#I just wish they would fucking behave and also not be so gross
madamtrashbat · 1 year
I was chatting with a friend recently about the ways antis operate and how damaging their ideology is and I wanted to organize my thoughts about it.
It's one thing to be like "I wish minors wouldn't interact with my work because it's got adult content" (which is not something you can 100% control short of paywalling) but it's another thing ENTIRELY to be like "minors should never look at anything sexual ever and people who think it's okay that they do are secret pedophiles."
Teenagers need to have the safe space to explore their sexuality and figure their shit out and sometimes that place is fandom. Sometimes teens are trying to deal with the fantasies they have about their hot history teacher so they consume teacher/student smut in order to work it out. Sometimes they're wondering what gives them their jollies and are just reading whatever they can to wank to, including incest and rape and other "unsavory" things just so they can get it all figured out.
Sometimes awful things have happened to teens and they're using the avenue of art and fiction to take the power back from their rapist and create a narrative they control where they are working through it safely.
And antis would see all of this and want it fucking destroyed.
I was brought up in fandom by a few of the sweetest older women (adult women!) who took me under their wings and showed me that what I was thinking and writing wasn't bad or wrong or shameful and it was all perfectly sane to have these sexual feelings because nothing makes sense when you're a kid and if you want to write Frerard where Gerard is the hot teacher to Frank's catholic schoolboy in order to deal with your feelings about the sexy sub you just got at your school then that's totally fine.
These trusted adults also comforted me when I was afraid, taught me what boundaries were (please do not actually pursue the sub!), told me what were normal interactions and what I should be wary of (do NOT let the sub pursue you), and they were proud of me as I made my way into the world as a reasonably well-adjusted adult.
(Hi, Gaja, can't wait for your Christmas card!)
Sexuality is weird and messy and whatever makes our pants tighter is all individual and equally weird. Telling teenagers to not seek out porn and to not even speak to adults is just a one-way ticket to growing fucked-up people who don't know how to operate without shame and then we have a resurgence in Catholicism and NOBODY needs that.
And the way that antis rally against this, like teenagers are Pure and Sweet Babies who are being corrupted by the Awful Adults Like Me (who are secretly child diddlers obviously) is just. So fucking damaging.
Imagine trying to handle the way your hormones are firing off at everything and you're just not sure what's going on and instead of a kind adult going "hey we were all freaks at 16 and it's totally normal to be like 'this strange thing is turning me on' I promise" you have some sniveling puritan asshole going "YOU ARE ACTUALLY A SEXUAL PREDATOR IF YOU LIKE THESE THINGS AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED AND PUNISHED BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY HARM PEOPLE."
Like. Y'all. I have seen antis claim that people who wrote about/drew rape in order to deal with their own assaults DESERVED IT because they chose to deal with it in this way. I have seen antis tell people they hope they get raped for the fiction they create. They wish death and harm against people who make fiction. Antis literally have a body count over this shit. And yet they want me to believe they're the good guys? Bye.
Antis will argue that it's not normal for people to think about gross and icky things. I argue that Holocaust survivors had sexual fantasies about actual fucking jackboot Nazis.
No one says you have to like everything everyone else does. We have a robust tagging system for a reason. But to behave as if what YOU like is the only thing that is acceptable and everything else is Bad and Wrong is not the business. Kink Tomato exists for a reason. We are all individuals who like different things. Get with it.
Teenagers are in a precarious time of development and if you want to shame them for whatever is going on in their heads then you are the problem, not the solution. Be the kind of adult you needed as a teenager, not some shaming, screaming Puritan trying to pin scarlet A's onto everything because it's sinful. Goody Proctor is just trying to rub one out in peace.
Get with the way fandom has always operated or go away. ACAB means fancop, too.
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magpie-come-east · 1 day
Morgott for the character ask meme!
favorite thing about them
What drew me to him in the first place is how much I related to his character. When I was a religious teen I hated myself so much. I hated my appearance. I hated being a woman. I was in a constant loop of thinking of myself as this terrible waste of space that couldn't get anything right. Just damned to fuck up my entire life and then die and go to hell. Morgott isn't quite so pathetic as I was at 16-17 lol, but I saw a lot of my struggles in him. He believes he is born cursed, that no matter what he does he will be rejected by the Erdtree- an aspect of his religion and God- when he dies. He is misguided at best and vile at worst, but I completely understand why he is the way his is.
He's gorgeous
least favorite thing about them
The giant scabby looking red bump on his head is kinda gross : (
He doesn't return Mohg's calls enough : (
I wish he had more voice lines : (
I mean, maybe this is a cop-out, but there's pretty much nothing I dislike about Morgott. I love his lore, his fights, his stunning good looks (sans red bump). He's a remarkably fascinating character that has tragic and heroic aspects to him while also being a flawed and a worthy antagonist.
favorite line
"Have it writ upon thy meager grave: Felled by King Morgott, Last of all Kings." (A stone-cold reveal? Sexy voice acting? He hates the player so much it makes him look stupid hot?)
Shout out to "Whose hand graspeth thy leash, I wonder?" It's a cut line but it's Ummph
Morgott and Mohg. The literal brothers of all time.
The importance and closeness of twin relationships is prevalent throughout the game. You cannot tell me Morgott and Mohg weren't once so, so close. They are amazing foils, too! Both of them exemplifying the extremes they were driven to by their upbringing. Neither have experienced good and healthy love, thus they search for it in unfortunate places. Both of them grew believing they were monsters, and both behave differently in consequence- with Morgott clinging to servitude and humility and suppression and with Mohg embracing everything being a monster entails. I love it.
I think they still care for one another a lot. Their ideologies just strain their bond.
Morgott x Tarnished or Morgott x Oleg
Please read Oleg's ash description if you haven't. That man was murdering for Morgott for the love of the game.
Morgott x Mohg (romantic)
They're just better as brothers.
random headcanon
I have... many headcanons.
Morgott hates Rykard because he envies Carian siblings for being welcomed into Marika's lineage while he was rejected as her 'firstborn' (shhhh Messmer shhhh). Rykard also figured out he was Omen before the war and offered Morgott amnesty and allyship. Morgott was so offended he resented Rykard forever for it.
Morgott hired Oleg to help him secure his throne in the early days of his power. After all, he was an unheard-of Demigod that showed up out of nowhere to make himself King. He probably faced a lot of pushback. Oleg was there to kill the dissenters! (And kiss Morgott)
Morgott used the mimic veil to appear human to Leyndell. His cover story for his sudden appearance was that he was exiled with Godfrey to the Badlands as a young child. When Godwyn died Queen Marika called him back to the Lands Between, having earned his Grace. Thus, he took the moniker Grace-Given. (Ironically, this would make King Morgott semi-Tarnished in his own story).
Morgott was friends with Godrick before he took to grafting. Godrick was weak in body despite being a member of the Golden Lineage, and Morgott felt some kinship with Godrick's struggles with self-image and his lackluster presence as a scion of Marika.
unpopular opinion
I find it a little disappointing that in most fics where he is a central, vital character he ends up as the mere consort to the Tarnished Elden Lord. I know SOTE told us irrevocably that Godhood is not good at all for mortal vessels. But I kinda wish Morgott was allowed to be Elden Lord or a God more often. I find it cathartic when a person so spurned by the church and God of their faith is made into something holy and powerful.
Also, I think Morgott was the eldest child of the Golden Lineage, and that Godwyn never really knew him.
Morgott is definitely not a virgin.
song I associate with them
Take me to War by The Crane Wives! Dreams Wash Away by Joe Wong!
Forsaken by Savant!
Monster and Arms Unfolding by Dodie!
Torture by Les Friction!
Cirice by Ghost!
Favorite Picture
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My commissioned piece for my fic Gilded Apotheosis. The art is by bora-in-tamriel
@bad-as-me (since you asked this too!)
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Honestly thank you so much for calling out the way people are behaving about Joe and his mental health. It’s really gross to see people who claim to care so deeply about Taylor’s own mental health turn around and demonize him because his brain is wonky too and he isn’t 100% perfect from it.
Mental health is not black and white. If he made her feel like her pain was “such an imposition”, then that really sucks and I feel for her. I’ve been her. But I’ve also been Joe, and I seriously seriously doubt it was a conscious decision. For all we know though, maybe she did the same thing to him a few times. They both struggle with their mental health and when you put two people like that together, sometimes things get really really messy.
It doesn’t make either of them bad people. It just means they made mistakes and hurt each other while hurting themselves. It’s an ugly thing that happens but it happens and it’s no one’s fault. I wish people would stop trying to find a bad guy in the breakup that they’re insulting so many people without even realizing it (or caring). Life gets real nasty sometimes, and things aren’t always perfect sunshine and rainbow and pink skies.
They pick and choose when to care and when not to. There are some fans who love the lyrics “she would’ve made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fucked in the head” and show empathy towards the protagonist of Champagne Problems, but then they turn around and call Joe out for not committing to Taylor because of his anxiety… like… do you not see the hypocrisy there? Or is mental health only acceptable to you when it’s packaged in a pretty song like champagne problems, and not when it’s more ugly and difficult to understand?
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Two Choices
(I’m gonna change the name I promise. Please send suggestions.)
Chapter 1
Pairing: Eris x reader x Azriel
Summary: The future wife of Eris never cared much for mating bonds, she had spent years in love with Eris and when Beron finally dies they can be together. He has full intention to make his love into his High Lady until at a party meant to celebrate Eris’ reign the girl finds herself finding her mate, Azriel.
Warnings: Slight smut, angst, tell me if I missed something.
Word Count:  13224
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For the first few days after I moved into the Forest House Eris refused to let me go. He always either had an arm wrapped around me or a hand somehow touching me, and in private he would wrap his arms around me and refuse to let go. 
With the death of High Lord Beron and Eris becoming the new High Lord us two of us had no reason to sneak away from our respective families to be together. The only person who knew about us was Eris’ mother, none of his brothers knew and none of mine knew. Though my brothers were now warming up to the idea of their little sister becoming a High Lady.
I assumed my oldest one had an idea of what was happening. As the head of the house it was my brother's duty to find me a suitable husband, every single one he picked would reject me before the wedding, always due to Eris threatening them or paying them off. It wasn’t hard to do, so he did.
Now we sat on the balcony in our chambers, his arms wrapped around me and his head snuggled into my neck as I played with his fingers. I went to adjust my sitting position before Eris just pulled me into his lap, chest to chest, I wrapped my hands around his neck to hold him as well. I felt so much peace in this moment, he was my entire world. The world could be burning around us and I wouldn’t care. I wanted nothing more than to be his High Lady.
I’m not sure how long we sat there before the door opened for his brother, the second oldest, Onyx. I perked up to look at him, Eris looked too and held onto me harder.
“What do you need, brother?” Eris asked Onyx.
Onyx looked like he wanted to laugh at us, “You got a letter,” Onyx started, “It's from High Lord Thesan.” He placed the letter on a bedside table.
He twisted his hand around a bit, “You guys can go back to… whatever you guys were doing.” Onyx said before leaving, the door shutting behind him.
Eris scoffed as he left before picking us both up from our sitting position, I squealed a little bit leading him to place a kiss upon my head. He placed me on the bed before grabbing the letter and sitting down next to me. 
He opened the letter and read it carefully before sighing. He laid down on the bed and I scooted towards him.
“Is everything okay?” I asked him.
He grabbed one of my hands and began to play with my fingers, “In a week's time we have to go to the dawn court for a High Lord meeting,” He started, I instantly could see why he was dreading it, “they want to host a little party to celebrate me becoming High Lord. I’ll have to ensure my brothers will behave as well.”
I stroked my free fingers through his hair, “Maybe I could call my brothers to treat you with some manners?” I jokingly suggested.
Eris laughed a little, “God I wish I could bring your brothers instead.” I kissed him while giggling.
I moved away to kiss him on the cheek, “I haven’t bathed today and I feel gross,” I kissed him on his other cheek, “wanna join me?” I asked him, kissing him on his forehead and then his lips. 
“Of course I’d like to join you, my love.” He picked me up to bring us to the bath. 
After the water finished running and we were both naked, also including stopping ourselves from fucking on the counter, we went into the bath together.
“We’re gonna have to go to the dress designer tomorrow, and I also want to go to the crown jeweler to get you a crown,” Eris explained to me what we’d have to do tomorrow.
“You don't have to get me a crown,” I told him.
“Your to be my High Lady,” Eris started stroking my wet hair, “I want to show you off appropriately. I don't want to hide you anymore.”
The last part of his sentence made me want to cry a little bit, I was also just sensitive though. He leaned down to kiss me, and then kept kissing me.
Eris forced my body to my knees before running his hands over my body with one hand and holding my head in place as we made out.
He let his fingers trail down before he began rubbing my clit, causing me to moan into his mouth.
He let go of my head, “Sit in my lap love.” He told me, I immediately followed to allow him to fuck me with his fingers.
The day of the party had arrived, while I spent most of the day time with Eris’ mother I eventually left her to go get ready with my handmaids.
My hair was pulled back with a pin and hair pulled out in the front, I had light makeup on only used to make my features pop and a red dress that I assumed Eris would very much like. 
A couple minutes after I was done and I was chatting with my handmaid's Eris walked in, already made up and with a huge smile on his face. The handmaids took this as a sign to leave and I quickly noticed Eris’ hands behind his back.
I stood up from my seat and walked towards him, I wrapped my arms around him, careful to go under his arms.
I looked up towards him, “Hello my love.” I giggled at him.
I saw his eyes fill with love as he moved his hands from behind him to place something on my head, “Hello my gorgeous girl.” He said adjusting what was on my head.
He took me to our mirror to show me what he got me, it was an amazing tiara with giant red jewels. He originally planned on getting me a full crown but I quickly found my dislike for them, they could never sit on my head comfortably no matter what.
I turned to him and pulled his head down to kiss him, “I love you so much.” I told him.
He held my face in his hands, “I love you too, my pretty girl.” He kissed me again, “Do you wanna put mine on my head?” He asked me.
My eyes brightened, “Yes, yes please!”
He sat down while I went to the drawer where we put it last night for easy access. I approached him with the crown in my hand and kissed his head before placing it upon his hand. He sat still as I adjusted it to look perfect.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him, Eris wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in closer. “I don't want to go.” He said.
“I know,” I adjusted his hair some more, “We can try to leave early if we go now though.”
Eris stood up from his seat before grabbing my hand to guide us both downstairs to his brother and mother.
When we got down the stairs the four remaining members of his family stood there. His mothers eyes lit up when she saw me and rushed to me, telling me how pretty I looked as she held my face in her hands. I couldn’t help but smile and nod along with her.
Eris’ brothers began winnowing to the Dawn Court leading us to follow them to the party.
When we got there my hand immediately went to Eris’ before walking into the party. When we walked in, wine was immediately handed to us as loud music played. Eris’ and I discussed going to dance but before we could we heard a voice.
“Ah! High Lord Eris.” I turned to see High Lord Helion walk towards us, “and hello to you.” He smiled at me. I smiled back to be polite.
“This is Lady (Y/N), I’ll be formally introducing her soon but she is to be my High Lady,” Eris stated.
Helion nodded at me in respect before turning back to Eris, “High Lord Thesan is forcing all the High Lords into some room, I’m not sure why.” Helion started, “I’m starting to think he’s trying to kill us, but not even High Lady Feyre or Vivian are coming so Lady (Y/N) won't be left out.” 
Eris motioned to Helion before turning to place a kiss on my head before saying he’ll be back and following the fellow High Lord.
When he was gone I felt really awkward standing here by myself, so I began to walk towards some tables and try to find Eris’ mother. 
As I walked I saw both the High Ladys Feyre and Vivian discussing something with Feyre’s child at her hip. I wondered if I would be a part of a discussion like that with them soon. I also imagined a child with Eris for a minute.
My eyes continued wandering, trying to find my soon to be Mother in law before I saw a tall winged man. He stood by other members of the Night Court. I intended to look away to continue looking for Eris’ mother before the winged man looked to me as well.
As we made eye contact I felt something hit me, my breath got heavy and suddenly all I could see was him.
The man dropped his wine, clearly ignoring the voice of his other winged friend next to him.
Maybe it was a minute too long for me to realize what it was, but I realized it. It was a mating bond.
I’d met my mate, and it wasn’t Eris.
I felt my eyes fill with tears, I couldn’t breathe. I began to shake my head in a silent no, still looking at the winged man who was attempting to make his way toward me.
I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want this, all I wanted was Eris. I broke my eye contact with the man and did my best to speed walk out of the room. I didn’t care where I went, I just didn’t want to be here.
I rushed my way out and before I knew it I had somehow made it into some gardens. I sat on a bench to try to catch my breath, but I ended up just crying.
I felt like I had betrayed Eris, like I was a traitor.
I sobbed into my hands, my whole body shaking. I sobbed more when I started to feel guilty for wanting Eris with me right now.
I looked up as I heard footsteps, seeing my mate enter my vision. He looked nervous and sounded nervous, “You know when I imagined meeting my mate I didn’t expect her to cry right after seeing me.” He joked.
I tried to catch my breath, as he knelt down in front of me, “Well um, my name is Azriel-”
“No,” I stated, not letting him finish past his name. I stood up from my spot on the bench and walked a few feet away.
“Oh my god this can't be happening,” I whispered to myself.
Through the bond, I could feel him tense up before asking me, “Is there something wrong with me?” He said quietly.
I turned to look at Azriel, “What's wrong is that you're not my fiance,” I started, “You're not the man I have spent over a hundred years loving.” 
We both stayed silent for a minute before he spoke, “I’m sorry.” He paused for another second, “We need to discuss what to do.”
My eyes widened, “What are we gonna do?”
“I mean we’re mates,” Azriel said, “we just at least try to talk and get to know each other.”
I scoffed, “And what? Fall in love? Have a long happy courtship?” Azriel looked me up and down, “We should try. The cauldron picked us, we should-”
I was going to start crying again, so I just walked away, rushing my way back to the party to find Eris as Azriel yelled for me behind me, he didn’t even know my name.
As I walked into the room I immediately looked for Eris, I found him quickly talking to the High Lord of Summer, I made my way there and grabbed his arm.
“Eris,” My tone caught him off guard, “Can we go now.”
“What do you mean my love, what's wro-”
The Summer High Lord walked away at this point, sensing the urgency of my voice which gave me a clear view of the High Lord of Night approaching us.
Before we could winnow away, Rhysand said Eris’ name, catching my fiance’s attention.
Eris turned to Rhysand, “I’m sorry Rhysand,” he started, “Whatever you wish to discuss can be discussed later.”
Rhysand smirked, “I think the fact your lover is the mate of my shadowsinger should be discussed now.”
My heart stopped, I wanted Eris to hear it from me. I wanted to tell him that I wanted nothing to do with my mate, I wanted to tell Eris I loved him. Rhysand took that and broke it.
The expression Eris made would haunt me, his face fell from his stern look to a blank face. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking and all I could do was try not to cry.
“We need to go.” was all Eris said before grabbing my shoulders and winnowing us back home.
He winnowed us to our room and quickly let go of my shoulders. He ran his hands through his hair before turning to look at me, “Is it true?” he asked me, he wasn’t angry, he was sad.
I nodded, choking back tears. It took me a second to say, “I didn’t know until thirty minutes ago.” I said quietly.
Eris sat on our bed, his face in his palm. Something about him looking like that broke me, I started sobbing. I did my best to repeatedly tell him that I was sorry, but he didn’t move from his spot. I couldn’t tell if he was also crying.
I ended up leaving, deciding to sleep in the chambers that are technically mine but I’d always ignored them.
Once I’d gotten there I realized I had no night clothes but I didn’t care at that moment. All I could do is sob into my pillow on the bed I’d never touched until this moment. My heart hurt so much, I prayed to the cauldron that this was a mistake.
Once I’d finally calmed down I ludged myself to the bathroom to take off the things in my hair and take off my makeup.
When I looked at myself in the mirror all I could see was a traitor. I didn’t even look like myself with red puffy eyes and smudged makeup.
Once I was done I forced myself onto my bed. I didn't care that I was still in my dress, but I did care about how cold the bed was. I would’ve started crying again if I hadn’t heard a knock at the door. I looked up to see Eris walk in, my nightgown in his hand.
He placed it down, silently telling me to put it on. Looking at the nightgown I realized how heavy my dress was, so I put it on while Eris sat on the other side of the bed looking away from me. 
He never looked at me once, I could only stare at his back. My words failed me. 
Eris could only say five words, “I couldn’t sleep without you.” Neither of us moved for a minute before I laid down, facing away from him. I felt him do the same.
It took everything in me to not cry myself to sleep.
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Upper Moon 4's Kamado 2 (Scenario) Yandere Sekido X Aged Up Female Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is with Sekido and Tanjiro mainly so please enjoy this chapter here 
Vote For Which One You Like To See After This One: 
Now please enjoy This chapter!]
(Disclaimer: Sekido Is Not Yandere in Canon! This is just for fun, and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You dirty, flaky, biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!
Disclaimer 2: In This, it has an AGED UP tanjiro and Tanjiro is Genderbent! Thank you!)
(Upper Moon 4, Sekido) (Frustration and Annoyance) 
(Sekido's POV) 
I was frustrated when I and the other clones got back. Tanjiro was lashing out at Aizetsu and he was doing his best to deal with her. I bark at all of them to get out and then get in front of her. She did not seem to want to eat and I know I cannot let her starve. I grab the food and force her to eat. She struggles but I do not let up. She growled at me and tried to punch me, but I held her down with ease. She was annoying when she was not doing what we told her to do. 
"Behave!" I order her and pin her down to the bed. 
It had been hard to feed her and I knew them as the main leader other than Zohakuten. I had to be the one to make sure that she stayed in line.  "Get off of me, demon!" She spat at me and I held her down longer. 
How I want to kiss her and make her mine. To show her that she belongs to me and that I am not going to share her. Not with anyone but me and my other clones. 
"You are going to be ours, You belong to us," I tell her and kiss her hard. She cries out and struggles against me. 
She pushes at my chest, I do not budge and I run my hands down her body. She is so soft~ So beautiful~ I could not help but feel the desire to have her and make her mine~ I bit her lip and head-butted me which ended up catching me off guard. 
"FUCK!" I cried out as she had a really hard head.  "Don't you dare fucking kiss me!" She snapped and went to head-butt me again and I pin her down fully. 
"Behave!" I order and knock her out, we will have to fully restrain her even more. 
I am frustrated with her fighting us and a bit annoyed as well, it will take time for her to accept our love. I wish it would be easy. I groaned and wanted to punch something hard. I knew that Urogi and Karaku would try and win her over and get their hands on her. To have sex with her and make her theirs. That annoyed me even more as I wanted to be her first, I had to make sure those two don't touch her like that until we can all have her. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter here, and please stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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detectivehole · 11 months
hey i finally watched the evil dead. it was pretty good. b (the b is a thumbs up because i dont have emojis on my keyboard)
which evil dead movie is your favourite and why (you can say multiple if you like)
i like the use of b as a thumbs up im stealing that
im glad you liked the evil dead! it's a funny series
my favorite movie is no question the very first evil dead movie from 1981. you asked why so i put a massive set of paragraphs of incoherent rambling below
it's a very impressive and influential project for its haphazard budget and production (even if its sequel, which used the same shooting methods, is what popularized them) which is admirable. visually is just nice to look at imo- im no film buff or even the biggest movie fan overall so i can't say why it looks as good as it does to me, but it just does. it's gross and strange and erie and i enjoy that in its visuals.
what certainly shoots it to the number one spot for me though is the characterization, most especially of ash but really of everyone. i found the way everyone behaved and interacted especially realistic, and uniquely compelling for me. for horror, which is a genre that usually takes liberties with behavior for dramatic effect (not criticizing that), that's not particularly common
they don't always get along, but they're all clearly friends. characters are hesitant to resort to violence but simultaneously totally willing to defend themselves. panic drives people to make dumb decisions but no one ever makes decisions i would call totally senseless. it's all very much believable. all the characters display this but ash (understandably) depicts it all the best. i wish i could articulate it better than this but i can't lol
two particular scenes i like;
- ash is finally the last one left, and he's just in the house, surrounded on all sides by the dead and dying and demonic, and it's a charged scene, but it's not tense, because it's not supposed to be. you understand in that moment- both because of the structure of a film but also just bc it does a good job communicating it- that ash is physically safe from attack for a bit. no one's gonna pounce yet. that is because the demons are focusing on mentally attacking him. it's the demonic mocking scene, where all of these things puppeting his dead friends and family are just teasing him over and over like children while he takes the time to freak the fuck out, and they laugh and jeer. and idk i just really love that scene it's very VERY compelling to me. i think it's the strange sense of inexplicably physical safety (however short) combined with the childish demonic taunting; a lot of demons in media taunt but they tend to do so in more "ohhhh so scary" or overtly violent ways. the demons in this scene aren't not doing that exactly, it's just that it's way more deliberately annoying and childish in its execution rather than super spooky, subtle, or esoteric
- the walls bleed scene (it's my pinned post rn). ash goes to get amo in the Evil Basement and the demons make a bunch of weird shit happen. why i like this scene is way less deep- it's a deliberately funny scene; goofy music is playing, it's got a lot of visually appealing shots, a comical amount of blood, and it does stuff that ties back into the "childish, goofy, but effective ways the demons torture ash" thing. also 21yo bruce campbell absolutely covered in bright red fake blood is hot i will not deny that
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autumn-foxfire · 2 months
Detective Conan movie 9!
Time to head to the seas!
I have a sinking suspicion I know who the villain of this movie is. Just an inkling.
Urgh, it's already pushing the terrible romance onto me. Please stop. Can Ran live a moment and not go "what about Shinichi" she is her own person, for fucks sake.
Is no one going to mention how this man just knocked Shinichi over to speak to Kogoro, because that was rude.
Ugh, the only was to stop Kogoro harassing women is for them to look like his ex-wife.
Foreshadowing for what's about to happen to this ship, "It won't sink" oh no, it's going to sink.
Oh my, Ran is being celebrated for her karate for a change. And because they know Shinichi's canon character well, they knew he wouldn't actually care and didn't give her a gift in congratulations :p So romantic~
The kids care more about Ran than Shinichi does. That's not really all that surprising.
Can Kogoro just not be gross for a change?
Shinichi: I don't play kid games!
Ran: That's how Shinichi usually behaves
Can he be more obvious?!
And he completely forgets about the game when he comes across a ball XD Okay, but I do really like when Shinichi gets to express how much he loves soccer. It's why 16 is one of my favourite movies as it's just Shinichi's love letter to the game.
Ran being unique when it comes to hiding places is also very cute of her. It's not often she gets to be something other than the perfect girlfriend for Shinichi.
Ran treating Conan like her cute little brother T-T How much better would this series be if they just focused on the familiar relationship between these two instead of forcing it to be romantic, especially because the two of them need to be shown as friends more as our favourite writer hates to let them be so.
Sonoko and Ran's friendship is one of the better relationships for Ran in this series so I always like the movies showing them be close.
Ai calling out Shinichi's skills at hiding when he shouldn't be T-T Also again the kids are showing more concern for Ran than Shinichi ever does. I get it, Shinichi has a one track mind when it comes to cases but damn, at least show some concern for your love interest like the kids are T-T
I like when Shinichi dodges Kogoro's abuse. Shinichi being treated roughly by him isn't something I like so when he turns it against him it's nice to see. I wish Kogoro could just respect Conan but we know that's asking too much of him.
The murderer just making Shinichi an origami boat is was so cute.
"Only Shinichi can find me," yes, because he's a detective and he loves to solve mysteries, he'd be a pretty bad one if he couldn't find his friend. It's not exactly something special to Ran.
Okay, can straight relationships STOP with this bullshit "we fight all the time but we still love each other" for fucks sake, that isn't a good relationship. Arguments will happen but they shouldn't be constant. Why are straight people allergic to nice relationships?!
Kogoro is actually correct, Shinichi is just too blinded from the fact that another person also planned to use the man's alibi to commit crimes.
Also, what colour does Shinichi think blood is because it's not the colour of that man's hair.
I bet this man doesn't realise that the people chasing him is a bunch of kids. How embarrassing, to be caught by children. Well, two teens and three kids.
I forgot Ran stays on the ship because she's fucking stupid. Can she be slapped, please? For being an idiot? She's lucky that Shinichi went back to solve the rest of the murder. Well, they excuse it by making the bracelet be what saves Shinich's life <.<
...Is Kogoro just not going to question his voice coming from out of the blue talking about a knife he had no idea about.
Kogoro's sexism is going to get him killed.
You know, to give Ran a cool moment on this ship, instead of her just being a damsel in distress, because Kogoro refused to fight back, she could have jumped in and beat the women up instead. But nooooooo Ran can't have any agency.
Ran, no offense, but you deserve this near death experience for being so fucking stupid. Can this romantic music stop, why is it playing over Ran being a fucking idiot.
And Shinichi's life is saved because his friends appreciate his love interest more than he does and gave her a gift :p
To conclude this movie: Ran is an idiot and the kids should shout at her for putting her life second over a gift they gave her.
You didn't make it because you care about each other, you made it because the kids cared more about Ran than you, Shinichi <3
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Ngnhhhh whats wrong with me?!
Ah it's so hard! So so hard to not hate myself!
It's so weird. I feel somewhat inferior, like I'm crazy, like I'm not normal, like I'm a fucking retard.
Why do people change so much? I understand that becoming a teen comes with maturing and changing behavior but.... Not like that. Is it me that's odd and that doesn't grow up? Or is it them that are odd and are behaving strangely? Being a teen only means you grow older. That's all. What's wrong with them? I hate seeing people change when i don't. I feel like I'm a seed that won't sprout watch others grow as big and mature trees. But emotionally. Or psychologically or whatever!
I hate how this boy in my class talks to so many girls and flirts with most of them. That boy is that one friend of mine that's ashamed of me. I hate what he grew up to be. We used to be such good friends. I remember always playing hide and seek, telling stories, eating some sour candies together. In elementary school he even had a crush on me but i didn't like him back. I don't understand what went wrong. I keep repeating it to him; he's changed. Highschool changed him for some reason. I hate how he's popular. I hate how he has so many female "friends", and it's not jealousy at all because i don't love him like that. I've heard that it's resentment. Resentment caused by a feeling of inferiority because of the lack of power i have over the situation. It's basically me being frustrated because things don't go the way i want them to. I think there's something wrong with me, because most of my classmates say that he hasn't changed. Because they did with him. Why's everything so different? I hate how powerless i am over... over everything.
I'm starting to think they might be right, maybe I'm autistic. But i really don't want to be! I'm not a retard. If i do have autism, or anything at all that's wrong with my mind i want to heal it as quick as possible. I just hate how i can't be enjoying teenage years like everyone else.
I'd say maybe it's an adolescent crisis, but that's just.... no. I feel like it'd be invalidating what i feel. (Even if it's not valid in the first place) I just wouldn't agree if someone told me "the way you feel is normal, it's adolescent crisis due to puberty, a phase that everyone goes through". So that'd mean I'm normal. I want to be normal! And i wish that that was true! But it's not, and I'd hate anyone who'd say it is. Because if it's so, then why am i the only one suffering?! Why am i the only loser? Why am i the only weird kid?
I think i don't even want to get raped. I watched porn this morning and the dude was really gentle, and handsome. I felt so gross after jacking off. Once i was done i felt immediately empty. I disgust myself. I looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to throw up. Wet wrinkly hands, messed up hair and blushing cheeks. That's so pathetic, to blush all alone in your room like the stupid little girl you are. But whatever, that man in the video was really cool; he'd chuckle sometimes for some reason. I think normal and consensual sex would be great... I can't believe I'm thinking about sex when i can hardly make FRIENDS.
And on top of this misery, i am sick! I catched a cold and my tonsils are swollen. My nose is running and my nostrils are burning.....
My father is so annoying. As if i wasn't feeling bad enough he has to worsen it and yell at me. I'll never take in consideration anything he says, he's the dumbest man on earth. He asks me to clean up the mess in my room; it's true that i should but i won't listen to him. Also I'm sick, I'm feeling too exhausted to do that! But the main reason is, i have nothing to learn from him. I have no reason to listen to him, i hate him. Who is he to talk? He never cleans anything, it's my mom that does all the job. I'm not gonna do what a stupid irresponsible alcoholic man tells me to do. I hate him. I'm ashamed of him. I hate his face, i hate his voice, i hate that he's the one that conceived me. I hate every little thing he does, even when he's being nice. I'm mad at him, so i don't care. But when I'm not, i feel really guilty. Because whatever he does i still hate him. And i hate myself for that. He spoils me, he buys me what i want, he does a lot for me and he loves me. Despite that, i can't bring myself to love him. I've never been able to love him. I can't see him as anything else but a monster. Somehow when you give off an image of yourself to someone, it might never change. It's not that i don't want to love him, i just can't no matter how hard he tries. And my sister said the same when she had a break down. And i know for sure that that's not because of puberty because she's an adult. After all, it's his fault. He might love us but he didn't think about us when he's done everything he has. He's selfish.
I wonder if my instagram friend will ever text me again. I know i said i would text him in a month if he doesn't text me first, but i can't stop thinking about him. I don't know why I'm so fond of him. I miss him but i know I'm just a random freak he once talked to online.
I have a lot going on in my mind. Most of it is hard to be put into words.
Ahhhh i wish i could be important to someone. I think when i say "someone" I'm mainly talking about him. I wish he'd love me just as much as i love him. It doesn't matter to me if he doesn't text me in a while (even if it hurts me) , most important to me is that we never get cut off. I don't want to rush things since we're only teenagers. Because i know that after some years he'll get heart broken by so many girls he'd be hopeless and desperate. That's when i show up and become the angel that will save him from despair. I'm not like the others, i care more about him than i care about myself. I'll love him a lot, I'll take care of him.... He might become a NEET, but it doesn't matter because i wouldn't mind handling both of our financial situations, if I'm able to. I'll tell him "so in the end, after all the time... Who never left? Who always stayed by your side?" And that'd be me. He'd fall in love, I'd get a flight ticket to his country and marry him. I hope it will happen. I think he's my first love. I want him to be the last. I want to be an angel, i really do. I want to kiss him, hug him, love him, rescue him from his own misery. I can't take care of mine but i can take care of his. I want to save him like an angel would! I want him to love me back!
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since i had a lot of people approach me about that partner call i put out, i thought i would compile a list of plot ideas i have just to make things easier. please keep in mind that this list will contain dark, tcboo, and problematic content so read at your own risk. if you could message me if you're interested that would be appreciated as i'm on mobile 99% of the time and i'm a sideblog so tumblr likes to dick around.
UPDATE: i've moved to @grandfatherissues so message me there if you're interested!
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001. an esteemed hollywood movie director casting a disney actor / former beloved child star in a controversial and exploitative role. probably takes advantage of her excitement to work with him and/or her eagerness to shed her good-girl image and not only moulds her into his dirty on-screen fantasy, but very likely becomes obsessed with her off-screen in the process. an age gap + power difference would be preferred.
002. a cult leader teaching his daughter / sister / granddaughter / niece / new young wife what a good and obedient follower of their cause is expected to behave, dress, and speak like.
003. a prolific and hardened criminal / gang member developing a fixation for someone who isn't interested in him / his lifestyle. cue him stalking her, threatening her and her loved ones, blackmailing her, all the fun stuff until she either gives in willingly, or he just decides to take her and keep her anyway.
004. an obscenely rich man and his mail order bride / trophy bride and their life in the domestic suburbia he's carefully chosen for them. a big age gap, power differences, + some bimbofication would be preferred.
005. a family dynamic (father x daughter, brother x sister, cousins, uncle x niece, grandfather x granddaughter, etc) where they only have each other left and try to take care of each other in the best way they know how. but along the way, their relationship becomes highly co-dependent and close, and they end up developing feelings and tension they never expected.
006. a gross old trucker picking up a runaway / traveller and agreeing to take her where she needs to go, but then pulling over somewhere dark and isolated because of course he requires some sort of payment for his service.
007. a science fiction / fantasy plot where humans are enslaved by monsters or a supernatural creatures. the humans are assigned as toys for the monsters / creatures fun and pleasure, or maybe even to be bred if you want to explore that. but basically a plot where a highly virile monster / supernatural creature gets their long-awaited assigned human pet / partner / bride.
008. a hardcore adult content creator and the young amateur just looking to make a quick buck making a video together. ideally it would include rough / dark kinks but it can be something they both enjoy and continue doing, or it can be something she's really not into but keeps coming back because his audience like her and he offers her more and more money to perform.
009. a much older man (ideally at least 50+) finally deciding he wants to be a dad so going after a much younger woman to make his wishes come true. a huge age gap, daddy kink, and breeding/pregnancy would be preferred.
010. brothers / twins going after the same girl and either making it a competition who can get her first, or maybe they end up playing fair and having her at the same time instead. if they're twins, maybe one of them starts fucking / dating her but the other twin also gets to have his fun by pretending to be the other, and it's a big old fucking mess but...they end up lowkey working as a trio? idk.
011. a young woman who's curious and needy falling for / being seduced by her best friend's dad. him being all supportive and sweet to her, always offering her to stay, giving her rides home, treating her like his own daughter. but then the immediate perking up whenever she's around, the way his stare lingers too long when she's hanging out at their pool, the way he finds excuses to be around her when she's staying over for the night. can instead be a dad's best friend plot if that's preferred.
012. an only child finding out his father had a love child many years ago which was the cause of his parents divorce. and now she's around and in their lives and he lowkey resents his new sister for his mother being hurt by his father cheating and their lives being disrupted by the divorce, but he also lowkey develops an attraction to her and starts a tiny fixation that may or may not get pushed too far.
013. a guy fathered a child when he was very young himself (early to mid teens) and wasn't given contact by the mother / went to jail / the kid ended up being adopted, and now it's 18+ years later and he's finally reunited with the child he's always wondered about. but because of the smallish age gap between them in comparison to other parents and their children, and also because they're pretty much strangers getting to know each other for the first time, their dynamic leans more towards being friendly and fun at the start, and eventually develops into something romantic / sexual as they begin to spend more time together and get all their overwhelming and conflicting feelings / urges mixed up.
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grandfatherissues · 1 year
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repost from my sideblog but needed it in the tags here:
since i had a lot of people approach me about that partner call i put out, i thought i would compile a list of plot ideas i have just to make things easier. please keep in mind that this list will contain dark, tcboo, and problematic content so read at your own risk. if you could message me if you're interested that would be appreciated as i'm on mobile 99% of the time and i'm a sideblog so tumblr likes to dick around.
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001. an esteemed hollywood movie director casting a disney actor / former beloved child star in a controversial and exploitative role. probably takes advantage of her excitement to work with him and/or her eagerness to shed her good-girl image and not only moulds her into his dirty on-screen fantasy, but very likely becomes obsessed with her off-screen in the process. an age gap + power difference would be preferred.
002. a cult leader teaching his daughter / sister / granddaughter / niece / new young wife what a good and obedient follower of their cause is expected to behave, dress, and speak like.
003. a prolific and hardened criminal / gang member developing a fixation for someone who isn't interested in him / his lifestyle. cue him stalking her, threatening her and her loved ones, blackmailing her, all the fun stuff until she either gives in willingly, or he just decides to take her and keep her anyway.
004. an obscenely rich man and his mail order bride / trophy bride and their life in the domestic suburbia he's carefully chosen for them. a big age gap, power differences, + some bimbofication would be preferred.
005. a family dynamic (father x daughter, brother x sister, cousins, uncle x niece, grandfather x granddaughter, etc) where they only have each other left and try to take care of each other in the best way they know how. but along the way, their relationship becomes highly co-dependent and close, and they end up developing feelings and tension they never expected.
006. a gross old trucker picking up a runaway / traveller and agreeing to take her where she needs to go, but then pulling over somewhere dark and isolated because of course he requires some sort of payment for his service.
007. a science fiction / fantasy plot where humans are enslaved by monsters or a supernatural creatures. the humans are assigned as toys for the monsters / creatures fun and pleasure, or maybe even to be bred if you want to explore that. but basically a plot where a highly virile monster / supernatural creature gets their long-awaited assigned human pet / partner / bride.
008. a hardcore adult content creator and the young amateur just looking to make a quick buck making a video together. ideally it would include rough / dark kinks but it can be something they both enjoy and continue doing, or it can be something she's really not into but keeps coming back because his audience like her and he offers her more and more money to perform.
009. a much older man (ideally at least 50+) finally deciding he wants to be a dad so going after a much younger woman to make his wishes come true. a huge age gap, daddy kink, and breeding/pregnancy would be preferred.
010. brothers / twins going after the same girl and either making it a competition who can get her first, or maybe they end up playing fair and having her at the same time instead. if they're twins, maybe one of them starts fucking / dating her but the other twin also gets to have his fun by pretending to be the other, and it's a big old fucking mess but...they end up lowkey working as a trio? idk.
011. a young woman who's curious and needy falling for / being seduced by her best friend's dad. him being all supportive and sweet to her, always offering her to stay, giving her rides home, treating her like his own daughter. but then the immediate perking up whenever she's around, the way his stare lingers too long when she's hanging out at their pool, the way he finds excuses to be around her when she's staying over for the night. can instead be a dad's best friend plot if that's preferred.
012. an only child finding out his father had a love child many years ago which was the cause of his parents divorce. and now she's around and in their lives and he resents his new sister for his mother being hurt by his father cheating and their lives being disrupted by the divorce, but he also lowkey develops an attraction to her and begins a fixation that may or may not get pushed too far.
013. a guy fathered a child when he was very young himself (early to mid teens) and wasn't given contact by the mother / went to jail / the kid ended up being adopted, and now it's 18+ years later and he's finally reunited with the child he's always wondered about. but because of the smallish age gap between them in comparison to other parents and their children, and also because they're pretty much strangers getting to know each other for the first time, their dynamic leans more towards being friendly and fun at the start, and eventually develops into something romantic / sexual as they begin to spend more time together and get all their overwhelming and conflicting feelings / urges mixed up.
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little-stupid-trash · 2 years
i feel like a fucking whale. why did i eat so much yesterday? i men yeah i guess hunger build up from net eating too well for about a week but fuck.
like my piercing wasn't even doing too great either. yet i still kept eating. fucking gross.
today is a new day though. today will be better. i'm seeing my partner again and tomorrow i'll see more people again so today i'll have to behave.
also i'm not really gonna count cals still but i'm thinking of giving myself some rules for when i start counting again. like currently i don't have many rules and i think i should keep it that way for a bit but i'll probably start counting again soon [already did it like 1/2 days ago]
so i'm thinking of a higher limit and just going for it, making sure i don't binge. for that goal a limit of 800-1000 seems good for me. and once a week i'll be allowed 1200, but only if needed.
if i keep to that i should be able to lose 1-2 kgs a week. only think i'll also have to keep in mind would be keeping my metabolism good and drinking enough water. also even if i can start eating soft solids again i'll try to not get much of those.
wish me luck guys, i cannot afford for january to be like december
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grayintogreen · 2 years
Book thoughts! Glad I didn’t go in without knowing of The OC
Brain!molly going on and on about Yasha was great and wonderful, but his whole thing when Lucien was mind rending Beau was just great.
I wish the dragon fight would have been expanded a bit more with Lucien going “eh, no big” for leaving Beau and Molly going “uh, no” (also, urgh on Lucien saying Beau reminded him of HER)
But why oh why do we need a random OC for the book. Just make it all Cree.
And no attempts at controlling Beau and Caleb was odd. Or even really anything with Lucien looking in on them, even though he callously changed his “friends” minds.
Also! I wish Molly noticed and commented on Yasha and Beau seeming “close”
Is it bad I want a rewrite of the latter half of the book with your interpretation of everything, without the, ah how did you call it, the Interloper. The story was Good but I think you could make it Great
YEAH. There was so much weird shit that was glossed over. Like the mind control thing on the Tombtakers was sketchy and gross and the fact that it happened multiple times and yet Molly didn't have anything to say about it? Or like have anything to say about why he's not doing that to Beau and Caleb? Like they covered A LOT of Molly input on so many things, but not THAT. Also as much as it was IC, the fact that Roux had him do it so often (To CREE especially) and yet never explained why he didn't do it to Beau and Caleb left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also the focus on Brveyn should have been extended to ALL OF THE TOMBTAKERS. Like he made a comment about Cree after the Flesh Miette incident, but it seemed like Molly should have had more room to be like "these Tombtakers are your friends- see how the Mighty Nein are THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR FRIENDS NOT LIKE YOU'RE DOING." Like it felt like Roux didn't give a SHIT about the other Tombtakers and only wanted to focus on Brevyn but had to keep focusing on Cree (who in turn ALWAYS MENTIONS BREVYN) because she lasted longer and it makes me a little prickly.
But yeah, like... I don't want to be an asshole, but it felt like they chose Roux to handle the spooky stuff and she did that really well and some part of her just had maybe all of the respect for who Lucien is as a character and how he behaves and then ZERO respect for the characters around him that already exist, like a twelve year old girl creating an OC to ship with her favorite male character and forgetting everyone else exists, which I know because I HAVE BEEN THAT TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL. I know what this looks like because I HAVE WRITTEN IT.
I'd really love to... finagle a silk purse out of this sow's ear because yeah it's good and so much that is good I wouldn't want to improve on, but God I just want to or have someone else rewrite the whole damn thing where Brevyn either doesn't exist, gets replaced by the sister (seriously if Lucien had dragged his baby sister into his bullshit and she got killed because of his ambitions and THAT haunted his narrative then that would be interesting), or has a lesser role and then her shit is distributed among the other Tombtakers with a majority of it going to Cree, it would be fine. Like... That is really all the book had to fucking do to be perfect- just show more of Lucien's bond AND CLOSENESS with the CHARACTERS HE IS SUPPOSED TO FUCKING HAVE A BOND WITH.
It doesn't make any fucking sense to do what was done unless it came from someone who literally just didn't care about the other Tombtakers, which, I'm sorry, but no. All I fucking cared about was More Lucien AND the Tombtakers and it feels like I got shafted because a character who had no fucking reason to exist and the canon narrative doesn't support existing took away too much away from the canon characters and I think anyone who came into the story wanting that has a right to be annoyed and want better.
But yeah, idk what I'm gonna do except probably pettily write some Creecien fics set in this version of canon (BECAUSE NOTHING NOT ON STREAM IS CANON) where I can give her and the Tombtakers their just dues and start an Alternate Universe- No Brevyn tag, which sounds mean and I don't want to be an asshole because that's some author's baby, but... I'm sorry but Brevyn's not a bad character. I would like her outside of this context. She JUST DOES NOT BELONG HERE IN THIS STORY IN THIS WAY. It makes me feel like someone tricked me into buying their OCxCanon Character self-insert fic.
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been coming to some realizations about the ol' teenage years and the effects of social isolation, csa, emotional and physical abuse, and religious brainwashing all whipped up into a nauseating salad while you're going through puberty for the first time
that's where a lot of my relationship and sexual dysfunction come from. being forced to confess every single fucking thing to a parental figure who then threatened to go tell the creepy old bishop about "your little problem." as if me touching my own body was some kind of horrible addiction. she made me dissociate completely from my whole body and suppress every natural urge i had. she told me god would only forgive me a few times and then he'd stop after that because clearly i wasn't really sorry enough for enjoying my body at all
and then she just engaged the rest of the fucking family to make sure i never had any time alone, which was the most horrible overstimulating shit ever for my autistic ass. i wasn't allowed any alone time for any reason. shower? she'd always find a time to sneak up and knock on the door really hard just to make me jump and keep me on edge. actually she did that for fun all the damn time, just like she pulled the hair at the nape of my neck to see me tear up because she found it hilarious. she screamed at me when i finally did it back to her though.
never had a problem holding me down to stick needles in my face, feeling me up under my shirt, touching me everywhere no matter how much i hated it and made that clear, pulling up my shirt and bra in front of the rest of the family. people make fun of the weird kids who bark and growl, but it was the only thing that made her back off.
and there was nobody i could talk to, because "family things stay in the family." i wasn't allowed to go to public school or leave the house at all without a parent until i was 17 just so she could control my entire world. i had exactly one crush for about a week until she found out and started tearing me down for it. i couldn't have any friends she didn't personally approve, and she also had to personally approve their parents. i wasn't allowed sleepovers. one time i came back from a church activity wearing blue eyeshadow one of the youth group leaders had put on me because i liked it, and she told me i looked "like a prostitute" and freaked the fuck out. the Sunday after that, she copied her own makeup onto me to show me off as essentially a tiny version of her to all the adults at church.
she was honestly just a possessive jealous creepy gross incestuous pedophile, and i wanted to die. the only way for me to escape was burying myself in a book and getting my consciousness outside of myself completely. even that wasn't enough after a while.
she realized one day that i was getting bigger than her, and she decided to start having weird wrestling matches with me on the living room floor. i'd been carefully supervised through tae kwon do classes but i was too scared to hit her. she always ended up tickling me and sitting on me in ways that weren't right for anyone to do to a kid to win. i just wanted to let loose, crack her jaw, throw her out the window, but i knew if i did that the consequences would be severe.
if i ever see her again i'm showing her what a left hook feels like. she loved to complain about how i was born evil and just the most badly-behaved kid of all time, but sometimes i wish i'd really unleashed everything and shown her what an unholy terror really is.
nowadays touch is still a minefield for me, even just a tap on the shoulder can send me into furious shaking. i don't know how to have sex without ignoring what i feel and just trying to make someone else feel good. i can't cuddle anyone but my girlfriend, and even that kinda freaks me out sometimes.
the moral of the story is, don't fucking have kids if you're going to abuse them. don't even get a pet. collect rocks or something, find a hobby, tie a boulder around your neck and chuck it off a cliff into the ocean like that jesus guy said, but don't have kids if you're going to abuse them. oh and burn your bible/book of mormon/christian scriptures of choice, that's not a childrearing manual.
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southislandwren · 2 years
My boss was like “you can take Wednesday off if you want” and I was like NO and she was like “you don’t want to hang out with the kids all day?” Girl the reason I’ve been so vehement about working a lot is because the kids are irritating :/
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Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
+ This Game of Ours
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Jason’s eyes snapped open at a sound that no human should be able to hear.
Ever since he’d been resurrected from the Lazarus pit, his senses had grown abnormally acute – amongst other strange things. 
Sometimes he swore he could even hear Y/N’s heartbeat. It was easiest to do with her, after all he was so intone with her very being.
But all of that made nearly impossible for anyone to sneak up on him – let alone in his own home. Which someone was. He could feel it.
Jason’s eyes glanced down at Y/N, who was sound asleep on his chest.
Ever so carefully, he lifted her body off of him so he could slip out of bed.
But Y/N was a light sleeper, unfortunately. She must’ve inherited that from Bruce, even though she wasn’t even raised by the man.
Y/N winced as her eyes opened just in time to see Jason grabbing one of his hidden guns from below their bed frame.
“What’s going on?” Her voice raspy.
“Nothing,” Jason lied. “Stay here.”
Now that she found out about another hidden gun in their apartment, Jason knew he was going to return to a lecture from Y/N. She never hid her hatred for guns, and had asked him to keep them out of their apartment.
“Jason…” Y/N whispered desperately, now more awake and concerned.
“Stay here,” Jason said, more firmly this time.
Then he quickly kissed her, leaving even less room for her to argue.
In only his black boxer briefs, Jason snuck out of their bedroom and into the living room without making any sound. Y/N had always been shocked at how quiet her giant boyfriend could make himself.
Just as Jason raised his gun, he heard the familiar voice.
“Put some clothes on, Todd.”
Damian stepped out of the shadows.
To Jason’s surprise, he was in civilian clothes and not in his Robin uniform.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, breaking in like that?” Jason reprimanded as he uncocked the gun.
But before Damian could defend himself, the bedroom door squeaked open and Y/N was rushing out into the living room.
“I told you to stay there,” Jason growled.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her boyfriend’s overprotectiveness. “Obviously I recognized Damian’s voice, Jason.”
Then Y/N looked at her half-brother for a second and quickly realized Damian had come there for a reason.
“Everything alright, Damian?” She asked carefully.
“Yes,” he lied.
Jason remembered when Damian despised Y/N. He saw her as a threat to his claim to the Wayne throne. But Y/N had immediately made her intentions clear. “I have my own reputation, money, and career that I built without a name attached to me. I want nothing to do with Wayne Enterprises,” she had told Damian as soon as she realized he saw her as some sort of competition.
It took Damian months to even acknowledge Y/N. And he really only did because both his father and Dick – basically his surrogate father – scolded him for not doing so.
Slowly but surely, the two grew closer.
Y/N didn’t put up with Damian’s attitude. But she also didn’t scold him like a child. If he was rude or aggressive, she spoke to him the same way she would speak to a grown man who behaved in such a manner. Somehow it made the boy slowly start to respect her more.
Eventually, they bonded over their mutual love of the arts. Damian was impressed with her photographs, while Y/N was honored whenever Damian decided to share his drawings with her. Y/N had gifted Damian his first camera. And Damian once gave her a few lessons on the basics of sketching and painting.
Who knew Waynes were the creative type?
And it was when Damian’s pets all seemed to be obsessed with Y/N that the boy finally decided to get over his original opinions and feelings.
It was by no means a short or easy battle. But the rest of the family was relieved when Damian finally accepted Y/N as one of their own.
“How about I make us some hot chocolate?” Y/N offered Damian.
The boy just shrugged, but she noticed his eyes subtly light up.
She never understood why he refused to let himself feel joy in the simple things. It was like she could catch him stopping himself from being a kid.
“I’m going to bed,” Jason announced with exhaustion.
It was clear to him that Damian came to see his sister, not him. And he was nice enough to leave the two of them alone. Even though he was a bit bitter that his girlfriend was being stolen from their bed.
Before turning back to the bedroom, Jason invaded Y/N’s space and gently grabbed her jaw before pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Gross,” Damian groaned.
Jason glared and pointed at the boy. “You’re in our apartment, demon spawn. I’ll kiss my girlfriend if I fuckin’ want to.”
Y/N just laughed as she watched Jason close their bedroom door behind him.
“Come on,” she nudged her head in the direction of the kitchen. “Let’s make some hot chocolate. I think I have some of Alfred’s cookies hiding somewhere, too.”
“I don’t know what you see in him,” Damian mumbled.
Y/N smirked and shook her head. Tonight, she wasn’t taking the bait. 
Once Damian decided he didn’t hate Y/N, he jumped right to making it known that he did not think Jason was good enough for her. But she knew it was an act – mostly.
“Why aren’t you on patrol?” She asked casually once they had giant mugs of hot chocolate and cookies in front of them, making sure to give the boy extra marshmallows. 
“I’m grounded,” Damian muttered.
Y/N tilted her head. “Grounded?”
It seemed like a far too normal concept for a family of vigilantes.
“Yes,” Damian confirmed.
“I’m guessing that means Bruce and Alfred don’t know you’re here…?”
“I snuck out,” he admitted.
“Why did you get grounded?”
“Father found out I was skipping school. And then that I skipped the school dance.”
“Why does it matter if you skipped the dance?” She asked, clearly confused.
Y/N was also struggling to imagine Bruce caring about such a trivial thing like that.  
“Father wishes for me to have normal experiences that young man of my age is expected to have,” Damian said with a roll of his eyes.
“School dances are lame,” Y/N commented.
Damian sat up straighter, not expecting that to be her response.
“I skipped prom. I didn’t want to go,” she added.
“Why not?” The boy challenge, somewhat caught off guard by that.
Y/N shrugged. “Bad music. Bad dancing. Tacky dresses. Just wasn’t all that appealing to angsty, teenage me.”
Damian just nodded slowly, and then got quiet.
“I have no desire to be normal,” he finally stated after a few minutes.
“I’m not taking his side, but I get why Bruce wants you to do these things, Damian. You were robbed of a lot of things because of the way you were raised. I’m not saying that it’s bad or good. But I think Bruce just wants to give you the opportunity to experience the life of a – well...of a kid.”
“And was your life normal?” Damian quickly asked.
Y/N nodded. “So normal that it was boring.” She laughed, “My entire life was normal until I met all of you weirdos.”
That got a smile out of Damian.
But then it slowly dropped and he seemed to get lost in his head.
“I don’t…I don’t have any friends,” Damian finally whimpered.
Y/N was shocked by the boy’s emotion.
Damian was always composed.
“It’s like they speak a different language. And it’s one I can never learn.”
“Oh, Damian,” Y/N sighed as she rushed from her seat to kneel beside him. “I know it must be hard to try and fit in. But you’re not doing anything wrong. None of that’s your fault.”
“Father is more than aware that I don’t need the education,” Damian’s voice shook as he tried not to cry. “He only forces me to attend so I can make friends. And that is one thing I am unable to do.”
Y/N let him breathe and have an opportunity to continue before she spoke again. 
“I hate school, so I skip. And the school dance seemed so ridiculous to me, so I skipped that too – even after father specifically requested that I attend.”
Y/N sighed, “And did you tell him how you’re feeling when he grounded you?”
Damian shook his head no.
She hadn’t expected anything different. She could easily imagine Damian lashing out at Bruce when he received his punishment, saying that the requests were a waste of his time and beneath him. 
Damian was good at hiding his emotional pain – maybe even better than their father.
Y/N was sure Bruce didn’t have a true understanding of what Damian was going through.
“Can I stay here tonight?” Damian asked.
“Of course,” she gave him a sad smile. “How about we take this hot chocolate to the couch and watch a movie?”
Damian shrugged. But it wasn’t a no.
Y/N let him pick the movie.
He chose Fantasia. 
When Y/N didn’t hide her surprise, he explained that he respected the animation and loved all of the classical music. Even when they did a child-like activity, he still always found way to remind the world that he was no normal child.
An hour later, both of them had fallen asleep on the couch with the movie still playing.
When Damian felt another presence, he awoke with a jolt and grabbed his hidden knife, holding it to the throat of the intruder.
But it was Jason, gently bringing Y/N’s sleeping body into his arms.
“Once again, demon spawn, you’re in our apartment,” Jason hissed with annoyance.
The man was completely unfazed by the feeling of a blade threatening to slit his throat. 
Damian huffed.
“I’m taking her to bed,” Jason explained the obvious. Then he nudged his head at the love-seat across from Damian. “There’s a blanket right there if you want to sleep on the couch. Or you can sleep in the guest bedroom.”
But Jason paused, with Y/N sleeping in his arms, as he noticed a strange look on Damian’s face.
“What?” He urged.
“If you ever hurt her, I’ll kill you myself,” Damian growled softly.
Jason looked utterly unimpressed. “You’d have to get in line,” he answered, making sure to keep his voice quiet to prevent waking Y/N.
But then Jason’s face softened. “Look, kid, I think you know that she’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I’d die before doing anything to mess this up.”
“Hmph,” was the only noise Damian made in response.
Jason rolled his eyes and carried Y/N back to their bedroom.
In all honesty, he couldn’t fall asleep while she had been in with Damian. With Jason’s weird enhanced hearing because of the pit, he was able to catch a bit of their conversation.
Jason softly place Y/N back in bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders. When he joined her on the other side of the bed, she didn’t even wake as she slid back into his arms.
Now Jason could finally go to sleep.
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When there was a knock on the apartment door the next morning, Damian and Y/N shared a look.
“I’ll get it,” Y/N sighed.
Jason had made all three of them breakfast that morning.
But now Damian pushed the food around his plate, knowing this was the end of his small rebellion. Who knew what his new punishment would be?
Y/N opened the door to unsurprisingly find her father.
Bruce was wearing a full suit, despite it being a Sunday morning. On top was a heavy, black overcoat with the back of the collar slightly propped up.
“You could have least told me he was here,” Bruce greeted his daughter.
She smirked mischievously and shrugged. “I’m no snitch.”
Damian appeared behind Y/N, not seeing the point in dragging this out any longer than necessary.
“Alfred’s downstairs with the car,” Bruce told his son evenly.
The disappointment in both his expression and tone was obvious.
Damian looked up at Y/N. “Thank you for having me, Y/N.”
“Next time, use the actual door so you don’t give me or Jason a heart attack.”
Damian smiled at that before walking past his father and down the hallway.
“Can I talk to you a second?” Y/N asked Bruce.
Her father seemed surprised by the request, but nodded anyways and closed the door behind him.
“I think Damian is really struggling – more than you think, I mean.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed and he crossed his arms. “He hasn’t even been remotely injured from patrols in months…”
“No, Bruce,” she quickly cut off. “Not as Robin. As Damian.”
Bruce was quiet.
“He doesn’t know how to fit in, Bruce. And you’re putting a lot of pressure on him to live a normal life. Bu he’s never gonna have normal. That was taken away from him before you even knew he existed.”
“He said that to you?” Bruce asked.
She nodded. “In so few words, yes.”
“And I’m assuming you have some advice,” he quirked a brow.
“Well, yeah. Maybe you should just homeschool him.”
“Y/N, the whole point of him going to school is to be around kids his own age. We both know the education is beneath him already.”
“But that’s the thing, Bruce. He’s never going to relate to any of those kids. Going to school makes him feel like a freak. Let him get homeschooled.”
“He needs to learn to make friends,” Bruce argued.
“You’re right. He does. But not with the spoiled brats of Gotham Academy. How many superheroes are you friends with?”
“He doesn’t consider them friends!” Jason shouted from the kitchen.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Fine. How many superheroes are you acquainted with, who have kids around Damian’s age?”
Bruce’s jaw tightened.
“I know you like to keep your personal life away from Batman. But those are the only kids that Damian is ever going to relate to in some way. Do you get what I’m saying?”
To her surprise, Bruce nodded. “You’re right.”
Her brows shot up. “I am?”
Y/N had really expected him to fight her on this.
Bruce chuckled. “Of course you are. Out of everyone in this family, you are the only one who can say they had any semblance of a normal childhood.”
Suddenly his phone dinged and he glanced down at it.
“I have to go,” he regretfully told her.
When he looked back up at her, his face softened. “Come to the manor soon for dinner,” he asked her gently.
She gave him a soft smile and nodded, “I will.”
Bruce nodded in the direction of the kitchen where Jason was hiding. “And bring that one with you, will you?”
Y/N laughed. “He’ll go wherever I go. He’s like a puppy, that one.”
“I can hear you!” Jason called out.
Bruce laughed and stepped forward to give Y/N a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for looking out for Damian, Y/N.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Bruce.”
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Training Wheels  -  One
Pairing: Dark!Step-Brother!Steve Rogers X Innocent!Reader
Summary: Your stepbrother would do anything for you. And he’s more than happy to prove that over and over and over again until you believe him. No matter what it takes. 
Warnings: Language, Sexual Harassment, Smut, Manipulation, Loss of Virginity, Sex between Step-siblings, bit of a size kink, 
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: I have many parts of this planned but not written, and the taglist is open. Also, incase y’all forgot: I don’t talk politics on my blog. I’ve made it clear where I stand on certain things already and I want to keep my blog as an escape from reality for myself and others. 
A/n 2: I’m fucking tired so I’ll reply to asks and stuff probably tomorrow
“Hey, did (Y/n) get a new skirt?” At the sound of your name being mentioned, Steve snaps his head up, following his best friend’s gaze until it finally lands on you.
You’re walking across the campus courtyard towards the two of them, a smile on your face as you talk animatedly with Natasha and Wanda.
Sure enough, a new mini skirt is decorating your pretty legs. It flows with the breeze, almost getting blown up enough to see your panties.
“Jesus, that kid’s got some legs,” Bucky says, eyes roaming over your figure. Steve shoves his friend’s shoulder, giving him a hard glare.
“That’s my fucking sister you’re talking about. What would Nat think if she heard that?” Bucky rolls his eyes, grinning as his favourite redhead blows him a kiss.
“God, what I wouldn’t do to have those legs wrapped around my head.” You shudder in disgust, yelping as a hard hand comes down on your ass.
“Hey!” You exclaim, turning around and covering your butt while looking at the man.
“C’mon sweetheart. What’d you expect when you’re dressed like that?”
Steve’s on his feet, rushing over to you as you glare at your assailant.
“Maybe some fucking decency?! Leave me alone! I’m not a fucking object, dick-wad.”
“Rumlow!” Upon hearing your step-brother’s voice, Rumlow takes a step back.
“C’mon Rogers! There’s no harm in playful flirting. You of all people should know that.” Steve glares at him, his arm coming protectively over your shoulders, pulling you against his side and further away from the man.
“Yeah, but there’s shit wrong with touching people when they don’t want to be fucking touched.” Brock rolls his eyes and saunters away, shooting you a wink over his shoulder.
“I had it handled,” you grumble, walking with Steve’s arm over your shoulders towards the tree where he and Bucky were sitting.
“Yeah, really looked like it. A ‘thank you’ would be nice.” You roll your eyes and glare up at your step-brother.
“How do you expect me to defend myself if you jump in all the time?”
He shakes his head, a soft look on his face that has you dropping your guard for a moment.
“As long as I’m around, you shouldn’t have to defend yourself. That’s what I’m here for. I’m always gonna have your back, bunny. No matter what.” You smile at him, your heart warming at his words before Nat gets your attention.
You sit down next to her, Steve next to you with his arm still over your shoulders.
You and Wanda are quickly engaged in another conversation and Steve finds himself staring at you, a small smile on your face.
“You’re drooling, Steve,” Nat whispers, toes nudging his thigh. He glances over at the redhead and flips her off.
“C’mon. We should get going. I wanna beat the rush.” You nod at Steve, grabbing your bag and bidding your friends goodbye.
Bucky gives Steve a knowing look and the blond glares at his friend.
The two of you make your way to the parking lot together, him asking you about your day and you launching into a detailed description of everything you did.
As you’re heading to his car you pass by Brock and his group of friends. You quiet down immediately, slouching in on yourself.
Steve glares at the guys, his arm coming protectively around your waist as they ogle you.
You let out a big breath when you’re sitting in Steve’s car, groaning at the fact that you were harassed today.
“Why are guys stupid?” You ask, looking over at your step-brother as he starts driving.
“I wish I knew. You just gotta get lucky and find someone who’s mature and has respect for women, not a douchebag like Rumlow.” You nod, kicking your shoes off and putting your feet up on the dashboard.
“Hey, feet down.” You look over at him and stick your tongue out, keeping your feet up and wiggling your toes.
“What are you gonna do? You gonna make me?” He glances at you out of the corner of his eye and then one of his hands is on your thigh, squeezing the flesh hard and making you squirm, laughter bubbling out of you.
“Stop!” He doesn’t. If anything, it spurs him on and he tickles your thigh more.
“Feet down!” He shouts playfully, loving the sound of your laughter.
“Okay fine!” You finally pull your feet down and he smiles, fingers splaying on your bare thigh. He keeps his hand there for the rest of the drive, blood slowly moving south as he realizes what he's doing and the fact that you haven’t said anything about it.
It feels nice to have his hand on you. You hate that you like it but you do.
When you finally get home, your mom and his dad are pulling out of the driveway.
Steve rolls down his window and you unbuckle your seatbelt, climbing over his lap to stick your head out the window. Steve hits the brakes harder than intended and you fall forward, one hand bracing yourself on his thigh while your skirt flies up, your ass on full display.
“Jesus, Steve. You trying to kill me?” You ask before turning to the window.
“Where are you guys going?” You ask, confused. Your mom raises her eyebrows. “We’ve only been talking about our trip to Vegas for the past four months! We talked about it this morning too!” Realization hits you and you giggle. “Sorry! I hope you guys have fun! But not too much fun. One step-sibling is enough, I don’t need any more.” Steve’s dad laughs, shaking his head at you.
“You kids behave. Don’t throw any parties or anything. The neighbours know we’re gone so if you do anything we’ll know.”
“I don’t have enough friends to throw a party anyway. And Steve is a social outcast so you don’t need to worry about him.” Your mother gives you a look and you raise your eyebrows innocently.
“Be nice to your brother. We’ve gotta get going before we miss our flight. But I’ll talk to you when we land."
They start pulling away again and you stick your head further out the window, kneeling between Steve’s legs as he grabs your waist.
“He’s my Stepbrother!”
They drive off, your mom waving until they’re out of sight, and you sigh, climbing back into the car and looking at Steve.
His hands are still on your waist and he’s got a soft look in his eyes.
“Steve?” He hums, clenching his jaw as you shift on his lap to get comfortable, your thighs spreading as you straddle him.
“Do you think your dad’s gonna get my mom pregnant?” He groans, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
“God no. I don’t even wanna think about that but even if they... you know... my dad got a vasectomy a while ago.” You nod, hands on his shoulders as you purse your lips.
His eyes are focused so intently on them that he doesn’t notice when you open the door.
“First person inside picks dinner! Loser has to pay!” You jump out of the car and sprint inside, leaving Steve stunned and horny in his car.
The two of you sit on the couch watching movies, Steve with his arm thrown over the back of the couch.
“Hey Steve... can I ask you something?” He looks over at you, nodding and waiting for you to ask whatever’s on your mind.
“Is... do... does...” You groan, shaking your head, beyond embarrassed with yourself.
“C’mon bunny. You can ask me anything and I won’t judge you. You know that.” One of his hands comes to your knee, rubbing gently.
You nod, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“Do guys actually prefer when a girl is experienced? Does it... does it matter to them?” Whatever he thought you were going to ask... it certainly wasn’t this.
He raises his eyebrows and blows a breath out through his mouth.
“Some guys, yeah. I mean, it puts a lot of pressure on them to make sure your first time is good. Which is hard cause each girl cums differently and finds different things good so it’s hard to tell. Some guys like virgins but I think a lot like it if they aren’t a girl’s first just so they don’t have to live up to whatever expectations she may have.” He’s being honest with you and you value that, but it doesn’t exactly make you feel better about your situation.
You sit up and turn to him fully, a frown on your face.
“How do I find someone who’s willing to be my first so I can get it out of the way?” He inhales deeply, trying to take advantage of the situation in a way that won’t clue you into his true intentions. He wants you, but he wants you to think that he’s just helping you.
“You’ve gotta find someone you trust to do something like that, bunny. Someone who’s gonna be gentle with you because it’s gonna hurt a bit.” You frown, scooting closer and leaning your head against his shoulder.
“Where am I supposed to find someone who’s gonna be gentle with me like that? The only guys who even look at me are gross guys like Brock and I don't want someone like him to touch me.”
He brings one hand up to your head, smoothing your hair away from your face.
“I mean... I think I could find someone who would be willing to help you out. Show you the ropes just so you’re not totally inexperienced,” he murmurs, eyes focused on you as you look up at him slowly.
“Who?” His eyes flash down to your lips then back up to your eyes and you inhale sharply, realizing what he’s implying.
He doesn’t give you a second to object before he leans down and presses his lips against yours, making you gasp. He takes advantage of your parted lips and lets his tongue explore your mouth.
It takes a moment but you give in, kissing him back. One of your hands finds his hair, fingers tangling in the blond strands.
He shifts onto his side for a moment, hand grabbing your waist and pulling you forward until you’re straddling his lap.
The ball is in your court and you know you should stop but it feels so right. It’s something so unlike anything you’ve ever felt before and you wanna see where it will go. How it’ll feel to be touched by a man.
You finally pull away, panting hard with your eyes closed.
His hands grip your hips tightly and rock you forward, making you gasp as his hard length rubs against you through the material of your sweatpants.
“Steve wait,” you murmur, head falling back as he attacks your neck with kisses.
“Lemme teach you, Bunny. I’ll take good care of you, show you how it feels to be fucked properly. Please. I don’t wanna see you getting hurt by a guy who doesn’t care about your feelings. I’ll treat you so nice, Bunny, I swear.” His sweet words and the way he feels underneath you is enough to have you nodding.
He grins, one hand wrapping around your back as he quickly flips you onto your back. You gasp, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull you tight against him.
He grinds against you for a moment longer before slowly pressing kisses down your neck and chest. He pulls away for a moment, just long enough to tear your shirt clean off your body, your bra following soon after.
His mouth kisses your breasts, giving each nipple far more attention than you thought he would. Your fingers are tangled in his hair, lips parted and heavy breaths falling from your mouth as a new type of pleasure builds inside of you.
“You like that?” He asks, eyes dark as he gazes up at you. You nod, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he uses his thumb and index finger to tweak at your other nipple.
“Steve,” you whisper, arching your back and pushing your chest against his face. His kisses slowly move further down your body, lips leaving a wet trail over your stomach and past your navel.
His eyes are locked on yours as his fingers tug at the waistband of your sweatpants.
You raise your hips without hesitation, nervous but excited.
He’s your step-brother, and it’s wrong, but he’s so sweet to you. If there was one person on the planet who you trust to take your virginity and teach you about sex it’s him.
Your eyes fall closed, partly out of embarrassment as he lays between your naked legs, eyes on your centre.
He hoists your legs over his shoulders and, after making sure you’re eyes are closed, grabs your discarded panties and presses them to his nose. He takes a long inhale and groans, intoxicated by the scent of you.
He tucks them into his pocket then reaches over your hips.
His thumbs spread your folds and you want to close your legs, but he makes it impossible. His tongue darts out and licks a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit.
The sensation makes you jolt and Steve chuckles softly.
“Tell me what you like, Bunny. It won’t offend me. I wanna make you feel good.” You nod, grinding your teeth together and trying to clear the thoughts from your mind and focus on what he’s doing.
He finds your clit surprisingly easily, and you moan when he focuses his tongue on it.
“J-just like that... please...” He complies, working his tongue over the little bundle of nerves while two of his fingers slowly press into your heat.
You groan at the feeling, it being unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. His fingers fill you up more than ever, and he works them inside of you until he hits a spot that has you jolting up, right hand grabbing a handful of his hair.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, eyes screwed shut as he massages that spot inside of you.
It’s all too much, and in a few moments, you’re cumming all over his face and his fingers.
“Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Oh my god.” Steve’s eyes find your face and he nearly cums in his pants.
The look of pure pleasure on your features is something he wishes he could take a picture of.
You look so fucking pretty when you cum.
He gently works you through your orgasm, pulling away only when your thighs start trembling. You open your eyes after a few more moments only to find him seated between your legs, pink lips glistening as he sucks your nectar off of his fingers.
“Holy fuck,” you repeat, one hand coming to your chest as you slowly catch your breath.
He chuckles softly, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“C’mon. M’gonna fuck you on a bed, not on a couch.” He scoops you up in his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist, arms tightly wound around his neck as he carries you up the stairs to his bedroom.
It’s wrong. So fucking wrong, but it feels so good and you trust him so much.
You’re carefully laid on your back on his bed, the blankets cool against your hot skin. Steve kneels between your legs, hands resting on your hips while his eyes devour this image.
You bring your hands up to cover your chest, feeling nervous about being naked beneath him, but he shakes his head and gently takes your hands.
“Don’t hide from me, Bunny. You’re beautiful. Any man who gets to see you like this... is a fucking lucky one.” His eyes trace over your body, his words having lit a fire in his gut.
No other man is ever going to see you like this. He’ll make sure of that.
“C-can you take your clothes off? Please? I feel...” you trail off, embarrassed of both your nudity and your request.
“Of course, Bunny.” He leans back on his haunches and pulls his shirt over his head, giving you a glorious view of his rippling muscles.
Your stepbrother has an amazing body. That much you learned the very first time he took his shirt off to go swimming with you.
He climbs off the bed for a moment, just long enough to kick off his sweatpants and his boxers, and then he’s between your legs again.
You inhale sharply when your eyes find his cock, fear and arousal filling you.
“A-am I... do you want me to...” Your eyes don’t leave his length and he chuckles, one of his hands moving down to slowly stroke himself.
“I just want you to lay back and feel good, okay? It’s gonna hurt a bit, but you gotta relax. I’ll go slow.” You nod, hands instinctively coming to his shoulders as he scoots closer.
“If you’re really curious, I’ll teach you how to give head another day. But today is all about this.” The hot tip presses against your folds and you jump, wide eyes staring up at your step-brother.
“Now, when anyone else ever fucks you, make sure they wear a condom. But for your first time, I want you to get the full experience. It’ll feel better for you this way.” You nod, gripping his strong shoulders tightly as he leans down, hands pressing into the mattress on either side of your torso.
He slides his cock through your folds, watching intently as your eyelids drop and your mouth falls open.
“Feels nice, Bunny? Nice and warm?” You nod, a whimper falling from your lips as his cock rubs against your swollen clit.
He pulls back after a moment more to align himself, then slowly pushes his cock into you.
Your face scrunches up in pain and he stops immediately, pulling back and leaning down until his face is above your heat.
You hear him spit a moment before you feel the liquid splatter against you. He does it a few times and you feel slightly mortified.
“Don’t be shy, Bunny. I just gotta make sure you’re nice and wet. It’ll stop it from hurting as much.” You nod, keeping your eyes closed as he hovers over you again.
This time when he pushes in it doesn’t hurt nearly as much.
He pushes in slowly, his eyes focused on your face as he meets the band of resistance he was waiting for. He slowly pushes further, frowning when you wince and inhale sharply.
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he has to.
When he’s finally bottomed out inside of you, you let out a big breath.
“Look, Bunny.” You open your eyes and follow his gaze down to where the two of you are connected, your pussy fluttering around him at the sight.
He’s fully sheathed inside of you, and your lower abdomen bulges slightly because of it.
“You’ve got all of my big cock in you. Your pretty pussy is taking me like a champ.” You stare down at where his cock disappears inside of you, a gasp falling from your lips when he pulls out a few inches, only to push it right back in.
“Once I start moving it’ll feel better. Whenever you’re ready, let me know.” You nod, closing your eyes and basking in the feeling of fulness. It’s like you’re finally getting something you didn’t know you needed.
He feels so hot and heavy inside of you, you want to keep him exactly where he is forever.
After a few more moments of adjusting to the intrusion, you open your eyes and lift one hand to cup his jaw.
His eyes snap to yours, a soft admiration clouding his beautiful blues.
You pucker your lips and he smiles, dropping his head and pressing a soft kiss to your lips while slowly starting to thrust.
His pace is slow and steady, pulling out nearly all the way then slowly pushing back in, each thrust stretching your walls further than the last.
“Fuck... you’re so fucking tight... feel so good, bunny.” Your nails dig into his shoulders as he gradually speeds up, each drag against your walls bringing you a type of pleasure you’ve only dreamed of.
“S-steve... feels... feels nice... so big...” You’re hardly making any sense but you speak anyway, toes curling as he speeds up even more.
His lips find your throat and you whine loudly, nails raking down his back.
“M’gonna go harder and faster, okay Bunny? You ready?” You nod, mouth dropping open as he hammers his hips forward, cock hitting places inside of you that make you see stars.
The noises coming from you nearly have him cumming hard, but he grinds his teeth together. He’s determined to make you cum first.
One of his hands darts between your legs, finding your clit and rubbing circles on it.
Your back arches hard, chest pressed tight against his as your eyes roll back into your head, an orgasm racing down your spine and exploding in your stomach.
Every nerve in your body is on fire, stars dance behind your eyes, and your cunt clamps down hard on Steve's cock.
The blond groans lowly, eyes squeezed shut as he falls into his own climax.
He fills you, white painting your walls and warming you from the inside.
The two of you stay like that, you trembling on the bed and Steve slowly starting to shake above you as his muscles threaten to give out.
After a moment he rolls onto his side, pulling you close to him to keep his cock locked inside of you.
His fingers trace along your spine, rubbing up and down so gently that it nearly lulls you to sleep.
“Fucking hell, bunny.” He presses his lips against your forehead, beyond satisfied with what just happened. You hum softly, nuzzling deeper against his chest.
He kicks the blankets up until they’re around his knees then pulls them up to cover the two of you.
You’re snuggled up against him, one of your legs tossed over his hip as his cock sits nice and snug inside of you.
“Thank you, Steve.” He’s quiet for a moment before hugging you tightly.
“Anything for you, Bunny.”
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