#I made this specifically for my phone wallpaper :))
14-crush · 1 day
not an ask really but I wanted to mention that for a good few years I had this specific art as my wallpaper on my phone, as my desktop background and, weirdly, as my background on Google Chrome. I really liked this art
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14 crush was the first Splatoon related blog I ever kept up with as well as probably the first Splatoon fandom thing I ever interacted with period (that I can remember I was a young ass teen when this blog was active lol). It's staggering that it's been 6 years already... Time flows too fast I don't like it :(
If I did have to ask something it would probably be: if you were to redesign anyone in 14 crush, who, why and how?
i could probably give more in depth answers if i thought abt itbut my first thought is that i woudl exchange Ahato's pullover hoodie for an unzipped one. cause i think its cute! i made a doodle iwth that idea sometime early last year its cute
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couthking · 5 months
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good game
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lifeismarvelous · 5 months
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On that CN typa shit 😂😂🔥
OG res for download
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arteraceaye · 2 years
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Photo study done back in December. Original photograph by Ezra Acayan
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angryborzois · 2 years
i've been alternating between three brainrots what the fuck is this
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lilacstro · 3 months
how to manifest with your jupiter sign
this post feels long lost due, I had many asks on this so I will make a post on this one <33
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Jupiter is a planet of faith, and optimism and abundance. However, you don't really have a planet specifically made for "manifestation", but if you think you had to guess one, I am guessing it would be Jupiter. Even in vedic astrology, people with strong brihaspati or Jupiter are considered lucky. Someone who was reading palms for me and my sister the other day said the first thing we do to see luck through hands is the Jupiter and Venus mount. But Venus is luxury you have in life and Jupiter is the fortune, I hope I am making sense. But otherwise, I have often seen 11th house be associated with manifestation
this post definitely checked my creativity and the methods of manifestations im aware of lmao. I have not taken this from any book but rather its mere observation of the charts I have seen until now, and asked my family to see if it worked for them and it made sense so its again a my theory kinda post lmao. I hope it is able to help y'all too <33 I was refraining from making a post on this one but it had a LOTT of asks so I decided to do it :) Let's gooooooooooo
use a combination of your sign, degree and house to find common grounds<33
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Jupiter in:
Aries/1st house: First of all, be precise and extremely clear about what you want. If you need to put the work or you believe in taking inspired actions, please do! I would also suggest concentrating/condensing your energy in your 3rd eye through meditations. Believe in yourself and also, don't jump 10 places. I have often seen people with Jupiter in 1st house have kind of a scattered energy, to put it correctly, not really laidback, not really fierce, and I think this should be fixed. I would suggest people with this placement to work with their chart ruler and Jupiter along to find a best method that could suit them, the best one I feel like suggesting for everyone, is meditation.
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Taurus/2nd house: I think people with this placement should definitely use affirmation tapes/affirmations. I would suggest methods that make you feel at peace and calm, and relaxing. Use aura meditations/ocean music before bed and calm yourself down and focus. Speak your desire into existence, using affirmations in front of mirror could be one thing you can do. If possible, make a vision board or buy a small manifestation souvenir suggesting your desire is complete. If possible, write your manifestations on a white sheet and bury them under a plant or soil in your garden.
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Gemini/3rd house: Write. Journal your desires, write them down, clearly. If you guys have things like a feng shui crystal turtle, write your desires on a paper and put it under that turtle. I would also suggest using affirmations, to people with this placement, be optimistic and say good things about your manifestation. Use the law of assumption. Listen to subliminals, it may really help as well.
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Cancer/4th house: FEEL your manifestation. Use music that makes you feel as if, evokes such emotions you know. Use the moon cycles for manifestation. Have you guys heard of Moon water manifestation? Basically, in a glass put some water and set intentions of your manifestation and put it under the full moon. Next day, drink that water. If you used a bigger bottle, then drink that water every time you set intentions of your manifestations. Use visualization
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Leo/5th house: Have fun with your manifestation. Enjoy what you are willing to manifest and feel the vibes coming in. Be confident that yes, it is coming and it would happen. Be creative about your manifestation. Try drawing your desires if you guys enjoy arts. Create beautiful DIYs like creative vision boards while blasting music, or pretty photo frames or phone wallpapers that would suggest completion of your desires. I would also suggest using heart chakra meditations, lifting your spirits up.
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Virgo/6th house: Create a manifestation routine. Something that locks you in and also, dont be too fixtated on when will it happen. Create a routine you enjoy and it can be absolutely anything. I however feel like suggesting 369 method, 55X5 method or things like so. One other thing I will say is, don't be afraid of helping someone if your boundaries are not crossed, and you may actually find that you have coincidences that lead you to what you had wanted. I would say, be open minded as well. Release pent up energy in your body time to time. I have often seen people with this placement are already very helping/people like to ask them for help.
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Libra/7th house: I would suggest talking about your manifestation, in a journal, to someone you trust or even to yourself in a positive, loving way! Enjoy talking about what you want, talk about it with love, faith and optimism. I would suggest using a sigil, especially near your mirror or when you are getting ready. Use a pretty paper, and make it super cute and to your aesthetic. If its possible, clean and program the ornaments you wear, or even if its a hair tie you wear daily. By program I mean, meditating on it and setting a vibration/energy that corresponds to your manifestation. pretending as if can help too.
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Scorpio/8th house: Don't talk about your manifestation until its complete, don't tell much people about it until you are close with them. Use sleep meditations (I would suggest Edward Art's sleep meditations) and please, believe in your manifestation but yourself first, that you can attract what you want. Use the law of attraction. Even though I suggest being on high vibrations, I would still say, let yourself feel your emotions, its important to feel yourself. Don't get too attached, fearful or desperate for what you want. Pray to whoever you believe when you're sleeping. Often seen people with this placement/8th house moons or stelliums have some kind of divine intervention with the things they desire. Be open to change in paths, if it is possible.
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Sagittarius/9th house: Be optimistic about your manifestation. Pray if you believe in a higher deity or power. This is a very lucky placement in my opinion and you have the power to achieve whatever you want, just desire it strongly and in a positive way. Use frequency meditations, and if possible. Have faith and patience and don't be in a rush for anything. Use manifestation journals if possible. I feel people with these placements are already quite spiritual or at least aware of such topics. Use affirmations/ religious affirmations if you believe in one.
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Capricorn/10th house: Talk about your manifestation, don't lie about what you want when asked, say it if its not violating your boundaries and if not, just say something neutral. I feel people with this placement, often manifest what they show, even if they are trying to be private or pretentious, its just weird. Act as if, and have some confidence. I feel people with this placement appear lucky to people so I would indeed suggest protecting your energy. This placement should also somehow be ready to accept the challenges that will come along when they ask for what they want, because these people often dream big but this placement again feels brings unpredictable things on your path. So, be open and flexible is a suggestion. But be assured, the rewards often exceed expectations!!
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Aquarius/11th house: USE PINTREST BOARDS IF YOU DOO. Use subliminals, Create a manifestation journal with affirmations and pictures. Use manifestation meditations. Experiment with your manifestations, let it be, and let it go. Don't obsess about what you're manifesting. Have a positive self talk. Your manifestation is actually likely to appear when you least expect it/don't bother about it much. Random but write yourself messages/emails or success stories as if you achieved what you want, this is a very good placements for strong manifestors imo
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Pisces/12th house: Use visualization, SATs coming to me specifically. Sleep in the state of wish fulfilled. Be helathy-delusional, and use crystals if you have one or are willing to use them and even better if you can charge them near ocean. Use water meditation, water-manifestation methods. Have strong faith :)) Use spells and charms. program your crystals and journals.
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EXTRA: Jupiter in air signs or degrees: Watch your thoughts and words, speak your desire in existence Jupiter in water signs or degrees: Watch your feelings, feel as if and don't let your feelings consume you eitherways. Beware of extreme delusion and mark a line on reality Jupiter in fire signs or degrees: Watch your actions and impulses, take inspired actions as needed, feel the excitement but don't get reckless or mindlessly impulsive. Know the line between what you feel like doing because of an intuitive nudge, and where you are being stupid or over faithful/risk taking.
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btw paid readings are open:)
support me on ko-fi :) that's it. I hope I was able to help and this post brought some clarity. I hope you liked this post. All the best :)) i love you all <33
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eumivrse · 11 months
warning(s) pure angst, jjk chapter 120 SPOILERS
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arguments with kento are always the worst.
you’ve learned over the years that you’d probably prefer it if he would just scream back when he’s mad rather than being dead silent.
because when he’s angry, he doesn’t speak. he just gives you space to cool off, then he always makes sure to kiss you before you sleep. a way to let you know that tomorrow is a new day and he still loves you the same even if things are heated; that you can always talk it out with him.
you hate it because he always, always apologizes first even if it’s your fault sometimes, but you always appreciated his way of communicating. it’s as if he would rather take the jab every time than have you mad at him.
however, he couldn’t do so that day— october 31, 2018. he had to go to shibuya and left with tension between the two of you. you don’t even remember what exactly you argued about— all you recall was that it ended with you both saying something that could’ve easily passed as unforgivable, words specifically chosen to wound each other’s feelings.
and as per, kento gave you your space and left with you having the last word.
except you never got that good night’s kiss.
when news reached you, you didn’t even react. how could you? the last words you said to him was “then leave already,” with the coldest, meanest tone you’ve ever spoken to him in.
you just stared at the wall for what seemed like days. people were calling you non stop, but your phone was turned off. you hadn’t even left your shared bedroom. the comforter still had his scent on it and you’re afraid that it’ll disappear if you get up for even a minute and then his passing will feel real.
it wasn’t until ino stopped by to drop off his cellphone— one of the only traces he left that night— that you did something else besides laying down. you stared at kento’s scuffed lock screen, sitting at the dim dining room table.
his wallpaper was a photo of you. he took it while you were eating in the very place you’re sitting in right now and you begged him for days to delete it. he insisted that you looked pretty so you let him be. he’d always been like that, so stern with others but he had such a soft spot for you.
you knew his password because it was your anniversary date, then the messaging app opened as soon as you punched the numbers in. it’s your chat, the last conversation you had on there was him asking if you wanted to eat outside because he was free the next morning and you obliged. that was the night before you had an argument the next day and lunch plans were cancelled.
he had an unsent message— all typed out, but he never pressed the send button for some reason.
he was apologizing for hurting you.
he said that he knows it’s been tough for you these days and how he should’ve seen the signs sooner instead of thinking everything’s okay.
then he apologized again for not being able to kiss you goodnight, and for being a shitty husband that couldn’t tend to his wife’s needs.
the message concluded with “i miss you, my precious girl. make sure to eat and sleep well, i’ll make it up to you soon.”
kento’s death hadn’t hit your reality until those words on the screen registered in your mind. your dry, pale lips from barely drinking water trembled, eyes welled up in tears for the first time since you found out. so many different emotions crashed over you in such little time, your chest felt tight and you let go of his phone, clattering onto the wooden table.
“then leave already,” replayed in your mind over and over and the way his face turned pale from your harsh words. with how things turned out, it almost sounded like you were sending him on death’s row and it made you feel like you’re responsible somehow.
guilt loomed over you like a stormy cloud for making him feel like he wasn’t good enough for you and you wonder how different the future might’ve turned out if you’ve at least gave him a hug before he left.
if you could’ve just set your pride aside and kissed him goodbye like he does with you before you sleep.
and if he still loved you the same at his final moments.
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444you · 3 months
manifestion guide for overthinkers and pessimists
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*caution: mentions of personal limiting beliefs* you can skip through this if you want, but it’s mainly talking about my own journey and what i struggled with 🦋
for me, i’ve been heavily into law of assumption and law of attraction for about 7 years now. i tried many different manifestation techniques, i never found one that fit. i got into sammy ingram when she first made her youtube channel. she was one of my fav youtubers. not just because of her advice but i loved her personality. i binged her videos. she always gave good information but i knew for me, affirmations never helped. i always looked into the 3d, even when i knew i shouldn’t. anytime i saw a sign, i would freak out because i thought i would continue to manifest signs instead of my desire. i also overthought a lot and felt like if i had one opposing thought, that my manifestation wouldn’t come. the thing is i’m aware that this stuff doesn’t affect how your desires come in, but i still freaked out over it. this is just a few of the many issues i had. i tried scripting, water methods, subliminals. i even had a subliminal channel, people would get results but i never got any from my own or others. now i’m highly aware that i have limiting beliefs yall 😭 this is what is causing me to not achieve what i want. this is something that i’ve been working on for years and i know that i’ll gradually move past it.
vision boards. i make them for multiple desires or specifically just one. if i want something to come fast, i put a 2 month time frame on it and then i also put the year. so say i wanted to manifest a car right now. , i’d make a vision board of my dream car. then i’d write a text that says “july - august 2024”. i had this strict belief that manifestations come in 3 days or less. however, i always put a 2 month time frame because i know i can easily get upset and doubt it. id make the collage of that i want on my phone. then i’d put it as my wallpaper for 3 days or more. i did this because i’d gradually look at it multiple times a day, this way my mind could be familiar with my desires. with this however, i can talk to my friends about my desires. i can have so many doubts and think the opposite but somehow it still works for me. but anyway, i’d look at it for a few days and then change it to something completely different, any wallpaper. i delete the vision board from my camera roll. (if you go to settings and wallpapers, it’s still there as a choice to view in the future) then i’d just forget about it. sometimes but no always, i’ll put a reminder to check my vision board after the timeframe i put it. so for the car example, i’d put a reminder after august. then i go back and see what manifested. at the end of the day, we all think differently. we all have different ways to manifest. and if you’re somebody like me who has a lot of limiting beliefs, don’t feel discouraged. i used to get upset that everybody got subliminal or manifestion results, but i eventually found something that worked for me. and you will too.
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staytinyville · 3 months
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Ride It Like Hydraulics (MDNI)
↣ Summary: Hoshi has a huge following which he makes well money off of. But that don’t mean he doesn’t love when others spoil him. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Hoshi (Soonyoung) x Reader
↣ Genre: Mature (MDNI)
↣ AU/Trope info: idol!Au, CEO!Reader , Sugar Mommy!Au, 
↣ Word Count: 2.8k
↣ Warnings: sub!Hoshi, Sugar baby!Hoshi, Sugar mommy!reader, dom!reader , mommy kink , blow job, face sitting , cum play
↣ A/N: NOT BETA! Inspired by the Song Tyrant by Beyonce. Honestly I’ve had this since I first heard it a few days ago and I was like: Subby boys?? Fuck Yeah. Also I can get behind the whole sugar baby hoshi agenda. The last part had me fucked.
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @k-labels , @k-vanity
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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A tired sigh fell from your lips as you leaned back in your chair, arm slung over the back of it and your legs spread wide open. You nails tapped on the wooden table in front of you as you waited for the rest of your board to finish up what they were talking about. 
Your phone pinged off to the side, making you turn to look at the notification that had popped up. Your wallpaper was visible from behind the transparent message that caught your attention when it said Attachment 1. The dark lighting photo on your device had you sighing, picking it up to take a look at what was sent. 
Swiping up your tired eyes held a bit of playfulness as they scanned over the shirtless picture of a man on your wallpaper. He was sitting on the floor scooted up to a mirror. His lips were formed into a pout as half of his face was covered by the phone he was using. His broad shoulders were on display, allowing you the chance to view his chest and smooth skin. 
You smiled lightly, opening the messaging app to find a picture from the exact man you had as your wallpaper. It was another mirror picture, but this time he was fully clothed. He leaned over a bathroom sink to showcase his neck to you. His head was leaned back, allowing you to see the thin diamond encrusted silver chain you had bought for him the other day. 
It laid down across his collarbones, not too long but not too short to look like a choker. It fit him perfectly along with the other jewelry his stylist must have made him wear for today’s schedule. You smiled to yourself, saving the picture before moving to send a reply his way. 
You : did you like my gift?
He was quick to start typing letting you know that he was waiting for your reply as you knew he would be. 
Kitty : i made sure to have the stylist fit my outfit with it
Kitty : have to show it off to the others and the fans
Looking up you noticed that all the other members of your board were in their own conversations going over things. You took it as a moment to get up and leave the room, giving them a bow of your head and ‘a have a nice day’ before making your way to your office. 
Now that you were finally out of the confines of the stale hot room, the cooling system in your office allowed you to breathe better. Dropping down into your desk chair, you slipped your feet out of your heels and allowed your body to relax. You went back to your messages with Hoshi, smiling to yourself at the selfies he always sends you. 
You: can i see it without the outfit?
Kitty : whenever you want.
Leaning back in your chair, you popped open some buttons on your blouse, allowing your bra to come into view. Lucky for you, since you enjoyed getting the fancier ones that had clippings in the front, you unhooked it allowing your nipples to harden with the cold air. Moving the cups around, your boobs squished together, allowing everything to show as you tilted your  phone out in front of you. 
You : i am in desperate need of you today. can you make it after your schedule? 
Kitty : for you and those always
It felt good to get rid of all your business clothing and just strut around your home naked without a care in the world. But what felt even better, was having your pretty boy withering under you as you languidly sucked on his cock. Watching his chest rise up and down rapidly as his face scrunched up in pleasure. 
“Mommy…” Hoshi cried quietly, huffing as his eyes opened just enough to look at you. 
You looked up at him, cock hanging from your lips as you hollowed out your cheeks at a slow pace. You took your time, allowing your tongue to go over every inch of him as you took your own pleasure from just having him in your mouth. 
With Hoshi laying down on the bed, his legs spread wide open to accommodate you, your back was arched allowing him to see over your back and to your ass sticking out. Your manicured hands ran along the inside of his thighs, lightly messaging into the skin which caused him to moan at the feeling. Each time you would grow closer to his dick with your hands his legs would indistinctly try to fall more open and allow you more room to move your hand. 
You popped him out of your mouth, his face scrunching up in a groan. You began to pump him as your tongue fell out to lick a long stripe up from his balls to the tip. When he whimpered you moved lower, sucking on his balls softly and using your tongue to move them around. 
This caused him to move his hips, thrusting forward into your hand as his whimpers grew louder.
His lips formed a pout, huffs coming out. “Mommy, ‘wanna touch you.”
You pulled away from him, leaning up as you licked your lips. “My pretty kitty.” You pouted playfully, lightly scratching up his chest and to his neck that was covered with the chain you gave him. 
You gently tugged on it, getting him to realize that you wanted him to lean up. He was slow in his movements but he listened to you either way, coming up to you with hooded eyes. His hands immediately went to the fat of your ass, palms gripping them with all his might as his head dropped down into your chest. 
His lips latched onto your nipples, kitty licking at them as he played with the hard buds. Your hands made their way to his blonde hair, lightly scratching at his scalp that had him swallowing. Little noises of content seemed to fall from his lips and you were sure if he was actually a cat he would be purring from your affection. 
His tongue flicking at your nippled once more had you smiling to yourself as you looked down at him. Your knees were placed on either side of his thighs, trapping him between you. You scooted closer, crawling further up him to have the tip of his cock touch your heat. 
Hoshi whimpered around your bud, suckling like a baby as he pawed where he could.
“Kitty, what do you want?” You asked him softly, cooing as you rubbed at his cheek. 
“But you were the one who had a rough day.” He looked up at you with wide eyes, a film over them as lust clouded his vision. 
His chin was placed between your breasts, fingers continuing their message into your hips and thighs as he seemed to be in a sub headspace. 
“Giving my baby boy the best kind of pleasure is the best thing to help me.” You smiled holding his chubby cheeks in your hands. 
You smooshed his cheeks together getting a grin from him. “Such a perfect little boy.” You leaned down giving him a kiss.
“Can you sit on my face?” He asked quietly, hand moving to lightly rub at your wet slit. 
You hummed, thighs clenching and unclenching with his ministrations. Your hips moved just a bit, humming as you pretended to think about his request. 
You giggled when you noticed his pout, rubbing his nose against yours in a Eskimo kiss from how adorable you found him. “Anything my baby boy wants.” 
He grinned, a bright red taking over his face. You let go of him for a moment, slowly pushing him down and crawling up his chest along the way. He quickly made himself comfortable looking up at you with sparkling eyes. 
You smiled, thinking he looked like a kid waiting for ice cream with the way his eyes sparkled. But you knew it wasn’t because he was about to get a sugar high, it was because he was about to have some of his favorite food. The way Soonyoung ate you out with gusto let you know just how much he enjoyed having your pussy in his face. 
Having him eat you out in every position available was something you would never get tired of. And when your pretty kitty asked you so nicely to sit on his face you were more than happy to oblige the good boy. 
You placed your knees on either side of his head, legs digging under his arms to get more comfortable. He quickly moved them up to grip onto your thighs, shoulders flexing from how he seemed to tighten his grip on you. You chuckled at his eagerness, rubbing a hand through his scalp as you gave him attention.
He hummed tongue swiping against his lips as he stared at your pussy before looking up at you expectantly. If there was something you knew about the man was that he had a set of lungs on him so you were more then generous when it came to sitting on him.
He moaned when your pussy came in contact with his lips. And he got even more eager when you started to use his nose and tongue to your pleasure. Your hips moved back and forth huffs falling from your lips as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
Soonyoung was humming against your lips, tongue lapping at your entrance before going back up to find your clit. You groaned, eyes falling down to look at him as on of you hands moved to the headboard to hold yourself steady. 
“My good boy.” You moaned. “Always making mommy feel so good. Her little prince—deserves everything.”
Hoshi moaned out at your words, eyes falling shut as he sucked even harder at your clit. Your hips stuttered, eyes falling shut as a loud moan came from your chest. You began to cry, shifting back and forth in small intervals as you pressed hard on his face. 
Soonyoung didn’t care though, he knew you were close so all he did was shove his face deeper in you as his tongue probed your hole.
“I’m cumming, kitty. Gonna make mommy cum.” You told him. 
And as a moan fell from your lips, one came from him as well as your juices flowed from you. He lapped you up, not caring to allow you space from over stimulation as he knew you always told him to clean you up after cumming. He was more than happy to have his favorite dessert. 
You sighed loudly as you pulled back from him, his head falling onto the pillows and tongue lapping at his chin. You say back on his chest, the cold silver chain touching the warm skin of your thighs. Stretching your legs, you scooted down him again, placing his cock between your pussy lips. 
He was breathing steadily, waiting for the next part patiently like the good boy he was. When you settled down, you gave him a tired smile reaching up to wipe at the slick on chin with your thumb. He didn’t let you get far, pulling your finger into his mouth to suck. 
You smiled gratefully leaning over to give him a kiss. He let you push your tongue into his mouth, swirling his own around with yours before sucking on it. 
Pulling back you sat up, hand running down his chest and toned stomach. Your nails scratched at his skin very lightly, enough to give him a buzzing feeling. You couldn’t mark him but you still loved how sensitive he got to your touch just as much. 
Soonyoung’s hips lifted up just a bit, allowing his dick to slide between your pussy lips as it rubbed against you. You giggled, lifting up just a bit as your hand went to pump him. 
“Want mommy to ride you?” You asked quietly, pumping him harder. 
“Please. ‘love it when you ride me.” Hoshi whined, eyes scrunching up as he panted. 
“Of course, baby boy.” You cooed. 
You took his cock and lined him up with your entrance. His breathing was ragged, fingers gripping onto your hips tightly as you slowly lowered yourself down on him. As his tip popped in you hummed, squeezing your core with each inch you took. Soonyoung began to pant, letting out little noises as he felt you throbbing around him. 
“Such a good boy.” You moaned, placing your hands on his chest as you sat down all the way. Your eyes squeezed shut, groaning from how good he felt to have inside you. “Taking all of mommy.” You moaned. 
“You feel so good.” Hoshi whined, lips forming a pout. 
He suddenly thrust his hips upwards, making you shift over him. You let out a whine, nails lightly scratching at his skin. You huffed, moving your hips back and forth slowly. Your thighs began to burn but you weren’t focused on that. 
You were focused on the little faces and noises Soonyoung would let out each time you would clench down on him or have his tip brush against your walls. You were high off his looks–finding pleasure in how you can bring him down to nothing but whimpers and whines. 
You began to speed up your hips, moving back and forth quickly which lead to him withering in the sheets. 
You chuckled, spreading your knees out just a bit more as you suddenly lifted off him. His eyes shot open, crying out when you slammed back down onto his hips. 
“Don’t sto–op.” He cried, feet planting themselves into the bed. 
His hips rose and his legs pushed himself up each time you rose to chase after your warmth. 
“Mommy…” He cried, fingers digging into your flesh. 
“You gonna cum, kitty?” You moaned, hand reaching out for his cheek. 
Tears bubbled at the edge of his lash lines, making you moan and wipe at the ones the fell down his skin. 
“Feel good?”
“So good!” He threw his head back, swallowing hard. “You feel so good! ‘Wanna cum.”
“You wanna cum?” You leaned back down, allowing him to take his moment. “You gonna cum in mommy, baby?”
You heard his words get stuck in his throat, but when he felt you stop bouncing on him, he was quick to grab your hips and start pistoning his hips up into you. You fell forward to push your chest into his face, his lips immediately latching onto a nipple. He began to whimper each time his cock thrusted into you–his fingers getting tighter around you.
“Kitty, you gotta tell me what you want. Tell me.” You demanded, lightly slapping his cheek.
“I’m cumming. Mommy, I wanna cum in your pussy.” He cried out, a tear falling down his cheek. 
“Cum in mommy, kitty.”
You both moaned in sync–Hoshi letting out a cry while you whined from the warm feeling filling you up. Your legs tensed up, mouth falling open as your core clenched Soonyoung’s cock with each spurt he let out. 
Hoshi began to cry, feeling overstimulated as you continued to bounce just a bit. His hips fell down onto the bed, whining as you tried to pull you off him. When you got what he wanted, you quickly got off him, turning onto you side as you spread your legs open. 
“‘Wanna see.” Soonyoung lightly gripped your arm, shaking it with the strength he had left. 
You turned to look at him, giggling at the sleepy pout on his face. But you obliged your pretty boy, turning around so that you were laying with your pussy facing him. Hoshi whined again when he saw his cum run out of you as you pushed it out. 
Your muscles were still tense but you weren’t in a subspace like he had been. So when he reached over to push his cum back in you chuckled and threw your head back at your sweet boy. 
“Want you to keep it inside.” He said quietly. 
“I’ll keep my kitty’s cum inside.” You reassured him, moving to try and push his seed back in alongside his fingers. 
He hummed, his breathing going down at being so harsh. He suddenly popped back up, leaning on his elbows as his legs spread open again. You smiled and made your way back up to him, giving him a sloppy kiss which had him reeling back.  
Soonyoung was a dancer, even if he was in subspace, he was ready to go a few more rounds. 
“What do you want this time for that one?” You hummed against his lips, fingers playing with his lips. 
He gave you a grin, moving back in to kiss you.
“Are those new earrings?” Seokmin asked, trying to get a better view of the earrings on Soonyoung. 
“Yeah.” Hoshi smiled, turning his head from left and right to give his friend a better view. 
“And a rolex watch!?” Seungkwan gasped, pointing at the man’s wrist. 
“And Gucci Loafers!” Soonyoung grinned, sticking his foot out to showcase his new shoes.
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In case you didn't know, Hoshi came three time lol
Permanent Taglist : @ldysmfrst , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @smilingtokki , @tinyelfperson , @wolfgurl2600-blog , @wannabecoolakid , @misshale21 , @aaniag , @wonuwrites , @asteriadaydreams
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The teasing but get flustered easily (specifically by physical touch or flirting back) s/o scenario with Marin if you can pls, tq tq
(My Dress Up Darling) Marin's S/O being a glass cannon at teasing
I feel Marin would just command-grab you whenever you try to tease her, she is (almost) unfalliable.
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Marin has so much fun with her S/O's tendency to get flustered.
She's already the type of person to enjoy teasing, but when her S/O shared the same mentality, but lacked the fortitude?
It made their banter endlessly enjoyable to her.
(S/O) "Marin, you have something on your cheek."
S/O said with a smirk, pointing near their own lips.
Marin instead grabbed their hand and gently wiped it off with their fingers, smirking herself upon feeling their arm stiffen in surprise.
(Marin) "PFFFT! Ha, your face!"
Anytime S/O tried teasing her, she struck back with a thousand times more force, never failing to leave them as a blushing mess.
Her laughter from seeing them like this is always loud, but loving. It was pretty cute after all.
She even managed to snap a picture of them mid-blush, and has that as her phone's wallpaper, always wanting to show it off to her friends.
MUCH to S/O's despair.
(Marin) "What? Can't I show how great your reactions are to people? It's so freakin' adorbs it deserves to be shown to everyone!"
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dawnoftime22 · 5 months
I love you.
| W.M -> N.R
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 12
Chapter Warnings: None, I don't think
Summary: The day you chose a path for yourself was the day she also made her very own choice, and the weight of the world was lifted without any more time wasted.
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 3.6k
Category: Hurt/Comfort(?), Fluff, Fluff, and FLUFF!! oh, did I say...? Fluff.
A/N: idk if the beginning is lame? but I really hope it isn't - In compensation of all the angst and finally, to put an end to this series, I give you, the last chapter. It's been an incredibly fun adventure :] this might be the most tender chapter (or fic) I've written yet. I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I have and I'm really really happy at the amount of support I see some of you give me. ily ily all<3 I'm back in my groove HEHEH!!!
P.S: this is better with reputation on or the series playlist. ;] (specifically starting at fortnight or anywhere at the bottom)
Series Playlist
| Started on 31/03/2024, 8:16 AM |
| Finished on 13/05/2024, 4:15 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 11
"I'll end the torture I put on myself...and the one you put on yourself, because no one ever deserves such a thing but love."
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(I will never not love that picture of her<3)
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
The rain earlier sheened the streets with gleams of reflections. The lampposts glowed in a warm orange. It was cold, but in the most cozy way. At least, if you were under a blanket. Right now, your body was shivering and your hands might soon go numb if you stayed outside any longer.
Windows of shops were bright with light, bars were dim with crowds of people, and a creak of a door from an old aged store thats always been there, ever since you first visited Kate.
There was a group of people, laughing heartily from a joke as you walked by. They seemed kind. On the other side of the street was two people, a couple perhaps, smiling gently as they shared a small cake, enjoying theirselves. Another, was walking hand in hand.
You sighed, keeping your hands in the pockets of your jacket in the meanwhile. At least it was some type of warmth. It may not be another hand, but your jacket was your friend.
The apartment ridded your bodily shivers, but your fingers were definitely entirely numb and redder than usual as you closed the door. Meanwhile, golden fur brushed against your legs and just barely appeared in your vision below you.
Leaning down, you smiled softly, scratching Lucky behind his ears before kicking your shoes off and moving to sit on the couch. Or rather, slightly fall atop it. You closed your face with both your hands. All this silence, pining and desperately waiting was driving you crazy.
Lucky had laid down next to you, looking at you adorably with his one eye. Your body was lazily laid down, but you shifted to hug his cuddly figure, him instantly snuggling into the embrace.
You stayed like that for a while, and he didn't move at all until you pulled away, sliding your phone out from your pockets. The time showed on the front screen, with a wallpaper of you and Nat at the aquarium.
The urge you had to change it to something else. But you couldn't-- it was too precious. You sat up, then moved to stand, finding your contacts app.
Yes, you might also throw up soon if you stared at your contacts any more than you already have the past few months, but this was something that had to be done.
The room was quiet as you paced the floor, your feet padding against the wood quietly. A notification came in that had you flickering your eyes to your phone again, but it was just an indication of Kate adding to her Instagram story.
Checking, it was just a video of her showing off her archery skills and having fun with her friends from class. Well, while she was out having fun, you were dying with a decision you had to make.
...You shouldn't think like that. In fact, you were happy she was much happier than how you felt. Ah, who are you kidding? You shouldn't even think about it at all. Your screen went back to your list of contact names.
The one at the bottom you've been dreading to even lay your eyes upon appears into view. You didn't text or call her. Instead, you went into the detail view.
A button with red text held itself in place. Red was danger. Sure. It meant it was a risk and it needed you to go through a confirmation step first. But for you it was the opposite.
Block this contact?
Are you sure?
Finally after a moment of hesitation, you tap on 'Yes', and the name disappears. You had stopped your pacing long ago and now you stood in the middle of the living room, contemplating the option you chose. Just like that.
You had made your decision. It was time to let go a while ago. But something held you back. At least until the redhead came along, gently making herself at home within your heart.
Lucky stared at you as your shoulders went down, and you couldn't tell if it was in despair or relief. Maybe both. Asking her the question that shouldn't have been asked.
You shouldn't have done such a thing. You had messed up. A whole lot. Now you had nothing but yourself. Why did you even dare to?-- because you wouldn't want to get yourself stuck in something you feared would take yet another year's time to heal from.
Realisations after realisations were overcoming your head like a crow cawing at you to snap back into reality. Maybe a walk by yourself without interruptions did the trick after all.
You shook your head, going back to the couch, taking a seat that you definitely needed with everything happening. She's all thats been filling up your memories lately. So much, to the point that her hand prints were all over your soul.
You should call her up, but what if she hates you now? Considering the disappointment you've gotten before on a phone call, you had doubt poisoning all over your veins.
A sigh left your mouth for the hundreth time and you put your phone on the couch, setting it aside. You needed time, and she probably did too. Plus, if you continued any more, having just gotten over a single step of blocking a contact, you might as well faint if you even look at your messages with Nat.
Lucky rested his head on your leg, looking up at you knowingly as he felt your tiredness. Your hand settles on his fur, going through it gently.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
Nat was staring at her phone as she walked outside, her teeth sunk into her lower lip. She's been pacing in front of her apartment, having just finished drinking some hot coffee at a nearby shop. She thought it would calm her, especially with the rain earlier and the cold night air.
But, it only made her energized, her mind going more aware. As coffee is supposed to do. Really, she should have just gotten tea or a hot chocolate and maybe she would have been fine.
She's been looking at your text messages, ones thats been sent days ago now. Neither of you had talked in so long. Or at least to her, it felt like centuries, ages. She hoped desperately to magically see a text appear from you of saying something, or perhaps that you'll appear at her apartment.
But there was nothing. It was a fault of two sides, neither was really in the wrong, but if neither said anything, it'll simply slowly die.
She felt your distance, and she knew your mind was possibly getting just as loud as hers was. She had to do something, and fast, or the negative possibilities of whatever could happen would become reality.
Her legs started walking continuously forward rather than pacing, deciding to go towards the apartment you were at. She stored her phone in her pocket, determined to get to you rather than let it sit any longer.
She could never possibly hate you. She wouldn't even if she could. The moon and stars had disappeared, the clouds having covered it up. She didn't need their company, anyway. But the rain did come along to be her company.
Great. It was heavy, and people outside retreated to nearby shops and restaurant. She didn't follow them. Thank god for her jacket, but it was still all the more freezing cold.
Her walking slowly speeds up. Then, the splashing of boots running across the sidewalk sounded out through the streets.
Red car lights were in the reflections of the road, blurred from the rain water. A horn sounded out somewhere, probably for a stubborn person looking at their phone as they sat at a stop light. But she couldn't bother to see what it was at all.
The redhead, getting hit by the rain from every angle as she pants, almost out of breath from all the steps she's taken. If the sole of her feet wasn't firm on the concrete, she probably would have slipped.
But, she gets closer with obstacles and needing to find her way through people before she soon arrives. She takes a couple deep breaths after breathing through gasps, her lungs absolutely getting a work-out from the running.
Nat swallows down the burn in her throat, slowly recollecting herself and standing up straighter. When she looks up at the windows of the apartment, the lights are on.
It means you're here.
You're home.
Nat walks close to the door, a little calmer now and her hand goes up hesitantly.
She knocks on the door, but an answer awaits for far too long. Too many seconds.
She looks at the doorbell button.
She presses it.
A ringing that goes through the house can be faintly heard, before some gentle footsteps grow louder, nearing towards the front door.
It opens, and she sees you.
You were blown away by the sight in front of you. Almost quite literally from how windy it was outside, too. Nat, drenched in the rain, and out of breath as if she ran all the way here, because she did. You were definitely going to faint now from the sudden appearance.
Yet, at the realization of the sight in front of you, the two of you having just stared at each other, your face instantly fills with worry and concern. "Gosh, Nat, what are you--"
"I love you!" she blurted out, cutting you off in your sentence. Her voice was determined as she stared at you in such a vulnerable way, her eyes wandering your face to see your emotions.
You stood there, as she kept getting drenched from the rain. She thought she lost it all because you had shock visible in your eyes. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she shouldn't have-- But your gaze softened, and you stepped back slightly to let her in.
She steps in, a confused and curious expression on her face at your silence, but she lets you close the door before watching you turn around.
You went closer, your hands going to cup her cheeks as you leaned in until your lips softly touched. She had met you halfway, her own hands instinctively landing on your hips. Finally.
You could feel the cold rain on her lips before you pulled away slowly, but resting your forehead against hers, her breath warm against your skin.
"I love you, too," you whispered, but from how close you were to her, you didn't need to be any louder. Her heart had skipped a beat, and her lips raised up, absolutely in joy of your reply.
"We've switched roles...except you got the worse part," you let out a chuckle, tugging on the soaked jacket she was wearing that did nothing to protect her from the cold, until your eyes landed on her soft forest green eyes.
She gave you a soft smile, but her body shivered. Her boots were practically filled up with water, and the water dripped to the floor, but you didn't mind.
"Let's get you dried up," you said, going off to your bedroom to grab some towels for her. "Um--" She stood there for a moment, wondering if she should follow you or not.
"You can use my bathroom, come on." You urged her as you draped a towel over heer shoulders and went behind her to gently push her forward.
Her cheeks blush a pink tint, but she walks forward, going into your bedroom. As you were grabbing her some clothes, she took off her jacket, and pulled out her phone.
"Oh--" she pulled out the cassette player she brought from her apartment, pulling it out from her bag and placing it on your bed gently. Thankfully, it was dry and didn't get hit by the rain.
"I...fixed this up. It wasn't the belt. I mean, I replaced it anyway, but some parts had dirt covering them," she said, looking up to you as you walked back to her with a shirt and sweatpants in hand. You raised your eyebrows, intrigued at how she did it herself when you forgot.
It looked like it was brand new, shining brightly with the dim light with you inspecting it. You then went to grab a cassette tape from your shelves and your headphones to plug in, then you test it.
She had unfolded the t-shirt you got in the meanwhile, keeping herself occupied instead of just watching you. She held it up to her frame, seeing that it was just about the same size as hers.
You smiled softly, listening to the music and looking at her. "This sounds...amazing. You did good work in this." At that, her face lit up, and her smile reflected yours.
"Thank you," she said gently, putting the t-shirt back on the bed to wear later, her hands settling on the towel on her shoulder that kept her warm, even if its just a little.
"Now go, take a warm shower before you freeze to death or something." You gestured to the bathroom door, and she quietly giggled as she turned around, going off to shower.
Your gaze was adoring as you watched her go, then you went back to looking at the cassette player, shaking your head at the incredible handiwork she had.
Then, noticing the curtains of the apartment were still open while outside it was nighttime, you decide to go forward and close them, putting the cassette player down with your headphones. Of course, making sure you paused it rather than letting the music playing on its own.
Once done with the bedroom curtains, you gently shut the door on your way out to the living room, letting Nat have her privacy as you close the rest of the curtains.
One view of the windows though, had caught your attention. It was the larger window Kate had in her apartment, so it showed a perfect view of the sky and the city.
The night was starry now, the rain having settled down and the clouds dissipating. As you stood there admiring the moon and trying to figure out which white dot was a star and which one was a planet, Nat had come out the bedroom, wearing the clothes you gave her.
She stands beside you, gazing up and following the direction of your eyes. Nearly all the planets were shining in the sky, surprisingly enough.
Her hand gently intertwined with yours and her eyes fall back to you, a soft smile gracing her lips. Feeling the warmth of her hand had you turning to look at her, heat rising to your cheeks.
"Ты галактика (Ty galaktika)," she whispered, her free hand going up to gently cup your cheek, her love genuine in her eyes. You smiled softly, your heart jumping in joy.
"Does that mean galaxy?" You guessed gently and curiously, finally getting the chance to ask of one of her sentences you couldn't recognize.
She nodded gently, and then realized you still didn't know the full meaning. "It means you're the galaxy." She whispered, making your eyes widen and your lips part in surprise at the deep meaning, having thought it only meant one word.
You breathed out a chuckle before leaning in to gently capture her lips in a tender kiss, as if it was on instinct, a habit you had already developed naturally, when you haven't kissed each other ever since the first, or even seen each other in days.
But oh, you were depths upon depths in love with her. She returned the kiss, pouring her heart and soul into it, and your bodies fit each other like puzzle pieces.
Considering you were slowly moving towards your bedroom, you reached to the living room lamp when you were close enough, turning it off, knowing you wouldn't be going back into the room and Kate wasn't going to be home until tomorrow. Something about staying at her mom's? You didn't know, but you couldn't be bothered when your fingers entangled in red hair.
When the darkness grew, so did your passion. After a while though, you parted, pausing for a moment with your forehead rested against hers. You breathed in through the space between the two of you, your breaths colliding on skin and mixing.
"Does this make us..." You start in a whisper, but trail off, hesitant to say the word. The corners of her lips tug up in the meanwhile. It was time, and she was ready to jump into it with you.
"Lovers?" She suggests slowly, feeling your hand on her chest that rose and fell with her shallow breathing. You nod to her question, confirming that was what you wanted to say.
"Yes." She breathed out before her lips leaned in and continued to meet yours softly, her hand traveling from your waist up to your back. For the moment, the world only held the two of you.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You now laid against Nat comfortably on the bed, sitting in the dim lighting as the crickets quietly chirped in the background. You nuzzled into her neck for a moment as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders.
She gently rubbed her hand up and down your back, resting her cheek gently against the side of your head. You then turn your face out from the crook of her neck, looking up at the redhead.
Natasha smiled softly, her eyes meeting yours as she gazed into your loving eyes. She couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and happiness wash over her with someone, for the first time.
You shifted yourself by firmly gripping her shoulders and pushed yourself up, your legs on the sides of her hips as your hands went to cup both her cheeks.
"You're so pretty." You whisper softly, your thumb gently rubbing her soft skin as she stared at you, her smile growing wider.
"And you're..." She wanted to return the compliment, but paused, unable to find one that was completely perfect for you, because you were simply too gorgeous.
"ты красивая (ty krasivaya)," she then said, and you raise your eyebrows, but your heart was still beating with love for her, knowing it definitely meant something that was going to make you fall for her further.
"...What does that mean?" You asked, tilting your head in curiosity. She giggled softly, noticing that you looked like Liho whenever she got curious.
"It means you're beautiful, моя любовь (moya lyubov)." She leaned in closer, keeping her eyes on yours. You loved how smoothly it comes from her lips.
"And that?" you ask. Even though you could guess, you wanted to make sure, and to hear her translate it into English for you only made you fall deeper for her.
She blushes slightly, but replies nonetheless. "My love," she whispers, shaking her head. She nuzzles her nose against yours when she leaned in closer, making you giggle softly.
"I love you," you said under your breath, feeling her hair gently tickle your fingers as you still had your hand cupped on her cheeks.
"I love you, too," she replies, going in for yet another kiss. You moved your hands down, wrapping around her neck once more.
Your heart was soft and your shoulders held little to no weight at all on them as you lay in this moment with her. It was as if nothing could lay a finger on either of you. You then pull back slightly, staring into her eyes.
"You know, your eyes are so green," you whispered softly, even though you've stared into them a thousand times. She blushes, but smiles.
"I can listen to your compliments all night if thats what you want," she commented, her voice raspy yet gentle. Her hand had gone under your shirt gently to trace gentle patterns on the skin of your back.
"I would very much love that," you said through another giggle, leaning ever so closer to her. You placed your hand on her chest, her heartbeat thumping against your palm as you settle beside her.
Nat pulls the covers up gently up the two of you, making sure you were warm and comfortable. Every touch of her hands held care and gentleness, making your heart swell.
She trails her hand off to your cheek, gently placing it on there. Your eyes flicker down to it, and you lean into her touch, smiling. She rubs her thumb in a slow back and forth motion.
Your eyelids slowly fell to a close, the gentle motion soothing you to sleep. The broken pieces of your shattered heart had been picked up, and she was careful enough to put it all back together.
end of chapter 12, and the end of this series. <3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 11
In decision you'll hone, but you too shall run from the option you were given. Then find acceptance and it will be forsaken.
"All the things I didn't do for the sake of my mind." - R.
"All the things I shouldn't have done, but did anyway." - N.R
"...Everything I should have done." - W.M
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @slutforabbyanderson @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @animealways @may-z3 @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @natsbiggestfan1 @fawnedolly @blacklightsposts @canvascoloredin @autorasexy @taliiiaasteria @wandanatlov3r @glorioushamsterqueen @shaniaauld03 @yvungmxshroom
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elliott-the-creature · 3 months
My request requirements!✨
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What I do requests of:
Pride flag/alterhuman flag/flag redesigns
Pfp (basically the image with line redraws on it and any little icons you want + pride flags if you want)
Id packs (names, nicknames, usernames, pronouns, titles)
Topics of requests I do:
Physical nonhumanity/holothere/clinical lycanthropy/zoanthropy
Divinekin (includes angels, demons, gods/goddesses, fallen angels, and other divine beings)
Pet regression
Age regression
Objectum (sfw ONLY)
LGBTQIA+ identities (any and all identities, I don’t discriminate!)
And more! Feel free to suggest any more topics, I’m pretty open to any suggestions.
Topics I DON’T do requests for:
Anything nsfw (including kinks, paraphilias, nsfw objectum, and other sexual stuff)
Adult/adult oriented comedy cartoons (like family guy, the simpsons, south park, big mouth, bojack horseman, american dad, king of the hill, etc.). I find these shows to be often crude, gross, and overall unappealing, so please find another blog if you want to request stuff like this.
Harmful/mocking sexualities/gender identities (like super straight, dreamsexual, MAPS, animesexual, etc.)
DSMP stuff (or any minecraft smp stuff) (regular minecraft is completely fine though!)
Anything roblox or roblox related (it can be very hard to find pictures of characters to use for wallpapers/moodboards without using fanart, and I want to avoid fanart as much as possible, so I sadly can’t do it)
Harry Potter (or anything else made by or associated with JKR)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss stuff (basically anything made by and/or associated with vivziepop)
Countries or nationalistic stuff. You should’ve read my DNI/DNF before asking me stuff
Real people. I don’t feel comfortable making stuff related to real people (like artists, celebrities, youtubers, writers, etc.). That basically means no factkins; I’m factkin neutral but I don’t want these kinds of requests.
If you have any questions about whether the topic you want is ok or not, please dm me beforehand.
Things to add in your ask:
For moodboards
What the topic is (so I know what tags to use)
What the main subject is
What theming/colour palette you want
How many pictures you want
Whether you want a standard (regular square pictures) or fancy (different shapes for pictures) moodboard
Anything you DON’T want in your board
For wallpapers/banners
What the topic is (so I know what tags to use)
What the main subject is
What theming/colour palette you want
Whether you want symbols/extra stuff on it
Formatting of your wallpaper (like whether it’s a phone, ipad, desktop, etc. (saying what specific kind of device you have is best))
Whether you use tumblr for mobile or desktop (banner sizes change depending on device)
Anything you DON’T want on it
For userboxes
What icon you want
What you want the text to say (or a sorta vibe to what you want the text to say if you don’t know exactly what you want)
What kind of font you want (I use ibis paint btw so keep that in mind)
What you what the background/theming to be
What colour you want the text box to be
Whether you want stickers (a little png of a related object near the corner of the box) or not
Anything you DON’T want on it
For pride/kin flags
What flag you want
Whether it is a redesign or something new
What colour scheme you want
How many stripes you want (I mainly do 4, 5, 7, and 9 stripes)
What kind of icon/symbol you want
Anything you DON’T want on it
For ID packs
What the subject/theming is (aka what is the id pack about)
Whether you want me to prioritize a certain category (like if you want mainly pronouns)
What categories you want (I do names/nicknames, usernames, pronouns, and titles (basically *insert name* the *insert title*)). If you want all of these, just say “all”.
NOTE! due to me not being super into a lot of fandoms (or not even knowing anything about a certain fandom/series), more times than not, I’ll delete fictionkin id pack requests if it’s from a fandom I don’t know much/anything about.
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Please only request TWO (2) things per ask! And if you’re requesting only wallpapers, then only ONE (1) wallpaper request per ask.
Anonymous questions are currently unavailable. If you wish to remain anonymous, please just mention it in your ask, I’m happy to do so :)
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↓ some examples of my works below! ↓
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click here to go to my side account (I ONLY take requests from there)
Enjoy, and ask away! ✏️
85 notes · View notes
laylaplease · 10 months
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Warnings — Dead dove - do not eat, psychologist!Anakin x reader, manipulation, coercion, captivity, blindfolding, tying up, drugging, loss of consciousness, both Anakin and reader are mentally ill, scissor play, undressing, dub-con, implied murder, hinted homicide, hinted torture, stalker behavior, implied APD, implied suicide, Stockholm syndrome? Generally a messed-up piece of work.
Word count — 3k
Notes — A small project for my friend. Not something I'd normally write, but I took it as a challenge. Not exactly smut, but it's hinted & characters make out. Make sure to read the warning list and be mindful. Wrote it in a different point of view to make it as gender neutral as possible. NOT PROOFREAD.
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After seven visits and a night of consideration, I've come to the conclusion that Doctor Skywalker wasn't the correct mental health specialist for me. And it wasn't because he was bad at his job, no, quite the opposite. Anakin Skywalker was an attractive male in his forties. He never shared details about his personal life, and despite that, he managed to create an impression of a person I've known for months, if not years, of my life.
Anakin scared me. Not intentionally, of course. It was what he's supposed to do — pick up the details of me, the patterns of my brain, my movements, and my involuntary fidgeting. He was a modern mind reader, and I couldn't help but wonder if he's aware of every thought I've had when he sat in front of me, with his legs crossed, glasses hanging on the very tip of his nose, a linen button-up with the last button left free. Could he hear what my inner voice was saying during those stolen stares? The gentle tapping of a fountain pen on his notebook told me he could.
He wasn't the only one digging for specifics, though. His purposeful, secretive behavior made me want to figure him out. As if he were my medical project and not the other way around. I knew that it wasn’t ethical; part of his job was to keep the outside world, including his own, off his patients' brains to avoid influencing them. But I needed to know more. Anakin Skywalker was my psychologist, and I was utterly and entirely obsessed with him. Maybe that's exactly why I should stay in therapy. For one reason or another.
It was Tuesday morning, and I woke up especially early for my supposedly last appointment. I wanted to take a longer way to his office and connect all the pieces of private information my ill brain gathered and processed about Anakin. There were plenty of assumptions, facts I couldn’t know for sure, and guesses about his life that were possibly altered by whatever’s been lurking in my brain. However, I loved the image. In my head, Anakin was divorced. The absence of an expensive stone on his ring finger forced me to come to that conclusion. A glimpse of his phone wallpaper portraying two toddlers told me he was a father of two — a boy and a girl with the same gentle but intense stare he wore. The bundle of keys on his office desk told me the kind of car he drove, how many locks his house had, a keychain of his assumed favorite hockey team hinted at what he enjoys doing in his free time. Oh, and he was a smoker, that’s for sure. You could never miss the smell. No matter how many mints he swallowed before my visits or the scent of soap he used to wash his smoke-stained fingers, the cigarette trace was always obvious. But I didn’t mind it, not one bit. His natural smell mixing with the dirt of an addiction on someone who’s supposed to be an example of a perfect intellectual man was like knowing his dirty secret — it was arousing.
I came fifteen minutes early. My doctor worked on the third floor of a five-story commercial building; it was an environment I deemed to be perfectly suitable for a man such as Anakin. Modern architecture surrounded by enough green to not appear like a dystopian haven. And it was an excellent choice for a psychologist office, initially. Personally, however, I thought it was too perfect. Everything surrounding Anakin was a bit too perfect, from the way he carried himself to the choice of his work spot — it always rubbed it in for me that there are people doing okay, people who aren’t chained with the issues of their own heads, uncaged, people who can enjoy that perfect organic modernist dream.
I was going to spend the punctual sixteen minutes outside on a bench before stepping inside and greeting the doctor with a new wave of depression to discolor some of his lively world; after all, that’s what he’s signed up for. I sat down comfortably, not too far from the main entrance, admiring the surrounding park while judging parents chattering around while their strollers were left unattended near the children’s playground. It was enjoyable to see and possibly figure out the mindset of all the strangers and passersby. I felt like my own kind of psychologist, but I never had any intentions to help the people I marked as dysfunctional in one way or another. I lacked some empathy, yes, but that only made my life easier; I wasn’t as attached to problems that weren’t my own, and I could analyze people without their lives influencing mine. My doctor’s fairytale was unfortunately disturbed by the raspy voice greeting me.
“Good morning. You’re early.” Anakin greeted me with a welcoming yet slightly surprised tone. “I’m glad.” 
The coffee in his hand told me otherwise; I could only assume though, but he probably expected to spend a good ten minutes alone in his office, enjoying the morning with a hot latte and with no bothering from his patients before his workday even started.
“Good morning.” I nod too nonchalantly for my own liking. It was obvious I was forcing the tone, and if someone is to pick on such a small detail — it’s him.
“Let’s go; I don’t mind starting early.” He smiles, and I can once again can tell what a liar he is.
I follow him inside a white-lit lobby area, where he’s greeted by a few people he’s familiar with. He walks with masculine confidence, and I find myself feeling so disgustingly small beside him, small and insignificant. I wonder if he’s ever aware of the effect his demeanor has on people. It pisses me off and excites me further. It’s a case of mental masochism, and I’m a pathetic victim.
After a few second elevator ride, spiced with his initiated small talk, we enter the office. He offers to make me a cup of tea, giving me a choice of peppermint and lavender. I was about to decline when I reminded myself that it was my last time here and that I had never drunk lavender tea before. So I agree, encouraging him to be generous with sugar.
“Can I assume you being oddly early to come means an improvement in your mood?” He asks as he brews my beverage. It’s almost as if he’s not even working yet, not taking notes and analyzing me, but I know it’s just a facade to make me feel more comfortable.
“Perhaps. More so that I don’t think I’ll be visiting anymore.” I confess and go along with his play.
“Can I ask why?��� His broad back turns from me, and I’m greeted with his handsome face. There was no hint of confusion or surprise; you would think he'd expected me to say that.
I shrug my shoulders, following his hands as he stirs my tea and pushes a delicate porcelain cup forward. His voice is nice, but I would much rather stare at him than watch his miserable attempts to help me.
“I don’t think therapy is necessary. Not anymore, at least.” I take a sip of a hot lavender drink, my hands taking the cup involuntary to avoid speaking further. The brim touches my lips, and I hiss in pain from the burning liquid. I swear he chuckles at me.
“I would like to continue seeing you.” He crosses his legs and leans back in his chair. The gaze he’s fixed on me, mixed with the weird silence after he stops asking questions, is making my insides squirm with anxiety. It’s never like that around him.
“You see, y/n, you are an interesting case…” Anakin pushes his glasses up with his index finger, rocking his chair slightly. “You’re an obsessive stalker.” He blurts out as a wide grin spreads across his face. “And I dislike misbehaving patients.” His face is becoming more blurry as we speak, and I feel myself sinking into the velvet cushion of an armchair.
Fucking lavender tea...
I couldn’t tell if I was out for days or mere minutes, but I’m pretty sure if the familiar smell of cigarettes hadn't reached my nostrils, I’d still be asleep. I opened my eyes only to be met with a dark cloth concealing my sight. I know I’m still in Anakin’s office because the sensation under my restrained wrists is of the same velvet chair. I remained still, in hopes of figuring out what’s going on. Only one thing was clear: I shouldn’t have came today yet alone drank tea. That's a gut feeling for you. The blindfold is weak around my eyes, and I guess it’s less for hiding the view and more for intimidating me. Good job, doctor.
“Oh?” Anakin gasps mockingly. “You’re up early, little bird.” He’s standing behind me; one of his hands snakes up my neck, fingers twisting into my hair. “Good.” He tightens the cloth around my eyes.
“There’s something about you. You’re as annoying as you’re pretty, and I can’t decide if I want to keep you as my little pet or get rid of you and mask it as the tragedy of a weak-minded person.”
I can sense him walk away and then make his way back into his chair in front of me. I sat up straight, settling my head towards him to show how little his words were frightening me. My mind’s been playing games on me since I can remember myself, and a mere human couldn’t scare me with ropes and threats when my own head was a prison of torture most of my life.
“I urge you to make that decision now before your next patient finds us in this roleplay of yours.” I tug the restraints on my hands.
Anakin laughs; I can hear him light a cigarette.
“Yeah?” He pauses, probably taking a puff. “You’re stupid. You don’t think you should be scared?”
I know I should be; in fact, I am not mentally ill enough to be oblivious to how messed up my situation actually is. But I’m not scared, and that scares me way more than being held hostage by my own psychologist.
“So what then, doc? Don’t keep me waiting.”
I can feel Anakin rise from his seat and slowly make his way to stand in front of me. I can’t see him, but as he towers over me, I lift my head up. There is that sense of feeling small again. Maybe it’s less about his confidence and more about how twisted his mind is to lure in people like that.
“Do you think I haven’t noticed? You… Digging through me, trying to figure me out... Watching me. You’re sick.” He grabs my chin. ”You’re sick, and it pisses me off.”
“So you decided to tie me up?”
He sighs, and I’m pretty sure he’s fed up with my poor sense of judgment.
“No, I decided to tear up your dignity piece by piece to show you who’s the real maniac between the two of us.” He yanks the blindfold off my face, and I can’t help but wonder if the initial purpose of it was to do just that. It's as if he’s planned every single second of our sick encounter.
His piercing deep blue eyes star into mine intensely, filled with overwhelming emotions of visible hatred and lust, and I am no longer sure if I want to scream into his face or bite his lips off in an intense session of kissing. I want to make him bleed through both pain and pleasure. Can he tell what I think this time too, or is he sane enough to be unaware of the disturbing thoughts spiraling in my scrambled brain?
“Don’t look at me like that.” He says it with a disgusted tone.
“Do you not enjoy my stare, doctor?"
I don’t know why I said that. I don’t know why my tongue moved in such a seductive manner when I spoke to him. Maybe it was the fruit of his manipulation, making me feel safe, making me trust him, and then turning me into a mindless vessel that craves his approval. Or maybe my problems dive deeper into my body, and it’s just who I am. Maybe sickness excites me.
Whatever the reasoning, it seemed to amuse him. Though I still couldn’t read if his amusement was based on hatred for that twisted attraction he obviously felt towards me, part of me wished it was later.
“You’re a masochist.”
“And you’re a sadist.”
Anakin raises his eyebrow. “So you agree?”
We were both right, but I wasn’t just going to sign up for him hurting me. Or at least not this easily. As I wonder how this is going to go, he leaves the room.
I like to think he’s keeping me because he finds me desirable. It doesn’t exactly make the whole captive situation better, but hell, it’s satisfying when you’re entertaining enough for a man such as Anakin to consider not murdering you instantly. For other eyes, it would make his image less perfect, but to me, he’s becoming better by a second.
Anakin comes back with a pair of metal scissors in his hand. He towers over me again, this time raising my chin with a cold blade.
“You’re not letting go of that stare, are you, darlin’?” He bites his lip, looking down at me.
The stinging blade traces down my neck, sliding over my right collarbone. The thicker skin he reaches, the more pressure he’s applying, yet he's not breaking the flesh, only leaving a red, tingling line. It drags over my clothed shoulder and down the sleeve of my shirt. He does it slowly, not breaking eye contact, as if he’s done it a thousand times before. I question if I am as special as I thought I was.
“You have no idea what I am going to do to you.” He leans down to whisper as he hooks the cutting edge under the cuff and cuts into it.
A cold sensation sends shivers up my arm when he lets the two blades rip through the material all the way up to the neckline, leaving my left limb completely free of clothing. The dust particles tickle my nose, causing a sharp inhale, which he mistakes for fear.
Not a chance. It’s better than just undressing me; it gives a sense of foreplay, whether before sex or murder. He repeats the same process on my other sleeve.
“You like playing with your food?”
Anakin grins widely. I think he’s liking me more and more. "Oh, how I’ll enjoy devouring you, my sweet dessert."
He drops down to his knees, placing his hands on my thighs to keep them apart and give him more access to be closer to me. He cuts into the hemline of my shirt and rips it across the middle, parting it and exposing even more of me for his eyes to eat. He doesn’t stop there and digs the point of the scissors into my chin, causing a painful sting. I look into his eyes, clouded with darkness, biting my teeth together to avoid hissing from the ache.
“Mouth.” He says that, and my lips part involuntary, as if he had control of my own body.
He slides the scissors fully into me, leaving only the rings hanging out.
I clench my teeth against the metal to prevent myself from choking. Anakin looks at me proudly, as if saying how good I am for listening to his orders. He grabs the waistband of my pants and commands again.
I lift myself up, and before I know it, I’m almost entirely naked, tied to a chair, with scissors digging into the back of my throat. And I don’t think ever in my life I’ve been this turned on by a mere thought of being hurt.
He stands up, grabbing the tool out of my mouth and yanking it out without any consideration. With trembling hands, he starts cutting the ropes off my wrists.
“I’m about to die from the feelings you make me feel.” He groans.
Once my hands are free, I clash into him like an animal freed from a cage who’s been deprived of meat. His lips lash onto mine, and his arms grab my thighs and lift me up against him. He’s kissing me, and my body’s burning with sickness and desire. Anakin carries me to his desk, sweeping all the papers and stationary on the ground with a loud, crashing sound, breaking whatever’s fragile and unlucky enough to interfere with our twisted fantasy.
Anakin’s teeth graze the skin on my neck as he throws me to lay on the wooden tabletop. He digs his teeth into my flesh, making me gasp. He’s marking my body with deep red bruises, and I wonder if it’s to hurt me, taste me, or make me see the sars. I’m pretty sure all three things are happening at the same time, though.
He pulls away for a second just to force his tongue into my mouth. And I kiss him. I crave him. I want to make him feel weak for not killing me; I want to make him feel vulnerable for giving into his desires, but the only one who’s feeling small is me. Just like every other time. I keep kissing him, tasting his spit in my mouth as it smears over my chin from how hungrily he’s working. And he keeps devouring me. He keeps devouring me, and I can’t force myself to stop him.
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ekkurea · 1 year
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Another commission with Ken Ryuguji for @anxiousbabybird
I put in all my strength🍃✨🍃∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I don't think I'll be able to do it again anytime soon (o´ω`o)ノHaha
Hope you like it too! I really tried really hard and spent a million hours on it🏙🤍🌃( ◡‿◡ ) And I don't regret it✨
I made the last simple background specifically to use as wallpaper on phone(。・//ε//・。)
And also I will not stop thanking all of you for how wonderful you are and what a great support you are to my creativity. ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu
Thank you! You are the best💞
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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
Heyyy can you please write something for Nico x male reader where Nico has seen reader around camp and reader is friendly and always laughing and talking with everyone. And Nico develops a crush on reader and eventually he decides to confess to reader when he sees them in the woods. Fluffy mainly but like a little spicey at the end if u do that stuff? :)
hey there bestie, let's pretend it hasn't been two months. this fic is also for @golden-boy-muda 's request for nico x transmasc reader <3
I couldn't find an idea in my empty ol head for this request but then I was looking for old oil painting wallpapers for my phone and now you have this incredibly sappy 3.2k of art references [I advise you keep another tab open for cross-referencing if you want the fUlL eXpErIeNcE]
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Oil on Canvas--- Nico di Angelo x transmasc reader [3.2k] »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico definitely isn’t a stalker, he understands boundaries [once Jason explains them to him, of course], but he might have a bit of a staring problem. 
Sometimes he’s just eating gluten free waffles with Hazel in the dining pavilion and ends up watching you shove your siblings around and plait your little sister's hair so it doesn’t get in her face when she goes Pegasus riding.
He spooned some blueberries onto his plate. 
It’s not his fault.
It’s yours, if anything. What is he supposed to do apart from feel like there’s moths beneath his ribcage when you pose, your nose scrunched, up for photos with Drew’s polaroid camera that’s covered with inappropriate stickers? 
Hazel elbowed him meaningfully in the side when he couldn’t help but grin because Holy Hades, a single person shouldn’t be able to look that much like the painting Ophelia [by friedrich heyser, to be specific], just because they wore a green camp shirt and a pearl necklace. 
Maybe it was his fault that he was comparing you to beautiful paintings. 
He scooped the blueberries onto his half eaten waffle and reached for the maple syrup Hazel had finished drowning her breakfast in. 
The Stoll brother’s mortal mum had sent a stack of paintings from art galleries all over the world last Christmas, and they’d let him pick out a few of the older more poetic ones that didn’t have enough blood and guts for their taste. 
Now the oil paintings of lakes and birds and crying angels and… mainly cats, actually, hung around the dark walled Cabin he slept in. 
Your laugh when you threw strawberries at Kayla and Austin while they worked in the infirmary reminded him of Angel [carl von marr, of course] and he felt like Chat a difficult catch [charles van den eycken] when you walked right past him without even glancing back.
So he’d made peace with watching from afar how you would forget daily to put sunscreen on but somehow always remembered to wear this pair of white crocheted gloves that looked like cat paws. 
On a completely irrelevant note, Nico was learning to crochet. 
Hazel made eye contact with him again when he looked from you to her, and he plugged his ears and glared before she started kicking him in the shins and begging him to pluck up the courage to walk over and even just make eye contact. 
Not that he didn’t want to. 
He may have lined up in his catalog of daydreams, this scenario where you both went down to the beach. Any beach, really. You’d collect shells and eat popcorn and grapes and lemonade and squish sand between your toes and pick up crabs with him. 
PROMENADE ON THE BEACH [Charles Atamian, obviously].
There was another scenario where he’d take you to the farmers market. It had the biggest bouquets of flowers, and rows upon rows of fruits and vegetables and incense and beaded jewelry. 
When he was laying in bed underneath the fluffy zebra patterned duvets that Piper forced him to use, mainly because they matched the dark reds of the cushions and browns of the bookshelves and antique lamps in the cabin so well, you were walking down the rows of little stores with him.
You were holding his hand with those soft cat paw gloves and you liked the feel of his rings [he’d read that people liked rings in a book, somewhere] and you’d filled the Studio Ghibli tote bag you had with berries. 
He’d watched most of the movies after he saw your bag. He liked Arriety the best. 
Clarisse stomped past the Hades table, leaving bloody footprints no one asked about, and smacked him in the back of his head. Nico went back to eating his waffles and daydreaming about your smile. 
In the farmers market you would sniff candles and never buy them because Hazel had far too many for all of her spells and the such that he would never run out. And what was Hazel’s was his and what was his was hers, meaning that what was Hazel’s was yours. 
Because Nico would give everything he owned, even his favorite jacket, for you to look his way. 
And he would buy you flowers, whichever were your favorite. 
Maybe the ones from the painting Hazel forced him to take because ‘you can’t just not hang a painting that literally is you, Neeks’. 
Italian Girl with Flowers. Joaquin Sorolla. 1886. 
He didn’t see the resemblance.
But it didn’t really matter, because he’d get to watch you looking at all the cool things for sale and then he’d take you to the best gelato he’d found so far [he was making a list] or just use the shadows, and take you to a proper gelato shop. Whatever you wanted to do, really.
Nico blinked. He huffed, mainly at himself, and stabbed his waffle. It fell apart on the fork.
“Why’re you angry?”
He looked up from his plate, to Hazel. She was sitting opposite him with a mustache made of orange juice. “...I’m not.”
“You’re not supposed to be pushing down your emotions, remember?” she said sternly, and started picking the green bits off a strawberry. She was eating as many berries as she could, since she wasn’t allowed lollies anymore. The perks of braces. 
Nico looked away. “I’m fine.”
“You’re thinking about the cat glove girl, aren’t you?” she asked with a smirk.
“Cat glove boy, remember?” he muttered, and took a bite of his waffle, wiping squished blueberries off his chin.
Hazel’s golden eyes widened, “Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” he said, and was grateful for the excuse to peek your way. You were eating toast. Very pretty-ily. He felt his face heat up.
Hazel perked up, a mischievous grin he didn’t appreciate on her face. “Okay! I’ll go apologize to your boyfriend then-”
Nico stared at her. Why was she like this? She actually went to stand up, and then he yanked her sleeve, pulling her back down to the table. “No! Don’t just… you can’t… stop!”
“You didn’t deny that he’s your boyfriend,” Jason chuckled, sitting down next to Hazel. 
“I hate you all,” Nico said. 
It was torture. 
He felt like Sleepy time potion [Vanessa Stockhard], stuck in the middle of your loveliness, unable to do anything except stare and hope that his face wasn’t too as red as the mushroom he was sitting on. 
In the painting. 
Not in real life. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico stared down at the hat in his lap.
He’d done it. He’d actually finished one of the hundreds of projects he’d started in Piper’s efforts to find him a hobby that wasn’t sitting on the fences of cemeteries or standing in line at Mcdonalds. 
He had lots of other hobbies, he just… couldn’t come up with them when she was arguing with him. 
So they’d gone through writing, painting, records, sleeping, which he excelled in, and then crocheting. None had lasted very long, but he may have had an idea half way through trying to stab Piper with the crocheting stick.
And now he had a white bucket hat with cat ears.
He threw it to the end of his bed, and hid underneath his duvet. Fuck. 
Repose. Malcolm Liepke. 1953. 
What on Olympus was he supposed to do about the way he wanted to hold you so badly he felt like throwing up and tearing his hair out?
He lay underneath in the pocket of stuffy darkness for a moment, before sitting up, untangling his blankets and teddies from him, and then standing. He may have just had the greatest idea anyone had ever thought of before.
Hazel was still in the shower, singing, most likely, so he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack that was actually just a skeleton, and then stomped out of his cabin, the stupid hat in his fist.
His heart was beating wildly. Stupid heart. 
The Wedding Dress. Fred Ellwell. 1911.
He rubbed his face and groaned at the sky. The stars were just peeking out, but it was still pink and yellow, and the sun hadn’t dipped yet. It was hidden by the trees he was trudging through, though. 
His chest was hurting. 
Nico scrunched up the stupid perfect crocheted hat that just had to stupidly perfectly match your stupid perfect cat gloves because Nico was stupidly perfectly obsessed with you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect.
Psyche Weeping. Kinuko Y Craft. 1995.
He trod on twigs that broke underneath his boots and weaved through the tree’s that slowly became more and more laden with hanging pendants and wind chimes and ruins carved into the bark.
He stepped over a thin stream. A frog croaked at him like it was dying. As if it could ever feel like it was dying. As if it could ever fall in love.
Nico groaned at the sky again. 
“Just let it all out.”
He turned, and glared. “Do you mind?”
“Yes, actually,” Lou Ellen said, raising a purple eyebrow. It matched the undersides of her curly hair. She pointed to the cabin concealed in shadows and moss and stones behind her. “This is my house. And you are yelling very loudly.”
“I’m not yelling,” Nico argued. “I’m groaning.”
She stared at him for a second. She rolled her eyes. “Just come in, what do you need?”
“I need a spell. Or a charm. Or hex,” Nico said, following her through the wooden double doors. A wind chime tinkled even though the air was still. There were a few bunks lined up against the wall to one side. “Or a magic thing. I don’t care which one.” 
The rest of the cabin was filled with small coffin shaped pet beds and empty pink soda cans and voodoo dolls hanging from the roof and rugs with cats wearing strawberry hats on the fluffy material and misty crystal balls. 
Lou Ellen lent back on a desk stacked high with papers and paperweights that were actually jars filled with things. “Okay. I have three rules. I don’t kill people, and I don’t make people fall in love.”
“I’ll break both if it’ll be fun?”
Nico frowned. “No. Aren’t you supposed to say you won’t bring people back from the dead? That’s always the third rule.”
She squinted at him. “Uh…no. I send those people to you.” 
Nico squinted back at her, sticking his tongue out. He fiddled with the stupid perfect hat and looked around. There was just more creepy things and stuffed animals. “Whatever. I need your help.”
“With what?”
“I need you to… like,” Nico started. He sighed. He looked away. 
This was awful. 
He was not about to admit that he might be in love, even if it was to reverse the feelings in the first place with whatever heart ripping out brain altering magic was necessary. 
The Apollo cabin would find out through the witch in less than thirty seconds. He would never live it down. 
Nico groaned again. “Oh for fucks sake, do you need me to fic your voicebox or something?” Lou Ellen hissed. 
Nico glared at her. He groaned again, and then whirled around and stomped out of the weird mossy mushroom cabin. “Nevermind!”
“Fine! Have it your way!...weird little emo.”
Nico glared at the frog croaking at him, and kept walking through the forest. 
He followed the little stream through the woods until he could hear wind chimes or Taylor Swift’s latest album anymore. 
The little stream widened into a proper stream, filled with a lot more frogs. Why were there so many frogs? He nearly stood on a green one leaping across the path. Stupid frog.
Nico stuffed his hands into his pockets, along with the hat. He was tempted to just toss it into the river. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with all of the silly feelings that felt like the biggest things in the world to him and his silly head full of thoughts about your lips.
Maybe the frogs could use the hat as a home.
“Here froggie… Come here… I said, come here... No I am not taking a tone with you!” 
Nico froze. 
Fuck. He took a deep breath, probably too loudly. He glanced to the side. 
Of course you were catching frogs, knee deep in a river.
You looked over, making eye contact, and Nico realized the moths underneath his ribcage were turning into bats. You squinted at him, hands on your hips, while water swirled around and leaves drifted from the trees above. A bucket was wedged between two rocks next to you.
A frog jumped out of it and landed near your leg, on a lillypad. 
“Look Albert,” you said, turning to the frog. “It’s a little Victorian ghost.”
“...I’m Italian,” Nico said quietly. He stared at you. He couldn’t help it. Wow. Fuck. Leo was right. He really was pathetic. “And I’m not a ghost.”
“Okay, Victorian ghost.” 
Nico stared at you. Fuck.
After that exchange, he should be able to hate you. Right? Right. He now resented you, and the moths turned bats would stop clawing at his chest and he would go back to having a normal life. 
You squinted at Nico, and then slowly turned to Albert. “I think the cute Victorian ghost is having a stroke.”
Nico blinked once, gulped, and then marched forward through the cold water and frogs, his shoes squelching loudly. Gods. This was so embarrassing. But you thought he was cute, even if you also thought he was a dead english boy, so he would be content with dying from embarrassment. 
He shoved the stupid perfect hat into your stupid perfect hands.
And then left in about 0.3 seconds. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
You stared down at your pancakes. Why were they so gray looking? Had someone poisoned them? You figured that it would be a pretty good way to die, and tipped extra maple syrup onto them before you dug in. 
To counterbalance the poison, of course.
You scratched at the mosquito bite underneath the strap of your binder. It had flowers embroidered into it. Your binder. Not the mosquito bite.
One of your siblings across from you kicked at your shin, probably on purpose, but you continued to eat your odd tasting pancakes and picked blueberry grit off your white cat paw gloves. They were your favorite gloves. 
They also matched your new hat. The new hat that the cute Victorian but actually Italian ghost boy had given you before he teleported away with whatever dark magic he had stored in all that goth-ness.
You tossed a blueberry at Clarisse when she walked past and tried to bash you over the head. 
She wasn’t allowed to ruin your new hat.
You turned to see her flicking the blueberry over at someone else, and your eyes flicked past that too. Now way. You stood up, but you’d lost sight of the mess of dark hair when the Hermes cabin barrelled past.
You clambered onto your seat and stood up there. “Oi! Victorian ghost hat boy!”
The dining pavilion went quiet pretty quickly, and everyone turned to the cute guy with a skeleton hoodie and wide eyes. He pointed at himself when you pointed at him, and then went pink. 
Clarisse stuck her arm out so you didn’t faceplant when you jumped down from your seat, and you held onto your new hat as you traipsed across the cracked floor. 
You’d never figured out how that crack had got there. But there were bigger mysteries. 
Like this cute goth. 
His face just pinker when you grabbed his sleeve and tried to tug him out of the entire camp’s curious eyes. A dark skinned girl with a lot of butterfly clips and a Steven Universe t-shirt sent a thumbs up in your direction. 
It was only when you were standing by the low burning fire pit in a patch of daisies did you realize you hadn’t really planned far enough ahead. 
You took off the cat-ear hat and looked down at it. “...Uhm…”
“Sorry,” the goth said quickly, and when you made eye contact he looked away even quicker. “It’s creepy. Boundaries and stuff, I just… saw your gloves.” 
“It’s not creepy,” you argued, putting the hat back on with a grin. He was really cute when he blushed. “I mean, I don’t even know your name, and I have no idea who you are but your eyeliner is really really great and… Holy Hades if you smile like that again can I… please kiss you?”
The goth with no name stared at you, and then nodded about ten times too many. “Yes please. But, uh.. If you’re gonna kiss me, please, maybe don’t get my dad involved.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico could feel his cheeks growing hotter.
Not because of the sun, specifically, but it was hot and bright in the woods. He’d worn sunscreen though. And forced you to put it on too, once he’d found watermelon scented sunscreen, because you refused to smell gross no matter how sunburnt you would get anyways. 
His face was hot and red because of you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect and also possibly kind of Nico’s stupidly perfect boyfriend. 
“Psst, Victorian ghost boy,” you said with a sing-song voice, quietly, and waved your hand in front of his eyes with your pink, blue, and white painted nails. He blinked. You smiled. “You zoned out again.”
“Sorry,” Nico said, and pulled a daisy out of the ground. He handed it over. “I was thinking about you.”
He hadn’t realized the effect that saying that would have on you, but it was worth it when you opened and closed your mouth like one of the frogs you kept as pets. 
“I.. well, what were you thinking about?”
Nico had played his cards right. He smirked, and you shuffled forwards on the checked picnic blanket Piper had stolen from Drew, who’d probably nicked it from poor unsuspecting Demeter or Iris kid. You knocked over the basket of strawberries too, and then took your bucket hat off and stuffed it in your lap with a grin.
He tilted his head down. You were both following a very well rehearsed script. “...Kissing you?”
You launched yourself forwards then with a laugh, your cat-paw gloved hands landing on either side of his waist and probably squishing some of those strawberries at the same time. 
The sun reflected in your eyes and Nico held the sides of your face as he pressed his lips to yours. 
You kissed back, and once you both stopped smiling widely, you could kiss back. 
He scratched his fingernails, the ones you’d painted rainbow that afternoon after catching more frogs and complaining about sunscreen, along your jaw when you bit down on his bottom lip.
Not as a complaint, certainly not, and you knew that too because you just sat back on your knees between Nico’s lap and tilted your head to fit deeper against Nico’s bruised lips. 
The ones that hadn’t had a single day off since you jumped up in the middle of breakfast with your gluten free waffles you hadn’t realized were gluten free until he had explained it to you later. 
It was intensely crazily unbearably romantic but it also meant whatever cold one of you managed to catch, the other would come down with only minutes later. 
And Nico felt like that smug little cat from Julie Manet’s Auguste Renoir.  
»»————- ★ ————-««
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startaee · 11 months
unbelievable. rin x fem! reader
mdni, reblogs appreciated.
tws: mentions of smoking, drinking, OCD tendencies, lmk if i missed smthg!
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usually he’d tell isagi and bachira to stop embarrassing him by commenting ‘cringe’ or ‘lukewarm’ till they get the idea, however, right now, he had his own troubles. 
rin couldn’t find his phone. 
he was the most responsible person he knew. now, of course he didn’t know too many people, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was extremely cautious when it came to his belongings.
hands patting his pockets. his frown deepened. 
now he wasn’t upset because of a phone. sure it was the brand new iphone that just hit the markets yesterday and it did contain really valuable information to him, like…his practice schedule and…horror movies to watch…
anyway! the real reason he was standing in the middle of the road with a look that scared off the tourist that was about to ask him for directions is the fact that, he; the rin itoshi forgot.
because itoshi rin never forgets. well until now. 
he walked back to the signal as a confused bachira and worried isagi followed him. 
was it a prank? was it a pickpocket? was it-
no, rin. you just, forgot.
letting out an annoying groan he stomped back to the building of the party he was forced to attend. this was all isagi’s fault! if he hadn’t forced him to come to this stupid party- 
groaning loudly again, rin snapped his head to isagi and wordlessly glared at him. 
“w-what rin..? do you wanna go back to the party or somethin’?” isagi gulped, not understanding why rin was still having mood swings in his twenties, ‘did he have a late puberty?’
rolling his eyes, rin continued his journey, leaving the two boys staring at each other in confusion. if someone came from the opposite direction, they would think that a fight was about to occur.
the door of the penthouse was open as guys smoked close to the elevator. rin cringed at the ‘lukewarm’ song playing but didn’t waste any time making his way into the apartment. 
scanning the room, he remembered sitting on the couch in the living room and immediately made his way to it. 
thankfully, no one was sitting on the couch so he was able to lift up the cushions, and check thoroughly…to no avail… 
this was about pride and his slight ocd tendencies. he felt like he would lose his mind if he didn’t- 
eyes widened as the familiar phone case across the couch on the table entered his vision.
he didn’t even think twice before leaping towards it. 
yes! the same stupid space wallpaper, yes! the same password, yes! the same apps he didn’t close- wait a minute, whats this?
why was his camera opened? scrolling through his gallery, he swiped through the pictures he’d never seen before, and stopped at a video. as soon as it ended, he felt heat rush to the tip of his ears and a blush appear on his face. looking around frantically as he hoped to find- 
“there you are!” isagi panted, hands on his knees. “we’ve been looking for you everywhere.” bachira complained, jumping on isagi’s back. that was his subtlest way of letting his best friend know that he was getting a piggy back ride. 
rin just hoped they didn’t notice his flustered self and coughed up an excuse to leave. 
“don’t be late for practice tomorrow..” though his words were supposed to sound threatening, they sounded sweet and nice and shaky. isagi and bachira once again shared a look of confusion but this time, just decided to go with it.
rin scanned every room for something specific…hanging his head low in disappointment, he left the apartment, this time with his phone in his hand. 
as he stepped inside the elevator alone, he unlocked his phone to watch the video again.
“hey…hehehe-ya left yer phone here.
too bad, haha.
well, it’s good for me though, cause i get to tell you how cute i thought you were, without having to see you while saying it! 
wait this camera is good, which iphone is this oh my god.
okay no, we’re getting off topic. i’m a little drunk, ya know?
but i did write my number in ya phone case, hehe~
oh, shoot im sorry for ruining yer phone case- oh nooooo im sorryyyyy~
hey but, maybe we can, go sometime together to get you another phonecase?
maybe? huh, this is so easy. is this how the future generation will ask people out?
damn. anyway,
lemme know, alright? call me tomorr-” 
he shut his eyes as the video cut off. stepping out of the elevator, he bites his lip to hide the smile forming.
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