#I love how fast people jump into conclusions on tumblr
morguemaw · 2 years
So. I wanted to make this post, and my brother, and girlfriend have supported me. My brother knows this entire situation, but i wanted to come out about it because it has dealt alot of mental toll on me, and im scared of this creator. No, i dont want to interact or start drama. No, dont mention me to him. No, i dont want his apology. No, i dont want any pity. I just want to tell my story because it happened before, happened to me, and just because he has a "soft gay boy nice boy" attitude does NOT mean it wont happen again. What ill go over in this post roughly/you will get the impression of is;
Why i hate comparison
Why im fast to jump at conclusions/be defensive
and Why i mention my trauma with the UTMV community, specially under posts regarding art, art style, characters or character design.
And no, im not even posting this to try and tell people im some snowflake who cant handle criticism or compression, this is targeted to the people who have ill intent with those and go as far as to label things others do as copying or ripping off.
Yes, im okay. Yes, im going to continue what i do. No, im not wanting to send anyone after him. Please, just read what i have and understand that the way i am is because of something i have kept to myself and only 2-4 other people for the past 5 years.
To get it started, ill be calling this creator, he/him, by his publicly known name. However, ill also possibly switch from his name, to part of his username/nickname.
This creator in question, is the content creator named Lizherubones, also known as TwistedBones, thebastardbutcher ( here on tumblr, too. ) , ButcherZone, and his oldest username, Zippy3006. He sounds familiar because he was one of the bigger creators in the UTMV, back in the dark ages of fontcest being the normal. However, i will call him William, as that is his name, and its public information. He also goes by Will, so im sorry if i call him any variation of those names/usernames.
Other things you may read about in this is an old discontinued app called DoodleClub, a OC of mine named Ezher who is the reason why im making this post, as i wanted to draw and post him again, but the timeline will be abit scattered as trauma and blocked out memories happened because of this, however another important person, despite being lightly mentioned is another victim who i will simply call Az as of right now.
Ill try to keep this as short as i can within reason, there will be time gaps, there will be references to previous things mentioned, and if it gets rough i may even stumble on how i type and mention things too soon or later on, im very sorry.
The Start.
During the time of 2015-2016, i had first found Undertale. During it, i joined a app called DoodleClub, its where i met my brother, Glitchy. During this time, i had also joined Tumblr. With the rise and popularity of Undertale, i had seen alot of artists, some other popular names you may recognize is NSFWshamecave, BlogTheGreatRouge, and a few others whom aren't important to the story other then to get the gist of it, Lizherubones was one of the artists i had encountered, and grew attached to. I adored his style. To me, it was a perfect mesh of cartoony and pleasing aesthetics and anatomy that i just.. Well i loved it. This is when i got stupid. On DoodleClub, i would post artwork of either 100% traced or partly traced artwork of his, along with my own where i weakly attempted to mimic his style. Soon tho, i got too comfortable. Sometimes i sent him asks on or off anon, i drew him fanart, and on DoodleClub i even changed my username to "Twisted Bones", because i really liked that name. However, sometime a user, who i will just call Nutty for right now since its what i remember them by, they found out. Slowly, a few others did, and Nutty ended up reporting me to William. Now during this i never got screenshots, one screenshot i remember Nutty posting was one of William saying i was a loser for tracing, or something similar but equally short.
This ended fast, as people were on my side. But it didnt end there. Same day Nutty reported me, and word got out, i decided to confront William myself. I explained that i was sorry, i wouldnt do it again, and i saw him as a idol and wanted forgiveness. I was terrified and at my grandmothers trying to hide me talking to a almost 30 year old man about traced work. The first trauma tick with him, was when he threatened legal action against me, saying and i quote, 'Your parents will have to pay alot of money'.
May i tell you a few things;
I was a CHILD at the time. 11-12 years old, not even classified as a Teen yet. I couldnt legally be sued.
He lives in Chile Brazil, i live in Michigan USA. After about a year, and also after a third situation that happened that caused me to do alot of at the time feeling smart teen research, he couldnt have even attempted a law suit because of the fact i wasnt making money off the traced work, and that the laws are different in both states and countries regarding copyrighted content. Not just that but.. He was too far, and would have to come to me. Which again, different locations = different laws, and so on.
As stated above, i made 0 money or even thought to off his traced content. In my mind at the time, i just traced to learn the style, and ill even say it that from what i remember, i didnt trace enough to have it be my main thing.
After this, he commanded me to delete all my work, and to never return to the internet. Which i did.
Return of the Deja Vu (Instagram Arch).
Skipping to 2017, my slow return to the internet. I had gotten Instagram and decided i still wanted to draw. However, like a cow being branded, his style still stayed in my mind. Though, this time it was just muscle memory.
During both this interaction and the previous, both times William had stated his art , characters, and even worse the colors used on them were copyrighted.
In the end of this, because the more important one comes next, is people kept tagging him in my work. Saying it was familiar, asking if it was his characters, ect. Which lead to him messaging me on my now forgotten account, once again threatening the law to me. This time, however, i just told him to leave me alone as i wasnt doing anything. He had also made comments and remarks on my artwork like, "This just looks like a human version i did", or "Looks like a draw i made." ect, ect. I had made a very old, possibly lost Reddit account talking about this, which was made just within the same week of him telling me these. This situation ended fast, mainly because i went inactive on this account. If the name Zure/Zhure sounds familiar, that was apart of my user at the time.
The Big Blowout (Twitter Arch).
This is where my links and pictures come in. All are screenshotted from Twitter. This is also where i can provide more proof of things. I will mostly gloss over everything, as its foggy for me. The timeline is roughly 2019. On twitter, i still was ignorant and blind to this all. Rose tinted glasses. I wanted to just be seen by someone i looked up to and just get a small sorry if he even felt any pity. On Twitter, i began posting. I began to also like his art, but never followed. Just to try and gain his attention. This ended badly, however. After i first not only made a suggestive Human Swap Sans, at the time not realizing at this point what i was doing was taking inspiration from him rather then trying to copy, but i had also made a OC named Ezher.
Ezher was the main breaking point.
This is Ezher;
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As you can clearly see, yes, he looks alot like William's own OC, Rheiz. , However, i remember clearly the source of what i liked most about Rheiz was the marks in his hair and the dark to light hoodie he wore. Something extremely important, but when i made Ezher, William was a faint memory to me at the time. So when i say source pf his OC, it was a distant memory and i didnt think much when i created him. Off topic note, but turns out that while talking to someone William considers a close friend, all i did was make Ezher half red, half blue and that made Ezher original. Who knew a color tied his fate. Sound familiar? Thats because mentioned earlier, William told me previously that he had characters that were copyrighted. He also mentioned that using the same colors as his characters was wrong, too.
Ezher will be getting a update and will be coming back. When Will found out about this, is when shit hit the fan. I got many, many @'s like this;
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^ Mind you in the last screenshot, i was trying. I really was. A user named SnoweyBones also made a message on their Twitter, telling people to report me. This got my acc taken down. This is only a small part of what i personally could find. I roughly remember screenshotting the DMs + others, but they are either lost to time or something else.
If you couldnt tell, the gist of it was, William had made a post about me somewhere which in return led to a mob.
This scared me off the internet for abit, and i went into hiding for awhile until my brother started to give me more confidence, and i realized that everything that happened,
was all because someone was egotistical about a artstyle and monochromatic color scheme.
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^ That was my old account. Very easy to find however, so it is what it is.
Things i found, Things you should know.
To once again clarify, im not seeking pity nor revenge. Im wanting to shed light and say my story about this artist, because this isnt the first time he has done this, let alone something terrible.
William has attacked another creator, this same creator he is following on Twitter and acting like nothing happened.
There was a situation creepily similar to mine that occurred not too long before my own. Similar insults and similar situations.
v link
William has a history of attacking other creators. His reasoning is that his own trauma is the cause of his actions. I have trauma with him, and the furthest i ever went was when someone used my characters (in my eyes) unique name for themselves and created a sexual variant of my OC without my consent and proceeded to openly complain, insult, and suicide bait members around them because i rightfully called them out for doing something with something of mine i didnt like, didnt let them do, nor would have ever consented to.
To sum it up.
Im not doing this as revenge. Im not doing this as pity. Because again, a close friend of his helped me and made me feel better during his final attack on me and helped me still connect to a OC of mine.
Im doing this because its for me a traumatic experience and a reason why i tend to act the way i do. Im scared to post certain characters, art, or ect without the fear of him coming around or others comparing me to him.
Again, my OC Ezher was the starting point of this. I want to draw him and love him again, but im scared of William.
Even if i have a whole redesign in mind, even if he doesnt remember me or even bother with me, even if no one cares or even if the community now isnt so butthole tight about stupid things like similar color schemes or aesthetics, its still something that affects me and has affected how enjoy the fandom.
Repeating this, but im not even posting this to try and tell people im some snowflake who cant handle criticism or compression, this is targeted to the people who have ill intent with those and go as far as to label things others do as copying or ripping off.
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queenofthyme · 2 months
Okay this is kinda funny to me but I actually just finished binging your fic (did a descendants marathon, started mid D3, got genuinely interested in RoR, read the rest with bleary eyes and bated breath into what is now 4 am) and. I. I kid you not I was internally lamenting the lack of spicy scenes because you wrote the teasing incredibly well and. Well. I wasn't going to say anything bc ppl are completely within their right to not write something BUT then I saw your post and now that I know(1/?
(cont) and now that I know that not only is it maybe an option but that you'd be willing to write it let me just say. On my knees pleading. I was craving some MalxEviexUma content and you wrote it *so incredibly well* and it was such a delight to read. I appreciate you taking the cheating seriously and I really like how you handled the variety of queer revelations happening in this fic. Genuinely it is because of authors who write characters so well like this that I feel less isolated in my experiences
(cont) especially since things revolving around my identity and sexuality have been pretty present the past few months, and it's almost relieving and somewhat cathartic to get to read characters experiencing similar situations and getting to be accepted and also get together with their beloveds. And also have gay (dragon/tentacle/) sex lol. I like how you took your time with each of the characters to make their conclusions feel natural and anything but rushed, and I really love what a good grasp (3/?
(cont) you have of their voices. I could hear each of them (especially Uma) distinctly in my head the whole time, and could visualize their faces and movements so well because of how you wrote them. Character voices are hard, so many kudos to you!!! You really did a good job staying true to them! Also, somewhat but also not surprisingly, I was not having an easy time finding content for the three of them (or even a few of them) and sometimes when you're low on fics the ones you find aren't the most polished, but yk you take what you find or you make it yourself! But!!! That is not the case here! You wrote a beautiful and enjoyable and fucking sexy fic that exactly hit the spot for me and was a thrill all the way through. You do not know how many times I had to keep myself from jumping ahead or reading to fast to enjoy it because I was so excited. Also the only reason I'm not commenting is bc I don't have an ao3 account set up for this blog yet so I'm bothering you in asks instead!
I would like to be very detailed in my appreciation of how you wrote each character but I seriously need to sleep and I'm probably taking up to much space, so let me know if I can come back and rant to you about your fic in your ask box or if you would prefer me waiting till I can comment on the fic itself :3Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH for writing such a scrumptious fanfic and for sharing it with the rest of us! /Grins/ Have a delightful rest of your week!
(final. Sorry it got split up! Tumblr was being an ass and giving me a word limit so I switched for Easter so I didn't have to verify w every ask and it fuckin dropped both problems lmao)
This is how you leave a comment, folks. If it's not 4 asks in my inbox when I wake up I don't want it.*
People like @gayafsowhat who leave comments and asks like this are the backbone of the fanfic community. These asks have sat in my inbox for a like a week because there's literally no way to adequately express my gratitude so I'll just say simply: thank you. ❤️
Also authors, if you are hesitating about writing for a smaller fandom or rare pair, fucking do it. Yes, I get more kudos on my drarry fics, but the enthusiasm and support you get from people when you write for pairings with less content is equally fulfilling (if not more - see giant comment above holy shit!??!?).
*This is obviously a joke. For the record, I gratefully accept and apppreciate comments in any format. ❤️
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abiiors · 11 months
hi! i’m the one who sent the (or one of) the anon about Brad. it’s essentially just what the other person in your ask box said about making fun of the fan base (mainly the female part.) he made a few reddit post to which everyone in the comments made fun of Brad for doing, along with the mods who deleted the post and told him to stop trying to drum up unnecessary controversy. i’m happy i now know more people are tired of his blatant misogyny towards the female fan base. i didn’t mean to cause any worry or upset towards Matty, i don’t know how much he contributes to Brad’s post. i just have been finding it strange that all Brad does is find videos of swifties/75 fans to make fun of them (Taylor herself too.) and that’s essentially his entire schtick/job. a lot of people in the reddit thread summed up my thoughts better than this could’ve. i don’t use twitter so i don’t know what people are saying there. either way i don’t think any of this is Matty’s fault, i think Brad kind of sucks and it just so happens Matty works with him here and there.
this might be a stupid place to say this, but tumblr is a lot kinder then reddit/twitter. does anybody else not like this whole thing with brad troemel? i don’t know why matty likes him/employs him. he set up a “the 1975 fan union” on instagram and posted about it on 3 or 4 reddits. majority of his post are so directly making fun of the female fan base. i understand the making fun of chronically online people who are deranged but this is just annoying. also him bringing up / posting about taylor swift (also strange if her and matty actually did date, to post about this man you work for ex-girlfriend.) sooo often. also he just says the most obvious things that anybody who has had a phone for longer than 3 days would know. he just post annoying infographics that has been all regurgitated stuff matty has been saying since like 2017 (start of abiior era.) i love matty and stuff but this era of infographics, what’s real/what’s fake, joking about what’s happening in the middle east/how there’s nothing he can do about it, and brad troemel era is so annoying. his cynicism in the start of the bfiafl era was very interesting and thought-provoking. now it’s just reusing the same boomer logic over and over. again this isn’t hate towards any fans or matty himself, just an observation from a huge fan.
combining both your asks into one, i hope you don't mind <3
i've seen a lot of opinions about this flying around, and i want to point out that we don't know for sure who's behind it but at the same time it does reek of brad and just also... a lot of misogyny in general.
i don't mind matty making fun of us in a haha light hearted way like sure some people do really take it too far and end up being the butt of the joke but someone else coming out the woodworks and making fun of people who literally only want to support their fav artists and enjoy their art and music feels like a slap in the face.
i don't want to jump to conclusions and say that matty knew or he's encouraging it or whatever because obv we don't know any of the behind th scenes but if it is really brad then i find it hard to believe that matty/the band won't know.
you, and a lot of other people have said that satvb got old really fast and to some it also feels like a shadow of atvb which i don't want to comment on because 1) i have never seen any of the shows live and 2) i feel like it's still an evolving thing and i don't want to have a fixed opinion of it until we have the full picture, i.e. the end of the tour. that's not to say tht your opinion isn't valid, i completely see where you're coming from.
based on what i know about brad from others, yeah i'm not a huge fan either but at the same time i'm not at all familiar with his art outside of his connection to the band.
anyway if it is actually him -- loser behaviour. i hope he has explosive diarrhea while proposing to the love of his life.
that's all, my apologies for the plethora of typos, i'm too hungover to correct them rn
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Alrighty! First I want to preface this with I'm not mad at anyone, this is not aimed at anyone specifically, no one has offended me, everything is good. I can just see the writing on the wall and thought I'd jump ahead of the path before it winds to it's inevitable conclusion
Re: my attraction to the LU boys
We all know that I have been very vocal about how I find some of the boys (especially Time but he's not the only one), very attractive. This is true!
The thing is I have a habit of... projecting to the back of the crowd, shall we say, when it comes to discussing me being attracted to someone. This is because I have three brothers. Up until my very late teens (nineteen-ish) I was embarrassed to admit when i found a guy attractive. I've only had a few crushes, either real life or fictional, so it wasn't something I was used to discussing outside of my friends. Around nineteen, I discovered, my brothers would react in absolutely hilarious ways if I voiced what I was thinking. And so to make it even more funny I would emphasize what I was thinking, exaggerate and overstate it a little, and privately laugh at the faces they make and the way they react. This naturally flowed over to Tumblr too. I see a picture of Time or Twilight or Wars, I find it very attractive, I might get flustered if a shirt is off, so I'll keyboard smash, etc. etc. etc. because it's a funny way to present it.
Because of the way I present it, I believe I might be somewhat misrepresenting myself. The fact is, I am PG-13 rated at the most
Anything beyond a guy's shirt off makes me very uncomfortable, and things like sexual language or nicknames squick me out (nicknames such as slut, slutty, whore, and other such terms, or uh. normal terms being reframed in a sexual manner). Kinky stuff is not my personal jam. I also don't enjoy discussing body parts beyond the level of like 'oh wow, i love his hair' or 'oh my goodness his shoulders are broad that looks nice'. This extends to... um.
Yes, Twilight is very attractive. This extends to his shirt being off. The Famous Panel with the bandages was nice to look at. But the term 'twiddies' makes me deeply uncomfortable (and not just that word. Extends to tiddies, titties, or those types of words for body parts, etc.) So uh. this isn't a hard and fast rule and it's totally okay if you forget but it would be kind of nice if people stopped reblogging posts I make with that?
But also, yes, I love a good picture of Time, Twilight, etc. being attractive and it's very kind of people to send me pics in dms or asks or tag me and I enjoy it! But please keep it to shirts off at the most, anything more sexual or kinky I'd prefer to avoid.
I've been thinking about making a post like this for a while but after the LU sexyman poll where I became somewhat more well known for finding Time attractive I realized that I may be misleading people as to what I am comfortable with.
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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genshin-whumpact · 2 years
This is going to be an interesting post, so I would like to start off by saying that if you are still following me/checking on my blog/interacting with my content after my very very long period of inactivity, then thank you. I appreciate it, even thought I probably haven’t been the most interesting blog to follow, content wise anyway.
I would like to apologize for said lack of inactivity. It has been almost a year and a half since I last wrote anything for my blog, and that means many asks in my inbox have been there for a whopping 16 months or longer. There have been many things I’ve wanted to do, and for some reason I just…can’t. Whumptober was one of them. I had many ideas for it, and it never happened. Same with Whumpcember. I hyped myself up for it, only to realize that on the first day of December, there was no way I could possibly do it. I’ve had finals creep up at the last minute, and also my artistic abilities are not anywhere close to where I would like them to be.
I…honestly don’t know what to say. I’m frustrated with myself, and I’m disappointed. I created this blog to be something fun; I wanted to make my favorite type of content for my favorite game, but actually sitting down, thinking, writing is just so hard. I love writing, I really do, but I have a hard time actually doing it. And I’ve let a lot of people down. I don’t know anymore if it’s just my procrastination or perfectionism getting in the way, or if I’m just not meant to write.
It’s frustrating to want to do something and just…not be able to do it. No matter how hard you try.
But! I’m not giving up. This is not goodbye. This is final desperate attempt to get my act together and figure out just how to do this. Maybe I jumped into it too fast, making a blog on a whim and just trying to roll with it. I’ve never used tumblr before I made my blog, and it’s still taken a while to get used to everything. But I want to keep my blog, even if that means trying some new ideas. Posting my own works instead of sticking specifically to asks might be a good idea.
So in conclusion, I’m taking the month of December to figure this out. Improve my art skills, tackle a lot of those asks, maybe even dig out some of my old WIPs and introduce those to the (small) Genshin whump community. I want to enjoy my blog, and I want to make more content that I enjoy.
January 1, 2023, I will be back and posting, hopefully semi-consistently. Whether it’s asks, my own works, or art, it will be something. I promise. So thank you for your patience, and I hopefully won’t disappoint you. I look forward to seeing what the new year brings, and hopefully it is a lot of new ideas and motivation.
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Kuroshitsuji Headcanons and Oneshots!
A book revolved around my own {kinda self indulgent} headcanons!
{Requests open!}
Chapter 1: Intro/Request page (Open)
Chapter Text
A book revolved around my own {kinda self indulgent} headcanons! It's good to note that these will slowly be put together like an AU. {-which they kind of are, I use these for all the little ficlets I write} Most of this won't involve canon - I mean, come on, it's a headcanons book - and I won't be using the manga because I haven't read it, but I will be using the characters from it.
do these for any characters, even the ones that don't get much love,
(Lau, Ran-Mao, Mey-rin, Madam Red, etc etc)
So if you have someone in mind, go ahead and throw them at me!
I do mostly every situation and scenario EXPECT NSFW, it just makes me uncomfortable to write and post.
It's also good to note I do general headcanons with and involving the show and do headcanons with s/o and reader's
I do tend to spiral into alot more detail than I need to, but I do it so people can enjoy it! But if any of my work upsets you or makes you uncomfortable, please just comment or message me and I'll take it down, I want everyone to have a good reading this.
Not sure if it's just me, but the Kuro fandom looks kinda dead right now, so I figured I'd start dumping my hoard of unused content on here. {And I may have been on a Kuroshitsuji spree, scavenging for new content for my favorites-}
This book will probably fill up fast knowing me, but I'll try and make sure I branch out and not focus too much on one character. {CoughcoughUndertakerCoughcough}
If you like this, you can follow my Tumblr, ( @cheetoflavoredcake ) I post all my recent works and fanart there. {mostly Animal Crossing, haha}
And without further ado, I present, my headcanons!
Undertaker and Othello
Chapter Text
-Although neither would ever say it, they were once together- although it was a extremely long time ago and considered a quick fling
-They both thought they have feelings for each other and jumped on the chance, but it turns out it was just a huge misunderstanding
-There were no hard feelings in it and it didn't ruin their friendship - plus, it only lasted about a month before they came to their conclusion
-It was never publicly announced that they were ever together and the only person who ever knew and found out was the old librarian, but the only comment he had on it was on how everyone was finding love besides himself - he wasn't bitter about them, but about himself
-They chose not to talk about it because, one, Undertaker is a legend and it would certainly dent his reputation, and two, it's just overall embarrassing
Chapter 3: Grell and Ronald
Chapter Text
-They have a very strong sibling-like relationship
-Grell is like that popular older sister that, while they are rude and saracastic, they'd never actually hurt you in any way- and would actually go out of their way to help you
("Oh, so that guy over there took your coffee? Oh, he better be ready to get his ass BEAT-")
-Ronald is the flirty younger brother, who, despite all his effort, never gets the girl- but you bet he's not going to stop trying
-If one were to, say, try and throw a massive party, they'd be right there by each others sides, helping in whatever way they possibly could
-Or, say, one was to get in trouble and be in risk of overtime, they'd have each others backs
-With this in mind, they've had to cover for each other on multiple occasions, sometimes serious, sometimes not so serious
-The worst thing they both had to take the fall for was when Grell accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the coffee machine without looking and Ronald had forgot to order the employee supplies for that month
-Saying the whole office was pissed and in mass chaos is an underestimate
Chapter 4: Reaper Scythes
Chapter Text
-Reapers, when reborn, can naturally summon their scythe, but need the essential training to learn how
-All their scythes are shaped as garden tools, but can range from hedge trimmers to lawnmowers
-As the generations pass, the scythes get more modern
-Henceforth, Undertaker has an old school scythe, which would be pretty rare to get in the present
-Grell and Ronald have more modern scythes for their time, which are the types of scythes you would see nowadays
Chapter 5: William T. Spears
Chapter Text
-Underneath his cold exterior, he truly cares for his co workers, so much so, he'd risk his life for them
-He thinks emotions get in the way of work, so that's why he keeps them to himself, but he does spare a laugh once and a rare while
-When he talks to his co-workers in a cold distant voice, he doesn't mean to make them disheartened, he's just doing his job
-And when he bops Grell over the head, he doesn't mean to hurt her, he thinks it's his only way to calm her down
Chapter 6: Undertaker
Chapter Text
-This man has crippling anxiety
-As stated in the chapter above, he is one hell of an actor, so it comes without questioning that he hides
-If you were to break down his forced smiles and walls, you would know of all of his insecurities and his worries
-While he doesn't stutter, he does shake profusely, henceforth, he has very horrible handwriting
Chapter 7: Undertaker
Chapter Text
-This man is one hell of an actor
-It's just what comes with all the forced smiles - though some are real, it just takes alot more effort
-He's able to keep a straight face whilst fuming with rage on the inside, and he's able joke around and smile and laugh whilst in excruciating pain
-Overall, it's a great talent to have as an informant
{This page got posted in the wrong order, it's supposed to be chapter 6 and the one above is supposed to be 7}
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter Text
-Demons are able to break contracts off if they desire to, although it is excruciatingly painful and has a high chance in death
-The ones who survive are usually ones who cannot feel pain or just have a high pain tolerance
-Along with surviving the awful burning pain, you have the scar of the contract symbol burned into whatever place you put
-Example, Ciel's eye would go back to blue, but would have the contract symbol, and Alois's mark would blend more into his tongue, just look more like an oddly shaped cut
Chapter 9: The Scythe Incident
Woo- 300+ hits! Thank you so much guys/gals/nonbinary pals!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
-There had been a day that somehow and someway everyone's scythe had been switched around with each other
-To this day, no one knows how this had happened or who had done it, but saying it was chaos was the world's biggest understatement in history
-The first and most known swap was Grell's, since every time she gets mad, she summons her scythe and revs it once to scare people
-Expect this time she almost killed everyone in her vicinity with the monstrous death scythe she held
-Grell had gotten the old legend's scythe - and honestly, there has probably never been a more terrifying match in the world
-Just for a list of some of the known reapers swap's:
*Ronald and William
*Eric Slingby had Sascha's (or well- at least their camera)
*Alan had a tall sword-like Scythe belonging to a Edith Smith
*Ludger had gotten one of the small newbie scythes
-The office basically turned into a rush to find your scythe fiasco
-Many were injured, and many had agreed that this was worst experience of their lives
-Some scythes were engraved with the reaper's name or nickname, so some reapers just stood atop their desk or whatever table they could find shouting names and waving around scythes
-Others were running around with one of kind death scythes and trying to locate the person it matched with (by match, I mean match their aesthetic, much like Grell and her scythe)
-Eventually, Undertaker was seen casually climbing through a window and gliding through the crowd, then seen casually grabbing his scythe from Grell - who was flaunting the scythe like she owned it
-It was one of the best highlights besides seeing the old librarian desperately jump from desk to desk to tackle a newbie for his old scythe
Should I make this one into a short story? I'll only do it if you guys/gals/nonbinary pals want it
Chapter 10: Undertaker
W o w- we're at 500 reads- uh, that's- w o w
Edit: Old HC, I don't vibe with this no more and instead have a way better one
Chapter Text
-When he did work in the dispatch, he had a rival, who was the only born female reaper the dispatch has had as of the present (All women are made secretaries, but she was an exception)
-She had been trained right beside him and - since the dispatch didn't really like the idea of a working female reaper - worked in his office with him
-Her name was Edith Smith
-She would taunt him and knock into him and he would do the same - he was young and he was dumb
-They have dozens of brawls, some out in the mortal realm, some in the dispatch - those usually were the most violent
-One newbie - of the time - documented the whole experience in his own narrative - he even went into the gritty details of it to get a good image in people's heads
-If you bribed the old librarian, he could possibly let you borrow the original copy for a day or two as long as you promise to not wreck it or keep it out longer than his deadline - or else there would be some serious consequences
-Some seniors will admit that they were scared of the duo, because even though they wanted to tear out each others throats, when they were challenged, they were unstoppable
-They ran on spite and anger, it was concerning
-Undertaker hadn't seen the lady since he 'retired' but they weren't on terrific terms when he did leave, so he doubts she'll want to see him again
(Although Edith herself would beg to differ, she would love to see him again and she enjoyed their quarrels and brawls. It was one of her favorite things to do and he left her without a word, and it did hurt her - but there isn't much to do when she's stuck to a desk all day.)
Chapter 11: HOLY CRAP---
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Okay, wow, I just looked at this book and saw the amount of hits and sobbed for five minutes straight, so I'd like to thank all of you for the attention. I really never thought this would go anywhere and to look back at my account and see the views??? Yeah, I got extremely emotional. For this occasion, I'll add a spam of relationship headcannons and other headcannons by tomorrow. Just a reminder if you want to submit a headcannon of your own or want a requested oneshot, {I'm trying to work up the motivation to do the one I have currently, so sorry for the wait on that} my tumblr is CheetoFlavoredCake - or you could talk to me, I'm always up for a conversation with fans!
Chapter 12: Undertaker in a Relationship
Oh?? My God?? We hit over 2100 hits??? Holy shit thank you! I know I've been on like- a hiatus for a while but it means alot to me to know people still read these! I hit a sort of writers block and I've been stuck with it for a long while now and I'm tying to currently get out of it, so updates will be slow! I just started my winter break, so I should have some time to do some more HCs and such
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Being in a relationship with Undertaker is... odd to say the least
-By the time you two together you would have at least had an idea of what he was like and were prepared for him to be just a bit more romantic than that
-But boy were you wrong
-This man is clingy, and I mean it
-You can barely go to the next room over without him practically whining
-He's quite similar to a cat in alot of ways
-He likes to mess with items he hasn't seen before
-He likes to sprawl across your lap
-And he also just loves to suffocate you with his mop of hair whilst he sleeps
-That last one isn't intentional and he apologizes for it every time
-He's a huge fan of cuddles
-He'll take whatever he can get for cuddles, he just likes to know your still there next to him, it calms him
-Undertaker is also quite talkative
-He likes to know how your day's been, your favorites, what embarrassing moments did you have as a kid, etc etc
-If your not one for talking, don't worry, he can carry the conversation himself and smile as you laugh as he talks about how he once starred in the play of Hamlet
-Another fun fact about Undertaker is that he tends to be old fashion
-He never really grasped the newer concepts of everything and instead chose to stick to what he knew best
-He sets up small romantic dates by moonlight, gifts you flowers and small trinkets from who knows where, and calls you cute petnames like 'dear' and 'love'
-Overall he's an amazing partner that would be by your side til' the very end, and the experience would be wonderful
Can you tell who my favorite character is?
Chapter 13
It's the wifey
Chapter Text
-Being in a relationship with Grell isn't at all what you'd expect
-You would be used to the loud, flamboyant side of Grell just about 24/7, so once you were in a relationship, it would be quite the shocker to see a much calmer side of her
-She would be more docile, her voice lower and her body more relaxed
-Sure she was still flamboyant at times but not at all like the big act she put on for work
-She's actually insanely smart, and she lets you watch her modify and fix up her complex death scythe, that, mind you, was made by her own two hands with no help
-She's such a strong woman and your so proud of her
-Like you go baby, you go
-She's a great cheerleader
-Her just sitting there encouraging you the entire time doing something, whether it be big or small, is just so nice and calming
-She's also big on snuggling and nuzzling
-She likes to feel loved and wanted
-Treat her like a queen and you'll win her heart for the rest of eternity
-Her petnames for you are 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'sweetie', and 'My Princess/Prince/Majesty'
-She likes to also make some of her own clothes, and will make you whatever you so please
-She's very crafty and independent and overall just an amazing partner
Chapter 14: Elizabeth Crevan (Formly Smith)
Me? Writing an OC into a HCs book? More likely than you think
Also yes, she is shipped with Undertaker, leave me alone
These will be pasted exactly as I have them in my notes, so if they seem a bit off from how I usually write headcanons, that's why
Chapter Text
-Elizabeth has angy issues
-She also says fuck practically every other word
-Elizabeth is Bisexual, and born on August 19th
-People refer to Elizabeth as Death's Corpse Bride. She loves it, and takes the title happily. Once Unnie picked up on it he started to constantly use it
-Lizzie's voice claim is Bust Your Knee Caps by Pomplamoose
-Elizabeth gossips and rants to Adam, the dispatch librarian -Adam wants to fucking punch her
-Elizabeth's favorite flowers are Roses. She likes to prick her fingers on them and watch the blood swell up. It's an idiotic thing to do, but she does it none the less. She's like them because they give her a feeling of nostalgia. She can't tell why, but it probably has to do with a repressed human memory. This is the reason Elizabeth designed her scythe the way she did
-At her wedding, Elizabeth wore a white suit instead of a dress, and her husband, Undertaker, wore a puffy black dress, as she requested way back when they were still at dispatch
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of Kuroshitsuji Ficlets and Such
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nyiro · 8 years
doesn't it bother you that angela was 17 when jack was in his 30s??
and does it bother you that I don’t care because I don’t actually ship them?
if you wanna know, I’ve reblogged the comics because I do appreciate my friend’s amazing art and she deserves all the recognision in the world for that plus Mercy76 is still slightly more appealing to me than Reaper76
but I will repeat it one more time, because I know that some people on tumblr have a huge problem with wrapping their heads around it... I don’t really ship Mercy76 and I definitely don’t ship Reaper76, even if like 95% of my friends do and I’m 100000% okay with that
I simply don’t care... I’m absolutely not bothered by seeing that kind of content on my dash every day
the only person that I truly ship Jack with is my OC, but I don’t brag about it... it’s my OC and my story that I write for my own entertainment and it’s absolutely not canon so Blizzard can do nothing to mess it up... I even don’t share it anywhere on the internet so tbh no one can mess it up for me and let’s keep it that way :)
so I hope it kinda explains the situation, my dear anon
have a great day!
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rosesastrology · 4 years
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In astrology, your moon sign represents your emotional nature, habits, reactions, wants and needs. The way your moon sign manifests will differ because of the house it's in and any applying aspects to the moon. If you don't relate to the description, that can be why. The whole chart should be taken into account, nonetheless if listed things I’ve seen commonly represented by these Moon signs!
Click here for part 2 (Libra - Pisces)
— By @rosesastrology on Tumblr.
Aries Moon
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Very emotional, but may choose to show another exterior (Sun/rising).
Usually grows more mature as time passes, but keeps their intense emotions and occasional childlike energy. They often want to do things on their own, without help. Even when they're growing up, they're quite independent.
Anger is explosive but often short-lived, although they can be the type to want revenge and hold a grudge- the actual anger doesn't last long. It comes up in waves. They can be quite nasty during that short time though, often saying things they don't actually mean just because they're in the heat of the moment.
They have waves of sudden inspiration and deep passion, but also of nostalgia and deep sadness. Their mood can change quite quickly.
Often, these people will be inclined to do some sort of physical activity because they want to see the best version of themselves and vent those intense emotions. This can also manifest in a fast-paced, busy lifestyle or just a brisk walking pace.
Their careers are often a form of self-expression.
They tend to go with whatever feels right in the moment, which can make them quite impulsive.
Their humour is quite childlike. They also tend to get embarrassed quickly (but they'll say embarrassing things all the same).
Tend to start working at a young age, or do something else that you’d usually expect from an older person.
They have a big sense of pride and ego, which can make it almost impossible for them to ask for help. The way to comfort them is often just by listening to them. Talking is not needed, unless you're reflecting back what they said. They enjoy feeling heard. They don't want you to make it better, they want to be heard.
They want to be recognized and acknowledged. They enjoy helping, even if it's just for them to feel better. They stand up for themselves, they will defend their emotions. They refuse to get crushed. In the same sense, this will make them help the underdogs.
Often, they have a sense of empathy but only if the mood is apparent. They can become very ticked off or confused by things like passive aggression. It can be difficult for them to put themselves in someone else's shoes, unless the other person reminds them of it. Then they will be more than glad to help. Direct communication and reflection books the most results with them.
They have a tendency to only help if you ask them directly.
They're quick to jump into things and tend to have strong opinions (feelings) even if they don't show them outwardly. Most do show them outwardly and can seem temperamental.
They tend not to have a filter and can seem quite savage, often immediately saying what's on their mind (whether good or bad). This is not to say that they can't control themselves, though.
Tend to feel impatient.
Are actually very undiplomatic.
They go through fire for those they're close to, and won't hesitate to sacrifice themselves. They tend to want to be someone's saviour or hero. This can come forward in their career, too.
They always want to keep moving. They want to make progress and continue. This is why letting go is often not the easiest for them, especially if they have a prevalence of air and earth in their natal chart.
Later in their life, they can be very autonomous and great leaders.
They can almost seem to be drunk on their own self and pride but in reality they’re just confident.
Thoughts tend to be superficial, thinking about practicalities or beauty unless other topics are stimulated.
Can be insecure, especially early in life.
Good at performing. Often their talents lie here.
They don’t necessarily struggle with letting go, but with loss itself.
They’re do-ers.
Persistent to reach goals. Very motivated.
Taurus Moon
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Often, these people are artistic or at least have an appreciation for the arts.
They often enjoy cooking, if not they will enjoy eating. They have a very peculiar taste and opinion about how food should be. Often it's not too complex, and they tend to order the same thing at restaurants. They enjoy those types of routines, even if they like variety in their daily life.
They can come across as soft-spoken, sheltered people who enjoy staying in.
They tend to fixate on the past, or at least do a lot of reflection. Reflecting is their source of motivation.
Sacrifice breaks them apart. It's one of the things that will truly, truly touch them.
They just have a general sense of maturity and kindness, even if they have a childlike humour (depending on their placements), they will always have a sense of reliability and resilience.
They always strive for greater heights and can be hard on their past self, often linking their worth to their skill.
It's hard for them to shake off their emotions.
Not as materialistic as everyone makes them seem. Most Taurus Moons I know are actually the crash and burn type of people and have no attachment to their materials. Comfort goes above anything for them, they don't need much- they just need the right things. They tend to have strong opinions about that.
They always seek to understand their partners, even if it's in a situation where they didn't do anything wrong.
Can seem distant or hard to reach.
They're very sentimental and nostalgic.
Tend to have a pleasant voice.
They can have a very hard time letting things, people or experiences go.
They're very hard to convince.
They have a lot of emotional strength and resilience. They're always growth-orientated.
Escapism can be an issue because of their emotional need for comfort. However, this tends to lessen eventually.
They have a great love for nature. Animals, plants, space, people- they love all these things. They are fascinated by things that are bigger than them, the whole picture. That's why nature and space fit so well with them.
They tend to be mature and laid-back in relationships- some will find this boring but it actually gives a sense of home and comfort that you won't find anywhere else. Compromise is key.
They tend to believe that humanity as a whole can improve. They want to make the world a better place in a tangible way. This is why they're the type to donate to direct charities- they're generous and love seeing a form of tangible improvement. Tangible good.
Extremely loyal.
Direct in communication, often they talk about their past. Past experiences and nostalgia stand central in their emotions. They focus on growth.
If someone says they can’t do something, they will go out of their way to do it just to prove the other person wrong.
Self-sufficient. Good at handling criticism.
They can actually be quite moody.
They often talk about their past.
Grounded but they tend to want to know reasons. This includes reasons for their feelings.
Gemini Moon
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Emotions and actions are rationalized.
They think before they talk (although they can snap).
They can be more unruly with their emotion when they're young, as well as when they're very stressed or feel as though their conclusions contradict one another.
Their intelligence is admiring, even when it's not traditional.
Tend to be apolitical because they see it as a promotion show rather than an exchange of ideas.
They find education/their work very important and prioritize this above their health.
They often follow traditions when it comes to the educational path, but tend to be more extravagant when it comes to creativity and self-expression.
They often enjoy reading one way or another, whether it's literature, poetry or manga or visual novels doesn't matter.
Very communication-orientated.
They tend to know a lot of psychological facts and tricks, which they use for self-betterment but also on others.
Confidence comes and goes as it pleases.
Doesn't do well with contradictions, especially if it's a contradiction about their own issues. They need reasons and conclusions to fix the issue, even if it's about emotions. This is both a blessing- they are focused on fixing the issue to grow, and a curse- they rarely ever go with the flow or go with what they truly desire.
Strong opinions that they love to discuss. They're not necessarily the type to start the discussion, but they will engage.
They’re extremely curious about a wide variety of topics.
Everything is based on their logic, so if it's faulty they feel like a failure.
Tend to be uncomfortable with risks and change, although they enjoy variety.
They're planners, they're generally not spontaneous.
They have a lot of different sides that they show to different people, it's like their personality has archetypes- but it's still all them.
They tend to know a lot of random facts.
Often enjoy mental stimuli in the form of media, movies, videos, video games, reading, studying, etc.
Quick-witted yet scatter-brained, they tend to confuse themselves.
Not the most organized people, even though they're planners, it doesn't directly correlate to their surroundings.
If they can't find a viable solution they can end up feeling as though they're crazy.
Inventive although they'd never call themselves that.
Can be the tough love type of people, which doesn't work well with everyone.
Because they're so good at analysing and articulating their emotions, they give good advice.
Will close themselves off if they're hurt.
Has a need to find comfort within their daily commute, whether that's through family, friends or a cafe doesn't matter.
They are connected to the sky- the intelligent yet structured patterns of life give them their smarts. Their intelligence is practical and physical, whereas Sagittarius' intelligence is surrounded around the higher conscience, Gemini revolves around earthly concepts.
The house where the Moon resides often shows what the individual struggles with but will eventually grow immensely through.
They tend to understand themselves better if they write down, or say their conclusions- even if they are very obvious.
They don't want to be controlled by their emotions, but it doesn't mean they don't honour them.
They tend to analyse everyone and enjoy being able to openly talk to someone about that. There is an inherent need to understand everything.
Sensitivity for the abstract.
Defensive over their opinions.
It's hard for them to just feel emotions and be in the moment or go with the flow.
Cancer Moon
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Actually very secretive about their emotions, especially towards strangers and people they're not close with.
Changes their personality to fit with the people around them, even if that mans compensating low confidence for seemingly high confidence. Although they do this, they don’t see those friends as true friends, they know it’s fake and see through that.
Will act nice if they want something from you, like buying something for you or straight-up begging.
Family-orientated even if they don’t seem like it. Family means a lot to them. If their home is unstable they’ll be more likely to stay away from their homes, trying to find love and company elsewhere. Nonetheless, the situations hurt them deeply on the inside.
Can be quite moody.
They have a very nurturing and caring side but they won’t show it if they don’t have a connection, in fact they can seem very detached to strangers.
This supposed detachment is solely because they seek to protect themselves.
If they’re not convinced about your intentions or can’t gauge you, they’ll put up a front or wall. This can lead them to ignore people, even if they actually like them. Another reason is because they don’t want to disrupt someone’s life with.. their presence or the depth of their emotions.
They can play push and pull, like how the moon pulls on the ocean.
They go with the flow and the moment which is one of their best skills.
They believe what they believe, they trust their feelings and intuition. This makes it easier for them to understand things on a deeper level, rather than a superficial one. They can persevere very well through hardships because of this too.
They have great memory.
Tend to be very
They apologise for everything.
Tendency towards introversion, they actually prefer quieter places but when they’re younger this is not always apparent because they want to fit in.
Criticism tends to hurt them because they feel like they know best, criticism seems to devalue them in their eyes.
They don’t have a lot of true friends often. Even those who are very popular only see few of their friends as true friends they can count on.
They get antsy when they have to open up because they feel so deeply, they’re often misunderstood.
They’re very responsive to their environment.
Very proctective and defensive (on guard) about their emotions. You may notice they’re upset but they won’t vent. They’re emotionally quite mysterious (outwardly).
If they don’t like you or something you said, you will notice it.
Deep down they’re very emotional.
They often become more family-orientated after having children themselves.
They’re not weak, whatsoever. Mentally, they’re some of the strongest people I know.
They use their emotional resilience to their advantage.
Need a lot of validation and reassurance to truly feel self-sufficient.
Their anger is like a wave and it lasts longer than you’d expect it to. It takes a lot to push them past their limit, but watch out if you do.
Sensitive to outward stimuli such as bright lights or bright noises.
Often attracted to water or the sea in some way.
Can become very selfish when they’re in a bad mental space.
In time, they find their true emotions to be deep and more human than most, in a way. They can deal with these emotions, which is what makes them so resilient.
Can actually accept and feel their feelings without having to understand them which is very admirable. They can just be and feel.
They feel everything on a deeper level, which is why they can also manifest deep happiness into their life.
Leo Moon
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They’re very creative and tend to be talented at many things.
Often, they’re good at acting or doing impressions.
Performing is one of their vocal points, whether it’s through music, acting, sports, or their individual talent doesn’t matter.
They can be very insecure and feel as though they don’t matter, aren’t good enough, aren’t pretty enough, etc. In fact, superficial (physical) inscecurity is a real issue with them.
They’ll only be outward (performing, being in the spotlight) when they’re confident. If they’re insecure, it’ll be quite the opposite. They’ll still enjoy attention, but in lesser doses and often with less people.
They’re very empathetic.
They’re generous, giving to others makes them feel better as well (whereas Taurus moons do it to leave something good behind that’s tangible).
Enjoy sharing their forms of self-expression with others.
They can be extremely motivated and persistent to achieve their goals. “Someone has to do it, so why not you?” because of this attitude, they can achieve great things.
Very endearing because they’re so childlike, they’re just so lovable yet bratty.
Validation makes them thrive harder and insults tend to wear them down. They often expect validation, and forget to give it back at times but not out of malicious intent- just out of cluelessness.
Can be a bit dramatic and vain.
They’ll throw a tantrum and then pout and honestly you can’t deny their apologies.
Have an aura of warmth and genuineness. Their warmth just spreads happiness and it’s magical.
Bad at handling criticism, even if it’s constructive it still tends to hurt their feelings. It makes them feel like they’re failures, often because they take things very personally.
Can be passive-aggressive but won’t admit it.
Can be arrogant but in a way it’s endearing because they’re so forgiving and generous.
Enjoys looking nice physically.
Often, they’re hopeless romantics.
Hard to stay mad at because they’re very charming.
Can be very cruel when they’re angry.
They feel very powerful a lot, you’ll hear them say “How dare you?!” quite a bit.
Doesn’t and cannot hold back if something pisses them off. Very feisty.
Often they have a lot of friends despite their insecurities.
Very energetic and passionate.
They’re like an adult child. They carry all that childlike charm and wit with them. They’re so endearing and kind, yet just as sensitive. This is not to mean that they can’t be mature and serious, because they can and if you treat them like a child then they’ll likely say you’re infantializing them.
The unfortunate sides of the ego can take over when they’re upset. They tend to be straightforward, yet they want to people-please as well. When their ego takes over, they can be annoyed very easily.
They’re impatient for results, better things, people, etc. Practicing patience can help calm their ego.
Rich imagination.
They tend to get annoyed easily, but with the right people they’re annoyed very rarely.
They get especially angry if they feel the action was personal and purposeful.
Virgo Moon
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High standards, especially when it comes to themselves.
Extremely sceptical of everything and everyone. They can have big trust issues.
Sensitive to outward stimuli such as people’s energies.
Destructive perfectionism and anxiety is common here.
They’re not emotionless but it’s very difficult for them to express emotions outwardly because they can’t understand them. Since they can’t understand it, it’s difficult for them to articulate those emotions without getting stuck. As such, they tend to repress their true emotions and sometimes motives.
Pets and kids tend to love them.
They’re extremely attentive to every flaw, regardless of if it’s truly a flaw or not.
A big pro of Virgo Moons is their power to pick up on any flaw or difficulty and change it or themselves. As such, they can work on themselves more easily. They’re always changing, growing and striving for the best version of themselves. That’s the true power of Virgo Moons.
They’re very critical, and judge themselves a lot.
Because they’re so analytical, they can pick up on cues, signs and little things other people won’t notice. This serves them greatly in their quest to be useful.
They want to serve or at least help others in one way or another because it makes them feel useful and fulfilled. Even if they’re leaders or performers, in their head they’re working for the purpose or future of someone else. If they’re bosses, they’ll still feel as though they’re working for their employees or family. Performers with this placement tend to feel as though they work for their fans.
They’re intelligent and seek intellectual stimulation through material things like fitness, health and work.
They live from day-to-day, hence why it’s important for them to feel useful in their work.
They naturally give of a reclusive energy. This is partly because they have a tendency to feel that they are better than someone else because they did something better or in a neater matter.
They’re generally mature at a young age and were forced to go and grow through many difficulties.
They feel like they have to control their emotions, or at least something or someone. Whether it’s health, a relationship, education or something else.
It’s hard for them to let loose completely, unless they have a fire sun sign.
Extremely dependable in crises.
They have a very dry, sarcastic and dark sense of humour that doesn’t work with everyone. They can overcompensate humour to feel more liked.
They’re always focused on their health and weight.
Actually very neat and generally organised.
Can be very on guard about their emotions.
Rather than rational, I’d describe them as reasonable. There’s a reason behind all their actions, and they seek reason behind actions of others.
They make boundaries for themselves, but at the same time they have a tendency to limit themselves.
They seek to always be useful and needed; to be auto-sufficient.
They seek for functionality and practical efficiency.
Have very soft skin.
They follow routines and systems as well as having a tendency to follow routine, they tend not to believe or follow the “impossible”.
They let their skill and work do the talking, whereas Gemini Moons tend to talk a lot about their skills and intellect.
Incredibly self-aware.
They don’t want to make their internal struggle seem apparent on the outside. They express their emotions in private, and seek to control them for the sake of their image.
They don’t want to repress their emotions but at the same time they don’t want to make it a big deal. They want remain “strong” and “under control” because otherwise they feel vulnerable, which makes them uncomfortable.
They spend a lot of time analysing other people’s emotions.
They often spiral into self-criticism because they find their emotions irrational.
Sensitive to scents and outward stimuli.
They make to-do lists when they’re stressed.
They often feel as though their emotions are a burden to others.
They feel distressed and lost when they can’t find the words to express themselves or their emotions.
Even though they put on a smile, they often seem like an open book aside from their anxieties or sadness.
It takes long for them to open up and they feel stressed when pushed, it works best to wait for them instead.
They crave emotional stability from others.
They always feel the need to be productive and learn new information.
Quite conservative in how they come across.
They often just think about their emotions.
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to-hell-and-beyond · 4 years
“Wish I Was Moon”
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Hawk x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Hi, I love your writing. I was wondering if you could write a Hawk x reader? Maybe using prompts #8 and #11 from you Cobra Kai angst list. Where the reader is insecure and thinks Hawk likes Moon and not her. - Anon
Summary: You wish you were Moon but sadly not all wishes come true. That’s until you find the familiar handwriting of the boy you love...
Words: 1124
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You never really got those songs about loving someone who loves someone else. But yet here you were listening to “Heather” by Conan Gray. Except you didn’t wish you were Heather, no you wished you were Moon. You had liked Eli for a long time and when he became Hawk your feelings seemed to double. You had grown to love the confidence that was around him whenever he had that mohawk.
You looked outside you window to see Hawk and Moon. They were flirting tougher and talking right near his bike. Anger grew inside you, rage wanting to pour out. You had been there for him, where was she? Was she there when ever he got bullied? No, but Y/n was.You watched as she waved him goodbye and left. He smirked before going right to his phone.
Hawk: Wanna go check out a movie?
Usually when you would get a text from him you would be ecstatic. Especially if it was one where he wanted to go to the movies, you almost sometimes thought of it as a date. But this time you were feeling different emotions. You were jealous of Moon, why would he even like you if he could have her? 
Y/n: Shure.
What was the worst that could happen if you said yes? You knew one of these days he would forget about you like he did with Demetri. That he would be done with you and drive in the sunset with the Moon. Years ago you would never think this would happen. Guess you should never take anything for granted. 
You were lucky that the bus wasn’t that crowded as you got off waiting for Hawk. You looked at your notifications on your phone to see if your favorite Tumblr Blog had updated. Sadly they had not, so you put your phone away as you waited, and waited, and waited.
You heard the familiar laugh of Moon as you turned around. Standing there was Hawk and Moon flirting. One hand was holding his helmet and the other one was on her shoulder. At that very moment you felt your heart break. Tears formed in your eyes as you watched the couple, wishing you could be Moon.  Hawk waved her goodbye as he walked up to you.
“Hey Y/n! Ready to check out that movie?” He asked as he winked. His smile fell as soon as he saw your face. The tears in your eyes and the deep frown you wore.
“I never stood a chance, did I?” You asked as your hands turned into a fist. You were so done. Done with loving him, down with your self pity. You were so done.
“W-what? What are you talking about Y/n?” He asked all confused as you took deep breaths trying not to break out in sobs in the middle of the street.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” You choked out as the look of horror spread on his face. Little did you know he wanted to come here and ask you out. Moon was just helping him out and besides, she was with Piper.
“You got it all wrong Y/n.” He told you as you pushed past him and began to walk away. You didn’t need him, and you for shure didn’t need his lame excuse. He likes Moon and that was that. There was nothing you could do to change it, no matter how hard you tried.
You cried yourself to sleep that night. You tried not to give him the satisfaction of your tears but you couldn’t stop yourself. He had brought you down to your all time low…
“Y/n?” Your parent asked as they pushed the door open. You looked up at them as you whipped the tears off your face.
“A boy dropped this off for you.” They then handed you a white envelope with your name on the back of it. You knew that handwriting, there was only one person in the world that wrote peoples names like that.
You stared at it for a while, wondering whether or not you should open it. It took a long time for you to figure out what you wanted to do but in the bed you decided to open it. He deserved to be heard no matter how hurt you were.
Dear Y/n,
I hope you’re doing well. Shit that sounds too weird. Um, I hope you’re doing well, you didn’t look to swell when you left. Jesus, am I trying to sound like a freaking 50 year old? Anway I just wanted to tell you the truth. Me and Moon are not dating. You see, the reason I brought you to go see that movie was to tell you I like you. Like, Like you. God that sounds Corny. Anway, just give me a call when you can.
Tears hit the page as you read over the letter once again. You felt so stupid. Why haven’t you seen this earlier? Why did you have to jump to conclusions? Well now was not the time to feel  sorry so you got on your phone and dialed the familiar number. The sounds of it ringing echoed through your room until Hawk picked up.
“Hey Hawk, it’s me.” You said into your phone.
“Hey Y/n! Guess you got the letter?”
“Yah I did…”
“How about we meet up near the old skatepark?”
“Ok, see you then.” You hung up before grabbing your bag. The old skatepark was on the southside. It was the worst place in the West Valley because of its numerous gangs. Some gang put a bomb threat so no one ever goes there. Just teengaers who whant to hang out from time to time.
“Hey.” You turned around to see Hawk standing there, hands in his pockets. 
“Hey.” You greeted as the both of you stood in awkward silence. It was never this silent when the two of you were around each other, but the events of yesterday had changed you both.
“I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions!” You apologized, as you said it very fast. He chuckled before coming closer to you.
“It’s ok Y/n.” The both of you stood in silence, wondering who should make the next move.
“Do you wanna go see a movie?” Hawk asked and you laughed. This would be one funny story to tell in the future.
“Shure.” You agreed and the both of you walked towards the movie theater laughing and joking around like you always do. You too were back to your usual, maybe not friends but maybe something more. Guess jealousy had its ways. You made a mental note to apologize and thank Moon later.
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writing-in-the-deep · 2 years
(First time posting my writing on tumblr, I made it D&D fanfic because why not. I wrote this earlier today for my DM, but after my friend told me about the whumpawoman angstpril and I saw what today’s prompt was, I couldn’t resist posting it for this. Enjoy!)
Nerea holds deathly still, continuing the pattern of her breaths— until, finally, the last of her partners falls asleep. Finally. Now she can give up the act. She doesn’t have to pretend to be asleep, she can just think.
Nerea doesn’t plan on sleeping tonight, plans on staying up until she physically can’t anymore. She has a lot to think about.
For instance, the stabbing guilt she feels for being here.
Back on the ship, it had been hard to hide her casual relationship with most of her crew from the rest of the pirating world. Nerea had known it could easily look horrible from an outsider’s perspective. She’d known from the start that some outsider could accuse her of using her Captain status to force the inclined members of her crew into the loose courtships she practiced, no matter how much her crew vouched for her.
But she’d pursued it anyway. She’d dared to hope she made her crew feel as happy as they said she did, had dared to dream that their happiness was achievable if she fought the world hard enough.
Knowing that they died, knowing she could’ve done more to stop it, knowing how much damned trust had been put in her by those friends and partners who died so young— it burns her from the inside out. She hasn’t begun to grieve yet, too aware that eventual acceptance is expected of those who grieve and knowing she can never afford to accept what happened.
She’s the last person to deserve another chance at happiness so soon after her crew died. Yet this trio of wonderful people chose her.
Nerea swears she’ll never tell them what happened between her and her crew. If she did, they’d start with pity and end with gentle questions, questions she’d inevitably have to answer. And if the questions pressed too far or too deep, Nerea would have to speak a sad piece of the truth aloud, something she barely even wants to admit inside her own mind:
This trio is so similar to the people she lost.
She knows that’s not the reason why she loves them, she knows it could be written off as her having a type, but that’s not it.
It’s not that simple. It can’t be.
Not when Kayden’s laugh sounds just like Finneas’ used to, so full of life. Not when Va’Rida’s eyes lighting up when she’s excited transport her back to Theirastra’s gleeful rambles about the stars. Not when Sarah’s smirk, an assured look of power, is so similar to the one Merrin used to wear when they fired their favorite cannon.
It isn’t simple and it isn’t fair, not when her lovers in the present show glimpses of the ghosts in Nerea’s past. Not when said lovers have no clue what they’re doing.
Nerea could never tell them. She’s too afraid that this trio of wonderful partners would jump to conclusions, would assume they’re being used as replacements— because they aren’t replacements.
They’re the people who make Nerea laugh, even when she feels like crying. They’re the people who hype her up when she’s right and love her when she’s wrong, always standing by her side. They’re the people who can look at the darkest sides of her, the deepest insecurities and worst mistakes she’s shown them, and still genuinely say they love her.
They don’t mind that she’s moving fast, and they remind her to slow down enough to appreciate what she has. They don’t judge her, don’t laugh at her, don’t mock her. They love her.
They’re everything she wants and nothing she deserves, and she knows she can’t tell them any of it. She’ll settle for being the best partner she can, settle for praying the small morsels she brings to the table are enough.
Nerea hears Kayden’s breath hitch in his sleep. She stretches a hand towards him so she can run it through his hair. Within seconds, it resumes its normal cadence. Nerea resolves to keep doing little things like that for as long as she can.
Maybe then she’ll be worthy of them. Maybe then she won’t feel so guilty for the secrets she’s sworn to keep.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
tbh i love your metas but the piece trying to defend against the velaryons being black was so silly and "benevolent trying to sensitive" white woman cycling back to obtuse points staight up racists make with the "i'm hardly the arbiter of what is and isn't racist" when you were using misinformation or jumping to conclusions about dark-skinned people in essos or equating black people to our oppression tacked on at the end.
Are these asks also from you?
not a specific message for you but just in general-justified critiques of grrm gross analogous descriptors aside for just a sec, it is exhausting how people pulling irl equivalents and history and possible explanations for their various anti-black velaryon points immediately sum up African people and civilizations to the slavery and colonization is exhausting and very telling... like such glaring biases its almost borders on parody for those to fancy themselves as rlly doing something just because they can make metas
happy seven years to this post
i mean this all in good fun to everyone but remember to get off your high horse for sec and not take yourself too seriously if you're getting too worked up over media consumption
my two cents even bc im biracial and like sonoya - saying the casting decided to take the lazy route when we don't even know how her characterization will change, which it likely will, is kind of sad to me idk
you make some good points and i know your invested views of these characters as people (which i couldnt get cause i havent read all the books yet/really take time in fandom spaces seriously so respect) but for i just like to see non-white actors JUST EXIST and get these jobs and spotlight and i just know mysaria will bring something different however it may be and that steve toussaint will bring a strong performance
(Regarding these posts)
…I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish with adding more tone policing and personal (inaccurate) attacks about my background, rather than actually talking about the substance of the argument with this newest ask. Other than making me annoyed, when before I was just chalking it up to you expressing your different opinion with some unintentional tone policing. Which, congratulations if that was your aim.
Between the two of us, I really don’t think I’m the one who needs to “get off [my] high horse if [I’m] getting too worked up over media consumption”; I didn’t send 3 asks to someone because I didn’t like their language, then over a week later sent a new ask attacking the character and background of the user when they didn’t answer fast enough for them. Neither you nor anyone else on tumblr is entitled to my free time.
Your opinions about what I said wrt HOTD!Velaryons are noted. But as of this ask, they are not appreciated.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Hi lovely, I’d love to request a Loki x Male Reader writing if you’re up for it! One where Loki reads the reader’s mind and finds out that he’s attracted to him and that he has a kink for his long hair. So, before making any moves to get with the reader Loki uses magic on his hair to make it even more beautiful and much longer in order to tease the reader. This might range on the “weirder” sides of requests but honestly I’m a sucker for a pretty man with pretty hair haha. But if you don’t feel inspired by or comfortable writing this then obviously no hard feelings! I’ll enjoy anything you come out with in the future! 💚💚💚
Hey. Thank you so much for this request i am in love with it. I was more than happy to do this for you.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Male!Reader
Warnings: Fluff central and a sprinkle of cheekiness from the man himself because let’s face it he is evil but in the best way.
Word Count: 1,970
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @0goddammitloki go check them out ❤️
Just Like Magic
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If there is one thing people should know about you is that you’re not captivated or taken easily. Especially when it comes to crushes. But with Loki. There was an instant attraction, on both parts.
Not that either of you have ever done anything about it though. It’s a known fact to you both that feelings are there and Loki has pretty much made it his mission to tease you every time you’re around him. 
The one thing he doesn’t know though, is the effect his long black hair has on you. The way you fantasise about running your fingers through it, about pulling on it when things get heated. But that will never happen. He’s too complicated for commitment apparently.
You make your way over to a café, you made plans with him for lunch today. He was desperate to get away from his family and you were more than happy to be his distraction. Despite it not being in the way you imagine. It’s still something. 
As you take your seat, you pull your book out, a classic. Romeo and Juliet, if you’re going to wait for him, you might as well do some reading. Feed the brain and all that business. 
“Always got a book in your hands” you hear, moving the book down slightly and just showing your eyes. It’s him.
“Always late”
He takes his seat, glancing over the menu whilst you return the book to your bag before doing the same. Once you’ve come to the conclusion of what you want, you order. Plus drinks too, of course.
“So, what is it you’re reading this time then?” he asks, showing as much enthusiasm and interest as he usually does. He always likes to keep up with you and what you’re doing.
“Romeo and Juliet” you smirk, knowing exactly what he’s about to say to you, you’ve heard it a thousand times before.
He runs his fingers through his silky smooth locks as he opens his mouth to respond “again? how many times is that now?” 
You just roll your eyes at him, refusing to answer. But the truth is, you’ve lost count. You can’t help it, you love what you love. Being a hopeless romantic is incurable, not that you would try to cure it if you had the chance.
“Let’s just eat, shall we?” you raise a brow at him and he does as you suggest, digging into his food instantly, as do you.
During lunch, you ask him about the latest with his family. He tells you all about Odin favouring Thor again. 
You can’t help but feel bad for him. He’s always tossed aside, like he doesn’t mean anything. You wish you could help that, rectify it but you can’t. All you can do is be there when he needs to talk. You still remain the only person in his life that he can open up to. That’s saying something, right?
He tucks a strand of hair behind his ear whilst flicking another strand out of his face. That hair is your literal weakness. 
It’s something you simply cannot explain. But it does things. Things that you could never repeat out loud. 
Especially not to him. 
But little do you know, Loki can hear everything inside that pretty little head of yours as he watches you eat. The way you’re sitting back into the chair, one leg over the other. So well put together, so graceful but your thoughts are far from it.
In fact, he’s known about your dirty fantasies for a while but he chooses not to say a word. Mostly due to the fact that he wouldn’t know how to bring it up but also because he would never want to embarrass you. He cares for you. 
Deeply in fact.
So he waits around for the perfect timing to say something in the best way he can. 
Whilst he waits, intruding on your thoughts. You think some more. 
About all the ways his hair turns you on, all the ways it could come in handy in the bedroom. 
His lips curl up into a satisfied smile, catching your attention.
“What’s that smile for?” you ask, kicking his leg gently.
“Oh, nothing really” 
Something tells you, that’s a lie “no, it’s clearly something? Tell me”
He just shakes his head, denying you the pleasure of the reason behind his smile. You just pout, hoping it’ll help but it doesn’t. Unlucky. You finish eating and both stand up ready to say goodbye and part ways. He pulls you into a hug, making you feel small compared to him. He’s so much taller.
“Same time tomorrow?” 
“How about we have lunch at my place?” you suggest, nervously gritting your teeth and awaiting his response.
“Sure” he agrees before turning on his heels and walking away. You feel weak in your knees as you rush back home. Time to continue reading. 
Loki gets home and as he stands in his mirror, brushing his hair. He’s reminded of your thoughts, the way you were practically drooling just looking at his hair. 
The way you were flustered. 
What if he could intensify that? Have you begging to touch it, feel it in your hands. 
Wait. He knows a way that he can make that a possibility. 
He racks his brain for a couple second before remembering a spell. 
Once he gets it mastered, he puts the spell into place, on his hair. Causing it to grow a couple more inches, it’s now just to his chest. Not much longer, but a noticeable change. One you’re sure to love. Just what he wants. 
He cannot wait for tomorrow now. This should do the trick intended.
You rush around, tidying after yourself and the mess you made yesterday after lunch. You don’t want Loki coming in to a mess. Not that he’d judge.
The second you finish, there’s a knock at the door, making you jump out of your skin. You pass the mirror on the way to the door and you check yourself out before opening up to reveal the man himself.
“Afternoon” he grins, stepping in and waiting for you to lead him to the kitchen where all the food waits. As he takes his seat, you glance at his hair, it’s longer. Sexier somehow. You don’t recall it being that long yesterday. 
How does he do that? How does he have you so captivated? Not even just because of his hair. But because of how he carries himself, how he speaks, how he walks. Everything about him draws you in.
“You okay?” he asks, a smug tone in his voice, on purpose. He can hear your thoughts once again. The spell is definitely paying off. Nows the time.
“So you like my hair then”
You almost choke on your water, looking up, your eyes meeting his “what?” you ask, wanting to know if what you heard was correct.
“My hair? You like it, don’t you?” 
You feel your cheeks heating up, the panic filling you. You can’t deny it.
“I do, why?” play it cool Y/N.
“Why do you like it?”
You widen your eyes, standing up to bring some more food to the table and filling your plate “it’s just really nice”.
He chuckles, clearly not accepting your answer.
“So you don’t wish you could touch it? Tug on it in let’s just say, intimate situations” 
Okay, now you’re mortified. 
What could possibly give him that impression? How does he know that? 
“Have you been reading my diary? How could you possibly know that” you blurt out, regretting it right away and covering your mouth with your hands.
He gets up from the table “your diary?” he asks, walking past you and into the next room where he spies a book on the coffee table. He wastes no time in picking it up, all whilst you’re trying to retrieve it. 
He starts reading it out loud.
“Dear diary,
What am i to do about this? 
What am i to do about Loki? That man has all this power over me and i’m struggling to be mute about my feelings, about the things i want to do to him”
You jump up, screaming at him to give it back but he just holds it higher. Not letting up.
“Loki, stop. Please” 
He brings it back down to your reach but before you can even take it, he pulls it behind his back “not so fast. When were you planning to tell me all of this? What sort of things were you talking about?”
“That’s private”
“It’s about me pretty boy, i think if it concerns me then i have a right to know”
You gulp, twiddling your thumbs as you avoid his gaze.
“I just meant that um, if there was ever a situation where um, we would kiss. That your hair, would be great to tug on. I’m sorry, i’m so embarra-”
Before you can finish the sentence, his lips are on yours. The last result you anticipated. But boy is it just how you imagined it to be. Actually no, that’s a lie. It’s a million times better. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, he drops the diary to the floor and his hands grip your face. Your lips fit together like two puzzle pieces. Like it was always meant to be. 
You break away, your hands find purchase on his chest, your pinky fingers touching his hair.
And that’s when your whole body shivers. His forehead rests to yours, his breath fans your face.
“That certainly took a different turn” you let out a deep breath.
He seconds that “a turn that is most welcome” 
He pecks your lips once more “why didn’t you tell me about all of this pretty boy?” 
The name turns you on.
“Nerves mostly, not wanting to ruin the friendship and besides you made it clear you weren’t ready for anything” you explain
“But for you, that would have changed”
“Am i dreaming right now? Pinch me please” 
He can’t help himself, his right hand glides down to the spot just above your ass. He takes his finger and thumb, doing as you asked and making you squeal. 
“I’m sorry, was you not serious?”
You shove him playfully and attempting to walk away, not so fast though.
He pulls you back, attacking your lips in a less than family friendly way. More of a make out session.
A lip biting, tongue battling kiss. All consuming and breath stealing. 
The kind of kiss that everyone dreams of having with their crush. The kind of kiss that just like in the movies and books, leaves you seeing fireworks or stars. 
The way his lips move with yours, so effortlessly and so soft against each other. 
His hand remains on your lower back while the other still cups your face. You lean into him as a whisper like moan fills his mouth, causing him to smile into the kiss. Your hands finally get to run through his hair. And boy does it feel good to tug at it too, pulling him deeper into the kiss, if that’s even possible.
This is everything you could have wanted.
General Tag List: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @rockyrogers 
Feel free to tag anyone that would enjoy this fic.
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 4
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Welcome back! Hope you enjoy✨
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Violence, cursing, shouting, and fighting. No blood mention. Just broken bones and stuff.
2.1k+ words [originally 1.6k but I revised it and added more details!]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5 Part 6
Sensing another one behind me, I went low and struck his leg with mine, using his fall to punch his chin with my right fist this time, being careful to use a controlled amount of force or else the nerve I hit will result to permanent brain injury and can be fatal.
I got up, swift in my actions as I saw the guy with a raised baseball bat heading towards me from my left flank, and the other one from the right, fast.
On reflex, I leaned back, the bat that was aimed at me hitting his comrade on the shoulder instead. Guy's lucky, actually. He would have suffered internal bleeding if it bashed the side of his skull.
Four down, two to go.
I took my stance once again to ready myself. This dude was a foot taller than me, with muscles packed with raw strength, but even so, pale in comparison to Tai'chi's p—
Stop thinking that! Focus!
"Smash her head Dan!" The man behind him yelled.
This 'Dan' went straight to me with his bat raised with intent once more.
Breathe in.
Everything slowed down. I let my heart rate decelerate, my hearing sharpened, my sense of smell heightening even further.
I closed my eyes, letting the rest of my senses take over. Years of practice, days of pain from training, each motion engraved to my entire body with purpose. To defend not only myself, but also those who are looked down upon, discriminated and stepped on like dirt. My parents had always taught me to defend myself. Me. Don't get me wrong, my parents are good people, albeit wary of the other races in our community. But the moment I left the roof of my home, I knew it was time for me to defend someone other than myself. I don't give a damn about where we come from or what kind of blood flows within our veins. I will protect those who need protecting, and set anyone straight and down to the ground when they deserve it.
Breathe out.
At the last few moments, with my eyes still shut, I changed my form. I followed his aura and pictured out the shape that was drawing up to land a serious blow to my head. Dan is solid and heavy, but everyone has at least one weakness. And this guy is not spared from that.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
I opened my right fist, right foot forward and relaxed my arms, my legs serving as a firm foundation for my upper body. With the bat inches away from me, I smoothly dodged to the side, using my palm to push away the hand holding the weapon and punched a vital pressure point right under his bicep.
I bent my legs even lower and struck the center of his ribs with my thumb, closing my hands as I jabbed his sciatic nerve on each side at the same time, both located in the middle line of the thigh between the groin and the knee. A solid blow to those nerve points will cause intense pain and shock to the person, along with a temporary immobility of the feet.
a/n: Self defense 101! Remember that dear readers♥
With the support of my left leg, I went behind the man, standing straight and proud. Calm, I opened my eyes when I heard his fall, staring right into the fearful ones of the moron that started all of this.
"Y-You- You killed them!"
Is he that dumb?
"Correction, I didn't. I knocked them unconscious is all. And the fellow that attacked me first? Well, he passed out from the pain of his now funny-looking arm." I stated flatly as I trudged to where he was standing.
"S-Stay away from me! Monster! Freak!" He stumbled, his ass on the ground and away from me until he felt a tree trunk on his back.
I scoffed and withdrew my knuckle dusters back under my baggy sleeve.
"You wanna know who the real monster is?" I stopped and held him in place with my scrutinizing gaze. He was trembling like a wimp at this point.
"It's you.
"You and your disgusting racist friends.
"You, along with all the people who view and treats anyone other than humankind as lowlifes and pests that are meant to be squished and eradicated from the society.
"No, it's you, and the ones who have the same mentality as you, who are monsters under the guise of a human."
I paused, not even blinking as I bore holes into his skull.
"I am human, down to every inch of my being. But unlike you, I respect and treat everyone, regardless of kind or gender, and to those who deserve it, fair and right."
Before I could continue, I scented new people coming into the scene. It was the teaching staff, along with the uni's guard.
Shocked of what they have seen, they turned towards me, angry, surprised, confused expressions on different faces.
"What have you done?!" A female, human instructor, looking to be around her late 20s shouted.
"Ma'am, if you would just let me explain—"
"You are hereby expelled from this institution, young lady!"
All the color of my skin left me as I heard the words I have dreaded even before I set foot in the campus grounds.
"Now let's not go straight to conclusions. We need to deal with this professionally AND properly Miss Holson. You are also not in authority to suspend this student." A heavily bearded dwarven professor, clad in a brown suit and Oxfords, told her off firmly.
"What are you saying Mr. Dulrik? Look at her! Look at this! She murdered students and oh my God, is that the dean's son?!"
For the love of— she blind? Why does everybody think I killed someone???
"Ma'am they are—" I was about to tell her but got cut off, again!
"Helpmehelpmehelpme!" He scrambled away from me and ran to the group of teachers and hugged the young instructor. "I don't know what came over her! She just attacked us out of nowhere!"
The audacity of this fucking bitch!
"Pardon me? Attacked you? YOU were the one who followed me out here! You and your" —I gestured to the bodies laying flat on the ground— " buddies over there!"
"She is lying! The orc was with her and and and—"
It dawned on me that I almost forgot about Tai'chi. My eyes widened, and I frantically scanned the area around for him. And there he was, standing by the oak tree, right where I told him not to move.
He seemed...irritated?
Oh no. At me?
"I have not moved an inch from where I am standing ever since I planted my feet here." He said with his deep baritone voice, turning to confront the staff. "What she's speaking is the truth. They were the ones who followed her here and attacked her, first."
"And how can we be sure you are telling the truth, orc?" Miss Holson replied spitefully.
Even the teacher, huh? Her odor smells like vomit. I mean, I knew she was...foul, but I thought it was because of the situation. Guess not.
Tai'chi did not respond. Instead, he moved to look at me in the eyes. His gaze, searching, but not in an awful way. Was he asking me what I'll do?
"How about we discuss this in the office, shall we?" An elderly professor spoke. She was wearing the university's formal teaching uniform together with black, flat, closed toe sandals. "And Miss Holson, please quiet down. As Mr. Dulrik said, we should not jump into baseless conclusions."
Miss Holson fumed and shut her mouth, holding the coward in her arms.
"Now then, Miss...?"
The woman paused. I caught a smell of surprise and... astonishment?
She cleared her throat "Well, then Miss Blackbell, please follow us to the Dean's office, along with your, companion."
"Oh and Mr. Smith, kindly call for assistance and take the unconscious students to the infirmary to be treated and looked unto. Thank you." She told the guard. With that, she and the rest of the faculty started walking back.
I glanced at Tai'chi once more to find him, again, staring. I approached him warily, expecting him to be mad at me.
"Uh. Hi?"
I let out a long exhale when he replied, with a slight tug of his lips, his tusk jutting out. "Hi."
I fidgeted, trying to come up with words to explain myself.
"I uh, uhm. Are you mad?"
With his brow raised, "Why would I be?"
Yeah why would he be?
"I-I never told why I keep wearing my mask." I stuttered, "You see I—"
"You two! Start moving before I force you to." A teacher yelled at us from a distance.
"We'll talk later, Pearl. For now let's get this resolved first. I know for a fact that they won't expel you unless they ignore the ill intentions of the ones who attempted to harm you first. But better be safe than sorry, he was the dean's son afterall."
"Yeah... Thanks. We should.. go." I turned and started walking along his side.
******pov shift for a bit*******
Little did Pearl know, he was thinking about how...nice, yeah that's the word, definitely not sexy, you were when he witnessed your skills in combat. It awakened something in him that it took a lot of control not to get aroused there and then, which was the real reason why he stood there, unmoving from his place. Not once did he leave his eyes from you, almost jumping to help you when the guy with the baseball bat was closer than we would have liked. But oh no, he was not surprised, he was astonished and shookt , amazed when you pulled that last technique, sending the human plummeting to the ground almost soundlessly. And the way you stood right after, he knew he was smitten. That proud and intense aura you gave off was enough to make him bow down at your feet. He could feel it. He could smell it. That was his secret, he can scent people and catch any mood shift they make. Even though he told her that her eyes and brows gave it away, it was not entirely true as he could smell, literally, you and the changes on your scent.
Oh but little did he know you could to. Just not as observant as he is.
Wow— when I copy pasted the original thing from my notes to my drafts in Tumblr I was like "okay, so. I should read it AGAIN before I post it if I wanna avoid more unnoticed mistakes and keep editing it again and again even though I posted it already! " And I never though it would lead me to adding almost a half thousand words and a pov shift— which i found interesting and really nice! Should I do it more often? Like little inserts of what Tai'chi or another characters thoughts in second pov in between fics if necessary? It's just, nice, to put them in and write all out about what they were thinking outside of Pearl's pov! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed reading❤
Tags: @kokokatsworld @crackinanutshell
86 notes · View notes
TGF Thoughts: 5x03-- And the court had a clerk...
Hello again! It’s nice to have this show back. This episode was a bit less of a standout than the previous two, but I’m still happy with the overall direction for this season. More under the cut (or here, because tumblr sucks). 
When Robert King tweeted the episode title, I asked him if all the titles this season were adding up to one long sentence/story, hoping he’d confirm it and give a little more information. He did! He said it’s “in the Farmer in the Dell mode” and while I think I get what he’s saying, I’m very curious to see how it plays out. Haven’t been able to track down 5x04′s title yet, but the promo is out. (As of this morning! It’s interesting they’re not putting them after the episode this year; I kind of like it.) 
Kurt’s job is up in the air given the new administration. I think this scene exists mostly just to remind us where Kurt works and the stakes.
What month is this supposed to be in? The transition seems recent but no one is wearing masks.  
Kurt spots a poster asking for help ID’ing people at the Capitol on January 6th. He thinks he recognizes someone...
And now we’re in case of the week land. This case is about a small business owner whose business went under after someone created fake news articles accusing him of pedophilia.  
I think the whole point of this (kind of long) scene is to show that this case is a pretty small deal. Low stakes, inexperienced opposing lawyer. (Not even sure why Liz would be arguing this in court, but whatever.)
Tbh I thought this was going to wind up in 9 ¾ court.
Now that we have junior level characters, we get scenes showing that there are, in fact, people at RBL who are mid-level. Liz asks an associate to work on something, he asks another associate to work on it, she delegates to other associates, and they delegate to Marissa and Carmen. This work seems terrible.  
It’s so funny to me how this is probably more realistic than most of the lawyering on the show and yet it only shows up selectively. We only see the hierarchy here to make it clear that Marissa and Carmen are at the bottom.  
David Lee interrupts and asks for Carmen. He’s very rude to her. Interestingly, she’s hesitant to leave her grunt work and follow David, even though she must know he outranks the associate who gave her the grunt work.
“Why am I supposed to know you?” David asks her as they walk through the halls. “I don’t know if you are,” Carmen responds. “Why does Benjamin Dafoe know you?” he asks. She doesn’t know who he is.  
“Who are you?” Dafoe asks when Carmen enters. She states her name, again. “Why are you important?” he asks. “I don’t think that I am,” Carmen responds.  
Then Dafoe says his top client, and it’s a name that the characters all know. I’m glad this scene is free of any “he’s the white OJ” expository lines (that’s from Sweeney’s introduction) -- it’s clear from the reactions and the discussion of police and rape that the top client is a bad guy, probably a rapist. The rapist wants Carmen to represent him.
Putting 2 and 2 together, Carmen asks if the rapist knows Rivi. He’s not, but he’s at the same prison. As soon as Carmen says she’s representing Rivi, David Lee switches gears, understanding the situation and trying to sign the new business. He’s so shameless!  
Marissa sorts ALL the papers. There are a LOT of papers. I’m swamped. Look at all this paper.
She catches the associate who assigned her the task leaving for the night just as she finishes up, and cheerfully notes she’s finished the task. Then the associate mentions this was only half of the bills. Marissa does not like that. Since her goal in wanting to be a lawyer is mostly just to give her something exciting to do and earn respect... this hierarchy thing is not going so well.
Marissa decides that after her rough day, she’s going to stop by Wackner’s court. He’s in the middle of a case about Emily in Paris fanfiction and he’s very happy to see Marissa.  
Wackner’s night court has a program—it notes the sponsor is Copy Co-op (I thought it was Copy Coop?) and the paper products were also provided by them. And “there will be regular intermissions at the discretion of Judge Wackner.” It’s very theatrical.  
Wackner takes a recess and calls Marissa to his “chambers.” He asks for her thoughts on the case. “All they want is attention and to feel like they’ve won,” Marissa notes. Wackner’s on the same wave length and compares it to the Scarecrow’s diploma at the end of The Wizard of Oz. So, he makes copyright certificates and some minor modifications to each of the fanfic books. They say “I respect you and I love you” and that’s that.
Wackner catches Marissa before she leaves and asks her to be his law clerk—part time or full time, 10% of all the legal filings and unlimited use of copy machines. She is hesitant because she “doesn’t even know what this is.”
Wackner says his court is “the future.” Marissa turns him down; notes she wants to pass the bar. “You know why all these people are here? ‘Cause the courts and the lawyers and the appeals have made justice... unattainable. Out of reach. To anyone who doesn’t have a shitload of money to wait it out. That’s why Exxon beats out Mr. Nobody. Read Kafka’s Before the Law.”  
I just read it, and you should too! It literally is a page, but tl;dr, there’s a man who wants to get to the law and instead he spends his whole life trying to win over the first of many gatekeepers on the path to the law. He never gets through the gate.  
“Justice is only just if it’s available to everyone,” Wackner says. Marissa thinks about that.
As I said last week, it’s smart that Wackner makes so much sense. Hearing him say all this, knowing that it’s true... it makes it very easy to get on board with the thought experiment. Of course there would be huge repercussions to this kind of system, but it makes so much sense it’s compelling TV!
Kurt’s showering when Diane gets home, which gives her time to stumble across the WANTED poster and notice that Kurt has drawn facial hair onto one of the pictures. “Who is this?” she asks him. “No one,” he says. “Well, you drew in a beard and a moustache on him,” Diane notes. Kurt says he was doodling, but Diane calls him out as he is the “exact opposite of a doodler.” Kurt says he thought it was someone he knew, but he’s not sure. Diane pushes him to tell the feds. Kurt reiterates he’s not sure, but it’s someone he went shooting with. “Oh my God, then it’s him,” Diane jumps to (not incorrect) conclusions. Kurt says he didn’t talk that way; he’s a veteran. “Kurt! That’s the profile!” Diane argues. Kurt isn’t convinced and he doesn’t want to be responsible for naming names. He notes he’ll be threatened with indictment for not naming names and then only lawyers will end up benefitting. Diane is not convinced.
I think this is an interesting conflict for Kurt and Diane. I understand why Kurt is hesitant to speak out before he’s sure. And I understand and agree with Diane that it’s important to identify the attackers and prevent anything like that from happening again.
I don’t mean to blame Kurt, exactly, but I feel like all of what happens next could’ve played out differently if Kurt had been just a little clearer with Diane about why he was hesitant to ID the man. Like, the threat of indictment for not naming names sounds like some typical anti-government rambling. Saying you specifically are afraid that this will turn back on you and you need to weigh your options and come up with a plan first would put Diane in a very different mode, in which they’d work together to craft the best strategy. Because this man would’ve been ID’d by someone, sooner or later, and Kurt would’ve needed to be prepared.  
Diane stares at the wanted poster at work and asks Jay to find his identity. He’s on the FBI TEN MOST WANTED? Ten!? Ok!  
Diane shares the extra information she has—the gun range and that he’s a veteran—and Jay gets to work.  
Turns out there’s no money in the case that Liz, a name partner, is working on and Marissa just spent all those hours sorting bills for. I could’ve told you there was no money in that case lol.  
Jay IDs the guy very fast. He’s faster than the feds because they didn’t know where he shot. The range had his license on file, and Jay got ahold of it.
“Well, we don’t pay you enough,” Diane says. “Oh, I know that,” Jay laughs.  
Diane says she’s going to think about calling the feds—it's definitely the same guy.
Marissa notes someone high profile (David Cord, who I presume is a thinly veiled stand-in for David Koch given the name, his role in the plot, and the fact that he is “David Cord of the Cord Brothers”) in the lobby giving a fake name and goes to tell Liz.  
David Cord is performing magic tricks for the receptionists (they don’t recognize him) when Liz and Marissa show up. “I knew your father. I hated your father,” Cord says. “Yes, well, he hated you too,” Liz says. He says he gave a fake name to see what the reception would be like since he’s kinda infamous.  
Liz introduces Marissa as one of the law clinic lawyers. Marissa knows what to say in this situation. Specifically, she knows that it is the exact right moment to name drop her father.  
“Democrats as far as the eye can see,” Cord notes. At that, Liz asks Marissa to get Julius involved.
More good expository work! (No, editor feature of Word, I do NOT want that to say “Better expository work,” that would change my meaning, go away and please stop grading my recap??? I don’t know how I brought this up but it’s telling me my score is 72%, so a C, and it’s driving me crazy. Oh, now I’m a 71%. It had me at like, 50%, because I had written “Wackner” and “Wackner” is not a word. No shit.)  
Anyway, back to the exposition. I like that we don’t get a line like, “Liz! David Cord, the Republican super donor, is here!” We just get to see Liz’s reaction, Cord’s hate of Liz’s father, and the line about democrats. Then it becomes clearer who Cord is.
Just noticed Liz is wearing an Apple Watch.
Liz stands for her meeting with Cord, likely to maintain power. Cord says January 6th changed everything to him and now he’s all about unity and loving America.  
Cord has something to say about Liz’s case, the one that’s not making any money, and he seems to know quite a lot about it. That spooks Liz.  
Then Cord offers her $12 million to continue the case for another six months (all of these months, seemingly, will play out in the couple of days the rest of this episode takes, but, whatever). He just wants them to go after the social media company that distributed the fake news... and Section 230.
Don’t know what that is? Now you do, because there is a Good Fight short! These work so much better when they’re actually needed (explaining concepts, etc.) than when they’re trying to force one into every episode (remember that Downton Abbey one? What... was that?)  
I was talking to @mimeparadox about this short and he pointed out that this short has a VERY clear POV on an issue that actually doesn’t seem to be all that straightforward. If you’re like me and only had a vague sense of what Section 230 was prior to this episode, this short is telling you what to think of it—it isn’t just explaining what it is.
I do tend to agree with the show’s POV on most things, but this is an issue I’d like to read more on. I love how Section 230 was something I hadn’t really read up on prior to this episode and now that it’s been on TGF I realize it’s something that actually, yes, I would’ve been interested in knowing about earlier. Is this because things that are on TGF are interesting to me because they’re on TGF or is it because TGF generally only discusses things that would be interesting to me? Probs a little bit of both.  
Diane asks Jay how to make an anonymous phone call and he hands her a burner phone. She calls the FBI with the rioter’s name. She doesn’t leave her name and then she dumps the phone.  
Credits! Did you catch there’s a Jordan Boatman in the credits? She plays one of the associates who passes down the grunt work to Marissa, and she’s Michael Boatman’s daughter in real life! She’s also been in one other episode, in season 3.  
I never get tired of these credits!  
The RL partners (and some associates who are on the case? I think these are the same ones who delegated the work to Marissa?) debate whether or not they should take Cord’s money. Madeline notes that he’s funded a lot of Republican campaigns; Julius notes that both Republicans and Democrats agree that Section 230 is flawed and this is an opportunity for unity.
Diane notes that the right doesn’t want to stop conspiracy theories from spreading, so is this really that bipartisan? “It would help if the boomers would stop falling for those conspiracy theories and sharing it with their friends,” an associate (I believe this is Michael Boatman’s daughter again) notes. That quiets the room and the partners all glare at her. Yeah, that was a kind of stupid thing to say. First of all, it’s just not appropriate to say to the partners, and it’s also, like, missing the point? If it’s easy for conspiracy theories to spread among boomers, maybe just expecting each member of that generation to suddenly have a millennial’s understanding of the internet is the wrong strategy? Maybe there’s some structural issue here? That maybe, just maybe, this case is actually about?  
The associate also points out that the internet is currently a place where people can speak out about sexual harassment-- “they repeal section 230, and there would be no #MeToo.”
One of the partners says he doesn’t believe that—if they regulate section 230, then newspapers can actually be competitive and there’s still free speech online.  
“We’re not going back to reading newspapers, grandpa,” some associate says. What the actual fuck, dude? Who talks like that to their boss?! It’s so condescending. He’s also wrong! “Newspapers” are not just physical things... reporting by major publications still matters and will continue to matter. Like, is he suggesting that in the future all news will just be random people tweeting things they think are true with no fact checking or curation? Sure, journalism is struggling right now—but I don’t think that’s because there’s a lack of desire for well-reported news.  
I am glad the partners call him out on saying “grandpa” and honestly I’m shocked he isn’t asked to leave the discussion after that rude remark. Unless this young looking dude is a partner too? But I don’t think he is.  
Julius notes that if they’re going to pursue this case, they need money like Cord’s. At that, Liz starts to leave the meeting. “We haven’t decided if we’re taking this Cord money yet,” Madeline protests. “Of course we are,” Liz says and leaves.  
Now that’s more like it! I’m not sure if this is necessarily the best way to handle this, but she’s a) correct, they were always going to take the money because it is $12 million and an issue of interest and b) using her authority. Should Liz be making decisions totally on her own? Maybe not. Does Liz making this decision and then leaving (with everyone accepting that she’s correct) cut through a lot of bullshit and establish Liz as the one in charge? Yup.
Diane says, “Ooh-kay” with a little bit of an eyeroll after Liz exits, but she’s still laying low. I think in a different season Diane might’ve tried to push back.  
Is it me or does Baranski get a lot of material this episode we haven’t seen before? Lots of really good reaction shots/tones in this episode I don’t really think we’ve seen from Diane before. I’m impressed there’s still new stuff after 12 years.
At some point maybe I will actually write the essay I’ve been wanting to write for ages about how TGF is still so relevant despite being in a universe that should be showing its age by now. I wish I could find the first time that I called TGW a period piece set in the present day (I know it would’ve been during season five) because I think that’s the key to TGW/TGF’s enduring success. The shows always feel timely because they try to capture the present moment (which is, of course, always changing) and don’t get stuck in any one moment in time. Further, the fact that the writers are always so tuned in to events and skilled at quickly reacting to what happens in the world makes them VERY good in a pinch, which is (I think) why they’re able to make the most of unexpected situations (Josh leaving TGW, the pandemic).  
Liz and Julius bring a suit against ChumHum to attack 230. Judge Friend is initially skeptical of their argument that 230 is unconstitutional; then she’s intrigued. I am too. This argument about the press is a very interesting one. I obviously have a lot of reading to do on 230, but my take after this episode is pretty much that social media platforms have to be held responsible in some way, but I don’t think it’s feasible or desirable for them to be responsible for every single one of billions of posts. I think there has to be some way to regulate social media giants that would allow everyday people to share things and speak out but would prevent the curated (even by an algorithm) spread of fake news and make social media giants accountable when there are very public bad actors using their platforms. What that regulation would be I have no idea. I just refuse to believe that our options are to give the social media sites full immunity or to regulate the internet so strongly that no one is able to speak freely because all the platforms are worried about lawsuits.  
Over at the VA, people are being fired. When Kurt gets into his office, Madeline Starkey (wait, are there two characters named Madeline in this episode?) is waiting for him. She’s still very quirky and scary.  
Starkey says the guy that Diane reported is now saying Kurt trained him on using assault rifles and buying ammunition in bulk. Kurt notes these were topics covered in a group setting, which Starkey knew—and what she’s really after is the names of the others in the group. (She may already know them, since she knows there were five of them.)
Kurt refuses to name names and just stares at her.  
Case stuff happens! (I liked the last two episodes a lot but it’s much faster for me to just write, “case stuff happens” for some of the scenes.)
Hey, surprise Aaron Tveit! (Not really a surprise; he is in the credits. But still yay!)  
I don’t really know why Liz and Julius are talking about newspapers specifically and not all types of fact-based journalism/press? I feel like their argument is most convincing when it’s about actual newspapers (especially local ones) but still would apply to cable news...
Marissa’s still hard at work sorting papers when the associate comes back in and informs her she can stop; they’ve changed strategies and everything she’s done is now irrelevant. She also says “I forgot to tell you” at the start of that thought, meaning that she neglected to tell Marissa this important information earlier and wasted her time. Marissa is not pleased and so she goes to Wackner’s court, where Wackner now has a deli ticket machine and is wearing super-sized novelty sunglasses. Why not!
He sees Marissa and calls a five-minute recess. In “chambers,” Marissa tells him she’d like to work for him part-time but keep her RL job.  
Wackner needs her help processing more copyright certificates. He’s priced them competitively at $20 and found that a lot of writers want these certificates, even though they have no legal value. (Neither do actual copyrights, Wackner notes. And he notes that if anyone plagiarizes, they can sue in HIS court.)  
“Marissa, I’m building something here. I want you to join me. I want your advice on cases. I want to bounce legal theories off you,” he says. “What are your legal theories?” she asks. “I don’t know. That’s why I need to bounce them,” he says.  
Marissa gives him from noon to 2 and 5-7, which seems awfully ambitious for someone working at a law firm!
“That’s how revolutions are made. Back rooms of copy shops,” he says, accepting her offer.  
Kurt is sulking in the dark when Diane arrives home. He lets her know about Starkey’s visit and she immediately goes into lawyer mode. Notably, this scene does not spend much time on how Starkey found out the rioter’s name. Curious if they’re saving that for later or if Diane and Kurt both know what Diane must have done or if Kurt think’s it’s a coincidence.  
Kurt SET UP A TOUR OF THE CAPITOL for one of the veterans in his shooting group, and that tour was ON JANUARY 6TH! I really do wish he’d told Diane that upfront.  
Maybe the long pause where Kurt refuses to tell Diane which congressperson arranged the tour even after she promises she won’t say is him letting on that he knows that Diane ID’d the guy? Or maybe it’s just Kurt.  
I do not like the dead birds in Starkey’s office, mostly because I do not like thinking about dead birds.
Starkey compares Diane and Kurt to the Conways.  
And now more case stuff happens.  
Julius gets to question a witness for the first time in two years! He’s a little shaky at first but then he does a fantastic job! Yay Julius!
When Diane arrives at the office, reception is filled with around a hundred teddy bears. “What?” she asks. “Build-a-Bears. They were sent to Marissa,” the receptionist explains. “Okay... why?” Diane asks the logical next question. The receptionist does not know.  
“This one’s a Marissa bear,” she says, showing Diane a bear wearing boots and a wig. It does not look much like Marissa and it says “Hug me.”
Diane looks confused and furious at the same time. Her look here is, like, a milder version of the death stare she gives Alicia in Outside the Bubble when she learns about Alicia and Cary’s plan to leave.  
“Why don’t we, meaning you, take all these stuffed animals and put them in the conference room,” Diane instructs the receptionist. She is NOT! HAPPY! The receptionist seemed to be having fun with the bears, but clearly the right answer was to have done something with them and... not to have put them over every surface in reception. Eeek.  
Carmen’s new client, the rapist, arrives at the firm before anyone can hide the bears. “This may not be the firm for you,” his advisor/lawyer (I’m not totally sure what this dude’s job is) warns.  
Madeline notices the rapist and glares at the receptionist. “I know. I’m putting them in the conference room,” the receptionist says, thinking Madeline is upset about the bears. She is not upset about the bears.
Diane finds Marissa, who’s working with Carmen again. She asks Carmen to give them a moment.
“Why are there hundreds of teddy bears in our reception?” Diane asks. Marissa is confused. Diane shows her the Marissa bear. Marissa looks horrified and amused. “That doesn’t even look like me,” Marissa notes, completely missing how pissed off Diane is. I don’t think we have seen Diane be this direct/no-nonsense in ages.  
“That would seem to be beside the point. What is going on, Marissa?” Diane demands. Marissa suspects this is based on some advice she offered to a client who was buying a Build-a-Bear franchise and thinks this is a thank you gift. “What client? You’re not a lawyer! Why do you have clients?” Diane says exasperatedly.  
Marissa gives her a look, and Diane immediately understands that she’s been back to Wackner’s court. “Oh my God, this is about that Copy Coop court?”
“Marissa, no. By participating in that simulacrum of a courtroom, you exposed this firm to malpractice, sanctions, and God knows what,” Diane says. If that were really true, she wouldn’t have sat there and argued. I mean, I don’t know the legality of this all, but I feel like it’s a bigger optics issue than legal issue if Diane and other lawyers are willing to even consider participating?  
“If you wish to continue your employment at this firm, you will never do anything like that again. Do you understand?” Diane says. She will not hear any arguments.  
I love that Marissa is the thing that keeps Wackner coming back. It’s a good plot for her, but structurally, it also allows the show to keep Wackner around without many contrivances. Wackner sees that Marissa would understand what he’s up to, she sees that he shares some of her frustrations with the law, and they both want to work together again. It’s not like suddenly everyone’s talking about Wackner’s court and all the cases somehow end up there or anything.
The receptionist, who is having a truly terrible day, comes into announce that Kurt and Starkey have arrived. “Don’t put them in the conference room!” Diane commands, knowing that the teddy bears will be there. It’s too late, though, because the receptionist (who previously seemed to be fine at her job if bad at recognizing public figures and understanding that partners might not find teddy bears amusing) has already put them in the conference room. I feel bad for her, and don’t think the other things were her fault, but I feel like she could’ve seen this one coming...  
I find the teddy bears HILARIOUS, mostly because the reactions to them are so funny. It’s kind of the same gag as the balloons for Lucca in season two, but I don’t really care, because I’m getting to see Diane Lockhart treat hundreds of Build-a-Bears like they are a real work problem.
Starkey jokes about the bears; Kurt is silent.  
The rioter from the poster is now accusing Kurt of coming up with the STRATEGY for January 6th, which Kurt and Diane both dismiss as bullshit.  
I could do without Starkey’s musical cues.
I can’t tell if Kurt is in trouble here or if she’s just pressing him to name names. Why wouldn’t she just have rioter guy name names if he’s so eager to blame Kurt? I guess maybe if the others were actually there, he might be less likely to name the names of his actual co-conspirators? Or, Starkey might already know the names (surely the shooting range has logs) and be using this to raise the stakes.  
No one (except maybe the partner named Daniel) is happy about the rapist in reception. “Since when are we representing people like Wolfe-Coleman?” Julius asks. Didn’t these people help both Sweeney (though I think Sweeney was in some weird police brutality case and they didn’t actually want to represent him) and Bishop? And Rivi? But they draw the line here? Sure.  
Ah, there we go, an expository line-- “he’s the next Jeffrey Epstein”. Almost made it the whole episode without one of these. I’ll forgive it since it’s so late in the episode lol.  
“Did you approve this, Liz?!” Madeline demands. Liz did not. Daniel wonders if that means Diane approved it. Liz doesn’t think so and calls Diane (who happens to be walking past) in.  
“I know, the teddy bears. I’m working on it,” Diane says when she opens the door. I think the teddy bears are a bigger issue to Diane than to anyone else.  
Diane didn’t approve representing Mr. Rapey either. She’s uncomfortable that a meeting was happening without her; Madeline notes that she is standing there specifically because they wanted to involve her.  
David Lee pops up out of nowhere with the answer: one of the new associates (not Marissa, “the real one”) pulled in Mr. Rapey. Are there only two associates now even though orientation was for a big group?  
Firth is gone, btw. David Lee is the new Mr. Firth. I have no idea why David would want to be STR Laurie’s guy for managing RL but... sure, whatever? David Lee is an effective antagonist, especially in small doses, and this allows the writers to keep him around and continue the STR Laurie plot without a key guest star. If STR Laurie is still a thing, and it seems like it is going to be a thing for a while, then having David Lee take on this role makes sense for plot. Otherwise they’re going to have to shoehorn him in to every plot somehow. At least now he has a reason to be around.  
Liz and Diane take a walk to chat. Diane is worried about having David as their boss. Liz says she has a worse worry—David Lee knew exactly when to come downstairs with information, suggesting he know what they were talking about. “Would he do something like that?” Liz asks when Diane wonders if there’s a bug. “Oh, yeah,” Diane replies. Hah, yeah. He absolutely would.  
They decide to have Jay search for bugs and Liz is frustrated with how much time they have to spend on things other than lawyering. Yup.
“What is going on with all the teddy bears in the conference room?” Liz asks as they head back to the office. “It’s a long story,” Diane sighs. I also love that the teddy bears link the various pieces of the episode together—it feels like all of these threads are happening simultaneously because of that constant.  
I don’t get RL’s approach to clients. Bishop and Rivi are ok, Wolfe-Colman is not (except that actually he is fine). Cord is okay too. Do they draw the line anywhere? I know Liz was right when she said that OF COURSE they were taking the money, but is there really nothing that differentiates that situation from this one? I feel like there should be.
Marissa goes back to see Wackner. Since someone refuses to say “I respect and I love you,” Wackner reverses his ruling. This is part of the “Bad Loser Law of last Wednesday,” so the rules of Wackner’s court are clearly a work in progress.
Marissa explains she can’t be the law clerk because of Diane. She tries to connect him with a real lawyer, still not understanding exactly what Wackner’s after. “You know just enough not to crush what I’m doing here,” Wackner explains. “A real lawyer will look for reasons why not. I need someone to look for reasons why.”  
Case stuff happens. I cannot read Cord’s handwriting. Liz and Julius lose the case because Judge Friend says what’s happening isn’t fair, but it is constitutional. (So here we have, at least in the show’s POV, a good and attentive judge who can’t make decisions that make sense because she’s bound by a document written before anyone had ever dreamed of the internet.)  
Cord is waiting for Liz in her office. He’s prepared to bankroll an appeal. Did they blow thorough that $12 million already? Impressive; it’s been like a day.  
Cord says they are definitely the firm he wants. Interesting.
Now Liz wants a meeting with Carmen, so it’s Marissa who leaves the room. This scene seems like it was meant to be a different day?  
Liz wants to talk about Mr. Rapey. Carmen is, yet again, chill about the case. “Carmen, is there anyone that you would not represent?” Liz asks. Funny, Liz, I could ask you the same. Being hesitant about it is not changing the fact that you’re representing bad people. Carmen’s just cutting the bullshit.  
“I don’t understand. Is there someone you don’t want me to represent?” I love how Carmen’s incredibly polite responses always seem very pointed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Carmen’s reply, and yet it puts Liz in a place where she can’t dance around what she’s trying to say.  
“I’m just trying to get a sense of who you are,” Liz explains.  
Then Liz decides she’s going to help on the Craig Wolfe-Colman (Mr. Rapey) case, and they will keep talking about her career path. Liz, this does not seem like the right solution! You're worried about your associate representing bad people so you’re like, I know, what if I ALSO represented bad people? If your goal is to convince Carmen not to take clients like this, you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot!  
“Are you worried about me?” Carmen says, again turning things on Liz. “I don’t know what I am about you,” Liz replies. Me either. Well, I know I'm intrigued, but beyond that, no clue!
All the bears have ended up in Diane’s office, where Wackner is waiting. He jokes about how his court is always seen as informal, yet this real fancy law office is covered in Build-a-Bears. Then he says he wants to hire RL—he's willing to pay. He wants consultation from Marissa (“consultation on legal issues”) and he’s prepared to spend a lot. And, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that they’re always going to take the money. So, they do.
I love that Wackner’s goal is to “perfect my little clubhouse of the law.” It’s a fun plot, and it also allows for the rules in his court to change (I’m sure we’re going to be treated to/subjected to a lot of whimsical gags around changing and ridiculous rules). It's also a good way to work through the thought experiment over the course of the season. It’s not like Wackner already has a system set up and it’s perfect—I'm sure we’re going to see his system run into issues and explore that more, too.  
Wackner monologues a bit here about why he’s running fake court, and he lets us know he’s going to monologue. Basically he thinks people no longer want to help people and are only motivated by their own self interest. He notes that no one talks about the Peace Corps anymore and asks the last time Diane heard anyone say those words. I’m sure I’ve heard a reference more recently but my mind went RIGHT to season one Cary Agos saying “Peace Corps. Belize,” as some kind of smarmy pickup line. This is likely not where my mind was supposed to go.
Wackner wants “A new Peace Corps. For America.” Diane’s sympathetic to that and agrees to take him on as a client.  
Wackner asks if he can take a bear. Diane instructs him to take two.  
Aaaand Wackner and Cord end up on the elevator together. Wackner hands Cord a bear, the elevator doors close, and the episode ends. Since last episode ended with Marissa and Carmen in the elevator together, I’m hoping this will be how every episode this season ends. I think using the Kings’ favorite liminal space to transition between episodes is kind of fun, and it fits with the ellipses at the end of every episode title.  
Speaking of... did you see today’s elevator-themed episode of Evil? It was written by the Kings. Those two have been obsessed with elevators for at least a decade.  
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spiritclusters · 4 years
Fic Review-1
This is going to be an ongoing series where I read, review, and generally fan about SPN fics that I've read. Because it's one of the deepest desires of my soul to discuss fics in detail with people, and fan and generally just be a nerd, like you would with a original story Unfortunally, I really, really want to do this with the authors, but I'm shy and reclusive, and don't feel comfortable doing so. So instead, I'm going to make a giant tumblr post to describe how much I love their work.
So, no crit in these reviews, just love
*If you have a recommendation for a SPN fic (gen, preferably), your own or someone else's that you want me to read and "review", please leave and ask or DM me. (<20k for now).
Today's victim: Karma's Gonna Come Collect Your Debt
Set: S13
Parings: gen
Length: 35k
Main character: Written to be Sam, but I would also argue Dean.
Sam is dead. Dean isn’t processing.
And then Sam is not dead, Lucifer is there, and they’re suddenly on a deadline- thirty one hours before their single way home literally ceases to exist. Jack needs to be kept away from Lucifer, Sam needs to be kept away from Lucifer, they need to get thirty three people through a rift miles away, and that’s not even mentioning the fucking war currently being waged all over this- literally -godforsaken planet.
But Sam is alive, (alive, alive, Dean’s brother is alive), albeit having one continuous panic attack. This is fine.
(It is so, so not.)
Reasons You Should Read This:
You know those writers that actually manage to take trauma into account, while pushing forward the story and not allowing this to get buried? this is one of those.
Sam and Lucifer content is just. mm. It's horrible, and it's treated like it's horrible.
Dean's anxiety is actually shown
Dean is traumatized by what happened to Sam by the vampires. his brother's throat gets ripped open, and Dean isn't like "oh, we're okay" after Sam walks up alive again, he spends the entire fic stressed about it
The pacing is lovely, no detail is spared
Lucifer shows up at the camp and no one goes "he's in chains, ergo, he's no longer a problem." He is the Devil, and he is treated as the untrustworthy, snake-like creature he is.
Cas isn't powerless, and he's not stupid.
Mary isn't amazing, but she actually tries to have some form of a bond. Sort of.
Gabriel isn't useless or just there to please fans, he actually does something
The Cage is talked about.
Jack learns about the Cage
Upon learning about the Cage, Jack decides he doesn't want to talk to Lucifer anymore.
Dean is not ignorant to what Lucifer's presence is doing to Sam, or what it has done to Sam in the past. The fic implies that while Sam probably doesn't talk about it to Dean (Because PTSD and it makes sense), Sam isn't unaffected by what happened to him.
Dean is overly paranoid about anywhere he goes, trying to make sure that it's safe. (Such a small detail, but it always, always pleases me to read it)
Dean and Sam actually have a bond, and it's so very present and so very, very enjoyable.
Sam kills Lucifer
No Michael possession!
Sam speaks Enochian, which always gets a win for me.
++My Analysis of the fic:
Writing style and why it works:
The writing is very authentic to how I think Dean's brain works. It's anxiety riddled, fast with worry, and clearly shows the depth of how much hunting has affected him. Dean's brain isn't...smooth is the only word I can think of for this, it's not point A to B like other characters are and that makes sense. The writing focuses deeply on reactions, the way words are spoken, and physical sensations. Especially for Dean, there's little to 0 regard on how he's feeling. Which is something I totally see Dean doing.
But the reason that this frantic, almost skittering writing works is because this is a situation that you'd be thinking like that. Lines cut out because Dean, trauma riddled, doesn't want to think about something. There's jumping and processing and "well, crap" moments. My favorite thing about this author's writing style? they are very much into show not tell, which allows the readers to draw their own conclusions, but also makes it a much more enjoyable experience.
The focus on time, especially given these circumstances, was a beautiful detail to add. It kept a sense of pressure on the writing, because everyone knows that we are on a time limit.
There's also a deep sense of secrecy between Sam, Dean and Cas and the others in the story. They have and share information between the three of them that no one else has, and that makes sense because they have been working together for years.
But because, Sam and Dean especially, they are aware of each other, the characters don't feel like strangers. They know each other, and have been living with each other for a long, long time, and you can clearly see that with how attuned they are to each other. It was beautiful.
Character portrayal:
One of my favorite things about how the characters are portrayed here is that Sam is visibly uncomfortable in Lucifer's presence. Sam was disgusted by Lucifer, and when we're told that because Sam still has residual grace left in him and he can kill Lucifer, Sam is horrified. Sam is allowed to be as trauma riddled as someone who went through that would be. It's beautiful.
I also really appreciate how Dean is allowed to be freaked out about Sam literally getting his throat ripped out. Dean is allowed to not be this perfect fearless older brother. Dean is human here. He's a person with struggles who is concerned about Sam and others, but Dean still feels distinct.
I will also forever appreciate how the characters interact here. Everything is so subtle. If they're soft, it's not blatant, if they hate each other, then it's angry staring, but nothing feels explicit, and I love that.
Small details that make me go "mm.":
Dean always checking the "safety" of a room when they enter.
Mary not knowing about the Cage or John telling Dean to kill Sam
Sam's body language when he's around Lucifer
Upon 1 (one) glance at lucifer, Sam is completely aware that the chains have no effect on Lucifer and tells Dean
(pale face, frantic eyes, mouth open in an agonized scream)
Dean not knowing Maggie's name
Favorite scene and why:
This was hard, but man, the scene where Sam and Dean lay down to get some rest after Sam comes back to camp with Lucifer, and they just...don't sleep. There's something about this scene that just is so...deeply and utterly horrifying. Because Sam and Dean are supposed to be safe, right?
Sam's alive, Dean's alive, they're close to each other, neither of them are injured. They're fine.
And yet.
Yet...they're not. And you can feel that. Dean is tense and not-sleeping, and Sam is tense and not-sleeping. And there's something just so deeply haunting about that scene and I just. My love. <3
Favorite quotes:
“No,” Jack shook his head. “Why do they hate you?”
“It’s in me Dean, oh, god-” (“I’ve got demon blood in me Dean, this disease pumping through my veins-”) Dean shuts his eyes against the unwanted memory that had risen unbidden to the forefront of his mind. He firmly shoves it away.
"And now Sam was somewhere. Probably having a panic attack. Dean needed to find him."
"Sam, I know you will, I know you can, this isn’t me doubting you I swear. But, man, you don’t have to. You shouldn’t have to"
He hadn’t, not since the Cage. Maybe he couldn’t.
Because Dean will make time, damnit, because Sam shouldn’t have to f--ing schedule his panic attacks-
Dean can’t see it, but he knows his brother well enough to read the tightness in his shoulders and shifts in his elbows under the jacket that tell him Sam’s pressing into his palm scar again.
Because Sam never got angry anymore... not since the Cage.
“Heyyyyy Cassie! You’re back! Thank Dad.” Dean turned to see Gabriel trotting up to them, a scowling Lucifer in tow. “Take im’, please, he’s all yours.” He said, motioning to the Devil behind him."
Over all, I think that the story is beautiful. please be sure to leave a kudos and a comment if you read, because this author is dear to my heart and deserves them.
link once more
Author tag or link: @widowronin, Огромное спасибо! :D
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lemystical-puffle · 4 years
*kicks down door*
It’s my tumblr and I get to choose my content
So here we go
Assigning the Kagerou Project Songs to each group from Project Sekai
(VBS gets 1 less from everyone else because they have Yobanashi Deceive already)
(Songs are in no order)
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Lost Time Memory: The style of songs I’ve been seeing in Leo is this kind of indie rock, songs with a lot of instrumentals and guitar, along with being on a more darker side. I feel like Lost Time Memory perfectly fits this description and wouldn’t be surprised if it gets assigned to them in the future.
Headphone Actor: Like LTM, this song fits the aesthetic of indie rock to a T, but I feel like the lyrics fit as well. With the song being about running towards a goal, discovering feelings, and: well honestly I don’t have anything else I just feel like the style fits and I like the song leave me alone
Toumei Answer: Another one I can’t really explain, it’s just a gut feeling. There’s not much I can put here, I just... I don’t know man I just feel like this song goes here
Summertime Record: I love summertime record, way to much, and I love the voices of Leo/Need sooo.... (Jkjk this isn’t biasy I swear. Plus my favorite is wXs but no one asked), yet again, I feel like it’s the vibes here that makes me put this song here. Just the idea that the ending being with the beginning, if that makes since, I just... I goes here.
(There was going to be only 4 for each but I feel like I should give Fireworks at the Summers End an honorable mention here)
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Kiseragi Attention:wow look at that the idol characters song goes in the idol group, who would have guessed. Well you know what, it fits. A group of girls who quit being idols, a song about a girl who’s an idol and hates the attention, It just feels perfect. Not to mention the vibes are fantastic
Yuukei Yesterday: listen, out of context, this song is nothing more than a cute song about a Tsundere wanting to tell her crush she likes him. And I feel like the up-beat vibes fit in with MORE MORE JUMP perfectly :) Also I mean- Airi-
Imagination Forest: I was debating putting in this song, with it being so plot heavy and since project Sekai shortens the songs, it may feel weird, especially since the song itself has very different vibes than the other MORE MORE JUMP songs, but I feel like if cut right, then it could be seen as a simple cute story song. Now I don’t think this would be a song to get a PV or be an Event Song, but more one of those songs that just appear in the shop that you vibe to occasionally.
Lost Day Hour: or as I call it, “summertime record but I don’t want to cry as hard.” I feel like this song is one of those where it sounds so chirpy and the music doesn’t fit the lyrics, and I feel like that works so well with MORE MORE JUMP, so uh yeah it’s here now. Shut up I never said this was going to be a good list.
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Outer Science: I know, shocking. Okay okay sorry, I know a lot of people have said this before, but I mean come on. Outer Science in VBS, please. Let them scream the womb. Though my one thing is I don’t know who would sing it. I can’t imagine any VS other than IA singing this song, but I don’t want it to feel to similar to Yobanashi Deceive. Maybe a girls solo? Maybe a group song? I don’t know but I know it needs in.
Kagerou Days: Yes VBS gets both iconic songs I’m sorry but where else could a song about death go??/j I feel like VBS has the right vocal range to do this song justice, maybe make it into a duet for both Hibiya and Hiyori, though I don’t know if this is the type of song to get a MV or not, because while it technically has an official one, the fan made one is more well known and the official one could distract the player with the fast text.
Children Record: I have 3 main reasons. 1) VBS is a mixed gender group and so the lyrics “boys and girls.” Don’t feel as weird. 2) A rock-ish song about a group of people with powers with an aesthetic of street art and graffiti??? 3) Daze isn’t an option so this is my second best choice. (I would totally make them do Daze, they could do Daze so well and I would kill for it, hOwEvEr I don’t know how much it counts because it was originally sung by MARiA and the IA version is only a cover.
There’s no 4. They have Yobanashi Deceive
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Otsukimi Recital: I was struggling with wXs, with both the group and Kagerou Project having such different vibes that it was hard to figure out what would go here, but I feel like this song is one that definitely belongs. While yes, it’s an idol song, it has the right about of cheerful vibes, those of wanting to make people happy, that I feel like it fits right in with the bright wonderland group.
Konoha’s State of the World: Okay listen, I know this song is really hecking dark, but you know what? wXs has some dark songs, so they can have some Konoha No Sekaijijou thank you very much. I feel like this could be a a Tenma, Rui and KAITO song, simply because I can’t see any of the girls singing this song.
Shonen Brave: Listen, a song about a scared boy who finds courage in helping a scared girl, thats what this song is (leaving out the whole eye powers and dying and medusa bits), and I feel like this could be a Rui and Nene song, since Rui had made the Nenerobo since she couldn’t talk to people, and the song is about finding courage, but then again I’m not all to familiar with the story so I could be wrong.
Imaginary Reload, Shissou World, or My Funny Weekend: I feel like either one of these songs has potential to be a wXs song, but I don’t really have any reasoning behind it, hense why there are 2 songs here but nothing else. Oops 
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Jinzou Enemy: This song just screams 25-ji to me. The dark yet somehow hopeful lyrics, the dark aesthetic, I feel like this is the second most fitting song for this group (we’ll get to the first in a bit), and I also feel like this song is criminally underrated, so having it be reborn and covered would just be amazing in its own right. 
Additional Memory: Now the most fitting song for 25-ji is Additional Memory and I will not be taking criticism. The lyrics of Additional Memory talk about being trapped in some unknown world, being lost angry confused, and living with regrets. I am sorry but if that doesn’t just scream 25-ji then uh well I don’t know the story so don’t tell me and ruin my fun. I feel like the Daze and their Sekai have a lit of similarities in just vibes alone, so having a song that takes place in the daze feels just given. Please let them sing Additional Memory.
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness: Okay okay, I know this sounds weird. A song about sisterhood where only one character is a sibling and their relationship doesn’t mirror Ayano’s and her siblings at all, but here me out. I feel like them singing about these kinds of connections, songs about self sacrifice, regret and dreams, I just feel like it fits. I really have nothing else to say here.
I know I already used Lost Time Memory but you know what screw it I’m using it twice because I absolutely can. I feel like if Shintaro were to go in any group, he would be put right into 25-ji despite being a male and I think his song deserves to be mentioned here. I really don’t have much to say, other than Kanade is also a Hikikomori so she should get center.
Not really a 5, just briefly mentioning Marry’s fictional world here because I feel like I absolutely should.
Afterwords: This is 100 percent not a “songs that should be in project sekai” post. As you could see, a lot of the songs I had mentioned were based on vibes alone and don’t really fit. This post was simply me sorting Kagepro songs into Project Sekai because I thought it would be fun, and needed somewhere to put these thoughts I’ve been having. In conclusion, let 25-ji Night Chord de sing Additional Memory.
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