#I hope Kevin Feige falls into a hole
The intro for Secret Invasion is AI-Generated. I'm going to scream.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Did you see what’s going on about WB dc movies/shows? I hope they get someone who has a vision like how Zack Snyder had and is has the same energy that Kevin Feige has for Disney movies/shows.
I think this is a good move for them because hbo max can help them put out some good comic book content but I'm just afraid of them falling into the mcu hole, like for me I don't need every single thing to be connected you know? Setting them all in the same world is great but I don't want to always have to be on the look out for how something that happens in one movie correlates to something from 5 movies ago
That being said I am super excited for a lot of the content slated, Blue beetle and batgirl are gonna be awesome, green lantern and justice league dark I have high hopes for, and there's supposedly a comedy series called superhero high in development which sounds fun.
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agroovymutant · 4 years
I am very invested in ‘Pietro’ really being Peter for many reasons, but I don’t want to hope too much because I will be incredibly upset if it turns out he isn’t........ however, here are my feelings on theories I’ve heard about who he could be if he’s not Peter (spoilers: I basically just say I disagree with them all and it makes more sense if he’s actually Peter, haha) and my thoughts on what’s going on with him/how he got there etc if he truly is Peter...
If you just wanna read the evidence I’ve collected on why I think ‘Pietro’ is really Peter, scroll to the final bullet point! Warning: it’s LONG!
EDIT 24/02: Kevin Feige has now stated that Agatha purposefully “recast” Pietro in order to mess with Wanda. This does not confirm that this isn’t Peter brought over from another universe but it does change some of my points on other theories slightly. I do think it also does make it seem slightly less likely that he is secretly Mephisto or someone.
EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.
‘Pietro’ is really Mephisto or Nightmare - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.) I mean, immediately I feel there are a lot of holes in the theory that ‘Pietro’ could be either of these big bads tbh. To start with, they are both very powerful beings, how would Agatha be able to control them like she is seen doing in Agatha All Along? Do we really think she’s that powerful? Secondly, why would Agatha be controlling them if they were on the same side, and why would she been controlling them to pretend to be Pietro? Seems super weird to me. Yes, the necklace could be the thing keeping him in ‘Pietro’’s body, or normalising his appearance, but why would he wanna be in this particular body? Why would he be running around doing a really poor imitation of Pietro? Doesn’t make sense to me. ‘Pietro’ does call the twins “demon spawn” (could be hinting they were created by Mephisto, who looks like the devil, or Nightmare, who is a literal demon) and he does mention nightmares to Wanda too, but these could easily just be a throwaway lines or a subtle reference to the kids being created from Mephisto’s soul fragments in the comics, doesn’t necessarily mean ‘Pietro’ is either of these big bads. If Agatha is an unreliable narrator (very likely) and she isn’t really controlling ‘Pietro’, but he is indeed Nightmare or Mephisto, why is he lurking around Agatha’s house, looking like he’s acting more as a henchman than the devastating villain he really is? Surely he would have someone else do a menial task like that? The bug on the window in Agatha’s house could very well be Mephisto, as his first appearance was as a fly, so this would make sense. This doesn’t rule out that he’s also possessing the ‘Pietro’ body/can shapeshift, but it makes it less likely imo. Regarding the mid credits, if he is either of these beings, even with her new powers, Monica will be in big trouble. She has only just gotten her powers and doesn’t know how to use them, were as Mephisto and Nightmare are both crazy powerful beings who would be able to kill her easily, and really would have no reason not to. Now, the show is not gonna kill off Monica, so how the hell would she get out of this situation if it was Nightmare or Mephisto? I don’t believe she would, which makes me think 'Pietro’’s not either of them, and possibly not even a bad guy at all, it’s just been framed that way for the cliffhanger (I don’t actually think the next episode will show us what happened after this though, my theory is that next episode will be flashback style and in the final episode we will get a Darcy/Monica/PETER team up. Here’s hoping!!!). Also...... final point. Though a bit of a silly one, I do genuinely think this...... why the hell would either of these bigs bads choose to act and dress like that?? Just seems a bit weird, idk. Overall I do think ‘Pietro’ is acting sus (maybe cause of mind control and being zapped over from a different universe) but I just think he’s a bit too childish etc. to be either of these big bads in disguise.
‘Pietro’ was created by Agatha - (EDIT 26/02: In the newest episode, Agatha confirms she cannot create beings in the scene where she calls Wanda The Scarlet Witch) Immediately I think there are a lot of holes in this theory too tbh. To start with, can she even do that? There’s nothing that I know of in the comics that suggests she can, and even if she could why would she make someone who didn’t look or act like Pietro? (EDIT 24/02: it has now been confirmed that this was just to mess with Wanda) I don’t really think she created him, but if she did he must be based on what she thinks Pietro looks like? If she really did create him, maybe he looks and sounds like Peter because she is from a different universe where this is what ‘Pietro’ looks and acts like. While this would mean that he isn’t actually Peter, it does support the idea that a multiverse including the Fox X-Men does exist, so if this is true we could still get Peter in the multiverse in the future.
‘Pietro’ is Nicholas Scratch (Agatha’s son) - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon, and it seems unlikely to me that she would be possessing her son, but who knows! Also, after she introduces herself to Wanda she says to Señor Scratchy “She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn’t she?” to me this implies Scratchy is more than just a rabbit but this is just a guess.) In the comics Nicholas and Agatha are enemies and although I know the show isn’t following the comics exactly (Agatha isn’t the villain in the comics) this does make me feel as though it’s slightly less likely for Nicholas and Agatha to be teamed up and doing whatever Agatha’s doing together (not impossible though). If Nicholas and Agatha were on the same side though, why would Agatha use her son as a Pietro replacement? They obviously don’t look similar. it seems like a very strange and sloppy plan. And why would she, as shown in Agatha All Along, be controlling him if they were allies? Makes no sense. If Agatha and Nicholas are not on the same side, it would make sense that she was controlling him....... however, it would still make no sense for her to make him pretend to be ‘Pietro’ when they look nothing alike. Also, why would she even have brought him to Westview if they were not allies? In the comics he’s quite powerful and dangerous, doesn’t seem like a good idea to bring him along when Agatha would have to spend so much time focussing on keeping him under her spell. I’m not saying it isn’t possible that in WandaVision Agatha and Nicholas are allies, I’m just saying in either case I think it is unlikely that ‘Pietro’ is Nicholas. In the comics, Nicholas is banished to another realm. I think it’s possible that, in WandaVision, instead of another realm, he’s trapped inside the bunny rabbit we’ve seen in a few episodes? The rabbit is called Señor Scratchy, after all (I know that’s a reference to the devil but so is Nicholas’ name...) Another point about Nicholas in general is that in the comics he has allied himself with Mephisto. If Agatha and Nicholas really are allies in this then maybe Señor Scratchy is Nicholas and the bug we see on the window is Mephisto, and Agatha is trying to free them both from the bodies they are trapped in.
‘Pietro’ is Jimmy Woo’s FBI witness - I thought this was quite an interesting take. I was talking about it with a friend of mine and he suggested that the necklace we keep seeing on ‘Pietro’ could be some sort of FBI tracker. But Woo has seen ‘Pietro’ on the broadcast so why wouldn’t he have been like “that’s not Pietro, that’s my witness!”? My friend suggested that Agatha could have altered the witness’ appearance but if that was the case, why wouldn’t she just make him look like the real Pietro? Doesn’t make sense to me but a fun theory nonetheless (but where is the real FBI witness??). Also, with the ‘breach’ alarm going off in the background of the shot where Darcy sees ‘Pietro’ arrive on the broadcast, it seems to me that whoever is ‘playing’ him came in from outside the Hex.
‘Pietro’ is really Chthon - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.) Initially, I thought this one made a lot of sense, and still think it could potentially be right but I don’t think it makes as much sense as him really being Peter. Chthon created a different dimension in which he resides most of the time. Before he left Earth for this dimension he wrote the Darkhold (which is possibly the book seen in Agatha’s basement in the new episode). The Darkhold is the key to him moving from his dimension back to Earth. Chthon is very often linked to Doctor Stranger (and Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness is where we will next see Wanda appear sooo......) After Chthon leaves Earth the first time, he falls into a deep slumber. He is eventually awoken and there’s a lot of back and forth with him coming to Earth and being sent back to his dimension and being trapped there etc. But eventually he ends up trapped in the dimension and banned from Earth, and through a loophole it turns out he can come back if summoned, via the Darkhold. (Perhaps this is what Agatha is trying to do in the show?) Now the theory that ‘Pietro’ is really Chthon comes from a comic book where Chthon resurfaces many years after his initial banishment, and Doctor Strange isn’t around to stop him. Loki finds out and disguises himself as Wanda to reform the Mighty Avengers to stop Chthon. However, Mordred (long history with Chthon) manages to summon Chthon into the body of Pietro. People think that, especially with the reveal of the book which may be the Darkhold, this is what’s happened in WandaVision, with Agatha in place of Mordred. In the comic, the Mighty Avengers injure ‘Quicksilver’ so severely that Chthon is forced to leave his body, and Vision reads a spell from the Darkhold, trapping Chthon inside it. While I can see where this theory is coming from, I’m not sure it’s right. If Chthon is involved, imo, it makes a lot more sense for him to possess Wanda. Years before Chthon possesses Pietro, he is summoned to earth with the Darkhold by Morgan Le Fay, but she cannot control him. After realising this, she traps Chthon in a fixed point, under warding, for a very long time. A lot later, he is once again banished but, before he leaves, he marks a baby as his future vessel; that baby is none other than Wanda Maximoff. Many years later, thanks to Mordred, Chthon possesses Wanda and tries to use the Darkhold to summon his proper form back to earth in a mystical circle (the Hex?). When the Avengers arrive to help Wanda, Chthon imprisons them the circle (like the Westview residents?). Beast arrives and manages to distract Chthon though, and Chthon is removed from Wanda’s body and trapped inside a doll, which Pietro and Wanda then bury. Years later, Chthon possesses Wanda again and this time she is freed from Chthon's possession by Doctor Strange (Multiverse of Madness?). Is it possible that, because of the Avengers’ Time Heist fucking with the Multiverse, Chthon was disturbed from his slumber in his dimension and is trying to get back to Earth to wreak havoc? Perhaps Wanda is somehow the perfect vessel (maybe to do with her being a Nexus being) and Agatha will use the Darkhold to aid Chthon in possessing her? I don’t really know how I feel about any of that, but after reading the Pietro theory, I just thought that, if Chthon was involved in WandaVision, it would be more likely he’d possess Wanda based on what’s previously happened in the comics and the position Wanda was left in at the end of the most recent episode.
‘Pietro’ is really Peter Maximoff - Obviously, this is the theory I most want to be true, but am hesitant to believe because of my overwhelming love of the X-Men prequels and my tendency to take bad things happening to my faves really really badly (I’m talking ‘cried every day for over a month after Loki died’ badly...). Anyway. Here are my feelings on ‘Pietro’ being Peter:
EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that she is possessing ‘Pietro’ - would she be able to possess someone who was already under Wanda’s mind control? I’m not sure she would, so she would possibly have to have brought someone in from outside the Hex. This could support the theory that he was pulled in from the multiverse, rather than just outside the Hex in that reality and Wanda either weakened the barriers between worlds allowing Agatha to being him in from the Multiverse - possibly with the help of the Darkhold - or Wanda herself accidentally brought her in without knowing and he was found by Agatha. Also, she states she couldn’t get Wanda’s “real brother” so used this fake ‘Pietro’ under mind control instead, it may not mean anything but the term “real brother” did stick out to me. Could ‘Pietro’ be her brother in the sense that he’s her brother from another reality, so technically not her real brother? When you think about it, though ‘Fietro’ could mean ‘Fake Pietro’ as Agatha had intended it, to a viewer, it could also be a nod to ‘Fox Pietro’ - or Peter, as we know him. In the flashback scene where we see Wanda and Pietro as children, they are both played by different actors to the flashback scene when Fietro is talking about their childhood. This could just be because his memories were made up, or it could be his real memories of his childhood with his universe’s Wanda. EDIT  3/03: Yesterday, an interview with Matt Shakman (WandaVision’s director) was published on CBR.com. In the interview, he is asked about whether the finale will provide us with a firm answer on who ‘Fietro’ really is and he says: “I think there’s a strong possibility you might get a little more of Evan Peters coming up. But how that plays out, I wouldn’t want to say.” He could be talking specifically about the finale, but he could also be talking about in the MCU in general. Either way, this has made me a bit more hopeful that he really is Peter tbh.
1. So, starting at the beginning - when he first turns up. We now know that this was Agatha’s doing and, though I do feel as though she is possibly an unreliable narrator, if we believe that she was controlling ‘Pietro’ with her magic, that means he’s not Mephisto, Nightmare or Chthon just playing the part of ‘Pietro’, because why and how would Agatha be controlling any of them? This means that he’s either some random guy she’s controlling - but why wouldn’t she try to get someone who looked a bit more like ATJ Quicksilver? How did he get in there (see next bullet point)? Why does this random guy have the same hair as Peter? etc. etc. - she created him out of thin air (already addressed), or he is really Peter. Out of these options, honestly, Peter makes the most sense.
2. When he first turns up and we see what is going on outside the Hex in the SWORD facility, there are alarms going off. Darcy seems to be in a panic when she runs over to her desk and sees ‘Pietro’ on the broadcast. Why were there alarms going off? It seems like they’re the ones that go off because of a perimeter breach. If this is the case, where would this new person entering the Hex have come from? How would they have gotten in? It’s not like someone is gonna just wander into that huge red dome, is it? In the first episode where we see outside the Hex, Jimmy tells Monica that Westview “doesn't want me to [go in]” and asks her “you can feel it too, can't you? No body's supposed to go in”, a random person from outside wouldn’t just wander in, especially with all that security around. Perhaps the alarms are going off because someone has been pulled into the Hex not from the MCU reality but from the multiverse?? The Fox X-Men reality. Peter.
3. His hair - when ‘Pietro’ turns up. he has his Fox universe silver hair. By the next episode it has changed to ATJ Quicksilver’s blond. Why would he start off with silver hair if he wasn’t the Foxverse Quicksilver?? Silver hair isn’t a normal thing for a man in his 30s to have, really. So if he was a random guy being possessed/controlled I think it’s a bit weird that he just happened to have silver hair, the same as Peter. I feel the only reason it’s blond in the next episode is because Wanda’s reality is trying to make him fit in, by making him look more like the person he’s supposed to be - ATJ’s Quicksilver. But my point is basically why would he have silver hair to start with? Why not just make him blond? Surely it’s because he’s Peter? (Also, side note, is his hair silver again in the episode 7 mid credits? He has a hat on and it’s a low angle shot so it’s hard to see but I was thinking that maybe now he’s been kicked out of Wanda’s family and she knows he isn’t Pietro, his hair has gone back to its normal colour because she is not trying to make him fit in. Once again, why would he have silver hair if he isn’t Peter?).
4. The episode 5 subs - the descriptive subtitles on his first episode introduced him as the Fox X-Men version of Quicksilver...
5. He has powers - where the hell did they come from if he’s not Peter? Billy and Tommy have powers, but the twins - through birth or some other way - were created by Wanda. So their powers must come from her - either as something inherited from her or just because they’re a part of Wanda’s illusion. Where would ‘Pietro’‘s powers have come from now that we know he wasn’t created or summoned by Wanda? Can Agatha give people powers? (EDIT 26/02: seems unlikely as Agatha literally told Wanda her illusion magic wasn’t as powerful as Wanda’s) Or are his powers just another sign that he is really Peter?
6. ‘Pietro Maximoff as himself’ - this is shown in the Malcolm in the Middle style opening credits, none of the other characters have who they’re ‘played by’ listed and this isn’t something that appears in the Malcolm in the Middle opening either so I’m not sure it’s a reference. Initially, I thought it was just to try to reinforce the idea that he was Pietro even though we knew he wasn’t, and to make us even more suspicious of him (it worked on me!), but what if it was telling us that he really is Peter Maximoff. Playing himself. ‘Peter’ is obviously the English version of ‘Pietro’ and Peter was listed as ‘Pietro’ on some of the DOFP promo stuff so it’s completely reasonable to assume that in the Foxverse his real name is Pietro and he just goes by Peter because he’s been ‘Americanised’. So maybe it was a hint that the Fox ‘Pietro’ is literally playing himself, Pietro ‘Peter’ Maximoff........ He also refers to himself as ‘Uncle P’, perhaps hinting that ‘Pietro’ isn’t usually the name he would use for himself?
7. The clothes - he literally turns up in a leather jacket. Though usually a silver one (though he does wear a suspiciously similar black one, and similar black jeans too, in his Deadpool 2 cameo), this is something Peter is well known for wearing in the Fox films. We’ve seen that people who come into the Hex get their clothes rewritten into more ‘Westview-appropriate’ attire, maybe his silver jacket was deemed too bright and crazy for the little town and the era they were in. In episode six he’s wearing a silver watch, much like the watch Peter wears in DOFP. All the clothes we see him wear seem a very odd choice for someone who is maybe supposed to be the villain of the show(?). Bright blue and pink? I mean they’re basically Wanda and Pietro’s colours, maybe hinting that he is really on the ‘good’ side? His jumper in the mid credits, to me, looks very (comic book) Quicksilver-esque. Overall, his outfits just seem like something Peter would wear in this jumbled Wanda version of reality (his style is kinda ‘bright and a bit too young for him’, maybe this is just Wanda’s take on it). And I repeat, if he was Mephisto or whoever, would he really choose to wear such fucking ridiculous clothes??
8. He acts like Peter - though slightly less cute and a little more adult-like than when we last saw him in Apocalypse (I’m not counting Dark Phoenix cause he had like three lines in it so it was hard to gauge what he was like) he is still a hyperactive, sugar-consuming, video-game playing, sarcastic, immature, thieving, jokester... essentially. Which is pretty much who he was in X-Men - though, as mentioned he was a little more adorable prankster, less straight up arsehole (like he’s slightly been in this), but I think that could be put down entirely to whatever is going on with the mind control or whatever (he probably super confused with mind control making him think he is Pietro and ask the right questions, but his real personality is still shining through slightly), plus the fact that he was probably only in his mid-twenties in Apocalypse, so as a man is his thirties now, he’s likely to be a little less ‘cute’.
9. He also sounds like Peter - this is obviously just ‘cause that’s Evan Peters’ real voice but they make a point of commenting on his voice and his lack of ATJ’s accent.
10. The Parent Trap is playing at the cinema in the background - a film about twins separated at birth . I mean..... doesn’t this just hint that Wanda and ‘Pietro’ really are twins separated by the multiverse and ‘Pietro’ really is Peter?? And the twins in the film switch places? Does that not hint that Peter has switched over from his own universe to play the part of Pietro in this universe?
11. Why does Wanda trust him? She looks at him when he first arrives and obviously she knows he doesn’t look anything like her Pietro, but she still somehow ‘recognises’ him. She must feel some familiarity for him? Initially she lets him stay in her house and play with her kids. She shares a lot about what she’s been through and been doing in Westview with him... She must have trusted him to an extent, even though she was suspicious of his different look and strange personality, etc. Wanda, in the comics, is a very powerful Nexus being, so if this is the same in the MCU perhaps in their version it means she can recognise Peter as her brother even though he’s from a different reality with a different face. Also, it’s shown in Age of Ultron that she can sense when Pietro is injured (and in WandaVision Billy, who has pretty much the same powers as Wanda and a ‘blood’ connection to Vision like Wanda does with Pietro, can sense when Vision is injured), so they clearly had a deep connection. Is it possible that even though Wanda and Peter are from different realities she still has this bond with him - perhaps she can sense they really are family, and they still have this blood connection, even though they’re family from different realities.
12. The necklace - people have suggested it may be being used to control Peter. I think that’s a great theory and completely possible, but I also have another theory to add - from the clip we see in Agatha All Along, it looks as though Agatha was there using her magic to control ‘Pietro’, though it may have just been shown that way to make it really obvious at a glance he was under her control, it could also mean the necklace is there for another purpose. Thinking about Agatha’s brooch - she has worn a variant of it through every decade and the only other time (?) we’ve seen that happen is with ‘Pietro’‘s necklace. Perhaps Agatha’s brooch protects her from Wanda’s false memories. Perhaps the necklace ‘Pietro’ is wearing is, similarly, to do with memories - possibly placed on him by Agatha to give him some memories of the real Pietro’s? Or to make sure he does not regain his memories of who he really is - Peter Maximoff?
13. NO ONE KNOWS WHO HE IS - and people (Darcy, Jimmy, Monica, Vision, Wanda, Billy AND Tommy) keep drawing attention to this fact!!! Why would they be bringing attention to this if it wasn’t important?! I’ve made it pretty obvious I don’t think he’s one of the powerful villains I previously mentioned, and if he was just some random guy why would people be bringing so much attention to him? Narratively, it makes sense for him to be an important character, and with all the evidence I’ve gathered I think  it makes most sense for him to be Peter. 14. I know this is a weak one, but think about the time period of the episodes - ‘Pietro’ arrives right at the end of the 80s episode, when it is about to go into the 90s. The last time we properly saw Peter in the Fox universe was in the 1980s, and in Dark Phoenix we briefly see him in the early 90s. This could mean something! Perhaps the Multiverse universes are not all aligned to the same time period, but Wanda accidently reached out for ‘Pietro’ and ended up pulling Peter into her universe because he was in the same time period her ‘show’ was currently on. 15. Left this one ‘til last cause I’m really not that sold on it but, his tattoo - now, the ‘Mom’ tattoo we see on ‘Pietro’ in episode 6 is Evan Peters’ actual tattoo. Why didn’t they get him to cover it up? Is it a hint that ‘Pietro’ and Wanda really do share a mum, just different versions of the same mum from two different realities? Could it also be a hint that ‘Pietro’ is indeed Peter brought in through the multiverse... MOM = Multiverse of Madness, after all. (I also think it’s possible the Hex is a pocket reality Wanda has created but that’s not strictly relevant to this Peter post).
16. Speaking of things outside of what we see in the show - head WandaVision writer, Jac Schaeffer, spoke about the casting of Evan Peters in an interview on Marvel's official site. In the interview she said: “We were rooting for it for so long, and didn't know if it would be possible. It was complicated to make happen.” Why would it not have been possible to make happen? Casting Evan Peters to play some random guy doesn’t seem very complicated to me. Is it possible that, when the writers came up with this idea, Disney had not yet acquired Fox? And the reason that they weren’t sure they could make it happen was because they did want to bring him in to play his Fox character and had to wait for Disney to finish the acquisition before moving forwards with their Evan Peters idea? That’s the only reason I can think of why it would have been “complicated” tbh.
17. This is a really weak argument tbh, but I thought I may as well include it anyway - around the time Dark Phoenix was due to be released, when Disney were part-way through acquiring Fox (which was public knowledge and had been for a while) - Evan Peters stated that he hoped Dark Phoenix wouldn’t be the end for his character, and said he’d be sad if it was. He went on to say "I'd want to do more, there's more to explore and shooting the sequences are more fun and just to be behind the scenes on it." Perhaps this was just wishful thinking on his part, but it is also possible that he knew that the door wasn’t necessarily closed on that character and there may be a chance for him to return to the role once Disney had purchased the X-Men (perhaps he had even already been approached about playing Peter in WandaVision).
18. In terms of promo for the show, Evan Peters has not been involved AT ALL - no interviews or anything. Obviously originally Marvel were trying to keep his involvement in the show a secret so it was a big surprise (unfortunately for them they didn’t manage this but ah well), but now that the cat’s outta the bag, why has there been no promo from Peters? I know he doesn’t do social media and I know it’s COVID times but interviews are still happening. Why has he not been called in to promote the show at all? To me, it feels like Marvel are worried about the sort of questions an interviewer would ask Peters. It seems as if they’re still trying to keep his character’s identity a secret, which means it must be important and not just some random Westview citizen - and the fact that he is still yet to receive his own character poster for the show only adds to my suspicions. (EDIT 26/02: Agatha talked about ‘Fietro’ in the new episode and seemed to very purposefully avoid mentioning who he actually was. To me, this very much makes it seem even like his identity is a big deal and it will be revealed as a major plot point in the finale next week. I mean, think about it - they’re gonna save a Multiverse reveal for the finale, aren’t they?)
19. Marvel have literally said this show will lead into Multiverse of Madness on many occasions, they have said that the events of WandaVision open the Multiverse, and we have yet to see this happen! The only mention of anything connected to the Multiverse so far was the Nexus ad. So there must be something big coming up that opens up the Multiverse. There are only two episodes left and nothing has happened that implies the Multiverse has been opened up (EDIT 26/02: one episode left! And the Multiverse still not been addressed) unless Peters’ ‘Pietro’ is really Peter. This wouldn’t need a huge amount of explaining as it’s already been set up and even people who don’t watch the Fox X-Men movies by now know he played the ‘other’ Quicksilver.
Also, side note, in Far From Home (set months after WandaVision) Fury and Hill don’t seem at all surprised that Quentin Beck is from an alternate reality. We find out at the end of FFH that they are both skrulls pretending to be Nick and Maria - who has a connection to the skrulls? Monica, obviously! Perhaps Talos and Soren are not surprised Beck is from an alternate universe because they have already been informed of the events of WandaVision opening up the Multiverse, by Monica (or possibly even through their daughter being Monica’s contact, who we see in the new episode? Just adding that in there cause it’s a theory I really like, as a huge fan of the Skrulls). 20. Marvel haven’t denied it - I know this doesn’t necessarily mean anything but I like to think that if there was absolutely no way that Fox X-Men were joining the MCU via Multiverse, someone from Marvel might actually have said this in an interview since the Evan reveal, just so people don’t get their hearts totally crushed and Marvel don’t get a load of backlash for leading fans on? Idk. Disney/Marvel Studios never actually said there wouldn’t be more films in the Fox X-Men universe after Disney acquired the rights to them, everyone just assumed. This could mean something. 21. Merch - there was a massive amount of X-Men merch released last year. Yes, maybe it was just because Disney wanted to cash in on their acquisition of the Fox movies, but maybe it was something else... There was the 20th anniversary line of Funko Pops, there were the variants for that line (metallic Mystique, Professor X with Cerebro, and YOUNG Magneto from DOFP), there was the Marvel 80th anniversary original X-Men line of Funko Pops, there was the line of Hasbro action figures from various films including Deadpool 2 and the X-Men prequel movies..... I’m just saying, a lot of X-Men merch has been released over the last year, and most of it has been based on the films. Yes, last year was the 20th anniversary of the first X-Men movie, but that doesn’t explain the release of all the prequel/Deadpool merch. If it was for the 20th anniversary of X1 then why the young Magneto Pop etc? It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it does make it clear that Marvel know there are a lot of people out there who are huge fans of the original and prequel X-Men movies, so they must know that people would love to see those characters back, played by the same actors. Perhaps Evan really is Peter, and perhaps we will get more characters from his universe in future MCU content. 22. Elizabeth Olsen’s “Luke Skywalker level cameo” -  okay, so she didn’t say these exact words. She was asked if there was anything in WandaVision similar to Luke’s Mandalorian cameo (weird question tbh??) and she apparently said “Yes, I’m really excited.” Paul Bettany has also said something weird and cryptic in an interview about how later in the show there’s a guest appearance from someone he’s always wanted to work with. (EDIT 26/02: now that we’ve seen White Vision I’m pretty sure Paul Bettany was talking about himself - what a troll! But it’s so funny reading back what he said, haha. HOWEVER, Lizzie’s comment still stands.) NOW, Elizabeth Olsen is actually a huge Star Wars fan so she would know how big the Luke Skywalker cameo was in Mando, so I highly doubt it’s Evan Peters’ appearance she’s talking about, as some people have thought it might be. The Luke Skywalker cameo in Mando was, for me (also a massive Star Wars fan), mind-blowing. As soon as I saw that one X-Wing turn up, I was shaking, and by the time we got to see Luke’s face revealed I was sobbing. Evan Peters’ appearance in WandaVision, while fun, was not at all on that level (and I say this as a fan of the Fox X-Men movies above everything else). A cameo that would have that sort of effect on me, would be one that confirmed without a doubt that the Fox X-Men will be joining the MCU via Multiverse. Initially when I heard that Lizzie had said this, I assumed she was exaggerating and it would be Doctor Strange or Loki as they are clearly tied into all the Multiverse stuff as well, but when I really thought about how big the Luke cameo was and how much influence Star Wars has apparently had on Elizabeth Olsen (apparently she cried when she saw Mark Hamill at a premiere?), I thought that it couldn’t possibly be either of those characters. So now I’m thinking it must be someone that confirms the Fox X-Men are joining the MCU (Fassbender or McAvoy maybe?), which would in turn confirm ‘Pietro’ is  really the Peter we know and love. Obviously this is all speculation, but that’s all that really makes sense to me from that comment. 23. Deadpool 3 has literally been confirmed, and it has all but been confirmed as being MCU - I have two points to make here: 1. How the hell does Deadpool 3 fit into the MCU when mutants have never even been mentioned before because of the licensing issues? With all the shit that happened in the previous Deadpool films (mutants AND the X-Men clearly already being established, time travel working in a completely different way to how it works in the MCU, and many other points too...) Deadpool in no way fits into the MCU as it is now so surely it only makes sense to bring him into the MCU via Multiverse? 2. If Deadpool is in the MCU why the fuck couldn’t the Fox X-Men be too??? Give me one good reason. There isn’t one.
TLDR; my theory on how Peter could have been brought to the MCU reality is:
Assuming Agatha brought Peter over - she is magic as we know - I think she summoned a Pietro from another universe (possibly using the Darkhold if that is the book in her basement, or possibly she was able to summon him easier because Wanda’s magic had weakened the barriers between universes or something) to use against Wanda and when he arrived she either 1. didn’t know he didn’t look like the right Pietro (possibly because she’s from a different reality herself, and surely a Pietro is a Pietro, right?) or 2. just straight up didn’t care/felt it was too late/too much effort to really do anything about it (EDIT 24/02: it has now been confirmed that she “recast” Pietro to mess with Wanda). It is also possible imo that Wanda unknowingly brought Peter over from the Foxverse and Agatha just happened to find him and decide to use him to her advantage (he does say he heard Wanda calling out to him, this could be the real Peter talking).
The summoning of Peter sets off the alarms we hear in the background of the shots when Darcy sees him arrive on the broadcast. Agatha is controlling Peter with her magic and the necklace is something to do with that (suppressing his memories/giving him Pietro memories etc). Wanda, as a Nexus being and someone who clearly has strong bonds to her family (she can sense when the real Pietro dies, just like how Billy can sense when Vis is in trouble), recognises him as a Pietro even though he’s not her Pietro which is why she initially semi-trusts him despite him looking different. When he’s pulled into the Hex his clothes adapt to Wanda’s reality which is why we see him wearing a black leather jacket initially - it’s been rewritten from his silver leather jacket. His hair starts off silver like Peter’s (because he is Peter) but becomes blond in the next episode - this is because he’s spending time in Wanda’s house and she is subconsciously trying to make him look more like her Pietro. When he is removed from Wanda’s household and she tells the kids he’s not their uncle his hair goes back to silver because Wanda is no longer focussing on trying to make him fit in with how she thinks Pietro should look. He has powers because he is Peter. He is being controlled by Agatha and that’s why he is asking weird questions and acting like a bit of an arsehole, but his Peter personality is still shining through slightly (his childish behaviour etc). So far, this pretty much sums up my feelings on ‘Pietro’ possibly being Peter. I know it’s clear I’ve put way too much thought into this, even though I said I was trying not to get my hopes up.......but I literally cannot stop thinking about him haha. Let’s hope he is really Peter and we’re getting the Fox X-Men in the multiverse. *
(Obviously there is another option which is that he’s just some random guy being mind-controlled by Agatha but that just seems so dumb and a waste of Evan Peters to me so I don’t even really wanna think about it tbh! Haha)
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