#I like freebatch
topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
OTP challenge - day 14
IT IS BACK YOU GUYS!!! I am bringing it back! ✨turtely's otp challenge✨
please someone tell me they are excited- i need that, lol.
I had the BIGGEST writer's block ever: didn't come up with an idea for mOnThs and when I finally did have one I was like "idk how to wriiiiite that" but today I was like *slams table* yk what?! Fuck that! I am bringing it back! Soooo yeah. Here we go? please lmk what you think!
Btw it is a bit (a lot) different then my other stories sooo bear with me yeah?
[Link to day 13]
14. Geeking out over something
Blue vs. red. Grunts vs. robotic breathing. Good vs. bad. Two lighsabers meet, trying to push the other away. Two male counterparts, fighting for what they think is the right way, which looks decidedly different from each view.
Suddenly - the taller, darker haired, with the black mask - strikes and-
"AAAAAAHHH", the shorter, blonder, with perspiration in his shaggy hair - cries in agony. His hand has been separated from his arm. (Or was he just hiding it in is sleeve?) The boy steps back, covering his injured arm under the healthy one. His weapon is lost. The dark guy steps closer and the blond is trapped on a small part of the treehouse platform.
The other boy man speaks up, "There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you. You do not yet
realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the
But the blond boy - even with no escape in sight, even being greatly injured - refuses. Brave soldier until the bitter end, he counters, "I’ll never join you!"
But the masked one does not give up, "If you only knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told
you what happened to your father."
Desperately holding onto the tree branch the metal construct the blond boy speaks through gritted teath, "He told me enough! It was you
who killed him."
Perhaps you would see a sad smile behind the mask as his friend enemy speaks. "No. I am your father."
Shocked, the blond stares at his counterpart. Refusing to believe even one word, he yells, "No. No. That’s not true! That’s impossible!"
The taller argues in his deep voice, "Search your feelings. You know it to be true."
But the smaller won't believe. "No! No! No!"

"Luke. You can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father
and son. Come with me. It is the
only way." He puts away his sword, and offers his hand to the shorter boy man.
The injured breathes deeply, indescribable but pronounced tranquility waving over him. He looks over the edge, looks back at the masked man and-
He jumps off, landing safely in a trampoline underneath, falling into the endlessness of the galaxy.
The taller boy rips his mask off and reveals messy dark curls. With one jump he follows the blond boy and lands next to him on the trampoline. The shorter boy giggles and turns around on his belly. His face prepped on his palm, blue eyes sparkling as he looks at his friend. The dark haired boy grins widely and lays onto his back, with one arm under his head. "Nice acting there, Martin"
The blond laughs, "Yours was pretty good too, Ben"
Ben, the taller, dark-haired boy, grabs his own hand and imitates the shout of pain from the act, that appeared minutes before, "AAAAAHHHH!"
The blond - Martin - playfully nudges Ben's shoulder with his hand. "Oh, shut up!"
The dark haired boy smiles at him. Then his face turns serious, "Join me when I go to acting school, after high school."
"We could be Holmes and Watson", Martin grins.
Ben grabs Martin's hand, "Whatever happens you'll forever be the Holmes to my Watson."
But as soon as he says that, Martin has to visibly fight a laugh back.
"What? What is it?"
"It's just-", now Martin can't help laughing. "Have you looked at yourself?! You definitely got the looks for a genius. You- with your cheekbones..."
"My cheekbones?!"
"Yeah! And the dark hair and all that." Martin waves generally at Ben's face. "Gotta be you."
Ben considers that. Then he shrugs. "Alright. As long as it is us."
"Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.", Martin says with a gentle smile, squeezing Ben's hand.
"John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.", Ben replies.
"Yeah, could work." Martin grins.
"BBC is gonna love us." Ben says, a dreamy expression on his face.
"Everyone is gonna love us." Martin says, shrugging, completely unaware how true these words will be.
~The story about how Freebatch turned into Johnlock because of Star Wars.
(tags and info under the cut)
sooo yeah I guess that was a multi crossover? Ever looked for a "young Freebatch geeking out over Star Wars and then talking about becoming Johnlock"-fanfic? Well there you go! xDD This was my first freebatch fic ever (I don't usually write or read that because I think the actors deserve some privacy...) and probably my last so don't hate please :P
The dialogue (the one written in italics) is taken from the Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back movie. Check out my Source.
All I've got left to say is: Thank you for sticking with me and reading, my lovely turtles!
tag list! (please tell me if you wanna be added/removed or if i forgot you!) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @boredsushi @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @7arantellgrrl @ssmeowl123 @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee
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martinsharmony · 9 months
In defense of RP Shipping and RP Fiction
I don’t normally come out and give my opinion on things like this so plainly about such controversial things. I tend to shy away from confrontational writing such as this. However this idea has been brewing in my mind for some time now so I had to write it.
I am a Real Person Shipper.
I’m seeing people talk a lot more about RP shipping (and the hate towards it) since David Tennant and Michael Sheen appeared smiling at each other in a photo after David's appearance in Macbeth.
RP Shipping is not a choice.
When I caught the shipping bug, it hit me like lightning. It occurred to me one night as I lay in bed next to the husband with which I had a deteriorating relationship: “are there stories about Dave Gahan and Martin Gore…being together??”
Dave Gahan/Martin Gore (Gahore) are in Depeche Mode. They were my 1st ship as an adult. You can read about it here. Obviously Depeche Mode is a band so there is no fictional narrative anywhere to follow. I quickly learned that RP shipping was taboo. However in my shipping community we all shipped the band so I was more or less insulated from it.
I dove in headfirst. I literally couldn’t not do it. It was something my brain needed. Sure I could have forced myself to not go look for it because of some kind of moral (?) imperative which I wasn’t even aware of at the time, but even if I stopped myself, that would not stop my brain from wanting it. Making up stories and scenarios. Finding evidence in videos, songs, interviews, etc. I shipped these two people because of what I had observed between them.
I saw love. So did my shipping friends. We all saw it. I needed to experience it. My life lacked it.
My next RP ship was Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch (FreeBatch). First I fell in love with Sherlock and John, obviously. But then as I started to follow the fandom, I started noticing the same things that others noticed. My brain just went there. I literally had no choice. It’s not as if I could tell my brain “don’t do that”. It would not listen. You can’t tell a starving person to not think about food. In fact telling them that probably makes it worse.
In my personal life, I had been through a breakup with the man I dated after I got divorced, and then I began dating a woman for the 1st time. I really started to relate what I was seeing on the screen and reading on Tumblr and in fic to my own life. I was starting to process my own bisexuality. I started to notice things about Martin and Ben that other people were noticing too. Shipping them helped me navigate that time in my life because I saw myself in it. I related to it. But it wasn't a choice. My brain just went there. Maybe I was Baader-Meinhoffing but even if I was, that doesn’t mean it’s something I didn’t need to explore, work out in my mind, and discover.
Shennant (Michael Sheen and David Tennant) is my 3rd RP ship. Yes I fell in love with Aziraphale and Crowley of course, but again, as I started to follow the fandom and David’s and Michael’s careers specifically, watching interviews, watching Staged, etc, I started noticing the same thing that many others noticed. I literally couldn’t help it. My brain, again, just went there. Also in Staged of course, they play themselves. I have to say that my RP Shipping really took off after I watched them in that. They play themselves. Their actual partners are in it. If one were to write Staged fic, is that not RPF? Where is the line between what is supposed to be okay and what is not?
Again, with this ship, I had big things going on in my personal life. Dad passed away almost a year and a half ago, and now I'm taking care of my elderly mom long distance. It's a huge emotional burden. I'm not dating anyone right now mostly because of that but also because I was in a poly relationship with the male half of a het married couple (longtime friends of mine) that ended extraordinarily painfully (so this was V or chain-style poly not group-sex poly). Since then I've been alone for more than 2 years. I'm still getting over it.
The love I see between Michael and David feels unconditional. I see adoration. If they are indeed in a healthy poly relationship, my god, how on earth did they do that? Even while navigating fame? It’s certainly a lot more difficult than my own situation. I can explore it: What kind of person feels safe to me the way I believe David feels safe with Michael? What kind of relationship can withstand the kind of obstacles they (and I) might face? What would have had to actually happened for them to be as happy as they seem to be? What discussions were had? What agreements were reached? How does one do this the right way? What does that tell me about my own relationship and what went wrong? What should have happened?
This is, in its most academic sense, a tool for my brain to heal and to discover what kind of a relationship I want. And my brain knows it. That’s why it ships. My heart doesn’t know that. It just knows I love seeing them happy together. This is the magnet that drew me.
RP Shipping helps us to work shit out in our personal lives.
I bought Spark edited by Atlin Merrick recently. One of the essays by Angela Nauss, LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) really stood out to me is titled Sympathy for the Devil: Attachment Theory and FanFiction.
The article is about fanfiction authors, however I would extrapolate this to include readers and RP Shippers as well. RP Shippers are authors of narratives in their own mind, even if they are not always written down.
From the book:
“Fanfiction authors process attachment wounds using fictional characters as proxies…to process and understand the origin of the problems encountered during adolescence.”
“Some authors write fanfiction to humanize uncomfortable aspects of their identity, grieve and repair damaged relationships, and process attachment wounds…by exploring how the character would behave in adaptive relationships.”
“Fanfiction authors project their unconscious trauma onto the characters.”
“The characters gain insight into their behavior and no longer feel responsible for their childhood attachment wounds. Through their writing, the author incorporates repressed trauma and attachment wounds into their conscious experience and achieves catharsis.”
“Writing fanfiction is a valid form of therapeutic self-exploration.”
I’ve been in therapy for several years, In fact the poly relationship I was in is why I seeked out therapy in the 1st place. I know that shipping these people, exploring aspects of that, is helping me to heal attachment wounds and the trauma caused by past relationships.
As part of my healing from this poly relationship I was in, I intend to write a meta and/or a fic about David and Michael. I know it will aid in my healing. I may or may not post it.
Also, even Shakespeare wrote RPF.
I’m seeing people say that we RP Shippers are terrible, immoral, disgusting, gross people and that we want David and Michael to leave their partners. That we want to break up their families. Let me be clear that I want nothing of the sort.
There are people out there that want to "protect" them from this “immorality” by shaming us, berating us, calling us names. Even sending certain blogs directly to Georgia and Anna! This is the exact opposite of what actions like this are actually doing. This does not protect them from harm. It creates it.
There is no such thing as thought crime.
Not only is it impossible for me to choose not to ship these people, but I also get the sense that even thinking about it is supposed to be wrong. That it makes me an immoral person.
Something I keep seeing is that people are so upset that we RP Shippers are doing this. Like, why don’t we just, stop. Just look at all the other appropriate characters that are out there to ship! Or just never start in the first place. As if this was a choice we are making to consciously ship real people.
When shippers ship a couple, do they choose that couple consciously? Do they say, hmm, I'm going to ship X person and Y person because it's...logical? Or for whatever consciously thought of reason? I'm going to go out on a limb and speak for mostly all shippers and say no. Shippers ship because we see something in those 2 characters that we are drawn to like magnets, for whatever reason. Real People included. If you're on Tumblr for a fandom and read fic, you know what I'm talking about.
Male/Male relationships is a fetish, or a kink, for me. And by extension, RPS/RPF as well. I do enjoy thinking about what might be the "reality" behind the curtain that we are shown as part of their public personas. This is part of the ingredients to this fetish, or kink, for me.
Kink is defined by Wikipedia as “the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies. The term derives from the idea of a “bend” (a “kink”) in one’s sexual behaviour, to contrast such behaviour with “straight” or “vanilla” sexual mores and proclivities. It is thus a colloquial term for non-normative sexual behaviour.”
A fetish is defined by Wikipedia as referring “to any sexually arousing stimuli, not all of which meet the medical criteria for fetishism. This broader usage of fetish covers parts or features of the body (including obesity and body modifications), objects, situations and activities (such as smoking or BDSM).”
Generally, modern sexual health thinking seems to say “So long as your fetish doesn’t get in the way of your own well-being, the safety of others, and your partners participate enthusiastically, there is nothing wrong with it.”
It seems to be another taboo to claim gay (or bi/pansexual) men as a fetish, or a kink. There are some who claim that it’s objectifying the very real experiences of gay men. I struggle with this because I can't deny that I enjoy it but I also don't want to hurt anyone.
I am not a gay man. I will never be a gay man. I am a cis bisexual woman. I can never know what that experience is like. This is, in essence, the core of the fantasy. It can feel as good and perfect and romantic and loving as I want it to be because I don’t have the parts or experience to know it first hand. Therefore I've come to the conclusion that my thoughts in my head and anything I write down in a safe space does not hurt anyone. For me personally, it’s a way to disconnect from myself. People enjoy fic for all sorts of reasons. I shouldn’t have to prove that my reasons are "wholesome" to be allowed to enjoy it.
I don’t enjoy reading het fiction for reasons I won’t go into, however they are probably not individual to just me alone. Hoards of women like me also enjoy the same thing.
So yeah. To the surprise of absolutely no one, thinking about Michael and David, or Martin and Ben, or Dave and Martin, or men in general, kissing or having sex or a romance with each other – turns me on. That leads me to state the following:
Anti-RP Shipping and Anti-RP Fiction is kink shaming.
When I say "Anti", I'm referring to those who loudly object to it. Not those who (thankfully) say "that's not for me" and move on. Just like I would with say, Omegaverse.
Because my interpretation of these real people is in reality, “fiction” in my own head, then by definition all RP Shipping is RP Fiction. It cannot be reality because I don’t know them. Therefore any stories, speculation, comments, analysis, conclusions, art, etc, IS ALL FICTION.
Real people are characters to your brain.
Obviously I don’t know them personally, so anything that I were to believe or create in my head about them is by definition, fiction. My brain makes it up according to what I’ve seen, read, heard, observed and drew conclusions from. This creates a fictional reality for my brain to consume. It can’t be reality because I don’t know them.
Wikipedia says RPF writers are “building a fictional universe based on the supposed real-life histories of their idols. Information from interviews, documentaries, music videos, and other publicity sources are assimilated into the stories. It is also very popular to write fiction about celebrity couples. Communities of writers build collective archetypes based on the celebrities' public personas".
I would never, under any circumstances, present any RPS/RPF questions, stories, insinuations, or even mention it at all directly to the actors/musicians/personalities or their partners or even anyone associated with them. I would be beyond embarrassed to do so. Even though Michael himself seems to be accepting of it, I would never present it to him. Never. (I mean it’s not like I could really anyway but still).
I believe that 99.9% of RP Shippers would do the same. It’s the .01% that have done so (and unscrupulous “journalists” looking to shock by asking questions/showing them the RPF, and those people claiming to prevent harm by sending it directly to them “for legal action” or tattletale “look at what these terrible people are doing” and blaming the RP shippers for creating it – wow talk about projection) -that make a bad name for us all. Showing it to them and asking them about it IS a choice.
If RP Shipping is not a choice, a way to work out personal mental health issues, is fictional by definition, and a non-pathological aid to sexual excitement that hurts no one if it is contained within safe spaces such as fic sites and Tumblr, then what exactly is the harm?
Tumblr is a safe space.
Why is there such vitriol against RP Shipping and RPF? You claim to be protecting the actors or people in question, but by raising your voices so loudly in various ways, you are harming the very person you claim to be protecting. I think you have to ask what it is within yourself that makes you so aggressively hate this? Why can't we just say "that's not for me" and move on?
Don't we on Tumblr and on AO3 celebrate non-mainstream ideas such as this? Or if not celebrate, at least live and let live. The fact is that Tumblr is supposed to be a safe space. I should feel safe speaking my mind here. I know quite a few RP shippers follow me so I don't feel completely alone, but I don't feel entirely safe posting this.
My morality is not yours to police.
I strongly doubt I’ll be changing anyone’s mind with this. If you’re Anti RP shipping and Anti RPF you’re probably going to stay that way.
Don’t like, don’t read.
You can unfollow, block people, block tags, filter tags on AO3...any number of things. Think of it like a trigger. Just please don't spew hate.
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meandhisjohn · 11 months
I never thought that a simple attempt to distract myself from my ever ruminating brain and panic attacks would bring me such joy and support coming from you.
Thank you for all your likes and reblogs and kind comments.
This is the beginning of my scrapbook.
It's my Headcanon from @madlori 's Performance in a leading role.
I always imagine pics of Martin and Benedict instead of scenes from the show.
Call it Johnlock AU or Freebatch.
For me it's an addition to my Sherlock world.
Thanks for all your support 🙏 ❤️🙏
@kettykika78 @jelly-of-many-ships @keirgreeneyes @grace-in-the-wilderness @beccibarnes @gh-0-sties-blog @a-victorian-girl @lostinsherlock44 @bewitched-bullet @cumbercurlygirl @benedictandsherlockdeduction @bencdaily @helloliriels @eclectic-confusion
@thetimemoves @thelostsmiles @bene-batch @cumberbatchlives @cumberbatchcom @free-martinis @whatnext2020 @cumberbatchitalia @watsonlock @freebatchisthenewjohnlock @freebatch-and-stuff @cheekbonesofbenny @duskybatfishgirl @devoursjohnlock @discordantwords @fbbpics @gingerbbatch @tendalee @the-benedict-network
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thealogie · 9 months
If you showed a 2014 freebatch warrior the world we’ve been living in for the past few nights I imagine it would be like being the ghost of Christmas Future in many ways
A 2023 shennant shipper can laugh while a 2014 freebatch shipper could only chuckle :(
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dinner--starving · 9 months
I kinda like that I'm not the only freebatcher in the house
I know this is debated a lot but I don't force my views on anyone and vice versa. I see chemistry that is undeniable. I could go on and on but we both know all about it 😉
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moonyinpisces · 10 months
Not the PIALR mention 💀💀 Why do I feel like Good Omens and the boys are gonna heal my BBC Sherlock and Freebatch trauma
freebatch couldn’t do PIALR but michael sheen and david tennant can and did on december 15th 2023 at the donmar warehouse production of macbeth
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
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Ah yes, the old trunk scene. If Ben hadn't been comfortable doing it, he wouldn't have done it. It wasn't a dig at him, it wasn't done to traumatized him, it was a plot device. And then there's Mstoxictea rant on the subject:
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I wonder if she's read the books. Because Sherlock is far from being a sympathetic character. He's cold, aloof and calculated. Exactly like he's in the show. In fact, a lot of what Mstoxictea is complaining about is straight from the original stories. I very much ACD had Ben in mind when he wrote his stories over a hundred years ago.
And then there's the queer bating accusation. Everyone involved in the show spent 10 years telling people that Johnlock wasn't endgame. That Sherlock and Watson are just good friends. If Mstoxictea and the rest of the extreme Johnlockers had listened, they wouldn't have gotten their hopes up for nothing. You can clearly see that Mstoxictea is still pissed that both her ships didn't happen. By that I mean Johlock and Freebatch.
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221b-alovestory · 1 year
I left the Johnlock fandom after S3 aired, the show ruined their relationship, the show runners making funs of the fans who propelled them to stardom in the first place didn’t help either. Today for some reason Tumblr showed your post on my for you page. Your blog reminds me of the good old time when I was able to consuming Johnlock contents made by fans with undiluted joys. In a sense, the show runners took that away from me, I essentially gave them the power to poison my joys from consuming fan created contents. I entered other fandoms and I’ve since grown to value fandom over source martial and the people who dictate canon. I just want to say that I admire you very much because you didn’t cave, you didn’t let them ruin your love for Johnlock and the joys that come with loving something. I think I will be able to enjoy Johnlock contents made by fans again after seeing your blog. Thank you.
Awww thank you so much☺️
And you are right makers did ruin a beautiful show. Fans were so invested here. It's one thing to not give them closure, understandable, but to mock them was a d*ck move. They conveniently forgot how they encashed on same johnlock/freebatch for years and when the show ended suddenly they became 'annoying' ugh. I hate when people forget where they came from and it's fans who made them relevant. No wonder they are begging the leads to come back for another season. Nothing worked for them afterwards and why would it? Fans clearly rejected them.
Whatever was going off screen ,I think Ben and Martin gave their best at all times. They outperformed the script. My heart goes to Martin, how difficult it would have been for him with both reel and real life getting mixed with his wife.
Funny thing is I always thought this 'shipping' thing fans do was really really silly, but I saw that angelo scene and I was like DAMN, I am going down with ship. I have never seen chemistry on screen and it frustrates me to no end that it was wasted. They just gave us a half hearted hug 😭😭😭😭, even with that Ben and Martin managed to make everyone's heart flutter(I love them so much). No one could have done it better than them.
Tumblr is like a happy place to me. And I can't thank everyone enough who take time to write fanfictions and fanarts , even those who have left fandom or phased out for some reason. Old blogs have such good content. So don't let makers or even actors ruin something that makes you happy☺️. I hope you revisit often from now on
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Hello, how are you doing?
Could you please tag your favourite accounts with Johnlock and/or Freebatch content? Thank you :)
Hey Nonny!
OH GOSH, I SWEAR to you I really don't have any favourites... more of a "friends and authors and artists I follow" and "this blogger reblogs a lot of stuff I like so I can reblog content from them". I literally am not the best person to ask for blog recommendations because I follow under 300 people and most of them are just Mutuals, or old follows from back when I was trying to get my art out there, LOL.
If you're either of what Nonny is requesting, and you're looking to self-promo yourself, let us know so Nonny can check ya out!
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hotpieceofnerd · 2 years
So, I want everyone to ship this two (respecting their PERSONAL lives) in the multiverse. Like... Crackships in the Freebatch style.
Like, Poe Dameron/Din Djarin, Joel(The Last of us)/Dane (Annihilation), Javier Peña (Narcos)/Agent Marcus (The Mentalist)! Everything that can be shipped, with love, care and just to have fun, not to bother the actors.
And we need a ship name.
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castlesbyrs · 2 years
I know this has probably been said a hundred times before but I’m looking back at my Sherlock posts and feeling emotional and I just keep thinking how everything that has happened ever since is just the worst scenario possible for us die-hard fans in the sense that:
-Ben and Martin aren’t even friends anymore
-They don’t seem interested at all in coming back to filming SH (and I of course don’t blame them)
-The plot was shitty
-Moftiss destroyed EVERYTHING for NOTHING because no one even remembers the series anymore
-Mary got her undeserved redemption
-Everything was awful
-There are no hopes for anything else ever again
I just… I know it’s been so long but I think about it and I feel so bitter that such a wonderful show led by such wonderful actors ended up becoming what it became and destroying their beautiful friendship along the way.
In case you didn’t notice I’m nostalgic and missing freebatch af today.
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ninetimesbluedemo · 4 years
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Introducing Benetin Cumberman!
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martinsharmony · 1 year
Who am I
If you're like me you visit other people's blogs to see if you want to follow them. I've written this handy post to show you about who I am as a Tumblr user.
I got back on Tumblr because of Good Omens and I've been hyperfixating. The best Good Omens metas I've reblogged use the tag "metas that make sense".
I originally got on Tumblr because of my favorite band Depeche Mode and I RP shipped Martin Gore and Dave Gahan (Gahore). Then came back to Tumblr years later because of Sherlock, JohnLock and FreeBatch. Yes, I ship Michael Sheen/David Tennant (Shennant). I am an RP shipper and think that's totally okay because I don't shove my ships in the actor's/ musician's faces. I keep my RPF activities to Tumblr, AO3, and an anonymous blog. I don't see any harm in that. I don't care if you think it's gross. Let me be.
Speaking of that anonymous blog, here's a link. If you are a Good Omens shipper I highly recommend this post. If you are a JohnLock shipper or one of the few Gahore shippers out there I highly recommend this post. I recommend either one if you tend to obsess over ships. I mostly use it as an outlet to work out my mental health issues.
Loki might be a new obsession but I do intend to keep my blog primarily about Good Omens. Loki, Sherlock and Depeche Mode posts might occasionally appear and well as other random posts once in a while.
I've written a little Depeche Mode fanfic here on AO3. I'm strongly considering writing a Shennant fic. I haven't written any fic since 2010.
A few other things about me personally: I'm a tea snob. American. Liberal. 49 years old. I guess I call myself a goth - love new wave/dark wave, goth and industrial music. I wear a lot of black. I used to go to a lot of concerts but that's tapered off lately because I'm taking care of my elderly mother long distance and it's a lot for me emotionally. Ships are my emotional escape. I'm she/her, bisexual but not currently dating anyone. Obviously, I love slash (NOT femslash). I'm currently reading Good Omens/Shennant fics exclusively.
My blog name MartinsHarmony originally was homage to the song Wrong by Depeche Mode that features Martin Gore's harmony alongside Dave's singing (specifically the 5th "too long" in the song). It's the reason I got on Tumblr in the first place. That harmony is pure sex and kicked off my love of gay and RP shipping and fanfic (well that's not entirely true but TLDR it's close enough). However Martin Freeman is also a Martin, and Michael Sheen sometimes gets called Martin lol so there's that.
If you've followed me, welcome!
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meandhisjohn · 1 year
There will be reviews.😃
AU is another dream come true.
AU is a big deal in the fandom and being a late bloomer as always I avoided it for quite a while until suddenly it hit me.
In the form of:
 " Performance in a leading role " by MadLori and like it was when I only wanted to watch 10 minutes of Sherlock to understand ( or not) the hype it was love on first sight!
Shortly after I started the Doctor series by Jill Ballier and 7PercentSolution.
And there are times when I even forget that Sherlock and John are not actually real doctors because it's so good.
The AU world ( as the complete SH FF) is filled with creativity and brilliance.
Before I crashed into the almost fatal wave of depression in summer I was about to review the Doctor series:
You go to my head " lengthy on a blog but had to withdraw all activities for months.
I won't put myself under pressure but I will review the series and some other AU's I totally love and enjoy.
Simply because I'm head over heels in love with the fact that AU brought me a complete different yet fantastic world where Sherlock and John still being themselves but in another environment.
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I have a whole file with pics that matches with my AU Mind Palace.
They are mostly non Sherlock pics because a crime scene doesn't really match a Johnlock holiday in the Seychelles.
But those pictures only matching my imagination with the stuff I'm reading.
It never absolutely never reflects Freebatch or any other gossip.
I keep my nose out of other people's sexuality.
It's fictional love for me all the way and that's why I shamelessly use two pretty attractive guys for my mind palace.
But I have to talk about Dr. Holmes and other stories capable or not.
Otherwise I would choke on my happiness 🤣
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nat-brekker · 4 years
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Freebatch but make it akskdjaksks
I wasted 10 minutes of my life on these.
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dinner--starving · 2 years
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I posted 889 times in 2022
118 posts created (13%)
771 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 437 of my posts in 2022
#sherlock - 237 posts
#johnlock - 187 posts
#bbc sherlock - 140 posts
#john watson - 99 posts
#sherlock holmes - 66 posts
#benedict cumberbatch - 48 posts
#freebatch - 46 posts
#martin freeman - 40 posts
#spotify - 16 posts
#s4 - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#prev tags why would you say it like that now im upset and want to cry he thought theyd been going out on dates the whole time. the whole ti
My Top Posts in 2022:
I tried but no other show comes close to what Sherlock and johnlock evokes in me.
I'm doomed, aren't it?
291 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Once you get a taste of the real Sherlock Holmes, no one else matches up to it. They are all too bland now. That's what happened to John Watson.
He's like a drug....I was hooked
318 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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Don't worry guys. We've only had four.
320 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Do you need more proof that S4 is fucking fake? And more likely a drug induced coma fever dream?
Remember E? The woman on the bus that "Eurus" pretended to be and had a text affair with John? How did she give John her number? Written on a piece of paper. And what was her number?
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I always wondered if there was a signiificance to this phone number. I looked for meta on this but never found a one with proper proofs, forgive me if I overlooked any and please let me know if so. As is with this ridiculous show that even after re-watching it for the 143rd time, I still get baffled at things I didn't notice before!
And I cannot believe that this number comes from
See the full post
383 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sherlock couldn't read the real Mary not because she's better than him or that she did something extraordinary to hide her true self.
It's because he met her at a point when all he could think of was John. How he missed John. How he longed for John's companionship. 2 years of being John-starved made him blind to other things. All that mattered was John. His forgiveness. To win him back. Keep him happy.
Caring became a disadvantage after all.
510 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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