#I like to think that where he traveled with Haly’s and made a new friend he would try to trade a story with them
mistergreatbones · 5 months
Jason’s the lit nerd but Dick got the name Nightwing from a Kryptonian fable and Robin (in early versions) from Robin Hood
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Spare Key
Jason Todd x reader who’s Dicks neighbor
Summary: your friend Dick gives you keys to his place but he didn’t tell you everything.
warning: mentions nudity and bad words
You’d been neighbors with Dick for a few years. He was a pretty nice guy. Traveled a lot and kept weird hours and used to be a cop. But he was always helpful and good to his neighbors. He had watered your plants when you went on vacation a few times. It wasn’t a huge surprise when he offered you a key to his place so that you could collect his mail and feed his dog on one of his big trips.
Dick’s apartment was across the hall. He didn’t do much as far as renovations. The original white paint covered the door that the apartment came with and you weren’t sure if he ever moved his furniture. But it made it easier because you knew where everything is.
So after you dropped off your few grocery bags, you went over to feed his brand new adorable puppy Haly. As you turned the key in the lock you were surprised that she didn’t start barking. She must be asleep.
You sat the keys in the key bowl and moved to go to the kitchen when-
“What the FUCK-“ a man yelped.
“Ahhhh-“ you shrieked at the sight of a fully naked full frontal view of a naked man making a sandwich in Dick’s kitchen.
“Who are you?!?”
“Why are you NAKED?”
“What are YOU doing in someone’s apartment?” He asked grabbing a hand towel to cover his junk. It did a pitiful job covering the body of a man that was probably the fittest person you’ve ever seen. He was covered in scars but it didn’t take away any of his beauty. You looked away quickly. He moved and you grabbed an umbrella by the front door.
“Oh great. What are you gonna do, hit me?” He asked with a rolled eye.
“I don’t know you. You could have a weapon,” you defended looking at him again. Safety over modesty. He look flabbergasted.
“Where?? Under the towel?” He asked bewildered. “Look lady, I don’t know why you’re here since you clearly aren’t my brother’s girlfriend-“
“And neither are- wait, you’re his brother?” You said as his words caught up.
“Yeah, I’m his brother. Care telling me know YOU are?” He asked.
“I’m his neighbor. I’m so sorry,” you stammered before turning away to avoid staring and sat the umbrella down. He grabbed a hoodie from a chair and tied it around his waist covering the front. “Dick asked me to feed his dog. I didn’t know anyone was here.”
“Oh, yeah. Dickhead forgot to tell me he was having a visitor. I’m Jason,” he said holding out his hand automatically without thinking. You flushed hot shaking the hand of a naked man you just met.
“Nice to meet you,” you said and then you mumbled out your name. You looked anywhere but at him. “Uh, since you’re uh… on it, I’ll just- I’ll go. Sorry to just barge in.”
“No, it’s okay,” he said running a hand in his hair awkwardly.
“Okay, yeah,” you said quickly leaving. You walked down to your apartment and quickly shut the door behind you. You leaned against the door and started laughing at the ridiculousness. Oh man, you had gone over to feed a dog and instead ran into a naked man.
A extremely handsome fit man who was blessed in the uhh, pants department. You weren’t trying to look but damn. He had nothing to be ashamed of there. Nope. A healthy man for sure.
A knock at the door made you jump. You quickly opened it to see him, fully clothed, standing outside. Hopefully he couldn’t read minds, you thought. You were a little ashamed to be thinking about his dick like that.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hey, sorry about earlier. I don’t usually walk around other people’s apartments naked,” he said with an embarrassed smile.
“Oh, uh no. It’s your brothers place. I don’t judge,” you replied.
“Sure. Uh, if you could just not tell Dick about this. They would be great. I’m not sure he’s uhh cool about that,” he grimaced.
“Mum’s the word,” you said. “As long as you don’t mention that I threatened you with an umbrella.”
He laughed. “Deal. And tell me to fuck off, but would you like to go get some coffee or something?” He asked looking at you with a fake casualness.
“Do I have to tell you to fuck off? I’d rather have the coffee,” you answered with a little smile.
“The fuck off, while an open invite, is not required,” he replied with a grin looking at the floor.
“Then I’ll decline and instead take the coffee offer,” you answered. “There’s a new place a few blocks away. We can just walk if you want.”
“That sounds nice.” He answered as you grabbed your coat.
“You know,” you started. “I’ve never gone on a date after seeing someone naked.”
3 weeks later
Dick turned the key to his apartment expecting Haly to bark like crazy. He’d had multiple people help care for her while he was gone but she always missed him like crazy when he got back.
“Girl? Haly?” He called to silence. Dick quickly went around the apartment to find her when he heard noises of people talk by the door. He walked to the front quietly.
You and Jason were holding hands. He had Haly’s leash in his other hand that he quickly let go of without paying her attention. She raced towards Dick who ruffled her hair while staring at you both. Jason grabbed you around the waist and pulled your coffee cup from your hand and sat it down before grasping you close to kiss you softly.
“What the HELL??” Dick asked. You jumped away from Jason rather violently.
“Jesus, Dick, what the fuck man,” Jason said after having jumped too.
“What is that? Why is this? You two,” he asked.
Jason shrugged and you flushed.
“Hi Dick,” you said softly when no words came to. “How was your trip?”
“That’s nice. I’m just gonna go. I’ll talk to you later,” you said awkwardly before leaving. You could hear Dick from behind the closed door.
“You took my suit. You took my bedroom. You took my glute-master 1000. And now my neighbor??? Get your own shit, bro!”
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
Two Birds [Part One]
Read Two Birds on AO3
Masterlist [All Works]
Masterlist [Two Birds Series]
Written for Maribat March Day 14 - Dead
Nine-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng peeked around the legs of her Grandma Gina to look up at the circus tent. Framed by the setting sun, it looked grand and magnificent, but Marinette still would rather have stayed at home. "We'll be staying here?"
"Not inside the circus tent, silly. There are trailers around back that the performers sleep in. That's where we'll be staying."
Marinette scuffed her shoes against the ground, watching the dust kick up. "Why couldn't we just stay at home?"
"We have to experience new things, Marinette - that's what makes life worth living when you're old like me."
"I don't want to try new things and I don't want to stay with strangers. I just want to stay at home."
"It's only three days, sweetheart. Just trust me. You'll have fun."
Marinette pouted but nodded anyway. "Fine." Marinette loved her Grandma Gina, who brought her gifts from all around the world and told her stories of her travels. However, Marinette didn't like when her parents made Gina babysit. Gina refused to babysit Marinette at home and instead took Marinette on her travels with her. Marinette didn't like traveling, especially when it meant she had to stay with strangers. She much preferred her own bed to the bed of a stranger.
"Gina Dupain!" exclaimed a smiling man, walking out of the circus tent.
"Walter Haly! How are things in the circus business?"
"Worse without you, my lovely Gina. Please tell me you'll perform while you're staying with us."
Gina smiled but shook her head. "I'm too old for the trapeze, Walter. But maybe I can convince this little one to try it out." Gina pushed Marinette out in front of her.
"Oh! Who is this?"
"My granddaughter, Marinette."
Haly knelt down to get to Marinette's height. "How old are you, Marinette?"
Marinette stared down at her shoes, scuffed up brown with dust. "I'm nine years old."
"Do you want to try out the trapeze?"
Marinette vigorously shook her head. "I'm scared of heights."
"Well, we'll see about that. A lot can change in three days." Haly got up and led Marinette and Grandma Gina around behind the tent to the trailers.
Marinette knew that if her mother was there, she would be scolded for being rude, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to stay at the circus. She wanted to stay in her room, play Ultra Mecha Strike with Kim, and sneak cookies from the bakery when Gina wasn't looking.
Haly pointed to a baby-blue colored trailer. "Gina, you'll be staying on Clarise's couch - you remember Clarise, right."
Grandma Gina nodded. "Clarise was the redhead, right? The sword-swallower?"
"That's the one. Now, her couch only has room for one, so Marinette will be staying with the Graysons. They have a son - Richard - who's her age." Haly pointed out a trailer painted with green and yellow stripes.
Marinette grabbed onto Gina's hand. "I want to stay with you, Grandma Gina."
Gina shook her head. "You have to stay with the Graysons. But don't worry sweetheart, you'll have a lot of fun."
Marinette sighed and dragged her feet as she walked to the trailer. Of all the weekend that her parents left town to go to a pastry exhibition, it had to be the weekend that the circus that Grandma Gina once performed at was in town. Marinette knocked twice on the door and waited for it to open. A pretty woman with dark hair and kind eyes opened up the door and started speaking in perfect French. "Oh, hello! You must be little Marinette."
"Yes ma'am," Marinette mumbled.
"Come inside sweetheart." The woman led Marinette into the trailer. It was cramped and messy, but obviously well-loved. The walls were painted periwinkle and the curtains covering the window were orange with blue butterflies. "You don't have to call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. I'm Mary, and this is my husband John."
John was sitting on the couch, mending a tear in a crimson red leotard. "Hello, Marinette. Welcome to Haly's Circus."
Mary started leading Marinette to a door. "This is our son Dick's room, where you'll be sleeping. We set up an air mattress on the floor. You can drop your backpack off in there. Dick will be showing you tomorrow, keeping you out of trouble."
Dick was sitting on the bed when Marinette walked into the room, reading a comic book. Marinette waved shyly, "Hello, I'm Marinette."
"I'm Dick, Dick Grayson."
"Which comic book is that?" asked Marinette, leaning forward to get a good look at the title.
"It's an American comic book about this superhero named Ant-Man. He can shrink super small or grow super huge. He's really cool."
"Could I read it?" asked Marinette.
"Sure. I even have the first one on my bookshelf. I have comic books for nearly all of the Marvel superheroes."  As Marinette read, Dick explained the backstories of all of his favorite superheroes and why he owned so many of the comics. "I want to be a superhero someday. If I were a superhero, I would want to be able to fly for real, not just on the trapeze.
Just then, Marinette noticed a poster up on the wall. Visit Haly's Circus to watch the amazing Flying Grayson trapeze family. On the poster were three silhouettes of trapeze artists. "That's you on the poster, isn't it?"
"Yep. I've been doing trapeze since I was seven, and I'm ten now, so that's three whole years. I only got to start performing last month, though." Dick hopped off of his bed and sat down on the air mattress, facing Marinette. "While you're here, are you gonna learn how to do trapeze?"
Marinette shook her head. "I can't. It's too scary."
"But trapeze isn't even scary," protested Dick.
"Maybe not for you, but you do it all the time. I've never done it before and I'm scared of heights."
"Hmm. How about, if you try out the trapeze, I'll do something that scares me, too."
"What would you do?"
Dick stopped to think it over, his face scrunched up in a way that Marinette found both cute and worrisome, given that he was thinking over ways to get her to face her greatest fear of all time. "I know! If you learn trapeze, I'll learn to swim."
"No way! Swimming is way easier than trapeze."
"Not for me!" said Dick indignantly. "I've never been able to swim. But I'll learn how if you learn how to do trapeze."
"I don't know..." Dick was so enthusiastic about the plan that Marinette wanted to say yes, yet there was a lingering fear that held her back.
"Trust me, Marinette. In three days you'll be flying like a bird, and I'll be swimming like a fish."
"Oh, alright. I'll try it."
"Great! Now, I still have a question for you: if you could have any power, what would it be."
"Invisibility," decided Marinette, "That way when I'm late to school, I can slip into the classroom without my teacher noticing."
"Good choice. Now it's your turn to ask a question."
Dick and Marinette stayed up late that night, reading comics and asking each other questions. By morning, Marinette knew that Dick's favorite color was blue, his favorite cookie was chocolate with chocolate chips, his favorite comic book hero was Hawkeye (because he doesn't have any powers, but still manages to be a superhero), and his favorite circus animal performer was Zitka the Elephant. Dick was nine months older than Marinette, his birthday being October 2nd as opposed to her July 28th birthday.
"It's time to teach you how to do trapeze!" announced Dick as soon as breakfast was over.
"We offered to watch over you today while Gina catches up with her friends," explained Mary. "Now, I know that you're afraid of heights, and I'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want, but I think it would be a good experience to try trapeze. I promise you, it's completely safe."
"I'll try it."
Dick grinned. "We made a deal last night. If Marinette learns how to do trapeze then I have to learn how to swim."
John raised one eyebrow. "I thought that you swore off swimming for as long as you live."
"I changed my mind. Marinette has to learn how to do trapeze."
Mary and John were both smiling as they exchanged a look. Mary cleared her throat, then said, "Alright. Marinette, I'll get you a leotard, and then you can get dressed."
Given that they were approximately the same size, Dick would be partnered up with Marinette to guide her through the trapeze while she was in the air. Dick and John went ahead to get Dick in position before Marinette started. However, by the time Mary and Marinette got to the circus tent, Marinette was having second thoughts. While her new white leotard was cute, the thought of plummeting to her death while attempting to do trapeze was much less cute. "I'm not so sure about this."
"Marinette, I promise that there is no way you can get hurt. We'll have you strapped into a harness the whole time."
Marinette looked up at Mary, "You promise?"
As she looked up at Mary, the one thing that Marinette's anxious brain noticed was that the older woman had very trustworthy eyes. "Yes, I promise."
Marinette took a deep breath. "Then I want to learn how to do trapeze."
Mary smiled. "Good. Now, the first thing we need to do is get you into your harness. It will be connected to lunge lines to keep you safe in case you fall off the ladder. Then you'll climb the ladder to the top, and we'll attach you to more safety lines. At any point, no matter what happens, you'll be safe if you fall."
Mary helped Marinette into the harness, re-explaining everything as she went along. "Once you get to the top of the ladder, John will guide you through. Dick will be on the other side, mirroring everything you do, and showing you what to do next if you need help. Got it?"
"Yep. Got it." Now, all Marinette had to do was climb the ladder - the extremely tall, extremely scary ladder.
Mary put her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "You can do this, sweetheart. There will be things in life that you're scared of, and sometimes the only way to move forward is to face those fears."
Marinette smiled up at Mary. "Thank you." She got up onto the first rung of the ladder, then the second, then the third, making sure to look up at her destination instead of down at the ground.
"Good job," said John, as Marinette climbed up onto the platform next to him. "Now I'm just going to clip you into the safety lines and unclip you from the lunge lines. There's a specific set of commands that will tell you when to go. Dick is catching you, so he'll say 'Listo' when he's built up enough height in his swing. You then will say 'Listo' when you grab hold of the fly bar. Dick will tell you 'Ready' when you need to prepare to jump, and 'Hep' is the command to jump. When you get to the peak of your swing, Dick will yell "Hep" again. That's your signal to let go of the bar. Dick will grab your hands with his, and swing you back over to the other platform, where Mary will be there to help you back onto the platform. Are you ready?"
Marinette nodded, gazing at the trapeze setup with determination. "I'm ready."
Marinette watched Dick as he took off, holding his fly bar. As he swung, he transitioned from being upright, holding the bar with his hands, to being upside down, holding the bar under his knees, his hands free to catch her. "Listo!" Dick called out.
Marinette grabbed onto the fly bar. "Listo!"
Marinette bent her knees and took a deep breath.
Marinette jumped off the platform, swinging on the fly bar as the wind whipped in her face. It was exhilarating. Her fear of heights was the last thing on her mind as she watched the colors of the circus tent fly by. Marinette suddenly understood what Dick meant, when he told her that he wished to be able to fly. She felt incredible, and she never wanted the feeling to end.
"Hep!" Dick called again as he swung closer and closer to her.
Marinette let go. At the same instant, Dick's hands clasped around hers, and she was swinging with him.
"How does it feel?" asked Dick.
"Amazing!" Marinette cheered as they swung back to Dick's platform.
Mary was there to grab Marinette out of Dick's grasp, pulling her firmly onto the platform. Dick flipped himself upright and did a backflip up onto the platform. "Ta-da! How did I do as my first time as a catcher?"
"The both of you did very well. You were an excellent catcher, Dick, and you were a natural flyer, Marinette. I can see the two of you being able to pull off some exceptional stunts someday, if you were to continue trapeze, Marinette."
"I want to. I really do."
Marinette was eager to get back onto the trapeze as soon as possible, but Mary insisted that they stop for lunch first. As they walked out of the circus tent, Marinette pulled Dick aside and whisper-shouted, "That was your first time as a catcher and you didn't think to tell me?"
Dick shrugged, a mischievous smile spreading on his face. "I thought it would make you more nervous."
Marinette spluttered, "You- you-"
"Dick?" suggested Dick with a straight face.
The pair burst into instantaneous laughter, so hard they were gasping for breath as they made their way back to the Grayson's trailer.
The next three days passed in a blur. Every morning, Dick and Marinette would start their day on the trapeze. Dick guided Marinette through more and more advanced maneuvers, working as a team to accomplish amazing feats. Every minute they spent together up on the trapeze, Marinette could feel the connection between them growing. After a few hours up on the trapeze, Marinette and Dick would get down, get lunch, and explore the campsite. Marinette got to meet Zitka the Elephant and her calf, Nadia, both of whom were rescued from a roadside petting zoo in Texas and given to Haly after they were deemed too domesticated to be released back into the wild.
Marinette and Dick would get back on the trapeze in the afternoon until Mary and John called them for supper. Then, the circus would perform. Marinette would watch The Flying Graysons perform, amazed by how effortless they made it look. After the performance, Marinette would shower Dick with praise as they walked back to the trailer. Dick pretended that he wasn't flattered, but Marinette could see how much it meant to him, to hear it from her. Though they hadn't known each other for very long at all, there was instant platonic chemistry between the two of them.
Grandma Gina made herself scarce over the weekend, spending most of her time with her old friends from her circus days. However, she always made sure to stop in to watch Marinette on the trapeze, taking pictures to show Tom and Sabine when the couple returned to Paris.
The weekend felt like it lasted both three years and three minutes at the same time; nevertheless, Sunday night still came, and Marinette had to say goodbye.
"I'll just run away with the circus," said Marinette, sitting on the air mattress, staring at her fully packed backpack. "Mary and John would take me in."
Dick shook his head. "They would never allow it, no matter how good you are at trapeze."
Marinette sighed. "I'm really going to miss you."
Dick sighed as well, leaning his head against Marinette's. "This really sucks." After a moment of silently commiserating their terrible fortune, Dick suddenly jumped up. "I know! We can send letters to each other to keep in touch. And I can send you comic books when you need new ones to read."
"But the circus moves around constantly. Where will I send the letters to?"
"I have the schedule of everywhere that we'll be for the next six months. You'll just have to send the letters so that they reach the right destination at the right time."
"That means I can still talk to you!"
And suddenly, goodbye was a lot easier to bear.
Haly's Circus performed in Paris twice a year - once in January and once in July - meaning that Marinette and Dick had very little time to spend together in person. However, they did write to each other. Dick would send postcards from all the places he visited and Marinette invested in good stationery to write her letters on. Dick would mail over American comic books, carefully folded and stuffed into envelopes. Marinette would send back handmade patches for Dick to sew onto his leotard. They would write about all the details of their lives that they never mentioned to anyone else. Dick told Marinette that sometimes he wished that he could have had a normal childhood all in one place, but then he would think about all the people and places he would have never met and regret ever wanting anything else. Marinette told Dick that sometimes she worried that no matter how hard she worked to be interesting and funny and worthwhile, she would never be enough for the people around her.
Worried that she would forget how to do trapeze during the six months before Haly's circus returned, Marinette convinced her parents to let her attend the one gymnastics studio in Paris that offered trapeze. They were reluctant at first, worried that Marinette could get hurt, but after a thorough overview of the safety precautions, they finally relented. It was a thirty-minute metro ride, but it was worth it when she got up on the trapeze. Marinette quickly became friends with the other students her age at the studio. Alan, Allegra, and Claude were all two years older than her and lived on the other side of Paris, but they still made time to hang out with Marinette both inside and outside of the studio.
As Marinette grew more and more skilled at trapeze, she decided to try some similar sports. She split her free time between the studio, where she worked on developing her skills at trapeze, gymnastics, and aerial silks, and home, where she worked on designing and creating clothes. It was ambitious for a ten-year-old, but Marinette was determined. She loved trapeze and loved making her own clothes, and she loved those two things equally. She could never give one up, and could barely bring herself to prioritize one over the other when her free time grew scarce.
Marinette had her purpose in life: chasing the feeling of flying as far as it could go and creating things out of nothing but her own imagination. She had all the friends she could ever need, but most important to her was Dick, who, despite their distance, seemed closer to her than anyone else.
It was a Thursday, the day that Marinette's world ended. It was sunny and unusually warm for October. For Marinette, the day started off entirely normally. She went to school, ate lunch with Kim and Alix, went to the trapeze studio after school to work on a new trapeze routine, got hot cocoa with Alan, Allegra, and Claude afterward, then went home.
It was the 31st of October, the day that Marinette learned of the deaths of Mary and John Grayson. Mary, with her kind eyes, and John, with his crooked smile, were gone forever. Dick was an orphan.
Marinette was only eleven years old, the day that she learned the details of their deaths. They were on the trapeze, performing the closing act of the Gotham show. Dick was up on the platform, too young for the stunt they were performing. The ropes were cut halfway through. John reached out to catch Mary, going through the motions of a trick they had performed so often it would have felt as natural as breathing for them. John caught Mary. John's ropes snapped. They both plummeted, clipped the edge of the safety nets, going too fast, hitting the ground too hard, dead before the ambulances got there. Marinette couldn't help but picture the bodies of mangled birds that died when they hit the window too hard. Marinette pictured broken bones and broken hearts and in her grief, the only person she wanted was Dick. As much as she was hurting, she knew his grief overwhelmed her. Marinette needed to comfort him. Marinette knew her friend needed her.
Yet, no matter how hard Marinette tried (and she tried so hard, because it was the only thing that gave her any relief from the burning pain in her chest) she couldn't get in touch with Dick. Haly told her that Dick was taken in by Gotham's CPS, and they refused to provide any information about him to the circus. Although the circus was his second home, Gotham refused to return Dick. Haly's Circus was deemed an unfit home. Dick would never be returned.
Every day for months Marinette called Gotham's CPS and begged for any information about her lost friend. She pleaded with them that all she wanted to do was be able to send him a letter. But each time, she was refused.
Three months passed, and by the end of those three months, Marinette felt like her heart had been drained out of her. She had lost Mary and John Grayson, who had taught her not only trapeze but how to overcome fear and be brave. She lost Dick too, but in a different way. There was no way to get in contact with Dick again, and Marinette knew that couldn't spend her whole life mourning the friendship she had lost. She knew that she had to accept it and move on. Still, Marinette never stopped missing him.
Marinette could never quite forget Dick. She remembered him every time she got up on the trapeze, every time she made a new patch that she couldn't send to him, every time she sampled a new pastry for the bakery that she knew he would have loved, every time something big happened and her first instinct was to send a letter about it to him.
Five years without him and Dick still lingered on the edge of her mind. Five years without him and Marinette knew that she would never be at peace until she saw him again.
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
To Call Forth Love - Chapter 10
I’m sorry its taken me so long to update. I haven't had much time to write lately due to....well, life. But here we are and its long, so hopefully that makes up for the length. 
Side note- the Norwegian used is from Google translate so....
Warnings: swearing, mild sexual content, Lothbrok family dynamics (yes, its a warning), threats of violence
Words: 15,700 (yep, my longest chapter yet. I packed ALOT into this beast)
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius @evelynshelby @pomegranates-and-blood @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @love-all-things-writing @southernbe @ecarroll1978 @breezykpop @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​
Series Masterlist
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"Where are we going? I thought we were going to your flat?" 
 Gyda slyly smiled at Kari, sitting in the passenger seat of her bright yellow Porsche. "Change of plans."
 Kari stared at her friend. "I'm scared to ask."
 "Torvi asked for female reinforcement. So, we are going to keep her company."
 "Ok…. But where is that?" 
 "At the brothers' house." The blonde answered nonchalantly as she made a quick right-hand turn. "It's tradition. Kind of a last family summer party before it's too cold to swim anymore. They have a pool in their backyard."
 Kari felt her stomach drop. Ivar had told her he lived with his three other brothers. Gyda had her own flat while Bjorn and Torvi owned a house nearby. Whenever she tried to ask Ivar about his home, he would shrug off the question or ignore it completely. Eventually she just stopped asking. Curiosity certainly reared its head when she wondered what his home was like. For how much money meant nothing to him, she guessed it was massive and expensive. Maybe he knew she would not fit in and that was why he never brought her? Even through his speeches of wanting her to be his girlfriend, he knew she would not fit into his lifestyle. Why else would he keep her away? It was a valid truth that she had come to terms with. Even if she found herself secretly desperate to ease into his life, she never would. 
 "Of course, they do…." Kari rolled her eyes at the notion that obviously, there was a pool in their backyard. It fit the stereotype in her mind. Then she thought about what Gyda just said. "Wait. Do you have a swimsuit with you?"
 Gyda raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at her while keeping her eyes on the road. "Don't worry, I've got you covered. Torvi brought an extra of hers for you."
 "You had this planned, didn't you? We never were going to your flat, were we?"
 "I don't kiss and tell."
 "Yes, you do. There was that guy you hooked up with two weeks ago that kept sending you dick pics after."
 "That guy was way too proud of his dick. I mean it wasn't even that big."
 "I don't want to hear this again." Kari groaned, tugging on her diamond earring. She enjoyed Gyda but she had learned far more about the woman's sex life than she had any desire to know. 
 "Okay, fine. And yes, Torvi and I planned this. Ivar doesn't know you're coming."
 Gyda smirked. "Because he's been so secretive and only Hvitserk has seen you two together. Besides, the rest of the brothers want to meet you. We may be at each other's throats most of the time but we do care for one another."
 The brunette let her friend's words sink in. Hvitserk had mentioned the others wanting to meet her, but she had not fully believed it. Sure, she wanted to meet them and was curious after hearing Ivar talk about them, but why would they be interested in her? She glanced down at her clothes, the capri leggings and tank top that were practically a signature look for her. For once, she wished she dressed nicer regularly. "I wish you had said something before."
 "You wouldn't have come then. You'd have created some excuse why you couldn't come." Gyda pointed out the obviously painful truth without remorse. 
 Kari slouched in the passenger seat, butterflies doing somersaults in her belly. Slowly, she pulled her ponytail down, letting her hair hang loose past her shoulders, running her hand through it absent-mindedly in hopes it looked decent. 
 At a red light, Gyda looked over at her with a bright smile. "It'll be fun." 
 "I don't know…. isn’t it supposed to be just family?"
 "Ubbe sometimes brings his girlfriend but yeah, it's usually just family."
 There was another long silence before Kari spoke again, unable to fully conceal her nerves. "You should drop me off and just go. I don't want to intrude."
 "You're not. I'm bringing you because there is always way too much testosterone." Gyda groaned, then reached over and swatted Kari's leg. "What are you so worried about?"
 "What if they don't like me?" She whispered. The weight of her confession hung over her like a dark cloud. 
 She kept her gaze out the window. "The…. the others. What if they don't like me?"
 Gyda laughed. "Kari, don't worry. They will love you. I promise. And if they say anything fucking stupid, I'll slap them or Ivar will stab them. See? Simple."
 A smile grew on Kari's face. "That shouldn't make me feel better…. but for some reason it does." Maybe she had already spent too much time with various Lothbroks if the idea of people resorting to violence made her feel better. 
 "You aren't alone, if anything we'll steal Torvi and Asa away and have a girls' party."
 "Asa? That's her daughter, right?"
 "Right, and Hali is her son. I swear that boy is going to be a miniature version of Bjorn."
 "I've never been around kids much." 
 Gyda chuckled, waving a hand dismissively. "They are great, Asa is a sweetie who prefers to cuddle in someone's lap. It's Hali who is a bit wild but all his uncles love to play with him. He'll probably be swimming in the pool the whole time anyway."
 Still staring out the window, Kari thought about everything Gyda had said. Of course, she was still nervous about just showing up to a family event unannounced, even if she was sort of being kidnapped by Gyda. Some of her nerves faded away with the knowledge that Gyda and Torvi both wanted her there. She really would not be alone. She had friends. She had people that wanted to spend time with her. Hopefully Ivar would be pleased to see her. His potential reaction was the only real wrinkle in her fluctuating confidence. 
 "Okay. I can do this." She said aloud, wondering if she was trying to fully convince herself. 
 "Good, cause we're almost there."
 Kari stared out the window as they approached a gated community. Gyda showed her ID to a guard who chatted with her like they were old friends. As the yellow Porsche drove by the houses in the community, Kari just stared in awe. She had seen houses, mansions was a better term, like these before but it always amazed her that people lived in them. What did they do with all that space? All of the homes were set back from the road so Kari only caught glimpses of them but it was enough to remind her how out of her element she was. 
 Finally, they pulled up a long driveway to a massive two-story house. It was white with an insane number of windows, and a huge garage attached on the left side. On the right side looked like an expansive addition that made Kari wonder why they needed more space. The roof was made of some slate gray tiles, with a balcony above the front door and ivy draping elegantly over the corners. There were various sized potted plants and shrubbery around the front of the house and leading down the sides. Several European beech trees were strategically placed in the front yard to block most of the view from the road in an attempt at privacy. Whoever the grounds keeper was, for surely they had one, needed a raise. 
 Kari could only gape for a long moment, unable to move as she took in the immaculate, beautiful house. To think this was where Ivar lived and he always came over to her tiny townhouse. It was a struggle to tamper down the post embarrassment. 
 Gyda started talking as she parked in front of the house. The only other vehicle in sight was a silver four-door Audi, that Kari recognized as Torvi's. "Aslaug chose the house for them. When she isn't traveling for work or staying at their family home in Norway, this is where she stays. So, she insisted on this place. Something about the natural sunlight and old aesthetic blending with the new vibe. Or some other shit. I can't remember."
 "Huh." Kari said as she followed the blonde out of the car. She noticed there was no mention of the father, Ragnar, and wondered where he stayed but knew it was none of her business so she kept her question to herself. Maybe Ivar would explain it to her. 
 Gyda opened the solid, wood front door, waltzing in like she had done this a million times. Kari took two steps in and froze. The vaulted ceiling in the foyer was enough to stare at but it was the large chandelier that caused her to stare. The way it caught the afternoon light through the many windows and gently cast it about was truly gorgeous. This view was worth owning the house for itself, in her opinion. 
 A tugging on her arm made Kari squeak as she found herself suddenly being dragged along like a ragdoll. 
 "You can stare later, Torvi is waiting for us." Gyda stated, a large purse over her shoulder and her heeled boots clicking on the shiny, wood floor with each step. 
 Kari caught glimpses of other rooms as they passed down the long, straight hallway. A living room with a TV that took up most of the wall it was on. A kitchen that would make any celebrity chef drool. Pictures and awards displayed along the walls in the hallway that were obviously put up by their mother.  
 The two finally stepped out into a room with glass walls, where the pool and expansive backyard lay before them. Most likely what used to be a porch before being enclosed. Still being pulled along, Kari followed Gyda through a side door onto the stamped concrete that surrounded the pool and lounge area. A pool in a rectangle shape dominated the area, a diving board on the far end. A quick glance around showed a jacuzzi on the other side, closer to the house, the water bubbling like a cauldron. There was a large grill, several short tables and lounge chairs spread over the stamped concrete. At the far end was an adult size statue of the Buddha with two flowering pots on either side of him and some kind of cheap, plastic crown on his head. 
 The backyard was several acres wide and at least that many in length. Trees and large shrubs blocked the views of the neighbor's properties and made the place feel almost like a hidden oasis. Further down in a corner was a lovely gazebo with a cobbled stone path leading to it and gardens decorating the way. 
 "Gyda! What took you so long?!" A distinctly male voice called out. 
 "I had to pick up a package." She called back, pulling Kari into full view of the others. 
 The brunette gave a small, self-conscious smile at the many pairs of eyes that she could feel land on her. Before she could really get a good look at who was around, a shout of her name startled her. 
 "Kari!" Hvitserk jumped up from his lounge chair, wearing only dark green swim trunks, and walked over to her with a beaming smile. 
 "Hey…. OH!" She started to greet him only to be swallowed into a hug and spun in a circle. Unable to deny him, she hugged him back and laughed. It was funny since last time she saw him, he was in business attire, coming to check on her per Ivar's instructions. Now she could not help but notice his toned body. His form reminded her more of a runner, while she was used to seeing Ivar's muscular torso. A couple tattoos on Hvitserk caught her eye and she wondered if all the brothers had them. 
 When he finally set her back on her feet, he kept his hands on her shoulders, green eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "I didn't know you were coming here."
 "Yeah, I didn't know either until Gyda told me on the way."
 He chuckled, glancing over her head to his half-sister. "Yeah, not surprising."
 "Uh huh. Watch yourself, boy. I could still beat your ass if I wanted too." Gyda quipped. 
 "Maybe fifteen years ago. You don't have a chance now."
 "Keep telling yourself that, Hvitty." She teased, then yelled at Torvi. "You got it?"
 As soon as Kari was released by Hvitserk, she could sense a pair of sharp, blue eyes boring into her. Skin prickling under the sensation, she hesitantly looked up and immediately met Ivar's intense gaze right away, as if subconsciously her mind already knew where he was without having to search for him. 
 Reclined back on a cushioned, lounge beach chair, he wore loose black sweatpants, instead of swim trunks, under his leg braces, but without a shirt. His tattoos were a stark contrast on his skin and shamelessly on full display. Her fingers twitched with the urge to trace them again. It was his penetrating gaze though, the lack of emotion on his handsome face, that made her wonder if being here was a bad idea. 
 Before she could make a run for it, Gyda grabbed her arm as if sensing her desire to flee. "C'mon, let's get changed."
 With one last glance at Ivar, she followed behind Gyda and Torvi, who had joined them, back into the massive house. They headed to the kitchen and Gyda pointed out a bathroom across the way. 
 Placing the beach bag on the kitchen counter, Torvi dug in it for a moment before murmuring a quiet "here it is" and handed Kari something. "Here. I bought this forever ago but never wore it. Bjorn said he didn't like the colors."
 Kari took it, guessing it was the promised swimsuit, and peeked down at the two pieces of clothing in her hands. "Um…. where’s the rest of it?"
 Laughing, Gyda rolled her eyes. "Get in there and change or I'll do it for you."
 With a concerned look between the swimsuit in her hands and the two blondes staring at her expectantly, Kari finally conceded defeat and stepped into the bathroom. It was only a half bath, with a toilet and sink, but it was still roomy and felt fancy somehow. The mirror above the sink was large and there was a small, pretty flowering plant on the counter that upon inspection, turned out to be real. 
 Quickly, she changed out of her leggings and tank top and into the swimsuit, figuring it was best that way, like ripping off a band-aid. Plus, if she stopped moving, her nerves would get the better of her and she would somehow find a way to sneak home. Even if she had to crawl through a window. A smile grew on her face remembering Hvitserk's enthusiasm to see her. That had honestly surprised her but she found she did not mind. Hvitserk seemed like a good guy and the little bit of time they had spent together, she felt comfortable with him. He was funny and caring. 
 Then Ivar's blank face came to mind and all of her excitement slipped away like water down a drain. There had been no acknowledgement, not even the hint of a smile, only a hard stare that made her anxious and self-conscious.  
 Taking a deep breath, she tried to remind herself what Gyda said. At least the two Lothbrok women wanted her here, and apparently Hvitserk was happy to see her. That was what she needed to focus on and not Ivar's reaction.
 Once done changing, she finally took stock of what Torvi had leant her and gasped.  
 "Oh no. No, no, no. Hell no."
 She stared down at the wide-band bikini. The top and bottom both had alternating white and light pink stripes, strangely reminding her of cotton candy. The design was certainly something she would never pick out for herself but she did not hate it. The real problem was the way half her ass cheeks hung out of the bottoms and more of her breasts saw the light of day than they ever had before. Never had she been so exposed. Even swimsuits she bought in the past were never this revealing. Her gaze immediately zeroed in on her fuller hips and thighs, fully exposed. Faint whispers that sounded like her mother's taunts echoed in the recesses of her mind as she stared at herself. There was no way she could go out in this. She would rather wear her leggings and tank top than have anyone see her wearing this. They would all laugh at her. 
 "Kari? You done yet?" Torvi called through the door. 
 "I'm…. I’m not coming out in this!" 
 "Let us see it first!" Gyda shot back. 
 "But…." Kari tried once again, unsuccessfully, to tuck her breasts into the bikini top. "It's padded!" 
 "Open this door, Kari." Gyda demanded, suddenly sounding closer. 
 She took one more look at herself, feeling the embarrassed tears welling in her eyes. With a deep breath, knowing she could not escape Gyda just yet, she opened the door. Immediately her blue-green eyes scanned to make sure it was only Gyda and Torvi in the kitchen before she further opened the door so they could see. 
 "Shit, Kari, you look great." Gyda said after giving a wolf whistle. 
 "Half of my butt is hanging out and most of my boobs. I can't wear this out there." She said, almost panicking now. 
 "No, they aren't, you're overexaggerating."
 "Kari," Torvi said kindly, drawing the brunette's frenzied attention, "you're more curvy than I am and let's be honest, your ass and tits are bigger than mine. I'd kill to have a body like yours. You look beautiful. But if you're uncomfortable, I think I have a cover you can wear over it."
 "Please." She replied softly, hating how she sounded like a fearful child.  
 Torvi smiled at her. "I'll be right back."
 Swiftly, Kari stepped back into the bathroom before Gyda could say anything. Her nerves felt alight and not in a good way. Grabbing her phone, she scrolled through her Pinterest, anything to distract herself from this nightmare. If it was just Gyda and Torvi seeing her in this, she might have been uncomfortable but she could tolerate it. Even with Ivar she might have shied away some but he always made her feel so desirable that she doubted her nerves would have lasted long. It was the thought of prancing around in this in front of the other brothers, men she had never met, that made her stomach twist into knots and her breathing quicken painfully. 
 Finally, a gentle knock on the door and a quiet, "It's me," had Kari open it to take the cover from Torvi. It was a solid white oversized V-neck cover with a simple pattern around the neckline. Without wasting a moment, she slipped it on over the bikini, immediately feeling better. The hem of the cover touched the tops of her thighs, higher than she would have liked, but it was better than before. 
 She looked up, running her hands over the cover. "Thank you." 
 Torvi smiled softly with understanding. "I understand. I don't wear swimsuits that show my stomach anymore. Stretch marks." She shrugged casually, moving back to slip onto an island stool. 
 Kari trailed behind her with her bundle of clothes and purse. Without a word, Gyda slipped into the bathroom to change, leaving the other two waiting for her. It was now that Kari really took note of Torvi's swimsuit; it was a classy black and white one piece with thin crisscross straps across the back. The blonde could easily wear a bikini and look amazing in it, but it made Kari feel marginally better that she was not the only one self-conscious about her body. Perhaps that was why Torvi shared about her stretch marks?
 "Is it…." Kari started then stopped, leaning against the black marble countertop. Surveying the grand kitchen for a second, hoping to gather her thoughts, she took a deep breath before continuing. "Is it okay that I'm here? Gyda said this is a family event and I don't want to intrude."
 Torvi turned to face her fully, green eyes gazing at her before she shrugged again. "Normally we try to keep it just family, Ubbe sometimes brings Margrethe, but I doubt anyone will be upset you're here. Honestly, the brothers keep asking about you, so now maybe they will finally shut up and stop teasing Ivar."
 Kari fiddled with the hem of the swimsuit cover. "He didn't seem happy to see me."
 "Ivar?" At Kari's nod, Torvi snorted. "I don't think it's you he's upset with. He's a very private person, as I'm sure you know. If I took a guess, I'd say he was keeping you hidden."
 "But why?"
 "Look, I've known the Lothbroks for about ten years and during that time, I've seen Ivar go through some ups and downs…. well, as much as he lets anyone see. I mostly heard it from Bjorn. Point is, he's allowing you into his inner circle. Hell, you're probably at the center of his inner circle. I saw how he acted with you at the yoga studio. You mean something to him. It's no secret he wants you to be his girlfriend. Maybe he is worried that you'll meet his family and decide we're too much or that you find one of his brothers more attractive or easier to deal with? He pretends to be super confident but it wouldn't be the first time that a woman chose one of the others over him."
 Every time Kari heard that, her heart broke once again for Ivar. How many times had he been overlooked because of his legs? Or his harsh demeanor? Something that she was beginning to realize was just to protect himself, to keep others at arm's length. It made her want to hug him and never let him go, to remind him he was more than just his disability. That he was worth being cared about by more than just family. 
 Kari must have been lost in her thoughts for longer than she realized. Suddenly she was drawn out of her inner musings by Gyda coming out of the bathroom, having changed into a plant print cutout tankini. Of course, looking like she just stepped out of a magazine cover. There had to be something in the Lothbrok blood for everyone to be this damn attractive. 
 "Are we ready?" She asked, her large bag in hand, presumably with her clothes in it. "Kari, you can put your stuff in here for now."
 Torvi touched Kari's shoulder. "Don't worry. If anything, you are here to keep me and Gyda company, okay?"
 Kari smiled, finding herself reassured and grateful for the two women. "Thanks." She slipped her clothes and shoes into Gyda's bottomless bag. They stashed their bags in the glass room and then headed back out into the backyard. 
 Soon as they stepped out, a little girl came running over. Torvi swept her up into her arms gracefully. She turned to Kari with the little blonde girl on her hip. "This is Asa. How old are you, Asa?"
 The little girl stared at her mom before shyly tucking her face into the crook of Torvi's neck, while her blue eyes stayed on Kari. After a moment, she held up two fingers. 
 "You're two?" Kari asked. When the little girl shyly nodded, Kari's smile widened. "I wish I was that old. It's nice to meet you, Asa. I'm Kari."
 Torvi pressed a quick kiss to the top of her daughter's head. "Did daddy let you play in the pool yet?"
 Asa shook her head. 
 "Alright, let's go kick his butt. He did promise, didn't he?"
 That made the little girl giggle and Kari could feel her heart melting slightly. She was just too cute and most likely spoiled by all her uncles. Even her swimsuit was a purple halter top and green bottom with a little skirt that was very The Little Mermaid-esque.  
 A happy scream followed by a splash drew Kari's gaze to the pool. A young boy resurfaced laughing loudly. Bjorn, she recognized, was in the pool also, but turned to look up at Torvi as she approached with Asa on her hip. 
 "Let's go sit down." Gyda slipped her arm through Kari's and pulled her along to where there was a grouping of lounge chairs. Ivar, Hvitserk and a curly-haired blond reclined with beers in hand. 
 Kari could feel Ivar's gaze tracing over her form as she approached, like fingers trailing over her skin leaving a fire in its wake. She sneaked a peek at him, only to find his ardent gaze on her. She blushed and kept her eyes downward. At least he did not look impassive anymore, but she still felt hesitant. 
 "Hey boys. What are we drinking this time?" Gyda questioned. 
 Hvitserk turned the beer bottle to show the label. 
 "Ew. I don't why you drink that shit. I'm going to get some wine. Kari, you want some?"
 "Ah, sure." She murmured.
 "Good. You boys be nice to my friend, especially you Ivar." With that Gyda walked back towards the house but not before giving Kari a subtle wink.
 "Take a seat, Kari." Hvitserk gestured to an open chair next to him. 
 For a split second she considered slinking into the seat, anything for the attention to be taken off her, but realized that was not what she actually wanted. It had been two days since she had seen Ivar and the last time they hung out, it was when he returned from his trip to Italy. He had picked her up the next day to take her out to eat but he ended up spending the majority of the time on his phone, yelling into it in a foreign language and seeming on the verge of throwing his phone or punching a wall. She ended up ordering take-out for them that they ate at her townhouse but he was too wired to really relax and left soon after. The next two days he had been busy with work so they could only text. The one time they managed to Face-Time, she could not help but notice his bruised knuckles and when she asked him about them, he said he did some boxing to release stress. 
 With butterflies doing somersaults in her belly, she took a step closer to stand near Ivar's lounge chair. Tugging on the hem of her cover as she quietly spoke. "Hey, Ivar. Can I sit with you?"
 "Oh, you're acknowledging me now?" He snapped, never removing his severe blue eyes off of her.  
 She blinked owlishly, surprised by his sharp tone. Her stomach dropped to her feet and she could feel an embarrassed flush rising on her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm sorry." She whispered, dropping her chin, unable to meet his eyes anymore. This was all a mistake, she knew it. This only sealed her poor decision. 
 Shifting to look back at the house, she wondered if she should find Gyda and beg to drive her back home, or if she should find the closest bus stop. Before she could take a step away, a calloused hand snatched hers in a firm grip. Startled, she looked down to see Ivar holding her hand. Her eyes jumped up to stare at him in shock, confused by his conflicting actions. In those vivid, expressive eyes she could easily read the regret in them. Without her conscious decision, her heart softened. 
 "Sit." He said quietly, what most likely meant to come out commanding but sounded more as a plea. She nodded and allowed him to guide her onto the wide lounge chair next to him. 
 A furious blush warmed her cheeks when Ivar wrapped an arm around her waist, tucking her into his side and pressing a quick kiss to her temple. What she assumed was his nonverbal apology. 
 "Hey, this is Sigurd." Hvitserk said, gesturing to the unknown blond sitting with them. "I don't think you've met him yet. Ubbe had to take a call, so you'll meet him later."
 "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said, looking at the other Lothbrok. He had light blond, curly hair in frazzled braids and brown eyes. At first glance she would not have guessed he was one of the brothers, but she figured genetics were always weird. He had a lean body similar to Hvitserk with a tribal tattoo sleeve and a Thor's hammer necklace laying on his bare chest like the other brothers wore.
 He silently raised his beer bottle at her, still stretched out in his chair like a lazy cat in the sun. 
 Thoughtfully she peered up at Ivar, keeping her voice low. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Gyda was bringing me here otherwise I'd have told you. She literally didn't tell me until we were pulling up."
 "It's fine." He murmured evenly, but Kari got the feeling that was not how he truly felt. 
 "Do….do you want me to leave?"
 He sighed, his grip around her tightening for a moment, before he seemed to relax. "No. I'm glad you're here. It won't be boring…." a wolfish grin grew as he slid his hand up her exposed thigh sensually, ".... especially if you take off this cover and let me see what's underneath." 
 "No!" She squeaked, grabbing his roving hand before it could migrate further. 
 He chuckled. "Come on, kitten…. just a peek?"
 "Ivar, no."
 "Why not?"
 "Its…. it’s scandalous."
 Hvitserk raised his hand, a devious smirk on his face. "I want to see."
 She covered her face with her hands, embarrassment flooding her. "Oh gods, this was such a bad idea." Then she had to rapidly grasp Ivar's hand as it slipped under the swimsuit cover to caress her hip and trace her bikini bottom. "Ivar…."
 "Fine." He slipped his hand back out but splayed it over her exposed thigh. "You can show me later."
 Thankfully, Gyda reappeared with a glass of white wine in each hand and another blond male in tow who carried the wine bottle. He had short, cropped hair and a muscular body that spoke of many hours in the gym. Kari wondered if this was the brother that Ivar regularly worked out with. 
 "Why are you sitting with Ivar? I brought you here! I'm even bringing you wine!" Gyda teased, handing a glass to Kari. 
 "You also dragged me here unknowingly. Wine is the least you could do." Kari said without thinking, making the others laugh. 
 "You know damn well you're happy to be here." Gyda winked then took the open lounge chair next to her. "Right, I'm guessing you've been introduced to Sigurd." She flicked a hand in the curly-haired Lothbrok's direction followed by vaguely gesturing to the last unknown brother. "Now this pain in my ass, over here, is Ubbe. Ubbe, this is Kari."
 Sitting between Hvitserk and Gyda, Ubbe rolled his blue eyes but leaned forward to shake Kari's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."
 "Yeah, likewise."
 Ubbe sat back with an impish glint in his eyes. "So, you're Ivar's girl?"
 "Um…. we’re just..." She started, unsure what to say to his family. 
 Ivar broke in, his single word answer almost coming out in a growl. "Yes."
 She whipped her head to look at him, only for him to stare her down as if waiting to see if she could refute his claim. Logically, she knew she should say something, argue that they were only friends. Yet any rebuttal died on her tongue under his fierce gaze. Instead she chose to sip on her wine generously.  
 "Right." Ubbe finally said, watching the two with an amused look. 
 Sigurd scoffed loudly before taking a swig of his beer. 
 "Something you want to say, Sig?" Ivar turned narrowed eyes at his brother.
 The curly-haired brother smirked, seeming to debate saying anything. Finally, he sat up and his gaze zeroed in on Kari. "How much does he pay you to fuck him?"
 The reaction from those around was instantaneous. Next to her, Ivar tensed, ready to spring up and fight his brother. A sharp reprimand of "Sigurd!" came from both Gyda and Ubbe while Hvitserk pinched the bridge of his nose. 
 Something rose up inside Kari though. She understood enough to know about the animosity between Sigurd and Ivar. His comment felt more like a cruel jab at Ivar than her. She was just the pathway to try and cause torment between the brothers. But if no one else was going to stand up and defend the dark-haired Lothbrok, she would. 
 So instead of taking his words personally, she just smiled sweetly at Sigurd, placing a hand on Ivar's thigh as she responded. "He doesn't. I'm happy to do it for free. Besides, he has something you never will."
 "And what's that?"
 "A cock big enough to pleasure someone….is that why you go through girlfriends so quickly?"
 The rising tension evaporated in a flash. Gyda snorted so hard she almost dropped her wine glass. Hvitserk threw his head back laughing while Ubbe tried to cover his smile with his hand. Kari was sure her eyes were comically wide as what she said without thinking sunk in. Her face flushed and she pressed her face against Ivar's shoulder. Sure, she had meant to defend Ivar but she had not meant to be so crass. The statement seemed to fly out of her mouth before her brain could catch up. 
 Next to her, Ivar laughed as he nuzzled her. She squirmed under his onslaught but also at realizing she just insulted one of Ivar's brothers. Even if it was the one he liked least of all. For a fleeting moment, the idea she had just made herself an enemy crossed her mind. 
 When she sneaked a peek, Sigurd quickly drained the rest of his beer and walked away murmuring something about getting another one. 
 "I think you'll fit in, Kari." Ubbe stated, still trying unsuccessfully to hide his amusement. 
 Kari was unsure of that. She quickly took a large sip of the wine to settle her fraying nerves. What had she been thinking? It hurt to hear Ivar's brother being so blatantly cruel to him and if this was a regular occurrence, no wonder Ivar wanted to spend most of their time at her place. 
 "I didn't realize you liked my cock so much, kattungen." Ivar whispered salaciously into her ear, drawing her back to the present. His tongue flicked her earlobe, making her jolt. "I think I'll have to give you a reward later."
 She shivered at his tone, her core clenching without resistance. It was unfair how just at his husky tone alone, her body betrayed her desire. But they were in public though, in front of his family no less, so she willfully attempted to cool the heat warming her veins. With a smile, she tried to nudge him away from her but he was too strong, only tightening his grip on her and laying a quick kiss to her neck. 
 "I can't believe I said that." She whispered, hoping only he heard her. 
 He smirked, an unmistakable fire in his eyes. "It was sexy as fuck."
 Thankfully, Torvi came over to join the group, a welcome distraction for Kari as she was sure the fire in Ivar's gaze was enough to set her ablaze and further stoke her own heat. 
 Torvi settled into Sigurd's now absent spot. "What did I miss?" 
 "Kari said Ivar's cock is bigger than Sigurd's." Hvitserk stated smugly. 
 Torvi stared at Kari with a tilt of her head and an amused grin. "Really? And how did we get on the subject of dicks already?"
 Some of the group laughed as Kari covered her face once again, mortified that she was the center of attention because of what she thoughtlessly said. She had the sneaking suspicion none of them would ever let her live this down. 
 "Alright, enough. Come on, it's girl time now." Gyda grabbed Kari's hand and dragged her to her feet, much to Ivar's obvious chagrin. She scoffed, meeting her half-brother's gaze. "I'll give her back later."
 The three women wandered over to some open chairs further down from the guys and closer to the Buddha statue. Gyda carried the wine bottle and her glass while Kari carefully held her own glass. Torvi snatched a beer from a nearby cooler as they meandered over. Gyda settled on a single, lounge chair adjacent to a cushioned two-person seat which the other two sat on. 
 "Alright, we have a very serious matter to discuss. Your answer may or may not break our friendship." Gyda started, leaning forward as she pointed a single finger at the brunette. 
 Kari found herself straightening in her seat, hand clutching her wine glass tighter. 
 Eyes intent, Gyda's voice dropped conspiringly. "Who is sexier: Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes?"
 Shock rendered Kari momentarily speechless. At Gyda's serious tone, she had imagined a topic that would involve confessing a secret, not…. not a movie franchise. "Um…. Bucky." She hesitantly answered. 
 "Yes!!" Gyda shouted, throwing her arms up and almost spilling her wine. "I knew I liked you! Ivar, she is mine now!"
 Kari laughed at her enthusiasm; all concern having vanished instantly. "I take it you like him too?"
 "Hell yeah. I would willingly choke on his cock or he could pound my pussy to pulp and I wouldn't complain either way."
 Torvi shook her head, a hint of a smile tilting the corners of her lips up. "Something's wrong with you."
 "You prefer Steve?" Kari inquired, once she recovered from choking on air at Gyda's blunt statement. Her friend always had a way of surprising her, and giving her second-hand embarrassment.
 Torvi shrugged. "A tall, handsome blond. That's my kind of man."
 Peeking over at Bjorn who was still playing in the pool with both kids, Kari hummed thoughtfully. "Huh. Makes sense."
 "No wonder you are with Ivar if you prefer Bucky Barnes."
 "But we aren't…. together." Kari fixed her eyes on her wine, knowing her answer sounded lame even to her own ears. 
 Gyda patted her leg. "You keep telling yourself that."
 "We're just friends."
 "No, you aren't."
 "Kari, it's fine." Torvi shot Gyda a look. "It's between you two, it's not really our business."
 "She's our friend!" Gyda whined, throwing herself back in her seat dramatically. 
 "And she will let us know if something changes. Including telling us if Ivar does something stupid and we need to kick his ass."
 Kari giggled as Torvi tapped her beer bottle against her wine glass. "I promise. Hvitserk already made me swear too."
 "Good. So is Ivar really that good in bed?" 
 "Gyda!" Kari exclaimed but laughed at how shameless her friend was. 
 Torvi thankfully changed the topic of conversation to Ubbe's birthday coming up next month. Asa wandered over, wrapped in a green and brown towel with long ears sticking out that made her look like baby Yoda. When Sigurd eventually appeared, Hali dragged him to the pool where they jumped in together. Not long after, Hvitserk joined them, doing a cannon-ball with the splash almost hitting the ladies. 
 Kari chatted with Torvi and Gyda for some time, enjoying herself immensely. The topics varied, but she never felt unincluded. More than once, she glanced over, only to find Ivar's gaze already on her. After the third time, he tipped his head to the side and patted the spot next to him. A not-so subtle invitation or demand, depending on how you looked at it. 
 A smile teased her lips and she nodded. She started to rise, with her second glass of wine in hand, when the sound of a loud "shit" from Gyda distracted her. 
 "What is she doing here?" Torvi quietly asked with an undertone of frustration. 
 Curious, Kari followed their gazes towards the door leading into the glassed-in porch. She was met with the sight of two blondes emerging in matching, white swimsuits that barely seemed to cover anything. Both strutted as if they were on a runway, while chatting with one another. 
 "Kari, go sit with Ivar." Gyda encouraged, snatching her hand and leading her back without a moment's hesitation towards where Ivar and Ubbe were still sitting. The wine was left forgotten on the side table. 
 "What's going on?" Kari asked in a hushed tone. 
 "Drama. I can't believe that bitch brought her. What was she thinking?"
 She clicked her tongue but hurriedly whispered back. "That's Ivar's ex."
 Surprise made Kari almost stumble but she managed to catch herself at the last second. Further explanations had to wait because they came upon the brothers at the same time the two blondes did. Soon as Kari was close enough, Ivar held out his hand, a sweet gesture, but she could see the tension and anger in the set of his shoulders and the thin line of his lips. Silently, he guided her to sit between his spread legs, arms banding around her waist and pulling her indecently close. For once though, she did not complain. 
 "Hey, baby." One of the blondes said in a sickly-sweet voice as she pressed a kiss to Ubbe's cheek. "Sorry we're late."
 "It's fine." Ubbe slowly answered as he shifted his gaze to the other blonde. "I didn't know you were bringing someone."
 "This is supposed to be family only." Gyda snapped, having dropped into her seat next to Ivar and Kari. 
 The blonde, who stood next to Ubbe still, narrowed her eyes at Kari. "Then why is she here?" 
 "That's Ivar's girlfriend." Ubbe answered.
 "Uh, hi, I'm Kari." She decided to speak up, hoping introductions would somehow break the rising tension. At her words, Ivar momentarily dropped his head to kiss her shoulder. Unsure if his actions were encouraging or reprimanding, she laid her hands over his, which were still wrapped around her. 
 "Hmmm…. Margrethe." She replied flatly, with a pinched look, as if talking to Kari was beneath her. "I'm Ubbe's fiancé."
 The other blonde smiled pleasantly as she looked Kari in the eye. "I'm Freydis. It's lovely to meet you."
 "Yeah, nice to meet you too." Kari managed to say around the suddenly tightened grip around her waist. She would be a liar if she said she was not intimidated by Freydis. While both women were beautiful, something that seemed required to be in the presence of the Lothbrok family, Freydis was a step beyond that. With her doll-like features, lovely blue eyes and flawless skin, she was gorgeous. Kari could feel all her own insecurities screaming at her in the presence of Ivar's ex. How the youngest Lothbrok went from someone as stunning as Freydis to as girl-next-door as Kari, she had no idea….and it made her uncomfortable. 
 "What the fuck is she doing here?" Ivar demanded, ignoring Freydis' presence completely.  
 Margrethe rolled her eyes as her hand slowly stroked across Ubbe's shoulders. "I get bored and wanted to spend time with my best friend, so fuck off." She turned her head to look at Freydis beside her. "Come on, let's get something to drink." 
 After a quick kiss to Ubbe, the two headed back towards the house but not before Freydis glanced back at Ivar and Kari one last time. 
 Once they were far enough away, Gyda rounded on Ubbe, not even bothering to contain her ire. "Fiancé? Really, Ubbe?" She sneered. 
 "Hell no. I haven't proposed. I damn well don't plan to and she knows it."
 "Why are you still with her? She's a greedy bitch."
 "Gyda, I know you don't like her but she's still my girlfriend."
 "Who the fuck knows why." 
 Ubbe turned his attention to Ivar. "I swear I didn't know she was bringing Freydis. I'd have told her not to come then."
 "As long as she stays the fuck away from me, I don't give a shit." The dark-haired Lothbrok growled at his older brother. 
 The residual tension in the air was painful to abide in. It felt like a caged animal, pacing, waiting, ready for the moment to unleash a terrorizing attack. 
 "Hey, I have a question." Kari blurted out, unable to take the way the tension made her skin feel like it was being sunburned. Once Gyda and Ubbe shifted to watch her, she posed her question. "Ah, well, I've been wondering for a while but why don't you guys have bodyguards or something?"
 Ivar snorted, brushing her hair over her shoulder to press his face into the crook of her neck, making her squirm although he did not relent his position. 
 It was Ubbe that answered with a wide grin. "Eh, we don't need them. We can handle ourselves."
 "But you guys have drivers, isn't the next step to have bodyguards?"
 "You worried for us?" Ivar whispered, nipping at her skin, only to soothe the spot with his tongue. 
 "I'm serious."
 "Let's just say we know how to protect ourselves. Besides, no one is stupid enough to come after us." Ubbe concluded, raising his beer in a mock salute.
 Gyda snickered. "This is why I stay out of the family business."
 "You've no issue spending Father's money though." Ubbe retorted in a jovial way. 
 She shrugged and sent Kari a playful wink. 
 A minute later, Bjorn, Torvi and Asa came over, taking open seats with Asa sitting in Torvi's lap. Even though Kari had met Bjorn before, it still shocked her to see how much larger he was compared to the other brothers, both in size and physique. Now sitting next to Torvi, he appeared larger. With his long, braided ponytail and shaved sides, a short beard and sharp, blue eyes, he seemed quite formidable. Kari wondered briefly if that helped with the family business. 
 "See Kari there, she is the one who teaches yoga." Torvi softly said to Asa. 
 Asa peeked over at Kari, shyly smiling, still wrapped in her towel but with a juice box in hand. 
 "I bet if you ask nicely, she might show you something." Torvi said then looked up at Kari. "Lately she loves watching me do yoga at home. It's cute when she tries to do it with me."
 Bjorn chuckled, slinging an arm over the back of his wife's chair. "And usually falls down onto her face."
 "Hey, she's trying!" Torvi defended, elbowing Bjorn in the side.
 Looking at the little girl across the circle of seats, Kari smiled. "Want me to show you something I've been working on? I'm not very good at it though, so if I fall over, you can laugh at me. I'll be laughing at myself too."
 Asa nodded fervently, eyes wide in anticipation. 
 "What do you say?" Torvi tapped her daughter's nose. 
 Asa looked up at her mom then back to Kari. "Please." Even though it came out sounding more like "peas".
 "Sure. I need to stretch some first." Kari stood up and immediately had to slap Ivar's hand away that prowled down the curve of her ass. She tried to glare at him over her shoulder, only to be met with a mock innocence. Overly aware of the eyes on her, she chose a spot nearby in the plush, green grass, trying to keep her nerves to a minimum. Carefully, she warmed up her muscles, doing a few simple stretches so as not to hurt herself. Honestly, she was nervous since she never did advanced poses in front of others. It was not that she was unable to, for she did them frequently at home on her own time. It just felt like she was vying for attention or trying to show off when she did advanced poses in view of others. Conflicting memories of her grandmother's encouraging voice fought with her mother's reprimand in her mind as she stretched. 
 "What are you going to do?" Gyda called over, returning from retrieving her wine glass and bottle. 
 The question pulled her from her mind's internal war, bringing her back to the present. "Um, it's called the super soldier."
 "Oooo, I like it already."
 Once stretched, Kari stood frozen for a moment realizing she was going to need to take her cover off to do the pose. 
 "Kari, you look sexy as hell, now take the damn cover off." Gyda called out. 
 Kari hesitated, fears and insecurities rising afresh within her. 
 "Do it or Ivar will get his ass up and help you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
 "I hate you." She mumbled but gave in. Slowly, she walked back over to the circle of chairs, pulling the white cover off and dropped it on the lounge chair Ivar still sat on. Her eyes briefly flickered up only to meet Ivar's smoldering gaze. Instantly, she could feel herself flush. Hoping no one noticed, she moved back to her grassy spot. A loud wolf-whistle came from the direction of the pool, most likely from Hvitserk but Kari ignored it, knowing if she thought about it too much, she would make a run for it. Mentally preparing herself, she pulled her hair back into a bun on the nape of her neck, then faced the group but kept her gaze downward, too scared to look at them. 
 After taking a deep breath, she bent over to lay her hands flat on the grass without bending her knees. Next, she hooked her right shoulder behind her knee and extended her left arm for balance. She took a long, deep breath before continuing onward. Then she lifted her left foot and grabbed it with her right hand, still tucked behind her right leg. After another deep breath, she pulled her left leg up until her knee was pointed towards the sky. She held it there for three breaths before slowly releasing her leg back down and carefully straightening back up. 
 A small round of applause greeted her when she straightened. 
 "You go, Kari!"
 "Do another one!"
 Blushing furiously at the cheers, she leaned forward into downward facing dog. Carefully, she slid her hands forward until her elbows touched the grass with her ass still in the air. Taking a deep breath and hoping she did not make a fool of herself, she engaged her core and kicked her legs up so she was doing a handstand but still on her elbows. Once she felt stable, she pressed her legs together and slowly bent her knees until they were almost parallel with her forearms on the ground. Feeling the burn in her core and arms, she hoped she could finish the pose without falling on her face. Next, she lowered her legs, knees apart now and big toes touching until her feet touched the top of her head. She could not help the smile that stretched across her face as she held the pose for a couple seconds, making sure to breathe slow. Scorpion pose was one she was still trying to master on her own, let alone in front of others. If anything, this felt like a victory for her. Methodically she unfurled, bringing her legs up and then back to the ground. 
 When she finally stood up, brushing the grass off her forearms, it was to another round of applause.
 "That was amazing!" Torvi said. 
 "I was thinking sexy as fuck!" Hvitserk exclaimed, a smile on his face from where he now stood, leaning against Ubbe's chair. 
 Self-consciously, Kari tugged on her swimsuit, making sure everything was tucked into place, as much as it could be, before pulling her hair out of the bun. She walked back over to the lounge chair quickly and yanked the cover back over her body. 
 "I'm going to wash my hands." She said without meeting anyone's eyes, skirting around the group and heading towards the glassed-in porch. 
 Laughter erupted behind her as she approached the door but she ignored it as she walked inside. She padded through the porch, stomach twisting in knots, and turned into the kitchen. Her feet stuttered to a halt as she noticed Margrethe and Freydis standing there with bottles of something in hand. For a split second she thought about turning and heading to the bathroom but it was too late as the two blondes noticed her intrusion. 
 "Hi, I just need to wash my hands." Kari explained. After a moment's hesitation, she walked around the opposite side of the massive island from them and towards the kitchen sink.
 "So, you're Ivar's girlfriend?" Margrethe stated with a mocking undertone. "I didn't think someone like you was his…. type."
 "Margrethe…." Freydis chided. 
 "What? Look at her. I mean she's got tits and an ass, and I guess she could be pretty but that's it."
 "I'm sorry." Freydis apologized kindly. After a long, awkward pause where the kitchen was silent besides Kari washing her hands, she asked, "How long have you and Ivar been together?"
 "Um, we aren't…. we’re just friends." Kari found herself admitting, as she finished drying her hands and turned around to see them both staring at her. Though Freydis had a gentle smile on her face, Margrethe looked nothing less than the cat that caught the canary and planned on lording it over everyone. 
 "See. Told you, Dis. He is still single." Margrethe smugly said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "He's just playing the game."
 "Game?" Kari muttered aloud. 
 Freydis set her glass down and came around the island to stand in front of Kari. Her blue eyes were bright as they met Kari's. "You seem like a nice girl and clearly the others like you too. So, I'll be honest because I don't want you to get caught up in the Lothbrok drama and get hurt. Okay?"
 "Ivar and I are getting back together. We're just taking a break right now. Truly, I know we are destined for each other and he agrees. We had a bad fight and needed some space but he loves me just as much as I love him. So, I know he will come back to me when he is ready. I'm so sorry to tell you that you're just the rebound girl. I'm sure he likes you but that's as far as it will ever go. Gyda likes to try and mess with the brothers' love lives so I am sorry if she dragged you into this without telling you the whole truth. It's not your fault. I am sure Gyda lied to you and probably Ivar too. But it's good for you to know now. I don't hold it against you if you've have had sex with him but just know your time with him is limited, okay? How long have you two been 'friends'?"
 "We met last month." Kari whispered, dread and despair a writhing mess of snakes churning in her stomach. Air refused to fill her lungs, leaving her struggling for breath. 
 Freydis sighed. "It probably will be soon then. Just take advantage of the things he purchases for you, so when he leaves, you can have something to sell if you're in a pinch. Yeah?"
 "Ah…. sure."
 "Good. You seem like a nice girl. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this."
 "It's…." Kari choked back a sudden sob. "It's alright. Thank you."
 "Of course, we girls need to look out for each other. Is there anything I can do for you?" She inquired, sounding so genuine in her desire to help, her gaze imploring and lips in a faint, comforting smile. 
 "No…. no. I just need to check my phone. Have you seen Gyda's bag?"
 "I think she left it on the porch." Margrethe helpfully added, never having lost the smug grin on her face as she watched Kari with a hawk-like intensity. 
 "Oh, right. Thank you." Kari shifted back and forth on her feet, body primed to run, to flee before anyone could see the tears that welled pathetically in her eyes. 
 Freydis reached out and squeezed her arm, a brief exchange of understanding, then strutted back around to grab her drink and follow Margrethe to the porch and outside. 
 Once alone, Kari pressed a hand over her mouth to try and stifle the sob that lodged itself in her throat. She knew it. Everything Freydis said made sense. 
 Without a second thought, she rushed around the island and onto the porch, quickly locating Gyda's bag. She scooped her purse and clothes out only to hurry back inside. A quick check of the time and she figured she might be able to catch a bus, but in this gated community, there was no way buses came through so she would end up walking somewhere. Feeling the sting of tears in her eyes, she sniffled, trying desperately to hold them back. She looked up the nearest bus stop on her phone, pleased it was only a few blocks away from the gated community. 
 Once positive she knew where she was going, she stared down at her clothes on the counter, wondering if she should change before leaving. It would certainly look odd for her to be walking down the street in the swimsuit cover and sandals in such an upscale neighborhood. Then she thought about any of the Lothbroks finding her trying to leave and pushed the potential oddity of her attire from her mind. It appeared there was a gas station nearby when she found the bus stop, it would be simple to change there quickly. Somehow she could give the swimsuit and cover back to Torvi…. but not today. Right now, she needed to leave. 
 She tried to shove her clothes into her purse, only succeeding by making it look like an over-inflated balloon but it worked. Lastly, she reached to grab her phone off the kitchen counter but froze. Ivar bought it for her. Freydis' words came back to her about taking advantage of the things he bought for her. Bile burned the back of her throat at the idea. She promised herself she would not be one of those girls to him. Slowly, she retracted her hand, forming it into a fist by her side. Ivar could give the phone to Freydis or throw it in the trash for all she cared. Even with the feeling of her heart being ripped in two, she refused to take advantage of him or his money. She was a better person than that. Or so she hoped. 
 Worried someone would come in soon, she tossed her purse over her shoulder and swiftly headed towards the front door. She passed through the hallway she entered in, but the pictures and awards blurred before her eyes as the repressed tears threatened to make an appearance. Hastily, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand but knew it was ultimately futile. 
 Her stride never faltered towards her escape, even after hearing Hvitserk call her name from what sounded like the porch. 
 "Kari? Where are you going?" His voice came from behind her, probably standing at the entrance of the hallway now. 
 "I have to go." Kari said, not bothering to turn around, unsure if he could even hear her. She could barely hear footsteps behind her over the sound of her sniffles and ragged breathing. It did not matter since she was close to her escape, just a couple more moments. Her hand touched the handle, just beginning to pull the door open when Hvitserk's hand appeared in her direct line of vision and slammed it closed. Although the sound was muffled, it echoed in her mind like a gunshot. 
 "What's going on?" Hvitserk stood directly behind her, his hand still firmly planted on the door as if to prevent her from even considering leaving without permission again. 
 "It's nothing." She murmured, staring down at her feet. 
 "I seriously doubt that if you are trying to sneak away while crying…. what happened?"
 "Nothing. I just…. I just want to go home."
 "Okay." He shifted to lean his shoulder against the door, ducking his head to try and catch her eyes. "Does this have to do with the yoga stuff?"
 "No. Just…. please, Hvitserk."
 "You need to tell me something. Look, I'll give you a ride, we can leave right now but you have to tell me what happened."
 She swallowed thickly, still refusing to look at him. It was taking all of her willpower to keep the tears at bay. At any moment she felt the tears would come forth with all the power of a hurricane, reducing her to a sniveling mess on the floor, nursing a broken heart. It was all her fault though. How could she have believed someone like Ivar Lothbrok would actually be interested in her for more than just a one-night stand. She was just a challenge for him, someone to pass the time. Then once she gave in, once they finally had sex, he would walk out of her life and back into Freydis' arms and bed…. where he apparently belonged. 
 "Kari?" Hvitserk softly prompted. 
 "It's…. I just have a better understanding now…. of where I stand…. of my purpose here."
 "Your purpose?"
 She sniffed, wiping her wet eyes once again before the tears fell. "I'm just a rebound girl….and that's alright. I get it. But I just want to go home now." 
 "Fuck. Freydis said that, didn't she?"
 "It doesn't matter. Can you please just take me to the bus stop, I can get home from there." She knew she was begging but she did not care anymore. 
 "Kari, give me that." He grabbed her purse from her and tossed it onto a wooden side table. His hands held hers in a manner that was comforting verse restraining. His thumbs rubbed along the back of her hands as he softly spoke. "Look at me, you know it's not like that."
 "It doesn't matter." She shook her head, even as her hands gripped his tighter, the feeling being the only thing keeping her from falling apart at the front door. "I shouldn't have let Gyda bring me here. I should have made her drop me off."
 "Kari…." He began but was interrupted. 
 "Hvitty?" Ivar's loud voice boomed from the kitchen. "You better not be trying to fuck Kari!"
 Kari flinched at the sound. The facade of strength she fought to maintain evaporated like smoke. The tears she had been trying so desperately to withhold slipped free, rolling down her cheeks like a cleansing rain.  
 "Over here!" Hvitserk called back, releasing her hands but not moving away. 
 Ivar's measured gait could be heard coming down the hallway like the footsteps of doom. 
 "What the fuck is going on? You disappear to find Kari and then…." His voice trailed off as he entered the foyer, piercing gaze zeroing in on her tear-stained face. What sense of jovial teasing transformed into enraged fury. When he spoke next, it came out in an animalistic growl that bespoke impending violence. "Who fucking hurt you?"
 "I'm fine." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself. Her chin rested on her chest, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I just want to go home."
 "Freydis….and I'm betting Margrethe also said something to her." Hvitserk snitched, leaning fully against the door. He watched both Kari and his brother as if ready to intervene at a moment's notice. 
 Ivar snapped, stepping closer. "What did they say?"
 She was unsure who he directed his question to but she still shook her head, refusing to look at either brother. Hearing his wrath, it only made her heart ache more. All of this was a show, it had to be. Why would he truly care? The sound of his heavy gait coming closer brought a fresh wave of silent tears. 
 Moving to her other side, he cupped her cheek. When she resisted looking at him, he shifted his hand to grab the back of her neck, forcing her gaze to meet his. A tempest swirled in his icy blue eyes. "What. Did. They. Say?"
 "Why does it matter?" She questioned, bottom lip trembling as a sob rose from her chest. 
 "Because they hurt you."
 "But I'm no one. I don't matter." She shook her head, pressing a hand over her mouth to contain the cries bound to escape at any moment. "You're just going to get back together with Freydis when you get bored with me."
 His eyes widened as if she had sucker-punched him. His mouth dropped open for a moment before he collected himself, the maelstrom rippling under his skin on the verge of breaking free. "Did they say that?"
 "Freydis said…. she said you two were just taking a break….and I'm the rebound girl."
 "Fuck. Fuck!" Ivar stepped away, running his hands through his loose hair. In an instant, he grabbed the decorative bowl off the entrance table and threw it. The shattering against the wall reverberated in the foyer followed by Ivar's guttural shout. "FUCK!" 
 "Ivar." Hvitserk softly said, warily watching his younger brother. 
 "I'm going to kill her. Fuck! I can't believe she would fucking say that!" Ivar ran his hands through his hair again, looking on the verge of ripping the strands out. The ferocity in his eyes was unmatched as he glanced down the hallway, clearly wanting to go after his ex, then shifted back to Kari, who remained silent and unmoving. "What else did she say?" He barked at her. 
 "You're destined for each other." She confessed after a moment's hesitation. 
 Ivar stormed over to her, devouring the ground beneath his feet as he invaded her space. Standing before her, he cupped her face, eyes imploring her to believe him. "Freydis is a crazy, jealous bitch. She manipulates to get what she wants. Don't believe a word out of her fucking mouth. Fuck! Please, Kari, don't cry. I'm right here, kitten."
 His words seeped into her mind, slipping in through the cracks and delving deep into her soul. His words alone should not have reassured her like they did. Between his pleading eyes and his gentle touch, her few walls surrounding her heart crumbled, unable to fight him. She believed him, even before her mind fully recognized it. 
 She lightly placed her hands on his bare chest, one directly over his heart, feeling the rapid tempo under her fingers. "Promise?" She whispered wetly. "You're not just…. I’m not just a rebound girl?"
 Ivar groaned, pressing his forehead to Kari's. "I swear. I never thought that about you." 
 And she believed him again. The truth falling from his lips resounded in the very core of her being. It made no sense how she knew, but somehow, she did. 
 After a long second, Hvitserk pushed off the door from next to them. "I'm going to head back and keep an eye on them. Kari, if you still want a ride just text me, alright?" 
 "Thank you, Hvitty." She reached out and snagged his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. With a smile, he responded in kind before heading down the hallway towards the backyard. 
 Soon as Hvitserk started walking away, Ivar grabbed her hand and led her in the opposite direction. They hurried through a short hallway to arrive at a closed door. Impatiently, Ivar thrust the door open and pulled her into a room, slamming the door shut behind them. She had a brief moment to scan the new room and notice the two walls with floor to ceiling bookshelves packed full and the couple couches near a large window. 
 Before she could do anything, she shrieked as she found herself suddenly yanked back, her body colliding with the closed door. Immediately Ivar's mouth claimed hers in a hungry, feverish kiss. His body pinned her to the door, hands kneading her hips. It was all she could do to just breathe. Her hands clung to his broad shoulders, desperate to stay above the waves of passion-fueled desire that surged unchecked within her. 
 Ivar withdrew his mouth from hers, but only to place kisses over her cheeks, washing away her tears with his affections. "Don't listen to her. Her and I. We are through. I will never go back to her. She has been sniffing around but that ends tonight. I won't fucking let her talk to you again. I fucking swear it."
 "Ivar…." She whined, tilting her head. An open invitation which he took. 
 He swooped in, continuing to speak between leaving open-mouth kisses on her neck. "It's you. It's you I want. It's you I think about all the time. Fuck, kitten, you have no idea how much I want you. And seeing you do those yoga poses in that swimsuit…. fuck! You looked so goddamn sexy; I got a hard-on just watching." He grabbed her thigh, lifting it up and curling it behind him, pressing himself against her core. At the touch of his hardened length against her, she whimpered. "Do you feel that? That's for you, søte Kari."
 She could not help but roll her hips, grinding against his erection, body automatically seeking friction. 
 "Yes! Fuck." He growled against her neck. "Come here."
 She whined when he released her leg, letting it fall down to the floor. Her breathing was unsteady already, heart hammering away in her chest. A part of her knew she should stop this, open the door behind her and walk out to avoid the temptation. Yet when his hand latched onto hers once again, tugging her towards one of the couches, she followed willingly, unable to deny the sweet sin that was Ivar.
 He dropped onto the couch and settled her into his lap to straddle him. As she settled, he grabbed a handful of the cover over her and yanked it off, tossing it haphazardly onto the floor. Her first instinct was to cover her chest, but as her arms moved to do that, Ivar guided them behind his head. His gaze drunk in the curves of her body, an unashamed starved look in his eyes that made her shudder as it further ignited the fire in her belly. 
 "Kattungen min." He whispered reverently. "Fucking hell, so gorgeous. No one else gets to touch you like I do. Got it? You're mine." He started lavishing her chest and neck with his mouth, alternating between his lips and tongue. 
 She knew she should feel more self-conscious straddling Ivar's lap in only the swimsuit that barely covered all of her assets; but it was as if his touch banished the thoughts away. Instead she felt beautiful and cherished. 
 He palmed one of her breasts and the moan that escaped her was pure wanton. Hands tangled in his long locks as her hips ground harder against his erection in response. His leg braces were only an afterthought that did not impede her actions. 
 "Ivar, please."
 "That's it. Fuck, you're so beautiful. I can't wait to fuck you senseless."
 Suddenly he shifted under her, his hand fumbling between them. Her mind barely took notice as he sucked the skin between her breasts, something that would definitely leave a mark. Next thing she knew, his cock was freed, standing at attention between them. 
 Before she could protest, he spoke up. "I know you're not ready." He slid it under her, pulling her hips back down. At the sensation of his cock rubbing her slit with only the thin barrier of the bikini bottom between them, she threw her head back with a whine. Desire roared through her like a freight train as his cock rubbed against her soaking core. 
 "You like that, kitten?"
 "Yes." She sighed out, head tilted back as she rolled her hips. 
 "Good, my turn." He reached behind her and promptly untied the straps of the bikini top behind her back. 
 "Ivar!" She tried to cover herself but he swatted her hands away. 
 "Trust me."
 Once she relented, he laid a hard kiss to her lips then tugged the top over her head, the band behind her neck without a tie. She desperately wanted to cover herself, now before him feeling on full display. But it was the look on his face that stilled her movements. 
 "Guder. Du er utsøkt. Faen. Den vakreste kvinnen." He murmured with adoration and awe dripping off each word. 
 "What did you say?"
 Instead of answering her, he lowered his face to her chest and captured one of her perky nipples in his mouth. His other hand moved to grab one of her ass cheeks, encouraging her to keep riding him. 
 All breath vanished from her lungs. All thoughts and insecurities fled under his touch. Her hands tangled in his hair, keeping his mouth on her. All she could feel was him. All she wanted to feel was him. Gasps and moans slipped from her as she allowed herself to be overtaken and drawn into an ocean of pleasure. 
 She could feel herself rising higher and higher, riding the wave. Her mind was becoming delirious from fire in her veins and the motion of her hips rocking over his exposed cock. 
 To her surprise, Ivar grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her neck. "That's it, beautiful. Fuck. Let's see what that bendy spine can do." Carefully, he pulled on her hair, not in a painful way but as if to guide her. Willingly submitting herself, she bent her back, following his lead. When her chest was parallel to the ceiling, he stopped pulling, keeping her suspended with her back arched. 
 Ivar groaned loudly, thrusting against her. She met his action, too absorbed in the bliss to care about decency. 
 "All the dirty, fucking things this makes me want to do to you." He licked a scalding line up her sternum, only to swirl his tongue around one of her nipples, making her mewl as she continued to move her hips faster. "Come for me."
 "Yes, yes." She chanted. "Ivar, please."
 "Keep begging, kitten. Let me know how much you want my cock."
 As her climax hit, the tightening coil in her core sprung loose, her mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Wave after wave rolled over her. She could feel Ivar grunt and thrust a few more times beneath her before retracing his cock and spurting onto her exposed stomach. After he released her hair, letting her rise back up to face him. Their eyes fixated on one another, chests heaving as they struggled for breath. 
 Gently, she reached out and touched his cheek, a shy smile on her face. Then, when he made no move to pull away, she leaned forward, uncaring of his cum slipping down her stomach, and drew him into a lazy, slow kiss. He responded, lips melding to hers in a way that was full of softness and contentment. After a moment, she felt him reach behind him for the blanket laying on the back of the couch and wipe her stomach off, all the while never abandoning their kiss. 
 Once she was clean, he dropped the blanket to the floor and somehow managed to keep their lips locked as he guided them to lay down on the couch, their bare chests pressed together and his arm under her head, legs tangled. 
 "Do you believe me now?" He eventually asked, leaning back but only far enough so the tips of their noses almost touched. 
 "That it's you I want. Freydis and anyone else can go fuck themselves for all I care."
 She bit her bottom lip and dropped her gaze. "I don't understand why."
 "What are you talking about?"
 "I mean…. Margrethe said I'm not your…. type."
 He snorted and muttered under his breath, "fucking bitch".
 "But she's right." Kari pressed onward, her hand running up and down his side as if to ground herself. "I mean, I could never compare to Freydis…. or Torvi or Gyda or any of them. They are all beautiful and….and in perfect shape. I'm not. My thighs and butt are too big and I'm maybe pretty but that's it."
 "You're right. You're not my usual type. But those girls, I'd fuck them and then never look their way again. You though, fuck, I can barely take my eyes off you when you're around. And these," he reached down and grabbed a handful of one of her ass cheeks, making her squeak. "I love them. And these thighs, fucking hell, kitten, I want you to suffocate me with them when I finally eat you out."
 She gasped, a bolt of electricity shooting through her at the image. 
 A devilish grin grew on his face, his hand stroking her ass cheek. "You like that idea? My tongue teasing your folds before slipping inside of you. Your thighs wrapped around my head as I feast on your pussy."
 "Ivar." She whined, unable to stop the sudden roll of her hips. 
 "Soon, sweet Kari." He chuckled darkly, ceasing her movement by melding their hips together. "And your tits, gods, they are perfect. I could stare at them all day."
 She giggled even as she flushed under his praise. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I guess, I'm still just surprised you'd…. well, that you want me."
 "You are mine. You're my woman." He stated resolutely, gazing directly into her eyes so she could see how serious he was. 
 "But we aren't dating…."
 "Doesn't fucking matter. You're mine. And one of these days you'll change your mind and stop playing this game of trying to keep me away."
 She sighed, wishing it would be that easy. Before he could continue with that argument, she changed the subject. "You know, I think we exceeded our kiss quota for the day."
 He snorted. "I didn't see you complaining earlier."
 "That's true. Do you think we should head back out?"
 "If I see Freydis or Margrethe right now…." His voice trailed off, but the fury from earlier lingered in the unspoken threat. 
 "I know. We don't have too. I'm okay right here." 
 A grateful smile on his lips, he kissed her quickly then rolled her onto her back and laid his head on her chest. They relaxed like that for several minutes in silence, her hand running through his hair, just enjoying the feeling of complacency and peace between them now after their fight. If you could even call it that. 
 Finally, she spoke up in a hushed tone, a random question coming to mind. "Do you ever get in the pool?"
 "Oh." Was all she could say after his sharp, barbed answer. Clearly it was a subject that was not open for discussion. Her mind wandered, wondering what happened to cause such a response from him. An uncomfortable tension hung over them after his response. Something she was not sure if she should try and dissipate or ignore for now. 
 After a minute of continued silence, he kissed her chest, letting his lips linger there as if using the extra time to mentally prepare himself. Before she could tell him it was none of her business, he spoke. His tone was quiet and, in anyone else, almost shaky. 
 "I…. I used to try when I was younger. They'd put me on one of those stupid floating things and pull me around or someone would hold me. Then, when I was about seven…. Sigurd and I got in a big fight earlier that day. He claimed I broke one of his toys. Fucking asshole. I was sitting by the pool, this in our childhood home in Kattegat, I liked to watch things float on the water. Sigurd walked by me and….and pushed me over the edge."
 She gasped. "Oh Ivar…."
 "Ubbe jumped in and pulled my half-drown ass out." He nuzzled against her skin; his tone having lost the insecurity as he reassured her. "I'm alright, Kari."
 She drew his face up and gave him a long kiss, their mouth connecting with a deeper need and alleviation. "Remind me to thank Ubbe when I see him next."
 He rolled his eyes. "Don't. He's never let me forget the fact."
 They laid there for some more time, wrapped up in one another and content in the peaceful stillness. She could not help but think about the memory Ivar shared with her. How far back did that resentment go between the brothers? Had there ever been a time where they cared for one another? And how bad was the animosity between them if one was willing to kill the other, even as children? If her arms tightened around him, neither one mentioned it as they continued to lay there. 
 A loud knock on the door followed by a yell through the door of "are you two done yet?" disturbed their peace. 
 "Hvits, fuck off!" Ivar called back, burrowing his face between her breasts. 
 "Do you have clothes on at least?!"
 "I do!" 
 Kari swatted the back of Ivar's head at his admission. Leaning up slightly, he gave her a cheeky wink before laying his head back down. 
 "Well cover up, I'm coming in!" Hvitserk yelled through the door. 
 "Ivar, get up." Kari softly said, a panic setting in at the brother coming in and seeing them in this suggestive position and her topless. 
 "No." He mumbled. 
 Before she could shove him off, he snatched the throw blanket off the floor and threw it over his head to cover her chest. As she began to protest, the door cautiously opened. In an instant, she tried to spread out the blanket over them as best as she could, keeping the blanket over her chest and spread it somewhat over their torsos. Although how much good it did was questionable. She peered over to see Hvitserk standing in the doorway with an amused look before shaking his head and stepping in, closing the door behind him. 
 "What the fuck do you want?" Ivar asked, muffled by the blanket and his face still pressed against her skin. 
 Kari raised her gaze to the ceiling for a moment then mouthed to Hvitserk, "I'm sorry."
 Hvitserk winked at her before answering. "Bjorn and Torvi want everyone together before they leave. Sounds like they have an announcement or something."
 "Are the bitches still here?"
 "Yeah." Hvitserk sighed. 
 "Then no."
 "I'll go." Kari softly said. "It must be important."
 "No, you aren't." Ivar nipped at the side of her breast, making her squirm. 
 "Well everyone is waiting on you two." Hvitserk pointed out as he watched, clearly entertained if his broad grin said anything. 
 "I'm coming."
 Ivar pulled the blanket back slightly to stare up at her. "Why the fuck do you want to see them?"
 "Is it….is it terrible I want to show Frey…. her that I'm still here. That no matter what they said, that I'm not going anywhere."
 A positively, feral grin spread over his face. He swooped in and pressed a devastating kiss to her mouth, not letting up until she thought she would suffocate from the intensity of it. "Let's go." 
 He started to rise up but when she squeaked and tried to clutch the blanket to her, he froze. 
 "Hvits, leave."
 "You sure I can't stay?" His smirk grew as he caught Kari's eye and watched her flush deepen. 
 "GO!" Ivar bellowed, glaring at his older brother. 
 "Fine. I'll wait out here for you. If you're not out in three minutes, I'm coming back in." Hvitserk stepped outside and closed the door behind him. 
 Ivar carefully slid off of her, standing up beside the couch, the blanket in hand. His predatory, blue eyes remained trained on her form, raking over her body like a sweet he wanted to devour completely. A familiar warmth awakened in her core, even as she shyly glanced away, covering her naked breasts with her hands. 
 "Fuck, you're gorgeous. On second thought, I think we should stay. I need another taste of you and to hear you moaning my name for everyone to fucking hear."
 She squealed, quickly skirting away from him before he could pounce on her. "Ivar, no!" Yet, miraculously, he managed to snag an arm around her waist and drag her back against his chest. 
 "Should we make an announcement of our own?" He asked, running his nose along the shell of her ear, chuckling under his breath when she shivered against him.
 "What do you mean?"
 "That you're my girlfriend. That this just-friends is shit."
 "I…." She balked, eyes wide and heart beating a painful staccato in her chest. “We…. we can't."
 "Why the fuck not?" He grasped her breasts, rolling her peaked nipples between his fingers. 
 She practically swallowed her tongue, biting back the moan lodged in her throat. When she was positive she could control her voice, she replied. "We've talked about this. I'm just…. I’m not ready."
 "But you'll practically let me fuck you?"
 At his harsh snap, she tried to push out of his embrace, unwilling to have this conversation in their current predicament or maybe have the conversation at all. The innate desire to flee rose up in her but she tried to force it down as she squirmed in his arms. He held her firm, not giving up an inch, her body flush against his own. 
 "What aren't you telling me?" 
 She hated both herself and him in the moment as she ceased her escape attempts. She hated him for continuously pushing her, for ignoring her words and trying to force her where he wanted her to be. Even more though, she hated herself. If she had kept away from him, however unlikely that was, if she did not have to hide, then none of this would matter. If she could be honest, truly honest, he would most likely reject her. And that was why she hated herself most. Because she was selfish and wanted his attention and affection, even knowing if he knew who she truly was, he would walk away. 
 Carefully, she turned her head to meet his stormy eyes. "I promise one day I will. I just…. can we please just enjoy this? What we have? I just need…. time."
 He stared down at her for a long time. She wondered what he read in her face when he finally gave a resigned sigh. "Fine. I'm telling people you are my girlfriend though."
 "You're unbelievable."
 "I think you like that about me." He matched her smile with his own before letting her go.  
 She quickly found her bikini top, noticing Ivar not-so-subtly adjusting his sweatpants. She slipped it over her head but when she went to tie the straps, a pair of calloused hands covered hers. Without a word, he tied it behind her back. Once done, his hand slowly prowled down her back to lightly smack her ass. 
 "Hey!" She whipped around, only to see a Cheshire grin on his face. 
 "That's my sexy ass."
 "Oh my god. Unbelievable." She muttered to herself as she snatched up the cover and pulled it over. She looked down at the blanket piled on the floor. 
 "Leave it. I'll deal with it later." He took her hand and walked with her towards the door. When they opened it, a still-shirtless Hvitserk stood leaning against the wall across from them. 
 "Took you two long enough. Damn. Almost came in and threw Kari over my shoulder to get you out." 
 Ivar spat something out in their language that made Hvitserk roll his eyes. Before they could move further down the hallway, Hvitserk reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, freezing her in place.  
 "Hey, whatever they said. Just try to ignore it. We all want you here. Hell, all of us would kick them to the damn curb if Ubbe would let us. But Ubbe and Bjorn have already approved of you."
 Ivar scoffed but Hvitserk kept his gaze on hers, letting her know he was serious. 
 "Just know, we're on your side."
 "Thank you, Hvitty." She squeezed his hand, warmth blooming in her chest at his words.  
 "Either one of them tries to talk to her, I'll strangle them." Ivar growled, starting down the hallway, towing Kari behind him. 
 "You can't kill them, Ivar. Mother said murder is wrong."
 Ivar laughed, looking over his shoulder at his brother. "Mother still loves me."
 "Yeah, yeah, we all know you're her favorite."
 "Can you blame her? Look at me. I'm far superior and more interesting than the rest of you."
 "Keep telling yourself that."
 Kari could not help but smile at their teasing, a mock argument that sounded like it had been executed many times before until now it was said out of fondness and mock sibling rivalry. 
 The three walked back outside through the glassed-in porch. On the way, she noticed her purse back next to Gyda's bag and wondered if Hvitserk moved it there for her. Outside, everyone else sat on chairs or lounge chairs that were grouped in a haphazard circle, obviously waiting for the remainder of the group to join.  
 "What took you so long? Thought we'd have to send a search party to find you." Bjorn called out as the three approached. 
 "I got 'em. The library reeks of sex though." Hvitserk said, dodging Kari's swing. 
 Ivar guided her back to the lounge chair they had been sitting in earlier, tucking her into his side with a hand laying possessively on her hip. Hvitserk sat on her other side instead of pulling a new chair over. She tried to ignore Margrethe and Freydis who sat across from them, keeping her eyes trained on her lap, fiddling with the hem of her cover.  
 "Ok, now that we're finally all here." Bjorn said, standing up with Asa in his arms. "We just wanted to tell our family the good news in person."
 "Torvi is pregnant!" Gyda blurted, staring at her sister-in-law in shock. 
 "Fuck! Gyda!" Bjorn groaned. 
 "Daddy said a bad word." Hali looked over at his mother from his spot next to Sigurd. 
 "Yes, he did, thank you, Hali." Torvi replied smiling then addressed the group. "I'm about two months along. So right now, we are only telling family, so please don't share this with anyone else yet."
 "Wow! A third! Congrats!" Ubbe started, others immediately echoing their own congratulations and well-wishes. 
 Kari jumped up and moved to give Torvi a hug after Gyda. "I know we haven't known each other long but I'm so excited for you. You're an amazing mother."
 "Thank you, Kari. Maybe your own time will come soon." She shooting her eyes over to Ivar for a second then meeting Kari's again. 
 "Oh, I don't know." She blushed at the thought. After another brief hug, Kari returned to her seat. 
 "How old are you?" Hvitserk asked suddenly. 
 "Um, I turned twenty-five this summer."
 "Ha! Still the baby of the group." Sigurd laughed, pointing his beer bottle at Ivar.  
 "Hey, nothing is wrong with an older woman. We're in our sexual prime." Gyda defended. 
 "She's not that much older." Ivar retorted, his hand skimming up and down Kari's thigh. "Just a year."
 "And a few months. You're turning twenty-four after the new year." Ubbe helpfully added with a grin. 
 "Fuck off." 
 "Mommy, Uncle Ivar said a bad word now."
 "Yes, he did, Hali. I think it's time for us to go. Say goodbye to everyone." Torvi said. After a round of goodbyes and hugs to all the uncles and aunt, the small family headed back through the house to head to their own home.
 "Did you know Ivar is younger than you?" Hvitserk asked conspiringly, once conversation started around them again. 
 She tilted her head as she looked at him, slowly answering his question. “Yeah…. we talked about this a while ago."
 "Good. Do you want kids?"
 "Hvits, what is this?" Ivar butted in. 
 "Just testing the waters to see how she feels about having my babies. You know they'd be beautiful." Hvitserk chuckled when Ivar glared at him. 
 "Be nice you two or I'm moving." Kari chided. 
 "Yes, mom." Hvitserk said, sneaking a kiss to her cheek before jumping away. He turned around and pointed at her as he walked backwards. "One day you'll have my babies!" 
 She laughed, shaking her head. She could practically feel the smoke coming from Ivar's ears. Before he could burst a vein, she leaned closer to him and laid her head against his shoulder. "He knows I'm yours."
 "He fucking better or I'll beat his ass to remind him." Ivar murmured, nuzzling her temple. 
 She relaxed against him, looking around the backyard. Hvitserk and Ubbe had started some kind of wrestling competition in the pool, both looking like they were trying to drown each other. Gyda and Ivar called insults from their seats. Sigurd was texting on his phone but occasionally looking up and making a comment. At one point he caught her eye and gave her a brief nod, which she smiled back, hoping any animosity between the two of them from her earlier comment was gone. She purposefully ignored the whispering between Margrethe and Freydis, taking a note from Ivar's book and acting as if they did not exist. 
 Looking at the Lothbrok family around her, she smiled at the group, still amazed she found herself in their midst and how welcoming most of them were. For almost two years she had been alone in a new country, thinking that was what she wanted. Now though, she wondered if she had just been missing a group that accepted her without question. 
 She peered up at Ivar, heart swelling with gratitude and affection. Without second guessing herself, she kissed his cheek and leaned back against his shoulder. He hummed, placing his own kiss to the top of her head. 
 She wondered if she should just give up fighting this, whatever this was between them. Maybe it would work out. Maybe everything would not fall apart as soon as the truth fell from her lips. Maybe he could accept her past and who she was. 
 Silently, she shook the thoughts away. It was still too soon to tell and if she was honest, she did not want to lose this. 
 Or lose him. 
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I find Roy and Dick both having commitment issues so interesting because they seem to go about them differently. Dick tries to tie people to him (getting engaged when relationships get rough), and if that fails, then he runs, finds a new group of friends, and starts over. Roy doesn't let himself get tied down (prior to Lian) ever as a way to avoid commitment. It's just such a cool way to see similar issues regarding abandonment and commitment be approached in such different ways.
You bring up interesting ideas—comparing Dick and Roy’s attitudes in this way is very intriguing and something I hadn’t thought of before. But, to be honest, I kind of don’t agree with the idea that Dick and Roy have commitment issues? I’ve seen people say that before, but it doesn’t really click for me. 
I know I may be in the minority here but I’ve always thought that Dick’s problem is quite the opposite—that he commits himself to too many things way too fully. He gives 100% to working with Batman, and to the Bludhaven police force, and to the Titans, and to whatever other obligations he has at the time, so much so that he over extends himself to the point of exhaustion and collapse. 
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New Teen Titans #28
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Titans Secret Files #1
Really, I just don’t get how Dick could possibly have commitment issues when he has devoted himself to so many teams: the JLA, the Titans, the Outsiders, even the Birds of Prey to an extent. Dick was known as the linchpin of the DCU; he had relationships with practically everyone. He doesn’t shy away from forming connections. There are so many examples I could give, but a good place to look at in particular would be Tim and Dick’s relationship. Dick specifically reached out to Tim to form a relationship even though he didn’t have to. He treated Tim like a brother, and he made himself available whenever Tim was struggling and needed him (like when Tim was struggling with Stephanie’s pregnancy, with the temptation to bring back his dead loved ones, with suicidal thoughts, etc.) Dick put a lot of work into forming and maintaining their relationship. 
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JLA (1997) #121
And just look at his relationship with Batman as well...even when things are rocky between them, whenever Bruce asks for Nightwing’s help, Nightwing will bend over backwards in order to deliver. He is extremely loyal to Bruce, most of the time at great personal cost. 
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Batman #416
And let's be real here; Batman is emotionally distant the majority of the time, and if Nightwing didn’t reach out to Batman the two of them would not even really have a relationship! They would not talk lmao. Nightwing is the one who is committed to their relationship; he does all of the emotional labor so Bruce doesn’t have to. Nightwing gives a lot for very little in return, but he still keeps giving. 
And this is not just with the Batfam...he is very consistently there for the Titans. When Donna needs help discovering who she is and where she came from before Wonder Woman entered her life, Dick is the one to help her investigate. When Roy is desperate and needs help retrieving Lian from Cheshire, Dick is the one to beat Cheshire and reunite Roy with Lian. And Dick and Starfire were a couple for years, through lots of ups and downs, and very nearly married. These are not the actions of someone who is afraid to commit, lmao. Dick goes above and beyond for his relationships. 
I think that maybe Dick has a reputation for “running away” as you say because of the fact that he moves around quite a bit: he goes to California with the Titans, and then he’s a vigilante in New York, and then Chicago, and then Bludhaven, and so on. It can make him seem flighty. But @bigskydreaming has has a post about that here, and I very much agree with what he has to say. Dick’s tendency to move around doesn’t strike me as avoidance, but rather a holdover from his life at the circus. Growing up at Haly’s, Dick would constantly have been traveling. A circus is a business, so whenever things would get bad in a particular location for whatever reason, the circus would just move onward and forward. Halys wasn’t abandoning anything with this move, or running away, it was simply moving on in hopes that elsewhere things will be better. It is not at all surprising that Dick would have that same mindset in his own life. When tragedy strikes, instead of getting bogged down by all the bad, Dick tends to try and move forward. It’s one of the things I enjoy most about him, one of the things that distinguishes him from Batman. And one of the best ways to move on is to change things up: 
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And a good way to mix things up is to relocate. It’s not like location should matter that much to Dick. Even when he moves he can and does always go back to doing the exact same thing he’s committed his entire life to doing—fighting crime. His family has the resources of a billionaire, his friends are superheroes who can fly and run faster than the speed of light, and it's not like he throws away his phone/communicator...he is not even slightly out of reach so he’s not really running away from his friends/family...and oftentimes he ends up confronting the problems he was supposedly running away from regardless of his physical location. And the JLA has a teleporter. He can be anywhere he needs to be in an instant, so why does he need to stay in one spot? I don’t really see him living on the move as him running away.
And I don’t read as much about Roy I admit, so I won’t be able to give as many specific examples, but it seems to be a similar thing with him too. After Roy’s father died, he was raised by Brave Bow. And then Brave Bow died, and he was raised by Ollie. It seems to me that his early life had little stability; he was passed from one person to the next and was always having to adjust to drastically different ways of life. In addition, a lot of his formative years were spent with the Navajo—a semi nomadic people. Roy’s Navajo upbringing very much influenced his outlook on life, so it would not be a surprise that he picked up their mindset of living somewhat on the move as well. And after spending his youth in flux, it really doesn’t surprise me at all that Roy isn’t tied down to places or jobs. Roy just wasn’t raised with a way of life that prioritizes settling down in one location, and for the most part he didn’t really have a choice but to move from one life to the next. But I don’t think any of that is representative of having commitment issues. Roy is very committed to Lian, as you mentioned, but even before that he was pretty much willing to do anything for the Titans. He has a really close relationship with Canary. And even in instances where I feel like Roy would be justified in “running away” or taking a step back, Roy usually attempts to preserve and repair his relationships, like with Ollie and Jade. Even after Ollie responded poorly upon discovering his addiction, Roy still eventually reconciled with him, and Roy tries to have a relationship with Jade despite all the difficulties that come with that: 
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I know that characters sometimes accuse Dick and Roy as having issues with commitment, and I can see where you are coming from anon, but I just don’t really think that they do when you look at the majority of the actions they take lmao. You mention issues with abandonment? I can see that more, considering that Bruce has fired Dick twice before for making mistakes (once with Two Face and the other time with Joker) and Ollie has canonically neglected his relationship Roy in the past, instead focusing on his love life. Really, I think the greater underlying issue for both of these characters is the fact that they both have pretty low self-esteem and don’t want to be a burden to those they love. But that is really a whole other post, this one is already too long! 
To summarize, in my opinion, Dick is someone who lives for connection, and someone who is incredibly dedicated and loyal to his friends and family. He has known that he wanted to be a hero since he was a kid, and he has remained committed to that goal for basically the entirety of his life. Similarly, Roy is very dedicated to his family and friends, and is willing to go to incredible lengths for the people important to him. He values his relationships enough to forgive almost anything. Neither of these characters strike me as people who have troubles committing to things; they strike me as characters who commit to causes and people with everything they’ve got. 
Thanks for telling me your perspective anon! You gave me a lot to think about.
EDIT: thanks @milfzatannazatara for the clarification about Roy! Ollie technically didn’t kick Roy out of the house, since he was an adult and had already moved out. 
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Unwanted, Unreliable, Unstoppable (2)
Holy shit this did better than expected.
Summary: When one of their own gets harmed by the one who should have protected them most, how will the Team take it? Not lying down thats for sure!
Tags: @abrx2002 @bigpicklebananatree  @jardimazul  @lozzybowe 
When Dick Grayson became Bruce Wayne’s ward that fateful night he hadn’t known what to expect.
Of course he had heard of the Waynes while on his travels with Haly’s Circus, they were probably part of the Top Ten Richest families in the world if he had to guess. Though no one really knew much about the lone Wayne, Bruce, other than the fact that he was an airheaded philanthropist party-goer. Everyone would pretty much be surprised if he hadn’t just wasted away his family’s money by the time he was in his mid 20s.
He never thought that his new guardian would be doing things like this.
“So….You fight crime dressed as a bat?” Dick found himself asking as he looked around the “Batcave”, as he’d been mentally calling it when Batman started talking about hideouts.
“Something like that”
Dick hadn’t thought much of the training Bruce made him undergo when he said he agreed to take him along to defeat Tony Zucco. He thought it as just regular training like he had done before, granted it was a lot of how to redirect knives back to the enemies, avoiding gunshots, dismantling or disarming guns, sticking to the shadows and how to throw proper kicks and punches.
Was it strange that he had not heard of Batman when people actively talked about heroes like Superman or Red Tornado or Wonder Woman, well no. After all Bruce said he did more detective work, stuck to Gotham and was ‘just’ human.
He hadn’t thought much of it, he needed something to get his frustrations out.
When they took down all of the goons and had Zucco tied up Robin didn’t know how to feel.
“Do what you want with him” Batman had told him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Let it all out; your fear, anger, sadness, let it all out on the man who caused this”
Dick never thought of himself as a bad person even as he began to beat Zucco bloody with his armored fists.
Death would have been too painless for a man like him.
“Ugh just look at her” Alya grumbled.
In front of them was Kagami talking to a rather attractive teen with rich tanned skin and piercing emerald eyes. Neither she nor any of her friends had any idea who he was and she only got close enough to hear the tail end of their conversation.
“... Exhibition match is going to be the most enjoyable challenge since first dueling with Adrien” she said in her normal stoic voice. The boy seemed to not notice or care as he just nodded along with her.
“Yes, my brother has insisted he come and watch as well. I reckon your mother will also want to?”
“Oh Alya, I just don’t think Kagami is good for Adrien” Lila cried out, snapping Alya from her stewing anger, the girl instinctively hugging her friend in comfort.
“Ever since she’s joined our school, he’s done nothing short of physically lashing out on his father. He even said that if we don’t stop bothering his Kagami that he’ll make me pay!”
“That𑁋That guy is gonna see what it means to mess with my BFF!”
“O-Oh but don’t blame Adrien… after all it was Kagami who started this nonsensical feud within the class as well”
Alya never saw the smirk grow on Lila’s face as everything was going to plan.
“You shall not make fools of the Tsurugi. We Are Perfection”
Kagami elected to stay quiet as her mother continued to monologue, as though Kagami hadn’t heard the same conversation play out ever since she could remember.
During the sessions she had with Dr. Quinzel, Harley Quinn the psychologist had told her she preferred to go by outside of the office, she had come to realize that what her mother was doing to her was not alright. Her mother continued to enforce her ideals onto Kagami, as though she were trying to live vicariously through her. Kagami couldn’t fathom why; her mother was trained by her grandfather, a kendo Hachi-Dan, all her life and was already a world renowned and record holding fencer… So what did she want out of her? Why was it so important for Kagami to be seen as superior to all others?
“Show him no mercy, that he is nothing against a Tsurugi '' her mother finished much to Kagami’s relief.
“Mother, you are aware this is merely a friendly exhibition match, correct?”
Oh, Kagami had forgotten who she was talking to; she was not in Gotham, hanging out with her friends or training with the Bats or even talking to Dr.Quinzel or Dr.Isley.
She was in Paris where her mother and Hawkmoth were; Where both her civilian and hero self had unrealistic expectations for her.
The current sting on her leg reminded her of that fact.
“Watch your tongue you insolent child. Now go before you prove to disappoint me further”
“Yes, mother” Kagami gritted out, trying the breathing exercise Luka had taught her as she walked up to the field of play, a mat having been laid out to indicate all the boundaries.
“Are you ready, dragon girl?” Damian questioned, walking back from where Richard, Dick he had insisted, stood alongside her friends. She was too distracted to realize he had an alarmed and analytical look towards her and her mother. 
“Only if you are, Chīsai tori-chan”
The two made their way to their positions, M.D'Argencourt waiting for them in the middle before starting the match.
"En garde! Prêts? Allez!"
Kagami had been using her anger to lash out on Damian, some may call it unfair but she looked to think it was a good use of her pent up energy.
“Point to Miss Tsurugi”
“Oh I thought you were better than that?” she smirked underneath her mask. She couldn’t see his expression but she just assumed he rolled his eyes or scowled.
“You merely caught me off guard”
Kagami felt herself smile as she heard her friends cheer for her, Damian shaking his head before going back to their original position.
She was not expecting the events of the day from that moment, she hadn’t realized and would not want to hear her birthgiver’s explanation after that day.
“Unbelievable!” Robin cried out in frustration, next to him Speedy looked like he was ready to punch anybody who’d stand too close to him.
“Sorry, uh Robin” the ginger speedster looked flustered.
“It’s just too dangerous for people like you to be involved with us” the new ‘hero’, Miss Martian, they recalled, said apologetically. “Your physiology is too susceptible to injury, it isn’t like our own”
“You think we want to be part of your stupid daycare club” Speedy laughed harshly, “We just saved your sorry asses because we were around, because you’re on our turf”
“And you still want to call us fragile and weak? You’re just as underwhelming as they said you’d be” Robin snapped, frustrated at the continued degradement from Metas and the Justice League. 
He remembered when he first met Speedy and the League, Batman having been sent a request to help with some world ending thing; definitely above their pay rate but Batman also didn’t trust them to get it done so they agreed.
He remembers working his ass off to make sure these people made it out alive, live to see another day, and help defeat the big bad. Then the comments came rolling;
“Isn’t he too young? Why did we have to call in the human? Is the Bat insane? It's bad enough that we got the man involved, now we have to deal with his kid too? We could handle it without them. Now we have to play babysitter for the humans”
He understood why the Batman didn’t even stand working with the League after that.
“We-We were here by League orders!” Miss Martian cried in outrage.
“Orders to spy on us” Speedy sarcastically remarked as the ‘Young Justice’ flinched “You lot really think you were that slick?”
“Whatever the hell it is they were supposed to do is over” Robin nearly growled out, batarangs at hand, “They’re officially persona non grata”
“You can’t just do whatever you please” Wondergirl began “The League just wishes to know if your mentors are up to any… questionable activity”
“Shitty excuse for shitty behavior” Speedy responded, clearly getting on the nerves of the Young Justice.
“Just let us do our job and we’ll be on our way” Cyborg tried placating though the duo was not impressed.
“Or we can just kick your asses and send you crying back to your bosses” Speedy took out his quiver and pointed straight at them, the group divided between offended and surprised.
“We do not need to result in such behavior, we mean no harm” Starfire tried getting in the middle, only to be pushed back by Kid Flash and Miss Martian. Aqualad seemingly about to do the same but realising it was a fruitless endeavor and just got in a fighting stance.
“You don’t even believe that princess” Robin felt his eyes rolling, the Young Justice tense considering Starfire being princess of another planet was supposed to be a secret.
“You- You shouldn’t know that! See, this only proves what Superman feared! That the Batman has gone rogue!” Miss Martian said in a near panic.
“What do you mean by go rogue; We’re not even part of the League!” Dick was getting real tired of these pretentious metas already. From the corner of his eyes he could see two shadows waiting for their signals and staying in position.
Dick didn’t think of himself as a bad person but this Young Justice really had all of this coming.
“Young Justice, action!”
And really he was sure he could come up with better names than them.
At the end Dick and Roy kept their word, the Young Justice scattered all around them in various states of consciousness on a Central City rooftop. Kid Flash groaned as he looked at their ‘fragile’ assailants, only to see two new figures with them, a blonde girl with an arrow pointed at Miss Martian, and a shorter boy wearing Robin’s costume that just electrocuted Wonder Girl with glorified knuckle busters.
“Oh and Wally,” the speedsters heart began to beat faster as he looked at the cold smile on Robin, ex-Robin?, now wearing a black and blue bodysuit….when did he change? “Tell Superman I’ll be using the name Nightwing from now on”
Nightwing did not think he was a bad person as he, the new Arsenal, Tigress and the new Robin dumped the unconscious bodies of the Young Justice back into their ship, sending it on autopilot after typing in the ‘secret coordinates’ for Mount Justice.
The Justice League would understand loud and clear that they would no longer be expecting help from the Bats or Arrows at a moment's notice or preferably ever from now on.
“Umm are you Mmd. Tsurugi?” Tomoe Tsurugi turned, indicating her attention was caught by the young lady next to her. She sounded vaguely familiar but they said it was easier to recognize someone by their face than by their voice; she wouldn’t know.
“Who are you to ask?” she responded curtly, wanting to refocus on the match her prodigy and some American boy were engaging in. From what M.D'Argencourt had told her, his name was Damian, a prospective transfer student from America, who wished to check out the school’s fencing team. D’Argencourt had insisted that the boy was one of the best he’d seen, on par with her own prodigy. How could some average boy be on par with her own prodigy of the Tsurugi name?
It simply would not do.
Thus they had arranged this exhibition match, to show just how leagues above the Tsurugi were from this common boy.
“ My name is Lila Rossi, a classmate of your daughter and model, I work for Gabriel Agreste” the girl’s self-praising was not missed by Tomoe but she had ignored it for now, it would be best to quickly get to the point lest she miss a second of the match.
"En garde! Prêts? Allez!"
“I’ve heard of you from M. Agreste. What is your business with me?” Tomoe was getting quickly irritated, as her own prodigy had taken longer this round; the rapid movements of the sabres, swishing in the air and clashing into one another, both opponent’s feet moving across the mat in quick and small intervals.
“ I know I’m not supposed to say things without letting M. Agreste know first but,” she starts to tear up, at least Tomoe could hear that from the hiccuping of her voice. “Your daughter has been influencing Adrien to rebel against his father”.
Her prodigy did what?
“I overheard them talking about how the two planned to help each rebel against M. Agreste and you. She said she’d throw the match in order to disgrace you”
Tomoe had trained Kagami better than that! There was no way the insolent child would be so foolish as to𑁋
“ Point to Mister Damian”
She began to metaphorically see red as they called for the final round of their little exhibition match. Kagami was made to perfection; this should have already been a settled deal instead of dragging out for almost five minutes now. Kagami better not disappoint her in the final match lest she have to discipline the girl.
“ I know this is an inopportune time to inform you of this but I fear of what else she’ll do and what she’ll make Adrien do if she keeps this up… With such influential families it would be dishonorable to let this continue further”
Tomoe was so deep in her head that she missed the rapid footsteps running across the mat or the sound of liquid falling on it.
"Final round. En garde! Prêts? Allez!"
The match had lasted just as long as the last, almost using up the full three minutes. She could hear the two make their way onto Kagami’s side of the mat when Tomoe realized that she was disgracing the Tsurugi name on purpose.
The child slipped backwards, she could already hear the announcement before D’Argencourt could.
“Point to Mister Damian. Match goes to Damian”
Dick took out his escrima sticks once, panting and sweating profusely but did as his instructor told. He felt himself repeat the same movements over and over again, he was going solely by muscle memory at this point.
“Alright Grayson, you’re done for the day” Dick resisted the urge to sigh in relief as he gave a slight bow and took a drink from his water bottle.
“So how have the kids been Slade?” he asked nonchalantly, knowing if it were any other person they’d be dead for even bringing up Slade Wilson’s children.
“Joseph is doing as well as always, focusing on the fine arts and being a good kid. Rose just enrolled in the same private school as him so they’re looking out for each other” the mercenary said with a huff, one Dick saw through.
“Why, I’d say you sound like a proud father!”
“As if you and Bats don’t talk about the birds like that”
Dick knew he had him there.
When he was 9 years old, a year after debuting as Robin and being adopted, he met Bruce’s ‘girlfriend’, if they could call whatever game those two were playing an actual relationship. He did not like Talia al Ghul, even less who her father was but he kept his opinion to himself, he wanted Bruce to be happy. Then it turned out she was pregnant.
Talia had decided to stow away from Ra’s, definitely not defecting from him anytime soon but she also knew that the man held too many secrets; few which she was able to discover. She was already aware that Ra’s had contingency plans if the Lazarus Pits stopped working on him, he was planning on possessing the body of someone of his blood. She knew the child would be the perfect vessel in his eyes. 
So she lied to Ra’s, stating that she was going on a deep cover mission for the League, dismantling or infiltrating some country from the inside instead of just killing their way in. Instead she hired Slade as a bodyguard and to help maintain her cover while she stayed at Wayne Manor. He had to admit that it was the softest he’d seen her.
Then when he was 12, they found Jason Todd. Well more like they caught him trying to steal the wheels from the Batmobile in the middle of the night at Crime Alley. The kid had spunk and a not great life living in Crime Alley’s streets so they took him in as their own. At the same time Dick was outgrowing Robin and didn’t think the mantle should gather dust as they waited for Damian to grow up; Jason was the perfect candidate.
That same year Batgirl came out of nowhere, a new shadow that hunted down corrupt cops specifically. Dick hadn’t really been all too surprised when it turned out to be his friend and classmate, because he was bored and decided skipping two grades would be a good idea, Barbara Gordon. That or the fact that they immediately took her in and gave her real training.
He was 15, nearing 16, when Tim Drake literally barged into their lives.
He was a scrawny 9 year old that had apparently been stalking them while they went around Gotham beating up very dangerous people and had found out their identities by seeing him perform a quadruple somersault. Seriously what the fuck had been the only thing in his mind at the moment.
It turned out that Tim had come to them in need of protection as he found out his parents were involved with the Court of Owls, something Bruce had tried to uncover but even he was beginning to believe was a myth, with his parents soon scheduling for him to be tested as a potential Talon. They were fully willing to sell their son’s soul for their cause and not caring that he would lose his humanity in the process. It wasn’t hard to open a case against the Drakes as concerned citizens for child neglect and embezzlement that may or may not have been discovered while they raided their place in the night and took anything they owned pertaining to the Court of Owls the week before the police began their investigations.
Which led to now.
Joker had decided to attack the new Robin, his perverted mind finding it unfair that he wasn’t told of the new change. Not only had he been surprised by the fact that Jason survived but he also got his ass handed back to him by Batman and Nightwing when they found out. Jason was borderline dying and the closest place they could go was, unfortunately, Infinity Island; aka al Ghul palace.
Ra’s was fortunately not on the island however David Cain was not informed of the fact that the Bats and Talia al Ghul had a strange alliance, sicking his living weapon aka his daughter out on them. She had stopped when she saw how close to death Jason was, freezing as though she could physically see his string of life snapping, and when David was readying to retaliate against her, he found himself knocked out by Talia. A few hours later the Batjet was sent back and the Batplane returned with Alfred, Barbara, Tim and Damian inside.
Once Jason was well enough, a day or two hopefully, they’d be leaving the island with a new sister in tow.
Dick would stop at nothing to keep his family safe.
“Oh my god, Kagami”
Marinette had been hanging out with Damian, Dick, Marc and Alix in her room when her skylight window opened. Now this itself was a common occurrence after she and Adrien revealed their identities and when she began to give Miraculous full time.
However, the sight in front of her was one she had never expected to see before.
“I hope I’m not interrupting”
Kagami had dropped the transformation the moment she opened the window, Longg floating besides her in concern.
Her normally impeccable fair skin was littered with bruises of various shades, the most notable being a dark purple one on her cheek close to her eye. There were others she noticed on her hand and few popping up from underneath her ripped leggings. 
Marinette was snapped out of her stupor as Kagami stumbled down the window, her bookbag and two carry-on bags on her back.
“What happened?” Marc asked, right beside Kagami as Marinette took the other side, helping the Japanese girl with her bags and sat her on Marinette’s chaste.
“... My mother was not happy with my performance today” the girl winced as she sat down “She seems to have gotten it in her head that I sabotaged the match and have disgraced the family name”
“Kagami,” she looked up to see Richard, Dick, with his deep sapphire eyes full of concern and unrelenting fury. “Do you feel safe at home?”
Had she been asked a year ago she would have said that she did or that it was irrelevant and did not matter. She has since learned that ignoring the blaring issue and suffering in silence would do no good for anyone.
“No, I do not”
“Do you want to open a case against your mother?”
“... I do”
“That’s all I needed to hear”
While Marinette went to get her parents, scrambling up an explanation for how Kagami got to her house, not that her parents would ask once they saw her friend, Damian took photos of Kagami as evidence for a domestic abuse case.
They all took notice of her missing ring and the patch on her blazer.
Dick Grayson was not going to let this go.
But he knew that the woman did not deserve his time as Nightwing for this. No. She would just twist it with her reputation; they needed to destroy that to truly break her.
He may not have jurisdiction in Paris but he was still an officer and vigilante dammit! Not to mention he had a billionaire dad notorious for adopting kids left and right.
“Hey dad, y’know how it's my birthday in like ten months; how would you feel about giving me another sibling or two?"
“Who are you?” In the middle of their stakeout for a potential safehouse in Happy Harbor, Nightwing and Robin turned to see an eerily familiar looking teen floating next to them, arms crossed but not looking ready to make a move. Yet.
“The better question is who are you” Nightwing quipped “I know Boy Scout did the Devil’s Tango but his kid definitely shouldn’t be as old as you are”
“Oh my god, shut up Nightwing” Robin groaned, Tim wondering what his odds would have been if he had just run away from home instead of going to the Bats.
“... I’m Superboy” the teen looked at the two curiously, he had heard hushed whispers of the Batman and his sidekicks, Nightwing and Robin. He also knew that for some reason the name Nightwing had caused discomfort and righteous anger to Superman.
“Superboy, huh.” Nightwing questioned as Robin began typing on his wrist computer “So you’re the secret member of Young Justice”
“How do you know that?” he hovered defensively, confused at Nightwing’s hand wave.
“Chill Superboy. I’m sure you’re all aware of the not so secret dislike between us and the League” his smirk told him there was more there… not that he’d know. None of the adults really talked to him other than Black Canary, and she was only a temporary member at that; she had mentioned to Superboy how she usually works alongside the Arrows of Central City and was part of The Birds of Prey.
“Especially after I stole the name from Superman”
“Stole from Superman?” Superboy was never aware of the fact that Nightwing was a name Superman ever used, it wasn’t part of the data fed to him through Cadmus or even personal studies he did in the Mount Justice library.
“Hasn’t big blue told you about his heritage?” Robin asked, an air of nonchalance and judgement around his statement.
“... No. Superman would rather ignore the fact I even exist” Superboy hadn’t meant to sound so pretentious but he couldn’t help it! It was getting on his nerves, how everyone just saw him as nothing more than a mini-Superman or a clone or even a weapon the enemy made… He wanted  to be more than all that.
“Do you have a name?” Nightwing asked, his cheerful demeanor gone and replaced with a serious and protective one.
“I am Superboy”
“Noㅡ I mean a name for the teen underneath the ‘S’. Not a codename” Nightwing asked gently “People don’t call me Nightwing when I’m not wearing the mask”
“... I’ve only been called Superboy, even in Cadmus”
“Oh you have got to be kidding me for fucks sake” he heard Robin’s angry huff, he couldn’t exactly turn off his super senses. 
“Well that’s dehumanizing” Nightwing was suddenly all smiles again, gently pulling Superboy down and sitting on a city bench, oddly there was no one near their general vicinity.
“How about I give you a Kryptonian history lesson, straight from the Fortress of Solitude’s archives! The story of Nightwing and Flamebird”
That was how Superboy became friends with the “dangerous enemy” and got a real first idea of what it meant to be Kryptonian.
That was also the night he gained the name Conner.
When Kagami didn’t show up to school the next day no one thought much of it, at least no one that wasn’t Lila Rossi and Alya Cesaire.
People began to grow curious when Marinette and Chloe were also gone or the fact that Marc  and Alix had huge eye bags under their eyes. Depending on who asked they’d say that it was something personal or none of their business.
People began to get concerned when Sabrina’s dad, officer Raincomprix, asked to speak to M. Bustier, Adrien, Marc and Alix.
When the class began to pester Sabrina for answers she gave them a lost look and said “I can’t tell you anything, I’m not even supposed to know about the case but dad asked for some information… I think it's best we back off”
Of course that didn’t stop Lila or Alya from gloating over their victory, hoping that Kagami had been pulled from school or even sent back to Japan.
They never realized how much their act of revenge had impacted the Japanese girl or her group of friends.
Bruce Wayne would arrive that same day and head straight for the Dupain-Cheng household along with his daughter Cass and sons Tim and Jason.
“I didn’t think we’d have to start this whole process until after December but being early never hurt” Tim tried to joke, helping lift the somber mood just a bit.
After Tom and Sabine offered them refreshments before having to head downstairs to the bakery, the group began to think of logical backstories before Officer Raincomprix was due to arrive.
“... So you can just say after that poor excuse of a birth giver did what she did to you” Jason made sure to keep his cool, he knew these kids didn’t need a fucking Akuma right now “ You already had bags prepared and managed to leave when she went to sleep and went to your friend’s house. You knew you’d be safe there and that they’d be able to take you to the hospital to get your injuries looked at”
“I think that’ll work” Tim nodded along, invested in his laptop as he looked through Parisian surveillance for any other instances of public domestic abuse or even covering Kagami’s tracks as Ryuuko from last night, not that he blamed her for trying to leave as soon as possible.
“I know I said I’d help you with Gabriel but, “ Bruce began before Marinette shook her head.
“Right now Kagami’s case is more urgent… besides this may be beneficial with our case against Gabriel for associating with Tomoe and praising her form of parenting. Maybe we can even get them both in one go”
Amidst the laundry list of paperwork and things to get done there were two important things happening;
First was the announcement of the Flying Grayson’s Foundation, a scholarship for international students to travel and study at Gotham Academy and any other high ranking schools around the country; they were looking for children who were either of lower income who could take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunity or students who displayed great talents and could use the enriching environment these schools had to offer.
In other words it was a cover up to get the Miraculous Team away from Paris and in Gotham.
Should Bruce really be using his fortune to do these sort of things? He was rich with money to spare, if he used it to help teens that were left to their own devices by most of the adults in their lives then who was to say what he could or could not do with his money.
The second was the Hawkmoth investigation finally going guns ablazing.
Bruce and Marinette had both decided to let their teams handle tracking Hawkmoth for now as they strategized on ways to get Adrien away from Gabriel and secretly Nathaniel away from his parents.
With the later they had more luck by the name of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.
Within the months they had spent together the duo had gotten attached to the teens and were protective even as they ‘attacked the city’ to keep their criminal cover. When hearing about Nathaniel's situation the two had begun to think of ways to get him away from it, having had similar experiences growing up, along with Bruce.
They hadn’t realized there was a much simpler solution that wasn’t killing/arresting the Kutzbergs or kidnapping Nathaniel.
“You know you can just Matilda this and just give the adoption papers to them, right?” Duke said from the couch one day. “From what Nat says its likely they won’t give a shit or even protest”
It had worked.
Nathaniel was now officially Nathaniel Isley-Quinzel.
Barbara had worked with Tim and Max to perfect the laters algorithm for tracking down the Hawkmoth (along with some upgrades on Markov and maybe creating other sentient A.Is they hoped wouldn’t cause the apocalypse in the far future). Thankfully Tomoe Tsurugi had proven a valuable pawn as they managed to track down the one mile radius from where the Akuma could have come from when she was arrested for child abuse, physical abuse and child neglect.
Luckily, Tomoe had tried to attack Kagami when she heard her ex-prodigy and former daughter on her way to the police car. Dick had intervened, giving her a nerve punch and rendering her unconscious. Of course he brought up that it was for self-defense and could easily be proven by the cop cameras, though it was still seen as overkill.
That Akuma was quickly captured by Ladybug, who had already seen it coming, as she and the new Bee, Abeille, were watching the arrest from a nearby rooftop.
Money made things work much more faster in terms of the adoption process. It helped that he already had four adopted sons, an adopted daughter and biological son as proof of his competence as a parent. They’d laugh at him being a ‘great parent’ but he was a tired man who was secretly trying to change the world for better by dressing up as a Bat furry at night and was trying to be good for them and also had six legal and two technical children, so really they’d take what they could get.
Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancoer were doing their best to cover any violations of child labor laws, even going so far as to try to ground and pull Adrien out of school again.
Of course when Bruce and his three oldest sons showed up they had all the evidence they needed for a major scandal to break and ruin the Gabriel brand. They did make a very nice offer at a not so nice expense;
Give guardianship to/let Bruce adopt Adrien and the press would never have to find out.
Gabriel had nearly yelled at the man to leave his home the instant he subtly suggested it, even going so far as to call the “Gorilla”, which not only did not work but also gave the Wayne’s an even harder dislike of the man.
As it turns out as soon as Adrien told Gorilla, damn it he would find out the man’s name one day! About the plan against his father the man gave Adrien a flashdrive to use as part of the evidence.
“It's up to you Mister Agreste” Tim said in his CEO voice, cold and with business only in mind.
“You could just listen to our offer and just renounce any custody you have of Adrien and give it to us” Dick practically sang through his eyes but still held a hard look.
“Or you could face the backlash of not only exploiting, but also keeping him captive in his own home and overworking your son all for the name of your brand… Not to mention your questionable business practices or bias towards an underaged model” Jason added as nonchalantly and non threateningly as he could. It did not work, which was the whole point. “Losing your reputation and your son anyway”
Gabriel knew he was in over his head but was no fool.
Adrien packed up his things the next day, beginning his process of shipping his belongings off to Gotham. Coincidentally, Gorilla had given his letter of resignation and had gotten a job as the main caretaker of one Alise Anciel-Pennyworth.
Gabriel swore he’d get his revenge against Bruce Wayne one way or another.
Conner did not know what to do.
He knew he did the right thing in distancing himself from his team, he didn’t know them well enough to consider them friends. But it still hurt to be alone…
Superman had been nothing but a pain in his ass with his Boy Scout routine and higher than thou personality.
Ugh just thinking about it made him want to shoot him with his heat vision. He had no idea how Superboy, because yeah the kid asked him and how could he say no to him?, could be related to that man. It must have been the Lois Lane of the kid.
Conner didn’t know who to turn for, there was no way he’d go to any of his biological donors, so he'd just spent the past few days flying endlessly.
He had stopped by Star City to see how Black Canary was, and for a quick session, but as much as she and Green Arrow offered he didn’t want to overstay his welcome. Not to mention he had a feeling he needed to go somewhere else.
The only other person who had given him the light of day was….
“Are you Superboy?” Conner looked up, which he didn’t do that often now that he thought about it, and saw a male figure standing on a lightpost, his features hidden by the Gotham night.
“Not anymore, who the hell are you?” the guy hoped down, with the light he was able to see the blonde hair and leather catsuit… did Catwoman get an apprentice?
“Well you should know the big bad Bat doesn't like metas. Any reason you’re here or should I escort you out right meow?”
“... I’m going to ignore the pun for now. I’m looking for Nightwing”
Conner noticed the twitch of the leather ear against the honey blonde hair and began to wonder if the guy was either trustworthy or meta. Just as Conner was about to fly away the guy tapped his ear, he recognized Nightwing’s voice before the guy nodded and ended the transmission.
“Well looks like Nightwing is vouching for you” he sat down on the park bench where Conner hadn’t realized he had spaced out for most of the afternoon. “He says to stay put, he’s kinda busy right now but shouldn’t take too long. Anyways I’m Chat Noir, Parisian superhero”
“Never heard of you before but it's nice to meet you” Conner shook his hand even though Chat Noir scowled, dropping the whole playful demeanor.
“No surprise there. You know we spent years asking for the Justice League’s help and they didn’t do shit, they didn’t even open our messages” the half Kryptonian experiment thought that he must have been mistaken.
Sure the Justice League had Superman and was full of a bunch of enhanced beings/meta-humans who would rather have brawns than brains according to his #2 Sperm Donor and refused to allow ‘regular’ humans or even only slightly enhanced on their team even though they knew how to kick ass but they weren’t terrible enough to not answer distress signals, right?
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Nightwing and Batman told my team”
“And you trust their words, just like that?”
“Don’t you?” Chat Noir seemed to stare him down before Conner sighed, hand raking through his naturally curly hair.
“Yeah, I do. Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust him. Never met the other Bats and Birds though”
“Trust me, it’ll be chaotic in a fun way” Chat Noir grinned, a knowing twinkle in his eye. “So, why are you looking for Nightwing? Sorry if its invasive but well, you know what they say about cats”
“Curiosity killed the cat?” Conner questioned, the shit eating grin on Chat Noir’s face grew, like the cat who caught the canary.
“But satisfaction brought it back!”
“It’s kind of a long story, I doubt you’ll want to know the knitty gritty” Conner showed his gloved hands into his leather jacket, sighing.
“I’m all ears”
“So you’re telling me that you were genetically engineered to replace and destroy Superman by using his stolen DNA and the one of his arch enemy Lex Luthor while also being planted with trigger words to make sure Luthor had a way to control you. Superman never even liked you even when he thought you were just a clone of him even though his own kid was pretty chill with you and he met you after the whole Daddy #2 reveal. Which also he used the triggers to make you attack your teammates, the Young Justice, so even though you got the triggers removed you quit and decided to take a break from the hero biz but you don’t really have anyone to trust so your best bet was Nightwing, who you’ve talked to every now and then since he likes messing with Superman and taught you about Kryptonian culture”
“Well yeah basically”
“Holy shit you need to see Dr. Quinzel or something”
“What about you leather boy? What are you even doing in Gotham?” Conner asked with a smirk, feeling comfortable with the feline boy after letting out his whole life story to him.
“Well do we want to start from when my mom died or when I was chosen to be a superhero at thirteen or when the whole city of Paris just expected my partner and I to be able to defeat the full on grown man terrorizing the city all on our own with no help whatsoever?”
“Daddy issues?”
“Pot calling kettle”
🔴⚫🔴⚫🔴 ⚫🔴⚫🔴⚫🔴⚫
“Ugh I can’t believe Ladybug didn’t show up to the fire yesterday” Alya ranted to her classmates, the ones that were still worth talking to that is.
“Dude you do realize that the fire department was there and had everything handled, right?” Nino looked at her skeptically, the two had broken up a few months or so ago now but they still treated each other with decency. At least most of the time.
“Think of all the lives they risked by not showing up!” Lila cried out “How could they leave Paris at their most vulnerable state?”
“I- I’m sure they were busy” Rose squeaked out, trying her best to console her friend. She still held some hope for the heroes of Paris after all!
“Yeah it's not like the firemen were doing their job or anything” Alix rolled her eyes at the group.
“Sabrina!” the ginger girl tensed at her name, turning to see the very much in danger of being akumatized again reporter “Didn’t your dad and the police department have to deal with those bank robbers last week without help of Paris’ heroes?”
“We-Well yes but my dad does that 𑁋”
“They’re just being so selfish! Think of all the people who risk their lives everyday with no magic bulletproof suit. They think they’re above Paris’ everyday problems and only show up when we can’t handle it”
“Surely you aren’t such a fool, Cesaire” Max stated cooly as he typed away on his laptop “Or do you not remember how everything used to function before their arrival”
“Listen here you little nerd!”
“N-No Alya… I know I shouldn’t say this but the truth is… Ladybug is over Paris” Lila began to tear up, hiding her face within her hands as she started to choke up “She and I had a fight a few weeks back; she said she’s tired of dealing with all of Paris’ problems even when I begged her to reconsider! I- I think she’s planning on abandoning us altogether… and we all know we’re doomed without Ladybug there to keep her sidekicks in check”
The room was full of looks of shock and surprise, including that of Miss Bustier who was sitting at her desk. Suddenly that grieving silence was interrupted by laughs coming from the back, Adrien trying to reign in his laughter.
“Oh god,that’s probably the only lie you told that’s partly true Rossi '' the blonde sunshine child had gotten more cynical the longer he spent time in public school. There were rumors he threatened his father with a lawsuit through a third party about child labor laws, something Alya tried researching and asking him about. Apparently Adrien was officially out of the fashion industry.
“She really is a lost cause” Alix had not so subtly whispered to Kim, who nodded along.
“What would you lot know! Besides anyone whose friends with the Ice Queen, Tsurugi is𑁋”
“Actually, Alya” Marinette interrupted “As class vice-president you should be aware that Kagami had her name legally changed. She now goes by Kagami𑁋”
“Oh dear, did you get disowned Kagami?” Lila framed it as an innocent concern but those who knew the real her recognized the mocking tone.
“I owe you no explanations, Rossi” the girl responded back, going back to ignoring the class with Marinette. They still remembered the day she came back to school, most of the class, not including a select few assholes they decided not to name, had looked at her in worry as she branded various bandages and some healing bruises; she had all but ignored them and continued on her regular routine.
Meanwhile that night Bruce Thomas Wayne made a press conference at Wayne Enterprises’ building, with his two oldest Richard John “Dick” Grayson-Wayne and Jason Peter Todd-Wayne.
“Mister Wayne are you really saying you’ve adopted another child?” Lois Lane stood up as the microphone was given to her “What warranted the newest member of the Wayne Clan? Is it a sensitive matter like that of your daughter Cassandra or perhaps like that of Damian’s?”
Bruce made sure to give a flustered look, especially since her husband, one Clark Kent, otherwise known as Kal-El or Superman, was with her.
“Why I must say, those are excellent questions Miss Lane” he started off with a smile “ However, to answer your questions they’ve been a family acquaintance and then friend for some time. It’s not my story to tell but their home life was not the healthiest, it got to the point where my family offered to help them get out of that situation. They were admittedly reluctant to do so but… I suppose a line had been crossed and they asked for our assistance”
The members of the press seemed to deflate at the confession, all drawing up their conclusions to what his words meant and what the newest member had experienced in their life.
“Yes, Ms. Grant?” Dick asked, pointing for them to hand over the microphone for Cat Grant.
“Will we be meeting the newest member of your family anytime soon?”
“They will be properly introduced to the public during the Wayne Gala next month in Paris, they’re still attending school elsewhere but they’ll be transferring to Gotham Academy and properly moving into the estate this upcoming semester”
They were sure the new Wayne would be making headlines when the time arrived.
“You’re serious” Conner asked in awe, “You’d really do that?”
“Oh kitty,” Selina began to brush her fingers across Conner’s curly locks as she held the hurt boy closer to her.
After arriving in Gotham and getting to talk with Nightwing, who when learning about the situation the teen was in had recruited the help of the Gotham Sirens to host the boy as the Wayne’s had a lot of eyes on them after the announcement of an adopted child; Conner didn’t need the attention right now. 
The Sirens had agreed after learning about everything the boy had gone through, Harley agreeing that he needed stability and offered sessions or even having Dinah come visit, while Ivy made sure their place was secure enough to withstand an attack and kept vigilant in case the boy scout decided to come looking for Conner, even if they doubted he’d’ try. Selina tried to get the boy to open up, sharing her own childhood backstory and how she became Catwoman.
That’s when Selina realized that Conner had no family name, he’d even only gone as Superboy until fairly recently. No one bothered to give him a name.
So she offered her own.
“Of course I am. In fact any one of the people in this apartment and even the Bats would offer their name if you asked”
Conner knows that Jon called him an “honorary Kent” on the basis of being his dad’s clone and a Krytonian but Conner never felt like he had earned the name. Clark certainly never offered.
“Conner Kent, they said I should feel free to use that name” Conner sighed “But I don’t think it’s right”
“Well whatever name you choose it’ll be yours. Though I suggest making up your mind soon, Oracle is working on making you some legal documents so you can finally have a ‘normal life’ if that’s what you want”
“What even is normal?” the duo looked behind to see Nathaniel, graphite smudges on his face. The red headed boy was staying over with Harley and Ivy as his new moms and they were working on some more “family bonding time”. If all went well he’d be transferring to Gotham Academy for the new school year.
If Selina remembered correctly his boyfriend and Alfred’s great-nephew would also be moving to Gotham while Alfred’s sister would be placed in a senior center or given a caretaker.
“What happened to you?” Conner muffled a laugh as he took a look at Nathaniel’s state.
“Deadlines” the boy in question said, chugging what they thought was hot coffee, Trixx sleeping on his head, almost camouflaging in the red. “I’m about to go in a 12+ coma, night”
“But its 2 pm?” Conner asked amused, Nathaniel walking out of the room with a wave of his hands before peeking back inside with a smirk.
“By the way, Chat Noir has a thing for black hair and blue eyes”
Selina was amused by the flush Conner was quick to gain and decided that she’d tease him about it another day.
“Chloe, Nino hey!” Adrien waved at his friends as they made their way around the enormous amount of rich/influential people that were attending the first ever Flying Graysons Scholarship celebration in Paris. All of Dupont Francois was allowed to attend, though Lila insisted it was thanks to her connections, because of the amount of students that would be receiving their awards/scholarships that night.
The whole Miraculous team was clad in images to their hero persona via Miraculous by MDC line that Marinette had been working on ever since she quit being class president almost a year ago. They were her most popular designs on her website, even internationally which they had found odd.
Nino was wearing an Anselm inspired bomber jacket along with a standard white button up and black jeans. Chloe was wearing something a bit more formal with a two piece dress with a black top and honey gold pencil skirt with little bees stitched at the hems and some high heels, her hair was let down for once with a pearl hairclip keeping her bangs up.
“I’m guessing you got here with the rest of your not yet adopted family?” Chloe asked while the boy grinned. Adrien had decided that the first thing he would do as a not yet Wayne was to wear other designer clothes that were not from the Gabriel design, and what better clothes than those of his platonic soulmate. Marinette may have gone over the top but he loved her for it; deep emerald dress pants and tie, the tie having subtle cat paws travelling from the top to the bottom where a cat was stitched, a black button up with the same shade of green as the pants on the underside, showing up as he had rolled his sleeves, standard black vans and her iconic bowler hat.
“Well yeah but I also got a date” Adrien smirked at their surprised and offended looks
“And you didn’t tell me!” they both said outraged.
“Guess the cat’s out of the bag now, babe?” the two turned to see Conner, whom they met a handful of times since he tended to hang out alot with the Sirens; he was a cool and overall good guy who just had shitty adults in his life according to Nathaniel, who’d see him when visiting his moms.
“Well at least you have good taste” Chloe gave Conner a one over; he was for once not wearing the same leather jacket he wore as not-Superboy, though he wore a ruby button up with rolled sleeves, a black vest and black jeans making the outfit more of a business casual sort of vibe though his brown combat boots definitely it lean more on casual.
“Thank you, your highness” the Kryptonian bowed much to their amusement “Though I don’t think I got a bad catch either”
“Damn I don’t think we had any betting pools for that” Kim laughed as he walked along with Max. Kim was wearing mocha dress shorts and a beige dress shirt, a mocha bow tie and gray suspenders with little monkeys tied the whole thing together. Max had a more average short sleeved white button up and khakis combination though with the addition of a coffee bowtie and deep coffee formal jacket with small silver horseshoes on the collar it definitely spiced up the look.
“By my calculations you guys were the most unpredictable pairing though it doesn’t surprise me that you got together before LadyRobin”
“LadyRobin? I thought we were going with Daminette or Maridami?” Nino asked amused
“Whatever their name is, those two are taking forever to make a move! For kwami’s sake RedScales/LukaTim already got together months ago” Chloe huffed in annoyance causing the group to laugh in good nature.
The group took quick notice of Conner's sudden stiffness, looking up to see a besticaled man with an overbearing aura, as though his mere presence could overpower you. They had assumed that it was because of his large figure. Until Bruce made his way towards them.
“Clark Kent, right? With the Daily Planet?”
That got reactions from the teens; they were well aware of who the man before them was.
“Right you are sir. It's an honor to meet you in person mister Wayne” Clark laughed politely in a very obviously superficial way.
“I’d hardly call this the first time, after all I know the Daily Planet has a tendency to send you and Miss Lane when covering cases in Gotham” Bruce smiles before looking at the group of teens, as though he had just noticed them, “Ah! I see you’ve met some of the recipients of our Flying Graysons Scholarship”
“Oh, really?” Clark gave a skeptical look as he looked at the teens who were subtly moving Conner away from the center of attention.
“Yes; We have Kim Le Chien as a training olympian swimmer and overall athlete, Nino Lahiffe who’s been getting recognition on short films he’s created for school along with some original soundtracks he’s made and Max Kante and his talent for coding and robotics”
“And what of the others?” the reporter pestered on, though they knew he just wanted to know what Conner was doing there with them,
“ Well,  Adrien Graham de Venily is a family friend, while Chloe Bourgeois is daughter of the mayor and of the fashion mogul Style Queen” he gestured to the two blondes gave cold smiles at the besticaled man “Both they  and Conner Kyle here” he patted Conner’s shoulder, the teen relaxing at a familiar touch before glaring at Clark, “The adopted son of a family friend, will be transferring along with the award recipients considering they’re all friends to Gotham Academy; I rather think its touching how deep their friendship runs”
“Conner… Kyle?”
“Yes. It's my legal name on my birth certificate, Mr.Kent. Do you have a problem with that?” Conner puffed up his chest towards his genetic donor.
“... None at all Mr.Kyle” Clark had then been quickly swept up in a conversation that was truly about nothing that Bruce had distracted him with, allowing the group to leave towards the balcony for some much needed privacy.
“Are you alright, Kon?” Adrien looked up at his boyfriend in concern before the boy sighed with a tired smile.
“I will be”
“I can’t believe Adrien blew me off like this!” Lila cried out on her ride to the Wayne Gala. She didn’t care for the stupid scholarship, her mother’s job could easily send them to wherever the hell they wanted anyway. Alya seemed to believe that she had a chance of getting the award and scoring an interview with the Wayne’s newest member. If Lila had her way then she was sure she would get one of those rich idiots eating out of the palm of her hand by the end of the night. Especially if they were as much of a playboy as Brucie Wayne was.
“Lila you need to realise that Adrien isn’t worth it” Alya soothed “He’s done so much shit to you, he doesn’t deserve your time. I bet you can totally score a better man at the gala than anyone Adrien could hope to be”
“Tha-Thanks Alya, I don’t know where I’d be without my bestie”
The two girls met up with the rest of their school during the reception, though a few noticeable people were not with the group.
“Thank you, everyone for coming today to support this wonderful new foundation” Richard’s voice echoed as he made his way on stage, the audience applauding as he reached the table with all the awards.
“I remember before meeting Bruce I’d travel around the world along with the circus with my parents; we used to perform gravity defying tricks as the Flying Graysons. We’d see the different places of the world but I noticed the differences in the culture and state of living. So now I’d like to honor their memory with the help of dad by giving different gifted and talented kids around the world a chance to flourish and further polish their talents”
Alya was already streaming on the Fox Tea as the crowd clapped. Lila wasn’t impressed though; he may look like money but he was just a circus monkey after all. Though his body certainly looked like a million dollars.
“And to help give out these awards I’d like to invite my family, including my new little sister; Kagami Wayne!”
Lila would feel her nails stab into her palms as the Waynes came out from behind the curtains, a familiar Asian girl with them.
She hated the fact that her dress was as gorgeous as it was.
Kagami hadn’t wanted to go over the top but according to her brothers and sisters she needed to stand on her own lest the media try to brush her off or even try to start shit with Bruce neglecting them. Marinette had worked long and hard on the dress she wore, swearing it was her magnus opus of the Miraculous by MDC summer formal line. A raspberry red thigh high figure hugging dress with a silk skirt and golden embroidery with a dragon wrapping up to her waist. It had been months since Kagami began to rebel against her birthgiver and had grown her hair out enough to curl it and clip it to the side of her hair with a golden hair ornament Bruce had gifted her when the papers went through, pairing nicely with the golden heels, belt and choker she wore.
The rapid flashes of light nearly blinded Lila but somehow none of the Wayne’s seemed affected by them as they just stood and posed for the paparazzi.
“Now we’d like to present the Flying Graysons Scholarship to the following people from Francois Dupont; Marc Anciel, Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Nathaniel Isley-Quinzel, Max Kante, Alix Kubdel, Nino Lahiffe, and Kim Le Chien”
If it weren’t for the fact that she spotted Gabriel earlier in person and could currently see him glaring at the Waynes, Lila would have been counting on Akuma to appear.
“Oh my kwami, please tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing” Marinette stated as she rolled her suitcases behind her, her friends in similar states as they saw the building before them. It was now the end of August by the time they officially moved into their new dorm… or rather new apartment building in which they were the only residents besides Mrs.Anciel-Pennyworth and “Gorilla”. Adrien had sworn all of them to not tell him his former bodyguards real name because he was a big boy who’d investigate it himself.
“Holy shit this man literally just flexed at us” Conner said in awe, lowering his sunglasses to get a better look at the place, it seemed like Bruce had thought ahead and coated certain rooms in lead paint, enough to keep Boy Scout from snooping but to be safe for his friends to not face health issues.
“Okay he’s clearly showing favorites now unless he did the same for the other winners” Alix looked unimpressed.
“Though he certainly did a 180 of this place” Max nodded, as it turned out those months ago this had once been the building where the now extinct gang was keeping their “merch”. Since then they knew Wayne Enterprises had bought it out but they hadn’t realized that Bruce would refurbish it and make it into their new living place.
“Seriously, Mr.Wayne you didn’t have to spend𑁋” Nathaniel began, looking as the man came out with his own kids to help with the move and to get Kagami, Marc and Adrien settled.
“Don’t worry about it. It was like spending money at the dollar store for him” Jason ruffled his hair before picking up some boxes and taking them inside.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to buy us out” Luka said as they finished up the tour of the glorified dorm/ mansion.
The building had what they called six visible floors;
The rooftop had an indoor pool and was fully furnished to hold campfires or even barbecues if they wanted as well as a collapsable roof.
The sixth floor is where the music studio and labs were. Both were soundproof, reinforced and had monitors linked up to Big Sister aka Hecate ( the artificial intelligence Barbara had worked on to reassure Bruce that the kids wouldn’t die in their dorm. She was no replacement for Alfred however Guillaume ‘Gorilla’ Durand promised to do his best in taking care of the children’s well-being and that of Alise.) who would warn them if their activities were reaching dangerous levels.
The fifth floor was called the Artist Alley. Half of it was occupied by Marinette and Chloe as they developed Lady Luck (trademark pending) by MDC while Marc and Nathaniel occupied the other half with their studio to develop their series “The Adventures of Illustrator and Reverser”. They thought it was good but both had realised that they wanted to try making a more mature, probably teen targeted, series; (Teen) Titans was their current working title.
The third and second was what they called the residential floors, the right side holding the girls’ dorm while the left had the boys’.The second floor also had rooms they would use for guests though each room also had a pull out couch just in case. Each dorm had a private bathroom with a full bathtub, sink and toilet, full sized room, closet, and computer desk with a comfortable amount of space to rearrange or add their own items. Each floor had their own entertainment system, kitchen and dining room that helped separate the rooms. On the third floor was Marinette, Kagami, Chloe and Alix on one side while Adrien, Luka, Nino and Conner were on the other. The second floor had Alise and Gorilla on the right while Max, Kim, Nathaniel and Marc lived on the left. 
The first floor was the entrance, the first part looking like your standard lobby though it still had a mailbox for all its residents for the mailmen to drop off their letters and packages, fully equipped with a detector just in case anything passed any screening before. People could only make it to the elevator if they were accompanied by one of the residents or were identified as welcomed/ not persona non grata by Hecate. The other side of the first floor was the game room; different game systems, DDR system, pool table, darts boards, foosball table, and chess/checkers table were scattered around the remaining space of the room.
The basement was a fully dedicated gym. It had about every machine one would find at a regular gym along with a basketball court and a place for practicing gymnastics though there were nets and safety mats installed along any area where they could have accidents on them.
The first secret floor was where their special gym was, the floor hidden by thick lead underneath the basement. There they had equipment that they could use to train their extraordinary abilities. Any equipment in it was super strength resistant for Conner to blow off some steam without fearing he’d ruin it for his friends. Training dummies were also in their own section for them to train without having to go to the Batcave. There was a place to meditate and find quiet amongst the chaotic building, soundproof but monitored by Hecate. The room was also made to withstand any natural disaster, including a disaster caused by Superman or a rampaging Joker. 
Beneath the building was also an underground tunnel, it was connected to the Batcave and could be used to escape in case of an emergency or for a direct route from the cave without having to go out on the surface. There was also another one that was connected to a safehouse where they would meet in case shit really hit the fan. It was big enough for them to use their hidden motorcycles, leave traps for any followers or to run; whichever they had the liberty to do .
“Brucie didn’t pay for everything” Dick laughed
“Yes, Jagged insisted he help with at least the music and art floors” Damian informed them in a monotone voice, though he did try stealing glances from Marinette.
“Plus Lex Luthor may or may not be missing some hidden money that may or may not have been used for all the gym equipment and the labs. Y’know evil guy pocket change” Tim laughed as Luka just snuggled to his little evil genius of a boyfriend.
“Well if he was buying us out I’d say it’s working”
“He’s conspiring against us”
“He’s making his own team of teenagers”
“So you’re saying that Wayne is the Batman? And that he’s making his own teen superhero team?” Flash, Barry Allen, found himself questioning their leader during yet another Justice League meeting at the Hall of Justice.
“Well there have been more vigilante reports in Gotham” Wonder Woman, Diana, added on, looking through the newest blurry photos that the internet was able to scavenge up. Like the other photos they were all blurry and covered them by shadows. 
“And Sup— Conner was amongst the children that transferred into Gotham Academy “ he admitted reluctantly, their screens showing the list of all Flying Graysons Foundation Scholarship before narrowing them by those who would be staying in Gotham.
“Conner? But I thought—“ Martian Manhunter asked from his seat.
“All these papers look legal enough,” Barry said as he took a closer look at the copies of the birth certificate and school records for one Conner Kyle.
“We can’t even say these are fake or forged because he never had one to begin with” Diana further admonished though Kal brushed over it.
“And you suspect that the other scholarship students are in on it?” Aquaman, King Orin or Arthur Curry, asked skeptically. The children who had won the scholarship seemed about as average as normal children could go other than the fact that they had different specialities or talents, awards already to their names in recognition and that they attended the same school as the newest Wayne, Kagami.
“Well there’s no evidence that points towards that” Hawkwoman, Shayera Hol, admonished “These are merely children; accusing them of such things is most dishonorable if we have no evidence against them”
“We are well aware of the animosity between the League and the Batman” Red Tornado informed in his normal monotone voice.
“And we know you and Conner had a hard falling out after… All that happened those months back” Starfire, Koriand’r the alien princess of Tamarand and supervisor of the Young Justice, stated as diplomatically as she could.
“Are you sure you aren't blowing this out of proportions? This could just be Superboy moving on with his life. Perhaps he found someone to adopt him as their own” when certain people failed to was the silent addition most could hear out of Diana’s voice.
Barry Allen knew they had a reason to fear these rumors.
If the limited, and he meant the bare minimum, information Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, had told him of the secret alliance of heroes who weren’t part of the Justice League was anything to go by.
He just hoped that they hadn’t done anything to anger these new blood.
AO3 Ko-Fi
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jacks-jester · 4 years
[Jerome Valeska x Reader]
Words: 2,136
Warnings: Extreme aggression, someone gets the shit beat out of them, murder, toxic jealousy traits
Requested? Yes / No
Summary: After your childhood best friend and long time crush is broken out of Arkham alongside you, and a few other inmates, you have to adapt under Theos watchful eyes. What will happen when one of the female escapees becomes a little to close to Jerome for your comfort?
A/N~ Thank you for the request! Anon I’m definitely am willing to write smut for Jerome, I’ll just need a bit of time to sort it out since I haven’t dabbled in smut quite yet. I’ll definitely keep that other request in mind though!
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Autumn leaves, the type that crunch underneath your feet in the most satisfying way, their fiery colors blinding your vision yet so beautiful you can’t look away. Thats what always came to mind when you thought of your best friend Jerome Valeska - the spunky, albeit a bit psychotic, ginger, carnie kid. You and Jerome had both grown up traveling with Haly’s Circus, the two of you becoming friends the moment you met each other. Your parents were acrobats, you and your mother specializing in Lyra aerial work. You and Jerome could always be found causing mischief around the carnival grounds: loosening a few safety net ropes, loosening the board for the knife throwers Wheel of Death, sharpening the sword swallowers knives a bit too sharp.
You were kids, and kids liked causing trouble, you and Jerome both craved attention. So often were your parents the center of attention, it was rare they’d pay you any mind at all aside from aerial practice. You hated your parents, maybe the hatred was undeserved but nobody could deny that they were neglectful to say the least. Jerome on the other hand, he had every right to be livid with his mother. She was a whore, a drunk, and abused Jerome to no end, even letting her brother get it on the action occasionally - Jerome's uncle preferring scalding soups and oils to the hitting Lila normally took up when harming Jerome. You and Jerome never separated form each other, always there for each other through thick and thin.
When news broke of Jerome's arrest, you went totally, and completely ape shit, blinded with rage at the fact Lila and several others could get away with abusing Jerome and yet Jerome, when he defended himself, was arrested and charged. It was in that moment you decided you were without a doubt going to burn this corrupt, and wretched city to the ground one day, no matter the cost. You later on got apprehended after word broke that you assisted Jerome in hiding the body and were planning on helping him dispose of it. You didn’t know he was going to do it, but when you found out what took place you were anything but mad, instantly assisting Jerome in the clean up. Apparently conspiring to hide a murder and sticking up for a “madman” gave you a one way ticket to Arkham Asylum in this city. 
You and Jerome hadn’t been locked up for long when the break out happened, blue gas being the last thing you remember from the asylum. You and seven other inmates were broken out that day, though only seven of you made it through Theos “orientation”, if you could even call it that. Jerome and you had adapted the quickest out of the group, the two of you bouncing off the walls at the newly found freedoms Theo had given to you. Overall you didn’t mind the other inmates, aside from one of them, she was the only other inmate you and Jerome's age. Her real name was Dixie Smith, about as bland as you can get, she gave herself the nickname of Trix however. 
Imagine the most arrogant and obnoxious person you could imagine, the obsessive and clingy type, like a leech that just continued to fester and  thrive off your energy until you were nothing but a sorry shell of the person you once were. That was Dixie, you called her Dixie purposefully to get on her nerves, Jerome even joining your petty little game of annoying the annoyer. Dixie was in Arkham for the murder of her tutor, apparently she’d gotten fed up with her math work and stabbed the teacher with her compass needle. She was a stuck up, rich, daddy's girl who was supposed to spend a two weeks in Arkham with the help of Daddy's money. She was just in these for a rebellious spurt, wanting to prove she wasn’t like every other millionaires daughter apparently. You couldn’t stand her.
It was the day of the Maniax media debut, Jerome painting the teams name on the outfits of a few shipyard employees and tossing them off I roof. The images on the news were incredible, the police were all over the case but weren’t getting anywhere near the team. Only four of the members went out to finish the media stunt, Jerome being among those four. You and the to other girls stayed at Theos instead, Dixie whining continuously the entire time the group of boys were gone. She kept going on about how she missed ‘Her Jerome’, though she was sorely mistaken if she believed that to be true. 
It was a few hours before they returned, having to be careful to escape any stray police officers. Jerome as always was grinning like, well... like a maniac when he came back, instantly taking a seat at the head of the large dining table, his legs and arms sprawled in a relaxed posture. You were about to approach him with some clever quip when you were shoved out of the way by a hyperactive cockroach of a girl, Dixie immediately making her way over to Jerome and plopping herself down in his lap, her arms wrapping over his shoulders. 
You could feel you blood boiling as she sweet talking to him, though you were disappointed he wasn’t shoving her off or at least detesting her actions. However, what caused you to snap wasn’t Dixie, oh no, it was Jerome. Rather than continuing your inside joke of calling Dixie by her name, he said something that made you wish he’d just said he nickname. “Long time no see Trixie. Miss me much dollface?” You could feel your vision go green with jealousy as you entered autopilot, your body moving on its own accord. You stormed over to where they were sitting, your hand gripping Dixies obnoxious braid and roughly pulling her off Jerome and to the ground.
Jerome didn’t move, his lips only quirking into a smirk as he watched the scene unfold before him, amusement sparkling in his intense gaze. Dixie shouted in surprise, a yelp of pain emitting from her mouth as her hair was tugged on. “What the fuck was that for you fucking bitch?!” Dixie looked at you with rage in her eyes, outraged at the thought someone would dare lay a hand on her. You shrugged, glaring her down, “Is the princess hurt? Daddy isn’t gunna buy you out of this one ‘dollface’.” You spit the pet name out with venom and disgust, as if it were poison on your tongue. “Next time think a second before touching things that aren’t yours, that must be hard for you though.”
Dixies eyes made eye contact with y/n, embarrassment and frustration clear within them. “Bite me.” Y/n only chuckled in response, “Is that all you’ve got princess?” Dixie let out a scream of annoyance, flipping out a concealed blade and holding it out to y/n in a threatening matter. “Try me.” Y/n looked Dixie up and down for a moment before impishly grinning, “Alright.” Without a moments hesitation, y/n darted towards Dixie, carefully dodging each unplanned swing the cockroach made. Dixies skills with weapons were honestly laughable, devastatingly uncoordinated in comparison to the carnie knife throwers y/n had grown up around. Y/n ducked as Dixie swung wildly at her, y/n bringing their leg out which caused Dixie to tumble to the ground, the obnoxious girls knife gliding across the floor and away from her. 
Y/n quickly found herself perched atop Dixie, straddling the smaller girls waist as she began laying blow after blow on the tanned girls skin. Welts almost instantly formed as y/n layed it on her, blood seeping out of Dixies clearly broken nose and busted lip. The girl underneath y/n was now screaming and sobbing at this point as her face became nearly unrecognizable. Only with Theo stepping in did y/n climb off of Dixie, stepping to stand beside Theo as the beat up girl tried to stand trying to run off without a word. Y/n decided to have one last jab as the girls back was turned, attempting to retreat to her room. Y/n leant down and picked up Dixies discarded knife, “You forgot something princess.” With that y/n put her knife throwing practice to use, the knife quickly flying across the room and embedding itself in Dixies side.
Y/n watched as Theo let out a small hum of amusement as Dixie collapsed on the staircase. Theo slowly made his was over to Dixie, quickly picking up on the fact she was still conscious. “My apologies Ms. Morgan but you’ve confirmed me and Tabitha's fears, you’re not cut out to be a part of our... operation. And you know to much which unfortunately leaves us with only one choice.” Without so much as another word, the delirious and sobbing girl was dragged out of the room by Tabitha. Greenwood began capping slowly from the opposite side of the room, “Nice work, I call dibs on her when Tabitha's done. Its been a while since I’ve had fresh meat, pork hasn’t been up to par lately.” Despite the joking tone of Greenwoods words, you knew he was serious and cringed a bit. 
Your eyes flick to Jerome for a moment before looking away, instead opting to go to your room. You were only stopped a way down the hall, familiar arms wrapping around your waist from behind and spinning you around. “Gunna just ignore me after I was gone all day?” Y/n turned and glared lightly before continuing their walk, Jerome catching up to walk alongside you. “Ahhh.. the silent treatment, I only know one cure for that.” Without another word, Jerome flipped you around to face him, his lips immediately clashing against yours. It wasn't the first time you and Jerome had kissed, just in the past it was teenage curiosity induced by stolen alcohol or simply out of boredom. The way his lips moved passionately against yours, his teeth gently nipping out your bottom lip was different than the innocent kisses from before. 
You pulled away slowly, your e/c eyes meeting his dark brown, nearly ebony eyes. You caught your breath, both from the kiss and the intensity in which he was now staring at you with. His signature smirk decorated his face as he looked down at you, “ That was quite a show you put on out there doll.” You and Jerome always had a strange friendship, walking a fine line between best friends and romantic. He had always called you doll or dollface, knowing it flustered you, which you supposed is why you had snapped when you heard him mutter the pet name to Dixie. You didn’t respond, only turned away in annoyance and embarrassment.
 His fingers found their way under your chin, guiding you to turn and look at him. “I like when you're possessive, you always have this fire burning behind your eyes when you get mad. What's was it you said to Dixie?” Jerome feigned mock confusion and thoughtfulness for a second to annoy you. He clicked his tongue as it ‘came to him’, “Think a second before touching things that aren’t yours’ wasn’t that it?” You glared up at him as he continued jesting at you, his eyes aflame with mischievous amusement. You rolled your eyes lightly, only reconnecting with his when he spoke up again. “Doesn’t sound to bad does it? We could probably be the most badass, freakish power couple there ever was. I can see it in the headlines now: J and Dollface: Homicidal maniacs murder thousands.” You knew he was joking around but couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered around your stomach at the implication of you two being an item.
You let out a soft sigh and looked away, your arms crossed across your chest, “Don’t joke about that stuff J.” He quirked an eyebrow at you before his smirk returned, “What if it weren’t a joke, then what dollface? I only messed with here to get a rise out of you, get your attention.” You looked at him with confusion, trying to see if he was telling the truth or not. “What do you say dollface?” You didn't say anything, instead opting to pull him into another deep kiss, his hand immediately finding your waist. It seemed like you were kissing for an eternity before you pulled away, your foreheads pressed against each other, your lips staying only a few inches part. Jerome squeezed your waist lightly, pulling you flush against him. You flushed lightly as his next word came out a low, raspy growl, “Mine.”
You couldn’t help the smile that quickly made its way to your face, only replying with one word in return, “Mine.”
[I’m gunna try to time my rights from now on.]
Time: 1 hour, 33 minutes
Not grammar reviewed yet so apologies for any typos. 
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shi-daisy · 5 years
New Beginnings
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Hello again my fellow shippers! Today's day three of Ulquihime week and I'm not gonna lie, this theme was giving me a bit of trouble, since I had an idea for it but used it last year with another prompt. So instead I just made a sort of sequel to that particular entry. If you don't want to go back and read that one I'll just give you a mini summary here.
Basically this is a canon divergent AU in which Orihime dosen't marry Ichigo and runs away from the wedding when she finds out he's not truly in love with her. After her escape she reunited with Ulquiorra and he helped calm her down. That's where the first prompt ended. So here's what would happen after. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 3- Reunion/Caught
New Beginnings
"Ulquiorra, you've been glued to that phone for almost three hours now. Please stop before you go blind." Halibel chided him.
"Leave him be Hali, he's still waiting for pet-sama to reply," Nnoitra told her. The comment earned him a cushion to the face, courtesy of Zommari.
"All of you be quiet! I am not waiting for a reply. Orihime answered already."
"Would ya look at that, Ulquiorra's finally getting some!"
Once he silenced Nnoitra with cushions Ulquiorra went back to the chat. It had been almost a month since he last saw Orihime.
After she ran away from her wedding and they met by chance, he had allowed her to spend the night in his house. The next day one of her friends came to pick her up, and the redhead promised to keep in touch with him. He hadn't seen her personally since, but they messaged each other very often. Last week however, the messages had abruptly stoped, and he'd gotten worried.
Today those worries ended, as Orihime not only wrote to him but she asked to meet him in a cafe tomorrow.
"She says she's got a surprise. Should that be concerning?"
Halibel was standing nearby. She chuckled at the question. "Not really. I'm sure she's just happy to finally see you. From what you tell me, the girl needed comfort desperately."
"I'm still enraged at Kurosaki for what he did. A part of me wants to get revenge."
"That's not gonna be possible. Unless you want to get smashed against the wall again." His friend replied sarcastically.
"A small price to pay, but the woman told me not to get in 'trouble' for her sake. So I won't interfere unless she asks."
"Good. It's nice to know someone in this house isn't a reckless moron." The green-eyed blonde glared at Nnoitra, who rolled his eyes.
"I only tried to fight a cop one time!"
Ulquiorra decided to ignore the bickering and concentrate on hid phone. Being a human might've gotten easier, but not dealing with his old comrades.
"Now remember, be nice, let her speak but don't stay too quiet, and for the love of all that's good just ask her out properly."
Halibel and Szayel had been helping him get ready for the meeting. Ulquiorra was still nervous, but he hoped for the best.
"You two are going to ruin his chances of scoring. He looks like he came out of a band Tesla likes."
"Says the man who looks like the lovechild of a sewer goblin and Slenderman." Szayel didn't even turn to look at Nnoitra as he finished brushing Ulquiorra's hair'. "Done! Now the princess won't take her eyes off of you."
"Thank you Szayel, thank you Halibel."
"At your service!"
"I'll get going then, I want to be early for our meeting."
"Just make sure that if you bring the cutie home, you put a sock in the door."
Ulquiorra ignored Nnoitra's comment. Letting Szayel deal with him.
"I'm beginning to understand why I am the only one with a boyfriend here," Szayel commented. "You need an intervention, Jirga."
"Me? You're the one dating Starrk!"
As the bickering began Ulquiorra headed for the door and waved goodbye to Halibel.
The cafe was near his house, and from what he could see it was not too busy. Orihime's hadn't arrived yet. He picked a table and was ready to sit down, until he noticed someone skating right towards him.
"Watch out!"
He recognized Orihime's voice, and caught her before she could crash into him.
"Hi Ulquiorra! It's been a while. You look great!"
When she smiled Ulquiorra went speechless. He recovered quickly, and let her sit with him.
"I take it you work here?"
"Yes. My friend Riruka is the manager and I've been working here for a week now. That's why it took me a bit to reply, sorry if you were worried."
"Don't apologize. I'm glad you've found a job you like. The uniform suits you as well."
"Really? I didn't think black was my color."
"To be fair, you look good in any clothes."
Orihime blushed from the compliment. "Thank you. So, what have you been up to? Are the others still around?"
He sighed. "Regrettably so, Cyan and Tesla moved out a while ago, and if Starrk proposes to Szayel soon then it's likely they'll move out as well."
Orihime giggled. "I know they drive you mad sometimes but I'd love to live in house that lively."
"Tell me that after you spent a week with Nnoitra as a roommate. Speaking of which, are you still rooming with Arisawa-san?"
"Not exactly, Tatsuki-chan is traveling due to competitions, but she did leave me the apartment. Once I get a place of my own I'll move out, being on Karakura it's a little draining."
He knew what she referred to, it was clear in her voice. Ulquiorra found it hard to hide his rage, still, he managed to calm down.
"You know that if you cannot stand to stay in Karakura any longer, you're more than welcome to stay with me."
"I know, and I'm incredibly grateful for that. But when I finally settle in Naruki, I want it to be on my own. I can't keep depending on others forever. Besides, you dealt with enough of my crying, that night, already."
Yes, that fateful night when they met again. It was supposed to be her wedding that to the man she loved, and instead, all she could do was cry.
And yet, a part of him was happy things turned out the way they did. That he got to see her again, and even establish a friendship. 'But at what cost? This isn't what she wanted and you know it.'
"Ulquiorra? Are you ok?"
Orihime must've noticed his change in mood, so he hid it away yet again. "I'm fine."
"You're thinking about the day we met again, aren't you?"
"My apologies. You probably don't even want to think about that night but I can't seem to let it go.
It's selfish of me to be happy about this when you lost the man you loved."
Orihime put her hand over his. "Ulquiorra, you're not the only one who's happy things turned out this way.
I did love Ichigo, and I was fully ready to marry him, I gave up college and internships to stay in Karakura with him, but he burned that away in just a moment. I refuse to be the one grieving.
He's the one who lost out on a devoted loving wife. Let him carry the grief if he has any at all.
I'm immensely happy to have gotten out when I did. My life's not going to be wasted on a loveless marriage, and I'm happy that you're a part of my new life. So don't be angry on my behalf."
Ulquiorra smiled. "I've always known you were a strong woman, but this is far more than I expected. You've grown a lot Orihime. You should be proud."
"Thank you. It’s nice to know that someone thinks of me as such.” Orihime smiled. “Now, let’s go onto more cheerful matters. I got you a gift! Here!"
She handed him a small dark blue box, Ulquiorra opened it to find a replica of the bracelet he had given her when they were enemies, only this bracelet was made to fit him.
"Do you like it? It's not real silver but it matches the one I have. So we can both wear them at the same time."
In the past six years he'd been a human Ulquiorra never felt moved to cry, until now. "I shall treasure it forever. Thank you." He immediately put it on, the bracelet was a perfect fit. "Now, I'll be the one to spoil you for a while."
The evening only had so many hours, but he intended to make good use of them all. After having a nice dinner at the cafe, he took Orihime to the movies. It was about a SciFi story he had yet to read, but seeing how happy Orihime was while watching he knew he made the right choice. After that he let her pick the activity.
"We could go skating. Would you like that?"
"I have no problems with that, but aren't you tired of skating at work?"
"Not really, I love doing it. Besides it's different when you skate carrying food and when you do it with a partner."
"Alright then, let's go to the skate park."
Relief washed over him when the park was almost empty. Truth to be told Ulquiorra wasn't proficient at any sport, including skating.
While Orihime was busy putting on her skates, he went over to nearby post and got a bouquet of hibiscus flowers.
When he got back she was done with her skates and had tied her orange hair into pigtails. He thought she looked even cuter.
"Here. I thought it would be fair to get you a gift as well." Ulquiorra handed her the bouquet.
Orihime was almost gentle when holding the flowers. She took a deep breath, enjoying the secent. "They're gorgeous, thank you. How did you know this was my favorite flower?"
"They're the flower on your headpins."
"True. I like that you always notice things like that. It's one of your best traits."
That made him flustered. It didn't matter how much time they spent together he would never get used to Orihime's cute compliments.
Once the the two were ready they headed for the track and began skating. His balance wasn't the best but thankfully he didn't slip.
"Thanks for tonight. It's been the most fun I've had in a while."
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, that almost made him fall. Orihime held on tightly to him.
"Caught ya!" she chuckled. "You don't skate much, do you?"
"Busted. I rarely do anything sporty. Although that's likely to change."
"Yes. If I am going to be spending time with you, I'll learn in no time."
"Are you asking me out?"
"I am. Would you accept this invitation?"
"Yes, absolutely."
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
Comic book Zatanna is VERY different from YJ Zatanna. To such a degree that rather than look at YJ Zatanna as an adaptation of her, I pretty much just think of them as entirely different characters. Like YJ Zatanna is named after her older cousin or something, who’s too busy dealing with mystical threats to ever show up onscreen. Its pretty significant what a difference changing a character’s age and what generation they’re a part of can make.
(Its also why I don’t ship Dick/Zatanna in YJ. My go-to Zatanna will always be the comics one, who’s like....dated his DAD. Its like how a couple of adaptations have tried to pair Bruce/Babs as a nod to like waaaaaaaaaaaaaay early versions of Batgirl, when like...no, Babs has dated Dick, his son, in way too many comics and cartoons what are you even doing, I DISREGARD YOU, FALSE CANON. Anyway.)
So, in the comics, Zatanna is the same age as Bruce, or near enough. And she and Bruce have a long history together, (including at times a romantic one) because in some continuities, before he was Batman, when he was still traveling the world and learning from every teacher he could, he frequently visited circuses and carnivals and the like. They were where he learned escape artist tricks, picked up things from magicians’ acts like Zatanna’s (such as sleight of hand and misdirection, etc), and acrobatics. Its literally been given as a reason he was at Haly’s Circus the night Dick’s parents died - he was scoping out their act to see if there were any tricks he could learn from or incorporate into his own repertoire.
What I’m getting at is Bruce knew Zatanna even before he was Batman for the exact same reason he met Dick. He inserted himself into the circles both of them traveled in as members of performer families with a generations long history with circuses and Vegas and carnivals and the like.
Which means....take Bruce out of the equation, and there’s still every chance that Dick and Zatanna’s paths could have crossed while they were both still performers. And that their families could have known each other.
So! AU where Zatanna was in Gotham visiting friends at Haly’s the night the Graysons died. And rather than watch Dick get shoved into an uncaring system when they took him away from the circus and refused to let him stay with them, the Mistress of Magic spirited Dick away and took custody of him herself. 
Leading to Dick being raised by Zatanna instead of Bruce, continuing to work as a performer alongside her but now her magician’s assistant instead of an acrobat - though he still kept up with his acrobatics thanks to Zee’s acrobat friends letting him train on their trapeze whenever he had the itch to fly again. Dick grows up learning escape artist tricks and all the misdirection and sleight of hand Bruce learned from magicians, but straight from the source this time rather than via Bruce.
And eventually, Dick - child prodigy that he is - discovers that Zatanna’s act is the equivalent of hiding in plain sight, the perfect misdirection to cover up that she is a real magician, a homo sapiens magi, born naturally gifted in the mystic arts and one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world. Dick might not ever have her natural aptitude for HER type of magic, but there are many kinds of magic in the world, and thanks to her work (both professional and as a reserve member of the Justice League and occasional superheroine herself). Zatanna knows all the best and most talented magicians and sorcerers in the world. And many of those, Dick CAN learn from.
All of which leads to him eventually sneaking out as a vigilante on his own, combining his acrobatics with things like knife throwing and flashy misdirection that disguises his actual conjurings and spellwork when in the midst of battle. His specialties are illusion magics, spells of disguise and manipulation of shadows, vanishing into smoke and conjuring temporary doubles out of mirrors, etc. Just enough of what he does isn’t real that villains never see it coming when he conjures a real fireball right after they’d identified enough of the previous ones as harmless illusions and thought it was safe to stop dodging. Instead of it being just about raw power, he builds upon his ability to craft and sell an act. 
Eventually he forms the Teen Titans with other sidekicks like Wonder Girl, Speedy, Kid Flash and Aqualad...as well as Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl, protégé of the Batman. Even his best friends couldn’t say how much he’s actually capable of - though with them, its not because he doesn’t trust them though, merely because he’s a troll. He always dismisses any talk of him being a sorcerer or calling what he does magic. Instead he just grins and winks and says he knows a few tricks, is all. What he considers ‘a few’ or how far he stretches the definition of ‘a trick’, well, that’s anyone’s guess.  His entire hero career and reputation spins out of the fact that he COULD be one of the more powerful sorcerers to walk the earth....or he could simply be a great actor who makes the most out of a relative handful of lesser spells within his capabilities. Even his own teachers can’t say for sure. Every time someone thinks they’ve got his range figured out, he mischievously pulls out a new spell his previous shows of power have never hinted he’d be capable of, just to keep people guessing. 
And maybe Zatanna and Dick are back performing in Gotham one winter, and Dick’s off visiting Batgirl while they’re in town, and Zatanna takes a stroll through town and passes through Crime Alley. No particular reason, its just an expedient route and she hardly is someone to take its reputation as a reason she of all people should be concerned.
Which is when a homeless street kid named Jason Todd tries to pick her pocket. Naturally, it doesn’t exactly work out for him, given who she is, but Zatanna Zatara is one to appreciate the irony of someone trying to pick HER pocket...as well as impressed at how close he comes to actually managing it. She takes him to a diner to feed him, coaxes enough of his story from him to figure out he has no one to look out for him and will never trust Gotham’s foster system (not that she’d blame him, given what she saw of it when she first took custody of Dick and had doubts about whether she was doing the right thing for him)...and figuring since it worked out well for her the first time she went down this road, offers Jason a fresh start elsewhere with her and Dick.
It isn’t long before Jason’s intellect and skilled hands prove equally effective at sleight of hand and magician’s tricks, as well as an eager student for every bit of actual magic his new big brother shares, along with what he learns from the teachers Zee and Dick both introduce him to. Over time, he gravitates towards different tutors specialties than Dick though. Illusions and mindgames, smoke and mirrors...that fits Dick’s natural showmanship and performer’s nature, but its not Jason’s style. Oh, he can bluff the hell out of anyone, never play poker with him, and his natural bravado easily translates into working a crowd and playing a stage alongside Zee and Dick when working. Its just not his preference is all. 
No, he goes more for practical magic, straightforward approaches to achieving his intended results. Cut out the bullshit. Spells of primal force or elemental magicks, charms and runes of strength, healing and protection to augment his capabilities when he wades into a fight fists first and just starts brawling. He’s not afraid to summon a demon or two and make a bargain to achieve his ends - he’s even got the names of a couple inked into his skin as tattoos, a summoning shortcut that lets him call on his personal faves in a moment of desperation. Even demons have trouble circumventing a summoning or breaking free of its parameters when those things are etched permanently onto his body. 
Dick does tend to have a few elemental spirits always nearby and easily summoned without much notice or prep time, but Dick being Dick, in his case its just because he made friends with them. There’s a couple of wind sprites always hanging around on the off-chance he gets into a fight and might need their help. They find such instances to be extremely fun and exciting, and also they’ve adopted the fun little bird human who flies as a kindred spirit.
In contrast, Jason comes home one day and Zatanna catches him trying to change the coverings on a new tattoo without her noticing. She's not mad because he's fifteen and not supposed to be getting tattoos. She's not exactly thrilled about that either, but no, of greater concern to her is the fact that the tattoo is a name written in a long dead alphabet. A name she recognizes as that of a primordial demon she was extremely clear about being one of those forces beyond her teenage son's ken, and which he most certainly was not supposed to be messing around with.
Jason's expression tightens mulishly and Zatanna longs for the days when that was just purple prose she read in books sometimes while wondering vaguely how that even worked and what that actually looked like.
"Dick said I had to," her younger son says. He folds his arms across his chest defiantly. Zatanna closes her eyes and counts to five.
"I did not!" her older son yells right on schedule. The air shimmers like heat waves rising off pavement on a hot summer day and Dick drops the cloaking spell he's been using to eavesdrop. She's not sure why he even bothered with the thing; they both knew he was there the whole time. Not because his spell hadn't been text book perfect and beyond even her ability to pierce mystically, but because Dick tended to forget all the magic in the world can't keep predictable behavior from being predicted.
"You literally said Jason, you gotta do the thing," Jason insists, doubling down. Dick's arms flail like an anthropomorphic windmill tripping on shrooms.
"No, I literally said Jason, don't do the thing," Dick shrieks, cartoonishly outraged. Zatanna fights back a small smile despite the situation. She's seen her eldest smoothly engage a minor deity in a verbal chess match as the fate of his fellow Teen Titans hung in the balance, all without once breaking a sweat. One blatant lie delivered straight to his face by his younger brother though, and he went zero to sixty in two point five seconds, skipping straight past the realization he was being played. Zee still had every intention of grounding her youngest for the next decade for being so dumb as to ink himself with a mystical tether to a demon that once ate an entire civilization - yes, ate - but that didn't mean she couldn't also be impressed at Jason's attempt at finessing himself out of this situation. He'd jumped straight to the only thing that had even had a prayer of distracting Zee from his teenage idiocy - Dick at Defcon Five. Now if only she could get him to apply that same level of forethought to things like oh, the possible longterm consequences of giving a supernatural Being of Mass Destruction a direct dial up connection to him....
Dick turns desperate eyes on her. "Seriously Mom, I swear. I said the actual words 'Jason NO.'"
"See?" Jason flings his arm at his brother in triumphant vindication. "Have you met me? Everyone knows that's code for 'Jason YES.'"
"Oh my god, I will curse you to rot the pages of every first edition you touch," Dick hisses dramatically. Jason pales briefly, but rallies.
"And really, how is this any different from when you slept with Batgirl and I said that was a really bad idea and its totally gonna end up biting you in the ass, and then you said that I shouldn't have told you to do it then?"
"That's completely different," Dick howls, reverting back to Windmill, Drunk In A Windstorm. "You said 'Don't be mad, but that new scrying spell I was trying accidentally locked on to Batgirl instead of Batman and I saw her walking home from school out of costume just for a second before I shut off the spell but spoiler alert, she doesn't wear a wig while in costume, she really is a redhead even with her cowl off, which means now you gotta sleep with her, like, we all know its gonna happen anyway now. PS its Barbara Gordon, that's the punchline, you're already obsessed with her, oh crap now you're gonna be insufferable huh.' Which by the way, I so am not. Jerk."
"Yes," Jason says slowly and with exaggerated patience. Zatanna's migraine builds and builds. "And then I said, 'Dick, no, stop, I was making a joke, you don't actually have to...' and you said 'No, but I gotta'. Your shirt was practically already off by the time I finished saying 'redhead.'"
"Well, duh! Of course it was! Have you met me?" Dick volleys back in what Zee really hopes is her eldest making a deliberate callback to her youngest's earlier crack, and not some bizarre teenage superstition that has him actually thinking nope nope those thoughts are in the Bad Place, Zatanna, its absolutely believable that Dick is actually still twelve and the boys are just using embellishing language to feel grown up. C'mon, if you try hard enough you can milk a good thirty more seconds of denial about your son's sex life, you're literally magic, you can do this.
The ludicrousness of it all is so effortlessly identical to his brother's idiocy just moments prior, Zatanna has a brief, uncharitable thought that the Graysons had a second child they gave up for adoption and nobody ever told either of the boys. She opens her mouth to put a stop to the nonsense, but what comes out:
"You slept with Bruce's protégé?"
Dick pauses mid-rant and fidgets uneasily. His eyes dart around the room as if expecting the Batman to appear, summoned by the power of his name. "Umm. Only a couple times?" he says slash asks, warily.
"On several different occasions," Jason adds gleefully. Zatanna rubs her temples and rounds on him before Dick can return fire.
"And you tried to scry Batman?"
"Umm," Jason stutters. Stops. Aims an accusing finger at his brother again. "Dick dared me to!"
"That's it! Curse coming right up," Dick snaps, fingers crooking into arcane gestures.
"Enough! Both of you!" Zatanna feels slightly guilty when both boys fall silent and hunch over, metaphorical tails between their legs. Even when they were being obnoxious, it was still weirdly charming in a way - eww, who even was she right now? Maternity was a mistake. Still, she couldn't find it in herself to bring down the full force of her ire when all they were doing really was being....ridiculous boys being ridiculous brothers. She sighs and contemplates telling them just to go to bed, they'd discuss it in the morning after she'd had time to cool off and think about it....decides god no, that risks all of this happening all over again. Splits the difference and calls it a night.
"Jason, you're grounded for a month for whatever you did to even get someone to give you a tattoo while under eighteen without parental approval. And you're grounded from any spells outside of lesson plans and homework assigned by one of your tutors until you can tell me in detail why I'm concerned your choice of tattoo was an absolutely terrible idea, and you can present me with no less than three different wards or counterspells that prepare for the possibility of that absolutely terrible idea becoming an absolutely terrible catastrophe. Not a word," she finishes sharply with a pointed finger, when he starts to protest. He sulkily subsides again.
"Dick, one word answers only, no explanations, excuses or qualifiers. You made sure Barbara knew exactly who you were and that you knew exactly who she was before you both....made it extremely awkward for me to look Bruce in the eye at the next Justice League meeting?"
"Yes," Dick says wincing.
"You used protection....each time on each different occasion?"
"Yes," her eldest says, examining the floor as if weighing the likelihood of it opening up and swallowing him whole.
"You're not being every gross stereotype of teenage boys as normalized by Hollywood, using or objectifying girls in the name of toxic masculinity - you actually have feelings for this girl?"
"Yes," he says firmly, meeting her eyes again. Zatanna nods, letting that linger as she absorbs both his sincerity and the passage of time. Where did the last decade and that little eight year old with the baby fat and chipmunk cheeks go? But then, this is good too, she decides, and she nods, satisfied. Course, a little embarrassment is good for the soul, she figures.
"You understand that the world is full of other smart, beautiful redheads you could have chosen to pursue with far less complications?"
"Be right back, have to go die now," Dick announces loudly, and Zatanna chuckles and takes pity on him. Jason's paler Irish skin goes red at the drop of a hat, but it takes a much higher level of mortal humiliation for Dick's darker skin to betray any kind of blush.
"Nothing to get all red in the face about, sweetheart," she says because look, her kids had to get it from somewhere. Jason cackles, doubling over with mirth and Zatanna makes her exit while her youngest is too busy being amused at his brother's expense to remember he's ticked about being grounded.
She lingers on the other side of the wall, drinking in the sound of Jason's laughter and Dick's sulking, long enough that she's still there to overhear when Dick silences his brother's entertainment:
"Saved your ass, you manipulative little shit. Don't think I didn't know what you were doing there. You owe me for playing along."
"Yeah, yeah, all hail Benevolent Big Brother Dick," Jason grumbles, but there's gratitude beneath the grumbling. Zatanna's eyes narrow as she reflects on how much lighter a sentence Jason ended up with, compared to what her first instincts had intended. Well, crap. Dick hadn't been the one oblivious to all the layers of that little episode at all, had he? That was annoyingly humbling. Still, Zatanna shakes her head at herself and goes to bed with a smile. She respects the art of the con too much to be upset her children learned more from her teachings than she'd realized.
Well played, boys.
The brothers' respective preferences in summonings aren't the only places they differ. Where Dick has a half a dozen spells of invisibility or intangibility on stand by in case he needs to sneak into a heavily fortified place, Jason stays stocked up with an equivalent number of spells capable of just blowing the front door off its hinges.Of course, Tim Drake being Tim Drake, his inclusion into their little family happens exactly as you’d expect.
He literally follows them home one day.
His neglectful absentee parents are archaeologists, after all. Spending more of their time away at dig sites than at home with him. When they are home though, they make a show of caring, take him out to the circus and to shows, parading him in public so everyone can see what a nice family they all are and how much they dote on their only child. So just like in canon, Tim’s there at the circus too, the night the Graysons are murdered. And in the years to follow, he’s at a number of the Zataras’ magic shows, and easily puts together that Dick and Jason are the two masked mystical teen superheroes that spend as much time doing flips and punching and kicking villains as they do weaving actual spells. 
And his parents, being the kind of archaeologists who grew up as rich bored white Gotham elites who picked archaeology as their field of study because its not like they actually needed to work and they’d watched Indiana Jones so often, they were like, yes, excellent, I will model my life adventures and career path after this movie and its depiction of archaeology....
Like, so clearly, they’re the dumbass kind of archaeologists who have no actual respect for the artifacts they dig up and just like how they look in their home or behind glass museum cases with plaques about who donated them.
Tim however, is not dumb, way better than his parents, and has a lot of free time and a hobby of researching EVERYTHING. So eventually he discovers the real origins of a lot of artifacts his parents have around the house, and determines that a) they really shouldn’t be here, and b) some of these have spiritual and even mystical reputations and power and are possibly very dangerous in the wrong hands or even just from being removed from their resting places or lands/cultures of origin, so they REALLY shouldn’t be here.
So the next time the Zataras’ magic show comes to Gotham, he (carefully) stuffs his backpack full of as many as he can carry, and sneaks out to go watch the show. And then he follows them back to where they’re staying, introduces himself and says he knows who they are and could they please help him return all these artifacts to where they belong and also hurry because some of them might blow up the world if they’re gone too much longer and that’s not WHY he wants to return them, like they should just because its the right thing to do, but he thought he should mention it because it seems like its an important factor. He’d do it himself, but he’s not allowed to go on a plane by himself, but he did write apology notes to go with each artifact for taking them without asking, and also could he have their autographs?
Dick blinks cartoonishly large eyes, sweeps the ten year old off his feet into a giant hug and announces, “We’re keeping him.”
Zatanna tries to do this in an orderly fashion, of course. “Tim, where are your parents? Do they know you’re here?”
Dick sniffs. “Irrelevant. We’re keeping him. Look how adorable he is, is there really anyone who could possibly appreciate his adorableness more than us? No. Ergo. We’re keeping him.”
Jason rolls his eyes. “He’s not a pet, asshole. And adorableness isn’t a word, stop making up words, I will punch you I swear. But also yeah, we’re keeping him.”
Tim’s heart is having a full on meltdown at the thought that two of his heroes want him to stay, but he’s a Drake and Drakes are very big on Proper and protocols and decorum, and he’s pretty sure this isn’t how things work. “I’m not actually supposed to be out by myself, so I definitely should be home before nine cuz that’s my bedtime...”
Dick takes him into his bedroom, drops him on his bed and says: “There you go. You’re in bed and its not even eight o’clock yet. Problem solved.”
“...I think it only counts if I’m in bed in my bed?”
Dick snaps his fingers and the headboard is mystically inscribed with “Tim” in a flourish of colorful sparks. “See? Its your bed now, it has your name on it and everything. This can be your new room and I’ll bunk with Jay. We can’t have you share a room with him, he snores and you’re too adorable to inflict that on. Growing boys need at least eight hours of RESTFUL sleep.”
Tim chews his lip. He’s not entirely sure the older boy’s logic is sound, but when laid out in that fashion, it doesn’t sound completely unreasonable, right? He makes one last token attempt to get up. Jason sits on him. Gently, but still.
“Oh no, we’re holding him against his will. We’ve officially kidnapped him at this point,” Jason says cheerfully. “Mom, you better go find his parents and tell them their son is missing and being held hostage and won’t be released until they can explain to the police why their son’s kidnappers had to notify them that their son was missing and had wandered all the way through Gotham at night alone.”
Tim protests. “Its not a big deal. I do that all the time!”
Jason and Dick look at him. Look at each other. Look at Zatanna. Arch their eyebrows expectantly.
Zatanna sighs. As ridiculous as her boys are being, this has played out about how she expected it would the second she realized the ten year old was completely on his own and used to it. And let’s face it. They’re only like this because she’s like this. She regrets everything except also she regrets nothing. Not that she’ll tell them that right now. They both look a little too smug in her opinion. Let ‘em sweat for at least a few hours. “I’ll go see what the situation is and figure out what to do next. Stay here and don’t let him eat too much sugar. And if you watch TV, nothing R-rated.”
Dick rolls his eyes. “We know. We’re not gonna scar the kid in like, the few hours you’re gone.”
“You made your brother watch The Babadook when he was eleven.”
“Well that’s different. He was being an ass. Timmy’s being adorable. Completely unrelated situations,” Dick says in the tone of someone who thinks they’re being reasonable. Jason scowls.
“Wow, are you seriously victim blaming me for the nightmares I got from that shit? Way to make fun of my psychological trauma, asshole.”
“Hey, I didn’t MAKE you watch that movie. I TOLD you to go to bed.” Dick idly examines his nails. "You’re the one who said you were too old to have a bed time and you could stay up as late as I could and anything I could watch you could watch too.”
“Oh please. That’s basic reverse psychology. You knew exactly what you were doing.”
“But Jay-jay, I thought you were too smart to ever fall for my tricks the way all my dumbass friends always do! Are you saying that’s not true? Did I actually manipulate my brilliant little brother who has always been much too clever and much too observant to ever be tricked into doing exactly what I wanted him to do? Is that what you’re saying?”
“Hey good news, Tim, neither of us will have to share a room after I murder this assface in his sleep.”
“Don’t worry Timmy, that’s just Jason for I love you.”
Zatanna sighs again and leaves before they can see her grinning. She enables their antics far too much as it is.
Within a week, the Zataras officially have custody of Timothy Jackson Drake. The boys are pretty sure that’s way too quickly for it to have happened legally, and there might have been a spell or two speeding up the process. But they don’t actually care, so. Yeah.
Unlike his brothers, Tim is the only one to fully embrace the titles of magician or sorcerer. His mind is his strength, research is his specialty, and its just inefficient in his opinion to waste time with acrobatics and brawling that comes naturally to them but would need to be acquired skills for him. Instead he just devotes all his learning to the mystic arts, learning from teachers of all kinds of specialties, but also just as much from his research of old texts and his theorizing on the natures of various forms of magic and how they interact. He happily spends hours poring over a dozen different translations and scribbling notes as he goes, distilling complex rituals into new forms that allow for the substitution of more commonplace ingredients and thus greatly widen the scope of his repertoire. He has a talent for doing all the legwork on a dozen different spells of incredible complexity and then leaving them ‘hanging’, with just the last bits incomplete, easily stored in his eidetic memory for him to call upon and trigger in mere moments as he finishes the last bit of any given spell with just a few words, thus doing in the heat of battle what other sorcerers would require hours to replicate.
All three end up gravitating to different superhero teams as they grow older, but all of them have their reputations with the hero community at large. Its generally expected that if you have a problem that needs a magical solution, and you’ve got enough time for preparation and planning - you call Tim. If you need to blow shit up and in a hurry - you call Jason. And if you’re just plain fucked and need a Hail Mary - you call Dick.
You’re usually gonna get all three anyway though, so whatever.
At some point when Tim's around fifteen or so himself, the Court of Owls ends up trying to get their Talons on Dick, because they suck and are terrible and entitled and their only real possible value comes from being a wasted potential metaphor for how often everyone seems to have their own ideas or expectations for what Dick should be doing or saying or feeling at any given time, with most of the things others get pissed about him for in the comics essentially boiling down to Dick doing or saying or feeling things that don't match up to their expectations or presumptions, and that people wouldn't bat an eye about anyone else doing or saying or feeling, its just Dick's supposed to be different, he's doing (x) wrong, ugh he can't even be traumatized properly without him usually ending up apologizing to other people for the fact that he was the one who was just screwed over, weird, its almost like these things are connected. I mean whoops, this is story time, not meta about all the thoughts and feels I, the dastardly fourth wall breaking narrator, have whilst butthurt on behalf of Dick. My badness.
Yes, when last we left our intrepid heroes, rich entitled bastards with a pervy penchant for nursery rhymes and child assassins had set their sights on claiming Dick and turning him into their mindless zombie bird-themed killing machine.
In all fairness, they did lead with the extremely persuasive argument of 'look we totally called dibs before he was even born, so.....step off??'
Then they kidnapped him and attempted to turn him into their mindless zombie bird-themed killing machine.
Compelling argument though that may be, Dick's brothers are not impressed. They are, however, magical, hyper-competent and extremely petty slash vindictive.
All of which is to say, Tim turns the Court into a bunch of actual owls. And then Jason summons a giant murderous hawk-demon from another dimension that eats all the owls.
And then they wait for Dick to wake up from all the drugs the Court pumped him full of in preparation for The Ritual of Zombie Assassin Making. And Tim just has to ruin it, that asshole.
"You know, hawks aren't naturally the enemies of owls," Tim says out of nowhere. Well. Not out of nowhere so much as out of concern, because Tim's natural physiological response to being worried is to get pedantic.
"What," says Jason flatly. Which is his natural physiological response to Tim being. Y'know. Tim.
Tim shrugs, his eyes intent on their older brother, who is still making like Sleeping Beauty and sooooo gonna get razzed by them for that later, once the Worry and Anxiety have all exited stage right. "It just felt like you were going for a theme. Which is fine, I'm just saying, owls don't actually have natural predators. One might occasionally get killed by a hawk, but usually that's more of a territorial dispute and still pretty much an outlier in terms of statistics."
"Why would you even say that to me right now," says Jason flatly. Not asking, because its a rhetorical question and he's currently glaring the answer to it straight at Tim's back, and that answer is ugh you are such an annoying little shit sometimes.
Which is why when Dick groggily starts to come to, he's greeted by a soundtrack of:
"God, I'm so sorry, I'm just the worst for giving you information that you didn't know before, since clearly if you had you wouldn't have gone with a hawk!"
"Well what the fuck should I have gone with, a demonic taxidermist? Like excuse me for being in such a rush to heap vengeance on the pretentious shits who kidnapped our brother, I didn't have time to go to wikipedia and figure out the most appropriate dramatic irony!"
"First off, why would you ever go to wikipedia as a source, we have literally had this exact argument several dozen times - "
"First off, are you seriously giving me bullet points right now. Seriously. Bullet points. Right now. That's a thing that's happening."
"You are such an infant. How are you older than me? I make one little critique and you bite my freaking head off - "
"What's happening?" Dick croaks out into one of the few synchronized pauses for breath. "Where are we?"
"The secret underground lair of an evil society of ornithologists who kidnapped you because your milkshake brings all the weirdos to the yard," Jason says crankily, still glaring at Tim.
Not that fuzzy, barely conscious but always guilt-prone Dick could possibly know that its not actually him Jason's ticked at. Tim face palms at his middle brother because what are bedside manners, clearly.
"A bird-themed cult calling themselves the Court of Owls pre-selected you to be turned into the general of their elite zombie assassin army," Tim recites quickly, predicting Dick's likely request for further information.
"Well that's rude," Dick frowns. He cracks open one eye experimentally, winces when even the dim lighting is enough to give his pounding headache a booster shot. Tries the other eye. Nope. Both eyes are in agreement. Light is the enemy of all that is good right now. Ugh. Definitely rude. He likes light. How dare someone incite this unforgivable betrayal from his BFF, light? "I don't think I care for their recruitment strategy. Although at least they wanted me to be the Boss Zombie Assassin I guess."
"Yes," Tim replies dolefully. "That does appear to be the silver lining here."
Despite their antagonism of thirty seconds ago, Jason snickers. They're nuanced like that.
"Well his usual priorities seem to be in place, so I think its safe to say we got to him before they could do any actual brainwashing," Jason says. "All in favor of blowing this popsicle stand?"
"Wait, there are popsicles?"
"No, there aren't popsicles in the evil cult's secret underground murder lair. Its a figure of speech, dumbass."
"Hey," Dick pouts. He coughs once, weakly, but Jason's eyes narrow in sudden suspicion of Milking It Syndrome. "Be nice to me. I was just kidnapped and almost made an Elite Zombie Assassin Boss and my head hurts and is all fuzzy and you know how I feel about popsicles. You shouldn't joke about them if you don't have any, that's just mean. But uh, should we be rushing? If the bad guys are coming back soon I do vote for the not being here option, like, just in case turning me into the Zombie Apocalypse is still on the evil cult agenda."
He would manage to latch onto the Elite and Boss part of that info dump, wouldn't he, Jason muses. What's the timeline for how long you have to express sympathy for your almost-brainwashed brother before you can yell at him for being insufferable about it? Is half an hour long enough?
"No, its fine," Tim assures their brother. "We uh....were slightly miffed about the whole kidnapping you thing, and so we were.....efficient? I guess you could say? About making sure they wouldn't do it again. I turned them all into owls."
"And then I summoned a hawk demon that ate them. You're welcome," Jason adds, not about to be left out. Even if he's going to have words later about being characterized as 'miffed.' The walking almanac knows more words in more languages than anyone in human history, pretty much, and he goes with miffed. The fuck, Timmy. The actual fuck.
"Aww, you guys, that's so sweet." Dick beams at them. Albeit at somewhat lower than his usual wattage. Then his forehead wrinkles slightly in confusion. "Why a hawk demon? Do owls not like hawks or something?"
Tim smirks at Jason viciously.
"I hate you with the searing intensity of a thousand suns," Jason tells his brat of a younger brother. "Also, gonorrhea."
Zatanna then teleports into the middle of the room with a flash of light and a hurried rush to the side of her lying-on-the-ground, suddenly flailing eldest son.
"Gah, evil light is evil! Curse your betrayal!" Dick wails dramatically, flinging an arm across his face despite the visible effort movement is still taking. Because he really is just that invested in keeping his Melodrama Game on point, willing to play through the pain if necessary. Jason rolls his eyes. If nothing else, he can at least respect his older brother's ability to commit.
"What happened here?" Zatanna wastes no time before asking, even as she begins running her hands lightly over Dick and muttering chants to divine for unseen injuries or influencing substances. Tim catches her up to speed with another dry recitation of the day's events. It doesn't sound any less ridiculous the second time around.
"And you two decided to just rush right into the heart of a criminal organization's secret headquarters with no plan, no way of knowing what you were jumping headfirst into and no back up?" Zatanna snaps out in a biting tone that's 70% Frantic Motherly OMG I Could've Lost All Three Of You I Don't Know What I Would've Done and 30% How Are You Seriously This Dumb, No, I Really Want To Know, You Boys Share Zero Genetics So It Can't Possibly Be Mutually Inherited Dumbness And Yet Here You All Are Being This Dumb, How, Why, I Strenuously Object.
At least, Jason's pretty sure its 70/30.
Eh. Maybe 60/40.
He looks at Tim and they both shrug. "We left a note," Jason offers lamely.
Their mightily miffed mother - and Jason totally gets it now, good call on that one actually, Timbo, Miffed can totally be intimidating, turns out - is not even slightly appeased.
"Yes, I did see your note," Zatanna says, slow and dangerous, an ominous cold front that's frosty enough to reverse global warming. Jason shivers. "The one that read 'Dick kidnapped by crazy bird freaks. Went to go get him. Somewhere in Gotham's sewers. Ugh why is it always sewers, I fucking hate sewers. Be back later. Love, Jason and Tim.' That note?"
Jason's honestly not sure what the problem is. All the relevant information was there. Tim glares at him.
"I knew I should have written the note," he hisses like an angry cat. Jason rolls his eyes again, because really, what other weapon does he have against his brothers' Drama?
"We had time for me to write a note, Tim. We didn't have time for you to write an essay with fully annotated footnotes all properly accredited according to MLA approved guidelines."
"I can be brief!"
"Name one time that you have ever been brief about anything. Ever."
Tim hesitates.
"Just because I can't think of anything right this second doesn't mean it didn't happen! You're just putting me on the spot," he sulks.
"Whatever. I'm not going to apologize for being in a rush. We had an older brother to save from evil brainwashing birdwatchers, remember? Would everyone prefer we took our sweet time and got here and found Zombie Dick instead?"
Tim wilts. Their mother thaws. Jason savors the moment. He so rarely gets to enjoy the moral high ground. Its nice, really. He can kinda see the appeal from up here, actually.
"That's Elite General Zombie Dick to you, peon," Dick chooses that moment to interject. Jason inhales through his nose. Five seconds. Five whole seconds that lasted.
"Seriously?" He asks his older brother. Dick blinks innocently.
"I am very traumatized by my near undeath experience," he explains. "That's just my coping mechanism."
Jason's eye twitches.
Later still, Jason somehow winds up getting into it with the Joker of all people, in Ethiopia of all places. Seriously, what, he still doesn't understand how or why any of that happened. His life, man. So fucking random.
But that's a story for another day. It doesn't end all that badly, all things considered, not nearly as bad as it could've. The moral of the story is essentially that six out of seven days, Jason is still the brother best avoided in dark alleys, but on the seventh day....Dick and Timmy are perhaps best avoided as well.
And later still, some jackass with a Wizard of Oz fetish decides that Tim-napping isn't just the worst colossally bad fucking idea any misfiring synapses have ever conceived. In this AU though, we stan brothers who check, double check and triple check before calling a time of death, because like the saying goes, fool us once, shame on you, fool us thirty seven times in just any single given decade, then yeah, that's probably on us at that point....
But non-brother approved Tim Tormenting is highly frowned upon in this universe, so Dick and Jason make like the Brothers Grimm, sharpen their spells and go questing down a literal yellow brick road that Dick conjures to lead them straight to the mysterious Mister Oz. And one of these days, Jason would really like to know where Dick gets some of his spells, he really would. Because. Yeah. Never mind, that's best unpacked another day, he figures.
Truthfully, that's all a story for another day as well, as Dick and Jason and Tim probably need to compare notes first and clear up a few things among themselves. None of them are entirely sure they even get what all of that was even about at all. It all seemed very strange and unnecessary, the standard villain monologues were a lot less explanatory than usual, nobody ever really satisfactorily explained Why You So Creepily Interested In Our Baby Bro, Bee Tee Dubs, and the deeper down the rabbit hole they all went, the more every reveal seemed to lead to an increasingly smaller Russian nesting doll hidden inside in the previous one.
And maybe the bad guy was Superman's dead dad from Krypton, which...okay, weird, whatever. And maybe he was just a patsy and the real monster all along was this giant glowing blue guy who seemed to have every power imaginable except for the power to put on a freaking pair of pants? I mean, everyone needs a gimmick, I guess. And then behind that funhouse mirror they found maybe the real villain all along was some rando in a toga who called himself Ozymandias and claimed to have been a hero, and nope, nuh uh, Jason isn't buying that for a second, he says you named yourself in reference to a line that literally says Look Upon My Works O Ye Mighty And Despair and you're saying everyone just went yup, that checks out, we've got ourselves a hero here, pure intentions through and through? Nope, sorry, not buying it.
And Ozy's face got as purple as the costume that would've gotten him in the door to any frat party but not much else, and honestly, as much as it flaps in a firm breeze its not even a step up from Dr. Moons Over Manhattan's permanent residency at a nude ranch he takes with him everywhere he goes, more of a lateral move really....
And he opened his mouth to say something suitably villainous and to do something no doubt dastardly, but that's when Dick cut him off with a yawn and a "Oh my god I have never been this bored in my life, I honestly don't care. Literally nobody asked." And he conjured up his yellow brick road again, told them he had no idea which of them needed the brain, which the heart and which the courage, but like...discuss among yourselves, and then he and Jason punted all three losers off to see the Wizard except Dick shrugged after shutting down the spell and said that guy died, like, five years ago. Its just no one else there has figured that out yet. Whoops. Oh well.
Look, its as clear and understandable a resolution to that particular adventure as anyone else might have doled out over an unnecessarily padded number of weeks until the patience of everyone involved was stretched well past the point of reason, so....whatever. That's what happened, the end.
And then Jason blows some shit up until he feels better about how obnoxiously pointless all that was and there's lots of yelling about worst bad guys ever, is there no vetting process anymore, are the inmates running the asylum, has the whole universe gone mad. Which somehow segues into Tim yelling about is Jason seriously upstaging him at his own Dramatic Rescue, how is this about him, oh my god, can't I even get five whole minutes to angst without you carjacking the family Waah-mobile.
Meanwhile Dick leans back contentedly against the one wall still standing as a convenient backdrop, and watches the baby bros go. And Mom says they don't have any family traditions.
He actually really enjoys these moments. At least the ones where nobody's yelling at him.
But again, as I said....really all that's a tale for another day. On this day, what remains of significance is the universal truism that no matter the universe, the timeline, the place or the time or the people.....
If there be a Bruce, then that Bruce is gonna Bruce.
And we all know what that looks like.
That is to say:
Meanwhile, back in Gotham, events unfold in strangely familiar ways. Even if some of their usual players are currently preoccupied sojourning their way back across the dimensions before they're late for dinner and Momma Zatara has their heads. Adopted though her kids may be, Zatanna is still an Italian mother. And you do not fuck with an Italian mother's family dinner plans.
That's how people die.
But fractionally less dramatically than Zatanna sits awaiting her boys' late arrival to dinner with a A Damn Good Explanation For That If They Know What’s Good For Them, Bruce meets Cassandra Cain and rescues her from her father.
He’s still Bruce Wayne, even if events played out differently for his first three canon kids. So he does what any Bruce would do and adopts her.
And then Cass brings Stephanie home and says she’s a runaway and her dad was a villain and well, what’s Bruce gonna do, not adopt her? Don't be absurd.
And then Talia shows up on Bruce’s doorstep and shoves a ten year old Damian at him and says "Congratulations, its a boy. Please take care of him while I go and try and kill my father and sister without getting killed by them first. I’m not sure how long that will take but my father has managed to last six centuries despite countless betrayals so I suspect it might be awhile."
I imagine these events all happen roughly in the span of a month, because there is no such thing as a world where Bruce knows how to pace himself.
There’s also no such thing as a world where Bruce knows how to gracefully ask for help. But even at his most stubborn he’s capable of recognizing when things fall outside his skillset and his best move is to seek advice from experts in fields outside his expertise. Like parenting.
And his old friend Zatanna has raised three boys who are well loved and respected by the entire hero community, so she must know what she’s doing. Yes, absolutely, his frazzled mind decides. Zatanna will have all the answers. His logic is sound. He's double checked his math and everything. Yes, he has equations for this sort of thing. No, they're not scientifically or empirically accurate, but just because one has arbitrarily assigned numeric values to various events, decisions and possible outcomes in order to justify to oneself that one's intended course of action is Endorsed By Data and Scientifically Derived Conclusions, like....that doesn't mean those values are all arbitrary and the conclusions and data that derive from them are fictitious and meaningless.
Shhh, shhh, don't question that last sentence, just nod and smile and accept that you're just not quite brilliant enough to understand the genius that is Brucenometry, and that's totally understandable and the real reason Bruce hasn't shared the math system he invented with the rest of the world. We just wouldn't get it, you see?
(And yes, he absolutely calls it Brucenometry in his head, because despite what the Batmen of other universes would have us believe, all the eight year old incarnations of Dick Grayson are naught but a scapegoat for the emotionally stunted manchild who absolutely devised the labeling system of 'what if I put Bat in front of every word tho and that's how you knew it was mine, yes, good, this is obviously the most logical and efficient taxonomy possible, its practically the Occam's Bat-Razor of nomenclatures, huzzah I am the smartest in all the land, eat my Batshit I mean guano I mean crazy I mean shut up no you're dumb.' And if you don't think Bruce sounds like that in his head you're just drinking the Kool-Aid, dear reader. Pick up any issue where Bruce is having an emotional fight with someone and skip to where he insists on having the last word before sweeping dramatically into the darkness, and substitute that last word with 'nuh uh, your face'. It reads practically the same, I swear.
Anyway, thus Brucenometry is only Brucenometry instead of Batnometry because he came up with the math first. The math is literally how he calculated that combining crime fighting with his fursona was by far the most expedient route for building a better, brighter Gotham? Duh? Like if you don't get it, he really can't explain it any more clearly than that, and this is possibly one of the reasons he doesn't let the Martian Manhunter in his head. Well, that and all the equally Scientific Ponderings on how accurate a label 'Buns of Steel' is for Superman's butt, and how might this best be tested. Y'know. For Science.)
It's possible I've gotten off track here. I blame Bruce. Bruce blames Clark's ass. Its this whole thing.
So Bruce decides Zatanna has all the answers to all his questions, clearly. Because you see, Bruce knows practically everything that's worth knowing, so anyone who knows something Bruce doesn't already know, ergo, ipso facto, must therefor in conclusion be smarter than Bruce. And if they're smarter than Bruce, as smart as Bruce already is and knowing as much as Bruce already knows, well then, they must know literally everything.
Bam. You've just been Bat Logic-ed.
Bruce sends a message. He waits. He's expecting something along the lines of a call back, but one minute he blinks and the next minute Zatanna's in the middle of the disaster his new brood of three have made of his living room, hands on her hips, shaking her head as she looks around.
“What did you do?” She asks, exasperatedly.
He really doesn't understand why so many people take that particular tone with him. All of his choices are excellent and backed by Brucenometry. He can show his work and everything.
Bruce would respond, but he’s distracted by the three unknown variables. He admittedly had not expected her to bring all three of her boys along with her. Then again, they're magicians and magic always messes up his calculations. Its the worst. Stupid magic. He keeps himself from glaring at the teenager, practically still a teenager, and fully grown man chugging down a Pixie stick while playing what sounds like Candy Crush on his phone with his free hand.
Zee just shakes her head at him when Bruce tries to turn her question back on her with a pointed look.
“They were with me when I got your message and they wanted to come. Given how non-informative and vague the information you gave me was, it seemed plausible they might have a helpful perspective. Don’t change the subject. What did you do.”
“In all fairness, I should clarify that we were mostly just bored,” Tim says dryly.
“Also, this sounded amazing,” Jason adds, smirking.
Dick bounces up and down. “I’m very excited to be here for this! By the way, what is this, what's happening, what's going on? I was not totally paying complete attention, maybe. Oooh, does this place have an indoor pool? I bet it has an indoor pool. God, I love how completely unnecessary old rich people houses are, its amazing.”
That’s when a ten year old mini-Bruce wanders in, parentage apparent in every premature scowl line on his face. “Father, who are these people?”
Dick emits a gleeful sound that lends credence to his spirit friends’ theory he’s not entirely human and just appears right next to Damian, sweeping him up into a hug. His brothers blink, unsure if he had a teleport spell they didn’t know about, or if his natural ability to seek out anyone in need of a hug like a heat-seeking missile could actually allow him to move faster than the eye can see. Could go either way, to be honest.
“Oh my god, he’s like a tiny baby bat, he’s adorable,” Dick says, words rushing out at a speed normally achievable only by speedsters.
Damian has frozen at the unexpectedness of his behavior, but the outrage swiftly sets in. “What did you just call me?”
“A tiny baby bat!”
“Not that, the other thing.”
“How dare you!” The ten year old produces a knife from somewhere and attempts a stabbing that results in said knife being transmuted into a Twizzler. Dick twists in that unnatural way only his body is capable of and somehow mid-hug still manages to eat the Twizzler, because why not, apparently.
“I’m keeping him,” Dick declares, right on schedule. "He is my new brother and also now my weekend favorite, sorry not sorry. Jason is now my Monday and Friday favorite and Timmy is my Tuesday and Thursday favorite. Wednesdays can be my me time."
"But Dick," Tim deadpans in a lifeless monotone, now absorbed in doing something with his own phone. "How can I not be your Wednesday favorite? On Wednesdays we wear pink."
Jason rocks back on his heels, rolls his head back on his neck and stares up at the room's high, vaulted ceiling despairingly. "I hate that I get that reference. I hate that so much. I just don't know if I hate Tim for saying it, Dick for being the reason he said it, or me for hearing it and getting it. Quick, somebody tell me who to punch, I can't make this decision, its too hard."
Zatanna pinches the bridge of her nose and exhales. Cass and Steph lurk in the doorway and stare at the scene, bemused. Bruce is statue still. It’s possible his complete inability to process anything that’s happening right now has computer-crashed his every system. See kids, this is what comes of spending too much time trying to emulate a robot. Don't do drugs. Stay in school. Emote.
“Dick, I know that worked out for you the last two times you tried that, but its not going to fly here. This child actually has an emotionally invested parent capable of providing for him, and I don’t believe the Batman is likely to relinquish his claim without a fight,” Zatanna says, her exasperation now redirected at her eldest.
Dick remains unphased; merely diverts his attention from Damian to the boy’s father, raking his eyes up and down Bruce as the older man reenacts the pose of Rodin's lesser known work: The Oh God, What Was I Thinking.
He sniffs. Once. Pointedly unimpressed. “I am willing to work out a shared custody agreement,” Dick says regally.
Bruce gradually twitches his way back into the realm of actual human activity and motion.
“What?” He shakes himself all over, a bit like a dog. Then he seems to reboot his higher cognitive functions as he draws up to his full height and towers over the younger man. “I’m not sure what you think you’re playing at here, but this is not why I called your mother and I do not need some boy barely out of his teens to tell me -"
Dick cuts him off, rolling his eyes even as Bruce, Steph, Cass and Alfred’s eyes all widen at the sheer novelty of that. Even Damian goes silent and still, no longer fighting Dick’s octopus like limbs as he’s too busy flicking his attention back and forth between Dick and Bruce like he’s a spectator at a tennis match, watching it unfold.
Jason and Tim just smirk knowingly. Zatanna regrets everything.
“Yes, yes, we’re aware the Batman has a million contingency plans for any given scenario. We’re all very impressed. Your IQ is huge,” Dick says flatly. “Quick question though, how many of those contingency plans involve hugging?”
Bruce blinks. “What?”
“That’s what I thought,” Dick continues smugly. “Now, in your history as a crime fighter and a benefactor of numerous children’s charities, do you dispute that all children at certain times need to be hugged?”
“No?” Bruce answers uncertainly. He…has no precedence for this. What is happening right now.
“Mmm,” Dick hums, nodding. “And in your personal self-assessment and in light of all your established behavior to date, would you say with confidence that you are capable of always recognizing when a child is in need of a hug, as well as being able and willing to provide that child with said hug yourself?”
Bruce frowns. Everyone in the room takes that as a no. Seals in Antarctica look up and take that as a no, without any idea why they just did that or what it even is they just did. Also, what the hell is a no, they have no clue. They still somehow know the answer to that question was no.
“Exactly,” Dick says. “So, to sum up, we’ve established that your children need hugs, you need to be taught when and how to identify when your children need you to hug them, and until such a time as you’re capable of that, your children still need hugs. In conclusion, my services are direly needed and I am willing to teach you everything I know about providing adorable children with emotional support in exchange for the role of their designated Hug-Giver for the time being. Do you accept my offer?”
“I…” Still stuck on the unprecedented feeling of being at a total loss for words, Bruce is slow to answer. Not that it matters.
“Trick question!” Dick announces cheerfully. “There was no offer, its already been decided. I can start immediately. You're welcome.”
He shifts Damian to his hip with one arm and raises the other to offer the boy his hand for a shake. “Hi Damian, I’m Dick, I’m your official Hug-Giver for now. Nice to meet you!”
Damian shakes Dick’s hand, more out of confusion than anything else. Clearly, nothing in his training or experience offers him any obvious alternate response to Dick’s behavior. “Father, who is this man? What is happening? I don’t understand.”
“That makes two of us,” the goddamn Batman says helplessly. They can all see his face spasming, his muscles twitching as if periodically glitching while he tries to compute and come up with a course of action that adequately counters Dick’s….whatever the hell you describe Dick and his entire….essence, as.
Gods have tried and failed to accurately describe Dick and his whole….Dick-ness. The Batman never stood a chance.
Tim takes pity on him. He’s mostly preoccupied hacking the Manor’s wi-fi on his phone, trying to see if he can backdoor from there into the famed Batcave’s computers. No real reason, he’s just curious. But even barely paying attention, he can still tell the difference between Dick’s more generic ‘oooh a squirrel!’ ADHD reaction to all adorable children or animals in his general vicinity, and the genuine emotional attachment his brother has clearly already formed with the confused child assassin. It’s too late now. Whether he’s even realized it or not, Damian stopped trying to escape Dick’s hug practically from the word go, even if he is unconsciously using his confusion to blind himself to how he’s already started to sink into it. Not even Superman himself could pry the kid out of Dick’s arms at this point.
“You can try all you want to come up with ways to keep this from happening, but you’ll just be wasting your time and energy,” Tim advises, still intent on his phone. Two passwords down, nice. Only….ninety more to go? Jeez. Oh god, if he’s this redundant about his cyber security, he’s gonna try and be stubborn about this, isn’t he? Ugh, how inefficient.
“Look, no matter how many plans you come up with, it doesn’t matter what you throw at him or how convoluted or well-crafted it is. At a certain point Dick’s just going to say screw it and dig his heels in, and no offense, but I’ve seen him out-stubborn demons. He once got a Duke of Hell to release a claim on Jason’s soul by committing to “I know you are but what am I” until the ageless being composed of pettiness and spite got frustrated and gave up. My brother on a mission to dole out affection is an actual force of nature. Like hurricanes. Even Jason lets Dick hug him. And Jason hates everything.”
“Die screaming,” Jason says conversationally.
“See a therapist about your Cain complex,” Tim returns, equally pleasant.
“I thought I told you boys to be on your best behavior,” Zatanna says. Either exasperated again, or just still. Hard to say.
Jason cocks an eyebrow at her quizzically before looking around the room. “Umm, we are, aren’t we? I mean, we’ve been here for at least five minutes and nothing’s on fire or broken yet. You gotta admit that’s like, a record for us.”
Zatanna sputters helplessly for a moment before collapsing onto the couch with a sigh. “The bar is too low,” she mutters. "And don't think I didn't catch that bit about a Duke of Hell having a claim on Jason's soul at some point. We will be circling back to that later, at home."
"Dude," Jason hisses, glaring at his little brother. "Spoilers!"
"Sorry," Tim says distractedly, with a distinct lack of sincerity. "In my defense, we lie about a lot of stuff and I forget to keep track of it all."
"You have an eidetic memory."
"Okay, so I forget to care about keeping track of it all," Tim amends, shrugging.
"That's just because you never get in as much trouble as me and Dick. Helps to be the baby of the family," Jason grumbles.
Tim hums softly in agreement, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he peers intently at his screen. "The perks are nice."
Zatanna interjects as she eyes her two younger sons, a slight edge in voice. "Exactly how much stuff am I being lied to about? Ballpark figure."
Jason glares at Tim again. "You're a goddamn menace."
"I should probably be stopped," Tim agrees.
“Nonsense!” Damian’s aggrieved voice cuts over everyone else in the room. “I am an al Ghul, and heir to the Batman. If this tournament you speak of were truly a contest of champions, I would certainly have heard of it before now.”
Dick returns his glower with his usual beaming grin. “I swear by every being of both the higher and lower planes to ever lend me power or aid. Super Mario Kart is a test of manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination and reflex agility. Any true warrior should be more than capable of defeating all competitors at it.”
Damian stays trained on his face for a good minute, searching it for any hint of deception. Finally he turns and sweeps his imperious gaze around the room, jumping back and forth between his father to Jason and Tim, though the latter is still absorbed tracking to crack the thirty-sixth password to the Batcomputer. “Is this true?”
“Technically yes,” Jason says with the smirk to end all smirks. Sometimes his older brother is a total toolbag, but sometimes it really is like watching a master at work. How to Lie Without Telling a Single Lie by Dick Grayson-Zatara.
Damian harrumphs like the eighty seven year old that he is at heart, but with a secondary affirmation and no one speaking up to offer a counter-claim, his pride seems to allow him no alternative to accepting Dick’s challenge.
“Very well,” he says grudgingly. “I will engage you in this competition of supers and carts. But when I inevitably prove victorious, as consequence for your failure you and your babbling are to be banished from my father’s estate, never to return.”
“K!” Dick grins. “But if I win, you have to initiate three hugs a day for a solid week straight, at which point you may challenge me to a rematch and reclaim your honor.”
“Preposterous! One hug a day. No more.”
“One hug a day, but after two weeks I can challenge you to a rematch at my home instead.”
“I shudder to think what you might consider an acceptable abode. No, if I must vanquish you twice before you realize the folly of challenging an al Ghul, you shall return here only for the purposes of engaging in this ‘rematch’, and only after two months have passed, so that you may reflect on the futility of such.”
“One month, final offer.”
“Tt. Your terms are acceptable,” Damian decides at last. Dick’s already brilliant smile grows impossibly more blinding, as it is wont to do. The whole defiance of physics thing he does so well. Unprepared for it, the startled boy blinks, corners of his mouth twitching ever so slightly upwards before he regains his normal stern countenance. “Now lead me to these carts at once. I wish to see you defeated before supper, so I do not have to suffer your presence through my meal.”
“You got it, lil D!” Dick chirps happily, bouncing through the doorway and down the hall, where Cass and Steph exchange glances that condense an entire conversation to thirty seconds of back and forth facial expressions. They then race down the hall after the two. Damian’s outrage drifts back behind them.
“My name is Damian al Ghul-Wayne, you buffoon! It is a name of power and significance, heavy with meaning and intent. How dare you reduce it to a simple reference to physical stature!”
“Aww, I’m sorry bud! It was meant as an endearment not an insult. I give nicknames to all my friends and family. What if I called you Dami? Is that better?”
“….I suppose if my full name is too difficult for you to manage, Dami is at least marginally more tolerable. But only if it is understood that we are hardly friends!”
“Whatever you say, Dami!”
Their voices fade into the distance after that. Jason puts his hands in his pockets and strolls casually after them.
“That was amazing. My faith in humanity has like....risen reborn from the ashes. I might even believe in Santa Claus again? Not sure yet about that last part," he muses to no one in particular. "I’m so happy right now.”
Tim shrugs and trails after him. If everyone else is going, well. No reason he can’t finish hacking the Batcomputer from wherever they end up.
Bruce watches them disappear down the hallway before staggering over to the couch and dropping down onto it next to Zatanna. He stares blankly at the wall.
“What.” He utters helplessly.
Zatanna pats his leg. “You get used to it. Eventually.”
And that’s how even when Dick’s adopted by Zatanna Zatara instead of Bruce Wayne, he, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass, Steph and those to follow all still end up siblings in every way that matters.
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crankynewt · 6 years
The Way It Used to Be (Jerome Valeska)
Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Reader
Warnings: Violence, mentions of abuse, murder. (It’s basically a version of the scene with Jerome and his Uncle).
Request: Anonymous: Jerome request where once he gets out and goes to his uncles shop he meets up with her there too. (They we’re together during his mother’s death) first time seeing him again and she is conflicted on her feelings but Jerome swoons her again and takes her with him?? First person if you dont mind.
Word Count: 2770
Author’s Note: I’m not sure I’m proud of how this turned out, but let me know what you think and if you want a part two! :)
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Despite what many may believe, growing up with the circus did have its perks. The kids always got some of the leftover popcorn and cotton candy from that night’s show, you were able to travel across the United States many times, and you also were surrounded by family. But, the best thing about Haly’s Circus in particular was a certain ginger boy.
Growing up, I was best friends with the Valeska twins, Jerome and Jeremiah. We were inseparable from our days in diapers up until the when Jeremiah left. Which just left Jerome and I, and from the point on we were even closer than we had been before. I still remember the shock of the news that Jeremiah and his uncle Zach had left the circus, and after that point things only went south for poor Jerome. Lila had always been crabby and had quite a lot of one night stands in the past, but after Jeremiah leaving she became a “drunken whore,” as he described her.
The countless nights where Jerome would show up at my trailer at ungodly hours with some sort of new gash for me to clean and bandage were when everything began to change. One night after patching him up, I turned around to put something away, only to be met with his lips when I turned back as we both shared our first kiss with each other. We were sixteen then, and I thought that he would be not only my first love, but also my last. But that was only until everything changed two years later when we were eighteen.
“Jerome, what have you done?!” I exclaimed, as I saw him covered in blood, holding a hatchet over the lifeless body of his mother.
“I finally did it, (Y/N)! You’re the one whose kept telling me to not let that drunken whore keep doing what she does, and today I guess I just snapped!” He exclaimed and began to laugh maniacally, giving the corpse one last swing with his axe. Blood splattered, and I jumped back with a squeak, landing on shaky legs.
“Jerome, this is not what I meant! I thought we should run away or tell the cops, not commit murder!” I retorted shakily, slightly raising my voice and beginning to feel sick. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Lila’s dead body, and didn’t want to have to face looking into my boyfriend’s eyes knowing that they would not be the same ones of the boy I fell in love with. “What are we going to do?”
Lilah’s murder changed me, and after Jerome was arrested and sent to Arkham, I finally left the circus and decided to pursue a career. I graduated from Gotham University, and am now starting my job as a forensic coroner with the GCPD. And that’s where I’m now, as I’m slumped over my desk at around 10 p.m., hoping to finish my report on a hit and run victim brought in during the day. As I almost drift off to sleep, I decide that now is probably the perfect time for a coffee break, and exit my office only to be met with panic.
“What’s going on?” I asked as I rushed over to Jim, one of the good friends I have made in the few months since I got this job, hoping to find out what in the world could have happened to cause this kind of chaos.
“There’s been a breakout at Arkham Asylum, I’ll explain later.” He hurriedly spoke as he rushed over to Harvey and made his way out the door. I was still stood frozen in place, after my heart dropped and my voice was stuck in my throat. As I turn to head back to my office, a pile of three folders on his desk catch my eye. After taking a quick look to ensure that nobody was paying any attention to me, I look at the names printed on each; J. Crane, J. Tetch, and J. Valeska. I quickly grab Jerome’s file, and make my way back to my office where grab my coat and bag before exiting the station and begin the trek back to my apartment.
As I’m on my way home, I start to regret the idea of not only walking alone in the dark streets of Gotham, but on the same night of a prison break at the asylum my ex-boyfriend was being held at. As I mentally scold myself, I notice the dark figure of a man walking behind me. As I look at the surrounding buildings to see if there was anywhere safe to stay at least until this creep would give up when I notice Zach Trumple’s diner on my left. I quickly make my way up the steps and burst through the door, almost running into the two officers who I hadn’t bothered to learn the names of.
As I make my way into the diner, I give Zach a half-hearted smile and go sit at my usual corner booth. After I left the circus, I started to keep in touch with him and Jeremiah, mostly out of loneliness and feeling extremely homesick. Even if he is an abusive asshole to his nephew and even a jerk to me sometimes, knowing as many people as possible in Gotham is important. As I reach into my bag to grab my phone, my hand brushes the file I stole, no, borrowed, from work. As I contemplate taking it out to read before my train of thought is cut off by a raspy voice.
“Geez, there’s a lot of gum under here!” I freeze, and my head shoots up to see a tuft of red hair climbing his way out from underneath the same table as Zach with a gun in hand. Thankfully, his back was facing towards me so he was unaware of my presence, but it wouldn’t stay that way for long. I look over at the door, and my mind begins to race trying to figure out if I’d make it fast enough to avoid being noticed or at least recognized by Jerome, or if I should just hide under the table. I decide to go with the first option, and make a run for it.
As the two men continue their conversation, which has now changed topics from gum to soup, I carefully grab my bag and exit my booth and attempt to silently make my way over to the door. As I reach to grab the handle, so close to making it out, I freeze at the sound of Zach’s voice.
“Leaving so soon, (Y/N)?” He questions, and Jerome’s head whips around at the mention of my name. Our eyes meet for the first time in four years and suddenly I’m that sixteen-year-old girl again head over heels for the guy in front of her, in the eyes that she can not help but get lost in. I’d managed to stay away from him during the events with Theo Galavan and after he’d been resurrected, because despite everything that he’s done, I know somewhere deep inside I still love him. Heck, a part of me will always love him, but another part is petrified of the boy who stood over his mother’s dead body, covered in blood, hatchet in hand, laughing.
“Why don’t you come sit with us and have some soup.” Zach offered, being fully aware of my terror and ignoring the fact that I was literally trying to get as far away from Jerome as possible. But on wobbly legs, I swallowed my fear and made my way over to the booth, sliding into sit next to the ginger, who by the way, was still holding a gun. While I was expecting some sort of sarcastic or flirty comment from Jerome, maybe even some sort of creepy gesture or wink, he did neither. He sat there, and just stared at me with puppy dog eyes, a slight smile on his face mostly due to the scarring on each side of his mouth.
“Hey.” I managed to squeak, remembering my manners and hoping that this would all be over with as soon as possible. Not because I was miserable, but because I fear that with time I will decide to stay by his side and develop feelings for him once more.
“Hi.” Jerome simply replied before letting out a giggle, and continued on with his conversation with his uncle. He proceeded to dip his finger into each of the three bowls of soup, commenting that the first was too hot, the second was too cold and the last was just right. Just like in my favourite fairytale we used to read when we were kids, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. He told the story about the day Zach dipped his hand in a pot of boiling chicken stock after he’d caught him trying to steal a snickerdoodle (a day I actually can recall quite clearly), and I zoned out on the conversation as my eyes were fixated on the “too hot” bowl of soup.
All of a sudden, I was ripped back into reality as I was yanked out of the booth and thrown onto the floor, and I look up to see Jerome pulling his gun out and pointing it at one of the strongmen from Haly’s Circus who quickly knocked it out of his hand and ripped him out of the booth as well. He had him against the counter in a chokehold, as Zach got up laughing carrying a bowl of soup to the microwave as I tried to get up to help Jerome. As I managed to get up off the ground, someone else came and grabbed me who I recognized to be another one of the strongmen and put my hands behind my back and pushed me against the counter, so I was forced to watch what was happening before me.
As the microwave’s timer went of, Zach grabbed the bowl of now boiling hot soup and made his way around the counter to his nephew who was struggling and attempting to get away but to no prevail. Zach then proceeded to pour the scorching hot soup into Jerome’s mouth and tell him how his mother should’ve killed him as he struggled and choked in agony.
“Stop it! Why are you doing this?!” I shrieked in protest at the horrific scene taking place in front of me as I struggled against my captor’s hold. I was so distracted that I didn’t even notice the bell ring signalling someone new had entered the diner.
“What the hell are you doing?” I hear a new voice ask, as I turn my head and see that none other that Bruce Wayne had showed up.
“Get out of here kid!” Zach replied, as Jerome was still coughing and struggling behind him.
“No.” Bruce stood his ground, and I finally stopped struggling and paid attention to the scene before me.
“Look, kid, I appreciate a concerned citizen and all but this is Jerome Valeska, the psycho who broke out of Arkham tonight. What we’re doing is giving him what he deserves!”
“No one deserves that.”
“You tell ‘em!” Jerome finally butted in, still gurgling and choking as the strongman tightened the hold on his throat.
“Stop!” Bruce tried to reason. “Call the police, and they’ll come for him.”
“Oh jeez, let them go.” Zach finally gave up, as the strongmen removed their holds on Jerome and I and we both fell to the floor at the same time. While on the floor, Jerome and I made eye contact, and despite the pain he was just in, he sent a cheeky wink that even at a time like this was able to make my heart flutter. Looking up, both of the strongmen were now fighting with the young billionaire. I got to my feet and grabbed the knife from the counter in case I ended up having to defend myself, and turn back to see Jerome holding his gun underneath hin uncle’s chin.
“It’s too bad we’re all out of soup, let’s see what else is on the menu.” Jerome said, and gestured for me to grab the bottle of bleach from the floor, which I did, surprising myself. “Here comes the airplane!” Jerome continued as Zach started begging ang agreed to tell Jerome what he’d apparently come to find out. After writing it down, Jerome grabbed me by the arm and stuffed the name in his pocket.
“Thanks! It’s been great catching up Uncle Zach, you really brought back the utter hopelessness of childhood. See you around!” Jerome commented as he began to walk away, dragging me by the arm behind him, before he stopped and turned to face him again. “Oh wait, except the opposite.” He added as he shot him in the head and released his hold on me to begin clapping.
“Boy billionaire Bruce Wayne, my saviour! Wow, I did not see that one coming.” He paused for a moment to cough and look back at the body of his uncle. “You know, the beatings with Uncle Zach just never stopped. They went on and on, and, nobody ever helped me… Ever. It really makes a man wonder… What the hell is wrong with you?!”
He burst into a fit of laughter despite the serious tone for most of what he just said, returning to the classic carefree Jerome persona before continuing. “You know what I find funnier than you saving my life? Would be if I saved yours.” He commented raising his gun at the strongman.
“No!” Bruce and I exclaimed at the same time, giving Jerome a sharp look as the gun in his hand was suddenly ripped away for the second time tonight, this time by Selina Kyle’s whip. Jerome gave a quick glance back before grabbing me by the shoulders and diving towards the door and running out of the diner.
“So doll, how’ve ya been?” He questioned when we finally stopped running, catching our breathes in an alley between an Italian restaurant and a convenience store.
“Really? Is that really all you have to say to me?!” I fired, shocked that there was no apology, explanation or even begging for me to take him back. Jerome was acting more like the Jerome you knew before everything went wrong then the one one who was sent off to Arkham.
“Why so serious? I thought you’d be excited to see me! You know, the boyfriend you haven’t seen in three years.” He replied, lazily draping an arm around my shoulders.
“Ex-boyfriend.” I corrected him, wiggling out of his hold. “And the reason I haven’t seen you is because you’ve either been locked in Arkham, wreaking havoc or dead!”
Jerome raises his eyebrows and puts a gloved hand on his chest, feigning shock. “What do you mean, ex-boyfriend? When’d that happen?!” He asked.
“It happened the day you were sent to Arkham. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s late and I need to get home.” I attempted to excuse myself, hoping to get out of this situation as soon as possible because the longer I spend with him, the less I want to leave. I turn on my heel to exit the alley, but I don’t get far before I am pinned against the brick wall by Jerome. His hands are planted on either side of my head preventing my escape, and I refuse to make eye contact.
“Look at me, (Y/N).” He says, my name rolling off his tongue just like it used to. When our eyes lock, I know I’m done for, and he realizes it too. As I open my mouth to speak, I’m unable to as his lips are suddenly on mine in a searing kiss. I hesitate at first, my brain conflicted, but I finally melt into it and wrap my arms around his neck and his leave the wall to snake around my waist. At this moment, I decide that I don’t care what he does or who he kills anymore, because now that we’re together again, I realize that a part of me had been missing this whole time.
“I missed you.” I tell him with a small smile when we break apart for air, both still enjoying the other’s embrace.
“Me too, gorgeous.” He replies, as he pulls me into his chest and rests his chin atop my head, and I can’t help but think to myself that things are finally back to the way they should be.
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 years
Partners - Part 3: Haly’s Circus
Pairing: DickBabs
Rating: T
Summary: The circus is in town, and Dick and Barbara decide to go. Their visit ends up... complicating things. Read this chapter over at AO3 here. Part 1 can be found here (my blog) or here (AO3), Part 2 here (blog) or here (AO3).
Haly’s Circus *1
They were patrolling the streets of Blüdhaven again, when, coming to a halt at a stoplight, Barbara noticed it - a big billboard announcing the arrival of the Haly Bros. Circus.
“Well look at that, the circus is coming to town!” Barbara exclaimed joyfully, the colorful sign bringing back many happy memories from her childhood.
“I still remember the first time my Dad and I went to the circus… I just had the best time there - the music, the animals and performances - I ended up loving it so much…. Maybe I should go again, it’s been a long time since my last visit… - What about you?”
Just as she had voiced that question aloud, did it dawn on Barbara that for Dick, a former circus acrobat who watched his parents fall to their deaths during their performance, “memories of the circus” wouldn’t be a pleasant topic to talk about. She glanced nervously at Dick, an apology regarding her insensitivity already on her lips, when she saw that he was actually smiling brightly, sharing her enthusiasm.
“Oh I’m definitely going; can’t let the opportunity slip by to take a whiff of the smell of sawdust and popcorn and cotton candy…” Dick trailed off, letting that colorful description hang in the air. Barbara could swear she could almost smell these very things inside the stuffy police cruiser the were sitting in.
“Do I have to worry that I’m gonna be without a partner again soon, because it sounds like my current one is gonna run away to re-join the circus?”
Dick gave her one of his ridiculously charming smiles: “Why not make sure I won’t run yourself? I’ve actually been meaning to ask you if you’d like to go with me to have a look around on Saturday or so?”
His facial expression was as open and friendly as ever, but Barbara couldn’t help but feel that Dick’s suggestion was less casual than his tone of voice let on.
Despite her inclination to say yes, Barbara hesitated for a second, giving Dick a searching look. Going to the circus together was quite different from grabbing a drink after a shift...
“As in a ”partner/friends” kinda thing, right?” she said haltingly, feeling a need to clarify his motive behind this get-together.
“It’s not a date, Babs,” Dick assured her, “I just thought that we both are in need of some downtime and since you said that you also want to see the circus, I thought we could do it together.”
Barbara could feel her shoulders relax, a tension she hadn’t even noticed building up in them falling away. Then again, the emergence of the hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach and its potential implication was something she chose to push aside deliberately.
“Some downtime sounds like a good idea,” she agreed.
Dick’s smile broadened.
“So it’s settled then.”
They met up at the fairground on Saturday. The place was bustling with people, the air filled with cheerful music and the scents Dick had described so aptly just mere days before. Barbara let her gaze wander, trying to find Dick in the crowd.
“Hey, Babs,” a familiar voice sounded right behind her, giving Barbara a start.
“Good grief, Dick!” she shouted, clutching her chest, “you almost gave me a heart-attack!”
“Sorry,” Dick said, the mischievous grin on his face making him not look sorry at all.
“Jerk,” Barbara laughed, swatting his arm in mock-annoyance.
“That may be true,” Dick conceded, before his grin widened and he presented Barbara with two strips of paper, “but I’m the jerk who already got us tickets for the next show.”
Barbara just rolled her eyes and took a ticket, pulling out her wallet, “So, how much do I owe you?”
But Dick just made a dismissive gesture, saying: “It’s on me.”
“Come on, Grayson! We’ve already established this is not a date, so there’s no reason to go all gentlemanly on me.”
“Just because this isn’t a date doesn’t mean I can’t act like a gentleman, I would argue,” Dick retorted, before adding: “And I got these for a special price; so you really don’t owe me anything.”
Barbara eyed her partner and the ticket quizzically: “What, you get a circus discount or something?”
Not caring to elaborate, Dick just flashed her a grin: “Something like that.”
They went to see the show, which, in Barbara’s eyes, was everything a circus ought to be: goofy, bright, colorful, and just delightfully corny. Barbara couldn’t remember the last time she’d had this much fun.
She and Dick were now roaming the circus’ grounds, with Dick still teasing her about the enthusiasm she had displayed when the tigers had come up (so what? She liked tigers. They were cool.) Barbara was just about to respond with a witty comment, when they both were approached by an older man, who addressed Dick by name and with a kind smile.
“Checking up on me, son?” the man said teasingly, putting a hand on Dick’s shoulder in a cordial gesture.
“Just enjoying the smell of sawdust with the other rubes, Mr. Haly,” Dick replied humbly.
Barbara, who was observing the exchange intently, trying to figure out what was going on exactly, realized that she and Dick must have the owner of Haly’s circus before them…
“”Mister Haly”,” Mr. Haly repeated amusedly, exchanging a conspirative look with Barbara as if there was a joke going on she should be aware of (she wasn’t), “listen to him!”
Mr. Haly shook his head at Dick’s silliness, before dropping the bomb on Barbara: “Like he doesn’t own the whole place.”
Dick owned the freaking circus!?!
It took Barbara a considerable amount of effort not to let her surprise show on her face, while Mr. Haly introduced himself to her as “Harry Haly of the Haly Brothers Traveling Circus” and shook Barbara’s hand heartily when she introduced herself to him.
A sideways glance at a flustered Dick let Barbara know that her partner was feeling very uncomfortable about the entire situation. Good.
Harry and Dick chatted for a few more minutes, before Harry left the two of them alone again, wishing them a fun visit.
With slight satisfaction, Barbara noticed that Dick’s cheeks were still flushed.
He seemed to be fumbling for words: “Babs, um, I-”
“Well, at least I feel a lot better now about not giving you money for getting our tickets,” Barbara remarked dryly, and then, just because she couldn’t help herself, jokingly added the question: “Do you own a lot of circuses, or just this one?”
“Co-own, actually,” Dick clarified, before adding in a quieter tone: “Just this one - the one that I grew up in.”
Oh… OH.
“You grew up in this circus?”
“Hmm,” Dick hummed in affirmation, continuing their stroll.
For a moment, the two of them walked side by side in complete silence.
“Does it… Does it hurt to come back here?” Barbara asked tentatively, thinking how they had just spent two hours under the same tent Dick’s parents had died in.
Dick mulled over her question, before replying carefully: “I guess… no? It’s just… this, the circus, it’s always been more than just a place to me - it’s home. The people that are part of this circus - they are my family. Haly’s circus and its people are another source of support for me, I suppose… I came back to this place during a semester break, when I realized that studying business wasn’t really what I wanted to do with my life; I could have gone home to Gotham, to the manor, of course - but it had just felt right coming back here, my first home, to figure out where to go from here… Being here grounded me, made me realize that I wanted to become a cop - and when I later found out that the circus was experiencing financial difficulties, was in danger of having to shut down; I just knew that I had to do something, had to preserve all of this,” Dick opened his arms wide, a gesture meant to encompass the entirety of the circus.
“Keeping this circus alive is not only about saving my childhood home, but also about commemorating my parents, I guess.”
Barbara noticed a soft smile playing on Dick’s lips.
“I never feel more connected to my parents than when I’m flying on the trapeze or talking to the people who knew and loved them back in the old days.”
Barbara could feel unshed tears stinging her eyes.
“God, now I feel like a real jerk for being mad at you for not telling me that you own the circus,” she admitted to Dick.
“Nah, you were right to be mad; I should have told you instead of having you walk right into this…It’s good to talk. I guess I was just nervous of saying all of this out loud… I shouldn’t have  been afraid to trust you with this - we are partners, after all. And I do trust you.”
How Barbara had gotten so lucky to have been assigned the most genuine and honest person as her new partner, she had no idea.
“This means a lot to me, Dick. I know that opening up about this can’t be easy - but I’m very glad you did. It’s good to know that in this partnership, trust goes both ways - I know that you always have my back, just as I have yours.... It’s not something I had with my previous partner… I’m really glad that we do.”
Dick smiled.
“Yeah, me too.”
They both stayed silent for one awkward moment, before Dick said: “Now that you know about the circus… would you like a behind the scenes tour?”
Barbara couldn’t help the impish grin forming on her lips.
“If that means that I get to see the tigers again, sure.”
Dick let out a snicker.
“Okay, I’ve changed my mind - I think I should just stay on the ground,” Barbara said uneasily, making Dick laugh.
“Oh, come on, Babs; you’ve already climbed all the way up!”
Barbara peered over the platform she and Dick were standing on; the sight of the 40 foot drop did not help matters. She was starting to think that this part of her special tour she could do without…
The tour had started out innocently enough: Dick had shown Barbara around the circus, introducing her to the many people working there - old friends of Dick’s such as Irving Carberry, the accountant of the circus and former strongman “Mr. Hercules”, his wife Lydia (former “Princess Felina”; who was now in charge of travels and bookings), the roustabout Danny Poteet, and Zitka, an elephant lady that surprised both Dick and Barbara when she ‘greeted’ Dick by wrapping her trunk around his torso for a hug (it certainly rang true that elephants have excellent memories). Everyone was extremely kind and open, and it really felt more like Dick had taken her to a family reunion than anything else (complete with stories about and photographs of little Dick Grayson, which embarrassed Dick and amused Barbara endlessly.)
Towards the end of their tour, Dick had introduced her to Alyssa and Oleg, the circus’ current trapeze artists, and relatively newer additions to the circus. The three acrobats ended up talking shop for a few minutes, and Barbara couldn’t help listening completely enraptured, and managing to drop in a curious question once in a while. Apparently, she hadn’t been as inconspicuous about her fascination with the trapeze as she thought she’d been, because Dick suggested they could go ‘flying’ if she was interested. Barbara would have been lying if she had claimed not to be interested, and Alyssa and Oleg readily offered to burrow her and Dick some training clothes.
Which is how Barbara ended up where she was now.
“C'mon, Babs, I'll help you with your first transfer – it's gonna be as easy as pie, you'll see!” Dick said confidently, reaching for the nearest bar.
He held it out to Barbara, gesturing for her to take it.
When she hesitated, Dick went on to elaborate: “You and I are both gonna hold on to this bar, hop off the platform and just swing – and when we get to the next bar,” he pointed at another bar, halfway across the distance of the next platform,” all we have to do is wait for the snap and grab it – I'll tell you when, don't worry – and we'll swing over to the next platform. Easy.”
Barbara couldn't help but think that “easy” was a debatable term for the routine Dick had just described; but his calm instruction of each step certainly made it sound doable.
“Okay,” Barbara agreed and was met with a positively exhilarated smile from Dick.
She grabbed the bar he had been holding out for her. Dick gently pulled her closer to him, adjusting her stance, so she had a better grasp of the bar. He then also took hold of the bar, giving Barbara a reassuring smile: “On three.”
Oh boy. The thought of letting go and climbing back down crossed Barbara’s mind.
Technically, she still could… - but no; she was going to do this.
‘Easy as pie’, right?
And with that, she and Dick jumped.
The rush of adrenaline, the wind in her hair - it was a wonderful feeling.
“The next bar is coming up,” Dick pointed out, pulling Barbara out of her reverie.
He gave her an easy smile, like he knew of the delight Barbara was feeling right now.
Dick’s gaze got more focused then.
“Wait for the snap…” he instructed. Barbara felt another rush of adrenaline coming up.
“... Now!”
And in one synchronous motion, they both grabbed the next bar, swinging until they reached the next platform.
“So, you liked it?” Dick asked with a knowing grin, while making sure that Barbara had good footing.
Barbara grinned back.
“I loved it it!”
“Told ya,” Dick said, looking a little self-satisfied, before an idea appeared to cross his mind: “Oh hey; how about a simple flying transfer?”
Before Barbara could even reply, Dick had already jumped off the platform, swung to the middle of the trapeze, backflipped to the other bar and gotten to the opposite platform.
“You’re kidding, right?” Barbara exclaimed disbelievingly, panic rising in her chest, “I manage one simple transfer - with your help, I might add - and you expect me to do a ‘simple’ flying transfer, whatever the hell that is?!”
Dick seemed to have a more easygoing view on the whole idea: “You’re gonna do just fine, Babs - you have really good body control, and it’s really easy: I’ll be on this bar, being catcher, and you’ll be the flyer; you’ll just jump off the platform, swing on your bar,” he pointed at the bar closest to Barbara, “and when you reach the highest point of your momentum, you let go and I’ll catch you.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“It’s gonna be fun. Honestly.”
Again, with that sincere look on his face. Barbara could feel her resolve crumbling.
“I should be climbing down right now,” she said, but without much insistence, “This is crazy.”
“This is going to be fine,” Dick disagreed in a soothing voice.
“Trust me, Babs. And yourself. You can do it.”
‘I’m so gonna kick his butt if it’s not going to work out’, Barbara thought, before she replied with a disgruntled “Fine.”
Dick just sent a infuriatingly charming and reassuring smile her way, before he jumped off his platform and assumed the ‘Catcher’s lock’; hanging from the bar in the catcher’s position.
“Now you,” he said, sounding way to cheerily for Barbara’s taste.
But nevertheless: she jumped.
When Barbara’s swing had reached its highest point, she let go of the bar - and for a brief moment, Barbara was flying.
A second later, a pair of strong fingers wrapped themselves around her wrists, and Barbara felt something in her stomach flutter. Must be from the excitement of the maneuver. She looked up into the brightly smiling face of Dick.
“Damn, Babs! You’re really good!”
Barbara returned that smile with one of her own.
“Well, I trained a few years in gymnastics before I focused on jujutsu when I was a bit older…” she confessed impishly, the euphoria from her stunt coursing through her veins.
Dick let out a delighted gasp: “Barbara Gordon, you’ve been holding out on me!”
Barbara didn’t bother to stifle the laugh that was bubbling up inside her.
When she safely returned to the platform she had leapt off before, she saw that Dick was still swinging on his bar, a knowing look on his face and his eyes sparkling with mirth:
“Wanna go again?”
Still giddy with excitement, Barbara grabbed the bar swinging back towards her and grinned.
“You bet!”
“So, how did you like your latest visit to the circus?” Dick asked Barbara while they were walking back to Barbara’s car.
The wide smile on her face probably was answer enough, but that didn’t stop Barbara from saying: “I had a really great time - I think this visit is up there with my very first one.”
Dick beamed brightly at her.
Not wanting him to let his ‘success’ go to his head, Barbara then adopted a bit of of a sterner expression:
“I still can’t believe you abandoned me 40 feet above the ground and just asked me to jump!” She hit Dick in the shoulder for emphasis.
“Hey!” he protested, but was grinning nonetheless,”You had fun, didn’t you?”
“I had,” Barbara admitted, “but still.”
She raised her hand to deliver another playful hit; this time, Dick caught her hand easily.
“I had a really great time, too,” he said, an earnest look on his face.
Barbara noticed that Dick’s hand was still wrapped around her wrist. Her heart began to beat harder.
“Maybe…,” Dick hesitated, his dark blue eyes scanning her face with an intensity that Barbara had never experienced before. The fluttering in her stomach emerged again and this time, Barbara couldn’t blame it on acrobatics.
“Maybe we could do something like this again?” Dick asked tentatively, his voice tinged with a bit of hope.
For a brief moment, all Barbara could think of saying was ‘yes’. But it didn’t take long for her brain to catch up with her emotions and remind her of all the ways this was not a good idea.
“Dick...,” she started delicately, while carefully entangling her arm from his hold.
She could see him deflate at that. Barbara slightly turned away, under the pretense of looking for her car keys, so she didn’t have to see Dick looking like a kicked puppy.
“I just don’t think that would be a good idea,” she finally said, feeling awful.
“I mean, we work together… and it’s a dangerous job at that,” Barbara felt compelled to add, “It would only… overcomplicate things.”
Not to mention if any of their fellow officers found out that she was dating a colleague… they would never show her any sort of respect… And if her goal was to clean up the BPD, she would need to be taken seriously; she couldn’t just be the “newbie’s sweetheart”.
Barbara took a deep breath.
“Look, Dick: you are a really nice, great guy and I had a lot of fun and an amazing time with you today - but I’m really not looking for a romantic relationship right now and I hope you can understand that.”
She risked looking at Dick, and the look on his face just made her feel worse.
“No, of course; I get it,” he said, lowering his glance.
It didn’t really help with Barbara’s guilty conscience at all; because of course he would be understanding and respectful about getting rejected. This was a really shitty situation. Barbara almost groaned from frustration. She figured that she should just go (and maybe drop by the gym on her way home - she felt the need to kick something. Hard.)
“Thanks again for tonight,” she said to Dick, just barely stopping herself from putting a comforting hand on his arm,”I really had a lovely time.”
And with that, Barbara walked the last few steps to her car and left.
To be continued... here
Birds of Prey #8: The entire chapter is heavily inspired by this lovely issue: Dick and Babs visiting Haly’s Circus, meeting Harry (although here, Babs obviously knows that Dick owns the circus) and going up the trapeze... and lots of romantic moments that make you go “come on! get together, damn it!” ;) Trust is also an important underlying theme in this issue (so much, that many submissions for dickbabs week 2017, day 1 “trust”, referenced this issue... my own included ;), so I decided to focus on that aspect in this chapter
A Lonely Place of Dying: In which Dick saves the circus from financial troubles (someone actually sabotages the circus; Dick figures out who did it with the help from an unfamiliar kid - Robin III to-be ,Tim Drake, - and buys the circus) - I think this all happens in the issue New Titans #60; unfortunately, I don’t own this story arc, so I’m not 100% sure 
Robin Annual #4 (from 1995 - my birth year!): Dick’s old circus friends (Irving Carberry, Lydia Orenstein and Danny Poteet) are from this issue; they are also mentioned in...
Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins #1: in the profile page of “Haly’s Circus”; in this issue, Dick and Babs also talk about exciting first experiences in “Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana?”, during which Barbara mentions how much she loved her first circus
Nightwing #88: Alyssa and Oleg are from this issue (okay, in this issue, Oleg is found dead in his trailer and Irving asks Dick to take Oleg’s place for that night’s performance - but this fic isn’t dark and gloomyTM , so everyone is alive and well here :) and the Zitka hug is also from the same issue (funnily enough, the elephant in A Lonely Place of Dying is not named Zitka, but Elinor - the elephant in Dick’s origin story from Batman: Year Three (Batman #436) is also named Elinor... - I guess the name changed due to Zitka from the Batman: The Animated Series’ episode “Robin’s Reckoning”, which aired in 1993? (”Robin’s Reckoning” is also an insanely good two-part episode I can’t recommend enough - it didn’t win an Emmy for nothing!) Anyways, both Batman #436 and New Titans #60 came before that, in 1989... Personally, I prefer the name Zitka... how about you?
Batgirl: Year One #1:  Babs is enrolled in a jujutsu class under a sensei named "Dragoncat" in this issue
Barbara doing gymnastics is something I burrowed from Batman: The Animated Series' episode "Shadow of the Bat" (Barbara's first introduction as Batgirl; in the beginning of the episode we see her practicing gymnastics) and from the The Batman's episode "Batgirl Begins, Part 1" (you can see Barbara on a balancing beam in a picture on her nightstand in that episode)
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“Tightrope Walking” - Part 2
“Tightrope Walking” - Part 2
(Part 1)
My Masterlist - Here
Bruce Wayne x Reader - Romantic Relationship
Jim Gordon x Reader - Father/Daughter Relationship
Jerome Valeska x Reader - Past Friendship
Word Count: 2868
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Your Last Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Cursing, talk of murder
Summary: With the return of Jerome, it’s time for your boyfriend, Bruce, to finally hear about your past.  
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Author’s Note: This is going to be a 4 or 5 part story, and I hope I can do it justice! Please be patient with me! These are also all going to be a bit lengthier, but I will try my best to not make them insanely long! I also made Bruce and the reader college aged. Not too old though. Maybe 17 or 18? I figured it would make more sense this way.
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces (All Works, Specific Fandoms, or Specific Multi-Parts), please let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
4 years ago, you’re parents disappeared. They were times you heard them with people who were from the bad parts of town. You knew how bad the foster system would be, so you packed a backpack full of essentials and went on your own. It wasn’t until after you ran away that you found out just who your parents really were. They worked for one of the gang leaders in a city about an hour out from Gotham.
You didn’t really have any destination in mind. You just wandered for a while until you saw a flyer on a newsstand for Haly’s Circus. It was a traveling circus that was setting up for a weekend of shows at the local fairgrounds. You were able to crack into your parent’s lockbox and take some cash, so you weren’t worried about money yet. Why not go to the circus? Maybe it can be a movie moment where you actually run away with them.
You didn’t expect that last part to ring true.
When you finally made it to the big top, you were in awe. You always loved the circus, you just hadn’t ever been to one. There were so many things to do before the show. Play carnival games, get a snack, meet some of the performers that were wandering around, interacting with guests. You saw a sort of shooting game where you had to shoot at cutouts of ducks that had targets on their backs.
“Woah there, sweetcheeks! You sure you’re up for this game?” The ginger teenager operating the game questioned. He didn’t look more than a year or two older than yourself. His sort of sexist comment made you even more determined to prove him wrong. You had learned how to use a gun thanks to your parents. So when you hit every target perfectly, it was no shock to you, but certainly to the boy. He laughed loudly. That laugh… So different from any you have heard or will hear.
“Well damn. What’s your name, beautiful?” You told him your name and shook his hand. You both started talking. His name was Jerome Valeska, his mother was the snake lady, and he had kind of a messed up life as well. But he made the best of it.
“So got any cute boyfriend or protective daddy around here?” You laughed a bit and shook your head no. You didn’t mean for the rest to slip out.
“No. I’m alone. My parents disappeared a few days ago and I just up and left. I had nowhere else to go, so I figured I’d have some fun before really trying to figure out where the hell I am going or what I’m going to do for survival.”
When he heard your story, he was taken aback. You seemed so independent and strong, but he could tell that that was a partial act. Jerome didn’t want to fully admit this, but he had a sort of fondness for you. He knows how shitty it feels to be alone, and couldn’t imagine having no one in his life. How you’ve done it was a mystery to him.
The announcer came on the intercoms to warn everyone that the show was going to start soon and for the audience to find their seats.
“Well, I guess that’s my cue to go. I loved talking to you-” You started to say goodbye even though you really didn’t want to. Jerome was your only friend right now, and you loved it. So you were hopeful when he interrupted you.
“Do you want to watch the show with me? I can tell you about each act and  I can take you backstage and meet everyone afterwards too.” You could tell that he actually wanted to spend more time with you. You gladly accepted his offer.
You both then sit together in a middle section of the seating area. As the different performances come out, you are amazed! Seeing everyone flip and tumble and juggle and do what they do introduced you to a whole new world. You wanted to be a part of this world, but how?
Jerome stayed true to his word and took you backstage afterwards. The last person he wanted to introduce you to was the ringleader. As soon as Jerome saw him, he turned to you.
“I got a plan. Just let me do all the talkin’.” Before you could ask him for clarification, he turned back and went up to the ringleader. He introduced you to him and then kept talking.
“So, (Y/N) here is alone. Parents are gone, no friends, no family. So I figured, she could join ours.” You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. The rest of the conversation was between the two guys, but you stood in shock.
After all of the talking, you were given the small extra caravan that had just been emptied. You made that little place and the circus your home for the next 2 years. You were able to train with the performers and actually ended up being a jack of all trades. You could fill in for almost anyone after only 6 or 7 months of training, you knew your way around the tech part of the circus, and you were always able to help you with the carnival games or food stands.
Jerome became your best friend and go to guy for anything and everything. He would work the booths with you, help you clean up after shows, and even spot you when you trained. You both found a tightrope set up in one of the storage containers. The couple who did that act moved on awhile ago. Jerome got an idea.
“How’s your balance, sweetcheeks?” He had a smile on his face, and you were nervous at the thought of being so high up. But something inside of you said that you could do it.
So for the next few months, you both set up the tightrope (and net) and practiced after hours while everyone was asleep. Jerome watched comfortably from the ground. He was super supportive and worried about your safety.
You had actually gotten really good at being on the tightrope. It was oddly relaxing. You slowly started to build a sort of routine. Never in a million years would you think you would actually perform it in front of anyone other than Jerome.
On the one year anniversary of you joining Haly’s circus, you were surprised by the ringleader. Starting in the next city, you were going to have your very own act on the tightrope. That was also the night that you and Jerome became a bit more than friends.
For the next year, you performed your act in front of crowds from about 45 different cities across the United States. The first performance was nerve wracking, but then you improved and kept growing. You had never felt this good about yourself. When you were up high above everyone else, you felt invincible and like you were wanted. Wanted by not only the audience, but by a certain circus boy who insisted on being one of the ones who watched you and made sure you safe during every performance. He was always right below you, ready to catch you if the net gave out or your safety harness broke.
You and Jerome had also gotten very close outside of the performance. You were his escape and oasis in this circus world. You two had your fights and spats just like any other couple. But things weren’t bad until one particularly brutal experience with his mom. It changed him. He became more angry and transformed into this unrecognizable person that was not the Jerome you fell in love with.
While you were thankful for everything the circus had done for you in your time of need, you felt the overwhelming need to move on. You spent two years of your life traveling, but not really moving anywhere in life. You needed change, normality, and more than what this life could offer you.
The circus was setting up right outside of Gotham. It wasn’t the nicest city, but if you went to one more city, you’d break. You had talked to the ringleader earlier in the day about you quitting, he was saddened but respectful about it. He understood that this life isn’t for everyone. Jerome on the other hand, didn’t take it too well…
You had left him a note on his bed before you went to do your hair and makeup. You were one of the performers who not only performed, but also went out and greeted guests as they arrived. You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup when your door slammed open and a wild Jerome barged in.
A major argument ensued. You understood why Jerome didn’t want you to leave, and you tried to get him to see your side of the story, but he couldn’t. It ended with you being called out to start working for the night and walking out, saying that you’d talk about this later.
Little did you know that there wouldn’t really be a later.
That night, Jerome wasn’t there to spot you during your act. It was a couple of the other circus tech crew members. Jerome had snuck off and killed his mother after another one of her fits.
You went back to your caravan after your act was canceled thanks to the families feuding and the GCPD breaking it up. You had been interrogated by a man named Jim Gordon. He asked about your suitcase being packed up, and you told him your whole back story. He could tell that you were telling the truth. You asked if this would keep you from moving to Gotham. He gave you the okay and even offered to help. He couldn’t let a 16 year old just wander around Gotham alone. Jim then went to go talk to the rest of the circus.
About 20 minutes later, he knocked at your door again and asked you about Jerome’s mother. That’s when you found out that she had been murdered. You went to go comfort Jerome as soon as you could. When the police finally left, Jerome went back with you to your caravan and stayed with you for the night.
The next morning, you were having your last breakfast with everyone. Recollecting memories, talking about future plans, saying that you’ll visit whenever they came near Gotham again, and finally the goodbyes. Jerome was the last one to say goodbye to. He tried one last time to get you to stay, but you needed to move on. You knew he’d had the circus family to support him, but you felt awful leaving him. Until he confessed to killing his mother.
You almost ran after that. The last thing you remember before getting in the cab was his laugh and him saying “I’ll come and find ya’, sweetcheeks!”
From that moment, Jerome’s short reign of terror began until he was shot during his attempt to kill Bruce. After his arrest, Jim Gordon took you in. You were too young to be on your own. He knew he had to wait until after the investigation to even say anything to you about it, but as soon as Jerome was taken away, Jim called you.
“And then you know the rest of what led to this moment.” You didn’t realize how bad you were shaking. Bruce waited until you were done talking to move and hold you tight to try to fight the trembling.
He had listened to every word you said and how you said them. He didn’t judge you for any of your past. He understood everything.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that.” Bruce just held you close, gently rubbing his hand up and down your arm. You wrapped yourself around him. Bruce then had a lightbulb go off in his head. Hearing Jerome’s name on the television was what set you off earlier. He turned to face you, you were looking down at the comforter.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” You looked up at him now. You could clearly see the protective Bruce coming out. There was a small amount of worry in his eyes though.
“You know I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, right?” You nodded your head yes and leaned up to kiss his cheek before going back to playing with the comforter. You knew he would always do his best when it came to you. There was a pause in the conversation which caused you to look back up at him. You could see that he was trying to work out something in his head. He always got this look when he was thinking.
“What’s going through your head, Brucey?” You slid your hand into his and intertwined your fingers. He was so warm compared to your frigid body. You always seemed to be cold, but he was your warmth.
“I don’t want you being alone.” You waited for him to continue. “I mean, I don’t think it’s going to be safe for you to be without any protection. I know that Jim has taught you some self defense, but if Jerome really intends on coming after you, he is going to be able to fight back.” You shifted a bit, scared of the thought of Jerome popping in out of nowhere and taking you. Bruce noticed this and tried his best to make things worse.
“I think you should take time off of work until this all blows over. Either stay here with me and Alfred, or be with Jim, or even at the GCPD. I know you don’t like this, but I’m trying to think safe and rational.”  You just nodded your head.
He was right. You didn’t like this idea. You didn’t like the idea of not working. You didn’t like the idea of basically hiding from Jerome. Yes you didn’t want to confront the maniac killer, but you didn’t want to hide either. Bruce saw that you weren’t very happy and made you look at him when he began talking again.
“I love you. And you are too important in my life for me to let anything to happen to you. This is much more than the usual ‘making sure you don’t walk alone at night’. He is an insane murderer that you have a past with. Which puts a huge target on your back. So please, realize that this is the best plan to keep you safe.” You just leaned forward and kissed him.
You trusted Bruce with your life. You loved him to the farthest stars and back. If he said this was the safest way, then you believed him. His points were valid and you knew that sometimes the best option isn’t always the most well liked.
You pulled away and rested your forehead on his. He was about to speak when you cut him off.
“It’s the safest way.” Bruce let out a deep breath and was relieved that you said that. He pulled you into another kiss. His lips were gentle and sweet, he knew that that was all you needed in this moment and you gladly kissed back.
You both were interrupted by your phone ringing. You looked at the screen.
Jim Gordon Calling.
Taking a deep breath, you answered the phone. “Hey.”
“(Y/N)! Thank god! Where are you?” It was obvious that Jim was scared. He must have heard the news at work.
“I’m at Bruce’s.”
“Okay. Good. I just wanted to make sure because I just got word that--”
“Yes, I heard the news while we were having dinner tonight. I know that he is back somehow.” Jim went quiet for a few seconds. You could imagine him leaning on his desk, head in his hand, phone in the other, feeling like a bad parent for not being with you. You decided to keep speaking.
“I’m fine right now, just a bit shaken. Bruce was able to help me calm down enough to function again.”
“Tell him I said ‘thank you.’” There was a small pause before Jim sighed on the other end. “Listen, I know I should be with you at home tonight, but now that Jerome is out, Captain’s got us working like crazy.” You decided to speak before he continued to make himself feel worse.
“It’s alright. I already decided that I am going to just spend the night here tonight. I left a some clothes here awhile ago since I come by so often that I practically live here. And I’m sure that it won’t be any problem if I stay here more often because of your work load.”
“Tell Bruce I said ‘thank you’ again. I’m glad you’re with him instead of some punk from the cafe or something.” There was some noise in the background that must have caught Jim’s attention. “I gotta go. I’ll let you know when I get back home safe. I love you, kiddo.”
“Wait! Before you go, we have to talk about this plan that Bruce thought of.”
Part 3 - Here
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papermoth-bird-blog · 6 years
New Orleans: Clowns & more curious things.
I’ve always thought the best way to really learn a city is to walk until you can’t walk anymore, and then, take the transit. I know I have a tendency to romanticize things, but New Orleans is feeding this reciprocally. I mean, it’s definitely more dangerous than the cities I’ve spend time in before, but it also has an air about it that draws you in. This is the start of Carnival season & many of the houses are decorated with beads and Banners already. Some even have floats parked in their backyards (7th ward). King cake is front & center in terms of deserts. It’s the most sugary thing I’ve ever tasted- crunchy, gooey, buttery- like candy-cake. Almost felt like something a 7 year old would make if left to their own devices in the kitchen.  Not usually my style at all, but it was worth it for saying I have. Other local foodie things that I liked a lot more were Swamp pop (particularly the Satsuma one) & Voodoo chips- which Asa and Leon definitely got me hooked on. Apparently you can get Voodoo chips everywhere in the states- but it’s definitely a Cajun thing, so I’m glad I tried them here first. 
New Orleans is as bright & filled with life, as it is dark & full of death. The houses are colourful and decorated, but many of them still have the spray paint markings left on them during the post-hurricaine search. For every fun-feathery mask, there is a decapitated Crocodile head. For every person playing jazz, there is a person behind a curtain reading palms, or tea leaves, or tarot cards or crystal balls, or what have you. 
Yesterday, I decided to get my palm read... because when in Rome. And let’s be honest, the reason I’m here in the first place is for similarly mysteriously-provoked reasons. I decided to go to Bottom of the Cup, which is one of the more established fortune-telling joints- and honestly, you probably pay a premium for that too. I was fine with it though, cause I’ve been pretty good so far about staying on the low end of the budget. So I’m sitting in the cafe for a good 20 minutes patiently with my camomile tea, when my reader rushes my me & kinda grumbles for me to come in. It was a man, which I didn’t realize would be strange for me- but I don’t think I’ve every had my fortune told by a man before. He honestly looked like something out of Tim Burton sketch book. Tall, thin, austere-looking. He was wearing black skinny jeans, rolled above the ankle with shiny black boots. He also had on a peacoat  that had the collar popped up beside his ears- which he kept on, even when inside, because everyone is freaking out about the “cold” in NOLA right now (it’s 8 degrees.. which is unseasonable cold here, but by comparison, it’s fine). He didn’t ask me much, but my Sign, which is Aries. He told me I didn’t have typical Fire hands- actually more Watery (but I had fire fingers apparently). Which is funnny, because most people, when guessing think I am a Pisces through&through. Honestly, I thought what he told me was pretty accurate- that I would be unhappy to settle doing one thing for too long, that I tend to have really deep-genuine connections that are slightly ephemeral by nature (because it would take a lot for me to settle down with one person). Something about a triple life-line? anyways. Anyways, what was more interesting,  was (maybe cause of my broken fate line?) he brought up that he really think I should do DEATH MEDITATION. I kept a pretty good poker face, but I was all WTF IS THAT. Basically he wants me to sit there & visualize my body decaying & sinking into the ground- apparently this will both help with any anxiety I feel (dunno bout that) & open me up to receiving messages from spirits. Of course, I’m thinking of the whole “go to new orleans to learn about death” thing. So might have to give that a shot soon. I have a recording of it too-- so for any of my close friends- we can listen to it together (Katie & Mare... I know y’all might want to). Charlie also mentioned I should be careful with my manifestation, because I’m very very good at it & I should use it more sparingly. Which I again, kinda poker-faced, because That has been another huge thing that has come up in my life more recently- I am really good at manifesting exactly what I’m seeking. Even freaky, off-the-beaten path type stuff... stlll looking for a witch for a place that has no seasons though, Mare.  (As another tangent, I have this thing where I test out if I can manifest certain songs as I’m walking though areas where the radio is playing. So far, fleetwood mac, rising appalachia & bob dylan have alllll met me there- which sure, could be co-incidence, could be magic???)
This, however wasn’t the most novel, or most curious thing I’ve been up to so far--- which has to be Clownless. Which, as you may remember from my previous post, is the all-clown cast adaptation of the 90s classic film ‘Clueless’. It was “staged” in the Marigny, in a very DIY type-theatre in what was either an old warehouse, or a large garage. The front was open & held a art show with works featuring clowns. Bright ones, Macabre ones, all sorts. Many people were dressed as clowns too- which made Asa wish that we had had time to dress-up before hand too (alas, we were at Sarah-Jane’s art show, which would have definitely of been less-appropriate). We were all jammed in the car tho, which meant we definitely looked like clowns as we all tumbled out of the front seat when we pulled up to the theatre. The play itself was a host for crude, queer, self aware comedy. It was definitely funny, but a little “sticky” at times. Overall, so glad I went, cause I mean, when else am I going to get that opportunity again?! It is funny how often clowns are coming up for me on this trip so far- I really don’t think the world is usually so clown-y. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s the Zeitgeist. 
After the show, we all went back to the house and got into a big discussion about how odd Louisiana is as a place. I mean, it has a lot of influences- French, Spanish, English, American & the huge legacy the Slave trade has left on the place. The liquor laws were the fist thing. (I already talked about that though). Asa started to tell me about this strange tradition here called “Prison Rodeos” which is as barbaric and horrifying as you can imagine. It’s like modern day gladiator trials. Prisoners can win money by staying in a chair for the longest amount of time while a bull attacks them, and other “fun” stuff like that. And people go to these things. In droves. On the bright side, they also have prisoner craft-market things that the prisoners can sell their woodworkings, or leather-workings, or what have you. Asa showed me the really beautiful ostrich wallet & the really odd “Highwater dragon” sculpture that he got when he went. The fact that there are more people in the prison system today than were ever slaves really jumps out to me here. It’s “out of sight, out of mind” though, and so it isn’t really being thought of as the HUGE issue it really is. It’s been a super humbling experience in that way. 
Though not as horrifying (?) I was also told about other traditions that come from the swamp- including a certain kind of roast that I now forget the name of. But basically, it’s a roasted hog, stuffed with a racoon, stuffed with a Nutria (Which is a giant, swamp dwelling, dog-sized rat). And apparently this is an actual tradition. I’m not one to judge, but I sure am glad I am a vegetarian & have a valid cop-out for indulging in that one. 
Another tradition, which is far more familiar to me is ‘Fais Do-Do’. Which is the Lousianan answer to a Ceilidh. These fiddle parties, however more likely take place in a neighbourhood street, more so than a kitchen (probably cause of the heat). I’ve yet to go to one, but I’m working on manifesting one while I’m here still. 
In the 7th especially, I’ve found a lot of people have been greating me with “I hope you are staying warm.” Which I’ve just smiled about because, in Canada, this is late summer/ early fall kind of weather (which is kind of my favourite). I mean, there are still flowers in bloom here! Full blown blooming Magnolias. Too be fair, it is unseasonable cold here. A couple of days ago it was 8 degrees! Which happened to have been the same temperature it was in Halifax that day (but okay, it was unseasonably warm there that day). Yeah, I do wish that I was experiencing the normal 18-degree “winter” they have usually, but it’s definetly been okay with me. The only thing being, the houses and buildings aren’t entirely equiped for weather like this. The floors are tiled, ceilings really tall- designed to keep the house as cool as possible, which is great, except on days like these when they are then cooler than even the outside temperatures. 
If this was winter, I really started to wonder what summer was like over here. I mean, I can only imagine it being a little bit unbareable. Asa’s friend Satori described New Orleans as “Seasonally Biblical” in reference to not only the heat/humidity, but also the awe-striking influx of insects (including, termits & other kinds of swamp bugs). Apparently there is pretty much a mass exodus from the city, for those that can afford to leave. 
I love how people dress down here too. A lot of the people in the Bywater dress super gothic (and for that I am happy). Lace, black, pin-stripes- It’s a style Jack White would be pleased with. Many of the folks are also wearing fur in this weather- very 1920s vibes, but with slightly weirder & wilder cuts/colours. On my first day I even saw a man dressed up like a full voodoo priest (not even in a hokey way). He was just casually sitting on Elysian-Feilds, eating an ice cream bar. It was kinda glorious. 
Every morning, I’ve been the first to wake, which has kind of been nice. I usually eat my breakfast in the backyard with the cat & listen to the mardi gras beads lining the fence blowing in the wind. I then journal a little & think of all my gratitudes. It’s super peaceful & grounding. Missing the hali-fam rituals though. Overall though, I’m quite enjoying the amount of alone time I’m getting. Travelling alone so far, as been super rewarding. I feel braver & confident & more autonomous than ever. The only down side, I’ve discovered so far, is that you have to ask strangers if you still have powdered sugar on your face apres-beignets. 
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multifandomgirl-us · 8 years
Eternal Spark Chapter 2
QOTC: It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.
Chapter 2: I Know You
Recently the circus has been accused of being part of the recent thefts around the world. It’s only because we’ve traveled every place there has been something stolen. I’ve had to keep an eye out on everybody new to the tour. I’ve already figured it’s probably not the Danger’s since they are very recent but who knows now days. All I know is that if we don’t figure this out soon then the circus is being shut down. I can’t let that happen, this circus is all I’ve ever known. I’m pretty sure that my dad doesn’t want me to stay here my whole life but I probably will. My dad is getting old and someone needs to run the circus when he dies. I’m really one of the only ones he can trust.
At the moment, my dad is speaking with one of the police officers that has been following us. It is getting really annoying and stressful for all of us. I’m heading over to where we keep the animals because when I’m around them they relieve my stress. I walk over to the tigers’s cage and they come right up to me. Animals love me and that is why I’m in charge of the animals. It’s something I figured out a long time ago, that and also I have elementary powers. I don’t know how it happened but I don’t really use them that much. Although, the last time I used them was last night when Dan aka Dick almost fell to his death. The gust of wind that pushed him up, yeah, that  was me. I had to use it though, I couldn’t lose him, too.
After I’m done with my animals I head back to my cart to get ready for the show tonight. I get into an exact replica of the outfit last night 
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and head to the tent to make sure everyone is there for the rehearsals. After rehearsal, the show starts and we do everything the same as last night except for the fact that I didn’t have to use my powers to save Dick. The show ends we all bow and we say goodbye to Gotham because it was our last night here. I head back to my cart and change into some different clothes. 
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I then decided to do the stupidest thing. I decide to walk around Gotham. I was walking on the sidewalk when I hear something from the alley. Being the somewhat smart person I am, I ignore it and keep moving. I know better than to walk into alley ways, especially in Gotham. Although I ignore it, the people there decide to come out from where they’re hiding. I hear them walking behind me and soon one of them is in front of me. He’s facing me as I stop. I can feel the fear radiating off  of me and all I can think is where is Batman and Robin when you need them? But I know the answer to half of that question. Robin is probably still at the circus or he is figuring out the thefts that have been going on. But I have no clue where Batman is and it would be great if he could show up.
“Well, well, well, look at what we have here,” the one in front of me says while advancing towards me. While he steps closer, I step back.
“What’s your name mommy?” one of them asks me.
“Huh, what’s your name?” the one next to him says.
“You gonna answer us?” the one in front says. Okay, there is three things I can do right now. I can run, I can fight them myself, or I can wait for Batman to show up. Fighting them is out of the question seeing as I have seven men against me. Who knows when Batman will show up. I guess running is the only smart action, except for one thing. I’m surrounded. I look all around me for an opening while they advance on me. I stuck in my spot because any way I move is a step closer to one of them. I see a small opening and that is when I decide to run. I take off but only to be caught and thrown on the ground. Wow, this is how I die. They start beating me, spitting on me and kicking me. while I just sit there and try to protect what’s vital for me. The darkness soon consumes me and I don’t know what happens next.
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I wake up to a bright light shining in my eyes. It takes me awhile to realize that I am in the hospital and when I do the events of last night come back to me. I try to reach the button to call a nurse but when I move it hurts so much that it brings tears to my eyes. It is really rare for me to cry even though I am only 15 years old. A doctor comes in and when he see me he is surprised.
“Good, you’re awake,”he says. “Your dad is here to pick you up.”
“K,” I reply. But who comes in is not Mr. Haly but some other man.
“Who are you?” I question him.
“Well, I’m your dad. I can’t believe I finally found you,” he says.
“What? I thought my parents were dead,” I say.
“Who told you that?” he said.
“No one, I kind of just assumed that they were dead. How do I know you’re my father?” I ask.
“I have your birth certificate with me and I am the one who signed it. Along with your mother,” he says and shows me the certificate. His name is apparently Floyd Lawton and my mother’s name is Pamela Isley. I recognize those names from somewhere but I can’t remember where.
“So, what happens now?” I ask.
“Well, you could come to live with me or you could go back to the circus,” he says. “I’ll give you some time to think about it while I sign the discharge papers.” With that he leave the room and I am left to my thoughts. I’ve finally made a decision when he reenters the room.
“I made my decision. I am going to stay with the circus,” I say.
“That’s fine, here is my number if you ever change your mind,” He says handing me a piece of paper. “Mr. Haly is waiting for you in the lounge.”
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I go and get better clothes on. I grab the bag with my old clothes and head to the lounge area. I am greeted with a hug from Mr. Haly. When we get back to the circus, almost everyone comes up to me gives me a hug hello and tells me that they were worried about me. I am told by Mr. Haly to go get the Dangers so that we can go out to welcome me back from the hospital. I head to their cart and knock on there door.
Dawn Danger or whatever her name is opens the door and when she sees it’s me, she gives me a long hug.
“Thank goodness you’re okay,”she says. We have talked a lot since they’ve been here and became quick friends.
“Yep, and now we are going out,” I say.
“Well, Dan isn’t here so I’ll go get him,” she says.
“Don’t worry about it, I can go,” I say.
“Thanks!” she exclaims. I hear the door shut when I am already turned around. I ask Ray if he’s seen Dan Danger around and he says no. I continue searching when I find him staring at The Flying Graysons poster. If my suspicions weren’t sure they are now. Dan Danger is truly Richard Grayson. I try to sneak behind him and succeed. I can tell he’s distracted. I tap his shoulder and he jumps and turns around in a fighting stance.
“Woah, hold on there, I just came to tell you that we’re going out,” I say. When I say this, he blushes and turns back around.
“I’m glad you’re back from the hospital,” he says.
“It’s good to know you still care,” I say.
“Yeah, wait what?” he says and turns around.
“Dick, I know it’s you,” I say.
“How did you know?” he asks.
“The same way I figured out you’re Robin; the way you move,” I say.
“What else do you know?” he asks.
“I know that since you’re Robin, than Batman must be Bruce Wayne,” I reply. With that he turns around facing the poster once more.
“Do you ever miss them?” he asks.
“You know I do, they were like my own parents since I didn’t know my own,” I say but what I don’t say is that I know my parents are alive because I don’t know what I am going to do.
“If you found out your parents weren’t dead, would you go back to them?” I ask.
“Yeah, probably,” he says. I just nod at this.
“Well, we should go, they are probably waiting for us,” I say. I turn around to head back to my cart when I get turned around and pulled into a hug.
“I missed you,” he says.
“I missed you, too,” I say as I hug him back. We then go our separate ways to get ready for wherever Mr. Haly is taking us.
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thejerny · 7 years
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Some of us are traveling to find ourselves. Some of us are traveling to stay away from the toxins of living in a city full of busy streets and people. Some of us are traveling to keep ourselves away from the pressures of society. Some of us travel to find the love of our lives. We travel because we want to. We travel because it is our choice. 
While we travel, we don’t usually notice the improvement it gives to our lives. We lose frustrations. We start to love ourselves more. We start to recognize other people, their efforts, and even the small things that they do for us. While you are on the road, what you don’t know is that destiny is working passively to find the people who we will love.
Here are 3 stories from real people who found love while they are traveling.
Chris and his Wife
Chris with her wife and kids
“Traveling is a fantastic way to meet new people, and, surprisingly, it is actually a really good way to find love. You would think that being on the move constantly would make it harder to start a relationship. Fortunately, I can tell you, from personal experience, the opposite is true.
The more you travel, the more your confidence grows. It has to. You are always finding yourself in new situations that force you outside of your comfort zone, so you are always learning new skills. As a result, you become surer of yourself. Suddenly, chatting up a beautiful woman in a bar no longer feels daunting. After all, when you travel a lot, talking to people you don´t know just becomes second nature.
That is exactly what happened to me. I was in a Barcelona bar when a stunning woman walked in and sat near me. Before I started traveling, that would have been the end of the matter. At best, I would have maybe tried to make eye contact, and then just sat there, frozen to my stool, while I watched some other guys chat her up. Instead, I offered to buy her a drink using my best Spanish and went from there. It turned out that we had a lot in common, so much, in fact, that we are still together today. Being able to chat about my travels made it easy to break the ice, and get the conversation going. Of course, there are potential pitfalls to falling in love on the road. For example, not all women want to get too involved with a man that they know has itchy feet.
It was certainly a worry my girlfriend had. Fortunately, I quickly realized this and made it clear I was in no rush to move on. Once she understood that, there was no problem, our bond immediately grew stronger.”
-Chris Brown (ho-chi-minh-city.asia)
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Hali and Katherine
Hali and Katherine
“I’d been single for over a year and enjoying all its perks and freedom when I met my current boyfriend, Hali.
What happened was this: my friends and I were talking about the best beaches to visit and someone mentioned Jomalig Island. I know that a lot of you are familiar with this place already, but back then it was virtually unknown and only a handful of blogs have talked about it. After doing research, we decided to do an outreach program instead of just the usual beach vacation. Of course, I was already signed up as a volunteer. Our main organizer also invited other people, including those she hasn’t met in person yet but is friends with on Facebook…. and that included Hali. Hali joined as a photographer/videographer to document our voluntourism event.
We first talked on the 6-hour boat ride to the island when I asked to borrow his sunscreen. Once we got to Jomalig Island, we got to know each other a little. The event was successful and all the group members formed a strong camaraderie. We kept in touch and he courted after me thereafter.
This happened 2 years ago. We’re now a couple, going strong. He’s currently my best travel buddy and we’d even started a couple travel blog, with me writing and him taking pictures of our travels together.”
-Katherine (read their full story on Tara Let’s Anywhere)
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 Aicy and Michael
Aicy and Michael
Aicy and Michael
“Aicy, who lives in the Manila metro area, watched the video on YouTube and then sent me a message on Instagram sharing a few of her favorite spots to visit in The Philippines. I was very happy to receive her recommendations, suggested we meet up while I would be in the Philippines, and then didn’t talk again until I posted that first picture in Bohol.
Sure enough, we got reacquainted and as luck would have it, we would be at the same airport at the same time in Cebu, where we finally met. Although only a brief encounter, highlighted by us continually missing each other (who puts two restaurants with the same name in one airport?!), there was a strong attraction and we continued talking via text throughout my stay in the Philippines. As a perfect capstone to my memorable Philippines experience, we met in Manila on my last day in the country before heading solo to China. Once again plagued by delays and the infamous Manila traffic, it seemed like time was telling us what we never want it to say. We spent the couple remaining hours of the day walking around a mall that was modeled after Venice, which seemed strangely familiar to our American version in Las Vegas. We were both with friends, and really still too nervous around each other to strengthen our initial bond.
Aicy had a previously planned trip to Taiwan, and I had no real plan to speak of beyond investigating rumors of a large wall in northern China (turns out it’s real). Determined to give this potential international love affair a real shot, we agreed to meet in Taipei for 5 days.. which was to be our first meaningful time together. After talking every day by text and video call, I was eagerly anticipating the date we would meet, even though I had no shortage of life changing adventures along the way in China and Vietnam.
Fast forward to now. After five perfect days together, we parted ways around midnight. She returned to Manila and I am en route to Bangkok by way of Saigon. I won’t go into any additional detail about our Taipei trip, but I can now describe the most subtle of attributes that I love about this girl. Feeling confident about the strength of our relationship, however new – I felt comfortable enough to share some of our Taiwan highlights on social media. ”
-Aicy and Michael (read their full story on the Endless Mike)
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All of these stories started because of the love of traveling, but traveling doesn’t guarantee you getting the love of your life. It may come with many difficulties and challenges but as most people say, “Love conquers all”. Love doesn’t come when you seek for it, It comes when you need it the most.
Do you have a similar ‘kilig story’ while traveling? Submit your story by emailing us at [email protected] to get featured!
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Love on the Road: 3 Love Stories to show you how powerful traveling is Some of us are traveling to find ourselves. Some of us are traveling to stay away from the toxins of living in a city full of busy streets and people.
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