#I love frank so much
thejestersnight · 1 year
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iiiii’m gay. for him. i love frank i’m his number one fan i’m so queer i’m ga
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mothbart · 6 months
LYDIA BESTIE <3 who is ur favourite underrated marauders character
elliebean HEEEEY
my favorite underrated character is FRANK LONGBOTTOM.
idk WHY but i get so fuckin excited when i see frank involved in a fic. i have so many thoughts and feelings about frank but i will save that for another day 💕
omg do u wanna join the sleepover?
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bookns · 2 years
I love Frank zhang so much. I’m in love and I do love him that’s it. That’s the post.
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moonxmagix · 2 years
Leave The Scent of Your Cologne 
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
Requested by: My Own Brain
Word Count: Too fucking many !
TW: Wine, Cigarettes
A/N: First time doing something like this I hope you enjoy. Wanted to do something soft and gentle! Because those are the type of things I enjoy reading lol.
Summary: Frank is your close friend but behind the scenes you guys are a lot closer than people think. You haven't started dating so things are confusing. One night he comes over and leaves his mark with you forever.
Setting: New York City apartment, Winter time.
You and Frank had always been close friends since High-School. Best friends you could say, you could go to him for anything and could call him at any time of the night and he'd come over. You always had a small crush on Frank but never wanted to tell him because you thought you'd get over it or that it would ruin the friendship with him.
Your POV:
I got home pretty late, I look at the clock to see it was 8pm. God. Work had been crazy and so stressful that time didn't even seem real. Time passed and time froze certain days. I turn the news on while sitting on the couch of my tiny apartment. Blah Blah Blah...News talk...Winter storm?!
It had started snowing on my commute back home but I didn't think it'd end up getting bad. I decided to call Frank and ask him to come over and spend the night, I know he'd say yes. "Come over. Pleaseeee?" After some convincing he said yes, "Fine, you always sucker me in." I hear his deep laugh on the other end and it makes my heart flutter.
I put on some cozy pajamas aka my trusty sweatpants and black tank top. Not long after I hear a knock at the door, "Welcome home!" We both laugh welcoming him inside, "Home? You wan't me to move in so bad it's funny." He wasn't wrong, I wanted to spend all my time with him. He did bring a big bag of his stuff so that's what it felt like.
"Wine?" I offer him going into the kitchen. "You know it! Cigarette?" He offers with a smile. His smile drove me crazy that it made a bright red flush across my face. "You know it." I lean against the island counter taking a sip of wine and drag off my cigarette. Frank did the same staring at me.
I wonder what he's thinking about. After some silence I bring up the storm, "You know there's a snow storm tonight right? Probably gonna miss work tomorrow." He finishes his cigarette and wine, "Duh, it was all over the news. You just wanted to be trapped with me. I know you can't get enough." Frank laughs and smirks walking a bit closer to me, our faces now a couple inches apart.
I could feel my heartbeat pick up rapidly. It was so loud that I thought Frank would be able to hear it honestly. "Movie?" He speaks softly. "Yeah sure, which one?" We sit on the couch together sharing a ginormous blanket. My couch was small so it was impossible not to be touching him. We put on a random hallmark romance and I could feel the tension between us.
I put my legs on top of his and could feel him immediately relax, I guess we both needed that. He places his hands on top of my thighs rubbing them gently. "Do you have a heater? It's fucking freezing in here." He whines getting under the blanket. But he kept repositioning himself to lay on top of me with his head on my stomach.
It took me by surprise but I tried my best to embrace it. "If you need a heater then you have to let me get up, Frankie. So I can turn it on." I run my hands through his hair, "I'll turn you on." He whispers with a cute giggle. "Excuse you?" He looks up at me, "Your'e excused missy."
Frank lets me get up and I drag a small heater to the couch facing it towards us. He laid right back in his spot and we finished our movie, cuddling, warm, and safe. I decided to turn the news on after the movie finished and it was already 12am. They told everyone to stay inside because of harsh winter conditions and that everything would be closed.
"Guess you're stuck with me all day and night tomorrow." I stretch my arms tiredly then wrapping them around Frank. "That's exactly what I want." His response made me blush and I couldn't even respond. He was right. "I think I'm gonna start getting ready for bed." I say with a slight stutter pushing him off me onto the floor.
"Without me?!" I laugh and pull him with me to the bathroom. I grab my face wash and start cleaning my messy makeup off. I was taking up most of the bathroom and Frank needed in, "Coming by sweetheart," He says placing his hands on your hips placing a small smack on your ass. You knew what he was doing and he knew what he was doing.
"Frank!" I say while my face is covered in soap so I can't see him laughing his ass off. "Keep your eyes closed or you're getting flashed," He says and suddenly you hear a water stream. I wash the foam off my face, "FRANK! Why couldn't you wait until I was done?!" I turn around mistakenly, which resulted in me seeing his dick. I close my eyes placing my hand on my forehead, good lord. "I told you!"
We brush our teeth while standing next to each other. We would make quite a cute couple if I do say so myself. Maybe tonight will be the night I confess my feelings for Frank. We go into my bedroom which was dimly light by my bedside table light which was a salt lamp. Vibey, I know.
Before we lay down Frank took his shirt off throwing it on the floor, "Wait here, I have something for you." He says rushing out the room. I decide to put his shirt on instead and hop in bed covering myself with the blankets. "Here. It's the newest copy of our latest release." He looked so proud of himself.
I know the guys had been working so hard on this album so I felt so special to receive this. "Frank, this is amazing. Thank you!" I place it on the bedside table and Frank hops in bed with me. I cuddle myself up with him resting my head on his chest and my leg over his waist. I trace with my finger over his tattoos, they were my favorite part about him because he was covered in them.
No one knew how close Frank and I were. We hadn't had sex yet but there were lots of steamy make-out sessions and dates. I don't know why we weren't dating but I think a lot of it had to do with my work life and his band activities. It was just never the right timing. Right person but wrong time vibe.
"Are you wearing my shirt?" He asks pulling you away from him to examine your body. "It is! My clothes look so much better on you than me." We stayed up talking for another good two hours before we had both fallen asleep entangled in one another.
I felt safe with Frank. His smell was my favorite part. He always smelled like cologne and cigarettes with his lips having a hint of coffee most of the time. I dreaded the moment knowing in about a day he would have to go back home.
I woke up to an empty but warm bed so I figured that he had just gotten out of bed. Until I see the heater pointed towards me, that wasn't there last night though...
I get out of bed turning the heater off heading into the living room. Frank sat on the balcony with a heavy coat on smoking. What the fuck was he doing out there? It was still snowing heavily when we woke up.
Frank eventually comes inside, "Why on earth would you go outside to smoke? You're literally crazy." I start making my coffee. "Crazy about you." He says staring right at me taking his coat off. "Shut up Frank." I try laughing his comment off but it kept repeating itself in my head. "I'm serious, Y/N." What is he talking about?
I look at him tilting my head to the side like a dog, "Y/N, I think I'm in love with you," I stood frozen ignoring the beep on my coffee maker to tell me it's done. He walks over to me pinning me against the counter, "I want you so bad, Y/N. Every fucking day your face, your voice, everything about you is on my mind 24/7. It's driving me crazy knowing we aren't together."
I was speechless, "Frank-" I go to speak but get interrupted by Frank intertwining his lips with mine. I gasp and put my arms around his neck moving my lips with his harmoniously. He pulls away and our eyes met for what felt like eternity. When I was with Frank everything felt...good. Life felt normal with him around constantly, it had already felt like you two were dating for years already. He was familiar, he was comfort.
"I know this is sudden but, will you be my girlfriend? Officially. I'm ready. Just say yes and I'm yours." He says holding my face with his hands. "Yes Frank, of course. I felt the exact same way about you but I had no idea how to tell you. I didn't wanna ruin things between us but I'm glad you finally said something." It felt good to get that off my chest. It felt like the worlds weight lifted off my shoulders.
After some breakfast and cuddling on the couch I say, "Why can't you just move in with me already? Ugh." I groan, I wanted to take in every moment with him. I was dreading the morning time when he had to leave. "Who said I couldn't? There's no getting rid of me." He squeezes my cheeks placing kisses on them.
I take Franks hand in mine, "Leave your stuff here. Please? You can bring more of your stuff, I don't mind." I beg him. "I knew you wanted me to move in, sneaky rat." He teases and goes to unpack his bag putting a few of his clothes and toiletries away.
The weather seemed to be clearing up quite a bit, "Would you be mad if I left tonight?" Frank pulls me in for a hug not letting go just rocking back and forth. I heavy sigh, "Yeah, but what's your reasoning?" I was willing to negotiate with him. "So I can pack as many boxes as I can and move in tomorrow dummy. The quicker the better." He did have a point.
"Fine, but you promise to be back?" I hold out my pinky for him to swear on it. "Absolutely pretty girl. I can't be away from you for long." He smiles and I melt inside. He made me absolutely weak in the knees.
He gets dressed in warm clothing so he could head out on his way, "Don't miss me too much sweetheart." He winks and kisses me quickly heading down my apartment hallway. He left around 7pm so it was now dark and I was now alone, again. I know he'd be back but I felt like I was being ripped apart from my soulmate.
I decided to call it a semi-early night and lay in bed. It still stayed the same from when I had woken up. I turn the heater on and get in bed. I was still wearing his shirt and buried my head into the pillows he slept on last night.
I inhaled deeply to take in the scent of his cologne. He smelled so good, it was heavily. Mixed with cigarettes it made it intoxicating. I grabbed one of the pillows from under my head to cuddle with it. I lay with my pillows wrapping my arms around it tightly, "I love you Frank." I whisper.
I know he wasn't there to hear me but I felt like I needed to practice first. God I felt pathetic. I can't wait for him to get here tomorrow.
My phone dings suddenly and I grab it frantically, it was a message from Frank with a picture. It was a picture of a bunch of boxes and bags packed. "Soon." He said.
This is how I know this is forever.
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dearreader · 2 years
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Hate (affectionate) how it's made so clear from the very beginning of part 1 just how loved Paul is by his family and household. Both his parents, Duncan, Gurney, Thufir, even Dr Yueh all clearly care so deeply for this kid, and we're shown that time and time again.
Cut to the end of part two, and almost every one of those people is gone. The only ones who remain are a weird, came-back-wrong version of Jessica, and Gurney who has gone from mentor to worshipper. Paul goes from someone deeply loved and valued for who he is by a small but caring group of people - to someone followed and worshipped and feared by thousands. They're obsessed with him in a way, as a leader and "messiah", but nobody loves him.
The only one remaining who loves him for who he is is Chani, who leaves him because in the end that love isn't enough to bring who he is back.
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dxkjf · 1 year
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Little eddie and frank doodle cause theyre the. Best.
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batman-gif · 3 months
"Frank and Gerard early 2000's stage kisses" this "Frank and Gerard early 2000's stage kisses" that. LISTEN! 2022 Ray and Frank forehead kisses. In conclusion . Frank iero.
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re5qvne · 8 months
No one talks about red blazer Gerard enough and I wish they did
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s1ushyz · 9 months
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'Tis the season for some festive red hair gerard!
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window-to-oblivion · 2 months
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"Mornin', Bug"
Fun little headcanon:
Eddie doesn't have a house of his own, so he sleeps at frank's house. That was how it started at least. When Frank found Eddie slumped over his desk one evening, and promptly declared it "unacceptable" for him to sleep like that. He practically dragged a heavy-eyed Eddie to his house and made the couch into a makeshift bed.
This became a daily routine for them. Even though they didn't start out being romantically involved they would wait until the rest of the neighbourhood slept, to not raise suspicion.
Now, Eddie no longer sleeps on the couch. The two sharing quiet early mornings; chatting about everything and nothing, drinking coffee and exchanging goodbye kisses before Eddie sneaks back to the postoffice.
No-one knows about their ritual, maybe except Julie. But she'll never tell.
I have had this one stuck in purgatory for a while, but finally found the energy to finish it.
I hope you like it!! :D
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sirpoopepic · 10 months
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crayolascribblz · 5 months
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Some more cool pictures of frank ‼️
because i fucking love him
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cinnabon0 · 5 months
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"Esperar pra ver"
I have long wanted to draw something related to this song and these two (God, this song is already like their own anthem, I immediately think of them when I hear this song..)
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yonemurishiroku · 6 months
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The mental imagine is seared into my brain
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