#I love Madoka and she's so talented
blueesnow · 4 months
First Mai mention from Masa... And then there's a chance it was actually George/Enjouji Madoka by full name (Ren's butler and also related to Renge if I'm not wrong(?) hence why he's the only one taking care of Ren despite his father's order to everyone in the house to ignore him and I'm sure there's a memorial in Ren's repeat from his POV where Renge asked him to do that in case she was not there anymore ;;w;;) from Ren's private story when he mentioned how there's one of his acquaintance who used to brought him to Italy on his childhood and I perfectly remember there's a spesific memorial for that back in the otoge (is it debut?), and now you're telling me there's also Tomochika mention from Camus's private story? 😭 Although her va already retired it's nice to know they still keep her around ;;w;;
(Oh yeah not to mention I've heard from ppl who had Camus UR that you can hear Alexander's sounds too in the side story and outside of that you can hear Camus mentioned him from time to time which is cute www)
Ringo and Ryuya (especially Ryuya cuz of Yamato) also got mentioned from time to time too which is nice www so far there's only Raging 3D model appeared in the main story and since it's only 3 chapters and they promises to update it later there's chance they probably going to bring back Shining with 3D model too, I mean this is the character who made utapri famous after all www
Ngl at first I didn't have quite a lot of expectations for raiemo when it got announced like yeah maybe I'd dl and play it like SL though maybe not that obsessedly playing cuz my girl's not there and the story of it is kinda...boring for me (their AU had great ideas but 5 lines for each chapter is a bit eh...)
Athough I'm happy they bring back Haruchan to the cast I'm worried whether they will be going to do her justice ever since the recent events of her treatment in the series but my god they really went beyond from what I expected 😭 I'm glad they really made her much more of a protagonist than I've ever thought and I love how you can see her personalities from it.
I'm also glad how the boys mentioned her reckless attitude when it comes to composing, "You tends not see your surrounding when you were composing please take care of yourself" Or "You probably haven't eaten anything aren't you?" like those little details of haruka being 音楽夢中 is so nice 🥺
(in case you didn't know this girl is music-obsessed okay. Idk why the anime change her background like that though she still keep a few of her personalities in (then again they also did the same thing with the boys changing things that didn't have to be changed so idk) You see she was such a shy and quite a loner girl before, she didn't know how to have a conversation with ppl using words as it's too difficult for her but she learnt that she can express her feelings using music.
I remember there's a description where she used to have like long hair and especially long bangs (the reason is because she's scared talking with ppl while making eye-contact so she never cut it off) but the one who made her want to change herself was Hayato on TV. To her Hayato is this shining and dazzling presence and sometime she even wondered how could a person have a smile so bright that she can't take her eyes off of him. While watching Hayato she learned that she can't keep being scared around ppl anymore so she actively tried to have a solo performance from time to time (with her original musics that she made) outside with her keyboard cuz music is the only way where she can properly communicate.
That's the time where she properly met Masato. She was doing her own solo performance as usual in the middle of the snow (she didn't care it snowed + she's more than happy knowing that barely anyone around bcus of it www) when suddenly a man suddenly singing in sync within her plays. They both talked and praised each other talents and later on promised to themselves not to let that talent go to waste. They're both each other's reasons why they went to Saotome Academy. After meeting Masato was the time where she finally feeling brave and cut her hair short to what it is now. You see, while Hayato gave her hope to walk, Masato gave her courage so that she could run. It's a shame the anime kinda ruined that ww
Also speaking about that masaharu meeting, in Debut prologue when she first met Ranmaru he asked her whether he had seen her before but he avoided the topic later cuz he thought he was probably mistaken or something but in fact in Masato's route it was revealed that the area where Ranmaru used to perform before was around the place where Haruka used to live and it's also one of the places where she used to perform too so chances are Ranmaru probably heard her performance before cuz this guy is also quite a music lover, another reason why he kinda tolerated her and gave her a chance on the beginning of debut and AS too 'cuz of Haruka's passion for music—even if he was mean to her when he was on his woman-hater phase www
It also didn't help Ranmaru also had the same problem as she did, that communicating with words is kinda hard on him but he can express himself freely with music so they're both are kinda alike hence why both of them are attracted to each other.
There's also like one of her bad habits when it comes to music which is being a workaholic www She's the type of a girl when she's too deep in her zone she can't see her surrounding at all so sometimes she tends to skip sleeping and eating (I love how her debut profile literally state that bad habits of hers www)
Because of that sometimes you could hear her talk about how she didn't sleep for days and later on collapsed out of exhaustation or just got sick and even got taken to hospital or just sleeping anywhere except her own room (Natsuki literally found her sleeping in the recording room before instead of her dorm room when he went to pick her up while Ranmaru found her sleeping in the office, he scolded her for that though he's surprised when she mentioned that she haven't been sleeping for 3 days and later on when she went to his home the lack of sleep finally caught on to her and she's asleep in Ranmaru's room www) —and these things happened in a lot of the boys routes wwww
Her quotes in Otoya's route is... something else XD
"I doubt human would die just because they didn't sleep for 3 days" -said her as she finished a months worth of work in by a week 😭 Girl, once a time it's okay cuz that's totally unavoidable when it comes to work but after knowing about you the chances of you doing this almost every day is high enough so pls stop.
Even Shining was like speechless and called her a demon for it, though girly is quite an airhead and she's in her I-look-up-to-you-Principal phase so she thank him for that which impressed Shining even more wwww
There's also her quote in Otoya AA once she moved to agency's dorm when she found out that the equipments much better than the school dorm and that it was a one person-one room, "I could definitely composing here for 24 hours straight~" girl pls don't.
There's also tomoharu convo when she went to her dorm room (otoya's repeat after story I remember(?)) and Haruchan just casually mentioned how she's so concentrated in her composing that without her knowing the sun was already up when she glanced on her window which just flabbergasted Tomochika and she's like, "My god, did you even sleep!?" Tomochika's thought after that was interesting cuz to her Haruka used to be this calm and reserved girl but she tends to be this wild uncontrollable being(?) that she didn't know on how to scold her www
In Ai's memorial when she got sick in his route and she can't be contacted no matter how long he waited for her so he went by force to her dorm room only to found the girl collapsed in the middle of her room www As he finished taking her to the bed he heard her calling him out which he thought she finally awoken but alas girl is sleeptalking and it was... 😂 "Senpai... I... finished the song... " Ai's reaction to that is hilarious www *This girl... She's still composing even on her dream? Just how much does this girl likes to work" 🤣
Another memorial after that is also hilarious cuz apparently after he nurse her back he still can't trust her to take care of herself, that once she wake up the next morning she'll do the same thing over and over again which turns into a cycle www so he in his own way try to message her (got interrupted by Reiji and Ranmaru 😂 and it had 3 versions of message, one by Reiji, one by Ranmaru, and one the combination of ReiRan which made Ai speechless until he dediced he write it himself www) in the morning telling her to stop working for awhile and take a full-rest until she finally got better. (Which reminds me when he went to make her food when she's sick she's so uncomfortable with letting her Senpai cooks for her so she's like let me do it but Ai's already done with it and told her off "This is Senpai's order, sleep." and girl silently went back to her bed it's cute 🤣) And after she got better and they went to their usual pace of work, Ai made sure to made her stop when it's gotten too long and force her to take a break from time to time. 😂
In another memorial of his, apparently the reason why she can be fully concentrated and good when it comes to music but not the other things (as in she's slow learning other things to which Ai scold her for it hence the 8bit meme) cuz according to Ai is because she used all of her brain only just for music so she didn't have any left to receive other things. Like her brain's only got plugged when it's about music 😂 The first time I read that what comes to mind was the Patrick episode where he went genius www
Also her becoming music-obsessed also tends to had few of boys getting jealous and feels like they lost by it (Reiji especially in ASAS 😂 imagine you try to propose to your gf but she told you that she can't imagine herself being a bride bcus her wish for now is to write music for as long as she wanted to, poor guy www—it didn't help that before that there's this scene where they were walking around at night and Reiji told her how he loved her smile and what should he do to make her smile which she replied by hearing music! Which later on made Reiji realized somehow music tends to make her smile much more brighter than himself which made him self-conscius so he promised to himself that he'd do his best to make her much more attracted to him in the future so that he won't lose to music which Haruka responded "???" 🤣)
There's also like Ren side too where he showed her how to play basketball and somehow the sight of him and how the ball went to the ring gained her inspiration to make music so she went all talkative about it to Ren which Ren just replied "Lady really loved music, huh" "Hm? Yeah. Why you ask?" "Nah, it's nothing. Somehow I got a feeling that I can never win against it" "???" 😂
And welp on Nacchan's repeat love end after story (you know how there's still Satsuki but it was rather called as wild Natsuki) these two were having fun in the forest until Natsuki's glasses went off, boy went blind without it so he literally try to grab anywhere to find his glasses and somehow that sight of Nacchan awoken something in Haruchan that she decided to be a naughty for a sec so she told Natsuki the wrong location for his glasses multiple times until wild Natsuki appeared and so these two are doing hide and seek as a wolf and red riding hood until he finally catch her and whisper to her what she wanted (in a sexy way okay) but sadly haruchan's like "I want to hear Natsuki-kun's singing voice or him playing a viola or—" which pissed off Wild Natsuki and he called her "You music-idiot woman!" 😂 which was supposed to be Sacchan's nickname for her from before he was still Satsuki(?)
Honestly I tends to joke that "haha did Haruchan have a 声フェチ" after seeing her first reaction being mesmerized by Otoya's voice and all her monologues about is...something else that she forgot she was sexuallly harassed on the train before and Otoya came to save her www but ngl seeing her reactions after hearing the boys voice after that...it might be not that impossible 😐 It also didn't help that this girl had sensitive ears too so playing with her ears will be--okay I'm gonna stop :")))
Anyway back to Haruchan's bad habits, Ai's memorial in ASAS is also hilarious. Like the end of his B Route is that he gave her key to his house and told her that she could go there even if he's not around while baiting her with all of his equipments on his studio which would made her composing easier. So boy finally went back from work and is glad to know that Haruka used his key. She's still working even after she greets him though Ai's kinda not bothered about it so he sat beside her while waiting for her to finish as he told us how his home now feels more homey now that it finally got decorated bit by bit by Haruka'a touch, like Haruka tends to bring these sea creatures plushie and keeps it in his house which is cute XDXD Like there's a penguin one, a dolphin and jellyfish. So he plays with one of the plushie while he waits for her until he just... got bored of it. Like it's cute he suddenly said this on his mind "I'm here right now and you won't even pay attention to me" though him sulking while still decide to wait for her is much more cuter XD
Welp until he finally decided to told her to take a break and she responded, "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just a little bit more" Ai... Ai's reaction hearing that was hilarious 😂 "That face... is definitely not just 'a lil bit more' face" Ai soon remember her habits 🤣 This robo suddenly went into detective mode and searching through all of her surroundings such as her empty mug and how only the table she's working on had music sheets all scattered around. He even went so far as to calculate how many hours she spent there which he definitely decided it's more than just four hours worth of work so he decided to be blunt and said, "You, you haven't take a break since 1pm didn't you? " "H-How did you know!?" and he... he literally took her by force from her workplace after that 🤣
Oh yeah, another cute facts about Haruka... remember how she was a fan of Hayato? She was such a fangirl before that when the topic change into Hayato she turned into this talkative girl even though she was so shy before and it surprised and intimidated Syo when he first knew about this side of her XD It happened on his memorial when he supposed to do a report with Hayato and Haruka's like "I got you" so she brought him to his room and showed her all of her recording collections so they watch Hayato together until Haruka decided to go full fangirl mode on Hayato like their conversation went like "Look at that Syo-kun! Isn't Hayato-sama Amazing!?" "Uh...yeah.." "Look this part is where he's adlibbing! Look look" which later on made Syo so quiet which is hilarious 'cuz you know this guy is the loudest ppl 😂 And usually syoharu convo were literally with Syo speaking talkatively with Haruka sometimes responding in a calm manner so it's interesting since their dynamic change here www
Also her being an idol fan didn't stop just with Hayato. After she dated her idol bf apparently this girl had a habit to buy anything to support her bf which is CD, merchs, anything. So you see, the thing with the CD... is seriously hilarious okay. I mean the CD was a song that she made by herself, and the reactions of the boys when she went and buy one is... Syo was perplexed and mentioned how the agency already gave them one when it got produced but girl already went to the store (Natsuki's Repeat Friend End After Story), when Haruka was going to go to the register and buy the CD Ai suddenly came up behind her and asking why is she buying one when he already gave her one as a celebration (Ai ASAS A Route End), Masato's a bit confused when she suddenly running to him with CD in hand while shouting that she managed to buy it but he's happy knowing her happy (Debut Masato). And out of all of that reaction... the one with Ai is hilarious. So apparently in the shop there were like two of Ai fans in there so they kinda noticed him and want to try approach him and he realized this so Ai told Haruka to let's get out of here but Haruka... 😭 She insist that he lets her go to the register and buy the CD first before they took off and... he actually lets her 😂 They didn't show how it went since the scene skipped after they finally ran away but my god Haruchan... 😭 "My idol bf almost got ambushed by his fans but oh no my CD is much more important" 🤣 this girl's priority XD
I also remember there's a scene where she bought Ranmaru's poster and told him how she's going to hang it up in her room.... forgetting that she lived with him now. But she still decided to ask him can she still hang the poster which the man responded, "Hell no, what kind of an idiot who hangs a poster of their own face in their room" 🤣)
Anyway I've just realized I talk way too much about this girl, I'm so sorry you can't just ignore that giant wall of words:"))) But yeah, I did like Haruka back when I watch the anime. But my god I never expected to actually loving her so much after playing the game, even more than the boys www. Like she's the reason why I'm still enjoying utapri until now. Any contents that had her in it I quickly went and prepare my spoon and fork while waiting for the meal. Broc pls release more merchs of her I need to buy more i'm still salty I never got the 10th anni merch by kurahana sensei cuz my god girl is so sexy she's full of confidence also pls don't forget about dolce vita--
Anyway back to raiemo, I've noticed that almost all of the backgrounds they used in raiemo literally resemble the ones from the ori game; such as haruka's dorm room, each of the boys's dorm room (starish), Saotome Academy's Classroom, and I also found out they also used Ai's room (studio) just like how it was back in AS in his UR side story (there's also a good chance the other senpai will have their own room displayed too asdfghjkl if any of you had their ur and unlocked their side story let me know)
So yeah I had a lot of fun right now enjoying raiemo, seeing Haruka still working as a composer and learning about the boys once again. I hope they keep mentioning and bring out the sub characters more in the future if by chance they mention Hakase and Kaoru I'm dead but I hope they mentioned the parents too I miss hearing Nacchan's Dad Story or Syo's parents (which their dynamic is interesting cuz his mom is the one wearing the pants in the relationship www)
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samble-moved · 1 year
Sayaka is Biyaka (or, a Lesbian Tries to Disprove the "Sayaka is a Lesbian With Comphet" Bi Erasure Theory)
For some reason, there's a loooot of belief in the PMMM fandom (this was especially bad in the mid 2010s) that Sayaka isn't bi (despite her canon, on screen romantic interested in both Kyosuke, a guy, and Kyoko, a girl), she's "just" a lesbian struggling with compulsive heterosexuality.
While many lesbians do struggle with comphet, erasing Sayaka's status as bi/pan/omni/mspec to claim she's a lesbian is...not great!
Usual signs of comphet include, but are not limited to:
Only attraction to guys involves ones who are entirely unobtainable (ex. a celebrity, fictional, etc)
Any man you fantasize about is faceless/nameless
Interest in men in theory, but not practice
"Choosing" a man to have a crush on to seem "normal", or because it's expected
Attraction based on logic, not actual emotion (ex. because your parents would approve)
Liking a guy until they return the interest
Being attracted to certain guys just because of something like a talent
(...and more examples here!)
However, Sayaka's attraction to Kyosuke doesn't seem based on any of these, but seems more to be genuine attraction/interest.
For one, Sayaka has been close to Kyosuke ever since she was a child. They're described and shown as childhood friends, and he isn't a guy Sayaka "just met" and "chose" to be into.
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Sayaka also just isn't into Kyosuke at a surface level. If she held no true attraction towards him, why would she willingly trade her relatively safe, happy life for his happiness? Her wish was to heal his hand. While this was the stated wish, it's outright shown that Sayaka didn't just want that. It's outright shown canonically that, while not fully said, Sayaka wants Kyosuke's appreciation and recognition for this. She wants him to know the miracle was her doing, and wants him to love her for doing it.
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The various interpretions of this won't be majorly touched here, as whether or not Sayaka's thinking there is "selfish" isn't important. What is important is that Sayaka shows a true level of attraction to Kyosuke, and wishes it was reciprocated.
It's not that she "just" likes him for his skills (she still visits him in the hospital, even during a time where it's implied that he won't be able to play his violin again). It's not that he's a guy out of reach — he's a childhood friend. She's not being pressured into liking guys. She literally jokes about Madoka being her wife in front of Hitomi, publicly.
Her feelings are obvious and genuine enough that Hitomi tells Sayaka that, if she wants, she will give Sayaka a day to confess to Kyosuke before Hitomi does.
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A bisexual person who ends up later liking someone of the same gender later on isn't "actually gay" instead. A bisexual person with a preference isn't "choosing a side". Erasing a canon bisexual character's identity to claim "ummm, akshully, 🤓 they're Really X sexuality instead" is biphobic!
I'm probably not the best person to make this post, as I am a lesbian, not bisexual. However, people erasing a bi character's sexuality to call them a lesbian instead is not okay, and it wouldn't be okay the other way around either. It's not "progressive" to insist a bi character can't possibly be bi, they have to be gay. Sayaka shows no sign of comphet, no sign of "just" likely Kyosuke because she feels it's "right". She shows actual, real interest in him and Kyoko, and that doesn't make her "actually a lesbian". She's bisexual. A character being bi isn't some stepping stone to them being "really" gay later on, and it isn't a dirty word to call them bi! It's an identity like any other.
Most fans ignore Kyosuke. This isn't something I think is a major issue, as Sayaka seems to lose interest in him after Rebellion (saying Hitomi deserves better). He's probably not the best guy. But that's not an excuse to erase Sayaka's identity, because she liked a not-so-great dude. A lesbian with a shitty ex isn't suddenly not a lesbian, and a bisexual person with a less than stellar former crush isn't suddenly not bisexual due to it.
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How good is the Iron Eclipse cast at cooking?
I got inspired by a friend asking me how good OG Tarma might be at cooking. I only left out the non-human characters because they don't need sustenance to survive and/or have zero culinary skills.
Marco: Although he's a capable cook, his go-to options often involve ordering takeout, barbecuing or enjoying meals prepared by his friends.
Tarma: He's a skilled cook who only cooks when in the proper mood, but loves to assist others in the kitchen.
Eri: She's better at cooking traditional Japanese dishes, but has a tendency to burn them.
Fio: She's incredibly talented at baking and whipping up tasty lunches!
Trevor: He's okay at cooking, but gets somewhat sloppy when under the influence.
Nadia: She's a skilled cook and baker, but often lacks the motivation to do so.
Ralf: He's a good cook, but his tendency to be a bit careless in the kitchen means he frequently gets help from others.
Clark: He can cook and grill, but typically opts for his friends' homemade meals or healthier takeout.
Tequila: He's not the greatest cook, but grilling is where he truly shines!
Gimlet: His culinary skills are lacking, so expect him to opt for takeout instead.
Red Eye: Her cooking skills are average (as Ruoxi), she's amazing at making Chinese food (as Shufen), and she either makes traditional Dutch dishes or dines at high-end restaurants (as Liddy).
General Morden: He excels at cooking North American, European, and Middle Eastern cuisine!
Allen O'Neil: He's more skilled at preparing ingredients, such as chopping food and seasoning, than actual cooking.
Doctor Amadeus: She's great at crafting traditional Western European breakfast and lunch dishes, but when it comes to dinner and dessert, she prefers the convenience of takeout.
Ptolemaios: He prefers that his meals are prepared by his most loyal and trusted followers.
Walter: He's alright at grilling and cooking Mama's classic recipes, and enjoys helping others with meal prep.
Tyra: She's good at cooking simple Arabic and North American meals, and her favourite way to cook is with others.
Hyakutaro: He mostly relies on takeout and meals prepared by his friends, but occasionally cooks decent meals for himself, particularly when he's alone.
Allen Jr.: He's better at cooking and preventing food from burning than at meal prep.
Rumi: She struggles with cooking, often resulting in burnt or unappetizingly sloppy dishes.
Madoka: Her cooking skills surpass those of her younger sister, but occasionally her dishes can appear hastily prepared and lacking refinement.
Sophia: She's an exceptional cook, particularly when it comes to seafood.
Margaret: She's great at whipping up simple meals with fresh herbs from her greenhouse.
President Marx: He's capable in the kitchen, but tends to leave the prep work to his two bodyguards.
Sagan: She struggles with cooking traditional meals, but excels at crafting delicious desserts.
Logan: He's most skilled at preparing meals that are easy to make and require little prep work.
Torquil: He's a surprisingly talented chef, but he prefers cooking dinner.
Guilherme: He's a skilled self-taught cook who draws inspiration from his aunt's and great-grandmother's homemade recipes.
Ferdinand: He excels at meat preparation, specifically cutting and seasoning, but his overall cooking skills are mediocre, so he often relies on Guilherme's expertise.
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B, K, U and X for the ask game ! Also have a lovely day !
Thank you for the ask~ ♡⸜(ˆᗜˆ˵ )⸝♡ Hope you're having a lovely day too!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly? Tomarrymort. I was deep in my drarry phase and read a story that also included harrymort in a honeytrap sort of way (the only other thing I remember about this fic was that Harry used a gun). It piqued my interest in a "oh, that's a thing" kind of way, and eventually led me to Living in the Moment by RenderedReversed, which cemented my fascination with the pairing. Harvest Moon and tomarry? Be still my heart.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Cloud Strife! Note that this is based mainly on the original game and Advent Children, since I haven't really played the other games and only know the lore through fanfic. But, without spoiling too much, he goes from adopting a cool, edgy persona to cover up his perceived flaws and shore up his broken mental state. He comes out the other side of being made to confront this reality as his awkward, wonderfully dorky and damaged authentic self, beginning to heal a little bit. But he also isn't instantly fixed, nor is the path forward simple and without its setbacks.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Cloud Strife (FFVII): See above; also, see below.
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He's so pretty~
Homura (Madoka Magica): She tries so hard, and gets so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter... Jokes kind of A self-hating, doomed lesbian who's willing to become the devil to save the one she loves who has completely forgotten her? How could I not love Homura? Now if only she could catch a break... (:‚‹」∠)
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Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri!!! On Ice): He's such a little shit, and he cares so much, but he's such an edgy teenager about it ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) He's like a feral cat who shows affection by bringing you dead things (or calling you a pig, YOU'RE NOT SUBTLE YURI). He's incredibly driven and hard-working and talented, and he loves his Dedushka, and he swears like a sailor and acts like a thug. Also, this:
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X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Connected to my love of pining (and probably my love of Austen's Persuasion), exes to lovers! When there was once love (or at least mutual appreciation), but then something went wrong and it all turned bitter and sad and it ended. But after some time apart, and perhaps with a new perspective or some necessary character development, they find each other again and it's better than it ever was before.
Why yes, apparently I am a hopeless romantic.
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suicidetan · 4 months
how does it feel to be the best artist ever????????
IM NOT BUT ILL TAKE THE COMPLIMENT. My art style is actually based off of a mixture of several artists, I'll name a few for appreciation.
First up, Gekidan Inu Curry. They worked on a bit of Madoka Magica, and their work inspired my current username and everything. They're a huge inspiration to me.
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Second is Tourniiquet, who also has a Tumblr. She's been a inspiration for me since I was a little kid.\
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Third is Hanamushi, they collaborated with Kikuo, who I'm also a big fan of. If you can't tell, I have a theme going on here, LOL.
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Fourth, which breaks this odd pattern of artists I like, is Alex Ahad. He's the artist behind Skull Girls, and his work broke into the art style I have today.
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Now of course, credits go to all these amazing artists listed. They deserve so much more love than they're given. These artists are truly talented, I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their art. Please go check these artists out, thank you.
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
okay so, ive been wondering if you could maybe make a story with any of the jjk boys (if u still do jjk and fics!!) but I think I would prefer yuji or satoru but it's ur decision!!
Okay straight to the point now, could u make one where it's also Madoka Magica related? Where the reader makes a contract with an incubator and turns into a **g 0 d e s s** by making a wish where she erases all curses from past, present and future!
I would really be happy to read this if u made it!! If you don't know about Madoka Magica you can see the explanation video or just ignore,
Tysm for reading!!
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you’re so sweet but honestly i’m not familiar enough with this to write for it all that well 😭 i’m sorry if that’s a disappointment i just don’t think i’d do your idea justice
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bengiyo · 2 years
The End of the World With You Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we confirmed that Yuma is a magical boy. We picked up a girl when they stayed at a hotel, whose sister was an idol who died tragically somewhat recently. Yuma instantly fell for Meguru, so she joined the party. The next morning, Masumi learned that there is more to Meguru, and we learned that Meguru is choosing to present female since the world is ending, and asked the guys not to tell Yuma. Meguru says he still sees himself as a man. While they were trying to get supplies, a man offered them in trade for sexual favors from Meguru. Yuma, enraged, summoned a lightning bolt that started a fire. Now we have to ponder if he created the meteor.
Note: Trigger warning on this episode for discussion of suicide around 18:00 until 21:30.
If the car runs out of gas, can Yuma make it refill?
I don't think Meguru wanting closure on what happened to Madoka is unreasonable, and I'm curious about what Ritsu doesn't want to reveal.
Teenagers are just so much. He just threw Masumi off a fucking cliff. This is not how I expected @iguessitsjustme's polls to go.
Episode 6: Whirlpool of despair that brings truth
I like seeing Ritsu drop the disaffected facade and just say how much he missed Masumi and regretted his choices.
I absolutely love tender scenes like this, where the walls finally come down, filmed as long takes. I don't want to feel any editing when we're watching characters finally be vulnerable and face each other properly. So glad the leads were talented enough to pull this off.
Masumi is so compelling. He wakes up and sees all the trouble that Ritsu went through, and that he sacrificed the rest of their gas to find help, and just expresses gratitude.
Learning that Madoka was also queer and experiencing ideation is just so sad.
It's rather tragic that these four seem drawn together by Madoka's death. It shook Ritsu, affected Yuma, and haunts Meguru. Seems it connected back for Ritsu to his greatest regret in Masumi.
I'm still way too emotional from everything else recently, and am sobbing at the imagery of queer people yelling to the sky and hoping for a miracle.
Looks like things are going to come to a head with Masumi and Ritsu early next week.
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gotta-pet-em-all · 1 year
Hiya! Your intro says you like media analysis so I was wondering - watched/read/listened to/etc anything good lately? And/or got any recommendations? (OOC: this is freeform, answer it however floats your boat! Or if it doesn't float your boat, absolutely no worries, you can delete it! /gen)
Ough, that's a good one!
Since the delcatty's out of the bag, I guess I can be more open about how Plasma affected me. Since I was taken in so young, I didn't have much opportunity to learn how to think for myself, and I struggled with bodily awareness and identifying my own emotions. But... stories helped me realize how to feel again. I would use warrior skitty comparisons to try and contextualize my own feelings at first, but it wasn't enough.
Media analysis started as a project my therapist gave me, since I was getting frustrated with my inability to identify my own emotions, and our sessions were sort of hitting a plateau. Which is to say, they asked me how my day was, I yelled that I didn't know and started crying, and I'd spend the rest of the session on the couch snuggling my therapist's vulpix. (Baby Fluff was not very emotionally stable lol)
So I started looking for stories. I got a bit into vocaloid-- a couple favorites of mine are the medical anomaly, rolling girl, irony, yellow, and good kid medicine. It gave me words for what I was feeling, proof I wasn't the only one to feel these things. Suddenly I wasn't alone, I wasn't crazy or exaggerating, I had songs that spoke to me. Someone else out there knew what I was feeling and said it better than I could.
Hatsune Miku got me through some rough times, y'know? And the warrior skitty AMVs-- gods, that made up the rest of my music taste. I was never very good at art, except maybe in trying to copy the anatomy drawings because I was bored, but there were incredibly talented people out there. They told brand new stories, or put a twist on existing ones. I never knew there were so many stories out there!
And then there was anime. I couldn't handle anything with fanservice-- bear in mind at that point, I hadn't yet had The Talk, I just knew it made me uncomfortable. So I mostly watched kid's shows, and there was one magical girl show that looked cute.
It was, ah. Madoka Magica, if you're familiar with it. But the grief and hopelessness, the way the girls try to cope with pain and being fundamentally unsuited for something, the loneliness... and later, it's revealed that one character, who actually looked a lot like me before I cut my hair, had a heart condition and low self-esteem. She felt useless, she...destroyed herself for a chance to save someone who was kind to her. And then the bittersweet ending-- that the world can have love and hope even if it sucks. It made me think... maybe it was okay for me to live. It gave me a lot to think about, and holds a special place in my heart to this day.
I started making progress in therapy again. I'd walk in and say something like, "I think Mami Tomoe probably has a lot of guilt because she survived and her parents didn't" and somehow the conversation would turn to the fact that I wasn't taking painkillers like I was supposed to. And maybe it was because I felt like I didn't deserve it.
Just the weak herbal stuff back then, mind you, because ibuprofen scared the shit out of me, but... sometimes I would talk about a character and realize I was seeing myself through them, talking about myself through them, and I finally had a voice. They gave me a voice. So I want to help their stories be understood in return.
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Madoka Magica, a completely different feeling
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I am personally a big fan of the Mahou Shoujo subgenre, started like most with Sailor Moon, have explored some shows from the Pretty Cure franchise and binged to Little Witch Academia. A friend of mine recommended Madoka Magica, and at first glance I thought it was like any other Magical Girl anime. But as soon as the first episode went on I felt this weird feeling of nostalgia, the music and animation style hit me in a really weird way that made me feel uneasy.
Nothing out of the ordinary had happened but I already could feel something was coming. As usual, the magic part for the story was presented and you could already sense an epic feeling to it, like something ancient was going to be reborn. And then the dark stuff slowly started to pop. Madoka, the protagonist, and her best friend Sayaka, meet Kyubey, a magical creature that grants girls magical powers and a wish, if they sign a contract and swear to fight against evil witches, along with Mami, a kind veteran magical girl. Later on, the two friends join Mami on a witch hunt, to help them decide if they want to become magical girls as well. As soon as they get to the mission site, they save a person trying to take her life by jumping off a building. Then they got into the witch's labyrinth. A different dimension, even so drastic from the original, that both the music and animation style completely change into something creepy and edgy. It was full of weird creatures so dark and twisted that even the idea of them getting closer felt like death. Then the witch appeared, Mami fought her and won. It felt like a bright light cleansing the deepest dark. After the fight, they learned that the soul gem that the magical girls own, gets dark after using their powers, and the grief seed that the witches leave after being defeated, cleans them.
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Later on, Homura, a quiet and mysterious classmate of Madoka, tried to warn Madoka numerous times of the danger that meant to sign the contract. And so those dangers kept appearing along with the true dark nature of the show. Shortly after, Mami was killed by a witch, and all of Madoka’s dreams and hopes were crushed. Despite that, Sayaka still signs the contract and meets another strong magical girl named Kyoko, who becomes her rival. Their story is one of the darkest of the show. Sayaka signed a contract with Kyubey in exchange for a wish to heal the arm of the boy she loved, a really talented violinist. Sadly, her love was not reciprocated, and her life as a magical girl showed to be incredibly difficult and full of despair. Sayaka became drained by the fights, as she mostly fought familiars, minions of other witches who become strong enough to leave the labyrinth, which don’t leave grief seeds after being defeated. So after some time of not cleansing her gem soul, Sayaka transforms into a witch so strong that Kyoko has to use all of her power to kill it, sacrificing herself. At the end, only Madoka and Homura are left.
Close to ending, it’s revealed that Homura is a time traveler that befriended Madoka and tries to stop her from dying again and again. In the last fight against the most powerful of witches, Walpurgis, Homura fails once again from killing her, so Madoka makes a choice and signs a contract with Kyubey, wishing for all magical girls to be saved, reviving her old friends, and wiping magical girls from existence along with her own. So it ends Madoka Magica, with a hopeful but bitter ending, that leaves some mystery open for future movies.
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Madoka Magica is a show that takes the Mahou Shoujo trope and makes it into something different. It’s a show that gives us the brightness of the magical girls and the darkness of their twisted existence as their only fate is to become witches. It’s full of the most beautiful dreams full of hope and light, but also shows the darkest sides of human existence. It plays with the music and animation style to completely connect us with the story and the feelings of the characters. It’s a huge fictional world with all kinds of new and complicated concepts, that just makes you more intrigued to know more and more about it. It may have elements that have been done before but all of them combined, make into something exciting, mysterious and completely new. I definitely recommend it for all types of anime watchers, it’s a classic and a must watch for everyone. I have watched Madoka a million times, but there has not been one time, when I haven’t been on the edge of my seat, with goosebumps all over, a crippling fear and overloaded excitement.
By Daniel Zepeda Hidalgo
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umbreix · 2 years
Spare us some thoughts about Nakazawa, everyone's favorite egg boi? And also blab about Kyousuke if you so desired?
Nakazawa is one of my favourites despite being an undeniable background character. I love that he is fundamentally, at his core, just some guy. That's it. He's just a dude. He's vibing. He's just chilling.
And despite that Homura Akemi, local timelooper, canonically knows his name. Canonically cares about him enough to pull him into her labyrinth. She too looks at this just some guy egg and gets an emotional attachment. Nakazawa is completely unaware of this.
Actual headcanon wise, I just kind of think Nakazawa is fun. He's not a part of any school clubs but he keeps volunteering to help out at them whenever there are events. He's kind of a tech nerd at heart and he and Kyosuke take turns infodumping about their interests.
A bunch of my other hcs are fic spoilers so hmm... I think he and Kyosuke are queerplatonic partners. They're an inseperable duo and people just kind of view them as a package deal. Where one goes so does the other. It's just kind of a natural conclusion that they're gonna keep being together, nobody ever questions it.
If either Hitomi or Sayaka had gotten Kyosuke to go on a date, Nakazawa absolutely would show up to it and Kyosuke would be confused as to why they want him to leave.
Gender-wise Nakazawa is, as a friend described him:
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Kyosuke, I care about Kyosuke Kamijou far more than I thought I would when I first got into Madoka. In part it's about the grief of losing Sayaka, but also its in his potential.
He bases his worth on the violin, to the point of almost taking his life in Portable. He has a lot of potential growth that we never get to see because he absolutely is not the focus of this series, for him to grow past basing himself on his musical talent.
Also I love that, while oblivious (especially in terms of romance- though honestly Kyosuke seems uncomfortable with romance in general looking at how he is on the phone call with Hitomi) he does care about his friends a lot. When learning Sayaka is a Magical Girl he is a massive supporter and finds it really cool.
I like moving him from part of a love triangle and into the role of a supporting character going through his own growth and supporting the people around him in this strange new world he's discovered.
hmmm, other hcs.
Kyosuke is Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual. He wants absolutely none of it.
Kyosuke Kamijou should never, under any circumstances, enter a relationship with Sayaka Miki. It sucks for them both and can never end up well... Though I have, for the basis of many AUs, had that exact thing happen. (Sorry again to Felix about Anthony Kamijou, that poor fluffball deserves better)
Kyoko tries to get him to branch out with his style of music and it actually works out pretty well. The two become friends over it. (though Kyoko is more likely to throw an arm around Nakazawa and drag the poor egg into situations than Kyosuke)
Kyosuke and Nagisa meeting in the hospital and becoming friends is a hc that you'll have to claw out of my cold dead hands.
At the end of the day, Nakazawa is a fun character and Kyosuke is a character who has a lot of potential. I like to focus on them as friends of the quintet and expand on how they interact and support them, and the steps they need to take to grow aswell.
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hey dizzy! how have you been?
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question for you- give me some anime recommendations? ive watched quite a few- and by that i mean... quite a lot- but that aside i would love to watch some shows that are more to your tastes!! ⋆。°✩
I don't actually really watch shows much anymore but here's some stuff I remember being good or liked the manga of! I had a list of watched and to-watch stuff left around ehe
I lean towards slice of life and romance
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-Madoka Magica is a magical girl genre subversion that's actually done pretty well and, while dark, isn't overly edgy for the sake of subverting the genre. A bunch of girls become magical girls and then suffer a lot, that's pretty much the premise. They took a lot of freedom when designing the labyrinths and the art always looks really neat in those areas. The characters are great
-Yuki Yuna is a Hero is another magical girl show, with a happier tone than Madoka, though it still has some pretty dark elements. Has a loveable cast but mild fanservice
-Zombie Land Saga is an over the top comedy where a zombie apocalypse and idol anime are mixed into one. A girl dies but she gets resurrected by an eccentric man who wants to start a zombie pop Idol group. This show is absurd in the best of ways. Has typical levels of blood and violence for a zombie anime
-Chunibyo, (sometimes spelled Chuunibyou) Love, and Other Delusions is a romance anime, but it also gives plenty of focus on the characters' friends outside the relationship and everyone just hanging out. It's about a group of highschoolers who think they have magical powers (when they are, in fact, completely normal) and about two of them falling in love over the course of the series. It's a fun lighthearted experience with some great characters. There's very mild fan service in the first couple of episodes while one character has a crush on another but it dies down fast. One thing I liked was the pacing of the romance, they didn't rush a confession or drag it out over the whole show and it was refreshing to see
-From the name, Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie sounds like it's going to be another bad shounen romance where none of the characters have a personality, but it manages to pull through with a really sweet duo of characters. The perspective character is pretty unique among romance animes as well. It's a cute story about an absolute sweetheart of a boy and his badass girlfriend. They start the series already in a relationship so there's once again no drawing out the lead up to a confession.
-Hanakokun is also quite good but given the fact that I'm pretty sure you've mentioned it on your blog I won't elaborate ☆
Stuff I thought was pretty alright:
-in Mieruko-chan a girl starts seeing ghosts and decides to just ignore them since she can't do anything about them. Has a lot of fanservice :/
-in Squid Girl a squid monster comes from the sea to get revenge on humanity for ocean pollution. She's really bad at this and winds up working at a beachside restaurant instead
-Talentless Nana has a really great first episode and the rest of the series gets kind of lame with some smug attempts at writing really smart conflicts comparable to Death Note. An island where teenagers with magic powers called talents train to battle the enemies of humanity
Stuff I had my eye on or heard abt but never got around to so can't attest to the quality of:
-22/7: an idol anime I've heard has good characters
-The Little Lies We All Tell: An alien, a ninja, a girl with superpowers, and an ordinary human boy all pretend to be normal highschool girls at an all-girls school. They all become friends
-Asteroid in Love: Really cute looking slice of life about a school's earth science club (which is a fusion of the school's geology club and astronomy club)
-Do It Yourself: Slice of life with a nice art style about a craft club
-Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove it: After falling in love, two overly logical people insist on trying to somehow prove love as a scientific concept because they believe love to be irrational but can't accept the notion that they are at all irrational
-HaNaYaMaTa: A slice of life around a group of yosakoi dancers
-Our love has always been 10 centimeters apart: simple, cute looking romance anime
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curedeity · 1 year
What are your top 5 Madoka Magica (including Rebellion) moments? I'm curious as to what scenes resonated with you.
1. Kyoko joining Sayaka
This moment is the most memorable in the show for me, and the first that breaks me. Kyoko having hoped so hard to save Sayaka and then realizing its impossible but still choosing to empathize and stay with her? That broke me. Eapecially with the song afterward.
2. Madokas contract
The scene where madoka forms a contrsct and goes around saving every magical girl has rewired my brain. Can you imagine? Girls loving other girls? Solidarity? Im tearing up just thinking about this scene. It rewired my brain
3. The fight against Homulilly
IF YOU ARENT BLASTING MYSTERIOSO CONSTANTLY THEN WHAT IS YOUR LIFE? this is just such an amazing combat sequence. It shows off character abilities, their growth, and has a banging song. While it may not be the most emotional, it is still an incredibly talented scene
4. Homuras breakdown, confrontation with kyubey, and witching
This is multiple scenes ik but i love homuras discovery of herself as a witch, especially how she reaches out to kyoko. Her confrontation with kyubey is magical and terrifying, and her turn into a witch is so imaginative
5. The opening scene
I could name so many more scenes but i gotta mention the opening scene for just how well it hooks you. Imagine wanting to leave the show after seeing that? Magia starts playing and homura is getting wrecked and the setpieces are so creative. It does a good job getting you invested in the story almost immediately
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Madoka Magica and Twilight take place in the same universe. Do the Volturi take notice of Magical Girls/Witches or do they, like the humans, think it's just normal girls running away and regular human crimes? Magical girls can become infinitly powerful, but would an average one be stonger or weaker than a vampire? And Bella is an amazing candidate for a magical girl, what would happen if she became one during the course of the Twilight series?
Well, this could go a lot of places, and I'm not sure any one is more right than the other. With that, here's how I see these universes blending.
Vampires in the P3M Universe
Vampires seem a clear-cut result of a powerful magical girl's wish. They have all the Monkey's Paw attributes that a magical girl's wish typically has. They're beautiful, invulnerable, immortal, gifted, but they live meaningless existences and are forced to consume human blood every two weeks.
Likely, some girl had a dying sibling/loved one and wished for them to be immortal/beautiful/etc. Their loved one suffers through three days of agony, has to be fed people, and likely eats the magical girl who created them. That or the magical girl sees the aftermath and succumbs to despair rather quickly.
Would the Volturi Notice Magical Girls?
Yes and no. Gifted humans are known in the Twilight universe just as they are to the Incubators. The difference being that vampires care about all demographics and the Incubators hone in on girls in adolescence for their emotional turmoil.
But I imagine in this world Aro and Incubators are competing for the same girls. Aro would kill to have Homura Akemi on his payroll. However, given that the Incubators hunt out these girls young, and that they have so many resources, and explicitly go for humans with a destiny/high exposure who can't disappear (with Joan of Arc and Cleopatra both being powerful magical girls), I imagine the Incubators win the race more often than not (though I imagine in this universe someone like Jane, Renata, or Bella might have been offered a wish, but of course that would change everything).
My point being though, because of this I don't think the Volturi would necessarily notice. I'm given nothing to believe they'd see witches/labyrinths themselves and I imagine they would attribute an unusual death rate to vampires rather than some invisible cosmic entity beyond their understanding.
And because Aro's not going for children that young the way the Incubators are he won't notice the odd trends in their disappearances. To him and everyone else they'll just look like runaway girls.
Would an Average Magical Girl Be Strong than a Vampire?
We see Sayuka, who granted was a very weak/untalented magical girl fight Kyoko (a very strong magical girl) and Sayuka wasn't able to move nearly fast enough or be nearly strong enough. I'm not even sure Kyoko or Mami would be fast/strong enough, and they're more talented than average magical girls.
The key with vampires is that they're both very strong and very fast. I think a lot of girls would not be able to overcome that even with magic.
Now, Homura with her time stopping ability would be able to beat vampires, in that she'd be able to easily run away. However, she wouldn't be able to cut through their skin easily so even for her a win would be hard.
So, my guess is while you might not have to be Madoka levels you’d have to be pretty damn powerful.
What if Bella Became a Magical Girl?
By the time we hit Twilight Bella, at 17, is very likely too old. Kyuubey never gives an exact age range but it's implied that it's much younger (somewhere around 8-14 or so). Bella would have been approached by Kyuubey when younger.
Now, obviously, Bella's saying yes.
Bella's the only child of a separated household, with a mother who treats her like a burden, and a father she's estranged from. She doesn't value herself at all, has little to no parental guidance to help her avoid something like this, and has a great love of the fantastical.
The idea of becoming a magical girl, someone special and powerful who is a force of good in this world, would be beyond appealing to her just as it would to many girls.
That said, she gets to make a wish, which to Bella (much like Madoka in the beginning of the series) is an exciting bonus.
Her mother being the center of her universe (and her father not much of a factor), Bella being so young, and Bella not having the self-worth to realize that she's powerful enough to wish for world peace or what have you, Bella's going to make a wish for her mother's sake.
She wishes for Renee to find peace and stability.
For a while this is great. Renee suddenly gets a stable job, she's cooking meals at home, doing her taxes, spending time with Bella, being the kind of mother that all the other kid's mothers were. Bella gleefully throws herself into fighting evil.
But then... Renee's not quite right. She spends time with Bella, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it, and always wants to push Bella off for adult responsibilities she has to do. Renee has lost any enthusiasm for life, all her spark is gone, and she acts more like an accountant than she does Renee. In fact, as time goes on, Renee stops acting like a person at all. She's just a husk who does taxes. Bella slowly realizes that she's living with a stranger more, that her wish essentially killed her mother.
Bella likely succumbs to despair at this point and turns into a witch.
If she doesn't, I imagine she may kill Renee to put her out of her misery then goes to live with Charlie who knows nothing of any of this while killing witches on the sly.
Given the short lifespan of magical girls, Bella is probably killed for territory before she hits seventeen, or else she succumbs to her own despair/fails to collect enough grief seeds. It's highly unlikely Bella makes it to adulthood.
If she does survive, it's highly unlikely she'd stay with her father that long. Given she'd have to sneak out to collect grief seeds, the likelihood that another magical girl might follow her home and put her father at risk, and the sheer trauma of what happened with her mother I imagine she wouldn't stay with Charlie long but would instead try to find territory that could support her.
My point being it's highly unlikely she'd run into the Cullens.
If she was still in Forks at that point, how she'd fare against Edward depends on her magic. I imagine she'd have little to no interest in him and would be in general the resident freak who the entire town isn't sure what to think of. Edward thinks she's a delinquent for skipping class all the time. Bella knows he isn't human and likely suspects he's the product of a wish gone wrong; she keeps an eye out for any little girl who is responsible and probably stalks the middle school. She probably also kills all the Cullens, if she can, before misery can catch up with them.
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book-of-my-ocs · 3 years
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Manami Suzuki
"My mother always told me stories about mermaids and fairies. I never thought I would come to this world where they are true."
Magical Girl form (Picrew)
Nicknames: Sea Bunny (Floyd), Mademoiselle Ange/Miss Angel (Rook), Mana (Cater & Thales), Mimi (Xun).
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 17
Birthday: March 3rd
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 158cm (5'2)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Homeland: Kobe, Japan (Madoka Magica)
Family: Unnamed Mother
Voice Actor: Akina
Professional Status
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: Second
Class: 2-C, Seat No.23
Occupation: Student, Vice Prefect.
Club: Horse-riding club
Best subject: Biology
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right hand
Favorite Food: Monaka
Least Favorite Food: Spicy food
Dislikes: Seeing others getting hurt.
Hobby: Singing, reading manga.
Talents: Acrobatics.
Manami is the vice's prefect of Ramshackle and she's a magical girl from her world. Manami and Sage both both arrived in this world. She's kindhearted, but shy around others. According to Riddle, he's worried that her kindness will be taken advantage from other students. However, she's capable taking care of herself as she accidentally punched a wall and it got dented. As a magical girl, Manami needs to be careful from turning into a witch.
Before becoming a magical girl. Manami used to be a lot sicker and was bedridden to the point of being homeschooled. Her mother had to take two jobs which made Manami to be alone at home. Whenever they have free time, her mother would read her stories about mermaids and the ocean. Manami wants to grow up as a doctor to help other sick kids like her.
One day, Manami became so sick and had to be taken to the hospital. She feels like she's going to die and she doesn't want that at all. Kyuby appears in front of her and asks Manami if she would like her wish granted. Manami says yes, but Kyuby says there's a price. "If you want your wish granted. Then I need to make you a contract with me. That you will be a magical girl and fight witches." Manami thought about her mother and herself. She says yes to Kyuby.
"I wish I was never sick at all and never again."
◇ Manami's magical girl form is similar to a cute nurse outfit based on this (except she has sleeves). Most of the motifs are oceanic like seashells or fishes due to her love for it. Her soul gem is a pink bell on her earing.
◇ Nobody knows she manage Riddle and Floyd to be friends together. Actually nobody knows how Manami is still friends with Floyd at all. Sage commented that she's the glue between them.
◇ Underneath the ceremonial robe when Manami arrived, she used to wear the Minagi Freedom School uniform from Magia Record.
◇ Even though Sage and Manami came from the same world (Earth), they don't know if it's really the same. Manami coming from where magical girls, and Sage doesn't. Despite the difference, both of them take in comfort of being in an unknown world together.
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glitter-bunny420 · 3 years
I just had a theory
So we all know Madoka Magica makes many illusions to fairy tales/classical literature in some cases. One of the most notable examples of this is with Sayaka. Given her whole water/mermaid motif (especially in her witch form) and her experience with unrequited love, it’s easy to conclude that she heavily draws from “The Little Mermaid”. However, call me crazy but I think Sayaka’s story might also be based off “The Phantom of the Opera” in some way. Let me explain:
1. Both Sayaka and Erik/Phantom became attracted to their object of affection through music. Erik admired Christine’s talent for singing and dubbed her his “angel of music” while Sayaka was amazed by Kyosuke’s skill as a violinist at a young age. Music is what keeps these two pairs together: Sayaka often brought classical music CDs to the hospital so she and Kyosuke could listen to them together while Erik appointed Christine as his protegee and uses his passion for music to tutor her.
2. Both view themselves as unlovable/monstrous. Throughout both the book and the musical, Erik has many deep-seeded insecurities over his deformities and is frequently referred to by others as a “monster” or a “demon”. Likewise, upon learning the truth about Soul Gems, Sayaka’s self-esteem takes a nose-dive and in episode 8, she directly says to Madoka “I’ve been turned into a monster”.
3. Once they realise their love is unrequited, they literally become the monsters they believe themselves to be. Upon overhearing Raoul’s promise to protect Christine (which for all you theatre kids is the song “All I Ask of You”), Erik swears revenge and repeatedly attempts to destroy their relationship throughout the latter half of the book/musical, fully transforming into the cruel and grisly being everyone viewed him as. Similarly, when Sayaka overhears Hitomi confessing to Kyosuke who appears to reciprocate, Sayaka finally falls into despair and transforms into a witch, becoming a literal monster.
Side note: when I was looking at the plot summary for the book, I learned that there’s a scene in it where Christine is visiting her father’s grave and she encounters a man (who is heavily implied to be Erik) playing a violin. Granted, this kinda muddles with the main core of this theory that Sayaka is playing Erik’s role and Kyosuke is playing Christine’s role, but I still think it was a pretty neat detail and worth mentioning.
I admit, this isn’t a very concrete theory but it’s the best I could do. What are your thoughts on it? Feel free to let me know in the replies!
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bengiyo · 2 years
The End of the World With You Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last time, things came to a head as Meguru demanded that Ritsu explain what happened to Madoka, and why she died. In the heat of things, Yuma accidentally shoved Masumi off a cliff. With Masumi's leg injured and infected, Ritsu used the last of their gas to get some form of medicine and instructions for Masumi.
We learned that Madoka loved another girl in her idol group, and spiraled into depression when that girl started seeing a boy. One night while she was in crisis, Ritsu didn't realize it because he was hooking up. This guilt continues to rack him, and is likely why he's determined to reconcile with Masumi. The two of them also had a tender moment that is a highlight of this series.
Trigger warnings: suicide ideation, attempted suicide (9:20 to 9:50)
I think Meguru was right to steer Masumi away from interrupting Ritsu's melancholy, because it looked like Masumi was going to yell at him.
Episode 7: Body temperature and eye contact
So, it seems like Ritsu's family is the result of infidelity, and he couldn't go to Tokyo because it would have embarrassed his older half brother and the offended mother?
I like seeing happier versions of Madoka. She was a real person for these characters, and her loss impacts all of them, even Masumi.
What a way to get outed. Hashimoto learned about Ritsu and Masumi because Masumi completely broke down because of the breakup.
These two actors are strong, and I really like letting them act. Ritsu did love Masumi, but he has such a huge sense of self-loathing. Masumi has every right to hate him, and yet they still cling to each other.
Love the "Lazy But Talented" shirt on Yuma, because ain't that so many of us?
Yes, we've all suffered enough, let's go to the river and enjoy some eye candy for a bit. Nakata Keisuke has a really nice body, so let's linger on the water glistening in his torso.
Masumi realizing he does want to experience and enjoy life, and Ritsu expressing that he wants a future with Masumi. I'm glad I stuck with this show.
"What's with that look, idiot? Aren't you able to sense when someone likes you?" I'm gonna lose it.
Genuinely excited to focus on Yuma next week.
I had a lot of doubts about this show, and things could still turn for the worse next week. Still, I'm really enjoying the existential contemplation going on in this show as well as the second chance for such a messed up pairing. Like Eternal Yesterday, there's a strange sense of healing about all of this. It's kind of like medicine.
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