#I know there’s the autism waiting mode.
pawtism-party · 5 months
Something about waiting for a plan/event that isn’t fully confirmed makes me experience a depression adjacent state.
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moosh2727 · 2 months
this took forever but finally i get to see him!! spoilers ahead :3
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first of all, amazing cover. jet and the gang look amazing just in that one snippet
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extreme gear dodgeball... thats interesting, reminds me of the multiplayer modes in riders zg that was not racing but fun!
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HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY BOY ANGRY wave helping jet focus is nice like in zero gravity 💚
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the rouges being in shock is always so funny, im glad to see wave and storm join in on the fun 💚
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WOAHHH LOL dang sonic's going hard!!
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i now headcannon wave has a mindfullness youtube video she makes jet begrudgingly watch LOL 💚
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i love seeing them using their gear more, it fuels my autism 💚💚💚
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AMAZING I WANNA SEE HIM ANGRYYY, BEAT THEM UP JET!!! 💚100 gonna use this part for art ref because it looks so good
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the silence is so loud in this picture i love it, i wonder what jets gonna do? 😊
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oh my gosh this is so heartbreaking actually what the heck- ALSO WAVE TELLING JET TO RUN IS SO ON POINT
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the story telling via art is on point, theres not much words needed to convey the emotions the characters are feeling
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THEY HAVE A NEW ROOM, I REPEAT THEY HAVE A KITCHEEEEEEEEN, storm being the cook fits so well i love it.
the food (curry im guessing) fits their background and double points for looking extra yummy.
jet's first sentence fits him so well, im really glad they're doing good depiction with him and everything relating to them, considering the idw special where jewel broke her wing SUCKED because of idw ppl not thinking about where jet lives on the ship, so they made it SUPER inacurate.
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it makes me happy to see storm contributing and not being a stupid fat joke like in free riders. we need to appreciate this silly guy who got brain damage from amy hitting him many times, and he still manages to fulfil jets orders.
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storm doing this with his eyes is as good as his eyes in free riders, but way better than his weird blink in the zero gravity black hole cutscene
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jet being ahead of the game and i love it!!! NEW MISSION LETS GOOO!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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these riders designs are really helping me in the future with my own oc 🫶
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ouch my heart
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oh gosh thats so sweet but sad ugh
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jet has become more thoughtful! i just hope he doesn't lose his edge, but even if he does i'll love him anyway /p 💚
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i love how much talented ppl are in this community, im so glad for more jet content via idw and fan creations. jet needs all the praise and love. 💚
Overall i loved this idw issue, i can always make the excuse " use more jet content!" but they did a really good job with expressing all the characters fairly. (still, i still want more jet tho :P)
i waited so long for this issue its crazy, idk why it took so long to come out digitally since i don't have the money to buy them in person.
knowing more rooms, might create an accurate layout of their blimp soon!
anyway, i got a gaming pc and not a stupid mac earlier this week, meaning that i can finally play free riders yayy!!!
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lumilescense · 2 months
Why Sherlock Holmes's Introduction Scene is Important to his Autism Coding
Ive made several sherlock holmes posts now so obviously i now have to talk about autism-
Im not an expert in autism for starters but i did discuss this with many people and it was one of the clearest scenes i remembered when judging Sherlock adaptations. I would dare to say Holmes's introduction is one of the most important scenes to his autism-coding, and that when adaptations fail to realize its importance, it also tends to reflect on how they code Holmes.
We hear about Holmes before we see him. The description of him is more than a bit negative and uncomfortable at this time, with Stamford being overcautious and warning Watson about Holmes's tempers. While i cant read this now without the pop culture knowledge of Holmes, I suppose it was to build up tension as to what sort of strange scientist he would be.
Yet when we meet Holmes, hes doing some chemical work. When he spots Watson and Stamford, he immediately runs over to them and excitedly shows them that hes made a chemical that detects hemoglobin. He only briefly brings up Watson's military career, just the barest hint to intrigue us.
He then starts rambling excitedly and passionately about how his chemicals work. He goes into the effect they have on his job, and criminal justice as a whole. Him infodumping about his passions is a fantastic introduction by the way, but some people skip it or place more focus on extending his deductions of Watsons life. This introduction does a lot to show how overall passionate he is about his work, and that it is what he cares to be speaking on (this is one of the rare times we see him out of case mode).
I think its worth it to note that while the scene is written with hints of Watson being overwhelmed, he seems willing to go along with whatever Holmes is saying. Basically, while he finds Holmes's demeanor odd, he still tries to engage positively and follow what Holmes is saying.
They also exchange things each other should know as roommates, both relatively cheerful and relaxed about it. Watsons behavior is what i consider also important for his characterization, but i am here to talk about Holmes (oh just you wait watson-)
The thing is, this introduction is one of the most humanizing depictions of Holmes. While he is talking about crime, this shows early on he has interests related to it that arent just "deduction." It is also a very active conversation from him! He infodumps incredibly excitedly, projecting more than he seems to normally, interrupting Watson several times, and forgoing social convention.
This can be seen in direct contrast to how Stamford introduces him, showing the humanity and passion behind what he described. It gives us an even broader view of Holmes from the get go.
Holmes's introduction codes him as autistic by showing what he looks like when *excited*
The fact the first thing we get to see of this character is his overwhelming care and passion for his work is not only important to his character, it should be the basis for his autism coding. He is excited! He gets overwhelmed with how he likes his work! He forgets not everyone else knows what he does! He wants to show, share, and explain it to everyone in good humor!
To me, that is something ive experienced with every autistic person ive known, and the details of it are so, so instrumental
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devildom-moss · 1 year
[the demon brothers and Solomon are chilling in the living room at the HoL]
Satan: I have two modes: calm bookworm and rage.
Asmo: Aw, Satan. You’re so much more than an angry nerd.
Satan: Yeah, yeah, I know. I meant mode as in most occurring - as in my most occurring settings are equal amounts rage and “nerd.”
Mammon: I bet 1000 Grimm I can guess which one you’re in now.
Beel: No.
Asmo, ignoring them: Ohh, I see~ So, like Levi’s two modes are probably otaku and autistic?
Levi: What?!
Satan: No, there’s probably a good deal of overlap between the two, and neither of those are things that he can ever stop being - well, maybe the otaku part.
Asmo: Can’t turn off autism, though.
Levi: Wait! Am I-?
Mammon: Ha, bro’s got peer-reviewed autism.
Solomon: Peer’s got bro-reviewed autism.
Asmo: Well, what about this: Lucifer has two modes: caring older brother and scary sadist?
Satan: That would require those two to occur at the same rate.
Lucifer: You're aware that I’m in the room, right?
[enter MC]
MC: Hey, what’d I miss?
Levi: MC, am I autistic?
MC: . . . actually, I . . . did not mean to enter this room. *immediately turns and walks away*
Mammon, yelling after them: But everyone's in this room, already!
MC, yelling back: I know. I’m going to Purgatory Hall!
Solomon: Well, I should probably head back. MC~ wait for me~!
Levi: . . . but-? Am I?
Lucifer: I’ll make an appointment with a doctor for you later - after Belphie wakes up from his nap.
Beel: I can move him off your lap and carry him to bed if he’s in your way.
Lucifer: I . . . didn’t say he was in the way.
Asmo: Awww, see, caring older brother mode.
Satan: That's an outlier, but sure.
Lucifer: I’m scheduling an appointment for you, too, Satan.
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
okkk wait this is the anon that sent an ask about autistic narinder and leshy hc 😅 i retract my statement they're all autistic 🤯🤯🤯🤯
I WAS LITERALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF ANSWERING THAT ASK TO SAY "I FEEL LIKE THEY'RE ALL AUTISTIC" BEFORE THIS ONE GOT SENT IN, I was two sentences in so your comedic timing was impeccable actually
I know there's like no evidence in-game to back my claims so this is purely a vibe check (and also me being unable to write for neurotypical characters) but yeah no I 100% feel like all the bishops have autism for some reason. They definitely express it in different ways and I was actually thinking about that in the car ride back home tonight??
For leshy, I feel like since he's the youngest...when he came along, everyone was like "yep. We don't even need to get this one tested" after seeing him in his natural element. Which sounds cruel but that's just personal experience after people in my family started getting diagnosed and we started noticing things about each other better LMAO. I kinda actually designed my iteration of him to be like a big stim toy, I did that shitpost sketch in the last post but even the first time I drew him I was like "this dude is made out of orbs that make satisfying noises when they click together", so if I had to categorize the way his neurodivergency manifests, it's definitely "I NEED TO MOVE AROUND!! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! MAYBE SCREAM A LITTLE IDK IT JUST FEELS RIGHT!!"
Heket is for sure the one that fights the most against people labelling her with it, just because she's like I'M SO NORMAL GUYS. LOOK HOW NORMAL I AM. LOOK HOW WELL I CAN ADAPT TO CHANGE AND LOOK AT ME NOT FREAK OUT AT ALL WHEN I'M OUT OF MY ELEMENT!! She's the new leader of the family so she does her best to hold it together but if you make plans with her, she's gonna be in Waiting Mode as soon as the plans are made and might tear you limb from limb if you flake or reschedule. Something my therapist told me recently is that me getting absurdly upset over injustices (small or big) is likely directly related to being autistic, so if heket feels like something is wrong she will absolutely be vocal about it. If someone says something mean to her, they are her fucking arch nemesis from that point on. The block button is NOT enough she wants them DEAD
For narinder, I feel like he maybe bonded a lot with shamura over the fact both of them feel pretty disconnected from everyone else? The way his autism manifests is probably the feeling that he's on a completely different wavelength than everyone else, and can't experience empathy the same way his siblings can. He'll like have conversations with people but it feels like someone just talking at him, and him having to mentally choose the dialogue options that make the conversation end the quickest. He probably feels like a completely separate species from everyone else on more levels than just "I am a cat and you are not". I know this doesn't line up with my narinder art so far but I have a distinct characterization of him pre-schism that's completely different from post-schism. I feel like he also resented the other siblings for having the same condition as him but presenting so differently, he felt like he got the short end of the stick.
Kallamar........is a FREAk ABOUT TEXTURES. Bro will actually throw up if he has to eat or touch something gross. He would probably excuse himself to go hurl if he sees leshy combining everything on his plate and shovelling it into his face. I'M actually about to hurl just thinking about it. I have to have lotion on at all times or I freak out when I touch things with my hands, and I feel like kallamar needs to have that famous Cephalopod Mucus Layer in order to exist in his body without wanting to implode. Maybe even a special oil he formulates himself? I also feel like he probably has the most freakouts and has been left crying inconsolably + hyperventilating on the floor over something seemingly stupid MANY times, but shamura is understanding enough to be patient with him and not try to grab him or repeat phrases at him over and over.
LASTLY, SHAMURA DOESN'T THINK THEY HAVE AUTISM. They're like "I love my Neurodivergent Family :) can't relate tho" but all the siblings have unanimously agreed they have something going on up there, even before the TBI. I think they're very book smart, and have little file cabinets of their brain of stuff like "arthropod husbandry" and "dreamcatcher making techniques" but are totally clueless to how other people operate. They don't really know *why* people do the things they do; in my prequel AU thing, they gain most of their social knowledge through people watching rather than like...being normal and just knowing how to behave. Out of all the siblings, they've probably been told the classic phrase "but you don't look autistic!" the most LMAO
Also shamura 100000% has misophonia and that's the reason I didn't have them sitting at the table with the other siblings in the voidpunk comic I did of them. They love their family to death but they have to make the conscious decision to not shake baby leshy every time he loudly chokes down his dinner, so they just sit out meals and eat on their own time. If shamura was real I would build them a shrine and sacrifice my noise cancelling headphones cause idk if they have sound reduction methods in cotl world <3
I know autism kinda encompasses ALL of these traits and isn't something that can be categorized into "this one hates noises, this one needs to follow a schedule..." but I also don't want to just point at one bishop and go "YOU. YOU WILL BE MY VESSEL" because I'd never get to write all that I have in mind if only one character had it. There's definitely overlaps in symptoms between them but I just wrote down what I felt would be the most notable to that specific character. I've been wanting to do a comic about their special interests or the times they just like sync up and have a brain blast jimmy neutron moment, cause usually they're all over the place. I have literally never said the word "autism" so many times in my life I think I gotta cut it here, THIS IS SO LONG. I REALLY DID WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS THOUGH SO THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK GENUINELY. IDK IF YOU EXPECTED A SMALL ESSAY ON THIS BUT I WROTE ONE ANYWAY
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metroid-fusion · 2 months
it is true fully that the waiting mode of my brain is walking up to people and showing them The Thing Im Thinking About without much context. im AWARE that a 99% of the time theres nothing to respond to but like. u know the feeling.
&by waiting mode its like. when my primary emotion is "i want to watch/play/draw/do/etc this rn but i cant because i have to wait or im out of energy or whatever." and in that time im just kind of like. hey what do u think of this weird 4.
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hey look at this giant chart that only makes sense to me about a game you havent played. i m.ade it
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i know its Just the autism and i cant actually expect anyone to engage in a satisfyiny manenr but this is the only thing my brain can manage when trying to engage with The Thing Im Thinking About
thisis my life
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killengine · 7 months
Sukuna Yuji Twins AU (with Autism) P1
Kenjaku, after failing to find a suitable vessel for Sukuna: I guess I’ll just give birth to him, not the weirdest thing I’ve ever done
Jin Itadori: W-we’re having twins (tears of joy) Kenjaku: Yaaay… (trying to figure out if something went wrong)
Kenjaku/Jin is just so funny to me. Kenjaku: (detecting cursed energy on one twin) Lets name him Ryomen.. It was uuuh…. My grandfather’s name… And his middlename should be Sukuna….. Jin: Beautiful name babe <3 <3 I love you
Sukuna is 100% aware and has all of his memories. He is confused and unhappy. For his first few years he’s stubbornly nonverbal. Jin is trying to get him diagnosed and Kenjaku is like.. Suku honey please… Play along… Sukuna does not. He does not care. He gets diagnosed.
Ok ok so Sukuna’s attitude about this development is mostly ‘wait it out don’t engage’ until he can sufficiently condition his new body. However, twins hold significance in jujutsu and its not long until he realizes that his brother is an external storage for his black box. He can potentially hold more techniques if Yuji can be properly used. Sukuna isn’t the greatest at longterm manipulation though and isn’t sure about how to proceed. Kenjaku advises on playing the role of little brother for now
From Yuji’s perspective Sukuna is his autistic little brother who needs his protection. Often its getting into fights on his brother’s behalf. Part because he knows Sukuna will take fights too far if he takes care of it for himself. Part because Sukuna opens up when Yuuji fights. He gives critique and pointers. Sukuna never ever plays but now he’s paying attention, spending time with Yuji, sharing his interest, and wrestling!! Whats more is Yuji doesn’t need to hold back with Sukuna. Yuji is freakishly strong and has accidentally hurt playmates before but Suku is even stronger than him!
Uraume babysitter mode. They take a younger vessel (teenish) while the twins are about ten. Sukuna is so happy to see them. They are one of the few people Sukuna talks to enthusiastically. Often about very old historical things that Yuji doesn’t follow well. Though, Yuji tries and does read up on history books and can actually manage to get Sukuna to explain some history to him. He can only seem to get Sukuna to teach him history when Uraume hasn’t been around for a while.
Uraume teaches Yuji how to cook. Another way to bond with Suku <3 Uraume thinks Yuji is really sweet and likes his enthusiasm especially how Yuji’s people-pleasing personality extends to Sukuna-sama. Uraume’s approval does help Sukuna soften up. He can better see how Yuji can fit in to his life now that his consistent and reliable pillar (Uraume) has found some synergy.
Yuji can tell that Sukuna can see things that other people can’t. Sukuna pushes Yuji away from actually interacting with curses and doesn’t tell him what they are. Awareness of curses increases their chances of targeting a person so Yuji is in the dark on it until it can no longer be hidden
(not sure how to continue with actual plot)
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snelbz · 1 year
Hi, friends.
A little life update for y’all.
I feel like I should explain my absence and the lack of updates recently. Those of you who have followed me for a while know that I have a son. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I posted baby updates right alongside fic updates, and I was posting all the time. I figured when I had my baby, I’d be exhausted and would probably need a short break, but I’d get in the groove of motherhood and bounce back. And I did. For a while, at least.
At almost two-years-old, my son is completely non-verbal. When he was a baby, he was hitting every milestone, checking every box at his monthly check ups, and had really started trying to speak around nine months. In one day, he said five new words. And the next day, he stopped. And he’s never started again.
When he was fifteen-months-old, my son was diagnosed with non-verbal autism and ever since, life has gotten very busy very quickly. We’ve recently started him in multiple therapies as well as entered the early intervention system in our state, and unfortunately, this takes up a lot of my spare time. I still work full-time and my husband travels for a living, so most of the time, I’m on my own and in what I call “single mom” mode. By the time I get my son to bed, I’m not far behind him.
Please bear with me as I wait for life to settle and my world to calm down a little. I have every intention of returning to my works-in-progress at some point, and am even planning to read through TDDUP soon to try and trigger some creativity into waking up. I’m also working on something brand new with Tara that we’re both so excited for.
So please forgive me for going MIA. Life has been kicking my ass recently and given me little chance to come up for air. But no matter how hard things get, everything I do, I do for this little man. His journey with autism has already taught me a lot, but I know I still have so much to learn.
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plantwriting · 4 months
hello! you wanted your askbox full! :D
i'm sure you've posted about most of them already, but any chance you have kian/jrwi headcanons you want to share??
!!!!!!!!! Yeah ive probably posted most of them but. Theres always more…
Post being revived, kian still has some leftover bug instincts. Like even though hes not a bug just having memories of being one and specifically memories of being part of the hive leaves him with bug things in his head. Being around rolan makes them stronger whenever rolan acts bug, like if rolan’s clicking kian just has the instinctual need to click back at him, rolan at some point starts just building a nest out of blankets and stuff and whenever kians not feeling good he feels the need to just go to the nest (blanket fort) to be safe, his hair being groomed makes him feel incredibly safe and relaxed and loved because social insects groom each other as a bonding activity, etc etc
Kian’s afraid of a lot of “embarrassing” things and he tries to hide it but that. Wont work forever. Hes specifically scared of flying, the dark, needles, deep bodies of water, being alone, and post revival hes scared of music in general for a while and the feeling of things going down his throat :(
Kian has like. Really nice handwriting. He spent forever practicing making it look as nice as possible as a kid/teen. In contrast rolan has like.. extremely average looking handwriting, and rand’s handwriting is horrible. (I am rand in this situation lol)
Kian’s really wanted to try drag before, but never really had the chance to. He couldnt afford it (since you know makeup and clothes and everything expensive) when he was younger, and he could have afforded it after becoming a stockbroker but he kind of just.. gave up on doing any performing. Or just really having hobbies in general outside of going to clubs and sleeping around. He didnt feel like he deserved any kind of positive attention that being on stage might have brought him since he’d failed to become a rockstar :(
Okay happier one! Kian hyperfixated on mythology and constellations at some point either in his teens or as a young adult. He really likes stargazing with rand and rolan and explanaining the different constellations and such to them :)
Really likes sour things! Bro would eat a whole lemon if you let him (projecting)
Partly because autism, partly because horrible childhood, he has a lot of trouble like. Reading the signs his body gives him. Or even noticing that there ARE signs. Like hell be exhausted and feeling like shit and just brush it off until he realizes that wait its been like 12 hours since hes eaten. Or he hasnt slept in three days. Or when was the last time he drank water?? He just. Forgets that those are things he needs.
He loves collecting funky earrings :) i mean i feel like its implied by the earrings he has in canon but. Yeah. Hes got so many of them
He gets really clingy and emotional whenever he’s really not feeling well (sick or very tired etc) and he TRIES to hide it but its. Yeah. Rand will like make him soup or something while hes sick and hell just break down in tears
Kian with chronic fatigue save me.. chronic fatigue kian.. save me constantly exhausted but trying to fight it kian…
Specifically to actually explain the last one his body is like. Not the same after coming back. Like being brought back from the dead took a lot of energy and hes also sort of just.. in low power mode? I guess? Like his body doesnt generate as much energy as it should because it just doesnt work like it used to anymore. He really doesnt like it because it makes him feel like a burden :(
Uhhh yeah thats all i can think of for now!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to go crazy about him lol
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burning-sol · 1 year
on a dime thinking about characterstics different pcs tend to share across the players.
charlie: everyone says it and it is so real, religious trauma and imagery cause i mean literally just look at peter and exandroth, gillion's whole deal being the chosen one, william's incredible distress discovering the absence of god. horror but especially body horror cause AGAIN peter and exandroth, gillion's often scary n fishy descriptions, the way charlie describes how ghoulish william looks with william literally decomposing. comically exaggerated personalities with gillion the most hero of heroes he's so hero just look at his titles, peter to be mistaken for a literal doormat, exandroth the fanatical violent all around super evil angelic force, william wisp the freak from deadwood who has ghost powers and was so dedicated to solving mysteries he died that's his thing. might i say they are all quite obsessive, gillion obsesssed with being the chosen, peter obsessed with rocks and lizard, exandroth obsessed with retribution, william obsessed with mysteries, and this can create a strong disconnect with the world around them. of the pcs i would say they are usually the most outcast of outcasts and the most freak of freaks. also autism.
bizly: very straightforward characters with no subversion, what you see is what you get. NORMAL, AVERAGE, UNDERWHELMING, these are terms you can use to describe chip rand AND connor <- also they all have the same brown hair. this makes their badass moments stand out and be triumphant, where would we be without chip's badass sword, rand's badass finale, connor's horrifying but also sort of badass moment with the book, and also thanatos is a compilation of every badass moment bizly could probably ever want. there's always some sort of family issues see chip no family, rand strained relationship with family, connor i think had something going on but i cant remember, thanatos and the holy family. definitely most likely to get into conflict with other pcs might i say, gillion and chip, rolan and rand, rumi and thanatos, that's literally one of every other players' character what can i say.
grizzly: these characters are all struggling to live up to incredibly idealised persona and for the most part end up failing, rumi's persona literally breaking down until they shed it completely to be true to themselves, dakota always trying to be a hero which has worked out so far but we're just waiting for something bad to happen, kian who pretended to make it as a rockstar after most definitely failing, aster is by proxy sort of failing to live up to the perfect persona that is her father. shapeshifters? i mean rumi is a changeling, aster can alter her form, dakota has a feral mode, and kian got bugged so you know (joke). lot of these characters are incredibly gender lets be honest here.
condi: feel an intense pull towards conforming, jay struggling to push against her family, vyncent from another world trying to adjust and appear normal, rolan getting a respected profession, everything with ryan. there is a struggle of identity that is incredibly external, jay as a pirate vs the literal navy, vyncent's repeated experience of sharing a body, rolan being a fucking bug, ryan had a confrontation that was the most direct thing you could bear witness to. the actual perfect balance of two very smart characters and two of the most incredibly stupid characters i have ever seen. honestly very on point about their observations of others and themselves but can find difficulty to express that to other.
and i totally forgot about the prequel pcs but ms g and finn are also autistic, harlem shade definitely has that classic super cool persona also gender, jason king god bless this normal dude dragged into whatever the fuck the other two have going on, arlin is the source of the family issues. i literally am too tired to write anymore so i apologise if i fucked stuff up i cant be bothered anymore send post.
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syn4k · 1 year
oh ok this is going to be an entire essay. Oh fuck. Okay yall buckle up i have a lot of thoughts on this topic let's go
Inventory Headcanons in the MCYT Universe, specifically relating to Fanworks and Common Interperetations of the Minecraft Inventory in art and writing
+ my personal ideas for how it works because yippee autism
Part 1: How the Minecraft Inventory Works Inside the Game
Okay, starting off simple here. If you are reading this, then you probably know how the Minecraft inventory system works. I do not care. I am covering all of the bases here.
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This is a screenshot of the Minecraft inventory! (I am aware that it was taken before the update that added the offhand slot, but bear with me here.)
All of the slots that are shown here except for the armor slots can hold any 64 items or blocks, with exceptions for containers of liquids, tools, armor, and weapons (nonstackable). Exceptions are also made for snowballs, eyes of ender, ender pearls, and buckets, which stack up to 16. The crafting grid can contain any 64 items as well, but these don't stay in place after you exit the inventory screen.
All of these slots are carried physically on the player itself, which has caused a LOT of discussion amongst the Minecraft community on how the fuck this 6-foot-tall square man is able to hold uhhhh [checks notes] 4 billion pounds of gold. Damn.
The answer, naturally, is that this is a very simplistic video game not meant to be realistic at all (it's cubes, goddamnit) and Steve can just do that. Moving on.
For the purposes of this essay, we are going to be completely ignoring the physical feats of this inventory and focus specifically on the mechanics of it.
1a: The Boring Stuff (Mechanics of How it Actually Works)
The inventory can be accessed by pressing a button on your keyboard, Switch joycon, phone, Samsung Smart Fridge, VR controller, or whatever the fuck you guys are playing Minecraft on these days. Here's a list of the default settings used to open the Minecraft inventory.
PC or anything with a keyboard: E
Xbox 360, Xbox One controller: Y
PlayStation 3, 4, and Vita controllers: The green triangle
Nintendo Switch and Wii U (wait WHAT): X
Mobile Devices: The … on the right hand side of the hotbar
Items go into the hotbar first when picked up and into the top-right corner of the inventory first if the inventory is empty and the hotbar is full.
You can close the inventory by pressing more buttons on the keyboard which I won't include here. Just look it up.
1b: Shulker Boxes and +NBT Chests
The shulker box is a placeable item in game that is obtained by visiting the End. It has 27 item slots, which is 9 less than the full player inventory, and unlike chests and barrels it does not drop all of its contents onto the floor upon being broken. You cannot access the contents of shulker boxes while they are inside of your inventory.
If you placed 27 stacks of gold blocks into 36 shulker boxes and placed all of those inside of your inventory, that would be a fuck ton of gold in there. This is a well-known fact.
Also in Creative mode you can middle-click a filled chest and get the entire chest plus its contents right in your inventory which will be there which I wanted to mention. Oh right. Creative mode. I should pr
1c: The Creative Mode Inventory
You can access the entirety of the game's materials in Creative mode except for a select few of them, which players have naturally figured out how to get anyways.
With resource and data packs, you can change the color and opacity of your inventory. You can also hover over shulker boxes to view their contents without having to actually place them on the ground and open them.
Modifications to the game (colloquially shortened to "mods") can also increase the inventory size. I will not be focusing on these because the possibilities are literally endless here and I am tired.
Part 2: A Slightly Unhinged Analysis on Fanworks and Fanart on General that I have Pulled Straight Out my Ass.
Okay. So we have an inventory. How the hell does this translate to fanart, fanfiction, etc?
For the answer to this, we are going to have to take a look at how people actually take the universe of Minecraft and translate it to a semi-realistic or realistic style. You thought it was going to be a straightforward post about interperetations of inventory in Minecraft but it was me, Dio! I should really turn this post into a video essay.
2a: Canon Compliance, Canon Complicity, and This Is Only Technically Minecraft but I Have To Add It Here Anyways for the Sake Of My Autism
Generally in fanworks, there is a scale on how strict the work keeps to the actual canon interperetation of the universe. This also applies to the stories being told within the universe but don't worry about it I'm not poking that lion today.
The points I have labeled on the scale (really oversimplified) are:
Type 1 (Hold very strict to the game mechanics and how the inventory works within the game.)
Type 2 (Still within the universe of Minecraft, or in a setting that at least resembles Minecraft, but with some creative liberties taken with how game mechanics and inventories work- sometimes completely ignoring them for the sake of whatever the creator chooses.)
Type 3 (Not even in Minecraft at all. I'm only including this here for the amount of characters from roleplays that are placed in other video game settings or just fuckin' into real life.)
I think those explain themselves and if they don't then I have failed as a writer.
Part 3: The Part People Actually Clicked On The Readmore For (Types of Inventory Descriptions and Depictions in Fanworks)
3a: Text-Based Works (Fanfiction and Meta-Posting)
Generally in Minecraft-based or Minecraft-adjacent settings (type 1 and 2 works), authors either do not mention the inventory at all, bring it up in passing but do not explain how it works, forego the inventory entirely in favor of real-world storage solutions like pockets, bags, and boxes (almost entirely restricted to Type 2 works), or come up with creative in-universe ways to explain the inventory, some of which use the Minecraft enchantment system.
Authors who do not mention the inventory or mention it but don't explain how it works in the universe can't really be expanded on due to its meaning meant to be interpreted by the reader.
Of the authors who do elaborate on their inventory systems, there are a couple ways I have seen this done:
Real-world solutions (pockets, bags, etc), sometimes used in conjunction with fantasy solutions.
Edited real-world solutions, such as infinite pockets or small bags always on the player's person.
Sigils, magical objects, enchantments, and things of that sort that allow the player to access their inventory via gestures or tactile movements. This also includes the use of holographic displays and in-game commands.
Straight-up summoning or storing the relevant items at will.
This gets an honorable mention because it's fucking hilarious but there was this one tumblr post like "the player says e and teleports into a pure white room"
I KNOW there's more out there but these are the examples I've seen around Tumblr and ao3.
3b: Visuals-Based Works (Fanart, including comics, animatics, and posters)
Most visual interperetations of the Minecraft inventory are type 1 or just use the "real-world solutions" option. You don't see a lot of these in the wild in my experience, but from the things I've seen, some popular visualizations of the Minecraft inventory include:
Holograms and command screens, often used in conjunction with the in-game chat as a multitool
Straight-up summoning at will
Backpacks! People draw them to look SO COOL on a character-by character basis.
all of these designs fucking slap so hard by the way i dont make the rules. mcyt artists are out here doing the work of renaissance painters for zero dollars and next to zero credit
3c: Other Forms of Media (Live-Action Adaptions and Plays, I Guess?)
I have ZERO idea how someone would translate the Minecraft inventory to a real-life setting but I assume the result would be a Type 3 real-world solution, due to real life not having magic and also not being in the Minecraft universe.
If anyone ever figures out how to carry 162 million pounds of gold on their person without instantly eating shit and dying, firstly I respect and fear you secondly hit me up my back fucking sucks and I have too many books in my backpack at any given time.
3d: Customization Within Universes and Cross-World Universal Items
Many artists in the MCYT fandom, whether their wheelhouse be writing or visual art, have been in several subsections of the fandom or are actively in several at once. Due to the overlap in creator circles and the fact that Minecraft is over ten years old at this point, this is quite normal and the same creator behind a character may be on several different servers or have several different characters currently being played at the same time.
Due to this, many artists and writers have developed different designs for several iterations of the same character, for lack of a better way to explain it. This can be expressed in clothing changes, nonhuman characteristics, and, a common one that popped up alongside the rise of the DSMP, universal communicators.
Communicators are not in the game as a physical object. Rather, they are an entire fan-made concept that allows the characters to chat universally across a server they're in, no matter how far away. (Hermitcraft is an interesting case here. I'm looking at you, Solar. I saw that radio range comment in DATD.)
Since inventories do not share their contents across multiple worlds, the same is also true for most fanworks including them. Nevertheless, there are some exclusions and more permanent items on some characters, varying between artist and character. Some of these include:
Emotionally significant items (i.e ones that remind them of friends, family, lovers, etc)
Little trinkets hung from belts or keychains
Items that aren't really affixed to the character but are either shown in the character's Minecraft skin or are prominent in fanon (i.e, Slimecicle's glasses, Xisuma's helmet having admin-y properties, Pixlriffs' Empires SMP Season 2's character having glasses and sometimes a knee brace)
These items and how they may apply across some servers but not all could be an entire post of their own. Fanon is huge and I'd love to document that but that is Not the point of this essay. Maybe later.
On the subject of different designs for different characters, I'd like to bring up:
Sort of relevant to section 3d: different inventories depending on characters
Basically, some characters could have bags. Some have holograms. Some have magical tattoos or sigils that let them access it. Some defy all known laws of God or man and do some crazy shit with their inventories just because they can. It all depends on the artist or author's preferences, baby!
This often is related to headcanons and character designs. It can also vary for server, universe, etc.
Which NOW brings me to,
Section 4: Thoughts? You have thoughts on this? Share your thoughts maybe?
yeah i have no consistent anything for anything. really it just depends on the setting and what i'm in the mood for.
for example, in our Type Two fics like Ashes AU and Twice, generally the characters use real-world solutions with modifications (enchanted bags, etc). But for quicker oneshots and crackfics, we tend to elaborate on inventory space and let the game mechanics do all the work.
The Summary:
Fandom is huge and theres so much layers to this shit its legitimately unreal. I could write an entire thesis paper on the MCYTblr side of things alone and I might just do that when I hit college, if I ever do. For now, though, I'm just gonna sit here wondering why the fuck I dedicated an entire section to how the minecraft inventory works like what the fuck dude. why did i do that.
thanks for reading. i write words. follow perhaps if you would like to see more?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you but I thought you could help! So, I’ve recently started wondering if I could be autistic. I stim sometimes, cannot look people in eye, have echolalia, very strong hyperfixations (though not a special interest exactly), and many people (though most don’t know much or anything about it) have suggested I may have it. I’ve recently discovered sensory seeking autism, which I relate to a lot, i also get somewhat frustrated when my routine is broken, and I can do next to nothing if such a thing happens, basically my entire day is ruined, it also definitely frustrates me. (up until now I thought it was just adhd waiting mode but i don’t know). The only thing is, I never really struggled making friends as a kid, which I understand is an enormous part of being autistic. I do however now feel a barrier in between me and my peers, I mean, I do have lots of mates but they think I’m different from them somehow and I agree wholeheartedly. Even younger (though I hadn’t realized this) I was always looking for some perfect friend that’d be different than my friends already, like, someone who understood me fully. Ever since I started high school I’ve always only made friends w people I for sure had to be around or already knew, and never my other classmates (actually I struggled w not being able to connect quite a lot). I’m pretty sure I have adhd and I’m 100% sure I have ocd. Do you reckon I should keep looking into autism, if these are my circumstances? Very sorry for the long ask but I can’t see a psychiatrist or anything close to that and I’ve been wondering. Either way, feel free to ignore.
Hi there,
It’s completely up to you if you want to pursue a diagnosis. As it comes with its pros, and of course, it’s cons.
You can still make friends/socialize just fine. It’s a spectrum, and everyone is different. Some have trouble making friends, while others don’t have that issue.
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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gothmikasagf · 7 months
Thank you for tagging me I really appreciate it!
Pronouns: He/It
Sexuality: Demisexual and Demi romantic
Platonic or romantic matchup works for me
Hobbies: Reading, writing, crafts, watching TV and gaming.
Interests: Cartoons, scary movies/stories/etc, writing, mythology, books, FNAF
Style: Mine switches but mainly, dark academia, goth, nerdy, and middle school boy. My fashion sense is all over the place but I stick with black or dark clothes. I am also almost always cold so I wear many layers and hoodies.
Personality: I am an introvert and have very bad anxiety. I tend to be chatty at times and be a pessimist. I tend to be a smartass though and make sarcastic comments under my breath. I also get frustrated with things because of my ADHD and Autism. I tend to stim, have anxiety/ADHD tics, scratch my arm, and stutters. I am pretty smart but my procrastination doesn’t help that. I am also almost very tired because I have horrible sleeping habits. I like staying up at night which is nice for me. I have a habit of going non-verbal for times so I learned ASL. my MBTI list is INTJ/INTP. I also have period of manic where I am in top of the world or quickly into panic attack mode.
Likes: weird stuff like bones, rocks, random trinkets. I love to read and write in my free time and cooking: especially baking.
Dislike: my tics since they draw attention when I’m already anxious, bright light and noises, stepping on cracks, being yelled at.
Sorry if I rambled too much.
I match you with...
Tumblr media
Best partner to watch scary movies with, he won't make a fuss! Says that crap doesn't scare him.
He definitely hears you whisper sarcastic comments and chuckles and agrees with you.
He also stays up late, just keep him company at the bar. No talking needed.
I feel like he would know how to comfort you and help you with panic attacks.
If he finds something random that he thinks you would like, he brings it to you. Just don't make a big fuss about it.
Would never say no to a baked good, especially if you make something special just for him.
Picks up immediately that you don't like people yelling so he never raises his voice at you and makes sure no one does whenever he can.
Soo sorry for the wait but here it is! I hope you liked it! Also I tried to leave it as vague as possible so you can interpret it however you prefer!
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plurality-questions · 16 days
I’m curious what this… weird thing that happened could be, so I thought this might be a good place to ask. (this got a bit long, so I’ll put a (*) where the main event happened)
(also, probably a dissociation warning! (idk tho))
For context, I’ve been questioning plurality off and on (mostly off lol) for a while now, and I live in the country with my folks. A few nights ago, our cows got out, and to make a long story short, myself and 2 other family members were trying to coordinate herding the 3 escapees back through the gate.
What I haven’t mentioned yet is that it was 10 or 11 pm, and pitch black outside - So we were carrying flashlights and trying to hear where they were crunching in the bushes, and catching the shine of their eyes in our lights. (I made the half-joke that we were playing a rural survival horror game)
I… do not like dealing with the cows getting out. It makes me feel unsafe, trying to block their path by standing in their way - Even though none of us have been hurt, and I try to trust my family’s judgment, the risk is… difficult, for me.
When they get out, I try to minimize my involvement (or self-assign less-stressful assistive tasks), as I very quickly go into a self-preserving… what I jokingly think of as “bitch-mode.”
I quickly exhausted my options last weekend, however, and ended up being a human scarecrow. I tried to stick with it as long as I could, but, at a certain point, something weird happened:
It didn’t feel stressful or scary in the moment (though that could just as easily be explained by my autism/alexithymia/generally-being-crap-at-emotions-that-dont-present-physically), but I knew that it wasn’t good, that I didn’t want to be there, that it would be Very Easy for Bad Things to Happen. So, I left.
But… I wasn’t the one doing the leaving? Kinda???
I was speaking, but I was also listening to what my voice was saying. I was walking away, saying “Nope, nope, fuck this, I’m going in, you’re better off without me, I’m better out without… this,” but I was also thinking “Oh, wait, we’re leaving now? Ok, I guess so, yeah - already said that, so it’s too late to go back - yeah, I wanna go inside.” (paraphrased, everything after ‘oh wait’ was more vibes than words)
thinking back, it was kinda like how, in some games, there will be a small first-person cutscene at the start, where your character is waking up, getting out of bed, and maybe some exposition happens - you don’t really have control, per say, but you can move the camera a little bit - it’s still “you,” but also you still are just along for the ride, but you know the reigns are in your hands, you just don’t have control over them right now, except you kinda do, and it’s over before you can really nitpick the details, and so you just continue on with the game.
I know, logically, that this is most likely just some kind of dissociation. But I can’t help but wonder…
Any thoughts?
i would say that to us it seems like depersonalization(which commonly is a symptom of plurality!) of-course thats our opinion as somebeing who is not a psychologist lol/lh
perhaps maybe look into DPDR
(sorry for how short this is we do not have much/any spoons currently)
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Hi, not a trauma related question, I hope it is still fine.
I have this - not so uncommon - "mindset" that, when I have one appointment that day, the rest of the day is "waiting for it".
That is really annoying but doesn't happen that often. Now I made an arangement with my mom, she'll bring over the dog for one day a week. And I originally thought "Having the dog here one day of the week (/have a change of my routine for one day of the week) is fine and could be fun." But she will bring the dog on i.e. Tuesday evening and pick her up Wednesday evening. So I feel like I lose my Tuedays aswell with "waiting for something that happens at 10pm". Which makes no sense because I only have a loose routing until afternoon, so she doesn't even interfere with it.
And today she asked "Can I bring her on Wednesday evening and pick her up Friday morning, since I have an appointment in your vicinity on Friday?" Of course this makes sense but my thoughts are just "I lose my whole week!" because Wednesday and Friday feel lost for me aswell. Though the dog doesn't do anything, my mom doesn't, I don't have plans or a routine for that time. It is just my mindset and it needs to stop! I just don't know how..
Hey there,
That is definitely a thing! It's called "waiting mode" wrt ADHD, though I've heard/seen it described in difference ways as well. It also affects people with trauma, autism, depression, etc. Here's a great article on it, which includes a TLDR and coping tools for this phenomenon: Waiting mode: why your ADHD brain has time anxiety
Some tips they included were:
Reduce anxiety through a brain dump:
Brain dumps help you capture as many thoughts or uncertainties as you can on a single page.
‍Focus on quantity, not quality
Organization and appearance aren’t necessary at this stage. Get it out of your head and onto the paper or screen.
Use mindfulness to let the negative thoughts pass:
By being mindful of what’s happening inside your brain - and observing your thoughts without getting consumed by them - you can cope more effectively with general anxiety — waiting mode in particular.
Start with an activity that requires little effort:
Waiting mode can hinder productivity because starting a task means you also have to figure out how to transition to your appointment later on. This may not seem like a big deal, but transitions (task-switching) can be incredibly challenging for people with ADHD.
With executive dysfunction making it hard to find the energy to start a task, it’s easy to understand how waiting mode can cause ADHDers to get stuck. 
I hope this helps! Take care.
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birdofmay · 8 months
Gender is a social construct and my autism impacts how I navigate that construct. Even if I identified with my AGAB and was not a lesbian, I would be interacting with straightness and cisness in a distinctly queer manner. Does being queer bring you power and joy? If so, then you are welcome here. I , for one, am delighted to see you!
I have no idea, the alexithymia, you know... I'm in "wait and see" mode and won't leave it any time soon, I have all my life to figure it out 🤷🏻‍♀️
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