#I just hurt myself thinking of their mom ever sat down kei and told him to promise her to take care of his bro
quiero-ver-un-7 · 4 months
just caught up in turning and saw their childhood nicknames and
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isa-loves-you · 11 months
♡Michael Schmidt has a crush♡
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You were a sophomore in college, even though you live in an apartment off campus you still visited your mom almost everyday to check on her and to eat.
One night while you were visiting your mom she brought up the people who lived a couple of houses down "the young man knocked on my door this morning, asking if I would or If i knew someone who can babysit his sister at night". The reason why she brought this up is because you were looking for a job, with being a college student you needed the money and nights were perfect since you only have three classes a week. "He's a cutie, he would be perfect for you" you mom called out as she walked into the other room "cute doesn't matter I just need a job".
It's been almost a month since you started watching abby. She was the best kid you have ever babysat for, and she loved you which made your job so much easier.
"Hey y/n, can I ask you a question" "what is it abs" you stopped coloring to look at her. "Will you marry Mike, so you can live here and I can see you everyday"
You were a bit taken back by the question, how did she know that you liked mike?. "I'm really flattered that you want to see me everyday, but I don't think your brother likes me like that" you flashed her a smile to ease the tension but she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to drawing.
Ever since you started watching abby you found yourself infatuated with Mike. He wasn't a very open person but for some reason mike would open up to you, your mom was right he was a cutie.
It was almost midnight until you heard keys jingle and the front door unlock. Mike threw his keys on the small table by the door before looking for you. "Hey I made peanut butter stir fry, do you want me to make you a plate" you asked while already making a B-line to the kitchen."oh no it's okay, I can get it myself you already do almost everything here" you turned to Mike grabbing his arm and pulling him to the table "oh please making a plate is not going to hurt me, now please sit down".
Mike sat down and watched you shuffle around the kitchen to make him some to eat. Mike would never admit to himself but he liked having you around, he loved that abby adored you, sometimes he thimks she likes you more than him. He really wouldn't know what he would do without you, you now became his reason to get up everyday, too look nice, and too be happy.
After mike ate he walked you to your car while talking to you "I get my paycheck tomorrow so would it be okay if you stopped by after class to pick it up?" "Yeah no problem I'll stop by around 6". You stod there justing looking into his eyes, even though Michael's face told a story of a hard life, his eyes showed compassion. You would be a fool to not fall in love with him.
Once you left, Mike got ready for bed. He took the pills he always takes, replayed the tape he always plays, and looked at the Nebraska poster he always falls asleep looking at, but something was different. You were the only thing he could think about before the sleeping pills kicked in.
His dream started out like it always does, his mom spills her coke and tells him to keep track of Garrett. As soon as he sees Garrett in the back of a strangers Cadillac he takes Chace after it. No matter how hard he runs, he can never catche up with the mysterious car.
Mike stops to put his hands on his knees and catches his breath. Giggling. He hears Giggling.
Mike looks back up to now see a field of grass. This wasn't his dream, this is different from his normal nightmares. There in the field stood a happy abby, laughing holding hands with a happier y/n. Mike feels his heart pick up speed.
"Mike!" Abby ran towards her big brother with open arms. Mike catches his sister while y/n walked twords the two of them. He flashes a smile in y/n's direction "I've missed you mike", you kiss his cheak and hug the siblings tight . If he didn't known that this was a dream he would have thought that he died and went to heaven.
"Mike Wake up, I'm hungry". Abby jumps up and down on her brothers bed until she hears him grown,"okay okay abby give me a minute". He stands up and makes his way to the bathroom while abby returns back to the living room where she watches her cartoons and color.
Once mike sets abbys plate in front of her she immediately digs in. "Abby would you be okay if I started to date someone?", the young girl replies without even thinking about it "only if its y/n, she likes you". Mike looked at his sister shocked "well who else would it be, because I like her too" he says trying to play it like he knew this whole time.
It was almost 8 when you entered the house and abby ran up to give you a hug. "Hey hun I'm sorry my class ran later, I tried to call but no one answered" Mike came out of abbys bedroom with a relieved yet anxious look on his face. "Abby go to your room, I need to talk to y/n about grown up stuff" she looks at you with big eye to try to get you to let her stay "it will only take one minute, I'll come in there to say goodnight before I go".
Abby walked to her room with a sad and betrayed face. "Um here's you're payment, you'll be here tomorrow right" "Yeah, couldn't miss it for the world.".There it was, your smile. Oh how he couldn't wait any longer once he seen your million dollar smile.
"I know this might be sudden and very out of line, but could we maybe go out sometime"
You were surprised. "Yeah that sounds great, I would love to" you were stumbling over your words a little bit from being flustered. You two stood there with awkward smiles on your face, if you weren't in his house you would have been screaming from happiness.
"I better go say goodnight to abby before I go it's getting late" you stepped closer to Mike to get to the bedroom. "Y/n '' before you could respond to him, he placed his hand on the back of your ear and placed his lips upon yours.
It felt like a thousand minutes passed by in those five seconds, and you didn't want it to end. It wouldn't have ended if a certain someone spoke up.
"Yay I was right, y/n does like you mike!"
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dadddybangtan · 2 years
Suck Torture | 06
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cw: alcohol consumption, mentions of abvse, derogatory language, brief violence
word count: 1.4k
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We ran deep into the forest with our hoodies over our heads. All we had was a bottle of wine to hydrate us. It was silly and we were wasted. We tumbled down into the snow as we laughed hysterically at ourselves.
"God, it's hard to keep up with you." I said.
"Ah, then stop trying." He huffed out a laugh and a small cloud of fog followed his words.
I took another sip of the wine as I sunk my back into the snow.
"This was probably the best Christmas ever."
I looked over to see Taehyun's radiant smile. Only it flashed for a moment before becoming pursed and concerned.
"Beomgyu, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while," He started, keeping his eyes on the trees above, "I didn't know how to ask, but it might be easier now..."
"That first day you were here, you had a black eye... What happened before Kai found you?"
A breath was taken away from me. I blinked at him in disbelief. I hadn't thought about that day recently. Building a new routine here didn't leave much room for dwelling on that day.
But when he asked, I could feel all of the memories flooding back. I could feel his hands around my neck. I felt his skin crashing under the weight of my wild fists. I tried to blink away the feeling of dodging a knife to the head.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." His voice brought me back to reality.
"I ran away from home," Was the simple answer, "My mom told me to leave to save me from my dad."
"What did your dad do?" For the first time, Taehyun sounded timid. Scared.
"He gave me the black eye." I didn't need to tell him about the other shit. He only asked about the eye.
"Fuck." He muttered.
"But it's okay," I breathed out, "I met you guys."
"I forgot about something," He finally looked over at me, "Your Christmas gift."
"I don't need anything else, Taehyun."
"Not even a key to the apartment?" He asked rhetorically before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a small brass key.
"That's ironic." Was the first thing that came out of my drunken mouth.
"Remember when you left the door unlocked that one morning. Just in case I changed my mind about breakfast?"
"Yeah, so?"
"So you gave me a key. You don't have to leave it unlocked anymore," I chuckled to myself, "I still have the key to my parents house."
I pulled the keys out of my pocket. They were attached to a ring with other keychains. I sat up as I tore the house key off. I dug a small hole in the snow and dropped the old key inside.
"You don't think you'll need that."
I shook my head.
"I had some hope that my mom would call me and tell me to come home. But it's her favorite holiday, and she didn't call or text at all..." I said, "I don't need the key. And I don't think I want it either."
I fastened the new key to the ring before my hands became completely numb. Taehyun took another sip from the wine bottle and passed it to me. I took a sip too, realizing it was the last one.
"I'm glad you got away from him. I couldn't imagine living with someone who hurt me like that." His words almost slurred together.
"The funny thing is... My dad punched me because he thought I was a cross dressing queer." I chuckled. The alcohol started to make the memories seem somewhat funny.
"Well are you?"
"Kinda. I don't cross dress or anything. But, I'm definitely queer." I said honestly. The skirts in my closet were merely a piece of fabric. It didn't represent a gender or sex.
"Yeah, I know a lot of people who are queer."
"Really? Like who?"
"All of my roommates." He laughed.
I didn't consider their sexualities much. Maybe because they didn't talk about it openly. From what I remembered, they didn't have anyone over in a romantic sense. Then again, Yeonjun kissed Soobin all the time, I just thought it was a friendly thing.
"Are you?"
"That's a little personal."
"So is asking about my abusive dad."
"Fair enough... I don't know if I can label my sexuality yet," He said, "It's rare that I find someone attractive or interesting enough to want more from them..."
"I can understand that." I had a friend long ago who thought like this. He said he was asexual and aromantic.
"But with you," He muttered, causing me to whip my head toward him, "I- I just-."
Say it, Taehyun. I silently begged. I felt my eyebrows pull together in want.
"I'm just really glad you moved in."
Just then, I hear a swift wind cut through the trees. I jumped in shock. Even Taehyun was afraid. He didn't stop laying there. His big, brown eyes looked around aimlessly for a source. Only to settle on me again.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. Very close.
"You said it wasn't dangerous."
"It's not."
"Then why are you scared?"
He stared at me with a blank look in his eyes. His lips moved but nothing came out but a cloud of fog.
"Because I think," He paused, glancing down at my lips for a moment, "I think I might like you."
His honest uncertainty is a bit unsettling. But, like he said, it's rare that he experiences attraction to another person. It's hard to know how to express something so unfamiliar.
I reached my arm around his neck and let my hands rest in his soft, black hair. His hands slowly crawled up my arm. He stared at my lips once more and squeezed my arm as his eyes met mine again. He was telling me something, maybe asking.
He abruptly pecked me on the lips. It took both of us by surprise, as his eyes were widened by his own action.
I kissed him back, this time deeper and slower. I guided him with my lips and my hand. As the kisses became hungrier, his grip on my arm tightened.
I pulled away for a moment, but when I fluttered my eyes open, I saw a blurred glow of two red dots in the distance behind his head. But when I blinked they were gone.
"Is something wrong?"
"No," I said, straddling Taehyun, "I think I might like you too."
We both smiled into a series of kisses. Another sharp gust of wind hit us, but I tried not to let it scare me. I wanted to enjoy that moment with Taehyun.
His hands that wrapped around my back slowly descended to my hips. He took the belt loops of my jeans into his grip and pulled my hips even closer to his.
I broke the kiss to look down at my crotch, but all I could see was dark fabrics blending into an abyss. I looked up into Taehyun's bedroom eyes that sparkled in the faint moonlight.
To my right, in my peripheral vision, I saw the red glow again. That time it was much closer. There was a silhouette of a man accompanying the glowing lights which started to look more like eyes on a man.
The moment Taehyun turned his head to look, the figure vanished with that sharp wind again.
"You wanna go back to the apartment?" He asked, causing my gaze to snap back at him.
"Sure." I said, carefully getting off of him and checking the area for the mysterious figure again.
He got up quickly and said, "Come on, let's go."
"Y-you go ahead," I shivered, "I gotta take a piss."
"Okay, but I'm running back. So just use the key and meet me in my room."
I nodded as he ran off. It probably wasn't best to be left alone out here, but I didn't want Taehyun to see the creature I saw. In the chance that it was all my imagination, I didn't want Taehyun to see me losing my mind.
I looked up at all the trees surrounding me, trying to find those red eyes again. I felt a bit of wind kicking up behind me. But when I turned around, I was tackled to the ground by a red-eyed, winged man.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: you play Tom a new song you wrote, and he overthinks the lyrics
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On a morning where he was supposed to be memorizing his latest script, Tom got distracted by the sound of you playing your piano somewhere in the house. He followed the soft melody into your studio, where he found you singly softly as you sat with your keyboard.
“You won’t remember all my champagne problems.” You hummed along to the notes you were playing.
“That sounds beautiful, darling.” Tom smiled as he came behind you to rub your shoulders. “Is that new?”
“Yeah.” You nodded as you put your hand over his. “I’m not sure about it though. The lyrics are still a little iffy.”
“Play it for me.” Tom kissed your neck before taking a seat. “I’ll tell you my thoughts.”
“You won’t be any help.” You chuckled. “You’ll just tell me it’s the greatest song ever written like you always do.”
“I can’t help it.” He pouted. “You’re just so talented.”
“It helps to have the loveliest muse in the world.” You cooed, bringing a smile out of Tom.
“Play me the song.” Tom asked. “I’ll be totally honest. I promise.”
“Okay.” You agreed and pulled the keyboard onto your lap. As soon as you started to play the intro, Tom was enchanted.
“You booked the night train for a reason, so you could sit there in this hurt. Bustling crowds or silent sleepers, you’re not sure which is worse.” You began. You looked up at Tom for approval and he gave you a cheerful thumbs up.
“Because I dropped your hand while dancing. Left you out there standing crestfallen on the landing. Champagne problems.” You sang softly. “Your mom's ring in your pocket. My picture in your wallet. Your heart was glass, I dropped it. Champagne problems.”
You stopped playing and looked at Tom to see what he thought. He happily applauded you, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“It’s amazing.” Tom grinned. “It’s the best song ever written.”
You gave him a skeptically look over your piano and he laughed.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “Is there more?”
“Yeah. I have more.” You nodded and positioned your fingers on the keys. “Here’s the second verse.”
“You told your family for a reason, you couldn't keep it in. Your sister splashed out on the bottle, now no one's celebrating.” You continued. “Dom Pérignon, you brought it. No crowd of friends applauded. Your hometown skeptics called it champagne problems. You had a speech, you're speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches. And I couldn't give a reason. Champagne problems.”
Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly connected the lyrics together. Between the mention of the ring and the lack of celebration, Tom realized the song was about turning down a proposal. He knew you had never been proposed to before, so he wasn’t sure where the inspiration for the song came from. In the back of his mind, he began to panic. Especially since up in his room, carefully hidden in his sock drawer, was a ring. A diamond ring that he had bought specifically for the reason of asking you to marry him.
“What do you think?” You asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Um, it’s really good.” He said slowly. “Interesting topic.”
“Yeah. I wanted to do something I’d never done before.” You smiled proudly and your fingered the keys.
“Interesting, interesting.” Tom nodded in fear. “Is there more?”
“Yeah. I’m really proud of this next part.” You grinned. “Listen closely.”
Tom gulped as you began to sing the bridge, something he knew you were skilled at writing.
“Your Midas touch on the Chevy door. November flush and your flannel cure. "This dorm was once a madhouse". I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me". How evergreen, our group of friends. Don't think we'll say that word again.” You shook your head as you sang. “And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls that we once walked through.”
Tom really began to panic at this point. He knew it couldn’t be a coincidence that you decided to write a song about turning down a proposal a few weeks after he bought a ring. He had one more week to go until he was going to propose, and he assumed you figured that out. Since you were as kindhearted and non confrontational as you were, there was no way you’d turn down Tom if he got down on one knee. You must have written the song as a way to tell him you didn’t want to marry him before he embarrassed himself by proposing.
“One for the money, two for the show. I never was ready, so I watch you go.” You looked into his eyes as you sang. “Sometimes you just don't know the answer ‘til someone's on their knees and asks you.”
“Oh God.” Tom gulped.
"She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in her head, " they said. But you'll find the real thing instead.” You sang to him as he stared at you with wide eyes. “She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred. And hold your hand while dancing. Never leave you standing crestfallen on the landing with champagne problems.”
“Hm.” He squeaked.
“Your mom's ring in your pocket. Her picture in your wallet. You won't remember all my Champagne problems. You won't remember all my Champagne problems.” You played the last few notes before looking at him.
“So.” You smiled. “What do you think?”
Tom opened his mouth to say something, but found his mind blank. You were testing him, and he wasn’t sure how to respond.
“Um, it’s interesting.” He said softly.
“Interesting? Do you not like it?” Your face fell.
“Um, it’s not that.” His expression was just as sad. He appreciated that you wanted to let him down easy, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Tom.” You noticed his solemn expression. “What’s the matter? Is it bad?”
“Do you...did you...”
“Did I what?” You asked when he trailed off.
“Did you find the ring?” He asked suddenly, making your head jut back.
“The...the what?” You laughed in confusion.
“You found the ring and wrote that song, didn’t you?” He asked sadly. “You wrote it and sang it to me because you didn’t know how to tell me you didn’t want to marry me.”
“Tom, what are you talking about?” You wondered as you stood up and walked over to him. “What ring?”
“The ring you found in my sock drawer.” He said like it was obvious. You stared at him for a long time, trying to understand what he was talking about.
“I didn’t find a ring in your sock drawer.” You told him. Tom’s face pulled back in shock as he realized he had jumped to an incorrect conclusion.
“Hm.” He nodded. “It appears I made an inaccurate assumption based on the information that I was given.”
“You weren’t given any information.” You said as you looked at him skeptically. “What’s going on?”
“I...I thought the song was your way of telling me no.” He sheepishly admitted.
“What?” You laughed, still thinking he was joking. “Why?”
“I don’t know. I thought you were sending me a subliminal message!” He exclaimed.
“I wasn’t! It’s just a song!” You shouted back. “And wait a minute, you have a ring in your sock drawer?”
“Yes, and?” He stood his ground.
“Yes, and?” You repeated in shock. “Did you seriously just say yes, and? Like we’re in the middle of an improv game?”
“It’s just a ring.” Tom shrugged it off to save himself from embarrassment. “What about it?”
“What about it?” You laughed in shock. “What kind of ring is it?”
Tom quieted down suddenly, at a loss for words in the middle of your screaming match. He realized he didn’t know how to answer your question, but he couldn’t leave you hanging, so he told you the best thing he could come up with.
“The finger kind.” He said quietly, making you let out a loud groan.
“I know it’s the finger kind.” You shouted. “But what’s it for?”
“Your finger?” Tom shrugged, making you hunch over to keep your composure. He knew he was dropping the ball so he quickly tried to redeem himself.
“I don’t understand the quest-“
“Were you going to propose to me?” You cut him off as you popped back up. All the other thoughts in Toms head went out the window as he remembered the original point of the conversation.
“Yes.” He said after a minute. “I was.”
“Tom.” You whispered through a smile. He smiled back, relishing in the happiness him proposing brought you.
“Hang on a minute.” He said before running out of the room. He returned soon with a velvet black box in his hand. You covered your mouth with your hands at the sight of the box, knowing exactly what it contained.
“I was gonna wait until our anniversary next week, but I guess the secrets kinda out.” He chuckled shyly as he walked up to you. You wiped a few tears away as you put your hands over his, rubbing his hand softly with your thumb.
“This wasn’t how I planned to ask you. I had a whole speech planned.” He said apologetically. “But I was never very good at keeping secrets. Seriously, there are like hours of content online just of me spoiling-“
“Yes.” You cut him off between sniffles.
“Yes?” He asked.
“Yes.” You repeated through a smile. “I will marry you.”
“You will?” His face lit up as his shaking hands struggled to open the box.
“I will.” You nodded repeatedly. Tom let out a shocked laugh as tears of joy streamed down his face. He finally got the box open and put the ring on your finger with trembling hands. You looked at it in admiration before pulling him into a long kiss. He instantly kissed you back, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist to keep you as close as possible. When you finally pulled away, you were both a mess of snot and tears.
“I got boogers on your face.” He grimaced as he wiped your face with the bottom of his shirt.
“It’s okay.” You chuckled. “I’ll be mad about it tomorrow, but I’m too happy right now. I’m so, so happy.”
“I am too.” He sniffled. “How should we celebrate?”
“I have an idea.” You smirked. “Champagne?”
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kareniliana · 3 years
Issac: Please Don’t Go
Nobody ever knows
Nobody ever sees I left my soul Back there now I'm too weak Most nights I pray for you to come home Praying to the Lord Praying for my soul
You were trying to leave the house with the last of your things when Isaac arrived home to see his girlfriend was trying to leave.
"Wait, Y/N, where are you going?" He panicked as he saw you trying to scurry to your car.
"I have to go." You said on the verge of crying.
"Wait, what’s wrong? Please, we can work through this. We can make it. Please don't go." He pleaded with tears in his eyes.
"I can't stay." You said tears falling down your face by now. "I can't love you. I don't love you anymore."
"Please don't go" He begged as you entered your car and drove away as fast as you possibly could. Tears rolling down your face, blurring your vision.
You wiped your tears away. Looking in the rear mirror to see the house you spent months in with the love of your life started to look smaller and smaller until you couldn't see it any longer. You shuddered, continuing to drive to anywhere other than there.
Cause I don't ever want to know Don't ever want to see things change Cause when I'm living on my own I'll wanna take it back and start again
By dusk, you finally arrived at the beacon hills cliff that looks over the entire city. You sat on the rock thinking of the events that lead to your departure. The drugs, the fights, and the lonesome nights you spent.
Back at the house Isaac never left the ground where he was kneeling, begging you to stay. The second you left him he couldn't move, but when your car was no longer in view he sent constant text messages asking you to come back. But nothing was sent back to him. You left him heartbroken.
Most nights I pray for you to come home Praying to the Lord Praying for my soul
Most Nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone
He forced himself inside when it started to rain. Days go by and he hasn't slept since you left him. He was all alone in the dark empty house just how he left you most night when he was out saving the supernatural world but you never knew. He never told you. Maybe he should have. Maybe you could have helped in some way. But now he would never know seeing as he lost you forever. But he couldn't accept that so he kept sending you texts.
I send so many messages you don't reply! I gotta figure out what am I missing baby! And I need you now, I need your love!
You were back at your moms' place, even then you couldn't sleep. You barely even ate. You somehow knew that even back at the house where you were left alone by him you knew he loved you and was trying hard to protect you. He just didn't think of everything and didn't include you. Your were heartbroken even if you were the one leaving, it pained you seeing him so hurt and sad. As the days go by you hurt more. You spent those lonely days in your old room thinking if you should have just talked to him instead of just leaving like you normally do.
You left the house, grabbing your keys and phone. You realized you loved him too much and you needed to break the habit of leaving and not dealing with the problems you have with anyone. You drove back to the house that had the love of your life sitting inside, all alone. You ran out of the car not caring about it still being on and door hanging open. You noticed much more vehicles on the property. Running to the door and getting inside to see Isaac sitting in your chair with his friends standing around him with sad looks. Their heads whipped to your direction as you were panting at the door.
"we need you to fight with us-" you interrupted one of them by walking in so abruptly. Immediately holding eye contact with the love of your life. His normally bright blue eye was replaced with dull gray ones instead. A spark lit the second you looked at each other. He stood slowly walking over to you ever so slightly, worried he'd scare you off.
"I can't keep lying to myself. I can't keep being away from the person I love so dearly." you sobbed walking towards his opened arms.
"Please don't go." Was all he said when you both fell into each other embrace. You were hit with his overwhelming scent which made you feel complete. He melted into you the second he smelled your coconut shampoo. He buried his head into your shoulder as you buried yours into his chest, both of you crying.
"Not again." He sobbed into your shoulder.
"Never." You said pulling him closer if that's even possible.
"From here on out, I will never leave you alone in this empty cold house. You won't ever have to worry about where I am because I will tell you and you will be there with me. I love you. I'm so sorry I hurt you." He sobbed pulling away to see your face, he cupped your cheeks so that he could see your beautiful Y/E/C eyes. You noticed his eyes brighter than when you first saw. You nodded your head in agreement to his vow.
"I will tell you everything. And I mean everything. I love you and I can't live without you. So please, don't go." Tears streaming down your face you licked your lips tasting the salty tears.
"I love you, I promise you I will never leave again. I'm so sorry, baby." You said as Isaacs tears are dripping down onto your shirt.
He presses his forehead onto yours, rubbing your noses together. He leaned down more, closing the distance between both of your lips. The kiss was filled with much passion and love. You both felt like your floating after you pulled away. Finally being the arms of your loved one.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Season 16 (Part 1)
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Summary: After being captured by Michael while Dean was under his control, the reader has spent a very long time locked away waiting for someone to come and find her. When the day finally comes that the door opens, it’s not a familiar face she’s greeted with. Somehow the impossible is standing right in front of her but there’s no time to think about that. Something is terribly wrong and the reader needs the help of this strange young man if she wants to stop what Michael’s put in motion and have a chance at seeing Dean alive again...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Square: Free Space
Word Count: 3,600ish
Warnings: language, SPN season 15 and series spoilers, injury, mention of main character deaths, mention of torture, angst, fluff
A/N: This series takes place post season 15 and follows canon (i.e. if it happened in the show, it happened in this story’s universe). This series is told between the reader and Dean’s POV. This was also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story bingo!
Reader’s POV
You just about had a heart attack when the door opened. It’d been such a long time since it’d been opened. Years and years and years. You’d lost track of the days quickly but it was long enough for you to accept that it’d been a very long time. Long enough to accept that when Michael took over Dean and threw you down in the windowless little room, Dean didn’t win that fight.
The only thing keeping you going aside from the spell Michael had put up to keep you permanently trapped, body stuck in time, was the desire to save Dean. Or what was left of him. You’d been alone for years, body having taken a beating by Michael when he first captured you. You were still covered in bruises, broken ribs that wouldn’t heal, pain in every breath. You didn’t sleep, didn’t eat. Solitude, cut off from the world, that was your main form of torture. Dean though...who knew what hell he was going through trapped with a psychopath like that for all these years.
You readied yourself, a dark figure walking inside the room. The room was pitch black to a certain point before you were trapped under a bright light you’d yet to figure out how to turn off. The figure stopped as their feet hit the brightness, a pair of brown boots and slim dark jeans all you could make out. They mumbled something and you felt the air shift slightly. You dared to reach at hand out to where the invisible wall keeping you trapped had been.
Your hand waved right on through it and you suddenly felt cool, clean air hit you. The person jolted when you sprang up, running away as you bolted for the door. You followed them up a flight of stairs and straight out into the foyer of a very nice house. You could see it was a man now and tackled him, straddling his hips and grabbing your knife from your waistband of your loose shorts, holding it to his throat. He breathed hard as you stared at him, cocking your head.
He was the spitting image of Dean. Mostly. His eyes weren’t green and there was something about his nose that reminded you of your own. The biggest tell of all though was the genuine fear in his face, the confusion. 
“What’s your name,” you said. You held up the knife for a moment and tucked it away when you saw he was only focused on it. The young man, no more than twenty years old, took a deep breath. You yelped when he threw his legs up and wrapped them around your waist, yanking you off of him. He scrambled to his feet but you were on his tail, grabbing at his jacket. He spun around and popped you in the face, sending you to the floor.
You whined and cupped your cheek, the young man frozen in the doorway with a horrified look on his face.
“Who punches their own mom!” you shouted. He ran out the door and you went after, growling at your bare feet as he took off down the gravel driveway. “I’m gonna find you!”
You stomped your foot on the cool concrete front path, glancing to your right and spotting a sports car. You jogged back inside and found a pair of women’s sneakers, a little too big but you tied them tight and found some keys on a front table. 
About two minutes later you were pulling up beside the guy on the road and hopped out of the car, the man running into the nearby treeline. You pulled out your knife and threw it, catching his jacket and pinning the sleeve to the tree trunk. He stumbled and fell down as you walked over, staring up with wide eyes. You sighed and ran a hand over your face. 
“Can you at least tell me your first name?” you asked. He shook his head and you crossed your arms. “I bet your name is Lyle, isn’t it.”
“How’d you know that?” he asked, voice a bit higher than Dean’s but it made you smile, something warm and familiar to it.
“I’ve had a lot of time to think recently. Lyle is my top name for a boy if I ever had one,” you said. “So. Lyle Winchester.”
“That’s not my name,” he said. He stood up and pulled out the knife, carefully holding it out to you.
“You look just like Dean and me. You’re my son...somehow,” you said.
“Fine. My name is Lyle and that’s all I can say about myself,” he said. “I’m serious.”
You recognized the tone, that edge to it, the roughness but laced with an undercurrent of worry. Part of you wanted him to tell you everything about him but you knew he couldn’t, instead letting yourself give him a simple nod.
“I’ll make you a deal Lyle. I won’t ask questions about you that you can’t answer if you tell me how and why you got me out of there and answer anything else I want to know about this little situation.”
“Or else what?” he scoffed.
“Or else someday when you’re a teenager I won’t let you do anything. Lyle.” You took the knife from him and put it away, taking a deep breath. You stepped back out to the road, leaning against the car. You shut your eyes, something heavy draped over you. You peeled one eye open, Lyle leaning back against the car next to you in a blue flannel and dark gray t-shirt. His black hooded jacket was over your shoulders and you slipped your arms through the sleeves, wrapping them around yourself. You squeezed your eyes tight, shuddering before warm arms embraced you, Lyle almost as tall as Dean holding you close to him. “How did you know I was down there?”
“I can’t answer that,” he said.
“What year is it?” you asked.
“2089.” You froze, staring up at him. “Well, 2089 where we are right now is.”
“Lyle. It was 2018 when Michael took me. That’s not possible.”
“I can’t answer that either.” Tears welled up in your eyes and he hugged you again. “Sorry.”
“Dean was thirty nine the last time I saw him and it’s seventy one years later? He is dead. Sam is dead. They’re all dead so explain to me how the fucking hell I have a son with Dean!” you shouted. You pushed him away and ran your hands over your face. “Years. Fucking years I’ve sat down there waiting for him to come and get me. Him or Sam or someone. Fucking seventy one years!”
“Y/N,” he said, sounding a bit awkward but he cleared his throat. “I can’t answer everything because I don’t know everything. But I exist and that should tell you something.”
You wiped off your face with his sleeve and looked around, turning back and staring at him.
“I’m at the start of whatever this is and you’re way down the line,” you said. He nodded with a slight smile.
“I don’t understand it but this, where I’m from, this has already happened to you.”
“You’re from the future then,” you said.
“Not exactly,” he said. 
“A different universe?” He looked at you like you were nuts and the air shifted, Lyle freezing. You turned and saw Jack, a smile on his face. “Jack?”
“Hi Y/N,” he said. He stepped over and gave you a big hug, a little bit of ache inside you easing finally. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just on pause.”
“Jack I don’t understand fucking anything. What’s going on?” you asked. He pursed his lips and sighed.
“Well you already figured out Lyle is your and Dean’s son. I didn’t think I could slip that one past you. But it had to be him that came and saved you.”
“Dean’s in heaven. Has been for 69 years.” You broke away from him feeling like you’d had a punch to gut and making you breathless. “I probably shouldn’t have told you that with the whole decades worth of trauma thing happening right now.”
“Did Michael…” you trailed off.
“No. A piece of rebar on a vamp hunt,” he said.
“He what?” you said.
“Yeah got pushed back on it. Sam was okay though. Oh and Dean had a dog for a few months.”
“Dean fucking died from that? That’s what kept him down?” you said. Jack nodded and you looked down, blinking your eyes. “Disregarding what is going on in my head right now about that, why didn’t you heal him? Or Castiel?”
“Well Cas was in heaven helping me rebuild after he sort of died and I brought him back. I kinda am the new God,” he said with a smile.
“I’m proud of that but again, why didn’t you come down here and heal Dean?”
“I’m sort of hands off in that regard,” he said. You were about to go off on him for that when it hit you.
“Jack how long have you known I was alive,” you said. 
“2020 when I took over, I got these extra-”
“You knew I was alive and  left me in a hole in the ground for over seventy years?” you said. 
“Like I said, I’m hands off,” he said. 
“I was your fucking mom! I took care of you! I protected you! I almost died for you more than once and when you find out I’m still alive you say fuck that bitch, she can deal with it on her own? What the fuck is wrong with you!” you shouted. You slapped him in the face, Jack pouting as you sank down to your knees. “I want Dean.”
“I want Dean and Sam.”
“I want Dean!”
“I can’t-”
“Fuck you! You’re as every bit as evil as that devil father of yours after all,” you said. You forced yourself to your feet, tears prickling in his eyes. “Oh did I hurt your feelings? Tough fucking shit! Do you realize that I have not only been stuck waiting for years but my body got stuck too. I’ve been sitting with broken ribs for seventy years. Every single breath excruciating.”
You yanked up your shirt, deep purple and black skin radiating across most of your abdomen. Jack reached out a hand and you moved back, dropping your shirt.
“I thought you were hands off. I don’t want your-” you said before warmth trickled through you, the pain gone, body feeling so strange at being without it. 
“I don’t have to touch to heal you,” he said quietly. He swallowed and bowed his head. “I tried to let people live their lives without my interference and sometimes they’re messy but I’ve come to realize recently that’s wrong. A bit of help here and there is good. It gives people hope and maybe I should have done things different.”
“My family’s dead and I don’t want to wait around decades more to see them again in heaven. You’re going to-”
“No I won’t. Lyle’s life counts on you doing exactly what you’re supposed to as do your two other children’s. I can’t just put you in heaven. You can’t die right and you have to wait to see Dean until things work themselves out. Lyle’s going to be with you for a while and help get some things settled. It’s already set in motion so go with it,” he said.
“Jack I want Dean. Please,” you said. “Please Jack. Just five minutes.”
“Would you rather have your family back in the near future, alive, or would you rather have your and Dean’s souls torn apart and you never see him again, dead or alive? Rather he over there doesn’t exist? Rather no one exists?”
“I didn’t say that. Of course I would rather have them back alive-“
“Then be patient.”
“Jack. You gotta give me something. Something please.”
“I’ll talk to Lyle, tell him he can loosen up some. But I can’t tell you what to do. You have to follow your gut. Listen to Lyle and it’ll work out,” said Jack. You squeezed your eyes shut, Jack carefully resting a hand on your shoulder. “Do you hate me?”
“I hate that our family was ripped apart. I hate that you didn’t tell the boys I was alive once you knew. I hate that the last time I saw Dean alive we argued. I think what I hate most of all is that you treated us like everyone else. We’re not, Jack. We’re your family. All of us deserved a chance at normal and we didn’t get it.”
“Sam did.”
“How many years did Sam live without us? Without his brother?” you asked. Jack glanced down and you nodded. “You said you became God? Why didn’t you get rid of the monsters altogether Jack. Don’t tell me you don’t have that power.”
“I thought...I thought it was the natural order.”
“Yet you know there are other universes with no monsters at all. You could have taken the monsters away. Shit turn them human for all I care. The boys didn’t have to keep hunting after you took over. You could have been hands off and changed that one fact and saved so many lives, improved so many lives.”
“No. I couldn’t have changed it. Not back then.”
“Why the hell not?” you asked. He pulled his hand away and you found yourself in some clean clothes, Lyle’s jacket folded on top of the car.
“Because when I became God, I learned a lot. It sucks knowing that certain things have to happen and that I had to ignore when Sam prayed to me in that barn because things had to happen this way.”
“But why?”
“Because if I didn’t, if I’d intervened then and there, this universe, all of the ones I’ve been busy rebuilding, the way I’ve been rebuilding heaven...it’d be gone. Destroyed and I wouldn’t be able to put it back. It’s a temporary pain even if it doesn’t seem like it. So please, Y/N, please, listen to Lyle. Work with him. It’ll work out and things can be okay. You can have everything you ever wanted and more. You can have the freaking apple pie life and the no monsters and all of it but please understand you have more shit to go through first and whatever happens, do not let Lyle die.”
“He’s my son. I wouldn’t let that happen to him,” you said. Jack nodded and you grabbed his arm when he turned to leave. “You’ve grown up Jackie.”
“I’m still a baby by God standards,” he said.
“The guys take care of you after I was gone?” you asked. 
“Yeah. I missed you though,” he said. “I accidentally killed Mary and sort of lost my soul for a bit. Things got bad for a while.”
“Do you see Kelly in heaven sometimes? Mary?” you asked. He nodded and you smiled. “Kids can fuck up and your parents will forgive you.”
“I’m sorry it has to be this way, Y/N. If I could snap my fingers to fix it all, stop it from ever happening, I would.”
“I’m going to trust that it had to be this way,” you said. “But give me a ballpark figure here. When do I get the guys back?”
“That’s relative. You’re going to end up breaking the space time continuum so it’s hard to answer that correctly.” You stared at him and he shrugged. “Not too long. A few days at most. I promise.”
“Wait is that how we have a twenty year old son?” you asked.
“Yes. The next time you see Dean he’ll be younger than the last you saw him. Just trust your gut and Lyle. Next time I see you I hope things are much better,” he said. You opened your mouth but he disappeared. You shook your head and turned around, Lyle now wearing his jacket, standing closer to the passenger seat door. For a long while you both simply stared, Lyle looking as if he’d just had his own long conversation with Jack. 
“You can call me Y/N if that makes it easier,” you said. He nodded and you took a deep breath, going to the driver’s side. “So. What’s the next move?”
“Jack just said after I got you out we had to go to Lebanon. He didn’t tell me anything more than that,” he said.
“Any idea where we are?” you asked.
“San Antonio,” he said. “So we go North?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “Mind taking the first shift driving? I sort of haven’t slept in like seventy years.”
“No that’s fine,” he said. He walked around the front and you made your way to the passenger side, climbing in and sighing. He got behind the wheel and took a deep breath. “You and dad run a construction business.”
“That’s nice,” you said, smiling to yourself. “Dean’d be real good at that kind of thing. He’s really smart.”
“I know. Most guys can’t call up their dad for help on their architecture homework,” he said. 
“You go to college?” you asked, Lyle nodding. “Do you know about...this stuff?”
“I’m still not convinced I’m not insane. I just got home on a friday night. We had dinner and everyone went outside to have a bonfire in the backyard. I went in to use the bathroom and Uncle Jack stopped me before I could get back outside. He said a lot of crazy stuff I didn’t believe but the fact you were in that basement...you and dad are only like forty but you’re obviously too old right now to have had me when that would have made sense and Uncle Jack said space and time is gonna break and-”
“Lyle,” you said, holding up a hand. “Relax. I just want to know, do you know what hunting is?”
“Dad doesn’t go hunting,” he said, narrowing his eyes. You smiled and nodded to yourself. “We don’t even own a gun.”
“I doubt that. But that must mean that something happens to the monsters along the way too.”
“What do you mean monsters? And why were you kidnapped in a basement? And what the fuck is going on? You’re supposed to be my mom that runs the family business and you kick ass in your soccer league in the summer and you can’t cook to save your life and that’s okay cause you’re really good at baking and pies and shit and I just don’t understand who you really are.” His face was flush, eyes fighting back tears. You smiled, reaching over and cupping his cheek.
“You’re a good guy Lyle. We obviously did something right,” you said, wiping away a stray tear that fell. “It’s scary. It’s really scary. I’m not your mom yet but I will be someday. I promise I will tell you everything you don’t know when I catch up to your time. Dean and I will. But we need to go to Lebanon and the faster we can go there and figure out what we have to do, the faster we can get you back home where you belong.”
“But can’t you-”
“This world isn’t safe, Lyle. It is very unsafe for a Winchester especially. Please drive now,” you said. You put on your seatbelt and he closed his eyes. “Please.”
“I was supposed to be having a smore right now,” he said.
“I know. But saving the world is kinda cool,” you said. 
“I don’t want to save the world. I want to go home and not see my mom be beat to shit. I want my dad to go back to teasing me at dinner and not being dead,” he said. 
“If we do this right, you can go back to that really soon. It hasn’t happened for me yet. We can talk all about this when you come back. The night you come back we can talk through it all. But we have to get going. The sooner we go, the sooner it goes back to normal.”
“It’ll never be normal again.”
“Yes it will. I promise.”
“How do you-“
“Because I just had this really bad thing happen to me but someday I’m going to have you and everything I ever wanted with Dean. So it sucks right now but it’ll be better eventually. I know it will. You’re here so I know it’ll be normal.” He nodded and wiped off his face, starting the car up again.
“Y/N. Are you okay after...you know...being down there beat up all that time?”
“Not really,” you said. He took off his jacket and handed it to you. You stared before he rolled his eyes, laying it over your front.
“Sleep. I can drive.”
“Y/N. Rest. It’s safe. I got this.”
“You take after your dad.”
“Take after someone else too,” he said. You smiled and nodded, resting your head on your shoulder, closing your eyes. “I’ll wake you up for breakfast.”
“Egg and-”
“Cheese on a biscuit, two breakfast burritos, extra hot sauce and a small hot latte.”
“At least my road trip order didn’t change,” you said, quickly relaxing and falling asleep for the first time in ages.
A/N: Read part 2 here!
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years
Jaehyun; Lunch Break
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Genre: Angst, Smut
Pairing: Jaehyun x M!Reader
Requested: no
Warning(s): mentions of homophobia, handjobs, fingering, degradation, rim job, eating out, cum eating, semi-public sex, mentions of exhibitionism, implied penetrative sex
Summary: On your dad's birthday, he decides to have a family dinner. Little do you know, he chose the restaurant your boyfriend works at.
"Hide everyone!" My oldest brother yelled as he saw our dad return from work.
All six of us hid behind couches, doors, and tables as we awaited Dad walking through the door.
Thick, heavy footsteps stopped outside the door as the knob began to turn with a small squeak.
"SURPRISE!" We all yelled as dad smiled.
"Thank you kids." He said and invited all of us into a hug.
"Don't forget me!" Mom complained as she pecked him on the cheek.
We each took our turns handing him out gifts as he took his time appreciating each one.
As we cleaned up the mess of discarded present wrappers and neglected price tags, the topic of dinner was brought up by our youngest sister.
"I'm hungry!" Whined Naeun as she plopped on the floor.
"Speaking of it, I am too." My youngest brother, Minhyeon, said.
"I could go for dinner." My oldest brother, Juyeon, chimed in.
Thus started the arguing of which restaurant to go to as your parents rolled their eyes at our pointless fighting.
"QUIET!" Bellowed our mother.
"It's your dad's birthday, so he gets to choose where we eat." She said and looked up to our dad.
We stood around as we awaited our dad's final verdict.
"Alright! I've decided." He said and stood up.
"Where are we going?" My older sister, Songyee, asked.
"That's a surprise." He said and grabbed his keys.
I knew dad would say something along those lines, considering he never gives a straight answer. We all hopped into the car and waited to see which restaurant dad chose as our destination.
Along the way I decided to text my boyfriend, Jaehyun, out of boredom.
Jae :(
Yes baby?
I'm bored and wanna talk
Why are you bored?
It's my dad's birthday, and he's taking us to some 'mystery' restaurant to celebrate.
Well I'd love to keep my babyboy company, but I've got to get back to work.
I'll be on lunch break soon, then we can talk. Okay babe?
Yeah, talk to you later. I love you.
I love you too<3
"We're here!" Dad yelled out as he parked the car.
We each hopped out and entered the restaurant.
It was on the fancier side with many intricate designs on the walls and decor.
We waited to be seated as the place seemed to be packed.
"I'm so sorry about the wait. How many to be seated?" Asked the lady at the counter.
"Seven." Dad answered.
The lady gathered the menus and led us to our table.
"We'll have a waiter with you shortly." She said and left shortly after.
"I see someone wanted somewhere 'high-up' for his birthday." Juyeon joked.
"This is a nice restaurant, Dad!" Cheered Naeun.
"Well I wanted somewhere nice to celebrate with my wonderful family." Dad smiled.
"Hi! I'm Jaehyun and I'll be your wai- (M/n! You didn't tell me you were gonna be here." Jaehyun said.
"(M/n), do you know him?" Mom asked me.
"Yeah, he's a friend." I lied.
I could see the smile on his face fade into one of defeat.
"Anyways, I'll be getting your drinks before I go on my lunch break." Jaehyun said and pulled out his notepad.
We each ordered our drinks and I couldn't even look Jaehyun in the eyes.
"I'll get your drinks out as soon as possible." He said before turning around.
"Wait, Jaehyun was it?" Dad called him down.
"Yes sir?" He responded.
"You said you were going on your lunch break soon. So why not join us?" Dad told Jaehyun.
"Are you sure?" Jae asked with a dumbfounded expression.
"Of course! Any friend of my kids is welcome." Dad cheered.
"Well thank you. I'll get your drinks and be right back." He said and hurriedly ran into the kitchen.
"Hey (M/n). Your friend's cute." Songyee whispered.
"Well he's off-limits." I whispered back.
She sat back and pouted and then continued to look over the menu.
Jaehyun came back with our drinks and was out of his uniform in favor of a loose black shirt.
"Thank you again for welcoming me." He said as he took his seat next to me.
"Anytime Jaehyun." Mom said with a smile.
I felt Jaehyun's hand slowly attempt to intertwine our fingers underneath the table, but I swatted him away. He responded by looking at me with puppy eyes as I ignored him to straighten my posture.
"(M/n), why don't you ever invite Jaehyun over?" Mom asked me.
"I wonder the same thing." Jaehyun said under his breath.
I elbowed him in the ribs and then turned my attention back to my parents.
"He's usually busy with school or work, so there's never been a good time." I said.
My mom nodded as her attention was taken by the new waiter.
"Is everyone ready to order?" He asked.
The dinner was fun and lighthearted, except for me and Jaehyun.
He would try to make conversation with me, but I would simply ignore him or give simple answers.
I could tell he was getting frustrated by the way his grip on his cup was getting tighter, to the point where his knuckles were beginning to turn pale. The tip of his ears turned bright red, and for a second I thought I could see steam coming from his ears.
But somehow, he was still able to keep a smile and make conversation with my family.
I'm pretty sure they began to sense the tension as they would give us these looks of concern.
"I need to use the restroom." I said and left the table in a hurry. I knew he was following me based off the frustrated, heavy footsteps trailing behind me.
As soon as I entered the bathroom I was pinned against the wall.
"Jae! What are yo-!" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Jaehyun's lips met mine. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my hands into his hair as he forced his tongue into my mouth.
"Why have you been ignoring me (M/n)?" He asked in a deep, husky tone.
I didn't answer him and instead tried to grind into him to give friction to my aching cock.
"Answer me." He growled and gripped my hips.
"Because I don't know what my dad would do if he knew I was with a guy!" I exclaimed.
He slowly trailed his hand to toy with my cock through my jeans.
"You could've just told me that instead of ignoring me. I felt hurt (M/n)." Jaehyun said as he moved his hand up and down in a slow rhythm.
"I'm sorry Jae-!" I whined when he slipped his hand inside of my pants.
We both kept quiet as Jaehyun continued to work on giving me a handjob. His movements getting progressively louder as more pre-cum leaked from my slit.
Without warning, he turned me around and pinned me against the wall.
"Such a bad boy for ignoring me. You deserve to be punished." Jaehyun whispered which sent chills down my spine.
He gave my ass a hard slap which caused me to yelp in pain.
"Shh! We're still in a public bathroom, remember? Unless you wanna be seen getting absolutely wrecked." He smirked as he lowered my pants and boxers to my knees.
"But you'd probably love that you fucking slut." He growled and spit on my hole.
"J-jae, isn't this your l-lunchbreak?" I asked.
"Don't worry baby. I already found what I want to eat." He inserted a finger into me as he continued to give me a handjob.
"Does that feel good?" Jaehyun asked after he inserted another finger.
I nodded furiously as I whined out an incoherent answer.
"Use words whore." He demanded.
"Y-you're so fu-fucking good, Jae." I moaned as he added a third finger.
"Good boy." He complemented and pulled out his fingers.
I whined in frustration to being empty and Jaehyun smirked at this.
"Calm down sweetheart. I'll get to the main course." He immeadiatly began to lick and kiss around and on my hole.
Jaehyun then slowly began to lick and bite before savagely eating me out my hole as if he had been starved for years.
I digged my fingers into the palm of my hand due to being overwhelmed by the pure ecstasy that is Jaehyun's tongue.
All throughout this, he never stopped giving me a handjob, and I could feel myself reaching my climax.
"Jaehyun~, I'm gon-na bust!" I moaned out.
"Cum baby." He said and then continued to ravage my hole with his tongue.
After a few seconds I came all over his hand and some even managed to land on the wall.
Jaehyun brought his hand to his mouth before licking up my cum.
He smeared the leftovers on my hole before licking it up.
He grabbed a few paper towels and cleaned up his hand, my dick, and the cum that landed on the wall. He pulled up my pants before I collapsed into his arms.
"We should get back to dinner." I said, but Jaehyun instead roughly placed me on the counter.
"We're not done here yet baby. We're not leaving until I cum. So be prepared to ride this dick like a pretty slut." He whispered into my ear.
"They've been gone for a while don't you think?" (M/n)'s mom commented.
Their food had arrived 30 minutes and they were prepared for dessert.
"Ju, go check on your younger brother." His dad said as Juyeon headed towards the bathroom.
He walked into the bathroom and was met with...
"Jae, faster, faster, fuck-!" (M/n) moaned.
"(M/n), you're so fucking tight! Take this cock like a good little slut!" Jaehyun growled to the boy pinned underneath him.
"Ahem!" Juyeon coughed.
Both boys looked in shock at the person standing in front of them.
"Am I interrupting something?"
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
A Mother's Love Part Two
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff, major angst, implications of depression
Pairings: Dean x Wife!Reader
Characters: Dean, Jack, Sam, Reader, Cas (Mentioned only)
Word count: 3k
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You sat on the couch of your childhood home, staring blankly at the T.V. Your knees were pulled up to your chin as you had your arms wrapped around your legs. It had been three weeks since you left the bunker, and you felt empty inside.
Your mother sat beside you, a cup of tea and honey in her hand and a concerned look on her face. "Darling, you have to eat something. I know you haven't been feeling well, but you still need to stay healthy." You didn't respond to her as she set the cup of tea in your hands.
Everything felt numb. It was like you didn't feel any emotions at all. The world felt dull. Like all color had been stripped and it left you in darkness.
"Sweetheart, what happened?" She asked softly. Even though you had been with your parents for almost a month now, you had never fully discussed what happened with Dean.
"Mom, please-"
"No, Y/N." She put her foot down. "You call me one day, clearly upset saying that you and Jack were going to stay here for a while. You get here and you don't look like the daughter that I knew. You've changed."
You scoffed at your mother's words. "I'm getting a divorce, of course I've changed."
She sucked in a breath of air. "Y/N. What happened?" You gave your mother a brief rundown of what happened with you, Dean and Jack. "Oh, honey." She sympathized. "I am so sorry. You know that you and Jack are welcomed to stay as long as you like. I know your father is excited to have a grandchild."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up to your mother. "What?"
"Jack, of course." She explained. "Look at them. Your dad's so happy. It's about time you give us a grandson."
"Lord knows you couldn't count on Chris for that." You rolled your eyes. "He can't keep a girl to save his life." Your smile began to fade slightly as your stomach did flips. Your mom noticed your green complexion and ran to grab a trash can. It was nearly too late as you felt your dinner from last night coming back up. She held your hair back as you did so, calling for your dad to get a wet washcloth.
You felt a cold cloth across your forehead, cooling your body. "Mom!" Jack said worriedly. "Are you okay?.
"She's okay, kiddo." Your dad assured him. "She's just not feeling too well." He mumbled skeptically.
You sat back against the couch, holding the rag to your head. "Jack," Your mom called. "Why don't you and I go make some cookies?"
Jack smiled at the idea, looking to you for approval. "You don't have to ask me, sweetheart. Go have fun."
You mother dipped down to whisper something unintelligible in your dad's ear before going to the kitchen.
"Y/N," He shook his head. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"Because I don't want it to be real." You muttered. "I don't want to think about the last thing that Dean said to me or the look on his face. I want to wake up and for this whole thing to be a dream. But I know it's not. I won't wake up next to him tomorrow and I don't get to tell him how much I love him." You chocked on a sob, covering you mouth with your hand so Jack wouldn't hear.
"Oh, my sweet girl." Your dad said softly, pulling you into his side. "I am so sorry, my darlin'." You rested your head on his shoulder as tears slipped down your cheeks. "That's not it, though. Is it? There's something else."
"Papa, I think I'm pregnant." You confessed. "I'm late and I've been sick all week."
"Have you taken a test yet?" He asked. You shook your head. "Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll go by the drug store and get a couple of tests, just to be sure, and I'll grab you some food on the way home. How does that sound?"
"Great." You said with a small smile. He kissed the top of your head before grabbing the keys and heading out of the house.
Five tests that had come back positive. Each one that you looked at made your heart sink more and more. "Oh god." You whimpered. "Damnit."
"What does it say, sweetie?" Your mother questioned from the other side of the door. You slowly opened it up and showed her the positive pregnancy test.
"Are they all positive?" You nodded.
"What am I gonna do?"
"I think you should call Dean-"
"No." You said firmly. "I'm not calling Dean. He made it very obvious that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore."
"Y/N," Your mother spoke firmly. "I'm not justifying what Dean said or did in the moment, however, he was just as hurt as you were because you were leaving with Jack and you didn't know how long you would be gone. I really think you should call him. I think he would want to know you're pregnant with his baby."
You sighed at her words. You knew she had a point. She was your mother, she's always right. "What if he doesn't care?" You whispered. "What if he hears my voice and hands up on me?"
"Then that's his loss, honey." She cooed. "The least you can do is try."
"Dean." Sam shook his brother. "Dean. C'mon dude, wake up."
Dean groaned as his eyes peeled open. "What?" He grumbled.
"You've been sleeping in here all night." Sam said, crossing his arms. "You should probably get some rest in your own bed, or at the very least, the couch. And charge your phone while you're at it, it's dead."
Dean stretched add he looked at the empty whiskey bottle set on the table and the picture of your wedding day beside it. It had been a rough few weeks since you had left. "You know I can't go sleep in that damn bed." He growled.
"Dean, I offered to switch rooms with you-"
"I don't want to switch rooms!" He snapped. "I want my wife back."
Sam frowned as he looked at his brother. He looked awful. He hasn't shaven in weeks, his hair's a mess, and there were dark circles under his eyes.
"Why don't you call her, Dean?"
"Because, after what I said, she'll never take me back. I was too harsh on her. Plus my phone is broken."
"One, you have ten phones, and two, yeah, you were a complete ass." Sam agreed. "You should have seen her when she left here. I had never seen anyone so. . . Broken before. You know they sparkle she had in her eyes?" Dean nodded. "It was gone. Her entire face seemed dull, almost like she had aged ten years."
Dean put his head in his hands, feeling defeated. "What have I done?"
"I don't know, but you had better make it right."
"Still no answer?" Your father asked. You had called Dean three times now and still no answer.
"Nope. Not a sound."
"I'm sorry honey," Your mother sympathized, rubbing your back. It's that anything we can do?"
"Yeah," You nodded. "I need space. I need to spend more time with Jack before the baby comes. I just want to know what it's like to be a mother."
"Of course." Your dad agreed. "Take the keys to the cabin in Colorado. I know that's a lot of good memories there and no pesky neighbors to worry about "
"Thanks, dad." You smiled. "We'll be outta here soon."
"You don't have to leave in a rush, kiddo. You know that we love having you here."
"I know."
"Why are we going to your parents cabin in Colorado?" Jack asked curiously as he peered out the window.
"Uh," You bit your lip as you tried to come up with a suitable lie to tell Jack. You hated how much you were lying to Jack lately, but you knew that he wouldn't understand the things that you were going through. "I just wanted to show you the place and stay up there for a little while. It's nice and quiet, you'll love it. It's cold up there and it's snowy in the winter. I used to go sledding all the time when I was younger and then my parents would call me in for hot chocolate and a movie. We can do that together. How does that sound, Jack?"
"It sounds great, Mom!" He smiled goofily. Every time he called you 'Mom,' your heart melted. You loved that Jack felt so comfortable around you to call you his mother. You knew that you would never be able to replace Kelly, and you would never want to, but you did want to make him feel safe and loved. You wanted Jack to know what a mother's love feels like. Jack blamed himself for the death of his mother, and you understood his grief, but you had told him time and time again that it wasn't his fault. Kelly wanted to go through with the pregnancy and refused to listen to anyone else's opinions on the matter. You just wished he understood that.
You felt a tear roll down your cheek, quickly wiping it away. "What's wrong, Mom?" Jack questioned. "Is it about Dean?"
You glanced over at Jack in surprise. "Why would you say that?"
"Well, Sam and Dean aren't here, and Dean hasn't called you to check up on you since we left. I know that whenever you go on a hunt by yourself, Dean calls you everyday to make sure you're okay."
You sighed heavily as you looked at the road in front of you. "Dean and I are. . . Going through a tough time right now. That's why I wanted to get away for a while. And I didn't want to go by myself, so that's why I wanted you to come with me."
"Are we ever going back to the bunker?"
"I don't know. . . It's a difficult situation, Jack. Right now, I don't think that I will be going back home anytime soon. But if you want to go back, I'll take you back. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."
"I want to stay with you." He said firmly. "But I also want you to be happy. You don't look happy anymore. You don't smile or laugh the way you used to. You sit on the couch watching reruns of Friends, and I've heard you crying at night. Sometimes I think you forget that I don't sleep very much."
You said nothing in response, knowing that Jack was right. You wanted to call Dean one more time, but you knew it was fruitless. He wasn't going to answer. But you did have Sam. When you finally arrived at the cabin, you sent Jack to unpack while you dialed Sam's number. After three rings, he finally picked up.
"Hello, Y/N? Are you okay? How's Jack?" He asked in one breath.
"Hey, Sammy. I'm fine, and so is Jack. I just wanted to call and make sure that you haven't gotten killed by anything."
"Nope, we're still alive." He gave a small chuckle. "How are you, Y/N, really? Don't lie to me, because I know when you're lying."
"I miss him." You sniffed. "Being away from him hurts me." Your voice cracked, forcing you to clear your throat. "We've been married for five years. And I know that to the average person that doesn't seem like a long time, but we're hunters, Sam. You know how hard it is to stay in a relationship in our line of work. I've been in love with him for half my life, and now, for us to be in this situation, it sucks, Sam. I can't think of any other word to describe it. It really fucking sucks."
Sam was quiet for a moment as he listened to you cry. "I'm sorry this is happening, Y/N. I never thought that this would happen to you and Dean. But I've known Dean my whole life, and I've known you since we were twenty, so I think that I'm entitled to make a judgement on this." You let out a small laugh. "You two have been in love longer than you've been together, but both of you have been to dumb to realize it. You argue like cats and dogs because you're so certain about what you believe in. You're both so passionate about things that you never let up. And now that you're finally together, you have been so happy. Dean has never felt this way about anyone that he's been with, male or female. He loves you so much, Y/N, that it kills him. You have both come too far to for things to end like this. I'm going to tell you the exact same thing I told Dean; fix this."
"I want to, Sammy, I just don't know how."
"Stop hiding, for one. You can't fix something when you're hundreds of miles away." You groaned as you felt a wave of nausea was over you. "Y/N?" You quickly made your way to the bathroom. "Y/N? What's going on? Are you okay?"
You leaned against the wall once you were done throwing up. "Yeah, yeah, Sam, I'm okay."
"What was that about, then?" Sam questioned. When you didn't answer, he began putting the pieces together himself. "You're pregnant."
"SHH!" You hissed. "Don't say that!"
"Why not? Because you don't want Dean to know?" He spoke coldly.
"Sam, please, don't say anything."
"How long have you known, Y/N? And how long do you plan on keeping this from Dean?"
You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I've known for a couple of days, okay? And I don't know when or how I'm going to tell Dean. He made it very clear that he didn't want anything to do with me the last time we talked. Besides, I tried to call him and he didn't answer my calls, so don't try to pin me off as the bad guy here."
"When did you try to call him?" The hard edge in Sam's voice disappeared.
"Three days ago, when I found out I was pregnant."
You could hear Sam let out a small laugh. "Three days ago I came in the kitchen to find Dean passed out on the table, hung over as hell and holding on to the picture of your wedding day. And beside him was his broken phone. His main phone, which I'm assuming is the one that you called?"
"Yeah. . ." You said meekly.
"Hang up and call his second phone. Please, will you do that for me?"
"Yes," You nodded, even though you knew he couldn't see you.
"I love you, Y/N/N."
"I love you too, Sammy." You sighed as you hung up the phone. You were terrified to call Dean. You hadn't spoken to him since that night all those weeks ago. You were still hurt, and you knew that Dean was hurting as well, and all you wanted was to hear his voice. You took a deep breath as you dialed his second phone number.
It rang five times before going to voicemail, making your heart sink. Not a minute later, the number called back. "Hello?"
"Y/N." Dean's voice said gruffly. "Sam told me you were going to call."
"Did. . . Did he tell you anything else?" You asked.
"Just that I needed to talk to you. What's going on?"
"I miss you," You confessed. You needed to tell Dean everything, and that included telling him how you felt. "I hate the way things ended between us, and I know that it wasn't solely on you or me. But I love you, Dean, and I will never stop loving you. And I know it's unfair I left and this is how I'm trying to get you back; over the phone. I would much rather be doing this in person. But I love you, Dean, and I always will. No matter what you say or do, I love you."
You could hear Dean struggling to breathe correctly. "Where are you?"
"My parents cabin, wh-"
"I'll be tomorrow morning." And with that, he hung up.
You paced back and forth in the living room, biting your nails. Dean didn't say what time he was going to be here, but he just said that he would be here in the morning. You had stayed up all night thinking about him. About the way his hair fell into his face after a shower, and how he always smelled like whiskey and firewood. The way his eyes would crinkle at the edges whenever he laughed, really laughed. But your favorite thing was when you had just finished a hunt, and you would go to lie down in bed, Dean would pull you close to him and whisper how much he loves you.
A sharp knock at the door snapped you out of your trance. "Who is it, Mom?" Jack asked, peering around the corner.
"Why don't you come see, kiddo." You wiped your sweaty palms on your jeans before opening the door to reveal Sam and Dean. "Hi," You smiled. Sam was the first to come inside and hug you. He grinned as he pulled away, ruffling your hair.
"Why don't I take Jack into town for a little bit while you guys work this out?" He suggested.
"Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. Jack, go put on your shoes, you're going into town with Sam for a little while." Jack beamed at your works, hurriedly putting his shoes on a following Sam out the door.
"Hi," You said once more after Sam and Jack were gone. Dean didn't say a word as he hugged you tightly. You melted into his touch, feeling comfort in his embrace. The familiar smell of whiskey and firewood filled your nostrils. You closed your eyes to savor this moment. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
@vicariouslythruspn @mimaria420 @fofisstilinski @daphnen21 @katwed @anunstablefangirl @desimarie12 @alderpine @rebeccaitsnotwhatyouthink @akshi8278
Also, yes, there will be a part 3
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
Who Are You?
Erik!Stevens x Black!Reader
(Y/N) and Erik have known each other since they were kids, they have been fooling around with each for the past few years. After leaving her for months with no contact, he pops up with a not so settling surprise. 
Warnings: Blood, Cursing
(Y/M/F/N) : Your moms full name
(Y/D/F/N): Your dad’s full name
Erik!Stevens x Black!Reader
“It was a nice time seeing you again.” Sean said licking his lips at her as she smiled at him. This was the 4th date they been on, things starting to get a little more serious with him and honestly she was enjoying herself. It’s been five months since she broke up with Erik, and honestly she was enjoying herself. Sure, she missed him. Wondered where he went. She warned him the next time he up and left her, she would move on. She stood by her word.
“Thanks Sean, I really enjoyed myself.” she said biting her bottom lip. “Maybe next time we can have a little more fun.” she said stepping a little further towards him. She most definitely hit the jack pot with him. He owned two dealer ships out in L.A and two in Oakland. He was a gentlemen, kind, freaky. Didn’t leave her on read, it was like he was sent down from heaven.
“What kind of fun you tryna have lil mama?” he said gripping her waist and pulling him towards her as she giggled. “Lemme come in now, show you something real?” he said as she rolled her eyes pushing him away as he smacked his teeth.
“Boy I have work in the morning. I have to be at the office at like 8 in the morning.” she said as he shook his head.
“Yeah, I’ll let you get away with it this time but next time that ass is mine, you understand me?” he said biting her exposed shoulder as she moaned a bit.
“Yes sir.” she said. After they said their goodbyes, she walked inside the house with a huge grin on her face as she took off her heels.
“Who the fuck is that nigga?” she heard. Her head shot up, as she slowly turned around and saw Erik walking towards her with a glass of, assuming Crown Royal. His favorite drink. Next to Hennessey.
“The fuck are you doing in my house?” she asked walking past him, His head turned towards her direction as she placed her purse on the kitchen counter. His eye twitched when he saw that she wasn’t excited to see him. 
“(Y/N), answer my fucking question. Who the fuck is-”
“He’s my boyfriend.” she snapped turning around looking at him. Erik busted out laughing, putting his hand out on the counter closing his eyes. 
“Yeah okay. I’m going to ask you again. Who the fuck is that bitch ass nigga, (Y/N)?” he snapped as (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
“That’s my boyfriend, Erik.” she said taking off her heels. “You know, significant other. Lover. Someone I fuck on the regular.” she said looking at him dead in the eye. Erik soon saw that she was serious. 
“Are you fucking serious?” 
“As a heart attack. I don’t know what you expected. I warned you that this was going to happen. So you can kindly get the hell out.” she said pointing towards the front door. “And leave the key.” 
“You must have lost your mind.” he whispered. “(Y/N), I’m sorry that I left. Really. You know I can’t tell you where I go and-”
“And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t ever have to worry about telling me shit because I don’t want anything to do with you, or whatever the fuck you’re doing.” she snapped at him. “Just-Just leave. Now.” she said.
“You know I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” she said walking over to him pointing her finger into her chest. “You do it all the fucking time. Months on end. Well I’m putting my foot down. Maybe some other bitch can deal with it but I can’t.” she said to him, her nostrils flaring in anger.
“I understand. I really do but-”
“If you understood like you say you do, you would understand why I cut you loose and moved on. I played along with this for way too long and I need to look out for myself.” she said. Something that she said triggered something in him. 
“(Y/N), no offense but I have a lot of shit in my life personally. I have shit to do and you can’t know that. Yes, I be gone. For a long time. But what I do I can’t just, just say out and about because I-” he stopped himself before saying something. 
“Because you what?” she backed away crossing her arms over her chest. “Well I know damn well you’re not going to say because you don’t trust me because I’ve known you since we were kids.” she said shaking her head. She was hoping that he would contradict but he just sat there looking at her. 
“You really don’t trust me.” she said quietly, looking at him with so much defeat it almost broke him in half. “Get out, Erik. Or I’m calling the police.” 
“(Y/N) wait.”
“Erik! Just shut up! You don’t understand how hard and stressful it is not to hear or speak to you, thinking that you moved on with someone else, or hurt or even worse! That shit took so much of my mental state that I couldn’t eat or sleep. You don’t understand! You think that you can come up in here, dick me down, buy me some shit and tell me what I want to hear and all will be well but no. I can’t do it anymore. And if you don’t trust me enough to tell me what the fuck you have going on then I don’t want nothing to do with you or whatever the fuck you have going on!” she yelled at him. 
“(Y/N), listen to me.” he said grabbing her hands. “Look, I know what I do to you ain’t right. You don’t have to tell me because I already know it’s true. There are so many things that I want to tell you  but I can’t.” he said as she looked down sighing. 
“I can’t, do this.” she let his hands go. “Just go, please.” she said, tears rushing down her face. 
“(Y/N) please. I-”
“No Erik. Just go.” 
He gave her one last look before walking out.
“Good morning everyone!” she exclaimed to her staff. “So as you all know, I will be opening a store in Miami. That means that I’m going to need a manager there to run the store. So I am sending out an email, you can apply and we’ll go from there.” she announced to everyone. Chatter spread through out the room, as she made her way to her office. 
“Hey, so I sent out the invoice about inventory check list. They should be emailing it to you by the end of the week.” her assistant Tonya said. 
“Thanks.” She walked into her office going to her desk and opening up her Desktop. 
“Also, Erik came by this morning.” she said as her hands clenched into a fist. “He said to call him when you get the chance.” she said as she rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah right.” she laughed to herself before opening her email. 
“Everything alright? It’s been a while since he stopped by the office.” she said as (Y/N) looked up at her. 
“That’s because I haven’t seen him since June.” (Y/N) told her. “No text, no call, no nothing.” she snapped. 
“Jesus, that’s five months...” she trailed off as she nodded. 
“He came to my house last night when Sean dropped me off. Questioning me about Sean and shit. Like nigga you have no room to be questioning me, questioning me in my house at that.” she scoffed, hearing her phone ding to see it was Sean texting her. 
“Forreal? The audacity.” she chuckled sitting on the seats that sat in front of the desk. 
Sean: Hey, you free for lunch this afternoon? I know you said you wanted to try out that new BBQ place on 21st street...
She smiled at the text before texting him back. 
(Y/N): Yeah, I’ll meet you there around 1:00?
Sean: Sure thing beautiful.
“Anyways.” she closed her phone placing it on the desk. “Erik came by the house last night, telling me he couldn’t tell me because he didn’t trust me. A-And that he wanted to tell me but he couldn’t tell me. Like what am I suppose to think about that? It makes him looks sneaky.” she admitted as Erik nodded. 
“Have you ever thought about him being like a... you know. Drug Lord? Or like, a gang member or something?” he said as (Y/N) paused, than laughed. 
“A drug dealer? That’s a good one. I’ve known Erik my entire life and trust me, I would’ve noticed if he was hiding something like that from me.” she said shaking her head. 
“I mean- think about it? Do you know what he does? Like, career wise. Nigga be driving the newest cars, dripped down in designers, spoiling you with money and shit and you haven’t even thought about it just once.” she said as (Y/N) sat back in her chair. 
“I mean, it’s crossed my mind but like I said, it’s just so far from what I know.” she said as Tonya stood up. 
“Well, just a thought to think about. I’m going to go down to customer service and get their weekly review.” she said as she nodded.
There is no way that he could be a drug dealer...
(Y/N) walked into the restaurant, looking around and seeing Sean sitting there looking at the menu. She walked over to him as he saw her, smiling at her. “Look at you, you look good.” he smirked standing up as she smiled. She gave him a hug, and pecked his lips as she smiled. 
“Thank you, same to you. Sorry I was late, my last meeting with a little longer than I wanted too.” she said sitting down on the other side of the booth. 
“No worries, I ordered you a sweet tea with a slice of lemon.” he said to her as she smiled at him. 
“Thank you.” he nodded closing the menu. 
“There is something that I actually wanted to tell you.” he said as she nodded. “Someone reached out to me, by the name of... Killmonger? Said that he knew you.” he said as she tilted her head to the side.
“Killmonger...” she trailed off before shaking her head. “I’ve never heard of them before.” she said as he nodded sitting in his back. 
“Nope.” she said shaking her head. “That’s a cool name though..” she trailed off looking at her own menu. 
“That’s interesting.. because he said you were his ex.” he said as she put the menu down on the table looking at him. “He knew a lot of things about you, that you lived on South Viker Elm,  what cars you drive, your full name...” he trailed off as she looked up at him, scared to death. 
“What the fuck..” she whispered. 
“You sure you don’t know who that is? Because I’m having a hard time believing you.” he said to her leaning forward as she thought about it before her eye twitched.
“What did he say?”
“He knew your mom name was (Y/M/F/N) and your dad’s name is (Y/D/F/N),  you were born in (H/C).” she was freaked out until she realized it was most likely Erik. “Hell I didn’t even know you’re parents name was-”
“Actually, I might have an idea. We aren’t really exes. Just.. just someone that I used to mess around with. He left me a couple of months ago.” she said to him. 
“Oh.. it’s that dude.” he said as she nodded. 
“Yeah. I swear I don’t mean to put you through this. He came by the house last night and we got into an argument, but that’s about it. I have no idea how he got your number.” she said as he chuckled. 
“He didn’t only know my number. He knew my name too.” he said looking at her.
“Sean, I swear. I don’t know how the hell he got that information. I would never do that to you. Did he threaten you?” she asked him as he chuckled.  
“Something along that line.” he said taking his drink to his lips. “But don’t worry about that, I handled myself. I just want you to know that ya little ex-fling is tryna check me and that just don’t sit right with me.” he said as she sighed closing her temples. 
“I’m sorry, I-”
“I’m just fucking with you ma.” he said as she threw a napkin at him as he laughed. “But I’m serious about the ex thing.”
“Don’t worry, I got something for him.” 
She walked into the building, to not only be surprised to see Erik reading one of the magazines that was in the waiting area. ‘(Y/N) can we-”
“You. In my office, Now!” she exclaimed quietly. He looked shocked about her outburst, confused she followed her instructions. She put the stuff on the table before looking at him. 
“The fuck is wrong with you!?” she yelled at him as he stared at her. 
“There are a lot of things wrong with me. For starters-”
“Erik, I’m serious. Why the fuck are you calling him threatening him?” she asked as he still stared at her confused. 
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“Sean! He told me you called him using this name Killmonger, a-and that you were telling him shit about me?” she snapped. “Now I don’t know what the fuck you have going on but leave me and him alone.” she said pointing a finger at him. 
It felt like his entire heart stopped. “(Y/N), I swear on my mother I didn’t call no one. What’s his name?”
“Are you seriously going to sit there and play stupid?” she laughed shaking her head. “Erik he knew my mom and dads name! The only person in my life who knows that is you!” she exclaimed. 
“(Y/N), listen. You can be mad at me for whatever reason. I don’t care about that right now? Tell me what his name is?” he said walking over to her. If there was something about (Y/N), she knew when Erik was in distress. Or scared. The look on his face showed nothing but pure fear. 
“Erik, what is it that you’re not telling me?” she asked him. It looked as if he was in deep thought about something, something in which had his mind racing. Like he was debating. “Erik, please talk to me. Be honest. I need to know because if it’s not you someone out there knows shit about me and I need to get that shit dealt with. ASAP.” she said as Erik looked at the door biting him lip. 
“Lock the door.” he said as she nodded. She walked to the door locking it before walking back to him.
“The reason why I go out for months at end isn’t because I’m cheating on you, or I’m hiding from you. I get paid.. to do things. Bad things to people.” he said as she backed up a little. 
“Do what?” she asked him as he sighed. 
“People pay me to handle their dirty work. They pay me to top people off.” she stared at him in complete shock. “Look, it’s not just random people. It’s people that do bad things.” he said as she looked at him. “So all this time, I’ve been fucking a murderer.” she said as he groaned rubbing his handsome his face. 
“It’s not like that I swear, it’s just- you know my background. I was good in the military and now I’m good and it pays good.” he said as she scoffed. 
“Yeah it pays good until you mess with the wrong people. Erik, some dude name Killmonger got ahold of my shit and-” 
“Killmonger is me. That’s what I’m called.” he said as she scoffed. 
“So you did call Sean, right? Wow-”
“No, can you shut up? Let me talk.” he said to her. She was taken back by the outburst but he continued. “Whoever that is knows about me, and knows enough about me to get to you. This dude you been messing with, knows too much information (Y/N).” he said stepping in front of her. 
“You need to trust me, I need to know everything. I really don’t give a fuck if you’re mad at me or you never want to see me again. I just need to know you are safe.”  he told her. She was scared shitless out of her mind. There was so much on her mind at the moment that she couldn’t quite gasp the fact that someone was out to get her. Never mind Erik being an assassin. 
“(Y/N), look at me.” he grabbed her chin to make him look at me. “Please, you need to trust me.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Why would he lie about that if he knew I was going to confront you about it..” she trailed off as he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Maybe to throw it in my face...” he said as he looked at her. “But I gotta plan for his ass.”
“Come in.” She smiled at Sean grabbing his hand. He looked her up and down licking his lips. 
“All this for  me..” he whispered looking at her. It was a new set she bought a couple of weeks ago, it was emerald green with rhinestones along the bands, her hair was in a slick back bun, her makeup was perfectly done. 
“Yup. I told you I wanted to have a little fun.” she whispered starting to unbutton his shirt. 
“Sheesh, you ain’t gotta tell me.” he said as she smirked at him. She grabbed his hand leading him to the spare room as he stared at her ass the entire time. “You got in touch with that nigga yet?”
“Killmonger?” she asked tilting her head. 
“Yeah.. him.” he said rolling his eyes as she chuckled. 
“No. Not yet. I tried to but he ain’t answering my phone calls.” she said as she pushed him on the chair that she had in the room. “But let’s not worry about him... I want my focus all. On. You.” she said pecking his chest. She got on her knees in front of him.
“Oh you a nasty lil bitch ain’t you...” he smirked at her as she smirked back at him. She grabbed the handcuffs as he looked at it laughing. “Oh shit..” he whispered. (Y/N) handcuffed him to the chair. That’s when she saw Erik come out of the closet, putting the pistol to his head. 
“So your Sean.” he said as (Y/N) stood up. She grabbed her black robe slipping it over her body as she looked at Sean, Sean giving her the dirtiest glare. 
“You been working with this nigga the entire time?”
“Actually no. She cussed me out thinking I called yo bitch ass.” Erik said. “But don’t worry about my girl. Worry-”
“Um, I’m not your girl.” (Y/N) cut in as Erik looked at her. “What? You think you can just say that shit after everything. No.. hell no.” she said looking back at Sean shaking her hand. “I don’t want a relationship with no one.. at all.” she said. 
“We’ll talk about that. You.” he said looking back at Sean. “Talk.” 
“Man fuck you, ain’t saying-” Erik punched him in the nose, knocking the chair over as she gasped. 
“Erik chill!” she yelled as he turned to look at her. “That chair was hella expensive. You think I want his blood all over my shit.” 
“Bruh, I’ll buy you another one.”
She rolled her eyes sitting on the bed. Erik sat the chair back up. “Talk nigga.” 
“You remember Kingston?” he said as Erik nodded. “That was my brother.”
“Kingston don’t have no brother named Sean.”
“No shit dumbass. You think I’ma use my real name fucking with y’all. I wanted you dead. And it seems like the only family you got is her.” he said nodding his head towards (Y/N). “By the way, (Y/N), at first it was just a get up to get to him but I really do like-” And another punch sent to his face. 
“You really think you can just sit up here and confess your feelings to her in my face nigga!” he yelled at him as he coughed up blood. All over her floor. 
“Who is Kingston?” (Y/N) asked Erik as Erik sighed. 
“A target. He was trafficking girls in Uganda. One of the girls died and the mother offered to pay me a good 10 Thousand to get his ass. Guess what?” Erik said lifting that nigga off the floor. 
“I did that shit for free.” he laughed in front of Sean or whatever his name was.
“You get paid that much?” she asked as Erik laughed. 
“Nah, that’s probably one of the lowest bids I’ve gotten. The highest I’ve had was like... 10 Million plus an extra 2  million if I could get the target and his crew.” he said as she looked at him in shock. 
“Anyways, just know that I killed that bitch ass nigga with no price.” he said. “Like I’m gonna do you.” he said taking off the safety on his pistol making her flinch.
She was scared out of her mind to see him like this. Was he really about to kill him in her house? All that blood and-
She looked to see Sean's body lumped over in the chair as she stared at him in shock. “Well we don’t have to worry about that nigga no more.” he said putting the gun in his waist band. “I know some people who’ll come and clean this up. Make it look like someone was never killed here before.” he chuckled. He noticed she wasn’t saying anything before looking at her as she stared at the dead body in horror. 
“Oh fuck. I should’ve done this without you in the room..” he trailed off. “Let’s go.” he said grabbing her as he took her to her room. 
Erik saw this look before. He knew what was happening. She was going to be scared of him. “You want me to run you a bath?” he asked her as she looked outside the window. 
He went to her bathroom, filling the bathtub with bubbles and water. After setting it up he walked to the room to see in her in the same position. He took her undergarments' off before carrying her to the bathtub and placing her in. He bathed her as she stood at the wall. 
“(Y/N), baby. Look at me.” They heard the people coming in making her jump as he grabbed her. “(Y/N), it’s just the people here to clean up the mess.” he comforted her as she relaxed some more. He grabbed her make up towel, putting on some of the makeup removal solution she has and rubber the makeup off her face. 
About an hour later, she was in the bed as Erik was out in the hallway talking to the people. “Aye, thanks man. I owe you.” he heard Erik say. 
“No worries. We gonna cremate the body and throw the ashes somewhere along the river downtown. So don’t worry about it, okay?” he heard a voice say. After a few more minutes before he came back into the room, as she laid in the bed. 
“Hey, I’m gonna go. I’ma give you some space.” she heard him say. She sat up before looking at him. 
“Can you, can you stay please?” she asked him as he nodded. He stripped from his clothes getting into the bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer, tracing her arms. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked her. 
“No.. I don’t.” 
“Fair enough.”
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch.6
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ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5
Summary: It's backstory time!
Mandatory warning since this is not a usual thing on my blog so I think a separate warning would be useful, there will be talk of past abuse and alcohol abuse.
"Wakey wakey," came the gruff voice from just outside her bedroom door.
It was slightly muffled but more than enough to make her jolt awake, muscle memory taking over the remnants of sleep. She only had one minute to be out the door. It was more than enough though, her routine perfected over years. Get out of bed. Put socks on. Get shoes. Grab the duffel bag. She slept dressed anyways, ready to go at any time.
Or not?
Where were her clothes?
Nevermind that she had time to put something on. Just grab a shirt and pants from the dresser.
Hurried steps took her over the plush carpet. Wasn't it supposed to be a solid grey? Had her mother swapped it for one of their fancier rugs?
That didn't matter right now. Clothes. She needed clothes. When she got to her dresser she stood there, frowning at the bookshelf that now took its place. She didn't even remember acquiring the tomes in front of her, most of them old and with unfamiliar trinkets surrounding them. That's not how her bedroom was arranged. Why wasn't anything in its place? Was Alex playing a prank on her? No, he wouldn't do that.
Time was almost up and she needed some goddamn clothes and to get out and her head was starting to spin-
Her eyes snapped back to the bed she had so hastily vacated, Cassandra looking at her concerned.
From the room's entrance came another familiar voice. Bela. "I only wanted to let you know that Daniela wants to go for a hunt tomorrow." Her eyes were averted and as soon as the words left her lips, she turned and shut the door behind her, not waiting for an answer from her sister.
Confusion mixed in with dizziness, but Nicole let out a quiet oh when she fully realized where she was. Cassandra's bedroom. They came here last night and fell asleep. And she was only wearing underwear.
She went to sit on the edge of the bed, head resting in her hands to try alleviate the fog in her brain. She probably looked like hell, but that was the least of her concerns right now.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Came the uncharacteristically soft voice of Cassandra, who had moved from her spot under the blankets and was gently rubbing her back.
"Uh, nothing," Nicole replied, as if she didn't look ready to puke.
Cassandra only pursed her lips and frowned. "You looked like you simultaneously saw a ghost and were ready to fight a ghost."
She swallowed thickly and forced out a laugh. "Oh are we at "tragic backstory" relationship level now?" It was at best a pathetic attempt to change the subject and at worst annoying.
When she looked back at the brunette she was still frowning, but not in annoyance. Her golden eyes sparked with concern, scrutinizing the redhead's face and body language for any clue as to what was wrong. It sent a pang of guilt through Nicole's chest. She took a deep breath and leaned back into Cassandra's touch, trying to collect her thoughts. Where does one even begin to explain this whole mess?
"Have you ever wondered why I came here? To the village?"
"...Not really," she admitted.
Nicole took another deep breath, pulling the words from her mouth as if she were pulling out teeth with pliers.
"My dad, he…he had a bit of a weird business. We never knew the details of it, he never told any of us and we knew better than to snoop, but I do know it had something to do with drugs and was highly illegal."
Staying in one place proved itself a pesky little task, so Nicole stood up and started to collect her clothes from the floor and started dressing. Cassandra instead remained in the same spot, listening intently.
"With a job like that you make enemies by default. And that made him paranoid beyond belief. When me and Alex, my older brother, were children it wasn't that bad. Worst thing he would do was lock our bedroom doors and refuse to let us attend public school."
She narrowed her eyes at a wall, still not wanting to meet Cassandra's gaze. Now that she said it out loud, not that bad sounded pretty bad too. Whatever.
"It started going downhill when I was around…" She pursed her lips, trying to make her brain put together some semblance of a timeline. "Twelve. Yeah twelve. He came bursting into our bedrooms at 2 a.m. saying that someone with a gun had gotten into our house and wanted to kill us. We were mortified. I remember my mom holding me and Alex in the backseat crying while my dad drove us to his secluded cabin in the woods."
"And that became a habit of his. He'd have us do these drills every once in a while and then scream at us if we didn't do everything in under a minute."
"That's so fucking stupid," Cassandra spat, golden eyes gleaming with anger.
Nicole started pacing back and forth, desperate for a distraction. "Oh I know. And after a few years of this I made sure to tell him exactly how much I thought it was bullshit."
Finally coming to terms with the lack of something to do while she talked, Nicole gave up and went back to the bed. She sat down by Cassandra's side, though still avoiding her eyes.
"Do you know what getting punched in the face feels like?"
Cassandra's expression contorted into a disgusted grimace. With the hand not on Nicole's back rubbing comforting circles, she dug talons into the soft fabric of a blanket. She didn't really have an answer because frankly she didn't know. Her body reacted very differently to physical harm and the few that could hurt her wouldn't go for a stupid punch to the face. Nicole kept on talking though, not really looking for an answer.
"That shut me up for a bit. Key word a bit. When he woke me up on the night before an important test I was pissed. I just thought fuck it and went upstairs to the library. It took him around twenty minutes to find me and when he did… Well, I regretted some life choices."
"I was so done with being there in that house. Though thankfully my parents went on a business trip the next day and Alex was at a friend's for the weekend. I had the whole house to myself and decided to grab one of my mom's vintage wines and just spend the evening on the couch drinking. And that's how I became an alcoholic at the ripe old age of fifteen." She let out a humorless chuckle at the end.
That day was a blur in her mind. The only thing that she vividly remembered was Alex coming home early and finding her blackout drunk on the couch. At the end of the day though, they were both in the same boat. He just grabbed the bottle from her and started to sip away at the remaining wine. Laughing at each other's hangover the next day was the most fun they'd had in ages so it became a habit for the both of them. Every once in a while they'd go into the wine cellar, pick out a bottle and then go drink it in the attic while they pretended their problems didn't exist. It continued well into their college years. Nicole was barely able to recall doing anything during her years in med school that wasn't being drunk or studying.
She groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. That's not where she meant to go with the story. Cassandra placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder brought her enough comfort to try and wrap it up.
"I guess in a sick ironic way my dad was right in the end though," she subconsciously shifted closer to the brunette and she wasted no time in loosely wrapping her arms around Nicole's waist.
"I was three weeks away from completing my residency when I came home from the lab, only to find my mom in a puddle of blood on the living room floor. My brother was in a similar state in his bedroom. My dad was nowhere to be found but I didn't care. It was his fault," she swallowed the lump in her throat and felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"I just grabbed my documents and a duffle bag with some clothes and ran. Booked the first flight to Romania to come stay at my grandparents'. Oh except they know what my dad is all about! Told me I had an hour to get some rest and be out of their house as they didn't want any trouble with my dad's people."
"I did grab a fuck ton of my dad's cash though so at least hotels weren't an issue," her words were coming out chocked, occasionally interrupted by sniffles. She rapidly whipped a hand across her face. "Have you ever been to Braşov? Old part of the city is quite lovely."
Cassandra grimaced. She didn't want to interrupt, but seeing Nicole in such a state made something in her unbeating heart ache. She gently wiped the trail of tears from her cheeks and placed a kiss on her temple from where she was sitting half behind Nicole. Then, with the softest voice she could muster, "And how did you meet Duke?"
Nicole's eyes widened slightly, apparently having forgotten that detail.
"Oh I stumbled upon his shop one day. I thought he was selling some neat stuff and he was nice so I kept coming back. One thing led to another and when I found out about a place off the map where no one gets in or out without help I thought it would be the perfect place to hide from the people trying to put a bullet through my head." Then she winced slightly. "I was also mildly tipsy when I made that decision."
Cassandra looked a little incredulous. "And he just brought you here?"
"I paid him."
Cassandra's expression turned to what could only be described as disappointed but not surprised. Then her attention went back on the redhead, glossy eyes fixated on the floor. To say she sucked at comforting others was an understatement. Daniela was far more well versed in the art of making others not feel miserable but she was nothing if not stubborn enough to try.
"Listen," she shifted to sit in front of her, hand placed gently on a wet cheek. "If anyone ever dares come near you with the intention of harming you, I'll make them regret every life choice that led them there. You're safe here." She may not be great with her words, but if Cassandra excelled in anything, it was keeping her loved ones safe. Loved one huh.
Nicole leaned into her touch, finally meeting Cassandra's eyes. There was a gentle kind of determination in her golden gaze, accompanied by a fiery rage that, for once in her life, brought comfort as opposed to terror. It came with the knowledge that it wasn't directed at her but at whoever may want to harm her.
She didn't doubt her words. Instead she shifted closer, face nuzzled in the crook of Cassandra's neck and, barely above a whisper, said: "Thank you."
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tyb1 · 4 years
If It’s The Right Thing To Do.
Part 1
Words: 2118
Character: Seth Clearwater 
 Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Series List
Dialogue prompt: “What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren’t you guys traitors anyway.” I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they did leave me behind.”
*this is my first twilight imagine so be nice :)*
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I stretched every muscle in my body to grab my phone that was sitting on the desk by the bed. I looked at the caller ID but it was from a number that I didn't recognize. My mom always told me not to answer those calls but I did anyway. I had the sudden urge to be bold today.
"Hello?" I rolled back on my bed to finish the stale popcorn that was at least 3 hours old.
"(Y/N)!" the voice spoke frantically over the phone. "(Y/N)....is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
I sat up on the bed trying to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. The voice sounds panic so it caused me to be panic. The voice from the phone sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"This is she....why?"
(Y/N)! This is Jake! Listen, I need you to make your way over to the Cullens house!"
"What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren't you guys traitors anyway." I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they left me behind.
I heard Jacob huff over the phone. Then the phone sounded like someone grabbed a piece of paper and started crumbling it over the microphone. I lay back down on my bed the anxiety in my chest slowly fading away. "Listen Jake I don't have time for games I-"
"Shut up the hell up Jacob! (Y/N)! It's Leah, get your ass over to the Cullens now!" And just like that, the phone hung up without any explanation as to why I have to go to the Cullens.
I sat my phone back on the desk. There was no way in hell I could go to the Cullens. For one Sam wasn't on patrol tonight and two he would smell them on me if I ever decided to come back. "Those are two good reasons for me to stay in tonight." But why would they call me to come over to the Cullens when they knew for a fact I wasn't allowed near them........."
I jumped from my bed throwing on a hoodie and some pajama pants. I could barely maintain my breathing, There was something wrong with Seth I just felt it in my soul. Something bad probably happened to him and I wasn't there to prevent it.
I slowly walked out of my room seeing that all the lights were off. The door to Sam's and Emily's room was slightly opened. The sound of Sam's snores filled the air. I slowly closed the door then crept down the hallway to the keys.
"We only have one chance to let's make the most of it," I muttered to myself, I grabbed the keys from the shelf while trying not to step on the wood that creaked. I quickly made my way to the back door closing it softly.
"Okay, now the easy part is over." All I had to do now was get in my car and drive to the Cullens. What I was doing right now could coat me all the respect the pack has for me. If I stepped off this property Sam could label me as a traitor right along with Jake, Seth, and Leah.
"It's now or never if Sam hates me for what I'm doing so be it. Seth needs me right now." I mustered up all my courage to drive off the reserve. The drive to the Cullens was so agonizing. The only thing I could think about was the fight that caused us to be distant. We've never fought and when we did we'd make up instantly. This time I was the cause of it, his heart broke in front of me and I did nothing about it. I never meant to say the harsh words but I wanted him to hurt just like he was hurting me.
I ran behind Seth as he ran behind Jacob. He claimed that he was leaving my brother's pack to join Jacobs pack because "it was the right thing to do". At first, I thought he was being delusional but now that I'm running after him I knew he was being serious.
"Seth come back!" He stopped running causing me to bump into his toned back.
He grabbed my shoulders trying to turn me back towards the reservation."No (Y/N)! I have to do this, go back to Sam!"
I bit his hand then shoved him away."I'm not staying there unless you're with me, Seth!" He shook his head then ran farther into the woods.
"Seth if you leave me then I'll never forgive you!" I began to cry then the cries became sobs. I watched him through my blurry vision as he stopped mid-run. I knew if he stepped foot off the reserve onto the Cullens I would never see him again. Sam would ban me from ever seeing him again because he turned his back on the pack.
Jacob appeared behind a tree watching the whole situation."Seth, are you willing to go against your family, the pack, and your sister?"
Seth turned to Jacob with fire in his eyes. "If it's the right thing to do."
"You'd even turn your back on (Y/N)?"
Seth turned to me, staring into my eyes. It was like I didn't recognize him anymore. Those bubbly brown eyes of his were no longer the same.
"Like I said if it's the right thing to do."
My whole world stopped. Hearing those words come out of my lover's mouth felt like someone just gutted my heart out. My heart was telling me to say one thing while my brain was telling me to say another.
"Seth Clearwater, I hate you!" The words felt so wrong but so right at the same time. I turned my back to him so he wouldn't see me cry anymore.
"You don't mean that (Y/N)! You love me!"
I turned to him with pure hate in my eyes. "I can't love someone who's dead to me."
I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I heard him running after me screaming his voice cracking every time he called out to me. I never looked behind he was a traitor now and he said it to the world, his back was now turned on me.
I wiped the tears from my face as I drove farther off the reserve. Seth and I bond was stronger than any other relationship in the pack. We went from friends to lovers to enemies by force. Now I have to face him. It'll be the first time we've spoken in 2 months.
I got out of the car with my heart pounding profusely. I looked up at the house, Jasper, and Emmet stood at the door to greet me. I nodded to both of them then made my way to the living room. Jacob was sitting on the couch nervously shaking his leg while Bella was pacing back and forth. A piercing scream came out of nowhere. Everyone turned their attention upstairs to where the scream came from. I knew something was up when I saw Rosalie with a guilty expression on her face.
"What happened......why did that sound like Seth?" I didn't bother to sit nor make friends with them. I walk straight into the living room each step I took became bolder and bolder. I sat there staring at them but no one was talking so I decided to make my way upstairs where the scream came from.
Jacob ran to grab me before I could make it to where Seth was. I turned to glare at him as he tightened his grip around my arm."(Y/N)! Wait! Don't go up there not just yet....wait until Carlisle gives us the clear."
"Then tell me what happened to him, Jake."
Jacob sighed, "Listen Bella and I got into an argument things got a bit out of hand and Seth got hurt."
"How did Seth get hurt?"
"Bella accidentally threw him into a tree."
I shot a glare at Bella. "How do you accidentally throw someone into a tree!"
"(Y/N) I honestly didn't mean to. I'm so sorry I don't know what else to do." Bella walked over to me with an apologetic look. The glare that was cast upon my face never left.
I looked around at all the Cullens and Jake "None of you tried to stop her. You just let her throw someone who is so innocent and pure into a fucking tree."
I left without saying another word to them. The journey to the room felt so long but yet it was so short. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans before I knocked on the door. I heard groans from the other side of the door. My heart sank when I heard him scream again. The door opened revealing Carlisle and Esme, they were both smiling sweetly at me.
Esme hugged me which I gladly returned back. "(Y/N) it's so good to see you. I'm sorry that we had to meet again in unfortunate circumstances."
"I know, I would come to visit more often but my brother would have my head." I began to shift uncomfortably on my feet. I tried to peek behind them but Carlisle's tall built body blocked my way.
Carlisle coughed, "We're trying to make him as comfortable as possible but you can have a minute with him." He stepped aside letting me into the room. "We also gave him some morphine to ease the pain so he may be a tad bit sleepy."
I nodded my head before I entered the room. My gaze was fixed on the floorboard. I was too scared to look at him.
"(Y/N), I'm so happy to see you."
I gasped when I saw his bruised chest. I ran over to the side of the bed where he laid. The little skin that was showing was now purple, blue, and swollen the rest was covered with bandages. I went to touch his arm to comfort him but he pulled back screaming out in pain."Seth! Are you okay? Oh my god look at your chest!"
"(Y/N) you actually came!" I could tell from his eyes that he was still in disbelief that I was standing in front of him.
"Of course I would come." I began to run my hair through his hair trying to make him as comfortable as possible. I sat down near him being careful not to touch any of his body parts.
"I'm tired (Y/N)...please stay here until I wake up."
I jumped from the bed staring at him as if he had lost his mind. "There's no way I can stay here without Sam knowing that I am missing Seth, I have to go back."
He placed his bruised hand on top of mine trying to intertwine them. Seth had a genuine smile on his face, "Don't go, stay here. I'll deal with Sam once I wake up."
I sighed as I looked back and forth between the door and Seth. I didn't want to leave him but I couldn't afford Sam coming out here dragging me back home. Everyone would look at me with disgust if they smelled the Cullens on me.
"Seth I honestly don't know if this is the right thing to do."
"Trust me (Y/N) it's the right thing to do."
I laughed at his corny remark. I knew without asking him, that was our way of making up since the fight. Seth rolled the blankets off of him ushering me to get under. At first, I wanted to reject but I knew he would somehow convince me that it was okay. I rested my head on the pillow that was next to his. I immediately relaxed once I felt the heat from his body come upon mine.
Seth sighed, he tried to roll over to face me but I placed my hand on his cheek to stop him.
"What are you trying to do?"
He grunted, "I'm trying to apologize for what I said two weeks ago."
I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, he laughed sweetly then kissed me back.
"I guess I'm forgiven."
"I could never be mad at you Seth Clearwater."
If I was being honest with myself I was actually contradicting myself.  At first, I was really mad at him. I even went as far as to rip up our pictures. Now looking back I actually regret everything I said to him and did. "Seth I'm sorry too, I should have never said the things I said."
He laughed, "It's okay, I could never be mad at you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"
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justkending · 4 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 17.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 4700+
A/N: Ah yes... It’s time to trap an angry brother...
Chapter Seventeen:
“Steven Rogers, you are not canceling on me again. I’ve seen you a total of 3 times in the past two week,” Sarah scolded into the phone. 
There was a pause as Steve talked on the other line. Y/N watching from the side. Her teeth nervously biting her thumb nail waiting to see if their plan would work. 
“No, your sister has something planned. Something about going up to see Wanda and helping her with nursery decorating,” Sarah lied effortlessly. She really had planned this all out. Turning to her daughter she saw her nervous nail biting, and swiped at her hand, giving her an eye. 
Y/N frowned at the movement and moved to cross her arms tightly around her. 
“Ok, good. I’ll be seeing you at six tonight then. Don’t be late,” the older blonde nodded. “Hm mm, I love you too, sweetheart… Ok, bye.” Pressing the red button, ending the call, she turned to her daughter. “He’s not getting out of this one. We’re fixing this mess.”
“I hope so…” Y/N sighed. 
A wave of relief came over at finally being able to talk this out with Steve, but with it a wave of anxiety hit too. As much as she was upset with Steve for acting the way he was, she understood that in the end, they had hurt his feelings. He was upset and disheartened that two of the closest people in his life, hid such a big thing from him and didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him first hand. 
“Hey, don’t overthink it. You two are family. Family that has been through thick and thin. If he isn’t ok with you being happy, then I’ll give him a nice smack on the back of the head to knock some sense into him,” Sarah reassured, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “I raised him better than to act like this.”
“I know… It’s just,” she paused. 
“You feel bad,” Sarah finished for her. “And in a sense you should.”
“Hey, I never said I was picking sides. The way I see it, you both didn’t handle this situation well,” she shrugged, moving to the kitchen to make some tea. Y/N following slowly behind her. “You and Bucky should have just talked with Steve about things to begin with.”
“I wasn’t done,” she stopped raising a finger. Y/N sighing and nodded her on as she sat at the kitchen table. “But, I understand where both of you were coming from. You were worried about his reaction, and from what I heard how it did end up playing out, I understand why you were worried. However,” she continued, pouring the water from the kettle into two ceramic mugs with tea bags. “I think if you brought it up and had an actual sit down conversation, things wouldn’t have escalated how they did.”
“We were worried that if things didn’t work out with us, then Steve would have that weird gap to work between us and it would just make things more awkward in the future. We thought it better to leave him out of it until we were further into the relationship ourselves,” Y/N defended. 
“And I see your reasoning there. Which is what you need to tell Steve. He needs to realize what you thought you guys were doing, was to keep him safe and not that you didn’t trust him,” Sarah nodded, bringing the two mugs over to the table and giving Y/N one. “But you know Steve. He has a big heart just like your father. One that holds a lot of love for those around him, and given what’s happened, that heart that sits on his sleeve was wounded.”
“I know, Ma. I’m not happy with myself either. Bucky and I both feel shitty,” she sighed stirring some honey into the tea, but never actually taking a sip. 
“Have you told Bucky about our little plan?”
“Um, to an extent. I just let him know that I was going to talk to him. Bucky asked if I wanted him to join because he wanted to talk to Steve too, but I think I need to talk to him first as his sister.”
“Probably a good idea,” Sarah nodded. 
They stayed in silence for a second. Y/N never stopped stirring her tea as she looked off in the distance, no doubt playing the night out in her head. Sarah knew that her daughter just needed to have a second to think. 
“I should probably start cooking dinner though. He said he’ll be here at 6 and it’s already 4,” her mom noted looking at the clock. “What are you going to do?”
“Uh, I was just going to hang out in my room and do some work until he got here, but I actually need to run an errand. I’ll try and get back before he gets here so I don’t scare him off,” Y/N sighed standing and wrapping her arms back around herself. 
“Ok,” Sarah nodded going to the fridge to start on the meal. “Park your car in the garage when you get back.”
“Got it,” Y/N nodded, grabbing her keys and  heading out. 
Y/N went about her errands, running to the pharmacy for a prescription, a quick run to work to grab some books she forgot, and a quick stop at the grocery store to get one last special thing…
But as the fates would have it, she pulled around the corner just as Steve was parking. He was a whole 30 minutes early. 
And the attempt to drive away, in hopes he didn’t notice and circle back around, was pointless. Because they made awkward eye contact and Steve became stiff immediately. 
“Shit,” Y/N groaned, stopping her car right in front of the driveway. 
They had a quick stare off. For a second just blank faces and the next Steve looked full on infuriated and started marching back to his car. 
Not letting it be that easy for him to have a clean getaway, and being the petty little sister she was, she quickly went to park behind him. She stepped out of the driver side immediately. 
“Move your car, Y/N,” he groaned, sending her a glare. 
“No,” she said stubbornly. 
“Y/N, I’m not messing around. Move your car or else I will,” he said straightening his pose and walking to her car. But she matched his step. Was he forgetting that she had learned all her stubbornness from him. The two were two stubborn mules going head to head, and these jackasses weren't letting up on the other. 
“I’m bigger and stronger than you,” he countered.
“Oh, wow. Great point there Captain obvious,” she jeered. “But not going to happen. We need to talk,” she said, standing her ground and crossing her arms with a straight face. 
“I don’t want to talk,” Steve said, moving closer to her. 
The two were now mere inches from being chest to chest, Y/N staring straight up at him and Steve looking down. If it had been anyone else under each of their stares, the person would have melted to the floor or ran the opposite direction and never stopped. 
These two had been doing this since the dawn of time though, and neither was even close to relenting. 
“Sucks because we’re going to,” she shrugged. 
“Key’s Y/N. Now,” he commanded. Almost as if he was a Captain and she was a soldier beneath him. 
“It’s funny you think that voice works on me. You should know I’ve become immune to it over the years by now,” she said with a smirk only making him more angry. 
“Give me the-,” he resorted to grabbing her arms and trying to pry the keys out of her hands. 
“No!” she shouted fighting back and turning her back to him to keep him from grabbing anything from her. 
“Y/N, I swear to God,” he groaned as she elbowed him in the stomach and he started to pull her arms back in an attempt to pin them behind her and snag the keys. But she folded over, burrowing her hands toward her stomach and making it harder to get to them. 
“You’re not supposed to swear to God! That’s bad juju, Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes,” she mocked. 
The two were in a full on wrestling match that was somehow moving to the lawn as Y/N kept trying to run off, and Steve followed eventually grabbing her around the waist and picking her off the ground.
“I’m not playing Y/N! This isn’t a joke!” he groaned just as she started kicking wildly to get him to release her.
“I’m not laughing, am I?” she screamed as he became close to winning. “No!” Y/N shouted. Her arms now pinned to her side, but the death grip she had on the keys in her hand was all she was worried about. 
“Y/N Josephine Rogers! Steven Grant Rogers! Stop it right now!” 
The two froze in their fight. Steve was holding Y/N around her middle about 2 feet off the ground. Y/N knees still trying to tuck into her chest to form herself into a ball and keep the treasure away. She was completely engulfed by him still as she turned to the sound of her name. 
“I will not have you making a scene on my lawn. You two are not children anymore. Get your grown adult asses inside! Now.” 
If Sarah Roger’s was cussing, you know you’re in deep shit. And the tone she had, matched with the deadly stare she wore, was terrifying enough to make a thief go back and apologize for robbing a bank. 
“Yes ma’am,” they both said quietly. 
Their mom gave them one last hard stare before stomping back inside in complete frustration and disappointment. 
“Look what you did,” Y/N groaned when Steve finally put her down. “If she still has the wooden spoon from back in the day, we aren’t going to be able to sit down for the next week,” she said, brushing herself off. 
Steve looked down at her not amused and rolled his eyes before he stomped up the porch himself. 
“Geez, you try to lighten the mood a little,” she scoffed before following slowly after. 
Once the two were inside, Steve refused to get within a 6 foot radius of Y/N. The brooding stare he had plastered on him was only furthering his intentions of showing how unhappy he was. 
“Mom, he won’t stop staring at me like I kicked a puppy,” Y/N said in an irritated tone as she stayed by the threshold of the kitchen and Steve leaned back on the sink across the room. 
“Y/N, sit down,” Sarah instructed, pointing the wooden spoon in hand toward the table. The ire in her voice was very clear and very scary. 
Y/N didn’t hesitate to follow instructions. That wooden spoon meant business. 
When she sat and looked back at Steve, he had a cocky grin on his lips at her being scolded like a child. But before he could get too comfortable, Sarah turned to him.
“You too. Don’t think for a second you’re in the clear, mister.”
Y/N choked back a laugh at the terror in his eyes as he watched the spoon carefully like the weapon it was when being wielded in her hands. He sent her a quick glare before begrudgingly sitting in the seat in front of her. 
“Now, I’m going to make a plate and we’re going to sit down and have a nice family dinner. Understand?” she asked without looking back. 
“Yes ma’am,” they both sighed. 
“Good,” she nodded, grabbing plates. 
“Uh, ma?”
“I have some things in the car I need to get or…” Y/N paused looking at Steve who had switched to avoiding eye-contact with her. “Well, it can’t sit out in the car.”
“You’re excused,” Sarah nodded. “But don’t piddle around.”
“Ok,” Y/N nodded before quickly going back to her car and putting the things she needed into the fridge out in the garage. 
“You set me up,” Steve said once she was out of the room and he heard the front door shut.
“Yes. And?” 
“Really, Ma? Why’d you lie and tell me she wasn’t going to be here?” he groaned with an irked attitude. 
“Watch your tone,” she warned. “And I lied because apparently you don’t remember what I taught you about having an adult discussion when you’re upset instead of pouting. Especially with your family.”
Steve caught on quickly seeing his mother knew more of the situation than he figured. “You know?”
“I’m not blind, Steven.”
“And you’re not upset?” he asked, confused. 
Sarah stopped placing the food on her plate and turned to him. She saw the pain in his eyes. The hurt from the whole situation. She let out a sigh and dropped the hard act just a tad. 
“Steven, I haven’t seen your sister this kind of happy since her junior year,” she answered, looking around the corner to make sure Y/N wasn’t back in yet. “I know she had a great time overseas and with college, but this is a different kind of happiness. One that I’m not going to question.”
“Did she tell you?” he asked, wanting to know if he was just the odd one out. 
“No, I just have a mother’s intuition,” she smiled, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. “But we have talked and I’ve heard her reasoning. All I’m asking for tonight is that you do that same. You can’t be mad at someone or judge another if you don’t know their side of the story. I’ve taught you better than that,” she said with a raised eyebrow. “Am I wrong?”
He didn’t answer immediately. He was slipping from angry back to upset and defeated. Eventually he nodded and relaxed more in his chair. 
Y/N came back in and the two looked up at her. She slowly walked back to her chair, but paused before sitting down. 
“Need help with anything mom?” she asked in the weird silence.
“No, dear. I’m ok. I’ll actually take my plate to the study, you guys stay here,” she instructed, grabbing utensils for herself and a napkin with her plate.
“Wait-” Y/N said, all of a sudden nervous being left alone with her brother. 
“This is not my conversation to be had. This is between you two,” she pointed before walking out of the room. “I will say this,” she turned back. “No one’s leaving until this is resolved. I’m not going to have my children hate each other or act like their still in middle school, you hear me?” she pointed to them both. 
They looked at each other for a second, silently communicating before turning back to their mom.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. I’ll be in the other room if you need me,” she smiled softly before finally disappearing. 
Awkward tension almost instantly filled the atmosphere. No one was making eye contact with the other, Steve’s shoulders were rigid, and Y/N was gripping the back of the chair she was standing behind so hard that her knuckles were turning white. 
Eventually, she spoke up. 
“So, I have some explaining to do,” she said softly. 
Steve finally looked up, but she couldn't read his emotions. After a second, he stood up and walked over to the plates their mom had set out and started placing his own meal on it. 
“Right. I have a feeling I’ll be doing a good chunk of the talking then…” she caught on watching him move around the stove with his back toward her. “Steve, I don’t know where to start, ok? I don’t know what to tell you other than we thought we were protecting you.”
“Protecting me?” he said in a harsh laugh as he turned around. 
“Yes.” Her answer was solid and showed no doubt behind it. 
“Please, explain to me then how you and my best friend hiding such a big secret behind my back was protecting me,” he scoffed, grabbing a fork and walking back to the table. Slightly aggressively he moved the vegetables around on his plate before stabbing a piece of broccoli and biting into it without looking away from her. 
“I will,” she said matter of factly sitting across from him, forgetting the food and interlacing her fingers in front of her as she leaned forward. Her eye contact was strong so he could see just how much she meant what she was about to say. 
“Once we figured out there were feelings between us,” she paused seeing how weird this conversation was to have now. Steve even tensed more at the mention as well. “We sat down and talked. First, Bucky said he wasn’t going to follow through with it.” Steve’s eyes furrowed at that. “He wasn’t willing to lose your friendship and jeopardize ruining a life long relationship.” 
Steve eased up some at the news. Bucky never said that… 
“And at first, I was upset,” Y/N continued. “I was angry that he was going to let you depict how we went about life. So we walked away from the discussion and acted as if anything that had happened between us was pushed to the side and forgotten.”
“What changed?” Steve spoke up quietly, now lightly picking at the food on his plate. 
“Well…” she thought back. “I had gone ahead and accepted that fact. I figured it would be awkward for a little, but if he didn’t want to do anything about it, then I wasn’t going to push. But then, later the day of my interview, I went to Becca’s for a wine night. When I showed up, Becca wasn’t alone. Bucky had come over and wanted to talk again.”
Steve was listening intently, but played with his food not wanting to show his interest since he was angry. 
“He, uh… I guess he came to the conclusion that he didn’t want to regret not seeing where it went. And at that moment, I saw his perspective from the beginning. I didn’t want to be the reason you two had a falling out. I wasn’t going to be the person who took away your best friend if things didn’t work the way we wanted,” she said sadly, looking down at her hands as she picked at her nails. 
Steve looked up and his face softened. No one had told him that both had tried pushing their feelings aside just to preserve him. They didn’t want to hurt him in the end, and they had been trying to prevent that from the beginning. 
“But Bucky made a good point. We as well have been friends for a while and hopefully, if things didn’t work out between us, we could be civil. Hell, we even made a pact that if we did start a relationship and it ended up falling apart, we would stay civil and stay friends no matter what. We didn’t want it to be awkward for anyone else or ourselves. We’ve been a part of each other's lives too long to let that hurt us, hopefully.”
“So what made you guys decide to…” This was weird coming out of his mouth. “Start dating?”
Y/N chuckled softly at how awkward Steve looked saying that. 
“We realized that what we felt for each other wasn’t something that could be ignored. We enjoyed each other's company, we clearly had romantic feelings for each other, and we’ve had a past that made us almost just as close friends as you guys are. I mean, Becca will always be my own Bucky, but he was there just as much in my life. He’s always looked out for me, and I’ve always tried to do the same for him…” She hadn’t realized she was smiling thinking back on it and when she finally came out of her thoughts, she looked up at Steve who was staring at her. “I don’t know how to explain it, Stevie. There’s a pull. A connection that’s just there. It just… It just made sense.” 
Steve was no longer as tight in his body language as he was earlier. If anything, he looked deep in thought as if realization had hit him. She let him sit there and sift through all the new information. She knew he needed time to process, so she gave it to him. 
Eventually he spoke up in just barely a whisper. 
“How long have you guys-?” He didn’t finish the sentence as if he was still trying to find where it was going. 
Y/N figured he knew what he was trying to say, so she answered. 
��We’ve been dating for almost two months.”
“No,” he shook his head as he stared, unblinking at the table in front of him. “How long have you loved him?”
Shocked by the comment, Y/N widened her eyes when she turned to him.
He finally broke his gaze from the table and looked at her. She could have swore she saw the slightest hint of a smile on his face. Vague and barely visible, but she could see something. 
“Come on, Y/N. How long?” he pushed.
She had to think. She hadn’t really put into words that she loved him yet. Had she felt it? Now that she thought about it, yeah… She had always felt love for Bucky. It had changed in the last few months, but after her conversation with her mom the night before, she had realized maybe she was just as blind as Bucky was back in the day. 
“I don’t think I could put a set date to it,” she answered. “I think it’s almost always been there and it took me growing up to know what that feeling was.”
Practically the same answer that Bucky had told him, just worded slightly different. 
“Are you happy?” he asked, leaning forward some. The question and look he was giving her begging for an honest answer. 
She didn’t hold back the smile that came to her lips. A genuine, pure, and blissful smile. 
“Very. I’m very happy, Steve.”
He watched her for a second longer as if waiting for any tell that she was lying, but there was nothing. Nothing apprehensive about it. 
“Ok,” he nodded sitting back in his chair.
“Ok?” she asked, shocked and confused. 
“Yes. Ok,” he repeated, and that small hint of a smile from earlier grew some. 
“Is that an, ‘Ok, whatever,’ or an ‘Ok, good,’ because those are two very different types of okays, believe it or not,” she asked, leaning forward with a raised eyebrow. 
He let out a short, but real laugh. “Ok, as in I’m glad you’re happy. End of the day, that’s all I want for you… And Buck.”
“You’re not mad anymore?” 
“Should I be? Cause I can flip the switch back it you wa-” 
“No! No! We’re happy! We like that answer,” she was quick to cut him off. 
“Ok then,” he laughed, going back to pick at his food. Y/N smiled with him and finally had an appetite to go and grab her own plate. “Almost two months?” he asked eventually. 
Turning from the stove she looked back at him. 
“Yeah, two months in like a week I’m pretty sure,” she calculated as she went back to making her plate and coming back to sit down. 
“So that means, you’re the girl he’s been dating and not telling me anything about?”
“Classical Mythology; A-Z encyclopedia? I should have noticed right then and there,” Steve laughed fully now. 
“Oh God. I almost forgot about that,” Y/N laughed, running a hand through her hair. “That was an interesting night…”
“Ew, I don’t want the details,” Steve said, getting grossed out. “I’m trying to eat.”
“Oh, shut up. Nothing like that’s happened, and even if it did, I wouldn’t be telling you. That was just the night of our real first date,” she said, throwing a carrot at him that he deflected. “A night you were supposed to be at home and he could come pick me up without issues, but you had us thinking on our feet.”
He shook his head realizing just how oblivious he had been. Well, not fully oblivious. 
“You know, thinking about it, he’s been a lot more peppy the last couple months,” Steve nodded more seriously now. “At first I thought it was just a change in pace, then he was sneaking out for dates with this mystery girl who I just assumed was someone he wanted to keep a secret because he wasn’t ready to share. Now, I’m starting to realize that I’m just a bad detective…” The last comment was a joke to himself. 
“You’re not a bad detective. You didn’t even know you were supposed to be investigating us. We’re good like that,” she winked and he shook his head at her with a smile. “But in all realness, we were trying to look out for you. Like I said, if things didn’t go our way and we didn’t work out, we didn’t want everyone around us to have to endure that weird process with us.”
“I understand now,” he nodded. “I mean I wish you guys would have just talked to me, but I understand where you’re coming from.”
“I’m glad you get it. We really didn’t want to hurt you Stevie,” she said reaching across and grabbing his hand. “We love you too much to bring you down with us.”
“I love you guys too,” he said squeezing her hand. 
A sweet sibling's silent conversation was had with their eyes before they went back to eating and laughing as they caught up.
“Is it safe to come back into the war zone again?” Their mom asked, coming back into the room. Her plate halfway done, but still pretty full.
“Yes, we’re brother and sister again,” Y/N joked. 
“Good. I was getting bored in the study. The TV’s cable box isn’t working,” she said sitting down with them and going back to eating. “Speaking of. Steve can you-?”
“I’ll look at it for ya, Mom,” he laughed. 
“Thank you sweetheart,” she said pinching his cheek. “Ok, so family movie night since we all love each other again?”
“Only if I get to pick,” Y/N interjected. 
“You’re going to pick another murder mystery and I’m pretty sure we’ve already watched all the one’s Netflix has to offer,” Steve deadpanned. 
“Ok, and? We have Hulu too,” she said, making a ‘psh’ sound as she stabbed a piece of food on her plate and filled her cheeks in a very unlady-like way.
“No. No more murder shows,” Sarah spoke up. 
“I agree. I already see enough crime scenes at my job as it is,” Steve added pointing his fork at her. 
“Fine, one of you guys can pick,” she relented. “Oh! That reminds me!” They both looked at her as she didn’t finish her sentence. 
“Reminds you of…?”
“I got ice cream and Root Beer,” she smiled. “That’s what I had to get out of my car earlier.”
“Root beer floats?” Steve asked excitedly. “God, I don’t remember the last time I’ve had one of those. Those were dad’s favorite…” he smiled, but in fondness. 
“I know. And anytime we had an argument, he would make us sit down and talk,” Y/N said with knowing eyes to their mom. “Then after we would make root beer floats.”
“He said it made everything better after a bad day,” Steve said in reminiscence. 
“Joseph always knew how to fix a bad day with something so simple,” Sarah smiled with a sentimental grin. 
“He sure did,” Y/N agreed, and they all shared a moment leading them to stories here and there about their memories as a family. The topic of their father was one that could tend to be touchy, but this time all it did was bring joy and that sense of nostalgia they needed.
(Tags for this series will be closing soon as it is getting pretty full, please send an ask if you want to be added:)
I’ll post on whatever chapter I decided to close it down here.
The Number One Rule (TNOR) Taglist:
@shadowolf993 @hello-i-am-daydreaming @jessyballet  @emmabarnes @kmuir1  @beautifulrare4leafclover @thefallenbibliophilequote @l0ve-0f-my-life  @shawnie--jo  @asoftie4bucky @katiaw2 @sheeple @sznri @bxtchboy69 @taliarosej00 @bakugouswh0r3 @stopjustlovethemcu @babemendesxz @jenniereiji @taliarosej00 @loveyou5everr @natdrunk @im-a-light-child @stucky-my-ship
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
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Marvel Tags:
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269 notes · View notes
lumosinlove · 4 years
Relic Keel
(warnings in tags)
Marlene got into college and hasn’t told Dorcas because she’s scared of how she will react.
Lily and James had sex and obviously like each other, but Lily is scared to have attachments on Hogwarts when they’re going to college soon.
Leo and Logan question each other about their pasts without much progress. Logan finds out that Leo hopes to own The Lion restaurant one day, and that his father’s death has something to do with “The Voldemort.”
Saint and Sirius talk about leaving the island and how they met when they were eleven years old. They have sex and avoid more difficult topics.
James and Lily meet at the Gryffindor Club as promised. Lily tells James that she doesn’t want anything tying her to the island, that she hates the fake boundaries that Hogwarts has and that James isn’t crossing them as much as he thinks he is. James understands, even though it hurts.
Saint and Sirius are cleaning the Potter’s pool when James arrives with Remus and Luke. Remus and Sirius have a tense moment in the kitchen, Luke and Saint argue, and Sirius finds out that it’s Remus who sails the Wolfsbane every morning—Remus thus finding out that Sirius notices.
Logan returns to the Carrows to hand over his money and stock up on Crucio. We find out that he works for them in the hopes that they will help him get Finn out of Saint Clair, only the Carrows are angry with him for using their Crucio—they say that Logan owes them now.
Logan heads over to Saint Clair to watch Finn from afar, and swears again that he will rescue him.
part iv
Remus closed his eyes, soaking in the morning sun and the salty air. The wind pushed his hair back as he tightened the rigging, catching the wind. Sometimes his sails felt like his bare hands. Like he finally had something to hold onto, even if it blistered his palms. The sea made him feel alone, in the best way. Usually, it felt like people were always around. He couldn’t go anywhere without running into at least two people from school, or his parents’ friends. Yes, he’s excited for college, no, he’s not sure exactly yet, yes, he’s still sailing, yes, he’s still obsessed, yes, he remembers learning at Gryffindor Club, sure, I’ll tell my mom you say hi.
Solidarity was less exhausting.
The wind buffered and he sighed as he slowed down. he looked back towards Shack Beach. Saint had said they saw him every morning—that Sirius saw him every morning. He wondered if Sirius was watching now.
He couldn’t see anything from this far away. Part of him wondered if he could make this island disappear completely, just for a moment. But it was dangerous to stray that far. Even The Cradle, the small U of islands just off of Hogwarts’ southern coast, was pushing it. Remus huffed out a laugh as he managed the ropes to come about, back towards shore. If that wasn’t a metaphor, he didn’t know what was.
Things on Hogwarts had become complicated in what felt like overnight, even though Remus knew that wasn’t true. They were older now. They didn’t just care about summer vacation. There was college to think about, and then jobs. Hogwarts wasn’t the dream it once was. Remus wanted to see mountains, and huge cities, or snow—and not just for a week on vacation. He wanted to belong somewhere because he wanted to be there, and not just because he had grown up there. He was tired of knowing everything there was to know.
He tied up his Wolfsbane on autopilot, stroking his hand over the side before tugging his shirt over his head and jumping straight into the water. It was cooler from the night, but it was what Remus needed. He held his breath as he found the sandy bottom, his eyes closed. For a moment, he didn’t have to be anywhere. He got to enjoy the ocean and its predictable changes.
When he came up for air, he remembered why he loved this island. That still didn’t mean he didn’t want to leave.
“Are you headed to the museum, sweetheart?” his mother said when Remus came down to the kitchen, freshly showered. He preferred to let the salt linger all day, but he figured he should be fresh for his first day of work.
“Yeah,” Remus held up his keys. “Just looking for some coffee first.”
His mom held up a mug for him, laughing. “Ask and you shall receive.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, mom.”
“How was it this morning?”
Remus poured some milk into his cup. “It was good. Sun’s going to be strong today. Went near The Cradle—not too far, don’t worry.”
“You know me too well,” Hope laughed, whisking some eggs into a lather. “Well, it’s pizza night. We’re ordering in so, if you want to have some friends over and take it to the den, that’s fine with me. But don’t complain if Jules crashes the party.”
Remus nodded. “Actually, I think we’re going out. If that’s all right?”
Hope nodded. “All right, sure. Be safe, though. Who, uh…”
“James and Luke,” Remus sighed. “Mom—”
“I wasn’t going to say anything—”
“It’s not Luke’s fault,” Remus continued anyway. “His dad, I mean. He didn’t know.”
“I know that,” Hope sighed. “But…Even I can see that boy’s hurting and I barely see him at all.”
“Then shouldn’t he be with his friends?” Remus said.
Hope raised her eyebrows at him, and Remus raised his own right back.
“All right, all right,” Hope said. “You’re gonna be late, I’ll see you later, baby.”
Remus knew he should take the car his parents had given him. He knew he should get used to driving, knew his dad wondered why it just sat in the garage. But here, on the island, Remus liked his bicycle. He liked the warm breeze. It reminded him of being out on the water.
Which, in turn, now reminded him of Sirius Black.
When Remus remembered Sirius, he mostly remembered bruised cheeks and nasty looking cuts. He remembered the hushed way people used to whisper about him, and how, even when he was loud, grinning and well-liked, he was still from Salazar. Sometimes he had eaten lunch surrounded by people, and sometimes he had eaten it alone with his brother.
Remus didn’t understand this island. Was Sirius really so different because he was born a few miles South rather than North? It made no sense—only it did, but only because it was all Remus had ever known.
The Hogwarts History Museum was a pride of the island. Remus knew it well from school trips, and from his own interest. He’d spent many Saturdays there as a kid, gazing at all of the small models of ships and dreaming about what it would be like to sail them, wishing they weren’t trapped behind glass—feeling a little like he was trapped behind glass. A ship in a bottle.
“Hi there, Remus,” Layla smiled at him, green eyes kind and skin a rich, dark brown against the pale pink scarf in her hair.
“Hi, Layla,” Remus smiled. “Having a good summer so far?”
“Sure,” Layla shrugged. “Lots of time here. I saw you win the sailing race last Sunday, congrats.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks. It was real fun. Sorry I beat your brother, though.”
“Oh, Lyle doesn’t mind,” Layla waved a hand. Her nails were painted pink, too. “Don’t worry about it.”
Remus had been friends with Layla since they were little, competing for best in class usually. She was wicked smart and mellow. Remus could always use some mellow, good conversation—especially with James being James and Luke being…well, whatever Luke was now. Layla liked history, and her family owned the museum, which meant Layla told tales that were, albeit tall, fun to listen to.
Remus leaned against the desk, looking around. “This place never changes, huh?”
Layla laughed, clicking a pen. “History doesn’t tend to change that much, R, and so neither do we. Unlike the world out there.”
“I don’t know about that. Nothing ever feels too different out there,” Remus laughed, too. “But I guess you’re right. I’m glad you’re here, though. Or else I’d be sitting behind this desk by myself.”
“I’m glad you’re here, too,” Layla nodded. “What made you take the job?”
Remus snorted as he rounded the corner, picking up his name badge where Beatrice, Layla’s mother and the museum curator, said it would be. “Don’t pretend we didn’t see each other here when we were little all the time. Not to mention at Gryffindor Club. You, obviously.”
Layla raised an eyebrow. “Me and your mom.”
Remus winced and Layla laughed.
“C’mon, we both know you’d be out on your boat all day if it was up to you.”
Remus laughed. “Fine. But seriously. You’re a perk.”
Layla nodded, rolling her eyes with a smile. “Just a couple of history buffs, I guess.”
Remus shrugged. “There are worse things to be.”
The day was pretty slow. A few tourists here and there, taking photo behind the cardboard cutouts that made you look like you were dressed as a sailor, or a pirate.
“Are there really pirates here?” one little girl had asked Layla.
Remus had smiled when Layla crouched down and whispered to her, “careful, there’s one there,” and pointed at Remus.
When lunch rolled around, Remus expected Layla to pull out a bagged sandwich like him, but instead she scoffed and picked up her bag.
“Come on. We have to get out for a bit.”
Remus shrugged. “All right, where to?”
“The Lion, of course,” Layla replied. “It’s the best food on the island.”
“The Lion,” Remus repeated slowly. “You mean—in The Hollow?”
Layla gave him a look. “Oh, you’re not one of those are you?”
“One of what?” Remus said. “No. I’m not, I just… c’mon, you hear things.”
“Hear things? You’ve never been?”
“Once,” Remus swallowed, thinking of the fight. “It didn’t really go well.”
Layla just shook her head.
“History is just one great field of stories, Remus. You’ll never get to the truth unless you listen to them all.”
And so Remus found himself riding alongside Layla on their bikes and right through Gryffindor. The Hollow didn’t have a sign or anything, but you knew when you were in it. Remus almost wished he had been able to see some sort of line to cross, but everything was just suddenly different. Low houses with open doors, people gathered together and laughing. Kids running with surfboards over their heads, towards Shack Beach. It had seemed even more vibrant in the dark the night of the party, even through the tinted windows of Luke’s car. String lights hung over cookouts, and music blasting from speakers. It had smelled amazing, and Remus would have to say Layla was probably right about the food. 
The Lion was just as bright as everything else. It was bustling with lunch-goers, and the doors were flung wide, letting the heat right in. Remus looked around at the people. Some tourists, obviously. Some not. Hollows. Some of them smiled when they caught Remus’ eye, and some narrowed their eyes.
“Hi, Leo, babe,” Layla said as she slid onto a stool at the counter.
There was a blond boy behind it wearing a tank top and a snapback. He smiled as he set some shrimp down in a frier. “Hey, Layla, babe, ça va?”
“Just working. At least I’ve got Remus for company now.”
Remus smiled awkwardly when Leo fixed his blue eyes on him. He really didn’t know what he was waiting for. Something terrible to happen?
Leo only held out a hand. “Leo, nice to meet you.”
“Remus,” Remus said, and took it. He tried not to look at the rainbow bracelet on Leo’s wrist for too long, but he could tell Leo had felt the way his hand tightened. “Yeah—you, too.”
Leo touched it briefly, like an old habit, as he pulled away, giving another smile to Remus.
It didn’t necessarily mean Leo wasn’t straight, but on such a small island, Remus tended to notice these things. He and Luke had figured each other out pretty fast around sixteen. They’d kissed. Once. And then winced, laughed, and shoved each other in the pool. Sometimes Remus wished he and Luke had worked. He didn’t see any other boys coming his way. Leo was smiling at him like he knew what Remus was thinking.
“What can I get you two?” Leo asked.
A boyfriend? Remus thought wistfully.
“Two of your specials, please,” Layla said. “Re, you’re going to lose your mind it’s so good.”
“What’s your special?” Remus asked.
Leo shrugged, but he was grinning. “Like a chef ever gives up his secrets—”
Leo had stopped mid-sentence, eyes going over their shoulders towards the door. Remus turned to look, and a moment later, a brown haired boy was slinging a backpack down carefully between his feet and taking the seat beside Remus.
“Well, look who’s back,” Leo said to him.
The boy glanced at Remus and Layla, then gave a small shrug. “Yeah.”
Leo snorted. “Yeah,” he parroted. “You’re just hungry.”
The boy shrugged again.
Leo sighed, and gave Remus a look that said, can you believe this? before turning back to the stove. “This is Logan guys. Apparently he doesn’t talk today. Three specials. Coming up.”
Logan didn’t recognize the boy sitting at the counter. He didn’t recognize the girl either. Then again, he didn’t recognize many people. He didn’t know anyone. Except Dorcas—if that even counted. And Leo. If that counted, either.
The Felix was heavy in his pack, wedged protectively between his feet, and he wished the strangers would leave so that Leo would talk to him. He hadn’t said two words that weren’t him making sure that Logan liked his food, and asking him where he’d been.
Logan was a little annoyed with him for asking that question. It wasn’t like Leo didn’t know what Logan did. Then again, Leo didn’t know why Logan did what he did.
“You guys get the new madness exhibit up yet, Layla?” Leo was asking the girl with the scarf in her hair. “The one you were telling me about.”
The sandy-haired boy looked up from his food. “The madness exhibit?”
The girl—Layla—cocked her head. “Remus, you…you don’t know?”
“Know what?” the boy—Remus—replied.
Layla sat up a little, looking suddenly awkward. “Your mom donated almost everything we have. I mean…it is your family that’s famous for…”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Losing their fucking minds?”
Layla winced. “Well, yeah, okay, poor choice of words on my part. But madness isn’t always a bad thing, you know. People say people are crazy all the time. Sometimes they’re just extraordinary.”
Remus looked back down at his food. “My family’s not extraordinary, believe me.”
“Usually extraordinary-ness belongs to one person, I’d say,” Leo said. “My mom’s pretty extraordinary. Doesn’t mean I am.”
“You want to stay on this island, don’t you?” Logan found himself saying. Then, he felt his neck heat and he turned down to his food.
“What’s so extraordinary about that?” Layla replied at the same time as Remus said, “You do?”
Leo just laughed, rolling his eyes at Logan. “I’m with Layla on this one, guys, sorry.”
“What about you, Logan?” Layla asked. “I want the museum after I go to college. At least I think I do. Leo wants The Lion, Remus wants to sail the world…” Remus blushed at that, and Layla’s eyes were very green. “What do you want to do?”
Logan found it strange that they were treating him like that. So normally. Logan knew his necklace was on display. It was easier than explaining why people hadn’t seen him around and pretending to be a tourist. That lead to questions. Being abandoned didn’t. And he was. He was abandoned. People didn’t ask. Most probably thought he had just aged out. People didn’t ask. It was better that way. Logan didn’t have any answers. All he had was the memory of that last night with Finn. Finn had returned to their room, eyes wild and voice urgent.
Come on, Lo, wake up. Wake up, Logan, we have to go. Now.
Logan had felt helplessly awake in the first weeks of being out. He was still sorting through what that meant.
Logan swallowed. “I don’t know. I’m—looking for someone first.”
Remus sighed and mumbled. “Aren’t we all.”
“You are?” Leo asked softly.
Logan nodded. “Or, not looking. I’m just…I’m waiting for someone.”
He knew where Finn was, but Logan knew that he could wait forever and he wouldn’t come. Logan had to take what he wanted. It was a lesson he was learning fast.
“Oh,” Remus replied. “Um…cool. I hope you find them.”
Logan just nodded.
“Well, we should head out,” Layla said, rising. “Gotta get back to work.”
“Sure thing, just pay up front,” Leo smiled. “See you later, Layla.” He nodded at Remus. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” Remus smiled back. “The food was great.”
Logan watched Leo watch them leave, then snort. “That guy looked more spooked than a horse with a snake.”
“Isn’t that what Gods are supposed to look like?” Logan replied.
Leo shrugged. “Usually you can’t see their eyes behind their aviators.”
Logan laughed a little. “Right.” he looked back down at his food, realizing he had begun picking his fries apart, rather than eating them.
“I’m looking for someone too, you know,” Leo broke the silence.
Logan did. Only, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Leo’s dad and Finn. Leo’s dad was probably dead. Finn wasn’t.
“I hope you find him,” Logan replied. “Your dad.”
The Lion was in full swing now, the lunchtime rush loud and boisterous. Leo had a tank top on, and Logan thought he looked a little tired. Sleeplessness showed easily on his skin.
“Do you have to run?” Leo asked instead of responding. “And hide? Like, from the police?”
Logan sat up, instinctively looking behind him. “I assumed I would have to. But…it hasn’t been that difficult.” He laughed a humorless laugh. “I guess I keep overestimating how much people actually care about me. Maybe I should have learned something by now.”
“Maybe you’re just looking at the wrong people,” Leo said quickly, and looked up with a smile, a small one, then down again. “I know a few others who got out. They don’t seem to have trouble, so, you know, if you needed a job or something, you could work in my mom’s workshop. With me. Or here. I’m sure Celeste and Pascal would be all right with it.”
Logan felt taken off guard. “Oh. I…” he thought of the powder packets in his bag. Of the Carrows. How much do you think you owe us by now?
Others? he wanted to ask. What others? 
“Just think about it,” Leo said, and turned towards one of the stove tops to check on some boiling water.
“Yeah. Okay.”
They sat in silence for a long moment.
“It’s a boat,” Leo began suddenly, answering Logan’s yet unasked question. The Voldemort. What his father had been looking for. It was almost like Leo was thanking him for telling the truth about his situation. An eye for an eye. A truth for a truth. Logan sort of liked that consistency. “Was a boat. In the eighteenth century.”
“Oh,” Logan said.
“Biggest story on Hogwarts,” Leo said. “Ten thousand pieces of gold, all fallen to the depths of the ocean just off of Hogwarts’ shores…and never seen again.”
“But if it’s just off the shore…”
Leo smiled a little, shaking his head. “But you have to know where off the shore. Otherwise, you have a whole circumference of miles and miles of open water to work with.”
“And your dad figured it out?”
Leo shrugged, expression closing off a little. “He thought he did.” He cleared his throat as he put an order on the counter for a waiter to take away, and ripped another piece of paper down from the line up to look at. “The Cradle. You know it?”
Logan shook his head.
“It’s a sort of…horse shoe shaped cluster of islands, just off of our southern tip.”
“Salazar,” Logan said quietly.
Leo nodded. “Salazar.”
“Your dad was a treasure hunter,” Logan said slowly. “He was looking for a treasure.”
“Yeah,” Leo said, flipping a crab cake in sizzling oil. “He was.”
“And did he find it? Do you want to find it?”
“I don’t know,” Leo whispered, busy hands stilling. “He never came home.”
Logan nodded.
“He wanted to find it,” Leo said softly. “Really badly. And I… I feel like I should.”
“And was he close?”
Leo glanced up from his knife. “Yes.”
“Leonardo,” a voice came suddenly, entering the restaurant. “What does your mother feed you, you gorgeous specimen?”
Logan froze. He knew that voice.
Leo rolled his eyes, and looked at the newcomers. “Fuck off, Saint. Hey, Sirius.”
“Hi,” a second voice came, and it was closer, almost beside Logan at the bar.
Leo’s eyes caught on Logan’s again, probably meaning to introduce him, but he stopped instead.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asked.
But Logan just shook his head, and then the newcomers—Saint and Sirius—were leaning against the bar. Logan felt the breath beside him catch just as his own had, and he turned to look.
Logan thought the boy standing beside him looked different. Older. More muscular. Squarer jaw. But the same. Same eyes. Same shock of blond hair. Same warm, brown skin.
“Logan?” Saint breathed, his eyes disbelieving.
Logan went to open his mouth, when Saint’s arms were around him suddenly.
“It’s Saint,” he said softly, just for Logan’s ears. He squeezed him tighter. “God, you’re here.”
“Saint?” Logan whispered into his shoulder. No one had touched him like this in what felt like forever.
“Yeah,” Saint said. He pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
Logan shrugged. “I…yeah, okay.”
“Knutty,” Saint’s serious expression morphed into a grin. He leaned against the counter, keeping his palm on Logan. “Handsome as ever.”
Logan blinked at Saint, then at Leo. “Knutty?”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to a word he says.”
“Oh, Logan already knows not to do that,” Saint laughed. He tapped his cross necklace. “We’re practically brothers.”
“Oh,” Leo blinked. “Right.”
The other boy—Sirius—looked just as taken aback.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Saint called in a sing-song voice, looking at Sirius. “Order for us, won’t you? And get us a table? Logan,” Saint nodded towards the door. “Come hither.”
Logan was so thankful to see Saint, he nearly tripped while getting up. A familiar face. A familiar anything. Saint had gotten out almost seven years ago. He’d been there one day, in his bed, in classes, in the courtyard, and gone the next.
“Sweetheart?” Logan asked, glancing back inside at the dark-haired boy, Sirius.
Saint just put his hands on Logan’s arms, eyes more intent than Logan had ever seen them, then on Logan’s cheeks. “Holy shit, how did you get out?”
Logan felt his heart slow, then speed up. He swallowed dryly. “Finn. How did you?”
Saint ignored the question.
“Finn,” Saint repeated, nodding. “Of course. When?”
“About a month ago. And he—he’s still in there,” Logan said. “He’s…And I’m—”
“I hear you,” Saint said. He jerked his head over to the table. “Not now. Let’s get back.”
“Saint?” Logan asked again.
Saint rolled his eyes. “Leave it alone. For now.”
Saint hadn’t been ready. He hadn’t seen Logan in nine years, but he’d know his face anywhere. All eyelashes and sad, green eyes. A smile he wore with Finn only. He looked spooked now, and tired. They’d sat at the bar, watching one of Leo’s shifts go and another one come, then moved to a table. Watching it get dark outside now, Saint wondered where Logan had been living for a month.
He eyed the backpack that Logan held so protectively close, and thought of the way Dorcas did the same thing.
Saint had a bad feeling.
“So, how’d you two meet?” Sirius said, gesturing between Logan and Leo with a fry when Leo brought over more water.
“Party,” Leo shrugged after a moment of hesitation. “Shack Beach.” He jerked his head at Saint. “You two were there, judging by Sirius’ shiner. Could hear that fight at my house, probably.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I didn’t start it.”
“True,” Saint said, wondering how he had missed Logan that night. “Some God—albeit a beautiful one—thought we were selling Crucio.”
Saint flicked his eyes over to Logan. Sure enough, he blushed.
Saint cocked his head. “The horror. Dangerous stuff.”
Leo looked at Saint quietly, and glanced at Logan, then back to him. Saint nodded. Got it, it said.
“Well, would you look who it is,” said a deep voice from behind them, and then there were two strong arms around Saint and Sirius. Pascal placed a loud kiss on each of their heads.
“Eck,” Sirius laughed. “You smell like grease, old man.”
Pascal Dumais laughed. “Grease that feeds you, maybe. And who’s this?”
“Dumo, meet Logan,” Saint said. “Logan, meet Pascal. He owns the Lion with his wife, Celeste.”
“The most beautiful woman in the world,” Pascal said, accent heavy. “Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
Saint watched Pascal eye Logan’s necklace.
“We were together at Saint Clair,” he supplied.
“Maybe not so loud,” Logan said harshly. “Saint.”
“Oh?” Pascal said, and squinted at Logan. “Who are you with now, mon cher?”
Saint watched Logan open his mouth, frozen, and was about to speak up when—
“Me,” Leo cut in. He looked down at the carrots he was chopping as he said it. “Me and my mom.”
Oh, Saint thought.
“Oh, Leonardo,” Saint sighed. “Un ange.”
“Not my name,” Leo said.
“I know.”
“Yeah,” Logan replied to Pascal’s still questioning gaze. “Yeah.”
“I see,” Pascal nodded. “Well, I’m happy you and your mother will have a helping hand now. I miss your father dearly, mon fils.” He smiled sadly at Leo.
Leo just nodded. “Yeah.”
“Him and his treasure, eh?” Pascal said. “A wonderful man. I miss going out on that boat of his.”
Leo’s smile was small, but fond. “Those were some of his favorite mornings.”
“Treasure?” Sirius asked.
“Black!” a new voice shouted. “Thank fuck.”
Saint looked up when Sirius did. James and Remus were barreling towards them from the dark outside.
“Good lord,” Saint said. “Rain, from Olympus. Water my crops, why don’t you.”
“James?” Sirius said. “What are you—”
James and Remus walked right up to their table—Remus looking slightly more reluctant. “We have a question.”
“How did you know we were here?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I mean, just…it’s a little out of your way, non?”
“Remus came here earlier, and when I told him—well, you’ll see—he said maybe you’d be here.”
Saint watched Sirius’ eyes narrow at Remus, confused. “Okay…”
“Well, it’s good to see you again, tweedle-hot,” Saint said to Remus. “Up close this time. We actually though you were going to sail right out of sight this morning.”
Sirius stepped on his toe beneath the table.
“Excuse me?” Remus choked out. “What the fuck did you—”
James blinked at Saint, then shook his head, as if to right his thoughts. “All right, setting every strange thing that comes out of your mouth aside for a moment —where is Dorcas?”
“Meadowes?” Logan chimed in.
James’ eyes turned on him. “You know her?”
Saint raised his hand. “I have the same question.”
“Well,” Logan hesitated. “Sure.”
“And she sells Felix,” James said, as if trying to confirm the information.
Logan narrowed his eyes. “Says you.”
James sighed. “I’m not here to turn her in, Jesus, I just have a question.”
“Do…” Sirius was looking at Logan. “Do you sell…”
“What kind of question?” Saint cut in.
Remus spoke up. “A does-she-deal-to-Luke type of question.”
Saint laughed. “Deveaux?”
“You know who Luke is, Saint,” Remus sighed.
“Well, yeah I do, Lupin, he tried to buy off me,” Saint shook his head with a tisking sound. “Turns out he’s a prejudice piece of eye candy. Who knew.”
“Come on,” James sighed, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. “Please, Sirius, come on.”
Sirius shrugged. “We don’t know who Dorcas deals to. We’re not involved.”
“If you did would you tell us?”
Sirius smiled, just a little. “Probably not. But I really don’t know.”
James sighed, sagging away from the table. He looked at Remus. “Fuck.”
“What were you hoping to accomplish here?” Sirius asked slowly.
“We—” Remus said, then sighed, too. “We were going to see if she would agree to stop. If it was her, if she would stop giving it to him.”
“We’d pay her,” James added. “Obviously.”
Saint scoffed, and Logan laughed a little, too, from beside him.
“Obviously,” Saint mimicked.
“We just meant—” Remus began.
“We know what you meant,” Sirius said.
Saint popped a fry into his mouth. “If we’ll clean your pools for a few bucks, we’ll grant you three wishes, too.”
“Jesus, Saint,” James groaned.
“Mary. Joseph—”
James ran his hands through his hair. “We’re sorry, we misspoke. We’re just trying to help our friend. His dad got taken to jail, his mom pops pills all day and night.  That’s already draining what little money the bank didn’t seize and if he wants to do anything with his life he needs a straight head. Just—fuck, we’re just asking.”
Saint prided himself on gathering information, but most of that were things he didn’t know. Luke’s dad had got taken away. But the pills? The financial distress? All of that paired with that guarded snarl the boy always seemed to wear…it almost made Saint feel sorry for Luke Deveaux. He almost said so.
Instead, he said, while twirling the cross around his neck. “Wow, he must feel like an orphan or something.”
“All right,” Remus sighed. “James, let’s just go.”
“What does he look like?” Logan said suddenly before they could turn to leave.
James looked a him warily. “Um. Sort of blond-ish. More brown-haired, I guess. Big guy, built and tall and all that. Oh, he’s got this green spot in one eye.”
Logan nodded. James raised an eyebrow. Saint waited.
“How much will you pay me to stop selling to him?” Logan finally said. He rose as he did, slinging his backpack over one shoulder. “That’s a lot out of my pocket.”
“Logan,” Saint said, but Logan didn’t look at him.
James blinked. “I—oh. Oh, uh—God, what do you want? Two hundred?”
"One grand,” Logan said.
James laughed. “Dude. Who the fuck are you? No, I don’t have that much just—on me.”
“Logan,” Saint warned again, and this time Logan did look at him. Saint shook his head softly.
“Fine,” Logan said through his teeth, and held out his hand. “Two.”
James took his wallet out and handed over the cash.
“Thanks,” Remus said from a little behind James’ shoulder. “Really.”
Logan just nodded, shoved the bills into his pocket, and headed for the door.
“Pardon,” Saint sent a grin to them all, and followed him.
Once they were outside, Saint gave him a wack on the back of the head.
“Fuck,” Logan swore. “S—”
“You get out of that shit-hole and you go around selling Crucio? To Gods?”
“I mean, seriously, what the fuck was that? Do you know how not careful that was?”
“I don’t even know who that boy is,” Logan bit back.
Saint blinked. “What?”
Logan looked out towards the ocean where they could hear the waves crashing against the shore. “He offered to pay, and so I told him what he wanted to hear. When his friend shows up hallucinating next, that’s their problem.”
Saint scoffed. “Fine, okay, clever boy. But you do sell Crucio.”
“Felix,” Logan countered. “And yes.”
“Crucio. And no.”
Logan shrugged. “I need the money.”
“For what?”
Logan looked at him and, this time, his eyes were hard. Desperate. “For Finn.”
Saint froze. He opened his mouth, and then closed it. “Excuse me?”
“If I can get enough cash, I can get Finn,” Logan said.
Saint stared at him, and then Saint laughed. Then, he laughed louder.
“You’re shitting me,” Saint said. “You think that?”
“What do you…”
“You think you can buy Finn out?” Saint repeated incredulously. “You think you can walk back in there and buy Finn out.”
Logan took a breath. “He—”
“Logan, Jesus Christ,” Saint snapped. “You walk anywhere near that place and you are never getting back out.” Saint pressed a hand to Logan’s shoulder and shook him. “Do you hear me?”
“I need to do something,” Logan shouted back. “I need to do something, I can’t just leave him in there, he’s everything to me.”
Saint shook his head. “He got you out. Don’t waste that.”
Logan nodded, eyes bright with tears now. “And you know he got punished for it. You know he did—”
“Stop,” Saint spat, glancing around, as if anyone could hear. “Don’t.”
“You could help me,” Logan said, wiping his nose. “Bash, you got out once—”
“No,” Saint said, and turned away. “No. And don’t call me that. Don’t you ever call me that.”
“Please,” Logan begged. “Please—Saint.”
Saint whirled on him again. “I am never going near there, and neither are you. Finn’s still in there, fine. But he’ll need to get himself free like us if he wants it bad enough.”
“I owe money,” Logan began, then his breathing hitched. “I owe them, I took some of it to see—to see Finn and…Bash—Saint—”
“Them?” Saint took a step forward. “Them?”
Logan pressed a hand over his eyes, but Saint walked forward and pulled it away.
“Logan,” he said lowly. “Tell me you didn’t.”
Logan closed his eyes, mouth twisting against his tears.
“Tell me, right now, that you didn’t let the Carrows tell you they’d help you. And that you didn’t believe them.”
Logan shook his head, not in negation, but in defeat. “I need him. I need him, I’m so…I’m alone.”
Saint pulled Logan against his chest and let him cry. The sobs heaved out of him for a long while, until the collar of Saint’s shirt was wet. Until Logan was breathing softly again, exhausted, and until his voice sounded shot when he spoke.
“You’re really staying with Leo?” Saint asked, more gently this time.
Logan nodded.
“I have a place, too. Here, in The Hollow. If you want.”
“With the others?” Logan rasped.
“What others?”
“How many others are out?” Logan said softly.
Saint shook his head, fingers in Logan’s hair. “Just me, that I know of.”
“You still wear it,” Logan said, pulling back to look at him. “The cross.”
Saint let his hands drop with a last touch to Logan’s hot cheek. “So do you.”
They were both silent.
“I’m sorry about Finn,” Saint said rigidly. “I know how much he meant to you.”
Logan’s brows pulled together. “He’s not dead.”
Saint nodded. “Right.”
“Saint…” Logan began, and Saint heard the almost B instead. “Would you—just thinking about it—“
“No,” Saint said, and then turned and went back inside.
Sirius, back at the table, looked at his face, and then at his wet shirt.
“Okay?” he asked softly when Saint sat down.
“Just dandy,” Saint replied, and looked towards the door. Logan was gone.
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Part of the Family
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Enzo St. John x Mikaelson! Reader
Part 1 of 4
Words: 2621
Summary: After leaving the Armory, Enzo is devastated to find that his family was a group of thieves and liars.  Determined to help your boyfriend through this, you come up with a wildly romantic solution. 
Note: Besides being in season seven of Vampire Diaries, there isn’t much else of either show’s plot. I just wanted to write a little series that I thought would be both Enzo’s romantic side and the Mikaelson’s flare for the dramatic. So no deadly threats besides family drama. Let me know if you guys like it! (Note: I’m reposting these because I really wanted to just make some minor edits before I finally finish out this series)
Warnings: Lots of Fluff (and some mild language)
The quiet was both peaceful and maddening. You were used to the sound of jazz music in the morning and the strong smell of coffee, but this morning there was nothing. Just silence. You slowly rose from the bed and grabbed the nearest pieces of decent clothing you could find- which just happened to be your boyfriend’s favorite shirt, a pair of jeans and sandals. Your feet made almost no sound on the hardwood floor, but it was enough for Enzo to hear you coming. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you, love.” He said, looking out the window of your apartment. 
“How could you have? You haven’t made a sound at all.” You scoffed.
“Are you asking me to be louder at seven in the morning?” He turned towards you and you could see the raw emotion in his eyes. He saw you looking and quickly moved his gaze to the kitchen. “Ah, I’ve forgotten the coffee. No wonder you’re in a foul mood.” He had been acting this way ever since he had gotten back from the Armory. Something was wrong, you just couldn’t figure out what. You followed him into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around his waist, placing a light kiss on his shoulder before resting your head there.
“Enzo…” You started, kissing the crook of his neck. “What’s going on? You’ve been acting strange lately.”
“Don’t know what you mean, darling.” He poured coffee into your mug and handed it back to you. You pulled yourself up onto the counter and sipped the delicious warm liquid. 
“You haven't played your guitar in days, you won't go out of the apartment, and every time I try to talk to you you seem completely distant.” Even now, he was looking off, not really hearing you. “Enzo!” His gaze snapped to you.
“I’m fine love. Really.” He kissed your cheek as he walked past. Still not convinced, you followed him to the living room where the two of you sat in silence. You took a deep breath, wincing at your own words.
“It’s the Armory, isn’t it? Your family.”
“I said that I’m fine!” He snapped. “Maybe I’m just sick of all your bloody questions.” You scoffed, narrowing your eyes at him and setting the mug on the table. 
“You’re so afraid of being alone, Enzo.” You stood and grabbed your car keys. “Maybe you should stop pushing away the people who care about you.” He didn’t even move his gaze from the floor as you slammed the door of the apartment behind you. 
Enzo rubbed his eyes. He knew that he shouldn’t have snapped at you. He was tired and hurt over the fact that his family wasn’t at all what he dreamed they would be. They were quite the opposite, actually. He feared that he was exactly like them; a lying, heartless beast who only cared about the ends instead of the means. Looking back at his life only made him see how similar he was to them. And it scared him more than he wished it would. 
Bonnie gave you the ‘I told you so’ look from across the cafe table. You rolled your eyes. Although your family and the remaining Bennett witch had never gotten along, you had become best friends with both her, Caroline, and Elena. It still hurt to think that you would never see two of your closest friends together again all because of Kai’s stupid curse. 
“Don’t say it.” You begged taking a long sip of the new coffee you ordered. She held up her hands and smiled innocently.
“I have no idea what you mean.” She too drank from the cup in front of her. “It’s not like I’ve been telling you for the past year that Enzo is a total dick who is so undeserving of you.”
“We had an argument, Bonnie.” You sighed. “We didn’t break up so stop talking about him like we did.” 
“I always talk about him like this.” You pegged your bunched up napkin at her and fell back in your seat. “Look, Y/N, I know you care about him, but I saw what he was like in the Armory. He was so determined to figure out who his family was, I think when he found out who they really were… he broke.”
“I know and I want to help him. I just don’t know how.” You thought of what your life was like compared to his. “I don’t exactly know what it’s like to not have a family.” Every moment of your life was surrounded with memories of your twin brother Kol, or your younger sister Rebekah, or of course your two loving- but insanely protective- older brothers; Elijah and Niklaus. Your siblings meant everything to you, and it was hard to imagine what your thousand years would have been like without them. 
“Try to make him feel like he’s a part of something.” Bonnie suggested. Despite her dislike of Enzo, a part of her did like to think of him as a somewhat ally. She also cared deeply about you and she wanted you to be happy, even if it was with Enzo. “Make him see that he isn’t alone.” 
“What the hell do you want?” Damon snapped, narrowing his eyes at his old friend standing before him. Enzo pushed passed him into the house. “Come on in.” Damon slammed the door and followed Enzo into his living room.
“I need a drink.” He muttered, finding Damon’s favorite bourbon and poured himself a glass. He drank it quickly and poured another. Damon snatched the bottle away from him.
“Sorry buddy, but I am not your personal liquor store.” He poured a glass for himself and placed the bottle away from Enzo. “What’s wrong with you anyway? Where’s your obnoxious British swagger?”
“Let’s just say I’ve had a rough week.” 
“Ah yes, the rest of the St. John psycho clan…” Damon started. Enzo shot him a look. “So your family sucks. Join the club.” 
“It’s not just that…” Enzo sighed heavily. “It’s Y/N.”
“So this is a lover’s spat? My favorite.” He leaned against the table with a smirk. “What did the female half of the Devil Twins do now?”
“Y/N didn’t do anything. I snapped at her this morning after she asked about… them.” 
“Let me guess, she wants to meet the parents?” Damon said sarcastically. 
“Can you take anything seriously?” Enzo growled. Damon wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.
“Nope.” He ushered Enzo onto the couch who laid down, arm slung over his face. “Maybe this is just your turning point. I mean, we all kind of knew that the two of you wouldn’t work.” He moved his arm so he could look at Damon.
“Yeah, I mean, sure it was ‘cute’ at first. The two sociopaths of Mystic Falls united by their undying need for mayhem and death.” He gagged. “But we knew it wasn’t going to last. Her family puts each other in coffins, you’re claustrophobic, she has daddy issues, you had a thing for my mom- the list goes on.” Enzo propped himself up on his elbows.
“You think we should split up?” 
“Of course not.” Damon took a long drink of bourbon. “Have you not been listening to a word I just said?” Enzo’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Did I miss something?” He wondered, fully sitting up on the couch. Damon rolled his eyes and moved behind the sofa to get more bourbon. 
“I’m Damon freaking Salvatore! Am I really going to tell you to go with what everyone else thinks?” He put his hand on his chest in mock offense. “It’s like you don’t know me at all.” 
“So you’re saying not to split up?” Damon smacked the back of his head and Enzo growled.
“Do I need to spell it out for you? Think about it. Everyone thought that Elena was making a horrible decision when she chose me. Despite the fact that she is in a witchy coma for the next sixty years, we still held onto the idea of spending our lives together. Exhibit B; everyone said that Stefan and Caroline were the perfect couple and they were going to live happily ever after- until he made the dick move to run off with Valerie even after we killed Rayna.” Instead of pouring a glass, he just took a swig from the bottle. “The point is: the world is full of assholes who are often wrong. So don’t listen to them.” Enzo blew out a long breath and fell back onto the couch. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He chuckled.
“Of course I’m right.” Damon lifted him up from his seat and started pushing him towards the door. “So go find your hot psycho original vampire and make sweet love to her for all I care. Whatever gets you out of my house.”
“Why did we stop being mates again?” Enzo asked sarcastically when he was shoved outside.
“You tried to kill my girlfriend, remember?” Damon thought for a moment. “Then again, I did try to kill yours on multiple occasions so I guess we’re even.” He laughed to himself. “There was this one time, after we-” He stopped the sentence abruptly, remembering that he was standing in front of Y/N’s current boyfriend, so revealing their dirty past relationship was probably a bad idea. “Nevermind. Now go.” He finished and slammed the door. Enzo thought about everything he had said and knew what he needed to do. 
He found you sitting back in the apartment, with an extremely determined look on your face. When you saw him come in, you stood. You opened your mouth to speak, but he stopped you.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted. You cocked your head to the side.
“For what?”
“Shouting at you this morning. I’ve been thinking ever since I got back from the Armory, panicking really.” He explained. “What if I’m just like them? I’ve lied and cheated and killed to get what I want, much like they have to add to their supernatural collection. I was angry at myself and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” To his surprise, you laughed.
“You don’t need to apologize, Enzo.” You stepped towards him, placing a hand on his cheek. “God knows I’ve started my fair share of brawls between us.” He leaned into your hand, the tips of your fingers tangling in his hair. It took all of his strength to pull away and continue.
“I haven’t finished.” He paced across the room and your hand fell to your side. “I’m not going to be able to just move past this. I need time. I need to try and figure out what I’m supposed to do now.” 
“I know.” You interjected. “I want to help you, Enzo. I want to help you get through all of this.”
“No.” He said bluntly. “I need to do this on my own.” You thought that you could let it go. That you could let him go off on his own to figure things out by himself. But you couldn’t.
“No you don’t.” You snapped. “Enzo, you don’t have to do this alone.”
“It is my family. I need to do this.”
“They may be your blood, but they are not your family.” You put your hands on either side of his face. His eyes were glistening.
“Then I shall never have one?” His expression was so sad, it crushed you. One solution came to mind and it made your body shiver with nerves.
“If you want a family…” You paused and studied him. You knew that you wanted this, but would he? “Become part of mine.” His puzzled expression pushed you further. “Your whole life, you’ve been wanting to be a part of something. You’ve wanted a place to belong. I can give that to you.” 
“Y/N, what are you saying.” 
“I’m saying,” you took a deep breath. “Lorenzo St. John… Will you marry me?” His eyes went wide and for a moment your heart sank. But then he smiled, sending a bright feeling through you, like a ball of light traveling through your veins. 
“Are you serious?” He asked and you nodded. He lifted you off the ground, spinning around and laughing. “Yes. Of course yes!” Your lips collided as you continued to spin. He set you down on your feet, your arms still draped around his neck. “Though you have robbed me of making the large romantic gesture of proposing.” 
“Well,” you grinned, taking his hand. “Let me make it up to you.”
You curled your toes around the bedsheets and released them, feeling the breeze come in from the open window. You felt a hand playing with your hair and you turned to face Enzo. He twisted a strand around his finger then pushed it away from your face. 
“Hello love.” He purred, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. You sighed with content. He wrapped his arms around you and you laid your head on his chest. The moment couldn’t be more perfect. Until you realized…
“You’re going to have to meet them.” You blurted suddenly. He pulled away so he could look at you.
“My siblings. You’re going to have to meet them.” He chuckled.
“You’re worried about that?”
“Yes!” You exclaimed. “I would like to be married in New Orleans, since it is the closest thing I’ve had to having a real home.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me.” He said, pulling you into his arms again. You pushed away and sat up.
“I don’t think you understand. We’re not...” You paused to search for the right word. “Normal. Nor are they very hospitable when it comes to strangers.” He sat up next to you, his fingers drawing circles on your back. “We need a plan.” 
“I highly doubt-” He started but you cut him off.
“Freya will probably be defensive at first, but if you do nothing to threaten us, she’ll warm up to you. Rebekah will try and get you to give her a reason to hate you, so you’ll have to make sure to be careful. Eventually she’ll accept us since she’s always been a sucker for a good romance. Kol will be fine with anything that brings a party.” You turned to face him, a very serious look on your face. “Elijah is the one you want to impress. He’s the only one who can stop Klaus from killing you.”
“Stop Klaus from doing what?” Enzo exclaimed.
“Niklaus is very temperamental when it comes to his sibling’s relationships with other people. He always fears that we will abandon him for somebody else. So when he discovers a romance, it is rare that our significant others survive the encounter.” 
“And you want me to meet him?” He scoffed. “And then tell him we’re getting married.” You snatched up Enzo’s shirt that you had worn earlier from the bedpost.
“My siblings being a part of our wedding is really important to me Enzo. Even the ones with murderous tendencies.” You left out the fact that all of you tended to go on killing sprees from time to time- yourself included. He sighed and pulled you in for a long, passionate kiss.
“Well if I am killed because I love you it will have been worth it.” You pouted your lips sarcastically.
“You’re so sweet.” You said, pressing your lips to his again, but pushing away quickly. “We’re still going.” He groaned and fell back on the bed. You rolled your eyes and located the rest of your clothes, barely able to contain the turning bundle of excitement and nerves rolling around your stomach. It was time to go home.
Keeping Reading to: Meet the Mikaelsons
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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machinegunbun · 4 years
Is there gonna be a third part for Deserved It🥺
Deserve You+#
Word count:1.7k
A/N: Everyone say thank youu anon for reminding me lmaoo. This was supposed to be posted tomorrow but I got excited soo
“Pete, please just let me explain.” You whimpered, your voice and spirit growing weak. It felt hopeless, like maybe you really had lost him for good.
Your fist knocked lightly against the wood of the hotel room door, the sound reverberating down the silent hallway.  Anxiety filled you, this wasn’t your first time knocking. You had been here for fifteen minutes and were completely unsuccessful so far.
You were pleasantly surprised when you heard fumbling from inside, not expecting them to answer. When the door swung open you were met with the sight of Colson towering over you, an unimpressed glare being shot your way
“He can’t hear you, he’s in the shower. Now stop, you’re pissing me off.”
“What do you want?” The question was more of a statement, letting you talk only to get you to leave.
“Is he okay?” You ask, sniffling.
“What the fuck do you think?” 
“Please, I just wanna make it better.“ You plead
“Then go the fuck home.” He replies, shutting the door halfway before opening it again “And stop fucking knocking.” He adds, shutting the door in your face. Sighing, your back slides down the door, admitting defeat.
As you sat in the all too quiet hallway you found yourself wondering if maybe it meant more than you would like to admit. Maybe Colson was right, would you have kissed Shawn if he had never walked in? Would you have even ever told Pete if you did? Would you even regret it?
Tears began to well up in your eyes at the thought. Who were you kidding? Of course you’d regret it, who cares what everyone else thinks? You knew better than anyone that leaving Pete for Shawn would be the downgrade of a lifetime, and the fact that people based the opposite assumption purely over their own ideals of beauty was fucked up. Pete treated you better than Shawn ever did, he made you feel more than Shawn ever could. He made you a better person, you couldn’t believe your judgement had lapsed that badly, even for so much as a second.
Your head knocked against the door twice, trying to bang the anxious thoughts directly from their source, before the door swung open, the tall blonde giving you a single disapproving look when he spotted you on the floor.
“Is it the pizza?” You could hear Pete ask from inside. Right, you hadn’t gotten the chance to eat dinner
“Nah, it’s just Rook. I’ll be right back, you got the door for me?”
“Yeah, I got it.” Pete replied, his voice hoarse. You could only imagine he’d been crying.
You glanced up at Colson from your place on the floor, embarrassed.
“Just let me talk to him.”
“He's not a baby, he doesn't need you to protect him.” You mumble
“No, but he cares about you.  A lot. A-fucking-lot a lot, and I know if I let him out here and he sees you crying he’ll run right back into your arms.” 
“I just wanna see him. I hurt him and it's killing me to know I can't hold him and make him feel better. I just wanna hold him.” You say, your voice cracking.
“Why don’t you just leave him alone and call Shawn instead so he can cheat on you again and you can go on another fucking bender and pretend like theres something interesting about your life.”
“Fuck you.” You retort, although you know his anger is the only reason for his words
“Fuck you too, (Y/N). Who took care of you after you went on your little fucking bender? Pete. Who helped you through the breakup? Pete. Who was with you when you felt like the whole world hated you even though you did nothing wrong? Pete. Who was there for you, romantic or not, whenever you needed him? Pete.If you really want to apologize you need to wipe those fucking tears, take a breath, clean yourself up, and fucking apologize without guilting him into saying its okay.”
“Okay, Okay. I’m not Casie.”
“Damn right you’re not, cause my daughter would’ve never pulled this dumb shit in the first place. And get off the fucking floor, you look pathetic.” He scolds, watching as you stand up, still almost a foot shorter than him. Colson turns around, pushing the door open as it was only half shut. You peer inside, trying to catch sight of Pete, but seeing only a piece of the hallway.
You remained on the floor, not daring to knock once again out of fear Colson might call security on you.
Your head ticked up curiously when you heard someone walking down the hallway, looking up to see Rook making his way towards you. Glancing down at you, he knocked, waiting for a moment before Colson was walking out of the door. Colson looked down at you as well, mild disgust gracing his features before he was walking down the hallway alongside Rook, the two boys disappearing into the elevator.
Pete walked out five minutes later, hoping you hadn’t given up and left. His eyes lit up when he saw you, first reaction being to fix the pout that was stamped on your face.
“Oooh, you got in trouble.” Pete teases, shutting the door behind himself and taking a seat next to you on the carpeted floor, not entirely caring that it was dirty as long as you were right down there with him.
“You heard?”
“It’s a hotel door, not a soundproof barrier.” He jokes, looking at you “Yeah, I heard everything. Listen, he shouldn’t have said any of that to you. He was angry, that’s all.”
“Don’t defend me.” You reply, looking over to meet his eyes. Pete purses his lips, his eyes filling with tears
“I’m always gonna defend you.” He says, his eyes leaving yours as he does, landing on the floor instead. The tone of his words are less reassuring and more disappointed. You thought for a moment he would cry, but he didn’t. His hand never even so much as came up to wipe his tears. Another brief silence fell over you, one more and you think you’d rip your hair out. You were unsure if you should wrap your arms around him the way you wanted to, the last thing you wanted to do was manipulate him into telling you what you did wasn’t a problem.
“I get it.” Pete says, breaking the silence.
“What?” You ask, your voice surprising even you in the midst of such stillness,  feeling foreign and unlike your own
“I get if you want to be with him,” Your eyes meet once again as he says this “I won’t hate you.” He assures, his lips pushing together in a sad, half smile. You stared at him, examining his features and what you had done to him, but in Pete’s mind you were weighing out your options, and everytime Shawn came out on top. He was so caught up in his own mind he almost didn’t catch it when you began shaking your head.
“Oh thank god, cause he’s back at our place right now and we fucked on our bed-” Pete’s head tilted down in disappointment, focusing on his tattooed fingers. You laughed, punching his arm lightly “No, I want you dummy. Why else would I be humiliating myself by crying in a la quinta hallway. What's up with that, by the way? Colson doesn’t have the money to put you up somewhere better? You just got your heart broken.” Pete cracked a smile, his gaze shifting up to the door.
“I know the breakup was hard for you, and everything after it too. I guess I can understand just wanting something before it felt like the world turned it’s back to you.”
“No. I don’t want that, I don’t want Shawn. Sappy love songs, extravagant vacations, waking up early to exercise, flirting publicly as fan service, the perfect family-”
“Okay, okay we get it. He has a dad.” He laughs  “Stop rubbing it in.”
“And actually nice hotels, seriously what the fuck is this.” You laughed, your heart swelling with love when you managed to make Pete smile “It’s just not who I am anymore. I’m late nights watching TV, laughing by the fridge when we get up at 3am to make snacks cause we have the munchies. I'm sitting in your backyard with you, your mom and your sister while we eat dinner and breathe the fresh air and look at the stars. I’m going on walks cause we’re depressed and need the sun to convince us we’re okay again. You changed me in the best ways, baby. I don’t want anything else.” You stared at the ceiling, vivid images flashing through your mind, thinking who you are now is so much more beautiful than who you were then.
You hadn’t even realized Pete was crying until he sniffled, your gaze drifting back over to him, the sight breaking your heart.
“Fucking lame.” He replies, both of his hands coming up to wipe his eyes, his sweatshirt pulled over his hands. You reach over, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your grasp. Laying there in peaceful silence, you find yourself running your hands through his hair, inhaling his scent and letting his body warm your own. You felt yourself calm down for the first time tonight with him in your arms.
The moment was broken as someone exited their hotel room, glancing down at the two of you on the floor before making their way to the pool, towel flung over their shoulder. Pete and you shared a look of amusement as he walked away, stifling your laughter until he made it to the elevator.
“Come on, let's go inside.” He says, trying the doorknob. There’s a thump sound as it moves a bit and stops, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion before giving it another try. You tilted your head, looking at the doorknob and to Pete as a look of realization overtook his features.
“I forgot my key.” He sucks his teeth, shaking his head as you laugh from your place on the floor.
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Still Like the Letters in Your Name and How They Feel, Babe | Five Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Five Hargreeves x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 3.4k
✦ modern AU
✦ loosely based on the song Still Feel Like Your Man by John Mayer.
✦ summary — you get snowed in with your ex-boyfriend.
✦ warnings — angst, mentions of alcohol, language, fluff, dry humping.
✦ author’s note — the lovely @ohdangitsjay wanted me to write dry humping with Five for kinktober but the slot was taken already so I decided to add some of it here.
Parties weren’t Five’s thing, much less work parties. He would have skipped the event if he hadn’t gotten a promotion less than four months ago.
He always sat on his own, not interested in his coworkers’ lives. He knew more than he needed already, not only because of their loose tongues but because they were open books.
He would’ve rather been at his place, alone like he had been spending his time for the past months.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to get close to you.”
Five lifted his head out of courtesy, he had recognized his coworker’s voice immediately. She was pretty, he could admit that, but he had read her intentions months ago and he wasn’t interested. “Mmhmm. I know.”
“I’d like to get to know you.”
“I’m good, thanks.”
He felt buzzing in his pants and he didn’t know whether to thank whoever was calling or kill them for bothering him now. Lifting a hand so the woman in front of him wouldn’t speak furthermore, he withdrew his cellphone from his pocket.
Vanya’s photo almost blinded him. He cursed — he hadn’t lowered the screen brightness like a fucking idiot.
Excusing himself, he pushed his way out of the venue. Letting the phone ring in his grasp, allowing himself to take in a deep breath of fresh air, he stood under the cold night.
Vanya insisted which confused him, she always knew when to stop bothering him. And that night, even his coworker insisted. He shook his head as he saw her walk out of the venue, wrapped in her coat.
Taking the call just to avoid her, he grunted, “What?” He pinched the bridge of his nose as Vanya explained that she needed him to pick you up from a bar. Thinking the worst, he exhaled, “I’ll be there in ten.”
“Leaving so soon?”
“Not soon enough, it seems.” He dropped his phone in his coat this time. His coworker’s expression of hurt didn’t faze him, but he still explained himself, “Look, you’re not the problem, it’s just that I know your intentions and I’m taken.”
Five had never wished a lie he had told was true until now. He wasn’t taken anymore, but he was still yours, at least he felt like that. He’d never find another you, and he wasn’t sure he was ready to start looking either.
Tugging his car open, he withdrew his cellphone from his coat and slid into the driver seat. Five introduced the key into the clutch, yet he didn’t ignite the engine.
He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, considering the option of turning his phone off and coming up with an excuse days later. But he didn’t have it in him, not this time when he had a chance to see you — so many days after the morning you left.
The quicker he got it over with, the quicker he would be able to drown himself in alcohol to pretend it hadn’t happened.
His sister was already waiting for him near the entrance of the bar. Vanya turned her head to the side. Five followed the movement with his eyes and ultimately you came into vision. Only you would wear a dress in this weather, always claiming you never got cold.
He knew it wasn’t true, but you were stubborn. His siblings often said he wouldn’t have been so smitten if you weren’t as stubborn and they were right, he liked the challenge. And although he would never admit this out loud, he liked giving in to your stubbornness. He missed it.
You hadn’t realized he was there, head on your friend’s shoulder as they all talked. He could tell how drunk you were just by the lazy position of your hand on your lap.
“Why can’t you take her home?”
“No, God, no! You misunderstood what I said, Five. I need you to take her with you.”
Five gave his sister an incredulous look, hoping she was joking. When he realized Vanya was serious, he shook his head. “You know she hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you. Besides, she’s drunk out of her mind, she might hug you instead of breaking your nose.”
He glared at her. Although his nose was more than fine, that punch hurt.
“Please? For me? I haven’t spent enough time with Sissy in weeks.”
“Too much information, Vanya!” he chastised, shaking his head as he walked past his sister.
It bordered on cruel, having you so close and knowing you would’ve been against it if you knew he was there.
Vanya placed a hand on his shoulder, not reassuring whatsoever as he defeatedly sighed. Only the two of you could convince him to do anything, and his sister still used it to her advantage.
He stood before you and your friends. Chatter died, you didn’t react. His eyes crossed your closest friend’s after Vanya, and as she nodded downward he understood that everybody thought you would be safer with him.
“Come on, (Name),” he said softly, hoping you wouldn’t make a scene.
You turned your head to the side, facing him. His breath faltered. Frowning, you just stared, mind too hazy to come up with a question to blurt even though a few crossed it.
How was work? Did Grace like the jacket you got for her? Are we going home soon?
He nudged his head to the side, signaling toward the exit. “Come on, you’ve got things to do tomorrow.”
Your friends tensed at his comment, but he didn’t think much of the gesture.
Sissy handed him your coat, watching him carefully. Five held the coat for you to slide your arms in, and out of habit helped you to fold it close and button it up.
You interlocked your arm with his, head lulling toward his shoulder. Vanya shoved your purse into his chest, prompting him to hold it in his hand as he gave her a final nod in goodbye.
You woke up in an all too familiar room. Absolutely nothing had changed, the walls were the same blue walls you had stared at for hours as you waited for someone who cared more about their job than their girlfriend to get back from work.
By the looks of it, Five had been so busy that he didn't even have time to get rid of things you had gifted him. They were in the place they had been the last time you visited him — books stacked up, music records leaned against the other... the painting you had helped him choose still hung over his desk.
“Ah, you’re awake." His voice made you jump. "Coffee? An aspirin?”
You shuffled, pushing the duvet off your body in order to leave the bed. “Why am I here?”
The cold floor made you shiver. You searched for your shoes, looking down as you inwardly cursed yourself for wearing a dress when Vanya told you not to.
“You don’t remember going out last night? Vanya called me.” He tilted his head as he asked, frowning.
“Yes,” you deadpanned, slipping your shoes on before lifting your head to look at him. “But why didn’t you take me home?”
He winced. “Well, Vanya needed the apartment to herself.”
Dragging your eyes off him, not able to look at his face for too long, you whined, ”Unbelievable! She ditched me to get some pussy!”
Realizing your purse had been on the bed all this time, you popped it open and withdrew your phone. You looked at the time and your eyes widened. “Fuck, fuck. I’ll be late!”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Your gaze snapped in his direction. He looked so serious that it made your blood boil. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?”
He groaned. “We’re snowed in, idiot.”
“No, no, no... this can’t be happening. Not to me. Not today.” You stood by the window and peered out. He hadn’t lied, the streets were covered in white as snow, which was still falling, piled up. You would’ve found the scenery gorgeous if you weren’t so stressed. “FUCK!”
Only you had such bad luck... getting snowed in with your ex-boyfriend today from all days.
“I’m sure your mom will understand,” he tried to assure you.
In any other instance you would’ve found it sweet that he remembered you visited your mom every Saturday, or that he was trying to comfort you.
You corrected him, “I have a date today.”
Unlocking your cellphone, you scrolled down your contact list. Your finger hovered over the call button. What would you say? ‘Hey, I’m sorry I can’t meet up with you today, I’m stuck in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment’?
Seeing your exasperation as you went through your phone, he painfully said, “Don’t be dramatic, your date must understand you can’t control the weather.”
“We had been putting this off for a while,” you confided him like you used to when he was your best friend, back when he hadn’t broken your heart yet and he still had time for you. “He’s so nice and sweet... “ you trailed off before sighing, “I was hoping not to ruin it.”
“Why didn’t Vanya call him if he’s so sweet?” he asked, voice laced with venom. He was challenging you to lie to him.
Honestly, you answered, “I’m guessing she doesn’t trust him.”
A shiver ran through you, prompting you to rub your arms.
Five walked toward his closet and opened the doors. “You left some clothes here, I’m sure you can find something in case you want to take a shower or get changed... ah! Your red sweatshirt is in the laundry room.”
Unable to keep it in, you shrieked, “You lent my clothes to other people?!”
“Don’t be stupid,” he said, no malice in his tone, “I wore it myself.” Turning around, finding it hard to read your expression, he blurted, “Once.”
You did find something to wear, and for the second time that day, you felt as though nothing had changed. Nothing made more sense than having a space for your own clothes in his closet.
You entrenched yourself in the bathroom as soon as possible. Being around him was worse than you ever anticipated, you wanted to be angry and hostile yet you were too emotionally exhausted for that.
Failed interpersonal relationships were your norm. The day you met Vanya you felt as though you were having a friend for the first time; then Five came around and became your best friend, your confidant. Having him around used to be easy, even when you developed feelings for him.
The day you left him was one of the hardest days of your life. You didn’t cry, only numbness enveloped you in a tight grip — a grip you had gotten free from a little too late.
Your friends tried introducing you to people multiple times, but it never worked. It wasn’t because of Five, not entirely, you simply weren’t good with new people. And you missed Five, but that was different.
Missing him had become an afterthought, work kept you busy in the same stupid way it kept him. Guilt never took over you, why would it when you hadn’t neglected anyone because of your job? In fact, you were sure you would get over him soon when work became your priority.
Until a few minutes ago, the illusion had been good. What a sweet lie you told yourself for weeks and weeks.
You regretted entering the shower the second you turned around to grab some shampoo. Tears prickled your eyes the moment they fell on a familiar bottle. It didn’t have any marks of use, not a single gram dripped down the bottle, dry product was nowhere to be seen around the cap.
You confirmed that the bottle was brand new when you tested its weight in your grasp. A sob escaped you. Why would he keep your favorite shampoo in his shower?
You couldn’t bring yourself to use it, so instead, you grabbed Five’s shampoo and squeezed some onto your palm.
After a tear-ridden shower, you quickly got dressed and stood behind the door for a prolonged moment.
A heavy silence greeted you as you stepped into the living room. You had expected the sound of fingers against a keyboard or page flipping, but instead, you found Five slouched over his stomach with a piece of red fabric on his lap.
Feeling your presence, he murmured, “Here.” Five offered you the sweatshirt which you took hesitantly.
“I don’t use that shampoo anymore,” you blurted before you could process the words your entire being was desperate for him to hear.
He hummed, avoiding your face at every cost as he stared past you. He really needed to decorate the living room, at least a little bit. “You found a better one?”
“No,” you mumbled. Sliding the sweatshirt on, you waited for him to say something. Five didn’t, he stayed in the same position until you sat down beside him.
As he twisted his body to face you and his eyes landed on your face, you were able to see he had been crying too.
“What did your date say?” he asked, ever the masochist one.
You shrugged. “I haven’t texted him.”
“You should at least call your mom. Tell her you’re safe.”
Nodding slowly, you then turned your face to the other side. He didn’t mean anything more than exactly what he said and yet your heart thumped in your chest at a rhythm you had forgotten it was able to beat.
“She misses you. The whole family does.”
“Tell them I miss them too. Please.”
You sniffed, bolting off the couch. Walking into his bedroom, you tried to ignore the strong smell of his cologne as you blindly palmed the bed in search of your phone.
“Are you okay?”
Tears didn’t allow you to see him properly, but you could tell he was leaning on the doorway.
“I don’t want to talk about anything,” you warned him, scared a fight would ensue if you spoke your mind. “My head hurts.”
You heard him move around the room, opening and closing a drawer. Then you felt him close, so close his breath fanned on the side of your face as he spoke, “It’s paracetamol, it’ll be gentler with your stomach.”
Blinking the tears away, you faced him — this time fully. Opening your palm, you waited for him to drop the pill onto it. Five looked down, softly placing the white circle on your palm.
Closing your fist around the pill, you threw your arms all over his neck. Taken by surprise, he felt his hands tremble as he placed them on your lower back.
Nothing extraordinary happened, and you loved it. He was just as warm as you remembered, and you were as comfortable in his arms this time as you had been before.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, careful not to move you too harshly as he pulled you onto his chest, “so, so, so sorry. You can’t even imagine how stupid I feel.”
“Shhh, it’s fine.”
“We both know it isn’t.”
“Don’t wanna talk,” you reminded him.
So he hugged you tighter. And once again, it felt like nothing had changed — because nothing had, because the idea of moving on was nice on paper and nothing more.
“I’m pretty sure the pill melted in my hand...”
He snorted, begrudgingly parting from you. “I’ll get you some water and another one.”
You stared at your reflection in the mirror as you washed your hands and immediately splashed water onto your face. It was cold, but that was exactly what you were looking for in attempts to make your face less puffy after all that crying.
Five watched you in silence, ready to give you the pill and the glass.
Drying your hands, you thanked him and then proceeded to take the glass from his hand.
“Don’t go out with him,” Five pleaded, unable to keep it in for longer. “I don’t deserve it, but please give me a second chance.”
You glared at him as you snatched the pill from his open palm. Instead of giving him an answer, you swallowed the pill.
He took this as a sign that you needed more convincing. “I promise I’ll spend every second of my free time with you.”
You lowered the glass before you could take another sip of water, scoffing as you walked toward the window once again. “Oh, come on, Five, I never asked for that. I just wanted you to put some effort.”
“I’ll do that, then. Anything.”
“Can you really do that?”
You nodded, placing the glass down onto the bedside table. You were always so eager to believe in him... you could only hope this time your heart didn’t end up in tiny pieces. “It’s obvious that I don’t need much convincing.”
“That’s fine by me.” Five shrugged, looking down at his hands.
You grabbed his hands, making him look at you. He intertwined your fingers with his, biting his bottom lip as you lifted your eyebrows.
He huffed a laugh upon realizing you were waiting for him to kiss you and for a millisecond considered teasing you, but you knew him so well that you had seen through his nervous demeanor.
Leaning in, he stared into your eyes in search for permission. You tilted your head, brushing your nose with his, fanning your breath on his lips. Five’s mouth met yours in the middle, slowly at the beginning.
You let go of his hands, snaking your arms around his neck to bring him closer. His hands found home on your waist, just as he picked up his pace.
As a moan slid past your lips, he slipped his tongue in your mouth. Five moved one of his hands to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss.
Breathless, you were forced to barely push him away. You stared at his red lips as you gasped for air, ragged breath mingling with his own.
And then his lips were on yours again. The hand on the back of your head fell to your spine as he walked you backward. Five laid you on the bed, careful not to hurt you yet never taking his lips off yours.
Pressing kisses on the side of your neck, he roughly grabbed your hips, making you moan as his hard-on was pressed against your crotch.
Your hips worked against his in sync, so naturally that you still had half a mind to wonder how the fuck you had lasted this long without him all over you.
Five’s groans grew deliciously deep as his hands trailed down to massage your thighs. His mouth sucked on your neck as he pulled you flush against him.
You inwardly thanked whichever God existed for the cold weather. Not only did Five look amazing in sweatpants, but the soft material allowed you to feel the outline of his hard cock even through your leggings as he humped you.
“Would really love to fuck you,” you panted, “but there’s no way I’m taking my clothes off right now. I’m freezing!“
He laughed against your skin. One of his hands left your thigh and he tugged on the covers, draping them over both of you, covering yourselves from head to toes.
Five continued to kiss your neck, still moving his hips against yours albeit more slowly.
“I missed you,” he spoke before you could mutter a teasing comment about how desperate he was for you.
You played with the small hairs on the back of his head, humming as you rocked up against him. “I missed you too. But don’t let it get to your head.”
“Too late,” he said cheekily, letting his weight fall on top of you as he leaned into your touch.
You relaxed against the mattress as his warmth combined with the shielding covers seeped through you. Five slipped an arm under your head, fingers brushing your neck as his other hand came up to softly grip your face.
You hummed in acknowledgment, knowing he wanted to say something.
“We didn’t call your mom.”
You breathed out a small laugh. “I wasn’t supposed to see her today, don’t worry.”
He tensed over you, frowning as he processed what you had just said. Deciding to ignore the fact that you were probably planning to hook up with your date, Five slowly lowered his head so it would rest on your chest.
It didn’t matter what you had planned to do when you were there under him. He was still your man, he had felt as such ever since the day you met — and he wouldn’t fuck it up a second time.
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