#I hope those are actually the right people because I don’t remember how to spell/their last names 💀
Ohmygod I forgot to post these here
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winstonsns · 3 months
could you do a gang(separate) with reader who’s like a transfer student or smth and dosent speak English fluently? They could like help her or smth idkkkkk but yeah🎀💕
the gang with transfer student!reader (request)
authors note: my throat fucking hurts. sorry this is short, i hope you enjoy 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.4k
warnings: cussing, dally’s a bit of a dick
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ponyboy’s top of his classes so he knows a lot, especially in english
because the two of you go to the same school, you guys have a lot more time together
he’ll always help you feel ready for a presentation and makes sure all your words are spelled correctly and you pronounce them right
same with when you’re called on to read, if you can’t pronounce a word then he’ll whisper in your ear and tell you, the both of you normally sit together
sometimes you’ll go over to his house or he’ll go over to yours, he assists you by studying with you
once he went over to your house, you had a vanity in your room but didn’t know what it was called, he asked you, “well what’s something that reminds you of it? of the vanity?”
you replied, “um… sticky notes because i have them on my mirror?” so he told you to connect the words ‘sticky notes’ so you could remember the word ‘vanity’
he’ll also read to you so you can learn more words and pronunciations, you also become entertained while you’re learning so it’s nice for the both of you
sometimes johnny goes to school with you so the both of you can learn together
he has a lot of patience so learning with him is easy, he’d make up around five words for you to pronounce and know the definition of every day
the two of you would review those words too, and because you were learning a whole new language, he decided to learn a new language too, yours
he knew what it was like to get frustrated over not being able to understand something, so the both of you taught one another your languages
you or johnny would point at a random object and the other would say it in both languages, it was a fun way to learn since it wasn’t one sided
when the two of you could have full on conversations in one another’s languages, the both of you were ecstatic
johnny even taught pony and the gang some words from your native language because he thought it was cool
man, you guys are learning english together because soda doesn’t really have a super wide vocabulary, he wasn’t that good in school
but he’ll teach you the basic words and their meanings, clothings, paintings, items, etc
he thinks it’s so attractive when you speak your native language or talk to him that way, he’ll get all blushy and smiley
his patience is actually pretty high and he’ll make you feel better if you feel bad about not knowing english that well
it doesn’t cause much of a problem in your guys relationship, it probably brings you two closer if anything
he loves it when you come to him to ask about words or what something’s called if it has certain characteristics
since you’re in school and he’s not, if you have to write an essay or presentation, he’ll give you synonyms so you won’t repeat the same words over and over
lord knows he got shitty grades because he used the same two words throughout his essay when describing something
he stays really patient with you because you can always learn more english, it’s not a one time thing when if you mess a word up then its messed up forever
so he helps you, since he was really smart and was good in school, he knew a very large range of vocabulary
you could ask him about a word and he’d immediately know the definition, sometimes asking you “verb or noun?” because he just knew so much
since he’s an old ass man he’ll show you magazines and newspapers, sometimes pointing to a random word, in which you tell him what it means, basically like a memory game
he teaches you a lot about grammar since most people don’t know how to use it correctly, he also teaches you how to use the correct ‘write, right’ ‘knight, night,’ ‘where, wear’ ‘here, hear’ ‘there, their, they’re’ basically homophones
darry really just wants you to have the best in life so he’ll teach you the most
if we’re being realistic here, dally would bully the shit out of you
he is honest as hell and will not feel shameful or bad that he’s being rude to you for not understanding english as well as him
but he helps you learn new words and phrases, sometimes teasing you about it and giving you the wrong answers
he later tells you the truth though if you embarrass yourself by using it wrong
“dal… um, i heard some people talking about ‘left handed?’ what does that mean?” you would ask, him replying with, “means you only use your left hand, like your other is paralyzed or broken.”
sometimes he’ll randomly ask you, “what’s that?” and point at something, basically quizzing you so you can remember what is what
dally also helps you pronounce words, when you came home from school one day, you asked him how to say “pacific ocean” because all the c’s were pronounced differently, you were rightfully confused
however, if anyone else makes fun of you, he’ll get all pissed off at them and beat the shit out of them
if you start feeling guilty for not knowing words after he makes fun of you a bit, he’ll try not to as much and will focus more on teaching you words
he won’t love you any less if you struggle with english, he loves hearing you talk in your native language
you even teach him some words and phrases in your language, he complains, “that’s too hard to learn, doll, how many languages do you know?”
little do you know he’s actually impressed and would speak your language every day if he understood as well as you did
two-bit is actually very sweet about you not knowing english as well as him
sometimes, he’ll help you by watching television with you, whether it’s a movie or a series
he’s occasionally a little mean about it, laughing when you say something wrong, he corrects you after though
he’s lazy as hell though so you don’t learn much from him, but if you teach him about your language then he’ll pay attention
if you’re doing a presentation of some sort soon for school, he’ll make flash cards before and help you remember how to pronounce words and what they mean
also when in public, if both of you are in a restaurant or getting fast food, he’ll help you order what you want while you know of what the ingredients are
because he is helping you learn english, it doesn’t cause much of a problem in your relationship
also, you know that trend where it’s like ‘telling the transfer student that scooby doo is a bad word and to yell it’ that’s you guys
steve’s actually pretty smart so he gave you detailed descriptions of what some words meant
so when you asked what a dresser was when you were just learning, instead of pointing at it and leaving it be, he told you, “basically furniture with a lot of drawers that holds mostly clothes, it can hold other things too though.”
he also tells you more than you need to know, he talks to you about cars and all its parts even though you don’t know what they are
so he explains to you what they are and how they work, what they do and where they are in the car
steve really enjoys learning about how things work, so he’ll tell you about that too when you ask about a word or its pronunciation
also teaches you about metaphors and all that stuff, if you’re not good with sarcasm then he’ll help you know when someone is or is not being sarcastic
he also tells you that there’s a ‘shit ton of stupid rules in the english language’ and things are ‘weirdly fucking hard to pronounce’ so it’s fine to not get words right the first time
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authors note: happy father’s day 🎀
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rabbitbandit05 · 6 months
for starters, I love your writing so so much! i have a bunch of request ideas but won't overwhelm you too much, but one concept I had was modern mizu x spiritual reader? if that isn't too much of a problem, like maybe the reader is into witchy stuff and believes in the universe and signs, and practices magick? like just imagine mizu walked in their apartment and there are just little altars, and the reader does little cleansing rituals, and gives mizu little 'spell jars' and is just so in tune with nature and I am wondering how you think Mizu would react? i was scrolling on tiktok and saw a video and got the idea, and if you are okay with writing that I think it'd be silly seeing how mizu thinks of it (in a positive light probably?) hcs would be preferred :)
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Mizu with a Spiritual/Witch Reader
Anon- this is brilliant. I had to write this down as soon as I saw this.
I tried to incorporate as much as I could remember from when I was a practicing witch, as well as doing additional research to double check it. I just did some general things but I hope you like it!
Also again: requests are open for both headcanons and longer writing prompts. Those who have submitted- I’m working on them! 🐰🙏
I don’t think Mizu 100% gets it, but understands some of it
When you two had met, and after talking for a bit, you casually mentioned how you knew you would get along with Mizu because you had done a reading (a tarot reading) that morning and were expecting new beginnings
And new beginnings she was- you two started dating after talking for a few weeks.
During the first few weeks of dating, you would gift her small candles (which you explained the colors meant different things- many of which you gifted her were blue- which apparently meant peace of mind and good fortune- both things she needed)
You would also give her gemstones- rose quartz (if you know- you know 😉), Citrine, selenite, and amethyst
and even one time a aquamarine- since you claimed it reminded you of her eyes
At first she kinda brushed off the comments and didn’t think much- she knew you had to be some sort of witch, but didn’t really mind and didn’t understand the extent of it
Until she walked into your apartment for the first time-
“You’re like a crow” Mizu would blurt out after entering your apartment and seeing the crystals, the herbs in pots that littered the window seal, the hanging tapestry’s, and that didn’t even mention the multiple windchimes that hung throughout the apartment that casted rainbows on the walls of the sun hit it just the right way
Mizu can see it already on a sunny afternoon- the windows open, light filtering in, the scent of your candles and herbs around her- it was a comfort she couldn’t quiet place
“A crow???” You look at Mizu not offended, but more confused- this snapped Mizu back to present day as she realized what she had said
“I mean- I misspoke-“ Mizu is now flustered. She didn’t mean it negatively but more like an assessment of the surroundings.
It reminded her of a birds nest with how cozy your home was, and she once heard that crows like to collect shiny things- and give it to people- much like you. The connection had just popped up into her head really.
She sees it not as just some hobby, but that it was a part of you and important to you
The occasional prayers to whoever your deity is (if you have one) has become a regular occurance for her and actually, she tries to be as respectful as she can be
Mizu joins in occasionally in whoever you are praying to- even if most of the time not knowing-
She also can’t turn to you mid session and ask who you are praying to because that might be rude to interrupt
One time, Mizu walked into your apartment (she had had a rough day), and you stopped her at the welcome mat before she could walk further into the apartment
“I sense bad energy on you…” you calmly state “stay there-“ and you ran into the kitchen and returned with an egg
“Ummm… do I need to eat this?” A giggle erupted from you
“No- you need to roll it all over you to get rid of the bad energy. If we crack it and the yolk is cloudy, it means it worked” yeah cause that made more sense than eating the egg- Mizu thought- but she still let you roll the egg all over her before cracking it open and finding the yolk cloudy as you said.
“There! See?” You showed her and she simply hummed out a thank you and kissed you on your head.
She really adored everything- from your alters to the small jars you would gift her on special occasions or just because you felt like it- she cherished each and every thing.
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applecidersstuff · 11 months
Do you ever realize that the only person Crows can actually ask for relationship advice is Colm?
Like none of the crows have any experience in the area. And I’m gonna explain it.
Nina was about 13-13,5 when the SaB began, so by the end of RaR she’s about 15. And she is sixteen when she meets Matthias. When RaR ends Nina goes back to the little palace and finishes her education, it takes her about six months and after - she travels with Zoya, for about the same time. So she probably didn’t have any relationships in mind before the civil war, simply because she was focused on her studies and training, and she was a child, then during the war she probably was busy with staining alive, and after she was again studying. I think she probably had some little affairs, in Ravka after the war and maybe even in Ketterdam, but not long serious relationships. So she has no idea how it works.
I don’t think I have to explain this one, but I’d do it just for the record. Matthias became drüskelle(I hope I spelled that right) when he was 12, so obviously he was a child and didn’t have those thoughts in mind, and knowing how conservative and religious Matthias is I don’t think he had those things even when he was in his teens. So Nina is his first love and relationship.
I don’t think I need to explain him either, but anyway. Kaz was a child when he got traumatized, so no love. His first attempt was Imogen but they didn’t went further than flirt. So Inej is his first relationship.
The same thing goes for Inej, she’s 14 when kidnapped, and severely traumatized after the “menagerie.” So Kaz is also her first relationship and love.
And now for the fun part
Even though Jes is portrayed as a playboy(sorry but it’s true) I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship. You see, before coming to the university and Ketterdam he lives on the farm. Completely isolated by distance and Colms fears(I’m preparing a whole post about it). And when Jesper comes to Kerch he meets Kaz, gains a huge ugly crush on him, and doesn’t have any relationships before Wylan. Just like Nina he might have had some little affairs but not relationships.
And now for the hilarious part.
Wylan is the only crow who might have some sort of relationship experience.
Now when your shock has settled, I’m going to explain it.
Van Eck gave up on Wylan when Wy was about 8. And after that he hired tutors for him only for Wylan not to bother him. Wylan probably had tutors up until his father tried to kill him. During SoC Wylan is 16 going on 17, so when Van Eck “gets rid of him” he’s something about sixteen and a half(I need to specify this). And you know, rumors don’t start from nothing, in every rumor there is at least a little truth, no matter who started it. And sometimes it kinda sounds like Wylan just isn’t telling us some parts of his past life, like we know almost nothing about his teenage years. I think Wylans tutors wouldn’t be(at least not all of them) old grandpas, I think it would have been more likely for Van Eck to hire young, just out of university, people(because it would have been cheaper). If we believe that, we can also remember how desperate Wylan was for love(I mean he’s a traumatized baby), so I think he might have at least try to have some sort of relationship with his tutor. And I know that those kind of relationship would have been problematic, but keep in mind that we have a teen with daddy issues who spends about 8 hours a day with some guys. Greedy guys. (And I’m not talking about all eight years, just the last two)
So yeah out of all Crows Wylan is the only one who might have some sort of experience.
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Fixing Tracy — Battle of Wills
TWs in the tags
Worried that she’ll actually fall asleep if she pretends to go to sleep, Tracy closes the bedroom door so that Molly can’t see her. It means she won’t be able to watch Molly, either, but that’s fine. That’s fine.
Tracy paces the room and waits for the light coming from under the door to turn off. Molly will turn off the lights when she’s done reading, surely, and then Tracy will wait an hour or so, and then she’ll go take the keys and cattle prods.
As she waits and paces, Tracy runs through the alphabet over and over in her head. She has books in the room, but she can’t read them without turning on the lights, which would let Molly know she’s awake, which would make Molly less likely to go to sleep. Luckily, Tracy has already developed strategies to make waiting in situations like this less miserable.
She goes over each letter of the alphabet and its corresponding number over and over again. A one, B two, and on and on and on. Then she picks random numbers to see if she can remember the letter associated. Then she starts practicing spelling out words using the associated numbers. Not only does this occupy her mind, but it helps her develop the skills of alphabetizing and using letter number ciphers! Even without anything besides her mind, she can be productive.
When the alphabet gets boring, she starts practicing holding her breath. She read somewhere that with enough training, some people can hold their breath for up to 12 minutes, and she hopes to get there someday.
The light never turns off. Maybe Molly won’t turn it off, and will fall asleep with it on… Tracy does some push ups, but not too many since she doesn’t want to be sore while trying to run away. Should she even be pacing? It might be best to conserve her energy.
The lights are still on. Tracy opens the door a crack to see if Molly is still reading.
She is. The door creaks and Molly looks up at Tracy. Tracy slams the door shut quickly.
That was stupid. She wants Molly to think she trusts her. She opens the door again.
“Um… what are you reading?”
“It’s called Atomic Habits. You don’t have to pretend to be interested, it’s a self help book, and I know you hate those.”
“Oh. But you like self help books? You’re enjoying it? It’s… pretty late, isn’t it? And… I know you were up a while last night cleaning up the stuff I broke…”
Molly laughs. “Subtle. Yes, I enjoy self help books. No, you’re not going to get a chance to take the keys or cattle prods from me, so you can relax. You have no control, there’s no way for you to get out of here, you’re allowed to just rest. Are you struggling to fall asleep? I can get you some melatonin."
"No." She has to fall asleep eventually. Tracy just has to wait.
“Dear… staying awake this long is hurting yourself, and I can’t just let you hurt yourself.”
“You’ve been awake just as long as I have!”
Molly sighs. “You’re right. I’ve been a bad example. I hoped that you would go to sleep on your own if you felt like you couldn’t escape, and that I could help with that by staying awake. But you’re right. Trying to wait each other out isn’t good for either of us. I just… I mean, I’m sure we both want to avoid me drugging you or restraining you.”
Tracy’s such an idiot. Molly isn’t going to fall asleep in front of her unless Tracy’s incapacitated in some way. How many times will she have to learn that Molly’s smart before it sinks in? “Will you— you want to fix me. Will you let me go when I’m fixed?”
“You don’t need to worry about that. None of this is in your control at all. You have no blame in this, and no one could ever think you were wrong for resting when you have no other choice. Nothing you do will change anything about this, it’s all me. My responsibility. I will never give you any choice in your staying here, whether I trust you or not, whether I consider you fixed or not, because giving you that choice would make you feel guilty. It’s up to me and only me.”
Molly was never going to sleep in front of Tracy and give her a chance to get the keys and cattle prods, even if Tracy had managed to convince her that she was perfectly happy with being kidnapped. Even if Tracy had done everything perfectly, Molly would’ve refused to sleep until she was sure there was no way for Tracy to escape, because she sees removing that choice as a kindness. Tracy is completely and utterly powerless.
She closes her door, lets herself fall into bed, and goes to sleep.
Tag list: @whumpyourdamnpears
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damonjuicyscock · 11 months
Playlist- Chapter 8: Too fast for love (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: language, a few spelling mistakes, but that's all.
Words: 3189
Summary: Los Angeles 1994, the Whisky A Gogo gig. Noel leaves, Y/N is worried. They're all searching for him, and all see that Y/N is still in love with Noel. How will it end ?
A/N: Heya Y'all ! Here's chapter 8. Yup, I got inspired as you can see. I can't wait for you horny lovies to read the next chapter ! I hope you are all doing fine and are taking care of you. Don't forget that you're loved and you're important. I'm saying this because there's probably people reading these fan fics who need to hear this.
Enjoy !
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“Living on a jet
Making love to someone else's dreams
Say it again
She puts her legs up, well, calls it good luck
Do you know what I mean?
Oh-no, oh-no
Do you remember?
Well, I remember
Dream machine, so damn cool
She can turn on the night
The more that she gets
The more that she needs
Do you know what I mean?
Oh-no, oh-no
Do you remember?
Well, I remember
September 29th 1994- Los Angeles- Whisky A Gogo
Too fast
Too fast for love
Too fast, you're too fast for love”
Wow, I was in LA. It was spectacular, knowing I would probably never have come here in my life if I wasn’t with the band. But I was so damn happy to be there. And Oasis would play the Whisky A Gogo, which was something absolutely massive.
Such good bands played there before like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Blondie, Mötley Crüe… And now Oasis would become one of the greats. Or at least, we thought. That was until the guys mistook cocaine with meth, that would lead to several sleepless nights and two splits.
That’s quite some good white powder! want some Y/N? Liam asked
Huh no, thanks. I answered
Ye’re not taking cocaine? Noel asked
Nah, I never did, and I’ll never do. You might think that’s fun, but this thing is actually shit. I prefer my weed.
Suit yerself. Noel answered
And knowing what happened and the state they were in, I did well. I tried several times to dissuade Noel from taking cocaine or other drugs like this, but I couldn’t do more than that, I was no one to tell him what he should or shouldn’t do. But that night, I should have tried harder. Especially when I discovered it was meth.
The gig was chaotic. They were all so wasted that they were playing several songs in one. Liam insulted the public, sniffed meth between songs at the back of the stage, threw his tambourine at Noel’s head, Noel’s vocals were terrible… Don’t do drugs kids.
After the gig, the brothers almost fought physically, I had to stop them. Liam was pissed off, and Noel was furious.
I fucking quit, I swear.
Noel, please calm down.
How am I supposed to fucking calm down when our only fucking chance to be known in the US was wasted because of this fucking dickhead?!
Do you even hear yourself talk? You’re talking about your brother Noel!
I knew ye would take his fucking side.
I’m not taking any side Noel; I’m just not letting you talk about your brother in those terms! You will have other chances. This time just think about not fucking doing meth.
Oh so that’s me fault then?
Come on Noel, try to think straight, you’re being paranoid! I never said it was your fault.
He had his fists balled up. I approached him and I took them in my hands, which seemed to soothe him.
Ye’re right, I’m soz.
Hey, it’s okay, you need some sleep. Come on, let’s go back at the hotel. We’ll go in our room, and I’ll roll us a joint, okay?
He nodded and we did as I said.
Once in the bedroom, I rolled a joint while Noel was preparing two G&T’s while being on the phone with Maggie. I started smoking when he finally hang up.
Our kid disappeared. He said
What do you mean by he disappeared?
After we argued, he apparently just vanished with his fucking towel around his neck.
Knowing him, he probably went out for a few scoops. I answered
Well I don’t want to involve the cops, me.
Who said we would have to involve them?
Well, knowing him, he’ll probably start a fucking fight.
Not necessarily. Let’s just… focus on you right now, okay? Come and sit on the bed with me. We’ll just drink, smoke, cuddle and relax, okay? That’s what you need right now. Liam is a big boy Noely.
Ye’re right.
He sat beside me, and we drank our G&T’s, then we laid down smoking a few joints silently, cuddling. And I made the big mistake of falling asleep. Yes, I was asleep in his arms, but the morning after, he wasn’t there anymore.
September 30th 1994- Los Angeles:
I woke up at 9am, alone in the bed. I started calling and looking for Noel everywhere in the room and finally thought he may be at the hotel’s restaurant. He may be decided I should get more sleep. But did he?
So without knowing what was expecting me, I took a shower and put some clean clothes on before going downstairs to join Noel who still wasn’t back.
And when I arrived, I was met by the others, and Noel was nowhere to be seen. Even Liam was there.
Heya guys.
Mornin’ Y/N. Bonehead answered
Did y’all manages to get some sleep?
Yup, and that’s a failure. Guigsy answered
Yea, a fuckin’ one. With all the scoops I had, I should have been able to fuckin’ sleep. But no. Liam said
You took too much meth Li’. I answered
Probably yea.
Where’s Noel? I asked
Huh… Guigsy hesitated
What is it? I asked
He’s fucking gone Y/N. Liam answered
What do you mean by he’s gone? I said, starting to panic
He’s gone like bye-bye, adfuckingdios, au revoir.
No shit Sherlock! I know what gone means, I mean where the fuck is he?
Okay stay calm Y/N but… we don’t know. Tony said
What the f… where’s Maggie?
She’s in her room, on the phone.
Well you all seem so concerned about the topic, so I’ll go see her.
She won’t have more information than us ye know? And we’re concerned ‘bout it. Tony answered
Yeah, nevermind.
I never had this much adrenaline in my body. It’s like I literally flew to Maggie’s room, hoping she would know more.
I didn’t even knock at her door and burst inside her room.
Where the fuck is he Maggie?
Y/N please, calm down. She answered
How can I calm the fuck down when I don’t know where Noel is? I fucking fell asleep with him next to me and the morning after he just fucking vanished?
Listen, all I can tell you is that he came to me late last night, asking me for all the money I had, if I could give it to him and his passport. He said he wanted to fly back to England.
He wouldn’t leave us here!
You mean he wouldn’t leave YOU here. Listen Y/N, I gave him 700$. We tried to join his mother and his other brother, but they didn’t answer yet.
That’s probably because they’re sleeping! I exclaimed
Okay, that’s enough Y/N, we’ll talk when you’ll be calm. Now let me do my job. Go smoke some weed or something.
I spent the afternoon smoking weed and cigarettes and drinking away my worry.
I was fucking wasted but it was working. And soon, I was joined by Liam.
Drinking away yer sorrow won’t work. Already tried it and that’s shite.
I’m not… Well yeah, I’m sad in a way, and disappointed… but mostly, I’m fucking worried. He could have talked to me for fuck’s sake!
I know. He answered, ordering a drink
I was so drunk I started saying things I shouldn’t have.
I fucking love him Li’. I fucking love him and it would fucking kill me if he didn’t feel the same.
I already know all this, love. And I know he loves ye too. The way he looks at ye says it all. And even if he didn’t love ye like that anymore, we all know ye’ll still be living ‘cause ye don’t need anybody. Stop moaning, it’s not ye.
I chuckled.
You’re right, it’s not me. But I can’t stop worrying.
I know that, me.
Come on, buy me another scoop and let’s have a toast. Your concert yesterday may not have been the best, but you still put on a good show.
Damn yea we did, and we will in the future.
I don’t doubt it.
Liam bought me another drink and we drank a toast.
Here’s to future concerts where we’re going to have a fucking blast and give it our fucking all!
And here’s to future concerts without meth and with cocaine instead, shall we?
Ye’re fuckin’ right, I’ll never try meth again, me. I want to be able to fucking sleep and sing well fer fuck’s sake.
The morning after, I woke up shitfaced and in my undies. I opened my eyes, holding my head. Then I heard snoring next to me. I turned my head and saw Liam, at his best, his buttocks sticking out of the blanket. I put my hands over my mouth in shock.
Oh you’ve got to be shitting me! I exclaimed
This woke Liam up.
Shh, don’t speak so fucking loud! He growled
L-L-Liam, you’re naked.
And so what? Ye’ve never seen a Gallagher naked? ‘Cause I’m sure ye’ve seen Noel naked countless ti…
Liam! I shouted
Alright, fine! I’ll cover me model body.
Ah ah, very funny Liam! Please, tell me we didn’t…
Didn’t what?
Well you know…
No I don’t.
For fuck’s sake Liam, tell me we didn’t have sex!
Liam looked at me and burst out laughing.
Ye’re a beautiful girl Y/N, but no, we didn’t have sex. Ye’re like a sister to me. And believe me, if we did, ye’d remember it!
Your humility will get the better of you one day, you know that?
Yea, I know. Now listen, ye look like ye’ve had a blackout, okay? What I can tell ye, right, is that we had a lot to drink last night at the bar, we had a lot of fun, then at some point ye didn’t feel well, ye wanted to get some fresh air and ye threw yer room keys down a fucking drain, so I told ye we were going to sleep in me room. When we got there, ye threw up on the head of someone who was in the pool, he started to shout at ye, so he had a problem with me, meanwhile ye were laughing yer head off and flipping him off. When we finally got back to the room, ye went straight to the bathroom and ye took a cold shower without undressing, so afterwards, I had to take yer clothes off, ye threw yerself on the bed in yer underwear and fell asleep. As fer me, I just like to sleep naked, that’s all. Is it good fer ye?
Huh yeah… I really did that? I asked
Oh yea ye did. I’d never lie to ye Y/N.
Don’t. it was fun.
Okay… I’m… I’m gonna go see if Maggie has any news about Noel.
Yea. But ye should get dressed fer it. A little fucking decency, at least.
And a few minutes after, I was in Maggie’s room. She still didn’t have news from Noel, but she was having a few ideas on how to find him.
He doesn’t have a credit card with him, but he has a phone. I could trace his calls and it would tell us where he is.
Why didn’t you think about this before? I asked
Listen, we were all in a bit of a turmoil and we needed a bit of peace and quiet to think things through, and in the end, it just came to me. That’s what counts, isn’t it? Please Y/N, don’t be a pain in the arse.
I won’t be a pain in the arse! that was just a fucking question Maggie! I just wish I knew where Noel fucking was so I could go and find him!
You’re not going to like what I’m going to tell you but… if anyone’s going to go looking for him, it won’t be you. For safety’s sake, and we can’t lose anyone else, especially you. Liam and Noel would kill me.
I don’t give a fuck about my safety Maggie! I want to be part of it, don’t take this away from me, I’ll be the only one he’ll talk to.
If by “don’t take this away from me” you’re talking about your reunion, I’m not taking this away from you. You’ll have it, just not like this. You’re too important Y/N, we can’t send you to where he is, I’m sorry. But I promise you I’ll find him, and I promise you a reunion, that’s for sure. I know how much you love him. I know how you’re in love with him, and there’s nothing more beautiful than love, so no, I can’t afford to lose you, wherever he is. Because I think Noel loves you the same way, and I have no right to take THAT away from you. I can’t let you go because, depending on where he is, it might be dangerous for you, knowing that he's not in London nor Manchester, so places you know or at least a bit about. I swear, Noel would make me regret it.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I was too stressed, and everyone had apparently found out about my love for Noel. Only Noel didn’t seem to see anything.
Good. She answered
That’s when Maggie’s phone rang, giving me hope. She answered, repeating “alright” and “thank you” several times before hanging up.
So? I asked
He’s in San Francisco. Tim will go.
October 14th 1994- Minneapolis
Noel was supposed to come back, their next gig would be this night. I hadn’t been able to sleep all night. I was lying in my bunk on the tour bus thinking about him. He’d gone for tea with Liam to have a chat, and it was only right that they should meet up before our own reunion.
At 9am, I decided to get up and get dressed, and went out for a cigarette. And then I saw him, approaching me. I ran to him, and he opened his arms and hugged me tight.
I’m so fucking soz… He said
You scared the shit out of me Noely… I answered
I know.
Why did you do that? I asked
I took too much drugs, I needed some time to clear me head and I needed to think. I was so mad, I needed to teach our kid a lesson.
You could have least taken me with you! I chuckled
Don’t worry, I was in good hands, and I was even able to write a song.
Oh really?
Yeah, it was a way to thank Melissa, the girl who welcomed me and let me stay at her place in San Francisco.
I smiled, but I was only pretending. Deep down, I felt that something had happened between this Melissa and Noel, and I didn’t like it at all. Imagining Noel with someone else was breaking my heart.
That’s a beautiful thing you did here Noely, will you play it to me after the gig tonight?
We’ll see, if ye’re good. He answered winking at me
But during the gig, this song was running in my head. Noel and Liam had started singing Rock N’Roll star and Noel’s guitar case caught my eye. I had to find a paper. I had to find this song. And when I opened it, there it was. It was called Talk Tonight. So I read it. And I knew Noel by heart. This time I was sure when reading it that things had happened.
Oasis finished their set and left the stage. I was sulking. My heart was in pieces.
What did ye think? We were great, right? Noel asked
Yeah, not bad. I answered
Not bad? I gave me fucking heart and soul!
Yeah, you might have. I answered dryly
Okay, what’s wrong? Why d’ye have a cob on?
Not here Noel.
Yes here!
No! I shouted
Okay, then follow me upstairs, we’ll smoke a fag.
We went upstairs and found a door leading us outwards. I lit my cigarette myself when he was about to do it, so instead, he lit his. I remained silent.
Oh come on, are ye going to talk or are ye going to give me the silent treatment?
I knew I would cry if I talked, but I had to.
Did you fuck her? I asked, my voice trembling
Come on Noel, tell me the truth.
Why does it matter?
Just answer the fucking question Noel! I answered, on the verge of tears
Yea, and so what?
You’ve got to be shitting me! I shouted
What’s yer fucking problem Y/N?
Tears started rolling down my cheeks, I was sobbing hard. My heart hurt and I almost couldn’t breathe anymore.
Are you fucking blind or are you doing this on purpose? I’ve been sending you explicit messages for almost two fucking years now and you can’t see anything? Can’t you see that I fucking love you to death Noel?
Are ye fucking kidding me? Ye are the one who fucking left me Y/N!
I didn’t, you did! Yous stopped calling overnight after an argument, you fucking broke up with me!
I never explicitly told ye that I wanted to break up with ye! I was a fucking roadie fer fuck’s sake! Ye should see and know what a job that is!
You’re fucking lying to yourself, that’s brilliant!
I’m not!
Don’t you dare tell me that you didn’t even have two fucking minutes to call me because that’s not true! You’re the one responsible! You left me! You broke my heart!
Oh so ye think ye didn’t break mine? When I came back to Manchester and me mam told me ye’d left and I came home, alone, in that empty apartment, Ringo wasn’t even there… I suffered, I suffered enormously. And then a few days later, I decided to find ye, to come and see ye, because me fucking life depended on it, I had to see ye! I had to see if ye were happy!
I fucking wasn’t! So that’s my fault then? You want to play it like that?
Oh come on Y/N, I never said…
Fuck you Noel! Fuck you!
Wait Y/N, I…
Fuck off!
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
Studying For Entry Exams With A Sweet Fae Friend
I’m alive, I swear I’m alive!!!!! It has been… like, two months since I posted a chapter of Layered Realms. Apologies for that— life decided to kick my ass in every possible way around mid July and things are only just recently settling into place more. But!!!!!!! Now I can actually guarantee at least somewhat regular uploads, because I have a chapter’s worth of buffer! And yes, heheheheh, that does mean I am sitting on an entire chapter that none of you have seen yet 😏
Also, I’m aware that I gained about thirty-odd followers during the period of time that I didn’t post anything about LR, so if you’re reading this thinking “What the fuck is Layered Realms?” Then here’s your explanation! It’s an original story of mine, and here’s where you can get more info about it!
Cw/Tw: Character is depicted kind of spiraling, not really having a panic attack but something along those lines. Other than that, I think we’re good!
Now that all of that is out of the way, I’ll stop talking your ear off and let you get reading! Chapter six, part six of Layered Realms, part five of A Traveler’s Tale.
Studying For Entry Exams With A Sweet Fae Friend 
I shoved the books, pamphlets, and articles farther away from me on the table and collapsed my head into my arms. None of this was sticking in my head, and it didn’t make any sense. I was exhausted, my brain was foggy, and I’d been working at this for hours now. These materials all seemed custom-made for people who had grown up knowing about magic, and all they really needed was a light refresher on the basics and to then delve deeper into the more obscure things that would be on the entry exams. I needed much more than a refresher on the basics, I needed an entire mastercourse. There was no way I was going to pass those tests. And then what would happen? I might not get to see Eris or Amir or Hedera ever again, and I would just have this knowledge and these books and materials that I spent way too much money on and time on, and it would all be—
I heard clomping nearby. It sounded like it was right outside my kitchen door. 
“What the…” I approached the door and peeked out.
“Eris?!” I swung open the door immediately. Unlike when I’d last seen him in the forest, he had that illusion spell or whatever it was over his legs. Granted, not as bad as a kid with goat or deer or whatever legs standing right out in broad daylight, but they still looked wonky. 
“Eris, what are you doing here?” I hissed, dragging him inside. He flashed a silly grin at me.
“I heard Amir and Hedera talking and Hedera was asking him to send you something, but he said you’d probably be stressed with studying so he’d wait. I didn’t want you to be stressed! So I came to find you!”
“How did you even—“ I pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Never mind. Does anyone even know where you are??” His face fell.
“Ooh… I should have thought of that, shouldn’t I…” ‘Oh no you made the child sad, you made the child sad you idiot—‘
“I hope I didn’t worry anybody, I don’t want them to be scared for me—“
“It’s okay, buddy, I can text Amir, remember? And he can tell Hedera and anyone else who needs to know. It’s gonna be fine.” I reassured him, ruffling his curls. I walked back into my main living room, motioning him to follow. His eyes widened at the pile of printed materials on my table and I laughed a little.
“Amir was right about that, I am stressed.” I snatched my phone from on top of a book about how commanders influenced history without being found out as magic users (one of the only ones that had made some semblance of sense), went to messages, and scrolled.
‘Just in case no one knows, Eris is with me. he came to cheer me up lol’
‘Ah, excellent. Thank you for telling me Traveler— I had a pretty good guess, but it’s good to know for sure. Now Hedera won’t bite my head off. 😂’
does he need to be back by a certain time?’
‘Just don’t keep him too long. I’ll let you know if Hedera says otherwise, though. I can come pick him up and just teleport home with him when you’re done.’
‘sounds like a plan!’
I turned back to Eris.
“Amir knows where you are now, and he says you can stay for a little bit!”
“Yay!” He scrunched up his cheeks till they nearly closed his eyes, and pulled his shoulders right up next to his ears. 
“Amir’ll come get you when it’s time to go. Until then, what do you want to do? I can put off studying for a few hours to destress, I suppose…”
Eris widened his eyes almost comically.
“Oh no Traveler! You still gotta study! You have exams in a couple days! I was just hoping I could make the studying itself less stressful…” I sighed.
“Okay then, buddy. How do you plan on doing that?” I sat back down and patted the seat next to me. He scrambled over to be next to me and had a quick look over the books. 
“The way Hedera always tells it to me is like this: when you have an overwhelming project or problem, the first thing you gotta do is break it down to ‘manageable chunks.’ Then you just take the chunks one at a time, and you’re done before you know it! It’s like cutting up your food before you eat it!”
“I guess that makes sense…” I sighed. Eris smiled at me.
“And… this is my wisdom, so don’t take it quite as seriously, but if I can make it pretty and fun, I think it makes it feel better even when you’re doing hard things.”
“How would you suggest we do that?”
“First off, Traveler, you should drink water and get yourself a lil’ snack.” He commanded firmly. “Amir always says he can’t focus with an empty stomach.” I rolled my eyes and barely contained a sigh. ‘Does Eris even know what Amir eats?’
“Okay, little man.” He followed me around the kitchen as I assembled a bowl of fruit and yoghurt, ate it, and filled a canteen with ice and water.
“Yay!” He said as we settled back in at the table.
“Now. Do you have cute stickers and writing pads?” He asked with big, shiny eyes.
“Mm— somewhere…” I remembered one of my friends had given me a bunch of cute office and study supplies back when we thought I was actually going to have enough money to go college right away.
“Hang on.” I got up and began rummaging in one of my drawers. Somewhere in here, maybe at the very bottom—
“Here we go!”  I tossed the pack of notecards and stickers onto the table in front of us.
“Yay!” Eris clapped his hands and and eagerly attacked the plastic shrink-wrap. 
“These are cute! Okay, now try breaking this problem into chunks?” He looked over the whole stack of materials and singled out the example problems sheets.
“This seems like it’d be important. Is it actually the way that the tests are gonna be?”
“As far as I can tell.” I shrugged. He nodded.
“Okay. Maybe make a list of what’s asked in these questions?” My eyes widened.
“Oh my word, how did I not think of that?” He giggled.
“Sometimes a fresh mind and a fresh pair of eyes are all you need!”
“I’ll say!” I grabbed a gel pen and a lined notepad with rainbow bubbles on it to start making that list. Eris laid a gentle hand on my arm.
“I… I think you should read through all the problems first, then go back to the beginning and start writing things down.” I gave him a grateful smile.
“You’re a lifesaver, in more ways than one.”
“It’s no problem, really! I like to help!” He smiled so big that his eyes closed.
The problems were just as confusing before, but I carefully read through every word, taking note of repeated concepts. I made it to about problem seven before I started breathing heavier, thinking once again of just how out of my depth I was, and how hard it would be to pass those exams, and there might be intimidating people there, and I only had a few days left to prepare and—
Eris gently head-butted me, nuzzling into my shoulder.
“Take a drink of water?” His words were muffled in my sleeve. I stared down at him.
“You’re getting all caught up in your fears. Amir says water distracts you from your thoughts and makes you focus on the action of drinking. Maybe it’ll pull you out of your head. Take a drink of water. For me?” My hand shook a little as I reached for the canteen and brought it up to my mouth. I focused on the cold water moving across my tongue, then into my throat, and how the muscles in my neck and throat felt while I swallowed. It was so cold that I could feel as it went down my esophagus and into my stomach. I slowly set the canteen back down. As soon as I did, Eris locked his arms around my opposite shoulder, going under one arm and over the other. 
“You can do it,” he whispered. I felt my heart squeeze.
“Thank you, kiddo.”
I managed to make it to problem nineteen before Eris butted me again and motioned toward the canteen. I huffed at my own sensitivity. 
“Don’t feel bad about it! I don’t even understand half of these words! It’s definitely hard, and that makes sense. I’m just tryna help with that.”
“I know, but I wish could just— deal with my problems like a normal person.” Eris turned his head up to me with upturned eyebrows and wide eyes. They were hazel at this angle. 
“I don’t think there’s any… normal people. Hedera always tells me there’s no wrong way to deal with your problems as long as you’re not hurting anyone.” I made a helpless face.
“I guess— ugh, I guess you’re right.” He just held me tighter.
“You got this.” 
Every so many problems, Eris had to remind me to drink or take some breaths. By the fifth correction, I was getting used to it, and the next time I felt overwhelmed, I did it without him asking me. He smiled and nuzzled further into my shoulder. 
“How many are there?”
“Forty-five.” I said, a miserable undertone in my voice.
“Hey, you’re gonna be good! Don’t worry! I’m here to be your friend, and you can start on the list as soon you get there. You just wanna read it twice so that you makes sure you don’t miss anything important.”
“I know, little guy. Thank you.” It took us a while, but we finally, finally made it to question forty-five. I already had about five themes and concepts that had stuck out to me because of how often they were repeated, so I put those first at the top of the list.
“1. All human magic users are classified as one race, “commanders”, regardless of  affiliation.
2. Humans without natural command who practice manufactured command are called “practitioners” (and that’s what I am)
3. Since I’m gunning for the practitioners’ classes, I’ll mainly need to know about their methods. The main methods are; specific, complex hand movements; drawing diagrams, sigils, transmutation circles, glyphs, and runes; combining reagents as components, sort of like a potion; and the spoken word.
4. All the other types of visual magic are made up of runes, which originate from the demon and fae written languages, as well as drawing from draconic, aquatic (which is apparently mermaid language), and the ‘evocative languages’ of other magical races. The spoken word magic also draws on these resources.
5. Commanders, fae, demons, and other beings with a natural command over a magical force, all draw magic from their own realm. No matter where they currently are, their energy is intertwined with the magic of their own realm, and they channel it through themselves by directing their energy. Practitioners use outside methods of channeling the energy around them. That means whatever realm they’re in, that is what they are drawing magic from.”
I looked down at my handiwork with at least some measure of satisfaction.
“I’d say that covers the most important bits. Now I can try to work on some nuances…” Eris shook his head vigorously.
“You should find where these facts are talked about in your books and articles and stuff and go back over those parts. Highlight them with something pretty! Copy them off onto your notes! Make sure you know all those parts really well! Then you can try to work on some— smaller thingies.” I sighed.
“I guess so…”
“Take a drink of water now— in fact, maybe you should have some sweet drink to celebrate!” I smiled.
“That sounds nice.” He grinned big and pretty at me. 
“Hang on, I can make you some tea! Meantimes, maybe work on your five facts. You could give yourself a sticker you like for each one you feel like you really learn!”
“Will do, captain!” I flashed him a grin. The hopeless, emotionally dead feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach was conspicuously lacking. 
“Just don’t burn the kitchen down,” I remembered to caution as I turned back to the books.
“I’m not gonna!” He protested. 
“I know how to make tea, Hedera and I pretty much live off it.”
“But do you know how to work a stove?” He fumbled for a second.
“We-ell, no, n-not exactly… but Amir has told me how they work before!”
“I do not trust you not to hurt yourself, my friend—“ I got up and dragged the book I was working on with me to the kitchen, supervising Eris as he very exaggeratedly and slowly, to prove that he knew exactly what he was doing, set my little heat-proof glass kettle on the stove, filled it with water, and started it. Then he pulled from his brown leather satchel at his waist, which I hadn’t even noticed he still had on him, a little pouch of dried leaves.
“Hedera and I grow these as magic practice, so some of them are a little funny sometimes, but these are the nice ones.” He informed me as he got down two mugs for us. He swiveled his head around the kitchen and then asked
“Do you have any cloths that you don’t mind getting a lil’ bit stained?”
“Sure,” I motioned to the cupboard where I kept my rags. “Just pick the most beat-up looking ones.”
He lined the mugs with two raggedy cloths and crushed the leaves into the bottoms of them. 
“There we go! Now we can drain the tea leaves out when they’re done steeping.”
“Mmm.” I smiled at him.
“Thank you.” He grinned, silly and sideways. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Traveler! I wanted to do it!”
“I know but—“ the water for the tea started boiling. Eris placed a finger over my lips, effectively shutting me up.
“Shhh! Okay, now I gotta take care of this.”
Careful not to touch the hot parts, he took the kettle by the handle and poured the hot water into the mugs. 
Once the tea leaf fragments were drained, Eris had somehow managed to turn the bitter leaf water into something delectable with sweetener and cream, and we sat at the table sipping our little “health potions” as I began thinking of them. (Though to be honest, I thought it might actually be a health potion at first— it made me feel that much better.) After he finished his warm drink, Eris got even more cuddly than before, squishing his cheek against me and closing his eyes. Soon enough, I heard his breathing grow more and more slow and even until he was almost snoring softly. He’d fallen asleep with his arms locked around me. I looked down at his calm, peaceful face and smiled, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head. It helped to have him close, breathing a slow, calming rhythm against my side, his warmth almost like a constant reminder to slow down and take it a little easier. Take a breath and a step back if need be. For the first time that day, I actually got into the zone. Time didn’t seem real as I lost myself in the materials, taking pages after pages of notes, marking down and tabling for later the things that didn’t make sense at first so as not to lose my rhythm. 
It was quite the shock when I finally set down my pen and looked at the time. And looking out the window I saw that it was already getting dark. Careful not to wake Eris, I reached over half the table with my ink-covered dominant hand and grabbed my phone. 
‘Eris is asleep— think it’s about time to come get him?’ 
It took a few minutes to get a response. As I waited I gently stroked Eris’ hair and stared pensively out the window, and then a notification with Amir’s nickname popped up on my locked screen again.
‘I think so
Hedera would probably prefer him back before the sun goes down completely’ 
‘Seems reasonable’
‘I’ll just teleport to you, if that’s alright— address?’
I sent him my address.
I gently shook Eris’ shoulder to wake him.
“Amir’s gonna be here soon to take you home, buddy…” he blinked hazily and continued clinging to my arm as I stood up.
“Mm, okay…” I grabbed my phone and half-led, half-dragged Eris through my kitchen.  Whipping out the phone, I texted
‘I’ll just come out to the front with him’ to Amir and opened the door to find him standing there. Despite the recent less-than-autumnal weather, he was wearing a pair of black leggings and a warm maroon sweater that had glittery strands woven into the rest of the fabric, a heart cutout, and sleeves that billowed out before being sharply cut off by a wrist cuff of fabric. He tapped his ankle-length boot.
“Well, aren’t you going to come out to the front?” I rolled my eyes.
“Front, I’m gay.” I said in a monotone. He golf-clapped at me. Smug bastard.
“Very good, very good.” He held out his arms for the still half-asleep Eris, and his whole snarky demeanor changed. He leaned down and cocked his head.
“Hey buddy… you ready to go home? Did you have a nice time with our Traveler?” Eris nodded drowsily.
“They did so good… I think I helped a lil’ bit…”
“You helped bunches, kiddo.” I reassured him, awkwardly snaking my arm out from his grip and allowing Amir to wrap his arms around him and hold him close. He looked so peaceful, cheek squished and hands nestled against Amir’s side. 
“You’re a lifesaver.” I whispered to him.
“Get much done?” Amir smiled at us both. I laughed softly.
“I think I absorbed more actual knowledge in the time he was here than I did in the whole day and half I tried to study before.” 
“He took a looooong nap, huh?” He said, looking at how out-of-it Eris was. I nodded, smiling at him.
“Almost three hours.”
“He’s really taken a liking to you,” he slid an arm under Eris’ legs, which looked significantly less human than they had when he arrived. I waved.
“Bye, little friend!” 
“Eris, oh Eris… your glamour could use some work,” he clicked his tongue. 
“So that’s what his illusion spell is called!” 
“Mhm,” Amir nodded, seeming distracted. He drew a circle in the ground with his toe, like he was planning something out— then he nodded and a low, nasal hum emanated from him. It felt like a solid something passed through me, and I cocked my head at Amir.
“What was that?” Amir winked at me.
“Demons are oft purported to be uncannily good at warding. I just warded this whole area— after all, if you’re going to be learning magic, you may have a mishap or two, and it would be awful if a neighbor were to hear of it or see it.”
“I haven’t even gotten in yet…” I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck.
“Oh, but you will~!” He and Eris disappeared, the dim light revealing a small spark left in their wake. I watched as it dissipated with the last of the day’s sun. The sunsets were coming earlier and earlier these days. Finally, I went back inside and closed my door. I still had work to do.
…Apologies for the lore dump… anyway…
I’m not gonna lie, I had some trouble with this one! Big shoutout to BFF for helping me figure out what felt so wrong about the writing at first and thus leading me to fix it! Also she wants me to remind all of you that she has laid a claim on all of the LR characters and they are all hers! 😂
Thank you very much for reading! Next upload will be exactly one week from now! And I can actually guarantee that this time! 😅
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rumor-weed · 1 year
Anything more on Stephan or this 'Cassidy'?
“Boy, I know ya asked this nine years ago, but we didn’t really have an answer ‘til now. Looks like Stephan - er, was it Stefan? Never knew how to spell that pronunciation - might’ve been disappeared by a few guilty vegetables who all seem to be claimin’ THEY did it. Maybe they all did. Maybe nobody did. How come they all got alibis for why they couldn’t have done it, but they’re all swearin’ they did? Stephan’s gone, though. We haven’t seen the prince in ages - rumor has it he wasn’t even a prince, Anon. Maybe he was just some rich kid pullin’ some weird of sort of prank, one of those scam ‘fake prince’ emails that found someone who took the bait. Could be. That’s just a theory. A Rumor Theory.”
Audrey paused and considered the next name.
“Cassidy… ah! The child Archibald adopted without really askin’ his wife first, huh? That’s a good question, Anon! But uh… well, I don’t think we ever got answers. Sometimes I wonder if she was even real. The twins sure weren’t! But we all thought we saw them, right? Weird. But Cassidy… well, I liked her fine, I guess. I’d hope, if she was real, she’s just grown up, unlike the rest of us, and escaped to somewhere safer. Something weird about this town. Water that makes ya never age? Vampires? Serial killers? Paparazzi for a mildly popular but dyin’ kids show? It just doesn’t add up. And now Archibald is back. He’s back, Anon, and I don’t know what to think of it. It just isn’t right. He claims not to remember the last ten years! But Lovey claims she murdered him. Well, he’s not the first person to come back from the dead, a little different from when we last saw him. There’s that whole Art Bigotti thing too. I wasn’t around when he was Jumanji’d, but there’s somethin’ fishy for sure with him. And Mom Asparagus, well, if she’s dead, who’s to say she’d stay dead either?”
Audrey nodded as she determined it. “Actually, I suppose, until we find her, she is simultaneously both dead and alive. Schrodinger’s Mom Asparagus, I guess. But who’s to say for sure? Do we really wanna open that box? Risk the smell? She’s been gone a few days now. Are answers really worth it? So whatever happened to the others who we haven’t seen in years, such as Stephan, Cassidy, or really anyone else, it’s impossible to know for sure who��s capable of comin’ back. Can’t say I’d mind, it’d shake things up a little. Lots more rumors to share. But uh, I just hope they have a good sense of humor. Ten years and a lot changes. We all just want to laugh and poke fun at the people we used to be, affectionately, because we know ourselves now. It’s nice to not take yourself too seriously, right?”
She gave the anon a long look, contemplating. Nine years waiting on an answer they must’ve long given up on. and yet, here she was, answering it all the same. Times moves on, but sometimes no matter how far we walk, we eventually end up in the same places again, just a little different from the last time we were here. She wondered if the anon, who really probably had left the message behind and forgot about it, was doing all right, wherever they were. It was hard not to wonder who wrote the message. A friend? A stranger? A neighbor? The creator of My Immortal?
Anything was possible.
And wasn’t that beautiful?
She looked forward, as if she were looking directly at the screen, and she curled her leaf into a ‘C’ shape. “And that’s how Audrey… ‘C’s it.”
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tscritical · 2 years
When DWIT thoughts came out. I was graduating my sophomore year of high school. I am now a sophomore in COLLEGE. I remember talking to my therapist in detail about the redux episode over online therapy in July of thr first wave of the pandemic. And since then, what have we really got? I feel bad bitching about this because the one friend I tried to talk about it was like 'content creators don't owe people anything'. Except. They kinda do if people are literally paying them via patreon? And it's the main thing you're known for? And you give us nothing in between?
Idk, part of me just wants closure. That's why I fucking hate what's happening to the dsmp right now. I left Sanders Sides for the DreamSMP and honestly, I don't regret it. But Dream and Thomas have something in common. Taking an amazing, unique series. And never giving the fans proper closure. Granted Dream is worse than Thomas because he's an actual groomer, but the situation with the finale and dsmp season 2, which I won't be watching, felt all too familiar.
If Thomas wants to stop doing Sanders Sides, or even can't, he should TELL US. He should tell us no more content us coming. That he's sorry, but without Joan(I hope I spelled their name right) he can't continue. Apologize, but step away. At least we'd have an answer!
I'm sorry for rambling in your ask box. You just seem to be the only person actually talking about this. I've unfollowed most Sanders Sides account, deleted all the fanart off my phone, stopped roleplaying. But I met my best friend, my WIFE through Sanders Sides on tumblr! I named myself after a character! I sent that ask (the one about being named Patton) when I was half asleep and a little delusional after studying all night.
I wish I had waited till I was into MCYT to name myself. I fucking realized I was trabs because of Thomas. If I had the Dsmp, or Hermitcraft, I'm pretty sure my name would be Wilbur, or Ren. But I chose Patton. And the guy who helped me chose my name, is kind of a dick.
literally i don’t understand how people can say “thomas doesn’t owe us anything” as if there aren’t people literally putting money directly in his pockets via patreon so that we can have content. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
idk anything about dsmp other than what ive gleaned from mutuals’ posts, but i believe u lol (im more of a hermits kinda guy, particularly smajor, goodtimeswithscar, and LDShadowLady) (really hope nothing comes out about those three or i might quit the internet /hj)
and yeah thomas needs to be upfront about the behind the scenes shit (which is why im glad he posted that video recently!!! even if i feel like the details are still… somewhat vague… but he’s trying i guess?)
im sorry everything’s turned sour for you patton </3 i get it, believe me i get it
let’s just hope that things improve at least somewhat 🤞🏻
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finitefall · 2 years
hope you dont take this the wrong way.. but maybe dont get involved when you dont know the people in the post..
Hi, anon. I'm sure plenty of people agree with you: "Catherine, you don't know the people who were first involved, just because you saw the post on your dashboard since two people you follow answered doesn't mean you should too". And in certain circumstances, you would be right. In those circumstances, however, I don't agree with you.
I've read the entire post, and I did hesitate to reblog and add my own answer. Why? Because I got death threats myself both IRL and online. Because I'm suffering from mental illness and as someone who attempted suicide, I asked myself if it would be in my interest to risk having someone telling me to kill myself. It wouldn't be the first time, either. I even considered ignoring your message, anon. Avoid answering to this, because I'm not stupid: that answer isn't gonna make me popular. But... if people want to hate me, they will anyway.
Here's the original post @lady-phasma answered to:
I deserve a dark haired lover with soft eyes and a heart full of love
Nothing, I repeat, nothing in this post mention being white or a BIPOC. Nothing. Having dark hair doesn't mean crap. And what does this woman who thought they were only answering to a post about your tastes got? Insults. Accusations of racism. Death threats. When OP could have just said it wasn't for white people. Those who didn't want to understand that deserved to be blocked, but she didn't get an opportunity to realize she had answered on a post that wasn't for her and her tastes.
Then, someone who's actually a mutual, @la-pheacienne, was accused of using the n word. A black woman said she used the n word twice, when she absolutely never did such a thing. I would have blocked her myself and reblogged the post just to warn people of who she truly was if she had done such a thing. People have to realize how serious that accusation is. You can't just accuse people of being racists like it's a joke.
I'm not from the US. I'm French and have always lived in France, but I learned to check my white privilege very often. I'm not being colorblind like many people saying they're "not racist": you're either racist or antiracist. There's racism here too, hi. We're not the US, thank God, but still.
Have you watched Fruitvale Station, a 2013 movie inspired by the murder of a 22 years-old African-American by a police officer? Or a more popular one, When They See Us, a 2019 miniseries about the arrest and conviction of five young boys? Do you remember Trayvon Martin? George Floyd? Breonna Taylor? All the others I want to name here but I'm not sure how their names are spelled? Those aren't trick questions, it's only leading to this one: would you like their families to see this post? Honestly?
You know why I got involved? Because it was the right thing to do. Because I've never been a quiet witness to those things. I don't care whether or not I know the person who's being insulted and threatened. I've defended someone who used to bully me in school, once. Why? Because it was right at that time, when that person was being threatened. I still don’t have a high opinion of them, but that didn’t mean what was happening right in front of me was all right. If you only say something because it's your friend and you like them, I don't know if you actually believe in anything besides defending your friend.
People have unfollowed me. I'm glad. I don't want people who think what happened was all right to follow me. If people want to send me threats, I have a strong moral support now that I didn't have years ago. What's important for me is to not pretend I didn't see something going against what I believe in. I know people love to look the other way, but I've never done it and I'm not about to start now just because it would make my life easier and because more people would like me.
I've checked that woman's blog and apparently she'll be all right. With someone else, that might not have been the case. You know people do commit suicide because of what they're being told online? It's not just about @lady-phasma. It's not just about one of my mutuals having been accused of being a racist. Perhaps it's about me, in fact. About the fact that I can't imagine seeing this, think "lol it's ridiculous" and go watch TV. Believe me, people have told me to back off enough times in my life for me to realize that this isn't an attractive personality trait, but that's how I am.
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therealityhelix · 2 years
Shards of the Nexus: A Genuinely Decent Guy
His badness levels were unusually low for a Riddler of his size.
Song: Peace of Mind-Boston
@captainbaddecisions​ especially, but also @cardwrecks​ and @miasmacaron​
“That's dangerous, you know.” the voice was linen, fresh and thin, the sibilants smeared by the Aeolian harp in his mouth. Leanness contrasting solidity. There was something in his half-gloved hand, nimble fingers hovering over a palm sized technological marvel of unknown function. “Just...lurking like that. It can get you in trouble in this town, especially if you don't know who you're dealing with.”
Cairngorm quartz behind gooseberry glass, watching with serpentine circumspection. And though the generous smile was wide and unguarded, that wary gaze remained fixed, unblinking as she unfolded herself from the velveteen shadow outside his apartment door. He relaxed slightly upon noticing that the top of her head barely came up to his chin, but not completely. His demeanor was open-even his warning was more friendly than threatening, despite the mysterious, capsule shaped device still resting in his palm-yet not so guileless as to drop his guard to a stranger just because she was smaller than him.
Those smokey eyes took her in, avid curiosity and wariness playing a cat's cradle in vain hopes of binding her.
“I don't recognize you.” he said. “How'd you even get in here?”
“I recognize this.”
Her finger traced the sinuous symbol at the shoulder of his jacket, the cipher signature of his cryptographic house. The Detective had worn one too, said it was a seal shared among them.
“Oh.” Disappointment draped him like a heavy blanket. “Come in search of the Riddler, huh? Well, you found him. I don't really do that stuff all too much anymore, but I guess it doesn't really matter to the people hunting me. So, what is it? Revenge? Heroism? Are you an assassin for the Light? Didn't really want to get into a fight tonight, but I can if you make me. Just a warning.”
Hope and sadness, optimism and melancholy. Fizzy sour apple candy dip spread on bitter almonds.
“I am none of those things. Just a visitor.” she reassured him, trying to remember what the Detective had said. A favored son, so bright, so promising. “You are...Whyjae?”
He startled like a squirrel.
“Yes! How do you know that? Just who are you?” the device went into a hidden pocket, no longer a danger to either of them. “Only a few people know me by that name.”
“The Detective told me. Oh, they wanted you to have this.”
She held out the thick envelope the enigmatic being had entrusted her with. She'd taken very good care of it.
YJ accepted the package with good cheer.
“You know Mom? Well, they're not actually my mom, obviously, but...”
“They spoke of a Family.” she said. “But they didn't elaborate on...what did you call yourself? A 'Riddler'? They mentioned that name, but didn't explain. What is a Riddler?”
Surprise danced with disbelief. His demeanor changed very slightly, a limeade vodka shot intruding on the inquisitive ebony stare.
“It's what we are. A specific title. Listen. Try to guess!
Always old, sometimes new,
never sad, sometimes blue
never empty, sometimes full,
never pushes, always pulls.”
He intoned the verse like a song, like a spell of his own. It meant something. It was somehow important that she answer this correctly.
But as a witch, she was intimately familiar with the subject of which he spoke. It was an object of special veneration, the recipient of many, many names. Had he known that she would know, or was this a coincidence, a special sorcerous synchronization?
She stared back, holding his gaze, iolites on umber.
“Hmm. I think...
The sister of light
a mirror in the night
Shines like the diamonds
but many times as bright.
He lit up like a copper flame.
“Yes. Yes! That's it, you got it!” he grasped her hands, energetic jubilation causing his little brown ponytail to bounce with him. “You came up with that on the fly? How clever! You...You aren't one of 'us', are you?”
She shook her head.
“No, I'm from very far away. My name is Helix.”
“Helix...” the light lisp tripped over the hard hiss of her name. He hadn't once bothered trying to hide it. “That's pretty! I like it!”
She immediately decided to protect this man with her life.
“If there were more people like you, we wouldn't even need all these vigilantes running around. But that is what a Riddler is.” he tapped the side of his head. “Proof of intellect. We all go about it in different ways. Arkham builds huge escape room type challenges. Mom-I mean Detective, will pose very elaborate riddles, but only if you ask. And Swag...well, he usually makes people question themselves, if you know what I mean!”
She didn't, but it sounded interesting.
“Some of us don't really do the more, um, criminal elements that usually come with the title anymore,” he continued. “so don't worry about that with me, okay?”
“The Detective also neglected to mention that part.” she pointed out. “Though, in fairness, we were discussing more the orbital resonances of separate realities, and their effect on liminal spaces.”
YJ looked taken aback.
“I...don't know what that means.” disbelieving tone creaking through that youthful voice.
“you could tell him”
The formless voice slithered into their heads, and YJ was instantly on defensive alert, the forgotten device finding its way into his hand once more, wary aggression in every line and angle.
The visitor was a slate gray, vaguely humanoid thing, devoid of detail and expression, indeed missing a face entirely.
YJ held up the capsule device in threat.
“You get out of here! We've got no time for your weird magic shenanigans. “ he scolded. “Sorry Miss Helix, this is...some kind of being that comes by sometimes and causes trouble. We call them Grays, and I definitely don't have the patience for them today. Shoo, now! Shoo!”
“is she your new friend” the thing thought into their minds. “wouldn't it be funny if she-”
Helix also had something in her hand, and she flung it at the creature like a dart. The gray entity dissipated the moment before impact and did not return.
“What-how did you-they never just leave!” YJ sputtered. “They usually inflict some kind of curse before going. I know it might sound unbelievable, but they wield a powerful magic. Always temporary, but irresistible.”
She retrieved her little projectile to show him their weakness. It was a simple rusty nail.
“It might also sound unbelievable, but I am a witch, and I also wield magic.” she explained. “I know what those things are. They're a kind of fae. They live in the space between worlds, and I walk out there sometimes. I see them.”
“You know how to drive them off?” he asked eagerly. Apparently he was all too familiar with fae mischief.
“It's not a guarantee, but no fae likes iron. I don't even like it all that much. Even with this, they can still overcome me, so don't rely too heavily on it. But it might help now and again, if you happen to be faster than they are.”
She dropped the nail into his palm.
“A witch, huh? A 'dancing with the devil' type witch, or a 'wears a lot of silver jewelry and crystals' type witch?”
“A 'throws garbage at exobiotic entities to make them go away' type witch. There's more than just the two types, you know.”
“Yeah, I do. I've had to deal with a witch before.” he held his hands up quickly. “I didn't hurt her! I mean, she was just a kid. And she technically beat me. But that was the plan, so it went the way it was supposed to, and no one really got hurt. Eh, well that was a long time ago anyway. But I'm familiar with the concept. So you know how to do magic? I bet you and Detective had a lot to discuss!”
She was smiling to match him now, his bubbling energy a welcome contagion.
“Now that sounds like a story! Would you be willing to share more of it? And maybe more about what a 'Riddler' does?”
“Well...I guess so! Why don't we get out of the hall, and I can tell you all kinds of things!”
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Artist: Me
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Artist: Verticalthoughts(deactivated)
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Artist: @captainbaddecisions​
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the-realms-master · 2 years
Studying For Entry Exams With A Sweet Fae Friend
I’m alive, I swear I’m alive!!!!! It has been… like, two months since I posted a chapter of Layered Realms. Apologies for that— life decided to kick my ass in every possible way around mid July and things are only just recently settling into place more. But!!!!!!! Now I can actually guarantee at least somewhat regular uploads, because I have a chapter’s worth of buffer! And yes, heheheheh, that does mean I am sitting on an entire chapter that none of you have seen yet 😏
Also, I’m aware that I gained about thirty-odd followers during the period of time that I didn’t post anything about LR, so if you’re reading this thinking “What the fuck is Layered Realms?” Then here’s your explanation! It’s an original story of mine, and here’s where you can get more info about it!
My Original Story— What’s Going On?!
Hi, I’m Mar! Nice to meet you all! If you’re reading this, it’s probably because of my recent Layered Realms post. You’re here for an explan
Cw/Tw: Character is depicted kind of spiraling, not really having a panic attack but something along those lines. Other than that, I think we’re good!
Now that all of that is out of the way, I’ll stop talking your ear off and let you get reading! Chapter six, part six of Layered Realms, part five of A Traveler’s Tale.
Studying For Entry Exams With A Sweet Fae Friend 
I shoved the books, pamphlets, and articles farther away from me on the table and collapsed my head into my arms. None of this was sticking in my head, and it didn’t make any sense. I was exhausted, my brain was foggy, and I’d been working at this for hours now. These materials all seemed custom-made for people who had grown up knowing about magic, and all they really needed was a light refresher on the basics and to then delve deeper into the more obscure things that would be on the entry exams. I needed much more than a refresher on the basics, I needed an entire mastercourse. There was no way I was going to pass those tests. And then what would happen? I might not get to see Eris or Amir or Hedera ever again, and I would just have this knowledge and these books and materials that I spent way too much money on and time on, and it would all be—
I heard clomping nearby. It sounded like it was right outside my kitchen door. 
“What the…” I approached the door and peeked out.
“Eris?!” I swung open the door immediately. Unlike when I’d last seen him in the forest, he had that illusion spell or whatever it was over his legs. Granted, not as bad as a kid with goat or deer or whatever legs standing right out in broad daylight, but they still looked wonky. 
“Eris, what are you doing here?” I hissed, dragging him inside. He flashed a silly grin at me.
“I heard Amir and Hedera talking and Hedera was asking him to send you something, but he said you’d probably be stressed with studying so he’d wait. I didn’t want you to be stressed! So I came to find you!”
“How did you even—“ I pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Never mind. Does anyone even know where you are??” His face fell.
“Ooh… I should have thought of that, shouldn’t I…” ‘Oh no you made the child sad, you made the child sad you idiot—‘
“I hope I didn’t worry anybody, I don’t want them to be scared for me—“
“It’s okay, buddy, I can text Amir, remember? And he can tell Hedera and anyone else who needs to know. It’s gonna be fine.” I reassured him, ruffling his curls. I walked back into my main living room, motioning him to follow. His eyes widened at the pile of printed materials on my table and I laughed a little.
“Amir was right about that, I am stressed.” I snatched my phone from on top of a book about how commanders influenced history without being found out as magic users (one of the only ones that had made some semblance of sense), went to messages, and scrolled.
‘Just in case no one knows, Eris is with me. he came to cheer me up lol’
‘Ah, excellent. Thank you for telling me Traveler— I had a pretty good guess, but it’s good to know for sure. Now Hedera won’t bite my head off. 😂’
does he need to be back by a certain time?’
‘Just don’t keep him too long. I’ll let you know if Hedera says otherwise, though. I can come pick him up and just teleport home with him when you’re done.’
‘sounds like a plan!’
I turned back to Eris.
“Amir knows where you are now, and he says you can stay for a little bit!”
“Yay!” He scrunched up his cheeks till they nearly closed his eyes, and pulled his shoulders right up next to his ears. 
“Amir’ll come get you when it’s time to go. Until then, what do you want to do? I can put off studying for a few hours to destress, I suppose…”
Eris widened his eyes almost comically.
“Oh no Traveler! You still gotta study! You have exams in a couple days! I was just hoping I could make the studying itself less stressful…” I sighed.
“Okay then, buddy. How do you plan on doing that?” I sat back down and patted the seat next to me. He scrambled over to be next to me and had a quick look over the books. 
“The way Hedera always tells it to me is like this: when you have an overwhelming project or problem, the first thing you gotta do is break it down to ‘manageable chunks.’ Then you just take the chunks one at a time, and you’re done before you know it! It’s like cutting up your food before you eat it!”
“I guess that makes sense…” I sighed. Eris smiled at me.
“And… this is my wisdom, so don’t take it quite as seriously, but if I can make it pretty and fun, I think it makes it feel better even when you’re doing hard things.”
“How would you suggest we do that?”
“First off, Traveler, you should drink water and get yourself a lil’ snack.” He commanded firmly. “Amir always says he can’t focus with an empty stomach.” I rolled my eyes and barely contained a sigh. ‘Does Eris even know what Amir eats?’
“Okay, little man.” He followed me around the kitchen as I assembled a bowl of fruit and yoghurt, ate it, and filled a canteen with ice and water.
“Yay!” He said as we settled back in at the table.
“Now. Do you have cute stickers and writing pads?” He asked with big, shiny eyes.
“Mm— somewhere…” I remembered one of my friends had given me a bunch of cute office and study supplies back when we thought I was actually going to have enough money to go college right away.
“Hang on.” I got up and began rummaging in one of my drawers. Somewhere in here, maybe at the very bottom—
“Here we go!”  I tossed the pack of notecards and stickers onto the table in front of us.
“Yay!” Eris clapped his hands and and eagerly attacked the plastic shrink-wrap. 
“These are cute! Okay, now try breaking this problem into chunks?” He looked over the whole stack of materials and singled out the example problems sheets.
“This seems like it’d be important. Is it actually the way that the tests are gonna be?”
“As far as I can tell.” I shrugged. He nodded.
“Okay. Maybe make a list of what’s asked in these questions?” My eyes widened.
“Oh my word, how did I not think of that?” He giggled.
“Sometimes a fresh mind and a fresh pair of eyes are all you need!”
“I’ll say!” I grabbed a gel pen and a lined notepad with rainbow bubbles on it to start making that list. Eris laid a gentle hand on my arm.
“I… I think you should read through all the problems first, then go back to the beginning and start writing things down.” I gave him a grateful smile.
“You’re a lifesaver, in more ways than one.”
“It’s no problem, really! I like to help!” He smiled so big that his eyes closed.
The problems were just as confusing before, but I carefully read through every word, taking note of repeated concepts. I made it to about problem seven before I started breathing heavier, thinking once again of just how out of my depth I was, and how hard it would be to pass those exams, and there might be intimidating people there, and I only had a few days left to prepare and—
Eris gently head-butted me, nuzzling into my shoulder.
“Take a drink of water?” His words were muffled in my sleeve. I stared down at him.
“You’re getting all caught up in your fears. Amir says water distracts you from your thoughts and makes you focus on the action of drinking. Maybe it’ll pull you out of your head. Take a drink of water. For me?” My hand shook a little as I reached for the canteen and brought it up to my mouth. I focused on the cold water moving across my tongue, then into my throat, and how the muscles in my neck and throat felt while I swallowed. It was so cold that I could feel as it went down my esophagus and into my stomach. I slowly set the canteen back down. As soon as I did, Eris locked his arms around my opposite shoulder, going under one arm and over the other. 
“You can do it,” he whispered. I felt my heart squeeze.
“Thank you, kiddo.”
I managed to make it to problem nineteen before Eris butted me again and motioned toward the canteen. I huffed at my own sensitivity. 
“Don’t feel bad about it! I don’t even understand half of these words! It’s definitely hard, and that makes sense. I’m just tryna help with that.”
“I know, but I wish could just— deal with my problems like a normal person.” Eris turned his head up to me with upturned eyebrows and wide eyes. They were hazel at this angle. 
“I don’t think there’s any… normal people. Hedera always tells me there’s no wrong way to deal with your problems as long as you’re not hurting anyone.” I made a helpless face.
“I guess— ugh, I guess you’re right.” He just held me tighter.
“You got this.” 
Every so many problems, Eris had to remind me to drink or take some breaths. By the fifth correction, I was getting used to it, and the next time I felt overwhelmed, I did it without him asking me. He smiled and nuzzled further into my shoulder. 
“How many are there?”
“Forty-five.” I said, a miserable undertone in my voice.
“Hey, you’re gonna be good! Don’t worry! I’m here to be your friend, and you can start on the list as soon you get there. You just wanna read it twice so that you makes sure you don’t miss anything important.”
“I know, little guy. Thank you.” It took us a while, but we finally, finally made it to question forty-five. I already had about five themes and concepts that had stuck out to me because of how often they were repeated, so I put those first at the top of the list.
“1. All human magic users are classified as one race, “commanders”, regardless of  affiliation.
2. Humans without natural command who practice manufactured command are called “practitioners” (and that’s what I am)
3. Since I’m gunning for the practitioners’ classes, I’ll mainly need to know about their methods. The main methods are; specific, complex hand movements; drawing diagrams, sigils, transmutation circles, glyphs, and runes; combining reagents as components, sort of like a potion; and the spoken word.
4. All the other types of visual magic are made up of runes, which originate from the demon and fae written languages, as well as drawing from draconic, aquatic (which is apparently mermaid language), and the ‘evocative languages’ of other magical races. The spoken word magic also draws on these resources.
5. Commanders, fae, demons, and other beings with a natural command over a magical force, all draw magic from their own realm. No matter where they currently are, their energy is intertwined with the magic of their own realm, and they channel it through themselves by directing their energy. Practitioners use outside methods of channeling the energy around them. That means whatever realm they’re in, that is what they are drawing magic from.”
I looked down at my handiwork with at least some measure of satisfaction.
“I’d say that covers the most important bits. Now I can try to work on some nuances…” Eris shook his head vigorously.
“You should find where these facts are talked about in your books and articles and stuff and go back over those parts. Highlight them with something pretty! Copy them off onto your notes! Make sure you know all those parts really well! Then you can try to work on some— smaller thingies.” I sighed.
“I guess so…”
“Take a drink of water now— in fact, maybe you should have some sweet drink to celebrate!” I smiled.
“That sounds nice.” He grinned big and pretty at me. 
“Hang on, I can make you some tea! Meantimes, maybe work on your five facts. You could give yourself a sticker you like for each one you feel like you really learn!”
“Will do, captain!” I flashed him a grin. The hopeless, emotionally dead feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach was conspicuously lacking. 
“Just don’t burn the kitchen down,” I remembered to caution as I turned back to the books.
“I’m not gonna!” He protested. 
“I know how to make tea, Hedera and I pretty much live off it.”
“But do you know how to work a stove?” He fumbled for a second.
“We-ell, no, n-not exactly… but Amir has told me how they work before!”
“I do not trust you not to hurt yourself, my friend—“ I got up and dragged the book I was working on with me to the kitchen, supervising Eris as he very exaggeratedly and slowly, to prove that he knew exactly what he was doing, set my little heat-proof glass kettle on the stove, filled it with water, and started it. Then he pulled from his brown leather satchel at his waist, which I hadn’t even noticed he still had on him, a little pouch of dried leaves.
“Hedera and I grow these as magic practice, so some of them are a little funny sometimes, but these are the nice ones.” He informed me as he got down two mugs for us. He swiveled his head around the kitchen and then asked
“Do you have any cloths that you don’t mind getting a lil’ bit stained?”
“Sure,” I motioned to the cupboard where I kept my rags. “Just pick the most beat-up looking ones.”
He lined the mugs with two raggedy cloths and crushed the leaves into the bottoms of them. 
“There we go! Now we can drain the tea leaves out when they’re done steeping.”
“Mmm.” I smiled at him.
“Thank you.” He grinned, silly and sideways. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Traveler! I wanted to do it!”
“I know but—“ the water for the tea started boiling. Eris placed a finger over my lips, effectively shutting me up.
“Shhh! Okay, now I gotta take care of this.”
Careful not to touch the hot parts, he took the kettle by the handle and poured the hot water into the mugs. 
Once the tea leaf fragments were drained, Eris had somehow managed to turn the bitter leaf water into something delectable with sweetener and cream, and we sat at the table sipping our little “health potions” as I began thinking of them. (Though to be honest, I thought it might actually be a health potion at first— it made me feel that much better.) After he finished his warm drink, Eris got even more cuddly than before, squishing his cheek against me and closing his eyes. Soon enough, I heard his breathing grow more and more slow and even until he was almost snoring softly. He’d fallen asleep with his arms locked around me. I looked down at his calm, peaceful face and smiled, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head. It helped to have him close, breathing a slow, calming rhythm against my side, his warmth almost like a constant reminder to slow down and take it a little easier. Take a breath and a step back if need be. For the first time that day, I actually got into the zone. Time didn’t seem real as I lost myself in the materials, taking pages after pages of notes, marking down and tabling for later the things that didn’t make sense at first so as not to lose my rhythm. 
It was quite the shock when I finally set down my pen and looked at the time. And looking out the window I saw that it was already getting dark. Careful not to wake Eris, I reached over half the table with my ink-covered dominant hand and grabbed my phone. 
‘Eris is asleep— think it’s about time to come get him?’ 
It took a few minutes to get a response. As I waited I gently stroked Eris’ hair and stared pensively out the window, and then a notification with Amir’s nickname popped up on my locked screen again.
‘I think so
Hedera would probably prefer him back before the sun goes down completely’ 
‘Seems reasonable’
‘I’ll just teleport to you, if that’s alright— address?’
I sent him my address.
I gently shook Eris’ shoulder to wake him.
“Amir’s gonna be here soon to take you home, buddy…” he blinked hazily and continued clinging to my arm as I stood up.
“Mm, okay…” I grabbed my phone and half-led, half-dragged Eris through my kitchen.  Whipping out the phone, I texted
‘I’ll just come out to the front with him’ to Amir and opened the door to find him standing there. Despite the recent less-than-autumnal weather, he was wearing a pair of black leggings and a warm maroon sweater that had glittery strands woven into the rest of the fabric, a heart cutout, and sleeves that billowed out before being sharply cut off by a wrist cuff of fabric. He tapped his ankle-length boot.
“Well, aren’t you going to come out to the front?” I rolled my eyes.
“Front, I’m gay.” I said in a monotone. He golf-clapped at me. Smug bastard.
“Very good, very good.” He held out his arms for the still half-asleep Eris, and his whole snarky demeanor changed. He leaned down and cocked his head.
“Hey buddy… you ready to go home? Did you have a nice time with our Traveler?” Eris nodded drowsily.
“They did so good… I think I helped a lil’ bit…”
“You helped bunches, kiddo.” I reassured him, awkwardly snaking my arm out from his grip and allowing Amir to wrap his arms around him and hold him close. He looked so peaceful, cheek squished and hands nestled against Amir’s side. 
“You’re a lifesaver.” I whispered to him.
“Get much done?” Amir smiled at us both. I laughed softly.
“I think I absorbed more actual knowledge in the time he was here than I did in the whole day and half I tried to study before.” 
“He took a looooong nap, huh?” He said, looking at how out-of-it Eris was. I nodded, smiling at him.
“Almost three hours.”
“He’s really taken a liking to you,” he slid an arm under Eris’ legs, which looked significantly less human than they had when he arrived. I waved.
“Bye, little friend!” 
“Eris, oh Eris… your glamour could use some work,” he clicked his tongue. 
“So that’s what his illusion spell is called!” 
“Mhm,” Amir nodded, seeming distracted. He drew a circle in the ground with his toe, like he was planning something out— then he nodded and a low, nasal hum emanated from him. It felt like a solid something passed through me, and I cocked my head at Amir.
“What was that?” Amir winked at me.
“Demons are oft purported to be uncannily good at warding. I just warded this whole area— after all, if you’re going to be learning magic, you may have a mishap or two, and it would be awful if a neighbor were to hear of it or see it.”
“I haven’t even gotten in yet…” I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck.
“Oh, but you will~!” He and Eris disappeared, the dim light revealing a small spark left in their wake. I watched as it dissipated with the last of the day’s sun. The sunsets were coming earlier and earlier these days. Finally, I went back inside and closed my door. I still had work to do.
…Apologies for the lore dump… anyway…
I’m not gonna lie, I had some trouble with this one! Big shoutout to BFF for helping me figure out what felt so wrong about the writing at first and thus leading me to fix it! Also she wants me to remind all of you that she has laid a claim on all of the LR characters and they are all hers! 😂
Thank you very much for reading! Next upload will be exactly one week from now! And I can actually guarantee that this time! 😅
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Time Travel in Dreams
Content warnings: unreality, time travel, timelines, alternate realities, etc.
I believe it was Doctor Who that produced the quote, “Time travel has always been possible in dreams.” And honestly? I’m starting to find some truth in that.
Recently, I’ve been going back to my childhood in my dreams—but not my waking childhood. No, I revisit the same dreams that I would have as a child.
For me, it’s often school, or a bookstore, or (funnily enough) a Minecraft server. And there will be people I recognize, places I recognize, plot lines that feel familiar—for example, a teacher scolding me for being “smart” with them in class—and I will have the benefit of remembering how those plot lines usually go.
So like in the example I just provided, I can cheekily lean over to my school friend and comment, “Watch this. Now she’ll get angry for no reason.” And sure enough, the teacher gets angry. But since this time I remember I’ve had this dream before, I don’t feel scared of the teacher. I seem to know I’m in a dream, and can lazily remark whatever “smart” thing I like right back, and the consequences are so insignificant afterwards.*
*I have a long-running theory that current mental states have an enormous impact on the outcome of dreams, even lucid ones. So evidently I must be doing quite well irl! 😄
Other times I have “time traveled” so vividly that I will wake up and feel as if they happened in real life. (On one prominent occasion, I even texted an old childhood friend to ask them if I ever warned them of the 2020 pandemic when we were in elementary school! Hilarious!)
But other than that one time, typically I’m able to rationalize what’s actually reality after shaking off the fog of sleep.
Past or Future?
Most of my “time travel” dreams (at least, the ones most recent in my memory) have to do with traveling to the past. In fact, I really don’t think I’ve ever had a prophetic dream. Ever.
But to be fair, my dreams are typically so far away from Earth that most of them probably wouldn’t even be applicable for prophetic divination. Unless you count the sci-fi dreams, with robots and ark ships and interstellar travel. I guess maybe then they could have some distant connection to Earth’s future 😂
Is it even possible for me to time travel to the future in dreams at all? More studies are required.
Dreams You Recognize When You’re Asleep
Usually the dreams I “recognize” while I’m dreaming are not ones I have ever recorded nor remember in the waking world. Only one or two of them have ever rung some distant bell of actual resemblance upon waking. The Sea Queen, who I will discuss in another post some other time, and perhaps a school dream or two.
I have yet to re-dream something that I have recorded in the waking world that I also recognized while dreaming. I really hope it’s possible, because it would spell out a lot of cool things for my research!
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I'm only saying this anonymously because I don't want my tumblr to be connected to my Ao3, but I plan on writing a kh fic with Union Cross Characters (it's inspired by both "Dandelion Bud" and "For Those Who We Masters Have Wronged" by someone whose username I don't remember how to spell). The only issue is that I know... very little about actual KHUX lore, so I'm just going "f*ck it" and making characters related who aren't probably related (Brain and PC are siblings, and Riku is Ephemer's Great x3 or 4 nephew), and giving them personalities that are probably not canon (PC is a Gen Z before Gen Z existed, and I chose to name her Zee and make her and Brain's last name Gen, because of course I did. PC is also a gremlin of chaos who taught Ven how to swear...) and I also decided to tell you Ven and Van's reactions to seeing PC (Zee) again:
Ven: Oh God, no, Zee
I know even less about Dark Road, so I'm just... ignoring its existence and hoping for the best. This fic is going to be a mess, but hopefully it'll be a lovable mess
(I also have plans for an even more chaotic mess of a kh crossover that is currently running on my inspiration from another fic, my seemingly permanent dp x dc brainrot, and way too many psychology facts I've looked up just to make sure that things that happen are actually plausible things to be done by children of the traumatized kind... WRITING, EVERYONE!)
I decided to tell you this because A. I want to know Ephemer's personality and I don't physically have the patience to watch a playthrough of KHUX or all its cutscenes
And B. I thought that Ven and Van's reaction to Zee is hilarious (She actually used to "babysit" them [although it was just the older, nearly adult, keyblade wielders going "let's let Strizella, Zee, and Ven have their own little group, they're the younger kids" and Strizella having missions], and Ven does care about her [platonically], but he's also terrified of her because she'd recognize his face and she is now the youngest [something that she cheered about not being anymore when he was adopted into Ephemer, Skuld, Laurium, Elrena, Strizella, Brain, and Zee's froend group])
I just hoped that the differing reactions to Zee "I don't want to babysit a ten year old, so I'm going to be the worst influence ever" Gen being back in all her fourteen year old chaotic glory
hey, you know what? I respect this. Not everyone has the time and energy to fully absorb media to the fullest but they still have the right to enjoy certain characters and write about them. The longtime khux fan in me is just happy that people want to write about the characters, period.
I’ve seen countless fics in different fandoms where the characters are so different than how they are in canon that they’re practically ocs, but the plot and concept of the fic are absolutely amazing. In fact, the fic that got me into writing in the first place was exactly one of those. You do you, anon! Learn as much about a character as you want, or don’t. Just write to your heart’s content.
I will say this for Eph though, since you asked. I would describe him as friendly, someone you can trust. He’s inquisitive, full of ideas, and down to go pretty much anywhere if there’s something to be learned or found. And he’s full of spunk. Even if he has some doubts about his own capabilities, he’s someone you can rely on to help you out and he’ll stand by you through thick and thin.
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‘One Ring’ August 16th, 2022 #onering © Outhouse Cartoons/C.A.P 2022
Last week the day we’ve been waiting for all year finally came to be. My surgery wasn’t supposed to be until September/October but two weeks ago, I was woken by a call from my surgeon telling me that I’d been scheduled right away. At first, I was rather freaked out. We had all these plans to throw my pre-ileostomy body a going away party but the disappointment of fallen plans quickly changed into the hopes for a better life. We immediately hit the ground running. Within a day we were out to see my new Ostomy nurse while getting pre-op bloodwork done. The nurse ran us through a bunch of the basics of life with a bag, giving us a general idea of what was to come. He even sent us home with some sample bags.
I wanted to really get a feel for what I was in for, so I decided to wear one of the bags for 48hrs. Through the day and through the night, I even went and ran errands with it. It was a good primer but not quite the same. It was an empty bag that could only partially simulate what my ileostomy would be like but it was enough to stop some worries. My wife and I also made sure to do a lot of research, choosing not to let others tell us ALL the ins and outs. This made it easier to come up with questions to ask at my first post-op appointment. For the rest of the week my wife would treat me to every craving I could think of! You name it, pizza (artisan), carnitas, steak, ice cream; if I wanted it, she got it for me.
When Tuesday came, I was as prepared as I was ever going to be going through the second major surgery of my life. As these things tend to be, my surgery was bumped by about an hour and a half. Someone in need of an emergency surgery jumped ahead of me but that was okay. I just had to stay out of my head, at that point, alone in the pre-op waiting room. At least they let you keep your phone with you so I was in constant contact with my wife up until the last moment. Once in the OR room the surgeons joked that it was a crowded affair. I was getting a lot of work done with two surgeons working on me simultaneously. I had some laughs with the lovely staff before they put me under and before long I was awake with my new buddy, Shawn. My stoma.
Those who follow me may remember that I call my guts, Gus, after a character in one of my favourite shows called Psych. So I thought it only fitting to name my stoma, Shawn, his partner in crime from the show. Now Shawn & Gus are back together, friends for life.
The first night was decently rough but honestly, I think it wasn’t anything like my first resection. I was off of the button morphine within 24hrs and stopped hydromorphone within 56hrs. I was out of the hospital and back home on day 4. I was up on my feet walking around the house the next day. Another day later I made it out of the house for a quick spell. My energy levels have been growing and it’s been getting much easier to walk & stand up straight. A lot of people were rather surprised with this and, to be honest, I was one of them. But it all came down to the fact that this time around I was the lucky guy who ended up with one of the leading surgeons in the province for non-invasive surgical techniques. They actually pulled all of my colon out through my rectum, having only two laparoscopic points of entry on my stomach. One atop my stoma, the other inside my belly button. It’s really the barbie butt that is causing me to slow down and make sure to not over do it.
My speedier recovery can also be attributed to my amazing wife. Helping to make sure I have what I need but also making sure that I don’t push myself too hard as I tend to do. I’m not a fan of being looked after, so it takes a lot of strength and willpower to not just do everything myself. It’s because of this that I know I will get through this stage without many issues. We are a team and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Have you had IBD/Ostomy surgery? How did it go for you? What were your experiences? Tell us in the comments below.
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yumeasmrscript · 5 months
[PART 3] [M4A] You’re Unexpectedly Purring in front of the Wizard [Fantasy] [Neko Listener] [Head Pats] [Listener is Purring] [Sleepy Speaker] [Fluff] [Comfort] [Reverse Comfort] [Is this a new beginning?]
Author notes: Here comes the third part of this story! This conclude the first narrative arc. As before, it is okay to monetize with the script! Friendly reminder that English is not my first language, so feel free to edit the script to fix anything that sounds weird. If you haven’t read the other parts, I’ll leave you the link below <3 See you in the second narrative arc, as soon as possible. But for now, I hope you will enjoy!
Summary: It's the next day, and since you're feeling better and you don't want to be a burden to the Wizard, you go to him to say goodbye. But, as the wizard cares for you, something unexpected happens. Something you didn’t even know you could do… Maybe, you will change your mind about leaving too?
[Action/things happening] *Moods* Thinking
[Bubbling sounds]
*Hopeful* Come on, come on… Yes! The potion is done! Well done myself, well done. It took long, but it’s finally ready. What time is it?
*A little bit sad* Crap, it’s almost dawn… I guess no sleep at all for tonight. I didn’t really want to rely on one of my potions to stay awake but…
*Resigned* Sigh, no no, who cares if I’m sleepy, I’ll manage to make it to the end of the day somehow, and I’ll just go to sleep early tonight, as soon as I’ll close the shop. And, now that I think about it, I still need to clean it from the glass shards. I’m glad they didn’t hurt themselves when it broke….
Hmm, I wonder if they’re feeling better. They should still be sleeping now, I don’t really want to disturb them. But…
Okay, since I still have some time left before opening the shop for the day, I want to see through my books if I can find something to help them with the curse, just in case…
So… “Magical spells for everyday life”, nope… what about this one? “Spellbound: A collection of powerful spells”… hah, I don’t think that can help at all. I still need to get there. No, no, I need something more specific here…
Hmm, maybe this one? “The Cursed Knowledge: An in-Depth Guide to Malevolent Magic”. I didn’t even remember buying this book when I started studying magic… Oh well, let’s see what it can tell me.
*Turning pages* Endless Shadows, Silence, Rotting flesh…? What in the world was wrong with those wizards that thought cursing people with this kind of thing was such great idea that they had to document it in a book?
*Concentrated* More random curses… there sure are cruel people out there, huh? Oh, wait, maybe this… Shape-shifter’s Mark…? No, no, wait. That can’t be right. They said their curse was about turning them into a cat, and they can shape shift only because they managed to get away in the midst of the spell.
Where is it, where is it….? Oh, wait, found it! “Metamorphic Awakening”. It must be it! Let’s see…
Hmm… Turning humans into animals… Needed items… Side effects… Yeah, it says that not finishing the spell in one way or another, it will result in the subject being half and half until the curse is completed.
*Worried* Wait… Wait a moment…
*Sad/Concerned* There’s… no way to stop it? “Once the spell is chanted, there’s no going back”…?! What the hell!? “You can complete the spell later on, but”… “you can’t”… “reverse it”…?
*Angry* It must be lying! I REFUSE to believe that this curse cannot be undone! There… there must be some way! They just haven’t tried enough. Yes, that must be it. Damn it… !
*Worried* Huh…? Oh shoot, how long have I been reading books here? It’s already morning…!
[Annoyed groin]
*Resigned* Sigh, I’ll look for something in another book, and in another moment. There’s no way that a curse like that cannot be reversed. Maybe I can try looking for another kind of metamorphosis, from animal to human? Or… Sigh, I don’t know. For now… I’ll just focus on what I can do to actually help: make breakfast and check on them. Reversing the curse can wait, as long as they are safe.
[Book closing, footsteps]
[Yawning] Ugh… daylight sucks when you only want to sleep… But anyway, let’s see what I have in the kitchen.
Do I still have some leftovers? I think I should have a slice of that chestnut cake… I wonder if they will like it? I mean, they were hungry, I think anything would be fine. Okay, so, tea’s on… Fire spells sure are useful in this cases, can’t believe how fast it is now to get the water boiling! Now, warming up the cake too, and...
[Slow and barely audible footsteps]
*Surprised* Huh? Oh! You’re awake… Sorry, did I make too much noise here?
*Relived* I’m glad, so you woke up on your own a few minutes ago... Yeah, sun rays can be annoying when you just want to sleep. But more importantly, why are you here? You should still be in bed! If you needed something, you could have called me!
Hm? So you just wanted to tell me something? Again, you could have used the gem. Aw, you were worried you would interrupt something, either sleeping or working? How considerate of you. But you didn’t need to worry!
*Calm* Anyway… how are you feeling today? Are you better?
A little tired, huh? I bet, that was a nasty wound after all. How is it now? Let me see it. I’ll remove the bandage for a second, let me know if it hurts and I’ll stop right away.
[Sound of gauze being removed]
*Relieved* Well, it looks better. It has not healed yet completely, but it’s still much less red. Here, I’ll fix the bandage again. What about your fever?
...Your forehead it’s still a bit warm, but it’s definitely not as much as it was a few hours ago. Still, your cheeks are still a bit red…
[Barely audible purring sound]
Wait a moment, what was that noise? I think… I heard something… I didn’t imagine it, did I?
*Chuckle* What do you mean I’m too close? You didn’t forget that I did the same thing just a few hours ago, did you? How is it different now?
*Laugh* Ahaha, okay, let’s blame the fever then.
*Calm* So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?
Hm? Oh, no, my scratches are fine. See? All healed. I treated them before I started working on the sleeping potion.
Hey, no need to be sorry. Everything turned out fine for the both of us!
What? What do you mean you’re... going? *Worried* Wait a moment, what- I mean, yes I did tell you that you could leave whenever you wanted, but… can’t you at least wait until you’re fully healed? It’s true that you’re feeling better, but you could still use some rest. What would you do out there? Start stealing trying to survive and then collapse again? What if you find someone dangerous?
*Offended, but still gentle* I’m--- no, of course not! I’m not trying to keep you here at all costs, I’m just… worried about you. Listen, I’m not forcing you to stay here, and I don’t want it to look like that’s what I’m trying to do, I just… want to be sure you’re safe, before you leave. Does it… make you upset? Or in danger, somehow?
No? Then, what’s the problem?
...What? *Gentle* What gave you that idea? You’re not [emphasis on “not”] a burden. There’s no need to feel guilty, okay? You don’t need to worry, and--
[Stomach growling]
Was… that you stomach? *Small laugh* Hey, why are you embarrassed? Of course you would be hungry, I wonder when it was the last time you ate something. Come on, go back under the blankets, I’ll bring you something to eat in a moment, all right?
Good kitty.
I can’t help it, when they blush… they are just so adorable.
[Small pause]
Tea’s ready, cake too… [Yawn] I really could use some sleep, damn it…
*Calm* Here I am, I brought you something to eat and drink. I hope… you like it.
Oh, you do? I’m happy to hear that! And… I’m also glad to see you trust me… [Yawn] this time.
Hm? It’s just… no, as I told you, sleeping wasn’t in my schedule. No need to worry, kitty, it’s not the first time I had to stay awake to get the job done… I mean, when you run a shop on your own and you also need to practice, gather ingredients, and other things… sometimes it’s just normal to sacrifice some sleep.
Yes, sometimes I use one of my potions or just, you know, coffee. But… if I keep relying on those things, I might just get used it to the point they wouldn’t have the same effect anymore…
*Chukle* What’s that face? Oh, you think it’s hypocritical of me telling you to rest when I’m so sleepy? Heh, touché. But hey, in my defense, I’m used to it and you were not feeling well.
Oh, you finished eating? ...Yes, I’ll see what I can eat later. I still need to clean the shop from the glass shards, before opening it for the day.
Hey, don’t be sorry, you didn’t do that on purpose. Hmm, I wonder if this…
[Rubbing sounds, head pats]
...will reassure you a little bit.
And here they blush again… well, I’m patting their head, I guess I should have expected it.
[Purring sound]
Wait, this sound… again… What...
Was this… wait, kitty, are you… purring?!
That’s it, I’m gonna die for cuteness overdose. And they’re not even complaining anymore about being called “kitty”…!
*Laughing* Oh come on, don’t say that! That was unexpected, and… to be honest, it was sweet too.
[More purring]
*Chukle* Why do you cover your mouth like that? It’s not going to stop the sound, you know?
You didn’t know you were able to do that either, huh? Well, that explains it! But, really, that was adorable and… not gonna lie, it is kind of… soothing, you know? [Yawn]
Well… I better get going before I fall asleep here. You get some more rest, okay? By the end of the day, you should feel much better.
Hm? Why are you grabbing my shirt?
What was that? I didn’t hear you…
*chuckle* I’m not mocking you! You said it so quietly that I didn’t really hear.
You… want me to stay with you a little longer? Well… I guess, if you ask me this nicely, I can’t say no. I’ll just… yeah, I’ll sit down here... [Yawn], *From now on, sleepy* for just… a little while…
No, no, you can stay in bed. It’s just for a moment, after all, I can wait for you to fall asleep just sitting here on the floor, near you. [Yawn] But, maybe… I’ll just… lean my head on the bed.
You know? After all, I’m glad I found you last night. I’ve been alone for a while now, excluding the customers… it’s nice to have someone to talk to.
[Purring sound]
Aww, are you purring again? I guess, that means you’re pretty happy too, am I right?
*Sleepy chuckle* Silent treatment again? I thought we were past this phase. Were you... alone as well?
Yeah, I bet… when you’re hiding from someone [Yawn] I highly doubt you can have company. But, hey, as I told you, as long as you’re here, you can relax. You’re not alone and… not in danger either.
[More purring]
*Very sleepy* Your purrs… are so relaxing… Like this, I’m going to… fall asleep…
[Speaker falls asleep, sounds of relaxed breathing for a few seconds]
[Purring stops, a few seconds pause/time skip]
[Yawn, speaker wakes up]
What… Oh shoot, I really did fall asleep?! This… I don’t remember using a blanket myself… Also, wait a moment, where… where are they?
*Sad* Did they… really leave? Sigh… I guess… I don’t want to believe they were just acting, but… oh, well, I just hope they are safe, wherever they are.
How long have I slept? I… oh, shoot, the shop! I need to clean the mess, and-- right, I gotta grab that sleeping potion, the client should arrive soon. I need to hurry…
The broom, where is--- huh?
*Surprised* You’re… still here? I thought… I thought you left… Wait, did you just… you cleaned everything? But… why?
*Gentle* Oh, someone’s stealing my line, huh? But- you didn’t have to help here, you’re still supposed to be resting!
I… needed to rest too? And you wanted to do something in return? Wait a minute... asking me to stay with you was just a plan to make me fall asleep, wasn’t it?
*Pretending to be offended* And here I thought you genuinely enjoyed my company!
*Chuckle* Of course, of course, I’m joking. You would have left already if you didn’t like my presence, am I right? Well, thank you for the help, kitty. Now, go back to rest like you should, so I can take care of the shop and give the sleeping potion--
*Worried* Wait, what? They already came?! Oh, damn it...! I didn’t want to lose a customer…
Hm? What did you say? You... have already handed over the potion to them? You’re… you’re right, I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave any money on the counter, so… Oh, you also found a hat to cover your cat-ears so that no one would suspect you, huh?
*Confused* But, wait a moment, how did you know which [emphasis on “which”] potion was the right one?
*Surprised* Oh…! Is that so? You used to help that… wizard, huh? The one who cursed you… So... magic, spells, potions and such aren’t anything new to you, are they? Why didn’t you tell me before?
*Gentle* Well, I’m flattered! I’m glad that you trust me enough now to tell me these things too. Hm? There’s… something else? Yeah, I’m listening. What is it?
[small pause]
You want to help… more? You mean, to return the favor? Well, you managed to clean the front shop and you handled a customer for me while I was sound asleep… Oh, wait, so there was more than one client? And… you got them all the right potions? Hmmm… I mean, I really appreciate your help, but you really didn’t need to, especially not now that you’re still recovering!
Oh, there’s… more?
*Surprised* You want me to… help you reverse the curse? And since you don’t have anything that you can give to me, you want to… work here and help me with the shop? *Happily* Well… You know what? We got a deal. If I have to be honest, I could really use some help running my business and… since you already have experience in assisting wizards, it shouldn’t be that hard for you. I can help you with the curse in return, or rather, I already wanted to help you. And… if you don’t have anywhere else to stay, you can stay here too. I’ll find a way to add a room for you, or a bed, or something… I mean, if you want to.
*Gentle* Of course there’s no problem with it. *Small chuckle* You’re welcome, kitty.
Aaand they’re blushing again. Well, I’m… really happy things turned out this way. Even though the first impression wasn’t the best, this person seems genuinely kind and considerate. I wonder if… maybe… they’ll tell me more about their past? I… would love to know more about them, about the things they like and the things they don’t, why that asshole cursed them… Hopefully, with the time, we’ll get closer. Maybe we can also become… friends?
Ah-ehm, now, since you’re going to work for me… Take today off, go back to bed, so you can gain all of your strength back. Tomorrow morning, you will be able to help me with my shop. All right?
*Satisfied* Good! You still have the gem I gave you, right? I’ll go get mine downstairs in a moment. This time, if you need something, call for me. I assure you that you won’t disturb me. Perfect! You deserve a head pat.
[Footsteps fading]
*Quiet* Shifted into a cat and… upstairs they go. They really are the shy type, huh? *Chuckle* I feel like… this is a new beginning. It’s… really nice having someone else here. Well… let’s get to work.
[Door opening/closing, shop’s bell ringing]
*Surprised* Oh, a customer! Welcome to my shop, how can I help you?
[Dialogue fading] Hmm, there are two kind of potions to help the flowers’ growth… maybe you could try this one…
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