#I kinda love not posting for a while and just dumping a bunch of stuff out on here at once lol
centipedelightning · 2 years
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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fleouriarts · 3 months
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sketchbook duuuuump :3 nothing to do in this town AND my stylus isn't working its a perfect storm for filling this thang up
descriptions and such below
feel like the fursona ones are self explanatory. the rileys are basically all inspired by this person's compilations... if you havent seen the clip that the bottom corner drawing is from please do yourself a favor
this was all development shit for the zakharovs who i posted last week. sergei is igor's former childhood friend who i have not come up with much about yet... all i know is he is also a fashion designer (who makes winter clothes specifically) and he has an illegitimate son named nikolai who is an arctic fox (and who i have not drawn yet)
omg okay so if anyone remembers my last sketchbook dump i introduced this character andre in there (and her name was andres but i changed it to andre bc i like it more for whatever reason). anyway ive been drawing him OBSESSIVELYYYYY and have decided that him and null get together at some point after argyle and jamie make up (i desperately need to make a jamie and co timeline post)... but it lasts like one semester and thats it. andre is too vain and too know-it-all for null's tastes even though shes like super hot and nice otherwise. anyway this is just a bunch of drawings of him. i really like how the one of him in my INSANE hat turned out
santiago and null's joint slay... both of them LOVE to gossip with each other and its instrumental to how jamie and argyle make up (will go into detail when i finally figure out all the actual events of that). also andre and null on a hike bc andre is a biology major. i actually drew that while i was on a hike in red rock canyon heres proof
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5. mostly just scribbling trying to get better at drawing santiago including more of him and null and his prime Jamie Comforting Tactic of just letting him chill between his wool and sweater. also two drawings of jamie just 4 fun i draw him and his stupid big eyes whenever im out of ideas
6. idk this is just silly stuff. i draw johnny manhandling jamie a lot and i promise you jamie LOVES being treated like a stuffed animal he thinks its SO FUN to be spun around and wiggled and shit. ferret adjacent. him and johnny have been friends since they were in like elementary school because of this. btw santiago does not usually look like that (only having wool on his head) he just has to shear his wool in the summer because having full wool in the flurrida heat is AWFUL
7. comic i drew at the laundromat LOL. takes place either shortly before OR shortly after andre and null get together. johnny mostly hates andre for being with null (shes jealous) (she wants null all to herself even though shes super noncommittal) (johnny get your shit together) BUT ALSO andre being kinda pretentious makes her want to chokeslam him. andre is talking about bird farming specifically because johnny's family are chicken farmers... ive had a lore post about everyone's families in my drafts for months but i cant finish it til my stylus is fixed TT
8. more nonsense. top left corner is a continuation of johnny being a hater. bottom drawings are just mindless jamie doodles. top right is argyle and jamie during their relationship, i cant decide if jamie had REALLY short hair during it or hair like this that's basically just his current hair without the yellow dye and tiny ponytail. whatever
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impactdial · 5 months
oh god this is kinda embarrassing but i was organizing some phone notes and i’m just dumping a bunch of n/sfw sanuso headcanons here. its not that graphic or anything but sorry in advance lol
-i said this in my other hc post but they’re both vers switches. sanji just tends to be more or less of a sub every time LOL he’s definitely within pathetic sub top territory.
-i think like maybe 7 out of 10 times they have non penetrative sex. not that either of them are opposed to it, it’s more that they both just get too excited and desperate, and touch and grind against each other before the question of getting naked even comes up (this has led to many awkward walk of shames to do laundry discreetly)
-they were absolutely virgins before they started dating (ok but truthfully usopp figured this on his own anyway BUT he was definitely relieved that sanji didn’t have any more of a clue of what to do than he did)
-usopp is really into feeling sanji’s body hair, especially his stomach and his chest. and sanji is a little obsessed with usopps curves and muscles
-ok sorry to indulge but i think sanji would have a praise kink and by extension would be a little into puppy play/collaring. sorry
-lowkey usopp also has a praise kink but he just prefers to indulge sanji more (he gets too embarrassed and in his own head about it sometimes if the focus is strictly just on him)
-kinda related to prev but even though they like to tease each other it never goes that far. they talk very sweet to each other and sanji especially makes it a point to be very affectionate and voice how good he feels with usopp
-usopps got tiny titties (compared to the rest of him anyway) and yet sanji gets so worked up seeing them when usopp doesn’t bind (binding tape specifically) he throws up like an overexcited dog
-they’re both so sappy and a little pathetic during sex ngl. sanji would be DISGUSTED if you called it anything other than love making
-this is also kinda self indulgent but usopp absolutely manhandles sanji during sex and most of the time it’s unintentional. it’s mostly reactionary and he’s just doing what feels good (putting his whole weight onto sanji while on top of him, etc) and sanji loves it. (“if i die, i die. what better way to go” “….man you’re into some weird stuff but ok!”)
-I’m so sorry class but i’m a small schlong sanji believer. nothing else to say i just want everyone to know that
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
Kiko I hope you had a great first day at your new job!!!! And I hope the shit weather we're getting in Louisiana isn't hitting your part of your state cuz boy am I not having fun anymore lol. I have 2 things to bug you with on this Tuesday morning- I do have a teeny tiny lil Goinko ask: I am so curious to hear Gojo's inner dialogue when he's watching Rinko fight. Like the genuine sorta oh shit she's tough, oh shit she aint weak, Jesus what a badass... I'm gonna fuck her xD The second- I have been toying with the idea of writing my own fanfic with my own OC and um... I can't seem to start. I have a decent idea of the general plot, no clue how it will end, but I open up Word, type two words, and then close the program. Idk if I need advice or encouragement lol but I look up to you a lot as a writer so I decided to make it your problem too 😅
I did have a great first day! It was long and exhausting, but in a good way! 😊
The weather has just been kinda cold and foggy. Like, my drive home today was very foggy. Could barely see at all. But other than that, it. hasn't been too bad!!
My answers are below the cut!!
Gojo's inner monologue when he sees Rinko fighting? 🤔🤔
In a few situations, he's super smug that she's doing so well because he knows she doesn't even realize or acknowledge how strong she actually is. So when she's just destroying something, he's all cocky and proud of her. It reminds him how much he loves her because she can take care of herself. One of the things he's always appreciated about her is that she doesn't let her insecurities or pride get her into situations that are too much for her to take. She's not arrogant. She doesn't show off. She's just there to get the job done. But that's what makes it so sexy to him.
So when he sees Rinko fighting, he's literally just like, 'That's my girl. So sexy and strong. I love her so much. Ass looks incredible, too. And she needs to hurry because as soon as she wraps this up, she's mine. Wonder how pissed she'll be if I just take her here-' because he's a horny boi who always wants to be inside her 😂😂
Advice for how to start with your fic?
Don't try to start from the beginning. Start somewhere in the middle, and work from there. The ending doesn't have to be established right away, either. That can develop as you figure out the story! But as for how and where to start, anywhere. Have a random bit of dialogue? Start with that. It doesn't have to stay in the end, but having something there will really help you. Write nonsense. Write ideas. Concepts. Anything to get those juices flowing. Because nothing is more daunting than a blank page.
Two things I saw recently made me realize that I already did these things most of the time:
Writing choppy, maybe cheesy or dumb dialogue. You can fill in the rest later, or not at all. You can change it up or edit it, but cutting and editing, or even re-writing, is easier than getting yourself to write the initial draft.
"You look like shit." "Sure know how to charm a girl, huh?" "You'd be more pissed if I lied to you." "True." "Still look awful, though." "Fuck off."
You don't have to put markers or indicators because it's a first draft. First draft and final draft are rarely going to match, and that's okay. Preferred most of the time, actually. But yeah, just toss that dialogue down to help you get started and then go from there!
Start with notes or random shit about what you want to happen. Some people put it in brackets to describe the setting, scene, or character's actions so that they can continue writing without being bogged down by the pressure to figure out the rest perfectly.
I'll provide an example or two from a WIP of the lockout key idea dump I posted a while ago. (I make no promises that I'll ever finish or post this, but it's the best example I could find that doesn't spoil a bunch of stuff for the other stories)
[he comes to ask for a key even though he's already maxed out his number of lockout keys. he ends up trying to lean in closer and she shoves a cookie in his mouth instead] - this one is a general idea and one thing I definitely want to happen in that scene/snippet
[fire drill in the middle of the night forcing everyone outside until the alarm stops going off. he forgets his key because he had to rush out while he was half-asleep.] - this one is describing the primary setting for the scene/snippet: they're outside, he's very sleepy, and he forgot his key.
All in all, don't be afraid of being random and choppy for your first draft!
I hope this advice helped, Rai! I'm afraid I might have babbled a bit... 🙃
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starving-mimi · 1 year
thank you for loving this au and for the ask :D in all honesty, there's no real story with this AU but there's a bunch of smaller ideas with it instead of one big story i've vaguely mentionned this in other posts but Wilson started transforming after killing the ancient fuel weaver as some sort of 'gift' from Charlie, kinda like the 'shadow courtier" ability in Wilson's skill tree and his transformations depends on the Nightmare cycle in the ruins. "lore" wise, the things that are sure for now is that while wilson probably didn't seek ANY help at all after realising what was happening, at some point in time he did try to go to maxwell for help cuz well, maxwell is the one that knows stuff about shadow creatures, and if maxwell doesn't know, maybe the codex will? surprise surprise, maxwell didn't know shit and they both ( stupidly ) decided it was for the best to leave the other survivors unaware that one of their team mate would randomly transform into some kind of terrorbeak ( that has claw and could reap you to shreds mind you) with ( at the time) barely any control over his actions so well, ensue maxwell and wilson shenanigans of trying to hide wilson's transformations and strange stroll in the middle of the night or how clawed and dark his hands looked and trying to get more control ( much to maxwell's dismay ) is wilson feral? well.. at first? over time he gets more control to a point where that form is just an inconvenience, but even then, he'd rather not tell the other survivors silly funfact that doesn't change anything 1 : wilson probably eats nightmare fuel, does it makes him stronger or perhaps more feral? nope, does it tastes good?? nope, there's no real reason he just does slightly more serious funfact/info 2 : how much control he has starts depending on his sanity too when he started gaining control, being insane won't transform him but if he's transforming with a low sanity well... yeah let's say maxwell isn't happy when he has to avoid being bit trying to force feed him cooked green cap lol funfact 3 : when detransforming wilson probably has a head ache and his back probably hurts too from being hunched over so much lol funfact 4: somewhat mentioned it in my last post but wilson can actually show his actual head! me and my friend have some different interpretation of how that work but it's either A, the head doesn't serve much purpose and kinda just looks.. empty and it takes more effort to show the head than to not, or B, the head is there and pretty much just wilson's normal head and he can smile n stuff just like normal and it takes no effort to show
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bonnvivre · 9 months
A Funny Thing- Ch 23 word dump
new chapter to start off the new year LETS FREAKIN GOOOOOOO
i just washed my sheets too im settled in, my bed smells great, im having a great time
“And while Yuuji had humoured him at first, had been nothing but smiles as he posed for the pictures, the boy has clearly grown tired of the routine..” me during the filo family christmas party when they wanna take pictures … i can still see the ring light ….
ahh the first send off, brings tears to my eyes ;___;  gojo taking a bunch of pictures and sukuna constantly checking him over to make sure he has his stuff- fathers are father-ing and they didn’t wanna let him go just yet :[[
aw they slept together 
before i go on, the new friend is ACTUALLY megumi (i always thought it was megumi shshsh) cus toji literally couldnt afford another school and gojo’s gonna see him and either be like, “wait he looks familiar” or make THAT face right upon seeing him am i right lads or am i right lads (post chapter edit: i am right lads)
HAHAHAHA AN HOUR LONG RANT ON HIS NAILS PLS i see it yea canonically, sukuna usually makes himself look presentable . always pushing back his hair, dusting his clothes off, etc. he’s always gotta look good
whehehdhe he likes sukunaaaaaa !! someday that like will turn to love (post chapter edit: and that someday was today lads)
“How dare he have friends and hobbies and interests that don’t revolve around Satoru.” [gasp] HOW DARE YOU HAVE OTHER FRIENDS ARE YOU MAD ?! 
what kind of netflix drama did he get his story from this time 🙄
thats not the only time you’ll be freezing bc of geto hahahahahahaha
the run on sentences of yuuji’s speech plus casual megumi drop is killing me
i think its a good choice to have off screen moments be mentioned within the present, readers get the context while keeping the story moving . kinda like what gege does :0
AGH . blocked yet again … i know its still too early but ugh it hurts oh the pain
i love sukuna being satoru’s voice of reason, bringing sense and logic to satoru’s emotional thinking and it doesn’t clash at all; rather, it works for them very well
“Those baggy, unwashed garments of his allow for superior mobility, while the stench deters opponents from engaging in close-combat.” LMAOOOOO sukuna’s sarcastic remarks about toji, especially his smell im crying 
post chapter thoughts:
 i wanted to see him and megumi in this story so bad ngl and im so happy they’re here !!! i blame the copious amounts of fushiguro family comics i’ve consumed- shout out to ddub1618 on twt
bruh my page reloaded i have to go back
i love long chapter gimme long chapter hmhmhmmhmh
i saw the interpretations of yuuji’s sickness and i thought it was cool but it’s also giving “the curtains represent his depression and lack of will to carry on vs the curtains were blue” lol
it would be a … shame if toji ran out of sugar and needed a bag …….. its a good thing satoru has a nice ol bag at home >:] 
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beecreeper · 4 months
all the hearts, 🧡💛💙💝💔, for molli briar and ferox!
Yay thank you for asking!! Info dump under the cut ☺️
💝 – How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
Molli loves bright colorful outfits. Cares more about clothes than about preening, wearing no makeup and only doing simple braids in her hair. Her favorite thing to wear is the little bell ribbon bow she wears in her hair, but second would be a multicolored, kinda patchwork looking skirt made out of a bunch of different fabrics that she had back before all the drama in her backstory. She misses that skirt a lot.
Briar pre-tadpole cared a lot more about her appearance because she recognized it as an asset. Didn’t put effort into it, though, going for a “I’m so hot that I make this messy hair look good” vibe. Her favorite outfit is that revealing drapey dress I draw her in cause it’s the perfect balance of being both sexy and lazy. Post-tadpole Briar cares a lot less, since her necromancer buzz cut and new facial scars knocked her out of the “conventionally attractive” bracket and also she’s so focused on the tadpole nonsense she doesn’t have time to care.
Ferox doesn’t care almost at all, though I do think he likes it when his hair is nice. More because it just feels better, but also because it IS his best feature. He’s just a *little bit* proud of his pretty curly hair. But even so, function over aesthetics always. Don’t think he has a favorite article of clothing though. Just give him a simple shirt and some pants and he’s satisfied.
💙 – Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
Briar and Ferox both had a bedroom in Bhaal’s temple (that one that Orin takes over in game). When Briar had it it was covered in mold and mushrooms and her little fungal cultivation projects. Very cluttered and chaotic. Briar has never cleaned anything in her entire life. Honestly I made myself laugh imagining Sceleritas trying to tidy things up while she's out and then Briar yelling at him for messing up her stuff. ("I have a SYSTEM!")
Ferox kept it simple. Not so much neat as it was just the absence of stuff to get cluttered with. Never spent much time there anyway, usually feeling antsy and needed to do *something* to keep himself busy, so his room was just for sleeping and staring ominously into the middle distance
Molli hasn’t had a space of her own in almost a decade. When she does FINALLY get to control her bedroom she’s gonna make it comfy as fuck. ALL the pillows.
💔 – Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves?
Molli doesn’t forgive easily but she DOES let herself get walked over anyway. Like she doesn’t forgive you but she also won’t do anything about it. Or, like, she doesn’t forgive so much as she talks herself into thinking *she* must be the one in the wrong here. (She’s working on that. Part of her character arc is about not taking shit anymore)
You could say that Briar is better at forgiving if only because it takes a lot more to really get on her shitlist. Like, she’s already planning on killing everyone anyway, so there’s very little actionable difference between being mad at someone or not, so she keeps a pretty blase attitude about most things. Honestly, if you try to cross her, she’s more likely than not to think it’s funny. BUT if you DO cross into her shitlist she will NEVER EVER forgive. She will murder you immediately and then bring you back just to murder you again (a few people who have reached this level are Orin or her old high druid, Tala).
Ferox has the most difficulty with forgiveness out of the three. ESPECIALLY because he has so so so much trouble forgiving himself. He’s got a real bad habit of dwelling on things and just can’t shake them out of his head, for both himself and others. So even when he functionally forgives others, the memory of whatever it was they did will always be in the back of his mind and always kinda color the way he thinks about them.
💛 – Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward?
Molli’s vibe with kids is like “weird funny uncle you think is simultaneously really lame and really cool". Kinda awkward with children in the same way she’s kinda awkward with everyone but she pulls it off (17 charisma for being a strangely charming dork). She loves kids though and has so much fun performing for kids.
I think kids can probably call out Briar as having just awful vibes much faster than adults can. Pre-tadpole Briar especially was good at pretending to be charming when she felt like it but I think for whatever reason kids see right through that. It’s just as well because she does not want to be interacting with them anyway. She doesn’t *dislike* kids as much as she is neutral about them. She’s thinks they’re just a hair too annoying to have any fun toying with them.
Ferox is extremely awkward and has no idea what to say to children and thinks it’s probably a better idea for everyone if they just stay far away from him anyway.
🧡 – Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
Molli: It’s complicated loooool. She’s got a lot of “I like this but I absolutely should not like this” baggage and “I like this but it reminds me of shit from my past” baggage. If she’s particularly overwhelmed she goes into PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ME AT ALL EVER mode.
Briar is okay with physical touch as a means to an end but could live without it. She loves pain, tho. That shit makes her feel alive. Not a huge fan of anything slow or sensual because that just reminds her that that’s a person (yuck) and that they could be doing something so much more interesting right now (like murder or rough sex. Whichever strikes her fancy more in the moment.).
Ferox is super sensitive to touch and craves that shit so baaaad but he’s so scared of hurting people that it’s hard to let himself be in the moment and enjoy it. Touch tends to trigger his urge, pain in particular. Completely the opposite of Briar. Give this man a soft caress and he will MELT.
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bolsadefrutas · 10 months
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HII um I got Tumblr a while ago and I forgot about it but I kinda wanna post my stuff here if anyone’s interested ^.^ A specialty I have is that I draw a bunch of OC art, and I love talking and learning about others as well, so mutual me UPP! I’ll probably dump a buncha doodles I already posted on my socials… 😭
(BTW GO FOLLOW ME THERE TOO!! my tiktok is @bolsadefrutas & @fruityymff on insta :D)
A bit of an introduction
I’m a MINOR!!! So don’t be weird
An artist, if that isn’t obvi enough
I’m bilingual! I speak both Spanish (first language) and English, but I am learning Portuguese! I can understand most words though, I just have to learn it for myself if I want to speak in correct sentences :3
SOY MEXICANA!! 🇲🇽 Born and raised
A little fun fact about me I used to be in choir in 7th grade and I sing from time to time, so I guess I sing as well? Definitely not sharing anytime soon though
BASIC DNI LIST: no bigotry, zionism, proship, incest, dreamsmp, etc. I don’t like y’all 🤦🏽‍♀️😭
But I’ll leave some tags below of the things I enjoy, so if you like the things I like we may as well become mutuals, no? ★ Bonus points if you’re latino/a poc
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
So I’m finally responding since you said not to send anything while you were finishing off your old requests and then I forgot so now finally I’ll send in a response to your admin chatter. Here I honestly have no idea what to say about the series apart from the fact that I’m glad I found it. It’s so fun and interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing what more the author has planned. And so true to what you’re saying about the manga and I really love it for that and wished that all anime also paced things like that. So yeah, same.  
Cool. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts when the time comes. And sure thing. Thank you. And I see. If I remember correctly, my friend also mentioned the Undertaker but I can’t remember anymore what exactly she said. Thank you so much. That’s really sweet of you to say. It did take me some time to remember the names and sometimes I still have to look up where I know them from so there’s that as well. Or I’ll do what you do and look up the character, then the voice actor’s page and then see whether I’ve heard them somewhere else.
Honestly same. Like I used to send so many messages to my friend because I’d want to share any kind of exciting news or fun pictures with her but she told me it was quite overwhelming so I always wait until she’s responded and then I’ll add the new stuff on. Though sometimes there are images that I feel like I need to send and then I do, hoping she doesn’t mind. I’ll use a recent example. To celebrate the Haikyuu!! movie release, the author of the manga released a special chapter and I got to see some of my favourite boys grown up and it was so nice and beautiful that I just had to send it to her. A part of the scene also kind of had to do with something we were talking about before so there’s that as well. And now it lives rent free in my mind so yay to that 😅 Though literally I am happy about it. I can’t say much more since I don’t want to give anything away but just know I’ve been blessed. Though I’ll also say beautiful smile, beautiful man. And it’s concerning the character I recently info dumped to you about. And I feel the same way about long replies so truly is a win-win here. You didn’t disappoint and I don’t think you ever could. And I’m looking forward to reading your Ever Young story and anything you post on AO3.
I hope you got your radio silence and that things are going well.
Yeah, this bitch caught up in pretty much a week 😅 And thank you so much for saying all that 😭
Yeah, really. And that information should be, especially since it’s info about the patient themselves. Oh gods. That’s so much. I see. I’m also kinda jealous of people who don’t have to wear glasses since I’ll be in my house and someone will tell me to look at something on the TV and I’ll have to go really close to it or will have to tell the other person to wait while I grab my glasses from my room. Even though, yeah, I got my glasses a few years later than you.
Oh that sounds so cool. And thank you. Though it’s more like that since I always finish my stories in Word before I post them, all I have to do afterwards is copy and paste the chapters afterwards one by one so it’s nice to listen to music while doing that routine thing. And I’m actually one of those people who can’t listen to music while writing since I want to be able to fully concentrate on my ideas and what I’m writing. Sine I do tend to let the music take up most of my brainspace while listening to it. And that’s nice 😃 It’s really cool that you have specific playlists like that. For me it’s just a whole bunch of songs that I like all together. Though I don’t add all songs that I like anymore since my mind is used to those songs and I like it that way.
Hey there! It’s nice to see you back in the inbox and thank you so, so much for waiting for me to finish off everything and open the box up again. I love seeing the response and getting to talk to you, especially since like I mentioned, I’m still waiting to finish catching up  on Servamp to finish up my dm replies to you – got sidetracked with a lot of things, haha. I love the fact that you’re enjoying the series so much! It really is an absolutely amazing story, the characters are engaging and fun, and I’ve always said that Servamp is almost criminally underrated. I’m going to be happy if I can introduce even one more person to the series, honestly!
I look forward to sharing my thoughts and then talking all kinds of things out with you when I get the opportunity! I’m busy at the moment building a solid queue here on the blog (after the event, I had 150 actual requests and, like I said I would, I used all the unrequested prompts for all my fandoms, so I have a little over 500 posts to write and queue…should have plenty to keep the blog going for the next three or four months, even if I bump the queue up past 1 a day and I’ll have a shit ton more time for chatting and writing passion projects that way, though that means you guys see unrequested headcanons and fics quite often sorry) but I’m so looking forward to taking the time to not only write, but read and watch things again! I have decided to go manga for Black Butler, just because I can breeze through a couple hundred chapters in two days so it’s quicker for me to get caught up. I’m hoping it’ll live up to how good everyone keeps telling me it’s gotten! Aww, that’s awesome! And I have to do the look up to see where I know them from not just with voices I recognize but actors and actresses all the time too because I’m terrible at names! I think it’s so cool that you put the time and effort into remembering voice actors like that because yeah, they definitely deserve fans and all the respect!
I’m horrible for not sending messages until I know I have everything I want to say out so I can sometimes hoard messages for a good couple days or a week so my replies can get overboard! And I’m sure your friend has so much fun, getting the add on messages and pictures because I know when you do that in our messages, I always love it! That’s so exciting about Haikyuu! movie release getting that special chapter! Was it an interesting and good chapter? Did the boys you saw grown up look like you figured they would as adults? Were their lives what you thought they would be? I’m curious as to your reaction to it all! I’m glad to hear I don’t disappoint and thank you so much for saying that 😊 I look forward to sharing but the delinquent! Shouhei story will definitely be coming out first. The Ever Young is so dear to my heart that I want it perfect and several chapters to be finished before I post them.
As far as radio silence, it did get better. I got one ask after that outside of the box being open, but it calmed down a lot, both for dm’s and for the ask box. I really appreciate everyone giving me that time and space and being so patient and supportive of me while I work on things both on and off the blog. I really do consider myself super lucky to have such amazing readers! And you did get caught up really quickly! I have thirty more chapters to read before I’m completely caught up on Servamp, and my manga app updated Nanbaka to chapter 355 so I think that will be the next one I work on getting caught up on after Servamp!
And yes! A lot of people don’t know this but at least here in Canada, a patient can legally request a copy of their medical file and history from any of their doctors at any point and the doctor has to comply. It’s just a little known thing and most of the time, patients aren’t really kept up to date on their information, which bothers me greatly. And I am so jealous of people who don’t have to wear glasses. Not only can they easily see, but it’s annoying to have your glasses fog up when you wear a mask, something I’ve had to do at work since I came down with a bad cold. Mask and medical grade non-latex gloves for 7-8 hours a day…not fun, but at least it keeps people safe and healthy.
And that is cool to learn! I’ve been wondering, since I haven’t messed around with it yet, how the formatting of stories goes on AO3, so it’s good to know I won’t have to mess around with a lot of formatting or html codes to post stories on there, if you can use copy and paste! I completely get that – everyone’s different and I know some people simply cannot concentrate on their writing if there’s music or a lot of noise around. I need the background noise because all the little sounds bother me in complete silence and throw me off – dripping taps, the click of the baseboard, the hum of the refrigerator, the sounds of the neighbours and things like that. I love the way you worded that by the way, that your mind is used to those songs because I know the exact feeling you mean and it’s a pleasant-unpleasant feeling all at once haha.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Do 1010 end up transing their gender after everything is settled in the FRAU?
Yes! They do! Not only do they trans their genders, they also get total makeovers to try and look as human as possible! Like with full silicone skin and other stuff that has been invented/developed in the cybernetic world. Actually that first drawing I made of a bunch of Blues had his later "human" design, or at least a first draft of the design.
They don't just change their looks and gender but also their names! I'll use their preferred pronouns to talk about them from this point on in the post, but otherwise I will keep using he/him when talking about them while employed in NSR since they identify as that during that time.
But when talking about their future selves/"human" selves I will use their preferred pronouns. (I will be interchanging their names depending on if I am talking about their past selves or future selves)
White chose the name Silver, as a way to connect to his color (they all did the color thing) and as a sort of reference to Neon (both elements). He kept using the pronouns he/him (unlike all other versions of him that use it/its or it/he). For the longest time he didn't really "believe" that someone could change their gender.
Yes, unfortunately, White was kinda transphobic because he had no idea what any of that stuff meant, was confused and angry, and even followed Eve's lead on how she treated Remi at times when she was angry. Thankfully he was taught more about how things are and learned to not be judgemental and a dick. He is AroAce and is unlabelled in the gender department.
Blue chose the name Sky and uses She/They pronouns, mainly She/Her. She started wearing sunglasses again for her eyes and chose to have very long hair. She also added purples to her color palette (because technically Blue put Purple's code into his own trying to save him but just ended up fusing their codes together. Blue has done a lot to fuck around with his code without Neon's knowledge).
They've been learning to embrace themself more and trying to make amends with everyone around them for all the mistakes they think they've made. They identify as nonbinary and pansexual.
Red went with Rosa and uses exclusively She/Her pronouns. She is probably the most like her OG counterpart except just a bit more shy/nervous. Her hair is also much longer and a bit wavier. She became the shortest out of the group and loves it because it allows her to hide away a bit more when she is overwhelmed.
She's a lesbian, like Zimelu and all other versions of her, and has tried dating other girls only for a lot of them to fall flat. She's been looking for a steady relationship but either gets rejected or dumped because of her awkwardness a lot (unfortunately she doesn't get with Celine because they moved away from her).
Yellow's full name is Sunshine but usually goes by Sunny. He goes by he/they pronouns and I think he is the tallest (Sky would have been the tallest but I doubt she'd actually have chosen that, most other verions of Blue/Purl end up the tallest though). He has stopped making AS MUCH trouble, still makes some though, and is bisexual.
They aren't looking for anything serious in a relationship, just messing around and experimenting. Identifies as a man, but still like using they/them pronouns a bunch and will wear feminine clothes at times (most versions of Yellow/Haym do not wear any fem clothes).
And finally Green chose the name Fern and sticks with he/him pronouns. Honestly he probably would even be okay with it/its pronouns if White hadn't made a huge bitchfit about them a few times. He doesn't really know what he is, or care to change that much. His hair is much shorter, kinda think it was shaved short and is about a month into growth. He also doesn't know his sexuality but it's most likely asexual and aromantic.
Honestly Fern still has a lot of healing to do before he is really going to be able to explore himself. Years of constant abuse, belittling, and forced shutdowns made him very depressed and inactive. So he is the least developed out of the group. The only thing that really gives him any joy is a small garden he keeps up with and sometimes takes naps in if it's nice out.
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happylandfill23 · 1 year
idk what to ask so just… tell me whatever you want about your ocs
ooh i get to ramble about them :DD
ok so i basically have a bunch of different ocs who are all part of different stories n stuff so here's just some whose lives actually connect but have no real overarching story
⚠️ first off: there's some kinda heavy topics here that are listed before each character as well as in the tags, so please don't read if you're uncomfortable with them ⚠️
leviathan (levi)
tw: verbal abuse, transphobia
tw: verbal/physical abuse, sa
my most recent doodle dump had a character named levi, but he's actually a really old character who i made like 3 years ago. his name was originally gerard but i changed it to leviathan but he just goes by levi for short. his parents are divorced, and his sister lives with his dad while he lives with his mom. his dad sucks and is pretty verbally abusive toward levi, going as far as being openly transphobic around him (levi is trans), but his mom is much nicer. she's not the greatest mom, but she genuinely tries her best and really cares about levi. his sister, beatrice, is quite a bit younger than levi (he's 17 and she's like 8 or something) and i haven't developed her very far but she loves the muppets so i automatically love her. every other weekend levi has to stay with his dad while beatrice stays with her mom, which levi absolutely hates. he doesn't get to see bea very often, but they get along really well when they do get to see each other. oh he also plays the bass guitar and writes his own basslines in his room instead of actually making human interaction with his mom
levi has a huge crush on his friend charles (haven't posted any drawings of him yet cuz i cannot get his hair right), who i created around the same time as levi. charles has had so much go wrong in his life and his friends are basically his only support system. his mother is an absolute piece of shit, first off. she's both verbally and physically abusive to both charles and his father (who died when he was about 10). she also refused to believe him when he told her about the sa he faced, even when given clear evidence. more has happened over the course of his 17 years of life, but i'm not gonna get into that quite right now. (mostly cuz i haven't fleshed all of it out yet but i have some general ideas)
like i mentioned earlier, levi likes charles. well charles also likes him but the two idiots are too oblivious to see it lol. the two of them just can't wrap their heads around the fact that there's even a possibility the other could like them, so who knows if anything's gonna happen with them (oh something will)
despite being a bit of a fantasy character mixed with all these more realistic characters, she's still part of this little wacky friend group and i love her
ok let's stray from the kinda depressing backstories for a moment to talk about one of my favorite ocs, avalon :)
sonya is only actually home about 5% of the time. she spends most of her time at avalon's house, or at her best friend ramona's house. she hates both of her parents and her brother's never home either, so she just chooses to wander. sonya isn't really a law abiding citizen, but she doesn't care. she's the friend who your parents think is the sweetest kid who you should invite over every day, but is actually the exact opposite when she's not around them. she started driving before she got her license, she's probably drank alcohol before, she dyes her hair both without her parents permission and directly in their bathtub (must be a pleasure coming home and finding the bathtub completely blue), and she plays her electric guitar at 1am with every setting on the amp turned up all the way. she's not the type of person you'd expect avalon to date, but the two just kinda click. they balance each other out nicely and they're really the only two people who've understood each other.
avalon is an elf girl who's dating another one of my ocs, sonya (i'll get to her later). i don't really have much about her backstory planned, but i wanted to talk about her anyway lol. she's mute, and has been since she was 13 (she's 16 now). because of this, she finds it hard to communicate with other people and tends to feel a bit like she's being ignored, but sonya always makes sure she's understood. she has an older sister, willow, who's very protective of avalon's safety. her parents, florian and rosa, are also pretty protective and try to make sure avalon stays out of trouble. because she's been safeguarded her whole life, she finds it hard sometimes to do things out in the world, and her mutism doesn't make it easier either. but she tries her best and finds new ways to do things almost every day. she usually just spends her time reading, baking apple pie, or kissing sonya though.
there are more ocs that i'd love to ramble about but i'm almost done my raccoon puzzle so if you have any more questions feel free to ask them!!
ramona is a bit similar to sonya in the sense that she's completely different around people other than her close friends. everyone perceives her as pretty much a "little miss perfect". she's in student council, she volunteers places, blah blah blah. in reality, she's fucking unhinged and will do anything in her power to bother her friends. it's just how she shows affection i suppose
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floppyhatwitch · 9 months
Last new year's eve, I made a resolution that I would learn to draw by drawing one page every day of 2023. I was meant to post this recap on January 1st, but it turns out that I have like a full thesis worth of infodumping about this project, so it got pushed back. Art dump time! <3
(editor witch here. This post is LONG. Like, tumblr-can't-save-the-draft-properly long. I've decided to split this into multiple parts to mitigate formatting issues and pulling my hair out when it inevitably comes out wrong. This is part 1 of 2)
Long post incoming! Art under the cut :)
First off we have the OG, the Day 1.
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I try not to pass judgement on my earlier works, because getting more confident with drawing was the entire point of the resolution. However, I can definitely say I've improved a whole bunch since then. It's basically just copied from reference material and the proportions could use a little work.
Fast forward to Day 11 where I had the first piece I thought was kinda good.
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Still goes pretty hard tbh. Love a good beholder.
The first piece I ever got a compliment on was this goopy texture text stuff.
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Unfortunately since all the early drawings were done in pencil, a lot of them have been ravaged by the unholy nature of graphite smearing.
Day 49 is another one of my favourites, I'd just won big in a no stakes poker match against my mates and thought I'd celebrate with a rendition of Mr Green.
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On Day 100 I decided to draw my top 100 favourite pokemon. It took SO much longer than I anticipated, but I still think it was worth it.
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After passing the Day 100 mark I thought it was about time to start varying my materials, so I gave pen drawing a go.
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I learnt crosshatching and absolutely loved it, it's still a staple technique whenever I go for pen exclusively, highly recommend.
By Day 121 I was fed up of fumbling MY way through drawing faces so I decided to really crack down and try and learn.
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As you can tell, it was a long and arduous journey.
By Day 125 I had filled up the first sketchbook and started a new one. As has become tradition, I decided to draw V2 again to see if I'd improved.
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While still not my best (that one's coming up) I'm definitely a lot happier with how this one turned out compared to the first. Being able to see how I'd improved gave me so much inspiration to keep going.
Day 136 was the first time I decided to crack out the coloured pencils, so I commemorated the occasion by depicting one of my homebrew DnD deities bring colour to the material plane.
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Banger after banger Day 137 is still one of my favourites. One day I'll make it into an album cover or something.
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Jeff Bezos exploding in space because his stupid fucking cowboy hat isn't pressurised at all.
Day 142 I started experimenting with including the day number in the art itself, which was a trend I continued throughout the rest of the project.
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After seeing Across the Spiderverse, I couldn't just not dedicate two pages and 4 hours of my life to making a tribute piece to the film. I still absolutely adore it, it's easily my second favourite film of all time (right behind the first one).
On Day 163 I recreated the Creation of Adam with my hand and my son.
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This is my son btw:
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I love him dearly and he is an excellent muse (he sits so still!)
Anyway so the next day I drew my top-secret creative process since so many people were asking for it.
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Gettin naked and eating paint in the forest, duh.
Day 178 I made a spidersona, which is kinda my first ever OC? Like official one anyway.
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Gave him a spruce up and a colour for ArtFight (which is SO FUN OMG)
Day 183 was the halfway mark (if you round up from 182.5) so I had to pay homage to the modern classic.
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The face is my favourite bit.
Speaking of ArtFight, I made a whole cast of characters for it! I was a little apprehensive to participate at first, since I still wasn't super confident in my abilities, but it turns out that the community is super welcoming <3. If you wanna see the whole shebang you can check out my profile here, but my most popular character was Alice.
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Which is awesome because we need more rollerblading rep in this world. We have Jet Set Radio and Ramona Flowers, but we need MORE.
I went to see the Barbennheimer double feature and had the time of my life during it, so I had to go home and make art of it.
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Come to think of it, I use art to commemorate a whole lot of stuff. Isn't that neat?
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On Day 221 I had just finished my first real short film for school and I was so happy I had gotten it all done. It was like 30,000 words of documentation, 7 months of work and I had to act as a man in it (damn you gender binary!) So I personified the relief of completion as the spectacle of gratuitous violence.
On Day 230 I finished Act II of Ultrakill for the first time (which at the time was the full game) and I couldn't get over just how hard Gabriel's monologue goes so I had to draw my favourite intro ever.
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I still haven't played layer 7 though so no spoilers pls.
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My son again! This time he's posing like Kali Uchis in her album "Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios)" I won't pretend like I understand what that means, but the album sounds so beautiful and the cover is to die for so I put my son in there.
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Day 235, the first full appearance of Spider-Girl. She's talking to her friend (Batman Beyond) who is trapped by the Riddler and forced to write a analytical essay of 12 Angry Men. Fun little detail with the day number is that Doc Ock actually threw the D at Spider-Girl as an attack.
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frog cowboy :)
I don't remember drawing Day 244, but I think it's actually really nice. Like an abundance of material slowly being wasted on someone hesitant to accept it or something. Idk I was probably sleep deprived to hell.
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It's kinda pretty right? Some little art fairy must have broken in an done it for me
DAY 252! A momentous day. It was my second time switching sketchbooks and so I had to give V2 another crack and...
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Still my favourite drawing of V2 I've ever done. Getting the ricochet coin in there as a framing tool is just so slay.
On Day 254 the pen I was using to take notes at school was finally laid to rest. I captured its final lines in this piece.
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It's actually kinda moving. That pen was so good.
This is the part where I circle back and remind you that this is too long for one post, so check out part two here
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alteredsilicone · 11 months
The Dark Urge : Act II
Continuing my ramble, this time about Act II, which will get a bit messy, because I will try to cobble together two different save-paths.
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Since I was doing the Minthara route, I went with Karniss and the Absolute army to Moonrise Towers and killed the Harpers. Basically I was on the antagonist side during the ambush.
Then we get Minthara scene at Moonrise:
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I influenced the ogre lady to be nicer to Minthara, so Ketheric sent her to the prison without too much of a fuss.
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I expected a Durge lore moment, but Ketheric didn't acknowledge me, maybe it's because it clashed with Minthara's scene, maybe because I chose the wrong dialogue options. Oh well! Or maybe Ketheric did acknowledge me but I just didn't catch it.
I freed Minthara from the prison, snuck out with her (by feeding her an invisibility potion Volo style) and then recruited her. Sadly couldn't keep her around since the NPCs would aggro on her, so I kept Lae'zel around for exploration's sake.
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I had yet to friendzone Astarion so the game showed me this option, but I decided to distract the ogre lady with my violent durge thoughts. She accepted such a distraction.
Now a bunch of random stuff:
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I caught Korilla sneaking in the bushes.
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Gale on Minthara after I recruited her... It's funny how nice he is about her, meanwhile Minthara can't stand Gale and/or wizards (and/or wizard males) and literally the only time she says something nice to you is if you play as Gale origin. xD Poor Galey~
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Biricest intermission. I love how the "Dream Guardian tries to seduce you" plotline kinda sorta still exists but it is never directly addressed, at least not until the Emperor reveal I'd say. Yeah, Dream Guardian has a sexy outfit now but they and durge/tav are just chilling and talking about the importance of fighting the Absolute.
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I mostly ignored Raphael in my durge run, as I had planned to dominate the brain and had no need for the Orphic Hammer. Astarion, however, needed his services so we made a deal (and I killed Yurgir's sorry ass).
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I finally managed to friendzone Astarion which was the sweetest and most wholesome moment in an otherwise grim playthrough.
Honestly, I love this silly vampire but I love him as a friend. I love the idea of slowly morphing him into a better person (as much as possible). Ironically on durge this seems very sinister in hindsight... We become friends and then I enable him to ascend to Vampire Lord status. It is what it is. Don't make friends with murdermonsters, folks!
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This is where my saves differ - initially I ignored Last Light, went to Shar's Gauntlet, made Shadowheart kill Nightsong and then Isobel got murked with the rest.
However, this path made me lose Jaheira as well, whom I want for diabolical reasons in Act 3.
So I went back and murked Isobel with my own two hands.
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Then I lied to Jaheira. <3 Sorry, grandma, I love you but durge does not.
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Playing with my butler, nothing to see here!
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After murking Isobel, I fulfilled Shadowheart's destiny and now she is a Dark Justiciar.
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Cheeky Astarion intermission.
While messing around in Moonrise Towers I found... the Wall Meat.
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Sticking hands in strange holes is something one simply does.
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Turns out this is a durge lore dump and the first time you're established as the most specialest guy. I'm loving it!
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Then (after fighting Ketheric and dropping down in the Mindflayer colony) we met creepy necromancer lady, whom we also sent to the other side. I don't want to be experimented on, not anymore!
[and this is where I cut the post short due to 30 image limit]
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sketchncanto · 2 years
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Yet another doodle dumpppp 🌟
Been hoarding these for a while—comfort art YEAAAH
Ight I’m back on hiatus again LOL
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misterewrites · 3 years
Solider, Poet, King (Genshin Impact AU)
Hey everyone! E here with a random surprise. Genshin Impact. Never thought i'd be here but here we are. haha This is a christmas gift for my best friend @hains-mae though I'm pretty sure I'll be back here when it's her birthday so i left it open so i could come back haha.
okay there’s some stuff i need to cover underneath to save on post space but long story short this is an alternate universe for genshin (Been a while huh?) and the main ship is venti and lumine if you were wondering. If you wanna learn more, info dump under the keep reading fence sign haha
that is it for me on this side of the fence, have a great week! be safe! wear your mask, keep your loved ones safe, get vaccinated if you can, wash your hands and push for global vaccination. Comments, reblogs, feedback and sharing with your friends is greatly appreciated and i thank you so much for it. Enjoy!
If you like this story and wanna have an easier time reading it or just wanna know what the hell i wrote, here’s a link to the chapter over on Ao3
Here’s the rest of my work
and here’s the keep out sign for all people scrolling past this wondering WTF
Okay first I’m going to explain the differences between this and the regular genshin if you know what they are.
This is an alternate universe. I dont play genshin that much so instead of tracking all that lore and making a mistake, i decided to just go with this different universe. Umm magic is still the same cuz i love magic and most of the characters are all basically the same in canon. The only thing i really changed was the archons. Instead of having mortal forms and all that jazz, I split them into the Archon deity itself and a normal human person. So like in the case of the star Venti, Venti is a human with the power of the wind and Barbatos (Ventis real name and identity) is the God or Archon of freedom but not venti himself in this universe. I separated their names basically into individual characters, a human and a deity. That way i don't need to remember all the lore and plot and i can give venti a challenge without adding a lot of powerful forces. Divinity is kinda hard to fight guys haha.
The main background is most of the nations were formed in the last decade or so following a giant world spanning civil war. Kinda like the archon war itself from the game. Again making my own universe so I don't have to worry about.....*gestures to all of genshin impact* not my speed but it's still cool lore and such.
Author note: Anything in italics is someone (wonder who) singing, bold and italics is a bunch of people singing and if you wanna know the song, it's the title of the story cuz ironically it fits way too well. The voice actress actually covered the song itself too so that was awesome.
Summary: Venti has been traveling the world for the last few years righting the wrongs of the corrupt and powerful as the vigilante Sprite. However, upon discovering dark forces at work in his beloved Mondstadt, he returns to his home to save its spirit. Just in time to meet a traveling princess from beyond.
The silence that blanketed the forest was hollow and unnatural. A stillness that the life that lived within these woods would never allow. Even now, with the moon waning and dawn approaching, the harmonic sounds of nature should be singing: Birds chirping their nightsong, the flutter of the fireflies, the wind soft and gentle as it raced across the landscape.
Silence meant danger and it was near.
Venti tucked himself deeper into his riding cloak, blowing warm air onto his hands to keep the biting cold from claiming them.
Mondstadt, the city of freedom and once Venti’s personal abode, hadn’t physically changed since the bard had been last but he could feel something lurking underneath the facade of normalcy.
Bandits on the roads, shifty looks and shady dealings under the cover of darkness with a mysterious troublemaker in the center of it all.
Darkness had seeped into his home and he intended to root it one terrible branch at a time.
He let out a disappointed sigh: It was his fault the city of freedom was corrupted by unsavory forces. Forever and a half ago (five years? Maybe ten? A while at least) when he founded the nation of Mondstadt (for which the city was named after. Give him a break he hadn’t been barding at the time) after that fated rebellion he declined rule in favor of wandering the world. He felt true freedom meant the choice came from the people. Also he wasn’t very keen on rule. Really just not his speed whatsoever and he’d probably would’ve ran the kingdom into the ground after a few months.
He hadn’t meant to be gone so long but old habits died hard. Everywhere injustice ran rampant: Those in power abusing it, the poor and weak helpless against an unfair system and freedom oppressed. Venti couldn’t help but interfere the same he way he did all those years ago.
Admittedly being a rouge vigilante was not exactly what he was picturing but you know when life gives you apples, you make cider.
The last few years were a blur with the bard traveling kingdom to kingdom, city to city, countryside to countryside correcting the wrongs. During the day he was Venti, wandering minstrel with a voice that made even the wind flustered. At night he was the mysterious Sprite, vigilante who struck fear into the wicked and lit the flame of rebellion in the righteous.
Though this time he did not enter the kingdom as Venti per his usual tactic. He told himself it was because he may be recognized given how young the nation was and his role in it but in truth shame was what made him cover his face in disguise.
He had the rightful claim to Mondstadt, one he could invoke at anytime if he presented his mark of the Archon. The mark was a symbol of the Seven, the deities of the world. Each nation adopted one of the Seven to guide their rule and Venti had been no exception when he founded Mondstadt. He had chosen Barbatos, Archon of freedom and his symbol was permanently tattooed on his back: Two outstretch bluish green wings extending outward. If he revealed his mark his claim would be recognized and he would be named ruler of Mondstadt.
Which was the last thing he wanted.
Venti was no ruler. Most of the time Venti wasn’t even sober. He preferred laying under the shade of an apple tree, sipping cider (Despite his youthful appearance, he was in fact 25.) and moonlighting as crime fighting keeper of justice.
Besides, based on his kingdom’s current state, he was not fit to be ruler. He left under the impression Mondstadt would be a true pillar of freedom. Instead it’d rotten into a cesspit of corruption.
He knew there were some allies to be found within the city walls: Jean the current Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, a group Venti himself put in place to protect the land. According to his intelligence she upheld justice fervently (to a fault many would say) and was one of the few forces fighting back against the encroaching putrefaction. Jean and her subordinates (Amber, Lisa, Albedo, Kaeya to name a few) would be key when the time came but first Venti needed to see what he was dealing with.
Thus spending the first week in his beloved Mondstadt was spent in the forest, freezing to death and without apples or cider.
It has been the single worst week of Venti’s life. Unfortunately necessary too.
Any power was only as good as its base. The one in charge was often credited for maintaining and gathering it but all power goes from the bottom up. Sometimes to find what you need you start at the bottom.
During one of Venti’s trips into Mondstadt city he discovered that a group of bandits set up shop in the nearby forest and were ambushing innocent travelers.
He’d tracking them the last few nights but the silence tonight confirmed he’d found them. Prey always remained silent to avoid drawing the ire of predators when they were near and there were few predators more dangerous than humans.
Well dragons but that’s not really relevant right now.
There was a slowly approaching light in the distance, the uneven creaking of old wooden wheels against the rough dirt path that wound through the forest. A carriage. Two maybe by the sounds of it.
Venti made sure his mask was on tight, his frame hidden underneath his riding cloak and hood as much as he could manage. Hidden in a bush he would wait to see if this was the prize his prey sought to ensnare.
“Hey!” He murmured to himself “That was good. Prize his prey sought to ensnare. I’ll need to remember that one.’
Venti began to reach for a pen when he heard a twig snapped nearby. His eyes narrowed.
There were a handful of guards walking at a brisk pace alongside an elegant carriage. It seemed otherworldly and grand, far grander than any carriage Venti’s had ever seen.
One of the guards in the front yawned and that’s when the bandits struck.
Arrows pierced the ground just ahead of the distracted guard which sent him onto the floor. The remaining guards flinched in surprise and raced forward to prepare for an attack.
The bandits leapt out of the bushes from behind, arrows poised at the guards who were now far out of range to attack.
“Stay there ya dogs!” A deep voice called out “Or we’ll puncture ya like a needle ball.”
“Needle ball cap?”
“Ya know. Those little balls. The ones those sewing folks stick their pins and needles in.”
“Cap, that sounds dumb.”
“Ya dumb! Ugh just don’t move the lot of ya! Drop your weapons while ya at it!”
Venti could hear the dull thuds of weapons hitting the dirt.
“Showtime.” he murmured to himself as he began climbing a nearby tree as quietly as he could. He managed to make it to a branch high enough to give him a clear shot.
The guards rose their hands in surrender, careful to stay as perfectly still as to not spook the bandits. There were five bandits in question: three with bows and arrows notched while the other two held swords at the ready. One was a wider man which no doubt was the captain of the group.
The captain took a step closer to the carriage “Come on out!”
Venti glared as he realized this was a kidnapping.
There was a moment of pause then the carriage began to subtly wobble from side to side. The door opened and Venti felt the air leave his lungs when he saw who was within.
She was beautiful whoever she was: her hair was blonde, bright even in the darkness and cut into a bob with two shoulder length twin tails framing her face prettily. Her white dress was sleeveless with a class of elegance nobility wish they could have. She wore elbow length white gloves tucked under bracers with white stockings and boots.
The woman glanced around, taking in the situation silently. If she was scared she didn’t show it. Instead her gaze remain stony and indifference. Venti caught his breath when her golden-yellow eyes passed over his direction, pausing for a moment before a flicker of something twinkled in that lovely shade. Without a word she made her way out of the carriage and faced the captain.
“Well isn’t this a catch” He gave a toothy grin “Ya a pretty thing huh? Behave and no harm will come to ya I swears.”
The woman did not respond.
Captain pulled a length of rope from his belt “Now I’m going to tie ya up a little so you don’t go running off. Then we’re gonna take a trip.”
The woman still did not respond, opting to instead clenched her hand into a tightly balled fist.
“Uh oh.” Venti caught the vein slowly forming on the pretty girl’s forehead “That’s not going end well. Time to jump in.”
The bard stood to full height, drawing his bow from under the cloak. He notched an arrow and prepared to fire.
The wind picked up, the gentle breeze turned harsh and fierce.
Lumine was not having a good day. First she was forced to this backwoods ball of dirt in the middle of nowhere and now some idiot was trying to kidnap her. She thought the strangely cloaked figure hidden in the treetops perhaps was a friend but given she stalled for several seconds and no good came from them evidently they were with the bandits.
‘No matter’ She thought to herself tiredly ‘I’ll deal with these fools myself. Same as ever.’
Lumine clenched her fist tight as the captain slowly approached, rope at the ready to bind her wrists.
Between the larger frame of the leader and his men already prepared to unleash their volley the situation wasn’t ideal. All the same Lumine would figure it out with a few will timed fists.
A surprise broke her train of thought in the form of a silver arrow that pierced the soft dirt between herself and the captain.
The captain paused, unsure what exactly he was looking at.
The winds picked up all the sudden, a furious howl that thundered all around. A gust of air crashed into the ground with a ferocity of a storm. Everyone present was violently shoved backwards while a plume of earth exploded outward and blanketed the area in a makeshift fog.
Lumine noticed the silhouettes of the archers staggered unevenly and sprung into action.
Lumine ducked past the bemused leader who flailed about in a wild panic.
A new voice called out, younger and playful with a touch of arrogance.
“Worry not princess, I am here to ensure you don’t break….”
Lumine drove her knee into one of the thugs stomach then her fist face first into another. The third understood what was going in time for her to twirl about. She rose her leg in a high kick and connected with the bandit’s jaw with a mighty crack. Three fell to the floor, motionless.
The cloaked figure gulped nervously “… my nose.”
“I see you decided to join us.” Lumine spoke simply, straightening up and wiping nonexistent dirt from her skirt.
The figure was about to respond when the captain’s second in command rushed at him in a delirious lunge.
The cloak man whirled about, bow gripped tightly with both hands in a mighty swing. His blow connected with the bandit and sent him sprawling to the ground.
“I was finding the right moment!” The figure cried out indignantly “One does not simply heroic swoop in at the first chance.”
Lumine scoffed “Another moment longer and I would’ve bound and helpless while you dealt with more foes.”
The figure stepped closer, the dust cloud slowly dissipated around him.
He was slightly taller than her with a thin frame. Maybe. The large cloak the stranger wore, a forest green shade with symbols etched in a pale sliver, hid his body well. The shadows made it difficult to see his face under the hood though she noticed two braids of bluish hair hanging off either side of his face. He wore a faded white long sleeved tunic tucked under forest green vest. Dark green shorts and dulled white leggings completed the look.
Overall Lumine would’ve guessed he was a simple ordinary...whatever he was were it not for his bow.
It was elegantly designed: A dark blue material outstretched outwards like wings. The centered reminded her of a bard’s lyre. The handle was a pale white with a dark blue grip and the bowstring was silver as if made of moonlight.
“Are you alright princess?” the cloaked figure bowed gracefully.
Lumine’s eyes narrowed suspiciously “How do you know I am a princess?”
The figured flinched, clearly off guard “Oh you actually are a princess. I…wasn’t expecting that.”
“Let me guess” Lumine gestured with her hand “You say that to every pretty girl you run across.”
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but unsavory words hurts ones reputation.”
Lumine paused for a moment. Something was missing.
Or someone.
The captain bellowed a war cry as he rushed forward, a rusty blade held high.
Lumine stepped forward, hand outstretched to summon her magic.
Nothing came.
“What?” she glanced down at her, unsure what was going on.
The cloaked figure threw himself in front of her and gestured with his hand.
A surge of green energy swirled about them for a moment as the captain brought down his sword upon the stranger. The winds shifted once more, howling violently as they rose in a powerful updraft. Lumine and the figure were unaffected by the spell but the captain was thrown high into the air, flailing about like a crazed madman all the while.
The figure drew an arrow, aiming carefully at the falling bandit captain. He let loose his breath then the arrow.
The arrow struck the captain in the chest first with a gust of air hitting a moment later. The captain was thrown far into the distance, beyond what Lumine could see. A dull thud then the forest sang to life: Birds chirped, the dim glow of fireflies began to rise from the grass, the wind breeze was soft and gentle once.
“Are you hurt?” The figure asked carefully.
Lumine shook her head “Perfectly alright. Thank you for your assistance. When you finally decided to give it.”
“All about heroic timing.” the figure chuckled “Now what brings royalty through the forest in the dead of night? The woods are dangerous in the dark and only the foolish or arrogant would travel them.”
“And, pray tell, which are you?”
The figure was silent, clearly surprised by her response “Sharp beauty and sharper tongue. Be still my wounded heart.”
Lumine pursed her lips thoughtfully “Remove your hood kind sir.”
“Trying to gather a peek at the hero underneath?”
“Actually I’m getting tired of guessing where your gaze wanders.”
The figure said nothing, opting to instead lower his hood.
He was handsome, she’d give him that: His hair was a dark blue which faded to aqua at the tips of his braids. He wore a white domino mask with three wings on both sides of it though slowly shifted from white to a light blue the further away from the mask it went. The wings were themselves were less angelic and more fairy. It kinda reminded her of..
“A sprite.” She answered outloud mindlessly.
The figure tilted his head, his aqua green eyes peered curiously at her.
Lumine felt her cheeks burn a pinkish hue “Oh I’m sorry. Your mask. It reminds me of a sprite. A wind sprite specifically.”
“That is I. Sprite, at your service.” Sprite bowed once more “Though I am surprised you are so well versed in our humble little Mondstadt’s fairy tales. Where are you from exactly princess?”
“The kingdom from beyond.” she replied flatly.
Sprite clicked his tongue playfully “You know you could tell me you rather not say.”
“I rather not but that would have been rude.”
“And what brings you here from however far you came?”
“Very far.” Lumine muttered under her breath “Too far. I am here against my better judgment I am afraid. I….am stuck between...places. I require assistance to return to my home. I heard Mondstadt is a fine kingdom to start and in exchange perhaps I can broker some sort of arrangement or trade between its ruler and my father.”
“Again fair princess, You could have told me you rather not have said.”
Lumine rolled her eyes but spoke with a polite tone “Thank you once more for your assistance but I must be off. I was expected in the city hours ago.”
Sprite rose an eyebrow “Hours ago?”
“I got lost. I am...unfamiliar with this place.” Lumine kicked the dirt shyly.
“And the guards?”
“They found me. Local milita. Agreed to take me to the city. And no.” she cut him off before he could chime in “They made me ride in the carriage. I preferred to walk myself but they were very...insistent.”
“At least they were gentlemanly if nothing else.” Sprite let out a hearty laugh.
Lumine chuckled before realizing he was watching her with a mischievous grin.
“Thank you.” Lumine willed her blush away “I take it you will accompany to the gates of the city?”
“Only if you ask princess.”
Lumine gave a cheeky grin “Then this is good bye and good night kind sir.”
Sprite was taken aback but simply nodded respectfully.
“Good night my fair princess. May your beauty grace my life once more.”
“If you don’t spend all your time loitering in the forest perhaps it will. I have no idea how long I will be here nor do I know how my meeting with Lord Childe will go. I’ll probably have to see him in the morning.”
Silence gathered over the forest once, the song of the woods fell quiet once more. Sprite’s posture became serious and distant.
“What did you say? Lord Childe?”
“Yes?” She was unsure what the name meant exactly but given Sprite’s abrupt shift in demeanor Lumine felt a little wary about meeting him now.
Sprite uncharacteristically remain quiet for a moment before speaking in a serious tone “You are certain that is his name?”
“Remain on your guard. I suspect something afoot in Mondstadt.”
Lumine nodded in agreement.
Sprite sighed tiredly, turning away from her.
“Good bye princess. Stay safe.”
And without another word, he vanished into thin air with nothing but a gentle breeze
Venti stared at the city of freedom in the distance, unable to stop the icy feeling of dread from forming in his stomach.
“Childe.” He absentmindedly whispered to himself “So if Tartaglia is here Signora must be close at hand too.”
He ran his finger down the side of his wind sprite mask.
“I think I found my troublemakers.”
The city of Mondstadt was alive with the sounds of music and cheer. The Windblume festival was close at hand and the residents were eager to take part in the yearly celebration.
Lumine had never seen anything like this up close during her travels but even she couldn’t stop the smile on her face or her head bobbing to the lively atmosphere.
She was about to leave for the palace when noticed a crowd gathering at the front gates, the sound of a lite expertly played and a melodic voice filling the air.
“There will come a solider, who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down, oh lei oh lai oh lord. Oh leeeeei oh laaaai oh lei oh looooord. He will tear your city down, oh lei oh lai oh lord.”
Lumine paused at the voice, an odd familiarity to it but she couldn’t place from where. She made her way over, cutting through the crowd to see who was drawing such attention.
It was man, a handsome man surrounded by the admiring masses.
His clothing was elegant and refined: A flowing cape of teal with a white lining trailed behind him as he danced with such grace it was like he was floating on air. A deep blue and gold bow held the cape in place which draped over his white long sleeve tunic and brown corset-like attire. Teal shorts with white stockings covered his legs, three gold diamond shapes stitched into the white fabric. Dark brown loafers graced his feet and upon his dark blue hair was a teal beret tilted lazily to one side. There was a flower tucked in his dark locks as he strummed his beautiful wooden lute with blue strings.
The stranger glanced her way and made his way closer towards her, his feet lightly dancing all the way like he was walking on air.
“There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei oh lai oh lord.”
The crowd joined in, singing as one with the bard
“Oh leeeeeie oh laaaaai oh lei oh looooord.”
“He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei oh lai oh lord.”
and with a playful wink and grin, the bard was off. He skipped and bounce his way across the stony floor.
“There will come a ruler, whose brow is lay in thorn.”
“Whose that?” Lumine muttered breathlessly, blood flushing into her cheeks.
“Smeared with oil like David’s boy, oh lei oh lai oh lord.”
“Oh him?” someone nearby answered though she was too far distracted to notice who it was “Says his name is Venti. He’s traveling bard in town for the festival.”
"oh leeeeeeei oh laaaaaai oh lei oh loooooord.”
“Venti….” Lumine whispered softly.
“Smeared with oil like David’s boy, oh lei oh lai oh lord. Oh leeeeei oh laaaai oh lei oh loooord. He will tear your city down oh lei oh lai oh lord.”
The crowd burst into thunderous applause and Venti the bard bowed gracefully.
Without a sound, the crowd before the man as he made his way deeper into the city.
Lumine watched him go, wondering all the while why he seemed so familiar.
And why her heart was beating so fast.
22 notes · View notes
canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 19, part two
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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The Man Comes Around
Over at the Wen Indoctrination Tower, which seems to exist just to torture Lan Wangji with stair climbing, Lan Wangji is climbing the stairs. Too bad his cultivation level is too low to be able to just jump up. At least this time his leg isn't broken.
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This is the first vengeful stair-climb in the show, but not the last. (Parallel gifset here).
The Wen guards are stationed all the way at the pinnacle of this tower to guard...what? Why are they not at the bottom of the stairs? What is this location for, actually? This is further up the stairs than the scenes with the indoctrination lectures. Anyway, it's been three months since Wen Chao threw Wei Wuxian into the burial mounds, so naturally these guards are talking about that exact thing as Lan Wangji approaches.
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Lan Wangji knocks them all down with a blast from his guqin. Did you know his guqin is named Wangji, by the way? It is. A guy who is that lazy about naming his quqin maybe shouldn't feel so superior to a guy who named his sword "whatever." 
(I'm suddenly remembering a plush lamb I had as a child, whose eyes were orange, that I named "orange eyes.") (I, however, was three. And I had a lot of plush lambs. Little ones. Grown-ups found it hilarious to give them to me.) (Native speakers of English can probably guess what OP's real name is. Hint: it rhymes with Canary.) (Everybody else: there is a kid's rhyming song called Mary Had A Little Lamb. OP's name is Mary.)
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Anyhoo, after Lan Wangji is finally finished with his dramatic entrance, Jiang Cheng comes flying in from wherever he's been hovering for the past 20 minutes of stair time. A bunch of Lan sidekicks also flood into the frame from wherever they were hiding during the wide shots of LWJ on the staircase.
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In case you hope that CQL Lan Wangji is as much of a top (offscreen) as MZDS Lan Wangji is (on the page), here's a gif for you.
(more after the cut)
He uses the patented Lan string attack to choke this guard.  Lan Wangji doesn't have to hold a guqin string in his hands to choke someone with it. He doesn't even have to tighten it, judging by how absurdly not-tight this string is.
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Or maybe this guy is choking on the chin strap of his helmet. This is exactly how OP's son reacts when OP sticks a bike helmet on him. (Note: it's GOOD that they are following choking safety protocols on set. Very good. However, they could have just left the string out and pretended, and it would look better, in this instance)
The Wen guard tells Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng about the whole "thrown into the burial mounds" thing.  Team Let's Find Wei Wuxian is not happy to hear this.
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A Vengeful Ghost
Meanwhile, in some Wen office somewhere? Where the hell is this? Yiling, we get an ominous shot of the rooftops where Wei Wuxian is lurking and then we see Wang Lingjiao trying to sleep and having a nightmare.
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Wang Lingjiao has gone to sleep with a full face of makeup on instead of washing her face before bed. She has forgotten the important maxim, Go To Sleep Pretty, Wake Up Zitty.
She leaps out of bed to go cling to Wen Chao and freak out about Wei Wuxian's ghost. Wen Chao is trying to read the sports section and has clearly had enough of this crap. This has presumably been going on for a little while now.
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Wang Lingjiao is in a new outfit, which is...pajamas? It has the feel of a 1930's French peignoir set, and it's much more softly colored than her usual bright red-purple combo. If this is her pajamas is it weird that her day clothes are a lot more aggressively sexy-looking than her nightgown? A freak in the streets but a lady in the sheets.
Wen Chao rants about the Sunshot Campaign and talks some smack about Wen Qing, and then leaves to go to the bar and watch the game with Wen Zhuliu. After he leaves Wang Lingjiao freaks out for a bit and then looks at the notice he was reading.
The notice basically says that the Sunshot Campaign is kicking their ass. She should be proud for inspiring the name of the campaign with that kite-shooting bullshit she made up at Lotus Pier. Before slaughtering everyone.
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No Matter What You Do, I Only Want To Be With You
Back at the Indoctrination Tower, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are having feelings about Wei Wuxian. Jiang Chang does all the talking but Lan Wangji's thoughts are louder because a sad violin is playing Wangxian while they talk.
Jiang Cheng tells Lan Wangji about their meetup plan and says he thought WWX had dumped him to go find Lan Wangji in Lanling. Lan Wangji telepathically indicates that this didn’t happen. This means two things: 1. Lan Wangji has been hanging out in Lanling, where Jiang Yanli has been hanging out, so maybe they have bonded over the past 3 months and 2. This is the first time Jiang Cheng has talked to Lan Wangji since Wei Wuxian disappeared. 
Much as my fic-loving heart would like to believe these two spent three months on the road together looking for Wei Wuxian, in fact they are both important high-level fighters in an active military campaign, and Lan Wangji was busy taking back the Cloud Recesses while Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were having elective surgery. They probably both were assigned to the "Indoctrination Bureau" mission and this is the first chance they've had to talk about Wei Wuxian.
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Is it heartbreaking that, while Wei Wuxian was helplessly getting his ass beat because he'd sacrificed his golden core for Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng believed Wei Wuxian had abandoned him for Lan Wangji? Yes. Yes it is.
For some reason Jiang Cheng is hesitant to believe that Wei Wuxian really was thrown into the Burial Mounds. I mean, I understand not wanting to believe Wei Wuxian is dead, but given that Wen Chao is the dude who oversaw the massacre of all of the people at Lotus Pier, including kids, why would Jiang Cheng think his guards are wrong? Maybe he just feels like Wei Wuxian is invincible, since so far he kinda has been. 
The Sword is Mightier Than Not Having a Sword
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While they've been chatting, the Lan disciples have found their swords. One disciple is holding Bichen (LWJ's sword), Sandu (JC's sword), and OP consults wiki Suihua (Jin Zixuan's sword). Another disciple is holding Subian (WWX's sword).  
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Jiang Cheng grabs Sandu while the Lan disciples, who apparently know their gongzi’s heart, offer Wei Wuxian's sword to Lan Wangji. 
Lan Wangji takes Subian (Bichen: What am I, chopped watercress?) and immediately tries to draw it. Like you don't do. It's sealed itself, which apparently means that it's upset. It's unclear if it's upset because Wei Wuxian is dead or if it just misses him, however.  
Lan Wangji definitely misses him, and wonders, out loud inside his own head, where Wei Wuxian is. Um, he's in the Burial Mounds, dude, they just told you. Well, I guess he's actually in Yiling proper at this point, haunting Wang Lingjiao as he promised her he would.
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Twa Corbies
The scene shifts to Qinghe, where there are about 12 dead bodies lying around, which in this show means that there are really a few hundred. In fact, per Jiang Yanli's statement "nothing can be seen but corpses covering the plains." The camera can't see most of them, is all.
Wen Xu's head is hanging in the doorway, and the Jins talk about how Nie Mingjue killed him, cutting his head off with just one swing. Is this foreshadowing anything, like perhaps someone else's head being cut off by Baxia in just one swing? Nope, definitely not.
A couple of crows are perched on a body, totally not eating it, but Jin Zixuan gallantly zaps them with a talisman to make them fly away anyway.  It might be noteworthy that nobody used to use talismans but gradually more and more people are using them - particularly people who have spent time with Wei Wuxian.
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With mony a lock of his golden hair-o, we’ll theek our nest when it grows bare-o
Asshole cousin Jin Zixun says “scavenger rights,” so Jin Zixuan puts him in charge of collecting all the bodies. 
Since OP just finished watching fur-collar-happy Nirvana in Fire, these crows look to me like they are wearing luxurious fur collars. Where OP lives, crows are not this fancy. 
A Romantic Corpse-Filled Interlude
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Disaster het Jin Zixuan goes to help Jiang Yanli get out of the carriage but she rejects his hand just like he rejected hers back in Gusu.
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Jiang Yanli is extremely shocked when she sees Wen Xu's severed head, and turns away in horror, preferring to calmly rest her eyes on dozens of crow-pecked corpses.
Jin Zixuan tries to comfort her and she tells him she'll be going now, thanks for the hospitality. He tries to say that he has to personally deliver her to a representative of the patriarchy one of her brothers, but then one of her brothers shows up.
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Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng arrive, having presumably flown there from Qishan. They show that they are flying by blowing a fan on the ground and then jumping off of a box, which is better than the effects we were subjected to earlier in the episode.
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Jiang Cheng rushes over to have an emotional reunion with Jiang Yanli, while Lan Wangji rushes over to have an emotional reunion with Wen Xu’s severed head. Jin Zixuan kind of spoils it for him by talking about Wei Wuxian's absence while Lan Wangji is trying to have a moment.
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The whole time Jin Zixuan is talking to him, Lan Wangji appears to be gazing into the middle distance but in fact he is staring at Wen Xu's severed head. This is the guy who led the burning of Cloud Recesses, killed a bunch of disciples, and personally broke Lan Wangji's leg. Lan Wangji stares at his head for more than a full minute before glancing away.
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Jiang Yanli hasn't seen Jiang Cheng since they were in Wen Qing's clinic, and she is happy he's recovered. When she asks about Wei Wuxian he gives her the bad news in the classic Jiang fashion, which is to say nothing, but look stricken until your interlocutor figures out that something is horribly wrong, but not precisely what.
Four Angry Men
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Inside the fortress, Nie Mingjue is slapping the table and saying, this bad boy can hold so much resentment and vengeance. They're having a mini war council and we're getting a better sense of Nie Mingjue's anger management problem. Note for those who don't get the gif reference: this is a The Godfather joke, not a sex joke, but it can be both, if you like.
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We're also getting a little more info about Baxia, who seems to be eager to go fight even without anyone wielding it. (Her? Him? Them? do swords have gender? I don't know). Well done, person below the camera frame whose job is to rattle Baxia in a menacing manner.
They've got a giant model of the battle targets, which looks like it was carved out of real rock (I mean, as much as any of the rocks on this show look like real rocks) and has its own table and everything, decorated in Nie colors. Where was this before they took Qinghe back? Has Nie Mingjue been traveling with it? 
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Anyway, I'm assuming Nie Huaisang made it, because it's pretty nice. Hopefully they will keep it around for tabletop gaming after the war is over.
Jiang Cheng is upset but is using his anger management mantra to help control his temper while Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji talk with Nie Mingjue. 
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Lan Wangji talks by leaning forward meaningfully, mostly not by using any words, but he asks for a battle assignment and Jiang Cheng immediately joins in. They both want to go find Wei Wuxian. 
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Nie Mingjue says Yiling is too difficult of a target, but Lan Wangji puts on his determined face, which is apparently very persuasive.  
After Team Find Wei Wuxian leaves, Nie Mingjue asks Jin Zixuan to hang back so he can ask him how Meng Yao is doing. This is the first time he finds out that his ex didn't go to Lanling. Jin Zixuan tries to delicately remind him that Dad's got, like, SO many bastard children, they really don't have space for all of them. Nie Mingjue dismisses him immediately and abruptly. 
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Nie Mingjue might invite the straights to his party but he isn't interested in actually socializing with them.
Unconditional Soup is Only for A-Xian
Jiang Cheng can't sleep, and takes some time, now, to be sad about Wei Wuxian. Presumably he spent the prior 3 months being mad, not sad, because he really thought he just buggered off without saying anything for all that time. Which is sort of fair, but sort of not. One thing about these two bros is that for as close as they have been and as much as they love each other, their mutual understanding has some big, messy gaps.
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Fortunately while he is feeling sad, Jiang Cheng does not try to draw Subian from its sheath, because wouldn't THAT be awkward.
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Jiang Yanli can't sleep either, and comes to sit with him. Jiang Cheng feels bad that she's wearing herself out with worry and she says "As your sister, I have nothing to do but to worry about you." Jiang Yanli isn't one to complain but she doesn't like being inactive or helpless. In Lanling she was far from the war, but now that she's in Qinghe she'll make herself useful by tending the wounded, and later she'll help Jiang Cheng shoulder his responsibilities as he takes over the Jiang clan.
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At the moment, however, all she can do is fret and make soup. As she gives Jiang Cheng a bowlful she reminds him that he absolutely has to rescue their brother who has, according to his captors, been reduced to bone dust.
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With all the impossible shit that Jiang Cheng is expected to achieve - and in many instances, does achieve - he is absolutely the embodiment of the Jiang Clan's motto. Fuck his father for disrespecting him because he hadn't figured out how to do everything by the age of 16.
Definitely Not Chilling in Yiling
Back in Yiling, Wen Chao is hearing the news that the Qishan Indoctrination Bureau has fallen and that he's being called back to Nightless City. Wen Chao says he shouldn't need to go back because his dad has a new right-hand man. That new right-hand man, we will eventually learn, is Meng Yao. Wang Lingjiao, meanwhile, is hiding under the bed covers and deciding it's time to dump Wen Chao.
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She locks the door and goes to pull out her jewelry box, which is locked and hidden under the bed. Maybe this is Wen Chao's jewelry box, because she acts kind of squirrely about opening it. Upon opening the jewelry box, she doesn't find jewelry but a pair of bloody fake eyeballs staring at her.  She screams and freaks out and then the wind picks up and we hear the sound of a flute, playing the "I'm here to fuck your shit up" tune that Wei Wuxian likes.
Wang Lingjiao runs to the door and pulls down the protection talisman that's pasted above it, and pastes it directly to her chest instead, which is, we will learn in the next episode, the worst idea she could possibly have at this point.
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Then she uses a poking stick to go flip the jewelry box open and finds it's full of ugly-ass jewelry again, plus an improbable number of weird round paper-mache biscuits that have been painted gold. None of this jewelry looks anything like the exquisite accessories people wear in this show, which means this stash was put together by the practical effects department, not by the costume department.
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Anyway, Wang Lingjiao apparently thinks she can sell this fakeass stuff for a good price, so more power to her. But then we get a short glimpse of the menacing eyeballs again, this time on the floor, having moved out of the box and brought their little blood pool with them. Screeching ensues.
Next episode: Lady in Red!
Soundtrack: Twa Corbies, by Steeleye Span
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