#I imagine he’d do the things cats do when they’re needy
alchemocha · 1 year
Jimbotnik gets very clingy when he’s sleepy, and boy does the sleepy hit him hard when it does. Literal zombie man that craves cuddles instead of brains
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Really dumb and Random Ayatsuji Yukito HCs
ayatsuji is terrified of geese or big birds so much so that he will not walk near them he will go the other direction even if it’s really important.
he forgets basic math like 2 x 4 and 5 + 7 , he sometimes uses his hands to count but he’d never do it in front of anyone.
he loves cats, he’d give you a death glare and want to punch you if you said you didn’t like cats. he could be mauled to death by his cats and wouldn’t be mad at them (they can do no wrong in his eyes).
when he gets really tired (like he hasn’t sleep in 2-3 days) and eventually goes to sleep he talks not a lot just kinda quiet mumbling that you can’t quite make out.
when he gets drunk he gets really needy and wants attention
if his cats don’t like you then he doesn’t like you either
his cats are really spoiled
anon I LOVE these
For one I completely understand the geese fear as they are huge dicks, I imagine one came too close to attacking him when he was a kid and in that moment he felt primal fear when that bigass bird came waddling towards him. Tsujimura rags on him once she figures it out and it makes him regret life LMAO
also hyper intelligent but forgets basic math? me too chief. I’ve plotted out some UGLY graphs and my degree is literally math based but I’ll be damned I am paranoid. what if I get 7x4 wrong? gotta double check that shit
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I really google some things.
yes yes yes and yes to the cats, they are his darlings. every single one. doesn’t matter if they’re mean or nice, young or old, every cat is cherished to him, I have cats and I don’t blame him for hating on the cat dislikers, they tend to turn out to be pricks fr
his cats are most definitely spoiled rotten with the way he treats them and let’s be real, the pet litmus test absolutely works. my cats have not liked people and I’ll be damned they’re right
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he’s holding onto you for sure and will adamantly deny that he’s being needy despite actively holding you. I think his drunk brain gets really sentimental on the down low and just wants to hold you and get lost in the sauce about it
also the idea that he sleep talks is really cute but I have a feeling he’s either bitching at someone in his dream or remembering something painful </3 if it’s the latter I’d want to spoon him but be scared he’d accidentally elbow me or somethin 💀 yike
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Atsumu x Reader (Main), Osamu x Reader (Side)
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Rape/Non-Con, Misuse of Duct Tape, Non-Con Bondage, Forced Breeding, Forced Impregnation, Delusional Mindset
Summary: Atsumu is determined to prove that he’s the better twin for you.    
The first time Atsumu meets you he doesn’t remember you so much as he gets stuck on the fact that Osamu is dating someone. Osamu is fucking dating someone and Atsumu is still here single and alone in his late twenties, not a girl anywhere even in sight. It makes him livid as he stares at the identical face gently smiling at you, affectionately holding your hand, looking so damn happy and content. 
What does he have that Atsumu doesn’t? A successful food chain? Cool. But is he a pro-athlete? A medal winning Olympic athlete? One of the best setters in the country? In the world? It’s infuriating to think about and as much as Atsumu loves volleyball, even he dreams of love, marriage, a family of his own late at night when he’s alone on a hotel bed, only Sakusa’s breathing from the other bed in the room keeping him company. 
And those thoughts consume him long after he bids farewell to Osamu and you and suddenly the MSBY Jackals are in an uproar as every team member takes turns being sexiled by their blond setter when they’re off at their away games, as Atsumu nonchalantly strolls into the locker rooms to prep for practice, back littered with scratch marks that Bokuto tries to shield from Hinata’s eyes when the orange haired athlete curiously asks when Atsumu got a cat. 
Girl after girl walks in and out of his bed, his life. Most never lasting more than a night, a few returning for a couple more rounds in the bedsheets, one even manages to interest him enough to grab a cup of coffee with. But it’s the same verdict every time. He’s good enough to fool around with and he’s great in bed, but Miya Atsumu is not husband material, not when he’s already married to volleyball. 
The rejection only fuels his inner turmoil and the green eyed monster inside of him grows and grows, festering and spreading throughout him the more he stops attempting his futile attempts and instead turns his energy to loitering around Osamu and you, inviting himself over for dinners after practice, trying his hand at helping you in the kitchen for brunch on the weekends, crashing in your guest bedroom to the point that Osamu and you gift him a spare key to your shared home. 
Neither of you think much of it, Osamu joking to you privately that this is just Atsumu being the needy emotional brother he really is while you’re just glad to be able to get to know Osamu’s family better. So none of you notice how brown eyes inquisitively trail after the both of you, watching how the two of you seamlessly work out both your hectic lives, never letting the long hours at your job or Osamu’s restaurant get in the way of your relationship, always directing a warm smile or gaze at the other despite how obviously exhausted or far away from a good mood you’re in. 
And Atsumu lets himself believe that this could be his as he hungrily stares at the way you gently caress his brother’s hand, the affection in your gaze as you tenderly kiss him on the lips, the playful wink you give his twin when you tell him you’re getting ready for bed. He lets himself dream that it’s him who you direct those loving gazes to as you cheerfully greet him in the morning, handing him a coffee made just the way he likes it, placing a plate full of delicious piping hot food in front of him. He lets his hand wander down his shorts at night, straining to hear every detail, every decibel of your moans as Osamu and you make love at night, closing his eyes and stroking his cock as he imagines it’s him who’s forcing those beautiful cries from your mouth. 
But it’s not all a picture perfect paradise and Atsumu carefully listens in, alerted by the raising voices he hears through the walls as more and more time passes by. He’d noticed the growing tension in the house, noticed how the two of you were less affectionate, almost awkwardly shuffling around each other when both of you were home from work these past few months. But he couldn’t think of what could have caused both of you to act so strangely, so suddenly, when everything had seemed so swell. 
Curiosity has him placing his ear on the wall and he winces when he hears you shout, anger and hurt in your voice that makes his heart clench painfully, asking when Osamu was going to propose, telling his brother how you’re sick of waiting, how you want to get married and have kids soon. Something shattering inside of him when your voice becomes small and hesitant. 
“I thought that’s what you wanted too, Osamu. Isn’t that why we decided to start living together?”
He expects his brother to leap at the opportunity, to reassure you, yes, absolutely yes, we can get married right away. He knows that if their positions were switched, that’s what he would be doing. But his jaw drops in disbelief, morphing into a scowl when Osamu pleads for you to calm down, to be patient. 
“I do want that. But just not right now.”
“If not now, when? We’re not getting any younger, Osamu.” 
“But my chain is in talks of expanding and there’s so much going on. I just don’t have time-”
There’s a heavy silence as Osamu is quick to snap his mouth shut and Atsumu knows he’s cursing himself for the slip of his tongue, already knows the next words that are going to come out of your mouth, words he himself is all too familiar with from his own past failed relationships. 
“You just don’t have time for us? Me?” 
“That’s not what I meant…”
But it’s too late and Atsumu flinches when he hears loud angry movement, Osamu’s voice imploring you to calm down and stop what you’re doing to no avail as you stomp out of the house, slamming the front door behind you as you make your way to a friend’s house to spend the night apart. 
No one speaks of that night after you return to the house the next day and the three of you continue as normal. Or at least as normal as you can be after an unresolved disagreement that your relationship ultimately hinges around continues ticking like a time bomb in everyone’s minds. And it finally counts down to zero when Osamu packs his bags and plants a cold chaste kiss on your lips before heading to the airport and making his way to seal the deal on the restaurant expansion that’s taken over his entire life. 
Maybe it’s Atsumu’s fault that the two of you are drunk out of your minds, sprawled out on the living room floor. Scratch that. It’s definitely Atsumu’s fault and he drunkenly smiles at how out of it you are, heart warming at the giddy genuine smile spread across your face, happiness in your eyes that he hasn’t seen ever since that argument Osamu and you had. And oh, he didn’t mean to say that out loud and he panics, quickly sobering up when your smile falls at his words, eyes glazed in reminiscence as you think of that night. 
Atsumu isn’t known for his patience, but he waits, not uttering a single word, not moving an inch as you open yourself up to him, telling him your hopes and dreams that so closely match his own of a loving relationship, marriage, family, sharing about the argument Osamu and you had (unknowing of the fact that Atsumu already knows far more than he should). But when you frustratedly laugh at yourself, asking him rhetorically if you’re just being silly and naive, if you’re just a grown woman trying to fulfill a little girl’s childish dream, you’re stunned by the fierce denial from the blonde athlete determinedly staring at you.
“No. You’re not being silly or naive. ‘Samu’s being the idiot. Any man would be lucky and proud to have you as his wife and to create a family with you.”
Those words resonate with you, linger in your mind, further branded into your memory by the sheer sincerity Atsumu drowned them in. And maybe that’s why you find it impossible to play house anymore, find it impossible to live a forced and fake lie when you’re not truly happy anymore. It’s hard, heartbreakingly so, to part ways with the silver haired man when he still holds a part of your heart, but it’s for the best. Why continue when neither of you are on the same page in the long run? Why waste more precious years when you can actively work towards your desired future with someone else who wants the same things as you? 
It’s logical. It makes sense. And yet when you meet up with Atsumu at his apartment for dinner one night to catch up a few months or so after the break up you’re still doubting your decision. 
You had been surprised the blond setter had been so adamant about keeping in touch even after his brother and you separated, but if you’re honest, he’s surprisingly sweet and caring, someone you consider a true friend. So as awkward as it might seem to outsiders, the two of you remain in close contact and you happily agree to his invite when both your busy schedules finally match up. 
But as much as you like Atsumu, the two of you really need to stop drinking so much when you see each other and you let out a cry of frustration when your eyes immediately tear up when Atsumu casually asks how you’re doing as both of you sprawl out on his couch, trying to wave away his worried face as he hovers far too close to you, telling him it’s just the alcohol making you more emotional than usual. 
And you still blame all the drinks he had generously kept refilling for you for the way you sob and cling onto him as he wraps you in a tight hug, telling him how you worry all the time about whether or not you made the right decision to break up with Osamu, whether or not you’re ever going to find someone else, ever going to get married, ever going to have that dream romance you’ve always wanted, ever going to have the happy full family you’ve always yearned for. 
It all comes out of you so easily. But everything with Atsumu has always come easy and you don’t think much of it, finding comfort in his solid presence as he continues to hold you, letting him readjust and find a comfortable position-
You scramble to separate from him when lips tenderly meet yours, limbs flailing as you shove the man away from you, eyes comically wide open as you stare agape at Atsumu. 
“What are you- We can’t- No no no. All of this is wrong. This would KILL Osamu-”
Something inside of Atsumu snaps when he hears his brother’s name from your lips. Even after all this time, you’re still thinking of him? You still care about him? When the better twin is right in front of your fucking face? 
He doesn’t even register he’s shouting those questions in your face, barely registering your terrified eyes as you try to shrink away from him. But your movement of pulling away from him snaps him back to reality and reflexes has his hand twisting in your hair, grabbing you by your roots, fury making him numb to the way you desperately claw at his grip as he drags you to his bedroom. 
You’re too focused on soothing your aching skull when he finally releases you by throwing you onto his bed and pitiful tears stream down your face as you gingerly hold your head, ignorant of how the athlete is rummaging through his closet. In hindsight you’ll wonder why you didn’t try to run while his back was turned, although you already know the answer. This is just Atsumu in one of his moods. He didn’t mean to hurt you. He’ll apologize in just a second. Those are the thoughts fleeting through your mind amidst the sore ache Atsumu has left behind. 
But a warning bell rings relentlessly inside of you as you finally look up when you sense him approaching you, a thick roll of silver duct tape in his hands. 
Had Atsumu always looked so...intimidating?
You try to fight back as you’re suddenly pinned to the bed by a muscular body, flailing and thrashing as calloused hands hold your arms above your hand, tightly wrapping your wrists together, looping extra lengths of the tape around the headboard, securely fastening your arms up and out of the way. But it’s useless, pathetic really, although Atsumu thinks there’s something adorable about how hard you’re trying, only to be easily batted away by his much stronger body as he tears off your clothes and bends your knees, taping your calves to your thighs, one side at a time until both your legs are bound. 
And then there’s silence and stillness other than your wriggling tied form as Atsumu sits back and admires the view of your naked body, reality so much more lucious and gorgeous than he had ever imagined. You struggle against your tight restraints, recoiling as brown eyes leer at you, ravenously devouring the sight of your heaving breasts, raking down your figure before finally landing on your bare pussy on full display as his hands spread your bound legs on either side of you, palms searing your inner thighs with their unwanted warmth as he holds you open. 
One day he won’t need the resilient tape to hold you down and keep you still. One day you’ll let him have you of your own free will. One day you’ll see that he was always the one for you. But he can’t help but feel that there’s something breathtaking about how vulnerable and pretty you are, laid out for him like a wrapped present, something filthily attractive about how striking the silver stripes are against your skin. 
One day he won’t need the resilient tape...but that doesn’t mean he'll stop using it. 
You shudder as he trails his fingers over the duct tape, grinning at you all the while. 
“Can’t have you moving too much if I’m going to breed you. You’ll make all my cum spill out of you.”
He tsks when you frantically struggle at his words, pathetic begs and pleads spilling from your lips as dread fills you from learning exactly what Atsumu has planned for you and suddenly you’re all too aware of just how exposed you are, how tight the front of his pants look as his erection presses against the fabric, how far too close he is to your most intimate part. And you sob as he leans on top of you, pressing his toned body against yours, something hard pressing against your bare pussy as he captures your lips in a kiss to silence you. 
“I thought you would be more thankful considering how you were practically in my arms begging me for kids not even a hour ago. And now I’m here ready to give you what you want and you’re making such a fuss.” 
He rolls his eyes, scoffing as you only sob even harder, body shaking and trembling, sniveling as you stare up at him with teary eyes, begging him to stop. 
“Oh shut up. What? Are you worried about the order of things? Worried I’ll just knock you up and leave you alone? Don’t be stupid. I’ll make sure to put a ring on your finger and marry you after this. Who cares about the order of things when the end result is the same.” 
Your mouth opens and shuts a few times, unsure where to even begin telling him just how wrong his reasoning is, unsure how to even process his words. Ring? Marry? What-
But thoughts fly out of your head when a hungry mouth suddenly descends on your breasts, harshly sucking a nipple between wet lips, fingers roughly twisting and pulling at your other nipple and you wail at the jolt of sudden stimulation, too focused on the tongue lapping at your nipples and lances of arousal swirling inside of you to notice how his free hand is shoving his pants and boxers down and off. 
You hate how quick you are to melt into the delirious pleasure, body craving for the touch of another, to be brought to new heights by another after being left to your own devices for the past few months and you can feel your pussy clench and throb, feeling so exposed and empty, practically begging to be stuffed full as slick begins to form between your legs. And as if Atsumu can hear your body’s silent cry for more, he begins to push the tip of his cock inside of you and your back arches, mouth instinctively opening as he takes his time, pressing past your tight opening, slipping further and further inside of you until he’s finally fully sheathed inside of you, letting your body adjust to him as he continues licking and sucking on your breasts, groaning as he feels your tight walls clamp around him with every move of his mouth. 
Atsumu is not known for his patience, but he tries his damn best to take it as slow as he bearably can for you, dragging his cock back and forth against your gummy walls, constantly adjusting the angle of his hips with every stroke until you’re crying out, and he smirks triumphantly, memorizing the exact position and angle that has you seeing stars as he continuously hits that spongy spot inside of you. And all it takes is for his hand to slide between the two of you and gently circle your clit as he continues his steady assault to have you breaking to pieces underneath him, garbled versions of his name escaping your mouth as your orgasm washes over you in heavy tall waves, his own release joining with yours as your pussy convulses and milks him of his sticky white liquid. 
As post-coital bliss disintegrates, shame and relief flood through you, shame for enjoying it, relief that this ordeal is finally over and you wait. Wait for him to remove the tape. Wait for him to pull out of you. Grimacing as he affectionately nuzzles you and litters your face with kisses. But you panic, pure fear flooding through you when you feel his cock twitching inside of you once more, growing inside of you again. 
“You didn’t think we were done, did you? Need to make sure I fill you with so much cum that your body has no choice but to get pregnant.”
And he stays true to his words, fucking you over and over again, sometimes hard and rough, sometimes passionate and sensual, sometimes soft and gentle, but always finishing inside of you, adding to the splattered pooling mess inside of you. You feel disgusting, the increasingly wet noises as he thrusts in and out of the sticky wet mess inside of you permeating throughout the room, stomach feeling so bloated with cum that you swear you must be pregnant already. 
Quiet, relieved sobs wrack your body when the weight on top of you finally lifts, when he finally pulls out of you and your body slumps down, all the tension leaving it, discomfort taking its place as you feel a torrent of liquid move to rush out of your overfilled cunt, the beginnings of it already starting to trickle out. But despite your aching dry throat, you manage to let out a strangled cry of disbelief when your hips are uncomfortably raised up, upper body almost folded in half as Atsumu keeps your glistening pussy upright, not allowing even a single drop more to escape. 
And in this new position you have no choice but to watch, anxiety coursing through you when he tears off another piece of duct tape, chest hyperventilating as he places it over your gaping hole, effectively sealing you shut and despite the fact that you thought you had no more tears left to shed, new salty teardrops slide down your cheeks at the debauched site of your own pussy being treated as nothing more than an object, a receptacle for his seed, his beaming smug face between your legs only adding to your humiliation as he smiles down at his handiwork. 
All you can do is mindlessly stare when he directs his smile at you, verbally praising himself for how smart he is for finding a way to keep his cum inside of you and making sure all his hard work doesn’t go to waste, mind and body feeling numb and broken as he finally lets your body lay fully back on the bed, slumping down next to you in exhaustion and cuddling your listless and still bound figure. 
“We can go pick out rings together tomorrow, okay? Maybe try a few more times for some runts after. You think the more I cum in you, the better the chance that you’ll have twins?”
You don’t know, but you have a sinking feeling that you’ll soon be finding out.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Which of the cullens are cat persons and which are dog persons?
Oh I like this one.
Dog people:
- Bella. She canonically wanted a dog, and is needy enough that a dog's boundless, energetic affection would be right up her alley. Hate to say it but this girl would not be able to handle the crippling self-doubt that follows when your cat doesn't want scritches. (Correction: turns out she's a bit on the fence, ultimately thinks cats are probably more her thing. But she did try to get a dog. She belongs under "Indifferent".)
- Emmett, not just because he's an outdoorsy type who under normal, human, circumstances would love to have a dog by his side, but also because - well - testosterone. Guy thing. Real men have dogs.
- Rosalie wants the idyllic white picket fence life, and that means a golden retriever in the yard. He would be called Bodger.
- Alice might be interested in dressing them up. Apart from that... nah.
- Carlisle grew up in a time when animals were not pets the way they are now. I'd assume likes cats since they get rid of mice and rats, and dogs since they can be trained to do useful things.
Doesn't mean he'd want either one under his roof.
- Edward would never put it this way, but he is above cats and dogs. If he had to choose, though, I think dogs. He'd wax some poetic about how pure they are.
- Renesmée. Mostly because of one @keepingupwiththecullens strip (I can't find the specific one. I recommend the whole blog, though, it's amazing) where Renesmée is gifted an adorable bunny and she proceeds to eat the damn thing. I doubt I'd have seen Renesmée as a pet person either way, but... yeah she'd eat that adorable puppy or kitten. Thanks, mom, it was delicious.
Cat people:
- Esme. Dogs are out of the question, they're dirty animals and get hairs everywhere. Cats have hairs too, and will scratch up your couch, but they're tidy animals. More importantly, they look and act very much like babies in need of mothering. Who can resist an abandoned kitten she finds in the woods? Not Esme.
I mean that in every sense of the term, Esme can't resist the kitten.
It's delicious.
- Jasper I can see go either way, but I'm inclined towards cats. Their temperaments match, and in an ideal world where vampires and pets went together I imagine the calm contentment of a purring cat would be catnip great for Jasper.
To say nothing of the raw power you wield when you can stare at a cat from across the room and instantly make it purr.
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comfortable silence is so overrated || h. styles
warnings: drunk harry, alcohol, swearing
word count: 2k
summary: in his drunken state, your friend, harry, makes a confession he would never make when sober...
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You couldn’t help but smile at the video of Gemma’s cat, cooing at the purring feline. When the video ended, Gemma pulled her phone away. “She’s so adorable,” you hummed, smiling at Gemma.
“She’s a devil,” she mumbled.
You chuckled, “Excuse me, I will not tolerate any Olivia slander. She is an angel.”
“You’re an angel.”
It was Harry.
Your mum looked over, snorting quietly at Harry’s confession. Gemma laughed, “Harry, you’re so drunk.”
“I’m not,” he replied, his words slurred slightly.
Anne sighed, “Your sister’s right. I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink.”
Harry sighed, laying his head back against his chair. Your mum and Anne exchanged an amused glance at the sight of an exasperated Harry trying to convince everyone he was completely sober. “I’m fine. I didn’t even drink that much, did I? Y/N. Y/N. Did I? I didn’t even drink that much,” he said, frowning.
He was like a child. Especially when he was drunk, he was one of the neediest people you’d ever met. You’d been on your fair share of nights out with Harry having known him for so long. You’d known him before it was even legal for the two of you to drink. You smiled softly, hoping to entertain his beliefs somewhat, “No, you didn’t.”
“Exactly. Y/N says I didn’t drink and if I didn’t drink then I can’t be drunk,” Harry said, turning to Anne.
“No, darling, she said you didn’t drink a lot. You still drank some. And you know how you are with alcohol,” Anne sighed before turning to your mother. “Come on, we’ll go and pay and then we’ll head off.”
Sat at a bar in central London with the Styles siblings, your mother and Anne wasn’t exactly how you expected to finish your evening. You were initially planning to spend your birthday at home alone, maybe call your mum. However, when Gemma called, asking if you wanted to go out for drinks, you agreed. And, upon arrival, you were pleasantly surprised to find your grinning mother with the Styles family.
Gemma slipped her phone into her pocket, pushing her chair away from the table the five of you had been sat at. She mumbled something about going to the toilet. This left you alone, opposite Harry. He stared at you, “I’m not drunk.”
You shook your head slightly, smiling, “I believe you.”
“I knew you’d understand,” he said.
Not entirely sure what he expected you to say to that, the two of you fell into a lull in the conversation. You finished your drink, your eyes flickering up to meet Harry’s. He sent you another smile. You returned it. Harry and yourself had known each other long enough to grow past the awkward silence. Silence between the two of you was never awkward anymore. It was comfortable.
Whenever Harry was drunk, as he was now, you’d learnt to just keep him happy. If you didn’t, he became pouty and needy. And when he was pouty and needy, he became particularly annoying. “Do you have a boyfriend?” Harry asked, his eyes seeming to struggle on one thing.
You almost wanted to laugh, “You know I don’t.”
“Interesting,” he mumbled to himself. “How come?”
Harry never usually dug into things like this. But, then again, he was never usually this drunk. You shrugged, slipping your arms into your jacket upon seeing Anne and your mother returning, “I’m not sure. Just haven’t met anyone yet.”
Harry stumbled into your house, nearly falling as he slipped his shoes off. Happily, you’d agreed to drive him home (being the only one who hadn’t consumed any alcohol over the evening). While the other three women were sober enough to get themselves home, whether that be via the underground or uber, Anne felt safer if you drove Harry home. You agreed, mainly due to the fact that Harry’s home was on the way to your house anyway. However, in a turn of events, Harry was now staying at yours for the night.
To put it simply, Harry had accidentally left his keys with Gemma. The two of you agreed that it would probably be better if he went to collect them in the morning, as it was nearing midnight by the time you reached Harry’s house and he realised he had no means of actually getting in. Besides, it wasn’t like you and Harry had never slept at one another’s houses anyway. Albeit the occasion being more rare now than it was when the two of you were younger.
Harry fell onto the couch, pulling one of the throws over his cold body. He grinned up at you goofily as you removed your jacket. “What are you smiling at?” you asked, your cheeks heating up under his gaze.
“You,” he said. “You’re cute.”
“Cute?” you chuckled. “Are we ten?”
He shrugged, “It’s true, though.”
You sighed, leaving him be on the couch. You walked through to the kitchen, pouring him a glass of water for the morning. Your head was full of all sorts of questions. Harry was being clingy, and more clingy than he normally was when intoxicated. You wanted desperately to shrug it off and think nothing of Harry’s odd behaviour.
Maybe it was down to how much Harry had drunk at the central London bar. Saying that though, you’d been with Harry on his first night out when he turned eighteen. And nobody is ever drunker than their first night out. People are excited to finally be able to legally drink and they’re not entirely sure where they stand on the scale of lightweights. Little Harry had been no exception to this. “Here,” you smiled, placing the glass down on the coffee table.
You noticed his trousers had been kicked off, lying in a puddle on the floor. He was still in his t-shirt - one of his graphic ones. The throw was pulled haphazardly over the majority of Harry’s body.
He stared up at you, “What would I do without you? Maybe die. I might. I know it’s hard to imagine that. But it could happen without you, Y/N. You’re like perfect, did you know that? You always take care of me. I want to take care of you. But you never need it. Let me look after you, Y/N. Please. Maybe I am drunk. Hey, Y/N… I think I might possibly be slightly drunk.”
He was rambling. You smiled sweetly at him as he continued on about how ‘there’s a chance he may be drunk’ and how ‘wonderful you were to him’.
You chuckled, “No shit.”
He placed his hand on his chest, “There is no need to be like that. Apologise for that right now.”
Stifling a laugh, you forced out, “Sorry, H.”
He grinned, “It’s okay. I still love you.”
You just smiled at him. As far as Harry was concerned, you hadn’t even picked up on his words. Inside, though, was a completely different story. You were having a complete meltdown at what your friend had just opted to tell you. You watched as he closed his eyes, the tension in his features draining away. You cleared your throat. His eyes snapped back open. “I’m gonna go to bed. If you wake up before me, there’s cereal in the cupboard.”
He nodded, “Goodnight. If your dreams get too scary, I’ll be down here to hold you if you so need it.”
You forced a tight-lipped smile, “Noted.”
Spinning on your heel, you left Harry alone to sleep on your couch. He looked content enough. Content. Why was he content after what he’d just told you? ‘I still love you’? As you brushed your teeth and got changed, finally crawling into bed after such a long evening. The cold sheets felt refreshing against your flushed body.
Maybe he only meant it in a platonic way? You and Harry had certainly told one another that you loved each other before. And that had always been purely platonic. But this felt different somehow. Almost like he meant to keep you up all night pondering his words.
When you were fifteen, you first noticed Harry in a romantic light. For the four years you’d known each other prior, you hadn’t felt anything other than mutually platonic admiration for one another. But then you developed somewhat of a crush on Harry. You never told him - God, you wouldn’t dream of confessing such a thing to him. Not while you were sober, anyway. And then feelings faded and you were relieved to be back to your platonic love.
It was only six months ago did those damned feelings return. You weren’t entirely sure what triggered it, but you’d been in such a predicament ever since. Harry telling you that he loved you only amplified them.
As you jogged downstairs the following morning, you’d almost forgotten Harry was staying at your house. So, when you walked into the kitchen to find him rummaging through your collection of cereal, you almost had a heart attack. “Morning,” he smiled as he turned around.
“Good morning,” you replied. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Like a baby,” he grinned. “Did you?”
God, this small talk was killing you. Of course Harry didn’t care how you slept. Nobody ever cares how somebody slept, they’re just trying to make conversation, hoping something they say sparks an interesting discussion topic. “Yeah,” you lied.
You hadn’t slept very well at all. You’d been thinking about Harry’s words up until about four hours ago. Thankfully, Harry didn’t see through your lie, “Good. I’m glad.”
He sat down at the table, spooning some Cornflakes into his mouth. You poured yourself a glass of orange juice, sitting down opposite him. The unusually bright London sun beamed in through your kitchen windows, casting the most glorious light over Harry’s tired eyes.
He pressed his hand to his forehead, wincing slightly. He had a headache. You weren’t exactly surprised after how much he drank last night. The way he was speaking, it felt like he was dodging something. It was awkward small talk. Like he was deliberately trying to leave something out of the conversation. And you had a bit of an inkling as to what that was.
You had hoped he wouldn’t remember his drunken confession. Then you wouldn’t have to talk about it and you could just go on, pretending it never happened. But no, his tone suggested he definitely remembered saying what he said.
The silence you fell into was ten times more comfortable than the desperate attempts at conversation the two of you had been sharing. You sipped your orange juice, staring out of the window at the cloudless sky. Harry ate his cereal quietly, not taking his eyes off the bowl. And, as you finished your drink, you realised you were exactly what you’d been mentally scolding Harry for the night prior.
You were content.
You were content sitting opposite Harry on a warm summer morning, the sun washed over the two of you as you both basked in the comfortable silence between you. It was a little moment of domesticated euphoria. But, to Hell with comfortable silence, “Harry.”
“Yeah?” he said, looking up at you, anxiety pooled in those green eyes of his.
“You know last night?”
“Yeah,” he replied quietly, his gaze returning to the bowl and the spoon between his fingers.
“You know what you said?”
“Did you mean it?”
“Yeah?” you repeated, though you weren’t entirely sure why you did.
“Yeah, I meant it. I mean it. I love you.”
He said it as if he’d had one of those ‘fuck it, you only live once’ moments in his head. His confidence seemed to pile up upon every syllable that he uttered. “Even though I swore at you?” you smirked, recounting the seconds of revelations last night.
He cracked a small smile, “Yeah. Even though you swore at me. Do you, you know, feel the same?”
You hesitated for a moment, revelling in the moment of sober confessions. You grinned across at the man sat opposite you.
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bleachhaven · 4 years
SFW/NSFW headcanons for my favourite boi Grimmjow, please!
This is a request sent in perhaps over a year ago and I’m now only getting to it... I apologize. Life got in the way and that’s just how it sometimes go. Better late than never right?
Hope you like this!
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You know how cats can be salty as hell when you first meet them sometimes, especially if they’re not used to humans much? But then with time, they learn to allow you in their presence...which in turn ends up with them becoming so freaking needy and greedy for your attention? Well...that’s Grimmjow for you.
Let’s assume that you’ve both gotten past his salty phase. Trust me, a greedy Grimmjow might actually be worse. But let’s be real. You freaking love it.
At first, he is not going to want to show you how much he likes having you around. But it’s impossible not to notice how he almost goddamn purrs in contentment when you’re anywhere close to him.
He’d let down his guard more and more with you. You know that he trusts you for sure when he starts to fall asleep with you. I don’t mean a little cat nap. A very, very deep and restful slumber that lets you know he’s so completely relaxed. That he subconsciously knows you’d protect him someway.
He’d be well versed in the art of following his baser instincts for sure but the little acts of affection won’t be something he would be familiar with. So it’ll be up to you to educate him upon the benefits of kissing and hugging and cuddling and simple ways of touching each other without it having to lead into anything more
Once he’s into it, he’s going to be hella hooked. He’d use any excuse to brush up against you, lingering hands on your waist as he walks past or whatever.
He’d take to kissing like cat to cream (lots of unapologetic cat references here). Minimal persuasion required. Nibbles and bites, sure. That is instinctual. He gets to mark you as his that way. But he loves kissing you, feeling your softeness. He loves it even more when he realizes just how much you love it.
A relationship with Grimmjow would also involve sparring. Not to train. Not to prove who’s stronger. Not to establish dominance. Not for anything but pure freaking fun. He enjoys it. If he can get you to really let loose and wreak havoc and destruction when you two spar, it’ll be the most entertainment he’d ever need. Except maybe fighting Ichigo when he can. Maybe you’re not really into it, but he’d reward you well for your cooperation ;)
Imagine you walking somewhere, minding your business...and wham! You’re grabbed tight and sonidoed away by an excited blur of blue. He’d deposit you in the middle of nowhere and you just know what his next words would be. “Fight me, baby...” The last word, a goddamn purr. How do you find the will to resist? You don’t. You really don’t.
(Under the cut)
Grimmjow is into foreplay. I don’t mean seduction and affection or whatever in that moment of having sex with you. His foreplay is drawn out and could last the whole day.
It actually starts with that sexy and seductive “Fight me, baby...” and go on throughout your fight session. Every time he tackles you to the ground and pins you for a point, he’d bite your neck a little. And you’d feel him getting hard against your thigh. Except he’d move away and you’d continue fighting, as if he wasn’t goddamn fucking horny for you
He could tease you all day if he feels like it. But fortunately for you, he rarely does. He likes having you hard and as often as he can, wherever he can
Worrying about shocking unsuspecting bystanders isn’t going to be his thing. Maybe you could train him to sonido away to a bit more secluded area but he’s gonna grumble about it a while
Grimmjow loves taking you from behind, leaning over your body covering you with his, so that he can thrust deep, deep into you. It’s a distinctively dominant position and it goes quite well with his nature. He is very dominant in bed.
That being said, he could be convinced to switch if you’re so inclined. He just likes fucking you whatever way he can get you honestly
He is going to use sex as a way to mark his territory. A concept I explored a bit here. Sure he’d love coming inside of you but he’d rather cum on you; specially on your stomach or the small of your back. Then he’d massage that thick cum all over your body, spreading it till you absorb the scent of him into your own. God forbid if you dare to shower. That’s a sure fire way to get fucked again as a warning
He’s large and thick enough to be uncomfortably deliciously stretching you. You’re shocked to realize the curtains do match the drapes, electric blue down there too.
When he goes down on you, the way his mask scrapes across the sensitive flesh of your thigh adds a level of intensity to your pleasure. He’d lap away at you, slurping you right up. He’d have you mewling in no time, strangely a sound he loves hearing from you knowing it’s him making you go wild.
Afterwards, he’d want nothing more than to curl up over you, cuddling you to fall asleep. You wouldn’t go as far as to say you feel loved persay. But you do feel cherished...like he’s imprinted on you.
Inspiration for this fic was strangely derived from my recently adopted kitten, Luna 🐈
Ask Box is still open and you can send in your Bleach fantasies there!
Or check out more of my work through the Masterlist here!
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
💡: Hey can I get HC of Jealous Fred?
Jealous Fred
I imagine Fred having two modes
One - casual
Because you know, Fred is a pretty chill guy, confident enough too, he's not very phased by his s/o receiving attention from others
or giving others attention, on healthy levels of course
apart from his brothers
he has shared everything with them, his parents' attention was divided between them all, he's not sharing your love and affection with them
I mean - it's cool that you get along, he loves them, but if Bill's big brother hug lasts a second too long, Fred's face turns into a grimace
he won't say anything to Bill
because it's Bill
but he'll make sure to hang around you close, like a cat that wants to be pet
George is an exception, because he's always around
Fred loves how close the two of you are, and that the three of you can always spend the time together without anyone feeling like an outsider
however, he has always shared everything with George on even bigger level than with the rest of his brothers
most people see them as one entity
so some little things, like if you side with George against him, or sit closer to George somewhere, for no particular reason
it upsets Fred, no matter how much he'd like to deny it
which is - again - proceeded by asking for additional attention from you
now the second mode - needy/moody/tired Fred is less forgiving when it comes to you giving others attention, to the point of being unreasonable
and if someone's talking to you, giving Fred suspicions that they're trying to be more than friendly, he'll do his best to make them as uncomfortable as possible, so they just leave the conversation
but if someone ever actually tries to hit on you, he'll intimidate them
to then show them whose you really are
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13eyond13 · 3 years
Hi! Love your blog, and especially your DN headcanons. Just wanted to hear your opinion on the type of person L, Light and Near might be attracted to/fall in love with? And how do you think they would act around their crush?
Hi there, thanks so much! 🧡
I think he likes to chase a bit, and he loves a challenge, and he wants somebody who is mysterious and aloof and puzzling enough that he's genuinely invested in trying to figure them out. He'd enjoy being able to compete with them and tease them, and he wouldn't want them to be clingy or insecure or really emotionally demanding of him and monopolizing of his time. He would want somebody who wasn't too sensitive most times, because I think he would absolutely refuse to coddle people and get impatient with a lot of melodramatic emotions fast. But he would also like someone who genuinely appreciated him for his talents and the things he's proud of himself for, and who was obviously proud to have caught his attention as well. I think he has a bit of an ego about the way his attention and approval is something people covet and attempt to win. The worst thing you could do to turn him off would be something like what Matsuda does when he constantly reminds L that he made lots of contributions to the team and deserves his recognition as well. L doesn't like being told what to do by anyone, and it insults his intelligence; he's not an approval vending machine, nor is he stupid, and he normally notices everything going on around him already. I think it makes him both want to withhold his attention and approval even more out of spite and look down on them for being so needy and obvious about requiring validation from him and others to feel good about themselves. Someone who does appreciate his attention and values it, yet also doesn't beg for it or appear to need it to succeed would be someone he would actually want to praise and pursue.
I think he gets incredibly curious about them and would find a lot of ways to spend time with them. Loves to tease and rile them up and to play games and to chase. I think the way he acts with Light in the first bit of the story when their cat and mouse game is kicking off is the best example of how he would act with a crush.
Light needs to respect his partner as an equal, or even look up to them, first and foremost. He has a huge ego that has been constantly inflated by everyone around him through praise and popularity and the success of his achievements and the high expectations piled upon him by himself and by others. So he has a pretty jaded and cynical attitude toward stuff like sex and romance, and definitely considers himself to be above "regular people" by default. He would surely like a bit of mystery and challenge in his relationships, as it's always been very easy for him to attract and inspire devotion in others, and yet very difficult for him to feel genuinely interested in them in return. He'd like somebody who could easily keep up with or surpass him in the things he excels in and is interested in, and who would both validate him with their genuine interest in him, yet also not be afraid to oppose or deny him or tease him. They should give him enough space and independence that he doesn't feel too smothered or like they're extremely desperate for him or really insecure, too. If he felt like they'd be totally fine with or without him then he probably would be relieved that they aren't too emotionally needy and demanding of him, yet also slightly insulted and a bit more motivated to work harder to maintain their interest in him.
I think he gets a lot more playful and scheming and emotionally invested than his normally straitlaced and serious self. He would think about them obsessively and overanalyze their interactions and read between the lines with them a lot; he would maybe not totally recognize his emotions toward them and interest in them as a crush so much as just notice that this person makes him feel intense emotions and unsteadiness and a genuine intrigue of some sort (especially if it was a guy, and I do think of him as gay and repressed). The way he acts toward L and reacts to L during the first part of the story when they're challenging each other and playing a bunch of cat and mouse games and speaking in coded riddles to one another is the best example of what I mean by how Light would act around a genuine crush.
I think Near would care more about personality and vibes than most other things. Maybe the person's character and values and stances on important matters and such as well. He likes to think deeply and talk deeply about things, so somebody who likes to chat and think aloud with him about a lot of the stuff he's interested in without getting impatient about that or misunderstanding him a lot might be good as well. I don't think Near would do well with somebody who gets easily offended by negativity or disagreements, as he always wants to speak his mind and can be pretty stubborn and scathing with his opinions at times, especially when he's worried or upset. And I think they'd have to be okay with him being a homebody and spending a lot of time by himself with his hobbies, but also good at maybe helping him be a little more adventurous or open to new things that might be good for him or interesting to him to explore.
I think he gets very protective of and thoughtful about them, and spends a lot of time analyzing their behaviours and motivations and defending them if other people seem to dislike or misunderstand them. He wouldn't be into playing games with them so much as just want to have a genuine connection to them and hopefully tell them sincerely how he feels. He would probably give them gifts and stuff too, as I think that's Near's main love language. The way he acts toward Mello by always trying to look out for him and support him and make excuses for him to his staff and such is pretty much how I imagine he would normally act with a crush, whether or not he acknowledges it as such.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
you read my mind (better to leave it unsaid)
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here you go @cringeycal​ i hate you <3
read it here on ao3
Calum’s not tired enough for this time difference.
Sixteen hours is too many. One day is not enough time to adjust to a whole new circadian rhythm. Their 7pm concert is 11am to Calum, and by the time it’s over it’s smack-bang in the middle of the day in Calum’s brain, and the fact that it’s dark outside is really, really fucking him up.
“This is really, really fucking me up,” he mutters, pulling the curtains of his and Michael’s hotel room shut with a swish. 
“What is?” Michael’s voice echoes from the bathroom, where he’s brushing his teeth. It’s a strange choice, since Michael also brushed his teeth before the show and they haven’t eaten anything since then, but whatever. 
“The fact that it’s dark outside and I feel like it’s the middle of the afternoon,” Calum says. He pulls his cap off his head and throws it aside, ruffling up the matted hair underneath. It’s nice and air-conditioned in the room, and the sweat sticking Calum’s shirt to his chest from the show is starting to dry. It strikes Calum that he doesn’t need to be wearing his gross sweaty t-shirt anymore, so he pulls that off, too, and throws it in the general direction of the hat.
Michael makes a kind of humming noise. Calum can hear the sounds of a toothbrush, and takes no offence at Michael’s non-answer. He kicks off his jeans and flops back onto the bed, revelling in the cool air on his sticky skin for a minute before sliding off to put on some clothes.
Michael traipses out of the bathroom. He’s still in full show attire, and he’s wearing the camouflage baseball cap from before, a pastel galaxy of lavender hair sticking out underneath it. Calum likes this colour on Michael. A lot of the time Michael makes his bizarre hair colour look good, but this time, the hair colour looks good on its own, which is a refreshing change of pace. 
“You look tired,” Michael says.
Calum frowns. “I’m not. And no I don’t.”
“Fine, you look cosy.”
“That’s not the same thing at all.” The sweatpants and hoodie Calum have donned are cosy, but in his mind it’s still that lazy break between lunch and dinner where the only way to kill time is to play video games. He blinks owlishly at Michael. “You look…colourful.”
Michael snorts a laugh. The only colourful part of him is his hair; his attire is all-black, as usual, but Calum is pretty focused on the hair. Maybe the jet lag is getting to him more than he knows, because all Calum can think is that Michael looks yummy, deliciously kissable, and he wants to tangle his fingers in the lilac mess that is his hair and make it worse. 
“You look…like you’re plotting something evil,” Michael returns, strolling towards Calum. He grins. “Stop staring at me! What are you planning?”
“I may be delirious,” Calum solemnly informs him. “What time is it?”
“Midnight,” Michael says without checking. He steps even closer. “Stop staring, you weirdo.”
“Make me.”
“No offence, but you look like you might snap and go serial killer,” Michael says. “I’m not kissing you, crazy eyes.”
Calum blinks. His gaze refocuses, flitting around Michael’s face too quickly, like trying to calibrate himself. “What if I kissed you?”
Michael shifts his weight, barely a foot away, and smirks. “That’d be okay.”
“I would never snap and serial killer kill you,” Calum says, frowning as Michael’s words finally pierce the thick haze of jet lag clouding his mind. “If I killed you it would be deeply personal and I’d leave a note and everything.”
Michael bursts into laughter. “This is why I say you’re insane!”
“I’m not insane! I’m adorable.”
“Adorably insane.” Michael calms down and catches his breath. “Well? Are you gonna kiss me or—”
“Stop calling me insane and we’ll just see,” Calum says, except then he kisses Michael anyway because he’s tired of not kissing Michael and this argument is not worth the time they’re wasting not kissing.
Michael’s hands immediately find their way to Calum’s waist, pulling him closer so they’re flush against each other. In the stillness of the room, Calum’s own heartbeat is loud in his ears. He wonders if Michael can hear it, or feel it, or if he’d find it strange if he could. They’re just friends who kiss. There’s nothing strange about that.
Anyway, Calum’s a man on a mission, and his palms slide up Michael’s arms and shoulders, framing his face for a second, then continue around the back of his head to the unexpectedly soft strands of hair at the back. 
Well, almost victory. His fingertips bump against the brim of the cap on Michael’s head, and Calum grabs the hat and tugs it off him. The gesture makes Michael choke on a laugh and pull away.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s in the way,” Calum insists, taking advantage of the pause to push Michael’s hair off his forehead. A blissful smile breaks across Michael’s face, but he shakes his head anyway like he has to at least pretend to mock every single thing Calum does.
“It’s part of my look,” he says. Calum drops the cap carelessly to the floor and wraps his arms around Michael’s neck.
“Don’t care,” he says airily. “My enjoyment of our kiss is more important than your aesthetic.”
Michael breathes a laugh. “Rude.”
“Rude of you to wear a hat and hide all this sexy hair.”
“Oh, I see. It’s all about the hair.”
“Yeah, duh.” Calum leans their foreheads together. “Pick a bad colour and this is over.”
“Better not pick a bad colour, then.”
Calum smiles. “Don’t think a bad colour exists for you,” he admits. And I don’t think anything could convince me to end this, no matter what I say.
Michael is quiet, watching him, and after a moment of silence he leans in to kiss Calum again, like it’s the only adequate reply he can come up with.
Calum threads his fingers through Michael’s lilac hair and imagines the colour staining his skin, leaving an amethyst residue on his fingertips. He drags his hands down to Michael’s face, imagines leaving a lavender trail, marking the trajectory of his touch. Smudging violet across Michael’s cheeks with his thumbs.
Michael doesn’t taste like lavender or lilac — he tastes like mint toothpaste — but the colours are so vivid behind Calum’s closed eyes that he can swear he can taste them on Michael’s tongue.
When Michael pulls away, Calum licks his lips and opens his eyes. He’s disappointed to find Michael looking like Michael, no extraneous hair dye anywhere, all pale and pink lips but no purple in sight beyond the disaster that is his hair.
“Um,” Calum says, catching up to his own train of thought. “I think I’m tired.”
“Wow,” Michael says. “Hard for me not to take that personally, Cal.”
Calum grins. He’s not sure if he’s tired so much as just ready to call it a night. Otherwise he risks ruining this perfect ending to their day. Any day that ends with kissing Michael can’t be that bad.
“Hey, I could keep going,” he says.
Michael shakes his head, then hesitates, then kisses Calum once more. It goes straight to Calum’s toes, to the tips of his fingers. Somehow, the last kiss is always the best one.
“Well I, for one, am fuckin’ beat,” Michael says when they’re separate again.
Calum resists every single urge to just keep kissing him. If it were up to him they’d never stop. The only reason he ever lets up is the promise that at least they’ll get to do it again the next day. Even now, with the post-show exhaustion catching up to him and Michael basically swaying where he stands — even now, he wants to steal one more, one for safekeeping, one to lock up in a memory box Just In Case.
That would be insane, though.
“We need to sleep,” Michael says. “Or at least I need to sleep.”
“Fine, I’ll sleep,” Calum says. “But dibs little spoon.”
Michael sighs. “Fine.”
Calum kisses his cheek, then leaps backwards and lands on the bed spread-eagle. He doesn’t even have a chance to readjust before Michael’s climbing on top of him like a baby goat or a particularly needy cat. “Oof,” Calum says. “Get off me, stupid.”
“Technically, I think this counts as you being the little spoon,” Michael observes, which is absolutely not true and complete bullshit. 
Calum jerks his shoulder until he dislodges Michael from on top of him. “You’re still in your show clothes, you disgusting pig. Put on some pyjamas at least, Jesus Christ. I’m not cuddling with your sweaty arse.”
“Alright, fuck, chillax,” Michael huffs, clumsily stumbling off the bed and over to his suitcase. While he changes, Calum pushes the covers back and snuggles up underneath. It’s wonderfully warm with the blanket and the hoodie and everything. Calum sighs contentedly. “Don’t forget to turn off the lights,” he adds.
Michael finishes changing into sweats and a t-shirt and kills the lights. On his way back to the bed Calum hears him almost trip. “What the fuck is this?” Another pause. “Oh, it’s my hat.”
“Whoops,” says Calum. Michael finally returns to bed and crawls under the blanket where Calum’s made himself comfortable. “You looked pretty good in it. I just really— I wanted to touch your hair.”
Michael kind of laughs quietly. “And? How was it?”
“Delicious,” Calum hums. He grabs Michael’s hand and presses a kiss to his palm. “Very tasty. Would touch again.”
“You can’t— that doesn’t even—”
“Shh. Shhhhh. Just let it happen.”
Michael sighs. His arm wraps snugly around Calum’s waist, and Calum takes back his thoughts about jet lag. It doesn’t seem like such an issue anymore. “I love you, weirdo. Goodnight.”
“Love you too,” Calum says. He yawns, which leads to Michael yawning; they both giggle, but then silence descends, and Calum falls asleep surprisingly quickly after that, with Michael breathing in his ear.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Does puppy Koo have a heat/rut or react to the hormones put off by the reader if they’re ovulating🌻
(ah fuck- i love this concept, this is also SUPER UNEDITED SO DON’T JUDGE ME, so major NSFW warning: breeding kink, Knotting, Koo is a little clueless, Alpha/omega dynamics, Dom/sub, references to bdsm) 
oh i think he goes absolutely feral when this happens, or if not feral- at least like- overly possessive. his arms are constantly around her waist, growls every time she tries to take him off and basically can't be in public with her or else he’ll get too territorial whenever someone comes close. i think that the first time it happened, and koo started to be affected by the smell of her he straight up shoved someone because they were looking at her wrong.  
he just can’t help it, she smells way too good, like her usual scent but so much muskier.  the first few days before when he dosent realize it’s happening- or what's about to happen, he’ll always find himself riled up more easily. it’s almost similar to how it would be if the reader had heats. only she never gets the classic heat symptoms. I think he’d even mention it to jimin after he behaved territorially again at the supermarket. and Koo would kind of roll his eyes. “I mean i know it was harsh but I couldn’t exactly let her get close to him- what if he smelled her Hyung?!?” 
“What do you mean Koo?!?” 
“she’s in heat Hyung? or nearly in heat- but she must take suppressants because it never smells quite right and she never gets like super needy or anything- I just don't get why you won’t make her stay inside when that happens or stay home like you do with my ruts sometimes, i don’t want to accuse you of being a bad alpha or anything but-” 
“hang on hang on- humans don’t have heats or ruts Koo, they just- don’t?” and jimin gets the accidental ‘alpha’ that slips his lips because koo has confessed to human dynamics being so hard to parse out let alone the more bdsm side to your and jimin’s relationship. it was easier for koo to think of you and jimin as an alpha and omega pair than a sub/dom in a very long and committed romantic relationship 
and Koo dosent get it- there has to be some sort of reason for your unusually alluring scent. neither of them really get it, Until they ask you, I imagine this conversation has taken place while you where in the bathroom showering, so when you get out it sends a wave of your scent towards Koo and nearly makes him want to purr- and he’s not even a cat hybrid either! 
it takes all his self-control to stay seated on the edge of your bed while jimin hovers, asking you about it, koo nodding energetically when you ask him if you really smell as good as he says. it’s then that you check an app on your phone and see oh- you’re ovulating- that must be what has koo visibly hard in his pants (that- or you in your towel- both are equally possible, koo can be a little bit of a horndog- no pun intended.)
and slowly, as you start to explain to him what it means when you’re ovulating, he gets this lovestruck teary-eyed look on his face, his tail thwacking. “you mean? this means you’re ready for pups?” and jimin cackles as you blush and deny it but you're all kinda too tired to completely explain why you dont want to have kids yet- or birth control. 
of course, Koo knows that he can’t get you pregnant, but that dosent mean jimin can’t- and it’s a good thing you actually on birth control because Koo just like- won’t stop trying to push you together, won’t let you sleep until you're full with both of their cum (just because he knows he can’t get you pregnant dosent mean he dosent want to try)
 I picture you riding jimin while jungkook watches (stays like a good puppy) and when you finally pull off of jimin, he rushes forward to plug up your entrance with his fingers- because it’s getting out. jimin is all stretched out and bleary-eyed from his release, body truly relaxed, as he strokes his cock one more time to get the last of it out. taking the last little bit of cum and smearing it across your cunt with a devilish smile. making your hips jerk with how sensitive you are “you’re gonna be the death of me” 
“love you too” jimin turns to koo “happy now puppy?” it’s a tease- because jungkook is still hard between his legs, a knot already nearly forming. swelling just a little. “or do you want a little more?” Jungkooks whines are enough. and like usual. he chooses to mount you from behind, pushing you low into the covers. always sets a brutal pace when he’s riled up like this and it’s almost worse, his words low and biting.
 “gonna breed you full, Jiminie and I are good alphas and we know how to take care of you- gonna plug you up so you won’t waste any more of our cum.” and maybe when you look at jimin, whose just stretched out enjoying the show, he notices the flush you have on your face from Koo’s words and smirks- that fucker. he’ll probably save the words to throw back at you when he really wants to push you over the edge now that he knows which particular ones will send you over the edge. 
koo always has this super cute moment after he’s done knotting you. when he puts his hips as close to the swell of your ass as he can grinding it a little bit without pulling on your entrance too much. nipping at your neck for a second as his eyes roll back. and then a moment after he’s done cumming- his tail will start to wag and he’ll go from alpha hybrid to your cute puppy again. looking eager to get called a good pup for knotting you so well (a compliment that jimin usually gives out because alot of the time you’re too boneless to take part in any aftercare).
 some of their release slipping out of you when koo’s knot has gone down enough to pop free, whining low when you wipe some of it away because- that's the whole point of knotting. but it’s okay- koo and jimin will just breed you again and if you don’t get full of pups this time there’s always next time. koo ends up falling asleep with his nose inadvertently pressed to your cunt- he can’t help it- you just smell so good when you smell like all of them, his hands loosely resting over your tummy 
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Hi! 👋 I just recently found you blog and I’m I’ve been in the mood for some vampire love! It is so hard to find lost boys imagines! And the fact that I found you had made my week! Thank you so much and hope you have a wonderful week a head of you. I do have an ask if that is okay? If the s/o was a virgin and they have been dating the boys for a while, poly or not I’ll let you decide, and they ask them to be their first? What would the boys do? If it’s to nsfw please skip. Thank you again!
Asks are always welcome!! Okay, I’m definitely gonna do a separate one for each boy because if this was a poly!lost boys fic it would either end up in the boys arguing over who gets to go first, or David would just call dibs. Also, nsfw is always welcome :)
Warning: This will obviously be NSFW so 18+
The Lost Boys x Virgin S/O That Asks Them to be Their First
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David would be lying if he said he hadn’t expected it. He’d seen this coming from a mile away. He knew about your inexperience, and it didn’t bother him at all. In fact, he liked it. He got to lead all of your intimate moments, as you easily relinquished control over to him. It only made sense to. You didn’t know what you were doing, and David did
You had been extra flustered around him that night and shyer than usual, and it had been a dead giveaway
When he took you back to the cave, a nightly ritual and where you two would always end up spending the later part of your nights together, you’d been a nervous wreck the moment he’d pulled you into his lap
He kissed you as slow and as dominating as ever, and you were completely breathless when he let you pull away
You had to ask now before you two went any further. You’d prepared the speech in your mind the whole night, and you quickly blurted it out. David had given you a soft, irresistible smile the entire time, and he waited patiently until you were done
When you finally finished, he looked incredibly smug. He brushed your hair away from your face, and told you that yes, he would take your virginity. He made sure to punctuate the word
He’d known that he’d be the one to take your virginity. If he was dating you, then he planned on keeping you forever. As far as he was concerned, it was only a matter of time
Even though you had only told him that night, David was already prepared. Let’s just say that David stays packing. He wanted to do it that night, so you wouldn’t change your mind
He took you to the couch, so you’d have more room, and laid you on your back. He wanted your first time to be good, great even, so he wasn’t going to rush it
He started off by kissing you nice and slow, and he teased you until you were practically begging him to touch you. When you did, he’d smirk against your lips and sigh about how needy you were. He’d slowly pull off both of your clothes, and kiss his way down your chest and stomach. He’d tease you open with his tongue, making you sigh and gasp above him. 
You could run your fingers through his hair and touch his shoulders, but if you tried to pull him away in favor of just getting on with it? He wasn’t afraid to tie your wrists above your head, first time or not. If you wanted him, you had to be good. No exceptions. He wanted you to enjoy yourself, it was a pride thing, and he wasn’t going to really start until you came
Afterwards, he’d murmur in your ear about how cute you were, and tease you by saying “I don’t know if you can even take me, sweetheart. You’re so tight, I don’t wanna break you.” The smug bastard would suck hickeys into your skin as he slowly pushes inside you, and he would stop every few inches just to let you adjust. He likes to sit back on his haunches so he can watch you the entire time. He’ll hold your legs up and back so he can get a full view
He’d whisper about how you were doing so well and say, “that’s right baby, you can take me. Just a little bit more” until he was in to the hilt. He’d wait until you relaxed, and would start off slow and soft. But the second you started to enjoy yourself? You bet he’d find that spot inside of you and ram it so hard you’d be seeing stars
His goal is to make you cum as many times as possible, so he’d be playing with you constantly throughout the whole thing. You’re sensitive? Overstimulated? Too bad, sweetheart. He’s not satisfied until you’re shaking
He’d also tease you the entire time. You happen to be loud? He’ll tease you for how dirty you sound. You’re quiet? He’ll make you tell him exactly how it feels. Don’t even bother trying to shut your eyes because he wants them on him. The. Entire. Time. Icy blue eyes staring into yours as he pulls you apart seam by seam
Afterwards, he’d give you A+ aftercare and clean you off. He’d lay with you and kiss you all over your face, telling you how well you did and how good you felt
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You and Dwayne had been on the beach when you told him. You’d been drinking and stargazing, and he’d nearly choked on his drink when you said it so casually
He’d looked at you, and you knew exactly what the look meant. Dating Dwayne for as long as you had meant you could read him like a book. Really? He’s a little surprised, but he doesn’t tell you that. You assure him that no, you don’t mean now. Just, when it does happen, you want it to be with him. Dwayne becomes so soft at those words, and he kisses you a little bit more passionately that night
Dwayne takes this incredibly seriously. He wants your first time to be memorable, in a good way. He wants it to be romantic, and, dare he say, perfect
So, he pulls out all the stops. He decides that your room would make you feel the most comfortable, and he waits for a night where he knows your parents won’t be home. You go downstairs to make yourself some dinner, and you wander back upstairs to find candles all over your room and a brunette laying on your bed. He may even have some of your favorite music playing in the background
You instantly tease him for being cheesy and a total hopeless romantic, and he just rolls his eyes and pulls you onto the bed cause, “Shut up, you’re gonna ruin it” and you laugh as he pulls you in for a kiss
Dwayne is slow and sensual the entire time. He silently checks in on you to make sure that you still want this, that you still want him, and you almost have to assure him more than he has to assure you
He’ll have you lay under him, and he’ll slowly undress you. He wants tonight to be romantic, and he spends almost all of his time kissing you. He kisses you like he has all of the time in the world, but he doesn’t keep you waiting.
He’ll loosen you with his fingers, and he’d swallow all your moans and gasps. He’d go slow, teasing you open until you could take three of his digits. He wants to make sure you’re ready for him, and his scruff tickles your neck as he kisses his way down your throat. 
When you ask for him, he’s in no position to deny. He wraps your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. He tells you that he’ll stop anytime you want him to, and you assure him again that you want this. He’ll start with slow, shallow thrusts until he eventually works his way entirely into you. It’s slow and intimate, and his face is only inches from yours the entire time
He’ll kiss you to distract you from any pain, and he won’t even dare to use a fraction of his real strength. He keeps himself close the entire time, and he tells you how beautiful you are over and over again. If you’ve said the words to eachother, he’ll tell you that he loves you
He rolls his hips so fluidly, it’s completely unfair. He’ll speed up if you ask for it, but he keeps everything passionate and slow. He doesn’t want to just fuck you, he wants to make love to you
When you start to come undone for him, he’ll be right behind you. He’ll tell you to wait for him, and he’ll pull back so he can watch your face as you reach nirvana under him. He’ll groan at the sight of your face, and bury himself into the crook of your neck. He’ll hold you so tight as you clench around him, and it’s the only time he teases as to what he can really do
He’ll give you just a few hard thrusts until he’s coming inside you, and he’ll pull out with a soft sigh. He’ll kiss you for hours, and he’ll want to spend the entire night making love to you as much as he can
When you’re finally spent, he’ll tuck you into bed and hold you close. He’ll clean you up and kiss your cheeks, and he’ll hold you until you fall asleep. He’ll run his fingers through your hair, lightly massaging your scalp until dawn threatens to trap him in your room for the day
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You and Paul will be in the middle of a heated makeout session when you tell him
It’ll stop him dead in his tracks and he’ll pull away from you with a wide eyed expression. He’ll stare down at you and say, “Wait, really?” And you have to tell him a few times that no, you’re not messing with him and yes, youre sure ‘cause he genuinely thinks you have to be pranking him. You’re his innocent little kitty-cat! His sugarpop! His gumdrop!
As sexual as he is, he sees you as the image of naivety (even if you aren’t). He knows you aren’t cause you two have done many a thing together already
Still, he insists that he’s not even sure that you know what you’re asking for! When you finally convince him that you know exactly what you’re asking for (it may take a little fondling on your part), Paul is ready to dive right into it. Hell, you two were already half there, why stop now?
As far as he’s concerned, there’s no point in setting out candles and playing soft music. If you wanted that, you’d be with Dwayne. Since you’re with him, expect loud rock music playing in the background, the couch in the cave, and a little bit of a buzz clouding both of your minds. He’s accepted the fact that there’s no such thing as perfect, and, more often than not, first times are awkward and messy. But that doesn’t mean they’re not good!
If his kiss was eager before, he’s practically ravenous now. He tears off your clothes, and you whine about how am I supposed to go home now, Paul? He’ll giggle and apologize, and he’ll promise to let you borrow some of his clothes
His tongue is obviously doing it’s best to replace yours, and he’s got skilled hands from playing guitar for so many years. He knows exactly how you like it, and he alternates between loosening you up and bringing you to the brink of pleasure
He swallows all of your moans, and, after he’s gotten you off, it’s his turn. He’s an excited ball of energy on a normal day, but right now he’s practically moving too fast for you to comprehend. You have to grab his shoulders and remind him to slow down. This is your first time, remember? He has to be gentle. He says “Duh, I know that,” but you doubt that he actually does
Surprisingly, he proves you wrong. He slides in slowly, albeit going in all in one go. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and takes deep breaths to calm himself down. He wants to move, but he reminds himself that he can’t. He waits for your word, and then he’s rocking his hips into you. 
He asks you a million times if you’re okay. Communication is one of the things he’s good at (he should be since he never shuts the fuck up), and he wants you to tell him everything. He asks if it feels good when he does that or if you prefer it when he does this. He doesn’t care if it makes you feel awkward or embarrassed, he needs to know. He checks in on you to make sure you’re not in any pain, and one hand will be caressing your cheek while the other holds your hip
He’s panting above you and staring down at your face. He thinks that you look hotter than ever, and he tells you exactly so. 
When you start enjoying yourself as much as he is, he’ll give you the widest smile and ask a simple, “Yeah? Like that?” And then he’ll throw whatever restraint he had out the window. He can’t help it! Your moans are driving him crazy!
He makes sure that you finish before him, and he’ll pull out so he can come all over your stomach. There’s something he finds so hot about you being covered in all of his cum, and he’ll let out a soft laugh before he’s back to giving you a sloppy kiss. He’ll want round after round, and you better not try to escape. He already tore all your clothes to pieces, so there’s no point in trying to leave
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You two are in the middle of a movie night back at your house when you bring it up to him. His hand is on your thigh, and he doesn’t even look away from the TV in your room
His thumb was already between his teeth, and he just replies a simple, “Okay.” and you stare at him for a moment. You hadn’t exactly known how he was going to react, because he’s a little bit of a wild card. He looks perfectly calm and composed, like it’s no big deal
However, he’s definitely internally screaming. Marko is a bit of a player and he knew he had to take things slow with you since you were a virgin. He had tried to hook up with you the first night he met you, and it had been months since then. He was definitely left wanting on more than one occasion, but he’d never tell you that. This boy was hype, but he didn’t want to freak you out and make you change your mind
He casually looks at you and goes, “Now?” and you roll your eyes. You didn’t exactly mean now, but sure. There’s no time like the present. The second you agree, Marko sends you the widest, most mischievous grin you’ve ever seen on his angel-like face
To your surprise, he pulls you into his lap
He asks you just how you’ve pictured it, and when you try to tell him that you haven’t he teases you for being a little liar. He assures you that he has plenty of fantasies of his own, but he wants to know exactly what you want
As soon as you say that you want him to do whatever he likes, he lets his head fall back against your headboard. He swears that those words were probably the hottest thing you could’ve ever said to him, and then his hands are all over you
Marko doesn’t waste a single beat after that. He wants a mix of everything. He wants wild, romantic, dominating sex. He wants everything and he wants you
Rip to your clothes because that’s exactly what happened to them. He tosses the shreds to the sides and his jacket along with them. It’s all hungry touches, hungry kisses, and all he wants is more, more, more
He wants you completely bare on top of him before he even pulls his shirt off, and he intends to make up for all the months he’s been without you. He touches you everywhere, making your skin raise with goosebumps at the feeling of his cold skin
He rolls you over so he can shimmy down and bury his head between your legs. His mouth works you so you’re moaning already while his fingers work inside you, and you swear after a few minutes you’re already seeing stars. 
The boy can barely control himself and the second you ask for more, he’s ready to slide inside of you. He’s waited a long time for this, and he doesn’t plan on waiting another second
He does his best to be gentle, but he can’t help bucking his hips when he feels how tightly you wrap around him because damn were you always this tight? He presses kisses to your neck to calm you down and help you relax, but also because he needs something to focus on besides the way you’re suffocating his dick
He waits for you to give him the word, and then he’s pulling out so only his tip remains. He rolls himself all the way back inside you, and he curses loudly because jesus christ. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you how good you feel, and the second you start moaning he’s cockier than ever before
He asks you, “You like that, baby? Huh, you gonna moan for me?” Just to be an ass, and he smiles down at the way you become flustered by his words. He whispers dirty words to you, and asks you over and over again just how much you like it
He teases you by dragging it out, and slows every time you tell him you’re close. He loves to hear the way you whine, and he just tells you, “Use your words, babe. Tell me what you want.” With the biggest shit eating grin on his face
When he finally lets you cum, you two have been going at it for hours and your legs are aching. He doesn’t show any signs of stopping soon, and he fucks you until you’re ready to cum again. 
When you two are finally done, for now, he’ll massage your legs and tease you as he holds you close to his chest. He’ll tell you how cute you were, how you were totally worth the wait, and gush about all the other things he’d like to try
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rocorambles · 4 years
Love Conquers All
Pairing: Yandere Nekomata x Kuroo 
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Manipulation, Moral Degeneration, Overstimulation, Cock Stepping, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Chastity Cage, Humiliation
Summary: Usually the term “love conquers all” is a positive thing, a beautiful thing. But in the case of Kuroo Tetsurou, it’s a damning thing.
A/N: Thank you for supporting me in this cursed pursuit as always and helping me beta read this chaos @sawamooora 
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Life is different after his 18th birthday, after that night with Nekomata. He should feel empowered, older, wiser, more mature now that he’s an adult, especially an adult who’s had his first sexual experience. But all he feels is lost and confused, unsure what to make of that night and he’s flustered, shy, a bumbling mess around his coach, internally cursing himself but unable to do anything about how he’s acting like a silly schoolgirl with a crush around the old man. 
Was it wrong to have slept with his coach? 
He knows there’s nothing wrong with the act itself, nothing wrong with a relationship between two men. But with his coach? Someone who he’s always seen as a father figure? Someone so much older than him? 
But could something so wrong feel that good? Kuroo blushes, biting his lower lip when he remembers the blinding pleasure he had felt that night, something stronger and more intense than any nights spent jacking himself off to photos of pretty girls. 
Really, it’s silly for Kuroo to be surprised when Nekomata easily picks up on the new awkward tension between the two of them - despite how hard the messy haired man tries to hide it. But he still jumps, stuttering and fumbling over words when the older man corners him in the equipment room late after practice one night, asking him what’s been bothering him. He’s still trying to muster up an excuse when a rough finger is pressed against his mouth, instantly silencing him and Kuroo flushes at how suddenly close Nekomata is to him. 
“Nothing has to change between us, Tetsurou. I don’t expect anything from you if that’s what you’re so worried about. I wouldn’t mind continuing things if that’s what you want, but clearly you need some time to work things out with yourself first. Why don’t you take some time to...explore.” 
Stiff with shock, Kuroo mindlessly accepts the plastic bag Nekomata carefully places in his hands, still unmoving even after the older man ruffles his hair fondly before leaving him in the room by himself. But when he finally finds the nerve to open the bag and peek at its contents, he squeaks, trembling hands picking up the bottle of lube and the prostate vibrator before hurriedly dropping it back in the bag and shoving the parcel to the bottom of his sports bag.
The hidden package weighs heavily on his mind, embarrassment and intrigue swirling in a chaotic mess within him as he makes his way back home, taking a shower and freshening up from practice. The pressure of the pouring water soothes him, the steam wafting across his exhausted body relaxes him, and curiosity has his cock twitching as he dries himself off - carefully locking his door behind him before rummaging through his sports bag and pulling out the gifts. 
It’s...intimidating to say the least, to do this himself, no guide or encouragement to usher him along. And he feels incredibly exposed and vulnerable as he gets face down, ass up on his own bed, whimpering at the strange feeling of the cool slippery liquid coating his fingers, jolting when he comes in contact with his own tight puckered hole. It feels strange, but in a good way, and before he knows it, he’s panting as he circles his rim, teasing the edge and slowly applying pressure to the center, gasping when his first knuckle finally slips inside of him. Precum oozes from his tip as he groans from how tight his ass clenches and clamps down on just one finger, slowly shoving more and more of the digit in until he bottoms out. 
Then it’s all repeated as he works a second finger in, drool dripping from his open mouth as he begins to scissor his fingers, spreading open his passage the way he remembers Nekomata doing that night, cock rocking up and down with every shift of his weight. He feels full, something satisfying and arousing about having his fingers shoved up his own loosened ass. But it’s not enough and tears begin to form in the corner of his eyes as he desperately reaches and searches for that spot inside of him, the one that had wracked him with so much pleasure. 
But it’s no good, and the tears stream down his face as he wildy shakes his hips and humps the bed, desperate for the same addicting pleasure he had felt that night. In the midst of his writhing, something digs into his body uncomfortably and he looks for the cause, only to be greeted by the other device Nekomata had provided.
He whines as he pulls his fingers out, feeling empty and spread open, hole fluttering as he liberally applies more lube to the extension of the device that will go inside of him. But he cries out, eyes shooting open, back arching when he inserts the massager inside of him fully, the tip brushing against his prostate, both hands grasping the bed sheets tightly to ground himself. 
It feels exactly how he remembers it from that night and he nervously picks up the remote that had come with the vibrator, unsure how much more stimulation he can take. He’s already feeling close to the edge from all of his earlier foreplay and the toy currently nudging and pressing against his sensitive spot. And sure enough, he’s instinctively screaming, furiously burying his face into the bed to muffle his loud cries as the vibrations start, mercilessly assaulting his prostate, and his hand reaches to his leaking throbbing cock, body convulsing and eyes rolling back into his head as he cums all over his hand, his stomach, and the sheets, collapsing in his own mess, lewd moans still being forced past his lips as he scrambles to find the remote that will end his delicious suffering. 
He slumps down into the bed, post-coital bliss washing over him. But as the pleasure ebbs away, he grimaces at the stickiness of his cum on his skin, whining in discomfort as he pulls the cold hard toy out of him, curling in on himself as disgust and loneliness replace any pleasure he had felt. And he can’t help but wish someone was there with him right now, mind going back to Nekomata and how he had gently cleaned up Kuroo and held him close after their time together.
Even so, he doesn’t stop using the gifts, finding at least some temporary bliss from the pleasure they provide him, even if the empty loneliness that overwhelms him after each time feels like it’s slowly killing him. And it’s only made worse the more time he spends with Nekomata.
Kuroo’s always been known for being perceptive, but he wonders if he’s now just paranoid when it comes to the older man, swearing that it feels like his eyes are always on him, trailing after him at practice, sweeping over the length of his body and facial features. But he hates how much he enjoys it, hates how he unconsciously flaunts his body even more in front of his coach, hates how his heart soars with all the generous praises Nekomata lavishes upon him these days, hates how he melts into every subtle touch those rough hands gift him with at seemingly every waking moment they’re together. 
It only makes him needier and as he furiously pounds his own ass, turns the prostate massager to its highest setting, he imagines Nekomata’s face leering down at him, his voice praising him, telling him how gorgeous and wrecked he looks, his fingers caressing his body.    
Nekomata smiles when the usually bold captain hesitantly lingers behind as the rest of the team leaves, patiently waiting for his shy kitten to tentatively make his way towards him on long lean legs, noting how adorable he looks as he fidgets in front of him. 
“Can I help you with something, Tetsurou?”
Kuroo is really too predictable for all his reputation as a scheming captain. It was so easy to play him, digging into the praise kink he’d discovered the younger man had, resting his hand on the boy’s head, shoulder, back, subtly brushing the swell of his ass when he passed by. He had been pleasantly surprised by how receptive Kuroo was to all of it, almost kitten-like in the way he instinctively leaned into his touches, peering at him with a twinkle in his eyes with every nice word sent his way and it had taken everything in him not to accost the boy more...aggressively for all his accidental teasing. 
But he’s glad he waited, smirking at how hopeful and wanting hazel eyes already look when he pulls him into his lap, letting Kuroo kiss and explore his body all over again, sitting back and letting the eager athlete get his fill. And God, if this isn’t the most beautiful sight in the world, long sinewy limbs wrapped around him, a tight ass clamping down on his cock, Kuroo’s face broken in ecstasy as he desperately bounces on his lap like a wanton whore, chanting his name over and over again.
He almost misses his shy kitten. Almost. But there’s something darkly amusing about what a slut he’s turned the model student into and he has to fight back a chuckle every time he likens the slutty man shaking his hips in front of him to a cat in heat. It becomes routine for the two of them and the last footsteps of the rest of the team are barely out the gym door after practice before needy hands are clinging onto him, a long lean body draped over him, Kuroo’s voice whining and begging for his cock, his cum, his help in making him feel good. 
It’s flattering and filthy how content Kuroo looks even with just his pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, how debauched and aroused he gets from being covered in cum, a cute pout on his lips when Nekomata tells him he needs to clean off the sticky white liquid painting his handsome face. But it’s exhausting and Nekomata isn’t in his prime anymore and even if he were in his prime, he’s not sure if he’d be able to keep up with Kuroo’s libido. 
Who knew the tall captain would be such a sex-crazed mess? It’s like he was made to be used.    
So he gets creative, finding new ways to sate Kuroo’s never ending appetite, leaning back and resting in his office chair as Kuroo writhes on the floor, well as much as he can when his body is bound in a hogtie, ball gag in his mouth to keep his volume manageable, blindfold over his eyes to add to the stimulation as the prostate massager in his ass and the vibrators on his cock and nipples relentlessly buzz and force him into orgasm after orgasm, only releasing him when his body stills aside from uncontrollable twitches here and there, smiling at the boy’s dopey and blissed out face as he hinges on the border of passing out from the torrential pleasure. 
But maybe he had spoiled the boy too much and his brows furrow in concern when he’s contacted by Kuroo’s academic teachers about a significant drop in his grades, annoyance flaring inside of him when they tentatively question if maybe he should quit volleyball or at least take it less seriously. After all, it is his third year and he needs to think about college. But he politely reassures them that Kuroo will be just fine juggling sports and academics, that he’s just going through...something at the moment and he’s prepared to interrogate his captain about what this “something” is, sternly and expectantly waiting for Kuroo to come out of the locker room with the rest of the team so he can pull him aside to have a word. 
Except Kuroo doesn’t come out even as the rest of the team begins to stretch. Hell, even Kenma is already out on the court and he angrily barks at the team to warm-up as he storms over to see exactly what the hold up is. 
For a second he wonders if Kuroo had left, the locker room eerily vacant and quiet, but he spots the captain’s sports bag and snoops around the room. And fury like he’s never felt before crackles through him when he hears the oh so familiar lewd moans and whimpers coming from the bathroom stall in the far corner. If he weren’t in such a foul mood, he might’ve laughed at the high-pitched yelp Kuroo lets out when he pounds on the bathroom door, demanding that he open up. But he only sees red when his captain sheepishly opens the door, shoving the half-naked boy back into the stall and locking it once again behind him as he crosses his arms and glares down at the depraved mess in front of him, noting how three fingers are still shoved in his ass, his other hand wrapped around his leaking and erect cock. 
“YOUR team is out there working their ass off and you’re here doing what? Jacking off like an animal with no self-control? Did you know your teachers called me, telling me about your grades dropping? They want you to quit volleyball so you can focus on college applications. Is that what you want? Want to stop playing volleyball? Want to drop out of school? Want to just be a common whore?”  
At least the boy has the sense to look ashamed, tears pooling in his eyes as he sniffles and pulls his hands away from himself, placing them by his sides in clenched fists. But it’s not enough and Kuroo wails when Nekomata’s sneaker clad foot steps on his still erect cock, grinding the hard shaft under the heel of his sole. 
“Cum then, since you obviously want to so badly. Enjoy it while you can because starting tomorrow, you won’t be able to play with your little cock whenever you want to anymore.” 
Kuroo can’t even fathom the threat, not when his mind is delirious with pleasure and humiliation from the front row view of his cock being trampled on by his coach’s shoe, and really, it’s pathetic how quickly he cums, making a mess all over himself and the sneaker still digging into his groin. But he fights the desire to just melt in post-coital bliss, scrambling to lick Nekomata’s shoe clean, as per the older man’s growled orders, frantically nodding his head and wincing at the harsh smack planted on his ass as he passes the old man when he’s told to go to practice and act like the captain that he is. 
If Kuroo’s being entirely honest, he had completely forgotten exactly what Nekomata had said to him, too caught up in chasing his happy ending to fully comprehend the punishment in store for him. So it’s a shocking surprise the next day after practice when the older man holds up a tiny baby pink chastity cock cage, and smugly looks on as despair and regret washes over Kuroo’s usually confident features, reveling in how the taller man falls to his knees and begs him not to do this. 
“It’s too small! There’s no way my cock will fit in that. It’ll hurt!”
“You give yourself too much credit, Tetsurou. Your little cute thing you call a cock is going to fit just fine in here.” 
Nekomata smiles at the way Kuroo flinches upon hearing his degrading words, rolling his eyes as Kuroo tries another tactic, promising him that he’ll behave, that he’ll get his grades back up, that he’ll be a better captain. 
“You know how I feel about empty words, Tetsurou. Prove it to me through your actions. When you show me you can get your act back together, I’ll unlock you. It’s as simple as that.” 
He raises one eyebrow when the boy’s rebellious bratty side decides to make its appearance, unamused as Kuroo hisses at him like an angry kitten, telling him he doesn’t need to listen to him, that he can’t force him. But he smiles at how docile and quick to quiet the boy is when he just shrugs his shoulders, telling him that he’s never touching him again unless he listens. Nekomata can see the internal struggle in those gorgeous hazel eyes as Kuroo’s pride and his desire for love and intimacy battle for victory. 
But love conquers all once again and he fondly smiles as Kuroo shuffles in between his legs, downcast but pliant as Nekomata encases his flaccid cock in the pink cage. He secures the contraption with a click of the padlock attached to the opening, letting Kuroo sadly watch as he hangs the key on a chain around his neck, safely tucking it under the collar of his shirt. 
 He lightens the mood as he pulls the captain’s body closer to him, teasingly swirling a finger around the boy’s puckered hole. 
“Don’t look so sad, Tetsurou. You still have this hole you can use.” 
And this time he doesn’t hold back his laughter when Kuroo’s jaw drops open in disbelief and embarrassment. 
Although it had been meant as a half joke, Kuroo does try to cum with just his ass, over and over again, desperate for any release he can find even if it more often than not results in him babbling and sobbing in frustration as his cock strains against its confines. Even when he is able to cum, it’s unsatisfying, leaving Kuroo even more needy as he cries from his ruined orgasms, the only proof that he still has a usable cock the strands of sticky semen that drip out from the hole of his pink prison.
Nekomata is quick to take advantage of his protege’s predicament, sneering down at the distraught mess that’s thrashing around on the floor, forced to cum from just his ass over and over again as the prostate massager vibrates against his sensitive insides, cock painfully and futilely straining once again to harden. He ignores Kuroo’s barely coherent pleas for him to unlock him, scowling at the still less than stellar exam he’s holding in his hands before he turns his stern look back to the whining mess on the floor. 
“Be grateful I’m even letting you cum at all with these pathetic grades, you stupid slut.” 
Kuroo has no choice but to thank the older man, even if he’s far from grateful as Nekomata pounds his ass and paints his insides white, keeping his seed inside the used athlete with a humiliatingly girly butt plug, dazzling with a gem heart on its tapered end.
But while the punishment the older man inflicts upon him in private is bad enough as is, what Kuroo truly fears are the days when he’s performed particularly poorly, when Nekomata is in a fouler mood than usual. And his heart drops when his phone vibrates early in the morning, a terse message for him to come to the gym before school starts displayed on the screen. 
Who knew Kuroo Tetsurou was such a cry baby? But he can’t help it as he sobs, fat salty drops trailing down his face while he bends over Nekomata’s desk, forced to accept the gaudy plug being worked into his fluttering ass filled with a fresh load of cum. 
He whimpers at the playful smack to his ass, his signal to stand up, and he obediently stays still as Nekomata’s hands teasingly fiddle with both the pink cage at his front and the shiny heart winking from his backhole, making sure both are snugly in place before pulling up the boy’s trousers. 
“Maybe you’ll be able to concentrate better with your ass filled. Don’t even think about taking that plug out. Do you understand? You’re going to think this punishment is easy if I don’t see my cum still inside of you after practice today.”
Kuroo wishes he could call the older man out on his bluff, but he knows how serious the threat is. No, not a threat, a promise. He shudders before fervently nodding his head in agreement, unwilling and unable to imagine how much worse his punishment could be or test his coach’s patience.        
But it’s not long before he wonders if there could be anything worse than this, gnawing at his lip as every step has the plug moving inside of him, the occasional nudges against his prostate making his cock twitch in interest, only to be uncomfortably reminded of how restrained it is. And sitting is even worse as multiple heads spin around to see where the startling loud gasp came from as Kuroo’s hands clench around his desk, sucking in deep breaths to calm himself as the new position, gravity, and the chair underneath him work together to push the plug even deeper inside of him, the tip relentlessly pressing against his prostate. 
He waves off his worried classmates and teachers to the best of his abilities, batting their concerns away with bold faced lies of sore muscles from practice, using every trick in the book to keep himself as relaxed and focused on his classes as possible. But it’s not enough, not nearly enough, and when he finds himself unable to stop his hips and ass from grinding down on the plug inside of him and rocking back and forth as his cock strains against its restraints, he rushes out of the classroom with a strangled excuse of going to the restroom. 
It’s pathetic how desperate he is, slamming the bathroom stall closed behind him as he pushes the toilet seat cover down, not wasting any time before he’s seated on top of the filthy thing, weight squarely centered on the plug inside of him as he bounces up and down, trying to find as much friction as he can without actually moving the toy. But it’s no good and before he knows it he’s full out sobbing, loud anguished cries echoing throughout the bathroom as he edges over and over again, unable to find any release, attracting the attention of his classmates who are quick to usher the distressed boy to the nurse’s office. 
There he finally finds some peace of mind when he forces himself to sleep, forcing his mind and body to completely shut down as the nurse draws the blinds around his bed, leaving him in his own private white cocoon. 
But he can’t sleep forever, can’t escape reality forever, and he blearily blinks as he’s gently shaken awake, only to practically fling himself into Nekomata’s arms when he sees the man at his bedside, incoherently sobbing anew and clinging onto his tormentor and savior. And when the old man successfully signs Kuroo out and reassures the nurse that he can handle things from here, he whisks his poor suffering boy away from prying eyes, cradling his long curled up form and gently praising him for being so good as he pulls out the plug, sharps eyes transfixed on the white trail that begins to slither down toned thighs.       
Kuroo’s always been a good student, a fast learner, and Nekomata beams in pride when Kuroo excitedly rushes into his office a few weeks later, a perfect score scrawled on top of his latest exam. He lets the taller man affectionately nuzzle against him and sloppily plant kisses all over his wrinkled face as agile hips grind and hump against him, practically demanding to be freed of the hellish contraption still cruelly denying him. 
How can he deny his good boy after he’s behaved so well? 
So he pulls the key from under his shirt, chuckling at how Kuroo squirms in his lap in excitement, a sparkling smile on his attractive face when the cage unlocks with a resounding click, panting and trembling as Nekomata slowly strokes his beautiful cock to its full erection. 
He lets Kuroo take his time, letting his kitten soak in the sensations of being stimulated from his front and back again as he sensually fucks him, letting Kuroo do most of the work as he slowly rocks his hips back and forth on top of him. The younger man’s hands dig into his shoulders as he takes one of Kuroo’s perky nipples into his mouth and uses one hand to continue stroking the athlete’s cock to completion. He smiles at how giddy and content the boy looks as he lets out a long drawn out moan, cumming all over his aged hands, and he helps him ride out his orgasm as he continues to stroke the messy slick covered shaft, finding his own release as he spills thick spurts inside of the pert ass clenching around his cock. 
But his smile takes on a mean sharp edge as Kuroo begins to squirm in discomfort, trying to pull away as overstimulation begins to kick in, only to wail when Nekomata just tightens his grip on the softening cock in his hands, forcing him to stay put and remain close to the older man, confused and pained mewls escaping the younger man as tears prick his eyes. 
“You didn’t think we were done already, did you? You’ve been begging me to unlock this cute little thing so much that I figured we should make as much use of it now that it’s free.” 
And make use of it he does, taking turns switching hands when they begin to cramp as he relentlessly milks Kuroo of anything he has left in him, cruelly laughing when he cums so much that his orgasms become dry, his cock unable to even fully harden anymore, his body shaking and trembling from exertion. 
When people think of Kuroo, they think of his cocky smirk, his confident demeanor, finding something incredibly attractive about the way he holds and presents himself. But Nekomata thinks he’s most beautiful like this, tears, snot, and drool streaming down his face, incoherent lewd noises filling the air as he babbles on and on, torn between moaning and begging him to stop, so weak, so pitiful, completely at his mercy, a mere plaything. 
But playtime is over and Nekomata sighs as he looks at the clock on the wall, yawning out of habit when he sees the late hour displayed and he smirks as Kuroo continues chanting “no more, no more, no more” between weak pleasured moans. 
“No more, Tetsurou? You sure? But you’ve been so adamant about wanting this. I thought you’d be happier about being unlocked, but I guess we can lock you back up in your pretty little cage if that’s what you really want.” 
Maybe he really had overdone it tonight, surprised by how there’s not even a pause as Kuroo frantically nods his head, pleas of “lock me up, please, anything you want, just no more, can’t take it anymore” slipping past his lips. 
Well, he asked for it and Nekomata gently locks his spent cock in the cage once again, patting Kuroo on the head as the exhausted boy slumps in his embrace and silently demands to be cared for and cuddled which he supposes is the least he can do after the torment he’s put the man through.   
It’s a mental rollercoaster there on out for Kuroo and he can’t tell what’s up or down anymore, doesn’t know what he wants anymore as he alternates between begging to be unlocked and crying for his cock to be locked away if it means he can take a break from the painful pleasure he's constantly  drowned in. And he just sobs harder when Nekomata shakes his head at him in exasperation, mocking him for never knowing what he wants, for always changing his mind, all the while coaxing more and more pleasure out of Kuroo’s exhausted body, breaking down any defiance or internal safeguards he has in place with every touch until all Kuroo wants is whatever relief and pleasure he can provide him, existing to keep the older man happy by any means possible if it means that he’ll be nice to Kuroo. 
And despite the tears, the confusion, the humiliation, it’s worth it, Kuroo thinks, when he’s being wrapped in warm arms and held to a cushy body, practically purring at the litany of praises Nekomata showers him with as he caresses and cleans the messy boy after yet another session together. 
But he blinks back to attention when Nekomata begins speaking. 
“Tetsurou, aren’t you tired of your fickle desires and always chasing after short-term pleasure? Don’t I always make you feel better? Give me total control of your body, when you get to cum, when you get to use your cute hole, when you get to use your adorable little cock and I’ll make sure you always feel good, okay? You might be a man now, but you’re still too young and inexperienced to know what you want. Trust me. After all, I have decades of experience on you.”
And suddenly he’s alert, lean frame tensing and eyes snapping wide open at the implication of his words. 
“But-but, you already decide all of that for me! What more do you want?"
Nekomata chuckles, coaxing the apprehensive man back into his arms, gently stroking Kuroo’s back just the way he knows he likes, smiling when the boy instinctively relaxes, melting into his touch. 
“That’s true, isn’t it? But from now on, no more begging for more or crying for me to stop. You’ll take what I give you and be grateful for it. It’s not about what you want. It’s about what I want, what I think is best for you.” 
He softens his tone when he sees the uncertainty swirling in those feline eyes, pressing his forehead against Kuroo’s messy bed hair. 
“You know I only want what’s best for you, right? You know I love you, right? I just hate seeing you so desperate and in tears all the time. Why don’t you let your pretty little head be free of all those worries? I’ll take care of you. Doesn’t that sound good?”
It- it does sound good. To not have to worry. To be loved. To be cared for. And Kuroo absentmindedly nods his head, nuzzling his face into Nekomata’s chest, long limbs reaching to further wrap and hold the older man closer to him, ignorant of the dark triumphant smirk spreading across his coach’s face, ignorant of how he’s sold his soul to the devil. 
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curious-menace · 4 years
Arkham Scarecrow SFW Alphabet
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im really enjoying writing arkham scarecrow. maybe ill do something similar to my random riddler headcanons posts with some scarecrows
long post under the cut
 A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Uhhh, the short answer is no. Jonathan is almost wholly incapable of what most people would term “affection”. His idea of loving is not using you for his experiments, only giving you small doses to build up your immunity( not that that will stop him from enjoying watching you panic). Jonathan leans heavily on gifts and words of affirmation as his language of love ( assuming he can even feel that emotion). He calls you  “my dear”  and “my darling” or once “my pumpkin” if he had too much to drink. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Jonathan would make a good friend if he could ever be wrangled into admitting it. He’s a complete bastard, but he's a loyal bastard. He always goes above and beyond for his friends but it's always in a “aw shit. My favorite idiot needs help AGAIN?!” begrudging , kind of way. You probably met in university/college and if you've stuck with him this long he’d be hard to get rid of.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He never asks for cuddles and is pretty touch adversed as a rule. Sometimes though, He simply plonks himself in your space and expects you to know what he wants. Usually it's gentle backrubs/strokes like you would with a child. Sometimes he just wants your warmth to sooth his aching body. He’s heavier than he was in Arkham asylum but still very underweight so you shouldn't have too much trouble moving him into a comfortable position.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Absolutely not. I'm not convinced this man owns more than his books and the burlap sack on his back ,never mind a home. He has plans to take the cloudburst on tour, to go cross country and then across the world spreading fear. That would be a little difficult if he had gotham mortgage sending him nasty emails every other day about missed payments. While he can cook and clean, I doubt you'd want to eat anything he made. Ignoring his filthy hands, he's probably laced it with fear toxin or a lethal amount of hot sauce.
His homemade cleaning chemicals are pretty stellar mind you. They can get blood, piss or tears out of anything. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Scarecrow really is a ride or die kinda guy. If you've wormed your way into his life then he’s going to do literally everything and anything to keep you in it. He’s not above making you dependent on him for safety just to keep you around longer. He’s not a total monster to the people he cares about mind you. If you really didn't want to be with him, he’d let you go….eventually.
I'm not sure he fully understands the concept of a “breakup”on his end. He gets that you don't see eachother anymore but I don't think he quite grasps that it's not because one party is dead. There's a 99% chance he’ll use you for his fear toxin experiments as a way of kicking you to the kerb. If you wake up in a ditch with a text that says “we’re through” you should consider yourself lucky. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I canon arkham scarecrow as having been engaged at one point in his life, possibly around the time of origins. I can imagine his partner gave him a “me or the fear toxin” ultimatum which has led to the man you know now. Despite how he looks, how he speaks and acts, he’s still open to the idea of a partner. He’s a loyal man who can't stand backstabbers, he’d appreciate someone like a spouse/husband/wife to have his back. If he decided he wanted to get married he’d propose almost immediately. It might be more of a business or thesis type proposal with lots of talking rather than flowers and wine and you're likely to be married as soon as you said yes. 
He has a tiny pumpkin ring saved for the occasion. Something like this (image credit https://www.banggood.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s gentle, in a creepy way unsurprisingly. He was a little stronger than the average man before the incident with croc, all that cardio and fighting with batman made him a skinny legend amongst the rogues for how well he could fight. Now? He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. Mostly he's calm and soft, especially when you wouldn't expect him to be.  He can still be an emotionally manipulative person but chances are good you're smart enough to see right through him. Calling him on his bs is actually a good way to endear yourself to him. He likes a challenge and he loves it when people think they can outsmart him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hmm. yes and no. Scarecrow is severely touch adversed, but...It's not like with Riddler; Edward is on the autism spectrum and genuinely gets overstimulated by a lot of physical contact, he doesn't usually enjoy it unless under specific circumstances. Scarecrow WANTS to be hugged and held on occasion, but the mere thought of someone in his personal bubble sends his hackles up. 
When he first woke up after the asylum, he clung to you like a lampent. Scarecrow gives and recieves hugs like someone who needs them to breath.Your warmth soothes the aching pain when even drugs couldn't . By the time of Arkham Knight he’s grown cold and distant. His hugs are few and far between and unusually half hearted even when he initiates them. Maybe he’s just preoccupied with batman.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I doubt he’d ever say the words ``i love you” but he’s absolutely going to quote love poetry at you, recite lines from his favorite literature  “shall i compare you to a summer's day” and all that. That’s far better than a simple “i love you” right?
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Jonathan is sort of one note when it comes to expressing frustration. Coffee machine not working? Melt it down into fear toxin vials. Line at the grocery store? Gas everyone out of his way. He doesnt get mad, he gets even. He’s not a super jealous person, he’s probably the most secure in himself out of all the rogues in Gotham bar Selina and ivy. But when something does hit his jealousy bone just right? LORD HE IS TERRIBLE. 
Unless you were the instigator, you are 100% safe but the poor soul who made the mistake of flirting with you will never see the light of day again.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He can't really kiss to be honest. He lacks a lot of lip tissue and tongue dexterity for deep smooching. He’s quite happy to give you little pecks on the cheek but anywhere else will get sloppy and he's not a fan of that. Jonathan has actually started to bump you with his head like a cat in lieu of kisses. Rare as it is, when he wants kisses he has a tendency to nuzzle into the crook of your neck or rest his head on your shoulder. He likes to be kissed on the cheek , forehead and top of his head. Most other places are covered in scars and lack the sensitivity to enjoy it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He likes to scare kids. It's not as malicious as it is with adults, he just likes to yell boo at them, smiling as they scream and giggle and run away. It's probably the most innocent he’ll act around other people. He still doesnt like them per say but he’ll tolerate them in small doses. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Scarecrow , like most rogues, is not a morning person. He doesn't sleep well and he is hella grumpy when he first wakes up. Expect to watch him shuffle around his hideout like a zombie, still wearing a quilt and his dressing gown as he complains about everything from the weather to the loud creaking of the floorboards. You should present him with food and coffee and then retreat to a safe distance until he’s fully awake, otherwise he’s liable to turn on his grumpy old man routine on you. If he's feeling particularly sore or needy, he’ll ask you to help change his bandages and dressings .
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It really depends on what he feels like in the moment. Sometimes he’ll leave you at home while he goes out to cause general mischief, sometimes he’ll bring you along as a look out. Sometimes it's a low-key night at the hideout reading and sometimes it's a caffeine fueled frenzie of experimentation and lab work with you as his trusty lab assistant.  He doesn't sleep well at night, the aches keep him up. If he were ever to actually go to bed he might find that you make a great pillow.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As much as he resents people having the upperhand with information, it's hard not for people to see his past. His scars are so easily visible, inside and out. He doesn't talk about his past unless prompted. But if you do he’ll quite happily answer all your questions; he’s not afraid of discussing it. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Jonathan is a very patient man, not just when it comes to revenge.It takes quite a lot to make him fly off the handle and he cools off again quickly. That's not to say he doesn't hold a grudge like he’s being paid for it, only that it's more of a simmering anger rather than a boiling one.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers most things about you, he has an excellent memory. But that being said he never lets on that he knows these things. He likes to hear you talk about the things that interest you, even if you've told him about it before. Watching you wax lyrical about your chosen subject makes him feel close to you. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
I don't know if it's a favorite or even a positive memory but when he first woke up from surgery after croc you were lying beside him. He was understandably confused, maybe even afraid, but seeing you there brought him great comfort. He didn't know what was happening because of all the meds, but as long as you were with him he was confident things would work out for him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He means well, you should always keep that in mind  before you snap at him. He brought you to the arkham knights HQ to protect you from his plans, he’s given you micro doses of fear toxin to build your resistance and by the time of arkham knight you can hardly move for the amount of guards he has following you around. He’s overbearing bordering on controlling but I think it's because he simply can't admit the thought of losing you scares him, even just a little. You aren't a rogue, you don't know Batman like they do. He just needs to keep you safe from batman, from the police and from the ugly world outside.
Given how weak he’s been viewed practically all his life, I believe he’d resent the accusation he needed protecting. deep in his mind he knows no one man is an island. He appreciates little helps even if he won't say it. He doesn't need protection per say but If nothing else, after being injected with his new toxin, he's going to need someone who’s corpus mentis in his corner for court and medical proceedings.  
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
His idea of a perfect date is you two working on your respective projects in comfortable silence, maybe a trip to the museum if he feels like the exercise. Obviously that suits some people down to the ground, myself included, but he gets that it's not for everyone. He’s probably ok with you planning the activities provided you warn him beforehand. 
Given everything he’s been planning for batman, things like important dates and even everyday tasks have a tendency to get lost in the fray. He's not doing it on purpose, He’s glad to celebrate these things with you if you remind him, He's just got his priorities in a funny order.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He shuffles his feet when he walks and is one of those people who always has conversations in doorways. You can never be sure he isn't aware of these habits and is doing them on purpose. He also used to smoke quite heavily but has since given it up due to his throat and lung issues.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It's sort of a mixed bag with him. On the one hand he knows he’s ugly, that's the point. You're MEANT to be scared looking at him, he’s leaning into it. But on the other hand his “look” is a carefully maintained visage; if it slips it might lose the intended effect. He might not be as scary to look at or worse, people might look at him in pity. It's not ordinary vanity or narcissism but yes, he is concerned with maintaining the way he looks 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
The concept of feeling whole is somewhat lost on him; He’s clearly missing a few screws even in his most lucid moments. That said even in the depths of madness brought on by his toxin, he still notices your absence. Still incredibly distressed In his cell in blackgate, he can often be heard crying out to you for comfort  but is lacking the wherewithal to understand why you're not there. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Given that he has pretty extensive facial injuries, eating is pretty difficult for him. He used to really enjoy bagels and cubanos from gothams many deli’s. His favorite was a kosher deli in The Cauldron, before Joker ruined it. They’ve since rebuilt and while he can't eat many solids anymore , he still enjoys their matzo soup and smoothies. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Like most of the rogues, he absolutely can't stand bullies.He also can't stand physically aggressive people; if you're going to even TRY and intimidate him maybe you could use your words like someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, rare as that is in gotham. Back when he was a psychiatrist he hated people who were chronically late. Not his patients, most of the time it wasn't their fault  due to executive dysfunction or traffic, but people who kept HIM back and made HIM late were the bane of his existence. 
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Crane is a back sleeper who snores because of his damaged septum.He knows he makes a noise akin to a flip flop in a lawn mower but there is literally nothing he can do about it besides sleep on his stomach. He squirms around a lot in his sleep so even if he starts on his stomach, he’ll be on his back snoring like a dead horse in no time. The only thing that could keep him frontwise is if he were to sleep on you and have you hold him in place. 
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | think of you somehow
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I recently thought to start incorporating Shaw too. So, here is his debut on my page! I’m currently working on a fantasy!au for Kiro, a harrypotter!au for Victor and a couple of other things. Unfortunately, those will have to wait a little, since I have an entrance exam coming up next week. I have another thing queued up for the day after this, so stay tuned!
Someone in the discord group had to help me for Gavin; I didn’t have too much inspiration for that one...
As always, enjoy!
Warning(s): profanity, kinda. slight suggestive content
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we all know Victor’s a huge tsundere who never learnt how to express his feelings in a normal way that doesn’t give you a headache.
i swear, why do i love him so much 
he never gets needy, or so he says he sulks when you don’t give him his goodbye kiss after handing over a report at LFG
aaaand he needs a morning kiss before leaving for work anyways Victor doesn’t get needy
you’re his little recharge mechanism though, his little charging pod i’m currently imagining a roomba pfft
even he, a magical, genius CEO, gets exhausted sometimes
it’s not always fun. sure, he’s a total capitalistic tool, but business meetings with old men who think they can earn investments while ‘subtly’ looking down on him for his age aren’t a doozy.
don’t get me wrong, Victor never loses his composure, and due to being an extrovert (he’s not loud, but he’s not a person who gets energy from being alone perse, imo. besides, he’s a good leader, so extrovert seems likely, although he has a lot of introvert traits too.) he’s genuinely good at socialising
doesn’t mean he always likes it.
you often notice when he’s tired 
when he gets home, you’ll usually be there already because your work just ends sooner on most days. he’ll set down his suitcase, hang his coat in the little closet by the door, take his shoes off, and prepare dinner
you’re probably kind of just there, chatting with him about his day while he cooks
he doesn’t allow you to work with knives at home because he’s overprotective you hurt yourself once
you might help a little, or get some work done by the table. Victor also had a piano put in the living area of the open complex penthouse, so you’ll play a tune sometimes. seems like he likes classical the most
Victor’s at-home appearance is a little different from his usual one. he still looks pretty clean and put-together, but he sheds his blazer (and vest) and socks. you two have matching slippers, so Victor wears his grey slippers with little cat faces on them (you have little beige slippers with dog faces on them)
when cooking, Victor rolls up his sleeves or switches to a v-neck sweater (during winter). his hair’s a bit fluffier than it usually is. all in all, a relaxed look.
after dinner, he’ll disappear for a little bit, doing some work before he it gets too late because he wants to spend time with you
usually, you’re lounging on the couch, reading or watching tv unless there’s a deadline then you’re a total mess working until late at night AND VIC HATES IT
he’ll come back into the living room from his home office, come up behind the sofa and just hug you while leaning down
“Hey handsome, you tired?” you ask. You reach your hand up, scratching the soft hairs at the nape of Victor’s neck while a relieved sigh passes through his lips.
Victor moves to the couch with you, and you know he’s Done with work for the day. he doesn’t even say anything, just relishes in your presence
he gets a bit touch-starved on occasions like these, so he’ll sit on the sofa and just pick you up and plop you on his lap. 
but like, in a koala way. that makes very little sense, huh. you’ll be straddling him, pressing your chest up against his and put your chin on his shoulder. your hands are around his neck and his are somewhere around your waist. 
you just sit there, maybe kissing a little, most likely pressing little kisses on each other’s collarbones/neck no hickies because you guys are pretty important people with quite the image well, can’t say it never happened before though, can you~
Victor’s totally in his safe spot here, so if he does say something in this moment, it’s not some guarded/sarcastic comment. he’s vulnerable and honest, so “I love you”s are not rare at all here. 
he might purr if you scratch his head. maaybe. don’t ask whether author Ré sees Victor Li as a cat...
10/10 Victor will carry you to bed like this. brush your teeth before because there’s no way this man is letting you go. 
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uhh to this day, i don’t think anyone really knows the extent of Lucien’s thoughts
like, in a sense, he’s a lot more guarded than, say, Victor, but they do say the best lies are ones shrouded in truth so the feelings he shows outwardly may actually resemble his actual ones atm
so...i wouldn’t say he gets very needy at all. not according to the standard definition, anyways
if he wants a kiss, he steals one from you. if he wants a hug, he’ll fluster you by backhugging you. if he wants to make out, he’ll push you against the nearest surface and steal your breath away. if he wants something more, he’ll make sure to rile you up until you’re in the mood for ehem. my fingers must’ve slipped...
Lucien’s modus operandi is definitely ‘take what i want when i want it’ in your relationship WITH CONSENT. HE’S NOT AN ASS.
he comes on strong, he’s smooth and he’s devilishly handsome. as a result, he’s often initiating any affection you guys have. 
so, while he’s not necessarily needy, he can’t shake the idea that maybe you don’t want him like he wants you. Lucien get that thought out of your head you two are domestic goals. he was stuck in a period of unrequited love for a while, sort of, so he thinks that he could handle being the one in the relationship that loves the other more. 
but the thought of you not loving him as uncontrollably, frighteningly, irrevocably as he loves you scares him to the very core of his being. because he’s in deep. 
there’s also the factor of him knowing that he doesn’t deserve you after all he’s done. but yet, you’re here with him.
so...Lucien knows it’s childish when he drops his head onto your lap while you’re reading on the couch Lucien: *sees your lap* it’s free real estate
he pretends it’s because he wants to take a nap. but actually he wants to see whether you’re affectionate when he’s not the one instigating it. 
either you’re just too embarrassed to do so when he’s taking initiative, or you’re not all that into him. i wrote about Luci’s love language being touch, so he probably sees you not touching him as a sign that you don’t love him
i’m not saying it’s a dealbreaker if you don’t like physical affection, but it’d take longer for him to open up to someone who’s not comfortable with his touch
anyways, almost immediately after he closes his eyes, you thread your fingers through his soft hair, raking them lightly over his scalp.
“You must be truly tired, falling asleep like this. Poor Lucien.Take care of yourself, my foolish professor.” and his heart shatters in Soft™
slowly, you shift to bend down, and Lucien feels your soft lips kissing his forehead, his nose, his cheek and finally landing on his lips. he smiles in that last one.
it’s not a sensual kiss, just an innocent, loving one. and Luci realises that yeah, you’re just as gone for him as he is for you. Maybe, you’re not the caged butterfly in this relationship...
he actually dozes off to the feeling of your hands in his hair, sometimes moving to gently brush a thumb over his cheek, sometimes pulling away to flip a page in your book. 
when he wakes up, there’s a blanket covering him and a soft pillow under his head
the hazy, irrational part of him makes him jump up, thinking you’ve gone after all. maybe it was all just a dream. one too good to be true.
but the melodic humming in the kitchen and the mugs filled with piping hot tea on the coffee table tell him you’re real, and you’re here with him
afterwards, Lucien naps on your lap more often. they’re his favourite treat
sometimes, you read to him, lulling him to sleep with your voice
honestly, domestic moments like this almost make Lucien want to cry out in joy because he never thought this was something he’d ever have.
well, they did say to treasure the little things in life...
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i’d say Gav’s a good 6.83 on the needy scale
he could be a 7.91 to be honest, so he has needy potential, but this man’s too shy to be needy
i mean, if you ever kiss him or hold his hand in public, his ears turn red and he’s an incoherent mess for like 10 minutes.
proceed with caution. or not. muahahaha
i think in a way, he grew up with the notion that he was a nuisance too yes, yes, we all want to deck Gavin’s dad in the face so he’s afraid to be vulnerable and needy with you.
MC: *pats Gavin’s hair.* this bad boy can fit so many daddy issues in it
ANYWAYS, the most this baby does is call you when he misses you
“I-I just wanted to hear your voice, okay?”
doesn’t really initiate a ton of affection either. 
again, he could...but he holds back. also he’s just so respectful of your boundaries and would rather have you indicate what you like in the relationship.
honestly he loves it when you snuggle up to him anyways soooooo...
but there are times when even Birdcop completely breaks and just needs you to be there for him
Gav does value communication, so he will actually ask for cuddles if he’s THAT needy such a healthy relationship dynamic
doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does...
you’ll be at home when he comes home from a mission. he’s had a pretty intense day, and now he just wants to unwind with you
this darling sheepishly walks up to you.
and as you turn around to greet him, he’ll ask 
“Can...I hold you?”
you drop EVERYTHING you’re doing because the moment he asks for hugs, it’s serious.
cuddles with Gavin are a 100% engagement kind of thing. you can’t do anything else, you’re stuck in his arms for a while
you guys usually move to the rug in the living room. not the sofa, which seems weird, but Gavin’s a tall gangly boy, measuring at 181 cm or 5′11″ I’m using the imperial system for you guys *grumble*
the sofa is just not big enough to fit his long legs comfortably when he’s laying down, and his neck hurts 
also, it’s not optimal for big bear hugs
Why not use the bed? i hear you ask. BECAUSE IT’S NOT RIGHT.
anyways, on extra effort days, you’ll make a pillow fort, but usually he just takes a pillow, a blanket and flops on the floor
cuddle hours are spent talking. no phones, maybe some music, but all-in-all they’re just times to open up, which is kind of rare for someone so rough around the edges
he turns to absolute putty when you start rubbing his stomach under his shirt this is canon don’t @ me
“Mmm...don’t do that,” he whines groans.
“You seem to be enjoying it, though?”
“Mm...no.” you liar.
honestly in like a realistic, domestic setting, a relationship with Gavin would be one of the healthiest ones within the five boys. 
he cherishes you so much, and definitely tries his best to be open with you, even though he’s experienced things that make trusting others difficult.
because if there’s one person in the whole wide world he would trust, it’d be you. 
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needy? you mean, Kiro all day, every day?
this boy loves you with all he has and the day he doesn’t show you how loved you are and how much he literally worships the ground you walk on is the day hell freezes over.
kissing, hugging, being cutesy, gifts, matching clothing, fun outings, food. ANYTHING
to be honest, he likes being with you in general, and would probably never leave your side if he didn’t have to
Kiro trusts you enough to share his entire world with you, fully knowing that he’s taking the risk of exposing himself like this. he knows that if this doesn’t work out, he’ll never be able to enjoy his world again because you’re so ingrained in it.
but the thought of not committing to you with his entire being doesn’t even cross his mind obviously, y’all are endgame so don’t even try to break up with this pupper
he tries to make up for your busy schedules with extra affection most of the time too
but actually, Kiro doesn’t just resort to hugging you in his arms, peppering kisses all over your face and not letting you go for hours when he’s lonely although he does do this. it’s just not something he does when he reaaally missed you. 
when he’s having a bad day and needs you the most, he’ll drag you out for some hotpot at night
it sounds silly, doesn’t it? but over a steaming pot of broth with various dishes, he sees your face and he feels at home. i mean, he loves food, he loves you. what’s better than a combination of both?
you laugh, chat and be as loud as you want. Kiro doesn’t have to disguise himself in the little shop at 2 am
the restaurant owner loves you guys, and gives you free beef on many occasions
he thinks you guys remind him of him and his wife when they were younger, although he jokes that Kiro’s a just a tad more handsome than he used to be~
Kiro likes feeding you and loves how you used to be so embarrassed about it. nowadays, you laugh and accept the food like you’re used to it, and somehow, that makes his heart soar
you take the long way home, walking back to your large shared flat under the night sky
Loveland City’s never fully quiet, but at least the people at that time don’t bother him. they’re either too drunk, or too stuck in their own thoughts. let’s face it, people who have their life together don’t wander around sober and alone at 3 am.
Kiro sometimes misses being invisible, but he also knows that he’s doing good by being who he is in this life. being a celebrity is tough, but intimate moments like these do kind of make it bearable
he holds you by the waist, enjoying the view with a serene smile and a full stomach by the view, he means you for the most part
“Hmm...Miss Chips, do you know how beautiful you look right now?”
your lipstick’s worn off, sweat’s cooling down on your face and your makeup’s smudged, but in that moment, Kiro thinks you’re the most ethereal being in the whole universe.
because you’re the only one who he would want to do this with. you’re the only one who would enjoy the night with him, stranded in this strange, thick atmosphere of melancholy and happiness.
one time, maybe a few months ago, it rained when you two exited the hotpot joint
instead of buying umbrellas at a nearby convenience store, you ran down the streets, jumping in puddles and laughing your asses off
Kiro swears he fell in love with you all over again that day.
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yah...i never really know what to call Shaw’s personality
he’s kind of a tsundere, but not in the way Victor is? he teases the shit out of you when he has feelings for you, but he’s also kind of a douche about it
and he’ll probably never admit how precious you are to him also he probably thinks he doesn’t deserve you
i love this little bastard but i get SO fed up with him
this boy doesn’t even actually take you on proper dates
like, it’s either university café, impromptu graffiti trips which to be honest might be an actual date or going to a club which could be a date but when you’re in a relationship with Shaw it kind of isn’t bcs he’s there 7/7
anyways, he doesn’t do the whole ‘love’ thing very well. he’s fine with PDA, so he’ll full on snog you in the club or reach over the table to lick whipped cream off of your face last time you’re ordering a frappuccino with whipped cream 
but he does it mostly to get a reaction
it’s not insincere, but he also doesn’t view PDA as a loving gesture perse
will not be honest with his words. don’t expect it. he’s built a shield around himself and therefore literally doesn’t know how to talk to someone kindly.
but...he tries.
Shaw’s most vulnerable and needy moment is the early morning
it’s not at night, cos he spends nights out partying or having a one-night stand what? he’s a healthy, viral boy!
his one-night stands never saw him in the morning because he’s honestly the type to hit and run i’m sorry how was i supposed to say this or alternatively to kick his partner out at 4 am
but you’re his first actual love, and even he knows you don’t kick your lover out if you give a damn about the relationship 
it was a big step for him to feel comfortable with you...but he doesn’t regret it one bit he probably won’t tell you that though
anyways, Shaw’s groggy morning voice makes you delirious BUT that’s a little besides the point
you wake up in each other’s arms
if you wake up first, you’ll probably stare at his face for a while until he does and inevitably says “What? Am I that handsome, huh?” secretly thrives off of your compliments 
if he wakes up first, he’ll probably wake you up by tickling you or touching you in some way ehem innocently Minor made me clarify it
any way it happens, you guys participate in some good morning spoonage
Shaw loves burying his head in your neck to press kisses and love bites there, smell your scent and hide the blushing face that is so very rare
finally one thing the brothers have in common
he’s aware he’s being a little too sappy for his own liking, but it feels wrong to ruin the morning mood with a snarky comment when you look so soft under the beams of sunlight flooding his bedroom
so he says nothing, and keeps you wrapped in his arms
in a moment of serene bliss, you hum and say “I love you.” 
as a response, this boy squeezes you a little tighter, buries his head a tad deeper in the crook of your neck
“Shut up.”
you know him well enough to know he’s feeling embarrassed, so you wriggle out of his grasp and turn around
Shaw whines a little when he’s forced to loosen his grasp
you look straight at his face, finding him even cuter when his mischievous smirk is replaced by a pouty scowl
“I love you, I love you, I love you I love you I love you love you loveyouloveyou,” you repeat, watching his face grow redder and redder
he groans audibly. “Shut up!” but he can’t help but smile at your gleeful giggles
“What? I do! I love you so much, Shaw.”
he kisses you to shut you up, but it’s not one of those fast, rough, wild kisses
he cradles you in his arms, trying to convey how he feels through a kiss
“‘Love you,” he mutters against your lips.
“What was that?” you tease him.
“Aw, come on! One more time?” 
“Nope.” yup, he tries. 
I’ve been doing a lot of picture editing for all of my posts...but I think these will be the official ‘character separators’ since I don’t have the energy or will to make new ones for every fanfic...post banners are still a thing for every post though.
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narcosmx · 4 years
your “first time” with amado carillo fuentes would include...
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a/n: i want to apologize for this BUT YOU ASKED FOR IT OKAY WOW but no really i hope you like it pls love me 
i feel like your first time with amado would be like the culmination of a shit load of teasing because sexual tension + him = chef kisses
 it would be like this cat and mouse game, a constant back and forth where he likes to think he’s in control but HE FUCKING KNOWS he’s along for the ride 
and like i’m imagining you’ve gone out together a handful of times and he has yet to take you home yet but god that just makes him harder... the challenge
but also, can you imagine everyone’s shitting on him to like give up, that you’re just playing with him 
but amado has this gut feeling, i can just imagine his ass being like “no cabron, si me tiene esperando es porque es rebuena y lo sabe” he is fucking convinced of it, probably tells the other’s that they’re just trying to give up so they can have their chance
i just get like going out to the club every night, like him in that club with sofia vibes you feel me
so tension has been building my dudes; being at the club means you are dancing on eachother so hard
let’s be real yall have essentially have dry humped each other to all holy hell
making out in the back corners of the club, the vibrations of the music all around you and amado having you pushed up against a wall and those hands riding up your thigh 
sitting on his lap, straddling and lowkey giving him a lap dance to the fucking music in the background... he is over here throbbing for you groaning 
but he never mentions that you need to do anything about it you feel? he mentions how fucking hard you make him but he wants you to want him... wants you to tell him how much you want him inside of you
so you’re going home and it’s like you in the backseat with heavy making out with amado as the driver already on the way to drop you off
but before you can get home, pulling away from amado’s lips and resting your forehead against his and being like you know what.... can i stay over tonight?..
and he has to keep himself from like ruining you right fucking then and there but is like looking at you like ‘segura’ because you both know what that means 
.and just tangling your fingers into his hair and pulling him towards you again, rolling your hips and him immediately yellling at the driver to get him home and like right fucking now 
and once you’re pulling up to his house, is already carrying you into the fucking house, has your lega wrapped around him and he’s stumbling in while kissing on your neck and jaw,  murmuring dirty shit against your skin 
this man is literally growling, his voice has dropped and it’s just husky, turned on amado i cannot 
cant get you into the bedroom quickly enough, kicking the door behind him and lightly tossing you on the bed, you know the thing where you bounce up a little
standing at the foot of the bed, working to like get his shirt off cursing under his breath like shingao and you giggling, crawling over to him and working on his belt already 
got the smirk he’d get when he’s teasing you about being eager when he’s literally the one throbbing right now 
but honestly as soon as he gets undressed, he’s pushing you back onto the bed and hands already traveling under your dress because good lord has he been aching to see your body 
it’s just desperate, and needy like you’re both trying to grab at each other, your skin’s on fire because it needs to touch and sloppy ass kisses
but fucking wow as soon as he has you naked, it slows the fuck down... he’s in control of the pace now and he’s been waiting for this moment for days so he’s taking in every fucking second of it
like kissing all down your body, hands becoming familiar with every inch of your skin probably working his tongue on your tits we know this man is an undercover freak anyways 
hands traveling down to your body and stopping to tease at your folds, kissing you and murmuring against your lips how he can see how eager you are too and just slow and sensual fingering 
getting you ready for him because we all know he’s packing
but he can’t last long doing that, seeing the way you arch your body to him, your like little gasps he’s can’t take it
him sucking his fingers clean before positioning himself over you and this man is the type to look you straight in the fucking eyes as he’s pushing into you, needs to see the way your eyes roll back for him as he pushes into you a little bit more 
but once that tender moment is um short lived to say the least because as soon as he feels you around him that needy, desperate tone is coming right back
his thrusts are like hard and fast, like he’s taking you for a fucking ride so you better believe your holding onto his hair or stratching up his back which he fucking loves 
the grunts and heavy grunts in your ear, lips leaving marks all over your neck as if not being able to walk straight the next morning isnt going to be reminder enough
just days of sexual frustration and tension being fucked out of your guy’s system 
neither of you would last very long but amado needs you to cum first, ne needs to like show you what you were missing this whole time 
doesn’t matter because yall go so many rounds it all blurs together 
is so smirky afterwards as you try to catch your breath
the enjoyment he gets waking up the next day seeing you all sore and swimming in one of his shirts :))))) but because of it he’d lowkey bring you breakfast and coffee to bed and kissing your forehead
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yanderepuck · 4 years
There are three main posts where I get my ideas for Charles 
One Two Three 
That being said I may repeat some things.
First off, attention whore baby
I want attention, he wants attention.  I want love, he wants love
I feel very bad for Charles tbh
He decided to be a doctor in his second life bc he hated his first life so much
This next part is historic back ground, mainly adding bc I’m sure I’ll mention something at some point.
He ended up killing over 3,000 people in France before and during the French Revolution.  Including King Louis XVI.
He was known as The Royal Executioner.  He didn’t choose this life, his father died when he was 15 so he had to take on the job of punishing/killing prisoners. 
Charles was brutal tho.  When Robert-François Damiens failed to kill King Louis XVI his flesh was torn away with hot iron pincers, and the knife he used to try to kill him was fused to his hand with molten sulfur. Then Charles chained each of his limbs to a different horse and sent them running in different directions. In two hours his joins still hadn’t snapped, so Charles dismembered his limb, and set him on fire while he was still alive.
Don’t even get me started on the breaking wheel.  Damn  Birds eating you alive.  ouch
He also helped make the guillotine, and was the first to use it. 
Like...baby regrets what he did.
He just wants some love
However, even though he is very against violence.  I feel if something bad enough were to happen he’d snap and probs kill the person
In the days after that he’d lock himself away though cause of how horrible he felt about doing it.  He think he’s killed enough and just wants to bring happiness
Okay lets get away from that for a little.
Have i mentioned????? He loves attention
If he ends up not being a yandere like Will. I WILL SCREAM
Charles and Will???
They’re in love
I don’t take constructive criticism.
They’re both needy and lonely and want love.
So they get it from each other 
Will is dom most of the time and Charles is one hell of a bottom.  Even with MC he’s be a bottom
I know this is about Charles, not Will and Charles
But listen to me.
Charles moves in with Will and Vlad thinks its just because he’s a doctor and wants to be closer to town
I feel like Vlad is lowkey a dumbass 
But no.  The two are lovers and tease each other a lot and their both really kinky okay-
Okay back to Charles.  I’ll write about those two later.
Charles also has some Arthur vibes???
Like if you don’t keep an eye on him he’s gonna cause some trouble.
Tho Arthur is off sleeping with a woman or getting drunk
Charles is like “I found this cat and I’m keeping it.  You can’t tell me no”
He wants to be spoiled but won’t let you spoil him.
He’d 100% say “mood” and “same”
*sees a little bird walking instead of hopping or flying* That’s me
He probably smells good.  I see his hair and I want to stick my face in it and imagine he’d smell like a strawberry shortcake doll
The fact that he adores kids surprises me but I also love it
So far he reminds me of Loki in Ikemen Revolution
P childish and hyperactive, but ends up wanting to me more mature for MC
I wanna go back to his history.
He hates when you mention it.  He knows he can never forget it, but he feels like this is his chance to try again since he didn’t have the choice his first time
He’s probably considered changing his name to stop being associated with his past.
He hates the topic of murder and killing.  Even death in general.  It brings back bad memories
IRL Charles had a son that was going to take over the job for him when he was older, and he ended up dying by falling off the scaffold bc of all the blood
I feel like he could have a bit of anxiety.  I mean he’s def got to have some type of mental issue.  I could also see him being bipolar???
Sometimes he hates sleeping because of bad dream that he’ll have so there’s times where he’ll go days without sleep
That’s when Faust steps in and is like “Hey...you need some sleep”
And Charles is like “What?  No.  I’m fine!”
He hasn’t slept in 8 days
Faust shrugs and drugs his coffee and carries him to bed.
Faust won’t admit it, but he cares about his “baby brother”
He’s a lot smarter than he lets on, but likes to keep it that way.
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