#I love unhinged mc
melkstudio · 1 year
Short Update on Progress
Miwa's solo, as it often happens, is going to be way longer than I thought. But I think I can finish it today! And then tomorrow it's Masa's turn.
I'm very proud of this choice:
You shrug, looking at Miwa. "I guess I could throw you in and use you as a boat. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the cause?"
I hope to see you soon with some more good news! (Like 'I'm rich now and can write every day because I don't need a day job' that would be wonderful)
Anyway, have a nice day/night!
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hopeluna · 8 months
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Thinking about.....Barbatos being lowkey unhinged whenever he is slightly jealous. You can't really tell from his polite mask that he has put on but he's going through every possible torture methods in his head as this guest at Diavolo's ball is getting a little too friendly for his comfort.
You notice his eye twitching from annoyance when the said guest puts a fleeting hand on your arm, laughing at their own joke. Barbatos acts nonchalant when you drag him away to a little secluded space, though you can see his decorum slipping, second by second.
"Barbatos, no."
You get just a shrug in response. "Lets go back, dear", a polite smile as he leads you gently back to the main hall. You decide to leave it at that and instead enjoy the party, making sure that Mammon isn't sneaking his way into the royal treasury.
A few days later, you decide to make your way to Barbatos, having nothing better to do for the day and missing him.
While you're with him, chatting on about your day, a thought strikes you as you ask him about that one way-too-friendly guest. It was as if they disappeared from the ball afterwards.
You, again, get only a shrug in response, "I have no idea what you are talking about".
You pretend not to notice the way his lips threaten to quirk up.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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raezee · 2 years
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I thought he was going to have a stroke.
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starmocha · 2 months
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Meanwhile, Xavier, Rafayel, & Zayne: I'm sensing a disturbance...
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inaflashimagine · 1 year
Did someone say a Nagumo fic? I would like to see it 🤲🏽
ask and you shall receive (pasting 2k below bc i'm unhinged)
You’re considering poisoning the vice principal of JCC.
It’s still in the planning phase, of course. But the true challenge, if this impossible task were to ever be achieved, would lie in the execution portion. Before leaving the airtight rooms of the laboratories, all students in the poisons department must properly discard any concoctions they’ve made in the fume hood (and any other chemicals that require extra care in their disposal are handled by the 24/7 toxic waste team). As many faculty in the department often repeat during their classes, the greatest poisons a student could ever make are arrogance and ignorance. For that reason alone, anything made for off-campus assignments is safely stored by lab managers in the school’s securely locked freezer until they must be given out.
Not to mention that every poisons professor also practices their due diligence by constantly updating the school chemicals inventory, which includes keeping track of the approved materials and poison recipes that students can take out of an extensive library of hazardous reagents, toxic substances, and highly coveted venoms.
That doesn’t mean that students haven’t tried to outsmart faculty or find a loophole in the system. Third-year Tanaka Kaito thought sneaking out with the tiny glass bottle containing his newest poison inside his mouth was a smart choice; and it might’ve been, if he hadn’t tripped over the lab assistant’s foot, which, coincidentally, happened to be in his way. Peers smarter than him have managed to avoid ruptured intestines or chemically burnt mouths, but considering these individuals–of which there are many–still fail and end up being expelled, stealing such precious items is not a risk many in your department are willing to take.
You understand the delicate position JCC is placed in when students break the institutional rules; since the JAA requires any poisons that are used by assassins or during non-educative assignments to be manufactured by those with a toxicology license, it makes sense that the JCC would adopt the most stringent guidelines to avoid a bad reputation.
Still. It doesn’t hurt to dream–or at least, you can’t get expelled for wishful thinking.
Besides, you have to find some way to pass the time in this dreadful class.
“Who are you thinking about killing this time?”
You blink, your eyes falling on the person who interrupted your delusions. The one who makes this class even more agonizing than should be tolerable.
“What makes you think I want to kill someone?” Flipping over the pages of your notebook to a blank one, you begin to scribble today’s course topic and can’t help but note the irony of you desperately wanting Ito-sensei to enter the room so he can start your least favorite class.
The Art of Espionage: For Intermediate Learners
From your periphery, you can see your dark-haired classmate leaning back into his desk chair as he deftly twirls a pocket knife in his hand, unfazed that all of his weight is balanced by one precious metal leg. He laughs lightly at your question, but it’s difficult to catch any mirth that follows it. “I always assumed only assassins carry bloodlust, but you proved me wrong. Though I guess I should’ve seen it coming.” His smile widens, a hint of smugness tugging the corner of his lips as he points the blade toward you like he’s just pointing a finger in your direction and not a potentially lethal weapon. “The ones in the poisons department do love holding grudges.”
You don’t know what others see in Nagumo. Sure, he’s objectively attractive–it would be stupid to argue that fact, and you’re not blind. And yeah, he’s one of the top second-year candidates in the intelligence-gathering department (though there are rumors of him wanting to transfer to the assassin program)–that’s not a surprise for someone who comes from a prominent family of spies, even if it is quite funny that the tidbit is well-known despite everything else about him being shrouded in the largest cloud of mystery…
…but any of those appealing characteristics seem to be thrown out the window the moment he begins to talk. And boy, does he talk.
“See, if I didn’t know any better,” he speaks up, yet again, eyes closed into half crescents as he cheerily jokes, “that annoyed look on your face says you wanna kill me!”
“Well, if you must know, you’re the third on the list. The first person is the vice principal for not switching me into another class.”
Each semester all JCC students must enroll in one class that falls outside the curriculum for their major. This is to ensure that their graduates are competent in all skills that they may need to succeed on the field or in the lab, even if it is unlikely they’d employ every skill on a daily basis. Since the best assassins, spies, weapons makers, and poison experts in the world are adept at rapidly adapting to different situations, it makes sense that the JCC would implement such a rule for their students. But that doesn’t mean you have to enjoy following said rules.
Your first semester at JCC wasn’t too bad. Technically, only third years can matriculate in poisoning classes–though there are a few introductory courses and practicums you can take starting your second year–so you’ve grown well accustomed to enrolling in classes that are beyond the usual chemistry and physics gambit. And since all students are allowed to rank their top choice electives, you were fortunate enough to get the History of Weapon Craft and Creation (considered one of the easier electives for those outside the weapons fabrication department). 
The semester after, you barely passed Firearm Handling & Defensive Training, but at least that class improved your aim with the laser guns in the cafeteria, meaning getting less of those horrid JCC bowls. Yet your luck quickly ran out at the start of the second year, as this semester you now find yourself to be the only poisons department student in a room filled with good-looking, downright intimidating, and incredibly sharp intelligence-gathering students.
You have no idea how you were even allowed to take a class with prerequisites that are nested in the intelligence-gathering department, but your grievances fell on the deaf ears of administrative staff who didn’t even apologize for the scheduling mishap. (Then again, these are the same people who don’t bat an eye when students in the assassin department are gravely injured and even die during an assignment or in the middle of class. It’s no shocker that the second-year class size has considerably dwindled from last year.)
With all other courses being full, your choice was to stick to this option or switch to Martial Arts & Tactical Hand-to-Hand Combat for Advanced Learners. Even if you can’t avoid your fear of looking like an idiot in front of Japan’s future spies, you can at least evade the terror of literally dying by the hands of the country’s strongest assassins-in-training (you heard Sakamoto Taro was a killing machine, a fact you would be happy to simply believe rather than test out for yourself).
However, your earlier fears have now evolved into a living nightmare after Ito-sensei announced that everyone would be assigned a partner to work on assignments together throughout the semester. You didn’t know who Nagumo was until your roommate Asami gasped at the mere mention of him (which isn't even his full legal name! What is he, Prince?). Banging your head against the wall might be a more pleasant experience than having to hear her complain–for the umpteenth time–that you get to learn from such a ‘genius’.
Admittedly, it's only been a few weeks into the semester, but you're still having trouble identifying the genius part.
“Wow, how scary! I’m terrified!” Nagumo sounds anything but after hearing your empty death threat. “Who’s the second?”
“None of your business.”
“Aw, don’t be like that! Do I know them?”
You think about it for a second, drawing the potential lines forming the network before shaking your head. “Well, actually, yes. Because congrats, you’ve just been bumped up to #2.”
He grins at that, big eyes crinkling. “See, now that’s a better response! But wait, am I third–”
“Second, now…”
“–right, second on the list because I forgot to do my part of the presentation? I swear I meant to get to it, but I got carried away with an outside mission.”
Genius? More like a lazy piece of shit, you think bitterly, eyes squinting at him to scrutinize what he’s hiding under those large dark eyes and that apparently innocuous grin. Of course, because you suck at intelligence-gathering, you come up with nothing other than a pathetic, “Stop lying, you sucky liar.”
The corners of his lips droop a bit further down than usual, but he still manages to adopt that customary smile of his and waits for another beat. Fully aware that the silence and staring make you uncomfortable.
“About the mission or getting the work done?”
“You’re funny!”
“See what I mean about the lying?”
The chair he’s sitting on instantly lands on all four, the harsh sound of pegs scratching the linoleum floors making you startle against your better judgment. One hand rests on his chin as he raises a brow at you, clearly amused. “But really, why would I lie about either part? If it makes you feel any better, I’ll make sure we get top marks on today’s presentation.”
You only have enough time to offer your exasperated sigh as an answer, since Ito-sensei finally walks in and announces the start of today’s presentations.
“Good afternoon everyone, apologies for my tardiness as a meeting went over. In preparation for your first exam next week, each group will be reviewing a different fundamental skill for carrying out espionage. First tactic: seduction.”
When you hear your name and Nagumo’s being called out, your suddenly heavy legs slowly drag their way to the front of the room, already anticipating to make a fool of yourself with your half-assed presentation on how to seduce a target, a skill all these students staring at you in boredom more than likely have performed a thousand times before.
Straightening your posture, you’re ready to begin your long unnecessary speech on the purpose of seduction until Nagumo yawns. Loudly.
The action has you momentarily pause, soft tittering spreading throughout the classroom until you narrow your eyes at your beaming partner, clear your throat, and continue.
“Seduction can be used as a weapon when the person employs the technique to obtain an objective, as seen in–"
“This demo we’re about to show!” Nagumo cuts in, waving his hands animatedly as if about to introduce a mesmerizing performing act. Your confusion only continues to grow as he sharply turns on his heel to face you, bewildered to see that his usual bright smile has been replaced with a more coquettish expression on his face.
“What are you–”
“The word seduction means to ‘lead astray’ in Latin. Doing such a thing means you have to observe your target’s every move. How they move. How they look at you. At others. At their surroundings.” Every step he takes forward means you take one step back. Until you find yourself hitting the wall, your eyes widening with how cold it feels against the back of your neck. “How they react. How they respond to you.”
He doesn’t even have you pinned, his arms laying idly by his sides while you dumbly acknowledge you can easily escape right now. But for some reason, you feel trapped under that curious gaze, the upward quirk of his lips sending a weird shiver up your spine.
“Catch the changes in their body language.” He tilts his head, and when strands of his shaggy black hair tickle your cheek you fully realize the distance–or lack thereof–between you two. “Are they fearful? Or are they open to receiving your advances? Do they approach you just as eagerly?”
Since when did he get so close?
You gulp when his hand dances over your hip while the other outstretched one reaches your face, and you hate how your head instinctively leans toward the motion. It becomes harder to stand your ground while your gaze flits back and forth between the inked numbers on his fingers and those half-lidded eyes, a darkness so rare with how inviting it seems.
As he delicately brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear you wonder if he can hear the frantic hammering of your heart against your chest. Even if he can’t catch it, you can tell by the slight way his eyes glisten that he certainly knows, and maybe even relishes, the effect he has on you–the way you’re futilely trying to snap out of the reverie you’re currently in, drunk in the smell of whatever woodsy fragrance he decided to wear today mixed with the sickly sweet scent of that caramel candy he was chewing on earlier.
Well, fuck.
“And it’s in that moment, when their mind is distracted and more focused on you than their own thoughts”–his nose brushes yours, and your breath hitches as all you can do is close your eyes–“is when you make your move.”
You feel your lungs deprived of air the second he presses you deeper into the wall, one hand still on your hip as he uses the other to swiftly grab a piece of paper tucked in the back pocket of your pants.
A sharp inhale is what returns you to reality, your jaw slackening upon seeing him retreat and wiggle the neatly folded piece of paper he stole from you.
“Nagumo,” you nearly growl as you feebly attempt to get it back from him, which only seems to get him more excited as his face breaks out into a full-blown grin and he waves the item higher with that freakishly long arm.
“Should I unfold it? Reveal to all the secret recipes?”
“Do it and you die!”
“Is that a joke or a threat?” As if he’s some film actor breaking the fourth wall, he turns his head toward your classmates and winks at them. “You can never tell with poisons students.”
The room erupts into laughter.
If only you did lace that paper with poison! You’re mentally preparing to fight (and definitely lose) to him when Ito-sensei’s booming voice keeps you two in check.
“That’s enough, I believe we extracted the main point of your presentation. Either return to your desks or report to the staff room after class for wasting more of our time.”
Both of you don’t need to be told twice–you practically sprint to your desk while an elated Nagumo hums a merry tune from behind, your mind still reeling from what just happened while the chaos in the room dies down and the next group begins their presentation on deception.
How the hell was Nagumo able to do all of that? A presentation you conducted research and rehearsed for around two hours was something he easily accomplished in less than five minutes. And with you as the guinea pig! The thought makes your cheeks burst into flames, but you refuse to hide your face for fear of appearing weaker.
“What did I tell you?” He tosses the paper into your lap–still folded into its original position–as he sends you one of those big smiles that used to give you the creeps but now seems to evoke some other inexplicable feeling. “Top marks!”
The urge to spit out “No thanks to you” is so strong that you have to bite your itching tongue, because that would be a fat lie. So you let out a spiteful ‘hmm’, twitching fingers creasing the folded paper even further.
“Wasn’t it fun teaming up?”
He’s still a bit too close for comfort when he whispers the question, so you lean forward into your desk, trying your best to ignore the buzzing coming from the pest.
“You and I have different definitions of fun.”
“And how would you define it?”
“Not being near you.”
“Guess I’m not the only sucky liar on this team!”
That earns him a glare as you plot several ways to wipe that pleased look off his face. You cross off a few bad ideas that you’re embarrassed your mind even conjured.
“The silent treatment, huh…Didn’t peg you to be the type who does that.”
The eye roll you offer him appears to be a sufficient answer as he lets out a small huff and pretends to listen to his classmates’ project, his bored yawn louder than whatever is being presented. You naively think you’ll be able to endure the remainder of the class without his yapping.
And then he turns to you once again, an impish spark in those large, curious eyes.
“But I just need to ask–what’s written on that piece of paper anyway?”
You press your lips firmly into a straight line and stare at him, bemused that he hasn’t figured it out. He matches your stare, looking at you expectantly. Maybe he’s pretending that he hasn’t read it–with how fast he is, you wouldn’t be surprised if he only needed one or two seconds to skim over the writing.
Then again, you’re the idiot for having a physical copy of your plan to cheat and steal from the school chemicals and rare toxins inventory.
“It’s my formula for a poison that I’ll use to kill you.” Like a psycho, you grin triumphantly upon seeing the way his mouth turns into a tiny shocked ‘O’.
And like the maniac he is, he’s quick to return your smile, though it doesn’t quite reach those indecipherable eyes. “Looking forward to it!”
You’re too proud to admit that you feel the same.
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sefynarose · 2 months
the lad boys are the PERFECT templates for Yanderes. i really really reeeaaalllyyyy want more yandere inspired content
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Oh we are so BACK
When I tell you I saw this and died. HELLO?????
Anyway, I should probably try to make some attempt at describing the event since. If I don't I'll just be barking/crying/hiding my face for the next twelve hours.
Basically--and I'm not sure this is going to be across the board, but it held true for Napoleon and Sebastian at least--each suitor has a birthday event this year instead of a separate story. Comte's won't be released until tomorrow, but they have posted a preview.
From what I gather, he talks a little bit about himself and reveals parts of his past that haven't come to light in the game yet. There wasn't really enough to convey a coherent narrative beyond attending a party, but the line displayed here does get across the larger theme:
Comte: (I don't need momentary pleasure or ephemeral affection any longer. Now that I know love, there's nothing but you.)
He talks about how the aristocracy have thrown parties and extravagant celebrations for his birthday for most of his life. But none of it has ever really made him happy, largely because he knows that they are attempts to strengthen and broadcast power relations within high society. While I don't think he means it's entirely devoid of well wishes, I do think he sees it as a nexus of influence--and thus, by nature, impersonal. And honestly, I don't think he's wrong about that; the higher the echelon in social standing, the more it requires performance to maintain the position.
That being said, there is a fascinating flashback where he remembers a pureblood telling him about how falling in love with a human is an experience of another caliber entirely. My understanding is that Comte was still a fairly young vampire at the time, so he didn't really understand what the person was getting at. It seems like the other pureblood was trying to convey the difference in feeling, perhaps the fact that humans are more grounded in accordance with how they live--the reality and necessity of change.
After reading this--and the recent 5th bday story--I can absolutely see how change is something Comte has a complicated relationship with. He's known a certain way of life for so long, has constructed a sensibility of distant, rational maturity. After all the heartbreak of his youth, and two very acute traumatic events in his life, I can see why he'd be so afraid of broaching any kind of proximity with another person. Because on some level it's so much easier not to put your feelings on the line, to never have to fear devastating loss. And that's to say nothing of the worry of being unable to measure up on behalf of another person, of letting them down.
I'm so excited to see the rest of the contents, but something about the preview made me equal parts giddy and enamored (all I do is kick my feet with excitement LOL). I think what gets to me with Comte is that he truly does love companionship as a place to rest, a place where he can be honest about himself and his feelings without fear of ridicule (and the same goes for MC). In a world increasingly obsessed with surface level performances of power, status, and emotion, it's hard not to feel his exhaustion to the core.
Also, because these lines at the end more or less destroyed me in the best possible way:
MC: ...The you who had nowhere to belong no longer exists. In much the same way...Abel, I belong to you. Comte: ... Comte: I wish I could say to myself all those years ago, the me who kept indulging in such paltry things. Comte: Until you meet MC, you will never know love... The warmth of MC in my arms filled me with such joy I was near tears. (I don't need momentary pleasure or ephemeral affection any longer. Now that I know love, there's nothing but you.) The moment my lips found hers, the sweetness lit a fire deep in my body. Comte: These cute lips that melt against mine, the heat of your skin, the love that envelops me in your embrace--always leaves me so deeply in love with you.
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jay-s-antics · 1 year
Mammon’s first kiss
The first time MC kisses Mammon in the original timeline, he chases after them and demands more. He lets his greed take over. But the first time they try to kiss him in Nightbringer, he pulls back. It’s not like he doesn’t want to kiss them! He does, case in point, his intimacy level goes up. It’s just…that you can’t go stealing his first kiss just like that.
The Mammon we meet at the beginning of the exchange program loves to party; he has been around and he has experience. He can get adorably shy, sure, but when it’s just him and MC all alone, all farse and pretence come crashing down and his confidence and charm shine through. But by the time MC magically pops up in the would-be-council-room for a second time, Mammon has only been in the Devildom for a year. A year that he spent trapped in the Demon King’s Castle. A year he spent being shunned by the pure blooded demons who saw him as nothing more than a lowly traitor of an angel. It’s not like he had much of a chance to date during that time. Not to mention that angels are meant to love humans, but not like that. So, it’s not like he got any experience during his time as an angel either, especially because he would have been taught it was a sin.
Thus, when innocent, unexperienced Mammon finally gets a taste of freedom only to have this “demon” be so forward with him, he short-circuits a little. It doesn’t help that this is the same person that, unbeknownst to him, he is fated to love.
A love that transcends space and time. A love that starts off as a little flame, only to turn into a raging inferno in his chest every time he meets them. Whether they are an angel, a human or a demon…they will be loved. Mammon loves their very essence, one that has etched itself so deeply into his psyche that he cannot help but feel this warm sense of familiarity every time he meets this mysterious stranger. He doesn't love them yet, not by the time they try to kiss him, but he'll be damned if he doesn't feel a spark of...something!
MC is Mammon’s soulmate, which is why he takes so much pride in being their first. But now it’s their turn to be his first! And Mammon can’t help feeling bashful, elated, and likely even a little terrified. He has fallen in love with their every iteration, but they have also fallen in love with his every facet. They love him in a way that leaves him vulnerable, all of his insecurities exposed, and that's horrifying. But it's also so much better than Goldie and all the Grimm in the world. So Mammon pulls back once, but he will not do it again. He cannot do it again, because he is oh so entangled in this all consuming love.
They are soulmates, your honor.
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vkeimadgame · 3 months
Lucifer: Easy there, I know over 200 ways to kill someone.
Rantaro: You could glue an open jar of rats to their face then blowtorch the other side of the jar so the rats have to eat their way out through their face.
Lucifer: 201.
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laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 59 Translation [Lucien’s Route (2/3)]
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Perhaps we won't be able to see each other tomorrow"... could he have already foreseen tonight's situation?
I will never allow anyone to hurt Lucien.
Translation under the cut!
[Previous Part-> Click Here]
—[Lucien's Route - 6: Crimson Stained Pool]—
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Baldhead: Hey, you've all seen it, right? Tonight, we're going to kill that uncle!
As soon as night falls, Baldhead eagerly states his intention. We follow him towards the older man's room, but Mousy looks a bit confused.
Mousy: Why... is there something wrong with that uncle?
Baldhead: How can you be so dumb! That old man is indeed very active in discussions, and just like X said, it seems like he wants to have some control over the conversation.
Baldhead: But later, he didn't raise his hand immediately. Didn't you find that strange?
MC: Mm... it seems like he's a seer who isn't good at hiding his identity, subconsciously excluding himself from the "people who need to be verified.”
Baldhead: Not bad. MC gets it.
Baldhead: That old man is too unfamiliar with the game. He doesn't realize that we are watching every move he makes. Got it?
Under Baldhead's forceful words, Mousy only dares to nod timidly and follows our steps forward.
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Tonight's operation was very successful. Everything goes smoothly, from opening the door to throwing the uncle into the pool.
Sweeping away the strange events of last night, the three of us werewolves see a look of satisfaction on each other's faces.
The clear water surface is dyed red again, and the pool emits that inexplicable light before dimming. I look at my two teammates.
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MC: Today, I was the first to raise my hand. The others probably won't suspect me too much. So I plan to…
MC: ...take the uncle's place and act as the seer.
The next morning, there's a knock on the door again. I open it and effortlessly slip into the embrace of the person standing there.
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MC: Hmm, I feel like my headache has eased... Is Professor Lucien still acting as the alarm clock in the game?
Lucien rubs my head and, seeing that I am indeed much better than yesterday, sighs softly and holds me even tighter.
Lucien: [chuckles softly] Yes. It's a hidden feature that's only available to a certain little lady who worries me.
I smile and bury my face in his chest. His shirt presses against my cheek, and his warm body temperature melts away all my stress.
Whenever I embrace Lucien, it seems I can break free from my werewolf role and reconnect with the real world.
At this moment, I only wish this moment could last a little longer.
When the butler knocks on the door for the third time, I reluctantly pull Lucien out of bed.
[....is 'doing it' possible in VR. anw man really sneak out so early to sleep together with her hjdfjhdfjdf-]
MC: Alas, it's time to go to the banquet hall for another "meeting" again~
MC: Such a magnificent banquet hall. It would be so nice just to eat and drink inside, but it's always a war of words every time.
Lucien straightens my crooked collar, unable to hold back a smile as he takes over the conversation.
Lucien: [chuckles] Indeed, it seems that in this villa, being the "butler" is much happier than being the "guest.”
Lucien: They neither "lose their life" nor miss the chance to enjoy the sea view every day.
As we pass the uncle's room, I see his name has already been crossed off the door plate. Lucien and I don't stop; we head straight to the banquet hall.
After the luncheon begins, I take a deep breath and stand up.
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MC: Everyone, I am actually... a seer.
I say these words rather haltingly. Although I don't look at Lucien, I can feel his scrutinizing gaze.
.......This is really nerve-wracking; I'm so anxious.
Almost everyone present holds their breath, watching me and waiting for my words. I compose my expression, speaking in a serious tone.
MC: On the first night, I checked White Angel. She is a good person, so I didn't rush to reveal my identity.
MC: And yesterday, the uncle was very active but didn't raise his hand immediately, so I found him suspicious.
MC: I checked him last night, and the result showed he was human. I planned to clear his name today but didn't expect him to become the werewolves' target.
MC: Although I haven't identified a werewolf yet, I'm afraid that if I don't reveal my identity today, I might be replaced by a werewolf…
Baldhead: Wait a minute, you say you're the seer? Who knows if it's true or not!
Baldhead: Is there another seer here? If so, speak up!
Baldhead questioned me as I planned to solidify my identity. Sure enough, no one else steps forward.
.......We bet correctly! The uncle really was the true seer!
I try to control my racing heartbeat and calmly observe the reactions of the others.
Angel: If MC were lying, the actual seer would have come forward. There's no mistake. She is the seer.
White Angel is a petite girl. After speaking, she looks at me with a smile, her eyes showing evident affection and trust.
I smile back at her, barely able to contain the overwhelming joy inside me.
Let's let it unfold this way. Now that there's no one to contradict it, no one can expose this "lie" that has become an established fact!
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Joker: Anyone could be a wolf, and everyone could be lying.
Joker speaks coldly, pouring cold water on my overwhelming joy without mercy.
Joker: To place all your trust in an unverifiable statement is the height of foolishness.
MC: …..
I secretly grit my teeth. I know that he wouldn't let me off the hook so easily!
I hold back my anger and calmly return a smile at him, but suddenly, a long-haired man on my right side stands up.
Long-haired man: My intuition tells me that MC is lying. We should vote her out!
MC: …..?
Long-haired man: When she mentioned the inspection results, it was as smooth as if she had rehearsed it. Her emotions were clearly acted out!
His eyes are filled with conviction, and his tone is rhythmic and compelling…
If only his rousing words weren't directed at me.
I nervously organize my rebuttal, and even my breathing becomes messy.
How come so many people in this game seem to have mind-reading abilities? How are we ordinary people supposed to keep playing?!
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Lucien: Can you listen to my thoughts first?
At that moment, Lucien suddenly breaks the stalemate, standing between me and the long-haired man like a fair and just judge.
Lucien: Voting for execution is the only way to punish the wolf in the game. You can't make a decision based solely on revealed roles or doubts.
Lucien: However, the associated risks cannot be ignored. So, for this vote, please consider which person would benefit the current human faction more.
His words are neither biased nor include his judgment; he simply organizes everyone's thoughts.
I look at Lucien; his gaze is as clear as ever, without any unnecessary emotions.
Because of my prolonged gaze, he even tilts his head slightly as if asking me what's wrong.
I force a smile at him, trying my best to ignore the strange feeling in my heart.
Lucien... he must be secretly speaking up for me, right?
After all, under his guidance, the focus of the discussion has shifted from whether my role as a seer is real or fake to whether the long-haired man or I should be voted for.
The long-haired man clearly did not expect to become a suspect himself, and his voice is filled with frustration.
Long-haired man: I've been a stage actor; you shouldn't doubt my professional judgment! Do you think I can't tell the difference between acting and reality?
After a moment of silence in the room, Zhao Jianqiang, whose nameplate read “Strongman” ("Qiang Lai Le"), cautiously glanced at me and spoke.
[T/N: so……… how do I explain this joke? "Qiang Lai Le" comes from the phrase "你的强来了" (nǐ de qiáng láile), which literally means "Your strength is here." It's a buzzword that roughly translates to "I'm here to support you." This perfectly coincides with Zhao Jianqiang stepping in to support the MC right on time~]
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Zhao Jianqiang: But if you're an actor, shouldn't your acting skills be better? According to what you're saying, you yourself seem more suspicious…
Angel: The person that she checked last night died this morning, and she still needs to disclose their identity. If it were me, I would also need to prepare a statement in advance.
Granmeow: Reality isn't a script. It's natural for people to get nervous when they're suspected.
The man with long hair's face turns extremely unpleasant. No matter how much he argues, others only become more firm in their thoughts.
The final outcome is beyond doubt; he becomes today's victim.
This time, people left the banquet hall early, one after another. After all, no one wants to see such cruel scenes again.
I turn around and take a glance. The man with long hair has already disappeared into the pool. I then turn back and walk towards Lucien.
Lucien doesn't mention the "bloodbath" at the banquet. He simply raises his arm, inviting me to join him.
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Lucien: There's still some time until nightfall. Do you want to explore the mansion together?
MC: Of course!
I loop my arm through his, deciding to cast aside the worries in my heart and savor the rare moment of being together with Lucien.
Outside the window, the clouds press lower and lower, blending the sky and the sea into one in the mist.
—[Lucien's Route - 7: Unspoken Feelings]—
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Lucien and I walk along the intricately decorated corridors of the mansion, occasionally encountering other players who are also searching.
When we run into Zhao Jianqiang, I notice his complexion is a bit pale.
MC: [worriedly] Why do you look so pale? Do you need to rest?
Zhao Jianqiang: I'm fine, boss, just a bit of a headache…
MC: .......I also feel a headache, "Carnival Night" is quite a brain teaser to play.
I make sure he doesn't have any other symptoms for the time being and reluctantly feel a bit relieved. After asking the butler to help him rest, I continue on my way.
Although the mansion covers a vast area, there isn't much valuable information to be found.
Lucien and I stroll to the master's room. The tightly closed door is pushed open, and the heavy, wet sound echoes for a long time.
We both instinctively hold our breath and stand still.
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In the pure white space, all that can be seen are clear waters. Rather than a bedroom, this place resembles an abandoned swimming pool.
The pool water gently ripples as if whispering or subtly warning, exuding an indescribable sense of cold and desolate beauty.
The snow-white walls and the bottom of the pool reflect a cool-toned light, and the space ahead seems like an endless liminal space.
Standing at the pool's edge, I suddenly feel an inexplicable attraction and deep fear, almost uncontrollably wanting to step into the water.
A hand wraps around my waist from behind, lifting me slightly off the ground. My toes trace a light circle in the air before I return to the floor.
MC: ….!
It is only then that I come to my senses and look at Lucien.
His gaze falls on the calm and mysterious blue pool water, then he looks at me and blinks somewhat pitifully.
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Lucien: Does this lady want to explore alone and not take me with her?
Whenever Lucien speaks to me in this tone, my heart becomes completely soft.
So, I quickly dip my hand into the pool and sprinkle some water near Lucien.
MC: How could I not? Of course, I have to bring our Mr. Hunter along!
MC: I always feel like this mansion is so mysterious... Maybe there are some secrets hidden deep in this room as well.
MC: Will you go into the water with me to take a look?
Lucien and I intertwine our fingers together, and we slowly step into the pool, letting the cool water surround our ankles.
Step by step, we move forward. The pool water gradually rises to our knees, then our waists, gently pushing against our bodies as if guiding us to go deeper.
Lucien: Be careful, there are steps here.
After stepping over the underwater steps, the water reaches just below my chest. This is nearly the lowest point of the room, and my foot suddenly hits something hard.
Lucien reaches out and retrieves it. It's a metal box filled with yellowed pages that seem out of place in this mansion.
What is even more surprising is that the pages are completely dry, and they recorded some legends about an ancient underwater god and some incomprehensible ancient rituals.
A secluded mansion built by the seaside, with water visible everywhere inside, had an execution method of throwing people into the pool…
A series of clues appeared in my mind, and although they seem all related to my personal mission, they still leave me a little puzzled.
I hide my thoughts and cautiously phrase my question to Lucien.
MC: I don't quite fully understand all this information. Could this mansion be related to some kind of water ritual?
In the boundless pool, cool-toned light dances around us. The surroundings are so silent that only our faint breathing and the rippling of the water can be heard.
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Lucien spreads out his hands and reaches into the pool water as if feeling this calm yet eerie expanse.
Lucien: These texts describe an ancient water ritual, and the design of the water channels in this mansion is also related to it.
He gently scoops up a handful of water and lets it fall back down, causing the light and shadows in the water to shift accordingly.
Lucien: I guess that with each person pushed into the water, a part of the ritual is completed.
MC: ...No wonder, when those people fell into the water, it was as if they were swallowed up by something, and the water emitted light!
Lucien: Hmm. So as long as we can draw the design of all the water channels connected in this mansion, we might be able to understand some things.
A meaningful smile appears on his lips, making me unable to resist asking further questions.
MC: Understand what?
Lucien: The truth behind the ongoing werewolf killings in this villa, the consequences of completing the ritual, and…
Lucien: The reason why the mansion's owner has yet to appear.
I am listening intently to his deductions while secretly plotting how to sacrifice everyone in the ritual.
But upon hearing the last sentence, I suddenly feel so guilty that I almost buckle and fall into the water. Quickly, I lower my head and change the subject.
MC: T-this is so dangerous! Let's quickly map out the pool structures in all the rooms and have everyone look for patterns together.
Lucien, who is standing in front of me, says nothing. When I look up, I realize he is silently gazing at me, his expression stern and cold.
Lucien: There is another possibility; perhaps we won't be able to see each other tomorrow.
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MC: ….
I understand what Lucien means. Given his role as a hunter and outstanding performance over the past few days, tonight, he will likely be the werewolves' target.
I look at his faint, acquiescent expression, and suddenly, a heaviness settles in my heart.
I know that Lucien must have noticed my unusual behavior long ago.
I have never been good at lying in front of him. He must have already discovered the nights I secretly hid and the moments I was startled by my own cruelty.
I don't know how to respond to him. I should appear worried, but I want to tell him that the vicious "werewolf" never intended to kill him.
I also don't know whether I should continue enduring alone and playing this slightly strange role or be honest with him about everything.
Various possibilities tug at my mind, leaving me frozen in place. I don't know what expression is on my face, but it must be very odd.
A moist finger touches my cheek, and I tremble. I see that Lucien has already come to stand before me at some point.
Immediately after, he opens his arms and envelops me in a hug, covering up the response that I can't weave.
Lucien: [softly sighs, then whispers gently to comfort] Don't be afraid, we will make it to the end.
Amid the hallucinatory light reflections of the water, I am entranced, silently confiding all my anxieties and worries to Lucien through the long embrace.
["Perhaps we won't be able to see each other tomorrow." MAN 🤧🤧🤧 In addition to trying to probe her again, just like when he asked if she would lie to him, he predicted that other werewolves would definitely pressure MC. The outcome of this night would give him some kind of answer, and he couldn't help but secretly feel unease and grievance, which ultimately turned into a soft sigh as he comforted her again. No matter what, he will still respect her choice.]
—[Lucien's Route - 8: Heart Cleansing Cold Spring]—
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Baldhead: Why are you thinking about killing Joker again? Did you forget that he was already guarded before? It's all for nothing!
As night falls, Baldhead and I engage in a heated debate over tonight's target for execution.
MC: I revealed myself as a seer during the day, so tonight, the guardian will protect me. Joker is too dangerous, he can't stay.
Baldhead: Then why not kill X? He's so clever. If we leave him till later, it's us werewolves who'll be the victims!
Baldhead: With so many people left, even if X takes someone out with a gunshot before he dies, it might not necessarily be us.
I endure the headache and listen silently, but suddenly, I recall the words Lucien said to me during the day.
"Perhaps we won't be able to see each other tomorrow"... could he have already foreseen tonight's situation?
I will never allow anyone to hurt Lucien.
From the beginning of the game, I've been very clear about my purpose in choosing this game.
Regardless of our roles, winning or losing this game doesn't matter. I want to walk through this game with him until the end.
I take a deep breath, trying to make my voice sound as calm as possible.
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MC: You must have noticed that X and Joker have a distinctly different attitude towards me.
MC: Joker always shifts the suspicion onto me, while X often speaks up for me. It should be clear who should stay and who should go, right?
As soon as I finish speaking, Baldhead glances at me sideways, pulling a contemptuous smile.
Baldhead: You’re dressing your selfish motives with such grandiose words. Don't think I don't know—you and X know each other, right?
Baldhead: Every time you explore, you two are always together like conjoined twins, never separate. You just want to ensure he can be in the game for a few more days.
I instantly get angry and can't help but clench my fists. Because of self-righteous people like this, I've been having such a hard time playing!
As the atmosphere grows tense, Mousy weakly raises his hand.
Mousy: Um, how about we give up on these two and target someone we are sure to succeed with? After all, reducing the number of humans is our main goal…
We remain at an impasse for a long time, and in the end, we reluctantly draw lots from the remaining candidates and target the inconspicuous Granmeow.
Before we part, Baldhead stands before me and laughs mockingly without a care.
Baldhead: Now, let's see how the “fake seer" will come up with a story tomorrow!
Back in my room, I can't help but angrily pound the bed to vent my frustration.
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MC: Damn it, it turns out that he looks down on me!
I toss and turn in anger, but there's nothing I can do because that person is my teammate. It’s only just before dawn that I finally manage to get some sleep.
However, I hadn't slept for long when the door was knocked on. I got up, still sleepy, and found that it was only 6:30 AM.
As soon as I open the door, Lucien walks in, opens his arms, and hugs me.
I initially want to say something, but when he holds me, the exhaustion and headache seem no longer need to be expressed with words.
I can't help but nuzzle his shoulder and mumble as I start to speak.
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MC: Why is Professor Lucien the alarm clock going off so early today?
His chest is pressed close to mine and trembles like a resonating violin. Lucien's voice carries an unconcealed note of laughter.
[a fox wagging his tail happily when he finds out in the morning that his wife still wants to play with him.jpg. still, in addition to happiness, he is even more worried about her because it must be hard for her to protect him🤧]
Lucien: When I woke up this morning and found I was still alive, I felt that the little lady might have some troubles.
Remembering the argument with my teammate last night, I have the illusion of being completely seen through by him. So, I look up and poke the smile at the corner of his lips with my fingertip.
MC: It seems Professor Lucien is very happy?
Lucien shakes his head, his long fingers running through my hair, bringing a feeling of comfort to my heart.
Lucien: [in a gentle tone] Although I'm very happy, I'm more worried about you. How are you? Does your head still hurt?
Seeing me nod, he gently presses my forehead, the pressure so comforting it touches my heart. I lie quietly on him, unable to help but sigh.
MC: It's much better now, but... this game is more challenging than I thought. I don't know who I'll have to check next.
Lucien speaks softly by my ear.
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Lucien: [whispers softly] Sometimes, to achieve a goal, it is necessary to sacrifice an unstable presence.
Upon hearing his whisper, my relaxed body feels as if it's been jolted by cold water, bringing me to full alertness.
An unstable presence...? This phrase sounds like a subtle hint, making me feel that Lucien truly knows something.
I can't help but look at him, and in those always captivating eyes, there is now only a gentle yet turbulent undercurrent reflected.
Outside the window, raindrops hit the glass, leaving behind glistening trails. After days of cloudy weather, the rain finally fell on the island.
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The thunderous sound of waves crashing against the rocks comes from all directions, shaking the entire villa as if it were about to swallow the isolated island whole.
In the banquet hall, I stand up amidst the heavy and terrifying sound of ocean waves.
MC: Last night, I checked the Ferocious and Superior Baldhead. Unfortunately, he is a werewolf.
My accusation sparks a heated discussion, and I stand firmly amidst the flurry of voices.
Just as Lucien said, sacrifice is necessary, especially if it means sacrificing a "bad person.”
Baldhead: Nonsense!
Baldhead's face is full of disbelief as he pushes back his chair and stands up, his chest heaving violently.
Baldhead: This is a setup! I've always been human! How can you say that? You are the wolf!
I know, but so what? Aren't you curious about how I, the "fake seer," will perform today? This is my answer.
I look at him expressionlessly, my tone cold.
MC: As a seer, I'm merely stating the results of my checks.
Baldhead: You!
In the thunderstorm, the flickering cold light covers Baldhead's face, making his expression appear even more ferocious.
A twinge of fear arises in my heart, and I hear Lucien beside me start to speak thoughtfully with his calm voice.
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Lucien: Hmm... I see.
Lucien: In the previous rounds of voting, he seemed to use emotional statements to guide the situation but quickly withdrew, avoiding decisive comments.
Lucien: His votes were also decisive, without any hesitation.
Lucien: This way of disrupting the situation without leaving any evidence does indeed seem like…
Lucien swallows the unfinished end of his sentence, and this pause clearly gives people more room for imagination. The others look at Baldhead with increasing conviction in their eyes.
Zhao Jianqiang: He... is the werewolf, isn't he?
Angel: There's no mistake. I trust MC.
More and more people believe that he is the wolf, the evil wolf mingling among the good people.
Baldman’s face is flushed red with anger, and I can even see his teeth gritting through his gaze.
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Joker: Even if he is the wolf, you are not necessarily the seer.
Joker suddenly speaks, standing up while leaning on the back of the chair. His emotionless tone clearly conveys his distrust.
Joker: There is also a third possibility.
The Joker squints his eyes, his gaze circles between Baldhead and me, and finally returns to me.
Joker: It’s a dog-eat-dog* situation, a wolf kills another wolf.
[T/N: while 狗咬狗 literally mean “dog-bite-dog”, it's more of a metaphor for the struggle and fighting between bad guys]
MC: ….?
Joker: All of you subconsciously ignored a possibility. The real seer might have already died, and she is a fake.
Joker: If you later find out that the seer you firmly believed in is actually a wolf, there will be no turning back.
On the surface, I smile disdainfully, but in reality, I feel exhausted. He has guessed everything correctly.
Joker really should have been dealt with earlier! He will be executed tonight!
I don't dare let his words go unchallenged for fear that the people present might turn their suspicion towards me, so I can only speak up with “righteous indignation”.
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MC: ....After saying so much, where is the evidence? It can't all be your subjective conjecture, right?
MC: Since I revealed my identity as a seer, no one has ever tried to "compete" with me for this identity.
MC: And Baldhead has never made any notable speeches; even if there were a vote, it would never come to him-
I take a deep breath, desperately and silently think of my words, then say them out loud with conviction.
MC: If we are all wolves, as you say, we should be biding our time and hiding our strength even more——
MC: Instead of throwing mud at each other at this moment, causing unnecessary losses to our own faction, right?
I speak convincingly, while Joker remains aloof, indifferently throwing a word.
Joker: Whatever.
In the end, those who were initially hesitant still tend to trust me.
The attendant drags the constantly struggling Baldhead toward the pool. Until the moment he falls into the water, he stubbornly looks at me, his eyes filled with hatred.
I do not respond to his gaze; I simply watch as the clear pool water is once again stained bright red.
—[Lucien's Route - 9: Lectures About "Dreams” (Non-story/a.k.a Stage part)]—
The closest dream represents the most distant thing.
[Next Part-> Click Here]
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celosiaceo · 1 year
Taste of Normalcy (You Can Always Find Me)
Originally posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46189747, minor edits have been made here
Tags: MC/reader’s gender unspecified, fluff, mild hurt, a lot of comfort, handholding, crying, hugging, overwhelmed MC/reader, first person POV, slight divergence from Leander’s red choice branch
Word count: ~2100
A power so fascinating that it makes the head spin. The element that flickers with madness, waiting to spill destruction the second it can leave its bounds, but also one that offers comfort and solace, protection, and security. Does a moth know when it drifts toward a cozy lamp, and when it reaches deadly flames? Does it feel safe while hopelessly fluttering towards an open flame, fascinated with the radiating light and warmth seconds away from being devoured by it?
Where you decide that, despite being so overwhelmed by something small, you want too much of a good thing, regardless of your own reaction.
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A hand was offered to me, holding out something I’ve always longed for, something I’ve wanted more than anything my entire life. Normalcy . The ability to free me from my bandage-made prison, to not hide away, to not feel like a flame about to burst onto dry branches with a single touch. Never could I have thought that my wretched, all-wrecking hands could ever feel the softness of another’s skin.
Even though I’d already felt Leander’s hand once prior, seeing him reach out once more made me dizzy, my chest tightening with a mix of exhilaration and anxiety at the memory of the first time this happened. My hand hovered over his own, now in disbelief and hesitation, before resting in his palm. Leander’s tender gaze fixed on my hand as he carefully unwinded the bandages. The glowing gold cracks on the soot-dark skin of my arm slowly came into view and got wrapped up by the warm air of the bar. The green eyes occasionally darted up to check on me, and Leander paused every such moment. A nervousness crept up my mind, but all of it disappeared with the sight of a soft smile and the feeling of a gentle squeeze over my monstrous hand.
“No one will notice”
For a moment Leander separated to tug his glove off with his teeth, and once again he held his hand out to me. “There you go. Hand holding on demand.” His lips curved upwards into a soft grin. “Whatever you want.” Leander’s next words soon followed in a whisper.
Perhaps it was because of the gin, but it was hard to focus. What do I want..? For a moment I stared down at my lap, thinking. But as I glanced up into the tender, slightly tired, and alcohol-softened emerald eyes I could barely stop my hand from reaching up to rest against Leander’s face instead. My arm trembled in the air, I felt my chest ache with a quickened heartbreak and my face heat up. “Can I touch your face..?” Despite not having a reason to, I felt a fear of having a knife stick into my back, the inviting light of the bar, the almost drowned-out lively chatter, Leander leaning in and reaching out for me so invitingly — it all felt too good to be real. But with the fear, there was undeniably desperation. A desperation for it to be true, and Leander probably saw it too.
Despite there being no reason for that, it was unexpected to me that he allowed me to go on. I hesitated, it felt like my hand was about to break an invisible barrier before would faintly graze Leander’s jaw. I still couldn’t let myself fully indulge in my own request, and it seems he noticed that also.
“That tickles. It’s fine, you can just…” Leander chuckled, eyes closing for a moment as he beamed. Instead of moving my hand away, he covered it with his own, angling it to press his cheek into my palm. I saw red dusting across his face, matching me now. The warmth surrounding my cursed hand, the kindness in the green gaze fixated on my face... A shiver ran down my spine, I felt a lump of emotions pressing at my throat, the tactility was so new, so pleasant, so addicting, but ever overwhelming…
Against the cold of my hand, his face was warm, even softer than his hand, but a fraction felt… different. Rougher, colder — the darker scar which trailed down from his cheek, to the side of his neck, to hiding under the collar of his clothes. As a blush pricked at my face all over, my fingers brushed Leander’s cheek in small circles. My lips quickly curved upwards into a smile, I saw that he was returning a reassuring dimpled smile of his own. Cautiously, I ran a finger down the rough scar. Leander shuddered, making me feel a momentary pinch of panic, and his earring jingled against my knuckles.
“You’re getting awfully bold...” Leander teased with a quiet laugh, his eyes darting away momentarily before returning to looking at my face with a lidded gaze. My pulse thumped in my ears, and my heart raced. It got harder to breathe, my head spun with jarring excitement as an almost suffocating warmth spread through me. My fingertips weren’t cold anymore, on the contrary, they were now warmer than usual. Leander slowly ran his fingers along my hand, both soothing and overwhelming me. By now I forgot we weren’t really alone, the chatter and the music in the Wick were completely drowned out by my pulse echoing in my ears. Despite my head spinning, despite feeling too hot in my own skin, I wanted to be even closer.
Even though I felt overcome by craving more, I pulled my hand back, as the hammering of my heart became too much to take. Almost instantly Leander’s smile fell to an expression of concern. I could barely hear anything through the pulsing pounding in my ears, but I could somehow make out Leander asking if I was alright, to which I mustered a nod. Without really thinking, I said something about being dizzy.
Just as quickly as before, Leander went back to giving me a gentle smile, his eyes crinkling before closing for a moment into a bright smile once again. “You’ve had a long day. You deserve some rest. Luckily, your room is just upstairs. Want me to walk you back?” As always, Leander’s first instinct was to offer me help, just like he always has done today. Again it started feeling like it was too good to be true, just now I was a moth that got burnt by a fire but still had a chance to move away to a safe distance.
And, just like a moth would, I hovered right back in to be consumed by the addicting light entirely.
With a hum of consideration, I slightly narrowed my eyes while bandaging my hand back up. As I got to catch my breath, the thumping subsided and my mind cleared up moment by moment. Looking back up at Leander with gratitude, hesitation, and a pinch of desperation , I gave a faint nod. “I… I’d be very grateful.. thank you.”
“Your wish is my command!” With a hearty laugh, Leander tucked his glove over his belt and hopped out of the booth to hold his hand out to me, which I gladly took while getting up myself. It’s not even that I felt that weak, not anymore, but the extra contact was something I couldn’t refuse.
As we walked up the creaky stairs, Leader held an arm around my shoulder, just in case, and matched my walking pace. While going up the steps I figured that I underestimated my fatigue, still, a pinch of guilt and embarrassment washed over me for having to slow the two of us down that much.
Soon enough we reached what was going to be my room for an uncertain amount of time. I turned the key in the lock, the wooden door creaked open to reveal a dark room. It was a relatively small room, but it had everything essential — a bed, closet, desk, bedside drawer, and door to what was probably an adjacent bathroom.
“There you are.” Leander patted my shoulder before pulling his arm away from my shoulder, and running it across my back. It dawned on me that I still haven’t thanked him for everything, most importantly for being this willing to help me find my cure, to be my solace. With a sigh I let my eyes fall closed, and the sensation of my heart racing came back again. I gathered my courage to turn to Leander and open my arms to initiate an embrace, and before I knew it I was surrounded by the now-familiar warmth once more.
I held my breath, and shortly I felt my whole body heat up, not just from the hug itself. I nestled my face in the crook of Leander’s neck as my now trembling arms wrapped around him in return. My eyes slowly fell closed as I tried to quietly breathe, keeping my racing heart at bay. I could feel the calming, slightly faster rhythm of Leander’s heart, despite its effect only more blood rushed to my cheeks to paint them red.
“Are you comfortable? We can stay like this as long as you’d like.” Leander’s gentle voice came out in a honey-sweet whisper. I nodded, but soon drifted into thought, as hard as that was. I’d like to stay like this for way longer than I could, as being surrounded by the welcoming warmth felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. I felt safe, I could tell that Leander was strong, but right now it felt guarding and secure instead of crushing and betraying.
Suddenly, tears pricked at my eyes. I squeezed them shut, my lip began to tremble as small drops squeezed through my eyes. I couldn’t possibly let Leander see me like that, so I hid my face, cheek pressed against his chest while my grip on his coat subconsciously tightened. His attempts to calm me down rang through my ears, but their effects were significantly smaller than I’d liked.
All hope I may have had to calm down disappeared like the green lilies earlier today when Leander’s hands slowly rubbed my back in circles to further lull me but ended up doing just the opposite. Though it was not from causing me any pain.
Why am I crying? I can’t show myself like this!
Despite my best efforts to keep the overwhelming happiness at bay, I felt dizzy again, a lump quickly forming in my throat. An evident tremble came through, I bit my quivering lip as a warm streak of tears streamed down my hot cheeks, soaking into the fabric of Leander’s clothes. My knees felt like they’d give out any moment, I barely noticed how Leander’s heart sped up a little before he pulled back to look at my face. His expression was painted with concern once again, he slightly leaned down to see me as I looked down at the floor, hands covering my face once we separated.
“There there, I’m right here for you, there’s nothing to worry about,” Leander reassured, his tone still quiet and soothing as he gently moved my hands away from my face. Closer to me than ever, I could see the details of the crinkles of his tired-looking lidded eyes, the dimples of his small smile, and the blush that still hasn’t left his face. With a sniffle and a shaky breath I nodded, trying to calm down, yet another pair of betraying tears slipped from my eyes.
My eyes only cracked open when I felt two bigger hands cup my face, thumbs brushing off my tears. I pushed a weak smile back, faintly leaning into the hands before sighing out, my breath still shaky. “Thank you… for everything.” I whispered; using a voice any louder would make it crack mid-word.
With an airy chuckle, Leanded reached one of his hands to pat my head. “There’s no need. I did say I’d do what I can to help, and I keep my word.” I finally managed to start calming down while Leander affectionately carded his hand through my hair, his expression welcoming and patient. He waited until I looked back up at him, giving a small nod before separating. Leander’s warmth lingered all over, it was indescribably comforting.
“I… I should get going, I need some rest after all…”
“Yes, I won’t disturb you, then. If anything troubles you, you know where to find me.”
“Good night, Leander.”
“Good night!”
Even as I went to my room and turned to close the door behind me, I could see Leander smiling with his eyes closed, waving me farewell for today. My heart soared as if we never parted in the first place.
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ishizizzle · 1 month
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Ma’am I just did it on em (me I’m em) (っ˘ڡ˘ς)❄️
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getting invested in your own au is so dangerous because sometimes you'll start wanting to make an au of your au, and you'll come to a tough split point decision where you have to decide if you do that Or if you just make your idea canon to the first au, because no one can stop you
anyways. i need to be physically restrained from touching lucky jumbo right now
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nastiiuu · 2 years
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Fun headcanons for the MC and Arven Pair
Arven ends up opening a restaurant and researching what food helps a Pokémon stay healthy and strong
It’s not an usual restaurant bc you first have to battle him to win the special ingredient for you and your Pokémon’s food
MC/Scarlet sometimes visit to be the main opponent, which is funny bc “holy fuck a champion is here??”
(They don’t know that Arven and Scarlet are best friends and almost get a heart attack when they greet eachother with little buddy and big bestie)
Regulars love to come and watch the battles, many students come over to see their teachers battle or to challenge them bc it’s fun
Arven teaches cooking and Scarlet has a special class dedicated to Area Zero
Both are usual not at the school tho bc that isn’t their main calling
Arven learned sewing and made clothes with herbs symbols for his restaurant uniform and for Scarlet to remind them of their shared adventure
Arven keeps away from the Area Zero business but always makes sure to keep touch with Scarlet and appreciates the cool ingredients she brings back from her trips
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Comte Election Story, 6th Anniversary Event (JPN 2023)
I managed to get Comte's collection story during the 6th year anniversary event in the JPN version of the game. As usual, my translation skills are rudimentary at best, so this is just a rough/general sense of the contents. Rest of the translation is below the cut:
Sweet and lovely, our everyday life is irreplaceable. After becoming a vampire, I’ve lived with him forever like this. I seek out more and more of the man I love than anyone else--
Comte: Good morning, MC. You’re up very early today.
I went down to the dining room a few hours before dawn--only to find Comte nursing a teacup gracefully at one end of the table.
MC: Good morning. I managed to wake up somehow…how about you?
Comte: Actually, I just got back.
When I asked, he told me that the host of the party started talking to him all night, and they didn’t part ways until after midnight.
Comte: I was going to finish this cup of tea to unwind, and then try to rest til noon.
He runs a hand through his freshly washed hair and brings the cup to his mouth in a series of elegant gestures that makes me fall in love with him all over again. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been up all night, but my heart readily starts beating faster.
Even Comte seems to notice my reaction…
Comte: …looking at me like that, are you seducing me?
Comte's eyes narrowed mischievously and he left his cup behind to approach me. A beautiful beast gazed at me as if to take aim at his prey, and he drew me in with supple hands.
MC: I didn’t intend it that way but…it’s true that I'm captivated. Your damp hair and lovely gestures are so sexy that I’m at a loss…
Comte: Saying such a thing…you’re a naughty woman, MC. Even though I tried to quell my ardor with a cold shower and hot tea...I’m glad to hear it, even though I’m far from calm.
When I raised my head--having looked down in bashful embarrassment--I can see burgeoning in Comte’s eyes an indisputable, feverish desire…
MC: Ah, mm…
His soft lips playfully brushed against the nape of my neck.
Comte: No one else would be awake at this hour…though we could be interrupted any moment. Make sure to keep your voice down.
He chuckled a little before a hot sigh caressed my skin, dropping kisses one after another. He circled around the usual place he’d sink his fangs into me, and every brush of his lips made heat gather low in my body…
MC: So impatient…Abel…
Comte: …I’ve been waiting for you to give it to me
The corners of his lips lifted a little, before he buried his fangs into my neck.
MC: Mn, ah…aaaahh…
Comte: I love you so much...and whenever we aren't together, I’m starved of you. We were miles apart all night yesterday. I’ll show you just how much I missed you.
His voice--half-intoxicated with the ecstasy of my blood--was sweet and husky with his desire.
Comte: Before you, I’m always a love-starved beast.
As I gaze into those eyes burning with emotion, an electric sensation tingles down my spine. 
(Ah, I’m just the same. It’s not only my heart, my body is always seeking you out too.)
MC: Me too…all day and night, I’m always thinking about you…
Comte: --Come here. Take as much of me as you want
At his encouragement and incitement, I sink my fangs into him.
MC: ah, ha…
Pleasure washes over me in an endless cascade, every sensation in my body heightened and sharp. I clenched my hands tighter through his wet hair, and dug my fangs into him greedily to devour that wellspring of ecstasy. 
Comte: I'm happy to be able to share love with you like this, as a vampire.
Like drops of water moistening desiccated earth, every crimson drop fills us to the brim--
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp saint germain#ikevamp comte#ikevamp mc#comte propaganda#if you can't already tell from the contents of this one--i straight up died after reading it#THE IMPLICATIONS. FOAMING AT THE MOUTH.#the way they're both dancing around it. MC trying to be strong and endure properly (girl same) and. comte.#THE WAY COMTE BASICALLY STARTS SHAKING HIS ASS LIKE ONE OF THOSE BIRDS OF PARADISE. I AM UNWELL (AND ECSTATIC).#THE WAY HE WANTS HER TO WANT HIM AS INTENSELY/DESPERATELY AS HE DOES HER. THE WAY HE RELISHES HER BITING HIM HARD.#IM NEVER GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS ONE#ive legit just been that ace attorney meme with phoenix holding his head in his hands for DAYS#dare i even mention 'make sure to keep your voice down.' SIR. SIR ARE YOU SRS RN#man the way in purple moon event he was like 'oh nooooo haha no hank pank in public where we might get caught that's too inappropriate~ owo#I SEE YOU ABEL. I SEE YOU MONSIEUR LE COMTE DE SAINT GERMAIN.#I SEE THAT U SIT UPON A THRONE OF L I E S#i hope whoever writes comte as unhinged as possible over at jpn cybird gets a god damn raise#i have never in my life been so directly catered to in one chara i swear#'loved-starved beast' ILL DO YOU ONE BETTER COMTE JUST LET ME IN. LET ME IIIIIIIIN!!!!!!#straight up ive said it before and ill say it again#that's my emotional support softcore yan meow meow golden retriever#every event im like 'hope this doesn't awaken anything inside me.' and then immediately its just 'failed step one.'#although all jokes aside i do find it endlessly fascinating about the purebloods how like#while they don't experience as much bloodlust there is this acute sense of biting as a vital expression of romantic interest and/or claim#i dont think its a throwaway line that comte says at the end--id actually argue a lot of his desire for intimacy when she's human (cont.)->#is because he feels a level of insecurity in his connection to her caused by the lack of shared/reciprocated biting#you know now that has me wondering if that's part of why other purebloods frown so heavily upon the idea of a pureblood/human couple#basically because they can't fulfill the most basic tenet of what it means to be coupled in that community's perception#yeesh ikevamp really went 'welcome to normative vampire politics' and im like 'I Am So Normal About This. (lie + analyzes)'
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hime-bee · 1 year
helloooo~! You know, I've been thinking about Leumin for a good few hours. I wonder how crazy he can be. I believe he would kill the entire world for the love of his beloved. but what would he do with his beloved if they rejected him? Would he kidnap them? Would he keep them chained in a basement and tell them they could never see the light of day just so they could just be with him forever? (honestly, my dream. Maybe I'm as crazy as the yandere characters😈)
Hey again, friend! 😊 Mmm, honestly, Leu's pretty chill when it comes to his beloved! He'll tolerate rejection as long as he can still be around or close to them... But even he has a breaking point- if he noticed that his beloved was seeing someone else (or someone was flirting with them) then he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of the competition. Leumin is the type that prefers to swoop in and offer his assistance and shoulder for his beloved to cry on in order to get closer to them. He prefers if they fall in love with him of their own choosing, so kidnapping and stuff would be too counter productive for Leu. HOWEVER... IF YOU WERE TO MAKE IT KNOWN THAT YOU'RE INTO BEING CAGED OR CHAINED UP OR YOU DON'T MIND IT?? YEAH, THAT'S FREE REAL ESTATE- He'd never let you go ☺💞 He wouldn't mind seeing to all your needs
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