#I loved gos2
ellebellekm · 1 year
GOOD OMENS ENDING SPOILERS (only text, no pics or gifs)
On which characters are right, wrong, equally so, and why our current least favorite character did what he did, and why it’s all going to work out in S3…
Both Crowley and Aziraphale are equally right, and both Crowley and Aziraphale are equally wrong.
Crowley is right that heaven and hell are toxic, and that neither of them needs heaven or hell.
Crowley is wrong in thinking they should run away from it all.
Aziraphale is right that they need to continue protecting humanity. They need to NOT run away, and help.
Aziraphale is wrong about the fact that the best way to do that is through the power of heaven.
The other thing they both get right is acknowledging that they need each other. (They just need to overcome the differences in their “Exactly’s” again, as it were.
And they will. This is just the end of act 2. This is intermission)
ALSO. I definitely suspect that the Metatron conspired to split up Aziraphale and Crowley for this very reason: together, they are extremely powerful. He took note of that 25 Lazerii half-miracle they performed. Imagine what might happen of they tried to do a full blown show-stopping time-bending miracle together to save the world? He knows that if heaven and hell tried to go against the two of them together… well, Aziraphale and Crowley are just too OP.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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please enjoy my favorite "no context" moments from good omens 2
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lineffability · 1 year
"apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well" listen LISTEN i think this is why. i think the magnitude and power of that miracle they did together is what alerted the metatron and why he has come to separate them by all means, because they have not realized yet quite how powerful they are together and what that could mean!! this is why, i think???? they used to do each other's miracles and temptations for each other, but never with, and that could change everythign and could get in the way of certain Ineffable Plans (that i don't think are necessarily God's, looking at you villain metatrash)
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The thing is, I don't think Aziraphale thinks of it as changing Crowley at all. To him, Pre-Fall Crowley and Demon Crowley are the same person, kind and fun and sweet and cool and equally beloved. So to him, there should be no difference whether Crowley is here on Earth or up in Heaven with him, he'll still just be Crowley, and at least this way they would be safe and protected.
All the while Crowley sees it as Aziraphale's long-term love and acceptance being conditional (like God's that was already ripped away), that Aziraphale has just been slumming it with him being a demon bc there wasn't anything they could do about it, and that he's jumping at the chance to fundamentally change Crowley the first chance he gets.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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writtenin-blood · 1 year
I was thinking about how Crowley's idea of people falling in love is them standing together in the rain and I just kept thinking about these
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But also I remembered the first gos2 poster we got was
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Just a couple standing in the rain looking up at the stars- which they witnessed the birth of together
I hate it here
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Good Omens Season 2
from the X-Ray Bonus Features on Amazon Prime
[ Part One ] [ Part Two ] [ Part Three ] [ Part Four ] [ Part Five ]
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vavoom-sorted-art · 11 months
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Oh, Aziraphale. I understand now. I'm in love.
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buumbaby · 1 year
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" one fabulous kiss and we're good "
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numbuh424 · 1 year
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the longing looks Aziraphale gives Crowley after seeing Beelzebub and Gabriel get together... his eyes just scream "I want that for us too" and it's ruining me
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princip1914 · 1 year
A little hopeful moment which I missed on the first watch, but which I think is so important. Nina and Maggie come to have their talk with Crowley. Now, we all know that Crowley is Maggie—yes, sure, Nina is sarcastic and suave and cool and calls Maggie angel—but it’s obvious that Crowley is Maggie and Nina is Aziraphale. Crowley even admits it himself in the very beginning of this conversation when he tries to justify meddling to get Maggie and Nina together:
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“Nina needed rescuing.” Yeah, you know who else always “needs rescuing”? Anyway, moving on.
Nina says she just got out of a relationship and it would be a disaster to get into another one right away. And then this happens:
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Nina says she hopes Maggie will still be around, but she knows she can’t ask Maggie to just wait while she figures out her own baggage. There's no guarantee. And then Maggie interjects—
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The parallel between Maggie/Nina and Crowley/Aziraphale is so intentional as to feel heavy handed. So what does it mean that we get this exchange in at this particular moment in the script—buried within the conversation which is the catalyst for Crowley confessing his feelings, occurring in the lull immediately before the spectacular dissolution of everything the first two seasons were building towards?
“We could have been us,” Crowley says. Crowley walks out of the bookshop. Crowley turns off their song in his car. Whatever tentative blooming thing has been building between him and Aziraphale for six thousand years appears to be very clearly over. Aziraphale presses the kiss to his lips and knows there is no guarantee they will ever have a chance to be together. There's no guarantee that Crowley will ever want to forgive him, that he will keep on waiting for him.
There is.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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We don't need heaven, we don't need hell. They're toxic. We need to get away from them -- just be an us.
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lenaellsi · 1 year
so you're anthony j. crowley, long-time exile from heaven and recent exile from hell, and you've finally figured out that the mess of overwhelming and infuriating and intoxicating feelings you've been harboring for the only being in the universe you've ever been able to rely on might, whoopsies, be something a little bit like love. but not love the way you remember heaven loved you, or the way they told you god loved you (they lied), but love like the humans do it: messy, and awkward, and incongruously infinite, and so, so fragile.
and, well. okay, you think. this'll be horrible. embarrassing for both of us, probably. but i'll tell him. you've never been a coward, no matter what the other demons might say. screw your courage to the sticking place, or whatever. macbeth. aziraphale loved that one.
so you talk yourself into it, you gather every scrap of courage and honesty you've got left, and you say, all right, angel, i've got something to say, only aziraphale's got something to say, too, and--
aziraphale doesn't love you back.
or. he does, but he loves the ghost of the angel you used to be, not the person you've made yourself since. he loves you, but he loves you like god did--loves you good, and quiet, and dull. he loves you without your grief, or your anger, without even that first bite of the apple. he wants you like that again, he says. defanged, like the Antichrist's domesticated hellhound.
(you worked for hell for a long time, and for god for a long time before that. you're intimately familiar with what it is to offer someone everything they've ever wanted, and then to twist it, to mutilate it, into an unrecognizable hell of their own choosing. you're not sure why it surprises you anymore. you're not sure why you keep letting the surprises hurt.)
and so you do the thing you've done since the beginning, because you've never been able to stop yourself: you push. you push hard, and you grab him, and he's so angry and you kiss him and you don't think about it, don't think about it, this is the most important temptation of your life, the only one that's ever mattered--
and he forgives you.
so you leave. at least that way you can do it before he does. you've always been a step ahead and to the left; stupid to think this would ever be different. stupid to think he might choose you, with all of heaven and earth spread out in front of him. nothing lasts forever, not even the stars.
he told you that a long time ago.
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aduckwithears · 1 year
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That was a class-A surreptitious half a miracle.
Good Omens S2/Ep1
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