#I have to meet his bisexual brother someday. this worked put well
trashyslashers · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a match-up? My name is Salem, and I would prefer a slasher if I could! I'm a She/Her bisexual (i have no preference on gender). I'm very tall (6'1) and I have fluffy dark brown curly hair that is usually a longer style pixie cut. Basically physically i am the big tiddy goth gf stereotype. I dress very alternative, mostly black with graphic movie tees. And obviously you have to have the eyeliner haha.
My personality is very reserved with people I don't know, but I try to be friendly with everyone I meet although many times i am suspicious of people as well. I am very sarcastic (and I dare say dirty minded) at times, and I love making jokes and seeing people laugh. I am somewhat people motivated, so whenever I find someone I like I will become very involved with said person. I also can be a bit protective over those I love. I can be a bit cold because I dont see things the same way as others. And I have a logical view of the world and those around me. My MBTI is also INTP
I'm a bit of a fanatic about movies (and really only become animated when talking about them) and I also adore animals of any kind. I love to draw digitally and irl, and plan on making a graphic novel someday. My love language is giving gifts and cuddling.
Thank you so much!!
I think you would capture the heart of Bubba Sawyer!
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For starters, while it's not exactly the same as yours, Bubba also has curly, fluffy hair! He loves that your hair is almost like his own, and I can see him being a very tactile person when it comes to his partner, so he'll often play with your curls if you let him (and he's very gentle with you).
Bubba is very similar to you in the sense that when he finds someone he likes, he wants to become very involved with them. He grew up with his brothers and is used to a tight-knit, close, family dynamic, so that absolutely extends to his significant other. The fact that this is mutual makes him feel so giddy!
Because Bubba unfortunately does much, if not most, of the heavy lifting and "messy" work around the Sawyer residence, there are days where the two of you won't see each other as much as you'd like to. One of his favorite things to do when returning to you after a long day is to pull you into his arms (he's still taller than you! He can, and will, tuck you right against him) so the two of you can cuddle the stress and aches of the day away.
Bubba tends to get extremely anxious and sometimes downright afraid on his bad days, and unfortunately none of his brothers really help him calm down. Your logical approach to situations, as well as him and his brothers, actually helps a lot as you can reassure him in a way his brothers either can't, or won't.
Speaking of his brothers, I think Nubbins and Chop Top would like you quite a bit! While Drayton may not exactly love your sarcastic sense of humor, Chop Top and Nubbins sure as hell love your sarcastic and dirty-minded jokes. The fact that you're protective of those you love means that you'll fit in well with them, as the Sawyers tend to be protective of their own (though Bubba would rather die than have you put in any sort of dangerous situation where you have to protect him, and/or his brothers!).
Bubba would give you any gifts he could that he thought you'd like: jewelry from victims, little trinkets he either made himself or found (tooth bracelet, anyone? Though if you preferred something less morbid, how about one of buttons?), and so on. If any art supplies were found in the belongings of a trespasser, they'd most definitely go to you! But anything photography related goes to Nubbins, though. Sorry.
You and Bubba huddled up on the furniture with static-y movies on the old television set would quickly become an incredibly common sight in the house. Bubba doesn't mind you talking about the films while watching them, either - you could talk his ear off about random trivia related to the movie you were watching for its entirety and he wouldn't care one bit!
Thank you for the request, Salem - I hope it's to your liking!
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entity9silvergen · 4 years
Mosaic (Disenchantment Fanfiction)
Summary: We are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Bean doesn’t think she can love like everyone else but maybe that’s okay.
Fandom: Disenchantment 
Word Count: 2K
Characters: Bean
Relationships: Bean/ Mora, Mentioned Bean & Everyone, Mentioned Odval/ Sorcerio, Mentioned Zog/ Oona, Mentioned Zog/ Dagmar
Warnings: Internalized arophobia, first person pov, some self-deprecation, sex mention, drug mention, mention of interspecies relationships in fantasy setting 
Other Tags: F/F, Mentioned F/F QPR, Reflection/ Self-Reflection/ Internal Thoughts, No Dialogue, Queerplatonic, Aromantic Character, Aromantic Homosexual Character, Arospec Character, Queer Themes, Unreliable Narrarator, S3E6, Oneshot, AroWriMo 2021
Author’s Note: My friend sent me the line “I am a mosaic of everyone I’ve ever loved” about twenty minutes after I watched “Final Splash.” I’m working on the prompt for Week 2 of AroWriMo rn but I had to drop everything and write a short fic about this. Again, I didn’t really use the prompt but it kind of fits with week 1’s prompt romo/loveless & future. 
I’m headcanonnoning Bean as aro or demiro/ greyro. I think in the show it was implied she never experienced romantic attraction prior to meeting Mora because she likes women and I don’t want to erase that in any way but Bean still gives off a big aromantic bisexual homo(queer)platonic vibe.
My name is Princess Tiabeanie of Dreamland and I’ve never loved anyone.
I mean, I love my dad and my friends and all that but I’ve never loved loved anyone. Is that weird to say? That makes it sound like I don’t really love my dad and Elfo and Luci and everyone. I probably shouldn’t say that then because I actually love them a lot. They’re my everything. 
One time, I was walking down Elf-Ally and this elf was sitting on the side of the road with some chalk. I feel like elves would really like chalk but I’ve never seen any of them use it, not even Arto, except this guy. I’d never seen anything like it before so I asked what he was doing and he said he was making this mosaic to show his love for this other elf he liked. I didn’t really understand it so he explained it to me like this: we are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are.
I still didn’t get it so I just laughed at him and he got kind of upset and threw a piece of chalk at me. It didn’t really hurt but Luci was with me and the elf started throwing stuff at him and you know how Luci gets when he hits his nose so we left. I couldn’t really forget what that elf said though. 
You see, a mosaic is a mix of a bunch of little pieces taken from different things that all come together to make one thing. There’s this mosaic at the church and it’s pretty freaking ugly but the mosaic this elf was making was just so beautiful. He used so many colors and he drew all these little pictures and hid these words I didn’t understand in them. I’d expect it to be all crude and gross like those scribbly pictures Derek would draw when he was younger that Oona pretended to love but it all came together so well. It didn’t even look like separate pieces. It was just one.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The influences of countless parts of my life, weaving together into an insanely complex mesh- That felt like me. I always felt like something was broken in me but maybe I’m just a mosaic. 
I think my dad made me who I am the most. Even if he wasn’t really present most of my life. Sure, we don’t see eye to eye sometimes but I think we’re better because of that. He made me strong. His actions guided me into becoming the woman I am today. He taught me how to keep fighting. Literally and figuratively. He taught me to keep my head up and he taught me how to stab people. It’s pretty cool. I remember this one time as a kid he took me out to the courtyard, stole this guy’s knife, and taught me how to use it. I think I still have the knife actually. I don’t stab people with it anymore though.
(I hope he’s okay. He hasn’t been the same in awhile.)
My mom… Well, I don’t really love her anymore but I did for a long time. She was… How do I put it? A constant in my life. Even though she wasn’t there. What I felt towards her, it kept me together for a long time. When I had nothing to fall back on, I always had her memory. Until she tried to take over Dreamland, obviously. Now I just say she gave me my love for alcohol and that’s pretty sweet too. 
(I still miss her. I bet she’s dead.)
You know those pictures where the guy has an angel and demon on his shoulders telling him what to do? That’s Elfo and Luci, and it’s literal for Luci. And maybe for Elfo? He did go to heaven that one time. It can be kind of annoying to hear them bickering all the time, especially since they almost never want the same thing, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Elfo keeps me safe and Luci pushes me to be more than I am. They make life fun. Fuller. Less lonely.
(I’m scared they might leave someday. I wouldn’t blame them.)
I don’t really like Derek but I still love him. Maybe a little less since he tried to burn me at the stake. Maybe a little more since he chickened out at the last second. And a little less because he still went through with it. And maybe a little more since it was an accident. We have a complicated relationship but he’s still my little brother, as weird as he is. He reminds me of what I have to fight for, if that makes sense. I don’t really see him as the future of Dreamland or anything but he’s still a little kid and I can’t really help but have a soft spot for him. Don’t tell him I said that.
(I wonder if he’ll keep me around when he’s king. I’d be lying if I said I was surprised.)
The same goes for Oona. I never liked her but I think I love her. Especially after she tried to save me from my mom. And since she became an epic pirate. She’s awesome. She’s the mom I always wished I had except she was actually there the whole time and I didn’t realize it. I’m happy with how things turned out though. I don’t regret it. Plus she’s got great taste in drugs. I still steal them sometimes.
(I don’t know if she loves me. Maybe she did once but not anymore.)
I kind of hate Odval and Sorcerio in a weird way where I like them at the same time. They’re not really family but always been there. Like they’re kind of like second dads to me. Second dads whose the sex lives I know way too much about. My gay polyamorous uncles? But they kind of care under all that court properness and tradition nonsense so they’ve kind of wormed their way into my heart. They’ve always made my life difficult but I don’t think I would be myself if I wasn’t challenged so much.
(I think they’d rather have me gone. They don’t hide it every well but I can pretend.)
I’m going to be honest, I was really bummed when Pendergast died. We were kind of the same age and he hung around the castle for most of my life. And my dad trusted him so we actually did stuff together sometimes. A lot of adventures that never really went anywhere. He could be kind of a stick in the mud but he never really minded that I’m a girl and let me tag along on crusades and helped me get better with weapons and stuff. And Pendergast was weirdly loyal to Dreamland, even after Dad forked his eye out. Or was it spooned? I don’t remember. Some kind of eating utensil. I wasn’t there when it happened. But it was nice knowing I could trust him. He could be kind of fun though when he was off-duty. Total lightweight though. He threw up on one of those little guys who carries dad’s cape once. 
(I wish I’d known him better. I really miss him but I can’t tell anyone since Dad gets set off by anything that even reminds him of the guy.)
Who else is there? That’s right, Mertz and Turbish. Turbish and Mertz. Two peas in a pod. Plus Mrs. Mertz. Don’t get me wrong, they are idiots. Totally incompentant. It’s a wonder they’re still alive. But they’re sweet. And they try. They’re not good at anything but they try. Sometimes I don’t want to try but they tell me I always can.
(I’m waiting for the day they realize they could have a better life. It’ll be weird not having them around the palace.)
I even kind of like Merkimer. As a pig, not a human. God, he was an awful human but he’s a funny little pig. He lets Luci ride on his back sometimes. Both of them like it way more than either of them will ever admit. It’s cute. I think they’re friends. If they’re not, Elfo and I will start plotting until they are. Or maybe not. A Luci-Merkimer friendship might be too much for Dreamland to handle. They’re kind of a lot, even on their own. Merkimer always kind of had a big head and it only got bigger when he accepted his new life. It’s actually kind of inspiring how happy he is now. 
(I don’t want him to change but he already has. It makes me sad sometimes.)
And Bunty. Oh, Bunty. And Stan! The world doesn’t really deserve Bunty. Stan does though. I think they’re the ones who taught me what real love is. Bunty always showed me love as a kid, she was like the second mom I never had but actually did have because Oona was there. But she gave me something neither Oona or Dagmar could. I didn’t really understand it until I saw her and Stan and their family together. I still don’t. They’re really sweet.
(I’d give them everything. I know they just see me as some spoiled princess though.)
I want what those two have. Or what Odval and Sorcerio have. What my dad had with Dagmar or Oona. What Elfo’s had, and Luci’s had, and Derek’s had, and the knights have had. It feels like everyone’s had that kind of deep love at some point except me. I didn’t even realize until I was talking to Mora. 
I’ve had the chance to have it. Merkimer, that brother of his I accidentally killed, that one time Pendergast made a pass at me, that Steamland guy… I don’t think any of it really would’ve worked out though. I’ve had a lot of things with guys and there’s been kissing and touching and I’ve always enjoyed it but I think I always knew it would never go anywhere. That it will never go anywhere. And I can’t even blame my dad because it’s all me. It’s always been me. And I’m okay with that? Maybe? I don’t think so but I’m not really good at understanding my feelings. It’s just another thing on the pile of things I won’t work through.
I think I understood what I had with Mora though. It wasn’t… romantic but it felt like it almost was. We just… clicked. It felt right. She was tough and funny and she didn’t hold anything back. She followed her dreams and didn’t let the world get her down. That one night we had together, I felt like we were alone in the world.
Mora gave me the ocean and the stars.
She was beautiful. Maybe that’s what was missing? None of the guys I ever screwed around with were beautiful. Not like Mora was. Not like a woman can be. I really felt like this was it but there was still that disconnect. Like something was there but not quite. Like something was missing. I don’t know what it was.
But then she just left. I had that dream and I just felt so happy. I’d never felt happiness like that. And I never felt pain like the pain I felt when I woke up and the necklace was gone. I definitely would’ve cried if Elfo wasn’t there. I might’ve actually cried a little bit. It’s kind of hard to hear anything when Elfo’s sobbing. Some of those tears might have been mine.
Did I love her? I don’t think so. Not like Elfo loved that boat. It wasn’t romantic. But it was real. It gives me hope. I don’t think I’m capable of the same kind of love everyone else seems capable of and that’s not even a slight at me. It’s just reality. But what I had with Mora, however brief and imagined it was, tells me that’s okay. I don’t need the kind of love everyone else has. Not when I have so many others in my life.
Still, I hope I see her again, even for a second, just to feel that kind of happiness again.
I think that’s what that elf meant when he said we are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Mora was beautiful and she didn’t see it but maybe she would if she saw how I looked at her. 
Stars and the ocean, I’ll never forget them. They’ll be a part of my mosaic forever.
Other AroWriMo Fics By Me, Posted on Ao3, Posted on FFN
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solitvdcs · 4 years
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* jordan fisher, cis male + he/him | you know carson james, right? they’re twenty-five, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, most of their life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to broadway here i come by smash cast like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole worn out jazz shoes, fingers dancing across piano keys, missed grease spots on the face thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is june 29, so they’re a cancer, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
tldr; troy bolton meets terri fletcher (hilary duff’s character in raise your voice)
basic info
full name: carson robert james
birth date: june 29, 1996
pronouns: he/him
hometown: irving, north carolina
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5′8″
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
build: athletic
tattoos: multiple (i am still deciding what they are leave me alone)
piercings: one in his nose, one in his ear
style: he likes experimenting with lots of different things, jst throws on whatever he’s feeling that day
favorite color: blue
favorite food: burgers
zodiac: cancer sun, sagittarius moon, virgo rising
mbti: infj
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
enneagram: type 5 wing 4
temperament: melancholy-phlegmatic
alignment: true neutral
carson was born to rob and sylvia james, the middle child and only boy. because of that, it was always his destiny to someday take over the family car repair shop. carson was working under the hood of some practice junkers his father kept around by the time he was six, and it wasn’t just holding the flashlight. he wasn’t terrible at it, but it definitely didn’t come naturally to him like his little sister, katie. as much as carson loved his father, the man was very stuck in his ways – stereotypical gender roles and all.
DEATH TW as for his mother, the most important thing to her was keeping music in their lives. if she didn’t have one of her favorite records playing, she was humming while she washed the dishes or tittering at the piano. she taught all of her children to play at a young age, and music spoke to carson in a way that cars didn’t. music was always for fun or relaxation or church, though; he never would’ve imagined having a career in music. and after sylvia’s untimely passing, music seemed to leave the house altogether.
besides church and working at james automotive, the only activity carson was allowed to participate in was baseball. being a diehard braves fan, rob was perfectly fine with his son cutting back hours at the shop when baseball season rolled around. and carson was good; the best third baseman the school had seen in over twenty years. he had universities scouting him left and right, but carson’s path was set. he’d finish an associates in business at the local community college, and then he’d work in the repair shop for the rest of his life. at least, that was the plan, before carson’s older sister, felicia, stepped in.
felicia had left irving for university, and she was determined to get her brother out of irving if it was the last thing she did. with katie’s help, they put together a “demo reel” of carson singing in the church choir and randomly around the house, complete with a scene katie had convinced carson she needed to practice for class. under the guise of a weekend trip to see his sister, felicia had set up an audition with university of michigan (and a few other schools for good measure). on raw talent alone, carson managed to make it into every single program. the only problem was telling his dad.
if carson had actually told his dad he wanted to major in musical theater, rob wouldn’t have even laughed; it would’ve just been a flat out “no”. but university of michigan had also been one of the colleges scouting him, and a full ride to such a prestigious university was an opportunity the family couldn’t pass up. felicia and katie swooped in with the hard sell, that if anything ever happened to james automotive, carson needed a good education for a backup plan. after a lot of back-and-forth, rob was just barely convinced.
it was a long road trying to catch up to the rest of his peers in the theater department. the curriculum seemed to be set for people who already had at least a base knowledge in every area, and carson was still tripping over his feet in his jazz shoes. there were few who worked harder than him, though, and after his first year, he was able to hold his own. he still had a long way to go if he was going to compete with the people who just kept getting better, but if this was what he wanted to do, he was going to put his all into it.
by the time graduation rolled around, carson was more than just competent in all his areas of study -- he had risen to the top of his class. he graduated summa cum laude and his sisters cheered for him louder than any other person in the audience. he didn’t realize until later, though, that his dad had been in attendance, as well.
the two had it out for what felt like hours, yelling over each other without listening to a word the other said. carson had been following his dad’s plan for him for his entire life, and now he’d finally discovered what he wanted to do. their screaming match ended with an ultimatum: come back to irving with rob or don’t come back at all.
carson moved to new york city a week later.
he spent months pounding the pavement, working odd jobs and fixing his friends’ cars under the table for income. he scored a few bit parts as a backup singer or random revues, roles in some less prominent theaters. finally getting the understudy role for evan hansen felt like the big break he had been waiting for, and the times he’d gotten to step in were quite possibly the best moments of his life. he had no idea his big break was waiting right around the corner.
after four years in new york, carson finally got the chance to be the lead. a my chemical romance inspired jukebox musical called disenchanted was looking for new talent, and carson fit the bill to a tee. after booking the role and rehearsing for months, they were finally ready for previews. and -- just like that, carson got a call from back home.
DEATH TW x2 without missing a beat, carson flew home. his dad had suffered a fatal heart attack, leaving what little he had to his kids. james automotive was -- as it had always been intended to be -- was theirs. katie was still finishing her business program, and carson would never ask either of his sisters to drop their lives when they had done everything to give him his. he would run the shop until katie was ready to take over, possibly even longer if he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving his younger sister by herself. his life had come full circle to where his dad had always wanted him to be despite everything he’d done to escape it, and it had cost him the last years of his dad’s life. he’ll never forgive himself for not making up with his father before he died.
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scribhneoir-sidhe · 3 years
so i recognize that this is. a lot. but,,,, 6, 8, 14, 22, 25, 28, 33, 35, 37, 50, 55, 60, 63, 66, 69, 77, 86, 91, 104, and 122? :)
Oh thank you, this is a gift
Okay, here we go!
6 (a book with a pink cover) : I'm gonna cheat a bit because only part of the cover is pink but Wild Beauty by Anna Marie McLemore is one of my FAVORITE books, so I don't mind bending the rules. Five bisexual latina cousins all crushing on the same girl, magical realism, and a very good application of social messaging to the themes. I won't say more than that, but really go give it a look!! also my copy is signed Viva México by the author so that makes me love it more
8 (a book you finished in one sitting) : Okay, a couple years ago when Tiamat's Wrath by James S. A. Corey (book 8 of the Expanse series) came out, I started reading it at breakfast in the dining hall, continued during basically all of my classes, and then finished it sometime around 10 or 11 that night (I think). For reference, a quick google tells me that book is about 166,500 words. And I loved EVERY minute of it!
14 (a book that made you trip on literary acid) : Okay, that has definitely got to be Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. Just. All Of It. God, she does some really fantastic things with narrative mechanics in that book, plus just the sheer brilliance of the plot and the mountain of questions and theories I had once I finished it. Also the memes. The memes made me trip literary acid.
22 (your favorite thriller) : Okay, I think I've literally only read one thriller (if it counts, I'm not sure), but The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. I'm cheating since it's still fantasy, but I had a limited pool of options.
25 (a book by your favorite author) : Okay, so I tend to like books or series more than author's specifically easier to like a work of fiction than a person but I'm gonna go with The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. I grew up reading his books and I've definitely taken a lot from his writing for my own style, and I still love the Hobbit.
28 (a book you wish you could read as a beginner again) : Oooh this is a really interesting one. I think I'd say Museum of Thieves by Lian Tanner. I can’t remember when I first read it but it’s a middle grade story all about defying authority and escaping corrupt systems. I really need to reread it at some point.
33 (a book with a white cover) : The Weight of Feathers by Anna Marie McLemore! (can you tell I like their writing?). Star crossed lovers of two performing families with magical realism threaded through the narrative! Really fun read and I always appreciate latine characters. There's also Roma representation as well!
35 (a book featuring the found family trope) : I'm gonna attempt to not read any well beaten paths, so I'll say Caliban's War by James S. A. Corey, the second book of the Expanse series (okay that's technically a well beaten path, sue me). A lot of the book is the main characters figuring out their group dynamic and challenging each other to be better and it's just so goooooood!
37 (your favorite heist book) : I mean, what else could I put here? Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo, hands down. Narrowly beats out Six of Crows, only because it has more cons, more emotions, and also Nikolai Lantsov. I'll never get tired of that book.
50 (a book that made you cry a lot) : oh boy, I could say Crooked Kingdom again, that’d be true. But instead I’ll say Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Corey (I read a lot of series, sue me. Also that series is gonna be 9 books long by the end, there’s a lot of material). Anyway I won’t say why I cried, it’s a spoiler, but oh man. I weeped.
55 (a book with a satisfying ending) : The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty! I really liked how it ended, it placed a lot of focus on the platonic relationships, it left a lot of plot open ended so it felt like the world was still alive, and it showed the main character as being in a position of power while still retaining the subversive and roguish qualities from the start of the series that I loved.
60 (a book that you think about at 3am) : The Empire of Bones by N.D. Wilson. This is the 3rd book in my favorite series, the Ashtown burials and just….. wow there is so much. It has so much depth to it while still being about a 13 year old standing up to a cadre of ancient death and pain gods. It has one of the most beautiful monologues I’ve ever read and that shaped my understanding of compassion and heroism. It has an orange mohakwed Irish monk.
63 (a book that actually made you laugh out loud) : I knew it would make it on the list somewhere but GIDEON THE NINTH BY TAMSYN MUIR. God this book was funny! I won’t spoil any of the jokes, but Gideon is a sarcastic little shit and I love all of her banter with Harrow and the rest of the characters get plenty of cracks in as well.
66 (a book that fucked you up) : oh boy The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. This book had some visceral shit in it. Like, not exactly in a bad way, its not a game of thrones situation, but stuff that made my fucking skin crawl. Very good book, I heartily recommend.
69 (your favorite mythological retelling) : I’m gonna go with Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman. I first listened to it in audiobook form while on a road trip through the southwest and I really like coming back to it. Sort of reworks the original myth it borrows from, but in a really delightful and fun way.
77 (a book so useless you could use it as a coaster) : ATLAS SHRUGGED BY AYN RAND. Alright, I’ll be honest, I have not yet read this book. I probably will someday just to see how bad it really is. But from what I know about it I would rather get drop kicked off a roof than read that pile of self important, self centered ego circle jerking. In conclusion, I don’t like it.
86 (a book with an insane plot twist) : Okay a bunch of the really insane plot twisty ones I’ve already mentioned and I don’t want to do repeats, so I’m gonna bend the rules and say The Silent Bells by N.D. Wilson, fourth book of the Ashtown Burials series, a book that is not technically finished yet, it is being released serially in this really cool faux newspaper format. The plot twist is that this story ever got off the ground, because due to legal and publisher shenanigans the author wasn’t able to publish the book until 7 or 8 years after the last book came out. But he did! And I’m very happy!
91 (the shortest book you've read) : That would probably be Signs Preceding the End of the World by Yuri Herrera, translated by Lisa Dillman. It’s a really good book I read for an English class about a girl who crosses the US/Mexico border in search of her brother. It’s got a really interesting narrative style that I wasn’t used to and a really cool thematic structure related to the nahuatl journey to the underworld.
104 (a fluffy sweet read) : oh man, that’s tough, I don’t read a lot of fluffy things, even tho it’s what I prefer in my romances. Yeah, the closest I can get is Wild Beauty by Anna Marie McLemore again. (See the first question answered)
122 (your favorite winter read) : Hmmm I don’t necessarily have seasonal reads, but I’ll go with an old family classic The Christmas Mystery, which is about a boy who finds an advent calendar with little scraps of paper behind each door, telling the story of a little girl who in the process of chasing a lamb runs away to Bethlehem (and back in time) to the birth of Jesus, meeting angels and Shepards and other biblical figures. It’s a really sweet story and my family used to read each chapter every day of advent until Christmas Eve.
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daisychvins · 4 years
。・゚゚・ — introduction.
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introducing ... violet’s demise ! aka grayson aka her big brother she’s been wiring money to stay away in europe <33333
name: grayson swag money jeon  age: 22 turning 23 (don’t ask me about his sign that’s for liza to figure out someday <3) gender: cis male; he/him hometown: baltimore, maryland sexuality: bisexual & biromantic
listen i was feeling rlly committed to completing his stats but i’m already over it so don’t ask dont tell xx anYWAYS let’s get on to the juicy stuff hehe
i tend to ramble a lot so this intro is gonna be probably a mixture of paragraphs and bullet points and everything in between but let’s start simple. also i rlly wanna emphasize a massive DRUGS TW bc his character largely revolves around his interest in and addiction to drugs
grayson is claiming that he's been in a rehab program for the last year and is now completely sober and reformed when he really was just using the money to party and travel throughout europe.
without his parents paying to support him now, he's had to start dealing to make ends meet and keep up appearances. it’s mostly coke, but he dabbles in harder substances depending on what his connections can get him. 
grayson dabbles with calligraphy and was notorious for forging excuse notes and parent signatures all throughout high school and even now sells forgeries for a quick buck. the most notable of these was xavi’s letter of recommendation that helped him get into yale. 
grayson is violet’s older brother!!1 yes, that’s right, THE big brother who’s been out of the country getting LIT (and by lit i mean he’s been traveling europe on a series of solo trips w his parents’ money and doin lots of recreational drugs)
i haven’t fully fleshed out the dynamic he has w his parents but just know it’s ,, bad ASDHFJNK basically the jeons treated their children like accessories and expected them to be their little trophies and grayson just was not having that as a kid!!! so he acted out a lot and obviously got himself into a pretty bad scene (thank u goosie) and is basically the bane of his parents existence at this point <3 yet they still try to appease him to keep him under control but that’s for the family task to work out hehehehe
despite hating his parents, he adores both of his siblings. before the drug use started, he was always a big nurturer and would have done anything for either of them......now he wouldn’t be caught dead praising violet but he loves her in secret from afar HSJDFKG
yeah basically he met goose when he was around 15 i think????? and got introduced to drugs around 16 or 17 i wanna say and by the time he graduated high school he was just....a much different person than the soft big brother he used to be. his parents sent him off to europe pretty much as soon as he turned 18 under the guise of going to school internationally, but grayson obviously knew the truth and understood that he was being sent away so he wouldn’t be his parents problem anymore. 
he basically spent the last four years galavanting europe and just....trying to enjoy it???? but it’s hard to enjoy an extended vacation when u have no family or friends on ur side anymore </3 he basically used the money to stay in hostels and worked odd jobs here and there to stay afloat and keep supplied w the...special goods....but yeah lots of drugs, alcohol, sex, and recklessness but he DID learn a couple languages??? or at least enough to get through some pretty basic conversations in most european countries so <3 guess it’s all okay then!!!! 
anyways idk what else to put here that u won’t just find out in the family task so uhhhhhh idk lmk if u need anything else i guess
so now grayson is just vibing at yale obviously ummm he actually got super into writing after high school, especially poetry. he used to carry journals full of just random prose about his addiction and his deepest thoughts, as well as probably some lighter stuff about his love escapades or maybe goose idk...basically he used poetry as an outlet and it allowed him to really ground himself and find his place in the world even if it didnt include who he thought it would SO with that being said, grayson got into yale due to a poetry competition he was a part of. he saw some big fancy competition being advertised and on a whim decided to submit some poem about his struggles with addiction and losing his family (a v raw piece that he didn’t expect to ever see the light of day) and he actually ended up winning! it caught yale’s attention and they invited him to apply and, knowing how much it would probably disturb his little sister, grayson very smugly applied and was pretty stoked to see he got in 
because that poem gained such publicity, it was assumed that he was a survivor of addiction and was writing from a sober perspective. he didn’t want to correct anyone, so he just went with it and has basically crafted this story about his massive success and has become an advocate for addiction treatment and rehabilitation. of course, none of the companies that sponsor him or the events that host him as a motivational speaker know that he’s snorting lines in the bathroom beforehand or dealing to half the elites, but that’s between grayson, god, and the blackmailer !
basically grayson showed back up because of violet’s blackmail being exposed. he was off in europe, unable to defend himself, and with a massive vendetta against his family so he decided what better way to reenter society than by publicly outing himself as a martyr <3333 his plan is basically to bash the family name to fulfill whatever angsty coming of age arc he has in store for him to make up for the pain of being sent away .... really angsty yeah </3 rip grayson 
anyways yeah he’s a total fake. he’s been using his status as a martyr to his advantage a lot, the best example being his recruitment into the elites. he guilted them into accepting him by discussing the PR benefits of recruiting a member that struggles with addiction and how supporting addiction treatment and second chances would be such a good look for them. like he basically threatened to publicly expose them for denying him due to his troubled past and accuse them of being exclusionary so they said boop ! ur in. now the elites are proud advocates for second chances <3333
i would describe grayson as fearless, overconfident, infamous due to his condition being exposed recently, a little gloomy, he’s kind of just got this chip on his shoulder and feels like he has something to prove....he’s gotta be better than his parents, gotta stick it to them and to violet and to everyone who doubts him. he’s a grumpy guy with a massive vendetta and a need for some kind of justice. he just doesn’t know what that is yet. despite all of the bad, however, he’s genuinely a pretty good guy. he’s really goofy and a genuine person, pretty friendly with literally everyone until they give him a reason not to be. basically, unless you are a member of the jeon family he probably likes you or is at least cordial to you (unless we plot differently ofc but u know). he’s just a big lovable dummy with some sweet drug connects and a knack for poetry. he also knows calligraphy but that’s beside the point . 
idk if this is enough to describe him but yeah if u have any questions just let me know hehe
this is probably gonna make things hard but considering violet was just exposed i think that he’s pretty new to yale ???? like probably just transferred in/started this spring semester rather than being here for the entire year/a prolonged amount of time so most of our plots will likely have to be newer/center on him first showing up OR we can establish their connections from pre-europe which is also fine w me....idk i didnt rlly think this timeline through so let’s just plot and see what happens aghbfjnd anyways i included some connection ideas to help us all just in case
wanted connections
i’d say he’s the honorary dealer of the elites aghbdfjn so literally anyone who needs a plug could be a potential connection. we can obviously tweak this and customize it to each character <3
maybe someone who met grayson in europe. they could have travelled together for an extended period of time or even just a brief encounter. he was over there for four years, so the possibilities are endless. 
building off the last one, this same connection could work with a romantic interest. maybe they were romantically involved for a time in europe and fell out of touch or maybe grayson/your muse just left in the middle of the night and they never saw each other again until now and maybe there’s some unresolved feelings/one-sided longing or need for closure. it could also be that they just hooked up whenever this person was in the area and that was that, no strings attached. 
maybe someone who genuinely believes that grayson is actually sober and really admires his strength and idk maybe they’re struggling w their own issues and seek advice from him or maybe they just make it harder for him to actually do his thing bc they’re constantly around and it’s not like they can catch him strung out and acting up 
someone in the literature department or with a background in english or writing. someone he could read poetry to, or share his favorite lines with. someone who’s taken the same professors and can tell him who to watch out for or what to expect. idk i just want him to have someone to share his passions with. maybe a little crush is forming? maybe they’re just friends who share a love of fiction? idk i’m open to literally anything 
he’s sort of a motivational speaker now bc he advocates for rehabilitation resources and stuff so like maybe ur muse saw him give a presentation or participate in some kind of seminar and they called bullshit on him after the show bc they were like,,, bro i literally saw u partying w max and avery last weekend what the fuck are u on about and now they could potentially hold that blackmail over his head hehe......
exes plots are always fun we love angst in this house 
fuck it let’s bring another family member BHJFNGKM no but grayson rlly is a nurturing guy and like....definitely develops unhealthy attachments to cope w his loss of family so he’d love all the sibling-like bonds he can get to kinda numb the pain of “””””losing””””” violet 
if none of these interest you i’m literally so down for anything pls just let me know and i’m happy to brainstorm always <333333 
thank u for reading this....smooch . 
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stelladerose · 4 years
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( victoria pedretti, 24, cis woman, she/her ) i think i just heard someone humming KRYPTONITE by 3 DOORS DOWN, must be STELLA DE ROSE walking about. Rumor has it they’ve lived here for TWENTY YEARS and work as a TRAIL GUIDE/MUSHER + DOG SLEDDING. In their spare time, they love going to COW’S CREAMERY and the LIBRARY. I hear ELLA can be COURAGEOUS, but on their worst of days, they can also be IMPULSIVE. Still, they remind me of CHERRY FLAVORED LIP BALM & VANILLA SCENTED LOTION, BARKING DOGS, AND EARLY 2000s ROCK ANTHEMS. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.
Hi! I’m Sunny. I prefer she/her pronouns, and I’m 32. I’m so excited to be here & rp with everyone! This intro has taken me [insert titanic.gif] 84 years to do, because I pretty much move at the pace of a sloth. I plan on getting a more detailed bio up at some point, as well as a plot/wc page, but I wanted to have a starting point. I’ll make a post in the discord, if anyone would like to plot!
(TW: Alcohol Mention, Sledding Accident)  
NAME: Stella Beatrice De Rose NICKNAMES: Ella, Bea, Dog Lady, Togo (by her Grandfather) DATE OF BIRTH: March 23, 1996  AGE: 24 HOMETOWN: Anchorage, Alaska, US CURRENT RESIDENCE: Whistler, BC, Canada PRONOUNS: She/her SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual OCCUPATION: Musher/Tour Guide with her family’s Dog Sledding Business, De Rose Dog Sledding   LANGUAGES: English, Italian PARENTS: Alberto De Rose [Father]; Sarah De Rose [nee Kilcher] [Mother] BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Leonardo De Rose [Older Brother] RELATIONSHIP SKILLS: Stella can be an absolute sweetheart. She tries to be kind to everyone she meets, but she’s not afraid to defend herself in any situation that makes her uncomfortable. She knows the job she does can be dangerous, so when it comes to keeping her clients on track, she can be stern, but it’s because she doesn’t want to see anyone or the dogs get hurt. She’s loyal and would be there in a heartbeat for anyone that needs her, and sometimes it leaves room for people to take advantage of her. But she’s not someone you want to make angry either and can hold a grudge with the best of them.
HEIGHT: 5′3″ HAIR COLOUR: Brunette, sometimes blonde. EYE COLOUR: Blue DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Stella’s most distinguishing feature is her eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and while her baby blues do often make Stella seem sad, the twenty-four year old can usually be found gracing those around her with a soft smile. DRESS STYLE: Stella dresses for comfort. Her favorite clothes are vintage t-shirts, oversized sweaters, and anything that’s comfy and snuggly, including hoodies. However, when she’s outside working, she wears layers for warmth, but also things she can easily move around in. She has a favorite pair of gloves her grandmother gave to her and a really nice pair of snow goggles. A more descriptive list can be found here.  PHYSICAL HABITS: Stella will have the occasional drink, but not in excess and not very often. Her drink of choice is usually the hard stuff. MANNERISMS:  Stella is bad about biting her nails and chewing on her bottom lip when she’s nervous or thinking. You can see her quite often putting on Chapstick on her lips or lotion on her hands, where they stay dry and cracked from being out in the cold so much. She often checks and rechecks her sleds to the point of it almost becoming an obsession, but it’s just because she’s seen what can happen when things aren’t properly hooked up. She also keeps a close watch over her dogs. They’re her family, and if one of them goes down, she’s right there at his/her side, until they’re up and going again. HEALTH: Stella has had several injuries growing up in a family that owns a sled dog company. The worst was a pretty bad break to her right arm after she was thrown off of her sled rounding a turn. Otherwise, she’s in great physical health. She exercises regularly and tries to eat a balanced diet. She does have a weakness for Cow’s Creamery though, especially their Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in a fresh made waffle cone.
Stella was born in Anchorage, Alaska, where she gained her first experience with dog sledding at her grandparents house. But her parents, wanting to branch away, decided to move to Whistler and open their own dog sledding business, De Rose Dog Sledding, when Stella was four years old.
Stella’s grandfather gave her the nickname Togo, when she was 3, after the famous husky that helped to deliver diphtheria antitoxin serum to Nome, Alaska in 1925. Most people know the story of Balto, but she insisted on being nicknamed after Togo. 
One of Stella’s ancestors is the famous Italian explorer Alessandro Malaspina, who helped to map out the Gulf of Alaska.
Stella and her brother, Leonardo, spent most of their childhood helping with the family business. Because of this, she knows more about dogs, their care, and what it takes to run the Iditarod Race in Alaska, than she does about current pop culture and who the latest Kardashian is dating. It’s often left her as the outcast in many situations and has left her feeling pretty lonely growing up.
She does love music though, especially Early 2000s Rock music. She likes music from the 90s and before, as well. Her dream is to one day see some of the musicians she loves in concert. And to tell them how many times their songs have helped her get through hard work days.
After Stella graduated from high school, she skipped going to college to continue helping with the family business. She works alongside her parents, her brother, and her cousin, who moved from Alaska to provide an extra set of hands. There’s also a small team that helps out at the kennel, including the veterinarian, Stella is constantly trying to shadow.
She hopes to someday attend college for Veterinarian school. While she loves being out in the snow with the dogs and taking visitors and residents on tours, she does want her work to be more meaningful.
Stella has gone out on search and rescue missions before with her dogs, after hikers and tourists have gone missing. Having grown up in Whistler, she knows her way around better than most.
More to be added later!
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efinnx · 4 years
[ danielle campbell, female , she/her ] do you hear [ VEGAS GIRL BY CONNOR MAYNARD] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ EDEN FINNIGAN  ]. they are a [ TWENTY ONE ] year old [ BEACH ATTENDANT ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [TWENTY ONE YEARS ]. they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ POGUE ], but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ INSATIABLE & NAIVE ]. if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ SPIRITED & CURIOUS ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [starfish earrings, flannels tied around short denim skirts, & crimson stained pout ]
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Ally here again :) this time with the rebellious nerd Eden Finnigan affectionately known as Lil’ Finn. Message me if you’d like to plot. Her bio is below the cut. 
Full name;  Eden Diana Finnigan 
Age; 21
Birthday; January 31th 
Height; 5’3
Siblings; Noah & Wiley (step brother) 
Occupation; beach attendant, aspiring marine biologist 
Location; the cut
Sign;  aquarius
(+) ; spirited & curious
(-) ; insatiable & naive
Sexuality; bisexual, but doesn’t realize or recogzine it yet 
Pogue or Kook; pogue
Character Inspiration; octavia blake (the 100), seth cohen (the oc), lany boogs (she’s all that), anne marie (blue crush), moana of motunui (moana)
Eden was certainly born in the outer banks, and lived there all her life. Raised, however, that’s an entirely different story, a term used very loosely in the small Finnigan bungalow nestled in the cut. Her father ditched before Eden was born and she only remembers fleeting moments with her mother. It was her brother, Noah, who practically raised her; the only person she could ever really count on. 
Her childhood may have been difficult and certainly unconventional to say the least, but it wasn’t a total bust. Eden found ways to adapt and entertain herself, falling in love with the beach, the sand between her toes and the salty air in her tangles. She loved to splash around in the tidepools collecting shells and learning about all the small organisms she could get her little fingers on. It was the only thing that kept her busy while her parents were nowhere to be found and big brother was off teaching tourists how to surf. 
Academics came easily to Eden. She was a naturally curious student and read anything and everything she could get her hands on. Much to her surprise, she made friends easily, her curious and oftentimes blunt demeanor somehow managing to charm her classmates. It also helped that Noah was her big brother. She took it in stride and wore her association as Noah’s little sister as a badge of honor, even earning the nickname “Lil’ Finn.”
As Eden entered her teen years, she began to realize that her natural abilities came with tremendous pressure, everyone always seeming to remind her of her potential and that if she played her cards right she could get out of this town and achieve great things. The pressure surmounted, and Eden couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter what she was bound to be stuck in the OBX forever destined to repeat her mother’s mistakes.
It was only a matter of time before the youngest Finnigan began her rebellious phase out to prove that she was no longer a little girl. New attitude, new style, new curfew, new string of lovers, oftentimes disappearing to stretches of time (like mother, like daughter). But somewhere beneath her bold lipstick and short denim skirts lies the curious little girl who wore starfish for earrings and splashed around in tidepools. She is a hopeless romantic at heart who wants the fairytale and craves to quench her growing hunger for knowledge. 
After graduation, Eden took a year off to find herself and save up some money before getting her act together and applying to college. She managed to get into the local community college while balancing her job as a beach attendant with the hopes of someday becoming a marine biologist. After a year of study, she has decided to put her education on hold again, unable to keep up with the cost of school even with the help of financial aid. She hasn’t mentioned this decision to anyone yet, especially not to Noah.
When the opportunity to make a few appearances on a reality TV show presented itself, Eden couldn’t pass it up. If she made a little extra cash, she may be able to continue her education and realize her dreams of becoming a marine biologist. Besides, anything was better than checking badges and managing rentals for kooks and tourists at the beach all summer long. 
Eden only had a short stint on the show for season 1. She was brought on to make a few cameo appearances at the end of the summer in hopes of stirring up drama for her brothers Finn and Wiley. 
Season 1 ended rather amicably for Eden, gaining her a handful of new friends in addition to a very small level of celebrity in the Outer Banks. People began to recognize her more as “Finn’s little sister from that show” and her social media following also began to increase. She used this growing platform to promote her love for the ocean, often posting about her aquatic discoveries and how to keep the ocean waters clean.  
Despite the small perks that came along with being on the show, Eden remained in the Outer Banks once it ended. While everyone was off traveling the world and enjoying their new lives outside the show, she continued to work at the beach and picked up odd jobs here and there. She only made guest appearances and therefore didn’t receive as large of a payday as she had hopped. And besides, who else was going to make sure that Finn had his Coco Berries? She kept in touch with a few of her friends from the show and constantly texted her “big sister” Naomi about her travels.
Eden was asked back for season 2 and this time as a season regular. She agreed again not only for the money, her ambitions to get herself back in college still very much alive and well, but also to spend more time with her new boyfriend, Connor. The relationship, when put to the test outside in the real world, ended in disaster playing out publicly for the nation to see. He went back to his ex, and Eden was left heartbroken taking out her anguish on those closest to her. MTV was quick to capitalize on her moments of weakness, even airing her screaming match with her older brother who had been right the whole time. 
Upon watching the play back of her first full season on the show, Eden couldn’t stomach the person she was made out to be. Too whiny, too naive, too much of a pushover, and the one thing she begged her ex not to make of her: a fool. Instead of staying in the Outer Banks sulking like a beached whale, Eden decided to make the most of her break from the show, trading in her ocean awareness updates and donations to local “clean up our beach” charities for bikini selfies, skinny dipping, and wild nights out she couldn’t remember in the morning.
When Eden found out that season 3 was going to be held in Australia, the youngest Finnigan practically started packing for the trip the moment she found out. She had never been out of the country let alone across the world and a new city would also give her the perfect chance to start fresh, meet new people, and maybe find an Aussie or two to shack up with. God, how she loves their accents.  
This season Eden is determined to reinvent herself even if it means putting her dreams of going back to school and studying marine biology on the back burner and not being true to her naturally curious and dorky herself. This time, she would not be taken as some lovesick teenager any and she sure as hell would not become another carbon copy of her mother.  
Eden doesn’t get directly involved in the pogues vs kooks drama, but she can’t help but feel jealous of the kooks and their wealth. It bothers her that even the slackers get accepted into the fanciest colleges while she has to struggle just to make ends meet. That’s not to say Eden will simply turn the other cheek and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself in front of the kooks. Push her too far, and that famous Finnigan temper is bound to explode.
(i suck at coming up with connection names so bare with me lmao)
the nerd friend -;- Though Eden wants nothing more than to reinvent herself this season, she has also wanted to become a marine biologist her whole life and what a more perfect place to study marine life than Australia. This person helps her get back in touch with that side of herself, and they share a connection for something other than drinking and partying. What happens between them after that is totally open!  Psssst take her to the Great Barrier Reef, and she’ll love you forever. [OPEN]
the bestie-;-  Eden and this person go way back and they’ve practically known each other for as long as they can remember. Sure, they bicker and tease each other but no matter what they are practically family and they will always have each other's backs. [OPEN]
the on again/off again-;- Eden and this person never made things official though whenever they are together they manage to find some time to sneak off and fool around. Eden recently went through a very public break-up on the show and is honestly just looking for some fun, a good time, and a distraction. Where it goes from there is flexible!  [OPEN]
the crush-;-  Eden is a hopeless romantic at heart. She’ll never admit it but she’s the girl who doodles your name in hearts all over her notebook. Eden thinks this person is the ultimate eye candy and gets all shy and bashful whenever they are around. Whatever happens after that is tbd!  [OPEN]
the new friends -;-  Eden is looking for a fresh start, and to have some fun, so anyone whether it be acquaintances, friends, hooking up, or more [OPEN]
And as always if you have any ideas lay ‘em on me!
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Student Involvement Club Founder
Harry Potter was everything and nothing like Sirius Black imagine he be when he first meets his godson. 
Yes, ten years have passed since he’s last seen the little copy of James, and he knew that while Harry was James’ son he wasn’t exactly James. There were bound to be some difference between them varying form different areas. For example, James was raised in magic and Harry was handed over to Muggles to start them off.
There was a large possibility Harry could be nothing like James.  He knew this. Was willing to accept it once he learns it was Harry that proved he was innocent. Apparently, his godson was the top student of his year and was quickly gotten the title prodigy. 
He was the one that discovered his friend’s rat was Peter Pettigrew, after casting a spell over the rodent in an effort to change colors and realizing something was off with his spell. 
The boy forced his magic to “set the rat to its original state”. (Accounts from eye witness even claim Harry was too confident guiding his magic for a boy his age)  Since the rat was very much alive, Sirius’ case was open and people realize he never had a trail.
He was released with the public aware he had nothing to do with the Potter’s death and slowly been getting help to re-enter the populace. He would become Harry’s legal guardian when he could prove he was mentally stable enough to do so. 
It took him a while, nearly a year, but he was finally allowed to be near Harry. He was ecstatic, having heard so much about the boy from others- like Remus who had been Harry’s teacher last year- and sending each other carefully crafted Owls but nothing beat seeing the boy face to face.
Yet, he wasn’t expecting the boy to be so very this.
Sirius sits awkwardly in the chairs before the reception desk watching the organized chaos as the office of the Student Involvement went about their business. He wanted to visit Harry, especially since the boy was brilliant enough to ask Bill Weasley to return to Hogwarts with a crew of Curse Breakers to finally get the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.
His boyfriend- that still makes him giggly to think about- could stay as the Professor as his students all adore him. Remus spent days in a daze, amazed that the general populace of the kids didn’t mind his werewolf status.
Apparently, this was due to Harry again. The boy had been campaigning to have his classmates open their minds and with his influence and fame was able to get most of the youth behind him during his first year. 
Sirius couldn’t have been any prouder of his ward. So he had hoped into the Floo hoping to see the boy and invite him to dinner with Remus. (Also to finally tell the boy he was in a relationship since he’s been putting it off too long)
But Harry was booked in meetings and appointments until late evening. So Sirius had to sit in the small chairs feeling awkward to be gaping at the effective office the Student Invomelent Club create. 
Dennis Creevy had been kind enough to offer him coffee while he waited, handling the reception desk like the small boy was meant to be there. He had greeted him with a bright smile and an easy “Can I help you? Do you have an appointment with one of the division Heads?” the second he stepped through the door.
It was so weird. This kid’s like elven, he shouldn’t know how to properly greet customers! At least, not better than Sirius. 
“Hermione! Where’s the spreadsheet for the Margical and Muggle Art Exhibition?! I need the expense rates before Friday!”  Harry shouts over the sound of various Hogwarts students chatting and working over their own little desks. Students from all house, each with their own cubical covered in quills, files, and rolls of scrolls, lined behind Dennis’ small back.
Some of them glance up to the head desk where Harry sits but upon realizing the Boy-Who-Live wasn’t asking for their department return to what they were doing.
 A young fourth-year girl with big bushing hair sprung up from her desk, desperately grabbing sheets and running over to the young man that may as well be a muggle CEO.
Maybe he is. 
“Luna! I want the list of creatures for the self-study program yesterday! Headmaster needs the approval before midnight!” 
“Of course Harry”
“Colin, I thought I told you to have the Yearbook and Photography club meetings schedule set. These ones are overlapping and creating a time conflict. Fix it!”
“Yes Harry, right away!”
“I know Harry! I’m on it! Muggle Movie Night will be on schedule I swear.”
The boy was snapping orders but not unkindly, and it was obvious the children loved to work for him, yet Sirius couldn’t help but notice how adult-like Harry is. His mannerism never seems to fit his physical age. Somedays he wondered...
“He’s just stress,” Dennis tells him, appearing at his side silent as a grave and making the adult jump. The boy is holding a tray with a steaming cup and smiles when grey eyes lock on it.  “Harry’s in charge of all the Student Involvement Club so he has to write and approve the reports. Some of the department heads slack off so now everyone a bit rushed.”
Taking the cup, Sirius twirls it in his hands.  “What departments are there?”
“Oh, what isn’t” The muggleborn laughs.  His eyes turn a bit starstruck as he leans into stage whisper.  “Harry tried to have anything the students may be interested in approved and organize into clubs for us to enjoy. Sports, Studies, Hobbies; if you can name it, Harry will work for you to be able to enjoy it here. He got permission to have Muggle Movie Nights. With Popcorn and everything. We watched Aladdin last month!”
Sirius has no idea what Aladdin is but he nods like he does. Anything to get this kid out of his face.  He was leaning too darn close.
“ Harry even got the Headmaster to sign for a GSA.” The boy says smiling so wide his face may split. He shows off his rainbow Alley badge with a proud puff of his chest. But upon seeing Sirius’ face he explains.  “Gay-straight alliance. It’s a muggle name. The wizarding world is accepting but it’s nice to have a place to go in complete support you know? My brother even found a boyfriend! ”
Yes. Remus had been over the moon- heh pun- about it. The GSA passed out information about bisexuality and it was refreshing well researched. His lover was always up for his sexuality to be spoken about with respect.
The receptionist snaps his fingers.  “Oh hold on, we just created scrolls that explain everything we offer.” 
Running over to his desk, Dennis ducks under Draco Malfoy’s newest statue the boy brought in. If you were ever to ask Sirius if he thought he see a Malfoy happily doing office work he laugh in your face a few years ago, but Harry had apparently been able to see the boys love of supplicating and convert the pureblood into a Department Head for the said subject/club.
Dennis returns handing Sirius the roll, with a smile, leaving just as quickly and the adults spend a good twenty minutes looking over all the programs and events Harry has started.
Each title had a description, follow with fees, dates and meeting times, materials needed and the contact information for the desired Department Head if the student wanted to join. Some Department Heads overlapped other subjects but all in all, everything was well organized and evenly distributed of labor. 
  If any other student ever leaves a bigger Hogwarts legacy after the young Potter they may have to rebuild the school.
“My godson is very impressive.” He mumbles.  “Oh James, you sire a business CEO.” 
“I prefer student activist,” Harry says as he walks over.  “Sounds better and less cold.”
Barking a laugh, Sirius stands to bring his fourteen-year-old- goodness he’s only fourteen!  How can he possibly have a better system then the Ministry set up at this age? - into a hug.  Like always Harry stiffens up but returns the hug, and it makes Sirus bite back swears at his muggle relatives. 
“How are you so impressive?” He asks instead, not wanting to embarrass Harry.
“It’s cause I’m actually a time traveler who used his future knowledge to set things right but got bored so now I help run clubs.” Harry is quick to say and like always it makes him roll his eyes.
It’s nice to know some of James was inherited after all.  (He never spots the honesty in the eyes of a boy who shouldn’t have such age in those green gems)
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ofkleins · 5 years
        𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  ariana  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is  surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about  how  despite  outward  appearances  ,  her  family  isn’t  as  picture  perfect  as  they  may seem  because  of  their  pride  .  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  malabanan  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to  come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  delta  because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  ,  she  is  better  off  staying  put  in  beverly  hills  ,  california  and  living  off  that  $625m  family  net  worth  .  what’s  the  point  in  studying  applied  economics  and  management  with  plans  to  take  over  her  mother’s  abandoned  executive  position  at  her  family’s  company  ,  is  it  worth  it  with  what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  genteel  &  cosmopolitan  because  the  disingenuous  &  acrimonious  attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  .  (  kelsey  merritt  ,  remy  ,  eastern  )  .
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          hello  again  my  angels  !  it’s  remy  here  with  my  second  bby  ,  miss  ariana  !  i’ll  keep  this  greeting  short  since  my  one  over  on  christian  is  a  bit  lengthy  ,  but  i’m  super  excited  to  write  and  plot  with  everyone  !  i  will  admit  that  ariana’s  intro  is  a  bit  lengthy  because  i  pay  a  little  too  much  to  details  ,  and  i  also  placed  indicators  for  where  the  eating  disorder  trigger  warning  begins  and  ends  if  you  choose  to  skip  over  that  content  .  other  than  that  ,  once  again  my  discord  is  𝕥𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚#6936  if  plotting  is  easier  for  you  there  ,  and  i  can’t  wait  to  get  the  ball  rolling  !
trigger  warning(s)  :  mention  of  drug  addiction  ,  eating  disorder  ,  and  abusive  parenting  .
full  name  :  ariana  bernadette  malabanan  . nickname(s)  :  ari ,  mainly  .  birthday  /  age  :  august  30th  ,  1998  /  21  . zodiac  :  virgo  . pronouns  :  she  /  her  /  hers  . gender  :  cisfemale  . sexual  orientation  : bisexual  . romantic  orientation  : biromantic  . height  :  5′8″  ( five  foot  ,  eight  inches  )  . hometown  :  paris  ,  france  . current  location  :  beverly  hills  ,  california  . nationality  :  french - american  . ethnicity  :  caucasian  and  filipina  . languages  spoken  :  filipino  ,  english  ,  and  french  (  college - course  level  )  .
         daniel  malabanon’s  family  immigrated  to  the  united  states  back  in  the  nineteenth  century  from  their  home  country  of  the  phillippines  .  through  the  decades  ,  despite  the  trials  and  tribulations  ,  the  malabanon  family  rose  through  the  ranks  of  politics  and  business  ,  with  daniel’s  grandparents  having  ten  children  between  the  two  of  them  .  the  malabanon  family  as  they  became  more  influential  in  american  politics  was  also  building  their  business  empire  .  while  daniel’s  grandfather  was  pursuing  the  levels  of  politics  from  law  school  ,  his  wife  was  pursuing  business  ,  with  the  dream  of  someday  having  her  own  cosmetics  line  .
          as  the  decades  passed  and  the  malabanon  family  amassed  their  meager  beginnings  to  becoming  a  part  of  the  country’s  elite  ,  soon  comes  grandson  daniel  ,  who  decides  to  follow  in  his  father  ,  uncle  ,  and  brothers’  footsteps  of  going  into  politics  .  smart  in  his  own  right  ,  daniel  heads  off  to  the  prestigious  university  of  pennsylvania  ,  where  he  pursued  a  degree  in  political  science  before  eventually  moving  on  to  law  school  .  of  course  ,  the  malabanon  name  was  known  throughout  the  country  ,  but  daniel  didn’t  receive  any  special  treatment  while  he  was  in  college  .  after  graduation  ,  he  keeps  his  head  in  the  books  as  he  gets  his  law  degree  from  yet  another  prestigious  university  (  columbia  )  ,  and  it’s  in  new  york  city  that  daniel  meets  his  future  wife  ,  wild  child  of  a  multi - billionaire  named  celine  duverney  .
         made  up  of  messy  ,  blonde  waves  and  the  liquid  courage  of  champagne  while  dancing  on  tables  ,  celine  was  the  youngest  daughter  of  a  billionaire  family  that  wanted  to  enjoy  her  twenties  despite  the  pressure  from  her  parents  .  she  was  determined  to  live  her  own  life  ,  and  even  though  she  was  getting  what  she  deemed  a  useless  degree  in  business  administration  ,  that  didn’t  stop  celine  from  enjoying  her  life  to  the  fullest  .  she  spent  summers  on  yachts  off  the  shores  of  a  tropical  island  or  would  splurge  in  neiman  marcus  simply  because  her  professor  told  her  one  of  her  papers  wasn’t  good  enough  .  while  she  was  in  college  ,  celine  was  a  kappa  ,  and  it  fit  the  blonde  well  considering  that  she  was  rich  ,  spoiled  ,  and  made  sure  that  everyone  around  her  was  fully  aware  that  she  was  getting  dropped  off  at  school  in  a  rolls - royce  and  never  (  absolutely  refused  )  to  eat  dining  hall  food  .
          when  it  came  to  daniel  and  celine’s  relationship  ,  the  two  started  dating  while  daniel  was  in  his  first  year  of  law  school  and  celine  was  a  junior  .  their  relationship  was  a  bit  of  a  whirlwind  ,  and  they  eventually  eloped  in  a  simple  wedding  on  the  beach  in  bali  the  summer  after  celine’s  graduation  .  little  did  the  couple  know  ,  is  that  at  the  time  ,  celine  was  pregnant  with  their  first  baby  and  eldest  son  dominic  .  celine  decides  to  be  a  stay  at  home  mom  while  daniel  moves  through  the  ranks  at  a  prestigious  law  firm  moving  from  summer  associate  to  senior  associate  ,  but  daniel  wanted  to  be  congressman  .  a  few  more  years  pass  ,  a  second  baby  named  naomi  is  soon  born  ,  the  family  has  made  the  cross  country  move  to  california  ,  and  daniel  is  running  for  congressman  of  california  .  
          the  family  settled  into  a  gorgeous  home  on  sunset  boulevard  . 
          after  running  for  often  twice  and  getting  beat  by  a  landslide  the  first  time  around  ,  daniel  is  elected  as  senator  and  celine  begrudgingly  becomes  thrust  into  the  public  eye  and  is  under  constant  scrutiny  .  the  malabanans  are  newcomers  to  the  world  of  politics  in  this  sense  ,  as  they’re  no  longer  skirting  around  the  edges  and  waiting  to  have  their  chance  at  all  the  glory  .  marriage  and  children  had  calmed  celine’s  wild  ways  ,  but  when  she  was  twenty - nine  and  their  last  daughter  ,  a  bright  eyed  baby  they  named  ariana  was  brought  into  the  picture  ,  everything  changed  for  the  worst  .
          to  naomi  and  dominic  ,  celine  was  a  wonderful  mother  .  she  baked  cookies  ,  they  hung  out  by  the  pool  ,  she  helped  them  with  their  homework  ,  but  as  little  ariana  grew  up  ,  she  was  not  the  apple  of  her  mother’s  eye  .  the  first  strike  against  her  was  the  fact  that  she  was  born  via  c - section  due  to  a  complicated  pregnancy  ,  leaving  her  mother  with  an  ugly  scar  that  remains  to  this  day  .  she  was  born  in  paris  while  the  family  was  on  vacation  ,  actually  coming  two  months  before  she  was  due  .  celine  was  annoyed  with  being  stuck  in  paris  as  she  waited  for  her  daughter  to  grow  stronger  ,  and  that  was  the  second  strike  against  the  innocent  child  .  being  in  the  public  eye  because  of  her  husband’s  job  made  celine  quite  conscious  of  all  things  appearance  ,  and  made  sure  that  she  and  her  children  never  left  the  house  with  a  hair  out  of  place  or  a  shirt  untucked  .  naomi  ,  the  golden  child  to  her  mother  ,  immediately  began  participating  in  beauty  pageants  while  her  dominic  followed  his  calling  and  focused  on  academia  like  the  men  before  him  .
          little  ariana  liked  to  play  ,  and  she  liked  to  play  hard  .  she  wanted  to  play  soccer  in  the  rain  with  the  other  neighborhood  kids  and  roll  down  grassy  hills  until  her  skin  was  itchy  ,  but  her  mother  ?  she  wasn’t  having  any  of  that  .  ari  was  going  to  be  prim  ,  proper  -- her  back  would  be  so  straight  a  ruler  would  be  jealous  ,  and  those  soccer  cleats  her  father  bought  her  were  thrown  into  the  trash  and  replaced  with  ballet  slippers  .  for  years  ,  ariana  was  no  longer  the  only  malabanan  kid  who  played  with  the  others  in  the  neighborhood  ,  and  she  now  had  a  strict  schedule  of  working  out  ,  school  ,  ballet  ,  and  studying  at  the  tender  age  of  thirteen  .  when  her  freshman  year  starts  ,  though  ,  ariana  abandons  her  mother’s  dream  and  trades  the  ballet  slippers  for  a  pair  of  cheerleading  pom - poms  .  with  her  infectious  personality  and  warm  smile  ,  it’s  no  surprise  that  ariana  makes  the  coveted  harvard - westlake  cheerleading  team  .
          and  while  most  mothers  would  be  proud  of  their  daughter’s  accomplishment  ,  celine  was  more  focused  on  her  daughter’s  appearance  than  anything  else  .  TW BEGINS  she  limits  what  she  could  and  couldn’t  eat  ,  often  making  snide  remarks  when  ariana  says  how  much  she’s  craving  her  favorite  cheeseburger  from  shake  shack  or  how  she  had  a  bit  of  cheesecake  after  dinner  .  celine  wakes  her  daughter  up  at  five  in  the  morning  with  a  hellish  personal  trainer  that  makes  her  run  their  expansive  neighborhood  until  her  lungs  are  tight  and  she’s  gasping  for  air  .  breakfast  is  smoothies  ,  lunch  is  only  soup  ,  and  even  then  all  the  good  things  that  ariana  craves  have  been  taken  out  .  she  has  to  be  skinny  --  she  has  to  make  her  mother  proud  .
          the  lack  of  food  during  the  day  leads  to  binging  in  the  night  ,  tip - toeing  to  the  kitchen  with  the  aid  of  the  housekeeper  ,  who  kept  a  hidden  stash  in  a  cabinet  her  mother  never  dared  to  open  .  binges  turn  to  regret  ,  tear  stained  cheeks  and  the  horrid  sound  of  ariana  hunched  over  the  toilet  as  she  begs  to  be  forgiven  for  the  disappointment  she  would  bring  to  her  mother  .  it  all  comes  to  a  head  during  ariana’s  junior  year  ,  when  she’s  gained  an  ounce  of  her  mother’s  affection  and  dark  circles  that  are  hidden  beneath  luxury  concealer  ,  and  it’s  the  annual  homecoming  football  game  .  dinner  consisted  of  four  baby  carrots  and  a  bottle  of  water  ,  and  right  as  ariana  is  lifted  into  the  air  to  perform  a  basket  toss  ,  she’s  falling  --  and  she  lands  on  the  unforgiving  ground  with  a  sneer  on  celine’s  face  as  she  watches  behind  saint  laurent  sunglasses  .
          ariana  goes  to  the  hospital  and  is  diagnosed  with  bulimia  ,  a  word  that  clouds  her  in  a  cloak  of  embarrassment  and  springs  tears  in  her  father’s  eyes  .  celine  is  uncaring  ,  picking  at  her  hundred  dollar  manicure  instead  of  caring  for  the  daughter  she  allegedly  loved  so  much  --  at  least  ,  that’s  what  she  said  when  she  spoke  to  the  media  .  ariana  is  pulled  from  harvard - westlake  ,  sadly  for  her  senior  year  ,  and  begins  the  slow  process  of  healing  .  her  relationship  with  food  becomes  healthy  again  ,  and  she  cries  when  she  has  cheesecake  ,  her  favorite  thing  in  the  world  ,  when  she  returns  home  .  TW  ENDS
          she  makes  the  decision  to  head  off  to  college  ,  putting  all  of  her  eggs  into  one  basket  when  she  only  applies  to  hollingsworth  university  .  she’s  desperate  to  get  from  under  her  mother’s  criticizing  eye  ,  and  to  finally  be  her  own  person  .  during  freshman  year  ,  ariana  pledges  kappa  in  hopes  that  she’d  make  a  dent  in  her  tainted  relationship  with  her  mother  ,  but  nothing  ever  seems  to  work  in  her  favor  .  she  makes  it  through  rush  week  and  becomes  a  pledge  for  the  society  ,  bouncing  on  the  balls  of  her  feet  when  she’s  chosen  on  bid  day  .  all  goes  well  until  it’s  time  for  a  little  bit  of  hazing  ,  but  ariana  finds  herself  with  the  short  end  of  the  stick  .  she  has  to  clean  longer  ,  take  one  more  shot  ,  staying  awake  an  extra  hour  while  the  other  pledges  have  gone  to  bed  ,  and  being  utterly  humiliated  when  her  kappa  sisters  discover  that  she  had  an  innocent  crush  on  a  boy  from  sigma  .
          ariana  drops  out  of  kappa  and  goes  the  rest  of  the  semester  stewing  in  her  upset  over  the  pure  humiliation  she  was  forced  to  endure  .  when  the  spring  semester  rolls  around  ,  ariana  still  carries  that  torch  as  she  steps  into  the  delta  house  looking  for  a  fresh  start  ,  and  it’s  the  society  where  she  remains  today  .  she’s  in  the  college  of  business  and  is  also  a  cheerleader  ,  even  though  most  would  assume  it  harbors  too  heavy  feelings  ,  but  her  constant  work  in  therapy  has  helped  her  regain  her  love  for  the  sport  again  .
          when  it  comes  to  ariana’s  personality  ,  she’s  something  of  a  spitfire  .  she’s  not  afraid  of  confrontation  and  she  can  be  extremely  petty  at  times  .  for  her  positive  traits  genteel  and  cosmopolitan  ,  ariana  is  respectable  when  she  needs  to  be  (  like  attending  galas  with  her  family  or  when  she  debuted  at  the  debutante  ball  in  new  york  city  )  and  since  her  family  traveled  as  well  as  met  dignitaries  around  the  world  a  lot  thanks  to  her  father’s  career  ,  ariana  is  quite  sophisticated  and  she  carries  herself  as  such  .  as  for  her  negative  traits  disingenuous  and  acrimonious  ,  it  simply  means  that  she  will  fake  the  funk  sometimes  in  order  to  get  something  she  wants  .  her  disingenuous  ways  especially  shows  when  she’s  being  petty  ,  and  she’ll  pretend  to  not  know  the  full  story  to  either  a .  confront  the  other  person  with  the  facts  or  b .  gather  up  as  much  information  as  she  possibly  can  .  as  for  being  acrimonious  ,  it  means  that  ari  is  bitter  as  hell  ,  especially  when  talking  about  kappa  .
secret  .
when  it  comes  to  her  secret  about  her  family  ,  the  malabanan’s  are  similiar  to  the  kennedy’s  in  the  sense  that  they’re  the  ‘  perfect  ’  family  with  no  issues  ,  on  the  surface  .  in  reality  ,  celine  leaves  daniel  frequently  and  jets  off  on  exotic  excursions  with  billionaires  she  just  met  ,  trying  to  get  back  what  she  lost  because  of  marriage  and  children  .  dominic  has  fallen  into  a  drug  addiction  he  thinks  no  one  has  noticed  ,  and  naomi  is  off  doing  whatever  it  is  she’s  doing  .  despite  that  ,  their  friends  and  extended  family  always  gets  the  perfect  holiday  cards  when  the  season  rolls  around  and  they’re  always  written  as  ‘  family  goals  ’  on  either  instagram  or  twitter  .
short  headcanons  :
ariana  lives  off - campus  and  in  a  gorgeous  apartment  (  minus  that  ugly  blue  bed  lol  )  .
she  drives  a  black  porsche  panamera  ,  and  she  originally  wanted  a  ferrari  ,  but  she  threw  a  minor  fit  when  her  dad  said  no  .  eventually  ,  she  got  over  it  .
her  style  ?  is  literally  all  over  the  place  .  one  day  she’ll  be  wearing  all  black  with  a  leather  jacket  ,  another  day  she’s  dressed  like  a  carbon  copy  of  outfits  on  pinterest  ,  and  on  another  she’s  wearing  high  heels  and  a  midi - skirt  .  there’s  no  in  between  for  her  ,  but  you  better  believe  that  everything  is  designer  ,  even  down  to  her  hair  accessories  .
she’s  most  comfortable  in  her  home  ,  and  there’s  a  chance  that  when  she’s  home  she’s  blaring  music  .  she’ll  be  in  a  giant  shirt  with  her  hair  tugged  up  in  a  top  knot  .
her  favorite  food  is  a  shackburger  with  cheese  fries  and  a  creamsicle  float  .  she  is  absolutely  obsessed  with  cheesecake  in  any  and  all  forms  .
wanted  plots  :
i  think  a  roommates  plot  would  be  so  much  fun  !  ariana  can  be  hella  standoffish  at  times  ,  but  she’s  probably  the  best  roommate  out  there  .
umm  ...  👀  i  don’t  know  about  you  guys  but  i’m  in  love  with  angsty  plots  ,  so  i’d  love  anything  like  that  .  whether  it  be  exes  ,  something  toxic  ,  or  even  a  friendship  that  turned  sour  ,  i’d  be  down  for  all  of  it  .
high  !  school  !  plots  !  i’d  really  love  to  explore  ariana’s  life  outside  of  her  struggles  ,  so  i’d  love  to  high  school  boyfriend  or  girlfriend  ,  crushes  ,  friends  ,  enemies  ...  anything  !
a  tag  full  of  desired  relations  (  which  will  be  updated  periodically  !  )  can  be  found  right  here  .  i’m  also  down  to  go  based  off  chemistry  if  that  works  best  for  you  !  i  also  have  a  desired  relations  tag  for  christian  but  i  forgot  to  link  it  ! 
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Back In Chicago Part 2 Warnings: swearing
Written by @anotheronechicagobog
You’d stayed with your moms for a couple of nights, but things were pretty crowded because they’d decided to foster a set of twins who’d been in the system since birth. They had physical, mental, and emotional health problems that they didn’t deserve and needed attention. So, until you had your life sorted out, you were living with your dad. It had its perks, you got to make up for lost time, meet- and hear- his girlfriend April Sexton. She was wonderful, a strong intelligent woman who loved your dad dearly. Initially, she had been nervous around you, trying to find ways to get you to approve of her. After weeks of stuttering, nervous faces at breakfast, and jumping apart whenever you entered the room, you’d had enough. “Hey, April, can I talk to you?” She froze. The look on her face was one of sheer terror and you didn’t quite know how to feel about causing her to have that reaction. On the one hand, it meant that I meant a lot to my dad, on the other hand, I felt so damn awful that she looked like I had just brutally murdered a litter of puppies in front of her. “Is everything alright? Is there anything that I can do to-”
“Okay, that’s it. I am sick of this. You look terrified of me all the time! Everyone talks about how amazing and badass you are and I don’t get to see that side of you-”
“No. Let me finish. You are amazing. You make my dad so happy, and that’s all that I want for him. I want to get to know you too so that I can truly feel like you are apart of the family.”
“Really? You approve of me dating your dad? I mean, I’m only a few years older than you and a lot younger than your dad, I mean, isn’t it weird for you?”
“Ha, I’m a prom night baby who grew up with two moms, a military dad, and a gender-fluid bisexual grandma, I grew up with ‘strange’ and I love it, just like I’ll love my brother or sister. Plus, like I said, as long as dad’s happy so am I. And as long as you’re not evil, like a serial killer or something.”
“Haha, no, definitely not a serial killer. But that is a huge relief. I really do love your dad so much. There, uh, is something that I need to tell you though. I’m pregnant.”
“Wow, really? That’s great! How are you feeling?”
“You’re okay with this?”
“My moms are thinking about adopting the twins, who are in their pre-teens. Sure there’s a large age gap between me the twins, and your baby, but that’s ok. I’ll still get to be a big sister, and since I’m so much older, they can’t take my stuff.” I chuckled, I’d heard from friends that having sisters around your age was rough, so I was glad that I wasn’t having to deal with that. April gave a weak smile, but she still looked nervous, I stepped forward and gave her a hug. “I want you to know that I’m here for you. I’ll support and help with whatever you want and need. Probably starting with moving out. I’ve already found an apartment and a job, I’m moving out this week, I told dad earlier. So, I can get out of your hair and come over to help when needed.”
 “What? You can stay longer Y/N, your dad’s really enjoyed having you here, I don’t want you to feel like you have to leave.”
“I don’t, it’s just that I’m gonna need some space, and you’re gonna need the guest room for the baby. Like I said, I’ll come over if you need me. The job I’ve taken is in a private practice, so there are more regular hours. Why don’t we go out for lunch, just the two of us? To hang out and get to know each other better.”
“That sounds like a great idea. I’ve been craving ravioli like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Ha, I know just the place.”
You and April were sitting in your favourite Italian place, dipping bread into oil after ordering. “This is how you know that an Italian place is good, isn’t it? When they give you bread and fancy oil on a small plate.”
“Yeah, I guess. How far along are you, April?”
“Three months.”
“Wow, how are you feeling?”
“Tired, sore and nauseous. Just how you’d expect any pregnant woman to feel, I guess.”
“Not that there was anything wrong with you telling me, but why didn’t my dad do it?”
“He’s been a nervous wreck, didn’t know how you were going to react. You mean a lot to him, a lot more than he lets on. You guys had spent so long not communicating, and he’s just afraid to lose that. He loves you so much.”
“He loves you too, you know. He talks about you all the time, he lights up whenever you walk into a room, and I know that he thinks you’re incredibly intelligent and admires that about you. I am so happy for both of you.”
“No, I should be thanking you. My dad has always been kind of alone, and I worried a lot about him growing up because of it. It’s because he’s got this idea in his head that he isn’t good enough. He ends up pushing people away and sometimes acts like a douche, which he told me he acted like that towards you. Which is part of why I like you, you love each other, and when my dad shoves his head up his ass, you don’t run, or sympathize, you tell him to cut the crap and communicate the issue properly so that it can be appropriately dealt with.” April’s eyes were misting over, and she put her hand over her mouth. You reached out and grabbed her other hand, squeezing gently. Taking a deep breath, April moved her hand and smiled. “Alright ladies, here’s your food. Now, who had the ravioli?” April giggled and raised her hand sheepishly. Food in front of you, the conversation turned to something lighter.
 “I’ve been catching up on the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ books, I’d been busy so I just hadn’t read any of them, but they’re really good.”
“We had this one patient in ED who came in because he thought his arm was severed when really it just got caught in his shirt when he tried to get dressed after getting completely wasted and streaking through a park.”
“Despite having lived in Chicago basically my whole life, I’d never been to the aquarium. So a couple of days ago Jay and I went and there was this-”
“Wait, you went on a date with Detective Jay Halstead and you’re only bringing this up now?”
“It wasn’t a date. It was just us hanging out.”
“Ha! You two ‘just hanging out’! That’s gold, you two have so much chemistry. Other nurses and doctors were talking about it the entire time you guys were in your room together. Will, Jay’s brother, was excited for both of you, but Ethan spent two days fuming because of it! He’s still grumpy about it with Will. Are you hanging out with him anytime soon?”
“Later today, when I will move all of my stuff into my new apartment.”
“... I’m sorry, what? He’s helping you move? Today? Don’t you think that’s moving a little fast?”
“I told you, we’re not dating. He has a truck and I need a way to move all of my stuff. We get along and stuff, so it just seemed like a good idea. My dad’s going to flip his lid, isn’t he?”
“He definitely is, but I’ll see if I can help you to minimize it.”
“Thanks. I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“I don’t think that there is anything you could do to make your dad disappointed in you.” You sighed and gave April a weak smile, as thanks for her encouraging words.
When your dad got home from work, the living room was hosting your boxes and bags. When you were going abroad you decided to do a major purge of things and clothes, and you didn’t have any furniture, so all there was to move were two suitcases, a large hiking backpack, and four boxes. “Hey, what’s going on, are you moving into the new place today? You know that you can stay longer, right?”
“Yeah, I know, dad, but I want my space, plus you’ll need more room with a baby on the way.”
“April told you? I’m so sorry-”
“For what? Giving me a younger sibling to love? C’mon dad, I’m really happy for you, and April is amazing. I’m moving out because I’m an adult and more than capable of taking care of myself, besides, the place I’m moving to is a ten-minute walk, we’ll still be able to see each other. What if we have family dinners or game nights or something?”
“That sounds like a great idea. Your new roommate is coming to help you move, right? And speaking of, why aren’t you living on your own?”
“Well, it’s cheaper for one, also, the apartment was her place first so, yeah. So, I kinda have to live with her if I want to live in the amazing apartment. And she is going to help me unpack, but someone else is helping me move. He should be here soon.”
“Is your roommate anyone I know?” 
 “Yes. I’m moving in with Sylvie Brett.”
“And the ‘he’ helping ypu move, do I know him?” You could tell from the look in his eye that he already had an idea of who he might be, but wanted to be wrong. Your dad took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jay Halstead”
 “Why? Why him?”
“He has a truck and we get along.”
“What do you mean you ‘get along’, have you been seeing him?”
“Not romantically, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Yes, that’s what I’m worried about! The way you guys were interacting... I saw how you looked at each other. If you wanted to I think you two could really be something.”
“Then why are you so against it?”
“Well, I could say that it’s because he’s a cop and you’ll either be in danger because of him. Or you’ll be worrying about him day and night. Or it could be because he is still in love with the ex who just up and left him. Or I could be honest and say that I’m not ready for this. I feel like I’ve missed out on so much of your life sometimes and I just want to be around you more. I just realized that you’re attracted to men and someday I won’t be the most important man in your life. I don’t want that day to come ever, honestly, but, if it has to happen, can it not be so soon?”
“That’s not how life works, dad. And like I said, I’m moving really close by and we can start family nights. Just... please don’t hate me.” He sighed. “I could never hate you. Ever. I love you so much.” You clung to each other, neither wanting to let go. You both stood there for several minutes when your phone pinged from on top of a box. You both separated, your dad kissing your hair. You checked your phone. “It’s him, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, he’s downstairs.”
“I’ll buzz him up.” It was only a minute or so before you heard a knock on the door. Your dad moved from the wall he was leaning on, and sighed, taking one last look at you before answering the door. “Detective Halstead.”
“Dr. Choi.” Your dad was still blocking the doorway, so that Jay couldn’t get in. “Dad?” He sighed again. “Come on in.” He moved out of the doorway, letting Jay inside. He went straight for you pulling you into an embrace. “Hey, how are you? Are you ready to move?” You looked at your dad, who had a look of acceptance in his eyes. You smiled. “Yes. I am.”
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star-light-fae · 5 years
Muse Interview Meme!
Tagged by @othello-nightshade​
Featuring Lunascie and Lrangi together since they’re both twins
01. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?                ❝Name’s Lrangi and this is my sister, Lulu or Luna!❞               ❝I’m Lunascie and this is my idiot brother, Lrangi.❞ Smacks him on the head.              ❝Hey!❞
02. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?               ❝Well, Lrangi and Lunascie are our real names. Now, if you’re going for our full names, our surname is Faestar. Lunascie Faestar for me.❞               “Though if I had to choose, my full name would be: Lrangi Most Handsome Cat Boi, Biggest Di-OW!”
03. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?             ❝Faestar? Mom says that she found the both of us during a meteor shower. And her last name is Fae, so she decided to add Star after it when she adopted us.❞             ❝As for our first names? Mom says that Lunascie means Moon and Lrangi means Sun in a special language. Though I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of it. It’s not well-known here. Mom does travel a lot.❞  
04. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN?             ❝We’re both single and open! I’m strictly looking for guys though haha! My sister doesn’t know yet! Right sis?❞             ❝...❞             ❝If you ask me though, I saw her hanging out with a cute Viera lady the other day and-WHY IS MY TAIL ON FIRE?!❞
05. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES?            ❝Ho-kay, now that the fire on my tail is out, you probably guess what my sister does. She specializes in ranged and solely magic classes.❞             ❝I do like to main healing though. Cause mom is a healer. My moronic brother is the idiotic melee DPS who is probably the most useless of the party though.❞              ❝Exact-HEY!❞
06. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES?            ❝Red and Yellow! We mirror each other! See?❞             ❝Get your hands off my face or I’m going to set your whole body on fire.❞
07. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR?            ❝Yes. No thanks to him.❞            ❝What? It wasn’t permanent! It’s so easy to dye our hair anyways since it’s white. Though my sister and I do prefer our natural hair colors. Cause they’re like mom’s and her sisters.❞             ❝It was a really dumb color combo he choose. Bright neon Lime green and hot red highlights. It took a month to wash out completely. He tricked me when we were at a spa and I was getting a facial so I didn’t get to see the stupid bottle.❞
08. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS?            ❝Well, there’s mom. And her older sisters I guess. Do we call them out aunts?❞             ❝Obviously.❞
09. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?            ❝Yeah.❞             ❝We have a lot. Mom likes pets. Dogs, cats, ferrets, Foxes, rabbits, birds, etc.❞
10. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?            ❝I’m so glad you asked! I lov-mpph!❞             ❝Do NOT get him started. He will go on for hours about what he likes to do in explicit detail. For me personally, I enjoy listening to mom’s stories the most. She has so many to tell. I also like exploring and helping other people. Just like mom.❞
11. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE?            ❝What? The fact that my psycho sister doesn’t say enough for you?❞             ❝We’re adventurers. It’s a given trade.❞
12. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE?            ❝...next question.❞             ❝Ditto.❞
13. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU?            ❝Does the cat ears and tail not say enough about us?❞             ❝My brother is actually a male Viera. Don’t tell anyone.❞              ❝OI!❞
14. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS.           ❝This girl, is by far, the worst sibling ever! She’s been bullying me this entire interview!❞           ❝You are the worst brother ever! You sleep with your shoes still on, you steal all the hot water from the shower in the morning, you leave your dirty magazines out for everyone to see, you always have first dibs on dessert, you SNORE, and you are an utter narcissistic, playboy!❞   
15. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?           ❝Mom.❞           ❝Mom.❞
16. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?           ❝He’s gay. Enough said.❞           ❝She doesn’t know yet. I tried signing her up for some dating meet-ups, but she assaults me instead.❞            ❝ONE-NIGHT STANDS ARE NOT DATES.❞
17. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?           ❝Him? Being a dad? He’d be the worst father.❞            ❝I think you mean-THE BEST! You on the other hand, would be the terrible aunt.❞
18. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?           ❝Don’t remind me augh. He gets so much fanmail every day.❞            ❝What can I say? I’m handsome-OI! Stop hitting me!❞
19. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF?           ❝Me? Afraid? As if!❞           ❝Says the guy who needed me to hold you hand while you went to the bathroom at night.❞           ❝I WAS A KID.❞  
20. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR?           ❝He’ll find every excuse not to wear a shirt. Enough said.❞            ❝He-llo? I want the world to see me for all my beauty and glory!❞
21. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE?           ❝Not yet, but I hope to find some nice guy for me~❞           ❝I love mom. But not this idiot.❞           ❝Naw, you love me sis~❞            ❝Ruffle my hair one more time. Don’t even.❞
22. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU?           ❝Monk, Dragoon, Ninja, Samurai, Machinist, Gunbreaker, and Dark Knight.❞           ❝You forgot Dancer.❞           ❝Shhh! That’s a secret for only my lover!❞           ❝You don’t have one.❞           ❝Oi!❞           ❝As for me, I’m a White Mage, Black Mage, Astrologian, Scholar, Summoner, Bard, Red Mage, and Dancer. I main as a healer like my mother of course.❞           ❝DON’T IGNORE ME!❞      
23. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?          ❝A few. I don’t ask for much.❞          ❝All I see you do is hang out with Blue and no one else though.❞          ❝You don’t even hang out with anyone. Do you even have any friends?❞          ❝S-shut up! I’m working on making friends around here!❞
24. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE?          ❝Mother Miounne made me one of her famous eel pies. It’s my favorite kind of pie!❞           ❝I’m telling Mom that you don’t like her pies anymore.❞           ❝Don’t you DARE!❞
25. FAVORITE DRINK?          ❝Mom’s hot cocoa, hot spiced apple cider and lemonade.❞           ❝Can’t go wrong on that.❞
26. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE?        ❝Why it’s-H-hey sis! Put down that gun!❞         ❝NEXT QUESTION. NOW.❞
27. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN?         ❝Oof. The lake. The ocean is too salty for my fur.❞         ❝There is also that one time that giant fish almost bit your butt.❞         ❝Do you have a death wish?❞         ❝What kind of healer are you?❞         ❝One with an idiotic brother of course.❞  
28. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’?         ❝Me? I’m all for any kind of male too be frank. And yes, the mythic male Viera as well. As for her, she’s not sure yet. Do you need help making a dating profile for her-WILL YOU PUT THAT SWORD DOWN!❞
32. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER?         ❝YES!❞         ❝GET THE FUCK OUT!❞         ❝I’m home~ How is the interview going-❞         ❝Hi mom...❞         ❝Lunascie, why did the journalist run out so quickly? And why is there bullet holes in the chair?❞         ❝...Shit she’s mad...❞         ❝You distract her while I run for it.❞         ❝Right-OI! GET BACK HERE!❞         ❝Lrangi.❞         ❝H-hi mom!❞    
Lunascie was later caught and she and her brother had to do the dishes after dinner.     
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mightypocketcow · 5 years
Pooh Characters as Queer Environmentalists
No seriously.  I had a very vivid dream involving all the Winnie The Pooh characters as a group of enthusiastic (and queer) environmentalists who meet once a week to talk about environment things because they’re nerds.
Starring Christopher Robin, Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Gopher, Eeyore, and Piglet.
·       Christopher Robin
o   33 years old
o   Head/leader/founder of the Environmentalist Group
o   Really interested in saving the whales
o   Chill dude, but kind of an airhead
o   Everyone thinks he’s some kinda office worker
o   One day someone accidentally found out that he’s the CEO of some green-planet organization and runs this group for fun to see what kinds of ideas he can get and to see what people think of environmentalist efforts
o   He always credits people for their ideas, but people assumed that he just worked for the company, not that he ran the damned thing
o   A pansexual icon
o   Has been to every single pride event that their city has ever had
o   Rumour has it he started the pride events
o   Wilder rumour has it he threw the first stone at the Stonewall Riots
o   Even wilder rumour has it that he’s an immortal vampire who survives on the blood of homophobes
o   He won’t deny any of these rumours but has yet to confirm it
o   Has a genderqueer partner that literally nobody has met
o   Seriously, not even Pooh
·       Pooh
o   29 years old
o   Really wants to save the bees
o   Like, REALLY wants to save the bees
o   Vegetarian, but because he doesn’t like meat
o   Massive sweet tooth; dentists hate him!
o   Ace/Aro
o   Loves children, wants to adopt his own someday
o   Babysits Roo all the time
o   Kanga and him are best friends
o   He brings little sweets for Roo every meeting
o   Perhaps a little bit of a pothead but he’s not addicted
o   He just smokes a joint once in a while to chill out
o   A stereotypical “make love not war” hippie
o   Nice to everyone all the time
o   Cries when someone is mean to him
o   Gets uncomfortable when people hit on him
o   Christopher’s little brother
o   A visual artist; uses lots of colours and sells his art at galleries and markets
·       Tigger
o   27 years old
o   ADHD
o   Gay
o   Hit on Pooh once but when Pooh got uncomfy he backed off
o   Thought maybe Pooh was uncomfortable with gays and was confused and sad
o   When he found out Pooh was Ace/Aro he totally understood
o   They’re good friends now
o   Really wants to save rainforests and trees
o   A freelance writer; his books are elementary school Magic Treehouse shit
o   Very much into fantasy shit, his non-children’s series’ lore is always the deepest mindfuck ever, how the hell did he even come up with that
o   Bestselling author tho
o   Kinda famous tbh but he doesn’t like media attention
o   He just thinks everybody should have fun all the time
o   Does he vape? Probably.  Has anyone ever actually seen him do it?  No.
o   Does he sleep? Probably.  Has anyone ever actually seen him do it?  Once.
o   Kanga caught him powernapping when she came into one of the first meetings really early, but all she did was put a blanket on him and leave to go to the convenience store or something to stay out for a bit longer so he could rest
o   He didn’t know who it was until a bit later he figures it was her since she’s always knitting and it was a very pretty knitted thing
o   That’s his momma figure now
·       Rabbit
o   25 years old
o   Vegan and very in-your-face about it
o   “Bugs are important to the ecosystem but boy do I hate them in my garden”
o   Scifi enthusiast
o   Post-apocalyptic things slightly terrify him because he believes that’s how the world is gonna go
o   A bit of a conspiracy theorist
o   Genuinely believes the government is vaguely spying on everybody
o   Did Bush do 9/11?  Who knows… but the moon landing was real, and the earth is round, don’t be dumb
o   Just identifies as queer, doesn’t like labels
o   A very organized person but when he’s very upset perfectionism scares him bc he thinks he’s not ever gonna be good enough and will mess things up on purpose
o   Has a long-distance boyfriend
o   A farmer
·       Kanga
o   38 years old
o   Divorced trans woman
o   Has a 5 year old son that she fostered as a baby and adopted when he was 4
o   Recycles aggressively
o   Calls everyone “dear”
o   Uses reusable bags and plastic containers all the time
o   Knits a lot, everybody always gets scarves or mitts or hats for Christmas
o   Usually in the design of ‘planet earth’, but also makes pride flag designs and takes requests for fave colour schemes
o   Vegetarian but not aggressive ab it like Rabbit is
o   You know what she is a bit aggressive about? Recycling
o   If you throw something that’s recyclable in the garbage in front of her...
o   Lord help you
o   Last man who did that was never seen again
o   Okay that’s a lie, he was seen two weeks later
o   But he was advocating for a save the whales organization on the side of the road and wearing all thrift store clothing
o   She traumatized him into throwing himself into the environmentalist pit headfirst
o   Thinks Gopher is just a big softie; is the only one who is super nice to him all the time (besides her son, and Pooh who is nice to literally everyone)
o   Kinda has a thing for the grumpy man but won’t admit it
o   She’s like an accountant or something, nobody knows what she does for a living but she seems to be well-off
·       Roo
o   The adopted 5 year old son
o   A little bit spoiled, but not just by Kanga, by everyone in the group
o   Loves sitting in on the meetings
o   His first sentence at 15 months was “recycle that!”
o   Loves blue because of recycle bins
o   Literally wears nothing but blue
o   Will accept things that are less than 100% blue as long as its more than 50% blue
o   Also likes things with pink on them
o   Thinks Tigger is the coolest person ever
o   Doesn’t understand all of Tigger’s books but reads them anyway
o   Except the non-children’s ones of course
o   Reads everything he can get his hands on
o   Don’t let him get his hands on anything inappropriate for a 5 year old
o   Asks a lot of questions
o   Everyone adores him
o   His mama is his favourite person on the planet but also Mr Tigger is so cool
o   He likes Mr Gopher too, he thinks Mr Gopher is great because of “how happy Mama is when he’s around”
·       Eeyore
o   23 years old
o   Has depression
o   Trans boy
o   Just really wants friends
o   Wants to help the planet
o   Is a massive pessimist that thinks the world is doomed
o   Very smart boy
o   Talks about CO2 emissions and carbon taxes
o   A university student studying some kinda chemical engineering
o   Very quiet
o   Bit of a crush on piglet tbh
o   Has a big love for superheroes without powers because he loves the idea of things being solvable through hard work mixed with passion and technology
o   Except he doesn’t believe it because his depression makes him super pessimistic
o   Also a big tech nerd
·       Gopher
o   45 years old
o   Landlord of their meeting place
o   Grumpy ass old man
o   Sometimes people are grumpy right back to him and he’s ok with that
o   Actually a soft spot for these weird hippies and joins them sometimes but says its because he wants to make sure they’re not damaging the place (they know that’s a big fat lie but won’t say anything)
o   Will fight anyone who mocks them
o   Has actually fought someone who mocked them
o   Has not told them about said fight
o   Especially adores Roo
o   Thinks Kanga is a bit of an odd woman but also thinks she’s very pretty
o   Repressed bisexual
o   He thinks nobody knows he’s bi but eventually when he kinda mentions it he realizes everyone knows
o   Specifically, Piglet and Kanga are super supportive
o   He definitely actually has a crush on Kanga, who knitted him a bisexual flag scarf once
o   He wears it all the time but will vehemently deny that it’s the same scarf when called on it
o   Big brawny weirdo
o   Was a football player in college and can definitely bench-press everyone
o   Works construction now, which is why he’s still in good shape
o   Actually a brilliant man, can architect and calculate like nobody’s business
o   Will help Piglet with his mathematics homework in exchange for Piglet teaching him more things about the LGBT+ community
o   After a while he realizes that perhaps genderfluid fits him well but Piglet is sworn to secrecy
o   Has a daughter who is institutionalized for her mental health issues that grew beyond his care
o   Piglet reminds him of his daughter and he’s very protective
o   That’s why he legit fought that asshole who mocked the “little F****t hippies”
o   He was almost arrested for assault on that one actually
o   The cop was a buddy of his and 100% believed the “defense of those who can’t defend themselves” explanation that Gopher had
o   Got off with a warning and fined for “disturbing the peace” or some mundane BS
·       Piglet
o   21 years old
o   Gay and demiboy
o   Anxiety disorders through the roof
o   OCD
o   Recycling is a compulsion
o   Reducing energy consumption too
o   He checks his lights all the time
o   He walks or bikes everywhere
o   He says it’s to reduce CO2 emissions
o   He’s just scared of vehicles
o   Has some kinda PTSD but nobody knows the source
o   He got into a massive car accident when he was little
o   Because his father was angry and speeding
o   His mother died in the accident
o   But nobody knows this!  Someday he will tell them tho
o   Today is not that day
o   Tomorrow is not that day either
o   But someday
o   Crush on Eeyore
o   Also a university student
o   Studying mathematics because it makes sense to him
o   Gopher reminds him of his grumpy old gay uncle who died when he was in high school
o   Feels like he can actually not double-check or cross-reference anything that Gopher teaches him because he trusts him a lot
o   Still will sometimes check everything if he’s having a bad day
o   Gopher doesn’t mind, he understands that Piglet has a lot of anxiety issues
o   Has an exception in his uni file to be able to take twice as long on his exams and tests and get an extra few days for assignments because he checks every single answer 3 times
o   His OCD number is 3, everything is 3, he turns his lights on and off 3 times, etc
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Jay comes out to Will
This is how it almost happened. The morning after a one night stand, Jay woke up to sunlight spilling in through his blinds, and the sound of someone knocking on his door. The man beside him barely stirred, and Jay slipped into boxers and a t-shirt before answering the door.
Will. Awake and put together. Too much, too early.
“Morning,” his brother smiled, as if the street had even really started to come to life yet. “Got some things I wanna talk to you about. About the wedding.”
“Will,” Jay said, fatigue still clinging to his bones. “What time is it.”
“Around seven,” Will said. “I’ve got a little time before work. Can I come in?” Jay heard footsteps in the house behind him then, the unmistakable sound of floorboards creaking beneath the weight of another person. His heart rate spiked, and it must have shown in his face because Will wasn’t looking at him the same way anymore. There was a mischievous, knowing grin on his face.
“Oh,” he said, drawing the word out. “I see. You’ve got a girl in there.”
“Something like that,” Jay said, an unbearable heat rising in his cheeks, a tightness in his chest.
“Okay, heart breaker. I’ll go. Meet me at Molly’s later? Bring your friend too, if you want. I wanna meet her if she’s gonna be your wedding date.”
“Get out of here,” Jay said, and Will was still grinning like a teenager as he retreated down the steps. Jay pushed the door shut before Will was even in his car. What an embarrassing brother. What an embarrassing situation that almost was.
Jay barely had time to be relieved. He turned toward the apartment, caught the figure leaning in his bedroom doorway, arms folded across a bare chest, looking at Jay like he was only now understanding him. A twinge of disappointment in Kelly Severide’s expression.
“Something like that?” he asked, and hearing his own words repeated back only made the guilt worse.
“I gotta get to the district,” Jay told him, even though they both knew it was a little too early.
There was an accusation in what Kelly said next. Not in the words themselves, not even in the way they were said, but burning beneath it all like dying embers.
“Your brother doesn’t know?”
Molly’s. Jay was barely through the door and already Will was smirking. Sometimes it seemed like he hadn’t changed at all since he was fourteen.
“You know,” Jay pulled himself onto the stool opposite his brother, “you were never this embarrassing when we were kids.” “Maybe I wanna be an embarrassing dad someday,” he shrugged. “What better practice than being an embarrassing older brother. So you’re seeing someone?”
“Definitely not,” Jay said. “I’m trying to expose as few people as possible to you.”
“Very funny,” Will said. “At least tell me you’re bringing a date to the wedding. Want me to have Nat set you up with someone? You met her friend, Rebecca, at Nat’s birthday thing. She’s single again. Oh, or there’s Renee. She runs a private gym not too far from the hospital. Or Claire, she’s—”
“Will,” Jay’s voice was sharper than he’d intended. He wasn’t sure exactly what had changed in him, but something had given way. His patience, the walls he’d built between himself and his brother long ago. His willingness to pretend to fit into the boxes people expected him to, when the truth was there were parts of Jay that Will hadn’t even known to look for.
“What?” Will asked. “I’m annoying you with this. I’m just a little wired. Blame the wedding.”
“It’s not that,” Jay waved his brother’s concerns away. The words came out fast, because if he didn’t say them all at once he wouldn’t have said them at all. “There’s something I have to tell you.” Will’s expression shifted into concern. He leaned forward a touch, like he could feel the weight of the truth Jay was about to divulge.
“What is it?” he asked. A beat of silence. “You know you can tell me things, right? Anything you want.” He was trying so hard, so hard to be the good brother he’d convinced himself he wasn’t before. Everything had changed since their dad died. So many conversations with Will felt like apologies that Jay didn’t know how to handle. He didn’t want this to be a confession too, an admission of guilt. He didn’t want this to be like pulling a band-aid from a festering wound.
“The date I bring to the wedding,” Jay said, keeping the words slow and careful now, watching Will’s face for any flicker of change. Looking for signs to throw this door shut again, to keep on running away. “Would you—I mean…would you freak out on me if I brought a guy?” It wasn’t the right way to phrase it. As soon as the words were out of his mouth he was sure he’d done it all wrong. His heart was pounding, his palms sweating on the table. But Will didn’t recoil, his expression didn’t contort in disgust. Confusion, maybe, for a second. Jay watched his brother process the words, watched him swallow hard, open his mouth, close it again.
“Are you…” Will started, stopped, started again. “Are you saying you’re gay?” There was no judgment in Will’s voice, just more confusion. He could see the thoughts churning through Will’s head. So many girlfriends, so much flirting.
“No,” Jay said. “I’m telling you I’m bi. Bisexual.”
“Oh,” Will said, and there was something overwhelmingly calming about the way his face changed, like everything made sense now, like it wasn’t weird, didn’t feel wrong.
“If you need time to get your head around it, I get it.”
“No,” Will said. “No, Jay, I…I don’t need time. I just…I’ve never heard you talk about guys, never even seen you look at a guy. How didn’t I notice this?” Jay shrugged.
“People don’t notice stuff they don’t know they should look for,” he said. He’d seen it dozens of times in his life, in lots of different ways. The partners of suspects living in ignorance. The spouses of his army buddies, choosing to believe their husbands and wives had come back whole.
“How long have you known?”
“Honestly?” Jay said. “I don’t know. A long time, I guess.”
“Did dad know?” Will asked, and the question knifed right through Jay, turned him cold. He hadn’t expected it, the quickness of it. His heart slammed against his chest, his breath came out a little shaky. He thought about lying to him, about keeping at least some of the distance between them intact, but the longer he looked at Will, the more he could tell this question was important to him. The answer was something he needed. Will wasn’t the only one who longed to be a better brother. Jay glanced away because he needed to, over to the bar, gestured for more drinks. He pulled cash from his wallet to give his trembling hands something to do.
“I told him,” he said. “He didn’t exactly wanna discuss it in detail. You know how he was.” He said it with a smile, like it was all a fond memory, like he couldn’t still hear the echoes of his father’s cruelty if he thought about it long enough.
“I do,” Will said, his own smile thin, not reaching his eyes. “If you didn’t talk, you argued. Right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, we argued about it.” He couldn’t keep his eyes on Will. He slid cash across the table when Otis brought the drinks over, smiled at him in the hope he didn’t notice the awkward tension the brothers had fallen into. Will didn’t speak again until Otis was gone.
“What kind of arguments?” he said. He was looking at his beer instead of his brother. Kelly’s words from this morning came back to him, a hand clawing out of a grave. Your brother doesn’t know? There were a lot of things his brother didn’t know. So many apologies to make without ever saying the word sorry. So many admissions to make without ever admitting to anything.
“He told me once that if I ever brought a guy back to his house, he’d beat the hell out of both of us.”
“He wouldn’t do that,” Will said, too quickly. “I mean, he shouldn’t have said it. But he would never do that.” The silence that fell between them then was different. Thicker, heavier, black clouds before devastation. And eventually, Will looked at him through the darkness and realised he was wrong, realised the scope of all the things he hadn’t been around to witness. “What aren’t you telling me right now?”
“I’m telling you a lot right now,” Jay’s voice was low, dangerous. It didn’t silence Will.
“Seriously, Jay,” he said. “If he did something, you have to tell me. Did he…did he hurt you?”
“No,” Jay said, but the word was barely a breath. Too weak.
“Jay,” Will’s voice was a warning.
“One time,” Jay said, to quiet him more than anything. “One time. He was real drunk. I don’t even know how it came up. We argued about everything, man. Everything. That night, we argued about me, about a guy. He took a swing at me, I hit him back, he never did it again.”
“He hit you?”
“He tried,” Jay said. “Like I said, he was wasted. I knocked him on his ass. By the time he got up, he couldn’t even remember what we were fighting about.”
“Jesus, Jay,” Will shook his head. His eyes were distant, like he was pulling away the layers of their past, trying to figure out what he might have been doing while his father was throwing a punch at his little brother. Guilt seared through Jay’s chest. “If he was still here, I’d—”
“He’s not,” Jay said. “He’s gone, Will. You’re the one who told me I gotta learn to deal with that. You do too. He was an ass. He wasn’t a good father, Will.”
“I loved him,” Will said, his voice cracking on the words. “I never thought he’d…I never would have left you with him.”
“I loved him too,” Jay said. “Pretty sure he loved us as well.”
“That doesn’t make it right,” Will said, and it could have been the glint of the light, but Jay was sure his brother’s eyes were wet.
“No,” Jay admitted. “It doesn’t.” They sat together, passed a handful of minutes in silence. Jay sipped his beer. Will all but ignored his. Jay was trying not to think about those words. I never would have left you with him. It had felt that way at first, that Will had gotten out and hadn’t bothered to come back for Jay. It had felt like that for years. There were things even Will Halstead couldn’t put back together. There were grievances even Jay didn’t need to amend.
“I won’t freak out,” Will said at last. Jay furrowed his brow in confusion, and Will was almost smiling. “If you bring a guy to the wedding. Bring whoever you want. Just bring someone you care about, okay? The guy from this morning?”
“Wow,” Jay chuckled. “Look who’s suddenly perceptive.”
“Who is he?”
“You gotta stop,” Jay said. “You’re worse than Mom would have been.” Will laughed at that, a genuine laugh that swallowed the last of the tension away.
And just like that, they were okay again.  
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
Electing to Care (a Dean/Cas fic centered around voting) (ao3)
Dean Winchester has lived in Texas his whole life, and has seen it go red time after time, election after election. He never gave it a thought that there was something he could do to make a difference.
But then Sam drags him to a rally, where he meets someone who shows that one person can do just that. And the best way is to lead through example.
           There weren’t many things Dean Winchester would wake up early for. Work was a given, although ‘early’ is a fluid concept when you’re the owner of your own business. Some days a simple text saves him an hour or two from actually having to open his shop. Emergencies, as well, can rouse him from sleep much sooner than he’d like. His wants taking a backseat to the needs of his family and friends. However, on this morning – a morning of a rare day-off – it was neither of these two options that forced him to watch the wide, Texas sky bleed from marmalade to robin’s egg, jumping the chasm of the color wheel. The reason he’s conscious was because of a third, more sinister reason.
           Sam’s puppy-dog eyes.
           “Please, Dean,” his brother had begged him over dinner last night, “Eileen’s flight was cancelled, so she and Siobhan won’t be back until tomorrow night.” His wife and daughter were visiting with relatives over in Georgia, Sam exempt from travel because of a case. And while it wasn’t to be a long trip, their reunion has been forestalled by the reputed reliability of Delta airlines.
           Dean was nonplussed. “I don’t see why you can’t do this by yourself?”
           Sam sighed and started to explain, his fingers racing to keep up – a habit hard to break even while his wife’s eyes weren’t there. Dean couldn’t blame him, finding his own hands forming words seconds after he spoke. Although in contrast to Sam’s plea, Dean’s use of signs was centered on a key one: ‘no’.
           It was only when his brother pulled out his secret weapon that Dean finally surrendered, weakly nodding both head and fist.
           Which explains why he’s trapped in a crowd with strangers, his brother, and a half-empty tumbler of coffee barely doing its job.
           Even rubbing at his eyes under his shades doesn’t help. “Christ, Sammy,” Dean grouses, “How can you stand things like these?”
           His brother is too cheery for a man missing a wife. The night before he was like a dog waiting for its master to return home. And now, his tail is wagging as if Dean brought him to the park along with all the other pets. Sam turns to him, breaking from conversation with another group of young twenty-somethings. “It’s for a good cause,” he shrugs, “We’re all interested in the same thing.”
           Dean chuckles. “Yeah, surprisingly.” He casts another glance around at the crowd, amazed by the amount of Democrats who happen to live in Texas. When they first arrived at the park, Dean had expected twenty people at the most and five minutes before Sam sighed and freed him. What he wasn’t counting on was for people to show up. Now it’s been a half-hour since the thing was supposed to start, and Dean’s been gnawing on his arm like a trapped coyote.
           “What’s everyone waiting for anyway?”
           “This usually happens,” Sam tells him, “the guy running the rally gets caught up in talking to people he loses track of time.”
           Dean rolls his eyes. “Of course. Some two-bit politician in a three-piece suit, making sure ‘he’s got our vote’!” Sam doesn’t appreciate the jab, shooting him a bitch-face reminiscent of the time Dean sewed the cuffs of all his pants three inches shorter than they were. “It wasn’t funny, dude,” Sam snapped at him after work, “I had a meeting with my boss and all she could stare at were my ankles!” Dean couldn’t hear him over his own laughter.
           “He’s not like that,” Sam says, “Cas is pretty cool.”
           “Cas – you know the guy well?”
           “We’ve had a few conversations.” Sam smiles, gazing up towards the makeshift stage where a few people were milling about. “He actually started this organization himself, y’know, after the election.” Sam points to his white t-shirt, where the words ‘I Got the Blues’ stand out in fierce cobalt. There was another, similar shirt crumpled in the backseat of Baby, where Dean had tossed it, preferring his own black tee. “Wanted to be a part of the ‘rising Blue Wave in Texas’ as he called it.”
           Dean scoffs. “More power to him, but he does know Austin’s an anomaly, right? There’s not enough of a differing majority to make Texas look like anything else but an ugly, red sunburn – unfortunately.” He notices a few people shoot him some ugly looks, and he ignores them.
           Sam offers another reproachful look. “We came close. And with everything happening, especially in our own state, lots of people are looking to jump ship. You remember that protest against detention camps Eileen and I went to a month and a half ago?” How could Dean forget – it’s not everyday he gets a FaceTime from his sister-in-law telling him his baby brother was in jail. “We outnumbered the counter-protesters ten to one! You couldn’t even hear them. And – get this – Cas organized the whole thing.”
           “He’s really working hard for his votes.”
           “God, Dean, do you even follow the news?”
           “No – why?”
           “Cas isn’t running for any office.”
           “Wait,” Dean says, “you’re telling me this guy has nothing to gain from… any of this? Then why’s he putting in all this work?”
           Sam smiles again, a small one usually given to babies or toddlers when asking things like ‘why is the grass green’. “Because he just cares.”
           The words struck Dean into a sort of silence. Sam leaves him for a bit, then, ambling over to a few other people he knows. Which is fine with him, as he needs the solitude to process his thoughts.
           Caring is something Dean thought was antithetical to today’s society. What with everything going on in and around the world, numbing yourself was the only way to survive. Dean treated everything outside his personal sphere with a cool indifference. He has his opinions, but he can’t work up the energy to voice them anymore. No matter what, it always felt like he was being drowned out or being proven wrong. ‘Bisexuality is a real thing, dad’ is met with ‘you’ll find a nice girl someday’. ‘Stanford is so far away, Sammy’ seemed like a good argument at the time, but now that his brother is back with a good job and loving family, is now just a bad memory. ‘We can make it work, Lisa’ never had any foothold in reality. It’s why he hasn’t voted in a long time, since his vote won’t make a difference whether Texas finally breaks with tradition or stay entrenched in their past.
           Thankfully, he’s saved from drowning in his musings by the projected tapping of a life preserver. Dean refocuses on the stage as Sam makes his way back towards him. “Is it starting?” he asks.
           “Yep.” He points, “That right there is Cas.”
           Cas is… not what he was expecting. Given that he knows enough about politics to fill a leaky barrel, his mind crafted a caricature of a man. He thought he’d see a balding, somewhat pudgy guy waddle his way up the steps in a suit or – worse – a button-down with the sleeves rolled up so he can ‘get to work’. Instead, Cas is an average guy. He has a full head of dark hair that looks as styled as his own. And his choice in clothes is a mix of stuff Dean is sure is in his own closet. Aside from the ‘I Got the Blues’ in reverse colors, Cas has on a brown-and-blue plaid shirt, some khaki shorts and…
           “What kind of hippie sandals are those?”
           Sam scoffs at him. “Those are Tevas.”
           “Te-what now?”
           “Tevas,” Sam says, “they’re more than just a sandal. You can do a lot in ‘em like hike, bike, rock climb –“
           “So what you’re saying is you own a pair, too?”
           His response to Dean’s jab is very suspicious blanching. “Just shut up and watch…”
           He does. Not because Sam told him to but because Cas still had a surprise or two up his sleeves, like his voice. It was as gravelly as the road he and Sam would bike to reach the lake near their Uncle’s property every summer when they were still kids. And just as treacherous. One time Dean was tossed on his ass because he wasn’t paying attention, and the pebbles dug enough into his skin to scrape. He’s dealing with a similarly uncomfortable sensation. Except the only scraping caused by Cas’s coarse baritone is Dean’s dick at his zipper. ‘Probably the worst thing to do at a rally,’ he thinks, ‘is popping a boner.’
           Dean wills for his dick to stop pounding at the gate, regretting his decision to forgo underwear. “It’s warm,” he remembers saying earlier, “and I’ll be back in my sweats soon enough. Why waste a pair?” ‘What a fool I was…’
           “Hey, could you stop?” Sam whispers to him, eyes whipping back and forth between him and Cas, “I know this isn’t your thing but at least try to look like you’re having a good time – for me?”
           ‘You don’t even want to know the horrible good time I’m having here, Sammy.’ Still, for his brother, he musters up enough strength to grimace as Cas wraps up his speech. He motions for someone else, a woman, to come to the stand. They shake hands and hug, and he moves off to the side so she can have everyone’s attention.
           Except his eyes stay on Cas. He should be relieved now that the man’s siren song was over, except Dean’s left still spellbound. The woman was an easy out – Dean could have focused completely on her and her platform and depressed himself thoroughly enough to wilt his crotch. But no matter how hard he tries, he finds himself looking back over towards the other man.
           Watching him, Dean sees he’s completely enraptured with what she has to say. His body is turned toward her, profile blocking out the heavy sun, making it near blinding to gaze at him for too long. Dean was never one to shy from a challenge. If he stared long enough, he looked a lot like the saint Sam and others probably thinks he is.
           Without realizing, the crowd starts clapping and Dean is dragged from his contemplation. Sam hollers and cheers with the rest of them, nudging him to do the same. He nestles his coffee between his elbow and chest and claps.
           “Thank you,” Cas takes the microphone again, “That was as inspiring and empowering as always. Now, remember folks, if we want to get her elected to office, we need to –“ the crowd responds, “Vote!” “You need to tell your friends to –“ “Vote!” “Your family?” “Vote!”
           “Because what do we got?”
           “We got the blues!” There’s another uproar, and Dean startles at the ferocity of it.
           Cas laughs at it. “Thank you. To get your strength up for the long battle to midterms, please go and grab some complimentary brunch – on us.”
           Dean noticed the tables near the back of the event, where he was sure some volunteers would be staffed to get unknowing suckers into signing petitions. When he and Sam arrived, all he saw was a few clipboards stacked at the end of one of the tables before his brother was dragging him towards the front. But if Sam didn’t have to be early to everything in his life, he might have been able to see the food being brought in. Or get a good place in line.
           Sam nods. “They always get somewhere good to cater. Since it’s brunch they might even have mimosas?”
           “Good,” Dean claps him on the back, “Hope you can carry all of it when you get back here.”
           “You brought me here,” Dean tells him, dialing up his own puppy-dog eyes, “It’s the least you could do.” They’re not as well executed as Sam’s but they get the job done. He’s enjoying the sight of Sam trudging into the crowd, getting smaller and smaller, when he feels a slight presence behind him.
           Dean doesn’t know what’s worse: that Cas is standing right there or that he’s even hotter up close. Details he couldn’t make out are now in sharp detail. Like the scruff dusting his chiseled jaw, or how his shirt clings tight, teasing at strong, defined muscles that are on display with his calves. Even now he’s at a loss because of the other man’s eyes – as blue as the party his shirt is touting.
           Cas holds a hand out to him. “I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Castiel Novak, but you can call me Cas.”
           “Dean,” he replies, “Dean Winchester.” Cas’s hands are calloused and warm, a nice feeling even in this torturous heat. “And yeah, this is my first time – here, at a… my brother brought me.”
           “I take it your brother is Sam Winchester?”
           Dean raises a brow. “He’s talked about you,” Cas continues, explaining, “And I saw you two standing together in the crowd. Wasn’t that hard to put the pieces together.”
           “Yeah, he’s a hard one to miss.” He waits a beat, debating on what lie to use to exit the conversation before he ruins it. Only Cas isn’t as willing to let go as he is.
           “So, what did you think?”
           “Think of what?”
           “Of… this?”
           “Oh, um… it wasn’t that bad. Except it’s not really my thing…” Cas’s head tilts adorably, and Dean would appreciate it more if he wasn’t trying to forget the taste of his foot. Except it seems he’s not keen on taking it out of his mouth anytime soon. “Y’know, politics. I think you’re doing a nice thing but… I don’t know – I’ve never seen the point in Texas.”
           “Politics is everybody’s thing, Dean.” He winces, recognizing the tone in the other man’s voice as the one his teachers would use when he was caught ditching class. “Voting is what decides how this country is going to be run and by who. I mean, look at what happened two years ago. November is important because we need to reverse all that’s happened before it’s too late.”
           “But it’s like we’ve already been tossed in the crapper and flushed before we realized it,” Dean argues, “How can we climb out when we’re stuck in the sewers?” The analogy draws a smile to Cas’s lips.
           “I wouldn’t know,” he starts, “I’m not a plumber by trade.”
           “Really? Then what do you do besides… this?”
           “I’m a carpenter.” He gestures to the stage, “I actually built this myself with some leftover material from a few orders, as well as some recycled wood from old furniture.”
           “That’s… really cool,” Dean says, smiling, “I know a lot about tools, but not enough to do all that. But show me a car and I can strip and repair her in a day.”
           “Yeah, I own Singers’ Body Shop down on Enfield.”
           “I’ve heard good things about it – from your brother, actually,” Cas tells him, “He was helping me connect with some lawyers, to do some pro bono work with detained immigrants, and my truck was having a fit. My brother ended up bringing it over to a Jiffy Lube the day after, so I never got around to going.”
           “Damned chain stores,” Dean grouses, “If it’s the one I’m thinking of I’ll be seeing you soon enough.”
           Cas’s eyes twinkle at the thought. “I’m lucky you’d want to see me again after such a delightful first impression.”
           “Look, sorry if I’m a little grumpy.” Dean scrubs a hand down his face, choosing his words carefully. “It’s not because I don’t believe in what you’re doing, really. I think it’s cool. But… I don’t know if it’ll all work out, s’all. I saw how excited Sam and all our friends were when it looked like Hillary was going to win but then… he wouldn’t leave his house for a week. The world’s not gonna change enough in two years to ever fix everything so what’s the point and… I don’t know, it’s probably me being stupid or – whatever.”
           “Dean.” He looks up, Cas’s voice sighing in such a fond way his heart skipping over itself at the sound. “What you’re experiencing isn’t rare. Voter apathy is a terrible affliction, one that persists thanks to the machinations of others. The people in power who don’t deserve their positions have coasted on it for years, disenfranchising constituents so there won’t be any opposition. That’s what I fight against by hosting these rallies, registering voters, and staging protests – making it so people care again.”
           “Sounds like a hard job.”
           Cas smiles with his gums. “That’s easy. The tough part is when it comes time to vote – hoping that I’ve done enough to turn out enough people at the polls.”
           Dean looks over at the sprawling crowd, watching them mingle with each other. People of different races, young and old, smiling and laughing like there’s nothing waiting for them in the newspaper or on Twitter that’ll send them into a spiral. “From the looks of things, you might just do it.” He feels something flutter in his chest, and a warm feeling oozes its way down like butter on a warm slice of toast.
           “And you?”
           He turns back to Cas. “What about me?”
           “Will you be voting?”
           Dean wishes he wasn’t facing Cas. It’s hard to crush the dreams of the good-looking man with a kind heart when you’re swimming in his eyes. His face turns red, and he focuses more on Cas’s mouth when he says, “…I’m not sure.”
           He gets a clear view of when Cas frowns. “What I mean is,” Dean continues, “I haven’t voted in awhile… not even sure I’m registered…”
           “That’s an easy fix, Dean,” Cas says, “the deadline is months away and –“
           “Why does it matter, anyway?” he asks, voice small, “My vote won’t make a difference…”
           “All votes make a difference, Dean,” Cas tells him, Dean’s self-doubt like oil spilling into the sea of his eyes, his passionate response setting it all terrifyingly ablaze. “Yes, it is just one vote but it helps raise up all the others. Your vote is like your voice, and if enough people shout it can get people’s attention. Even if we end up losing, if we make the margin as thin as possible – people will notice. Although, I have good faith all the people who’ve been taking a back seat for so long are no longer willing to let others drive for them.”
           Sam was wrong, back then, when he said Cas ‘just cares’. Because from what he’s seen, Cas doesn’t do anything in ‘justs’. His actions are absolutes. His words are truths. And God help everyone if his dreams aren’t reality. He pours his heart into his work and into people, and makes everything shine like they’ve gotten a fresh coat of varnish. Even now, Dean feels his own storm clouds lightening, as if Cas’s bright disposition is forcing them out.
           “You sure?” Dean asks, teasingly, “Getting me to vote could be a point for the other side…”
           Cas huffs. “Really, Dean, I find that hard to believe.”
           Dean isn’t done playing with him. “Well, y’know, I haven’t really been paying attention to the news lately, I might just pick the names I like the most. I like cruising in my car, so maybe I’ll vote for –“
           “If you’d like,” Cas cuts him off, his own impish grin plastered to his face, “I could make a helpful suggestion?”
           Cas takes a step closer. The extra foot of distance was a barrier keeping all of Dean’s senses and wits about him. Now Cas has the higher ground. “I’m not doing anything later tonight. We could meet up for dinner, somewhere casual, and I could explain the current political climate,” his voice takes on a breathy quality, “just… like… this.”
           Dean nearly falls apart at the seams. The only thing keeping him together is that he has to respond. But his tongue has a stranglehold on his brain, and not much gets through. “You – you would?”
           “Of course,” Cas says, “I find it’s best to… act, rather then letting opportunities slip away. I wouldn’t be wrong in thinking that you’re interested in… voting.” Dean whines low in his throat. “And maybe after we can take it back to my place and discuss,” his hand brushes across Dean’s crotch, “polls.”
           It’s too much for Dean – and too good to be true. “You don’t,” he huffs, trying to get control of himself, “You don’t just say that to any pretty face at a rally, do you?”
           Cas doesn’t get offended, instead chuckling at Dean’s question. “I couldn’t say, I’ve never actually seen anyone with as pretty a face as yours come to one of my events.”
           “It wasn’t Sam that I noticed first in the crowd.” That hits all of Dean’s spots, and nearly has him seeing stars. But as quickly as Cas’s advances started, he takes a step back, allowing Dean the lungful of air he so desperately needed. However, his smile doesn’t dim. “Here, take this.” Cas hands him a business card. “You can text me so I’ll have your number, and we can go from there. It was a real… pleasure, meeting you, Dean.”
           Dean responds with a meek, “You, too.”
           Cas moves back towards the stage, towards a group of people, as if nothing happened. He does get a noogie from a smaller, blond man, and Dean’s only sure it’s because of what happened when he winks at Dean while suggestively licking his lollipop. Dean doesn’t watch them for much longer.
           At least Sam chooses then to walk back. “So they were out of drinks,” he said, handing Dean a plate, “but I managed to get eggs and some pancakes for us. Although that’s all the bacon I could get and – Dean, are you listening?”
           “Are you all right?” Sam asks, fork held steady in the air, waiting to see if it would continue in its quest for food or be held off by something else.
           Dean shakes himself out of his daze. “What? Yeah, yeah I’m fine – thanks…”
           Sam lets it go. But halfway through his meal, Dean, who can’t leave well-enough alone, bothers him again.
           “Hey Sam, can you tell me more about this whole…” he waves with his fork, “I Got the Blues thing?”
Epilogue – November 6, 2018
           Dean steps out from the building, a sticker tacked onto his shirt, smiling. It brightens when he spies a familiar figure leaning up against Baby. “Hey,” he calls out, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be harassing people to do their ‘civic duty’?”
           Cas chuckles and wraps his arms around Dean’s waist. “I was, and will be. Wanted to check up on you is all.” He places a firm kiss to Dean’s lips, nipping at them, begging for entrance. He lets him in. After a good few minutes of making out, they pull away. “So,” he asks, nose pressed to nose, “what did you think?”
           “About the kiss or voting?”
           “I already know you love my kisses.” He gives Dean another one, tacked onto the end of his sentence like a period, to prove a point. “How do you feel now that you’ve voted?”
           “It feels – well… it feels like…”
           “Like nothing’s changed.”
           Cas leans back, disbelief etched into his face. “Excuse me?” he asks, “What do you mean nothing’s –“ He cuts himself off, noticing the Cheshire grin Dean has failed to reign in. “You little shit.”
           “Why is it you like to get a rise out of me?”
           “I don’t like getting a rise out of you.” Even he knows it’s a lie, and doesn’t need to see the shrewd look in Cas’s eyes. But playing dumb has its rewards, and Dean loves to reap them. “And anyway, I’m not totally wrong. We won’t find out who won until later tonight so really, nothing haschanged.”
           “You’re so obstinate.”
           “Am not.”
           “This is just like the Tevas all over again.”
           “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
           Cas huffs out a laugh. “You said they were ugly, stupid, and even more hippie than Birkenstocks.”
           “You’re wearing them right now!” Dean bites down on his lower lip, stuffing his smile down like an overflowing envelope as he peeks down at his feet. Like Cas said, Dean has his own tan pair on. The other man bought them for Dean when he tried Cas’s on. He was very vocal about not liking them, but Cas could see past the front Dean put up.
           “Well I didn’t have any other shoes to wear because somebody hid them on me,” he lies, letting his smile bloom like a spring flower at how Cas rolls his eyes. “At least I don’t have to work in these, otherwise you’d really be getting an earful.” Another good thing about being your own boss – if he wanted to make sure his employees went out and voted, close the shop and make your day’s pay be dependent on whether or not they get a sticker.
           “At least one of us has the rest of their day free,” Cas sighs, “I still need to check in with everyone and do a few more sweeps to make sure people engaged in the democratic process.”
           “You love it though.”
           “And hey, when you’re done, come to my place,” Dean tells him, “we can get in a good mood and examine some polls.” Cas’s laughter still sends a shiver down his spine.
           “I’ll do just that.” They stare at each other, saying everything they ever need to with their silence. Cas pecks Dean on the lips one last time. “I should get going.”
           “You should.”
           It’s another five minutes before he does.
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humansunshineao3 · 6 years
New Eyes: A Mundane Soulmate AU
“Remember, the safe word is watermelon. If you see the word watermelon, we stop this whole thing.”
“Oh my God, you’re not going to need a safe word.”
“That’s bad BDSM etiquette, Miss Fray,” Magnus insisted, pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant.
Clary sighed, and Magnus could sense that she was rolling her eyes at Izzy, who he could hear giggling softly in the background. “A dinner date is not equal to tying someone to a St Andrew’s Cross, Magnus.”
“You’re right, it’s much more traumatic.”
“I’m hanging up now,” Clary groaned. “You have to swear to me that you’re not going to traumatise him. He’s Izzy’s brother, and he’s going to be her best man at our wedding. If you want to be my best man, you have to at least not totally hate each other.”
Magnus wrinkled his nose. “Why did you have to go and say that? Now my lizard brain is telling me to self-sabotage.”
“Oh my God!”
“I’ll be good! At least, I’ll try,” Magnus promised, fiddling with his necklaces. “I’ll call you later.”
Alec Lightwood was late. In his defense, Magnus had been early, and Alec was apparently a doctor, but still. It was seven minutes past seven, and Alec hadn’t even texted to apologise. If this was a normal blind date, Magnus absolutely would have left at two minutes past seven. He’d dated enough ego-maniac career men to know that being late to a first date does not set a good precedent for any relationship. There was only room for one ego-maniac in any relationship, and Magnus had that position resolutely filled. However, this particular ego-maniac was the brother of his secretary’s fiancee, and so Magnus would never hear the end of it if he stood up Alec Lightwood.
“Oh, fucking hell.”
Magnus turned around at the sound of the muttered curse to see a tall, ridiculously handsome man checking his reflection in the window of the restaurant. He had dark hair and lovely broad shoulders, and he was wearing beautifully fitted clothes, clearly tailored specially. Magnus narrowed his eyes. There was no way he wasn’t related to Isabelle.
“Alec Lightwood?” He asked tentatively, and the handsome man looked around at him. His eyes lit up as they fell on Magnus, and he grinned warmly.
“Magnus Bane?”
Oh, Magnus would have to kiss Clary square on the mouth on Monday morning.
“Yes, that’s me. You’re late,” he accused, tilting his head to the side.
Alec grimaced, “yes, I’m so sorry. I left the hospital an hour ago just in case, but… Well, there was an incident with a dog.”
“A dog?” Magnus repeated, narrowing his eyes.
“Yeah… First thing to know about me… I can’t pass a stray dog without feeding it.” Alec admitted sheepishly, walking around Magnus to open the door for him. “Honestly I’d have taken him back to my apartment if I wasn’t supposed to be meeting you. As it happens, the poor little guy’s on his way to the shelter right now.”
Magnus couldn’t believe his ears. “I have two dogs at home. Both strays.”
“No way!” Alec beamed. “What are their names?”
“Charlie and Lorenzo.” Magnus shrugged, unable to keep from smiling as Alec dug in his wallet for a photograph.
“I have the tiniest apartment in the city, so I can only really have one at a time, but here. Her name’s Bourbon. I found her about a year ago, now. Usually I just foster, but I couldn’t let her go. Izzy named her; apparently she’s the colour of bourbon. Not that I would know,” Alec shrugged, “haven’t found my person yet.”
“Table for two?” The maître d' asked, and Magnus nodded, taking the photograph from Alec to examine it as they were led to their table. Like Alec, Magnus couldn’t see the colour of her, but her big, beseeching eyes were irresistible, and he could see why Alec couldn’t give her up.
“She’s beautiful,” Magnus smiled, his eyebrow quirking when he looked up from the photograph to see Alec holding out his chair for him. “A dog-lover and a gentleman. Remind me not to touch you until after dessert.”
Alec chuckled, taking his own seat across from Magnus, the two of them barely noticing the maître d' handing them their menus and leaving. “Why? Were you going to jump me before you found out about my love of dogs?”
Magnus smirked. “Something like that. Though I doubt you really are my soulmate.”
“Oh?” Alec leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Why’s that?”
“Because you’re a doctor with a tiny apartment,” Magnus hummed, “you’re clearly hiding some kind of gambling addiction.”
Alec laughed, resting his chin on his hand, batting his eyelashes a few times. “And your soulmate doesn’t have a gambling addiction?”
“Nope, my soulmate has a low key alcohol dependency, like me.” Magnus answered flippantly, eyes searching Alec’s face for signs of judgement. It wasn’t judgement that he saw, but there was definitely something there.
“I’m afraid I’m not as interesting as that,” Alec shrugged, looking down at the menu. “I pay my little brother’s tuition. He’s in a boarding school in Washington. My parents aren’t… Well, they don’t approve of his choice in career, so they refused to pay for his education.”
Magnus frowned, his heart sinking. This was never going to work. Alec adopted stray dogs and looked after his family? And he didn’t even drink? There was no way he was ever going to settle for Magnus.
“Anyway, I hear you’re an architect. Must be a pretty high-stakes job.”
“Oh, yes,” Magnus nodded, putting a smile back on his face as he glanced at his own menu. “Though nowhere near as high stakes as holding people's’ lives in your hands, I’m sure.”
Alec shook his head. “Oh, my job is nothing as dramatic as that. I’m in the Gender Identity Clinic, so I mostly just prescribe hormones and discuss surgery options.”
“You work with trans people?” Magnus asked, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. God, was there anything about Alec Lightwood that wasn’t perfect?
“Yeah, it’s not the big of a deal. It’s very rewarding, of course, and I love my job, but it’s nothing glamorous.” He explained, fiddling with his menu. “I’m sorry, didn’t Izzy tell you… About me?”
Magnus looked at him for a moment, wracking his brain for what exactly Alec was referring to, and smiled as it clicked into place. “Oh yes, she did. Sorry, I forgot. Of course, it makes sense that you’d work to help people like yourself.”
Alec breathed out a sigh of relief, visibly destressing. Magnus smiled, endeared. “Thank God. She’s always like ‘it’s none of their business!’ but honestly, I prefer for people to know in advance. Makes it less weird if they’re not okay with it.”
“I get it. I imagine it makes dating even more difficult than it already is in this God-forsaken city.”
“Christ, you have no idea. And you know, I could honestly lean over and kiss you right now because I swear to God, you are the first person I’ve dated in years who hasn’t waxed lyrical about how brave I am or some bullshit. Like… God. It gets exhausting.” Alec grumbled, knotting his hands together between his knees.
Magnus chuckled, leaning back in his chair a little. “Not that I’m trying to downplay what you go through, but I could honestly count on one hand the amount of times I’ve been on a date and someone hasn’t asked me if I’ve ever had a threesome when I mention that I’m bisexual…”
“Right?! They know full well it’s a stereotype and it’s gonna annoy you, why do they have to do it?!” Alec laughed.
“It’s like they have this compulsion to try and piss you off to see if you break.”
“Ugh, exactly!” Alec exclaimed. “It’s so weird!”
Magnus shook his head. “Well, for the record, I have had a threesome. But it was with two girls, so my bisexuality had nothing to do with it.”
“And, for the record, I am the biggest coward in the Northern hemisphere,” Alec shrugged, “I am a lover, not a fighter.”
“I can’t imagine anyone wanting to fight you, Alexander, you’re way too charming.”
“Charming?!” Alec spluttered, shaking his head. “Listen, you know how many coffees I had today just so I’d be able to talk to you like a normal person? This is all a caffeine high, I’m telling you. I’m going to crash after dinner and you’ll be so bored you’re going to fall asleep.”
Magnus laughed, his hand shifting to reach for Alec’s, but thinking better of it at the last moment. Part of him was hoping that Alec really was his soulmate. He’d never clicked this instantly with anyone before, and his matched friends all said that was what happened when you met your soulmate. Clary said that she’d known Izzy was it for her the moment she saw her.
Could Magnus handle the disappointment if he touched Alec’s hand and everything stayed black and white?
Magnus insisted on picking up the check at the end of their meal. “Unlike you, I don’t have any dependents,” he insisted, handing the waiter his credit card, “well, unless you count the dogs.”
“Thanks,” Alec bit his lip, “I can pay next time though, right?”
“Next time?” Magnus repeated, keeping his eyes on the chip and pin machine so Alec wouldn’t see the eagerness on his face, “yes… I imagine so.”
Alec sighed, nodding to himself. “Good. Good.”
Once the bill was paid, the waiter gave them a little bow, and bid them goodnight. Magnus and Alec looked at each other, neither making a move to go. For a long moment, as the two of them wracked their brains for a reason not to part, there was a comfortable silence between them. Alec couldn’t help but hope that he got to see the colour of Magnus’ eyes someday; they shone like there were diamonds hidden in them, sparkling with every smile the other man gifted him. Magnus had to be his soulmate, Alec told himself. There was no way that he’d feel this much this fast for just anybody. In the two hours that they’d managed to spend drawing out dinner, Alec felt like he’d fallen fully in love. He couldn’t believe that he ever thought he was content before he’d heard Magnus laugh.
“Did you say you took a taxi here?” Magnus asked.
“Huh?” Alec blinked out of his reverie. “Oh, yes, I did.”
“Well, personally I’m quite full from dinner. I think I could use a few blocks’ walk.” Magnus said coyly, toying with his ear cuff.
Alec smiled, getting to his feet. “Sounds perfect.” He watched Magnus put on his coat, and gestured for him to lead him from the restaurant, nerves rising in his stomach as they stepped out together into the cool night air. “Magnus?”
“Do you want to, uh… Hold my hand?” Alec requested, moving so he and Magnus were stood facing each other in front of the restaurant, half a foot apart. Magnus’ breath hitched in his throat, his eyes dropping to Alec’s hand, held palm-up between them.
Magnus said a little prayer to a God he didn’t believe in, and met Alec’s eyes. “You sure you’re ready?”
Alec tilted his head to the side, eyes tentative. “I’ve always dreamed of meeting someone like you.”
It took everything Magnus had not to forget the hand-holding altogether and throw himself against Alec’s lips, but he just barely resisted, closing his eyes. Alec’s eyes slipped shut too, and when he closed his fingers, he felt the warmth of Magnus’ hand slip into his grip. The world around them melted away when they opened their eyes, and Alec grinned, almost faint with relief.
Magnus’ eyes were the most beautiful colour in the world.
It was the first colour he’d ever seen, but he knew it would be his favourite forever.
“Alexander,” Magnus breathed, reaching up to cup his face, his eyes greedily drinking in every technicolour detail of his face.
Alec’s hands slipped around the other man’s waist, and they hugged tightly, overjoyed tears welling in their eyes. They stood there hugging for a long time, occasionally feeling the brush of stranger’s bodies pass them, and it was only when someone yelled at them for hogging the sidewalk that they broke apart, giggling like children.
“So… Wanna come meet my dog?” Alec asked, forcing his tone to be light even though all he wanted to do was holler and fist-pump.
Magnus laughed, twining his fingers with Alec’s. “I’d love to.”
Requests are open!
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efinnx · 4 years
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[ DANIELLE CAMPBELL, FEMALE , SHE/HER ] do you hear [ VEGAS GIRL BY CONNOR MAYNARD] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ EDEN FINNIGAN  ]. they are a [ TWENTY ] year old [ BEACH ATTENDANT ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [TWENTY YEARS ]. they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ POGUE ], but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ INSATIABLE & NAIVE ]. if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ SPIRITED & CURIOUS ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [STARFISH EARRINGS, FLANNELS TIEAD AROUND SHORT DENIM SKIRTS & CRIMSON STAINED POUT]
hiii ! Ally here again. This time with the rebellious, little nerd that is Eden Finnigan affectionately known as Little Finn. Updated bio under the cute. 
Full name;  Eden Diana Finnigan 
Age; 20
Birthday; January 31st 
Height; 5’3
Siblings; Noah & Wiley (step brother) 
Occupation; beach attendant, aspiring marine biologist 
Location; the cut
Sign; aquarius 
(+) ; spirited & curious
(-) ; insatiable & naive
Sexuality; bisexual, but doesn’t realize or recogzine it yet 
Pogue or Kook; pogue
Character Inspiration; octavia blake (the 100), seth cohen (the oc), lany boogs (she’s all that), anne marie (blue crush), moana of motunui (moana)
Eden was certainly born in the outer banks, and lived there all her life. Raised, however, that’s an entirely different story, a term used very loosely in the small Finnigan bungalow nestled in the cut. Her father ditched before Eden was born and she only remembers fleeting moments with her mother. It was her brother, Noah, who practically raised her; the only person she could ever really count on. 
Her childhood may have been difficult and certainly unconventional to say the least, but it wasn’t a total bust. Eden found ways to adapt and entertain herself, falling in love with the beach, the sand between her toes and the salty air in her tangles. She loved to splash around in the tidepools collecting shells and learning about all the small organisms she could get her little fingers on. It was the only thing that kept her busy while her parents were nowhere to be found and big brother was off teaching tourists how to surf. 
Academics came easily to Eden. She was a naturally curious student and read anything and everything she could get her hands on. Much to her surprise, she made friends easily, her curious and oftentimes blunt demeanor somehow managing to charm her classmates. It also helped that Noah was her big brother. She took it in stride and wore her association as Noah’s little sister as a badge of honor, even earning the nickname “Lil’ Finn.”
As Eden entered her teen years, she began to realize that her natural abilities came with tremendous pressure, everyone always seeming to remind her of her potential and that if she played her cards right she could get out of this town and achieve great things. The pressure surmounted, and Eden couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter what she was bound to be stuck in the OBX forever destined to repeat her mother’s mistakes.
It was only a matter of time before the youngest Finnigan began her rebellious phase out to prove that she was no longer a little girl. New attitude, new style, new curfew, new string of lovers, oftentimes disappearing to stretches of time (like mother, like daughter). But somewhere beneath her bold lipstick and short denim skirts lies the curious little girl who wore starfish for earrings and splashed around in tidepools. She is a hopeless romantic at heart who wants the fairytale and craves to quench her growing hunger for knowledge. 
After graduation, Eden took a year off to find herself and save up some money before getting her act together and applying to college. She managed to get into the local community college while balancing her job as a beach attendant with the hopes of someday becoming a marine biologist. After a year of study, she has decided to put her education on hold again, unable to keep up with the cost of school even with the help of financial aid. She hasn’t mentioned this decision to anyone yet, especially not to Noah.
When the opportunity to make a few appearances on a reality TV show presented itself, Eden couldn’t pass it up. If she made a little extra cash, she may be able to continue her education and realize her dreams of becoming a marine biologist. Besides, anything was better than checking badges and managing rentals for kooks and tourists at the beach all summer long. 
Eden only had a short stint on the show for season 1. She was brought on to make a few cameo appearances at the end of the summer in hopes of stirring up drama for her brothers Finn and Wiley. The season ended rather amicably for Eden, gaining her a handful of new friends in addition to a very small level of celebrity in the Outer Bank now often referred to as “Finn from that show’s sister.”
People began to recognize her more and her social media following also began to increase. She used this growing platform to promote her love for the ocean, often posting about her aquatic discoveries and how to keep the ocean waters clean.  
Despite the perks that came along with being on the show, Eden remained in the Outer Banks once it ended. While everyone was off traveling the world and enjoying their new lives outside the show, she continued to work at the beach and picked up odd jobs here and there. Since Eden only made guest appearances, she didn’t receive as large of a payday as she had hopped. And besides, who else was going to make sure that Finn had his Coco Berries? She kept in touch with a few of her friends from the show and constantly texted her “big sisters” Kaia and Naomi about their travels.
Eden was asked back for season 2 and this time as a season regular. She agreed again not only for the money, her ambitions to get herself back in college still very much alive and well, but also to spend more time with her new fling, Connor. The relationship is still very new and super casual (filled with Finding Nemo banter), but enough to help bring her back to the show. She’s looking forward to spending an entire season on the show and all the shenanigans that come along with it. 
Eden doesn’t get directly involved in the pogues vs kooks drama, but she can’t help but feel jealous of the kooks and their wealth. It bothers her that even the slackers get accepted into the fanciest colleges while she has to struggle just to make ends meet. That’s not to say Eden will simply turn the other cheek and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself in front of the kooks. Push her too far, and that famous Finnigan temper is bound to explode.
the bestie-;- (pogue) Eden and this person go way back and they’ve practically known each other for as long as they can remember. Sure, they bicker and tease each other but no matter what they are practically family and they will always have each other's backs. [OPEN]
the ex-;- (pogue or kook) Eden and this person had a thing back in high school, but once they graduated they broke things off leaving Eden heartbroken and filled with resentment though she plays it off as if it doesn’t bother her. [OPEN]
the on again/off again-;- (pogue or kook) Eden and this person never made things official though whenever they are together they manage to find some time to sneak off and fool around. Eden has a new boyfriend this season therefore this could complicate things a bit.  [OPEN]
the crush-;- (kook) Eden is a hopeless romantic at heart. She’ll never admit it but she’s the girl who doodles your name in hearts all over her notebook. Eden thinks this person is the ultimate eye candy and gets all shy and bashful whenever they are around. Whatever happens after that is totally open!  [OPEN]
**I'm also totally open to changing the pogue or kook specifications. Just let me know! And if you have any ideas lay ‘em on me! 
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