#I love sphinxes with big ol wings
glitchy-creations · 10 months
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“Guardian of the garden” | 4” x 6” | stoneware clay, handmade redart terra sigillata, obsidian and snow amaco brent glazes
“There are two sisters; one gives birth to the other, who in turn gives birth to the first. Who are they?”
Did you know that there was a rarely used, second riddle of the sphinx? I didn’t until I was looking into sphinxes more, but I like to think this sphinx likes to tell this riddle to visitors. Yah know, to throw them off their rhythm.
Anywho; so in August I made a post about a Greek goddess OC I had come up with. The gist is that she’s a minor chthonic goddess of secrecy (among other things) and the producer of ambrosia/nectar. I was trying to think of something to put on this plaque and I thought “why not give the goddess of secrets a sphinx to protect her secret enchanted garden”, and so I did! I have a second plaque that has a sphinx with a similar hair style, I like to think it’s the same sphinx.
This piece uses the same terra sig as my last post which is why the colour is off.
I also have to give artistfuly on insta another shout out for her amazing Greek headdress designs! They totally save me the struggle of finding hairstyles for some of the characters!
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
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I know near nothing about Hollow Knight besides how much I wanna get it eventually soon but I was just really wanting to make an OC so here's my OC whom I may tweak in the future depending on this or that, Parva Tineaguus, inspired by the white-lined sphinx moth 🦋✨
She's the self-proclaimed King of a place I made up called the Woodfast; which honestly might tweak that name later too but eh.
Also, unpictured, but Parva has a big ol' mount named Anser and loves them very much.
Personality wise, Parva takes her kingly duties very seriously, frequently going on patrols around her realm (which is on a mountain and forest) atop Anser and: has keen eyes and impatient tendencies but tries her best to be fair and just and sleeps like maybe once a month. Fears consist of climacophobia and dystychiphobia, loves consist of botany and literature (and beverages), and hobbies consist of beadwork and sporty activities. Doesn't actually mind swimming or getting rained on very much even if getting her wings wet makes it hard to fly.
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