#I just think it's nice to imagine he'd be more eager to actually go to bed if Vasco's there
canisalbus · 1 year
Loving the Machete and Vasco soft intimate cozy bed time drawing series <3
It's certainly becoming a recurring theme.
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
i. busy streets and busy lives, and all we know is touch and go. | luke castellan | state of grace
fourteen-year-old luke castellan develops a crush on the pretty girl who shows him a type of kindness he'd never experienced before.
athena!reader x luke castellan. not canon compliant, no betrayal. happy ending luke :)
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fourteen-year-old luke castellan was apprehensive to let go of annabeth’s hand. the small girl just healed from her injuries following their arrival to camp. she showed no sign that she was physically not okay, but luke could still feel her shaking. they’d both just lost thalia, a companion, a friend, who they faced the scariest things with, far greater than any of their imaginations could conjure up combined. luke didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be sent off to cabin 6 just yet, away from him. 
“s’kay, luke,” annabeth tugged on his hand. he looked down at her, finding no trace of nervousness on her features. instead, she had an eager smile on her face as mr. d and chiron waited for her to walk across the stone path to meet her siblings. “i’m not going far.” 
oh, luke realized. he was the one shaking. 
he put on his brave face, telling himself that he had to be strong for his sister, but he knew deep down, he probably needed annabeth more than she needed him. the girl looked excited to be with her real siblings, and luke was being selfish keeping her away from them. he’d just lost so much already; his childhood, his sanity, at one point, his mom, thalia, and letting go of beth’s hand felt like he was giving up. he just needed something to live for, something bigger than his survival. 
luke crouched down to get eye-level with her, smiling softly, “if you need anything, i’m just a few doors down, ‘kay? whatever you need, little beth.” 
“i know,” she giggled, innocence in her eyes. she didn’t quite understand why her brother was being dramatic about it. they were safe now. 
luke ruffled her hair, making her squeal, before getting up. he gave a courteous nod to chiron and mr. d, taking hold of beth’s hand again as he walked towards the two children of athena waiting across the way. 
luke didn’t miss the way annabeth’s eyes sparkled at the buildings around her. she pointed out the intricacies of the columns lining the exteriors of some of the cabins, marveling at the vines that engulfed the walls of cabin 4. luke wondered if he was ever this small, if he ever found the beauty in the small things the same way that annebeth did. perhaps, in memories that are lost and locked away in the back of his mind, he used to be like her. 
annabeth looked happy here, safe. luke let out a breath of relief that he didn’t know he was holding in. he’d given up on a life other than survival a long time ago. since he was nine, he’d been running from everything all on his own. then he met thalia and he didn’t feel so alone anymore. and meeting annabeth, well, he found a new reason to keep going after that. she was too young to have experienced all of this. if he couldn’t protect his own innocence, maybe he could protect hers as much as he possibly could. 
“you must be annabeth,” you smiled at her, crouching down to her height the same way luke just did. “i’m y/n. i’m so glad to have a new sister.” 
“yeah, i’m annabeth. nice to meet you,” annabeth removed her hand from luke’s grasp, reaching over to shake your hand. your eyebrows raised in surprise, pleased at her manners, and accepted her handshake. she pointed at luke, “this is my brother, luke.” 
the boy beside you, holding a clipboard, furrowed his eyebrows. he flipped through the notes he had on his board, “i was told there was only one child of athena.” 
“yeah, no, i- i’m a child of hermes,” luke shook his head, the name of his father tasted bitter on his tongue. he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “she just means it like metaphorically? is that the word? we-we’re not actually related.” 
you stood up, eyes darting between him and beth. luke’s eyes met yours and he couldn’t help but flush under your stare. he’d seen pretty girls before; in line at a grocery store while he stuffed his pockets with stolen twinkies and chips, in the mall where he’d sit at sometimes to get away from the harsh weather outside, even on his way to see chiron and mr. d when he got a glimpse of aphrodite’s daughters, but he’d never seen anyone like you before. 
you had a commanding presence about you, like you had the answers to everyone’s questions and knew what was best for everyone, but it wasn’t intimidating at all. one look at you and luke knew you were a leader, one that led with grace and empathy and blessed with a face of an angel. you had soft features, kind eyes, high cheeks like you didn’t go a day without smiling, and hair that framed your face perfectly. he wouldn’t be surprised if people didn’t hesitate to follow you to the ends of the world if you asked them to. he was about ready to do that and he’d only just met you. 
you grinned at him, the crinkles by your eyes appearing, “but she’s your sister.” 
the smile that he returned to you was effortless. he glanced down at annabeth, nudging her, “but she’s my sister. annoying, but my sister, nonetheless.” 
you and luke laughed at her harmless protest, sharing a look with each other that nobody else caught. the boy next to you, who unenthusiastically introduced himself as oliver, tucked his clipboard under his arm and motioned for all of you to start walking to the cabin. 
“luke,” oliver said, stopping his tracks, “we can take it from here. i’m sure you want to get some rest in your cabin after the 48 hours you just had.” 
luke wanted to say no. he didn’t want to leave annabeth yet. he would rather sit through long, droning minutes of learning about athena’s cabin, though he had no use for it since he won’t be living there, than retreat to the hermes cabin. but he also didn’t want to seem weak, clinging onto a seven-year-old girl when he should be perfectly fine on his own. annabeth said so herself, she wasn’t going far. 
you lived up to your angel-like demeanor when you spoke for him. you noticed the flash of panic in his eyes as he took in oliver’s words. you cleared your throat, “rest is for losers, oli. plus, the more the merrier. i say luke should come with us.” 
oliver huffed, but nodded, continuing his steps to cabin 6. you fell into a rhythm with him, conversing about camp activities that luke wasn’t too familiar with yet. annabeth trudged happily beside him, silent as she stared out into the view of camp. luke had to pull her by her shirt to stop her from running into things, her excitement getting the best of her. 
as oliver began his rant about some ares kid, you turned your head to sneak a glance at him and annabeth. luke felt his chest tighten when you smiled at him, all teeth and sunshine, before returning to your conversation with your brother. 
annabeth tapped luke’s hip, “i like her.” 
luke couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he looked down at her. his cheeks hurt from smiling so much, “me too.” 
luke wished he could say that the rest of his introduction to camp half-blood was as pleasant and nice as his interaction with you, but the rowdy cabin he was met with after he left annabeth in cabin 6 was something that he was not prepared for. unlike the athena cabin, where things were neat and put together, scrolls and books lining the walls, the hermes cabin was a mess. 
there were clothes thrown everywhere, makeshift beds in every corner of the cabin, and dozens of kids, claimed and unclaimed, running around. luke wanted to punch oliver across his face because how on earth was he supposed to get some “rest” with all of this going on? 
luke sighed, adjusting the bag on his shoulder as he searched for an empty bed. much to his dismay, the only bed available was the one right next to the entrance. he tried not to think about how little sleep he’d be getting with the door slamming open and shut with how many kids seemed to live in this place.
luke rolled his eyes, watching his siblings jump on the beds as they chased each other. none of them seemed to notice that he arrived, that he was new, but he learned from you earlier that too many half-bloods came and went in the hermes cabin. they were probably used to seeing unfamiliar faces and didn’t bother to introduce themselves anymore. 
with a silent groan, luke lay on his bed, trying to drown out the noise of laughter by pushing his thin pillow against his ears. the noise wasn’t unwelcomed, per se, but it was just foreign to him. he’d spent countless nights falling asleep to the sound of coos from animals in the woods and the sound of hushed echoes in the caves he called home. he’d slept through the roaring of the train tracks by his head and the sound of city noise outside his window when he managed to sneak into an empty motel room. he’d slept through the feeling of imminent danger, but never this. he doesn’t remember the last time he slept to the sounds of children laughing. 
he probably got a few minutes of rest before the cabin door swung open. the children quickly quieted down, which made luke get up from his position on his bed, ready to thank whoever it was that got his siblings to calm down. of course, luke wasn’t surprised when you were standing at the door, arms crossed over your chest. 
“come on, guys,” you tutted, shaking your head. “can’t you see someone is trying to rest? luke is new here and you’re not making a good first impression.” 
mumbles of apologies rang through the cabin before they all scurried out the door, all blushing in embarrassment as you sent them a look of faux disappointment. you walked over to luke, stopping at the foot of his bed. he sat up straighter, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. 
“sorry about them,” you grimaced, “they have too much energy for their own good sometimes, but you’ll grow to love them. i swear it.”
“yeah, they’re cute.” 
you couldn’t help but snort at the sarcasm in his voice. you motioned for the seat beside him on his bed and luke moved over to give you more space. you were so close to him that he could feel the heat of your skin radiating off you. “i take it your first day hasn’t been the best?” 
“it’s been… okay,” he trailed off, suddenly self-conscious. his curls were a mess on his head and he’s sure the pillow he had against his face left an imprint. “just a lot to take in, i guess.” 
“i get that,” you said, taking off your shoes to sit criss-cross on his bed. luke thought the cartoon owls on your socks were charming. “i remember my first day here and how chaotic it was. i would love to tell you that it stops being like that after a while, but i’d be lying and i don’t want to start off our relationship on a lie.”
luke knew that what you meant by “relationship” was platonic, with no romantic connotations, but he was a teenage boy developing a hopeless crush on a pretty girl, way out of his league, so so sue him for how his heartbeat increased ten-fold at the word.
he tugged on the neckline of his shirt, “do they always listen to you like this?” 
“i don’t know if “listen” is the right word,” you chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “i’ve been here a while, so all the kids know me. i dunno, if i had to guess, i’d say they’re just used to me.” 
luke hummed. you were being modest. it was clear that all the kids liked you. on the way to the athena cabin, multiple campers greeted you as you passed by, completely ignoring oliver who was beside you and him and annabeth who were trailing not far behind. you had to make so many stops to engage in small conversations with the people you ran into, younger and older kids alike. he was shocked at how you remembered everyone’s names. he lost track after the third kid. 
luke’s stomach growled in hunger and he couldn’t even play it off because it was silent in the cabin. he shut his eyes, embarrassed, as he looked away from you, clutching his stomach, begging his body to be his friend for once. 
“perfect timing, luke,” you showed no sign of being affected by his embarrassment. you slipped your feet into your sneakers. luke noticed you tied the laces of your shoes loosely, making it easier to take them on and off. “lunch is in five minutes so we better get going. when the ares kids get there first, they massacre the food before any of us gets the chance to put anything on our plate. all that training makes them hungry.” 
luke followed you out the door as you explained the structure and schedule of camp half-blood. he was only half paying attention to you because he was too busy listening to the sound of your voice and watching your face light up when you talked about something you found particularly cool. 
as you approached the line for food, thankfully before the ares kids, you handed luke a tray. he began to scoop up some food, before turning to look at you, “don’t take this the wrong way, but shouldn’t the hermes head counselor be showing me around? not that i’m not enjoying this tour you’re giving me, but i figured each head counselor for each cabin would be doing this for their new siblings.” 
“typically, yeah,” you shrugged, “i’m not even the head counselor of cabin 6 yet.” 
luke’s eyebrows raised, “you’re not?”
“nope,” you replied, leading him over to an empty table. he sat across from you, waiting for you to continue. “oli is, but he’s leaving after this year. he got accepted to MIT. i’ll be taking over for him when he leaves.” 
“that’s cool,” luke nodded, taking a bite out of the chili mac on his plate. “who’s the head counselor for the hermes cabin?” 
a frown appeared on your face as you looked down at your plate. you used your fork to push around your food, “lettie used to be.” 
luke knew that tone– grief. it was the same tone he used to tell two apollo kids to be quiet when he overheard them talking about thalia when he and annabeth were still in the infirmary. that tone meant that it was something that shouldn’t be discussed. he changed the subject, “how’s little beth settling in?” 
your usual smile returned to your face at the mention of annabeth. luke was glad it was back. “she’s great! she’s brilliant, which i expected, but she’s incredible. truly, luke, she fits right in.” 
pride bloomed in his chest. of course beth was already impressing people. she was too smart for her own good and sometimes luke had trouble keeping up with her. at least now she had her siblings to talk to. “she is great, isn’t she?” 
you nodded, “polite, too. can’t say the same about some of these kids.” 
as if on cue, two kids started bickering with each other, using colorful language that luke was sure they probably shouldn’t be using at their age. they continued to spew insults at each other before an older camper marched over to them and scolded them. the interaction ended in the two kids muttering insincere apologies to each other.
you motioned to the scene with your fork, “see what i mean?” 
luke laughed, bringing his attention back to you. “how long have you been here?” 
“three years,” you pulled out the necklace from under your shirt, showing off the beads on the string. “i got here when i was 11. grover was my protector, too.” 
“how was–” he cleared his throat, swallowing the last bits of chili mac he had in his mouth. he usually didn’t care about how messily he ate, but you were so put together that he figured he shouldn’t scarf down his food like a heathen in front of you. beth used to make fun of him because he inhaled his food so fast that she wondered if he even chewed. “how was your life before all of this?” 
“nothing special, really. my dad tried his best to raise me, but he didn’t really know what he was doing. a single dad raising a daughter on his own is hard enough, and adding that your kid is a demigod would surely have anyone raising a white flag.” luke nodded in understanding, too familiar with the pressures of that from what he could remember about his mom. you continued, “but life was good before camp half-blood, normal. i grew up in a small town in connecticut so there wasn’t much to do.” 
luke’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “where in connecticut? i grew up in westport.” 
your jaw dropped, eyes lighting up in glee. you dropped your fork on your tray, leaning over to grab his shoulders from across the table, “no way! i’m from south wilton!” 
the name sounded familiar. he recalls seeing the name on a road sign when he first left connecticut, but he couldn’t remember exactly where it was. a lot of the places he used to go to as a kid blurred together into one giant mush over the years, but with how excited you were to find out he was from westport, he figured you guys lived relatively close to each other. 
luke thought about it; a different life where he probably met you under a different circumstance. maybe you guys ended up at the same high school, both terrified little freshmen, hoping that the older kids would take it easy on you on your first day. or maybe you met earlier than that; perhaps luke was sent off to another middle school, no doubt after getting expelled because of his shenanigans like he always did, and you’d be a student there. there were so many other ways you could’ve met each other, but something in his heart told him that the ending would be the same. 
you’d still be the nice, pretty girl sitting in front of him at the lunch tables, showing him the ropes of life, showing him the type of kindness he never experienced before. though, he’d probably be eating the smushed pb & j sandwich that he forgot in the bottom of his book bag that his mom packed him for lunch instead of chili mac and you’d both be normal kids, excitedly talking about recess activities instead of swapping war stories about hellhounds and monsters. 
“what a small world,” you commented, sitting back down on your seat. luke missed the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. he liked how touchy you were. it was like your emotions were so intense that you had to grab onto someone to keep you grounded. you looked up to the roof, wondering, “i wonder how many times we almost met each other. south wilton is only ten minutes away from westport.”
“probably not many times,” luke replied, off-handedly. he wiped his greasy fingers on the napkin beside him. he didn’t know he still managed to get messy even though he tried his best to eat proper, but you didn’t seem to mind. “i didn’t really go out a lot, i don’t think. always had to stay home with my mom.” 
maybe it was because you were the daughter of athena and you were blessed with heightened emotional intelligence, but you sensed that there was something deeper to luke’s words that he seemed to not want to share. 
luke lived with the unfortunate ability to only remember the bad things that happened in his life. he attributes it to his knack for survival; if he remembers the things that could get him caught in a sticky situation, then he won’t put himself in that predicament again. dodging death left and right for five years meant that his brain was filled with a step-by-step guide on how not to die, which left little to no space for happy memories. the things that he does remember from his childhood were things like turning the stove off because his mom forgot she was in the middle of making dinner or remembering to close the window in the fall or else the house gets too cold because his mom forgot to pay the electric bill for the heater. 
not really the best memories to have of his childhood, but it taught him a lot. it kept him alive. 
“that’s okay,” you took a bite out of the strawberry on your tray, red juice slipping from the corner of your mouth. you wiped it away with your forearm, giving him a wide grin, “we met each other here so it doesn’t really matter, does it?” 
before he could answer, annabeth came racing to the table, out of breath. she was grinning like a fool, already talking luke’s ear off about how great the athena cabin was. luke pushed his tray away, turning to face the girl, nodding happily as she animatedly explained all the new things she’d learned. he couldn’t get a word in to respond because she kept talking and talking, but luke didn’t mind. 
he stole a glance at you as annabeth took a break to take a sip of water. you watched the two of them fondly, chin propped up on your hand, listening to the girl’s stories as if you weren’t there when it all happened. 
he thought of your question. no, he decided, it doesn’t really matter. he was here with you now.
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trashcanfanfics · 8 months
might I request some headcanons for ford (young and old) w/ a reader who’s a witch (like from the boiling isles) and has their own place in the woods? they’re known as the witch of the woods and there are stories from local teens about how they’ll “steal your bones if you get too close to their house,” but they’re actually really nice and will make you lunch if you stop by.
please, and thank you 🔮
Man, do I love this idea!! I immediately started thinking of a little ficlet/imagine/scenario
Reader gender not mentioned, could be any gender
This turned out longer than I thought it would
I'd exiled myself to earth a bit ago in response to the ban on wild witches. It was easier for me to leave than to fight back then. I could probably go back anytime, but I'd rather not be forced to pick one coven.
It wasn't all bad here. The rain didn't burn, plants didn't move on their own or try to eat me. I loved the green color of the landscape and my palisman, Gretch, enjoyed the fresh air. The locals were friendly enough, and the children were curious.
I'd noticed that they were wary of me and my strange abilities. To combat this, I'd just make warm beverages and small meals for anyone traveling farther into the woods near my little cabin.
It was on my way home from the human store that I met him. A man stuck in the root of a tree. One of mine, unfortunately. In a moment of homesickness, I'd planted a seed from the Boiling Isles near my home, and this particular one was a grasping willow. A sigh escaped me, loud enough for my surprise captive to hear. He turned towards me, seeming to forget his foot was stuck, causing him to fall over. The man winced.
"I'm sorry for my tree, sir." I swirled my pointer finger into a circle of green. The root lifted and moved from his ankle. "He's just a bit playful." I set my bags down to offer him my hand. He hesitated, looking at my hand before reaching up and taking the offered help. Once he was up, I shook his hand with a smile and introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you," he quickly took his hand back and cleared his throat, "my name is Stanford Pines, though people call me Ford."
"Wonderful to meet you, Ford." I picked my bags back up and faced him again. "I have groceries to put away, so I have to go. Try walking in a wide circle to avoid Snipper if you're walking around here."
"Oh, uh, thank you for the advice." He waved awkwardly and turned to leave. I chuckled slightly and went on my own way. Gretch sniffed the air in his direction before hiding back into my cloak. They whispered to me about the stranger's smell as I walked back home.
Ford came around more often after that. He asked many questions, and I answered. I asked fewer questions but received more answers. He was eager to talk and learn, and I was grateful for the company. Ford became a part of my routine in the best way. We'd meet up for lunch at either mine or his cabin and tell me what he's found. His theories enthralled me. I'd developed quite the soft spot for him and missed him when he wasn't around. My palisman teased me endlessly about it, but stopped once I'd mention how they liked to curl up on his lap as he talked.
He'd started coming around less and less. I wondered what new oddity he was occupied with to take up all his time. Gretch had been keeping watch over him and hadn't seen much since they couldn't get into the cabin. Whenever he did visit, he was...distant. There were bags beneath his eyes, an erratic fear, and paranoia took over his voice, even when it was just a whisper. I was worried and told him as such. He'd stood abruptly from the living room couch, making poor Gretch leap to the floor, and looked at me for the first time in months.
"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine, everything's fine!" His eye twitched. I blinked a few times in shock at his outburst. My hands flew up in a placating manner.
"Okay, okay," I lowered my hands and held them out to him palm up, "how about I make you your favorite tea, hm?" His eyes lowered to my hands before placing his own in them. I gently squeezed his hands for exactly six seconds before standing up and leading him to the kitchen. He followed me as I moved around to make the tea. Gretch stayed close to him, attempting to comfort him. The kettle boiled and I pulled it off before the whistle blew. We both watched the tea steep for a few seconds before Ford wrapped me in a hug from behind. His head rested against me as he shook.
"I think...I think I did something very bad, and you won't forgive me." His voice cracked. I looked up from the soup I was serving to look at him. He was looking at his hands.
"I suppose that's a valid concern. Although, I can't say whether I would or wouldn't if I don't know what it is." I set the ladle down and grabbed the tray holding the bowls. "For what it's worth, there is very little you can do that I wouldn't be able to forgive." I set the tray on the table and set a bowl in front of him, then Gretch's, before sitting down my with my own.
"I..." He stared at the soup. "I care for you deeply, and I don't want you to be mixed up in my mistakes." His eyes were tired when they looked at me. My breath caught in my chest as I stared back. My palisman stopped slurping to to look up at both me and Ford.
"Is that what you're asking me to forgive? You caring deeply for me?" I looked down at my own soup, stirring it slightly. My heart raced as his words filled my mind. "If that's a thing in need of forgiveness, then I beg for yours in return." I look back at him with a small smile. His brow furrowed.
"That's not the point I'm making." Ford ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his forehead. "I've made a mistake that could put you in danger. Out of everything that's happened to me, you've been the best. I don't want to lose you." He pulled out a book from his bag. One of his journals. He slid the book over to me. Gretch leaned over the tray to sniff it before recoiling. I blinked and looked at him.
"Ford, what--" I was cut off by him rounding the table and kneeling beside me. He grabbed my hands in both of his and looked me in the eye, more serious than he'd ever been with me. Gretch, wanting a better view, crawled over the table to be beside me.
"Take this journal and hide it. Take it as far from here as possible. Go and never come back. Please." His voice trembled. "I don't want him to get you."
"Who? Who is going to get me? What aren't you telling me?" I pulled my hands from his to hold his face, tears brimming my eyes. "Ford, tell me what's going on, why do I have to leave? What will happen to you once I do?" Tears poured down my face as I bit back a sob. I'd been so worried about him, about why he'd been so distant. Then he was asking me to leave. Leave Gravity Falls, my home, the only person besides my palisman I trusted fully with all my heart. I didn't want to go.
"I can't tell you. Please, believe me, it's safer this way." Ford reached for my face, eyes flitting back between my own. He leaned in and kissed me softly, barely a whisper on my lips. My eyes shut, allowing more tears to fall. I pushed into him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and deepened the kiss.
"I can't leave you." I said against his lips as we both pulled back slightly. I kissed him again. "I can't leave you, Ford." Our foreheads were pressed against each other.
"You have to." He pulled away and stood up. He grabbed his bag and turned to leave. Gretch chased after him immediately. I watched him go for a second, tears still falling down my face, before grabbing the book, and running after him. Grabbing the strap of his bag, I pulled him back.
"If you're going, then take this with you. I won't be part of something i don't know about." I shoved the book into his chest and glared at him through my tears. He looked at the book and then me before steeling his gaze. He shoved the book back into his bag and left. The front door closed, and I made my way back to the kitchen, Gretch following sadly behind. The soup had gone cold.
We hadn't spoken in a month. Four weeks. Thirty days. I went to his cabin to see him but his friend, Fiddleford McGucket, was on his way out and warned me to stay away from Ford.
"For your own sake." He said, rushing to his truck, bags in tow. "He's gone insane." I'd still knocked on his door for the next week. No reply. Gretch continued to keep an eye out and told me whatever they deemed relevant.
The next three I wallowed in my grief. Moping around the house, not taking care of my plants, or myself. I could barely brush my teeth or eat. My body odor followed me like a cloud. Days blurred together. Gretch tried to help me, but they were just as upset. Eventually, I had to go out to get more groceries.
On the way to the store, in my sweatpants, hooded sweater and muddy boots, I passed by Ford's cabin flying low to the ground on Gretch. As I looked towards it, my heart clenching painfully, the trees began to shake. I looked around in confusion as Gretch and I slowed to a stop. Then back to the cabin. The basement windows lit up a bright blue. Before I could stop myself, I flew straight towards the door, using my magic to unlock it. Bursting into the foyer, down the steps to the basement, I saw two figures.
There was Ford and someone else who looked like him. Stanley, his twin brother. Ford had told me about him. Ford was floating in the air, waving his limbs around, trying not to get pulled into a giant machine glowing with the light I'd seen outside.
"Ford!" I yelled, running to help him. Gretch almost reached him as he screamed his brother's name. He was sucked into the portal faster than I could cast a spell. "FORD!" I fell to my knees in front of the portal, next to where Stanley was standing. He was gone. My tears became my closest friends in the past weeks. These ones felt different. They hurt more, like daggers down my cheeks. He was gone. My friend, the one I adored and trusted the most. Gone. I sobbed out his name again, looking at the ground, Getch placed their head into my lap.
"Uh, are you...Did you...know my brother?" The voice made me jump. I turned to Stanley. I'd forgotten he was here in my anguish. I sniffed and wiped my face on my sleeve.
"Yes. He was my friend."
Ford had been gone for 30 years. After he'd been taken through the portal, Stan and I began a sort of friendship. He was brash and rude, his voice was gruff. He was different from Ford in so many ways, but so similar. Our friendship wasn't like the one with Ford. It was less lunch dates and more I'd bring him meals and take him shopping.
He'd convinced a crowd of shoppers that he was the mysterious scientist in the cabin while he was shopping by himself one day. I'd gotten very angry at him and refused to talk to him for a week after that. Eventually, I came around to it, realizing that he does need to make money somehow.
In time, the "Mystery Shack", as Stan called it, became quite profitable. People were attracted to its unbelievable aura. Personally, I found most of Stan's grotesque attractions to feel like home. I'd known someone who looked like the "Eyeball with Legs" back in the Boiling Isles. Gretch was glad Stan never asked them to be an exhibit. Sometimes, I feel as though Stan took inspiration from my stories.
It was summer when the twins came to Gravity Falls. Stan told me I wasn't allowed to do magic or talk to them about the strangeness in our little town. I told him that I wasn't going to hide who I was from anyone, and if he had a problem with it, don't let them go out by my cabin. We had a heated argument about that. I had resolved to not speak, or even go looking for him or anyone from the Shack that whole summer.
Of course, that didn't stop them from looking for me. Apparently, Ford had written about me in his third journal, and Dipper had stumbled across it. It lead them both to my doorstep with a gentle knock on the door.
"Hello?" As I opened the door, I saw two children, tweens, it seemed. The girl was holding a video camera at my face. "Oh!" They looked familiar almost.
"Uh, hi, uh..." The boy ruffled through a familiar book. I realized then who I must've been talking to. This must be Dipper and Mabel. The Pines' genetics must have been strong, they looked just like their great uncles. "Are you the witch of the woods?" His question made me laugh slightly. Gretch poked their head out the door to sniff at the children, causing the girl to gasp and coo at them, holding a hand out. I debated telling them both to leave, but it had been a while since I'd had company. Besides, it was getting a bit dark, and the woods were dangerous for children to go out into.
"That's what the townsfolk call me, yes." I gestured for them to come inside. "Would you like some tea?" The girl quickly came in with an excited smile. She was already petting and baby-talking Gretch. I chuckled.
"Oh, you're so cute! What's your name?" She looked around my living room and gasped. "I love your curtains!" She raced over to touch them before her brother stopped her, scolding her in a hushed tone. I smiled at them before going into the kitchen with Gretch in tow. They followed soon after.
"I'm not going to eat you, despite what the other children might say." I grabbed three tea cups and started the stove. "I don't do much other than tend to my plants and feed hikers that come by." I placed teabags into a teapot.
"So you're...not a witch?" The boy asked. I laughed again and ushered them to sit at the table. The girl gasped at the center piece. A lovely potted plant of flowers Ford had gifted me a long time ago. They were spring flowers, so they had stopped blooming. I smiled fondly at them.
"What kind of plant is this?" She touched the leaves gently. "It's so pretty."
"They're called shooting stars." I swirled my pointer finger in a green circle, causing the flowers to glow green as well and bloom. Gretch sniffed them, then sneezed. "They're normally a spring flower, but I'm able to keep them going with the sunroof in place and a bit of magic.
"So you are a witch!" The boy yelled. The kettle whistled and I quickly went to stop it. "This is incredible! Mabel! Did you catch that on video?" His sister, Mabel, looked at the camera, which had been placed facing away from the plant, towards a window.
"Whoops." She fixed the camera to face the flowers, which had ceased glowing and sat, bloomed, but otherwise non magical. He groaned in frustration and looked at me.
"Would you do that again? For the camera?" He gestured to the technology. I finished making the tea and brought it over, giving them each a cup.
"I would," I sat down in my own chair, "but the flowers are already bloomed, dear." I took a sip and set it back down. Looking at him with a small smile full of humor. Gretch huffed in their form of laughter. Ford had always called me a smart ass.
"Darnit!" He put his head on the table. Mabel reached over and patted his back before taking a sip of her tea. She hummed in delight at the taste and finished the cup in a few gulps. I offered her more, which she gladly accepted, drinking more before scratching Gretch on the head. The palisman leaned into her hand.
"I could do something else for your, oh, what are you needing the footage for, Dipper?" My question made his head shoot up. He looked at me in surprise. I realized that I'd called him his name before he'd told me.
"How do you know my name?" His eyes widened. "Do you read minds?" I was already shaking my head before he finished. Gretch huffed another laugh.
"I know your uncle, is all." I held my hand up to stop both of their questions. "Stan and I are, well, I suppose you could call us friends."
"Are you two in a relationship? Are you in love?" Mabel stood on her chair, her hands planted on the table as she leaned towards me. I scrunched my face in slight disgust even thinking about being with Stan. My palisman sneezed and shook their head.
"Absolutely not." I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Not even if he begged." The very idea of Stan being who I came home to made me very uncomfortable. Besides...I still dreamed of Ford. I regretted that our first and only kiss was when he was leaving. Maybe if I'd been braver in the beginning, said something sooner, he'd still be here. Maybe it'd have chased him away earlier than he did.
"Um, witch...sir? Ma'am? Sma'mir?" Mabel's voice drew me out of my reverie. I blinked and looked at her. She tilted her head in confusion.
"Pardon, I was leagues away. Did you say something, dear?" I looked at the clock to see the time. "Oh, that might have to wait. You two need to get home." I stood and ushered them to the living room where I grabbed my warmest shawls. They would have to do, my coats were buried in the hall closet. I wrapped one around Mabel, as she was the closest, so that it covered her head. when I turned to do the same to Dipper, he refused.
"I'll be fine, I don't need it." He held up his hands and I put mine on my hips. My eyebrow arched as I gave him a look that said this wasn't an argument. Gretch went behind him and gently nudged him towards me.
"It gets cold at night, especially in the woods." I quickly threw it over his shoulders and over his head like his sister. Mabel giggled as she pointed the camera at us. Dipper's frown deepened as his cheeks reddened. "I won't have you catch a chill on my watch. It'll just be another thing for Stan to b-ahem, yell about." With them properly bundled, I wrapped myself up and had Gretch turn into a staff. Both children gasped.
"I definitely got that on video." Mabel said as I waved them both to get on. Mabel in front of me and Dipper behind, I took off, up and over the trees. The twins both yelled out, though I suspected for different reasons.
As we walked up the porch, the door swung open to reveal Stan himself. He looked from both of the twins then to me. His eyes darkened slightly.
"I told you not to talk to them!" He pushed them both behind him and pointed a finger at me. "You said you wouldn't!" His glare matched mine. I pushed his hand out of my face and lifted my chin.
"Children, cover your ears." I spared them a glance to see them do so. My finger replaced his between us. "They were deep in those damn woods at dusk! I wouldn't have had to take them home if you had been doing your fucking job of keeping them safe! No wonder they're up to their goddamned knees in the supernatural of this fucking town!"
"How much did you tell them, what did you tell them?!" He got closer to me, dangerously so. I pointed my palisman staff towards him as a barrier. "So help me, if you told them-!" That made me scoff.
"Oh, please, I didn't tell them anything." I scoffed and waved my other hand to dismiss the thought. "Do you have such little faith in me? After all these years?" A sigh left my lips as I shook my head.
"Just stay away from them!" He pointed a finger at me again. "They don't need to be involved with all this weirdness." His statement made me roll my eyes and I turned to leave.
"They're already too invested in the weirdness, Stanley." I turned my head to look back at him over my shoulder, mounting my palisman. "They won't end up like him in one summer, but if you're that worried, keep them out of the woods." With that, I took off into the sky.
The children clearly didn't listen to Stan, if he told them to stay away from me. They came around my home every few days or so, asking me about myself and the woods surrounding. I'd been vague about my friendship with Ford, for Stan's sake if nothing else. Gretch enjoyed their company, especially Mabel's. She would bring the palisman snacks and plenty of affection. Waddles and Gretch became fast friends when the pig was brought along as well.
Mabel had latched onto my story of him and was sobbing by the time I'd told her he was gone and I'd never see him again. Dipper also seemed disappointed, wanting to meet the scientist. He'd asked if I was talking about the author of the journals. I'd told him no. Gretch whined at that, clearly frustrated I wouldn't tell them anything. I just shooed her away.
They told me about their adventures and a figure named Bill. I'd sat eagerly by, hearing about their encounters. They had been in danger multiple times over the summer and I'd nearly gone to shout at Stan some more before they said they didn't want him to know. I explained to them that not telling Stan was a mistake. He is their guardian for the summer and needed to know where they were so he could help if needed. They disagreed and went home. I'd asked Gretch to watch over them for a while to make sure they weren't in too much danger.
It was sometime after Mabel's sock opera when the kids invited me over. Well, more Mabel did, with Stan's permission. Though the man had been rather grumpy over the phone. I was amused by Mabel's antics and agreed, soon making my way over there. Gretch sniffed the air and shook their head, rubbing their nose.
"Oh hush, I'm sure Stan can't stink that bad from out here." I joked before knocking on the door. "Should we invest in nose plugs for you?" The door opened before they could retort. Mabel squealed when she saw me and pulled me into the cabin and to the living room.
"You're going to love this guy, trust me," She squealed again, "I'm a master match maker." I laughed at her enthusiasm. She was determined to have me meet someone. The only time she'd stopped was when she'd found out Stan had a crush on Lazy Susan.
"Mabel, I've told you already that I'm perfectly fine on my own. I really should stop ind--" I looked up to see the unfortunate suitor this time. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. I knew the figure instantly. Despite the wrinkles, my dreams made sure I'd never forget his face. "Ford?" His eyes widened as he recognized me. He said my name in a whisper. Gretch wasted no time in throwing themselves at him, circling and sniffing and bumping into him. He huffed a laugh and pet them gently.
"I didn't forget you either." He looked up from the palisman back to me. "I'd thought you'd have left Gravity Falls." His other hand twitched, as if he wanted to touch me. I couldn't hold back, I ran to him and wrapped him in a hug. The tears that had been building up overflowed.
"I told you I couldn't." I felt his arms slowly hug me back. He squeezed me gently and buried his face into my neck. I gave him one more squeeze before pulling back slightly to look up at him. Our eyes met and I smiled brighter than I'd had in years. He returned the gesture. "I'm glad you're back." Tears continued to slide down my face and I sniffed.
"You knew each other?!" Mabel's voice broke us both out of our little bubble. "What?!" She turned to Dipper, who'd just walked in, and shook him by his shoulders screaming about how this is a better story than the Dusk series. Dipper, having pulled himself from his sister's grasp, looked at me and Ford, still in an embrace. Mabel ran out of the room to go tell Stan.
"...When I asked if the person you were talking about was the author of the journals..." He furrowed his brows. I hesitantly pulled myself fully from Ford's arms and cleared my throat.
"I lied, yes." My hand was already up to stop him from asking questions or comment on my dishonesty. "Stan had asked me not to, it would have caused problems if you knew." The boy looked displeased with my answer.
"That's what Grunkle Stan said, too." He crossed his arms. "It's stupid! If we knew, we could have helped rebuild the portal and get Great Uncle Ford back!" His statement had Ford opening his mouth, but I was faster.
"Now, that's enough, young man!" I put one hand on my hip and pointed a finger at him. He jumped and his eyes widened. I'd never raised my voice at either of the twins before. "Stan is a ridiculously infamous liar, but this time he did out of necessity. You weren't there to see what happened after Ford was sucked into that portal, he was dealing with the grief of losing his brother and while I'm going to have very strong words with him out of earshot of you kids about rebuilding that machine, it's understandable how he went about things." Gretch sneezed, huffed and then looked away. I raised an eyebrow at them and put my other hand on my other hip. They gazed right back at me and yawned before laying down nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. They never truly liked Stan. Ford laughed slightly at mine and Gretch's wordless exchange. I turned to him with a slight smile and a raised eyebrow. He only shook his head fondly.
"You're defending him?" Dipper stuck up his chin, ignoring the palisman. "I thought you guys didn't like each other..." A sigh escaped me at that. I crossed the room, pulled out a chair to the card table before sitting down. Ford followed to stand next to me, my heart swelled at the thought that he was here. Actually back.
"Stan and I don't always see eye to eye," I began, watching Dipper join me at the table, "but, well, I helped him for the first few months after the incident. With the portal, I mean. We looked through the research we had to figure it out."
"You helped with that?" Ford looked incredulous. "Why? It was dangerous!" His outburst made me look at him with a huff. Gretch snuffed out a laugh and made themself comfortable on the old yellow chair.
"I was getting to that." This seemed to placate him as he closed his mouth and cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Anyway, I had been helping him, reading through the only journal we had, before I'd looked at everything and used my oracle abilities to try and track down any others. I'd had a vision in my crystal of what would happen if I helped further and told Stan what I'd seen."
"I'm guessing he didn't believe you?" Dipper asked, rolling his eyes. I smiled at how the resemblance he had to Stan in that moment.
"He rolled his eyes just like that when I told him. Stan's always been a stubborn bas--ahem, man." I snickered, glancing at Ford and winking when our eyes met. His face reddened "It's a family trait, I've noticed."
"I'd hardly call myself stubborn." Ford crossed his arms and looked away. "It's not stubbornness when you're right." His defensiveness made me bark out a laugh. His face deepened in color as he refused to look at me.
"Okay, and when you told him what would happen and he didn't believe you, you stopped helping?" Dipper put his arms on the table and leaned towards me, eagerly waiting for the rest of the story.
"Well...not exactly." I looked off to the side, thinking how to phrase my words. "I mean, I stopped helping with the portal, yes, but I stayed until the Shack became more popular. In the beginning of the change, I understood needing the money, but the more ridiculous it became, the more I felt like it was wrong. We'd gotten into a huge fight over it. There's been tension ever since."
"So you and Gruncle Stan were never together?" Mabel's voice made me jump. I looked to see her sitting on the floor and Stan leaning against the yellow chair Gretch had fallen asleep in. He looked at Mabel in confusion. I rubbed my hand on my forehead and sighed.
"Mabel. I've told you this." I looked at Stan and scrunched my nose, he rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. "I have never, and I mean ever, considered Stan anything more than an unlikely friend." I looked at her and shook my head.
"Yeah, they're not my type anyway." He snickered. It was my turn to roll my eyes before crossing my own arms. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"Yes, his type is anything twenty years younger and doesn't have enough wits to realize he isn't as funny as he thinks he is." I smirked at the indignant noise he made at my jab. "Or a spider." My last comment made Dipper and Mabel laugh as Stan's face grew red.
"Hey! She didn't look like a spider at the time!" He grumbled and looked back down at Gretch, poking them to try and get them to move. They growled in response. "How do you even know about that?" He looked at the kids and then grumbled under his breath again.
"Besides," I looked at Mabel, "I have my eye on only one person. I have since I first met him." Her eyes sparkled as she looked between me and Ford. Dipper looked exasperated.
"Is he Great Uncle Ford?!" She stood up and pointed at us both. I chuckled at her enthusiasm. Ford looked at her, his mouth agape and cheeks red. Dipper rolled his eyes, but seemed interested as he eyed both me and Ford with interest.
"Yes." I smiled at him as he already opened his mouth, words spilling out before he could register what I said.
"That's hardly an appropriate thing to say--" He stopped and looked at me. "Did you say yes?" He was staring at me in amazement. I could see Stan gagging in my peripheral vision. Mabel giggled and Dipper started writing down on a piece of paper.
"I did." I raised my eyebrow at Ford. "Did you forget about that kiss? I'm a bit insulted." He blinked and cleared his throat, looking away. His face was so red, I thought he was going to faint from the blood rush.
"No!" He cleared his throat again. "No, I just...I didn't think..." His gaze softened and he reached out to cup my face. I leaned in, keeping eye contact as he rubbed a thumb over my cheek. My hand reached up and held his there.
"Ugh, gross. Get a room." We both looked at Stan who gagged again. "At least take it outside." I rolled my eyes again and stood up, bringing Ford's hand from my face to hold between us. He looked at me as I reached up my own hand to bring his face closer to mine. At long last, I kissed him. He made a muffled noise of surprise but quickly leaned into the kiss. Stan and Dipper both groaned as Mabel cheered. I pulled back and looked Ford in the eyes.
"I wish I'd told you sooner," I leaned in and gave him another kiss, "I love you Stanford Pines."
Weirdmageddon had been concluded, the twins, both sets, safe and sound. Dipper and Mabel had their birthday before saying goodbye. I'd cried as I hugged them. They'd each received a charm of good luck. Ford and Stan had decided to sail around the world, inviting me to join them. I'd told them I'd let them catch up for a few years before setting sail with them. I'd be here when they came back during the summers.
"Are you sure? We don't mind, really." Ford had encouraged, but I shook my head with a smile. Stan shrugged his shoulders with a small smile.
"Yeah, it'd be nice to have a powerful witch aboard." He smacked a hand on my shoulder. I laughed and patted his hand. He moved it back to his side.
"I'm sure you boys can handle yourselves. Besides, I've waited this long." I looked at Stan then Ford. Gretch huffed and sat firmly next to Ford, daring me to try and stop her from going. "Fine by me, Gretch. Go on with them, I'll see you in a few years."
"It doesn't have to be years..." Ford looked down at them with a sheepish smile. "You could join us at the end of next summer." Stan gave a noise of agreement.
"Yeah!" Stan gave me a nudge. "It'd be nice to catch up with you, too." We had gained some of our friendship back during the apocalypse and I was glad for it. I smiled and shook my head fondly.
"Alright, fine." They both smiled at my confirmation. "Send me letters in the meantime." Stan agreed and went to say one more goodbye to his protege, Soos, before getting the car. Gretch huffed and walked off, deciding to stay with me after all. Ford stepped closer to me, gently cupping my face in one of his hands. We both leaned in and kissed. Stan drove up and honked the horn, causing us to reluctantly part.
"I promise to write." He gave me one more kiss before getting into the car and they both drove off. I kept waving until they were out of sight.
"See you next summer." I said before heading back home with Gretch. My heart felt full.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
here's one of the prompts from this ask: presenting... camboy!Rafe
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After yet another falling out with Ward, Rafe had to find some other way to make quick cash. He didn't expect to keep this virtual career going for over a year, growing to love the flattery and attention as much as his real-life hookups.
You're Sarah's best friend, a fellow kook-turned-pogue, and spent more time at the Cameron house than your own. This summer, Rafe travels back home from college and gets a little careless, so used to his private dorm where he didn't need to stifle any moans or dirty talk.
It's a late night by the pool, music plays from Kie's speaker and empty beer bottles litter the patio. John B and Sarah are cuddled by the stairs, chatting with Pope as JJ does his umpteenth cannonball, splashing you and Kie as you lounge on floaties.
Unfortunately, it's your turn to get more snacks and drinks. You begrudgingly trek through the big house, already a little inebriated. You gather chips, popcorn and beer on the shiny island counter before a loud noise catches your attention. Curiosity gets the better of you and you follow those strange noises and find yourself in front of Ward's office, the door just barely cracked open.
Rafe sits in his father's chair, pristine white shirt unbuttoned with a light sheen of sweat on his chest. Your eyes drift to his arm, the sleeves rolled up and muscles tense under his tanned skin. He murmurs something under his breath and you creep closer, trying to make out his words.
"Hm, is that so? You think you deserve my cock?" His pink lips stretch into a smug smirk, "you're gonna have to bend over my desk and show me where you want it."
The angle blocks his lower half, but you don't need to see it to know what he's doing—the jerking motions of his arm, the hitches in his breaths, and his blue gaze locked on the screen before him.
"If you beg real nice, I'll let you taste my cum. Shoot my load on your pretty face and claim you, maybe I'll even take a few pictures." Rafe groans heavily, his arm speeding up, "is that want you want? You wanna be daddy's little cumrag?"
For the next few days, you avoid him like the plague, but that's hard to do when it's his damn house. Every time he comes around, you slip away, muttering an excuse about going home or doing an errand. Sarah is the only one partly concerned since you were never at Rafe's throat like the rest of the Pogues.
Your luck had to run out at some point: he corners you at a kegger, you should've known he'd show up at the Boneyard with the rest of his friends.
"I've been back for a month and you haven't said more than three words to me."
You grip the solo cup tightly, nervously peering up at him, "hi, Rafe, how are you?"
He laughs, shaking his head. His new buzzcut makes him appear more rugged and confident. Ugh, he never used to make you weak in the knees, but now you're having trouble standing upright—hopefully, it's just the alcohol.
"I'd be better if you didn't look at me like I'm covered in blood. C'mon, you're Sarah's only friend that I can actually tolerate." He rolls his eyes, "don't tell me they turned you against me in a couple of months?"
me thinks... one thing leads to another and you're making out against his truck, your dress hiked up to your thighs as he hooks your knees around his hips. You pull away for a breath and his hand wraps around your throat, his wet lips trailing down to your jaw: "Is it bad that I want to get caught right now just to see the look on JJ's face?"
At the mention of your friends, you snap out of it and shove him away. Guilty and ashamed, you can't imagine what Sarah would think about you hooking up with her brother, and the rest of the Pogues definitely wouldn't be happy about it either.
You leave the party early and once again, avoid Rafe, going as far as faking sick when Sarah invites you over.
fast forward to the filthy stuff: don't even get me started on you starring in his cam shows. Rafe is all too eager to show his viewers every inch of you, how pretty you moan, how you melt with just the slighest of touches.
He's such a tease: he grinds his hard cock along your clothed cunt, showing his fans just how needy you get, "look at that, she's soaking her panties," he chuckles, reading the rush of comments on the laptop screen, "Yeah, she's gonna ruin them tonight—maybe we'll have a little fun and send them to the highest tipper. How's that sound, baby? You want a stranger owning your messy panties?"
He's obsessed with cum shots: he’ll cum on your pretty, tear-stained face or one of your used holes, "open wider for daddy." And of course, you obey, blinking up at him with his seed on your cheeks and lips. He leans down and spits, spreading his saliva and cum on your tongue, "such a good girl, you'd let me do anything to you, hm? You wanna show our fans how pretty you look right now?"
this au makes me very interested in Rafe's and reader's exhibitionist adventures 😳 ofc fooling around at the country club, mayhaps golf cart shenanigans, and definitely riding him in his truck... this will be a full fic 😌 or a collection of drabbles !! we'll see hehe
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Thoughts about Ninjago DR S2 eps 18-20 (finale):
I'll put the summary here so the spoilers can stay hidden. Overall, I think this might be my favorite part of Dragons Rising so far. So many things have been improved upon by leagues from season 1, with the villains being more likable, the setting and plot way more interesting, the new characters growing into their own, no more filler side plots, even the humor is better. While of course it wasn't flawless it is finally making me excited and eager to see the next season, rather than cautious and apprehensive, and not even just because I want to see the OG characters, but because I'm genuinely invested in the new gen ones.
And now for the spoilers:
Lmao Zeatrix went all uwu suddenly with that apology. But it is nice to see she's not an all the way bad person like her sister (maybe). Wonder what she'll do now?
Wyldfyre schooling her on how to apologize was so cute haha. And her suggestion of punishment hilarious. (Also when are we going to get more about how she grew up??)
It's fun seeing Wyldfyre and Arin as a duo together (despite how sad it is that Arin is still rebuffing Sora).
"Normal people lock doors. I was raised by dragons and even I know that." So many good Wyldfyre moments in this episode.
Okay Lloyd is unconscious but Zane and Cole are RIGHT THERE to help you instead Sora, you know they're spinjitzu masters too right? Heck they LITERALLY used to be teachers at one point!
Aw, Frak is a good boy actually, I like him.
The way Sora balanced on her tiptoes at the edge like that was cool haha
When Jordana handed Sora the note with the math equation on it my sister said "Sora, help me with my homework", and for some reason that made me and my other sister crack up so much we had to pause the video.😆
Yeah knew it, Roby was a red herring, of course the old guy who likes tradition is the bad one.🙄
Ahahaha Arin jumping on the exercise ball and it launching away was too real. XD
I'm not a fan of shows making young characters not know what older technology is, so I was glad that Arin called it a rotary phone, BUT it was also funny when Wyldfyre said she still doesn't know what they are because in HER case it actually makes sense.
Also my sisters reminded me that Lloyd, who's likely close to a decade older than Arin, didn't know what a VHS tape is, which makes it even funnier.
Woah woah woah what the heck that evil lair was DISTURBING, bro wants to murder his own nephew!
Love we're still continuing the joke that no one can remember Jordana's name.
Yooooo Lloyd saw Arin betraying him in a vision!😭 This boy is going to get traumatized worse than Wu with Morro.
Oh okay, Cole temporarily got his powers back through the Chekhov's gun mech, sure. I mean it's not the first time characters have gotten their powers back after losing them just through sheer will, and you know what, this isn't even the worst way it's been done, so whatever. Also guess the mech really did belong to Lilly.
Lloyd used wind!!! That feels SO satisfying somehow. Just imagine Morro's reaction if he'd seen. XD
Yikes, freaky mask...
Wyldfyre is a smart cookie with that switcheroo.
Oh my gosh, Cole's reaction to seeing Wu was so sweet, he missed him so much.😭
He really asked if he died omg
Sora's apology to Jordana was so sweet, I hope she heard it all.
Zur is revealed to actually be a very nice guy haha. (Had to search up his name though, seriously why are all the names of the new characters so unintelligible?)
I like that Arin feeling even more betrayed that Lloyd didn't immediately leave Sora's fight to deal with his revelation that Wu caused the merge, felt believable; he's young and already not in a good mental space right now, and mixed with his anger at Sora and not having learned proper spinjitzu from Lloyd, it's no wonder he'd feel especially bitter towards Lloyd not giving him more credence in favor of helping Sora, the new golden child, even if that's not what Lloyd was doing. Like really, Arin's whole "turning to the dark side" arc is written crazy good!
Lmao why was Geo cheering Nokt's win??
Nothing like making sure the audience knows your new protagonist is better than the old ones by having the previous protagonist tell her so. Hey I know that's just Lloyd trying to be a good teacher by encouraging her after her loss but still, that line felt kinda self-indulgent on the writers' part.
What do you know, someone evil took all the powers and stopped you from taking them back with the cup, Roby. Actually, what's the point in giving all the powers to the winner in the end when they're gonna return to their original owners anyway? It's not like they'd need them to fight.
So uhhh was it PLANNED by Nokt and Rox for Sora the tech master to be their final opponent? Cause there's no way they could've known that (especially considering her first match was rigged to sway in her opponent's favor), much less that she would've used her powers to remove the shock collar thingy.
DANG Ras not holding back with that warhammer, that looked painful! XD
Nya came back! Without Jay but I'm glad she's not missing the finale.
Again, Frak is a good boy. He deserved to say that "ninja go"
"I sincerely detest rising dragon" lmao at that line delivery XD
Oh my God Roby, how long does it really take to activate that cup thing?? Stop talking and just do it!
"How did you learn perfect spinjitzu?" "Not from you." BRO I KNOW I WANTED ARIN TO THROW IT IN HIS FACE BUT THAT WAS SO COOOOLD!!😩
Okayyy see Wyldfyre roaring in Roby's face instead of going for the kiss? That's more in character for her and really funny. And Roby just going with it? Very sweet.Still, glad this is going to stay a long distance relationship.
KAAAAIIII! Kai coming to save their butts! Kai soloing Nokt! Kai saying "don't you dare touch her"!!!
Nokt really said he would end Kai with his own daughter's powers, I can't
Love Euphrasia taking out Cinder immediately after they got their powers back. XD Good girl!
I really felt Lloyd and Sora's heartbreaking cries for Arin, it's just like seeing a father and daughter losing their son/brother.😭
Awwww the group hug tackle on Kai!
But... I'm a little disappointed Kai and Cole couldn't get their own moment together, since they're reuniting for the first time after the merge.
Aww but the Cole and Bonzle hug was cute.
Look, I don't dislike Sora as a character or anything, but calling her the "greatest elemental master of the merged realms" isn't sitting right with me. She only won by default against Nokt, without even knowing rising dragon technique, and probably would've lost to Frak too if he hadn't had a change of heart. The entire tournament was purposefully written so that she'd be the winner; Nya would've beaten Nokt if Blekt hadn't cheated, and Lloyd was disqualified for being injured, not even to speak again of how Zane was taken out like garbage for no reason in the first round, without it even having been rigged like Cole's game was. Maybe this wouldn't bother me so much if Sora wasn't designed to look so obviously appealing to the "new gen" crowd with her pink-haired catgirl thing going on, I mean she looks just like an overly designed fan OC, but the fact that she's a child genius, and always being told by others how amazing she is - except of course by the people who were completely wrong about her and were getting in the way of her potential - and now being celebrated as "the best" mostly by circumstance... is kinda making her dangerously close to becoming a special snowflake in my book.
Oh hey it's Frohicky lol. Can't say I really felt his absence.🤷‍♀️
Love that Kai promised Nya they'd find Jay together, best big brother for real.
Lloyd already putting Arin's picture up like he departed, what is it with these ninja overreacting 🤣
*chants* ev-il Ar-in ev-il Ar-in!
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naturepointstheway · 2 months
16. "Is this your way of telling me you have a praise kink? Because I'm into it." As tuggoff? Let those boys be praised!
Sorry for taking so long to respond, here's a little quick thing!
Tugger couldn't sleep, staring up at the ceiling in the dark, his phone lying next to him. He pondered whether he should bother Mistoffelees by texting him, but it was already past 11 pm and he was sure he'd already be fast asleep.
Lucky for some, he thought, wishing that he could just shut his brain up so he could actually get some sleep--
He started in surprise as his phone screen lit up with a new text.
Sure, but it could just as easily have been anyone else, but honestly? All he could think of was Mistoffelees right now.
Might be anyone, he tried to reason with his brain, could be Munk, Victoria, Bomba...
As it turned out, the text was from Mistoffelees, and he couldn't help a jolt of excitement as he unlocked his phone, reading it with eager eyes.
Hey, you awake? I can't sleep.
Oh, you thinking about me? ;)
Tugger could imagine Misto's eyeroll at his response, but before long, another text came back.
Actually, yes.
Oh? I'm flattered. Unless, is everything okay?
Tugger watched, almost hypnotised by the three dots as Misto typed his response before sending on his end.
More than fine, actually ;)
Huh, interesting that he ended that with a little wink.
What's with the wink? Thinking special thoughts about me? ;)
It felt like an age before another response came back.
Um... can you do something for me?
Anything, I'd kill the sun for you if you asked. Not to be dramatic.
Please don't do that, I like the sun. :( But um...
Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to call you? I know it's really late.
A long pause from Misto, the three dots looping and looping as he, Tugger imagined, chewed over his response. Then--
Yeah. There's something I want to try with you. Can your phone record voice messages?
Well that was certainly an interesting response from Misto, and it didn't sound like he was upset, and that was a very specific kind of request, but now Tugger didn't care about going to sleep.
Yeah, my phone can definitely do that. Why?
I'll tell you. Just say something. Compliment me in a whisper.
Tugger could absolutely do that, but where to start, that was the question. There were a thousand compliments filed away in his brain, and he had to take a moment to think of one, and when he did, he quickly recorded it in a whisper, imagining he was whispering it right into Misto's ear.
"I love how gentle your kisses are, like little raindrops on skin."
He hit send, and waited for a response--and he didn't have long to wait for one.
Mmm. Liked that. Give me another like that.
Now he just had to pick from the remaining 999 compliments filed away in his brain.
"I love the way you nuzzle into my neck, your breath always so soft and warm."
He sent this too, and even now he was starting to feel Misto was revealing something new about himself that he hadn't before.
That sounded soooo nice. I love how you just breathe-whispered that.
Guessing Misto wanted another as before, Tugger recorded another.
"The most pleasurable thing on Earth...when you pool warm magic in my palms and use your fingertips to swirl it around, letting it tangle up around my hands."
That felt good to hear too. Another please?
"I love when I'm your little spoon, and you wrap your arms around me like you never want to let go. The way you press into me like a full body hug is delicious."
He would be lying if he said he wasn't proud of how much he made "Delicious" sound like the most seductive word in the dictionary. And judging by Misto's response he agreed too.
How did you make delicious sound so good?
"Because everything about you is so beautiful, precious, enchanting, and soft and wonderful. I love the way you tell me I love you in so many ways without a word. Eloquence in silence."
Eloquence in silence.
"Your eloquence in silence is magical. Delicious and magical and beautiful. You are so, so beautiful. So phenomenal. So, so magical. You are so amazing, I am so proud of you, you are so good in every way..."
A long pause, and Tugger found himself smiling, and feeling more than a little tingly. And when he read the next message from Misto, he had to quickly stifle his laugh lest he awoke someone, but he didn't bother to hide his grin either.
I guess I'll be in my bunk then, Tugger.
Tugger decided right then he definitely needed to stay over at Misto's at some point in the next few nights, because this was absolutely something he was down for to try with his boyfriend.
"Is this your way of telling me you have a praise kink?" he whispered in a low murmur, making his voice as deep and sensual as he could. "Because I'm into it."
You could say that ;) If you don't mind, I'd love more...
Tugger wasn't about to say no to that.
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bramblewhisker · 5 months
Any Brokenstar x Breezepelt ship thoughts? I know this is very out of nowhere, but this has been stuck in my mind and it pains me that I don't really see anything about it anywhere, at least in terms of fixs or posts.
Fair enough tho, since I don't have any actual coherent thoughts about it either except jhnnhjjhkhghnbhjnnn
Idk, something about it just lodged in my brain
BrokenBreeze feels like it should be a classic! I can't say I've spent that much time thinking about it personally - the Dark Forest plotline in OotS lost me quite frequently - but it makes a lot of sense! Breezepelt is a tom who didn't have a good relationship with his father at all, so he'd be easy prey for Brokenstar to groom into a tool for his own ends. This is basically just implied to be what happens in canon, we just don't get much time with the two of them since we (criminally) got no Breezepaw/pelt POVs.
I imagine Brokenstar starts very softly: "I see how hard you work to be a good warrior. I see your great potential and your strength. I see everything your father refuses to see. Come with me. I will train you to be the best you can be. Then you can show them how wrong they were to scorn you." Breezepelt has never had such "positive" reinforcement before so he's eager to please, and is more than willing to go out of his comfort zone to keep getting Brokenstar's approval.
It's easy to imagine this growing past Dark Forest warrior stuff and into more ~intimate~ areas. It's not healthy or romantic or equal in any way: for Brokenstar it's about control and dominance, and for Breezepelt it's about staying in the good graces of the tom he thinks respects and values him. But it surely grows intense (Brokenstar gave off Big Creep vibes in life and I can't imagine that changed when he went to cat hell).
Interesting also to think about how Breezepelt has to unpack all of that after the great battle. It can't be easy for him once the realization sets in that Brokenstar didn't truly value him for him, but was just using him. Just another disappointing father figure :(
All of that still leads nicely into Crowfeather's Trial, really.
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moodymisty · 10 months
okay so my original second idea before the Sevatar one came out more a word vomit than a request so just take this as me sharing an idea I've had in my head and I have no Warhammer buddies to share it with lol
this is a premise inspired by a oneshot I feel like I read at some point but I can't remember where. a human from the distant past, before ai tried to kill everyone and people still looked out at the galaxy with hopeful naivety, getting shot into the far future after their exploratory science vessel gets caught up in some warp storm. our scientist/explorer was in cryo sleep or something so is completely unaware anything went wrong. anywho, but who should pick up on the strange little blip of their ancient yet new vessel?
BOOM it's Trazyn lol. so he squirrels the whole kit and kaboodle to solemnace and ends up waking our mc up. maybe they initially think Trazyn is some form of advanced AI and after some surprise are pretty chill with him. maybe Trazyn plays along for a time, asks them questions about themselves and things from their time. shows them around some exhibits and such. our mc slowly coming to realize something is terribly wrong during their time on solemnace. Trazyn growing surprisingly attached to them, it's nice having someone to talk and teach things to and theyre so eager and inquisitive.
okay I'm rambling so anyway his lil human's life is so frail and short, not even a blip on the proverbial radar of his existence and he very much doesn't want to lose them so soon so he feeds the ctan shard he's got locked in the basement in trade for the knowledge on how to perform biotransference on them. Trazyn rationalizes that it's for the best, it's only temporary, the necrons of course will eventually figure out how to reverse their condition and everything will be fine. mc may or may not consent to the procedure.
I feel you on the having the no Warhammer friends to share with lol. Only just recently have I actually had people to talk about it to.
But man, Trayzn is such a funny dude lol. I haven't read The Infinite and the Divine yet (it's in the postage still it'll get here one day) but I love how despite how absolutely not human he is, he one of the more human characters in 40k. I mean he's just a hobby collector with a bit of a morose spin.
I imagine he's one of the few characters who'd despite being 'above' humanity in terms of pretty much anything, he'd probably be willing to kinda show off in a way. Tour his collection, chat about all the things he's seen. I mean if I was about to be frozen, I'd love to at least take a gander at the 40k British museum first.
Talk about a wide ride though, I mean thinking he's an AI would make the most sense because that would be a trip having to learn what a Necron actually is. Poor human has been thrown around enough.
But awwwww, Trazyn and his little out of time human <3 All things considered it's kinda cute.
Also thanks for sending in requests for not only letting me go apeshit about Blood Angels but ALSO Sevatar??? My crops are green and lush.
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umemiyan · 8 days
stroke his hair while he sucks on your nipples!! He'll try to bat your hand away because he only wanted a taste and not to fall asleep, but you always, without fail, end up getting him to doze off. Like as soon as your fingers start massaging his scalp, a shudder runs through him and he tries pushing himself closer to you despite him being as close as he can get. Megs would live in your chest if he could and you let him
And Bachira eats you out, he'd be the type to shake his head and again press as closely as he can get. He's so vocal, moaning and whining about how much he needs you as he drags his teeth against your clit. You taste so good to him and he feels like he could get off on making you feel good alone. And like ngl it might just be me, but I feel like he probably could cum just like that without touching himself, but at the same time, how can he not touch himself yk?? Breathy moans and smearing his pre across his cock with his thumb, twisting his wrists as he tries to time his release with yours. He loves to puts your hand in his hair, see how hard you'll pull it, if you'll try to keep him there or push him away and as soon as he notices you trying to pull or push him away, he's got his arms around your waist and is going at it with more fervor, not letting you go anywhere. When he's going down, he wants you shaking and overstimulated with tears streaming.
- 🐓🍻
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 the images this put in my brain dkdjdkskdksms
oh my god he really would just fall asleep like every time; maybe try to be resistant at first like you said, but once a hand goes in his hair and starts gently sifting around, he’s drifting off while practically suffocating himself against you. he’s like a little kid who doesn’t wanna go down for a nap but the sleepiness catches up to him and he’s like “okay this is nice” LOL like his brain knew what it needed all along.
and i’m imagining him sucking you until you’re sore and you’ve got little teeth marks around your nipples because he gets greedy and nibbles a few times too many. he tries to go to you for another session the next day but you’re like, “meguru, my tits are still sore from yesterday. it’s like i’ve been nursing an actual child.” and maybe he pouts at first and tries to get you to change your mind because he’s needy and even a little sadistic, but then decides to occupy his mouth in another way <3
i think he probably could cum just from how excited he gets from tasting your pussy, but you’re right—he’s too needy, eager, and greedy to keep from touching himself while he does it. HOWEVER i think he could be the type to think it’s fun to try and challenge himself in different ways, like how fast can he finish without touching himself, how many times can he make you cum in 5 minutes, etc. like he just has a blast with sex. he’s pretty intense but also playful, and it makes for a really interesting experience!!
bachira giggles and says cheeky things, but he also moans and groans unapologetically when you tighten your grip in his hair or buck your hips against his mouth. he’s so in tune with the energy between himself and another person/entity (i think his instinctual variant is most likely sexual/1-to-1 but let me not get started on all that) to where he can be playful while also managing to keep that energy and intensity high. if that even makes sense lol. it’s a lot like when he gets in the zone while playing soccer, where he’s just having so much fun but is also locked in.
so of course he’s gonna hold your hips down and start going crazy with his tongue until you’re fucking wrecked. and he wants you to pull his hair, squeeze your thighs around his head, give him all sorts of little fun tidbits and challenges that make it so extra exciting for him. i think he just loves the give and take and exchange of that crazy energy, and you’re the perfect person for it because no one else knows him so well or is so in sync with him!!
you’d be thinking that you need him to suck on your clit or go a little faster, and he’d automatically do so without you even saying or doing anything. “you’re my other half, of course i can tell what you want!”
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wulvercazz · 1 year
Do you think Grimmjow ever gets flashbacks from the souls he consists of? Like imagine him observing Yuzu in the kitchen while he waits for Ichigo to finish his homework, he's watching her chop something for dinner, then suddenly, just for a moment, he sees a different kitchen, different hands going through the same motions.
And I bet that would freak him out, because that never happened in Hueco Mundo, because duh, there was nothing there to remind him of his many pasts, but the more time he spends around Ichigo and the other humans the more triggers he keeps running into.
ohohohoho dO I ever. I loVE that trope ´w`<33 I even have a drabble I'd originally posted to twt a couple years ago, lemme share~
(it's sort of fluffy, sort of bittersweet<3)
Ichigo may be just a bit too happy about Grimmjow’s new gigai, they’ve been ‘dating’ - sort of-. Mostly, Ichigo's been showing him human experiences and places that he gets curious about. But like this, with Grimmjow walking beside him rather than sneaking about in his usual form, it feels like an actual date.
Walking back to Ichigo's apartment from the mall, after buying Grimmjow some clothes he could use while on his gigai (all because the ex-espada, very rudely, pointed out his were far too tight on him. It's not like he could deny it though, especially after almost getting the most patheticly quick boner the moment Grimm put one of his shirts on.
Walking side by side, the street not overly croweded (which he learned soon Grimmjow preferred) and lost in comfortable silence. It was nice, just spending time with him like this...
Ichigo stopped, suddenly realizing Grimmjow wasn’t walking along anymore. A piano.
One of those sitting in the middle of commercial streets and community areas for public use. He watched Grimmjow stare at it with an unreadable expression; one he'd never seen on his face.
Grimm pressed one of the keys a couple times, like he was pondering something. Ichigo would’ve liked to ask. He hoped Grimmjow would let him in on his thoughts; but something told him if he interrupted now, he’d break whatever spell the instrument had put the arrancar in.
Was Grimmjow holding his breath like he was?
Suddenly, blue eyes snapped back to him; almost startled to see him there too, and removed his hand like the ivories had burned him.
“Go for it,” he tried sounding as nonchalant as he could muster, hide the obvious curiosity from his eyes. “Worst that can happen is that you suck at it.” That earned him a scowl and a nice flip off to his face, but if he didn’t make it sound like a challenge... Grimmjow would most likely shy away from it in the end.
With newfound determination, Grimm sat down on the small bench and glared at the keys, like they were offending him too.
Don’t make a sound.
A couple more notes, the third painfully off-key, making Grimmjow’s scowl to deepen. It was oddly adorable.
He expected another badly placed sound, some more anger after that, and maybe it'd eventually lead to a tantrum. Instead, Grimmjow’s fingers seemed to suddenly remember something the arrancar himself looked surprised he knew. Music — an actual melody, and a damn well played one too.
Ichigo feared his eyes would pop out their sockets from how far they’d widened, barely following Grimmjow’s fast fingers play the notes expertly. Yet, as soon as it started, it ended. He realized Grimm had attracted quite a few people in this short time, and with a small jump and a bunch of out-of-place notes Grimmjow did too.
Ichigo followed him as he quickly stood up and fled, suddenly very eager to get back to the apartment.
“Wait! Grimmjow- I— didn’t know you could do that. That was — amazing , holy shi— mmf!” He rubbed his aching nose; fuck, Grimm’s head was made of lead. “Don’t stop like tha-!“
“I didn’t know either.”
Grimmjow looked disturbed when he turned back to him. “It felt... like I’d done that before.”
Could it be...?
“So... you remembered something from when you were alive,” somehow Grimm’s face only soured further. “That’s... good, isn’t it?”
“I... don’t want to remember...”
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Guess this is gonna be a one-way trip. THANKS GARL.
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YOU. I have a bone to pick with you.
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Nuh nuh nuh do not give me any more cryptic shit. You and I? Our trust is broken. Probably gonna be three wizards.
And a warlock.
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I. Would have hoped that we did. Given we wanted to travel it by raft and all.
Holy shit, we dodged a bullet with that one. Maybe ten years of going to your room to think about what you did wasn't such a bad punishment after all.
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I've been here five minutes and I'm about to get ganked by time/space assassins. This isn't fair.
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Honestly, this has been a fairly relaxing trip so far. Ran into some monster ants and goblins chucking bombs but it's nice here.
I think this island's got it pretty good.
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This island has a dragon.
...oh! Is that the "Sleeper" that Garl was talking about? Huh, I didn't figure he'd get to meet them this soon.
..."Sleeper Island". Right. I guess that was obvious.
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NEW FRIEND. Probably. Hello, new friend! I hope this is not too forward but WILL YOU JOIN MY PARTY IMMEDIATELY because your hair is a-ma-zing. The pink and green go together nicely to make this calm and comforting aesthertic.
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We should ask for a guide.
I think she's some kind of archaeologist, judging by how intently she's studying those runes.
Probably a bad archaeologist, given how much of her attention is being paid to a straight line with none of the interesting markings found elsewhere on the obelisk.
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OUTVOTED 2 to 1, we're pestering the intensely focused science lady.
Can't imagine why anyone would hire time/space assassins to gank me. I'm so likable.
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Garl is pouring on the charm. If there's one thing that's always been true about smart people, it's that they are eager to have someone to infodump on. Nothing gets a scientist talking like basic questions about their field of study.
We're practically besties already.
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Hold up. Can Garl read these runes? He did a double take at us.
You got something to share with the class, bruh?
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So the answer is yes, she is an archaeologist. We should probably leave her alone to study these old rocks with the world's oldest script engraved on them.
We will not.
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TEAKS. It's a little goofy but, shit, my name was supposed to be Valerie but I accidentally misplaced my I. Garl felt bad for me so he discarded one of his own.
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Trust me, we've got plenty of food even if you don't count Garl's infinitely-replenishing bag of apples.
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So. To clarify. When you said "This is the oldest writing known to us, the Traveling Historians", what you meant was "This is the oldest writing I've personally ever seen in my career."
That's an important piece of qualifying context, thank you.
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So. It's. Like psychometry but it's another object that utilizes psychometric powers and then writes it all down for ease of reference. Honestly, that's better than psychometry. You don't have to deal with fuzzy interpretations of events you barely got a glimpse of.
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So really it's the book that's the historian, and you're more like its transport mechanism? I take it back, that's way shittier than psychometry. Imagine having to play second-fiddle to a pen. My utmost sympathies.
That's okay, a lot of great heroes have "skills" that become less and less impressive the more attention you pay to how those abilities actually work.
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DEAL. If we find any interesting-looking things I'll have Vale hold them until we can pass them off to you. I'm already excited to hear what kinds of stories you'll have for us. :D
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Oh, so you just started doing this, then?
So. To clarify. When you said "This is the oldest writing known to us, the Traveling Historians", what you meant was "This is the oldest writing I've personally ever seen in the five days or so I've been studying things."
That's an important piece of qualifying context, thank you.
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divinedeathbed · 3 months
i think each of the shoreside boys is incredibly touch starved and desperate for affection in different ways
John to me would be the grumpy "i dont like this" touch starved. Dove hugs him or simply holds his hand and he's all hmph. annoyed on the outside, but secretly wants it. finding himself slowly inching up closer to dove when they're standing together, eager just to feel her shoulder against his arm. so used to his walls being built so high from his attitude and his work, he doesnt like just how badly he actually craves her affection. to be touched lovingly and gently, to be talked to sweetly. i can imagine dove being a more physical affectionate person and when they're friends her hugging him, and this probably freaks him out a little and he's like "dont do that again please" so she listens and stops, but he's literally dying inside because AAUGHG GOD its so nice to be gently hugged!!! later when they're actually together weakly, quietly asking dove beneath his breath if she can hug him again, and just melting into her embrace.
Leland with Dove is probably the "im so touch starved if you show me affection im never letting go" holding onto her as if he were to let go she would disappear from him forever. probably cried at finally having someone around him to show him affection. leland probably would looove being snuggled up to Dove and just relaxing with her and let his troubles melt away. (100% he's the little spoon despite being 6 inches taller than dove lmao) following her around like a sad lost puppy, probably would prefer holding her hand whenever they're not like hugging or cuddling. very very sweet their relationship! And Dove is moreeee than happy to always be near him and give him the affection and love he craves.
Noah would be so embarrassed with how much he craves affection I think, vascillating between the extreme desperation of craving someone's touch and also being all do not touch me. but actually do. but dont. having your uh. parents brutally killed at like 15 would do that to you i bet. probably the least vocal when it comes to wanting someone to hug him and hold him imo? just from the sheer embarrassment ig. if dove/someone in general got with him and broke down his walls he'd be the type of person to text randomly and be like "can you come over and hang out" and use that as an excuse to see them probably. He'd probably be the type of person to NEVER ask or initiate physical affection himself, choking on his words out of again, being embarrassed by it. I'm sure the way he holds himself when he's in this state is a silent cue for his partner to pick up on what he wants subconsciously so they can hug or hold him. (Cue Noah sighing a breath of relief where he can finally hug back and reciprocate lmao)
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inkblot22 · 2 years
HII THERE!! I’M BACK FOR MORE ASKS IF IT’S OKAY ♥️♥️ any riddle thoughts? :0 HRU BTW
Hello! Welcome back, you're always welcome here! I'm happy to see you here again, and I'm doing relatively decent, considering I'm currently having brainrot over a very specific character that is not from twst. Also tell me why I drafted this and then left without posting and the cut??? moved???
Anyways, I have a little confession to make. I do have Riddle thoughts, but he's honestly my least favorite twst character. You can cancel me for that later. For now, we have HEADCANONS to do!! Once again, this got way out of hand lmao. I remembered to add how I think he might smell this time too, thankfully :)
Uh, anyhow, tw for captivity, abuse, concerning use of magic, enabling behavior, violent descriptions, and other general yandere themes.
+ Okay so despite his general disposition, Riddle feels like he'd be slightly less strict with his darling. Don't misunderstand, he's still strict, but his favoritism shows in little things.
+ If Riddle is infatuated with you, you can get away with a lot more than say, Ace. Ace is not allowed to wear anything yellow on Tuesdays, and loses his head if he does so. You are allowed to drink honey-sweetened lemonade at nine. That kind of thing.
+ This translates in your private life. No one, not even Riddle, can maintain such an uptight persona at all times.
+ Once again, don't get me wrong. Riddle is kind of just like that, but he isn't as uptight as he is in public. Maybe it's your influence.
+ He definitely blames you. You go to bed late, and he likes to pretend that he's in control of your dreams, so he waits for you to fall asleep. He wants to know what's so great about soda, so he buys it for you and drinks half of it before you can have any. (Riddle seems like the type of guy to have grown up with spinach brownies and only mints as far as sweets go, if you know what I mean.)
+ He's definitely happy he's met you. He's even happier that he has you under his thumb, so to speak. He's experiencing so many new, wonderful things, and you're becoming a better person for it, at least in his eyes.
+You're expected to follow the rules, even if you get away with a little bit of bending and breaking here and there. You have to attend every unbirthday and every birthday, every tea party and every croquet game, and you have to be on your best behavior. Otherwise, you're in deep yogurt. More on that in a moment.
+ Uh, anyways, he's very clingy behind closed doors. I imagine if you get close to him, he smells kind of like lemon, pine, and the barest sweet note of strawberry. It's actually pretty nice, and you've started smelling similar since he demands you use his bath products as well.
+ Riddle uses a few pet names for you. Mostly "dear," "darling," "beloved," but less common and only when you're particularly distraught is "rose petal." You're his delicate little rose petal. This is only behind closed doors.
+ By the way, being lovey-dovey in public brings the wrong kind of flush to his face, so if you want to piss him off, feel free to kiss his cheek whenever you're out on one of your privileged walks.
+ Speaking of which! Riddle does get angry with you a LOT. When he's mad, you need to either move quick to diffuse the situation, or accept the impending punishment.
+ He doesn't have mood swings so much as an eager temper, so more often than not he'll just become slightly offended by a little thing you do and then think about it for a little too long.
+ Punishments are sporadic and cruel. They range from being forced to write 100 times on a chalkboard "I will not disobey," to him using his signature spell on you.
+ In the case you're not magic, Off With Your Head feels physically painful. Your limbs feel as though they're made of lead and your skin tingles with something like electricity. For a mage, it's a more emotional feeling of loss, as well as the weight of the collar, but for non-mages, it's like getting your blood forcefully sucked through your skin with a million metal straws, all hooked up to car batteries and conducting electricity.
+ That's not including the weight of the collar, by the way. The collar always leaves a red ring around your neck, a raised, irritated bruise.
+ Riddle has a tendency to not apologize when he's wrong, too, especially to you. He wants to stay the correct person in the room. He can't have you thinking less of him because he didn't like the color you wore and then threw a tantrum because of it.
+ On a completely different note, someone who sees what Riddle puts you through and says jack all is (drumroll, please🥁🥁🥁) you guessed it! Trey Clover, everyone's favorite childless dilf.
+ Trey doesn't let you completely suffer. Sometimes he'll talk Riddle down, and this one time that Riddle lost his temper completely and struck you, Trey was right there with a bag of frozen corn, but other than that?
+ You're on your own, dearest. It's you versus Riddle versus the Twisted world you're stuck in.
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solarsavoy · 11 months
Can I ask some more for the OC thing then?
22, 24, 44 and 45.
22 - introverted
This was a hard pick between Deshi and Izzy (which is probably why they get along so well), but I think I'm going to have to go with Izzy. Even before Deshi shows up, Izzy is known as a sort of loner. He likes a few people around him, but is still mostly known to spend his days alone in his room, and he's perfectly happy with it. The others in the castle even comment about how nice it is that Izzy has made a friend that he actively talks to after Deshi's been there a while, and it was never quite as extreme for Deshi, so Izzy wins most introverted. XD
24 - witty
Mythren! I imagine he's super witty with the way he talks and how he handles things, which is why it's so ironic that he ends up with Gerit, a guy who not only doesn't talk, but barely listens. XD A lot of Mythren's genius falls on practically deaf ears for a good portion of his life, and then is underappreciated by his daughter as she gets older. Still, he's quite intelligent and quick to come up with jokes on the fly. Because of his limited audience though, he often wonders if his humor is a bit more on the dry side than he'd like to believe.
44 - capable
Panko gets this one. There were a few capable people to choose from, but then I remembered that Panko was technically the equivalent of Earth age 5 when she started learning magic when most wouldn't get there until their tweens at earliest. She's multitalented and even becomes an Affinity Master by the age of 16 (Earth years), and then shortly after sets out on a journey to bring together the Intellects and Magics of Thera. So, for a lot of reasons, she's very much the most capable individual I can think of in the Krystar series.
45 - adventurous
Lannamay. She appears in Echoes of Stag and even though it doesn't go into it that much, she actually spends her entire life going out on adventures. For personal reasons, she often runs head first into any adventure, eager to explore and face dangers. She spends a lot of time alone and never stays in one spot for long. Her adventures focus mostly on nature and on the exploration of terrain, eventually including the Desert realm, a place where few enter and even fewer return. Even so, that doesn't stop her! Doesn't slow her down even a little bit.
Thanks for the ask, Jackie! Just love going through all my lovely little OCs. 😙
Ask thing. The following have not been asked for yet: 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 29-32, 34-36, 38, 41
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artichow · 1 year
Arti does shoyo sho have thoughts on team whz?
Oooh interesting!
I don't think they'd have a lot of interactions during masters, but they watched some of the Gan Gan Galaxy vs Wang Hu Zong matches at the beginning of the tournament back at the WBBA. To be fair they weren't very invested in it, didn't really catch all their names. Their mind was mostly elsewhere but seeing their fighting style was very intriguing and inspiring! She trained in combat and I feel like blading with the same energy and attack styles would be something she could pick up and try out after seeing this on TV actually!! Omg I just wrote that it's a good idea actually wowie :D Also gives me reasons for Shoyo to not be rendered weaker than the world championship contestants later on, she's evolving and getting development too baby!!
Their first proper meeting would probably be at the end of the championship after Gan Gan Galaxy's victory. Then right after that they go on to raid Hades City :D. Shoyo vibes pretty well with all of them, she probably likes Mei-Mei the best, she's so easy to talk to and very impressive in her determination and willingness to train all the time. I like the idea of them clicking very well actually :D Dashan seems a lot more approachable than what he seemed to be back from he battled Gingka. Cool dude. Chi-yun is very nice and sweet though sooo stressed omg. But this is Shoyo we're talking about, actually seeing this little ball of stress and eagerness for validation makes her realize that she's started to change. And they try their best to be reassuring and easy-going with Chi-yun while still taking him seriously. (This is me making Shoyo a mentor/good influence on every kid she meets ig?? it's not that she's good at it or never fucks up but by then they spent a lot of time with Kenta so she's less likely to not take someone younger than her seriously. Collecting good friendships with the kids like pokemons). As for Zhouxing idk man, he'd be kind of a mystery to Sho but she really like his fighting style and notices the efforts he puts into his friendships and training. I imagine she could just. Not carry a conversation with him whatsoever like... what the hell is he talking about even.
This is getting long but but!!! since I want Sho (and Hyoma) to be included during Fury I'd love for them to come along or meet everyone at the Beijing temple maybe and Shoyo would be happy to see everyone again I think :D She'd take this opportunity to train with the students and maybe show off some new moves too while training with Mei-Mei :)
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 3 months
Our Hearts Collide - Chapter 42 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Running in our wolf forms with our wolves at the forefront felt different, more precise, in tune.
As if sharing their conscience in perfect harmony, I could experience the same senses as my wolf, with far less exertion than before.
Another bonus to the mate bond, no doubt and as a result of a strengthened bond, I knew exactly where our wolves were headed.
Whether it was a gut feeling or a subconscious feeling from our wolves' excitement and eagerness to leave the pack grounds, the path to the spot at the lakeshore was all too clear.
As serene as always, the sky was clear, offering an unusually unobstructed view of Arthur's pack in the distance.
The slight wind offered a pleasant ambiance of rustling trees and with only the minute sounds of distant forest animals, I couldn't imagine another more peaceful place to rest after a run.
With our wolves satiated with a run in their physical forms, they pulled back, allowing Simon and me to chat for a moment.
'This is nice,' Simon said, eyes fixated on the sight before us.
I hummed in agreement but my mind lingered on my conversation with Xavier, particularly about Arthur and Clayton.
They had made it work after all these years, Clayton was bonded with his mate before Arthur and if Simon and I could work out our past and be happy and in love, Xavier could achieve that with Sam, too.
He had to. Simon, in his wolf form, nudged my neck with his nose.
'You're thinking too hard again.'
I leaned into him.
'So was Xavier.'
'About Sam?'
My eyes met his.
'You overheard us?'
He shook his head.
'No. Just a gut feeling. I'm sure he was nervous to announce they were dating and I think he was worried about what others would think about it and besides, he's related to you. Overthinking's in your genes.'
'Unfortunately,' I mused.
'Fortunately, Sam's the most patient person I know,' Simon said.
'And we've all got his back. They'll be fine.'
'And with the treaties Xavier's putting into place, there'll be more backing him. Arthur and Clayton said they'd be willing to help him branch out with the packs beyond the state line. Clayton has extended family there.'
Simon leaned into me.
'Sounds like Xavier's going to be busy.'
'I'll make sure he doesn't spread himself too thin. He's got a great group of Betas by his side and if anything, I don't mind visiting other packs, it's been a while since I've had to travel for pack business. Of course, I sure hope you'd tag along.'
'It would probably feel more like a vacation than a business trip. I've heard those packs hardly have any issues.'
'True. Maybe we could start with something closer to home for a vacation, though. I think it'd be nice to visit them," I said, raising my nose toward the Northern Lights Pack.
I'd imagine they were busy with pack relations and deciding whether Rina would take over the pack for them but Arthur insisted we visit anytime.
'Arthur and Clayton's pack is beautiful and the view of the mountains and the lake is just as lovely this time of year. You'd like it there.'
'I'm sure Arthur has some embarrassing stories from when you were just a kid.'
'I'm sure he does,' I said.
'He did say something about how clumsy you were.'
'Still am,' I corrected.
'Didn't he tell you about how I ran into him?' Simon snorted.
'A real cliffhanger.'
'Very funny.'
I nudged him.
'We should probably head back before Xavier thinks we ran off to elope.'
His eyes seemed to shine with amusement.
'That doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually.'
'Except he'd never forgive us for not inviting him or allowing him to plan it out for us.'
He shrugged.
'We could just have multiple ceremonies. One for just us and a formal one later. He doesn't have to know.'
My cheeks flushed, aware that despite the light banter, we hadn't broached the subject of marriage.
While a mate bond was leagues more permanent and significant, many mated wolves married shortly before or after completing the bond.
Especially now that most werewolves remained in their human forms, bearing a ring and holding ceremonies were the norm.
Maybe it was too soon to envision a ceremony for us but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about wedding rings and vows.
Hell, I'd have written them down by now but we haven't left each other's sides long enough for me to do so without him knowing but Xavier's declaration with Sam did give me a few ideas that required less writing.
Now, to pull it off was a different story.
I'd have to hope I don't burn any kitchens down and somehow find enough time away to prep and practice.
Regardless, it'd be worth it in the end, even if it meant facing the wrath of Loreta for a ruined kitchen.  
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