#I love Flick so much I can't WAIT for y'all to meet him :D
phoenixiancrystallist · 7 months
*vibrates* I need to write more of the self insert shenanigans because I made notes for way, way, *way* later in the first fic than I'm currently at and they look like this:
Flick: *dodges lasers* You seem upset
Sus: *is way too pissed off to really hear him, keeps attacking*
Flick: *dodges more* Maybe your freedom was too sudden. Bit of a shock for you, boss?
Sus: *keeps attacking* I was free! Free of the Rheddig! Free of my duty!
Flick: *keeps dodging* ... Do you need a nap? A hug?
Sus: *death orb lasers everywhere* I NEED YOU DEAD
Flick: *still dodges* Now that's just mean ):
And this is their first interaction :D
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