#I just want to get 4 levels in the catalog a day
i wish anyone who uses a charger in turf a very lose.
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 11 days
I can’t believe the Grand Festival is over. I’m teary eyed right now. Despite being the longest Splatfest ever, it ended much too quickly. I can’t believe Splatoon 3 is over already. It felt like not so long ago that we were saying goodbye to Splatoon 2. How is Splatoon 3 over already?
I first started playing Splatoon 2 in 2018. The Switch was my first console. And Splatoon was the only reason I got it. So Splatoon 2 is really the game that kickstarted my gaming hobby. I remember sucking back then, and having trouble with some hero mode levels and especially Octo Expansion. But I still had so much fun. Unfortunately I was burnt out by the Final Fest. I was rooting for Order though. And I got to play the Splatfests afterwards.
I picked up Splatoon 3 on the day it released. I tried to play Turf War, but a power outage forced me to play the story mode instead. I played all of those first Splatfests with gusto. I 100% the story mode quickly too. Maxed out all the catalogs. But then the first Big Run happened. And I don’t know why, but shortly after that, I stopped playing. Until last month. I heard the Grand Festival was happening, and I knew I had to play it. So I jumped back in. I played a bunch of Turf War and Anarchy Battles, and I bought Side Order and finished that. I also played a bunch of the Big Run that happened recently. And I even went back and finally completed all the levels in Octo Expansion! Except Inner Agent 3…I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole, haha.
And then there I was. Playing the Grand Festival. My performance was…not good. I even got to an 18-30 record at some point. And yes, there was crying involved. But I managed to beat two 100x battles! And I had fun. Near the end of the Splatfest, I got a 5 winning streak, which was pretty good. Unfortunately, that didn’t last. But the very last battle of the Splatfest was a 10x battle. And I won it. I managed to get almost 700,000 Turf War clout, and about 300,000 Tricolor clout. My final rank was Ruler+5, although I was so close to 6!
When I finished my final battle, I felt numb. But then I saw that there were more performances at the festival venue. So I watched Deep Cut’s. Then Off The Hook’s. And finally the Squid Sister’s. I just narrowly avoided crying, I felt so emotional. At that point I just had to turn the game off because I couldn’t handle it anymore.
I do wish I had watched the performances throughout the festival a bit more. But oh well, people will definitely upload those to YouTube. I was proud to battle for Team Future. I recognize that we’re probably not going to win. I want us to, but it’s unlikely. And that’s okay. I know no matter what team wins, Splatoon 4 will be great. I trust Nintendo. And I thank them for making these games that have positively affected my life so much.
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5and3nevermind · 17 days
I'm sorry to put this here I know this blog is dedicated to yoonmin but I also know that you are an ot7 and all this that is happening with yoongi worries me so much that sometimes it makes me lose sleep. I started following the group in chapter 2, I still haven't really seen them as the 7 BTS together and it makes me very scared not to see them together as 7.
Following from afar, sometimes I have the feeling that we will receive a notification of the big hits informing that Yoongi is no longer part of the group and this makes me so sad.
Is it normal for the company to do absolutely nothing officially to stop these attacks it has been receiving? Once again I apologize for the outburst and I hope you understand what I wrote because I still have a little difficulty with English.
Hi anon!
This is just my opinion. This is a sensitive topic, but this is how I see it.
First of all, what Yoongi did is so minor. He was on a scooter…and not like a motorcycle/motorbike scooter. He was basically on a motorized skateboard. He was on the sidewalk. No one was hurt and no property was damaged. If he’d been on a different model/brand of scooter, what he did would have been completely legal. It even took the police a few days to figure out how to categorize his scooter, so how could Yoongi be expected to know? He thought that what he was doing was the safe way to get home after drinking. And yet here we are.
All of that said, I completely understand how you feel. This has been an awful time and I worry about Yoongi every day.
But here are some things that I believe and I hope maybe they make you feel better. We won’t know anything for sure until 2025, but in the meantime…
1. We don’t know how Yoongi feels right now, but we know he has the full support of the other members, of his loyal friends, and of many, many Army around the world. The media is being ridiculous. They are writing hundreds of articles about a man falling off a scooter, but very few about another idol who left his group due to SA allegations. They are hypocrites and bullies. I trust that Yoongi is wise enough to realize this and to know that what he did wrong is very, very minor.
2. BTS has risen to a level that goes beyond K-pop, so the regular patterns don’t apply. In the past, an idol might have had a “controversy” and been forced to leave the group. But Yoongi isn’t a typical idol. He is a writer and producer of a vast catalog of BTS songs. He’s a shareholder in the company. He is a Grammy nominee. And he is admired by a fan base who firmly believes that BTS is seven members. Period.
3. I’m calling this #3, but it should be 2a. BTS is internationally famous. That gives them a degree of freedom that other groups might not have.
4. I believe the members are close and that the 7 tattoos were no joke. They’ve demonstrated for 11+ years that they aren’t simply coworkers. They mean so much to each other. It’s hard to imagine a scenario in which they move forward without Yoongi.
In terms of the response of the company…time will tell, but I believe the company is waiting and being smart. There has not been an official conclusion to the investigation, so anything that’s said at this point—by either Yoongi or the company—has to be very precise and (I’d imagine) be approved by the company’s legal team, PR team, etc. But I have no doubt that the company is building a case and will go after anyone who has slandered/harmed/harassed Yoongi during this time.
Maybe this will sound naive, but I really do believe in karma, and it’s already at work. Every reporter who tried to bully Yoongi into harming himself…they can’t possibly be happy, fulfilled, secure people. They are miserable. They have to wake up every morning knowing they’ll write ten morally questionable, factually inaccurate articles about a man who is by all accounts smart, kind, and generous.
Same goes for the antis who want Yoongi to leave the group. These miserable people are fundraising for trucks used to circle Hybe with negative messages about Yoongi, when instead they could be raising money for worthy causes. They know this, and they have to live with themselves every day. They dedicate hours of their time to harassing Yoongi instead of focusing on their work or studying or seeing friends or helping a neighbor or going for a jog or a million other worthwhile things they could be doing. And I have to imagine that’s absolutely miserable. Can you imagine someone asking you, “hey! What have you been up to?” and answering, “Oh, just stalking and harassing a perfectly nice person who is absolutely beloved by millions of people…” That can’t be fun.
Anyway, this turned into a really long post because I have made a point to not say too much about this whole situation, but there it is. I believe Yoongi will be fine, I believe the group will be fine, and I believe we will have a very happy 2025. Because I believe that what BTS has built will withstand this test, and I believe people who act shitty almost always lose in the ways that matter.
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kmwilllose · 1 month
I love Splatoon
I joined in late to Splatoon 2 after the finale fest but it became one of the biggest parts of my life.
It was the first game I wanted to play. I wasn't a game my brother played like Pokémon or Smash bros. Although I love those games, I never had a real connection with them. Splatoon was the first game I found on my own that no one else I knew played it.
The Finale fest had already passed for that game, but it was still getting love and attention from its main fanbase.
I played this game like it was all I cared about (it was during the lock down so that's actually pretty true.) Everything was fresh and new, I didn't know who character were or how anything worked but I loved it. I experimented with weapons, modes, 1000% the story mode, found out about Octo Expansion and 1000% that too.
I got into Splatoon's media. Found Youtubers that lead me to amazing communities, Artists that lead me to have Tumblr as my main social, and new friends. It was so easy to connect with people who had the same passion about the game as me.
And this went on for a solid amount of years.
Then the Nintendo Direct on 17 February 2021 came out.
I didn't watch it live because again, Splatoon was all I cared about. My brother was out with my mom at the time and he did watch it. He immediately called me and told me to watch the direct. By then I had got my brother to love the game almost as much as I did.
I. Freaked. Out.
I screamed to my brother over the phone and then to friends over text. I went to any youtuber I knew to watch reactions. I went to Tumblr to see art flowing in by the second with every new direct. People where non-stop talking about the new hairstyles, new weapons, new stages, little buddy, salmon run, anything new that met my eyes, I could find a post on it.
It was all I could talk about to the point where my friends couldn't take it anymore. I was HYPED.
The Splatfest demo comes out, and I play almost all 12 hours! I find friends on my team that I remember and by the end of it, I make a whole post on Tumblr about it, the people, the hub, and the world that Splatoon 3 was.
Splatoon 3 come out and I am playing it every hour of the day. Learning new weapons, figuring out new stages, obsessing over the music and DEEP CUT!! First catalog I make it to level 99 with how much I played. I try and keep up with every splatfest and every announcement but at some point it just, falls out on me.
I stop using it as pass time, online games aren't as fun, I begin to forget how much I love Splatoon.
++++SIDE ORDER++++
My attention was shot by this mode. A Splatoon rouge like with new story and characters that I've never seen with a 3d model? YES FINALLY I CAN LOVE SPLATOON AGAIN. I didn't have to worry about competitive players, or ranked. I could Spend as much time on this mode as I wanted.
I made it to floor 26 on what I believe was my fifth run.
I stayed up till 4:00 round after round, floor after floor. It was so addicting to just play Splatoon again.
I got through the main story very quickly and started reaching floor 30 with all the weapons, and then the same chips. I was on this kick for a while and tried to get back into the online side of the game but I just felt like it all moved on without me, so eventually I stopped again.
As weird as my relation ship with Splatoon is now, I still love this game and am so excited for the Grand Festival. Hopefully this isn't the end of Splatoon's story, but for me it'll never be over.
I got back to Splatoon 2 and see everything I once was so confused by, and now I finally understand it all. It's different, but it shows how much I've grown.
This is some what of a love letter to Splatoon from me. How I've grown up with it and how it's affected my life.
This my jeopardize the future of Splatoon based on the names of the teams but Pearl and Marina are my girls.
And I'm so glad we have Splatoon in the present.
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edogawa-division · 7 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Kanra Akemi
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~~ March 14th ~~
“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”
Login Lines:
“Oh hey! Sorry! I don’t have time to chat! I'm kinda running from the cops right now!”
“What's this for? A gift for me? Oh, it’s my birthday today! Thanks! I almost forgot! *loud sirens* Ah! That's my cue! Bye!” 
Voice Lines:
“Phew! Managed to escape the cops. It would be terrible if I had to spend my birthday locked up in jail. Asserting dominance over the other prisoners gets boring after a while.” 
“It may not look like it, but I’m turning 18 today! …Well that's what everyone says, but I think saying I'm 4 now is much better…not like anyone will understand it….no one ever does.”
“I always thought becoming an adult would mean I don’t know feeling different, but here I am still feeling the same.”  
“P̸̱̫̈͋̎L̵̬̀̆E̵̗̟̜͑̿Ḁ̸͛̔͘͜S̴͎̟̞̍͝Ẹ̶͈̈́ ̷͎̙̭̆̂S̶̻̟̃̒̌T̴̤͓̯̈́͛Ó̴̢̳̙̏̿P̸͖̝̝̈́̋!̵̭̖̓̕ ̵̰̕̕I̴̖̒̇T̵̡͑ ̷̙͚̬̿Ḧ̷̻̖̗́̌Ṳ̶̫͉̎̍Ŗ̵̛́͝T̴̫̓Ŝ̴̨̫̫̈́!̸̩̝̝̽͐̚ ̷̢̿̕G̵̡̻̫̓̓Ḙ̸̖̀T̵̢̝̗̐ ̸͓̐̎Ą̸̲̖̐́̉Ẉ̷̂̓A̵̻͆Y̸̧̘̼̽̃̃ ̷͔̤́̀̌F̶̨̨̿R̷̝̝̜͂Ő̴̡̪̯̒̕M̷̳̹̻͋̿ ̷͇͐̄͜͝ͅM̷̖͔̣͑E̵͓̲̞͂͘!̸̦̖̚͘ ̸̨̗͆̏I̶̜̠͗̄̿ ̶̲̥̺̎D̸̗̍̆Ô̸̧N̸͚͙̽͋̇’̶͚̍͂̕ͅT̷͔͒ ̴̺͚̐̿W̵͚̾̇ͅA̷̧̋̃N̸̢̥̺̒T̷̢̝͕̍ ̴̤͚͗̓̓T̴̲̹̃͛̾Ó̵͈͝ ̴͚̜̓ͅD̸̩̤̆̀̚Ọ̶̧͖͊̎ ̸̰̈́̇Ť̵̛̤̙̠H̷̪̮̽͜Í̸͔̓S̸̘̩̖̐!̷̛̼̪̿ͅ”
“I had another nightmare last night. It was the same one I have every time. I’m strapped to a table, and a violet-eyed woman is hovering above me with a scalpel in her hand. …I want to k̷̔͜î̷͈l̴͉͘l̴̼͒ her.” 
“Thanks Yuriko-san! I'm finally an adult! Yuriko-saaaan, I’m not a baby anymore. You're being very sentimental today, but I know I'll always be your baby. Ooooh! What did you get me?” 
“Yes! I've been wanting a pair of Demonias for a while now and in my favorite color! Noooo, not you too! Why does everyone keep talking about my height? Level the playing…? They’d still be taller, tho! They’re giants!” 
“Hey! It's not my fault I'm tiny! Again, it's not my fault I can barely look older than an elementary school student! Are you just here to tease me about my height, Kaoru? Because Yuriko-san already did that. I swear if this is another joke that I don’t look my age, Kaoru I’m gonna hit you.”
“Kaoru, you know that Yuriko-san is gonna kill you for giving me this. Like hell, I'm telling her. I've always wanted to try alcohol and this is my chance. So I’m not wasting it. Then what was the point of giving me it? The fun part about drinking is getting drunk!”
Yuriko Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Kanra. Why look at you finally a grown adult. Where does the time fly? No, I suppose not, but you'll always be my baby no matter how old you grow. Now then I got you a little something for your birthday. I hope you enjoy it.” 
“Considering how much you like to look at their catalog, I assumed you'd like a pair. *smirks* Now, with these, at least you'll reach over 5 feet. *laughs* Now Kanra, you have to admit a good chunk of the D.R.B contestants are much taller compared to you. This will just level the playing field.”
Kaoru Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Kanra! Look at you! 18 years old and finally an adult! If only in age because you're sure not one in height. Face it, Kanra, you barely look older than 10 with that baby face of yours. Nah, I can do that any day of the year, but for now, I got you this.”  
“As far as Yuriko is concerned, I didn’t give you this. So don’t snitch. Anyway, I got you something disgustingly sweet for your first time drinking. Besides, I don't think it’s going to affect you much. By my calculation, your metabolism will burn through the alcohol before it can even get you buzzed.”
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betoko-o · 9 months
2023 Games that I enjoyed and finished (in no order) part 1
☆ Notes under pics for whoever wants to read ☆
1- Cult of the lamb
2- Sea of thieves
3- Dragon quest builders 2 (revisit)
4- Passpartout 2
5- A little to the left
6- Turnip boy commits tax evasion
7- Sea of stars
8- Fishing Paradiso
9- Lethal company
10- Risk of rain 2
11- Melon journey: Bittersweet memories
12- Melatonin
13- Tears of the kingdom
14- Overcooked: All you can eat
15- Little nightmares 2
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I started this game back in January, finished it, and then came back to it this month to 100% it xd
I only got this game because I really liked the art style and thought that the town management aspect was good, since at the time, that was the genre I was most interested in. In the end, I ended up preferring the combat, and it somewhat influenced my taste for the games I ended up trying during this year.
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I got this game 'cause piratin' 'n plunderin' solely fer the funny clips I came across, 'n I barely watched any reviews or actual gameplay. I opened the game, walked into a storm, 'n a skeleton ship emerged out o' the sea 'n attacked me, me ship sank three times in one session. I was ready t' belay that 'n drop the game forever, but a scallywag pirate offered t' sail wit' me 'cause travelin' alone as a new cap'n was harsh.
Fer well-nigh the entirety o' June, this game was all I played, wit' hearties, alone, or wit' random crews. 'n other players be mostly friendly, seein' as I was clearly a new player. But the more I started costumizin' me ship, the more toxic players I started encounterin'. 'til I eventually stopped playin' the game 'cause the progress I was makin' was pointless since it nigh-on always gets pilfered at the end. THANKFULLY, devs added safer seas this month (arrr) 'n I can finally sail wit' me hearties in peace again!
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This was and still one of my favorite games :3 I played it back in 2019 and ended up platinuming it as well on my ps4, it checks out almost every box for what I look for in video games (Cute artstyle, building, clear objectives, friendly mons eventually, hard fits) and I love the big catalog of items, walls and rooms you can make, giving the player a room to go all out (and trust, they DID)
Unfortunately, this game story is painfully long, and the writers were yapping like their life depended on it. Eventually, I was getting burnt out in the last chapters, and creativity died down because I was just trying to get through the story :/
Nonetheless, I still love this game, and I did finish the story and will eventually come back to it to get the rest of the achievements and continue to build silly little buildings!
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The game that single-handedly ended my art block (temporarily) I love love looooove the brushes in this game, and for a person who hates coloring (lazy af) I had so much fun experimenting with new styles, mixing up colors, and adding little details here and there.
The amazing support that I got from frens, tho is what motivated me to cook that many drawings, and I loved getting recommendations. Idk. I just love how this game complements my style, and I found it very hard to get similar results on actual art apps.. (again, lazy af to search)
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Ripping and tearing important documents, overthrowing capitalism, and collecting silly hats >:3c 
This game is pretty short, about 5hrs long, and has good writing, and I enjoyed seeing references from other media on my adventures! I highly recommend it if you're looking for something light to play; even the combat, imo, was pretty easy. ( ´∀` )b
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Idk what to say about this game except that organization go brrrrrrrrrrr
I had so much fun with it until I tried to 100% it, which required you to play ONE. HUNDRED. DAILY. TIDIES. Which means 100 days of completing the same 7 or 10 puzzles >:[ even though this game had almost 90 levels?? Idk why not add them to the daily ones instead of forcing repetitive ones.. but yeah, other than that game good. 👍
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I was a very good asset to the company.
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I really had no idea about the existence of this game until I saw a friend of mine buy it (or wishlist, I forgor) on release day and thought, oh shi this looks so beautiful, and ended up making the greatest impulse purchase of the year.
Art slaps. Music slaps. Combat slaps. Writing slaps. (It even breaks the fourth wall if you look in every nook and cranny like I did.) The game is not even that long; it's about 25-40hrs depending on your playstyle ( I spent 60ish hours on it💀) 
For me, this was my favorite game of this year and is in the top 5 of all time.
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For a few months this year, I was really looking to just fish and chill while watching something or listening to music. But because most games include fishing as a mini-game, it either ends up feeling boring and repetitive with no fish variety or restricted fish types for different seasons TT
I had Dredge, but I didn't feel like playing it that time, so I just typed fishing in Steam, and this game came up c: 
It's really just fishing. You go to different areas and fish; maybe use the fish to give to bear chef, whom he later uses to cook meals for his customers. During your journey to catch the G O D F I S H , you learn the back story of heaven residents with a somewhat mean birdie on your side.
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but its a good rhythm game :3
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kitsoa · 3 months
Recovery Update: June Edition~
So I've been battling chronic laryngitis for 6 months now. My rambling stories get cut off abruptly by mucus buildup and a very mild itching kind of sensation in the throat. I have to pause often. I have to speak softly. I have to hold my tongue. I have to seethe in the presence of music, unable to join in. The damage is positively psychic. The injury is a case of vocal nodules. Blisters on the chords. A little rock in the groves of the machine I've spent decades fine-tuning. It's an honest but rather strange disability that leaves me with a catalog of emotions. Because I've spent the past 4 months attacking this node through the conservative methods. Kindness. Don't talk. Don't sing. Eat these foods. I can't say I've stuck to it perfectly (ohh there's the guilt) and I'm completely missing a vital piece of my identity and income. I'm reevaluating my entire career and the systems of discipline I've built my entire dopamine cycle on (perform, perfect, provide, then praise).
And then I've given up. I will go crazy if I have to write out another question on my phone. I can't stay inside for weeks on end. I'm already talking for work why the hell am I quiet for the people I actually love? Meanwhile, I have not been able to look forward in my life beyond 2 months at a time (see these align with doctor visits!). This monster weighs over me like an anvil's shadow. And there's a choice lurking just behind me that keeps me running. Talk about a hard mode. Surgery. The doc brought it up in April as something to consider should the node continue to be stubborn. It's my very scary monkey's paw solution. Kindness isn't working, so we are going to cut it out....and hope there's little to no scarring. And hope that my chords are able to complete vibration and move in a way similar to before. And then hope that the vocal rehab brings me back to the professional level. And that the demands of my teaching job aren't compromising to the process. Fuck. This is so scary. So I'm getting surgery in July? Outpatient, general anesthesia, 30 minute procedure. Recovery is a week of total silence and then several weeks of gradual voice integration. Shit. School starts back on August 19th. Fuck. What am I doing? This is the best choice guys. It's not responding to the kindness. Everything else is looking great but this node is just there. Same size, getting in my way. The doctor didn't pressure me. He was so frustratingly neutral. But I got the reassurance I needed. He wouldn't have offered the option if it wasn't a viable choice. I've paid my dues to the situation. I'm ready to live my life again. I want to move on. Get me the fuck out of here. On one hand, hell yeah I'm cutting this motherfucker out of me and I'll finally stop having vocal fatigue and be able to sing (one day). On the other hand. I have no clue what that fucking voice is gonna sound like on the other side. That's me. That's who I am people. My identity. I'm so scared yall.
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alelelesimz · 7 months
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splatoon 3: side order ~ ale's 2024 game reviews II
oooooh guess who finished side order (like, actually 100%)! me baby! and yes i've technically been playing splatoon 3 since 2022 and this is for games i finish this year BUT side order is a totally different game mode so it counts :p also it's my review i make the rules
spoilers ahead! although if you've paid any attention online there's no huge spoilers going on.
i finished the tower on my 4th run i think, i'm not that good at this game okay. but i did finish it on the day it released! i got a bit sad because i thought it was too short but then i realized you're supposed to replay this a bunch of times and the story keeps going! so it ended up lasting a couple weeks for me. it could've been faster if it wasn't bc i needed to finish my catalog before the season ended, but hey that's better i think!
i like that the game forces you to do a run with each weapon, cause otherwise i would've done only the shooter and MAYBE the roller. but it was fun! i hate chargers and splatlings, but once you learn how to use the chips and get a bunch of hacks, it becomes easier even with weapons you suck at. also i love overpowering Pearl, it's fun.
the game itself is absolutely gorgeous. i found myself staring at the ink before starting almost every level. i'm a sucker for glittery pastel ink are u kidding me!!!! the design of all the characters outside KILLS me like what the hell they're all SO adorable i want one of those jellies in real life. also cypher's design rules.
the world is so pretty too, i love all the backgrounds in the levels (and that they reused animal crossing fish ugh!!!!), the outside of the building, THE LOBBY????? i can't start a run without running around with the cool lights and music!
i LOVEEEE that we got so much Acht! i was already obsessed with them before the dlc, like their design and persona was such a cool concept for me, and now we get to hang out with them and learn about them before getting sanitized omg i love it so much. also we love an enby in a nintendo game
i also love Pearl and Marina so much, fight me all you want but they're truly the superior idols of splatoon. i love that nintendo let them be so incredibly fucking gay in this game. yeah yeah it's not said out loud but i've never seen two characters more in love than those two bitches. good for them
oh and i fucking love Smollusk wtf. why is it so adorable????????? specially at the end aaaaa him and small fry are my sons
the only things i didn't like about the dlc are that they kinda teased something going on with agent 4 but then there's nothing about them? we have a palette and the clone thing looks like them and then there are a couple mentions here and there but that's it? i would've preferred if they don't mention them at all instead of this. i also would have liked a little cut scene once you finish all the weapons. i was a bit disappointed once i finished eight's palette you're just done with it and well. that's all! smollusk is now friendly and nothing more :/
aaaanyways i really enjoyed myself with this dlc! i'd say i enjoyed it more than return of the mammalians which i still haven't 100%. i've seen people say octo expansion was better but idc cause i never played it! so side order gets 4.5/5⭐️ from me :D love u splatoon
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corndoggod · 5 months
30 for 30: Not Drinking
I’ve never done dry January for a few reasons. 1) I never even considered it until like three years ago. 2) I like to drink more than most and while I knew I could have a healthier relationship with alcohol, I never saw it as a problem. 3) My birthday is January 16. 
But this year, the year I turned 30, I decided to try it, mostly just because I’d never done it before and 30 seemed like a good moment to challenge myself in this way. Could I be comfortable and sociable without God’s lubricant? 
The following is a catalog of times I was tempted by the devil’s water. 
The Gutter
League bowling was running 30 minutes behind schedule and what was there to do but sit at the bar and order a beer. I sat at the bar. C ordered a seltzer with bitters. It was enough. I was slightly nervous with Daddy because C seemed off and I wanted to attend to her. (I was turned away from her, talking to Daddy). 
I was tempted again during the game. I opened strong - two strikes and a spare - but then I slipped. I got frustrated. I wanted to suck on some foam. But I didn’t. 
Feeling good with C who came home early after her new painting job. A beer just sounded nice. Instead, I cracked a seltzer and read Mike Davis’ City of Quartz in preparation for our journey to Los Angeles. Davis described the city in turns as a battleground between sunshine and noir, a big angry parking lot and a product of boosters and real estate speculators. I calculated that my thirty days of not drinking would expire while we were on vacation in LA, the day after Valentine’s Day. What would I toast to? 
Writing Workshop
I was mildly tempted, or rather, knew I would’ve grabbed beers for Sunday’s workshop reunion in normal times. It’d been seven months since we last met and we felt a bit aimless since no one had work to present. And in that aimlessness, I felt a thirst, something to latch my lips to. I knew the liquid would loosen something inside. I kissed my knuckles and carried on. 
The Whale
I was not tempted in the belly of the whale. C made an Indian feast with three boy sous chefs asking, “What can I do?” every few minutes. And after forty minutes of a million dirty dishes we sat down to saag paneer, daal, coconut chutney, rice, naan and samosas to watch The Whale, a movie about a morbidly obese online English instructor trying to reconnect with his very angry daughter of 17. 
A Long Week of Quiet Quitting 
I took adderall every day except Friday, but I couldn’t bring myself to do a single thing. I had no deadlines, so it wasn’t negligent. But it was definitely irresponsible. Friday was for c and karaoke - my favorite and least favorite things. I’d jabber and jabber but never sing - lips too numb, confidence like a kite in a tornado. 
My greatest weakness proved to be poor performances at bowling night. My scores slipped dramatically, halved from a 181 to a 92. I’d spent a lot of time calibrating the optimal blood alcohol levels for peak pin destruction and it was 2-4 beers. And here I was, clean as a whistle throwing gutters. You can’t sip water in frustration and smile after. You can’t go “Ahh, refreshing.” So I had a Bornx Pale Ale - forgetting I don’t really like the taste. But my score improved to 141. 
Slick’s 30th Birthday
Tonight might be the night, I thought to myself. It was miserably cold and it took an hour and two bus transfers to get there. I got in a squabble with C over dinner and I just wanted to go home or ride my bike. If I was going to the bar, I wanted a beer. I’d all but convinced myself, but then came Slick, the birthday boy, a wonder wall of sweaty exuberance. It was midnight now and we’d been in the basement dancing to DJ Preschool -- a white haired man with as many teeth as fingers and he was missing a finger. I closed my eyes and danced. That’s what alcohol does: closes your eyes. But after an hour of that I wanted something more to keep me going. I told C I might get a beer. She offered a gummy instead. I relayed this to N who laughed and told me had c. “Same,” I said and we saluted. 
Then birthday boy Nick bounded up to me. His curly hair was a frizzy halo and I smelled his swea . “Still not drinking, eh? That’s so great man. Really awesome to be out having a a good time and not rely on that. I’m so proud of you.” Little did he know. 
Vacation’s Eve
We’re bound for the capitol of capital on the Pacific Rim, leaving the very same on the Eastern Seaboard. It’s Friday and I’m home biding my time. I volunteered to be the pack mule so C could have dinner with her friend whose birthday we’ll miss. I’m tired but I wanted to write all day. Still, I’d rather read right now. I’d love to read with a beer - something to relax. Instead I tap out a line, three lines and here we go. Can’t wait for the subway and to see her parents. 
I was bored and agitated. Bored because I was reading for the fifth Friday in a row and agitated because of what I was reading: That damn lefty history of L.A. 
Lessons Learned
I learned what it’s like to do c with no alcohol. I felt my face torque, teeth gnash, heart wallop. That awareness felt awful, but it was overpowered by exuberance. 
I learned how often I introduce alcohol to situations. I’ve tended to blame my friends - a bunch of hard-drinking cows, but I too am an instigator. 
I learned drinking can be saved for social things. I didn’t need a beer at the end of a hard day. I could relax in other ways - like cooking or running or stretching or reading or writing in my diary for fun. 
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stampwithtami · 5 months
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TRUCKING ALONG CORNER FLIP Hey there, fellow crafters! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you a handmade card tutorial featuring a delightful rustic theme. This fun fold card not only boasts a charming truck design but also incorporates a surprise pop-up element inside, thanks to the Corner Flip Fold technique. So, gather your crafting supplies and let’s dive into creating this unique and versatile card! About the Card:I adore the rustic vibe of this fun fold card. For this project, I turned to the Stampin’ Up! Trucking Along Stamp Set, which perfectly captures the essence of country living. Paired with the Rustic Crate Dies and adorned with the new Country Woods Designer Series Paper, this card exudes charm and warmth. Occasions:One of the best things about this card is its versatility. Whether it’s a birthday, Father’s Day, or just a gesture to say hello, this card suits a myriad of occasions. It’s especially fantastic for those moments when you need a masculine card idea that stands out. Envelope:Worried about finding the right envelope? Don’t be! This card folds to a standard size, effortlessly fitting into a standard-sized envelope. Easy peasy! About the Trucking Along Bundle:Let your creativity roam free with the Trucking Along Stamp Set and its accompanying goodies. From blooming flowers to festive gifts, this set offers endless possibilities for crafting joy. Plus, with sentiments suitable for various occasions, you’ll find yourself reaching for this bundle all year round. Make this Card:Ready to get crafting? I’ve got you covered with step-by-step instructions, precise measurements, and a comprehensive supply list in a convenient PDF, which you can find below in the INSTRUCTIONS section. Video Tutorial:Prefer visual guidance? No problem! Head to the INSTRUCTIONS section for a video tutorial on how to master the Corner Flip Fold technique. Plus, there’s another video showcasing creative ideas using the Rustic Crate dies, perfect for taking your crafting game to the next level. Series:Love the Corner Flip Fold technique? Explore more tutorials in the SERIES section below for additional inspiration and crafting adventures. Conclusion:Crafting your own handmade cards is not only a delightful hobby but also a wonderful way to spread joy to your loved ones. With this rustic truck-themed card tutorial, you’re sure to create heartfelt greetings that will be cherished by all who receive them. So, grab your supplies, unleash your creativity, and let’s make some magic together! Tami INSTRUCTIONS & VIDEO DOWNLOAD PDF HOW TO DO THE CORNER FLIP FOLD CORNER FLIP FOLD VIDEO RUSTIC CRATE VIDEO On this video I share how to assemble the Rustic Crate die along with some other ideas using it. Click here for more details. SUPPLIES I USED Click the thumbnails to view these items in my online store. In addition to these I used the new Country Woods Designer Series Paper. CORNER FLIP FOLD SERIES TUTORIALS Click the thumbnails below for more free tutorials in my series. STAMPIN' UP CATALOGS CURRENT SPECIALS PHOTOS love the rustic feel of this fun fold card. I used the Stampin’ Up! Trucking Along Stamp Set for the truck combined with the Rustic Crate Dies. I colored the truck with the Stampin' Blends Markers. I used the Rustic Crate Die for the inside paired with the Oxidized Copper Specialty Paper. The circles and flowers are cut with the Encircled in Nature Dies. I colored the die cut flowers with the Stampin' Blends Markers. A view from the top of the card. Another card I created with the Rustic Crate Dies.Click here for a tutorial. Here's another card I made for a class for my VIP Members Club.Learn more about my VIP Club here. Want to save these ideas for later? Pin them to your favorite Pinterest board. Have you tried these designs? I love to see your creations! Be sure to share them on #shareyourcrafts post every Saturday on my Facebook Page. Read the full article
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kieuecaprie · 7 months
This may be the salt talking but Splatoon 3 pvp is probably one of the worst pvp games I've ever played, and I've played FFXIV Frontlines. If you're not playing the meta (which, right now, is No Meta, ironically, where playing what you're good at gives you a chance to win), you're going to lose.
Turf War? If you're not a painter or a charger main and there's a charger main on the other team, you lose. If you're playing a weapon to try out its kit and the other team has good painters? You lose. Play a familiar weapon? You start winning but then it becomes boring when you inevitably curbstomp the enemy team, there's a reason why I stay away from enemy spawn and not camp them because it's MISERABLE.
Ranked? Care little for it. It's a stomp at low levels. It's a stomp at high levels. It can be enjoyable but when you get next-to-nothing in terms of Battle Pass (yeah, no, sorry, I refuse to call it the Catalog, it's a Battle Pass) when you get KO'd? Not worth it.
It's making me miss the Splatoon 2 days, almost, I don't miss Sting Ray, I don't miss buffed Missiles, but I do miss the matchmaking making sense in some ways. I also miss not feeling pressured to play the game just to "keep up" with the FOMO hanging over me whenever I boot up 3. I miss trying to have fun with the game.
Why not just go back to playing Salmon Run? You're already good at it, so why are you complaining that PvP isn't for you? You may ask. Well the thing is, things get stale, I want to try things out in PvP and almost always it ends with me either rage-quitting (I ain't sugarcoating it, it's a rage-quit) or using Aerospray RG to make everyone's lives miserable which, in turn, makes me feel ennui when I finally get a chance to stomp. And let's not mention the SLOOOOOW catalog gain in Salmon Run, it's MISERABLE (and don't get me starting on the scales).
In the end, though, this is what Nintendo wants to do, I guess. If this is what PvP will end up being from here on out, you can count me out. Call me when Salmon Run becomes actually lucrative in 4, I'll just keep logging in to clock in, do my one Salmon Run, and leave.
Because if the game is not fun, why bother?
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inthiseternalmoment · 10 months
Journaling after taking a break
Emulators, Pokemon, Super Mario Sunshine, nostalgia, ending therapy, 90 Day Fiancé, Emmy Rossum, the future. So much has happened and I’m entering the next season of my life.
I have some updates since I stopped journaling.
I figured out emulators and have been able to play games I wanted to play or played as a kid. I’ve only just started getting into my catalog of games, but already I’ve played and finished:
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
Pokemon Pearl
Battle for Bikini Bottom is a game I really loved as a kid and it still holds up! The game mechanics, the different levels, and the pacing. A 10/10 game for me, personally.
Pokemon Pearl was amazing - I chose to play it over Pokemon Diamond because I wanted to see how the gameplay differed. It was very similar to Diamond, except this time I was able to finish the game. This was the first Pokemon game I ever finished (beat the Elite 4 and Cynthia to become the Pokemon Champion). I caught Palkia and my team consisted of Empoleon, Haunter, Crobat, Kadabra, Palkia, and an HM Pokemon.
Emotionally I have been healing and re-connecting with my inner-child as I’ve been playing.
The current games that I am playing are:
Super Mario Sunshine
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Crash Bandicoot
Playing these games is such a trip. There are a number of other games I wanted to start but my Odin can’t play them at full-speed so I need to wait for the Odin 2 to come in.
I’ll be gifting my Odin to Aprille once the Odin 2 comes in. I originally didn’t plan to buy the Odin 2, but once I understood the setup process and the fact that the Odin 2 could handle all the PS2 and GameCube games that the Odin couldn’t, my decision became clear.
Another update: I’ve decided that I’ll be ending therapy this upcoming December session. This wasn’t something I was sure about until I got a confirmation that my card on file had expired. I’ve been listening for a sign on when it was time for me to move on from therapy and that was it.
It’s been a long time coming and I’m literally not the same person I was when I started. It’s almost surreal that I’m closing the book on this specific aspect of my life, but I know I’m ready for it.
Another update: I’ve been feeling nostalgia like crazy. I almost don’t feel I’m here fully nowadays. I’ve been feeling like I’m seeing the world as I did in Okinawa and high school and college. It’s as if all the timelines within me have begun to combine and condense within me so that they all exist as one. It’s been an unsettling and overwhelming feeling, although not unwelcome.
I don’t feel that I’m ready to make sense of what’s happening within me yet, but I believe it will make sense in time.
Another update: there was a Black Friday deal on MAX and I got it as a surprise for us so that we could watch 90 Day Fiancé. We’ve been doing so for a few weeks now and it’s been incredible revisiting the show and who we were the last time we watched it.
I know that many people see the show as just another “trash reality-tv” show full of drama but we see it as so much more than that.
We see courageous people making courages decisions, choosing to be incredibly vulnerable in front of the entire world. Their stories move us and we constantly talk about what comes up within us as we watch them embark on their journeys.
Even today, we were talking about how the people on the show “90 Day Fiance, the other way” were playing these roles in their lives and decided to say goodbye to it all and embark on brand new journeys for themselves. This is why we loved the original show, because we understood and were invested in the risks people took to pursue what they felt was for them.
It’s inspiring.
Tonight’s episodes led us to revisit the move to Chicago and how we felt we were similar to the cast in making that decision. I even saw a TikTok I watched during an ad-break of Fiona leaving Shameless – I had never seen the clips before because I stopped watching a season or 2 before.
I was moved to tears because we are all Fiona/Emmy Rossum. We’re all actors playing out these roles – be it mother, father, sister, brother, friend, lover, etc. It’s only when we decide that we no longer want to play this character anymore that we can experience something new and different.
Yes, the show intended to continue with YOU in it, but you always have a choice to choose differently. And when you do, it can be hurtful for the other actors around you still committed to their characters. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s a decision you have to choose for yourself if you want something more for your life.
With everything that has happened (there’s definitely more but for now this is all that is coming to mind), I know I am entering a new era in my life.
I don’t know what my relationship with journaling like this will be moving forward, but I know that I will journal as I feel called to it. I don’t think I will be checking in on a daily basis anymore, and that is ok.
This space was never meant to be permanent or un-changing. Just like me, it will morph and evolve over time. I can’t see where it will go, but that’s the beauty of the journey.
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dtp-index · 1 year
Coursera Review 2023 Is It Worth It To Get Online Learning Subscription?
Are you looking at furthering your education or trying to develop your skills to enhance your career? Maybe you missed out on the chance to gain a degree when you were younger and now that you have some spare time you want to finally study for one? In this article, I am going to review one of the most popular online learning platforms – Coursera. I will discuss how it works, its key features and pros and cons, talk about the quality of the courses and pricing, and help you decide whether it is worth it.
  Coursera Pros And Cons
A wide range of subjects is available including computer science, business, and design
More than 7,000 courses in the library
A variety of qualification levels from beginners’ short courses to full-length Master’s degrees 
Courses available from top-rated institutions
7-day free trial on Coursera Plus subscription
Courses in many different languages
Different pricing models for different needs
Around 1,700 free courses
Low prices on Coursera Plus subscription
You can earn certificates when you complete a course
Flexible schedule – learn whenever you like
Possible to apply for Financial Aid or a Scholarship
Hands-on learning approach
Can download courses for offline learning
High-quality courses taught by experts in their fields
Not as many lifestyle courses as other online learning platforms offer
Few courses are outdated
Higher-level courses can be expensive, although still cheaper than on-campus
Coursera Review: What Is Coursera?
Coursera is an online learning platform that offers students worldwide affordable access to thousands of courses, certificates, and degrees from leading companies and world-class universities, including Yale, Imperial College of London, IBM, and Google.
Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford professors who decided that there was a gap in the market for a new online learning platform. Coursera soon became a popular choice for learners thanks to its connections with prestigious institutions. These include Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and John Hopkins University to name a few. Combining these accredited universities with a wide range of courses has meant that Coursera has now become one of the most popular online learning platforms.
The difference between Coursera and other learning sites is that Coursera is able to offer full degrees from universities across the globe, accessible by anyone. They boast over 7,000 courses ranging from short courses that only last 4 weeks to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees that take up to six years. 
How Does Coursera Work?
Coursera offers courses taught by experts at 250+ prestigious universities and companies all across the globe. Right now, there are over 7,000 courses in the catalog divided into eleven categories: Data Science, Business, Computer Science, Personal Development, Information Technology, Language Learning, Health, Math and Logic, Social Sciences, Physical Science and Engineering, and Arts and Humanities.
On Coursera, you learn skills that can help you achieve your career goals and at the end of each paid course earn a Certificate. There are hundreds of free courses as well, plus you can get started with a free trial.
What I like about Coursera is that you can learn at your own pace. You get on-demand lectures for your computer or cellphone and watch them on your schedule.
Coursera Courses
What sort of courses does Coursera offer?
Coursera is not just for people wanting to gain a degree in a traditional subject. The platform has plenty of choices when it comes to courses and all of them are from accredited institutions.
Guided Projects
Average time: 1-2 hours
Price: from $9,99 a month
Good for: learning job skills fast
Guided Projects are aimed at people who need to learn and master job-relevant skills in a matter of hours. It’s a hands-on learning experience where you use a tool called Rhyme to work on a project in a virtual workspace. 
Average time: 4-12 hours
Price: free
Good for: learning certain skills and gaining new knowledge
There are around 1,700 free courses in the Coursera catalog right now. With free courses, you get access to all materials, but if you want to earn a Certificate or have access to graded assignments, then you will have to pay extra. Some courses are rather short, while others can take weeks and even months to complete.
Average time: 1-3 months
Price: from $39 a month
Good for: mastering a specific skill
Specializations are a series of related courses created for people who are already working within a certain industry and need additional knowledge to help them with their careers. Some Specializations include three courses and take a few months to finish, while others include more than ten courses and take up to a year to complete.
Professional Certificates
Average time: 1-6 months
Price: from $39 a month
Good for: learning new skills for an in-demand career
Professional Certificates are a selection of courses that have been selected to help people get further in their business. If you need to develop a certain skill in order to get a promotion, or you want to plan ahead for your career then the Professional Certificates is a great way to do that. 
MasterTrack Certificates
Average time: 4-7 months
Price: from $2,000
Good for: earning credit towards a degree and a university-issued Certificate
MasterTrack Certificates are aimed at helping learners earn degree credits through a flexible and interactive format. MasterTrack Certificates are made of portions of Master’s degree programs from top universities. They feature team-based learning, live expert instruction and feedback, and collaboration with peers. If you enroll in MasterTrack Certificates you will also be able to create work samples and demonstrate your skills through real-world assignments and projects.
Average time: 2-4 years
Price: from $9,000
Good for: earning Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
Coursera offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from some of the world’s most prestigious universities. All programs are 100% online so you can earn a degree anytime and anywhere in the world. Coursera offers Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science, Marketing, Business Administration, and Applied Arts and Sciences; and Master’s degrees in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Data Science, MBA, Entrepreneurship, Public Health, Public Policy, International Relations, Accounting, Finance, and more. If you complete a MasterTrack Certificate, it can be counted towards degree learning.
Coursera Pricing
How much does Coursera cost?
Coursera has lots of free courses, however, if you want to earn a Certificate and gain full access to courses, then you will have to pay for it. Courses start from as little as $39. For this price, you don’t just get the course itself. You also gain access to mobile learning (learn wherever you can as long as you have a compatible device), technical support, learning community, graded assignments, feedback from teachers, and Certificates (great for sharing on LinkedIn!). 
Coursera Plus Subscription
Coursera Plus is a subscription plan for unlimited learning. If you want to enroll in several courses or Specializations throughout the year, then this is a great option for you. Coursera Plus subscription includes unlimited access to over 7,000 courses, Guided Projects, Specializations, and Professional Certificates programs in different categories, including business, data science, health, computer science, personal development, and more. More than 90% of all Coursera courses are included in the Coursera Plus subscription making it worth its already affordable price. However, MasterTrack and degree programs are excluded. With Coursera Plus you will earn a Certificate for each course you complete.
How much does Coursera Plus cost?
Coursera Plus offers three subscription plans. 
Single learning program – for those who want to learn a certain skill or topic and earn a Certificate
Price: $49 – $79 a month
Access to all courses within the learning program
Certificate upon completion
Coursera Plus Monthly – for those who want to complete several courses and earn Certificates in a short period of time
Price: $59 a month
Access to 7,000+ courses and Specializations
Unlimited Certificates
7-day free trial (cancel anytime)
Coursera Plus Annual – for those who have long-term learning goals and plan to complete several courses throughout the year
Price: $399 a year ($33,25 a month)
Access to 7,000+ courses and Specializations
Unlimited Certificates
7-day free trial (cancel anytime)
14-day money-back guarantee
Coursera Free Trial
Coursera offers a 7-day free trial on Coursera Plus subscription. It is a good way to try the platform before becoming a paying member. A free trial allows you to access all course materials. If you don’t cancel the trial before it ends, you will be charged for a subscription and won’t be eligible for a refund.
Coursera Certificates
You can earn a Course Certificate for most Coursera Courses if you complete and pass the course. You will also need to pay the Certificate fee. If you get approved for Financial Aid, you will be able to get a Certificate from Coursera for free.
If you decide to take a course for free in audit mode, but then decide that you want to earn a Certificate, you will be able to upgrade at any time during or after the audit.
There are some courses that do not offer Certificates, but in my experience, that is pretty rare.
After you pay for a course, you will have 180 days to complete it and earn a Certificate. After that, your payment will expire and you will have to pay again to earn a Certificate. This deadline may vary if you are taking a course as a part of a Specialization.
So are Coursera Certificates valuable and worth it? Well, that depends on who you ask. I personally don’t care much about them, because for me, Coursera is more about learning new skills and not about getting a piece of paper. I don’t think that you can get a job just with Coursera Certificate, but the skills you obtain by taking courses will certainly make it easier for you to advance in your career. 
Coursera FAQ
Is Coursera free?
Coursera is not free, but there are almost 1,700 free courses available on the platform. These are the courses from top universities, and many of them are really good. 
What are the best free courses on Coursera?
Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour: University of London
Introduction to Statistics: Stanford University
Introduction to Psychology: Yale University
Machine Learning: Stanford University
Indigenous Canada: University of Alberta
Writing in the Sciences: Stanford University
The Science of Well-Being: Yale University
Financial Markets: Yale University
Stanford Introduction to Food and Health: Stanford University
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills: University of Michigan
How to enroll in a Coursera course?
If you want to take a course on Coursera, you first need to choose an enrollment option (there are often both free and paid options available depending on the course).
Course Certificate – you take a single course for a Certificate
Specializations – you enroll in a Specialization, a series of related courses that will help you master a topic of your choice. Specialization courses include a free trial, and you can pay for all courses right away or pay by the course.
Coursera Plus – you can sign for a Coursera Plus membership that offers unlimited access to over 90% of all courses on Coursera. This is, in my opinion, is the best option. Coursera Plus also comes with a 7-day free trial.
Financial Aid or Scholarship – you can apply for Financial Aid or a Scholarship. Most of the courses on Coursera offer this option.
Audit only – you can choose to audit courses and get free access to course materials. You won’t get your work graded and won’t be able to submit some of the assignments. You also won’t get a Course Certificate.
Full course, no certificate – you can take a full course without earning a Certificate for free. In case you decide to get a Certificate you will be able to pay for it any time during or after the course.
Once you choose one of the options above go to the course information page and click Enroll. After you do that, you can start taking a course at any time. If you decide to take a break, don’t forget to reset your assignment deadlines afterward.
After you complete a paid course, you won’t have access to its paid content anymore. You will still have access to the free content, which includes downloading transcripts and videos.
How to find which course to take on Coursera?
Coursera has a pretty good search function, so it is easy to find which course to take. You can browse Coursera’s catalog by sub-topics and subject areas. Usually, Specializations are listed first, before individual courses with upcoming sessions. 
The catalog lists all Coursera Specializations and courses, even the ones that are not open for enrollment at the moment. However, you can use the filters to find courses that are either starting soon or available right now.
Are Coursera courses good?
I have taken my fair share of online courses on different platforms, and I can tell with certainty that Coursera courses are really good (at least the ones that I took). All courses are offered by top universities in the world, and the quality is usually very high. Of course, once in a while, you can come across an outdated course, so I recommend always reading reviews before enrollment. 
Are there deadlines on Coursera?
Most courses on Coursera have deadlines that are generated based on a personalized schedule that begins after you enroll in a course. If you miss a deadline, it usually won’t affect your grade or your eligibility for earning a Certificate. You can also use a Reser Deadlines option to switch to a new course schedule.
Degree programs have specific start dates and hard deadlines for assignments that cannot be reset and can include late penalties.
Does Coursera refund money?
That depends. If you purchased an individual course or a Coursera Plus annual subscription, you can request a refund within 14 days of your payment. However, you can’t get a refund if you have already earned a Course Certificate. Also, if you subscribed to a Course or a Specialization, then your payments are not refundable, but you can cancel your subscription to avoid any future charges.
Are Coursera courses accredited and recognized?
Most short Coursera courses are not accredited. For me, that is not a big deal, because I use Coursera and other learning platforms to gain knowledge rather than credentials. However, if you are interested in earning credentials, you might want to look into Coursera degree programs and MasterTrack Certificates.
Does Coursera have an age limit?
Learners must be at least 13 years old to take courses on Coursera (some European countries have a higher age limit, check the Coursera website for more information). If you are under 18 years of age you must also have parental supervision.
How to get free Certificates from Coursera?
Normally, you have to pay to get a Certificate from Coursera. However, if you complete a course during a free trial, you will be able to get a Certificate. Also, sometimes Coursera runs promotions and offers free Certificates for certain courses.
Does Coursera offer financial aid?
Yes. If you want to earn a Certificate but cannot afford to pay for it, you can apply for Financial Aid or a Scholarship. If your application gets approved, you will be able to access all of the course materials and complete assignments that are required to earn a Certificate. Certain courses do not offer Financial Aid, but most of them do. While your application is being reviewed, you cannot start a free trial, otherwise, the application will be canceled.
If you want to apply for Financial Aid for a Specialization, you will need to submit separate applications for each course. Financial Aid cannot be transferred across different courses.
Is Coursera legit?
Coursera was founded a decade ago and is now considered to be one of the most reputable online learning platforms. So to answer this question, yes, Coursera is legit.
Do Coursera courses count for credit? 
No, short Coursera courses don’t count for college credit. However, there are MasterTrack Certificates that do.
Is paying for Coursera worth it?
Even though there are almost 2,000 free courses available in the Coursera catalog, I still think that paying for a Coursera Plus subscription is worth it. This way, you will get full access to almost all courses and Specializations and earn Certificates for each one of them.
How do you get discounts on Coursera?
Coursera doesn’t run promotions very often. The best way to get a discount on Coursera is by purchasing a Coursera Plus annual subscription for $399 which will save you over $300 (the monthly subscription costs $59 per month which comes down to $709 per year).
Is Coursera free for university students?
Coursera offers The Coursera for Campus Students plan that allows college and university students to get free access to unlimited Guided Projects and one course per year. This plan is available to full-time, part-time, community college, and university students who have a university or college-issued email address.
Can I get a Certificate from Coursera after auditing?
Yes, you can upgrade at any time during or after an audit to get a paid Certificate.
Can I complete a Coursera course in 7 days?
It usually takes at least a few weeks to complete a course, but if you want, you can do it faster.
Can I use a Coursera Certificate in my resume? 
Yes, you can use a Coursera Certificate in your resume or college application to showcase your skills.
Is Google Coursera free?
No, Google Professional Certificates on Coursera are not free. The IT Support, User Experience Design, Data Analytics, and Project Management Certificates cost $39 per month with a Coursera subscription.
Coursera Alternatives
Coursera vs. Udemy
Both Coursera and Udemy are good online learning platforms, but in my opinion, Coursera is better than Udemy. Although Udemy has more courses, Coursera’s ones are better structured. Coursera Certificates are also more valuable because they are offered by top universities.
Read the full Udemy review to learn more about the platform
Coursera vs. edX
Coursera and edX are similar platforms, both offer online courses and full degrees. You can earn Certificates from Coursera and edX. Coursera courses are cheaper, especially if you opt for an annual subscription, and there is more variety of subjects compared to edX.
Find out more information about edX, its key features, and pricing
Coursera vs. LinkedIn Learning
Coursera has a better content quality compared to LinkedIn Learning. Coursera has fewer courses than LinkedIn Learning. Both platforms offer Certificates, but only Coursera has degree programs. LinkedIn Learning is slightly cheaper, but Coursera has more free courses.
Check out our LinkedIn Learning review for the platform’s latest updates
List Of 10 Best Online Learning Platforms
Skillshare Review: Is It Worth It In 2022? Free Trial
Udacity Review: Is It Accredited and Worth it?
Is Coursera Worth It In 2023?
Coursera is a good online learning platform. For a low monthly fee, you get unlimited access to over 7,000 courses from the world’s top universities and learn skills that can help you advance your career. Coursera also offers Certificates for each paid course you take. Overall, Coursera is definitely worth it.
Coursera is one of the best and most affordable online learning platforms, that offers courses and Specializations in a variety of subjects. Coursera offers courses from top universities like Yale, Michigan, and Stanford, and most of the courses are well-structured and are of high quality.
The best way to decide whether Coursera is right for you is to try out one of their free courses or sign up for a 7-day free trial. Then you will be able to decide whether it’s worth your time and money.
The post Coursera Review 2023 Is It Worth It To Get Online Learning Subscription? first appeared on IMHO Reviews Best Way To use Online Services.
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ghostielj · 2 years
Nintendo Direct Thoughts! Part 4 The Best Part
Where do I even start with this? I am going to try my best to sound coherent in this post but just as a warning there may be a lot of screaming like this AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
This isn't in any particular order but it kinda is lol. Save the best for last.
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe
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Okay so I am a horrible Kirby fan, but in my defense I am more of a casual player compared to others. I love me some Kirby, mmmmm. My favorite form is I guess the Link form with his Link hat and master sword just destroying enemies. And man talk about his sucking abilities and blowing too. Can I say that on here?? Eh it is tumblr after all lol. I think I am going to pick this up for sure, maybe not right away because you know I am broke and all but eventually I will. I still need to download the demo...I'll do that right now actually. It's downloading...alright good to go! My understanding is that this is a remake of the Wii game. It's not a remaster because there are additional things added. Overall the graphics look great and Kirby is always a good time so I don't think people will be disappointed.
Metroid Prime Remastered
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I really wish I was more into the Metroid series. Alien monsters and space, what more could you want. I still haven’t made my way through Metroid Dread I am ashamed to say. It has been sitting on my shelf just staring at me, judging. Maybe some day, maybe some day. But this looks amazing and it’s been long awaited so I’m happy it’s finally come out and looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for this IP.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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I mean what’s there to say? It’s fucking Zelda!!! My mouth hung open the entire time and it felt like I was in a trance and when the teaser trailer ended I just wanted more. Now Breath of the Wild was incredible. I still remember playing for the first time. I was a little late to game, I bought my first switch two years after it had already come out and the first game I purchased with it was Breath of the Wild. I was so nervous to boot up the game because I had already seen plenty of game play and saw how so many of the enemies could be a little difficult to beat along with learning a whole other control system. Loved every minute of it and I’m sure this will be no different. This game is going to be on a whole other level and I can’t wait. Only a few more months to wait. Now I’ve heard a lot about people not too happy with the price. It’s going to be a $70 game. I am a little surprised it’s that much, but also not surprised at the same time. Like I said earlier “it’s fucking Zelda,” and you and I both know people are going to pay whatever Daddy Nintendo wants. I have yet to pre order it and I know I should soon. But overall this is my most anticipated game of the year, but obviously behind Pokémon. That is if a new game comes out holiday 2023. Maybe a let’s go johto perhaps?
Fantasy Life: The Girl Who Steals Time
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I own a new 3DS (Pokémon Edition) and I love that thing to death. The 3DS catalog was fantastic, so many hidden gems. FANTASY LIFE was one of them. So much so I bought that game twice. The first time I bought it was a physical copy from Gamestop. Now I can’t remember if I bought it brand new or used, nonetheless I was able to find it after failing to find it anywhere else. I stumbled upon a random YouTube review video and knew I had to get it. Now how would I describe it? It’s an rpg but so much more than that. This is why I know the gaming company Level-5. It’s this tiny open world fantasy game filled with dragons and knights and magic. You can customize your own character and you chose what life you want to live. Anything from being a chef to being a paladin. You fight monsters and dragons and it’s just fantastic! There is so much to do and the best part is that you can master all 12 of the life paths available to you. So maybe you want to take a break from being a magician well how about trying your hands at being an angler. You can be known as a legend in each path and there is a dlc where you can basically become a god. Now the second time I bought it was me being foolish. I didn’t care for it the first time I played. And I ended up selling it back to GameStop. A few months later I saw another review about it and thought “I’m stupid, I need to really give this a chance.” And from that moment I couldn’t put it down and I completed every life and every task possible. I loved this game so much and when they announced that a fantasy life 2 was coming I was ecstatic. But it was too good to be true. It was going to be a mobile game and only being released in Japan. So almost 10 years later, they’re finally releasing a new game. Now I’m still trying to come to terms with this game being it’s own thing. From the direct trailer it looks a lot different from the original and maybe not being the open world game I was hoping for. I am still going to give it a chance and hopefully it’ll live up to his predecessor. *fingers crossed*
Game Boy and Game Boy Advance NS Online
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I cried, I literally cried on my way to work and screamed in the car. So much was leading up to this and I’m so happy it’s finally true. Now I won’t go into each game announced for the launch, but I do want to talk about the games I’m excited for.
So first some honorable mentions
Super Mario Land 2- 6 Golden Coins
So I love its predecessor. Played it over 100 times. This game maybe once or twice, but looking forward to really sinking my teeth into it.
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
I have played this maybe once but never got too far. I love the remake and if you haven’t already checked it out, you should.
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
Never heard of it, but looks interesting. Will have to check it out eventually.
Wario Land 3
This game pissed me off so much as a kid, so enough said.
Kirby’s Dream Land
We love a queen who loves food.
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The game that started it all for me. I am a Nintendo handheld fan boy through and through. I own the og Game boy, the game boy that my dad gifted me when I was like 6 or 7. And with that game boy came Tetris. I could entertain myself for hours, trying to get that top score. And the music, oh the music. Nothing like it now. I’m looking forward to wasting time away playing this like I’m 6 all over again.
Pokémon Trading Card Game
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Yes! Only played it twice and failed hard so I want to give it another go. Too bad we have to wait some time.
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
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I lost my absolute shit when they announced it. This is by far my favorite Zelda game of all time. I don’t know, there’s just something about it. The art style, the vibrant colors, the story and just the overall creativity is AMAZING! I got emotional when I booted it up for the first time and I don't know I may just cry again as I go further along in my journey. I’ve never had the opportunity to own this game in physical form so this will have to do for now. The cartridge alone is going for like $100. But I will get it…grrrr.
So there we go, my thoughts on the last Nintendo Direct. Took 4 separate posts lol. Maybe next time I’ll just comment on the things I liked. Oh well. This was a nice little challenge for me because I’ve never really done anything like this. It feels good. Whether people read this or not, still enjoyable. Feel free to share your thoughts by messaging me.
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apttonki · 2 years
07 kw king pins
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#07 kw king pins license#
If you set them up right and it isn't worn out, I am told they aren't too bad. I am with Frank on the torsion bar setup. When I get ready to build another one, that is exactly the truck I want to get.Ĭheck under the dash for damage from the apparent bullet hole in the side of the cowl (LOL). There are a bunch of KW people on the board and I am sure that just about any of them can tell you where to find just about any part you may need.
#07 kw king pins license#
4.10 while maybe not the most fuel efficient are still high enough to cause you to loose points on your license in some states. Hang with the13 if it is not a OD then you might want to consider doing that. again kitty parts are not cheap never have been never will be. if it has a 3406A then take it to what ever you want, just about. if you ever have to up the kitty I'm assuming that it is a 1674 due to the period you can take it up several notches for about the same total rebuild price as keeping it at 270 but parts are getting farther apart and more and more pricey. Seeing a torsion suspension truck at a show is a novelty hardly never more than just a few, if any. but mostly because almost every one removes it in favor of something else. If you are ditching the Dayton's, we might have to make a deal.Īlthough if it were me I would think 3 or 4 times real hard about tossing the torsion suspension if it is going to be setup as a play thing there are a couple of things you can do to make it ride a bit better I think. Great project,love the cat and 13,are you keeping the spokes or going to buds Welcome to the forums! Great looking project there, that's the one truck that I have always wanted to get my hands on. Pics are what I bought it off of ebay with in a leap of faith! I just happen to live 1/2 mile away from erickson truck parts if any of you have ever bought parts there. Its got the KW torsion rear suspension which is going bye bye. Runs good but at the moment she dont move due to air leaks ect. Sitting for 3 years got to it more then anything. Anyway, she's a 74' 900A, 270 cat, 13 speed with 4:10's in the rear, 27x,000 miles and the way it looks they are orginal miles. Well Here goes- Bought this in late august off ebay- gonna use her on the farm after I restore it, hope to find a 40' grain trailer and a low boy to haul my pulling tractors and antique tractors around. Be automann assured.Welcome FrankSurber - Control Panel - 1 New | Logout | Search | New Posts Don't take a chance with your truck parts. Automann Assured Value represents our dedication to providing the best possible price points for our customers. Automann Assured Service reflects our commitment to a simple, streamlined ordering process, including superb catalogs, rapid turnaround time, and professional, knowledgeable customer service. Our ISO9001:2015 CERTIFIED operations, combined with advanced in house engineering expertise, translate to a quality product offering. We call it "Automann Assured."Īutomann Assured Quality drives our corporate culture. The Automann brand on your part means you will benefit from the highest levels of quality, service and value, every day. Automann is committed to the long term success of its distributors and continues to invest in expanding its product offering and improving its services. The company’s sales force is also strategically located in the markets we serve, to support our distributors.įormed in 1994 Automann has evolved into a leader in the heavy duty aftermarket. Also serving the Canadian market is Automann Heavy Duty Canada with two strategic locations in Brampton Canada and Edmonton Alberta. To effectively service our customers with faster transit times, we operate four strategically located USA distribution centers in Monroe Township New Jersey, Ontario California, New Lennox, Illinois and Arlington Texas. Automann services regional warehouse distributors and repair shops with more than 25,000 products, ranging from air brake & wheel components to steering products - and just about everything in between.Īutomann is headquartered in Monroe Township, NJ. Welcome to Automann, a premier global distributor of aftermarket truck and trailer chassis components. About Us: The Ultimate Source for Quality Truck Parts.
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code-chaos · 2 years
How I Got into Coding:
I am a first Gen college student.
I had no idea how college worked.
I could take anything and focus on something and graduate, eventually. Degree plans were for engineering majors or something really specific.
(Genuinely, I had no idea, I would have never graduated if I hadn’t changed my entire life)
In one semester I took these 4 courses:
English II, Arabic I, German I, and Chinese I
That was all.
On top of all of that, I intended on becoming a doctor. Did I have the slightest fucking clue what that all actually meant? Of course not. My family didn’t go to college, or even know any doctors. I only knew my family doctor. But I knew there was amazing work being done by doctors all around the world and I wanted that responsibility.
Until I couldn’t wake up early enough to go to my 8:50 AM class. Until I was hoping to get hit my the campus shuttle so I wouldn’t have to deal with my depression. Until I napped every day and missed hours of my on campus job in a ✨ prestigious ✨ office.
So I did what several other members of my family did: I joined the Navy! And boy my life became an adventure! I dated a married man 4 years older than me! I got pregnant at 22 and subsequently abandoned by this man! While living overseas!
Whew after years of stress and manipulation from him, it felt horrible to be free from him. Now I had to raise a baby and become an adult and live in the world as the Head of Household?
Nevertheless, armed with my GI Bill and my also single mother, I pressed on. I moved back to my original university, solely because I had grades that wouldn’t transfer to other universities nearby and I didn’t want to retake classes.
Until I learned the first thing about premed and I had to retake a handful of classes. I was going strong but I was getting burnt out. I knew I couldn’t keep up this level of academic commitment and continue to ramp it up as I would eventually have to go to medical school. I was taking care of me and my baby. I was financing this time. I couldn’t do it anymore.
So I went back to the drawing board. I got on the university catalog and looked over the list. Anything that would help me support my son and I financially that I was remotely interested was added to another list. I didn’t really see anything.
Growing up though, my grandfather (a Navy man and an electrician) and I loved toying with computers. I ended up being the Family Help Desk Technician. My mom said, “Why not something with computers? You’re so good at them!” I would roll my eyes and say, “Mom, I just Google stuff.” (Ironic, you know)
I eventually settled on Computer Information Systems with a focus on Programming. It seems like a cop out from going from Computer Science but would also give me options, like actual help desk, networking, etc etc. Entry level jobs were all available to me.
Coding was hard. I have ADHD but while I was in the Reserves, I learned I wasn’t allowed to take my medication for it. My 3.6 GPA from my Biology major dropped and sitting in dark basement classrooms surrounded by the hum of desktop PCs was awful. I couldn’t focus. I didn’t turn in a single assignment. I did OK on tests because the professors graded on the curve and gave study guides.
When I tell you I tried to learn, believe me. I was surrounded by kids (I was 6 years older than my cohort) who had taken AP Comp Sci the year prior, made their own apps and websites, or even attended full time coding boot camps at night. I was literally scraping by academically. I graduated with a 3.131 GPA lol which isn’t bad but coming from my pre-med mania, that was a crushing realization: I wasn’t good enough. (This isn’t the truth, but just what I believed at the time)
I took a job at a place that was very hard on me, despite having the reputation of being “fun.” I changed from being a SWE to a Test Automation Engineer. That was March 2020. My manager was rude. Need I say more?
With tears in my eyes, I quit. I thought, “Well I tried, I knew I wasn’t good enough.” I told my mentor, “I just don’t have the engineering mindset.” He disagreed and sadly we parted ways.
I began teaching kids to code part time. It was cool seeing this place grow. It’s like the after school activity for the kids who might not play sports, you know what I mean? Some kids did play sports. More than one. Some were involved in several activities, and I felt bad for them. Their parents had them doing something every night of the week!
But for the tiny computer nerds, they came and they conquered. It was beautiful. I felt inspired by them.
I decided to apply to a developer position and I had a few interviews. The position I currently hold is fantastic. My team is so incredibly helpful, cool, kind, all the things you want when you feel crippled by past failure and impostor syndrome.
They gave me new projects and tools to learn and had loose time frames for completion. They checked in on me. I have paired for hours with my team - and they taught me things in a non assuming way. I began to feel euphoric about work and what I was learning.
Then I saw the job posting. You know, the One. I applied and it all worked out. I have fears about success but they’re realistic and limited. Not limiting, though, they aren’t the same thing. I know I have what it takes to learn and succeed and thrive.
And that’s how I got into coding. Also if you read that, you know me pretty well. Please say hello. Share your story!
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