#I haven't seen the L word I don't like girl in red I haven't seen heartstopper I didn't have a crush on any cartoon character
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
people always acting like you aint gay enough like being gay is being in some high fantasy nerd fandom. Ummm you didn’t understand my Girl In Red Reference? *Pushes glasses up nose* You’ve never seen Heart Stopper? You didn’t have a crush on hotgothcartooncharacter as a kid? *Snort laugh* I guess only real gays understand *straightens bowtie*
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
Press tour
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Jack Champion x Actress reader || m.list
Summary : You and Jack have been on a press tour for a few weeks as scream vi was just released. An interview with MTV leads to the realization someone's in love
Word count 1.6k
Tag list: @chaethewriter @demausbreaux
Warning: spoilers for scream vi
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It was the last interview of the day. Answering fan questions with Jack for MTV. Both of you were tired and ready to call it a day. As you sat down, the producer came over to explain how it works. "So what will happen I will read you guys the question, answer however long you want keep it flowing simple easy and your done" the costume director came over fixing Jack's clothes and your hair was being fixed.
"What do you say after this wanna get food?" You couldn't turn your head, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see him staring at you. A soft blush came to your cheeks as you hummed a yes. Satisfied with your answer, he turned back "good"
"Alright, we're on in 5, 4, 3" the producer stood behind the camera as they finished the countdown.
"Hi, I'm y/n l/n," you waved and smiled at the camera.
"I'm Jack champion, and we are here with MTV to answer fan questions about Screamvi." he winked at the camera.
'What's your favorite memory while filming scream?'
Jack held a bright smile on his face as he flashed through all the memories of you and the other cast members on set. As you both sat there making comments about how hard it was to choose, Jack was the first to settle on his favorite.
"I would have to say my favorite memories would be when- and well spoilers if you haven't seen it yet- but umm definitely the whole wiping the knife in sync with Liana" you watch him in awe as he explained it was so satisfying yet hard to film. "Overall, it was just very fun to experience the whole scream and ghostface." he turned towards you after he rambled on, a soft blush creeped on his cheeks as he realized.
"You're adorable." You turned to the camera, but your body was still facing Jack, "I would have to say the frat party. There was this scene that we filmed. I don't know if it will ever see light- but it was Chad he was hyping up Ethan to talk to a girl. Which is in the movie - but there's a snippet where we see Ethan actually trying to make the moves on Scarlett, my character look at him so confused because she sees Chad behind him jumping up and down like a little school girl."
"Who are you close with on set?
You both laughed as you thought about the times the cast would just hang out and mess around. The first to come to your mind was Jack. You guys were and are always attached to each others hip. There were many times when filming went late, and the amount of energy that went into filming had finally caught up to both of you.
Mason had found both you and Jack sleeping on the apartment couch while they were filming the "core four scenes" you laid on the inside while Jack laid halfway on you. Mason saw a blanket on the end and just threw it over you two. But what you don't know is Jack woke up and saw Masons' actions. He smiled and saw Mason giving him a thumbs up.
He felt you move underneath him, worried you'd wake up he stayed still. Mason already walked away, and Jack was slowly falling back asleep, his arm laced around your waist as he laid on you. Your arm laid over his back as if you were trying to pull him close if possible.
"I would say y/n, we spent a lot of time together on set and off when we weren't filming," he felt himself get warm, his ears slowly turning red. Shifting in his seat, he made eye contact with you and saw the soft smile you always wore. The one he loved, the one that means he had your full attention.
"That's a good point. There were days they called us in, but we didn't film anything. We were just there to be there if they needed us. So that resulted in us hanging around set trying to find stuff to do. " You saw Jack in the corner of your eye messing with the hem of his shirt, something he always did when anxious.
Your eyes softened at the sight of him, his curls loosely sat on his head, some falling in his eyes. The freckles that were sprinkled around his face - shit. You were madly in love with him! How could you not be? He's a gentleman. He pays attention he's funny he's sweet, he's caring - he's Jack.
"Are you guys aware that many of the fan ship both of your characters together, as well as you in real life?"
Your face grew a shape of red so fast, giggling you quickly jumped in before anything could be said. "I think it's adorable to see what the Fandom creates."
Jack was still on the idea of people out there saying you guys should be together. Well, they aren't wrong. You and Jack are basically a couple, just without the tile. He liked you a lot, and he liked the idea of being with you. But his heart sank at the thought of you not feeling the same way.
Without thinking, Jack quickly jumped in, "I agree with the fans. Maybe in a different universe or something, uh, you know, " an awkward laugh went through his body as he just realized what he had said.
You, as well, very confused awkwardly laughed. On the other side of the camera, the producer motioned for you to do an outtro. Smiling at the camera, you said your name as well as Jack's as he was stuck in thoughts.
"Screamvi is out now in theater." You blew a kiss to the camera, and Jack did a little wave.
"CUT" beautiful guys, we'll get makeup and costumes to take you back, and you guys are free.
Awkwardly, you stood up, taking your mic as well as Jack. "Did you still want to get some food?" He couldn't even look at you. He was so red. Thank god his hair covered his face for once.
"Yeah, uhh, that sounds good. I'm just gonna go change and meet you at the car. " Before any more, he could be said he sped off towards his dressing room.
Twenty minutes passed by, and he finally pulled himself together. He paced I'm his room debating is he wanted to tell you about you feelings.
His stomach was doing flips as he was walking to you. His hands became clammy as he got closer. He saw you standing on the wall looking through your phone. Do it while we're out.
You looked up and saw him walking towards you. He looked like a lost puppy. Looking around, trying to understand where he was, the dark brown of his eyes found yours, and for a second, you saw a calmness take over his body.
"Ready to go?" He nodded his head, and you made your way to the car.
There was a cafe on the corner near your place that both of you loved. It was your favorite place. "What you gonna get?" You continued looking at the list as he looked at you. He noticed the shine in your hair, the glow in your skin, the way you bit your lip as you debated what to eat.
"I think I'm just gonna get the club sandwich. Something simple and easy. What about you?" He looked down to remember what he even chose.
"The pasta sounds pretty good. I might just get that." Satisfied with his answer, he closed the menu. The waitress came out and took our order. Food was out in a matter of minutes.
Once the bill was paid, you made your way to your apartment. You were raving on about a story on your upcoming role in a movie, while Jack was stuck in his head.
"Y/n, I need to tell you something." Stopping in the middle of the stairway to your door, you looked at him confused.
"You finally gonna tell me what's been going on in that pretty head of yours?" He smiled. He knew you noticed it.
"Listen, I love you, and I love our friendship - but this," he motioned between you and him. "I want more. I want it all. I want to hold your hand. I want to hug you. I want to be able to look at you and adore you - well, even though I do that already - but god y/n, I'm like in love with you. "
You stood there mouth ajar as he just confessed his love you you. Jack champion said he loved you. A wide smile took display on your face as you stepped forward. Grabbing his shirt, you pulled him into you, and your lips met his.
They were so soft, yet chapped. It took him a second yo realize what was happening, but the second it clicked, he grabbed your waist, pulling your body into his. Smiling into the kiss, your hands made their way to his hair.
He groaned as your hand pulled on it, and your lungs burned as the kiss continued. You felt him pulling away but wanted to keep going. His eyes hazed with lust as he looked at you. His lips swollen and red, your matching his.
"I want it all as well, trust me. I love you," he reached up and tucked a hair behind your ear and kissed you again.
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iiotic · 8 months
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༻༉What letters?
(Human) Alastor x Fem!reader - (2/2)
TW - swearing, mentions of death.
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How could you look at him the same when he had left you heartbroken like that?
How could you forgive him for everything he'd done?
How could you act like everything was fine when it wasn't?
You looked up at the tall creature before you with fear in your eyes. None of you said anything. His red eyes staring at you, almost like you were his prey and he was your predator. He was smiling. Why the hell was he always smiling like nothing has ever happen?
- Why didn't you respond to any of my letters? - The fear in your eyes slowly turning into anger and sorrow. - You promised me you'd write back to me. Then tell me why didn't i receive anything?
His eyes narrowed and his smile grew bigger. - What letters? - His voice sounding like an old radio. The static was ringing in yours ears, causing you a headache. - I never received any of your letters, dear.
- Stop lying to me, Alastor. - You quickly interrupted his sentence. - I wrote to you everyday, hoping for a response from you. Tell me, why didn't you fulfil our promise?
- I would-- He was interrupted once again. This time by the owner of the hotel. She walked up to you two with an excited face, screaming your name.
She slowed down as she saw who you were talking to. Her excited smile slowly turned into an more nervous one.
- I see you two already met each other. - Charlie said focusing more on Alastor, hoping that he didn't do anything stupid. - In case that he didn't introduce himself his name is Alastor. But I'm sure you've already heard of him. I just came her to say that your room is ready.
You thanked Charlie as you were truly grateful for everything she already has done for you. Without her you would probably be homeless, just waiting to get killed in the next extermination. Soon enough Charlie completely ignored Alastor, dragging you along to introduce to you everyone in the hotel.
- So that was Niffty! We're 80% sure she's harmless. And this is the bar and the bartender - She said pointing on an avian cat demon, absolutely screaming with excitement. But can you really blame her? You were her second true guest!
The demon behind the bar just looked at you for a second turning back around to whatever he was doing.
- Oh! Vaggie here!! - She said waving at a girl with long white hair with a jagged, moth-like shape to the cut, with gray-lavender stripes at the ends. Charlie quickly introduced her too. - And this is my girlfriend, Vaggie.
Vaggie just gave you a slight smile while telling Charlie that they should talk in private. Apologising Charlie said that she was going to be right back.
So now you were left all alone in the lobby. You decided to sit on the couch to think about everything that has just happened.
"Okay so there's an afterlife and i'm not so surprisingly in hell. Im in a place filled with crazy psychos.." You pinched the bridge of your nose. Looking around at your surroundings, hoping that this is all a dream. "Some surprisingly happy woman allowed me to stay at her hotel for as long as i want to. And in this hotel there's my childhood bestfriend. Amazing."
- Fucking amazing - You said out loud as you heard Charlie coming back wanting to continue the tour.
You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. Getting up and throwing a blanket on yourself you yelled that they should come in.
And he did.
- What are you doing here, Alastor? - You looked at him with anger in your eyes. - I don't want to see you.
- Well, dearest. - He paused thinking how he should put it in words. - I just wanted to make few things clear beetwen us.
- We haven't seen each others in years and here you are being mad at me because you didn't keep our little promise.
- I didn't keep it? - You got up from your sitting position on your bed and started to slowly walk up to him. - I always stayed up late at night writing letters to you every-fucking-day. I thought that you would care just a little to write back to maybe I don't fucking one. Atleast one letter?
- As i said earlier, i didn't receive any letters. - He looked at you calmly with his signature smile - However I'd like to know your excuse to not responding to my letters.
- I didn't receive any letters Alastor! - God, you were so mad at him. He truly broke your heart. You liked him.. No you lived him for such a long time. He was your first crush and now? He was just a fucking manipulator. - Why the fuck are you lying to me?
- I'd like to discuss this matter calmly. - He said referring to you cussing him in every sentence and your unstoppable yelling. - How about I'll take you to a cafe, my treat.
After considering his offer you agreed. You really needed to know what happened between you two and if he was really lying. It was quite dumb for you to just assume he was a liar without any proof but I guess it was the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
This morning you borrowed a dress from Charlie becouse you didn't have any other clothes then the ones that you've fallen in. It was a black dress just below your knees with an sweetheart neckline. She also borrowed you her jewelry so now you're also wearing a golden necklace.
The time of day has come and Alastor knocked to your bedroom once again. Thus time you opened the door closing it behind, ready to go.
Alastor snapping his finger teleported both of you to a nearby cafe. Coming in and gesturing you to chose a table. After you choose one he pulled out the chair for you and took a seat before you.
- So dear. - He looked up at you - That dress really compliments your figure.
- Thank you however it isn't mine. Now I'd like you to explain what happened?
- I don't know what you're talking about, darling. - Oh now he is acting dumb?
- I'll ask one last time. Why didn't you respond to any of my letters? - You asked, this time calmly. Crossing your arms.
- and I'll say one last time. I didn't receive them. - He said looking out of the window, seeing demons suffer. - I always thought that you didn't write them, that you've forgotten about me.
- I'd never forget you, Alastor. You meant a lot for me. - You responded looking out of the window as well - I couldn't imagine life without you. That's why I was truly heartbroken when i didn't ses you write back.
- I was writing to you, so many times. In fact i always wrote to you on the end of every week. - He confessed - For over 15 years.
- But i didn't receive anything?
- Neither did i, dear - Maybe it was the wrong address? Maybe I just didn't know how to send letters? Maybe I didn't actually send them?
- So.. I'm sorry I'm so embarrassed right now. - You looked at your lap fidgeting with your fingers - I should have never yelled at you like. It was very immature of me to accuse you of something you didn't do.
- That's fine, darling - he said looking back at you lowering his tone a bit - Everything is fine between us?
You looked at him with hope in your eyes. Oh how much you wanted to bring things to normal, how it was earlier when you were kids. - Yeah everything is fine.
-Smile my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one.
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(A/N) I rushed the ending so much.. Just because I posted it halfway done and had to speed run the rest. I hope y'all enjoy!
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jamsterrr · 3 months
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heeseung & jake. blessed - yet - cursed. best friends. love triangle.
description; people say trios don’t work , until they see you , heeseung and jake. then all of those doubts and thoughts cross over their head. but what they don’t know is what goes on behind closed doors, and what you don't know is, they're sneakier than you ever could've imagined.
words : 4.6k
heesung x jake x female!reader
contains. ‼️ ; cursing , sexual scenes , 18+ content , oral sex , vaginal sex , plot twist , may contain typos , unprotected sex , mentions of cheating , both jake and heeseung have a dirty mouth , dirty talk , face fucking , slapping , both or them are a little crazy as well , maybe something a little unsettling. ( let me know if i miss anything ! )
link to my masterlist . . . !
———— .. ᯓᡣ𐭩 ( start ... ) ᡣ𐭩ᯓ .. ————
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you hurried to class, a big smile on your face as you sat down next to sunghoon, placing your head on his shoulder as you looked up at him. "sorry i'm late" you smiled and sighed, the male leaning down and placing a soft yet sweet kiss to your lips.
your body melted before you pulled away and looked around the class. it was still fairly empty. you did get there a bit earlier than you normally did. "sorry, heeseung and jake wanted to walk with me here, but i told them no. that's what took me a bit longer" you explained, and he gently took your hand, smiling and placing his soft lips against the knuckles of your hand. "it's fine baby, i'm just glad you are here."
sunghoon wasn't too bothered with heeseung or jake. in the couple months of your relationship, he got to know them. he seen them as your older brothers, how they cared for you and treated you like their baby sister. so, he wasn't threatened at the fact that they would be around you every 24/7. he was just thankful when he needed alone time with you, he could have it.
you smiled and looked at him. "have i ever told you how amazing you were?" you spoke and he shook his head. "if i am, then it's only for you." you laughed at his corny response and continued to hold his hand until the professor walked in.
you held onto the males arm as the two of you walked out of class, sunghoon holding your hand, placing sporadic kisses on your knuckles. "so i was thinking, date tomorrow night?" he asked as you smiled and nodded your head. "it feels like it has been forever hoonie" you pouted playfully, your chin resting on his arm as you looked up at him. "sounds perfect baby" he spoke, your hands taking his into your hold before you spotted heeseung and jake walking towards the two of you. sunghoon smiled and bowed to them as he gently handed you your bag and cupped your cheeks, kissing you sweetly as you smiled in his hold. 'okay, okay bye bye" you smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips once again before he walked away.
your eyes lingered on the male's body before turning towards jake and heeseung's who had a playfully disgusted look on their face. "oh shut up, like i haven't seen the two of you suck lips off of some poor girls face" you rolled your eyes, straightening the bag on your shoulder as you walked towards them.
"hey i didn't say anything" jake declared, laughing and shaking his head before walking. the three of you made your way down the side walk and to heeseung's car. "okay, what's the plan?" you ask curiously, your hand holding tightly onto your bookbag's strap. "food, obviously y/n" heeseung laughed as you hit his shoulder. "you're buying then" you smile. the three of you make your way to the school's cafeteria. stacking up on food. hell you paid to be here, to learn why not each as much as you can since there isn't a limit currently, and it was getting late. truthfully who was going to stop you.
"should i wear this?" you asked, bringing out a red sparkle dress, showing it to heeseung and jake, the both of them sitting upright on your bed. you were preparing for your date with sunghoon, having an hour before the promised time that he was going to be here. trying to get your best friends to help you who seemed to be more interested in their phones than to help you pick out an outfit.
"i don't even know why the two of you bothered to even come if you were just going to sit there...bums" you mumbled under your breath. "heard you, and y/n stop stressing, you look good in everything you put on okay?" jake reassured, heeseung sitting up and placing his phone beside him.
"try it on, some out and show up hm?" he suggested and you nodded, going into your connected bathroom, shutting the door. you took off the white shorts and t-shirt off, slipping the dress over your body. you took a moment to look in the mirror as you looked at yourself. finding all the ways the dress hugged your body perfectly.
stepping out of the bathroom, jake and heeseung's eyes shot up to you, staring a little too hard for comfort before you rubbed your arm. "something wrong?" you asked, clearing your throat to snap the two out. "you look awesome y/n, he's going to love it" jake spoke, standing up to look at you a but more. "going to wear it just like that?" he asked, clearing his throat a little. "no!" you exclaimed, grabbing the leather jacket that was spread across your vanity that was cluttered with makeup and things you used for your hair.
you slipped the jacket, going to your full body mirror, and checking out yourself. "damn, egotistical are we?" heeseung laughed, coming over to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "you look great, now stop worrying" you smiled to yourself and then looked at heeseung in the mirror. "okay..." you took a deep breath, being a little nervous since its been a couple of weeks since you and sunghoon have actually been on a date due to how busy the both of you have been with studying and meeting project deadlines. you barely had the time to grocery shop.
hearing a knock on your door, you smiled as you look back and the two. "okay, help yourself to anything you want, and don't wait up too late!" you shouted, grabbing your purse and smiling before you headed to the door, hearing the words of jake.
"don't do anything i wouldn't do!"
"there's nothing you wouldn't do" you shouted before opening the door and excitedly wrapping your arms around sunghoon's neck as his hands immediately found your waist. "ready to go?" he asked, his smiling bringing a smile to your lips as you nodded. "always."
the date went amazing. the two of you ate delicious food, cracked jokes, laughed tons. you enjoyed being out with sunghoon. for once in your life, one of the guys you dated actually made you feel amazing without having to give them sex for you to feel wanted.
the way he held you on days you were sad. the way he smiled when he saw you made you feel like you were the princess in a movie that finally got the prince after all your hard work and heart breaks. he was even gentleman enough to open the door for you once you both made it back to the car, doing a small jog to the driver side and you were both off.
"there's something i want to get for you before i drop you off baby" sunghoon spoke, one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. "oh yeah~?" you questioned. "and what's that?".
"you'll see." is all you got in response, his teeth showing and the fangs you adore so much peek through. after a few minutes of driving through the downtown traffic the male stops in front of a small flower shop as your heart thumps out of your chest almost. "oh my god-" you speak. sunghoon just smiles and gently reaches over, pressing a soft kiss on your lips before rubbing your cheek with his hand. "i'll be right back yeah?" you nodded and blushed. your heart feeling as if it was going to beat out of your chest.
you watched sunghoon walk into the shop, then come out with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers: lilies.
the male got into the car and handed you the bouquet of flowers, the smile never leaving your lips. "thank you so much hoonie..." you said, feeling as if your life just got a little more complete, feeling the love from sunghoon as he smiled at you. the rest of the car ride was filled with comfortable silence as you held the flowers with one hand and held sunghoon's in the other.
you finally reached your door as you sighed, not wanting the night to end. you gently got out the car as sunghoon approached your side. you smiled and turned to him, his hands bringing you in by your waist as he kissed you deeply, his lips matching perfectly with yours as he gently rubbed the small of your back.
you both pulled away when it was time or you to catch both of your breath. you turned and grabbing your purse, spotting a silk material underneath the seat of the male's car, gently pulling them out, revealing them to be panties. silk ones. ones you didn't wear. in an instant your night was shattered, your heart feeling like it got struck with a knife in the most sensitive part.
you turn around with tears building in your eyes. "baby? what's wrong?" he asked, seeing the material in his hand as you stare at him blankly, the bouquet dropping out of your hands. "baby, those aren't mine. i don't know how they got there" he proclaimed, gently placing his hand on your arm. you looked at him as tears started to pour from your eyes. "sunghoon..." you mutter, balling them in your fist and throwing them at him, stepping on the flowers that you received.
"i cant believe you would cheat on me!" you shouted, choking on sobs as you spoke. "how could you!"
"i'm not cheating on you..!" he proclaimed loudly. "i would never!"
"the proof is right there, because they sure as hell aren't mine!" you shouted, pushing past him. "baby, please, you have to believe me" he said, turning to where you were, grabbing your hand, practically pleading with you.
"leave me alone sunghoon!" you shouted, snatching your hand away, rubbing the tears that fell down your face. "fuck you!".
"baby please~!" is all you could hear behind you, following words of. "i don't know why those were even in there!" "please baby, hear me out!" but you just couldn't listen right now. your head and heart hurt too bad. you couldn't see him right now. you couldn't even enter the key to your apartment correctly. though once you got in, your sobs got louder, kicking your shoes next to the door as you fell to your knees. too heartbroken to walk before you heard your bedroom door open and heard the patter of two feet, following up with "y/n?! what happened??". your voice blocking out the question as you sobbed, gently beating on your chest, hoping the pain from your heart would subside.
heeseung gently wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up as he carried you to the room, jake picking up your shoes and bag bringing it to the room with him.
heeseung sat you gently on the bed. "here, im not going to ask what happened, I'll wait until you're ready to tell us princess" heeseung spoke as you continued to cry, your body relaxing against the male. jake took a place on the bed and gently rubbed your back. "fuck what sunghoon did, you didn't need him anyway "jake spoke, you looking at him with sad eyes. hearing the male's name this soon made your heart hurt even worse as you shook your head and rested it on heeseung's chest, soaking up his t-shirt, though he didn't seem to mind as he held you. jake gently massaging your back, getting off of the bed and grabbing the clothes you disposed of earlier.
"here, lets get you in something a little more comfortable"
you didn't even care at the males taking the dress off, sliding back on the white shorts and crop top from earlier. heeseung continued to console you as jake gently wiped off the makeup from your face, carefully gliding the soft wipe across your tear-stained face. your sobs dying down as you watched them both, thanking god for bringing heeseung and jake into your life. you weren't even sure what you'd do if you didn't have them. heeseung ran his hands through your hair and gently on your cheek. "don't worry baby, you font need him when you have me and jake. we will take care of you" heeseung whispered into your ear. his voice soft as you shuddered slightly.
"heeseung what are you talking about?" you mumble as you lift up, sniffling and rubbing your eyes once jake was done getting majority of the makeup off your face. he didn't say much, but the look her gave jake was enough for the two to silently agree on something.
you sit up. "i need to uh.. use the restroom" you spoke but heeseung gripped your waist, pulling you close to his chest as jake hovered over you. "let us get your mind off of sunghoon.. baby" the male mumbled as he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you deeply.
you widened your eyes as you looked at him. "kiss him back princess" heeseung spoke to you calmly. you were confused, but your lips slowly started to kiss the male back. you didn't understand why you were giving in. maybe it was the thought of how both heeseung and jake made you feel comfortable. how the both of them were always there for you regardless of the problem.
your arms wrapped loosely around the male as he gently pulled the shorts he just placed on your body off, leaving you in your panties. his hand traveling down to your waist, gently tugging at the fabric as he depended the kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth as your tongue played with his. pulling away, jake smiled as a trail of spit followed, licking his lips to get rid of it.
heeseung's hands played with your shirt. whenever jake was done he took that chance to get rid of the cropped shirt, leaving your top half exposed, unclipping your bra in one swift motion.
"wow y/n, your body is more perfect then i could've ever imagined" jake swooned, pulling off his shirt as heeseung pushed you up off of him gently, taking off his shirt. standing before you at the food of the bed as you looked at them, covering your breast. you didn't doubt the attractiveness of your friends. i mean. you weren't blind, though you never really allowed yourself to seem them in that type of light. "w-we shouldn't do this.. i just broke up with sunghoon.." you spoke.
"god. shut the fuck up with his name already. sunghoon this. sunghoon that. fuck sunghoon." heeseung spoke, leaning into you, pressing a soft kiss to your head and leaning against your ear. "the only names i should be hearing come out of this pretty little mouth of yours is heeseung, or jake. understand me?" the male spoke. jake gripped your jaw as you switched to look between the two.
"y-yes.." you whimpered at the right hold of your jaw.
"yes what?" heeseung hummed.
"yes heeseung" you whimpered out more. jake letting go of your jaw as you closed your mouth. you couldn't deny the arousal that was pooling in your underwear, closing your legs tightly as it started to irritate you, wanting the underwear off you as soon as possible. jake noticed before he forcefully spread your legs open, smirking at the wet stain inbetween your panties. "oh shit seung, i think she likes the talk" he smirked, placing a smack against your clit as you jerked a bit under jake's touch, him smirking a bit.
"you like it baby?" heeseung asked, his hand coming to your breast, taking one of your breast into his hand, gently squeezing the plush. you nod. "ah, i don't understand movements. let me hear your pretty little words." the male spoke sternly.
you didn't know what the matter was with you. how you could just give in to the two of your friends that quickly. "y/n!" you heard, a soft smack being delivered to your breast and cunt at the same time. "yes!" you cried out, shuddering a bit.
"good girl" heeseung spoke, looking back at jake, giving him a silent nod before jake removed your panties, revealing your cunt. all glistening and pretty just for them to use and abuse. the male got down on his knees, gently pulling your legs to his face to where he was met with your cunt. you could feel the male breathing against it, your legs wanting to close but jake forces them open once again. delivering a smack to them. "do that again and see what happens" he growled and you nodded.
you felt the air get warmer as jake licked a stripe from your hole to your clit, flicking his tongue against your clit. "oh fuck heeseung, she's so sweet" he moaned practically against your clit. you whined, arching your back at the feeling, your hand gripping onto heeseung's side as he watched you with a smirk.
jake eats you out, holding your body close, his actions are the same, but the groans you hear coming from the male's lips cause more arousal to come from your cunt. heeseung watches as his cock hardens, gently massaging your shoulders. "fuck, you sound so pretty darling, can i hear you gag?" the male asked, though it was a question that needed to be answered. you lift up your head as you moan and whine from the pleasure that's being delivered to you by jake's tongue you don't even notice heeseung's length pressed against your cheek as you widen your eyes. he was big and thick, there was no way it was fitting, and if it did it was going to hurt like a bitch.
"i want you to make me feel as good as jake is making you feel, can you do that for me pretty girl?" the male asked, gently rubbing your cheek. you clench around nothing as you slightly nod, lying to heeseung and lying to yourself. you were going to die, but he didn't seem to care. heeseung tossed his leg over you as the sight of jake was now gone and it was only you, face to face with heeseung's length.
"open wide sweetheart" he spoke as you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, moaning and shutting your eyes from the long stripes jake was licking against your core, the knot in your stomach forming. before you were prepared, heeseung placed his mushroom tip on your tongue and slid his length into your mouth, pushing it all the way down your throat as he let out a heavenly moan. his bottom lip being tucked in between his teeth as his hips moved at a pace, fast enough to give him pleasure, but barely fast enough for you to keep up.
jake licked your arousal, sliding his tongue into your hole as he could feel the velvet of your walls pulsing. the sounds of your gagging and whimpering only fueling his hardened length in his pants. the moaning from heeseung's lips causing you to cum on the males tongue. gagging and squeezing on heeseung's thighs so you could breathe as he pulled out, his hardened length hovering over your face. "came already baby?" jake spoke, licking your cunt one more time before he pulled up and watched as heeseung crawled off of you. "you've got to taste her, she's better than we ever imagined" the spoke to each other.
by this time jake had already taken his pants off, his length just as big and as thick as heeseung's causing you to audibly gulp as you tried to catch your breath. the two switching positions, jake now sitting by your head as he leaned you up so you could watch heeseung.
"damn, i cant wait" he spoke, wrapping his arms around your legs keeping them open, before attaching his lips to your sensitive cunt. you arched your back and shut your eyes tight, jake smirking as he looked down at you. "watch heeseung baby, it's a few you wouldn't want to miss". you slowly opened your eyes as you looked down at heeseung, his tongue exploring each part of your cunt. from the walls, to your clit, to your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to only make you cum with his tongue. your body shuddered at the feeling or heeseung's tongue, swirling over the sore muscle. your back arched as you moaned more, attempting to keep the eye contact with him, but it didn't work. the knot in your stomach snapped again and that was it, you were cumming for the second time in less than 10 minutes.
you jolted as you felt a smack against your thigh. heeseung coming up as you watch the bottom half of his face glisten with your arousal as jake pressed kisses along your jaw, kissing the soft spot on your neck. heeseung used this opportunity to press his red, leaky mushroom tip to the entrance of your cunt. you widened your eyes and squirmed. "no--no heeseung" you mumbled as jake kissed you, sucking up the words as heeseung smiled. "i'll make sure to take it nice and easy pretty girl" he spoke.
you felt the males tip stretch you open, gripping and digging your nails into jakes aides, heeseung forced his whole cock to fit deeply inside of you moaning at the feeling of the tightness around him. "fuck, did sunghoon not stretch you out at all?" heeseung asked, grabbing your legs and held them up against his chest, wrapping his arms around them, delivering deep strokes into you. you moaned and cried out, grabbing a tighter hold onto jake's side. "hm?" he asked, delivering a deep hard thrust into you as you shook your head. "words baby, give me your words," the male declared, giving another as his tip rubbed against your cervix.
"n-no!" you cried out, grabbing onto jake's arm as his hands played with your nipples, squeezing on the plush and sucking on the nipple. "good girl, i want to hear your pretty voice" he soke as he stopped and you gasped. "kee-keep going seungie..!" you shouted out as he started out once again. the room filled with both you and heeseung's moans, his hand travelling down to your clit, taking jakes hand and making him rub it. "you're so fucking tight baby" he moaned, the sound of skin slapping feeling the room.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the room turned cloudy. your body reacting heavenly to the feeling of jake and heeseung pleasuring your body in different ways before you felt the knot in your stomach snap once again. heeseung's hands gripped your thighs as he pounded deeper into you. "fuck y/n, im going to cum' he spoke. another groan escaped his lips as the male came into you. his long dirty blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he looked at you, your body shaking. jake popped his head up from your nipple and exchanged a look with heeseung before the two switched spots yet once again. only this time was your ass up in the air, and heeseung laid out in front of you as you were once again face to face with his semi hard cock.
jake smirked as he watched both heeseung and your cum leak from your cunt. "going to be a great little cum dumpster for the both of us aren't you baby?" the male spoke, placing a smack to your ass as you whined. heeseung sat up and grabbed your face. "what?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. "ye-yes jake" you mumbled out, looking at heeseung with pleading eyes. heeseung looked at jake and then you, gently letting your chin go and patting your face. "good girl." he spoke.
he exchanged another glance with jake as heeseung scootched to the headboard so his back could lean against it, causing your body to shift as jake lifted you up, placing a pillow under your abdomen and hovered over you, giving you no time to settle as he entered into you and your eyes widened. a slight squeak escaping your lips as you hid your face in heeseung's thighs, grabbing onto the sheets as you moaned, the male pushing his cock deep into you, feeling the pressure against your velvet walls as he started to thrust into you.
heeseung watched as he listened to both you and jakes moans, sounding like music to his ears. you moaned into the blankets, your body jerking with each thrust jake delivered. "fu-fuck!" you cried out. heeseung lifted your head and looked at you, assuming what he wanted, you stuck out your tongue, gripping the sheets as you belted out moans.
jake was hitting your cervix hard, his rough yet soft hands delivering hard smacks to your ass, sure to leave handprints. heeseung pressed his length to the tip of your tongue and pushed it down your throat. making a makeshift ponytail out of your hair, he bobbed your head down faster onto his cock as you moaned around it. unable to comprehend it all, tears started to escape from your eyes once more. the overstimulation plus the pleasure mixed in was all too good. you wanted to come, no you needed to come, but for some reason you weren't there yet. you clenched around jake's cock, bobbing your head and gagging around heeseung's. small sniffles were escaping along with moans and cries as your vision started to become blurry once again.
the saliva build up spilling from out of your mouth onto heeseung's cock as he came in your mouth. "swallow it" he said, you moaned and slowly moved your ass back against jake's thrust as you swallowed heeseung's cum, only for your makeshift ponytail to be taken over by jake's as he pressed your back against his chest. "open your mouth and let me see" heeseung said, attempting to catch his breath as well, coming closer to you and jake as you opened your mouth, letting your tongue hang out.
your hips and body stuttered as jake came inside you, you cumming with him as you fell against heeseung, shaking as jake pulled out and both of their cum leaked from your cunt.
"you did so good princess" heeseung spoke as he pressed a soft kiss in your hair. jake smiled and pressed a kiss on your shoulder blades. "who needs sunghoon when we got you baby." jake spoke, gently rubbing your ass before delivering one more smack to it as you looked back and glared at him. a small smile on your face.
"go and run y/n a bath" heeseung said looking at jake as he ran his hands through his hair, walking to the connected bathroom.
jake ran the bath water, putting it at a nice warm temperature with some bubbles to help you relax. heeseung gently lifted up your body as he took you to the bathroom. the male lowered you in the tub as you sighed when you hit the water, letting your body relax. "thank you" you spoke as heeseung smiled and shook his head, "no need to thank me pretty girl. just doing my job" he spoke. heeseung left you alone in the bathroom, quietly.
you closed your eyes, enjoying the moment you got to just relax before what you heard made your eyes widen, your bones chilling in a hot tub.
"i told you it was a good idea to plant those panties in his car." "told you she doesn't wear silk, dickhead."
was all you could hear through the walls, your mind going blank.
poor sunghoon.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
hi bb, could you do a sad/fluff between 2023tom and his old school crush please but make it happy at the end? (but he's not with Heidi, just him and Bill are doing something like met gala or red carpet)
I know I haven't really given a great explication but you can write fucking amazingly so I don't think you'll struggle
love ya
okay this is such a cute idea! literally in love so ofc I'll do it!
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
Meant to meet again...
warnings- none
words- 1.2k
(also I am so so so so sorry Gustav and Georg aren't in this I couldn't think how to incorporate them but they're mentioned!)
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Y/n stood on the carpet watching actors, actresses, models, musicians be snapped thousands of times, she'd interviewed over 20 people by this point but just kept getting the same old boring replies "oh were so lucky to be here" and the fake laughs, it's what you get being a interviewer- fakes
the sea of photographers seemed to switch direction, facing down to the entrance, Y/n walked forward from her place peering down the carpet and two tall, shaggy haired men stood there but she couldn't figure out who it was "BILL BILL! THIS WAY- TOM TURN THIS WAY TOM" it clicked- Bill and Tom Kaulitz. she'd forgotten about the twins from when they left school, she knew the twins so well back then, best friends really, sharing lessons together and always laughing and skipping lessons they didn't like, hiding in cupboards when teachers called their names down the halls
Y/n straightened her dress while seeing the twins climb the stairs and she couldn't help but get a giddy feeling as they walked towards her, they both looked so different to how she remembered- Bill had black spiky hair and Tom had dreads that he'd constantly mess with when he was bored in class "Hi!" Bill started coming into shot of the camera so that her team could start filming
"hey! How are you two?" she asked grabbing the pair microphones
"good good, you?" Tom had a look across his face the girl couldn't really understand but she smiled to him none the less
"very well- enjoying the night and speaking to everyone! so if you wouldn't mind I'll introduce you and ask only a few questions then let you go because I don't doubt theirs about 100 more people who'll want you after me!" she laughed to the two now men, not boys she used to know
"I've herd that a few times" Tom joked getting a shove from his brother "what! it was funny"
"okay ready to start?" she asked turning back to the two who nodded "okay- roll... Good evening everyone, I'm Y/n Y/l/n from CBQ News and tonight I'm here with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, how are you-"
"Oh my god! I knew it was you!" Tom had wide eyes and mouth agape looking to the girl, he knew he recognised her, her eyes, her nose, her smile, her everything he knew he knew it from somewhere
"holy sh- Y/n!" Bill covered his mouth as the girl laughed nodding "you look beautiful oh- I'm sorry were ruining the interview but we haven't seen you in like nearly 20 years!" he spoke to the camera then looking back to the girl
"I know you left school when I think- yeah I was 15 and you two had just turned 16" they nodded still staring at her, Tom couldn't help but remember what he thought of her all those years ago- Y/n was his school crush from when they were 7 to 17 years old, yes 17- though he never saw her when they left he still thought about her all the time and looked back on the picture the two took the day they we're leaving, she was smiling with her arms around his neck, hugging him. Sometimes he missed school- not the bullying or the stares but the times in class were they'd just burst out laughing until they felt sick "so- back onto the interview" she laughed "who're you two wearing tonight?"
the boys gave their answers, making remarks and laughing as they all watched someone fall up the stairs but Tom still couldn't get over Y/n, she looked even more gorgeous, her hair perfectly fitted to her face, her dress looked so good on her though it had been so long- his feeling were trickling back in "can I say, you look great Y/n- not even great, amazing tonight" a blush painted her face and Bill looked toward his brother, the memories came back of the nights him and Tom would be sat talking about if he was going to finally ask out Y/n but every year he made an excuse, he was planning on asking her to prom but they left before it happened and she ended up going alone, thats what Tom's friends said anways-but god does he wish he just took the plunge
"aw thank you! you two the first to actually say something about me tonight" a smile came across her face
"we'll they're arseholes, you're one of the best dressed here!" Bill laughed
"god you two stop its giving me an ego!, anyways thank you so much for this- its great seeing you again after so long" she and Bill met in a hug, he'd missed these, giving her a kiss on her cheek before Tom pulled her away into his arms, her hands went around his neck, his head resting on her shoulder and hers lay in his chest- just like the photo "thank you- its been amazing seeing you" she spoke to Tom quiet enough for the mic's not to pick it up, pulling away from the hug they still kept their arms on each other. Bill knew that Tom was probably going to be talking about this hug for the next week but he didn't mind- he knew what It meant to him
"I've missed you Y/n..." she nodded trying to hold the tears back, she didn't realise how nice it felt to be with them again and just being in their arms- especially Toms- would make her so emotional
"me too..." she breathed
"god you're going to make me cry- stop Y/n" Bill chuckled blinking up trying to discard the tears, Tom still stood with the girl unable to pull from her
"okay- hm, well you two- I hope you have an amazing night and maybe I'll see you in another 20 years?" the three laughed, but Tom wasn't about to wait another 20 years to see her again, he couldn't
"hope so!"
"aaannnd cut-" the camera man called and the three breathed, she took the mics back and thanked the pair again, when other interviewers realised that they'd finished Bill and Tom's name bounced around again
"have a good night guys, I wont hold you up anymore" she sadly grinned rubbing Bills shoulder feeling a weird pain in her chest- like she was saying good bye again
"ugh I'd much rather stay with you but, we both know what these things are like" Bill gave her one last hug, squeezing her tightly and saying thanks once more before he was dragged by someone she didn't even see but he was gone and only her and Tom stood there
"guess I need to say bye to you too hm?" the two shared a laugh
"yeah.. yeah" Tom couldn't let his nervousness get the best of him this time, he knew if he didn't say anything he'd regret if for how many more years went by before he saw her again "I- I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna grab drinks one of the nights? or even tonight if you can do you want to sit with us- Gustav and Georg will be at the after party thing- it's fine if not of course I'm guessing you've already got a table with some people and-" the guitarist rambled on making the girl infront of him giggle
"I'd love to go get drinks with you Tom- and also sit with you all tonight" he felt like he had gone back to being 16 for a second as the words left her mouth "so I'll meet you by the doors at say, 9?"
"Yeah 9 works, okay!- I better go so" he hugged her again pressing a kiss to the top of her head "bye!" she waved to the man who was smiling so widely it hurt
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Of doodles and hearts.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader.
A/N: This little thing came from this prompt: “Wanda writing your name with hearts in her notebook with her own name.” I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! :)
Word count: 1,442.
Wanda had just finished her last class of the day and she was beyond elated that the weekend was upon her with how stressful the week had been with all the exams coming up.
Making her way through the halls a voice suddenly greets her when she makes it to her locker to put some of her belongings away.
"Hey Max."
Wanda hears and she turns to see her best friend Y/N Y/L/N standing beside her, a sweet smile on your face.
"Hi Y/N," Wanda greets shyly, your smile making butterflies erupt in her stomach.
"Any plans this weekend?" You ask and Wanda shakes her head softly, "so do you and Pietro maybe want to hang out? I was thinking we could get some food, watch a movie, and just chill at my place or yours," you smile with a shrug.
"Yeah, that sounds great Y/N/N. I don't know if Pietro has any plans yet, but I'm up for it regardless and we can do it at my house," Wanda beams, the prospect of spending more time with you making her happy.
"Awesome, your place it is then, I'll be there with pizza at 8, I'm excited to hang out," you grin. "Also, I wish I could stay with you longer to talk but I gotta get running, I still have a few others things to do here at school before I go, so I'll see you tomorrow, okay," you say and Wanda nods with a smile before you pull her into a hug, the girl relishing being in your arms more than she'd ever admit.
When you pull away and walk out of sight, Wanda squeals lightly hugging her notebooks to her chest in giddiness as she makes her way out of the school and to the parking lot, a smile present on her face as she walks to her car.
Once she's at her car the brunette girl throws her belongings into her backseat without a care in the world, full of excitement at the thought of spending some of her time with you tomorrow night, failing to realize that one of her notebooks did not make it into her car.
When Wanda makes it home from school the first thing she does is she gets herself a light snack then makes her way up the stairs and into her room.
Setting her belongings down onto her desk she begins pulling out the necessary materials to start her homework when she realizes something completely dreadful.
Her red notebook was missing.
Certainly to anyone else that wouldn't seem like such a big deal. She could just buy a new one, fill out all the missing information she needed with the help of her friends and move on.
Again, no big deal right?
No, the reason Wanda was panicking was because that notebook, that one specific red notebook happened to be the one that had your name written on it in several pages.
But that wasn't even the entire problem you see, Wanda would’ve been completely fine if only your name was on those pages but no, much to her luck that notebook also happened to hold Wanda's name in it besides yours with hearts and doodles around it.
It was safe to say she was losing her mind.
Rummaging through all her belongings Wanda is unsuccessful in finding the item so she quickly walks out of her room and to her brother's.
"Piet, have you seen my red notebook?" Wanda asks slamming her twin's door open, slightly breathless and pale.
"Jeez Wanda, can't you knock?" Pietro says, clutching a shirt to his chest as he was in the process of changing, "you're lucky I wasn't naked, you know!" The silver haired boy exclaims, "and no, I haven't," her twin sighs attempting to calm his heart rate, "Also why the hell does it look like you’ve just seen a ghost because of a notebook?"
Ignoring her brother's statement the brunette makes her way to the kitchen, the last spot she was at before going to her room, looking around her dining table, the cabinets and the countertops as if the notebook could've just gotten up and walked away.
"Where could it be?" She mutters frustrated, hand in her hair as frantic green eyes glance around the kitchen once again. "Maybe I left it in my locker," she says to herself, grabbing her car keys and making her way over to the door.
From the foyer, Wanda shouts up to her brother, "Piet, I'll be right back, I'm going to check at sch-" she begins, but as she pulls her front door open, her words die in her throat when she sees you standing there, hand in mid air ready to knock, "Y/N," she says surprised, "what are you doing here? I thought the plans we made were for tomorrow?" Wanda asks confused.
"Uh, yeah, they were- I mean, they are for tomorrow," you stutter, "it's just, I thought you might want this," Y/N says, hand slowly coming up to reveal the object Wanda has been searching for, "you must've dropped it on your way out, I found it on the ground by the parking space where you left your car."
Wanda gasps, cheeks flushing red as her eyes shut, "please Y/N, please tell me you didn't open it," the girl whispers embarrassed and at the lack of your response Wanda opens her eyes reluctantly.
"Look Max, I promise I didn't do it on purpose," you say hands up in surrender, "but when I found it it was already open face up and I- well I saw something that made me curious," you begin and Wanda winces, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole, "Wanda, I saw our names and doodles of what seemed to be us together, with a bunch of little hearts around them. Is there a reason for that?" You ask softly, not a trace of judgement in your eyes.
Wanda blushes even harder at the fact that you have discovered the secret little doodles she drew of you and releases a nervous breath of air, "Y/N/N, l- wow this is embarrassing," she begins, cutting herself short as she can't seem to find the words. "Okay, well here goes," Wanda says, steeling herself as she gets ready to confess her feelings, "Y/N, I like you." She begins.
"I've liked you for some time now and I know I haven't explicitly said that I'm gay or whatever. I mean, truthfully I still don't know what I am," Wanda whispers scared, "but what I do know is that I'm attracted to you," she begins again full of resolve, "I feel so comfortable around you, no one makes me laugh harder than you do and I guess falling for you was inevitable. Also, I know you're my best friend, so it's okay if you don't feel the same way, I completely understand. I just really hope this doesn't ruin things between us and if you don't want to see me anymore, I get it-" Wanda rambles breathlessly, her words cut off as you cradle her face and pull her into a searing kiss.
"Hey Max, breathe," you say softly as you pull away all too soon for Wanda's liking. "I like you too," you beam, "I just never said anything, because like you said, you never explicitly implied you were into girls," you shrug, thumbs rubbing Wanda's face softly, "but now, that it's out in the open, I so do want to continue seeing you. Because now I’m thinking, instead of going through with the movie night I had planned with both you and Pietro tomorrow, I take out you on a first date instead, what do you say?" You ask with a smile, arms going around Wanda's waist.
The girl beams with delight, nodding her head as she moves her arms around your neck, "yes Y/N/N, I'd love that."
"Okay, then its settled, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8, sound good?" You ask softly.
"Sounds perfect," Wanda whispers just as softly, pecking your lips a couple of times.
"Also Miss Maximoff, who knew you were such the artist, your work is on par with that of Picasso’s,” you grin, “the way you managed to capture my essence in those doodles, unmatched! We should have those drawings framed and put in a museum," you tease with a smirk and Wanda smacks your shoulder.
"Ass," she mutters, cheeks red and you let out a laugh before leaning down to press a kiss on her lips.
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queenie-avenue · 9 months
Going from the stomach to the heart.
—> watching her eat makes you full.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, reader is a baker, fluff, mutual pining, insecurity about bodies, reader is unaware of the demon slayer corps.
notes: I haven't written anything fandom-based in a while, so this is a bit self-indulgent.
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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When you first met Mitsuri Kanroji, you thought she was weird; prancing into your bakery in a beautiful kimono, but with a blade by her side. When you commented about it, she seemed to be taken aback and flustered, mumbling about how she forgot to leave her blade back at home. Not to mention, her odd hair colour. Was it a trend to dye hairs in weird colours nowadays? You saw a man with fiery-red hair pass by a few weeks back.
For a moment, you wondered whether this shy and beautiful looking girl was a hit woman of some sorts.
Well, either way, you were just a baker, and your job was to sell pastries and earn money. You need not worry about such things.
"It tastes so good!" The girl gushed as she held her cheeks, whipped cream on the side of her lips. Your eyes widened at her passion for your treats. "The sponge cake is so soft and moist, the cream is just the perfect balance of sweetness and the strawberries are all perfect ripe!" She exclaimed, causing you to blush.
"It's just a cake." You tried to be humble.
"This cake is the gift of the heavens then!" No one had ever complimented to you to such an extent before.
"Thank you." You smiled and it seemed now the two of you wore a pair of matching tomato faces. "You have a bit..." you started, but you just decided to wipe it off for her with a handkerchief. "There." You said as you looked into her green eyes.
Steam poured from her ears as she looked at you, wide-eyed and bright. Cheeks as pink as her gorgeous hair. You simply smiled and wished her a good meal.
You thought the girl odd, but sweet.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
She kept coming over, though, always here when you had a fresh batch of cheesecake or some mousse. You had to admit, you had grown fond of the girl, finding yourself eager to let her try your new creations, eager to catch a glimpse of her oddly-coloured hair, wanting to see her beautiful eyes. You had no idea yet, but you were slowly falling for the girl, your heart rate increasing then relaxing everytime you saw her.
"You've been coming here for months, but I don't know your name." You commented with a smirk as you pushed a plate of mochi towards her. It was about fifteen minutes after closing, but when the pink- and green-haired girl entered your bakery, wondering whether it was still open, you decided to lie and say you were still open for business, even offering her some free snacks.
"Eh? Did we never say our names to each other?" The girl said, face already stuffed with mochi, flour puffing out with each word she spoke.
You chuckled and nodded your head.
She gulped down the sweet and looked straight into you and smiled. "I'm Mitsuri, Mitsuri Kanroji." She smiled.
The way she looked as she said that made your heart flutter. The lights from the store flickered down onto her, illuminating her face in a way you had never seen happen before. It was like heaven itself was casting its sunshine onto her, her bright green eyes only looking at you.
"[y/n] [l/n]." Was all you could reply as you stayed in awe of Mitsuri Kanroji.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
Now each and every day was filled with the smiles of the sweet green-eyed girl who still brought in her katana at times. When you questioned her about it, she simply said it was a hobby and you could hardly believe that such a genteel girl like her could possibly be interested in something such as swordmanship.
You were proven wrong when you saw her carry heaps of ingredients into your storage room.
Mitsuri was at first shy when she offered her help, and you were worried that she might get injured, but the girl continued to persist. "I promise I won't be a hindrance, I just want to thank and help you for all the times you've given me cake and allowed me to loiter about!" She sueaked like a mouse.
"Fine, but if it's too much work, just tell me." You reassured the girl, patting her on her back.
The shock on your face when you saw her carry five boxes with one hand was hilarious. However, Mitsuri did not see it that way, she found herself upset that she had caused such an expression to make its way onto your face. "I'm sorry." She whispered.
"What for?" You quickly snapped out from your daydream.
"I just- I know its not normal."
"What's not normal?" You rebutted.
"My body. I know it's not very ladylike." Your heart almost broke at her confession as you approached your most esteemed customer and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Ladylike or not, I think you're the most wonderful woman I've ever met." You smiled, attempting to reassure her.
"But all my fiancés... they- they never liked my body. They all said it was like a hound's." Mitsuri began to tear up as you embraced the girl, patting her fluffed braids. "I'll never find a husband with such an abnormal body." Sobbed Mitsuri. Your hands brushed against her hair, caressing her soft skin with a smile as you brought her face to look at you.
"Trust me, those men have no idea what they've lost." You smirked as you wiped away her tears with the pads of your thumbs.
"Trust me, I'd say they lost out by rejecting such a beautiful lady like you. I'd marry you if I could."
You were such an idiot, you realised that only after you confessed that you found Mitsuri — your innocent, sweet, kind-hearted customer — aesthetically pleasing.
Truly, you were a genius.
You had never seen Mitsuri's face turn so red before. Before, you had only seen her cheeks dust with a shade of pink akin to cherry blossoms, but you had never seen her face turn a dark shade of cherry-red. She dived back into your arms, thanking you softly as she nuzzled her face into your neck.
"You're beautiful too." She mustered the courage to say, which also made your cheeks heat up. Perhaps both of you had more in common than you thought.
You both looked away out of shyness, even as you hugged one another.
From that day onwards, Mitsuri no longer found her stomach growling every time she saw your bakery, but rather, she found her heart pounding faster than ever.
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gabithefanwriter · 1 year
The Little Mermaid
Ariel (2023) x Female! Mermaid Reader
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You are my World.
This is based off of the 2023 version. I’ll be making more Ariel one shots in the future (more of Halle’s, more of Ariel 1989 and genderbend Ariel?👀). Not my best work.
I haven't seen the 2023 version but Halle as Ariel has me in a chokehold. I'm not sure how many changes from the animation were made in the live action remake, so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, it's kinda rushed. I'm sorry I had an idea and I have no idea where it went. Not my best work. And it isn't edited.
Readers of any background can read this. Skin colour is not specified. Also I'm sorry for the awful changed lyrics.
"Ariel! Wait up!" I cried out after her, swimming until we were at the same speed. "What's going on?"
"I saved the prince! I brought him to the shore! His legs are so fascinating, Y/n! He is also really handsome! There were so many things that he had that I was so confused about! Oh, how I wish I could learn more about it, about him!"
I listened to every word, my own heart breaking even as I had a massive crush on her. It wasn't even a crush - I had fallen in love with her since the start of our journeys. She sang to me, how she wanted to see the world above, how she dreamed of nothing more or less.
I listened to her words, and smiled, even as we both swam out a fair distance from the grotto. She waved goodbye and swam back home and I stayed there, waving like the lunatic I am.
I swam in the grotto even after she left. I understood her, that she wanted to be part of his world, but I wanted her to stay here with me.
I looked up through the small hole at the top between the rocks and slowly twirled.
"Up there they walk,
Up there they run,
Up there they stay all day in the sun.
I wish she could see
That I want to be
Part of Her World."
I turned and looked down, only to gasp when I saw Sebastian gaping at me with wide eyes, and I couldn't help but immediately swim over. "Sebastian, don't-"
"You love Ariel?" He shrieked. I bit my lip and looked down at my f/c tail. "Well...yeah, Sebastian. What's not to love about her? Her desire to learn about others, the way her eyes twinkle when she discovers something, the way she's so easy to talk with? And let's not even get started on her beauty! Her voice - oh, how I wish I had a voice like hers. I could listen to her all day!"
"The king would support it, I'm sure! He loves having you around. He's say he views you as another daughter and already an addition to the family," Sebastian reassured. I frowned and glanced down at the red crab, a sigh slipped past my lips. "I mean - it's not just whether or not King Triton accepts me. It also depends on whether Ariel accepts me, but if I were to be honest, I think she has a type for humans, and I think she might not be into girls."
Sebastian crawled over to climb onto my arm to reach my shoulder, my h/l hair gently brushing over him as I swam to the coral reefs where I remember first meeting Ariel.
"What would she give
If she could live
Out of these waters?
But what would I pay
To hear her say
She loves me back?"
I looked up to see the sun glowing brightly above the surface. Sebastian still clung to my shoulder as I swam until I was certain that if I outstretched my hand, it would break through the surface.
"Betcha on land
They understand
The struggles with unrequited love.
Where women love women,
Although it's not uncommon,
It's improbable!"
I turned to Sebastian as we 'fell' down to the sand slowly, stretching out on the sandy bottom.
"I'm ready to hear what she's learned today,
Hold in my words as I hear her say
How fascinated she is with the upper world!
The way her tail twirled,
Eyes with passion,
Up there she might have more fun!"
I looked back up at the surface, hugging myself and flapping my tail.
"I wish she could see
I just want to be
Part of her world."
I felt Sebastian's heartbroken stare on my back, a sigh escaping past my lips. "I would do anything to have her be with me, Sebastian. I just love her so much."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I spun around and saw the very mermaid we were talking about. I bit my tongue to suppress a gasp when she stood there, staring at me. "You love me?"
"I love you too."
She swam closer, her hand going from her
I stared at her, from her eyes to her lips, slowly swimming up and kissing her gently. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands went to the back of her neck and the other tangling in her hair. "I love you, Ariel."
"I love you too, Y/n." She smiled as we kissed again, pulling me until she was flushed against me.
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ctommy-chileno · 2 years
Here's a list of some ongoing fanfictions I've been following if you want some literature
(Ongoing as in. Updated in the past month or this month)
Butterfly Reign: You know this one, it's the angst full and oddly yellow one. I always end up finding out it updated a day before it released how does that keep happening?. It's a good read, the characters get deeper the more you read it, and yet even with all their hidden lore and ok ish intentions I still want them to suffer because I'm a spiteful bitch. Unreliable narrator to you I believe him.
In the name of the fucking moon: Its a magical girls AU with the benchers and the family, more on the old school monster of the week type of magical girls but with continuity. If you imagine the scenes in your head while reading please add an 80's anime filter over it. Fun to read 👍 I got halfway through and I'm waiting for it to finish so I can binge it.
Guided evolution: Only read this if you have a lot of free time or the time management skills of a lawyer because this here is 300.000+ words and incredibly good. Every chapter I do nothing but worry for my spider son. Hasn't he been through enough I ask, while seeing I'm on chapter 52 out of 75. I know the answer, and it only serves to hurt me.
How to be the biggest trainer ever: Crimeboys go in a pokemon adventure. A very friendly fun read, like the pokemon anime but with your favourite white boys having fun 👍the world is set on gen 1 I think, so use that soundtrack
The stars and their children: Ive only read till chapter 5 and that's enough to know its good (also the fact that I follow the author here on tumblr so I get spoiled every once in a while hehe) This one is more sandduo focused and it has cool sci fi monarchy and it's also very near to end?? I didn't know that. Guess I'll get up to date then. Star tommy did nothing wrong I haven't seen him do much of anything but if he does in the other 19 chapters be aware he did nothing wrong
By the morrow: this one is weird and interesting in the most enticing way possible. What the fuck is going on. I must know all the reasons behind what is happening here. It can be quite macabre so be aware. I only found this one because the author posted the updates to tumblr. Oh yeah the synopsis, superhero au where the ctommy is a nobody who dies and fucks around the town in his ghost form but shit hits the fan incredibly quickly.
Who the ever loving fuck made me a prince: Its an Isekai yipee, our main boy (el ctommy) reads a book where a kid prince dies. L. Then he wakes up as that same kid!!! Oh no!!! Good news is he's reincarnated right in baby zone so he has plenty of time and skill to make sure won't die 👍, its fun, if you like isekais and don't mind some anime trope baby ism then you will live another day
Proof that life hates tommyinnit personally: This is a mystery!!! Spooky!! With touches of angst, perhaps more than some touches but hey the thrill!! The search!! I enjoy the use of the "it's not paranoia if they're really put to get you" tag. Its one of those fics that if it ever gets dropped I would go to the authors house to ask how was it supposed to end. I need. To know. Oh yeah summary: el ctommy is homeless and has many friends in a local mall who don't know that. This is only one (1) of his problems as he's recently gained a stalker, and everything points to being someone he knows ?? Question mark?? Fun.
TommyInnit's Declassified Vigilante Survival Guide: Ah a good old vigilante fic, just like mama used to make. it checks all the marks: benchtrio living together, villain sbi, when the family is founded, heroes yet bad?? and introducing a cool new power to the boy, what a joy! It is funny and it is cool
Our love it's like a burning sun: you've heard of racconinnit, birdinnit, ratinnit, cat shifter innit, possumi- hm I haven't heard that actually, anyways get ready for Red Panda innit, here's a red panda shifter who runs away from mean kingdom and goes to nice kingdom where he can find some family. And sometimes that's all you need to face the horrors
Thunder on my bones: ANOTHER superhero au listen man this one is good trust me. We have superhero boy being sidekick to mean superhero then gets moved to nice family of superheroes and the family is found :)) but also there's villains that want to fuck him up , uh oh! How will they found the family in this conditions! I also really like the design of the tommy superhero outfit, it has a really nice detail that I love imagining in my head ^^
There are more but these are long and easy to get into
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slytherin-girly · 2 years
Ever After/ A Draco Malfoy x reader one-shot
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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva (wattpad)
House: Gryffindor
Year: 7th
Blood: wasn't specified so u choose I guess :) (half or pure) for the story:)
Word count: 2.6k give or take
Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, and this is where it all started, my life.
       {Y/n POV before Hogwarts}
"Draco! Come back here!" I yelled chasing after Draco, my best friend.
"Give me my book back!"
"Only if you can catch me!" He yelled back to me
"Oh game on!" I starting running as fast as my legs could carry me.
"No fair!" I pouted taking a seat in the grass out of breath from all that running
"Of fine, here's your stupid book" He says handing it over rolling his eyes and laughing at me
"Can you believe we're going to Hogwarts together," I said,"we'll still be best friends right?"
"Of course Y/n, we will"
"Yay" I clapped.
My parents are best friends with the Malfoys so I don't see how Draco and I could ever not be friends really.
                     {Y/n POV}
                     {Year: 1st}
"Draco! Over here!" I called out as soon as I saw him and his mother and father.
Pushing through the crowd of everyone I suppose were going to Hogwarts.
While making my way through the crowd I saw a girl with, very curly hair carrying a lot of books.
She smiled so I returned the smile.
"There you are, were gonna miss the train! C'mon!" Draco said rushing me.
"Okay okay slow down one second, jeez"
I gave both my parents a hug and waved goodbye to dracos parents.
            {Sorting ceremony}
"We're ready for you now" a voice said.
"Follow me" if I presumably remember correctly I believe she said her name was professor mcgonagall? Not sure though
Draco and I walked side by side, through the doors that lead into a massive great hall
"Woah" I said looking up at the ceiling.
"Woah is right" draco agreed.
The professor lady, started calling names, I was patiently waiting for my name
"Hermione Granger!"
It's that girl from earlier, she has a nice name.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting house yelled.
Applause from the gryffindor table a suppose.
"Ronald Weasley!" A finger headed boy walked up to the hat and sat on the stool.
It took a few seconds until the hat made its decision
"GRYFFINDOR!" It yelled
More applauding.
"Draco Malfoy!"
I patted him on the back and gave him a small smile.
He walked up and just as the hat touched his head it said, "SLYTHERIN!" I clapped for him as he made his way to the slytherin table I suppose
"Y/n L/n!" My name was called. I gulped and made my way up.
"Hmmm.... very different.. haven't seen one like this in awhile... better be... GRYFFINDOR!"  I smiled slightly wishing I had been in the same house as draco, but oh well. He said that we'd always be friends.
I sat beside the girl I saw earlier.
"Hi, I'm L/n, Y/n L/n." I said to her and stuck my hand out
"I'm Hermione Granger" she said and shook my hand.
She continued the sorting until two other boys sat beside Hermione and I
"Hello, what are your names?" I asked them
"Ron weasley" said the red head
"Er- Harry Potter" the black haired boy answered
"Nice to meet you two, I'm Y/n L/n."
"Girls dormitories are to the right, and boys on the left" said the prefect once we got inside our common room.
It has been a few weeks since draco has last talked to me. We haven't spoken since the sorting.
We happened to have potions together, maybe I can try to talk with him after class.
Once potions class was finally over it took dreadfully long to finish. I in fact liked charms ckass way better.
"Hey Draco wait up!" I called out to me.
He turned to face me, "what do you want L/n" annoyance in his tone.
"I just- want to talk to you. We haven't talked ever since we got sorted!"
"Let's keep it that way then"
He was starting to walk away
"But why! You said we'd be best friends forever!" I yelled and walked off.
                     {Y/n POV}
Pathetic. Utterly pathetic
"Hey mudblood and weaselbe. Oh and how can I forget the famous Harry Potter, scarhead really" draco snickers and so does the other slytherins.
"Just ignore him guys" I said pushing all three of them away from him.
"I don't understand why he doesn't say anything about you Y/n" Ron said
"I agree" said Harry
"I think he fancies you" Hermione said
"What!" Ron and Harry said in unison.
We had stopped walking. My mouth was held agape trying to comprehend what she had just said.
"What? Don't give me those looks, it's the only logical explanation, if you guys read books more often-"
"That's why we have you so we won't have to read books, we can just ask you" Ron interrupted her big speech that we've heard more than once that's for sure.
"He hasn't bullied her since 1st year guys, honestly do you even pay attention-"
"No we don't watch to people and think that they fancy each other just by watching them" Ron interrupted her again.
"You're gonna do what?!" I asked very alarmed.
"Just a simple polyjuice potion for information" Hermione repeated.
"From who?"
"Malfoy." Answered Harry.
"Okay, I know Draco isnt the most pleasant at all, but he wouldn't know anything about the stuff you guys want to know" I said
"And how do you know that?" Hermione questioned.
"We were best friends Hermione! That's why! Ever since we were little! He stopped talking to me ever since the bloody sorting. Happy! That's why! ... I'm sorry, I'm gonna go take a nap. Sorry guys." I said tears still coming down my face.
I walked up to my lonely dormitory.
"I miss my best friend" I whimpered hugging my pillow tightly.
                     {Y/n  POV }
                     {Year: 3rd}
No one knew but, I think Hermione was catching on though, I had always liked Draco. He was my best friend, how could I not. I always found him adorable but this was just another level of hotness
"What're you looking at Y/n?" Ginny asked me.
"Nothing" I said and turned my gaze down towards my plate
"Sureeee" Ginny said obviously not believing what I had said.
"Potter! Potter!" Draco hissed, "Is it true you fainted? Like actually fainted"
One of his goons pretended to faint.
"Shove off Malfoy" Ron said putting his hand on Harry's  and turning back around.
What happened between us? We were best friends. What happened? Is it because I was sorted in gryffindor? Was it? Maybe that's why. But why doesn't he torment me like the other gryffindors? I kept putting those questions in my head throughout the day, like a song on repeat.
Harry mumbled the password to the fat lady in the painting and we went to common room
"Anything exciting today guys?" I asked generally intrigued.
"Nah, but Malfoy being Malfoy walked up to a hippogriff." Ron said
Sounds like the Malfoy I used to know
I sighed, "goodnight guys" and with that I walked off.
I sat by my windowsill looking up at the moon and stars, so beautiful.
                  {Draco's POV}
I made my way back to my dorm room and lied on my bed.
I sighed, still thinking about Y/n.
Why did I stop being friends with her in the first place? Shes a wonderfully beautiful incredible and stunning girl. Well no turning back time now.
                      {Y/n POV}
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining but why the hell is Draco only tormenting everyone else, except me? I mean I'm not gonna complain though
All I want to know is why and that is what I'm going to find out.
I was sitting with Harry Ron and Hermione in common room until I needed to take my plan into action.
He likes the astronomy tower right? I think so
"I've gotta go guys I said running off into the dorms, no one knew I had a little invisibility cloak of my own. No one had to know.
I grabbed the cloak and put it over my head waiting for someone to come into common room so I could slip out.
"Wonder what's up with her" Ron said. Hermione just shrugged.
"Dunno." Harry said
Just than Neville came through into common room, so I slipped out.
Once I reached the stairs I took off the cloak and made my way up to the top.
When I got there I saw Draco standing there admiring the moon and stars.
We've never talked in years. This might be a little awkward but I want an answer to my question.
I walked up silently and tapped his shoulder.
"Hey Draco" I said
He jumped a little not noticing that I was up here.
"O-oh Y/n. I didn't know y-you were here"he stuttered, "why are you up here anyway"
"I wanted to ask you something" I said,"if y ou don't mind that is"
"Of course not"
"Well, I'm not complaining But- why do you only torment my friends, and not me?"
"Y/n- its complicated okay"
"But i wanna know." I said in a stubborn tone.
"I'm afraid you'll hate me more than you already do if I say it"
"Draco. I never hated you. I did wonder why you just stopped talking to me. But I could never ever hate you"
"Just tell me" I said curiously
"M-my father has a-arraigned for u-us to get m-married"
I stood there and didn't say anything.
"I told you that you'd hate-" I cut him off.
"Its not actually a bad idea to me, I actually already like you, ever since before we came to Hogwarts really" I said scratching the back of my neck.
"Yes really, but I understand if-"
"I like you too Y/n, I dont know why I stopped talking to you, I was being a git."
"Right on that one." Draco chuckled.
"So uhm- does this mean we're a thing?" I asked.
"If you want it to be a thing"
"In that case, yes I do." I said and pulled him into a hug.
"Do you mind if we keep it a secret" he asked.
"No, that's fine"
                      {Y/n POV}
It was now near the end of our 7th year at Hogwarts. And Draco hasn't been himself lately.
"Draco please tell me what's wrong" I pleaded him.
"There's a war coming very soon Y/n!" He hissed, "it's coming to Hogwarts. The dark lord has risen."
"Listen, he's going to rip this place to shreds. My father wants be to be a death eater like him. But I refused. So the dark lord is going to come after me too I suppose."
"Then come with us Draco. Dumbledore's army," I said
"That sounds like a better idea than getting some sort of dark mark on your arm"
" yeah it does. A whole lot." I say giggling.
"Sooooo whaddya say Dray"
We hugged each other again.
To be honest. I wasn't expecting that, but that's life. I know we will make it out alive.
"Let's go tell professor mcgonagall,  you do know that ever since potter started saying you were a death eater she has her suspicions too"
"Good idea"
As we were fast walking to professor mcgonagalls office he said something.
"Y'know I can't believe that we're engaged"
"Same here"
We open the doors  and there she is.
"Professor, can we have a word" I asked
"Of course what is it"
"You know how you have been having suspicions about Draco being a death eather" I said, "his father wanted him to be one, but he refused. He's joined our side professor." I finished.
"That's wonderful, you two do know that I'll have to say this to everyone right? Or else no one will believe you two." She said.
"Of course of course, great idea" I agreed.
We walked into the great hall, everyone was there except for most of the slytherins. No clue where they could be.
"May I have your attention please." Professor mcgonagall said and all the chit chat stopped, "as we have all had our suspicions, but Draco Malfoy is joining our side of this war"
"Yeah! Wonderful! But why are they wearing rings that match!" Fred and George yelled out.
Oh hell no. Oh well.
"Oh those, they are engaged" Professor mcgonagall said.
I looked out and saw the trio, mouths hung open.
"That is it" said professor mcgonagall walking off.
"I have to go do something Dray, I'll be back" I said kissing his cheek.
"Okay love," he said. There wasn't any use in hiding it anymore anyway.
"How could you hide something that big from us?" Hermione questioned
"Because you'd all hate me." I stated simply.
"No we dont hate you, Y/n, right boys" she gave them a warning look.
"No we don't hate you either. We're just surprised." Said Harry.
"Was it arraigned?" Hermione asked.
"Yes it was. But we found out that we already liked each other."
"Bloody hell" was the only thing Ron had said through this entire conversation.
"But why did he join us?" Harry questioned.
"Because he does not want to be like his father. He doesnt want to follow in his father's footsteps" I said.
With that I walked over to Ginny.
"Hey Gin" I said.
"Hey, it's true then?"
"Oh uhm yeah"
"I was waiting for that. The way you two stole glances at each other was driving me crazy, 'bout time you two got together" she said making me laugh.
                      {Y/n POV}
          {After winning the war}
We did it. Harry has finally did it. He's dead, the dark lord is finally dead.
"Wheres Draco" I murmured to myself.
I was looking all over the place for him.
"Draco! Over here!" I yelled.
We ran to each other and hugged one other tightly.
"Oh Y/n I'm glad you're alright"
"I'm glad that you are alright too Dray, now c'mon"
Draco and I had been sending out our invitations to our wedding. Sending them out to everyone we knew that we're very good friends.
I had asked Ginny and Hermione to be the bridesmaids. I couldnt think of anyone that could be better bridesmaids than my to girls.
"Ginny Hermione, I'm scared. What if I mess something up? What if I'm not accepted"
"Listen Y/n you two survived against Voldemort, I think you'll be okay" Ginny says reassuring me.
"We know that you'll be okay" Hermione said patting my back.
"You'll be able to survive having Lucius as a father-in-law" Ginny said making us all laugh.
"C'mon, it's time" Hermione said.
I walked down down the aisle with my father.
We had said our long vows.
We had our dance which was actually amazing.
I danced with Lucius once. And Draco danced with my mother.
I saw him talking to the trio for a little bit. They've finally accepted him as a friend.
"C'mon" Draco said grabbing my wrist and pulling us into a private room.
"So Mrs Malfoy"
"So" I said mocking his tone
"Did I ever tell you that I wanted a son named scorpius"
"Oh yes, many time Dray, many times" I said
We continued talking about our future as Mrs. and Mr Malfoy.
Best day ever.
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Reblogs are always appreciated! If you repost please give credits, I worked on this for a week ❤
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immoralimmortals · 4 months
Assigning the Akatsuki movies that tend to really disturb people, because they are a disturbing bunch.
A word of caution: the films mentioned are very intense, some of which closer to endurance tests than narratives. These pairings are not recommendations to see these movies. If you seek any out, research the content. I am not adding individual content warnings for the films themselves since I'm only pairing them with characters (you are free to inquire for those or for spoilers if you want to know more)
General content warning for the post itself for unsavory mentions of various kinds of violence.
Pain: Come and See
Lauded by some as the only war film that is not accidentally pro-war or pro-military propaganda. It is a story about children, children who are vessels of the narrative to, as the title says, show you the horrors and agony of warfare on the human spirit.
Konan: Martyrs
A French extreme horror film that breaks your heart as you watch women's spirits get broken. It is painfully empathetic and gut punches you over and over. It relies on you caring about the characters for its impact and it succeeds. What is the great worth of having suffered?
(Despite having a very spiritual aspect l, it is too heartfelt of a film to give Hidan, though considered)
Obito: Perfect Blue
Twisty, turny story about identities and lies. Plays with the idea of innocence and self control like how a cat plays with a butterfly with a broken wing. It's a beautiful movie but it's also going to make you really unhappy.
Zetsu: Beyond the Black Rainbow
This is a slow, methodical film about invasiveness and brainwashing. The color pallet is stark, contrasted mostly by bright whites and dark shades, with the occasional blood red thrown in to throw you off. Some of the imagery is very unnatural-seeming and nightmarish. This is the sort of movie you'd like to put on if you want to do the opposite of whatever meditation would be.
Hidan: Mai-chan's Daily Life
If you know this movie/manga at all, my reasoning is what it says on the tin. Girl gets dismembered and killed over and over as an immortal. She kind of likes it? It's a really nasty one that jumps to being so over the top and silly. I haven't seen this one and have no deeper thoughts on it.
...I guess if I really want to keep with the theme of movies I've actually seen, I'd then go with The Devils, which is based on a real life event. It's about the interplay between religion, sexuality, and political freedom, and it gets really, really violent and makes me go
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Kakuzu: The Night of the Hunter
This one is actually just legitimately a very good movie that happens to hurt you deep in your soul. Two kids of the Great Depression are confided to by their dad before his execution that he stole several thousand dollars from a bank. A priest he meets in prison tracks down the children, worms his way into the love of not only their widowed mother but of the community, and tries to convince them to give the money to him as God intended.
This is a very influential film from the 1950s that while not often recognized by name, has been cited as inspiration for some of the most notable filmmakers in recent time. It is less traditionally disturbing and more that you are made to walk alongside these children as they enter a money-hungry nightmare.
Deidara: Tetsuo the Iron Man
This film is an art piece. I don't mean that in a way which denotes that it is pleasant but in a way where I appreciate and recognize every choice was very, very purposeful. This is a movie with such industrial, inhuman sound design. It is loud and visceral and made to make you feel like you got in a car accident. It's also deeply homoerotic??? So bonus points! Also has some genuinely incredible visual effects. I am sick to my stomach.
Sasori: Audition
I love this movie. Ohhhh it hurts me. It makes me sick. I'm never watching it again. The premise is a man lies about the purpose of an audition, which is not a movie role but to select a potential wife. It doesn't strike him as possible that an actress might catch onto his script that plays out.
The ending scene. This is why it's for Sasori. Such a sweet smile and soothing voice while dismembering someone with piano wire.
Kisame: Ichi the Killer
I'm setting aside the very, very overt sexual text of this movie to focus on what it's trying to say about the enjoyment of violence. It is a bizarrely lighthearted film about two opposites. As YouTuber NyxFears (May Leitz) has put it:
Guy 1: This is a party, I love killing people! Yay! :D
Guy 2: I'm terrified, I hate that I'm violent! Why are we doing this!
It is an incredibly fun yakuza film that also makes you frown really hard at some bits as it becomes really morally questionable.
Itachi: The Handmaiden
Another genuinely excellent movie where the point of it is to throw your soul into a rock tumbler so you can experience the full spectrum of human emotion! It is not only gorgeously made and pleasing to the eye, but it also relies upon your attachment to the regality and poise a character holds, which I think is a similar feeling I give to Itachi when I think about him. It is a cathartic tale that makes you believe love is real by making you, as the audience, suffer to get there as the characters do.
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“See you soon.”
kagura soma x fem!reader
request: yes/no
A/n: this oneshot was part of a collection I had titled Smile! wanted to post it here because I can and feel like it would be more appreciated here. Lol
Word Count: 726w
Not proofread
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"Can you stop stalling and go talk to her already!" One of your friends whispered-yelled to you.
You froze up, blushing a dark red. "Shut up!" You growled under your breath.
You've been staring at this girl for a while. She had dark brown hair and she was wearing a green dress. She was cute, but she didn't seem to be the type to go to a party but then again you might be wrong.
"Ugh, come on, Y/n. You've been checking her out for the past hour since you spotted her." One of your friends said.
"You're making me sound like a creep." You grimaced.
"Then stop being creepy and go talk to her then." They said.
"I can't. I mean what if she has a boyfriend or what if she's not into girls." You said.
"Okay, now you're just making up excuses." Your friend said raising an eyebrow at you.
"I'm not! I just..." You trailed frowning looking at the ground.
"You won't know unless you go and talk to her. Now, Go!" They said pushing you towards the girl.
"No wait, hold on!" You protested as your friend kept pushing you until you bumped into the girl.
"Oops! Sorry about." You said.
The girl turned to look at you, she looked relieved. "Oh! You're a girl! It's fine I'm not hurt or anything." She said.
'Wait, why is she relieved that I'm a girl? Maybe she hiding from a boy that tried to put the moves on her? I mean, me too girl, me too.' You thought a bit confused.
"That's good," You smiled softly. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before. You here with someone?" You asked.
"Uh, yeah, a friend of mine invited me here." The girl said with a smile.
"Cool, I'm here with friends too, even though I'm not much of a party person but eh, I don't hate it." You chuckled.
She giggled back with a light pink blush on her cheeks.
'So cute~.' You thought blushing a bit but regained your composure.
"S-So, what's your name?" You asked her.
She smiled at you and cheerfully gave you her name. "I'm Kagura! Kagura Soma. Nice to meet you, uh..." She paused.
"Oh, I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you, Kagura." You said smiling back at her.
Kagura blushed looking over to the side with a smile on her face. She knew you were a girl, but you were quite charming.
*time skip*
"Wow, really! That's amazing, Y/n!" Kagura exclaimed.
"I don't really think so, it was just a softball championship, Kagura." You said, chuckling nervously.
"Are you kidding?!" She exclaimed with a blush on her face getting into you face a bit.
You blushed from the closeness of both of your faces. She seemed offended that you'd just brush off something like a championship.
"K-Kagura..." You trailed nervously.
"You shouldn't put yourself down like that! It's an accomplishment you should cherish, you know." Kagura said.
"O-Okay, geez I get it." You said closing your eyes out of nervousness and just didn't want to make eye contact.
"Good, maybe I should come see one of your games next time." Kagura said proudly, putting her fists on her hips.
"Kagura? Do you know anything about softball?" You asked her with smirk.
She squeaked as a pink hue appeared on her cheeks. "Uh...no..." She trailed looking down at her lap fiddling with her fingers. "But, you could teach me, can't you?!" She exclaimed.
"O-Of course." You said.
"Yay!" Kagura chirped happily giving you a side hug.
You stiffened but wrapped an arm around her waist hugging her back.
Kagura blushed feeling your arm around her waist. She let go of you as you did the same.
"Kagura?" You asked.
"Yes?" She asked snapping her head towards you.
"Let's go out sometime?" You asked causally.
Her blush darkened as soon as you asked her that. "S-Sure, that sounds...fun." She smiled when she trailed.
"Cool, here's my number. Call me." You said giving her a piece of paper with your number on it.
"O-Okay." Kagura stuttered out.
"See you soon then, Kagura Soma." You said smiling at her waving goodbye joining back up with your friends to leave.
"Yeah, see you soon," Kagura smiled to herself. "Y/n L/n."
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
hate to love you
a/n: hi guys. i am so tired. i wrote this because i've been craving etl? idk. i'm sorry i haven't been keeping up as much, i've been exhausted. i'm so sorry. i don't want to give up on writing, but it's been difficult to find the time these days. thank you for staying with me this far, i promise i'll try for you guys. anyways, enjoy this word vomit! xoxo, ali.
wc: 8k
[ bucky barnes x fem!avenger!reader ]
[ enemies to lovers ]
You didn't think this is where you would end up when you found out you were asked to join the Avengers.
You didn't think you'd end up here, fighting with the one man who you thought you'd get along with the best out of the whole team.
"Why the fuck would you eat it, Y/L/N?" His hoarse voice bellows from his spot across the kitchen island. "Huh?"
"Well, maybe, if someone labelled their food, we wouldn't have this issue, Barnes!" You yell back. When had you been known to go down without a fight?
"I didn't think we were in kindergarten and had to label our lunches, for fucks sake!"
"How was anyone supposed to know it was yours?" You reason, waiting for his answer.
"I- I brought it back from the restaurant with me! Why would you eat something that doesn't even belong to you?" He bellows, and a shiver runs through your body. Fear or arousal, you couldn't tell.
"Okay, whatever, I can order some more if you want. What's the big deal anyways?" You ask, like the snob you are. You know what cards to play to get on his last nerve.
"You- ugh! You are so... so fuckin' annoying! Have I ever told you that, Y/L/N?" You can hear the sheer frustration in his voice, and you almost feel bad for him.
"Look, Barnes, I'm sorry. I'll get some more, right now. Just shut the fuck up about it." You roll your eyes and pull out your phone, placing an order from the restaurant you knew his food was from. "Happy?"
He just glares at you and flees the room, making you drop your phone on the counter in annoyance.
As soon as you see movement from the corner of your eye, your head shoots up.
"I see it's not going much better between you two?" Wanda's voice floated through the air.
"He just needs to stop being so sensitive. If he told us not to eat it, I wouldn't have!"
She gives you a pointed look.
"Okay, maybe I still would've. But that's not the point! My point is that he should've said something beforehand. I was hungry and everyone knows how much I like the pasta from La Pecora. What's a girl to do?" You try and defend yourself to your friend.
She returns your question with an eye roll, but cracks a smile.
"Seriously, it's been a year. When are you guys gonna stop fighting like cats?"
"Wan, I don't try to piss him off. It seems like everything I've done since I met him ticks him off. I might as well have fun with it, right?" You try to joke, but you feel a deep pit in your stomach.
Ever since you were asked to join the Avengers after years of having escaped the Red Room, you were hesitant, to say the least.
It took hours of therapy and constant self-assurance that you were worth it. Enough to be an Avenger, for fucks sake.
So when you received a phone call from an untraceable number, you knew who was contacting you. Natasha was never one to contact someone unless she really needed them, if the situation was dire.
So when you heard her voice on the other end of the line, you knew you had no choice but to say yes to your former sister. If it weren't for Natasha, who knows which pits of Dreykov's hell you would be in today.
"I think you're both idiots. He clearly likes you but doesn't know how to articulate it. Maybe you make him nervous?" Wanda replies with a knowing smile, but not wide enough for you to catch it.
What's she supposed to do when she can involuntarily read others minds?
She's seen... a lot in James' mind, most of which she wishes she hadn't seen. But she knows what he thinks of you. She's not at liberty to discuss, but it's not anything you would expect.
"Wanda, what part of anything he does around makes you think he likes me?" You ask incredulously.
She reaches your side of the counter and holds a hand in yours.
"Trust me, Y/N. I know." Is all she utters before seemingly disappearing from the kitchen.
The food arrives and you don't know how you should go about this. Should you go to his room and give it to him there? Leave it and run? You didn't want to face him again and risk another fight, so you do what any normal person would do in this situation.
"FRIDAY, could you let Sargeant Barnes know that his food is here?" You ask into the empty hallway you were in.
"Sure thing, Ms. Y/L/N. Would you like me to ask him to join you to eat?" The AI voice asks, her tone level and innocent, as if she didn't just ask the dumbest question you've ever heard.
"No thanks, FRIDAY. I highly doubt he'd like to sit and eat with me." You snort a laugh at the thought. You and James Barnes, sitting on the couch in living room while eating your favorite dish, like good old pals.
"Why do you say that, Miss?" She asks back, and now you're starting to get suspicious. Is this another one of Tony's pranks?
"We don't get along too well, Fri. Thanks for your help."
You feel like you and James' mutual dislike for each other has been the hot topic of the day. Why does everyone care all of a sudden?
"Hey, you have the food?" James' voice makes her turn her head to his spot in the doorframe.
"Yeah, here. Again, sorry about earlier." Your tone is dry and all you want to do is get into bed and read or watch TV until you fall asleep.
"Whatever, Y/L/N."
That gruff voice was the last thing that made you roll your eyes before you flip him off over your shoulder, walking out of the room.
It's a week later. You've been training for your mission coming up, and you've been working yourself hard.
Or that's what Wanda and Natasha say.
But regardless, you don't need to let anyone down on this mission. You can't afford it.
Especially not your partners on this mission, James and Steve.
The mission debriefing had you giving puppy eyes to Sam and Natasha, begging one of them to come with you three. But of course, Tony didn't budge.
Regardless, he should sleep with one eye open.
You're glad that it's not just James with you, though. Steve will serve as a buffer between the two of you, and hopefully will prevent you two from killing each other.
Hopefully, being the keyword.
The treadmill hums under your feet as you're cooling down from a seven mile run, and you see the glass doors of the gym slide open out of your peripheral vision.
James saunters into the otherwise empty gym, and once his eyes land on you, you can feel just how angry he is that you're in here.
It makes you think back to when you two first met.
What was the thing that made you two decide you hated the other?
Your brain digs and digs, but nothing comes up. All you can recall is how he was so cold and not interested in meeting you.
But then your mind plays the scene in the next few hours after you'd first arrived at the Avengers Tower.
You remember still not feeling like you were comfortable enough to roam the building by yourself. It was a huge place, and you never know what-- or who, is lurking in the dark corners that are unoccupied.
But, you knew that you couldn't be afraid forever. You'd spent the past few years running-- running from the life you used to live. The life you left behind and were trying to escape, to separate yourself from.
You desperately want to find somewhere to fit in. When Natasha first found you and suggested you work with her and the Avengers, for fucks sake, you immediately said no. You still wanted to be on your own, find who you were. Without the Widows, without Dreykov, without the Red Room.
But Natasha got to you first.
Fortunately or unfortunately, you're still not sure.
You remember being a timid little thing upon your arrival in New York City. It was a big place, with a lot of people. A lot of bad people.
Watching your back 24/7 was second nature. You were plagued with paranoia and anxiety, constantly thinking someone was after you.
It took several breakdowns and panic attacks and talking with Natasha (who later forced you to see a therapist) to realize that you were safe. That even though it might take a lifetime to unlearn your behaviors, it was possible to live a life without fear. Without having painful reminders every day that you were trapped.
You were free, and over time, you finally understood it.
But when you got to the Tower and slowly became accustomed to the new scenery, you also became accustomed to James. And his behaviors.
His odd, odd, behaviors.
At first, you thought he would be different. That since you two had been through similar experiences, you thought you would get along. Especially seeing as he got along well with Natasha.
But boy, were you wrong. Dead wrong.
"Whatcha doin', Y/L/N? Finally tryna catch up to the big dogs?" His voice taunts from behind you as the treadmill comes to a slow stop, signaling the end of your workout.
"Just doing what I'm supposed to, Barnes. Don't ever wanna disappoint." You huff out, wiping the sweat off your face with your towel.
He doesn't respond, watching you stretch out and get ready to leave.
"You need something? Or just watching?" You taunt, wondering why he was staring at you.
"'M all good. Not lookin' at anythin' special." He murmurs, finishing his own stretching and moving to the weight rack.
As if he even needed to work out.
"Whatever, Barnes. I hope you drop that weight on your foot." You scoff and make your way out of the gym.
You didn't want to let his words get to you. You'd been told much, much worse by the devil himself, so why were you so bothered by them. They were just words, after all.
The next time you encounter James, or some form of him, is after the girls' night you had with Natasha and Wanda. You had ordered food, put on a movie and a face mask, and polished off some of Tony's very delicious wines he had in his cellar.
Someone had to put them to use...
But when you had been sated, and all three of you felt the heaviness and drowsiness of the wine kick in, you had decided it was time for bed.
As far as you knew, the rest of the Tower was empty. The guys had gone out for drinks, Tony was with Pepper, and Peter had gone out for a date with MJ. No one to worry about.
But James Barnes was never simple. He was never easy.
And he never made anything easy for himself, much less you.
So when you feel your phone buzzing on your nightstand and almost 3 in the morning, you're not happy.
Wondering who on Earth needed you at this time, you blindly swipe to accept the call and hold it up to your ear.
"Hello?" Your voice was clearly clouded by sleep, still quiet and confused.
"Y/N! See, I knew you'd pick up!" You pull the phone further back from your ear at the loud voice and cheers that followed after.
The number was unknown, so you were wondering who it was.
"Y/N? You still there?" The voice asks, and you find it in you to reply.
"Yes? Who is it?" You're genuinely confused now, wondering if this was a prank.
"I-It's me! C'mon, you know the sound of my voice." The deep slurring echoes in your mind.
A second passes.
Then another.
A few more.
"James? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" Your voice drops even lower in disappointment. "How did you even get my number?"
"See, I knew you'd get it! Y'know, Stevie has your number and I don't. I didn't think that was fair." His words are slurred together, and you wonder what the fuck is going on right now.
"James, do you need something? Do you need help?" You ask, cautious to not give into his drunken babbling.
"Y/N... you're so beautiful. The prettiest girl I've ever seen, I swear. I tell Steve and Sam, but they think I'm jokin'. You- you're perfect, and I messed it all up from the start. I'm so-" he hiccups, launching you back into reality, "'m so stupid."
Before you can move a muscle or say anything, you hear someone talking further away from the phone on his end.
"Buck, what are you doing? Come back in, it's freezin' out here. Who're you talkin' to?"
You recognize the voice as Steve's, and you feel your heart freeze.
Did he hear anything that just came out of his best friend's mouth? Will he say anything about it later? This is gonna be so awkward.
"I'm talking to Y/N! Wanna say hi? I actually don't know if she's still on... you still there?" James' voice reminds you of a child's, filled with no malice or anger towards you for the first time.
"Y/N? I'm sorry for him botherin' you, if I'd known I would've taken this thing beforehand. Did he... say anything?" Steve's voice rings through and you feel the breath expelling from your lungs in one rush.
You know Steve hears the things James tells you. And the fact that he's thinking of those words right now versus what he actually told you scares the living hell out of you.
"It's all good, Steve. He... he didn't say much. Just some drunk talk, nothing to worry about." You reassure, wanting to forget about this forever.
You stopped believing in any type of God a long time ago, but you were praying right now that you would wake up in the morning and this would be a dream and none of it was real.
"Okay, I'll let you get back to sleep. Sorry again, Y/N." His apologetic voice says.
"Seriously, it's alright. I'll leave you guys to it. Goodnight, Steve."
"Bye, Y/N."
And then the dial tone.
You think that last night was legitimately a dream because of what's going on right now.
You might ask, what is going on right now?
You're half-awake, making yourself a bagel and coffee in the kitchen.
Normal, right?
"Hey Y/N. Can you pour me a mug, too?" A gruff voice startles you from behind.
And there James is, in all his six foot something glory, with just a pair of sweatpants on.
"I- sure." You can't speak, words cannot be formed at the moment.
This is the first time you've ever heard James address you by your first name.
"Thanks." Is all he mumbles as he grabs the mug from your grasp, the touch of your hands nearly sending you into a spiral.
He sits on a barstool while you take your bagel out of the toaster, and you feel his gaze on you.
You're not wearing anything really worthy of staring, you'd say. The shorts you wear to sleep along with a large hoodie keep you warm in the tower, especially now that winter was in full swing.
You take your time spreading your cream cheese, trying to wait it out enough to see if James would leave before you finished preparing your breakfast.
But of course, he doesn't. So now you have no choice but to find a barstool, maybe not the one right next to his, and eat.
You take a bite and still feel him looking at you.
"Is there something on my face, Barnes?" Your voice is hoarse from the lack of sleep, and as soon as you speak, his eyes meet yours.
He seems hostile, like he wants to say something aggressive and defensive, but he remains quiet for a moment longer than you expect.
"No. Just... nevermind." He shakes his head. He seems like he has something to say but is holding back.
"Are you alright?" You try, braving for his answer.
"Since when do you care if I'm alright?"
His tone is back to being hostile and you don't say anything in response. You're exhausted of fighting with him all the time. And after last night... you don't want to take the words he said to heart in case he really didn't mean them, and now he was acting like nothing ever happened.
If he wants to play that game, so can you. But you couldn't let him just play with your feelings like this and act like nothing happened.
He takes your silence as you giving up, and shakes his head into his mug.
"Did I ever do something to you, James?" You ask innocently.
"You... no, you never did anything to me." He simply answers your question.
"So why do you hate me so much?" You followed up, your tone as casual as possible.
His blue eyes have a storm in them when he allows them to meet your own, but he doesn't speak.
The voice in his head is screaming, yelling at him to say something. To say what he was really feeling. I don't hate you. I could never hate someone as pure, as happy and content as you. I bring out the ugly in you, and you don't deserve that. You deserve someone who brings out the best in you.
But nothing comes out, and he just hardens his jaw and turns back to his mug. You've decided you've had enough of being ridiculed by him, and that you're done.
You won't entertain him and his antics any longer, so when you suddenly stand up and toss the empty plate into the sink, his face shoots to you and you aggressive actions. You're trying to contain yourself and your anger, but so far, you're failing pretty hard.
He wants to say something desperately, but he watches as you top off your coffee again and walk out of the kitchen.
James breathes a deep sigh, and lets his head fall forward.
He misses Wanda and Natasha who walk into the kitchen and stand across the counter where James is sat.
"What did you say to her?" Natasha asks, leaning onto her forearms on the counter.
"I-Nothing, just... she just needs to stay away from me. 'M no good for her, we just don't work."
The two women just share a glance and turn back to the brooding man.
"Buck, I know you. And Wanda knows you, too, some things not by wanting to. And we know you're not this guy. You know who you are, and you don't need to act like that's not who you are. Talk to her. She's caring, understanding. And after last night, you can make things better between the two of you." Natasha tries to reason with him.
"Last night... it was a mistake, and I should've never called her, and I hope that after Steve took the phone from me and talked to her that she forgets about it."
The words twist the two girls' hearts, aching for the both of you. They so badly want to shake him by the shoulders and tell him what an idiot he's being, but they decide it would be best to leave him alone.
"Buck, just... if you want us to talk to her, we can. Don't count yourself out just yet." Wanda gently says as they leave, and he wonders what she means by that.
It's the morning of the mission.
The one you're supposed to go on with James and Steve.
You usually would have no issue with this. You didn't have any issues with it a few days ago, so you shouldn't now, right?
But that was before you received that dreaded call at three in the morning.
That was before James told you what he said, and that was before he acted the way he did the next morning.
You feel stupid for holding onto what he said while he was absolutely wasted, but you can't ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his words.
You can't help consider that you liked what he said. Maybe you'd go as far as saying you've been thinking about it, a lot, and you wondered what it would be like.
What it would be like if he did like you. If you... liked him back?
No. That's just not possible. You're pretty sure there's not one bone in your body that feels something for him, and even if you did, there's no way he would reciprocate those feelings. He's made it extremely clear he's not even interested in you as a friend, much less romantically.
You're zipping up your suit and gathering your various items for your 5 AM call-time to the Quinjet, locking your room as you usually do when you know you'll be gone for a mission.
Once you reach the platform, you see Steve and James also sorting out their own gear.
"Mornin', Y/N. Ready to kick some ass?" Steve's ever-chipper voice asks with a smile on his face.
Why couldn't you like someone like him? He's nice to you, good-looking, and doesn't randomly tell you rude things.
"Morning, Steve. I'm ready as I'll ever be." You crack a smile, but you feel exhausted. This back and forth between you and James has you thinking about it too often, and you want nothing more to go back to the days before you knew him, before you had to deal with an irrelevant enemy.
You sigh when James just stares at you and turns away without a word, deciding you were over this and made your way onto the jet.
"It wouldn't kill ya to say hello," Steve mumbles to his friend.
"Don't think she wants one from me." Is all James comes up with before he turns away to grab another piece of gear.
"Is this how you're gonna be with her the whole mission? I don't wanna have you two not being able to communicate be the reason that something goes wrong." The blond asks.
"We'll be fine. If you both just leave me be, it'll all be okay. Just stop asking questions about it. 'M done talking about it."
All Steve can do is sigh as he watches his friend walk further and further from him onto the jet, deciding that it was time to drop this issue and focus on what he was supposed to.
Today's mission was in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.
You were in the snowy mountains of the Northern Alps of Slovenia, a bot far off, but nothing too big that you couldn't handle.
Although, it was really fucking cold.
Steve and James seemed just fine, and you've never been more jealous of someone with the super soldier serum.
Over the course of the ride over, Steve explained the game plan to you one last time before letting you look over it on your own one last time.
You know the plan front and back, of course, but it never hurt to double-check. Or triple-check.
Okay, maybe you've looked it over about 30 times just over the course of the jet ride. But you couldn't let a slip-up happen on this mission, especially with James around. You would never hear the end of it if you did.
"Okay, getting inside is the easy part. Y/N, you're going to get us in, and from there we're gonna have to split up. The warehouse isn't that big, so we're going to go room by room to clear out those hard drives. After that, anything else is fair game. Let's not leave anything behind, yeah? A quick in 'n out, avoid any contact." Steve says in his Captain voice.
"Got it, Cap. Let's go." You make sure your gun is in its' holster before activating the invisibility shield on the jet and stepping off.
Once you make it inside, you get to your first designated room and find the computer as quick as possible. Once you open the drive and clear it out, you wait to make sure there was no one coming your way before slipping into the next one.
"Just got the first one done, going to the next." You speak as quietly into your comm as possible, latching the next door behind you.
The hard drive on this computer definitely had more material on it, meaning it'll take a little longer.
You still had about 4 rooms to take care after this one, but you flick your eyes between the door and the computer screen, waiting for the bar to reach 100%.
"Going to room 3 out of 6." You yank the device you made by Tony and Vision that was allowing for the data to be cleared quickly and permanently out of the computer, heading to the next room.
"All good, guys?" You ask, and don't receive a response for a second, which makes you freeze in your place in the next room. "Guys?"
There were a few seconds of silence, and then Steve breaks it with his voice.
"Okay, I think we have some unexpected guests. My guess is around 40 of 'em, we can get this done easily." Steve's voice rings through again and you feel a rush down your spine.
You know you can handle this type of situation. You were built for it, ever since you were 5. You were made it fight, so that's what you're gonna do.
Before your hand can move to lock the door of the next room, you can sense someone is coming after you.
Call it a gift from the devil himself.
"Guys, I think someone's coming my way." You try to whisper as quietly as possible into your comm, waiting for something from someone to make it clear that you were heard.
You waited a few more seconds, starting up the computer once again and pushing in the device.
"Buck, status update?" You hear Steve again.
"All good, Steve. Headin' to my second to last room." Is all he says.
"Y/N, I think you've got someone coming your way." No shit, isn't that what I just said? "Be careful, how far along are you?"
"About 70%. I need time, Steve." You rush out, trying to stay low. You're level with the desk the computer is on, just incase someone walks in.
"Alright, I'm on my way. Buck, if I can't make it in time, you gotta get to her, you're closer." Steve tells his friend.
A groan is all you hear in response, but before you can quip back with a remark, you hear the door open.
Quickly, your head comes under the desk and you try to think of what you can do right now.
You hear several sets of heavy footsteps walk further in, and you can feel your heart trying to escape from your chest. Your breathing stays level, not giving away your spot.
You press the button on your earpiece that will notify Steve and James that you're in danger and need their help, and you hope one of them will come.
One pair of big black boots come to back of the desk, on the other side of where you were. You're not visible, but you're praying that they don't come around to the other side and see the computer screen. You made sure to turn the brightness down as much as possible before sliding under, so there isn't much reason for them to look.
You hear voices in Russian, and you almost want to hurl. It felt like you were back where you were all those years ago, a slave to the devil.
And of course, luck was never on your side. So when you felt the boots walk around the desk, your hand moved to the gun on your hip.
You can do this. You don't know how many of them there are, but you can take them. You've taken on worse.
You're more focused on what you need to do to retrieve the device from the computer, but before you can think about it, you press your comm button one more time before trying your luck with your friend in front of you.
You use one of your devices to successfully tie his legs together, allowing him to drop to the ground in a panic. His eyes meet yours, and you pull out your set of tranquilizer syringes and shoot one into his thigh.
You register the panicked voices of who you assume are this guy's minions, and brace yourself before poking your head over the desk in the midst of the commotion.
Your hand moves to yank the device out of the computer before seeing it shut off, but you have no way to get out of this room right now.
Before being able to get up, your hand grabs your gun and you're holding it ready.
You decide you have two options. Fight them, and there are maybe seven more of them than there are of you.
The second, is pray that Steve or James make it here in the next five seconds before these guys realize you're here.
"There she is!" Someone' Russian rings through your ears before all you hear are bullets flying.
You suppose the first option is your only one now.
You finally stand up, aiming your gun and shooting as accurately as you possibly can in this commotion.
"You thought you and your little friends could escape, huh?" A voice makes you flip around and your gun is pointed right between his eyes. "You can leave us, but we will never leave you, Y/L/N." He speaks and that's all it takes for you to pull the trigger with a shiver running down your spine.
You kick a man coming at you from behind, flipping him onto his back and hearing his resonating groan.
As you're fighting with as much as you have in you, but you need help. If these guys are going to keep coming, you were going to run out of bullets and energy pretty quickly.
"A- A little help here!" You yell into the comm before landing another bullet into someone coming your way.
Before you can see it, you feel it.
A searing, white-hot burning in your side, rendering you almost immobile.
Fuck. That hurts.
You're trying to make sense of what's going on, but your gun slides out of your grasp when your knees hit the floor. You think this is what dying feels like.
You think that all of it was for nothing.
The escaping from the Red Room, building your life back, becoming an Avenger, all of it. Down the drain for a stupid HYDRA dummy that managed to hit you just in the perfect spot.
The voices above you are muffled, and the ringing in your ears is definitely not helping.
But you're surprised that you haven't been killed at this point.
And the one thing that rings lastly in your mind is a... a voice.
You can't pinpoint the panicked tone, but what you can hear is the deep, raspiness, urging you.
"Hey, hey. Look at me, Y/N. Open those eyes big for me, c'mon." Blue, stormy eyes look down on you and you're sure you're in a dream.
There is no way that James Barnes is hovering over me right now, begging me to stay alive. No fucking way.
"Y/N, can you hear me? Stay awake for me, okay? We're gonna get you outta here. Stay with me."
The last thing you feel is your body being lifted and carried before you slip into the unconscious.
The bright, white lights and sterile smell of the Med Bay is the first thing that hits you when you wake up, and your throat is drier than the Sahara.
Your eyes are still adjusting to the blinding light, but you register a warmth that's enveloping your hand.
When you recognize that there's a person sitting in the chair next to your bed, you wonder how long you've been out.
Because you realize the person next to you, holding onto your hand for dear life while their head is laid upon you bed next to your leg, is James Buchanan Barnes.
James Buchanan Barnes... is sitting here... for what?
You try to move your grasp, hoping it would rouse him from his sleep.
He immediately jerks up at the feeling of you squeezing his hand.
"Y/N? You're awake- oh my god, you're awake, I- let me call Dr. Cho." He seems surprised, and you're thinking that maybe you were out for longer than you're expecting. You can see the panic in his movements, hitting the call button on the wall next to the glass door.
"James?" Your voice is hoarse from disuse, "How long have I been out?" It doesn't even sound like your own.
He rushed back next to you and pours a cup of water, and you gratefully accept it from him.
"It's been about a day, you were shot in your side and we had to fly you back as fast as possible." James tells you, not moving his eyes off of you.
You feel a foreign feeling in you, wondering where the James you knew up til right now was.
This man was speaking to you with... concern, and... was that... respect?
"Are you alright, James?" You ask, genuinely wondering if you woke up in an alternate universe.
"Y/N... why would you ask me that? After you got shot, for fuck's sake." He paces around your bed. "How blind are you-"
Before he can finish his words, Dr. Cho slides the door open and steps in.
"Y/N, I'm glad to see that you're awake. That's a good sign. How are you feeling?" She asks, pulling out her tablet.
"I-I'm feeling okay, just a little woozy." You reassure her with a small smile. "Any serious organ damage that I should know about?" You try to lighten the mood in the room.
"Fortunately, your organs were fine. Your ribs sustained some damage, but nothing we couldn't fix. You did lose a lot of blood, but we took care of it as well." Helen was one of your friends here, too, despite her being the medical team. She always helped you out if you needed something, and you're grateful she was able to be the one to fix you up.
"Thank you, Helen. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me." She envelops her hand in yours and you squeeze in appreciation, receiving one of her rare smiles.
"I'm glad you're alright, Y/N."
"Couldn't have done it without you." You crack back.
"Well, you had a great 24/7 support system here." She nods to James who stepped outside briefly, and you see him talking to Steve through the glass.
"Was he... here the entire time I was out?" You carefully ask, voice lowered in curiosity.
"Didn't leave your side once. He slept and ate here. Steve and Sam would bring him his things so he wouldn't have to leave. He... he really does care about you, Y/N. More than either of you are willing to admit." She smirks a playful but sincere one, making you realize how serious she was being.
"I- I really had no idea. I thought he hated me. He wouldn't even look at me, and I get shot and he won't leave me? What am I supposed to think right now?" You're lost right now, all your thoughts jumbling in your brain.
"Well, focus on recovering first. Then... I think you two should have a talk." She affirms. "I'm gonna head out, but call me if you need anything. Good night, Y/N." Helen stands up from the side of your bed, pushing the door open, leaving you in silence.
The two men outside both turn to you and watch you through the glass, clearly in conversation.
You weakly lift up a hand in a somewhat wave, motioning with your head for them to come in.
"Hey, Y/N. How ya feelin'?" Steve's voice is also hoarse.
"I'm alright, Steve. I've been worse." You try and crack a smile from him, which, of course, he does.
You see James lingering outside your door, not quite wanting to interrupt you and Steve, but he didn't want to leave, either.
Steve catches your gaze on his best friend, and moves a hand to your shoulder.
"Talk to him. I haven't ever seen him as stressed as he was when he carried you onto the jet. I think there are some things that 've been left unsaid between you two for too long." He gives you that classic Captain America grin, the one that tells you that you need to do the right thing.
You wonder what the right thing in this situation is, though.
You wish someone would tell you.
"I'm gonna head out. Don't kill the guy." He nods towards the brunet, and all you can manage to give Steve is a departing half-smile.
James shares a glance with his friend when he walks out, and there are a million things he wants to ask Steve, but he just walks back into your room.
"I think we need to have a word, James." The teasing lilt in your voice tells him that you know, Steve told you and you don't feel the same, and-
Before his thoughts go completely off the rails, you pat the spot on your bed that's empty.
You give him a smile, watching as he sits as if he's going to set off a bomb if he isn't careful enough.
"First, I want to say thank you, James. For saving me. I thought I was dead meat for sure, and I don't think I would've made it if it weren't for you." Your words come out with a genuine gratefulness for him, and he feels something deep in his chest blooming.
"Y/N, I need to say something."
You nod, telling him to go on.
"When you were on that floor, bleeding out of your side, I... I was terrified. The same feeling I felt when I was falling off that train all those years ago, when you feel like your stomach is in a freefall and you can't do anything about it, that helpless feeling- that is what I felt. And I don't think- I can't ever feel like that again." He says, hand falling into yours and your fingers twisting into each others.
"Well... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, or inconvenience you, James. I promise, I'll be more careful next time. If you want, I can talk to Steve about not being on missions together anymore, if it would be easier for you." You say, trying to diffuse what you read as his anger.
"Y/N... you're too naive for your own good." Is all he says while staring at you with... fondness? "You're so blind."
"Okay, relax, James. I just got shot, can't you cut me a break?" You chuckle, but there's an uneasiness in your chest.
"No- I'm actually not making fun of you, for once. 'm just stating the obvious." He says matter-of-factly.
"Which is?" You ask, irritated at this point.
"That I... I love you, Y/N. I've loved you... since I met you, but I thought I wasn't good enough for you, that you could do better than me, so I never said anything. And our fights... it was the only way I had to interact with you. So I kept pushing, and pushing, because I had to take what I could get with you. And now... I've liked you for so long, but I forgot to tell you somewhere along the way. And you don't have to say anything now, because you're hurt and should focus on getting better. You shouldn't have to worry about me, too-"
"James," You try and pause his rambling.
"So you don't have to give me an answer now,"
"James!" You try again.
"But just know, I really do like you, and you deserve to be treated right-"
"Bucky!" You almost yell, raising your voice slightly.
"I- you- did you just call me Bucky?"
"Yes, now can you please shut up and let me talk?" You ask, exasperated.
"Y-yeah, sorry. Go 'head." He mumbles, eyes fixed on you.
"I... I know we didn't always get along at first, and over time I just figured you didn't like me... as a person. So this... this is a lot to take in."
"I know, and I'm sorry for dumping it all on you at once."
"It's... it's okay because... I love you, too, Bucky. I think I just didn't realize it until that moment where I was almost dead but I was in your arms and all I could think was... I can't die without telling him."
"When you passed out while I was carrying you, I was feeling... the same. I just thought to myself... She can't die. I can't let her die without trying." Bucky almost whispers, and you feel a familiar sting behind your eyes as he speaks.
"Bucky..." You whisper, holding onto his hand tighter. "God, I hate you." You let out with a wet laugh.
"You know you love me." Bucky answers with another laugh, and you swear it's the sweetest sound you've ever heard.
"You're such a dick. I don't know how I've managed to put up with you for so long." You say as Bucky leans down closer to your face.
"Well, now... I'm your dick, right?" You feel the words almost touch your lips.
"Yeah... I guess you're my dick." You sigh, and the next thing you feel is his lips gently pressing against yours.
His lips move against yours, and one of your hands grasps the back of his neck.
"Mmm," he hums, pressing a kiss to your nose when he pulls away from your lips. "I think," a kiss to your cheek, "I could," another to your other cheek. "Get used," the next to your forehead, "to this." A final peck lands right back where you started, on your lips.
"I think so too." You giggle, letting yourself feel everything in this moment. The butterflies in your stomach feel like they're about to escape.
"One more thing," he says. You nod to tell him to keep going. "I'm... I'm sorry." Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "For everything I've said to you. You're annoying, but... I wouldn't have it any other way. And... you're an amazing fighter and I've never met anyone as strong as you. I know how hard you've worked to get where you are, and I love that about you." Bucky lets out a breath and his hand caresses your cheek.
"Apology accepted. I take cash or payment in forms of pasta or other carbs that I eat way too much of." You hold onto his wrist, keeping his hand in place and smile so wide you think your cheeks are going numb. "I love you."
"I love you more." He says with a cheeky smile, a playful tone.
"Don't fight with me, Barnes. Your winning days are over."
"Never, doll. You're stuck with me now." He laughs and kisses you breathless again. "Also, I always loved how you refused to call me Bucky. Only James, or Barnes." He laughs that beautiful laugh that you could listen to forever again.
"I thought it would help me not get attached to you, but... obviously, that didn't work." You return his laugh.
"Well, I don't care what you call me. But maybe I could call you... girlfriend?" His eyebrows raise, eyes not moving from your face to gauge your reaction.
"I... I think I could allow it." Your voice is breathy and you feel like you're on cloud nine.
"Oh thank god. I really thought you'd say no for a minute there, and I don't know how I'd recover from that." Bucky shakes his head in relief.
"Gotta always keep you on your toes, eh?" You say.
"Always. It's what we do, isn't it?" He kisses the back of your hand.
"It is, indeed. Can't let you get caught slipping."
"Never, angel. Never."
two weeks later
Tonight was your first date with Bucky. At first, you didn't want to wait this long, but he was insistent that he wanted you to be 100% better before anything. He told you to wear something you felt comfortable in, so you opted for one of your favorite knit sweaters and a pair of jeans. All he told you was that he was taking you out for dinner.
He meets with you by the elevator of the main floor, eyes shining as he looks at you.
"You look gorgeous, angel." He takes your hand into his massive one.
"You don't look too shabby yourself." You poke his stomach with your elbow.
"C'mon, let's head out." You wrap your arm around his.
Once you reach your destination, you let out a snort.
"I knew it!" You laugh out loud.
Once you step out of the car, you come face to face with your favorite restaurant in all of New York.
La Pecora Bianca, in Soho.
"I know how much you love their pasta, since you always stole it from me when I would get it delivered."
"Well you knew what was coming!" You say as you're guided by a hostess to a small table in the back of the restaurant.
He knew it was your favorite, and he even knew your order and already told them beforehand.
Then, you realize the table had a bouquet of flowers, and a bottle of wine ready for you two.
"This... is so nice, Bucky. Thank you." You tell him, gazing at him with what you assume looks like hearts in your eyes.
"Y/N, I would do just about anything to make you happy. I want you to know that you... you're worth all the trouble." He sits across from you, hand in yours from across the table.
"I love you." He says, only for you to hear.
"Shut up. I love you more." You shoot back.
"Don't start with me, sweetheart. You've already won my heart."
All you can do is smile a stupid smile at his words, returning his sentiment and place a kiss on his lips while leaning across the table. As the night moves forward in the glow of the restaurant light, all you can think to yourself is, I want to spend every night with him for the rest of my life.
And maybe in a few weeks, months, years, you two would talk about that. But right now, there was no where else you would rather be than right here, with James Buchanan Barnes.
And all he can think is, 'I'm gonna marry her one day.'
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smoooothoperator · 3 years
Monaco (Charles Leclerc)
Summary: Y/N is Tom Holland's manager and this year she attends with him to the Monaco GP. What if she meets one of the Ferrari drivers?
Word count: 1896
A/N: Sooo this is my first work. Hope you like it❤
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Since I was little, Tom and I were friends. I grew with him and got to see every step made into Hollywood. I met all of his friends and become a little group were Zendaya and I were the only girls. Harrison and I worked with him, he's his assistant and I'm his manager, so we travel together a lot. This year, after all the press interviews of his last movie he wanted to take us to a vacation to Monaco, the same week the Formula One is taking place there. The city is full of cars and people, and it's easy to be caught by some Tom's fans an the streets.
"Man, look at those pretty cars" Harrison was living his life, watching all the Ferrari and Mercedes parked in front the building "Haz you are drooling" I laughed looking at my friend "I mean, they are cars..." "Are you for real? Y/N look at those beatiful machines" Tom sighed walking near a Ferrari "Oh, so fucking gorgeous"
I laughed looking at my best friends being in love with two cars and when two men dressed with red shirts came near them they stood up real quickly.
"Are you Tom Holland?" one of the asked with an strange english accent. "Oh God, and are you Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz? The Ferrari drivers?" Tom has his fangirl mode activated. "Yeah" they laughed and Harrison started to talk with them.
I'm standing away of them, letting the four men talk, while I'm talking on my phone with one of Tom's sponsors, and I started to feel a pair of eyes locked on my back. When I turned around I saw one of the drives, don't know his name, looking at me with a smile on his face.
"And you are?" he asked turning all the attention to me "I saw Harrison with Tome in media, but... you?" "Oh, I'm his manager" I answered walking near them, placing myself between Tom and Harrison and touching Tom's shoulder "Y/N L/N, nice to meet you" "The pleasure is mine"
Oh damn, flirting are we?
The drivers said goodbye to us the doors of the red Ferrari that was near us and the one who filtered with me started the engine of the car making Tom and Harrison shout of happiness.
"Will you see the race?" the driver asked me with a smile on his lips. "I think so" I smiled at him feeling how my checks started to burn. "I'm Charles, by the way, Charles Leclerc"
Tom and Harrison laughed loud signaling my blushed face and I kicked both of their arms. We started to walk to our after graving something to eat on the steet and when we arrived to our suite OK the hotel I booked I started to call one of Tom's sponsors who is here in Monaco.
"Come one, Y/N. Stop working, we are here for relax and forget about work." Tom complained taking my phone from my hands. "But..." "No buts, enjoy." Harrison interrupted me covering my mouth with his hands "Plus, can we talk about how Charles Leclerc started to flirt with you? He had heart eyes" "Oooh, that's true!" Tom started to jump in his seat, clapping and laughing "He even asked you if you were going to see the race" "He wasn't flirting, he was just... being polite" I sighed rolling my eyes. "And why did he started following you on Instagram?" Tom took my phone on his hands when it turned on with a notification "Oh! And he sent a message to you!"
I stood up front the couch and walked to my bed with my phone between my hands, opening Instagram and reading his message.
charles_leclerc: Hey it's me, Charles Leclerc. I wanted to know if you can come to the Ferrari paddock with Tom and Harrison?
I smiled reading his message while bitting my lip.
me: Hi Charles, sorry we already have an invitation from RedBull... but of course we're going to walk near! I think Harrison wanted to have a look to the cars
charles_leclerc Oh, well... So, do you like Monaco?
I laughed softly. He changed the topic so quickly that o even se that coming.
me: I haven't seen too much, only the harbor and some nice shops... but it's pretty
charles_leclerc: Do you want me to show you the city?
I gasped in surprise, sitting on my bed and looking at the screen of my phone.
"Guys?" I shouted, hearing their footsteps coming near me. "What?" they shouted looking at me worried. "I think Charles Leclerc asked me to go with him on a date" "I KNEW IT!" Tom exclaimed "Okay so, what did you said?" "Nothing! I mean, what if he's joking? I'm sure he is..."
Tom rolled his eyes and started to tap on my phone, writing a message for Charles. He smiled and then put the phone on the bed.
"You have to get ready, he will come in an hour" "He what?" "Go on. And put something red" Harrison smiled and they left me alone on my room.
Sighing I opened the suitcase and searched for something to wear but nothing red. I dressed with a midi black dress and some sandals and painted my lips with a red lipstick.
"He's here" Tom said looking outside the windows, waving to someone on the street "And he has the Ferrari we saw this morning. Damn Y/N, enjoy the drive and then describe to us how the car was" "You are a freak" I laughed opening the door.
Leaving the hotel Charles opened the door for me with a big smile and started to drive on the streets. He showed me all the important places and personal places like his mother's house or the school were he studied when he was a kid. Some fans who recognised him started to cheer for him and he waved to them with a smile on his lips.
"Is like that everyday? Like you walk on the street and everyone knows who you are. Aren't you stressed about that?" I asked him looking at all his fans. "Not really. Well, it's true that when I race here I feel a lot of pressure because you know... it's home and they are my people. But you know... is really good to feel the support of them" he explained smiling to me. "I guess so..." "And how it is being Tom's manager?" "Is like if I'm taking care of a child! I'm always looking that he doesn't spoil a movie, or swear on public TV... but I love him, he's my best friend since I was little" I smiled, moving my hands while I speak. "I have to confess that the first time I saw you Carlos and I thought that you were his girlfriend " he sighed. "God, no! Never in a million years" I laughed.
He smiled to me and parked the car. I looked outside and when I saw that we are on the top of Monaco I sighed with happiness.
"Wow, what a wonderful view" I smiled looking at the sea "Thank you for the ride, Charles" "I hope you enjoyed it" he smiled grabbing my hand and walking to a bench.
None of us talk, instead we enjoy the silence looking at the sea. I didn't notice that his hand is still holding mine but I don't care, it feels right.
"You know... when I saw you this morning the first thing I noticed was you, not your friends" he said, squeezing my hand "Like, yeah they are Tom Holland and Harrison Osterflied, but... you are beautiful" "Charles..." "I don't want you think that I say this to every girl a see" he interrupted me "I mean it. You are gorgeous, Y/N"
I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder, leaning on him I little.
"Come to my garage tomorrow at the race" he whispered. "But I already talked with RedBull" "Only you" he insisted, interviewing our hands and caressing my skin "Please" "Okay..."
He laughed softly and stood from the bench. He drived me back to my hotel and I promised to meet him tomorrow at his garage, waving goodbye to him. Opening the door of the suite I'm welcomed my Tom and Harrison asking me about the date.
"It was... fine" I answered with a smile "The car, I mean. The date was actually really good." "Do you like him?" Tom asked with a smile. "Well... I only know him since this morning, but he's kinda cute"
The next morning we walked to the track, Tom waving to all the people who recognised him and laughed when McLaren started to put the SpiderMan theme song on their garage. When I reached the merchandising shop I stopped to by a Ferrari shirt and put it on me quickly, making Tom and Harrison laugh.
"What? I'm going to their garage, at least I should wear something for them" I sighed at them. "You like Charles " Harrison singed hugging my shoulders ", and that's really cute." "Yeah, whatever"
I stopped in front of Ferrari garage and Charles waved at me with a smile on his lips, dressed already on his driver suit. I followed him and sat where he indicated me before he reached to the car.
The race started, and he was first because he finished first yesterday on qualification. But after some minutes something happened to his car.
"No. No. No." He said via radio.
He can't race anymore, his car stopped working only at the warm up lap. The garage started to move stressed and requested for a safety car to bring Charles back. My phone started vibratting and the screen lighted up with a Tom's message.
Tommy: That was Charles, right?
Me: Yeah...
I heard the door of a car closing and the next thing that happened was a surprise to me. Charles started to walk towards me and he hugged me in front of everyone.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked caressing his back. "I'm not" he whispered on my neck.
He started to shake and I searched for help with my eyes. A woman watched us and she waved to me catching my attention, making me go away from him and catching his hand walking in front of him. The woman lead us to an empty room and she smiled at me before closing the door.
"Hey" I put my hands on his cheeks lifting his head up. "No, please. Just... hug me."
I sighed and hugged him. He started to cry on me, wrapping me with his arms and making me caress his hair.
"It's okey to cry, Charles. I'm here, not going anywhere " I whispered softly.
He sat on the couch and I sat on his lap, humming on his hair trying to calm his nerves. When he stopped crying I took his face between my hands and dried his cheeks with my fingers.
"Everything is fine" I smiled to him.
He looked at me and started to lean on me, looking between my eyes and my lips. Our foreheads are touching and in one second his lips are on mine.
"I only know you for a day... but I already like you, Y/N" he sighed on my lips making me smile. "I like you too, Charles"
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sailor-sun-18 · 3 years
Hello! Good luck on your pulls!
Genre: Fluff/Humor
Character: CHONGYUN
Featuring: Hu Tao the Master Matchmaker, Mona Megistus the Shady Astrologer and Xiangling Chef Terrorist
Part: 3/4
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How to make Chongyun fall in ♡ with you
Hu Tao's personal guidebook!
RULE N°3: Third Time's a Charm
Attempt 1: get the Shady Astrologer on the dark side.
-> Note: use food
"No, I won't help you" began the astrologer fixing her wide-brimmed hat. "The last time I helped someone with their love life, they blamed my Hydro arts for their unsuccessful future. So, no." she said crossing her arms, her face showing bored eyes.
Hu Tao faked a gasp, emphasising it with raised hands, before settling her left hand on your shoulder and showing the girl in front of her your sad puppy face. Mona's eyebrows twitched, she sighed and declined your request once again. Giving up, you pulled gently your best friend sleeve. But she didn't budge, not one bit. With feet firmly planted on the ground and crossed arms, she engaged in a deadly stare match against the crystal-eyed student.
Red met jade.
You could feel lightning exchanged by their glares, even though none of them had an Electro Vision. Unbeknownst to you, the brunette smirked mischievously and when she showed her opponent a photo of food, Mona's eyes sparkled. Realising her mistake, the latter suddenly coughed into her hand embarrassed, making her expression return comically serious. The astrologer shook hands with a victorious Hu Tao and together sealed a silent pact.
"Now- she began laying her chin on her intertwined hands -what were you saying before?"
Images were reflected on the glass sphere.
"Mhm... I see..." softly murmured Mona, unreadeable eyes.
You swayed from left to right, shifting anxiously. The young director of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor approached her side.
"Is it bad?"
"No- started Hu Tao stretching the vowel as if she wanted to gain time -"It's neither good nor bad, I would say it's normal- continued Mona -however, I recommend bringing some kind of lucky charm."
"Yes!" interjected your friend "You know... uh... those pretty little trinkets!"
Confusion was written on your face.
"So... can I see?"
"Ah! No, we don't have time to waste! Come on- she said, pushing you towards the dark room exit -Chongyun might be stolen behind our backs!"
"W-wait! I still haven't seen my luck!"
"Nah, you don't need to see it."
Yeah... you didn't need to see how awful your luck (if it could be called like that) was...
"Hello, Mona. Why are you here?"
"Paym-" she started answering, but soon her mouth was muffled with Hu Tao's hand.
"She said she's going to help you."
Your eyes twinkled, a smile of gratitude crossed your features. (The other two felt bad for lying to you.)
"So, what are we going to do?" whispered the blue-nette while she was munching on her payment sandwich. A look of disbelief settled on her visage as soon as she saw your friend's solemn look.
"Emotional support."
After a deep breath, your eyes focused on the boy a few meters in front of you. You took small baby steps. Sweat dampening your neck. Eyes anxiously fluttering open and closed. Gaze everywhere but in front of you. Hu tao smirked before pushing your back. You stumbled directy right in front of the exorcist, who watched you with a curious gaze as you fumbled nervously with the sleeves of your poor jacket. Your mouth opened and closed, a small chat was all you needed, but words seemed to miss. From the corner of your eyes you could see Hu Tao and a reluctant Mona giving you a thumbs up. Courage suddenly hit you.
"Chongyun! The teacher is calling for you!"
"Please, tell Mr Zhongli I’m coming, thanks- his vision shifted your way -sorry, [l-n]. What were you saying?" but you weren’t there anymore.
Attempt 2: the question is violence cooking and the answer is yes!
Expressionless was your face and blank was your mind. Your school's best cook, Xiangling, stood before you. A strange looking dish in her hands. It had a strange texture, the blue jelly blob swayed from left to right.
"What’s this?" you asked even though you were afraid of her answer. She smiled, "My new dish, can you give it a try?" To be honest you wanted to say ‘No’ and run away. However, the sight of an enthusiastic Hu Tao, who was making signs of encouragement mouthing "She’s an ally", made you stop. You gulped, already saying goodbye to your dignity.
A hand was patting your back, trying to give you some solace together with the hope of making you forget what had recently happened. It didn't work.
Your friend displayed a painfully tight smile, mentally relieved to have escaped death. Xiangling murmured a small sorry, a hand rubbing nervously her neck.
After some minutes you rolled up your sleeves, a determined glint in your eyes replaced the previous depressed one in no time. The young cook smiled at your energy, while Hu Tao and Mona were wondering why you still didn't have a Pyro Vision, for they could clearly see the fiery red aura around you.
Extravagant dishes proudly sat on the cooking class tables, showing their ghastly features in the shape of unsettling bubbles, purplish colours and disturbing mould.
"How is it?"
Xiangling took her chin between her fingers, "Something is missing."
The poor excuse of a dish in your hands was... not okay. Dark green bubbles popped after coming into contact with air.
"I don't think this is edible."
Depression soon overcame your slouched sad appearance as Hu Tao and Mona were watching your creation with pale, horrified faces.
"Now it's good!" excitedly exclaimed the blue haired girl. A proud grin blossomed on your visage, giving a small peek at the new fresh white bandages around your poor fingers, you raised your fists, claiming victory.
A small wrapped package sat comfortably on Chongyun's desk. You and your best friend were hiding under your desks watching intently the young exorcist's movements. His confused and curious expression turned into a flushed one as soon as Xingqiu whispered something in his ear.
"Did you write a small note?" asked the flower eyed maiden.
No response. Her forehead met the palm of her hand with a violent smack. Your face dumbly blank.
"I might have forgotten."
From the jade green wrapping, emerged a rice bun. Its texture soft and cool to the touch, a nice scent in the air.
Taking a small bite, soft rice amalgamated with other light flavours. Occasionally there was an uncooked rice bean, nonetheless it was still a good snack.
Seconds passed, you waited patiently for the slightest hint of disgust or bliss.
His eyes widened a little bit and his cheeks slowly began to turn a dark red colour. The culprits showed themselves: small red pieces which probably belonged to Jueyun Chili. With a hand in front of his tomato face, Chongyun exited quickly the classroom, the door creaked loudly.
Useless to say you were the saddest person on Earth.
For the second time, Hu Tao could only pat your back and give you words of comfort, which stopped in her throat as soon as you screamed.
"Kaedehara!- you clasped your hands, the male turned to you-Lend me your sword! It's over...- a hand over your eyes, a dramatic sigh -it's over... I'm going to commit seppuku."
Alarmed, the brunette grabbed your shoulders, shaking them back and forth. "When I said I wanted more business, this isn't what I meant" but soon she understood the uselessness of her words since your soul was already leaving for the afterlife.
"No, Hu Tao... it's over... this is the end."
Dejected, you went to the edgy sad corner of your classroom. A dark teal-haired male was already there "Xiao... can I?" Xiao didn't give you an answer and only moved to the right. Sitting in front of the wall, your forehead decided to become one with it. An unsettling series of "Why?" escaped your lips like a broken video on repeat.
RULE N°3: Third Time's NOT a Charm
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nctrice · 3 years
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Professor Jaehyun x Female Reader
Rating: 18+🛑
Word count: 2K
Content: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dominant Jaehyun, praising, teacherxstudent, dilf Jaehyun, slight public intercourse
Disclaimer: I do not own Jung Jaehyun nor claim him in any sort of way. This Fanfiction is made up out of pure imagination and is strictly just fiction.
A/N: this is my first time writing for this tumblr platform and please give strict constructive advice if needed! Thanks!
"Gosh he's hot!" I whispered under my breath gazing upon the dilf himself, Mr.Jung or in other words my calculus professor.
He stood tall and confident in front of the oddly huge white board, broad shoulders facing the class until he eventually turns around to ask a random student to answer the question that I had yet to even realize what it was. He swiftly scans the multiple rows of seats depicting who had been paying attention and who hasn't. I slowly began to sink in my seat avoiding be called on at any cost.
"Ah, y/n! I see you there! Come up here and answer this question for the class." He demands in a polite manner.
I had no problem with it of course, until he said to come forth. This is a first he's ever asked anyone to write the actual answer. My heart pounds within my chest, praying I don't make a fool of myself walking down or back up these unnecessarily wide stairs.
Mr.Jung steps aside and greets me with his well known charming smile. The amount of times this man alone has made me want scream to knock all the built up nerves out of my body. He made me feel more than just butterflies, I couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Need help?" Mr.Jung folds his arms stepping closer.
"N-no thank you, I'm sure I got it."
My hands fumbled to reach for the dry erase marker he held out for me. It was a bit warm considering he's been holding it for more than half the class. I took a quick glance at the question, immediately regretting what I said. I did indeed need help, and I don't got it. I'm sure he could tell I was hesitating as my finger sits comfortably above my top lip.
'here goes nothing.' I thought before writing what I thought was the right answer. Mr.Jung examined the question, "close but not quite. The answer was -9, you forgot to subtract this which why you got -2. Try another easy one similar to this."
Bullshit. This question didn't look no where as easy. If I mess up again oh well, it's not like he'd pop out with another question to further embarrass me. As I thought long and hard about the problem, it began to feel like it was just us two. Him applying an uncomfortable amount of pressure with just the distance between us and me panicking underneath his anticipated stare.
"Not quite right neither, it'd be best for you to stay after class you seem to be having a lot of troubles."
Mr.Jung wiped the whiteboard free of any writing once I answered the last question and moved on with his lessons. I barely made it to the first step before he had wrote the next problem to briefly go over thanks to me. His words far more stern and exaggerated in attempt to sub me. Out of my entire time being in his class this had been the most I've ever seen this man share eye contact. Yet, it wasn't sweet and kind, more like curiosity had taken over and he couldn't get why I answered both questions incorrectly.
That exact thought had been on his mind throughout the rest of the class. A part of him felt anxious to know what it was that made me fumble at the problem that he knew I could solve perfectly fine on my own.
"Alright you all have a great rest of your afternoon and please do study for this upcoming test. It'll be more than 40% of your grade!" Mr.Jung announced as the classroom flooded out the doors, All except one person.
He heaved a deep sigh, shoving his hands into his almost too tight dress pants pocket. He paced around his desk before sitting directly on the rounded edge. He looked dramatically intimidating, like he wanted to degrade you the moment he could.
"Is everything okay? You're normally really good with math. It hurt me to see you troubled with such an easy question."
My hands couldn't help but fiddle with the zipper sewed into my bag. How was I supposed to tell my teacher that he was the problem. Not in any sort of bad way, and not in any good way neither.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had a rough week." I lied.
"You seem kind of tense. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He innocently spoke while his eyes examined my body for some type of body language.
My knees buckled, hands folding anything to keep me calm, and not mentioning my blushed face. I was 100% sure that my face was completely flushed a crimson red. There was no denying it.
He didn't wait for an answer, and simply lowered his curtain covering the window then locked the door. I was unsure of what his intentions were but my mind was far off somewhere it shouldn't be regarding the fact that I'm just his student. The thought of him shoving all of his folders and papers off his desk and pinning me clouded my mind. My dying fantasy to have the slightest interaction that no other girl has ever had with him.
"I'm all ears. That's if you're comfortable with telling me of course." He knocked me into reality as I began to feel guilty for thinking negatively of his intentions.
"I'm not sure I can be completely honest." I mumbled beneath my breath breaking eye contact.
"And why is that?"
Mr.Jung held his arm out for me to grab. With little to no hesitation at all, I placed my hand in his. His thumb grazes over my knuckles a fee times until his eyes darted up towards mine.
"Cause I'm in no sort of position to have such thoughts."
I simply remove my hand from his grip feeling the tense sensation overwhelm me once again building up the need to put an end to this. He sensed it immediately.
"Turn around."
"I'm not gonna say it again." His voice had more depth and demand stringing to it.
I did exactly what he said, no questions asked. His hands set firmly on my shoulders guiding me closer towards him until I felt the warmth radiating off of his body and onto mine. His thumb running deep circles into my shoulder blades releasing the tension that remained.
"Now tell me what position you feel you need to be in."
His hands made its way to my spine tracing all the way down to my waist before kneading my lower back.
"That can work too but I meant regarding to what you said. What position do you need to be in to have such dirty thoughts?"
By now, you were inches away from in between his legs, as much as I wished to be in this dearest situation, my first instinct was to freeze up. Was this really happening?
"I'm just your student. The things I want to do will ruin your career." I admitted.
He hummed at my answer willingly holding my waist and pulling me directly into his lap. I felt the slightest bulge poking me through my thin leggings. His head rested onto my right shoulder sending shivers down my back.
"There's nothing wrong with the student getting a little extra lesson with chemistry." He bluntly stated right beneath my ear.
I began to feel throbbing and anticipation between my legs.  Or maybe I had just noticed it now. His hands ventured from my waist toward the hem of my leggings, thumb pushing past my leggings and rubbing the outline of my panties. My stomach bursted with butterflies under his touch. He bit his lips as he felt the smooth lace of my underwear.
"Good choice Ms.l/n," he huskily whispered.
"Tell me about how you fantasize about me in explicit detail if you would."
My chapped lips parted realizing a deep breath I held in since he began to touch me in the ways I haven't yet imagined. His fingers trailed down to palm my womanhood gently creating the knot in my stomach.
"You had me alone like now, desperately removing everything off the desk to pin me down. Ripping my shirt in half as you cupped my boobs. One hand busy playing with my nipples, the other rubbing rough circles on my clit as you told me come."
He chuckled in response as he removed his hand from me and remained silent. As much as I wanted to turn around a catch a glimpse of his face, I was already too embarrassed sharing my intimate dreams with him.
He bit his lips dauntingly, "can I?"
"Can I make that dream a reality?"
He slightly nibbled onto my ear, heat fuming from my dripping core soaking my panties by the second. I silently nodded afraid to speak at all. "I want to hear you say it, can I touch you?"
"Yes, Mr.Jung."
"Good girl, just for this I'll allow you to call me Jaehyun okay baby?"
I nodded once again holding back the whimpers threatening to leave my lips. His hands rubbed my ass gently getting rough within seconds, groping me every chance he got. The bulge teasingly poked at my core as he undid his pants lowering his draws enough to let his member spring free; slowly stroking himself onto my ass. Jaehyun grunted as the friction increased. His fingers tugged the the hem of my leggings sliding them down to my knees locking them in place.
"Damn you're sexy." He moaned taking in the sight of my now exposed ass. He stroked himself aggressively before tracing my spine with his fingers and bending me over. His other hand pushing my panties to the side as he inserted double digits into my soaked core curling his fingers and his thumb circled my clit. My breath became unstable panting like there was no tomorrow.  My walls clenched amongst his digits fighting the urge to come.  "Mhmm I-I can't hold it." I moaned balling my fists up against my knees for support. He took his digits out sucking every ounce making sure I heard the slurping noise before he lined himself at my entrance.
I inhaled a sharp breath as he entered his tip inside me. I had no clue how big he was but felt my walls adjusting to the girth of him. I bit my lip, holding back from the moans. His hands firmly placed on my hips as he shoved the rest of his large length inside me. I let out a small gasp followed with hitched breaths as his length reached what felt like my cervix. "Shh, you don't want no one to hear you don't you?" He whispered stopping in his tracks for a split second. He pulled almost all the way out coated with your juices only just to shove his length in back in reaching spots he may have missed.
"Oh fuck." Jaehyun groaned thrusting sluggishly. My walls clenched around him causing his grip to tighten on my waist. Tears streaming down my face in pleasure. He picked up the pace being careful enough to refrain from making any clapping noises. As much as he want to rail me until my eyes rolled back and seen stars he couldn't, not in this environment. Yet it was still enough to satisfy the both of our needs. Soft whimpers were the only thing he'd allow out of my mouth, anything louder than that he'd immediately pull out as a sign of punishment. His hand left my waist grabbing fistfuls of my hair and yanking it to see my fucked out facial expressions.
"Jaehyun." I breathed out as he rammed into me.
"Ms.l/n, you dirty little slut of mine, Ms.l/n you feel so good taking all my length in your wet pussy." He groaned aggressively in my ear pounded into me completely forgetting the fact that we were in his classroom. ~
"Ms.l/n! Please stop zoning out in my class!" Mr.Jung semi-shouts jolting me out of my day dream.  I immediately fixed my posture examining the dozens of eyes all drawn towards me including Mr.Jeong. He cocked an eyebrow at me before running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"See me after class." He demanded and continued on with his lesson. And just like that, I added on to my series of fantasies with my Calculus professor.
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