the story end their story, well, doomed? and while their story continues the only way to circumnavigate their doom is to be outside of the bounds of the story (think SP). I think it'd be interesting if the two different yjh's the one dokja grew up with was doomed (SP) and the one in orv is dictated by time, but a part of me also slightly feels like that cheapens yjh's overall story since both yjh's do struggle immensely with both doom and time but it would fix my hesitation lmao imagine dokja's hope powers did something to give yjh a new chance/a new chance for their session speaking of, a LOT of yjh's story is dictated by time (this concept alone I could write essays about in how its portrayed in the story in multiple forms pocket watch aside) , time involves and symbolizes death, constant movement. it is uncertainty and inevitability. it is one of the core aspects required in every session for its success its opposite aspect is space which I think hsy fully embodies and it makes me happier to have him as a direct foil to hsy more than an almost foil to dokja because that is how he is written in the story maid class is a passive creation class and I know at first glance it doesnt sound like yjh but a maid's thematic story is to grow past being subservient to their aspect and take a hold of it. Aradia starts off the story as a ghost, and then a robot, puppeted by the whims of the dead and then every so often equius, till she goes batshit and takes control of her own narrative, she becomes time itself (a pun on made of time) and thats why the song I linked you can hear the singer become more "alive" the more time passes she is no longer untethered from time by the end of her journey and in much the same way we can see the maid journey reflected in yjh's self actualization, he starts off as a puppet of the oldest dream, a puppet to the star system/story, but most importantly, a puppet to time, he is forced to chase an ending he cant see and even though he can "choose" to regress that is never an actual choice because it will simply happen whether he wants it to or not, dokja gives him hope and helps with this versions self actualization, dont regress, dont give in to time and to take control of it just this once sp reaches the self actualization of a maid of doom (and time tbh), someone who deletes himself from the story, he is no longer a slave to the text he has reached the end of it and is choosing his own story hidden amongst the doomed in the forest
hsy - prince of space
space is the other aspect most important for the success of a session, its an aspect of creation, beginnings, creativity and while I feel like there might be some disagreement due to her fractured sense of self being very similar to a certain prince of heart, dirk wouldnt fracture himself into completely different people/characters and while his fractures can grow to become different people ie hal, their core origin is that they are him, whereas in hsy's case she is capable of creating completely new different people (yjh) and while they do share similarities, they are different from the start. I personally think space is a perfect aspect for a writer. the prince class is an active destruction class, the way destruction classes work is that they invoke the opposite of their class, because they are destroying it so if the opposite of space is time, she would be invoking yjh's aspect which I think is poetic, and space is all about beginnings but a prince of space would be all about endings which is a large theme for her in ORV at first I wanted to give her the knight class (an active exploitation class that deals with having to come to terms with their insecurity) because of the fractured sense of self and the perceived insecurity of hiding behind masks of various versions of herself that she creates, but I think prince can also touch upon those things in a much more precise manner than simply saying she is insecure in her aspect because hsy isnt insecure in her writing she is very confident in it but she is insecure about WOS (calls it shitty bad writing etc), she is using her writing to destroy herself and the world she created , hsy of the 1863'rd round specifically does this very clearly, to achieve an ending, its not a good ending but an ending nonetheless of a writer who is tired of her story and her main character she is self destructively hiding herself away using her aspect/abilities rather than overcompensating for them the way a knight does a prince's thematic journey is to uh, not destroy themselves while they try to get to where they are going so I think ill give her A plus for effort? I mean she is alive by the end of the story so she succeeded! she continuedly destroys herself for the story culminating in her biggest act of destruction, writing WOS for dokja and then just disappearing into herself by destroying her own ending and becoming her own beginning
yoo sangah - seer of void / rage
in much the same vain as yjh I cant decide on an aspect for yoo sangah because I think both of these are very prominent in her story and I think it can go either or, sadly I don't have the same cop out with yjh so I'll just explain my reasoning for both void deals with secrets, nothingness, the hidden and obscured while rage is a direct foil to hope so it deals with restrictions, limitations and while it can be mistaken for also dealing with negative feelings, it is more about what those negative feelings invoke than directly the negative feelings itself, so for example, angry people tend to tunnel vision, which is a limitation which is rage's domain yoo sangah's story beats weave both rage and void very well, for rage for example is dictated with limitations, being controlled, having to bend to peoples wills and or being cornered into "one option" "one way" ie: her parents wanting her to get married, becoming a vessel to all of olympus for power, to kill or not to kill, morality. this is mostly prominent in the first half of the story but also secrets and the unknown being a major part of her story too in the second half ie: her story's culmination has her becoming a vessel of samsara (which deals with huge themes of nothingness/void and transcending it, something from nothing and nothing from something), she breaks through the fourth wall and has literal access to all the information and secrets of the world which also symbolizes her as one of the characters most prominently "outside of the story" even if she has been playing within its bounds this entire time, when she enters the fourth wall she isn't bound by the story anymore and is generally a "mysterious" character much like dokja she keeps her cards close to her chest and constantly has a mask on she understands others but no one ever understands her (well some close exceptions I expect that we aren't shown but this is just from my memory in the story) she admires dokja specifically because he felt "unlimited" to her from the start, when she was mad and put hot sauce in her bosses coffee (or was it salt instead of sugar, something like that) and dokja didnt snitch her in as she expected she saw that there are people living outside the bounds of the system of society which intersected morality which she valued and used it against her continuedly, dokja didnt care, dokja wasnt playing the game of "life" dokja just wanted to read, thats all he valued, and to yoo sangah who wants to live a life she is happy with, found that notion appealing because dokja was doing it seemingly to her with minimal effort while she was playing a game trapped in an ivory tower of her own creation, she wants freedom from the system but isnt satisfied unless she is playing it well (her also being a very good gamer plays into this too) her being a rage player would work great as a foil to dokja because thats what she is in the story, someone like dokja, a reader and she was participating in her own story and limiting herself while dokja was completely checked out of his own story/life till ORV and thats why she is continuedly commenting on how different he is after the fall
this also plays into her being a seer very prominently, seers are a passive understanding class (analogous to mage) a seers journey is to learn to stop participating in the game, and instead start directing it, they are not pieces on the chessboard no matter how competent they think they will be at it, they collect information and direct how its used by others
that's why yoo sangah's self actualization in the story is to take herself out of it and start directing it using the fourth wall that's when she grows most comfortable into herself and stops suffering in dissatisfaction
I want to lean towards seer of rage, for the symmetry of it to dokja but seer of void works just as well and still maintains half that symmetry with her being a seer and plays well with the space aspect of hsy
Jung heewon - knight of heart
Heart is the very core of your soul, who you are and your internal emotional desires, compassion etc jung heewons story is dictated by morality, right and wrong, and how she specifically feels about the injustices around she has a strong sense of self which aids her in her story however she is very insecure and hides it well knights are an active exploitation class, they are one of the most powerful classes in the game they know how to wield and exploit their aspect to its fullest potential which mirrors her power level in the story, however they are mostly doing so because they lack it and or are afraid of losing it a knights journey as I mentioned above is to stop being insecure in their aspect and overcompensating for it, jung heewons story starts off immediately as someone who has failed and died and wasnt in the original, lacking a presence or self in the story, she is able to thrive due to being given and shown compassion by dokja, however she is still insecure in her ability to maintain that connection and it shows prominently every time dokja kills himself her arc culminates in her stopping relying on others for right and wrong and instead be confident in herself and her judgements
honorable mention of knights often being compared to tools because of how useful they are just like she is compared to a good sword a lot in the story
lee hyunsung - page of blood
Blood deals with interpersonal connections, being grounded, loyalty lee hyunsung's story beats all deal with connections he is one of the most grounded characters in the story, he cares about the story because its not a story, its his world and he will protect the people in his world.
page is the passive version of knight and exploitation class, (like how seer is the passive version of mage) they also are insecure in their lack of aspect and overcompensate badly for it, lee hyunsung holds on to being the perfect soldier and shield when his entire story is about letting go of that past and to think for himself, lee hyungsung lets his connections with others guide him and control him and thats why he is continuedly exploited by dokja and yjh page is also notorious for taking a long time to "reach its culmination" dokja exploits this and tries to speed it up and we get to see him reaching his full potential going from someone who is "passive" and the ultimate shield for his friends to a sword who knows who he is truly loyal a position akin to jung heewon's
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ot3 · 4 years
Wait back up explain how yjk is a trans woman. This isn’t a hostile ask I’m actually very excited about your take
I am happy to explain my take. here’s how trans woman yoo jonghyuk can still win. orv spoilers below, obviously, mostly centered around the murim arc but up through the end of the epilogues as well. 
okay normally in terms of making this kind of post i’d go pull quotes directly from the text and i honestly really want to but i’m supposed to be catching up on homework today and can’t justify taking the time. anyway. i’m just gonna they/them yjh here because i’m never sure what pronouns to use when talking about a character who i think Should Come Out in the Future. 
first things first, everything about being a transcender is very gendery. prominent transcenders in ORV are
- kyrgios, an incredibly beautiful man who is self conscious of his small stature
- breaking the sky sword saint namgung minyoung, who is a woman of an unusually large stature, thought by some to be monstrous, who teaches a discipline of martial arts exclusively for women. 
- jang hayoung, a trans girl, who is the king of transcenders
- yoo jonghyuk. 
when they talk about transcendence in orv there are two very specific things that come up repeatedly: 1. being able to overcome the natural limitations of the body and 2. defying the structure opposed onto them by the star stream system. Specifically an interesting note about that last bit is that there’s this whole thing about how transcendence can only exist because the star stream exist - it exclusively exists in opposition to the rigorous hierarchy of the star stream, which is the dominant social narrative, and has no meaning or power on it’s own.
In a text like orv’s, i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see ‘characters who are social outcasts attempt to gain power by forging a sense of self outside of the dominant order and overcoming the limitations of their physical body’ and read it as a metaphor for being transgender. but then, on top of that, there’s all the stuff with the punisher
everything that’s in orv is there for a reason. there is an insanely little amount of wasted space in this novel. despite how much shit that happens it’s an incredibly tight narrative. SO WHY DO WE INTRODUCE THE CONCEPT THAT YOO JONGHYUK IS STRONGEST WHEN TRANSFORMED INTO A WOMAN? obviously it’s just incredibly fun hijinks in and of itself to have yoo jonghyuk’s gender get transed, but literally all of this begs the question of “why write it so that yoo jonghyuk’s primary martial art form is something that’s supposed to only be learned by women.” 
the narrative doesn’t ever really address the in-universe reasoning behind why they can actually learn it. kim dokja gives us what boils down to ‘he manage to overcome that’ without no real elaboration. jang hayoung learns breaking the sky swordsmanship as well. whatever gender-based qualification is used to allow people to learn the skill, it’s not a biological gender-essentialist one.
the punisher introduction pays off when YJH uses that appearance to win the martial arts festival, but to me that mechanical, narratively-oriented reason for its inclusion doesn’t justify it’s presence in the story in and of itself. 
What really stuck out to me on the read through later was this line, from the demon king selection arc, when yjh takes the punisher’s form to combat the constellations after kim dokja has passed out. 
A dazzling aura burst from Yoo Jonghyuk’s body. Soft hair poured down like a waterfall while his large size became a smaller and sleeker body. He took the form that allowed him to practice the ultimate Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship. Yoo Sangah stared at the scene from behind and couldn’t help opening her mouth. “…Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi?” 
 Yoo Jonghyuk slowly turned back, his long hair cut off by the Black Demon Sword. The ines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Jonghyuk. No, it was even more than before. 
basically, after appearing to their companions as a woman, the narrative tells us yoo jonghyuk looks more like yoo jonghyuk than before. 
this reading also makes even more sense when you interpret it through the lens of how power hierarchy actually works in orv’s narrative. incarnation, constellation, and transcenders alike all gain their truest power from their stories. the Story of yoo jonghyuk as a woman is one that is, quite literally, empowering. 
although we know it’s not actually true, yjh themself and kdj’s understanding and interpretation of yjh, present yjh as a person whose only goal in life is to, by any means including the sacrificing of countless human lives, some of whom he is very personally close to, gain the power to overcome the star stream. but here we have a significant power boost yjh seems to actively avoid taking advantage of. which really suggests there’s some deeper emotional issues at play here.
which brings me to my last point: i think it would just be a very fitting end for the character.
We never see yjh’s ◼️◼️ in canon. Yjh’s entire arc is about attempting to claim agency and personhood after that has been denied to them just by virtue of his very existence, and we don’t ever see this come to completion. Which i love, don’t get me wrong. I think yjh’s  ◼️◼️ is something that could never be in canon, because it’d have to be something that happened to them outside of the context of the story, for meta reasons. but that’s an entirely other discussion. Anyway. 
but point being this means that yjh’s sense of self is, at canon’s end, unresolved. Over the course of the epilogues we see yjh become, for the first time, a reader, and i think this is really critical. it’s kim dokja’s status as a ‘reader’ that allows him to have the greatest influence on the story. back before kim dokja seems to come to grips with jang hayoung’s gender identity, what people keep telling him is that there is ‘more than one interpretation of a story’. on a physical level, constellations and high level incarnations are composed of their stories. in orv canon the Self and the Story are for all intents and purposes, synonymous. hence the entire ending.
yjh’s story has been told and read by quite literally anyone but themself up to this point. but now, for the first time, yjh has both the space and means to self-reflect. coming out as a trans woman would be a radical reclamation of his own story, both re-reading their past and re-writing their future, and i think it’s a reading the text explicitly goes out of its way to give some support to. 
also. not to mention. yjh as a woman is canonically the hottest character in all of orv. just SO sexy, guys. so extremely sexy. 
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by Anonymous
in the second month of the year 20xx, im merely testing the limits of ao3s inaction
Words: 40, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong, Marvel Cinematic Universe, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Real Person Fiction, Original Work, 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed, Sword Art Online (Anime & Manga), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, Naruto, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Sherlock (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), One Direction (Band), Star Wars - All Media Types, Doctor Who, Haikyuu!!, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball, Free!, Miraculous Ladybug, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, One Piece, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Hobbit - All Media Types, Shadowhunters (TV), James Bond (Craig movies), Homestuck, Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Men's Hockey RPF, Glee, Merlin (TV), Once Upon a Time (TV), Hamilton - Miranda, Les Misérables - Schönberg/Boublil, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Final Fantasy, Overwatch (Video Game), Undertale (Video Game), Mass Effect Trilogy, Fire Emblem Series, Dr. STONE (Anime), Dr. STONE (Manga), Death Note (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk, Han Sooyoung, Yoo Sangah, Jung Heewon, lee hyungsung, Lee Jihye, Lee Seolhwa, Jang Hayoung, Kim Namwoon, Biyoo, Bihyung, Uriel, Prisoner of the Golden Headband | Sun Wukong, Secretive Plotter (Omniscient Reader)
Relationships: Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja, Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Han Sooyoung/Yoo Sangah, Han Sooyoung/Jung Heewon, Anna Croft/Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja/Sung Jin-Woo, Kim Dokja/Yoo Sangah, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: im trying to prove a point, There are three ways to survive in a ruined world., now, I have forgotten a few, but one thing is certain., The fact that you who are reading this now will survive., -Three ways to survive in a ruined world, Prologue – There are three ways to survive in a ruined world., Episode 1 – Starting the Paid Service (1), “I’m Dokja.”, (translater note: Dokja can me only son or reader)., I usually introduced myself to people like this, then the following misunderstanding would occur., Chapter 2: Episode 1 – Starting the Paid Service (2), Dokkaebi., The first time he appeared, someone said so., Chapter 3: Episode 1 - Starting the Paid Service (3), People reacted differently after the dokkaebi disappeared., Some people tried to get out of the train while others called the police., Chapter 4: Episode 1 - Starting the Paid Service (4), Laughter emerged., I had to clear my eyes and look again to see if it was a lie., The file extension was TXT., Then this person…, The gift they sent me was a copy of their novel?, Chapter 5: Episode 1 - Starting the Paid Service (5), People panicked as they saw the insects running around the carriage., Chapter 6: Episode 2 – Protagonist (1), The subway stopped around halfway past Dongho Bridge., Chaptr 7: Episode 2 – Protagonist (2), [Sponsor Selection has ended.], Chapter 8: Episode 2 – Protagonist (3), I stared straight into Lee Hyunsung and Han Myungoh’s eyes and said., “Do you want to die from that guy beyond the iron door, or do you want to try your luck outside the train?, Which one will you choose?”, Episode 2 – Protagonist (4), at this moment, Yoo Sangah shouted., “Dokja-ssi! Behind you!”, Episode 2 – Protagonist (5), It would be quite a ludicrous sight if anyone else saw it., A large adult man was being grabbed by the neck and hanging like a monkey., Episode 3 – Contract (1), My body suddenly became heavy as I felt water entering my lungs., Then I was sucked in somewhere., I wasn’t torn apart because I fell with perfect timing., however, I couldn’t lose consciousness here., Episode 3 – Contract (2), Star Stream system., The star stream broadcasting was designed to relay its contents to the entire universe., Episode 3 – Contract (3), Looking at the situation, I got a sense of what happened., Episode 3 – Contract (4), I didn’t know how much time passed., My breathing was often interrupted, and all my muscles were so stiff, that I could barely move them., Episode 4 – Line of Hypocrisy (1), A meteor shower was pouring down in the starry sky., It was a sight that anyone would admire, but not Yoo Joonghyuk., Episode 4 – Line of Hypocrisy (2), I often thought about it., Episode 4 – Line of Hypocrisy (3), Despite the interference of Cheon Inho, the constellations didn’t ask for a bounty scenario., in other words, it wasn’t the best time to deal with him., Episode 4 – Line of Hypocrisy (4), the next morning, I was almost out of supplies., Jung Heewon stared at the convenience store bags, as if she couldn’t believe it., Episode 5 – Shadow Keeper (1), [T-Then I will let everyone take care of it! Yihihihit!], The dokkaebi said these words and disappeared., Episode 5 – Shadow Keeper (2), The party fought well., It was actually a little bit surprising., in particular, Lee Hyunsung and Jung Heewon, who stepped forward with me were very influential., Episode 5 – Shadow Keeper (3), “Hyung! This…”, Right after Lee Gilyoung discovered the treasure box, I blocked his little mouth., “Shh, wait.”, Episode 5 – Shadow Keeper (4), Maybe we would’ve fought for a long time., [The exclusive skill ‘Bookmark’ can now be activated.], [The number two bookmark has been activated.], [The level of the Bookmark skill is low, shortening the activation time.], [Activation Time: One minute.], Episode 6 – Judgment Time (1), The limited random items box., According to the setting of Ways of Survival, this was a coin item that was sold as a limited edition in a past ‘scenario.’, Episode 6 – Judgment Time (2), Just as I was about to open my mouth, I heard Cheon Inho’s voice., “Oh, Dokja-ssi! You came just in time.”, Episode 6 – Judgment Time (3), The following morning, there were a few changes to Gumho Station., first of all, Han Myungoh had disappeared., Episode 6 – Judgment Time (4), A few minutes later, I once again entered Dongdae Station, and ate a ground rat., It was in order to heal, the skin contaminated by the poisonous fog., Episode 7 – Landlord (1), We followed Lee Jihye and entered Chungmuro., Yoo Sangah saw the shattered screen door of the platform and said., “…It is a chaotic atmosphere.”, Episode 7 – Landlord (2), The 10 Evils., The list and rankings were often changed, according to Yoo Joonghyuk’s regression cycle, but they were the 10 people in charge of being the main villains, in this world of Ways of Survival, Episode 7 – Landlord (3), Yoo Joonghyuk was looking at everyone except for Lee Hyunsung., The three remaining people were standing together, and I couldn’t figure out exactly who Yoo Joonghyuk was looking at, 「…How is this possible? 」, Episode 7 – Landlord (4), After the dokkaebi disappeared ×dozens of casualties appeared on the platform of line 3., Episode 7 – Landlord (5), As I watched the surging wave of monsters, I gave strength to my thighs., The level 15 strength condensed at once, and my feet developed a strong propulsion force., Episode 8 – Emergency Defense (1), 「 Lee Hyunsung was dozing like an officer on duty, 」 - Freeform, Episode 8 – Emergency Defense (2), It was finally the promised time., I gathered on the line 3 platform with the party., Every member was checking their weapons., Lee Hyunsung seemed to have handled it properly., Episode 8 – Emergency Defense (3), I couldn’t kill Gong Pildu because he was useful in future scenarios, but I needed Gong Pildu to leave his land., Episode 8 – Emergency Defense (4), One hour after the battle began, Gong Pildu fought and fought., The number of monsters had barely decreased but it was still great., Gong Pildu was considered to have the strongest defense among the 10 Evils for a reason., Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (1), After a while, we moved towards the entrance, of the ‘hidden dungeon’ on the first underground floor., I walked behind Lee Jihye, Lee Gilyoung and Jung Heewon while looking at my smartphone., Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (2), The moment the yellow eyes looked at us, a deafening roar echoed in our ears., Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (3), [The constellation Secretive Plotter is curious about your scam.], [The constellations have sponsored you 200 coins.], Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (4), unfortunately, Yoo Joonghyuk wasn’t on the sixth floor., Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (5), The cold sensation numbed my fingers., dammit, I really wanted to beat this guy up., but..., There was something strange., Episode 9 – Omniscient Sunfish (6), “What?”, 「 What are you…? 」, Episode 10 – Future War (1), [Main Scenario #3 – Emergency Defense has ended.], [You have obtained 1, 000 coins as compensation.], Episode 10 – Future War (2), As soon as my hand wrapped around the flag, I felt a strong energy rising in my body., originally, this was something the third turn Yoo Jonghyuk should have but…, it didn’t matter., Episode 10 – Future War (3), …It hadn’t been long since the scenario began and already?, Episode 10 – Future War (4), “Push through to the flag holder!”, Episode 10 – Future War (5), After coming down from the theater, I headed straight to Myeongdong Station with Lee Hyunsung and Yoo Sangah., Dongmyo Station was important but there was something to be done first., Episode 10 – Future War (6), It wasn’t an illusion., The guy’s eyes instantly widened when he heard my name., Episode 10 – Future War (7), the internet - Freeform, it wasn’t possible., Episode 11 – Night of the Prophets (4), “The 9th person to get off.., it is the first time I’ve heard of this attribute.”, Episode 11 – Night of the Prophets (2), “A prophet like us?”
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dipulb3 · 4 years
2021 Ford Ranger Tremor is ready for your overlanding expedition
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/2021-ford-ranger-tremor-is-ready-for-your-overlanding-expedition/
2021 Ford Ranger Tremor is ready for your overlanding expedition
In recent years, not only have sales of pickup trucks increased, interest in overlanding — the phenomenon of off-grid adventure travel to remote destinations in specially prepared vehicles — has skyrocketed. This off-road pastime’s dramatic rise in popularity predates COVID-19, but today’s pandemic somehow makes the idea of zombie-apocalypse-ready 4×4 ownership suddenly seem like a sensible investment.
Beefier suspension and tires add capability
Torquey engine = good tow/payload ratings
Class-leading ground-clearance
Visual tweaks look sharp
Don’t Like
Dated interior
No front locking differential
Significant fuel economy penalty
MSRP is competitive but costs as much as an F-150
In any case, the Blue Oval’s product planners didn’t necessarily have Armageddon in mind when they came up with the 2021 Ford Ranger Tremor, but that doesn’t mean this pickup wouldn’t make for a good truck upon which to build out an end times overlanding rig. Even if you’re not a prepper, as far as social-distancing machines go, Ford’s go-farther 4×4 is better suited than most.
After a long hiatus, the Ranger reentered the North American market in 2019 and its popularity has been gaining steadily. Last year, despite the coronavirus hamstringing new-car sales, Ranger sales actually increased, with the model claiming the midsize pickup segment’s second-place sales slot behind Toyota’s Tacoma. There’s still a lot of daylight between the Ranger and Tacoma on the sales charts, however, and Ford figures much of the hill it has to climb is with the type of buyers who gravitate toward the Taco’s many TRD off-road models.
2021 Ford Ranger Tremor is ready for your overlanding gear
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Now, the Tremor isn’t a standalone model, it’s actually a $4,290 package that can be added atop the truck’s mid-grade XLT and range-topping Lariat trims. The Tremor starts by incorporating most of the performance and aesthetic hardware from today’s existing FX4 off-road package and adding Ranger’s Sport Appearance trimmings. Combined, those two option groups normally total about $2,000, so after spending a couple of weeks with this model both on and off-road, the nearly $2,300 cost premium for all of the Tremor’s additional gear feels like a pretty solid value.
Like other Rangers, the Tremor uses the same 2.3-liter EcoBoost turbo I4 mated to a 10-speed automatic transmission. Good for 270 horsepower and 310 pound-feet of torque, this is still one of the torquiest and most modern drivetrains available in a midsize truck. The engine has more than enough oomph to tote this 4,571-pound pickup around and the stop/start tech is well behaved to boot.
The Tremor package is available exclusively on four-wheel-drive SuperCrew models with a five-foot bed.
Nick Miotke/Roadshow
Foxy suspension and a geometry lesson
The Tremor’s main upgrades are centered around the Ranger’s suspension, with the headliner being a set of expensive Fox 2.0 shocks, including more sophisticated remote-reservoir units on the rear axle which pair with Tremor-specific leaf springs. The front end gets new springs, too, along with different control arms and a thinner anti-roll bar for better off-road articulation. The steering system is tweaked, too, with unique knuckles to help accommodate the demands of the Tremor’s larger 32-inch General Grabber off-road tires which wrap a set of Magnetic-painted 17-inch wheels.
All of this new hardware yields a modest 0.8 inches of additional ground clearance for a total of 9.7 — slightly better than a Tacoma TRD Pro. Most of that increase is due to the larger tires, which also lend this truck a slightly more planted, 1-inch-wider stance. So equipped, the Tremor’s approach angle is 30.9 degrees, departure is set at 27.1 degrees and breakover angle is 24.2. Those are improvements of 2.2 degrees, 1.7 degrees and 2.7 degrees, respectively.
Spendy Fox 2.0 monotube dampers feature remote reservoirs for better thermal management on the rear axle.
On-road manners and visual tweaks
While these modifications are designed for off-road use, most of these trucks will still live on pavement for the vast majority of their days, so it’s good to know that this isn’t such an extreme setup that the Ranger’s on-road demeanor has been ruined. The ride is a skosh softer, and there’s a bit more body roll when attacking corners on dry pavement, but the difference is neither alarming nor offputting. If anything, the ride quality is actually more agreeable than the last Ranger I remember driving. Better still, the truck’s all-terrain rubber doesn’t drone on the freeway the way a lot of big-lug off-road tires can. The Tremor may be an off-road-focused package, but over the course of several weeks, I found it more than livable as a daily driver. 
I even dig the subtle Tremor-specific visual tweaks. There’s a unique grille with red-outlined nostrils and the blacked-out bumpers and wider wheel lips give a bit more stance and presence. Look a little closer, and you’ll probably note the front steel skid plate, the pair of rear tow hooks and the running boards. The latter sit higher and tighter than the optional side steps you can get on other Rangers, but don’t worry, you can still unbolt ’em for better off-road clearance. There’s also a splashy, retro-look graphics package available, if that’s your jam.
The Ford Ranger’s interior is no great shakes, even with some Tremor-specific touches.
Dated cabin with a few extras
Inside, the Ranger’s cabin is largely the same as ever, which is to say, not very impressive. Yes, there are modest Tremor-specific touches like the script logos and suede-like panels in the seatbacks, plus a useful set of rubber floor liners and black dashboard trim. I also appreciate the six-pack of auxiliary power switches designed to easily accommodate extra lights, an air compressor or myriad other useful accessories. But otherwise, the interior feels pretty dated. Believe it or not, this XLT actually still has a switchblade ignition key (fortunately, Lariat trims get pushbutton start).
Even though Ford invested a bunch of money in Ranger when it returned to the US in 2019, it wasn’t a brand-new truck upon arrival, as the same basic generation had been selling overseas for years. Despite a bunch of upgrades meant to bring the truck in-line with the heightened refinement expectations of US consumers, the Ranger’s interior is the easiest way to date this truck. Its plastics are almost universally hard, its infotainment lives on a small-ish touchscreen that isn’t flush mounted and isn’t running the latest version of Sync. Even the last-generation F-150 feels far, far more advanced and substantial, let alone the freshly redesigned 2021 blockbuster now wheeling out of dealers.
To be fair, the cabins of midsize pickups are all quite disappointing these days, whether you’re talking Ford, Toyota or General Motors. Jeep’s Gladiator is somewhat better in terms of tech, but it’s very expensive. In fact, only the Honda Ridgeline really feels up to snuff all the way around, but because it’s a unibody, many buyers won’t even look at one. This Ranger’s cabin remains in the hunt, but interior niceness is a prime reason for potential buyers to consider stretching to even a lower-end F-150.
Lackluster fuel economy
If you’re thinking fuel efficiency is a good reason to go with this smaller truck, you’re going to want to think again. Partly because of its larger tires and blockier profile, the Ranger Tremor only manages a straight 19 miles per gallon across the board (city, highway and combined) according to EPA estimates. That’s a surprisingly stiff comedown from the standard Ranger 4×4 XLT’s 20 mpg city, 24 mpg highway and 22 mpg combined.
Incidentally, that’s also the same combined-cycle rating as a 5.0-liter V8-powered F-150 4×4, which gets 16 mpg city and 22 highway (let alone more efficient F-150 options like the 2.7-liter EcoBoost, diesel or PowerBoost hybrid). Again, these numbers are competitive within this segment, but not unlike the interior accommodations mentioned earlier, the Tremor’s efficiency comes across as disappointingly yester-tech.
The 2.3-liter EcoBoost isn’t much to look at, but with 270 horses and 310 pound-feet of torque, it doesn’t need to be.
Nick Miotke/Josh Krzywonos/Roadshow
Off-road performance and towing/payload
I spent a wintry day at Holly Oaks, a newly opened quarry-turned-off-road playland in metro Detroit to test the Tremor’s mettle. With a mix of hard-packed frozen ground and mud-and-snow slurry, this ORV park was a suitably tough test for this pickup. Better still, I enjoyed practically free run of the place, as it was closed to the public, enabling me to go back and try the same trails and obstacles in different drive modes while taking different lines to assess the truck’s full capabilities.
Like the FX4, the Tremor features Ford’s Terrain Management System, so you can poke a button and optimize the vehicle’s various drive and brake systems for whatever surface you’re about to roll over (it’s kind of like the dial-a-nap controller on your vacuum). Ford says it recalibrated the Tremor’s traction control for this model’s larger, knobbier tires for better traction on gravel and I found the system worked equally well in the slushy stuff as it did on the hardpack.
One thing that’s nice is you can cycle through TMS’ modes on the fly. I primarily relied on Grass/Gravel/Snow for hills, but when I was just having fun intentionally sliding around at speed on the flat stuff, I chose Sand mode (and occasionally Mud and Ruts) to allow for more wheelspin to indulge my adolescent need for rooster tails.
Like the FX4, the Tremor also features Trail Control, which is Ford’s low-speed, off-road cruise control for both ascending and descending hills at preset speeds from 1 to 20 mph. It’s really, really useful and confidence-inspiring tech, as it allows you to focus on steering the vehicle without having to worry about modulating the pedals. Combined with the Ranger’s other electronic aids and the Tremor’s upgraded hardware, the entire package is so capable that these assists ultimately remove some of the sense of challenge and accomplishment of off-roading. It’s nice to know it’s there, but sometimes, it’s just more fun to go manual and do it yourself.
At moments like this, a forward-facing spotter’s camera would’ve been really convenient.
Nick Miotke/Josh Krzywonos/Roadshow
That said, there are a couple of hardware tricks that I wouldn’t mind seeing on the Tremor’s spec sheet, including a front locking differential. A rear e-locker comes standard, but there’s no front-axle equivalent like a Chevy Colorado ZR2 or a Jeep Gladiator Rubicon, so you’re ultimately going to give up some ability when rock climbing. Fortunately, the vast majority of the time, you’ll never know it’s missing.
On the other hand, there’s one thing you will definitely miss while off-roading: a forward-facing camera. I didn’t have a pal to stand outside in the blustery cold to help guide me over and around obstacles, and when on steep ascents and descents, you can’t see over the hood to know what you’re about to crawl over. While it’s understandable that an older and more-affordable midsizer like the Tremor might not yet be offered with 360-degree camera coverage, a low-mounted front-facing camera would be mighty welcome and would provide a further point of differentiation from lesser Ranger models.
As it is, the Ranger’s tidier dimensions are inherently easier to manage off-road than a full-size truck. There’s less chance of scraping your fancy Cactus Gray paint in narrow forest passages and tight turns are easier to negotiate than they’d be in an F-Series, as well.
Off-road, you really appreciate that this turbo four has so much low-end torque and it’s great that the transmission has so many gears to choose from; you never feel like the EcoBoost is straining to get you through, even if it does sound flaccid compared to competitors’ V6 engines. All that torque helps on-road, too, delivering a best-in-class 7,500-pound tow rating or 1,430 pounds of payload in its 5-foot bed. Those numbers are right at the head of the class, and they’re important metrics when building an overlanding rig laden with lots of heavy gear.
Pricing and final judgment
So, the Ranger Tremor isn’t a high-speed off-roader like a Ford F-150 Raptor (or even the overseas-only Ranger Raptor), nor is it a hardcore rock crawler. This truck feels like it’s been designed to sit right in the middle capability-wise, which could have resulted in a vehicle that feels muddled and indecisive, like one that can’t figure out what it’s designed for. Instead, the Tremor seems like it’s found a capability sweet spot. It’s quite good at a variety of off-road disciplines and that makes it a better baseline platform for customizing if you haven’t decided what kind of off-roading you really want to commit to, be it desert bombing, overlanding or forested mountain ascents.
If you’re someone who off-roads a lot, the 2021 Ranger Tremor is big fun, but it isn’t cheap. Whereas a non-Tremor XLT SuperCrew 4×4 starts at $35,940 (including $1,195 destination), an XLT Tremor will run you $41,900 delivered — without extras. An option-free, top-trim Lariat runs $46,275 in your driveway, but it includes niceties like a B&O audio system, leather seats, navigation, remote start and adaptive cruise control. With options including the Technology Package ($995 for adaptive cruise, navigation, etc.), spray-in bed liner ($495), remote start ($195) and SecuriCode keyless-entry pad ($95), my XLT tester rings up at $43,680 delivered.
Overall, the Tremor is competitively priced within its segment (a Tacoma TRD Pro starts at over $45,000), but this Ford’s base MSRP is also really close to that of the new F-150 XLT 4×4 with a 5.0-liter V8. The F-Series is a much, much more advanced machine with similar efficiency.
Of course, not everyone wants or needs a full-size pickup and the number of buyers splurging on smaller, costlier, factory-backed hardcore off-road specials like this 2021 Ranger Tremor appears to be growing every day. In order to stay competitive, it’s important that Ford play in this space. And you know what? Despite this truck’s shortcomings, I still kinda dig it.
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ot3 · 4 years
jay can you post your thoughts again without epilogue spoilers i haven't finished orv yet :(
YES i can the epilogue spoilers are pretty broad-strokes here so not too much will be lost so here is Literally The Same Post but with any epilogue mentions cut out. i believe almost anything i mention specifically here occurs prior to chapter 300, for reference.
okay normally in terms of making this kind of post i’d go pull quotes directly from the text and i honestly really want to but i’m supposed to be catching up on homework today and can’t justify taking the time. anyway. i’m just gonna they/them yjh here because i’m never sure what pronouns to use when talking about a character who i think Should Come Out in the Future.
first things first, everything about being a transcender is very gendery. prominent transcenders in ORV are
- kyrgios, an incredibly beautiful man who is self conscious of his small stature
- breaking the sky sword saint namgung minyoung, who is a woman of an unusually large stature, thought by some to be monstrous, who teaches a discipline of martial arts exclusively for women.
- jang hayoung, a trans girl, who is the king of transcenders
- yoo jonghyuk.
when they talk about transcendence in orv there are two very specific things that come up repeatedly: 1. being able to overcome the natural limitations of the body and 2. defying the structure opposed onto them by the star stream system. Specifically an interesting note about that last bit is that there’s this whole thing about how transcendence can only exist because the star stream exist - it exclusively exists in opposition to the rigorous hierarchy of the star stream, which is the dominant social narrative, and has no meaning or power on it’s own.
In a text like orv’s, i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see ‘characters who are social outcasts attempt to gain power by forging a sense of self outside of the dominant order and overcoming the limitations of their physical body’ and read it as a metaphor for being transgender. but then, on top of that, there’s all the stuff with the punisher
everything that’s in orv is there for a reason. there is an insanely little amount of wasted space in this novel. despite how much shit that happens it’s an incredibly tight narrative. SO WHY DO WE INTRODUCE THE CONCEPT THAT YOO JONGHYUK IS STRONGEST WHEN TRANSFORMED INTO A WOMAN? obviously it’s just incredibly fun hijinks in and of itself to have yoo jonghyuk’s gender get transed, but literally all of this begs the question of “why write it so that yoo jonghyuk’s primary martial art form is something that’s supposed to only be learned by women.”
the narrative doesn’t ever really address the in-universe reasoning behind why they can actually learn it. kim dokja gives us what boils down to ‘he manage to overcome that’ without no real elaboration. jang hayoung learns breaking the sky swordsmanship as well. whatever gender-based qualification is used to allow people to learn the skill, it’s not a biological gender-essentialist one.
the punisher introduction pays off when YJH uses that appearance to win the martial arts festival, but to me that mechanical, narratively-oriented reason for its inclusion doesn’t justify it’s presence in the story in and of itself.
What really stuck out to me on the read through later was this line, from the demon king selection arc, when yjh takes the punisher’s form to combat the constellations after kim dokja has passed out.
A dazzling aura burst from Yoo Jonghyuk’s body. Soft hair poured down like a waterfall while his large size became a smaller and sleeker body. He took the form that allowed him to practice the ultimate Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship. Yoo Sangah stared at the scene from behind and couldn’t help opening her mouth. “…Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi?”
Yoo Jonghyuk slowly turned back, his long hair cut off by the Black Demon Sword. The ines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Jonghyuk. No, it was even more than before.
basically, after appearing to their companions as a woman, the narrative tells us yoo jonghyuk looks more like yoo jonghyuk than before.
this reading also makes even more sense when you interpret it through the lens of how power hierarchy actually works in orv’s narrative. incarnation, constellation, and transcenders alike all gain their truest power from their stories. the Story of yoo jonghyuk as a woman is one that is, quite literally, empowering.
although we know it’s not actually true, yjh himself and kdj’s understanding and interpretation of yjh, present yjh as a person whose only goal in life is to, by any means including the sacrificing of countless human lives, some of whom he is very personally close to, gain the power to overcome the star stream. but here we have a significant power boost yjh seems to actively avoid taking advantage of. which really suggests there’s some deeper emotional issues at play here.
which brings me to my last point: i think it would just be a very fitting end for the character.
yjh as a character is really defined by a lack of agency, from the way their sponsor keeps them trapped in a loop of endless suffering, to the fact that they are literally a fictional character. i think the most meaningful end for yjh is an end where they have to construct their own sense of self. once the story is over, the character gets to make their own choice about what kind of person to be. 
it’s kim dokja’s status as a ‘reader’ that allows him to have the greatest influence on the story. back before kim dokja seems to come to grips with jang hayoung’s gender identity, what people keep telling him is that there is ‘more than one interpretation of a story’. on a physical level, constellations and high level incarnations are composed of their stories. in orv canon the Self and the Story are for all intents and purposes, synonymous. 
yjh’s story has been told and read by quite literally anyone but themself up to this point. coming out as a trans woman would be a radical reclamation of his own story, both re-reading their past and re-writing their future, and i think it’s a reading the text explicitly goes out of its way to give some support to.
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nightwingblues · 5 years
adhd study/classroom tips (from an actual adhd person)
((this is what works for me!))
●take notes!!!!!!!!! i know it can be hard but writing it down helps with remembering it!!!!
●that said, do NOT just copy notes from the board. unless it's a definition ot something your teacher says you need to know exactly the way they have it, put it in your own words.
●also, 👏 make 👏 your 👏 notes 👏 funny 👏
not only does this help me remember things, it also makes it more bearable for me to go back and re-read my notes (i.e. study)
examples from my notes:
○"joint stock companies were collective sugar daddies"
○"indentured servants had one sugar daddy"
○"the ohio river valley is for the navive americans -> people still go there anyway -> 'what's the king gonna do? not shit'"
○"england be broke (in debt)"
○"cherokee sue for removal acts -> supreme court rules in their favor -> AJ tells sc to suck it"
○"henry motherfucking clay -> daddy compromiser"
○"leads to the mexican-american war -> proves we're willing to throw hands over land"
○"kansas + nebraska act -> yeets the missouri compromise"
○"john brown - abolitionist - chaotic good"
○"1860 election - lincoln won -> south was triggered"
○"andrew johnson - daddy veto"
○"they crave beef"
○"CATions are PAWsitive"
○"glucagon -> glucose gone"
○"repolarization -> yeets potassium (k+)"
there's more but!!!! you get it!!!!!!!
●find a shorthand that works for you!!! if ik i'm going to be using a phrase a lot, i'll make an acronym/shorthand for it and put it in parentheses next to it like the first time i write it. (in my notes, "ohio river valley" became "orv", "photosynthesis" became "psynth" or "photosyn", and "constitution" became "cons't")
●find a bullet system that works for you!!!!!! i use a dash for the main thing, a full circle for a sub-thing that's important, an open circle to expand on the sub-thing, an asterisk to expand on the expansion, and then i repeat if needed
●color!!!!! very important!!!!! but, you don't necessarily have to take your notes in color. sometimes i do, but other times i go back to my notes and underline or circle connected or important ideas in different color. i also tend to go through with and underline especially important vocabulary in one color.
●if your teacher posts their powerpoints online, write down especially important slides!!!!
●if you know sitting by your friends will lead to you being distracted, don't sit by them!!!!!!!!! or make it clear what you need them to do so you can focus!!!!!
●trying to study or do homework but can't focus for more than a few minutes at a time? try changing your location. for example, on the rare occasion that i actually do homework, i tend to do it on my bed. but when i can't focus, i'll move downstairs to the dining room table. or one time i moved to my roof bc it was a nice day. if that's not an option for you, try laying on your floor and doing it!! just change it up somehow because obviously where ever you are isn't working!!!!!!
●i swear by listening to music while working. ik a lot of posts say it's okay as long as it's instrumental but i personally have never had a problem listening to music with lyrics and focusing because i don't even really listen to it, it just blocks out every other possible distraction
●try to sit either near the teacher's desk or near the board in class
●before you start working on homework or studying or whatever, make sure you have everything you need to get it done. i'm really bad about starting things and then having to get up every 5 minutes to get my pencil, or extra paper, and oh yeah i need my calculator, and then i need that one specific note sheet, and oh shit now it's too late to start, oh well guess i'll try again tomorrow.
●this includes everything you need to be comfortable!!!! wear comfy clothes and warm socks and have your preferred drink and/or snack nearby!!!!
●👏 explain 👏 your 👏 situation 👏 to 👏 your 👏 teachers 👏. one of my now-favorite teachers and i didn't get along for a bit because she believed that i was smart but that i didn't do my work out of laziness, as opposed to not doing my work because of my executive dysfunction. when i explained to her that i was adhd, she understood me better and she was able to work with me better than before.
🌸 feel free to add your own 🌸
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