#I know Arthur would go batshit crazy when he saw her with her hair down
shinmiyovvi · 8 months
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cappsikle · 4 years
just a bunch of fools (in love) // george weasley
Request: omg !!! could you please do a continuation for “just a bunch of fools” where george asks reader to marry him 🥺🥺🥺 <3
read the first part here! 
Pairing: george weasley x reader
Summary: the world seems so dark and heavy, but george doesn’t want to do this with anyone but you
Warnings: nope! 
Word Count: 1.7k 
A/N: I’m soooo sorry that this took so long! I had major writer’s block I just hope you like it!
(I’m just gonna say it now, the ending is trash because I just wanted to get it out for you, I’m so sorry >_<)
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!!
Everyone at the Burrow was tense, all still dealing with the aftermath of the attack at the wedding. That was also the night Harry, Ron and Hermione left, along with Bill and Fluer who created a safe house for themselves and members of the Order. So, in the end, it was only you, the twins, ginny, Molly and Arthur who remained at the Burrow until it was time to move to a safer location. No one really spoke to each other, not being able to find the words. What exactly can you say that will make the situation better? The minister of magic was dead, and the ministry had been taken over. You were struggling to grasp anything that resembled hope, it managing to just slip through your fingers. 
Your heart was heavy, dread settling into the pit of your stomach as you sat on the couch in front of the fire. Everyone else had retired to bed, but you just couldn’t sleep, so instead you left George in his bed to sit down and think. Though in hindsight, thinking probably wasn’t the best thing you could do, as you did tend to overthink. What was going to happen next? Where would you go? Are Harry and the others ok? The deeper you went into your thoughts, the more unaware you became of your surroundings, which resulted in you practically jumping out of your skin when you felt a pair of hands over your shoulders.
“shit!” you jumped up from the couch, a hand over your chest as you tried to tame your rapidly racing heart, “George, you scared me!”
“Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to,” you nodded slowly and sat back down, George following and sitting next to you, “what are you doing up so late anyway?”
You shrugged your shoulders, bringing your knees up to your chest and placing your chin in the little divot between them. “just couldn't sleep, yakow... with everything going on.” George nodded his head in understanding, pursing his lips as he got lost in thought. He could see the toll the war had taken on you, effecting your ability to eat and sleep normally. He just wished he knew what to do or say that could make you feel better, but George too was struggling to see the light at the end of this very long and very dark tunnel.
“Would you like something to drink? A cup of tea, maybe?”
You smile sweetly at him and nodded gently, “that would be nice, thank you.” you leaned up and gently placed a kiss to his lips as he rose from his seat, making his way to the kitchen.
Putting the kettle to boil, George looked at you from his place at the kitchen, just taking the time to admire you and your features. From the way your hair fell into your eyes, soft from the light of the fire and the evident tiredness to the little dimple only present on your right cheek even from the smallest of movements from your tempting lips. If there was one thing George knew for sure, it was that in a time where the world was batshit crazy, you were the one that gave him hope for a better future, a future together. That's when he got the idea.
As if electrocuted from a spark, George raced off upstairs towards his room, although he was very careful not to make any noise that would wake his sleeping family. Practically overflowing with nerves and excitement, George ever-so-carefully pushed his door open, squeezing in and tiptoeing to avoid waking up Fred. He walked over to his bedside table and grabbed the little velvet box sitting in the drawer, turning it over in his hands. Was he really about to do this? Was he sure that this is something you’d want, to get engaged right in the middle of a war?  
“So, you’re finally going to do it?” George swore his heart literally jumped out of his chest at the sound of his twin’s tired and barely-awake voice, fumbling with the box as it almost fell out of his grasp. He turned around to face Fred sitting up on the bed, a tired and lazy smirk on his lips.
“Christ, mate! Warn a guy next time, will you?” Fred chuckled at his brother’s frightened state before his eyes trailed down towards what was in George’s hands.
“I said, are you finally going to do it?” George looked down as well, his lips twitching to a small smile at the sight.
“Yeah, I think I am,”
“Are you sure now of all times is the best idea?”
George looked up at his twin, his other half, as he mulled over his words whilst getting up to sit on the edge of the bed next to him. “Look, mate, I’m not sure what’s going to happen over the next few months, but I can’t bear the thought of going through this without the promise that we’ll be together. I love her, more than anything,” Fred looked at his brother, the one person he could count on no matter what, and the solemn look that took over his face. No matter what, he would support his brother’s decision and stand by him with anything, he only wanted to see his brother happy, and he knew that you were the person to make it happy.
Fred nudged George’s shoulder with his elbow, bringing him out of his thoughts. “Look, whatever you do, I support you, and everyone else will too”
George’s face lifted up a bit, grateful for his brother’s words. “I just hope I don’t get rejected,” he said in a joking manner, but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice. What if you do rejected him? Surely you wouldn’t, he hoped.
“I can say with a hundred percent certainty that you will not. You lot are perfect for each other.”
“Thanks, mate.” George smiled up his twin, feeling the energy return with a newfound excitement from his twin’s encouraging words.
“Don’t mention it. Now hurry up and go down there, you left the poor thing hangin’”
George jumped up from the bed, rushing to get downstairs back to you with the box held tightly in his hand. You smiled when you saw George’s lanky figure come back down the steps, dressed in his plaid pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. Noticing George practically bouncing on the spot, you get up from your position on the couch and walk over to him, curious. “What’s got you jumping about the place? You’re basically vibrating,” you chuckled up at him, but your smile fell as you noticed nerves pinching his face, “y’lright, love?”
Just when George thought he couldn’t possibly fall any more in love with you, he was proven wrong upon seeing your concerned face for something as miniscule as feeling nervous. “Y-yeah, ‘m alright,” George looked down at his feet sheepishly, thankful you hadn’t noticed that he was very visibly hiding something behind his back. “Why don’t you come outside with me?”
“Outside? What for?” George raised his head as a sly smirk snaked its way across his lips.
“C’mon, I’ll make it worth your while.” with that, George grabbed your hand and took you through the back door, the light from the inside spilling out to the chilly air.
“George, what’s going on?” you ask curiously, a tint of worry in your voice. You cross your arms over your chest in a futile attempt at warding off the breeze, goosebumps rising on your exposed skin. The cold seemed to have melted away, however, when George grabbed one of your hands from your chest and sunk himself down onto one knee, his other hand still behind his back.
He knew in the grand scheme of things, now was probably a rubbish time to do something like this, but he wanted to have that security that you’d still be his after everything is over. You were confused, what was he doing? He couldn’t be doing... that... right? 
“(Y/N) …” George started, already feeling his start emotions catch up to him. “You are... the best thing that could ever have happened to me. I never thought that in a million years I could have found someone to be like you. Someone so kind, so passionate and so loving, someone willing to do anything and everything to protect those you love without a second thought...”  
George stopped his little speech to gather his thoughts and keep himself from crying. All the while you’re standing there in complete shock. How long had he been planning to do this? You knew what you wanted to say, heck you probably would’ve even said it two years ago. You knew George was who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and you would be lying if you hadn’t had dreamt this exact scenario multiple times.  
“I remember when we first met at Kings Cross in our third year, where I ran into you and knocked you off of your feet and said some stupid pick-up-line as a failed attempt of an apology... and the rest is history. I know now isn’t the most ideal time to be doing something like this, being in the middle of a war and all, but maybe it’s because of it that now is a perfect time...” George trailed off with a chuckle, gripping your hand tighter. 
Your hand shook in his as he brought the small box out from behind his back, opening it up to reveal a simple gold band with a small diamond in the middle, but you barely spared it a glance. You were entranced by George’s eyes, filled with so much love and emotion. You couldn’t believe this was happening right now. George was actually asking you to marry him. With tears in his eyes and his voice caught in his throat, he asked the final question.
“Will you, my best friend, my soulmate, do me the absolute honor of marrying me?”
You nodded your head excessively, tears shamelessly spilling from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks. You could barely speak, your words stuck in your throat as you choked up. So instead you flung your arms around his neck, bringing your lips close to his ear and spoke the next words with as much love adoration as you could.
yikes so that ending was very trash but it’s ok because our baby isn’t. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed that!! Once I got passed the writers block it was enjoyable to write! 
As always my requests are open so please don’t be shy!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!!
- Mills <3
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King Arthur: The Legend of the Sword
Ok, where do I even start with this train wreck.
How about I start nice. I’ll do that.
If you just want to take a step back and want a fun “What the Fuck Were They Thinking” Ride of a movie. This movie almost achieves this status at times. There are some....creative moves the movie makes, and the special effects are actually not half bad.
I even give them kudos for diversifying the cast.
Now onto me, a quasi Medievalist by training, to buckle down and get serious. 
I actually have studied the Arthur Legends a fair amount in my studies.
So, here’s my first point of criticism: The armor and hair styles are a giant anachronistic mishmash. 
The village town buildings looked 13th century. 
The armor was a mix of early Medieval to mid-Renaissance. 
Arthur’s hair is straight up 21st century.
The vikings were wrong.
Weapons were a mix of different eras in shapes.
The clothes were a bit of a mess in eras too.
There should’t have been as much blue out and about as there was (even if she was a mage)
The fireworks in Europe. No.
Not to mention, when London was Londinium, that means the time period would have actually been around 43 BC to 300 AD (after this point it got renamed).
That means Medieval styles in and of themselves are not correct, but if we go with Monmouth (the original transcriber of the Arthurian Legend) and his year of recording n 1136, the styles still don’t match up.
George as Chinese. Fascinating, but I’m not entirely sure a Chinese Martial Arts master would be hanging around. A Chinese Silk merchant, sure, but a Martial Arts Master? I’ll give it a suspicious side-eye and move along. There are a few other things about him that I can’t put my finger on about his character’s costuming, but they just don’t seem correct.
Bedivere and Wet Stick/Tristan being black/Moorish= cool, and very likely.
Another point of fact, Arthur was Welsh (he’s the freaking RED DRAGON), and it wouldn’t have been called England. 
That’s just the historical criticisms from my own limited pool of knowledge 
Let’s move onto the mythological aspects twisted
Vortigern’s Tower, Dians Emrys, under which two dragons fought and kept knocking it down, is now his own Isengarde serving as a magic amplifier. 
Vortigern, the enemy of Uther now being his brother.....ok......
Vortigern making a deal with cthulu-maids who appear to be a corrupted version of the Morrigan. (Mother, Maiden, Crone). Yeah, that I don’t get at all. The Morrigan were already mystical. Making them Cthulu from the waist down wasn’t necessary, if that was even what the director intended to present these three as. They’re sure as hell not the Lady of the Lake (we saw her as her normal pretty self).
The fact that whoever wrote this didn’t take advantage of the ACTUAL monsters of Celtic lore and instead used
Giant Snakes
Giant Eagles
ROUSes (Rodents of Unusual Size)<---a joke I actually cracked in the theater watching this film.
Oliphants (They stole the mounts of the Soutrons/Haradrim, Sauron is not going to be pleased)
The magic in this movie was a cross between fire-bending and Warging from GoT (seriously, I had to bite back at least three GoT jokes). There were some more mystical moments but even then I could still make a few X-men jokes here and there.
Excalibur’s effects were actually kind of awesome but I also recently read an awesome fantasy book with a legendary blade that has runes that glow WHEN THE GUY WIELDING THE BLADE MASTERS IT. It’s called Forging Divinity. I highly recommend it.
Excalibur, in myth and legend, isn’t given defined powers, just that whoever wields it is the true king.
Merlin’s absence kind of pissed me off. His unnamed female replacement was OK for an overpowered Warg (she seriously doesn’t have a name). 
Morgana doesn’t exist (though HILARIOUSLY an actress who has portrayed Morgana was in this film for five minutes)
More than HALF the knights of the round table are missing.
E.G. Gawain, Lancelot, Ywain, Bors, Geriant, Galahad, Agravaine
There was never Sir George nor was there actually a Sir William as part of the round table.
Mordred is Arthur’s bastard SON in some versions and is not an evil wizard that Uther fought (on an Oliphant stolen from the Harradrim from Middle Earth)
Mordred in this movie looked more like Tim the Enchanter (though, that is how Merlin is supposed to look)
The way this film was cut together at times was way too....90′s action movie. Cheesy 90′s Action Movie. 
The plot was a sort of ok one. The pacing was a bit off with the beginning’s two segments. I’m still hung up on the Oliphant attack, ok? 
Vortigern’s move was foolish. Why not take advantage of the battle to kill his brother or did he REALLY underestimate the power of the magic sword his brother wielded like that. 
If Arthur was such a savvy underworld kingpin, wouldn’t he have cottoned on to the whole, “pull the sword get your brand thing” to forge a brand so as not to stick out, which a good criminal tries not to do. 
Vortigern exchanging the fucking Mage for a sword he really can’t use. 
“Ah yes, let’s give my nephew a magic user to use against me, oh I am so good at evil plots” Ok, so maybe he didn’t know she was a Mage, aside from the fact, she has been witnessed doing her magic thing a few times prior to this point in the movie.
The Mage not having a name. That bugs me (is she supposed to be Guinevere or something?) 
Arthur only using the sword, at first, through (to borrow the Cinema Sins term) “Power of Boners.”
The “you had the power within all along cliche”
The “antagonistic unwilling partners” to “romantic interests” cliche. In this case, at least, she’s not powerless since she could magic his ass to the next millennium. But really, the way they’ve portrayed this Arthur, he’s no prize.
Uther became the stone. That’s both cool and batshit crazy. 
The underdog hero cliche, but I sort of like that one.
In short, the movie was formulaic, a giant mess of vague fantasy-ish things while trying to be more reality based, and not painfully bad. Still a train-wreck but one that can be watched without copious amounts of alcohol.
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