#I imagine they taste like salty butter or something like that
tiddie-taylor · 1 year
Wtf does an egg even taste like!?, I can't eat them because I'm allergic to them
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italoniponic · 1 year
𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 - mini-project
Charming Eyes
Notes: based on this Cherry’s Harvesting request where Anon asked for Trey, Azul, Deuce and Floyd (and whoever else I wanted) to discover that Reader’s very dark-brown eyes (nearly black) could be actually brown if you shine light directly into it. And then they fall more in love with Reader~ I used Lilia instead of Trey and Azul at that time, so now they’re here too yay <3
Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto x gender neutral reader / fluff headcanons / reader has dark brown eyes / use of “you” pronouns
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Earlier that day, Trey had invited you in Heartslabyul to try out an old Clover family recipe. He planned to present this recipe to Riddle in order to expand the menu options at the Unbirthday Parties — if the Queen of Heart’s rules allowed, of course. And since Trey wanted to spend time with you, he asked for your help;
One of the first things to do was checking the egg cartons. Trey learned a trick in Magicam that consisted of using the cellphone’s flashlight over the shells to find out if the egg was good — the light would show an orange yolk — or bad — the inside would reveal to be dark. But, just as he turned on the flashlight, you crouched near the counter to take a look at the eggs;
Trey got terrifically surprised when the light flashed through your eyes and revealed, for a very brief moment, that behind your normally coal-black irises, it was the most beautiful shade of cocoa. Trey turned off his phone’s flashlight quickly, however. He didn’t want to blind you or anything;
But it still was a stunning discovery. During the preparation of the recipe, you commented on how it was a normal effect that the light had on your eyes. But so rare were the occasions that some strong light was cast upon them that you were sure hardly anyone noticed that your eyes had this effect;
And you sure couldn’t imagine the impression this would leave on Trey. He thought about it for a long time. So, he was one of the few people who knew? Trey felt special, although it was extremely embarrassing to admit it. He wasn’t very versed in romance, and this situation sounded like some of the honeyed things that he heard his parents saying to each other — and maybe he wasn’t that far behind;
As the days went by, Trey became more attentive to your eyes when you went out together in very sunny places or where the overall ambient light was quite strong. He hoped to see the glorious brown in your eyes again. Any day, any time;
It seemed almost natural that this was a unique effect of yours, reflecting your nature. You often keep things about yourself deep in your soul. Trey understood what that was like better than anyone else. He looked normal, too, but he could be unpredictable. Or rather, he seemed crazy, but he was in fact quite average;
You could pick up on that whenever you stared at him — meanwhile, he would look at you just as subtle and passionately. Trey’s eyes were golden as butter, soft like honey. Sweet and salty, mixed in the ceramic bowl that was his face. He would have died laughing at the comparison if he had listened;
You cooked together again, but this time at the Ramshackle. It was a pastry that Trey insisted on teaching you to make, called “Hatter’s eye” — an invention of his uncle, who was an oculist. It was worth the joke, you’d to say. It seemed complicated to do but it turned out to be pretty simple;
Finally, you tried the pastry when you two finished making it and it was really delicious. It looked like an eye inside a hat — honestly, the taste was better and easier to digest than the eccentric appearance. You turned around excitedly to thank Trey for the experience, your eyes shining like fireflies at night;
Then Trey ended up remembering something that was kind of obvious from the beginning: whether it was the black shadows of your eyes or their dark chocolate brown hue over the light, your gaze was beautiful in every way. That’s because it was you he was staring at deep down. And Trey could tell he just kept falling deeper down his heart’s rabbit hole, head over heels in love with you.
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Sitting on his VIP office couch and reading a magazine full of interesting advertisements, Azul waited for your arrival so you both could dine in the Mostro Lounge that evening. It was a date in its humblest form — if “humble” could be used with the octopus merman. But without any warning, you soon rushed in, completely exhausted and practically collapsing on his lap;
You scared the living daylights out of Azul with that. But if anything, with the day’s fatigue weighing on your shoulders, you didn’t mind him and got distracted by the round ceiling lamp above — it was only really visible if you were in that position. It lit up the office while the little lamps on the shelves did the rest. It was in this mixture of several different lights that Azul noticed something in your eyes;
A discovery simply unimaginable! Your eyes were usually so dark that Azul found himself wondering if there could exist humans with shark-like eyes. But, right there under that bright light, he came across a shade of brown hiding in the depths of your gaze, like a ship full of treasures resting on the sea;
Because staring too long at the light was starting to hurt your eyes, you sat more appropriately next to Azul. He was still surprised, yet disguised it well. Even though he was no longer in the old-fashioned business of rolling you into contracts, there was something about this tiny piece of information that delighted him;
How many people knew your eyes had this ability? Your friends? Just your family? Would he be a humble lucky one among your acquaintances? Eventually, Azul brought it up again and you explained things better — and yes, he really was the only one in the entire NRC who noticed the fact;
It was inevitable that Azul would feel indebted to you in some way. What could he do anyway? He discovered a special secret about you unintentionally, even if it wasn't this big shock he was making it seem like it was;
In short, that was how you ended up being called to the Mostro Lounge, at its night after hours. Azul decided to “pay” an exchange for his discovery in the form of showing you again what his octopus form looked like. He was inside the huge aquarium on the wall — half hidden while you didn’t arrive, a little unsure if it really was a good idea this situation he created for himself;
From your own part, you were more scared to find out the real, crazy reason you were there than at the sight of a half-octopus boy in front of you per se. As you approached each other — well, as you could since there was a wall of reinforced glass between you — you stared deep into Azul’s eyes and he, into yours;
The merman’s blue eyes seemed like a mixture of the crystalline blue of his human form and the slight eye opacity of certain octopus species — perhaps that's why his vision worsened when he took the potion to the surface;
From his point of view, on the other side, the lights in the lounge added a bluish marine effect to the brown color of your eyes. Azul was already completely in love with you but, it was as if you only convinced him more that he was in the right direction with each new conversation. Not as if you were selling your love, but as a confirmation. He had no doubt of his feelings for you;
But, in all honesty, Azul always knew that you were a rare pearl. This from the first time he faced you, trying to investigate your mysterious black-ink eyes to the present day. And don’t think that this wouldn’t continue in the future too. Azul loved you for who you were, the real person behind your eyes. And you thought the same about him.
| Special notes: as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist a pastry called "Hatter's eye" lol but now that I came with the concept, I'm curious about how it would look like and the taste... |
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
What is cheese in your country eaten with and how does it taste?
Usually here is cheese slapped on bread and eaten like that, or grated on pasta.
The "base" cheese which most people buy and to which they compare the others is Gouda. Gouda is mild of taste, inoffensive, but also here you won't get Gouda that will blow yours socks off. It is cheap for cheese. A cheaper alternative is Edam. Edam is boring, it tastes like wet milk fat. Neither Gouda nor Edam are Czech cheeses, but they are the most commonly bought. Both are hard cheeses.
Probably the most commonly bought Czech cheese is Hermelín. It is an imitation of Camembert, the name actually means "ermin stole" and it comes from the white mould coating. It is soft and a little tangy, a good and well aged Hermelín will have a bit tougher core. In my opinion it is somewhat more flavourful than Camembert, but it is not so soft. It is good for charcuterie boards, can be served marinated in oil with onion and usually some herbs and pepper (that is "pickled"), or covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried like a schnitzel and then served with usually fries and cranberry sauce/marmalade. You can, of course, also cut it in slices and slap it on the bread, but that is incredibly barbaric. Everyone here does it. Hermelín pairs well with white wine, but pickled/marinated is a beer thing.
What I see often in stores but not often bought, save for my grandma, is Blaťácké zlato ("quag gold"). It is a knock off of Bel Paese. It is a bit tart, soft, kinda feels like eraser in your mouth. It is boring. It can be made interesting by inserts, for example green pepper or walnuts. It is recommended to accompany white wines, I suppose to make you appreciate that you have something besides the cheese. If you leave it long enough next to unpacked Hermelín (or Camembert), it will adopt the mould and in a week or two you'll have a new Hermelín piece.
Niva ("floodplain") is a cheese that people either love or hate, very rarely they are indifferent. It is an imitation of Roquefort, but it is made out of cow milk instead of sheep, so it feels less aggressive if you grew up on cow milk (most people have). It is a semi-hard crumbly cheese, if it is really aged it becomes less crumbly and more spreadable, like butter. It has blue-green mould through it, and it tastes quite salty and mould-spicy. It is an affordable bluegreen mould cheese and it doesn't have any strong (or weak) odour, which for a lot of people is a plus. a thing you might want to slap on quatro formaggi pizza. I like grilled cheese including niva. I am not aware of niva being paired with any specific drink. I usually am plain evil and accompany it with milky tea and/or cacao to remind my taste buds that the life could be worse.
Probably the best known national phenomenon is olomoucké tvarůžky, sometimes also olomoucké syrečky (Olomouc curd cheese). It is a ripened soft cheese, very yellow. It has a pungent taste and smell. It is supposedly used in regional kitchen, but I cannot imagine how or why, because increasing the temperature of this cheese warrants a biohazard warning, or so the joke goes. They do taste better when you let them warm up, though, the taste blooms out into fullness. Do nto eat them straight out of the fridge. Some households have special glass (or plastic) covers and plates to put syrečky on where they can warm up while remaining covered. You usually don't lose syrečky for log, you can sniff them out. Tvarůžky are usually paired with beer.
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mistresslrigtar · 11 months
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WIP Wednesday - final chapter of I Belong to You - Chapter Twelve: Guiding Light
“What did you call this thing again?” Link asked. He studied the glowing reddish-orange mushrooms in a plexiglass container about the size of a full-size refrigerator in the corner of her lab.
“It’s a Controlled Environment Agricultural Scenario - CEAS for short. It’s similar to a greenhouse on a smaller scale.” Placing her journals in her bookbag, Zelda zipped it up and set it on her desk. They were graduating today and attending a garden reception with their families afterward. Zelda needed to make sure everything in her lab was in order before they left for the summer. 
“I’ve never seen a luminescent mushroom before. Are they edible?” Link had that faraway look when he was mulling something over. 
Zelda’s silk magenta sundress swished softly about her legs when she walked over to where he stood. “They are… why?” She hooked her arm around his waist and leaned against him. 
“I bet they taste like a sunset.” He draped an arm loosely about her shoulders, fingers playing with the spaghetti strap.
“What’s a sunset taste like?” Zelda pictured the explosion of color that graced the sky when the sun dipped to the horizon and licked her lips. She imagined a sunset tasting salty.
“Warm and earthy, with undertones of sweet pepper. I could make a risotto.” Link’s imagination was far better than hers.
Wait a minute. Link wanted to cook Zelda’s research project that had taken her two years of sweat, tears, and sleepless nights? The spores that had helped save his best friend’s life? “With my suncaps?”
“Yeah, why not? You said they were edible.” 
“They were bred for their medicinal effects, not to be chopped up and sauteed with goat butter, white wine, and mixed with rice.”
“Aw, come on. Aren’t you least bit curious what they taste like?” Link turned her so she faced him, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her closer… and pouted. “I wrote you a song. Two songs. The least you could do is give me a couple of mushrooms in return. It’s not like I wouldn’t make the risotto for you.”
Read the first 8 chapters HERE on AO3. Rated E for mature content.
TY to @zeldaelmo and @hyylia for beta reading!
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larissa-the-scribe · 5 months
Terrarium Lights, Pt. 3.9
Previously on Terrarium Lights: the ghost begins a new existential crisis in the kitchen, pre-dawn. (Next part >>here)
The smell of buttered bread filled the kitchen. "So, is this about your friend, Samuel?" Gail asked. "Yes. And no. I… I feel bad, somehow, that I am still here and he's… not. Like, he’s a ghost, but… I might have a chance. And he…. He does not."
"Can you be sure of that?"
"Yes. It's.… Once you see it, you know."
"Hmmmm." Gail unhooked the spatula from under the cupboard, and flipped the bread.
"It's… more…. Well, he looks… different. Not like a person anymore."
"Ah." Gail wasn't quite sure what he meant by that. Maybe the state of the ghost reflected the state of the body.
"But… I'm still not quite back, and… going back… I'm not sure if I can. Or maybe I can, but it… it's… I don't know." Jonathon rubbed a hand along his arm, as if he were cold.
"You're not sure if you can properly get back into your body?" Gail interpreted.
"I have no idea one way or the other," Jonathon replied with a small laugh.
"Do you want to try it?"
Butter fizzled around bread and filled the silence of their shared space.
Gail flipped the bread again, making sure that both sides were properly browned. The second side wasn't quite finished, so she let it fall back into place.
"Honestly…" Jonathon faltered. "I don't actually know that I understand enough of my own mind to be honest. I… I want to be alive again. To have time not be so disorienting. To be able to smell the food that I know you're cooking, and taste the bread you've baked. To be able to feel moss under my fingers and have it be a solid sensation and not just three-quarters my imagination. But… I… I don't know."
"Is it because of the medical report?" Gail asked. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she slid her spatula under the slice of toast and set it on a plate.
"I… I guess so." His head hung low on his chest. "It was hard to not be able to remember things, you know? And the doctor was theorizing that I wouldn’t remember anything when I woke up. Maybe that’s just since I got back, or maybe that includes this time, here, that I had coming back to who I was. And I don't want to lose what I've already got. And, then, besides the memories…."
Gail lowered the bacon into the pan, slice by slice. "Your sight."
"It's… it's getting worse."
The pan accepted the new offering readily, throwing spatters and sizzles of oil and new smells as the bacon settled into place.
"I had already noticed that sometimes my sight got worse, but… I thought that was purely tied to my emotional state at the time, or something along those lines. Like what we'd observed in our notes. It's been a relief this past week to have more moments when I can see properly, well enough to read from a book, or see the distance be more than just shapes and colors. But these last couple of days, since I went back to the lighthouse… those moments are becoming fewer."
Gail settled against the counter, picking up the slice of toast, juggling it a bit between her fingertips. "So, that would make sense why you hadn't done much with the books on the dinner table."
"Partially," he said. "My sight was more consistent then. Most of it was simply that I wasn’t in the mood. But… I do quite like reading. And it’s so useful. It… it's a scary thought that I might not be able to do that anymore.”
“But you're already losing your sight as a ghost," Gail pointed out with her toast, before taking a bite of it.
"Yes, but… I still have it. And… going back to my body would feel like… accepting it. Being okay with it. But I'm not okay with it."
The smell of bacon, warm, rich, salty, overtook that of the toast. Gail checked it, decided to leave them for a bit longer. She wanted to say something, to soothe the lad's fears and troubles, tell him that it would be alright and he didn't need to worry. He would get used to it, and in the end he would be okay. Lots of people have disabilities and work around them, right?
But that wouldn't help. A quick and easy answer wouldn't help a long and painful question, as she knew from losing David. If someone had told her at the funeral she would be fine with it one day, and that therefore she should be fine with it then, Michael likely would have had to stop her slapping someone. Time moved on, she knew that, but present hurts were rarely helped by rushing into a future that did not yet exist.
And she hadn't chosen to lose David. True, Jonathon wasn't choosing to lose his sight or his memories, but he was still caught on the idea of accepting it—an equally difficult trial.
"What about Mrs. Seward?" She found herself asking.
Jonathon winced. "I don't know. I… I don't want her to be sad about me, but… she's going to be sad anyway, because of her actual son. I also really don't want to have to tell her about that. But… I also might not be able to, since I may not remember. That is a whole issue in and of itself—how to tell her or how not to tell her, or if I have the right to make choices about it. But there’s also, well… I… I hate to say it, but… I don't remember her very well. I know I knew her. But when I'm not there and seeing her or hearing her… it's easy to be more selfish, and forget that I did know her."
"Does part of you, maybe, resent that you feel like you need to think about anyone else, when this is a matter that so deeply affects you?" Gail asked.
Jonathon was silent for a long moment, one of his hands picking at the hem of his vest, the other curled tightly around himself. "Yes.
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #161
I was hoping that I would have been able to tell you that I've made it past that Grafted Scion today. Alas, the best that I can tell you is that I'm getting better at controlling the character and dodging out of the way of this adversary's attacks. I can reliably get about a sixth of its health down, which isn't bad, considering that it has 2,596 hit points, and my strongest attack does maybe 73 points of damage. I can usually land about 4-6 hits before I end up looking like I walked through one of those fancy electric salad shredders, which is a lot better than the 0-2 hits I started out with! Progress!!
I rested today because I overextended myself a bit yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. And what I mean by "rested" is that I spent the first half of the day being productive, and then I rested. Reliably, one of the best ways for me to get stuff done is for me to decide that I'm not going to do things. And also, reliably, one of the best ways for me to not get stuff done is for me to decide that I am going to do things. It's like my brain does anything but what I want it to. It's VERY bizarre.
Well. After I returned home from therapy today, I made a tea. I tried one of the other samples from the Adagio place. Today, it was some kind of berries and sage tea…
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Today's swirls were very good:
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...Sometimes it's almost like watching something bloom.
I decided to make a breakfast today, which naturally meant that I had to do all the dishes first. J had cut up some broccoli, and so I made rice and eggs with natto and kimchi and a little bit of cheese to go with it.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like broccoli? Lots of folks in my world don't like it, but I'd almost wager that for lots of folks, it's because they ain't had it cooked right. I like to pan-fry it in a little butter and salt (unless the butter is already salted) until it gets brown and crispy on the edges; broccoli isn't known for having a high sugar content, so I think in this case, the browning might be the Maillard Reaction instead of simple caramelization due to the amino acids present in the butter, but I could be wrong. Both ordinary caramelization and the Maillard Reaction make things taste AMAZING though, so I guess it doesn't really matter which one it is as long as the results are nomful, right?
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...Broccoli, like most vegetables, shrinks a bit as its water content is lost from evaporation, due to the heat. For most veggies, this isn't really a big deal. But for stuff like spinach, this effect is especially pronounced:
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...It's not quite as bad as this image would suggest, hahaha! But it's always a good general rule to cook more spinach than you think you need, because holy cow it really does shrink a lot.
Anyway, I cooked up some eggs, too:
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...And here's the bowl of deliciousness that I put together with the broccoli and eggs:
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...Cheese goes surprisingly well with kimchi, natto, eggs, rice, and whatever else. I think it's because cheese is salty. Some nice, crispy bacon would have gone well with this, too, I think.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you know how to cook? If you do, then... do you cook well? Do you enjoy doing it? And if you don't... would you like to learn how, someday? If you'd like to learn, then I'll teach you if you pop by my house sometime - you're a smart guy with really good hand-eye coordination; I think you could learn the basics really fast and become super good at it very quickly!
It's kind of a chilly evening today; perfect weather to sit with someone under a toasty blanket and lean on them while watching them play video games. But I am the only one playing video games right now. Also, Br is at her house, and M and J are busy. Oh well.
Wouldn't mind to sit in your general vicinity and watch you learn how to play video games. Though, I imagine that it'd feel like such a safe and relaxing time for me that I'd probably end up falling asleep, and then I wouldn't be able to tell you all about what a great job you're doing and how quickly you're learning. Even if such a thing was possible, maybe that wouldn't be fun for you. So never mind it.
I guess I'll get back to it. I promised my therapist today that by the next time I see them, I'll have made it past this Grafted Scion; a person is only as good as their word, and I've got only 2 weeks to improve my skills enough to get it done. Better hop to it...
I love you. Please be nice to yourself out there, okay? And please stay safe. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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So I was watching Dylan B. And it dawned on me. Ansi is from the 80s. The 80s. She's from that generation where they came up with those weird food concoctions like throwing cheez whiz into cornbread. And yet she'd be there doing it too 😭.
Whenever the three of the 3 of them are hanging out at HQ or just vibing on Hobie's boat she'll bake something. And at first it starts off with your typical 80s treats like monkey bread or some blondies. But sometimes she'll walk out of Hobie's kitchen looking like she's holding toxic waste with the biggest smile on her face.
And it's always a gamble on what you're gonna get, because sometimes her baked goods, while unorthodox, are actually really good. Nobody thought the Velveeta cheese fudge would've turned out well but they were pleasantly surprised. Sometimes though she makes things that are so foul that Hobie, I'll eat anything, Brown debates throwing it overboard after she leaves. (Diane probably has Hobie poison taste test before she tries anything and even then she's skeptical because of his Britishness.)
They give her their honest opinion for each thing that she makes as calmly as they can without hurting her feelings. And since she's trying to learn how to bake using her own groceries they don't have the heart to stop her. However, Ansi is straight up banned from making jello salad because of all the vile concoctions she kept coming up with.
"I thought adding pickles and olives to the jello would give it a more balanced flavor."
(You have to know that I saw some of the most horrendous meals while searching up examples. I know there was a whole crack epidemic going on but weren't people coming up with good ideas back then? WHY ARE WE PUTTING THESE THINGS TOGETHER? ASPARAGUS CAKE. ASPARAGUS 😭😭😭😭)
This ask had me WEAK as hell because I imagine Diane eating every sweet like
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Being all GREEDY because she loves food. The first one in the kitchen like 'what's this now' and she will try to rope people into it if she can!!
Plus like...never letting the British rest when it comes to food
Hobie is all hesitant and she's like 'Weren't you eating spotted dick yesterday'. 'You're bugging out, it's like Yorkshire pudding and all that.' Then she stands there waiting for him to eat it even though she was the one who was all excited to try jhhfjjdkf
And when she does like it the house Never gets quiet for there. She's all "Yeessss, snaps to this!!" or going "Okay, chef!". Everytime Ansi come in the room she's complimenting her (with another piece in her hand)
But on the inverse, since Diane LOVES soul food and is so greedy her food is A LOT.
Everything need Adobo and Larry's and Old Bay Seasoning. (Yes all three) Everything needs butter. Salty as hell and if it's spicy it's damn near too hot to taste.
She loads up the plate with cornbread AND yams AND mac & cheese, then hands it to them like it's lunch. Why'd she make so much goddamn collard greens? Wakes up in the morning like 'ya'll want sum grits and shrimp?" Ma'am it's 9am.
She makes all this heavy ass buttery food, eats the whole thing then looks at Ansi and Hobie like
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"Ya'll not hungry?? - I'm hungry. This is good food - Hobie you okay you ain't finish"
and it's like yeah cause it looks like you deep-fried this burger in lard the man has heartburn
Pavi says she's tryna fatten everyone up like the witch from Hansel & Gretel but she's just trying to make sure everyones soul is FED OKAY
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
i love ur octonauts safe foods post but that also brings the question: what are the octo-agents safe foods?
wonderful question my anonymous friend- apologies for the delay, please enjoy post 🤲:
Paani’s patties have nuts, seeds, and bugs in them, which all have kind of similar tastes—hear me out—they all taste nutty (yes, bugs have a nutty flavour, if you didn’t know), and possibly a little roasty or smokey depending on how they’re prepared. Paani’s safe foods probably consist of a lot of other grains, nuts, or butters (peanut butter, sunflower butter, almond/cashew butter, etc). He probably unironically enjoys pistachio ice cream. Can’t go wrong with a giant jug of straight up rainwater, either.
Tracker grew up the same way Barnacles did: In the Arctic with very little variety. So, their tastes are probably the same, or very similar. He enjoys simple flavours, and dishes with non-complicated seasoning. I also imagine he’s an extremely picky eater, despite being taught in the Polar Scouts to be prepared to “eat what you have to” in an emergency. He might like a couple obscure or odd things here and there, but other than that his palate is pretty limited. He likes knowing what to expect when he eats something (and in general), so he basically just eats the same foods over and over. He’s an EXPERT at cooking these foods.
Googled native Russian and Siberian cuisines for Natquik, and I’m seeing a lot of dough, pastry, soup, and salt (and a lot of other things, but they’re mostly meat and I’m going to pretend he’s vegetarian and so is everyone else, with the exceptions of Mr. Paani “The Bug Eater”, and Ms. Pearl “Eats Living Urchins Whole”). He loves savoury foods, as well as “earthy” flavours (below-ground vegetables, such as beets, potatoes, carrots (he might bond with Tweak over that one), or mushrooms) but can NOT tolerate spiciness at all; he’s worse than Barnacles in this regard. If he eats something too hot he will spit it out instantly, and be very dramatic about it. He also enjoys a cup of tea now and then, and he’s not picky about what kind; if it’s warm and got leaves in it, he’ll drink it.
I like to think that Calico Jack and Kwazii are alike in more ways than one thousand—and they probably have IDENTICAL tastes/safe foods. So, Jack loves sweets and sugars, but hates bitters. He hates citrus too (because he’s a cat), but has learned to tolerate it in all his years as a pirate. He chugs lemon juice like it’s milk, and he just ate a whole ghost pepper. You won’t catch him anywhere near a tangerine, though. (Disclaimer: Citrus is actually poisonous to cats in real life, which is why they hate it so much. This cat however, is fictional, and just thinks they’re icky.) CJ also canonically loves to cook and bake his own food, based on how many recipes he invented and passed down to Kwazii; such as pirate pie (real pie, see GBR for ingredients), pirate stew (main ingredient = kelp), and “pirate pie” (kelp and lima beans on toast), to name a few.
Ranger Marsh LOVES the Octonauts’ hot cocoa specifically, I don’t know if it’s the way the Vegimals make it, or what, but I’m taking this to mean the man is fan of chocolate. Dark chocolate. Meaning, he probably enjoys bitter things. Do not let him cook for Kwazii or Jack. I bet most of what he eats is foraged directly out of the Everglades’ thicket, so that would likely include weird and bitter berries, plants, and wild vegetables. I also headcanon that he taught Tweak how to make her famous chili, she just perfected it. Chili can taste like pretty much anything depending on how you season it, so you can bet he likes his extra bitter as well.
Okay now Pearl is probably the opposite of Shellington. I said that Shellington would enjoy intense or odd flavours (like extra hot sauce on cake), but dislike salty-anything because it reminds him of red urchin. He learned to like strange foods, as a result of being allergic to his species’ main source of nourishment (shellfish). Since Pearl didn’t have this problem, she didn’t need to branch out her plate; and thus would love salty things because it’s what she’s used to. She might dislike overly sour or sweet things, or generally “unnatural” or artificial foods. She’s probably not much of a chef, considering most of what she eats is stuff she literally picks off the seafloor.
Apparently a red panda’s diet is 95% bamboo, soooooooooooooooo... I guess that answers Min. She probably eats a ton of those bamboo biscuits, and that might literally be all. Bamboo tastes earthy, nutty, and slightly sweet, so if she were to expand her menu, she’d probably eat foods with similar tastes, or anything that has a good crunch to it. Y’know what? I bet she’d love a Paani Patty.
Ryla literally ate bat droppings covered in moss. Granted, the “droppings” were berries, but still. I don’t think she’s very picky. She doesn’t have any “safe foods”, because she’s a hardcore survivalist—she’ll eat ANYTHING (unless it’s poisonous then she’ll only eat it once). Wombats are strict herbivores, so she probably enjoys a good salad when she's not fighting for her life in a cave.
I think Koshi and Pinto are both stereotypical kids, who'll gladly inhale anything with sugar in it. Pinto specifically might have similar tastes to Peso, in which he'll also just eat... literally anything. Especially if it's weird looking. Koshi is a bit more sensitive to strong smells, so she'll only eat what she likes the smell of. She doesn't seem like someone who likes trying new foods, either. She likes sweet, or bland simple tastes.
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edsforehead · 2 years
Random Eddie HCs and thoughts I have, some NSFW:
- Eddie has absolutely sketched what he imagines you look like naked in his notebook.
- Eddie has posed in front of his mirror naked with a hard on. Sometimes he’ll flex his muscles to see how he looks, others he’ll post with his guitar.
- Sometimes he likes to speak in various voices and accents. Sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s high pitch, sometimes a transatlantic accent, an English accent, russian accent, etc.
- Speaking of accents, he’s assigned names and voices to the stray cats around the trailer park. Each one has their own distinct personality. When he feeds them, he greets them in different voices. One day you guys are hanging out on top of his trailer and hear a loud screech nearby. When you look over you see two cats having a tussle about 12 feet away, near the food bowls he’s left out. As one bap bap baps the other, he immediately launches into an old school mafia accent, narrating the fight. “George I told you to keep ya dirty mitts outta my food bowl you see, I saw you take my fish snacks, keep doin that and we’re gonna have a real problem you see!” You’re dying laughing and say “not the fish snack! George!”. He’s looking at you and smiling, both because of the situation and his ability to make you laugh, which is his favorite thing in the world. He feels like a million bucks when he does, a hero, especially if you also touch his arm or shoulder. When your laughter dies down he starts lookin around for something to throw in the cats direction to break up the fight. As he grabs a small branch that fell onto the roof he says “alright, thats enough George, Berny, shows over. I’ll getcha guys more snacks tomorrow” and flings it over so it lands a few feet away from them, causing them to run in opposite directions.
- Eddie has absolutely tasted his own cum. A few times, actually. The first time was out of curiosity, to see if it was as nasty as people seem to act like it is. After jerking off, he dips his finger into one of the sticky puddles on his chest and brings it to his tongue, immediately making a disgusted face before the taste even hits him. When it does, the expression melts away and he thinks, that’s actually not that bad. It’s salty but otherwise kind of neutral to him, though he can imagine why some people wouldn’t like it. The second and third time, it was mainly to make sure his first impression of it not being so bad was correct, and also he wondered if someone else would like his taste, if you would like his taste.
- Eddie loves peanut butter. Whenever he makes a pb&j sandwich, he’ll layer on a thick serving of peanut butter and either a thin swipe of jelly OR a heaping, dribbling pile of jelly, no in between, which he eats with a glass of milk. He thinks it’s the best thing ever. When he’s done he licks his fingers clean of the peanut butter & jelly that dribbled off, and licks his plate clean.
- One day you come over and he makes you a pb&j as a snack, while you’re munching away you see him dip his fingers into the open jar to scoop up a thick layer of peanut butter and start to lick his fingers clean. Your face is frozen into a look of shock and disgust, and when as he starts to go in again for a second helping you yell “Eddie!! That’s disgusting!” And start eyeing your sandwich with distrust. “What! This jar is just for you and me, Wayne has his own, you think I have cooties or something? And we share drinks all the time!” Your only response is to furrow your brow and gape at him in disbelief. “Ugh, fine” he grumbles as he gets up to grab a spoon. When he returns he plops down, scoops up a healthy serving, licks it off, and gives you a wide grin. As though the spoon is going to erase all the finger scooping and double dipping he’s done. You just shake your head, roll your eyes and continue eating your sandwich. It’s too late anyway, you’d already taken several bites out of the half in your hand. He starts talking about new song corroded coffin is writing, and as he does he stretches his legs out underneath the table until one of his feet slides up right next to yours, where he keeps it for the rest of your meal. He likes to find small ways of always touching you.
- As a kid, before Wayne was officially Eddie’s caretaker, his dad would occasionally drop him off at his trailer to look after, particularly on holidays. Whenever he had him on a Halloween Eddie would want to dress up like a hero, super or otherwise. Sometimes it was an honored knight, so he could strike down anyone who threatened those he loved, or spider man, because he wanted to help people in times of need, or sometimes super man, so he could imagine he had the ability to fly far, far away, and have super strength so no one could hurt him.
- Speaking of imagining himself as a hero, as a kid he would often draw himself as one. One with super strength, or a wizard with a magical powers. He’d imagine with a twirl of his staff he’d be could send those who would threaten him flying backwards, or with a few whispered words and a wave of his hands, he’d be able to make whatever he want appear. Sometimes it was a weapon he needed in just that moment, or a steaming bowl of stew, or a pile of magical gold. He’d imagine he had a loyal friend in the form of a fire breathing dragon that was always by his side, and on the occasions it would fly away to feed, he could always count on it to come back and to his rescue just in the nick of time. He’d imagine saving others, his mother, or himself from otherworldly dangers. He often escaped into his own imagination, before reality came knocking and he had to go with his dad on jobs to meet with strange men, face the taunting of his peers, or search the cupboards for food during the many days in a row he was left at home alone.
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So, what does a Teen Advisory Group DO, anyway?
The short answer is that a TAG does whatever the YA librarian needs done at that moment. TAG members can help to create virtual displays, book reviews, or other social media content. If library staff need to spend their funds on stuff like craft supplies or snacks to share during programs, they can ask the TAG for suggestions so that they'll spend those funds on things that teenagers actually want.
The way I ran my TAG shifted when we moved from an in-person to a virtual program several years ago. While I do miss having this program in person, I will say that one kind of participation improved in the virtual space. That's when I need to spend my YA funds on something, I share my screen so everyone can see all the choices we've got, I scroll through the options slowly and ask questions, and our teens type a running commentary in the chat. THEN I save that chat so that when I do my shopping, I can incorporate their suggestions!
At yesterday's TAG meeting, I needed our teens' input in some shopping decisions. While I can't recreate the whole meeting, I can share the most important part of it. Just imagine that I'm sharing my screen and talking out loud while asking questions like:
Do you want to vote on craft kits or do you want to vote on snacks? [Guess what? They went for the snacks. SHOCKING, I know!]
Should I bother getting healthy snacks, or are teens not going to eat them?
Do Funyuns even count as a food group?
What kind of juices do you recommend?
Then our teens typed their answers, which I thought were both enlightening and entertaining, so I decided to share them with you. ENJOY!
im kinda hungry
those veggie chips are so good
yea doritos
the sea salt ones are really good since theyre not that salty
I don’t really eat junk food so I really don’t know 😂
my mom gets healthy chips
We used to get sun chips at school
my friends and i lowkey hate the sun chips because the school gives it to us
Cape cod brand is okay
deep river is a really good chip brand
pringles are also really good
ghost peppers are really spicy
I know teens love takis
the honey bbq fritos are so good
Funyuns are so good 😱
dill pickles chips taste weird tbh
funyuns is good
the blue takis are so good
the voodoo chips might be good for halloween
grandma's cookies are so good
i also vote for oreos
Chips ahoy
chips ahoyyyy
milanos alright
Mothers cookies are way too sweet
yea mother's cookies are really bad
Peanut butter is bad
i hate them
there are muffins in packages that are really good but i cant remember the brand name
Little bites?
yea those
I don’t drink coffee
iced coffee sounds good
Teens love caprisuns
the bottle starbucks are good
the french vanilla ones are the best
cant go wrong w apple juice
yea mott's is good
Capri sun for sure
i think that the wider variety of the caprisun is good
natures valley is the best brand in my opinion
cliff bars are definitely really good
I like chewy bars not the crunchy ones in my opinion
byee have a good dayy
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anotherbeastarsblog · 2 years
What do you think each characters favorite food is?
Probably didn't get everyone but y'know. If I missed anyone you wanna hear my thoughts on send an ask and I'll edit them in.
Also please remember I have little to no justification for any of this and some are based on other headcanons I have so feel free to disagree, and I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
Legoshi's favorite food is ass If you asked him he'd probably say peanut butter or antshakes or those egg sandwiches but Legoshi's actual favorite food is almost definitely grandpa's hot pot. It was a huge deal that his family could actually share it so it's a little bittersweet now but it's still like, a primal memory for him.
Jack likes peanut butter. He's a dog, and also a basic bitch.
Collot's favorite food is also ass definitely something English, but I don't think I can pick just one because he can't either. He's only been to Europe once or twice but his family brought all their recipes with them.
I couldn't tell you exactly what Durham's is either except that it's some snack he found at an import shop once and has only ever seen like 3 times in his life and he can't read Malay so he doesn't even know how to look it up online.
Miguno really likes American-style food, and I headcanon him as being super wealthy, so he probably knows some specific bistro in the outskirts of Paris that makes the BEST cheeseburger like you can't even imagine. He's 100% wrong about this but he'll swear by it.
Voss likes spicy stuff. His favorite food evolves as he gains more tolerance, he always liked hot stuff as a kid but as a teenager he's had more freedom to get and try like internet-challenge level spicy things. By the time he graduates he's casually monching on dried ghost peppers.
I think Haru's favorite food is listed on a character sheet somewhere but I don't remember it. In my head, she's a rabbit so she likes carrot greens. NOT the orange part, that's a stereotype.
Louis has his favorite food listed as celery and that's not entirely wrong but his real favorites are the things he wasn't allowed to have growing up; deep-fried festival food, salty fast food, junk food in general. His tummy's a little sensitive so it's probably good he never gets to have it, but that forbidden fruit angle makes it all taste so much better.
Pina will insist his favorite is something fancy, and he'll tailor his answer to whoever he's talking to, but in reality he loves cheap street food. He's always secretly super happy when a date ends up at some shithole ramen stand.
Bill's is a brand of energy/protein bars he's eaten like, every single day since he first started going to the gym. He likes food as like, a general concept, but doesn't have a very discerning pallet and doesn't appreciate most dishes. All the raman we see him eat in the series is out of convenience over preferance.
Aoba would probably like onigiri or udon. I think he's more into traditionally Japanese stuff than anything but shares Bill's problem of not actually knowing or caring that much about food. Probably made intricate bento boxes as a kid.
Kibi's is antshakes.
Tao's is real basic butter noodles. He was the youngest in a biiiig family and always felt like a burden so he tried to fend for himself as much as possible, it was the first and simplest thing he learned to cook so he ended up eating it a lot.
Juno canonically has a sweet tooth, so most any cake or candy. Can't say why but my first thought was also ceasar salad, she's not big on salads in general but it feels healthy and her dog side loves anything creamy and/or cheesy.
Kai's is his mom's curry, especially the leftovers because she would make huge amounts of it that'd feed the family for a week. He and his brothers would eventually figure out she did it to stretch their food budget when money was tight, so it also signalled when his family would start getting overcompensatingly nice and helpful and have a lot of quiet bonding time.
Dom subsists almost exclusively on syrupy 7 dollar coffees. If you really insist that that doesn't count as a favorite food he also eats a lot of flavored cricket snacks. Unlike Bill or Aoba he does actually care about food and flavors he just forgets to eat actual meals so often he hasn't formed many opinions.
Riz likes honey and baking so his favorites are all combinations of that. Something as simple as a fresh baked bun with some honey drizzled on it can mean so much, honey pancakes when he wants a quick pick-me-up, honey cakes for friends and events, etc.
Ibuki's favorite food was venison, I think that's canon, and I'm not gonna do any other shishigumi guy on this list but I think it's important to mention.
Melon's favorite food, if you can call it that, is miracle berry tablets. I don't think he discovered them til after he was in jail but he was gifted some once and he still didn't really taste but things didn't taste different which was mind-blowing enough.
Yahya's favorite is carrots, natch.
Gouhin I think literally only eats bamboo, he'd go fucking insane for meat though if he ever let himself try it.
Gosha, you think I'm gonna say the hot pot for the reasons above, but no his favorite is actually the traditional Rexmas meal, the soup and pie and volcano salad. Same reasons, though, it was one of the big family meals he could have with Toki and any other non-komodo friends, the holidays pulled him from his depression a bit and helps him socialize.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. banana basil burgundy bread lefty eyebag 😅
I do know the song! Actually I just know the part where they yell shots shots shots shots 🤣 I yell that whenever I am out with friends and we go drink.
Ooh I see. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you!
The cinnamon raisin bagel is really good, but I don't think there's enough raisins in it. There's also a cinnamon swirl bagel, and instead of cream cheese, I put apple butter. It is so good.
I must've read it wrong then when we were talking about cookies and milk lol but saltine crackers in oatmeal? That's interesting! Have you tried peanut butter, honey and milk in oatmeal before?
So cake donuts are not as fluffy as a regular donut... I don't know how to explain it properly. It's thicker, and has a cakey texture. If you ever saw old fashioned donuts, it's like that but the cake donuts are a bit sweeter than the old fashioned.
I have not had mochi donuts before..I've seen it on videos and always wanted to try it. But I don't think we have a place here that sells it.
I think the number for my eyes are -14 on both.. I honestly don't remember, last time I went to get my eyes checked was 4 years ago 😅 so I guess this is a sign to get new ones. But no, I don't have an extra pair. And it's bad, I can only see up close, everything else is blurry. How about you?
Haha and no I am not a writer. If I ever write, it's going to suck because of punctuation and speech. My train of thought also goes to different places so I can't write one idea and stick to it. I guess I should have said that I just create scenarios in my mind...?
Okay, so when you write the stories with the stuff (lol sorry I feel awkward now) is it something that you wish would happen to you?
hello hello you carbs lovers lil' jon shots yeller righty eyebag! lol
banana? where did that come from? have we talk about banana before?
also when i read the words banana, i instantly read it with minions voice. u know, how they screams "BANANAAAAAAAA!" lol
yeah i hope tomorrow is a better day. i forgot to tell u that i dropped my phone in the water. :( so i try not to charge it n the battery's out. im gonna wait until tomorrow to make sure the charging port is not wet anymore.
hmm that sounds really good. i never try apple butter before but i like apple. i love honey butter especially if u put it on a fresh baked sweet dinner rolls. omggg.hahahaa
yeah, it tastes pretty good. it's creamy, sweet and a little salty at the same time. i love it when the crackers start to get a little soggy from the oatmeal. no, i havent try the peanut butter, honey and milk in oatmeal, sounds really good though.
ah i see. next time if i see a cake donut at the donut store, i will try it. n i hope u can try the mochi donut someday. :)
oh wow, that's pretty bad. -14?? mine is almost -4 n it's already hard for me to see. i'm sorry. i hope u can get ur glasses soon. :( so u can't see far, right? I can't see far but i think lately it's hard for me to see near too, i guess i'm getting old.
now i imagine how am i gonna be when i'm really old. i'll be that short asian grandma with white hair thick glasses and with my ear condition, i would probably wear hearing aids. lol
I think i haven't told u before, I have a mild hearing loss (35% on my left and 27 % on my right) due to rare condition that happen to my ears. i have otosclerosis. so it's like arthritis to my ears's bones that deliver sounds. so the bones is kinda broken n in 5-10 years it will get worse, the only solution is to do a surgery. So yeah, in mild hearing loss, i can't hear whispers well, i can't hear words well when there is noisy background. n because it's mild hearing loss, i dont need hearing aid yet. I just have to tell people that i have mild hearing loss and they might have to repeat themselves for me to hear them.
ah i see. that's awesome. do u sometimes write or make a note on the scenarios u make in ur mind? well, if u have idea or request that u want me to write, just let me know :)
or maybe u should try to write a bit by a bit n slowly. u never know until u try, who knows, maybe u can actually write. :)
hahaha dont be awkward. i'm open to any questions. hmmm when i write smut, R is always a dominant top because i read that mostly writers write R as a bottom.
well, i thought that what I write in smut such as how R is a dominant top just because i wanna write something different but a good friend of mine who knows me pretty well, she always said that i'm such a submissive bottom. so i kinda respond to her "not really. i always write dominant top R." and her answer to that kinda make me realized. she said "i know, but u write it like that because that's what u hope a top does to u." and after that i was speechless. lol. n got me thinking. "oh well, okay. i guess even though i dont mind being a top in real life, i gues she's right. I'm a sub bottom n what i write in smut are things that i wish that it happen to me." lol. sorry if it's too much information. i just don't know how else to answer ur question. but i hope it answers it. :D
next question? feel free to ask me anything.
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Important question!
When Jack and the monks finally go out for ice cream together, which flavor do you think each person would choose? (Love your Xiaolin posts btw!)
Oh, my! That surely is a very important question!
I'll try my best and provide you with some ice-cream hcs!
Firstly, if our lovely 5 were to go out for ice cream, I would like them to choose a place that offers flavors gathered from all over the world. Considering that Omi is a curious little fella I'm certain his friends can't wait to give him a taste of ice cream popular in their respective countries. Aaand since they also miss their fav foods they would not hesitate to give themselves such a treat <3
Kimiko - I think Kimi would like something that is a perfect mix between juicy and salty.
My first guess - is satsumaimo ice-cream
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Kimiko really likes sweet potato ice cream because its taste reminds her of home. She remembers how her father would often take her
to Kawagoe region for autumn holidays and buy her this particular flavor.
If the place doesn't have such a treat, she would go with
either lavender, vanilla, cherry, matcha, or salted caramel. Or maybe she'd choose a dessert consisting of 3-4 scoops of different ones! And ask for sprinkles or marshmallows.
Raimundo - jabuticaba ice cream with m&m's
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That particular ice cream is made from jabuticaba fruit, which is common in Brazil. Its taste is similar to a grape.
In general, Raimundo seems like a guy who eats lots of fruits. So, exotic flavors are fine with him. At some point, he would come around to adding nuts or walnuts instead of sugary toppings.
In my mind, his second favorite flavors are blueberry, peanut, or dairy ice cream with nuts. Maybe coconut, but he ain't picky, he would literally eat anything because ice cream in any form is cool.
3. Clay - He would opt for either Butter pecan
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or cookie ice cream since these are pretty popular flavors in Texas.
However, the butterscotch sundae sounds tasty too.
(the truth is if there was a bacon flavor, our cowboy wouldn't shilly-shally and order it as the first person lol)
Vanilla, chocolate, and toffee are ok, too! He's not a fussy eater he would eat anything, just add as much fruit, a syrup-like topping and he'll be satisfied!
4. Jack-o
I imagine Evil Boy Genius is an ice cream expert. He orders tons of different flavors from shops and stores them in the fridge for the rest of his family, too. He is prone to coffee-like flavors, but he consumes chocolate and cake batter in large amounts.
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He's also a fan of Neapolitan and Mint Chocolate Chip (His inner good!Jack tells him Mint is the best. what a shame Mint ain't evil, liking these ice cream ruins his reputation as a bad guy) He would struggle the most with making the final decision on what to order.
5. Omi.
Ok, I lied - Omi can't decide because he wants to taste ALL OF THEM. He's so intrigued by the many shapes and colors of ice cream displayed in the shop window, the others have to calm him down. Kimiko advises the little monk to try out matcha green tea ice cream. It turns out to be a great choice.
Additionally, he takes a liking to Basic flavors such as vanilla and chocolate. If I recall correctly Omi insisted on getting a sundae, do Rai would order a a strawberry sundae for him
But dear god, Omi can't sit calmly once the ice cream ordered by his friends lands on their table. He jumps on the table and steals a spoonful of each lol
Aaand taking into consideration Omi has a big appetite... As big as my desire to have some wholesome Jack-Omi BRO moments, please consider Jack and Omi sharing a Banana split.
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Jack is that lil shit tm and eats all the cherries, not leaving even one for Omi. Omi declares he'll pay for that in the next showdown.
As you can see, I can't quite give you the One and only option for Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay, Omi, and Jack bc I wasn't sure if they should go to the place which offers ice cream in scoops or in the shape of big desserts. Anyway, I hope you like this post!
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
Haikyuu boys going to IKEA with you
Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu and Tsukishima
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I know, I know the idea is so random but my head is full of ideas so please do enjoy😩💓 Go Stan the double post 😏😏😏 i need to post a lot bcoz I need to make over those 2 weeks when I haven't post
⚠️ Warning⚠️: not proofread
This guy has a weird case of touching anything and everything when the two of you pass by the shelves.💀💀💀
He always picks up those Ikea stuff- toys and bring them around while holding onto you.😩💖
But then he drops them sometimes because he's complaining about how they smelled like drools💀💀💀
Please he joins the other kids play in that one playground when you stopped by to eat😭😭😭
You have to feed him.
when stops playing, he comes over to you to open his mouth wide, letting you feed him and then return to play with the other kids.
He likes those kiddie meals where nuggets and french fries where placed in a colored plate.
Bo complained that he wants his plate yellow but instead he got purple😬😬😬
You returned back to stroll in Ikea, checking out the furnitures.
He likes that area in Ikea where there is full of lamps and light bulbs.
Bokuto keeps playing with the switches, continuously trying them and turning them on and off and on and off and on and off until he breaks one😃
He nervously walks up to you and said and I quote "Baby, let's go I need to go to the toilet,"
You suspiciously nodded and made him go to the toilet.
Once he got out, he said that he's tired and wants to go home.
He doesn't want to return to IKEA for a whole month, thinking he will get arrested if someone recognized him as the guy who broke the bulbs.🙂
I swear Bokuto and Kuroo share the same brain😭😭😭
Kuroo also touches everything he sees and picks it up and puts it in the cart😩
He is the type to borrow a pillow in Ikea, hop in the cart and sit in there while you struggle to push the cart because of his hefty weight.
he collects Ikea pencils and paper rulers😭😭😭
Like everytime he saw one of those pencil and ruler stalls he walks over and take a other batch of those.
Kuroo likes to play hide and seek in Ikea😬
Like really, you were getting worried where he went and then suddenly he pops out infront of you scaring you to death.
When he sees those books displayed in the house models, he tries to read them and complains why are they in a different language or why r they blank😭😭😭
He likes the area where there are full of chairs.
Kuroo keeps on sitting on them and then spinning and spinning around.
(I swear why is the fandom making him like a Playboy and badboy. . . He is the hugest dork❤️)
When it's lunch, he likes to get a lot of those butter in small platic containers, saying how much he liked them☹️💓
He also gets those jams and takes a lot because he said:
"it's free so why not take many?"
Btw,like Bokuto, he likes those kiddie meals, where you are given a colored plastic plate filled with nuggets and french fries.
He doesn't want to go home and it takes a full hour to make him convince to go in the car.
He doesn't want to go out until you made him dress up and shove him into the car.
He was all grumpy grumpy
But then he actually had fun😃👍
Kenma likes to throw himself on the couches and beds until you have to drag him out of it.
Please he likes that area where there is full of kitchen tools✋😭
He would pick up a weird looking tool and try to figure out how to use it😖
Until he used it wrong and a screw hit his eye😭😭😭
When you were in the bedroom section, he likes those double decks displayed
He curses at the people who ever put up those plastic stuff on the ladder to keep people from trying to get to the top👁️👄👁️
You see those yellow banners hanging from the wall where the prices are labeled?? Yeah that
He likes to jump and hit those with the tip of his fingers
And when he successfully did, he looks at you with a smug face look on his face.
He likes to impress you so husshh🤭
When lunch rolls by, he likes holding the food cart for you, for some reason it excites him when he controls the food cart👍
He always asks you what you want and that not to worry, he'll pay for it.
Kenma also likes those free butter in little containers because they taste good👅
Anywayss he likes the soups served in Ikea 🥣 (I did too, they r just tasty)
In the end, he enjoyed the day in Ikea with you✌️
I mean duuuuh reader-senpai is just irresistible✨
He was actually the one who dragged you in Ikea
Please he would pick up weird things and try to figure what is it for but then ending up hurting himself😭😭😭
(I mean c'mon when I was in Ikea there r a lot of weird things, and when I tried them, I ended up hurting myself💀)
He likes those small wooden kitchen toys for kids placed in the house model
'Tsumu would play for a while with that kitchen by himself.
He would also talk to himself as he cook a plastic egg✨
You: 👁️👄👁️
Atsumu: ✌️😗🍳
Everyone: 😕
Hotel: Trivago
You had to drag him away from the kitchen toy stall.
Atsumu really really likes to collect Ikea magazines, even tho you have one at home, he would still insist on getting 2 or 3 more
One time, he picked up a plastic flower from outdoor/garden area, placed it between his teeth and playfully flirted with you.
He took it out and gave the flower to you🌻(it's those ridiculously huge ones)
But then he snatch it back and out it on the rightful place saying:
"oh you want it? Buy it yourself,"
You spanked him with the broom beside you.
When it's lunch, he is ✨fancy✨
So he takes mushrooms, mashed potatoes, meat with some sauce in it.
It was night time when you both went home.
What do you expect?😕
Ohmaigawshhh, I don't want to be biased here and have favorites but here we go🤩
He wants to stay in the parking lot and make you go alone💀💀💀
But then he insists to go when you said "Huh? Fine! But what if a man asks my number and still insists 'coz he doesn't see my boyfriend around?"
He is just like a lost baby but in a tall boy's body, you have it hold his hand and drag him around.💀💀💀
When you stopped by to check something, he doesn't know what to do and stands there clueless like🕴️🕴️🕴️
Tsukishima really throws a tantrum saying he's tired and want to rest.
But reader-senpai needs to shop💅
He actually shuts up when you gave him an Ikea dinosaur plushie, so he's hugging it with his one arm and the other holding onto you hand.
The boi is so bored so he randomly glares at teenagers passing by😾😾😾
When you were in the bedroom section, things went out of control 😔😔😔
He was getting lazy to walk around the rest of the Ikea passage way so he keeps on laying down the beds.
But when you finally got him up, he would lay down again on another bed💀💀💀
He finally decided to listen to you and walk again (thank God 😌)
Saltyshima was so desperate to escape, he went out the emergency door and pushed it open
But when he did, the alarms went off🚨💀 (inspired by Jungkook)
He got real scared and ran back to you, hugging the dino plushie.
You were laughing your head off😭😭😭
You decided to eat lunch and you know he is a 👑Royal👑 so eats fancy foods like Atsumu.
And yeah btw, you ended up buying the plushie for him because he won't stop getting salty about it.
But he shyly said thank you atleast¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oof that was really long to writeಠ_ಠ
But I had fun bcoz I can literally imagine them doing all of those stuff, let me know if you want to have part 2 c:
Please follow @xmochaberryx
That's my best friend^^
Follow for more!✨
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rex says goodbye
so we all know rex fought at the battle of endor, right?
so let’s imagine something, shall we?
luke comes back from burning his father’s body to a celebration of the empire’s defeat
he pushes his grief aside to be with his friends for the night
later, when he sees anakin’s ghost, his chest feels lighter and he is filled with an overwhelming sense of reassurance from the force
when the moon is high in the sky, our heroes are sitting around the fire, talking
more specifically, luke is doing his best to explain what happened on the death star
by this point, most have gone to bed, opting to hear the story when luke inevitably re-tells it in the morning, or perhaps hear it from a friend
so only a handful remain
and rex is there
he listens with his heart in his throat how anakin fulfilled his destiny as the chosen one
how he saved his son in the same reckless, impulsive way he would save ahsoka or obi wan or one of rex’s brothers back in the old days
when rex heard that anakin came back, his blue eyes shining, rex cried fast, hot tears
all the deaths of his brothers would never stop hurting
but they were worth it
in the end, they won
not the the war they thought they were fighting
but the true war, the war they were fighting all along without knowing
the war against palpatine
they finally won
rex stays up all night, talking to luke and leia, smiling at how much luke reminds him of his mother, and leia of her father
and while leia still couldn’t forgive vader, it was she who asked rex to tell stories of the war
of anakin
she couldn’t forgive vader, no, but she wanted to get to know that man who was her father
so rex tells it all
from the moment he met his jedi general, to the moment he realized he was gone
he told the sky twins the wonderful things obi wan told him about the golden haired boy
and the stories ezra, kanan, and kallus told him of the golden eyed man
luke barely moves the entire time, his forearms braced on his knees, his expression tight with longing and…
was that love?
it was
a similar expression was mirrored on leia’s face
anakin skywalker was a great man. rex smiled at the twins pride in their father
and he grinned when he imagined how that pride would go right to their fathers head, had he been around
luke asked questions about the jedi, about anakin’s childhood, and they slowly untangled the knot that was anakin’s skywalker’s heart
and they figured out exactly what was the catalyst for his Falling
luke’s mind was so much like padmé’s it hurt
leia, however, had commentary to add to the stories. cracking gentle jokes and letting the galaxy know that “i would never throw you off a wall, rex.” or “our father got electrocuted so many times i bet it didn’t actually hurt when palpatine hit him with it on the death star.” more than a few times she fondly rolled her eyes and said “dramatic much?”
rex was more than inclined to agree
later, after leia had fallen asleep on her brother’s shoulder, luke asked if rex would like to say goodbye to anakin
rex didn’t hesitate
so luke gently carried leia to her room, and then led rex to the clearing in the woods where anakin skywalker was laid to rest
his suit was gray with ash and had begunto crumble, heat still emanating off of his suit
luke’s gaze lingered on his father for a moment before he nodded to rex and stepped away to give him privacy
rex got as close as he dared to the suit, before deciding he would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn’t put a hand on his friend’s shoulder one last time
so he did
and he talked
“general,” he cleared his throat. “ah, i mean, anakin.”
he swallowed, barely holding back tears
“anakin,” he repeated
and then he cried
harder than he did around the fire
his sobs echoed off the trees as they heaved their way out of his chest and ran down his face and into his beard
“i missed you.”
“we all loved you general,
force, if i could have helped you. if i had known.
sir, anakin, there was nothing i wouldn’t do to help you, had i known.
i’m so sorry
i’m so so sorry.”
rex didn’t know that anakin was watching him in the Force Afterlife,
his hand on rex’s shoulder
murmuring “it’s okay, it’s alright, it wasn’t your fault. i’m sorry, i love you, it wasn’t your fault.”
after a few minutes of the taste of salty tears and the butter flavor of regret,  rex smiled down on the body of one of his closest friends, his chest still burning the way it does when you aren’t finished crying but push it all inside.
“there’s still so much work to be done to bring down this empire. i guess i just gotta live to fight another day, huh?”
rex looked to the stars as he wiped his eyes
dawn would be breaking soon
his voice still had a slight tremor as he said,
“i don’t know where you are or what you’re doing in the life after this, but whatever it is that youre doing,
i hope you at least told padmé i said hello.”
anakin was laughing through his tears as rex placed his hand on anakin's shoulder one more time
and turned back into the dark forest,
walking towards luke
and the light of the campfire
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sigmaleph · 3 years
@serinemolecule asked me for hot takes on this 2006 article on Argentinian food, which I am now reorganising into a proper post for y'all's consumption. you're welcome.
First of all: the titular thesis that you should eat two steaks a day. I am forced to clarify that as 'should's go you should eat zero steaks a day, but this is ethical rather dietary advice and I don't follow it as well as I should, so, y'know. I would engage with this on the level it was stated, but I actually have no opinion on it. Moving on...
Argentine beef really is extraordinary. Almost all of this has to do with how the cows are raised. There are no factory feedlots in Argentina; the animals still eat pampas grass their whole lives, in open pasture, and not the chicken droppings and feathers mixed with corn that pass for animal feed in the United States.
This is, as it happens, completely false. There absolutely is plenty of feedlot beef being eaten in Argentina, and this was also the case back when this article was written. There's grass-fed beef too, and maybe the writer structured their life around only eating those, but the claim that there are no feedlots is just not true.
if you let them make the call, you get a two-inch thick of meat[...]The Argentine steak stands alone, towering three inches over the plate,[...]This gorgeous specimen is called a lomito; it's a standard lunchtime steak, clearly so thin that the Argentines are embarrassed to send it out into the world without a protective wrapping of ham and cheese
I have no idea what their obsession with steak thickness is; meat exists at various levels of thick and thin to suit various tastes. If you like yours thick that's fine but quit the projecting, y'know.
As you might expect, vegetarians will have a somewhat rough time here. For most people in Argentina, a vegetarian is something you eat. One's diet will accordingly lean heavily on pastas, gnocchi, salads, and (for the less squeamish ) fish. Vegans will not survive in Argentina.
This is, unfortunately, true (well, hyperbole, but). Rinna had a rather bad time trying to find vegan food when fae came over for visits. The situation is improving slowly, at least.
The homemade cookies bought in the minimarket downstairs taste of steak. [picture of alfajores de maicena[
Jesus. Find somewhere better to buy your snacks.
It should be no surprise that the land of beef also has excellent milk and butter. The milk comes in plastic bags that would give any American marketing department a heart attack. They proudly advertise "GUARANTEED 100% BRUCELLOSIS AND HOOF-AND-MOUTH FREE". One brand even brags that its bacteria count never exceeds 100,000 per mL, and prints daily statistics to prove it (only 82,000 bacteria/mL on Monday! mmm!).
Are you under the impression American milk doesn't contain bacteria and that when it spoils it's because of the molecules' sheer willpower? Or do you just object to the reminder that they exist?
This menu is delicious, but with rare exceptions it is all you are going to get. People coming for more than a few weeks are advised to bring a discreet bottle of Tabasco sauce.
Eat at better restaurants.
With any order from the master menu comes the Bread Basket, which should be treated as you would treat a basket of wax fruit, that is, as a purely decorative ornament. It is considered bad form to actually eat anything from Bread Basket
What are you talking about. Do all your dining companions just suck, eat some bread.
Dulce de leche is a culinary cry for help. It says "save us, we are baffled and alone in the kitchen, we don't know what to do for dessert and we're going to boil condensed milk and sugar together until help arrives". This cloying dessert tar is so impossibly sweet that you wish you were ten years old again, just so you could actually enjoy it. It is everywhere. There is a special dulce de leche shelf in the supermarket dairy case, and the containers go up to a liter in size. Even the churros are stuffed with it - the churros, Montresor!
It is rare that I feel insulted for the sake of my country, but this? How dare you.
Yes, of course we fill churros with dulce de leche; the real question is why anyone doesn't, short of dietary restrictions. Finding out that people do otherwise was like learning that in other countries, "sandwich" just means two slices of bread. Live a little. Eat a real godsdamned churro.
I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how meals work in Argentina, and they remain a mystery to me. Dinner is clear enough: people tend to go to restaurants beginning at ten o'clock (for those with small children), with the main rush around eleven, and dinner is pretty much over at one or so in the morning. And breakfast - or rather, its absence - follows as a logical consequence of eating a steak the size of a beagle at midnight. But I have yet to figure out whether people eat some kind of meal in the afternoon, and if so, when.
At... noon? Like. We eat lunch. Usually somewhere around 12:00. I am eating lunch right now, and I have done so essentially every day of my life. This is just baffling.
I've come to think the culprit in the missing Argentine lunch scene is yerba mate.
Where the ignorant foreigner may see just another kind of herbal tea (yerba mate is a very unassuming shrub that grows in the northern parts of the country) the Argentine sees a taste treat of unimaginable subtlety, and a tonic for all his problems. The Wikipedia article on proper mate preparation should give you a warning of the level of obsessiveness attainable here (the Urugayans are even worse). To the virgin palate, mate tastes like green tea mixed with grass clippings. The beverage is traditionally drunk out of a little gourd, through a metal straw called a bombilla, with hot (but not boiling!!) water poured into it (without wetting the surface!! clockwise!!) from a thermos.
Yeah, this is accurate. Well, not the clockwise part, never heard anyone complain about that and I can't imagine it mattering.
What distinguishes mate from coffee and tea is the social context - two or more people share a gourd, with a designated pourer in charge of refilling it with hot water after each turn. The ritual is low-fuss but indispensible. You can buy mate gourds and thermoses in any grocery store, and get your thermos filled with hot water at any convenience store or gas station, but you will never see mate served in restaurants or sold in little disposable paper gourds, to go. it's not that people refuse to drink mate alone - anyone working a solitary shift will have a gourd in hand - but that the concept of being served mate by someone who does not share it with you seems impossible.
This is also true. Attempts have been made to sell to-go mate but it's never very popular, the social ritual is important. Also unfortunately a disease vector, I haven't had any mate in a year and a half.
Mate aficionados will tell you that mate contains a special compound, mateine, that serves as a tonic and mild stimulant, promoting alertness without making it hard to sleep, reducing fatigue and appetite, helping the digestion and serving as a mild diuretic. Scientists will tell you that mateine bears a suspicious resemblance to a chemical called caffeine. Mate aficionados will then grow indignant, explaining that mateine is really a stereoisomer (mirror image) of caffeine, with different effects, which will in turn irritate the scientists, who will snap that caffeine doesn't have a chiral center, so it can't have a distinguishable mirror image, and why don't the mate aficionados just put a sock in it.
The first part of this is true; some people definitely think "mateine" is different from caffeine and it absolutely isn't. Never heard the stereoisomer claim before but googling it does confirm some people say so.
still have no idea what any of this has to do with lunch, though. I promise you nobody skips lunch because mate is just too filling.
The wine here is very good (something has to stand up to that steak), but Argentina has no liquor to call its own, relying on whiskies like Old Smuggler and the low-maintenance Don Juan cognac to carry the flag.
There's a fundamental omission from this list and it's called fernet.
Beer is ubiquitous and comes in a bewildering variety of sizes, although there is a skittishness about the full-on liter. Things level off at 970 mL. In my case, it means I end up drinking 1940 mL of beer as a kind of personal protest, and all is well with the world. To make up for the abundance of sizes, beer comes in only one variety, Quilmes, which inevitably comes served with a tripartite platter of snacks - nuts, salty cylinders, and aged potato chips.
I never had trouble buying beer by the litre, but I confess I never tried to do so in 2006 on account of being under 18 at the time.
Anyway, beer comes in a lot more varieties today, thankfully, because Quilmes sucks. I'll never be a beer person, but at least these days there's options I tolerate.
[original post]
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