#I just. Wish I would hear from my damn pharmacy
foxgirlmoth · 2 years
Being off hormones sucks. Every emotion feels just a little bit muffled, every thought just a little bit stagnant. Its a special kind of torture I think.
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strawberrylucv · 3 years
Genshin HC's when you tell them "I think I'm in love."
LOL OK; so theres a very popular demand on the "get out of my house." fic and im already working on it!! have some headcanons for awhile!! here yall go :))
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✦ft. Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Albedo.
✦warnings : mutual pining, fluff!! headcanons under the cut, mild swearing
PART 2 IS OUT! : Confession time
.  * .  .   °  . ● ° ..  * .  .   °  . ● ° ..  *
would lowkey stop what he was doing
by lowkey i mean like, slowly place the wine glass he was wiping just a second ago on the table
"Love? That's a strong word, Y/N."
"I know that."
at the back of his mind, he wishes you would say 'I'm in love with you'
he would listen to you, ranting about what you were feeling
he tried asking what they look like
"What do they even look like?"
"Well, they're pretty good-looking, sometimes too serious, but deep down they're just trying hard to protect everyone."
yea, you were talking about him
but he's kinda dense
so he just stood there, pondering who is this person making you think you were in love
he was absolutely jealous
he begs to the archons that you weren't going to say Kaeya
because if you did, he would be so damn heartbroken
when it was time to go home, he grabbed your wrist
he didn't know why
he just didn't want you to go yet
"Tomorrow afternoon." he says as you look at his hand holding your wrist.
"Meet me here, Tomorrow afternoon."
"But tomorrow's your rest day?"
maybe he had something important to say to you ;)
he almost dropped his tea
he thought you would always stay with him
guess he thought wrong.
he would ask 'why love?'
"Why love? Can't it be just infatuation?
"Because, every time I go home, I want to see them again. They're always on my mind, it's crazy. Then, I could notice all the little things they would do. It's adorable."
he looked down at his tea
'Can't it be me'
"Will you let me meet them?' he smiles as he brings his teacup to his mouth
he would want nothing else but your happiness
he coughed up his tea back
what??? why not??
you grab a napkin to clean the mess on his face
you were so close
he looked at you with endearing eyes
he wasn't ready to see you go
with someone else
that wasn't him
so he stood up from his seat, you were taken aback by this
"I want to tell you something." he offered his hand to help you.
"What?" you say as you took his hand.
"Not here. Follow me."
guess he has to tell you something~~i wonder what--
but he wouldn't show you that
while you were getting giddy and flustered
he was thinking of plans on finding out who you like
like, he was about to order his subordinates for you
he was dead serious
he asked you 'who's the lucky person' with a smile
"To be honest, they're a bit stupid-"
"Then why are you in love with them?" he cuts you off, he looked at you with the most dead stare ever.
"They're also really caring. They just want their family to be safe and I think that's what made me fall for them. They're also very hot."
he accidentally thought out loud 'I'm hot too'
you looked at him
he looked at you
oh fuck, he said that??
well damn.
you laughed so hard
his ears turned red
god that was embarrassing-
he bit his lip and continued to hear your laughter
if only he could stop time,
if only it was him who you were thinking of,
if only he could have you by his side forever.
when you stopped laughing you turned to him
"Tell you what, I'll let you meet them!"
"..hooray!" his heart clenched when you said that.
"Meet me by the pond near Bubu Pharmacy in the evening?"
"...Y/N, I don't think-" he wasn't ready to be broken so easily.
"You'll come right?"
he could never say no to you, especially since you looked so excited
he'll tell you too, that he had feelings for you. even if someone else had your heart, he had to tell you.
"Of course." he smiled at you warmly, he had to be strong, for you.
ohh, how is he gonna tell you doee~
he was all smiles till you said that
he wasn't unhappy but he felt something wrong
oh, it might be the fact that he harbored feelings for you
but he was still questioning if it was just friendship
guess he was too late
wait, he didn't care if he was too late
what he did care was that you were in love
with who though.........
"Y/N, are you in love with me?" he joked around but he was hoping you would say yes, please say yes. This would be a perfect night for you to confess to him
"Oh Kaeya-"
"Say yes."
he caught you by surprise.
oh wait.
he's the one confessing to you now
he didn't even ask how and who the person was
he was getting red by the second since you just stared at him
sheesh, there this tension between you guys
you laugh by how red the flirtatious cavalry caption could get
"What would happen if I say yes?" you try to wipe the tears that were caused by his sudden seriousness.
what would happen?
he just
just wanted you to be with him
ok yea, he didn't want you to be in love with anyone else except him
so he says:
"Want to know?"
ohoho, i wonder~~~
he doesn't really know what love is
but he felt this twinge inside of him
like he was-
was it jealousy?
because he really didn't want you to leave when you made him feel like this
"What is...love, Y/N?" he asked you while he placed his sketchbook on a nearby table
"Love? Well, your chest would feel like its always about to explode-"
was that what he was feeling every time you were going to his camp?
"-When they tell you that they have to go to dangerous places, you wished they wouldn't have to. That they'd stay here with you. Just with you."
oh, is that why he had those thoughts when you went off to do your commissions? where he silently wished you would be safe?
"When they tell you something that only you two would share, it would send you on cloud nine."
he was always feeling something whenever he's with you,
was that cloud nine?
is he in love with you?
is this love?
it is.
then the person making you feel in love-
who the hell? who was it?
there was one thing he needed to do
"Y/N. I think I'm in love."
"W-W-What?" you stutter your words. He was so straightforward with you. He shocked you by his sudden confession.
oh--with who? ;;;)
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Chapter 4: Malibu
-- Taglist: @lgg5989 @hangmanssoulmate --
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Reserve, you were made reserve. 
At least Seresin didn’t get to fly much more than you, but it still pissed you off that he got to save Rooster and Maverick. You knew you weren’t supposed to be angry at that. You knew you were supposed to be cheerful that they were alive. But it was so hard to do when Seresin was out there gloating and bragging without so much as throwing you a glance. 
This thought caught you off guard, because for a few seconds, you could swear you wanted him to tease you. But you couldn’t really deny it, you did almost want that, because it would mean that at least he would fucking pay attention to you. 
You were sitting on one of the dingy old couches at the Hard Deck next to Bob, wishing the universe didn’t hate you so damn much. You had gotten a call about three hours ago that your dog, Mickey, had been hit by a car and needed to be euthanized and you weren’t doing so great. And that was on top of the fact that you were supposed to be on your period and it was almost two weeks late. Sure, it could have been the fact that you changed birth control, but you had been hooking up with one of Lucky’s crewmates and it all made you damn near lose your mind. And yet, what you were concentrating all your pent up fury on was the fact that the stupid car you were borrowing wouldn’t bloody start. 
"Malibu, long time no see!" He said, strolling into the Hard Deck like he owned the place. Things had been … icy, since your argument and this was the first time he had so much as looked at you since then. It certainly was the first time he spoke to you. You hated how it made your stomach flutter.
"Look Seresin, I really don't have the time or the fucking motivation to deal with your bullshit" you snapped. He seemed taken aback for a second and then wiped the surprise off his face.
"Jesus, bad day?" He snapped back.
"As a matter of fact, yes. My car won't start, my dog died and I missed my period. So don't start" You said, the volume of your voice louder than you wanted. His friends snickered. One of them elbowed him in the arm to say something, but Hangman just looked concerned. 
"Alright, well, I can help with one of those" He said with hands in the air, as if he surrendered before you snapped again.
He left with you to your car, under the watchful eye of all his friends. 
Once there he propped the hood up and tinkered for a few minutes.
"So, you're pregnant?" He finally asked.
"I don't know. I was going to use the car to get a test, but because it's broken…" you said. You were certain he could hear the panic in your voice.
"Your car is shot. I can drive you if you want" Hangman offered. You would have refused if you hadn't been so damn desperate. Then again, you wouldn't have accepted any of his help if you hadn't been so damn desperate.
Hangman drove you to the nearest pharmacy. He parked the car under a light and put the handbrake on. 
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked. You wanted to say yes. You wanted to ask him to hold your hand. You wanted him to tell you you were okay but you didn't want him to pity you.
"No, I'll be okay."
You didn't know why you had asked him to come in, but he had accepted and it seemed to open a floodgate of questions.
"Could you err… Could you stay with me while I take the tests?" You asked. You entered your bathroom and ripped open the packaging to the tests and read the instructions. Once you were fairly confident about what to do you drank some water and waited a minute till you needed to pee. Once you had used the tests, you set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes and left the bathroom. Hangman was sitting on the corner of the bed, waiting for you.
You sat a little further away from him, almost with your back turned.
"What are you going to do if it's positive?"
"I'll quit the navy and have a baby. I'll get a job somewhere as a waitress I guess… something flexible."
"So you don't mind then?
"I'm scared" You choked up for a moment. Before you could control yourself, Hangman placed his hand on your back, rubbing circles. 
"I didn't want to do this alone. I wanted to get married and be a stay-at-home-mom. I wanted --" You sobbed into your hands. Seresin moved closer to you, holding his arm around your shoulders and squeezing you gently.
"What about the dad"
"He's already opted out. Submitted his fucking transfer request too." You cried, face towards the ceiling. He winced at your words.
"It might not be positive"
You didn't know why but you weren't sure you wanted it to be.
After more agonising minutes, your phone beeped and the time was up. Hangman moved when you didn’t. Coming back with one of the tests in his hands.
"Two lines is pregnant, one line means you're not, right?" He asked and you nodded. Hangman handed you the test and you stared at the little window. Jake held you tight.
"You're okay"
"I'm not pregnant" Your voice wavered, finding it hard to pick a side between happy and sad. Neither you nor Jake moved an inch for a while until you yawned.
"I should probably go" Jake said but while it had been a statement, it sounded more like a question.
"Can you stay the night?"
"I'll take the couch"
"No, with me. We can share the bed" you wiped your tears "I need someone with me tonight"
He nodded and laid down next to you. You were both on your backs, staring at a crack in the ceiling.
“For what it’s worth, I never slept with Lucky” He said 
“I didn’t sleep with her”
“Okay?” You said trying to sound nonchalant and regretting it immediately
“Okay. Sorry, I misread the situation” He almost whispered
 “No, you didn’t. I’m just -- I’m trying to pretend that I don’t care. But in all honesty, I do. You’re a cool guy when you want to be and I won’t lie, but having you ignore me really hurt my feelings.”
“I just figured you wouldn’t want to be seen with me in front of Lucky and your friends. You spent years hating me and I thought you might be ashamed of hanging around me.”
“What did you do, then if you didn’t sleep with Lucky?”
“We hung around for a bit, got a milkshake…She asked, but I refused”
“Don’t brag!” You slapped his arm playfully
“I just felt it wasn’t right to sleep with one of your friends” He answered with a smile on his face, then, he grew serious “Did you sleep with Rooster?”
“No, Lucky forgot to give me keys and I had no one else to call”
“I’m sorry” He said, looking you straight in the eyes. Your stomach fluttered and you could have sworn his eyes glanced at your lips. You knew your eyes had certainly looked at his. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry too” You said
“Are we friends?”
“I think so” You replied, trying hard to suppress the voice in your heart asking if you could be more.
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
I just read the whiskey angst and i cried a bit 😭 can i request Fruit Punch + Absinthe after that the reader feel stressed and go for a walk outside but are attacked by Abiss Mages and seriously injured and Diluc / Childe / Kaeya is surprised when the reader return with a pathetic form but the reader don't want them to touch them pls 😭😭😭 REVERSE UNO
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I genuinely wasn't expecting people to like that one enough to request a sequel. I originally had no intention of making a sequel but with so many people asking how can I not?
Haha.. I couldn't sleep again...
The Whiskey fic
TW: Mentions of Injury, Swearing, Self Hatred
Absinthe: “Get out of my sight! I don’t fucking want you here!”
Fruit Punch: “Why are you bleeding!? What the hell happened?!”
It had been several days since he had last seen them and honestly speaking the man was a mess. What he said hadn't fully sunk in until he finished his work and upon realising that he had made a severe error, a pit formed in his stomach.
He was extremely disgusted with himself. Nobody should ever talk to their significant other in such a way under any circumstances. Not only that but he had also called them a hindrance when they had only been trying to help him. Pathetic.
He ended up seeking them out, arriving at their small house in Mondstadt. He had approached their door as they were exiting their home. They visibly bristled.
As the days passed they wallowed less, sadness and dejection becoming anger. How DARE he have the AUDACITY to talk to them like that? To treat them as though they were holding him back?
“Get out of my sight! I don't fucking want you here!”
He didn't even flinch out their outburst. He deserved it, "I have... come to apologise for my actions. I-"
"Didn't mean it? Save your words. I don't wish to hear it." They pushed past him. "I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me."
He watched as they exited the gates, steam practically pouring from their ears. As much as he wished to apologise, craved to say that he was sorry, he was sure that they wouldn't have it. But, he sat on the stairs to their house regardless and waited for their return. Whether they would accept it or not he was still going to try to make amends.
He didn't know how long he sat there waiting but they still had yet to return. The worry had long set in, hitting its peak when there was a small commotion at the gate. They pushed past Swan, who was following after them in a panic.
They walked with a limp, blood seeping through the hand that clenched their shoulder tightly. A cut adorned their face from temple to jaw. It too was bleeding heavily.
Diluc approached them with haste, alerted by their state, "Why are you bleeding?! What the hell happened!?"
They pushed past him too as he reached out to them, "Don't.... touch me..."
Diluc glared at Swan as a way to tell him to go back to his post. He jumped but obliged nonetheless as Diluc began to follow after them. Grabbing their non-injured shoulder in his gloved hand, he tugged them gently to stop them from moving.
His tone was stern, "You do not have to speak with me nor do you have to accept my apology. But you will get those injuries tended to even if I have to drag you to the church myself."
They pulled themselves from his grip, out of breath and tired, "Why is it that you care? I'm but a hindrance remember. Even as we speak I am obstructing you."
"If those were my feelings I wouldn't be here. I don't expect forgiveness but I would still like to let you know that what I said doesn't define how I feel for you. That is of little importance right now. Your injuries need to be dealt with"
They said nothing, looking off to the side. Sluggishly they move towards their home again, quietly ushering for him to follow. "I have plenty of medical supplies of my own." They paused, "When my injuries heal, I expect an apology in full. And as for my trust... You'll have to work for it."
He was relieved. Their words suggested that there was a still a chance for him.
It took him a while to calm down. After all, he did tend to brood on things until they festered. At first, he only got angrier. Angry that the cheater got away with it. Angry that they sided with the cheater. Angry that they helped the cheater.
He thought about it more though, and the more he rationalised the more he calmed down. They didn't really side with him, did they? They only helped him because he would have bled out had they not. As much as he wanted to beat the man's ass all over again, he let it slide. Killing him would be a waste anyway. Instead he would let the man's near death experience serve as a reminder.
When he was fully calm, he sought them out, their words echoing in the back of his head. 'Talk to me when you're fucking sane', they had said. Had his actions truly made them feel that way? Or was it in anger just as his words had been?
He checked Bubu Pharmacy first, seeing neither them nor the cheater. He assumed it was because the cheater was in the back getting treatment and that they had gone on their merry way. The search continued.
His hunt continued all across the harbour and he was unable to tell if they were going out of their way to avoid him or if he was looking in all the wrong places. Finally, he resorted to asking around, getting a couple tidbits of information from some Milileth.
He was told that they were seen exiting the harbour and that seemed extremely miffed. So retracing their steps, he left the harbour as well, following along the path that led toward Guili Plains.
He continued to follow the path until Wangshu Inn appeared in the distance and quietly pondered why they came out this far. Something seemed off though. Halting his movements, he scanned the area, sapphire eyes landing on a familiar silhouette sitting at the base of an apple tree.
He was unaware of how long they'd been sitting there when he approached, but there they were an apple in hand. They finished mid chewing and spoke after they swallowed the fruit in their mouth.
"Get out of my sight. I don't fucking want you here." Despite their icy tone, he knew that they weren't angry anymore. They did, however, want to be left alone though he did not oblige.
His eyes travelled to the blood that coloured the grass beneath them. There was a teasing edge to his voice as he tried to lighten the mood, "Why are you bleeding? What happened, hm? Get in a fight without me?"
Finding each other bloody was nothing new to either of them and playing it up was a game of sorts. An inside joke if you will. Most of the time he acted like a worried spouse for them and vice versa, but at this moment it was genuine worry. They scoffed.
"Yes, but unlike you, I don't try to kill men on the street."
He held up his hands in defeat before sitting down across from them, "Not gonna let me live it down, are you?"
They rolled their eyes, leaning their head against the tree trunk, "It happened a few hours ago. But you get a free pass because I don't have the energy to debate right now."
He moved to check their injury and they slapped his hands away with a quiet 'Don't touch me'. Yet he continued to eye it warily, staring at their face as if to ask permission. His gaze was gentle, genuine worry spread across his face. They caved after several minutes, looking away.
Pulling their shirt up to reveal the injury on their hip, it appeared as though they tried to cauterize it. With a sigh, he stood and held his hand out to help then up. After a moment of hesitation, they accepted his hand and immediately after they stood he crouched in front of them and signalled for them to get on his back. They obliged and he carried them back to the city.
"Don't think that this means I forgive you for what you said to me."
For once he didn't feel like teasing, knowing that it wouldn't help mend the situation, "I know. I do wish to apologise though. My words were... unnecessary. I took my anger out on you."
"Damn right." They patted his head, "Though if you're a good boy I might forgive you faster."
He sighed, fully aware that they were going to use him as an errand boy for the next few days.
He continued after their encounter as though nothing had happened at all. The silence that filled his office after they left was deafening but he took the time to finish his work. All of the paperwork that had piled up and all the tedious remedial tasks had been finished, the rest of his duties taken care of as well.
Days passed before he finally decided to confront them, and over that period his the guilt over his cruelty toward them festered. He was fully aware that they were trying to help, trying to make his workload lighter, yet he still snapped at them.
If he hadn't taken out his frustration on them then the two would be together right now. If he had just let them help will all of it then we would have gotten done much faster and gotten to relax much sooner. The stack they did do, however, was the biggest one from the piles which did shorten the time he was working. If only he hadn't scared them away.
He began his search for them at their home, finding it empty. Thinking for a moment, he began to check the usual places they went when they were upset. As he headed to Windrise it turned out that he didn't have to look far, for they were limping over the bridge that led into the city.
They were bleeding heavily from their chest, hand clutching the wound with unspoken panic. He rushed toward them, reaching out to support their body weight.
His voice was demanding, "Why are you bleeding?! What the hell happened?"
"It was just an Abyss Mage. Get out of my sight! I don't fucking want you here."
He knew he deserved their scalding words but that didn't stop him from trying. He held his tongue to stop a smart ass comment. Usually, he wouldn't hold back but he knew this wasn't the time.
"You may not want me here, but if you don't get some help you'll bleed out before you can make it to the cathedral." He spoke calmly despite his internal conflict, and they knew that he had a point.
Begrudgingly they leaned against him as he escorted them through town. Moving hurt as it aggravated their injury but it was necessary. As soon as they got inside the cathedral he called for Barbara who appeared around the corner. Her face contorted in horror as she escorted them to the infirmary.
Kaeya sat amongst the pews and waited, having an internal debate with himself. Would they forgive him? Would they even hear him out?
Hours passed before Barbara remerged with news of their condition. He could see them but they could not leave for a while. With caution, he entered, knocking on the door frame to get their attention.
They turned their head in his direction but scowled when they realised that it was him. "Do you need something?"
He hummed, "No but you do." Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took their hands in his, "I wanted to apologise. Both for what I said to you and for taking your kindness for granted."
They stared him down but say nothing but sincerity in his eyes, "I'm listening."
He was slightly caught off guard by their response, nevertheless though it made him happy. They fact that they were willing to listen showed that there was a possibility for forgiveness.
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evahpmcu · 3 years
omgggg i so need part 2 for liar!! It was soo good, honey!! ❤❤
Liar T.H [ part 2 ]
You have no idea how this make me so happyyyy! It's been a shitty day so this really make me explode with happiness!!! Anyways..
Summary : Tom has been distancing himself this past few days, and you're so excited to tell him that you are pregnant... but that's when things goes downhill.
Warnings : angst, shitty writing, blood, badly injured, drunk, death.
read part 1
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After you left, you have absolutely no idea where to go.
Parents' house? Dead. Siblings? Never had one. Friends? Pft no fucking way like what you gonna say? They are all married couple and you didn't even have 10 friends to ask for help.
So you decided to stay at the hotel 15 miles away from your house. It's a budget hotel but you don't have any better option than to stop here or sleep in your car so here you are.
Before you sleep, you charged your phone since it's dead when you were driving but was not expecting 23 missed calls from Tom, 2 missed calls from Haz, and 5 missed calls from Tom's family member.
Pathetic. You thought.
"wow now you care. suck my ass" you rolled your eyes before decided to just sleep and ignore them all.
It does hurt but he made his choice.
The next morning, you were awake by the sound of your phone call ringtone.
'Tom <3'
You did be lying if you said you didn't feel your heart break a little because you sure did. Imagining not waking up beside of him ever again. Ouch.
He's your first love for god sake. AND you guys has been together for 5 freaking years.
How could he. You thought.
"fuck. fuck. fuck. FUCK"
he fucked up so bad and he know it.
He tried. He tried to stop meeting that woman but hell, once she bend over a little bit to tease him.. he couldn't help but want to fuck the living out of her.
He swear to everything in his life that he felt disgusting that time and his heart breaks when the thought of losing you crossed his mind.
So he drink. Until he can't even remember what he said two minutes ago. Then they fucked again and again and.. again.
He tried to call you so many times but everytime you didn't answer he swear he could hear his own heart shattered to milion pieces..
He would do anything to bring you back to him.
But.. You can't fix something that is already broken.
It's two days after you left.
Tom doesn't get to sleep at all because all he's thinking about is you.
He and that woman have broken up and he was so suprised that she just laughed at him and wish him 'good luck' for the rest of his life.
Damn. How he wish he could turn back time to where he never ever met that woman. He wish nothing but to have you in his arms again.
But ain't no way that's gonna happen.. right?
He called you so many time that you even changed your phone number. He broke down when the thought that he will never see you or his child ever again crossed his mind.
He knows it's his fault and he really want to fix it but he maybe will never get the chance ever again.
Sooo he drink. Again. That's the only way he could end his suffering even for such a short time.
Without thinking (and still drunk) he grab his car keys and starts driving to find you.
Oh how wish he never drink that night.
You were tired. After days try to find an available room, you decided to stay at the budget hotel again. You are rich, with or without him so you got nothing to worry about.
You were from the pharmacy after you bought some medicine because you got fever.
You were about to cross the street when suddenly there is a light that distract you and you couldn't move or think fast to run so..
And now you were lying on the road as your blood pooling around you and ringing in your ears fades gets louder.
Narrator POV
'wtf was that' he suddenly get sober after he realise he hit someone and that someone is you.
"y/n? Y/N??! NO NO NO NOO!!!!!" he quickly rushed to you and kneel down as he put your head on his lap.
"no my love no no no no im sorry im so sorry my love no"
At that point people start to rushed to you to know what's happening and call the ambulance as fast as lightning (respect).
"tom? is that you?" it's hard to form words but you force it out because who knows? this might be the last time you saw him because well you get hit by a fucking car and the paramedics takes forever to come.
"yes my love it- its me" he sobbed.
"t- tom.. i'm sorry.."
"no no no its- its my fault im sorry im so fucking sorry y/n- please hang on a little bit the ambulance are on its way" he sobbed louder as he caresses your cheek.
"i'm s- sorry for not being enou-" you get cut off by him.
"NO DON'T EVER SAY THAT PLEASE. Its my fault i shoul- i shouldn't cheat on you and i- i shouldn't drive tonight and fuck this is all my fault y/n please forgive me" he cried.
Now he absolutely sure that his heart had shattered to million pieces when he stares at you in this situation and it's all because of him.
"it- its not you fault" you coughed " i forgive you tom, i do... and now- maybe its your chance to build a new life because i- i- won't be in your way ever again.." as your voice get slower tom tried so hard to focus on you with all the people around them shouting for help.
"NO. I- I DON'T WANT IT. I want you.... Always baby always please.." he pleaded.
You couldn't help but want to fall asleep right now because the ringing in your ears is back and your head is pounding even hard because of the damage of you falling after you got hit by a car.
Before you close you eyes the words that you hear is..
"I love you and i will never stop loving you darling..."
Then everything went dark.
2 years later
"Honeyyy i'm homee!"
"I'm in the kitchen Tom!"
"Ahh here you are." he kissed your cheek "Hey, do you remember what date is today?"
"2 october.. Why?"
He sighed. "This is the exact same day two years ago, i hit you with.. my car" he looked down as the memories pass his eyes.
"OHHH" you chuckled while his experessions drop and raised his eyebrows.
"what's so funny??"
"right sorry, hahahaha" you chuckled again "It's just... Can you believe we made it?"
"I don't but I'm so grateful we made it" he smile widely as he step forward to you.
"Thank you, for hit me with your car" you chuckled.
"You're welcome but damn my heart broke that time because i thought I lose you"
"Never! Always together!!!"
" yep! Always together.. Now, where's my favourite boy?" while he started searching for y/s/n (your son name) you stare at him and feel nothing except happiness.
And that's how your story end with him.. With A Happy Ending.
SORRY idk what's wrong but i really think this is SO BAD
anyways i thought about... you know.. Kill the reader (for this story 🤠) EHEHHEHE but then i changed my mind... Idk sorry for dissapointing you guys!
Don't forget to eat and drink some water. You matter. I love you so much! Have a nice day!!
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creamytinydays · 3 years
Dr. Mellark and Mr. Hyde - Part 1
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🌙 An Everlark Drabble 🍂
Summary: In London, the gentle Dr. Mellark decides to experiment on himself.
Thanks to @jhsgf82​ for all the encouragement and ideas! And thanks to @sparklingdust4612​ honeylime08, mrspeetamellark and @jhsgf82​ for asking for more!
Rated: M
Inspired by The Hunger Games and the Jekyll and Hyde musical. Canon-typical implied violence. Unbeta’d.
Tags/warnings: implied violence, cuts 
The mansion is as silent as a tomb when the clock strikes midnight. Poole has surely already retired to his quarters, his door firmly shut. I expect he’s exhausted by my constant demands for supplies from the pharmacy. But as I survey the chemicals sparkling in the candlelight, I know it will all be worth it.
Anticipation shoots through me, causing my hands to shake as I roll up my sleeve. The silver needle of the syringe reminds me of a certain pair of grey eyes that have been haunting me all day. I’ve been trying and failing to push away thoughts of Katniss, but I can’t get her out of my head. Of course I would think of her now, on the brink of what may be the discovery that makes my career. After all, she inspired me to experiment on myself. I will have to remember to thank her.
I think about stroking her long dark hair, and running my thumb along the curve of her lip- I have to stop this! I should be thinking about my fiancé, not the lead dancer of the Red Rat. What is wrong with me?
I shake thoughts of Katniss out of my mind. I need to focus.
I pour the beaker of liquid into the syringe, trying not to let the trembling of my hands spill the contents. Now that I find myself on the threshold of this moment, I pause to marvel at it. The garnet liquid seems lit from within, as if it is liquid fire.
I have the wild wish that Katniss were here with me. I want to remember this moment forever.
But I’m alone, and I have to carry on. The needle pierces my skin and I inhale sharply. I barely breathe as the syringe slowly divests itself of its contents. Then I wait.
Two minutes pass, then five, and I’m considering whether to increase the dose when a pain stabs me like a knife in my stomach.
How can it be this painful? It feels as if two demons are gripping my arms, trying to pull me in half. I sink to my knees, gasping for breath, but the pain only intensifies.
I hear screaming. Then I realize it’s me.
I try to stop but I can’t as the pain drives up my chest, as sharp as a dagger. It reaches my head, and just as I think I can’t take it any longer, I’m pulled into a blessed darkness, and then I don’t feel anything anymore.
Where am I?
A stone floor, a wooden bench laden with beakers, a fire dying in the grate. Nothing to eat, no women - boring. I flex my fingers, roll my shoulders. I’m stiff, but inside, all I feel is freedom. Euphoria spreads through me like a warm whiskey. Slowly, I realize that Peeta is no longer here - well, he’s in here somewhere, but he’s not in charge anymore. I grin at myself in the mirror, my teeth flashing. Then I smash my reflection. The glass cuts me but I just laugh.
I can’t believe he was stupid enough to do it. The damn fool should’ve never let me out.
Read the next part here. It was published earlier this week :) 
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yoshikoooo · 3 years
Yan Reader x Childe
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Warning: Contains material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some readers ⚠️❗❗
Synopsis: Basically You ravaging on some poor guys who happened to hurt Childe.
You called in concern unto the mans name as You saw How bloody mess was he again.
"I.. I’m fine"
He weakly said as He leaned at the wall and eventually Sat down. You had many questions to ask, Yet you know its not the time for it, You quickly run to get The first aid kit and ran back to him who was Still on the entrance of your home.
You rushed to open the box and started treating his wounds. You took a deep sigh before talking.
"What happened?"
You Looked at him, A Dangerous smile Curved up your lips, It did sent shivers to the mans body, but he also loved this side of you, Ah~ how he wished you could be more rough with him-
You asked, the tenderness and care present as you tried to be careful with his new wounds, careful enough not to hurt him.
"Nothing much-"
"Darling~ I'm asking you a Question~"
Despite Your Wide smile, The voice within it was scary, It was intimidating, as if a black aura would surely appear behind you, ready to devour the man alive if He dared to lie once again. The ginger man just sigh deeply as he knew You were not going to give up until he spoke the truth.
"I was just killing some Ruin guards on the way, When I got ambushed by some Fatui, They were definitely the traitors That I heard From la signora. At the same time, I was on the mission To also get rid of them, but They weren't that easy to catch since they had visions with them too. When I got them cornered up, Ruin guards suddenly Popped up and Went after me, it was chaotic that they even took that chance to run away... Tsk, I'll make sure to really kill them later. "
He said as His eyes darken at the thought of Killing them. He surely won't just give them death Easily, He's surely going to toy with them until They themselves beg for death like a Damn Worm on the ground, Begging to be stepped at and be crushed to death, Well you would surely do the same.
although, You on the other hand, was furious and enraged at hearing at the news.
'huh? Who dares to touch what's mine?'
You thought as You gritted your teeth, Childe didn't know this side of you, and Surely, You Only have this side For childe. If the brunette man knew this side of you, Oh boy, He would surely love to see the scene wherein you spout sweet, crazy nothings such as claiming him as yours and that no one would touch him and only you, Although hidden in the dark, He Know nothing About you being such a psychotic woman that would crush and smash every being that dared to come in between you both. He only knew you as the Kind and adorable you, one that would be afraid to point a knife to someone nor even dare kill an animal without hesitating. It wasn't his fault for not knowing the other side of you, after all It was your choice to hide it, as a ugly part of you was afraid to show him such Dirty side of you, You were simply just too good with hiding things, Too good that felt like you were trained professionally.
"So.. You're heading out again..? With these injuries..?"
You asked innocently as you poked the wound on his chest softly.
"Haha, I know I'm pushing myself, But there's nothing to worry about, cause Once I finish my business with those guys, I will surely take a Rest!"
He tried to reassure you, and you just nodded, playing along with him.
"Sure, But at least eat before You head out, And I'm not done bandaging your arms since We runned out of bandages, I'll just head out and buy more."
You said calmly as you placed a kiss on his cheeks and he did the same.
"Be fast~"
He said with a cheeky smile making your lips curve upward unconsciously. After that, you head out, The smile on your face faded as you looked up to see the dark sky, wherein the moonlight blessed the land with its light together with the stars, You went to the pharmacy and bought bandages as you told him you would, you also added some other things, But you didn't head straight to home, You Headed straight to a building, A tall and Guarded one at that.
Masked mans Walked up to you.
"Miss Y/n, Do you need something?"
They asked as they bowed to showed respect.
"I Need to talk with la signora, Is she busy~?"
You asked and gave a soft and intimidating smile, as if taking a "No" would surely be the end of them, Making it hard for the Fatui infront of you to talk.
"Hm~? Y/n, Do you need something?"
A woman's voice asked as you looked at the right side to see La signora walking towards you while her platinum blonde hair sways and smile.
"Ah~  signora~ I apologize for the sudden visit" You politely said as You smiled at the tall and fair lady Infront of you.
"It's fine, Lets take this to my office"
She said as she started walking ahead, Letting you follow behind.
The trip on your way to her office was quiet and tense.
She opened the door and the both of you went inside.
"Go ahead and take a seat"
She ordered as she went to her own sit. You Obediently followed.
"Now, State your business"
She sternly said, making you gulp hardly.
" The mission Childe took, Mind If I take over it?"
You headed straight to the point making signora Look at You for awhile before A small chuckle came out.
"Eh? Was The mission too much for the Ginger boy?"
She asked as she leaned her chin on the palm of her hand.
"Of course not, He could Slice their throat in one go If some pest didn't dare to intervene."
You said as you tried defending Your lover, You can't possibly let his fellow harbinger look down on him. only you are allowed to do that to him-
"Yes, of course he can, I heard Ruin guards Suddenly entered the scene and that's where It went All Astray from the plan the Boy had."
She said as she seemed to know the whole situation. She paused as she think about your Question again and smiled as she made the decision.
" Its Fine If you take over, although, I wonder if That childe would Even Allow you to take over~? "
She asked as her light gray eyes sparkled with amusement. She was definitely enjoying this.
"Of course, he surely won't...But in the first place , I wonder if he would even Know about it"
You smiled making the woman Chuckle.
"Ain't you such a Bad girl? letting your boyfriend be in the dark, making a fool out of him?"
She suddenly said making you  look at her, displeased at what she said. as if she didn't do the same-
"I'm simply protecting my Beloved childe from the impurities this world has to give."
You said and gave a smile in the end, she just laughed softly.
"Should I send some backups?"
She Asked as she looked at her nails, You stood up.
"No thank You... But a help From you would be nice"
You said and smiled innocently. Making the Lady Look at you, as if she knew What you were asking her for help.
"Do I need to bring their Heads for proof?"
You asked and tilted your head onto the side.
"Their mask and vision is fine"
She answered and sigh deeply before she continued.
"Sure, I’ll help to cover up your involvement in this, You can leave now"
She stated making you smile widely.
"I appreciate it... then This humble one shall excuse herself."
You said as you bowed politely, then you went out as you heard a soft chuckle from the Lady. You thanked the archons as she was willing to cooperate, Your relation with La signora wasn't that bad, It was somehow sort of like a big sister and sister relationship. Although the difference was the Danger lurking behind your backs.
You finally Headed straight home to see your Lovely Childe.
A smile Reached Your lips as you simply thought about childe , You twist the doorknob open and went in, Closing it afterwards.
"That took you long~"
You saw childe pouting on the couch. You placed the things you bought on the table.
"Sorry~ I also looked into some Ointments that would surely heal your wounds faster"
You said as you kissed his cheeks and sat beside him. He slip his arm to your shoulder making you look at childe who was already staring at you, sorrow and mournful feeling evidently filling his eyes.
"Am I really allowed to be with you..?"
He suddenly asked as His beautiful ocean eyes stayed lifeless, Lips curved down. Your  heart quickly shattered as you looked at how the air of melancholy surrounded the Man in front of you. You didn't like how his lips would turn downward and the light on his eyes would just disappear like a  trace of smoke. This state of him makes him vulnerable, yet you knew, He too only has this side for you, knowing that, A whole sense of relief filled you and your eyes soften.
"I love you, Childe, only you and always you.."
You said genuinely and lovingly, it was short yet his lips finally curved upward making him smile in satisfactory as if It was the right words he wanted to hear.
"I love you too"
He said as he kissed you passionately and deeply, You knew where this is heading, Yet you guys can't possibly do it when he's injured so You pushed him lightly. Once you pulled away he seemed kind of disappointed, You chuckled lightly as how adorable he is.
"I Hope you're not forgetting something."
You said and pointed at the bandages and poke his chest again making him pout like a cute little puppy, You love him so much, Too much that You can't resist the feelings of Killing someone whenever They try to harm or converse with Your Beloved childe.
Once you finished bandaging his arms, You mentioned to brew him some Chamomile tea which he agreed to drink before leaving.
"Chamomile Will help you calm down, Since I know You might push yourself again and Make more wounds"
You nag softly and gave him his drink.
"Yes, Yes~ I'll be careful~"
He playfully said making you nod as if You didn't knew He would literally Injure his self more but you know, That won't happen tonight. You were literally at your limit. Almost every week, he would come home to you with a new wound, and Sometimes You saw How some Fatui talk behind His back, It irritated you. You were itching to Kill them all this time. It was as if those feelings were a a Festering Poison twisting everything Your humane features were.
You patted his head as he drink the tea. Then you drank yours as well.
"wah~ This taste Good~"
He said as leaned back at the couch making himself more comfortable. You smiled as the medicine is working, you actually put some soporific drugs in his tea. You noticed how His eyes seemed to fight his eyelids back from closing.
"Childe? Are you sleepy?"
You asked as you feign ignorance, Your tone never changing, He nodded in response.
"then, take a nap, I'll wake you up after an hour then"
You innocently said as you smiled and caressed his face, You can hear him humming in response as He fell on the pillow. You took a blanket and placed it on him, carefully tucking him in.
You knew the medicine won't work That much for childe, so you decided to work fast, You kissed his forehead and Putted on your coat, Heading outside to Find those Bastards.
"Time to hunt some animals"
Signora Gave you The latest information They have on The Traitors and you quickly went To The place. It's been awhile since you've been active so You felt Excited.
You smiled and Looked around the area.
'Where are they..-"
You grinned ear to ear as You saw a small camp With some fatui who was gravely injured probably due to Childe.
You walked towards it and they began to be alerted.
" State Your name! "
They shouted as You saw their visions glow while they quickly went to a awkward fighting stance.
" I was right.. These sh*ts really doesn't deserve his time.."
You mumbled as Your vision glow, without even them processing what happened, Their Toes Was already frozen, and You took that chance to take their Vision. Protest and resistance were heard from the two.
‘Hydro.. pyro..’
"heh...So You're the Dogs who Tried to kill MY Childe right..?"
You asked as you tilted your head on the side, making the both man Tremble in fear, They didn't bother to speak a word nor even Move.
That ticked you off. The forest around you started to froze, The green leaves turning Icy Blue, Their brown trunks are now Frozen, the ground getting covered in ice as if you turned a part of the forest into a part of dragonspine.
"Hey, Who do you think you guys are? You're both just some useless sh*t who was given a vision. That's all. Nothing special. Yet I, myself don't understand your idiotic actions that led you to Infiltrate the fatui and even dare to Touch What's mine."
You said while Playing with their visions.
"who would've thought You guys were just some spineless bastard who just got lucky By scratching My beloved childe"
You went to them and took their Mask Off.
"Now, I know what's the use of this mask for"
You disgustingly looked at them and started to back away and sat on a Chair.
"Y-You.. Y-You Monster!"
One of them shouted as He tried to Devour you with his Hydro, but within a snap of fingers it all got frozen, making the man Look at you with horrified eyes.
"eh.. If You want to live, Then try harder with that pea brain of yours. At this rate, A damn hilichurl might be stronger than you despite the both of you having visions. Tsk.. in the first place why the F*ck does someone like you deserve a vision?"
You said while you brush the Imaginary dirt on your coat. You looked at them sternly, as they just Tremble like a damn mouse who got trapped.
" Ah~ This is boring"
You yawned as you looked at the Beautiful moon.
"I'll be kind enough to Teach you guys a lesson before getting rid of you both."
You stretched and summoned 5 Cryo swords, flying around in a high speed as they purposely Miss and Scratch the two fatui.
"N-No!- Ah!"
Groans and hiss of pain Are heard and You just watched them cry and beg for you to stop.
"What do you mean 'stop?' you Disreputable creatures dares touch what's mine with your dirty hands. you even dared scratch it, You must have wanted to die badly right? Its alright, I'm here, I'll give you all the pain and death you want~!”
You laughed as their groanings continued, Blood Staining the ground and even splashes as they get Scratched deeply. The cryo sword were like dancing waltz, it was beautiful, Every Turn and moves would have red Staining The beautiful color of Ice.
Looking at the scene, Anyone would describe you as a psychotic woman who enjoys Gore and violence. Well they might not be wrong about that since you are actually enjoying the gore scene in front of you, Those thugs that dared to scratch Your one and only childe, Are now screaming in pain, and begging you to stop.
'Ah~ how pleasurable to the ears.'
'Maybe if they didn't bother touching what's mine, They wouldn't have ended up like a damn dirty Pig.'
Minutes passed and it suddenly started to dull you out.
You demanded them as the cryo swords stopped dancing, as if the music on the background Finally ended.
"P-Pleas...e.... K-Kill.. Me! Kill me!"
One of them pleaded as Blood Continued dripping down on his body. You laughed.
"pfft...Don't you know that You look so Pathetic Right now?! Are you guys really the said traitors that even a harbinger had a hard time catching? HAHA! I bet if childe saw this, he would be laughing till He's on his knees."
You said as you hold your stomach trying to gain your Posture back.
"Fine~ since I'm now in a good mood , I'll give you the death you want~"
You simply said as the other person smiled in relief.
You snap your fingers and suddenly, Cryo swords began forming ontop of them, 10....15....26....30.. 37...40...45 and it continued.
You could see how their eyes widened in horror once again.
“W-Why..?! W-Why are you D-Doing this?! We’ve d-done nothing wrong..! “
One of them suddenly asked a question as he screamed in despair making you smile widely.
"hmm..? What do you mean? This is entirely all for love~”
You said and chuckled slightly as You saw how The life in their eyes seemed to fade and perish in an instant.
You snap your fingers once again and one by one, the swords began falling. It was as if Raining swords. What a sight to behold indeed.
You saw how the 2 figure in front of you get stabbed every second, Blood beautifully staining the frozen ground again but harshly this time, and their screaming joining in, making You smile in satisfactory.
You stood up and decided to go back. You called the fatui who was definitely spectating from the orders of La signora down.
"At your service!"
He bowed on one knee.
"The mission is finished"
You said as You handed the Masks and visions to the man.
"I'll relay the Message"
He said and disappeared. You started sprinting back to your house. Throwing the coat away somewhere.
Once you opened the door slowly, You got greeted by childe who is barely standing up on the entrance of your house. He looked confused and hurt, and it sort of pained you.
"Y-Y/n...? Why..?"
He asked as there was confusion evident in his voice. Is he suspecting you? No way. Before he say another word, You cupped his face, as you smiled softly
"A fellow subordinate of yours came to report, Since I felt bad waking you up, I decided to go instead-"
You were cutted off when he took your shoulders, gripping it tightly, making the both of you fell down, despite the medicine working, he still had this enormous strength within him.
"Did Those Sh*ts touch you?"
He asked in a stern voice, A voice that would literally murder anyone. It surely send shivers down your spine, and you clearly liked it.
You smiled to reassure him.
"No, Actually he reported that, Those guys you were after, was found dead, It seems their injuries was so deep that They probably died of blood loss"
You patted his head and he sigh out of relief, leaning towards you as he felt his legs giving up.
"That's good to hear.."
He said as he digged his head unto your neck. you nodded and caressed his head. The warmth Of his body seemed to calm you down too.
" Shall we head to the bedroom? you seem tired."
You concernedly asked as you help him stand up, walking towards the bedroom you both share. once you placed the man on the bed, you joined him as well.
"Rest well, Childe~"
You Whispered and kissed his forehead.
"I love.. you too.. Y/n"
You heard him mumbled  sleepily as his eyes finally closed, drifting to dreamland. You stared at childe, The only man that would make you go Crazy If someone dared to steal him from you. He was precious to you, enough that You would surely damn the entire world for him just to make him happy. you would surely despise the Gods and resent destiny If that is what makes him happy. If ever he wanted to burn Liyue, crush mondstadt to pieces and Turn Inazuma to nothing but specks of ashes, You would love to stand beside him and see the artwork The both of you made while Satisfactory pasted on both of your faces.
 "You're only mine childe... After all... No one else will ever love you as much as I do. "
You mumbled and gave another peck on his lips and closed your eyes to drift to sleep.
Hi~ It's been awhile, I had aLoT~ of fun writing this, and I hope You did as well in reading it..
I'm so awkward sh*t.
Well, Anyways, You can't spell slaughter without any laughter ~
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travellingarmy · 4 years
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Word count: 4.1k
Liyue is a prosperous city that attracts many and all sorts of people from business-related work to thieves who wish to earn extra cash. Everyone goes to Liyue with something on their mind that they hope to find in the city. There's even you- a normal person and a vision user- who came to Liyue all the way from Qingce village to look for a job. Everyone in Liyue all came with different reasons, but was all tied to Liyue.
Originally, your goal was to make enough money for a lifetime and then return to the mountains and help the elderly care for the fields and other needed work. That's just how your character was, but then an unforeseen event occurred and now you were in Liyue for a person.
"(Y/N), can you go pick up a batch of qingxin flower near Qingyun Peak? I'd ask Qiqi, but I sent her already to look for another herb." Baizhu enters the back room where you were sorting out the herbs in alphabetical order. "Sure, Dr. Baizhu. I'll do it right after I'm done these," you said.
"Thank you, (Y/N). Sorry for troubling you. I would go if I was fit for such exhausting travels, but you know how weak my body is," he said and you nod in understanding. He was the great doctor, but can't even heal his own illness. You didn't care about that as it wasn't your business and depart for the pharmacy when you were done at the back.
Looking at the sky above you and the position of the sun, you could tell that you will return late at night even when you run. You left from the sight of the city with only a satchel for the flowers. It was dangerous, yes, but you can fully protect yourself just as Qiqi can with her petite stature.
You were exhausted even before seeing a qingxin flower, but you did not stop. If you did, you'd have to camp the night out in the wilderness and that was something you were never fond of. Right now, you could tell that it was somewhere 3-4 in the afternoon- soon to be evening- and you departed from Liyue around 10 in the morning. "Please, Geo Lord, let me find these flowers soon," you say a quick prayer before stepping foot in the mountain area.
As if Rex Lapis had heard your little prayer, you found enough to satisfy Baizhu for two weeks at least, but the time it took was too long and by the time you decided it was enough, it was seven at night. You cried when you thought about how long it took just to reach the outer edge of Jeuyun Karst. "No! I am not camping out here!" you say out loud and determinedly made your way down the mountains- a bit slower when descending- and use what little energy you had with your determination to push dismiss your aching feet.
However, it seems that Rex Lapis didn't allow your travel back to be safe as you were soon facing a Lawachurl. "For the love of..!" Your sword appeared on your right hand and made sure that the satchel was sealed shut before engaging to fight the beast.
The beast, although bigger and most likely stronger than you, had a slower reaction time and decided to use that as an advantage so you dodge its fists and jump when he smashes the ground, but then, a sudden jolt of pain shot through your whole body when a stone came at you. You dodged it by a hair's length but collapsed soon afterwards. "My damn feet..!" Your body- especially your legs- was exhausted from the nonstop walk which made your reflexes a bit slower.
The lawachurl made it's slow approach towards you with its towering stature. You thought of a quick escape, but you just needed your body to co-operate with you. "Come on. Move!" You were pushing your exhausted legs past its limits, but knew it was your end when it raised its two arms that was to crush your smaller frame.
Your body suddenly jolts with energy and you found yourself suspended in air. You took this chance and use your vision to enhance your sword and bash the lawachurl's head open. It cried out as you jump away from it and watch as it disintegrated like any other wretched beast. You were left panting and scratched up, but you were happy that none of the flowers had fallen out.
"Ho~ What's a beauty doing out here so late at night?" A voice suddenly made its way to your ears and turned to your right, your sword blocking your body. The owner of the voice suddenly appeared before you and clashed his make-shift weapon with yours in an instant. "Oh? You've got quick reflexes even when you're exhausted. I should praise you for that."
"What are you doing?" you say through gritted teeth and push your sword. Then to your relief, the person jumps back a couple metres away, their weapon disappearing, and you sighed as you collapsed on the ground, your sword disappearing. "Haha, sorry to scare you. I was passing by and saw that a beauty was in a pickle," they said. "I was deciding whether or not if I should help you out, but you already took care of it." They shrug and puts their hands on their waist and grins at you.
You look at the person before you with a cautious gaze. They were male with ginger hair, blue eyes, and foreign clothing, and by the looks of it, he was somewhere near your age. "So, you're saying that you saw me, but didn't bother on helping me right away?"
The male looks at you and shrugs again. "I was going to help you since you're cute, but like I said- you already took care of it."
"And if I wasn't cute, you'd just leave me here to die!?" You were exhausted, but still manage to pull the look of disbelief. You waited for a reply, but instead, got a change of topic. "Anyway, what are you doing here so far from safety?" he asks and made his way towards you, his weapon out of sight as to not make you alert.
"None of your business," was all you could say in your exhausted state. "Ouch, no need to be so cold," the male says, though not even trying to mask hurt. You were tired of talking to the irritatingly brunette and wanted to return to the pharmacy. Slowly, you pushed yourself off the ground and took a step slowly. But, your body failed in fulfilling that and you fell forward and into the arms of the man, his hands holding your arms out of reflex. "Oh, don't tell me you've fallen for me now--" He stopped his teasing when he noticed that you were out cold. "Ah, what am I going to do?"
When you awoke, you found yourself facing a ceiling and feel the the comfort of a soft pillow and mattress and a warm blanket covering your body. You slowly sat up, hissing at the soreness and pain that washed over your body with a now conscious mind. The first thing you notice when looking at your hands and arms was that they were bandaged up and even feel a bandage on your left cheek.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty. It's about time you woke up," an irritating voice comes and greet you and chuckles. You recalled the fight with the lawachurl and the brunette who suddenly jumped out of nowhere and pick a fight with you. You turn your head to the right and see the same brunette at a small table, sipping his drink. The sun shone from behind him which made him look as if he was glowing. Now that it was daytime, you can properly see his face and was almost taken aback by how charming he looked.
He could see how your irises expanded at the sight of him which made him smirk. "Oh? You suddenly interested in me now?" he teasingly say and you suddenly broke out from the trance you were in just now. "Don't joke around with me," you said, remembering to what you has awoke to. "Anyway, where did you bring me?"
"Straight to the question with such a demanding tone. That's quite new to me," the brunette says. "Anyway, you can call me Childe, but I rather you call me babe." He chuckles which really upset you and you didn't mask to hide your frown. "I don't care who you are. I want to know where I am."
He looks at you and sighs. "Man, you're going to be a difficult one, aren't you? We are at Wangshu Inn," he finally answers. "I don't know where you live so I brought you here and bandaged you up. On that note, you should thank me."
You looked at your hands and then at the brunette who rested his cheek on the back of his hands and a leg crossing over the other, grinning cheekily at you. "Thank you." You got up, your body still aching from the fight. You see that you were still fully clothed and you mentally sighed out of relief before snatching your satchel on the nightstand beside the bed and leaving the room and soon the inn.
"(Y/N), I was worried when you didn't return last night and was about to send Qiqi to help you," Baizhu greets you at the pharmacy. "Qiqi was worried," Qiqi greets as well, wrapping her arms around your legs as a mean for a hug.
"Sorry, Doctor Baizhu. I had ran into some trouble and was tired to walk back last night," you said. "Oh, and I gathered a lot of qingxin flower for you." You took off the satchel off your shoulders and handed it to the doctor. "Hope these are enough."
"I'm sure it is. Thank you, (Y/N)," he said and puts the satchel full of qingxin flowers on the counter. "Alright, why don't you go ahead and rest for two days to heal your wounds? He looks over at your bandaged arms and face. You were grateful and thanked him before leaving the pharmacy.
The second day, your body wasn't hurting as much, but your wounds were still wrapped up in bandages which you changed when you got home. You found yourself lacking of food so you were out early in the morning on grocery shopping. "Ham.. Eggs.. Milk.." you read your list loud enough just for you to hear. But, since your eyes were glued onto the thin sheet of paper, you didn't notice a person suddenly appear before you and block your way before bumping into their chest.
"Ah, my apologies. I wasn't looking ahead," you say and rub your nose. "Hoh~ Well, what do you know? I thought you looked familiar and I was correct. Seems like we meet again." The all too familiar voice spoke above you, making you freeze up on the spot.
Slowly, you raise your head and see none other than the male from two days ago. "Is it just me or are we possibly fated to be together? Do you remember my name?" he asks, a grin forms on his charming face. "I'm afraid I don't," you said half-heartedly and excused yourself before brushing shoulders with him as you walk away. But, he grabs your elbow and stops you from walking any further. You look over your shoulders and give him the 'what gives' kind of look. "Well, since you forgot, I'll remind you again; my name is Childe," he says and leans close to your face. His eyes were a deep blue even under the light and felt as if you were drowning under water, where the water was an alluring colour of a pretty, deep blue. You were mesmerized, but notice that there was more to what the little pond you had found in his ocean eyes which made you much alert. Childe notice the fiery flames in your eyes suddenly on guard and he chuckles before straightening up.
"So, what's your name?" he asks. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we're on the comfortable terms to know each other's names, sir," you stated. Your words are constructed to be polite, but your tone says otherwise. "Aw, you're going to play it the hard way with your saviour?" He forces a pout that was definitely not going to make you feel guilty so you stood there just staring at the brunette. He laughs and puts a hand on his hip. "Very well, I will do whatever I can to make you tell me your name."
You were about to turn your head and walk away, when a voice rang out across the streets. "Master Childe~" A high-pitched, flirtatious voice calls his name, drawing you both behind him. By the way they dressed, you could immediately tell that the female before you two was one of the many scums that could be found in large cities and that being said, you know exactly what kind of person the man whom called himself Childe is like.
"Master Childe, I've found you~ Did you know how sad I was when you didn't show up for two days?" The female clung onto the male's arm, completely dismissing your presence. Now that he was distracted, you took this chance to slip away from him and do your grocery shopping.
However, just because you slipped away today, didn't mean you slipped away forever or that you can do it the next time, and with that in mind, Childe was seen hanging around you- well, more like pestering you. But, with time, you soon came to accept the fact that the man wouldn't stop any time soon and told him your name and exchange words with him.
Of course, you had your doubts and had your guard up around him, seeing as he had a scum following him around almost daily, but you soon realize that you could see past the one part of him that didn't make up even one percent of him.
In months, you felt something in your chest that you know was wrong, but you couldn't help it as it dealt with him.
"Hey, (Y/N), wanna go on a little date for dinner?" Childe asks, approaching you out on the streets. When he said 'date' you know that it wasn't an actual date; it was a thing he said meaning to buy you lunch or dinner as a friend.
"You'll have to wait for an hour for me to get off work," you said, making your way up the steps of the pharmacy. "That's not long at all, apropos to getting your name, that is. I can wait," he said and gives you one of his dorky grin. You shooed him away and he did just that, off to reserve a seat for the two of you.
The hour felt long and made you impatient that it even shows. Baizhu looks over at you and smirks, knowing the reason had to be related to the young man he had been seeing occupying most of your time and mind. "(Y/N), since your shift is close to an end, why don't I let you go now? It makes no difference and Qiqi is here to help out if needed," Baizhu said, seeing as you face light up. "Really? Thank you so much Doctor!" you cheer, not even hiding the fact that you were indeed impatient to see Childe. You made haste around the counter and leave the pharmacy.
"Where is (Y/N)?" Qiqi asks, coming out from the back of the building, holding some sort of plant. "She just left, Qiqi," Baizhu answers and see that Qiqi became sad and pouted. "Qiqi was going to ask her if she'd search for the cocogoat with Qiqi.." Baizhu chuckles and put a hand on top of the little girl's head. "Sorry, Qiqi, but she's on a date."
"A date? What do you mean?" With that, Baizhu was now occupied trying to explain to the best he could as to what a date meant in the said case.
Just a few metres in front of you, you see Childe's back towards you as he chatted with a Liyue local. You were about to call out his name when a girl suddenly steps into view, blocking you from getting close to Childe. "So, you're the one hanging around Master Childe, huh?" was the first thing she said and looks at you up and down in disgust. "I don't get it. I mean, you don't even got the parts to be Master Childe's best."
Oh dear.. You know the girl all too well as she was the one you saw running to Childe and throwing herself at him. Childe has many more of the scums around him, but this one was around him the most. You bet that she brawled with the other scums because she wants Childe all to herself- well, his money.
"Hey, look, I'm going to be really nice here and tell you politely to leave Master Childe alone. He doesn't have time to loiter around someone who's body is of no use," she says and gives you a wicked grin, putting a hand on her hip to show dominance. You were unfazed and gave her a blank expression. "I'm sorry, but who are you to decide who I can and can not hang out with?" you ask.
"Hah, don't get on my bad list, girlie. Just so you know Master Childe slept with me the most," she states proudly. The words did hurt you, but it didn't make you cave into a cowardice. You kind of guessed he has slept with many women, considering how he had scums all over him. "Okay, I get that you're a scum, but you haven't answered my question."
You could see that the girl was already breaking and you couldn't help but snicker at how easy she was. "Listen here, I bet you haven't even gotten a taste of what Master Childe can do, considering how small your breast is," she laughs, looking at your average ones. "And I bet once he's gotten a taste of you, he'd be done and leave you."
You honestly didn't know where this conversation was going, but you stayed calm and hear her. "Oh? Then, tell me how I should please him to make him stay with me for- let's say.. Forever?" You cross your arms, still not letting her get to you.
"Psh, you think he'd stay with you even if I tell you?" She was hysterical, her face twisting to make her look like a witch. "Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't have time to talk to you. Have a good day," you said. You were about to brush shoulders with her when she grabbed hold of your arm and weakily throws you back. "Hey, you're not going anywhere until I know you're not going to hang around him."
"Sorry, but I can't comply to your wishes as it was your 'Master Childe' that came onto me," you state, grinning with your own wicked grin.
The girl snaps and lunges herself at you, but before she could even lay her long nails at you, you pulled out your sword and point it at her throat, just mere millimetres to lunging it in. Your face was still cool as ice, but the girl's mocking face turned to horror. "Listen, scum, I don't have time for idle chit chat as I have a date with your Master Childe," you said and lean to her ears so that only she could hear what you had to say next. "I don't care who you are, what you are to him, and I know that you can't even touch me so you best behave before my patience runs out and I plunge this sword at your pretty face. I'm being nice here and have pretty high patience so you best run along now."
The girl nodded frantically and runs past you. You turn around and watch as the girl disappears from sight. "Maybe you should call me Master," a voice whispers, feeling their breath tickling your ears. You turn around and was faced with the grinning ginger. "That is not going to happen."
"Maybe some day." He shrugs, which you immediately said no to. "Haha, but you said this was a date so that's a step close, no?" Your face flushed, forgetting that he was close by and had heard what you said to the girl. "Gah, I was just trying to let that girl feel mad," you said.
"Oh? You sure you don't want to call this a date?" he asks, giving you that glimmering eye look. "You can call it whatever as long as I get a free meal," you say and brush past him.
"Well, I know another way for you to get a free meal, but I wouldn't call it a date," he snickers and your lightly dusted face heated up quickly, knowing what he meant. "Shut up!"
"What? I was saying that we can always hunt," he lies, acting innocent to frame your impurity. "If you're not going to take me on that 'date', then I'm going back to the pharmacy," you said. He chuckles and fall in step with you, leading you the an expensive restaurant.
After the meal, you two were walking along the docks in silence, the ocean in the background was shimmering and wondered if it was a million noctilicious jade instead of pure water.
"So, what did you talk about with that girl from earlier?" Childe suddenly asks in a light tone. Your mind suddenly thought back to the event that had occurred with the girl and what she said about Childe sleeping with her. You wanted to ask, but you felt as if it wasn't right since it was his life and you didn't even know how to approach such question. "I'm sure you already know," you said.
"No, I don't so do enlighten me, since it was about me," he says. Then, you thought that it was the perfect time to add what you wanted to ask and took the chance. "Eh, nothing much. She kept on bragging how you slept with her multiple times though," you managed to slip in and shrug, playing it cool.
"Woah, woah, woah! She said that!?" Childe stops on his tracks and you turn to look at him. "That girl.. I swear that I haven't slept with her, or anyone for that matter!" Childe says, seeing his eyes look almost quite desperate to reassure you.
Your heart felt lighter, but decided to go on with the teasing. "Oh, really?" He nods almost instantly and you had to conceal your laughter. "Well, she said how you good you tasted and how well you did in bed to the point that I believed in it," you said, covering your mouth with a hand to hide your devilish smirk.
"You don't believe me?" he asks. "Nope," you said, not giving in to his saddened eyes. Then, almost in an instant, Childe walks closer to you and grabs your shoulders harshly. "Hey, what are you--" Your lips were sealed with his own. His lips was soft which caused a spark to jolt within you and making your legs almost became like jelly, giving in to the kiss.
Your hands were on his chest as he wraps an arm around your waist and the other on the back of your head. His tongue easily slipped past your lips and was now in a battle with yours, but that battle had ended sooner than you wished for when he pulls back and found the both of you panting. "I swear to you, (Y/N), that I didn't sleep with her," he says in a low voice.
To his surprise, you laughed. "I was just teasing around with you. Of course, I believe you," you said and smiled. The brunette stare at you in disbelief and when your laughter died down, you were kind of worried if you made a mistake in doing that. Then, he brings his lips back to yours with much more tenderness and you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
He pulls away again to your disappointment. "You are the only one I'd ever sleep with," he says, his wrap around your waist becoming tighter. "Then you better ditch those other girls or you're sleeping with no one," you joked before bringing him for another kiss, this time being longer.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Todoroki, Shinsou and Iida protecting you
Request: Hello can I request todo, shinsou and iida protecting their girlfriend from cat callers or something like that? Basically her being in a really uncomfortable situation and even though she is a fearless hero in the field because of past trauma she freezes up in these situations? Thank you - anonymous
This post might trigger some people since they might have experienced something similar both in the cat calling and past trauma department. I’ve never really written anything so serious and triggering before so this might suck. I’m sorry in advance. So TW beware. Love yaa.💖💖💖
warnings: trauma, PTSD, semi non-con but not explicit, cat-calling, harassment, ends in fluff
Todoroki Shouto
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-Shouto is really protective of you. 
-Not an overbearing type of protective, he just wants you to be safe and sound. 
-Also he knew about your abusive past.
-When he shared his family background you shared your own trauma and history with physical abuse. 
-It hurt him to hear you saying that someone you trusted, someone who used to be in his place, betrayed you like that. 
-If he could find your ex and beat him to a plump because of how he scarred you, he would. 
-But you reassured him that you were alright now, that he showed you what being loved felt like even though he himself didn’t really know how to love and that your past is what pushed you to be a hero. 
-Your relationship lasted even after high school and now, one year into the adult world, you two lived together. 
-It had been a tough day for your boyfriend at work, having to fight three major villain attacks and a mountain of paper work to tackle. 
-Fighting along side you was the highlight of his day. 
-He was the first to arrive at your apartment and had gotten to preparing dinner for you when his phone rang. 
-You smiled back at him from the screen as he accepted the call. 
- “Hey, love. I making so-”
- “Sho someone is following me.”
-He heard the panic in your voice and immediately turned off the stove walking to the door to put on his shoes. 
- “Y/N where are you?”
-You gave him your location and he was out the door in no time. 
-He kept you on the phone, talking to you, trying to restrain your panic. 
- “H-he was outside of the pharmacy near the a-agency.” 
-You never stuttered, oh god he was going to kill the man. 
- “I walked past him and he grabbed my arm a-and pushed me on the w-wall. Shouto he tried to t-touch me.”
-He was running now, his rage making his quirk go crazy as flames rose from his left shoulder. 
- “Baby I’m almost there, go into the convenience store on the corner and wait in there.”
-Your weak okay from the other line pushed him further. 
-He knew how certain acts reminded you of your ex, even after all these years. 
-They would send you into a small panic and even though you were one of the top upcoming heroes , you were still human at the end of the day your own past haunting you. 
-He was always there to chase those fears and memories away, never letting them get to close to you. 
-And now that’s exactly what he has set out to do; chase away the man who tried to hurt you. 
-Rounding the corner he was met with a sight he wished to never ever witness again. 
-It seems that you hadn’t made it into the store when he hang up and he slapped himself for not keeping you on the call for longer. 
-He heard your sobs as the man had you pinned to the wall his hand trying to unzip your jeans. 
-Shouto was fuming. 
-Without a second thought he grabbed the man by his jacket and shoved him to the ground, grabbing your elbows to steady you before pushing you gently behind him as the man stood up. 
- “Want a taste of her too boy?”
- “Get the fuck away from her!”
-Shouto kept one of his arms behind him pressing you onto his back as the other activated his quirk frost forming from his elbow to his palm. 
-He could feel your trembling as you clutched onto his shirt, on of your hands grasping his own squeezing it. 
-The man backed away at the sight of Shouto’s ice raising his hands in the air admitting defeat. 
-Shouto however had other plans. 
-Freezing the man on the spot he growled as he fished his phone out of his pocket and called the police reporting what the man had done and his location.
- “If I ever see you again anywhere near her I’m not going to be this kind got it?”
-And with that you two left as the police sirens sounded in the distance. 
-Back in your apartment, Shouto helped you get undressed and then ran you a bath, wiping away the man’s touch and leaving small kisses were his hands used to be. 
-He helped you get dressed in one of his hoodies and a loose pair of sweatpants before setting you down on the couch and ordering your favorite food.
-He heard your small sniffles and sat down beside you, bringing you on his lap and letting you cry it out, rocking you back and forth as he kisses your hair.
-You calm down after some time but Shouto won’t let you leave his embrace.
- “I won’t let anyone else hurt you ever again. I don’t care where I am you will always call me when something happens. I love you.”
-For the next month or so Shouto was at your beck and call, never leaving your side and even going as far to take some days off to spend as much time with you as possible.
-He kept his promise as he kept you safe for the rest of your lives. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Hitoshi was there for you when he found out about how one of you family members had hurt you. 
-He was there when you would wake up with nightmares while sleeping in his dorm. 
-Or when you had panic attacks after someone came at you in a way that seemed all too familiar. 
-He was there every step of the way. 
-Hitoshi was really amazed at how you zoned in on your work and those thoughts never held you back. 
-PTSD was hard to battle and even harder to deal with in a work place such as yours. 
-After high school your panic attacks fell in numbers, leaving you to rest peacefully at night.
-Shinsou was sure he had chased your demons away, that you felt completely safe with him and that he would never see your trembles of fear ever again.
-But he was wrong. 
-You two were out on a date, walking along the beach on a sunny day enjoying each others company. 
-Shinsou went to buy you two ice cream leaving you to wait for him on a bench.
-You were minding your business, checking up with your agency to make sure everything is alright; after all it’s not everyday that your main two heroes are out of commission for the day. 
- “Damn girl where’d ya get all that ass!”
-It came from a group of man behind you who were staring at you like a piece of meat.
-You tried to ignore them switching to your messages ready to text Hitoshi.
- “Those shorts look so tight on you sweetheart.”
- “I bet it’s not the only thing that’s tight about her.”
-You had frozen up at the nickname.
-It brought back everything you and Shinsou had managed to scare off, pushing them down your throat making your insides twist in disgust. 
 -He isn’t here it’s just some awful cat callers, Y/N calm down. 
-You tried to calm yourself down using your common sense, separating the two situations and pointing out the differences, a  technique Shinsou had taught you while you were still in high school.
-You were so lost in thought you hadn’t noticed the three men hovering over you, one of them reaching down to grasp your thigh. 
-That’s when you started to tremble.
- “Aw look at her, she’s so excited..”
- “Let’s go have some fun pretty girl.”
- “We’ll make you feel so good you won’t be able to walk home.”
-You shoved the man’s hand away and went to get up only for an arm to snake around your waist  pulling you back down on the bench. 
- “Now now sweetheart don’t be naughty.”
-You wanted Hitoshi. 
-You wanted your Hitoshi so bad right now.
-And as if you had summoned him, purple hair could be seen above the men’s heads. 
-Shoving them off of you one more time you pushed through hitting Shinsou’s chest as he wrapped an arm around you. 
-He pushed you behind his back before scanning the three men, leveling them with a glare so sharp it could slice right through them. 
- “You better leave my girl alone before I get really angry.”
-The men scrambled to their feet before running off, terrified from Hitoshi’s structure. 
- “Kitten! Kitten are you alright? Did they hurt you? Please kitty talk to me.”
-Tears ran down your cheeks and Shisnou just pulled you gently into his chest before telling you that he was taking you home.
-This man will do everything in the house after that. 
-He undresses you and helps into the shower to clear their touch from your skin, then he dresses you in one of his large hoodies and lays you on the couch. 
-He can see you are still trembling so he comes back and takes you into his arms before going back to doing whatever he had in mind. 
-Now this is a scene to behold. 
-Two of Japan’s strongest heroes are walking around their house cosplaying a panda and its bamboo stick. 
 -He orders take out and then lays on the couch, still having you on his lap drowning your sobs in his chest as he says over and over again how sorry he is for leaving you alone and how much he loves you. 
-He knows you haven’t had an episode in what felt like ages. 
-It really shook him seeing you so helpless and terrified again. 
-He swore he would never see that petrified glint in your eyes. 
-That was his new mission. 
-And he was willing to do anything to accomplish it. 
Iida Tenya 
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-Iida is well aware about how your ex had forced you to do certain things with him. 
-He also knew how you believed that what had happened had been your fault. 
-He had reassured you that nothing was your fault,that your ex was to blame and to never see yourself other than the victim in this situation. 
-It hurt him to see you suffer so much. 
-He had provided you with a shoulder to cry on and soon enough you two were together.
-When during your last year of high school, his comfort and words didn’t really cut it he encouraged you to see a therapist. 
-And that helped you a lot. 
-It untangled the parts Iida couldn’t reach on his own and coupled with his support you managed to pull yourself fully out of the whole that your ex had dug. 
-Now Iida knew that somethings still triggered you. 
-He knew what he should and shouldn’t do while you two are being intimate and what he should watch out for. 
-So when you two are taking the train to visit Deku in his agency for his birthday and he feels you squeezed his hand a little too hard he knew something was up. 
-You had buried you face in his shoulder, something he wouldn’t allow if you had asked, squeezing his hand as your breathing became uneven. 
-Iida looked around expecting to see your ex somewhere thinking that he was the reason for your small attack. 
-But he found no one he knew in the crowd. 
-Then his eyes fell back down to you and from the corner of his eye he caught movement under your dress. 
-Following the source of the movement with his eyes he was met with the lustful eyes of a grown ass man, his hand under your skirt groping and squeezing you. 
-He saw his hand trying to separate your thighs and that’s when he fully snapped. 
-Grabbing the man’s hand he shoved it in his chest before placing himself between you and him. 
- “How dare you touch her like that? You should be ashamed of yourself!!”
-The whole train was looking at the man at this point and Iida could see how the vein on his forehead popped. 
- “Being an adult, you should know better.”
-Others chimed in insulting and shaming the man while others asked you if you were alright. 
-At the next stop the person got off a chain of angry comments following him out. 
- “Y/N honey are you alright?”
-You buried your face in his chest and he let you stay there for the rest of the ride. 
-He placed on hand on your back rubbing soft circles over your sweater and talking to you not allowing your thoughts/memories to creep further into your mind. 
-He kept your hand in his for as long as you were away from your apartment. 
-You would squeeze his hand every now and then, grounding yourself. 
-Once at home late that evening he pampered you. 
-He ran you a bubble bath and cooked your favorite food. 
-He made a small pillow fort on your couch while you were in the bath and he waited for you to finish. 
-The rest of your day and night was spent in your boyfriend’s arms never letting you go once. 
-He provided his warmth and comfort. 
-Just like when you were in high  school.
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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[SUMMARY: PREAPOCALYPSE. Negan lies to Lucinda about not being able to have children. She takes matters into her own hands and during a sexual encounter makes him finish inside her. (Inspired by Bridgerton series)
TW: rape/ non con
Negan and Lucinda
Negan and you had met almost a year ago. Being a manager at a supermarket he shopped at, he always made it a point to act like he had something to talk to the manager about. Eventually asking you out on a date, in time the two of you had become serious with each other.
"How does this look?" You asked Negan as you placed a small frame of seashells in the bathroom.
"Well...you sure gave the place a womans touch," his response making you laugh.
The two of you enjoyed dinner together and a movie at home. A commerical of a pregnant woman came up and it made you smile. Children was something you had already been thinking about with Negan. The conversation had never really been spoken of as you noticed Negan would react strangely to the topic.
"Negan...dont you ever think we're missing something?" The question instantly making him clear his throat, he knew where this conversation was going.
"Not at all, sweetheart. What could we be missing? We're fucking great."
"I know we're great...but I still think we can be greater." Remaing silent he took a sip of his beer making you sigh.
"Negan dont you want to have children?" The question making him choke on his drink.
"Lucinda..that's a conversation for another time."
"What other time, you cant just tell me if you want children or not?" With a serious expression he ignored your question watching the show, his reaction making you annoyed.
"Come on Negan. It's not like we will make one at this moment, you cant just answer the question?"
"You never want to talk about this and it's not fair to me, this is something that we should've spoken about long ago."
"Lucinda!" He suddenly yelled as he stood up in frustration.
"Lucinda. I fucking cant." He looked away as you frowned in confusion.
"What do you mean you cant?" You looked up at him as he turned his back to you with his hands on his hips.
"Lucinda I cant get you pregnant."
"But....I dont understand.." you looked down puzzled. If Negan could not get you pregnant, why did he always pull out every time he had sex with you? What was the point in that.
"What's there not to understand?" He aggresivly turned back to you, clear frustration buried within him.
"I can't give you a damn baby. Now drop it."
Never had Negan spoken to you in such a way. It wasnt fair for him to drop something of this magnitude on to you and just want it dropped without conversation. Leaving you alone in the living room you still wondered how accurate what he said was. You could feel it in you, something did not sound right.
After giving him some time to cool off you approached the bedroom. He lay with one hand behind his head, his eyes on the tv.
"Come here." He unexpectedly spoke shutting the television off. Walking into the room, slowly he pulled you into bed beside him and began kissing you.
"I dont like arguing with you." His deep voice penetrated your ears as he kissed your neck. His hand roaming over your thighs as he nibbled on your ear lobe. Before you knew it both of your clothes were off and Negan was on top of you. Passionately thrusting into you, you moaned against his lips. Gripping tightly onto his back as he continued to move, you could hear him breathing heavily against you. Usually when Negan finished you were either on your back or your knees, today you insisted on trying something different. Knowing his body language and the sounds he'd make when he was close to cumming you waited beneath him as he slammed into you. Screaming against him Negan cursed to himself. It was obvious he was trying his best not to blow. Without him expecting it, you rolled yourself over on top of him and began to ride him. If Negan really couldnt have children you didnt see why your plan would be a problem at all. He looked down at the sight of you hopping on his cock, you noticed him begin to break a sweat.
"Lucinda-" he groaned and you knew this was it, he was about to cum.
"Lucinda...get off.." you felt his hands on your hips attempt to pull you off but the feel of you riding him faster weakened him. Negan turned as red as you had ever seen him as he moaned loudly. Squeezing his eyes shut and tightly grabbing onto your thighs his deep moans filled the room.
"Fuck-" you felt his hips uncontrollably jerk up against you as you slowed down. Throwing his head back, you stopped your movement until he weakly looked down at you.
"Shit....why did you do that?" He asked breathlessly as you remained still on top of him. You could still feel his cock throbbing inside you. The feeling was something you had never felt before and god did it feel amazing. But, the shocked expression in his eyes distracted you from completely enjoying it.
"What's wrong?" You whispered.
"Get up." He responded bluntly making you feel confused. Without saying a word you stood up and watched him put a towel around his waist and light a cigarette.
"I'll go to the pharmacy and get you that fucking pill." He spoke in a dry tone as you covered yourself up with the blanket.
"What pill?"
"That morning after shit."
"Why would I need one?" You responded stepping close to him. Your question making him look at you at a loss for words.
"Negan....why would I need one? Unless.....unless-" you frowned as you came to realization that Negan had lied to you. Tears welling up in your eyes you looked away feeling shame.
"If you didnt want to have children with me you could've simply told me."
"No, Lucinda its not-" before he could finish you ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut. With a sigh of frustration Negan pulled up his pants and made his way to you. Knocking on the bathroom door, Negan called out for you. Regret in his voice as you remained silent wrapped in the covers sitting on the toilet.
"Lucinda open the door."
Wiping away a tear you could hear him taking a deep breath on the other side.
"Baby, it's not about you alright? It's not the way you're thinking-"
"Yes it is!" You suddenly opened the door yelling at him in frustration.
"Stop lying to me, I'm not a little girl. You dont want me to be the mother of your child and that's fine, that's how you feel." Negan frowned listening to you speak with the voice of a broken heart. You truly had no idea how this man felt about you.
"You think I wouldnt want to see you as the mother of my child?" Negan stepped close to you as you looked up at him.
"Look at me. What kind of a fucking father do I'd look like I'd be?" His words were filled with self disappointment and sadness. It crushed you as you realized that it was himself that he didnt believe in.
"You would be amazing." You whispered placing your hand on his chest.
"You dont even give yourself a chance, Negan." Looking down at you as he took in what you expressed, he pulled you close.
"You really think I could be a good dad?"
"The best," you smiled as you looked down at his lips.
"But...if you still want to get the pill. We can do that."
Negan felt conflicted, wanting to have a family with you but doubting himself ate him alive.
The next day Negan purchased the pill. Without saying anything of it you found it sitting at the dining table. You understood Negans way of feeling but boy did you wish you could change it. You wished you could make him see himself from your point of view. Negan stood at the kitchen doorway silently watching you stare at the pill packet in your hand. Not being able to hold himself back he unexpectedly rushed into the kitchen and pulled the packet out of your hand. Throwing it to the side, you gasped as Negan grabbed you and began to kiss you. Roughly he picked you up and sat you down on the counter. Moaning in excitment you felt him reach under your skirt and pull your underwear off. His kisses were intense as you heard the heavy buckle from his belt break open.
"Negan, what's gotten in to you?" You laughed as he kissed your neck. Negan was always a very sexual man but something seemed more aggresive in his nature today. You didnt mind it at all, you loved feeling wanted by him. The two of you moaned simultaneously at the feel of your bodies coming together as one. Negan did not hesitate and pumped into you hard.
"Oh my God-" you gasped wrapping your arms around him. His eyes intense, never taking them off yours.
"This what you want?" He moved aggresivly knocking down things off the counter with each thrust. Moaning and gasping against him you heard him mumble something to himself you couldn't make out. He was an animal, grunting against you but it only aroused you more.
Negan grabbed your neck by one hand and looked directly into your eyes.
"You want to have my baby?" He suddenly asked breathlessly as he held your face.
"Yes, Negan. Yes." You cried out when he bit down on his bottom lip and grunted with one last hard thrust. The look he had as he held onto you tightly making you take in every drop of him made your lips part. Another hard thrust making you squeal as he made you take all of him in. Furrowed brows as he concentrated on your expression, the thought of releasing himself in you unexpectedly turned him on.
Negan pulled out as you leaned back against the wall, the two of you attempting to catch your breath.
"Negan.." you whispered in shock.
"Are you sure...?" You asked before he took the pill that was thrown on the table and got compeltely rid of it. Never had Negan been so sure with what he wanted and he was sure he wanted it with you.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 8
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@hoppingheart said:
Hey c: I would like to ask for a Match up!!
I am female, have green/yellow eyes and brown, long locks.
I am a very calm and balanced person. I love to gain new knowledge and I am a chemist. In general, I am very interested in science, medicine and psychology and our universe. (idk I just want to understand how all that stuff work!)
I'm not interested in a person's appearance, I want to explore and love the inside.
But what belongs to me is a person with whom I can communicate well and it should also be a very calm person I guess, because loud people annoy me. I don't like being around people in general...
I also like reading books and comics and I like to write down my thoughts a lot. (:
It would be nice if a get a male match up and I am 24 years old.
Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day ❤️
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a/n: Hey there! I hope that you had a good week. Thank you for requesting and my apologies for making you wait so long. I had a lot to do and hadn´t the time and peace to write honestly. But I managed to work on your request in a few nights. And I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If not and if there is anything that bothers you please tell me so I can work on that and give you what you imagined. Other than that enjoy the little work I came up with. Happy reading, dear!
Match up rules can be HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @mgmgmgdo (Twitter)!!!
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· I decided to pair you up with my absolute favorite character. A character that got me curious from the first minute he appeared. The character I am talking about is Trafalgar D. Water Law (Not gonna lie. He gets me screaming whenever he says “room”. Like damn that man has way too much power over me! AnYwAyS….)
· I really think that you match so well. You have so many traits in you that not only resemble his but also traits he would love in a s/o
· Law is a pretty modest and chill person. A man that might be always alone and on his own but a man that holds power and intelligence
· You were in the library of the island that was your home. Your place of birth. An island filled by memories and times of joy and sadness. It was a pretty wealthy island who’s king always tried his best. A island, a kingdom supported and watched over by the revolutionary army since 15 years ago when the previous king used his power to torture his people and only take care of his own good life
· You were the daughter of a pretty well known doctor that not only had the position of the health minister of the kingdom but also was the head of the biggest hospital on the island
· You as his youngest and dearest daughter were having a good relationship. He loved you and always looked at you with pride. His daughter after all took the same path as he and worked in the medical industry. You were a psychologist that was aiming to also become a gynecologist just like your mother. Any person in the island knew and respected you for your intelligence and wisdom. So when it came that you told your father that you wanted to leave your dearly loved island and home he was confused and more so shocked when you said that you wanted to leave with a pirate.
· “I think something happened in the library today? Are you fine my dear?”, it took you some time to convince your parents to let you go and let you grow in your own way but after some time. You managed to do so.
· They let you go but didn´t understood what or how it happened that you wanted to leave with some pirates. Criminals. Murders. Scum’s. When told that there are many more ways to grow you smiled at them and shook your head. “Of course it is possible to grow in other ways but I want to grow in the same way he did. I want to be independent and strong just like him. He amazes me. And I am sure that he can teach me so much more. More than any other person here could.”
· How you meet Trafalgar Law you wonder? Let me tell you that.
· On a warm and sunny spring morning you were in the library looking for a book for your latest studies about the concept of punishment and reward in the process of teaching a child (I could talk hours about this since I had a course in college about it. It´s so interesting!)
· After getting everything you wanted you made your way to your favorite spot in the forest that was close to a cliff with a beautiful view to the more crowed areas of the island and it´s harbor
· You were taking notes when something weird caught your eyes.
· “A.. submarine…? I´m not dreaming.. am I? What is a submarine doing here? Wait does it belong to the marine?! Wait no. It has a black jolly roger so it must belong to a pirate”
· You were thinking whether you should go tell the sheriff of the island or go find a guard to make sure the king knows about this but you absolutely had no motivation to leave your books behind and search for someone. So you kept sitting there while ignoring the pirates that docked at the island
· And you managed to do that. You forgot about the pirates and got back to your studies until a bear asked for the way. A BEAR ASKED FOR THE WAY?!?!?
· “OH mY gOd!! You can speak!? How can you speak?!”, you looked at the big standing bear in front of you with widen eyes. You were scared but also fascinated so you pulled yourself together and apologized for your behavior. “I didn´t mean to hurt you with my words. How can I help?”, you smiled at the bear and assured him that he didn´t have to feel bad for scaring her and introduced yourself and lead him and two other man back to the city.
· When you reached the down town you told them that you will be going back and wished them the best. You were about to leave when one of them, who introduced himself as Sashi, asked you if you could help them get everything they needed since they didn´t knew the place and had to go back to the submarine quickly. You wondered why they were in a hurry but didn´t asked and helped them.
· Although they had you as a guide it still took you some time until they had everything. But nevertheless you had everything you needed and made your way back to the submarine. You had a good time with the people and actually forgot that they were pirates since they seemed to be so nice and respectful.
· At the submarine you helped them get everything inside and got plenty of thank you´s from the crew on board. After everything was on board you wished them the best and said your last goodbyes when a grumpy and annoyed looking man approached you from the forest.
· “Captain? What happened? Why did you leave the ship?”, asked the bear with worry in his eyes. You were confused and looked at the tall man who had a sword in his hand. “We have a problem. The pharmacies here won´t sell me any medical products without a permission paper of the health ministry or a doctor.”, you had a small smile on your lips and wondered what he needed that they didn´t sell him. As far as you knew basic medicines were always sell without a problem. “But did you tell them that you were a surgeon?”, the man looked at the bear with pure annoyance and frustration because of the situation he was in. He talked to him and some other people of his crew and tried to find a solution. You on the other hand were surprised that the captain of these pirates was a surgeon. You wanted to ask him were and who taught him to be a surgeon when the gaze of the man fell upon you.
· “Who are you and what are you doing on my submarine?”, the sudden shift of his voice from annoyance to anger surprised you and left you overwhelmed. “I´m no one special. I just helped your men to get the needed supplies and I will leave now. My apologizes for disturbing Sir.”, you were about to leave when the captain spoke up again. “You are a civilian of this island. Tell me why the pharmacies have such strict rules?”, you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “It´s a long story but as much as I can tell you and you need to know is that without permission you can´t be helped. But what do you exactly need? Usually they sell basic medicines without a problem.”, you asked worried to say something inappropriate and anger the pirate. “I´m a surgeon and I not only need basic supplies but also supplies for surgeries.”
· You had so many questions but help back and just nodded. Without thinking twice you asked for a pen and paper and told them that you will help them. With a simple nod the captain gave a permission that made one of his crew mates to go get you what you wanted. With a pen and a notebook in your hands you stared to write down whatever they needed. The list of supplies was accompanied by a letter by you and a signature of yours. The pirates were confused but didn´t asked what exactly you were doing until the captain took the writing and read the letter. With a raised brow and a smirk he told you that this was faking a document when you simply nodded and told him that this was going to help them. You took the paper back and mad him follow you and let you take care of the supplies. He wasn´t really opposed of the help of someone and clearly made you feel and hear it but there was nothing he could do. He needed all of the things and he absolutely had cero time and patience for waiting for a paper of the ministry. So he obeyed and did anything that was needed.
· “Thank you for helping. Is there a way I can pay you back?”, the words that left the dark haired mans lips made you think about a question that lingered on your mind since a while. “How did you become a surgeon? You´re obviously a pirate. Where did you gained all of the knowledge. And on top of that you seem pretty young for a surgeon. I´m really curious.”, you thought that you crossed a line when he looked you in the eyes with a emotionless expression. “I´m pretty young for a surgeon you say? What about you? You can´t be older than me. And the woman working there called you doctor too, didn´t she?”, with a smile on his lips he approached you and took the huge box out of your hands just to hand you his sword. “Take care of it for me. It´s precious, would you?”
· You were dumfounded and just blinked confused and followed him. Is a sword always that heavy? You wondered while you followed the man that walked past you. And it´s so big? The blade must be long. You were inspecting the sword in your hands while trying to remember your grandfathers knowledge of swords. He told me something about a number of really well known swords. I wonder if this one’s also part of it. You were lost in your thoughts when the voice of the over tattooed man took you by surprise and made you stumble over a none existing stone.
· “It´s just a sword. No more or less. Anyways don´t you wanna tell me what exactly your profession is?”, a bit dumfounded you looked at him then the sword for a few times until your brain realized that he asked you a question. “Well... yeah sure! I am a psychologist. My focus until now is on kids and teenager but I might also get into the studies for adults in the future. At the moment I am doing basis studies for gynecology out of interest but also because my best friend recently got pregnant. But honestly it is so interesting….”,
· You were talking like it was the most normal thing ever. As if it wasn´t something special that would make anyone see a genius in you. A beautiful genius with beautiful warm green- yellow eyes. Law was looking at you with awe but tried his best to keep a monotone look on. He once in a while hummed or nodded to make sure you don´t feel like you are talking to yourself. He was amazed by your passion and was full of joy that he found someone with a mind that was similar to his.
· “…. Although I really found interest in gynecology I honestly wouldn´t stop my work as a psychologist since it´s something I always wanted to do. I just want kids to be seen as an equally competent and smart living being as a adult…. Oh. Look we´re back. Hey Bepo!”
· Disappointment. Law was disappointed in the fact how short the way back to the submarine was. He wanted to hear you talk more about yourself. The wish to hear you do so made him do something that wasn´t like his usual self. “Guys, let´s stay here for today. We will set sail tomorrow. The island seems save and the people are nice. And your bodies need some sunlight. Bepo and the girls are way too sensitive lately.”, the girls of his crew instantly went into a fighting mode and were ready to throw hands if it weren´t for the boys who held them back. The sight of the mad girls and the worried looks of the boys really amused you and made you chuckle.
· “Do you mind having lunch with me? I would like to hear more about your researches.”, he asked while avoiding looking in your eyes. With a bright smile you nodded and asked him if he could tell you something about himself too, what he agreed on.
· Out of just one night it turned into a week the heart pirates stayed what was pretty unusual but didn´t seem to bother the captain a lot. In fact it was him who forgot that they had a plan to follow and reach Sabaody but that was long forgotten.
· With a lot of time and patience the man who kept talking with you managed to get you to join his crew and become a part time pirate how you liked to call it. He didn´t mind that and in fact liked it and called it cute
· It didn´t took you long to get used to your new environment and home. You had a good time and the heart pirates enjoyed your accompany. More so their actual captain that tried to be around you as much as possible. Even when you didn´t talk to each other and had a calm and peaceful silence fill the room you were in, he was happy. He liked and enjoyed it to the fullest. Quiet study sessions were a routine for the two of you. Every two days you would meet up in his bedroom (that was the only quiet place in the whole submarine because the crew is so damn loud and lively. Like basically the opposite of their captain) and have those little study sessions.
· With you being part of the heart pirates a lot of things changed for Law. As the captain who was also in charge for the health of his crew of 20 people he always had a lot to do. But since you came he had it way easier. From the day you put a feet on the submarine you asked for permission to take over the health quarter and the medical files of the crew. Without even having to start a discussion he gave them to you and let you take care of them.
· Law was grateful for you and your decision to join him in his journey. He appreciated and respected you so much that he would sometimes just stare at you when you worked while a tiny smile would lay on his lips. “Captain. Do you like y/n? Cuz you’re staring at her for more than an hour now. Like every day. Are you ok?”, would Penguin say and get a death glare from his captain.
· With months passing Law found out that he indeed liked you. He knew that he was more than just happy when you came to him for his opinion on something. He liked how you would leave his cabin without a word just to come back with a tray of coffee and water. He knew that his heart would start beating faster whenever you would stand at his back and give him a head massage. He knew that the slight pain that would grow in his heart whenever you would give Shashi or Penguin a head massage was because he wanted to be in their position. He knew that he didn´t like how you took care of the guys in his crew because you would touch them and give them a hug after every check up. He would feel sad whenever he would find you sitting between Bepos legs with some of his crew members around you when you told them stories about the universe and gave them astrology lessons they gladly and always took when they were free. You amazed them and taught them so many things.
· He knew and understood all of his emotions but never called them love until he was spending a night on deck of the submarine with you.
· He didn´t sleep for night’s again. He couldn´t sleep for nights but his body told him to do so. It screamed at him to lay down and close his eyes but his mind held him back like any other time too. His mind that told him that he needed to be awake and take care of his people. His mind that showed him the scariest and saddest scenarios whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would show him a picture of you whenever he wanted to sleep. His mind that would get his heart to start racing and being the cause of his heavy breathing.
· “Law you should sleep.”, you said walking up to him. You put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “Law?”, “I should sleep. I know that but my mind is telling me not because it is the only way I can keep my crew save.”, you said nothing. You kept quiet and listened to him. But your silence made him feel like he said the dumbest thing ever. “I´m sorry. I probably sound ridic…”, “No you don´t. I can understand you. Having these thoughts as a captain is accurate and understandable. There are people looking up to you. People who think that their captain will save them and take care of them no matter what will happen.”, Laws gaze that was fixed on the horizon was now drifting down to the water below them. “It´s okay to have these fears but you need to take care of yourself. Your body needs to rest. If you don´t want to do that for yourself then please do it for me and the rest of your crew. Because obviously I am the only one that can´t fight and needs protection.”
· A little smile grew on Laws lips that made him look at your hand that was laying on his. Your small hand that seemed so fragile like fine china. “There is nothing to worry about. I´ll protect you with my life y/n.”
· “I know you will but therefore you need to sleep and rest.”, Law stood on the spot without moving. His gaze now laying on your hand that was softly put on his made him realize how close you were standing next to him. So close. So damn close. He could feel the warmth that radiated from your body. He could feel you. But at the same time it wasn´t close enough. His brain was shut off and his mind was blank.
· Neither he nor did you know how it happened but one thing was clear. You were hugging each other and liking it. Law pulled you close to his body with absolutely nothing being able to fit between you two. The only thing that was separating you was your clothes. “Y/n….”, he was saying your name like he was about to start a sentence. A sentence that couldn´t leave his lips. He was frustrated. He was mad and he hated himself. He hid his face on your shoulder and breathed in your smell while a sentence left his lips you only could dream of.
· “Don´t leave me if you don´t wanna break my heart.”
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beyscape · 4 years
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: “Ransom Drysdale is the father of a child but he doesn’t know it” requested by @evansrogersmarvelcomic​
Word Count: 2010
Warnings: a swear word or two
A/N: No spoilers from the movie! The daughter’s name is Mary, just a lil’ reference to Gifted :’) Also, this has been one of my favourite prompts for a veeery long time, so thanks a lot for the request!
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
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  Ransom Drysdale was a selfish asshole. Everyone who had spent as little as five minutes around him could easily see this. His history with women, the way he felt a trail made of broken hearts and tears wherever he passed through and how he only cared about his own interests were all facts well known to you. Yet still, he wasn’t all bad, you had told your friends when they tried to stop you from a mistake. A mistake, they had called it, going out with Ransom never ended well. You assured them you would be fine, just having some fun with a hot, charismatic guy.
  It was strange, how the conversation with your friends when you told them you were dating Ransom kept playing in your head as you sat on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. The handle of the cabinet dug into your back uncomfortably, but you barely noticed the pain.
Deep down, you had always known that it wouldn’t last. So, the year and a half you spent with Ransom was a surprise to you, as well as those around you. It was an endless repeat of a cycle, dating Ransom. It would start exhilarating, from the breathtaking dates and the way he made you feel, like the only woman on earth. Next phase would be you inevitably being mad him, the fights were passionate and tiring. He was unable to admit that he was wrong, that he was being a complete jerk and paired with your stubborn nature it would take days to end the screaming match. Then would come the angry make up sex, whatever you were fighting about melting away. This cycle repeated for a little less than a year and a half, until you couldn’t take it anymore and broke things up for good.
 That was a month ago.
 Even though it was your decision to end things and knew that it was the best thing to do for the long run, you couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken over the whole thing. Yes, you had known who Ransom was, but that didn’t change the fact that you still secretly hoped things would work out. That he would change. Just as a month passed and you started to feel better, to see clearly why you had to make that decision, it all came crashing down.
  You stared at the small stick between your shaking, cold hands. It was only supposed to soothe your worries as there was no way you were pregnant, just being paranoid, you had comforted yourself at the pharmacy. You were, however, very wrong, you realized with a startling halt as you turned over the three other sticks. All showed the result you dreaded.
  You dropped the stick next to the other ones on the floor, pulling your knees up to rest your head on them. You weren’t ready for this, a child was a huge responsibility, and the father wasn’t even in the picture- you cursed. Not only were you pregnant, you were pregnant with the baby of the one person who was absolutely not supposed to be more than some causal fun. After some hours of sitting in the same position, thinking through every possible outcome, you rose on your feet with determination.
  Many seasons passed since then, and in a blur you were the proud mother of a baby girl who now sat in front of you, playing with blocks of Lego. You watched as the five-year-old grabbed piece after piece to build a rocket, her mop of blonde hair too familiar. One last cruel joke from the man you tried so hard to forget, his daughter looked like a carbon copy of his, so you had to see the little face every day that reminded you of him. Never allowing you to completely forget the time you had spent together all those years ago now.
 You had moved out of the small apartment to a slightly bigger one, needing more space for all the things a baby brings into one’s life. You were still in the same area though, and a part of you was surprised at how well you kept your little secret. Some of your friends expressed their worries about your location, but after some thought you decided it would be too expensive to move over states. And after all, best hiding spots were always in plain sight anyways.
Those close to you knew who your daughter’s father was, but all of them made sure to never utter a word about it. Ransom Drysdale wasn’t really cut out for being a dad, it was just a simple fact. You knew too, and that was exactly why you had decided to keep him in the dark. Nonetheless, there was a part of you who wished one day, long into the future, he would get to meet his daughter.
You didn’t know how soon your wish would come true.
 It was a warm Sunday morning when you noticed you were out of milk and a trip to the grocery store was much needed. Your daughter, Mary, was thrilled at the idea and spent extra time making sure her dress had just the right amount of sparkles on it.
Maybe you had gotten too comfortable over the years, but you no longer felt the fear of running into Ransom every single time you left your house. But, you didn’t exactly hang out in the same circles even before you started dating him and become a mom. And there was also the fact that he most likely would be too busy to visit your local grocery store, instead he would be sleeping in after a night of drinking and maybe even bringing someone back to the whatever hotel he favoured at the moment. You pressed your lips together at that last thought. You had heard of him dating casually, seen pictures of him with different girls at different clubs, it was hard not to hear of Ransom Drysdale even when you did your best to avoid him. You shushed the part of you that was bothered with how fast he had gotten over you.
 “Don’t wander off.” You warned your excited daughter as you rolled the cart around. She gave you a smile, not straying from your side, watching you make progress with the list in your hands. As expected from a five-year-old though, she soon got bored.
 “Mommy,” Mary whined, tugging your hand, “Can I go and get cookies?” you noted the empty isle and the general quietness of the store before giving her a nod. You watched for another second as your daughter moved to the aisle across from you, skipping with the thought of cookies. You returned back to the long list.
  Ransom Drysdale took off his sunglasses as he entered the small store, wanting to grab something to snack on before he continued the drive for his grandfather’s house. He grimaced, not looking forward to seeing his family of hot messes, the hangover headache he was nursing not helping the matter at all. He sighed softly, making his way to find some cookies or something, to give him the energy he would need very much so in the coming hours.
  There he noticed a small blonde girl, trying to climb on the lower shelves with one hand reaching up, her tongue was out as she concentrated on her prize. Ransom snorted slightly before grabbing two packages of the chocolate chip cookies the small girl was so focused on getting. She looked up at him, Ransom stopped for a second as two very familiar eyes stared at him. He shook his head, many people had blue eyes.
“You’re gonna fall if you climb shelves.” He stretched out one of the packages. The girl just looked up at him, clearly hesitant. “Take it.” Ransom nodded.
“My mommy says not to talk to strangers, or get candy from them.” She retorted, still eyeing the cookies.
 “Your mommy sounds smart. So, should I put these back, or?” His lips curled a little at the corners as the girl grabbed them out of his hand. She muttered a thank you before running off. Ransom watched as she ran to the woman at the end of the other aisle, he had just turned around to leave when his head snapped back in recognition.
You were just about to cross of the last item when Mary came running with her favourite cookies clutched safely in her arms.
 “Mommy, I couldn’t reach so the nice man helped me.” She said, pointing before placing her precious cookies carefully in the cart. You raised your stare from your daughter’s figure to the man to thank him, and your eyes met with the one person you had been avoiding for the last six years. The can you were just about to place in the cart fell out of your hand, rolling away, sending Mary to catch it.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out, your heart thumping in your chest loudly. Your eyes drifted to Mary who was so unaware of her mother’s panic, and then back to Ransom, standing only a few feet away. He eyed Mary too, the initial surprise in his eyes leaving its place for a stormy look.
 “So how old is she?” He asked, finally looking at you with squinted eyes as he put two and two together.
 “Ransom.” You breathed out and took a step towards him.
 “Answer me, Y/N.”
 “She’ll be six in a couple of months.” You gripped the metal cart, steadying yourself as you didn’t trust your feet.
  “Why the-” he exhaled sharply, his eyes drifting between you and Mary who know looked at him with big eyes that were too damn familiar, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
  “Mommy?” Mary turned to you; her little face twisted with confusion.
“Ransom, please, not now. I,” you sighed, knowing there was no getting out of this one, “I promise I’ll tell you everything. But not now. Give me your phone, I’ll text you.” You babbled, words slipping out of your mouth as your hands shook ever so slightly, you held one out towards him.
“I have your number, if you didn’t change it.” He mumbled, crouching, his eyes never left Mary. You stared at him for a second, dumbfounded, you would think a man like Ransom would delete your number the second you slammed the door as you left, never to return again.
“What’s your name?” Mary’s eyes turned to you, searching your face. Upon seeing your small nod, she took a step towards the man.
 “Nice to meet you, Mary.”
 You watched the whole thing unfold in front of you, your mouth slightly open. You had imagined this moment for so many times, over and over, yet the gentle expression on Ransom’s face was so… Foreign. Unexpected.
 “Come on, honey.” You scooped Mary up in your arms, unable to watch any more. Your gaze turned to Ransom. “I’ll text you.” You turned, feeling all sorts of emotions dance in your chest as you pushed the cart away with Mary, who turned her head back to where the man was still standing.
 Ransom stood there, watching the woman he had once loved, walk away with his daughter. His daughter. Family dinner would have to wait, as Ransom found it hard to walk away. He was still standing there, watching you place Mary into her car seat, when he felt something new in his heart. He gulped.
 Ransom Drysdale was a selfish asshole, but in that moment, he knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his daughter.
My GOD I suck at titles. Might write a part 2 if anyone’s interested! Also, my inbox is open for requests!
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yelenasdog · 4 years
romance and espionage (eggsy unwin x fem reader)
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genre: fluff w/ whole lotta angst
summary: who knew names could be such a touchy subject?
words: 2.4k
warnings: literally saying fuck everyother sentence, kissing, golden circle spoilers (is that a thing? idk), mentions of harry’s supposed death, mentions of roxy’s death, guns, and i think thats it.
ok, all my cm moots don’t judge me. 
a/n: ight so uhh as i’m posting this i’m finding out taron is an incel so that’s kinda oW but uhh i haven’t seen the secret service, i just rewatched the golden circle the other night and hyperfixated on taron so... uh here’s this LMAO. also! this takes place after the golden circle, and reader took roxy’s spot as lancelot. ok enjoy!!
“God, Eggsy, would you quiet down?!”
He snarled meanly in a way that could make Bennie and Jet’s metallic forms cower in fear, his thin lips turning into a grimace.
“Don't call me that here. It’s Galahad, and Galahad only.”
The other agent only scoffed, rolling her eyes.
Lancelot’s surroundings were dark, although quite stunning nonetheless. It was clear and starry night sky, perfect for romance, the worst for espionage. The air felt so refreshing on her skin, allowing her to feel free in some way, even just for a moment, which she savoured, as a feeling such as that was rare in her line of work.
Now, if the girl had been with someone other than the annoying, prickish, and (even though it pained her to the highest degree to say it) handsome fellow, she maybe would have tried to have a little fun to pass the time. Maybe fool around a bit, fraternize with a coworker, eh?
But alas, ever the one with amazing luck, she was stuck with him. 
Which meant rather than perhaps getting crescent shaped markings on her hips from a quick rondevu under the indigo sky and sparkling stars, so roughly placed to match the moon that hung in it, she was crouching uncomfortably, only wishing that the former scenario was taking place.
 Not that she meant with fucking Eggsy, of course.
Well ok, maybe, just a tad.
“Fine, have it your way, Galahad.” She flailed her arms about in a jazz hand motion, making the blondy roll his twinkly eyes in a boyish manner. She fought the urge to grin widely, a warm feeling blooming in her chest, even at his obvious arrogance and upset towards her.
She wanted to blame his feelings towards her on her being a freshmen agent, recruited right after the convergence of Kingsman and Statesman in an effort to rebuild the organization. She had been childhood friends with Roxy, who had long ago tried to get Y/n to join the agency. When faced with her friend’s death, she wanted to honor her wishes, even if this wish was a little, well, extreme.
He only sighed in response to Y/n, tapping the side of his thick rimmed glasses twice.
Y/n’s eyes followed his hands as he did so, enjoying what she was seeing a great amount. She bit her bottom lip subconsciously, losing all focus that was there to begin with.
“Lancelot? Lancelot? For fucks sake, Y/n!”
She snapped her head up, her eyes becoming magnified even further through the faux tortoise shell glasses that Unwin would never admit framed her face wonderfully.
No, not a chance.
He wouldn’t dare even let the thought about how the soft skin of her freckled nose looked even more kissable, her eyes even more full of depth and wonder, or how kind and sweet she looked when she tucked a stray strand of hair away from her face. All because of the damned glasses. Never.
So rather, he settled for pointing over to where the subject of their stakeout was now standing, gun in hand as he conversed with one of his comrades.
But although her body followed his, listening to his directions, most of the information was going in one ear out the other, her brilliant mind occupied by a certain agent and his endeavors.
She was hard in thought, wondering about names of all things. A simple subject, easy to address, you would think. But apparently it was not so, not at all.
You see, Eggsy never had called Y/n by her name. It was always either “Lancelot”, or “Agent”, Y/n only being used for the exception of if he needed to quickly grab her attention.
And on the flip side, she was never allowed to call him anything other than Galahad. Agent was sparse, it put her on very thin ice, close to splitting at any second with no prior notice.
Now obviously, with Y/n being Y/n, she was determined to crack his rough exterior, despite however much he presented himself as “unbreakable”. (His words, not hers.) So, much to his displeasure, she often called out a quick “Oi, Unwin!”, or a “Jesus, Eggsy!” whenever he got in her way, which usually resulted in a similar distasteful glance to what she was recieving now being shot in her direction.
“Alright, Eggsy, I’m thinking that his partner is-“ She used her glasses X-Ray feature, confirming her suspicions. “The partner is in the abandoned pharmacy across the street, should we wait or go now?” He was silent, staring straight ahead, scrutinizing nothing in particular with a stare that was set in stone. 
She whistled lowly, waving a hand in front of his face.
“Lancelot, would you shut the hell up! Don’t fucking call me that!” He stood up, leaving a vulnerable feeling Y/n in his wake.
Y/n’s jaw was suddenly like it was wired shut. She was paralyzed, unable to speak, only keeping her gaze fixated on Galahad.
“Look, I’m sorry-“
“Yeah, well good, then! When will you ever learn, we’re not friends, nor will we ever be. Get it through you’re fuckin’ head. It’s like you think you’re Roxy or some shit-“
Sadness and guilt turned to anger rather quickly for Y/n at his unfortunate choice of words.
“Stop it! Would you please, just stop it! For fucks sake!” Her voice was harsh, something he never would had never expected out of Y/n. Tears sprung into her eyes, and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, no doubt drawing crimson liquid in the process. She tasted iron on her tongue, feeling it seep into her taste buds.
“Fucking hell, shut the fuck up! Really, please, Galahad, listen to me, for once in your life.” She was the one who shot up, inching closer to him with every word. The sticks and leaves crunched under her feet, causing her to cringe at the sound, hoping it didn’t alert the targets.
He nodded solemnly, his jaw locking up, and his hands she had been admiring only seconds before clamped into fists at his sides.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, Harry’s words of “remember your training” ringing through her head. She internally began chanting it like a mantra of sorts.
But if she was being honest, she couldn't quite remember a chapter in the Kingsman handbook (that she most definitely did read during training) that talked about emotional distress due to your coworker who you’re extremely attracted to calling you only by your dead best friend's name, but hey, who knows.
“I know I'm not Roxy. Nobody else could ever be Roxy. I know that, you know that, hell, she knew that. And I would say that you have no idea how it feels to be reminded of one of your closest friends who is dead every time someone calls you by a name that feels as if it isn’t your own, but you do, Galahad. Or you did. But now Harry is back and- and Roxy, well Roxy is gone!”
A single tear slipped out of her left eye. The agent in front of her felt a strong urge wipe away the tears he now felt guilty for playing a large part in. But he resisted, his hands remaining stuck to his side.
“So why would you do this? Say these things, act this way, when you know I have to live every day with you for some reason calling me Lancelot in every situation and me having to call you Galahad all the same! Maybe I shouldn’t have stepped up to be Lancelot when Roxy was killed, if I can’t handle it, can’t handle the dehumanization that comes with only being known as an emotionless fuckin’ agent to you.” 
She stopped, hanging her head. She looked over to the flickering neon lights of the pharmacy, watching the outlines of the targets move around.
“I honestly have no idea if any of that made sense, or if I’m just rambling, I don’t fucking have the slightest idea what the fuck I’m even doing anymore.” Her voice got significantly more quiet, her sentences reduced to mumbles.
Aside from the target and his partners yelling at each other, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
His usually stern tone he took with the girl was softer now as he spoke, “You made perfect sense.”
She gave him a half smile before continuing, feeling oddly validated by his words. 
“But what I’m trying to say, Galahad, is that I’m a fucking human being. I have a life outside of this Godforsaken job, and-and emotions, too! I mean, I might even have kids that you don’t know about!”
He internally rolled his eyes, yet again fighting another urge, this time to smile widely at Y/n. Weird.
“Do you have kids I don’t know about-“
“Of course I don’t!”
They shared a short laugh as their words overlapped, harmonizing in a sweet way, their voices like thick and golden honey. Weird.
The two were then succumbed to a blanket of comfortable silence, but only for a short moment before the hushed whispers of Unwin’s voice were heard.
“D’you wanna know why?”
Y/n cocked her head, beckoning him to go on with whatever it was he was going to say. “Why what?”
“Why I only call you Lancelot, why I don’t let you call me Eggsy.”
She nodded, sitting down once more and tucking her leg under her chin in a manner that Eggsy found endearing and adorable. It distracted him slightly, but not long enough for his starry eyed staring to become creepy. Not that Y/n would have it in her capacity to ever think that of him, if she was being honest.
“If I start to think of you as ‘Y/n’, rather than Lancelot things get too real. If you hurt, o-or if you get kidnapped, or God forbid- die.” He momentarily paused, looking up to meet Y/n’s eyes.
“It would make it all too real. I can’t do that, Y/n. After what happened to Harry and then Roxy, and everyone else,” he shook his head, his expression showing him close to crying at the thought of what he was speaking of.
“I can’t lose you too.”
It was like her soul had become visibly lighter, feeling an unimaginable relief flood throughout her system at his proclamation. She was able to come down from her, so to say, “high” almost as soon as she had started it, placing her hands on his, using them as leverage to pull herself up.
“You can’t be so afraid, Galahad. You gotta, you know,” she shrugged, offering him a small smile.
“Live a little.” She moved to look down to meet his eyes where his head was suspended in shame, forcing him to look back up.
“And also, try not to let your fear turn you into a dick, which is by all means just a suggestion.” Y/n laughed at the last bit, smiling and glancing to the side slightly.
They both shared a second laugh together, and it seemed as if for a short while, time stopped. It was just the two of them, features illuminated by the pale moonlight. No target, no saving the world, nothing. Just them. 
So he reached forward, unsure if what he was doing was the right thing, just like always. The damn question of righteousness was engrained in his brain, restricting him like it did majority of the time. But for once, he decided to disregard it in it’s entirety.
So throwing all caution to the wind, unable to contain himself any longer, he closed the small gap left between the two, connecting their lips in a long awaited kiss.
One of his hands flew to the side of her face, the other wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer with a squeal. He laughed into the union, and she only smiled. One of her hands went to entangle itself with his on her waist, the other resting on his shoulder.
She could smell his cologne that he most definitely should not have been wearing per Kingsman on the job regulations, and welcomed the scent, doing her best to commit it to memory, a permanent reminder of what it felt like to be so close to the man.
After what seemed like a long time (but never long enough, honestly) they pulled away, panting for breath. Their foreheads rested on each other’s, the cool night air flowing around them, calming the pair completely.
Still struggling to catch his breath, Eggsy reached forward, taking both of her hands. He ran small circles over her knuckles in a way that made her heart flutter, before dropping them gently, reaching a hand out.
“Let's start over.”
She giggled and widely grinned, and he swore it was becoming his favorite thing in existence when she would do either of those wondrous things.
“Come on, put her there.” He shook his hand slightly making a silly face as well, widening his eyes and looking back and forth from his hand and her face. She placed it in his, proudly smirking as she did so. Their shiny rings clanged, which resulted in another small giggle errupting from her throat.
 He shook it back and forth, a sly smile painting itself on his lips. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Eggsy Unwin.”
She quirked an eyebrow, retracting her hand momentarily, letting it linger in the air.
“Eggsy, hmm? Bit of an odd name, don’t you think?”
He scoffed, placing his hand over his heart in false offense.
“Well if it’s so bad, what’s yours then?”
“Y/n Y/l/n.”
He looked to his feet momentarily, lifting his hands on either side of his head. “I digress, you win.”
She bit her bottom lip again, wincing as she hit the same spot from before. She ran her tongue over it, breathing out quickly.
“I’m not so sure. I think Eggsy is growing on me.”
“Is that so?”
They smiled at each other like lovesick teenagers, still lost within the moment.
And although the bubble of ignorant bliss they were in was something the two of them never wanted to leave, it was sadly inevitable that it would be popped at some point in time.
And almost like an alarm to wake them up from a beautiful dream, gunfire was able to be heard ringing throughout the building across the way.
They pulled apart with a groan coming from Y/n, and a “For fucks sake” from Eggsy. With displeasure lacing their expressions, they began to run towards the pharmacy when Y/n felt a hand tug at her wrist.
“Y/n wait!”
Her eyes widened as she looked at him as if he was a mad man, only slowing to a backwards jog. She gestured around her to the burst of red and orange explosions that were now going off around her, screaming “What?!”
He sprinted to catch up with her forcing her to come to a complete stop with a firm hold on her shoulders.
“Eggsy, come on! Lets go- Ah!”
He cut her off with a firm kiss, gripping the sides of her head, scrunching his fingers in her hair. She let a small moan slip out at the feeling, which he responded to by chuckling. He then pulled away, a shit eating grin written on his face. 
She stood in shock, unable to move from her place. He started running, turning over his shoulder.
“Come on, Y/n, keep up!”
Not focusing on where he was going, he tripped over himself, letting out a small yell of surprise. Y/n laughed loudly, going to chase after him with a miniscule shake of her head at his antics.
But nonetheless, the only thing going through Y/n’s mind during that situation that should have been horrifying, was that maybe she was wrong all this time.
Romance and espionage did go well together, especially when it was with Y/n and Eggsy.
hello!!! so this was a multi-fandom account to begin with anyways so honestly i feel like i should start a seperate masterlist for “hj’s hyperfixations”. but yah this was my first fic for him and idk if i’ll do another but i hope u enjoyed this! also it’s my bday tomorrow (sept 7th) so this is a self indulgent fic. as a treat. ok love u bye!
xx hj
also avery asked me to tag her so @spideyspencer​ LMAO i’m so sorry for this mess.
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rhaenyratargeryn · 4 years
Exit Wounds (Cyberpunk 2077)
Pairing: Takemura Goro x (female) V Rating: Mature Summary: When his plans for revenge fail, V and Takemura are left right where they once started. A dying thief and a disgraced soldier, with as much in common as they lack and an improbable bond that holds them to one another. Notes: Post-Canon, Nomad ending. Spoilers for post-game! Read on AO3
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They’d picked up a tail somewhere around the border. Whomever it was, they were skillful and cautious, but even still the Aldecaldos were able to lose them in a sandstorm across the Mojave. After a few weeks, it seemed that maybe they had even died out there in the hot sands.
Panam had taken V to a few experts along their trail, people who had done work for the family but so far, there had been little more than additional pills to take. She was swallowing a pharmacy every morning just to keep blood out of her mouth, but the worst of the seizures were under control and well— there was still time. Six months Alt had said, but maybe more. One had already passed and V felt better. 
Well. Physically at least. 
Inside her head things had changed, for better or for worse, was an academic argument that V hadn’t the time to ponder. She had, god forbid it, gotten used to having Silverhand in her head. The lack of Johnny’s familiar presence in her mind had left a strange sort of… loneliness in her. A feeling that wouldn’t leave her, a gnawing sensation that something was missing.
She had Johnny’s memories still and her own of him, though it did little to console her. She sat on the dusty fender of one of the trucks, rubbing a smudge from Johnny’s aviators, one of the handful of tangible mementos she kept of the old rocker. The sun above was already searing hot, the heat like a burn on the back of V’s neck.
“How far out did you spot um?” Mitch’s voice cut through her thoughts and V squinted against the bright daylight up at the two younger nomad drivers, Fiona and Tiger. They’d been sent out on a water run, returning from the nearest town several miles out with gallons full to keep the Aldecaldos going further across the desert.
“Cut us off. Started a fire fight. It was fuckin’ dicey, Mitch. We got lucky. Fiona clipped him and then his hood. Whole ride started smoking and then died under him.”
“Was it Arasaka?” V asked, replacing the aviators over her eyes.
Tiger and Fiona shared looks and then with a tentative nod, Fiona answered in the affirmative.
“We think so. He moved like a damn one man army, even with how fucked up he seemed.”
“Fucked up?”
“The guy was a monster, but it was like… I dunno. Like he was hurt?”
“Never corner a wounded animal…” Panam offered cryptically from where she sat alongside V, shooting her a worried look.
“Wounded animals got nothin’ to lose,” V said in agreement, then got up with a sigh, “You said you shot him? His car broke down too?”
“Yeah, probably right where we left um… you want us to go back, Panam? Make sure he dropped?”
“I’ll tag along. Hitch over with you both.” V said, Panam frowning at the suggestion, “I could jack in, find out what info he has got. I know Arasaka, Panam, I’m the best to check it out.”
“You don’t need my permission, V—”
Panam scowled, turning her eyes to the other Aldecaldos and jerking her head to the side in a silent scram. They left, Mitch stayed, crossing his arms.
“The guy is toast. Why not just leave him?” Panam said, a sigh in her throat, “I dunno. I don’t like this, V. Arasaka hasn’t made a peep since we left. Thought we were keeping under the radar…”
“Clearly not.” Mitch said with a shrug, “And he might be toast. Or he mighta had back up. He might be on his way back to the NC to give up our location. We should make sure he is flatlined, if anything.”
Panam was the head of the family now, her word given final weight of law, but more often than not they had worked together as a sort of “council”. Panam was still getting used to Saul’s absence, an empty void that no one attempted to fill, because no one could ever do so. She looked to V and Mitch for guidance and right now it was obvious in the way she worried her bottom lip and flashed a look up and down V that she wished Mitch had agreed with her.
“You’ll keep outta trouble?” Panam said and V couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“I’m already dyin’, what other shenanigans could I get up to?”
Panam scoffed, clearly not liking the answer.
“Ugh, just be safe! Come back in one piece... or this shitty ass trip has been for nothin’.”
This was what having a family was all about though. Caring. Scolding. And now that she had it, V wouldn’t trade it for anything. Not for all the eddies and fame in Night City.
“Be back soon then.” V said, meeting back up with Fiona and Tiger with a short wave behind her.
It wasn’t a long drive to the spot where they had tangled with the possible Arasaka soldier and that actually genuinely worried V. They’d gotten close. Too close.
“There it is, can you see?” Fiona said, pointing her cigarette towards the ever larger growing mass of grey smoke.
“Pull off up here… Fiona, you stay with the car and I’ll take Tiger with me. You hear shots or us hollerin’ you peel outta here and go get the others, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. Got it.” Fiona flicked ash unto the sand as she pulled the car up slowly to the patch of dried red earth, hidden in the shadow of a high rock and threw the gear into park.
Tiger followed V out, his rifle at the ready as he hung back a few steps. V had Johnny’s— no, her pistol. It was strange how well it fit in her hand, a perfectly balanced weapon that she loaded and readied with the familiarity of one who had used it for years, not a few weeks.
The remnants of the enemy jeep were still burning, fire crackling faintly from beneath the blackened and smoke streaked hood. The thing was already doomed before it took a few good shots to the metal, the paint peeling from the sides everywhere from overexposure to sunlight and rough sands. It was a junker, not exactly the kind of thing an Arasaka soldier would drive.
V came up around the drivers side while Tiger kept back, rifle ready for longshots. No one seemed to be in the car. V checked the handle with the back of her hand, feeling only the heat from the sun on it. She opened it quickly, hand going back to hold her pistol ready as she checked the passenger seat and back. 
No one.
Frowning, she noticed blood on the driver’s seat, smeared across the old cracked leather. The trail continued on the ground, darkening the already caked red dirt with splotches. Any rations or water the truck held were taken and whomever was driving had begun to walk, following the tire tracks Fiona and Tiger had originally left behind.
V felt her blood run cold as the depth of her mistake fell on her.
“Tiger! Turn ‘round, get back to Fiona!”
“W-what?” the young man sputtered, gun up and ready as the panic in V’s voice clearly showed through.
“Get back to the damn car!”
V broke out in a run, leaving him behind as she tried not to let her heart surge with panic. Her eyes caught the blood trail on the ground… making its way to the same rock, the only place of shade, where they had parked the car.
By the time V was back in the shadow of the dark rock formation, her fear was confirmed.
Fiona was out of the car, her eyes wide and fearful and her hands behind her head as the man behind her pointed a gun to her temple.
A man whose cold, mechanical grey eyes cut right through V’s chest and threatened to suck the breath from her lungs.
Takemura’s lips twitched into a smile that was more sneer than anything. Surprise registering just for a moment on his features, or maybe it was more like shock.
“The very woman I have been looking for.”
Tiger had been right. Takemora was a mess. Even without the gunshot wound bleeding sluggishly at his side, his usual immaculate bun was loosened, strands falling across his sun-scorched face, darkening his already warm complexion with deep reds.
He was indeed a wounded animal, a wounded wolf, snarling and ready to take its prey with it to the grave.
V brought her hands up, holding her pistol out and quickly ejecting the clip and then the bullet in the chamber. Carefully, she set the pistol on the ground.
“A wise choice.” Takemura said, accepting her silent surrender.
“Let her go, Goro.”
“You insult me.” he spat, Fiona crying out as his grip tightened and jerked at the back of her neck.
“Fine! Fine— Takemura. Let her go. You came out here for me, yeah? Don’t need the kid.”
“What is one more life to you, V? You already have so many to answer for.” Takemura said, but despite his words, his grip relented on Fiona, “I am here only for one. One that mattered most…”
Takemura took the gun from Fiona’s belt, tossing it far off into the dirt before shoving Fiona away from him dispassionately.
“Do not move.” was all he said to Fiona, his eyes never leaving V’s. Takemura staggered forward. He tried not to let the pain show, but it was obvious he had lost too much blood. He wouldn’t survive that wound without help, but something in his eyes made V think… he didn’t intend to.
V didn’t run, didn’t even struggle as he reached out and grabbed her throat with a hand, sticky with dried blood. He dragged her in close, close enough that she could smell the smoke on his clothes and feel the heat of his breath.
A quiet seemed to come over him, an almost peaceful stillness. His eyes were half lidded as he looked down at her, his hand moving to hold the back of her neck more gently, almost in an embrace as the other held the pistol close to her head.
“... you should have left me to die that da-”
Takemura’s words were cut off with a strangled cry of pain as Tiger’s rifle thundered and a shot grazed over his shoulder and tore fabric and flesh from him. The impact was enough to throw Takemura off balance, giving V enough time to force him back onto the ground, scrambling for the pistol in his hand.
It was a dirty fight— more of a scuffle than anything as blood loss and dehydration seemingly had already sapped the former Arasaka bodyguard of much of his strength. V did him the favor of knocking him across the head with the butt of his pistol before he could get up and risk another shot from Tiger. Somehow, V felt the younger man wouldn’t miss the second time around.
Tiger clamored down from the rockface, rifle still up and ready for another shot.
“No! He’s down!” V hovered over Takemura, shielding him from Tiger’s barrel.
“I missed um, V! Fucker still breathing.”
Fiona had scrambled up from the dirt, rubbing away the clean spots where her tears had made trails down her cheeks.
“Yeah and he’s gonna stay that way, alright? Just… just check on Fiona and get the damn car going. We’re taking him back to camp.”
“V, what? No. No, no way. We can’t take some Arasaka spy back with us!”
“He ain’t Arasaka.” V said behind clenched teeth, straining to haul up the dead weight of her former partner in crime, “Eh… hey, help me here will ya?”
Tiger stared, dumbfounded as his rifle went lax in his hands.
“Look, we need to know what he knows. We can do that better somewhere safe and with him not leaking to death so help me get him in the damn car.”
If V had thought Tiger and Fiona put up a fuss on the drive back, she had not fully imagined how Panam would react. V wondered to herself if Saul had ever yelled at Panam this way before, because it certainly matched the kind of ferocity she had seen between the pair.
“Are you listening to me, V?!”
How could you miss it?
V’s inner voice, which sometimes still sounded a lot like one Mr. Silverhand, provided in his deadpan voice. It was an imagined voice, but it still brought a smile to her lips as V let herself indulge in the fantasy that he remained with her.
“Jesus… completely ignoring me. V. You brought an Arasaka spy to the camp. We can’t let him go now! Our best bet is to put two in his skull and burying him in a sand drift and hope his friends don’t come looking!”
“No one is gonna come lookin’, Panam. He’s former Arasaka. Outcasted. Exiled— whatever you wanna call it. He doesn’t got any back up. They don’t even know he is here and would kill him as surely they would any of us.” V said, leaning back in one of the camp’s creaky metal folding chairs.
Even in the firelight it was easy to see the lack of faith in Panam’s expression as she paced around the firepit, raking her hands roughly over her face.
“Former Arsaka, current Arasaka. Shit, V, you think that matters? I got a half dead highly trained killer in this camp who wants to off you.”
V shrugged.
“Oh my god, you are impossible!”
“I’m the only one he is a danger to, so I don’t know why—”
“Do not finish that sentence. You know damn well why.”
Still managing to piss off everyone, I see. Fucked off to the furthest outer reaches of the net and Johnny’s words still somehow played in her head. 
“Sorry.” V said with a grumble, resting all four legs of the chair back to the ground, “He might know something. And if he does or doesn’t, we can just patch him up and drop him at the nearest town.”
“Oh, yeah. Real nice, V. So he can come after us again?”
“I’m not gonna kill him.”
Panam sighed— well. It was more like a half assed hoarse yell from the back of her throat, but V thought she meant it as a sigh.
“... they manage to fix him up at all?”
“Yeah… yeah it looks like he had one shot of Bounce Back left. Kept him from flatlining when he took that hit to the side. He was already healin’ up. Bullet was through and through. Tiger only managed to graze him. Kid got nervous or else your old friend wouldn’t have a face right now.”
Panam crossed her arms, still fidgeting from side to side.
“That ain’t even his worst problems. Guy probably hasn’t eaten in days and his water ran out long off too. This… well. I don’t think he was planning on going back to NC.”
After a moment, V stood, rubbing both hands up behind her neck and then back down with a groan.
“I don’t think so either.”
“You… gonna see him?”
“You got him restrained?”
“Yeah, V. He’s in and out. Was delirious for a bit, but they managed to get some water in him. V… he’s in a bad way.”
“...s’my fault.” V said, words a half mumble, “You heard on the radio. Our plan got Hanako Arasaka killed. I… didn’t want that, but Alt had her own plans, ya know? Christ, at the time I didn’t even think to know, I was just trying to keep alive.”
Panam shook her head, “We lost people too. Saul. Teddy. Bob. … fuck, nearly lost more. You didn’t know Alt was going to stage a hostile god damn take over. He can’t blame you.”
“He will.” V said, her voice quiet, “I… I’ll try to talk to him. At least keep him from doing anything stupid thinking we got plans to flatline him.”
“Yeah, just… be careful, V. Like I said. The sun does weird bullshit to your head out in this place.”
V only nodded, gripping Panam’s shoulder just briefly as she passed towards the tent where they were keeping Takemura.
Two armed nomads were outside the tent while another two had been inside while Tom, a former ripperdoc and current nomad senior, had worked on Takemura. The three had left to give V some space, but the other guards remained outside nearby.
Takemura was laid out on one of the cots, his ruined shirt cut and stripped from him, leaving him bare from the waist up except where bandages were wrapped tightly around his middle and then up around his shoulder and back. V had always seen the exposed trace of chrome that wrapped around his neck and along his jaw, but now she could see where cyberware traced across his bare arms and lined one side of his ribs. Their purpose, V couldn’t say, and most likely, they didn’t work anymore given Takemura’s burned status with Arasaka.
The rest of his body was, at least by appearances, organic. Smooth olive complected skin over toned muscle. Takemura’s face gave away his age. The lines on his forehead and around his mouth indicated years of deep thinking… or deep scowling, but otherwise he had kept himself at peak condition. A work requirement no doubt of being a top Arasaka bodyguard.
His breathing was sharp, but steady enough. His eyes were closed, but a grimace rested permanently across his features even in sleep.
V pulled up a chair, turning it backwards as she straddled it and leaned her arms against the back frame.
“... you look like shit, man.” she said, not expecting an answer. She didn’t get one either, not a vocal one. Instead she got the faint clatter of metal against metal as Takemura moved and the cuffs holding his arms to the bed rattled against the frame.
She had flinched at the sound, embarrassing herself.
His eyes opened, the pale grey like moonlight slicing through darkened clouds. He looked hazy, drugged up… his eyes looked over at her with only the vaguest recognition.
“... V?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“I am… not dead. A dissapointment.”
“Sorry— you were hoping we’d put two in your head while you slept?”
Takemura made a gruff sound that V took as an affirmative.
“Would have made it easier.”
“Uh huh, you know they got hotlines for this kinda thing.”
Takemura groaned, “I remember. You said same thing in Night City.”
“I’m sure someone in camp would be happy to help you out if you try shooting me again.”
Takemura went silent at that, turning his eyes upwards towards the top of the tent with a deep frown. Like he was remembering something he had, for a moment, forgotten.
“I will kill you, V. For what has been done.”
“I didn’t have anything to do with Hana-”
“You insult her by speaking her name.” his voice was harsh, pain straining the words as he tried to sit up and found himself unable to bear his wounds.
“...I’m sorry, Takemura. I didn’t— it wasn’t— I didn’t want anyone to get hurt… I was dying. Like literally in that moment fucking flatlining. I did what I had to try and sever that relic from my head and… and that AI did what she wanted.”
“You let it in. It turned systems against Arasaka. Hanako-sama— Hanako-sama was shredded by hacked mech units. Beyond recognition! And you tell me you didn’t know? You knew it would be nothing good.”
“... when I was there, when Alt took over… she was only attacking soldiers who attacked us. I don’t know what happened with Hanako-sama, but—”
“And now I have told you what happened to Hanako-sama.” Takemura said, his words clipped, “Get out— better still, let me die having done my duty.”
V swallowed thickly, rolling her lips together before she said quietly, “I’m not gonna do that.” 
Takemura did not respond. He shut his eyes, as if he refused to even give V the dignity of looking at them. His brow was tight, pained and yet still grimly determined. 
There were things she still needed to ask him— did Arasaka know where he was? Did he still plan to bide his time and kill her? V felt her heart throb at the very idea that this man who she had trusted, had worked with, had saved her… now utterly hated her.
He had sent her one message after she had left Night City, standing among the rubble and ruin of Arasaka Tower.
Rot in hell, クソ野郎.
In all honesty, the way he had spoken, the things he said… well, she hadn’t expected to hear or see him again. V had done with that knowledge what she did with most things… hit delete on the message and then buried it in the back of her thoughts with Jackie and the other countless people she had let down. These things were all just part of the sins she figured she would pay for in six months when her body finally succeeded in killing itself. A part of her had even wondered if the agony of that, the pain of each seizure, the waking exhaustion, nausea and memory loss… if her suffering could tip those scales even the slightest. Make it even. 
Just another fairy-tale dream. Johnny’s voice scoffed in her imagination.
Maybe suicide was still his intention, but it was obvious now to V the means of that demise had changed. Takemura couldn’t get Yorinobu now, but he could get her. The one who had promised to help him gain his revenge and then denied it for him forever.
V stood and quietly left through the tent flap, barely giving an appreciative nod to the guards out front as she staggered off to her own tent, feeling sick from the faint throb that had begun to pulse in the back of her neck… from regret. From guilt.
Her vision cut, lines of static racing across her sight and making shapes turn into nothing more than incomprehensible blurs. V felt the world shift and jerk from side to side, the ground rising up to meet her as she tripped over her own feet and fell with a thud to the dirt.
Even laying there, voices of alarm tuned out and far away, faces blurred and unidentifiable, V could feel the churning turning sensation as the Earth spun slowly through space. Falling, through silent cold space.
Like Jackie, like T-Bug. Like Johnny.
Like all the dead that had come before her. 
Breathing deeply, V curled her fingers into the red sand, and held on.
Not yet, V. Not yet.
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slvtbible · 5 years
yours, mine and ours
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summary: your former partner left you during your pregnancy then after four months you met Harry, who took care of you and the baby. years later an unwanted guest shows up at your house at night
a/n: hiii! i was bored and realized i haven’t written in a looong time. GOLD is still in the making, don’t worry. but lately i’m a sucker for dad!harry so here it is! if it sucks i’m sorry, i’m a little rusty after not writing for a while. nevertheless hope you all enjoy it! give me feedbacks after! xx
Back in college, you met whom you thought was the love of your life. It all started when he asked to borrow a pen from biology class and had asked you out shortly after to hang out with him. You were inseparable ever since. You two had begun dating for over two years and the thought of being with someone else new didn’t even cross your mind back then, the two of you were too in love. Even your friends were getting sick of it. He had treated you with love and respect, your family loved him and vice versa. The thought of getting married had always been a conversation between the two of you and you were so sure of it. 
But your future fairy tale had ended when you found out you were pregnant. You woke up with a headache before fleeing towards the bathroom and threw up on a toilet bowl. When you bought a pregnancy test from the nearest pharmacy to make sure, you were terrified but at the same time delighted that you were pregnant. You thought that Brian would feel the same way as well when you broke the news to him. Instead, his face fell. He was angry and upset, asking you how could you be so stupid to let something like that happened. He wasn’t ready at all. He loved you but he wasn’t ready. His priority was now his work and he’d be damned to let a baby ruin that for him. At least that’s what he said.
You were broken and disappointed when he left. The whole thing was frightening you. How on earth could you possibly take care of your own baby alone? Your family lived in a different city and although you have friends who care about you, they still have their own lives to deal. It was crazy and you were losing your mind. 
Then you met Harry. A sweet, shy yet gentle loving man who adores you. You two met at a supermarket. You were craving for a yoghurt and had no one else to ask to buy it except yourself, although your feet were tiring and your back was hurting it must have been done. Harry was nearby when you were struggling to grab the item due to the height. He walked over to you and helped you by giving it to you. He was so sweet and kind plus he was a sucker for pregnant women, he loves babies. 
For twenty minutes the two of you were talking and had shared a few stories here and there, it felt really really good. It has been a while since you talked to people other than your mother and your best friend, Janice. He was telling you how he loved coming back to this city because LA had always been such a pressure to him and he needed to get away from all of that. When he learned that your former partner had abandoned you while you were carrying a child, he was angry yet he remained calm on the outside. How could anyone hurt a gorgeous woman like you and left his own baby because of his selfish needs? How?
And that’s when he asked you out to go to lunch, he promised himself to take good care of you and be there for you whenever you needed something.
Now, here you are at twenty five years old, working at a local hospital and has a two year old daughter along with your beautiful fiance. You feel so happy to be with two people that you love more than anything in this world. Nothing could ever replace them.
“Mommy look! I drew unicorn!” Your daughter, Bella squeals. Excitedly showing you her drawing full of purple and pink color. She is honestly the cutest baby you have ever seen.
You smile down at her as you are preparing for dinner, wiping down your hands on your apron. “Wow baby! You’re really good, aren’t you my little artist? Why don’t you show it to daddy when he gets home?” You lean down and kisses her chubby cheek,
She giggles and nods her head before running off to the living room to draw some more. You go back to put a few utensils on the table when you hear the front door open,
“I’m home! How’s my two beautiful girls doing?” Harry walks in with a huge grin on his face. Work has always been so stressful for him but knowing that he gets to see his girls at the end of the day always turns his frown upside down,
“Daddy!” Bella squeals, running quickly towards his tall broad figure and hugs his leg as she laughs, “You home!”
Harry’s smile is even wider now, lifting his leg up before grabbing her small body and holding her close to his chest. “How are you my baby angel? Were you being good to mumma while I was out?”
Bella nods, wrapping her tiny hands around his neck. “Missed you daddy. I drew unicorn! Daddy see!”
Harry smiles and kisses his baby girl’s cheek and puts her down. “Really? You did? Go and get it then, pumpkin” he says, petting her head before she walks off,  excited to show her daddy. After he sees her rushes towards the living room, he turns towards the dining room, seeing you place the home cooked meal. The sight of your hair up in a messy bun and dirty apron causes his heart to swell, you may think you look absolutely ridiculous at the moment but to him, you still look beautiful as ever.
“Hi, lovie” He greets you, wrapping his arm around your waist and kisses your temple. “I’ve missed you at work today.”
You look up to him and give him a warm smile that he always adores, pecking his soft lips. “Hi, H. How was your day?” You ask, untying your apron before putting it down on the counter,
Harry lets out a frustrated sigh, giving you a weary smile. “Better now that i’m home with you. Couldn’t wait to get home to see my two favorite girls. Was pretty bored.”
“Mhmm, i’ve missed you too. I switched my shift with Maya today so no night shifts for me, I get to spend time with you and Bella.” you say, heart warms when he pulls you closer and pecks your forehead, taking your hand as the two of you walk towards the living room
“Finally. Bella has been dying to watch Toy Story 4 with us. Said she doesn’t wanna watch it alone with me, wants her momma too.” He says, pulling off his coat before placing it on the couch. His eyes then turn to your daughter, whose hands are busy grabbing all of the drawings she created. “Are those it, baby?” he asks, kneeling down to her level,
She gives him a toothy smile and gives the papers to him. “Look daddy! This one for you!”
Harry’s heart warms at her statement, gasping slightly as he takes the paper from her little hands. “Oh really? Thank you so much, baby! Daddy will keep it forever!”
Bella giggles and pecks Harry on his cheek before moving her tiny legs towards you. “Mommy, pee.” she says, her big brown eyes looking up to you as she tugs your pants,
You laugh before picking her up. “Okay baby. Harry, love, can you please take the lasagna from the oven please? And go place it on the table. We’ll eat right after Bella takes her potty.”
Harry gets up and nods his head, “Sure thing, bub.” He walks back into the kitchen, taking out the lasagna from the oven and nearly waters at the smell. You sure really know how to cook.
“God, i’m a lucky son of a bitch.” He mutters, smiling softly and places the food on the table. As he struts his way towards the living room to wait for you, he hears a knock on the door. He frowns, looking at the clock noticing it is almost 7pm and wonders who could it be. He doesn’t think you or him called anyone.
The knocks don't even stop, so he slowly makes his way to the front door before grabbing a bat just in case it was a stalker or worse.
He unlocks the door and the sight causes him to almost fall on his knees. He doesn’t even need to ask who he is. He knows exactly who’s the bloke.  The same man who broke your heart years ago, left you with a baby to take care of and had made you fear of falling in love again because the trauma was unbearable. 
Seeing this man standing there and all Harry sees is a picture of you breaking down to tears, blaming yourself for what happened and wishes that you could be good enough for this son of a bitch. He sees red. But he needs to remain calm and collected or else this could go downhill.
Brian is startled, seeing Harry open the door is unexpected. He thought that it was you instead. “Uhh, does y/n lives here?”
Harry crosses his arms, clenching his jaw. How could this asshole even dares to say her name?
“Yes. Can I help you?” Harry asks, leaning against the door frame. Struggling not to kick his ass.
“I uh kinda need to talk to her mate. It’s kind of important.” Brian says, shoving his hands inside his jacket,
“You’ve lost that privilege a long time ago. She doesn’t wanna see you. Get out.” Harry demands. There is no way in hell, Harry would let this man talk to you. Even for a slight second.
Brian scoffs, “look man, you think you know about our relationship but you don’t, now can you go get me y/n? I’m not leaving until I see her.”
“Get off my property before I call the police.” Harry threatens, clenching his fists. He is absolutely ready to throw a punch if he doesn’t leave,
Brian is about to say something back to him, that is after you walk back and call out Harry’s name making the two men freeze,
“Harry? Who’s that on the door?” you question, putting down Bella on her playpen. Your heart stops beating for a couple seconds, you swear it, soon as you see who’s on the front door. 
“Brian?” you squeak, lips beginning to tremble. You cannot believe he found out where you live and had the guts to stop by. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi, y/n” Brian greets awkwardly, seeing you walking closer to the front door. Harry sees how your demeanor changed in a sec. That’s how much this Brian guy had made you suffer and he can’t accept that.
“Just came to say hi.”
“Say hi?” you ask beginning to get mad, tears fill your eyes as he smiles softly at you. “You left me with a baby, alone. You blamed me for everything that has happened and you thought that it was okay to stop by and say ‘hi’?”
Harry breaks when he sees you like that, your voice cracks. You were being just fine, already forgot this bloke for what he did to you and now he showed up years later to ruin that.
“Baby..” Harry starts,
“I know i’m so sorry but i am here to let you know that i’m a changed man. I still love you all these years. I was wrong to leave you with the baby. I’m … ready to be a father to our baby. Ready to be with you again. I promise i won’t ever leave your side again, love.” Brian says, eyes never leaving hers.
For a second, Harry’s face fell. He’s very much upset with it. With this Brian guy. The word ‘father’ coming from his mouth is just like a stab to Harry’s heart. A father?! Brian was never the father and never will be! Harry is! He loves Bella and treats her like his own daughter--because she is!-- and no one could ever replace that. 
“It’s a she” Harry butts in, glaring at him. Gently pushing y/n behind him because he can no longer see her breaks,
“What?” asks Brian dumbfounded,
“The baby is a girl. And she is not yours. She’s maybe your blood but i’m the one who’s been taking care of her, i’m the one who loves her, i’m the one who helped y/n throughout her pregnancy and i was the one who’s there when y/n gave a birth. You are not her father but I am.” Harry says, stepping forward, chest to chest with Brian.
Somehow, brian doesn’t see Harry as a threat, instead he laughs. “Call yourself whatever you want but that’s MY daughter. And I am ready to be there for her, both of them. That’s my family inside not yours.” Brian seethes. 
Harry can no longer express his anger because he was too hurt. So he pushes Brian and sternly says, “Get out.”
However Brian isn’t finished, he has something else to say but that soon cut off when you interfere,
“Get the hell out of here, Brian. You are not welcome.” you snap, feeling yourself might break down,
“y/n please…”
“No!” you yell completely exhausted by now, “get out now!” you threaten, ready to close the door.
Brian looks at her for a while to see whether she could change her mind but noticing that she won’t, he scoffs, shaking his head and back away from her before walking back to his car and driving away.
you sigh out and walk back inside the house before closing the door. Soon as you walk back in, you see your fiance standing in the middle of the living room with his head hanging down and his hands on his hips. You can tell that what happened has upset him. He is close to crying and you can’t help but feel your heart breaks at the sight.
“Harry, baby..” you call out, walking towards him and standing in front of him. Putting your finger under his chin and making him look at you. Your eyes sadden as you see his eyes beginning to get glossy. “He’s gone, baby. He left. It’s okay.”
Harry sniffles and nods his head as he looks at you. “It’s just.. I love Bella and you. He’s not her father but I am. She’s OUR baby not his. Ours. i know i may not be her real father but--”
“Stop. you ARE her real father. You may not be her blood but you have done more for her and me than he ever did. Yes, she is ours. She has always been our baby, my love. Bella calls you her dad not Brian not anyone else. She loves you. You’ve always been there for her, right? You’ve never left her side.” you say softly, placing her hands on the either side of his cheeks, thumbs rubbing softly underneath his eyes.
He begins to smile softly after what you just said to him. His heart and soul are warm now, he should’ve known that you and Bella are his family not that bloke’s. He proposed to you and Bella calls him ‘daddy’. He is so lucky. Nothing could change that ever. He was there to mend Bella’s booboo, he was there when you needed him to get groceries because you were working late and won’t be back home till 10, he was the one who was lucky enough to have a movie night every friday with Bella and you. 
He was the one who got to witness Bella’s first ballet recital with you and had her run towards him after the show was over, calling him ‘daddy!’ over and over to ask him whether she did great on the recital or didn’t, he was the one who Bella made a pancake for on Father’s Day and gifted him a ‘world’s best daddy’ drawing with him and her on the paper and lastly he was the one who gets to make love to you every night, confessing each other’s love and gets to take care of you after, cuddles you close to his chest not caring about the sweaty bodies.
“And you should know that we both love you with all of our hearts. No one could ever take that away. No one.”
579 notes · View notes
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Warning: pregnancy scare (but not what you think).
A/N: I had this in my docs for so long, but I always felt like I didn’t do enough for him. I will probably rewrite this for myself, but I’m happy I get to share this at all. Yes, the girl is named after me, sorry?
2.7k. First person (sorry not sorry)
How could I be so reckless? I always come prepared. How did I let this slide? The thrill of being irresponsible for once maybe? Having unprotected sex is not unheard of, but I should’ve known better than doing that for a one night stand. Couldn’t rest easy with the thought of really fucking up. I need to get supplies. The morning after pill will do the trick. Fuck, but I’m in Korea, for a small vacation, and I don’t know the language well enough to go to the pharmacy.
I get a buzz on my phone.
Wonnie: There’s a new movie on Netflix that I think we should watch, come over tonight!
A sigh of relief escapes my throat. Hyungwon, my sweetheart friend I made a year ago from a previous trip. We’re close, completely platonic, and would trust each other with anything. He’s asked me about girls before and I’ve asked him about boys. This is different. I would be asking him to help translate at the pharmacy so I could get the morning after pill. Actually, this shouldn’t be a big deal, I’m making this far more dramatic than it should be. Breath.
Me: I’m coming over, but I need a favor before we watch the movie.
Wonnie: What’s the favor?
Me: Wait till I get there, I don’t want to explain over the phone.
Wonnie: Oh?
My heart is skipping beats reading these texts. Thankfully my hotel isn’t far from his dorm. I walk to his dorm, overthinking this situation. Damn, what if it’s too late? Don’t be a dumb bitch, that’s not how pregnancy works. The morning after pill is good for within seventy-two hours of unprotected sex, plus, I’m on birth control, but you never know, nothing is guaranteed. I can’t have a baby right now, I want a house first, I want to progress in my career! Never noticed how fast I was walking till I came across the dorms in record time. Must be on edge. It’s just a favor of translation, that’s all. It’s going to be ok. He loves me, platonically, and won’t judge me.
I politely knock on the door, for once, unlike my usual unannounced entry. My nails dig through the skin of my palm, leaving crescent marks, damn near bleeding. Hyungwon answers the door, expressing eagerness to see me again, even though he saw me just yesterday. He gives me a hug and I never wanted a hug more. My vision goes blurry. No, don’t cry, not in front of him. I avoid eye contact with him when he lets me go. He’s so tall, it’s not that hard to hide my face.
“Sarah?”, Hyungwon tilts his head to look for my eyes. I damp my eyes with my knuckles, alarming him. He steps out of the dorm entrance and takes me further into the hallway.
“What’s wrong?”, whispering, changing his tune to something I’m not familiar with. My throat feels like it’s engulfed with cement. Both of his hands cup my cheeks and lift my face to meet his eyes.
“Talk to me”, he stoically demands.
“Hyungwon, I fucked up”, I mumble. His alertness turned to worry.
“Did someone hurt you?”, he sharply inhales.
“No, no. I just need your help at a pharmacy”, I whimper, defending the stranger I slept with. He didn’t hurt me or anything, we were just irresponsible. 
“A pharmacy?”, he blurts out, spooking me.
“I just need something over the counter and I need your help translating”, I beat around the bush.
“What do you need?”, Hyungwon confidently exclaims.
“The morning after pill”, I shrug. I shouldn’t be ashamed of it. It happens.
“Let me get my shoes”, he nods. He opens the door, grabs his shoes and wallet and steps back out.
“Thank you”, I timidly thank him.
“You don’t have to thank me, Sarah, I’m happy you trust me”, he smiles while he slips on his sneakers. I wrap my arms around his waist, squeezing as tight as my gratitude. He rests his chin on my head, rubbing my back to soothe.
“Thank you for trusting me”, he whispers. I thought I felt a kiss on my head, but I could be mistaken. He escorts me to a pharmacy, thankfully there is one at the corner.
“Is this your first time taking the morning after pill?”, he breaks the silence before we head inside.
“Yes, but a friend at home has taken it before”, I giggle to hide my nerves.
“It’s ok to be nervous, Sarah”, he pulls me aside.
“I’ll be ok”, I assure him. Without any question, he nods and takes me to the pharmacist counter. The pharmacist, who is a woman thank goodness, converse with Hyungwon for a minute in Korean. There’s a second where the pharmacist asks a question and he raises his hand, limiting eye contact.
“Have you had unprotected sex in the past seventy-two hours?”, Hyungwon translates a question for me. I nod.
“Are you on birth control or on other forms of contraception?”, he continues. I nod.
“Do you know that this isn’t a form of birth control?”, he adds to the list of questions. Once again, I nod. The pharmacist scans and bags the little box. I pull out my wallet from my purse, but Hyungwon pulls out his wallet first, beating me from paying.
“Hyungwon”, I nudge his arm.
“I said it was with me, so I claim responsibility”, he chuckles. That son of a bitch lied to a complete stranger for my sake. The pharmacist gives Hyungwon the instructions for the pill and wishes us a good day. We leave the pharmacy, relieved on how smooth that went. I turn to the direction of his dorm, but he takes me on another course.
“Just take it with water I assume?”, I wonder, attempting to grab the bag from him.
“Yes”, he notices and extends his arm for me not to reach. He always teases me on my height, comparing me to miniature objects or foods.We often refer to each other as string bean and the pea.
“You didn’t have to claim responsibility for this”, I pout.
“I know I didn’t”, he smirks.
“So, if this doesn’t work, you will still take responsibility?”, I joke.
“I will”, he blatantly admits.
“Hyungwon”, I gasp.
“You’re my friend, but I would take care of you. You know my brothers love you and would be happy for you to stay”, he continues. I nearly choke on my spit. Did I hear him correctly?
“First, you claim responsibility for my hypothetical child, then you say you would take care of me, and now you’re saying you want me to stay?”, I damn near hyperventilate. He abruptly stops.
“You said it yourself, it’s hypothetical. Wouldn’t you want to stay?”, he turns timid.
“Stay in Korea with you and the boys?”, I am touched by the consideration.
“Stay with me”, he struggles to speak. Hearing those three words from him makes me disassociate from the world around me. I hear nothing, I can see nothing, but his worrisome face, waiting for me to reply.
“I’m thinking about it”, I confess. Would I be willing to give up my life in the states to go here? How would I even know if I could live here? I’d need to learn more Korean, find a job, everything else I need to get done before I could even consider it. Dammit, but just hearing him say “stay with me” could be a factor of me saying fuck it.
The smile on his face happens to be one of the most beautiful sights I’ve seen lately. It’s comfort some, sweet, and contagious.
“I’m getting you a treat”, he puts his arm around me. He swiftly takes me to a convenient store and buys me a coke and instant ramen. We cook the ramen at the store and take a seat at a nearby bench. He pulls out the little box and reads the back.
“Do you really think you could be pregnant?”, he wonders.
“I’ve been on birth control since high school, but you never know”, I sigh.
“Who was the guy?”, Hyungwon goes back to being timid.
“Just a one night stand, he’s not important”, I assure him.
“It wasn’t that good, huh?”, he teases. I burst out laughing. I love this part of our friendship, we can say shit like this to each other.
“Without giving any details, yes, it wasn’t the best”, I bashfully eat my ramen.
“That’s a shame”, he nudges my arm.
“Oh, bite me, it was just an experience, it wasn’t like I’m marrying the guy”, I scoff.
“You deserve better sex than that”, he shamelessly sips his soda.
“Damn right I do. If I do end up being pregnant, I’d hate to live with the memory of how it happened”, I roll my eyes. Hyungwon stares intensely at the box, obviously thinking about something.
“What’s on your mind?”, I tap on his ramen bowl to get his attention.
“Remembering how precious you were when your nephew was born”, he sighs. Really? That was months ago and I only remember sending him a couple of photos of me holding him.
“How was I precious?”, I wonder skeptically.
“The look you had holding him. Your sister sent me a video of you rocking him when he was still in the hospital, but she told me not to tell you”, he confesses.
“Oh no, don’t tell me I look good holding a baby, I already heard the speech from my dad”, I groan.
“You just looked really happy”, he explains before opening the box. He punches out the little pill with his thumb and places it in my hand.
“I need some growing up to do before I have any babies”, I confess.
“What do you mean?”, he finishes up his ramen.
“Not only do I need to have a good living situation, but I should also have financial stability and health stability before I should ever consider having a baby”, I explain.
“My offer still stands. I could take care of you, even without a baby”, he progressively gets more confident. The addition to his offer, “even without a baby”, makes me want to curl in a ball. This boy deserves a queen who will treasure him as much as I do, but how could that girl be me?
“And I appreciate that, Hyungwon, but you need to realize I don’t necessarily need to be taken care of”, I avoid eye contact. I’ve never been the damsel and I’d be damned if I start being one.
“But you’ll have the option”, he shrugs. I take the pill and swallow it with a sip of my coke.
“Why would you want to take care of me anyways?”, I slowly finish my ramen.
“Because you deserve a break. You work your ass off for everything you do and it’s exhausting you”, he rubs his hands together.
“That’s why I’m on vacation”, I shrug.
“Just to go back to work at a place that doesn’t appreciate what you bring to them. I know you, you won’t stop them from mistreating you”, he continues.
“You want me to stay so I won’t have to stress about work”, I realize.
“You won’t have to worry about the asshole”, he mentions. He’s referring to my bully of a co worker who is taking advantage of our boss’s willingness to help.
“I told you I didn’t want to talk about them while I’m on vacation”, I mumble.
“That’s my point. You have to wait till you’re on vacation in order to destress. That place is killing you”, he groans.
“I’ll think about it, Hyungwon”, I inhale.
“I will. I’ll think about staying”, I admit.
“Don’t do it for me. Do it for yourself”, he advises. He grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers. Why do I love how this feels? This friendship is platonic, I just admire how comfortable I am with this physical contact. We sit there for a minute, looking at our hands. Noticing how small my hands are compared to his. 
“Let’s go watch that movie”, I break the comfortable silence.
We go throw out our trash and head back to the dorms. The boys welcome me with hugs. Getting to see these faces everyday doesn’t sound half bad. Seeing how happy they are to see me is making me overwhelmed. Should I stay and leave my troubles in the states? Would it be wrong of me to consider it? The boys started to notice my anxious behavior and got frantic on asking me questions. “Are you ok?”, “do you need some water”, “you can talk to us”, etcetera. The more questions I got, the more choked up I am. I want to tell them I’m ok, but I’m not. Hyungwon takes me to his room. He wraps a fuzzy blanket around me and embraces me like the little burrito that I am.
“I’ll get you some water. If you want to shower, you know where my clothes are”, he whispers before leaving the room. He knows me well enough to know that my routine of feeling better after something shitty happens is taking a shower. Maybe a shower is what I need.
So, I go to the bathroom outside of his bedroom and hop in the shower. A shower is definitely what I need. Our conversation of him taking care of me revolves in my brain like a broken record enough for me to finally cry. I didn’t want to look weak, I didn’t want to look needy. I’m not to him. He sees me as a woman who has had enough. He listened to me bitch and groan about my life in the states, long enough for him to want to change it. Fuck, it’s like he proposed to me, he just wants me to stay in Korea. I sit in the shower, letting the hot water sprinkle on me while I map out my thoughts.
I’ll be able to see him more than once a year. Hell, I’ll be able to see all of the good and the bad of him first hand, instead of over the phone. I’m getting all flustered just thinking about it. I’ll be there to comfort them during their tough nights at work. Yes, living with seven men doesn’t seem optimal for an individual woman’s sanity, but it won’t be far different than my living situation from college. Am I going to do this? Sleep on it tonight and see.
Out of the shower, I wrap myself in the towel and slip on one of his t-shirts. Thank goodness I’m tiny, his shirt is almost like a dress to me. I take a whiff of the collar. Fresh, clean cotton.
Hm, I wonder where he went? We were supposed to watch a movie. I check my phone, nothing. I plop on his bed and wrap myself in the fuzzy blanket. I think I gifted him this last Christmas.
Needless to say, I soon pass out.
The dream I have is unbelievable! Starting off with nothing out of the usual, Hyungwon and I lay next to each other on his bed, whatever. He scoots down to rest his head on my boobs, something he has never done. I knew it was a dream when he started kissing my chest. Felt so real, I wouldn’t be surprised if I squirmed in real life. I didn’t fight it. I was putty in this dream. He moved up to kiss my lips and I knew I was in danger. He hovers above me, but leaves too much space between. I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him straight down. His hands grip the crook of my knees to keep my legs up while he rolls his hips against me, still fully clothed. One moan from my mouth and I woke up.
I realize what happened and I scream in the pillow I was sleeping on. I just had a naughty dream of my friend! I want to hide, I want to vomit, I want to scream. I never saw him like that before, so why now! Never have we exchanged any interest in that!
There’s a knock on the door and I nearly fall off the bed. Hyungwon peaks his head in.
“Sarah?”, he wonders.
“Hyungwon!”, I cheerfully welcome, hiding my internal panic. He smiles at my adjusted mood.
“Feeling any better?”, he sweetly asks before handing me a glass of water.
“A lot better”, I pant before gulping the water, avoiding eye contact.
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