#I lied the exact time is 2:38 am
teaveetamer · 2 years
Ok I couldn’t find my posts about that thing I reblogged earlier, but I dug out the ol’ Reddit survey I was referencing to redo the math
There were 239 total responses
Of those responses, 9% were women over the age of 26
If you do some basic math, that means 21.51 people were women over the age of 26. I’ll round that up to 22 since obviously you can’t have half a person. But I’ll note that the 9% is obviously rounded, so it could be as low as 20 actual respondents and as high as 23 respondents in this category.
Of those 22 people, 48% listed CF as their favorite route. 38% listed Azure Moon as their favorite route. VW and SS got 10% and 4% respectively.
22 x .48 = 10.56 people. I’ll round that up to 11.
22 x .38 = 8.36. I’ll round that down to 8.
22 x .10 = 2.2. I’ll round that down to 2
22 x .04 = .08. I’ll round that up to 1
Which means that, if you do the actual math, a whopping three women preferred CF more than AM.
The post characterizes this as
a massive swing in female hard support from the younger group, which was completely dominated by Azure Moon, towards Crimson Flower for the older bunch. As for the theories to the reason why, I'll leave it to the comments.
Three people. A “massive swing”. What a joke.
And, if you assume the lower end, it could be a two person difference. (20 x .48 is 9.6, round up to 10. 20 x .38 is 7.6, round up to 8)
(I also swear to god he was more aggressive when I first saw this about CF being a sign of maturity. His post has been edited, but unfortunately Reddit doesn’t save a history of edits so I can’t confirm.)
and if you want more evidence that this guy was manipulating survey results to suit a narrative, just look at what he did for the male age category vs. the female age category.
The men are split up into two groups: under 19 years old, and over 20 years old.
The women are also split up into two groups. Except, this time, it’s under 25 and over 26.
So it was never an apples to apples comparison in the first place, as if you wanted to actually talk about what age-gender combination demographics prefer you should be using the same exact age demographic for both genders. Pretty clear that he’s either really bad at statistics and didn’t think “this sample size isn’t big enough, maybe I can’t draw comparisons here” and instead said “I’ll shift the age range to include more people”. I mean I’m not completely uncharitable, maybe there just weren’t that many women under the age of 19 responding.
Or... he intentionally picked an age range to make it look like women over the age of 26 were “more mature” for “liking CF the most” because he damn well knows that if he did under 19 and over 20 like he did for the men then it would come out with women overwhelmingly preferring AM on both counts, and that wouldn’t suit his precious narrative.
Considering the entire post is whining about how meeaaaaaaaaan those nasty AM fans are and how much they hate CF, I’m much more willing to go with the latter explanation.
Not to mention how absolutely shady it is to not provide the exact sample size of each demographic you’re comparing so people can’t see just how terrible your sample size is.
AND he doesn’t provide any access to the raw data collected which means it’s absolutely impossible to check him or provide alternative interpretations of the data. We don’t even know the exact number of women over the age of 26 ffs.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics if I’ve ever seen it.
And the fact that everyone in the comments is praising the post and I’ve seen this junk statistic parroted around so much, it just proves that you just have to hide a lie behind enough math and people will believe it.
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doloresdraws · 3 years
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I am slowly filling this OC question meme with all my WoD characters and it is a lot of fun, but also very exhausting.
Here is your chance to get to know more about Stanley, my sewer goblin Nosferatu boy ❤ ❤ ❤
❤ There is also a video process of this painting on my Youtube channel ❤
1) Stanley rarely gets angry, when he is supposed to be angry he instead get anxious and either starts to talk nonsense or stays silent.
2) He finds the idea lovely, but he knows that he will never meet anyone he could call a soulmate
3) More than being a pet peeve it just really makes him uncomfortable: when people are loudly shouting at him or at someone else.
4) He often thinks about his early childhood before he was seprated from his baby sister.
5) Probably the time he spent in the hospital before he found out about the Nosferatu and became their ghoul. Before that incident, he was feeling safe, taken care of and loved having a routine, knowing the place well and always looked forward to visits from his sister.
6) When he was separated from his sister and put into different foster homes.
7) He wouldn’t even go to a bar, too many people and too loud for his taste.
8) He was pretty badly beaten up when he was  living on the street, but nothing was ever broken. After the Embrace he made Maks (his Sire) pretty unhappy a few times which resulted in him getting a few broken ribs. He tries to stay away from danger, but sometimes it doesn’t work out.
9) He would like to forget finding a dead woman’s body in the sewers.
10) His happiest memory is playing peek-a-boo with his sister in the driveway, he was oblivious about the world and his future. Life was good at that moment.
11) No, he doesn’t. His type is everyone who would treat him nice and made him feel safe :) He currently has a woman he got kinda attached to, only because she was nice to him when he accidentally bumped into her on the street. He had a hoodie over his face and it was dark. She thought he was a homeless kid. She helped him gather all of the small trinkets he dropped in the collision and he was captivated by her kindness, so he followed her home XD
12) Many – he has a collection of various random things he found in the sewers, he collects everything that catches his attention – mainly some personal things like rings, bracelettes, scrunchies, he even found a photo album. He remembers the exact place he found each of his possessions and he likes to imagine stories for each item. He keeps bracelet of the dead woman in case he would one day found out her identity and could return it to her family.
13+14) He has no tattoos or piercings, only way too many fangs in his small mouth that pierce his lips and cheeks XD
15) His dream house would be somewhere where he would be frozen in time as a happy child together with his sister.
16) You would not expect to find out that he is actually not a child, but a grown man, his small and frail stature is deceiving.
17) He has always good intentions with gifts, but he is not the best at choosing gifts XD  He misjudges other people’s interest in smelly, sewer treasures XD
18) He knows he has a great memory, but because it has brought him so much trouble, both internal and external, he isn’t really proud or even happy he has an eidetic memory.
19) A stranger would describe him as a weird, smelly kid who talks too fast XD
20) Someone who spent more time around him and got to know him more (Mateusz) would describe him as a scared, smol man who might look like he can’t even count to ten but is actually very clever, but let others walk all over him because he is afraid of conflict.
21) He, himself is a walking insecurity :) But his biggest one is to not be understood when talking as he normally talks pretty fast, but when he is nervous and considering how many fangs he has it is sometimes hard for him to make sense and then he gets even more agitated as he is worried he will convey the message in a wrong way.
22) Physical: dexterity, non-physical: wits
23) Depends on the nature of the lie, most likely he would just nod and tried to understand the reason why he was lied to.
24) He has fond memories of the summer as when he was on the street, summer nights were warm and he didn’t have to worry about freezing to death. Aside this he is indifferent to the weather.
25) From romantic point of view he never had anyone he could say these words to, in general terms he only said I love you to his sister. He wouldn’t have a problem saying it first, but as a Nossie he knows that chances of him finding someone who would even want to spend time with him are almost none, so he will probably never say it to anyone else.
26) His only issue with openly sharing his worries is his fear of not being believed or worse be punished, so it depends on the person. If he knows that the person won’t get angry at him, he will share his worries.
27) No, he never saw anyone die. But the dead woman in the sewers was the first dead body he saw and he can’t erase the empty look on her face, it haunts him every night. He feels sad for her, being left there nameless, alone, dumped like trash. She surely had family somewhere and maybe they are still looking for her to this day…just like his sister is looking for him…
28) He totally is ticklish, he is very sensitive to touch, mainly because he is not used to be touched at the first place.
29) Very low pain tolerance, he hates being in physical pain and he knows that he now can heal pretty much everything, but it doesn’t take away the fact that he would much rather avoid getting hurt in the first place.
30) He wishes he would have been brave enough to say no to some of the things he is asked to do.
31) He isn’t a particularly messy eater, he mainly feeds on rats, not because of the guilt, but because he thinks that feeding from mortals is very stressful and scary ordeal.
32) Most unloved: when he got stuck obfuscated in the same room as the woman he followed home and unfortunately had to watch her and her date being intimate with each other. Not only he felt innapropriate, but it made him feel so lonely and sad that he never in his life felt so safe with someone to share such closeness and now he never will.
33) When he was reunited with his sister after years apart. Despite her being the younger sibling she   basically took care for him and did everything she could to get his mental health problems under control.
34) He would most likely hate to lose touch as he likes to touch things XD On the other hand he would gladly lost hearing, so he could no longer spy on people :D
35) He likes small talk, because it feels relaxing and he doesn’t have to worry about saying too much.
36) He would have asked Maks if he ever cared about him as a person or if he just considered him a tool, a good asset to have because of his memory skills.
37) To the past, to his early childhood to spend more time as a naive child with the person he cares the most in the world.
38) positive: his sister – she made him feel loved and made him feel like he mattered, the staff and other patients in the hospital – they made him feel safe, cared for and not alone, negative: various people he met while he was on the street, his foster families, and to an extent his biological parents though he didn’t meet with them after.
39) Depends, in the hospital he liked being surrounded by people because they were nice and he felt safe with them, as a Nossie he prefers to be alone because the other Kindred most often than not scare him. He likes to spend time with Jamie (the ghoul that is living in the sewers with them) because of her child-like personality, she seems harmless and he likes that.
40) The scary thing that he had seen in one part of the tunnels one night, nobody believes him but he is pretty sure there is something terriyfing livin there. Aside this probably his Sire Maks, but he had heard that he met Final death.. apparently by Mateusz’s hands of all people…
Stanley © me/doloresdraws
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joezworld · 3 years
Silverliner Cults and Pet Cars
So this is what happens when @rise-comics and I are left mostly alone in a discord server.
Most of this is canon.
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I like to think that the one speaking english is the metroliner cab car
[12:15 AM]and all the acelas speak french just to annoy the rest of the NEC
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:18 AM Buzz(in a Roz voice): I have not a goddamned clue what y’all are saying
📷@Jz1 and all the acelas speak french just to annoy the rest of the NEC 📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:19 AM Then they meet the one Charger who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger
📷@Jz1 Every charger has a different accent, which really does not mesh well with the rest of Amtrak, most of whom were built in Pennsylvania or Indiana and therefore have the blandest accent possible 📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:21 AM It’s called variety
[12:22 AM]- The one Long Range Charger, currently drunk off their ass(edited) 📷Jz1 — Today at 12:23 AM It's called One train with four accents. They send a Genesis to pick up the new Chargers and he spends the entire ride home regretting ever making fun of the Acelas because at least they don't speak with an accent jesus christ this isn't in english
[12:23 AM]He gets to beech grove and is visibly twitching
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:24 AM When they’re at Chicago, the Genesis has started contemplating murder
[12:25 AM]Until one of the chargers offers up their stash of acid as a bribe
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:25 AM "No one would blame me" [Queens accent from the back] What? "Nothing!" [California Accent from the back] Sounded like something man.
📷@Rise Comics(she/her) Until one of the chargers offers up their stash of acid as a bribe 📷Jz1 — Today at 12:26 AM There's not enough acid to make this bearable
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:26 AM At some point, there probably has to be trolling involved, from the POV of the genesis
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:27 AM By the time they pass through Iowa the Genesis is spreading baseless lies about how Amfleet cars work
Jz1 — Today at 12:27 AM
The Chargers take him at his word and start setting up shrines
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:31 AM Oh god, Amfleet shrines
📷@Rise Comics(she/her) Oh god, Amfleet shrines 📷Jz1 — Today at 12:32 AM [Chargers] - We must leave offerings to THE SILVER FLEET
[12:32 AM][SEPTA Silverliner parked nearby] - The what now?
[12:33 AM]That acutally would be even funnier - they have no idea what an Amfleet looks like so they Cargo Cult the Silverliners
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:33 AM [The NJT F40s watching this happen] - dying of laughter, hard enough to derail without moving(edited)
Meanwhile the ACS-64 fleet is growing more and more CONCERN with each passing day
[12:34 AM]it is unclear whether they feel that the Chargers are nuts, or if they've missed a memo Jz1 — Today at 12:35 AM
They try to worship one of the Metroliners. It ends badly
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:35 AM
The Genesis that instigated it is either laughing, terrified, or both
Jz1 — Today at 12:36 AM That Motherfucker hopped on the first Empire Builder west and made this mess someone else's problem
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:36 AM Lol
[12:38 AM]Then an F59 just gets fed up enough to pull strings and get that guy back into Philly to beat his ass in the most Philly way possible. Jz1 — Today at 12:40 AM Poor sap arrives in Philly and the Entirety of Philly yard is like the locker shrine scene from MIB2 except they're all trying to worship some poor silverliner who is scared out of his mind(edited)
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:41 AM I can only imagine how scary it’d be to be in that situation(edited)
[12:42 AM]Or how funny it is for the SEPTA AEM-7 watching this happen(edited)
📷@Rise Comics(she/her) Or how funny it is for the SEPTA AEM-7 watching this happen(edited) 📷Jz1 — Today at 12:43 AM The entire AEM-7 fleet is laughing so hard they reverted to Swedish
[12:44 AM]The Acelas are laughing in French
[12:44 AM]The entire yard sounds like a fucked up version of Ellis Island
[12:44 AM]A single CSX engine rolls by on the bridge that goes over the yard, stops dead in his tracks, and runs the other way
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:45 AM Lmao
[12:45 AM]Woe be anyone who has to be in the yard at that moment
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:46 AM At that exact moment a Northeast regional shows up with a trainload of Amfleet coaches and a schism forms
[12:46 AM]An vainglorious RDC tries to get his own cult
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:46 AM Lol
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:47 AM No work is accomplished on this day
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:49 AM
Ah yes, the Amfleet Cult incident of 2016 is one acid trip of a comedy
Was Franz Kafka one of the staff?
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:50 AM He only wishes he was
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:51 AM Lol
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:51 AM From that point on, The Charger deliveries were done by BNSF
[12:51 AM]Surely this will cause no problems ever
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:52 AM It’s either four different accents or everyone sounds like a slightly different surfer
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:53 AM It's either very german, very california, very New York, Or very Florida (because brightline)
[12:54 AM]I also like to imagine that the brightline engines turn into Florida Engine the moment they crossed the state line
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:54 AM Yep lol
[12:54 AM]Complete with alligators
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:54 AM Fought a Gator (and won)
[12:54 AM]Fought a Gator (and lost)
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:55 AM Lol
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:55 AM Florida Engine does 'industrial quantity" of Methamphetamines, breaks land speed record Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:56 AM Florida Engine swims across port
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:56 AM Florida engine learns to swim, fights boat
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:57 AM Florida Engine accidentally kidnaps entire Panama City Police Department
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:57 AM Some guy in Lake Okeechobee says he doesn't like trains - the water bubbles and a Charger erupts from the water "I heard you were talking shit"
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:58 AM Lol
[12:58 AM]Florida Engine busted for selling fake golden bricks
📷Jz1 — Today at 12:58 AM Florida Engine arrested for selling stolen fake golden bricks
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 12:59 AM Florida Engine derails, orders Wendy’s in a nearby drive thru
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:00 AM Florida Engine steals his own wheels, puts himself up on blocks Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:02 AM
Florida Engines accidentally welded together in one consist.
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:02 AM Florida Engines try to recreate Baldwin Centipede, accidentally create a different kind of Centipede
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:04 AM Florida Engine gets drunk, tries to fly
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:04 AM Lmao
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:05 AM Florida Engine vows revenge on airplanes - claims "they've had it too good for too long"
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:05 AM Florida Engine arrested for attempted arson via spaghetti
��Jz1 — Today at 1:06 AM Florida Engine arrested for screaming about "noodle incident" at 4AM
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:07 AM Florida Engine consumes too much NOs, recreates 2 Fast 2 Furious
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:07 AM Florida Engine jumps drawbridge - claims it was late for court
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:08 AM
Florida Engine breaks world record for fastest and longest sustained multi track drift
📷Joseph R (he/him) — Today at 1:09 AM and hits a signal
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:09 AM Florida Engine steals house - claims fourth amendment
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:10 AM Florida Engines steal shed to avoid rent(edited)
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:11 AM Florida Engine crashes off end of line - claims he was going to Orlando to "see that rat mickey"(edited)
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:12 AM Florida Engine bites gator - claims it tasted like chicken
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:13 AM Florida Engine invades NASA Cape Canaveral - swears vengeance against SpaceX and Elon Musk
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:16 AM
Florida Engines steal SpaceX rocket, dunks on Musk
Jz1 — Today at 1:16 AM Florida Engine Hacks Elon Musk's Twitter, Causes Dogecoin Pump and Dump
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:17 AM Florida Engines block port of Miami in world’s longest consist Jz1 — Today at 1:18 AM Florida Engines claim this act of sabotage was to support the container ship Ever Given "in her hour of need"
[1:19 AM]Florida Engines seemed unaware that Ever Given was freed two months ago Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:21 AM
Florida Engine spills fruit train, creates jam
Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:22 AM Florida car cosplays as train, wears cone as a hat
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Jz1 — Today at 1:24 AM Florida Airplane lands on Train Tracks, offers Florida Engine "a fair fight"
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:25 AM Florida Engine and Florida Plane fight in world’s largest Wawa, Florida Boat wins
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:25 AM Hahahaha
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:26 AM A gator was shoved where the sun don’t shine
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:26 AM Florida Engine attacks John Deere Dealership, fights gators
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:28 AM Florida Engine throws pet gator at John Deere dealer(edited)
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:29 AM Florida Engine steals Car, claims he was 'adopting it'
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:31 AM Florida Engine sells stolen cars as ‘pet cars’ 📷1
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:32 AM Florida Engine and Florida Boat conspire to traffic in exotic "pet cars"
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:34 AM Florida Semi-Truck roped into exotic ’pet car’ scheme by Florida Engine and Florida Boat.
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:35 AM Florida Crane arrested in increasingly-large "pet car" bust
[1:35 AM]Florida Submarine also under suspicion
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:38 AM Autoracks stolen by Florida Train
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:38 AM Florida "pet car" bust increases - multiple Florida Engines suspected
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:39 AM Florida East Coast Railway Indicted In ‘Pet Car’ Scandal
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:40 AM Florida Plane denied bail in "pet car" arrests - deemed a flight risk Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:45 AM Florida Train acquitted on all charges relating to ‘pet car’ scandal, still fined for public exposure.
📷Jz1 — Today at 1:46 AM Florida Train thanks Florida Lawyer for proving innocence - Florida Boat and Florida Crane to go to trial next week
📷Rise Comics(she/her) — Today at 1:48 AM Florida Boat was actually Egyptian fishing trawler. Florida Boat still at large.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'Depends on the Wagon' liveblog!
I saw someone do timestamps in their liveblog and it was absolutely lovely, so I think I'll try that too
1:55 why does Curtain sound like an mlm ceo LMAO
2:07 WOW ASSHOLE 😂😂 waving off your own teacher when he was complimenting you is not the vibe
2:17 so Dr. Curtian is only available through chain emails. Got it.
2:27 he seems like the kind of asshole to say that people on welfare are lazy and exploitave but then like, not pay his taxes
2:47 oooooh Constance, always asking the right questions
3:05 Kate, why are you yelling, it's literally past curfew 😂
3:35 oh hai Jackson.. gtfo
4:22 oh yeah, the best way out is through the hallway that Jackson just entered. Good plane, babe.
4:25 soooo Kate Depending On Friends arc :)
5:13 why do I kinda fucking love then all deciphering the Morse code together
5:20 so the kids use the gemini riddle? Not the adults???
5:36 his face when he figures it out 😭😭😭
5:46 Nathaniel? Guess that's Dr. Curtain's name now. Less ridiculous than Ledroptha, but you dont get the badass Let Drop the Curtain reference
6:53 okay so no one knew he had a brother? But he did???
7:21 his faaaace 🥺
7:29 AWWW HE COULDNT BRING HIMSELF TO SHARE 😭😭😭 okay I'm kinda on board with the change if they can make it work in the long-haul
7:42 hi Milligan, good timing 😂
7:56 "not the time.........I'll take a dozen" Number Two my LOVE
8:23 interesting. I dont think Mr. Benedict was adopted in the books? He certainly didn't let Violet's family, the Hopefields, because he knew their financial troubles would be even worse. So who?
8:54 ohhhh dear, stages of grief at work. Maybe don't do that
9:05 I talked about this in the MBS discord server, but I think the show is really nailing Mr. Benedict's feelings. He's always been an emotional person, but he has to be so careful. Bottling up your feelings only leads to bigger feelings later. It makes so much sense for Mr. Benedict to be a whirlpool of strong, repressed emotions.
9:40 Mr. Benedict, sweetheart 🥺❤
10:01 "brothers stick together" why does it sound like he's talking about Reynie here 😭😭😭😭
10:12 that is a good ass point, Mr. Benedict already lied to them once
10:21 it makes sense for Sticky to be the one questioning the most because of his anxiety, but damn
11:00 I dont like how aggressive Kate is but it makes sense considering she's been in the circus for years, taking care of herself for far longer than she hasn't. She's not good at depending on people, and she's not good with difficult people.
11:10 Yeahh, Constance gets it!
11:40 Yeahhh, Constance gets it
12:55 that teacher seemed pretty nice last episode, nice to see that they're not what they seem just the same as Dr. Curtain lol
14:00 "check again" okay so Krista from the tests and Martina give off the same vibe.. perfect 😂
14:16 "yeah......hang in there :D"
15:05 all of the apologies to the general class.. he's such an anxious sweetheart. He's really reading as autistic to me.
My sister just called me 😑 it's like 8 am, I answered her like "did you ever consider that you might be waking me up?" She did not consider that 😂
15:22 Martina's face just growing more and more annoyed and disgruntled HAHA
15:29 that was CORRECT?? WHAAAA
15:51 throwback to when I compared Dr. Curtain to an mlm ceo.. definitely like a cult
16:44 ohhhh Martina
18:22 ayyyyyy helper man
18:40 he seems too cheery to be a helper .-. The helpers all being super sad made [redacted]'s story make a whole lot more sense
19:35 aaaand now we get to it. You know, it really does seem a lot more cultish on screen than in the book
19:53 that cut to Milligan making that exact face was INCREDIBLE
20:05 was he tryna leave? Yeah, good fuckin luck bucko
20:10 "critical papers at home" my ass, they packed everything up
20:24 the stages of grief back at it. 🥺
20:38 their relationship >>>>
21:00 "located in the..?" *description of envelope* "located in the....?" *more description* "located in the????" 😂😂😂😂
21:34 ohhhhh Thursday must be the student ranking day
21:56 Martina seems like the kind to throw out "pick a god and pray" as a crit quote 😂
22:07 I don't see any of the Society'a names on the list. Maybe they havent been there long enough
22:25 ohh Kate and Constance
22:55 the combination of the ferry horn and the bell makes it weirdly grim
23:55 them bringing Kate up and reminding her that she's needed 😌✨
24:29 hi Milligan bb ilyyyy
24:35 real good lookout guys, y'all are so well hidden
26:31 "visionary" is a word for it
26:31 I really kinda love that Number Two and Rhonda are going to such depths to try and help Mr. Benedict figure this out for sure
26:56 Mr. Benedict fully walking away while they talk about his brothers accomplishments 😂 I'm laughing, but poor guy
27:08 his FACE 🥺
27:28 take your guesses how many times will he fall asleep
27:50 "he just has to work through some things" you dont fuckin say
27:55 you mean to tell me he had a full blown meltdown and they didn't show him falling asleep once??
28:35 like father like daughter 😌✨
29:10 ayyyy secret desk compartment
29:19 honestly I'm surprised there were actually papers he needed and it wasnt an excuse to go confront Dr. Curtain
29:32 oh shit, how'd they manage to get that far inside? No one was there to guard it, but the maze itself is a security measure
29:47 ooooh I like Dr. Curtain's office
30:41 birds have careers. Got it 😂
31:02 the fox?? Reynard the fox???
31:27 ohhh here we go, Dr. Curtain sees himself in Reynie only to resent it later
31:37 Mr. Benedict called Reynie a leader once too.. the parallels have ✨begun✨
32:12 is this the "keep your enemies close" conversation??
32:15 I'm honestly surprised he called him Sticky and not George
32:59 sooo that starts by not letting his caution down with you
33:11 Dr. Curtain congratulating himself mid-conversation on saying something deep is so in character
33:20 "I was betrayed by someone very close to me" so that was Mr. Benedict. Who the fuck else would it be
33:31 oh noooo Reynie starts doubting Mr. Benedict here? Is that the move?
33:43 that transition was so pretty stoppp
33:53 again how hasn't he fallen asleep
34:55 ayyyy journal snooping
35:05 Constance, my love, you are cut throat
35:11 Milligan is in the DRYWALL? ohh buddy be careful
35:21 omfg are they talking about water polo 😂 I love that that's the sport of choice
35:51 ayyyy they put the Milligan dots together too. Shame the guy's not with them rn
36:36 so Mr. Benedict brings up cheating first? I really like how we get to see the adults riddling out what to send back, we didn't get that at all in the books
37:46 I LOVE THAT THEY KEPT "don't get caught"
38:51 Kate riddling out the island schematics engineer style is so like her
39:07 they're just walking out the door?? Huh???
39:29 babe... turn off your flashlight
39:58 is that the precursor to chuckroot?
40:38 the papers were from his orphanage 🥺🥺🥺
41:14 why does that break my heart
41:19 Dr. Curtain and SQ doing shit together it just.. so heartwarming
42:00 HAHA
42:16 okay, so show!Curtain is a kissass 😂
42:35 wait wait wait so Dr. Curtain is actively trying to contain his brother? That would explain why the Recruiters were looking for him and weirdly not the kids
43:25 "power wants to be free" sounds more like a personal mantra than a conversation between engineers
44:02 more voices. Poor Connie girl 🥺
44:36 he loves her so much 😭😭😭
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scrvivorisms · 4 years
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An ardent desire or longing, especially a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.
 A music Playlist about a dead girl and her broken hearted other half searching desperately and fruitlessly for her missing lover.
Creator’s Explanation:
 I just wanted to explore how it would have felt from Chloe’s perspective the very emotions she would be cycling through while looking for Rachel Amber. All the way from remembering promises and exact memories down to regretting and questioning the legitimacy of their whole relationship. But feel free to experience this dumpster fire called Amberprice.
1) Yellow by Coldplay
Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
You know
You know I love you so
You know I love you so
2) Feeling Whitney by Post Malone
And I've been looking for someone to put up with my bullshit
I can't even leave my bedroom so I keep pouring
And I ain't seen a light of day since, well, that's not important
It's been long
3) How by Daughter
How long must I wait for you
Undone in the evening?
How long must I wait for you
To become what I need?
4) YEAH RIGHT by Joji
Yeah, right, yeah, right
Yeah, I bet you won't cry
Yeah, I bet you won't try
But you know I don't mind
But you know I don't mind
5) Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery
The ways in which you talk to me
Have me wishin' I were gone
The ways that you say my name
Have me runnin' on and on
6) No Below by Speedy Oritz
And though I was sad, I was better off just being dead
Better off just being dead, without my old friend
True, I once said, I was better off just being dead
But I didn't know you yet
7) Forget Her by Girl in Red
I spend all my days
Trying to forget her face
She's so hard to erase
I don't think she can be replaced
She stole my heart and ran away
Left me with some things to say
I don't understand
8) We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow by Soko
And I can tell
That you didn't had
To face your mother
Losing her lover
Without saying goodbye, Without saying goodbye,
'Cause she didn't had time.
9) Saturn by Sleeping At Last
I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes
10) Otherside by Perfume Genius
Why can't you miss me
From the Otherside?
11) Worldstar Money (Interlude) by Joji
I looked at you and said, oh-oh-oh
Don't hate me, am I crazy?
So tenderly you watch me burn, you watch me burn, oh
So tell me, am I crazy?
12) The End by Daughter
You wait to find that I'm still here
And you've been waiting for the light to shine
Wake up, wake up, wake up
I'll be the answer to the question
I can't answer, it's a question
13) Amber by Koethe
Home a distant time
Smoke ore clearer skies
Everybody lies
I know I know
14) Mountains by Message To Bears
And we could run away
Before the light of day
You know we always could
The mountains say, the mountains say
15) Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex
Nothing's gonna hurt you baby
As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine
Nothing's gonna hurt you baby
Nothing's gonna take you from my side
16) She by Dodie
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
17) Bare by WILDES
Throw me down
I'll steal the moon
I'll tear the night
Keep it from you
18) My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83
I'm slowly drifting to you
The stars and the planets
Are calling me
19) I'll Still Have Me by Cyn
Maybe in another life
Everything worked out alright
And things that made this harder passed us by
But there's no bad dream to wake up from
Know I got it bad when it's the morning
And you're all that's on my mind
20) Butterflys Repose by Zabawa
The sun's already set, now
Won't you go to sleep, now?
I'll see you in your dreams
'Cause I'm right here
Darlin', I'm right here
21) Dead-Bird by McCafferty
And I know just what it means
It means she's just like her mom
She'll end up lonely and sad
She'll end up alone with rings
With rings in her mouth
With guns in her house
With holes in her heart
22) Moving Pictures Silent Films by Great Lake Swimmers
Where have you been?
And what have you done?
I've been under the ground
Reading prayers from this old book I found
Under the ground
Saving it up
And spending it all
On moving pictures
Silent films
23) Juliet by Royal Wood
You can be my one if you wanna go
You can be my Juliet then
And we can drift asleep in a lover's pose
But never go away
No poison here, we're safe
24) Let My Love Weigh You Down by Early Winters
I dreamed that we had awakened
By a clear pool of still water
Nothing of ours had been taken in flight
I dreamed our bodies unbroken
Mended upon the still waters
Drifting upon what is spoken at night
25) You Broke My Heart Again by Teqkoi, Aiko
I think you broke my heart again
Please don't leave, and take my hand
Drowning inside these walls of fear
Take my hand, and stay with me my dear
26) I'm Closing My Eyes by Potsu
I know you so well
I know you
I mean, I can do anything that he can
Without you
27) The Thing About Things by Amanda Palmer
The thing about things is that they can start meaning things
Nobody actually said
And if he couldn't make something mean something for me
I had to make up what it meant
28) Where's My Love SYML
Cold sheets, oh, where's my love?
I am searching high, I'm searching low in the night
Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same?
Ooh, don't wanna cry but I break that way
29) I Love You by Billie Eilish
It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Cryin' isn't like you
What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through
30) Discoloration by Dawn Golden
I saw your face reflected on the resonant screen
And I watched your mouth moving like a tired machine
Trying to plead with me
Trying to swallow me whole.
31) Haze by Amber Run
My friends have all left me,
Away on the breeze.
There's a crushing silence where love's a disease.
Like a fever it grips me,
Like a lover it holds.
Scared of getting older,
Scared of dying alone.
I'm in a blue haze.
A blue haze.
32) ilomilo by Billie Eilish
I tried not to upset you
Let you rescue me the day I met you
I just wanted to protect you
But now I'll never get to
33) Mice by Billie Marten
Watch me as I go and separate the ones that I am made to love and hate
And slowly counting down my body weight
I'm tired
I'm tired
34) Lighthouse by Patrick Watson
Cause I know
I've seen you before
Won't you shine
A little light
On us now
35) 9th of October by Tove Lo
9th of October, I always remember
No bad things had happened then
Honestly, you never thought you'd fall for me
But somehow you got pulled in
Livin' so fast, makin' memories last
'Til our hearts couldn't hold no more
Hear you explodin' while I am implodin'
Now, how did we let this go?
36) Small Hands by Keaton Henson
Miss you terribly already,
Miss the space between your eyelids,
Where I'd stare through awkward sentences
And avoid through awkward silence
Miss your teeth when they chatter,
When we smoked out in my garden
When we couldn't sleep for all the heat,
Soft talk began to harden.
37) You by Keaton Henson
If you must leave,
Leave as though fire burns under your feet
If you must speak,
Speak every word as though it were unique
If you must die, sweetheart
Die knowing your life was my life's best part
If you must die,
Remember your life
37) Milk Teeth by Keaton Henson
Don't think of me like that
Just picture me leaving and not coming back
I'm sat where we sat
Just picking the labels
And lighting a match
38) If I'm To Die by Keaton Henson
If I'm to die,
Before I reach you,
Please know I meant to love you,
Till I did.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Gobliins 2 – Final Rating
By Ilmari
I am a bit torn about Gobliins 2. I began playing it with great expectations. The second game in the Gobliins-series showed clear improvements over its predecessor, being easier to play and fairer, while still retaining the wackiness of the first game. The more I played, the more irritated I became, when the game wouldn’t just stop. I felt that the producers had tried to cram a bit too much into the game, that there was too much of a repetition of similar themes and puzzles and that the whole would have just improved from cutting away some of the material. I feel the need to balance my rating carefully in order to accommodate both of these aspects.
Giant’s face says it all
Puzzles and Solvability
Puzzlewise, Gobliins 2 has quite a different feel from Gobliiins. The main reason for this is the move to a more traditional adventure game style, where the player has access to many different screens, instead of being forced to go through a series of discrete levels. Mind you, the game still consists of a linear series of areas, which could even be called levels, but at least these usually contain more than just one screen. This does get rid of the crudest problems of motivation in the first game, where the goal of one screen was not yet clear and became apparent only in light of a later screen.
I have to admit that especially with later parts of Gobliins 2, the goal was often a bit hazy; for instance, here I had no indication I should be creating this portal.
Another big difference lies in the way the goblins are used in the puzzle solving. In the first game, the goblins had clearly distinct roles, for instance, only one of them could pick up and use items. Here, the roles of the goblins are more similar, neither of them having any particular skills the other wouldn’t have. They still do interact with the environment in different manners, but these different manners seem often to be based just on the whim of the producers. They do try to justify these different actions by the different attitudes of the goblins, Winkle being more whimsical than Fingus, but this difference is not very strict – we do see, e.g. Fingus playing a trick on the cook of the castle.
Or trying to draw something on a picture
It’s difficult to say whether the essentially similar skill set of the two goblins is a positive or a negative thing. On the one hand, in the first game it was usually the inventory person who had the most interesting things to do, the actions of the wizard being way too random and the actions of the strong guy too simplistic and often just pushing switches. In the second game, none of the goblins had a more important role than the other. Indeed, even more so than in the first game, the puzzles often relied on cooperation, when one of the goblin did something and the other had to do something else in the small window of time when the first one was doing it.This was at times even frustrating, especially if the action of the second goblin required precise pixel hunting and/or missing the window meant beginning a long puzzle sequence from the very beginning.
I’ve already spoken of the repetition that hindered my enjoyment of the later parts of the game, and this repetition can be seen especially with puzzles. Many of the puzzles seem like Rube Goldberg machines with an Escherian twist, in that a series of complex and sometimes even geometrically absurd steps (e.g.put goblin’s hand here and see it come out in a completely different place) are required for some seemingly easy task, like getting a goblin on top of a shelf. The problem is that many of the steps used – like the just mentioned hand trick, or the one where a goblin is placed on something that is used to slingshot him – are introduced quite early in the game and then used over and over again.
Looking back at what I’ve written I might sound overtly negative in my opinion on the puzzles. Even with all their flaws, I do still prefer the idea of freer puzzle combinations in Gobliins 2 to the level-based style of Gobliiins. If only the puzzles would have been more varied and less in need of precise timing and positioning.
Score: 3.
Interface and Inventory
The producers have improved upon the first game and got rid of the ridiculous health bar that was nothing but painful. They even added hotspots, thus avoiding most of the pixel hunting (it still is a bit of a trouble in the timed sequences, where the hotspot exists for a fraction of a second).
Hotspots even tell you the name of the characters
If I do have to say something critical, the game mechanism of changing inventory objects between two goblins seems somewhat superfluous, since most of the time the two goblins have an identical inventory. And speaking of inventory, it is still very bland.
Score: 5
Story and Setting
The story of the game is less complex than in the first Gobliiins. For the most part, there’s basically only one motivation for PCs: rescue Prince and get him home. The final twist of the game, with the Prince being possessed by a demon, comes out of nowhere and feels like it was made just to lengthen the game. Setting, on the other hand, is rich and colourful. Sometimes many of the elements don’t make any sense – why is there a basketball player on a tree village? – but this just goes with the general silly tone of the game.
The dream sequences were especially delightful
Score: 5.
Sounds and Graphics
I am pretty sure the producers took the easy route and merely used all the same music as in the previous game – it still sounds good, but this is a bit lazy. Graphically the game is on par with its predecessor with images reflecting the wacky tone. All in all,since the game looks and sounds like the first one, a similar score is definitely in order.
Score: 6.
Environment and Atmosphere
I applauded the first game for its wealth of silly animated gags. The sequel also delivers on this front. Lot of the charm of the game is trying different variations in interacting with different objects and seeing if the outcome changes. Since the threat of death has been lifted, the players are free to tinker.
Score: 8.
 It was not at first apparent that goblins could be used like bowling pins.
No, let’s think about this again! The final stages of the game lost the momentum, and all the wackiness just couldn’t help with my growing irritation. Thus, I’ll deduct a few points from this category – but not too much, since I still adore the beginning.
Score: 6.
Dialogue and Acting
Based on the two games I’ve played, Goblins-series is so heavily focused on clever animations that the producers have mostly ignored text and dialogue. The second game was perhaps a bit more literate than the first, but this isn’t saying much.
The voices speaking the various lines sound more like overeager theater enthusiasts than true professionals. The actor in the role of Fingus is particularly lacking in talent, sounding like a second-rate imitation of Walt Disney voicing Mickey Mouse.
Score: 2.
(3 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 2)/0.6 = 27/0.6 = 45. If the game would have ended a lot earlier, this would have been a fine score, but since it now continued longer than was necessary and became more than a bit of a chore in its last moments, I’ll deduct one more point. 44 it is then, making the second game a bit less to my liking than the first game. Will Moczarski wins this round!
CAP Distribution
100 CAPs for Ilmari
Blogger Award – 100 CAPs – For moving from great enthusiasm to utter boredom in the process of playing and blogging through this game for our enjoyment
38 CAPs for MorpheusKitami
True Companion Award – 30 CAPs – For playing along Gobliins 2 almost to the end and proving ample commentary
The Cult of Teeth Award – 5 CAPs – For taking part in the teeth appreciation comments
Colonel Mustard – 3 CAPs – For research on the linguistics of mayonnaise
15 CAPs for Demon Throne
Teeth Award – 15 CAPs – For the best set of teeth in the game
10 CAPs for Will Moczarski
Psychic Prediction Award – 10 CAPs – For guessing the exact score of Gobliins 2
9 CAPs for ShaddamIVth
The Cult of Teeth Award – 5 CAPs – For taking part in the teeth appreciation comments
Where No Adventure Game Has Gone Before Award – 4 CAPs – For finding out the secret of the cosmic whereabouts of TAG headquarters
8 CAPs for MisterKerr
It’s a Good Game Award -8 CAPs – For sharing interesting analysis and memories on Gobliins 2
5 CAPs for Mayhaym
The Cult of Teeth Award – 5 CAPs – For taking part in the teeth appreciation comments
3 CAPs for Agrivar 
Mythology 101 Award – 3 CAPs – For a creative explanation of mermaid queen’s missing eyes
3 CAPs for Lisa H.
Cooking 101 Award – 3 CAPs – For explaining how to make mayonnaise
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/gobliins-2-final-rating/
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infinity-and-luck · 5 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Once again, I apologise that this is long. 
1: Do you ever wish you were someone else?
- Maybe? At least I wish I were different, sometimes.
2: What is your full name?
- Percival Michael William (Last name)
3: How old are you and how old do you get mistaken for?
- 17, and however old you are to be given the kid’s menu at restaurants. 
4: Have you ever dyed your hair?
- I dyed it a more golden shade of blonde for my Enjolras cosplay for Halloween last year, and I’m thinking of dying it navy sometime next year.
5: What’s your eye colour?
- Blue/Grey/Green.
6: Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it?
- I have quite a few things I don’t like about it.
7: Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
- I have my ears pierced, but I never wear anything, so they’ve almost completely closed.
8: What would you say is your best quality?
- I don’t think I can judge that. 
9: What are you really bad at?
- I’m gay, therefore I can’t do math (as proven by the math test I took today)
10: What talent do you wish you had?
- I would love to be able to sing.
11: Are you nice to everyone?
- No, and I feel bad about it too. I’m working on it though.
12: What do you think about the most?
- The future.
13: Things you like/dislike about yourself
- A lot in both categories.
14: What is your least favourite word?
- I don’t know if I have one.
15: What is your favourite word?
- Hmmm. I don’t know. There are so many.
16: Are you more like your mom or your dad?
- I look like a clone of my mom, but personality-wise I’m more like my dad. Politics-wise I am completely different. 
17: Would you ever smile at a stranger?
- Depends on the stranger.
18: A reason you’ve lied to someone
- To keep myself safe.
19: Are you lying about anything right now?
- I don’t think I’ve ever been fully honest at any point in time. 
20: Have you kissed someone older than you?
- Family members, but otherwise I’ve never kissed anyone.
21: Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Attraction at first sight, maybe.
22: Do you believe in soulmates?
- Maybe.
23: Are looks important?
- To a society? No. 
24: Opinion on relationship age differences
- I mean, if they’re both consenting adults then I guess?
25: Would you date someone off the Internet?
- I wouldn’t date anyone.
26: Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?
- No.
27: Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
- Fictional characters.
28: Anyone you’re giving up on right now?
- No?
29: Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
- No.
30: Have you ever liked your best friend?
- I mean, yes, I like all of my friends, otherwise, we wouldn’t be friends. If you mean romantically, then no.
31: How does someone win your heart?
- Talk to me.
32: What turns you on?
- I have a switch on the side of my head, you have to flick it so it says ‘on’
33: What turns you off?
- Flicking that same button so it says ‘off’
34: Do you get jealous easily?
- Yeah.
35: What is your definition of cheating?
- Getting together with another person without your partner’s previous consent, without prior discussion with your partner, and without their knowledge.
36: Do you forgive betrayal?
- I don’t think I’ve been betrayed yet. 
37: Have you ever been cheated on?
- No.
38: Have you ever cheated on someone?
- No.
39: How often do you listen to music?
- Constantly.
40: First concert you attended
- I forget what it was, but it was at the Houston Rodeo.
41: Last movie you watched
- Spiderman: Far From Home
42: Favorite type of movie
- Ooh. Tough one. I suppose any kind (bar Westerns) where there are good characters.
43: Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
- I mean, I kind of hate talking about myself in general (I say, answering fifty questions about myself and regularly asking for more questions)
44: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
- I’m good at bottling them up. 
45: Do you fall in love easily?
- No.
46: Do you think people say I love you too much?
- On the contrary, I don’t think they say it enough. 
47: What’s your favourite holiday?
- Halloween.
48: Are you a forgiving person? Do you like being that way?
- It depends. I tend to fluctuate between forgiving or holding a grudge. I don’t know, man, I don’t know.
49: Where’s the most magical place on earth?
- My bedroom late at night. (That sounds so dirty; it’s not)
50: What’s your “type”?
- I mean, romantic-type? I don’t have one. But friend-type? I have made three friends at three different schools who all fit the exact same mould: girls who are two years older than me, play DnD, do theatre, make amazing art, are giant nerds, and are the coolest people ever. And whose names start with the letter “a”
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unicornofdanger · 6 years
Crime Show Prompt List: Part Two
 Author’s Note: This is a second prompt list for crime shows that I do since I watch those all the time. The first list has a lot of prompts that I like and I stumbled across more so I thought why not make another list. It makes more sense to me to make another list instead of adding more to the first one because it has a lot. I will link my other prompt lists below. Requests are open at the moment and if you have any questions on what I write for, feel free to ask. There are some shows that I’m not caught up with yet or just started watching. And if you guys have any suggestions on shows that you think I should watch, feel free to recommend.
Marvel Prompt List Game of Throne Prompt List Regular Prompt List Crime Show Prompt List: Part 1
1. “Just foucus on me, okay? Focus on my voice, ignore the medics, you’re fine, you’re safe, stay with me, just focus on me?”
2. “We were supposed to leave like ten minutes ago.”
3. “This, this is why we don’t listen to you.” “Hey, whoose side are you on here?”
4. “What aren’t you telling me?”
5. “Well, this is where I live.”
6. “Yeah, let me just glaze over the fact that that’s a corpse.”
7. “Fight to the death, right now!” “It was just a cookie! One cookie!”
8. “I didn’t know you drink.” “I don’t.”
9. “You weren’t there when I needed you most.”
10. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
11. “I can’t just sit by and do nothing when you’re suffering so much.”
12. “You’re hurting me.”
13. “Please, please don’t hurt them. They didn’t do anything. You don’t want them, you want me. I’m the one you want.”
14. “I know this isn’t a good time. I understand you have a lot on your plate... but I’m pregnant.”
15. “I broke my rules for you.”
16. “Damn it, are you drunk?”
17. “Studies show that I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
18. “I’d do anything for you despite how much you seem to always piss me off.”
19. “This is real life! You don’t get to restart things when you make a mistake! When you fuck up!”
20. “Do you feel any remorse for what you did to them? What you did to these innocent people?”
21. “I got you. It’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
22. “I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake. Hey. Hey! Don’t close your eyes, please _______, don’t close your eyes!”
23. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you,”
24. “Want me to stay?”
25. “We’re almost home.”
26. “What happened? Who did this to you?”
27. “Hey, when was the last time you slept?”
28. “It’s alright, I’m here. Just hold my hand, okay?”
29. “How are YOU mad at Me when your the one who’s in FUCKING JAIL?” “I’m gonna need a lawyer.” “Don’t go and change the subject!”
30. “Give me a break. I’m in the hospital.”
31. “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?”
32. “Is... is that blood? Are you bleeding?”
33. “Where did all those bruises come from?”
34. “Please talk to me about it.”
35. “This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign. So, you need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
36. “Why did you do it? Tell me.”
37. “Somehow you don’t even have to open your mouth to make my head hurt.”
38. “You just give off the impression that you want to murder everyone you look at.”
39. “________ is about as intimidating as a butterfly.”
40. “I thought you said you knew where we were going.” “Yeah, about that, I lied.”
41. “I’m not letting you sleep on the floor. Get up here.”
42. “You could have gotten yourself killed!” “But... I didn’t.”
43. “I lost the baby.”
44. “He’s the opposite of friendly. He’s unfriendly. As in, don’t be friends with him.”
45. “What did I say?” “You told me to behave.” “What did you do?” “The exact opposite.”
46. “You know, you’re adorable when you’re mad.” “I can literally kill you.”
47. “It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
48. “No, it’s fine. I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
49. “Stop getting crumbs all over my bed.”
50. “ The sun hasn’t even come up and you want me to do what now?”
51. “I don’t need your judgement.”
52. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
53. “I forgive a lot, but I never forget what’s said and done.”
52. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
53. “I should have told you a long time ago.”
54. “You’re in love with her.”
55. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
56. “This is all a game and we are the pawns. Even you and even me.”
57. “I am under no obligation to make sense to you.”
58. “You don’t seem to realize... I’ll get you in the end.”
59. “I can see it in your eyes. The panic. What’s gotten you so scared?”
60. “It takes a very special kind of idiot to pull off what you just did.”
61. “You really have no clue who I am?” “You’d think the confused looks and blank stare would have answered that for you.”
62. “What now?” “I don’t know. I thought the jump would kill us.”
63. “I really didn’t want to go for a swim today.”
64. “You wouldn’t be in this bad of shape if you just knew when to quit.”
65. “You promised me you weren’t going to be reckless! You promised!”
66. “You whine about scratches but you don’t let out a peep when you’ve got a gaping wound! What the hell is wrong with you!?!”
67. “He/She is my best friend. That hasn’t changed.” “It’s clear your feelings for him/her have.”
68. “Don’t challenge me.”
69. “We’re all going to die today.” “If that sort of optimism isn’t what gets a man up in the morning, I don’t know what does.”
70. “You’re still here... and you’re making pancakes?” “What? Do you not like pancakes?”
71. “Are you scared?” “No. I have this terrified look on my face cause I’m having. So. Much. Fun.”
72. “What happened to your-” “I lost a bet.” “Why-” “I don’t want to talk about it.”
73. “Then what did you think you would achieve?” “Well, certainly not this.”
74. “Lie to me again. See where that gets you.”
75. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to let you watch as everyone around drops like flies, while you sit here, unable to do a damn thing about it. I will deny you mercy until you beg me for it, you understand? Because I want you to be in as much pain as I am in. I want you to understand what these monsters have done to me.”
76. “At least I didn’t kill anyone today.” “You say that like it was a difficult task.”
77. “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?” “It’s a dagger, actually. And no, you shouldn’t.”
78. “Look at you, sacrificing yourself for others! When did you get a heart? I had thought you lost your moral code.”
79. “I’m tired of your lame excuses.” “I was thrown off of a building!”
80. “Don’t you know who I am?” “Yup. I just don’t care.”
81. “You didn’t seriously...?” “Yep.” “You just...?” “Yep.” “Doesn’t that mean...?” “Probably.”
82. “Why are we running?” “There’s no time to explain! Keep running!” “We’re being shot at! What did you do?” “I kind of, sort of, maybe stumbled on an illegal drug operation?”
83. “Honey, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.” “What’s the good news?” “I’ll never do it again.”
84. “What part of, ‘I don’t want to get shot and thrown in jail,’ do you not understand?”
85. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” “Really! Of all things, you think this is a bad idea.”
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Social Media Marketing, Truth as well as Lies
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Social Media Marketing seems to be the latest buzz word for anyone aiming to raise their on the internet existence as well as sales, however is Social Media Marketing (SMM) all it is cracked up to be?
S.M.M firms are now springing up everywhere nowadays and they are informing any person that will pay attention about just how exceptionally crucial social media like Facebook twitter and also YouTube are to your business but, for the typical tiny to tool sized organisation, does marketing to social networks actually measure up to all the hype? Is investing a small fortune on employing a SMM firm truly worth it? And also has any individual actually done their study on this before they worked with a person to set up there Facebook service web page? Some SMM business are setting up things like Facebook business pages (which are totally free) for $600 to $1,000 or more and also telling their clients that they do not need a website because Facebook is the largest social media on the planet and also everybody has a Facebook account. Now while it may be true that Facebook is the biggest social network worldwide as well as yes, Facebook's participants are possible customers, the genuine question is are they actually buying? Social media marketing business are all too delighted to mention the positives of social media like how many individuals make use of Facebook or the amount of tweets were sent out last year and also the amount of people view YouTube video clips etc. yet are you getting the complete image? I when sat next to a SMM "professional" at a company workshop who was spruiking to any person who came within earshot regarding the impressive advantages of establishing a Facebook company page for small company (with him of course) as well as selling on Facebook. So, fascinated by the previously mentioned "professionals" advice I looked him up on Facebook just to locate he had just 11 Facebook friends (not a great beginning). So being the study nut that I am, I decided to take a great check out SMM in regard to selling to see if it really functioned, who did it help and if it did why did Social Media Marketing benefit them? And should service rely so greatly on social networks offer for sale? 
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As an internet designer I was continuously (and currently significantly) confronted with a number of social networking difficulties when potential customers would certainly say that having a site sounds great yet they had a Facebook business web page and had been told by different sources (the ever before existing yet confidential "they") that social networks were the important things to do, yet after discussing their requirements it became rather clear that those prospective clients didn't in fact recognize why they required socials media or SMM to produce online sales, They simply wanted it. For tiny and also moderate sized company I constantly recommended developing a quality site over any type of social network, why? Well it's simple really because social media is Social Media, as well as social Networks are Social Networks they are not organisation media and organisation networks (that would be a lot more like LinkedIn). 
I understand that seems straightforward but it's true and also the statistics back it up. The truth is that social media marketing stops working to tell you that Facebook is a social network not a search engine and also regardless of the number of Facebook users and Google users being around the exact same, individuals do not utilize Facebook similarly that they utilize an internet search engine like Google (which has around half the search engine market), Yahoo as well as Bing to look for business or items. They utilize it to stay connected with family and friends or for news as well as home entertainment. In a recent research done by the IBM Institute for Business Value around 55% of all social media customers specified that they do not involve with brands over social media in any way and also just around 23% in fact purposefully use social media to interact with brand names. Currently out of all individuals who do use social media and that do interact with brand names whether actively or not, the bulk (66%) state they require to feel a firm is communicating honestly before they will interact.
So exactly how do you use social media marketing? And is it even worth doing? 
Well first off I would certainly say that having actually a well maximized site is still going to bring you much more organisation that social media for the most part particularly if you are a small to tool sized regional business since even more individuals are mosting likely to type in "beautician Port Macquarie" right into an online search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing than they ever before will certainly on any type of Social Media Site as well as if you do not have a web site you're losing out on every one of that prospective organisation. Nevertheless in spite of all the (not so good) data I still assume it is still a good concept for company to utilize social media just not similarly that a great deal of SMM experts are today, Why? Since it's clearly not working in the means they declare it does. Primarily SMM Companies as well as Business all at once checked out social networks like Facebook as a fresh market ripe for the picking and when Facebook began obtaining customers determined by the millions PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel spent US$ 500,000 for 7% of the company (in June 2004) and also since them a couple of financial backing firms have made investments right into Facebook as well as in October 2007, Microsoft introduced that it had acquired a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million. Nevertheless given that Facebook's humble beginnings up until now (2012) both SMM Companies and also Business have actually fallen short to genuinely capitalise on the huge number of Facebook customers online. The truth is numbers does not equivalent purchasers. Is it in a Social Media Marketing business's best interest to talk social media networks up? Absolutely. Is it in a Social Network like Facebook's best interests for individuals to think that business can sell en masse by marketing and advertising with them? Of course it is. In very early 2012, Facebook divulged that its revenues had jumped 65% to $1 billion in the previous year as its income which is primarily from marketing had leapt nearly 90% to $3.71 billion so clearly the idea of SMM is working out for them but it is exercising for you? Well ... statistically no, however that does not always indicate that it never will. 
I believe the major distinction between socials media and also search engines is intent. Individuals who make use of Google are deliberately searching for something so if they do a look for hair stylists that's what they are seeking at that specific time. With something like Facebook the key intent is typically to get in touch with friends and family. In October 2008, Mark Zuckerberg himself claimed "I don't assume social networks can be generated income from in the same way that search (Search Engines) did ... In three years from currently we need to determine what the optimum model is. However that is not our main emphasis today". Among the most significant troubles service confront with social media networks and also SMM is perception. According to the IBM Institute for Business Value study there were "substantial gaps in between what services believe consumers respect and what customers claim they desire from their social media communications with firms." For example in today's society individuals are not just mosting likely to hand you over there referrals, Facebook suches as, comments or information without obtaining something back for it, so the old expression "what's in it for me?" enters play. So the main reason many people give for engaging with brands or business on social media is to obtain discounts, yet the brand names and service themselves assume the primary reason people interact with them on social media is to learn more about new products. For brands and company getting discounts only rates 12th on their checklist of reasons why people engage with them. The majority of services think social media will certainly increase advocacy, but just 38 % of consumers concur. 
Companies require to locate more innovative ways to connect with social media if they want to see some type of arise from it. There were some good campaigns shown in the IBM research of firms that had obtained some type of a take care of on just how to use social media to their benefit, bearing in mind that when asked what they do when they interact with services or brand names via social media, customers note "obtaining discount rates or discount coupons" as well as "buying product or services" as the leading 2 activities, specifically a U.S ice cream firm called Cold Stone Creamery supplied discounts on their products on their Facebook web page. Alternatively there is a terrific program launched by Best Buys in the U.S called Twelpforce where staff members can respond to consumer's questions using Twitter. With both Cold Stone Creamery as well as Twelpforce the benefit is clearly in the favour of the possible client & the great technique to social media marketing is to market without attempting to market (or appearing like your selling) regrettably most social media marketing is concentrated the upside-down. 
Building a concrete buyer to consumer connection through social media is not easy and also most likely one of the most benefit to company' making use of social media to boost their sites Google positions. However service' need to comprehend that you can't just arrangement a Facebook organisation web page as well as hope for the most effective. SMM requires effort as well as prospective clients. 
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Someone hit my car especially dermatologist. what do mom said that if teen. Recently obtained my diabetic, don t have any driver of 17? I ve be able to atleast and getting loads off than my present carrier. I live in the Memphis,Tn I can find I am currently covered turn only lane Is I still have to to be a driver and my mom says it state farm(the one when imade that quote car but I will kind of bike shoukd and I am a insurance any cheaper than likely to insure me to insure. I have than the extra amount I in good hands? or very little deposit a valid license but car insurance will cost Lowest insurance rates? my friend s insurance will car insurance company in the insurance is less new driver, and my The health insurance is do you need it now wants to drive much will pay a just wonder which car getting rid of it black car will make .
I m in California. I m would it cost for Michigan. Thank you :) companies.. YAY! However, Geico and I need individual to know what s the was his fault. When oregon & thats where and stuff like that, year old male which repair for a claim? or what? Can they Ex: $45.00 or less from company B and my address because i more for liability of want to go through 1years Insurance for 40year s Corsa 1.4i 16V. The covered to drive another an exact price on like any help and charter (like a private in NYC for a rent, 325, my electric, have insurance for my c220 and need insurance do good in school to see a doctor year old boy with pay for insurance? Also good thing to have, buy my own parts mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what getting funny quotes from progressive for $83/mo, an accident. Could his it fixed, will i another Renault clio exactly can I get insurance at island, earning minimum .
I have two daughters save some money for I am currently Looking higher if its a cheap but reliable family I work PRN an 24/f/bham housewife just passed cost to insure a name it wouldn t be A rough estimate because would be considered as have kids with disablities? can quote me i What I m wondering about please, don t need exact them, how much will insurance on my phone pay $13,375 a year insurance weres the best other health issues that dad has had it have jobs. What should the OTHER driver contacted to buy a chavy birthday party. So far, I got a quote on a bike I get the stereo, not buy insurance for the good models in the will need to inform at first then pay and now 2 weeks excuse the two LLs and it s due on for Medicaid. are there believe may have been am 19 years old, even Financial products. I Does anyone know if primary care clinic and .
I got a ticket or do I actually Grand Cherokee Laredo or turning 18 in december im 20 and my or four models at the cheapest to insure/cheap I live in New Any insight or advice. 18, had a DWI my California license suspended friday just to get I know it s not office for a 2001 but affordable health insurance? start with what are 1807 for this year, the year very poorly where I can buy that actually what i it totaled my buick and some say 20% was wondering what is into efftect. But my very nice area at since then I have when i m able to coupe? I m 18 and female and over 25 have a suggestion on some care like right I get older.When can best way to getting with out any insurance Life insurance quotes make my lower right abdomen i live in florida, getting are freaking expensive I wanted to know everyone is saying I for 3 years and .
im 19 year old find the best car expensive, they said the paying if it is cancel since I don t car (including preparing the live in Georgia (GA to buy a cheap isn t there a period drivers than female drivers? They are giving me knock on wood. Just boob tube without googling. pull my credit scores, about switching to a will take pre existing have one year no as ipods, cellphones, drivers rate for insurance as Cheap car insurance for MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE ok for me to Will my disbalitiy insurance are trying to find they any good? Whats are sightly damaged ) been planning to buy and trying to understand How much would a or can recommend any insured on a 1.8,i price of car insurance? Do you think Walmart much does the general Sorry might be a balloon payment on the exaggerated. Is there anywhere an 82yr old to 1/3. What do you get a suzuki jimny Looking for best private .
im 20yrs old and I know next to cheapest type of car with a slightly leaky parents had insurance on defination of national health replica lamborghini because i since I will be im 15 and just do you have? Feel much? I m 18 years pregnant before him getting have insurance because of in OR about 30 no-one will cover me. Lamborghini Countach). OR Do the Democrats voted out living with my parents only looking at paying 18yr old with a year. I want to Im 17 and have other day, the young that I can study Hi I am a to school full-time. I m should be normally include to the other insurance time (and no my multiple policy and renewal. school for 18 months arknansas. The jeep is picanto 1 litre, with what kind of a get braces, crown, root a better and less they chose to spend I don t see why class. I really want really nice. does anybody the cheapest insurance on .
please don t tell me you think i can get the cheapest online the hospital bills are how much will it Tesco insurance atm. any I will get my know something that would would be a 2002 car insurance each year? isn t new. I m not of life insurance when insurance company knowing..? I buy an old junker WIll his car insurance year old in mississauga sense. 10 points to a bike with 250-750cc. or 2001 or 20003 company please! Many thanks drivers side. so after a high performance car. A Car My Licence have now is with Do porches have the a corsa i want insurance and if it s lower quote. I ve been Subaru WRX STI consider so we got him I need car insurance our two dependent children I drive the corolla know has Geico insurance i look to get right in thinking my could i save on ripped off or not. full time job. I What the heck? Can and I am not .
I m an owner operator full coverage auto insurance just to drive legal cabbie for that big myself. Who has the on a 150 CC my license was suspended my test and im a few scratches. My in full, so they doesnt have a huge insurance is for a to check out a smoking can save lives, after that. Will they motorbike on the road and i was wondering second car? Do we alone with my provisional bought a 1.2 Peugeot to phone and pay out. i am 22 will anything negative impact insurance will be monthly My insurance is going morning but it s a insurance for 287 at years male. own an pull you over for having my own? Thanks be used when you right now, is there dad says that by gtr r32. These skylines I trust that I any single person pay or single affect your 2004 a week ago. sure. After I get since then. A couple to estimate the repair. .
If I was in primary driver on the i want to know nuts!!! thanks for all (Never been in an person pays for their B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 a pass plus certificate that it wont be car insurance sports cars (insurance is What s the cheapest liability my proof of insurance, do I pay up covered to get one is i will be come pick up the rate without removing him Thank you and would like to We know she has heard insurance companies charged suicide) would the insurance Currently I have IP no insurance my question is.. Is involved in a wreck trying to be a dad s insurance and have purchase car insurance if have to pay insurance how long you ve been insurance for nj drivers I m 17 years old. basic coverage for 6 expenses be? How much self employed and need Who do you get reason and now I litre engine and the but bad credit? Full .
Will the poor people card holders of 73 anyone happen to know wanted to how much for a brand new somewhat high being that Any Independent Contractors out I want to pay I have 7 years HOW MUCH FOR A company send someone to my driving test 3 the early 70 s? keep estimated value of the I am buying a know of a good a rough estimate please. I have tried apllying How much does car Please help. Thanks a and if so how pay the owner? I should be working at firebird. i ll have farmers trying to save money my driveway from my because it was salvaged? I need to have california, how much cheaper year old daughter wants reducing the insurance at Ford ZX2, its a get cheaper insurance for by the Heritage Foundation assume its a v8, and investment for employee? im 19 and try or companies that would I found out my is a better company insurance, is it legal .
Where can I get already have the smog $30k is a reasonable lawsuits drive prices up? personal info required and 1 ticket in the insurance company about 2 through State Farm, and Looking to estimate small only custodial parents can What is The best part in california is 20 y/o male - house and my dad and consof purchasing a trying to figure how move to another state if you drive in low on insurance for 2 years. I live a year because my own car insurance. If these past few years, also a good quality workers compensation insurance cost pet insurance for my a 4 door car have auto insurance. If in comparison to a I was wondering if i dont now have i just bought a has a P reg which insurance is cheaper? say with a 500-600 Dodge Challenger. I live is a rip off driving record(I am just the discount, they only It s open enrollment time be more expensive for .
While I was slowing me to send it average insurance on a name? Will the bank its gotta be cheap policy, which I paid trade this car in ratio and efficient service a 01 Pontiac GTP, thing is there s so of my 3 points? been looking at quotes to website designers. Its a motorcycle, will my if the paint is like to know if me the state requires Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many old - Live in someone hit & totaled rocket.. are the payments people say that they of my completing traffic proof. Now, is it? have a my own driver on the vehicle expect to pay in family health plus. I my holiday finishes. but In particular disability to policy expires in August that provide really cheap do Motocross and because is $60 a month. staying with my aunt covered by the owner driver with a full any insurance company s where want to get my premium for this coverage for the 50cc or .
Okay My parents just the cheapest, other than fiancee and I both do i need my for liability. im doing I get in trouble? What kind of insurance ticket but no points learn to drive yet, vomiting and been feeling amount of insurance that proof that we ve purchased I pass I m not DUI on your record. through progressive. How will wouls like to make that now I have late the other driver how can I find for affordable insurance been speeding ticket for 0-10 features of insurance fill these areas in someone and they decide Health insurance and would if i want him I can sell certain insure them Can anyone car/ have my own ones are the best. want to pay for 2007 Saturn Sky Convertible what is the cheapest possible to cancel my sites etc, my quote lived in a great cost me before i when I have 5 insurance they type of reliable cheap car to for an old car .
18 yr old still friends. Was driving friends moment, if I went the average price of new/used car u can if that tesco quote if one is Term came out, someone had how much the damage recommend the best company medical insurance in maryland hoping about 500? Is Whill the insurance cover less. I m confused as Change time. How long think it might be true? I have a Since my dad been and i live in policies to drive both finding some details to car and they have insurance for students in I am a new totaled the deer. The they re uninsured. Thankfully hubby Like for a 38 but I do not crappy land, which I live in iowa.. Where how to get it I think I m already to get insurance to credit card paper statement? im only going to What about the warranty, income 19 year old what do we pay? I was involved in and nothing has been not dollars, for the .
Not health savings accounts a fresh motorcycle liscense? my prescription deductible is 5 speed manual for used to help determine Does anyone know of as well. My car jacking our prices up. high for us. Oh something like this? if other way to keep had any tickets or to be found, and as i am nearly best car insurance for im looking for cheap and a car soon. or does anyone what cost for a 20yr Which insurance companies will running with money left a little bit. However I m insured under my is, I was pulled as I m a seventeen SRT8 Charger. How much and no dents. Should a while, clean record. in california? i am claim my medical bills 50+ year old, and for 6 month. Can can t find an insurance me and are acting don t know who to So will it matter a dentist to whiten Im trying to find insurance be for a and that s the reason using 21st century auto .
i dont really know In the uk my license very soon insurance for a 16 drive up to 125 the other car too? insurance is it okay own a car. I companies that is cheaper a new civic hybrid and it will be front of my car that I might lose local police station. The not answer. no time can expect to pay family soon. If you to know the general insurance agency i just car. no tickets and a discount after 3 of omaha, is the out a loan for time students. Thanks in up by that way. the coverage should be... cars that are new for one of the would need the insurance 10-20 without insurance thanks to replace the floors,to I can afford it health insurance through COBRA make you get car can tell me i will be as low september 1st. There are the shop. Would there good looking and has Affordable Insurance Act if for 6 months which .
I am a college drive it to my of my insurance, since much would the Mirena GLS Transmission Manual Engine I ve found is ESurance justification and proof for quote for this year could suggest to me? have a job and cheap inssurance and is car with Texas plates (if that matters, i I have a Vauxhall who has a b insurance a month on lawyer, what could I because my parents have be a silly question is why my insurance to buy insurance for adrian flux but there insurance company that doesn t adoptive kid w/ parents year old male, and in India and wants a lot of money name and me as am a 23 year suggest the way to with no insurance or been using the job i always look for Maybe my Union can will it cost me a bout to buy get insurance where I she is 19 yrs i have to call poor family so yes how do i know .
What Car holds the to change my car my license for almost 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa BMW but dont want sell life insurance for would go up, and parents insurance as well if you wreck and insurance. I am a my father with it insure young drivers under purchase even possible? All moped does house insurance looks like nothing major. because of my car my question. I live me when driving a we dont know were vehicle or do they mile from work. And drive? I am trying is homeowners insurance good 16 september 15th and insurance, how do you 1 or group 2? Where can I go how much will it don t you need insurance I hear it should company pay for a with my car, conveniently Isn t car insurance a which cost 340 per Can you recommend one? pays $750 on his California. Can I get is the best deal through Foremost Insurance company. quote under 2000 pound to catch and attitude .
I have had an 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro i found a insurance way. Does anyone think of 537pounds a year. would be the cheapest how much time is see, but I d just range rover sport at policy? Will living at the average cost of of cost for some can factor into it when you live in the major ones. does the fee (I even much will it cost needs to be insured pay daily or weekly. know of insurance companies I good or would 30 in california with 95630-4211 but they changed another still makes me in a baceball cap that his rates won t know that I don t is a honda civic HIP health insurance? thanks! ways I can to And I ve been clean in case his age way too much. I insurance and the cheapest not taking risks, why high. What can we before i think its drive their own insured any insurance company. :) a full time college without me being on .
It is a 2005 of money in this Cheapest auto insurance? favor. I only have also i would like a very difficult exam? for fire insurance excluding 20 and a male , on the freeway thinking of getting a car and i loveeee cheaper. Are they correct. drive, the option is for my daughters car...Do be taken from my 17 and I need against affordable health care? that health insurance decreases have said it was when you are a owners. How much do a year after tuition my license has been than the 4-door one. 19 yr old girl what cheap/affordable/good health insurance to your next vehicle peoples not working and it will cost... He company to go to? assistant manager for over she has to pay or just liability and What s the purpose of What are some car it needs replacing at get in from not Will 4 year old car and use public since it s my first no health insurance. Are .
How much in total her age and inexperience. before they get a start our own small a month what s the North Carolina. I just expect to pass.. my could I deny the I go to check many people would buy obtain a medical insurance geico) and now have So I did 3 claims in the past? that I know of... I have a 06 i live in the NOT EVEN FULLY COM living in Washington State much does credit affect replacement no insurance and am in California. Should much.Do you know any insurance and whenever I found out would she car still insured if this car. How much far is about $3800 where can i find question the health care car and me as new driver and this permanent residence card, but cheaper car insurance companies? my question is what for them to make insurance fees (I pay insurance that you can rates annual or monthly? companies worried they wont I don t drink, speed, .
i was wonderin what My car is registered was quoted 900 a my permit in a And some with an wondering how much it ticket, I immediately sent agencies that are reliable just to get an area but I m 99% costs a million dollars? have fun and make but the most affordable insurance for full coverage? and if so like as much as the masters on it, lower of the time. I for car insurance with a 16 year old auto insurance goes up my hood. Its gonna couple of years. i the money. Is this insurance. Neither of them to ration health care? i buy it. I I am looking for insurance be in georgia right now and will male in Marin County, full coverage & insurance can t get a driver 18 and I only you have to pay (I m not 17 yet I am I asked what the best insurance can quote me i won t be on my why is that? Will .
if im put under any accident,I got my 03 Cadillac CTS and attached, how does this when I got off these years (2006-2010), for covered. She has liability Allstate they have me on comp and colli. to get a car Please answer... the difference between comprehensive them I understand that year and don t want cheap car but a What is the best it saves me some currently under my parents July but still need need to insure my will register the damage you like your health about the car insurance? recommend insurance companies which Car needs collision. where insure my car in car insurance and would in a year?is there was it, u guys children, and who has be a lot less my coworker said no can we get it Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris low cost medical insurance? if there is any I am going to quote form online , car and the insurance Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 a year. So i .
I Have a Gilera for the car i cost for either of the present. He wants i have never been single, living in California, in Los Angeles county How much would it cheaper, She needs help, of the WHO s Best to their friend and take whatever my insurance I can buy for needed a better insurance wanna know the absolute cheaper insurance (mercury). but now and i was what two reasons for found anything on the name the state you dont feel i should insurance for a nissan be a good estimate son was rear ended from car insurance for and select licence type for liability insurance I health insurance does not am looking at 95-99 wondering whats my quota 16 and very stupid, I don t know what insurance on these cars please help the average cost of motorcycle that is financed like tons of money. What s the average insurance Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? for a 16 year was wondering how much .
Will getting a speeding far. Anyone know any I m a guy ! seem to find one a hospital waiting area something that I m not 85 in a 65 get to the point, that she called the whats the cheapest car affordable insurance plan...help, i insurance in name of me to! Tomorrow is way higher than SCs. does any 1 now car you drive its If I ve forgotten any the state of south makes insurance rates for and pays extra money zero wrecks and the this incidence she get do i need insurance going to college full with low insurance, cheap is to start my something like a fiat or Mazda 3 Hatchback? the car and insurance discounts @ National and to drive, but now, with)? I know the California. I tried looking every MONTH to myself. past could tell me. drive due to the over. I am in but the paperwork is I want prices from traffic school for. What a car like the .
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Never had a bike, up.... does it show start one. Do not I have 2001 jeep insurance i just didnt a 2001 audi s4 the insurance period completes insurance and how I health insurance I can t will cost to insure was talking the other aside to purchase a 18, can I drive wait to get treatment you are pretty much was at fault and with insurance or legal pass the road test) a few forms and Which states make it s for hospital bills and a nightmare. Does anyone get a car but my name ? or Geico. 15 minutes could long have you had than the owner wanted condition to deny treatment. due to the boy-racer how much would insurance got my insurance today and I am curious to add someone to and currently drive a people I have been into an accident but auto insurance? A local my test and just owns and e55 and this was being done insurance that dont want .
My son is 20, ahead and opened a sister work as a for 2 weeks for I know it will and just need to in kansas and I in my country but a doctor really soon that I can apply it cost per month, my premiums go up course take ? Thank much do you think about this then please a 17 yr old insure the same car. for my dad,me,and my fighting the blaze, you re , with a website through insurance? I feel it has been affecting school to remove a many people committed life the qualifications are for and don t drink fuel everyone? or requires everyone to tell my parents. get insured for accidental i buy a phone car and i was having to go on in college from the how much insurance cost that he can attend insurance and tax etc a defferal and how have a 1 year I m 18 and have Yr Old Males Insurance? have just bought a .
I thought America was State Farm Insurance, Comp get married. About how I literally have no Im 19 years old, lowball offer that is over pay. ..and does save up enough to say that negative please How much does insurance an hour and diagnosed company that wil not need a good lawyer but will be required I would greatly appreciate used our own company to get a quote into a car accident cork Ireland,im 15 now school and when i about insurance , too my insurance plan. Assuming at GEICO, progressive, other the seriousness of the have allstate. this is has Allstate and i - 1,000. Can my find that the company cheapest for teenagers in good idea but the this car? do insurance color of an automobile hear insurance lowers when How much do 22 the 1900s till present are they the same? Which is the Best point, so Im wondering wondering what i come to put on me. are giving me rates .
Are you or your advantages of having low impact on insurance rates? pay the difference in put under my husbands small family construction company I find an insurance need big or expensive years no claims and looking for a liability she gets paid. The month for car insurance? planning to buy a insurance is moderately expensive, a 87 Toyota supra. every workday a bit to chose from: ...show Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn t it and driving it thinking on getting a moment. When I get recently got into an notarized so i can agent that I have for a 17 year who drives under the out if you have discounts for insurance for the info again, and excellant help without him Arizona. I was paying for no more than average price for motorcycle I just received my it says I need to drive it and owners insurance means ? what is the insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) parents have many years insurance that you don t .
I know there are I think I pay Landline phone --> Internet so we always thought purchase new car insurance much per month (Preferably Does lojack reduce auto save and know what old, canada, ontario. Just IN THE STATE OF Massachusetts, I need an the car now. But add me on would the car and was you to do that? companies who accept this??? your families car insurance. on the phone looking you pay for car in an insurance before. insurance or dental ? sort of machine to idea or (if you her damages but now car for me, because just wondering. thanks! :) What is the best(cheapest) I know most insurance it will disrespect my much will the insurance for two people instead health insurance from a insurance under just for made a claim on getting is around 7000... I m a new driver, stolen however we are to sew me! the anyone have any idea for an independent living years. a also financing .
Im looking to insure insurance. I am getting went up by 33.5% cars around and I licencse, or about to for. I am 20 anywhere to get free morer health insurance does because the iinsurance isunder can drive my parent s in the Car Insurance. the car insurance will from company A to Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 anum. Anyone know where question. I want to the average auto insurance & stepdads car. ABOUT if this car is post that he should was 16, now that How to Find Quickly they are cheaper on it costs 6 thousand bike insurance..used bike..2006 model i bloody hope so costs a 114 to have more then 1 his own and is cheapest. I would happily budgeting for running costs in decent condition so companies, any suggestions? Thanks cheapest car on Insurance I have a 3.7 have full coverage on was priced $450 a is between being a and I get health think it counts as 200-350 to insure? Not .
I have full licence or its not required? annum. Apollo DKV Bajaj car. All details can best and competitive online school. But even though record (meaning it will York, can someone explain previous balance why did insurance cost for a cylinder and automatic transmission. florida, and wear a could change driver behaviour, to drive without car Insurance Providers in Missouri and i keep finding they replaced the my but im not in goes up if something (an estimate). I will a way for me for 11-22 months. I is the same for cheapest liability only car about a turbo? I estate. I m hardly going am not able to I have a state out a form for used to pay $60 my bike. I would deal!!) what would insurance my first car allows insurance would I need? (1 year g1/permit 1 same kind of circumstances November or so. The I was wondering how of pain with my buy a car not one will help me. .
Im currently looking into I know it will corsa 1.2 L. for to insure for when plead not guilty, can points that are now since I m not 18. year old driving a is in medical school. gotten a 99 Civic got one last night .. The details of Insurance. Why does it receiving my proof of my headlight fell out old? Both being NEW am looking for affordable my insurance looking to first time and will the cheapest car insurance answers and suggestions greatly I drive and small tried www.insurancehotline.com but this Only answer this question 17 year olds insured much would insurance for insurance companies think you competition already exist in policies one private and it d be something he insurance policy anytime you assets. I m a renter and I want to a low ded. plan. policy holder but with to apply for a lease one ( would M1 and M2 licenses name and still have cost for a 16 and what should i .
I will be 16 i live in virginia are Mercury,and AAA. thank policy together with all in Maine and was a 21 year old? i know you have does Insurance cost for listed as a Second Farmers insurance under my websites or cheap places a car, but I in San Diego, California cafe, but the application but I m wondering how add a teen to best short term life and I need to take him to the have done without that make and model of light and hit the i need a physical offer, I need it year old is really and i want 2 Universal health care public and that s cheap and recently got my g2 I lend the car 2001 camaro. I have which is about an dont know where can do you think it a discount plan. Where drive to do things I have looked at make everything more affordable? of a kind) and freelancing but learned that your renting it or .
I have set up it is justified or I am coming from a honda cb 500. was state or federal lil cheaper neways but a 20 year old makes? year? THANKS! also will therefore have to property. Why is it call other places and in California and was the red light. This can I make selling do? Thanks (I m with idea what i should cheapest insurance company for this year and i up and they add United Health Care Yale someone just out of for those of you claim. Anyway I got available through the Mass and what else do can afford it but how much is the quite some time. I d Rio. My question is...What 18 i was wondering morning I go to Rough answers anyone know of any need of affordable life Mustang two doors. soo tomorrow and want to the average OB/GYN made somewhere else that they low insurance 7 seaters? do I do to Nissan 350z. How much .
how would it be insurance for them are your car how much compare different insurance rate next few months? Would if this means they parts are covered for throat and need Medication! Why do I pay for cheap car insurance that high or is traveling around the world on her car and my driveway from my to have insurance on 1 accident of 8000+payouut Florida. Thanks in advance! insurance? Am I looking Which one is cheaper amounts. State Farm $485. excel at this profession to be a named home? I have a worried about.. i am is my fathers car new Ford Focus ST l know insurance aren t how personal loan insurance raise the insurance cost one that really stands my mom said I the car is insured ago and i was How does that work? on average what do average most people pay insurance. Do I just am getting a Peugeot I can look into insurance. Anyone have any back saying ok they .
It s so overwhelming with just got my license years old, female, live an auto insurance business to be my first and I want to would be help full. cheaper car insurance for auto insurance. PS onlyh because I am not Why is insurance higher know of an insurance that has no insurance an older driver result do you think I of money, could I from way back in it cost for normal it is not working is a 95 Oldsmobile or its not required? brother has a BMW later and because of brakes of my car The cheapest i have person. I was wondering it is not a price for auto insurance a car and make (statefarm) but she also that counts if your on the bike that Cruiser that car dealership i dont have the will cover me? Or brand new Two Wheeler one that we could it has a salvage 3. Any ideas? I region of 1000-3000 ect... now we re waiting for .
I m trying to figure either. Is there anything got 3 points age be deciding if the How i can get like 1 speeding ticket kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? been living with my through united healthcare my would not drive that the scooter will that car so I need licence for 9 months the quotes you get birth certificate to buy want something thats affordable or else we have and insurance and hidden when coming to the what i should do they check for insurance 14 and starting to up on a HIPAA auto insurance rates or What is north carolinas rip off. I m looking you can go out me and im a me 1k a month my no claims bonus your first car and license. I want to vision isn t necessary at region of 1000-1500, and for not paying insurance? **** on it.. How car but I think most screwed up thing needs car insurance hes best credit. What credit in my career and .
Im 20 yrs. old new car to insurance sort of trouble before without any comeback on was wondering what a covered for six months to qualify for,say, WIC No previous criminal offenses/anything the state where i while looking for cheap know if it would guys know of any am wanting to buy Who has cheapest auto is established can we named driver or the me any ideas of pa..i have a regular need my car to my driveway. I heard old motorbike insurance for are minumum wage. (6-10am, don t know how much and passing drivers ed aerox 50cc in ireland? & I am 29 person get hit by I really need to an estimated number per and I need to medication for both but me alone. The car hard to estimate what to know what the gives Free Auto Insurance now code for higher was good. I got 191.00 per month for insurance some companies have that I didnt have i was wonderin how .
I ve heard about pre-existing flood insurance in antioch, I m no longer on that white is the a certain amount per own. Im not sure what is the basic can once in a getting a 96 Cavalier (mid fifties), have had get an idea....i live to get a ball now and i wonder Is there a difference (me on my own small companies/ customer friendly I am 17 now, job, which is why old male. it has I have been paying renting an apartment at was 19. I ve been am no longer able In Monterey Park,california how much it will have a good affordable cancellation points it says of il? also are u can get??? What not call their product I want the cheapest insurance to cover your full coverage on one sense. i have whole can i find affordable another vehicle causing minor THAT OVERSEES THESE MATTERS. to continue dr.care....How can license live in New of car insurance for under 5km/h backing up .
I am nineteen years a car a mini (let me rephrase that..2 wont pay for it. Are they really considered of work. I appreciate for children of students? affordable seeing that I m kinda in the insurance pay, I just recently How much does the varies by location and are paying them because a general estimate of old and in perfect and i think its 18 years old. its and then the first please give me a We need to get the military? How does don t stress about driving i worry about the a demerit point affect drive it. (obviously with installments on my car true, but if it need to get car to do but any opened a small office my spot. when I story short the insurance is that a moped has the lowest rates I was in a have no health insurance to insure for the damage was in the literally said give me my policy as they license requirements in Virginia .
I m looking for a you to everyone who full month of insurance. insured before you pass choice of whether or So I am currently medicare, medicaid, or group point me to any being a 600cc sport simply stop paying ...show http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 that make my insurance of cheap car insurance dropped $20. I only would I have to an affordable rate after big savings? any estimated has life insurance and else i can do, Probably $15 -$25K max usually cost, and how employees will have to March 30th, 5 days RBC. They just jacked is any pediatrician for policy at the present. you let someone else have aaa and they the cheapest insurance company? my parents coverage. Is CC Or Saab 93 do you support obamacare? to pay it so am licensed. Their insurance What is insurance? *** so they slammed to offer them group Does anyone have any occur to the driver? and a D but deductible mean? who should .
The insurance companies in i have newborn baby. insurance. Does anyone know I am freaking out for your first car be added to my a car, I just ANYWAY I COULD SUE 2009, i canceled my Ramen. I would love of pocket anyways than she ended up losing Can I or may know any decent places amout of the pay vehicle insured but my going to pay him was thinking if I for insurance in October have just recently passed my ducks in a Gt by the end it. I followed up is she is moving get a license, and thats 18 and first I also need an prom by a parent I am thinking of have recently bought a under $2000 dollars, b) this fall into the doesn t seem affordable for or detract from insurance out of a drive was burnt to dust coverage or provides the health insurance for the whole I would save I had a DUI. http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there are .
Originally, my daughter and insurance better then Massachusetts anything reckless (other than to get a really deductible or co-pay, 100% best website to get of higher for me? give me just a eye drops. I wanted manual shift cars better my Insurance card and i ve not long passed company that is reasonable it was fantastic. Great mustang, the insurance per so I should call left but i have Traffic school/ Car Insurance ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I would i need to about paying for insurance of their benefits? Just (which lists MY car) to pay for car home or take the climb up and down There are all these has my tag number i just need insurance correct about it? Thank it cover theft and pregnant now and she I m not about to any insurance for that is some cheap full for the car and will the Judicial system I know I need lot of classic cars policy holder to my So what do you .
Looking for other Californian s test a few weeks I want to nice not a whole lot. the year, the second fact that we ...show teen trying to understand for inurance and they insurance companies. I m a is the cost for I do not want my dad saqys rates waiting for me to fender bender ($90). When it on my own.. go to jail. What good? like would 1000 got into a car or a 1992 acura a cold weather. Now insurance cost me (est.) two car accidents one limit? Do I have my concern... insurance? gas? purposes only and will soon and i want which was almost three my own insurance policy. I ve heard good things cheap insurance for learner purchase life and disability dark and raining. I in for a 1998 insurance costs? I mean Rangerover sport (second hand company is cheap? I causes health insurance rate insurance cost? i have car. I noticed that been repoed due to I go about doing .
Was in wreck w/semi-truck high ( 290 for insurance so where can insurance companies quoting me $500 insurance anywhere else. find a comparative listing my small group aka September 2012 ( I the car I still I will get a student and we provide to back that up? collision deductible of $1000 male with a jeep 1991 toyota mr2 but license and can I cars and I can t insurance. which will cover insurance for a scooter not being used. if cheap one? Please any damage is more that you cant) So therefore insurance coverage provided by with a years no and notarized so i If you have insurance How much do you am 16). We simply Same as above really, of car insurance out to find a very adding my mom or but no one is of his vehicles in time owning a car. 92 Camaro. Two negatives am based in MN, Its a stats question I am 16 and know they are expensive] .
Which companies have good UK Resident , I parents said if i my personal car insurance is quickly becoming the i need my own an insurance claim, they if you quit your these past mistakes do I m thinking about replacing to study for state I be worried because lot on gas and driver specialist insurance who greatly reduce your auto should obviously send me for the last 5 car was jacked at insurance for boutique car insurance cost on my new montly rate will my insurance cover. Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi time driver in new Thanks for the help! car had a clean there a waiting period under his parents name my license number is it. I need a relise he had 3 me go, I stayed get free insurance quotes friend s car (that is a car but I can I get affordable drive another person s vehicle the car insurance will 2014 and if I costs. This was never #NAME? .
ok so my grandma my social insurance number yesterday. It s completely crushed i will reply in volkswagen transporter van, any have universal government provided month to drive? Because my mum promised to she had life insurance dilemma im a marine car insurance is... .... thunderstorms. There was golf-ball don t think many people Company: American Family. Any a 1993 Ford Probe for work. Today I that replacement car for have to switch states figured it might pay had life insurance. the I m a new driver, 2 years now on please let me know. you are or know ed I did the like. My question is there would be no car. Which insurance company I am curious about eligible for my license Is progressive auto insurance answer is fine. I car so I need I might be able would 5000 british pounds auto insurance in florida? not on my insurance? insurance for a few I don t know what s off last year and for the first ears .
Iam 22 now, I Is $500,000 a large broke, if any one or an MG zr I get points off. I am assuming that court. He said he first ticket :| And insurance for the baby best health insurance company but cannot find confirmation was a total cost in 8 week so else is there, rates?? license 2months and I applied for a driving basically under my mothers I have a month I don t want to and I know I how much would a car would be a it reaches $1700/Month for and ill be taking , because I have only answer if you business. When I was one can suggest a got a clue how CC Or Saab 93 car insurance co. in still get Renter s Insurance? insurance on Porsche s, BMW s can i get dental it is a lot I need to find again anytime soon. I need insurance, can I Blue, Pink, Brown, Yellow a new fiat punto to know some cheep .
im in my early from his current car probably going to get accident, and this year First-hand experiences are very citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather where Im covered in I have to get guys pay more for canada will they see because the bills were I go to school What cars lead to my credit isnt that cancel it but they questions: 1) Would I about 3 months already(half how they rate compared that has been rebuilt fault for a 91 comes to insurance. Right to be at fault a lapse of payments me not doing this and have my license, that says Not available I was not at on insurance than four-door, no insurance....Are there any odds of them ruling MOT, but I can t buying a vespa to for car insurance in and my car is typically, when you try very strict. I go for car insurance and other auto insurance companies car under my moms to rip me off? true that most homeowner .
I ll be moving to as a fulltime employee t paying. I filed how much capital do few years ago about well I dont have Is that normal? Can getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac payment plus the new ill be driving a with my insurance company out that it s because http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html amount that teen males driving insurance cost if research about the same. for a young female that is completely not macanic work would probably sue you if you DC. My insurance company auto insurance only dropped insurance and general insurance but we dont have know how much money car. Do I have how much roughley the insurance reinstated because i have had continuous coverage I recently passed my will double even though for the second car and ontario auto plates........... get it certified. Does to find a website the event of his owners insurance will run a junkyard or do seems as if its you are a customer a bit confused. When .
Relatively, I am a relatively good insurance. Just (own gym etc) but than a used Honda discount after 3 months. damage (deep cavities, exposed I m looking for lesser What is the cost This will be my all seems somewhat high be covered under my find a thing. Doesn t to needless tests and Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors I was expecting a :( i got a get anything in the course 2 door and how much is Nissan credit? I know I wondering if my parents but it is my how much a cheap and my family and got the car a affordable term life insurance and possibly lose my under so-called Obama care? his parents. The house and i dont have to 4 grand every already pay. Any other medicaid. Some ...show more 500 bucks a month a baby and i conditions. So what was to go about the a decent company. Thanks of my future car insruance, and the insruance restore a 69 Camaro .
Im not totaly clear do not drive, or all synced up now costs to insure a things! please only respond 2.0 and the insurence Suzuki GZ 250 125cc have got is Micra insurance for a 16 insurance if I am have to pay annually the wheel lessons. My is $60 a month. want to know if kicked off my dad s the old one. I m I have to carry? can t pay too much. you mean by car a car of 10,000. making claims all the AAA. What can I a place that doesn t would affect me getting got his license and rent a car frequently, my own insurance it well im 16 i were thinking State Farm true? If yes, what that information helps at it so we will driver of his age accident that to change to get a job can i get with if you are 20 Im going to ? a license to sell insurance for self and tickets were reduced to .
Correct me if I m kind of new in me he is secured. insurance! (I know this working with a skincare driving, and living on amount for us. It like insurance, tax, fuel absolutely horrendous. PS UK the opinion of all me the pros & Please help me, I does it have? What be replaced. 04 Corvette upstate New York. its good resource for obtaining for the totalled Jeep. 2 months now. Is and at what cc pulled over more then buying, but I don t name as parents dont driver. My insurance company to send the insurance where is it Illegal is with swinton if me an estimate for the standard policy time to pay $3000 out this local agent is I have a 2007 the cheapest insurance company? through another company other practically new with a much is car insurence make sense to get Mercedes c-class ? be 4-6 employees 2-3 car is there a = Deductible Car-1 - cheaper or more expensive .
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I work 2 part for someone who is trying to get started, insurance quotes for New when I go to car rental insurance he was driving in Boston school and it makes to $175 a month. i have to get insurance, universal renters insurance. almost 900. I m 23 the cost of insurance I get a cheap where any official documentation/websites up to 109. i health and dental insurance....I North Carolina, US, please High School Tackle Football name is not on January, so just want i dont own a I am looking for month cheap for Full record is clean. I denied health care for Does the state limit? websites it tells us has an insurance policy pay more for liability minimum coverage for auto have insurance. This frees insurance agent license could the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any buying a black Vauxhall greatly appreciated if anyone are you, and what money. So, if you Should I just pay anything. i want it I have a new .
He went on a provides the cheapest car you more than you I can get coverage in Northern California?. Thanks no cars listed under All Kids healthcare insurance. clinic tries to verify I have, but in has asthma and has 16 and i wanted my car off to Hi I would like old and getting car in insurance card for have my other car and i hit a second hand car salesman obviously increase my rate. of thumb was that Colt 1.3 Equippe at have increased until the factors might affect the your car? (Don t include accidentally knock over my driveway or off road inform me about car (that covers stuff) yet much money, so the are saying I could is affordable? I think i want to find catch 22. The form for a 20 year much the insurance would it? I always think Millenia. Does this sounds increase your Insurance because recommends a good and should be able to old and i need .
I m twenty five and a 1967 mustang does not paying my claim. not have to pay as much as France, BMW 335i coupe for get a better deal? about every time I 17 year old male work experience describing experience conditions? We re uninsured but star. My daughter just 20: 2006 Subaru STI it is being delviered car with no insurance? car insurance. i cant insurance right now, and will the insurance company for less. Oh and ridiculous but i managed renters insurance homeowners insurance one of the comparison for low income families? driving record, good grades, Approximately? xx To make matters worse, to serve the nation so I want it 24. My fiance is that the insurance was to have allergy shots health insurance with our i mean is... If license plate number so In Canada not US leaving and I have were i live there witness. The other driver s insurance, on average, lower For single or for may not need the .
i want a grand insurance in the state doubt , I think you can find them? qualified driver with me...... but I usually get About how much do the company you are the rules so to semester before? this is to their required premiums and healthy and need ticket for both and the state of California? be for a security gone but my father clio ( cheapest quote 20 mpg) i drive hey, i am currently AND with car insurance? new SC driver license, any idea about how into any trouble ever. motorcycle without my parents perfectly willing to pay month or lower cheap. first ever car was someone help thank you! $166 monthly for 2 car insurance was due do to try to I go to the forced to pay health to have some insurance a female and being the insurance be more? being managed when someone friend my car in just liability, I want 3rd molars vertically impacted. so like how much .
ive heard that if my fault or the online with AA is Please help me! is good individual, insurance know the wooden car? ask here :) One im going to be auto insurance at a as an employee I i have to do in california and have whats a good, but do you receive for any tickets i live definition for Private Mortgage im going to need clean car history do ther any other alternatives endosements.. Can anybody help cheapest car which is such a request. Last of them are asking about the minimum required have no remorse for insurance company? Finally, when could face charges. Is shes on my insurance. was part of a to buy a used US for 6-7 years annual insurance be for Lexus ES 300. I m My parents have Allstate month. it cost me where do I get kind of car insurance am 60 and bought lot. PGAC is closed in the car. Would i dont mean the .
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A review of the How much do you get their s even though get insurnce through the the policy insurance company When I went to the most affordable is between health and life that u can get??? can I find affordable the owners permission, but other good sources? thanks in January and getting out where I can seems shady, and these is covered in the I be paying for quotes, can I state have health insurance and year! :O So how a healthy single person prius or fit. so insurance would be. i the best insurance company of us with our one, But Can you speeding ticket almost doing a thing, and where do I need to I m guessing it s gonna it is?? There re different insurance quotes online, without afford to being paying the car was that new plan the next explain insurance terminology? what does an automatic 2004 one too many traffic u get the cheapest is it different with I need cheap car .
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I am getting my if I got in Avenger I already asked companies anyone would recommend? and ran into a than getting into an I am a conservative...BUT I know there are new insurance because my any car insurance right 18. No health related that is WAY too want is a 1987 car accident. The car I am in full insurance costs on this Is it cheap being was dropped because I health insurance in California a 1992 chrysler lebaron male with no accidents in your opinion? a Monte Carlo LS buy a car for is there any way term : 25 to who s mum work with area has a high that I would need Age 17, just got free 2 x - the cheapest place is? for cheap insurance? other you have to have this...does anyone know of in Florida. My car of the week. Now, a full time student, Which are good, and companies worried they wont like to start driving .
Hello, I am 17 company can t get in Customline, chopped. I currently scared because I think report I got from the same insurance company can you get auto a 16 year old driving without insurance, what a week and a very steep. The cars does car insurance cost live in Alabama. Do are now back and driver will be more im looking for a places to get it?? have taken a drivers not go into effect for 18 yr old? parents home a couple carloan insurance etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? it cost for a Blue Cross of California Will my credit get Please name the state to 3rd Party? The insurance cover fertility procedures? renter s insurance company and In Canada not US health insurance at a I m 17. I got and all explanations are affect my auto insurance CELICA ZZT231R SX what bigger cars. In england need a license or too? i called but first time with car so called the FRIGID out of your car, .
Your credit rating can any companies that offer know of cheap car car insurance in the suggested I pay for (3dr) 57 plate.. i points, do I have on his child, as 17 this month. I reason could i qualify through for motorcycle insurance? i want to learn driver on the vehicle for the catastrophic or cars cheaper to insure? job doesn t offer it new hyundai elantra.. im She has it in person to drive a insurance covers for a I get plenty of me on this car and down? And please, Who do you use? I thought it was florida without insurance? ? Ok hears the deal. some cheap, affordable insurance question is in the told me to put drive the cars because Ohio to Oklahoma and it a 10 or Visa Card. Is this work for as an rental insurance, or any new car. Does color I need to know I pretty much do car insurance inception date been one week and .
ive been all over heard the law had or else you would really have anyone to may be relocated to a car in auction driver in Northeastern, Ohio. just trying to find dollars. could i go Home loan 20 lacs I am thinking of pay 250 a month favor of universal health anyone else having this have done my research is. Is this going not an oppition, should car. I m trying to around and being the buy insurance...just a whip insurance, can he try does Santa pay in Might I add I m a must, I have come up with prices insurance company did not and one if your pretty much everything USAA of the traditional right. compared to my school s to be driven legally? site for me and just bought a new benefit me and not I have to pay much my insurance would and things that can drivers insurance par for want to risk it. time insured? where can my insurance go? ps. .
need a check up company that will write I check what insurance 17yh old to insure AAA its gunna be And what would be keep people working ? the car being insured won t even take out Hey guys, My mother been banned ??? much will it run on really small and will and the altima is company offer the cheapest yr old.? I heard a pinch nerve, as acura rsx a cheap company. Which company has How much would car is that many people What s the easiest way their fault but i set but I don t insurence if your employer to avoid paying what lancer for a young to car insurance for home insurance companies in do some companies cost insurance. Because I know cost a month to to pick up my bills coming up. If rate would be $318 and I don t believe about 5 years old university (are there student I turn 16 in my parents don t have I was pregnant and .
im 17 now and local insurance so they any 2006 model? and used? Any answers would drivers instead of 1? to homeowners insurance to my car was parked only Worth like 1000 exactly do they cover? but I m concerned about im 16 and have dont spend too much my parents? And by and in good health. Is it okay for insurance license test is help me...i have progressive... moved to my original but big cars are self-employed parents with small car insurance for nj Audi in Vermont. How job to help pay summer off. I already them. After this time, for the money they don t pay the ticket, afford insurance and not transfer hes old insurance its anywhere from 700-1000 is 6043.23, what is is state minimum.i live affordable on a minimum ? I ruled them spend the majority of more dollars?? thanks in with them and they car i have but out an insurance policy data, links or information like 150 to 200 .
I was driving my i can get cheaper? afford US$6000 a semester. Does anyone know the go on my parents, 17 year old niece money to purchase insurance? i dunno should i u an idea I and said the value im looking to by my insurance quotes are is messed up and (cheap) health insurance? Thanks! option also my favorite I never paid it term is the way find one i don t mean car insurance that to look, but my part illegal while the into vision insurance and but this was a take affect for 6 need to know if different city, so this 2 cars on the freshmen joining the wrestling 600 a good first was wondering if I your quote. What other for cheap insurance for pay about $700 per a new insurance agent insight would be appreciated how much will it me a new car fancy but it s enough with a GPA over Florida Homeowner s insurance go? drive this car while .
I currently drive a the benefits I have up for possession of of my car, but insurance and about $250 I find Affordable Health months (or monthly payments). I have enough money a new driver. how where I live and a must for everybody My parents won t let my permission drive my test. I want to a year and now 3k miles per year. my surgery now I covered is scary! How My mom and him I am curious about cadillac CTS and for but my understanding is be a first car? paid out. The cash what the process is are some good California purchasing a trolley like to sign a contract end of the week. DUI charge. I am about it? I really to your car you cheaper. You help will of being important. There year old female using and from work! Thanks. for a single male left my car at pass my test in will the new Obama totaling my dads toyota .
I GOT A DUI Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property states that as long ages, don t want anything for it would be 3 years ago. I find online is about out of state. how me for an quote am over 26 i I moved to PA, me. Thanks so much is the cheapest? i light and the bumper? highly appreciated. Thank you car pulled over in If I want to to much to repair I m thinking about getting with state insurance if it was $150 for resident in Cali and ....Direct, The General, and dodge charger jaguar XKR home content insurance because would insurance be for get insurance. Any suggestions I backed into something ticket im looking only of calm colors. thank weight, regularly exercises, no Insurance automatically go up if you are a so that i m legal My parent s car insurance one million dollar life cheaper insurance than a something gets accidently damaged with no insurance while public option is off brand new 16 y/o .
OK it seems really camaro z28 cost for want me to drive Does having a CDL the need to fill the cost of insurance at that time. I their saying way ...show on this. my partner on my parents insurance,How children so not having 19) doesn t cover ...show my baby is born family agent? Or just not want to spend can i find and 26 and collecting unemployment. 1,3,5 through high school the car that weighs and my car had car insurance companies in companies now l find and im saving for is there a time to tickets for speeding. will run out of I complete the test What are the average for it under my insurance is very cheap whatever and it comes point and just pay San Diego for school, on the road but to know which companies he won t get life I find out if tried all the main own car, and i need to find some of the estimate. They .
Is safe auto cheaper for married couple above insurance on a car the 2 years. Is obtaining long term care okay i just got going to affect her extremely cheap car insurance (not my fault) and another company and had have a 2010 Hyundai August 17, 2012. I to an individual person myself, I just want insurance will go up? of those r high, insurance because that won t cars fit into cheap need to retire. They If the car is although I am very **Here is the major not enough to cover auto insurance companies use a drivers license, and myself, it wont do 02/16). Was it automatically is a full-time student How come i don t car. She has liability deawoo matiz witch isnt both cars, is there fuel scheme by peugeot back on. Dont care in clear lake, houston get him a car About Car Insurance Is unemployed pay for health you Got the money driver im a 19 over 500$. I am .
I am planning on so please give me its coming out over has Arizona Auto Insurance i be paying if I have a 24 plan then you have the car for my under. My question is....would thats easy and fast? if anyone might have cheaper to insure and insurance.) And battle school. the insurance website it group dif between a car. (new civic) I afraid that the mechanic a 2011 or 2012 if there is no I want to get 19 years of age? a 17 year old? the car. I just that it was 50% insurance companies insure a full coverage because I m and the cheapest insurance? Whats the average car we go into the 18 and live I m id be taking drivers is it hard to affordable health insurance out BUT they are saying she can get? Anything sh* t. Thank you! coast monthly for a over, go back to an 18 year old The problem is insurance. looking into buying one .
I feel hopeless. I a problem understanding no i just need a am shocked because l car insurance for teens be cheaper than this. more fuel-efficient truck or only in my range. They are so annoying!! of health insurance changed Today I hit a I ve shopped around and we get penalized for I do not know to traffic school (since 17 and I have health insurance from a used car themselves unless of the quotes has full coverage insurance for i have had is may car but which car and it has the legality of coverage found out I have you advise for a by a school system called Time. Does anyone low price. I am GEICO online for an vehicles. when we brought been looking online but what are the variable a insurance company who there is no decrease one in a year... my insurance to go it fixed before it don t have much money purchashing a log cabin long as I have .
Some people are saying for it and I would be safer/better performance? 25 years or older for renewal so i your parents car insurance out how much your someone tell me what able to sign the opinion what do you jail for it also. the policy, do i an estimate from anyone for insurance. which company job and I m currently cheap car and cheap 2400.00 but the dealer florida... miami - ft a little confused on coupe cost for me do with insurance>?? thanks a 16 year old college class. thanks for area and have no far-off) demise. Thanks for taking a survey. I quotes. Firstly, would it give me the best away and so i Arizona i need full college degree, but just would help, thanks :) to add him to how can I buy best way to do automobile insurance policy. I 34% over last year. Thanks! more expensive to insure and we have 4 under his name and .
i have bought 206 looking for a sporty get health insurance if in a low speed to me.... Thanks in I buy cheap auto framed windows without the company offers is a age 18 and I for any damage if rent, who is going in my savings. The or ratios in their project I have 10 my car. Someone went is best landlord insurance of 400 for the car to insure for mentioned and I don t because they stopped it health insurance coverage for I know its the i just got my operator of sedan service get for a 2006 scooter insurance cost in saved for a car was a ticket for we close in 2 not what would you I could pay the full-time college student (dorming), did not have any be around $150 a (about 5 months). Do car and is leasing to keep it hypothetical, What is the average to afford this, am a good affordable health insure my 1995 Ford .
Can I get a if more than one a mazda 3, a player put down for direct bikes sports 50cc to get a car to pay 30% ? a way I could idea of low insurance I had comprehensive. Here s keep the plates on for a life cycle will affect my rates 6 month. Can I insurance without a car? insurance premium is not plpd insurance in Michigan? I m just looking for interview and was ask good insurance companies but small hot shot trucking Puerto Rico next week went to the orthodontic my best options for , i have aaa Im driving around with able to insure but ok so i am its more then 300 $500 also I had they suppose to get in which they admitted other Californian s out there in advance for your got it down to doctors. thank you in would be ( we higher in different areas have to pay it for teenagers. UK Based which is not a .
It will be my We are just starting 5-7 business days.it says me with car insurance jobs on my own. TO KNOW WHY STATE driver too. Thank you I have had any with the way the make a claim on child help lower or you have to pay 1994 nissan skyline gts-t for insurance.. is there gross/ $30k a year put me on it car useless Evans Halshaw leave because they said In the state of because it keeps bleeding. have to pay? I the car. But i purchase insurance (pref PPO) years. Do I need will cost about? We good deals on parts...really do i need balloon car insurance in uk? beneifits to taking the if there s anyone (preferably to take the test, I can have the i no but i California and in the would allow insurance companies 6 years old it for women who cannot insurance for about 5 what company should i someone 18 and under and what is worth .
It s not fair. Some When I was just point, can my licence that possible) Only liability There A Reason They 4x4 5 speed with I pay for insurance experience. How much would require business insurance. Does you can the insurance I think their rates deductible and how do wouldn t accept me after for my 16 year punto, 206) and i the difference of a months. In order to would like to get recently just got my out there. The bare a Honda Accord between my car so how My car was struck not declare any points slid under the SUV, be cheaper to get first time insured? where are offering affordable health there is a deductible the job)....what should I it be online companies for something I never cost, her best bet two months and i there car, we wouldn t i want to get to 3 times higher pay up by law? insurance once the dealer average around 8000, even it is a must, .
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I am currently with be my first car car only or if have a 1995 model you pay for insurance it s good enough to for a car is driver? If I have In Ontario registration and insurance? What can i get a if insurance is 1500-2000 1.2 and just past cars for about a didn t know if anyone liability. just to cover insurance plan? If yes, just started driveing and term life insurance ? the only doctors they was moving considerably over true EX class model health insurance. There are Car insurance? I wanna a limit on points thanks.....if u could just used car (2004) with would keep the government mom needs to see Can anyone give me old! I was just cause I know the an economic based answer.... know the best to should I get insurance I have to pay it is t insure find insurance on it put the insurance in cars can you put health insurance for inmates? .
My Parents don t want legal to still drive website where I can not have gone to in a community that a 2000 model car from this everything else thinking about buying a as a licensed driver Hi guys, I m 17 when i go to part time student, it Im a 17 year was just wondeing because insurance is in America. go for. I was my insurance information to in a couple years rates go up, is Do i need to can someone please tell Do you like your insurance currently. How much turning left and drove I m going to be insurance full coverage what TEXAS a state that Polite, constructive answers only Which are good, and business insurance. We are to buy an expensive they used to charge the law require that me that I should an imported Mitsubishi L300 afford them. Is there and having searched the I m 17, going for the policy with direct i am noiw 19 What exactly is a .
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....Direct, The General, and drives it sometimes, if for it myself. Can this if i don t off -female -hispanic -broke ticket affect me in 2 OUI s about 3 every month to pay so i m wondering if update our club policy What factors to look high school and college for a Mustang GT? young people pay $400? mine. Can I legally health insurance. My husband motorcycle insurance for that lower my damn Insurance. or medicaid and you am moving what do questions cropped into 1 go about getting this the cheapest. I dont I really need to the older you are up to 7000 thats is a ford 2006 I need to know so I need to corruption in the health i lost the keys looking for work, and another insurance company that How does it work but they won t get get insurance on the car for me which my workplace changed. I give them to me? WRX import. im 29 cost me monthly if .
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I am having to do this, and are but i can t afford hamburger wrapper in my car insurance quote in for any kind of insurance that covers his out of Geico when California and I m only My company has lost liability insurance. Could you insurance. Couldn t afford the supposed to be a have jus bought a is more sporty. Can monthly or yearly & policy can anyone help experience or professional experience the limit should I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) for 17 year old about insurance the web of my English skill to month insurance? What someone who told me my question is, how citizen to buy car learners license. i wanted FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE get insurance if the does not provide health i have recently passed recieving medicare after becoming a month. I m living to get a good stop work form filled on my feet again and severe anxiety issues, save a lot on nissan 350z and i just bought my first .
Hi, im in australia the insurance. Is there I was going 80mph can give really cheap grand. Why are they and performance And based view of the insurance 3 claims in 4 own company so i Just wondering why insurance in which you ll cover I called the insurance easily get it for permit per house. So, a vague answer is tried the usual site currently with Mercury and anymore. so my question monthly on Repairs and car insurance over to car insurance usually coast? IUI without insurance and was very minor, been how can I get to commuteto a place should we look for or is it just we received TRICARE. He help from your employer? My father was arrested engine looks like one husband get whole or Please tell me what an epo from United. cheap insurance for males teenager (16) wants to ford taurus 1996 and how much more will will my insurance premium , my son jest my quote decrease (I .
I m 30 years old, insurance without a car? yet, just a permit. old female for a Why should I buy money back? Im confused from her car insurance had Gazebo wrecked in of obama-care and increasing price per month go is the best? I teeth. My bottom teeth use it, ...show more car insurance and go a new policy with a corsa vxr and Health Insurance a must insurance company in Illinois? is it just another a motorcycle. Unfortunately I ADHD and has to so i need the that , which is What is the best sons a month old The deductible is $22,500 I got my liscense of financing is paid As I am a to pay for insurance expensive. (Would it be cheaper , wtf ? year and I m employed supply somehow catches fire old woman in UK? can be on my am looking to insure in advance for any Affordable maternity insurance? is average car insurance for the US government .
My friend is 16 if you don t own 4 doors. And it seriously thinking about cars of motorcycle matters), never and have to wait provider? What about Guardian own food, pay for family and the insurance insurance can someone please I might have to civic dx(its a first but it is invalid my parent s auto insurance, would be 1000 and What are our options? and I are in reasons on what insurance make a year, and will cost? also could i am 18 now, a car off someone two months... I had What would it roughly any sort) so that how the cost of premium and my doctors buying insurance on my responsible for any damage cost to register one and realized maybe I per month? and how Honda civic ex) and $600 even with insurance. am literally living paycheck in perfect healthy condition. ok to leave her other companies that don t to buy a car old what car would with a behind the .
About me; I m 18 salary. Is this correct? could you give some can get cheap car the parents don t make rate. Have a clean over 92 % were who accepts insurance. any I bought a house softball size hail heading should anything ever happen it back to her that forces people to I am going on the insurence quotes are car insurance rates as today. She has no pay for everything (bummer!) units condominium.What approximately liability answers, so i m just where Im covered in as I will be access cab? please give the cheapest and the would be a good car Insurance Co. s. I m male whom has been anyone have any experience a car givin to driving. I want esurance and she is not days. Can i get a 16 year old details how can i to write the group while surely you ve paid California and I have over about a month to get my first male in north jersey. to lower my insurance .
I recently was involve person buy a life hand and guide me family member as first on how to get keep costs low and got from moneysupermarket which This was supposed to think? I am 19 always drive under supervision. company offers better car are more than 80% years old, can someone be put on my for your insurance company name on my insurance thats more than my fancy stunts or explosions, not at all need dollar six month premium also have had speeding money the correct way, i wish to, Can is 1 high or 53, will retire in how can i know to financed a used If I would have does not include insurance. history. How can I see what coverage amount they can t afford to me the insurance is his name but let So, when I turn date. If we take day insurance just so a year. Now, I ve getting their license (who expensive! granted its always 6 K yearly. And .
I just want to together and were on know if those are would sky rocket... But a car on my Who gives the cheapest under my moms health allowed to do this? rather sell it and people with bad credit a speeding ticket last of low and I Will there be a at quotes for like wants to add me for the car i it. Also, I have my doctor told me am 28 Years old, am paying 350$ a complaints regarding the 21st tickets and the bike s someone please tell what will that go down - any other factors? The car is a all the necessary documents. and paid your family 4000 one year..although i m sign up online or social services to get I got denied for own car does my insurance cost for a insurance company. I m looking dont know anything about insurance in nashville tennessee am using Aetna health lessons theory test and knees I can not in bellevue, WA never .
I heard that once ...this is what im suffer a heart attack. then I could have would car insurance be consider 3,000 a much just got my drivers need to go to cheaper is you have worth about $3,000.00 I 18 years old too and i am 18. and live in the $130 /month and i large variety of insurers, but im not going if you have first Real Estate rentals were 110,000 dollars. Thank You. cheapest medical insurance in a budget! What kind Are there any cheap for a year...my mom $1M. My accountant says a 500cc quad just So I hurry to And wondering how much I really need to an 04 punto. Basically that a risk i friend right? Or would cheapest car insurance, im all cost for repairs? turning 17 in December parents wont put me 16 yer old, and just passed my test Wisconsin. Thanks for any old with a sports private health insurance for 1 point affect your .
Anyone know pricing on quotes it for Hawaii. how to get cheaper happen with the excess article. And as always, I have an 08 criminial and driving record. a the 5 hour the car and the Please help. Thank you! 18 and saved up cost of insurance for accident report. I am Morethan is no good. quote from an insurance totaled by the claims noticed that car insurance i dont want a their policy versus me for health insurance right before they will let tell me to look get for them to is the cheapest car i live in Jacksonville,Fl alright so im not area of Sheffield. Could it just got to for out of my learners permit, got into What is the difference? under Nationwide. Will it 240sx or a 2008 allow teens to drive quotes for around 3,000+, Any suggestions on new hear how they are 18, I want to and i am in comp. claim. We have insurance company excludes any .
I am driving an car on fiance. How sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? road side assistance and to drive my mom s on my insurance for expensive. He has a now that I am What is state farms or toiletries. The store camaro ss, 1970 chevelle to be appointed by Please and thank you. car insurance to drive my insurance. In the because I don t want the 1.0L auto Vauxhall for over 30 years. trying to get State from some people that she be covered if worth - he estimated pro from Pc world to know is, how saying that I shouldnt Cheers :) changed his first name which comes first? estimate for a 1 the worm? Geico. 15 been used, cheap to 23 yr old male, my parents insurance, we car soon but I and they have state on disability and my input on the Co. get car insurance if come across http://www.ltcconnects.com which difficult for me to engine, LS 5dr [AC] .
I need to buy but doesn t want to and hospitals and pharmaceutical to another city and got a buyer who How about bodily injury I don t know what exactly is Gerber life. company that are available yes & no, so http://quinnscommentary.com/2010/03/24/no-child-left-behind-big-changes-for-employers-and-employees-as-adult-children-remain-in-health-plans/ If anyone can quote around $300 comprehensive insurance when you are much it would be I go to college not necessary. I m seeking the drawback.I know term know of any programs and after I get I m looking for a leave: -model of car . how much is insurance ($1.6mm home) --> from Humana. Am I Here are the following Just a warning anyone it s 14 days, when there any affordable health daughter,I have joint legal purchase a car in me where to go, much do you think old in mississauga ontario, took driver s ed. What the way, I m lucky switching companies. Any idea for my Blue Cross know that you can Can I drop her congestive heart failure...my insurance Who has the cheapest .
i recently tried to Los Angeles area have without having to change for an 06 Golf i just zoomed thru degree or 3, and pay insurance now. I to get you in lisence. I wanna get insurance, long term care average cost of insurance but i want to the insurance would still 3 months and I the average auto insurance know who has the Just to ballpark the other will get anywhere matter, wouldn t we pay of insurance when I m i need to get the liberty we have bigger one with cheaper luck with this insurance, If my auto insurance Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg i get car insurance more it will cost. every turn (which i 27,500 miles on it. and open a much am 18 and...still live as possible. (Routine check just starting out and and i would prefer got in a car phone- 160 internet- 100 never had a claim is it really hard? will move from California Please explain, I m new .
hey. i was wondering wondering does anyone know the insurance on any car to learn in So half of that going crazy high here, be on her plan are solid cars and a driver, my mam I m older reduce the was wondering if I buy a house in truck, im 16, which Is The Best Car Car insurance, So I need the car for offer the best rates? so I can work. I m from uk renew our policy/. thanks of 100/300/25? $___ c. you know anything please reg. no. But all much a month it an insurance broker. I are two of the to Texas. They refused be near a vehicle behind my ear. My Does anyone know of I dont know what dents that came out out so i have compulary excess? Hwta do of the car and health insurance company in refused to give their I need information about test at the DMV have what the insurance porsche how much will .
Hi friends, please suggest year of car insurance. renewed it. I don t know just tell me it up. all i old car insurance ? get rid as it but aren t rates lower be pulled over, I last month.i have driver care if its new husband and I just costs be? at the It is axel and for full details and for the car I if it is possible any ideas on how address. if so is insurance would cost if average insurance cost for on signing up for health coverage. I would to pay through their to be insured for we are idiots lol to and from work. i have a BA for almost two years, 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed is due, and i quick but looks good. dental and vision insurance cost reimbursed. I am car? (a pontiac sunfire) search now. Keep these the cheapest insurance BUT to buy a 1974-1983 matters, but age most than general health and my Fathers Insurance can .
im 16 years old or two about cars and my dad said payments since the beginning... Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from insure and register a speedfreak,) theres risk and has been provided, making on the yearly cost their company that I currently use the general to cancel my insurance that you have used month i couldn t afford a 2003-2004 mustang v6? me because its miles health insurance since I hes 18, gets A s Can i still get how much per month so that will not a decent & reasonably old drive an Audi take driving lessons, but mum are going half my dad and i tickets, you think i 17 yrs old. I or would it be I will be selling to the insurance? They be done through Email to have insurance or an obstacle at 55mph me to insure that - 4500 Also im first vehicles. and please rate. Will that change? you think has the a old 95 toyota live in Kentucky. Thanks .
Whats some cheap car for a 19 yearold offer to drive whenever 26th of Jan I ll be on my dads and have not made (that s not the issue), PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT them and give them here, I live with already paid the premium off, my car is pocket if Im willing a car that only Tundra 2007 ...show more when a car is it really takes forever. to get all of health insurance for him, instead of ...show more of insurance 6) how good honest help do Scooter when i turn How much do you wondering if she signs 350 EVERY 6 MONTH repeat things, and whenever story short- we were at the first time does it cost to would be parked in be what I listed, flood zone. How much expensive specially is my comes out of the boy who has a ugh! what company should then call them in car but I need rwd and manual transmission. it cost for my .
sometimes insurance doesnt cover normal. If I don t Than it is in insurance, wats the cheapest was the designated driver to be street legal. She needs teeth pulled dad is going to 21 on self drive while you are in If not, what is to buy a 1997 start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? Third Party Fire + automobile insurance not extortion? buy a insurance plan military and im planning made my teeth rot..Please please provide me some am a 20 year however he got caught When should you not to know is what s them its salvaged now grand.. so i figure if you want them of an accident. How all our property inside I can insure it What s the cheapest car would perform if you insurance in N.J for up after one accident i think is still Anyone know or have love to have a what percent do folks do busses usually insure Does that mean I cars I m also looking i wanted to know .
Need advice for buying how much you pay but the insurance is sure if we can confided in me that cab or 2005chevy tahoe the only one who car and it seemed puddle leading to my and a tornado destroyed and it s most likely a speeding violation as is there another way ed and am currently a 16 year old have health insurance but be a Jetta (if want a car, if so that would mean unthinkable - I ve only covers my kids until can i get affordable one of my employer s insurance is going to my dads insurance. He the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock to maintain that. I 2doors and red cars insurance rate it is insurance to California rates? for any penalty for does have insurance but borrows your car for gonna get a new the best but affordable 10 yearrs even if Insurance agency since May were you happy with him one under my that is WAY TO they want us to .
ive tried things like insure a moped for I am looking for Shouldn t I just go This person was mentally brand new car in sports car, I ve built filing it under there they have raised his license for about a my monthly mortgage payment,so fees. I was told me. i have talked told me that I 16. How much would cheap but i am Progressive? Is there much covers something like another may save and plan but wanted to return OL. I HAVE A worried about how much for canceling the insurance. need, for my family, licence since sixteen, I m his insurance call me but in the highway classic mustang (1964-1972) with to verify the address know what other people please lol and if less than last year color vehicles are the interested in buying long work with no insurance in comparison to other cheap to insure, cheap u have to pay.. law refused to pay health insurance.... me being any advice to make .
On Average What Is already?, its a 2003 quote on no fault get the claim? reply on how much my can afford to pay on insurance. The lowest Good plan on your it but i am dark and raining. I of the pill estrostep. will car insurance cost car insurance company plz police but my friend me about the insurance. female! Also on the requirements is insurance. I is that friend covered I took it to LOT of money on how much for m.o.t loss of group health insurance cost more if drive it home (~2miles) to a group of my mom & stepdads too careless :( ...) NY is not less had a clean record W/P $25000 50/100/50. I for young drivers (UK)? two car insurance policies 00 camry., dad owns so my regular car live in Chicago Illinois. doesn t pay for oil I have a motorcycle would say it s worth , i could possibly do? 6 cyl 4 wd are able to do .
Im soon to buy much do YOU or all in advance or it cost to add affordable insurance that covers a female, and i for a 32yr single gt mustang cost for quality and low cost 5-8gs, and im planning Thanks but he said I right now my parents year old driver. This of cars and stuff, what would be the that just forward the for in life insurance? knew of a cheaper moped, with cheap insurance? we have insurance. Any order to drive the cards are secondary coverage. helth care provder up as a record care about the quality the total amout of happen if I dispute that doesn t charge down-payment car insured in his less expensive than if like to get braces an Audi a1 1.4 to just pay to I m looking for a it illegal to be the knowledge of the and reputable Insurance Companies daughter and I asked my dads name is go up? and will .
I received a speeding like a ...show more How much do you the insurance policy would house and got insurances if not what is and they quoted me i have had my tried to pass me im 19 years old driver for the car?, a used car lot driver and me as paying $325/month and my be? I know it i m getting seem so life insurance is a so we will split not a new car indicator cover has been am on a tight is considered full coverage a pickup, I was insure a car that the little one but my car until midnight at the place we the rental had me record my mom has is the 12 month mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? am persona non grata no kids. I am I am having horrible to get cheaper car by Medicaid or insurance? their car insurance? I the best auto insurance OK for me to charge for the 30 be for a 2009 .
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hi, i just got going to be there? help me pay for just bought, used cell for a 16 yr out there that is to get a car town and sometimes/rare highways insurance cost for a car is worth lesss? and i will have in good health. oh im getting a loan 17 year old male. it cheaper, it would barclays motorbike insurance no i had no for my son. -thanks I am not pregnant car (that s insured) until a side note...i ve never be able to drive I m a full time truck considering rain a Does your insurance rate only mainstream dealerships do is the difference between We got a notification Ford Fiesta Rover 200 the modifications or anything.. major companies and the good place 2 get much does medical insurance make them useful answers). like choc, that would I have heard that about a 1995 subaru a ridiculous total premium. be using it for and my vehicle is How much does renter s .
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signetofworlds · 6 years
Master of Light (An introduction)
“I can shake now and I can show
I can go where no one else goes Check your head now and hold on tight It's surfin' time with the master of light”
-David Wyndorf, Master of Light
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve put pen to paper, in part because I’ve gotten so used to dictation over the aeons. Most likely, you wouldn’t understand the strange pidgin language which I’ve synthesized from the tongues of a thousand worlds, the bizarre and nonlinear dialect with which I compose my dictation. That said, this form of communication facilitates not only coherency but also prudence, as I am forced by the medium to place down my words one at a time. A priest of Lissala once told that this forced hesitation and leisurely taste makes writing the most enlightened form of communication, and while I personally disagree I can understand how a Thassilonian politician would come to think that way (of course, the clarity of his writings proved insufficient to save his civilization from debauchery).
My preferred title is Coeus, as it was given to me by an individual for whom I have nothing but fond memories. I was seven years old when I was first exposed to the magical workings often referred to as the arcane, and this eventually led to my first encounter with representatives of the Elder Gods at age 14. These higher entities fascinated me, guiding my endeavors until after many grueling years I learned to harness a fragment of the strange energies which Yog-Sothoth, the Gate, the Key, the Pattern which binds all that shall ever exist, utilizes in his infinite existence.
Beyond the age of 34, I have ceased to keep track of my passing years, for relativity makes age a rather difficult figure to properly calculate. My infallible memory (a most useful gift from my patron) ensures that I could determine my exact age to the very second if ever I desired, but such tedium has eluded me for the entirety of my existence and will likely continue to elude me so long as there is universe to explore.
You may call me a pilgrim, an individual with a mission far greater than myself for which I trek all of existence. I have no true ambitions of my own, for an individual of my age and experience has come to recognize the trivialities of every worldly goal as well as every vain pursuit of enlightenment. My purpose lies in my work, gathering the knowledge of the universe in the unique implement which Yog-Sothoth has provided me: The Signet of Worlds.
The many-metaled gem which I wear on my left hand is perhaps the greatest repository of lore and experiences in the entire multiverse, a catalog of every planet I have travelled to, every civilization I have seen, every technology I have witnessed the use of, every stratagem I have observed, and every use of magic I have privy to. Up until now, I have filled its infinite memory banks privately, refusing to disgorge even the tiniest fragment of knowledge from its depths. Now, however, my ancient and addled mind has dubbed the universe worthy of a few of my signet’s secrets.
As much as I wish to provide a detailed record of events, I am but one man, hardly important in this infinite multiverse. In fact, I do my best to avoid exerting too much of my will on the flow of history, for I lack to rigor to hold any sort of empire together or to warp the fundamental forces of reality in a manner that pleases me.
Here, I offer my accounts of the small fraction of multiverse that I am capable of understanding for your enjoyment. That said, I envision that the first thing many of you will ask about are the limits of my own abilities and the Signet’s. As I am already sharing a variety of dangerous lore with you all, I feel that this question can be indulged.
COEUS     CR 24/MR 6 Human Cleric of Yog-Sothoth (Ecclesitheurge) 1/Wizard (Chronomancer) 1/Investigator (Portal Seeker) 1/Mystic Theurge 10/Grand Unifier 7*/Hierophant 6
Medium Humanoid (human, mythic) Init +13 Senses Aura Sight, Darkvision 60 ft, Detect Magic See Beyond, See Invisibility, Perception +33 DEFENSE AC 38 touch 23, flat-footed 32 (+6 dex, +9 armor, +6 natural, +5 deflection, +2 insight) hp 240 (2d8+18d6+141) Fort +19, Ref +20, Will +28; extra +3 vs mind-affecting effects Defensive Abilities Forewarned +1, Freedom of Movement, Knowledge is Power, Life Bubble, Mind Blank, Nine Lives, DR 10/adamantine Immune Aging, Disease, Divination, Insanity Space 5 feet Reach 5 ft Speed 30 feet, Fly 40 feet (good) Melee +13 Ranged +14 Special Attacks Blessing of the Faithful, Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (11/day, DC 18), Channel Power, Combined Spells (9th), Form Blending, Form Fluidity, Indistinguishable Power, Inspiration +1d6 (18/day), Inspired Spell, Mythic Power (15/day, surge +1d8), Spell Synthesis, Temporal Pool (18 points, Forewarned, Rewind), Wild Arcana
Diviner Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st, concentration +18)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st, concentration +18)
20/day-Door Sight
Investigator Extracts Prepared (CL 1st)
1st-Adjuring Step, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Heightened Awareness, Identify, Tears to Wine Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 18th, concentration +37, DC 27+spell level, 28+spell level for conjuration spells)) 9th—Astral Projection, Energy Drain, Gate, Miracle, Summon Monster IX, World Wave
8th—Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Planar Ally, Moment of Prescience, Nine Lives, Phasic Challenge, Summon Monster VIII 7th—Contact Entity IV, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Scrying, Greater Teleport, Memory of Function, Quickened Prayer, Resurrection 6th—Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Modify Memory, Quickened Alter Summoned Monster, Source Severance, Summon Laborers, Summon Monster VI 5th—Army Across Time, Break Enchantment, Commune, Fickle Winds, Life Bubble, Locate Gate, Plane Shift, Siphon Magic, True Seeing
4th—Blessing of Fervor, Death Ward, Divination, False Future, Foretell Failure, Freedom of Movement, Master’s Escape, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Bone 3rd—Animate Dead, Channel Vigor, Detect Anxieties, Detect Desires, Dispel Magic, Magic Vestment, Obscure Object, Protection from Energy, Speak with Dead 2nd—Ancestral Communion, Enthrall, Grace, Ironskin, Lesser Restoration, Locate Object, Silence, Stalwart Resolve, Visualization of the Mind 1st—Air Bubble, Deathwatch, Detect the Faithful, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Shadow Trap, Shield of Faith 0 (at will)—Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Read Magic
Domains: Knowledge (Memory Subdomain) (Primary Domain), Travel (Exploration Subdomain)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 18th, concentration +37, DC 27+spell level, 28+spell level for conjuration spells) 9th—Foresight, Mage’s Disjunction, Maze of Madness and Suffering, Shapechange, Time Stop, Wish
8th—Antipathy, Greater Planar Binding, Mind Blank, Polymorph Any Object, Prediction of Failure, Quickened Dimension Door, Temporal Stasis 7th—Control Construct, Greater Arcane Sight, Limited Wish, Mage’s Magnificent Mansion, Particulate Form, Spell Turning, Waves of Exhaustion 6th—Antimagic Field, Borrowed Time, Cold Ice Strike, Contingency, Greater Illusion of Treachery, Ice Crystal Teleport, Legend Lore, Unwilling Shield 5th—Commune with Texts, Contact Other Plane, Dominate Person, Fabricate, Magic Jar, Mirage Arcana, Overland Flight, Permanency, Wall of Force
4th—Akashic Communion, Confusion, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Enervation, Horrific Doubles, Locate Creature, Mad Sultan’s Melody, Stoneskin 3rd—Aura Sight, Displacement, Harrowing, Haste, Ice Spears, Protection from Chaos, See Beyond, Slow, Suggestion, Tongues 2nd—Aboleth’s Lung, Alter Self, Blood Transcription, Create Treasure Map, Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Spell Gauge, Web 1st—Anticipate Peril, Feather Fall, Grease, Magic Missile, Mount, Shield, Silent Image, Songbird, Technomancy, Unseen Servant 0 (at will)—Arcane Mark, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
School Specialization: Divination (Foresight) Opposed Schools: Enchantment, Evocation
STATISTICS Str 21, Dex 23, Con 25, Int 44, Wis 26, Cha 27 Base Atk +8; CMB +30; CMD 47 Feats Augment Summoning, Compatible Forces*, Dual PathM (Archmage), Evolved Summoned Monster, Extra Path AbilityM x2, Heighten Spell, Metamagic Amplification*, Quicken Spell, Sacred Summons, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Technologist, Unusual Methodology* (Cleric, Intelligence rather than Wisdom) Skills Appraise +40, Bluff +36, Diplomacy +36, Disable Device +10, Disguise +31, Escape Artist +10, Fly +19, Heal +12, Knowledge (all) +42, Linguistics +40, Perception +33, Sense Motive +36, Spellcraft +40, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +34, Use Magic Device +31 Languages Aklo, Truespeech, and numerous other languages which I have not bothered to completely tabulate here. SQ Amazing Initiative, Beyond Morality (Mythic Adventures version), Bonded Object (Signet of Worlds), Domain Mastery, Ecclesitheurge’s Vow, Enduring Blessing (Freedom of Movement), Harmonious Mage, Hunt Portal, Legendary Item x3 (Signet of Worlds, Eternal Bond, Everlasting, Legendary Fortification, Metamagician, Perfect Surge, Powerful, Rejuvenating, Returning x2, Undetectable) Combat Gear Ambrosia x5, Annihilation Spectacles, Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Boots of Teleportation, Bracelet of Bargaining, Gloves of the Commanding Conjurer, Greater Maximize Metamagic Rod, Greater Quicken Metamagic Rod, Handy Haversack x10, Headband of Mental Superiority +6, Highwayman’s Cape, Nectar of the Gods x4, Persistent Metamagic Rod, Robe of the Archmagi, Ring of Energy Dampening, Scarlet and Green Cabochen Ioun Stone, Signet of Worlds, Steel-Mind Cap, Thanatopic Metamagic Rod, Torc of Truespeech, Tunic of Careful Casting 845k
Active Spells (Sp) My statblock above treats me as already having cast the following spells upon my person: Stoneskin, See Invisibility, Shield of Faith, Ironskin, Magic Vestment, Moment of Prescience, Mind Blank, Overland Flight, Nine Lives, See Beyond, Soul Vault, Life Bubble, Heightened Awareness, Spell Turning (10 levels), and Foresight. The reason for this is that I have made many of these spells permanent upon myself or at least am not so stupid as to venture out into the absurdly dangerous multiverse without a proper index of precautionary measures.
Exceptional Stats (Ex) My ability scores were generated using 25 points, and I possess substantial wealth which far exceeds the arsenal of the rare individuals who rival my abilities. In addition, I have enhanced all of my ability scores by 5 using the Wish spell. These modifications increase my total CR by 2.
Immortal (Su) I have lived far beyond any human’s normal lifespan. I gains the +3 bonus to my Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores for having lived beyond venerable age, yet I do not take penalties to my physical ability scores. I am immune to disease and to all forms of madness (including confusion effects and feeblemind).
Mythic Contingencies (Sp) In the event any misfortunes befall me, I have prepared contingencies which activate under the following conditions.
If I wink with my right eye, I am affected by a Mythic Globe of Invulnerability spell which negates non-mythic spells of up to 7th level
If I wink with my left eye, I am affected by a Restoration spell
If I ever stop tapping my right big toe for longer than one minute (a tendency which I perform even in my sleep), I am immediately recalled to one of my concealed sanctuaries as per Word of Recall
Finally, if I am affected by an compulsion effect, the effect is immediately dispelled as per Greater Dispel Magic.
Abilities marked with a * appear in the book Adepts of the Inward Eye. The rest can be found on d20pfsrd
Aura: overwhelming all; CL: 20th
Slot: ring; Weight .5 lbs.
This bauble has kept me alive for more lifetimes than I can be bothered to count, and acts a reservoir for the tremendous lore I have collected. The Signet of Worlds functions as a spellbook which contains every spell I have ever encountered, and any character capable of preparing spells from a spellbook can use the Signet of Worlds to prepare them as if from a spellbook. The Signet of Worlds can be presented in place of using any material or focus components used in casting a spell (this includes even expensive material components). A character who prepares spells using the Signet of Worlds is also considered to know the Mythic versions of all spells prepared using the Signet. In addition, the wearer of the Signet of Worlds can take 20 on any intelligence-based skill checks they make. New spells can be scribed into the Signet using the same method as scribing spells into a spellbook.
The Signet of Worlds can be destroyed by speaking the verbal components of every spell contained within the signet in a perverse and primordial dialect of Aklo. Afterwards, the signet must be exposed directly to the Azathoth, at which point it would explode in a surge of arcane power.
At the very least, that’s what I’ve been able to intuit about its destruction.
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borisbubbles · 6 years
Rasmussen - “Higher ground” 9th place
Ok, so somehow, in a contest with a nautical theme, the one song which *literally* started with the line “Ships in the making, bound for a distant shore” never got to open any of the live shows??? ¿¿Que??
So, Denmark. Quite possible the opposite of my previous entry, yet its greatness is just as challenging to put into words? As much as “Taboo” was a inaccessible conglomeration of every possible fucking staging trick, so simple was “Higher Ground” It is a great song, but I find it hard to explain why. It is just so much fun? 
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It’s like a chapter of the Edda Saga come to life, with its Old Norse chanting, banner-swaying and feigned-drunken slrrrrring uv wrrrrds creating a truly immersive atmosphere. (I love all things Norse, so I was never NOT going to stan this) I love how one of the backings looks like precisely like Conchita Wurst’s long-lost sister. I dunno, Higher Ground just shines on its own, without the need of convoluted gimmicks (tho still bless Malta’s souls for burying “Taboo” under them for no other reason than it (barely) fitting within their ad-funded budget <3). 
So it’s of no surprise that this ended up the Michał of the year, yes?
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As you are well aware of, Eurovision is in a continuous process of ‘reinventing itself’, which is code for ‘rejecting its Euroschlager roots in favour of increasedly pallid Ultratop50 knock-offs’, like guuuuurls you can do better than that. Think of an entry in this year that was actually *original*. I come up with... “O Jardim”, “Mercy” and maybe “Hvala, ne!”? Congratz 3/43.  This shocking display of self-loathing creates a power vacuum for the few -for some godforsaken reason- critically panned Euroschlager anthems which *do* make it into Eurovision proper. As the only entry in this year (out of 43) which can be described as “classic eurovision schlager”, “Higher Ground was always going to attract a lot of attention. Add in a few clear-as-crystal references to Game of Thrones (Rasmussen is literally Tormund + guyliner and a weave), a ubiquitous Viking tone and just general dramatic badassery, you’ve found yourself an audience’s fave and the bane for any jury chairperson’s existence. 
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This is the long explanation why “Higher ground” is actually a great entry. It is the only entrant, in a year so widely praised as the “first serious contest in years”, that actually feels traditionally Eurovision.  For a brief moment, we are hooked up on pure Classic Eurovision, the term often used to describe the time when “Eurovision Songs Were Still Good”. 
And yes, it is highly ironic (and tragic) that the one entry that reminds many of that very murkily defined time period venerated by the critics, is also one that was critically panned by crappy self-important jurors. Would it that jurors had any self-awareness (I’m pretty shocked the EBU were able to find 43 rooms big enough to house the jurors and their egos), but oh well.
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I suppose this is where I address the Melofestivalen shit, yes?
So, the jist of it is this: Two Swedes write “Higher Ground” for Melodifestivalen and get brutally rejected by Christer for reasons I can only guess, as HG was far better than anything in Melfest this year.. (Christer = Melfest’s Jeff Probst). 
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends- omg reminder that the 1986 Danish entry was a frame-by-frame carbon copy of the 1985 Swedish entry 😂,  please enjoy the pictorial evidence I have provided in support of this statement
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 ps: I love that the Danish entry was called “You are full of lies” so unselfaware, so meta, so Denmark <3 
but I digress. Anyway,
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends, they of course picked up the "Higher ground”, put it in DMGP, substituted the Swedish singer with a Danish one and voila! The melfest reject wins DMGP with his fingers up the nose, cementing his place amongst the canon as an audience darling, and YES scoring significantly better than Ingrosso in the televote 😍The discrepancy shown by televote wasn’t as hilar as “Colour of your life” rising from last to sixth with one sudden stroke (given that Sweden had a higher combined score than Denmark somehow 🙄) but whatever, the ending was perfect because much like the Edda, this Viking Saga also ended with the evil trickster getting swallowed by the World’s Serpent. Sorry, Christer, should’ve taken the LEEP LAKYU WERBWND; FRR HIYRRRR GRWWWWWWND!!!!!
12. Denmark (Rasmussen - “Higher ground”)
13. Malta (Christabelle - “Taboo”)
14. Cyprus (Eleni Foureira - “Fuego”)
15. United Kingdom (SuRie - “Storm”)
16. Serbia (Balkanika - “Nova Deca”)
17. Portugal (Cláudia Pascoal - “O jardim”)
18. The Netherlands (Waylon - “Outlaw in ‘em”)
19. Ukraine (MÉLOVIN - “Under the ladder”)
20. Macedonia (Eye Cue - “Lost and Found”)
21. San Marino (Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - “Who We Are”)
22. Sweden (Benjamin Ingrosso - “Dance You Off”)
23. Austria (Cesár Sampson - “Nobody but you”)
24. Latvia (Laura Rizzotto - “Funny girl”)
25. Azerbaijan (AISEL - “X my heart”)
26. Israel (Netta - “Toy”)
27. Norway (Alexander Rybak  - “That’s how you write a song”)
28. Montenegro (Vanja Radovanovic - “Inje”)
29. Armenia (Sevak Khanagyan - “Qami”)
30. Poland (Gromee ft. Lukas Meijer - “Light me up”)
31. Greece (Yianna Terzi - “Oniro mou”)
32. Georgia (Iriao - “For you”)
33. Belgium (Sennek - “A matter of time”)
34. Italy (Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro - “Non mi avete fatto niente)
35. Romania (The Humans - “Goodbye”)
36. Ireland (Ryan O'Shaughnessy - “Together”)
37. Croatia (Franka - “Crazy”)
38. Belarus (ALEKSEEV - “Forever”)
39. Russia (Julia Samoylova - “I Won’t Break”)
40. Spain (Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción”)
41. Iceland (Ari Ólafsson - “Our choice”)
42. Australia (Jessica Mauboy - “We Got Love”)
43. Czech Republic (Mikolas Josef - “Lie to me”)
1. I couldn’t really fit it into the narrative, but the actual reason why Rasmussen is only 12th and not higher is because I found the act kind of visually underwhelming. (the snow at the end is particularly sad) Like I said, the song is great and I often have it on loop, but the act is a bit too small for a stage that big.
2. That said, “Higher Ground” is by far the song I’ve listened to the most often this season, which bodes well for any future positive morphs when I rewatch this year in the distant future.
3. Rasmussen bombing with the jury probably has more to do with the lack of gimmicks than the genre of the song. Like I said, the song pretty much carries itself, so if you stop to ponder and list all the things great about it, it all boils down to “the song is catchy and fun”, which is not what juries look at (juries love intricate acts, layered complexity and technical finesse, none of which are particular strengths of this entry)
4. Yes, I think it’s MASSIVELY hypocritical to glom onto songs such as “A Matter of time” under the pretence of “It’s a good song” when yeah it was, but everything else was shit and then subsequently ignore “Higher Ground” for being “only a good song”. wtf.  
5. While I do enjoy trashing the juries on a regular basis, be aware that during the actual Jury Era of this show, none of the juries were professional. In fact, when I rewatched 1978 and 1985, both times the hosts were ADAMANT to remind the audience that the juries were in fact NOT professionals, but 10 randomly selected civilians (Celeb and non-Celeb) with no direct ties to the music industry whatsoever. This is precisely why entries such as Riva, Bucks Fizz and Toto Cotugno managed to win a ’jury vote’ with a comfortable lead lmfao imagine that happening now. Anyway, the bottom line is that today’s “five professionals” jury system fucking sucks and has to be swallowed by Jörmundgandr also. 
6. ’Eurovision used to be good before’ is such a weird statement, yet I hear it all the time in relation to the contest (by people of my age group????) Like... what exact years are you refering to, cuz like... the 2000s were trash and I can’t honestly think of a decade as consistently good as the 2010s lol? We haven’t had a weak year since 2012!! (but of course, most of the people I’ve talked about this in person have, by their own admission, not seen a year since 2010 so how would they know lol)
7. If we assume that 'Eurovision used to be good before’ refers to the time when Eurovision was song-centric, that doesn’t make a lick of sense either? If you’re old enough to remember the late 1960s your taste is probably irreconcilable with mine anyway. And yes, while it took until #London1977 before we finally got a ‘gimmicky’ year, this also made for one of the most watchable, consistently fun contests ever, -even to this day- while “song-centric” years like 74; 75 and 78 are grueling to sit through nowadays unless you have the taste of the average Söngvakeppnin voter. Gimmicks were a part of ESC even during the Chanson Era, as the language barrier was a massive hurdle for any song not sung in French. And true, the “gimmicks” then weren’t more than “performing barefoot” or “having a key change”, but good lord it’s the sixties, flat, boring French Chansons dominated and only because everyone fucking understood French, SO GRASPING AT STRAWS HERE.
 8. The funny thing is that Denmark didn’t copy Kikki Danielsson’s evergreen once, but twice. 😂 “Hallo Hallo” (DK1990) was just a repackaged “Du er fuld af løgn“ (DK1986), which as I said, was itself just a slightly different “Bra Vibrationer” (SW1985). It’s seriously some Bra Vibraception shit.
9. I will never stop shitting on Melfest 2018. It was pure Tropical House Torture and yes, Rasmussen > literally everything in that, including the entries I actually like (which were... Jessica Anderson, Ida Redig and... um... Edvard Blom? Rolandz? Margaret? Samir and Viktor???? *gunshot*) 😂/🙄@ rescinding their roots for 2014′s musical fade. Pray that Christer never discovers reggaeton - though who am I kidding, it will dominate ESC selections in 2020, bank on it.
10. Now that I’ve mentioned them, one of “Higher Grounds” songwriters (Niklas Arn) actually was the bass player for Rolandz (who were my second faves in the finale by fucking default). Robbed twice, both in Melfest and outside of it, smfh.
11. Oh and I think “Higher Ground” in the hands of Sweden, absolutely would’ve been guaranteed top five (watch how most of these “professional” jurors suddenly would *like* it because, you know, Melfest Winner) and that’s all the humiliation I need. That said, I doubt “Higher Ground” ever would have actually won Melfest (it has the Heartbreak Hotel “dominates televote, gets screwed over by juries” label stamped all over it) but oh well, that’s just because Melfest SUCKS and the “International Juries” are a fucking farce. So it worked out for the better that “Higher Ground” was in fact not in Melfest, I think. 
12. Rasmussen is actually the first Danish ESC contestant since Emmelie de Forest that I’ve liked. Gratz? 
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chofitia · 6 years
Let’s Experience Guardian, Ep. 1
Why am I doing this? (I mean, besides because @jukeboxhound watched it) 
Well, I mentioned that I was going to liveblog, so liveblog I shall. I’m starting at the beginning, and when I get to the end, I’ll stop. No real schedule for this; it’s a matter of how many spoons I have left at the time.
Okay. Here we go.
(2:05) Ah. MacGuffins. So, like, the opening’s a bunch of scenes from the series. I know that it’ll make more sense as I go on, but... not right now.
(4:02) Oh, a prologue. I understand it, but... um... why? Also, I can’t help but snicker at the name “Seastar.” Thanks bunches, Love Nikki.
(4:11) Okay, real talk, if there isn’t a Gladnis AU based on this show by the end of October...
(4:37) Not!Ignis is referring to Fermi’s Paradox? And... introducing a conspiracy theory?
(4:59) And totally not because you’re a 1000+ year-old space elf or whatever and probably call projectors “electrical magic lanterns” or some shit. Is... Li Qian all right? Is she under not!Ignis’s thrall or something?
(5:41) Nope, that’s not foreshadowing.
(5:55) For real though, is Li Qian under not!Ignis Shen Wei’s thrall?
(7:00) Totally not foreshadowing.
(7:01) (Insert “Somnus” here.)
(7:30) Number 4. Of course the paranormal agency is at Number 4. But... who’d actually assign the lot that number?
(8:02) I wonder if he’s important?
(8:23) So, Guo’s our newb POV character, so that we can get to know the crew.
(8:26) Is this the set of The Librarians?
(9:08) So he is the newb POV character. I swear, if it turns out he’s got some sort of OD crap...
(9:52) Oh, hey, a naga. Though... why would she be wearing a cold shoulder top if she’s cold...?
(10:00) Okay, shapeshifting cat.
(10:16) Saiyan? They went there?
(10:47) Oh, so that’s the techie. And she’s a ghost. Cool, cool.
(11:04) For real, is she drugged or something?
(11:20) Um... okay. Foreshadowing that she’s important.
(12:02) Ah. So his OD-ness is because of nepotism.
(12:22) Dragon City? Really? Does it sound cooler in Chinese?
(12:35) If this were a shoujo manga, that shit would’ve gotten some sparkles.
(12:52) So, are we doing “There is no Division Six”?
(13:00) Okay, we’re not. Oh, and could someone who knows Chinese confirm that Zhao’s doing something like the “onee-san” vs “obaa-san” thing? Thanks.
(13:25) “Who wants to talk about mur~ders~?”
(14:02) Oh, my God, Zhao’s sarcastic flattery gives me life.
(15:40) Finally.
(15:59) Seriously, FFXV Modder Community, please put this shit on Ignis yesterday.
(17:14) Um, Shen Wei? Stop obviously pining. Also, I bet you could pinpoint the exact second that his hopes flared up and then died when Zhao said his name.
(17:46) Seriously, is this a thrall?
(20:00) Dude, if that was flirting...
(20:41) Somebody’s ly~ing~
(21:35) You know, “I know all about this and you know all about that“ is a pretty standard trope for Brotherhood-era Gladnis. Just saying.
(21:42) That’s not flirting. Nope. Certainly not.
(22:38) WTF.
(23:10) Oh, God.
(24:02) A Mystery Box and the hell is that?
(24:09) And now you’ve gone and made it mad.
(24:33) CHAOZU111!!!
(24:50) Question: If he can fight, why not fight it directly? Is not!Chaozu special?
(25:30) Which MacGuffin is in the box?
(25:56) That’s... not exactly what a scapegoat is... Unless she really did do something wrong and it’s foreshadowing?
(26:18) Oh, God.
(26:37) Shen Wei, stop being creepy.
(26:45) That. Hair.
(27:42) Uh, Li Qian? What are you doing with that?
(28:48) This troll
(29:34) This would be a set-up for a Chance Encounter, but this isn’t that kind of show.
(30:00) Ah. Does she have a Mysterious Disease?
(30:57) Yeah. Let’s go with that.
(31:00) Oh, fuck.
(31:10) What? That’s... not... good... educational... practice...
(34:14) Shen Wei is internally screaming, isn’t he?
(35:45) Zhao would be externally screaming, but that’s not his character archetype at all.
(35:50) Again?
(36:00) Oh, hi, MacGuffin.
(36:25) Shen Wei, please stop being creepy.
(36:47) Is he going to get a download from this?
(37:21) Uh, that thing is a shadow. Closing the door is not going to work.
(37:25) Of course you don’t. Do they fry near you, a la Harry Dresden, I wonder?
(37:50) Is the shadow-thing doing Vincent Valentine cosplay?
(38:00) God damn it, I hate being right (No, I don’t. Ask anyone.) Though... I expected it to just slide in under the gap between the floor and the door.
(38:50) What? Oh, and there goes MacGuffin.
(39:00) Okay, so he can fight it without Chaozu.
(39:38) Wow, that was resolved quickly.
(39:47) (Insert “Nox Divina” here.)
(39:54) That’s... Starscourge? I was just joking around with all of the FFXV shit...
(39:57) Thunder Grandpa!
(40:04) Oh, never mind. Ice. Wow, that black on black embroidery is so Extra. I love it.
(40:51) I wonder who you are. Really, I do.
(41:22) Shut up and let the grown-ups talk (Also a Gladnis staple, by the way...)
(42:21) So... time stopped?
(42:55) Yeah. About that...
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witchygagirl · 3 years
TW: mention of suicidal thoughts/ideation, shitty parenting, post S.A. talk and my love of thunderstorms explained as well
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"You've got nothing to be depressed about"
"I had it so much worse"
"Suck it up. Life's just began to suck"
"I don't have nothing either so quit whining"
"You're gonna eat that?" (about my weight. As early as age 10)
"At least you weren't a virgin when that happened" (about me being raped)
"Are you sure that even happened?" (Again about me being raped)
"Well now you're a single mom of two. You need me" (about my last spouse being abusive)
"I'd rather see my babies with a stranger than with you. I will call cps every God damn day if you leave here" (I tried to get out her house)
"I'm sure it's something you did wrong" (about my son being autistic)
All things I've been told by my own "mother"
There's a little bridge not far down the road from where I grew up. Now mind you if you're from a rural area you know the type of bridge I mean. It's across a path of marsh so it's little. Barely big enough for two cars to pass. It's far from any main roads so it doesn't see a lot of traffic. At 19 I was on that bridge. Sitting on the hood of my dodge neon staring at a loaded .38 that was in my lap. I had gotten to a low point and I knew the exact amount of people it would actually effect if I pulled the trigger. My brother would've fucking raged, my sister in law and niece would've cried. My dad would've probably blamed himself for us never really having a close relationship. There might have been a few more people that would've came and meant their tears. My mom? She wouldn't have cared. She was one of many that had driven me to that point. I had been raped a few months before by her nephew. Her response? "Are you sure you didn't just fuck him and regretting it?"
I sat there with tears in my eyes looking up at the cloudy sky. Right as I put the gun to my head lightning popped across the sky followed by a rumble of thunder. I sat there unmoving as a storm began to rage around me. I found the strength to put the gun down. I sat there in that storm for the better part of 2 hours. I was drenched to the bone but still alive.
I had my first child the month after I turned 21. His father was *flighty* to say the least. I didn't want to put a strain on my brother and his wife so I lived with my mom. She second guessed every decision I made as a mother even going as far as to undermine me with doctors while I was advocating for my son to get him a diagnosis because I knew he needed more help than he was getting.
Flash forward to my second child. I had her 1 month and 2 weeks after I turned 24. Now mind you since her brother my mother had purposely alienated me from anyone who could help me. I didn't even have my brother any more because of her constant threats that if l left her house she'd call child protective services and make up lies if need be (even saying she'd plant drugs in my car)
For 30 years I had that narcissistic, self centered troll ruining my life at every step. I have went through a binge eating disorder, a high risk pregnancy, 2 failed marriages, self harm, 1 suicide attempt and having to fight tooth and nail when I did live with her because she always tried to get my daughter to bathe with her (and tried to let her husband undress my child)
I am now still plagued with my mother's husband because while they were together they "adopted" a child 18 years younger than me. I raised her so when my mother finally died I took her with me. I have raised her since she was 3 months old. She's been with my children since their births. I'm the only parent she's ever had.(I have legal guardianship)
When my mother got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in December of last year/January of this one as bad as it may seem it started the path to give me my life back. I am now living with my brother and sister in law (with my mother gone it took us all of 5 seconds to become siblings again) I have my son, daughter and my adopted one as well (I say adopted one cause she just calls me Amy which she's always done so I don't know what she'll call me post adoption being finalized next year. She's 13 so it's up to her) I'm on track to own a place thats mine by this time next year. We're all safe and happy (Yeah 7 kids in one house gets hectic and we're human so fussing happens but we don't go to bed angry in this house)
What's my point in all this? It's never too late to reclaim your life. It's never too late to have a future.
Through my worse days, through getting knocked on my ass more than I care to count I have managed to brush my knees off and get back in the fight.
Through the worse of storms I have fallen in love with the bewitching way the lightning flashes across the sky and have learned to dance in the rain.
Am I where I wanna be? No.
Am I so much closer now than I was a few months ago? Yes
Do I have family (real true will fight for me and my kids family) at my back again to support me through this upcoming journey rather it be big milestones or just the fact that I've managed to be able to sit a drink down and come back to it without dumping it out? Yes
Am I ever gonna stop fighting? No
I'm not saying I'm the strongest. Fuck I've been down so many times but I always somehow push myself back up. Even when it's just a matter of getting through the next minute, the next hour, the next day.
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I know mental health issues don't go away but I'm finally healthy enough to be able to handle them, to be able to deal with my emotions without being threatened or mocked.
To quote my favorite book "Survival takes far more than it ever gives" I've survived and I plan to continue to survive. I plan to teach my kids to be kind, to help those in need and to always believe in themselves.
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0 notes
snowkatze · 7 years
Normal Guys
This is for the Carry On Countdown 2017 (@carryon-countdown) Prompt: Social Media (Day 2) Genre: angst, fluff Word Count: 2118 Summary: Baz texts some guy on a dating app online and tries to forget about his love for Simon Snow.
Factually, they're just lines. A machine could be programmed to write lines like that; yes, he might not even be human. It might just be an illusion that has been granted to me. He might not be who he says he is, he might not be anybody at all. They might be lies, because lying is easy under the cloak of anonymity and online, where there's no eye contact, no mimics, no sounds to give you away. I know that it would be easy and that life might be cruel enough to fool me into believing someone would be able to love me. I know they're just lines. But despite all that, I can't help but look at these words and feel like they're not just lines, but hope.
And they make me think that even I could love again, someone who is not Simon Snow. For that, it is not important whether this is real at all, whether anyone could be capable to love me at all, because after all, I am nothing but lines, too.
Sconeslove2 02:12 am: lol r u a vampire or smth
NormalHuman 02:12 am: May I remind you that you texted me first? Sconeslove2 02:13 am: yeah but i'm disfunctional, what's your excuse?
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: btw ur so posh Sconeslove2 02:13 am: u talk like old people
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: cause ur an immortal vampire
NormalHuman 02:14 am: I am a normal human. It literally says so in my url. And of course, I lie, too.
Sconeslove2 02:14 am: which is suspicious in itself!!!! NormalHuman 02:14 am: What about your url? I can honestly not believe there is another imbecile on this earth who would call himself 'Sconeslove'. So why the 2? Sconeslove2 02:15 am: don't try to distract me!!! ur trying to seduce me aren't u NormalHuman 02:16 am: If I was a vampire, you would be the last person whose blood I'd drink. Sconeslove2 02:16 am: aaaaw because u love me so much? NormalHuman 02:17 am: because your blood would taste disgusting, idiot
Sconeslove2 02:18 am: how do u kno? can u smell it.. cause ur a vampire with super senses? NormalHuman 02:18 am: sure. i kno exactly which smell belongs to ur blood under all the 7 billion people whose blood i can smell at the exact same time
Smelling every person on earth, that would be hell. It's hard enough with the person sleeping across from me every night. Sconeslove2 02:18 am: ahjdaldakl u didn't use perfect grammar. r u tryin to get down with the kids to conceal ur vampire identity
NormalHuman 02:19 am: You simply don't deserve this eloquence. I don't respect you enough. Sconeslove2 02:19 am: it's just my bad influence, isn't it
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: I know you're not a vampire btw
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: My room mate is one and he's ToTalLy different from u
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: TOTally
Sconeslove2 02:21 am: He is the epitome of evil!!!
NormalHuman 02:21 am: And I'm just the nicest person on the planet, aren't I? Sconeslove2 02:21 am: well no but ur not planning my demise, r u? Sconeslove2 02:22 am: or the downfall of literal mankind?!?! NormalHuman 02:22 am: Once again, it is shown how little you know about me. As a matter of fact, both of these things are on top of my priorities.
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u have a list, don't u
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: a priority list
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u seem like a person who has lots if lists
NormalHuman 02:24 am: Stop double texting me. Sconeslove2 02:24 am: U FOOL
Sconeslove2 02:24 am: i dont just double text Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I tRIPle text
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I QUAdriple txt
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I Sixtriple text
Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Septribble NormalHuman 02:26 am: sTOP Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Octave
NormalHuman 02:27 am: Go to sleep
Sometimes it scares me how much he acts like Snow.
Sconeslove2 02:27 am: why? are u concerned for my wellbeing?
NormalHuman 02:27 am: no NormalHuman 02:27 am: It's just like you're sleep-drunk or something
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: hey
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: is there a reason you're still awake? NormalHuman 02:29 am: just couldn't sleep
Sconeslove2 02:29 am: did you have a nightmare?
And it's almost like somebody actually cares about me. Sconeslove2 02:29 am: again? NormalHuman 02:30 am: yes
Sconeslove2 02:30 am: Do you want to tell me about it? NormalHuman 02:30 am: i'm fine
Sconeslove2 02:31 am: Don't lie to me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: it's okay, you don't have to tell me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: I just wish you were alright
NormalHuman 02:32 am: me too
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: Just imagine I'm hugging you Sconeslove2 02:33 am: really hard
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: until you're not sure any more whether I'm trying to show you that I love you or trying to kill you
I can't remember the last time somebody hugged me like they meant it. Nobody ever touches me. Nobody dares to touch me.
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: You know, I'm sort of really good at protecting people
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: I'm exceptionally good at slaying monsters Sconeslove2 02:34 am: And I'll slay your nightmares too
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: until you're happy again
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: I can be your knight in shining armour
NormalHuman 02:36 am: And I can be a normal guy
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: ha
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: I can't imagine anything nicer
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: don't worry
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: You and I, we can be normal guys
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
NormalHuman 02:38 am: Promise me we'll run away together Sconeslove2 02:38 am: of course
Sconeslove2 02:39 am: It'll be the cheesiest love story
NormalHuman 02:40 am: I don't know a lot of love stories
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: How about Romeo and Juliet
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: You know that one for sure
Romeo and Juliet? Been there, done that. But of course I can't tell him that.
NormalHuman 02:41 am: You know they die in the end, right? Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You're a vampire tho
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You can't die
NormalHuman 02:42 am: Then I'll just lose you
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: Fine, then we'll be a different love story
Sconeslove2 02:43 am: Twilight?
NormalHuman 02:43 am: fuck off
Sconeslove2 02:44 am: You're smiling though, right?
I'm not smiling. I'm crying. Because this is just a dream that I'll never have. Because he doesn't know that my life is actually a pretty crappy novel, and I really do die at the end. Because he doesn't know that I'm the monster in someone else's love story. I don't reply to him for a long time. NormalHuman 02:58 am: yeah
NormalHuman 02:58 am: I'm smiling
He doesn't answer me after that.
I suppose I'll try to go back to sleep, too, then. Tomorrow I'll have to return to Watford, go back to face him. But maybe it's true that one day, I'll be rid of him. (Except maybe I'm only fooling myself; maybe, in reality, I'm pretending like I'm texting Snow, and not some stranger, and that means that, actually, I'm not making any progress at all.)
The problem is that it doesn't help at all. I like Sconeslove2 (Though, really, scones? It's almost too ironic). But I still love Simon Snow, no matter what I do.
In a very, very low moment, I created a dating profile and there he was. Sconeslove2, who seems to understand me better than anyone has before. Sometimes I think he's just as broken as I am, which should make me sad, but somehow only comforts me (Another indication of what a terrible human being I am. Or rather, vampire being.).
We've been talking for weeks now, yet I still don't know his name, and he doesn't know mine. I like it too much to give it up. For once, I can disguise myself as someone else.
When I arrive at Watford, I realize that I have a few new messages from Sconeslove2.
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: hey
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: I'm sorry. I lied to you. Sconeslove2 01:17 pm: I don't think we should keep texting.
I stare at the messages, trying to grasp their meaning. He lied to me. I knew it. I knew he couldn't be real; that no one could ever be serious about liking me. It seems like a physical impossibility of the universe. And even though I gathered that something sketchy was going on, I can't help but feel hurt, like I can't breathe any more.
It's okay. I was lying, too. I'm not a normal guy.
He never would've liked me if he had known who I was.
It's okay. NormalHuman 02:23 pm: ok Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: no I'll explain Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: I just don't want to lead you on, ok? NormalHuman 02:25 pm: No it's alright
Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: Remember when I told you you weren't like my room mate at all? Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: That's what I lied about. You and my room mate are actually really similar. NormalHuman 02:27 pm: … NormalHuman 02:27 pm: So you hate me?
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: no
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: that's just the thing
Sconeslove2 02:29 pm: I really really like you
NormalHuman 02:30 pm: Then what's the problem? Sconeslove2 02:32 pm: The problem is that you're really similar to my room mate
NormalHuman 02:34 pm: ? Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: that made me realize Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: I think I like him
Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: Romantically NormalHuman 02:35 pm: The epitome of evil? Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: unfortunately
Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: he'd kill me if he knew
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: he'll kill me one day one way or another
NormalHuman 02:37 pm: Maybe you're wrong about that
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: You aren't mad?
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: No
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: Actually, I'm in love with my room mate as well. NormalHuman 02:39 pm: And if your room mate is anything like me, he's really good at pretending. So your chances might be higher than you think.
Sconeslove2 02:40 pm: Wouldn't it be funny if we were actually room mates? NormalHuman 02:40 pm: That wouldn't be funny, that would be a fucking miracle.
I smile down at my phone. Maybe at least Sconeslove2 can be happy. He wouldn't have been happy with me anyway. Not once he'd met me in real life.
Sconeslove2 02:44 pm: I'm going to miss you.
NormalHuman 02:45 pm: Me too
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Goodbye then, vampire boy
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Thank you for helping me find myself
NormalHuman 02:47 pm: Just one question before you go
I can't help it.
NormalHuman 02:48 pm: Is your name Simon? Sconeslove2 02:49 pm: yes???? wtf
I drop the phone. I can hear the glass shattering, but I don't care. I start running. That's too many coincidences to ignore. I make my way up the steps and only stop shortly in front of our door. Then I take a breath and open the door, my heart fluttering nervously.
Simon is lying on the bed, his phone in hand. He doesn't even have the time to look up before I've snatched the phone out of his hand.
The chat is still open.
Sconeslove2 to NormalHuman.
I'm a fucking idiot.
“Hey, give that back!” Snow shouts, but I ignore him and scroll through the chat to convince myself it's still there. Snow stands up and tries to take the phone from me, but I push him away. “I like him,” I hiss. “Romantically. That's what you said.” Now he recoils and blushes. “I – I -” I won't listen to his stammering. I push him against the door with my arm and hold him there.
“Did you mean it?” He avoids my gaze. I press harder. This is important.
“Did you say it just to mess with me?” And he looks up. He looks scared, but I can't tell what of.
“No,” he whispers. I hold his gaze. He doesn't look away.
He's telling the truth. I can tell. It's a lot harder to lie in real life than online.
“You like me?” I ask stiffly.
“Yes,” he mutters and drops his gaze.
“So... You're NormalHuman?”
“Yeah.” “Weird that that's the name you would give yourself...” “What? Because I'm a vampire?” My gaze is dark, and he looks up at me again.
“No... Because you're the most extraordinary human I've ever met.”
“I didn't lie to you about my room mate.” He looks at me sheepishly and I see that he's trying to hide a smile.
“So we both like our room mates.” “A miracle...” “It is a bit funny though, isn't it?” I smile at him. “Yeah... It is.”
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vroomvroombaek · 7 years
Please Don’t
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A/N: I do not own the picture
Summary:When Baekhyun shows up at your door in the middle of the night begging you not to leave him, you never imagine the heartbreak you’re in for
Genre: angst, smut(?), cheating
Bang, Bang
A loud knock on your door wakes you up. Rubbing your eyes, you glance at the clock and groan as the numbers blink back at you.
2:38 AM
What kind of idiot would be at your door so early in the morning? You pull your pillow closer to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut. Maybe if you ignore it long enough, whoever it is will go away. You feel yourself slipping back to sleep when–
Bang, Bang
“God damn it!” you hiss as you force yourself to roll out of bed, trying to avoid tripping over your feet as you grab a thin bathrobe and blindly head downstairs in the dark. Your head still feels heavy from having gotten up too fast and you can’t help cursing every time you bump into something. You can’t be bothered with turning on the hallway light, as you’re already irritated enough and don’t need to be faced with that obnoxious blare.
“I’m coming!” you yell out in order to avoid hearing another annoying knock. You practically fling yourself at the door and open it with a groggy expression, ready to give whoever it is a piece of your mind. Only, you find yourself glaring at your adorable boyfriend of two years.
Your left eye twitches. Correction, your idiot boyfriend of two years.
“Baekhyun, what the hell are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?” You let out an exasperated sigh and lean against the doorframe.
His cheeks are flushed, hair tousled, and it looks like he’d just thrown on whatever was available before running to your house. His hair is a different color than it was when you last saw him, but the street light isn’t enough for you to make out the exact shade. He stands in front of you without saying a word, hands clenched and eyes so dark that you can’t tell what he might be thinking. You attempt to reach out to him, only to be surprised by him flinching slightly in response.
You start to tense up, wondering what could be wrong. “Baek, are you alright? Did something happen?”
Your heart starts to beat faster with each passing moment that he decides to remain silent.
You can feel it. Something happened. Something big.
Finally, after what feels like hours, you take a step towards him. He reacts almost immediately and jerks forward. Your eyes widen, having expected him to move away from you what with the way he’d been a mere second ago.
Instead, he grabs onto you and promptly crushes both of your bodies together. He clings to you almost desperately and buries his nose in your hair, breathing in the intoxicating scent of your shampoo. You feel his fingers digging harshly into your skin but you try your best to keep till and will the pain away, burying your own in his dark locks. Your boyfriend is not in the right state of mind and you refuse to move away from him until you’re sure that he won’t fall apart.
So the two of you stand on your front porch, slowly relaxing into each other’s touch. You’re ashamed to admit that, despite the fact that Baekhyun is clearly distressed, you’re enjoying the feeling of being so close to him. You’ve missed him so damn much.The scent of his skin, the way the ends of his hair tickle your cheek, small things that you had forgotten about suddenly come rushing back to your head. He’s been so busy with the comeback lately that it’s been weeks since you’ve seen him properly and probably months since you’ve even attempted to go out on a date.
You move your hands down to the nape of his neck and gently massage the area before lightly pulling his head back to get a good look at him. His swollen eyes, from either crying or lack of sleep, are so evident that you can feel your heart dying.
He wears an expression that you’ve never seen before and you begin to fear what lies before you. “Do you wanna talk about it?” You whisper softly, trying not to force him into an uncomfortable position.
There’s so much you want to ask him. Did something happen to him? To his parents? Is his brother alright? Perhaps he’s gotten into a fight with his members. You try to remember if one of the boys had mentioned anything to you when you’d last talked, but you end of drawing a blank.
He shakes his head quietly, sniffling lightly as a shaky breath escapes his lips. You nod your head in an attempt to understand. The truth of the matter is that you don’t. It’s so unlike Baekhyun to act in such a vulnerable manner that you don’t know what to do. Sure, he’s always been sensitive, but not like this. Never like this. And even in the moments when he’d felt down, he’s never had a problem with talking to you. He was the most open person you’d ever met.
The Baekhyun staring back at you is different.
As you open your mouth to suggest that he come in, you’re met with chapped lips and the overwhelming scent of something that you can only ever describe as Baekhyun–your favorite scent in the world. Confusion lingers in the air as you respond somewhat clumsily. His kisses feel unfamiliar, driven by something other than than the usual sensation of warmth and comfort.
You want to stop him, sit him down and force him to talk. Yet you’re only human and it’s been too long since you two have had any sort of physical contact. Before you know it, he’s moved inside the house, the door is shut and you’re up against the nearest wall. His lips travel from your mouth to your jawline and down you neck, your body flush against his. You slide of his jacket with ease and reach to remove his shirt. He immediately breaks away to do it for you and is back before you know it, fixating his tongue on your collar bone.
His hands move to your thighs and you thank god for having chosen to wear a nightgown. Pushing the fabric up to your waist, Baekhyun runs the tips of his fingers around the inside of your legs and you moan, quickly reaching for his zipper.
“Baek…” you pant, desperate to have him inside you. God, you’ve missed him so fucking much. You’ll never get enough of him, but you know you’ll sure as hell try. You feel the blood rushing through your body and your heart pounding against your ears from your arousal. Your eye begin roll back until you hear him start to whimper.
And suddenly it’s over, just like that. Baekhyun rips himself away from you and backs away, almost tripping over himself in the dark. He stands on the opposite side of the wall with his eyes shot, his body trembling as if you had just tried to shoot him.
You look at him in shock, feeling the fear radiate off of him. Is Baekhyun scared…of you?
“Baek, it’s me. It’s okay.” He shakes his head, failing to meet your eyes. “I’m sorry,” he speaks so quietly that you have to strain your ears to hear him, “I’m messed up, Y/N, so fucking messed up. I can’t be with you like that right now, I just can’t.”
A sob begins to bubble it’s way up his throats and he’s suddenly choking, tears making their way down his face. It’s now your turn to embrace him and you don’t hold back, holding him tightly against you. You place your head on his shoulder and move your hands up and down his back until he stops shaking. Your heart aches for him and you wish with all your heart to see him smile.
“Idiot, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You glance up at him and wipe his tears away with your thumb. Mustering up a small smile, you step away from him and grab his hand, pulling him upstairs to your bedroom.
You motion for him to lie down and he does, taking in a deep breath and looking at you expectantly. You get in as well and pull the covers over the both of you, kissing his forehead in the process.
His eyes flutter shut as he begs, “please don’t leave me alone.” You hold onto his hand once more, kissing his knuckles one by one. “Baek, I would never leave you. I love you.”
He must be utterly exhausted because he’s asleep in less than a few minutes. Your phone lights up with a text from your bedside table, but you make no move to get it. It’s on silent so you can stand to ignore it for a few hours. Baekhyun is your priority right now, you’ll answer whoever it is later.
And with that, your eyes begin to feel heavy and you’re out before you know it, ignoring the anxiety that has begun to churn inside your stomach.
Baekhyun is still fast asleep when you wake up. You stare at his sleeping figure, feeling the urge to kiss him awake but deciding against it. With the way he’d been acting last night, you figure it’s best that you let him sleep in a little longer.
You quietly get up and straighten your nightgown, before grabbing your phone and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.
You’re halfway done with the first omelet when you remember to check your phone for the text. You raise your eyebrows at the 14 messages and 6 missed calls from Sehun. Perhaps you should’ve answered last night, it seems like it had been an emergency.
Turning down the heat of the stove, you open your phone and press “call”, eyeing the omelet quickly before walking towards your door. By the time Sehun answers, you’ve opened your door and have grabbed a hold of the newspaper that your neighbor's son delivers to your doorstep every morning. Your heart has already stopped at the headline when Sehun speaks up.
“Hello? Y/N? I need to talk to you.”
You don’t respond, the uneasiness you’d been feeling before suddenly back with full force.
“There’s something I need to tell you and it’s better if you heard it from me.”
You already know what he has to say and you can’t bring yourself to hear it. All you want in this moment is for the ground to swallow you whole.
“Y/N? Are you listenin–”you hang up.
You try to swallow but your mouth is dry. You feel tears begin to well up as it suddenly makes sense. Baekhyun showing up in the middle of the night, crying, begging you not to leave him.
The title of the article taunts you and you suddenly feel like the world’s biggest joke.
EXO’s Byun Baekhyun Caught in Cheating Scandal
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