#I lost a brother once. I was lucky I got him back. - Kirk once again talking about Spock and not talking about Sam
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(FYI David you had an Uncle Sam once)
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lenievi · 2 years
I don’t care if I’m reading too much into it and reaching, but I really do like TFF as a Kirk’s story and having seen the previous films now, let me just ramble some more about James Kirk lol (if you followed me for long enough, you probably saw me saying this before lol)
Shoot him. (Kirk to Spock, wanting him to kill Sybok)
it’s not like there isn’t a precedent where Kirk was like “if it goes wrong we’ll have to kill” (a few times in season 1) and asking Spock to kill (and it’s not like Spock himself, when he was younger, didn’t issue the same order to McCoy), but it never really came to it, but like watching all the films now from 2 to 5, Kirk’s mental health is seriously messed up
all of his tendencies like his infatuation to the ship, his inclination to be obsessive and be in control at all costs, his primary military responses... they are all much stronger in the films. He’s borderline suicidal at the beginning of this film, and he’s most likely depressed, and in a way, I believe he lost faith in himself. TWOK was supposed to be his “rejuvenation” (the film, as a standalone, really does end well, with a hope that everything will be fine for Kirk), he got the push to move on, but it was taken away again in the light of Spock’s resurrection which cost Kirk a LOT - his ship, his son - and Spock isn’t even himself. 
That’s why this film is important for his journey because he realizes what is actually important, he finds his faith again (I wonder if the 6th film will ruin it again lol) - in himself and in others (mainly Spock, in this case, because he kinda lost the faith in Spock imho)
“Other people have families.” - “Other people, Bones. Not us.”
he is lost, he’s grieving, he dedicated his whole life to the service, to rules and regulations, it cost him so much, and it’s chaining him down. he isn’t happy, and he’s lonely
Spock doesn’t listen to him, he has secrets, there’s a distance between them and the inability to connect properly again (which was also seen in TVH), Spock’s not straightforward (as a note, it isn’t Spock’s fault, Spock is fine, it’s Kirk who can’t deal)
KIRK: Until then, you're either with me or you're not. SPOCK: I am here, Captain. KIRK: That's a little vague, Spock.
McCoy is slipping away after Sybok took away his pain
KIRK: Dammit, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with the wave of a magic wand. They're things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. ...If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away. I need my pain.
the pain Kirk is currently hiding is losing his son and destroying the Enterprise, he needs them because they’re fresh and raw, but... in a way, this pain and guilt is making Jim lose himself, his personal control is slipping... but with his own perseverance he can continue moving forward, with the help of his friends he can continue moving forward because that’s how it always has been
SPOCK: Since that time I found myself and my place and I know who I am. 
Spock and McCoy deciding to stay with him in this moment was a win Kirk needed, in this moment Kirk realized that maybe he could still find the familiar connection with Spock that used to exist, or maybe, he could try making a new one, Spock was not different, after all, it was Kirk who expected Spock to move according to Kirk’s wishes and timeline, who expected Spock to behave as if he didn’t literally die and came back 
Seeing McCoy having to “release” his father, seeing Spock loosing his brother... (and Sybok sacrificing himself for all of them), realizing that he truly isn’t alone, that all helped put things into perspective for Kirk
KIRK: I lost a brother once. But I was lucky, I got him back.
and so I should appreciate it and not dwell on insignificant matters as him not calling me Jim lol
McCOY: I thought you said men like us don't have families. KIRK: I was wrong.
I was wrong. You two are my family. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it earlier/forgot.
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adsosfraser · 3 years
The Stone’s Toll - Chapter Ten
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Read on AO3
“We can’t stay here.” 
 “No, we can’t.” Jamie pulled his wife onto his bare chest. “And wee Hamish has sent a letter, requesting his cousin’s aide. Though he was vague on which, I’m sure he wasna comfortable writing Jamie Fraser on something the English could see.” 
 “So we go to Leoch with Fergus?” 
“I willna put ye in danger, the travel there will be treacherous now wi’ the English on our throats everywhere.” 
 “Well, I’m certainly not leaving you, James Fraser. Have you forgotten I’m wanted too? We go together. And, with us gone, Lallybroch will be safer, we’ll be safer for a while. But…” 
 “What is it Sassenach?” 
 “I know you and the sea aren’t close friends, but ports shouldn’t be as monitored as they were right after Culloden. The islands will be safer, Charles even fled to the Isle of Skye to go to France. In the future, some islands are even able to retain some of their culture, their tartan. We can always go there, it would be safer while we wait… for a pardon.” 
 “A pardon?” He was shocked. 
 “Yes. When I returned I placed three letters in the post at Inverness. Copies of historical letters I assume. They may give us the freedom we want.” 
 A sharp breath escaped his lips and he slumped back on the chair. “Christ, a pardon. You know how well that went the last time.” 
 “But this time there’s no more war, we’re done with that horror.” 
 “Aye, we’ll seek Hamish, then if we canna stay, we’ll bide on one of the wee islands.”
 “What’s this about ye up and leaving Jamie Fraser! And dinna think I’m not cross wi’ ye too Claire!”
 “Jenny,” Claire took her hand, “you know it isn’t safe for us to stay here. We got lucky the last time.” 
 “And I’ll no’ have my wife sleeping in a cave.”
 “Well, ye two eejits could at least wait ‘til yer goddaughter is christened! Ye dinna ha’ to leave wi’ yer tails tucked between yer legs so soon.” 
 “Goddaughter.” Her heart warmed and she squeezed Jenny’s arm.
 “I ken yer already her aunt, but ye’d make a fine goddaughter to the lass. I suppose that would make yer daft husband her godfather. Puir lass.” She feigned pity for the tiny girl in her arms. “Would the both o’ ye wait, jes’ one more day?” 
 Claire looked back at Jamie but already knew their answer. “Of course.” 
 The ceremony was brief, the priest wasn’t prepared to perform it so soon. Caitlin gurgled up at Claire in her arms. The holy water was sprinkled over her tiny forehead in the small kirk near Lallybroch. Other than the slight cry from the chill of water, Caitlin was a perfect baby. The Frasers and Murrays all joined back together to Lallybroch to celebrate. They enjoyed a small stew of rabbit and potato, the most filling one in weeks. Father Ross had the death certificate for Fergus ready to sign, but on seeing the boy alive and healthy, he walked towards the fire in the Great Room. 
 “Wait,” Claire shouted to his back. “Don’t burn it. Jenny, will you sign that?” 
 “He’s clearly no’ deid Claire, are ye off yer heid?” 
 “No, it’s just, it’s important that the document isn’t destroyed. I can’t explain how.” 
 “Verra weel.” She plucked it out of the Father’s hands and went off to the study. She mumbled, knowing long ago not to question her sister's strange nature. 
 Claire had ripped through the fabric of her dresses and the contents of her leather bag to pull out every piece of gold, silver, and jewellery that was left during the hours waiting for Father Ross. It was little less than three years’ salary in her time, but now it would support Lallybroch for years to come. She dumped it all out on the dining and the jewels, gold, and silver scattered and clattered against the wood surface. She had put away some for her and Jamie of course, enough to be comfortable on their journey, but even with the small dent into the funds on the table, it was still an astounding sum. Jamie spied her wedding ring on a chain within the pile and raised a brow to her, but she shrugged her shoulders in reply. 
 “A christening gift.” 
 Everyone at the table stared dumbfounded at the treasure disorganised on the table. A ‘Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ’ was supplied by her son. 
 “How Claire?” Ian piped up. 
 “I didn’t steal it if that’s what you're asking.”
 “Well, how on earth did ye find so much?” Jenny yelled, exasperated. 
 “It was my inheritance from my parents and uncle. And the man whose advances I turned down…gave some of it to me.” 
 “Jesus, Mary, and Bride, ye’ve been hiding this away all this time?” 
 “No, I’ve just recently acquired it myself. But now, it can be put to good use instead of rotting in some bank. Take it, Jenny, use it to save Lallybroch from the famine, clearances, and drought to come.”
 Jenny planted a sloppy kiss onto Claire’s cheek and handed Caitlin over to Ian. She grabbed her arms and began jumping excitedly. Claire even thought she heard a squeal from the small woman. Displays of affection from the woman were rare, and Claire felt so happy and touched that she included her in it. 
 “Claire ye have no idea how this will help us.” 
 “I have some idea.” 
 Their packing was done, and the horses were all lined up for the journey. Jenny embraced Claire, and she was reminded of the parting before Culloden all over again. 
 “Ye come back to us sister,” she raised her voice to a shout so Jamie could hear, “I dinna care much if this oaf does.” 
 “I love ye too Janet.” He pulled her from Claire into a giant hug. 
 “Och, ye ken I love ye too, a bràithair. Now, try to come back to us as quick as ye can. Lallybroch will be missing her Laird.”  
 A plant along the trail made Claire pause. It was a forget me not, and though it was only the beginning of March, it was blooming brilliantly against the grass of the glen. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that they were so close to the standing stones when she found it. She knew they needed to go back together, for closure. So she jumped off her horse and scooped her hands into the dirt. 
 “Jamie I want to go to Craigh na Dun before we stop into Inverness.” 
 Jamie pulled back on the reins of his horse and stalled in the middle of the path before Claire. He looked down at his wife and the flowers in her hands.
 “If you don’t want to that’s fine, I just wanted to plant these there, and we might never get another chance to do so.” 
 “Aye, we’ll go.”
 He dismounted his horse in one swift move. Carefully, Jamie helped Claire back up to her horse without crushing the delicate flowers in the process. Jamie passed the reins of his own horse to his son and climbed up behind his wife on her mare. 
 “Fergus, be a good lad and find a place to shelter in Inverness. Something not too in the open, or conspicuous either.” Jamie pulled out the bag of coins and tossed it to him. 
 “Oui, milord. I shall not fail you.” 
 Milord and papa, milady and maman, had become as interchangeable to Fergus as Jamie’s Sassenach, mo gràidh, mo nighean donn, and the countless other affectionate names he could come up with for his wife. 
 “Now off wi’ ye son, we’ll be shortly after.” 
 They held tight to each other, not able to bear even a second of lost connection. Fog clung to the air surrounding the tall monoliths and blocked the vision to the moor below. 
 “I wish I could punch it. But it won’t even let me do that.” 
 “How about this one to the side. Not too much danger of falling in fer yer wee hand.”
 She pulled slightly apart from him for the first time since they created the hi together. Her arm trembled as she reached out to lightly touch the stone closest to the centre one. Though it had become an unwitting victim of its brother’s actions, it would have to do. Lining up her arm, she delivered the first blow that jolted from the cold surface to the bones of her arm and shoulders 
 “Fuck you!” She screamed a gut-wrenching cry as she slammed her fist into the rock. “Fuck you! Fuck!”
 Her breath hitched and Jamie gathered her once again in his arms. He kissed her skinned knuckles. Giving her a few minutes to calm her racing heart and heaving lungs, Jamie cradled her tight to his chest, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back. How many more tears would she cry, for something that was only the size of a blueberry? She knew she’d never lose the feeling of grief, but it would become more manageable most days. With her husband there to bear it with her, she knew it would be a certainty. 
 “I’m ready.” She patted his chest. “Are you?” 
 “Do you want to punch it too?” 
 “No, that bastard stone’s taken too much from us. I won’t give it the satisfaction of flesh and blood from my hands as weel.” 
 She wanted to reach out and cradle the voice she had once heard to her chest, protect her against the violence of the stones. But it seemed it was her daughter instead who protected her. Digging the small hole into the ground by the outer stones, she smiled tearfully. Jamie’s strong hands were right beside hers, guiding the dirt away. Together they scooped the small plant into their hands, a mismatch of Jamie’s on top of Claire’s and then Claire’s on top of Jamie’s. They patted the dirt mound and encased the stems in the nutrients. With the task finished, Claire fell into Jamie’s lap and began to weep. She stroked his shirt with dirtied hands and left stains on the white linen. He rubbed the fabric on her back and Claire felt the moisture fall onto her hair and slowly down to her scalp. She offered him her sgian dubh and he etched into the centre stone with sharp angles, leaving the blade there as a gift.  Baby Fraser.  Claire’s hand trembled in his grip and she was almost consoled by the fact that she could feel his shaking too; he didn’t hide how it affected him as well. “I trust yer grandsire and grandmam are keeping ye out o’ trouble  a leannan . I love you. Tell Faith I love her too, and I ken she protects ye up there, but jes’ because she’s older doesna mean ye canna protect her as weel. Jes’ like I do fer yer auntie. Ye mind what yer family says, and we’ll meet again soon enough.” 
 Claire knelt down and gently cradled the small flower in her hand. “I love you, my baby girl. We love you so much.” 
 Jamie ripped off a strip from his sark and wrapped it around her bloodied knuckles with a kiss. They stayed to talk to the stone for a while. Jamie laughed with Claire after sharing an incident from his boyhood about a goat, some string, a bucket of shite, and his sister. Claire pulled out the photos from within her pockets and shared her child-self to their daughters, and the interesting marvels of the future. Jamie was proud he recognised the ‘airyplane’ from when Claire brought out the black and white pictures in the cave. He was bewildered of course at first, cursing the strange magic, but once he saw the brilliant smile of his Sassenach he knew the depiction couldn’t hold any evil. He especially liked seeing her as a bairn, with pigtails and a pink frilly dress and how the photos showed the change from cute baby to mature woman. She set one into the plastic wrap, a photo of her, her parents, and her uncle and buried it beneath the earth. 
 “Your family is with you always, my darling girl.” 
 With one last glance, they rode back to Inverness holding each other on the saddle. 
 Their short stay in Inverness was that: short. After the first night of full bellies and a warm fire, the innkeeper alerted the travellers to the presence of redcoats fifteen miles away. It gave them time to prepare themselves, instead of another hasty retreat to Leoch. 
 It was not nearly as strong of a fortress as it had once been. 
 Claire was put to use straight away, mending flesh and bone. Jamie was spirited away as well to advise his cousin in the Laird’s Tower. The only bright spot was the wonderful Mrs. Fitz. Fergus spent much of his time messing around the surgery and playing with the medicines, much to Claire’s annoyance. No matter how many times he insisted it would not happen again, his nimble little fingers were constantly filching items off of shelves and tables. So she sent him off to the kitchens.
 The ledgers had become impossible, and Leoch was close to ruin from partially funding the Jacobite cause. They felt the sharp absence of those who had fought bravely alongside them. None were left. Most of the men residing in the lands were either too old, too young, or too crippled to fight. There was talk of taking up a deal with the British, to leave Leoch and settle somewhere comfortable in America. Hamish was inclined to that option more and more each day. The Lairdship was not an easy thing for a twelve-year-old, let alone under such stress of a post-war climate. So, it was decided that the MacKenzies would sell Leoch to the British for land somewhere deep in Virginia. As much as it pained them to leave their culture and homeland in the hands of those bastards, they had no other choice. The lands produced nothing, the woodlands sparse, and their supplies pilfered by roaming soldiers. Claire felt guilty for the small amount of gold tucked into her dresses, but she told herself the amount she was left with couldn’t save them all. They stayed in constant communication with Jenny through letters and informed her of their impending move. Jenny wrote back to her cousins,  Alexander and Elizabeth Malcolm , just as often, if not more eager to know they were safe. 
 In the blistering heat of the summer, Claire, Jamie, and Fergus travelled in the safety of the band of MacKenzies. Virtually no redcoats bothered them on their way, patriot to king and country as the Laird most certainly was in their eyes. 
 At Ullapool, they said their last goodbyes as they split to different destinations. Jamie couldn’t possibly survive a month-long journey across the water. They purchased passage on the  Serendipity  and waited. 
 Jamie wretched off the side of the gangway as the ship made port. Stornoway, and from there they would hopefully find somewhere to settle down. A croft, north of Stornoway soon came to their attention. Most of their money went to purchase the land outright, they weren't too keen to rent one out as other crofters did, knowing the clearances would hit Scotland hard. So, Alexander Malcolm, his wife, and his son, began to build a home out of the small abandoned cottage. They hoped it would be temporary but would be fine if it wasn’t, for they had all they needed already: each other.
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auduna-druitt · 6 years
Jim’s Kids
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Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: McKirk
Word Count: 1903
Rating: Teen
Beta’d: none
Perma tags: @feelmyroarrrr, @wonders-of-the-multiverse, @pinkamour1588, @goodnightwife, @ryon1101archive, @captainsbabysitter-blog, @medicatemedrmccoy, @mrkrychek, @southernbellestatues, @goingknowherewastaken, @emmkolenn, @landlockedastronaut, @eyeofdionysus, @bookcaseninja, @haveyouseenmymind @revengeofthespacenerd, @reading-in-moonlight, @bubblegum-star-trek
McKirk: @pinkamour1588, @thefanficfaerie, @medicatemedrmccoy, @imoutofmyvulcanmind, @frostingsfics, @nasanatmfers, @lurkch, @bonuskaart, @illogical-potato, @future-kat-lady, @eyeofdionysus
Jim sat down on the couch in his and Leonard’s quarters and grabbed his PADD. Leonard was due back soon and all Jim wanted to do was snuggle up beside him and sleep. He’d already changed into a pair of sweatpants but had foregone a shirt. Reports were boring. He’d been looking at them all day but he really needed to finish them or Spock would be on his case.
Right on schedule the door opened and Leonard walked in. He headed straight to Jim and kissed him on the forehead before turning and heading into the bathroom.
“Good day?” Jim asked without looking up.
“I’ve had worse.” was the reply from the bathroom as the sound of running water reached his ears.
“That’s good to hear. That mean I won’t be seeing anything fun in the reports?”
“Not particularly. Ensign Jonas was the most interesting case that came through but that was a basic case of hypoglycemia. She hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch for some reason.”
Jim frowned and glanced up as Leonard walked out of the bathroom in sweats and an old academy t-shirt. “Ensign Jonas? Which one is she?”
“Picked her up last time we docked at home. She’s one of Scotty’s. Bright little thing.”
“Is that appropriate?”
“What? Oh, she’s about four foot eight, too thin for my liking, and she has dark hair and big brown eyes.”
“Is that a personal or profession preference?”
Leonard sat down beside his boyfriend and put his arm around him, “Purely professional Jim. I have my eye on a certain blonde ships captain.”
Jim smiled and settled in beside him. They sat in companionable silence while they looked over their respective reports and journals. Jim finally broke the silence twenty minutes later, “What was her first name?”
“Who?” Leonard asked running his hand through Jim’s hair.
“Jonas. You didn’t say what her first name was.”
“Oh. Kylie. Kylie Jonas.”
Jim mumbled something under his breath and went back to the PADD in his hand but a few moments later he had launched himself off the couch. Leonard frowned and dropped his PADD. “Jim? What is it? Something wrong?”
Jim shook his head and gestured to the PADD he’d tossed aside as he rushed out the door. Leonard glanced down at what Jim had been reading. “Shit.” Pushing himself off the couch he took off after his boyfriend. “Jim!”
Standing in the turbo lift anxiously waiting for the doors to open Jim was oblivious to the looks he was getting from the two girls from communications. The one couldn’t stop staring at his bare chest and the other was shaking her head at his bare feet. As soon as the doors opened to engineering he took off running again.
“Captain? Where’s the fire?” Scotty called after him as he ran past his chief engineer.
Looking around frantically he finally spotted the person he was looking for. Leonard was right. She was tiny. Already on the verge of tears he ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her.
She let out a high pitched squeal and tried to twist around to see who had grabbed her. “What...who are you? What do you want?”
“Jim!” Leonard ran up behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder panting. “You’re scaring the poor girl.”
Releasing her Jim shook his head as she turned to face him. “Captain Kirk?”
“Kylie...we survived...I told you we would. I told you they’d find us.”
She frowned and looked at his bright blue eyes brimming with tears. “JT?” she asked slowly.
He nodded and she wrapped her arms around him, “We thought you died...They wouldn’t tell us where you were...we didn’t even know your name...we were so scared after they took you away.”
He put an arm around her and stroked her hair gently. “It’s okay Kylie. We survived. We were the lucky ones.”
Leonard stood back and watched Jim with the ensign and he couldn’t help but see the thirteen and ten year old kids huddled together in that cave.
After a few minutes Jim broke away from the ensign and smiled, “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m just sorry I couldn’t find you sooner. If you need anything you know where to find me and my door is always open to you.”
When he finally pulled himself away from her and headed back to his boyfriend. Leonard walked him back to the turbolift and together they rode back up to their deck in silence. Returning to their room Jim went straight to the bed and laid down. Leonard sat down on the bed beside him and played with his hair. “Want to talk about it?”
“Not right now.”
“Okay. Let me know when you’re ready.”
Jim nodded and closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Six months later Leonard led Jim down the street toward their favorite park. He’d told Jim that he had a surprise waiting for him but Jim had been reluctant to go. He never wanted to leave the house on the anniversary of the Tarsus massacre but somehow Leonard had managed.
Jim was dragging along behind him but he was there and Leonard knew he would want to see what he had planned for him. “I promise you Jim you will like this.”
“Leonard, do you know what today is?”
“Yes Jim. I know exactly what today is. That’s the very reason I did this today. You can’t keep hiding from your past. I know you want to, I know it’s painful, but this will hopefully change that.”
“Boooones…..” Jim whined.
“No. I went to all the trouble to do this for you, you are going.”
Jim sighed heavily and let Leonard drag him around the last corner. “It better be good.”
Leonard stopped halfway down the block and turned to face him, “Why don’t you look up and see for yourself.”
Looking up Jim scanned the park, there were more people there than he had ever seen before. Kids were running all over and he spotted a couple of familiar faces, “What’s Spock doing here? Who are all these people?”
Leonard threaded his arm through Jim’s and smiled, “Well, the family is here for support but the rest of them you have to meet. I think you’ll understand in a minute.”
Leading Jim into the crowd of people and over to a small platform he motioned to Uhura who joined them and picked up a mic. “You want to do the honors doctor?”
“I arranged it, you’re the contact.”
Nodding she held the mic up, “Everyone? Can I have your attention please?” She paused a moment as the chatter died down and everyone turned to face them, “Thank you all for coming out today. I know that it wasn’t easy for some of you to be here. I’d like to introduce someone to you. Someone you may remember.”
She held a hand out to Jim and he frowned when Leonard nudged him forward. Uhura’s fingers closed around his wrist and she tugged him forward gently. “This is Captain James T. Kirk but you may know him by a different name.”
Jim looked out into the crowd and spotted Kylie standing toward the edge of the crowd. She smiled at him and gave him a little nod. “My kids….” he said quietly.
Uhura stepped to the side and Leonard moved up behind him, “Jim?”
“These are my kids…”
“Yeah. Your kids and their families.”
Jim stood almost frozen on the spot and the crowd of people shifted. Slowly a small handful of men and women moved toward him. They smiled up at him and Kylie stepped forward, “Jim, Do you remember everyone?”
Jim nodded and stepped down from the platform. “I don’t….I don’t know who to hug first…”
He didn’t have to choose. They closed around him in one big group hug. When they stepped back he looked at each one just taking them in. Shaking his head he wiped his eyes and laughed, “You guys grew up on me.”
“Thanks to you JT. If you hadn’t saved us we wouldn’t be here today. We owe you so much…”
“No. You don’t owe me a thing. I’m just so glad to see you all. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye. They told me we would stay together. They said I would be gone for just a few minutes. I didn’t know they were taking you all away.”
Leonard sat on the edge of the platform while Jim talked to his kids and was gradually introduced to their spouses. As he got farther and farther away from the platform meeting parents, brothers, sisters, at some point he lost track of who was even related to who. Someone handed him a drink and someone else handed him a plate of food. He sat on the grass under a tree with his “kids” gathered around him. They ate and shared their lives with one another. Jim smiled at the faces around him so happy to have his kids together again and to see them happy and safe and well fed. Once they had finished eating and had cleared their plates away Jim looked around for Leonard. He hadn’t gone far, he was still sitting on the platform but he had been joined by a couple of toddlers.
Nearby one of the many sibling, or was it a cousin?, was standing with a fussy baby. Leonard stood to his feet and gently approached her. Jim smiled when the tired young mother handed the baby to his boyfriend. He watched as Leonard held the baby in his hands and bounced it gently while talking to it. He couldn’t hear what the brunette was saying but there was no doubt in his mind that it was the most adorable thing he’d seen his boyfriend do.
Leonard glanced up and caught Jim’s eye. They exchanged smiles before he looked back at the now quiet baby. About five minutes later Jim had a baby in his arms as well and the chubby little boy would just giggle every time he blew on his little round tummy. Making the little guy giggle for about seventeenth time he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Make a friend?”
Jim turned and smiled at his boyfriend, “Even better. This little guy is one of my grandkids. Can you believe it? I’m a grandfather!”
Leonard shook his head and kissed him on the cheek. “You look amazing darlin’.”
“Thank you. You’ve met Kylie, but have you met Rhett and his wife Samantha? This little guy is theirs.”
Leonard nods to the couple, “Hello.”
“This is my boyfriend and I think I saw...yeah there’s his little girl over there. “ he said pointing to the picnic tables where Chekov and Sulu were entertaining some of the older kids.
“It’s nice to meet dad’s boyfriend. I’m glad he has someone and I believe I’ve met your daughter. She’s a smart kid.”
Leonard stared at him for a moment and then shook his head, “I’m glad I have him too and thank you. She gets her smarts from her grandmother.”
Rhett nodded, “Mama McCoy? Dad has told us about her. Sounds like you’ve got a great family. Lots of support.”
Jim smiled and put his arm around Leonard’s waist. “I do and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
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sunwillrisetoday · 6 years
September 6
How do you feel about sports? Do/did you play any sports? Who are your favorite teams?
Oh boy, where do i begin with this subject. This may get long winded but I’ll try to keep it compact.
How do I feel about sports? Sports is life. Sports have been my life since I could crawl. I was learning how to play soccer before I could walk thanks to my dad. There are pictures of me as a toddler with a beer bottle (empty I hope) in one hand, and a soccer ball in another. I played many sports, I would say that I was very lucky to be able to pick up and play almost any sport. I say almost because there were a couple sports I couldn’t play, no matter how much I wanted to. I always wanted to play hockey, but I had a hard time with skating. There also weren’t a ton of hockey rinks in LA growing up and it was quite costly to play so I didn’t get too serious about it. My main sports growing up were baseball and soccer. I also played tennis for a couple years in my early teens and have picked up golf since I turned 18 and stopped playing baseball. I did play baseball thru high school, and was pretty good where I could’ve kept playing at a junior college but I gave it up so I could pursue a long distance relationship with my girlfriend at the time. Tell me how that decision worked out for me (not smart). I played soccer as well through high school but I didn’t love to play it as much as I loved playing baseball. 
I’m quite competitive, which makes playing games hard sometimes with others. The greatest teaching moment I had was when I became an after school playground supervisor at elementary schools from grades K-5 for LA Unified. It taught me many things, but the first thing it taught me was to not be so competitive. I used to enjoy beating kids that were 5, 6, 7 years old at any sport they wanted to play on the yard but it wasn’t until I was playing a game called caroms where I lost to a 1st grader that changed me forever. 
The look of joy when the child beat me fair and square, it showed me that it’s not always about me having to win but being ok with losing to anyone at any age. I know that because he went home and told his parents how he was the first kid to beat me a game as I started at this new school at the age of 19. He was on cloud 9, and I realized it was more important to him to say he beat “Coach” then it was for me to feel good about being a 1st grader, as silly as that may sound. 
I don’t play much anymore, other than golf, which I don’t play nearly as much now as even 5 years ago now that I live in Portland. The rain has a big impact on my ability or desire to go out and play 18 holes now as opposed to going on on a January day when it’s 75 and still playing 18 down in LA. 
My favorite teams? Pick the sport, but here’s my list:
Football: Dallas Cowboys (but with all the news recently about the owner and players supporting Trump’s position on kneeling my enthusiasm for the team has definitely taken a hit I may need to go back and support my old hometown team of the LA Rams now that they moved back to LA)
Baseball: Los Angeles Dodgers. The team of my youth, thanks to Kirk Gibson and 1988 my love for the game was sealed forever in that one moment. My team of the 90′s were the Atlanta Braves with Tom Glavine as my favorite player. I tried to emulate my pitching style to his, because I wasn’t a hard thrower and needed to rely on guts and guile to get batters out. After that, I went back to being a Dodger fan and have been with them through the dark years (thanks Frank McCourt your piece of shit) to the renaissance now. 
Basketball: Meh, don’t really care too much about basketball, I still watch, and enjoy watching the national TV games. I enjoy the Golden State Warriors and LeBron James, although not as much now that he’s a Laker. I will say I may not be a fan of any one team in particular, but I’ve HATED the lakers ever since they got Shaq and Kobe. I became a Clipper fan for a while just to spite Laker fans, but stopped caring about them after they got Chris Paul and became the flavor of the month in LA when the Lakers sucked. LA is horrible with bandwagon fans, which brings me to my next favorite team.
Hockey: LA Kings. If there is one sport that today I love above all else, it’s hockey. I’ve been a fan since 1988 (thanks Wayne Gretzky) and never faded in my fandom for this team. Even during all the dark years (and there were MANY dark years) I still went to games, even having season seats during 2 of the worst years in franchise history before the lockout in 2004-05. I gave up hockey the year after the lockout which wiped a season away, because I was mad that my favorite sport was lost for a whole season. No other league can say that and it still chaps my hide knowing that. I of course came back the year after they came back, in 2006-07 but I didn’t watch one game, gave up my season seats and didn’t care about the 2005-06 season. My years of suffering all paid off in 2012 when the Kings won the Stanley Cup. That was the most magical run to witness, I got to go to every playoff game that year including the game they won the Cup. I was in section 333 row 7 watching them hoist the Cup in front of me and I’m not going to lie, I cried so many tears of joy that day with my sister. We had been through it all with that team and to see something we never thought would happen made that moment all the better. If I could bottle up any feeling and share with someone, it would be the feeling I had during the last 5 minutes of the game when they were up 6-2 and it was just a party inside the building. Doing the countdown of the final seconds like we were in Times Square counting down to New Year was such an exhilarating experience, that would be the feeling I would share with anyone who was feeling down or sad about life. This time also happened during my darkest personal life, when I was unemployed, living at home, not knowing what I was doing with my life after breaking up with my fiance and losing my business. I was depressed, and thought of killing myself because no one would miss me. This team and that run of 2012, and the birth of my best friend’s little girl gave me reason and value to live. 
Soccer: Real Madrid/Portland Timbers. I know, they seem like polar opposites but hear me out. There aren’t many pro teams here in Portland, but going to a Timbers game in person is one of the best experiences out there. The energy the fans bring, especially Timbers Army rivals that of European club teams. The soccer itself isn’t the best quality (see any league in Europe for elite soccer) but it’s still entertaining and something to do here in the city. Real Madrid, what can I say, the greatest club team in the world (sorry Barca fans, but you aren’t even close) with the richest tradition. I became a fan in 1999 when my dad was living in Madrid. We got to visit him and we saw games on tv there that we never would see here in the states, other than maybe 1 or 2 games the whole season. The play was sublime, it was the beautiful game, the way it was meant to be played. I fell in love then, and have been a fan ever since. 
College: UCLA. I didn’t go there, but I hated everything about USC, from the band (fuck that band playing the same fucking 2 songs over and over again) to the arrogance of the fan base and everything in between (other than the beautiful song girls). So I went with the underdog, the little brother (because that’s what they are compared to USC) who could beat big brother every once in a while. 
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blackfireraevyn · 7 years
Shadowhunters - 1x04 - Raising Hell (Clace & Malec)
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Jace: Clary, hey. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.
Clary: Jace.
Jace: What?
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Simon: You all right?
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Clary: Jace, I need to talk to you about something. It’s really imp--
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Clary: Oh, sorry. I-I really should have knocked first.
Jace: Let me just grab a shirt.
Clary: Yeah, good idea.
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Jace: So, what’s up? You wanted to see me?
Clary: Yeah, um, I need you to tell me everything you know about Magnus Bane.
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Jace: Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Why?
Clary: Cause that vampire, Camille, practically accused him of stealing my memories. 
Jace: Where did you hear that?
Clary: When Simon told Camille someone took my memories, back at the Hotel de Morte, she blamed Magnus Bane.
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Jace: Right, you believe your little mundee friend.
Clary: I believe Simon. Besides, I keep having these dreams where this Magnus guy is with my mom and then she tells him to protect me.
Jace: You mean, like memory fragments?
Clary: Yeah, but, they’re not making sense.
Jace: Well--whatever, why didn’t you tell me about that?
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Clary: Because, Jace, practically a week ago I didn’t even know this world existed, let alone that Magnus is real.
Jace: Magnus’ magic is so powerful hat he can invade even the Silent Brothers. If he’s the warlock that took your memories, he could be the key to everything.
Clary: People are risking their lives to help me get my memories back, but there might not be anything there. I might not remember anything that will lead to the Mortal Cup...or my mom.
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Jace: Clary, believe me when I tell you that finding your memories is our only shot at getting the Mortal Cup back.
Clary: But--
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Jace: Look at me. I’m willing to take that chance on you.
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Isabel: Jace, I need you. The mundane’s leaving.
Clary: Simon. He can’t leave.
Isabel: He can and he is. Unless you wanna tie him down and restrain him.
Clary: I have to stop him.
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Jace: Izzy, go wake Alec and Hodge. We might have a lead on the Mortal Cup. How can one mundane be such a pain in my ass?
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Simon: It’s not safe here.
Jace: In fact, this is the safest place she could possibly be.
Simon: You don’t get to talk to me, Captain America.
Jace: Considering I’m the guy with the weapons, I pretty much get to say whatever I want.
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Simon: Okay, come at me bro!
Jace: Oh, yeah?
Simon: Yeah!
Clary: What is your problem?
Simon: He’s my problem! He’s just like Kirk Duplace from high school. Remember him? Total jerk with the square jaw, smelled like body spray, always bullying people. Why don’t you do your own homework just once?! Yeah! I can take care of myself.
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Jace: I’m not saving his ass a second time.
Clary: Really, Jace?!
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Isabel: You’re so lucky to have such a flat chest. I could never wear that without a bra.
Clary: Really?
Isabel: Really.
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Jace: Someone’s looking badass.
Clary: Oh, thanks.
Isabel: She cleans up well. I’m gonna go see Alec. He never knows what to wear to these parties either.
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Jace: At least you look the part of the Shadowhunter.
Clary: Yeah, um--
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Jace: I guess it’s pointless for me to ask you to stay behind? I go meet Magnus by myself? Things could get sticky. Magnus is being hunted. You’re gonna need a weapon. It’s a Seraph Dagger. The blade knows you and you know how to handle yourself.
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Clary: Are you sure this is a good idea? Last time we were here this place was crawling with vampires.
Jace: Relax. All Downworlders hang out here. We just came on vampire night.
Clary: Right. And when is all this gonna sound normal to me?
Jace: I don’t know.
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Jace: Magnus.
Magnus: Clary Fairchild. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.
Clary: Magnus Bane. So, you’re the one who stole my memories.
Magnus: At your mother’s request. She knew the risk. Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter.
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Jace: Oooh. Give Clary back her memories and you get the jewelry.
Magnus: I have to confirm its authenticity. Amor verus non morietur - True love cannot die. Oh, how I’ve missed this jewel.
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Clary: Now it’s your turn to pay up.
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Magnus: I wish I could retrieve your memories but I no longer have them.
Clary: What? Where are they?
Magnus: I fed them to a memory demon for safe keeping.
Jace: Why the hell would you do that?
Magnus: To protect Clary and the Cup. If Valentine ever captured me he could torture Clary’s memories out of me. Just like he tortured Dot.
Clary: Tortured? Wait, is Dot okay?
Magnus: You don’t know? Dot is dead.
Clary: What? How did you know?
Magnus: I can’t feel her magic anymore. Valentine killed her because she would not betray our mother.
Clary: Oh my god.
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Magnus: Come with me, Clary. My lair can offer you protection no Shadowhunter ever could.
Clary: No.No, I’m not going anywhere with you. 
Magnus: Don’t be a fool. Your mother would want you to live.
Clary: Then help me get my memories back from whatever demon you gave them to.
Magnus: Valentine is hunting you, too. And every moment we’re outside my lair’s protection is a moment Valentine gets closer to finding us. Come with me. I won’t offer again.
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Clary: No. No, I won’t hide from my problems and neither should you.
Isabel: Look out!
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Magnus: Who are you?
Clary: Magnus, wait! You’re my only hope.
Magnus: Valentine found us. I warned your mother this might happen.
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Clary: Wait!
Isabel: The area’s secure. Looks like he was the only assassin.
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Alec: He has a circle rune on the base of his neck.
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Jace: They found us. It’s not safe here.
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Jace: Clary, we have to go. Clary.
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Isabel: Jace.
Jace: Clary,we have to move.
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Clary: I’m catching my breath.
Alec: You know, this is great. Not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. All right, this is fantastic--
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Jace: Alec, the girl, her name is ‘Clary’ and I highly suggest you keep your voice down.
Alec: Why? What? You’re afraid I’m gonna upset her? We have risked our lives again and again for this girl and where has it gotten us? Nowhere! We’re not closer to getting the Mortal Cup and we’ve lost the Institute’s necklace.
Clary: Hey, I am right here! I don’t care about your damn jewelry. Look, I’m sorry you’re gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay? But my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air!
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Jace: Clary, it’s gonna be fine.
Clary: No, it’s not! People are dying because of me. and Magnus? Magnus will never come out of hiding again while Valentine is still after him. We’re never gonna find him, and I will--I will never get my memories back!
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Jace: You give up way too easy.
Clary: What is he doing?
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Alec: He’s tracking Magnus. Be quiet and keep your distance.
Isabel: The button belonged to Magnus. Jace can pinpoint the location using that.
Jace: No. The signal’s not strong enough. Magnus must be blocking the track. lets do this, Alec.
Clary: Do what?
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Isabel: Parabatai tracking.
Clary: Of course they are.
Isabel: When Parabatais track their power grows stronger. Jace and Alec are gonna track Magnus together.
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Clary: This Parabatai thing seems oddly intimate if you ask me.
Isabel: You don’t know the half of it.
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Jace: Got it.
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Clary: Thanks for that.
Jace: Anytime.
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Alec: Well done.
Magnus: More like medium rare. I’m Magnus. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.
Alec: Alec. Oh, uh, we sh-we should really...probably get...you know...
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Magnus: Right. We should join the party.
Alec: Right.
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Magnus: Normally I love a dirty lair but this one is just sloppy. I believe in payment for services rendered. Thank you for defending the warlocks.
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Isabel: I couldn’t.
Magnus: Oh, but you could and you should. The Lightwoods have been wearing this for years. Besides, this would look silly on your brother. About Alec, is he more of a flower or cologne man?
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Clary: Okay, so how do we summon the memory demon?
Magnus: Are you certain? Summoning such a powerful demon could be lethal.
Clary: I’ll do anything to save my mother. Where is the demon?
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Magnus: Okay. Pretty boy, get your team ready.
Jace: I know what to do.
Magnus: I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to you.
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Magnus: Shadowhunter. Prepare Clary as best you can.
Jace: The memory demon is a Greater Demon. The rune will be far more powerful than anything you’ve faced before.
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Clary: Do it. 
Jace: This might sting.
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Magnus: Jocelyn was right. Your artistry is beyond compare.
Clary: I don’t know about that.
Magnus: Oh, the only person I’ve known who could draw as well was Michaelangelo. Who was excellent in bed I might add.
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Clary: Is he gonna be all right?
Magnus: I don’t know. Does he normally just lay like that without moving?
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Alec: Get up. Jace?
Clary: Jace?
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Jace: I’m all right. I’m all right. I’m just getting my second wind.
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Magnus: There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Alec.
Alec: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Magnus: You will.
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Clary: Thank god you’re okay. For a second there I thought we lost you.
Jace: Remind me again, what’s the, uh, what’s the count on how many times I’ve saved your life?
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Clary: I think we’re even.
Jace: No, I don’t think so.
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Jace: Hey.
Clary: Hi.
Jace: How’re you doing?
Clary: I’m fine.
Jace: Can I come in?
Clary: Yeah.
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Jace: You know, that move you did, launching into the tornado, it was pretty impressive. You must have one hell of an instructor.
Clary: I didn’t even know what I was doing. I just acted.
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Jace: Clary, you killed one of the greater Demons. There’s not a lot of Shadowhunters that could make that claim.
Clary: Yeah, but, in killing that demon I lost my memories forever.
Jace: Yeah.
Clary: I can’t believe it. I’m never gonna find my mother am I?
Jace: Hey, we will find her. I promise. Get some sleep, okay?
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speedygal · 8 years
McCoy Prime ends up a Medium au
Inspired by Medium and its concept and a episode. This has a read more because of its length. A sort of Spones au. Meant to be a Spones au but then some events  happened and I enjoyed writing it. Enough said. Originally meant to be very Spones au. Decided to write the au post as it is Deforest Kelley’s birthday.
Post five year mission. Jim is driving a sleeping McCoy to Joanna’s house in a hovercar in Georgia.  It is night out. Spock is dealing with another issue regarding Christine Chapel and Nyota Uhura having a lovers quarrel and he somehow is in the dead center of it and his plan involves Vulcan and T’Pring while visiting his mother. Jim can feel Spock’s headache from the two women shouting at each other. He looks at the rearview mirror to see McCoy is in the backseat fast asleep not buckled. He considers how lucky he is to have just married the best man in the galaxy. He tells  Spock through bond that he loves him and Spock replies the same thing. They had been to a medical conference that McCoy was supposedly looking forward to. Suddenly there’s a hover car that comes out of no where and there’s a accident. It strikes the front end of the hover-car McCoy is stirred awake as he is flying. He has a very bad feeling about this in his gut. He feels that he is never going to see Jim again. The rest is a blur. Jim watches McCoy fly past him. And the last thought he sends to his husbands? I am so lucky I had you, with love struck eyes  and a smile. Jim dies without pain. The driver of the other hover car gets out, with a few bruises and scratches, to find the bloody scene. The driver runs away and goes to a local clinic. Spock experiences the sudden death of Jim right as he enters his fathers home. Amanda is taking care of their twin boys, Sterek, George, and  one month old  S’Tamuel with a Sehlat. Sarek calls her out through their bond. Spock is unresponsive once collapsing to the ground. They perform CPR on Spock and get him stable for the healers to attend to him. McCoy’s accident is called in thirteen minutes later by a passer by in the ditch.
When  McCoy awakens, he sees Vulcan who he recognizes from the medical conference. He screams. Because they have a phaser injury all over them. He doesn’t see Jim. He doesn’t feel Jim. The nurses sedate him and tell him that Spock is arriving soon. McCoy feels broken all over. two stinging pain in his mind as though the marriage bond between the three men has broken. The dead Vulcan has vanished. McCoy rests. When he awakens, Scotty, Nyota, Christine, Pavel, and Hikaru are around the bed. Spock isn’t there. They are relieved that he is alive. McCoy feels like he should be dead and Jim should be the one alive. He doesn’t feel lucky.  He feels miserable. He asks when Spock is coming. Nyota explains Spock admitted himself to a Vulcan Ward a few hours ago. McCoy gets pissed off and wants to get the next shuttle to Vulcan to drag is ass out. Scotty and Pavel stop McCoy and tell him when they saw Spock, he was in very rough shape. They reveal  McCoy has been in a coma for three months. McCoy feels his heart break. He inquires about his side of the bond. Why did no one approach him and try to bring him out of the coma via mind meld. They inform him that Spock had. Spock broke himself pulling this stunt to bring him back. McCoy goes silent, then asks, what else is broken? They inform him that Jim, is in fact, dead. The driver who killed him is not dead and the passengers in the drivers car were all ready dead before the accident. There’s a investigation going. McCoy is told a healer was sent to repair his bond and numb it. They talk about Jim, how they have been going, and the funeral that McCoy was not able to attend. How Spock handled it. How the children handled it. McCoy makes it his mission to go to the Kirk cemetery at the Kirk Family Lot.
After his friends leave, McCoy talks to the dead woman. They share condolences to each other. McCoy requests she leave because there is a waterfall that feels like is ready to come out any any minute. He requests that she come later. She introduces herself as T’Pro. She leaves. McCoy cries into his hands of his loss. He spends the next three hours weeping until he can’t cry anymore.  McCoy recomposes himself when a Vulcan healer comes in. He is prepared for the repairs. His personal life is ruined. And he doesn’t feel appropriate to return to being a doctor in space without Jim and Spock. His shields are risen up and the bond is repaired. McCoy gets a lawyer and has his will written. He gives the children to Amanda under guardian ship, his belongings donated to a historical museum regarding the five year mission  upon his passing, his likeness can be used but it must be correct (He got worried someone will make a holoprogram version of himself and be far off so he makes several holovids before leaving to the Enterprise. McCoy makes a lot more regarding situations. How he pronounces words or names. He gives his life into it for the possibility.) McCoy goes home to Georgia. He falls into Joanna’s arms and there’s relief. They talk about family and the children and Jim and about his future. McCoy admits that, “We were a tragedy from the getgo. Three perfect men. I should have known it would not last.” and Joanna tells him.  “You know and you took the risk, dad.” McCoy waits for the children to come running toward him from kindergarten. They tackle him down instead in glee. He hugs them tightly. McCoy encounters T’Pro, again. This time about her murder. McCoy has to go somewhere. He is not sure but T’Pro is sure.
McCoy meets Carol Marcus and her son  David Marcus
McCoy, understandably, is furious that she has come RIGHT NOW AND TELLING HIM THAT HIS HUSBAND HAD A SON AND MADE IT SEEM TO THE BOY THAT JIM LEFT HER WHEN SHE LEFT HIM AND---He can’t take the painful reminder and the painful sting he has. Jim should have known about David Marcus after surviving the incident. McCoy is wishfully thinking by this stage that he had buckled himself in and died in the wreckage. His heart aches too much. McCoy is drawn to the  Reliant where he discovers this is the ship where T’Pro met her maker. He spends twenty-four hours on it. And with some persuasive help from Pavel, gets the one who killed her and put into the brig until their return to Earth. McCoy is pleased to have been useful  (But not as much as having a shrapnel against his neck while Pavel’s commanding officer negotiated). McCoy visits Vulcan to see Spock. He sees the shell of what had been Spock. Shattered, ruined, and utterly destroyed. He sees a sehlat by the man’s side. Which isn’t odd because there are SEHLATS EVERYWHERE HE LOOKS . McCoy keeps his distance from the animal while trying to get across to Spock and telling him what he found himself doing. McCoy feels he lost everything when Spock doesn’t act like there’s a reasonable rational conversation. The sehlat sniffs McCoy and McCoy recoils. McCoy asks a nurse why Spock has a sehlat and they tell him that he doesn’t. McCoy asks about the other sehlats. McCoy learns pets are not allowed. He is seeing dead pets. McCoy looks over to see the sehlat is gone. McCoy tells Spock goodbye. And that he hopes to see him again.  Spock remarks, “You are an odd man, Mr Blue.” McCoy asks, “Why?” “I can see things that are there and you don’t. You sure you don’t have problems up there?” McCoy pauses, carefully thinking how to word that next reply. McCoy finally says, “I see dead people.” Spock takes it without question.  McCoy pats the man’s shoulder,  “There’s hope in you, yet. Mr Spock.” As painful as it is for McCoy.
McCoy goes home, for the last time, as he has decided what to do. McCoy spends the last few months of the year with his family and working at the hospital. McCoy gets administrative leave in 2371. McCoy has been privately going through the grief and has come to accept Jim’s passing but not without seeing ghosts. He has a double life helping the deceased. Joanna has been assigned to a medical colony. McCoy leaves the children with Eleanor. Who adores the children and loves the boys. He hugs and kisses the children. McCoy leaves town.  S’Tamuel and Sterek have known all along what their father is up to. Eleanor takes a nap. Sterek has left a holovid behind. They take their little brother with them after their daddy. The take short cuts, lie, cheat, backstab, trick,and the whole nine yards by acting adorable. Sterek is the stubborn one whose determined on going where daddy goes. They take a mobile transporter that a cadet was in the process of making and has some problems. And chances of death. And they stole it despite being warned. McCoy has taken the necessary steps to make a new life where he is going. It takes a few days to get there but he makes it. And the ship leaves but right behind him is the THREE KIDS GENETICALLY MADE TO BE SPOCK AND JIM’S CHILDREN. The children catch their father’s attention and repeat a phrase Spock said to him years ago, “Together or not at all.” McCoy decides to take the children with him but decides that they must be returned when they  are one week from Pon Farr exactly the time span that they had been gone. The Guardian of  Forever takes them to a different time.
McCoy gets a house in San Francisco and becomes a trial consultant to district attorney who looks like Jim but really isn’t and calls himself  Denny Crane. He used to be  a big time lawyer who won every case for a law firm called Denny, Poole, and Schmit. He has a loving husband named Alan Shore and he is treating for his Alzheimer which no one knows about. McCoy goes up his radar by solving a case in  Tennessee and having someone babysit the kids. In Tennessee McCoy meets a man who look+s a lot like Spock but is not a Vulcan. The man likes McCoy and introduces himself as Harold Grayson. The man follows McCoy, quits his high paying well job as a engineering scientist for Airtech and goes after McCoy once learning where he lives. But he doesn’t have the address. Harold accepts his job at air tech but in SAN FRANCISCO. McCoy is helping Crane with getting the right jury. He has visions of people. There is one prominent vision bothering him throughout the day. The day Jim died. He sees the perpetrators face. He sees the man get fixed and sent on his way. He recognizes the man from his time in the hospital in Georgia. McCoy snaps out of the vision. McCoy has set up his new life, social security, fake background,and birth certificate. McCoy has a system ready for little S’Tamuel. McCoy’s little boys have their ears covered by a beanie in kindergarten. McCoy befriends a group of psychics  and non-psychics who are huge skeptics. He befriends a detective named Hank Son and his husband Peter Connor.  McCoy has a vision of Eleanor waking up to find the children gone. And searching through the house for them. Nikki Understone works as a translator for the medical hospital. Catherine Cine is a nurse at this same hospital. They are both parents for a adoptive little boy from Pakistan who is ten years old.
McCoy’s visions increase in volumes throughout the day. The search for the perpetrator becomes very important and he is apprehended by Pavel Chekov, personally, on his way to Romulus and sent to a prison ship. Pavel visits Spock and tells him that the strange man from earlier has vanished. And so has his three children. Spock has no idea who Pavel is and thinks he is someone else entirely. Pavel goes somewhere private and weeps for his role model’s breakdown. McCoy is shown a flashback where Spock had met the one who caused him pain and misery and forces a mind meld that in part is part of why Spock ended out the way he did. The visions end from his regular universe. McCoy comes across Harold sometime in his new life, again, this time at a crime scene. Hank Son is understandably concerned. Harold  is surprised to hear McCoy's job title and frankly thought he was a relative of the doctor who died last year in a car accident. Doctor Lenny Thomas McCord. McCoy goes throughout the next few days dealing with these visions from the victim that are vague, cryptic, and mostly appear as nightmares about what happened before or after the crime. He feels threatened when a bloody box appears on his doorstep.  Crane tells him it is going to be all right and they have the house guarded. He nearly gets killed by the killer who somehow got onto him when the doctor had gone to where he was at during the time and asked around specific questions with Hank Son by his side. The children are terrified. George,Sterek, and S'Tamuel sleep that night around McCoy on the first night. McCoy dreams of that killer who informs him that he knows what he has and he will stop at nothing to ruin his growing credibility to the detective. McCoy painfully makes the decision not to continue helping Denny on his cases.
McCoy is regretting coming here. He misses Joanna. There is a knock on the door the next morning and it's Harold, soaking wet, asking why he didn't get his damn phone number and let him find out through the local news where he lived and mentions, "That's a terrible way of making a first impression on your domestic life so I brought this." And it's full of  chocolate related items and a card that reads "Do you want to go stare at a aquarium with me?" And he apologizes for appearing this way. And he notices the doctor has been crying.  McCoy smiles back, wary, saying, "If you can accept the kids." And Harold  LOVES children. Loves. loves. Loves to bits. And McCoy mentions it will be chaotic going to the aquarium. They make a date. Harold ends up showing he had something behind his back and it's----McCoy's skin runs cold seeing a doll looking like Spock  in a container along with two other men. McCoy learns that he is fictional. Everything he has done in his past was fictional. McCoy is unable to speak at first but he takes the gifts and the wheelie for George to play with.  He doesn't reply. He is just in a state of shock. Harold is smiling and he gives his phone number, stuttering, and writes it down. He mentions living in a flat and that they can start out as friends if he would like. He wants to take it as slow as McCoy wants. And that he looks forward to meeting him again in the future. McCoy closes the door then slides his back against it hearing his heart beat against his chest. He is not even real and there's a real, living person interested in him who is not fictional.  He goes through his hair. He knows two Spock's. One is real and the other is not. He doesn't know if he can continue this charade. Because how can a fictional person live in real life that he isn't supposed to be? He places the packages on the couch and curls up to bed wishing he never had the accident to begin with. He dreams of Spock curled up on the couch in a meditative position and then the killer comes up and taunts him and antagonizes McCoy in a very degrading way. McCoy wakes up  in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. That morning he goes to Denny Crane and tells him he can't do it anymore. He tells  Denny that he can't foresee the future. All he sees is that stupid killer who terrorized his family. And he can't work for him. Denny gives McCoy a leave of absence and is unwilling to let him give up like that. He contacts a psychic friend of McCoy's , who the man had mentioned after their first case together, and asks if she is dealing with a slight problem. Denny is horrified. He knows he is going to lose this case without McCoy's help. Denny goes home that night and gets comforted by his husband--after Alan's hectic day of funding poor people's case and trying them and listening to the amusing stories--regarding it.
McCoy has a dream of a thirteen year old boy getting abducted near the kindergarten school his boys go to. He doesn't know when or where this is going to occur. He thinks he has a edge over the man but in reality he was showing him of what lead him to this. McCoy is not happy after he discovers this. George has a accident at Kindergarten and McCoy picks him up with his twin then takes them home. McCoy finds the psychics at his house, in the living room, knitting being happy as they cam be. McCoy has to make sure they are still alive to believe it. They tell him to ignore the visions from now on and readapt his life style. They make one major suggestion: be a doctor. He can't destroy a human life with being a doctor. He can't go back to a profession that he could not save his husband in. McCoy opts for finding a different job. Dog sitter. The boys are playing with their toys. S'Tamuel cries so McCoy gets the boy out of his room with his beanie on and has the other psychics, a mix of men and women, calm him down. They arrange for a road trip after the aquarium. Just him and his new found friends. Hank Son calls McCoy asking for his help on a difficult case. McCoy can see the vision of the killer with the new victim taunting him. And McCoy hates it but he has to say no. McCoy begins drinking to prevent himself from seeing the dead people BECAUSE HE CAN'T HELP THEM. HE JUST CAN'T. NOT ANYMORE. Somedays McCoy wishes that he can see his husband again but he knows that is never going to happen. McCoy and his three boys go to the aquarium with S'Tamuel in tow. McCoy has to gently tell Harold that they won't work out. Harold refuses to believe that because they can work things out. McCoy goes to the point of telling him that one of them isn't really born in this continent. Harold grows concerned asking him if he is okay and if he is a immigrant. McCoy nods, because that is the easiest way he can explain. He has a green card. He explains about the lengths his immigrant went to nest him here. McCoy admits that he was born in a Toccoa, Georgia but now this Georgia. He spills out the truth in a way that he could understand.  The man uses logic to explain away what he is saying. McCoy tells him that they have to be friends. Harold grows concerned for the doctor.
McCoy steps aside from Harold. Harold only grows determined to win the man over. The boys leave. Harold follows McCoy across the country showing up at random places. HE'S THERE. ALL RIGHT? He  finds the boys within a heavy crowd while the psychics are treating McCoy to his own vacation. One of the psychics is totally okay with one year old S'Tamuel. Harold treats the kids and they get drunk. Very drunk. Harold learns quickly not to feed the children chocolate. Harold finds their slurring very odd and how drunk like they act. He looks up for reasons why children get drunk. And of course, he comes across Vulcans. The children protest against taking the beanie off because  "daddy will be very angry" and he asks, "why?"  they plainly said that they don't exist. Harold takes the beanie off to reveal their eyebrows and their pointed ears. He deduces that logically, they are Vulcans. And Vulcans are real. They are here so therefore they are real. When the group drops McCoy off to the designated hotel room, Harold is waiting alongside it with the children tucked into bed. Harold tells him that he understands where McCoy is coming from and that he is quite honored to have met the famed man. He also says he will wait for as long as McCoy wants. McCoy feels a sense of loss at what just happened. He doesn't understand what just happened.  Harold also admits that he got himself flat broke and he just ran out of his vacation money to get himself a room. McCoy is still floored. McCoy apparently has plenty of money. Thousands, upon thousands, thousands of dollars from leaving his reality prepared. McCoy questions Harold to know if he moves around the bed. Oh, and if he snores. Harold doesn't know if he snores but he doesn't move in bed. McCoy shares his bed with Harold but the man must sleep under the blankets. Harold agrees to the terms. McCoy falls asleep and Harold wonders what happened to  Spock. S'Tamuel is snoring lightly. All three of the Vulcans are not wearing their beanies and at least all three of them have black hair. McCoy has the nightmare featuring the killer again so Harold strokes the man's shoulder and sings to him lightly changing the direction of the nightmare. McCoy's face relaxes. Harold stays up all night admiring McCoy's face and the children and watches them breath and live and sleep. He watches the twins sleep walk around the room, so he has to tell them go to bed. They respond to him and go to bed. On his feet. Harold is trapped by the boys. They don't want him to leave the following morning. So the bunch of psychics, sleep deprived, take the group to a remote location for camping. And then for karaoke. McCoy finds himself feeling glorified while Harold is making sure the little ones are okay and having fun. Harold has four hours of sleep. The children really like Harold and call him father. That night, the boys sleep in the same tent as the men with S'Tameul. Harold holds McCoy that night. He pulls McCoy close to him as he struggles. When McCoy awakens with a pant. Harold wakes up, and asks him what's wrong. McCoy lets it out. He tells him everything. And then it fits together why he is in a sleep deprived group. He then tells McCoy that it has to end. It can't continue forever.
McCoy falls asleep once more. A sixteen year old girl corners the killer in the very same room the family are in. And the killer realizes she is not supposed to be there. The sixteen year old informs McCoy of a family member around where he and his family are is about to be threatened in an hour and lists an exact illegal thing her killer is doing. The killer is outraged that she is here. Two ghosts can't be in here! The girl says,  "Who says we are asking for help?" The killer is then suddenly aware of other people in the room. Thirteen. All the people that people like McCoy could have helped. They all reflect the manner of their death. The killer screams running out then down the hallway and down the staircase followed by a mass of ghosts. The killer goes outside to the parking lot where the other ghosts say they are going to take him to hell whether he likes it or not.  And that this will end no matter how he kicks and screams. The man  is taken. McCoy awakens and calls the number that the sixteen year old told him to call. McCoy falls asleep shortly afterwards. In the morning there is breaking news of a serial killer having been caught due to a anonymous tip. McCoy feels a lot better. Harold notices the change in McCoy and asks if he had a good night rest. McCoy smiles back at Harold while taking a shower and the curtain is pulled back and informs him that he is better than okay, he is excellent. He can go back to his old job. That is if Denny Crane is still there and hasn't been forced to resign. Harold has a feeling he is still there.
One year later, Harold and McCoy have gotten married. Thanks in part to Harold's sheer determination of reassuring that "Even if you are fictional, you will live as a human and die as a human. You will have mattered in this life. You will always matter to me." Now share the house that McCoy bought as a family.  Harold adores the children to bits and McCoy usually does the cooking in the morning but Harold cooks dinner. Harold has been informed regarding that the children will leave one day and never come back. Ever.  Somewhere in their late thirties. Harold doesn't mind that part. But McCoy worries that the boys will have families by then and vanished without a trace. McCoy makes a contingency plan for that. He plans to inform the three children on a specific date on their eighteenth birthday. They both share the same last name, now, Harold Grayson McCoy and Leonard Horatio McCoy. McCoy wakes up once per night with nightmares and Harold is quite used to it and anticipates it when he can't sleep because the looks on McCoy face are so adorable, priceless, and breath taking. Worth it. McCoy uses his friendship with Catherine to get around the medical loop holes and the whole species ordeal about is children. Sometimes McCoy steals Nikki to translate for him during cases. Hank Son is happy to be working with someone he trusts over some hacks who tried to fill in his shoes. Harold Grayson McCoy snores.
We have a montage of McCoy waking up. There is this one part of the montage where the music fades into the background. He wakes up flailing, landing on the floor with a thump followed by, "Honey, is your victim drowning or were you drowning in your fear of being in something entirely new?" Because sometimes the dreams McCoy has are illogical, supernatural, and don't make sense. They rarely take an airplane to anywhere as a family because of some of his visions. Harold looks for the logic in every dream. McCoy does not plan to tell Harold about Spock and Jim. But you know what? McCoy is lucky that he has Harold and his best friend Denny Crane being a major flirt to anyone not relating to a case. He actually reminds him a lot of a aged James T. Kirk now that he thought of it. McCoy dreams of a old Spock visited by a man strikingly looking like him with a device on his shoulder and holding his hand out, "Doctor McCoy, EMH Mark VII. And I am goin' to get your ass out of your head. Fixin' minds has improved recently in medicine for Vulcans." The old Spock just simply doesn't understand. "That's okay, because I am goin' to do somethin' that the original McCoy will be proud of." The  Vulcan finally takes the man's hand and shakes it as it transitions to Harold taking McCoy by the hand down a unusual zoo without cages and has plastic walls and is large and comfy to the animals followed by the children in beanies and short sleeves. The montage continues showing the happy family growing older, in the kitchen, walking in and out, then of a really aged up Harold and McCoy being part of a shuttle craft visit to Mars. And Harold kissing McCoy's cheek. McCoy talking to thin air, agreeing, "Yes, it's a wonderful view. How lon' you been dead?" He apparently enjoys what he does now that he is retired. McCoy is happy and so is Harold. The final part of the montage ends with young bright eyed McCoy waking up from a dream then going over to jot down onto a padd and taking a phone out, "Did you just dream a murder on our honeymoon?" From the side of the bed. McCoy shakes his head, "You signed up for this marryin' me." Harold tosses a pillow over toward him. And so McCoy tosses it back only to end up falling out of bed right as he dialed the number. And then the scene fades to black.
The End.
Dedicated in honor of Deforest Kelley.
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1stofficerspock · 8 years
Fanfic: Birthday Blues - spirk chapter 2
TITLE: Birthday Blues CHAPTER: 2 of I have no idea.  AUTHOR: @1stofficerspock aka @thatvulcanbitch RATING: G WORD COUNT: 1393 CHARACTERS: On the way to New Vulcan, Jim and Spock talk about their relationship and the mind meld. FANDOM: Star Trek AOS SHIP: Spirk   AO3 LINK
Personal Log Stardate 2263.020: It has been two weeks since Jim and I decided to go to New Vulcan to pay our respects to Ambassador Spock. We would have left sooner, but no matter how much leave we had accrued there were a great many details to be seen to. We needed permission to go on leave. Needed to make arrangements for the reassignment of our duties.
I was accepted as an instructor, which cut down how much time I could be gone, which was actually something I was grateful for. I was uncertain how much time I could spend with Sarek. Our issues run deep, and no matter how civil we have learned to be with each other, spending three weeks together would more than likely lead to more years without speaking.
There was also a surprise a week after my birthday, Ambassador Spock had bequeathed a small warp capable ship to me. It’s arrival at Yorktown was beneficial as Jim and I no longer had to rent a ship or take public transportation to New Vulcan. Catching a ride with a Starfleet ship was an unpredictable method of travel—best avoided for the outgoing part of a trip—but it would be fine for the return trip.
Mr. Scott said the ship was in excellent condition and space worthy. I found its name amusing. The Ambassador called it I-Chaya, which was the name the sehlat we had as a child.
“This is a sweet little ship,” Jim said from the pilot’s seat of the small cockpit. Behind us was a galley and sleeping area with bunks for two as well as a lavatory. It was by no means opulent, but it was mine.
We were both out of uniform. He was wearing his traditional battered jacket of imitation leather over a shirt and jeans, while I was wearing a simple sweater that reminded me of the one my mother made me when I went before the Vulcan Science Academy. It was bulky and warm. I found it comforting.
“Indeed.” It wasn’t much of an answer, but I was deep in thought, trusting Jim to handle this leg of our journey. It would take I-Chaya four days to get to New Vulcan. We’d then have five days there before we had to return to duty on Yorktown. As we would be taking Starfleet transportation for our return trip. The I-Chaya would be left with Sarek for his use. He was still the Ambassador to Earth and might enjoy the freedom of having a small personal ship. I would have no need for it once I returned to duty.
My mind was filled with conflicting emotions and chaotic thoughts about mind melding with Jim. Our friendship was well-established after so many years as partners in space—both romantically and platonically—but in those years, I had never sought to meld with him. I’d thought of it. I loved him enough to cross that line, but I was also frightened of the magnitude of such a bond.
Neither of us had been lucky in the romance department until we admitted our feelings for each other. Sadly, it had taken me nearly dying in a volcano for Jim to realize how he felt, and I had to watch him die to finally trust my feelings for him. My parents knew they loved each other shortly after they met. That was how it was supposed to be, according to multitudes of Earth literature, music, and movies.
Vulcans, of course, had different rituals, and I suppose in many ways, Jim and I forged our relationship along those lines—including violence and aggression.
“Spock?” Jim’s hand clamped my shoulder, drawing me from the twisted knot of my thoughts. He’d turned the pilot’s seat toward mine on the other end of the sleek control panel behind him I could see the thin veil of our warp bubble against the tapestry of space. “You were light years away from…well everything. It’s OK if you don’t want to do the meld. I won’t be insulted.” He said it, but there was a miniscule hint of pain in his eyes.
Jim was a complex creature for someone who presented such an opaque and simple persona. I knew he had abandonment issues. His father dying before he was born. His mother leaving him behind on Earth when she went back on duty with Starfleet. His brother running away from home, and I was sure there were other incidents that I didn’t know about that made him who he was.
While I loved him, I felt no need to fix him. The pain of his past was what made him into the person I loved. It was illogical to change him when I liked who he was, and I knew he’d accepted me for who I was as well.
None of which explained why I was reluctant—no afraid—of the mild meld.
“I do not want you to feel slighted by my reluctance, Jim. There is no one I would rather share my thoughts with than you.” I shifted closer, turning my seat to look him in the eye, our knees were at the most 10 inches apart, and we could reach each other easily. It was only a matter of seconds before Jim had his hand on my knee.
“I’m not—not really. A little.” His grin spread for a moment, then his touch ended as he got to his feet, heading toward the small galley area where he rummaged for some snacks for us. He quickly returned with a peanut butter sandwich for each of us and some iced tea for me and coffee for him. “Want to tell me what you’re worried about sharing? Are they my memories, Ambassador Spock’s? Or is it you don’t want me to see yours?”
“It is against the rules to answer with a yes or a no to a multiple-choice question, but in this case, I shall follow your example and say ‘yes’. All three.” I took a bite of the sandwich and chewed it slowly while waiting for Jim’s reply, my mind going over the possibilities of what he might say—as always.
“That’s silly.” That was not one of the expected responses, but it was not out of character. “We trust each other. We both trusted and loved him. Yes, there are things in my memories that I’m not proud of. Hell, picking that fight on the bridge with you in front of your father is high on the list. And I’m sure there are bits and pieces of you that you aren’t thrilled with sharing—but Spock, that’s how relationships work. Even without the telepathy, we’re together and always will be. You know it. I know it. He knew it. So, stop trying to avoid the inevitable. We’ll learn a little more about each other without talking out loud. What’s the big deal?”
He made me let out a sigh that was more of a snort. “You do realize that I am at a disadvantage when you are more logical than I am about something, and in this situation, you are. I am mired with emotions while you are being logical. It is most distressing.”
“I know. What would Bones think?” his smile was back as he tapped his coffee cup against my glass of tea.
“That we have lost our minds or are spending too much time together—both of which may be accurate,” I answered sharing the toast with him. “All right, Jim. You are right. We will meld when we get to my father’s house. I do not think I-Chaya is the proper place for a first meld. I have not done one in a very long time.” My teeth sank into the back of my lip, a nervous habit I’d picked up as a child that no one could see. “I did not meld with Nyota. You will be the first human I have done it with.”
“I’m honored, Mr. Spock,” the humor was gone from his voice. It was thick with the emotions I could not display…yet. “It’s a date then. Let’s make sure your dad is out of the house though. Nothing worse than when your dad catches you making out.”
And once again, James T. Kirk made me laugh out loud.
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