#I made theeeese !!!
pjs-everyday · 9 months
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ehh, bring your kid to work day is a little–– 🤫✨
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rupertholmes · 10 months
He cant get over it, Round Rumble
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And then also ur shockwave design is so yummy
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ketsukanetinyroba · 4 months
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bembembembis · 1 year
I made mood boards for OC's I made based on the Seven Sins. I made the mood boards all the photos I got were from Pinterest. Felt like sharing <3
They're siblings, children of death and her angel.
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Orsolya - Greed
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Livius - Envy
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Oleander - Gluttony
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Seraphina - Wrath
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Cascade - Sloth
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Hobart - Pride
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Montgomery - Lust
Some things I love;
All of them have crows; connecting them to death & to each other.
The background of the mood boards are the colour that their sin represents. Greed = yellow. Envy = green. Gluttony = orange. Wrath = red. Sloth = light blue. Pride = purple. Lust = there's some different answers for this on google, some say red, I went with a darker blue bc wrath is red.
Their names;
Orsolya means little bear; she is seen as a "bear queen" hence the bear on her mood board.
Livius means livid or envious; very straight foreword.
Oleander is a plant that is extremely toxic; the character grows and wears a crown literally made out of Oleander leaves and also consumes anything including that which is extremely poisonous to them.
Seraphina means burning ones; she has magic that allows her to summon fire; fire can also be connected to anger and wrath.
Cascade; the character was once some sort of powerful warrior, failed during some sort of war or fight and fell off of a mountain, cliff, etc and "cascaded" to the bottom, where she has stayed, alive but to disinterested, tired, weak to get up.
Hobart is the smartest of the group; his name means bright or shining intellect. His intellect leads to his hubris.
Montgomery translates to mountain belonging to the ruler, and one of his romantic partners is the king of one of the kingdoms. He is defined, named even by the lust or love he has for his king.
Anyway very fun to make these and I love them a lot <333
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Horacio Carrillo x Diana Turbay
Written for the other half of my brain @ashlingnarcos as part of the Rare Pair Exchange!
Warnings: 18+, major character death, angst, language, alcohol, grief/mourning, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: These two. THEEEESE two. Much to think about.
Narcos Taglist: @garbinge @winchestershiresauce @sizzlingcloudmentality @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @purplesong1028 @narcolini @cositapreciosa
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“I don’t think it’s that simple.”
That was one of the first things that Carrillo ever remembered Diana saying to him when they first met. She said it with a warm smile on her face and a firm shake of his hand. Despite the softness of her features, the level nature of her voice, Carrillo could still see the glint in her eye.
As time went on, it became her favorite thing to tell him. It was amusing at best, infuriating at worst. The most infuriating thing about it was that she wasn’t ever really wrong when she said it, although most times Carrillo wished that she was.
Because he had to see things as simply as possible. For the sake of his job, for the sake of what little sanity he still had left, he had to try and see things as plainly as he possibly could. He wished that he could be more like Diana, although he’d never actually said that to her. But it was true. The fact that she still could stay so hopeful, so level-headed while trying to see more than both sides of everything that was going on, he truly didn’t know how she did it. He wouldn’t be able to. It was hard enough for him to listen to her own trains of thought on it some days. Again, not because she was wrong, but because she more often than not raised very good points. He couldn’t imagine living with so many textures and layers going on in his head all the time, not when it came to the state of the world around him. He admired her for that and so many other things.
But the first time she said that to him, he had no idea that he was going to be in for all of that. The first time she said it was after they’d introduced themselves, and Carrillo had made a bit of a slick remark about everyone already knowing who Diana was at that point, like her introducing herself was a bit redundant. In short, he deserved the statement and the look in her eyes that had come with it that day.
Since then there had been a lot of late nights, early mornings, and long conversations. Carrillo had learned more about Diana than he ever thought possible, learned how little the rest of the world actually knew her. She was never a woman who seemed to lack depth, but the more time he spent around her, the more he realized the sheer vastness that she had to her, and the best he could do was try to keep up.
There were nights that Carrillo would come home to find Diana sitting in the living room, the television playing news being reported by anyone other than her. She’d have the paper from earlier in the day open in front of her, soaking up what everyone else had to say. Every now and then Carrillo would try to get a rise out of her, just to see if he could. He’d poke and prod, knowing that there were plenty of reporters in Escobar’s pocket and the things they wrote would reflect that. Others were just scared, and who, besides Carrillo, could blame them?
Diana didn’t, though. She didn’t blame them, not really. Even her criticisms of other reporters, politicians, the narcos, they hardly ever actually sounded like criticisms. More often than not she would phrase things as questions, or statements that masqueraded as almost perfectly neutral but Carrillo could tell by the look in her eye that there was venom hidden underneath it for anyone who was willing to try and sink their teeth into her.
Some mornings Carrillo was up and almost out the door before Diana had even started to stir. Other nights they’d be fast asleep and one of them would get called away. On really bad nights, both of them got called away for the same reason. No matter who was leaving, or why, there was always a softly spoken direction to stay safe. The type of thing that Carrillo would’ve found futile to say in any other circumstance, knowing that safety was something that was largely out of their own hands at any given moment. But then he would look at her and the words would just come tumbling out. Or she would say it to him and he’d be helpless to do anything but nod and promise her that he’d try. She gave him more depth all the time.
Even with that, in Carrillo’s mind it was logical for him to try and brush off Diana’s attempt to humanize everything that was happening around them. It didn’t do him any good in a way that made his life any easier. But there were nights when he would come home, weary from wounds that were never going to show on the outside except for the flecks of gray hair coming in too early and the dark circles beneath his eyes, that her softness and understanding felt like home. She knew things that he didn’t have it in him to say, understood it without making him suffer through trying to articulate it.
She saw the burden that he carried on his shoulders. More weights added with each officer that he lost. He tried his best to compartmentalize it, knowing that if he didn’t it would break him in a way that he wouldn’t ever be able to come back from. He tried to bury it in late nights and drown it in liquor, keep the edges from fraying however he could.
There were more nights than either of them wanted to admit when they would go to bed together, only for Diana to wake in the middle of the night to find the other half of the bed empty. She would wait, and listen. If she didn’t hear anything, she would force herself out of bed. There was the checklist of things that she would look for along the way, signs that pointed to whether or not he was still home.
Sometimes when he was still there, she would find him sitting at the table. Some nights he would have reports and photographs spread out in front of him. Other nights, all he would have was a bottle and a glass. Sometimes it was hard for Diana to tell which was worse.
She would take the bottle, close it without asking for permission or saying much of anything to him. She’d put it away, coming back for the glass next. Holding it in one hand, she would rest the other on his back or his shoulder.
“Ven a la cama,” she’d tell him, her voice gentle and tired.
He would shake his head, like he was going to make the next big break sitting alone at the dining room table at 2AM. “Tengo que—”
“Qué tienes que hacer ahora? Mm?” she’d challenge lightly as she squeezed his shoulder.
He knew that he could try to give her an answer, but he also knew that it wasn’t ever going to be one that was good enough to sway her. One person he was hard-pressed to win an argument against.
For all of Diana’s steadiness, Carrillo could still tell when things would start to shake her. She somehow found a way to balance it, being honest about her feelings, her fears, and yet still being professional when she needed to be. A balance Carrillo was fairly certain that he wouldn’t ever strike. She wore it well. Articulated it even better. It was how she got a security team making sure that she got to and from scenes safely, because she’d be damned if someone was going to scare her away.
It wasn’t necessarily uncommon that the two of them would end up needing to go to the same place. When it came to Escobar, their jobs were entwined in a way that made things more complicated for them both on and off the clock. They adapted, adjusted—there wasn’t much of an alternative. It was another night of the same, separate means to the same end. Carrillo had beaten Diana and her team to the scene only by a few minutes. He and Valeria had that in common.
It wasn’t Carrillo’s place to insert himself into whatever was transpiring between the two women. That wasn’t what he was there for. But he also couldn’t pretend that he didn’t notice it. He could see the tightness in Diana’s jaw, the stiffness that only took over her body when she had her hackles up. It happened so rarely that Carrillo instantly felt anger flash through him, directed at a woman who he didn’t particularly care for sure, but he didn’t really know her, either. He knew better, though, than to think that Diana couldn’t hold her own.
He saw the smug grin on Valeria’s face as she turned and walked away from Diana. What he noticed even more was the way it took a bit for the edges in Diana’s features to soften again. She took a deep breath, shoulders rising and falling from the intensity of it, the effort put in to get herself back in check. There was work to do. For all of them.
“I don’t know how she sleeps at night,” Carrillo said when the two of them got home in the small hours of the morning.
Diana chuckled as she wiped the makeup from her face. Her amusement at his reaction replacing the anger that had been coursing through her earlier in the evening. “Yes, you do.”
His eyebrows shot up at her response, looking at her through the mirror above their bathroom sink. He cracked a brief smile before returning to undoing the buttons of his fatigues. “Not what I meant.”
She smiled, still looking at him even though he was no longer looking at her. “I know.” She shut the faucet off, patting her face dry as she said, “Everyone is willing to accept different things, Horacio.”
“No one should be willing to accept that.”
Diana shrugged, giving a small nod. “Maybe not. I don’t agree with her methods, or the fact that she chooses to keep his company.”
He shrugged off the outer layer of his uniform, leaving just the green t-shirt that he had on underneath. He could hear the way her sentence trailed off slightly. “But?”
“But,” she turned around, leaning back so that the sink counter was keeping her propped up, “when all of this started?” She shrugged. “Pablo Escobar was someone that the people of this country could root for, stand behind.”
Carrillo scoffed. “Paisa Robin Hood.”
“You didn’t see the appeal?” she questioned.
“I see all the dead bodies trailing behind him since,” he replied. “Why should I give a fuck about his potential, Diana? After everything he’s done? Everything he’s still doing?”
“It’s not that simple,” she cut him short. She watched him shake his head and waited for him to look at her. “Ya lo sabes eso.” She could see the disdain in his features. Not directed at her, necessarily, but at all of it. The state of things. “If you want to understand why people will still help him, you need to acknowledge that potential. Even Valeria—it’s far past that now but that potential is what drew her in at first too.”
His only response was an unintelligible grumble and a shake of his head. After a beat, he told her, “I saw the way you looked at her.”
Diana smiled small at the callout, the way it doubled as a diversion. With so much else going on, the only two people who saw her expression during that conversation were Valeria and Carrillo. Fitting. “I’m not perfect. It gets to me sometimes. She gets to me sometimes.” Stepping in, she rested her palm against his chest. “All the good it does me, hm?”
Carrillo brought his hand up and rested it over hers. He wished he could level himself out that easily. He watched in real time as she worked through her feelings. Sometimes the work went quicker than others, but she always came out seemingly balanced on the other side of it. Even if it was just a façade for work, even if it was just a mask temporarily put in place to get her to the next thing. It worked. Carrillo wished that he worked the same way. He’d have fewer warpaths in his wake.
“Come,” she pulled both their hands away from his chest, tugging him towards the door. “It’s been a long day.”
He let out a tired hum of agreement. Letting her pull him away, he swiped the button-down of his fatigues on the way out. He flipped the lights off along the way, letting everything fade into darkness as the two of them finally got to retreat to their room. Sleep was hard to come by, but he at least had the comfort of knowing he wasn’t struggling to find it alone.
One night faded into the next. It was relatively quiet until it wasn’t. The phone ringing sounded nearly deafening at the late hour. Diana beat him to it, tangling her fingers in the cord of it as she held it to her ear. Even though he could only hear her side of the conversation, Carrillo knew within the first couple exchanges that it was not only a call for her, but one that was going to take her away for the rest of the night.
“Gracias,” she brought the call to a close, already taking the phone away from her ear as she said, “Hasta pronto.”
Carrillo didn’t say anything for a moment, just looking at her from where he was sitting on the couch. He couldn’t tell by the look on her face how she felt about whatever had just been said to her. “Todo bien?” he tossed out in hopes of gleaning a little more from her.
“No,” she replied honestly, already looking around for her shoes and jacket, “pero, es lo que es, sí?”
He frowned at that. He knew that it had all been weighing on her, the way that everything felt like it was happening closer and closer to home as time went on. She had more hope in her than most, but it didn’t go untested. “Qué puedo hacer?”
She gave him a tired smile, shaking her head. “Nada.” Walking over to him, she leaned in, kissing him softly on the lips. She felt his palm against the side of her face and she soaked it up for an extra moment. “Te quiero.”
The edges of his mouth lifted slightly. Not quite a smile, but not the worried frown that it had been a few moments before. “Te quiero.” He brushed his thumb along her cheek. “Cuidate.”
Her smile was warm as she pulled away from him and made her way for the door. “Siempre.”
It wasn’t long after she left that Carrillo got called away as well. He wasn’t home to see that she never made it back.
“They got another one,” Javi said as he came striding into the room.
“What?” Steve asked, looking up from the map that he and Carrillo had been pouring over together.
“Escobar’s men,” Javi elaborated. “They picked up another hostage.”
Both men were looking at Javi now, but it was still only Steve speaking as he asked, “Who?”
Javi’s lips pulled down into a deep frown at the question. He knew that it was coming. If it wasn’t Steve that asked, it would’ve been Carrillo, or anyone else who was lingering around and caught wind of the news. There was no getting out of saying it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be the one to break it to them. Especially not when Carrillo’s eyes were practically tearing through him already.
“Who, Javier?” Carrillo pressed.
He wanted to look away but he couldn’t—he owed the Colonel that much. “Diana.”
Silence washed over the small room. Steve couldn’t bring himself to look at the man standing next to him, meanwhile Javi felt like his eyes were all but glued to him. Both of them were waiting for something. An implosion, for the concrete walls to crumble around them, something. It was so silent they were sure that no one was even breathing.
Carrillo’s fists were clenched so tightly as they rested on the tabletop, Javi was surprised that his knuckles didn’t break the skin. He tried to take a deep breath and couldn’t, the air getting stopped about halfway down before he grit out, “We have to fucking find him.”
Javi nodded. “We will. We’ll find him. Everyone—hey,” he waited for Carrillo to look at him, “Everyone is coming home.”
It almost looked like Carrillo nodded, but before he really committed to the action, he bailed on it. Walking over and blowing past Javi, he uttered on the way out, “They need to be coming home alive.”
Carrillo had more freedom with the Search Bloc than he’d had in a long time. But he was the only one out of the three men who really had the ability to do anything close to what he wanted to do. Javi and Steve were more than willing to dive into the thick of it, but the DEA and the CIA both had their hands tied. Judging by the look on Carrillo’s face, however, the two agents had a feeling that the Colonel was going to be bringing them along for the ride. Red tape be damned. Some people said they’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission, but Carrillo wasn’t really in the habit of asking for forgiveness either. Whatever needed to be done, whatever that looked like, he was going to do it. And he was going to do it unapologetically.
Steve and Javi lingered behind even after Carrillo left. Steve was on the far side of the table from Javi, nearly a whole room between them as he lingered close to the doorway. They looked at each other, neither of them saying anything for a moment as they tried to figure out what was going to be next. They could try to sit there and be logical and say that this didn’t change the game at all, that yes there was another hostage in play now but that it wasn’t new circumstances. But that would’ve been a lie and they knew it. Carrillo was objective until he wasn’t—they all were.
Steve shook his head, finally breaking the silence. “If we don’t get her back, Jav—”
“I know,” he didn’t even want Steve to finish the thought. He walked over, looking at the map spread out on the table in front of them. “So, we’re going to.”
Days ticked by with nothing to show for it. It was infuriating, and it felt like with every passing hour that held no update, no tangible win for their operation, another stitch of Carrillo’s seams began to rip. One of the only people capable of smoothing them over and pulling the strings back together now taken off the chess board.
Then they received the first tape.
Carrillo was in the second wave of people to see it. Diana’s parents, Sandoval and Gaviria, they saw it first. It was delivered directly to them. It was handed off to Carrillo afterwards, and not because of any respect to his relationship to Diana, but because they were hoping that there would be something he or his team could glean from it. Carrillo hoped the same, or at least, he’d get around to hoping the same eventually once he worked through the slew of anger and fear that went through him at the sight of her on his television.
That was how the whole country knew her—staring into their homes and hearts from the other end of the camera, the other side of the TV. Despite that degree of separation, all of Colombia had fallen in love with her. She had that way of making people feel like they knew her, like she was a friend or an acquaintance breaking the news each night rather than a woman most of them had never met in person. And most times, when the television was playing at the base and Carrillo would hear Diana’s voice in the background while he was working, there was a sense of pride there, sometimes even comfort. There was distance, sure, but at least he could still hear her. But now, in that moment he had never hated the gap between them more.
Javi and Steve were in the room with him, all of them gathered around the television as he played the tape. Carrillo was aware of their presence when the tape started. But by the end of it, it felt like the rest of the world had fallen away.
The television screen went to static at the end. For a moment, no one moved, no one said anything. Steve and Javi were afraid to even breathe. Carrillo’s eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him, jaw clenched tight, fists clenched even tighter.
Javi mustered up every bit of bravery he had left in him and broke the silence. “Carrillo—”
He didn’t let Javi get to whatever the second word of that sentence was going to be. “I don’t want to fucking hear it.” He opened and closed one hand, like undoing and redoing the action of making a fist would somehow satiate the need to put it through something. “I’m not waiting around any longer.”
Steve was about to speak up and say something, but Carrillo disappeared from the room in a flash, static still going on the television. Javi let out a deep breath, chin dropping so that he was staring at the floor. Steve watched him, waiting for some sort of cue.
“What more is there to do?” he finally asked. “Carrillo’s already got his guys kicking in doors. Never does us—”
“There are plenty of doors he hasn’t kicked in yet, Murphy,” Javi told him with a shake of his head. “Now those are gonna go too. Come on,” he motioned for Steve to follow him, “we’re gonna make some friends.”
Calling the agreement that formed between the DEA and the CIA a friendship was more forgiving than any of them deserved. Still, it was mutually beneficial for two groups of people who hated feeling like they were just sitting on the sidelines, hands shoved in their pockets. They just wished that it was yielding more tangible results.
The second tape came and it was the last thing that that television was ever able to play.
In the aftermath of the second tape, one of the only wins was that everyone was granted more leeway by Gaviria. The stakes of the game continued to change, getting more intense with each passing day. For all of the differences and opinions between them, Carrillo had a small pocket of space in the back of his mind dedicated to being thankful that Diana’s parents had their thumb over Gaviria’s pulse on this. He never said it, hardly ever even saw them, but he felt it in passing moments and that was the best that he could offer for the time being.
“We got a hit,” Javi said as he got out of the car, sat-phone in hand, relieved to finally have some good fucking news to share.
The relief was palpable, radiating off of everyone except for Carrillo. He had gone on too many wild goose chases over the last weeks. He would continue following up on the leads that were given to him, he was drowning in desperation after all, but he was worn out enough to allow himself a moment of hesitancy.
He saw it on Carrillo’s face, too. Hopefulness hadn’t ever been one of the man’s most notable attributes, but in the wake of Diana being taken, Carrillo had never felt the strain between wanting to have hope, and feeling like it was constantly being taken away from him like that before.
“Where?” he finally asked.
“Not far.” Javi made a vague motion around them. “Round up your guys—let’s go.”
That was a direction that Carrillo followed without wasting a moment. He relayed the information as Javi was giving it to him, already getting back into the car.
The instant sound of gunfire when they showed up let them know that they were in the right place. With the number of sicarios that were lingering outside, Carrillo wouldn’t have been surprised if Escobar was hiding out in the house somewhere.
Carrillo and all the men that were with him descended on the house. Silent and quick efficiency. There was no noise outside of the scattered gunfire. Carrillo couldn’t hear the voices of anyone. Not Escobar, not sicarios, and certainly not hostages. He felt that strange pang in his chest, the feeling of hope being pulled out of him. There wasn’t time for that in moments like the one he was in. The stakes were too high—too many lives on the line. He tried to stuff it down. He’d get around to feeling it later. Or he wouldn’t.
A bullet whizzed by his face and snapped him back to the task at hand. He fired back instantly. In that moment, all the years that he spent compartmentalizing came into play. He shut everything else out. The only thing on his mind was what was in front of him. Which was one of Escobar’s men with a gun pointed directly at his face.
He followed him down a short hallway, into a nearly-empty side room off of it. The man continued to fire, but Carrillo barely noticed the bullets coming toward him as he started to shoot back. A couple missed their target, burying themselves in the walls, in the standing wardrobe that was pushed into the back corner of the room. Carrillo barely noticed the strays when all of the others landed right where they were supposed to. Sent the man stumbling backward before he finally crumpled to the floor.
The Colonel didn’t even allow himself a moment to breathe. Killing sicarios wasn’t what he had shown up there for, although it was a side-effect that no one including him was upset about. He was there to find Escobar. He was there to find Diana. Anything else was secondary.
Gun still at the ready, he strode over to the wooden closet in the back of the room. He could feel Trujillo lurking behind him, ready for whatever was going to happen next. Or, as ready as either of them thought they could be.
When Carrillo pulled the closet door open, nothing in the world could’ve prepared him for what he saw inside. His hold on his gun instantly laxed, the mouth of it dropping to point at the floor. The entire world around him came to a standstill for a moment as he took in the sight of what he’d done. The only sound he was able to register, was the deep sigh that Trujillo let out behind him. No amount of prayers would ever clear Carrillo’s conscience of this.
He dropped to one knee, gun clattering against the ground as he went. His elbow dug into the knee of his bent leg, hand coming up to cover the lower half of his face as he looked at Diana, looked at what he’d done to her. All the countless hours of panic over what Escobar and his men might be doing to her, and he was the one who did this. Catching Escobar at any cost was an ideal that slipped completely from his mind in that moment. As he looked at her, trying to reconcile how she looked in that moment with how she looked like the last time he saw her, the last time he held her, he couldn’t help but to think for the briefest moment that he couldn’t keep going if she wasn’t going to either.
He couldn’t even bring himself to say it. It was a herculean effort to speak any words at all as he tried to update the entire team on what happened without actually telling them what happened. “We have a problem,” he forced out, his voice devoid of any emotion despite the tidal wave of them flooding his chest at the moment.
He was instantly met with others asking what happened, what the problem was. But he wasn’t able to answer. Those four words were all that he had in him, the sight in front of him gluing his feet to the floor. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. Truijllo’s voice was static behind him, words garbled in his ears even though the man was only a few inches away from him. It was probably better that way.
Everyone continued to go through the routine that they’d all established so well. The only one who was frozen in place was Carrillo. He could feel the way that he wanted to crumble completely to the floor. The trembling in his hands hadn’t been there while they were all crashing through the house.
It was all a blur after that. The only thing that clearly registered to Carrillo next was the desperate voice of Diana’s mother after the news had been delivered. Carrillo wasn’t even the one who told her. Word had spread to her before he even made it back from the raid.
“Qué hiciste?” she stormed up to him, some people hesitating like they were about to stop her but no one quite committing to the action. No one could blame her for whatever she was going to do next.
Carrillo felt the burning sensation of tears in his eyes, something that he hadn’t been acquainted with in a long time. Still, he managed to meet her gaze. It was the least he could give her. “Lo siento, señora, para su—”
“No,” she cut him off, making a sweeping gesture with her hand, “no quiero sus disculpas.”
The cruel words that followed barely registered, not because he wasn’t listening to what she was saying, but because nothing that she could tell him would ever stack up against the thoughts that had been running through his mind ever since he pulled back that wooden door. If anything, it was a reprieve, because no one else could ever measure up to the things that he was saying to himself in that moment. However, as he looked into Nydia’s eyes, he had the thought that she was a close second.
“Tu hiciste esto,” she said, her voice shaking, tears staining her cheeks.
“No es tan sencillo,” the words fell from his lips and instantly left a bitter taste in their wake. Diana always made it sound true, even in the moments when he wanted to tell her she was wrong. She never was.
“Sí,” she argued, “lo es.”
All he could bring himself to do was nod, knowing that much like her daughter, Nydia wasn’t telling him anything but the truth. He could try to come up with a million things to say in an attempt to placate her. He was no stranger to confronting grieving family members, grieving spouses. The argument could be made that he should feel guilty about all of those deaths leading up to this one, that he had a hand in each of them. And from a certain perspective that would be true. They were his men, his responsibility. Perhaps he did hold some of the fault.
But this wasn’t anything like that.
His involvement in this wasn’t some vague distant thing. It wasn’t just a sense of commitment and duty that wasn’t enough. This was his fault because of something that he did. Diana’s death was a direct result of his own actions. And sure, he could listen to others saying that there were a million other factors that contributed to it, things preceding the event that were just as much to blame. Those statements weren’t inaccurate, but Carrillo knew that they didn’t absolve him. Yes, if Escobar’s men hadn’t kidnapped her in the first place they wouldn’t be in the situation they are now. But also, if he’d been more careful, if he hadn’t pulled the trigger as many times as he did, they also wouldn’t be dealing with the loss that they were now. And the Colonel only had control over one of those sets of circumstances.
Eventually the room emptied. Both of Diana’s parents were escorted out. Where they went, Carrillo had no idea. He was given permission to leave, to go home if he wanted. But he didn’t want to. He left, because there was only so long that everyone could simply stand in that room together looking at each other in sad and uncomfortable silence.
His office was empty and he had never been so thankful for it. He shut the door behind him, the click of it barely audible. Looking around the room, everything felt like salt in the wound. All the photographs, maps with routes diligently mapped out that ended up leading him nowhere. Tapes stacked and filled with conversations that did him no good now. The broken television on the far side of his office was still there, cracked and falling apart, just like everything else at the moment.
Slowly walking behind the desk, Carrillo pulled out his chair. He looked at it for a moment, but his legs wouldn’t let him sit. Instead, he paced. He could feel the burning sensation deep in his chest, emotions that he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in a long time. They were always there, lurking just a few layers below the surface, but he never had the time to deal with them, so he didn’t. But now here he was, pacing in an office that was getting darker and darker by the minute as the sun continued to sink out of view of the windows, and he had all the time in the world to try and feel them. Still, he paced. Instead, he grabbed the bottle from the bottom drawer of his desk and opened it, not even bothering with a glass.
He’d lost track of the time when he heard someone knocking at the door to his office. He froze, bottle clutched tightly in his hand as he leaned back against the side of his desk. He still hadn’t sat at his desk, but at least he was giving his legs the slightest bit of a reprieve.
The door opened despite the lack of a cue to enter. When Javier walked in, whatever surprise Carrillo had been feeling faded away. The annoyance didn’t though.
“What are you still doing here?” Javi asked, knowing that there was no way in hell Carrillo was going to give him a straight answer.
“Working,” Carrillo responded, his voice not sounding at all like his own.
Javi scoffed, shaking his head as he walked deeper into the room. He took the bottle out of Carrillo’s hands, finding the cap and setting it out of reach. “Yea, looks like you’re getting a lot of work done.”
“What do you want, Javier?”
“Nothing.” It wasn’t a lie, not completely anyway. It wasn’t as though he came here to ask anything of Carrillo, wanted anything from him. But when he was about to leave and he saw the Colonel’s car sitting in the parking lot still, he knew that he couldn’t just leave.
“I did this,” he whispered after a tense minute of silence between them.
“C’mon,” Javi said, a waver of uncertainty in his voice, “you know it’s not—”
“Isn’t it?” he snapped. He shook his head, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes for a moment. “Diana...she didn’t…she didn’t deserve this.”
Javi frowned, nodding. “I know.” He paused. “But you can’t blame yourself for it.”
“There’s no one else to blame,” he said, his voice heavy, like he only knew there was no one else to blame because he’d tried to find someone and came up empty.
“You need to go home.”
Carrillo shook his head, waiting for Javi to look him in the eyes before saying, “Why?”
Javi’s frown deepened at the question. He knew that, “Because Diana is dead and you look like shit and you can’t just sit here drinking yourself to death all night,” wasn’t going to be the appropriate or acceptable answer.
“Because she wouldn’t want you here doing this.” Javi saw the way that Carrillo’s eyes dropped to the ground at his words. “You owe her that.”
Carrillo closed his eyes, unable to handle the weight of those four little words. He owed her so much more than that. He owed her things that he would never be able to give her, never be able to say to her. And somehow he was supposed to learn to live with that. He owed her a lifetime that he wouldn’t ever be able to have with her. There was nothing that he could do about it now, no way to fix it, no way to undo it. So, instead, he did the one thing he could do, and he grabbed his jacket to leave.
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blackfairy312 · 4 months
What would their Mincraft houses look like? And what is their biggest fear? (Fnac3)
🔥answering more of theeeese heheeh
i actually had a minecraft house for Komi once but it's lost o an old computer that doesnt work anymore 😭 it was shaped after a Black Box from Evillious (her "heart") and had a few bedrooms upstairs for herself and her kids and a HUUUGE kitchen and a fancy bathroom and a greenhours and a nise backyard an then like, a secret evil basement . i wish i had pictures of it.
dawg if these assholes played Minecraft together it would probablt be a server Komi made and she only gave Antonio moderator permissions bc she doesnt trust the other two with that . Antonio woukd make a statue of Vinnie and set it on fire to piss Vincent off. Komi spends most of the time building and decorating things and organizing bc she likes being productive (or else she'll start doing crazy shit). like these assholes she works with would probably be too busy fucking around in the game to focus on what theyre doing so Komi would make one house for them all to live in and make rooms for them all . every time the guys come back to base they'll see Komi in the middle of putting a redstone contraption together and they'll drop styff off in chests and explore the base little bc there's new stuff Komi added and then they'll leave to fuck around again . AND SOMEHOW Komi will have full neatherite armor and shit . everyone like "DUDE how did you find the time for this?" meanwhile all Vincent Richard and Antonio have been doing have probably been like . Naming chickens "Bitch" and hangint them from trees to throw eggs at them and harassing villagers or hanging around the pillager mansion like idiots . every time they die they have to ask Antonio or Komi to /tp them to someone else so they can get their shit.
and biggest Fears ... i already said in another postbut Komi is afraid of getting attached to humans but like she always does that anyway. smeting about her immortality VS their mortality and how they're destined to die and she's destined to leave .i guess she copes with this by CLINGING onto the memories she makes with the humans she meets in the Multiverse . and taking some suveniors from each world. Actually she has the original Vinnie puppet ! she kept that .
Vincent's biggest fear is people finding out who he really is .. a Manipulator Mainsplainer Mansluaghter er . he doesnt want to lose everything he doesnt want to be a 'normal person' he WANTS TO BE SOMEBODY. his biggest fear is LOSING. thats probably why he cheats at hide & seek as Monster Vinnie in the final night.
Antonio's biggest fear is ending up like his dad . as he's been raising himself and his siblings and observing his parents he's made a mental note of his dad's behaviors and how he NEVER WANTS TO END UP LIKE HIM . you can think ofhis dad like Clay Puppington maybe ? idk i just saw a moral orel clip this morning and now im thinkin about that show again . NO SORRY I FORGOT ANTONIO IS A LOT LIKE KENNY MCCORMICK , his parents just arent crackheads they're alcholics . but Yeah Antonio is TRYING to get himself together but tbh Vincent being an awful boss is ADDING to Antonio's stress and its not good for his mental health at ALL. he was probably seeing a therapist and was going to AA meetings but then ONE DAY he got into a fight with Vincent backstage and he went home and spiraled again. undoing his progress. Ywah im projecting heavy.
Richard's biggest fear is probably something tamer than everyone elses . for now anyway he isnt really complex in my mind like the other Three are rn 😭😭😭😭 SERIOUSLY THE GAME GIVES ME NOTHING TO WORK WITH WHICH IS FINE B FNAC 3 HAS AMAZING STORY TELLING BUT IN THE CONTEXT OF ME TRYING TO EXPAND ON WHAT'S THERE I DONT HAVE MUCH FOR THE CAT ACTOR .
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y0itsbri · 2 years
tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that and @heymrspatel for an artist interview!
Artist Interview
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
none! i post on tumblr and instagram when i can
2. What is your total art count?
ever? probably in the thousands! i've been an artiste since i could hold a crayon. always drew for fun and took classes
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
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4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sometimes, but i ALWAYS am giddy abt comments, kicking my feet back n forth like a schoolgirl
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
mostly shameless, but i dabble in all for the game, killing eve, what we do in the shadows, stranger things, don't worry darling, twilight
i have no idea -- i didn't Post bc i was a Child, but i remember drawing fairly oddparents, spongebob, twilight
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
i am blind to any hate so i don't think so
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ian x mickey - -they've stuck around longer than anyone else. they just make sense together
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
uh huh!
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
all of them... LOL. they just kinda take on a life of their own
11. Do you draw smut?
not rly
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
not that i know of
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
yuh! did some for fun w twisha. would draw w my friends growing up. draw for fics and events sometimes.
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
it's a secretttt
15. What are your drawing strengths?
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
motivation to make it precise after i've already spent so long on it
17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn?
i like my top ones. and theeeese are pretty cool
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
i'm proud of most of 'em
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
composition, colors, feelings, emotions, aesthetic, love
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight.
i love sitting on the floor and spreading out all my tools around me. i love having a reference photo and taking little creative liberties here and there bc i usually have a hard time liking what i've made if it is fully from my imagination. i always have music playing.
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skittle-is-little · 1 year
so uhhh my adhd went like BWAAAAAAHHAHDSNDNJDKSSN recently one night and i made theeeese whilst listening to 'the new romans' by neros day at disneyland on repeat for like half an hour
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more underneath + slight gore warning + freak of nature lmao
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iamjessemccartney · 3 years
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guess who's 23 now!!!
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lampmeeting · 3 years
hmm headcanons.. 1) even though Magnus is the epitome of that one tweet that’s like “so im just supposed to memorize all your little pictures in order to have a conversation with you?” he actually has a folder on his phone or computer where he’s saved all the silly little memes & cat pictures Toki’s sent him (pre- and post-DSR 🥲) 2) when John is laid up in bed, Melm does magic tricks to entertain him, and when Melm has to fly overseas, he listens to a guided meditation John made him for his fear of flying
oh my goddddddddd a FEAST T~T
magnus keeping all the memes and stuff from toki.... my heart. toki probably gasps aloud the first time magnus actually sends him a meme (not really used the right way probably, but there was an attempt). and i feel like magnus probably does this thing where any time he sees a cat somewhere he takes a photo and texts it to toki, no context just a cat picture dfkkjdf
AND MELM.... awwwwwww melmord coming to give john some meds but he's like "oh no i left your pills in the kitchen--oh wait a minute, what are theeeese?" and slight-of-hands them from behind john's ear hahaha but no i do imagine john would like card tricks a lot, especially the ones where he thinks he knows what's going on and then melm surprises him hehe
the guided meditation is also so, so, so cute ;~; is it that the meditation is actually good? or is it just hearing john's voice that helps to calm him? he'll probably never know :3c
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captaincartervalues · 4 years
My Stubborn Alien (for the fic title thing)
“Jus truuusst me, Lena thi- thisis a greaaat idea!” Kara empathically waves her hands.
“Kara, you’re drunk and this is most definitely not a good idea.” Lena replies matter of factly.
“Imnot drunk. Yooou’re drunk.”
Lena shakes her head at her girlfriend in exasperation.
“N Ssure it is! S’its what the peeople want. ANd it’s gunna be gREAt for ma image! No more ‘Oh Supergirl’s sooo uptight’ or ‘Oh Supergirl is toooo muchofa goodie tooshoes’ or ‘out of touch with the people’!” Kara airquotes.
Lena raises her eyebrows and tries to conceal her smirk.
“Imma be hip! Imma be wit da people, LenAa!” Kara reaches out to boop Lena’s nose as she’s making her last point. “Supergirl is CoOl Ssupergurl is sFun! Thhiss is gonna show everyone that. Okay? Okay.”
“Does this have something to do with the article Andrea had William publish this week?” Lena asks gently.
“So this has nothing to do with her saying Supergirl isn’t the kind of hero you wanna have a drink with?” Lena presses.
“Uhh noo.” Kara insists defiantly. “It’s about the gAys!” Kara comes up with.
“What?” Lena laughs out.
“Nia said Tiktok is on the rage and the gays love it! And I wannabe something the gays love toooo” Kara points out.
“Darling, I’m pretty sure the gays already love you...”
“Yeeaaaahh BUT do they knooow I love them back?! Isdunno... Isss why I need Tikstok!” Kara exclaims as if her reasoning is flawless.
Lena looks at the innocent face on her drunk girlfriend and knows they’re going to be in trouble tomorrow. “There’s no talking you out of this right now, is there?”
“NOpe!” Kara smiles triumphantly.
Lena sighs as she acquiesces “Fine.”
Kara jumps up and down with exuberance.
“But I’m not taking any of your complaints when you regret this tomorrow.”
Kara wakes up with a decent hangover, which wouldn’t be so bad, if she didn’t also wake up to an empty bed and no Lena to snuggle.
With a pouty face and her eyes half closed, Kara glacially shuffles out towards the kitchen and freshly made coffee. Although, she quickly realizes her and Lena aren’t alone this morning when she hears a whispered conversation.
“Alex? What are doing here so early?” Kara inquires as she excitedly spots the donuts her sister must have brought over.
“Oh you know just catching up with my future sister-in-law about how your night was.” Alex says sharply.
Kara brushes past the sister-in-law comment and looks skeptically at Alex as she eats her second donut. “It was fine. Pretty low key.” Kara says with her mouth full.
Alex scoffs “LOWkey?! Mmm and how much of it do you remember there, Kar?”
Kara looks to Lena with questioning eyes but Lena won’t quite look at her as she chuckles behind her coffee cup. “Most of it...I mean I don’t really remember going to bed once we got home but -”
Lena bursts out laughing at Kara’s unassuming admission.
“This isn’t funny, Lena.” Alex chastises.
“I mean it kind of is, Alex. Come on, it wasn’t that bad in the end” Lena argues.
Kara cuts Alex off before she can argue back “What wasn’t that bad?”
“Oh why don’t we just show you superstar!” Alex quips.
Lena takes pity on Kara’s still confused face and pats the seat on the couch next to her “You’re gonna want to sit down for this one, honey.”
Kara takes the offered seat as Lena hands her phone over to Kara after opening the Tiktok app. Kara’s mouth immediately drops when she sees herself in her Supergirl suit on the screen.
“Oh no!” Kara gasps.
“Oh YES.” Alex digs. “Go on, press play.”
Kara presses play and immediately regrets it as she watches herself stare back with ‘sexy’ eyes and lick her lips before lip syncing:
“I wanna put you in 7 positions for 70 minutes. You get it babe. You got a lot on your mind and I want to ease it up and lick it and slip it in. You do a light scream on the ice cream when I scoop it and dip it in.”
“Oh. My. Rao.” Kara groans as she presses pause to stop the video. “Why am I seducing the camera in my Supergirl suit?”
“That’s a great question, isn’t it Kara?” Alex jabs sarcastically. “Lena?”
“You said it was trendy and that the TikTok gays would appreciate it.” Lena offers.
“Why didn’t you stop me??” Kara whines.
“I tried!” Lena defends. “You told me it was homophobic and a hate crime not to post it!”
“I am never drinking Vahorian Rum again.” Kara says as she sinks into the couch.
“You said that last time.” Alex mocks.
Kara glares at her sister before attempting her patented optimism. “Okay, so I made a TikTok as Supergirl last night. At least it’s just this one video with only - um” Kara checks the phone “3.6 million views...”
Kara sighs, “It could be worse.”
Alex and Lena exchange a knowing look and Kara’s eyes go wide.
“I made MORE than one video?!?” Kara postures.
“Try like six.” Alex huffs disapprovingly.
“Oh Rao!”
“Weeelllll, she only posted six...” Lena adds.
“OH RAO!” Kara groans. “Show them all to me now.”
The three of them proceed to watch all of Kara’s drunkenly produced TikToks from the night before.
“Ayyyoooooo bisexual check!”
Kara doesn’t even know how she manages to roll the sleeves and pants of her supersuit but she watches herself do it before putting a beanie and chucks on, grabbing her ukele, and topping it off by replacing her cape with a bisexual flag.
“I don’t even have a bisexual flag!” Kara blurts.
“You do now.” Alex points to it draped over the dining table.
Kara looks at Lena baffled.
“You said it was ‘essential’, yelled ‘brb’, and came back with the flag and some candy before I could open my mouth.” Lena explains.
Kara sighs and scrolls to the next video.
“Ayyyoooooo everyone thinks my cousin is hot check!”
This video turns out to be just Kara rolling her eyes and shaking her head with embarrassment in front of a bunch of pictures of Kal in his Superman suit. Most of the comments on the video are either ‘well they ain’t wrong doe’ or ‘not as hot as you Supergirl’ and Kara isn’t sure which she hates more.
The next one starts with Kara and Lena standing next to and looking at each other with background music and the caption ‘whenever Lex tries to take over the world’ and ends with them not missing a beat as they turn towards the camera and lip sync:
“What kind of fuckery is this?”
“Okay this one is kind of funny.” Kara cautiously proclaims.
“Yeah I liked that one too.” Lena admits with a smile.
“Should have said ‘whenever Lex does anything’.” Alex corrects. They all burst out laughing at that.
With the mood slightly lightened, Kara scrolls to the next video.
“Ayyyoooooo jawline check!”
Kara is already cringing again as she anticipates watching herself show off her jawline but is surprised when the camera flips to Lena rolling her eyes as Kara’s hand turns her head to its profile to hype up her girlfriend’s impeccable jawline.
“I’m so sorry” Kara says sheepishly.
“It’s okay, babe.” Lena reassures her as she presses a quick kiss to Kara’s lips.
“I mean...Lena’s jawline was made for this trend sooo...” Alex concedes.
Lena rolls her eyes again as Kara shrugs, “She’s not wrong, babe.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just watch the last one you posted because it’s Alex’s and mine’s favorite.” Lena says as she and Alex laugh in anticipation.
“Oh no.” Kara sighs before scrolling.
Music plays as she watches stock images of Superman, the Flash, and the Arrow pop up before Kara appears and lip syncs the last line with a cocky grin:
“These boys ain’t shit.”
“Oh my - Lena! How could you let me post theeeese?” Kara tries again.
“Listen,” Lena starts “you’re very stubborn when you’re drunk and it took everything I had to keep you from posting the other videos!”
“Do I even want to know?” Kara questions.
“I do!” Alex says taking a little too much enjoyment in Kara’s suffering.
Lena pulls out another phone.
“At least you guys were smart enough to use one of Supergirl’s burner phones and not your personal phones.” Alex says.
Lena tosses Alex a side eye. “Do I look stupid to you?” Lena asks rhetorically. “I also added extra layers of encryption to the app and the phone just in case.”
“Well I don’t know! You were stupid enough to fall in love with this idiot.” Alex mumbles as she points toward Kara.
“Normally I would be offended, but after last night, you might have a point.” Kara says.
Lena pulls up the the drafts she refused to let Kara post.
The first one is Kara floating with Lena in her arms in a bridal carry and the caption ‘when you save Lena Luthor from an attack’. Kara is looking at Lena before she turns to the camera and lip syncs:
“I think. You know. Where this about to go.”
Drunk Kara added some eyebrow raises and a wink before kissing Lena at the end.
“Okay it’s probably a really good thing you didn’t let me post this.” Kara admits.
“You think?!” Alex chastises.
Kara clicks on another video in the drafts to avoid Alex’s judgmental gaze.
This video is Kara and Lena standing in from of the camera facing each other as Kara lip syncs to her:
“You say we’re just friends....”
Kara smiles and pans to the camera. “But friends don’t know the way you taste.”
Kara smirks as Lena’s mouth drops and she goes to stop the recording immediately.
“OHkay I did not need to see that last one, Lena!” Alex complains.
“You asked for it.” Lena shrugs.
“She’s right. You did.” Kara backs up her girlfriend.
Alex glares at them both. “You two are lucky no one pieced together where you were or who you are!” Alex scolds as she points at Kara.
“I think it helped that Supergirl and I have a known working friendship.” Lena admits. “No one questioned why she was drunk and with me.”
“What has been the overall reaction to these?” Kara inquires.
“Honestly, it’s been mostly positive with most fans loving the content and an inside look at playful Supergirl.” Lena explains.
“Though there have been some critics questioning why a hero would get drunk at all with the responsibilities you have.” Alex levels. “And some negative responses from parents about the appropriateness of some of the content.”
Kara sighs resigned to the damage she has done.
“But. On the positive side, you were right!” Lena adds with encouragement.
Kara tilts her head quizzically.
“The gays LOVED it and they loved that they now definitively have a shot because you like girls!” Lena teases.
“Oh Rao! I can not believe Supergirl came out as bisexual on TikTok! Kate got an incredibly well written and thoughtful article on what it means to her and the world that Batwoman is gay and I got thirst traps! THIRST TRAPS!” Kara groans.
Alex shakes her head and Lena tries to hold back her laughter.
“I can’t believe you let me do this, Lena!”
“Hey, I told you it’s not my fault! You’re one stubborn alien when drunk.”
“But I’m your stubborn alien and you’re responsible for me.” Kara counters with a whine.
Lena sighs as she takes Kara into her arms. “You are my stubborn alien...with a drunken propensity for thirst traps.”
Kara embraces her drunken mistakes and utilizes her newly created TikTok fame to connect with the people and kids of National City on a more human level. She does PSAs and educational material in her videos as well as more lighthearted fun ones that people love.
She also managed to convince her superfriends to be in videos with her. The most liked videos on her page are the ‘flip the switch’ videos she’s done with the other heroes where the light goes off and they swap costumes. It started with Dreamer when Nia told her about it and convinced her to do it. Then Kara got Barry to do one (pretty easily) and then Sara, Killer Frost, J’onn, Mia, Constantine, and even Kate (after a lot of convincing). She also roped Kal into doing one with her old suit so he ended up in a skirt. That one is definitely her fav.
Generally, Supergirl’s official account has veered aware from making any more thirst traps, but that doesn’t seem stop other creators from making raunchy thirst traps about Supergirl.
Though, after some time and much convincing from Lena, Kara releases the last video in her drafts from that first drunken night.
“They say drunk words are sober thoughts” a sober Supergirl says as she shrugs and the video cuts to the clip of her drunk sprawled out upside down on the couch “Women are just like...sooooo HOT”
A lot of women liked that post.
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polyhexian · 4 years
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Ophelia was Murdered ASW remixes i made last year while i was working on it for the aesthetic
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tomriidle · 7 years
honestly all i want for my birthday is for Son of the Sea God to be updated like i literally cannot tell you how happy that would make me sigh pie
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ilovewritinghatesme · 3 years
So guess what, my gdrive gave me throwback pics & I saw theeeese mga mareee. Lol. Uploading just a few tho. Natawa talaga ako ng bongga. 😭
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Kunti pa lang yarn, ha? 😅
I don't even know this person back then (LITERALLY), not until I noticed this person's name keeps showing up on my notifs from my various socmed accounts. Like, wtf?
Then other people keep sending me screenshots of her posts as if I CARE. HAHAHA. It was such a good laugh, because they said, she claims that I was the one stalking her. 😂😭 May tao palang ganun? Typical Karen of the Philippines. Lol. Good thing kilala ako ng tao and alam nila reputasyon ko. 💞😌 And alam din nila anong klase siya. Ano nga ba? I didn't even bother to ask. 🥱
This person apparently felt attacked on any post I made and make. ALWAYS. And didn't even have any idea back then. Like wtf, who is this person? I LITERALLY DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON. and WHO CARES? WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? HAHAHA
This person is fond of making subliminal posts about me na wala naman connect sa buhay niya. Insecure at walang sariling buhay? It shows naman eh. Hay, sad. 😭😂
Subliminal msgs are for COWARDS who roar behind closed doors but prrr out in the open. Parang itong taong to. Takbo pa sa twitter para magtapang tapangan. LOL. Nalalike nga niya posts ko eh, tas unlike niya sabay block. Tas unblock ulit para makapag stalk. Bobo lang? Hahahaha.
Di ko gets bakit tinatry niya umeksena. May bilang? HAHAHA. Wtf, out of the picture na, may karelasyon naman sabi nila, at naanakan na nga, Bakit bitter? Dami time? HAHAHA.
Yung totoo. Ano ginawa ko kaya sa kaniya. Galit sa kaka-stalk saken naging delusional na? Again, sino ba siya? Hahaha.
I owe nothing to this lame bitch. I hope this person got the miserable experience they deserved from stalking on me in a place where this person haven't been wanted or even welcome and absolutely uninvited. SO HIGH SCHOOL ANG ATAKE. HAHAHA
Now, leave me alone. I am done with you. I'm done with the dramas. Stalking my feed for access just proves how creepy and narcissistic you are.
Stay on your delusional state, keep being indenial and a lame ass hypocrite. 🤗😊
I still wish this person the best in life even if they obviously and totally suck. :*
Karma is waving. Get well soon.
Bye Bijj. 👋🌵
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bigmanamiibo · 4 years
out of curiosity how do you do your art? mouse? tablet? ipad?
my main source of art comes from my samsung tablet+pen. i use ibispaint for my art, and most the doodles you see here were drawn with the glass pen :o
doodles like theeeese
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were made on my phone (also ibispaint) with my finger and with the default pen
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zhydoesart · 5 years
sometimes you have to lie to find the truth
Chapter 2: warm cookies
Summary: Patton comes for a short visit, and he brought cookies.
Ships: platonic Moceit
Warnings: none
The other sides stayed true to their word. Damien presented his opinion and they took it in stride, actually considering their options and, more than once, it had turned into a mild-mannered debate where everyone took part. With certain arguments, he’d been able to convert some of the others to his side. Sometimes it got a little difficult for the viewers to follow, in which case Patton or Thomas would call a quick time-out so everyone could catch their breath (and sometimes give a quick recap about what was discussed to make it simpler to understand) before jumping back in.
More often than not, they were able to find a compromise between their options that satisfied everyone or a third, completely different option they hadn’t thought of and probably wouldn’t have, had they not carried out a proper discussion.
Damien was pleased that they’d begun to listen to his input and build off of his suggestions, and secretly, the others all agreed that Thomas may have been slightly, microscopically better off this way.
After a particularly heated, yet still civil, discussion, Damien had gone back to his room. He had a desk and one of those spinny chairs that villains always have, the ones they swivel around in to make a dramatic reveal when the hero arrives. (When asked about it, he claims it’s cliche, but honestly, he loves it.) He’s sitting in said chair in front of said desk, contemplating the arguments from both sides of the discussion, pet snake Ethel curled snugly around his neck. Absently, Damien ran a hand over Ethel’s scales as he thought.
A soft pop issued behind Damien, and he did the dramatic villain reveal. Patton had risen up in his room, holding a platter of cookies.
“Fancy not seeing you here.” The corners of Damien’s mouth curled softly up.
He’d never actually had a problem with Patton himself, it was only ever the stubborn stance he’d taken during the first few videos Damien had been in. At first, he hadn’t listened to Damien, but once Patton had realized what he was doing wrong, they’d stopped arguing as much, and Damien thought they were on pretty good terms, as far as he could tell.
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton started a little sheepishly. “You did good today in the debate. I think we all did. Anyway, I just thought I’d bake some cookies to celebrate, you know, us all getting along, and I saved some for you.” He glanced around. “Where can I put theeeese–” He trailed off as his eyes landed on the large golden snake perched like a scarf around Damien’s neck. “Is that… a snake?”
“Her name isn’t Ethel.” His grin grew mischievous. “Don’t put the cookies on the desk.”
Patton proceeded to set the platter on the desk, warily eyeing Ethel, who flicked out her tongue as he neared to smell the air. Then he took the time to have a quick look around the room.
“This is a nice room, kiddo.” Patton examined the large, full-size version of Damien’s two-headed snake emblem that he’d painted on the wall. “It certainly stays true to your aesthetic,” he chuckled quietly. “I gotta go. Take care, okay, Dee?” He sank out, but not without a little wave.
Damien had never had a proper nickname before, but it made sense that Patton would be the one to give him one. He and Roman seemed to be fans of that sort of thing, judging from a few of the... colorful things the prince had called him. Dee… he liked it.
Damien cracked open a novel he’d been reading par Logan’s recommendation, trying a cookie… or two… okay, so maybe he had three all at once, but they were good cookies, only made better by the care Patton put into them.
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