#I loved bitcas
does anybody else remember how buffy's friends used to have another friend before she started going here? does anybody else think she killed him?
Jesse? Yeah no I wouldn’t be surprised.
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sunnydaleherald · 15 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, September 11th - Part Two
[Fandom Discussions]
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Parallels between Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Castiel from Supernatural by follows-the-bees
Thinking about [biting as a metaphor for sex and Willow and Spike and Xander] by icamehereformidam
btvs au where buffy & faith are rival pokemon trainers [with discussion in the replies] by lesbianmarrow
My favorite part of OAFA is not just that Tara stands up to Anya on Willow’s behalf... by cooolmonsterfighter
the early episodes of Buffy season 6 really showed how both Spike and Tara stepped up for Dawn... by aphony-cree
the training scene in potential is crazy like a fortnight ago buffy is flinching at his touch... by nicollekidman
there’s something SO specific about smg’s performance in mid season seven... around spike... by nicollekidman
spike was kidnapped otherwise not only would they have to put sex into season seven ... by nicollekidman
PIE CHART: Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Character: Buffy Summers by phantomstatistician
POLL: Favorite Vampire Bracket Day 9! Spike (BTVS) vs Damon Salvator by helloitshaley
POLL: Do You Know This (Non-canon) Autistic Character? [Andrew Wells, see Propaganda too] by do-u-know-this-autisticcharacter
POLL: AO3 Femslash Top 100: Round 4 [Buffy x Faith vs Critical Role] by ao3femslashtop100-tournament
POLL: AO3 Femslash Top 100: Round 4 [Buffy x Willow vs Carmilla] by ao3femslashtop100-tournament
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Why don't the Scoobies face serious consequences after contributing to kicking Buffy out of her own home? updated by ILLYRIAN and DeepBlueJoy
What If: The Potentials could chose. updated by ILLYRIAN
What If: The monks made a brother? updated by TamsinValencia and burrunjor
What If: Cordelia Stayed Rich? updated by burrunjor and others
What If: Angelus had bitten Jenny? updated by burrunjor
Werewolf Hunters, Serial Killers and Psychopathy: Is Gib Cain a Mass Murderer? updated by DeepBlueJoy
The First's Plan updated by ILLYRIAN
Question - The First and The Turok-han Invasion updated by ILLYRIAN
Should Buffy have put those bitcas in their places? updated by ILLYRIAN
Episode Discussion - Jonathon in the school's clock tower by ILLYRIAN
Did Spuffy help Buffy's Depression? updated by CHK DeWilSon
What If: Glory had killed Tara by nightshade
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I saw much of the Buffy cast this past weekend! Fanboy Expo Con in Orlando] by sunny_angiee
What can a vampire's body withstand? [kinda whump-y discussion] by subject_girly4424
I wish Giles found a new love interest by Familiar_Recover8112
Revisiting Anya, ex vengeance demon by ImprovementScared157
What's your favorite moment of non-romantic intimacy? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Any fanfictions with a cast of original characters? [set in the Buffyverse] by aurora_the_piplup
[discussion of Dawn's age and timelines to help in writing fanfic] by No_Function_6863
If Angel [was in OMWF what would he sing?] by chemeli888
The song Buffy and Faith were dancing to [in Bad Girls - lyrics] by jogaforacont
What songs should I add to my Fuffy playlist by Kataddyr
Modern songs with Buffy vibes by strexxpet
Watching season 6 for the first time by NopeNotHereNow
Are you glad we got Angel:After the Fall [comic] or preferred the finale to have stayed open ended by Night-Caelum
If Buffy knew and wanted to help about Angel's plan to take down the Circle of Black Thorn... by Night-Caelum
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Event: Buffy Revamped - Official Production Site - World Tour 2023 by rosewind2007
Tom Lenk and SMG on IG: "Caption this photo" - "Three people I adore" [Trio cast reunited]
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cypanache · 9 months
Hey it's yesitsterriblysimple again, just wondering, is the "bitca" in your blog title a reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
It absolutely is!!! BtVS was my very first fandom love (and Giles was definitely my fav) back when I was young and just starting out in fandom. And while I haven’t visited in a long time I kept that tiny nod to my OG obsession when I first created this tumblr.
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herinsectreflection · 3 years
I sometimes worry when I write about Buffy that when I talk about her flaws - her self-importance, her martyr complex, her lack of communication skills - it comes across like I'm criticising Buffy as a character. And nothing could be further from the truth. I love Buffy because of her flaws. She's a messed-up person who constantly makes mistakes and hurts other people, and that's what elevates her as an imperfect hero. I feel like often other (white male) protagonists are allowed to be messed up and awful in a way that is denied Buffy.
I think both the "Buffy is a cruel bitca who should appreciate her friends/boyfriend more" and "Buffy has literally never done anything wrong in her entire life and her friends are ungrateful" camps, both which are fairly prominent in fandom, miss what makes Buffy such a great character - that she's a terminally repressed superwoman with 1001 traumas that she will refuse to talk about until she lashes out at someone for not understanding them.
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impalementation · 4 years
I’m doing a rewatch since btvs just got added to prime video and am just beginning s2. Watching When She Was Bad is super interesting knowing the events post-The Gift. Do you have any thoughts on how Buffy acts in relation to her trauma from being killed? I think her actions (as well as the other Scoobies responses to those actions) in s6 are completely foreshadowed in that particular episode of s2.
Man I love When She Was Bad, I’m always hyped to talk about it. I had a great exchange with @visitingthefuneralhome about it, that talks a bit about her handling of her trauma that you might be interested in. Putting the rest under a cut for length.
I agree that lot of season six is foreshadowed in that episode. Not necessarily intentionally, but definitely in the sense of establishing patterns of behavior that season six continues. I’d rope Anne and Dead Man’s Party into this too, since those are also episodes in which Buffy and the Scoobies are responding to an end-of-season trauma.
Two big things stand out to me about these three episodes. First is the fact that Buffy consistently responds to trauma by isolating herself, and has difficulty talking about her problems with her friends. In When She Was Bad she isolates herself by acting out, and not talking about how her death affected her. In this other post I made about the episode, I talk about how the episode uses imagery around gaze to show how Buffy is hiding herself from her friends. Similarly in Anne she isolates herself by literally running away, and in Dead Man’s Party she once again struggles to talk about what she’s really dealing with. Similarly to how Buffy will isolate herself in season six by not talking about heaven and spending all of her time with Spike.
The Scoobies, for their part, desperately want Buffy to be okay, and act confused that she isn’t. In When She Was Bad they wonder why Buffy’s acting like such a “bitca”, in Dead Man’s Party they’re hurt that she abandoned them and have that whole party confrontation scene, and in After Life and Flooded (and other parts of season six), they crowd around her and fret about the ways she isn’t acting like herself. In all of these cases, a lot of that Scooby response is based on not really understanding what Buffy is going through--partly because Buffy doesn’t communicate it, and partly because they didn’t experience it themselves. In When She Was Bad they don’t understand that she was traumatized by her death until the scene where she destroys the Master’s bones, in season three they don’t understand the degree to which she was traumatized by killing Angel until the end of Faith, Hope & Trick when she admits that Angel had his soul, and in season six they don’t understand that she is dealing with having been pulled from heaven until the end of Once More, With Feeling.
I mention in that post I linked on gaze in When She Was Bad that there’s an interesting similarity between the bone-smashing scene and the heaven-revelation scene in that they both have long lingering reaction shots on the faces of the Scoobies. In both scenes, Buffy is center-stage and all of them are looking at her, finally seeing her. That imagery of “everyone looking at Buffy” shows up in other places, too. I made a connection between Dead Man’s Party and Bargaining, Part 2 once, because both have shots of all of the Scoobies gazing at a returned Buffy. And I also once pointed out how that’s a repeated visual motif in early season six: Buffy standing opposite a crew of uncomprehending Scoobies. (Hope the references to past posts aren’t annoying, I get excited when I can finally link a bunch of disconnected observations together). Point is, the show makes a strong connection between trauma and isolation for Buffy, both because of Buffy’s own actions and because of how that trauma can set her apart from her friends. As Buffy will make explicit in Conversations With Dead People, her trauma is all tied up in her hero-ness and slayer-ness and leader-ness, all of which already set her apart.
BUFFY: I feel like I'm worse than anyone. Honestly, I'm beneath them. My friends, my boyfriends. I feel like I'm not worthy of their love. 'Cause even though they love me, it doesn't mean anything 'cause their opinions don't matter. They don't know. They haven't been through what I've been through. They're not the slayer. I am.
These next few paragraphs are a bit self-indulgent, BUT: to loop back to that first post I linked, the show also makes a consistent connection between trauma and agency for Buffy. The ur-source of Buffy’s problems is being the only Slayer, something she didn’t choose (instead, she is the “Chosen One”). In Prophecy Girl, this lack of choice is emphasized by the fact that Buffy feels beholden to a prophecy, to fate. Ie, something she has no choice about. And despite the fact that she survives her death, that death is still very much a symbol of her lack of agency, especially because she didn’t even choose to be brought back to life either. Similarly in season six, she is brought back to life by her friends. There was no choice there. The season six resurrection feels especially like a betrayal of Buffy’s agency because her sacrifice in The Gift was framed mostly positively in a way her sacrifice in Prophecy Girl wasn’t. In Prophecy Girl she didn’t want to die (“I don’t wanna die”), and there’s no indication that anyone besides her can fulfill the prophecy in that episode. Whereas in The Gift she willingly chooses to sacrifice herself instead of Dawn, and is shown to be at peace with that decision. (I’d actually even say that Buffy’s depression in season six isn’t about having died, the way it was in When She Was Bad--it’s about having to be alive, and carry on with all the difficult things associated with that.)
With this in mind, I tend to see a lot of Buffy’s traumatic responses as being about her trying to assert agency in whatever way she can, even if it isn’t necessarily healthy or nice. So her taunting Xander in When She Was Bad is about her exerting control over him and Angel, feeling like she has power. I think you could also see her self-isolation as being about agency, in that if she pushes her friends away she’s chosen for them to not understand. Instead having to deal with the ways that they wouldn’t understand her regardless. (That’s a bit more headcanon-y on my part though).
In this light, Buffy in season six actually has a really interestingly complicated relationship to agency. On the one hand, she struggles with having been brought back to life, and having to deal with all of these obligations that she didn’t choose. But unlike in the earlier seasons, when she chafes against duty, and asserts her right to a “normal life”, Buffy in season six kind of doesn’t want agency. So for example with Spike, on the one hand, she’s the one who instigates the house-sex in Smashed (agency), but she only does so after Spike tells her that she came back wrong, which allows her to not be responsible for that choice (not-agency). Note how in Dead Things Buffy breaks down after Tara tells her that there’s nothing wrong with her, in part because it means that all of her choices were her own all along. There’s interesting ambiguity about whether Buffy is trying to get control of something (“I just wanna feel”) with Spike, or lose control. Similar to how there’s interesting ambiguity about whether Willow wants to get or lose control via magic. 
So part of my read of season six is that Buffy getting “healthy” again involves her wanting and accepting agency again. Getting back to that “I don’t wanna die” from Prophecy Girl. I like this read because of how it expands on Buffy’s earlier trauma responses, while also being distinct from them. In season six, Buffy partly responds like she’s always responded to bad things happening to her--isolating herself, being “bad”, etc--but the added layer of her abdicating agency shows how apart she really feels from herself, and how unengaged in life she really is. It’s what distinguishes Buffy being traumatized in season two from her being depressed in season six. If something bad happens once, you rebel against it. But if bad things keep happening, you rebel by just giving up. And in order for Buffy to move forward, she has to find a way to feel that not-giving-up is worth it. 
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gothic-chicanery · 4 years
The author of my immortal is gay for her best friend and I can prove it.
1. “I always knew u were on Voldemort’s side, you sun of a bitca (bufy rox!111).”
This quote proves that the author, Tara, is aware of Buffy the vampire slayer. There’s a character in Buffy the vampire slayer named Tara as well, best known for being Willow’s love interest.
Tara’s friend raven who she mentions many times in authors notes has an insert into the story....and her name is willow
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
I’ve used the word bitca so much my phone doesn’t even bother to autocorrect it anymore🍒
I love this lol 💖
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thisonesatellite · 4 years
For the 'Fanfic asks for the new year': 5, 8 and 13, please? Have a nice beginning of the year! :)
Hello lovely nonnie!  THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for these!! 💕💕💕
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
OMG.  i AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED.  Because it’s if you live by the word, you die by the pen - a fic i’ve been labouring over since March 2020, and one with which people have been incredibly patient.  Unbelievably patient.
And i am here to tell you: IT IS DONE.  i finished the bones of the last chapter and the epilogue on December 31st.  i still have to polish and enfleshenate (as @profdanglaisstuff and i call it, because we like to make up words, and  also - she still has to beta, which she does with INFINITE PATIENCE), but guys, it’s DONE.
And YES, YOU CAN HAVE A SNIPPET.  😘  Except that it was really really hard to find a snippet that’s not also a spoiler, so this is what i got:
Emma feels it the moment before it hits, feels a surge of warmth and more energy and then a bright beam of white light pierces the bubble and tears it to shreds and there is the howling she’s heard in her head, there is the blackness, the wind, and the red sparks, there is the heartbeat
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
YES.  Yes there is.   There’s this idea that just dropped into my head on my way to work a few months back, and i literally used my first two hours there just to write down the idea.
It’s a con artist fic, and it’s full of fun and wicked bits, but also. SO full of angst. i mean - OF COURSE it will have a happy ending, HEA is how i roll, but oh, so much angst on the way there.  And - i don’t really consider myself an angst-writer per se.   i usually write external drama in my MCs.  They’re all about people vs outside enemy forces, you feel me.
So, uh this’ll be new.  And also that’ll be my big 2021 fic, i can feel it.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic?
Here’s the thing.  i’ve wanted to make a video forever.  FOREVER.  i have the song picked out and the images in my head, but.  Two things.
A. So far all the videos i’ve found to rip are of rather low quality and usually have burn-in (station logos /LTPs /etc).  
B. i do this for a living.  Like - i’m an editor.  i’m around sensitive and unreleased /licensed material all the time.  The FBI literally had to clear us to work on the Game of Thrones campaigns.  So - if i get caught having ripped and edited content that doesn’t belong to me, well--- let’s just say it’s not good.  😂
Which is why i won’t do it, even though it breaks my heart, because i swear, guys, i have this beautiful edit IN MY HEAD ALREADY.  Oh well.
THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH NONNY!  i loved these!!
i wish you a wonderful 2021.  It HAS TO BE better than the last bitca of a year we just kicked.  (((((((((((((((((BIG HUGE HUGS)))))))))))  💖💖💖💖
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sharpestasp · 3 years
Shadow and Bone, 1-4
So I have been putting my thoughts on Dreamwidth (sharpest_asp) but realized I should maybe share them here? Just going to copy the posts I already made, and then try to remember to keep putting the others here as I watch them.
Ep 1: They do a good job of laying out the type of world the story exists within. Alina is very much on her coming of age adventure. Alexei didn't deserve that, even if he did give up the girl he seemed to have some interest in. Mal is a darling. The volcra (sp?) were neat. The Grisha (sp?) are interesting. I love Kaz and crew. (ETA for spelling) Inej is compelling with her empathy. I hope Dreesen gets his comeuppance. And the other thug-boss (ETA: Pekka Rollins), already forgot his name.
Ep 2: I'm really going to enjoy getting Kaz's full story. Inej, oh Inej! I *adored* Poppy. And the Conductor. Tante Heleen (sp?) was... well. She's a nasty piece of work in a different way altogether, hmm? The General was... malevolent and fierce and interesting. (Yes, spoilered for this arc) The two red-coated men with Alina? gif sets tell me they seem to be married, LOL. I like the cute one. MAL!!!! Oh Mal. (I am a sucker for relationships that begin in childhood and carry through life, so yeah, I was doomed for the Mal & Alina from the get-go) The General and Alina have a very Darkness&Lily vibe going for them. I did love Alina standing up and railing against her lot in life. Good on Mal's friends for stopping him. Also, Jesper was GREAT. His quips and his skills (or complaints on that not being in his repertoire) make me feel joy.
Ep 3: I like Genya and Marie and Nadia. Zoya is UGH. OMG Jesper was great. Bagra... well. I know SPOILER so... I'll try to keep from being too judgy yet. Ivan is a bit rough, but I knew that already. Nina and the one that captured her are the Stockholm Syndrome pairing, right? Speculating: It wasn't just Alina's desperation at being caught/taken from Mal? They WERE touching when it happened, after all. (Don't tell if it actually is. I just was trying to pick up on threads.) The Apparat is creepy. Very much still enjoying the series.
Ep 4: And now we take a little negativity. Not keen on her faith faltering, and his being truer than ever. Yes, she is being dog-piled, but guess what? He's living a harsher life and trying. Nina and Matthias ... hmm. Well? Matthias seems to be about to have a 'I believed in the wrong things' kind of time. The old biddy is a bitca. Like. Madame Hooch, Cassandra, now her... need to look the actress up and see if she EVER plays something not so dour and bitchy. I really hope Marie and Nadia remain kind. This one felt like it moved slower. Did like seeing Kaz mastermind. Love seeing Jesper and Inej be skillful. And ooh, Arken is really proving useful. Poor Milo, though. The Stag looked magnificent.
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lovesbitca8 · 4 years
So I never really watched Buffy growing up, but it's streaming in the UK (All4 if you're interested) and they've just had the bitca moment! I was so pleased I starting grinning like I do when Angel walks into shot. Ahh, David Boreanaz... Happy Monday! (ps loved the snake pit in the latest chapter)
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arabian-bloodstream · 4 years
Chapters: 4/92 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, arya stark/gendry baratheon, Tyrion Lannister/Sansa Stark, Jon Snow/Lynorah Mormont (OC), Aegon VI Targaryen/Sylva Santagar, Arianne Martell/Harras Harlaw, Gilly Tarly/Samwell Tarly, Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (Flashbacks), Jon Snow/Ygritte (Flashbacks), Jon Snow & Arya Stark, Arya Stark & Sansa Stark, Arya Stark & Gilly Tarly, Gendry Baratheon & Gilly Tarly, Tormund Giantsbane & Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister & Bran Stark, Bronn & Tyrion Lannister, Davos Seaworth & Gendry Waters, Davos Seaworth & Gendry Baratheon, Davos Seaworth & Arya Stark, Davos Seaworth & Gilly Tarly, Jon Snow & Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell & Sylva Santagar, Arya Stark & Arianne Martell, Sansa Stark & Yara Greyjoy, Arya Stark & Yara Greyjoy, Sansa Stark & Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister & Gendry Baratheon, Jon Snow & Aegon VI Targaryen, Jon Snow & Aegon VI Targaryen & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Jon Snow & Samwell Tarly Characters: Arya Stark, Gendry Baratheon - Character, Gendry Waters, Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Arianne Martell, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Aegon VI Targaryen, Aegon VI Targaryen (Son of Elia), Sylva Santagar, Davos Seaworth, Yara Greyjoy, Gilly Tarly, Lynorah Mormont (OC), Delena Florent Norcross, Harras Harlaw, Edric Storm, Desmir Rykker (OC), Jon Connington, Rolly Duckfield, Carpen Wielldfoot (OC), Caillys (OC), Haldon "Halfmaester", Maester Caleotte, Meressa Sentell (OC), Jardan Wayn (OC), Lyanna Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Tavier Fyste (OC), Tormund Giantsbane, Ser Brienne Of Tarth, Brienne of Tarth, Bronn, Ellaria Sand, Samwell Tarly Additional Tags: What happened in s8 happened, This is what happened after what happened in s8, The road to a happy ending is filled with bloodshed and angst, and sex, Lots and lots of sex, Flashbacks... there are lots of flashbacks, Gendry is a REAL BOY! Not just a rower or a runner or Arya's side piece, Let's get some real happy endings up in this bitca!, Arianne Martell deserves everything!, Sansa Stark needs a pack!, Blacksmiths unite, We've never been West of Westeros that's why there are so many Original Characters, Like I don't really have a choice, For serious I worked hard to fit everything in here with canon from ASOIAF AND GOT, Bran Stark makes sense as King of Westeros and I'm gonna show why, Cowgirl Position, The Knight of the Iron Islands, Jon is a Stark but not a Stark, Jon is a Targaryen but not a Targaryen, Lots of Gendrya sexytiems I will not lie, Gendry has a hammer, dadvos, Cassie and Chris united and it feels so good, Fuck it!, I love Brienne. That is it. That is the tag, Tyrion is smart, All those scenes I wanted to see in s8 but didn't? I'm having fun writing those scenes, Dorne is awesome in ASOIAF but not so much in GOT, I'm doing my best to make Dorne awesome in the GOT world too, 'That's not me' was about gender inequality, Arya is finally going to LIVE! Summary:
Told through different eyes, going back and forth between the past and the present, this follows the final chapter of 'Game of Thrones' and brings our characters to a point in their journey where they at last can find happiness and peace within themselves, while Westeros too reaches a peace that will last hundreds of years. Full of twists and turns, battles and betrayals, love and loss, heartbreak and heat. While winter is here, we dream of spring.
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, November 23
Xander : Happy thanksgiving.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Thanksgiving Catastrophe (Xander/Spike, PG) by Forsaken2003
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Vanity and Security (Cordelia, G) by Addicted2Angst
Vampire hollywoodienne (Buffy/Faith, T) by FridayQueen
Fixation (Giles/Spike, M) by Anonymous
Thankful or Not (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
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"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone" (Giles/Reader, sfw) by noceurstars
[Chaptered Fiction]
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I Can't Remember, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Angel, E) by MeTheMermaid
THe More the World is Changing, the More it Stays the Same, Chapter 1 (Angel/Spike, M) by the_widow_twankey
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Cherry on Top, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxineeden
Dead End Plots, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
To All We Guard, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by simmony
Crash and Burn, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by NautiBitz
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The Magic of Sunnydale, Chapter 3 (Crossover with Harry Potter, FR15) by Buffyworldbuilder
The Corridors of a Twisted Mind, Chapter 37 (Multiple crossings, FR18) by johnsmith
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The Prodigal Boyfriend, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by myrabeth
A Son's Love, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by Fancyflautist
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The Plunge, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
What the Drabble?, Chapter 45 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:👁️ ATS 216. Epiphany 👁️ by tmcarlee
Artwork:Buffy fanart by CajunKhan
Sims:My WIP of Sunnydale High in The Sims 4 by mrsnikki88
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Artwork: by
Artwork: by
Meme:[Spike licking houses] by tara-fantastico
Gifset: BtVS 2x03 "School Hard" | AtS 2x19 "Belonging" by mycatismyfriend
Gifset:"Pangs" by dailybtvs
Gifset:Buffy the vampire slayer (1997-2003) by whitefluffyyeti
Gifset:S01:E08 - I, Robot ... You, Jane (Part 10) by thecrazyknight
Gifset:BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 4.08 “Pangs” by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
Gifset:BtVS 5x07 “Fool For Love” by thepunkmuppet
Gifset:favourite cordelia looks [1/?]: ats 2x13 “happy anniversary” by thepunkmuppet
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Dopplegangland restrospective] by coraniaid
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GET YOUR SUCK JOBS!!! | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x10 | The Normies Group Reaction by The Normies
Forever: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x17 Reaction by Dakara
"Teacher's Pet" | Buffy S01E04 Spoiler Review | The Re-Watcher's Council #4 | LGRN by LGRN - Entertainment
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Podcast: Lucky Guess - Angel S05E06 - The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco by Pop Culture Role Call
[Community Announcements]
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The Herald's position on AI-generated text and images by The Sunnydale Herald
[Fandom Discussions]
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top 5 relationships on buffy the vampire slayer by fox-toothed
Dont mind me, I'm just here thinking about my favorite blorbos, forehead cuts edition... by destiel-wings
[Faith's arc missing moment] by antiquery
My pitch for how to fix btvs season 7 by ammoniteflesh
[Bisexual Xander] by smmagill
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TW: The Body by OprahsWagon
Is Caleb a useful creation in the context of cultural conversations about misogyny or bigotry? by Acceptable_Leg_7998 and multiple authors
TIL that Faith only appeared in 20 episodes by multiple authors
What if Tara wasn't shot by multiple authors
Should I watch Angel? by multiple authors
who would you like to be final big bad in season 7 instead first evil? by multiple authors
SMG was known as a bitca for fighting for the rights of herself and the rest of the cast and crew. by multiple authors
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incorrectdwkquotes · 4 years
Deniz: Why is Fabi acting like such a b-i-t-c-h? Klette: Rocce, I think we’re a little old to be spelling things out. Nerv: What’s a ‘bitca‘?
A: I’m not sure about this…B: A, come on, have we ever put you in an unsafe situation? A: All the time! C: Then you should used to it!
Markus: Don’t you like what I bought for you? Düse: I wanted McDonalds. Markus: I got you McDonalds. Düse: I meant like a happy meal, not the whole company! #remeber his parents a RICH!!!#But i think markus is not very good with money #specially when he want to make his girlfriend HAPPY
Mr. Maximillian: Why is it that whenever something happens, it’s always you guys? The Wild Bunch: believe us, we’ve been asking ourselves the same question for years S: Harry Potter
Marlon: you need to be the bigger person, Leon. Leon: I’m 6,4… how much bigger could I be?
The parents of the wild bunch: Where are the kids? Willi: They went outThe parents: But they‘re grounded. Willi: …Parents: …Willi: …are they not allowed out when they’re grounded?
9-year-old Juli: I lost Joschka. Mrs. Reik: How did you lose your brother?! Juli: Oh, give me a break. He’s like two inches tall.
Marlon or Leon as child: Ah Shit. Joachim: Watch your fucking language.
Leon: When i was 10 i had a huge crush on a girl in my school and I didn’t know how to deal with it, so i wrote a letter that just said „Get out of my school!“. Vanessa: THAT WAS YOU!?
Marlon: sometime I wonder if you care about me Horizon: of course I car about you, I love you, you’re awesome! Marlon: … what didi you just say? Horizon: You’re awesome? Marlon: *smiling* Before that. Horizon: Of course I care about you? Marlon: '*smiling brigther* No no, after that. Horizon: *panicked*: … you’re awesome.
Thank you so much for these!!
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friendly neighbourhood anon here. please tell us all about your btvs/the magicians crossover!!
thank you anon (and also @sinnersandsapphics!) for enabling me to talk about my stupid btvs/the magicians crossover!! (tho i guess technically its a btvs au, but i always get those two mixed up. anyways)
Julia Wicker, the slayer, the one girl in all the world. Why not Kady, you may ask? Largely because I think it would be IMMENSELY satisfying to have Kady pin Julia up against a tomb stone with a knife to her throat then kiss her on the forehead a la Faith Lehane. so just know that that’s the criteria I’m using for this whole au. But also because Buffy is, at her heart, a bit of a rule-abiding nerd, and so is Julia. That, and both of them tend to inspire intense loyalty in their friends.
Dean Fogg, the watcher. Obviously Julia is Dean Fogg’s favorite student, and also he is 100% done with all of his students, all the time. 
Alice Quinn, the witch, and Eliot Waugh, the best friend. Now bear with me on these two! I know it’s a bit unorthodox because they actually aren’t that close to Julia in canon, but I think they could have a really interesting & fun friendship. Alice, repressed, nerdy, super smart, awkward, and with her “magic as addiction” narrative is the obvious choice for this universe’s Willow. Eliot and Xander have both never read a book. 
“Why is she being such a B-I-T-C-H?” asks Alice
“Alice, I think we’re all a little too old to be spelling things out,” answers Fogg.
“A bitca?” says Eliot, causing Fogg to regret all of his life choices up to this point.
Kady Orloff-Diaz, the second slayer. “We’re slayers, sister. The chosen two.” From the wrong side of the tracks, tendency to get involved with the local villain, and in love with Julia Wicker. 
Quentin Coldwater, vampire with a crush on Julia #1. Huge nerd, broods a lot, tries to be mysterious but largely fails. Takes things very seriously. Occasionally too seriously. “Hey, I had a soul first! before it was cool!”
Penny Adiyodi, vampire with a crush on Julia #2. Another huge nerd who pretends he’s cool, only this one denies that he cares about anything. Unfortunately keeps getting “”accidentally”” saving Julia and co., prompting dramatic exits where he says stuff like “just a reminder that I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!” (but like, with waaaay less of the creepy rape-y parts of spike.)
Margo Hanson, Prom queen and head bitch extraordinaire. “What is your childhood trauma?!” Ends up going to L.A. with Quentin to start their own spin-off show where they form a private investigations firm and it’s GREAT.
Josh Hoberman, the werewolf. enough said.
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alamble23 · 6 years
Re-watching The Kennedy Curse:
I kind of appreciate that the show doesn’t specifically indicate who our young target is at first, though it’s not hard to guess if you’re paying enough attention.
Lucy and Jiya. LUCY AND JIYA.  These two do not get enough scenes together. 
“I’m sure Wyatt and Flynn have it under control.” LOL, no.
“What about what you want?” “We’re still friends, we have the missions. I’ll be fine.” LIES.  ALL LIES, LUCY PRESTON.
This conversation between Lucy and Jess is so awkward. High school sweethearts, and in counseling for TWO YEARS? I mean, Jess had to have know what she was getting into when she married “her” version of Wyatt, and she’s stuck it out that long? I question her judgment a little bit at this point.
FYI, Wyatt’s outfit isn’t quite the same as what he was wearing in Hollywoodland - the pants are different, the sportcoat’s new, but I think that’s the same shirt and sweater.
Rufus and Wyatt all panicky upon their return is pretty damn funny. Lucy is like the American Express card: DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT HER.
Christopher: “You left [Flynn] there?!” Wyatt: “We’re gonna go back and pick him up!”
Wyatt and Rufus being very nonchalant about retrieving Flynn when they go back to ‘34 is very in character. 
This cover story is pretty decent, considering the circumstances. 
#AwkwardFlirtAlert: Of all the freakin’ topics he could have picked, Wyatt has to go with JFK’s numerous affairs to kick off the conversation?  OH HONEY, NO.  JUST NO.
Concurrently, Lucy, is this really the type of behavior you want Wyatt to be emulating? JFK was charming and charismatic, but he was a deeply flawed man who by most accounts was a terrible husband in a number of ways. Let’s not encourage similar behavior from Wyatt.
Basically, this entire conversation in the bunker hallway made me do a Picard facepalm.
Lucy and Denise.  LUCY AND DENISE. Another conversation that is wholly overdue. 
The sandwich Lucy made actually didn’t look that bad.  
“Well, she’s a teacher, right?” Jessica’s inflection on the word teacher gets everybody’s hackles up. Also, Lucy at least probably has the clearance level to do something like this, which Jessica assuredly does not. 
“I’m having a rather strange day.” - JFK, totally understating the situation.
Rufus, Jiya and Mason batting around the logic of causality loops is about the most sci-fi this show has gotten in a while.
Why would they want to keep a low profile, Jessica? I dunno, maybe because they have a TIME TRAVELING MACHINE THAT BAD GUYS STOLE AT ONE POINT? I get that this timeline is kinda compressed (I’m assuming it’s been a couple of days,maybe a week, max, since they got back from Hollywood and Jess got dragged into the bunker) but surely Wyatt has explained some of this to her?
I looked up Risperidone, out of curiosity - it’s commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Do with that what you will.
Grant Jordan is just SO charming as Young Jack. “What’s wrong with my suit? This is a nice suit!” Yes it is, young fella.  You look very dapper.
JFK’s medical issues - aside from his fairly well-known back problems - were never really definitively diagnosed, but it’s likely he had IBS in some form or fashion, and having a very good friend who suffers from Crohn’s Disease, that is no joke. 
Have I mentioned lately how much I HATE Nicholas and Emma? SEETHING HATRED
Agent Christopher getting taken: DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. Also, Sakina Jaffrey liked one of my tweets last night, which was super-cool.
“This is like getting stoned to death with popcorn.” Interesting analogy there, Connor.
This conversation between Rufus and Jiya .... oh, geez.  I don’t know if I have the brain space to address this right now. I mumbled about it on twitter last night. Maybe I can corral my thoughts better later. Just know that I appreciated the fact that this dialogue existed in this episode at all.
Carol is truly getting desperate to have this conversation with Christopher. 
“If you think that’s going to work, then you don’t know your daughter at all.” YOU TELL HER, MAMA BEAR.
Jack and Kayla are actually really sweet together. Props once again to the casting department!
This fight scene between Wyatt and Emma is BRUTAL .First question: where did Emma learn her moves? Is she ex-military and I’ve just forgotten?  Per Lana Cho, who wrote this episode, that sequence took almost 8 hours to film and that was ALL Matt and Annie, no stunt doubles. 
And Emma pretty much confirms that she’s responsible for Jessica’s resurrection.  Still a stone-cold bitca.
To shoot, or not to shoot: this isn’t quite the same scenario as in the Pilot, when Flynn has Lucy. Emma is very careful to position herself such that Wyatt’s only option, if he is to pull the trigger, is a head shot, which he is unlikely to take because it’s a low-percentage play. 
Lucy, picking up Wyatt’s visual cues. Love it! Also, her bitching at the security guard is totally a wifey move. Notice Jessica is DEAD SILENT. the entire time. She knows what’s what. 
“It’s not like he was faithful to me before, I don’t know why he’d be faithful to me now.” JESSICA, WHAT? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THIS CLEARLY TERRIBLE VERSION OF WYATT? 
Incidentally, she said it so off-handedly that I wonder if it happened before they were married.  But still. 
“Tell him I said bye?” She seriously wasn’t even going to tell him to his face? Cold. 
A lot has already been said about Lucy’s speech, and I don’t have too much to add, other than to reiterate my thoughts from Twitter last night: Lucy deserves better than to be the default choice. Letting Jess walk away would have been a mistake. 
That being said, she toes the line between selflessness and being self-sacrificing a little too closely for my taste.
Agent Christopher being microchipped explains how they’re going to raid the Rittenhouse bunker next week. 
Fun fact: JFK named Robert Frost Poet Laureate during his term as POTUS, and Frost read a poem at his inaugration.
Ohhhhhhhh, this is bad, THIS IS VERY BAD. Don’t give JFK the iPad, Kayla!
Props again to both of these actors.  They are so good. 
I would love to know how Denise explains that MAJOR SHINER to her children.
House parties, blech.
TEXT, LUCY. No one can hear cell phones with the music that loud. 
Emma is the absolute LAST person you should be asking for help, Jack.  
Kayla and her brother are going to have a VERY tough time explaining those bullet holes in the walls when their parents get back tomorrow.
“Was I a good President?” “One of the greatest.” *sob*
“If you were my daughter, I’d be so proud.” *double sob*
These last two minutes are a full-on callback to 1x09, The Last Ride of Bonnie and Clyde, and that is totally deliberate, friends. Possibilities have turned into reality, and no matter how hard they try, Wyatt and Lucy can’t put that genie back in the bottle. 
Until next week ...... 
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kettlewrites · 6 years
OHMY GOD ... I’ve been reading your jaemin au for a while and had my own theories about it and I wasn’t really expecting this. I love it!
Ahah ahah I threw a curveball to everyone,,, what fun would it be if I did something that everyone expected?
sjdjsji she truly is !! everyone big mad at her now 
Anon: Now yoojung can die
Kim Yoojung found dead in a ditch!
💚 Anon: o m l CAN I NOT
everyone’s reaction to today's update. 
I hope this was rhetorical bc it was explained in part nine skejdje
@cxcxlxlee: I’m shocked because of chapter 9.
[BREAKING NEWS] everyone left shooketh and wigless after today’s update 
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