#I might be biased because I love pink and brown (especially together)
wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
Ok so I know that the other Holy Quintet girls have much more obvious/drastic changes to their costumes but THIS
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sparkexplosive · 4 years
All Chapters Masterpost
Previously, Chapter THREE
Kaida Shadou is in the U.A principal office laying on her back on the couch. She was wearing the boy’s uniform since she refuses to use a skirt which she finds extremely short. The uniform she was told to wear is slightly different from their usual uniform. Behind her gray jacket have the bold black words in the yellow box saying, “Approach with Caution!”. It was mandatory for her to wear because of her past. 
“Miss Shadou, I have a few questions to ask you in order to ensure everyone safely here. Please understand that its -”
She stood up straight and sat appropriately to have her leg over her kneel with her arms crossed against her chest. Her dark blue beanie with two ears striking like a cat. 
“Its protocol to make ensure you don’t have angry parents coming to you complaining about having a murder suspect being among their children.” She nonchalantly having mischievous glint in her eyes shimmer against the office lights.
“You are afraid of me. You must take me for a fool. I know you have few teachers right outside of the office door just in case I try to act violently.” Narrowing her red ruby eyes dangerously at the principal.
She isn’t surprised for the principal to have his doubts based on her track record. Her track record isn’t the cleanest or good. It's a surprise for her to be even accepted in a prestigious school due to her reputation. 
However, it could be because of her father's reputation impact on the hero society and drama. He was one of those heroes who would continue to live through future generations to come. Her father was a strong believer of no quirk was created purposely for solely reason such in terms of being evil or good.
 Kaida understands she has used her quirk illegally multiple times in public property. She has made her classmates be terrified of her with threats for their lives. It's not her fault for her classmates to mock her to only cause her inner demons to be angered with. She usually has a strong grip on having her inner demons locked up, but there are times that they slip through the cracks. 
“I didn’t mean to assume that I have no trust in you. I have my colleagues worried about me talking to you by myself. You can understand due to the reputation that the media has made about you.” Nezu explains. 
Kaida stares to the ground to think for a moment with the dangerous glint in her eyes. 
The media always prefers to have the juiciest content to be published rather if it's true or false. In her situation, she was found with her dead parent’s bodies and blood covering her. Everyone assumes it was her due to the consequence she was found in. With the numerous angered adults to heroes pissed on the fact she hasn’t gotten her sentence due to the murder charges of mainly her parent’s deaths. Doubly it is overdue the case hasn’t been closed, still going on investigation and no one has been charged with the crime.
A memory of her parents passed through her mind. 
A young girl with short hair tearfully looking at her parents who give her a soft glance held behind their ruby red eyes and her father reach out a hand-tufting her hair affectionately. 
“Sweetie, please remember no one is born to be evil. ” The light brown-haired woman smiling down at her. 
Her father with light blue hair picks her up from the ground to sit on his lap and clears off her tears. “No quirk is made for good or bad. It's the user who makes that decision. If they wish to use their quirk to protect or to cause harm to the people who surround them.” He speaks with a soft smile. 
“It depends on you on how you wish to use your quirk, sweetheart. Don't let others choose for you.” Her father smiles at her knowing she is being picked on due to her dark quirk. 
“It's human nature to judge things they don’t understand. They will show fear, and anger towards you. Instead of throwing a punch on the brat’s face, you give them your biggest smile and tell them ‘Leave your judgment at the door.’ “
She scratches her head through her beanie hat and lets out a sigh before standing up from the couch and walking towards the door. 
“Ms. Shadou, where are you going?” Nezu stood from his chair to watch her open the door to reveal a few pro-heroes. 
With the biggest smile on her face which came out fake, “If you are worried about me hurting your precious principal. You may join us if you wish. However, do you leave your judgment at the door.”
She twirls around to have the smile drop back into her normal scowl on her face and lose the dangerous glint in her eyes. She takes a seat in front of the desk having teachers joining on the couch she used to occupy. 
Midnight, Eraserhead, All Might, and Mic take a seat away from the so-called demon child. They stare at the child with interest and warily about her actions. They were caught off-guard to her bitterness. Nezu was speechless due to her bluntness to invite the heroes inside. Kaida was slouching against the single chair, plainly ignoring the stares of the adults in the room. The principal claps his hands together and clearly his throat before continuing. 
“Have you had any contract with the commission's quirk patrol officers?” Nezu straightened up the papers on his desk.
“Yeah. I don’t really have a choice.” She states and fidgets with her necklace bell between her fingers. 
“May I ask what your sentence was with the quirk commission due to the incident with your parents and numerous civilians?” Nezu carefully asks, making the teen to tense up. 
“It's still ongoing due to my present crimes of using my quirk illegally in public. They are being  added to my case.” She glances over to the teachers to catch their tense posture to see the familiar large black cat with its darkness creeping out of its own shadow sitting on the couch behind their necks. The cat with crazed eyes walking by each hero.  
The heroes in the room could feel the air getting heavier causing them to be on edge waiting for the teenager to act violent but instead, she seems bored out of her mind. 
‘We don’t like them!’ Kaida ignores the voices in the shadows. 
The monsters who hide in the dark do not take a liking to those who are scared of Kaida. She hasn’t yet done anything to gain fear from them which brings them to be angered by their actions. The shadows could feel people’s emotions around her, more pointedly the ones that have negative feelings towards the young girl. 
The black cat with big crazed pink eyes poking into All Might’s hair while pushing against Mic glasses. The cat giggles seeing their scared facial expressions and acting accordingly to be mischievous. 
Mic kept pushing his glasses up into the bridge of his nose as All might fractionally hand passing through the shadow cat who keeps touching the strings of his hair and dropping them. Midnight and Nezu shared a look with each other, seeming to see how two blonds are getting bothered by something that isn’t available to the human eye. 
“Do you have any intention of hurting anyone in the hero course? Especially to the staff who were involved in the crime scene at that particular incident years ago. The profound one called the biggest massacre in the century which includes your parents.” Aizawa bluntly asks, causing the room tension to shift. The black cat with big crazed moved along the couch to the chair separating him from the rest of the heroes. The size continued to grow to reveal Aizawa doesn’t have negative thoughts about her. 
Kaida stares at him clearly remembering he was always the first one to get called on when she loses control with her quirk ever since the incident. 
“Not intently. I do not wish to harm anyone without any necessary reason. Mr. Aizawa. I know I do not have the best impression of myself. I am willing to push it behind our past behind us to show you I am not a ravenous monster everyone makes me seem to be.” She calmly says, however inside she was nervous about the reaction Eraserhead from seeing how the black cat grew 4 times from its usually small size. 
Recounting the numerous times, she has tried to eat him like a rabid dog with rabies attacking anything with a heartbeat. She would be restricted by his scarf which she tried to chew through. All of their most recurrences were through her quirk taking over her completely but could only cancel the physical form of her quirk. She is a mutation that he couldn’t always cancel completely but was enough to get restrained. She does understand why he would have a grudge against her. 
“I don’t agree that you should even be allowed on the school grounds. Considering how many times you have put citizens to classmates in danger by your impulsive actions.” Aizawa retorts, making the teen tilt her head towards the ground in surrender admitting it is true to some extent. 
“Ai-” Nezu tries to step in instead, gets brushed off.
“Why should we let her attend our school? When clearly her actions speak for herself using her quirk impulsively in public and not giving care who gets hurt? How do we know she will keep her blood-sucking teeth to herself? She can injure one of our students.” Mic steps in defending his best friend’s facts. 
She knows he isn’t acting out of anger but concern for the students in the academy. 
“I know my records are classified only open for principal and certain rank of heroes. You don’t know the full story of why I would use my quirk in public property. All of you are being biased on what the public and circle of heroes are saying. I was the hidden love child of my parents who were a profoundly well-respected hero to well-known blood-sucking villain since I was born to the day everything exploded in front of my parents' eyes.” She calmly states as the tension gets heavy to even breathe. 
‘Kill him.’
“Everyone has bad blood with my mother who is always working alongside One for All. The big bad blood-sucking villain, Servant Vampire who followed every order to the exact for him. She already paid for her wrongdoings with trading information and turning a new leaf. She can’t bring back the dead but she can bring closure to those families. But in the end, she paid her ultimate price with her death.” Kaida clearly gets irritated at the same time trying to ignore her demons in her mind speaking.  
‘He wants you dead!’
“I can’t change the fucking past but I can change how to move forward. Don’t pin things on me when it was out of my control! Don't act when you know me when you don’t!” She exclaims getting out of the chair harshly being shrieked against the tile floor. 
‘Show him what he should be fearing of!’
“You can either lead me to the right path of controlling my quirk or lead me down the dark path such as my mother! It’s on your fucking bloody hands! I am taking a fucking walk.” She yells out of anger. She yanks the door open to only slam it behind her. 
Kaida could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest and could see the black cat growing in size. Her head throbs against her skull which concludes she needs to calm down before she could lose control. The demons inside her head want out. She wanders down hallways before making a stop at the end of a hall to side down to the ground bringing her knees against her chest. She takes deep breaths and out while counting down. 
Meanwhile, Midoriya Izuku was coming back from the nursing office to check on his finger from earlier. He was deep thought of trying to remember where he had seen or heard of the name that was on the visible board when they were showing the results of their test. He was surprised to not see his name in the last place but someone else. 
21- Shadou Kaida
But from his classmates, there was an outroar of disagreement to questioning why this individual was even in their class. It wasn’t a good thing that they are in their class and have a bad record. He is wrecking his brain where he has heard it before. He turns the corner to lead him to his classroom to find a  student having their head against their knees with a dark beanie. It seems to be like they are taking deep breaths. 
Something has caught his eyes that were the words snitched into the gray jacket they are wearing. “Approach with caution.” 
The light blue hair wearing label to warn students to approach with caution. He recalls an incident of putting numerous people in the hospital with fatal injuries. All of their victims are afraid to even recall to retell their experience. They were traumatized but no one could get the details of what happened through those incidents to make their victim act so afraid. Everything points to them being a dangerous individual. They were also the same person who placed multiple heroes to the hospital. He only has seen pictures of this supposed individual look like. 
Kaida could feel someone was staring at her and muttering away a storm. She lifts her head to find a green-haired boy in deep thought. She stands up from her position to snap her fingers in front of him causing the young teenager to be startled. 
“Do you like staring at people or something?” She looks at him in a bored manner.  She is curious why he was muttering away but that’s none of her concern. 
Midoriya stutters with wide eyes. “N-No.” 
She shrugs and looks to the hall to see she is completely lost. “Where’s the principal office?”
He quickly directed her where it would with a nervous stutter. 
“Thank you.” She thanks him to only hand him a piece of candy as an exchange for helping her out. 
Midoriya Izuku was taken back how she behaved, starting to doubt. He looks at the lollipop. This couldn’t be the same kid. 
The famous child who put multiple people into the hospital including All might six years ago.
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The Waiter and the Hotel Heiress- Chapter 2
a Kristanna and Eloise at Christmastime crossover event!
Length: 2741 words
Rating: K+ 
Also read on AO3
A/N: I am clearly booboo the fool if I thought I could start and finish writing an entire Christmas au less than a week before Christmas. I’m really busy the next few days, but I have nothing else in my head except for this story right now, and I have it all mapped out. I will have the whole thing done and posted by New Year’s at the very latest. 
Chapter 2: Red Roses
After gently interrogating the housekeepers the night before, Eloise had determined that Kristoff and Anna belonged together. Yes, Anna was engaged to Hans, but Eloise still sensed there was something off about him. And anyway, what Kristoff and Anna had was true love, and what was more perfect and romantic than literal, actual true love?
Still, if she was going to convince them of that, Eloise would need to find legitimate reasons (as if true love needed reason for anything) for the two of them to connect.
But first, she needed to be absolutely sure that Anna still cared for Kristoff. Although Eloise was pretty certain that she did.
Naturally, with the nuptials mere days away, Eloise knew to find Anna in the parlor that morning for a dress fitting. “Hi Anna,” she said, strolling right up to the podium Anna was standing on. “Gosh, fancy running into you here.”
Anna gave the child a polite smile. “Hello, Eloise. What do you think of my dress?” She was wearing an ivory colored satin gown, the flared mermaid hem currently being altered with pins by a parlor seamstress. 
Eloise thought Anna looked divine, but only gave a cursory glance. “Oh fine, I guess. Only I’ve been thinking, and aren’t you afraid that you might be rushing into things a little?” She began wandering around the small section of the room, pretending to be more interested in other bridal things as she spoke.
A confused look fell across Anna’s face. “You mean the wedding?” she clarified. “A couple of days ago you thought it was the most romantic thing you’d ever heard.”
“Well, it is,” Eloise said, trying not to back-peddle. A Christmas wedding was the most romantic thing Eloise had ever heard of, but forget whatever she said or thought. Right now she needed to focus on the task at hand, which was to test the waters and see how deep Anna’s feelings for Kristoff still lingered. Eloise continued, “I mean, when you’re absolutely sure it’s the right thing, because you really know the guy. Like really, really, really know him.” She paused in front of a floor length mirror to look back at Anna’s reflection. “Like you know Kristoff, for instance,” she said nonchalantly.
“You’re quite fond of him, aren’t you?” Anna said, laughing.
“Of course. He’s my best friend,” Eloise answered happily. And she listed off all the reasons Kristoff was so great. “He’s funny and charming and he lets me win every sword fight.” That last one might have been a bit biased toward six-year-olds, so Eloise added, “And no matter how tired he is, he’ll always play me a song on the piano.”
Anna beamed. “Did he teach you the little dances that go with them?” she asked, her face lighting up at the memory of playing music with Kristoff. 
Then right there, Anna hopped off the dress podium (to the seamstress’s dismay) and started tap dancing with Eloise, humming a silly tune before ending in a little surprise twirl. The two girls giggled.
“Oh, he could make me laugh so hard with that,” Anna said full of glee. She lowered herself down a bit to meet the six-year-old’s eye. “Sometimes, I’d sneak down after the parties were over and we’d put on these little shows together, just the two of us. And I remember this one time we—“
Anna stopped suddenly, catching a glimpse in the mirror at herself in a beautiful bridal gown. She was supposed to be preparing to marry Hans, not reminiscing over ancient memories about Kristoff. Her face fell back into a neutral expression at the thought.
“Well. It doesn’t really matter now,” Anna said with a sad smile. She rose back up to the podium. “We’ve both moved on.”
Eloise frowned, for only a split second, before changing the topic. “Yeah. Good ol’ Kristoff,” the girl said. “Only I wish I could figure out who his girlfriend is.”
Anna’s head perked up. “His girlfriend?”
“I don’t know for sure,” Eloise started, playing with some veils to seem distracted from the leading comments. “But this morning I was in the kitchen, and I heard him ordering flowers over the phone. I mean, what else could I think? You don’t just send red roses to just anyone.” She glanced at Anna’s reflection in the mirror again, searching for any hint in the woman’s face.
“Red roses?” Anna herself had received an arrangement of beautiful red roses just that morning. It seemed too coincidental that Kristoff would’ve ordered red roses for some other girl, right? 
Eloise knew it wasn’t coincidence at all. Kristoff hadn’t sent anyone roses; in fact, Anna’s roses were delivered by Eloise herself. But sometimes true love needed a little help. 
Kristoff wasn’t at all sure which university the Christmas party belonged to, but he immediately found that it didn’t matter in the slightest. Most parties—especially around the holidays—had the same general decorative layout and duties, he learned.
True to her word, Anna was waiting by the entrance of the Gold room at 1:45, just like they’d agreed. She was wearing the same pink blouse from that morning but now with a brown skirt, her red hair in an elaborate braid. At least she had more appropriate clothes on now. She waved at Kristoff giddily when she saw him, and he gave her a polite smile in return. All of the other employees greeted her as she walked past, but other than that no one really regarded her more. It was as if her presence was a natural occurrence and expected without question. She was just another person helping out. 
And yet, every single task she performed with immense cheer, Kristoff noticed. She wanted to help, but more so she was glad to, it made her happy to help. Kristoff smiled every time he looked up to see Anna setting up some table or decoration or another. Her family was so wealthy, she could afford to spend her time doing whatever she wanted, but instead she was helping the waitstaff in the ballroom, because she liked doing it. Because she thought it was fun, she had said. 
Anna was not allowed to stay for the party, however; she was escorted up to her room by a well-dressed older woman Kristoff didn’t know around four, about an hour before the party was set to begin. Despite being the heiress of the entire hotel, Anna would not be allowed the fun excitement of attending the actual party. It seemed that there might be many things, perhaps, that Anna wasn’t allowed to do.
Along with setting up for the party, Kristoff was also expected to serve trays of food and drinks during the evening. Normally, Kristoff was not supposed to work such long shifts, from morning till night, but larger events—particularly during the holidays, when there were so many of them—were more demanding. And considering it was only the third of December, he knew he had a lot of long work days ahead of him. 
The party finally wrapped up around nine, and although Kristoff was exhausted from the mad rush of constantly running to and from the kitchen to provide food and Christmas ambience for such a crowd of people, he was also pumping with adrenaline. It was hard work, and there was never a moment of rest, but it was interesting just being in the same vicinity as such high society. Kristoff wasn’t sure if he would ever desire to be a part of this elite someday, based on some of the conversations he had eavesdropped on; no, just experiencing it by way of waitstaff was enough.
Since it was his first day, a senior waiter named Robert had taken Kristoff under his wing during the event, teaching him the ropes and showing him how to tear down the ballroom afterward. “Almost every party, from set-up to clean-up, goes exactly the same,” Robert told him.
At ten fifteen, they were just finishing clearing off the tables of their floral arrangements when Kristoff noticed someone standing in the corner of the room. He suddenly realized it was Anna, watching the staff attentively but not reaching out to help.
“Does she always spy on the servers after parties?” Kristoff asked Robert quietly, nodding towards Anna.
Robert looked up her subtly. “Not always, but often enough that no one ever acknowledges it,” he said.
She stayed there waiting until finally Kristoff was finished and went over to her where she was leaning against the wall now. “Isn’t it a bit late for girls your age to be down here unchaperoned?” he asked teasingly. He found that the party atmosphere had given him new confidence, and spending the afternoon along side her had made him even more at ease around her.
Her arms were crossed, and she feigned offense at his remark. “Excuse you, I’m not some lost ingenue with no idea of what time it is. My father happens to be the owner of this hotel, and if I am to take over for him someday, I need to be aware of every little thing that goes on.” She gave Kristoff a wry yet encouraging smile.
“Really?” he said coolly. “So then what’s going on at the Plaza for the rest of the night?” Part of him said it to be funny and to hear what crazy excuse Anna would come up with, but another part of him felt his energy waning. Still he humored her. “You’ve only been standing here for the past few minutes, so you must have some kind of ulterior motive by coming down.”
Anna smirked. “As a matter of fact, I was thinking of heading over to the Terrace room, to check on things over there,” she answered. “Would you like to come?”
There hadn’t been anything going on in the Terrace room that day, and she knew it. “What do you want in there?” he asked confused.
“Would you like to join me?” she asked him again. “Seeing as how I’m apparently in need of a chaperone,” she added.
Kristoff blushed. “That was a— I didn’t mean to—“ He stopped talking and took stock in the heiress’s proposal. She wanted to hang out with him. A situation like this could lead into scandalous territory, especially for him as the male and the employee. Still, it sounded like fun, and Anna had promised him that morning that she wouldn’t get him into trouble.
“Sure,” he finally said, giving a small grin. “Just let me clock out.” The least he could do if he was going to sneak around the hotel with the owner’s daughter was to clock out on time.
Anna followed Kristoff into the break area of the kitchen (he had forgotten she was allowed pretty much anywhere) where he punched his card, returned his waiter’s jacket and bowtie, and reached for his own coat. He caught Anna staring at his torso, and he remembered the dress shirt he was wearing was just a bit too tight on him, revealing the tone and outline of his chest. He debated removing the dress shirt in favor of just the t-shirt he had on underneath. Maybe this was actually a bad idea. 
But before Kristoff could change his mind, Anna had grabbed him by the forearm and was guiding him through the kitchen to the Terrace room.
Kristoff had only briefly peeked in the Terrace room earlier, just to familiarize himself with all the ballrooms. The Terrace room was one of the larger event spaces at the Plaza and featured a grand piano in one corner. The lights in the room were dimmed, since there had been no event in there that evening.
“What are we doing here, Anna?” he asked once they got there.
“Can you play piano?” she asked him.
He shook his head. “I only know the guitar.” His aunt and uncle had gifted him an old guitar when he was a boy and playing it became a happy solace when he tired of mountain life.
“Oh, well, guitar and piano are very similar, I’ve heard,” Anna said. “I can teach you.”
She sat down at the piano bench, and when he didn’t immediately join her, she furiously motioned for him to sit to her left.
Kristoff did so but hesitantly. No, she wouldn’t purposely get him into trouble, but they were still two teenagers sitting very close together on a piano bench. As he sat closer to her, he noticed she smelled like lavender and roses. Meanwhile, he smelled faintly of sweat and grilled chicken.
“We’ll play the same notes, but I’ll take the high part and you can do the low,” she said, stretching her hands lightly across the keys. He copied her, focusing on her fingers instead of her face or her scent. 
Anna showed him which keys corresponded with which notes and taught him some simple chords. She then taught him how to play “Jingle Bells”, both just the melody and the full song. 
“How long have you been playing piano?” he asked her after about twenty minutes. Kristoff could tell she was downplaying her own skills to teach him the basics and make him less self-conscious.
“Since I was four,” she said without looking up at him. “I stopped taking lessons when I was twelve, so now I just play for fun.”
He smirked. “Do you do this often? Sneak down here and play for fun?”
Anna stopped playing now and looked at his face. “Fine, you caught me,” she said with a reserved expression. “This isn’t a regular thing for me. But I wanted to get to know you better, and I thought this would be a fun way of letting loose.”
Kristoff tried to hide his surprise at her response. She wasn’t just wanting to have fun after the party. She specifically wanted to have fun with him. Was that also not a common thing? Did she pick an employee at random every once in a while to hang out with?
He studied Anna’s face. She had the biggest eyes he had ever seen, the most perfect shade of robin’s eye blue. He noticed a light dusting of freckles all over her blushed ivory skin. And with his body so close to hers, Kristoff realized just how petite she was compared to him, like he could cradle her entire body in his arms alone. She was so beautiful.
In the distance, Kristoff heard the chime of a clock strike eleven. “It’s getting late,” he finally said, stopping himself from continuing his suggestive thoughts about her. He got up from the bench. “I should be going home, and it’s probably best for you to go back to your suite before your family notices you’re gone.”
Anna gave a small smile and sighed. “Perhaps you’re right,” she said. “Thank you for humoring me. But at least you have a new skill to practice in your down time,” she said, gesturing to the piano.
Kristoff laughed and helped her up. They walked back together through the staff corridors—the best way, Anna assured him, to navigate the hotel after hours. He guided her to the freight elevator, which she insisted on using. Never mind that the service elevator would be utilized by any housekeepers making their evening rounds.
Anna leaned towards Kristoff as she waited for the elevator. “You did very well today,” she said, “very good work all around.”
He realized that she was grading his work ethic and laughed. “Glad to hear I’m doing a good job at my job.” 
Her eyes lit up with hope now. “Same time tomorrow night?” she asked happily. She did not ask about room service in the morning or setting up for events during the day. Those encounters would be guaranteed. Late night piano sessions were not.
He looked down at her, then past her at a counter with floral arrangements leftover from the university party. Without thinking, he pulled out a rose and gave it to her. Anna cupped it in her small hands.
“See you tomorrow, Anna,” he said. 
And with his first shift at the Plaza complete, Kristoff knew he had many more exhausting days ahead of him. But they would all be worth it if he got to spend just an hour every evening being with her.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: YumeTwins March 19
Okay, so here I am with the real March YumeTwins box.
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This months theme: Spring Companions
“The cold and harsh Winter Season is drawing to a close and Spring is coming! There’s so many things we love about Spring here at YumeTwins, like the fresh buds and flowers appearing and of course all the cute baby animals that are born in Springtime! But the absolute best part of Spring in Japan is the Cherry Blossom or Sakura! There’s nothing more we love than to sit under the Cherry Blossoms and have a picnic, if you have the chance to no matter where you are in the world you should try too! To get everyone excited for Spring we decided to go with the theme Spring Companions for March’s box! In this Spring Companions box you’ll find a couple of kawaii fluffy companions as well as some more useful companions with lots of pastel and vivid Spring colors, so we hope you’ll enjoy them!“
Contest Prize
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Yume Prize
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Disney Dreamy Plushie
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Our first item is this really cute, fluffy plushie of Marie, from Arisocats (an older Disney movie, which I LOVED when I was a child). Besides Marie we could also get Dumbo, Minnie Mouse, and Miss Bunny (the girl bunny from bambi, she is extremely popular in Japan). Each character features a lovely pastel color scheme and adorable flowers, pearls, and/or star accents.
Marie is also my favorite Disney character, along with Minnie Mouse and Piglet. So I was very happy to see/get her, although the Minnie Mouse was pink so I this would have been my second choice.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Well we all know how much I like plushies and stuffed dolls/toys, especially when they’re huggable and soft~ This one is perfect with that in mind, it’s shape fitting right in my arms for full snuggles~
Besides that, the detail on this is really nice. Not only does it add to the dreamy aesthetic, but its done very cleanly. I just wish there was a little bit more, like maybe they could have added a few tiny stars/flowers or more pearls? It’s only a suggestion though, I still think they’re plenty cute.
I did notice a few tiny little minuscule details that bothered me though. Such as the fact they collect hair and whatever else like nobody’s business. Besides that, they also have that obnoxious seam around the middle, the one where the material is a lot thinner and stands out in comparison to the rest of the plush? I also found a few small loose yarn strands...
Anyway, none of this changes how much I like the plush. The yarns can be fixed, it won’t be hard to keep it cleaned. It’s so sweet and even though it is essentially just a head, I think it’s very nice.
Animal Face Pouch
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Our next equally fluffy cuteness is this pouch, shaped like a bear, puppy, or cats head; in 7 different styles! They each have a different leather strap color and inside patterned fabric; like my bear, who has a pink dot print.
Besides being a great, small size to fit into objects, you can also attach it to your bag or items if you lack room, or even carry it around your wrist or a strap.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As many pouches as I have now because of these boxes, I think this one would be one of my top favorites. It’s very fluffy and cuddly-soft, and very cute too. I love how versatile it is and it’s pretty fun, using it as a hand held purse one day to a purse accessory the next. It has decent room on the inside for being a smaller pouch, and it’s very light weight.
Cutesy Organizer Folder
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If you’re a long-time reader of this blog then you will probably recognize this design; if you’re new though, then welcome :D this design/pattern is on a Tuxedo Sam cup I got (From a YumeTwins box like a year ago), and still use now.
Besides this adorable design, there is also 2 different Kirby, and a Pompompurin available.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As much as I complain about getting these (due to my belief I no longer need them), I will acknowledge that they are useful- and I’m sure at some point I will need something to put important documents in, or just letters, pictures, coloring pages, or drawings I want to save and have no where else to put them.
Anyway, I love how this matches my cup, even if I realistically wouldn’t have a reason to put them together. So as you can probably tell it is bent, but at the same time I’ve been feeling this material and it’s a lot less stiff than my other files have been. I can’t really explain it but it feels really nice.
Kawaii Key Holder
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Our next item is this key holder, which was available in 5 different colors and themes: this brown Rilakkuma, a pink and white Korilakkuma, 2 Sumikko Gurashi (one light blue, one light green), and a yellow gudetama.
The key holder has two clips, one for each key, as well as a two other loops to connect it to various things. The string is 65cm long.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
At the time I don’t personally have keys of my own (I can’t be the only one right?? I know I probably should...), but I still think this is a cute and creative item. It could also be used for other things though, and it also just makes a cute accessory.
Disney Highlighter Pen
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Our next item is this cutesy double-sided highlighter featuring black and white drawings of Disney pairs; like this pink and purple one features Donald and Daisy. There was also a lime and peach one featuring Mickey and Minnie, and a blue and yellow Chip and Dale one. There are 2 other sets but they’re not in the picture.
With that in mind... I’m not a big Daisy fan and I love Minnie Mouse, so I kind of wish I got that one. But I prefer the colors on this one, so I’m not really sure which one I would have wanted if I got the choice...
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This is how they look when used. They’re brighter than they look on here/in the pic though.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s small and smooth shape makes it easy to carry in a variety of items, and highlighters can be pretty handy, so I like how it’s dual sided rather than being several separates.The quality of the highlighter is great, and I like the color contrast to the black and white design.
Tumbler Set
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Our final item is this 3-set of Tumbler cups, available in either a cute pastel Rilakkuma theme, or a colorful and bright Splatoon theme (oddly enough both sets feature the same base colors but different tones, and come with yellow straws). These Tumblers come in the shape of a fast-food cup with 3 included plastic, re-usable straws, and when not being used, the cups and lids can be stacked to take up less storage space.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I like Splatoon and Rilakkuma, so I would have been fine with either set. I have a bunch of lidded cups I really like to use, but I always love to add to my “collection“ so I really like these :3 the designs are unique and very fun to look at, and they seem to be really sturdy so I feel like unless you’re really careless it shouldn’t be that easy to spill using them.
I also like that you get a set of 3, so you could easily share these.
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 4.5 out of 5. I don’t sound super-ecstatic or anything, but I actually really, really liked these items. As usual, I feel like half of it will be useful to me, while the other half might not be (for now), but I felt like all of the items are really nice quality and well thought out.
Theme: 4 out of 5. The theme is Spring Companions, and yes, I’d say in that sense these items greatly count as a companion, as you would bring them with you. But when I think spring, besides pretty pastels I think flowers play a pretty big role and I kind of wish they would have included more flowery items.
Total Rank: 9 out of 10. Like I said, I’m not 100% sold on how they carried out the theme but I do really like the items, and they offer a lot of practicality. I don’t know if I’m a bit biased because of how disgruntled the last box left me, or if I really just like this one that much more.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Animal Pouch - It’s so ultra-fluffy, I just want to cuddle it~
2. Disney Plushie - I love how soft it is, and it’s dreamy inspired design and detail is very pretty~
3. Highlighter Pen - I mentioned this above, but I really like how the white and black tube contrast the colorful ink. It’s very fun to look at.
4. Tumbler Set - I love how the bright colors contrast the rest of the items, and who doesn’t like Splatoon? I love how you get a set of them, and I like how we have 2 stylish designs based on the game, and a cutesy one covered in adorable colorful squid~
5. Key Holder - I like all the metal bits on it :3 I also think this would be a lot of fun to wear as an accessory until I actually find a more practical use with it.
6. Organizer File - This one is really cute, but out of all the items I feel like this one would either get no use, or very little use.
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snailmailworldwide · 5 years
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Hello, my name is Queennie and I'm from Philippines. I am 19 years old and I am interested to be my penpal.
Must be 19-22 years old.
Email me at [email protected]
About Queennie:
First of all, I was diagnosed with Autism since birth.
I love dogs so I owned a pet dog named 'Brinkley', a shi tsu but also I love cats too.
I love bunnies and butterflies that those 2 became my spirit animals.
My favorite colors are pink, yellow, blue and purple/violet. I also love pastel and glittery ones too.
My talents are: Singing and Dancing.
My favorite subjects are C.L.E., English, Science and M.A.P.E.H.
My hobbies are: Watching TV and YouTube videos, listening to music, reading books, sometimes I wrote stories. I also made picture movies and uploaded it on YouTube. I even played games on my phone. I wish I want to play on Steam (My username is ItaKonaBaekLover) but...one problem is I don't have a game controller and other games so I might be missing out always. 
I used to have GAMEBOY Advance SP, PSP and Nintendo DS but now I stopped playing it.
My Favorite Games of GAMEBOY Advance SP: Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak and Pokemon Sapphire Version
My Favorite Game of Nintendo DS: Imagine: Ballet Star
My Favorite Game of PSP: LocoRoco, LocoRoco 2 and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2. (Did you know I really loved LocoRoco that it was remastered for PS4 and PS4 pro? I really want to play it again because it's super cute and fun, especially the cute and catchy songs?)
I also played rhythm games:
1. Cytus (2014-2015) 2. Love Live! School Idol Festival (2015-2016) 3. VOEZ (2016 because I uninstalled it because of background app refresh on my iPad.) 4. Cytus 2: I used to be played it using my OPPO Neo 7 but sadly I'd prefer by using a tablet but my old 1st Gen iPad 2 is not working. How I wish I want to buy a new tablet to play Cytus 2 smoothly and without a problem or bug issues. To be honest, I'm better at playing Cytus and Cytus 2 with a tablet than my phone.
Sometimes when I get bored and lonely, I wrote a wishlist that I want so please understand this. And when I'm always bored, I will get sleepy and get back to my nap. 
My favorite foods are anything, sometimes spicy but not too spicy. I hate something raw, slimy or something strange unless it is okay. I also love ice cream, cake, froyo and dark chocolate. I love Starbucks too that my favorites are anything iced, frappuchino and cold brew with sweet cream. I especially love Brown Sugar Milk Tea and I want to try Wintermelon Milk Tea.
My favorite fruits are Mango, Banana, Strawberry, Kiwi and Seedless Grapes..
My favorite flavors of ice cream: Cookies and Cream and Double Dutch. For sundaes, I love hot fudge. I also love Magnum too.
My favorite cakes: Chocolate Cake, Oreo Cheesecake and Tiramisu. I want to try Sansrival, New York style Cheesecake, Carrot Cake and Strawberry Cheesecake
Favorite chocolate treats: M&M's, KitKat, Butterfinger, Resse's, Lindt Lindor and Hershey's miniatures (Mr. Goodman, Krackle, Plain Chocolate and Dark Chocolate).
Other favorite desserts: Donuts, Waffles, Pancakes, Banana Bread, Churros, French Toast, Donuts, Cinnamon Rolls, Pretzels (Crispy Ones), Silvanas, Cream Puffs and Eclairs. 
I used to eat sandwiches with mayonnaise but when I got a stomachache, I don't like mayonnaise at all. And when it comes to drinking milk, I used to drink milk using powdered ones but now I love to drink milk in 1 liter cartons or what do I mean in liquids. I used to drink juice every recess time at school but I due to the fact that it tastes too sweet, I prefer fresh milk or yogurt drinks. Sometimes I drink Minute Maid fresh Orange juice or a can of pineapple juice for my next baon.
Now here comes my special interests: I love books, Anime, cartoons, Kpop, RWBY, seeing something satisfying like cooking and eating ASMR, cute things and animals, seeing pictures of food, landscapes, skies and rooms. I do watch Kpop unboxing videos on YouTube but on silent mode.
My favorite Anime shows:
1. Naruto/Naruto Shippuden 2. Pokemon 3. Love Live! School Idol Project/ Love Live! Sunshine 4. Cardcaptor Sakura 5. Your Lie in April 6. Studio Ghibli movies 7. Your Name 8. Doraemon 9. And more...
My favorite cartoons:
1. SpongeBob SquarePants 2. Oggy and the Cockroaches 3. Looney Tunes 4. Fairly Odd Parents 5. Running Man Animation (Trivia: It is based on the popular K-Variety/Reality show, 'Running Man'.) 6. Pink Panther 7. VeggieTales 8. And more...
For the movies, I love comedies (Rom-Com, Action Comedy, Drama Comedy), animated movies and of course musicals because when I saw a movie that has singing, I have to keep quiet and keep my eyes peeled to the screen. I don't like horror, thriller and gore movies because that it will be traumatizing.
Why I love books? It brought me knowledge that everytime I went to school library in both grade school and high school, recess and lunch time cannot be boring especially when there is a book fair from Scholastic. I even read newspapers inside the library as well.
My another interest is I love writing letters all over the world. It's called penpals. I was started penpaling last August 2018 because I want to stay motivated and not to get even more bored.
My favorite Kpop groups: Super Junior, EXO, NCT, B.A.P. and VIXX. (I started to love Kpop last 2009)
Favorite Biases:
EXO: Baekhyun Super Junior: ALL OF THEM! B.A.P: Yongguk and Daehyun NCT: Yuta, Haechan, Taeyong, Ten VIXX: Ravi and N
Note: If we are closer together for a long time, I can make anything special!
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jihoonscafe · 7 years
|| Kpop Questions Tag~ ||
Tagged by the lovely @jindongdongie
A. ALWAYS POST THE RULES. Answer all questions and then write 11 new ones
B. Tag 11 new people.
Q1: What’s your favourite hair colour on your bias?
Um, I will just go with the husbands then lol.
For Jihoon, nothing will ever beat his adorable pink hair [even though i am a hoe for those purple hair he had during ofd’s season 1]
For Junhui, blonde hair i mean he looked like a bloody angel, but i love him in black-blue hair like he had in HIghlight too.
For Seokjin, the natural black and brown are beautiful but pink is where it is for me.
Q2: Do you consider yourself a hard stan or a soft stan of your bias group/overall?
lol me? well i am hard core carat and a soft exo-l so?
Q3: Do you own any K-pop albums? If so which one(s)? If not what K-pop albums would you like to own?
I am broke af, so no album for me [YET]
But, I would love to have all of Seventeen’s album, all of EXO’s albums, all of EXID’s albums and all of BTS’s albums, because there is no harm in wishing now is there?
Q4: Do you try learning the Korean lyrics to the songs if you don’t speak the language? And if you do speak Korean, the question instead is what do you think is/would be the hardest thing about learning Korean/ about the Korean language?
When you are an international fan, the struggle is rEAL.
Especially when you have a Korean friend who knows all the shit before it gets subbed because guess who can speak Korean? 
So yes, I attempt to sing Korean as brokenly I can but as long as my parents think I am singing in Korean even if to me it sounds like gibberish, then it works man, it works.
also can anyone relate to that goddamn feeling when you can recognize like a word in the middle of a song and you are just like “wow i am so amazing” even if it is just like i am okay or something lol because k-dramas = education.
Q5: What are your favourite covers K-pop idols have done? Post links with the answer?
But, anything Kyungsoo sings is art so? Love Yourself with Chan, Chan’s All of Me stage and that Boyfriend stage they did like a million years ago. anD YES SABOR AMI FUCK ME.
Q6: Have you ever tried learning any K-pop dance routines? Was it successful? Did you upload a dance cover to YT?
lol i am a potato, i can’t dance.
i have attempted to dance to Baepsae by BTS like a million times and can do the choreo for the chorus but nothing else and also it is not like I don’t remember the choreographies, because I have that shit memorised but it is just that i am a lazy ass they are are too hard for me to do lmao.
Q7: List one of your favourite things about your bias’ physical appearance and one of your favourite things about their personality/mannerisms/habits:
um, since i am a hoe for both junhui and jihoon i am doing them both fight me.
For Jihoon, it is definitely his eyes because he is such a lovely person and when he looks at the carats in recordings of caratland, it is so obvious that even though he doesn’t say much, he writes songs for us, and loves us like we are a family and his eyes are just so beautiful when he sings because they hold so much damn emotion, i love him.
Jihoon’s personality is clearly one of my favourite things about him, he comes off as cold if you enter the fandom through memes and other shit, and he is quieter than most members, which is a quality most of my biases don’t actually possess since i tend to bias the one who catches the eye the most, and that is usually the loudest or weirdest member but jihoon is just special, he writes so many songs and works so undeniably hard that it is hard NOT to stan him, and just bless him and his emotions for not only the carats but also the family he calls seventeen.
wow i got real emo there
For Junhui, it is definitely his laughter? like i don’t know if that is an attribute i can call physical but it is so pure and uplifting like he is such a beautiful person and i just can’t okay? he is so beautiful, both inside and outside and he laughs so freely and just bless him okay bless HIM.
For Jun, I think I like his dedication to the group and the fans the best, the fact that he doesn’t mind not being in the spotlight to give it to somebody else, and doesn’t mind getting less lines of less screen time. The only thing he minds is if he has to leave the fans at any place first, and that he has to always be the last to leave in the group so he can say bye to all the fans makes me go giddy really, he is such a pure and gorgeous soul.
Q8: Is there a particular member of your bias group/ any K-pop group in general that you think the group couldn’t live without and why? ~ (so it doesn’t necessarily have to be the leader:)
For Seventeen, it is definitely the leader line, all three of them: Soonyoung, Seungcheol and Jihoon, since they make the base for the group, they are who build the group high enough so that the others can showcase their talents, Jihoon makes the songs they sing, Soonyoung makes the dances they dance and Seungcheol makes sure that all of them are well and happy, they are the pillars of the group and without even one of them, Seventeen really wouldn’t last a day.
Q10: Can you describe your bias wrecker as best as you can without mentioning their name so we have to guess?
[lol jun used to be my bias wrecker in seventeen, but now i am double biased for him so i am going to go with bts [where i am also double biased but still have wreckers lol] since i have no wreckers in exo, at all like i am the loyalest loyal af kjd stan ]
Hair which gets dyed like every fucking minute lol, probably has the a hair colour wheel in his stylist’s office, such a fucking savage i am not even kidding, sWAEG, a beautiful soul, a musician through and through, my sleepy hardworking soft beautiful amazingly caring and loving man who i can’t say the name of but literally everybody knows at this point who he is lol.
Q11: What are the three things you’d want your bias/bias group to know about you?
nothing lol i am a potato.
I am studying well : i work hard to get shit done and i want jihoon and junhui to know that they aren’t distracting carats from studying all together.
I will support them forever : they deserve so much love and i want to see them grow, and so i will.
i hope they never break up : i have witnessed bands i loved disband and there is nothing like seventeen in the kpop industry, no 13 boys who have made such deep bonds with not only each other but also me as a fan and i hope they always stay like that until the end.
> What was your age when you got into kpop?
I was 12? I think, yup I was 12.
> First Bias?
For Seventeen, it was Minghao because y’know attraction comes through with tHUGHAO lmao, i still adore him tho, my son.
>First song?
Hmm, it was Catch Me by TVXQ which was my first ever KPOP song, however my first Seventeen Song was Adore U.
> What is your fondest memory involving a kpop song? Link please?
Oh it has to be when I listened to Hold Me Tight by BTS on repeat and came up with the idea which some of you might know as Nightmare, which is my longest and best *according to @colon-d* series right now!
>What is your go-to kpop jam for when you’re happy?
>What do your parents/siblings/friends/people around you say or do while you’re fangirling?
Me : AJU NICE *attempts and fails dance*
Parents : where did we go wrong
Brother : *gets excited since it looks cool*
>Biggest bias wrecker of all time?
Junhui, I mean he wrecked me enough to be my double-bias, but then Seokjin who literally kicked everyone out and became one of my ultimate biases.
>Your favorite rude moment from your UB?
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> A look you just can’t get over? (doesn’t have to be your bias ^^)
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> How do you think you’d react when meeting your bias completely by chance?
die instantly lol.
> Something you and your bias have in common?
i am greasy like jun, make dad jokes like jin and cringe at everything like jihoon.
My Questions~
Which group(s) are you looking to stan?
Why is your ultimate group your ultimate group?
Why is your ultimate bias you ultimate bias?
How many songs from KPOP do you have in your playlist?
Which songs are your go to if you want to feel sad?
Which KPOP songs have you played the most?
If you could only learn one KPOP choreography in your entire life, which one would it be?
If you had to pick one bias from all your groups and kill them, who would it be?
Would you sing/dance in front of your bias if they were to see you and ask for you to do so?
Stance on the relationships of your biases? Would you be hurt if they began to date?
A message to your bias/ bias group~
Tagging some lovely beautiful angels : @colon-d, @darkperfectionuniverse, @kaori-yuki-chan, @aceangel-official, @mvnghaos, @choco-seventeen, @oneofthemillionarmy and @googlebts
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