#I just stay here. all warm and comfy and safe in bed. and neither eat or sleep
myname-isnia · 10 months
If you’ve never wrestled with yourself for four hours straight practically begging yourself to go eat because yes, you don’t feel hungry now, but you haven’t eaten since breakfast so in the morning you’ll be completely miserable, then that is an experience I absolutely do not recommend
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Sapnap- face cam
Wc- 1987
Warnings- none (I think)  I've been up for almost 30 hours mainly because I was doing college homework all of last night and because my boyfriend Sapnap was streaming and being very loud which kept me up in the first place which was why I did my homework anyway. I love Sapnap to death but sometime he can be a little annoying but I put up with it.
Sapnap only got into bed at 4am and he's still asleep now at 11pm meanwhile since then I've finished a big essay, cleaned the apartment, done another essay and then made breakfast for myself which I'm eating now. I wish I could be this productive when I've had sleep but somehow it never works like that.
Eventually Sapnap came downstairs sauntering because he was still sleepy, some of us wish. He walked right over giving me a hug from behind as I washed some dishes and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Morning babe you alright?" He asked
"Yeah I'm good a little tired but I'll live" I replied
"Just to let you know I'll be streaming later" he said
He always tells me when he's streaming because his fans don't know about us and he doesn't want to accidentally reveal anything to protect me which is cute but it gets hard when he streams for hours on end and I need help with something. Sapnap is good about to it though if I really need help I either text him or message him on discord and he'll help but he sometimes doesn't read his messages.
I gave him some of what I made for breakfast and he sat down to eat it while I talked at him about college work that he pretends to care about. He's very supportive of all my college work and he'll let me get on with things if I have to but he will also talk about things with me if I want to. Thats one of the best things about Sapnap is his ability to adapt to how I'm feeling at any given moment and I like to think I'm at least ok at doing the same for him.
After breakfast Sapnap cleaned the rest of the dishes and let me take a shower which was nice and relaxing and woke me up a little bit as the cold water at the start hit my back, usually I would not be under the water as it warmed up but today I felt like I needed a shock to my system to get it going for another day. I had more homework and a lecture to do today so there was no chance for a nap until the evening when it's kind of pointless anyway.
After my shower I got dressed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt because it was comfy for sitting down all day in. Sapnap had got my laptop ready for me and had got me a glass for water which was sweet of him. My lecture was in about 2 minutes so I logged onto the class ready for it to start, when it did I put my headphones on so that Sapnap didn't have to listen to my teacher going on about whatever we were doing today, he always says he doesn't care but even I don't want to listen to it sometimes so there is no way he does.
As I tapped away making notes Sapnap put his hand on my knee rubbing his thumb in circles comfortingly. He does this all the time whether its sat on the sofa like right now or while we're driving somewhere but its safe to say that I love it, it lets me know he's there in a weird way it's like he's acknowledging my presence. At one point he got up and went to the kitchen and when he came back he had my favourite snack which he put between us so that we could share. What a lovely boyfriend he's being today, I'm starting to wonder what he thinks he's done that's he's trying to make up for.
My lecture finally finished after what seemed like and age so I went to get straight on with my last essay that needed submitting by the end of the month but Sapnap shut my laptop before I could get the document open, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa and towards the door.
"Come on were going out for a walk" he said
"Why, I have an essay to work on" I whined
"You'll never leave the house if I don't drag you out so come on" he said handing me my shoes
I put them on and grabbed a jacket because according to the weather it was meant to be a little bit chilly out today, Sapnap grabbed the house keys and pushed me out the door onto the street. We don't often go out on walks because neither of us like leaving the house that much if we were to go out it would most likely be in the car to just go for a drive.
The two of us walked down the street holding hands and swinging them back and forth as we took steps forwards. Sapnap clearly had a good idea of where he wanted to go because he was making turns all over the place. Eventually we ended up at the target not that far from our place and we went in looking at everything like you do in target and we topped up on some snacks for a movie night soon.
We left with our snacks and Sapnap dragged me to the nearest park so we could sit outside and get a bit more fresh air. The nearest park is actually the one that we went to on one of our first dates so we have good memories there, on one of the benches by the duck pond is where we had our first kiss and many more after that.
I always love going back to that park with Sapnap because each time we reminisce on the past and talk about the future which seems to change each time we come here. We walked to the exact bench that we had our first kiss on and sat down looking at the scenery. It had changed quite a bit since the first time we were here, there used to be a little play park for kids in the distance but now thats gone and is replaced with a small flower garden instead.
The first time we came here and we talked about the future all we wanted was to still be together after we left for college which of course happened, then the next time we wanted to move in together which we did and now. I'm not really sure what the future holds for us but I'm sure it will be interesting.
"Wow its been so long since we came here we have changed so much and achieved everything that we wanted to" he said
"I know its so weird to think that our last goal was to move in together and now we have been living together for 5 months where do you think we will end up in the future?" I asked
"On man I have no idea but I would love to still be living together and maybe in a bigger place and maybe even be engaged" he said
This shocked me I never expected him to say that but I guess that is the next logical step for us to take in our relationship.
"I like the sound of that" I said  
We went back home and Sapnap went to stream while I worked on my essay he didn't tell me how long he was going to stream for but it will probably be about 3 hours. So I sat down and got on with writing the last 15 pages of my essay which would probably take me the entire time he was streaming maybe longer.
My essay took me almost exactly 4 hours to do but when I tried to submit it it wouldn't upload which happens from time to time. I looked at the upload speed of the WiFi since Sapnap taught me how to do it and it was fine but I assumed that it was being used for something else. This problem has happened before when Sapnap is uploading a video so I assumed that was the issue.
It got up and walked to Sapnap’s streaming room waiting outside for a moment to double check that he wasn't still streaming, I waited a couple minutes and heard nothing so I knocked and went in.
As soon as I went in I saw that Sapnap was still streaming and his face cam was on which meant that I was now on his stream in front of however many people. I've never made such a stupid mistake especially one that outs my entire relationship, I just stood in shock not being able to move and get out of the shot. Sapnap had the exact same reaction his face was filled with shock and fear at the same time.
Nothing prepares you for the moment that you expose yourself live in front of probably 100,000 people or more who will record anything that happens. Nothing prepares you for the chaos that will ensue when you do the before mentioned thing and definitely nothing prepares you for the guilt you feel doing so.
"Um hi y/n" He said trying to make things less awkward
"Hey" I replied shyly
He motioned for me to come over because there was no point trying to hide this anymore since no one will believe anything we say now. I stood next to Sapnap luckily being short enough that I still fit in frame but he had obviously given up caring at this point because he pulled me down into his lap to sit while we talked to his chat. Again he did the thing where he rubs his thumb in a circle on my leg and this time it really was for comfort.
"Well chat this is y/n and shes my... girlfriend" he said
"Hi everyone" I said shyly
"Now chat I'm going to need you to be nice to her or I'll be angry because she is very precious to me" he said
His chat were going insane telling others to clip this and people getting way to excited about all of this and some were asking questions. The whole chat was going so incredibly fast that it was hard to read all the messages.
We answered some of the basic questions like how long we have been together and other things, people also asked if George and Dream knew which of course they did and they have made jokes about Sapnap having a girlfriend but no one ever took it too seriously. At one point dream joined the call and started mocking us for being stupid and exposing ourselves and he told some stories that he knew we wouldn't mind him saying which the chat enjoyed.
I started yawning more and more as I stayed on the stream because I wasn't keeping my mind busy my tiredness was taking over. I leant back into Sapnap to rest my head on his shoulder, he out his hand on my head running it through my hair which is very relaxing.
"Are you tired?" He asked
"No I'm fine I can stay awake" I said
"I don't want to hear it I know you've been awake for over 24 hours so you are going to sleep" he almost demanded
He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a comfortable position where I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost right away forgetting that Sapnap was still streaming but it doesn't matter.
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sparklysung · 4 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
Tumblr media
pairing – huang renjun x female!reader
genre – fluff, smut | non-idol!au, neighbours!au, strangers to lovers!au
warnings – blowjob, face fucking, penetration, nipple play, protected sex
word count – 5.346 words
summary – when the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of being with his cute neighbour shows up one day –thanks to his two best friends aka jaemin and jeno–, renjun just couldn’t let it slip. who would have thought the universe would finally side with him and let things happen?
note – the gif isn’t mine, i found it on google, so credits to the owner! it’s way longer than the previous parts but i hope you guys like it!
taglist – @junguwuuu, @prvncejxon, @jenotation​, @iwishihadabettername, @whomichelle 
part i ; part ii ; part iii
renjun didn’t know what to expect to happen next.
anyway, he started to leave the curtains in his room open, excited to see you again. don’t get him wrong, though, he did like seeing you put on a private show just for him to witness, but he looked forward more to you just being yourself.
he liked observing you, he enjoyed the way you looked so content doing your own thing. sometimes he got to see you while you read a book by your window, earphones plugged in and head bobbing to the rhythm of the song you were listening to. on other occasions, he caught you laughing at your phone while probably talking to your friends –he hoped they were just friends–, a warm feeling washing over his body from your cute reactions.
it was safe to say renjun was whipped for you and it wasn’t even a secret.
his two best friends, jaemin and jeno, knew of his interest in you since the beginning, as renjun had forced them countless times to listen to him talk about –or more like drool over– you. 
they were also the first ones to witness renjun suffer hopelessly for the impossibility of an us happening between you.
so it wasn’t a surprise renjun had told them about your dirty secret. at first, they didn’t believe him as it sounded way too much like a sex scene from a bad movie. but they soon concluded it was true one day when a small interaction between the two of you they had never seen before happened.
the three of them had been eating lunch in the school’s cafeteria while talking about random stuff and joking about renjun’s crush on you. coincidentally, almost as if they had summoned you, they saw you walk past their table and towards yours. all three eyes were set in your figure, following your every move as you tilted your head to the side, locking eyes with renjun. you sent him a flirty smile and a wink just to wind him up a bit, and you hit the jackpot when said boy choked on his drink and turned a deep shade of red.
you just walked away after, trying to contain your laugh. neither jaemin nor jeno knew who was more surprised, renjun or them. as soon as you were out of sight they turned their attention to him, mouths agape in shock, to see him coughing uncontrollably.
“did she just…” ignoring his struggling friend, jeno spoke, still shaken. “did she just flirt with you?” jaemin finished, equally shaken. renjun felt like his heart was about to exit his body through his mouth. 
you had never acknowledged his existence before outside of your filthy displays of skin and that one confrontation, never even sparing him a glance. and suddenly you were flirting with him in front of the whole school?
renjun’s heart beat fast, almost hurting his ribs from how hard it pounded against them.
what were you doing to him?
“i–i don’t know?”
“dude, she was clearly flirting.” both of his friends threw each other a knowing look before softly patting his shaky friend. “just shoot your shot, she’s obviously into you too.” jaemin pressed.
jaemin was tired of seeing renjun stress over a girl and not do anything about it. he couldn’t just stay still and watch, he had to do something if his best friend wasn’t going to.
so he decided to take matters into his own hands. 
and jeno was going to help him, obviously.
“okay, so, here’s the plan.”
jaemin and jeno sat cross-legged in front of each other on the latter’s bed. they had arranged an emergency meeting to make up a plan to get you and renjun together.
“we have to convince her to make the first move because, clearly, renjun isn’t going to. and i need you to do it for me.” jaemin looked as serious as ever, taking very seriously his job as renjun’s personal cupid.
“what? why me? why can’t you do it?” jeno questioned, confused, to which jaemin clicked his tongue in annoyance. “because you’re friendly and outgoing, at least more sociable than me, duh.” he furrowed his eyebrows as if he was stating the obvious. “also, no one can say no to that eye smile, literally nobody.”
“and how exactly am i supposed to approach her, what do you want me to tell her?”
“just tell her you’re one of renjun’s friends and ask her if she likes him. if she says yes, tell her renjun is a little shy and if she can, you know, ask him out on a date maybe or just make the first move. i don’t know, just whatever she can to make renjun confess so they can finally get together.” jaemin spoke confidently, feeling like a genius. he could already picture you two walking to school, hands clasped together and looking at each other with lovey-dovey eyes.
“and what if she says no?” jeno was still hesitant, not sure if the plan was going to work out or mess things further.
“she’s not gonna say no. from what i heard from him and witnessed that day at lunch, she likes him. or at least she’s interested in him.”
“ugh, fine, i’ll do it.” jaemin smiled triumphantly, punching his fist in the air. “but you owe me one, you’ll do my homework for a month.” now was jeno’s turn to smirk, jaemin’s smile quickly dropping.
“renjun better fucking take this opportunity and make the most out of it.” jaemin mumbled distastefully.
jeno’s eyes wandered around the hallways, back resting against the wall outside of your classroom, waiting for you to come by anytime soon and put the plan into motion.
jeno and you weren’t friends, not even classmates, but he had briefly talked to you a few times before, so he still felt a bit awkward about it.
after a few minutes of waiting, he saw you walk in his direction. before you could open the door to get inside the room, jeno spoke.
“hey! can i steal a few minutes of your time? i need to talk to you.” he smiled, eyes turning into crescent moons.
you nodded your head, making your way towards a less concurred place.
“sure, what do you need me for?” you quirked an eyebrow, curious to hear what he had to say.
“so… i’m friends with huang renjun, does it ring a bell?” he continued as you nodded for him to keep going, suddenly really interested in the conversation. “you see, i wanted to know if you were interested in him romantically? i mean, if you like him.” jeno bit the inside of his cheek, feeling slightly nervous.
“did he send you to ask me?”
“what? no. i just wanted to know since i was there when he almost died of asphyxia in the cafeteria a couple of days ago.” it was his time to arch his eyebrow in an almost teasing way.
“uhm, i may be,” you shrugged your shoulders, pretending to be unaffected and ready to leave for class.
“great! so, he’s a bit shy. he may or may not be scared to ask you out because he thinks you’ll reject him, so i was wondering if you could make the first move?”
you failed to contain your laugh, so you lightly slapped one of your hands to your lips to shut yourself up. jeno wasn’t sure what were you laughing at, so you, sensing his uneasiness, quickly explained yourself.
“i’m not laughing at him. actually, i think he’s really sweet. it’s just…” your hand dropped again to your side, tugging at the hem of your shirt. jeno noticed your hesitation. “are you sure this is going to work? i mean, i haven’t tried talking to him properly because i’m afraid he’s going to run away from me as soon as i approach him.”
“at least try, i’m begging you. jaemin and i are tired of hearing him cry over you.” the pleading tone in his voice made you feel a bit bad for them.
“fine, i’ll do it.” just as you spoke, the sound of the bell ringing made you both flinch, both turning to make your way to your respective classrooms.
“thanks! see you around.” jeno waved at you with a happy smile on his face before walking out of your sight.
you weren’t surprised, you had actually expected to be the one to take the first step. but what you didn’t really expect was for one of his friends to ask you to. it made you think they were aware of your existence and your complicated relationship with renjun.
it left you wondering how much they knew about it.
whether they were aware of everything or not, this was going to be interesting nonetheless.
the day after jeno’s request, you found yourself bored and alone in your house. your parents had once again left you to take care of work-related stuff.
what a surprise.
seeing you had a couple of hours before they came back, you decided to make good use of it and think of how you were going to get close enough to renjun to ask him out, or at least drop him more hints to show him your interest in him.
you looked out of your window, hoping he was home and in his room like usual. and he was. sat down on his desk, a focused renjun was quickly tying in his computer. he looked so comfy in his gray sweatpants that hugged his thighs oh so perfectly and oversized yellow hoodie that you would love to steal some time, so inviting for you to cuddle in his arms. you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach with the thought of it.
after a while, you decided to just ask him if you could come and hang out with him. that would give you an opportunity to talk to him. and by the looks of it, renjun’s parents weren’t home either, so you had plenty of time to think of ways to let him know you liked him without scaring him.
he must have felt you staring because he turned his head to take a glimpse of you, catching you already looking at him. his cheeks burned making your lips turn upwards. he smiled back, but it quickly changed into a look of pure confusion as you got up and exited your room.
soon enough you were outside of his house, waiting for him to let you in. his eyes opened widely when he heard a knock on his door, face contorting in an expression of utter panic. he stood frozen in place for a couple of seconds before coming back to his senses. he quickly threw things inside of his closet and under his bed to clean up a bit before running downstairs.
what were you doing there?
when he opened the door, he was panting heavily from shuffling around his room and running to you.
“hey, were you busy?” 
“uh… no!” renjun scratched the back of his head as he realized he had spoken too loudly, “i mean, no, i’m not busy at all.”
you nodded your head in understanding as he stood awkwardly, clueless like a lost puppy. you lifted your face up to look at him and something clicked in his head.
“oh shit, you wanna come in?” quietly cursing he moved to the side to let enough space for you to walk in. 
you just giggled, waiting for him to lead the way. he walked towards the stairs in silence with you trailing behind. when you reached the door that led to his room, he opened it and let you walk in first. you sat down on his bed while he retook his place on his desk.
anxiety was eating renjun up from the thoughts crowding his mind, the uncertainty of why you dropped by so suddenly made his stomach churn. 
“uhm, so, what brings you here?” he asked, playing with his hands while avoiding eye contact with you.
“i don’t know, i just thought we could hang out, you know? we never really spoke before, apart from that, and we’ve been neighbours for a couple of years.” you looked at him expectantly. you hoped he wouldn’t tell you to leave and let you stay for a bit more.
“ah, yeah, we can hang out… i’d like that,”
it was no secret you were eager to spend time with him, you weren’t even discrete about it. even renjun could tell by the way you excitedly looked around his room while lightly bouncing on the mattress.
renjun couldn’t help but notice the way your hips moved as you bounced, completely unaware of his gaze. his mind drifted to the day when you brought that guy home with you, the way you pushed him on the bed and got on top, how you teased him by grinding against him and then rode him, your attention never leaving renjun.
he nibbled on his lip nervously, forcing himself to only focus on your face and not think too much about it. he could already feel blood rushing south as his sweatpants got tighter. he figured that his hoodie, a size or two too big for his body, could work in his favour, so he tugged on it to cover himself.
the boy’s attempt of hiding his growing boner didn’t go unnoticed by you as you abruptly stopped dead on your tracks to eye him meticulously to find the cause of his sudden fidgety behaviour.
“hey, are you alr-,” at first you didn’t see it, too worried thinking that you were making him uncomfortable, thoughts of better leaving him alone filled your head. 
and then, you noticed.
he had popped a boner out of nowhere.
“oh.” you stared at him blankly.
realizing you knew what was up with him, renjun shot up from his seat, face pale. “i-it’s not what it looks like, i swear!” the sudden change in the pitch of his voice surprised you. “i’m sorry, i’m really sorry, i didn’t mean to!” he cried out, desperately trying to convince you.
“renjun,” you stood up, taking a few steps forward, “relax.” with a soft push on his shoulders he fell down onto the chair once again.
“w-what?” you used your hands to push his knees open, making space for you to settle in between. “what are yo-,” a moan ripped out of his chest when your hand came up to cup his cock through his clothes.
“tell me to stop and i will.” you waited for him to answer, your other hand stroking his thigh gently.
“please, don’t stop.”
you quickly got your hands to work, palming him, squeezing from time to time. he tried to keep his mouth shut, teeth biting onto his tongue. you wanted to hear him, so you saw it as a challenge.
and you sure were going to win.
you placed open mouthed kisses on his clothed bulge, feeling him twitch against your lips. pushing his hoodie up to expose the skin of his abdomen, you licked a stripe before blowing air to the wet trail of saliva, making him flinch. his hips bucked under your hand as it never stopped stroking his shaft.
renjun was having a really hard time keeping still and quiet.
“can i?” you hooked your finger under the elastic of his sweats, asking for permission to expose his cock. he nodded as soon as you spoke, eager to feel you without the restriction of his clothes.
when you pushed the waistband of his pants below his hips, freeing him, you were stunned. the moment you caught him jerking off to you, you were able to see him and, in total honesty, you couldn’t deny it made you feel things. but up close the experience was completely different. nerves began rising inside renjun as you admired his dick for what felt like forever.
what if you didn’t like what you were seeing? what if you expected him to be bigger, or maybe longer? the blush on his cheeks only turned redder with every thought. he wanted to cover himself, skin burning with embarrassment.
just as renjun began to regret his whole life, you placed feather-light touches to his semi-hard cock. a gasp left his lips when your fingers wrapped themselves around the base, quickly hardening completely against the palm of your hand. you leaned closer, upper arms coming to rest on his thighs, as you opened your mouth, tongue poking out and giving his shaft a kitten lick.
renjun almost jolted his body forward.
he tried to calm down, letting out shaky breaths while his hands gripped the side of his desk. your touch felt better than he had imagined and he found himself enjoying your attention, dick twitching between your fingers with every flick of your tongue. you left a trail of saliva as the tip of your wet muscle traced the vein on the underside of it.
you pumped him a few times before taking the tip of his member inside your mouth, sucking softly. “oh, fuck,” the groan he let out encouraged you to keep going and made you hollow your cheeks harder. It took everything in him not to thrust into your warm mouth, frantic to feel more of you.
you could see his hands twitching, not wanting to force you into him and hurt you. so you took his hands and positioned them in your hair, allowing him to tug on it. renjun sighed in relief, running his fingers through your hair, taking it into a ponytail to guide you. little sighs of pleasure left his lips with every bob of your head. you liked the feeling of his hands tangled in your hair, so you hummed around his sensitive cock, making him buck his hips into your mouth. you gagged when he hit the back of your throat and renjun felt like he was about to cry. he threw his head back in bliss, breaths coming out ragged.
if he thought you felt good in his imagination, he was wrong. you felt godly in real life. 
you tried to relax your throat, keeping your head down, the tip of your nose against his neatly trimmed pubic hair. your hands massaged his thighs, sliding up to feel his toned stomach from time to time as you let him set his own pace.
after a while of you sucking him off, or more like him fucking your throat, he couldn’t take it anymore. he was certain that if you continued, he was going to cum and the fun would be over faster than it started.
“please, i need to feel you,” he whined, hands desperately tugging at your arms to bring you closer for a kiss, so you released him with a pop, wiping off the drool from your lips. “i wanna be inside of you.” you completely pulled his pants down so they were pooling around his ankles, before getting up. your knees were sore from kneeling on the hard floor of his room, but you paid no mind. as soon as he stepped out of them, you pulled him by his hand to his bed.
renjun stood in front of it, staring at you with hooded eyes as you sat on the edge. your index finger hooked in the waistband of your shorts and underwear, pulling them down your legs before throwing them on the floor. he let out a curse at the sight of the wet spot in the crotch of your panties. oh god, renjun swore there was nothing else he wanted more than to taste you. he would do anything to see you writhing under him, legs shaking and head thrown back into his pillows while screaming his name, as he ate you out like a starved man. 
but that would have to wait until next time.
he sure hoped this wasn’t a one-time thing, he prayed for it to be a next time.
“take it off,” you pouted pulling at the sleeve of his hoodie. he complied, quickly pulling the cloth off of his body as you laid on your back, legs opening wide for renjun to position himself in between. 
he swore he was seeing an angel, he almost pinched himself to make sure this was real and not a dirty trick his mind was playing on him. he looked at you with so much adoration, as if you were the most beautiful person in this world, it made your heart beat faster.
you extended your hands out to him and he took them in his, lovingly intertwining your fingers before you pulled him closer. as he settled on top of you, you tangled your legs around his hips to bring him closer, trying to eliminate the space between your bodies. this caught renjun by surprise, not expecting you to do that, so he almost crashed you under him. as his hips hit yours, the tip of his dick rubbed against your aching core, making the both of you moan at the friction.
“fuck, i want you so bad,” you whined, gyrating your hips to grind your dripping cunt up against his cock, “please, renjun, fuck me.” you caught his lower lip between your teeth, pulling on it, and he let out a groan at how hot this all was.
he still couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
you were finally going to be his.
kind of.
his mouth crashed into yours, tongues fighting for dominance and teeth clashing messily. a muffled moan escaped your lips when his hands slid under your shirt to grope your chest. a shocked gasp left him when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra. how didn’t he notice before?
he quickly composed himself and started playing with your breasts, squeezing them and pinching your nipples. your buds hardened in his fingers, back arched against his to get closer. he licked them, sucking and softly biting on them over your shirt. your pretty sounds were like music to his ear, only incentivising him to keep going.
renjun was fascinated by how reactive your body was to his touches. he wanted to explore every part of you to find all your sensitive spots and make you feel so good you wouldn’t be able to think straight.
your pussy clenched around nothing and the empty feeling reminded you of what you wanted before renjun distracted you with his skilled fingers.
“do you have a condom somewhere around here?” breaking away from his lips, you asked. it took him a moment to understand what you were asking him, and when he did, he quickly reached a hand for one of the drawers of his nightstand. “ah… yes, wait a second.” yanking it open, he pulled out a foil wrapper and tore it open. he rolled the condom on his cock and then got back on the bed.
meanwhile, you reached for the hem of your shirt, tugging on it to pull it over your head. the sight of your bare chest made his dick throb. “you’re so pretty,” he mumbled out loud, and by the nervous laugh he let out right after that, he wasn’t intending for you to hear him.
suddenly, you felt shy in front of his eyes. your cheeks felt hot, making you look down as you played with your fingers, a small smile on your lips. it wasn’t the first time a guy had complimented you, but coming from him made you feel different. renjun smiled sweetly at your bashful behaviour, “i mean it.”
he got back on top of you and positioned the head of his cock in your entrance, lightly pressing himself against you. he examined your face in search of a hint of hesitation, but couldn’t find any. you wanted to taste him again, so you pulled him down by the back of his neck, lips catching his in a heated kiss. your hands ran up and down his body, fingers sliding down his back, while one of his gripped your thigh.
after a brief make-out session, he wrapped his free hand around his hard cock, giving it a few pumps to prepare himself for what was coming. the tip had turned into a pretty shade of red that resembled a lollipop, and if you weren’t so desperate for him to fill you up, you would surely be putting it back in your mouth. you let out a moan when he slid it between your fold, gathering your juices and spreading them.
finally, he pushed in without breaking the kiss. as he got deeper into you, his dick stretched you out with a delicious burn at an almost painfully slow pace. he whimpered into your mouth when he had bottomed out, balls resting against your ass. his sounds made you clench around him, and with heavy breaths, renjun dug his nails into your skin.
his head was spinning; he needed a hot second to calm down or he would be shooting his load in no time. your walls hugged him so tightly, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to move inside of you, but he wasn’t planning on going anywhere either way. and you still had to get used to his size; even if just a couple of days ago you hooked up with daehyun, he was nothing compared to renjun. renjun was bigger, and the chemistry the two of you shared was undeniable, which made the intimate moment a lot more intense and meaningful. 
once you got used to the intrusion, you ran your hands to the small of his back to push him down into you. “you can move now,” breathy moans left your lips as he pulled out before thrusting back in.
he made you feel so full, cock dragging against your walls while leaving wet kisses along your neck. his lips sucked on the skin, teeth sinking and leaving pretty marks, before soothing the bruises with his tongue.
he fit perfectly inside of you, it felt like he belonged there. renjun quickly found your g-spot, the tip of his cock hitting the right places with every ram of his hips. the knot in your stomach rapidly tightening from the overwhelming pleasure he was giving you.
you let out a loud moan when one of his hands stumbled across your clit, your hips shot upward to meet his thrusts. a shiver ran down your spine making your back arch and push your chest against his, his mouth on your breasts once again.
it felt so good you almost couldn’t handle it. your walls tightened deliciously around him, making his eyes roll back and a whimper fall off his lips. 
“shit, please, do that again.” you did as you were told, clenching around him again as his fingers fastly circled around your throbbing clit. 
“i’m gonna… i’m gonna cum,” you felt him twitch inside of you, his thrusts becoming sloppy. he was near his end, both of you could feel it, and you weren’t far from it either.
after a particularly hard thrust of his hips, your climax washed over your body making your vision blurry. “oh my god, r-renjun,” your legs trembled as you screamed his name.
renjun’s thrusts didn’t falter, fucking you through your orgasm while chasing his. his fingers never stopped toying with your clit, pinching it and rubbing it quickly as your body squirmed under his.
your nails scratched his back, leaving red marks on it for him to remember you every time he looked in the mirror. your actions triggered his orgasms, seed shooting into the condom with a loud moan, the pounding of his hips slowly coming to a stop.
pants and heavy breaths could be heard all around the room, the strong smell of sex filling your senses and making you feel light-headed. he didn’t pull out immediately, he wanted to savour the feeling of your warm pussy hugging him tightly inside of you. 
when he did, he took off the condom, tying it and throwing it in the bin near his desk. taking tissues from his nightstand, he cleaned your thighs and core with delicacy before cleaning himself. as he tossed the dirty tissues to the trash, he pulled his sweatpants back on before looking around the room for his hoodie.
a huge smile formed on renjun’s lips when found you holding it. you slipped his hoodie on as well as your panties before throwing yourself back on his bed next to him. your body laid partially on top of his, your head rested on his bare chest, fingers tracing circles on the soft skin, and legs tangled with his. he hummed happily under you, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment. 
he knew he would eventually have to tell you how he felt.
he knew this would be his last chance before things changed and you either decided to leave his side or keep him.
so, mustering all the courage he could find, he concluded it was time to let you know.
he could feel the deafening beating of his heart and he hoped you wouldn’t be able to hear it, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves before finally speaking.
“well i… i’ve a crush on you since you moved in and always tried to talk to you, but it just wouldn’t work out. now that things have changed and we’ve gotten closer, kind of, i-i think i have stronger feelings for you and i figured i should let you know.” as he spoke quietly, nervously waiting for your response.
jaemin, jeno and you had underestimated renjun, none of you believed he would be able to confess without you pushing him into it.
but there he was, blurting out his feelings for you, holding his fragile heart in his hand and waiting for you to take care of it. 
“i know things usually happen in a different order, but i was wondering if i…” renjun’s ears turned a dark shade of red as his voice slightly cracked.
“can i… maybe take you out… i mean, as on a date?” his eyes flicked around nervously, looking everywhere but at you.
you giggled, finding his nervous state rather charming. excitement tickled your body from his proposal. you moved your head up to face him, eyes locking and a big smile adorning your face before smashing your lips together in a sweet kiss.
“i thought you’d never ask.” you said against his lips, butterflies blooming in his stomach. 
renjun laughed happily as you hugged him, chin resting on top of your head and your face buried in his chest.
after a moment of comfortable silence, you decided to tell him the meaning behind your unexpected visit.
“you know, jeno actually asked me to make the first move and ask you out. he said he and jaemin were tired of hearing you ‘cry over me’… his own words, not mine though!” renjun groaned embarrassed, making you chuckle.
he was going to murder both of them when he saw them.
“because you were too shy and apparently afraid of me rejecting you?” renjun turned his head away from you, his hand coming to cover his face.
did you really give off that vibe?
“did you really think i was going to straight up reject you?” even if you didn’t take it personally when jeno mentioned renjun’s fear of being rejected, hearing it from him made you feel a bit hurt.
“well, yeah?” seeing your pouty lips he quickly tried to explain, “i mean, i didn’t give the best first impression so i thought you thought of me as a creep. i didn’t think you’d even want me to come near you.”
you hummed, understanding his thought process. “but i guess i was wrong?”
“yeah, you were. you should thank both of them, they were the reason why i came here in the first place.”
maybe renjun wouldn’t murder either of them after all.
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
Heyy congratulations on 100 followers you deserve it! Could I please have number 6 & 12 for Zuho please, thank you so much, I look forward to reading it!
Don't let go
Pairing: Boyfriend Zuho + Female reader; established relationship
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Words: +1,3k
Author’s message: Hey, baby! First of all, thank you so much for your support and for this sweet request. Sorry for the long waiting TT. Hope you like it. Please, let me know your feedback, it’s very important to me. Foxy kisses 😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: Juho finally has a day off and dedicates all his free time to enjoy the warmth of his lovely girlfriend.
6 - Just chilling and cuddling at home + 12 - Dancing together around the room
*media from Twitter - credits to the owner*
Finally, Juho has a break from his crazy schedules and hours on end spent in his studio. The cold beginning of spring made him promise to you that he'd stay at home cuddling to keep both of you warm under the blankets.
And, now, here you are, tucked in your bed with comfy matching pajamas and a thick comforter on top of your bodies. When the pale light of the first hours of morning creep through your thin curtains, you open your eyes and see yourself safely cradled between your lover’s loose arms.
His chest rises and falls at a calm pace, low snores escaping through his parted lips, the gentle sound you are so used to hear. You slowly move to look up at him, being careful not to wake him up so early on one of his rare days off. Your loving eyes admire his features, a finger barely tracing the contours of his nose and lips, your heart swelling with love.
You keep staring at your sleeping boyfriend for a couple of minutes, enjoying the peaceful silence of the world around you, until you feel a tiny weight on the warm blankets, softly moving over your legs. You glance at your feet to see Huru calmy observing you from his spot, a low meowing falling from his small mouth as he comes closer to you.
“Good morning, my baby kitten”, you coo at him, softly petting his head. “Look at how cute your daddy is while sleeping”, you take him in your arms and both of you observe Juho in his deep slumber.
Huru meows again and gets rid of you, moving to set himself on Juho’s chest, softly poking his cheek as trying to wake him up. You chuckle at his manners, snuggling closer to your sleeping boyfriend again, your lips leaving sweet pecks on his other cheek.
Juho stirs beside you, a low groan escaping his lips as his lovely small family tries to take him away from his deep dreamland. He moves a little, turning to his side, and Huru quickly gets off of him and walks out of your bedroom as if his task was done.
“Good morning, sleepyhead”, you whisper, continuing to pepper Juho’s face with small kisses.
“Morning”, he mumbles, voice still laced with sleepness and eyes still refusing to open.
You smile as you get closer to his face, brushing your lips against his in a soft kiss. In response, a small smile crosses his mouth while his arms get a little tighter around your waist, embracing you in a warm hug.
“Hey, baby”, you coo at him when his eyes flutter open and meet yours. His lips curl up in a bright smile at the sight of the love of his life waking up beside him.
“Hey, princess”, he murmurs, still groggy, lazily pecking your lips and throwing a leg over yours like he does every time he has enough time to spend with you in bed.
“I still can’t believe we’re going to cuddle all day today”, you smile at him, slowly stroking his cheek.
“I know. I missed you for so long and now I don’t want to let go”, he says, one of his hands caressing your back as he rests his forehead on yours.
“You don’t have to let go today”, you reassure him, hearing a low hum of him as he relaxes beside you.
Both of you keep quiet for a long moment, listening to the calm heartbeats and steady breathes of each other, feeling so warm and loved in each other’s embrace. Many minutes have passed - maybe thirty, maybe sixty -, but you feel like you would never want to break this peaceful bubble of yours.
Suddenly, Huru enters your room again, his meowing looking less friendly this time.
“I guess someone is hungry”, Juho chuckles.
“Yes. Maybe it’s time for us to get up and feed ourselves too”, you say, reluctantly leaving your boyfriend’s arms and sitting up. That’s when you hear Juho’s stomach growl and you crack a laugh, poking his toned belly. “I guess Huru is not the only one hungry here”, you tease an embarrassed Juho.
You walk into your kitchen with Juho clinging to you, hugging from behind as you struggle to put Huru’s food on his pot and get some ingredients for cooking your breakfast.
“Will you help me or not?”, you chuckle as your boyfriend tightens his grip around you.
“You said I don’t have to let go today”, he mumbles against your skin as he places soft smooches on your shoulder and neck.
“I think you can at least give me a break now so we can have breakfast”, you playfully roll your eyes as Juho whines behind you, reluctantly loosening his hold and moving around to help you.
A few minutes later, you sit down on the couch to eat, happily enjoying this little moment together. Juho pulls you into his lap and can’t stop smiling when you feed him, occasionally pecking his cheeks and nose when his cute eyes widen at the good taste of the food you prepared together.
You know how clingy Juho can be, but this time he’s really surprising you, following every little step you give around your shared apartment, hands always touching and arms holding you somehow.
He finally gets what he want when you give in his need and lay with him on the couch to watch videos on YouTube - *to cuddle*. Juho pulls you flush against his chest, snaking his arms tightly around you and nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, humming appreciatively at the feeling of you so close to him.
“What are you going to watch, baby?”, you softly ask, a small sigh escaping from your lips as you get distracted by your boyfriend’s lips innocently exploring your skin.
“You can play anything. I’m sure neither of us is going to pay much attention anyway”, he chuckles and you decide to play SF9's playlist on YouTube.
Juho was right. You are too distracted with each other to pay attention to the beats of the songs playing on your tv, focusing on stare at each other and softly make out under the warm blanket you’d dragged to the couch.
Until a well-known beat captures your attention and you quickly turn your head to the screen in front of you. The last festival is playing and you can never miss the small cute dance of your boyfriend on this song, cooing at how adorable he is. Even Huru seems to enjoy his daddy’s song, slowly approaching the couch and turning his gaze to the tv.
You sneak away from Juho’s embrace and get up, grabbing Huru and dancing with him around your small living room, following the movements of your happy lover on the screen.
“C’mon, baby. Dance with us”, you excitedly exclaimed, taking one of his hands in yours and pulling him to you.
Juho laughs at your cuteness, joining you *and poor Huru* in a crazy dance, laughing and tickling each other in the middle of your room, singing at the top of your lungs. You repeat the song twice, thrice, four times, until you’re breathless and hoarse. Huru finally gets rid of your tight grip around him and runs away from the room, making the two of you burst into laughter.
“I wish all of our days were like this”, Juho says, pulling you close by the waist, his still uneven breath fanning your face.
“Me too”, you sigh, resting your forehead on his. “I wish today never ended”.
“I know. And I don’t want to let go of you. Never”, he mumbles, lips ghosting over yours.
“So do it”, you close the small gap between you, kissing him ever so sweetly while Echo plays in the background.
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vennilavee · 4 years
stormy skies
pairing: levi x reader, and baby kaiya
summary: it’s not the first time you’re home late from work.
word count: ~2260
warnings: a shitty boss, some cursing
a/n: wrote this because i couldnt sleep last night due to the current us election... enjoy
Levi peeks his head into Kaiya’s bedroom, and sees her fast asleep in her bed. She’s surrounded by pillows, her lion stuffed animal, as well as her butterfly, shark, and flower pillow. It’s been about an hour since she fell asleep for her afternoon nap. 
He thought he heard a noise on the baby monitor, but it was nothing. Just her shifting in bed.
Her face is squished into the pillow and Levi can’t help the small upturn of his lips at the sight.
Kaiya’s already almost two years old, and neither you nor Levi can quite believe it. Levi claims that she’s the spitting image of you, but you claim the opposite.
You’re both right.
Levi’s career allows for him to work from home for most days. You and Levi had spent the better part of two weeks setting up his office, back when you had first moved into your new home. Before Kaiya was born. He has two monitors on his mahogany desk, a sleek keyboard and an even sleeker mouse with his laptop plugged into the dock.
A photo of you and a photo of Kaiya sits next to the monitor on the left, and a photo of the three of you next to the monitor on the right. The baby monitor is in front of him, just in case Kaiya wakes up before she is supposed to.
He’s eager for Kaiya to wake up and for you to come home, and he puts his glasses on to get to work and hopefully end his day early.
Levi shoves a hand in his hair, expelling a deep sigh as he logs out of work. He stretches his arms and his legs, only to be alerted by a slight vibration from his phone.
It’s a text from you:
angel: gonna be late today… levi: again? angel: yes :(
Levi sighs to himself, waiting a few seconds before replying.
levi: ok, be safe 
It’s the third time this week, and he’s lost count of how many times you’ve come home late over the last few weeks. At first, it hadn’t bothered him. But then it became a habit. And then Kaiya was asking for you during dinner.
That was the first of a few fights. They usually ended with you promising that you’d be better about it and draw the boundaries you needed to draw.
And yet… 
Levi hears Kaiya waking up on the baby monitor, her soft coos and calls of ‘daddy’ and ‘mommy’ nearly echoing in the silent room. He turns the monitor off and walks upstairs to her bedroom, where he finds her sitting up. Her smile is sleepy and she makes grabby hands for him with her stuffed lion tucked under her arm.
“Daddy,” She beams at him.
“Slept well, Kai?” Levi asks and she doesn’t reply, instead tucking her face into his neck. Levi brushes his lips over her forehead as he carries her downstairs. She’s still warm from her nap, grey eyes blinking sleepily. 
Levi gets started on dinner with Kaiya on his hip and feeds her spoonfuls of sauce and bits of meat here and there, which she accepts eagerly. She smiles widely with her nose scrunched when she likes it. You’d claim that her smile is identical to Levi’s, but he disagrees.
He’d tell you that everything good about Kaiya comes from you.
Levi gets lost in his thoughts of you, wondering if you’re on your way home. He’s having trouble remembering the last time you both had gone to bed together without the melancholy of your work schedule hanging over your head.
He sighs. Kaiya hears him and looks up curiously.
“Daddy?” Kaiya says, patting his cheek, “Mama?”
“Mama’s comin’ home late, kid,” Levi says, “Again. Do you miss her?”
Kaiya lets out a sigh suspiciously similar to his.
“Yeah. Me too, kid.”
By the time you come home, it’s well past dinnertime. Levi had left out a plate for you, but by now, it’s cold. You kick your heels off and place them in the closet neatly, grimacing at the covered plate on the dinner table and your empty living room.
You can almost taste Levi’s disappointment. But you just want to see Kaiya, you know she’ll be able to cheer you up.
What a shitty day. Shitty week. Shitty month. With every day that goes by, you’re getting closer and closer to telling your boss to shove his foot up his ass. 
You immediately head into Kaiya’s bedroom, where you’re certain Levi is telling her a bedtime story. You’re not even sure what time it is- is she asleep? Are you too late?
You hate bringing the smell of work home, preferring to change into comfy clothes before greeting Kaiya and Levi with a kiss. But you can’t wait, not tonight. Not when you know that Levi is upset with you and when you miss Kaiya so much that you ache.
“Kaiya?” You whisper, “Kaiya, baby?”
“Mama!” Kaiya squeals, looking up from the book that Levi’s reading to her, “Hi, mama!”
You kneel next to her bed and open your arms for a hug. She jumps into your arms happily and you kiss her cheeks and her forehead as she giggles wildly.
“I missed you, baby,” You mumble, holding her close, “So much.”
You pull away and cup her cheeks tenderly, rubbing with your thumb. Kaiya only looks at you with the same disarming silver eyes that belong to Levi. Her eyes are soft when she looks at you, her grin bright and toothy.
“Daddy, story,” Kaiya says, pointing to Levi.
“Can mama join?” You ask quietly, looking at Levi.
“Don’t be stupid. Of course mama can join,” Levi murmurs, patting the spot next to him.
You don’t even admonish him for saying ‘stupid’ in front of your daughter and he says nothing about you wearing your work clothes in his daughter’s bed.
You kiss the corner of Levi’s mouth, taking his hand in his as he continues to read to Kaiya. He squeezes your hand every so often, listening to the way Kaiya gasps and giggles at the story. Levi doesn’t tell the story with much fanfare or gusto- he tells it just the way Kaiya likes. With the always present dry intonation of his voice.
You think it’s Kaiya’s favorite sound in the world.
Kaiya points at the picture in the book and giggles, looking up at you for confirmation that you can see what she’s pointing at. You hold her hand and laugh with her too, melting at the way her smile holds your world in it.
After a few more pages and a few more laughs, Kaiya begins to grow tired. She rests her head against your arm, stifling a yawn. You rub her back to lull her into sleep but she tries to stay awake.
“Are you sleepy, Kaiya baby?” You coo, kissing her forehead.
She doesn’t reply, instead closing her eyes. It only takes a few more forehead kisses and back rubs for her to fall into deep sleep. You smile at Kaiya and look at Levi, offering him a small smile as well.
“Did you eat?” Levi asks, nudging your shoulder and gesturing for you to get up.
“No, I put it in the fridge. Not really hungry. Just want to be with you and Kaiya,” You murmur.
Levi gives you a long stare and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Don’t be stupid. Go eat. I know you probably haven’t eaten since noon. Because of your shitty boss,” Levi says pointedly.
You sigh, heading into your bedroom to change out of your work clothes and wash up before heading downstairs.
He doesn’t join you.
You eat quickly, somewhere halfway between enjoying and savoring all of the flavors and barely chewing so that you can go upstairs to talk to Levi. You wash the dishes in the sink quickly before double checking the locks and heading to your bedroom.
Levi’s in bed, reading a book and casts a look of acknowledgement to you. It feels odd, devoid of his usual affections. You know why. Because he’s upset with you.
You curl next to him, cupping his cheek to get him to look at you. Levi sighs heavily and casts his book on the nightstand.
“Your job is fuckin’ shitty,” Levi says without missing a beat, “Kaiya misses you. A lot.”
I miss you. A lot. The words hang in the air.
“I know, I’m sorry. I hate it,” You whisper, crumbling under his scorching gaze, “I didn’t want-”
“So? What are you gonna do about it?” Levi asks flatly, voice full of ice, “It’s your dream job, right?”
It unnerves you.
“Levi,” You say hollowly, “Don’t be like that-”
“Not bein’ like anything,” Levi says easily, “Your daughter fuckin’ misses her mama. This is the first time you’ve tucked her into bed properly in who knows how long- she asks for you all the time, always asking for her mama. And where is her mama? At work-”
“Levi,” You beg quietly, “Levi, stop-”
“How many times are we going to have this conversation?” Levi says hotly. You raise your eyebrows when you hear the emotion in his voice. He’s clearly been thinking this for quite some time.
“I’m sorry,” You plead, taking his hands in yours.
He pulls them away from you and your lips part in a surprised ‘o’. You’re quickly confronted with how much you’ve been hurting him.
���Levi, I’m gonna fix it. I swear- I’m gonna fix it, I’ve already talked to my boss a-and told him I can’t do this anymore-” You blubber, tears forming in your eyes.
“Can’t do what anymore?”
“The late nights-”
“Yeah, they’ll stop for what? A week? Then start back up again,” Levi scoffs coldly, “You promised you’d fix this. So fix this.”
“Levi- stop,” You mumble, “You’re being mean-”
You can’t help it- you start to cry harder, fat tears pool in your dark eyes and roll down your cheeks, as your bottom lip trembles. You let out a loud sob and turn away from him, not able to meet his eyes. Levi blinks at you, almost nervously. 
“Shit,” Levi says under his breath, “Shit-”
He wipes your tears from your cheeks and pulls you into his chest, his chin over your head. His arms are tight around you, heartbeat lulling you into calm. Neither of you say anything for a few minutes, despite the apology on the tip of his tongue.
Levi hates seeing you cry, especially when he is the cause of your tears. But he knows, even if his words were cruel, the problem still exists.
It takes a few minutes for you to breathe and for your sobs to reduce to sniffles. 
“I’m trying, baby,” You mumble, “I told him I need to scale back. But- he’s just so, fucking-“
And then you start to cry again. Levi wonders if there’s more to it than you’ve been saying. He wonders if there’s more of a problem than just late nights. Levi rubs your cheek with his thumb, giving you a few more minutes to gather your thoughts.
“Is something else going on?” Levi asks, most of the heat gone from his voice.
You’re quiet again, looking up at him. Trying to figure out how to allow the words to bubble up and leave your throat.
“What is it, angel?” He asks, cupping your chin for you to meet his eyes.
“He’s just so,” You sigh, “He’s so… mean. He talks down to me sometimes when we have group meetings- and I don’t even realize until the meeting’s been said and done. God, I hate what a boys club it is there. 
Oh, and his favorite is that one guy who always steals credit for the work that I do- and he said he’d dock my bonus if I didn’t start picking up the slack, but I am, I’m picking up everyone’s fuckin’ slack and all I’m good at doing is hurting you and hurting Kaiya- and I n-never wanted to be like that. 
I never wanted to be the person who put their career in front of their family. I should be able to have both, but not- not like this.” Your rant ends with a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill over.
“Angel,” Levi breathes, kissing your forehead, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought I could handle it,” You mutter honestly, “But I can’t. I need to get out, Levi.”
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Levi says, pressing his forehead to yours.
“You didn’t. It’s okay, I get it. I get it.”
“I should’ve helped you. Not yelled at you.”
“How could you know? I didn’t say anything,” You scoff, slipping your hand under his shirt to rub his chest. You missed him, and this.
“Thought we said no secrets,” Levi says lightly, “No more. We’ll figure it out.”
“‘M not working for most of next week. I need a break,” You say, pressing yourself closer to Levi.
“Good. We’ll figure it out, alright?” Levi says and squeezes your hand. He dips his head for a kiss, and you can taste the sweetness of his unsaid apology.
“You, me and Kaiya?” You ask with a small smile.
Levi nods, quelling your fears with a series of featherlight kisses that deepen quickly. His hands wander your ribcage, holding you close and warming you up from within. Silver eyes melt into your brown, and you’re reassured by his steady strength.
You’ll be okay. You, him and Kaiya. You’ll be okay.
tags: @simpingmaize
415 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ casanova ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!vernon x succubus!reader
genre&warnings; incubus!au, cocky!vernon, lots of banter, breathplay/choking, slight fingering, blowjob, dirty talk, degradation, namecalling, fucking in a public place 😗
notes; oh the way cocky vernon hits so different 🤤🥵 low-key I was imagining bad clue vernon for this one but then I was like mmm thats a little too dapper for this fic so instead my mind was like 🤤🤤🤤 fear era vernon~ Anyway~ oh! I'll make a notice probably tomorrow that I won’t be online this weekend(thurs-sun) at all, but I'll log in to post the last 3 monster mash fics! I’ll also be answering all the thirst posts/comments/etc. throughout the week once I get back! 💕 have a good day/night! all my socal bbys, stay safe! see u tomorrow! 💕🎃👻 
word count; ~2600
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x - x - x - x
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i’m here lying on the bed of your tongue;
my heart listens to the sound of your war drum
steady tiptoeing to your neck of the woods;
i feel danger on your lips but it tastes good.
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You take a seat at the bar, legs crossed and a bored expression on your face.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look this awful.” The bartender comments, sliding a drink across the countertop. “It’s, uh, on the house.”
“Thanks, Seungcheol.” You mutter, graciously accepting the free drink.
Tonight should’ve been an easy night for you; just a quick visit to a few of your regular humans and you would’ve been easily sated. But for whatever reason, not a single of them provided you with any sort of satisfaction and you’d left out of boredom before they’d even gotten you to cum.
“You okay? You look... Like you’ve seen better days.” He laughs, leaning over the counter top. “It’s Halloween, you out of all people should be busy.” You quickly down the drink in one shot, passing Seungcheol the glass as he goes to fill it up again, back turned to you. “See, you’d think that. But it fuckin’ sucked. Dunno, nothing really satisfied my craving, I guess.”
“And what are you craving, princess?”
A voice from behind you has you spinning on your barstool as you come face to face with Vernon. “Ugh, it’s you.” He laughs lightly, taking a seat next to you as he shrugs his suit jacket off.
“Fuck you mean, ‘ugh’?” Vernon scoffs.
Seungcheol comes back with your drink and one for Vernon as well, sliding them to your side as he sighs. “Okay, why are you both here? Seriously, it’s Halloween! Feeding should be easy!” You roll your eyes, glass in hand as you stare Seungcheol down. “And what are you doing here, Seungcheol? Shouldn’t you be feeding?”
The male raises a brow at you, “What do you think I’m doing on my breaks? This place is crawling with humans trying to get caught up in the mix.”
Vernon sighs next to you, quietly taking a sip of his drink. “And you? Why are you here, Vernon?”
He places his glass down, half turned to face you. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Seungcheol chuckles, hip propped up against the countertop as he butts in. “She said nobody is ‘satisfying’ her tonight.” Vernon’s expression falls into that of understanding as you groan.
“Ugh, ‘Cheol, go mind your business!” The said male backs off laughing, walking towards the other side of the bar to service other patrons.
“Nobody’s satisfying you, huh? And why’s that? All your regulars getting boring?” Vernon asks; a lazy smirk on his features.
“I could ask you the same fuckin’ thing, Vernon. Or is it that you can’t get it up maybe?” You tease.
The smirk falls from his face, eyes squinting at you. “Is that what you think? That I can’t get it up? And how about you? Is that pussy of yours scaring off all of your regulars? Or maybe their dicks are too small and can’t satisfy how fuckin’ much you want your cunt filled.”
You lean in at the same time he does, fingers looping into his necktie as you pull him in even closer.
“You talk like you can satisfy me.” “Are you tryna find out? ‘Cause I’m willing to let you. But don’t go crying when my cock’s too big for you.” Vernon grins.
“Prove it then, casanova. Show me you’re worth my time.”
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Vernon pushes you into the employee restroom, Seungcheol shouting in the background as the door locks into place.
The red lights in the small space make it feel more intimate and sensual; the complete opposite of the way Vernon’s teeth clash with yours when he kisses you hard.
You moan into the kiss, hands tangling into his hair as he presses you into the door and he slots a leg between your own, letting you grind down onto his thigh as he smirks against your lips. It’s a battle for power between the two of you; neither of you willing to give up your natural dominant nature.
Vernon pulls away, eyes hazy and the same cocky smirk on his lips. “So fuckin’ desperate to get fucked, you’ll use my thigh too, huh?”
“Maybe that’s your only charm point?” You retort. He doesn’t take too kindly as he shakes your hands out of his hair and he drags you over to the countertop.
In the mirror, you take in your appearance, your own drunk eyes staring right back at you. “God, you talk so damn much, you know that?” He murmurs, nosing at your neck. His hands roam your body, hiking your dress further and further up until he can run his fingertips over your panties. He wastes no time, locating your clit through the material before he pinches it hard.
“O-oh, fuck!” You cry, eyes clamping shut at his rough touch. Your panties get wetter and wetter and you find yourself grinding your ass into his hardening cock.
Vernon kisses your skin, leaving small love bites in his wake as he continues to tease you through your panties. “Mmm, you’re getting so wet and all I’m doing is touching your ‘lil clit through your panties. Is that how easy you are? Just a little taste and you’re already putty in my hands.” He smirks against you, fingertips pulling your panties to the side.
“You say I talk too much? You fuckin’ talk too much, Vernon. Hurry up and finger me already!”
He laughs, running his fingers through your wetness before he sinks his index and middle fingers up to the knuckle in one fast movement.
A garbled moans floats past your lips as he starts fucking you with his fingers and you watch your own expression contort in pleasure at the way his fingers were already providing you with more satisfaction than anything else tonight. “Oh, g-god, fuck, that feels suh---so good…”
Vernon ruts into your ass, smoky eyes gazing into the mirror. “You’re so pretty getting drunk on my fingers fucking you open. How are you gonna look once it’s my cock inside of you?”
“G-god, we won’t g-get, ah, there if you don’t s-shut up!” He rolls his eyes, nipping at the junction of your neck.
Vernon lets you grind against his fingers for a moment, eating up the way you seem to forget about everything around you as you chase the pleasure. But he  gets bored, pulling his fingers out of you almost just as quickly as he’d first sunk them in.
“Oh, baby, you can’t be the only one benefitting from this.” Vernon pulls away from you, uncaring that he uses his sticky, wet fingers to undo the button and zipper of his pants. “Hope you’re ready to take my cock. All those people that couldn’t fuck you right tonight were all just pregames ‘til now, huh?” He grins, wrapping a hand around his cock.
You can only see so much from the mirror’s reflection; watching as Vernon places a firm hand on your shoulder as he pushes your upper half further down onto the countertop. “Get comfy, princess. Wouldn’t want you to break a nail or something.”
“Just fuck me already, damn it!” Whining, you place your hands palm down on the mirror as you jut your ass out further. You watch with hazy eyes as he smirks at you in the mirror and you soon feel the head of his cock teasing your entrance.
“God, you are so lucky I’m just as impatient as you are.”
You’re about to complain about him taking too long again, but you’re quickly left breathless when he starts inching his cock into your wet pussy. “Fuh---fuck, oh, go---god you’re, ah, b-big!”
“Get used to it, you’ll be begging me for more.”
You choose to ignore his cocky comments as you focus on the way his cock stretches you out perfectly, eyes rolling to the back of your head when he finally bottoms out. His cock taps against your cervix and you resist the urge to just start fucking yourself on his cock, impatience muddling everything else in your mind.
“Mmm, your pussy is so tight and warm around me, baby. Maybe it’s that personality of yours that scares off your regulars.” Vernon chuckles under his breath, but it’s immediately cut short when you clench around him hard. “Shit, fine, fine, I get it!” He grumbles.
Vernon draws his hips back before slamming his cock back into you and for a second, your clammy palms pressed up against the mirror almost lose their grip with how your body jerks forward. “God, yes, yes fuck me hard!” You cry, already meeting his harsh pace.
“So this is why they can’t do it for you, huh?” His hips snap into you; the sound of skin slapping getting drowned out by the loud music on the other side of the door. “You wanna be fucked like a little cumslut tonight and nobody wants to give it to you.”
“Ngh, y-yeah… s-so what’s y-your fuckin’, ah, d-deal?”
Vernon scoffs, “Maybe I just wanted to treat someone like my own ‘lil cockslut tonight and nobody was doin’ it for me either.” You grin in return, hazy eyes focused on yourself in the mirror.
“Guess t-this was where, ah, we were meant to be t-tonight.” You lick your lips, working your hips back as you start to chase your orgasm. “By the w-way, don’t--don’t cum, hah, inside m-me…” He slows his pace a little, leaning over your back as he nuzzles into your shoulder. “Oh? Why’s that? Don’t want people to know I fucked you in Seungcheol’s employee restroom? Or is it that you’re scared you’ll get addicted to me cumming inside your hot little cunt. Maybe you’ll even go home and fuck my cum deeper inside of yourself wishin’ it was still me and not your hands or your dumb little humans.”
His words are almost filthy enough to make you change your mind, but you harden your stare, crimson eyes meeting his in the mirror’s reflection. “Don’t g-get too cocky, Vernon. Just don’t fuckin’ cum i-in me. I’m s-still going out, mmh, after t-this…”
He shoots you an incredulous look, leaning away from you shoulder as he starts to double his pace. “Wow, fuckin’ bold of you to even go out after this. But okay, you’ll come crawling back to find me and I’ll be waiting at the bar for you. Maybe you’ll even be so fuckin’ desperate for my cock, I’ll even make you beg me. And beg for me to cum inside of you.” Vernon pauses, snaking his hand up your spine before he circles it around the column of your throat. “For now, you’re gonna cum on my cock, get it nice ‘n soaked. Then you’re gonna suck me off and I’m gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours.”
Vernon gently applies pressure to your throat, restricting your airways slightly as you start to get tighter around him. “Touch your clit, make yourself cum.” He commands.
You’re quick to take his lead, trailing a hand down your body until you can rub quick circles on your clit. “G-god, yes, fuck, ah, I’m gon---gonna cum, fuck! My pussy’s so fuckin’ full, I---mmph!” Vernon’s hand on your throat quickly travels up until his palm is pressed firmly against your lips, effectively muffling you.
He uses this as leverage, pushing you backwards until your back meets his clothed chest. Your body jerks in his hold as he fucks into you hard, cock slamming into your cervix with each thrust. “Fuck, you have such a filthy fuckin’ mouth. Everyone can probably hear what a little whore you are. But I bet that gets you off, doesn’t it? Letting everyone know how fuckin’ good you’re getting it.” He licks the shell of your ear, hips pistoning into you as you cum; moans and cries muffled by Vernon’s hand still over your mouth.
“That’s right, cum on my cock, baby. Your tight cunt feels so good around me.” Moaning, he slows down his thrusts, watching you through the mirror as you take your pleasure.
It doesn’t give you any energy like feeding from a human would, but the pleasure still feels good enough for shapes dance beneath your eyelids as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“Shit, you really are pretty like this.” Vernon scoffs under his breath as he finally removes his hand from over your mouth. Your body slumps forward as you catch your breath; soft whimpers on your lips. “Now it’s my turn, baby. I expect you on your knees now~”
You groan in return, somewhat drained. This is why you never fucked with other incubus; there was no energy gain and it left you more tired than anything else.
But you only think it’s fair, so you drop to your knees, wincing slightly when the tile bites into your kneecaps. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out, ready for Vernon to hurry up and cum down your throat.
“Hmm~ I think you’d be even prettier with my cum all over your face. Whaddya think?” He grins, eyes twinkling down at you.
“Do you ever wonder what it’d be like to have your dick bitten off?” You growl.
Vernon takes the hint as he threads a hand loosely into your hair and you use a hand to wrap around his cock that’s already covered in your wetness.
You immediately sink your mouth down onto his cock; deepthroating him and hollowing out your cheeks around him. Tucking your hands underneath your thighs, you let Vernon use your mouth, moaning around him to help throw him over the edge.
He groans from above you, hips thrusting into your mouth as he feels his orgasm coming on, only a few minutes later. “Fuck, ‘m gonna, ah, c-cum. Swallow it all, baby. Show me what a good cumslut, hah, you a-are.”
Humming around him, you bask in the way his moans are clipped and stuttered with your teasing.
Vernon could be so easy too, despite his cocky nature.
You feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, the salty substance hitting the back of your throat as you aim to swallow it all down.
“Ngh, look at you. Not even a drop spilled. You’re a pro~” He quips; tugging you by the hair as you cough and sputter. A thread of cum and spit connect your lips to his cock and for a second, Vernon thinks he can get used to seeing you like this.
You move to stand, legs shaky as you rest your back against the countertop that he’d had you bent over, moments prior. “At least one of us is.” You smirk at him, wiping your lips with the back of your hand.
“God, you really just don’t quit, do you?”
“Hey, some of my humans like it, asshole.” You turn to face the mirror, taking in your disheveled appearance.
Vernon stands beside you, adjusting his clothes and hair as you do too. “Speaking of, are you really still heading out after this?”
Tugging your dress down, you check your appearance in the mirror one last time before you reach for the doorknob and unlock it.
“Yeah, ‘cause that drained me of any energy I had.” You pause, turning slightly to face Vernon who stands behind you. You bite the inside of your cheek and despite the snarky banter between the two of you; Vernon wasn’t half bad. 
“Maybe once I get some of it back, I’ll meet you at the bar.”
His eyes flash a darker shade of red, lips ghosting across the shell of your ear when he leans in.
“I’ll be waiting on you, baby.”
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.5
The A+ Day...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2320
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
You get to spend the day with the Avengers. Should you be excited or scared? Well, Steve is by your side, so...
Warnings: swearing, FLUFF, Steve’s friends being Steve’s friends… go figure
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Story masterlist
You were very comfy and very warm. Maybe even too warm. Also, your covers were moving behind your back and that was a bit odd, but you blamed the sensation on the morning confusion. Your bed smelled nicer than usual too. You nuzzled closer into the moving warmth, content it stilled its movements.
Except that after that, it talked.
“Sorry to wake you,” the comforter whispered hoarsely and it was like a shot of adrenaline to your veins, making you jolt fully awake, sitting up straight, causing your head to pound with the swift movement.
That was Steve’s voice.
Because you were sleeping in Steve’s bed.  
“Are you okay?” he asked lowly, but you couldn’t respond right away. The memories came rushing back to you, messy but warmly fuzzy images of last night.
You had danced with Steve. Steve had kissed you. Steve had kissed you a lot.  
Your lips unwittingly curled up in a smile despite the abrupt wake-up process. You heard him moving at your side, sitting up as well, so you turned to him, still grinning in perfect contrast to his concerned face.
He looked adorable with his hair sticking in every direction, a bit sleepy expression on his face, and he was also still very much shirtless. You were sure you woke up to heaven.
“Sorry to freak out. I was just… ugh, confused for a bit,” you explained, keeping your voice on low level just like he did, worried you might disturb the peace. “Good morning, Steve.”
His face cleared of worried wrinkles and he charmed a smile for you. “Morning, doll. Slept well?”
“Very. You?”
You just stared at each other, grinning like fools, eyes sparkling. You must have looked ridiculous, but you didn’t care. Subconsciously, when he released you from the lock of his eyes, your gaze wandered over him, appreciating the lack of clothing. How could person have a body this marvellous? You knew it was probably the effect of the serum, but gosh. What a view.
Good morning indeed.
You noticed a blush spreading down his neck and quickly snapped your gaze back to where it was decent. But hey, when you were offered a view like this, you simply had to make the best of the opportunity!
Steve seemed a bit sheepish, but you couldn’t help but notice that a new glint appeared in his irises, something in the way he was watching you back that gave out that maybe, you weren’t the only person to enjoy the situation at hand. It took you a second to realize why that was – you were wearing his clothes.
You remembered Ryan telling you about what it felt like to him, seeing a girl – or a guy in his case – in his clothes. Like a flag on a flagpole, mark of ownership on a conquered land, he had told you.
No funny business had happened between you and Steve last night, but the thought still made your face hot all over. To cover your embarrassment, you ducked your head to Steve’s shoulder, resting your forehead on it.
Steve tensed at first, but quickly recovered and sank his fingers gently into your hair, very carefully caressing your scalp, wary of pulling at your hair and causing you pain. You hummed in appreciation, instinctively brushing the nearest patch of skin with your lips – an inked patch of skin. You smiled against your will at that. Your words. Your ridiculous first words to him.
His breath caught in his throat at your bold move, but a kiss landed at the top of our head, so you figured you didn’t overstep.
“How much do you hate morning breath?” he muttered, sounding a bit embarrassed.
“Not particularly…?” you answered, not sure where that headed.
Looking back, you really should have understood what he was asking. Then again, the pleasant surprise of his fingers gently finding your jaw and tilting your head so he could kiss you right on the lips, warm and soft and sweet, was worth the lack of your brain function. You melted, your palm finding a way to lie flat on his very bare chest, feeling every expansion of his ribcage, his skin burning. He deepened the kiss, his fingers tangling in your hair enough to make you notice and boy, did it do things to you. You sighed into his mouth, content and yet needy for more, a second from climbing into his lap, too fast development be damned.
Just as you were out of breath, he released you, his thumb drawing a soft circle on your cheek. It was cliché, but your fingertips were literally tingling with euphoria and excitement.
“Wow,” you breathed out, still feeling his breath tickling your lips as he had barely moved away. “Can I stay another night? Can I be woken up like this every morning?”
He gave a breathy laugh, making your eyes snap open, and you could see the blown black of his pupils, the gleam of wanting more now diluted with giddiness.
“Can’t say I’d complain,” he admitted with a lopsided smile radiant on his kiss-swollen lips.
God, he was so handsome. Had you mentally noted he was handsome before? You still couldn’t believe it.
“That an invitation?”
“I mean, if you convince Tony…”
“Oh god, I take it back,” you groaned, falling back to the sheets dramatically, rewarded with Steve’s light-hearted laugh.
He laid down on his side then, propped on his elbow, watching you with a soft smile. “Thank you for staying.”
You let out what surely was a very unattractive snort. “’Cause not having to go home and not having to hail a cab in the middle of the night was a real sacrifice…”
Steve was fully grinning now, dropping a playful kiss on your nose, which caused you to giggle.
“I know, my lady. Let me make up for the hardship you had suffered through with making you breakfast.”
“You sound like Thor. Also, offering breakfast to a girl? You are a dangerous man, Steve Rogers,” you stated, the stupid smile simply not disappearing from your face no matter how much you tried to get it under control; so you gave up on that. “You seem to know just the way to my heart.”
“I sure hope so. Are you coming with the adorable bed-hair or do you want a minute?”
You gasped at the cheeky comment, grabbing the pillow by his head to smack his stupidly perfect skull.
His laughter filled the room and you felt like the happiest person on Earth.
When Steve led you to the communal kitchen and dining room ten minutes later, you were surprised to find three people already there. Clint was sitting at the bar, his head resting in his palm, a mug of coffee hazardously close in your opinion, just in case he would actually fell asleep and faceplanted on the counter; Bruce was sitting nearby, watching over him, while Natasha was standing at the cooker, making…
“Are those pancakes?” you gasped, your stomach instantly reacting to the smell, making you squirm in humiliation. Steve at your side chuckled, while Natasha grinned at you.
“Yep. There’s enough for you too. Unless Steve wants to impress you with his own cooking skills,” she teased and winked at him. He smiled bashfully in return.
“I mean… maybe next time? Since you already started…”
“Oh-ho, so there will be a next time?” Clint wolf-whistled, startling you with both the question and sudden sign of life.
“Let them be…. Coffee?” Bruce beckoned to the pot. You bit you lip bashfully. You didn’t want to be rude, but coffee… “Or maybe tea?”
You lighted up. “If it’s not too much trouble…”
“I’ll do it,” Steve hurried before the other man could rise from his seat. He pecked your temple. ”You go sit.”
“Yes, sir…”
Looking around, you weren’t sure where to. Between Bruce and Clint? Next to Clint since Bruce was at the bar stool at the end of the counter?
“You can sit next to Clint. It’s safe. This is his second mug of coffee,” Natasha supplied helpfully and you frowned in confusion. Perhaps an inside joke. “Yes, he is dangerous before he finishes his first.”
“Hey!” the man in question complained, but rolled his eyes for your benefit. “That’s actually accurate. You can sit here, I don’t bite.”
“He’s just a pain in everyone’s ass.”
“Morning to you too, Stark,” Clint saluted him and a mug of tea landed in front of you, soon followed by a stack of pancakes.
“You’re gonna spoil me. Thank you,” you said in earnest.
Natasha waved it off, while Steve let out a simple “Planning on it.”
“So you didn’t spoil her last night?” the billionaire hummed casually, pouring himself a coffee. Your eyes widened and you rather started eating to avoid an answer. Steve only sighed.
Neither of you replied, which earned you some raised eyebrows.
“She seems right at home in his clothes, huh?” Clint added and you shot him a look, mortified. Him too?
“She does, doesn’t she? Sign of a successful night?”
Steve grinded his teeth at Stark’s latest remark, turning a bit red in his face. You sipped your tea, figuring out a sassy response.
“Very successful. I slept like a baby. Sleeping duty fulfilled,” you announced and noticed that Bruce’s lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile. You continued. “That will be all, thank you for your questions. For further information, contact our PR department. ….Ouch, we don’t have one, looks like it’s none of your business then. Too bad…”
Tony’s mouth was theatrically hanging open, his hand clutching his chest and Clint’s eyes seemed rounder than a moment before; then again, that could just be because of the amount of caffeine in his system. Natasha chuckled, positioning a plate in front of Steve – his stack of pancakes was visibly taller and you wondered just how much he had to eat.
Speaking of Steve, he was smugly grinning into his mug. “I have nothing to add.”
“Still though. She’s like… shining or something. That’s released endorphins, I can tell. Good job, Cap.”
You internally whined.
If they keep that up, staying overnight is gonna start feeling like a sacrifice.
“Play nice, boys,” Natasha scolded them and you smiled at her gratefully. “Let the poor girl eat. She’s gotta make up for the calories Steve helped her burn…”
“You too?” you burst out simultaneously with Steve and Natasha raised her hands in a harmless gesture.
“I meant when you were dancing. What did you think I was talking about?” she asked innocently and everyone in the room but you two laughed.  
“I hate you,” Steve mouthed at her and she just winked in return, turning her attention back to her cooking.
You wished for the Earth to swallow you, but you liked the teasing air hovering above the group of friends. You smiled reassuringly at Steve, stroking him arm shortly.
“It’s okay, Steve. I still like you despite your annoying friends,” you emphasized the last words, which was followed by affective aww from Clint, Tony and Natasha.
Steve smiled at you, apologetic and kind. “Thanks, doll. You’re the best.”
To show his appreciation, he kissed your cheek, the innocent gesture drawing a wolf-whistle from Tony.
“Get a room!”
You just rolled your eyes and stole a quick peck from Steve’s lips for a good measure. He tasted like coffee; it seemed you might grow fond of that taste after all.
Despite all the odds, everyone survived breakfast. They teased you once more after you asked about Thor, learning he had left in early morning because of an urgent matter on Asgard. After all, he was son of the King. And an Alien. And a demigod. Apparently, you knew those now. What an insanity your life became in such a short time.
The team went separate ways after the meddling over the most important meal of the day. Steve stayed with you, of course, showing you around the Tower. You marvelled at the view and despite having a tiny fear of heights, you agreed to Steve taking you outside at the top.
It was incredible. You found yourselves basically on the top of the world, steps slightly shaky, but with Steve’s firm reassurance. You trusted him not to let you fall. So trying to keep your mind of the potential life-ending fall, you busied your mind with how touchy-feely Steve quickly became after sharing the first kiss yesterday night. You loved it.
When you came to a stop, you were unable to resist the urge to spread your arms and let the gentle wind play with your hair and rather loose clothes; Steve’s hands found their way to your hips to steady you. Slowly, he moved further, his fingers running in a feather-light touch over your arms and threading his fingers with yours.
You giggled and dared to lean onto him with your back, testing the waters. His lips brushed your cheek and you couldn’t but turn your head, catching his mouth with yours in a searing kiss. He was so sweet. You trusted him with your life, knowing he would never allow you to even stumble, and yet you were falling, falling for him so hard. The realization was overwhelming.
How could you be… falling in love so fast?
Steve gently squeezed your fingers, brining your joined hands to your waist and you decided you didn’t care and let the kiss consume you.
When you finally parted, your eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze. You couldn’t stop smiling.
“Put Titanic on your list, huh?” you murmured, your brain turned into a useless mass of lovesick jello.
Laughter was twinkling in Steve’s eyes. “Not really. It’s a perk of the movie nights, we take turns in who’s picking.”
You frowned in confusion. “Who chose Titanic?”
For some reason, Natasha didn’t strike you the type. Clearly, you were right, because Steve chuckled.
You burst out laughing, Steve soon joining you. You wondered if the whole Manhattan could hear you. Once again, you had no care in the world.
Part 6
@cxptain​ @mermaidxatxheart @smilexcaptainx , @murdermornings​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​ @eliza5616​, @rayofdawnworld  @victor-criss-bish​ @skychild29​  @elysianecho​ @simmisblog​ @scentedsongrebel​ @orions-nebula​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​ @songofcosplay​, @ilovesupersoldiers​ @wxstedhexrt @silver-winter-wolf @nova3312​
Tags are open, you want in or out, let me know :))
I actually had to split it into two parts, because it was waaay to much fluff in one go an that coming from me?  You better believe it!
Thank you for reading. Attempt at humour will come later, promise ;)
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ineffable-snowman · 4 years
I wrote a GO Christmas fic!
or am still writing, to be honest, but here’s the first chapter. It’s a human AU, inspired by too many Christmas romance movies that I’ve watched over the years.
You can read it here or on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28245411
Many thanks to the lovely people at the GO-Events discord server who helped me with beta-reading and brainstorming!
Chapter One: December 19th
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
Crowley threw his phone onto the passenger seat. Dead battery. And he was in the middle of nowhere and it was close to midnight. He cursed Lucifer and that stupid job and the stupid snow (and ice storms, road works, poorly signposted roads, and zero internet reception). He was completely lost without his phone. What was he supposed to do? Just keep driving, without a clue where Ashville was? Everything just looked the same: heaps and heaps of snow. Why would anyone want to build a factory here of all places? (Probably low property taxes.)
Crowley got out of the car and kicked the bloody snow at the side of the road only to hurt his foot because it was more ice than snow. He cursed some more. His words formed wisps of tiny clouds in the dark and the cold. A gigantic factory would definitely be an improvement for this area. It would mean a bit of variety in this desolate place. Maybe even a signpost here and there. Or internet reception!
Finally, the glint of headlights in the distance. Crowley waved wildly to make the car stop.
The driver rolled down the window. “Do you need help?”
“Yes. I seem to have gotten slightly lost. Can you point me towards Ashville?”
“Ashville? Never heard of that.”
Neither had Crowley before Lucifer had sent him there. “Do you maybe have a phone I could use?”
“No internet reception here.”
“What about phone calls?” Not that it would be much help. Crowley did not even know Lucifer’s number by heart. But maybe he could call directory assistance to ask for the number of that Bed and Breakfast, what was it called again? Something with ‘Book’. Shit. Of course, he had all the necessary information on his phone and only his phone.
“Afraid not.” The driver got out of his car and opened the trunk to pull out an old roadmap.
“Mm, didn’t know these still existed,” Crowley said but was all the more grateful for such old-fashioned things in this situation. Back in Chicago, the first thing he was going to buy himself was a new phone, at least two power banks, and a roadmap.
Crowley and his rescuer – with a bulky flashlight – poured over the old roadmap until they finally located the small town called Ashville. Without ever having been there, Crowley already hated it. He tried to memorise the map (taking a picture with his phone would have been so helpful…) and thanked the man for his assistance.
After half an hour of driving through more snow and trees, Crowley finally arrived at Ashville. Now he just needed to find his B&B. Well, he would simply do it the old-fashioned way: go to the tourist information or, in the worst case, book another place to stay for the night.
There was no tourist information.
There was nothing that looked like a hotel.
The streetlights had already been turned off as well as all the  lights in all the houses. It was not that late, just half past midnight. Did people even live here? It felt like a ghost town.
Crowley drove down road after empty road until he finally passed a house with the lights still on. He brought the Bentley to a halt and promptly slipped on the icy sidewalk when he got out of the car. “Damn it!” Clinging to the wing mirror, he picked himself up and shuffled to the front door. He was tired and cold and hungry, his bottom hurt from the fall and he badly needed to go to the loo. The lights in this house were his only hope.
A friendly-looking man in reading glasses and a beige cardigan opened the door.
Crowley quickly started talking before the man could shut the door right in his face, “Sorry to disturb you so late at night but your house was the only place with the lights still on, so I thought I’d try my luck. Anyway, I’m looking for a B&B in Ashville – I am in Ashville, right? – called something like Books and Bed and Breakfast. It’s meant to be here somewhere.”
“Did you mean The Book Nook?”
“Yes!” Crowley almost shouted in relief. Finally, something that went right today.
“You’ve come to the right place. This is The Book Nook. Are you Anthony Crowley then?”
“Oh, thank God! Yes, I’m Crowley.” Crowley smiled apologetically at the man. He must have kept him up for longer than usual  because, apparently, in Ashville, everyone went to sleep before midnight. “Sorry for being so late but there was an ice storm around Little Falls and the road was closed in Randall and then I had to go back to Little Falls and crawl along those bloody slippery roads again and try to find another way and I got lost about five times because I didn’t get reception for my phone and then the battery was dead. Anyway, sorry. Didn’t mean to keep you up.”
“It’s fine, no need to worry. The most important thing is that you arrived here safely. I am Aziraphale, by the way. Welcome to The Book Nook.” The man opened the door wider. Inside looked warm and cosy. “Please, come in. Can I help you with your luggage?”
“No need, don’t have much with me.” Crowley quickly got his suitcase from the Bentley and followed Aziraphale inside. He found himself inside a crammed little bookshop. Not what he had expected.
His confusion must have shown on his face because Aziraphale said, “Don’t worry, you won’t have to sleep between the books. Your room is upstairs and you have a perfectly nice and comfy bed.”
“Great.” Crowley followed him up a winding staircase, which was decorated with a festive garland. Aziraphale led him to one of the rooms and fiddled with the large key (Crowley could not remember when he had last stayed at a place that still used such keys. Key cards were the standard). Finally, he managed to open the door with a resolute yank.  
“There it is. I hope everything is to your liking.”
Crowley could only stare. It looked like a Christmas explosion had happened here. There were Christmas lights on strings wound around the wardrobe and the mirror. Every available surface was covered with Christmassy knick-knacks: Santa figurines, Christmas baubles, candles in the shape of snowmen, even a nutcracker (What on earth was he supposed to do with a nutcracker???). The windows were decorated with glittery stars and the letters forming ‘Merry Christmas’, missing the dot on the i.
Aziraphale looked expectantly at Crowley. Oh, yes, he had asked if Crowley liked the room.
“Yeah, great, thanks,” Crowley answered, staring in horror at the flowery bedspread and the assortment of plush cushions in various sizes, some of them with ruffles and lace. How old was that guy? Or did he rent his Grandma’s old rooms?
“So, what brings you here to Ashville? Visiting relatives?”
Crowley supposed that must be the only reason why anyone came here. Who would voluntarily go to this place? “Nah, I’m just a tourist on vacation.” He was not in the mood for small talk (and he really needed to go to the loo!) but it would not do to be rude to Aziraphale after Crowley had made him wait for so long for him to arrive, so he tried his best to be friendly.
“Vacation, how lovely,” Aziraphale commented.
Was that too obvious a lie? “Thought I’d do some hiking in the woods,” Crowley elaborated. “Just…find some peace and quiet, you know? Work’s been busy lately.” At least that part wasn’t a lie. He probably could convincingly play the exhausted businessman from the city who needed some time away from the hustle and bustle to find his  inner self or some such bullshit.
“Ah, I see. You would need snowshoes if you want to go hiking in the woods, though. The snow is very deep if you leave the road, you won’t get very far without snowshoes. I think I heard Sara say that they had sold out the last ones but I could ask Arthur if he could lend you his, he is about-”
“No, no, it’s fine, I brought my own.” Crowley did not own snowshoes, of course, but as he would never willingly go hiking in the snow, that was no problem.
Aziraphale dubiously eyed Crowley’s little suitcase.
“I left them in the car,” Crowley explained. “I hardly need them here, right?”
“Ah, no.” Aziraphale chuckled. “Anyway, I’ll leave you alone now so you can make yourself at home. Would you like a cup of tea? Or something to eat? I suppose you haven’t had dinner yet if the journey took you so long?”
Just on cue, Crowley’s stomach rumbled. “Starving.” The only roadside restaurant he had seen during his trip here had already been closed – at 9 pm! Ridiculous, really. “Any recommendations for a good restaurant?”  
“I’m afraid the diner is already closed.”
Of course it was. But another thing worried Crowley much more: “Diner? As in singular?”
“Well, Ashville isn’t that big. There is a pub in Elm Street but they only serve light lunches. And there used to be a lovely restaurant next to the town hall but the owner – sorry, you’re probably not interested in all of this. I have some leek and potato soup left that I could reheat or if you’d prefer sandwiches, I could prepare some quickly-”
“No, soup is fine.” Jesus Christ, Crowley just wanted to go to the loo and he needed to recharge the phone’s battery so he could shout at Lucifer for sending him to this ridiculous place – he did not need leek and potato soup. But asking the guy to prepare him sandwiches in the middle of the night seemed somewhat ungrateful. “Soup is great.”
“Lovely. The kitchen is just over there.” The guy pointed to the end of the hall. “Come whenever you’re ready.” He handed Crowley the rusty key. It had a little wooden guardian angel as a key chain. Then he finally left Crowley alone.
Crowley rushed to the tiny bathroom and groaned when he saw the crimson red and very plushy cover on the toilet lid. He was going to kill Lucifer!
After he had finally relieved himself, he unplugged the Christmas lights (because apparently there was only one socket in the whole room) so he could recharge the phone’s battery. Then he went into the kitchen, which was as crammed and full of Christmas decoration as his own room.
Aziraphale put a bowl of steaming soup in front of him. Leek and potato soup was not exactly Crowley’s thing but he was hungry and cold, so it would do.
“When would you like to have breakfast tomorrow?” asked Aziraphale while rummaging through the kitchen drawers. “I’m afraid I can’t offer you a late breakfast because I have to open the shop tomorrow at half-past nine. You see, the last Saturday before Christmas is always the busiest day of the year. Many people turn to books as a last-minute Christmas present. But if you wanted to sleep longer, I could prepare something for you. Pancakes are easy to reheat, for example, and-”
“Don’t bother, I just have coffee for breakfast anyway.”
“But if you plan to go hiking, you need to have a proper breakfast! Seriously, the cold will wear you out in no time at all!”
It took Crowley a bit of time to calm Aziraphale  down but he eventually convinced him that he would not go for a long hike tomorrow but would just walk around the town for a bit. Then finally Crowley could go into his room. He removed the horrible bedspread (and two woollen blankets underneath it) as well as five cushions. Five! Who on earth needed that many cushions? Most of them not even big enough to rest your head on.
Unfortunately, his charging cable wasn’t long enough – or rather: there was no socket close enough to the bed. So Crowley sat down on the floor next to the socket and texted Lucifer: Just arrived in Ashville. Are you fucking kidding me???? Well, he meant to text him but the message could not be sent because he had no reception. Damn it, this was a town, people lived here! How could there be no reception?
Groaning, Crowley stood up again and left his room. The lights in the kitchen were still on and he could hear plates clatter and water running. No dishwasher, naturally.
“Sorry, could you give me the wifi password?” Crowley asked. “I mean, if there is wifi…”
“Yes, of course there is. But it can be a bit finicky, especially if there are snowstorms. Which is practically all the time in winter. You usually have the best reception at the top of the staircase. The password is,” Aziraphale waggled his eyebrows, “Pri-fiAndPrejudice.” He looked immensely proud of that horrible pun. Crowley could not entirely suppress a snort of laughter. What a nerd.
“If there’s anything else you need, my room is the one next to yours. Don’t hesitate to knock.”
“Isn’t that annoying, always having strangers in your house?”
“Not at all. The house would be too big for just me. And anyway, I don’t have many guests and most of them are just lovely people, so I don’t really mind it.”
Crowley shrugged. He could not imagine living like that. But he also couldn’t imagine sleeping between dozens of tiny fluffy cushions and doing your dishes by hand. Suddenly his conscience got the better of him. It was way past midnight, this guy had offered him soup in his own kitchen – which was not usually included in a B&B – and was now doing the dishes. “Can I help you? I could dry the plates.”
“Absolutely not! You’re my guest and you deserve your vacation. Besides, I’m almost finished here.”
“Ah, well. I’ll leave you a five-star google review then.”
“Oh, really?”
Aziraphale smiled at him and – Crowley was momentarily taken aback. There was no reason to smile like that just because of the promise of a simple google review. Aziraphale’s smile was just like his Christmas decorations: blinding and completely over the top.
“Yeah, no problem,” Crowley said. “Well. Night then.”
Back in his room, Crowley typed in the password and waited for his phone to connect to the ridiculously slow wifi. Finally, it sent the text messages to Lucifer. While waiting for an answer, Crowley checked The Book Nook’s reviews on google. There were only two: one anonymous who had given it two stars and one who had given it three stars and an added comment “breakfast was good.” Crowley frowned. So did that mean the rest of the place was not good, just the breakfast? It felt oddly unfair. Obviously, this place did not meet Crowley’s taste but he could tell that the owner went out of his way to accommodate him. Crowley frowned again. What on earth was he doing here, pondering over google reviews while sitting on the floor because there was no socket next to the bed? It was cold and uncomfortable in spite of the room’s fluffy carpet. This was really absurd. On the spur of the moment, he decided to rearrange the furniture a bit. He pushed the bed closer to the wall with the socket – and almost tripped over the numerous boxes under the bed. Probably where the Easter decorations were stored…
There was a soft knock on the door. “Er, just wondering, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just perfect,” Crowley grunted and then sneezed heartily because his activity had raised quite a bit of dust from under the bed. (He would have to rethink that five-star review.) He pushed the bed further towards the wall until he could sit comfortably on the bed with his charger cable still plugged in. Only to get a notification that his phone was not connected to the internet. Well, he was tired anyway. He removed a Santa figurine and eight wooden reindeers from the bedside table so he could place his glasses and a cup of water there. Then he sank back into the bed. It squeaked loudly.
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tragiceyes · 4 years
The Importance of Being Honest
Note: Because of course I had to write a quarantine Jaydick fic. And it’s a little too dialogue-heavy to be a good fic, but I still had a lot of fun writing it!
Summary: Fourteen days Jason and Dick have to stay in quarantine together. Fourteen days until he kicks Dick to the curb forevermore. Jason’s counting down. Link to ao3 --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23598802 (read it there, better formatting)
Fourteen days left. Jason was counting his lucky stars they’d gotten stuck at one of his more robust safe houses. Half his places in the City were one-room, bare bones bunkers, with enough food and clothing for a couple days tops.
Conversely, they were trapped at his place in the Bowery, which, for all intents and purposes, had the form and function of a normal apartment. Fully stocked cabinets, a comfy couch and plenty of books to pass the time.
That is, if one could concentrate on reading.
Dick let out a long-suffering sigh. His tenth in the past five minutes.
“Christ, Dick, can you please shut up? I’m trying to concentrate here.”
“I’m bored, Jason,” Dick complained, “if you had more interesting things to do in your apartment-“
“-there are literally two shelves full of books right behind you-”
“I don’t feel like reading.”
Honestly, Dick was such a child.
“I don’t care what you feel like, find some way to entertain yourself,” Jason snapped at him, “or get out of my sight.”
Dick fell silent. He was the type of person who’d prefer silent company over lonely exile, Jason considered.
Jason returned to his book.
For a moment.
Dick stood on his hands and began tottering around upside down.
Jason let out a sigh of his own.
Monday morning. Jason had the same breakfast every day: six eggs and six strips of bacon. After pointedly ignoring Dick’s request for cereal, Jason was making enough for both of them.
Dick was making coffee.
“You don’t have any cereal? Not even Cheerios?”
“No, Dick. I don’t like to start my day eating a bowlful of sugar, and neither should you.”
Dick rolled his eyes, “Okay, grease monster.”
“Dick, this is a protein-rich breakfast. I burn through at least half it before lunch with my workout routine.”
“Yes, you have very nice abs, Jason. We’re all very proud.”
“How long do you think the energy from that cereal’s gonna last you? One or two girly cartwheels?”
“I’m an acrobat. I don’t want to be built like a tank.”
“Yeah, I can see you prefer to be built more like a ballerina.”
“Shut the fuck up, Jason.”
Jason sauntered over and dropped a plate in front of him. He grabbed Dick’s hand and slid it under his shirt, “Feel that, Dickie-bird? Try punching through that and you’d break your feminine wrist.”
“Impressive,” Dick concerned with a smirk, “or, it would be, if I hadn’t still beaten you in hand-to-hand combat countless times.”
“What you do isn’t hand-to-hand combat, Dick. It’s more like a rousing game of ’dodge-the-fist.’”
“Whatever, Jason.” Dick withdrew his hand, but not before purposefully yanking a little on the hair beneath Jason’s belly button.
He wasn’t above being petty.
Dick was a slob!
He was leaving his clothes everywhere, like a trail Jason could follow to find him.
It had only been two days. How had he made such a mess?
He stomped into the bedroom, where Dick was sitting on the floor, video-chatting Wally West.
“Pick up your shit, Dick!” Jason yelled, tossing the clothes at him, “This is my fucking apartment, have the decency to clean up after yourself!”
Dick hung up the phone, and removed the dirty shirt in his lap, “God! I’m sorry! You could just fucking ask-“
“You’re a fucking adult, Dick! I shouldn’t have to ask you to clean up after yourself!”
“-and I would have-“
“It’s not a fucking circus in here!” Jason stormed into the other room, having no further escape, “fucking trailer park circus boy!”
He instantly regretted that. Wasn’t like he hadn’t grown up poor himself. Dick’s trailer was no more shameful than his parents’ dilapidated apartment.
Or the occasional cardboard box.
He felt sorry. He hoped Dick hadn’t heard.
“Jason, can I borrow something else to wear?”
“I’ve been wearing the same thing for the past three days. Can I borrow something of yours?”
“Oh, yeah. Go for it.”
Dick emerged from the bedroom in a pair of jeans he’d cuffed at least six times (they still dragged on the floor) and a t-shirt emblazoned with the Red Hood logo.
Jason liked it, though he couldn’t say why.
Dick was lounging on his couch watching television, taking up as much space as humanly possible.
Jason ambled over, shirtless and still a little sweaty after his at-home workout.
“Whatcha watching?”
“Love is Blind.”
He snorted, “Seriously?”
“Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.”
“Sit up and move over, then.”
To his surprise, Dick moved over to make room for him.
They sat in silence for a couple minutes.
“I can’t believe you watch this crap. Honestly, Dickie, do you have no shame?”
“It’s not as bad as you make it out to be."
“Nothing about this is even remotely real.”
“Sometimes it’s real. And they really fall in love.”
Jason laughed heartily at that, “You’re kidding, right?”
Dick ignored him.
“Love at first sight? On reality tv?” Jason mocked him, “You do know people don’t really believe in that shit, don’t you?”
“They want to believe it.” Dick said simply.
Jason had just brushed his teeth and was getting ready for bed.
Dick was lying back on the couch, a hot towel over his eyes.
“You alright there, bird brain?”
“What’s with the towel-blindfold?”
“My eyes get really dry at night. Hot towels help a little bit.”
Jason bit down on his smirk, “Hmph.”
“Nothing. It’s just, I guess Mr. Perfect is mortal like the rest of us.”
Dick pulled the towel off his eyes to glare at him, “I’m not perfect, Jason. You’re just insecure.”
Jason raised his eyebrows, taken aback, “Well, tell me how you really feel.”
“I’m sick of you saying shit like that. You’ve been snarking at me since you were a kid. And I’m sick of everyone else saying shit like that, too. I never claimed to be fucking perfect, so it’s not my fault when people have ridiculous expectations of me that I can’t live up to.”
“Relax, Dickface, I’m sorry. Didn’t realize it was such a sore subject.”
Dick’s face fell a bit, “Well, it is. You all expect a lot from me, and I can’t always be what you want me to be.”
He put the towel back over his face.
Dick was in his bed.
Dick was in his bed.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jason demanded.
Dick looked up at him, “I think we should trade tonight. I’ve been sleeping on the couch for almost a week.”
“Yeah, and you’ll be sleeping there for another week. Beat it!”
Dick didn’t budget, “Come on, Jason. It’s uncomfortable. It’s too cramped and my back hurts in the morning.”
“You know what isn’t too cramped? The floor. Try that.”
Dick snuggled into his pillow, the bastard.
Dick ignored him.
“Just for tonight.” Dick said it like he was bargaining, but it was clear he wasn’t going to move.
“Dick, you’re 5’10-“
“-I’m 6’3. I need more space than you. Physically.”
“We can share, if you want.”
Jason glared at him, “You want me to come over there and move you myself?”
Dick didn’t even glance his way, “Try it.”
Jason stomped over to the bed and grabbed Dick’s ankle. Dick slithered out his grip. Jason lunged for him, and they wrestled on the bed together. He had the weight advantage, but Dick could be as slippery as a snake.
Jason moved to crush him, but Dick wrapped his legs around Jason’s waist and flipped them over. He seated himself right on Jason’s stomach, and grabbed both his wrists, bearing down so they were face to face.
He smirked, “Pinned ya.”
Jason’s face was red and his stomach felt funny.
Dick curled up tight like a child, far away from him, his head resting on Jason’s favorite pillow.
“This is a one-time thing.” Jason said aloud to himself.
Dick was already asleep.
“You’re smiling.”
Jason looked up from his book, “What?”
“You’re smiling at your book.”
Jason stared at him.
“Did something funny happen?”
“No…I, uh…I just like this line.” Jason mumbled to himself, “In The Importance of Being Earnest.”
Dick waited patiently. Jason swallowed.
“When Jack leaves, Gwendolen says ‘If you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life,’” Jason reads the line, biting down on his smile, “I always liked that line. It’s a good line.”
“It is a good line.”
Jason nodded at him awkwardly and continued to read.
“That’s cute.”
Jason snapped his head up so quickly, he cricked his neck, “What did you say?”
“It’s sweet,” Dick was smiling at him now, “that a line in a book makes you smile like that. I didn’t know you were such a romantic, Jason.”
Jason bit back the denial on the tip of his tongue. He returned to his book, feeling the heat of Dick’s gaze warm his cheeks.
The next morning, Jason was greeted with an unusual, though not totally unwelcome, sight.
Dick was contorted on the floor, ass up in the air and knees boxed around his ears.
What the fuck.
Dick let out a soft chuckle, “I’m doing yoga.”
He gestured flimsily to Jason’s laptop, which was open to a YouTube video on advanced yoga practice.
“Sorry I borrowed your computer without asking. Hope you don’t mind.”
Jason’s mouth was a little dry.
“Not at all.”
Dick breathed in time with the practice, “You’re free to join me.”
“Thanks, but…pretty sure I can’t do anything resembling that.”
Dick slowly untangled himself, “We can do a beginner’s class. Give it a try, it’ll do wonders for your state of mind.”
Jason considered snapping back that his state of mind was perfectly fine for someone who’d watched his mother die, lived on the streets, been beaten to death, resurrected, and replaced, but instead he just said:
Dick was singing a soft tune in a language Jason didn’t know.
Strange. The Bat had trained them in all the same languages, or so he had assumed.
He wanted to complain, but true to form, Dick had a nice voice, and Jason had been about to take a nap anyway.
He closed his eyes and let Dick’s gentle voice wash over him:
“Nane man dajori,
ňi kalo dadoro, ačhiľom korkoro
sar čhindo kaštoro.”
Dick was scrolling through the channels when he noticed Jason rummaging around in the cabinets.
“What are you doing?”
“Just looking for some yeast?”
“Yeah, I was gonna bake a loaf of bread to go with dinner.”
Bake bread from scratch? Jason was clearly a more sophisticated cook than Dick had realized.
“I didn’t know you could bake bread from scratch.”
“I can do a lot of things.”
“Will you show me?”
Jason looked over at him, surprised.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
Kneading was fun. Dick wasn’t doing it right.
“Not like that! You’re going to tear it.” Jason admonished him.
Dough was stuck to Dick’s hands. He tried to push it back into the mound.
“No, look. Like this.” Jason moved behind him, taking Dick’s hands in his own and guiding them rhythmically.
Push. Turn. Push. Turn. Flip. Push. Turn.
“Better. Keep doing that.” Jason let him go and turned to switch on the oven.
He liked the feeling of his hands on Dick’s.
“Let’s play a game!”
“Come on, Jason. It’s not like you have anything better to do.”
“Well, I’d rather do nothing.”
“Come on. A drinking game. Let’s drink the rest of your stash and play a game.”
Jason rolled his eyes, knowing he was going to give in. After all, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do.
“Fine. Go get my whiskey.”
Dick grinned triumphantly and made his way to the kitchen, returning with the bottle and two glass tumblers. He sat on the floor and patting the space across from him for Jason.
“What, we can’t use chairs like civilized people?”
“Come on. It’s more fun this way.”
Jason made his way to the floor, taking a pillow with him. He took the bottle from Dick’s hand and poured a finger into each glass, “What are we playing?”
“Truth or Dare.”
“How very high school of you.”
“You can go first.”
“Fine. Truth.”
“Who’s your favorite Robin?”
“I hate all of you equally.”
“Fine. Stephanie, then.”
“Good choice. How come?”
“Because fuck the Replacement-”
“And I don’t like the demon child.”
“He’s not a demon child.”
“-but you knew exactly who I was talking about…”
That surprised a laugh out of Dick. Jason was surprised. Usually, Dickie-bird was much more sensitive about his little demon friend.
“What about me then?” He asked with a self-satisfied grin.
“You’re in second place.”
“All right!”
“It’s a distant second.”
“Fair enough.”
Dick was still grinning at him with a funny look it his eye. It was making Jason feel exposed. He took a swig from his glass.
“Your turn.”
“Same question.”
“Oh, I love all of you equally.” What a sap.
“That’s a cop-out.”
“But it’s true!”
“No, it’s not. Your favorite is Demon Boy, followed by Replacement, followed by Steph, followed, in a distant fourth, by me.”
“That’s not true, Jason!”
“Yes, it is.”
“You were a great Robin-“
"Yeah, okay."
"I mean it!"
“Well, you didn’t exactly think so at the time I took the job.”
Dick’s face fell. Jason hated himself for hating himself for doing that.
“That was…complicated. And it wasn’t about you.”
“Whatever. I want a dare this time.”
“I dare you to lick the floor.”
“What the fuck, Dick!”
“What? These floors are immaculate.”
“They aren’t, not since you’ve been here.”
“Are you really going to chicken out this early, Jason?”
“You are fucking deranged.” Jason said authoritatively. But he bent down and licked the floor anyway.
“Fuck you, Dick.”
Several drinks and rounds into the game, and things were starting to get a little hazy.
“Your turn.” Dick slurred, flat on his back.
“Last time you made me dump ice cubes down my pants, and my nuts are still numb. I’m not taking any more chances.”
“Who was the first person you ever liked? Like like liked.”
Jason wanted to mock his language, but he was suddenly feeling a little warm, “Pass.”
“You can’t.”
“I’ll take a dare, then. Go ahead and make me drink from the toilet or something.”
Dick snickered at that, “No, you have to answer. That’s the law according to the rules.”
“You don’t need to know.”
“I really need to know now, cons-slithering…condisering...considering how much you don’t wanna tell  me.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“I won’t laugh at you, lil’ wing…”
“What a fucking liar.”
Dick cackled. “Fine, maybe I will then.”
“I’m not telling.”
“You have to,”
“Fuck no.”
“Please, please, please, please." Dick chanted. "Please!”
“GOD! Shut up! It was you, okay! Fuck!”
Dick’s jaw dropped, his eye wide. He looked like a fish. Jason decided to tell him so.
“You look like…you fucking fish. You look like a fucking fish.” He took a defiant swig of whiskey straight from the bottle.
“You like fish then. Fish fucker!”
Jason couldn’t stop a laugh for bubbling up, but being mid sip causing a bit of whiskey to go up his nose. It burned like hell!
“Fuck! You! You just made whiskey go up my nose!”
Dick was laughing hysterically, unsympathetic as can be.
“Fuck, that burns.” Jason coughed loudly, “God, I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Dick was teasing him now, and Jason couldn’t stand it. His face was reddening and he was glad to have to whiskey as an excuse.
“Get over yourself.”
“You really liked me?”
“Yeah, I really did. Which made you hating me fffffff-fucking hurtful." Jason continued thickly. The alcohol was really loosening his tongue now, and this could only end badly, "You hurt my fucking feelings, you know.”
“Jason,” Dick was crawling over to him now. Jason began scooting away, “Jason, I’m sorry.”
“Get away!”
“I want a hug!”
“No! Get back!”
But Dick was relentless. To Jason’s clear horror, he climbed up on his lap and threw his arms around Jason’s neck and pressed his face into Jason’s shoulder.
“God!” Jason yelled. He would never forgive himself if he went hard, “Damn you! Get the fuck off me!”
“Stop moving and just hug me!” As though Dick wasn’t the one squirming on top of him, absolutely clueless as to the effect it was having on him.
Jason groaned miserably. What had he done to deserve such torture?
“Get. Off.”
Dick squeezed him a little harder before relenting unhappily, “Fine.”
He crawled away on all fours, until Jason, emboldened further by the alcohol, raised a hand and brought it down as hard as he could against Dick’s ass.
“OW! Fuck, Jason!” Dick cried indignantly.
Jason was cackling madly at the look of disbelief on his face, “Ha! That’s what you get!”
“That hurt!” Dick dragged himself to safety, far from Jason’s reach, “Jesus Christ.”
He knocked over the bottle of whiskey on his way. Fortunately, it was empty.
“I guess the games over then…” Jason slurred, “which is….imma go to bed then…”
Jason stumbled to his feet, slowly and clumsily making his way to the bedroom, and collapsed face first into the pillows.
Dick wasn’t far behind.
Jason flipped to his side with a moan, only to be confronted with Dick shuffling himself into a little spoon position.
“No, Dick!”
“Cuddle me!”
“No! Get back on your…that side.”
“You know you want to.”
“I’ll kick you off.”
“Is it because you have a boner? It doesn’t bother m-UNF!”
Jason had just shoved a pillow in his face to smother him. He held it down with all his might, but Dick’s fist flew out and hit him on the shoulder. He loosened his grip for a moment, but that was all it took for Dick to get free and mount an attack. He gripped the pillow underneath his head and whacked Jason as hard as he could.
Jason pushed his face down with one big hand.
Dick kicked him in the stomach.
Jason grabbed his ankle and started tickling his foot.
Dick screamed in spite of himself and used his other foot to kick Jason in the chest.
Jason grabbed his other ankle and forced them to either side of his body.
Dick grabbed him between his legs and began to squeeze.
Jason threw himself down to crush him under his weight.
Dick squirmed to the side and used Jason’s momentum to flip them over.
“Ha!” He cried in triumph, hands on Jason’s shoulders. From where he was seated, there was no mistaking Jason’s arousal. Dick was impressed. After all those drinks you’d think he-
“AH!” He cried as Jason suddenly forced himself up, dislodging Dick from his crotch. Jason pressed his advantage, crushing Dick beneath him, hands gripping his thighs, chests pressed together, his face inches from Dick’s.
Dick’s eyes were wide, his face was pink, his lips were parted. Jason wanted to devour him.
Dick looked like he was about to speak. Jason could think of no other way to silence him.
He crashed his lips against Dick's.
Then they were kissing and moving aggressively, hands wandering, rolling around on the bed. Jason ground into Dick and Dick let out a moan that he knew would follow him in his dreams. Dick was tugging at his shirt, Jason was fumbling with his own pants, he was so tangled up in Dick he could hardly tell who was who, but he never wanted to be separate again, from now on he always wanted to be this close to Dick.
They were rolling, pushing, squeezing, and Jason’s head was pounding, but he was seeing and touching parts of Dick he’d never imagined, and Dick was touching him too.
They came apart together, and when it was over Jason, pressed closely to Dick, slept better than he had in years.
He woke up as if in a strange dream.
He was naked
Someone was next to him.
That someone was Dick.
His nose was in Dick’s hair.
He arm was clutching Dick’s waist.
Dick was naked too.
Dick. Naked!
And he was still asleep.
Jason shamefully snuck a peek at him.
He was all warm, golden skin.
Angular, perfect face.
Long, slim neck.
Strong, lean back.
Faded scars.
Round, plush ass.
Strong thighs.
Jason could lean in and stay pressed up against him all day long.
Instead he went to make some coffee.
As he prepared the first cup to Dick's liking, he heard a soft shuffle.
Dick was there.
He hadn’t bothered getting dressed.
God bless him.
“You know what this means?”
“You cheated.”
“During the game. You said Steph was your favorite Robin,” Dick was grinning at him now, all teeth. Smug as can be, “That wasn’t the truth.”
Jason walked toward him, stopping only when they were inches apart. Smirking triumphantly when Dick had to look up at him.
He wanted to taste that grin.
Dick opened his mouth again, “You-mmmmm”
Jason had finally found a way to shut him up.
They spent the day together.
They’d made it fourteen days. Dick was free to go.
But Jason didn’t want him to, and Dick didn’t offer.
What Jason did want to do was finally get to a grocery store. He had a nice dinner in mind, and needed some ingredients.
“I’m heading out!” He called, but Dick appeared, fully dressed in athletic gear.
“I thought I’d get some fresh air too. Going for a run.”
“See you back here later?”
Dick grinned, “If you’re not too long-“
“Don’t even think about it.”
“-I will wait for you all my life.”
Jason, refusing to dignify that with an answer, made his way out the door.
“Don’t pretend you’re indifferent to me!” Dick called after him.
Jason turned back with a grin, “Even before I met you, I was far from indifferent to you.”
Dick smiled, “Oh, Jason. That was so sweet. Did you just make that up?”
Jason’s grin froze on his face. He stared at Dick. Dick stared blankly back.
“Fucking dumbass!” Jason stomped off, not even trying to keep the amused smile off his face.
“Jason, wait!” Dick laughed, chasing him, “What do you mean? Jason!”
-the end-
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yanderelovebites · 5 years
Poly! Yandere Headcanons: TodoDeku
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-  Izuku is Clingy and Delusional while Shōto is Possessive and Obsessive. The way these two would combine would mirror two parents protecting their baby. With Izuku being clingy and delusional, he will think he knows what's best for you and a good chunk of it is also listening to Shōto. Don't get me wrong, don't think you're the only one dealing with his BS but Shōto is obsessive and possessive so he can calm Izuku down. You don't have that luxury. Shōto will also think he knows what is best for you while also spoiling you  and Izuku, which will only encourage Izuku's delusions.
- For starters, the Dom is obviously Shōto. It doesn't take much for him to get either of you to submit–especially in bed. The dual, the one who is okay either way, is Izuku. He doesn't mind being submissive to Shōto but he does want to dominate you. You are the sub in this. You just had to catch their attention, huh? Don't worry, it's not all your fault and they aren't cruel to you. (Izuku would never forgive himself if he was.)
- This relationship occurred originally without you. The two accidentally learned that the other had done some less than pleasant things for the other and realized the feelings were mutual. To be fair, the signs were always there but Yanderes be paranoid. Then they met you. You were more than likely a transfer student or perhaps you were related to someone on staff. Either way, they both loved your kindness but they always questioned your homelife. Your non-hero parent had been instilling odd and sexist things into your head for years and once those two found out... that was it. They knew they both had a crush, after talking about it cause again paranoia, and they knew you had to belong to them. You had to want them!
- Together, their behaviors really balance out. When it comes down to it, you can see how Shōto's type and Izuku's type are mirrored, Shōto's appearing more masculine than Izuku's. You don't really catch it for a long time. Izuku will like hugging you and showing PDA which will lead to Shōto joining to remind people who you and Izuku belong to. You see it as normal since people won't always assume you're in a poly relationship. You don't look it. When you start seeing it is when it gets suffocating like how descriptive Shōto is about you and Izuku that it's just plain creepy, when Izuku says things you're not ready for and he claims you are–claims Shōto is ready for, and worst of all is how you realized that they were a bit on the down end, there was a shrine dedicated to the three of you in Shōto and Izuku's home. Now that's hella creepy.
- Shōto will use his Ice, the pictures, and some secrets against reader while Izuku is iffy. Honestly, if anything, he'll ignore what ever was causing it and use his own force against you...personally, I wouldn't trying fighting at that point cause he's A ONE FOR ALL USER. There's a chance he'll accidentally break your bones, ya know?
- Izuku will definitely argue about the blackmail. He isn't big on manipulation tactics and is okay with the ice simply because he uses his own strength. Why should he do it and tell Shōto not to? That didn't make sense.
- You were kidnapped later on. It was a simple day, school was ending. Afterwards you went out for ice cream and didn't notice the sketchy man who was in the back who prepared it. Bribed. You got sleepy and fell unconscious from eating the delicious treat. When you woke, you were in a room that had a huge bed and there were scented candles all around. The sheets were silky and you were in a cute dress/adorable suit. And a collar.
- You cannot escape these two. One is always home at all times and if it's Shōto there's no way in actual hell you can. With Izuku, there would've been a chance if it weren't for the size of the house. They won't react kindly to your...attempt..
- Izuku would attempt punishment, but fails. If Shōto is home he will say no to whatever Izuku was going to do immediately and claim 'you need more loving' when he knows you already feel suffocated. That is reserved for behavior but during escape attempts, Shōto and Izuku will both be home and Shōto will coax Izuku into punishing you sexually–taking pictures. Oh, don't think he's pleasuring you. Neither of them will do that, no, they're taking pictures of you nude. What will happen if it goes out? (Again Izuku is huffy about this)
- usually Aftercare for behavioral punishments is letting be alone for an hour–you appreciate that. If it's an escape attempt kind of punishment, it usually starts with Izuku wrapping you up in a warm cozy blanket, Shōto getting you some comfy–and very covering–clothes. If you're crying, they'll play with your hair or gently rub your shoulders and back. They'll say you were a good boy/girl in soft tones and cuddle for hours on end. SEXY TIMES aftercare is typically cuddles, lit candles, reassurances depending on if you did any kinky kinky stuff. Usually it's Shōto to you and Izuku and you two have reassure him you're fine and that Izuku is fine and that you both still feel safe. Also may include some soft feel show whether it be a comedy or cartoons, it helps. You may also talk about making things more intense, maybe asking not to do certain things, and trying one thing extra next time. Shōto typically falls asleep first and you and Izuku may giggle at how cute his sleeping face is. Eventually you fall asleep then Izuku. Yep aftercare is nice.
- Shōto doesn't hesitate but Izuku will avoid killing if he can. Izuku will scold Shōto here and there depending who it was. Normally they get over it quick, it was already done.
- If Izuku snapped, he would potentially hurt both you and Shōto, cry about it, but would definitely get extra paranoid. At some point you would be too scared to speak to him and Shōto will try to fix it. This will end in Shōto keeping Izuku in the basement for awhile until he calms down. If Shōto is the one to snap, you wouldn't get hurt because he'd be extra. Izuku and you would be confined into a room and you would freak cause you'd smell blood and his fire. Izuku would try comforting you. He would hold you and try to calm you. If both of them snap, you will not exactly be safe. The best advice is for you to cooperate and relax. If it gets too much, don't be afraid to cry, it would be better to cry than to lash out. Usually this snap won't last long because after awhile, Shōto will see Izuku's behavior long enough that it snaps him out of his own insanity and he will proceed to do what he does to calm him down. There will be some spoiling but this will never leave your mind...ever.
- With Izuku, he isn't the most sexual. This is mostly due to his moral compass. Shōto is, but he's a traditional boy in this regard and wants to wait until all three of you are married.
- Neither will force themselves on you if you're not all married. If you are married, Izuku still won't because he doesn't want to have that on his conscience but if it's Shōto? He won't care, you're married now. Of course, this is punishment and if Izuku denies it guess who is getting punishment with you? Yep, scary...
- The kinks typically used are overstimulation, BDSM, roleplay, petplay, occasionally degradation, and creampies.
- They like giving their affection through hugs, kisses, gifts and on your B-Day they make everything about you. (Especially in bed.)
- Once you accept the two, find life is incredibly easy. You stay home and enjoy life. They don't mind you doing at home jobs like writing or such. It feels normal...except occasionally one them comes home with some blood. You may discuss kids, it will happen. If you're able to be impregnated then you'll be having one baby first. Honestly, it's a coin toss. If you're male, you all go and adopt at most three children. You are the stay at home. You are literally just spoiled and you will spoil your children. Izuku and Shōto don't stop you because they're also spoiling them. Shōto isn't fond of the idea of any of them wanting to be a hero but doesn't say it out loud to them. Izuku encourages 'a job that makes you happy' and you say "No job exists that has no competition, if you want a job when you're older, prepare to be the best you in that job. Not number one but the best you you can be."
Also, lots and lots of vacations. Usually you pick the spot.
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notcanoncompliant · 5 years
Finely Tuned
So I read this fluffy-ass prompt a while back:
“Person A was waiting for Person B to arrive for their first date, and when Person B doesn’t show up, Person A’s afraid they’ve been stood up. As Person A is about to leave, they get a phone call from an unknown number. It’s Person B, apologizing and telling Person A they’re in the emergency room for [[insert various stupid reasons here]]. Person A shows up to the hospital with take out, and A & B have their first date in a hospital room.”
….and my brain did this: ****************************************
Peter’s been way too lucky, lately.
His last bad night on patrol was over a month ago, resulting in a pretty minor bullet-grazing. Fixing his suit had been the worst part of that encounter.
This time, though, Peter’s sure there will be significantly worse consequences as he takes in what he can see of the spotless, sanitarium-style room he’s woken up in, the impossibly strong cuffs strapping him down spread-eagle on a hospital bed…and the whole ‘naked except for his mask’ deal.
He’s laying face-up and his head’s not strapped down, but he doesn’t bother looking around long for any objects he could use in an escape, weapons or otherwise. It only takes a few tugs against his restraints to realize he won’t be breaking out of them on his own, and he feels a rush of nerves; the strength of those cuffs means there’s a good chance he knows where he is, or at least, who has him.
A crackling sound emits from a small black circle at the center of the un-textured white ceiling.
“Hey, Charlotte’s Web.”
Peter stiffens at the familiar voice.
There’s a soft chuckle. “How do you feel about playing doctor?”
"Will she record…everything?”
Tony nods absently, flicking away another holo-screen of stats.
“Yeah, kid. Everything. That’s the point of the study. If FRIDAY knows everything, I know everything, and the suit’ll be ready for anything.”
It makes sense, but Peter still feels a little nervous about it. None of the tests so far have been anything close to invasive–mostly just wearing stick-on sensors while he does active things; runs on a treadmill or climbs walls–and he does trust the billionaire. Tony’s been nothing but good to him since they officially met on the MIT campus those few weeks ago.
Peter catches the words 'Tactile Sensitivity’ before the new screen gets flipped away.
Peter makes a sound, something he refuses to acknowledge as a whimper, and his face flares hot behind his mask. Another quiet laugh drifts down from the ceiling.
“Pulse up, temp rising…Are you afraid?”
The smirk is obvious, even if he can’t see the owner.
“No,” the voice continues, “I don’t think you are.”
“FRIDAY, can you–can you disable the recording? For, like, fifteen minutes? Please?”
He’s sitting at the foot of the bed, gripping two handfuls of the down comforter at the edge of the mattress.
The room Tony gave him to stay in for the overnight portion of the study is as cozy and welcoming as a hotel room (which is to say, not very much). It definitely feels as anonymous as one, and that illusion of privacy and alone-ness isn’t really helping him resist.
“I’m sorry, Peter; you’re not authorized to override or pause the recording.”
Peter squeezes his eyes shut. He can ignore it. He can. He does.
…He caves. The need’s too strong.
His pants and boxers end up shoved halfway down his thighs, and he wraps a hand around himself.
The door opens, and Peter hears someone step inside and shut it behind them. Footsteps tap across linoleum, stopping at the end of the bed.
“Oh,” Tony says lowly, “you’re definitely not.”
Eyes facing resolutely upward, Peter listens as the genius make his way around to stand beside him.
Something brushes feather-light across the tip of his erection, and Peter gasps involuntarily. The gasp turns into a quiet moan when that something begins paying deliberate but gentle attention to his leaking slit. Shutting his eyes, he bites down on his lower lip and struggles not to arch his hips into the contact.
Tony hums in interest.
“Love seeing how far down that blush goes.”
“Fuck, Mr. Stark–Tony–”
Peter gasps the name out as quietly as he can, imagines it’s Tony’s hand he’s fucking instead of his own.
Imagines Tony crooning filthy, sweet nothings into his ear as Peter slides his cock in and out of the slicked channel of the genius’ hand.
–You’re a slut for this, Pete, I knew you would be.
–Say it. Say you’re a slut for me.
“I’m–I’m a slut for this–for you,” he groans out into the silent guest room.
–Good boy. Make yourself cum, sweetheart. Make a mess.
He gasps Tony’s name again as he tenses up and spills over his own fist.
“I did some research after you left,” Tony says, casually.
The something–a fingertip, Peter’s 99% sure–does a few more small sweeps over the head of his dick and then stops, pulling away entirely. Peter whines at the loss, but he still doesn’t tilt his head to look.
“Did you know,” the genius says over a dull clicking sound, a case being opened, “that spiders have heightened sensitivity to touch?”
Peter wonders if this is how a heart-attack might feel.
“It’s an oversimplification,” Tony continues, “See, Pete, a spider’s touch sensitivity is fine-tuned–”
There’s a short, plastic click, and then buzzing.
“–to pick up vibrations.”
Tony clears his throat.
Peter pauses as he’s reaching for a cereal box.
“I watched the recordings,” Tony says.
Grabbing the box down from the shelf, Peter pours himself a bowl. It’s Frosted Mini Wheats, his favorite. The billionaire started stocking it in his personal kitchen after the first few times Peter’d slipped into the penthouse and crashed on the couch after patrol.
“Did you,” Peter says mildly, taking a bite of cereal. He still doesn’t turn around, doesn’t want Tony to see the pink that’s surely bloomed across most of his face.
When Tony doesn’t say anything immediately, Peter nearly looks over at him, nearly loses this game of chicken they’ve been playing for weeks.
Neither of them speak. Peter stubbornly eats his cereal at the counter, listens to the tapping of the billionaire’s fingers on his tablet.
Eventually, the tapping stops.
“Do you trust me, Pete?”
“Oh, God–”
“Thank you, but 'Mr. Stark’ is fine.”
Peter struggles a little, puts pressure on the restraints. Whines at the lack of give.
Tony tuts at him.
“Save your breath, sweetheart.”
He does trust Tony. Trusts the forty-year-old genius to take care of him. Of his secrets. Doesn’t matter that there was a little hero worship mixed in there, too, at first; Tony never took advantage. After his guest lecture, when Peter had come to him at the tail end of all the other student admirers, the older man had been warm and professional. Talked to Peter like an equal, despite the nearly twenty-year age difference.
And when Peter took a chance and called him after a particularly rough patrol, Tony collected him and brought him to the tower, no questions asked. Aside from whether or not he needed serious medical attention.
Tony Stark was the second person he’d trusted with his secret identity, and the genius had done nothing but provide him access to his lab and give him a safe place to crash when Peter needed it.
“Yeah,” Peter says, putting his spoon down, turning to face Tony.
“Yes, Tony. I trust you.”
The billionaire smirks at him, eyes dark, and heat pools low in Peter’s stomach.
“Then I have a proposal.”
Peter’s outright trembling as the end of the toy drags torturously light and slow up the inside of his left thigh. Closer…closer…it’s so close, feels like it’s a hairsbreadth away from where he wants it, needs it–
He almost sobs when it’s removed completely.
“Oh, Pete,” Tony says, almost reverently, “Barely anything and you’re already soaked. You slut.”
A shiver rolls through Peter’s body at the word, and he bites down on his lip again desperately to hold back another whine.
The vibrator returns to touch down on the inside of his right knee. He groans.
As Tony slides it back up along a path that mirrors the first on his opposite thigh–just as lightly, just as slow–Peter thinks he might actually cry. Tony’s right; hardly anything and he’s already about to fall apart, a pathetic mess under Tony’s hands.
This time, the toy stops at the end of its trail, but doesn’t pull away. Peter pulls against his wrist restraints in an effort to distract himself from the urge to shift his hips.
So close.
“What–uh, what exactly do you have in mind?” Peter asks. His mouth is so dry it’s hard to get the words out.
“A surprise. For you. In the vein of the study.”
Peter nods slowly. “Okay…”
“No impact play,” Tony says calmly. He’s not even looking at Peter now, just scrolling through something on his tablet. “Nothing extreme, nothing dangerous. You’ll have a safeword; that’s non-negotiable.”
The billionaire finally glances up. “In the interest of full–” he pauses, “–of enough disclosure, it would be…intimate.”
“I–I figured,” Peter manages.
At the first sense of vibration under the head of his swollen cock, Peter cums abruptly, three warm jets along his stomach, up to his chest. Through his rushing heart beat and ragged breathing, he hears the buzzing stop, and Tony’s low, impressed whistle.
Gentle fingers brush the edge of Peter’s mask, and Peter lifts his head so Tony can pull it all the way off. When he lays back down, Tony’s leaning just slightly over him, smirking.
“Comfy, Pete?”
Peter shuts his eyes, swallows thickly. Nods.
“Remember your words?”
He nods again.
Tony tsks quietly.
“Words, kid,” he says, amused, “I need to hear you say them.”
“Red for stop…green for good…yellow to slow down,” Peter rasps out. His breathing is just beginning to steady, but he still feels like he’s been running.
A calloused hand cards through his hair, massages his scalp. Peter shuts his eyes as a moan slips out without his permission.
Tony huffs a quiet, affectionate laugh.
“Good boy.”
The hand slips from Peter’s hair, and Peter hears and feels the older man shift back to stand in line with his hips. There’s another click, and the buzzing starts again.
“FRI, darling,” the inventor says, nonchalantly, “be a doll and start the counter, for me, please.”
Peter tenses, lifting his head sharply.
It’s been almost a month since he’s seen Tony, and Peter’s beginning to think nothing’s going to happen. All the texts they’ve exchanged–and they’ve been few and far between, a sharp contrast to the weeks prior to their last meeting–have been short and perfunctory on Tony’s end.
He tries not to be disappointed; it’s Tony Stark. The guy could have literally anyone he wanted. Maybe he just didn’t feel the need to follow through on an encounter with a semi-experienced twenty-two year old kid. Just because he’d looked at Peter like he wanted to completely devour him the one time doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Mid-swing, Peter hears a cry from below, changes direction.
Tony’s probably busy, Peter reasons as he drops down into an alley and what sounds like a garden-variety mugging, and it’s not like the billionaire owes Peter an explanation, anyway–
The alley’s empty, except for a small radio on the ground, still pumping out high-definition, very realistic sounds of a violent physical confrontation.
Something stings his neck, and he barely manages to sling a directionless strand of webbing before he drops and everything goes dark.
“I can’t, Tony, please…” Peter begs.
He knows he’s a mess, in his mind–everything is hot and overwhelming but so fucking amazing in a terrible kind of way–and on the outside–tears down his face, sticky all over his chest and stomach and thighs.
“Shh, Pete; you can, sweetheart. One more. Come on. Just one more.”
Tony’s voice is comforting and infuriating and grounding all at once. The genius had ceased the excess touches ages ago (only because Peter had begged him to stop when even fingers carding through his hair or trailing lightly down his limbs became too much to handle), but the older man hasn’t stopped talking. Sweet, encouraging, filthy words; warm endearments and oh so satisfying degradation.
Peter makes a desperate, wordless sound, tries fruitlessly to twist away as Tony draws the vibrator up from the base of Peter’s shaft back to the head.
For a moment it’s a continuation of the same torture of the last however-long-its-been, and then Tony moves away.
Struggling to lift his head, Peter stares down the sticky wreck of his torso in time to see Tony lean down and sweep his tongue over the head of his cock at the same time the vibrations crank up to a frankly unholy level.
“How’re you feeling, kid?” Tony asks.
It’s kind of a big question, Peter thinks.
He’s in the vee of Tony’s legs, reclined against that broad chest while they lounge together on Tony’s obscenely large bed. There’s no tension whatsoever in his muscles, he had the most satisfying nap he’s had in maybe years, and he’s absolutely stuffed from the veritable buffet of aftercare-appropriate food. Tony’s been checking and gently massaging his wrists and ankles, even after his healing factor made quick work of the faint red marks left by the restraints.
He feels loved.
…Or like he’s still coasting on the oxytocin rush of eight consecutive orgasms.
“Um. Good. Great,” Peter says finally, flushing slightly.
Tony hums, and a hand slides into Peter’s hair, calloused fingers scritching lightly at his scalp.
“We’ll try for nine, next time.”
Peter chokes.
180 notes · View notes
thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #212: Men of Deadly Pride!
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October, 1981
Here they are -- the new Avengers!
But not the New Avengers (the difference is that the hairy monster they have is Tigra instead of Wolverine).
And they are having difficulty.
I don’t know what they did to piss off Galadriel over here (I mean yes I do, she says it right on the cover) but she is kicking their asses.
A dark queen indeed.
Not much to actually say about the cover. Uh, the composition looks neat! There we go. A thing.
So lets jump inside.
Where in a moody dawn scene, Jarvis walks alone through a nearly empty Avengers mansion, little knowing he is being stalked until
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Tigra jumps out to do him a startle.
C’mon, Tigra. Be nice.
You’re the only Avenger actually staying in the mansion so try not to terrorize the butler.
And he was bringing you a glass of milk for your breakfast!
Although he says that he’s dealt with a lot of unsettling things and he’s learned to maintain him composure. He didn’t even spill a drop.
Jarvis: “I must say, madame, that I find you rather more unsettling than our previous resident Avengers!”
Tigra: “Oh? You a cat-lover, Jarv?”
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Poor Jarvis is even allergic to cats which seems to include giant cat women.
Jarvis asks how she got this way, prompting Tigra to give a very laconic backstory that once there was a human Greer Nelson who got almost dead and then the cat-people saved her life by turning her into a cat-person.
Tigra: “And, so, here I am, one pretty kitty! But, c’mon, Jarv, does it matter how I got this sexy?”
Jarvis clarifies that he meant how she got this way as in her upbringing. Like, why you so rude.
I guess I’ll just be grateful that this is just playful Tigra flirtiness as opposed to ‘i must make out with someone 24/7 oh hey a supervillain sure I’ll make you with you’ hypersexuality she’d have while on the West Coast Avengers, in the future.
Elsewhere, Tony Stark is decompressing from his one night stand, Teri. Admiring her very comfy couch, grateful that she’s still asleep so he can sneak out (Tony, you cad), and lamenting being on the wagon. When all that’s left to drink is scotch, bourbon, and half a can of warm, flat Dr. Pepper, you drink that Dr. Pepper if you’re Tony Stark.
Tony calls his secretary to have a janitorial crew clean up after the party and to send up a dozen roses for Teri.
And then he flies out the window as Iron Man, the Man Who Kisses and Runs! as Teri wakes up and is like ‘hey tonykins what the hell was that whooshing sound?’
Tony, you cad.
And elsewhere meanwhile, Steve Rogers wakes up promptly at six o’clock in the damn morning bright as the sun and raring to go. Disgusting. Truly disgusting.
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I joked about Steve getting up at 6 to run ten miles and whatever because of him criticizing Beast that time but its sickening to see it in action.
Anyway, after he damn sings in the shower like the perky morning man he is, he bounces out the window to the first Avengers meeting since the roster shake-up, musing how little they know about Tigra and how he’ll have to keep an eye on her because he doesn’t know if she’ll crack under pressure or not.
And then onto, ok wow, we are just having full pages of individual Avengers going about their mornings.
So we’re onto Normal Human Man Dr. Donald Blake reaching the end of the night shift he just pulled at a hospital.
Nurse Wilson pretty blatantly flirts with him (thinking to herself “C’mon, doc! Notice that I’m a woman! I dare you!”). Normal Human Man Dr. Donald Blake doesn’t seem to notice but his thoughts are on her, wishing he could take her out for lunch but that he has important Avengers business.
He then taps his walking stick and transforms into Thor and flies off towards the mansion.
And that brings us to Cresskill where Janet van Dyne aka the Wasp and Hank Pym aka Yellowjacket are going about their morning.
Befitting her blase attitude last issue, Jan just wants to stay in bed longer and cuddle but Hank is desperate not to be late to his first meeting as a newly active Avenger again.
So he’s in costume and ready to go while she’s still choosing which of her many many costumes to wear. Albeit with the ulterior motive that she’s trying to look good for him. She does put in like 90% of the effort into the relationship.
So she’s narrowed her choices down to a red and blue costume and a green and purple outfit that looks like maybe she raided the Green Goblin’s wardrobe. She asks Hank to decide for her.
And he does. In a sense.
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He blasts the green and purple number to shreds and yells “Wear the other one!” and when she protests the destruction of her stuff he goes “So what? Like you said you’ve got lots!”
Hmm. We haven’t seen Hank in a while. And he didn’t talk much last issue what with all the Moondragoning. But he’s taken a bit of a level in being a jackass.
And then on the ride to the mansion, the limo gets stuck in traffic.
Yellowjacket: “That does it! You can ride in your blasted chauffeured limo so your two-hundred dollar hair-do doesn’t get mussed -- but I’m flying to Avengers Mansion under my own power!”
And then he ditches. He ditches hard. Leaving Wasp to fly after him begging him to wait.
You’re a bit of a rude, Hank.
Like Hank feared, the two do arrive late to the meeting and he is gently ribbed by sudden class clown Captain America.
Captain America: “Well, look who’s finally here! Now the Wasp has arrived with her new partner -- uh, Yellowjacket, right? We can get started!”
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Is funny joke. Its been a time so they’re pretending he’s a new guy and ha ha he’s being described as Wasp’s partner instead of vice versa. What an upset.
And it is an upset. Tigra notices what the other Avengers seem to miss, that Cap’s joke just pissed Yellowjacket off.
And its not helped when Cap mentions that its time to elect a new chairman but Iron Man interrupts to say that he and Thor have agreed that its better for Cap to remain chairman. They did just reorganize the roster and all. Some stability is fine.
Thor: “We choose to waive the elections! Such is our right as founding members!”
And this sets Yellowjacket right the hell off.
Yellowjacket: “Is that so? Well, I resent not being consulted! As the Ant Man I was a founding member, too!”
Iron Man: “uh, of course Hank... you and the Wasp! But you came in late... we’d already decided...”
Yeah! The Wasp too!
But Yellowjacket has some kind of insect in his bonnet and he yells that he’s done being forgotten and treated as a has-been while Janet just silently cringes.  She wonders what’s happened to the man she loves. And why he won’t let her reach him anymore.
The meeting continues but the scene transitions.
To a cottage in an isolated glade among the wooded hills of Virginia. Where the olde talking power couple of Gorn and Linnea wake up. Linnea wants to lay in bed with Gorn a while longer but he decides NAY TIME TO GET UP NOW.
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Hey wait.
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I’m sensing... thematic parallels. I’m sure its nothing, though.
Anyway, Gorn is tired of living a quiet idyllic life in a beautiful glade with a woman who dearly loves him, as they’ve done for ten thousand years. His dander is up and he wants battles to fight and glory to win! He’s tired of being safe in the glade, protected by Linnea’s power. He’s a warrior, not a farmer!
(I see no evidence of farming around the cottage, just saying)
And since its either be ditched or go with him, Linnea decides to go with him.
Gorn: “You are beautiful in that gown, Linnea. Men shall again call you Elf-Queen as they did in ancient days!”
Linnea/Elf-Queen: “They also called me witch and devil-spawn! They are ever so cruel to my kind!”
Gorn: “Aye, and once we fled them! This time, if we must, we shall fight them!”
Ah, geez, Gorn. The cover implies this won’t go well for you.
So Gorn and Elf-Queen, him on foot and her on horseback) wander into Washington DC literally looking for trouble.
But before trouble, something to eat. Looking for an inn, they wander into a random restaurant.
Gorn, being Gorn, immediately starts yelling at the maitre d’, who he assumes is the innkeeper.
And here’s a bit of an interesting and not often used touch. Even though all speech bubbles are rendered without <> as is sometimes used to denote someone speaking a different language, Gorn and Elf-Queen Linnea are in fact speaking an ancient language.
Nobody can understand a thing they say.
And they can’t understand modern English.
This is a perfect setup for some farce.
Gorn ends up just yelling that he wants food and the maitre d’ gets the gist even though he doesn’t understand the words. This is Washington DC. A lot of people from other countries wander through. So he shows them to a table.
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Linnea and Gorn decide that the maitre d’ is probably the innkeeper’s idiot brother. I mean, that’s probably why he can’t understand normal language, right?
And there’s more culture shock to be had. Linnea is realizing how differently dressed everyone is in this era. None of the men are even wielding swords!
Elf-Queen Linnea: “And the women, Gorn -- ! The way they’re dressed --! Like -- like harlots!”
Gorn: “Aye! Hmmm...” -totally staring at a butt and not paying attention-
Linnea: “Gorn... ?! I-if we stay here... would you like me to dress so? I do not know if I can learn the ways of these women... but for you my love, I would try! Gorn... ?”
Gorn: “Mmm...” -still not paying attention-
Linnea: (Oh, Gorn! For ten thousand years we have dwelt together in solitude, as one in our love! Am I to lose you now, here in this city of temptresses?)
Hmmm.... this reminds me of something.... but what?
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A Barry Kaplan interrupts her inferiority anxiety by coming up and trying to hire her as a fashion model.
And neither Barry nor Linnea can understand each other still.
But she senses something of his intentions and warns him that this isn’t a good idea since she’s sitting next to a warrior and all.
Barry is like ‘maybe if I try other languages?’
And then Gorn notices. And Gorn is displeased.
Barry: “I warn you, I’ve had six jiu-jitsu lessons!”
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So Gorn gets up from that and just bodily lifts the guy over his head (Barry lamenting that he dropped out before jiu-jitsu lesson seven). But if you get the barbarian or warrior dropped into a modern setting trope they’re usually just way better than any soft modern man. So its funny to see this random dink get the better of Gorn, even if its just the preamble to what would have been Gorn delivering a thorough beatdown.
Its just not what you expect to see in this story.
Linnea magics Barry out of Gorn’s hands, trying to defuse the situation but Gorn interprets the situation as her ‘unmanning’ him.
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Gorn: “Why, Linnea? Why do you seek to unman me? Is it not enough that your power has preserved my youth and kept me for centuries? Must you now interfere in my battles?”
Linnea meekly apologizes.
And then the maitre d’ comes pissed off that this loud, shouting weirdo started a fight and is going to call the police on them. Until Linnea goes ‘oh right we should pay for the damage we caused’ and gives the maitre d’ a gold and diamond necklace.
And the maitre d’ mentally goes cha-ching and reroutes an order about to be served to give to the big spending non-English speaking weirdos.
When Gorn and Elf-Queen finally leave the restaurant wouldn’t you know it, someone stole their damn horse!
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What kind of city is it where you can’t leave a horse tied to a parking meter without someone making off with it??
Linnea once again is like ‘hey lets go home to our nice glade where nobody ever stole our horse’
Gorn: “It is your home, Linnea, where I am but a guest -- nay, a pet kept by your grace. Ages ago, I was a renowed warrior, honored and feared by nations and kings! If I am to be a man in my own eyes I must regain the glory I once knew!”
And then a cop comes up to Gorn because you can’t just carry a sword around Washington DC.
Gorn: “Eh? His words are gibberish but the intent is clear! This blue-clad warrior issues me a challenge! Have at thee scoundr- AHH!”
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And then the cop just maces Gorn.
Its not funny like the talent agent tossing him into a salad bowl because: cops. Its still a little funny because: Gorn.
Anyway, while Gorn is screaming and coughing the cop just slaps some handcuffs on him.
And Linnea magics the cop away from her boyfriend and worries over him.
Given this new horrible thing that has happened to them, another in a line of horrible things happening to them once they left their home, Linnea begs Gorn again to give up this quest to fight a random thing to make himself feel manly.
Linnea: “I am so worried, Gorn! The world has grown so strange! There is so much here that we do not understand! Please, let us go back before something terrible befalls us!”
He again refuses and she asks if he would die for his pride.
So he slaps her across the face.
And after all that she’s meekly gone along with his whims and tantrums and whatever else ways to describe Gorn’s exceptionally gornish way of being, she draws the line here.
Linnea: “Go ahead, Gorn -- stay! Win your stupid ‘glory’! I do not care! Farewell!”
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And she just walks away into the sky, twinkle, because she can do that.
When she’s too far to hear he whispers an apology but its too late and he sadly trudges off alone into the city.
Wow, that was six pages of just Gorn and Linnea, Elf-Queen. That’s nearly a fourth of the whole issue! We spend a lot of time with these two new characters!
Back at Avengers Mansion, Iron Man and Yellowjacket prep the Quinjet to fly.
Wasp: “You mean we’re going all the way to Washington, D.C. just because somebody there claims they saw a woman walking on air? What’s new about that? I do it every time my sweetie Hank gives me a wink! Then, again, they do have some wonderful stores there! Last time I went there I bought six fur coats!”
Tigra: “Sounds expensive! I’m lucky! Mine’s built in!”
Iron Man chimes in that the air-walking woman also assaulted a cop so clearly this looks like a job for the Avengers.
But when they finish up checking the Quinjet, Yellowjacket says that he’s discovered the ‘sonomodulator circuit’ on his disruptor gun is acting up.
He’s pretty sure he can fix it but Wasp chimes in with a more different idea.
Wasp: “I’ll just ring up Jeeves over at the East Side Penthouse! He can grab one of those doohickies from your lab there and zip right over in the limo! It’ll just take a few minutes!”
Yellowjacket: “You love doing that, don’t you? You love taking every opportunity to flaunt your blasted money! Well, I don’t need your butlers, your cars or your money -- and I don’t need you!”
And Wasp runs off crying that she only wanted to help. Yellowjacket storms into the Quinjet telling the other Avengers to forget Wasp and get going.
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Making the other Avengers feel very awkward about witnessing this fight. Cap even feels as if he should do something but doesn’t know what since its a personal matter.
A suggestion? Mandated couples counseling since this kind of thing could affect the team, will be the reason you give? Like. This clearly is something that’s going to cause trouble. Get ahead of it, Cap.
Meanwhile, back in Washington D.C. because yes Gorn didn’t just walk out of the book forever alone. He walked into a very honestly uncomfortably stereotypical gang who decide hey maybe we should mug that guy with the sword, it’ll probably pawn for something.
Gorn still can’t understand a thing anyone says but they’re carrying weapons and finally here’s a situation he understands. And finally he also doesn’t get played for a chump. He just wades into the crowd of six and starts laying them out with his bare hands.
This is what you’d typically see for a warrior type dropped into modern world thing.
Oh and then the cops hear the fight and go hey its that guy with the sword that there was an APB about.
And Gorn goes, hey its guys wearing the same livery of the guy that got me with that stinging vapor. Time to run at them with a sword.
So they shoot him five times.
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And he dies.
It turns out that Linnea has been watching Gorn from a distance this whole time, apparently unwilling to actually ditch. So she sees him get gunned down.
She floats down from the sky to his side and realizes that he is already dead. The cops mistake sky woman for an angel (but there was an APB out for Gorn so why didn’t the flying woman warrant a mention?) but if Linnea is, she’s an avenging one.
She turns on the cops with her magic and makes them sink up to their necks into the concrete.
Elf-Queen: “Are you begging? It is for naught! He’s dead! DEAD! My love is dead -- and this city, this world shall PAY!”
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And she turns her magic on Washington D.C., blasting a building and a helicopter, lashing out in grief at the world that killed her dickbag boyfriend.
This is when the Avengers finally arrive to the Plot, in this Avengers book.
The Avengers just see someone breaking property and go to stop her.
Captain America: “Avengers... attack!”
Of course, Tony being Tony, and kind of a loose man immediately gets distracted at the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Iron Man: “Excuse me, miss! Couldn’t we discuss whatever’s bothering you... say, over dinner at the diplomat club?”
Its... not a bad idea. A little bit of empathy. Its just his motive that’s bad.
And also, his inability to speak ancient languages. Elf-Queen still can’t understand a thing anyone says. She does think a flying man in armor is something Gorn would have liked. But that just makes her mad.
So she magics a railing to wrap up Iron Man.
Thor grabs Elf-Queen from behind, pulling her arm behind her back. Its strikingly reminiscent of the Standard Female Grab Area trope but Elf-Queen doesn’t believe in that trope.
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Elf-Queen: “You are strong, jackal! Your strength might have been enough to hold even me -- had you not presumed I was as frail as I appear!”
And she throws Thor into what is probably a monument.
Hmm, Iron Man and Thor got dunked so far because they really underestimated this woman because she’s a woman. Maybe don’t do that?
Meanwhile, Yellowjacket is thinking that this is his chance to prove what a star he is, if he’s the one that takes the threat down with his disruptor blast.
While Elf-Queen distracts herself with the dropped Mjolnir, Yellowjacket tries to shoot her with his disruptor from behind.
But it shorts out again!
Maybe he should have gotten the replacement part instead of trying to jury-rig a repair!
Elf-Queen senses the power in Mjolnir and tries to pick it up to better smash the world but finds she can’t lift it.
She guesses that there’s some enchantment on it since it doesn’t crumble the ground beneath it.
So she magics the ground to form a hand to grab and lift Mjolnir.
And then she hits Thor in the face with his own hammer. Hah.
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Another for the list of silly Mjolnir loopholes.
Linnea monologues about her backstory because. Look. She may not be a villain. And people may not be able to understand a word she says. But people in comics have to comic.
Elf-Queen: “I am Linnea, called Elf Queen and great is the power I was born with! It transported my love and me across the ocean to this land ages ago in search of solitude! It preserved our youth! It kept us hidden when civilization spread its taint hither! The forces, forms and sustenance of the world bend to my will -- but all my power cannot help my Gorn now! Now, my gift serves only as a means for vengeance!”
Iron Man manages to tear free of the railing wrapped around him just as Tigra loudly pounces at Elf-Queen.
And Elf-Queen just gestures and sends Tigra flying into the air. High, high into the air. So high, so into the air that Iron Man has to fly after her to make sure Tigra doesn’t end up asphyxiating in space.
With all of the other Avengers out of action (or standing around uselessly like Yellowjacket), Elf-Queen turns out wrath on Captain America.
She blasts a building, sending a whole wall at him.
Cap dodges through the rain of rubble and berates himself. He realizes that he should have attacked sooner but he’s been holding back, trying to figure things out.
She’s speaking a language that doesn’t sound like any he knows of. Her clothes seem to be of ancient design. And he’s wondering if she maybe just popped out of the past, somehow surviving from some age undreamt of.
And hey, relatable, kinda. He spent decades in suspended animation.
Elf-Queen throws a lake of fire between her and Cap and Cap figures hey she’ll expect me to go around. So he jumps over it, doing her a startle.
Cap: “Good! I took her completely off guard! This is a perfect chance -- to show her that we want only peace!”
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So he stands in front of her, hands to his side, palms showing. Showing no aggression.
Elf-Queen: “You did not strike when you had the opportunity! I could slay you easily now! Unflinchingly you face death! How like... my Gorn... my brave warrior!”
The fight could have ended here. Could. Could have. Could’ve.
Because Yellowjacket has been focused entirely on fixing his disruptor this whole time and has not paid any attention to how the fight has been going.
So when he gets the disruptor fixed, he doesn’t think ‘oh hey Cap is standing there and nobody is currently fighting!’ he thinks ‘wow this is a really easy shot’ and shoots Elf-Queen in the back.
And turns out that Linnea - a person who can toss Thor around - can also weather a disruptor. So she’s just mad. Furiously.
She figures that Cap’s courage was just a bold ruse. So she’s going to kill him. AFTER she throws a car at Yellowjacket.
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Yellowjacket: “Oh, no! My sting’s shorted out again! No time to dodge! I’ll be crushed!”
But before Hank can be crushed like some kind of insect, can’t really think of a specific example, he is saved by Jan, who comes out of nowhere and blasts the car away with all of her might.
And apparently car blasting is under that umbrella.
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But it takes it out of her and she weakly flutters to the ground.
Hank has mixed feelings about not being dead.
Yellowjacket: “You -- you saved me! You shattered the truck with your bio-electric sting! You saved me! You! She must have followed us down here... probably chartered a plane! She followed us down here, and when I was dead meat for sure, she saved me! Why her? WHY?”
Where are you in your life where you have to ask that, Hank?
Elf-Queen is like well that just happened but I’m just going to try to kill him again.
But Cap jumps in front of her again and very assertively non-aggressives.
Captain America: “Don’t do it! Don’t you see? It was a mistake -- an accident! If only you could understand me! Don’t kill him!”
Elf-Queen: “You dare stand in my way? Can you not see the rage in my eyes?”
But nonetheless, she subsides. The Avengers all re-assemble, ready to rush her but Cap tells them to stand down.
Elf-Queen Linnea starts crying and just walks away from the team.
Feeling a bit awkward, Cap decides to follow her to see what’s what. And they find her crying over Gorn.
Thor: “A fallen warrior! Her husband, perchance?”
Captain America: “Somehow I -- I think I knew! I mean... I’m not surprised! She seemed... grief-stricken!”
Iron Man: “I -- I wonder how this all came to pass?”
They’ll probably never know. The shot isn’t wide enough to say for sure but I think that if the Avengers saw, they’d say. I’m pretty sure those cops Linnea sank into the concrete have finished sinking. So it goes.
Cap says he’s sorry for what happened, knowing that his words will probably mean nothing to her. Language gap and all.
Linnea: “I hear compassion in your voice, brave champion! Is there such a thing in this cold, cruel place, save in your own heart? I cannot forgive your world for what it has taken from me.. but, for you, who are so much alike my beloved... for you, I will go in peace... for now!”
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Yeah. She’s never coming back.
This is her and Gorn’s only appearance.
So despite Tigra wondering if she’ll be back and despite Iron Man’s suspicion that she might be a mutant, it doesn’t matter.
She’s done her role in the narrative and she’s gone.
But as the Avengers try to figure out what this was all about, Wasp looks at Yellowjacket with worry. For the issue ends with him still consumed in bitter thoughts and oblivious to Wasp.
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And the big next time teaser says COURT MARTIAL! so. Yeah.
We’re coming on to a storyline that anyone who knows at least two things about Hank Pym knows. You probably already know it or will be able to guess it.
I was familiar with this story but only the moment where Hank shoots Elf-Queen in the back and makes things worse for himself. I hadn’t absorbed via osmosis how much of a shit he was being throughout. And nobody ever talks about Gorn.
Which is a shame.
The title of the issue comes right out and connects the obvious dots.
“Men of deadly pride!”
And that can only be Hank Pym and Gorn.
Much of this issue doesn’t actually feature the Avengers. There’s this long stretch in the middle that just has Gorn and Linnea leaving their home, traveling to the big city, Gorn’s attitude getting worse and worse, and finally his death.
Its clear enough that Gorn represents Hank Pym.
Hank rails against Janet for flaunting her money and emotionally withdraws from her and even becomes angry with her. He rankles at the idea he might be perceived her partner instead of vice versa. Feels he’s not being given the respect he deserves.
While Gorn resents that Linnea is the one caring for him. He emotionally withdraws from her. He perceives himself a pet to her. That he was once renowned and desperately needs to regain his glory.
And he just gets angrier when Linnea has to rescue him from his dumb mistakes.
Much like Jan had to rescue Hank in this issue, something that basically made Hank check out of the rest of the issue.
I don’t know what Gorn may have been like ten thousand years ago that Linnea sees him in Captain America most, but he’s a shadow for Hank Pym.
And what’s interesting is how the story looks at Gorn and his machismo. His obsessive preoccupation with proving himself. The story highlights the problems he creates for himself eventually leading to his death. It shows a person that just can’t live in the modern world.
And then the story looks at Hank Pym. One of the 60s style manly men holdovers. Paints him in much the same light. And seems to ask. “Can you live in the modern world?”
The question is in the air.
Its not particularly deep symbolism. But it surprised me that nobody ever mentions it.
Interestingly, if Hank is Gorn then Jan is Linnea. Their personalities are different enough that this might seem strange.
But they both draw the line in a similar place with their partners.
And there was a What If? based on this issue What If? #35 where Hank did die, much as Gorn did. And Wasp became an avenging angel of her own. Taking the identity of Black Wasp and brutally attacking criminals.
She even contemplates letting Cap be killed by falling debris, blaming him for Hank’s death.
All I can say is that this has been one awkward first day for Tigra.
Follow @essential-avengers​. Like or reblog this post. Stay tuned for more of this sort of thing.
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Requests are open !
So i am taking request! You all can request for Eisuke, Soryu, Baba, Mamoru from “Kissed By The Baddest Bidder (KBTBB) & Sam & Dean Winchester from “Supernatural” & guys from "Lovestruck" from GIL, AFK,L&L, Castway & HIFL. Give me number & name of the guy!
Here are some of the prompts you can request from:
“You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
“Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“You smell really nice.”
“Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
“If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Here, let’s share the blanket.”
“You’re comfy.”
“You are my new pillow.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“But I want to hear you sing.”
“We can talk over dinner.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it!”
“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
“Will you let me rub your back?”
“Care to give me a back scratch?”
“Star-gazing was a good idea.”
“You look beautiful/handsome in the moonlight.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I’ll be here to protect you.”
“I think I love you.”
“You are my love.”
“How about something warm? It will will help you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
“It is not morning yet.”
“Shush and go back to bed.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“We’ll do dishes together.”
“How about a kiss?”
“I love your hugs.”
Here, I saved some for you. Try it?”
“I just really need a hug right now…”
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.”
“Join me in the blanket fort. We play until dawn.”
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
“Sure, it *looks* safe, but watch what happens when I do this.”
“I had a nightmare… can you stay up with me?”
“We’re going to have to raid the neighbors if you want more pillows to turn this into a Pillow Fortress Castle.”
“This would look so cute on you!”
“Okay, but if you turn the lights off for this playthrough, I’m not being held accountable for anything I do when spooked.”
“I said we could share a blanket, but if you put your cold feet on me *one more time*…”
“You’ve been working too hard and I’m calling a Netflix intervention. Not taking no for an answer.”
“I’ve got a gallon of ice cream and if you don’t get a spoon my tummyache will be all your fault.”
“Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.”
“My hand is cold. Unless we find somewhere to stop soon, it’s going up your back.”
“Oh my god, just pet my hair already.”
“After that movie you’re staying for a sleepover. I know you don’t want to go home and sleep alone anyway.”
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?”
“C'mon, I need a Player 2.”
“I bet you can’t make it all the way through the movie without screaming at it.”
“If you put that in the microwave uncovered I swear I will beat you to death with a plastic spoon.”
“What was that flavor of cake you liked? I need to know because reasons.”
“When we get that house you’re handling the spiders.”
“Going to the mall alone is boring. Besides, I need someone to tell me how great I look in all the clothes I try on.”
“It’s not MY fault you scream like a schoolgirl on a rollercoaster.”
“It’s an arcade, do you need more reasons to go?”
“Please tell me why you were napping in my freshly dried blankets *while they’re still in the dryer*.”
“Can we please take cheesy best friend pictures in that photo booth? I promise to keep silly faces to a minimum.”
“I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.”
“C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.”
“I hate this game so much. Here’s a link, you should totally play it.”
“I take no responsibility for any smells you may or may not encounter from this point forward.”
“Okay, but consider that if you don’t watch this show with me, I’ll still rant to you just as much about the feels it gives me.”
“If anyone turns that fan off again I swear someone’s going to bleed.”
“Help me, the computer’s making sad beeps again. Make it happy, please.”
“I have in front of me: One DVD, seven remote controls, and an entertainment center. This will be a voyage of discovery.”
“If I die, you get my cat. So make sure I live through this.”
“I need someone to cling to in the haunted house, and you’re it.”
“Yeah, but you’re *my* nerd.”
“The remote is two feet thataway and I don’t feel like moving. We’re stuck with this.”
“You are aware this was the worst idea ever and you’re lucky you’re my best friend, or else I’d leave you alone to deal with this.”
“I’d say sorry my mom tried to adopt you again, but it was kind of my idea.”
“There is a perfectly good reason I’m eating these mini marshmallows right out of the package, I’m certain of it. Probably.”
“Okay but hear me out: Fluffy. Sharks.”
“Please keep your sick away from me and get better soon. I made you soup.”
“That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.”
“If you don’t come up and sing with me, I will sing and point at you. The entire. Time.
Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
“Define normal.”
“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
“Were you dropped on your head?”
“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.”
“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“If I survive, can I go home?”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you.”
“I don’t think I could ever stab someone. I mean, let’s be honest. I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.”
“Insanity run in my family. It practically gallops.”
“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.”
“Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I need therapy after this.”
“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.”
“I’m not weird. I am limited edition.”
“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.”
“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.”
“If history repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?”
“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
“I’d explain it to you, but you’re brain would explode.”
“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.”
“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.”
“Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“You’re good. A monster pain in the ass… but you’re good.”
“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!”
“The female of the species is more deadly than the male.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.”
“Go on, knock his teeth down his throat.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers and people who talk at the theater.”
“What’s the point in screaming? No one’s listening anyway.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.”
“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.”
“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.”
“This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some… No. No, no, all bad.”
“A little gasoline… blowtorch… no problem.”
“Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.”
“I know you can’t kill anybody, ‘cause I can’t kill anybody.”
“You’re insane, but you might also be brilliant.”
“What you call insanity, I call inspiration.”
“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
��Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.”
“I like you. You’re different.”
“You successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.”
“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.”
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”
“I care so little, I almost passed out.”
“Well behaved woman rarely make history.”
“You’re so weird.” “You have no idea.”
“The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor.”
“You haven’t even seen my bad side yet.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over it’s dog.”
“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.”
“Oh God, we’re not gonna have to hug or anything, are we.”
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. Give me a drink.”
“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.”
“Have fun being deal.” “I will.”
“Damn, you’re strong for a little thing.”
“It’s called thinking. Go with it.”
“I made a new friend today.” “Real or imaginary?” “Imaginary.”
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.”
“I’m getting real bored and impatient. I don’t do bored and impatient.”
“The girl is strange no question.”
“Do us a favor… I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try no to do anything… stupid.”
“I know most people don’t like me; I don’t care, I don’t like most people.”
“You are a very strange person.” “Well, thanks for noticing.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but… no.”
“I didn’t steal it. I permanently borrowed it.”
“I’m not shy. I’m just examining my prey.”
“If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs.”
“I don’t dislike you, I nothing you.”
“Are you crying? No, I’m impersonating a fountain.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.”
“You’re kinda anti-social, you know that?”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My advice is much more subtle. Stop being an ass.”
“I’m just gonna pack up and go straight to hell now.”
“My ex? Yeah, I’d still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or baseball bat.”
“She’s complicated like the DaVinci code, you know but harder to crack.”
“And just like everything else we do around here, it’s about to get weirder.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“Why do I still like you, knowing you’re a total asshole?”
“What does not kill you will likely try again.”
“Oh honey, I would but… I don’t want to.”
“And hello to you too… little homewrecker.”
“I’m gonna make you wish you were dead.”
“I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.”
“What doesn’t kill me might make me kill you.”
“In another life, I think I was in a mental institution.”
“I’m not crazy. I’m just interesting.”
“Don’t make me pop your ten grand sand bags honey.”
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.”
“You have something in your hair - let me get it for you.”
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I couldn’t help but stare at you.”
  “Um, would it be okay if I held your hand?” 
“Shut up and kiss me already.” 
“You’re the most important person in my life.” 
“Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” 
“I’m not much of a chef, but… I really hope you like this.” 
  “Sorry for calling so late - I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
“I need you more than you need me.”
“I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you… I can’t.”
“The truth is… I love you.”
“You like me more than you like them, right? Right?”
“Be mine. Please.”
“I am who I am because of you.”
“It’s been a long day… let’s take a bath together.”
“Wait, don’t pull away - I want to hug you for awhile longer.”“Ah- I adore your laugh.”
“Stop that, it tickles!”
“Ouch, I bit my lip… kiss it better?”
“I don’t want to get up… I’m so warm beside you.”
“You’re so intoxicating to me.”
“Your eyes are amazing… do you know that?”
“You’re just so wonderful.”“S-Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me blush…”
“Are you tired? Rest in your head in my lap.”
“You, Me, Order In, Netflix… waddya say?”
“I want to be more than just friends with you.”
“Fuck it - do you wanna get married?”
“Your smile is beyond gorgeous… please, keep doing it.”
“Whenever we’re together, I feel at home.”
“Will you say you love me? Pleeease?”
“Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?”
“Wow - you look… amazing.”
“*Puts hands over eyes from behind* Guess whooo?”
“I’m not jealous! It’s just… you’re mine!”
“I want to go on a date! I demand it!”
“We just met, this is crazy, I’m referencing a song… but call me maybe?”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring… I-I was looking at something behind you!”
“Do you want some? Here, open your mouth… I’ll feed you some!”
“It’s been a long day… here, let me give you a massage.”
“Is it alright if I call you princess?”
“It’s not like I like you or anything! … Okay, well- maybe I do.”
“I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you’re nothing but perfect.
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lieutenantmaritza · 5 years
comfort crowd | madric
word count: 1,402 characters: aurora reynolds x cedric montgomery  summary: cedric recognises that aurora isn’t having the best day, so he brings her lunch and they have a tender moment within her office. 
Cedric knew how to see past Aurora’s facade. A facade she often wore, for the world to gaze upon, so they didn’t see her pain and trauma. Plainly, she was rather skilled in hiding her true emotions away from her colleagues or anyone she didn’t trust completely. Cedric was one of the few people that she trusted enough to drop the entire facade, to drop the walls she builds every single morning. 
Today, he could tell she was struggling. There were a few cracks within her created public image, although you could only identify that if you knew what to look for. Her normal tone of cockiness wasn’t there and he could tell she was on guard, constantly looking out for any threats. He didn’t have the chance to talk to Aurora today, she was rather busy training her privates. But Cedric knew she’d spend a few hours in her office just after lunch, and that’s when he was planning to check in with her, give her a chance to let the facade fall and express the emotions that she was hiding. He knew that she couldn’t really lie to him, and he sometimes took advantage of that. Aurora would often bottle up her own pain and problems to take care of others. Cedric tried to give her an option of letting it out whenever he could. But in the meantime, he’d travel out to get some lunch for both of them. 
[C] 10.57AM: maritiz, subway or kfc? figured you might want some lunch love 
[A] 11.02AM: ohh ced, you know i feel bad about you constantly paying for lunch 
[C] 11.05AM: and you know i don’t care
11.06AM: just choose one or i’ll just surprise you 
[A] 11.11AM: fine, subway. but i’m not in my office till midday 
[C] 11.14AM: i’ll see you at 11.45 then 😘
[A] 11.16AM: not gonna bother arguing w you, cedric 
[C] 11.23AM: good ;) 
He let himself into Aurora’s little, but homey office a few minutes after midday. He placed their lunch down on the corner of her desk, two twelve inch subways and a can of coke each. Cedric walked over to wind up the curtain a quarter of the way, illuminating the room but keeping the nice, comfortable feeling. 
Placing his own belongings beside her couch. A couch in an office isn’t exactly conventional or professional but if you know Aurora, you’d know that it suited her immensely. The real reason why she had a couch was so she’d have somewhere private to have naps or rests whenever she’d gone a few days without sleep. Which happened more times then she’d probably admit. The lack of sleep was one of the side effects both of them came home from their deployment with. After months of sleeping on the ground, having a comfy, soft bed was quite an adjustment and it still bothered them both occasionally. But the majority of the time, the lack of sleep was due to nightmares. Nightmares that wouldn’t stop, that just kept replaying over and over until either one of them woke up screaming. Aurora’s record without sleep was four days, his record is five days. It wasn’t the ideal state of living, but they made it work. 
A familiar sound of heels clicking against the tile floor caught Cedric's attention. His hands instinctively went up to fix his hair, as the doorknob turned and Aurora stepped in. Upon seeing Cedric, sitting on her couch, she stopped in her tracks. She shifted her weight onto her right leg, with a smile upon her face. 
“You beat me here,” Aurora laughed, closing the door behind her and dumping her bag around the side of her desk. “Well, I didn’t want the coke to get hot?” Cedric replied, holding his fist out, to which she returned the fist bump. He gestured to the food, still sitting on her desk. Aurora grabbed one of the cans, sitting herself down on the couch, her thigh resting against his. 
“The food, Ced?” She gestured, with a smile on her face. “Got your usual,” He said, reaching for the subs, before giving Aurora hers. The sound of plastic was dominant, as they both opened their lunch. Both of them leaned back into the couch, getting comfortable, resting against each other. They’d had alway been rather affectionate with each other, comfortable with their other’s presence. Lounging close or partially on top of one another was a common occurrence. 
“How you holding up today, love?” Cedric inquired. “Got a feeling that you’re struggling a bit today.” Aurora took a heavy breath, “I’m just… okay,” she made eye contact with Cedric, her mouth only curving in the slightest. “You know you can’t lie to me,”  “I know.” “And that I can see through that image you display to everyone,” 
“Uh-huh, I know Ced,”  her shoulders lifted and slumped with her next breath. Her head shook slightly, “it feels like that it’ll never stop. I can’t sleep, they’re following me around, my hip hurts practically all the time. It just doesn't stop.”  “They?”  “The hallucinations. The boy, I see him in my dreams, when I’m awake. It never stops.” 
A silence fell over them. He couldn’t do much to help, which pained him. But Cedric knew how she felt, there were many days where he wondered whether the pain would ever stop. Most times it didn’t. He leaned back and put his arm around Aurora’s shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Cedric pressed a light kiss on her upper forehead, his hand slightly squeezing her shoulder. She leaned into his body, her head resting on Cedric’s shoulder, as they continued to eat in comfortable silence.
“I wish I could do more,” Cedric whispered, “but if you need help with anything, just ask okay? Even if it’s paperwork you need done, or staying with you when you just need someone, or hell- I’m happy to fetch your lunch each day, Martiza.” 
“I’m happy with this, Cedric.” Aurora tilted her head up and made eye contact with him, displaying a small smile. She noticed how his gaze quickly glanced to her lips then back up to her eyes. Neither of them realised how close their faces truly were, but neither seemed to pull away.  
“I’m really content with just sitting here,” her free hand motioned to themselves and the room, “with your company. Grazie for lunch, ‘preciate it.” “Anytime, Martiza,” “You know, you’re the only one who calls me by my middle name, rather than my first.” “Yeah?” “Yeah!” Aurora turned to face Cedric more, “most just use the military titles or Aurora, or plain out Reynolds. But I quite like Martiza and you’re the only one who calls me that.” She smiled more, taking a brief pause, “So it’s special.” 
Cedric smiled back at her, as Aurora snuggled further into his body, resting her head a bit further into the crook of his neck. Their lunch and drinks were discarded to the side of the couch, sitting on the floor. He slightly rested his head against hers, with Aurora listening to his breathing as his chest raised up and down. 
Both of them sat there, in her semi-lit office, the only sounds being there breathing. It was a small pocket of time where everything was fine and they were both content. There were no flashbacks, panic attacks or hallucinations to disturb their peace, no anxiety, no worries, no expectations of them. Just sweet, safe bliss for both, nothing could break or ruin this moment between the two friends. If anything did try to ruin it, they’d be okay- because that had each other, and that’s all they needed. 
Aurora thought about how Cedric just knew she wasn’t having the greatest day, and secretly thanked the heavens that she had someone as thoughtful, kind and beautiful as Cedric. She doesn’t know where she’d be or if she’d be there if it wasn’t for him. 
He thought to saviour the feeling of holding Aurora in his arms. Cedric didn’t know when exactly he’d become so protective over her, but there was a warm feeling with a tickle of nervousness in his chest as he held her close. 
“Ti amo,” Aurora mumbled against his neck. “What does that mean, love?” He hadn’t learnt her first language yet.  He felt her smile against him, “it means I love you.”  “I love you too, Martiza.” 
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accio-kitty-malfoy · 5 years
Feels like home
Chapter Two
Remus must've fallen to sleep sometime during the night. He woke up with a dead arm and Sirius laying on top of it. He didn't mind though; the boy was soft and warm against him, and he looked calm. Remus drew imaginary circles on Sirius' arm with his fingers, tentatively at first, then fell into a mindless pattern. Looking down at the boy now, it was easy to see the brokenness in him; the way he curled up while he slept, clutching at Remus' t-shirt, the way his face twitched as though he was flinching every now and again. Things that the other marauders could not have noticed during the day, when Sirius was busy playing Mr 'I'm so fun and clever and robust'. Remus' hand was now stroking up and down Sirius' arm, inadvertently making him calm further and snuggle into him. He really was beautiful in a handsomely rugged way. His hair was black and curly; his skin tanned from many years of Quidditch and now riding on his bike. It was soft though, he took care of himself, always wanting to look nice; a charmer, but for no one in particular. Whereas James had his eyes set on a goal: Lily Evans, a stunning ginger Gryffindor, Sirius just liked people to like him. It was understandable really, given how he was treated in his god forsaken house. The thought alone brought tears to Remus' eyes, and he was soon crying for Sirius; for how he had been treated, the mistakes he had made, the demons he carried with him everywhere he went.
“Don't worry Siri, I'll take care of you. I promise” He vowed.
“Remmymus, you's getting my hairs all wet” He mumbled, but despite his words, Sirius snuggled more into Remus' chest, almost breaking his heart. How could something so cute have had to suffer so much?
“We need to get up. You need breakfast.” Sirius hid his face more in Remus' chest in response.
“But Remmymus, I'm sleepy.” Then Sirius noticed something. “Remy, why're you in my bed”
“Because, Siri, something bad happened last-”
“Oh” He pulled back from Remus, his brown eyes shining with the tears from his sleep, still bloodshot from the night before. “Yeah. We needa go see Pomfrey. Well, I do. Come with me again please?”
“Yeah, of course I will.” He sat up, ready to swing his legs round and get off the bed, but Sirius caught his arm.
“Thank you Remy.”
“No problem. Now, up. Breakfast. We'll call in the hospital wing on the way there.”
They didn't need to go to the Great Hall for breakfast, Madame Pomfrey and already had a selection laid out for them in her office. Her and Dumbledore appeared deep in conversation when Sirius knocked on her door, but the conversation broke off as she told the boys to enter. They took the two spare seats and Sirius looked worried. Remus rested his hand on top of his for support, but Sirius twisted his own so that the boys were holding hands. He looked like he really needed it.
“So, Mr Black. Now you have calmed down and slept, we need to talk to you. The girl is in a stable condition, and you did right bringing her here, but we have some questions to ask you.”
“Yes sir.” Sirius' voice wavered and held none of the charm that it usually danced with.
“What happened after the crash?”
“A policeman was there. I memory charmed him. I didn't want to get into trouble. I didn't get to him before he could ring the Headmaster of her school though. I had to hide and cloak my bike first. He seemed to know the licence plate on her car; must've looked it up or something. He headmaster said her name was Alaska. He got memory charmed as well. Everyone in the muggle world probably thinks she's dead now. I thought she was at first.”
“Well she's not Mr Black” Pomfrey interjected.
“Yes, quite right Poppy. And you will serve punishment, but not with the Ministry. You will serve it here, and you will have to decide whether Alaska here gets memory charmed or not. It is your decision; she is your responsibility when she is well enough; you made her so.”
“Yes Sir. Can I see her?”
“Of course Mr Black” Dumbledore spoke firmly, knowing that Poppy probably wouldn't want anyone going near her patient; but Sirius deserved to see her. They ate a little breakfast, but Sirius couldn't stomach much, and Remus didn't want to keep him waiting. He knew that it was important to Sirius to see the girl and, after all, they would probably sneak down to the kitchens later that day.
Alaska Young was beautiful, even with the cuts and bruises that littered her face. She looked peaceful though, and the great thing about magical medical equipment was that it didn't beep or make any horrible noises; it whirred quietly and glowed; alerting the healer through their wand if anything was wrong. Sirius touched her face gently, whispering that he was sorry. Remus' hands were on his shoulders; making him feel more safe and calm than he did the previous day. He was still crying though, still hating himself for what he had done to this girl. This girl with a life; a life that he had taken away from her. She no doubt had friends; friends that she was probably no longer going to see again, friends that would mourn her and miss her; thinking she was dead. He sat there for exactly fifty seven minutes. Remus counted. Then he got up, looked and Remus, thanked Pomfrey for letting him see her, and walked off. Remus followed.
Sirius had gone straight back to the common room; curling up on one of the plush leather sofas in front of the fire. He was shaking again despite the warmth filling the room. Remus walked over and sat next to Sirius, holding him again. He didn't need to be asked. Sirius leant into Remus and neither one knew how long they sat there; neither one counted. It was nice for Sirius to have someone there for him when he needed them, and it was nice for Remus to actually be needed.
“I'm scared Remy.” The comfortable silence was broken by Sirius' soft words.
“I know Siri, but you don't need to be. Dumbledore's gonna keep you safe.” so am I, he added in his head, I won't let you hurt.
“I guess.” He turned around to face Remus. “Can we go down to the kitchens? I'm starving.”
Remus knew it was only a distraction; Sirius never ate when he was upset or stressed, but he went along with it anyway.
“'Course. I'm so hungry I could eat a Hippogriff.” Remus, at least, was telling the truth, and his stomach growled in agreement. Sirius laughed and it made Remus' heart flutter. He loved Sirius' laugh; it was almost dog-like, loud and carefree.
“We best get going before your stomach starts to eat itself.” Sirius laughed again, grabbing Remus' hand and pulling him out of the common room. It made Remus happy when Sirius didn't let go of his hand. He knew it shouldn't have; he probably didn't even realise that he still had hold of it. The boys walked in comfortable silence down to the kitchens and were met by a warm welcome from all of the house elves down there. They provided them with a feast and the boys sat eating, making small talk. Sirius didn't eat much, but he was just glad to have the other boy there with him. It made him feel okay, like all his world wasn't going to shit.
Where James was his best friend, the one he'd moved in with when his family disowned him, the one who he planned pranks with and pratted around with all the time; Remus was his rock, the only one who he could confide anything in without feeling like he was going to be laughed at or judged. He felt like Remus understood him. He always felt safe with Remus; like nothing could get to him when he was with him. He always felt like there had to be something big happening when he was with James, like planning a prank or talking, or rather arguing, about quidditch. With Remus, they could sit together for hours in silence and he would feel happy, never lonely. He looked over at the other boy who was studying him, both of them blushing and looking away after brown eyes connected with amber. Sirius carried on picking at his food for a while, mulling over why his heart had fluttered when his eyes had connected with Remus'. After a while, he put it down to tiredness. A yawn escaped to prove his point and Remus noticed.
“C'mon, we need to get you to bed”
“Why Remy dear, you should at least buy me a drink first” The boys laughed and left the kitchens together, walking in companionable silence until they were near the hospital wing, then Sirius tensed.
“Would you like to go and see her?”
“Yes, please” Sirius looked at Remus and slid his hand into the other boys, smiling thankfully at him; happy for once that the other boy could read him like a book.
Pomfrey and Dumbledore weren't surprised to see the boys; the two comfy armchairs that the boys had been sat on previously were still there, and so was enough tea and teacups for the four of them. Sirius went off to see Alaska and Remus stayed to talk to Dumbledore and Pomfrey about Sirius.
“I'm trusting you'll look after him though Mr Lupin?” Dumbledore enquired after Remus had expressed his concerns for Sirius.
“Of course I will! I would do anything for him” Remus didn't miss the knowing glint in Dumbledore's eye and continued “We all would. We're best friends, we all look after each other”
“Yes Mr Lupin, of course, but you more so than anyone I guess?”
“Well-” Sirius chose that moment to walk into the room.
“She looks so much better. She actually has colour now. Thank you Madame Pomfrey. May we go?” Sirius rambled, Remus already standing up.
“Of course, you are dismissed boys. Rest well.” Sirius was already pulling the other boy out by his hand before the Headmaster had finished speaking. Remus, again, took pleasure, very guiltily, in the fact that Sirius kept holding his hand; even though it showed that Sirius felt weak and in need of comfort, it made Remus feel needed.
The boys reached their dorm and Remus was thoroughly disappointed when Sirius let go of his hand, and even more so when he wandered off into the bathroom to shower. Remus felt his heart sink and a strong feeling of not being needed washed over him like ice. That is, until Sirius walked out of the bathroom only wrapped in a towel, and a very different feeling spread through his veins like fire, melting the ice away. Remus had to make a very quick escape to the bathroom and into the shower; his thoughts as fixed on Sirius as they had been for a week and a half, but instead of worrying about him, he was mentally tracing every contour with his fingers; his tongue tasting the imaginary salty skin that covered the boy that was, unbeknownst to him, curled up on his bed, falling to sleep in the comfort of the other boys scent. This is how Remus found him when he'd finished his shower. He paused for a moment, deciding whether to sleep in his own bed with Sirius, or take Sirius' bed for the night. He changed into some boxers, climbed into his own bed, wrapped himself and the duvet around Sirius and laid there, stroking the other boys cheek and arm until he fell to sleep; both boys with bitter-sweet smiles on their faces
I thought I’d post chapter two right away, I have a hell of a lot of this fic written
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