#I like ALL designs but the blue eyes and brown hair has my HEART
sarawritestories · 4 months
I Wanna Be Yours Chapter 2
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Xaden Riorson X Lydia Aetos
Summary: Lydia Aetos Longs to be a Ballerina, her father has other plans, and has conscripted her to the rider's quadrant with her childhood friend Violet. Reuniting with her brother he only gives her two orders. Do not bring up wanting to dance and stay far away from Xaden Riorson. Both of his orders go ignored.
Chapter Summary: Lydia is drowning in the memories of her past, and trying to get her footing at Basgiath.
A/N: I'm so sorry that it took me this long to get out. I loved chapter 1 so dearly I was struggling to make sure Chapter 2 was just as good!
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I promise it won't be super long like this for every update I was just going through some things and fighting some insecurities!
Word Count: 9,235 (I wasn't going to have you all wait this long just for a short fic
Chapter 1 I Wanna Be Yours Masterlist
My breathing becomes rapid as I wait to go on stage. The anticipation before a performance has always been the reason for my heart racing and my nerves are heighten. The warmth of a larger tanned hand enveloping my own instantly quiets the noise in my mind. “You look like you’re ready to crawl out of your skin, Dove.” I smile and look at Lian, my dance partner, my love. His warm brown eyes, twinkling under the mage lights. He smiles and it’s so disarming and causes butterflies to flutter in my stomach. “You are radiant.”
I giggle, and smooth out my dance dress the flowing skirts various shades cobalt that stops at my knees. The bodice having an intricate design of silver swirls against the blue corset like top. “You say that every show.” His free hand plays with one of the lose curls framing my face, the rest of my hair in a tight ornate bun. I take in his form; his outfit matches mine in hue with his pants various levels of blue with a simply white tunic that reveals some of his tone chest the silver pendant you gave him wrapped around his neck. “I have to say, Lian, you’re not so bad yourself.”
Lian chuckles as He lifts my hand to his lips, pressing them to my knuckles specifically where the ring he had given me resides. “I mean it Lydia. I love-
The music swells in the auditorium the melody, the indication I need to appear. “See you out there, Lover Boy.” He releases my hand as I begin to leap onto the stage and into Fourth position. Feeling Lian’s warm gaze upon my body, causing my cheeks to redden. I begin the routine.
My movements are fluid, my turns sharp. Seraphina’s words in the back of my mind, “Keep those feet pointed, arms straight, girl.” Her raspy voice rings in my ears as I correct my feet and my arms. Allowing the music to enter my body once again. I am its puppet, the symphony my puppeteer.
I swirl my skirt whirling around me the shades of blue looking like rippling waves around me. And I begin the movements that lead to my big leap when I notice one of the musicians hit the incorrect note. Seraphina always said to not let the musicians’ mistakes be your downfall on the stage. Heading that advise I push through tampering my annoyance I run and take in the air. My grin big, my legs stretched wide, I feel as though I’m flying, and in this moment one thing rings true, there will never be a more freeing feeling than this.
 The other musicians’ notes turn sharp and out of tune, and the disruption despite what I was taught causes me to stumble my landing. I hiss as my ankle rolls, causing my body to collapse to the ground, but I don’t think about the pain as screams erupt from the theater.  Tanned Hands are instantly on my waist hoisting me up and the familiar smell of soap and ocean waves crash tells me its Lian. I smell the flames before I see them. “Lian, we have to get out of here.” My voice trembles as fear begins to consume me.
Flames erupt around the theater as the ground shakes before us Lian grabs me closer to me. "I'm sorry dove," he whispers.
 "For what?" He presses his forehead to mine. Panic laces my voice as he grips me tighter, his thumb grazing against my hip in a soothing manner. Confusion washes through me at his behavior, we should be trying to leave to get out of here. “Lian, you’re scaring me.”
 "I love you more today than I did yesterday." He murmurs in my hair. My chest feels heavy like someone is applying all their weight over my heart at his words. I can’t breathe. He looks at me expectantly and my stomach gets a sinking sensation.
I shake my head as tears pool in my eyes and begin to run down my face, as I cup his cheek, "Why does this feel like a goodbye?" I cry out while he waits patiently waiting for me to finish his statement. The sounds around us muted by the intensity this conversation has become.
"Finish it, dove. Please." The banisters above us crash, and the flames lick my skin as he grips me closer to his chest. “We don’t have a lot of time.”
 I tremble, and press his lips to mine quickly, "I'll love you more tomorrow than I did today." He kisses my lips once more, just when the stage collapses, he pushes me out of the way. The warmth of his touch lingering on my skin as I watch him get consumed by the hole where the stage once stood. Arms wrap around me, hoisting me up and dragging me to safety. I begin to thrash and scream, calling out to him, "Lian, LIAN!"
My Screams the only sound in the burning auditorium.
“Wake up, Lydia! Wake! Up!” Dain’s voice breaks through the darkness and my eyes open with a jolt and I sit up. My eyes can’t seem to focus, and I don’t recall where I am, Dain’s hands grip my shoulders, and my gaze quickly moves to my brother. His eyes hold concern in them, his brows furrowed, “You were just having a dream.” His thumbs rubbed my shoulders, “You were out for two days.”
“Two days.” Memories of golden yellow eyes and how the blue daggertail bowed to me. A dragon had bowed to me! I lived to tell the tale of my first interaction with a dragon.
 I slowly lift my hands and wrap them around his wrists as though I need proof, he is really with me. His eyes glance at my hand and spot the silver band with a swirls throughout the band and the initials LD engraved in it. “I didn’t think he would let you keep anything after mom left.” His brown eyes meet mine.
 I quickly remove my hands with a scoff. “The General doesn’t get to dictate what I keep and what gets thrown away. Even if he thinks he does.” My mind goes back to watching as he destroyed one set of my pointe shoes. I smile, what he didn’t know on that day, that in my bag, the new pair I had bought from the traveling market were there.
Dain releases my shoulders, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Lydia he is only trying to protect you.” He lowers his hands and shoots me a glare, “As am I.” His tone is clipped.
I blink and my lip curls, “What’s that supposed to mean?” I cross my arms.
My brother leans against his chair, also crossing his arms a familiar stance we have taken over the years. One that only led to one of us screaming and the other either with tears, or a broken nose. Dain’s nose has never looked the same since. “Are you aware whose dragon it was that you enticed?”
Rage consumes my body, “You want to ask that again, Brother?” I quirk a brow at him.
“No.” His tone is just like the general’s, too much like him.
“You know I don’t know, so don’t be a condescending prick and just tell me.” I begin to stretch my legs under the blankets my feet naturally pointing. The numb feeling shifting into pins and needles my legs has been in one position for too long. I need to get up…I need to practice.
“That was Xaden Riorson’s dragon, Lydia.” Dain snarls. “And you bowed to it, like it she was some all-powerful being. Do you know how that makes the Aetos family look? Did that even cross your mind?”
I turn to sit at the edge of my bed, my hand gripping the end so tightly my knuckles turn white. “You’re joking, right?” Anger begins to bubble; my face begins to heat up and I can feel the tears beginning to build. “A dragon approached me. In most cultures, bowing between two parties is a sign of respect. I was thinking of how I could come out of that situation alive.” Dain’s lips formed into a tight line shifting in his seat. “I thought about my life. I wasn’t thinking about who that dragon belonged to, how embarrassing it was for you. I sure as fuck did not give a shit about our family reputation.” I rise noting that I am still from my clothes from the parapet. Finally taking in my surroundings I notice the rows of beds someone brought me to the female wing. “What time is it?”
“We have about 2 hours before formation.” Dain says rising from his own scene. “I need you to lay low. Please for the love of the gods, please lay low. Don’t attract any unwanted attention, do not bring up the dancing thing.” He grips my arm, his fingers digging into my skin. “This is the most important one so pay attention. Stay away from Xaden Riorson.”
I snort and yank my arm back, “I have no interest in being near the one person in this place who would probably want to see our heads on a spike, thanks to the action of our father.” Pushing him out of my way I grab my bag that is lying beside my bed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for the day.”
I left the female wing before he could get another word in. I manage to find the showers on my own and wash off the grime that I have been sleeping in. Letting the water cascade down my skin, I rub my face my mind wandering from that interaction with the blue daggertail. To the nightmare I woke up from. Lian. My dance partner, my lover, my best friend. I twist the ring on my finger absentmindedly, it’s been months since I last had a dream about him. Tears well up in my eyes.
The rays of the sun warmed my skin as I began my stretches, Lian lying on the blanket in front of me. The sun is hitting his tan skin, his eyes closed, a smile on his face. As though he didn’t have any care in the world, except to be here with me. Finishing my stretches I rise to my feet and lift my teeth on my tippy toes. My bare feet sink into the plush blades of grass. I raise my leg above my head.
I begin to hum, and the tune shifts me from the prairie we are having a picnic at and morphs to the theater. My hums soon are replaced by the sweet sounds of the orchestra. I move my leg down pointed behind me. My movements fluid as my feet carries me through the stage. Leaps precise arms tight, various faces in the crowd, that I don’t pay close attention to. I begin my pirouette. I’m to do five spins for this routine, the most I have done. Putting myself in position I smile out to the crown and stumble, brown hair the same as my own, a smile that Dain inherited are looking back at me. It’s not that my mother is in the crowd that causes my movements to falter. Her eyes, seeming to glow in the dim lights of the theater and their color, gone were the warmth and comfort of her blue eyes. Her gaze now cold, hard and the vilest shade of red.
Hands gripped my waist pulling me tightly, fingers beginning to dance at my size as laughter begins to bubble up my chest.
“Lian!” I squeal as he spins me around, always knowing exactly when I need to be pulled from my thoughts. “Put me down! I’m rehearsing!”
He presses his lips to my ear, “You’re always rehearsing, Dove. We’re outside let’s enjoy our picnic.”
“I don’t like dealing with the wrath of Seraphina.” I murmur as I lean into his touch.
“I have a gift for though. Don’t you want to know what it is?” I whip around to face him, and he chuckles at my wide-eyed expression.
“My Love, if you want my attention, start with gifts.” He leads me back to the blanket and sits me down. “I have something for you too.”
“Me first,” he tucks what he has behind his back. Lian's curly brown hair becoming wild with the soft summer breeze rolling through. “Close your eyes, Dove, and hold out your right hand.”
I quirk a brow but obey, closing my eyes I stick out my right hand. It feels like hours have gone by though it has only been a minute at most before his soft hand holds mine. The cool bite of metal sliding down my finger until it reaches my knuckle. I open my eyes and gasp. The engraving work on the ring is beautiful, the swirling design reminding me of shadows and in the center where the shadows should my initials reside there. LD.
I look up at my partner and smile, “Lian D- He silences me with a kiss one filled with so much passion it makes me dizzy.
He pulls away, “Do you like it?” He murmurs over my mouth.
“No.” His face falls before I kiss his nose, “I love it.” Lian’s grin takes my breath away. “My turn.” I press a hand to his chest, “Sit back, and close your eyes.” Lian sat back on his heels and closed his eyes. I dig through my bag until my fingers grip the chain, pulling it out revealing the oval pendant with my name in the center. I crawl to him and gently place the chain over his head and place the necklace down gently around his neck.
Lian opens his eyes, and looks down to the pendant. His thumb grazes over the engraving of my name as though he was caressing me. My body responds to the sight of it as if his thumb was grazing me, tenderly. He looks up at me with a smile, “Now you’ll be near my heart forever.” Lian grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. “Happy Anniversary, Dove.”
I press my forehead to his. “Happy Anniversary, Lian.”
“Lydia?” Violet’s voice rings through the bathing chambers.
“I’m in here,” I call out, her footsteps echoing through the chamber.
“Are you okay? I just ran into Dain.” Her voice is hesitant, she knows my feelings for my brother as well as I know about hers. “He seemed upset.”
“He can get in line.” Shutting off the water and grabbing my towel to dry off. “I don’t need a lecture about how he is a good person. I’m not interested in that.”
“I know what today is.” My hands still, “I’m not here to talk about Dain. He’s being an ass.” I wrap the towel around my body and step out. Violet’s blue eyes with flickers of amber were warm. “I’m sorry.” She engulfs me into a hug as I swallow the tears threatening to fall. “He would be so proud of you, Lydia.”
Today would have been our two-year anniversary. I should be at the dance studio with him rehearsing. Yet here I am in Basgiath and Lian…is gone.
Lian’s absence has hurt me in more ways than one. After our one-year anniversary he vanished. At least when my mother abandoned me, she had the decency to leave me a note. Late nights at the lake, stolen kisses backstage, his arms wrapped around me so tight the colonel’s wrath couldn’t find me there. I long for those moments once more, but clearly, he didn’t. His words the day we exchanged gifts ring in my head, “I’ll get you out, Lydia, you’ll never have to deal with your father. I’m going to set you free.”
He didn’t keep his promise. He left me behind without so much as a second glance. Freedom. My mom longed for it, Lian promised it.  I’m growing to detest the idea of freedom if it means the people I care about most fucking abandon me for it, leaving me to a cruel fate.
Confined. Controlled. Caged.
What good is freedom if it means stepping on the backs of the people one loves just to get there?
My feeling of sadness contorts to anger as I slowly pull away from Violet, she has never once abandoned me and is confined in this brick cage as I am. Violet doesn’t deserve my anger, though the sympathy in her eyes told me I could, and she would let me. I refuse to be my father or my brother and take my out-of-control feelings out on people who do not deserve it. Straightening my spine I give Violet’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Hard to be proud of someone, you actively abandoned with no word as to why you left.” I release her hand and swallow once more forcing the lump lodged in my throat back down to the pit of my stomach where it belongs. Where all my unwanted feelings belong.  “I’m going to get dressed and we can head to formation.
Violet nods, her eyes still glittering with concern. I quickly moved to change into the leathers that were near my bed this morning. Wrapping my hair in a tight bun I stick the two hair pins in. I link my arms with hers and give her a smile, a performative one, but a smile all the same.
Formation was a blur even as I am currently looking for a seat during breakfast, thinking back I can’t quite remember anything other than the list of names of those that did not make it yesterday, and everyone’s eyes on me. Kind of like they are now, though I have never been a stranger to eyes upon me, I wish it was for my ability to dance and not because I survived an interaction with Xaden Riorson’s dragon. And arm drapes around my shoulder, “Welcome back to the land of the living.” Ridoc’s voice is a welcome joy from the ominous stares burning holes in my skin. “Come, we’ve already scooped up Sorrengail.” Before I can counter, he is brining me to the table with Rhiannon, Violet, and a man who’s skinny, sandy curls lay atop his head.
Sitting at the open seat next to him the handsome man, he held out his hand, “Sawyer Henrick.” There is a twinkle in his green eyes, his freckles a stark contrast with his pale skin.
I grip his hand and give him a warm smile, “Lydia Aetos.”
Sawyer winks, “You know, you’re a lot prettier to look at than your brother.”
Heat creeps up my skin, as I release his hand. “Thanks, I guess.” I take a sip of my drink, “He is an eye sore.” Sawyer spits out his drink all over Ridoc as he chuckles, while the latter groans.
“How are you feeling, Lydia?” Rhiannon changes the subject as Ridoc continues his grumbling.
I think back to Xaden’s onyx eyes boring into my skull, or the heat from the Blue Daggertails nostril’s grazing against my neck as if a gust of warm summer’s wind was caressing me. Her yellow eyes staring at me, assessing me, for what? I’m not sure and I hope I wouldn’t find out considering who her rider is. The fear surges back up but a hand gripping my own brings me to the present. Soft, tiny, Violet, I look over to the youngest Sorrengail, “I’m alright. Nothing a few days rest couldn’t solve.”
“So, that interaction with that dragon…”Ridoc pulls my attention to him, “What was that all about?”
I shrug, beginning to devour my meal, not caring how the food tasted as I discover how hungry I am, “I truly wish I knew. I have never met a dragon before her.”
The table falls silent in contemplation. I shift in my seat and feel the familiar prick in the back of my neck. Glancing up Onyx eyes look at me in cold assessment as he eats his food, his stare never breaking from my own. I give my performance grin, the one that makes the audience fall in love with me the moment I step on the stage. Slowly raising my hand, I lift my middle finger to him.  His eyes lower and he tilts his head ever slightly ignoring the person who is chatting away in front of him. I give him a playful wink and break eye contact though I can feel his eyes on me.
“Well, should we call you the Queen of the Dragons?” Ridoc quips as the table chuckles with him and I hunch my shoulders slightly, embarrassment trickling through my body. “I mean I have never heard of a dragon that has bowed to a human in that way before. It must mean she’s destined to rule them all.” Ridoc smiles at me as I ball up my napkin to throw at him.
“Absolutely not, I would much rather you all call me twinkle toes than that.” I sip my water as the entire table, Violet included, give each other playful looks.
Collectively and in the highest decibel above screaming yell, “Twinkle Toes!” Before erupting in laughter and I can’t help but join in. I forgotten what it felt like to be surrounded by people that I connect with so well and enjoy their company. Sitting with them wiping my tears from laughter that causes my stomach to ache is a welcome reprieve from the dark corners of my mind where I usually reside.
“Mind if we join?” A man’s voice pulls the group from our bubble and back into reality. I lift my gaze and it feels as though ice has been poured over my head. The man’s eyes the same shade of brown as his, his hair like the curls I ran my fingers through countless times, lips I’ve kissed on numerous occasions. His face has the same shape as Lian’s, they could have been twins. My gaze shifts lower to the relic that peaks through his leathers and that’s where the similarities end, and the sound of my heart shattering thunder in my ears.
“Not at all We have space,” Ridoc scoots down, Lian’s look-a-like allows his handsome friend that had a matching tattoo along, with blonde hair and blue eyes, to sit closer to Ridoc and he sits in front of me. I swallow down my surge of emotions tears threatening to fall as the man smiles at me.
Ridoc takes over with the introductions, saving himself for last. “And who might you two be.”
The blonde-haired male eyes locks on Violets, as he smiles and I notice that her cheeks are red as he holds out his hand to her, “Liam Mairi.” Violet shakes his hand and averts her gaze. Sliding his hand from hers his fingers lingering slightly from her fingertips. Clasping the man’s, in front of me, shoulder, “This right here is Bodhi Durran, a second year.”
Metal clashes as my utensils falls on the plate, “I’m so sorry.” I rise to my feet acutely aware eyes are on me, “I just realize I need to do some things before class starts. Please excuse me.” I smile at Bohdi vision beginning to blur as tears rise, “It was lovely to meet you.” I turn and briskly walk away before anyone can call me back. Running down the hall and into the female wing of the dorms I reach my cot and sob in my pillow. Memories of Lian I have since buried deep rising to the surface:
“Lydia Aetos. My muse.” Lian smiles as my hips grind against his, “My dove.” His tanned hands slide my dress up my thighs they slowly reach my chest palming my cleavage resulting in a moan from me. “Who sings such pretty songs in pleasure.” He sits up and I adjust accordingly as I ride him.
“I love you.” I whisper, my eyes lidded, “I love you Lian Durran.” My fingers slide through his dark curls as his lips find mine and claim me.
A hand clamps over my mouth as I’m hoisted from my cot. My back presses against a hard back a dagger at my neck as hands grip my legs to prevent me from kicking. “Shh, Twinkle Toes. We’re going to take good care of you! I scream resulting in the hand clamping tighter around my mouth.
I lash around as Jack Barlow and his cronies begin to carry me down the empty corridor. “Jack,” the one struggling to keep my feet together groans, “Can’t we at least have some fun with her before we get rid of her?” My body stills at the implication. I know I’m in danger, but fear keeps me frozen in place.
I am incapable of calling out to help as the duo pulls me into the shadows. They pin me to the wall, and I beg my body to move, will it to do anything besides tremble, I think of Dain, and the dream of a better relationship with my brother, of Violet whose kindness has brought me from the brink of insanity by her friendship. I think of Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Liam and even Bodhi, friendships I’ll never get to see grow because I know one thing is certain.
I am going to die today.
Jack presses the knife to my skin keeping my head in place with his hand. “I’m going to make sure you feel the humiliation I felt on the parapet that day.” He whispers in my ear as he grazes the knife across my neck, hard enough to break skin, though not hard enough to kill. As if he was a predator toying with his food, he lowered the cold steel down to my chest where the leathers we received protected me from taking any reputable damage. “You are such a pretty little thing.” Bile rose in the back of my throat at his words. “You’ll be even prettier drenched in your blood.
“But you sai-
“Even I wouldn’t stoop that low.” And with a quick movement of his hand Jack slit the other cadet’s throat. I screamed his palm muffling the sound. His cold blue eyes meet mine, “Now where were we?”
“What do we have here?” A low voice causes Jack to turn, yanking me to his front. Hazel eyes meet mine and I take a moment to take in the person in front of me. His dark black hair with short curls allows the sharp angles of his face to stand out. His high cheekbones and perfectly set nose this man is handsome and right now his mouth is set in a firm line, “It’s not nice to hand a pretty lady in such a way.”
“I’m handling a pest problem.” Jack simply states.
The man smiles and its devastatingly beautiful. “Allow me to correct myself.” His large, calloused hand wraps around my forearm and maneuvers me out of Jack’s grasp with ease. All the while gripping the collar of Jack’s jacket, “You will not touch her or come near her ever again. “Do you understand?” Jack nods a snarl curling at his lips as the man releases him. “Good not run along, you’ll be late for battle brief.” Jack makes sure to level me with a glare as he walks down the corridor. The mystery man turns towards me and smiles, his eyes scanning me, locking in my neck where the warmth of my blood clings to my skin. “You’re hurt.”
“A simple scratch, it will be gone in the morning.” I look to the corpse lying behind him and he glances to where I’m staring, “Better than being that guy at the moment.” The man snorts as his gaze lands on me once more. He nods as though the answer is good enough for him as I reach out my hand, “I’m Lydia.”
His eyes light up in recognition, “Aetos right?” I sheepishly nod my head as he takes my hand and places a soft kiss on my knuckles, “A pleasure. You are much nicer to look at than your brother.” He releases my hand and I laugh.
“I see my brother has made quite the name for himself.” I quip as I fidget as silence fell between the two of us.
“Come on Cadet, we will be late for battle brief.” The man extends his arm for me to loop through and as my hand pressed into his muscled arm, he led me down the hall.
I look back to the body on the ground, “Um shouldn’t we take care of him?”
Garrick chuckles, “Don’t fret, Pretty girl, someone will dispose of him and his things. “Death is pretty commonplace here.” I feel his eyes are on me. I glance back in his direction to see a playful smirk on his face, “I like your eyes. How one is brown, and one is blue. Its about as unique as having a dragon bow to you.” He quirks a brow as I groan looking up at the ornate ceiling above. “Word travels fast here.”
“So much for going through these three years undetected I guess.” He hums in agreement, and I take a moment to study him as we go down the stairs. “So does the pretty boy have a name?”
The man winks at me, “He does.”
“Well, I can’t call you my hero forever,” I smile, the sadness of a former love fluttering away, as I shamelessly flirt with the man in front of me.
He whistles, “You’re good, Aetos.” He releases my arm only playfully nudges me. “My name is Garrick. Feel free to keep calling me your hero though. I won’t mind.”
I laugh, “You’re a shameless flirt.” I counter as we approach a classroom, students from every year begin filing in.
Onyx eyes meet mine, his nostrils flare slightly at the sight of me with Garrick but his lips remain in a tight line as a warmth breath grazes my ear, “Takes one to know one, Pretty Girl.”  I whip my head towards him as he stands to his full height and walks into the room without so much as a goodbye. Though he is quick to wrap what I now see as a tattooed arm around Xaden causing the Wingleader to break eye contact with me.
“Hey, are you okay? You ran off pretty quickly at breakfast.” Ridoc’s voice rings out as I find him with the others at the entryway.
“I’m fine, just needed to catch up on work.” Ridoc nodded as we all entered the large classroom with chairs that rose all the way up to the rafters. Every student in Basgiath could be sat here. The ornate look of the room takes my breath away as it reminds me of the theater I once used to frequent with my mother.
“Everyone, take your seats and we will begin.” A woman projects her voice from where she stands, at what can only be described as a stage. I’m once again reminded of the fact that I am no longer a dancer. This is not a theater. I am to become a rider. This is Battle Brief.
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Waking up early, I quickly change into my leotard and tights that I sneak past my father’s nose. The last week has been a challenge to say the least. I have been struggling to gain my footing, Dain’s constant quips and critiques, the intense class schedule. Finding reasons to get up and keep moving has been a challenging one for me. Familiar dark thoughts overriding my brain my father’s words ringing in my ears. Somedays I am able to quiet them other time they were yelled in high decibels causing me to curl into a ball in my cot.
Worthless. Pathetic. Disgrace of a child.
Wrapping my pointe shoes around my ankles tying them securely I begin to tiptoe toward the Gym where there are full length mirrors.
Grateful that no one is around, I begin my stretches, my feet pointed outward, I lower my body. I focus on my breathing as I plie I reach one arm out in front of me the other above me and I sink lower once more.
Hold 2, 3, 4
I rise on my exhale and do this a few more times trying to keep my breathing even and the dark thoughts at bay. To keep from those feelings consuming me entirely as they have in previous years. And I begin to do my routine.
“You need to get up, Lydia.” Lian whispers as I turn over and cover the pillow over my head groaning. “Dove.” His fingers graze up my bare spine.
“Go away.” I grumble pulling the covers over me tightly.
Lian continues his tender strokes, “Is it happening again?”  He gently removes the pillow from my head to reveal my tear-stained cheeks. “The dark feelings returning.”
I nod my head, “It feels like my body weighs a ton. I just want to lay in bed.”  Lian proceeds to pull the covers off me and before I can begin to scold him, he kisses the bottom of my spine spine and leaves soft pecks all the way up to the base of my neck.  “Lian.” I warn.
“I’m not going to do anything, not like that anyway.” He chuckles as his firm hands begin to rub the tension from my shoulders. “Seraphina can rehearse with the others today.”
“You should-
“I would never leave you behind, Dove.”  He continues to massage my back and reaches a knot that elicits a groan. “I’m going to set you free, baby. I promise.” A small smile emerges on my face, “There she is.”
My spins become sloppy as memories of Lian bubble up.
I would never leave you behind. But he did.
I am going to set you free. Yet, I’m still in a cage.
I love you, Dove. Then why did he leave?
I lose my footing as I leap, and my ankle rolls before I can fall to the floor calloused hands grip my arms. My body stiffens as I see the rebellion relic, followed by the scent of leather and mint. My eyes gaze up to meet the Gold flecked onyx of Xaden Riorson. “What has you up this early?”
I writhe out of his grasp, “Why do you want to know?”
Xaden quirks his scarred brow, “I’m your Wingleader, Kitten, it’s my job to know why my cadet is not only out of bed but why she is in…whatever it is you’re wearing.”
I look down at my pointe shoes followed by my pink tights and leotard, “I’m a dancer. This is dance attire.”
His eyes graze down my body and a shiver course down my spine at his ogling. “Why are you here?”
“This space is for all cadets, Wingleader.” I begin to continue when he presses a finger to my lips.
“No, no. Why are you here in Basgiath?” His thumb idly swiped my hip the tenderness of the action pulling me from my stupor. As I whack his hand and step out of his grasp. “I mean it is pretty obvious you don’t belong here, Kitten.”
Through gritted teeth, “Well the fuck aware, Riorson. I also recall telling you my name is Lydia.”
He takes a step closer, gripping my chin he forces me to look at him, “Tell me something, Lydia. Why did you bow to Sgaeyl?”
Sgaeyl. That is the name of his dragon. Beautiful. Just like her. “Out of respect.”
“You didn’t have to.” He murmurs getting close enough that I have no choice but to look up at him. “Most people would have ran away.”
“I’m not most people. I prefer keeping my flesh intact not becoming a pile of ash.”  I pull one of the hair pins from my hair pressing it to his chest forcing him to take a step back. “Tell me, Xaden, why did she bow in return?”
He hums in contemplation, and I scowl. He bends down at the waist, so our faces are inches apart from one another. My heartbeat quickens at him being so close to me, warmth pooling in my belly as his beautiful face closes in on mine, our nose near touching. “Now where is the fun in answering that, Kitten.” His face contorts into a look of confusion. “You’re crying.”
I press my hand to my cheek to find tears there. The dark thoughts hit me like a wave crashing over a rock, unlike a rock, I get swept up in the current:
Useless, Pathetic, Annoying. Traitor
I wrap my arms around myself and take a step away from the Wingleader. The warmth his body provided was now gone. “I have to go, if I want to change and make it to formation in time.” I turn acutely aware I am putting my back to him as I scurry off back from the room. Finding a vacant hallway, I slide my back against the cool brick, rubbing my chest. The words are becoming all-consuming, and I allow myself to succumb to the darkness. The words playing in a loop as though it was playing through a faulty record player.
Words are so cruel but have been my constant companion when people I care about were so quick to leave me. Abandon me. Brennan, my mom, Lian, even Dain is guilty of abandoning me. It’s hard to not let the vile words keep me down when the most important people in my life constantly leave me. At some point the words that would pop up as fleeting thought began to take root and seep into my brain as something factual the moment, I found that letter on my bed. The moment I learned that I wasn’t worth fighting for, wasn’t worth defending.
Dain’s betrayal stung the most when he would stop defending me against our father when it came to my dancing and has since tried to snuff out the one good thing in my life with him.
“I highly doubt you’re good enough to make a career out of it. This is a fine hobby sure, but you need to realize that he expects you to train to be a warrior.”
A chunk of my heart deteriorated that day. Dain has never once seen me dance, for him to say that hurt. For him to then reiterate that last week stings more. Nothing has changed and I was hoping that being here away from our father would give us the chance to mend things. The hope now since squandered since I yielded my practice challenge after the first punch. He said I was embarrassing him and making father look like a fool.
Maybe I am a fool. Fool for falling in love with a performer who the moment things became complicated had left without an utterance of goodbye.
Foolish for thinking I could have a career in dance with my father carrying me like a marionette doll. Foolish for thinking him and I would ever have a loving father daughter relationship like I witness Violet have with her father.
Foolish for thinking I’m good enough to fight for, to love, to be cared for.
Stray tears turn into stream of sobs as I tuck my knees to my chest and bury my face in them. I don’t care how loud I’m being, or how emotional I am. I just want the ache in my chest to disappear, for the heaviness of my existence to lift from my shoulders. For someone, anyone, to pull me from the depths of my darkness so that I may be able to breathe easier, to feel less burdensome.
My vision blurs as I allow the thoughts to rip me apart, the sounds of footsteps causing me to lift my head. Finding a tall figure hovering over me as my vison gives way to the tears, I don’t register the hands that lift me from the ground only the comforting smell of Leather and mint before falling asleep allowing the exhaustion of my episode to welcome me with open arms.
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“Lydia!” Violet squeals jolting me awake, I look to see I’m on my cot. The other women filtering through. “You missed formation, I was so worried about you.” Her frail arms wrap around my neck and I’m quick to embrace her back not only because I needed her comfort but also to keep her from falling. “Were you asleep the whole time?”
I shrug, “I honestly am not sure how I got here. I was practicing in the gym before anyone had woken up. Next thing I know I am waking up to you.” She nods and a pang of guilt hits me like a dagger, I know that someone had brought me back here during my meltdown. Violet has enough to worry about on her own, she doesn’t need to be worried about me as well. “Was Dain mad?”
Violet bit her lip and her cheeks became rosy, “He was,” She looked up as though she was trying to pick the best word from a shelf. “Agitated.”
“He was angry. I didn’t mean to miss formation. I just didn’t wake up.” I sit up and grab my leathers. Preparing for the fight I will inevitably have with my brother. “I will be surprised if he doesn’t just kill me before the year is over. That way he doesn’t have to worry about me ruining his image.”
“Well, what if I said that I have something that gives you and I an edge.”  I pause and turn to my friend. She holds up a book in her hands the scrawl so familiar.
The Book of Brennan
“Mira must have kept it after Brennan died.” Violet shrugs and her eyes shift as if for a moment she was back home, and her brother was still alive. I reach over and grip her shoulder and she physically shake off the memories. She gives me a smile, “We’ll read this after classes. If we are even late to one. I fear Ridoc is going to become lost.”
“Can’t have that. I’ll change quickly and we can go.” She nods with a smile and the vacancy in her eyes dissipating. And I turn to go change, wishing there was something I could do to keep Violet safe from the horrors of this world.
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I’m going to murder Violet.
The brisk cold air of the night still reaching my bones even with my cloak on. I cling the material tighter to my chest as I cross the courtyard hoping I blend in with the dark shadows of the night. I shouldn’t even be the one out here tonight. After reading Brennan’s guide to surviving Basgiath, Violet took it upon herself a few days ago to find out who our first challenge partners were. In turn she knew of a flower that grew in a tree near the lake that would give herself an edge next week. She had asked if she should get enough for two people, but I refused.  I had no intention of fighting anyone next week but that even if I did I would not need it.
Violet didn’t intend to have a flare up before she set off on her little escapade tonight. These past few weeks have taken a toll on her body even though she would never say anything. Dain and I knew she is suffering in silence, stubborn just like her mother. Though tonight she couldn’t even get out of bed. Her silvery blue eyes pleading as she asked if I would go get the flower for her. Even gave me a rough sketch of what I was looking for. Not being able to deny the minx anything I agreed and now out in the abnormally cold evening for summer my knee flares in pain, something that occurs when weather shifts, I sustained an injury during a performance when I first started dancing and now, I’m acutely aware of when we are getting a storm, or when General Sorrengail is having a fit. The abnormal chill causes another shooting pain to my knee, and I grit my teeth swallowing the pain.
The tree comes into focus and my mind drifts back to simpler times.
“Dain! I can’t its too high.” I scream clinging tightly to a branch closing my eyes to avoid looking at the daunting distance from the branch to the ground.
“Lydia, I promise I’ll catch you.” Dain voice calls out. “I promise I won’t let you fall.”
I peak an eye open and his arms only slightly bigger than mine are wide open ready to cling onto me should I decide to jump down. “I’m scared.” I whisper.
“I’m your brother, my job is to protect you. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?” I nod my head and take a steadying breath as I ease my grip on the branch. Shifting in a seated position the skirt of my pale pink dress shifting with me. “That’s it. Now jump!”
I close my eyes and take that leap a shrill scream erupting from my throat as the air whirled around my ears. Arms gripped my shoulders and knees.  “See,” Dains voice; a soothing balm over my fears, “You are safe. So long as I breathe, I will always keep you safe, Lydia. I promise.” I latch my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.
“I love you, Dain.”
Another cold breeze kisses my cheeks as I’m brought to the present, where it’s not warm and sunny, but warm with the looming threat of rain above. Where my brother and I are not close and may as well be strangers. The only person who would protect me from the monsters lurking in the shadows being myself. I shake the looming thoughts reminding myself that I am here for a task.
I lighten my steps to keep them quiet and not draw attention to myself. To further ease my worries of being caught as I loom closer to the tree, I imagine that I’m not a cadet out past curfew in a war college I want nothing to do with, but instead a wraith dancing across the stage, undetected from the royal guards. The orchestra’s melodies were one of short beats that matched with footsteps, a dark undertone to build the tension for the audience, as though I may be caught.  My movements highlight my ability to flip and contort my body, in place of my normal languid long movements.
My feet move on their own accord as I dance with a face covering to conceal my identity, for if the guards realized there was an assassin on their grounds, they would likely kill me. In swift movements, as though I’m galloping toward the tower, where my sworn enemy waits for me at the top. I stretch my body as if I was on my tiptoes I would be able to reach the man who was destined to be my enemy. Who became my lover instead. Lovers destined to be apart, who against the odds found moments to be together. The music roars in my ears as the short beats of the music shift to one of longing and passion.
I place my foot in the slot made for my dance shoes and begin my accent my lover waiting for me at the top of the tower. The music rises in tandem with my ascent and dramatically I falter on a step acting as though I lost my footing. The music in tandem with the music building to a climactic moment, the audience gasping thinking I will fall. As gracefully as slid, I pushed my body back against the set piece and continued my ascension.
My forehead collides with a tree trunk, and I yelp in surprise. Reality rearing its hideous form from my beautiful daydream to reveal I am halfway up the tree. How I didn’t hit any other branches takes me by surprise, but I continue, keeping my eyes peeled for the flower Violet needs.
Spotting the delicate looking but also dangerous plant I settle myself on a large branch that supports my weight and I gather a few of the buds and place it in the vile that the youngest Sorrengail sibling provided for me. Once I gather enough for Violet to use, I place the vile in my pocket and set to lower myself from the tree where I hear voices. Lying on my stomach keeping myself flushed against the tree branch as three cloaked figures come into view.
The three lower their cloaks and my heart stops. The pink hair of the marked one that destroyed Violets shoulder at our practice round of challenges. Garrick’s curls appeared from the cloak along with his annoyingly handsome smirk. Finally, Xaden Riorson, and in the moonlight, I can’t deny that his beauty whooshes the breath out of me. I especially try to keep the fact that his body close to mine when I ran into him at the gym plays across my mind periodically and heat pools in my stomach at the though of his hands on me and his lips…
The shuffling of more feet pulls me from stupor as more marked ones approach, I know because most have opted to not wear any coverings and let reveal their relics with pride. I scrunch my brows; this meeting is against the codex. The marked ones are not supposed to congregate in groups larger than three. A ridiculous rule, as these children are paying for the crimes of their parents but regardless a rule they are actively breaking. I pray to whatever gods can hear to keep me hidden. Xaden only needs to look up to see I’m there to expose that I’m listening and because of who I’m related to; he has grounds to kill me for simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am going to murder Violet.
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As the group of Marked one’s settle is when Xaden’s voice booms in the courtyard. “Alright, let’s get started.”
A person in the back of the group perks up, “I am having a difficult time with History.”
Imogen snorts, “Because of the dates, or because of the lies?” I roll my eyes at her, I may agree that I don’t believe what they are teaching is accurate especially after talking to Lian last year but to stupidly question out loud in the open where anyone could hear is foolish and the quickest to get yourself executed for treason.
“Both.” The young man mutters. Movement on my leg causes me to jolt and I clamp a hand over my mouth to prevent me from shrieking as I look at my leg only to find my leg hidden in the shadows, and it almost feels like the shadows are caressing my leg as if in comfort. Feeling my heartrate regulate I lay back down in my position and try to remain quiet as Garrick answers the young boy.
As the hour ticks by I learn that Xaden is helping the marked ones get through their time here. They like me didn’t ask to be here but must make the best of the dangerous situation their parents unknowingly put them in. My eyes constantly find Xaden’s figure through this meeting and how he looks almost fatherly, the way he’s standing, and the words of comfort and advice causes my chest to tighten. Xaden is more of a loving father to these people than my father ever was to me. Once again, I felt movement against my leg only to find darkness and my brows knit in confusion.
“What of Lydia Aetos and Violet Sorrengail?”  A girl in front quips up in front and my blood runs cold.
“What of them?” Garrick questions back in a tone that can only be described as a warning as he crosses his arms.
“Their parents are the reason we’re here against our will. When do we get to punish them for their crimes? It’s clear we can’t touch Dain, but surely, we can take out the twinkle toed princess?”
“Lydia Aetos and Violet Sorrengail, are mine to handle.” Xaden says with cool indifference though his tone edged on being scolding. “I will remind you, Cadet, that Violet and Lydia didn’t ask to be here either. Violet was studying to be a scribe and you’ve all seen Aetos dance. Neither of them wanted to be here. They are trapped in the same position as we are by the exact same people.”
“You plan on sparing them?” The girl retorts her voice bordering on shrieking. “My mom and older sister are dead because of them. I think taking their children evens the score.”
“Fall in line, Cadet. The two girls are not your kill. I said I am going to handle it. Believe me no one has more reason to hate those two than me.” A sinking feeling wraps me into a state of paralysis. The memory of his hands on me shatters like glass, of course he has every reason to hate me for what my father did. Of course he would want to settle the score, blinded simply by the fact that he’s attractive, I forgot how lethal he is.
The silence permeates over the courtyard, “If you don’t have any other questions then we’re done here.” Imogen commands her nose in the air. “Make sure you go in groups of three to not raise suspicion.”
The group begins to disband in their merry groups of three murmuring about the happenings of this meeting. Imogen and Xaden left together as Garrick waved them off leaning against the tree, watching them go with ease. Silence falls leaving the creatures of the night to sing their beautiful melodies. It almost lulls me to sleep as Garrick’s voice breaks me from the trance, “Have a good night, Pretty Girl, and good luck.” He pauses as my heart thunders out of my chest, and chuckles pushing himself off the trunk of the tree, “You’re gonna’ need it.”  He begins to walk away, and I’m left alone in a state of confusion.
I wait a few minutes to ensure that everyone has left before I make my descent. Landing on the grass with a soft thud, I take a moment to admire the moonlight reflecting the rippling waves, a smile on my face in the beauty of it. Pulling my gaze away from the water I attempt to lift my leg to walk only to find it won’t move. Looking down tendrils of darkness are wrapped snuggly against both ankles keeping my feet planted to ground. I attempt to move again and almost scream out when a low chuckle emerges behind me, whipping around my wavey hair falling over my shoulder as I meet Gold-flecked Onyx eyes and my heart falls into my stomach as Xaden’s figure emerges into the moonlight. A slight tilt of his lips as he crosses his arms.
“You’re not where you’re supposed to be, Kitten.”
To Be Continued!!
Some I tagged that wouldn't let me link if that happened I'm so sorry!
Story Tags: @milswrites @lady-of-tearshed @marvelsmylife @sherayuki @misslady246
@thelov3lybookworm @a-frog-with-a-laptop @randomperson1234sblog @garricks4thwingqueen @leastlikelytoachieve
@clayme123 @sweetsformysoul @nickishadow139 @bada-lee-ily @andreperez11
@pit-and-the-pen @demi321win-chester @aelincaddel @nighttimemoonlover
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namidew · 2 months
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Here’s the next part of the design concepts for my story, this time featuring Athena, Ares, and Aphrodite !!
Normally in depictions of Ares and Athena, they would wear armor, but I drew them without it because I wanted to try to incorporate their other motifs !!
Details below for design ramblings !!
Athena - The design of her face and the shape of her hair combined is meant to have a faintly owlish resemblance, her expression stern to represent her domain of wisdom and connection war. For my story, she’d be a bit more steely and essentially logical, showing more of wisdom than knowledge by her actions being based on past experiences. Her peplos is in reference to greek pottery with its black and orange, and her epiblema is in reference to her birth from Zeus’s head (the version which I am going with for my story) with it weaved to resemble the brain from a side view on either side. Lastly, the shield on her back is the aegis (or aigis?), which in this version, is a shield. Her having a shield but no spear represents defense and more “distance” from battle (despite hoplite soldiers using both) to represent strategy, and Ares having a spear but no shield represents offense and closer proximity in fights, thus closer to see the uglier side of war: the bloodshed and death.
Ares - He and Athena have complimenting details in their spear and shield, and in their color palettes. Both of their weapons are bronze, but appear brown due to the shading. Both have very fiery colored clothing, showing their connection of war despite their differences. Said differences include Ares’s (at least, within my story) tendency for impulsiveness and better emotional intelligence. He has scars not because his injuries didn’t fully heal, but because he (within my story) thinks they’re cool. His near-black, dark red(ish) chiton and hair represent blood and death, both common on the battlefield. his himation is red for blood, with orangey details for the metal of weapons or metallic taste of blood, and in resemblance of vulture wings. He has a more boyish appearance in reference to the young age in which Ancient Greece (as well as many other civilizations and modern day countries) could draft men to war.
Aphrodite - Her hair is red due to its perceived beauty in Ancient Greece and its rarity within the global population. Several strands of her hair are shaped like hearts. Her face is meant to resemble a dove, with eyes blue like the sea. The pearlescent jewelry is in resemblance of the sea foam from which she was born (the version I’m using), her ionian chiton colored in resemblance of the sea behind the sea foam (and funnily enough, it is sea foam in color.) In addition, her necklaces resemble the pattern of feathers (dove) or scales (sea theme.) Her hair color is exactly the same reddish-orange shade as the details on Ares’s himation. If you look closely, there is a very faint heart shape within the shading of her forehead. A consistent element in my designs of the Olympians drawn so far is a metallic element, as seen in Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus having matching gold jewelry, Artemis having silver hair bands, and Ares and Athena having bronze war gear. I’m not entirely sure what Aphrodite’s jewelry is made of, perhaps pearl, or perhaps white opal? Maybe the metallic design element will be a “children of Zeus” design choice.
Thank you if you’ve reading all this rambling, it’s much longer this time. All in all, I’m fairly happy with the designs of these three, but now I have to go back and add more details to the other designs to balance it out a bit. Anyway, if you have any ideas or suggestions for future designs, please do tell me !!
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
First thing first I LOVE your art style. Second your Apollo design and headcanons are amazing. And third I would love to see some kind of colored reference sheet of Apollo, because I would love to make Fanart of your design!
Ok I made a re-made a lil reference thing I made about a year ago with color for you! + I'll add some notes I keep in mind while drawing Apollo in different forms bc I'm kind of inconsistent with my art lol
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Pre-ToA Apollo: Covered in jewelry, bc he's fancy like that. No shoes, I used to draw him wearing sandals but it was actually rly important in antiquity that the gods didn't wear shoes as a sign of their divinity, so no more of that. At most he wears cool gold anklets. I also use his chiton as a bit of a mood ring. When Apollo's is having a great time, it's gold or has gold accents. When he's in stressful situations, it's got more orange and red.
Lester: Shift all colors a bit closer to red, just for cool symbolism-y reasons. I've done blue-eyed Lester before, but I'm ngl brown-eyed Lester still holds my heart. Also the most consistent part of my Lester design is the red hoodie, I will never let that thing go. Lester is a short king, and he always, ALWAYS has some pudge. (I feel kind of bad bc I always draw him in a baggy hoodie so you can't tell sometimes, but I swear I always keep it in mind) I usually show time going on in the trials by adding scars, making the hair longer, and making him a little bit bigger (callback to my hc that all of the physical things Apollo saw as "flaws" got worse in the 5th book, but bc Apollo has grown as a person he genuinely doesn't notice/care as much)
Post-Toa Apollo: Everything is a mix of the first two designs. Two eye colors, two hair colors, clothes that are modern while still referencing antiquity. He even wears sandals, right in between barefoot and sneakers. This design changes a lot, but that's bc I think Apollo is still rapidly changing after the end of ToA, and figuring out how to settle back into himself. The only consistency is that I’ve drawn him wearing crop tops alot? I honestly can’t tell you the reasoning behind that it just keeps happening. So yeah, really with this one, go wild!
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filletedfennysnake · 2 months
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Arthuriana August (1-5): Blood or No, @caer-gai
The Orkneys have arrived at the tourney! Time to fear for your life!
Some design notes and reference under the cut
First up, the armor: since I hate drawing plate mail I like the aesthetics of 13th-ish century armor the most, that's what I went with here.
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(This is from Knights by Andrea Hopkins)
Gawain's armor is more 14th century-adjacent, which means a nicer hauberk and scabbard for him. Being uncle's favorite has its perks! This definitely will not cause any feelings of resentment or jealousy whatsoever
Gaheris is just here to hold his brother's stuff, I seriously doubt he plans on fighting. His outfit is referenced from this 12th century English guy who was absolutely rocking it:
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(From What People Wore When by Melissa Leventon)
Also some quick Orkney design thoughts. Because my god do I have Orkney design thoughts
Agravaine: I think he's the prettiest Orkney, but most people don't notice since he isn't as eye-catching as Gawain, and it's difficult to get past his shit personality. He's also the spitting image of Morgause (I say this because it makes the Agravaine x Lamorak propaganda That Much funnier) and unconsciously grew his hair out to mimic her (their hair is black with purple undertones. btw). Tallest of the Orkneys.
Gawain: Ach, this horrible little man. I have such a clear picture of him in mind yet am never pleased with how he turns out on paper. Kind of stocky build, I think– he is strong and can move deceptively quickly. Of the brothers he probably comes the closest to being an actual redhead, though I imagine him having lots of gold and copper highlights (like the suunnnnn. Because's he the s– yeah you get it). Ice blue eyes. Perfect amount of freckles. Everyone desires him carnally, or at the very least he has good reason to think so. Shortest of the Orkneys by a LOT.
Gaheris: Well since it's Gaheris, obviously he's the most boring-looking out of all the siblings. Light orange hair and greyish-blue eyes (he tries to style it like Gawain but it just limply hangs). Suuuper scrawny and befreckled. He's smack in the middle height-wise, just like in everything else.
Gareth: Oh I am sorry to say it but he is not beating the dumb blond allegations. He looks like a ken doll gone woke and that is all. Second-tallest Orkney.
Mordred (last and least ahaha): He can actually pass for Lot's son since both Lot and Arthur have freckles and light hair, but there are some pretty clear tells. He has a Pendragon nose, classically handsome build, and more heart-shaped face. And heterochromia; one eye is blue and the other is light brown. Second-shortest Orkney.
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bee-can-art · 1 year
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It's taken me two weeks but I finally finished all of my qsmp egg human designs!!!
I have a lot to say about the design choices I made, so I'll put those under the read more if you want to hear my headcanons!!
• Click for better quality (17/07/2023)
Some general headcanons:
• In order of shortest to tallest it goes: Bobby, Richalyson, Gegg, Tallulah, Tilín, Trump, JuanaFlippa, Pomme, Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramón, and Dapper.
• All of the eggs when found were wearing the same white vest/t-shirt and black shorts combination; along with their unique accessories. Any clothes that they're currently wearing, were gifted to them by the player characters.
• All of the eggs are the same age, and are all related (pretty sure that's canon tho).
• The eggs take on physical features from their parents, as an survival instinct. This includes basics such as hair and eye colour. But also includes things such as height and hair type.
• Eggs who's parents are avian/have bird-like features (such as wings), will adapt to have the same wing type as them. This also applies to other eggs, who are taken care of by avian players (see: Tallulah has dragon wings, but is growing black and golden feathers on them).
• The lower half of the eggs are dragon-esque; with scaley legs and clawed feet. The colour of their scales and number of toes that they posses are fixed and cannot be changed. Their ears and horn are a unique shape and colour, depending on the egg. The horns will continue to grow into adulthood.
They also have more naturally sharpened nails (like claws (but not sharp enough to hurt)).
• Wears one of Wilbur's yellow sweaters, the sleeves often hanging over her hands. The red dress she wears is actually meant to be a pinafor, which is a staple part of a primary school uniform, here in the UK. They're most commonly grey, which I originally coloured it but it didn't look right, so I changed it.
• Has a freckle under her right eye (to her) that matches Wilbur, but also has a reverse freckle pattern of Quackity (I'm a tntduo-er (sue me)).
• Due to being cared for by Phil, she has begun growing small, black feathers on her wings. She also has a few golden ones, which started appering whilst trying to get Quackity to confess to Wilbur.
• Takes after Phil the most, due to Missa's absence. This includes his wings becoming feathered crow ones, growing feathers on his face and tail, and has a hair and an eye colour to match Phil's. He also has a matching mole.
• Sometimes wears a helmet made from a large eggshell, painted to look like a skull (a nod to Missa and the fact that the eggs are... well, eggs). The skull on his t-shirt is also a nod to Missa (but he defo got it from Phil).
• His duck floaty has been replaced by a yellow hoodie, tied around his waist.
• Remember how I said that the clothes they wear were given to them by their parents? I like the idea (and think it's very in-character for him) that Quackity basically said, "I don't have any clothes for you, so just wear this until I find some", giving Tilín one of his jackets, and then they Tilín passed away before he could get him something else.
• He and Tallulah are the same height (again, I'm a tntduo-er (yes I am aware that Tilín's other parent has been confirmed to be Luzu, but this is my post so SHUSH). Also, similar to Tallulah, they have the same freckle pattern as Quackity, and an opposite placed freckle (under their left eye) to Wilbur.
• Has golden wings and feathers on face. Doesn't has a tail, due to low placement of their wings.
• Wears one of Slime's white t-shirts with the three red hearts. Also owns a pair of Mariana's red gloves (not included in the drawing).
• Her wings have small holes in them, due to going to hell and coming back again.
• Gun.
• Her hair colour is closest to Slimecicle's, but it's unknown why her eyes are green (not brown like Mariana or blue like Slime).
• The smallest of all the eggs.
• From Jaiden he has her wings, bang and hair sprout pattern and colour. From Roier he has his multiple eyes (bc spider), eye colour, and wears one of his bandanas like him.
(I forgot to include the paint stains on his clothes, but he has those too).
• Has small, rainbow mushrooms growing from their horns.
• From Foolish she has wings of gold (yes, you heard me. Leo's wings aren't like Tilín's with golden feathers, but are literally made from gold (yes she can still fly with them)). From Vegetta they have his hair and eye colour.
• Was given one of Dan's turtlenecks and jackets, which were never replaced because, 1) Dan went "missing", 2) he [Trump] died before getting anything else.
(On another note, it was so wild for me to draw that jacket. I used to be a HUGE DanTDM fan, and the last time I drew fanart relating to him was in 2016/17)).
• Took after Maxo in hair and eye colour.
• The tallest egg (bc qBBH is one tall motherfucker). • Obviously, all of his features come from BBH, including the shape of his horns and the shape of his tail.
(if you were to put Dapper and BBH next to each other, Dapper would literally just look like a tiny BBH).
• Her beret isn't all black like her egg model, but looks like a red apple.
• Has split-coloured scales (one side blue, the other red) to match the placement of the markings on her egg model.
• Has golden duck wings to match Baghera. I went back and forth on whether to give her those or the butterfly wings she wears in-game. But I like the idea that those are more simialr to those fancy-dress type ones you can buy.
• The bottom of her dress has an apple stiched onto it.
• Second tallest egg.
• Yes he has hair under the hat (I haven't made him bald, don't worry). The hat itself is a nod to Spreen, who is his other parent but hasn't logged on in a while. His general outfit is also mean to have belonged to Spreen, as his Minecraft skin is just a bear in Steve's clothes.
I changed the pants, and added a white shirt and monocle because I like the idea that he's a bit of a fancy boy.
• The moustache on his egg model is represented in his hair, which you can see sticking out from under the hat (bc, like Chayanne, I had no idea how to get it to work in a logical sense).
• The second shortest egg.
• I'll be completely honest, I have no idea where the prosthetic leg headcanon came from for him, but I liked it so I included it. The leg I gave him is a running blade, as he is a fairly active kid.
• His hair covers his eyes, but underneath they are brown.
(Yes I'm including Gegg, shush)
• His whole body is green goop. This is how qSlime would also look, but it's easier for him to have his skin appear human, when at his "correct" size. When he [Slime] becomes over emotional/damged, his skin becomes more slime like.
Gegg is qSlime's way of coping with both his own daughter's loss and also his own self image. Because of this, he is always in a state of hurt, and this is refelected in Gegg's physical appearance.
• Has sticks sticking out of him, as well as visible bones, rocks, and other debris within his body. They get stuck in his him, in moments where he has a hard time controling the stickiness/consistency of his body.
• Doesn't have horns, wings, or a tail like the other eggs. Instead, he wears a pair of green, fancy-dress, dragon wings. It's obvious to other players/eggs- because they're on the outside of his clothes- but no points it out.
• Jorts.
• His t-shirt says "gegg" upside down, because he wrote it on himself, whilst wearing the shirt.
• No nose. His eyes also hover inconsistently over where his hair should cover them. His glasses are also just qSlime's.
• Gegg for president.
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Here's the full lineup, for anyone who read alllll of that :D
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v10l3t-jpg · 5 months
my tmagp appearance headcanons!!
Decently tall, like 5'8"-5'9"
Pakistani descent, black hair, dark brown eyes
I know Alex is trying to push this noodle arms spindly Sam agenda but I literally can't picture him like that, in fact I'm headcanoning that when Alice calls him noodle arms/waif/baby shrimp it's because he's lost weight since uni but he's still fat, all very round shapes on the go here
Also he has big dark brown eyes like a calf with ridiculously long lashes
The thought of him activates some kind of grandmaternal instinct in me, I need to pinch his cheeks and give him a Werther's original (I am 22)
I love love LOVE @fox-guardian 's design for him (for everyone, actually, especially Tim), it's exactly what I imagined listening to that first ep, down to the wee moustache and everything
I think he wears square or rectangle glasses, either in black or tortoiseshell
Still a surprising amount of squish to her frame tho because I have to push my women tumby agenda everywhere I go
The Kiki to Sam's Bouba
White, strawberry blonde, hazel eyes
Still working out whether she wears oval framed glasses or contacts or can see pussy fresh
Medium long fluffy strawberry blonde hair with a fringe and layers, it's kind of a mess but she can pull it off because she's my wife, there might be a curl pattern in there somewhere if it was maintained right
Heart shaped face and faded freckles, has a jellyfish tattoo on her left thigh which she got done when she was 19 and going through a phase when she thought SpongeBob was peak humour (Gwen insists it's because she also has no brain)
5'4" ish, not super short but Alice teases her enough to give her a complex about it
White, blonde, blue eyes (or maybe green I haven't decided)
I've decided that, to go along with her general insecurity, she's also really insecure about her appearance
Pear shaped, gains weight easily, and hates that it reminds her of being a chubby kid. Has freckles and a button nose and hates them because she thinks they make her look childish. Wore a headband to work once and immediately binned it because Alice flirted made a joke about school uniform and Gwen got self-conscious.
Used to have long blonde hair, got it chopped into a bob about a year before TMAGP begins
Korean descent, dark brown hair in that like mullet-y wolf cut thing, I've changed my mind, undercut Celia ftw, dark brown eyes
Stocky and strong build
Wears little thin framed black or silver glasses
The only person to ever look good in dungarees
Prematurely balding, we're talking bald on top with that band around the back and sides — you can guarantee Alice abuses the fuck out of that "she's bald! she's bald and she's torturing people who have hair!" TikTok sound whenever he starts threatening computer violence
White, brown eyes, greying brown hair
I think he's a bit of a metalhead and he has some kick ass tattoos but they're almost always covered
Greying dark brown hair, curly but always in a severe bun, and piercing eyes
I picture her with a very defined chin, maybe rectangular face shape
This still isn't quite right, I might change it again at some point
Made with wervty's murmur character maker on picrew!!
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emdashedem · 1 year
“Okayokayokay, shit,” Ava calls out, crouched over with one hand on her knee, the other waving in surrender. “I yield. Have mercy. Uncle. Whatever.”
Her legs are jelly beneath her, her lungs burn as if she’d inhaled a pint of rocks, and there’s a stitch in her side that may just be a heart attack in disguise. 
“I just need a minute,” Ava pants as she collapses, a breathless, sweaty mess, into the grass that lines their usual path. “Or five. Or a nap.”
A crunch of gravel steadily approaches, and before she knows it, Beatrice is standing over her, shielding Ava from the blinding blue sky with her hands on her hips and eyebrow arched in amusement that Ava doesn’t especially appreciate at the present. 
She could be dying.
She’s in no fit state to be mocked.
“Are you alright?”
“I think you killed me.”
“I thought you said 'today was the day', Warrior Nun,” Beatrice says, and — yep — definitely being mocked. There’s nary a hair out of place nor a bead of sweat on her brow, and frankly, it’s rude. 
“That’s not—”
“You said—”
“—and I quote—”
Ava slaps her hands over her ears.
“Lalalalalala, I can’t hear you—”
“‘—I’m gonna make this run my—’” Beatrice cuts off abruptly and Ava lowers her hands, now rapt with attention. It’s all the wind she needs in her depleted sails.
“Make it my what, Bea?”
“You know what you said.”
“Mm, maybe,” Ava concedes, grinning as she sits back up on her elbows. She taps Beatrice’s shin with the toe of her shoe. “But I wanna hear you say it.”
“C’mon, Bea. It’ll be our secret.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I’ll do laundry for the next month.”
“You do know that I already accepted your laundry bribe last week when you were trying to get out of inventory, don’t you?”
“Okay, but I’ll actually do it.”
Beatrice sighs, rubbing her fingers into her forehead. 
“I will not be taxed into saying biatch like some—”
“Aha!” Ava shouts in triumph. 
Beatrice groans and rolls her eyes in response, but there’s a light there, a flicker of mirth that slips through the cracks of Beatrice’s facade that seems to deteriorate more and more with every day spent under Ava’s relentless pursuit of Beatrice. 
Not the sister warrior, pride and joy of the OCS, likely successor to Mother Superion.
Not Sister Beatrice, her designated watcher, handler, trainer — whatever.
Not the Beatrice that hides behind layers of masks and mastery and perfection.
Just Beatrice.
The real Beatrice. 
The one that maybe Beatrice, herself, has yet to find. 
Every day, Ava gets closer, and every day, she’s desperate for more.
She grins, eyes closed to relish in her victory.
“See? I knew you had it in ya, Bea.”
“Yes, well,” Beatrice snorts and settles into the grass next to Ava. “If anything is going to drive me to curse, I suppose it would be you.”
Ava cackles with delight and earns another eye roll as her reward as Beatrice lays back, head next to Ava’s, face turned up toward the sky with a contented sigh, and Ava can’t help but stare.
She swallows as her eyes trace the slope of Beatrice’s nose, the quiet curve of her smile, the gold strand of hair tucked behind her ear that’s too short to tie back with the rest.
Summer in the Alps has done Beatrice well. 
It’s not like she ever needed the help. 
Still. Her skin glows, bronzed, the highlights in her hair and the constellation of freckles on her face more pronounced. But more than that, so much more than that, the tension in her shoulders steadily unwinds, and her smile is quicker to ignite with every day they spend under the mountain sun, and the sum of it all keeps the air out of Ava’s lungs for reasons entirely unrelated to their morning jog.
And then honey-brown eyes find Ava’s and Beatrice’s lips twist into something adorable and self-conscious, her brows quirked in a question.
“What?” Beatrice asks, and Ava can only blink in response.
And maybe it’s the uncharacteristic spark of heat in her cheeks, or the blossoming in her chest that could rival the flare of the Halo that’s only grown with time.
Because it’s barely past eight — the sun has barely finished its ascent, the birds still sing their morning song in the trees that tower over them, and the chill of the previous night still clings to the bed of grass beneath them. 
And yet, Ava has never felt warmer.
“I —” Ava fumbles, beginning without a plan, without a roadmap. Because what does she want to say? What can she even say? What words could do justice to the swell of her heart except — “Bea.”
But then an icy cold drop lands on her forehead, then another, and another, and another.
And the sun that goes on shining, the brilliant blue sky devoid of any clouds as Ava blinks away frigid mountain rain that hits her like a freight train, and she’d find the entire thing completely disorienting if it weren’t so wonderfully enlightening.
Beatrice jumps to her feet, forearm pressed to the crown of her head as though that will protect her from the sudden deluge, and she reaches out with her other hand and pulls Ava to her feet like she weighs nothing at all. And then they’re sprinting through the forest, puddles splashing up around them, the pounding of their shoes against the ground drowned out by the thundering of the rain, their shrieks of laughter ringing through the trees and echoing through the town square as they race home.
They collapse in a fit of winded giggles, Beatrice into the brick wall and Ava into Beatrice, when they find shelter under the awning of their tiny apartment building 10 minutes later, as the rain washes the world around them away, and Ava’s face threatens to shatter under the force of her grin.
There’s a flush in Beatrice’s cheeks, her eyes shine, dancing with light, the strands of her bangs slicked to the sides of her face, and her smile is just as bright, just as delighted, and Ava wants to bottle it — all of this — for the days when it’s all too much, when the world calls them back to duty, when the universe rests heavy on their shoulders.
“So, how’d I do for time, boss?” Ava asks as she tucks her hair behind her ears, and her cheeky grin isn’t enough to budge the delighted one that’s mirrored back at her.
Beatrice laughs — loud and unbound — and Ava thinks she ought to bottle that, too, but then Bea is clearing her throat, her eyebrows drawing into something serious and stern.
“Passable,” she offers with a shrug. 
“Oh, come on,” Ava howls in affront. She points an accusing finger at Beatrice, taking full advantage of a functioning body that lets her gesticulate as emphatically as she pleases. “Admit it. Admit it. I totally made that one my bitch.”
“Ava,” Beatrice sighs, but it lacks all the weight of its usual exhaustion as she struggles to contain her laugh.
They’re breathless and soaked to the bone and Ava’s skin is slick, still humming from the constant pelt of rain.
And still, Ava has never felt warmer.
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solar-net · 6 months
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It's the crew!! This is mostly to go along with my Post-Prime ideas, aus and crossover. But they can also work as normal refsheets for them!!
I'm not too happy with their colours per-say, but I'm pretty happy with how I made them distinct :DD
Individual ones are under cut for those who want them :]
[Start ID: Designs of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, & Shadow. All of them are standing together in a like behind a height chart, above them are close-ups of their eyes. On the height chart, each character has their height outlined by their colour. End ID.]
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[Start ID: A drawing of Sonic looking at the viewer with his right hand on his hip and the other giving a peace sign. He's a vibrant blue with the edges of his quills being a slightly darker blue and the tips of his ears are a dark blue. Sonic's normal gloves have been changed to off-white with red cuffs and fingerless, as pointed out by one of the arrows. There are several arrows pointing at Sonic, most of them are highlighting his colours. The close-up of Sonic's eyes have the left one with cyan and yellow while the right has purple and pink. An arrow is pointing at the colours of Sonic's eyes and reads: Paradox Prism tinted his eyes. One of the arrows is pointing at his quills saying: Doesn't maintain his quills well. His body type is Oval. End ID.]
[Start ID: A drawing of Tails standing stagnate with a smile on his face. His colours haven't changed, the only addition being dark orange-brown markings to his arms, legs, tails, & ear tips. Tail's gloves have been changed to have dark brown cuffs with the main park being a light grey. His shoes have been changed to more sturdy looking boots. Tails also has glasses perches on the top of his head with tinted lens. There are several arrows pointing at Tails highlighting his colours and changes to his design. Above him is a close up on his eyes with his glasses down. Tails body type is Square. End ID.]
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[Start ID: A drawing of Knuckles with his arms cross looking off with a a rather angry face. While he maintains his normal red, he has white markings on his head, torso and right leg. He also has a gold necklace piece with blue gemstones on it. Knuckle's shoes have been changed to duller colours. Above him is a close up of his eyes and around Kunckle's are several arrows pointing out his colours and changes made to his design. One is pointing to his quills saying: unkempt quills while the other is pointing to him and highlighting his perfect posture. His body type is Triangle. End ID.]
[Start ID: A drawing of Amy Rose holding her mallet with one leg up behind her. Her hair has been changed to a mixture of his Classic and Modern style, the ends of her quills are a dark pink, her headhand has also been changed to a vibrent green. Amy's dress has been altered to a dark maroon overall dress with black spandex under. Her gloves are further up her arms but retain their original colours, while she now has boots with colours from her class design. Several arrows highlight the colour changes and her notable design changes, near the top left is a close up of her eyes. Her body type is Beanpole. End ID.]
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[Start ID: A drawing of Rouge looking smug, she's wearing her Prime outfit which is a black under shirt, a purple, pink and dark grey spandex over the under shirt. She has purple boots that go a little over her knee. While her gloves have not changed colours, her hair has more volume and moves to frame her face, she also has a heart shaped nose. Rouge's wings are also bigger, she also has three gold piercings on both ears. In the top right corner is a close up of her eyes, which have been changed to a light brown. There are several arrows that mainly point out her colours, while a few of the other arrows have already been explained. Her body type is Apple. End ID.]
[Start ID: A drawing of Shadow with his hands on his hips looking angry. He has his regular colours, his fluff collar is bigger, the end of his gloves are a dark grey, and his eyes are different colours, his shoes have been changed to boots. Shadow's left eye is purple and his right eyes is yellow, instead of a regular pupil Shadow has a star. His left ear is also flopped over. There are several arrows highlighting his colours and the notable changes to his design, he has earrings on his right ear and near his right eye. Shadow's body type is Diamond. End ID.]
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ectonuritez · 5 days
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Legion designs Part 1/? Design notes under cut if you're into that :)
ID: A lineup of 5 Legion of Super Heroes members, all original designs. From left to right, the characters are as follow: Cosmic Boy: He is a tall, spindly, and pale-skinned teenage boy with light pink eyes and a black bowlcut. He is wearing a purple and black bodysuit (the sleeves of which are a bit too short for his long arms), black gloves, and a cropped black and pastel purple vest. He is facing left, right hand raised next to his chest, palm up. Lighting Lad: He is slightly shorter than Cosmic Boy. He is an athletically-built black teenage boy with medium brown skin, brown eyes, and red-orange shoulder-length braids pulled back into a half-up, half-down style. He has Lichtenberg figure scarring up and down the right side of his face and arm. He is wearing a sleeveless blue and white bodysuit that ends just above his knees, accented with yellow lightning bolts and a leg bag on his right thigh. He has yellow gloves and chunky blue/yellow/white boots. He is standing confidently, facing right, hands on his hips. Saturn Girl: She is a head shorter than the previous two boys. She is a fat white teenage girl with very pale but blushed skin, bright blue eyes, and pale blonde hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. She is wearing a red and white uniform with knee-high white boots. Around her hips, the top of her uniform flares out a bit like a skirt. A small yellow Saturn pin is affixed to her left breast. She is facing the viewer, both hands raised to her temples. Phantom Girl: She is the tallest of the group. She is a tall, thin, blue-skinned teenage girl. Her black hair is in two shoulder-length ponytails, her bangs styled into a swirl on her forehead. She has a gaunt, more alien face with pointed ears and eyes that have yellow pupils and black sclera. She is wearing a black cropped longsleeved shirt, with shoulder cutouts and a white sweetheart neckline. Her pants are bell bottoms with a white to black ombre, and she is wearing white pointed boots. She is facing to the left, left hand on her hip and right hand raised next to her face. Triplicate Girl: She is half a head shorter than Phantom Girl. She is a thin-average black teenage girl with medium brown skin, curly black hair, and dark brown eyes. Her clothes are sectioned into three colors from left to right: purple, white, and orange. She is wearing a sleeveless cropped top with a triangular hem, short shorts, white opera gloves, and thigh high platform boots. She has streaks of orange, white, and purple in her bangs. She is facing to the right, her right arm shyly clutching her left behind her back. End ID.
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Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn "He looks kinda goth but if you put him around other goth people they wouldn't get along."
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Lightning Lad - Garth Ranzz Sporty, utilitarian uniform probably made of rubber to prevent unwanted charge surges. Lichtenberg scarring is mirrored on his twin sister Ayla. Cankles nation rise!
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Saturn Girl - Imra Ardeen Inspired by Star Trek officer uniforms to reflect how she often comes off as reserved and cold at first. But also I really like the girly playfulness of a lot of her designs so. Little heart bangs :3
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Phantom Girl - Tinya Wazzo I wanted to make her look physically spooky but her personal style more preppy. Very It Girl; I wanted her to look alien, uncanny, and have a sort of unnerving presence that conflicts with her sweet personality and preppy style. She's also the tallest Legion member (not counting Colossal Boy).
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Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo I will not pretend that she isn't my favorite and that I didn't spend the most time on her design. Slightly inspired by 60's discotheque aesthetics, I wanted to embrace the "girl next door" cuteness that was intended in her original 60's design. I also love designs of her that have different colors while split, so each of her selves get their own color when not in one body.
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flamedraco · 7 months
c!Wilbur Redesign
This is my compromise to the current situation regarding Shubble and the speculation surrounding Wilbur. This is coming from a fanfiction writer who has always, and always will, see the CCs as nothing more than voice actors for their characters. Buckle in, this is going to be a long one. But please read all the way through. If you don't know, recently Shubble came forward with a video about how she was in an abusive relationship. And she dropped some hints because she wants people to speculate about who it is. Wants to make sure that a person with bad intentions can't get away with more bad things. A lot of people are speculating that, due to said hints and previously established crush that he had on her, Wilbur is the person who abused her. Now personally? I do not believe this. It's hard for me to believe that Wilbur would do something like that. I don't like the idea of hopping on the hate train or immediately jumping to cancel someone. So I will be waiting for real facts and confirmation before saying anything regarding the CC. A lot of the speculation doesn't make sense to me logically and I also never got the chance to see the video before it was deleted. This is not me calling Shubble a liar. I 100% believe her and my heart goes out to her completely. She doesn't deserve being treated horribly, nobody does. The situation I'm hearing she went through is a wretched thing and I will not TOLERATE people insulting her or saying that she should just say who it was. That shit is not okay and never will be okay. HOWEVER! I will NOT stop writing Wilbur's character. A little fact about me is that when I came into this fandom, it wasn't because I watched the CCs. It wasn't because I was interested in MCYT. The reason I came here was because a very close friend of mine asked me to cowrite a fic with them. At the time the only fandom we really shared even vaguely was DSMP. I knew very little about it but I knew some things. I let my friend choose the ship. They chose TNT Duo. And it's thanks to that friend that I wrote Arsonist's Waltz. That I started to adore Quackbur and wrote my most well known fic, You Were Never Meant to be a Hero. And thanks to YWNMTBAH I made so many cherished friends. It's all because of these two little characters that still have me in a chokehold even though I've been writing them for quite some time now. And that's why I can't simply let go of Wilbur's character. But regardless of my ability to separate the Cs from the CCs, for some people that distinction is harder. The CCs to me are just glorified voice actors. For other people it's harder. They can separate the characters from the content creators just fine, but this situation hits them close to home. And it hurts. So, this is my proposed solution, brought to my attention by a friend who was heavily affected by this situation, but loved the work she was doing and didn't want to have to let it go. C!Wilbur doesn't have an actual canon design. When you think about it, the only thing we have to go off of is his Minecraft skin. Something that, when you think about it, doesn't tell us much about the character at all. There is no canon design because most of what we see as "canon" is based on the CC, not the character himself. When you look at c!Wilbur, the skin, does he have an eye color? Do we know his height? What about his hair length? His build? What do we actually know about this character outside of the clothing on his back and the personality his actor gave him? And when you make an AU everything changes. From now on? My c!Wilbur design that I'll use as a baseline for most of my fics is a 6ft man with heterochromia. One eye blue, the other teal. He's going to have brown curly hair that dips just below his shoulders and a light scar over one of his eyes. Sometimes he'll have freckles because what the fuck can we tell from a Minecraft skin anyways? He wears black nail polish because why not? Slay.
I already treated him and c!Quackity like glorified OCs already. Why not further OC the glorified OCs? So what if they aren't a faithful adaptation? How can anyone say what is and isn't "faithful" when we're talking about BLOCK MEN. Make them eldritch. Make them supernatural. Make them whatever kind of hybrid you want them to be! I'll die on my Magpie!Wilbur and Shrike!Quackity hill! Give them different eye colors and let them dye their hair sometimes, I'm going to make the white streak PINK because TWINS DUO and CHERRY BLOSSOM TRIPLETS! Give your Phantom!Wilburs green eyes and glowing blood! Give your Shapeshifter!Wilburs more hair and eye colors! Do what you want because the character has no actual canon design. Go wild with your AUs and remember that you're doing this for fun. For your enjoyment. Don't conform to what someone else wants from you just because your adaption, your interpretation, "isn't the real Wilbur". The characters are what we make them. Because the reality of the situation? They are literally just blocks in a cube game. There is no canon design. Don't let the actions of some asshole ruin what you love.
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woonova · 1 year
◟﹙ 📖 ﹚yang jungwon ﹕oneshot ﹙ @woonova ﹚
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ʚɞ ゚˖  genre fluff, established relationship, university au
ʚɞ ゚˖  synopsis you've finally found your fairytale prince in the form of yang jungwon
ʚɞ ゚˖  warning idk......
ʚɞ ゚˖  wc 0.77k ﹙ 779 words ﹚
rin's notes! this is so bad, im so sorry but on the plus side i finally finished this draft!!
— tumblr’s algorithm works best with reblogging so plz consider reblogging and liking my posts ! —
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'Everyone has different needs to be close to another'
You closed the book that laid just inches before you, a drowsy feeling slowly taking over your body. It had been a while since you've gotten the necessary exersice the body needed to function. Seeing as from the minute you took your seat in the lonely corner of the library, you hadn't even had the thought of leaving. It came to be four hours in total that you spent in your university's library. Ditching all mention of the outside world and its noisy distractions for punctuated words on paper wrapped in beautiful colours and designs.
You felt yourself drawn to these words; their structures that could make your heart melt in seconds, their meanings that perfectly described your innermost thoughts and dreams and their complimentary usage that never failed to make you express your excitement in awe.
And currently, you felt yourself becoming more enticed by these words, however these words never came in a freshly printed book from a renowned author but from Jungwon, your recent match. It had only been a week since you and Jungwon exchanged heartfelt confessions and yet you've never felt yourself more attached to a person. You felt as if you were apart of a new age romance whenever he was near, his calm voice and loving eyes made him even more of a male protagonist in your fantasizing mind.
And on days like this, where the clouds covered the light blue sky and rain pelted down like a shower from above, you felt yourself missing him even more. His soft hands that held yours with such care — the same hands that had once been so hesitant to lay even a finger upon your skin during your first weeks of friendship. His soothing voice that would be the bearer of all those genuine statements his loving heart had to offer, and even the occasional soft tunes that left his lips, tunes he dedicated to you, and you only. His caring eyes, that often reminded you of a cat's, the sharpness of them only concealed the array of emotions that laid in their beautiful brown hue. His pretty plump lips, the lips that carried a pink colour you felt yourself being drawn to everytime he was close, eager for an even deeper meaning of the word love.
"I knew I would find you here," a breathless voice pulled you from your daydream. You turned your head to face the owner of all your deluded fantasies standing before you, hair pushed back as he ran his arm over his forehead. "Why didn't you answer my calls? I've been looking all over for you."
It took a while for you to respond, you were too caught up on how beautiful he looked in this moment. "Yeah, sorry," you started with a small chuckle, amused with his little pout and furrowed eyebrows. "I was just a little preoccupied." you pointed towards your abandoned piece of literature at the end of your explanation as a form of emphasis.
"Hmm, that's okay. I was just a little worried, that's all." he bent to your level, leaving maybe an inch a space between you as he placed a small kiss on your cheek, before turning to the desk and laying out the different boxes of food he'd picked up on the way.
You only stared at him, a love-struck gaze clouding your vision. You watched silently as he prepared your afternoon meals — or in your case, the first meal you would have since morning. "I had a feeling you would skip out on your meals, so I made sure to get a lot. I even got your favourites."
He looked up at you with the same gaze, a bright smile pulling at his lips. He slid an opened container towards you, urging you to take a bite of the delicious items placed before you.
You took him up on his offer with a shy demeanor before busying yourself with the dish just inches away. He was right, you had skipped out on your meals, and just knowing he specifically bought your favourites in a larger quantity because of this assumption made your heart warm even more.
While you occupied yourself with the food in front of you, Jungwon distracted himself with the forgotten books that laid across the table. He picked one you were greatly familiar with, your favourite. A story you often compare to your current relationship. A tale that brought comfort to you, knowing now, that you had found your prince charming just as the princess had. And similar to the princess you were deeply in love with him.
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ʚɞ ゚˖  sponsors @hyfenet @k-labels @en-web @k-films
© https://...woonova | 2023
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fatherfigurefusion · 10 days
My personal design headcanons for the choir (but I don't use the 2016 cast as inspiration)...
(Bet you can't guess my favorite cast!)
Uniforms: (primary inspirations: McCarter Theatre, Chance Theatre, and Roxy's Downtown) dark blue and silver argyle sweater vests (with their school's insignia on the front) over white long-sleeved dress shirts and red ties/ribbons, grey pants for the boys, grey skirts for the girls
Ocean: (primary inspirations: Jackie Wilberton, Juliana Balzano, Addison Ward, slight inspiration from Nat Beaumont) 5 ft 4 in, long and wavy brown hair with a headband, has bangs, pale skin, a wide smile with a noticeable snaggletooth, wears a black blazer over her sweater vest and a sparkly red bowtie instead of a ribbon, black tights, and brown loafers.
Noel: (primary inspirations: Erwin Guerrero, Benjamin Michael Hall, slight inspiration from Ricky Johnson, Miclo Gonzalez, and Andres Lagang) 5 ft 11 in, Mexican, long and straight black hair that is often in either a bun or a low ponytail, chubby build, tanned skin, nails painted red, lets his hair loose and switches to a black dress, red feather boa, ripped lace leggings and arm warmers, and black heels, when playing Monique.
Mischa: (primary inspirations: Wyman Wheeler, Eli Mayer, Brad Hutchinson, slight inspiration from Jared Machado) 5 ft 9 in, curly dirty blonde hair in a faux-hawk, has stubble all over his chin and is attempting to grow a soul patch, slightly pudgy and stout build with "tattoos" scribbled all over his skin, pale skin with noticeable eyebags, wears a blue hoodie over his dress shirt instead of a sweater vest, stuffs his tie in his pants pocket, has rings on his fingers and a golden heart necklace that holds a picture of Talia in it.
Ricky: (primary inspirations: Ciara Kenny, Yannick-Robin Eike Mirko, Bennet Preuss, slight inspiration from Josh Otero and Link Hagerty) 5 ft 3 in, half-Puerto Rican, wears a backwards cap and glasses, shoulder-length curly dark brown hair, slightly-tanned skin, perpetual cat smile, wears black fingerless gloves that help with their joint issues, short and skinny build, is often seen with either forearm crutches or in a wheel chair, switches to a galaxy printed bodysuit with a purple and silver jacket and a matching star-studded and fur-lined cape over it, grey boots with cat paw prints on the bottom, clear purple glasses and white cat ears on their head, when performing "Space Age Bachelor Man"
Jane Doe: (primary inspirations: Em Flosi, Mary Jane Oken, Scout Graham, slight inspiration from Bryn Studer, Sara Dukes, and Janelle Catherina) 6 ft, primarily based on a Raggedy Ann doll, is tall and gangly, flops around like a ragdoll when she moves, has slightly charred red hair that falls over her eyes in uneven twintails, a stitched-up smile and cracks all over her face, wears an oversized white sweater that's charred and torn-up over her equally charred and torn-up school uniform, has mismatched black and white socks, and one missing shoe.
Constance: (primary inspirations: Tiffany Polite, Zoë Lewis-McLean, slight inspiration from Sereniti Patterson and Melissa Goldman) 5 ft 3 in, African-American (is part First Nations), has long curly black hair with two afro puffs on the top, the left puff is dyed pink while the right is dyed blue, the bottom of her hair is dyed purple, chubby build, wears a dark blue cardigan with a rainbow design instead of a sweater vest, wears short white socks and blue Converses on her feet.
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Tear in My Heart: The Meeting
Pairing: Single Dad!Matt Jackson x Teacher!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,192
Summary: A special place in your heart is reserved for Madeleine Jackson. At the end of the first day of school, she introduces you to her dad. Is the spark you feel when shaking his hand reciprocated or is this just a crush?
Warnings: None
Requested by: @mrsmatt
A/N: I don’t think the summary is that great but it’s the best I could come up with. Anyways, here’s part one @springgirlwaiting4fall ☺️🫶🏻
Part 2: The School Play
Gif is not mine. Credit to the owner.
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The start of a new school year has came back around yet again. You loved teaching the little minds of the children in your class each year, seeing their eyes light up when they got the hang of something or when they win a prize out of the treasure box. First graders were always so excited and full of questions.
You spent the whole week preparing and planning for a fun first day for your students, name cards on desks along with a little goodie bag. You decorated your classroom in fun colors with a variety of educational materials and items hanging on the wall within the children’s reach. You had came up with all kinds of fun games for the kids to play and help them learn in the process. There was a toy chest filled with numbered blocks for learning math, books to help them read, and other useful tools to prepare them for the future.
You stood out in the hallway beside your classroom door as the bell rang and students began flooding the halls in search of their classroom. You smiled brightly as you welcomed each student that entered your room and helped the children that couldn’t find their teacher.
Inside the classroom, you welcomed them as whole and introduced yourself. You went down each row asking them to introduce themselves to the class and tell everyone one thing they loved. The answers ranged from dinosaurs to Barbie to trucks to seashells. One little girl’s answer just melted your heart. When asked about what she loved, she beamed and answered with, “My daddy.”
As the day went on, you kept thinking about how sweet that one little girl’s answer was. My daddy. You looked at the rows of desks and your eyes landed on the sweet little girl. She had gorgeous brown hair that cascaded around her shoulders, adorable chocolate brown eyes that had such liveliness in them. She was dressed in a purple shirt with a yellow butterfly printed on the front and blue jeans paired with a cute pair of purple and white Jordans. You watched how all the children interacted with one another and noticed she was always helping others and partnering up with the one or two kids that seemed to be left out.
At lunch time, you guided your class to the cafeteria. Some children had brought their lunch so you led them to the table designated for your students. You sat down at the same table with your lunchbox, smiling and chatting with the students already there. You opted to make yourself a classic PB&J. Just because you’re a teacher doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a kid like lunch.
A plastic cafeteria tray was sat on the table next to you. You looked up from your lunchbox to see the sweet little brown haired and brown eyed girl, Madeleine Jackson was her name but she liked Maddie better. “Hi!” You smiled as the little girl sat down.
“Hi Miss Y/L/N!” She cheerfully greeted you. She gave you the cutest smile and started up a conversation about how your day was going, your favorite color, favorite food and really just whatever she thought of. You would answer her questions and ask her some in return. You could tell she was thrilled to talking with you and honestly, you were happy she was interested in getting to know you.
After lunch, you led your students back to the classroom and started teaching a math lesson. All the children learned at different speeds which is to be expected. You explained the math lesson once more and gave a few examples on the whiteboard and with the blocks from the toy chest. When you felt like they had a pretty good grasp on it, you passed out a work sheet and blocks for visual aids.
You sat at your desk and went over the worksheets from the spelling activity when you heard a little voice from the front of your desk. “Can you help me more?” You looked up and your eyes met the sweet little Jackson girl. She looked like she was getting upset.
“Don’t don’t get upset, Maddie. Can you bring me some blocks? Maybe you need to think about it in a different way.” You offered and watched Maddie collect the blocks. When she returned, you helped her until she finally got the hang of it. “Great job Maddie!” She beamed at your praise, clearly thrilled she figured it out.
“I can’t wait to show daddy.” She grinned. You could tell by the way she talked about her dad that he meant the world to her, a total daddy’s girl. Once Maddie went back to her desk, you resumed going over the spelling worksheets from earlier.
As the first day drew to a close, you helped your students collect their things and put away anything they were using. Once that was done, the bell rang signaling that school was finally over for the day. You helped direct your students to the buses and to the car rider line. You joined the other teachers in standing alongside the students from your class and others, asking them if they see their car and when they did you walked them to their car. As the number of students dwindled down to the final few, you noticed one of your students was left, sweet little Maddie Jackson. You made your way over to her and crouched down. “Do you want to sit over on the bench and talk to me while we wait?” You offered to which she happily agreed.
The pair of you chatted about Disney movies and your favorite princesses until a car stopped in front of you. Looking up the little Jackson girl’s face lit up as she squealed, “Daddy!” She jumped down and raced towards him as he exited the car, smiling wide as he scooped her up in hug.
You couldn’t help yourself from smiling at the sweet scene in front of you. The little girl’s dad was absolutely gorgeous, from his long brown hair to his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and his contagious smile. Looking between the two, there was no mistaking them as father and daughter, she was the miniature version of him.
“Daddy! Daddy! You have to meet my teacher!” Maddie insisted, tugging on her dad’s hand once he sat her back down from the hug. He just shook his head laughing, letting her drag him over to you on the bench.
“Daddy, this is Miss Y/L/N. She’s the best teacher ever!” Maddie excitedly informed her dad. You were happy and surprised at Maddie’s statement. You always wanted to make an impression on your students, but you never realized it could be done that quickly.
Maddie’s dad chuckled at his daughter’s enthusiasm. “I’m Matt.” He introduced himself, a beautiful smile on his face. He reached out to shake your hand.
You instantly returned the smile. “Y/N.” You accepted his handshake. As you did so, you felt a sort of connection, an electric connection, a spark shooting through you. Did he feel the same?
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate13 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Matt Jackson Taglist: @mrsmatt @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980 @breezyvk @writtingrose @jennifuz @writtingelite @katries @siriuslyblackonback
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stuffed-x-arts · 10 months
SLAY THE PRINCESS Voice + Narrator Designs
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sorry they arent all 'complete' sort of. I was struggling and it was starting to feel like i would never finish at all and that the slay the princess interest may slip from my grasp altogether and i wanted to finish these before doing other slay the princess drawings and !! anyways yeah these are mostly to get an Idea of how the guys look, there may be potential changes in future but for the most part these are the guys !! design notes under the read more teehee.
beaks are so hard to draw but im trying smh
ok first of all. maybe sometimes i will feel like drawing wings instead of hands, okay? teehee. all in good fun. these are all how its Supposed to be, generally, but i can bend the rules or edit them as i wish lol !! pupils are also a if-i-feel-like-it thing !!
The Cold
- light blues, icy, cold colours.
- thin, bony, pointy. his 'ears' / tufts stand up straight. sharper beak. etc. mid-length feathers on arms, short on legs.
- thin, long tail with a few feathers at the end
The Contrarian
- warm colours for the most part, potentially some blues or something for contrast. all rather saturated
- puffy feathers.
- simple no-sleeved vest that fits well.
- thin tail with rough, messy feathers that ends with two arrow-shaped ends
The Smitten
- more pinkish, purplish, red sort of colours. potentially rather vibrant and saturated also?
- lots of roundness in his design, including a more curved beak and relatively heart shaped ears. short puffy tail.
- feathers dont reach far on arms or legs
- little dots under eyes
- fluffy chest.
- more solid body
- two toes
The Opportunist
- blues and purples, perhaps a little orange
- looser shirt, long + big sleeves. deck of cards. plays with the cheated. Often cheats.
The Hunted
- greens, perhaps, greens and browns more neutral, natural colours for camouflage
- big ears. to listen
- stronger legs, ready to run and dodge,
The Paranoid
- orange, yellow.
- overpreens and stuff. lots of bent or broken feathers, occasionally some rather patchy spots. feathers dont have a clean end along his limbs. the others have some bent or broken feathers too of course but he's got it the worst
The Cheated
- weird feathers at his neck. fun <3
- deck of cards
- also has a like. mark/scar at the neck
- edit teehee: so neck feathers can be like. jagged. same for the ends of the feathers on his arms. jagged and all kinda like the whole razor princess route, you know?
The Skeptic
- orange, cautious
- long tail with feathers at the end that resemble a question mark
- maybe a choker or something?
The Stubborn
- more desaturated in tone. red.
- shorter tail
- lots of scars
The Hero
- Bandanna sort of thing around the neck
The Broken
- dark blues
- marks beneath the eyes
The Long Quiet / Player / Body
- during the loops its more simple. two sets of wings, one at the shoulder blades, one by the hips. rather small, unable to be used for flying. all the voices take after them in looks.
- is something... more though, in his natural state. similar to how the Shifting Mound is different than the ordinary princess you see. bigger wings, a more monstrous form.
- entirely greyscale
The Narrator
- toothed beak, sharp teeth.
- has a mane. whether thats made of feathers or fur or hair or what? who knows. All that matters is that its soft.
- regular bird tail, regular bird feet.
- paws. sorta similar to a lions?
- might mess with his colours a bit tbh but generally it sticks to dark grey or blueish
also have some drawings of working on the narrators design
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OKAAAAY thats all teehee hope u enjoy !!!!
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simplyclary · 11 months
You Never Go Out of Style: Some Personal Favorites from Taylor Zakhar Perez's Fashion Lookbook
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The idea for this post stemmed from a couple of lines that Alex said to Henry [via text] in Red, White and Royal Blue that goes "I hate the tie you're wearing in Vogue. It's so boring. What do you have against color anyway?", which I randomly commented something like "Okay, Mr. Fashionista".
This is a list [of sorts] of some of my favorite Taylor Zakhar Perez looks from past events (in no particular order) and a personal commentary.
Taylor surely knows how to rock every style possible, from the casual to the dressy to the preppy to the shirtless summer vibe. You name it, he'll most likely rock the heck out of it. He's the next fashion stunner that the fashion world has to look out for.
His photo above is just a little taste of what's to follow. I have to admit that this is one of the first photos I saw of him. He's wearing a simple ensemble composed of a white Prada tank top plus a cream button-down that is unbuttoned and black pants paired with a simple chain necklace and a couple of bracelets. His charisma was just oozing and therefore, I was immediately attracted to him.
Before I officially get into it, I would like to say that there'll be breakers in between each of the looks that will be mentioned to provide pauses. Some photos on here are also candid shots, but you take what you get, I guess.
I like to start off with a little heat (if you know, you know). Grab some water, get your snacks and enjoy.
Prada (Spring/Summer 2024 Menswear Show)-June 2023
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HOLY HOTNESS!! How do I even begin?? Like words are gone from me every single time I see this picture!! I can't even begin to describe what's going on other than the fact that Taylor looks extremely hot and chiseled. Like he's a Greek god come to life.
I would also like to add that he mentioned in the "Get Ready With Me" video for Vogue last September that this Prada show in Milan back in June was his FIRST fashion week. So imagine him stepping out of the car shirtless (even for a minute) during his first fashion week in the first month of summer is just unbelievable. Like jaws dropped and hearts fluttered (peep the audience behind him).
Outfit wise, no comment because what is there to comment other than the fact that he just made summer extra hot. Plus those colored shades and his accessory choices (a watch and a Prada necklace) was just matching the overall summery vibe. It's summer but make it designer.
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The black blazer is honestly giving me like rich guy vibes plus the green pants just adds a pop of color to not make the look simply ordinary. The necklace peering out of his collar just adds a little glimmer and the shades to protect his beautiful brown eyes from the summer sun is the little casual add-on that this dressy look needs.
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Man, Taylor really managed to pull off three looks this day and still managed to make them similar but different. Like I know nothing really changed because his green pants are still there but with the white tank top screamed fashionable summer. Also the way this photo was taken with the sunset behind him really made him stand out. I really like the contrast of the semi-dark background to his light outfit.
Again, considering that this was his FIRST fashion week, he already SLAYED and that's a sign that he will continue to do so in the events to come after.
Versace (Cruise 2024 Show)-March 2023
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Gosh, something about Taylor in an all-black ensemble just does something to me. Like he become 10x more attractive in my eyes (not that he isn't already). This photo simply screams rockstar or something like that.
I never thought a mesh tank top with leather pants is a combo that would work, but on him, it does actually work. Again, the contrast of a dark outfit and a light background works every well. The light green of the background with his dark ensemble just makes him pop out.
I would also like to add that his tousled hair with this outfit is a lovely combo. If his hair were pulled-up and he had no bangs, I think I wouldn't like it as much (or I would, who knows?) as I like his hair tousled. Also the pairing of his necklace with a couple of silver bracelets and a ring on one of his fingers just looks like little stars and comets in his night sky of an outfit.
Vogue World: London- September 2023
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Hello my prince!
This look, wow!! It's like he jumped out of the pages of a fairytale book. This look left me completely breathless. The white top (not buttoned all the way through) with the attached waistcoat and the flared trousers gives me the Victorian/Edwardian London era vibes which is fitting considering that this event took place in London.
Taylor looks every bit the royal prince in this ensemble. I am obsessed with his overall look. However, if I were to change something, I would change the color of the attached waistcoat to something darker (navy blue, maybe) so it's not white on white but that's just me.
I also love the fact that he was present in this event because Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, called him and that invitation alone means something special and bright for his future in the fashion world.
Disney, you better cast him as a prince right now or else....;)
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Of course, with Taylor, it's always multiple looks a night so for this silver-gray cropped top look he wore, I couldn't really say anything except that it was such a sparkling number which kind of contrasted the plain white top he wore in the earlier photo.
Add the fact that this top is cropped so a bit of midriff was shown but who am I to complain. Taylor is cut and fit anyway, so I won't say more than that. It was a good outfit choice to end a sparkling and star-studded night in London.
Ferrari (Spring/Summer 2024)-September 2023
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When I first saw this look, I screamed. And then I saw a comment on socials that said "Taylor Zakhar Perez in his Stephen Strange era" which made me scream even more because Doctor Strange is one of my most favorite Marvel characters.
To be honest, Taylor kind of pulled the reverse version of Doctor Strange because for those who do not know, Doctor Strange wears an all blue outfit with a red cloak. With Taylor's version, he pulled the reverse by having a dark red inner top with a navy blue [that's almost black] trench coat and pants. He kind of completed his version of Doctor Strange with his tousled dark locks and a bit of stubble.
He also gave me major Sherlock Holmes vibes with the trench coat which I honestly love.
Other than the fact that I completely disassociated, this look is something I can see many people wearing during the colder fall season. Like this look gives immense fall vibes to me, and Taylor flaunts it nicely, as always.
The Clooney Foundation Event-September 2023
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Oh my good heavens! This was a look that had me screaming and breathless at the same time. Before continuing, I want to say that I could also see this outfit as something Bruce Wayne would wear, which is funny because George Clooney played Batman.
Again, something about Taylor in an all-black ensemble does something to me. It just leaves me mesmerized. Add that he's sort of clean shaven here with his usual tousled hair. That is a perfect combination of a look for me. He's wearing a black Versace tank top underneath the coat and merely visualizing that gives me butterflies.
In other photos, his coat is unbuttoned and his tank top could be seen and also a little choker necklace around his neck that is so thin you could barely see it but yes, he was wearing like a dash of silver jewelry during this event.
Fun fact, he was supposed to wear like a brooch [that's like $35,000] but he broke it prior to the event. True ACD/TZP fashion, if you ask me.
Also, during this event, he was seated at the same table as Donatella Versace and Anne Hathaway so that speaks volumes.
Burberry (Spring/Summer 2024, London Fashion Week)-September 2023
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This look is giving very practical vibes. Like the trench coat that is almost like a raincoat over a plaid long sleeve is very practical especially during the ever changing weather in jolly, old England.
As usual, Taylor manages to pull it off in every way possible. Also, him being in London Fashion Week generated like the highest media value which is something else and I mean, who can blame the people?
This look is pure fashion and function, which I guess, is one way to simply put it.
Bullet Train Premiere-July 2022
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Nothing like a blue turtleneck to get me swooning. Taylor wore a light blue long-sleeved turtleneck paired with dark blue pants and a couple of black bracelets on his wrist to the Bullet Train premiere, which was his FIRST premiere night, to support one of his close friends and former co-star Joey King.
This is such a simple yet dashing ensemble, and I definitely swooned hard. Add that his hair was pulled up so he has no bangs in the way of his handsome face was just a good look.
I would like to add that he looks so good in blue. I mean, he looks good in every color in the world, but something about him in blue is just stunning to me.
Green Carpet Fashion Awards-March 2023
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Oh my, you have no idea how much I have fan-casted him as Rhysand or Azriel or Xaden Riorson in my mind just because of this photo. (If you have read the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas or Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros or at least, you have been seeing book content on socials, you'll know who I'm referring to).
Again with the all-black ensembles. I swear, give me Taylor in an all-black ensemble any day and I would just gush over it. But something that sets this apart from all his other all-black ensembles is the way it fits him.
His shirt and pants with the blazer is just cut close enough to his body that he looks magnificent and as if his clothes was molded from the night itself. Also, the clean shaven face and pulled back hair makes me want to respect him (I mean, I already do) like a High Lord from a fantasy novel or something.
Add the fact that he's seated and posing on a white settee is lovely because he looks like a shadow warrior in a land of snow and the contrast is just amazing to look at. He's like a painting almost so there's that.
International Woolmark Prize (IWP) Event-May 2023
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If you know Taylor, you know that he would not pass up on an opportunity to advocate about fashion sustainability. He could talk about that advocacy forever, and for good reason.
Earlier this year, he attended an event with The Woolmark Company and he wore a navy blue ensemble, which is composed of a white tank top and a striped navy blue button-down that is layered by a navy blue coat. He completed his look with black loafers and a pair of necklaces, which add a little shine to his outfit.
No more words to describe him other than charming and handsome.
London and Milan Street Style-September 2023
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This photo is just Taylor on a regular day crossing the street in London, but he makes it look like a fashion runway. Like he has a way of walking that could give actual models a run for their money, I'm not kidding.
Anyway, his outfit here is kind of not what I would personally pick but meh, I don't mind how it looks on him. I also just so happen to realize that the colors of his outfit (including his shoes, which are not shown in this photo), compliments each other. The orange details of his beige sheer top compliments the blue of his jacket and his blue pants compliments his orange and brown shoes.
With his shoes, I would have personally gone for sneakers but Taylor wanted to be comfortable, so he picked another pair of shoes instead. I would no longer question his fashion choices at this point. I guess the colors compliment each other so that's a plus. The touch of sparkle with his jewelry (he was wearing a choker necklace, a couple bracelets and a ring on his left index finger) and a touch of darkness with his watch is a bonus point in my book.
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This is a fan-taken photo and Taylor just casually posed in front of a leafy background yet it looks like something out of a magazine. I mean, he is photogenic in every possible angle, so yeah.
He was just giving super casual meetup with the fans vibe here. Like a black t-shirt with black joggers is the perfect casual outfit. He also added a pop of color to his dark ensemble by having a blue jacket wrapped around his shoulders, which just adds to the casualness of the overall outfit. Also the fact he was holding a book (it's "All The Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr) just warms my bookish heart.
This is probably one of his most casual outfits, like no designer anything, just plain tees and pants. It's an everyday outfit, I guess so I have nothing more to say about it.
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The unbuttoned shirt?? Do not get me started on it, please!
I cannot explain how many butterflies flutter in my chest every time I look at photos of him with his shirts unbuttoned. Like the hotness and charm that exudes from him is on another level.
This is the day after the Ferrari event [I think?] and Taylor went to the same spot where he met with some fans and the atmosphere became like a fan signing event and it was lovely to see.
Style-wise, this is one of my favorite Taylor looks because it's style and comfort, casual and preppy at the same time. The white top with the dark pants is the total opposite of what he wore in the photo before this which was dark on dark. This time, it was light on dark which is always a lovely contrast to see on him. Add the glints of gold and silver from his jewelry and you have a stunner right there.
The TZP Lookbook Ends Here.......Or Does It???
That is quite the plethora of photos to browse and indulge yourselves in. Fashion week is never over for this stylish stunner. Red carpet or not, Taylor Zakhar Perez will always find a way to flaunt his charming and unique sense of style that will always have fans' jaws dropping and hearts fluttering.
He is on the list of stylish people that fashion magazines should look out for, and dang, if his outfits in this year's numerous fashion weeks does not secure him an invite to future fashion weeks or the MET Gala 2024, I don't know what will. Inviting him to events is also a key to generating high media value, considering he kind of has the world in a chokehold recently, so there's that.
If you want more of TZP's fits and style, do not worry, the lookbook does not end here because there's going to be a sequel to this (like I pray that RWRB will have a sequel just so they could have the proper press tour and all that), but I'll leave you with this for now.
To officially end, I'll leave you by telling you to support Taylor's fashion sustainability advocacy and choose your fabric to own your style.
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chirrups · 29 days
I would love to hear the reasoning for picks of dog breeds! As a fellow dog breed nerd I heavily agree with most of them, you did some really good character reads when choosing
i'd love to! but fair warning, it's gonna be a bit... long
Grian - Cairn Terrier (wheaten)
grian HAD to be some kind of dog from the hunting terrier family because they are small, stubborn, and persistent, which are distinctly grian traits in my opinion (also, he couldn't been from toy terrier groups because a tiny but driven working dog seems more his style than purse dog).
to fit my design of grian, the breed had to be short-legged with a longer/wispy coat and come in some sort of cream/wheaten color, which fit in well with the cairn. norwich terrier was also on the table but i like head and proportions of the cairn more.
Scar - Catahoula Leopard Dog (light red leopard)
i'll be so real, scar's breed is 50% a heart pick. scar is my favorite so i very shamelessly gave him the breed of my aunt's dog who is one of the best animals i've ever known. outside of that, catahoulas are kind of a multi-tool hunting dog and have this duality of being very intense on the field then switching to easygoing at home. i like that duality for scar as he's good at playing silly but has sharp moments of competency from time to time.
design-wise, i wanted scar's breed to be brindle, spotted, or some other busy whimsical pattern with short fur. also scar reads medium-large dog as he is on the more affable side and isn't small-dog-fierce like grian or joel are. and catahoulas have lovely leopard patterns with bright eyes and i went, how could i not give scar this one!
Mumbo - Standard Poodle (black & white)
the sky is blue and mumbo gets the poodle. poodles are highly intelligent sporting dogs but are known nowadays for their fanciness and also just terrible proneness to nervousness which are just very mumbo to me.
i needed a large breed of dog that could come in black and white, with some sort of varied fur length on the muzzle for that 'stache. poodles, with their silly haircuts, are the one dog that i think could genuinely rock a mustache mumbo-style
Jimmy - Beagle (lemon & white)
i explained a lot about my choice for jimmy here. but tldr, beagles are plucky, brash, and a bit foolish which are all very jimmy things to be. they are also known for baying which i think is a fun parallel to his entire canary thing going on.
the breed needed to be some form of tawny at a medium size (to pair with scott, tango, and marytn) with a short coat. more importantly the breed in my head had to have floppy ears. idk why call it a gut feeling.
Joel - Jack Russel Terrier (tricolor, broken coat)
i also explained about joel here but he is also deeply hunting terrier coded. joel is stubborn, energetic, and aggressive in way that is three steps north of the average life player so it felt natural to give him the Terror Terrier. he's also both doggedly independent yet attached to his people which is a very jack russel trait.
joel needed to be small, i'm not sorry, but with a more active frame. i also had preference to tricolor as the black-brown-white combo is something i use in my normal joel design too
Scott - Shetland Sheepdog "Sheltie" (blue merle & white)
scott's pick was more heavily reliant on coat color. i needed a long-hair medium sized breed that could come in blue merle or blue and white; which left collies, aussies, and shelties. i ended up going with shelties because of their disposition.
shelties have a tendency to be deeply loyal towards their family and distantly affable to outsiders which scott is. he also has this tendency towards earnest self-sacrifice and giving up when there's no way forward instead of holding on till the bitter end and most shelties i've met tend to give in gracefully rather than hold on to a fight they won't win.
Impulse - American Bulldog (brindle & white)
i wanted impulse to be a physically intimidating yet generally agreeable breed, which hits the mark for mastiff-types. american bulldogs are farm dogs that are both great guardians and very lovable which strikes me as an impulse sort of thing.
i was originally considering english bulldog but i wanted the breed to be firmly in large dog territory. english mastiff was also on the table and honestly either works well for him, but the tiebreaker is that the breed had to be not as tall as skizz’s and the higher white content in american bulldogs worked better design-wise.
Skizz - Bernese Mountain Dog (black, rust, & white)
prefacing this with the fact i probably know the LEAST about skizz, the breed had to be large and friendly while being relatively peppy? i guess that's how i'd say it. bernese mountain dogs kind of hit that mark, they are known for being calm but i've met a few that are on the more energetic side.
design-wise, the dog had to be larger than impulse's american bulldog and cleo's rottie with a luxurious black coat. great dane was in consideration but the face shape and very gentle nature of danes just didn't work for me. that and i wanted skizz to have the awesome fluffy fur as he deserves.
Tango - Podengo (fawn & white, wirehair coat)
tango is the one i'm most on the fence about. in many ways tango and his generally lively sort of attitude gives off terrier vibes but i could not find a breed of terrier that i liked design-wise. most terriers in the medium size range have folded ears and unless i wanted to crop them (which i am personally not a fan of) folded they'd have to stay. plus dipping into terriers, the most common tawny color is wheaten/cream which just would make tango look too alike to grian and martyn.
so i ended up going with podengo, a hound sight/scent mix with high activity and high intelligence to match tango's energy. i've not met a podengo in real life so it's hard to vouch for the breed, but they have a nice fawn and white color which in combo with a wispy wirehair coat kinda looks like flames. other breeds i might later retcon tango into are australian cattle dog, border collie, or a wirehair vizsla
Bdubs - Brussels Griffon (red, rough coat)
i met a griffon the other day and it struck me how bdubs-like the little guy actually was. griffons are spunky, little silly, and have that "gnaw at your ankles" energy that bdubs employs when he wants other to get out of his area.
the choice for griffon also came from their little beards which matched the fluffy/shaggy look i wanted for bdubs. plus the appeal of their red/belge coats is pretty high.
Etho - Keeshound (gray, cream, & black)
so etho needed to be some sort of spitz, as spitz are northern climate specialists and many breeds retain a more independent "wild-like" nature while being playful, intelligent, and affectionate family dogs. etho, the old minecraft player that he is, needed a dog that historically lived impressively but in modern times finds a place being just a silly guy.
it was between samoyed and keeshound because both historically were multi-purpose herding/hunting/hauling dogs that were bred into family pets. keeshound was the obvious winner because i've never seen a more etho-coded coat color.
Cleo - Rottweiler (black & rust, long haired)
for cleo, the breed had to be one with fighting/guarding history but not so intensely territorial to where the dog would be bad with small children. as much as cleo is lauded as a fighter in fandom spaces, she still soft in certain spots and i didn't want to land her with a breed that wouldn't make that exception, so i went with a rottie. rotties are intimidating guard dogs but notably they are amazing with small children and are great at knowing when to defend and when to be gentle.
design-wise her breed just had to be large, have red, and have thick fur. rottweiler, while fitting her great everywhere else, don't typically have that last trait as it's a rare recessive gene that was actively bred out of lines until recently. but i said, i liked rottie too much so i gave her longer fur anyways.
and done! i am currently working on the last set of 6, but i will update the reasoning here when i do just to keep my rambles at least a little contained. i hope any of this makes sense lmao
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