#I know each of the games have sorta had themes get lost too especially when it was felt it was going to be too disturbing
cainite-bite · 2 years
While ultimately i want to see the silent hill franchise back, I am awfully disappointed it has to be 2. Not just because my bias of it being my least favorite in the franchise, but just the fact I feel there were other games that could have used it better, like you know... the first of the franchise that kicked the whole thing off. Especially since 2 and 3 already got (shitty) remasters and is a lot newer to people than half the franchise.
I know they’re just trying to go with the safe, what they are thinking is going to be the cash cow route, but I still just wished it would have been SH1 still.
That being said I hope they can actually do better for 2 and fix up some of its weak ends and fix up some of the characterizations going on  in the OG. SH2 has a lot of potential easily and I’d like to see that get more expanded
#Im still going to give it a chance though I am going to be holding my breath in caution#there's some things I hope they elaberate further cause there's a lot of ideas that sorta get started that do really have much to them#and for most people it didnt come to fruition much#like back in the day so few people caught on to the empty pram in a pool and the nurses having the baby faces hidden on them#and knowing mary's desire to have a family there I can't help but to feel the other notes to that died off eerily early in the game#at least outside of the point of Laura who Mary wanted to adopt later#but the others being there kind of makes me think there was something more- and later that got talked about by one of the creators too#an thats an end I wanna see maybe get taken off with more#I know each of the games have sorta had themes get lost too especially when it was felt it was going to be too disturbing#SH 1 already toed a fine line with Alessa and what happened to her in certain abused regards... but it also had censored monsters#a lot of these games have sorta lost a little from that there so if 2 had more of i hope maybe they can get it running#if they wanted to though#cause right now we live in such a different age where a lot more is allowed than it used to be#but while im disappointed in 2 i hope its the start to getting some of the others back#i wanna see SH1 and 4 going again#if we're doing a full remake i feel like 3 would still be an execellent cannidate for it#ill still probably get the game to support it enough so maybe we can get to that point...#that being said im just glad an entire announcement wasnt like... nfts only
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grelleswife · 3 years
Sebamey for the domestic ask meme? uwu
Doing these for a modern human AU, if that's okay!
1. Who cooks normally?
Sebastian. He learned to cook at a young age and has taken several classes over the years, so he knows his way around a kitchen! Mey Rin's culinary expertise ends at basic survival cooking, and she has a tendency to leave out key ingredients, mix up the salt and sugar, etc. She much prefers to let bae fix their meals, yes she does! XD
2. How often do they fight?
Infrequently. Since Mey Rin is far too good-natured to be quarrelsome most of the time, and Sebastian adores her, they can usually sort out their differences through more peaceful means. On the rare occasions when they do fight, Sebastian is the soul of contrition afterwards, meekly apologizing for his part in the argument. He'll also get Mey flowers or make a similar gesture as a token of his remorse. Mey Rin isn't the type to stay angry for long, and tearfully hugs him after saying sorry for any unnecessarily harsh words that were exchanged.
3. What do they do when they're away from each other?
Because both of them have full-time jobs, a large chunk of their time spent away from each other is devoted to work. In this verse, I'm picturing Mey Rin as either a children's librarian (the kids would love her), a physical therapist, or a personal fitness trainer; Sebastian is an assistant professor of English literature (or Latin, or philosophy, or violin) at the local university. On her time off, Mey Rin enjoys hanging out with Grelle, Angelina, and Ran Mao (her BFFs from college), as well as her foster brothers, Bardroy and Finny. She might also take up a pastime like competitive shooting or archery. Sebastian, for his part, regularly volunteers at a nearby, no-kill cat shelter (he adopted most of his fur-babies from there), and will occasionally go out for coffee or drinks with his good friend Agni, a professor of culinary arts at the same school where Seb teaches. He favors solitary hobbies, such as writing (he's currently working on a novel), playing the piano or violin, and painting.
4. Nicknames for each other?
Mey calls her partner "honey," "luv," and, of course, "Kittybastian" (Sebas doesn't purr in this AU, but it still fits! XD). Sebastian calls Mey Rin "dear" and "sweetheart." >w<
5. Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Generally Sebastian, because he loves making Mey Rin feel like a princess! However, she occasionally insists on treating him instead.
6. Who steals the covers at night?
Mey! She'll gather the blankets around herself and curl up in a happy, warm little coccoon. Sebastian doesn't begrudge her, however; how could he be mad about lost covers when she looks so precious? He'll just smile and cuddle up next to her.
7. What would they get each other for gifts?
Mey quickly learns that anything cat-themed is usually a hit with Sebastian! She also gives her genderfluid partner various accessories (hair clips, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) and makeup; Sebastian's face lights up like a Christmas tree when they see the pretty things Mey bought for them. >w< I have a random headcanon that modern!Mey Rin loves to collect Calico Critters, so this Sebastian would get her tons of paraphernalia related to that. They share a love for gaming and anime, so it's common for one to give the other merch related to those pursuits!
8. Who remembers things?
Sebastian has a slightly better memory. Mey Rin can be somewhat scatterbrained, especially when her anxiety kicks into high gear.
9. Who cusses more?
Sebas swears more in everyday life, but Mey can cuss up a storm when her wrath is unleashed! >:3
10. What would they do if the other one was hurt?
Internally, Mey Rin would be freaking out, but she'd do her best to stay calm long enough to bandage Sebastian up and/or call for help, holding her boyfriend's hand, petting his hair, and assuring him that everything would be okay. Once Sebastian's condition was stable, however, she'd hug him as tight as she could and cry from all the pent-up worry and stress. Seb's protective instincts would go into overdrive if Mey was hurt, even if the injury was relatively minor. He'd be frantic and unwilling to leave her side (if Mey had to be hospitalized, the doctors would probably need to have him forcibly dragged out of the room). Once his girlfriend was convalescing, Sebastian would wait on her hand and foot, giving her as much TLC as humanly possible.
11. Who kissed who first?
I could see it going either way, to be honest. On one hand, Mey Rin might impulsively get up on tiptoe to kiss him before dashing off, shocked at her own boldness! On the other, Sebastian might give her a parting kiss at the end of one of their early dates...a cinematic, passionate one while they're standing on her doorstep.
12. Who made the first move?
They met at a Christmas party hosted by Grelle and An (who are married in this AU), where Mey tripped and spilled punch on Sebastian. While she was mortified about getting her drink all over his fancy suit, Sebastian could only gaze in awe at the beautiful woman who'd literally stumbled into his life. The music for the next number started playing over the speakers, and Sebastian asked her on the spot if she'd like to join him in a dance. Dear Mey was baffled--shouldn't this gorgeous stranger be angry at her?--but as soon as she squeaked out a tremulous, "Um...yes? Yes I would!", he took her by the hand, and off they went. Four dances later, both were head over heels. Utterly oblivious to the state of his ruined clothing, Sebastian walked home with a dreamy smile on his face and a scrap of paper with Mey Rin's number written on it in his pocket.
13. Who started the relationship?
I think it happened organically; in the wake of that first meeting, they went on several "kinda-sorta" dates at the park, their favorite coffee shops, etc., and their chemistry was undeniable. It didn't take either one of them very long to realize they were crushing hard on the other. One starry evening, while Sebastian was walking Mey Rin home after a night at the movies, Mey paused, grabbed his hand, and gazed deeply into his eyes. Impulsively, she blurted out, "What are we, Sebastian? Because I really really like you, yes I do...and I want this to be somethin' more!"
Sebastian blushed to the roots of his hair as he whispered, "Well, I really, really like you too...and I'd love for this be to more."
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
2, 8, 10, 20 for the meta writers meme! 💜
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I almost said I have nada. Bc I don’t have any like big PROJECTS but I got some pretty great prompts from my last request, that I am looking forward to taking a crack at. Depending how well I am at finishing them, I might make begging for prompts a thing every other month.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
LMAO. No. I love to read romance. I am HUGE on fluff (reading) and I enjoy my spicy romance novels. I have written something spicy (that I have POSTED, I’ve written a few spicy things just only twice recently) only three times. And romantic fluff is extremely sparodic in character lives. 
In my last game I had 2 ships and two almost ships. I think that  is the most I’ve ever had in a game since I first started when I was 16 lmao (in my 30s now). I tend to psychologically and emotionally torture my characters .... welp. 
10. How would you describe your writing process?
It really depends. It sometimes involves me sketching out the idea I have in my head. Either via writing snippets or a summary. Sometimes it involves me looking for quotes/themes that fit what I am feeling but can’t quite word. Sometimes it is a mix of both. Unless I am really vibing, or I’m trying to force myself out of a funk/my head, I don’t always write in order. Especially for a really long piece. 
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Hrm. I love unexpected friendships. As I’ve mentioned, I rp via writing. And the thing to do, at least on IJ, when you intro your character, people react with your intro post with their characters and you plan backstories or character interactions in as much details/vagueness as you want. Or that can happen as youre writing your app in your friend’s dms.
SOMETIMES THOUGH, two characters interact that you dont think will get along and they either DO right away, or they DONT and circumstances shift -- and. Well, one dynamic that warms my heart is Kendis and Teo. Kendis and Teo are just so fucking different. Other than having this strong desire to show their love via feeding people, you wouldn’t think they have anything in common. (Okay, and they both lost someone significant to them at tender ages). In fact, Kendis didn’t even LIKE Teo. She was super sus of him. But thanks to the hijinks of Autumn Grove, they ended up having a super sympathetic chat not knowing that one was the other. Then they ended up nookying. And then became benefits who were sorta friends. Then fwb. Then friends. And now they just GEL. And it makes me so!!!!!  And they’re just so SOFT with each other, and you really wouldn’t expect it because they are SO DIFFERENT. 
I HAVE a bunch of other stuff. I am a SUCKER for symbolism and call backs. (I think I did pretty okay with that re: Kendis’ growth and acceptance both of their past life/super powers. And I think I’ve done good stuff for Mason too. As well as contrasting the two of them. BUT that’s for another day. Or never! <3)
Thanks for the ask hun <3
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colorfullfalls · 4 years
Blast to the past
Sodapop Curtis x Reader
Summary: Soulmates are very tricky because sometimes two people who are meant to be are born in two different generations. Your soulmate can be born three days after you die. Luckily the mystical universe transports you there to meet yours. That’s how you find yourself back in the 1960’s instead of the present.
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Warnings: hinting at sexual assault
Friday night is ladies night. It has been since you were twelve and it will be until you die. The core group gets together and does whatever seems interesting for the evening. The three of you ranged in activities of going to the movies, getting something to eat, thrifting, people watching, getting coffe and sitting at an empty park- you name it and it’s been done.
Tonight the gang decided to get smoothies and sit in an empty parking lot. The small town didn’t allow much entertainment for freshly graduated adults. Especially for adults that wanted more to life than such a simple place could provide.
Claire laid on the pavement, dark hair swirling around her shoulders as she turned to gaze at the moon. She was beautiful in the moonlight, soft skin glowing. You were always jealous of her unique good looks, but never aimed bitter thoughts at her. She was a warm and loving friend who was literally a ride or die.
Claire turned her head to look at Margo who was sitting upright with her keys in hand, twirling them around her hands. Margo was the wild one of the trio. The jokester who was basically a meme lord. You three fit like puzzle pieces, best friends for ever.
Claire and you shared a look of amusement as Margo dropped her keys, mumbling a quiet shit before laughing and picking them back up to repeat her actions.
“This is supposed to be a quiet, soul searching moment you know.” You deadpanned, lips curling into a smile as Margo rolled her eyes and flipped you off.
“If you wanted quiet then you picked the wrong bitch to bring along.”
Claire shook her head, “Okay, let’s post on snap about a replacement bitch. Preferably one that can be silent at times.”
You shifted so that your legs were pulled up in front of you instead of rested against the cold ground of the parking lot. A funny thing to add popped into your mind and you knew it would make them laugh, “There’s one more requirement though. It’s vital.” You added, swirling the contents in your cup to break up the remaining blotches of ice.
“They have to be willing to sacrifice their own life for Pakistan”
Claire busted out laughing hitting her cup off her leg and Margo snorted, causing everyone to laugh even harder. That fucking tik tok would never not be funny to you guys. Especially when their soulmates thought it was hilarious and would say it when you guys failed to.
Claire found her soulmate a year ago at a football game. Her soul mark burned when the cute player from the other team bumped into her after the game. Gage was the coolest dude you knew. He treated you guys like best friend and he treated her like she was the sky, the moon, and the stars. Not long after Claire found him, Margo found Naomi. A badass chick that was a tattoo artist in town. Margo now has little tattoos decorating her body from the designs her soulmate came up with. Naomi and Margo just fit, and you were happy for her. Happy for both of them.
Day after day with no luck of finding your other half, you were starting to despair for yourself. Soulmates usually found each other close to adulthood if they were in the right life time. It was disappointing to go to bed every night knowing that you were still alone. Your best friends loved you more than anything and always included you, but the soulmate connection was different- special above everything else. And here you lacked that.
Margo dropped her keys again but left them there. She picked up on your solemn mood after you didn’t talk for a few moments.
“I wanted to go camping this weekend, maybe you’ll find your lover there?” She softly spoke, giving you a hopeful smile.
You sadly smiled back, “I dunno, probably not. Sorta giving up over here.”
You looked down at the simple soul mark. An old pop bottle was the initials S.P in the middle with the letters DX very small on the bottom left underneath it. Marks were supposed to signify something important about your other half, describe something about them to you. Ever since you were old enough to remember you would buy old fashioned pop in order to collect the bottles. It meant the world to you.
“Don’t say something like that, of course you will meet them dude. We found ours early but that didn’t mean you won’t ever find them. I’m sure your other half is right around the corner.” Claire supported, patting your thigh for comfort.
“Yeah, it could be Harry Styles for all we know. And honestly it would make sense because how the hell do you meet someone famous like that?” Margo trailed off.
You scoffed, “Harry Styles- my ass. His indicator would so not be an old pop bottle. It would be a guitar or something like that.”
“I guess so. Point is, don’t fret. You have time. The world may fuck with people, but not good ones like you.” Margo grinned childishly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I am good. I sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.”
“God dammit, I hate you.” Claire stood up and offered a hand, pulling you both upright, “We better get going. The same cop has been driving by and I don’t like it.”
“ACAB.” Margo chanted as she crawled into the backseat of the car. You laughed and pushed her the rest of the way in with your foot before shuffling in yourself.
‘Best friend’ by Rex Orange County blared through the speakers as the car moved on the damp roads in the dark night. You guys sang loudly, hands out the window to feel the wind ripple against fingertips. Your heart filled with adoration of the girls in the vehicle with you. Getting sad about the soulmate thing sucked but dealing with it was easier when you had two people to assure you and take your mind off of it.
You waved bye as you walked up the steps of your house. You quickly noticed that no one else was home. Your siblings were off with their friends for the night and your parents went out for their anniversary. You sighed, taking your shoes off lazily. A warm bath would feel so nice to finish out the day. You stretched before taking a step forward toward the bathroom but your foot caught underneath the rug and you fell face first onto the hard surface of the tile.
Your body felt like it was on fire while rolling over to rest on your back. Forcing your eyes open, you gasped at the sight before you. Instead of laying on the bathroom floor, you were in an empty parking lot. Your heart thud roughly in your chest as you scrambled to stand.
Your mind began to panic as you didn’t recognize your surroundings. An old diner sat across from the lot and it wasn’t the one you, Claire, and Margo sometimes went to. You brushed yourself off and looked around, confused as to what was going on. Had you gotten drunk and imagined you were home and somehow managed to get lost? Did you fall so hard that you passed out and got kidnapped? Sharp pains alerted your mind to put a finger to your face. There was a scratch from where you fell, you must’ve hit it. You were just glad that your wallet was still in your hand but your phone wasn’t. You searched for it but no luck.
You meekly opened the diner door and shuffled inside. It was themed to be an old authentic diner. The usual black and white checkered floor tile, the twisty barstools, and the car sign decorations on the wall. Diners like this were adorable in your eyes.
You went to sit at a both and grabbed the young pretty waitress. She gazed at your clothes in confusion which made you internally frown. Your outfit wasn’t inappropriate or anything. Blue khaki shorts that came above mid thigh and a white and blue tie dye shirt.
“Excuse me, where am I?” You asked, embarrassment creeped up your spine as she gave you an old look.
“Tulsa. Are you lost?” She asked, shifting the tray to rest on her hip.
You quickly shook your head no, “Thank you, I’m not lost. Just uh, traveling. I’ll just have a water please.”
She gave you a funny look but nodded, going to get you the cup of water. Everyone in the diner glanced at you in curiously which made you paranoid. Alone without a phone and no escape plan. Not an ideal set up. You tried to rack your brain for what the hell was going on but you were outta luck.
Water was set down on the table and she stood there, observing you. You felt her eyes staring at your piercings, especially the hoop in your nose. You awkwardly looked up at her and smiled, hoping she would go away.
“That’s an odd looking necklace, Miss.” Her hand casually pointed towards the crystal gem necklace hanging between your breasts over your shirt.
You shrugged, “You’ve never seen them before? They sell them at Walmart or any hippy store really.”
She wrinkled her nose in judgement, “Huh, never heard of Walmart. Must be from wherever you’re from.”
You choked on air, coughing loudly to force oxygen back into your lungs. How could someone now know Walmart? Was she fucking with you right now? Waitresses usually weren’t rude unless you were rude to them first.
“They’re like nation wide? One in every town? Seriously, every town.”
No emotion appeared on her face as she shook her head no, “I still don’t know what you’re talking about... do your parents buy you those shorts? Do they care about your nose ring?”
You squirmed in your seat at her question, her voice carried a shrill tone that let you know that she didn’t approve. Jesus, did this girl think you should be in a full body suit without showing skin? You pulled them down subconsciously to try to hide some of your upper thigh. As for your nose ring, you were baffled as to why your that was an issue. So many women had them.
“I bought the shorts, but they don’t have an issue with them if that’s what you’re trying to get at? They think the nose ring is cute too. My parents are very cool with me choosing to do what I wish with my body.”
Her eyes widened in a holy-cow-you’re-crazy sorta way, “My parents would kill me if I looked like you.”
A dry laugh escaped your lips at her harsh words. And they were harsh, whether she met them to be or not. Putting women down wasn’t what you stood for and you really thought that the world was passed shaming people for what they look like.
“It’s twenty-twenty , they shouldn’t care about what you look like. Acceptance is key to a happy family.”
“What’s that mean?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion.
“Twenty-twenty what is that?”
You glanced at the table to your left that was intently listening in on the conversation. You felt uncomfortable in the booth. Two guys stared shamelessly at your legs and you wanted to crawl under the table and hide.
“The year? It’s two thousand and twenty?”
She threw her head back, blonde hair following to fall down her back, “You really are an odd ball.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It’s nineteen sixty nine, dear. Your cheek is bleeding and I’m assuming you fell because you’re acting crazy.” She quietly said, bending down to your eye level. A part of you wanted to hit her so hard that she fell down. Condescending attitudes rubbed you the wrong way to say the least.
You were fuming as you took two dollars out and put them on the counter, “Have a good evening.” You gritted out.
The cold night air pinched your skin as you walked aimlessly around the small town. You came to the conclusion that it was 1969 and you realized why the waitress was so taken back by your appearance. Girls in the sixties probably didn’t have shorts this short or nose piercings. It all made sense as you took in the town. The old styled cars, how people dressed, hell- how they talked. Old ass terms that people only used as a joke now.
So yes, you were in the past, but how and why. Watching Shameless in your bed right now seemed like heaven on earth. Your mom and dad’s faces haunted your mind when you thought about never getting to see them again. Tomorrow they would get back only to see that you have disappeared without a trace. Your dad will be so worried and heartbroken and your mom will be calling everyone to ask if they saw you.
And what would Claire and Margo think? You just knew they would feel so guilty for not knowing when they were the last ones you saw. Hurting them only hurt you more.
You found an old tree and sat down against it, letting the tears splash down your face. It was cold out from the brisk air and you had nothing to layer up with. This sucks, mega sucks, you noted.
An old red Ford Mustang parked on the road and two men got out of the car and headed your way. You clutched your wallet close to your chest in predetermined fear. Two men walking towards any woman would make that woman scared. It was a built in instinct that still wasn’t gone in the twentieth century. Especially with the men from this time. You knew women weren’t truly equal yet and they especially weren’t in this time.
They had on khaki pants and different colored polyester sweaters. Same guys from the diner that were watching you. Horrible look in their eyes as they stood in front of you.
“What’s a pretty lady like you sitting out here alone for? It’s late.” The one wearing a yellow sweater asked. His hair was brown and smoothed back, you were unable to see his eyes in the dark. He bent down to look at you in a way you didn’t appreciate. You were not having it.
“Really? Is it late? Couldn’t tell, not like the moon’s out or anything.” You retorted, shifting further back into the tree.
“Woah, no need to get lippy with me, hun.” He said, looking back at the other guy with the red sweater. Red shook his head to agree with yellow.
“Let’s not get comfortable with the nicknames. I’d say I’d call the cops but hah, ACAB... not that you would know about that.” You trailed off. You rambled when you got nervous and it was not a good feature.
“ACAB? You’re a weird one, aren’t you?” Red said, leaning down too.
“Weird, but an absolute doll. Not many girls ‘round here show skin like you.” Yellow said, hand grabbing your thigh.
Your hand slapped his away lightening fast before jumping up and backing away. You took your shoe off and held it up in defense, “Go fuck yourself! Get away from me.”
The men looked at each other in shock, assumingly at the vulgar words that escaped your pretty lips. You backed further away until you felt safe enough that you put your shoe back on and ran. You heard their feet shuffle in the grass as they ran after you.
You turned down an alley way and tripped again on a stick in the middle of the road, the boys were suddenly visible meaning you would not have time to get up and run. Instead of trying to escape, you grabbed said large stick and grasped it tightly between your hands. You wish Margo and Claire were by your side right now. You could do anything with them.
“A stick? Really? We just wanna spend some time with you.” Red said, walking closer.
“Fuck this! Fuck this so hard! Fuck toxic masculinity that makes pricks like you think it’s okay to do shit like this! Systematically you were probably raised to think chasing a woman is okay- judging from the car that you have money. Kids with money, especially in these days, are spoiled and never told no, but I don’t want you. Leave.” You shouted, twirling the stick like you saw so many times in Starwars movies. You saw the two men slowly step back and you were proud of yourself for fending them off until you heard another masculine voice behind you.
“You soc scum need to bounce.”
You moved to the side to be equally separated from whoever was behind you. A man about your age stood firmly beside two others that looked a few years off, one younger and one older.
The one that spoke was standing in the front and boy, he was beautiful. Dark hair slicked black to rest comfortably against his neck. He wore a blue and white flannel with blue jeans. His body was slim but you just knew he had some lean muscle on him. Red and yellow turned and walked away but not without making some derogatory claims about greasers.
You panted, finally breathing again as you doubled over, stick still firmly grasped in between your palms and fingers.
“Are you okay?” You heard the same voice quietly ask. You noticed they were standing right in front of you now. You meekly looked up to gaze into his pretty blue eyes. He hissed out in pain as he looked at his arm at the same exact moment that your mark started to burn so bad that you couldn’t take it. A searing pain ripped through every single one of your cells. You did it! You finally found your fucking soulmate! Without being able to stand the pain and excitement, your body tumbled forward for the second time that evening.
You heard rustling going on around you, but you clenched your eyes in fear that you wake up still stuck in the past.
“If I open my eyes and I’m not home, I’m gonna throw hands with whatever God there is.” You mumbled, slowly opening your eyes. The handsome man sat on the floor by your face, causing you to yelp and quickly move to a sitting position, hand clinging to your necklace.
“Hey, calm it, I won’t hurt you.” His gentle voice spoke. You laughed nervously as it hit you that he was your soulmate. Your life was fucked, oh so fucked. Sure, you found the one, but in a different decade!
“The world is a cruel place.” You muttered, hands removing from your necklace to rub down your face in irritation, “My life is a joke.”
He sat up on his knees, cautiously moving closer towards you as if you were a scared stray cat that he was attempting to take home to keep and take care of. You internally gagged at the idea of being kept inside as a house wife now that you were living in this time. You could not survive like that.
“It’s not. Usually people are happier to find their soulmate, yanno? I’m happy... I thought you would be.” His voice seeped with disappointment and pain.
You sighed as you felt his sadness creep up your bones and invade your sanity, “I would be thrilled if I wasn’t transported back in time. I’m not kidding, I’m from year twenty twenty. I can show you.”
You grabbed your wallet and ripped your lisence out, showing him. His eyes squinted as he read your birthday and the date you got it. His eyes enlarged as he looked back at you.
“That- that’s just impossible.”
You snorted, “S’what I thought too. Guess the universe really shoved us together on this one... and uh, thanks for saving me earlier, my inner jedi isn’t strong enough yet- I’m no obiwan.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t know what that means.”
You blushed, “Big movie franchise that eventually comes out. I’ll try to avoid pop culture references... my bad.”
He smiled, pearly white teeth showing, “you’re really pretty, y/n.”
Your heart raced in your chest at how attractive he was. Claire and Margo would hardgirl swoon with you over him but they’re not here to join you, so you had to soak up his beauty all on your own. And him saying your name like that? God, that would make any girl bust a nut.
“How do you know my name?”
He shrugged, “Saw it when you showed me the date. The name surely suits you. I’m Sodapop, Sodapop Curtis.”
He held his hand out and you hesitantly met his half way as if to give him a handshake, but instead he intertwined your fingers together before moving closer. His skin was so warm against yours and all you wanted to do was pull him closer and bury yourself in his chest. Finally finding him was overwhelming after convincing yourself that you were doomed to be alone.
“Those guys that chased you, we ain’t letting them get away with it. We’ll find them and give ‘em a good what for.” A new voice spoke.
A kid, you guessed to be about 16, stood in the living room doorway, hands shoved deep into his jean pockets. He had longer brown hair like Sodapop, but his eyes were more hazel instead of the pretty blue. You awkwardly smiled, attempting to pull your hand away but Soda tugged it back, stubborn to lose contact so soon. He gave you a sweet smile to reassure you that he wasn’t going to try anything like the two men last night.
“Y/n, this is my brother ponyboy, and that’s my brother Darryl.” Soda said, pointing to the younger kid and the full on man that walked through the front door. You nervously waved with the hand that Soda didn’t claim.
“Hi, thank you guys for saving me... although I think my stick was pretty promising...” You awkwardly spoke making all three of them chuckle softly.
“Better safe than sorry.” Darry said, offering a smile, “Come on, Ponyboy. We will be back.”
Darry signaled Pony to go with him outside, you and Soda sat in silence as you heard the truck doors and the rumbling of an engine pulling away. His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. Your insides felt like they were melting. Sodapop was extremely attractive and you could not believe that you found him. Harry Styles has some competition for sure. Well, maybe that was going far. It’s Harry Styles, no one could really beat him.
“So what’s it like here? What do you do for fun?” You asked, looking around the house. You imagined the houses around to be very similar. Old couches, ancient TVs with the antennae’s, framed photos on the mantles, and the cool old wallpaper. Very similar to the sorta place your grandparents grew up in.
“Play cards every couple nights. Go to the drive in movies when I’m not working. Diner is open late at night so that’s where young folk hangout. We find good times.” He smiled softly, getting lost in his own thoughts, “What’s there to do for you?”
You couldn’t even begin to explain that you lay in your bed watching tik toks off your phone while Netflix plays softly in the background. Or that you quote memes in a parking lot with your friends. Soda would not understand memes at all and that would be a huge struggle because half the shit that came out of your mouth were memes.
“I have fires a lot at my house, we usually sorta just sit there and bullshit for hours but uh then there’s the usual- getting coffee and sitting in a parking lot. Not much to do in my town but eat and go somewhere to hangout...”
“That sounds nice.”
You shrugged, “More people than not get drunk or smoke weed everyday because what the hell else is there to do?”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you do that?”
You shook your head no, “My friends and I drink from time to time but not heavily. And we especially don’t go to parties because those are cesspools waiting to be caught by cops. Well, fuck cops anyway, but..”
You froze when you realized that cops in this time weren’t critized by the public as much. Political climate ranged from your time to now. Soda probably wouldn’t support the LGBTQ community, or if he did he didn’t know much about it. And racism surely lingered in the 1960’s air. You felt sick thinking about fighting barriers that you usually didn’t have to.
“Do girls swear a lot in the future?” He asked timidly, not wanting to upset you but also he was just very curious. He never heard ladies swear and especially not that word.
You snorted at how cute he was, “All the time. It’s normal for us. Trust me, if you are shocked by that you don’t want to imagine the crude things that are said daily..”
His thumb stopped rubbing circles on your hand and your heart faltered. He was probably used to obideint women who were dainty and didn’t outspeak too much. Women in this era were subservient and you could not be further from that. You had quite the mouth on you and your idea would not be oppressed. You graduated pretty high in your class. You were intelligent and political and that was mind blowing to men of this time. What if you were too much for him? You wouldn’t dare change but it would be heart breaking to know that your other half couldn’t take who you are as a person. As a woman.
“What you said about the cops.. what did they do wrong? I mean here they can be annoying but they try to be fair.” He asked, thumb rubbing your skin again. His eyes glanced down at your thighs and you blushed a bit, wishing you would’ve put on your sweatpants instead before leaving to go with the girls.
“If I explained it all, we would be sitting here for days. Long story short; African Americans still aren’t equal and they are murdered by cops at an unequal rate compared to the population size. Protests turned violent and the whole country is a mess. Half the country trusts cops and the other half wants the systematic corruption to be dismantled. Personally, I’m with the latter. So cops aren’t really my heroes. I try to avoid them. Of course my dad disagrees because he’s old fashioned and doesn’t get it, but what’s so hard to get about treating people equally. America’s supposed to be a melting pot so what’s with the racism and harsh divide? Guess the founding fathers only meant equality when it came to every white man- and that’s bullshit.”
You stopped rambling to see that soda was grinning from ear to ear at you. You gave him a questioning look. “Did I miss something?”
“You are wicked smart with politics. Wiser than anyone I know, prettier than anyone I know.”
Three weeks later you found yourself walking through the library with ponyboy, fingers grazing over every book you walked past. Books were little keys to jump inside different worlds. You wished you could find a book from 2020 that would magically transport you back. You found Soda, but at what price? You wanted to go home where you had control over your life. You were lost here.
“Any book recommendations? I’m sure you had to read a lot of these.” The youngest Curtis asked as you rounded the corner.
“Hmm, ever read any Tolkien books? Like The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings Trilogy?”
“Awh, goodie, I get to be your mentor for this. Basically these are the best damn books that you will ever read. Bit lengthy but the detail is beautiful.”
He gently took the Hobbit in his hands, one gripping the back while the other flipped through the pages, examining how many there were before he tucked it under his arm, affirming that he would take a stab at it.
“What’s it about? Is it girly stuff- not that I mind really.”
Ponyboy was unlike the rest of the gang. He was a little softy that you wanted to hide from the world in order to protect him. The gang protected him physically but his feelings were usually punched, as much as Soda tried. Ponyboy felt things differently and deeply. He was in touch with literature and his life revolves around movies and books. You imagined how much he would adore the twentieth century with how much content there would be for him.
You crossed your arms and shifted your weight to one foot, “It’s a fantasy set up. So like elves, dwarves, hobbits, trolls, orcs, shapeshifters, magic, and I’m sure there’s more but my mind is blanking here. I promise it’s worth it. And I can explain as you read.”
“You’re a nerd?”
His innocent question made you laugh, “I guess you could say that, bud. Give it a shot and if you don’t like it, so be it,” you muttered this part to him, “although no one can resist middle earth’s charm.”
“What’s middle earth?”
“Where it takes place, it’s like another version of earth basically. But hey! You’re already so interested. Soon enough you’ll be wishing you were an elf slaying orcs too.” You joked, jabbing him in the side, “and if you say you wanna be a dwarf instead, you’re dead to me.”
He smiled, “what if I like the humans more? What then?”
“Then, I would consider you an absolute freak. Humans in this are like mediocre. Well, in the hobbit at least. Lord of the Rings they are more of a key part, but they’re so boring compared to the other cultures. Unless you like boring?” You raised an eyebrows at him.
“No, I ain’t boring. And I don’t like boring either.” He stubbornly said, walking side by side with you to go check your books out.
You grabbed a few random books that you wanted to check out. Soda worked and he refused to let you go anywhere alone, so you and Ponyboy just read a lot. It was summer vacation so he was outta school and had all the time in the world. You liked hanging out with the kid.
The two soc boys were standing by the counter when you guys got there. You huffed as the one winked at you. In that moment you wished you were legolas with a dagger and could gut him.
“Surprise seeing you here, considering I doubt you guys are literate.” You spoke, smiling at the librarian as you handed her the books.
“Surprise seeing you here with only the kid, we’ve heard you’re shaking up with Sodapop now. Looks like the greaser found his soulmate.”
The derogatory term aimed at Soda fueled your veins with rage. Blood rushed into your head at the idea that these guys thought they were above Soda, who was the kindest man you knew. Your heart told you to call them motherfucking cunts but your brain warmed you that it wasn’t a good choice. You glanced over and noticed that Pony looked as mad as you. If you retaliated, you wouldn’t get beat up but if he did, he would go home bloody while you trail behind him with a guilty face. You would give them a little talk.
You blew air out of your mouth before turning around to them, “Boys, I don’t know if you keep up with the news or not, but Vietnam is an ugly war filled with horrible people. Do you know what soldiers see? People being burned alive, dogs getting shot down, bombs obliterating people, women in villages getting raped, and most importantly you watch the men you grew to love die right before you.”
The two men stared at you wide eyed as you paused to grab the books from the librarian who was also now listeninf to you.
“Drafts are inevitable, and you know what? War doesn’t care who you are; greaser or soc. The enemy won’t stop to ask your financial stability before ending your life. The boys who you deem greasers could be the ones to save you from dying. Maybe try being nice because you never know who you will end up with on that field.”
Ponyboy’s mouth opened in shock when the two socs slowly back away and left without a single word. You hummed in victory before ushering the younger boy out of the building with you.
“Where did you hear those things? Darry keeps up with that stuff and I never heard nuthin like that.” Ponyboy asked after a few minutes.
You guys walked through the gate of the house but you halted before the steps, “A lot about the war is exposed after it ends. We learned about it in school. I used it against them as a wake up call. Try not to worry too much about it.”
Pony slowly nodded, “okay.”
The door opened and two-bit shuffled out the door with a beer can in his left hand, right hand wedged in his pocket.
“You guys are in trouble.” He sang as pony pushed him out of the way and walked into the house. Two-bit walked off the porch and turned to head home. He didn’t wanna be present for the yelling.
Soda and Darry’s heads snapped to the door and you held the books tighter to your chest to hide yourself. You two forgot to leave a note where you were going and now you were going to get scolded.
“Where the hell have you two been? It’s past 8:00.” Darry scolded, throwing down the newspaper that been in his hands.
You looked to Soda for help but even he shook his head to signal that he was just as upset. You handed the books to Pony before holding your hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, you caught us. We were at the library.” You joked, quickly knocking the smile off your face when the two older Curtis boys glared at you.
“Not funny. Anything could’ve happened to you.” Soda reprimanded. Your soulmate was always worried for you when he wasn’t around. He knew how horrible soc could be and they clearly had an interest in you. It was bad enough being away from you, but getting home to you and his kid brother not there made his nerves fly through the roof.
“Socs aren’t a worry when she’s around, trust me.” Pony mumbled, setting the books down on the table.
“Whats that mean? Did those socs bother you again, Y/N?” Soda suddenly was in front of you, checking your body for any cuts or bruises. You smacked his hands away.
“No, simmer down, I’m fine.” You said, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Then what happened!”
“She shut them down with her wit before they could even start. Those soc didn’t know how to respond so they turned around and walked right away.” Pony explained.
“What did you say?” Darry asked, slightly amused. He liked you very much and was glad that such an extraordinary woman was meant for his little brother.
You shared a look with pony to silently tell him to shut up about what you really said, “Nothing that’s important. What does matter is that Ponyboy got a bunch of books that he should be reading.”
He playfully rolled his eyes, “You want me to read so you can talk to me about elves.”
You nodded, “Well yeah, they’re the best part so get to it! Once you start you will love it.”
Ponyboy nodded before picking up the books and heading towards his shared room with Soda to begin reading. You smiled as you watch him go. You knew deep down that he was excited to read but didn’t want to make it seem like he was. He liked to taunt you with your taste in movies and books but you knew he really did agree.
“You baby him more than Soda does.” Darry stated, giving you a teasing glance.
“I don’t baby him.” Soda argued, glaring at his older brother.
“You do, Soda. Darry’s right though, I baby him a lot but I can’t help it. Pony’s a good kid that’s curious about the world. Reminds me of my best friend back home... I am sorry that we didn’t leave a note, we didn’t even think about it.” You admitted, grabbing Soda’s hand and intertwining it with his. He melted into your touch and you could tell that he wasn’t mad anymore. He couldn’t stay mad at you even if he tried.
“I know, I know. Just try to be more careful.” Darry softly spoke, “I’m headed to get a shower and go to bed. Don’t let Pony stay up too late.”
Soda muttered a yes and goodnight as you saluted Darry in a joking way, making the oldest Curtis smile and roll his eyes before going about his way.
As soon as the door was shut you were pulled into Soda’s arms, both wrapped tightly around your midsection as he nosed against your neck. You blushed as you wrapped your arms around him too, smelling the oil and dirt that came with working at the DX. It was an oddly comforting smell. Distinctly him. Your soul mark tingled as he left a soft kiss against the skin of your throat.
“You gave me a real fright, doll.” He softly spoke. Your eyes fluttered shut as he pulled you closer, his lips grazing your skin with his words, “ just worried when you’re not around, ‘m always thinking about you.”
“I didn’t know you thought about anything other than cars all day,” you poked.
He snorted, “yeah right. As if.”
“I’m so used to my independence that I forgot that here I need to let people know where I’m going.”
He pulled away slightly, “Did your parents not care about your safety?”
You snorted, “They did. Of course they did, but it was so easy to get ahold of them that I could just let them know while I was away. Plus once I turned 17 they stopped really caring what I did as long as I wasn’t doing anything sketchy. And I was always with my best friends.”
“Makes sense. Darry doesn’t care what I do if I’m with Steve...”
You pullled away and picked up one of the books to start reading it, “He should be the most concerned when you’re around that boy.”
You sat on the couch and held the book in your lap as you gave him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes. You and Steve sorta got along. He was nice and all to you, but he was a dick to ponyboy and that wasn’t appreciated. He walked to the kitchen to get a pop.
Minutes later he sat beside you on the couch, glancing down at the words splashed across the pages. He skim read but the book didn’t seem that great to him.
“Hmmm, soda?” When he didn’t reply you half way shut the book and turned to him, “what’s up?”
“Does it ever bother you that you’re so much smarter than me?”
Your heart burned at his question. Soda had a complex that he was stupid because he dropped out of high school. Everyone knew he did it because of his situation in which he tragically lived. Darry couldn’t do everything on his own and soda knew that. He sacrificed his future for the better of his small family. He wasn’t dumb.
“Education changes through years, so a lot of new material has been taught to me that you wouldn’t have known.”
He crossed his arms against his chest and slunk down in the cushion, “Come on, for real. Doesn’t it bother you that I’m a drop out?”
You set the book down and shifted so that your hands wrapped around his right bicep. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He didn’t look at you, instead he was staring holes into his bedroom door.
“Sometimes I feel like you should’ve been Ponyboy’s soulmate instead of mine.” He softly spoke, “He’s brilliant.”
“Oh my god, Soda. Can it. The universe wouldn’t send me decades back to find you if we weren’t meant to be. Not one part of me cares that you didn’t finish high school. You’re Soda. The smart man who takes care of his family. Does it bother you that I’m brainless when it comes to cars?”
Soda gave you a look like you were insane, “I don’t mind at all.”
“See, it doesn’t matter. I don’t see you as dumb and I wish you would stop seeing yourself that way too.”
Ponyboy walked into the living room, blonde hair messy as if he was playing with it. His cheeks were flushed from sitting under blankets and he looked a bit sleepy. Reading always made him a bit tired from how at peace he was, which was rare in his current life.
“Y/N, I don’t know how to feel about Bilbo. He seems good but he also seems a little selfish.” He said, eyes skimming along some of the words.
You smiled, “He’s a really pure character. You’ll grow to enjoy him. What part did you get to?”
Just like that Soda was in a better mood. Watching you speak so happily and effortlessly to his little brother about a book made his heart soar. Sometimes he felt like he couldn’t connect with Pony like he wanted to. And where he was lacking you were there to make up for it.
A few hours later Soda sweetly kissed you goodnight before retiring to his shared room with Pony. You snuggled into the couch with blankets wrapped around you.
Opening your eyes you saw that you were laying in your bed instead of the Curtis’ couch. Panic flood through your veins at the idea of returning home without the boys. Your heart was racing out of your chest as you looked at the decorations on your wall. A place that felt like your safest place was now a personal hell.
You wanted to return home but not without Soda, Pony, Darry, Two-bit and even Steve. God, you had to have been especially emo if you wished to see Steve more.
The idea of seeing Claire and Margo was beyond relieving but the pain of never seeing Soda again almost cancelled it out. Once again you would be the friend without a soulmate- without a better half. You sighed as angry tears slipped from your eyes. Why did the world have to fuck with you so much? You didn’t have a soulmate, found them in another decade, and then when you grew adapted to the times and people, Mother Earth ripped you back to your old life.
“Hun, why are you crying?” You heard Soda say. You tried to sit up to look for him but a firm arm was wrapped around your middle. Somehow you completely didn’t register that when you woke up.
You struggled to turn around and there he was. Beautiful Sodapop Curtis laying right beside you in your bed. In 2020. His hair was slightly shorter but his kind blue eyes were still the same. He was still the same handsome boy from the 1960’s.
A choked sob escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling yourself as close as you could. Warm skin against yours assured yourself that he was real. This was real. Not some dream that your brain cruelly conjured you in attempt to calm you down.
“Did you have a nightmare?” He softly asked, a hand coming to rub up and down your back. His gesture only made more tears leak out of your eyes. You were so confused. Why wasn’t he freaking out too?
“I don’t know. Where’s Ponyboy and the guys?”
His hand faltered for a moment before he went back to comforting you, his lips pecked your forehead a few times, “They’re at home, probably asleep. Did you have a nightmare about them?”
Your mind was spiraling. Somehow the boys made it here too and soda seemed to not find this weird at all. He was acting like everything was normal.
“What year were you born?” You asked, clutching onto him, trying to remember what his skin felt like against yours.
“1999. Babe, tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to scare me here.” He lightly chuckled, adoring that you were clutching onto him as if he would disappear.
You didn’t know how to explain so you disguised it as a dream, “I had a weird dream, a really realistic one, that I was transported back to the 1960’s and I found you and the guys there. I can’t remember how we met now.”
You felt him shift slightly to get his arm free. He picked up his phone and the screen lit up. His lock screen was a picture of you two in front of a well taken care of old blue camaro.
“We met five months ago at a car show. You were with your grandpa, Claire, and Margo and I was with the boys. My mark burned when I accidently brushed your arm when I passed. We realized what was going on and we got this picture. We’ve been together since.” He recalled easily.
As he spoke, you could faintly see all of this happening in your point of view. How happy you felt when you saw him, the tingling of your mark, gushing internally at how attractive he was, you could even hear Margo cat calling in your head when you two got that picture.
Suddenly memories were dancing around in your brain. Getting Taco Bell together at midnight. Him joining your friend group to sit around the usual fire pit, him making you a s’more when you beg him even though you knew you didn’t have to ask more than once. Him building you the nice wooden shelf in your room that you put your weird Knick knacks on. Him laughing along when you scream “I will sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.” Going over for dinner and watching Lord of the Rings with pony boy.
“It’s all real.” You breathed out, “I’m sorry, that dream just really messed me up..”
He grinned down at you, his lips slowly drifting right above yours until they softly brushed together. Your soul mark tingled in utter delight. His arms slithered around your back as he moved on top of you, “I should be offended that you forgot about all of that, you know.”
You laughed, “Yeah... I’ll make it up to you by being nice to Steve for a whole day.”
He snorted, “wow, a whole day... that might kill you.”
You exaggeratedly nodded, “Honestly. He’s seriously the worst, soda.”
He boyishly smiled as he rolled off of you and stood up, grabbing his jeans and pulling them over his legs. He shoved his hands in each pocket to make them go in. He grabbed his plain black shirt and slid it over his shoulders and then head.
“I have to get home, Pony’s drivers test is in an hour and I’m the one to take him. He’ll for sure pass. I made sure of that. But tonight we will probably get cake to celebrate, the boys are all coming over. You’ll come, right?” He asked grabbing his hat and sliding it on his head.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
He winked at you once and leaned over the bed to give you a quick peck, “see you soon, pretty lady.”
You blushed, “see ya soon, handsome.”
He smiled softly before walking out the door. You laid there in the bed in disbelief. Your dream was too real to not be true but at the same time you recalled meeting him in 2020 too.
Either way you were thankful that soda was in the present with you because it was honestly the best of both worlds.
A strong breeze hit the house and your window popped open. A small scrap of paper floated in and landed on your dresser. Your hands smoothed they paper before reading it.
“Sometimes reality changes for people who deserve it.”
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 12: The Vast of Night
Just finished watching The Vast of Night. It was good but I do feel like it lost me a little at about the 2/3 mark, and so right now I’m more stuck in the ways it was frustrating.
The stuff I liked:
It was very atmospheric and had exactly the kind of vibes I was looking for: 1950s desert night. Just like it says on the tin. I also like the two main characters a lot. They could have been annoying but the actors made it work. I liked that it was a little ambiguous how well they knew each other or what their friendship quite was. They were sorta like surrogate brother/sister but they could have just as easily been, like, acquaintances in a small town where everyone knows each other who just happen to get into this weird thing on this one night.
I also really liked the depiction of the town, and how much effort was put into making it feel real: the familiarity of everyone with each other, the shots that specifically established how close/far everything was from everything else. I liked that it felt like a radio show a lot--right down to the screen going completely blank sometimes and just having voices talking.
And I enjoyed the immersion if it basically being real time and real place. Like it probably was about 90 minutes in universe, and any time anyone moves from place to place, we tend to follow them. The only jump cuts were when the action was taking place in two spots simultaneously and we were cutting between them. So it felt real and, I mean this in a good way, small. Contained.
I was basically completely on board until the point where the old woman told her story. When she talked about her son being like an alien radio I was like “...okay this isn’t what I was expecting.” Not in a good way. It felt like a whole new type of alien story was being introduced and QUITE late in the game. Now it’s not just ships talking to each other inscrutably or even vague stories about what the military might know, it’s like... alien languages and abductions and like specifics on a whole new level. There’s even a theory (a dumb theory!) about what the aliens might want!
I wish I had a way to say this succinctly, because I was rambling through it with my mom right after we finished watching but basically... the movie appears to be very self-contained and simple--not in a bad way, but in the sense of, this is a one-night-story, everything you need is going to be in these 90 minutes, it’s not an epic, it’s not a mystery, etc. And so my expectation is that it will be economical. There will be no wasted details. Everything we see and hear will be important, every clue will be picked up and explained by the end, and every string will be tied. I really ENJOY stories like that; I find them immensely satisfying, in part because they are by nature very well constructed. It all comes together in the end.
But then it didn’t really, in this case. I don’t necessarily mean that mysteries weren’t answered. I wasn’t expecting resolution in that sense. I wasn’t expecting to know everything about the aliens--in fact, I was expecting to know less than we did--but I was expecting the narrative of the movie itself to resolve. I’m not explaining myself well, I know.
For example, the biggest and most annoying example, there’s a big deal made out of the basketball game tapes being recorded over and reused, and when Faye and Everett take the tapes from the library to find Billy’s friend’s recording, they mention the possibility it was recorded over again. So one would expect this would have meaning??? And yet nothing?? So why? It’s not that the conversation was unpleasant or annoying but I was expecting an ah-ha moment from it and then didn’t get it.
The squirrel or other animal biting through the wire also came up a lot and I didn’t see the point of that. I mean it established the town, right, and that’s fun, but it seemed like it should be more meaningful than that. I thought it might pertain to like the way that stories get retold and distorted but...idk it seemed to just be local color I guess?
Then there was stuff that I thought might be actually important but it’s just that I wasn’t getting it. Like for example, it seems like it should be/might have been important that Faye has no father but a very young sister, especially given that she has the sister with her for a lot of the last part of the film, and putting it in the context of the time period, and the old woman’s story about having a child while unmarried/being a single mother herself. I thought it might be something pertaining to a theme of the dangers of being othered in a (small) community. Like, the aliens pick out people who are alone at times when everyone else gathers together (like at the game, though what the actual evidence is for this I don’t entirely know) and we get lots of references to this, as well as references to the size of the town and of course plenty of evidence about how everyone knows everyone else. There’s the reference to the Indian basketball players as well, and it’s very relevant that Billy, a voice only hear over the radio, is Black. There’s also that bit where Everett gets them away from talking to the man at the game because he’s too much of a loner and not to be spoken to.
That said, Faye doesn’t exactly seem to be ostracized. And though she talks about walking everywhere because she doesn’t have a car, and not having enough money for college, a lot of other people seem to be working too, so it’s not, like, weird of her.
So I don’t know. If the movie had been what I expected/wanted it to be, I would not have to work so hard for the theme or for the relevance of certain details. And again, the movie is so short and so self-contained and so simple in terms of its basic plot, and so focused in terms of characters, time, and place, that it really doesn’t have an excuse for extraneous details. It’s not a sweeping epic, you know? I don’t want the things I learn about these people to seem random. Why learn that Faye has a mother and sister and no father and not anything about Everett’s family? Because it didn’t chance to come up? This isn’t real life, it’s a narrative!! No excuses!
The other thing is that the movie is clearly basing itself in the tradition of the The Twilight Zone, and that show was defined by its twists. So I was FULLY expecting a twist. Something about the Cold War? Something about the nature or origin or intention of the aliens? Something about the various technological “news” Faye was reciting at the beginning? I mean I would have been happy with a basic/classic twist even tbqh.
But no... it’s just an abduction story I guess. The MOST boring of alien stories.
I would have liked if they’d gone more into the alien ship noises specifically, the intercepted conversations, the accidental (ish) conversation that comes from humans replaying the recordings...
I don’t know. I like the concept of aliens as inscrutable and probably benevolent, just like existing in little bits and pieces for us to wonder about. Unknowable. I like that much more than aliens picking people up into their giant flying saucers. Just a personal preference.
In some ways, it felt like it became a completely different movie in the last third. A lot of new ideas were introduced, like the alien language (versus ship’s sounds), the abductions, the alien trance state thing, and that’s in a movie that until then had been more about a slow, creeping dread. A movie that was never afraid to take its time. Then it starts throwing in new ideas all over the place? And dropping old ones? I almost wonder if the director was bullied into major edits or re-shoots or something, like if someone said ‘you know this is too boring, this lacks resolution, this isn’t flashy enough.’ Maybe that’s just what I want to believe. I’m basing it only on the text and not on any extra knowledge, of which I have none. It just felt weird that a movie that was so good and so controlled in the beginning started making what I think of as amateur hour mistakes later on.
All that said, I did really enjoy it! I’m glad I watched it and I would watch it again.
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charliejrogers · 4 years
Onward (Or, Disney’s Dungeons & Dragons)
Few things should be more exciting to filmgoers everywhere than the prospect of a new IP from powerhouse animation studio Pixar. Even when they don’t reach the highs of Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Inside Out, or Coco, they still produce near-classics like the money-printing, merchandise-monster Cars or the oft-overlooked, quiet, and visually stunning buddy-road-trip/adventure masterpiece The Good Dinosaur. Which is why it was so weird when Pixar released Onward earlier this year to little-to-no fanfare. For sure the coronavirus played a significant role in this as few audiences had the chance to see this in theaters, and then it was relegated solely to Disney+. But even still, the marketing didn’t do much for me – or seemingly others. I expected the same B-tier Pixar I got with recent outings like Finding Dory and Toy Story 4. (To be clear, even B-tier Pixar movies are very good). I went into this thinking it would be some so-so brothers-adventure with some magical element, with characters voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland. Maybe I hesitated because I feared that Chris Pratt would simply be playing yet another iteration of his made-to-be-memed and sorta-now-grating loveable yet clueless bro that he perfected on Parks & Recreation and made even more macho and bro-y as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy films. I was right on both counts: Pratt plays the same character as he always does, and it is a movie about brothers and magic. But I was wrong in one regard: this movie is awesome.
Onward is set in the town of New Mushroomton, a city that looks like it could be Anytown, USA with a public high school, highways, and suburban housing developments. The difference is that New Mushroomton is populated by magical creatures (elves, centaurs, satyrs, trolls, etc.) instead of humans. However, the film’s prologue tells us that all the world’s magic has long been forgotten. Just as science and modern medicine have lessened the need and reliance on religion and faith for many in our society today, so too did the invention of the lightbulb in Onward eliminate the need for wizards to cast spells to cast out darkness. So now the centaurs drive cars instead frolic the fields, monsters have sold out and allowed their once-scary visages to sold on T-shirts and serve as mascots for restaurants, and once-sacred and magical fountains are being demolished to make way for new building developments. It’s not the most imaginative of Pixar settings, but it does effectively get across one of the film’s theme: not that we as Americans need to go back and embrace religion and faith, but that we should have a greater appreciation for sacred traditions of the past and recognize that newer is not always better. And, perhaps predictably, the world and the film it inhabits teach that the “magic” of life can never really be lost. It’s a message that is luckily never stressed too heavily and which forms a beautiful backdrop to the film’s main plot.
The plot, as mentioned, focuses on two elven brothers, and their single mother (their father died of an illness long, long ago – because this is a Disney movie and no one can be a hero without dead or missing parents!). The younger of the two, Ian (voiced by the MCU’s boyish Spider-Man, Tom Holland), has just turned sixteen and is as insecure, without confidence, and paralyzed by fear as any teenage boy who isn’t among the cool kids. The film’s so-so exposition portion largely focuses on showing us just how pathetic Ian is: in order to invite classmates to his house for a birthday, he has to write out talking points on his hands (predictably his hands become a bit sweaty). He more than anything wants to become the bold, confident man he hears his father once was, down to the point that he wears his father’s old sweatshirts and has a tear-jerking conversation with an old recording of his father’s voice.
On the other end of the spectrum is Ian’s older brother, Barley (Chris Pratt), who kinda looks like Chris Farley if Chris Farley played D&D in high school. Barley’s also a social outcast and do-nothing who his Mom describes on being on “the longest gap year” between high school and college. But embraces his lonerism and is proud of who he is – much to the embarrassment of his brother. He’s in love with his world’s magical past, devoting his life to the film’s version of Dungeons & Dragons card game, which is based on “actual history,” i.e. the spells from his game are the same spells that wizards used to use. The two brothers are not so much at odds at the film’s start, but they aren’t particularly close.
What brings them together, and what propels the film from its sleepy start, is a present for Ian from his long-dead father: a magic wand and a spell that will allow Ian and Barley to see their father again. There are a few caveats, however. Firstly, they will have to go on a quest to find some MacGuffin to complete the spell. Secondly, they will only have 24 hours to complete the task or else lose the opportunity for ever. Thirdly, only Ian the Non-Confident and the Magic-Naïve, is able to work the wand. With these ground rules laid out, the movie proper begins, and it is a wonderful and expertly crafted tale.
The film’s story progression takes as much of a cue from recent RPG-video games (to which, of course D&D is the ultimate precursor) as from the classic mold of the “Hero’s Journey” that adventure tales from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars have followed. Using Barley's knowledge of his D&D-like card game (like that episode of Spongebob where Mr. Krabs uses a board game’s map to find actual buried treasure), Ian and Barley will come up against a number of different of challenges on their journey, but can overcome them as Barley teaches Ian how to “unlock" more and more magical abilities. By the film’s end he is a full-blown wizard single-handedly fighting off a dragon. It’s a satisfying plot structure, with each visually impressive and exciting challenge not only strengthening Ian’s confidence, but also his relationship with his brother. In the classic buddy-road-trip film, there are as many challenges that will bring them together as threaten to tear them apart.
The beauty of this film is its ability to be three things at once: 1) a fantastical adventure to save their father 2) a buddy-comedy for the two brothers and 3) a coming of age tale for Ian. All three share the limelight equally and no part (after the exposition) drags a bit. By far its strongest element, though, is its exploration of brotherhood/fatherhood. Ian and Barley are a joy to watch work together on screen, and their love for one another is clear and palpable. Even Pratt’s typical obnoxiousness is appropriately scaled down and made entirely loveable. There was never a moment where I wasn’t rooting for the two. By the end, I would have been perfectly happy to provide the two with the predictably happy ending the movie seemingly sets itself up for (and which a film from a lesser studio would have provided). But instead Pixar completely subverted my expectations in a beautiful way, giving me the ending I didn’t know I wanted. It's an ending which in the long run is the best for its characters and their development.
In sum, I was quite pleasantly surprised by Onward. The movie knows exactly what it wants to be, and it does so effectively. It teaches that fathers, especially the best fathers, don’t have to be the men who begot us. As I said, it’s not the most creative or inventive outing from Pixar and it’s just below the A-tier Pixar classics, but it really is too much to expect a masterpiece every single time. That being said, I would be surprised if there’s a better or more emotionally affecting animated movie to come out this year.
***/ (Three and a half stars out of four)
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
*slams fists on table* MYSTELEON
I knew you wouldnt disappoint! :D  tho you already know most of these lmaoo  lotsa credit to @herbofoo anyway, i dont remember which of these you came up with but Patchwork wouldnt be the same without your Good Good Content! (And of course thanks for all your patience as i cry about comics lmao)
I’ve lost all shame long since ive started shipping them so brace yourself for the self-indulgent cheese that is Chameleon/Mysterio in my Patchwork verse. (its reallly. really Melodramatic. i gave up all pretense.. also under the cut cuz its long..)
ask meme
Who cooks:
Mysterio! Although Chameleon is objectively The Superior Cook thanks to the long years of being a servant to picky russian nobility BUT exactly because of that, he really doesnt enjoy it, even less when cooking for others and not just himself. So it is usually Beck who prepares meals (that are not bad either, they are just simpler) but as often as they can, they eat out. That said, Cham is very well aware Quentin loves his cooking so sometimes, he makes them something. (Being sick isnt so bad when it means Chammy bringin you a big bowl of hot borscht :)
On the other hand, Cham has quite a sweet tooth which Q notices Fast and decides to learn how to bake. It took more effort and failed tries than it could have, mostly because he got cocky, how hard could this be and just. kept forgetting he put stuff in the oven.. But now he makes quite delicious cookies n cakes which make Dmitri almost tear up because tasty + Quentin baked something Specifically for him?? 
Who does the laundry and other chores:
Mysterio’s laundry is usually booby trapped so he has to clean it himself and he doesnt even let Cham near it. And he keeps forgetting gadgets in his civvies. Not to mention that again, for the same servant reason, Cham really doesnt enjoy house chores in general, so he usually just gets his own clothes cleaned somewhere else (especially since his fancy suits and even fancier gowns are the highest quality and delicate materials, he doesnt even Know how to clean them..) 
As for the rest of the chores, its pretty balanced, although Cham has more of an eye for things that needs to be cleaned up (and Beck already has cooking duties) so he does a tad more. 
How many children do they have + Any pets:
In my Patchwork universe there’s a whole Thing about Leon, the Chameleon of the Ultimate universe but I’ve tried to type up a short summary and failed, it’s a long story lmao ^^;; and anyway he isnt exactly their kid, he is just much younger than them and they ended up sorta mentoring him. 
However, they have Celavi, the escaped ex-spy beluga.(Yes, it started as a joke based on this post that accidentally grew more and more serious until @herbofoo and me were too attached to let it go) She counts pretty much as their adopted daughter that they both spoil to hell and back, I mean no surprise, she saved Cham’s life once and sometimes, she helps out with heists. (Mostly for the show, you should have SEEN the look on Spider’s face when a beluga splashed him. He is used to humanoid sharks, to Hydroman.. not like. real life beluga that LAUGHS at him) Beck’s voice: “Dont you dare to insult her, SHE IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS and A GOODNESS INCARNATE!! -she is literally a deserted russian spy that was trained to gather everything that could be used to harm USA-yea, i have a soft spot for those ;)“
She was always surprisingly clever so she never really counted as a “pet” and at one point, she even bonds with a symbiote (together they are Vague, again long story ah ha). They dont talk but have quite some range of vocalisations so communication isnt a problem. 
Who’s more dominant: 
They both have pretty dominant strong personalities (ok chameleon’s a bit more complicated with that but like.) with big egos who dont like others questioning their superiority. (Of course not at the level of like Doc Ock etc, they are surprisingly flexible and good team players that can be willing to let someone else take the spotlight if they are Nice) But the whole point of their relationship is that neither of them is dominant over the other, they get enough of that literally everywhere else. It’s very reassuring to be so sure that they are on equal footing, cooperating, no hidden nooses around their neck. Especially in their line of work of course! 
(Also, for the other interpretation of this question: anythin remotely sexual happens Pretty Late in the story and both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum so it doesnt happen that often but they are both verses tho Beck bottoms more)
Favorite nonsexual activity:
MOVIES!! Sprawled on the giant comfy couch, closer than technically needed, cuddling and watching old movies with great special effects and/or great actors! Listening to Beck excitedly rant through the most dramatic speech of the story as he explains how the next cliffhanger is done with hydraulics! Focusing so hard on the stars in his eyes and his excited tone and gestures and just the tone of his voice you forgot to listen to the words themselves! Watching Cham’s face flawlessly mimic the faces on the screen in a blink of an eye and secretly guessing which one will he pick next. Feeling his head slowly fall on your shoulder, eyes closed, his mask smooth but not tense, instead just.. peaceful. Slight ping of annoyance, after all, this is A Classic movie dammit, but it’s gone in a second because Mitya hasnt slept since thursday and you are just relieved he is finally getting his rest. Feeling his warmth under your hand on his shoulders and suddenly never ever wanting to get up again.. EHM. anyway
PLANING HEISTS TOGETHER!! and more or less successfully executing them but planning is actually even more fun aside from the Big Reveals and Entrances which are actually harder to coordinate than one would think! 
Lots of shobiz/job talk actually, they really enjoy what they do! Lots of people already mentioned that in their hc compilations but i agree, they love goin to see all kinds of movies and plays and performances as well as acting various scenes with one another!  
Their favorite place to be together:
NEW YORK CITY BABEYY. Sure they love to travel and see other countries (and cause mayhem there) but.. they love their mess of a city, it’s never the same without the webhead around as well as the bazillion of other heroes n villains bashin each other’s heads. 
Any traditions:
Oh so many pop culture references and inside jokes, oh my god. One time, they spent the entire heist (and its planning period) speaking strictly in famous movie lines and titles, Max and other sixers tried to join but didnt last too long :’D 
Beck also has a habit of taking pictures of people with Interesting faces or styles he sees and sends them to Cham. Also another fanon classic: together they have a running game, disguising themselves as moderately famous people and the other guessing who..
Their “song”:
‘This is me’ from the Greatest Showman, i just live for the two of them singin it in Cham’s car,off key but fully immersed and living it. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Neither of them are religious but that doesnt stop Beck from going ALL OUT at any opportunity, Sin Six doesn’t do any heists around holidays because you Know he’d make them dress for the occasion or worse, write them themed lines…  They still meet for Christmas and Hanukkah and sometimes other holidays too because this is my AU and you can pry festivities-related shenanigans from my cold, cold hands. It’s always at Beck’s place tho because he can turn his hideout into the tackiest holiday-themed showcase but he aint roping them into it.  
On the other hand, Cham despises American commercialized holidays in general and Christmas time especially, since it’s not a big thing in Russia and  also once again, he has family issues for days. (Although relatively speaking, he is pretty over these, he is not gonna like mope around or anything) 
Anyway, what they do for each other is that they try to compromise, Dmitri doesnt sneer at stupid kitsch decorations every 5 minutes and Quentin ..chills a little. :’D To be fair, Beck makes everything fun and having Cham there makes Beck appreciate the details more instead of just goin into BETTER!BIGGER! frenzy.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
After the fuckin Ages of pinning, when they finally end up together for realsies, they wanted somethin Big and Flashy! (Well Beck wanted and Cham kinda too but also with the option to merge with the crowd unnoticed and take some chill time) Anyway they went on a whole world wide tour! Starting with a luxury cruise, they took their time, lots of crime sprees to plan and execute, lots of local shows to see, lots of dumb heroes to fool, they’re gonna have it all! 
Where did they first meet:
Around the time when Cham and Hammerhead had their criminal empire running Fisk to the ground, Otto decided the Sin Six should team up with them for their ressources needed on one heist or something. They agreed but Cham insisted on actually going in the field, it’s been a while since he really stretched his face legs like this and the mafia life was starting to bore him. Doc made him team up with Mysterio much to the fishbowl’s dismay because why do they need another disguise artist?? He is the Master Of Illusions dammit, he can run circles around this guy, what the fuck Otto?? So at the start, he pouts and fumes under his helmet and in general he is his v unpleasant self but… He can’t help but notice that the new guy is a real professional, he even uses Traditional masks, he likes the same movies… And most importantly, he is actually interested in Mysti’s craft, asking questions and even LISTENING to his long winded answers… At one point he even wondered if that X thing was meant as a HOMMAGE to the Y movie, the Six never did that!! (Usually the rest of the sixers dont know the reference, heathens, and when they do, they mock him for it, that he’s copying ideas and mixin them ridiculously.  BUT THIS GUY GETS IT!!) So it doesn’t take long for them to hit it off, of course at this point without any real Trust behind it but it’s a start. 
(Though Beck does pay a visit to Otto like, buddy pal i know you’ve been planning on manipulating these crimelords to your end somehow and honestly, any other day i’d be down, i actually had a robot prepared for my own backstab but i was thinking they werent that bad and maybe we Could hold our end of the bargain this time and just. leave each other on good terms? Mabye? Obviously it’s purely out of respect for our teammate Kraven since him and Chameleon seem to have some history, nothing more, definitely nothing to do with how bright Cham’s eyes were when i was showing him the back of my stage… ) 
What do they fight over:
this whole post has been a mountain of cheese but im bringing more! Honestly, goin through my notes on Patchwork, their biggest arguments have always been about.. the other one not taking proper care of himself :’D Or them lashing out because they were scared and worried about the other and they cant stand being so vulnerable while the other pretends it’s not a big deal because they dont know how to handle genuine concern directed at them. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
GIVE!!! BECK!!!! HIS!!!! ISLAND!!!!!!They actually do have one, it’s where Celavi spends most of the time and they visit her often. But never for too long, neither of them can actually spend too long doing nothing.. 
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
🖊 for Adi and a bonus 🖊🖊🖊 for three more characters of your choice!
Meant to post this yesterday for Watcher Wednesday, totally forgot bc I was blasting through the prompt fill, WHOOPS. Since I don’t feel like sitting on it for another whole week, here we go.
Adi… Adi was a blast to play from the word go, because I made her to be an orlan version of Dagna from Dragon Age, so extremely cheerful, outgoing, sweet, excitable/passionate, and above all CURIOUS. It was so fun. (Also fun: running a party with two wizard who were competing for most times KO’ed bc apparently Aloth’s the only one I won’t swap out if I’m playing the same class :P) But things got real good about halfway through her game, when I went “Hey, I think she has an angst free past. No dead family, like Tavi, or two decades of slavery, like Emiri. She hasn’t really lost anything or whatever, there’s no trauma aside from the Watcher stuff and Awakened soul. Well-adjusted and un-traumatized Watcher, YAY. :D”
 aaaand she sorta cleared her throat and shuffled her feet and went “Welllll, actually, Mom, hate to burst your bubble, ‘cause I know how rare relatively-trauma-free characters are, BUT. I sorta had a massive crush on Heodan, so him dying in front of me would count as trauma.”
Me: “WELL CRAP. *additional grumbling about how OF COURSE she took the fact I like him as an NPC and ran with it to the point MAJOR CRUSH*”
So I incorporated that into her fics from there forward, which really just meant keeping it in mind most of the time, maybe with the occasional vague hint toward it. And then came that weekly prompt for NPC you wish you could save, and Heodan’s right behind Derrin for that one, so since I wound up with time to write two fills, I gave Adi a toehold into an AU where he survives the biawic. Aaaaand that persistent little fluffball never stopped bugging me to make it happen for real. Whole way through her game. And then after her game.”You know you want to” was repeated multiple times. And I did want to. So tbh caving was an inevitability, it was just a matter of how long it would take.And I don’t regret giving her this AU for real OR running an Adela 2.0 game where I made Heodan as a hired adventure so she could actually have him(you do rogues right, man, and WOW. He wound up in the party way longer than I planned bc he was just that good). They’re so sweet and soft, even as friends, and the number of things that happened in the game that just fueled the ship was fantastic. 
I’m gonna use two of the bonus three to gush about her parents, bc they’re pretty cool. They  pulled off the “arranged marriage, but actually fell in love after the fact” trope, because I love it. And I mean genuinely in love, not just “making the best of it”. Voltan and Magda are head over heels for each other. Good thing, too; things aren’t easy for reasons beyond the prejudice orlans face and other typical challenges. Ben comes along within a year/18 months of their wedding, so they don’t get a lot of time with just the two of them to figure out the flow of married life before it’s family life. And Magda miscarries twice between Texatl and Sirra,and then twice more between Tia and Isi(that they know for sure, there was maybe a third one in there that was early enough along she can’t swear she was pregnant, but she’s about 65% sure), and Isi and Zac are both hard enough pregnancies, they decide seven kids is enough. Since most of their orlan neighbors have at least ten children, they do face some scorn for their decision to stop(and societal pressure to reconsider), but they know what they want, and neither wants Magda to risk herself just for the sake of “keeping up”. Isi nearly killed her, so Zac was enough of a risk, and they are genuinely happy with what they have.  They’re very encouraging for whatever skills the kids choose to pursue, though they can’t help but play sliiiiight favorites to Sirra for Voltan and Adi for Magda, bc they follow the same career/passion. They love all of their children, they do, but it’s just easier to form a connection with shared interests, especially since Sirra winds up working with Voltan in his tailor’s shop, so they spend a lot of time together. But the boys and Tia are all encouraged in their pursuits are well, even if there’s not the same level of connection, and, for example, Ben’s cooking gets fought over regularly bc he’s that good and the whole family wants as much as they can get. They always affirm and praise progress and make sure all the kids know they’re proud of them.
And for the last bonus, let’s change canons but keep the theme of Orlans, and talk about Keya(Kind Wayfarer and Badass, healer on call for one Tavi Illani, who needs her… well, a lot). She’s a hired adventurer who only got made bc I had no idea how close I was to picking up Pallegina. /sweats Awesome as she is, I really wish she would give me her backstory, bc she’s told me nothing before meeting Tavi in the Charred Barrel. I know she’s from the Deadfire and likes being called ‘Boss’ when she’s in charge(vs “m’lady’ or ‘ma’am’ or whatever), but that’s it. And I feel like that affects how I write her, makes it harder to nail down her personality, that sort of thing. She’s still a blast, though. 
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kenzichi · 6 years
Here’s my KH3 review:
I would like to start off by saying I enjoyed this game very much. I have a lot of good to say about this game, but also a lot of bad. I tried to keep it spoiler free, but once I reached the cons it was inevitable. Heads up on that. And I also tried not to dive too deep into critiquing the story itself too much. I did sorta do that at the end though, but I felt it was okay to include the points I mentioned because they’re about Org. 13 and X and this game concludes their story arc.
Pros: The game is visually stunning. The worlds are GIGANTIC. It was a little intimidating actually. I always had the thought that I was going to miss something in the back of my mind. But it was still a joy to explore. The scenery really felt alive. The grass moved with you, the water rippled, you can see Sora’s hair move when it was windy! My favorite world in 3 is Kingdom of Corona. It’s just so beautiful and so fun! In this world especially, you interact with Rapunzel as she explores her environment because she’s never experienced it before. It’s really cute and really gets you involved in the world besides just being the guy that takes out heartless.
 Another pro is: Yoko Shimomura did it again! Her music compositions for 3 are AMAZING! I got into the music right away and eventually found myself humming to every background song in no time flat. I also enjoyed how every world had more than 2 themes this time. Usually we had a ‘calm’ world theme and a ‘battle’ world theme. Yoko went beyond that and gave us a different theme per situation… for EACH world! One example is in Frozen: we had a theme for the mountain, a battle theme, and a theme for after they met Larxene (and she did the thing if you’ve played the game lol). My favorite theme is the one for Hiro’s Garage in Sanfransokyo. It’s so soothing; I could listen to it for hours. The theme for Aqua’s battle is totally creepy and it fits so well. I enjoyed all of the music.
 Game play is fun and really nostalgic. They brought back equipping abilities (with AP), the old command box from 2, and accessories. Magic is better than ever in this game. One problem I had with 2 is that I could only use a few spells and my MP level would quickly run out so I felt it was a waste of time. In 3, even just starting, I didn’t have to worry about running out as fast. It was a relief not having to worry about watching my MP levels and I used magic a lot more in this game.
 A new combat feature for 3 is the keyblade transformations. When you finish a world and gain a keyblade, you can unlock special abilities with that keyblade. For example: if you equip the Toybox keyblade, and you bash enough heartless with it, you can transform your keyblade into a giant hammer. I wasn’t too excited about it when they first revealed these new abilities during development, but they’re actually super fun and totally optional if you really don’t dig it. You can also switch between 3 different keyblades during combat easily if you feel one keyblade isn’t working out against an enemy. I love this new feature. My favorite keyblade transformations are the Toybox hammer and the Monstropolis Yo-yos. Sora is channeling his inner Killua with the Yo-yos and I am all for that lol.  
 Another pro is Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s interactions. Like, omg, they are so cute. They are so genuine. It really felt like I was watching Sora and his two Disney dads. It gave me life and I felt so many emotions watching them. This trio was the best developed trio in 3.
 Cons: Pacing y’all. My biggest problem with this game as a whole. It started off good, but once you finish the Disney worlds and get into the real plot with Xehanort it’s like a rollercoaster and not in a good way. All the things we were hoping to happen, that we’ve been waiting for for years, happen so quickly and then it’s over like… did it even happen? I felt I didn’t get to be as emotional about those scenes as I could have been because they immediately thrust us into another scene. I didn’t have time to appreciate those moments like I wanted to.  
 Kairi…. Poor Kairi. Nomura screwed her over again. He let us get hyped about her finally training to become a keyblade wielder, gave her a new outfit, and showed her willing and ready to fight in the Keyblade Graveyard and yet? Screwed all of us. I wasn’t expecting her to be a badass, but I was expecting her to be SOMETHING. I was really hoping she’d develop a personality and presence in this game, but she fell flat yet again because Nomura doesn’t know what to do with her. She literally only exists as a plot device and love interest for Sora (I’m not going to get into that here lol).
 Also disappointed they hyped playable Riku, but it was only 2 times, for 2 battles and frankly switching between Sora’s magic command menu to Riku’s with no time to look through it and get accustomed to it other than during actual combat was a pain. Also sad Sora, Riku, or Kairi didn’t travel to ONE world together. Not one. I was hoping to have them in my party as least once, but nope. I’m generally disappointed in the lack of Destiny Island trio interactions. There were no moments between the 3 of them and there was no interaction between Riku and Kairi and barely any between Sora and Riku despite growing so close in DDD. It goes to show Nomura didn’t develop this ‘trio’ as well as the others.  
Another problem I had were almost all the Organization members ended up… being ‘good after all’ or something. For over 10 years they gave no indication Luxord, Larxene, and Marluxia were nothing, but just evil just because and they had no feelings towards Sora other than a boy that was in their way, but once they start fading away for good it’s suddenly, ‘you’re a great person, Sora. Let’s meet again’ or in the case of Larxene, just giving Sora the time of day and actually talking to him civilly just felt so random to me. Including Xemnas. He suddenly revealed how he felt sorta bad for betraying the old organization members, but there was literally no hint of that before?? Idk, it just felt out of place. I was kinda cringing the whole time, haha. I’m actually surprised YX was the one that disappeared the most unremorseful for his (future) actions.
 And then there was Xehanort, omg. He literally destroyed the lives of dozens of people, almost sent the world into the apocalypse, and had this grand scheme for the last 15+ years that he literally invested multiple lives to see fulfilled, but once his old bff Eraqus tells him ‘you’re done’, he went, ‘okay’. Lol wat? That’s it? I’m sure he knew he lost, but I expected more of a grumbling, complaining old man on the brink of death than just a nonchalant, ‘you done good kids’ while giving the x-blade to Sora with a damn smile on his face. I cringed. It all felt unfulfilling to me at that moment because X gave up too easily and was so OOC. I think Nomura just wanted to wrap up this story real quick and move on with his life.
 And another thing! 3 didn’t go into Xehanort’s past. They gave us some cutscenes of X and Eraqus playing chess and flirting, but that’s it. When did their relationship change? What made Xehanort so obsessed with dark and light balancing? When did he meet Braig? What happened to Scala ad Caelum? Does it still exist? Like…. They didn’t go into X’s background AT ALL. I was really hoping to see more about his character.
 Neutral feelings: I remember reading somewhere that 3 was supposed to be the longest game in the series, but I finished the game in about the same time as the others. So maybe they meant longest game gameplay wise and not story wise. On the plus side, there is a TON of stuff to do in this game like a bunch of mini games, cooking with Remy, finding lucky emblems, and exploring worlds after they’re completed. On the downside though, even just 10 more minutes of cutscenes could have helped the pacing in the later part of the game. The gameplay and story are imbalanced and they should have focused on solidifying the story rather than adding so many different gameplay elements. I honestly find them all overwhelming. I stopped trying to remember them all.
 The Disney attraction rides. I don’t really have a like or dislike for these reaction commands. Good thing is that some are fun to see visually like the train and the tea cups (Sora is so dang cute in those teacups). Downside is some attractions don’t seem to fit with the heartless that activate them. For example: that shooting attraction ride is terrible with flying type heartless and yet I get that command a lot with them so it’s pointless. I never hit them.
 This is a con for me, but maybe not for others. They closed a big chapter in the game, but kept a lot of plot points open too. I think my main problem with 3 was that I was hoping it would be more conclusive. Nomura made it seem like it was more conclusive. I already knew 3 wasn’t the end of the series as a whole, but you can still end a storyline with a definite conclusion while still being open to new adventures. 3 didn’t do that. They closed a bunch of chapters, but also left us with a lot of new questions.
 Most of the voice acting is great in this game! Haley really delivered as Sora and I honestly think this was his best performance as him to date! It was genuine, totally cute, and fit Sora perfectly. You can tell he had a great time voicing this game. I also really enjoyed Larxene which is something for me because I felt her VA was trying too hard in CoM. She really improved in 3 and it was fun to watch her. On the other hand, the voices for Xehanort and Marluxia fell flat. Xehanort’s is just unfortunate and I don’t think anyone could have captured him as well as Nimoy did no matter how much they tried. Marluxia sounded like he belonged in an infomercial. Totally hated his voice.  
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 6 years
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Okay so I’ve seen Game of Thrones like twice now because I’m more or less obsessed with the series and not to mention that Steven Universe has recently wrapped up it’s fifth season too! And I’ve realized after analyzing both the series and I’ve made some discoveries and recognized a few parallels between some of the characters. And the one I’ve made the most after seeing Season 5 of Steven Universe and Season 7 of Game of Thrones, is a parallel between… Lapis Lazuli and Theon Greyjoy!! I know at first glance they don’t seem very much alike at first glance but they’re actually pretty similar now that I’ve observed them more with each episode I see them in. Here are the similarities I found between them: 1. Both were held hostage and/or imprisoned against their will by opposing forces of their homeland during a rebellion. 2. Both became close to one person on the opposing force. (Robb, Steven) 3. Are treated with a mix of mistrust and distance from the people who hold them hostage. (Lapis with the Crystal Gems, Theon with the Starks) 4. Held resentment towards the people they were among. (The Starks, The Crystal Gems) 5. Desired a wish to return home.  6. Both come off as unfriendly and/or somewhat rude to others 7. Are a part of a well-known family/group. (Blue Diamond’s court, House Greyjoy)  8. When returning home after many years they realized that some things had changed. (Pyke, Homeworld)
9. Went against their prisoners and caused serious damage in their wake. (“Ocean Gem”, “The Old Gods and The News”) 10. Both brought harm to young children. 11. Both expressed sadness and remorse while confessing their crimes. 12. Both were tricked by someone who pretended to be kind. (Ramsay, Navy) 13. Both interrogated and tortured by captors. (The Boltons, Ramsay, Peridot, and possibly Jasper) 14. Both suffered a serious injury that incapacitated them for a while (Lapis’ cracked gem, Theon’s castration and mutilated fingers and foot) 15. Both were used as tools by others and treated as such by captors. 16. Both lost their identities for a while in their isolation. (Theon as Reek, Lapis as Malachite) 17. Both had loved ones who tried to save them from their imprisonment but they both refused for different reasons. (Theon was too brainwashed to want help, Lapis was trying to keep Jasper bound and refused help) 18. Eventually escaped their imprisonment against someone they hate. (Jasper, Ramsay) 19. Protected a friend from the person they hate the most. (Steven from Jasper, Sansa from Ramsay) 20. Had to be motivated to turn against a higher power for the sake of people they care about. (Steven, Sansa) 21. Both are survivors who endured serious trauma and isolation that resulted in PTSD that they haven’t completely recovered from yet. 22. Both have a theme involving water and the ocean. 23. Both ran away from danger when their fears were triggered, even if it meant abandoning a loved one. (Steven, Yara) 24. Feel tremendous guilt over their past actions and consider themselves terrible/unforgivable. 25. Are nonetheless devoted to the person who loves them the most (Steven, Yara) So yeah... I can't believe it, but Lapis and Theon have a surprising amount of things in common hehe, I'm gonna draw more of them later I have too, because it might be wrong, but I sorta ship em now too. 
However I DO have to admit that what separates them from each other is that unlike Lapis, Theon HAS been called out for his actions by the people he’s hurt both directly and indirectly and is treated with some rightful hostility after all he’s done (like Jon). Lapis...? Not so much, unlike with Theon, Lapis pretty much gets away with all she’s done and nobody ever truly calls her out for hurting people and doing other heinous acts, especially not by Steven, in fact, her actions are mostly excused by Steven and/or ignored by the others, but Theon’s actions are never excused once by his allies and they aren’.t afraid to remind him of the horrible things he’s done.
And that’s the thing I can think of the most that separates them the most. P.S They're on a beach because... well they're both kinda associated with the ocean :3
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comealongvael · 6 years
My thoughts on Amnesia; Memories… so far? (½)
“What’s that in the title, Kaz? ‘So far’?”
Well, I haven’t exactly FINISHED the game. I’m stuck on one of the routes, because the guy is pretty much the embodiment of ‘yikes’. So I’ll probably redo this to some degree when I’ve finished the game, his route and a ‘secret route’, because who knows maybe my thoughts will change?
This is also one of the games where I didn’t do the bad or normal ends, so I’ll have to do them too. But but but! My thoughts so far are under the ‘read more’. Let’s get started!
A quick summary, for those that haven’t played the games:
Some little precious cinnamon bun named Orion fucked up and enters your head, or something, and gives you amnesia. And you’ve got to uncover your memories of your life, in multiple timelines, so you can free him and live happily ever after. With whatever boy you’ve chosen. It’s adorable.
It’s interesting and I love the idea, and it’s got that whole mysterious feel to it; no two routes are exactly the same, blah, blah. Just play the game, it’s great.
So now let’s move on to my favourite and least favourite routes:
Favourites: Shin, Ikki, and Kent. In that order.
Least Favourites: Toma. Oh dear god, Toma. But I won’t get into why just yet. Just know that… holy shite, YIKES.
Favourite and least favourite characters time:
Favourites: Orion, Shin, Ikki, Kent, Sawa, Waka… and Ukyo? I can explain that last bit, and will in a bit.
Least Favourites: Most of the female cast and Toma. Nobody should be surprised. Let’s be honest.
Now we’re going to get into the long winded part. Where I just ramble about these characters and routes. So buckle up and get ready.
The first route and character we’re going to talk about is Shin/Heart World.
Shin’s the Heroine’s childhood friend, he’s a bit younger and rough around the edges, but he’s completely worth it. And so is his route.
First let’s talk about the route, Heroine fell off a cliff more or less, which is the perfect reason for her to have amnesia. He’s his route is falling for this adorable but rough lad, all the while uncovering the mystery of what happened the night of the main character’s accident/incident. And everyone is a suspect, I even suspected Orion at point and he wasn’t there at the time. But overall, it was fun and Shin is adorable during it.
However, the good ending… is difficult to explain; I liked it to a point, where [spoilers]Toma is given no real punishment for what happened[/spoilers].
Now let’s discuss Shin. In his own route, he is brilliant. He, as I said, is rough around the edges and can be a bit pushy at times, but he’s also vulnerable–especially towards the end of his route. And he’s not just one note but a complex character, who is absolutely smitten with the Heroine. And shows sides of himself to her that other people just don’t get to see.
In other routes, he… kind of suffers though. Mostly because Heroine is not close enough to see that vulnerability that is shown in his route. However, he does have some interesting moments in each route, my favourites being his bouts of jealousy in Kent’s and Ikki’s routes and his concerns and actions in Toma’s.
Overall, I love him. He’s probably my favourite. Of all the time. He’s a bit tragic and complex, and his route is fun–I believe he should be everyone’s first route. Because he’s good and pure. And well-written, which can be a bit surprising for an otome game?
Next route and character is going to be Kent/Clover World.
Kent is Kent. There’s no other way to describe him. He’s very unique and a bit of a nerd, and he’s route is quite funny to be honest. He was my first, and there were some problem in the beginning but I went back and fixed that.
Anyway, his route. There’s so much maths. Oh lord, I’ll have nightmares until the end of my days over the quizzes. I am horrible with maths. But other than that, I really did enjoy his route. It was adorable and pure, and he tries so hard in it that you have to give him credit. However, it’s also quite tragic because–by being nice to him, it shows some sides to their previous relationship that wasn’t so pretty. And some of the things he says in response to the main character being nice to him, makes me want to strange her.
But the good ending is well worth even all the maths quizzes. Because he’s finally happy and so is the heroine. It’s just so good and pure, and talking too much about it will be spoilers galore.
Now let’s talk about Kent, in his own route. Kent… is very blunt in what he says, and sometimes he doesn’t see how insincere he seems. However, as the route continues and he begins to grow under Heroine’s kindness, he softens a bit and becomes one of the sweetest characters in the game. And it’s amazing to watch that growth, and he did pull a lot at my heartstrings a lot. Particularly when you are nice to him and his responses vary between adorable and tragic, as he comments that it’s not like the Heroine or he thinks she hates him. The latter is so sad, and probably comes from a guilt in him, but it’s still hard to hear him talk about someone he obviously is in love with like that.
In other routes, Kent suffers the most. He doesn’t have a huge role in Shin’s route and I don’t think he even appears in Toma’s. Uhm, he does excel in Ikki’s, as the hilarious best friend. And in his own awkward way he does seem to support Ikki and the Heroine, and has some of the best ‘best friend’ dialogue I have ever seen. I just really love their relationship.
Overall, I do really like him. And I love his character growth in his route. I love his complexities and his awkwardness, and I will say that his route needs to be done and the player needs to have patience for him because his good end is well worth it. This nerd is the best nerd, sorry.
Now Ikki/Spade World, who kind of surprised me.
Ikki is actually one of the most intriguing character in the game for me. He seems like just a regular old womaniser, who is way too patient with his weird arse fan club. And he has magical eyes or something. It’s bizarre.
His route starts off a little weird. He’s introduced as the Heroine’s boyfriend and they’ve got this date, but he’s late to it and when she goes to find out if maybe she was supposed to meet him outside, she finds him way too close to this weird fan club he has. So the first impression of him isn’t the greatest but–as time goes on, you start to see cracks in Ikki’s surface personality. But we’ll talk more about that when I’m discussing his character.
The good end is brilliant. Finding out that Ikki is kind of a victim in his route but him finally getting his happily ever after was so heartwarming. I approve.
So his character. As stated above, he comes off as a womaniser, who loves to flirt and is known for dating girls for a certain amount of time, then they break up. He kind of comes off as a narcissistic jerk, but as time goes on, as you progress in his route, you find out that’s not the case. During some beautifully written moments of vulnerability on Ikki’s part you learn that he’s not as happy as he appears, and he’s quite lonely in the way women react to him. He calls his Magic Eyes of Instant Love a curse and he falls head over heels for the heroine because she didn’t Instant Love him. He’s amazing, tragic, and I really do adore him.
However, once again, Ikki suffers when you don’t do his route. Even in Kent’s route. He kind of fell flat in the other routes, and his only redeeming quality in Kent’s is his friendship with Kent. Which is kind of sad still, considering the attentive and kind person we get in his route. But that seems to a reoccurring theme in the game.
Overall, he’s probably my second favourite character. Especially with the way his route plays out. But I could have lived without the magical eyes? Though, hey, Heroine has an adorable spirit living in her head so… eh? Magical eyes aren’t that bad.
And now, Toma/Diamond World.
Oh boy. Where to even begin with Toma. I haven’t finished his route. It’s a really difficult route to work through and I really don’t feel like it’s going to pay off. And it’s been really disappointing so far, considering how interesting the other route were and the other characters were, and it’s so… I’m just going to get into it. Spoilers galore, so if you don’t want ‘em, just stop and read the little memo thing at the bottom.
First off, let’s talk about his route. It starts off kind of weird, Heroine faints or something when she and Orion show up. Toma’s there and flips, rushing her off to the hospital where she has to stay and do nothing. Seriously, the first few days of the route… there’s nothing. At all. Going on. Just hospital.
There’s signs very early on that there’s something wrong with Toma. There’s a scene with a laptop, where the battery and charger go missing–and she mentions that she lost battery, and Toma makes the comment about her being unable to use the laptop now. Which he shouldn’t have been able to know, since he only knew about the missing battery and not the charger. However, I called it the moment he was in the apartment, and then those things went missing, that he took them. Some shady shite starts happening and the main character moves into his house, and Toma goes nuts.
He goes off the fucking rails; starts drugging the heroine so she’ll sleep the day away, only waking long enough to be drugged again. Then after threatening Shin, and the main character (by using Shin to do so), he forcefully drugs her again through (s e x u a l) (a s s a u l t )! Just so he can dehumanise her by putting her in a fucking dog cage. wow.
And that’s as far as I’ve gotten, more or less.
So now let’s talk about Toma. Toma is poorly written, which is sad because he had potential. He flip-flops a lot between “I’m your boyfriend!!” to “you’re like my little sister!!” and it’s stupid. They gave him no redeeming qualities aside from “he sorta is in love with you, maybe” and he’s loyal-ish.
And about halfway through, they tried to be like “oh ahahaha, he has multiple personalities and doesn’t realise it!” but… no. “Good Toma” makes comments about things that “Dark Toma” does, so he knows–he even, at one point, right before the drugging starts, makes a comment about what he’s going to do and how bad it is.
I don’t understand it. What’s worse is that, he barely shows up in the other routes, aside from Shin’s. And Shin’s route has probably the best writing for Toma. Which is just sad. It’s confusing and sad, and I’m just going to end it here. I’m probably going to make a more coherent post someday about Toma. So yeah. Moving on.
Ok, so the original plan was to just put it all in one post but it got long. Mostly Toma’s fault. And I didn’t even give my full options on the characters and routes, but that’s neither here nor there. So what I’m going to do is put in two different posts, this one obviously and the one that’s going to be posted after this, once I finish writing it.
It’s basically going to include the characters that weren’t included here, along with my thoughts and feelings on the game in general thus far. And there’s going to be a little questionnaire at the bottom that you can fill out and send me to via submission, so I know if this is something you guys like reading.
And a friendly reminder: this is just my opinion on a game. If your opinion differs, cool–let’s be friends. Let’s discuss and debate, and have fun talking about this awesome fucking game. Like hell yeah, my askbox is open, IM is too, you can @ me on a post, whatever. I’m here for headcanons, for dorky gushing over anime boys. Let’s do it. Don’t be shy.
But until the next post, stay safe, be awesome.
ps: haha, no proofreading. Sorrynotsorry.
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"Coffee Shop Christmas"
Secret Santa gift for introvertedPoindexter! Hope you enjoy it!
edit by the mod: I’m going to leave the fanfic under the cut since it’s sorta long, @introvertedpoindexter
Tweek’s coffee shop is the best place for parties. And since the holidays are around once more, Tweek’s gonna be the person who’s hosting the party as always. It always goes well and every kid he invites would love the atmosphere, free drinks and fun that the coffee shop offers on Christmas. Last year, it was booming with some of his close pals and Craig, or rather only Team Craig that experienced the fun. Team Stan also enjoyed the party two years ago, but Tweek is thinking of a different mix of kids who’ll attend this year’s coffee shop Christmas. They can be from either teams, too. With that in mind, he sent some invites. The first invite goes to Pip, which he’ll surely appreciate because he loved the tea Tweek serves in the shop. It tasted heavenly for him and he wouldn’t mind drinking more of it. Tweak Bros recently got a Christmas tea pack for him to try out and Tweek’s gonna make sure that Pip will get to try it on the party. He also sent out invites to Kyle and Kenny. They are just as excited as well and they’re already in the process of getting ready for it. Though, knowing that his parents are going to leave the house again Kyle has to take care of Ike on the same day as the party and its the same thing for Kenny where he has to bring Karen along because his parents are gonna do something together as well. Luckily, Tweek doesn’t mind if they bring the little siblings along. Karen and Tweek get along so well and Ike loves the food in the shop. Butters got an invite too. He sure was excited because last year, this bailed him out from being grounded when Tweek fetched him last year on the same party. Having him around makes things more fun, even if Butters doesn’t party too hard that often. He also likes hanging out with the other kids, especially Kenny who he still has a crush on. The last but most important invite goes to Craig. He wanted to save this one personally because of the fact that Craig’s his boyfriend. He would really appreciate a VIP invite which is why Tweek is making one just for him right now. Craig’s going to be super excited about this along with the fact that he can bring Tricia over when he wants as well! With the invites done, Tweek prepares to decorate the coffee shop like always. He decided to keep it in the same theme every year since its Christmas mostly on when the party is held. Though, the decors change so its not the same arrangement every year. Tweek is now doing his best to get the shop ready for the party and to impress the kids he invited. It took him a few weeks with the help of his parents (who are onboard for the parties since they own the place and love the idea) who carried the heavy stuff like the Christmas tree and the star-like lanterns around the shop to hang outside for the extra festive feel. A few weeks later, the shop is ready. Tweek has a few days to check the place before Christmas, the same time the party will start. The coffee shop will close on that day as well to keep it exclusive for Tweek and his friends that day. It will start on 5 PM afternoon on that date so Tweek has to get moving and ensure the shop is really ready for a party. Tweek inspected the entire party area which is the dining area for the customers and the room where the coffee and stuff are made. He has to restrict access to it as always so no one would get hurt in that room. The remaining days have passed and now the party will start today. Tweek got his guest list in hopes that the people he sent the invites to will join in. He waits patiently at the entrance of the shop, with it being temporarily closed as requested from the public except the kids Tweek invited over. He’s hoping someone would pass by. A few minutes later after 5 PM in the same day, Kenny and Karen arrived together first. Kenny wanted to bring his little sister over and Tweek didn’t really mind at all! Karen was so excited to come to the party that she had to hug Tweek first as a sign of thanks for inviting her indirectly. Kenny always trusts Tweek to take care of Karen too so this is why the two got along very well. Tweek is pretty much like Karen’s second precious big bro here too. “Tweek, has the party started?” “Just right now, Kenny! Its great you brought Karen along too.” “Well, my parents are gonna mess things up again so I thought its safer for her to be with us than stay home. Kevin’s not really going either.” “Its fine, Kenny! Go help yourself for now, I’m waiting for the others.” “Thank you so much for letting me join, Tweek! I never went to your parties before but it sounded so fun from my brother when he told me about it!” “Hehe, you’re welcome! I did want to invite you last year but Kenny said you’re not available that time.” “Yeah, I think you remember why Tweek.” “The whole foster family thing? Agh..” “Yep. We didn’t expect to go there again but me and Karen are under a better foster family than last time. After Christmas we went home. Its a wild but fun ride.” “They even hosted a cool party too, Kenny! I love parties a lot so I’d love to see this one for sure!” “I’m excited to have you both here you guys. Go get yourselves something to eat inside, I’ll wait for the others.” Karen and Kenny nodded, and they both went in. Kenny saw the food prepared for the party and it was just as delicious as last time he came over. He decided to share some of it with Karen while waiting. As expected, Karen loved the food because it was just as what Kenny described it to her that Tweek’s treats are very tasty and delicious. Karen enjoyed trying out the food for sure and Kenny’s glad she loves it. Later on, Kyle and Ike arrive afterwards. Kyle got his same festive outfit for last year and since they needed to hang out somewhere this Christmas, Tweek’s party is the perfect place to go to. He enjoyed the party last year, and it was also culture-friendly. Tweek respects Kyle’s interests and this is why they get along so well together. “Tweek, are we late?” “No, Kyle! Y-you just made it!” “Sweet, thanks Tweek! Oh yeah, Ike’s here too. Say hi, Ike!” “Hello, Tweek!” (Ike is happy today) “Hehe, nice to see you too, Ike. I made sure to add some special decor for you too, like always.” “That’s sweet, Tweek! I always appreciate it a lot so thank you! I think I should invite you over to my house sometime.” “I’d love to come over that time, Kyle.” “Yeah, we’d have a lot of fun there dude. We’ll wait for the rest of the guys inside for now.” “Sure thing, go right ahead Kyle!” Kyle and Ike proceeded inside the shop. They both bump into Kenny and Karen immediately with Kyle talking to Kenny about random stuff. Karen also gets to play with Ike as well as they loved to play games with each other. Karen asks Ike not to go too extreme and break anything because she knows how hard Tweek worked just for the party and she doesn’t want Tweek to feel sad afterwards. This is how she cares for him. Ike nods and makes sure to be careful. Kenny and Kyle love to catch up on things together. Every conversation they had would involve their adventures and next to Stan, Kenny is someone Kyle trusts a lot, too. Recently Kyle is chatting about Kenny on the last party they had on here. It was really fun and its great that the little siblings are going to experience it too. From Kenny, its the first time for Karen. Same could be said for Ike as they watch the two play around the shop happily without breaking anything Tweek worked hard for. Some time later, Butters and Pip arrive together. Butters bumped Pip along the way before arriving to Tweak Bros. Coffee. “Oh, sorry Pip, I didn’t see you there buddy.” “Its okay, ol’ chap. You’re going to Tweek’s?” “Yeah, he invited me over! Did you get an invite too?” “Yep! I love Tweek’s selection of teas and I never got to visit his store in special occasion till now.” “That’s great, Pip! You’ll love Tweek’s parties, they are so fun!” “Really? I will take your word for it chap. If he makes great tea then I’ll believe you, Butters.” “Oh, um.. Pip, if you want we can go together.” “Well, that sounds like a good idea Butters! Its best I do this, I don’t want to get lost.” “Its fine, Pip. We’re just good pals doing a little stroll!” “I like the sound of that Butters.” Pip and Butters then decided to go as a pair so they don’t have to worry about getting lost if they are making their way to Tweak Bros. Coffee. They got along during the way and their friendship started to grow as well. Tweek was confused to why they were as a pair when they arrived, but in reality they just bumped into each other. “Hey you two. You both made it!” “Gee whiz, thanks Tweek! I’m always looking forward to your parties!” “Hehe, thank you Butters! And hello Pip! I know you love the tea here.” “Right-o, ol’ chap Tweek! I hear you’re also using them as drinks on this here’s lovely party right?” “Yep, all yours dude!” “Thank you so much, Tweek. I always love your tea offers.” “I’d love to try some tea too, but I’m more of the milk tea person kinda guy, haha.” “Its fine Butters. We have milk tea as well!” “Oh gosh darn really? That sounds awesome Tweek, thank you!” “I’ll proceed ahead to try out more of your tea, Tweek. Butters, are you coming?” “Yeah of course, Pip!” “Go right inside you two!” Tweek allows Pip and Butters to enter the shop and join the fun! They both bond over tea as Butters gets his milk tea and Pip gets to try all the new flavors Tweek has in store for him. They both enjoy the company and the drinks together with the fact they later talk with Kyle and Kenny as well to bond happily and play games with. There is one more guest though, its none other than his boyfriend Craig. He may be the last one but as they say, the last ones are the best. Tweek waited patiently for his VIP boyfriend to arrive and join the party with him. Tweek is starting to get worried but sooner or later, he sees a figure in the distance who is actually Craig! Craig heads on over with Tricia to Tweek’s. He has to apologize to Tweek to why he’s late though, but Tweek’s gonna understand after all. “Tweek? I’m sorry I got late dude.” “Its fine, Craig! I’m glad you made it in the end! You only got late for like, 30 minutes dude.” “Oh really? I thought I missed the party because Tricia made me do a stopover!” “Oh fuck off Craig, I needed to take the bathroom!” “And you waited in there for like fifteen minutes.” “Is it wrong for me to pee? I drank so much water that I can’t hold it on the way!” “Its fine, its fine, Tricia. You don’t have to be so down. Potty breaks are common you know.” “At least your boyfriend cares, jerk.” “Hey! I care too.” “Yeah, I can totally see that, Craig. Just don’t piss me off like that okay?” “I don’t know if I can promise that.” “Okay fine. What about we all get along here? You said this is a special party so I want the both of us to enjoy it. Right, Tweek?” “I can agree to that, Tricia. What about you, Craig?” “Sure. Besides, I don’t like the idea of us fighting over potty breaks.” “That’s great! Come on in, the party’s starting!” Craig and Tricia took the VIP seats for them but they still love to party with the others. Immediately, Tricia met Karen and they played together. Karen told Tricia the same thing with Ike, but Tricia knows how close she is with Tweek as a supporter and a good friend. She also liked Tweek because he’s more understandable than her own brother Craig. Still, Tricia does like Craig as a brother at times. With everyone on board, Tweek signals the go for everyone to start partying as he locks the coffee shop door. After that, everyone partied with a lot of fun. The little siblings played games together. Kyle, Kenny and Butters together ate the food Tweek offers. Pip is enjoying his tea by himself but he did accompany some of the little siblings for company. Karen liked how he looks and Pip would acknowledge her with a thanks once in a while. It was then on that even if the party was just as calm as it is, Tweek felt it was a success. Everyone loved Tweek’s parties for a reason. Tweek would love it to be calm and light-hearted or go all in and make it big. Christmas has been amazing for everyone in the shop, and Tweek’s invites worked rather well. Once the party ends, they all gather with Tweek in front and do a big groupie shot like in the previous years. Everyone keeps a copy of it to cherish and this marks yet another successful Christmas party! -End
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Gacha Gacha crate July 19
Lately I’ve been wondering if I’m either being overly critical of boxes, or not critical enough. Am I just in the middle? It’s where I would like to be if anything, but I’m not sure. If you read the blog and feel like leaving a comment please do and let me know what you think.
In other news, it seems I might be missing a box. I don’t believe I ever got my June Tokyo Treat just yet, and tomorrow it’ll have been 60 days since it shipped and I can message them on it. I’m going to double-check first though, just to make sure before I do anything.
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Wood Puzzles
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First up is this sorta common gachapon I tend to see when browsing, I can’t say I was ever tempted to get it though. I’m not a big fan of puzzles unless they are flattened cardboard pieces making a big picture- or those really pretty crystal puzzles of characters and various items. I got a handful of those that I love to admire in passing.
Anyhoozles, there are 5 different types featuring their own difficulties, and the brand is Koro Koro. Mine is “mystery difficulty“, which I found to be quite strange since as a pyramid it looks super easy to put together. In fact it came together already.
But... as it turns out, it’s not easy. I can see how it’s supposed to look, but the pieces want to keep sliding and won’t hold still. So I’m not really sure what I’m not getting...
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I’m not a big fan of this one- but I do know that there are people who like mental puzzles like these and would probably love this set. The pieces are clean and perfectly shaped, and I could see maybe coming to enjoy it for what it is if I played with it a few more times. I kinda lost interest after the first few <3<
Hungry Kirby
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Kirby must be trending right now because he’s been appearing a lot in these boxes; not that I’m complaining. I love Kirby. If only they would start giving us some Mario Brothers now~
This series is by Takara Tomy Arts and there are 5 possible variations you can get: 2 kirby, 2 waddle dee, and 1 chef kawasaki serving as the rare piece in the collection. The figure was assembled, although you do get to put the little fork in his hand and I assume the other figures share that feature. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides the collection being ultra-cute, this would be perfect for re-ment. The details are really nice. The fork seems a teensy bit flimsy but I don’t think it’s really a problem or anything. This is also a minor detail but there are visible seam lines in various spots but some figures are just made that way. It’s not extremely noticeable to be an annoyance.
Kingdom Hearts Figure
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I was extremely excited when I saw this one :3 who doesn’t love Kingdom Hearts? I have the games and manga, and I LOVE this series!
This is another collection of small, but detailed figurines. This series is by Bandai and includes 6 characters: Sora, King Mickey, Maleficent, a Shadow heartless, Donald, and Goofy. The included little sheet lacks detail and images and is full of some Disney information, so I suppose it’s from there, or is a collab or something?
Anyway I can’t say my favorite Kingdom Hearts character is included in this line (but we’d be here for like 10 minutes if I wrote down everyone I liked), but I always had a soft spot for Sora and he is who I would have wanted to get out of the options here. 
The figures feature a chibi anime style and a few of them include an item and a small base with their name and series logo on it.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I love this little figure, but it leaves me with some confusion. From the top to the mid-section is extremely detailed, including the metallic keyblade. But from the mid-section down (I know its probably hard to see in the picture) I feel like they started neglecting detail; but with a small figure it’s probably expected right? The rest of it is very impressive.
Cat Wind Chime
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(Sorry for the blur, I couldn’t get it to stop moving)
As a lover of both cats and wind chimes, this is the purrfect combination :3 Wind chimes are popular in Japan during summer, when people put them outside to listen to the jingle of the bells and feel the cooling breeze as it blows through them.
This series is by Epoch, and there are 5 kitties available; and all but 1 of them seems to have a gold bell. The 1 has silver. The dangle part, as you can probably see is the kitties tail, and each kitty has a clear bead on top to keep the string from falling through the hole.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The detailing is really nice and simple, it looks a lot cuter than my horrible picture makes it out to be. The bell has a sweet little chime, but I did notice that when it’s hung up the tail piece becomes stiff? But when holding it, it moves fine in the breeze so I feel like it should still work fine.
Pokemon Paint
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These paint palette gachapon have been pretty popular as of late I noticed. They either feature a variety of characters with art supplies, or a specific color theme- or in this case both. This series is by Kitan Club and each costs 300 yen, which I feel like is a bit expensive for such a tiny figure...
There are 5 pink adorable Pokemon to get in this collection, and if I had to choose I think I would have liked Mew or Clefairy the most. But they’re all very cute, and as you can see I got Chancy (whose Japanese name is “Lucky”).
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
As cute as this is, as I stated above the price has me a little iffy. I mean I can see why it’s that because it’s Pokemon- but I’ve gotten cheaper gachapon with more detail/bigger size. I noticed mine has a fair amount of color issues (there not visible in the pic at all), but at the same time it doesn’t detract from the general cuteness of the concept. The seams are fine and the figure is overall smooth, and while the colors are right, they could have been applied a little better.
Dragonball Z Figurine
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Our last item.... is in pieces!
That’s right, our final item is a Dragonball Z figurine that you get to semi-assemble.
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Yes that is a cat next to Frieza. He wanted some attention and wouldn’t leave me alone so at this point I decided to hurry up and finish to focus on him.
Anyway, this series includes very detailed figurines from Dragonball Z and is the 3rd series/wave of the collection and includes Frieza, Super Saiyan Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. I definitely wish I got Bulma or Vegeta, or even Goku would have sufficed, I wasn’t a Frieza fan. There is also another sheet in the gachapon, I think hinting at another possible set of characters you can get for this series. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The detail is obviously there, which is why I’m giving this a high rating. I also like the little put together detail and how it includes a small base piece. I’m not sure if I used it right though cause it looked like it could fit on a few places...
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality: 4 out of 5. I feel like it was very easy to see in each and every piece. There was no major complaints other than the color touch-ups I feel like my Pokemon needed.
Items: 2.5 out of 5. Don’t get me wrong, I did like them; especially the Kingdom Hearts figure, my cute little Waddle Dee, and the kitty wind chime. But in comparison to our previous box I feel like this one was a little bit of a letdown and pretty much was full of figurines that are just set for display. There isn’t too much to do with them and I feel no sense of practicality in this box (which isn’t you would think isn’t normally a thing with gacha, but so far our boxes have been including it and there are actually a lot of practical ones you can collect) other than the wind chime. Plus a lot of the items were on the tiny-small side and for the price we pay...
Total Rank: 6 out of 10 cuties. Detail was there, as was the cuteness with the exception of 2 capsules. I feel underwhelmed by this box though and I can’t say it’s the best representative of gachapon or Gacha Gacha Crate.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Cat Wind Chime - I mean come on, this should be obvious :P
2. Kingdom Hearts Figurine  - I love my little Sora~ I’m very happy I got him. The tiny keyblade is even cuter.
3. Hungry Kirby - Pretty simple, but very adorable. The whole collection would be great for a Re-ment display! Or to add to the other Kirby re-ment series.
4. Pokemon Paint - It’s cute and I like the metallic paint tube. I just wish the base looked more like actual paint, like I’ve seen the other paint series do.
5. Frieza - Even if he isn’t my favorite, I really appreciate the detailing put into him. The tail part is even missing its tip like in the actual anime. I remember that part, but I can’t say I remember it extremely well, I saw this series when I was like 6 or 7. I’m thinking of giving it to old babysitter, he was the one to introduce the series to me.
6. Wood Puzzle - It’s okay, but I just don’t feel any sort of desire to do anything with it.
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May I ask what songs you have on your Zero/X playlist? I need some good music to listen too while doing things. Hope the class is going/went okay!
Sorry for the late response So I was originally going to put this playlist up on 8tracks a few months ago, but then 8tracks changed how it does things and I lost interest, so this is just the playlist I keep on my computer for them. It wound up being a ZeroX playlist as well as a “songs I associate with some arcs of the game” playlist. 
I’m still a little iffy about a few songs, but here’s the song list (+a few key lyrics) as it is right now + some of my commentary about the songs:
(Note: These songs aren’t necessarily in chronological order with the MMX games, I just like the way they sound when put together in this order) 
Mars - Sleeping At LastWe were full of life, we could barely hold it in. We were amateurs at war, strangers to suffering.
There is goodness in the heart of every broken man, who comes right up to the edge of losing everything he has.There are so many quotes in this song I associate with these two, but I feel like some of them are obvious, so here’s two main stanzas. This song feels like a good introduction to the games and to X and Zero’s experience in the first Maverick War. Of course, only one of them made it out of that first war B’’’’).
All Who Remain – Beware of DarknessWhen you leave this life, the world will be a darker place for All Who Remain And the light you gave the human race will go away…
If I can’t have you in this life, then I don’t want this life at all Cause there’s nothing in this broken world that I’ll ever love as much 
I called and I called but you never picked up, and I cried and I cried but you never woke up, you died and you died without asking me first, you left me all alone here on EarthThis song sorta has a double meaning for me. On the one hand, you can read it as a song about X post-X1 living without Zero, and on the other hand, you can read it as Zero fearing what would happen if X were to die (’’the light you gave the human race will go away’’, X is literally a son of Light as well as a light to humanity, or at least, he is in Zero’s eyes). This could also be a MM0-era Zero living in a world where X has died. The last lyric chunk ties so well into the later MMX games where Zero seals himself away and X has to deal with things without him. This isn’t a happy song I’m sorry.
But even in the end, no matter what happens, X and Zero are always the ones who are left behind, the ones who keep fighting no matter what horrible things happens, hence the “We are all, we are all who remain”, so the song isn’t necessarily all sad.
I Found – Amber RunI’ve moved further than I thought I could, but I missed you more than I thought I would
And I’ll use you as a makeshift gauge, of how much to give and how much to take Oh I’ll use you as a warning sign, that if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind
Sort of a continuation of the last song. This song reminds me of how X and Zero rely on each other to keep themselves in check (consider X4 and X5). They’re canonically each other’s strengths and motivation, and this song reminded me of how always look to each other for support. 
Love Love Love – Monsters and Men Well, maybe I’m a crook for stealing your heart away Yeah, maybe I’m a crook for not caring for it Yeah, maybe I’m a bad, bad, bad, bad person Well, baby, I know.
‘Cause you love, love, love when you know I can’t love you
So I think it’s best we both forget before we dwell on it The way you held me so tight, all through the night, ‘til it was near morningGGGGGGGGGGGOSH THIS IS THE FRICKIN SONG THAT STARTED IT ALL. It was this song that made me write my first fanfic for them, which spiraled into me writing / planning out over 10 fanfics + one series (it also made me create this playlist). It’s all because of this darn song. (I still haven’t posted that first fic I wrote for them based on this song because I want it to be one of the last ones I post).
Anyways, without getting into the details of the fic, the song reminds me of Zero’s thoughts on X, and Zero’s fear that he can’t live up to his own (and maybe X’s?) expectations of who he should be since he was created to be a warbot, not someone who can empathize with other people (like X was). BASICALLY: ZERO’S IDENTITY CRISIS, THE SONG.
What if the Storm Ends?SnowpatrolX –> Zero: The perfect halo of gold hair and lightning sets you off against the planet’s last dance Zero –> X: Just for a minute the silver forked sky lit you up like a star that I will follow
Be the lightning in me, that strikes relentless
One of the core songs of this playlist imo. If I had to summarize the playlist into only a handful of songs, this and the following song would definitely be in it.
Part of this song reminded me of how Zero described X as the sun in the MMX manga, and the line above always makes me think about how Zero’s always followed and trusted X, even when X was a new Hunter. I dunno how to explain this one, it’s just very them.
The End of All Things - Panic at the DiscoIn these coming years, many things will change But the way I feel will remain the same
Short song, but this was one of the first ones I put on the playlist and it always makes me think of them. It’s hard for me to explain this one too, but in any game or any timeline, X and Zero are always there for one another no matter what hardships they’re put through. That’s what this song makes me think of.
See You Again – Charlie PuthIt’s been a long day without you my friend and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again. I’ll be waiting right here for ya ‘till the day you’re homeCarry on, give me all the strength I need to carry onTHIS ONE’S PRETTY SELF-EXPLANATORY but regardless, definitely an X –> Zero song that applies to so many frickin games, I mean come on Zero, how many times do you have to go and die on X. (This can also definitely be a post-“Zero is sealed away for 100+ years” song too).
Like Real People Do – HozierI will not ask you where you came from, I will not ask and neither should you
I like this song because it ties back to Zero and X’s fathers / their past. But no matter what their backgrounds are or who Zero was, X implicitly trusts Zero, and the feeling is mutual. (Now that I think about it, this song counters “Love Love Love” and Zero’s POV). 
Nothing Left to Say – Imagine DragonsZero: Who knows how long I’ve been awake now? The shadows on my wall don’t sleep, They keep calling me, Beckoning…
X: Who knows what’s right? The lines keep getting thinner. My age has never made me wise, But I keep pushing on and on and on and on…
If you could only save me, I’m drowning in the waters of my soul
Admittedly when I first put this song on the list, it was just to have it act as a transition between the last song and the next one, but it’s grown on me it fits so many fandoms and characters though. The whole song frickin works for them, but the first half especially. 
To me, this song bridges the end of X4 and X5 together. X and Zero both went through hell in X4, having to kill a whole group of people who (technically) weren’t Maverick, and they don’t really have a chance to recover before X5 happens. They both ended up questioning whether they’re doing the right thing, and although they’re still relying on one another for support to get through it, with all the self-doubt and tension at the middle / end of X5, this song easily leads into…
Unwanted Battle – X vs. Zero
Great remix of their battle theme from X5. The artist said their intention was to “make the song more fitting for a fight between two close friends” and BOY DID THEY NAIL IT.
Chasing Cars – The Wind and The WaveI don’t quite know how to say how I feelThose three words are said too much, they’re not enough
All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see I don’t know where, confused about how as well, just know that these things will never change for us at all
Ehh I’m still a little iffy about this song for them, but I still really like the song itself and those specific lyrics (though as of right now I’m not sure it suits them anymore). This makes me think of post-battle X5 (when they’re both KO’ed) before everything takes an even sharper turn downhill.
We’re Still Here – Sleeping At LastYou were on a frequency, the perfect opposite of meThough I never needed any proof to trust the heart that beats inside of you.
Through the static, through the ashes, we were brave. Through the perils of endless narrow escapes, we’re still here. We’re still here.
Sleeping At Last always kills me, and this song especially (I used to think the lyrics at one part said “there is pain within your memory, the origins of our family tree” and I was like “THAT”S PERFECT”. Apparently it’s “pigment” not “pain within” but REGARDLESS). I thought this sweet / sad song was a perfect way to end their playlist. No matter what canon says, (though apparently MM ZX technically confirms this) Zero and X are still around and still together, in one form or another :’)
There’s a few others that could work for them / a lot more songs I associate with them (like SPG’s “Honeybee” or “Love Like You” but these are the ones I currently have on their playlist. I’ve been putting together a playlist for X, but I’m not sure if/when that’ll ever be finished, so in the meantime I recommend greyfishes’ “Endless Fight” playlist, which is to date my favorite X playlist ever (a few of those songs I would’ve added to this playlist, but I’ll just direct you to the ‘Endless Fight’ playlist).Sorry this reply took so long, but I didn’t want to drop the list without explaining a few all of them!
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shadyb00ts · 7 years
Persona 5 - A Review
I should probably preface this by saying that the screenshots I’m using for this review are not my own, since Atlus has extremely strict policies about sharing footage of this game; PS4 Share features are completely unusable. The ones I do have, I got off of Google.
I should also probably mention that this is my first Persona game; I never played the previous titles, so I’m not biased towards the franchise in any way and I had no idea what to expect going into it. 
I was originally pretty iffy about getting this game, despite my love for JRPGs. I think I was a little worried about the micromanaging aspects and the deadline system. After Lightning Returns, I sorta avoided games with deadlines and limited time since I didn’t want to deal with the anxiety that comes with it. I like playing games at my own pace, and I also like to completely see EVERYTHING a game has to offer, and games with a limited time system obviously means you’ll have to miss out on certain things unless you follow a strict point-by-point guide that somehow lets you do all the things. From what I saw of this game, it seemed like it would be stressful having to manage social stats, relationships with people, a school life, etc, all while being a magical thief that literally steals hearts. 
So yeah, this game was definitely an impulse buy for me and, truth be told, I don’t regret it for a second. I got totally taken for a ride.
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The first thing you should know if you plan on playing this game is that you need to have a lot of free time on your hands. This game is such a time sink that I basically lost track of the days. Once you’re in, you are IN. You immediately become attached to these characters and basically live out your life as this unnamed protagonist, raising various social stats such as knowledge and charm to name a few, maintaining strong bonds with the people around you, tackling high school life including getting pop quizzes and doing exams. It can be pretty overwhelming the first time around, at least probably if you’re a newcomer to the franchise like me. I even got a game over very early in the game cause I procrastinated too much and was met with the deadline. I overestimated how much time I actually had to do the stuff I wanted to. It takes a while to get into the groove of this game, but once you know where everything is, you start planning what you want to do, which skills you wanna develop and people you want to spend time with. It can be a lot to deal with, but it does feel rewarding when you max things out and learn to become more efficient.
The story, for a JRPG, is pretty impressive. You play a regular young Joe Shmoe who got unfairly tried for standing up to a shady powerful man and is now labeled a delinquent. He gets sent under the care of a cafe owner for probation and becomes a student in Shujin Academy where he ends up stumbling upon some weird shit, forms friendships with various other young misfits and they form the Phantom Thieves, a group of kids who seek to change the hearts of criminals and horrible adults so they’ll grow a conscience, own up to their horribleness and redeem themselves. That’s all I want to say about the story since I don’t want Atlus to sue me for posting spoilers. But like I said, I was extremely impressed by the story in this game, especially being a JRPG. I say that because, let’s be honest, JRPG stories are normally very predictable and endlessly cheesy. Of course, this game has those moments where it’s so clear how Japanese and Anime the game is from how the characters speak and whatnot, but there were a lot of points in the story where I genuinely had no idea what to expect and certain plot twists I didn’t see coming. 
Not to mention pretty much all the characters were very interesting and likable that it’s so easy to form attachments to each of them. Well, except for the protagonist, of course. I’m not sure what it is with JRPGs but it’s very often in games like this where the protagonist is completely mute and not even the slightest bit interesting. Maybe it’s so that it makes it easy for you to put yourself in their shoes, but I was never a fan of that. I prefer protagonists that have their own voice and distinct personality, so I personally wouldn’t mind if more Japanese games started taking a page from Western games when it comes to this kind of stuff rather than just have milquetoast, blank protagonists. That’s one gripe I have in regards to the story elements. Another big one is how empty and meaningless a lot of the dialogue choices really are. Oftentimes you’d see two or three options that basically consist of different versions of saying the same thing. And as far as I can tell, the options don’t really have any lasting effects either. If you’re a dick to somebody, they won’t remember you were a dick. A lot of the options also give you the illusion of choice; the game makes you think that there’s a decision to be made when really there’s only one outcome anyway. These things are basically my biggest problems with the game; it lacked weight when it came to the protagonist and the dialogue system. (Oh yeah, you also can’t be gay, which I was a little salty about but eh, I guess I’ll let it slide. It probably would’ve been too much to expect anyways.)
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But enough of that, let’s get to the good part; the combat system. You have no idea how much I adore turn-based combat in JRPGs. I haven’t had this much fun with a JRPG since World of Final Fantasy and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, which are pretty similar to Persona 5 now that I think about it. I loved the hell out of the combat in this game and also the Persona collecting and creating. It did a great job of teaching you how everything worked and letting you differentiate between the skill types, Persona types, etc. Unlike the real-world aspects of the game that overwhelmed me, I was able to digest the combat system pretty quickly. Fusing Personas to create new, more powerful ones is also a lot of fun, I find. I could spend an hour or two just in the Velvet Room alone fusing and strengthening Personas, filling up the Persona Compendium (gotta catch ‘em all, after all). So yeah, honestly I don’t think I have anything bad to say about the combat system. It’s extremely enjoyable and easy to get used to. 
By the way, I have to say that this game is one of the most visually intriguing games I’ve ever played. Stylish is honestly the perfect word to describe it as a whole. Everything is constantly moving and the transitions between battles especially are just cool as fuck. The dungeon designs and especially the Persona designs are something to behold. It all just looks sooooo damn good. I’m always so excited when making new Personas cause I can’t wait to see what they look like. I also get very excited whenever it’s time to go to a new dungeon--or Palaces, as they’re called in-game. Each one has its own unique setting and theme depending on the person in charge of it. It was all just so.... cool. I know I sound lame right now, but I swear to god I don’t know what else to say about it, I was just so thoroughly impressed by this game’s style and aesthetic.
Oh yeah, and I rarely talk about the music in games, but the soundtrack meshes perfectly with the overall look and feel of the game. I found myself humming and singing along to the songs after a while, and they got stuck in my head afterward. As far as the English voice acting goes, I also liked it for the most part. Of course there are some cringey parts, that comes with the territory, but overall I think the VAs did really well. I think I recognized a couple of their voices, too. 
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I spent around 80 hours in my first playthrough of the game, and with all the stuff that carries over from that save data to a New Game+, my experience with this game is far from over cause there’s still so much I haven’t seen from it even despite the amount of time I’ve spent on it. It is a HUUUGE game with a lot of content, so you definitely have to keep that in mind before buying.
I think I’ll give this game a solid 8/10. Next to World of Final Fantasy, I think this is the best JRPG I’ve played in a long while. I do have some problems with it, and it probably isn’t for everyone; if you’re not really a fan of JRPGs then I’m not sure how much you’d enjoy it. It’s not as action-oriented as, say, Final Fantasy XV, so if you’re looking for something more FFXV-ish then it would probably be wise not to get this game. But if you love turn-based combat, monster collecting and micromanaging the life of a high-schooler, this is right up your alley. All I can say is that this won’t be my last Persona game, that’s for sure.
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wiz-witch · 8 years
MML 106: Family Vacation/Murphy’s Lard
IAh, I’m caught up on all the new episodes and should totally be working on English homework...so I’m gonna do commentary for all the episodes that are available!
(if the episode hasn’t aired on TV I’ll schedule the post so it’ll post after it airs)
Family Vacation
In case anyone wanted to know what my family’s like for anything
“Underneath all the stuff we just packed” Naturally
Then again, my parents’ spare tires are stored in the floor of the trunk
Heh, two spare tires are there
Bridgette’s just accepted Murphy’s Law--had to in order to marry Martin, I guess
Hey, that clip I found before!
I still can’t get how dark this joke is
Anyone ever see the movie Jinxed?
I love how they all got sweater vests like Milo--it’s adorable
How does Milo have a seat cushion after that?
The two of them out the window is adorable
That’s why you stop at rest stops
They did not gas up that quickly
Doing what?
...I thought they used that tire
How did the twins at least not notice him?!
...they still remind me of the Shining
I’d go broke if my family had one of those
How many of those do you have?!
My family once got to that point on a vacation
Hey, it’s that creepy thing from the game
Was that really the time for the jar?
...That is probably one of the funniest things ever
That audio effect was creepy
Are they flirting with him?
...that was sorta in the game. Looked different (think like ground beef)
I’m curious about these government agents
I love how that tweet from Dan (or Swampy? I genuinely can’t remember it was a while ago) was true
A while ago, someone asked one of the creators what Melissa and Zack would be doing during “Family Vacation”, and he said that they’d be sitting by the pool
“We’re going to die!” “Only eventually” I love the morbid sense of humor that comes from being in danger on a daily basis--it almost matches that of being dead inside.
This flow is gonna kill you guys--especially since it’s canon that Murphy’s Law can kill
Me when I learn of most shows
Diogee just tied a know
That was adorable
My family vacations usually involve my parents trying to take away my book and keep me and my sisters from killing each other
The Murphys have a dollar jar! XD
Only reason I find that so funny is a while ago, I was talking with a friend about the word “jinx” being banned from the Murphy household, and they suggested that there was a “jinx jar” in the house. Funniest thing with that conversation was in an AU of mine, Milo’s very...down on himself, so he says it a lot, and Martin’s just “Milo, dollar in the jinx jar”, then realizes he just said “jinx”
I love that Ashley’s art is back...
Murphy’s Lard
That’s terrifying
Stimmy Milo!
I love how you can figure out what Zack’s about to do just from his expression
Zack, stop trying to bring logic into this
...I’m not the only one thinking Milo’s ‘extra’ autistic in this episode, right? Probably cuz he’s at a theme park and (slightly) over stimulated. Seriously, I was a delight at Disneyworld ^^
My thoughts when I read this summary
...This is too melodramatic for me to take seriously
I love how that’s canon (one of my favorite fics makes a reference to it)
Zack has a dad?
When did that get there?
“There’s always a corporate” The fact this is on a Disney show makes it funnier somehow
Milo, you’re making it worse
...Isn’t mahogany red?
Hey, it works!
I love how Henry looks concerned
...is having Milo on a rollercoaster with Melissa the best way to deal with this?
They didn’t exist back then
He’s so unconcerned
In which I am Zack
JK, I love rollercoasters
No. You can’t have a loop when going to the to--how does this rollercoaster even work?!
At least you figured it out that time...
“Oh look the top of a plane” and you two will implode when you get to the bottom
physics aside, the way he said that was hilarious
Okay, portion with the heart is the best part
...why is that sign there
...did they say that earlier because they time traveled? I mean, they started taking the thing down when the flaming pig came by...
Is she saying “lard” or “lord”? because it sounds like “lard” but CC says “lord”, but I’m not sure Disney would allow that?
Milo lost his bag
Milo is such a little kid, it’s adorable
...I want bacon
I love those things...mine keep breaking tho
So imagine looking up in the sky and seeing that. Happy dreams!
*slow clap*
I love how her bike helmet has goggles
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