#I just realized I don't know how to tag this
randomaccount21 · 3 days
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The Baby Cosmos were bestest of friends until Anti Cosmo realized that Cosmo was an actual idiot who accidentally made things worse and not because he was just a baby who liked to cause chaos. (Idea inspired by that post Wreckrinho made sksk I don't know how to tag people yet but there's the name)
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ctghost · 2 days
okokok i can't stop thinking about @yan-randomfandom 's godling fic so here's some drabbles on ford's thoughts.. this can be some sort of continuation of this! (P.s i hope i'm not bothering by tagging you jdkdkrjk 😭😭)
part 1 part 2
visualization that inspired me
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"Well i'll see you later, pines, until then!"
Ford wakes up.
You really aren't just a piece of his dream. But he can't just believe fact that you aren't bill. Second dimensional, wearing a bowtie, and all that. Who would know if he could just be wearing some sort of bizarre skin?
But then he starts thinking what you just called him. Pines. Bill never called him that. All his years studying and time with bill, he had never heard anything about a deity like you. Could you possibly be from the same dimension as bill? If so, wouldn't that mean you're bill's ally? That's got to be the only logical reason here. You're likely trying to trick him to be able to make a deal with you. Well that sure isn't gonna work now.
But he had to be sure.. maybe this night he'll try to get some answers out of you.
"You're not here to make a deal, are you?"
"Deals aren't my forte,"
"I do wishes."
"Is that so? Well then, how many wishes?"
"One." His eyebrows furrowed at that. "Bill-"
"I am not Bill Cipher."
"You could use your wish to help me gain my memories back, or you could use it for yourself, it's your choice, really."
After a little more talk, he knows now that you are likely not lying, and that really don't have any recollections of your own past, and even your name. Still, he couldn't just trust you. Everyone knows what happened the last time that happens. He still needs to fish out as many answers as he could get.
But you probably even don't have much to give anyway, since all your replies are just "i don't know" or "i don't remember". He became slightly frustrated at your lack of vary answers, but guess he should appreciate you not trying to twist any truth there is.
Back in the mindscape, Ford's deep in his thoughts as he observes you moving around almost boredly. There's just so many questions.
If he really used his wish to get your memories back, would you be indebt to him? Or would you try to burn the world down just like bill?
He let out a small sigh, but soon a realization hit him, You can read his mind. If bill has that power, you could do the same-
He suddenly jumped, alarmed. You paused what you were doing and looked at him. "You alright there, pines?"
He was about to retaliate- but seeing your almost sincere and confused look on just a singular eye, he calms down abit from his overthinking. Just because you have similiar physical traits, you're not bill. Atleast not as far as he knows now with your memory loss.
You can't hurt him. Not in the mindscape anyway.
"I'm fine." He finally replied, after seeing that you were still staring at him.
He should probably start investigating to see if there's anything out there that could tell him more about you.
Aka, ford keeps comparing you to his ex muse after first few meetings
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hoernypie · 2 days
₊˚. '♡ Suguru's teachings ♡'.˚₊
tags: virgin y/n, p+v, cheating, first time, unexpierienced y/n
wc: 4976
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The sun glared down without any mercy on the schoolyard, the only source of shade was a bench nestled under the big tree. On this bench, you sat, your eyes closed to avoid the harsh light and your mind racing with thoughts that you were lost in. "What do you think about so much?" 
Looking up, you saw Suguru standing in front of you, with a furrowed brow and a look of concern on his face. He walked with purpose, knowing exactly what you were feeling and what was going on after accidentally hearing how you talked with Shoko before classes started.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to respond to Suguru's question. You two were very close friends after all, but this topic could be a little embarrassing for you. "It's just...I'm feeling annoyed," you admit, a hint of vulnerability in your voice. "Dating Yū... I thought it would be amazing." Suguru nods in understanding, taking a seat beside you, now even more curious about the whole dating situation. He gently pats your hair. "Y/n," he says gently. "Tell me more about it so I can help." You smile weakly before continuing, "I just don't know what's wrong with me. He's sweet, caring, and much more but we've been dating for a month now and we won't even kiss me. I've seen other couples do that. I know it's stupid but...".
 "Sometimes, the girl could take the initiative." 
You blush at Suguru's suggestion, feeling a mix of embarrassment and hope. "But what if I mess it up?" you ask nervously. "What if he doesn't like it?" Suguru chuckles and nudges you playfully with his elbow. "Just be yourself," he reassures you. "Yū loves you for who you are, right?" He pauses, looking at you with a knowing smile. "And besides, I can give you a little...practice," he says, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. Your eyes widen in surprise, but before you can object, he leans in and presses a soft, chaste kiss to your cheek. "See? It's not that hard. Now, when you feel the moment's right, just lean in and..." He pauses, his eyes searching yours for a brief moment before pulling away. The air between you feels charged, and you realize that maybe taking the initiative isn't as scary as you thought.
"But a kiss on the cheek is different", you pout while turning your gaze away from him.
Suguru's smile widens at your pout, and he leans back against the bench, stretching his arms out along the backrest. "Alright, if you're that nervous, we can practice," he says, his tone light and reassuring. "How about we go to my dorm room?"
Your heart skips a beat at the suggestion, and you can't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with anxiety. "Practice?" you repeat, your voice barely above a whisper. "But it'll be cheating, right?"
He shrugs nonchalantly and he nudges you, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Don't worry, we'll be just practicing,  besides we are friends," despite the awkwardness of the situation, you can't help but slowly nod. "Okay," you murmur.
You both stand up from the bench and with a reassuring pat on your back, Suguru leads the way to his dorm room. The short walk feels like an eternity as your mind races with a whirlwind of emotions. When you reach the door, he unlocks it and invites you inside. The room is simple and clean, with a bed on the opposite side of the desk. He motions for you to sit on the bed. As you sit down, you notice your hands are trembling slightly, and your heart is pounding against your chest. Suguru sits beside you, giving you a comforting smile, twisting strands of your hair between his fingers. He leans in, his breath warm on your face, and whispers, "Just remember to breathe." His hand reaches for yours, giving it a gentle squeeze, and making the nervousness seem to dissipate. With his other hand, he gently cups your cheek and tilts your face towards his. Your eyes lock onto his for a brief second, before he leans in to kiss you softly on the lips. It's quick and gentle, and when he pulls back, he's still smiling. "See?" he says, his voice a comforting murmur. "It's not so scary." The warmth of his hand and the softness of his kiss linger on your skin, leaving you feeling more motivated than ever to take the next step with Yū.
Encouraged by Suguru's kindness and guidance, you take a deep breath and lean in,  aiming for a kiss on the lips. Your heart races as your eyes close and your lips meet. The kiss is delicate at first, a soft brush of your mouth as you try to imagine Yū's reaction. But when you feel Suguru's hand gently cradle the back of your head, pulling you closer, you relax into it, letting the warmth of his lips guide you. The kiss deepens, becoming more earnest as your arms instinctively wrap around his neck. 
When you finally pull away, both of you are smiling, the awkwardness of the moment replaced by a sense of shared accomplishment. "Thank you, Suguru," you whisper, your cheeks flushed. "I think I'm ready now."
"Alright," he says, his voice slightly huskier than before. He scoops closer to you, placing a hand on your waist and the other hand on the side of your face, tilting it slightly to the side to show you how to angle your head for a more intimate kiss. "Now, let's try again," he whispers, his breath caressing your ear. This time, when your lips meet, there's no hesitation. You mimic the passion he had shown you, feeling your heart race even faster. Suguru's hand on your waist tightens slightly, guiding you to lean into him as your kiss becomes more intense. He moves his hand to the back of your neck, his thumb brushing against your skin as he shows you how to deepen the kiss. You follow his lead, exploring the sensation as your tongues tentatively touch. It's a moment of pure closeness, your breath mingling as your body leans into his on its own. When you pull back this time, you're both breathless, your eyes wide and searching for approval. Suguru's smile is warm and proud. "You've got it," he murmurs. "Now, just remember this feeling when you're with Yū." With a final peck on the lips, he leans back, giving you space to process what just happened. Inside, you're overfilled with emotions, but you know that you're ready to face Yū and express your feelings in the way you've always wanted to. Or at least that's what you think for now.
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As the days pass, missing Suguru's lips becomes a constant ache in your heart. Each time you kiss with Yū, the one on your mind is Suguru and you can't help but feel a mix of fondness and guilt. You love Yū, so why practice with Suguru lingers in your mind? The more you think about it, the reality of the situation starts to sink in. That Yū doesn't feel the same way as Suguru. That the kiss with Suguru meant more to you than just a rehearsal. The thought of losing either of them weighs heavily on your conscience, and you find yourself caught in a whirlwind of uncertainties and feelings. You decide to keep the secret buried, focusing instead on strengthening your relationship with Yū. Yet, every time you're around Suguru, you can't help but feel the electricity between you, a silent reminder of the moment you shared under the guise of "practice".
The memory of Suguru's lips lingers, leaving a gentle imprint on yours. Each time you see him in the hallway, share a laugh in class, or catch a glimpse of his concerned gaze, the intensity of those kisses echoes through your thoughts. The guilt of keeping this from Yū gnaws at you, but the fear of losing either of them is paralyzing. You convince yourself that it was just a friendly gesture, a way to help a friend in need. But deep down, you know it was more than that. It was a spark that ignited something within you, something that makes you question the boundaries of your relationships and the true nature of your feelings that maybe unknowingly you've been pushing deep into the corners of your brain. You find yourself lost, torn between the comfort of your current romance and the exhilarating thrill of a new, unexplored connection. Yet, you remain silent, the secret nestled in your heart, waiting for the right moment when you'll have the courage to face the truth of your feelings and the consequences that are about to emerge.
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A couple of days later, you find yourself in Yū's door room after lessons, the setting sun casting a warm glow through the curtains. You've decided it's time to take the leap and show him how much you truly care and want him. As you nervously approach the moment, you start to unbutton his shirt, your hands shaking slightly from anticipation. He smiles at you, his eyes filled with love and excitement. However, when he notices the blush on your cheeks and the way your eyes dart to his mouth, he seems to understand that this might be more than you're used to. He gently takes your hand in his and stops you from unbuttoning his pants. "Please stop," he says softly, his voice filled with concern. You bite your bottom lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration at your inexperience and him stopping you. You just nod and lean in for a kiss, but he turns away. The passionate kiss you had shared with Suguru fills your mind, now feeling awkward with the weight of your secret pressing down on you. Yū seems to sense your unease and pulls close, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "We should go slow," he whispers, trying to comfort you. But as the silence stretches out, you realize that you're not ready to face the truth of what you're feeling and he's not ready for what you seek. 
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That night, unable to shake off the lingering confusion and yearning, you find yourself standing in front of Suguru's dorm room. Your hand hovers over the door, unsure if you should knock or turn back. The sound of doubt in your mind grows louder, but the memory of the kiss, the warmth of his embrace, and his gaze push you forward. You finally muster the courage and knock softly. The door opens to reveal Suguru in his shorts and a loose shirt, his eyes widening in surprise as he sees you. "Hey, what's up?" he asks, his voice gentle. You swallow hard, trying to push the words out of your mouth. "I... I need to talk to you," you stutter, your heart racing. He steps aside, inviting you in with a concerned look, and once the door is closed behind you, you take a deep breath.
"I think Yū, doesn't want me. Well, of course, now we kiss, but..." you started while pacing around his room, "I wanted to try... something more but he pushed me away."
Suguru's expression turns from surprise to concern as he watches you pace, his eyes following your every move. He can see the hurt in your eyes. He gently takes your hand, leading you to sit beside him on the bed. "What do you mean, 'something more'?" he asks, his voice tender and understanding. You look down at your hands, fidgeting with your fingers as you struggle to find the right words. "I...I want to be closer to him, body to body, and... Ugh! You know what I mean" you admit. "But every time I try, it feels like there's a wall between us. I know that I've never done those... dirty things but still. If this keeps going we'll break up for sure”. The silence that follows is thick with unspoken emotions, until finally, Suguru speaks up, his voice serious. "If you're not happy with the pace of your relationship with Yū, maybe you should talk to him about it," he suggests, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. His touch sends a jolt of electricity through your body, and for a moment, you're lost in the memory of your kisses. You nod slowly, knowing he's right, but the fear of losing either of them keeps you from saying what's truly in your heart. "I'll think about it," you murmur, standing up to leave. As you turn to go, Suguru's hand reaches out to grab your wrist, his eyes locking onto yours. "But remember," he says, his voice filled with a quiet intensity, "I can help you with anything you want, we're friends after all." The weight of his gaze makes your heart ache with a love that goes beyond friendship, and for the first time, you realize that the line between practice and reality may have been blurred more than you ever intended.
You nod again, unable to find the words to express the storm of emotions inside you. With a forced smile, you pull away from Suguru's grasp and head for the door. "Thanks, Sugu'," you whisper, your voice full of sadness. As you step into the hallway, you lean against the door for support, trying to compose yourself. Your heart feels like it's about to burst from everything and now from feeling kind of disappointed that tonight nothing more happened with Suguru. You know you can't keep pretending with Yū, and you can't ignore what happened with Suguru. You walk back to your room, the gravity of the guilt pressing down on your shoulders. 
The silence in your room offered no escape from the thoughts. You slip into bed, your mind racing with images of Yū and the gentle way he holds you, the way his eyes light up when you're together. But as your hand slips under the covers to find some relief from the growing tension in your body, it's not Yū's face that appears in your mind, but Suguru's. The memory of his kiss, the way he touched you, and the passion in his eyes during those "practice" sessions flood your senses. Despite your best efforts to think of Yū, it's Suguru's name that slips from your lips in a soft, involuntary moan. Your touch becomes more urgent, your body responding to the memory of his embrace rather than your boyfriend's. As you reach your climax, the guilt crashes over you like a wave. The stark realization hits you that your desires have shifted, and you're no longer sure who holds the key to your heart. The lines between friendship and love have become blurred, you need to confront your feelings and face the consequences, no matter how painful it may be.
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The next day, you find yourself back at Suguru's dorm room door, feeling both nervous and aroused. You've been craving the intimacy you shared during your "practice session," and you know that he's the only one who can give it to you. This time, you don't bother to knock; you just walk in and step inside. He's sitting at his desk, engrossed in a book, but looks up when he hears you enter. "Hey," he says casually, but his brows furrow when he sees the look on your face. "What's wrong?"
"I... I need more practice," you say, your voice quiet. The words hang in the air, as Suguru sets his book aside, his gaze pinning onto you as he stands up and walks over to you. "Are you sure about this?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. You nod, unable to hide the desperation in your eyes, he sighs, understanding what you're going through, no matter how happy he feels - especially after months of loving and craving you. "Alright," he says, his voice serious. "But remember, we're just friends, okay?"
Without waiting for your response, he takes your hand and leads you to the bed. Your heart races as you sit down, knowing that what you're about to do is wrong, but you can't seem to help yourself. Suguru sits beside you, his hand resting on your knee. He leans in and whispers, "What do you want to learn today?"
You take a deep breath and look into his eyes. "Something more than kissing," you murmur,  looking down. He nods slowly, as his hand moves up to cup your cheek. "Then, let's get started your today's lesson."
And with that, the line between your friendship with Suguru was crossed with no point of return. His lips are on yours, his hands exploring your body in a way that Yū never has, and you can't help but wonder if this is where you truly belong. The guilt is pushed out by the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. As you kiss him deeply, his hands are slowly going under the rim of your shirt, gently touching the skin under it.
The warmth of his touch makes you lean into him, eager to feel more. Suguru's hands continue to roam, his fingertips tracing the curves of your body, you find yourself responding to his touch, your body arching towards him as he takes off your shirt and throws it on the floor, revealing your breasts to the soft light of the room. He looks at you with a mix of awe and hunger, after all his waiting. He leans in to kiss your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers, "Do you like it?" You nod, your voice barely a whimper as he takes one of your breasts in his hand, his thumb teasing your nipple until it's a hard peak. The pleasure is intense, and you can't help but moan his name, the sound echoing through the quiet room. His mouth follows his hand, capturing your nipple in a gentle suck that sends bolts of pleasure through your body, making you squirm with need. The reality of what you're doing hits you, but the desire is too strong to resist. You're lost in the moment, your body craving the connection that Suguru provides, even as your mind reels with the thought of what this means for your relationship with Yū. 
As Suguru's kisses and caresses grew bolder, your body was responding to his every touch with fervor. You found yourself craving more, leaning into his embrace as he navigated places nobody touched you before. You reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as you arched your back, giving him access to your neck. His hand trailed down your stomach, and you felt your breath hitch when he took off your shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Your heart raced as he kissed you, his hand moving to cup your heat through your shorts, his thumb circling the clit, hid behind the fabric, that was begging for his touch. Your breaths came in shallow panting as you felt craving more and more of his touch. 
Without breaking the kiss, Suguru's hand slipped under the waistband of your shorts, his fingers finding the wetness of your pussy. He groaned into your mouth as he felt the heat and wetness, his desire for you growing even stronger. He gently pushed aside the fabric and began to stroke you lightly, his thumb circling your clit. You moaned into his mouth, your body trembling as he teased you closer to the edge. Then, with a sudden urgency, he broke the kiss and moved down, his mouth replacing his hand as he slowly licked and kissed along your inner thighs, his warm breath making you shiver. When his tongue finally reached your core, you couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped your lips. He took his time, savoring every inch of you, his tongue flicking against your clit in a way that made your toes curl. The sensation was new and overwhelming, and you felt your body tense up as the pleasure built inside of you. You gripped his hair tightly. Suguru looked up at you, his eyes sparkling as he was now pussy drunk on you. Something he wanted for so long, now happening.
As Suguru's tongue bullied your clit, he gently inserted one finger into your tight, virgin pussy, feeling you tense around him. He moved slowly, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. His eyes never left yours, he watched as you bit your lip and your breathing grew erratic. He knew he had to be delicate, but he also knew that he wanted to show you how much he wanted you to break in his hands. As he continued to explore you with his mouth and finger, the pleasure grew more intense, and you felt yourself getting closer. Yū and your relationship with him were pushed away as your body focused only on Suguru and his touch. This was a moment you never thought you'd experience with only Yū, but here you are, with your best friend between your legs. His movements grew more confident, his finger moving in and out of you with a gentle rhythm that matched the flicks of his tongue. You couldn't hold back anymore, and with a strangled cry, you came for the first time with someone else's touch. Suguru looked up at you, his face glistening with your juices, a smug smile playing on his lips as he knew he was the only one to make you feel this way. He gently kissed your inner thigh before pulling away, leaning over you, and letting you taste the sweet juices on his tongue while his hands quickly took away your and his underwear. 
Suguru pulled back, breaking the kiss just to reach into his drawer, and pull out a condom. You watched him, your heart racing as he rolled it on, his dick ready with need, precum dripping from his tip. "I'm just gonna rub," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "You'll go all the way with Yū." He kissed you again, his hand guiding his cock to your entrance. With a gentle push, he began to rub against you, the friction sending pleasure through your body. Suguru leaned down, leaving kisses all over you as he continued to rub, his cock teasingly sliding against your wetness without entering you.
The pleasure grew unbearable as Suguru's cock slid against your pussy and clit, and before you knew it, the tip of him accidentally slipped inside of you. You gasped into his mouth while frowning and he froze for a moment, looking into your eyes with a mix of shock and concern. "It's your fault," he murmured against your lips, "you're too wet." You couldn't find the words to protest as he gently pressed his soft lips against your forehead. The initial pain was overwhelming, but it soon gave way to a deeper, more intense pleasure as he stretched you out. His eyes never left yours, searching for any sign of distress, but all he found was the same yearning that reflected in his own. He began to move slowly, letting you get used to the feeling of him inside you, his movements tender and deliberate. With each stroke, the pain subsided, and the pleasure grew until it was all you could feel. You wrapped your legs around him, urging him closer, repeating his name as if it was a prayer. Suguru's breathing grew ragged, his eyes glazed over with passion as he claimed you fully, his cock sliding in and out with ease now. Your body felt like it was on fire, every nerve ending alight with sensation as he pushed you towards the orgasm once again. It was at this moment that you knew the truth of your heart, that no matter how much you cared for Yū, it was Suguru who truly made you feel alive and wanted. And as you reached your peak, your walls tightening around him, he looked at you with a smug smile.
Suguru's hips began to move with more urgency, his cock plunging into you with a steady rhythm that had you digging your nails into his muscular upper arms. You moaned loudly as his movements grew stronger and more erratic. The sounds of your moans and his grunts filled the room, mixing with the slick sounds of skin on skin and the wet sloppy sound of his pretty dick bullying you. His hands gripped tightly your breasts as his lips clashed against yours. Each thrust seemed to be claiming you, marking you as his. Despite the guilt that lurked in the back of your mind, you couldn't deny the feeling of rightness that accompanied his touch. The pleasure was like nothing you'd ever felt before, and you knew at that moment that you'd never be able to go back to the way things were with Yū. You were lost in Suguru. And as he reached his climax, filling the condom with his warmth, you felt the first crack in the dam holding back your rationality. This was where you belonged, wrapped in his arms, not Yū's. 
As Suguru's thrusts slowed and his breathing evened out, you clung to him, your legs tightly wound around his waist pushing him deeper in you. The tears streamed down your cheeks. You kissed him desperately, each kiss tasted of salt and love, a bittersweet reminder of the secret you now had to carry. You knew you had crossed a line, one that could never be uncrossed, and yet you felt an overwhelming need to be closer to him still. As he pulled out, the emptiness inside you was unbearable, a contrast to the warmth that had filled you so completely. 
You looked up at Suguru, your eyes shimmering with a mix of emotions. "What will you teach me next?" you ask quietly. Suguru's expression was a blend of satisfaction and love. He leaned down and kissed you gently, tasting the salty traces of your tears on your lips. "We'll figure it out," he murmured, his voice soothing. "But for now, let's just enjoy the moment." He pulled you into a warm embrace, his arms enveloping you as if he didn't want to let you go back to Yū, greedily wanting to keep you only for himself. The comfort of his touch was undeniable, and you couldn't help but melt into his arms. 
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As the days went by, the weight of your secret grew heavier with each passing moment. You knew you couldn't continue like this, living a lie with Yū while your heart and body craved Suguru's touch. After a sleepless night, you made the painful decision to end things with Yū. It was a decision that was necessary. 
The next day, you gather your courage and head to Yū's dorm room, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. You know this conversation will be difficult, but you can't ignore the truth any longer and live in this situation - forcing yourself and lying to him. Knocking softly, you enter, and he looks up from his bed, a smile fading as he reads the seriousness on your face. You sit down beside him, your hands trembling slightly. "Yū," you begin, "I need to tell you something." He sits up and looks at you with eyes full of concern. "What is it?" he asks gently. You take a deep breath, feeling the tears threaten to spill over. "I've been thinking a lot, and I don't think I can be the girlfriend you deserve," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. His expression falls, and he takes your hand in his, squeezing it tightly. "What do you mean?" he asks, his voice cracking. You look down at your lap, unable to meet his eyes. "I've realized that... We don't really match," you confess, the words feeling like a betrayal as they leave your lips. Yū's hand goes slack in yours, and the room is filled with a deafening silence. "I'm so sorry, Yū. I never meant for this to happen. I think we should break up," you murmur, your voice breaking. "But we'll still be friends, right?" The desperate hope in his eyes breaks your heart even further. You nod, unable to speak, as he pulls you into a tight hug. You can feel his shoulders shaking with silent sobs, and you know that this is the end of the relationship you once cherished. But deep down, you can't help but feel a spark of excitement, knowing that now, you're one step closer to exploring the love that has been growing between you and Suguru.
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The days that followed were filled with a whirlwind of emotions as you and Suguru explored the new depth of your close relationship. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word was laced with a mix of passion and love. He was tender and attentive, eager to learn your every want and need, making sure each moment was as perfect as the last. The guilt of your past with Yū was slowly replaced by the warmth and love that Suguru brought into your life. You found yourself blossoming under his affection, feeling cherished and desired in ways you never had before. Each time you looked into his eyes, you saw a reflection of the love that was growing stronger with every shared secret and every intimate moment. The world around you was painted in vibrant colors, and every step you took together felt like the start of an adventure. Suguru had become your anchor, and you knew that no matter what the future held, you two found each other forever as the red string would keep you together.
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Could I ask for some roommate fics? A little pining is great but I'm not a huge fan of too much angst.
There is one roommate fic I remember that I'd love to find again, it was set during lockdown, and azirphale was a virgin but was talking to Agnes on zoom with plans to date. Crowley offers to teach him about sex, and it gets physical, even though they're straight buddies ..of course. 😏
We have a #roommates tag. Here's the one you're looking for and a few more to add...
Not a Mounted Dildo but a Fuck Machine by NaroMoreau, summerofspock (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley have lived together for three years when lockdown goes into effect. When Aziraphale meets a nice girl on Tinder who he thinks is his perfect match, he's delighted. There's just one hurdle: that pesky virginity thing. Lucky for him, Crowley has always been there for him. He's helped Aziraphale with every other problem through the years, why not this one?
Tinder Dates Gone Wrong by OceanLace (E)
Aziraphale decides to take a risk and brings a man home but doesn't realize that his roommate and best friend had the same idea. Things don't turn out the way either of them were expecting but end up exactly how they wanted.
Principles of Proximity by Cannebady (E)
Crowley's plan is to get through grad school in one piece and then live his bachelor dream life. With a less-than-wholesome upbringing and no real human ties to speak of, he's made a life for himself. It's just fine, actually. And he's fine too, while you're at it. Enter new roommate, Aziraphale, who just might teach him the benefits of putting down roots.
…And They Were Roommates by Mimsynims (E)
“You know… I just remembered that Richard and I were going away for a few days next month.” Something devious came over him. “Richard paid for it, but the booking is in my name.” Crowley quickly caught on to what he was getting at. “Ooh, I see. That’s convenient.” He grinned. “For us." When Aziraphale's boyfriend Richard (Dick) breaks up with him, he and his roommate Crowley hijacks an intended couples' vacation and uses it for themselves. Lines that had started to blur even before their trip gets even more blurry - which perhaps isn't the best thing when both are hiding a crush on the other (and communication isn't their strong suit).
make it with you by NaroMoreau (E)
PAID RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: A romantic couples study!! ------ Aziraphale and Crowley are broke roommates who are struggling to keep up with rent and a harsh landlord. After Crowley loses his job and Aziraphale's bookshop hasn't managed to make enough profit, they'll resort to anything to save what they love, and when they come across with the idea of a paid study for couples... Because some ideas are good until they aren't.
You Can Stay At My Place (And We Can Fall in Love) by IneffableToreshi (E)
Anthony Crowley is an art student with a heart of gold and a broad assumption about himself and his own (apparent lack-of) sexuality. When he meets literary student Aziraphale, he thinks he's found a great friend and possibly the perfect roommate. But when an exceptionally idiotic idea turns into Aziraphale reluctantly agreeing to pretend to be Crowley's boyfriend, Crowley rapidly realizes that he may not have been nearly so asexual as he originally thought...
10,000 Hours by AnnaTheHank (E)
Rich playboy Anthony Crowley has finally broken the last straw. He's been disowned by his grandmother, and turned away by his family. With no money and no where to go, he heads to the old family cabin to lay low until it all blows over. Romance writer A.Z. Fell has been given use of her publisher's cabin to get away from the city and work on her newest book-her first erotica. Neither expected the other to be there, but there they both were. And AZ finds that Crowley's vast knowledge of sex may just make up for her own lacking knowledge when it comes to writing her book.
- Mod D
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domm1etae · 7 hours
in every shape
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mingi x f!reader
oneshot | mdni
Mingi’s gained some weight since the tour began, and he’s struggling with his body image. But to you, he’s never looked better, and you can’t resist showing him just how irresistible he really is
nsfw tags under
f/m, top mingi, pet names, i love yous, praises, body worship, oral sex, mirror sex, hair pulling, teasing, size kink, multiple orgasms, neck kissing
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Mingi stood in front of the hotel room mirror, eyes roaming over his reflection, his shoulders slumping slightly. He was quiet, but you could sense the tension radiating off him. After a moment, he muttered under his breath, barely audible.
"I need to lose weight."
You perked up from where you were lounging on the bed, pretending you hadn’t heard his whispered confession. "Hmm? What did you say?" Your voice was gentle, curious, hoping he’d say it again, though the truth behind his words already tugged at your heart.
He hesitated, biting his lip as he turned to glance at you, his expression a mix of frustration and embarrassment. "I said…" He exhaled sharply. "I need to lose weight." His hand swept over his body as if emphasizing the problem, a soft growl of irritation escaping him. "I don’t know how I let myself get like this. I didn’t even realize…"
You sat up on the bed, your gaze soft as you crawled to the edge and reached for him, your fingers toying with the hem of his oversized shirt. "Get like what, Mingi? Like you don’t look absolutely delicious?" A teasing grin played on your lips, hoping to ease the tension building in his mind.
He scoffed, but it lacked conviction, his eyes dropping to the floor. "I’ve gained weight, babe. I mean, look at me." He waved a hand down his body in frustration. "I’m not in shape like I was before the tour. I just—" He sighed again, cutting himself off, clearly struggling to find the right words.
You shake your head at him, your heart aching a little at his self-doubt. Pulling at the fabric of his shirt, you expose a sliver of his skin. "Oh, I’m looking, trust me." You raise an eyebrow at him, slowly kissing the exposed skin. "And what I see is a man who looks damn good."
His body stiffened slightly at your touch, his breath catching. "Sexy?" he echoed, disbelief written all over his face. "I don't think that's the word you’re looking for. I’ve been eating too much, barely working out… I don’t feel like myself anymore."
You sit back a little, taking in the sight of him. He had filled out a bit, his broad frame looking a little softer, his thighs thicker, and his stomach no longer as flat as it once was. But he still looked amazing to you, more than amazing. "Mingi, you’re still so damn sexy. You look healthy. Honestly, I don’t even think you realize how much harder it is for me to keep my hands off you."
He snorted lightly, shaking his head. "Healthy? I feel heavy. I hate it."
You tug his shirt up a little higher, planting a few more kisses along his belly. "Heavy, maybe. But heavy can be hot, and you? You’re making it very hot." Your voice lowered into a sultry purr as your lips lingered on his skin.
He seemed to hesitate, torn between what he saw in the mirror and what you were saying. "You’re just saying that to make me feel better…" His fingers brushed through your hair, his tone soft but uncertain.
You hummed in response, your hands sliding up his thighs. "Oh no, I’m not. Trust me, I’m saying this because I can’t stop thinking about how good you look right now. I’ve been trying to keep my hands to myself, but…" You give his hips a gentle tug, pulling him closer. "Why should I when you look this damn good?"
His lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to argue, but when your lips trailed down to his waistband, the words seemed to slip from his mind. He watched you, his breathing growing heavier, but he couldn’t help one last protest. "I don’t… understand why you think this is attractive."
You pull back slightly and meet his gaze, your eyes filled with sincerity. "Because, Mingi, you're more than just some perfectly sculpted figure. You look strong, healthy, like you’re actually taking care of yourself. I love this… I love you, no matter what you think of yourself." You smiled up at him, pressing one more kiss to his stomach. "You’re sexy just as you are, but if you want to lose weight, that’s your choice. I’m just saying… I like you this way."
His face softened, though the doubt still lingered in his expression. "You really mean that?"
"Every word," you answer, pulling him towards you until he was close enough for you to wrap your arms around his waist. "Now come here. Let me show you how much I love this body of yours."
He let out a soft, surprised laugh as you began tugging at his waistband, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity in his eyes as you unbuttoned his jeans. "Y-you don’t have to do this…"
You shook your head, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, but I want to." Mingi’s breath hitched as you slid his jeans down his hips, revealing the hard lines of his thighs. He shifted awkwardly, unsure of how to react. His fingers twitched as he stared down at you, still hesitant despite the heat building between you.
"You know you drive me crazy, right?" you say softly, trailing your hands over the firm muscles of his thighs. "I’m not doing this to make you feel better. I’m doing this because I want to. You look so damn good, and I’ve missed you."
Mingi let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, his muscles visibly relaxing as your words sank in. He still seemed unsure, but the desire in his eyes was undeniable as you ran your tongue teasingly along the edge of his waistband.
His voice was shaky when he spoke again, "I… don’t get why you like this version of me so much." He groaned softly as your hands slid higher, gently squeezing his hips. "I thought you’d prefer me the way I used to be—leaner, fitter."
You paused, looking up at him with a serious expression. "Mingi, I didn’t fall in love with just your body. I fell for you." You pressed a soft kiss against his skin, right where his waistband met his lower abdomen, your lips lingering as if to emphasize your words. "You’re sexy no matter what shape you’re in, but this?" You tugged lightly at his underwear, your breath ghosting over his skin. "This body is just as perfect as any other version of you."
Mingi shuddered at the contact, and finally, his hands found your shoulders, pulling you up gently so he could look you in the eyes. "I don’t think I deserve you," he muttered, his voice low and sincere. "You’re too good to me."
"You deserve everything," you whisper back, brushing your lips lightly against his. "And I’m going to keep proving that to you." With that, you deepen the kiss, your hands working to slide his underwear down and free his length.
His breath hitched again as your fingers ghosted over him, his body trembling in anticipation. But just before you could lower yourself again, he gently tugged you back up. His lips were slightly parted, his eyes dark with something more than just lust—something deeper, more vulnerable.
"Babe, wait." Mingi’s voice was soft, but his grip on your wrists was firm as he held you there, his gaze locking with yours. "I… I want to make you feel good too."
You blinked at him, surprised. "You don’t have to—"
"I want to," he cut you off, his expression serious as he gently pushed you down onto the bed, flipping the roles. His lips brushed your ear as he leaned over you, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. "You’ve been so focused on me… but I want to focus on you now."
You let out a small gasp as he pinned your wrists above your head, his body pressing against yours, the heat radiating off him in waves. "M-Mingi…" You tried to form a coherent sentence, but the feel of his lips trailing along your neck made it impossible to focus.
"I’m not done with you yet," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. He kissed his way down your throat, his free hand sliding under your shirt and gently squeezing your breast. "You thought I’d just let you do all the work?"
His lips found the sensitive skin at the base of your neck, sucking lightly and leaving a mark that made your breath hitch. "Y-you’re such a tease…" you manage to gasp, your back arching as his hand slid lower, teasing the waistband of your pants.
Mingi smirked against your skin, his kisses growing rougher as his free hand slipped inside your pants, his fingers brushing over the damp fabric of your underwear. "And you love it," he growled playfully, his voice dripping with confidence now, the self-doubt from earlier starting to fade away.
You let out a needy whimper as he ran his fingers teasingly along your slit, the friction making your hips buck against his hand. "Stop… teasing…" you pleaded, your voice breathless.
He chuckled softly, his lips finding your ear as he nipped lightly at your earlobe. "I like it when you beg." His fingers pressed more firmly against your core, making you cry out softly in response.
"Mingi, please…" you moaned, your body writhing beneath him as he finally slid your underwear to the side and ran his fingers over your soaked folds.
The deep groan that escaped his throat at the feel of you only made the heat in your belly grow. "God, you're so wet," he muttered, his voice low and rough as he slipped a finger inside you, earning a gasp from your lips.
Your hands, still pinned above your head, clenched into fists as you squirmed beneath him, desperately craving more. "Mingi, I—"
"You’re so sensitive," he murmured, slipping another finger inside you and curling them just right. His thumb rubbed slow, torturous circles over your clit, and your back arched, your body reacting to his every touch.
"I-I can’t…" you whimpered, your head falling back against the pillows as your body trembled.
"You can," Mingi whispered, his voice soothing but filled with desire. His lips found yours in a heated kiss, swallowing your moans as he sped up his fingers, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. "Come for me."
That was all it took. His fingers thrust deeper, hitting that perfect spot, and your entire body convulsed as you came hard around him. A loud cry of his name tore from your throat as the pleasure washed over you, your body trembling beneath him.
Mingi watched you intently, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk as you fell apart in his arms. "That’s my girl," he murmured softly, slowing his movements to let you ride out your orgasm.
You were still panting, your body twitching with aftershocks as he pulled his hand from you and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean with a low groan. "You taste so good," he muttered, his voice thick with lust as he looked down at you, still flushed and breathless.
Before you could even recover, he was back on you, his lips pressing hot kisses down your chest, leaving a trail of heat along your skin. "Mingi…" you breathed, your voice shaky as he hovered over you, his gaze intense.
"You didn’t think we were done, did you?" he teased, his breath hot against your skin. He positioned himself between your legs, his length pressing against your dripping entrance. "I’m just getting started."
Before you could respond, he slid into you with one hard, smooth thrust, both of you gasping at the overwhelming pleasure. His hips snapped forward, setting a relentless pace, and the only sounds in the room were the sound of your moans and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin.
Mingi’s head tilted back, his lips parted as he let out a deep, guttural groan, the feeling of you wrapped around him driving him wild. "Fuck, babe…" he grunted, his hands gripping your hips as he pounded into you harder, deeper.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you struggled to keep up with the intensity. "Mingi… I-I’m close again," you whimpered, your body already on the verge of another orgasm.
"Come for me again," he growled, his hand slipping between your bodies to rub fast circles over your clit. "I want to feel you come around me."
The heat in your belly exploded, and with one final thrust, you screamed his name as you came hard around him, your walls fluttering and clenching down on his length.
Mingi groaned loudly, the sensation of you tightening around him sending him over the edge. With a few more rough thrusts, he followed you into release, his hips jerking as he filled you, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm.
When the waves of pleasure finally subsided, Mingi collapsed beside you, both of you panting heavily. He pulled you into his arms, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, your skin still tingling from the intensity of it all.
"Maybe… I won’t worry so much about the weight," Mingi whispered, his breath still ragged. His fingers traced lazy circles on your arm as he cuddled you close.
You smiled, snuggling into his chest. "Good. Because you’re perfect just the way you are."
He let out a small chuckle, pressing another kiss to your temple. "If this is how you’re going to convince me, I might never work out again."
You laugh softly, playfully swatting his chest. "Oh no, I didn’t say all that."
Mingi grinned down at you, his eyes warm and filled with affection. "Either way… thank you. For everything."
You kissed his chest softly, nuzzling into him with a content sigh. "I love you, Mingi. Just remember that."
"I love you too, babe," he whispered, pulling you even closer as you both drifted off into a peaceful, satisfied sleep.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 day
Bad Day at Black Rock | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: panic attack/PTSD, recovering from a sexual assault (HEED THESE WARNINGS ESPECIALLY FOR THIS CHAPTER), canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 6673
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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“What?!” you exclaimed. “She’s a demon, and you didn’t gank her?!”
Sam had just finished telling you and Dean about this Ruby girl he’d met. 
“No, (Y/N), I mean, she seemed pretty helpful on the Seven Deadlies case.”
“Wait, she’s the blonde chick?!” you realized. “Why the fuck would a demon help me?”
“I don’t know,” Sam answered. “That’s what I’m trying to understand, too. And if she helped us then, I don’t see why I shouldn’t have at least listened to what she had to say.”
“Because ‘demon,’ that's why,” Dean snapped angrily. “I mean, the second you find out this Ruby chick is a demon, you go for the holy water! You don't chat!”
“No one was chatting, Dean,” Sam huffed.
“Oh yeah? Then why didn't you send her ass back to Hell?”
“Because she said she might be able to help us out!”
“With what, though, Sam,” you chimed in. “You’ve never said how she’s supposed to be able to help us. Or with what.”
“She told me she could help Dean,” Sam said quietly.
Dean seemed to not understand.
“With the crossroads deal, I’m assuming,” you told him.
Sam nodded.
The older brother looked at Sam incredulously. “What is wrong with you, huh? She's lying, you gotta know that, don't you? She knows what your weakness is; it's me.” Dean paused for a second. “What else did she say?”
Sam was quiet again.
You and Dean leaned in expectantly. “Dude?” the older brother questioned.
“Nothing. Nothing, Okay?!” Sam snapped. “Look, I'm not an idiot, guys. I'm not talking about trusting her, I'm talking about using her. I mean, we're at war, right? And we don't know jack about the enemy. We don't know where they are; we don't know what they're doing. I mean, hell, we don't know what they want. Now, this Ruby girl knows more than we will ever find out on our own. Now, yes, it's a risk, I know that, but we need to take it.”
“You're okay right, I mean you're feeling okay?” Dean asked.
Sam huffed. “Yes I'm fine. Why are you always asking me that?”
You looked between the two brothers when a phone began ringing. You checked your pockets; no buzzing. Sam and Dean’s phones weren’t ringing either. 
“Check the glove box, it's Dad's,” Dean suddenly realized.
“Dad’s?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, I keep it charged up in case any of his old contacts call.”
‘Smart boy,’ you thought.
Sam opened the glove box and found the ringing phone. “Hello? Yes... this is Edgar Casey… No! No, no, no, don't – don't call the police, I'll handle this myself. Thanks. You know, can you just uh, can you just lock it back up for me? Great. Uhm, I- I uh, I don't have my - my book in front of me—” Sam gestured to you for a pen, which you quickly handed to him— “do you- do you have the address so I can... Sure, okay. Go ahead. Right, thanks a lot.” He then hung up and turned to Dean. “Dad ever tell you he kept a container at a storage place?”
“What?” Dean asked.
“Outside of Buffalo?”
The older brother shook his head. “No way.”
“Yeah. And someone just broke into it.”
“No demons allowed,” Sam noted upon entering his father’s storage container. A large Devil’s Trap was etched into the ground, and two sets of bloody footprints traveled right through it. 
“Check this out,” Dean said, stooping to hold up a tripwire. It was attached to a shotgun hidden in a large animal skull. 
“Whoever broke in here got tagged,” Sam said.
“I got two sets of boot treads here,” you announced, “looks like it was a two-man job. And Buckshot Boy looks like he kept walking.” You nodded toward the bloody footprint trail leading into the container.
“So, what's the deal?” Sam wondered aloud. “Dad would do work here or something?”
“Living the high life, as usual,” Dean quipped.
The three of you crept around John’s storage locker, and the two brothers chatted about how much of a mystery their father still was to them. You took in the varying types of clutter. To your surprise, the room was filled with old memorabilia; photo albums, a graduation cap and gown you assumed was Sam’s, and a few boxes whose contents were written on the outside of them in a woman’s handwriting you assumed belonged to Mary. 
You smiled at a trophy on a shelf nearby. “Check it out,” you said, picking it up and dusting it off. “Sam Winchester, 1995,” you read aloud, “Soccer Division Championship.”
Sam grinned and came over to you. “No way! I can't believe he kept this.”
“Yeah,” Dean smiled lopsidedly, “it was probably about the closest you ever came to being a boy.” He wandered over to another table with a shotgun laid on it. “Oh, wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade.” The older brother laughed and pumped the dusty shotgun.
“You made that?” you questioned.
“Not bad, eh?” he grinned excitedly.
“No, not at all,” you giggled. “Damn, dude.” You took the gun from him and inspected it, impressed with Dean’s craftsmanship. He smiled proudly at you.
“Guys, over here,” Sam said. You followed his voice over to a door to a back room. The chain on the door had been cut, and you cautiously made your way inside.
You waved your flashlight around the room to find varying weapons and lockboxes that no doubt held nasty supernatural objects.
“Holy crap. Look at this,” Dean called, “he had land mines. Which they didn't take. Or the guns. I guess they knew what they were after, huh?”
You took in the lockboxes on the shelf on the far wall. “This is binding magic,” you pointed out. “Curse boxes.”
“Curse boxes?” Dean questioned. “They're supposed to keep the evil mojo in, right? Kinda like the Pandora deal?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, they're built to contain the power of the cursed object.”
“Well, Dad's journal did mention a whole bunch of stuff, y'know? Dangerous hexed items, fetishes. He never did say where they ended up,” Dean added.
“Must be his sulfur-sludge dump,” you joked. You noticed a rectangular-shaped hole in the dust that had settled over the shelf. “Well, they found what they were looking for.”
“Great,” Sam groaned.
“Well, maybe they didn't open it,” Dean suggested optimistically. 
“Cute thought, but I’m sure they did,” you replied flippantly. You looked around the exterior of the storage unit for anything that could be of use to you; footprints, tire tracks, and… aha! A security camera.
“That’s helpful,” you noted, pointing up at it. 
The boys helped you fish the SD card out of the security camera, and you hooked it up to your computer. 
“There, license plate,” you noted. “And now…” you pulled up an alternate tab and copied the license plate number into it. Immediately, pages began scrolling of places the license plate had been seen at. Most recently, an apartment not too far from you. 
“Ta-da,” you announced childishly, and the brothers looked at you in shock.
“Jesus, (Y/N), how’d you get access to all this?” Sam asked.
“Oh, y’know,” you smirked, trailing off. 
Sam looked at you expectantly. 
“Same way any hackers do,” you shrugged. “Had this guy on the hook for a bit when I was, maybe, twenty. Found out he was an FBI agent in the cyber unit— not the brightest of the bunch— and I phished his computer. Of course, as soon as I did, the computer broke and shut down. Told him I was good with computers and could fix it for him, and then, I cut and run. Fixed the laptop up and had access to everything he had access to. Exported it to my laptop, ditched his somewhere in Arizona, and here we are.”
“That is…” Dean trailed off, “incredibly hot.”
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a smile. 
“Get a room,” Sam mumbled, moving over to the Impala.
You and the Winchesters crept into the apartment belonging to the drivers of the stolen Connecticut vehicle, guns drawn. You could hear two men chattering about their poker game, and then you finally burst into the room on Dean’s nod.
“Freeze, freeze! Nobody move!” he commanded.
“He said don’t fucking move!” you ordered, pinning the bandaged, redheaded man to his seat with your gun.
“What is this?” the other man questioned.
“Stop!” Sam demanded. 
“Alright, give us the box. And please tell me that you didn't–”
Sam cut Dean off. “Oh, they did.”
“You opened it?!” Dean grunted. He shoved the dark-haired man against the wall.
“Are you guys cops?!” the man pinned wondered.
“What was in the box?” Dean questioned angrily.
You noticed a rabbit’s foot on the edge of the table. ‘Oh, fuck,’ you thought. 
“Oh, was that it, huh?” Dean laughed coldly. “It was, wasn't it? What is that thing?”
The man used Dean’s distraction to knock the gun out of his hand. When it fell to the floor, it fired, and you had to drop to the floor to avoid being hit in the face by the bullet.
The bullet ricocheted off the radiator and hit Sam’s gun, and he dropped it. The same bullet somehow ricocheted and hit a lamp, breaking it. You dove across the floor, trying to grab Sam’s gun, and the redheaded man pushed Sam down on top of you.
“The fuck, Sam?!”
You scrambled toward the redhead, and he backhanded you, somehow knocking you off balance and sending you to the floor. You normally wouldn’t have been so thrown off by such a simple move, but that rabbit’s foot was definitely working its magic. 
“Dean, I got it!” Sam announced. You turned around to see him holding the rabbit’s foot.
“Fuck, Sam, no!” you cried upon seeing him holding the cursed object.
The dark-haired man moved forward holding Dean’s favored gun and cocked it in his face. The man pulled the trigger in Sam’s face, but the gun jammed. 
‘Thank god.’
A quick scuffle ensued in which the two men opposing you had a bookshelf fall on them and a carpet got wrapped around their ankles and tripped them. Both men knocked themselves out, and Dean laughed triumphantly.
“That was a lucky break!”
“No, not lucky!” you shrieked. “Sam, that’s a rabbit’s foot!”
“Uh, yeah?” he said, as if it were obvious.
“Do you have any idea what you just did?” you panicked. 
“No, what are you—”
“I’m calling Bobby,” you said, storming out of the apartment and back to the Impala. 
“Whoa, whoa, why? I’m not seeing how this is a bad thing, (Y/N),” Dean countered, catching up to you. 
“Because that’s a rabbit’s foot, Dean! A cursed object! Its literal function is to bring bad luck,” you explained.
“How?” Sam asked. 
“Once you touch it, you’re marked. Luck’s gonna be on your side.”
“Better buy some lottery tickets then,” Dean chuckled excitedly.
You glared at him. “But if you lose it, you’re fucked. It’ll keep bringing you bad luck till it eventually kills you.”
“Well, I just won’t lose it, then,” Sam tried. 
“Everybody loses it, Sam! That’s the whole point!”
The two boys looked slightly shaken; Sam more so than Dean. Dean was laughing all the way to the bank on this one, and he dragged you and Sam to a gas station to get lottery scratch-off tickets. Then, he drove you to a restaurant chain location called Biggerson’s for some dinner. 
You sat on the phone with Bobby, the two of you angrily muttering about the insanity of the situation to each other.
“Gotta say, kid,” Bobby started, “was hoping the next time I heard from ya, it’d be on happier terms than this.”
“Trust me, me too,” you sighed. “Do you know of anything that can stop this?”
“I’ll dig around—”
Bobby’s voice in your ear was cut off by Dean triumphantly exclaiming, “twelve-hundred dollars! You just won twelve-hundred dollars!”
You grimaced and put the phone back to your ear.
“I’m guessing Sam’s luck’s still good,” Bobby drawled.
“For now, but I don’t know for how much longer.” You got out of the car, suddenly feeling suffocated in the Impala. You paced around, as did Sam, and you watched as he walked over to something glistening under a newspaper on the ground. 
“I’ll figure somethin’ out. Lemme look through my library and make some calls,” Bobby said. “Call me if anything else goes to shit.”
You laughed, and Sam stood up holding a golden watch. He turned to Dean who stood next to you and mouthed something like, “Awesome,” to his brother.
“Will do,” you told the older man on the phone. “Hurry, Bobby.” You hung up as Dean calculated the winnings from the scratch-off tickets he made Sam fill out.
“Oh, man!” Dean grinned. “We’re up fifteen grand!”
You and Sam half-smiled, both feeling unsettled still.
Dean continued to laugh as he walked into the restaurant with you hot on his heels. 
“In case you forgot, Dean, we’re still technically fugitives,” you hissed. “If Sam’s luck goes to hell, we could be royally fucked.”
“Don't worry,” Dean said easily. “Bobby 'll find a way to break it. Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man. Sam can be Rain Man.”
“Look, we just lay low until Bobby calls back, okay?” Sam whispered. He turned to the man behind the host stand. “Hi, uh, table for three, please.”
The man’s face broke out into a grin, and he hollered, “Congratulations!” An alarm began to sound through the restaurant.
“It's exciting, I know,” Dean quipped.
“You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!” the man announced. 
The staff surrounding you began singing and taking photographs while they shoved a giant check into your hands. Balloons fell from the ceiling, and you and Sam would’ve rathered been anywhere else. Dean was ecstatic, though, which you were happy to see. You’d suffer tremendous embarrassment fifty times over just to see him smile. That thought scared you a little bit; how you'd do anything for him. You had a tendency to be an extremist.
You were escorted to your table, and a gorgeous waitress in what was clearly a black bob wig approached your table. 
Her coy smile was alluring, but something about her wasn’t sitting right with you. Still, nothing seemed off through the rest of the meal. Sam clacked away on his laptop rattling off bits of lore he was reading on rabbit’s foot Hoodoo magic while you and Dean shared a bowl of ice cream. 
“I think from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's,” Dean commented. 
The waitress came back over to your table with a pot of coffee and grinned at Sam. “Can I freshen you up?”
Sam nodded. “Thanks.”
The waitress poured, still smiling, and spilled some in her flirtatious stupor. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Let me mop up here. Sorry about that.” She hurriedly cleaned her mess and left the table, appearing to flirt with Sam over her shoulder even as she left.
“Dude. If you were ever gonna get lucky…” Dean trailed off.
Sam smirked. “Shut up.”
You smacked Dean’s shoulder. “I’m right here.”
Sam went to pick up his coffee, but he knocked the cup over and spilled it all over himself. Before you could process what was going on, he jumped out of his seat and into a waiter with a full tray. Things went flying through the air as Sam rushed profuse apologies. 
“Sam, check your pockets,” you said evenly. 
He did, and his hands came up empty.
“Son of a bitch,” Dean growled.
You and the brothers threw a wad of cash on the table and raced into the parking lot after the waitress. You noticed the black bob wig ditched on the ground a few feet from the door. “I knew it was a wig!”
“What?” Sam asked, turning around to you. He immediately tripped and fell flat on his face. 
“Wow! You suck!” Dean laughed, turning back to a groaning Sam.
“Ow,” the younger brother whined while you helped him up. His knees were bloody and raw through his ripped jeans.
“So what, now your luck turns bad?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah, Dean, I believe I’ve said that,” you remarked, and he glared at you. 
“Well, how bad does it get, genius?” 
“Really bad. C’mon,” you urged. 
“Where we goin’?” Sam asked.
“Back to the two jackwads that got us into this mess,” you said, hopping in the driver’s seat. 
“Whoa, who said you could drive?” Dean questioned.
“Me. Don’t be a child,” you said. 
You broke into the apartment once again to find the brunet man sadly downing a bottle of tequila. 
“Oh, man. What do you want?” the man asked.
“Heard about your friend. That's bad luck,” Dean tsked, referring to the death of the redheaded thief. 
“Piss off,” the man spat.
“We know someone hired you to steal the rabbit's foot. A woman,” Dean continued.
“Oh yeah? How do you know that?”
“Because she just stole it back from us.”
The man laughed. 
Sam stepped forward. “Listen man, this is seri—” and then he fell to the floor mid-sentence, pulling a CD player and a shelf down on top of him. 
You turned back to help the younger brother up. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” he said, smiling awkwardly in thanks for your help. 
“I want you to tell us her name,” the older Winchester continued to the man. 
“Fuck you,” was the only response he got.
“It wasn't a freak accident that killed your partner,” you tried, coming out from behind the couch.
“C’mon, don’t tell me you haven’t been thinkin’ it. I thought you’d be smarter than that,” you challenged. That seemed to get under the man’s skin, so you continued. “That series of unfortunate events that had to happen to kill your partner— like, had you not seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t have believed it— that was the rabbit’s foot. If you don’t help us stop this thing, those deaths are on you, my friend.”
The man in front of you looked worried. 
“And I gotta tell you, it doesn’t seem you’re cut out for the whole killin’ thing. You don’t wanna be a killer, do you?” you continued to press.
The man shook his head, and his voice dropped to a whisper. “No.”
You left the apartment repeating the woman’s last name over and over in your head. The man told you “Lugosi” was the only name he and his partner were given when they were hired. 
You took out your phone and called Bobby. 
“Hey, (Y/N), glad you called,” you heard the man say. 
“Hey, we got a situation here—”
“I found a heavyweight cleansing ritual that should do the trick,” Bobby continued. 
“That’s awesome, thank you, but uh…” you trailed off, trying to decide how to phrase your next words. You decided not to sugarcoat it in the end. “Sam lost the foot.”
“He what?!”
“I know, I know,” you sighed. You turned back around to see Sam and Dean trying to use a broken storm grate to get gum off the bottom of Sam’s shoe. You shook your head at their faces when they noticed you; seeming like two little kids caught with their hands in the candy bowl. You returned your focus to your phone call. “Listen, you know anybody by the name ‘Lugosi’? Maybe mid 20’s, super hot, my height—”
“Aw, crap. It’s probably Bela,” Bobby said. 
“ Bela Lugosi? That’s cute, but never heard of her,” you replied.
“Bela Talbot’s her real name,” the older man continued. “Crossed paths with her once or twice.”
“How the hell would she know John had the rabbit’s foot? She a hunter?” you questioned.
“Pretty fuckin’ far from a Hunter, but she knows her way around the territory. She's been out of the country,” Bobby explained. “Last I heard, she was in the Middle East someplace.”
“Well, she’s back!” you mock-cheered, exasperated.
“Which means seriously bad luck for you,” the older man added.
“Thanks for the encouragement,” you quipped.
“Well, kid, if it is Bela, at least I might know some folks who know where to find her,” he finished. 
“Thanks, Bobby. For everything.”
“Just… look out for those two idjits.” And with that, he hung up the phone.
You sighed and turned back around to see Dean reaching through the storm drain and Sam looking dejected. 
“What happened?” you asked.
“I lost my shoe,” the brunet replied sadly. 
Your eyebrows furrowed sympathetically, and Sam’s head hung low. Dean seemed annoyed and huffed, standing up from the floor. 
“C’mon,” the older brother asserted.
Bobby did actually have a pretty good lead on Bela; she apparently lived in Queens about two hours away. 
“So what are we doing here?” Sam questioned, referencing the motel you’d just gotten a room at. 
“You, my brother, are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed,” Dean stated. “And (Y/N), you’re staying with him.”
“What?! Why?” you protested. 
“Because Sam actually listens to you when you tell him not to do something. And you’re way more responsible than me,” Dean shrugged simply.
“Fair point,” you sighed. “Knowing you, you’ll touch the stupid rabbit’s foot, though.”
“Pfft, c’mon, it’s me we’re talking about—”
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you dryly stated.
Dean glared at you playfully as he walked Sam into a motel room. You followed close behind and peeked out the door to make sure you weren’t followed. 
“What am I even supposed to do, Dean?” Sam whined.
“Nothing! Nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here—” the older brother pulled a chair into the middle of the room— “and don't move, okay? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose.” Dean turned to you. “If I’m not back by midnight, take off.”
“What, you gonna turn into a pumpkin or something?” you snickered.
“(Y/N), I’m serious.”
“Since when?”
“Okay, okay, fine, I heard you.”
Dean smirked down at you and kissed your forehead. “I’ll be back,” he said.
You watched him leave, a bit of your heart tugging at being anywhere without him. Your feelings for him were certainly growing stronger, and it frightened you how constantly you needed to be near him. 
You turned back to see Sam wrinkle his nose a few times before finally risking a scratch at it. 
“Hey! None of that,” you said. 
Sam’s sad eyes turned to yours. “This fuckin’ sucks, man,” he sighed.
“I know it does. Kinda the whole point of the rabbit’s foot curse,” you commented.
He ignored your smart remark.
“Found anything on how to break Dean’s deal?” you asked.
Sam shook his head. “No. Did find out something interesting, though.”
“What?’ you asked.
“All my mom’s old contacts? All her old friends, the nurse who delivered me— they’re all dead,” he explained.
“What?!” you shrieked. “And you didn’t think to mention this before now?!”
“Shh, keep your voice down,” Sam said. “Didn’t wanna say anything in front of Dean; he’d go berserk.”
“You know I have to tell him, right?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“No, no! Please don’t,” he begged. “Please. You know he’d flip. And, uh, probably more because of the way I got that information than the information itself.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Ruby told me.”
“Oh, god.” You rolled your eyes and dropped your head back. 
“C’mon, (Y/N), I mean, I called, and it all checks out. It’s got something to do with me and the demon; I know you recognize that pattern,” Sam tried.
“I do, but I don’t like being constantly stuck in the middle of you and Dean,” you said. “I’m supposed to be Switzerland, remember?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean Switzerland didn’t have information on the two sides, she just didn’t pick one,” he shrugged.
“Sam,” you warned, “You know how I feel about keeping things from Dean.”
“I know, I know, but you wouldn’t necessarily be keeping it from him, you’d be…” he trailed off, trying to think of a way to phrase his next words, “fulfilling a promise to me.”
“But I didn’t promise anything,” you argued.
“Please promise me you won’t tell Dean. Not till I’m ready,” Sam begged.
“(Y/N/N), c’mon. Please, man. Please.”
You stared at Sam for a prolonged moment; you stared intensely and Sam looked up at you with puppy-dog eyes from his chair. You sighed and dropped your head forward. “Fine. But you are gonna promise me that you’ll tell Dean eventually. That’s my one condition.”
Sam nodded. “Deal.”
You shook your head and sat down on the edge of the bed next to Sam’s chair. “You Winchesters and your secrets.”
“Oh, like you don’t have any,” Sam deadpanned.
You looked up at the television and saw the reflection of your guard uniform and scratched-up face staring back at you. You took in a sharp breath and let it out slowly. “Touché.” You paused for a moment. “Sam?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“What are you gonna do when—” you cut yourself off, tears beginning to well in your throat. You took a deep breath to push them down. “When Dean’s gone?” 
Sam shook his head. “(Y/N), no. He’s not gonna—”
“Sam,” you said. “We are trying everything we can. We’re two months into this thing and no closer to saving him than we were on day one. I stopped looking. Not ‘cause I don’t care anymore, but because I’m not gonna send you to Hell just so Dean can live. I mean, Bobby’s been lookin’, too! And he hasn’t found a damn thing. So I just think we have to be real with ourselves.”
Sam shook his head, tears in his eyes.
“I don’t wanna lose him,” you said, putting your hand on Sam’s knee to make him look at you and beginning to cry, too. “I don’t. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But… I’m scared, man. When I lost my family…” you closed your eyes at the memory of some of the awful things you’d done and would never forgive yourself for, “I don’t wanna do that again. And… And I just think that if we kept huntin’ together, we could keep tabs on each other. Make sure the other doesn’t go rogue, y’know?”
“I can’t believe you’re just gonna give up on him like that,” Sam spat, disappointed. 
“I’m not!” you argued. “But I’m not gonna help you kill yourself, dammit! Dean would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself!”
“Look, we’ve got ten months left. We’ll find something,” Sam continued. 
“I hope you’re right, man. I really do,” you said.  
Neither of you said anything for the next few hours.
During that time, you took out your journal and wrote. You didn’t usually keep journals when you were done with them as your duffel bag would be filled to the brim with them by now, but you were definitely going to keep this one; especially after Dean was gone. 
It was somewhat poetic that the first day you met the boys was the first time you’d written in this particular journal. Its pages were filled with your, at first, disdainful musings about the older Winchester brother and slowly but surely became your attempts at discerning your feelings for him.
You liked to buy quite thick and large journals to have enough room for your drawings and to be able to continue writing in them for months and occasionally years. This was the longest you’d been able to stretch one, though, and you were a little over three-fourths through writing in it. 
“I can’t help but wonder what comes next after all this,” you wrote, the pen gliding easily against the page in time with your racing thoughts. “I’ve always been awful about ‘futurecasting’ as Dad called it, but it’s even worse now. Every second I’m with Dean, I can’t help but think about how this is all gonna be over in less than a year. And it’s awful. I wanna be present with him. I just can’t. I don’t want there to be an end to us. I don’t even know if we are anything! He can’t even tell me he loves me.
“And I get it to some extent. ‘I love you’s are hard for him. Fine. I just wish he’d figure out some way to communicate with me that isn’t sex. I mean, the sex is great, but. I don’t know. And just after everything that happened, I’m not feeling great about having sex anyway. And I know it’s upsetting him, even if he won’t say anything; he’d never pressure me, and I know that. And I’m getting better about sex and related things. But it just sucks.
“And I don’t wanna bring any of this up with him and start fights because, as I’m painfully aware, that deadline is getting closer and closer every day. I just want him to be happy with me while he still can be.”
You dropped your pen when the air conditioning unit next to you began to smoke. 
“Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't—” Sam whined.
“Just stay put,” you said. You jerked back in surprise when the unit suddenly caught fire. You grabbed the comforter from the bed next to you and began to put the fire out with it. Thankfully, the fire stopped. 
“I’m gonna see if I can get someone to fix that for us before your luck kills us both with carbon monoxide poisoning,” you said, starting toward the door. 
Suddenly, the door to the motel room burst open. However, it wasn’t Dean who opened it. It was two men. You drew your gun and cocked it, trained on the two men. “Get the fuck out,” you ordered. 
“I don’t think so,” said the older-looking man. He almost reminded you of Willem Dafoe, and you mentally pegged that as his name. The other man with a bizarre-looking mustache charged you, and you fired. Somehow, the bullet missed its target despite him being in such close range. 
“What the hell, Sam?!” you exclaimed. “Your luck’s rubbin’ off on me!”
“Sorry!” he winced.
The man charging you tried to restrain you in a headlock, but you kicked him squarely between the legs. You jutted your elbow back into his nose simultaneously, and the man dropped you. 
Unfortunately for you, though, Sam had been trying to help you by taking on Willem Dafoe. You turned around to see Sam unable to land a punch on the other man’s face. You tried to help him, but Sam ended up punching you across the face, and you were knocked out cold.
When you woke up, your arms were bound behind your back, and your legs were taped together as well. The men had laid you on your stomach, and you immediately began to struggle and panic, feeling your current position was too similar to the one you’d been in with the guard. 
“Dean! Help me!” you wailed without thinking. Your body was in autopilot as you struggled, and you couldn’t even focus on the men in the room. 
“Quit whinin’,” the man with the mustache told you. 
You could barely hear him over the roaring in your ears. “Dean!”
“I said shut up!” the man in front of you roared, slapping you across the face.
You couldn’t, though, continuing to flail like a fish out of water.
“Creedy,” the other man said, turning away from Sam and to his accomplice, “shut her up, please.”
“With pleasure.” The man took a rag out of his shirt and shoved it in your mouth, your muffled cries coming out around it. 
You vaguely heard Willem Dafoe beating the crap out of Sam while he talked about his mission from “god” to kill Sam. Then, the man drew his gun. His partner was unsettled, too, as you strained harder to get out of your binds. 
Suddenly, your saving grace appeared in the doorway. “Dean!” you cried through the gag in your mouth. 
Willem Dafoe turned around and aimed the gun point-blank at Sam’s forehead. 
“Nope. No destiny,” Dean said coolly referring to the man’s earlier comment about god and destiny leading them to Sam. “Just a rabbit's foot.”
“Put the gun down, son, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall,” the man replied, his tone ice cold.
Dean waved his Taurus around. “Oh, this thing?”
“Yeah, that thing,” look-alike-Dafoe responded. 
“Okay.” Dean put his gun down on the nightstand beside him, looking smug. “But you see, there's something about me that you don't know.” Dean smoothly picked up a pen off the nightstand beside the gun. 
“Yeah? What would that be?”
“It’s my lucky day,” Dean grinned. He tossed the pen toward Willem Dafoe, and it lodged in the barrel of the gun. ““Oh my God, did you see that shot?!” 
Forgetting all about your current situation, you started yelling through the gag, “You fucking touched it? You fucking idiot!” But all that came out was a muffled garbling of words. 
The man named Creedy lunged at Dean, but missed his punch completely. The man ended up running straight into the wall, and Dafoe was busying himself trying to dislodge the pen from the barrel of his gun. 
“I'm amazing,” Dean said smugly. He picked up the television remote and threw it hard at Dafoe. It hit the man square between the eyes, knocking him out cold. 
“I’m Batman,” you heard Dean suavely state, but you were too busy returning your focus to getting your binds undone. Now that the immediate danger was over, your body went back into panic mode. You yelped when you suddenly felt a hand on your back and fought even harder. 
“Hey, hey!” Dean coaxed. “It’s just me.” He saw you weren’t listening, and he immediately set to work cutting the duct tape binding your legs and wrists. Your hands shakily yanked out the rag in your mouth. Only then did you realize Dean was the one in front of you, and you leapt into his arms. 
He caught you easily, one hand around the underside of your back and the other around the topside your legs. You curled up into him and buried your face in his neck. 
“Whoa, hey, it’s okay,” Dean tried, but your shaking wouldn’t stop. You could feel your sobs slowly subside, but it took quite a while of Dean holding you for you to regain your composure. He pressed kisses into the side of your hair while he held you and tried to soothe you by telling you you were safe. 
You finally uncurled your legs from around Dean and let him put you down. 
Sam came up behind you to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. “You okay?” he asked. 
You nodded as you sniffled. 
“What happened?” Sam asked in that very unique-to-him soft voice. 
“I dunno,” you lied. 
Dean gave you a look that let you know he’d be asking more questions later. 
“C’mon, we gotta get the hell outta here,” you said, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. You could feel the boys giving you questioning looks as you gathered up yours and the boys’ things and stalked out to the car. 
*** “Alright,” Sam began, sprinkling cayenne pepper into the embers of a small fire you and the Winchesters had started in the middle of a cemetery. “Bone ash, cayenne pepper, that should do it.”
“One second…” Dean said absentmindedly, scratching off the last of his lottery tickets. 
“Dean—” Sam complained. 
“Hey, back off, Jinx. I’m bringing home the bacon,” Dean quipped. He stashed the cards in his jacket that he’d slung over a gravestone. “Alright, say goodbye, wascally wabbit.” He dangled the rabbit’s foot over the top of the fire. 
“Hey!” you shouted, whipping out your gun at the sound of a twig cracking. You aimed it at the sound, and Bela emerged from the darkness with hers drawn as well. 
“I think you'll find that belongs to me,” she said firmly. “Or, you know, whatever. Put the foot down, honey.”
“Oh, hell no,” you said, cocking your gun. 
Bela cut her eyes at you, shooting Sam in the shoulder.
You exclaimed, “What the—!” and Dean cursed, “Son of a—” as Sam collapsed to the ground. 
“Back off, tiger,” Bela told you. “Back off! You make one more move, and I’ll pull the trigger. You’ve got the luck, Dean. You, I can’t hit. But your brother? Him, I can’t miss.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” the older brother roared. “You don't just go around shooting people like that!”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Relax. It's a shoulder hit; I can aim. Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people? Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now.”
“Alright!” Dean mollified. “Alright. Take it easy.” He moved to drop the rabbit’s foot, but instead, he threw it at Bela. “Think fast,” he smirked. 
Bela caught the foot and immediately realized what she’d done. “Damn!”
“Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?” Dean smiled in satisfaction. 
Bela sighed, aggravated. She dropped her arm and uncocked her gun, but you kept yours aimed at her as she moved over to the fire. 
“Would you stop pointing that at me?” her smooth voice came without looking at you. 
“Sorry, love. Don’t trust you,” you smiled in fake-politeness. 
She rolled her eyes and moved back to the fire. She dropped the foot into the fire. “Thanks very much,” Bela continued. “I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer.” 
“Wow. I really don't feel bad about that. Sam?” Dean turned to his brother.
“Nope. Not even a little.”
Bela’s gaze hardened. “Hmm. Maybe next time, I'll hang you out to dry.” She turned around and moved toward the gravestone where Dean’s jacket laid. You knew exactly what she was doing. 
“Have a nice night, girls,” Bela smirked. 
You glared at her. “Uh, uh! Turn around!” you ordered. 
“What?” she sighed, clearly annoyed. 
“Gimme the tickets,” you commanded.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied. 
“Yeah, you do. You can’t con me, angel.”
She grumbled angrily but took the stolen tickets out of her pocket and threw them to the ground. 
“Thanks a million,” you called after her. 
“You’re fuckin’ awesome, woman,” Dean admired, you assumed in reference to the tickets you noticed Bela stole. He came over to you and kissed you boldly. You giggled against his lips, and he held your waist firmly. 
Sam cleared his throat. “Hey! Bleeding out, here!” 
You broke away from Dean. “Oh, sorry!” you grimaced, moving to head back to the Impala. “C’mon, I’ll get you patched up.”
When you ensured the rabbit’s foot was burnt to a crisp, you and the Winchesters moved to the car. 
“You good?” Dean asked his brother. 
“I’ll live,” he responded. 
“I guess we're back to normal now, huh? No good luck, no bad luck. And we're up forty-six thousand.” Dean threw his arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple, waving the tickets around in the air. 
“Maybe we should hit Vegas, see how good our luck still is,” you suggested, smiling lopsidedly. 
“I like the way you think,” Dean nodded. “Whaddaya say, Sammy?”
“I think you guys are gonna end up blowing all our money on slot machines,” the younger brother dryly commented. 
“Ye of little faith,” you said. “If not Vegas, we can at least get ourselves a nicer motel room. Maybe we can graduate to hotels!”
“Ooh, yeah. One of those hotels with a jacuzzi tub.”
“Hell yeah—”
“Guys,” Sam groaned. “Still bleeding out, here.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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trippinsorrows · 1 day
through your eyes + au 2
authors: well....this is happening. don't ask. we're just going with it. gotta read part one before consuming this.
don't know who's interested, so only tagging the people i know have read and would be okay with a tag!
taglist: @sayyestoheav3nn @fearlesschimera @annfg8 @zoeyybellex3 @cyberdejos2
Solana never expected to see Roman Reigns again. Not in person, at least. That up close, especially.
It was a one off. A fluke. An anomaly. Her happenstance literal run-in with quite literally the most dangerous man in their world was just one of those things she'd never forget but nothing beyond that.
She could never forget his intense gaze on her, the heat that shot through her body when he touched her, his arm holding her, protecting her almost from a man who clearly doesn't understand boundaries.
But, while she tried her best to put the weekend's unexpected happening behind her, life, or maybe fate, had another plan in motion. One she could have never expected or seen coming.
She's sorting through one of the few remaining boxes that still needs to be tagged and put out for sale when a throat clears behind her.
Putting down the iPad, Solana stands up, wiping her hands on her shorts and loads up her typical, usual smile. Turning around, she readies to greet the probable customer but falters a bit, taken back by his appearance.
Wild, red hair that's surely seen better days. Tall with an almost lanky build, he wears one of the friendliest grins she's ever seen on a person, let alone a man.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes. "How can I help you?"
Again, he clears his throat, pulling out a wrinkled little piece of paper that seems to have writing scribbled on it. "Yes, I'm looking for a Sol---Solana?"
She laughs at his pronunciation but proceeds to confirm her identity. "I'm Solana."
He makes a sound, slapping his hand against his forehead. "Of course, my apologies!" She giggles. His demeanor is so amenable. "Umm, yes, if you could, umm, come with me?"
At that, Solana's smile drops. "I'm sorry?"
He leans over a bit, and she naturally moves back a little. "I'm sorry." His cheeks are heating with redness. "I'm here on behalf of the Tribal Chief."
Solana goes still. "Roman?" He nods. "He's---he's here?"
When Solana mentioned Roman coming to see her, something she still can't figure out where it came from, she wasn't actually expecting him to follow through on that.
And yet....
The man continues to explain, "he would come in, but....you know."
Yes, she does know. Roman Reigns coming into her little, quaint bookstore would certainly attract an audience and attention, the last two things she wants, that she's ever wanted.
Solana nods.
She should reject it. Should try to find some excuse as to why she can't. Why she's busy. But, she's also not dumb enough to say no to this man.
You don't just say no to Roman Reigns. You can, but it's bound to not end up well. And Solana would rather not find herself on his bad side.
Pushing back her anxiety, she finds herself agreeing. "Of course." Hooking her fingers through the hoops of her denim shorts, she asks, "w-where is he?"
The man whose name she realizes she still doesn't know motions with his arm. "Ladies first."
He really does have a gentless about him that doesn't seem to make sense considering who he works for.
Solana silently and wordlessly follows him out the emergency exit in the back of the store, ignoring the fact that that's probably how he got inside in the first place, which makes little to no sense to her. How did he get by without the security system going off? But, for her own sanity, she doesn't push it too much.
This is Roman.
He gets what he wants.
And speaking of, Solana finds her stomach knotting a bit when she's outside in the alleyway behind the strip. There's three black SUV's with tinted windows lined up, but he's standing by the one in the middle. Leaning against the middle door, his arms are crossed over each other, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes she secretly wishes she could see.
Moving closer, Solana has to take in once again the magnanimity of him. Roman is such a big man, his presence alone something that's both overwhelming and strangely satisfying.
But, when she gets her wish, and he lifts his sunglasses to the top of his head, she finds that feeling in her stomach intensifying. He's raking those beautiful eyes over her entire body, from the top of her head to the sole of her feet.
And Solana is suddenly wishing she'd maybe put on a little makeup or done something more sophisticated with her hair. Not that that seems to stop this man from looking like he'd take her in the back of this alley if he could.
Before she can say anything, the man with the wild red hair is speaking again, his voice suddenly riddled with anxiety.
She gets it.
"Ms. Solana, as you requested, sir." He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and just when Solana expects him to walk away, leaving her along with the one man she probably shouldn't be left alone with, he continues to talk, offering an unexpected save. "And might I say, my Tribal Chief, she is absolutely beautiful. I mean, if I wasn't already married—" At the same time Solana looks at this strange man confused, Roman's gaze is borderline murderous. "But I am m-married, happily so, might I add. And I would never betray my Tribal Chief—"
"Yes, My Tribal Chief?"
"Leave." It's spoken to the man, but Roman's intense gaze is back on her. "Now."
Sami.....it fits.
"Of course," Sami clears his throat and scrambles away, getting in the SUV that's farthest from them without bothering as so much as a goodbye.
Once alone, she finds herself admitting in that same small voice, "I-I didn't think you'd actually come."
He chuckles, and it's such a beautiful sound. "I'm a man of my word, Solana." He flicks his eyes to her mouth. "I said I would see you again, didn't I?"
He did. She just wasn't counting on it.
Swallowing, Solana toys with the string of her top, unintentionally dragging Roman's attention to her cleavage that's showing more than usual. Of course. "How did you find—"
"That was easy. If I want something, I get it." She should know this, know that this man could probably have her social security number at this point if he wanted. "What are you doing tonight?"
This is escalating. Quickly. So quickly. She should pump the breaks, should find someway to dead this now. But, she instead finds herself answering him, "n-nothing. Why?"
"You are now." Roman kicks off the SUV and instead moves toward her. Instead of backing away like she did with Sami, Solana stands still, only silently and internally panicking when he snakes his arm behind her and jerks her toward him, into him, into his body. Solid as steel. He's so big. Naturally, her hand moves to his chest, something Roman notices and smirks at. This man. "I'm fighting tonight. I want you there."
It takes her a second to think about what he's referring to, and then it hits her. WarGames is tonight. It's one of the few main events he still participates in. She hasn't attended an event in years. It's never been her setting, but instead of finding a way to tell him this, she's still limited to one to two word response.
His smirk deepens as he brings his hand to her chin, thumb glossing over her skin. "I'll send a car to pick you up."
Picking up on something, she asks, partially concerned, partially flattered almost. "You-you know where I live?"
Roman's eyes continue to study her face, and she's never felt so under pressure. Like this is a test of some sort that she has no idea if she's passing or not. "I know a lot about you, Solana Miller, but there's still more I want to know." Oh my god. "Wear red."
Just how much does he know? Had he looked her up? Done research on her? Why? What would be the reason? What's so interesting about her that not only has he gone out of his way to gather information on her, but beyond that, is now seeking more info.
It just....it doesn't make sense.
Eyes shutting a bit from the overwhelming nature of this all, she finds herself asking in a breathy voice, "w-why?"
And as if she wasn't already an apprehensive mess, Solana's knees nearly give out from under her when he dips his mouth near her ear. "I like seeing you in my color." She exhales shakily and nervously, as he ghosts his lips over the shell of her ear. "Though I'd rather see you in nothing, but we'll work up to that."
That's not exactly what she was asking about, but regardless, it takes the pure will of God for her to not pass out when he finally pulls away, the lack of his touch on her body something she notices almost immediately.
Roman lifts his hand and snaps, not even a full minute later, one of his men emerging from the passenger side of the SUV to open the car door for him. "I'll see you tonight, Solana."
He can clearly see the reaction he's evoking from her and obviously finds great enjoyment in absolutely toying with her sanity. It's something that leads to her asking, "How-how do you know I'll be there?"
She never accepted. Never agreed. Never mind the fact that she's already thinking about what she owns red that could work for the event....
Roman gives her a curious look followed by another chuckle that she finds so much more attractive than she should. He answers so easily and confidently before climbing in the truck, door being shut for him,
"Because you're just as intrigued by me as I am by you."
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ghouldtime · 18 hours
you’re the most correct and sane könig writer and I thank you so much. you characterise him so fluidly and it makes it so so good to read what you write about him. I’m praying to any and every god that paranormal investigators AU wins so we can get fucked up cryptid könig
AHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 💚💚💚💚💚 I'm glad you like how I write him!
I'm aware how I write him isn't like most of the fandom but I just try to give him somewhat solid justice and keep in-character of how I see him/what we do know. I'm just never going to get behind the realllly really awful things that I hear/see most times for him. Like you do you if that's what you want to write, but I'm also going to ignore all content like that because a lot of it is just. Gross. I can't even LOOK in the tag anymore (Genuinely convinced people just are projecting their own horny desires onto him regardless of how he is which is why there's so many really nasty interpretations that just don't fit him??? Also idk who is the person who started the 6'10" rumor but genuinely I'm coming for you it's so dumb and makes 0 sense. He's tall, not THAT tall, I don't think everyone realizes how tall that is and how many issues that causes.) Can you tell I'm easily distracted IRREGARDLESS of what wins, I will happily do fucked up cryptid König. Just a matter of time
And deciding on the creature. Any suggestions are absolutely welcome, throw it at me? I'll write it.
[Minus the cannibalistic W one which I will not fully name out of respect and a similarly popular one starting with S, ending in -alker , that also belongs to Native cultures which I have 0 right to use and would feel like shit doing so. They've been really bastardized by popular culture into being a gimmicky thing instead of treating with proper seriousness and intent when it comes to the topic of them, watered down, and I'm NEVER ever ever going to write using those because it's not in my right to do so]
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hyperfixingfr · 3 days
I'm putting this in the tags for the people who are sending me rude asks. Please do the mature thing and just don't send me nasty things. Thanks.
For the last time since I keep getting nasty fucking asks about it insulting me and calling me names; I am not tryna run none of you people outta this damn fandom and that was never my goal so quit playing victim and pretending I am. This is a fandom for everyone, obviously... Which is why I criticize when you guys treat it like it isn't. I was trying countless times yesterday to drop the conversation when the person arguing with me kept insisting that they had an issue with me talking about an aspect they didn't like, because they were arguing with me over an opinion I had that they didn't like, not over something that mattered. This aspect personally affected me, and many others in the server. This isn't an aspect I enjoy people pretending is cute or funny because it caused very, very real damage to things like body positivity. I don't try to fight with ANYONE here, ever. My entire goal in these situations is to educate when someone believes this is bad behavior by explaining why it's problematic to gloss over this aspect or glorify it when it was a very real issue. Please, ask yourself why you're beefing with a minor. I beg of you. This person had no intention to listen to me, OR the server owner, when we told them that they can have different opinions and simply ignore it if they don't like it. They also ignored the countless attempts at de-escalating the situation, proving they just wanted to argue about it.
I should also mention this person said some really nasty things that implied I was apart of cancel culture, or on the "everything is problematic" bandwagon which is kind of implying they think that criticizing bigotry is wrong, even when it's coming from the minority group it affected. My criticizing of a media is not disliking of a media, nor is it "cancel culture". I am not trying to CANCEL a show from the 2000s. I am merely pointing out its flaws. If you can't handle being apart of a morally flawed show's fandom, don't be apart of it. Not only that, but this person made passive aggressive comments such as "wow you ramble a lot" completely unnecessarily when I was speaking. Why was this needed? I know I do. Why are you trying to insinuate that my passion about the subject is weird? Either way, I wasn't trying to have this fight. They were. This person said a lot of insensitive things to me, claiming I pulled the autism card when I rebuttaled the "wow you ramble a lot" stuff, telling me they had an issue with me merely discussing a topic that was 100% allowed in the server (stated by the server owner, the channel was allowed for criticism), and was overall very passionate about putting me in the wrong for simply pointing out and discussing the flaws of a show because it was brought up. That's not okay and that's incredibly judgy. I dunno why this person can't admit they're wrong, but it's not hard to understand that my criticism is not unwarranted nor is it unwelcome. I did nothing wrong by speaking about it in a channel that directly said criticism was allowed.
Do not play victim when you started the argument AND fueled the argument when people tried to stop it. Simple as. I'm really hoping this person realizes they're wrong and apologizes appropriately like a mature adult, because this is ridiculous. This is such a stupid thing for them to have fought me over and no one's gonna be upset if they just... Did the right thing and apologize. This applies to ANY of you who mess up. If you mess up and realize you've done something you shouldn't have, just apologize man. Especially in a case like this where the person was arguing over "toma-to, tamato-e" or whatever. They didn't like my WARRENTED opinion and they got on my ass about it repeatedly, and I got nothing out of asking them why they held it because their response was basically "you don't like this media how I like it, so you can't possibly like it, get out". Hence, them asking why I'm in a server of fans if I... "Don't like the show". Simply because I criticized an aspect.
Please, if any of you don't believe me, the server is open for the public. You can go in there and see the conversation yourself. I am not hiding myself at all from this, and I'm glad to share evidence that I did just as I said and they did just as I said. This is a stupid fvking argument and any of you still dragging it on should be ashamed for thinking this is worth arguing about. People have opinions, leave it at that. What happened to respecting valid stances?
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This is the second chapter of the Cyclops saga!! Hope you enjoy :)
(or cry. i did when I read this.) -cricket
Tags: @myfairkatiecat @ham-cheese-toastie @bookwormgirl123 @thesfromhms @justalunaticfangirl (let us know if you want to be tagged in the future!)
Fitz hadn't had his adrenaline so high in ages. He'd fought in a war, but this felt more... real. Instead of a bunch of people trying to kill each other—over a woman, even—he and his men were fighting against a cyclops.
A real life, hungry, cyclops.
"The rest of our crew wait for us!" Fitz roared out over the commotion. "If we get killed, they're as good as dead."
He lifted up his sword to the cheers of his men. "How great is your will to survive?"
600 lives to save. No backup. Fitz thought, narrowing his eyes and trying to think of a way to defeat the cyclops. I only have to kill him.
At the word "kill" he faltered, thinking of the infant. If he kept taking lives, how long would it take for him to become a monster?
This is different, Fitz reminded himself. But... instead of killing, maybe we can just maim him a little.
He reminded himself to reach out to Sophie as soon as this was over. She always helped.
"Don't die on me now, not when we're so close to coming home!" He charged forward, and managed to nick the cyclops on the leg, eliciting a howl. Fitz grinned, satisfied.
"Surround him!" The chorus of soldiers cried out. "Attack him from behind!" As they constantly stabbed and slashed at the cyclops, Fits was scanning for any way to take Polyphemus out.
He came up empty every time, and soon the thrum of frustration set in. Blood was flying everywhere, and he saw with grim satisfaction that the source of most of it was the cyclops.
"How great is your will to survive?" Fitz didn't know who said that, but it reminded him of why he was trying to survive.
Stay in his blindspot! Strike his heels! Fitz transmitted out the orders.
He's strong, but he's slow, he thought to himself. How could they use that to their advantage?
"No dying on me now!" He yelled. "We just need to take one life and we're free!"
He must've jinxed it.
A scream pierced the air, and Fits instantly realized that it wasn't the roars of Polyphemus that he'd been hearing for the past minutes.
No, he realized in horror, it was one of his men.
"He's got a club!"
That was....Dex. No. No, no no, no. Not Dex.
"He's got a club!" Someone screamed again.
"Captian, what are our orders?" Keefe asked urgently.
"Captain!?" That was Dex. Fitz rushed over to where his friend lay on the trampled grass. Dex looked like he'd been stepped on, which he actually might've.... His torso was bleeding from several gashes, and his legs were totally crushed.
"Dex..." Fitz started, tears burning in his eyes
"Captian--" he said, then coughed, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Please don't forget to--" he coughed a little more-- "greet the world with open arms. For me?" Dex pleaded.
Fitz nodded shakily.
Dex's chest fell still.
Fitz vaguely registered tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared at his best friend.
Dex was dead.
Six people were dead.
He was snapped out of his trance as another one of his men yelled for him. Seven. Sven people died under his command. He stood up, shifting his sword around his hand. The cyclops was going to pay.
Only, before he could do anything, Polyphemus collapsed, a cloud of dust rising from where he lay.
Fitz grinned sadly. He'd forgotten about the lotus flowers in the wine. At least not too many people had died, yet.
We have to do what it takes to survive.
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere would be bright and happy, if not for the dark vignette effect and messy scribbles on the outer edges of the image. Gendaen's eyes are blacked out with a scribbled rectangle. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID] fanart for @mtqcomic!
I've been trying to draw something for this comic for like forever but I keep messing up TwT
This took forever to make but I'm pretty happy with it! It's not perfect but I had a lot of fun making it so I'm gonna count that as a win :D (I think Tumblr might've ate the image quality a little though...)
Here's a version without the vignette and messy scribble effects because I also really like this one!
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere is bright and happy, and light yellow sunlight is shining from the bottom right of the image, where the top right would be if the image was flipped the right way up. The mountains in the background are blue and green and birds are flying in the distance. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID]
Anyways here's an obligatory long post warning plus spoilers for the comic because I'm gonna go on a LOOOOOONG rant about this comic >:) *rubs hands evilly*
I've been wanting to talk about this comic for like a LONG time now but I've been saving it for when I finally posted a piece of fanart to go along with it. Now that I finished the art though, I'm free to yeet all of my brain thoughts onto a tumblr post!!!!!
Okay, first thing, LORE. LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE (sorry I like lore haha)
There's so many cool things going on here! You've got the whole thing with the Crimson obviously (plus the other evils but they haven't really appeared all that much yet aside from the Corruption), but then there's also the Order-Dryad thingy and the whole thing with prophecies and Destiny and of course the whole Gendaen mystery.
Speaking of Gendaen, he's a really interesting character! He hasn't appeared all that much, but he's one of the main sources of motivation for Eth! I have a few – well, more like one big convoluted and probably incorrect one – theories on what happened to him, but I wanna talk about everything else first :)
Mysta! I like how resourceful she is, and how she uses all sorts of weapons in combat! You never know when she's going pick up a random lampost or something and bonk someone over the head with it ^^ That said, I'm really curious about the whole thing about the "powerful soul". So far Mysta has done some pretty incredible things with soul magic, and it's logical to assume that they'll get more insane later on in the comic. I wonder if it will play an important part in finding Gendaen? Since she was able to sense the "undetectable watcher" who I assume is Zaïl on page 205, there is the (although rather unlikely) possibility that one day she'll get strong enough to sense wherever the heck Gendaen went.
Also, Zaïl is cool :D They seem to be sent by Yele to keep an eye on Mysta? Most likely to update her on Mysta's progress, probably. Anyways, they're cool, I love their color scheme (and design in general), and I can't wait to see them show up again later in the comic :)
Yele! She's really cool, and her beef with the Order is very interesting to read about! Also, page 173 was hilarious lol *rainbow sparkles and confetti rain down from the sky* More on her later in my conspiracy theory hehe
Eth. Eth. This guyTM. I saved him for last because WOAH there is a lot to say about Eth (plus this is where I start talking about my conspiracy theory lol). First, epic special agent war commander guide. Amazing, 100/100 idea, I love it :D Though the comment on him being "equal parts ally and enemy" is very intriguing... According to his character sheet, he's unnervingly loyal to the Order of Learning, which is a very interesting trait to single out, as it seems like it's a core part of his character. Soooo conspiracy theory time! Finally! (I've held onto this for so long oh my goodness it's probably incorrect but it's very fun to think about >:) )
So I think the Order of Learning might be evil.
*vine boom*
Okay okay okay I'm gonna explain I promise, but like, a super-powerful government organization that also controls knowledge? That's a little suspicious not gonna lie. Very Suspicious. *amogus music plays*
Maybe it's just because the Sumeru Akademiya just happened in Genshin Impact when I made this theory (yeah I like genshin please don't judge) but I feel like I don't really trust the Order? Like it's hard to explain. So you know how so far all the lore documents are canonically stuff from the Order's archive? Well one of the most important things I learned from social studies class is how to analyze sources for reliability (teachers are you proud of me) and right now I see a bunch of different sources from ONE perspective which may very well be biased, especially after what Yele told us about the "accidental" Dryad genocide which I think might not be completely accidental? Like, how convenient is it that you just "accidentally" committed genocide on the species meant to guide the Heroes of Terraria and then just conveniently replaced them with your own Guides? Like, they didn't even apologize for it either! Something fishy is going on here cmon. Maybe they want to be able to control how the future of Terraria turns out through the Heroes? IDK just something to think about I guess.
Going off of that, it may be possible that the Crimson isn't entirely evil evil. Like obviously it's bad to humans and eating away at the purity and whatnot but so far we've met several Crimson demons and only Malvox seem to be outright malicious; the other ones feel like they're just doing their jobs (especially the Imperator guy – give xem a break XD). Nelun Soma'o even had a whole conversation with us (AND answered our questions!!!! Eth take some notes please) before he officially challenged Mysta to a duel(?) If anything, they feel kind of like half mentor half rivals testing Mysta's strength than evil world-conquering warlords. Like yknow how in Pokemon you battle with people to grow stronger? Kind of like that. An antagonist but not necessarily a villain. They're just trying to exist, yknow? I do wonder what their perspective on all of this is... what's their half of the story?
Speaking of Nelun Soma'o, that lore bomb he dropped about Gendaen is really interesting (and also what started this convoluted conspiracy theory in the first place haha). So yknow how on page 229 he said that the Crimson didn't do anything to Gendaen? Well, so far he's been pretty friendly all things considered, and we don't really have any reason to distrust him, as he pointed out. Just the fact that he's leading the Crimson, and he said that "each of us fights to help someone", which is very very interesting for someone the Order deems to be evil evil. So that got me thinking, if the Crimson wasn't involved in Gendaen's disappearance, who else could? The Corruption is nearly nonexistent, the Hallow is still sealed away, the Gloome has long since been neutralized, and it's certainly not the Dryads since they're still recovering from "accidental" genocide. Oh wait, there's a super-powerful government organization that controls all knowledge who could conveniently kidnap Gendaen and just not tell Eth about it! Oh wow! I do wonder if this means we'll have to bust Malvox out of nonexistence prison though, since it seems to be the only one that might be able to tell us what happened to Gendaen since if the Order did it they're definitely not going to help us find him. Maybe Gendaen found out some terrible secret about the Order or he was starting to doubt them so they decided to take him out of the equation. Eth is not having a good time though, someone please go and give him a hug :(
Speaking of Eth, as I said earlier, his unnerving loyalty to the Order and his idolization of them seems to be a core part of his character. If the Order is indeed evil in this hypothetical scenario, it's possible for Eth to be a mislead protagonist like Zuko from ATLA. His heart is in the right place but he's helping the wrong people kinda thing. Additionally, this might mean that we'll eventually get a separation arc where Mysta does something not in accordance with the Order's will or something, and Eth's loyalty to the Order wins against his loyalty to Mysta and he becomes an antagonist. Yele could even step in as a mentor so that Mysta gets both Order guidance and traditional Dryad guidance! And then Eth somehow finds out what happened to Gendaen (Zaïl maybe? Subterfuge and cool spy stuff), maybe we get a dramatic emotional reveal scene where he is shocked and then starts to question everything the Order has ever told him, and then he either finds some way to contact Mysta or just rescues Gendaen by himself and rejoins Mysta, now fully against the Order. Plus we can get a cool reunion scene, both with Eth and Gendaen and Eth and Mysta! Yele would definitely distrust him at first, because what if this is a ruse from the Order and Eth is like double-agent-ing or something but then she sees Gendaen and goes "oh wait he's serious about this isn't he"
I'm probably wrong about all this (it's my first time making a theory out of anything plus this is super convoluted and there's a high chance that I'm connecting dots that doesn't exist), but it's still very fun to think about! I might've missed some stuff since I've been thinking about this for a very long time so I probably forgot to add some things, but either way I'm very excited to see where the comic goes! :D
Great comic, if you haven't read it go read it, it's very very good and I like it a lot :) *insert a bunch of sparkles here*
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seventh-district · 5 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 3 - Random Screenshot Edition
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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aq2003 · 5 months
has anyone gotten the idea that odysseus' storyline in hades 2 is a depiction/exploration of trauma over his SA and how he's blaming himself for things that were out of his control? because that's the impression i'm getting from what i've seen. he talks about "goddesses" as his "greatest weakness" and that "he's not one to say no to them"...
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when mel invites him to the bath, he brings up mortals having different standards for intimacy than gods and how it usually has a more romantic/sexual connotation. she then asks if he's uncomfortable and he has a startled reaction and brings up circe and calypso again (but never actually by name)
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(this isn't ship/romance bait btw. odysseus knew mel as a kid and they're stated in-game to have a sibling/uncle-niece relationship)
also he grew apart from penelope after his return, but the game makes a point of showing that his love for penelope and telemachus is what drove him on at all so that element of his character isn't brought into question
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ruporas · 1 year
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[ID: A limited palette of green and pink, Vashwood comic. The first page serves as a prologue. The first panel shows Vash speaking to someone off screen while Wolfwood is lingering behind him. A black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the second panel, Vash is buying donuts in the distance while Wolfwood is once again in view, lingering. and the black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the third panel, Vash is leaving a cubicle and turning towards his right with a slightly peeved expression. He sees Wolfwood, leaning against the cubicle, waiting for him, and with the black arrow drawn, pointing at him, implicating the consistent hovering of Wolfwood’s presence during Vash’s everyday. At the bottom of the page, they’re drawn out of panel with Vash turning to Wolfwood and saying with an irritated expression, “You’re really following me everywhere, huh?” Wolfwood responds, “What, you got a problem?” Vash responds without hesitation, “Yeah, kinda...”
The second page starts with a new day. In the first panel, Vash is seen alone, weighing apples in his hands at a mart, with crowds passing behind him. In the second panel, he turns to his right and starts to say, “Hey, Wolfwood...” In the third panel, he’s startled from seeing a stranger, whom he’d accidentally called out to when he was expecting to see Wolfwood. He says, “Oh, you’re not him. Sorry!” In the fourth panel, the stranger walks off and Vash muses, “Right, he said he had something to do today...”
The third page begins with a close up of Vash's miffed expression, the continuation of Vash's thoughts, "Now that he's not here, this is just like how I used to be, but... It feels lonely somehow. Oh well, I'll see him again tonight, like always." In the second panel, it shows Vash walking through the marketplace crowd, alone. In the third panel, the door panel is a close up of the door opening with a peek of Vash's head. He says, "Wolfwood!" In the fourth panel, Vash is holding a bag of food with a bright smile and says, "Are you hungry? I got you something to eat today!"
The fourth page begins with a shot of the room, two beds being highlighted, one of them being made properly with the blanket draped over the bed and the other with the blanket folded and pillow sitting on top of it. There's no sign of Wolfwood. The second panel shows Vash with a disappointed look as he thinks, "He's still not here?" The third panel shows Vash putting the bag of food on the table. Stapled to the paper bag is the receipt with a written note "For Wolfwood." Vash's thoughts continue "He does like to stay out so, I guess there's no reason to worry..." The fourth panel shows Vash sitting his bed somberly with his thoughts continued, "It's not any of my business anyway..."
The fifth page starts with a close up his blank expression as he looks downwards, thinking, "Even if he left completely... That'd be understandable and better for him. I'll just travel alone again... like before... Huh?" The next panel shows Vash's composure break, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly, as he didn't expect to cry. He starts to sob, putting his hands to his face to quiet himself and wipe at his tears, as he says, "Ugh... Dammit... I miss h..." The last panel shows Vash leaning over into his hands, still crying, and in the back, the door swings wide open with a bam as Wolfwood walks through with the punisher swung behind him. He shouts, "SPIKEY! You in here?!"
The sixth page starts with Wolfwood confused, looking at Vash and Vash looks back, just as confused, with tears in his eyes and snot out of his nose. Wolfwood starts saying, "Ah? You..." No longer in panels, at the bottom of the page, Wolfwood takes the Punisher off of himself and starts to walk towards Vash, continuing with slight concern, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" Vash, hurriedly begins to wipe at his tears, denying immediately, "No! No, I'm fine! Nothing happened!"
The seventh page, Vash points towards the table, with a hand still wiping at his tears and he smiles as he says, "I uh got you food. On the table." Wolfwood looks towards to the table and responds, "Oh. I was getting hungry, thanks." He turns his head back to Vash immediately after with an uncertain expression, knowing the other wasn't responding to his concern, and says, "But, I know you're an idiot with this stuff, so I'm reminding you again. Don't brush it off if it's an issue, alright?"
The eight page, Vash's tears have dried and he looks to Wolfwood with a soft smile and responds, "Yeah. It's okay though..." A panel at the center shows a side view of Vash approaching Wolfwood. At the bottom of the page, with no panel, is a close up shot of Vash's hand, holding onto the edge of Wolfwood's jacket sleeve, as he says, "Because you're here now. Wolfwood."
The final page is a back shot of both of them standing next to each other, Wolfwood's head tilted slightly to the left, not fully believing Vash as he says, "That doesn't answer anything, Spikey." Vash responds, "There's no need to talk about it! You should enjoy your food. Let's have a drink too?" Wolfwood responds, "Tsk, tsk. Fine, yeah. I could use one." END ID]
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#but onto this comic... i think and talk a LOT about vash's loneliness bc trigun is just. kind of central on that for a good while! esp in#the original manga he was alone for a good portion of it and he tends to keep others away like how he ran away from meryl and milly when#they tried to tag along. and he was kind of bothered when he realized ww was following him around Too. at the core even though he loves#humans and he loves deeply the people he does know -- he isnt really much of a people person and i think thats been the case since he was#young considering his initial doubts towards humans... with the exception of kids bc kids dont give him moral conflicts. so suddenly#here comes wolfwood!!! his guide. someone TRULY affixed to him until he has to get to knives. someone who isnt budging and someone whos#really good at following him around and even seems like he goes like 5 steps ahead to make sure vash doesnt run on him#in one way its - i don't want you to follow me bc i don't want to burden you and i don't want you to kill the people i want to save.#in another way its - i like this companionship. i like waking up to you and i like ending the way with you. i like talking to someone who#knows my world. i like being in your space and sometimes i enjoy talking about our day#theyre just living together. like. roadtrip buddies or theyre also under the same roof because they're going everywhere together.#trimax they mainly spend their mornings together and if they had personal business attend the other person would usually know and itd only#be during the midday. anyway bc of this kind of companionship i figure that vash eventually grew accustom to it and he really. cant go back#to the kind of loneliness from before. it's harder to imagine and it'd be harder to withstand. esp after 2 years with lina and her grandma.#ruporas art
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aziraphales-library · 9 hours
Hello! Thank you for the role you play in this fandom, I don't know what we would do without Aziraphale's fic library
Today I wanted to ask if you knew fics where Aziraphale and Crowley are bitter exes who end up realizing later that they haven't stopped loving the other.
Thank you 💛
Hi! We have #getting back together and #reunion tags you can check for plenty more fics like this. Here are more to add...
Even Now, I Still Love You by Zakani_Donovan (T)
It had been 6 years since Crowley had last spoken to Aziraphale, and considering their nasty little breakup, he hadn't expected their next conversation to start with them suddenly being neighbors.
Down to the River by CemeteryAngel725 (E)
Twenty-five years ago, Tony Crowley walked out of Azi’s life and broke both of their hearts. Since then, Azi has been living in suspended animation, working in the army/navy surplus booth he inherited from his dad and writing horror novels. Now Tony is back from the city, flush with success and wanting to catch up with Azi. Should Azi risk his heart and try to reclaim what they’ve lost? Or is it too late to start over?
Reason Enough by ffonippop (E)
Crowley and Aziraphale’s entire relationship spanned just a little under eleven months. If dissected, the entire affair can be categorized very neatly into three parts: a rocky beginning, a rocky middle, and a rocky end. It devastates Crowley, how something that was so promising and held so much potential could end in such a shitstorm. Diminished to nothing but a hungover, sad, and lonely stain on his couch, Crowley is left to wonder if it was always going to end this way— or if it’s ended yet at all.
Like a Martyr, Not Enough (The Decoy Bride) by vines_and_vellichor (M)
Author Aziraphale Eastlowe had been a dutiful son for the entirety of his life… mostly. After a bout of teenage rebellion, he learnt that disobedience only brings misery and heartbreak to those he cares about; it’s better for everyone to toe the line and make the most out of the plan that has been laid out for you by your family and God. When a courtship with the famous Christian singer Gabriella Archer presented an opportunity to exit the dog-eat-dog world of city life, the last thing he expected was an existence plagued by writer’s block and a wedding so enticing to the British press that the privilege of a private ceremony was tantamount to successfully teaching a duck to play the accordion. In desperation, they turn to Taddesfild, a remote island in the Outer Hebrides, to marry. Things go south when a convoluted plan by Gabriella’s agents culminates in hiring local resident Anthony J Crowley as a decoy bride to put the paparazzi off the scent. The very person Aziraphale distinctly remembered dumping nineteen years ago. The situation is less than ideal: his fiancee is missing, the island is infested with bloodthirsty photographers and he has just accidentally gotten married to his ex.
Borrowed Words by sunrisesinthesuburbs (M)
Anthony J. Crowley, best selling author, has writer's block. He could blame the Accident, but deep down he knows his block started way before. He hasn't written anything in too long, if we choose to ignore the dozens of unsent letters addressed to the angel he lost two decades ago, when he moved to New York City. When his best (and only) friend convinces him to take a little vacation in a small town in Connecticut, he expects peace and quiet. He doesn't expect to see the smile that still haunts his dreams again. Apparently, small towns are full of surprises, and how late is too late? The world stops spinning on its axis or, at the very least, Crowley stops breathing. This is absolutely impossible. He forces himself to swallow, to take a deep breath, as he doesn’t want to scare this girl off. Muriel, who is still smiling, all bright and wide and just like- Oh, God. “A bookshop, you said?” He chokes out. This is impossible, and he’s being ridiculous. He is in London, this is just a sick coincidence and his stupid brain playing stupid games. “Yes, you can see it if you turn around.” Crowley doesn’t move. “It’s called A. Z. Fell Books.” Now, the world definitely stops spinning.
Sinking Ships by AppleSeeds (E)
The world is practically on fire and it feels like nobody's doing anything about it, but Crowley's outlook brightens considerably when a new member arrives at his local climate action committee. Crowley is immediately smitten, and is thrilled when he and Aziraphale become fast friends, although he can't help but hope they might one day become something more. When all of his wishes come true, Crowley starts to feel like life couldn't possibly get any better. He can picture exactly what his future is going to look like, until something happens that feels like a powerful bolt of lightning has struck and split Crowley's life right down the middle, with everything before that moment on one side, and everything that is to come - scorched, lifeless and devastated - on the other. With the help of a counsellor, Crowley begins the difficult journey of picking up the pieces and working through what's happened. When Aziraphale unexpectedly comes back into his life, Crowley finally has the chance to get some answers, revealing that the truth is very different from what he was led to believe. Now he just needs to figure out whether that changes anything.
- Mod D
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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(It's ok Yurgir will respawn in Avernus)
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