#I hope to get the mojo back eventually <3
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Listen We don't have a problem.
Okay maybe a little
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gilverrwrites · 7 months
reader having to adjust to michael and adam in the same body together (maybe a twinge of angst), but reader slowly grows to love michael just as much as they love adam <3
Growing to love Michael as much as you love Adam
Author note: This is very Michael heavy, I think at some point I wanna do something that either more Adam centric, or fully about them both. Also I have some ideas brewing for an actual fic, maybe?
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff, mild angst.
Words: 982
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Please remember: Not to worry about thing's you cannot control.
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Seeing Adam after so long was surreal.
He’d changed so much; he wasn’t just older, taller, stronger.
He was always laid back and practical, but now he’s more self-assured and perceptive. 
And surprisingly well-adjusted for a man who had just spent more than a millennia in hell.
In some ways, it was easy to fall back into strides with him. He’d grown and changed, but he was still the man you loved.
The hardest part was Michael.
Sometimes it felt like you were the 3rd wheel. You knew Adam first, you loved him first, but Michael had known him longer. Try explaining that to literally anyone.
Although honestly, explaining any part of Adam, Michael, and your whole dynamic to anyone would be complicated.
Now that they’re free of the cage, Michael could so easily return to Heaven. He could repress Adam's mind, take his body, and do as he pleases, but he doesn’t. He’s sacrificing everything for him. How are you supposed to compare?
Sometimes Adam will clock out of a conversation, absorbed in something else with Michael.
They have stories, and inside jokes you can never really be a part of.
It’s lonely, waking up in an unexpectedly empty bed.
Being stood up because Michael had other plans.
Raising the issues with them garners sympathy and promises of change from Adam, but Michael is less responsive, which doesn’t give you much hope.
Change is a three-way street in this case. 
However, you suspect they discussed the issue between themselves at some point, because change does come.
You’d finish dinner with Adam, but Michael would help you clean up.
He has offered to use his mojo, "so much faster and easier", but Adam doesn’t want to rely too much on it. You tend to agree, unless you’re feeling lazy.
And Michael is always quick to agree when you ask. Who knew Michael could be the naughty one.
You’d plan a game/puzzle night, which Michael would get invested in, and take control of. Especially if it is strategy-based.
You’d come home at the end of a hard day, and often, Michael was the one who would listen.
At first it was:
“Your whining is displeasing; I implore you to stop.”
But over time, he becomes more sympathetic, more interested in your feelings and day-to-day life.
Until he greets you with questions about your friends, or on-going dramas. Asking if you have had a better day today.
He asks you a lot of questions. Mainly about Earth, humanity, and culture at first. Adam is a sufficient guide to the human world, but he is a little behind the times.
And you can’t deny how cute he is when he repeats slang words back at you, or attempts to use them.
“What is ‘clickbait’?” “You’re home, how was work? Please ‘spill the tea’.” “Your clothing? Oh yes, it is ‘slaying’. Is that the correct term?”
Adam, who is also learning many of these words for the first time as well, is cringing so hard in their head.
Over time his questions get more personal. Your friends, family, hobbies, etc.
He knows a lot of it already. From Adam talking about you in the cage, from his memories, and from listening to conversations you have had since reuniting. They’re both always there really, even if you’re not interacting with one directly.
But there is a difference between first-hand and second-hand experiences.
And you enjoy having someone else to talk to about these things, another perspective.
You’d grown to like his company, for an Angel he's surprisingly compassionate, at least when he wants to be anyway.
Eventually, he trusts you enough to divulge information about his own family and his very long existence.
Sometimes you would wake up in Michael’s embrace. Which wasn’t necessarily unpleasant.
Even in the dark and the silence of night, you can tell the difference.
Adam's touch is soft, warm, and comforting. He makes you feel at ease.
Michael is solid, and protective. He makes you feel safe.
Until eventually, while you don’t quite feel like you’re on par with Michael, you do feel welcome.
You like him in fact.
Maybe you like him a little too much, considering he is not your boyfriend.
Your feelings for Adam haven’t lessened at all, but how can you spend 50% of your time with Michael, who is insightful, wise, inquisitive, and so damned cute. Who makes you feel safe, and valued...
And not develop some feelings.
Which complicates things further. It puts you on edge. Makes you worried about accidentally crossing a line.
How is one supposed to act around their boyfriend when their boyfriend isn’t their boyfriend, and also you have feelings for both the boyfriend and the not boyfriend, you know? Totally relatable, right?
All those mixed feelings of inadequacy when compared to Michael and the uncertainty when spending time with him are not happy or healthy ways to feel in a relationship.
You have to broach the subject, with them both, and Michael has something to say immediately.
“We are not in competition. I can assure you Adam loves us both in different ways, in equal measure.” But he’s not Adam half the time. He’s you! You’re not Adam, you don’t love me, I don’t know how to behave around you. “Are you certain you are human?” What? “Humans are not the most astute. However, sometimes you are as dense as osmium.” Are you calling me stupid?! “I urge you to stop and consider your words for a moment. I find it incredibly upsetting and frankly offensive that you believe me to be so incapable of loving you, as foolish and naïve as you may be.”
Adam knew, the whole time. The whole damn time.
He just needed the two of you to figure it out on your own first.
There’s a lot of conversation to be had between the three of you from there.
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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And now I have made a part 3 of the human Cookies, this time featuring the Legendaries
You know I’m noticing that recently I’ve been drawing a lot more. I mean I’ve drawn 3 pieces in the last two days and I drew stuff last week. Seems my medication is at least helping something, even if it’s not me doing actual work to get my life together like my parents hoped. But hey, it personally makes me happy I’m drawing more, so it’s at least somewhat of a win
I think I was spurred on to do this one because I was playing around with the Mii maker on my 3DS, and I was making Cookies and started making the Legendaries
I will say, the Legendaries are probably some of the more difficult characters to translate into normal humans, since their designs are more fantastical. Almost all of their hair is made of something not normal, like fire, grass or water, so I have to try and make it at least semi-cohesive. It also means a lot of hair dye
I admit, while Wind Archer doesn’t look terrible, he does look very boring, like a generic guy. But frankly I just don’t see him using hair dye, or getting a lot of piercings. He doesn’t feel like someone who would to me, and so he looks boring
On the subject of designs I’m not satisfied with, I think Sugar Swan came out the worst. I just legit didn’t know what to do with her design. I’m a proponent of short haired Sugar Swan, so I gave her that, but I don’t think it turned out the best. I also wasn’t sure how to incorporate all the wings and swan thing on her head. I got that but it’s not that great
Originally in Sugar Swan’s spot was Millennial Tree, but he wasn’t turning out great so I tried doing Sugar Swan in his spot. Maybe that spot was just cursed or something
I think my personal favorite of the bunch is Sea Fairy, I think she turned out fun. Honestly I can see her going either way with the hair dye, so might as well just give her the blue. The buzz cut thing was actually something I got from another Sea Fairy design that I really like. I was debating between her having black or dirty blonde hair, but I eventually settled on the blonde
Moonlight and Stardust were pretty fun. With Stardust, I wasn’t sure whether I should have him dye his whole hair blue or have him bleach the front of his hair. I asked on Discord and they said the latter, so that’s what I did. But also note, I realized that if I were to try and give him bleached front and also potentially blue tips, he would have had Yugi Moto anime hair, but just flattened down instead of all spiky. Like I’ve seen people draw Yugi with hair similar to it
I wasn’t really feeling it after Sugar Swan’s failed design, but Fire Spirit got my mojo back, I think he turned out good. And with that I was able to make a Millennial Tree design I liked a lot more (while also looking at someone else’s interpretation of his design and deciding to use locs as well). Maybe not the best but not as bad as it was before
I kind of threw in Frost Queen because last spot and also she is an elemental Legendary. With her, instead of her hair being dyed, it’s supposed to be that her hair has actually turned white from either stress or age, with a tiny bit of her blonde still there at the ends. Don’t know why I picked blonde other than light color though
In my head while I was drawing, I was trying to come up with human things for them to do, but I really only got as far as the Dessert guys and the Wizard guys
Moonlight is the heiress of the “Wizard’s” estate, and she lives there and is the self proclaimed custodian. I’m not really sure what Blueberry Pie and Sugar Glass are doing there, but they’re probably also here. I also don’t know what the estate really is, I just have the idea that it’s a big place that the “Wizards” used as a research place, until they just stopped using it or disbanded or died or something. Stardust meanwhile is either Moonlight’s half brother she didn’t know about, or they’re full siblings who were orphaned and then separated at a young age via the foster care system. Stardust’s journey there would be him learning of his sister and her location and then I suppose hitchhiking his way there until he arrived
Meanwhile, Sugar Swan owns this wildlife preserve, which is the Dessert Paradise (probably goes by another name but I can see “Paradise” still being in the name), meanwhile the Dessert guardians, including Wind Archer, are the other caretakers that manage and guard the preserve. Are they also Sugar Swan’s kids? Maybe, I don’t know. Wind Archer probably is though, and maybe Millie’s his dad, I’m not sure
Frost Queen I think is just an accomplished doctor who lives in a more remote area and takes care of patients with a rare condition that she specializes in the treatment of (and also contracted herself when she was younger). She also just kind of dresses like that I guess
Genuinely I don’t know what Fire Spirit does, he might just be like, Pitaya’s adopted son or works under Pitaya, I don’t know. I can’t see him with much of a job
I imagine Sea Fairy has some sort of job (that she might neglect), but I have no clue what that job would be, since it presumably impacts both Black Pearl and Abyss Monarch in some big way, so like, running an aquarium might be too low stakes. Her crush on Moonlight might be something like she met this cute astronomer one time at some sort of astronomy conference or something, but she doesn’t know where she lives and so doesn’t know how to meet her again. Moonlight also thought she was cute, but again, doesn’t know where she lives
And yeah, I think that’s about it. I hope you enjoy these designs
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16 Years Later - Armageddon
Getting my mojo back with redesigns for the Armageddon multiverse. It’s 16 years later, so...they would need some ‘new’ clothes, right? Totally hasn’t been causing me brain rot.
I do think they’d still stick to the same sorts of clothing, because comfort clothes and such, but they do eventually fall apart. When that happens, Error refuses to get new clothes and instead stitches more fabric on. Perfect. :>
Also! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!! I know I haven’t posted as much this year, but I’m hoping to change that next year! :3
(Please, don’t steal/repost, copy or trace it, or anyone else’s art,   for that matter. Reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3)    
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Howdy! Im looking for any fics that are jgy friendly/jc friendly? I really like both characters and it kinda sucks finding Great fics that blindside me with "but what if they suck actually"
Mend a Heart (and soul) by geethr75 (T, 13k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, Established XiCheng, Golden Core Reveal, Reconciliation, Angst with a happy ending)
🧡a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke ( M, 180k, WangXian, Arranged marriage, Canon Divergence, Hurt/comfort, Light angst, Canon typical violence)
🧡 Song by WithBroomBefore (T, 41k, Platonic Soulbond, Hurt/comfort, Canon Divergence, No golden core transfer, JC&JZX stay in Xuanwu cave, Fix-it, Temporary character death)
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 163k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 40k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU)
The Kids Are Okay (I Think) by GossamerGlint (Not Rated, 40k, WIP, WangXian, give wwx jgy and xy a mom agenda., thats it thats the fic, but not just any mom powerful ghost empress mom with a revenge plot :), Royalty AU, Prince WWX, prince MY, Prince XY, Burial Mounds, Yílíng Wèi Sect, more like yiling xue sect, its... complicated)
what builds a home by Stratisphyre (T, 46k, wangxian, meng yao & wei wuxian)
Resplendence by FrozenMarVel (E, 159k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, CS Lives, Different first meeting, Fluff, Crossdressing, Love at first sight, Fix-it of sorts)
pretty much all of KouriArashi's work is both JC and JGY friendly
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut, Mojo’s bookmark) is also both JC and JGY friendly, though JC is in less focus.
Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation/JC Friendly Fic Compilation
2. Any fics with jiang Cheng being protective over wei ying and jiang yanli???
❤️ Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (not rated (I’d say T), 103k, JC & WWX, wangxian, time travel, fix-it)
For Both Of Us (And Time Is But A Paper Moon) by sami (E, 65k, Time Travel, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,  First Time, Getting Together, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ) JC is also VERY protective over his siblings
3. Hello! Hope you're doing well and feeling good! If it's okay for you, I am in the mood for some fics with Wangxian coffee shop AUs?!? I just want to feel good and mushy and be wrapped in a warm blanket while reading them! Thank you!!!
2:15 PM by cherishthespark (T, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bunny Cafe AU, Fluff, Pining, Pre-dating)
No You Can't Come In by makebelieveanything, nerdzeword (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, coffee shop AU, cafe in the woods, Pandemic, Fluff)
Cafes Were Made for Clichés by Quirmzi (T, 8k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Fluff)
You Give Me The Love I Never Want To Lose in This Lifetime by hannselle (G, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, First Meetings, Insecuities, Fluff, Cafe AU, Lan zhan cant handle people, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
The Burial Grounds by WithBroomBefore (G, 3k, WangXian, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Fluff, Getting Together, Gift Exchange)
Where You Fell by Sweet_William (E, 303k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Homeless WWX, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending)
Morning Grind by Supernova_Sage (T, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Barista WWX, Patron LWJ, Getting Together)
Finding a way home by ThisIsWhereTheMagicHappens (G, 2k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Meet-Cute)
a jar full of dollars (and a heart full of hope) by tinylilremus (T, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, College AU, First dates, Fluff)
Coming right up by Onomatopoetikon (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Meet-Cute, College AU, Flirting, Barista WWX)
Your Cup of Tea by kuro (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Awkward Flirting, Secret Crush, Coffee, Tea)
of coffee and white tea by kintou (Not Rated, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Friends to Lovers, College AU, Fluff, Soft)
Brotherly Intentions by panicking (Not Rated, 33k, WangXian, XiCheng, Modern AU, Coffee shop AU, Slow Burn, Teacher WWX)
4. Hi this is a 18+ or even 19+ request I hope it's allowed? I need more fanfiction like Sweet's Strawberry Suprise! 💖 (Lmk if I linked the wrong fic ~ Mod C)
5. I’m in a mood for LXC/character fics with no JC or NMJ or JGY or wangxian as the other side. Some angst is fine but no unhappy or bitter endings, please!
If I'm reading 5 right, that's a LXC pairing with a more unusual character. Can I recommend LanLan (Lan Xichen/Song Lan)?
Gentle Exile by rynleaf (E, 9k, LanLan (Song Lan/Lan Xichen), Post-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, References to Depression, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst) If I'm reading 5 right, that's a LXC pairing with a more unusual character. Can I recommend LanLan (Lan Xichen/Song Lan)? I especially recommend Gentle Exile by rynleaf
To Love What Is Mortal by treemaidengeek (T, 22k, LanLan (Song Lan/Lan Xichen), Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, Fluff and Angst, Healing, background WangXian, Hurt/Comfort) prequels are short and lovely but not necessary
6. for itmf, do you have any fics where lwj KNOWS like feels in his soul when wwx dies, or when he comes back to life? or where wwx just knows that lsz is a-yuan? i would really love to read something like that. could be soulmate au or not (or could even be helped by something like the forrest gump fic where jyl has talismans to know if her loved ones die). much thanks!!
7. i'm really in the mood for qiren being a good uncle to both his nephews AND wwx 🥺 what are your favourite good uncle lqr fics?
🧡Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 370k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
🧡All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX)
The Trouble with Espionage: A Treatise on the Role of Wit in Matchmaking by Grandmaster Lan Qiren by stiltonbasket (G, 9k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Matchmaking, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Good uncle LQR, Happy Ending)
Variations on WWX & LQR in Assorted Keys Series by nirejseki (T, 45k, WIP, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Post-Canon, Bonding, Age Regression/De-aging, Time Travel, Hurt/Comfort, Series of disconnected fics)
🧡CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
Hope Series by RoseThorne (G/T, 51k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Memory loss, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Good Aunt YZY, Arranged marriage, Butterfly effect)
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 40k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU)
Joy In the Midst of These Things Series by Glitterbombshell (G/T, 52k, WIP, WangXian, Post-Canon, Baby Juniors, Hurt/Comfort, Light angst, Happy ending, Fluff) LQR doesn't start out great but he learns and grows and it's beautiful
Deeper Seasons by Piecrust (G, 8k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, basically LQR being nice to WWX)
The Best Gift by Lan_Wangjoe (E, 45k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mistaken Identity, Secret Marriage, Didn't know they were dating, Idiots in Love, Genius WWX, Good uncle LQR, Good parents JFM & YZY)
Get it right (this time) by AmiraAlzilu (M, 44k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a happy ending, Suicidal thoughts, Getting Together, Not Jiang Family Friendly) newest chapter has good uncle lqr. It’s a time travel fix-it
8. hi! for the next im in the mood for, is there any fics where lwj is like a damsel in distress? i just think he should let the fearsome yilling laozu save him sometimes. thank u <3
How to piss off the Yiling Laozu in one simple step! by Eicas (T, 3k, WangXian, Kidnapping, Canon Divergence, Hurt LWJ, YL WWX, Pre-Relationship)
The Nie Sect Discussion Conference That No One, Ever, Will Discuss Again. by mondengel (Not Rated, 1k, WangXian, Humor) I know it's not exactly the "damsal in distress" that the person intended but I reckon it's still a fun read that fills the category 😄
silk threads and precious metal by Sevidri (M, 4k, wangxian, canon-typical violence, sunshot campaign, blood & injury, hurt LWJ, non-consensual ribbon touching)
too much love will kill you by retts (T, 3k, wangxian, modern, mafia au, kidnapping, fluff, crack)
agape, please don't dissipate by junekiss (M, 7k, wangxian, post-canon, getting together, LWJ whump, kidnapping, getting together, first kiss, hurt/comfort, BAMF WWX, protective WWX)
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic, Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt, economics, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire)
green flame, black flute, red ribbon by Fleetling (T, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon,Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, BAMF WWX)
mission report by bosbie (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, superhero AU, Fluff, Humor, Getting Together, First Meetings, Falling in love, Spanish Translation)
9. hello! im in the mood for modern au fics where wangxian go and do their own thing? they leave their families and go live their life somewhere else? if they meet their families later could happen but anything with them just leaving is nice. thanks <3
peacemaker no more by thelastdboy (G, 6k, JYL & WWX & JC, Jiangs & WWX, JYL & Wen  remnants, JYL & WQ, wangxian, modern, no powers au, chronic illness, JYL pov, not JC friendly, mental health issues)
moonlight falls Series by RoseThorne (T, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Corporate Espionage, Family Fluff, Adoption, Bad parent LQR)
10. Hi! For the next “in the mood for”, do you have any fics that touch on Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling being slightly jealous of the other? Similar to what happens in Not Yet (There As Needed) and Twelve Moons and a Fortnight where Lan Sizhui tries not to make Jin Ling jealous of the time he spends with Wei Ying. Please no ducklings dating, though! Thank you! 💗
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL) has LSZ being jealous of JL for his closeness to WWX
11. Thank you to all the mods for all your hard work! Much love and appreciation to you. In the next ITMF segment, could you recommend some stories where WWX gets either gaslighted/blackmailed/or outright forced into taking the fall for something someone else did? Thank you very much!
🧡Life as a House by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Therapy, Angst with a happy ending)
12. Hello mods, hope you're doing good ❤️ can I have fics from Lan Zhan's pov from when he first listens to Wei Ying playing wangxian after reviving? I know it's a bit specific and it might be hard to find but it's worth it a try, please and thank you @akutamichan
A Dream of Lightness by wangwxian (lumisarts) (T, 5k, wangxian, canon compliant, LWJ pov, grief/mourning, introspection)
end, begin (and the spaces in between) by aureations (M, 1k, wangxian, experimental style, LWJ pov, canon compliant, fluff & angst, introspection)
lost and found by lofikv (G, 2k, wangxian, canon compliant, LWJ pov, angst, pining, introspection, dafan mountain)
13. Is there any fics where lwj fucks around, but never fuck wwx cuz he think that wwx is straight but actually no. Lil bit misunderstanding. But with happy ending. Thanks Mods!!!!
everything you are, i'm wanting by daltoneering (E, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, Identity Porn, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, masked sex, Porn With Plot, the plot is lan wangji's emotions, lan zhan FUCKS, Light Angst, Mentions of lwj/others)
Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor, lan zhan FUCKS, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, modern diaspora au) (its not fucking but kissing tho)
kiss me more (we got nothing to lose) by xeansiao (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Mutual Pining, Couch Sex, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends)
I Wish You Would by brooklinegirl (E, 51k, WangXian, Modern AU, lan zhan FUCKS, jerking off, so much jerking off, wangxian/others, but OTP endgame, "straight" boy wei ying)
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (E, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, lan zhan FUCKS, Fluff and Smut, Experienced LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking)
14. Hi! For the next in the mood for post, I've been really craving modern au fics in which Mo Xuanyu has had a shit time in foster care/on the streets and get taken in by people who will treat him better. (Doesn't HAVE to be Wangxian but wwx is SO GOOD for this...) I want so many fics with this premise and I'm finding so few!
Winter Lights by Sweetlittlevampire, 3rd in series (T, 14k, wangxian, established relationship, domestic fluff, found family, child abuse, homophobia, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending)
15. do you have any reccs where lan wangji (verbally or physically) defends wei wuxian in front of the lans or the jiangs? thank you for your hard work! @yourancestorsarefrowning​
standing by you; holding on by Anonymous (T, 8k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged marriage, No War AU, Hurt/Comfort, Cloud Recesses study Era) has lwj defending wwx from mme yu?
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
Thank you to everyone who sent in fic recs~
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atlasshrugd · 2 years
Hii. I've followed your blog for a while and love how friendly you seem :) I really love KPTS so far and all the actors, loved reading the fanfic, the cast interviews, MileApos cuteness etc but with the negativity aimed at Mile since he was seen maybe with a gf, idk I just feel bad for Mile and it's made me feel a bit 😔 for this week's episode. Maybe honestly part of the sexiness appeal of MileApo and their chemistry was that we hoped they fancied in each other in real life 🤦‍♀️ obviously we aren't owed anything, but do you think after reading negativity, it's easy to get your mojo back into the series?
Hi there! Thank you for sticking with me til now! <3 (and thank u for this question!)
Tbh, I don't give much time or energy to any negativity. It's all just people's stories/narratives they create and waste energy over it. My advice is don't believe everything you hear/see and conserve your energy for more important things (and for the weekly eps!). The more attention we give it the more distorted, blown out of proportion it gets and it lasts way longer than necessary. So just ignore it and don't follow blogs that go crazy being dramatic and speculating every little thing. If we ignore it, it will just disappear eventually.
I must say I'm disappointed with people's reactions to Mile potentially having a gf. It's a lot more engrained in the culture of media consumption and fandom than just telling ppl 'they don't owe us anything.' It's a parasocial dependency and lack of emotional intelligence that makes people act this way. Yes, they don't owe us anything. But I find it scarily weird how, despite knowing that, ppl expect things from the actors' personal lives. At the end of the day, they are doing a job like everyone else. It stops being about maintaining your bubble of romanticism and starts being about feeling like you can dictate other people's lives/choices, and then threatening them when they don't comply. Who are you to try and take away someone's freedom?
I don't want to hear any rebuttals about this if it hurts someone’s feelings. Frankly, your personal feelings are irrelevant in this situation. Sure, feel disappointed, but don't harass people or spread that negativity to others. If it disappoints you to the point where you can't find any enjoyment watching the episodes, then I am sorry to say that that is on you and you are better off not watching the show (or any show) — if you cannot understand basic media literacy; that actors are not their characters.
Of course, there is a certain appeal fantasizing about actors irl, especially when their chemistry is off the charts like mileapo's — but that desire should never overpower basic human kindness and respect. We can have fun being delulu's and making jokes in the safe space of our blogs (I do that too) if it harms nobody and you aren't imposing your opinions on them/others. But that's it. Respect and support the actors as human beings, not tools for your imagination.
Anyway, I'm sure others have said it much better than me and have gone into this in far more depth, but this is all I can say without writing an entire essay. Thank you, anon, for this question! I hope this helped or informed someone.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1. hello!!!!!! i hope things are going great for you hehe do you (anyone) happen to know the fic where the lan elders compare LXC's potential spouse to wwx and they say that wwx is the superior lan spouse; also that fic where the lan ribbon can only be removed by their spouse???? and there's a scene where WWX asks LWJ if they are really married and lwj asked him to remove his ribbon and at that moment jc and lxc came  THANK U!!!!!
1b. FOUND!  by @sul-ivanko:   the world passes by but for me there is only you by beeswaxing (M, 83k, wangxian, my post)
2. Hi! I cant find that fic again but it was about wwx taking a-yuan to shop in yiling and people mistook him as a single mother :D Thank you for running this blog!!
FOUND! by @dawnonfireinferno who says it’s Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, wangxian)
3.  Hello! I was wondering if you could please help me find a fic. It is not Wangxian, it is Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng- wwx ended up in the hospital, and wq is his doctor, and that is how she and jc meet. Jc and wq end up going back to her apartment, and it turns out jc is part of the mafia or something, but wq had already figured that out and accepted it. He has a zidian tattoo, and also wq drives a specific car (I forget the make and model) bc ‘it makes her feel tall’. That is all I remember, and I really hope it can be found. I thought I had put it in my bookmarks, but when I went to reread it, I couldn’t find it. Thank you!!! :) ~ @subtlybrilliant
4.  Hello! I wanted to ask if you know fic something like : when wwx came back to life in Mo village lwj on that day lost lan sizhui, he died on the night hunt. It's extremely sad but I still want to read it, but can't find on ao3.. Thanks! You are the best ❤️ ~ @lovingcupcake
FOUND!  by @mondengel, our resident angst expert:  You're So Wonderful To Think About (But So Hard To Live Without) by psychoinnocent (T, 3k, wangxian)
5.  hi! do you any post canon case fic where wangxian go on in a night hunt with the juniors but lan wangji gets severely injured & cursed which damages his golden core & he almost dies, there are mentions of wwx giving his (mxy's) core away to lwj to save him but at the end jiang cheng saves lwj, i cant find the fic anymore :(
FOUND? Could you be looking for Like A Light Gone Out by OnlyMeAndMyBones (T, 100k, wangxian)?
6.  Hello. First off, thanks for the fic recs. You do an amazing job.  [Thank you!]  I wanted help finding a fic I literally just read. I think I skipped to the latest chapter while browsing, so I have no idea about title or tags.
In the latest chapter set after Qiongqi path, WWX recovers at LP with LWJ, designs a talisman to track hundred holes curse, JC finds out about golden core transfer, NMJ/LXC/JC/LWJ/WWX overhear JGY and SS scheming so at Koi Tower and apprehend them but I can't remember if this was during wedding or one month celebration. Also WQ was at LP, too. And and and...WWX purifies resentful energy in his dantian and makes a new core i.e. he discovers a new cultivation path.  Please help 🥺🥺
FOUND!    three surgeries and a mercy kill by MarbleGlove (T, 11k, eventual wangxian, series in progress, my bookmark)
FOUND    the breaking of your soul (upon my lips) by sunsandships (M, 41k, wangxian, my bookmark)
7.  mojo, i'm almost certain i haven't seen this on the blog (i have searched and found many new fics to mark for later , thank you for all you do!) so here is a fic finder for the masses. has anyone heard of a work where jin zixuan died but then there was no pledge conference to kill wwx after because lxc refused to risk his sect against him?
FOUND!  black milk of daybreak, drunk at sundown by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, wangxian) -  @airmidcelt adds it’s lxc focused, ignore the summary.
8.  Hi! Firstly, I really love your blog! It has really kept my mood up for months ^^  [I’m so glad!]  Second thing, I'm looking for a fic. I remember it having JC storming to Cloud Recesses after getting an invitation to wangxian wedding and stopping it because no negotiations/permission. It also had LXC being very sure they'd end up staying in CR but then WWX was so happy at Lotus Pier that LWJ & him ended up staying there. ~ @ladyunderthemolehill  [Oh, I feel like I recently read this one, grr!] 
FOUND!  by @gingermenace:  Utterly Inevitable by sami (M, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
9.  Hello Momjo!! I was looking for a fic the other day and I JUST CANT FIND IT. The basic premise was that WWX and LWJ are police detectives and they have a bet to see who can catch the most criminals in one month, the loser has to grant one thing to the winner. WWX wins and makes LWJ go on a date with him. The problem is, I found a fic that is like this (almost exactly), but isn’t. I think that the main differences were that in the one I’m looking for, it’s like 5 minutes to when the clock will end and LWJ is one higher than WWX but at the last minute WWX brings in like 10 criminals whereas in the one that I found (which isn’t the one I’m looking for) they both got a call at the same time and apprehended criminals at two different locations and WWX happened to catch one more. The other main difference was that in the one I was looking for WWX is trying to create the perfect date and he thinks that it’ll be torture for LWJ bc he’s doing it with WWX whereas in the one I found, the main idea was to make it ridiculous/humiliating. The last bit that I can remember in the one I was looking for is that WWX got hurt (majorly, like, shot or something) once and when he was in the ambulance LWJ confessed to him and WWX kept saying ‘go away’ and when WWX got better he didn’t mention it and everyone assumed that it was bc he didn’t want to think about it but he just didn’t remember it happened and so when he planned the date everyone kinda thought that WWX was being really mean bc he was showing LWJ what he couldn’t have but in fact he didn’t remember. Sorry for the super long rant. Happy Mother’s Day!! [Lol, thank you!  Also, what was the one you DID find? - 99th precinct]  ~ @amberowl123
FOUND!  @huans thinks this could be either of these:
99th precinct by bichen (T, 4k, wangxian)
critical path analysis by chinxe (T, 14k, wangxian, my post) - which @akyra-talanoa enthusiastically seconds!
10.  Hi! I'm looking for a fic, with Wangxian and Xicheng in which Jiang Cheng sends to Cloud Recess like a proposition for a dowry (kinda but with the correct Chinese terms), because he still considers WWX to be a member of the Jiang sect. So LQR and LWJ and Lan Xicheng are forced to go with the proper courting rituals. And it ends with WWX and LWJ living in LP as Jiang disciples, WWX and JC solve their problems via alcohol induces talking, and it also ends with Xicheng getting married and Xichen being married into the Jiang sect.  Thanks!!
FOUND!  @huans suggests Horizon by jupiter_james (E, 35k, xicheng, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @gingermenace:  Utterly Inevitable by sami (M, 20k, xicheng, wangxian)
11.  Hello wonderful mojo! Thank you so much for the amazing recs you bring us. My bookmarks overfloweth thanks to you. [Aww, you’re welcome!]  I have a fic finder request. I'm afraid I don't remember much, the main thing stuck in my head is jgy musing/realizing that lxc's 'dragon scale' (i.e. you touch you trigger rage) is lwj during a Jin assault on Cloud Recesses. I know it was a wangxian fic & think wx were married or at least together by the time of the assault. Plz help, it's been driving me nuts.
FOUND!  by @ladyunderthemolehill who says you want Ch. 3 in From the Future for the Past by friedchickenlord (G, 37k, wangxian)
12.  Hello, can you help me find a fic? It’s about lan wangji and wei wuxian raised baby jin ling when they found out that he was not safe in koi tower. Thank you
FOUND!  by @mythopoeticlicense who gives us Happy in these hills by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 4k, wangxian)
13.  hi! i’m looking for a fic where wwx gets drugged at a club/bar (?) and he goes to the bathroom and tries calling lwj for help, but at that time lwj and lxc are having dinner with lqr and phones aren’t allowed so lwj can’t look at his phone. but when lxc finally sees that wwx calls him, lxc goes away and answers. finally lxc gets lwj and they go to wwx and help him out. i had just read it recently and i think i forgot to bookmark it DX thx for the help!
FOUND! by @cerisea-a:  Please Let Me Take Care of You by KayCeeBabe (G, 9k, wangxian)
14.  Hi! I love your blog so much it’s great for finding new fics to read. [Hooray!]  I was hoping you could help me out next time you do a fic finder post. I can only remember one scene of it where wwx tried to bring a-yuan with him to jin lings ceremony and jzx didn’t die and he took a-yuan back to koi tower with him (maybe as a hostage?) but made wwx go back to the burial mounds. And I remember later a-yuan found lwj at the ceremony ~ @keptin--kirk
FOUND!  by @oohahhsparkly who believes you want To Ride A Stygian Tiger by Madyamisam (M, 52k, wangxian, WIP)
15.  Hi mojo thanks for the work u do for the fandom.  [You’re welcome!]  so i was searching for this fic in which everyone is alive and only wwx dies and lwj and jc have a good relationship and lwj doesn't gets whipped and the wens live in lotus prier its a multichapter fic thank you ~ @alec-karnika
FOUND!  @tora42 suggests A Bell That Tells Us to Rise and Fight by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (T, 121k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Hi Mojo! first of all you are a god send to this fandom and I honestly don’t know how I survived without this blog and now I don’t think i could ever go back to living without it. You’re doing such good work 🥺🥺I don’t know if you can help, but I need help finding this fic. Basically instead of it being a joke, Wei Wuxian quite literally raised A-Yuan from the ground. He was magical flower baby that WWX grew with magic. I remember it being in Jiang Cheng’s POV as WWX snuck around and eventually got to meet his plant baby nephew
FOUND!  by @oohahhsparkly who gives us:  reach WITH IN to your local dirt and you will find a Son and Boy by Faiz (T, 3k, wangxian)
17.  dear mojo, first I have been following your tumblr for a couple of weeks, and its been wonderful! Even though i diligently browsing every day through ao3, thanks to you, i am always able to find new/old additional untamed fics to enjoy!
i have been meant to ask for a fic search a while now, but never got around somehow: I am looking for a fic, that for the damn of hell, cannot find, no matter how many of my own bookmarks or arranged marriage tags and collections i have been raiding, it frustrates me to no end. I only remember this particular scene , and i dont know whether its been a long fic, a WIP, a finished story, or a short story. nothing, i am totally empty except this one scene:
LZ and WWX were running outside at cloud recesses and are totally happy and are showing it. They are seen by the other disciples , who then proceed to run to grandmaster LQR and screaming and asking for being given an arranged marriage as well, coz they see how happy our couple are.
for hell, i cant remember, if its been a time travel fic, or if for whatever reason, the other disciples all thought, that LZ and WWX were in an arranged marriage. whether its been arranged by JF or Madame Yu, or LQR, i just dont know. I just remember , it was so cute, seeing the other disciples being envious and asking for an arranged marriage, because normally well in most fics, that is depicted as undesirable (see Zixuan and JLY...)
maybe you know this one, or can post my search in the next roundof fic enquiries?
Thanks a million! ~ @enderwiggin24
FOUND!  by @moku-youbi who thinks it might be ❤️in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, wangxian, my post)
18.  Thank you so much for all the fic recs, you're amazing! I have a lost fic for a fic finder whenever you get to it. It was a fic where Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian ran into each other on a nighthunt in Qishan after the Sunshot Campaign but before the Phoenix Mountain Hunt. They fought some kind of monster (I think it was toad shaped?) and defeated it, but WWX was poisoned and LWJ had to get him to safety, but WWX was delirious and spilled lots of his secrets while LWJ listened with growing horror.
FOUND!  golden as they come (but he's bleeding out) by Shializaro (T, 14k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  My ipad reset my umpteen tabs, so I lost a story. Can you help me find it even if it was LXC-centered? It was post-canon, LXC was coming out of seclusion, trying to make amends. He sees a sect member sweeping paths, she's a sex worker's kid they took in as outer disciple, how tragic that she cannot marry a Lan b/c her father is an unknown Lan. He tries to suggest her as possible wife to JC, but JC is all: in YMJ we don't practice 'separate but equal', we allow orphans to become full members.  ~ @kitsileya
FOUND!  by @gingermenace who says this scene is in the third work of Finding Balance Once More by MarbleGlove (T, 26k, wangxian, 4 works)
20.  hi there! I was suddenly reminded of this fic that I can’t seem to remember that title 😭 It’s an arranged marriage au in modern setting and wangxian both think that the other is unhappy about the arrangement. Some point near the end Wei Ying leaves the Lan mansion and Lan Zhan finds him in some sort of an abandoned building? I think there were also some dogs there too and Wei Ying got hurt before Lan Zhan managed to find him
FOUND! by @nabongies:  Home is Where the Heart is by Alipeeps (G, 10k, wangxian)
21.  I love your blog and it’s caused me to find so many new fics!!! Do you or any of your followers know of a story where Wei Ying marries into the lan sect and is treated badly. He’s married to lan zhan, who at first doesn’t like him but over time grows to care for him and realizes how bad he is being treated. However, Wei Ying slowly gives up on ever having a happy and loving marriage because of how Lan zhan acted in the beginning. The main thing I remember is that Xichen was the only one in the lan sect that was nice to Wei Ying from the start and when lan zhan confronts Wei Ying about it, Wei Ying thinks he’s accusing him of cheating and threatening to have him punished for it.
FOUND?  Perhaps you are thinking of ❤️As It Should Be by kuro (M, 37k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND! @yes-no-maybe-kinda-sorta AND @the-last-d-boy say this one is:  To Bring You Back Within My Reach by ablaiseofglory (M, 21k, wangxian)
22.  Hi mojo! I’m looking for this fic, it’s a modern au where lwj and Wei wuxian went on a field trip (or something) in the cloud recesses. I remember there was a plot point where wwx invited lwj to visit him in New York for his sister’s engagement/wedding party. Also, wwx gave lwj some presents for his graduation (I think, it might have been his birthday) that included a choker necklace and a shirt or smth? I’ve been looking for it forever, and I’m sorry if you’ve already done something on this and I missed it and am being an inconvenience. Please help!!
FOUND!  by @huans and nonny:  you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 133k, wangxian)
23.  Hii ! I once read an angsty fic from Jiang Cheng's POV on how he reacts to WWX's suicide ... he realizes he wants his brother back and stuff and it really hurt my heart haha .. but I can't find it anywhere .. could you help ?
FOUND?  @whereisyourcahier believes you’d enjoy sing to the clouds in summer by stiltonbasket (G, 27k, jiang cheng & wei wuxian) even if it’s not exactly the one you’re looking for.
24.  Hello! Thank you for all you do! I am looking for two fics: 1: LWJ is a a homeowner and single parent WWX moves in next door after renting a house. LWJ acts like a total Karen about WWX's unmowed lawn (and his parenting at one point) until WQ comes along and viciously laces into his judgemental ass for it. 2. Is one where professor LWJ finds out that college student WWX has been sleeping in his office and offers to put him up at his own home.. WWX decides to thank his professor very enthusiastically. Thank you in advance!
1.  FOUND! by @the-last-d-boy:  Nuisance Next Door by Unforth (M, 5k, wangxian)
2.  FOUND! by @huans who says:  xx young teacher fucks sexy bratty homeless high-schooler xx by sweetlolixo (E, 6k, wangxian)
25.  hey mojo! thanks for all you do! i'm looking for a modern cultivators fic, where canon kinda took place in modern world, and it starts off after the 16 years. wwx lives in america w/ wen qing, mianmian, and lsz. lwj comes to the us for... something? and finds wwx. i can't really remember plot except for the fact that lwj smoked weed with wwx lmao thanks so much!!! ~ @taeil420
FOUND!  by @cerisea-a who gives us there is no shortage of blood by howodd5ever (M, 133k, wangxian)
[My ko-fi.]
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
I’m back! (And other blog announcements)
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Heyo everyone! Guess who’s back from Hiatus? This girl!
Thank you everyone for your patience with me! The break was much needed, and I feel refreshed and excited to get back into writing again!
I also have announcements regarding the blog beneath the cut, but in short:
- Requests and Commissions are OPEN! (Headcanons are still closed until I can knock out the ones I have left. Thank you for your patience!) I also have some updates regarding sentence starters and headcanons below the cut!
- The Fandom list has been updated! Please check it out if you're interested! (More details about it under the cut)
- I’ll be doing some masterlist reconstruction for the blog, but I’ll try to keep spamming to a minimum and only really update it on the weekends :D
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited to be back!
Requests, Sentence Starters, and Headcanons
Hi hello! So as seen above, Fic requests and commissions are open! I’ve admittedly been a bit bold and worked on some fics while I was on break once I got my writing mojo back (I couldn’t help it they were so fun!) So now I only have 3 requests remaining, thus I’m opening them back up!
As for sentence starters, I’m gonna try to get them back up and running by June 1st. With that said, I unfortunately had to size down some of the sentence starters due to lack of interest or burn out regarding the fandom. I’m gonna put the ones I ultimately decided to reject down below: I’m really sorry I couldn’t fill these for you friends!
- Black and Lact-Two: “You have to learn how to have fun!”
- Hau and Lillie: I forgot what the sentence starter was. My apologies!
- Adaman and Mai: “For such a fearless leader, you sure are ticklish!”
- Lee!Gyomei, Lers!Ten-Ren: “You look so adorable when you smile!”
- Platonic!Nurse Joy x Reader: “Laughter is the best medicine!”
Regarding headcanons: I’m gonna do my best to fill them but if I ultimately decide not to, I’ll be sure to let you know! Thank you for understanding!
Guess who got into new anime recently? I’ve done it- I have given into the power of Spy x Family and fallen head over heels for the show! It’s absolutely adorable and hilarious and I highly recommend it if your looking for something funny and heartfelt! 
I also recently got into Kaguya-Sama: Love is War! Another fantastic anime if your looking for a laugh! I’m only on episode 10 (?) So it might be a hot minute before I can start writing for the fandom, but I’m excited nonetheless!
As for fandoms I’m taking a break from, I will NOT be taking any Pokemon requests (For now). I’m not entirely out of the fandom, but after so many fics and headcanons, I’m officially burnt out! Maybe in time I’ll get back into it, but for now I am in need of a long break from the series. Thank you for understanding!
Also I’ve fallen in love with Komi Can’t Communicate! I’m not sure if I’m going to add it to the fandoms list just yet- for now I’m just enjoying the series (and relating to Komi hardcore-I’ve never seen a character with my exact social anxiety situation before, so this hit like a truck in the feels). Still, I might eventually add it!
Masterlist Reconstruction
This is just a heads up if things look a little wanky soon regarding my masterlist I’m trying out dividing the fandoms up by series instead of putting them all together (Or at least alphabetizing them.) If you have any suggestions on how you’d like to see the masterlist, please let me know!
I think that’s it! Thank you everyone once again, and I hope you all have an amazing rest of May/June!
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Here’s the final part of the “Raph is a system” theory compilation post! It’s the last of what I can scrape up from canon; while I still have ideas on how it might loop back into character interactions and plot and so on, they’re much more speculative in nature. (Part 1 is here) (Part 2 is here) (You’re reading Part 3)
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"Red” is the alter with the least screen time, so it took a while for me to connect the dots on when and why he formed.
His shadowed face, the dramatic background music when he speaks, and his seriousness are reminiscent of the “brooding on rooftops in the rain while gloomily staring off into the distance” thing that Raphs throughout the franchise will do sometimes. That’s easy to poke fun at on a superficial level because most of us look back on our edgy phases with self-deprecation, but it’s a lot less funny in the context of the life he lives. Being a normal human teenager in normal human society is a fucking nightmare; being a mutant teenager who has no idea what to expect in terms of development or lifespan, only five people he can safely interact with ever, and a very limited future hiding from everyone else for as long as he lives has got to be just awful.
RR’s few lines in “Pizza Puffs” tell us a lot. “It’s the only way they’ll learn” and “this is for their own good” suggest that he formed when the turtles started exploring more of the sewers and going aboveground, and Being The Leader became more of a responsibility. A thousand new ways for them to get in trouble meant a thousand new ways Raph would have to bail them out, and that got old fast- especially since they didn’t have April’s knowledge to help them in the beginning. I doubt they met her the very first time they left the sewers. The wiki says April knew the boys for five years as of “Mystic Mayhem”, so they would have been nearly eight at the time, perhaps the mental equivalent of a ten- or eleven-year-old human.
A while back I sifted through all the eps with Raph in them in the vague hopes that “Pizza Puffs” wasn’t the only episode featuring RR... and lo and behold, I found something! The shadowed face and dramatic background music are also present in “Minotaur Maze”!
“I can’t do it. I got no mystic mojo. I’m useless.”
“Hey, that’s not true, brother. You just gotta believe in yourself, and know this: If I die in this maze, I will haunt you for the rest of your life.”
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(I know that’s only two data points, but y’all canonically cannot scoff at me.) RR shows up when HR is no longer able to tolerate the bullshit at hand. “I’m not going to baby you Leo, get your shit together before your ego kills us all” was a reasonable response to nearly being shish-kebab’d.
“Pizza Puffs”, on the other hand... LDM pulled through in the end, but that RR got HR to stay behind added an unnecessary level of risk. Getting his brothers to learn a lesson should have waited until after the giant mutant cannibal had been dealt with and they were no longer poisoned.
This hands-off “figure it out on your own” approach probably came from Splinter. I swear to Pizza Supreme In The Sky I’m not trying to shit-talk him, but his lack of involvement with his sons was a major flaw. Before all that character development he was terrible at things like “emotional support” and “life lessons”, leaving Raph without the blueprints to deal with a lot of problems. HR would respond by rushing in and figuring things out as he went, but sometimes RR would have to say “No, we’re maxed out and can’t deal with this, we’ve gotta step back”. As we’ve seen in other iterations, when Raph is maxed out and doesn’t step back...
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...he goes too far. Plenty of folks have commented on how rarely the Rise turtles smack each other around compared to other versions; it’s telling that RR spoke up just a moment after HR smacked Mikey in “Pizza Puffs”.
Raph is much bigger and stronger than his brothers this time around, meaning such an outburst would have a much higher risk of Genuine Grievous Injury. And while his size and strength also mean a measure of gentleness has been baked into him since day one, there would still be times HR would feel himself boiling over and RR would head off somewhere quiet for fear of the above situation; which was potentially alluded to in “Hot Soup: The Game”.
“You went out on your own when you were his age.”
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The context of “Man vs. Sewer” suggests Raph isn’t going to go off on his own without very good reason- such as cooling down before he does something he regrets. That this detail shows up in Casey’s debut episode suggests it is how they will properly meet and bond, since befriending Casey and doing vigilante shit with him is what usually gives Raph a way to blow off steam while having someone nearby to keep him in check. But that probably won’t happen until partway through season 3, since I doubt we can cram the rest of Casey’s redemption arc into the movie alongside the invasion and time travel trauma shenanigans and leader drama. So in the meantime RR will continue to brood on rooftops in bad weather and listen to Ephemerality songs and monologue to himself because he knows nobody’s going to hear him over the incessant background noise that makes up the cities above and below.
I was a bit stumped about how that meeting would take place- the events of the finale (and possibly also the movie) would no doubt have both the human and yokai populations on high alert, making it dangerous for RR to slip away for some peace and quiet. But the events of the finale also gave us some insight on Raph’s powers; he has a way to leave without actually leaving!
Hardlight Clone Jutsu, baby!
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So whenever HR finds himself in a particularly sour mood, a wisp of power winds its way up through the open-air portion of the lair and forms into a clone aboveground. HR doesn’t have to leave for a while to cool down before coming back and dealing with the situation calmly, because RR is already on a rooftop somewhere dissipating those bad feelings by listening to the rain and/or yeeting trash cans.
But mutants can’t freely walk the streets of New York, and the Hidden City Police probably still have it out for Raph. And someone, hero or villain, will eventually realize that Raph has a gloomy stray clone running around and ask questions that can’t be answered without cracking open the can of worms that is This Whole Situation. RR needs to get creative. That we’ve seen clones have both full color and the basic red/white palette suggests their color could be altered in other ways; and that the holo-form grew extra arms in the lair fight vs. the Shredder suggests their shape could also be changed further.
So what will he choose to look like, if not his body?
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Obviously he’ll use a red and black color palette because it slaps, leaning more towards black since I compared him to Batman back in Part 1. A low-detail design makes it hard to identify him, giving onlookers the impression that they just couldn't see him well in the dark. Mentally filing down his spikes and decreasing the curve of his shell are easy enough, but it takes him a while to figure out five fingers instead of three, and there’s not much he can do about his voice other than lowering the pitch so he just opts to not talk much within earshot of others. A cape further disguises his silhouette and again, it slaps. The impression of a mask means he doesn’t need a face and it lets peoples’ assumptions work for him. Humans are more likely to think he’s human than a Very Human-Shaped Mutant, and yokai come in so many shapes as is that he could be anything from a witch to a dehydrated googlyschmootz.
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(You know how it is with franchises. Old patterns repeating in new ways.)
New York City never sleeps, and I doubt the Hidden City does either. He’ll run into Casey eventually, but in the interim he stumbles across and intervenes in some attempted purse-snatchings and kidnappings and the like. Most of the would-be victims use his arrival as their chance to escape, but one of them is too frozen with fear to move until their attackers are chased off into the dark. He escorts them home, and it’s only once they’re at their doorstep that they work up the courage to ask him who he is.
It’s... a difficult question, in more ways than one. “Raph” is out of the question. “Red” isn’t quite right, and neither is “Angel”- they’re a tad too identifying still, and the R.A.P.H. thing was HR’s idea anyway. So he shrugs, and melts away into the shadows.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m Nobody.”
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cassiecasyl · 4 years
don’t bother looking down (we’re not going that way)
My fic for Day 1 of @starrynightdeancas‘s 2k follower celebration! Congrats, Sophie!!!! <3 
prompts: 2k follower celebration Day 1: Beach + Suptober 2020 Day 17 “Autumn Invading”  ship: destiel  read on ao3 
Cold wind swirled through the trees’s crowns, ruffling their hair and taking some leaves. They rose in momentary cheer, dancing and spinning through the air, but eventually, they all fell down. Soon enough, grey feathers joined them on the dancefloor, adding a contrast to chaos of mostly red and orange. 
Castiel rustled his wings to get more into the mix, hoping the wonder of their play would spark some emotion. A sad smile adorned his features, slowly dying. He didn’t feel it. Ever since he regained his grace, he missed those little things that made him him. It was numbed to humanity, trapped under the freezing power of his mojo. 
A feather took a red leaf as its partner and they circled each other as they danced, always reaching out yet never quite touching. It would be heart-breaking to watch, if Castiel still needed his empty vessel’s heart. The plume was the first to fall, ashes from a fire, never to be the same again. The angel felt a tinge in his heart, still humanly beating. The leaf rose once more in an angry outcry before crumbling to the floor. 
Castiel looked away, out onto the water that was nibbling at the little sliver of sand that’s barely a beach anymore. He had neglected to realize that this strange melancholy was a feeling in of itself, something to lead him home. His smile awoke a little. 
Dean had taken the case in the nearby town because of its proximity to the coastline. They’d never been at the beach, he said in rare excitement. It was almost addicting to see Dean this happy. He deserved it. Cas looked up as the sun waved its goodbye in the background, painting the sky in blazing colors. He smiled as his eyes found a hunch of green in it. Dean. 
The sun’s rays screamed wordlessly like the arms overblown by the most peculiar soul he’s ever encountered, and Castiel laced his fingers into theirs, pulling them away from hellfire, holding them tightly as they fled and flew, and he was filled with something new. The angel had screamed it out, the warmth too grand to be kept inside. 
Dean Winchester is saved. The words still rang on his tongue after all these years. It was the one thing he would never regret. The warmth it had spawned within him melted the effects of his icy grace, burning him with something that was so inherently human. His eyes could’ve spilled warm sparks rather than light blue ones as the first stars greeted him.
Dean. The human to break through heavenly control and wreck his already cracked reputation. Dean. The righteous man filled with so much love, but it came out in anger, guilt, rejected sadness. Dean. Happiness crawled up Cas’s cheeks, an uncommon sight. Dean, he thought, unspoken words heavy on his tongue. 
I love you. 
At the same time as the waves attacked a nearby bolder, a branch cracked behind him. Castiel turned around, muscles tense and blade ready to drop if needed. His eyes darkened as he checked the nearby trees. Only when he recognized a familiar silhouette did he relax. 
“Cas?” Dean asked, stepping closer. “What are you doing here?”
Cas shrugged and gazed back at the sea. “Watching the sunset,” he replied. The sky’s last flames caught in Dean’s eyes, and the angel couldn’t help but stare and admire how much more beautiful the firmament would be if it were green instead of blue. 
“You just up and disappeared, man.” A nervous chuckle failed at concealing his concern. “I was worried,” Dean admitted. 
“I…,” Cas started, “I just needed some time to think.” 
Dean measured him in a glare that only softened as their eyes met. “Are you alright?”
Cas returned his stare and considered his answer. The sun had risen again in front of him, and he bathed in his warmth, letting hesitant emotion be his guiding light. Wanting to take it all in, he stepped closer, almost reaching out to touch him - Cas, we’ve talked about this - and Dean remained still throughout all of it. Then, in a heartbeat, he looked down, the lively green suddenly hidden. The fire latched out at him, burning and scorching the angel with unbelievably human wounds. 
“I’m okay,” he confirmed, ignoring the way Dean had left countless scars all over him. Here, standing next to the human who was his downfall, he felt complete. I love you. 
“Good,” Dean answered with a lopsided grin and took off his shoes. Castiel questioned him by tilting his head. “Because now that we’re here, we’re not gonna leave without feeling the sand between our toes. Come on!” He ran the short distance to what was more of a sorry excuse for a beach and Cas followed, entranced. 
They buried their feet in the sand, leaving Castiel to wonder. The tiny rocks scraped at his skin, carrying dead cells away to their graves. Maybe, they’d begin a journey through the wide sea now that they were done serving his vessel. 
Next to him, Dean bowed down towards the water only to be surprised by an oncoming wave. He almost jumped away but was caught by the sand. Cas raised his eyebrows. “Cold?” he teased. Dean retaliated by splashing water his way. 
Cas slowly let his hand wander to Dean, who was shivering, hoping to provide some warmth. “We should go back,” he said. “You’re gonna catch a cold.” 
Dean shook his head without looking at him. “I’ve got you. Let’s stay just a little longer.” He pleaded with a hopeful smile and Cas knew he was smitten. 
They sat under the stars, looking up at heroes, beasts and lovers long gone, but none of them were quite as star-crossed as they were. Cas carefully wrapped his arm around Dean, followed by his wings. Grace sparked on his fingertips, swirling out into the air to keep his love warm. For a while, all was well. 
Then, Dean shook Cas’s arm off his shoulder and it followed gravity, hanging down uselessly. Cold hurt washed off into numbness and Cas glanced at Dean out of the corner of his eyes. He was looking down, slightly shaking his head, forcefully leaning away from him. Castiel looked the opposite way as a flaming dagger twisted in his heart. He was back to being a star orbiting its sun, never quite sure whether it returned the favor, but doomed to one day collide. Whether it would leave them in dust or together as one, it was the way they were  bound to take. 
tag list (let me know if you wanna be added or removed!) 
@aniridescentdreamer @gnbrules @nightmare-in-plaid @luciferstempest
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saltnhalo · 5 years
written for @amirosebooks for my 2k follower giveaway <3
They’d known, in all their planning and their weighing of pros and cons, that there was a risk. Dean just… didn’t think it was a risk that they would actually have to worry about.
And yet here he is, standing at the entrance to the rift, a gun pointed at his head and a pair of very familiar hands holding that gun.
“What are you?” the man growls, and Dean cannot blame him for being wary. He would be too, if someone like him had showed up out of a glowing tear in the fabric of reality.
“I’m you,” he says simply, raising his hands to show that he is both unarmed and unafraid. “I’m from a different world. A different universe.”
The man just blinks at him. His gun doesn’t waver, and Dean can’t blame him—he wouldn’t buy that explanation if he was in his position, either. Just his luck that out of all the places the spell could’ve spat him out, it just fuckin’ happened to be right here, right next to the only person in any universe who’s just as wary and cautious as he is.
Other-Dean gestures with his gun towards the building to Dean’s right, and it’s not hard to interpret that message. If he resists, Dean’s going to become Swiss cheese quicker than he can say ‘don’t shoot,’ so his only real option is to comply.
He’s led inside, down a series of twisting corridors, and they end up in what Dean can pretty quickly identify as some sort of rudimentary panic room. Wherever they are, other-Dean and his people have only just started rigging this place for use, but they’ve still got strong cuffs and a whole range of shit to test him with.
As other-Dean presses metal against his skin, splashes him with holy water, tries everything he knows (Dean knows this because it’s his knowledge too) to prove that Dean isn’t who he says he is, Dean just steadily holds his gaze. Finally, finally, other-Dean seems to admit defeat.
“Fine,” he mutters, dragging up a chair opposite Dean’s and dropping into it. He leans forward, elbows resting on his thighs, and makes no move to take the cuffs off Dean. “You’re not anything that I can test for, which I hope means you’re not bullshittin’ me. I don’t feel like becoming a monster’s shish kebab tonight. So what the hell are you here for?”
Dean twists his lips up in a quick, bitter smile. Is he always this annoying when he’s interrogating people? Other-Dean looks a couple years younger than he is right now, that’s for sure. Hopefully that explains it. “I’m looking for Cas,” Dean tells him, already impatient to cut to the quick of all this. Every second here is a second he’s wasting. “Fucking idiot got zapped somewhere, so now it’s up to me to go find him, I guess, which is why I jumped over into your universe.”
He laughs, somewhat humorlessly. “Gotta say, it was a bit of a surprise coming face to face with myself, that’s for sure.”
Other-Dean smiles, quick and cold and with not a single shred of sincerity. “I can’t imagine,” he quips. “And c’mon, you expect me to believe that? Cas is a big boy, he can look after himself. Like you’d go running off after him just because he disappeared for a bit.”
Something about that sets off alarm bells in Dean’s head, but he can’t quite put his finger on why.
“I went after him because—“ he starts, but he never gets a chance to finish.
The door to the panic room opens, and in steps Castiel.
He should be the spitting image of the Castiel back in Dean’s universe, Dean’sCastiel, but… he’s not. He’s just different enough to be unsettling—no toaster iron burn on his knuckles, or little curl of hair behind his ears that he keeps simply because Dean thinks it looks cute.
Yes, he’s still Cas, but he’s not the right Cas.
Even though he’d mostly expected this, Dean’s heart still sinks.
And then Castiel makes his way over, standing stiffly beside other-Dean’s chair, and Dean realizes that that’s not the only thing different about this universe.
Fuck. He clenches his left hand into a fist and hides it between his knees—he knows himself, but he doesn’t know other-Dean, and both of those factors mean that it’s probably a very good idea to keep his wedding ring out of sight right now.
Because while he and Cas got over all their stupid hang-ups a long time ago in their own universe… it’s clear that these guys haven’t. Not yet, at least.  
Other-Dean looks up at Castiel, and the corners of his eyes soften, just for a second, as they share a look. Married or not, so much information passes between them in that moment. Is this what it looks like when I do that with Cas?Dean finds himself wondering.
And then other-Dean turns back towards him, and the moment is broken. “Because?” he prompts, eyebrows raised.
The sentence that Dean had been halfway through when Cas had walked in comes back to him all at once, and he mentally curses himself out as he scrambles to think of a believable lie. Somehow, he feels like ‘because he’s my husband’ might not be his quickest way out of this situation.
“Because he’s my best friend,” he finishes lamely. “I’d do anything for him.”
Both other-Dean and Castiel stare at him for long time, and Dean is acutely aware of the fact that he’s being sized up, the truth of his words weighed. He does his best to hold his ground, resisting the urge to fidget in his chair beneath the two pairs of eyes. He’s not lying, just… bending the truth a little. He hopes they see that.
Finally, other-Dean says, “Give us a second.” He stands up from his chair and turns away, Castiel following him a handful of paces away. With their voices lowered, they’re out of Dean’s earshot, but he still manages to glean plenty of useful information.
Like the way Cas stands too close, and how other-Dean leans into it instead finding his own space. They talk with their heads bowed close together, words soft and lips barely moving. Dean catches other-Dean’s eyes dropping to Castiel’s mouth at least twice.
Perhaps they’re not far off marriage after all, he thinks with giddy amusement, pulling nervously against his cuffs. Or least admitting how the fuck they feel. It took me and Cas long enough, though.
They must eventually come to some kind of agreement, because Castiel nods his head, and other-Dean gives him a quick, soft smile that Dean recognizes as one he only ever gives to Cas. They make their way back over, and this time, Castiel is the one to speak.
“Your Castiel is not in this universe,” he says, and god, it’s a relief to hear his voice again, but it’s still just not quite right enough to make Dean ache for hisCas. “I would have felt a rift open as I did for your entrance, but yours is the only trespass I have registered.”
“But we’ve agreed,” other-Dean cuts in, “that you’re telling the truth, and you don’t mean us any harm. So we’re letting you go.”
Oh, thank fuck.
They don’t take the handcuffs off Dean until they’re back outside. He can’t help but watch other-Dean and Castiel as they escort him out, smiling faintly to himself as he recognizes all the little signs of two people who obviously have feelings for each other but are just too fucking idiotic to realize. Now he understands how Sam had felt, all that time.
“Alright,” other-Dean says, unlocking Dean’s cuffs as Castiel works on opening a new rift with the same spellbook that Dean recognizes from his own universe. It’s weird to see him with mojo again. “Cas is gonna send you back through to your universe, and we never want to see you again. I’ve had to come face to face with myself way too fucking many times, and I’d really like for this to be the last.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” Dean says drily, flexing his wrists now that they’re finally free from the cuffs. Castiel gets the rift open, and other-Dean steps back.
Cas hadn’t been here, but now they can cross one more universe off their list, and Dean will keep looking.
He will always keep looking.
Right before he’s about to step through the rift, poised right on the very edge, other-Dean speaks.
“Hey, congrats on the ring, by the way,” he says, gesturing to Dean’s left hand. There’s a slightly wistful look on his face. “She must be quite something, if she could get us to settle down.”
Quite something. You have no fucking idea, Dean thinks.
“Yes,” he agrees quietly, looking over at Castiel where he holds the rift open. “He is.”
And then he steps through the rift, and disappears.
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
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Michael/Reader, 1.4K words Established vee dynamic: Michael/Adam & Adam/Reader, which will evolve into a triad. [2/3] Four things you explain to Michael, and one thing he explains to you. Part: [1][X][3]
Chapter 2: Adam explains...nothing, and you explain yourself.
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Broaching the impromptu kiss with Adam had been simultaneously easier and harder than you’d expected. When he hadn’t immediately surfaced at the hockey game to voice any concerns, you’d figured he either a) was at least somewhat okay with it, or b) having a heated discussion with Michael about it in their shared headspace.
When you’d brought it up at home, later that same night he’d laughed. Not an outlandish or bitter one, just a light-hearted one, at the expense of your confusion.
“So… I guess you’re cool with it?” You’d asked, unable to shake your guilt until you heard confirmation from the man himself.
“Well, yeah.” You breathed a sigh of relief, until he continued. “I mean, it was bound to happen eventually.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, these aren’t exactly normal circumstances, and you and Michael don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but it makes sense.” He shrugs, placing his hands on your hips as he gets closer. The confused look on your face conveys that it’s doesn’t not in fact, ‘make sense’. “Well, I love him, and I love you, and if I’m to believe you both, you love me too.”
He purses his lips as he considers the right word choice, swaying his head back and forth so endearingly that you have to fight the urge to interrupt with a kiss.
“We live our lives in… immensely close proximity.” His fingertips are warm against your skin as he creeps them under your shirt, rubbing soft circles on your lower back to ease your obvious tension. “I’m just saying, you seem a lot more relaxed around each other, and I much prefer the way he thinks about you now to what he used to think.”
You’re not sure which intrigues you more, Michael’s old thoughts, his new thoughts, or that fact that he thinks about you at all. You know you shouldn’t ask, it’s not Adam’s place to say but the words fall out in a flurry regardless. “Michael thinks about me?”
“Sometimes.” He offers you a smile, a brights, boyish one that shows off the top row of his teeth. Instead of giving a real answer he places solid, chaste kiss to your forehead before retreating, smug in the knowledge that he’s knows something you don’t.
Ever since that night, things had changed. Micheal was around a lot more, and he was a lot more talkative. That is to say he was about as talkative as a fast-food worker on a busy Friday night, which isn’t much, but it is something.
Adam didn’t particularly approve of Micheal using his grace too often, citing it as hindering their integration back into humanity, but that didn’t stop Michael from offering to use it on menial tasks like the dishes or the laundry when you expressed tiredness. On one occasion after you’d declined, he’d cheekily suggested that you leave them for Adam to do later, it was his ‘no mojo’ rule after all.
One night while they were out, and you couldn’t sleep, they’d returned home to find you dancing around the apartment to some oddly named Spotify mix in nothing but your underwear and a pair of fuzzy socks. There had been an awkward minute where you and Micheal had stood, unmoving, watching each other, unsure how to react. A part of you hoped Adam would ease the discomfort, and another part had hoped the two of you could resolve the issue together.
When the next track played, you reached an arm out to Michael, inviting him to join you and he’d taken it, sheepishly trying to emulate your dance moves until you were too tired to continue.
While you couldn’t get him to admit that he enjoyed it, he started actually sitting beside you to watch TV. He asked about your day and listened attentively when you complained about your coworkers.
When you’d dumbly asked if he’d experienced anything similar, he’d spent a long time thinking, before telling you about a time his younger brother Gabriel had taken his lance without asking, the resulting clean-up was nasty. The story in earnest was horrifying, but you appreciated his sharing a personal anecdote regardless.
It was hard to tell where things were going with him, harder to tell where you wanted things to go, but you enjoyed his company regardless, and with Adam’s approval, you were content to let things go wherever they take you.
This morning you had something for him. A neatly wrapped gift in blue paper and a fancy ribbon that you’d had hidden under the bed for a few weeks.
When you enter the kitchen Adam is sat at the table, tapping away at a crossword puzzle, two cups of coffee resting before him, one for you, one for him. He is sweet.
“Good morning sleepy head. How are you this morning?” He asks as you greet him with a kiss, his eyed immediately darting the parcel you place on the table as you sit beside him with a stretch.
“Not bad, how are you?”
“Alright.” He turns his phone off, placing it face down on the table before pointing at the gift. “Whatcha got there?”
“It’s for Michael.” You reply chirpily.
Adam grins at you, that smug, knowing grin that makes you want to slap and kiss him simultaneously.
“Want to speak to him?”
“Only when you’re good and ready.” He’s gone before you can finish speaking. The stark contrast between their demeanours is immediately evident. Adam’s soft sunny face hardens into Michael’s signature neutrality.
“Why?” He’s nothing if not endearingly frank.
“If your birthday!” You announce, sliding the gift closer to him.
“It is not.” He argues, but there’s no malice in his tone, he sounds slightly amuse more than anything. “I was not born, so I do not have a birthday.”
“I know, I know. But it is September 29th. Michaelmas, so it seems as good a day as any, I thought we could celebrate it every year. It doesn’t seem fair that Adam and I get to have all the fun, and you don’t.”
“Every year.” He muses quietly, finally picking up the parcel.
“And no magic either!” You instruct. “You’ve gotta open it properly.”
He spares you a smile, you know it’s genuine because he so rarely does it.
Long fingers pick at the edges and corners, threading through the ribbon string as he examines every inch, not like Adam who opens gifts like an exited child on Christmas morning. They’re so different, but so right for each other.
After an excruciatingly long wait, he folds back the paper and pulls out a green and yellow jersey. Minnesota Wilds, the same team you’d watched together. He treats it the same way he had the wrapping, turning it over and over, inspecting every logo and seam.
“I thought you could wear it whenever we watch them play again. If you want to, I mean.” The silence is killing you, you can’t help but fill it, wanting to explain your reasoning before he has the chance to reject it. “I thought you’d like it but if you don’t I can return it and-“
“No.” He puts his hand on yours. The second time he’s touched you unprovoked, and it quietens you just the same. “I like it.”
His approval calms your nerves and you let out an audible phew which invokes another smile from Michael. You are truly blessed today.
“I want very much to watch more hockey with you, and to wear this.” As if to accentuate his point he puts the jersey on over their clothes, fingers playing with the collar once he’s smoothed it out against his chest. It occurs to you now that Adam has an adequately man-sized wardrobe, but you wonder how much input Michael had had on picking any of it out. Did he own clothes? You had planned to throw him a mini party today. Not much, just cake and battleship, possibly a documentary of his choosing, but maybe you should take him shopping.
Had he not cupped your face between his hands you could have followed that train along its tracks until it’s crashed.
“You’re spiralling.” The states matter-of-factly.
“How could you tell?” Adam, you think, would have told him.
“Your face does this thing.” He doesn’t quote have the words to express it, but you can imagine what he means. “It is charming to watch, but you should stop.”
Your nod it stifled by the way he holds you face between his hands.
“I am very grateful for this gift.” His lips are on yours once more. Just as tender as last time, his soft lips brush your own, lingering longer than last time, like he’s savouring it. Savouring the way your breath hitches, the way you melt slightly into him. When he pulls away you follow until he’s too far out of reach. “And I am grateful for you.”
I'm glad you exist.
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i make one of these posts pretty annually but what the hell. under the cut: fic ideas i hope to write at some point, eventually.
1. a fic post 200 where jon and martin talk (probably set in the love letters/easy as breathing universe since it's the closest to canon)
2. georgie barker sees dead people (aka a fic where georgie's end mark leaves her able to see/talk to the dead, and specifically ends in her accidentally sort of befriending sasha and tim. will probably either go good au canon divergent, or canon compliant bittersweet style. have no decided yet).
3. a fic where Somewhere Else jon and martin (who are very similar to our jmart except no supernatural trauma, and are therefore much better adjusted) meet regular jmart when they show up somewhere else, and have to deal with both the reality of what happened to their alternate selves, and the reality of the fears being in THEIR reality now. (i posted the opening scene to this a couple weeks back, actually.)
4. a "cracks" continuation (tim and sasha from the tma universe are alive Somewhere Else and find jon and martin. very possibly the four of them work together to trap the fears between the worlds and make contact with georgie and melanie and basira on the other side)
5. archivist melanie/melanie & jon roleswap fic. (wherein everyone gets clued into things a lot sooner simply because melanie can see through the not!them)
6. continuing thobm au. (i have like 20-30k unpublished work for this and i would really like to finish it if i ever get the chance. it'll be absurdly long, but there's so many pieces i like about this, and i'd love to finish it if i get the chance.)
7. jon and martin go to america (aka that post i made a couple months ago about slowburn jmart in an au s3. maybe, if i ever get the mojo to finish it).
a dozen less developed ideas i've had: some kind of au where sasha is rescued from the not!them. (adjacently: au where martin/martin and tim figure out about the not!them before jon.) au where someone (anyone. probably martin. maybe georgie too.) rescues jon in 101. maybe that au where jmart time travels back to s1 post 200 but doesn't realize the other came with them. post 200 where jmart land somewhere else and have forgotten the end of the world. post 200 where jmart land separately and forget everything, including each other (not because they have a life in that universe, but for other reasons.) some kind of continuation of knowing (jon brings tim and sasha back in the middle of s4), maybe. maybe some short stuff exploring individual statement givers i liked.
in conclusion: i have too many things i want to write. i hope i can get even a fraction of this actually conceptualized and written. help.
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frostsinth · 4 years
Li’un Ma Shkio - Pt 3
Part One HERE & Part Two HERE
Part three of the little side story that I meant to just be a little side blurb for fun. But hey, it makes me smile, and I get some mojo for it. Hope it gives everyone who reads it the same warm feelings it gave me to write it.
In this part, Unvar tries to explain what a marriage is, and teaches her a little more of his own language too. JUICYNESS ENSUES
Like for more parts! It only gets juicier! Bold is where we left off from part 2.
He paused, the spout of the jug poised over his own cup momentarily. After a moment, he resumed pouring, then recorked the wine and replaced it back by his feet.
“Marry, I think. In Autumn.”
I choked on the wine I was sipping, splattering droplets everywhere. “Excuse me??” I sputtered.
He reached over and grabbed a scrap cloth from a nearby pile, holding out to me.
“Marry. It is custom. Chose mate. Then do ceremony so all tribe know that you are bonded.” He swirled his own drink and looked into the fire. “I think Autumn is nice time for ceremony-” He smiled a little- “Leaves have many colors then. Like fire.”
“I-I don’t understand,” I stammered, and stood, shaking my head, “You want to marry me?”
He looked up at me in surprise. “Yes. Then children are... hmmm, what is word…” He scratched at his chin, “They can be chief, if of marry. Better if of bonded mates than of rutting.”
“Children?? What children?”
“Ours, yes? I am confused. Are children not common after marriage among shikoba?”
“You’re confused-...I-I-well, yes, but I’m still-” I shook my head again, placing one palm against my forehead in an effort to still the swirling thoughts. “I-you… well… Besides the fact-- You don’t even know me! I don’t know you! How-How do…”
“I tell you,” He replied patiently, leaning back with his wrists resting on his knees and his back straight. “I am Unvar.” His head cocked to the side as he studied me, then nodded, “Ah yes, I see. You do not know Unvar-” He smiled mischievously-“May not be good mate.”
“That’s not-”
He stood, placing his cup on the stump, then straightened his back and squared his shoulders to his full height. Towering over me. I took a nervous step back, but he grinned, then smacked his bent arm diagonally across his chest with his fist clenched.
“I am Unvar, High Chief of Grarod Clan. Warrior of Broghuz. I am given name Wet’khika by clan; means ‘he makes noise’,” His proud grin was almost goofy given the circumstances, “I have many horses. I am leader and warrior. I always keep food and large fire. I keep safe. I will make good mate.”
“And I get no say in this?” My voice was a little more shrill than I intended, and my hands shook a little.
Again, he looked surprised, and took a step towards me with one hand out. I quickly stepped back again. He stopped, dropping his hand as his brow furrowed. Trying to process something he obviously couldn’t quite understand.
“You say. Say what you like. You are to be mate. Queen of Grarod and Broghuz. Woman of High Chief is higher than all men of clan. Save Chief, of course.”
“No, I don’t mean ‘say’ as in ‘to speak’,” I said exasperatedly, “I mean ‘say’ as in, ‘getting a part in making the decision’.”
“What… decision?”
I threw up my free hand, incredulous. “In my marriage?? In my life?? How about that for starters?” I placed my cup down on a nearby stump, and wrapped my arms around myself to keep from shaking. “I-I mean, you kidnap me, force me to come with you, you won’t let me return to my family, and now I’m to marry you?? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?!”
He looked indignant. “I not kidnap you!”
I laughed out loud then, if only to keep from crying. “I have no choice but to come with you, even though I don’t want to. What do you call that?”
“I keep you safe.”
“You keep saying that! Like it means something!” I felt the sharp pain returning to my throat, and my eyes felt wet. “And who keeps me safe from you??” I hissed, my voice breaking at the end.
I turned away sharply, dropping my chin to my chest and hunching my shoulders. Trying to avoid losing myself into the sudden realization of all the fear of the last few hours. For a moment there was silence behind me, and I tried to keep my shoulders from shaking. I closed my eyes tight in an effort to dam the tears.
Finally, after a few moments of silence, I heard the heavy shuffle of his feet. Then felt the heat of him behind me. I stiffened instinctively, and I felt him hesitate.
“I will never hurt you,” He murmured softly, his voice gentle, “I can not.”
I shook my head sadly. “You’re holding me prisoner. You think that doesn’t hurt?” My voice was soft, even to my own ears, and quivered dangerously.
“...I will give you everything... Anything. Anything in power to give. Ask, and is yours.”
“Then let me go.”
Silence, so long my ears began to ring with the strangeness of it. 
Then; “That is not in power. I cannot give that.”
My legs felt weak, and I shook my head again. “I don’t understand. Why? Why me?”
Another pause, then a sigh. “I see you. And… I cannot unsee you... Buk’nik shrin,” He cursed, sounding a little frustrated, “I do not know these words.” A grunt, followed by another sigh, “I have been… without you. Now I can not. Like… air. In chest.” I heard a soft thump which I assumed was him smacking his fist against his bare chest. “I did not know. But now I can not… un-know.”
I rubbed the back of my hand against my eye, sniffling softly. “And what about me? You don’t care what I feel? What I think or want? As long as you...”
I flinched as his palm skimmed over my bare arm lightly, and pulled away. But there wasn’t anywhere to go. I was trapped, adrift in a sea of hostile warriors. Caged in a tent with my future being laid out before me without any action on my part. I took a few steps anyway, moving to the other side of the fire.
“Please, let me touch you,” He murmured, following me slowly. I still couldn’t bear to look at him. “Let me show you words I do not know…”
“I don’t want you to touch me.”
“I will not hurt you. Let me show. Please.”
I shook all over; my hands quivering, my knees knocking together. I felt so weak and afraid. The acid in my stomach rolled over itself and made me feel sick, and even closing my eyes couldn’t block out the world anymore.
“You’re crazy.” I whispered, managing to shake my head again.
He was standing next to me again, I could feel him there. The hairs on my neck and arms stood on end. I jumped again as his fingertips brushed my shoulder. There was nowhere left for me to go. I had nothing; no choices, no strength. I felt myself shaking harder as he slowly moved his hand down my arm.
There was a sudden soft thud, and a rush of air. I opened my eyes in surprise, and found his just below. He had fallen to his knees before me, and he gently pried my hands loose with his, clasping them next to his bare chest. His own hands dwarfed mine, swallowing the pale skin within his deep green depths. But it was his face that held my attention. He looked… pained. Sorrowful. Even on his knees his head came nearly to my chin, and his shoulders were twice the width of my hips at least; yet he looked up at me with such a desperate expression I thought he looked small for a moment.
“You stay, with me,” He said softly, looking down at our hands and squeezing them lightly, “Let me prove myself. You will see,” Again he looked back up, meeting my eyes, “You will feel same thing. I know this.”
I didn’t know what to say. But really, did I have much choice? I looked off to the side, unsure of how to answer. He waited, quietly, patiently. Still on his knees. It was a long time before I tendered a reply.
“And if I don’t?”
My voice was barely a whisper, yet I still saw him flinch as if I had stabbed him. 
But he nodded, resolutely. “You can go. By Autumn. I will not keep you.” He squeezed my hands again gently. “Is your choice. Yes?”
Not really my choice, I thought to myself. And I wasn’t sure he would keep his word. I would still have to stay until Autumn, almost a full year. Who knows what else would happen before them. If he would tire of me, pass me off to his men, sell me into slavery. The various fears and eventualities played havoc in my mind and I shivered at each new thought. His eyes seemed too truthful to doubt in that moment though, and I took a steadying breath. Still, the words wouldn’t come. So I resigned myself to a curt nod, tightening my lips to keep them from shaking.
A small smile returned to his lips, curling around his tusks. Slowly, he slid his hands up my arms, then put one foot under him, followed by the other. Until he stood over me once more. He slid his hands to my back, and gently pulled me forward into his chest. I was too weak to resist, emotionally and physically, and rested my cheek in the center beneath the small hollow at the bottom of his neck. His scent was a mixture of earth, smoke, leather, and just the smallest tang of man odor buried beneath the labors of his day. His massive arms wrapped around me, surrounding me with his bulk. He flexed, ever so slightly, cocooning me in the warmth of his body. I felt stiff, despite the strange comforting nature of his hug, and still quivered feeling his flesh against mine. One of his hands gently rested on the back of my head.
I stayed as long as I could bear, not sure if for him or for me. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to free myself, but as soon as I started to recoil, he instantly dropped his arms and let me out of his embrace.
“You will see,” He assured me softly, “I will give you anything.”
I shook my head, feeling dazed at the weight of my decision. “I…” I couldn’t help but laugh a little, “I don’t even know what you are…”
“What am?” He smiled warmly, unperturbed. “I am Tlaloc, and you are Shikoba.”
I wondered if it was common for the Tlaloc to find mates outside of their kind. But I decided I didn’t feel up for that question yet. I looked away, not sure what else to say to this strange man who had decided he wanted to marry me, of all things. 
“You are tired,” He suggested, then gestured to the pile of furs. “Come. We sleep.”
I looked over at the nest, and really did begin to feel the trials of the day weighing on me. He moved over to one of the baskets lining the wall, digging through it until he pulled out a long piece of leather. Noticing me watching him, he gave me a crooked grin and patted the furs on his stomach.
“I sleep in naked-ness, but I feel you not like much. So I change.”
I felt my ears grow hot at his words, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was already beginning to undo the tie at his hip. I spun my back to him quickly before the furs slipped. I heard the soft sound of his garment falling to the ground. I cleared my throat nervously, and looked around, trying to distract myself.
There was a stump near the bed which had only a few things on it. I made my way over to it quietly and took off my boots slowly. Hearing the sound of his foot falls behind me, I chanced a glance over at Unvar.
 His fur armor was gone, revealing his firm stomach and long, thick legs again. But he had modestly wrapped the leather about himself, just barely covering his private parts. The bottom of his ass cheeks peaked out a little as he moved, and I blushed slightly at the sight. Still, the covering was so tiny on his massive body that it was amusing, and I couldn’t help but smile a little. He clambered into the piles and sighed heavily, shuffling until he was settled comfortably into the furs. Thankfully, one fell over his hips in his shuffling, covering up what the leather had missed.
I realized I was staring when I found his eyes waiting by the time I made it up to his face. Quickly, I turned away again, heat rising in my cheeks again. If he cared, he didn’t comment, but I couldn’t bear to look at him for a few moments. I tried to distract myself with the strings of my skirt, but then hesitated. It would be very uncomfortable to  sleep as I was, what with the bones of the corset and the itchy collar of the blouse. But the slip underneath… it was very thin. Possibly see-through if it was still damp. I wasn’t sure if it would be much better than being naked.
Of course, he had already seen me naked before, I chided myself softly. A sinking feeling in the base of my spine made me wonder what he would expect of me, laying beside him in the bed. By agreeing to stay (though I had little alternative options) had I agreed that sharing the bed meant far more than simply communal sleeping space?
My fingers shook as I slowly undid the laces and let my skirt slip down. I undid my blouse as well and slipped it off my shoulders. Careful to keep my back to him, I picked them up and placed them on the stump. Finally, it was just the corset and my slip left.
I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, and found him watching quietly. I swallowed nervously, looking down at my discarded outer clothes. Then back at him.
He seemed suddenly aware of my discomfort, for he shifted, turning his back to me. I resisted the urge to sigh in relief, then slowly undid my corset and placed it with the other things. In nothing more than my shift, which barely came to my knees, I turned back to the bed.
There were certainly enough furs. I wondered if perhaps I could make a second bed by the fire and lay there instead. I moved slowly over to some of the piles of furs and blankets, shuffling through them to find the largest and thickest.
“What are you doing?” He asked over his shoulder.
“I… I thought I might make another bed-”
“Too cold.” He interrupted, shaking his head. He was careful to keep his eyes pointed to the wall of the tent, but I could just make them out over his shoulder. “Sleep here. Come.” I hesitated again. He waited a moment, then rubbed his face. “I promise safe.”
He sounded tired, and I wondered if my timidness was already wearing on his patience. I swallowed nervously again, but slowly shuffled over. Slowly, I crawled up onto the makeshift bed, and carefully settled myself amid the furs. He was right, the bed was much warmer, even than the fire which was already slowing it crackle. But I found I couldn’t relax, staring at his broad, green back laced with scars. I jumped as his hand reached out behind him towards me, offering me a large fur blanket. I took it gratefully, and wrapped it about myself almost up to my chin. It was very soft, and I felt much warmer with it. I couldn’t help but give a soft sigh of pleasure at the sudden feeling of heavy warmth that cocooned my tired body.
Unvar turned slightly at that, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Better?”
I offered him a tiny, timid nod, and he rolled onto his back, stretching one bent arm to rest under his head. The motion brought him much closer to me and I held in a tiny gasp, tensing again. But he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. I wondered if he was as tired as I was. 
Despite the weight of my exhaustion, I couldn’t help but stare at him. Studying the way his pointed ears met the side of his head, the way his jaw traced to his mouth. His tusks, about the size of my thumbs, his soft looking eyelids and dark lashes. The way his throat moved as he swallowed. The slow rise and fall of his massive chest. I lay bundled up in my furs, staring at him for a little while, curiosity having gotten the better of me for the time being.
“You need something?” His soft, rumbling voice made me jump once more.
Unvar cracked open one eye, looking at me out the corner of it. I shook my head feebly. He closed the eye again, then let out a gentle sigh, shifting to his side and sliding a little closer to me. I tensed, but when his copper eyes opened again, I did not see anything malicious or hungry there and felt my tension ease a little. He pillowed his head with his bent arm, studying me.
“You can touch.”
My eyes widened slightly at this. “Wh.. What?”
“You have not seen Tlaloc before. You have curious. You can touch.” He told me again, nodding to my hand. “Does not bother.”
I shook my head at first, then hesitated. I felt my fingers itch at his proposal, and his copper eyes opened and closed so lazily. Despite that he was at least twice my size, he seemed so still and calm in that moment. I was not so afraid of him. I lifted my hand a little, then stopped. Unvar didn’t move, didn’t even glance at my hand. He even closed his eyes a little more, as if he really was too tired to be bothered.
Haltingly, I reached out towards him. When my fingertips brushed the skin of his jaw, I flinched, pulling them back slightly. But again, I felt the strange tingling desire to see if this strange creature beside me was really there. The terror and fear that had plagued me throughout the day had settled the entire affair into a strange miasma in my mind. It felt unreal. But touching him… Made it all a little more real. And perhaps just a little less frightening. It was only fair, I reasoned silently. He had touched my face before...
I returned my fingertips to his jaw, ever so lightly touching his skin. It was warm, and I smoothed them along his jawline until more of my hand touched him. It was soft too, though I could feel the slight stubble of hair beneath. If I looked closely, I could even see the small black follicles. Feeling braver, I traced his jaw up to his ear, then gently closed my fingers around it. I traced the cartilage with my thumb, feeling the length up to its point. I glanced back at his eyes, but they were closed, and his breathing was deep and smooth. Quietly, I skimmed back towards his temple, then cupped my hand and smoothed it over his cheek. The skin here was firm, taught with health and vigor. I could feel the bone underneath, forming the square jaw and cheekbone. I even dared to trace my hand down to his thick neck, feeling his muscles work beneath my fingers as he swallowed slightly. Down to his shoulders, firm as stone beneath my hand. I lightly skimmed over his clavicle, but stopped short of his chest.
Suddenly shy, I pulled my hand back. I jumped again as his hand moved, catching mine as it retreated. I looked up, and found his eyes open again, studying my face. He drew my hand gently back, and placed it upon the edge of his chest from where I had left off. He pressed it flat against his breast, then slowly guided it down and over to trace the firm muscles there. He had some small black hairs in the crevices between his muscles. They were a little course and wiry, but didn’t retract from the overall smoothness of his skin. He dropped his hand, leaving me to explore as I wanted once more. I hesitated, glancing back up at him. His eyes were almost closed again, but he watched me quietly through his dark lashes.
Still hesitant, I traced my fingertips over his pectoral, then stopped on a particularly large and knotted scar that covered the top right corner, stretching in thin lines toward his shoulder. I traced over the scar tissues a few times, feeling the difference between the smooth untouched skin and the healed skin.
“Warrior from Nkil’in clan,” He told me softly, and I pulled back my hand slightly at his words. “Spear head. With hooks. Mishna ba’lok.”
He hooked the fingers of his free hand to illustrate. I swallowed nervously but lightly touched the scar again. Then I ran my hand over his skin to another, near the base of his neck.
“Dagger. From gunn’hild; Traitor in clan,” He told me, then drew a line with one finger across his throat, “Tried kill.”
Curious despite myself, I moved to another on his shoulder. Three long and thin scars right on the edge. Looking closely, I could see two more faded lines parallel with the others.
“Bear.” He grinned, then patted one of the furs we lay on with a pleased grunt. I couldn’t help a small smile. Even without words, I knew exactly what he was saying.
“...How do you say ‘bear’? In your tongue?” I asked softly, finding myself curious to hear more of the strange language.
He smiled back. “Khour.”
I mouthed the word first, then hesitantly tried it. “..Kh..Kho-ur?”
He nodded, looking a little pleased. I noticed another near his ribs, and traced my fingers over it.
“In battle,” He told me, nodding slightly, “Sword. Niln. Barely moved soon enough.”
“Niln.” I repeated softly. He dipped his head in approval.
Another, near his sternum. He chuckled softly, and his chest rumbled beneath my fingers. I looked back up at his face. 
“Ah… Needle? Isht ka’ro. Woman mad at me.”
“Ka’ro.” I echoed quietly. I felt another soft vibration as he grunted affirmation.
My eyes moved from his to the left side of his face. I reached up and traced the thin scar that ran from his temple to his chin. He gave a soft grunt as I ran my fingers along its edge.
“Leather. From... brother of sire,” He seemed to be searching for the right words, “I… take what was not mine. Fil’um hik nun.”
“Fillum ick non,” I tried, “What does that mean?”
“Fil’UM Hik nun,” He corrected gently, “Means… not yours to take.”
I felt my eyes drawn to his tusks next, and hesitantly traced my fingers there. I ran them lightly over his chin, then gingerly over each tusk. I even pushed one finger against the tip. It wasn’t quite so sharp as I thought it might be. But it was thick. I wondered if it was difficult for him to talk around it. I traced my finger down to its base, lingering on his lip momentarily, then slowly following its length with a timid touch.
I felt his hand on my wrist then, gentle and light. For the first time, I didn’t flinch at his touch, but instead looked back up to his eyes. He was watching me, studying my face so quietly. I wasn’t sure what I saw there, some semblance of calm and some warmth I couldn’t quite name.
“Li’un ma shkio...” He murmured softly, and my fingertips on his lips moved with his words.
I hesitated, dropping my eyes away from his gaze shyly. “...What does that mean?”
He traced his fingers lightly over my wrist then, saying nothing for a moment. I drew my hand back slowly, but he followed with his. I found I didn’t mind that they skimmed up my arm. Then he lifted them from my shoulder. Slowly, he reached up and lightly touched my jaw, guiding my gaze back up to his with his thick fingers tucked beneath my chin.
“...means ‘I want ask’,” He replied.
I looked back and forth between his eyes quietly. “...What do you want to ask?”
“Ma shkio... bel kadan…“ He said, then frowned slightly, “But I do not know word.”
“Well… can you show me what it means somehow?”
His fingers, whose hand lingered at my chin, now traced lightly up my jaw until he could bury them in the hair at the base of my neck. Then he leaned forward, closing the space between us, and, ever so gently, pressed his lips against mine.
It surprised me. He had moved so smoothly, with such calm, I hadn’t realized his intent until our lips met. His tusks pressed against my mouth lightly, but his lips were warm, moist, and inviting. My hand went to his forearm, as if to push him away. But I hesitated for some reason, letting the moment escape me.
He pulled back after a few slow breaths, and my lips tingled from the touch.
“Kiss,” I breathed, my voice shaky, “The word is ‘kiss’.”
Unvar gave a small smile, and I felt my heart race a little. “Yes. This word. I want ask for Kiss.”
His hand, which had remained in my hair, slowly untangled itself and brushed the strands back from my face. I left my hand on his arm, suddenly feeling as though I were in a fog.
“Ah… well, you had one then.” 
He chuckled softly, and I found I rather liked that sound. The way it seemed to come from deep within his broad chest, and bubbled forth like a distant echo.
“Yes. Had one. Want ask for another kiss.”
My ears burned and I turned my head away. “I…I am tired. I should sleep.”
I felt his gaze still on me, and noticed him nod out of the corner of my eye. He gently withdrew his hand and slid back a little.
“Yes. Long day. Sleep, Kari-anna,” He murmured back, “We have many tomorrows.”
I shifted, slowly rolling to put my back to him. Unable to bring myself to close my eyes knowing he was still right there, but not wanting him to see them still open. I let out my breath slowly and as quietly as I could.
I heard him sigh softly behind me, and felt the bed shift as he rolled to his back again. I turned slightly, even opened my mouth to say something. But nothing felt quite adequate, so I returned to my side.
Kadan, I mouthed quietly, Li’un ma shkio... bel kadan.
My fingers lightly touched my lips, and I closed my eyes.
UPDATE: Part Four Here
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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I’m in the Mood for a Fic Where…
1. hi! for the i'm in the mood for a fic, do you know any dark lwj where he starts usings resentful energy and/or becomes the yllz after wwx death? or instead of him? i've read some but i just love this kind of dark lwj a lot
With Shortness of Breath by QueenieWithABeenie (T, 50k, wangxian, major character death, demonic cultivator LWJ, fix-it of sorts, angst & feels, hopeful ending, WIP)
stay, fury, your wrist wrapped in silk by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 228k, wangxian, canon divergence, YLLZ LWJ, LWJ loses his core, hurt/comfort, heavy angst, major character injury, injury recovery, temporary character death, war crimes, revenge, happy ending)
Mojo has a beautiful before-and-after frontispiece of a YLLZ! LWJ
2. I'm in the mood for a fic... where wwx dies at qiongqi pass, or gets gravely injured
💖 The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, wangxian, canon divergence, hurt/comfort, injury, recovery, respirory illness, grief/mourning, fix-it of sorts, angst w/ happy ending)
in this place where we don't have a prayer by Cerusee & Mikkeneko (T, 42k, wangxian, JC & WWX, WQ & WWX & WN, canon divergence, major character death)
ius in bello by Lise (T, 2k, JC & WWX & JYL, major character death, sad ending, heavy angst, grief/mourning)
Cradle by Dragonesque (T, 196k, wangxian, canon divergence, main character injury, character study, slow burn, slow build, BAMF WWX, asexual character, bisexual character, yiling wei au, pining WWX, WIP)
3. Are there any fics where either a) Jiang Cheng goes back in time (maybe alongside wangxian) but pretends he hasn’t/pretends not to remember so he can reconcile with WWX OR b) any fics where present-day Jiang Cheng gets attacked and either loses his memories or pretends to in order to reconcile with WWX? (Like he comes clean eventually but he’s very Bad At Feelings and doesn’t know how to just TALK to his brother.)
❤️ Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (not rated (I’d say T), 103k, JC & WWX, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, Mojo’s post)
4. Hello, hope you guys have a wonderful day! For In the Mood fics, I was wondering if you have any smugji or petty lan zhan fics that gets revenge (serious or comedic) on anyone that looks at wei ying wrong.
卧薪尝胆 by RoseThorne (G, <1k, wangxian, petty lwj, politics)
Revenge is a Side Dish Best Served With Tea by merakily (G, 7k, wangxian, LWJ uses tea connoisseurship as a vehicle of passive-aggressive pettiness) 
Xian-gege and A-Yuan series by HeloSoph (M, 17k, WWX & LSZ, wangxian, post-first siege of BM, not cultivation world friendly, not JC & NMJ & JGS & LQR friendly, golden core fix-it, truth revealed, petty LWJ, hopeful ending)
lan wangji, chief cultivator by super_novatuna (G, <1k, wangxian, chief cultivator LWJ, petty LWJ)
💖 Nice work if you can get it by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 11k, wangxian, protective LWJ, genius LWJ, post-canon, fluff & humor, getting together, chief cultivato LWJ)
💖 Ready for Blood on the Ground by mondengel (T, 1k, lan wangji & cultivation world, not on the humor side of petty/vengeful LWJ)
💖 Bitter Recompense by mondengel (M, 1k, LWJ & LXC, angst, not on the humor side of petty/vengeful LWJ)
5. Hi! Do you have any suggestions about fics where either modern characters or CQL cast get into the past/(CQL/MDZS) world? Not necessarily romantic, but they know what happens in the story, and so are able to help and know who are the real villains... Preferably not mpreg, please (I read that one -or maybe there's more than one-, I'm looking for new ones.) 
Switched by shorimochi (Not rated, 95k, wangxian, WYB/XZ, RPF, character swap, identity swap)
6. Hello!!! Thank you for all your hard work! it's much appreciated 😁 a) do u have any recs for shameless LWG? like he would just kiss wwx out of nowhere and anywhere just bc he wanted to and/or wwx was looking particularly pretty that day and in front of people too. b) any recs similar to 'A Songbird at Dawn' and 'All things Belong' where WRH is a doting figure to WWX? Thx again!!!
Scars of Lightning by The_peregrine_falcon (T, 6k, wangxian, WRH & WWX, WWX & YZY, not YZY friendly, wen wwx, major character injury, heavy angst, muteness, hurt/comfort)
Transpose by Marinelifeclub (Not rated, 35k, wangxian, WRH/CSSR, time travel, not Jiang friendly, wen wwx, Qishan Wen wins au, WIP)
7. hey! I was wondering if anyone knows of fics with a focus on wwx's abuse or neglect from madam yu?
Confetti (on your lies) by imakirae (Not rated, 14k, wangxian, mdoern, mpreg, protective LWJ, toxic Jiangs, not YZY friendly, not JC friendly, implied/referenced child abuse)
💖 crying like a fire in the sun by cl410 (T, 10k, wangxian, runaway WWX, not YZY friendly, rogue cultivator WWX, post-cloud recesses study, grandmother BSSR, angst w/ happy ending)
💖 Light Source by abCEE (M, 31k, wangxian, not Jiang friendly, no golden core transfer, fall of the jiang sect, happy ending)
💖  To Speak Up by Vrishchika (M, 7k, wangxian, modern, child abuse, child neglect, not jiang friendly) 
💖 Xiao-Ying of the Third Refugee Village by abCEE (T, 31k, wangxian, different first meetings, WWX banished from Jiang Sect, Tingshan-He sect, mpreg, found family, not Jiang friendly, little hurt much comfort)
💖 All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, lan qiren & wei wuxian, wangxian, not Jiang friendly, def not YZY friendly, time travel, butterfly effect, lan WWX, happy ending)
💖  in payment, a hand series by justdoityoufucker (M, 10k, wangxian, not jiang friendly, amputation, injury recovery, self reflection, abusive YZY, families of choice) 
Look forward, back then back again by SerlinaBlack (T, 6k, wangxian, human sacrifice, dragon LWJ, not YZY friendly)
Tricks and Treasures 'verse series by apathyinreverie (M, 34k, wangxian, fox WWX, dragon LWJ, injury, hurt/comfort, possessive LWJ, worldbuilding, not Jiang friendly)
💖rain falls and soaks into the earth by RoseThorne (T, 37k, wangxian, series in progress)
the worth of a whipping boy series by JemTheKingOfSass (M, 26k, wangxian, JC & WWX, angst, mind the TWs)
8. Hello :D For the I'm in the mood post, could you recommend some characters watching/reading the series fics? Teen Project to Change the World is one of my favorite fics, and it made me crave more :D  **Uh oh, you have activated one of my special interests :’D ~Mod L**
💖 (Un)Hidden truth by Sarah_R (M, 95k, wangxian, major character death, time travel, characters watching their show, suicide attempt, panic attacks, self-harm, nightmares, hurt/comfort, angst, WIP)
💖 Wishes that Come True by tinitin (M, 20k, wangxian, major character death, hurt/comfort, guilt, regret, god & goddessess au, angst w/ happy ending, WIP)
💖 unhappy stories with happy endings  by Last_for_Hell (M, 12k, wangxian, junior quartet, memories, curses, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, PTSD, references to torture, WIP)
💖 the truth untold by periwinkle520 (G, 34k, wangxian, WYB/XZ, fluff & crack, WIP)
💖 The Characters of MDZS Watching the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by emma_screams (M, 144k, wangxian, humor, fluff, angst, drama, WIP)
💖 Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not rated, 120k, wangxian, hualian, time travel fix-it, angst, humor, not YZY friendly, or JGS friendly, self-harm, child abuse, WIP)
💖 Chenqing and Wangji Takes Matters Into Their Own Hands by HelloKitten (G, 9k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, glimpses of future)
💖 Save us from each other by Solbjork (Not rated, 20k, wangxian, golden core reveal, golden core transfer, fix-it of sorts, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, not jiang friendly, not YZY friendly, WIP)
💖 Parental Truth by ILikeReading101 (T, 63k, wangxian, major character death, truth, self-esteem issues, angst, anger, justice, not cultivation world friendly, overprotective parents, WIP)
💖 Mo Dao Zu Shi: The Musical by ILikeReading101 (Not rated, 95k, wangxian, major character death, angst, grief/mourning, temporary character death, song fic, time travel, pain, suffering, happiness, family feels, happy ending, be aware of all the tags, WIP)
💖 Every Scar has a Story to Tell by Cinder46231 (M, 107k, wangxian, rape/non-con, underage, memory watching, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, child abuse, whipping, forced cannibalism, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, canonical suicide, mind the tags, WIP)
💖 Dome [Input name.] series by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (T, 37k, LQR/WRH, JGY & NHS, future wangxian, song fic, angst w/ happy ending, drama, multiple pov, not the regular kind of this kind of fic, mild body horror)
💖 Disclosed Regrets by HuaisangsIntellect (Not rated, 111k, wangxian, reunions, guilt, reveal, wangxian/PDA, fluff & angst, fix-it, post-canon, OOC, crack, WIP)
💖 The Path by Seastar98 (Not rated, 273k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, fix-it of sorts, CQL verse, golden core reveal, angst w/ happy ending, BAMF NHS, WIP but only by 1 ch)
💖The Ballad of Hanguang-Jun and The Yiling Patriarch by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 40k, wangxian, JC/WQ, burial mounds settlement days, fix-it of sorts, musical theater au, misunderstandings, outsider pov)
9. hi! do you have any fic recs when wwx is imprisoned by the lans like lan furen (qingheng jun's wife) was? also are there any fic recs where wwx is referred to as furen/lan-er-furen. Not necessarily feminizing him but giving him titles because he married into the lan sect?
Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, wangxian, canon divergence, temporary character death, belief god WWX, adoption, pregnancy kink, mpreg, consensual non-con, light bondage) ch 45 has WWX disguised as Madam Lan  in front of the other sects (he and LWJ are actually married at this point too)
Good Days by darkbrokenreaper (T, 9k, wangxian, dark LWJ, drug use, dub con, manipulative relationship) 
No Days At All by Hakuhouou (T, 2k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, major character death, dark LWJ, manipulative relationship, drug use, depression, suicide, blood & gore)
Songbird in a Jade Cage by Master_Of_Nyom (M, 36k, LSZ&WWX, angst w/ happy ending, depression, not a fix-it, aftermath of torture, suicidal thoughts, mind the tags, WIP)
Ghost Wedding by nirejseki (G, 4k, wangxian, JC & WWX, ghost weddings, introspection, crack treated seriously) Wei Wuxian is referred to as "Second Madame Lan
10. Hi! I love your tumblr! This is my first time asking! Lately I have been looking for Wangxian arranged marriage fics. I love the ones in which LWJ saves WWX and all Wens by marry with him. Also I love the ones in which LWJ and WWX are "accidentally engaged" during Cloud Recesses time when they are teenagers. It's perfectly fine if the fics have mpreg (this is opcional but I love when they have children or adopt children) and angst, but always happy ending. (And please No modern aus, I prefer canon divergence or fix fic or similar). Thank you so much!! 🥰❤ @perayasgirl
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 741k, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings) this one has accidental bethrothal, and both adopted AND mpreg kids
Two Weddings and a Family Reunion by scifigeek14 (T, 36k, wangxian, shotgun wedding, fix-it, feelings realization, devotion, family feels, politics, golden core reveal)
Wei Wuxian, Who’s That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, crossdressing, pining, sibling feels)
Instead of rabbits, I'll give you this by Bloodcoral (T, 94k, wangxian, arranged marriage, fix-it, angst, WIP)
💖sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, wangxian, arranged marriage, different first meeting, falling in love, getting together, lwj in lotus pier, Chinese culture)
Alas, Disasterous Miscalculations Align Sects with Sudden Summer Weddings by mondengel (G, 3k, wangxian, arranged marriage, humor)
Eyes Like Honey by adrian_kres (T, 16k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, meet-cute, arranged marriage, love at first sight, fluff, WIP)
Dearly Detested: Grooms in Hate by kokobako (G, 31k, wangxian, fluff & angst, arranged marriage, LWJ stays at BM, adoption, happy ending)
No, Wei Wuxian, You Cannot Divorce A Man You Haven't Married Yet! by stiltonbasket (G, 4k, wangxian, fem wwx, arranged marriage, happy ending)
Blood Harmony by Anonymous (E, 39k, wangxian, arranged marriage, pining, angst, love ocnfessions)
When The Lotus Bloomed by french_pixie (M, 12k, wangxian, arranged marriage, fem WWX, miscommunication, pining, pregnancy, angst w/ happy ending, WIP)
Truths Laid Bare For All by Preludian_Staves (T, 17k, wangxian, arranged marriage, not Jiang friendly, truth serum, love confessions, golden core reveal, implied referenced abuse, getting to know each other, genius WWX, falling in love, courting, WIP)
有情人终成眷属 | lovers, finally wed by stiltonbasket (G, 44k, wangxian, arranged marriage, post-canon fix-it, fluff & humor, dometic life, adopted children, complete)
a light hidden and singing by occultings (microcomets) (E, 48k, wangxian, arranged marriage, mutual pining, getting together, slow burn, misunderstandings, blood & injury, outdoor sex, canonical kinks, miscommunication, happy ending)
❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Mojo’s post here, arranged marriage)
11. Hi! im looking for fics with cherry magic au where wwx is the one reading minds. Thank you!
💖 The Taste Of Cherry by chiyukimei (E, 6k, wangxian, underage, Cherry Magic au, not JC friendly, cluod recesses study arc, kissing)
Cherry Cultivation by bengsi (M, 100k, wangxian, modern, pining, angst & fluff, happy ending, cherry magic au, hurt/comfort, memory loss, loss of virginity)
Thirty, Flirty, and Telepathic by Scrippio (T, 25k, wangxian, modern w/ magix, cherry magic au, fluff, telepathy, happy ending)
i'm the one for your fire by occultings (microcomets) (E, 43k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, cherry magic au, enemies to lovers (but only in WWX’s mind), mind reading, misunderstandings, compulsory heterosexuality, whump, pning)
Public Places, Private Thoughts by Leahelisabeth (fortheloveofcamelot) (E, 8k, wangxian, modern, cherry magic au, misunderstandings, telepathy, drunken flirting, loss of virginity)
Safe in your thoughts by Anonymous (E, 20k, wangxian, modern, curses, porn w/ feelings, horny LWJ, loss of virginity)
12. hi Mod L ❤ any fics that aren't bashing but where people (jc, lqr, lxc, even nmj etc) think on their too quick prejudice against wwx, and work hard to make it up to him in a tangible way? thank you! 
13. Thank you so much for this amazing blog! Please suggest some fics where WWX and LWJ get together while studying.
Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 310k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, feelings   realization, getting together, fix-it of sorts, not JFM friendly, blood & gore, WIP)
14. for IMTF, do you have wangxian fics with all of the awesome women we didn't get to see? bssr, cssr, lan yi, madam lan, maybe like being the cool mom/aunt to the boys? some of the time travel fics by sami have them but doesn't necessarily have to be time travel!
A Mother’s Love by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 117k, wangxian, intersex wwx, unplanned pregnancy (wangxian baby), diverging au, post  sunshot campaign, the wen remnants are saved differently/earlier,   misunderstandings/miscommunication, supportive Jiang family/sect, golden core reveal, cultivation sect politics/intrigue, lz has friends, expansion on cultivation, WIP) ‘ these elements haven't been posted yet but cangse sanren, baoshan sanren, and madam Lan all get full names, backstories, and character development in "A Mother's Love" and are all EXTREMELY badass tho with canon fates’
15. Hi, I am in a mood for fics with neurodivergent wangxian!
💖 See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! series by ScarlettStorm (E, 382k, wangxian, modern, onlyfans au, getting together, pining, minor angst, mental health, therapy, autistic LWJ, neurodivergent WWX, domestic bliss, tender kink)
💖WWWWXD (What would Wei Wuxian Do?) series by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 55k, wangxian, modern, high school and forward, fluff, panic attacks, angst w/ happy ending, autistic lwj, grief/mourning)
The Bunnysitter: a Post-it Romance by theLoyalRoyalGuard (G, 9k, wangxian, modern, fluff, ace lwj, autistic lwj, adhd wwx, hacker wwc) 
so we could party too by SecretStorm (G, 7k, wangxian, NHS/JC, modern, fluff & crack, cuddle piles, first kiss, autistic LWJ)
a new kind of silence by  deliciousblizzardshark (E, 12k, wangxian, modern, trans LWJ, autistic LWJ, pregnancy, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, getting together, happy   ending) 
untitled by brokke (T, 5k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, autistic LWJ, sensory
a great honor to hold you up by Anonymous (G, 2k, wangxian, modern, autistic LWJ, meltdown, stimming, WWX w/ ADHD, hurt/comfort, fluff, family feels)
mister mile high by baobeijuns (E, 3k, wangxian, moder, PWP, airplane sex, autistic LWJ)
A Curse, A Kiss, A Single Log Bridge by HelenDamnation (T, 7k, wangxian, curses, pining, kisses, fluff & angst, autistic LWJ)
Lotus by traction (E, 6k, wangxian, trans WWX, gender identity, marriage proposal, sex education, autistic LWJ)
Bunny Baby by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 9k, wangxian, college/university au, gender non-conforming LWJ, bad parent LQR, autistic LWJ, hurt/comfort)
(You punched your way) Right into my heart by luckymoonly (G, 1k, LXC/NMJ, kid fic, pre-slash, falling in love, autistic LWJ)
16. ◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(*´∇`)ノ Mojo and Mod L! I hate to bother, but I'm looking for a niche in this fandom, of WWX being an array/talisman genius! I'd love some with him and LWJ courting and eventually married! Hope you all have a pleasant April! (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)
Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 310k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, feelings   realization, getting together, fix-it of sorts, not JFM friendly, blood & gore, WIP)
The River Runs Forever by Cerusee (T, 72k, wangxian, JC dies, WWX keeps his golden core, inventor WWX, BAMF WWX, WIP)
Touch That Body, (It's Not Mine) by brrrrrRawr (T, 3k, wangxian, JC & WWX, WWX’s original body, fluff, pet names, genius WWX, body dysphoria)
appreciation by Sienne (Not rated, 3k, pre-wangxian, Lotus Pier, post cloud recesses study arc, fluff)
the solution within the unknown by PrismaticAvocado (G, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, fluff, inventor WWX, genius WWX)
One for the Little Kids Who Live Down the Lane by  Anonymous (Not ratd, 9k, LQY/WWX, wangxian, genius WWX, non-jiang WWX)
💖 To Respect a Scholar by FlautistsandPeonies (G, 5k, wangxian, WWX & LQR, genius WWX, not JC friendly, author WWX)
💖 Careful hands by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 10k, wangxian, BAMF WWX, protective WWX, hurt LWJ, genius WWX, hurt/comfort, angst, getting together, first time)
Clinomania by malkinmalkout (E, 6k, wangxian, voyeurism, masturbation, somnophilia, canon-typical non-con, riding, binding, happy ending)
17. AU where wwx grows with his own family.May or not belong to Jiang sect. @lostsoul234​
Cartwheels In Cloud Recesses by ShanaStoryteller (not rated, 24k, wangxian, series in progress)
💖 Let the Heavens be the judge by A_Mirror_of_memories (T, 4k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, not JC friendly, not YZY friendly)
Dear Fellow Traveler by Netrixie (Not rated, 13k, wangxian, alive CSSR & WCZ, meet-cute, falling in love, pining, sharing a bed, fluff, getting together)
Home is where your heart is series by R95irth (Not rated, 1074k, CSSR/WCZ, YZY/JFM, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, horror, nightmares, angst w/ happy ending, found family, family fluff)
i have built a future in my mind by LoopyLiesey (M, 7k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & LQR, wangxian, not JFM or YZY friendly, visions of future, CSSR & WCZ live, WIP)
Heart of the Beast by WaitForTheSnitch (E, 5k, wangxian, NHS & WWX & NMJ, canon divergence, nie WWX, hurt/comfort, protective nie bros, scheming NHS, pining LWJ, WIP)
18. Hey do you have any crossover between wangxian and wmmap? 
19. this is pretty specific sghdgdsf but any fics where wwx touches sizhui's forehead ribbon and its A Thing?
💖  Not Yet (There As Needed) by sunrise_and_death (T, 13k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, LSZ & JL, post-canon, family bonding, dramatic revelations)
An Arrow Through Time by syrus_jones (M, 167k, wangxian, time travel, to the future!, fluff & humor, angst, fix-it? mayhaps!, WIP, Mojo’s bookmark)
20. hi, could i request fics centered around the phoenix mountain kiss? thank you!! have a great day! 
Little One by LovelyTurtleBeans (E, 59k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, NHS/JC, canon divergence, new golden core for WWX, baby LSZ, secret relationship, mpreg)
Within a forest dark by danegen (E, 12k, wangxian, dubious consent (in the beginning), the blindfold kiss, post-burial mounds trauma)
a different kind of tension by dragongirlG (E, 1k, wangxian, consensual non-con, post-canon, sexual roleplay, fluff, light bondage)
The Phoenix Kiss by its_me_juno (E, 5k, wangxian, resolving misunderstanding, love confessions, fluff & smut, first time)
Return To Phoenix Mountain by MajiLovePrincess (E, 3k, wangxian, post-canon, sexual roleplay, outdoor sex, spit as lube, safe word use, fluff & smut)
the breaking of your soul (upon my lips) by sunsandships (M, 41k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, mutual pining, happy ending, Mojo’s post) begins with the kiss
Second Chance Phoenix by Solarcat (E, 3k, wangxian, post-canon, consensual non-con, spanking, no lube, rough sex) podfic by sisi_rambles
i felt you in my legs, before i even met you by mirrorofprinces (E, 5k, wangxian, consent play, blindfolds, dubious consent, anonymity, come as lube, phoenix mountain)
Taking Responsibility by tuesday (E, 3k, wangxian, rough sex, blindfolds, forest sex, kinks)
not a maiden by cannotsleep (examtomorrow) (T, 2k, wangxian, canon divergence, open ending)
Incense Burner 4 by Aki_no_hikari (E, 3k, wangxian, consensual non-consent, dreamsharing, blowjobs, rough kissing, blindfolds)
Aching for You by MagicalDragon (E, 7k, wangxian, porn w/ feelings, angst & fluff & smut, painful sex, punishment, object penetration, (it’s bichen), masochism, begging, dubious consent, autistic LWJ)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmemeand MDZS KINK MEMEon Dreamwidth.  Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!   ***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink!  Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
327 notes · View notes
wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1.  Hi, I'm looking for an Untamed fic, maybe you'll be able to help. It's a canon divergence AU in which WWX doesn't lose his core, Jiang Fengmian lives and it's implied that his core was transferred to JC (heavily implied; JFM retires as the Sect Leader after that). This is absolutely not the most important part of this fic but it's a paragraph that I've got stuck in my head and now I'm searching for the rest @_@ Thanks in advance! ~ @otemporaetmores
FOUND! by @notsobabblespace, who was reminded of  I’m aching and I know you are too by edenwolfie (part 3 in series, M, 23k, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @jim-is-spocks-thyla, who suggests ❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian) [ETA:  Oops, not this one.  JFM has no core, but he didn’t give it to JC]
2.  Hi Mojo! I’m in need of you/your followers help in finding a fic that I read a little while ago. It was a fic where Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi lived together in Cloud Recesses and their children were Sizhui and an OOC that was younger than him. I remember SiZhui faced a lot of criticism for not being the chief cultivator’s real child? And they were happy he had a younger sibling that would be sect leader in the future because he was blood. Come to think of it, this is probably an ABO fic too. Thanks for your time 💜
FOUND! @andidontmeanto believes this is Blue Blood by PotterheadAvengerDemigod (T, 91k, wangxian, my post)
3.  Aksks it's like 3 am but I just remembered a fic and I can't find it?? I'd really, really appreciate your help. It was a wangxian fic, maybe a oneshot idk, and lwj was kind of a nerd and wwx a badboy? So basically lwj has a massive crush on him and dresses up like wwx etc. (i think he even got an undercut) and after a party they sleep with each other at lwj's place?
4.  i’m looking for a fic set in the where lwj’s mother killed his father? i don’t think that was a main plot point but it did show up in his backstory - any idea what this might be? ~ @thehype
FOUND!  @rentslirott thinks this could be ❤️the best of you by sysrae (E, 42k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND!  @castaways-logbook offers  The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 39k, wangxian, WIP)
5.  ... same as #6 ...
6.  Hello friend, sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to see if you could please find me a fic that I lost but I only remember more or less the final part, it goes more or less like this, lan zhan and wei ying are kidnapped by jin guangyao and lock them up if not I'm wrong in some cells next to lan xichen after the fights jin guangyao dies but lan xichen did know how bad jin guangyao had done and he didn't care and then to get revenge he wants to kill wei ying but lan zhan kills him and sizhui gets scared It was more or less like that, please help me ~ @isa0123lol
FOUND!  by @wangxiansfics who says that tragically it’s no longer available, but @dulachodladh found it on WaybackMachine here: Thread and Needle by haysel (M, 86k, wangxian)
7.  Hi, Mojo! I'm glad that you're back but I hope you enjoyed your time off tumblr! Can you and/or your followers help me find a fic? I think the summary was talking about wwx and somehow they were asking mingjue for help since he's the only one who can help. The summary was in italics and it's a dialogue from some guy? And a shorter summary below. Sadly this is the only thing I can remember but I hope you can still help me
FOUND!  @alwayswenning suggests love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, has it’s own fanfic here, I just finished this last night!, my bookmark)
8.  Sorry to bombard you as soon as you're back, but this one's driving me crazy--a modern AU where they met online. WWX thinks LWJ is an old man from how he talks. I don't remember much except the excerpt made it seem like he still was amused by/enjoyed talking to him, and Wen Qing was telling him it was a bad idea and to stop. It's not How to Fall In Love With a Catfish, tho that one is brilliant! (Also any top notch identity porn would be great) Hope your break was restful, you deserve it! Thanks
Here’s my #identity porn tag, but I’m not sure about this exact story.
I'm the anon for #8 on the fic finder. Though I'm excited to read it, the suggested fic isn't the one I was looking for. I swear I thought I saw it on here around a month ago or slightly more, but searches have failed me.
FOUND!  Rating: General Audiences by Mishaa (T, 18k, wangxian WIP) -  mysterious author LWJ (speculated to be an old man because of his formality) and infamous artist WWX paired up for an Untamed Big Bang (in an AU where JGY was the series’ antiheroic protagonist; this fic was written before the release of CQL.)
FOUND?  could you be looking for  Something Real by Latios (G, 5k, wangxian, my post) - wwx thinks lwj is an old man, but there’s no WQ.  There are many pictures of bunnies.
SIMILAR! @emilysidhe thought of ID Bro Saga by Bowandtie (T, 39k, wangxian)
9.  Hey, how are you? Could you help me please? I've read 3 fanfics once, but I can't find them anymore. 1 - Nanny Problem, Wei is going to be the babysitter of A-Yuan, he is an omega and Lan is an alpha. 2 - Doctor Perfect, Yibo is an omega nurse and Xiao is an alpha doctor. 3 - The Baby of my Omega, Yibo is omega and Xiao is alpha, both of them are bodyguards, but Yibo has to protect Xiao in the beginning. I think they were at ao3, but I really can't find them. Can you help me please? Thank you!! ~ @weallmad
10.  Hi! Im happy you’re back. I hope you had a good break. I missed your recommendations, but at the same time i got a break from fics and actually studied to my tests haha.  [Ah!  I’m glad to hear your time was spent productively!]  I’m looking for a fic like Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground. In the fic im looking for wangxian slowly lose their senses instead of all of them at once. Like they lose their hearing, then touch, sight etc, They can’t see each other or hear each other. I’m sorry i can’t explain very well.
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  ❤️shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 25k, wangxian)?  Only lwj losese his senses one by one in this one, though.
11.  heyyy im trying to find this fic where wwx died the first time he was thrown in to the burial mounds then 10 years later he gets resurrected or something. I can't find it on AO3 and it's been bugging me for days. Thank you!
FOUND!  Well, @moku-youbi offers both of these as possibilities:
Did I Not Explain Why the Sunset Turns Red? by 3988Akasha (E, 100k, wangxian)
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 95k, wangxian)
12.  Hi I am looking for a fic where wwx is a witch (/mage?) in a world where magic is being persecuted (especially in Gusu) except for Yunmeng/Lanling I think but they're still frowned upon nonetheless. Then after accidentally hurting Shijie, wwx runs away, and ends up hiding in Gusu pretending to be a servant to lwj (lwj is a prince, lxc is the emperor) but lwj actually knows of his identity and tries not-so-discreetly to protect him from being caught. Thanks!
FOUND! by @bibliobasilisk who gives us Witchfinder by misbehavingvigilante (E, 86k, wangxian)
13.  Hi! Firstly, I'm glad to see you're back, and I hope your break was a good one! I'm trying to find a LWJ/WWX story that I had planned to read and ending up losing before I could. It was set in the immediate aftermath of the 33 lashes, LWJ is in the Jingshi recovering when a healer(?) discovers he's pregnant (by WWX). It may have been a/b/o verse, but I'm not 100% on that. Part of the story was a flashback to when WWX was still alive. Thank you!
FOUND!  by nonny themself.  It’s Unexpected Surprise by Glucose_Gremlin (E, 4k, wangxian)
SIMILAR! @mondelgel suggests my heart is kept as pure as ice in a jade vase/一片冰心在玉壶 by Daledesu (M, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
SIMILAR! from @impending-cuttlefish:  something new, something white, something blue by ariskamalt (E, 140k, wangxian, WIP)
14.  I'm trying to find this one fic where Jin Ling finds this diary that Wei Ying wrote as the Yiling Patriarch that basically reveals everything, including the golden core reveal and it even has training tips that helps Jon Ling improve. When Wei Ying comes back, he tries everything to keep him there because he is THE best uncle now. I need to find it because it is a N E E D.
FOUND? by @theladypeartree who says, “The Truth (Untold) is jl reading jyl's journals, not wwx's though. And mordant is jl returning wwx's journals that he found, not grew up with. Neither fit #14 properly, but I seriously could not find anything closer after two solid days of searching. Good luck!“
The Truth (Untold) by anxiouswreck0_0 (g, 3k, wangxian, jin ling & wei wuxian)
or this one on ffn:
mordant by tennisnotensai (M, 18k, wangxian, here’s the link for mobile)
15.  I have heard tell of a Sizhui/Jingyi fic where the boys end up going to Wangxian for advice about how to be intimate. Can you help me find it?
FOUND!  @manaika-chan says this one is On Advisement by LaMachina17 (M, 19k, wangxian, zhuiling, chengyi)
16.  nm
17.  Hi! Sorry, do you happen to know that nsfw fic where wwx is still studying in the cloud recesses and he’s reading a novel (im not sure if it was from nhs) that features a cultivator couple and there’s a scene in the book where the woman was pegging her husband? Basically wwx got curious about this and tried fingering himself. I remember he was hiding in the back mountains and then lwj eventually caught him
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, wangxian, my post)?
18.  Ahhh I'm going crazy trying to think of a fic that I've read where Lan Zhan killed Wen Chao in a locker room and nie huaisang stood guard outside the door! Then lan zhan went to lan huan and said I killed someone and he said did they deserve it? Then it's fine. And I can't remember the name of the fic! Have you heard of it? ~ @uchihaautumn
FOUND! @artemisisdiana offers So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 54k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I read it a while ago and I don't really remember all the details but it was a modern au where Lan Wangji was a police officer in this small town and Wei Wuxian comes back after years, having left the town due to some stuff. Thank you in advance.
Btw love your blog. I live for your fic recs.  [Thank you!]
FOUND?  Could you be looking for medium blues by dark_and_terrible (E,193k,  wangxian)?  It appears to be taken down atm, but it might come back (it’s done it before).
FOUND! by @grannyweatherwaxshat who offers When a Bird Flies, It Leaves Feathers by Bem_Kofi (not rated, 75k, wangxian)
20.  Hi mojo!! First of all I luv your blog Thank you so much for all those ficrecs.  [You’re welcome!]  Actually I’m looking for a fic I read months ago. I probably found the fic from your blog. But I can’t seem to find it now 😢 it was a modern au wangxian fic (inspired by call me by ur name?) wwx was like 5 years older than lwj. (And lwj was like 16?) Wwx lives in another city but he spent around a year in cloud recesses with lwj in the past. And wwx yanli and jc visits cloud recesses again and wangxian gets 2gether
[My ko-fi.]
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