#I just kinda wanna say what’s on my mind... not too deeply but ... I’m tired :)
garmanarnarr · 3 months
Rickorty Week Day 4: Mythological Creatures
vampire morty | 2k words | Rated M for blood drinking and sexual content
Morty’s getting pretty good at asking for it. 
“H-hey, Rick?” 
Rick doesn’t look over from the TV, which is currently playing a rerun of a JoJo Siwa political documentary in a universe where she’s the president of the United States. It’s a miniseries, a retrospective, and they’ve been powering through episodes all night. Everyone went to bed long ago; Mom, Dad, and Summer had started to give Morty a wide berth after ten PM. But he doesn’t mind not sleeping, now, because Rick doesn’t sleep either. Only in fits and starts. Sometimes over his work bench, face mashed into mechanical junk, or passed out on the couch. He snores, but only when he’s really drunk– not that Morty’s watching. 
“Um,” Morty says, picking at a thread on the couch cushion. 
“What?” Rick sounds too distant to be annoyed, just flat and tired.
“M’ getting kinda, you know.” 
“Hungry?” Morty’s voice cracks on the last part. 
Jojo screams something excitedly on the TV, pointing at a diplomat from another country and waving. Her facial rhinestones match her power suit. 
Rick’s still watching, glazed eyes flashing in the TV’s glow. “Her foreign policy sucked,” he mutters.
“I’m hungry, Rick.” 
“Want me to order some fucking sugar chicken, then?” Rick asks, finally swiveling to actually look at Morty. “Huh, Morty? Want some Panda Express?”
Morty’s throat feels so dry it crackles. He thinks of the pool of sunlight that’ll be creeping towards them through the glass patio doors when the sun rises in a few hours, ready to burn him. His vision blurs a little and he gives a painful swallow. 
“Y-y-you know what I mean, Rick,” he whispers. It isn’t fair that Rick always plays him like this when he’s fucked Morty up in the first place. Experiment gone sour, vampirism— Morty had to pick that term up– spreading too aggressively to be cut out, too deeply to pull the plug and hop to a clone. He rests his hand on the couch next to Rick’s leg. Not touching it, but just, you know, next to it. He can feel the heat of Rick’s body beside his own like he’s sitting near a radiator. Throbbing is such a weird word, but that’s the only way to describe it. Rick is throbbing with heat. Morty runs his tongue over the stubs of his teeth. 
“You know, my blood is probably some of the nastiest shit you could put inside you,” Rick’s saying. “Got yeeears of k-lax and alcohol abuse in here. And some other stuff. I think one of Unity’s non-humanoid bodies might have had–”  
“I don’t care. E-everything else tastes like ass and I don’t want to drink it.” Morty makes a face, saying that out loud, but it’s true. The bags of O-positive Rick had pulled out of his lab freezer after he’d just turned Morty had tasted like the equivalent of soggy pizza cardboard. Real pizza– all normal food– also tastes terrible. Animal blood has a funky, earthy smell and a worse flavor, when he’d tried it. And he isn’t about to make anyone else let him drink their blood.
Rick made his own bed. He can lie in it. 
Rick watches his face for a moment, expression unreadable. Then he sighs, and rolls up his sleeve. 
“Not on the couch, you little moron. Or, you wanna g-get b-blood everywhere?” 
“I won’t get it everywhere,” Morty whines. He did the first time, when they fed in the garage, but he’s neater about it, now. He’d been so new, then, and dying for it, ready to rip Rick’s veins right open, ready to swim inside him to make the pain of his thirst go away. Now, after two weeks of feedings, he doesn’t waste a drop. 
Rick tries to stand, but Morty catches his wrist. He’s taken aback at his own strength; that’s still a surprising perk. He keeps accidentally breaking doorknobs off of classrooms in school. Denting his locker door when he closes it with a slam so loud it echoes through the hallways. Shattering glasses. Jerking his own dick too hard and too fast by accident. 
Rick pauses, looking down at him. He seems like he’s weighing making his grandson let go with words or by force. But Morty doesn’t let go. He can feel the throbbing of Rick’s blood now, pulse pressed against the circle of his fingers. His stomach twists with a tortured sounding gurgle. 
“Please,” he says. 
“Alright. Jesus,” Rick says, sitting back down with a roll of his eyes, yanking his wrist out Morty’s grasp quickly enough to break his hold. “Just a second, A-A-Augustus Gloop.”
He reaches into the breast pocket of his lab coat and pulls out a little packet, which he rips open with his teeth. Morty’s chest thuds because it looked kind of like a condom. He probably shouldn’t have thought that. Rick unfolds the moist towelette inside and uses it to briskly swab the inner part of his forearm. The pale stretch of it gleams up under the light of the ad that’s playing on TV, riddled with blue and green veins, skin going translucent with age. Morty’s mouth waters. 
“You– you just carry a swab with you?” he asks, licking back drool. It’s a genuine question. Did Rick want to– was he just waiting around for Morty to—
“More for my benefit than yours. Human mouths are one of the diEUUGHrtiest parts of our bodies, Morty.” 
“That doesn’t seem true, but okay,” Morty says. 
“I’m not fucking with you. Humans are filthy.” 
Rick throws the used wipe over the back of the couch, then pats the space beside him, like they’re going to cozy up and watch more TV together, easy as anything. Morty crawls over.  
Rick offering his skinny-ass forearm to him like this in the middle of the house is insane. They usually feed in the garage, sitting clinically in separate foldable chairs, lights flipped on. It’s dark in the living room, and it should be hard to see—should leave Morty fumbling and awkward, unable to function—but it doesn’t. Morty’s different, now. Darkness is easy. This close, he can sense all the sweet spots where the most blood flows in Rick’s body and where to land the best bite; he would have liked it a lot better if Rick let him feed at his neck, or at the top of his thighs, or even near his armpits, he thinks, but he’ll take what Rick will give him. 
“Don’t– don’t rip my fuckin’ arm off here, Morty, I need it.” They’re so close together that Rick’s voice is quieter than normal. Maybe he’s a little scared. Morty likes that; the idea of being able to scare Rick, a bit, for once. 
“I won’t,” Morty says with a lisp. His pointy canine teeth are getting longer in his mouth and making it hard to talk. Carefully, he takes Rick’s offered arm into his hands. His left one, the one with less cybernetic shit in it, flesh and blood around a hollow titanium bone that sheathes a grappling device. He smells kind of bad but also kind of good, like he always does, like alcohol sweats and a familiar old man powderiness. Morty darts his tongue across his lower lip. Rick’s chest is rising and falling gently, calmly, as he waits for Morty to start. 
“M’ just– don’t mind me, Morty, just watching TV, here. Just gonna finish this show, or whatever.” 
Rick claims he’s a god-robot-monster all the time— won’t shut up about it. But it turns out he’s still human, Morty thinks, a little vindictively, as he bites down. At least, still human enough to feed him.  
As he adjusts his bite to get the blood flowing, pressing against the smooth, hairless slip of Rick’s forearm with his tongue, he wonders if this was why people like wine. He’d always hated it, and spat out the mouthful of Mom’s that he’d snuck when he was ten and she was on the phone, because it was nasty, but maybe there’s something more appealing to it than he thought. An age and bitterness, in a good way, the kind that gives it a lot of different and interesting flavors at once. That’s what Rick’s blood tastes like. It tastes really fucking good. 
The TV’s making more sounds, but Morty can’t hear them anymore. He’s way too busy gulping Rick’s blood. Distantly, as if it were happening to someone else, he realizes he’s getting hard. Vaguely, he tries to direct his thoughts towards Jessica, but it’s tricky, considering he’s touching Rick and smelling Rick and drinking from Rick’s body. That Rick’s delicious blood is filling his mouth and sliding down his throat with every swallow. 
The flow stutters, so he pressed up all along his grandpa’s side to get a better angle. For a second, his dick brushes against Rick’s leg, hot and obvious. He tenses. Rick doesn’t say anything, though, just keeps sitting there quietly, so he relaxes again. Whatever, if Rick doesn’t care, he doesn’t care, and everything feels good. This is so fucking good. It feels right. He keeps feeding, actively sucking, now, because the flow is starting to taper off, blood only coming in hot spurts when he coaxes it out. He rocks his hips, a little, getting some friction on his dick, because he’s  so warm and full, and that feels good, too—
“—orty. Morty, that’s enough. Stop.”
Morty doesn’t stop. He swirles his tongue needily around the bite marks, pleasure unfurling up from his stomach and over his whole body, from his scalp to the bottom of his feet. Feeding from his grandpa like this is euphoric. 
“M-Morty, stop.” 
A hand pushes him back, roughly. It could be anyone’s hand. Morty is longer tethered to earth, fully. Suddenly, Morty’s laying on the floor by the coffee table, panting, ass sore from falling on it. His chin’s covered in own spit. His cheeks are flushed. There’s a definite tent pitched in his jeans, and everything is cold with the lack of a body to be pressed up against. When he looks up, Rick seems pale, even by his own standards, and his hair’s wilder, too. He’s blinking kind of a lot, staring down at Morty with fury on his face despite his heavy eyelids. He looks like he’s having trouble staying awake. 
“You– you don’t know how lucky you are that my cybernetic enhancements will start injecting substitute into my bloodstream if I lose more than a quart of blood, Morty,” he says in a low, deadly voice. Morty hears the edge of a wheeze in it. “A quaAAAUGhrt. Do you know how much that is? You fucking, you fucking numbskull braindead idiot?”
“That’s what I— that’s what I thought,” Rick says, getting unsteadily to his feet with the help of the couch arm. “I’ll be in the garage. Don’t follow me.” 
Morty watches as his grandpa woozily makes his way out of the living room. He’s actually a little worried Rick’s going to pass out, or crash into something, but he doesn’t. He’s gone. Morty rubs the back of his hand across his mouth, and when he looks at it in the TV’s half-light, it’s smeared dark with Rick’s blood.
“S-sorry,” he says, late. 
Morty climbs upstairs to his room even though it’s more like roleplaying someone that needs to sleep than an actual need. He lays down on top of his covers next to his closet that’s now full of hats and sunglasses and UV-protective long sleeve shirts, above a kitchen filled with food he can’t eat, and a hallway mirror he can no longer see his own reflection in. 
He lays there quietly and waits, full-stomached, giving Rick a little privacy. Some time to cool off. If Rick noticed Morty’s hardon, he didn’t comment on it. 
But Morty had seen where Rick’s blood went, while he was feeding. 
He could sense it, the thick coursing of it, even in the dark.
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madamechrissy · 1 month
♡ Time after Time ♡
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ CEO! Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Rough sex, dirty talk, blow jobs, cunnilngus, morning sex, breeding kink like a mf
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ Gojo Satoru is your boss And you've been his head assistant for over two years now. You do everything for him, including and not limited to cleaning his messes, picking out his clothes, and writing his speeches. Sixteen hour days... night calls... You are tired of being overworked and at his beck and call. You decide you are going to put in your two weeks notice. He is shocked, and wants to try to keep you, because you're the best. But you know better. Right? . You really wanna fucking quit. You also wanna fuck him. Also, fuck him.
A/N (Kinda has 'two weeks notice' vibes a bit! No use of y/n. Gojo's POV in itallics)
Chapter 13 - Masterlist
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Chapter 14
You and Satoru stare at each other, the car turning just so, more lights streaming around you both. It’s quiet, save for your labored breathing, he is just watching you, the most serious you’d ever seen him, there was no joking smirk, no glint of humor in those pretty eyes, it was just you both looking at each other. The words, ringing in your ears, in your mind.
“Marry you?” You ask softly, and he nods, terse, his jaw tense. You’re trembling, he’s holding you tightly, hands on your waist, snatching you even closer.
“I already know I can never live without you.” His voice is hoarse, it fucking breaks you, tears sting your eyes, the emotions hitting so hard it was difficult to breathe as you feel the love for him, from him.
“I can’t live without you, either. Not for a moment.” You whisper back, eyes both studying each other, the car comes to park, but you’re left alone, just sitting on his lap, pressed against him.
“I want it official, I want everyone to know who the fuck you belong to. Yeah, it’s possessive, yes it’s crazy… yes I’ll be knocking you the fuck up. I have issues, I’m a conceited dick… I…”
He pauses, brows low, eyes glittering as they watch your face. “Yes, what? I’m a conceited dick?”
You giggle at that, breathlessly, finally easing just a bit. “Yes, you are, but I meant yes… I would love to marry you.”
“For real?” You laugh again at his shocked expression.
“It’s crazy, it’s way too fast… but yes.”
“I don’t even have a ring yet.”
“I don’t need all that. Just you, Satoru… just you.” You kiss him, deeply, arms around his neck, his around your waist, feeling such happiness you could not fathom a better moment.
“I’ll get you a nice fucking ring. To go on these pretty little hands.” He kisses your fingers sweetly, you’re sobbing now, uncontrollably, overwhelmed with every emotion for him, for Satoru Gojo.
“I won’t turn down a pretty ring, now.” You tease, it comes out hoarse through your tears.
“You’re such a crybaby.” He whispers, a little smile, rubbing your tears away gently, still holding your left hand. You nod in agreement. “I’d go marry you right now, but we can take our time.”
“I would like my brothers to come.” You say, and he grins. “They’ll love you! Oh it would be so nice for my grandparents… if they can make the trip. Oh god, and everyone at work! And your mom… and...”
“Chill, wedding planner.” He pops a kiss on your nose. “One thing at a time. You need a big rock.”
“No, no, nothing crazy.”
“Well fuck, we’ll go pick one out tomorrow, one you like, but it can’t be too small either. What do you think?”
“Fuck yes. Mmm.” You’re kissing him again, again. “I’m so ridiculously happy, Satoru.”
He moans softly, pulling away and cupping your face. “I’ll make you even happier inside. Come on, pretty little brat.”
You wake up the next morning with soft little kisses down your tummy, tickling you, and you open your eyes, peeking out at the world. The light is streaming in through Gojo’s big bedroom windows, and you see his white hair as his lips are trailing over your skin. You giggle, stretching, rubbing his head gently.
“Mmm, good morning fiance.” You whisper. He peeks up at you, the sunlight making those eyes even brighter, grinning.
“Good morning, fiance. So… I need you off the birth control.”
“What?” You ask, and he kisses lower. You gasp.
“Mmhmm… You want to get rid of it?”
“I kinda thought this breeding kink was like…”
“Nah, I’m serious.” He’s licking you, lavishing your pussy slowly with his tongue, spreading your lips, drinking you, shooting pleasure up your body and into your fucking mind, what was even left of it anymore. You’re shaking, as his slow, lazy strokes push you higher, higher.
“Mmm. Fuck! Satoru…” He’s flicking his tongue faster, his hands sliding up to your breasts, as he focuses on your clit now, making it so sensitive it was hard to take, you already wanted to cum. “Should I? Are we…”
He sucks on your clit now, you fall apart, soaking wet and dripping when he pulls away, staring at you. “Are we what baby?”
You sigh, shaky, cunt throbbing, as you caress his hair back, he’s between your legs, sleepy and adorable, but somehow his tongue was a whole demon. You begin to contemplate things… picture it, picture what he’s speaking of, think of tossing your birth control in the trash… of…
You get up, and he backs away a bit, looking at you curiously, and you go to your purse, then, and take out the little foil packet. You go to the bathroom, he follows you, sighing, coming behind you and holding your waist. You peek in the mirror, at your reflections, then you smile.
“You gonna take it right in front of me too? So mean.” He mumbles with those puppy dog eyes, but then you pop out the pills that are left, throwing them in the trash. His eyes go wide, and it’s silent as you finish, you’re breathless, feeling insane.
“There. All gone.” You toss the packet too, just to be extra dramatic, then you’re bent over the sink, and he’s yanking your hair back, forcing you to look at your reflection as desire glazes your eyes. “Mmm, Satoru…”
He yanks your top down, playing with your breasts with one hand, the other spreading your thighs, he positions his thick cock at your entrance, pulling your hips back further. You gasp, hands gripping the counter, your tits bounce as he puts you where he wants you, using you however he desired, then his eyes lock on to yours, and he smirks.
Fucking Gojo.
You love him.
“You want me to breed you, now? Use this pussy just to fill with all my cum, don’t you, little slut?” He whispers, and you nod, eagerly, brows together as you’re aching for him, all of him.
“Use me, fucking breed me, Satoru. Please.” He moans, then he shoves his cock all the way in, deep, you gasp as he fills you so fucking deep, so thick, and he yanks your hair back more, tears in your eyes, bending you so far. “Ah! Satoru…”
He starts fucking you, and your eyes shut as the pleasure hits, but suddenly he’s got his hand around your face, squeezing your cheeks. “Look at yourself. Watch as I make you into a mess.” He orders, facing you to the mirror, you tremble and look at it, at the red of your cheeks, your glistening eyes, hooded.
“Mnh…” You don’t manage any words, as he starts fucking you, hard, slamming against your cervix and making you cry out with each stroke, hitting so hard and fast you can barely see, vision fuzzy. Each thrust has you shaking, the vision of you both in the mirror damn near impossible to focus on.
“You’re the prettiest little fuck toy.” He murmurs, nasty words said as a caress, the ones you fucking crave. “Cum on this cock, baby girl. Would you?”
You don’t need coaxing, you’re already close, the friction and him stretching you almost too much, you’re cumming hard, vision gone from fuzzy to black as you lose yourself in him. In his scent, the feeling, his moans… in his very soul, so connected as he fills you more, pushing your limits. He hisses, falling over you, hands on the counter now, kissing your back.
“I can never get enough of you.” He whispers, hoarse, then he flips you, sitting you on his counter, and you face each other. He is kissing down your neck, biting that spot that had just healed, shooting pain through you as his cock slides back in, your thighs wide, around his hips.
“Never enough. Never.” You scream then, sounds echoing in his bathroom, gripping his shoulders with your nails, digging in, eliciting a moan as his cock pumps into you. “Vampire… fuck…”
He laughs in that deep baritone of his, licking you there, gripping you as he begins to fuck you slower, harder, peering into your eyes, breath against your lips. “You’re so fucking pretty cumming around my cock baby.”
“You’re so pretty.” He smirks at that, and you laugh. “Pretty… vampire… mmm I’ll have vampire babies-ah!”
He fucks you so hard you lose your last bit of sense, of coherent thought, cupping your face and watching as you melt for him, pressing in just so, making you climax again. You’re shaking, energy gone so much you can barely hold your head up, then he’s carrying you, slamming you against a wall, and starts fucking you again, holding your ass up.
You hang on, head hitting into the wall with a thud, his teeth are back on your throat, already sore, breaking the skin and bruising it. “Ah! So good… so good… so big in me fuck!” Words are nonsensical. You’re too in love with every feeling he brings you with the strokes, the touches, the bites.
Satoru picks you up again, kissing you deeply, then you’re on his bed, on your back, and he’s dripping sweat, eyes lidded, his full lips red from your kisses. You are trembling, cunt sore and soaking wet, throbbing from aftershocks, and he’s pressing your legs back so far against you, you’re completely folded. You squirm a bit, peeking up at him.
“Mating press. Been waiting to do this for when you finally threw out the stupid pills.” He says with a mad grin, his eyes are insane, as they get, and you’re nervous for just a moment.
“A mating… what now?” He laughs, throwing his head back, climbing on top of you, sliding in your slickness with ease.
“Be brave, little brat. I need to put a baby in you.” You nod then, tensing just slightly, as he starts to fuck you so deep it does hurt, but fuck it also feels amazing, him pressing you so hard. He’s wrecking your cervix, laying forward, arms pressing your legs to your breasts, legs over his shoulders.
You’re screaming as you cum again, shaking as you’re soaking wet, sore as fuck, but wanting more. Satoru groans, thrusting harder, deeper. His eyes are half-closed, and he's biting his bottom lip, groaning as he fucks you, sweat dripping between your breasts. You grip his shoulders, nails digging in, and arch your back, meeting him thrust for thrust.
"You’re mine." He growls, his voice raw with need, his hips moving faster. You feel him throbbing inside you.
“Yours. Yours, Satoru.” You manage to bite out, struggling to form words, only whimpers and moans, your fingernails digging into his shoulders as you writhe beneath him. He slams into you, hard, over and over, his face a mask of concentration and desire, teeth bared, eyes boring into you.
He continues to fuck you, your body moving with his, your cries mingling with his grunts. He's close, so close, you can feel it in the way he's moving, in the desperation in his eyes, so bright blue they’re unreal, he’s holding your face as your thighs press against your breasts, hitting your cervix so good you’re coming again. You struggle to keep your eyes open as you scream.
"Look at me." You obey, meeting his gaze with your glazed over eyes, growing fuzzier and fuzzier. There's a fierce possessiveness in his eyes, a love so deep it's almost painful, the love you feel reflected as he slows, pushing so deep and staying there, hurting but making you throb as you feel him so hard, so thick.
“FIll me up, please.” You beg, tears pricking your eyes at the intensity of the position, of his gaze, of him filling you, too full.
“Is that what you want? Me to paint these insides? Cum hungry slut.” He demands, and those words are as sweet as ‘baby girl’ to you. You can see he's close, you can feel it in the way he's moving, in the desperation in his pretty bright blue eyes, eyes that you lose yourself in, as his cock wrecks you.
“Yes, always, I always want it. Please, Satoru, please. Ah!” You feel the warmth spreading through you, his cum starting to fill you up, claiming you, marking you his. You cry out, arching your back, coming again, harder than ever, your body shaking with the force of it. He is filling you until there's nothing left but him.
Gojo collapses on top of you, breathing heavily, chest heaving, the weight of him is welcome. You can feel him still inside you, but it's different now, deeper, more intimate, less intense. You're his, and you couldn't be more content. He exhales, easing your sore legs down, and up on his arms, looking down at you.
You lift your hand to his face, tracing his cheekbone with your thumb, as you two exhale, studying each other in the quiet room.
“I can’t believe I threw em out. I’m fucking insane.” You mumble, and he laughs at you, grinning like the Mad Hatter, like Satoru Gojo, the crazy little fucker you are madly in love with.
“I’m rubbing off on you.” He taps your nose. You giggle. “Hmm… how are you taking all that cum?” He eases back, pulling out, making you hiss at the loss of contact, before shoving his fingers in you, making you cry out, so sensitive you shut your thighs. He pries them apart with a smirk. “You can’t waste this, brat, take it all.”
“Sadistic shit… fuck!” He grins, shoving in again, heel on your clit, and you’re fucking throbbing, pushing more cum out, and he’s laughing at you.
“Aw, you have a long way to go.” He shoves his cum soaked fingers into your mouth, and you eagerly suck them off. “You love it, stop lying.”
“Mmm…” You suck them clean, licking your lips and enjoying the desire in his gaze. “I do. But also fuck you.”
“Little bitch.” You both laugh, then he snatches you up, kissing you deeply, sighing now. “Okay, picking out rings, and I have a surprise for you.”
Gojo’s mom greeted you two when you arrived at the jewelers, and you run up to hug her, which she returned warmly.
“I didn’t know you’d be here!”
“Satoru told me and I had to come help. I’m so excited, I didn’t think I’d ever get a daughter in law.” She says, you feel tears prick your eyes as Gojo comes up and touches your shoulder.
“She’s a cry baby mom, don’t make it worse.”
“Dick.” You grumble. You all laugh then. “I’m so glad to have you as a mom in law… I don’t really…” Gojo kisses your cheek, nodding to you as if it’s okay. “My parents passed away a long time ago. So it would be so wonderful to have you around in our lives.”
Masako blinks back tears, elegant even then, swiping them and pressing a kiss on your head. “Oh darling, I’m so sorry for that. I will be here for you, I already love you, I knew when I met you what you and Satoru have.”
“Everyone’s a crybaby.” Gojo teases, but he has an arm around each of you, emotion in his pretty eyes that he kept in.
“Satoru, you were the most whiny baby!”
You all continue to play around as you step inside, and the shelves of jewelry are glittering, beyond anything you could imagine, of course Gojo would pick the fanciest jewelry store. There were literally people serving champagne and little chocolates, Gojo started nibbling on them as Masako led you to one of the jewelers in the engagement ring section.
“Hello, Masako.” He greets, then she introduces you. “Ah, a future Mrs. Gojo I see, you must be so excited.”
“I am… this is all new to me. I have no clue where to begin?” Your eyes are full of glittering gems, overwhelming.
“Let’s see what would look best on your skin tone… perhaps a rose gold? Yes, that looks lovely. Now, what cut of diamond do you like?”
“I have no clue.” Gojo comes behind you, casually leaning over your shoulder, he is still chewing chocolate.
“Mmm… want me to pick some for you to try, baby?”
“Would you?”
Gojo begins to point out several options, Masako is sipping on champagne and giving her opinion, and you cannot believe how lucky and happy you are in that moment, with the love of your life, and his mom, who welcomed you so readily. You begin crying again, it’s all you did lately, and the jeweler is kind enough to hand you tissues.
“Hmm, are you pregnant already?” Gojo murmurs heatedly, and now you’re bright red and crying.
“Hush!” You dab your eyes. “Just really happy.”
He smiles, and it hits your heart hard, just how pretty it is, as he wraps an arm around you and brings you close to his body. “I’m glad, I like you happy, smiling again… I guess I worried I ruined that.”
“No, never.” You clear your throat, emotion hitting hard. “You have made me happier than I have ever been.”
“Good. Now, sappy little thing that you are, look at these. I really like a marquis cut the best, these are also the best quality diamonds. Look.” He hands you a little silver jewelers eye. You pick it up with trembling hands, and Gojo helps steady it.
“What am I looking at?”
“All right, see that little spot all the way in the middle? It’s a carbon spot. Doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful, it’s just a little flaw. Now you can see the color, the less color, the higher quality diamond. But, if you want, just pick what’s pretty.” He kisses your cheek, and you exhale, nodding.
“You know a lot about this.” You say, peeking at the next ring, trying to have a clue what he meant. Everything was just sparkly.
“I dabbled in jewelry for a bit.”
“You dabble in lots of things. Oooh, this one is beautiful.” You slide it on your finger, the weight of it delightful as was the meaning, it was absolutely stunning. “What cut is this, Satoru?”
“That’s a teardrop cut. It’s very pretty.” He takes your hand in his, twisting your fingers this way and that, smiling. “Mom, look.”
His mom slides up, taking your hand and peering at it. “It’s perfect. Do you want to keep looking though? We just got here.”
“Yes, let’s have them hold onto it.” You didn’t even want it off, reluctant to hand it over, the jeweler put it on a velvet display case for now. They tried multiple times, even Masako was picking out a necklace and Gojo a gold bracelet, and you still kept eyeing that same ring, it just felt…
“I still want that one.” You say to Gojo, he smirks, nodding.
“Stubborn brat. I expected nothing less than you to find one in two minutes and not bother with the rest.”
“It just feels right, Satoru. Can’t explain.” He hums in agreement, then takes it out, and slides it up your finger. Your heart stops, it all feels so fucking real, you’re shaking as he pushes it up, and it oddly fits perfect. The room is quiet, watching the two of you.
“Well, shit.” He murmurs, just the slightest tremor in his usually steady hands, a little exhale, as he looks at you, then back to your hand. “It’s a perfect fit.”
“Yeah.” You manage to say, your mind running a million miles a minute, picturing everything even more vividly now.
“It’s meant to be then.” Masako says softly, and you both break away from your gaze for just a moment, smiling back at her.
“I love it!”
“Well we also need a wedding band. For both of you. We can pick those later on though, I don’t know how long of an engagement you want…”
“Not long.” You and Satoru answer at the exact same time. The employees in there smile and sigh at the sight of you two, madly in love, and all you could think of is how much you love him, Satoru Gojo, and how right it all feels.
“I see… well I have a wedding to plan, huh?” Masako says, and you both smile over at her. “Don’t you dare hire a planner. I’ll have it all together.”
“You’re the best mom. Wouldn’t dare hire anyone.”
“A June wedding sounds lovely, huh?” She starts making calls, and you and Gojo are left alone for a moment as they ring up everything, he’s just caressing your fingers, still holding your hand.
“I never thought I’d fall so deep for a naggy little brat.” He muses, a teasing look in his bright eyes, smirk on those lips.
“Never thought I’d fall so deep for an arrogant little dickhead.” He laughed then, and you two kissed, and you know you can never get enough, that you are meant to be right here, with Satoru.
You and Satoru are cooking dinner later that evening, side by side, he’s chopping up peppers and you’re seasoning the chicken, placing them on the skillet. You both decided to make a stir fry together, the smell of the rice in the cooker mixing with all the yummy seasonings and veggies.
“You’ll be so cute pregnant cooking for me.” He murmurs, tossing the peppers in the skillet, then hugging you from behind. You snort, shaking your head.
“You sound so misogynistic, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?”
“Sure the fuck would like that. You don’t listen though, you’ll probably be at work annoying me.”
“Mmhmm.” You smack at him, he snatches you up, popping you to sit on his island, between your thighs, kissing you. You easily fall into the embrace, sighing happily against his lips.
“Mmm… I love you.” You say softly, breathing into the kiss, he snatches your hand up, and the rock is glimmering under the kitchen light.
“I think this will look pretty wrapped around my cock.” He says, grinning like the wicked little shit he was. You blush. “You’re still my little nun, deep in there.”
“Not a nun. My thoughts would totally send me to confessional.” You murmur, he raises his brow, yanking you against him, your thighs wrapped around his narrow hips, his hardness against you.
“Do tell, just call me Father Gojo.” He teases, and you both start laughing. You shake your head.
“What kind of roleplay is that?”
“I’ll get you a slutty nun outfit.”
“Satoru! Fuck… don’t we’ll burn food.” You cry out as he licks your neck, sending shivers through you, making desire hit you hard.
“So boring. Fine.” He pulls you down, turning you and smacking your ass hard, making you yelp. “Get to cooking, then, brat.”
You stick your tongue out, earning another whack. As you cook he’s playing with your ass, your waist, your hips, torturing you, making it impossible to focus through the intense desire he always brought out in you. “Fuck… Satoru…”
“Focus on cooking.” He nips your neck, and you damn near burn yourself, dropping the spatula and cussing. “Aw, poor baby! Pussy so wet you can’t even stir the food?”
“Back off so we can eat ugh!” You’re trembling and laughing though. He finally goes back to helping you, and soon you both are sitting at Gojo’s fancy modern dining table, spreading out the food between your plates. It feels comfortable, easy, and so good.
“I’m getting fucking sappy.” He muses, nibbling on some chicken with his chopsticks. You giggle.
“You are!”
“Shut it. This is really good.”
“It is!”
“I can’t picture you not here… There, sappy.” He clears his throat, blushing a bit on those high cheekbones, showing you that part of him that you fucking just adored, the sentimental part, the sincere part.
“I can’t either, Satoru.” You cover his hand with your own, and he kisses your fingers, right where your ring now sits. You both look at it, in comfortable quiet, the sound of the jazz playing in the background just barely, and you and Gojo were just with each other.
You both finish later, and you’re rinsing things off, he’s drying them, then he asks his device to play a specific song, and snatches you up, yanking you into the living room and twirling you around. You smile, and you’re swaying in his arms, his hands burning your waist, your hips, his lips on yours as he bends low, and you tip toe, arms wrapped tight around him, hands in his hair.
“Ready for round two today, nun?” He murmurs.
“You act like a jerk but you’re so sweet and thoughtful.”
“Bitch!” He scwls, and you both snort in laughter. “Don’t tell anyone, I’ll lose my reputation.”
“I’ll keep your secret. And yes, I’m ready.”
“So brave, little brat.”
You’re kissing deeper, more intense, heady, every sensation heightened with the more you two are opening to each other, the intensity in your shared gaze, the meanings behind your kisses. You shove him on the couch then, smirking, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise as you get down on your knees, unbuckling his belt and looking up.
“Fuck you’re hot.” He manages, eagerly helping you, and soon you have his big, thick cock in your tiny hand, which barely covered anything of him, and you lean forward, licking his sensitive tip. He hisses, hands enwrapping in your hair, pulling your hair, making you cry out in pain and pleasure. “Mmm, it does look good.”
You look to the ring with a smile, then lick him again. “Fuck my mouth, please, Satoru.” You beg, and his grip tightens, he leans forward, and shoves his cock deep in your mouth then, eyes wide as they look down at you, in lust.
“You want me to fuck this pretty mouth?” You nod, moaning around his cock, and he begins to stroke in and out, making you soaking wet with ridiculous quickness, his taste making you salivate. “Relax that throat baby.”
You do so, and soon you’re taking as much of him as you can, eyes watering, gasping for a breath when he eased out for a moment, you’re covered in saliva, his precum on your lips, mixing with your salty tears. He caresses your lips, sticky, dripping with all your spit, moaning.
“You’re way too fucking good at that now. I’m a hell of a teacher, huh?” You manage a little smile, breathless.
“Guess so.” He yanks you up then, fingers sliding under your skirt, sliding your panties to the side and sliding a finger up in you.
“So wet for me.” He whispers, and you’re kissing, sloppy as fuck, starting to grind on his fingers for release, you want him so bad in your cunt you’re already cumming, crying out. “So easy, I’ve barely even touched you. My little slut.”
“Yes, a slut for you.” You cry out, and he groans, brows low over his eyes, then he is thrusting up in you as you straddle him.
Your skirt is still on, up around your hips, your panties still on the side, and Gojo’s big cock is stretching your slippery cunt. He is filling you so full, so deep, you’re screaming, pulsing and cumming then and there, soaking his cock, back arching, he’s yanking your breasts out of your top, sucking on your sensitive peaks.
“You can’t stop cumming for me, and I’m not even trying.” He murmurs, fucking you hard now, bruising grip on your hips.
“Fuck… mmm…” You can’t speak, he’s hitting every spot, friction against your walls, you’re grinding on him and falling apart, blacking out with how hard your orgasms are hitting you.
“You want it so bad?” He grunts, through gritted teeth, and you nod, uncaring of whatever he meant, it was fucking true. You couldn’t pretend to argue, you were just panting, barely able to move as the pleasure wracks through you.
“Too much… can’t move, Satoru.” You mumble, shaking as you try to lift your hips, head lolling to the side, you’re damn near spent. He lifts you up, holding you there, eyes glimmering with desire as he stares at you.
“Do you need me to use you?” He asks, and you nod, eager.
“Use me, just use me… fuck me till you cum.” You whisper, and he curses, holding you in place and sliding down, fucking into you hard, making you nearly lose yur voice, screaming again.
“My pretty, pretty little toy. Fucking cum slut.” He curses, and he’s fucking up into you, hard, you’re unable to move in his tight grip, helpless to his whims as he strokes so deep, into your cervix, hitting every spot as only he could. You start to cum again, and it nearly fucking hurts, you’re so oversensitive.
“Satoru… I… hurts…” Is all you manage, whimpering, and he pushes you back down, fully on him, flipping on top of you, pressing you into the soft cushions of his couch, holding you face now.
“Did I fuck you so good you can’t move?” He asks with a smirk, you roll your eyes, inhaling.
You try to roll up your hips, but they fall. “Fuck. Maybe.”
He laughs breathlessly, kissing you, softer, but then he’s back to fucking you hard, one of your legs over his shoulder. “Want me to use you until I cum inside you, then? Just lay there?”
You nod, helplessly. “Please, please.”
Gojo fucks into you, and you’re helpless, pressed under his weight, in his maddening rhythm. Drips of sweat slide off him, your own legs feel like gelatin, weak from all your orgasms, all this bending you didn’t do, but it was all worth it, your sore pussy was worth it, being pumped full of him. You could never get enough of him, of his contradictions, of his presence…
Of his touch. His kisses. Him.
“Never enough.” You manage to whisper, and he pauses over you at that, then eases your leg down, wrapping it around his hip, looking into your eyes.
“I’ll never get enough of you, baby girl. Never.” He promises, then kisses you sweetly, and you feel him tense, strong muscles hard under your fingers as you hold onto his strong arms. He’s exhaling, rhythm jerky, starting to throb inside of you, so hard it’s difficult to breathe.
“Love you… Satoru… love you.” You manage, breathing out as he presses in, kissing down your throat sweetly, passionately. He moans, licking your throat, up to your ear.
“Fucking love you.” He whispers, then you are both kissing, and he’s cumming so deep, burying his head in the crook of your neck, hands entwining with yours over your head, pressing until you both are spent.
“Fuck.” You mumble, and he laughs a bit, tickling you, leaning up to look down at you, hands still entwined.
“You're so getting pregnant tonight.” He determines, you roll your eyes, shaking your head with a laugh.
“I cannot do another round! No way.” You yawn then, and he eases out of you, but you’re still holding hands.
“Let’s clean up, then we’ll go to bed. I’m sure I’ll have to carry you.” You giggle, nodding, and he eases off you, stripping you naked then and there, picking you up into his arms. “So fucking spoiled.”
“I am.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he cradles you, kissing his neck, tasting the salt of his sweat. “Shit, Satoru, we have work tomorrow.”
“You won’t be able to walk. Gonna have to carry you in.”
You giggle again, and he’s carrying you up to his bathroom, you struggle to keep your eyes open at all. “Bath? Too sleepy for a shower.”
“So prissy.” He mumbles, but he’s running you one, and you’re sitting there watching him, gorgeous and naked, pampering you. “Silly little grin on your face, you enjoy me slaving away.”
“Just a bit. Maybe a lot.” You stretch, and he’s back on you as he fills the water up, kissing you sweetly, you easily fall into the embrace. “My fiance.” You say softly, he laughs a bit.
“Drunk off my dick again.”
“Shut it."
"My fiance.”
You can’t wait to be his wife.
Chapter 15
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biancadjarin · 1 year
Thinking about being
Bully!Eddie’s passenger princess
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(Bully!Eddie drives a black Camaro in my mind)
Eddie found you where he usually finds you after school. In the library. Books and papers spread all around you, pencil being chewed nervously in your mouth.
You feel a finger drape around your neck softly, pulling the curtain of your hair over your shoulder and exposing your ear for his lips to whisper into. “Don’t study too hard y/n.” You shiver at his warm breath against your ear. He knows that’s your weakness. He plants a wet kiss on your cheek with an exaggerated “muah!” for everyone to hear.
“Well thanks to you, I have to do extra credit in biology because my grades are slipping.” You say bitterly. “Thanks to me?” He asks, clearly flattered. “Because you just can’t focus when you’re near me huh?” He asks, sitting on the table in front of you, his lap directly in your face.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” You smile back at him sarcastically. You hate that it’s true. You sigh deeply and close the textbook you’ve been reading, eyes too tired to keep studying the tiny print.
“Well if you’re done studying I wanna take you somewhere.” Eddie says abruptly. “Uh while that’s a tempting, extremely vague offer, I’ll have to pass.” “Oh come on my pretty little thing.” He pleads as he starts to put all your things in your backpack. “Come with me to run an errand and then I’ll drive you home. Promise.”
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You’ve been driving for almost an hour when you pull into a high end community full of big houses. The whole ride was filled with playful flirting, Eddie even asking you some actual questions to get to know you more. He wouldn’t let you pick any music, saying your taste in music is “absolute shit.” but his metal rock was actually pretty good. He told you about his band, his uncle, his friends. He held your hand the whole way, bringing it to his lips to kiss your fingers occasionally, then letting it rest in your lap. His bulky rings are fun to spin around his thick fingers, you feeling the shapes and ridges in them, commiting them to memory. It was nice. Oh no, it was nice.
“If I’m here to help you commit a crime, I’m out, Eddie.” He laughs at you, fingers squeezing your cheeks together as he looks in your eyes, car slowing down at the end of the street. “What crime would I possibly be committing, sweet angel?” You shrug, lips smooshed together by his strong fingers. “Breaking and entering? Grand theft auto?” He lets go of your face to turn the wheel into a long driveway, stopping in front of one of the biggest houses on the block. “I have hot wired a few cars before but that’s not what we’re doing, don’t worry.” He winks at you.
Eddie puts the car in park and presses his back into his seat as he lifts his hips and spreads his thighs. He’s getting comfortable. “Now what?” You ask. “Patience, sweet thing. Rick will come out soon.”
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You see a tall man in a button up shirt and khakis emerge from the front door. Down the winding driveway, holding a small black duffel bag. He wears sunglasses and his hair is a little disheveled but he’s not bad looking. Kinda handsome. Probably in his late 30’s or early 40’s.
Eddie reaches into the back seat and grabs an empty paper bag. Then his hand reaches across your lap, the pads of his fingertips brushing against your upper thighs purposefully. He unlatches the glovebox and pulls out a fat wad of cash. Your eyes go wide as he tries to fold it and put it into the bag.
He notices a little gasp that leaves your mouth. “You like that huh?” He asks. “Y’know… I can buy you things baby. Take you places. There’s a lot of world outside Hawkins.” His voice is low and husky, like the whispered promise of a devil. It makes your stomach clench. You’ve never seen that much money in person and Eddie was acting like this is a usual occurrence for him.
Rick taps on the tinted driver side window of Eddie’s Camaro. He smiles at you as he rolls down the window, “sup man?” “Eddiiiiiie my boy-” Rick’s cut off when his eyes land on you. He raises his brows and looks back at Eddie.
“She’s cool man. She’s with me.” He tell Rick. “Alright. What’s your name beautiful?” Your jaw hangs open but nothing comes out, too nervous too speak. Eddie laughs and pinches your chin in his hand with his thumb and first finger. “She’s a little shy.” He says over his shoulder to Rick. “You got that new stuff you were telling me about?” Eddie asks him, returning his attention back to Rick but keeping his hand firmly on your thigh. His fingers squeeze the plush flesh there and it makes your nerves fizzle away.
“Hell yeah man. Shit’s crazy strong. Flown in from Hawaii. Can you believe that?” “Shit man, Hawaii’s pretty cool.” Eddie says, voice flat and bored, wanting to get this exchange over with so he can be alone with you again.
He passes Rick the paper bag and takes the duffel in return. He places it gently on your lap, winking at you as he does. “Got the usual shit in there Eddie but I included some crazy powder that my guy got his hands on last time he was in Miami. I put a few small baggies in there. Do ‘em for $50 each.” Eddie nods, eyes peeking at you and the bag in your lap.
“But don’t you touch that stuff.” Rick says pointing to you with a laugh. “My girl’s taking bumps of the shit all the time. Costing me a fortune.” He says as he looks back at his mansion. “Alright well as always,” he reaches in to shake Eddie’s hand, “Always a pleasure doing business.” Eddie finishes. Rick says it was nice to meet you and heads back inside.
“You didn’t tell me you were taking me on a drug deal, Eddie!” You say as soon as his window is rolled up. “Of course I didn’t. Didn’t want you to overreact. Like you’re doing right now.” You scoff and push the bag off your lap onto the floor. “I don’t want to be an accomplice to your crimes.”
He laughs at that, hand coming back to slide into your lap. His fingers curl softly around yours, bringing them to his lips for a soft kiss before placing your hand in his lap to hold. “S’too late princess. You’re just as guilty as me now.” You scoff, heart starting to race at the thought of getting in trouble. “I know I said I’d take you home but I think I’d rather try some of this Hawaiian strain back at my place? That ok angel?” You sigh deeply, knowing coming home late will worry your parents. But when Eddie looks at you like he’d crumble into a million pieces if you say no, how can you turn him down?
bully!eddie masterlist here
my full masterlist here
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rindouheart · 2 years
Ok- I saw your stuff and I couldn’t believe you only had three things hshsjjdb
Do you mind an enemies to lovers type thing with pink haired sonic and the hedgehog dude? (Aka. Chigiri and Barou lmao) The reason they beef can be anything you want-
If you’re taking anons- I wanna be 👺 anon pls and ty, it’s ok if you aren’t too lol
CHIGIRI and BAROU + enemies to lovers!
content. just them arguing with the reader (slight sad in chigiri’s part) + gender neutral pronouns used | small scenarios + some hcs
author’s note. hi babe! I’d love to have an anon! believe it or not, but in like 3 years on tumblr no one has ever asked it to me <3 however, i hope you like these headcanons!
(i made them extra long to excuse myself for the long waiting, please forgive me :( )
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you were friends at first, but then the whole injury thing happened.
“why would you give up? a lot of famous players have had injuries in the past, but they still managed to come back! why would you throw your dream in the trash bin like that?”
“you’ve never understood me, then”
after expressing your opinion on why he shouldn’t give up on his dream while he can still play, you started arguing for everything.
it was heartbreaking to see: you, his best friend since childhood, being treated like a complete stranger.
even more heartbreaking was the fact that you liked him and you couldn’t stand the way he was giving up on his lifetime dream.
chigiri absolutely hates you when you’re right.
you started to avoid him and he started to avoid you. it was a mutual thing.
he actually hoped for you to come back, because he realised he acted like a baby.
however, he hasn’t even seen you for months.
chigiri fucked up, completely.
you meet again at a café (unplanned, you’re still not sure how to behave towards him)
“oh, y/n, hi” he mutters with his coffee in hand.
“what do you want?” it wasn’t supposed to come off that harsh, however, chigiri’s face changes expression.
“nothing” he wants to slap himself.
“do you have a minute?” you ask, sitting at a table in the corner “we have to talk and you know what i’m about to say, i guess”
he sits down and huffs.
“i’m kinda tired. we were best friends before the injury thing, and now we look like we spoke once in our lives” you say, keeping your voice as low as possible “your behaviour is annoying”
he knows you’re right, so he just murmurs a “i’m sorry”
you keep up talking “i was really upset when you told me those horrible things. i felt betrayed”
chigiri wasn’t expecting it to be this bad. he totally fucked up.
“I’ll get straight to the point, i had and probably still have feelings for you, but i don’t know if i should follow my heart or my brain right now, because you acted like a bitch with me”
oof, OOF.
“i am very sorry, y/n. i don’t know what i was thinking when i said that. i was too scared of hurting myself again and i almost gave up on my dream. it was stupid, i know you were right, but i didn’t want to accept it”
you breathe in deeply. “i accept your excuses, i’m sorry too. i shouldn’t have pushed that conversation that far”
“but you were right. during my time in blue lock, one of my friends told me the same things you told me back then. i realised that i was the one at fault.”
you nod “i’m happy you will continue to follow your dream. i’m sure you’ll be successful”
chigiri gives you a soft smile, making your heart melt.
“so we’re friends again” you say.
“actually… staying without you all this time was hard” he confesses.
“so you’re asking me…”
“yes, i’m asking that”
he laughs when he sees you blushing.
“i have a couple of days off, what do you think about going on a serious date before i go back to blue lock?”
“i’d love that”
this bitch
when he accepted to move into a new apartment for university he was prepared for anything, he thought.
you’re his polar opposite: messy, loud, extrovert, creative. the living copy of phoebe buffay.
“why are your clothes on my side of the room? is it that difficult to put your things in your side?” and he points the coloured tape that divides the floor in two halves.
(it was your idea to put it down, so he wouldn’t argue with you)
“the space on my floor was finished, i took a bit of yours”
this man is about to jump from the window.
you actually find his exaggerate reactions absolutely funny.
you leave your stuff around the house on purpose, just to see him getting mad.
barou, in reality, loves cleaning, so he is actually satisfied when everything is back to its place.
however, he is quite unreadable, and you think he hates you for the mess you always leave inside the apartment.
suddenly, one of your friends asks if you want a room near your university.
obviously, living closer to your department is better than living where you’re now, since public transport is often crowded or late.
when you leave he’s in paradise.
or at least he thought.
despite the first few days, barou actually misses your mess.
his days are pretty empty without picking up your stuff and cleaning your shared room.
he thought he hated you for that, but he loved cleaning your bedroom.
and that’s why he calls you after a couple of weeks “can you come back, please?”
you’re astonished. why would he want you to move back to his apartment? is he the same person that got mad every time you left something out of place?
“well… I…”
is the king barou admitting his feelings?!
he misses you a lot.
“i miss your mess, now i’m always bored after studying, i have nothing to clean up”
“wait” you say, trying to connect the dots “i thought you hated me for my messiness?”
“i thought i hated you too”
“thanks?? how should i answer to that?”
“with a <<yes, I’ll move back to your apartment>>” he laughs
“okay then”
now you’re back in the same flat!
for now, he isn’t going to tell you that he appreciates your presence this much, but i can confirm that he’s down bad.
“you’re the only person whose mess isn’t a problem for me”
he might be a king on the football field, but we still need to work on love declarations.
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@rindouheart ‘s headcanons — 02192023
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kmblckbk · 2 years
Between Royals
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part 1
18+ contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR, Cresent city and Throne of glass series*
rhysand x reader / Ruhn x reader / Dorian x reader
word count: 3389
"oh fuck Rhys" you moan, grinding on his face as he eats you out. You feel him smile under you. your back arches as you feel your orgasm rising. "fuck" you moan out loud before you come on his face. You quickly grab the couch before you collapse onto him. "fuck I never grow tired of the taste of you darling" he says getting out from under you. "I never get tired of you eating me out" you breath out smiling before Rhys scoops you up in his arms.
You were lounging on the couch basking in the afterglow. cuddled up in your mates arms, when there is a loud bang outside. Rhys groans "what is going on". You grab his arms, holding them close to your body "it's probably nothing" you tell him, not in the mood to leave this couch right now. You almost think he's gonna stay but when there is another bang he stands up. You whine "please stay" you say pouting at him. he smiles at you "I need to check it out baby, otherwise I would be a very bad high lord" he says kissing you deeply, you can still taste yourself on his tongue. "fine then I'm coming with you" you say standing up too. He looks you over "not like that you won't" he says strictly. He made it very clear that you were his, and he didn't like the idea of anyone seeing you like this except him. you sigh "give me 2 minutes" you say quickly grabbing your clothes, which were spread all over the room.
Within 5 minutes you both walked outside, seeing where the bang was coming from. There where people standing, and they surely where not from here. They look just as confused as you. "uhm hello?" you say to them as you approach them. They still looked confused. "where are we?" a blonde girl with turquoise gold eyes asked. "you are in Velaris" Rhys says "welcome, I'm Rhysand, high lord of the night court and this is my mate, wife and high lady of the night court y/n". they still looked really confused. "Velaris? Night court?" a girl with red hair asked, looking like she was also a stranger to the people standing next to her. "yes, Velaris a city in the night court in Prythian" Rhys says. "Prythian?" a blond haired men with the same eyes as the girl with blond hair asked.
"oh shit" Rhys says, seeming to realize what's going on. The blond girl seems out of patients and grabs a golden sword "tell me what going on" she demands as her swords begins to glow, no not glow, that sword is on fire. "calm down we're not here to fight. And not in the open like this. Follow me and I will tell you what I think is going on here" Rhysand tell them. That doesn't really seem to convince them though. "look if you wanna kill me do it after I explain what I think is going on okay" your heart starts beating faster at his words, he didn't mean that, did he? You know he was the strongest high lord in Prythian. But they didn't even seem to know what Prythian was. And that girl was holding a FLAMING SWORD! 'don't worry I've got it under control' you hear Rhys say in your mind. You better hoped so.
"excuse me for Aelin, she is a kill first ask questions later kinda girl" a dark hair man with blue eyes says.He reminded you a lot of Rhysand. "I'm Dorian by the way. So that girl with the flaming sword is Aelin, her nephew Aedion. Then the white haired guy is Rowan, he can turn into a bird" "a hawk" the white hair guy, Rowan, interrupts him. "right and the brown haired gentleman in Chaol. Those people there, no idea. It's the first time I see them too" Dorian explains. "Ruhn" another black haired guy with tattoos and piercing says, stepping forward.He also kinda reminded you of Rhys, the tattoos and piercings where fucking sexy. You needed to convince Rhys to get some piercings now too. "that are Bryce and that there is Hunt" he says pointing to the red haired girl and the man with wings. Not the kind Rhys, Cassian and Azriel had, no this guy had fucking dark angel wings.
"alright, well. Let's go inside" you say, leading them into the house. "what's going on" you whisper to Rhys. "do you remember the time I told you about different world existing, different timeline and stuff". "yes" you nod. "I think that's what's going on" he says before he leads them into the living room, where he just fucking ate you out a few minutes ago. You hoped to god none of them could actually smell you, like Rhys could.
You get them all something to drink until the blonde girl, you now know was Aelin, begins to speak. "so what's going on high lord" she says mockingly, okay she was definitely sassy. You actually liked her already. "okay well I have this theory" he say before he explains it to them. the different worlds and timelines. "wait so we're not in Lunathion?" Bryce the red haired girl asked. "and not in Erilea?" Aelin asks. "no" Rhys answers. "how do we get back to our...worlds then?" the man with the angel wings, Hunt asks. "we have to figure that one out" Rhys says thinking.
"oh no we're not gonna wait around here" Aelin says standing up, flames growing in her hands. you get nervous now, she did not seem like a girl you wanted to fight with. "get us back" she demands walking up to Rhysand. Liquid night forms around your hands "get away from him" you say walking up to Aelin. "or what" Aelin says like nothing can hurt her. You see the people behind her get closer to her, sliding their hand towards their weapons and in Dorians hands grows something that looks like...ice. "stop!" you hear someone yell while lighting strikes just inches before your feet. You look over at Hunt, who has fucking lighting in his eyes "you are gonna get people killed, they're trying to help us" he says to Aelin. You give Aelin an angry look for trying to hurt Rhys. She sits down again. You give Hunt a quick thankful look.
"we're gonna figure this out" Rhys says, not at all seeming concerned about anyone trying to kill anyone right here. "you are welcome to stay here" he says "as long as you don't kill OR hurt anyone, either between you or my people" he says strictly, glancing a little longer towards Aelin. Everyone nods in understanding.
"I'll guide you to your rooms, anyone wanting to share a room, we don't have enough space to actually give you all a room all to yourself" you ask them. "Aelin and I will share a room" Rowan says. "me and Bryce too" Hunt says. "alright great" you tell them showing them their room. Guessing by their answers Bryce and Hunt where a couple and Aelin and Rowan where too, so you placed them as far from each other as you could. You know what was going to go down if they felt in the mood. And them being in a different place sure didn't matter if you guessed correctly. you would fuck Rhys in an unknown place too, to be honest. Unfortunately for Chaol and Aedion, they were closes by them, you knew those wall were not at all good at canceling out sounds.
You walked with Ruhn and Dorian to a floor up, closer to your and Rhys' room. "here is one room and next door the other. Go freshen up and I'll see you guys for diner" you tell them kindly. "thank you" Dorian says making a light bow, he was so nice. If you'd have to guess, he was someone important in his world, some sort of royal. But Ruhn, he couldn't look anymore different from someone royal. But he does stair at you a little to long, making a funny feeling appear in your stomach. "thank you for showing us our rooms high lady" he says. "oh please call me y/n, I'm not so into formalities". "don't know if your husband agrees with that" Dorian interrupts him. "oh he has nothing to say about me, I will never let men tell me what to do" you tell them. "we'll see about that" Ruhn says grinning before he disappears in his room. "you better watch out, that seemed an afoul lot like flirting to me" Dorian says with a smile before he disappears into his room to. You don't know why but you'd grown hot all of a sudden.
"are you okay?" Rhys asked as you came downstairs. "I'm fine". "you're blushing, who was it?" he asks anger and possession in his voice. "no one" you tell him quickly. "well good, because otherwise I would have taken you on the fucking diner table to show them you're mine" he says in a dark and hungry voice. "RHYS?! We have guests" you whisper to him, shocked he would say that, did he feel threatened? "you're my mate, I will love no one else but you" you tell him. "good" he says before he places a possessive, claiming a kiss on your lips.
At diner everyone is sitting around the table, silently. "so, what do your cities look like?" you ask to break the silence. "before or after the war?" Aelin asks, but in an almost emotionless tone. "oh well, after?" you ask not really knowing how to react to that. "it's starting you look like how it used to be, but we're far from where it should be. That's why I would like to go home, as soon as possible, my people need me" Aelin says, looking to Rhys. "so you're the queen?" you ask her. she looks at you like you just offended her or something. "yes I am" she says. "what did it look like befor-" you ask but she interrupts. "beautiful, peaceful ...... alive" Aelin says, sounding sad at the last words. "I'm sorry" you tell her, knowing now it was a sensitive Topic. "it's okay, you mean well. It's just been a hard year, after everything. I, I mean we, lost a lot" she tells you. at those words a bright light fills the room. You look to where it's coming from and see it comes from Bryce, out of her chest. "oh I'm sorry" she says covering it up with her hand. "that happens sometimes when i...... I'm sorry" she says, sounding sad now too. "let me guess similar situation?" you ask her and she nods. "so what's your story then?" Aelin asks you and Rhys. "more of the same" you tell her, remembering your best friend who died on the battle field just a few months ago. Rhys squeezes your hand as he sees where your mind has gone to. "I'm okay" you whisper to him while you give him a small smile, to let him know you could handle this. "welcome to the club" Dorian says, trying to lift the mood a little. You give him a small smile, only now noticing a scar of sorts around his throat. no not a scar. more like there was something on there for to long, like there hasn't been sunlight on it for a long time. He sees you looking and smiles softly "we all have our own trauma's. but we all came out alive. Well most of us anyway" he says.
"so you're all royals?" you ask them. "queen and king of Terrasen" Aelin says pointing to her and Rowan. "king of Adarlan" Dorian says. "i'm just the general of the army of Terrasen" Aedion says. "oh you're much more than that" Aelin says. You look at Chaol "oh I'm just a guard " he says. "no you're not, you are way more than that  Chaol" Dorian says. You could see he and Chaol knew each other for a long time, they seemed like brothers. "and you?" you asked Bryce, Hunt and Ruhn. "oh Ruhn is the only one with an official title" Bryce says, there seemed something more going on but you didn't asked her about it. "crown prince of the Valbaren fae at your service" he says softly bowing his head, but not as serious as Dorian had, no it was in a joking kind of way. Like he didn't took that title seriously. he probably only used it to get girls into his bed, you thought to yourself. Though you don't think he really needed that.
"you don't like being a prince?" you ask him, trying to get your mind out of the gutter, you had a mate. "nah, just happy to one day replace that asshole who calls himself my dad" he says. "I feel that, trust me it feels great when you finally get rid of him" Dorian says in a bitter tone. "your dad was possessed" Aelin interrupts him. "still was an asshole" Dorian says. "oh if we're gonna measure shit dads get in line" Rhys finally speaks. "couldn't be worse than mine" Ruhn says "did your dad punish you when you didn't do his bidding?". "yes" Dorian says, but Rhys stays silent. "did your dad have human slaves?" Rhys asks. "yes" Dorian says again, this time Ruhn is silent. "did your dad place a ring on your neck to possess you with something evil, who forced you to murder your own men you've known for years" Dorian asks. Both Ruhn and Rhys stay silent. "fine you win" Rhys says eventually and Ruhn nods with him. shit that must have been really bad, how can he still sit here and....smile.
"I killed the baster tho" he says, meeting your eye. "that must have been hard" you say almost whispering. "well yes and no" Dorian says. "killing him was easy but seeing him for the man he really was....... Without the thing that lived inside him. it was the same thing that lived inside of me once, but stronger. Yet he managed to still protect the people he loved, well he tried at least. Much more than I can say". You could see he had still some guilt hidden beneath those eyes. "but I'm glad I killed him, he had hurt a lot of people" he says quickly looking over at Aelin before his eye return to you.
"so the trauma club huh. Should I invite a therapist to come over?" you say jokingly. Making most of them laugh. "guess that would be a good idea. If I wasn't so busy rebuilding my home, I surely would like to see one" Dorian says smiling at you now and you smile back. "I went once, I can't say I got a lot out of it" Ruhn says also starring at you. you feel a hand slowly slide up your leg and resting on your thigh, squeezing a little. You look at Rhys, who looked.....jealous. 'what's going on?' you ask him inside your heads. 'they're starring at you' he sends back. 'yeah so.... I told you, I'm yours' you send back, seeing a small smile appear on his face. You and Rhys been together for a while but he just recently made you his wife and high lady. He still seemed a little insecure about where you 2 stood. He had told you he often felt like you were to good for him, but you made sure he knew his worth and that you would never leave him.
The rest of the diner went okay, they told you more stories about them and you told them yours. Mostly the happy and victorious once, you could see there was still a lot of hurt there. "so have you found a way to get us home yet?" Chaol asked Rhys "I need to get back to my wife and kid". "no unfortunately I have not, I will look further into it tomorrow" Rhys tells him and Chaol nods at him understandingly. After diner everyone retreats to their rooms.
You eventually go up to your room too. "that was something" you sigh. "sure was" Rhys says "I thought I was gonna make love to you all day today". That made you blush. "but hey I can still give you a few more orgasms before we go to sleep" he says grinning at you. "we have guest Rhys" you whisper to him. "I know, that means you have to be as silent as you can darling" and with that he walks up to you, grabs your throat, pulling you to him as he kisses you harshly. You moan into the kiss, you liked it when his dominant side came out to play. "do you think you can do that for me?" he asks looking down at you. you nod eagerly. "good" he says smirking before he rips your dress off your body and throws you on the bed.
He hovers over you, looking at you face "you're so beautiful" he whispers in admiration. "and all yours" you whisper back. He snaps and he places kisses from your mouth all the way down to your core where he feasts on you like you're the greatest thing he's ever tasted, if you had to believe his words, you were. He sucks your clit hard making a moan slip your lips and he stops to look up at you, placing his finger on his lips to remind you to stay silent. Your cheeks heat up as you think about someone hearing you. but soon you get lost in pleasure again as Rhys continues licking your pussy. "f-fuck" you whisper as your orgasm hits you. "good girl" Rhys whispers against your lips before he kisses you.
"I need you" you whisper. "if you stay silent" he says with that stupidly handsome half smirk of his. "I can" you say determent, gasping as he pushes himself inside you, you didn't even realize he had removed his clothes, the power of the high lord. "sssshh" he says putting his hand on your mouth as he fucks you rough and hard. "fuck I wanted to do this before those people came to interrupt our fun" he whispers. Your eyes roll back as you feel your orgasm rise. "already baby" he says grinning as you come, moaning into his hand. But he is not done with you. he still kept his brutal pace, fucking you hard and fast and So. Fucking. Deep. "that's it, that's my girl" he whispers in your ear. "f-fuck more!" you scream into his hand as you feel another orgasm rise. "i swear someday i'm gonna find a way to fill all your holes....at once" he whispers in your ear "now come with me darling" his hand leaves your mouth. "oh fuck Rhys" you moan out not able to keep it in as you come so fucking hard, your whole body shaking as you feel Rhys fill you up at the same time. "that's it, look at those legs shake baby" he breaths out. Then he slowly pulls out and wraps you up in his arms. "I love you" you tell him. "I love you too darling" he says kissing the top of your head while you nestle into his chest falling asleep.
part 2
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toomuchracket · 1 year
i just typed out like 14 ross hcs/requests but i’m gonna take a deep breath and not annoy tf out of u so. here’s one
something a little angsty a little hurt/comfort he’s just having a rough time on tour like maybe he’s tired it’s catching up to him and he strikes me as the type of person who’s guilty that he’s sad (“i’m supposed to be the happy friend” type beat) and when he calls you hes just ugh i’m getting old it’s getting hard i just wanna come home to you point is he’s just so DOWN and you feel so bad you can’t do anything about it and then you and the guys plan a surprise visit for you to wherever in the world they currently are and you just. comfort him. maybe bring some home To him yanno
i answered quite a similar vibe here but i didn't quite go into detail on ross talking to you so i'll do that! so he's got your candle lit and he's waiting for you to finish work to call him - as soon as he picks up and says hi, you know something's up. and you're like "baby what is it?" and ross is like "... i'm just so drained, love. and not just from playing shows with not a lot of time off in between - i miss you so much. have half a mind to just get on a flight and come home tomorrow". and you're so sad for him and shocked - ross would never leave tour like that, he loves his job and he loves the boys, so you know something's definitely up. you're like "have you not told the boys how you're feeling? i'm sure they'd help you feel better" and ross says "nah, i haven't. s'usually me doing that to them, i think they'd probably freak out if i needed reassurance haha" (a mirthless laugh), and you're like "oh baby, i wish i could be there" and ross sighs like "i wish for that too, more than anything. but i'll be ok, my love - anyway, tell me about your day, distract me a bit". so you do, and ross genuinely does cheer up a bit, but after you hang up to go to sleep he just sits on his bed and cries a little when the boys find him. and they know something's up - when matty sends you the cute pic of the boys the next day he also says "hey, don't wanna upset you but ross is proper struggling with being away. had your candle burning the whole day yesterday" and you reply like "ah fuck he told me he was down but i didn't think it was this bad. i hate it", and matty's like "look i know you guys agreed it wouldn't make sense for you to come on tour, but i think it's the best thing for him. up for that?" and you agree. you fly out the next week and jamie meets you at the airport and drives you to the venue so you're there to surprise ross when he gets there; you sit in the green room with a coffee, grinning as you hear the boys' voices increase in volume as they near the door, and wave as they all enter like "surprise!". and ross genuinely tears up when he sees you and just runs to grab you and hug you tightly - you're like "sorry if i stink i literally just got off a plane" and ross laughs and he's like "i'm lowkey sick of your perfume anyway i've been burning it in candle form for weeks", and you're jokingly like "oi!" and ross giggles like "never gonna be sick of the taste of your lips though. may i?" and you nod and he just kisses you so deeply (george is in the back oohing like a 12 year old but everyone else is cheering). and you just kinda sit with ross as he preps for the show, and stand at his side of the stage as he performs - he's so much more relaxed and happier with you there cheering him on and blowing kisses, and i think he doesn't let go of you at all from the minute the show ends <3
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femmchantress · 10 months
HI RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you have had a good day :3 what's a song you've had on repeat lately........you can share as many as you like hehe i just wanna know!
Danny boyyyyyyyyyy c: Thank you thank you! I’m having a really lovely day, I’ve been so busy all week and have been so social that it’s really helped keep me in a decent mood and from spiraling too much tbh! And I met so many fun new people last night and I got invited to a birthday party on Sunday at a bar for this really cool punk rocker I met, and yeah. :3 I’m feeling really great overall! I’m definitely overexerting myself socially to make up for like, a six month long breakdown driven in part by social isolation and loneliness, but I figured better to start strong and then find my happy medium.
I’ve had a couple of songs on my mind as of late!
“Dumai” by Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird is a big one. It’s both a comfort and a rage song for me - and with the… strangeness of the interaction between my job and my politics as of late, it’s been nice to have art to fall back on made by people in my community who don’t have reprehensible politics or beliefs lmao.
“The Destruction of New Orleans” by Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird (are you sending a pattern lol). We had a very bad gubernatorial election in Louisiana recently and a horrible, vicious fascist will be sworn in as our governor next year. And he specifically carries a vendetta against my beloved home of New Orleans (as well as all the usual idiotic reactionary culture war shit). And it’s just another reminder that me and my husband’s days here are numbered before we have to move up north for our own well-being and the potential of being able to eventually start a family and get things like top and bottom surgery. And it sucks. It really fucking sucks. New Orleans is the first place I’ve ever truly made a home for myself - I was married here, I’ve mourned loved ones here, I have my own little community here and my own little found family that I love deeply. And that’s to say nothing of my husband, who was born here and barring a year in Europe, they’ve never lived anywhere else in their life. They’re of this land and this city in a way I could never understand, comparatively rootless as I am, and I know it’s going to break their fucking heart to leave. I love my gay little family in NYC with my entire heart and I’m so excited to be closer to them sometime soon, but I’m also just kinda tired of building and leaving communities when things inevitably get scary. I’m also just not used to being outside the south lol. Anyways.
The last one is a little guilty pleasure off of Big Freedia’s Christmas EP. It’s kinda a bounce parody of “Mr. Sandman” and it’s just the greatest thing. I don’t do Christmas, but I do fuck with Freedia something fierce.
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Thinking of Shugo chara at 1am... 😔 I barely remember that show but... it was pretty good tbh?? Like??
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calxide · 2 years
⋆⁺ [ 015 ] most chaotic duo
warning/s: mentions of dead pet, familial issues, food (at the very end)
word count: 0.7k
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Scaramouche noticed Y/N crying, who was currently sitting on one of the benches on the school campus. The area was quiet, there were a few people at this time, and most students, currently, are in their classes. It was a perfect time to cry without anyone minding you, and who cares anyway? This is college; you are expected to face many problems in your studies.
Y/N wiped her tears with the tissue she have. It was terrible, she had forgotten to bring her handkerchief. “Fate, why do you hate me so much?” she said through the sobs.
Scaramouche heaved a sigh and approached her quietly. He stood behind the bench and spoke in a hushed tone, “What might be the reason that made the mighty Y/N crying?”
The said female was startled; she jolted a bit by the sound of the familiar voice ringing through her ears. She turned around to see the owner of the voice, “Shortie-  I mean, Scaramouche? Haha, was that your attempt to make me laugh?”
Hearing Scaramouche's snickering, she quickly chuckled to lighten the mood, "Just kidding. Why are you here?"
“I study here, remember?” Y/N snorted at his response.
She sighed, “Aren’t you supposed to be at class?”
“What about you?”
“Did you skip class too?”
Scaramouche didn't answer her question; instead, he sat beside her. He handed her his handkerchief without glancing at her. Y/N looked at him confused, “Uhm, thanks?”
“Just take it and never give it back.”
Y/N laughed at his statement, "Don't worry, I won't blow out my nose."
“Ew, would you please not say it that way?” Scaramouche grimaced, but it was clear that he only said that to stop his laughter.
“Ladies first,” said Scaramouche, still not giving her a glance.
She chuckled softly, “Yeah, yeah, what a gentleman you are. But I’d prefer if you go first.”
“Tch, just wanna ask why you were crying.”
Y/N sighed deeply and wiped the remaining tears on her eyes with the help of Scaramouche's handkerchief. “Are you sure you won't find it boring? Eh, are you even willing to listen?”
“How bad do you think of me?” Scaramouche joked which made Y/N burst into laughter, “You’re actually a funny guy!”
Scaramouche rolled his eyes at her, “What? Are you going to talk or not?”
“Jeez, so impatient,” she sighed, “I failed my biology quiz.”
He looked at her in disbelief but let her continue talking. “I felt under pressure because of my parents' ーwell, my mother to be preciseー high expectations of me, and my cat recently died. I lost focus while answering the quiz, and the next thing I knew, it was time to pass the papers.”
“That’s one lengthy explanation, but I get why you’re crying. It must be hard… you know, the people you know have high expectations from you. And when you’re tired, you feel as if you don't deserve to rest because you have to meet their expectations.”
Y/N chuckled a little which made Scaramouche shoot her a deathly stare, “Why the fuck are you laughing?!”
“I-I’m sorry..! It’s just that it kinda feels comforting to know that someone understands me.” Scaramouche saw Y/N’s lips tugged into a small smile.
Suddenly, Y/N’s phone alarmed. “Okay! Time to stop mourning. Do you want to get some coffee? My treat,” Y/N stood up from her seat and stretched her arms to loosen up a bit.
Scaramouche shrugged, “It won’t hurt to get some coffee while cutting classes.” Y/N chuckled nervously at his statement, “Oh, haha, right, we’re cutting classes. But anyway..!”
They arrived at the school cafe, ordered their orders, and sat at the very back of the place. “Fufufu, so that’s the type of coffee that you like?”
“Yeah,” Scaramouche put his cup down, “What about it?”
“Nothing! Xiao also likes that kind of coffee.” Scaramouche nodded silently, How did I end up hanging out with her at a cafe…
“So… tell me about yourself.”
“I’d bore you to death if I do that.” Y/N laughed at his claim but urged him to do so.
He sighed, “Archons, you’re so annoying.”
“But you love me,” Y/N wiggled her eyebrows a bit to add some effect to her words. Although she meant it as a joke, she didn’t expect to see a blush on Scaramouche's face.
Y/N fought the temptation to laugh out loud. He cleared his throat and spoke, “Shut up will you.” It was more of a statement than a request.
“Okay, okay. Whatever you say.”
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ABYSSAL LOVE ✰ previous ♡ masterlist ♡ next
a/n: when i said “real soon” i meant the very next chapter lol. this chapter is not proofread because i wrote this when i was procrastinating during last week’s exam, so do tell me if you see any mistakes!
happy eid al fitr to all! <3
⋆⁺ synopsis — Scaramouche, the person who tripped you on purpose just to see your despair expression on your face, hates how you always appear so happy in front of other people. He hated the fact that you find life enjoyable, unlike him. You, of course, hated him back. You don't understand why he goes to the extent to see your face crinkle in pure dismay. But what if you realize that the person who always laughs at your misery isn't so insufferable after you get to know him?
💌 @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk @kanaqwqbear @berryqueue @nejibot @wrrapedroundmyfingerlikearing @cafescara @ferumie @zannivrs
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meatmensch · 2 years
It was late.
Late late. Sam, Dean, and Cas got home long after dark from a grueling hunt, put their gear away, washed up, and ate dinner. Sam immediately ran off to his room to get some Z's, but Dean was restless, and Cas, of course, didn't sleep.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Dean whispered in the hall. If someone were to ask, he'd say he wasn't begging. But Dean lies so often, no one should believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
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Cas half-smiled. It was one of those little grins Dean rarely saw directed at anyone else. Most of the time, he told himself that he was probably seeing things, making a mountain out of a molehill. But he was just so tired. He let himself acknowledge that look for what it was - a gift, something just for him.
"I'd like that," Cas said.
And wasn't that wild? Ten years ago, the guy thought having emotions, preferences, the whole nine, was the worst thing he could possibly do. Now he wanted to sit next to Dean on the cozy matching recliners they picked out together and argue about what movie to put on. He wanted.
(Dean wanted, too.)
Their shoulders brushed as they walked to the Dean Cave. Cas recommended they watch something they'd seen many times before, something comforting. Dean asked if Cas had anything specific in mind.
He shrugged. "Surprise me."
Dean pulled out the DVD case and flipped around until he found what he was looking for. He popped it in the player, grabbed the remote and an old quilt they'd gotten ages ago at a thrift store in Denver, and sat down. He threw the blanket out over himself and Cas, making sure he was comfortable.
"You got enough blankie?"
Cas fondly rolled his eyes. "Yes, Dean, I have enough blankie."
He pressed play.
Cas smiled the moment "Act III Communications presents" came on the screen in basic blue lettering.
"Good choice," Cas said in a low tone, using his "movie theater voice," as the text changed to "The Princess Bride," and little Fred Savage started yacking.
They continued chatting sleepily as the film went on, occasionally talking about the events of the movie, but mostly just rambling on about whatever. Dean told Cas about how, when he and Sam saw The Princess Bride in the theater as kids, they paid for one showing, but loved it so much, they stayed all day. Sure they were too young to be there alone, but it was right next to the motel, Dad was busy on a hunt, and it was a weekend. It was a fond memory of his. Cas told Dean about marveling at motion pictures with Anna when they were first created. They made him feel something he didn't, at the time, understand. He later allowed himself to realize that it was admiration, adoration, love. He loved how humans wanted to tell stories, in many different forms, and that they constantly breached the barrier of what was possible to tell stories in new ways.
"Is that why you like emojis so much?" Dean asked.
"You give me too much credit. I'm fond of emojis because I'm fond of Gina Linetti."
"I'm more of a Boyle kinda guy, myself."
"Really? Why's that?"
"He's an awkward dork, but he kicks major ass. He loves his family something fierce. I dunno, he's funny. Makes me smile."
Cas nodded. "Understandable. I think Rosa Diaz is also enjoyable."
"She's a seemingly gruff individual with a heart of gold and many interesting hobbies. She's constantly growing and trying to help people. She cares deeply for her vehicle, which I find charming - oh, this is my favorite part."
Wesley was crawling over to Buttercup after they'd rolled down the grassy hill. 
Can you move at all?
Move? You're alive. If I want I could fly.
Dean turned to Cas. His eyes, gleaming from the light of the television, were glued to the screen. Dean was trying to pay attention to Cas's favorite part - it was important - but Cas himself was. He. Well. Dean thought he was much more worthy of his attention. He was breathing a bit heavy, and his lips were a bit parted, and he just. Glowed.
Death cannot stop true love. It can only delay it for a while.
I will never doubt again.
There will never be a need.
Cas's expression soured, like their exchange had reminded him of a bad memory, or inspired some complicated feelings. But, why?
"Have you ever been in love?" Dean breathed. Cas was silent for so long that he almost repeated himself.
"Yes," Cas said just as quietly, still gazing at the screen.
Maybe it ended badly. Maybe Cas and this mystery person had made those kinds of promises together, and the other person hadn't held up their end of the deal. Maybe Cas had wished for a moment like that, but had never gotten it.
"Well, how did it end?"
Cas turned to him. Despite all of the hours they'd spent together, how close they were, how many times Cas had looked at Dean much like he was now, Dean would never get used to being seen by Cas. He never wanted him to look away.
"It hasn't."
At that moment, the bunker could have crumbled around them and Dean wouldn't have noticed. Well, he'd probably notice, but he sure as hell wouldn't care.
Cas had been in love. And it hadn't ended.
Dean was in love. And it wasn't hopeless.
They turned back to the movie.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Tomorrow is another day (LMK Monkey King X Reader)
Note: This oneshot has themes of self loathing. If this is uncomfortable for you in any way please skip this oneshot.
Also, all nicknames Monkey King gives is gender neutral.
Another barrage of self loathing thoughts. Another sleepless night. This has happened more times than you count. But you had a solution. Distract yourself with random internet shenanigans, forget the thoughts, problem solved.
Sure you lose some sleep over it, but it's a price to pay to keep the voices quiet. Plus, you were basically alone so no one would bother you tonight or the next morning. Well, almost.
A certain monkey liked to fly around the city some nights to check on those he holds close, and surprisingly that number is pretty low. 
Said monkey landed on your window sill in bird form before transforming into his normal self. He furrowed his brows upon seeing you up at this hour. 
He knocks on your window which grabs your attention. You sigh and approach the window before opening it. Monkey King smiles before speaking.
"Hey buddy, pal, what are you doing up at this hour?" He asks concerned, you huff tiredly.
"Cause I wanted to," You mutter, turning away from the window and flop onto your bed and continue your mindless scrolling. He frowns and climbs into your room.
"You wanted too? Doesn't sound like you, you usually complain about being tired after all," You hum in acknowledgement, not even glancing at him. He sighs and sits on the bed next to you. 
". . . how long have you been doing this?" You stare for a bit before shrugging.
"Oh I don't know, years. Just something that happens from time to time?" His brows furrow deeper.
"Just something that happens huh? You know sleep is important right?" You don't answer.
"It's not about sleep, is it?" You sigh.
"Yes. I know I have a bad habit and it's hard to break it," He frowns deeply.
"Mind telling me what the cause is? If you wanna tell me that is," You stare for a bit before taking a deep breath.
"I… sometimes… little voices tell me my insecurities loud and clear and it's so hard to ignore them… so I distract myself to quiet the voices for a few hours. It's especially loud when I'm trying to sleep… and… it makes me think of all the things that could go wrong tommorow. So I… try to delay the inevitable," He listened intently before taking a breath.
"Well, there’s your problem! You’re seeing tomorrow as a looming shadow hanging over your head when you should be seeing tomorrow as a bright new day! You shouldn’t be too worried about the future, all that you need to do is focus on the present, see what you have around you and be glad that you have it! And tomorrow usually ends up being today and then yesterday. Has anything good come from this bad habit of yours?” 
"Well no…"
"Exactly. Listen," He places a hand on your shoulder before continuing.
"I know it's hard to get rid of the little voices in your head trying to bring you down. And… I've learned you kinda have to be your own therapist. Reassure yourself of what the voices tell you. It'll still hurt, but it helps to realize you can soften the blow in a way, understand?" You slowly nod.
"Yeah, I think I do…" He smiles. 
"Good. Now, off to bed with ya!" He playfully announces before grabbing a pillow and lightly hitting you with it. You laugh.
"Okay, okay! I'm going!" You say amused before laying yourself down. He stops hitting you and starts giggling. You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, blankets sprawled across your bed.
Wukong smiles and gently kisses your forehead, tucking you in and shutting the light off. He then looks outside your window to look at the window, remembering.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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biisexualemma · 3 years
kick ass. kol mikaelson
word count: 1.8k
warnings: mentions of blood and some violence
requested: n/a
plot: you get hurt and deal with the repercussions
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"i'm fully capable of kicking your ass," you spat. you were having none of it. you'd been threatened plenty of times in your lifetime, you were equipped to handle this kind of situation. ever since you started dating an original vampire, he had you taking every precaution. you always had vervain in your system. you took self defence classes. you always carried a small stake in your purse, just for times like this. "and if i'm not, my boyfriend certainly won't hesitate to."
"i don't see your boyfriend anywhere?"
"do you know who my boyfriend is?"
"should i?" he took a few steps towards you, but you mimicked and took a few steps back. you weren't far from the compound, so there was no doubt in your mind that if you screamed loud enough, kol could hear you.
you wore a sly smile. "you probably should."
you clutched the stake in your hand, holding it behind your back, ready to move on him if he tried anything. "too bad—" you saw it coming before he did, and quickly sliced his hand open with the tip of stake before he could touch you. while he was caught off guard you nailed him right in the crotch with a powerful kick.
he stumbled backwards, and before he could recover you ran as quickly as you could in the direction of the compound. you weren't stupid. you could only defend yourself so much against a vampire, no matter how young they were. you were sure he could kill you with no trouble at all, you just couldn't give him the chance.
you didn't have a second to pull out your phone to warn anyone of your situation, so you continued to run until you felt a hand clamp around your ankle and yank you to the ground. your face slammed into the pavement, your nose dripping now with blood. you leak out a shriek at the impact, and you quickly noticed the stake in your hand had jammed into you leg as you fell. you pushed aside the pain and scrambled away from the vamp hunting you.
if you died, kol would never let you hear the end of it. he was always having a go at you for being reckless with you life. but in his eyes, being reckless with your life, included simple things like walking home alone, or closing up the bar you worked by yourself, or even leaving the compound without telling him your whereabouts. these were all simple things, things you couldn't avoid. he didn't get it though. so you just didn't tell him. you'd lie and say your walked home with a friend. or lie and say your manager was locking up with you that night. what he didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.
you only wished now, in this moment, that you had listened to him.
you were steps away from the compound, clawing your way to the gates, your right leg struggling from where the stake had penetrated your thigh. you could feel the vampire looming over you. you flipped over, trying to push yourself up with your arms but your legs were weak.
you wore a tired, wicked smile on your face. blood was oozing from your nose, dripping onto your lips. the vamp couldn't understand your reaction, when he was about to suck the life out of you.
"you really don't wanna do this— you're kinda already dead for this," you motioned to your bloodied face. the vampire shook his head, wearing a smirk that you were sure would be wiped off his face any moment now.
"you're pretty cocky for someone that's about to die," he quipped.
"if anyone's about to die— i can promise that it's going to be you," you let out a heavy sigh of relief when you heard klaus' voice from behind you. "you not only interrupted my reading but you've also only gone and bashed up the face of my brother's girl."
you saw the young vampires face turn pale. he knew who he was dealing with. everyone knew klaus, everyone knew the mikaelsons. he suddenly looked very regretful.
"you're— you're boyfriend is—"
"kol mikaelson," he appeared from behind klaus, elijah and freya following behind him. klaus grabbed the young vamp before he got any ideas about running away. you knew they were going to really make him pay for this. you'd feel sorry for him if he hadn't just tried to kill you, twice.
kol crouched beside you, his eyebrows knitted tightly together as he gently touched your face. you winced, pulling away from him. his jaw clenched. his eyes remained on you, as he spoke to his siblings. "freya, take y/n inside and clean her up," kol helped you onto your feet, handing you over to freya with great care as you limped on inside.
you were sure that vampire never lived to see another day. you were sure when he was left alone with klaus, kol and elijah that he was made to suffer deeply. you tried not to think about it. you should be used to the blood and gore by now, but nothing ever prepared you for it. you put it out of your mind, hissing when freya touched your nose cautiously. you frowned, leaning away from her touch.
"ow," you mumbled quietly. freya muttered a quiet sorry in return, but continued to wipe away the blood that had poured all over the rest of your face.
"i don't think it's broken," she wore a sympathetic smile, you were sure she was trying not to think about what her brothers were doing too. "but it's bruised pretty bad."
you nodded, letting her touch your chin and tilt your head backwards. "shove these up there and it should stop the bleeding," you did as she said and put the cotton wool up your nostrils, and sure enough the bleeding stopped. "what happened to your leg?"
you scoffed out a laugh, your head still tilted back as you held the cotton up your nose. you couldn't really see freya from this angle at all. "uh— that was my fault actually— never run with scissors— or stakes in this instance."
freya cracked a small smile of amusement. you were the clumsiest person she'd met, only you would bring a stake to defend yourself and end up hurting yourself with it. "you're so stupid," she muttered half-jokingly. you could tell she was waiting for the moment her brothers would come back and start some kind of argument over this. she always tried to keep the peace, which is why she wasn't grilling you about walking home alone. and although you knew kol was worried about you, you were also prepared to get an earful from him about being more careful. so right now, you were thankful to be in freya's company over any other mikaelson.
"uh huh," you nodded. it was true, you did often get yourself into these stupid situations. it wasn't your fault, you were like a beacon for bad situations. you titled your head back to its normal level, catching freya's stare. "do you think he'll be mad?"
she gave you a soft stare before refocusing on your leg, cleaning out the wound. "don't worry about it," she shook her head. "you know he's really only angry with himself. he just needs to get it all out."
you nodded, your eyes moving to the door frame where kol was standing silently watching his sister tend to your wound. he didn't look angry, you thought. "i can take over, sister," he spoke up, catching freya's attention. she nodded, putting down her supplies and walking to kol.
"don't be mean to her," she threatened quietly, so only he could hear. kol clenched his jaw as his sister left and you sat watching him standing far away from you.
"hey," you mumbled. he moved so he was sitting where freya sat before in front of you. he didn't look at you, he just picked up the supplies freya had been using to clean out your wound, and begun inspecting your leg. "are you mad at me?"
he shook his head.
you noticed a bit of blood on his neck that he must've missed upon cleaning himself up. he would never let you see him like that. he always cleaned himself up before he came to you. he knew how much you hated blood. you accepted his lifestyle. you just didn't need to see it, he knew that.
"i should've called," you let out a soft sigh. you felt bad for lying now. lying to him didn't benefit anyone. you knew he was protective, but you also knew it was for good reason. for this exact reason. you felt guilty.
"yeah," he mumbled. you winced as he pulled a splinter out of your wound, you hand instinctively went to his shoulder and squeezed tight. he stopped, glancing up at you where he finally saw the bruising surrounding your nose. he threw down the supplies in his hands and let out a deep sigh.
"i'm sorry," you frowned, you moved your hand from his shoulder to the side of his face. "i'll be more careful next time."
"no next time," he shook his head. he placed his hand over yours and moved it from his face so he could hold your hand. "sweetheart, i just want you to be safe."
you nodded. "i know," you loved kol, so much it hurt sometimes. and it pained you to see him looking so upset, so unlike himself. "if it makes you feel any better, i got a good kick in to his balls before all this happened."
kol cracked a small smile, ducking his head. "that does make me feel a bit better, actually."
you looked at him sympathetically. you wanted to ease his worry but there wasn't much you could do. he would always be worried and protective no matter how careful you were.
"d'you still love me even though i'm a bad girlfriend, who gets herself into bad situations more often than you'd care for me to?"
"'course i still love you, darling," he squeezed your hand he was holding and lifted it to press a kiss to the back of your hand. "just call me next time you need a ride home."
you nodded, still wearing a gentle smile. you were glad he wasn't angry, you didn't have the energy to hash this out with him. he knew you understood why he is the way he is.
"i love you," you squeezed his hand in return. "thanks for protecting me."
"anytime," he wore a lopsided smile now. he leaned closer a pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
"still think i'm pretty with this honker?" you teased, trying to make light of the situation now that everything had been resolved. kol snorted, pulling away from your lips.
"i do," you wore a wide smile. he moved both his hands to either side of your face and held you still, looking over you. "you're beautiful."
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Ghosted (Emily x Reader)
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Request 1: sonnett where reader is really good friends with a goalie(your choice) and sonnett gets jealous because reader and goalie play for the same club and Emily is in Europe. Do she goes to Lindsey and reader thinks Emily is going to breakup with her and pushes her closer to the goalie and it’s a whole shit show
Request 2: Can you do a Emily Sonnett imagines where her and the reader are together but the reader use to date someone else on the team ( you can chose) and the comments gets to Emily. And the Reader shows Emily how much she loves her?
Request 3: Something with Jane Campbell please
Author’s Note: I thought these three would work very well together, so I combined them. Also, this one takes an interesting turn in the end and if you look closely enough there are hints to a very interesting dynamic and why reader and jane wouldn’t work out. Let me know what you think. I live for interactions and stuff. They help to keep me motivated. 
It had been one hell of a year. It had started with both you and your girlfriend getting zero notice when the thorns traded her to Orlando and you to Houston. Then you had been trapped on opposite ends of the country due to the pandemic. That distance only got bigger when she decided to go to Sweden when Orlando pulled out of the challenge cup. 
But the two of you had made it work. Well, at least you thought you had made it work. apparently, Emily thought differently, if the silent treatment you had gotten the second you stepped into camp 3 hours ago was anything to go by. 
Hell, she wouldn’t even look in your direction. All you wanted was to hold your girlfriend (cause you hadn’t seen her in person in almost 6 months) and it felt like she didn’t even give a fuck that you were there. And Lindsey intercepted you every time you tried to get close. 
You smiled as you approached your blond girlfriend, leaning on the squat rack next to her. Normally you’d wrap your arms around her and kiss her neck, but you didn’t want to overstep with this weird tension happening between you. 
“Hey Em, wanna partner?” you asked softly, almost shyly.
Emily didn’t even turn to acknowledge you.
“I’m already with Linds,” She said tensely. Since when had she been so on edge around you? 
You frowned, your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to understand what was happening between you and your girlfriend. You glanced down at your shoes, suddenly finding them very interesting. 
“Oh, maybe-“ You started, poking the squat rack with your shoe. You looked up, only to find that Emily had already walked away and joined Lindsey on the other side of the gym. 
You sighed, finishing your thought into the blank air around you. “we could do dinner or something later. Guess not,” 
You blew out a long breath, willing yourself to hold back the tears. She didn’t even wait to see what you were going to say. Your eyes followed her as she hugged the blond midfielder and laughed loudly at whatever she was saying. It was like a knife in your heart. 
“What’s going on with you and Miss Sweden?” Hands on your shoulders and the voice right next to your ear should have made you jump, but you were too used to Jane’s scare tactics. 
You rolled your eyes and shrugged the keeper off of you, your gaze never leaving Emily. “Honestly, I have no clue,” You sighed deeply. She had never been like this with you before, and you definitely hadn’t expected your reunion to go like this. 
“Maybe it’s just jet lag. You know how she gets when she doesn’t get enough sleep,” Jane shrugged, poking at your dimples, trying to get you to laugh. You batted her hand away. 
“The question is how you know that,” You said, sending her a scathing look. 
She smirked impishly, wiggling her eyebrows. “I live with you, remember?”
You dramatically rolled your eyes, shoving your best friend. “I don’t think You’d ever let me forget,” 
The only good thing about your trade to the dash was that you got to hang out with your best friend every day. You and Jane had known each other since college and instantly hit it off as friends. When you had been traded, Jane also just happened to be looking for a roommate and things had worked out pretty well. 
“Well, if you’re still looking for a dinner date, I’m free tonight,”  Jane hummed, wrapping an arm around you again. 
“Been there, done that,” You scoffed playfully, shoving her again, but she didn’t let go of you this time. 
So maybe the two of you had tried in college. It was more of a fling than anything else, and it had mutually ended on great terms. You loved each other, but you weren’t in love and that was alright. You decided you were way better off as friends than lovers and left it at that. Plus, you had kinda fallen insanely hard for a certain blond cavalier.
“Not that kind of date,” She giggled, letting you shove her ways this time (definitely taking note of how your lips ticked up and patting herself on the back for clearing some of the clouds on your sunny personality away). 
“Whatever you say, now shut up and spot me,” 
The two of you were so caught up that you didn’t see the annoyed blue eyes following you from across the room, or the clenched fists and jaw that would have told you exactly what the issue with your girlfriend was. 
You tried to smile as you entered the dining room, hoping that you would finally have the chance to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering your girlfriend. 
You spotted her from across the room, seated at a table with Rose, Sam, and Mal. You released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding at the absence of a certain blond midfielder. Emily had been attached to her side, and watching them was like a knife in your chest, every interaction a slice at what felt like the tiny thread keeping your relationship together. 
“Hey, is this seat taken?” You asked as you approached the table, stopping short of the seat next to your girlfriend. 
She tensed, and you noted how her jaw clenched with furrowed eyebrows. She opened her mouth, but before she could respond another body slid between the two of you. 
“Yeah, it is,” Lindsey said firmly, setting her plate down right in front of the seat in question. You frowned, and your fingers tightened around your plate. You bit your lip in an attempt to not say the thing that was on your mind. Despite how pissed off you were with the woman, she was your friend too. 
You glanced around the table that was now awkwardly staring at you, your eyes landing on an empty seat next to Mal and across from Emily. 
“Alright, what about that one?” 
“Taken too,” Lindsey said shortly with a shrug. Mal glared at her. “No, it’s not, sit Y/n,”
The team was growing tired of the tension between you, and how sad you looked. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled, sliding in beside Mal. 
Silence fell over the table, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You never felt so unwelcome around your friends before. 
“Well I better get going,” Emily said after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, shoving the chair back and abruptly standing. Lindsey stood up next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her waist. Your chest ached at the hand placement and how Emily leaned into her. 
You shot up too, clearing your throat and extending your hand. “Wait Em, I thought maybe we could talk after dinner?” You said, desperation clear in your voice. The table had never heard you like this before, had never seen a crack in your typically cool and unfailingly in control exterior. 
“She’s already got plans,” Lindsey said with an eye roll, and Emily seems to tuck herself further into the taller midfielder. You gulped down the defeat and desperation threatening to crawl out of your chest. 
“Oh, um maybe I could join you then?” You asked hopefully. 
“Private plans Y/n.” Lindsey snapped, already beginning to guide Emily out of the room, seemingly careless to what you had to say. The blond defender didn’t even give you the courtesy of eye contact as she left. 
“Sure, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then. I love you, Emily,” You called after their backs, watching them go. 
Everything in you seemed to deflate. It felt like she was leaving with a piece of you like she didn’t even care you were crumbling behind her. You didn’t try to stop the tears as they fell this time, slumping miserably back into your seat. 
A warm presence knelt next to you, and soft but calloused hands gently wiped the tears burning down your face. 
You met the keeper’s concerned blue eyes and allowed her to pull you into her strong embrace, hiding your face in her neck. 
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” You sobbed. Jane rubbed large circles on your back with one hand and squeezed you tight with the otherHands-onother hand was trying to hold your broken pieces together. 
“I don’t know either,” She said, kissing the side of your head. 
You missed Emily pausing at the door to send you one last look, but Jane didn’t. Her eyes bored into the blond defender. If she thought she could just jerk you around like this with no consequences then she had another thing coming. 
Jane wasn’t romantically attracted to you, but you were her best friend and she wasn’t about to let you continue to get hurt. Emily might be able to avoid you, but she wouldn’t be able to avoid Jane, the keeper would make sure of it. 
“Alright cut the Bullshit Sweden, you’ve been ignoring Y/n for a week. What the fuck is your problem,” Jane growled, stepping into the nearly empty locker room and glaring at your girlfriend. She knew you could more than take care of yourself, but this had gone on long enough. 
Emily tensed at the new presence, back straightening and eye going wide. She hadn’t bet on the head of the Houston department of defense to get involved. 
“Fuck off Campbell,” Lindsey said back, stepping so she was standing protectively in front of her best friend. 
“I will not because your best friend there is hurting my best friend,” Jane took another step towards the duo, puffing out her chest. 
“Yeah right, she’s barely even noticed,” Emily scoffed, crossing her arms like a petulant child. 
“See, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that considering she’s cried herself to sleep every night since she’s been here,” Jane said, taking another terrifying step forward, stabbing her finger wildly into the air. 
She had been the one to hold you while you sobbed yourself to sleep because you were sure Emily had fallen out of love with you. The one who watched you agonize over every interaction you had with your girlfriend leading up to camp, trying to find where you had gone wrong. The one who listened to you degrade yourself for apparently driving Emily away and right into Lindsey’s arms. She was watching as you literally ripped yourself apart over this. 
“And what, You didn’t enjoy comforting your new girlfriend?” Lindsey scoffed loudly, shoving Jane’s hand (which was practically touching her chest) away. 
“What?” Jane asked shocked. 
Emily peeked over Lindsey’s shoulder, scowling at the keeper. Anyone with eyes knew what they meant. “Look, I know she’s cheating so you can both drop the friends act,” 
Jane oils to help the laugh that bubbled out of her lips. God, Emily was clueless if she thought you two were anything more than friends. Sure you had tried in college, but there weren’t romantic feelings there. You both wanted such different things out of a partner and agreed that you were better off as friends. Emily was your person, and Jane would be damned if anyone said anything different. 
“You’re out of your fucking mind if you think she wants anyone but you and if you weren’t so far up Horan‘s ass you would know that. If you wanna break up with her to date Miss Portland then grow some balls and do it, but don’t you dare try and ghost the sweetest person in the world,” 
“You would love that wouldn’t you?” Emily spat. 
Jane rolled her eyes. “No, because it would hurt her more than you already have. She loves you, and I thought you loved her. If you do, then you should show it,”
Emily seemed to soften at Jane’s words. She did love you, more than life itself. She really had to talk this whole thing out with you. Jane didn’t give her a chance to respond, deciding that storming off to find you and make sure you were ready for practice was a more productive use of time (she would never admit that it scared her a little to leave you alone these days). 
Emily wasn’t a jealous person. At least she tried not to be. But it was really fucking difficult when it came to you and your friendship with Jane. Well, it was difficult in the beginning, when she had you next to her, but with you so far away it was nearly unbearable. 
She hadn’t minded that the Dash moved you into Jane’s apartment, but then the comments started and they wouldn’t leave her alone. Instead of turning to you, talking it out with you, she had gone running to her own best friend. And in her effort to run from the fear that you wouldn’t choose her, she had hurt you in the process. 
She watched you from across the field, taking in the slight tilt of your head and slump of your shoulders. You smiled tightly at the keeper as she approached you, but Emily could tell that it didn’t reach your eyes, even from across the field. She also knew it wasn’t the blinding smile you saved solely for her. How hadn’t she noticed it before?
 “Jane was a little crude but she’s right you know,” Lindsey said, wrapping an arm around Emily’s shoulder, her eyes easily finding you. 
She felt bad about how Emily was treating you. 
“About which part?” Emily asked, raising her eyebrow and crossing her arms. Jane had said a whole lot, and she couldn’t find it within herself to disagree with them. It was childish to ignore you, and for her to be oblivious to your obvious feelings. 
“Don’t play dumb,” Lindsey scoffed, pinching Emily’s side a little harder than necessary. She didn’t like being the middleman between the two of you. You were her friend too after all. 
Emily sighed crossing her arms a little tighter around herself. “I know. I need to talk to talk to her,”
“I’m sure when she finds out what’s bothering you, there’ll be a whole lot more than talking. Isn’t communication one of those rules between the two of you?” Lindsey asked with a smirk, laughing loudly when Emily shoved her. The team knew about your relationship… dynamic and Lindsey was sure Emily was in for it when you realized exactly why the defender had broken your most sacred agreement. 
“Shut up,”
Emily’s cheeks flavored up at the implication. He was sure you’d come up with a very… creative… way to aid her in expressing her feelings next time and show her how much you loved her when you found out what this whole thing was about. 
You watched Emily very carefully from your perch on the end of the bed. She had dragged you here right after practice, and as soon as the door closed the words were pouring out of her lips. 
You sat quietly, letting her finally get out the emotions she had been keeping from you for so long. She explained how the comments on Houston’s latest photo of you and Jane had started this whole shit show, and how terrified she was that you would decide you didn’t want to deal with the distance. 
You let her pace back and forth as she told you about how she didn’t want to confront the issue, so she thought ignoring you would be a better course of action. It didn’t give you a chance to tell her that you didn’t want to be with her anymore. 
She finally paused, turning to look at you with wide tearful eyes, wringing her hands nervously in front of her. 
“I don’t have romantic feelings for Jane,” You said seriously, looking your girlfriend right in the eyes. You wanted her to know how true those words were. She knew that tone and had this been a different conversation it would have sent a chill down her spine. 
“I know I just-“ She started, but you cut her rambling off an eyebrow raise and your firm voice“Got jealous and thought that cutting your losses was better than coming to me,” 
It was a rule in your relationship- communication was king. The only way things got done was if you talked about them. You talked through every aspect of your relationship, every like and dislike, every limit and desire. This situation broke every rule you had established and that didn’t sit well with you. You couldn’t be the only one initiating (or trying to), she had to do it too (especially if she was uncomfortable with something) for this whole thing to work. It scared you a little that she had just shut down and run off to Lindsey. 
Emily nodded slightly, staring a hole in your shirt. 
“I thought you had moved on already,” She mumbled. 
You stood from the bed, gently using a finger to tilt her head so you could look her in the eyes. You raised an eyebrow. “So you got cozy with Lindsey to make me feel as jealous as you were and then wouldn’t respond to me as punishment?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought it would hurt less,” She mumbled, captivated by your y/e/c eyes and the little swirl of deeper emotion hidden inside. 
You nodded. stepping closer so your noises were almost touching and gently grasping her shoulders. “I love you Emily Ann Sonnett, even when you’re being a dumbass and ghosting me,” 
She could feel your breath fanning over her lips, only adding to the weight of your words. 
“I love you too,” Emily said, and you could see the truth to her words in her blue eyes. 
You smirked. “I know,” 
You leaned down and finally connected your lips. She grabbed your collar and pulled you closer, pouting all of her emotions into the kiss, trying to show you how much she loved you and how sorry she was for hurting you. 
Your lips moved together in a very familiar dance, slow and full of all of the emotions between you. At some point, you had flipped the two of you around so Emily was seated on edge of the bed. You pulled back and began to trail kisses down your girlfriend’s neck. 
She tilted her head to give you more room, sighing and moaning as you trailed your way down her chest, stomach, and thighs, placing kisses as you went until you were kneeling between her legs. Your fingers toyed with the waistband of her pants, an annoying cocky smirk plaster on your face when she whined that you were going too slow. 
“No, no baby girl. We’re going to work on your communication skills, so I’m not going to do anything unless you tell me exactly what you want,” 
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Rimming
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,560
Warnings: Rimming, anal sex, some vaginal fingering, himbo Ben (mild unintentional hypnosis I guess)
A/N: Welcome to Kinktober! This is actually an idea i’ve been thinking about for quite a while. We’ve done himbo Rog and himbo Gwil so it only seemed fair to do himbo Ben and since he’s obviously an ass man......only made sense that he’d be into anal lmao. It seemed like the perfect fit for the first of these prompts. But this is the first time I’ve written (or even really thought about) rimming so I hope it’s okay!
“Geeze Ben, could you maybe close your porn next time. Didn’t really expect to see that autoplay when I woke the computer up this morning,”  Ben snorted into his plate of eggs, “Which one was it?”  “Something called Anal Punisher 3.”  “Don’t know what you’re complaining about, that’s a good one.” His eyes twinkled teasingly and he poked his tongue out as you sat in front of your own plate.  “I’m sure it is.” You chuckled, able to see the funny side now that you weren’t staring directly at close up of a porn stars arsehole, “Just not when I’m trying to check my emails on our shared desktop.”   “As if you’ve never had a cheeky wank at that computer.”  “That’s what I have a laptop for,” You laughed again, shaking your head.  “Alright, fair play. I only left it up cause you got home early last night and I had to, um, clean up.”  You rolled your eyes at the flimsy excuse.  “And if you don’t want me watching Anal Punisher 3 then maybe you should let me punish your anal....arse....fuck, you know what I mean.”  It was your turn to snort into your breakfast, Ben’s clumsy attempt at seduction nearly making you inhale the scrambled eggs. When you finally got yourself under control you said, “I don’t care if you watch it, just shut it down when you’re finished.”   “Sorry love,”  “But  y’know, if you did want to anal arse fuck me tonight I wouldn’t say no.”  Ben’s eyes lit up in excitement. He’d either not heard the joke you’d made at his expense or decided it wasn’t worth bringing up if the possibility of anal was on the table, “Serious?”  “Serious. I’ll even put my plug in when I get dressed so we don’t have to spend as much time on foreplay.”  “If I hadn’t already married you, I’d propose on the spot.” 
But by the time Ben got home he seemed more interested in just cuddling on the couch. You’d done as you said you would and worn your plug all day, constantly thinking about what would happen later that night. Right up until Ben stepped inside yawning, when you snuck off to the bathroom to remove it, realising your plans were unlikely to go ahead. You’d half expected him to fall asleep on the couch after dinner but evidently, some part of him still wanted you. He tapped his thigh and beckoned you towards him, pulling you down so he could hold you close and kiss your shoulder. Soon enough that cuddling had turned to making out, you straddling his lap as you kissed him deeply, his large hands pulling you into him, stroking whatever bare skin he could find. Without thinking you dragged your fingers through his hair. He hummed in response so you did it again, your fingers creating small, firm circles against his scalp, drawing random patterns there as you focused on keeping your lips on his and your tongues entwined. Ben made soft pleased sounds as your fingers kept up their movement, almost moaning at the sensation. You could feel him getting harder under you as you carefully rocked your hips.   “Benny?”  “Huh?”  His hands had begun to roam more, moving down to your arse, grabbing and squeezing as he pulled you against him.  “Kinda got me excited here honey. Might wanna stop if you’re too tired to carry through,”  “What?”   He seemed nearly dazed, not properly comprehending what you were saying.   You shifted your hand to his chest, drawing small circles with your finger, “I mean I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day anyway.”  “Think?”  “Exactly, thinking about our conversation this morning. Remember? Anal Punisher 3?”  “Anal?” It was still a question but there was a tone of excitement behind the dopey confusion.  “You said you wanted to.... I kinda really want you to.”  “Mmmm,”  “I mean I get it if you’re too tired,” you said softly, stroking your palms over his biceps, “but I’m up for it now if you are. So, do you still want to?”  “Mmhmm,” but as keen as he sounded, Ben didn’t seem inclined to move to the bedroom or even to begin to undress you. He was too caught up in feeling you up and trying to kiss you again.   “Don’t you want me Benny?”  He was slow to react, eyes still shut as he nodded, speech flowing like treacle “Want - you.”  “You can have me.” You had to lean back to stop him from kissing you again. As much as you liked making out, you were getting eager for more and wanted to know where he was at.  He nodded again, not seeming to hear you, and then, when he couldn’t immediately locate your lips again, opened his eyes.   It reminded you of the time a few friends had dragged you and Ben to a hypnotists show. None of your group had been pulled on stage to experience the hypnotic powers the man claimed to have, but those who had been had all worn similar expressions to Ben. Eyes heavy lidded and almost glazed over and when they’d gone back to their seats you’d noticed that they seemed a bit dazed and confused. You’d not seen Ben look like that before. Well, maybe a bit dazed after you gave him a proper good blow job, but nothing to this extent. Not even when you edged him repeatedly. He tended to get whiny and loud rather than glassy eyed and dopey. Usually more talkative too, begging or moaning your name. This was something new.  
Curiously, you stoked his hair back off his face and asked him how he felt, tugging lightly on the ends that reached the back of his neck.  “Good,” he sighed softly, “Kiss?”  You couldn’t deny him that when he’d asked so cutely, so you leaned in to kiss him again, letting him draw you in deeply for a moment. When the chance arose you let your lips slip from his, kissing along his jaw until you reached his ear, “What else do you want?”  Ben hummed softly and then said, “Arse.”  It was unusual for Ben to be so monosyllabic. Even when he was super horny and desperate for you, he could generally get most of a coherent sentence out. Nothing that would win any literary awards of course, but enough so you knew what he meant.  “What do you mean Benny?”  “Ummm....arse.....cock.”  It sounded like it had been a struggle for him to even think of the two words he wanted but you couldn’t help but giggle, “Does that mean you want to fuck me?”  “Yeah,”  “Okay baby. But you have to do everything I say, understand?”  Ben nodded.  “Can you do what I say Benny? Be a good boy and follow my instructions?”  He nodded again, “Yes. Please.”  You kissed him once more, trying not to laugh too much, and then scooted off his lap.  Ben whined as soon as the physical contact was broken.  “If you want my arse we gotta move to the bedroom,”  He frowned as if he didn’t quite understand but let you take his hand all the same and followed you to the bedroom. 
Ben’s hands began to wander again when you stopped to open your bedroom door, grasping your hips and then dropping lower to rest against your behind.   It was hard to ignore the tingle the light contact sent through you but you bit down on your rising need as you turned and grasped Ben’s hands, “Gotta wait for that Benny. Just a little longer.” You stepped back towards the bed and Ben smiled dopily as you pulled him along. “I mean I’m ready but not all the way. But if you help get me lubed up you can fuck my arse for as long as you want.”  It was like a light turned on inside Ben’s mind. His eyes still had that unfocused look but they were wider and he was nodding enthusiastically.  “You gonna undress me or should I start for you?” You laughed and when he didn’t immediately move you began pulling your shirt off over your head, too eager to wait. You reached behind you to unclasp your bra, “C’mon Benny. Help me out.”  Ben blinked twice before he seemed to understand but was soon offering his help, pulling the bra from your arms, gently cupping your breasts as he revealed them, thumbs falling into a familiar rhythm rubbing back and forth over your nipples. Still moving slowly, Ben leaned in and kissed your throat, humming in response as you pressed your chest into his hands and sighed contentedly. But he clearly had something else on his mind because soon enough his hands fell, fingers picking at the waistband of your leggings. Indulging him you quickly shed your pants, turning so he could see the thing he really wanted as you stripped off the final layer of clothing. Ben watched intently as you wiggled your hips teasingly and eked the waistband of your knickers down a few inches. And then something changed. 
You felt it in the air, a shift in energy, but even that wasn’t enough to prepare you as Ben growled and lunged forward, his hands tight on your waist as he lifted you onto the bed, barely giving you time to settle on your hands and knees before he dived in behind you.   All you could manage was to gasp his name as he rushed to tear your underpants down your thighs. But your surprise at his sudden movement doubled as he spread your cheeks and buried his face between them. He’d licked you like that once or twice but only when he’d been eating your pussy and teasingly snuck his tongue elsewhere as you tried to recover from your orgasm. This was entirely different.  
It felt similar to the vaguely tickly sensation he made you feel when he was helping you relax before a round of anal, when he would tease you with light strokes from his fingers until you were shivering and wanting more. But there was more heat to it. His breath hot and his tongue wet as he traced your hole. You felt like you’d been completely lit up from within, like he’d suddenly discovered a hundred more nerve endings than he usually hit. And adding to all the physical sensations of Ben’s fingers holding you open and his mouth exploring your darkest nooks, was the feeling of doing something properly filthy. You’d felt the same when you and Ben first tried anal, completely depraved at enjoying something so taboo. That feeling had lessened as you did it more, your enjoyment then stemming from Ben’s improved skills more than the act itself. But with your head against the sheets and your arse in the air you remembered why you’d liked feeling so downright dirty. It only heightened your desire and made every caress of Ben’s tongue sweeter.  
Of course, best of all was just how into Ben was. You wondered how he could possibly be breathing when every second seemed to be taken up with moans and groans as he feasted on you. The noises started softly as he tantalized you with hard licks against your arsehole and the surrounding area. But as his tongue explored deeper, as he pressed into you, making your arse feel slick and hot with his drool and making your pussy throb, he got louder. He seemed to enjoy you more and more, as if he’d never eaten anything as satisfying in his life. That was enough to have you shaking. You were already wet from grinding against him on the couch but the ways he was touching you and how thoroughly he was enjoying it had you positively soaked.   “Finger me Benny,” you gasped, trying to maintain some of the control you’d intended to have.  Ben did as you asked, never able to deny you what you craved, but it wasn’t up to his usual standard. His fingers weren’t as deft as normal, moving awkwardly and out of time. It was as if his fingers were trying to work off of muscle memory alone, his mind too consumed with something else to take any notice of your cunt.   With a needy whine you clumsily disentangled one fist from the sheets and batted Ben’s hand out of the way, replacing it with your own.  Ben didn’t make any indication that he’d noticed you start touching yourself, except to tighten his grip on your arse, holding you firmly as you began to writhe against your fingers. He happily went back to gripping a cheek in each hand, pulling them wide to give himself better access to your arsehole.   It seemed that wearing your plug had been a good idea because Ben found it easy to press his tongue into you, licking around and making your muscles tighten before withdrawing and sinking in again.   And that stimulation plus your own fingers in your cunt made you moan wantonly into the bedding.  Ben answered with his own long, loud moan of desire, sending a shiver along your spine. It was enough to tip you over the edge, your fingers massaging a spot within you as Ben rapidly tongued your hole. 
You rode out your high before letting your fingers slip back to tangle in the sheets once more, but Ben showed no signs of stopping. He might very well have kept up the intoxicating performance all night if you hadn’t whined his name. Even that wasn’t enough to make him stop entirely, just slow down and hum.  “Ben? Benny?” you gasped, as he readjusted his grip on you, “You gonna fuck me or what?”  Ben groaned as if he didn’t want to stop tasting you but wanted to move on to other things as well. And you were on the verge of instructing him to get the lube when you felt his fingers. He reached under you, two digits carefully tracing along your cunt, sliding through the creamy evidence of your earlier orgasm. He didn’t break contact, his fingers just as softly sliding along your crack and up to your arsehole. And then they were pushing against the ring of muscle.  Usually he’d take his time applying lube but he seemed too lost in the moment to remember it. You didn’t mind too much though. Lube might have made it a touch more comfortable but wearing the plug had helped loosen you up and Ben had thoroughly coated everything with his saliva and your own cum. His fingers breached you moderately easily, making you shiver and whine at the feeling of being filled again.   “God it’s a good thing we do this a lot,” you half sighed, half laughed into the sheets, as Ben’s fingers sank another inch into you.  Ben’s only response was to lean forward and lick around where his fingers were penetrating you, humming happily as he did so. 
Ben seemed inclined to spend just as long fingering you as he did licking you, but the way his fingers moved inside you quickly had you worked up and eager for more.   “God Ben. You’re hard right?”  Ben only pumped his fingers into you faster but you took it as a yes.  "So fuck me already. Please Benny,” It came out whinier than you’d expected so you cleared your throat and tried a proper demand, “I need your cock in my arse now Ben.”  You weren’t sure it would be enough to get Ben’s attention. He seemed too engrossed in fingering you to even hear what you were saying. But thankfully, something broke through his blinders.  Suddenly, his fingers disappeared. It was followed by the sound of his pants coming down and then you felt the head of his cock against your back entrance.  “Wait,” You gasped, “Wait. Lube.”  Ben repeated the word lube in a grunt, shifting hips slightly so he could run his shaft along your soaked cunt. You felt him between your lips, as if he were teasing you, sliding back and forth, coating his length in your juices.   A moment later, he returned to your other hole, his hands on your hips to pull your arse back onto him.  Ben let out a satisfied groan as he sank into you but you were panting roughly, almost seeing stars with how good it felt to finally be filled the way you wanted to be. Once or twice your breath hitched, the discomfort of his size pushing into you exacerbated by the lack of proper lube. But it wasn’t enough to truly bother, certainly not enough to stop. The fact that just seeing your arse had made Ben snap into an animalistic, almost feral demeanour had made you impossibly horny. And you were desperate for him to fuck you properly now he was fully sheathed in your arsehole’s tight embrace.   Ben moaned at the feeling, vocalising your own desire. And then he said something.   “What was that Benny?” you asked, unable to comprehend him.  “Fuck....arse......hngggg.....arse.....” he said though you were sure you were missing something. But as nonsensical as it was it was still hot. Knowing Ben was so desperate for this, for you, knowing you could make him babble incomprehensibly. It was insanely hot.   And then he began to fuck you.   You whined and brought your hand to your pussy again, finding your clit, though Ben’s frantic thrusts made it hard to keep the contact consistent.  
You screamed when you came, voice tearing out of your throat as Ben roughly pounded into you, his hips almost bruising hard against your arse.   It was nearly impossible for you to breathe under so much pleasure and you panted for air as the orgasm subsided.  But Ben was still going, still thrusting into you furiously, grunting with the effort as he neared his own release.   You gasped his name and told him to cum, trying to not get swept away by the feeling of his cock moving inside you, wanted him to keep going almost as much as you wanted to feel his semen warm you from the inside out, and drip out of you.   Your request was enough to make him shudder to a halt, his hands squeezing your hips tightly as he released himself with a groan.  He thrust a few more times and your limbs gave out. You felt them wobble and then collapse under you, Ben’s body pressing you into the mattress as he sank down too, still trying to fuck you.  
It took you saying his name twice before he stopped though he made a reluctant sort of a sound when he realised he had to pull out.  “Well if you didn’t fuck me so well you probably could have gone on a bit longer,” you laughed as he, somewhat grudgingly, pushed himself to his feet.  With a satisfied groan you rolled over and stretched your arm out to grab Ben’s hand so you could pull him onto the bed too.   He lay on his front, sighing as his head fell into the crook of your neck, his body resting almost entirely over yours.   You were half being crushed by his weight but you enjoyed it. It was comforting and warm and you softly drew your hands over his back as you caught your breath properly.  Ben was quiet as he lay there until, some ten minutes later, he suddenly pushed himself to his knees, blinking at you. His eyes still had a vaguely unfocused appearance but the more he blinked the more normal he seemed.   “Are you okay?” He asked slowly.  You laughed and nodded, “More than okay. Lie back down, I’m too tired to sit up.”  He compiled with your request, lowering himself again but this time on his back, “I have no idea what just came over me, babe.”  With a sigh you shifted to your side, propping your head up on one hand, “What do you mean?”  “All I know is I saw your arse and just needed it, more than anything else, more than air, I just wanted you.”  “Gotta admit, it was a little unexpected,” you lay your palm on Ben’s chest, his skin still flushed and warm to the touch, “But ummmm, definitely didn’t hate it.”  His hand landed gently on top of yours, holding you against his heart, “Did I use any lube at all?”  “Only spit and my cum.”  “Fucking hell. Are you sure you’re okay?”  “It’s fine Benny. If I’d needed anything else I would have made you stop. If I’m honest....kind of made it hotter.”  “Babe!”  “Not in a weird way! I’m not going to let you get away without lube all the time.” You laughed, “Just knowing you wanted me so badly was nice.”  “I always want you badly.”  You patted Ben’s chest softly, your heart fluttering, “Does that mean you’d want to eat my arse again another time?”  “You liked it?”  “Well you were very thorough.”  Ben groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes which just made you laugh again.  “I did enjoy it,” you said softly, deciding to put him out of his misery, “Wasn’t necessarily expecting it but it felt really good.”  “Well that’s something. I still don’t understand what just happened though.”  “What’s that saying...Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini 
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l-r-christian · 3 years
heyyy can u do a klaus mikaelson imagine where the reader comes out with the album ‘sour’ instead of olivia rodrigo and its based off of an ex not klaus and klaus throws a party and she sings the songs ‘deja vu’, ‘jealousy, jealousy’ and ‘brutal’ for a sneak peak of the album and it’s basically pure fluff
Ahhhhhh writing for my wolfie boy again ☺. I apologize if this is a little bad as I was trying to find a good way to write this and look up the artist as I haven't heard these songs before.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x F!Singer!Reader, Past!Damon Salvatore x F!Reader
Warnings: fluff, Damon being Damon
Music was Y/N's pride and joy, having done cover songs putting them up on a YouTube channel and she was every popular gaining a huge audience. She started to make her first album right around when she found out that Damon had been seeing Elena behind her back which hurt her deeply and since then she hadn't talked to her so call best friend. Y/N's fans had been angry at Damon saying how dare he hurt such a cinnamon bun and saying how Elena was a terrible best friend.
"Love, I have something to ask of you."
"What is it Nik?" Y/N asked looking up from lyrics she was working on for her album. Klaus sat next to her.
"I am throwing a party and was hoping you could sing for my guests?" Klaus asked her as she stopped looking at him. Y/N knew that most likely Damon would be there along with the rest of her friend group.
"I'll love to Nik."
Y/N was a bit nervous and had asked Kol to record her for her channel as the songs she picked was sneak peaks of what she was working on. Y/N was announced to go on stage and heard the clapping seeing every that was going to prom had came to the party.
"How is everyone tonight?" Y/N greeted getting cheers as Damon stared at her and Klaus found Y/N just gorgeous as she wore the dress he got her.
"I here to sing for you all. Three sneak peeks at some songs I wrote." Y/N said getting loud cheers making her smile.
"The first is called 'Déjà Vu' so enjoy." Y/N said beginning to play people began to move to the music.
"Car rides to Malibu, strawberry ice cream. One spoon for two and trading jackets. Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you." Y/N sang as she played her guitar.
"Watching reruns of Glee, being annoying singing in harmony. I bet she's bragging to all her friends, saying you're so unique, him. So when you gonna tell her? That we did that too? She thinks it's special. But it's all reused that was our place, I found it first. I made the jokes you tell her when she's with you. Do you get déjà vu? Ah, hmm." Y/N sang and got cheers while Elena looked to Damon wondering if it was true.
"Alright everyone I'm sure alot of can relate to the next one here's 'Brutal'." Y/N said with a grin feeling more comfortable on stage.
"I want it to be,like, messy. I'm so insecure, I think that I'll die before I drink. And I'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates me." Y/N sang as Klaus frown hating the idea that Y/N felt that way.
"And I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life and they'd all be so disappointed. 'Cause who am I, if not exploited? And I'm so sick of 17. If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth." I'm gonna cry."
"And I wish I'd done this before. And I wish people liked me more. All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years but I wish I could disappear. Ego crush is so severe.... God, it's brutal out here." Y/N sang as she looked out at the dancing crowd then saw how Klaus watched her. The crowd cheered as the song ended and Y/N was now in her element as Damon frowned wishing he knew this about his ex.
"Here is for those girls who felt like me. This next one is called 'Jealousy Jealousy.'"
"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room. 'Cause all I see are girls too good to be true. With paper-white teeth and prefect bodies....Wish I didn't care. I know that beauty is not my lack."
"But it feels like that weight is on my back. And I can't let it go. Co-comparison is killin' me slowly. I think, I think too much 'bout kids who don't know me. I'm so sick of myself. I'd rather be, rather be anyone anyone else. But jealousy, jealousy. Started followin' me. Started followin' me." Y/N finished as everyone cheered loudly and clapping as she waved leaving the stage as the band took over.
"Y/N." Damon said as the singer turned seeing her ex the first time in months as she had buried herself in her music.
"Salvatore." Y/N said not caring about the hurt that flashed in his eyes as in her mind Damon had no right to be hurt.
"We should talk."
"Sorry but I'm busy."
"With what?" Damon questioned stepping forward as in a blur Klaus was next to Y/N with an arm around her waist.
"Joining me for a drink." Klaus said leaving Damon no more to talk as he lead the young woman away.
"You didn't have to do that."
"But I did love." Klaus tells her as she found herself in his studio and she stepped away looking at his paintings. Y/N stopped at one of her making her blink as he step next to her.
"You shouldn't feel l like you aren't good enough Y/N. "
"And why would you say that?" Y/N asked smiling looking at him as Klaus looked at her cupping her cheek. Y/N had a suspicion that Klaus had a thing for her since he would bend over backwards for her.
"Because I'm in love with you. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met." Klaus tells her making Y/N's heart skip a beat as he leaned closer.
"I am in love with you too. As I can't believe I fell for my best friend." Y/N said softly cupping his face as Klaus crashed his lips against hers. Y/N kissed back pressing closer to Klaus making him growl while in a blur she found her self in Klaus's bed. Y/N giggled leaning back against Klaus's bare chest as she showed him how to play the guitar. Y/N was glad she said yes to singing for Klaus's party as she would have never gotten her happily ever after with someone who really loved her.
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kyidyl · 3 years
Why is everybody so obsessed with making others drink alcohol ? I despise alcohol because the taste is awful and I don’t like the idea of being impaired and people regularly try to pressure me to drink, most of all my parents who are wine-lovers. Why can’t people leave me alone ?
So, since this is tumblr I think that if you’d asked this question of a lot of people they’d have said something along the lines of “bc they’re shitty humans who can’t understand boundaries”, but I’ve never liked that answer because to me it’s too simplistic and overly negative. Human beings are complicated, and our motivations for doing something are complex.
Have you ever heard the phrase “monkey see, monkey do?”. Humans are like that. We mirror to feel included and to maintain social bonds. When we care for someone and we are experiencing something that we enjoy we want them to enjoy it too. Like how many times have you tried to share a tv series with a friend? Personally, it’s many. Drinking alcohol, especially in certain cultures, is an extremely social activity. Alcohol has a long, long history of being the glue that holds human societies together because of the fact that it is both hydrating and clean (unlike water which often *wasn’t* clean. Clean water being the default drink is a very new thing in human history.). In the case of beer, it was both hydration and nutrition. So wanting to share alcohol is a DEEPLY ingrained impulse in humans. Then you add on top of it the fact that as people start to get drunk they start to feel nice, and people who feel nice want you to also feel nice. The human need for other humans is biological, it’s part of our evolution (bc a tiny hominin only survives on the open savanna by establishing groups, so it’s been with us AWHILE.). Socialization is a biological imperative for us. To give you an example, what happens to a child whose physical needs are met, but their social needs are neglected? Their brains don’t develop properly. Socialization is biological, so the impulse to share things is nearly impossible to ignore, and that goes double if it’s something we enjoy. They enjoy drinking and being drunk and they like you so they want to share. That’s what I believe to be the “why” part of it.
All of that said, I agree with you. I hate the taste of alcohol. So I’m gonna introduce you to a magical phrase to get your friends to leave you alone about it: designated driver. If you want to hang out with them and not be pressured into drinking, be the designated driver. No one questions that shit, but you probably will have to remind them a couple times once they start drinking bc that’s how drunk people do. Personally I like hanging out with friends while they drink and I think their shenanigans are fun, so I don’t mind being the mom friend when they go out and I accept that I’m gonna have to deflect a couple of drink requests. If it’s not something you enjoy, well…idk why you’re hanging out with them at events where they’ll be drunk. That’s on you like don’t go to a bar if you don’t like drunk people bc that’s where people go to get drunk. But yeah, having to drive at all is an easy way to be like “nope not drinking leave me alone” without having to get into the why. And it helps if you’re able to have fun with them while they’re drinking even when you’re not. If you don’t enjoy that…then it’s going to be a lot more difficult. Like…I hate to say this, but if you go to a party and kinda sulk about drunk friends then they’re probably not gonna wanna hang out. No one wants to see their friend just like hanging out in a corner unhappy at a party. So the ability to just goof around and be stupid even without alcohol has been a good thing for me over the years.
Your parents are a different story bc obviously if they’re having dinner and they’re offering you wine then there’s no driving involved. Now if you haven’t actually sat them down and told them you hate drinking and why and asked them to stop, then you need to bc that’s on you. You can’t expect people to stop a behavior you haven’t asked them to stop. They’re not gonna just like…catch the hint, you need to be explicit. If you have and they continue to do it anyway, well…ok, idk what your relationship with them is like but in my family we give each other a lot of shit. We’re very sarcastic people. So I’d just be like “ugh that shit is so nasty I can’t believe you drink it so often” every time I saw them with it and they’d probably be like “I can’t believe you have terrible taste” and we’d laugh and no ones gonna leave with hurt feelings. So if you have a casual enough relationship with them, I’d recommend being visibly disgusted and making comments like that and eventually they’ll get tired of touching a hot stove.
I will say, a lot of that pressure gets better as you age. Like people eventually do accept that you don’t enjoy it and they leave you alone about it. And in my case my friends came to like that I didn’t drink bc it meant they could and wouldn’t need to worry about getting home safely. And…if it comes to it and you do want to try a drink to nurse and use as a shield, things with orange juice in them are good for that bc orange juice has a strong flavor that masks the alcohol. Mai tais, for example, are one of the few things I can stand to drink so I’ll occasionally have one. Mudslides are also good for that, especially the kind with ice cream in them. Rum and Coke isn’t terrible as long as the bartender goes light on the rum. Cause truth is that you can likely drink at least one drink and not be impaired at all, especially if you drink it very slowly. So when that once in a blue moon comes around and I actually feel like having a drink, that’s usually the kind of stuff I go for. But it’s been like…shit, YEARS…since I’ve had alcohol. Once you get out of your early-mid 20s and your friends stop drinking as much it becomes much less of an issue.
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