#I love their dynamic it’s like brain candy
bluecoffeebeanz · 1 year
Aemond: can i have some?
Aegon, mouth full of waffles: It’s really really spicy, you wouldn’t like it.
This gave me me flashbacks of your art with the nugget incident😂😂😂 these two never share food
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writerjayne · 10 months
I was thinking about things cause I saw a Supernatural edit, and my ADHD brain followed the thought train to Teen Wolf as it often does, and I have thoughts.
As much as I LOVE Stiles raising a baby/having a baby/ finding a baby and being naturally good at it while Derek is out of his depth when you break it down, it makes no sense.
Stiles and Scott? As only children and BOYS when did they ever have a chance to look after children? (While I think boys are perfectly capable of caring for children parents tend to favor girls in child care so like when would they have even had an opportunity?)
DEREK, on the other hand....
A) he has a younger sister with a fairly significant age gap. B) he had a pack that canonically is referenced as to having children, and with family/pack dynamics, it would not be a stretch that Derek has at least SOME experience with children, especially since it's implied Cora is closer in age to Stiles and co whereas Derek is in his early 20s in season one. (Obviously, we all know what a mess the Teen Wolf timeline is, but for the sake of this post early 20s)
Derek's not good with teenagers... As we know... *insert every early interaction with Stiles and Scott ever* But kids and babies? No problem Think about how he is with everyone in the show but then how he was with those little trick-or-treaters. He scared them sure but he also gave them candy, when he could have just as easily ignored them.
I just feel like if you gave him a baby, he would just be like: "I'm a father now, yes I need the most expensive diapers possible!"
Which after having this conversation with my roomie, I realized would make magical Nemeton baby Eli (My favorite explanation) make SO much sense. Found a clearly werewolf baby in the woods? Guess he's a dad now.
Now don't get me wrong, I do think Stiles would pick up very quickly on taking care of a baby, he's very empathetic and cares very deeply, but initially, I think he wouldn't have a clue what he was doing. He would love the baby and WANT to take good care of the baby but wouldn't really know what he was doing. And babies, especially younger babies can be overwhelming.
So what I'm saying is I need a fic where Stiles finds a baby, has no clue what he's doing and Derek is like: "No that's not how you hold a baby/change a diaper/ hold a bottle" and Stiles falls in love so I'm going to write one
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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I came in making some REAL confident statements about the Lodger designs and these guys are just proving me so wrong lmao. I still love them though
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I still stand by some of my points about the goggles and gloves? In that it makes the Lodgers uniquely science-y. I also still think that the various states of protective wear tells you something about how each of the Lodgers works. But I don't think it's as important as I had previously thought. Still, in the interest of overanalyzing for fun and because this is just how my brain works, on with the show! I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for fun and because I love this comic and art, not because I'm any sort of expert in design philosophy. Which to be clear, I am extremely not. I'm just a massive nerd. I'm overthinking this
Having gotten farther into the cast, I'm noticing three rough categories that you can put the Lodgers into:
Goggles/Gloves. At least partially geared up for their work.
Aprons! They maybe don't have any specialized equipment on them at the moment, but they do have some coverage.
None of the above! Helsby, Bryson, Flowers, and Luckett apply here. Helsby and Bryson make sense, their work doesn't happen within the Society itself, so they don't need to have any of their gear on them, if it's attached to their person at all. Bryson also has the consideration of being a parody of a pre-existing person, and you don't really want to change up the iconic look too much at risk of losing the joke. Luckett is kind of the same way I think, in that he's a homeopathic scientist. Literally the point is to use as little as possible. Though he should probably invest in some fireproof duds. Not entirely sure about an in-universe reason for Flowers, I think just putting in more detail would've made her feel overstuffed and busy. Sometimes you just gotta go with what looks best on the page!
I keep giving the female Lodgers really fun dynamic poses and then remembering that I have to cover it with their massive skirts lmao
I don't think Luckett is as irresponsible as him flicking fire into who-knows-where implies but I thought the pose was cute, alright? Also the thumbs up is definitely in response to someone asking what he was doing. He did not hear the question, his ears are still ringing. This will continue for at least the next 15 minutes.
Between the umbrella and the rosy cheeks and the candy I feel like Doddle is what would happen if Mary Poppins took over for Willy Wonka. Step 1 is implementing a billion child safety measures and making this madhouse OSHA compliant. But like, in a fun way
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cielwritings · 5 months
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
Written on mobile
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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dylweedwastaken · 26 days
How I would write a teen/adult Scooby Doo series
The Setting:
All over the USA. They are driving from town to town hunting/investigating monsters, ghosts, and cryptids. This is a world where the supernatural is real, but not super common.
The Gang is well-respected almost everywhere except for their hometown of Coolseville, Massachusetts.
The Characters:
The gang are all in their early 20's. They all genuinely love and trust each other. There is very little drama, but when there is, they figure it out because they are all better together.
Fred Jones:
• Large, tough, man
• Total sweetheart
• Mechanically brilliant (he can build a trap out of nothing and fix the van in hours)
• Himbo and sees the best in people to a fault
• Has willingly taken hits for the other members of the gang
Daphne Blake:
• Comes from old money and has a shakey relationship with her parents and sister's
• Emotionally/socially intelligent
• If there is anyone who would willingly get involved in a fight, it's her
• While she may not have Blake money, she has Blake resources
• Sometimes has to be reminded that not everyone is rich
Velma Dinkly:
• Enthusiastically curious about the supernatural
• Sometimes forgets to sugarcoat things to people who have been hurt by the monster
• Has alexithymia (I hope that's how that's worded) so while she may not always be able to empathize with people, she genuinley wants to and tries
• Sometimes so engrossed in her investigation she ends up in danger
• More booksmart than street smart
• In a long-distance relationship with Marcy Fleech
• Has actually supportive parents
Shaggy Rogers:
• The resident skeptic (mostly as a coping mechanism)
• The only one who can cook well
• Has a seemingly random set of knowledge and skill
• The youngest of the group
• The funny one
Scooby Doo:
• Giant dog (Great Dane's are fucking huge)
• So much love in his heart and cotton candy in his brain
• The Doos are a cryptid canine species
• Has a large family
• Generally friendly, but can bite and be protective when needed
Inter-gang dynamics:
Fred x Daphne: In a happy, healthy, long-term, relationship. Pincushion couple.
Fred x Velma: They are the most invested in the investigation and will often work on traps and plans together.
Fred x Shaggy: Fred boosts Shaggy's confidence and Shaggy teaches Fred new skills
Fred x Scooby: Great Dane/Golden Retriever solidarity
Daphne x Velma: Very similar dynamic to Fred x Shaggy with the addition that Velma often keeps Daphne grounded.
Daphne x Shaggy: Both have similar backgrounds and weirdly relate. They have rich parents who don't approve of their life decisions.
Daphne x Scooby: They are just very sweet to each other and she will often go to thrift stores to get his costumes.
Velma x Shaggy: They dated briefly in high school, and broke up on really good terms because she doesn't like guys. They occasionally bake together.
Velma x Scooby: Whenever she gets stressed or overwhelmed Scooby comforts her. She puts a lot of effort into making sure his needs are met. She often googles whether or not he can eat something.
Shaggyx Scooby: Scooby is Shaggy's best friend and psychiatric service dog for his anxiety. Shaggy is Scooby's best friend.
Other Characters:
Scrappy: Scooby's nephew who genuinely loves and looks up to him and think's he's fearless.
The Hex Girls: A goth band local to Coolsville. Mystery Inc. Were some of their first and only supporters. They have since made it big and still keep in contact with Mustery Inc.
Marcy Fleach: Velma's girlfriend of 3 years. Basically, it's just Marcy from "Mystery Incorporated".
This has been largely inspired by this post https://www.tumblr.com/inkoutsidethelines/706626597058396160/thinking-about-how-i-would-write-an-adult?source=share
and the JelloApocalypse video about Fred
Any other suggestions?
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crxshed-skxlls · 1 year
hi!🤍 your lj x fem!r x cp was suuuper good!! i was wondering i could request a headcanon ver of this??
Your sins are my command 🙏🙏
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— ❝ 10 LJ x fem!Reader x Candy Pop Headcanons
Headcanons that continue this fanfiction .
NSFW tags: Dacryphilia, threesome, teratophilia, superiority kink, jealousy, hate fucking, mentions of sex toys, rivalry sex, switch dynamics, bdsm elements, oral sex
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For starters, they are still rivals. Jack and Candy both can't stop bickering and trying to one up each other to gain all your attention. Jealous sadistic clown + jealous needy jester = insane situations
Jack is a Service Dom with primal urges while Candy is a Verse. Candy can be either a service Dom or a petty pillow princess, it all depends on what he is in the mood for.
Both jokesters love to watch you scream and cry for the both of them. The two fucking into you as you cry out their names, the overstimulation pricking your brain as they mercilessly bash all the right places. A twist of sadistic natures and taunts filling the room as you fall limp like putty in their claws.
Jack and Candy are rivals, they hate each other but they aren't against fucking around with one another. Depending on your mood, you love to watch the two growl and snarl as they fight for an inch of dominance. Their snark remarks and violent comments making your sick stomach swirl with a kindled passion.
Jack and Candy both like hearing you beg them with pet names. Pleading "sir"s and "mister"s spilling shamelessly out of your mouth as they tease your body to the limits.
Jack prefers to fuck your throat. The clown loves to watch you choke on his length as Candy pounds you on the other end, sending vibrations and mewls right down on his stripped penis. His soft grunts and guttural moans filling your ears as he thrusts into your mouth.
You and Jack enjoy toying with Candy when he bottoms, and you relish it. The way his eyes glaze over with a neediness as you teasingly touch all the right places on his body. Jack's teasing taunts making Candy whimper and squirm under you two, causing pleasurable shivers down your spine.
Since the two love toying with you, what is more fun than them playing with sex toys with you? The way you moan and squirm as Jack fucks a vibrator into you, Candy's hands keeping your hands restrained. The way they sadistically torture you with all the right toys makes your brain mush, your incoherent babbling fueling their pleasures even more.
Aftercare is the best thing and worst thing ever. Jack and Candy are more focused on you with cherishing you than fighting with one another. Though some nights can be pretty hard hearing such bickering at night.
You make sure to keep Jack's box in a safer place that Candy can't get. Sometimes the fighting so too much, so you quickly respond by hiding their prized protections and possessions to distract them. Dealing with these jokers is a tough struggle sometimes.
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brayneworms · 1 year
wide eyes (cherry pies).
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featuring. kobeni higashiyama/reader
word count. 1.07k
content. gender-neutral reader, kissing, intoxication, kobeni-typical crying, reader is kobeni's boss but no power dynamics, thorough consent checks, no smut but EXTREMELY suggestive, love confessions.
notes. this is an 18+ blog. minors and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked.
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The hand with your key had shaken trying to unlock the door to your apartment.
It might've been the nerve, or the drink, or the fact that Kobeni had stuffed her face into the crook of your neck, breathing hard and fast, her hands pawing at the back of your suit jacket, squirming like a kitten.
Regardless, they're not shaking now.
The moment the both of you stumble through the cramped parlour and kitchenette to the bedroom, dimly lit with orange string-lights and a salt lamp petulantly aglow in the corner, Kobeni is on you with a vigour you see from her once in a blue moon and always on the field. She's slightly... damp, from sweat or rain or drool or just whatever keeps her perpetually sustained in a state of unspooling anxiety, but her strong fingers have a grip on your blazer, tugging it off like it had offended her.
"S-slow—" you manage to gasp out before she reaches up to kiss you again, fast and needy, parting her lips to lick into your mouth and you groan. "Beni," you pant between breaks for air. "Ben, Beni—"
She whines when you grip her narrow shoulders and push her down, bracketing her fast with your strength. When she peers up at you, your brain flatlines a little; her usual flouncy ponytail has unravelled, leaving two scarlet clips adrift in a wave of messy brunette hair, and it frames a face scarlet with blush from cheekbone to jawline. Her lips are red, full as candy apples, wet with spit, her dark brows knitted up, her dark eyes big and deep and starving.
She makes a needy noise, tries to lean in to kiss you again, but you manage to force her back down.
"Just—just lemme breathe a minute, babe," you pant out. Kobeni goes painfully redder and nods. "Alright. Okay. Look, we've both had a little to drink. Are you sure—"
"Yes," she blurts out, before you've even finished the question. "Th—I mean—that's the only reason I f-feel brave enough to..." Her voice wilts a little, but you can suddenly feel your pulse in your skull.
"Kobeni," you say, lowly. "I... overheard you talking with Himeno a week back. I know you... you haven't done this before. I just want to make sure you want—I mean, that you know what you want. With me, of all people."
Kobeni's eyes fill with tears. "I—I only want you," she hiccups. "I m-mean... God, this is so embarrassing, but I—ever since I got assigned to you, and working under you, I mean, oh, I'm messing this up but I j-just..."
"Breathe, dove," you murmur, and—trusting her to stop jumping you like she's springlocked—move your hands to cup her face. She burns beneath your touch, eyes pools of ink staring urgently up at you. "You're not messing anything up, 'kay? I just need to make sure here. I'm not some kinda scummy boss. I—I care about you. That's half the fuckin' problem, I mean—fuck. I don't want you to regret this. That's all. Okay?"
Kobeni sniffles. "I won't. I've always... it's all I've b-been thinking about. I—every night. And tonight, going out, I thought I was being annoying, clinging to you like I did b-but now we're here and—and I'm so close, please don't send me away." She hiccups pathetically. "I, mm. I love you. I love you."
Something presses down on your chest like a weight, compressing your heart into your ribcage. And you love her too, you love her too, so you lean forwards and kiss the tear tracks on her face whilst she huffs and squirms, craning her neck; her wet lips brush yours once, twice before she makes a whiny noise of desperation and you finally bring her in.
She's jittery, switching between being too enthusiastic and freezing up—presumably because she has no idea what to do. But at least she's moving slower now, satiated apparently by getting her feelings off her chest, and she lets you guide her this time.
"On the bed," you murmur against her lips. "If you're sure."
Kobeni nods frantically, clambering upon your mattress so eagerly that the sheets tangle around her. You bite back a giggle at the sight of her, sitting on her haunches like a dog awaiting its owners return.
"Tell me, okay?" you reiterate as you start undoing your shirt of your own admission; it slips off your shoulders, and Kobeni squeaks, eyes tracking your every moment like it's the last thing she'll ever see. Lamplight glints in the onyx of her eyes. "Kobeni. You can stop whenever. Whatever you're comfortable with. I need you to tell me what to do, how far you wanna go. Okay? You hear me?"
"Y-yes," she whimpers. "I, um..." Her hands wring together, eyes averting into her lap. "I want to... I don't know. I want... you to... t-touch me?"
"That's a start," you agree mildly. "How about we start smaller, though... you wanna take your shirt off?"
Her cheeks burn, but she nods, shaky hands moving to untuck her shirt from her slacks and start on the buttons. Pale skin slices down the middle, adorned with a worn, plain black bra. It looks like it's been through the washer two dozen times—you know Kobeni sends most of her paycheck home to her family. She must not be able to afford luxuries.
You could buy her one. Not in a weird way, like an old geezer sending lace thongs to his twenty-something secretary, obviously. Just... something that doesn't look like it's held together by two threads.
Kobeni covers the exposed skin. "Sorry," she mumbles, and you realise with a lurch you've been staring in silence. "I know I'm not—y-you're probably used to more—"
"Don't think that," you interrupt, walking over and slotting yourself between her legs. The fabric of her slacks strains against her thighs, and she stares up at you, slack-jawed, starry-eyed, alight with blush. "You're so gorgeous," you murmur. "So—the second you walked into my office, oh my god. Haven't been able to get you outta my head. Do I sound creepy? You can tell me if I do."
She shakes her head wildly. "N-no! Me too! I—like you said, the second I walked in—and you've been so kind. Nobody's ever..." Her lower lip trembles. "I really love you. Sorry. I love you."
"I love you too," you murmur, and swoop in to touch her.
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celestiamour · 3 days
I saw that you said your asks are open so, what kind on kinks do you think Cassandra Nova has?
ft. cassandra nova x f! reader — marvel
╰₊✧ kinks i think she would have┊0.9k words
contains: smut!! dom cass & sub reader┊look at the warnings for the short version & the keep reading for details, master/pet dynamic, dollification, power imbalance, bratting/brat-taming, dacryphilia, overstim/edging, bondage & blindfolds, corruption kink, dumbification, exhibitonism, marking
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this is just a list of the major ones, but i’m a firm believer that she’s open to trying anything at least once as long as you’re open to trying them out with her!
━━━ .°˖✧ master/pet & dollification ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ she is the one who rules the void, the empress who you’ll inevitably work for if you want to survive, of course, she would love to have a pretty little thing like you at her knees to spoil while running the land. someone as adorable as you would be much more useful entertaining her and keeping her company rather than acting as one of her minions, and you’re more than happy to be the eye candy she keeps by her side who eagerly answers to her every beck and call with a bright smile. the power imbalance with you is different than the ones with her minions, more intoxicatingly dizzy knowing she has complete and utter control over you.
╰₊✧ as a reward, she likes to pamper you with all the fine things she could get her hands on: feeding you fruits and sweets, dressing you up in lace skirts, tying ribbons into your hairs, maybe even applying rose tints on your lips— most of the nice things that are impossible to find or cultivate in this wasteland are presented to her, but she always ends up gifting them to you since she has no other use for such opulence aside from spoiling her pet.
━━━ .°˖✧ bratting/brat-taming & dacryphilia ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ despite how much she loves to indulge you in luxury when you’re good for her, she also loves it when you give her a bit of a challenge even though it all ends the same way with you whimpering out an apology under her. she’ll tie you up so tightly that you could hardly even squirm with a blindfold as she either overstimulates or edges you until you cry, choking out whiny little sorries with tears streaking down your face. the contrast between how you were just pouting and digging your heels into the ground a few minutes ago versus now when you’re begging for relief and moaning her name like a prayer is such a turn-on for her.
╰₊✧ possibly an unpopular opinion, but i don’t think her sadistic and apathetic personality would apply here. yes, she likes seeing you cry, but only from pleasure and not from pain. there’s a safe word in place in case it’s too much for you, and she listens to you about what you like and don’t like. 
━━━ .°˖✧ corruption kink & dumbification ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ she likes being your first, whether it’s the first person you’ve been intimate with, the first time you’ve had such a mind-blowing orgasm, the first time you tried out a kink which quickly became your favorite— she believes it makes her more memorable to you, but let’s be honest, it’s impossible to forget a woman as extraordinary as her. slowly, you’ll find yourself being more depraved and more needy after your first time together, begging for her attention so sweetly just as she planned. it sounds wrong to be purposely tainting your innocence, but it’s not like it was something that was going to stay for very long if you wanted to maintain this relationship.
╰₊✧ after a while, you start thinking with your pussy more than your brain since you’re so understimulated with how busy cassandra can be and her refusal to let you get your hands dirty. reading the same books, watching poor-quality noir dramas on a barely working television, and playing with yourself in an attempt to achieve the same effect she had could only entertain you so much. when she finally comes back to you, she always fucks the boredom out of you until your eyes are rolling back and you can’t think about anything but the buzzing euphoria. she loves how dumb you go on her fingers or mouth and can’t say anything aside from useless little mewls and she coos that it’s okay and she’s got you. 
━━━ .°˖✧ exhibitonism & marking ˚₊ ⊹
╰₊✧ of course, when you’re always by her side and dolled up like a princess, it’s inevitable for there to be some wandering gazes which are more leering than anything. although she knows you only have eyes for her and that none of them could take care of you like she did, she’s a possessive person. what’s hers is hers and she would like to keep it that way (what’s theirs is also hers, that’s just how it works around here). 
╰₊✧ to prevent anyone from getting any ideas, she’ll leave hickeys all along your neck and upper chest to show that you’re taken (she’ll even go as far as to have her name tattooed on your skin if you’re okay with it). also has a tendency to have sex with you in places where she knows other people will hear you screaming her name over and over again, you don’t know about this because you’re more shy and your try to muffle yourself if you did, but she’s shameless about her sex life and very proud to be the one fucking the prettiest girl in the void.
╰₊✧ (also, if anyone had the gall to flirt with you or something and she found out, best believe that they are going to be doing the most tediously difficult tasks available. or worse, she can be very creative with punishments.)
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and-all-that-szasz · 5 months
Collaborative question to pose to fellow fans (or anyone who wants to add their 2 cents):
If you were planning a Magnus Archive themed party centered around the 14 fears, what would you do for each one?
So far I've got,
The eye: a scavenger hunt maybe? Or charades? I'm not sure what fun activity would evoke "being watched". Fallback plan is eyeball cookies
The buried: I'm real lucky to have a cavern system relatively nearby that does cave crawls, so this one was easy. But I'd love to hear other ideas
The dark: nighttime hide and seek, flashlight tag, maybe a glow-in-the-dark art activity of some kind
The desolation: bonfire. Obviously. Complete with roasting marshmallows
The end: I think the easiest rep here would be skull and bone shaped snacks or candy
The flesh: again, I'm thinking like halloween treats here. That fake raw meat rice krispy treat thing, jello brains, candy corn teeth
The corruption: this is getting repetitive, but I was really struggling I'm sorry. So again, halloween snacks Bug and Worms Edition. Maybe mushrooms if you're feeling adventurous
The hunt: hide and seek tag or some other version of tag, or again a scavenger hunt might work better here instead
The lonely: I call this game "sneaky ninja". It's basically dynamic hide and seek, where you actively stay out of sight but otherwise as close as possible to the It person.
The slaughter: Nerf War
The spiral: nearly any bluffing or lying game will do, but this is another one I was kinda struggling with
The stranger: same as spiral, you can do a bluffing/lying game OR some kind of dress up/costume competition
The vast: indoor skydiving, parasailing or scuba would work Very Well for this, but if we're talking about accessible options that's a little harder. Maybe a stargazing session with a telescope, or some kind of diving game in a deep pool
The web: guess who's back, back again~ creepy/halloween snacks, my beloved. I think spiders/spiderweb treats are easy for this one
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ryuichirou · 20 days
I love your Sebek and Idia pic on kofi! In honor of this, do you have any headcanons regarding their strange relationship? They can be dark or normal or both ☺️
Thank you so much, Anon! And thank you for being ko-fi supporter, it truly means a lot! <3
I definitely should draw this ship more often; it’s so amusing and fun. But I also should give them more of my attention in general because unfortunately, I don’t have any proper new dark hcs about them to share – I wrote a post with yandere!Sebek hcs back in March, so I’ll leave a link in case you haven’t read it.
I do have more general thoughts about them though, and so I hope you enjoy reading these hcs.
Idia’s usual dynamic with all the other boys that we ship him with is “he is trying to hide but they won’t let him”, but with Sebek it’s more of a “you again!” Somehow they always end up stumbling upon each other, even though they don’t necessarily seek each other’s company. Well, aside from situations like in Portfest, when Sebek brought a cotton candy machine for Idia to fix.
After bickering with Sebek for quite some time, I feel like Idia would start developing a weird soft spot for him. Of course it doesn’t mean that Sebek would stop being annoying to him, in fact, a lot of times Idia would be so annoyed that he would be surprised by just how angry he makes him feel. But other than that, he would feel like Sebek is just like a dog that barks a lot, and bites sometimes, but also kind of… cute in a weird way. Especially when he smiles like an excited puppy (especially if you ignore the fact that he is excited because he’s talking about Malleus). He also thinks that Sebek is good-looking in general, but that’s nothing new: in Idia’s head, Sebek is a handsome face + horrible when opens his mouth and starts yapping combo.
Sebek’s feelings for Idia are complicated too because if he wasn’t such a tsundere, he would consider Idia good-looking too, especially if one would dress Idia properly and make him straighten his back and all. But he doesn’t allow himself to think that way about him; he does, however, allow himself to acknowledge Idia’s strong points. One time he even complimented his technomagical abilities (stated it as a fact in a very stern non-compliment-like way), and Idia rolled his eyes, but felt his heart starting to beat a bit faster.
One time Sebek picked Idia up and commented about him being too easy to lift, as if he is but a feeble tree branch with one lonely leaf barely holding onto it. And he said it with such an annoyance, as if this fact somehow offended him. Idia got defensive and said that it’s just Sebek who is freakishly strong, and that Idia himself weighs a normal amount. That conversation went nowhere because Sebek sat Idia’s bony ass on his shoulder like he is a preschooler and left with him… somewhere. Somehow it ended up being embarrassing for them both.
One time one of their arguments brought them into the “cartoons are for kids” territory, and Idia made Sebek watch some anime movie. He fully expected Sebek not to get it because he is a normie who doesn’t even watch regular movies, but somehow Sebek followed the narrative surprisingly well… well, at least his critique after watching it was actually related to the story, and only after that he started complaining about characters looking weird and bug-eyed. This experience kind of made Idia want to show Sebek more movies to see if he’d get into them, but he quickly stopped himself, convincing his own brain that sitting down to watch anime with Sebek is a waste of time.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
hi there, hope you’re doing well! i just read your scenario with yandere ranpo and a darling in danger and i am OBSESSED!! 💜 the dynamic is so freaking good, my favorite bit is when darling asks about the candy being drugged, i feel like it did so much to build up their past relationship and pique my interest. the way that ranpo’s darling was so resigned to their fate was heartbreaking but so well written, i love how much it implies about darling’s experience in captivity while also leaving so much up to the imagination. i have to say i was so thoroughly intrigued by the open ending! the idea that ranpo’s darling defeatedly agrees to go back to their prison, but also clearly still hates it and has simply lost all hope of ever escaping, and is now beginning to give in for the sake of making their miserable life easier..it has infected my brain man (/pos)!! so i saw that your requests were open in your bio and i was like i simply have to ask: would you be willing to write a continuation to that scenario that shows what it is like when ranpo brings his darling back to his home (prison)?
i’ve also written fanfic in the past, so i totally understand if it’s a situation where you had the inspo for the blurb but not really any ideas for past that! so, no pressure to write, but if you would possibly like a further prompt, the idea that i was picturing is a depressing fic where darling is giving in more and more to ranpo because they’re too tired of all of the punishments and they just want their life in captivity to be easier since they know they can’t ever escape him..but if you do decide to write, feel free to write whatever you feel like! Thank you, have a great night! 💜
AUGH thank you for your kind words, anon! they truly mean a lot! i showed this to my friend bc it made me so happy, i hope you don’t mind!! i was having a bad day when i first read your kind words so it cheered me up a lot LMDBF. anyways, here you go! i had fun writing and thinking about what would happen
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Coming Back Home; Ranpo Edogawa
Format: Headcanons and scenario
Possible warnings: Yandere content, dark themes, discussion of kidnapping, manipulation, mentions of injuries
Disclaimer: This is a continuation of Ranpos part of this fic! I recommend you read it first!
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When you were cleared to finally go home by Yosano, you felt as if you wanted to die. You’d be dragged back to your eternal prison by some man-child that claimed to love you like no other.
You knew what he was capable of, and he’d constantly remind you of it. He’d always tell you that he could frame you for the murder of people you hold dear. He’d make sure that you’d go to prison. The only way for him to prove your innocence and get you out of prison was to stay by his side. Though, all of this is a what if…
He’d make sure that you were his, even if it meant tampering with your criminal record.
Escaping while walking back was out of the question because of this.
When the both of you go returned ‘home’, you were more submissive than usual. You didn’t like it one bit, but it was your only choice at this point. You knew that he’d become more protective over this incident. He doesn’t want you to get kidnapped again…
If you even tried to defy him then things would turn out for the worst.
It was terrible.
If you started to comply more, then maybe he wouldn’t keep you in that one single room anymore. Maybe he’d be slightly kinder…
Don’t get me wrong, he was really “nice” to you even before you got kidnapped by that gang. He made sure that all your needs were met, it’s just the mental blockage of him forcibly taking you from your home that stopped you from returning his “kindness.”
The walk “home” was filled with a deafening silence. You could barely think straight as you walked throughout Yokohama. Your mind kept scattering to when you were first kidnapped by that gang—how they beaten and bruised you. Your body still ached from the beatings despite Yosano using “Thou Shalt Not Die” on you. It hurt to walk. It hurt to breathe. It was suffocating. You hated it.
Ranpo opened the front door to your shared “home” and motioned for you to enter. You reluctantly did so, not wanting to somehow manage to anger him by your hesitance.
You sat down on the nearest couch and stared at your lap. Your pants had several cuts in them, so it was clear that you would need new ones sooner or later. It was unfortunate because they were your favorite pair too! They provided you comfort when you so desperately needed it.
“Are you alright?” Ranpo asked as he sat next to you. “You seem sad.”
You bit your tongue, not wanting to say something that you would regret. “I’m fine, Ranpo.”
Ranpo took out a lollipop from his pocket and unwrapped it. He then plopped it in his mouth and hummed in approval. It was his favorite flavor.
“You don’t seem fine,” he said, the lollipop still in his mouth. “Talk to me.”
“Ranpo I told you I’m fine,” you said back.
You didn’t want him to see your weakness, but you already knew that he saw through you. He was the greatest detective out there, and that’s what scared you. He knew everything about you just by one glance. It made chills slowly creep up your spine, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Someone is lying to me!~” He spoke rather childishly. “(Name), I told you how I feel about liars.”
You tensed up at his words. When he first took you in captive he told you that he’d punish you if you ever lied to him. At first you didn’t believe him at all, but you ended up finding out the hard way that he was indeed speaking the truth. You still remember the day where he refused to feed you because you lied about something that was happening at work. You felt nauseous from the lack of food in your stomach at the time
“Fine. I’m just shaken up is all, alright? Nothing bad.”
Ranpo squinted at you for one moment, trying to see if what you said was the truth. He then nodded to himself then went to hug you.
“Oh my (Name), you’re gonna be okay! Well, you’ll be okay as long as you love me! You do love me, right?”
“I do love you,” you said. You knew that you didn’t mean your words—you never have. You only said it to appease your captor.
Ranpo hugged you tighter. He knew that you didn’t mean your words one bit, but he still accepted them. He knew that one day you’d eventually come around to his affections. That day may not come any time soon, but he’s willing to wait. He’s willing to wait only for you.
You slowly hugged him back, not wanting him to give you any lip about not returning the sign of love. In a gross way it felt strangely comforting, but yet at the same time it felt suffocating. It almost made your skin crawl.
“That’s so good to hear!” He said happily. “Anyways, what do you want for dinner, hm? I’ll order something! You deserve to be pampered after almost dying!”
“Uhm… How about your favorite? I want you to be happy,” you lied through your teeth.
You had to be considerate of his feelings. Otherwise he’d punish you.
“That sounds good,” he hummed.
Ranpo pulled out his phone and he started to order the food. Eventually he looked up at you and gave you a lazy kind smile.
“Go change your clothes.”
You nodded as you stood up. You then went into your bedroom and picked out Ranpos’ favorite outfit of yours. You stripped down and put on the outfit, then walked back out of the room. The outfit wasn’t sexual at all, but it still made you feel uncomfortable.
You sat down next to him and he leaned his head on your shoulder. “The food should be here soon, darling.”
He wrapped his arms around you delicately. You’ve been so good ever since you returned home with him, and he knew that you were sore, so he decided not to put more stress on your body.
“I love you so much. Promise not to leave me, alright?”
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cooki3face · 10 months
about me ♡
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This is what I look like, obviously lol ^^
- my name is Bayyinah (by-ee-nuh) , it means the clear evidence that god does exist. From sura 98, of the Quran
- California native, born and raised 🐻❤️
- I was raised muslim, but chose a different life path for myself and fell in love with spirituality and found my purpose.
- I prioritize self expression and being intentional about everything I say and do. What you see is what you get with me, and I never say anything I don’t mean, I never do anything I don’t feel called to do.
- I love the arts, I’m a writer and love to create.
-I’m a big fan of aesthetics and visual stimuli, and I love Pinterest and organizing all the little pictures.
- my big three are: Sagittarius sun, cancer moon, and Virgo rising.
- both my venus and mars are in scorpio. I’m in love with love. A great deal of my life lessons are learned through my interpersonal relationships.
- I’m very passionate about children, motherhood and the home. My moon is in cancer and I have heavy influences in my life surrounding motherhood, my relationship with my mother, and the dynamics and things I’ve experienced growing up. A large quantity of my work, and my lives purpose has to do with breaking generational curses/trauma, spinning gold out of my experiences, and creating room and creating change for youth.
- I’m on my journey to become a certified and licensed midwife, and outside of that I work mainly with children with autism in helping reduce and substitute certain behaviors.
-I love makeup and fashion and the process of putting myself together.
-I’m known for my compassion and empathy and my ability to connect with others.
-my dream is to create and have a better world and I do my part in helping the collective by using my gifts for good, using my heart and my empathy to help heal and create space for others where there wasn’t space for them before.
- I have dyscalculia and struggled with it all my life until I eventually aged out of school and before I moved onto receiving higher education. My mind simply does not process numerical information or processes well. I was either always told that I needed to practice more or that I was simply stupid, neither were the case, but I struggled with a lot insecurity growing up and I always felt like I didn’t really belong in educational settings because of this set back.
-I can draw, and I’m quite good at it but I don’t draw regularly because there are times when my inner perfectionism really gets to me, and I feel the same way about singing, I can sing as well but I don’t because they’re untapped talents that I have and my natural ability does not reach my idea in my head of what true talent is in those areas.
- I struggled with having an anxious attachment style for a really long time. It took me a long time to understand my worth, understand that I was worth keeping, having, loving, paying attention to. And that my worth wasn’t what I could do for others or how much I could tolerate or how much I could stand beside someone through thick and thin and hell and back.
- I love writing. Journaling, writing stories,etc. my goal is to write and release a novel of my own soon.
- I love smooth jazz, classical music and frequency music, probably a whole lot more than regular music and non instrumentals. I tend to be a little sensitive to stimuli or can feel very easily overwhelmed. So instrumentals and softer music and sounds are really wonderful to me and I love them.
- I love cooking and baking (but only when I feel like it) I like good food, and I’m sort of a foodie. I would travel all over the place just to taste the world if I could. And I love spicy food and Mexican Candy and dumping loads of chili flakes on my food for no reason.
-I love history, and have stored random historical facts in my brain because I just think it’s so interesting.
- I love period pieces and period romances. Romance films, and horror movies. I consume mostly romantic content on purpose.
- I love the sims
-I love animals, and my favorite animal is a cow. If you look up the spiritual significance of a cow as well I think it’s really beautiful. I also really love my cat. She’s my favorite person.
- I hate being or feeling misunderstood, it took me a lot of time to learn that I didn’t have to bend over backwards to make people see me for who I was or for my intentions or for my gifts or what I can do. The best I can do is be honest and remain intentional about what I do and hope that those who are meant to hear me, will.
- I hate people who have such deeply rooted hatred or disdain for other people who’ve done nothing but do what makes them happy or live in their truth. I hate homophobic people, racists, bigots, red pill men and misogynist, etc.
- I hate it when people can’t take accountability for their actions, are dishonest or lack self awareness on such a deep level that they make everyone else miserable or have a hard time because they refuse to see themselves or grow. I hate it when people don’t grow. I’ve lost a lot of friends and had to let go of a lot of people who couldn’t do what I could do for them, be in alignment with me, or prioritize their healing, alignment, or growth.
- i hate it when there’s too many sounds playing at once, there are certain sounds and stimuli i just can’t tolerate and won’t.
- I hate it when I have to buy new jeans or pants because finding good pants is hard and I never know if the size I think I am is accurate because some pants brands make their pants differently. And I’ll never know if I’ll have that stupid gap in the back of my pants bc of my waist.
- I hate being super cold. I have anemia and the cold really whoops my ass every time. That’s one fight I just won’t win.
- people not valuing my needs or continuing to do something I said I didn’t like or invalidating me because they can’t fathom the fact that other people have different needs, or that just because you feel some way doesn’t mean someone else shares the same sentiment.
- I hate it when things don’t match or aren’t aesthetically coordinated in some way shape or form. I have a spam account on my Instagram and it drives me insane because it’s all these different colors and it’s disorganized. So I just don’t look at it anymore.
-I hate it when I can’t find the pen I’ve been obsessed with and I hate mechanical pencils with thick lead.
Ok, that’s all lol. ❤️‼️
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greenerteacups · 1 year
I power read Lionheart months ago and it's been living in my brain ever since. In random moments, I see/think about your characters in the world around me. Like: a couple in the park holding hands? I start musing on your Draco's PDA thoughts. I remember the handholding moment as the Third Task started. I see a threadbare book in the thrift store? I wonder how fired up Hermione would be if someone asked her if wizards had an obligation to fix Muggle goods. If Reparo can fix a roof (and costs a witch nothing), should impoverished Muggles have to fight with their insurance company after a storm? On and on. I love it.
Thanks for opening up your asks for questions! Seriously, that's a badass move. There have been a few stressful moments in my life where--bing!--I check Tumblr and read one of your answers and I'm immersed in your HP world again, carefree and curious. <3
I have about a billion things I could ask/am curious about, but I'll restrain myself to two. This time. ;-)
Draco's mentioned once or twice that Harry & Ron don't understand him and Hermione. I was interested in that moment right before Draco follows Hermione to the Owlery. Harry stopped Ron from saying anything, and Draco recognizes that he's probably just as ignorant about Harry and Ron's friendship. So: 1) Is it too spoilery to ask what Harry (dear, sweet boy that he is) has noticed about Hermione & Draco? Does he think of them as one nerdbrain, or is he like Draco? Hermione? Weren't they married like, ages ago? I'm so fascinated by what others see when they look at Draco and Hermione because good GOD, what a power couple. And 2) Could you speak to Harry and Ron's relationship? Is Harry like, "Ron, you've gotta kill that Hermione pipedream," or is that topic irrelevant in the face of Quidditch gossip and less relationship-driven moments? Their (Harry and Ron) connection just seems so...necessary. It's beautiful.
I hope you're doing well! Thanks again for sharing such an immersive, gripping story with us.
Aw, this is so touching, thank you! I'll try to answer your questions as best I can without spoilers or breaching any rules on author-answer-ethics. Standard disclaimers: anything not in the text doesn't count, if I want you to believe something I have to give you a reason to believe it in the body of the fiction itself, and you're free to disagree with anything I say here. For the purposes of these types of questions, I'm basically just a fan who knows what the author had for breakfast this morning.
Harry knows that Hermione and Draco are... something. I think this comes through most in the arc of Book 4 where Ron separates from the group, and it becomes a tricycle of Draco, Hermione, and Harry. Harry is miserable, and it's not just because Ron leaves (although that's a large part of it); he's now in the position that Hermione occupies for most of the original series, where he understands very clearly that his other two friends, while both loving him very much, are First in each other's minds. He has a number of remarks that start to show his irritation with this, though he tries his best to be understanding — it is a similar dynamic to him and Ron, after all. (Fun story: I didn't realize until late in my drafting how much Hermione and Draco's dynamic echoes Harry and Ron in canon, from meeting on the train, the paying-for-candy moment, the Sorting, the class partnership, etc.)
All this to say that Harry looks at Hermione and Draco and sees a wall, in the same way that Draco looks at Harry and Ron and sees a wall. He doesn't understand it, but he knows that's deep water, and he knows he's usually better off not touching it. (Some of this comes through in Ron's conversation with Draco by the pumpkin patch; there's a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to "whatever the hell you and Hermione have got going on," along with a quick gloss on their weird pseudo-spiritual mind-meld connection, which was meant to give a glimpse into how the rest of Gryffindor sees them: eerily well-suited people with separately terrifying abilities who, when together, sail merrily off into their own universe of intelligence/plots-and-schemery and become a black hole of You Don't Want To Fucking Know. I sometimes amuse myself by thinking of Dean and Seamus giving the first years PSAs on Do Not Approach the Wild Swots In Action.) And he, like most of Gryffindor Tower, would have to be blind not to see how much they favor each other. They're always together. There's really nothing that they can do to hide it.
Which is probably why he pulls Ron back in the Owlery moment. He understands that what Hermione is dealing with is something that Draco, perhaps only Draco, can fix. She needs to hear a very specific kind of reassurance, and she needs to hear it from him. In the same way, when Hermione tried to calm Harry down before the plan to rescue Sirius in the third book, she failed miserably; they love each other intensely (they're siblings! the muggle-born twins!) but they're extremely different, and of all the Quartet dynamics, they're the ones who seem most at peace with that. Harry and Hermione's friendship works because they get what the other needs and they get that sometimes it's not them. (Harry more than Hermione, because she's still working on the concept of "sometimes people do not want my help" in general, but still.) There's a reason basically no one ever speculates about them being involved outside of a joke, because no one who knows them would think they could work romantically. They love each other, but they weird each other out, and they're content with that.
In contrast, Ron and Harry's friendship is more of the soul-bonded, life-partners, "he is more myself than I am" kind of friendship. Catherine and Heathcliff dig-up-the-corpse-to-lie-down-with-it type of shit. When Ron gets a death scare in the finale of Book 3, Harry goes fucking ballistic. Likewise with Harry's portkey fakeout in the end of Book 4 — Ron loses his shit. They are deeply, irrevocably attached to each other in an almost codependent way, which is the product of Harry's "first friend ever, like literally fucking ever, not nobody else, not one" situation meeting Ron's "first person who ever loved me as Ron and not so-and-so's brother" situation. So just as you put it, really: necessary and beautiful (and messy).
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Mirai Yuhara and Scarabia
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: None!
Kalim Al-Asim
Between the two of them, there is one brain cell
They both share it
half of it
When they see each other
it's nothing but squeals and dumb ideas
Jamil suffers ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨
Please send help
They have the stupidest nicknames for each other
will make up a new one everyday
Kalim: "Starbaby!" Mirai: "Starbaby?" Kalim: "Cus your freckles and blonde hair!" Mirai: "Then you're 'Cookieface!'" Kalim: "Cookieface?" (⌒▽⌒)♡ Mirai: "Cus you remind me of a cookie! You're sweet, you're face is little and round, and your hair is the icing." Kalim: (♡°▽°♡) Mirai: (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ Jamil: (눈_눈)
Stupid ideas
Like trying to use the carpet to sand board
or to go sand sledding
Ideas like sleepovers full of candy
which results to the two of the bouncing off the walls like little gremlins all night
No thoughts, head empty
Kalim Al-Asim - Dating Mirai Yuhara
I can't see Mimi with Kalim
maybe Female Mirai
but def not Mirai as he is
hes too twisted for our ball of light magic
but I like Kalim too much not to make one
But nothing changes between the two of them
you wouldn't even know they were dating
they don't even know
I feel Mirai would be aware of the crush, but wouldn't act
Kalim on the other hand isn't aware
he just thinks he's being really really nice to Mirai bc they are friends
But when they do figure it out
Nothing changes!
Maybe there is more hugging
and kissing is def added
but they still are just as ushy gushy
and they still share that brain cell
Jamil Viper
He does not like Mirai
they are nowhere near friends
especially after his overblot
like how did an idiot like Mirai foil his plans?!
Mirai reminds him Kalim in ways and he hates it
It's the stupidity, the air headed nature they both have
Mirai: "You think if I jumped from here, I'd survive? (¯ . ¯٥) Kalim: I don't know. Wanna try? I'll catch you with my magic carpet if it's too high." (≧◡≦) ♡ Mirai: Alright let's do it! Jamil: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! (╬`益´)
Jamil hates dealing with Mirai's antics
But he also can't help to be thankful when Mirai reads the room
When Jamil's stressed, Mirai helps out with Jamil's chores
Need to head to the store? Mirai's got him.
Need a nap? He'll distract Kailm for an hour or two
Impromptu party? Mirai will help setup.
Mirai's got Jamil's back
Two in one day! Let's gooooooooo! ☆ ~('▽^人) I honestly love Kalim and Jamil. Their dynamic is one of the most complex in the game. On a side note, Kalim honestly reminds me of a cookie, and in this case an Oatmeal cream pie. He's just so cute and his face is round and his hair reminds me of the cream icing in the middle. And he's just so sweet and lovable, like a cookie lololol! And no, I don't think Kalim is a complete idiot, but he is a bit of an air head, and I feel Kalim paired with Mirai is just nightmare fuel for Jamil lololol
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kings0kc · 19 days
@dcsuperherogirls This is going to be a long post! There will also be some extra characters I’ll name at the end if you want to know about them to! There’s so much info I have to make a part 2😭
Wonder Woman: Her name is Diana Prince! 17
Favorite food is Sugary cereals
Her fashion sense is athletic and practical
She is the third hero we see to have won hero of the month!
Supergirl: 15
Her favorite food is Superfood cake!
Her fashion sense is Peppy and Preppy!
She is extremely clumsy
She is the second hero we see to win hero of the month!
Her favorite band is called “Opposite Direction”
Batgirl: she/her 16
She knows martial arts
Her favorite food is also superfood cake!
Her fashion sense is Sleek,dark,practical and tech-y
She is the ninth hero we see to win hero of the month!
Harley Quinn: she/her. 15
Her favorite food is kaboom candy cupcakes!
Her fashion sense is colorful and wacky
Harley captures her classmates best and worst moments on her web channel ‘Harley’s Quintessentials’
She is the 8th hero we see win hero of the month!
Bumblebee: she/her 15
She is from metropolis!
Her favorite food is honey flavored anything
Her fashion sense is stylish with a hint of tech
We don’t see her win hero of the month BUT we do see her win hero of the year!
Poison Ivy: She/her 15
Her favorite food is bacon and eggs
Her fashion sense is green and earthy
According to the wiki it is possible that her and Harley are romantically linked it is also implied in “ha ha horticulture” that like her other incarnations Harley is possibly immune to her poisons
She is the 5th hero we see to win hero of the month!
Katana: she/her 16 and a half
Her favorite food is Chopped salad
Her fashion sense is cutting edge couture
She has an unnamed younger brother
She has a pet fox named kitsune
She is the 10th hero we see to win her of the month!
Cheetah: she/her
She is interesting, she has scribbled out so information but I can still see it👀
She is from Notting hamshire, England
Her specialty is Quick strikes and Let
Her favorite foods are Lamb Kebabs
Her fashion sense is Athletic and amazing
(There are so many more characters they might need a whole new post so here’s the characters I did not mention!
Cat women,hawk girl,star sapphire,beast boy,flash,green lantern,thunder and lighting,Adam strange,animal man,arrowette,big barda,cyborg,elasti-girl,el Diablo,frost,lady shiva, miss Martian,ravager,Shazam,silver banshee, Starfire,vibe AND all the staff)
Brain POWer
Super POWer
Will POWer
The classes are!: Weaponomics,history,science,physical Education,Super suit design
(Ah yes that’s all they need🤨)
Most likely to save the day: Wonder Woman and bumble bee
Best Student ID picture Poison Ivy
^^ the worst: the flash
Best weapons wielder: hawk girl
Worlds best team: Supergirl and Batgirl
Best supersuit: Bumblebee
Most dynamic duo: Harley Quinn and Wondy
Bluntest Bludgeon: Big Barda and her mega rod
Sweetest smile: Starfire
Most disciplined: Lady Shive
Handsomest hero: Green Lantern
Most flexible: Elasti-girl
Most Dramatic: Star Sapphire
Most animal Magnetism: Beast Boy
Best class clown: Harley Quinn
Most likely to create mischief: Catwomen
Most Ferociously Fashionable: Cheetah
Neatest Room: Bumblebee
Messiest room: Harley Quinn
Coolest cave: Batgirl
Room that only star sapphire could love: Star Sapphire
Junior Detective Society of Metroplis
current members: Batgirl,hawkgirl,Flash,Bumblebee
Vehicles Club
Current members: Batgirl,Harley Quinn,Supergirl, wonder women (just there whole dorm huh😭)
Science Club
Current members: Ivy, frost, star sapphire, lightning, green lantern
MODEL UP (united planets)
represent your planet at Model Up!
Current members, wonder women, supergirl, miss Martian, Starfire, Adam strange, big barda
Track Team
Current members: Wonder Woman, supergirl,flash,animal man,cheetah
Glee Club
Current members: miss Martian,silver banshee,bumblebee
School internet radio station
Current members: Bumblebee (night DJ)
Star Sapphire (relationship advice guru)
Harley Quinn (sanity checks)
Band Club
Current members: Katana,Beast boy, silver banshee, cheetah
CHESS (citizens helping extraterrestrials succeed society)
Current CHESS buddies: Batgirl and Supergirl, Bumblebee and Miss Martian, Lady Shiva and Big Barda, Wonder Woman and Starfire
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