#I might throw out some trash I noticed in her back seat
trivialbob · 11 months
This morning I brought one of my sisters to the airport. I live not far from MSP so family and friends sometimes park here. I will drop off and pick up. It's easy enough, and I would rather they not pay to park in a ramp. I don't even accept tips!
Emily doesn't fly often. She was a little nervous today--just about getting there, through security, and to the gate, not about actual flying. As we stopped in the departures traffic lane early this morning we could see a long line of people up on the security level.
That should not be a problem for Em though Everyone in my family is usually early for everything. We like a nice time cushion for any unforeseen circumstances. The last time I got a flat car tire was 40 years ago. But generally I could work another one into my schedule.
Emily and I both know people who have the opposite approach to being early, being ready, and basically being where they should be at the proper time.
I know a guy who, if his flight was at 8:00 AM, would arrive at the airport at 7:53 AM. In his mind those seven minutes give him time to stop at Starbucks for a complicated beverage and maybe pick up a magazine before boarding.
You might think someone like that learns a lesson quickly, being caught in a security line then missing a flight.
Nope. Either his flight gets delayed by precisely the amount of time it takes him to get through security and walk to the gate with is fourteen syllable coffee beverage, or someone comes by in a golf cart and says "I need to bring one passenger directly to a first class seat ASAP! Buddy, I'm looking at you, let's go!" This guy likely has never planted his butt in a waiting area seat. Never had a need to.
It always works out for him.
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mrchiipchrome · 7 months
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
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W.C.- 2 k
a/n: This is part of the 'Parents' universe, also i need a better title for it sooo please give me suggestions:)
“Aye María, you’re trending on twitter.” Mapi’s head snaps in your direction, eyes gleaming with excitement. She has no reason to be skeptical, you look truthful as always, blinding smile stretching across your lips. 
“Really?!-” Just as she was about to ask why she was trending, you interrupt her. 
“No.” Your tone was one of complete seriousness, deadpan beyond comprehension. You look on in delight as your teammate’s smile drops off the vicinity of her face, lips contorting into a disappointed frown. 
The back of your head stings with the hands coming down to hit it, a slap to the back of the head never hurt anyone, except you of course.
“Y/n, that’s not nice.” Alexia chides as you rub over the sensitive parts of your head, still stinging from the brutal hits. She looks at you through her peripheral vision, seeing the smile that’s still stretched across your lips, rolling her eyes at your childish nature. 
What did she expect though when they brought in a child?
“Neither was the prank she pulled on me last week but you didn’t tell her off for that, did you?” Annoyance seeps into your tone, slapping away the hand ruffling your hair. Alexia rolls her eyes at you again and you can barely resist telling her that they might get stuck like that if she continues, it was always fun to rile the woman up.
“You wanna test me cariño? I can make your life hell.” She interprets the huff you let out as acceptance, rising from the table to throw her trash away. 
On the other side of the room, you’re startled as lips press to your temple, hands placed on your shoulders.
“Causing trouble again, are you bubba?” Lucy plops down in the seat to your left, Keira occupying Alexia’s old seat to your right. You can’t help smiling again as your parents settle at your sides, they were a bit late to lunch as they were talking with Jona.
“No more than usual Robert, I wonder where I got it from. You think I need to go see the physios? Excessive childishness in a 15 year old is fatal from what I’ve heard.” You teased the older woman, who in response pushed her fingers between your ribs, the feeling way more ticklish than it should be.
“Leave the tot alone Luce, she’s got enough on her mind without you annoying her.” Keira says as she wraps her arm around your neck, pulling you into a headlock of sorts as she kisses your forehead over and over. 
“No way, I mean I can accept bubs and bubba, but tot? I’m fifteen.” It was almost like a toddler whining after its favourite toy, all tied together by the way your feet pound against the floor in protest.
“Mhm, sure. You’ll have to deal with every embarrassing nickname in the book until you take your last breath, bubs. Now, have you eaten enough? You know that we’ve got another training session after this.” Lucy reminds you hastily, pushing a granola bar into your hands as Keira hands you an apple.
“Yes I’ve eaten, no you two won’t be calling me ‘tot’ and ‘bubba’ when I’m 60, and yes I did in fact know that we’ve got training after lunch. Also, can I go over to Vicky’s after training? I need help with some homework.” You’re nearly through the doors of the meal room as you shout out the question, both Lucy and Keira nodding their heads in agreement.
Thinking no one’s watching you in the hallways is your fatal mistake, as you dance around in your spot you can hear the very distinct giggles from your usual partners in crime. Your eyes scan the space and in milliseconds you notice the short frames of Pina and Patri, the latter of the two holding up her phone in such a manner that convinced you that she was recording you.
“Having fun there osito?” Patri asks teasingly, as if you didn’t have plenty of incriminating videos of her doing things she definitely shouldn’t have been doing. The only response you give her is starting to run towards her at an alarming speed, the two women looking at each other in panic. 
Making the smart choice, they split up so that only one unfortunate soul had to deal with you, the one being Pina since she was easier for you to tackle to the ground if that was to be needed. She was also handed Patri’s phone when they were running, a sneaky attempt to keep the video.
“Come on, Osito, let’s not do anything drastic here.” Of course she was trying to negotiate when she was backed up against the wall, a nervous smile overtaking her face. “We’re amigos, remember?” When your eyes narrow, she knows she’s in trouble. Just as the shorter girl is about to try her chances at running away again, two stable hands land on your shoulders.
Pina nearly cries tears of joy as she sees Ingrid staring back at her, the norwegian’s arm now clasped tightly around your shoulders as she tries to pull you away from the short spaniard. But when you look back at her, thumb running across your own throat in a not so nice gesture, she begins to sweat again. 
It was no secret that you had dirt on her and Patri.
When Ingrid notices your obscene gesture she makes sure to slap the back of your head extra hard, obviously disapproving. 
“Why does everyone keep doing that?”
“Narla’s blue now, looks like a smurf bit her.” You tell Lucy who sits opposite of you at the kitchen table, Keira cooking dinner not too far away. Lucy’s head snaps up from where it was turned down to look at her phone.
“What are you talking about? Are you kidding me?” Her accent is way thicker than normal, clouding her words more than usual. Your perfected poker face was always useful, but especially in situations like this, it was extremely difficult not to burst out into laughter at her expression. 
“Yeah I am. Why would she be blue?” The first part is said fully deadpanned, it is only when you ask her why that you allow the laughter to seep through into your voice. 
Lucy’s chair falls to the floor as she stands up, hands placed on the table like she’s about to do a speech. Instead what she does is walk around to your side of the table, tackling you to the floor like it’s no problem.
The two of you wrestle on the floor like schoolboys for a few moments until Keira calls out for you both, the woman already seeming fed up with whatever’s going on.
“Kids, dinner is ready, go set the table.” She tells you, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips looking at you two in disappointment. Though most of it was channeled towards Lucy, she was supposed to be an adult after all.
The brit in question unlocks her strong arms from your midsection as you release her head from your grip, Lucy rushing to stand up.
“Careful now Luce, or I’ll get my pay back in the ring.” You hold your hands up in front of your face in the typical boxer stance, punching them out in a pattern. Right, right, left, right, left, left. At the same time you’re moving your feet against the floor rapidly, kicking them out whilst still keeping them against the floor.
“Calm it Sugar Ray.” She calls out from the kitchen, between the sounds of plates clacking together and utensils clinging. 
“Actually I was going for more of an Ali vibe.” You respond, fighting the smile willing itself onto your face. 
“Actually, Keira said ‘kids’ meaning both of us, so come here and help me.” Keira laughs at the playful shake of your head as you pass her by, her hands stretching up to mess your hair up even more. Dodging her hand as you slip into the kitchen has you triumphant, putting your hands up in celebration like Rocky.
It’s short lived though as Keira comes up behind you to complete her earlier action. You grumble in fake annoyance as you bring out the plates and place them on the table, sitting down in your seat with an overexaggerated  angry expression on your face.
It all washes away though as Keira pinched your cheek lovingly, a genuine smile coating your lips. Dinner was spent in pleasant conversation, spent like a family.
“Jorge Vilda: father to be.” Exclamations of disgust, shock and pure hatred ring out through the Barcelona locker room, some even pausing in the middle of getting dressed to look at you. You yourself were staring down at your phone pretending to read an article. “The former Spain coach announced the pregnancy on his instagram earlier this morning.” 
“What the actual fuck?” Mapi finally gets out after nearly a minute of choking sounds, her face contorted into an expression of disgust.
“This has to be some kind of joke, Satan can’t have children.” Patri adds on, looking slightly green. You’d be more concerned about it if it weren’t for the facepaint you and Pina had applied onto her when she fell asleep first at the sleepover the night before. 
“Of course she’s joking, there’s no article.” Irene takes your phone from your hands, showing the girls in the room what you actually were doing. “She’s playing 2048, we don’t have to worry.” Relieved sighs cling out throughout the room before they realize what you did, multiple hands coming down to slap your head again.
“Stop the abuse, did any of you actually think any woman would get within ten meters of that man? I wouldn’t even if I got a million euros.” Most of the women in the room shake their heads in amusement, though agreeing with you.
“You have got to stop doing that osito.” Mapi laughs out, knuckles digging into your head affectionately.
“I’ll stop when you all stop messing with my hair.” You grumble, smoothing your hair down against your now hurting head, Mapi’s knuckles leaving bruises.
“Luis Rubiales dead at 46 due to unknown caus-” You were cut off in the middle of reading the title of the ‘article’, some of the women in the room jumping up to stand on their chairs, others cheering loudly.
"Hallelujah!” Was heard from multiple people, others settling on just dancing in their spots like they’d won the lottery.
Trying to slip out of the room to avoid having to tell them it was a prank and ruining the joy, you were quickly pulled back by a suspicious Alexia Putellas, her glare so intense that you were shying back from looking at her. 
“Stop the celebrations, cariño was just pranking us again.” Even though Alexia tried to be the stern and serious captain, she couldn’t help the smile stretching across her face at the prank. She could admit when a prank was funny and the fact that everyone believed you, knowing full well that you’d done the exact same thing only weeks before made it that much more hilarious.
“Come onnnnnn, I thought we talked about not doing this bubs.” Lucy calls out to you sternly, but you knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t really mad at you, both her and Keira had amused half smiles on their faces.
“Okay, okay I promise that was the last time. Besides, I don’t think any reaction will ever top the one you just gave me.” 
The women in the room looked at each other and then back at you, seemingly deciding that the best course of action would be to smother you with their hugs and kisses. It was impossible to get away from the mob, the ones closest to you covering your face in platonic kisses, the rest just looked on in amusement, waiting for their own turn to torture you.
And even though it took about 10 minutes to get all the women off you, and back to your parents, you wouldn’t do anything to change them ever. You loved them all, even if they messed up your hair daily.
Osito - teddy/teddy bear
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giggly-squiggily · 24 days
Hide and Tickle (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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*Flips hair, knocking over several things* Why hello there.
So! Y'all might remember this little dabble I wrote a while back; I said in the description that I wanted to make this a proper fic eventually.
And then 2022 and 2023 passed by like two ships into the night...
SO HERE WE ARE! :D I will admit- I was a bit lazy and put the sentence starter dabble as the opener- so this is more an extended version of that! I hope you like it! :3
This is also part 1 of a series I'm making! I have the perfect request to follow this one up, so stay tuned (hopefully this time I'll be before the end of the year lols)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @mystwrites @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
“I’m so boooooooooorrrreeeeed~” Dazai droned from his desk, eyes half-lidded with disinterest as he looked at the stack of paperwork before him. “Kuuuuni~ Aaaaatsushhhhhhi~ Entertain me!”
“Do your work. That should keep you entertained for a while.” Kunikida didn’t look up from his computer, unfazed by the brunette’s whining. “And sit up straight while you’re at it. You’re at work, not home.”
“But isn’t the armed detective agency our second home?” Dazai fluttered his eyelashes at them, pouting when neither paid him any mind. “I see how it is. I’m like the unwanted stray hoarded up in the family garage, living off scraps from the trash.”
“Did-did you just call yourself a raccoon?” Atsushi blinked, looking at Dazai. He fell right for his trap.
“Atsushi! You’ve noticed me!” Rolling over in his chair, he unceremoniously tossed his arms around the younger man, leaning on him with nearly all his weight. “Take me home and feed me delicious food!”
“I do have a spar futon…”
“Don’t entertain him!” Kunikida growled, giving up on his report as he slammed his laptop shut. “Fine, you want to play a game? Let’s play. You get ten seconds to hide.”
“Mr. Kunikida?” Atsushi blinked. Dazai seemed equally curious.
“If we catch you,” Kunikida referred to himself and Atsushi, earning even more surprise from the weretiger. “You’re getting tickled. Is that clear?”
…Huh? No way Kunikida was suggesting that! Atsushi turned to Dazai, expecting some sort of coy reply or teasing remark.
Instead, he found nothing but air.
“Did he-” Atsushi blinked, watching as Kunikida took his seat once more, opening his laptop.
“That’ll keep him busy for a while. You’re relieved of your duties until my reports are finished.” The blonde jerked his chin to the office plant, Dazai’s foot sticking out comically. “See to it that idiot stays entertained.”
Atsushi looked between him and Dazai, the brunette subtly poking his face through the greenery to spy. Then he laughed, getting up with a nod.
“Be sure to type extra slow. Come here, Dazai!” Atsushi took off, charging the startled office plant full speed ahead. Dazai yelped as he dived, flying around the corner and sending the plant spinning. Atsushi’s quick reflexes saved them from the mess.
“Don’t make a mess!” Kunikida called after them, but his voice was muted at the noise. Dazai was sprinting between desks, putting as much distance as he could between him and Atsushi while giggling like a loon.
“Stahahay away! I’m nohohohoht reahahady!” Dazai wheezed, holding his hands up as he backed around Ranpo’s desk, the mentioned man eating snacks as he watched. “Ahahhahahtsushi!”
“Why so nervous? Running out of hiding spots?” The weretiger grinned, feigning left and right to throw off his boss. In the background, he could hear Naomi and Tanizaki giggling to themselves, amused.
“Quick, go left!” Naomi called out.
“No, right- go right!” Tanizaki added.
“Who are you two even talking to right now?” Dazai yelped, backing up towards the door as Atushi feigned a lunge forward. “Ahahahtsushi…”
“Coming around.” Yasano spoke from behind, her hands coming to his sides as she scooted. In that second, she pressed in sharply.
“EEHEE!” Dazai yelped, stumbling forward at the unexpected tickle. Right into Atsushi’s trap card.
“Thanks, Yasano!” The weretiger cheered as he quickly wrestled Dazai to the ground, quickly pinning his arms. “Mr. Kunikida-”
“On it.” The blonde was there in seconds, sitting on Dazai’s waist and rolling up his sleeves. “Not much luck hiding, was there?”
“Ahehehehehe, hehehehehahahha! Coohohme on- wahhahait! Thihihihs isn’t the mohohohost cohohoohmfortahhahable flohohoor!” Dazai giggled out his pleas, squirming some as he looked up with big eyes. “Spahahhare me?”
“Mr. Kunikida?” Atsushi asked, turning his attention to the other man.
“Hmm..” The blonde hummed, thinking. Dazai tried to smile.
“Get him.” He decided. Massive fail!
“Ehehehehhahahahaha! Whahahahit, wahhahahait pleahahhahahhahahse!” Dazai burst into giggles almost immediately, kicking his feet and laughing as Kunikida dug into his ribs. Above him, Atsushi grabbed both of his hands in one transformed paw; using his free one to slowly trace his tricep. “Aheahhhaha! Gheahahhaha! Nohohohoho! Nohohoho doohohn’t do thahahahhat!”
“Oo, he’s ticklish there?” Ranpo asked, now sitting on his desk. “I thought only Kenji was.”
“It’s not that rare of a spot. Tanizaki’s the same as well.” Yasano pointed out, earning a squeaky “Hey!” from the redhead. “Try his biceps too- he hates it when I examine them.”
“Yahahhasunohohoho don’t thehehell them thahahhhahahat!” Dazai’s complaints were quickly swept clean as Atsushi did just that- finding an even better reaction. “Aheahhahahaha!”
“So sensitive. It’s a wonder why you’d even try tickling others if this is your reaction.” Kunikida tsked gently as he moved up to his highest rib, prodding rapidly into the spot and making the other howl with mirth. “Atsushi- hold him tight.”
“What-Oh!” The weretiger yelped and scrambled his grip when Dazai suddenly shot his arms down, cheeks pink and head thrown back into Atsushi’s lap as the poet dug into his armpits. “Watch your head there, Dazai. You almost took out mine.”
“GEHAHAHAHAHHA! KUHUHUUHUNI PLEHAHAHAHHASE!” Dazai squealed, twisting and turning in their grip as his second worst spot was attacked. “IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!”
“You don’t say?” The blonde growled, grinning at the squeaky wheeze the brunette let out. Having some mercy, he moved back to Dazai’s waist- a spot that wasn’t all that ticklish. “Are you not entertained?”
“Ehehe- aheahhahahhahaha! I meahahhan I ahahahm a lihihihiihittle!”
“He’s not fighting back, Mr. Kunikida.” Atsushi pointed out. Why he did so, he didn’t know. It was just odd how little Dazai was tugging at his wrists. “Maybe he’s getting tired?”
“No, he’s just enjoying himself.” Kunikida remarked. Such a simple comment, but it did wonders in flustering the man below them. Dazai let out a giggly whine and pressed his face into his arm, cheeks on fire and smile big.
Ah. Atsushi understood now. The running, the giggle fits, the lack of resistance.
This was Dazai’s plan all along.
In that case…
“Aww, is that right? Is it true you’re enjoying this, Dazai?” Atsushi cooed at him all sweetly, readjusting his grip once more so he could scribble against the back of Dazai’s ears- making him shrink up with a near silent laugh. “Is it true that you’re loving up tickling you? Huh? Huh?”
“Wow, he’s good at that.” Naomi mused from the background, Tanizaki and Yasano making noises of agreement. Kunikida even looked impressed.
“Are you gonna get back to work?” He asked. Dazai couldn’t speak, nodding rapidly.
“Should we let him go, sir?” Atsushi asked. The blonde thought about it some more.
“Yeah. Give him air. He might be a moron with a death wish, but he’s our moron with a death wish.” The tickles finally came to an end, leaving Dazai gasping for air and giggling softly. With no one holding him down, he was able to curl up, head against the cool leg of Ranpo’s desk. “Ehehehehe..ehhehehehehee…thahaht was fuhuhuhn..hehe..”
“Tch. Why did I know you’d say that?” Kunikida rolled his eyes without malice, heading back to his desk. “Get back to your desk once you’ve recovered. You still have paperwork to do-”
There was a flash. Dazai ran at him full speed; recovering rather quickly. Seconds later- Kunikida was face down on the ground, the brunette sitting on his hips. “Dazai! You son of a-”
“Atsushi.” That tone. Threatening and playful. The weretiger shivered all over. “I have all intended purposes of getting revenge for what you did to me. But I’m gonna make you a deal.”
Dazai turned to look back, brown eyes dark and dangerous and oh so daring. “Help me tickle Kuni, will you?”
Thanks for reading!
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Little own family
Natasha Romanoff x reader
Summary: you’re scared to find out what her reaction might be to your new found secret. Will she be happy or mad?
Warnings: pregnancy, angst with happy ending, kissing (?), swearing, fluff, no pronouns are used for reader except the word ‘mom’ twice, and I think that’s it
This is my first story sooooo yeah I hope it’s not bad! Thank you to @agathashcrkness for giving me the motivation to write for the first time! You do not have the right to steal this, copyright, or reblog as your own.
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Two lines. Two lines was all that marked the pregnancy test. You took multiple just in case, hoping that they’d all be wrong. But test after test each one revealed the same lines, which meant only one thing, you were pregnant. You slowly brought your head up to look back at your tear stained face in the mirror, this wasn’t how this was supposed to happen. You and Nat weren’t able to have kids, that’s what the doctors told you. You were on birth control and Nat only had a 4% chance of getting someone pregnant. You could still see the way her face dropped when the doctor told her the news, she has always wanted kids. You could see it in her eyes when she’d see Clint and Laura having fun with their kids. The way they wrote cards to them for the holidays, celebrated their birthdays by trying to make a cake. She wanted that more than anything. Even if she refused to admit it you knew she dreamed of the day she’d have to be woken up by her baby jumping on her yelling at her to wake up because it’s Christmas. She dreamed of braiding their hair just like hers so they could be a mini Nat and giving her kid what she always wanted as a child. All she ever wanted was a child of her own to love and cherish. But this wasn’t the time for a child, you guys aren’t even married and Nat loved her job too much to quit or retire. You loved your job too, getting to save people and seeing the relief on their face when knowing they’re safe. It was your favorite thing to do. Your thoughts got interrupted when there was a soft knock at the door, followed by a voice you could tell was Nat.
“Babe, you almost done in there? We have a meeting in 5 minutes and we really can’t be late again, you know what happened last time we were late.” Chuckling to yourself you remember approximately two months ago when the director was yelling at you both for never being on time. You made up a lame excuse that you lost track of time but really you both were in the middle of having sex. Choosing to ignore the calls and texts you received from everyone you both continued until there was a pounding on you guys’ door followed by an angry Fury.
You answered the girl on the other side of the door with a, “yeah, just give me a second.” You frantically tried to find a place to put the tests only to throw them in the trash as fast as you could, hiding the boxes as well. You put on a normal face and walked out of the door only to see your girlfriend on the other side.
“Took you long enough. Is everything alright? You’ve been a little pale lately and don’t think I haven’t noticed how much you’ve been puking.”
You tried your best to think of an excuse that she’ll believe, as if she couldn’t detect your lies from a mile away.
“I’m fine, just a little nauseous I guess.” You replied, trying your best to hide the shakiness in your voice. Nat stared down at you, clearly not believing you. Before she could say anything else you dragged her with you to the meeting room where all the avengers awaited for your arrival.
“It’s about damn time. Were you two busy swallowing each other’s tongue again?” Tony snickered. Of course he had some snarky response as usual, he always did. You both rolled your eyes and went to your seats as Fury and Steve started talking to you all.
You were an hour in and you haven’t registered a single word they’ve said so far, only being able to think about earlier. How were you supposed to tell Nat? Would she be supportive? What if she’s not ready? What if she leaves me? You looked to your side once you felt a hand rest upon your thigh. Looking only to see Nat worriedly staring back at you mouthing, ‘you okay?’ Your only response was a nod, leaving her filled with worry. She could tell whenever you were deep in thought, she picked up on all of your habits. When you’re anxious she sees you biting your cheeks or lips, when you’re stressed your eyebrows furrow, and when you’re deep in thought your leg bounces and you don’t blink. She could read you easily, like she always knew what was going on in that head. But right now she couldn’t figure out what was bothering you so much. She listened back in on Cap and Fury talking, keeping her hand on your thigh as a reassurance that she was there for you.
As the two men wrapped up everything they had to say she watched you stand to leave as fast as you could. She tried to grab onto you to keep you with her but you were too fast. She was forced into conversations with the team as the only thing she could think about was you. She ran up the stairs when finally being freed from the never ending conversations up into you and hers shared bedroom. Knocking on the door she waited for a response only to be left empty handed. She wanted to prepare you and tell you that she was coming in instead of just opening the door, it was something she’s always done even when you tell her it’s her room too and she doesn’t have to, she always insists on letting you have privacy. Opening the door she saw you sitting on the bed, head in your hands and tears spilling out of your eyes. She rushes over to you, trying to figure out why you’ve been like this. She tears your hands away from your face and holds them while kissing the backs of the cold hands. She studies your face, red, wet with tears, and your eyes filled with sadness. She hated seeing you cry, all she ever wanted was the best for you, she’d do whatever it takes to make you happy at all times.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Can you please tell me what’s bothering you so I can help you?” Your partner asks, clear worry in her voice. You want to tell her but that fear in the back of your mind of her leaving you overtakes it.
“I-it’s nothing, I’m fine.” You say as you go to stand up only to be stopped by Nat.
“No you’re not fine, stop lying to me! Tell me what’s wrong.” She persisted. There was no choice now, whenever she was like this you knew you had to tell her. You prepared for her to walk out and leave you there, even if she didn’t seem like the type who’d do that doesn’t mean she won’t, anything could happen.
“I’m pregnant.” Was barely heard with how quiet the two words were spoken. She could barely hear the words but she was able to make out what you said. Still she asked ‘what?’ Thinking she must have heard you wrong, there was less than a 1% chance of it happening, unless it wasn’t hers.
“Is it- is it mine?” Came from your girlfriend. Shock appeared on your face as you listened to her questioning your loyalty. She knew you’d never cheat, you’d be stupid to ever even think about cheating on someone as amazing as her but she still worried.
“Of course it’s yours Nat! Do you really think I’d cheat on you?” Came your enraged voice. You couldn’t believe her, how could she really think you’d do that?
“Well no, but do you know how small of a chance we have of me getting you pregnant? It’s less than one percent y/n.”
“There’s still a fucking chance Nat! Look I’m pregnant, it’s your child and that’s it, if you want to leave then leave okay but I’m keeping this damn baby.” You prayed she wouldn’t leave, you couldn’t do this by yourself. And you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing her with someone else because of a mistake you both made. You felt the tears arise once again as you thought of the possibility that she could leave you, the woman you love could leave you because you were having her baby.
“What? No Id never leave you, of course I wouldn’t! I’m in love with you y/n and I’m going to love this baby just as much. I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom.” Your girlfriend said as her eyes started to water at the thought. Her dream was finally coming true, her dream of having a child with the love of her life. She tried to hide her feelings by putting her head in your neck as she leant in to hug you, but it only caused more to arise. By now you were both sobbing as you held one another in your arms. You leaned back to look her in the eyes as you muttered, “We’re gonna be moms.” She nodded excitedly as she pulled you in for a kiss, not letting either of you break away for air. When you both finally let go you sat in silence, the only noise that could be heard was you both breathing hard, trying to get back as much air as you lost from the kiss.
“Marry me?” It was out of nowhere, making you question if you were just hearing things. You didn’t respond, you sat there thinking about what she just said. She repeated what she said just minutes ago, hoping you’d say something this time. You did,
“Marry you? Are-are you sure? I mean this is a big ste-“ you were cut off as she was already answering you.
“I’m sure, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I bought a ring two weeks ago with Clint but I’ve been too scared to ask you. But now I’m sure that you’re the one for me, I can’t see myself with anyone other than you. So will you marry me?” She finished her sentence with evident fear in her voice, fear of rejection.
“Yes! Yes I’ll marry you Nat!” You yelled in excitement as you threw yourself in her arms once again. A large smile was planted on both of your faces that no one could remove. Nat worried that she’d end up waking up from a dream and that none of this would be true, that you wouldn’t be getting engaged and having a child. Even when there was a knock on the door followed by Wanda entering you both stayed still, not even paying attention to the girl, fearing that if you let go the moment would end.
10 months later you were screaming at Nat while crushing her hand, giving birth to your bundle of joy. Once the twenty hour process was over you cradled the baby in your arms with Nat overlooking the both of you. The newborn wrapped their little hand around Nat’s finger and she cried of joy seeing her baby interact with you both. Nat had to hold her sister when she broke down hearing that you guys have decided to name the baby after her nickname, Lena. And you both shedded more tears when you officially became a Romanoff, joining Nat and your baby as you officially shared a name with them. Your little own family.
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rachelsrandomwritings · 7 months
Wishing On a Star That's Just a Satellite
Ahhh ok, I haven't written anything in years, but I have recently become obsessed with BES and felt like I needed to write about Mizu so here is my probably trash attempt. Also based on the line from the song Satellite by All time Low
Modern! Mizu x Fem! Reader
y/n loved Mizu.  She loved the way her eyebrows furrowed when she was concentrating. Loved Mizu’s commitment to any task she undertook, never able to do anything halfway. y/n loved her dry wit and ability to think of a comeback to any jab. She loved her loyalty. Loved the way she protected her friends. She loved her strength and her ability to make a stand when necessary. She loved her eyes and the way they almost seemed to shine. She loved her with every part of her soul, but more and more she realized that might not be enough.
The two had met in their first year of college, while stuck in a new student orientation class. y/n noticed Mizu as soon as she walked into the lecture, silently hoping the girl would sit somewhere close by. By some stroke of luck, Mizu took the seat diagonally behind y/n. While bummed she wouldn’t be able to see her, y/n sent up thanks when the proximity allowed them to be put in a group together for the semester-long project. It was that very group that would become y/n’s closest friends in college. Though giving only a mediocre presentation for the final Akemi, Ringo, Taigen, Mizu, and y/n left the class tightly bonded. The group did everything together, study dates in the library, movie nights rotating between apartments, and crashing frat parties whenever they got the chance. Those nights were particularly fun with Mizu and Taigen always finding ways to show off against the brothers until the group was eventually kicked out. 
It was through these collected interactions that y/n got to know the girl who had caught her eye back on the very first day. The more she learned the harder she fell. She listened intently any time Mizu talked about her past, living with an adoptive father growing up in his auto repair shop. It was clear from the way she talked that her past had shaped the woman she was today, and y/n wanted nothing more than to know all of the little details, to understand the girl who made her heart beat so fast. When all of the friends were around y/n could mostly keep her nerves and feelings under control, but anytime the two of them were only she suddenly lost her ability to keep up a conversation, responding too quickly and never knowing what to say next.
It was silly for y/n to think none of their other friends would notice, and before too long Akemi cornered her with questions. Unable to deny it, y/n revealed the strong crush that had been growing for months. Thankfully Akemi promised not to tell right away but encouraged y/n to express her feelings. Too shy and afraid of the consequences not only for herself but also for the friend group y/n decided she had no choice but to get over Mizu. She pushed away thoughts of the girl throwing herself into her studies. She stopped showing up to friend group events in an attempt to clear her mind. 
That was until one night, out with another group of friends and admittedly a little too drunk, y/n ran into Mizu, literally. y/n was walking off the dance floor stumbling to refill her cup when suddenly she found herself caught in the toned arms of the girl she tried so hard to forget. y/n looked up, breath hitching and her eyes made contact with the ice-blue ones. “y/n” Mizu stated bluntly looking at the girl in her arms, “It's been a while.” y/n’s mind raced attempting to come up with an excuse for her absence, but instead decided to ignore the comment. “I’m so sorry I didn't mean to run into you, I was just headed that way.” y/n said pointing in a random direction and attempting to slip out of Mizu’s grasp and get away as quickly as possible. She started walking only to find herself being pulled back gently by the wrist, y/n turned back cautiously curious. Mizu cleared her throat, “they all really miss you.” She stated, taking a step toward y/n. Feeling braver than she ever had, y/n stepped in as well. “What about you, do you miss me?” Mizu’s eyebrows furrowed surprised at y/n’s words. “Of course I miss you, we’re friends.” y/n felt the word ‘friends’ cut through her heart like a knife. Unable to control herself y/n responded, “Yeah friends why can’t it ever be more than friends?” y/n felt the tears roll down her cheeks, and leaned her head against Mizu’s shoulder. Shocked by y/n words Mizu took a second trying to understand what had just happened. Before too long she gently grabbed y/n’s chin tilting it up to look at the girl’s face. y/n looked at her, embarrassment for the words she had just said filling her stomach, she began to apologize but was cut off by the feeling of Mizu’s lips of hers. y/n relaxed immediately into the kiss stepping in closer and wrapping her arms around Mizu’s neck. 
In the following weeks the two would meet constantly attempting to figure out what everything meant, and where they stood with each other. After years of pining y/n couldn’t believe that Mizu was finally hers. y/n made her way back into the friend group apologizing for her behavior, and the group celebrated when the two announced their relationship. Everyone was warm and supportive, caring so much about their two friends and loving the joy they brought one another. On their first official date, Mizu planned a picnic to watch the sunset at a local land preserve and the couple found themselves laying out for hours discussing any and everything. The night began to grow dark and the star shone brightly. Seeing a flash of light y/n gasped point up at the heavens. “Did you see that, I think that was a shooting star!.” Mizu grabbed her hand humming in response, smiling at the excitement on y/n’s face. “Ok so now we both have to make a wish!” y/n said closing her eyes tightly knowing exactly what she would ask for. She opened one eye peeking over at Mizu to see if she was making her own wish. Seeing her eyes shut y/n waited until they opened, and asked the question everyone knows can never be answered. “So what did you wish for?”, Mizu just shook her head a light smile on her lips. “You know I can’t tell you that. If I do it won’t come true, and I want this one to come true.” y/n pouted curious about what the wish might be, but all was resolved when Mizu rolled toward her and kissed the pout off of her lips. 
Their relationship continued to grow and in the time y/n came to find out what she hated about Mizu. Mizu was insecure with a tendency to push everyone away. Her past relationships had ruined her ability to trust or rely on anyone other than herself. She much favored dealing with things on her own. Any problem was immediately bottled up, or solved with force. When trying to address concerns between them Mizu often got defensive, fighting back against any attempt by y/n to work on things Arguments led to silence and avoidance. In one fight it took two weeks for y/n to get more than a passing comment out of Mizu, which hurt. y/n did everything in her power to be available for the other girl but found that Mizu still kept up high walls. It hurts to give your all to someone and be blocked out in return. It hurt to be in the corner of someone who tried their best to kick you out. y/n found herself countless times crying to Akemi about the pain of loving someone who refused to let you in when it really mattered. Sitting on the corner of the bed, the girl she loved curled up sleeping, y/n knew what had to be done. She knew that until Mizu had worked on herself, the two of them would never work. She cried silently as she wrote a goodbye note. She folded the note, standing to place it on the nightstand, before leaning down and placing a light kiss on Mizu’s temple. She grabbed the bag she had packed earlier and walked out, knowing that her wish from all those months ago could not be fulfilled now, but hoping one day they might be brought back together. Hoping that it really was a shooting star and not just a satellite.
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
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Meant to Be - Pt. II
dark!Manorian x f!Reader
Part One | Part Three | Part Four
Warnings: drugs, addiction, mentions of poison and killing, kidnapping
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There was no way of telling how long you had been here, locked away in this beautiful prison. Days blurred into nights, which blurred into days. A shell of the person you once were, most of your time was spent staring at the gardens from your bolted window, wondering how you got to this point. 
You never dreamed Dorian and Manon were capable of what they’d done - your fiancé was gone, and you were cut off from your friends and family. Most days you felt numb. It was easier to shut out the world than to attempt to process the horrors - but some days, you couldn’t push the memories away. You would become a torrent of emotions - trashing and screaming in rage and anguish until you were sedated. 
It became a comfort - sometimes you would lash out just so they would give you the sedative. You learned how to take part of the syrup, and spit some out when they weren’t looking - it helped you think without feeling so much. It helped you develop a plan. You spent weeks pretending to be the docile, muted version of yourself that Dorian and Manon wanted to you be, while inside you were fury personified - determined to bring them down.
This morning, you stared at the stranger who faced you in the mirror - a fractured memory of who you were before all of this happened. You had little connection to her anymore, and you would never be as naive as her again. Dorian smiled behind you as he combed your hair. “You look beautiful today, sweetheart.” 
You cursed the butterflies you felt at his praise, how you’d adapted to feel soothed by his touch. You dug your nails into your thighs, drawing you back to reality. This man killed your fiancé, and he would pay. No matter how genuine those sapphire eyes seemed when he called you his good girl.
Putting the final touches in your braid, Dorian leaned over your shoulder as he admired you in the mirror. His warm breath fanned your cheek, barely containing his excitement as he spoke. “I have a surprise for you, sweet girl.” Your heart raced - not at Dorian’s excitement, of course - but at the possibilities. A change in your routine led to potential for plotting your escape. 
You painted on a happy smile, leaning into Dorian’s touch as you batted your eyelashes - every bit the coquette that you knew sent desire through his veins. “What is it?” 
His fingers traced the neckline of your dress, admiring how you flushed under his touch. Leaning down so he was level with you, Dorian gave you a bright smile. “I thought we could go to the library today.” Your excitement was genuine as you bounced in your seat, whipping around to face him. Your smile faltered slightly as you registered his alarmed expression. Right. You needed to act sedated, easier to control.
You sighed, letting yourself melt into Dorian’s touch as you brought one of your hands to his - noticing how warm and soft it was beneath yours. “I would love that,” you whispered, soft smile and doe eyes locking with his. “When can we go?” you questioned, praying you didn’t sound too eager.
Dorian’s hand moved to your cheek, rubbing soft circles as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. The feeling of his warm lips against your skin distracted you for a moment, and a small part of you realized that although your affections towards your captors were pretend, your body might not be on the same page.
You snapped out of your thoughts to see Dorian’s knowing smile. “We can go right now, sweetheart,” he whispered, offering you his hand as you stood. You linked your arm in his, letting him lead you out the door for the first time in weeks. Pretending to take in the decor through the halls, you made a mental map of each path, counting the windows and noting where guards were stationed.
You arrived at a large set of doors, Dorian throwing them open before he turned to take in your expression. A disbelieving laugh left you, mouth hanging ajar as you marveled in the sight of the grand library. You had never seen anything like this - six stories of bookshelves, stacked with volumes ranging from new releases to hundreds of years old. 
Dorian took you on a tour through the vast space - meticulously organized by genre and author - before he led you to a cozy seating area. Plush velvet couches surrounded a fire, a table full of sandwiches and cakes in-between. Dorian’s arms wrapped around your waist as he murmured in your ear, “I had this set up for you. I picked out some romance books you might like as well. Perhaps we could enjoy the afternoon together?” 
Dorian pulled away to search your face for an answer, and you hadn’t realized how much you had been leaning into his body until then. Stumbling for balance, you merely gave Dorian a nod as you took your seat on the sofa. Before Dorian could join you, however, an adviser came storming into the room. “Your majesty, you are needed in the counsel chambers at once.” 
Dorian’s eyes flashed with anger as he turned to the nasally man. “Can you not see that I am busy?” With a quick look of disdain in your direction, the adviser gave a shallow smile to the king. “Yes, your majesty. But I guarantee that this matter is of the utmost urgency. Please.” Dorian glanced back at you, a look of longing in his eyes before he gave a curt nod to the man. “I’ll be back as soon as I’m able sweetheart. And don’t worry, I’ll retain some guards here to keep you safe.” 
You inwardly recoiled at the thought of being watched like a child, but quickly changed your frown to a pout. “Don’t leave me too long, please,” you pleaded to him. With a kiss to your hand that left a lingering sensation, Dorian promised to return - and left the library. 
You grabbed a sandwich from the table, humming a tune as you pretended to admire the room. Four guards. You weren’t escaping here today, but how could you use this opportunity to your advantage? These people kidnapped you and poisoned your fiancé - they drugged you. Your eyes widened with realization. Poison. 
You had spent every day looking out over those gardens - you could identify every flower down there by heart. You leapt from the couch, strolling along the rows of books until you reached botany. Perfect. Flashing a smile at the guard nearest you, you held up a book, giggling. “I love flowers.” He rolled his eyes, unamused and unsuspecting. To them, you were just the king and queen’s pet, who apparently loved flowers.
Bringing back a stack of books on flowers and their various purposes, you pored over the information for what felt like hours. You smirked as you recognized several flowers from the garden - foxglove was a potential option, but you’d need more information on its effects. Pinpointing the place in the book about foxglove, you were about find more books about the plant when two hands landed on your shoulders. 
The cool of iron nails was noticeable through the fabric of your dress as Manon leaned in, pressing a kiss to your cheek before turning to see the open book. “What are you reading about, sweet girl?”
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Villain Or Victim, Chapter 2
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Loki was watching Echo on the surveillance camera, something he’d found himself doing a lot in the last twenty-four hours since her capture. She was currently throwing another rage as Natasha had said something that triggered her. So that was another table, chair and bed that would need to be repaired.
‘I give up.’ Natasha said, exasperated as she joined the rest of the team and collapsed on the sofa next to Thor.
‘She seems fine for a while, then just snaps. What did you say to her?’ Steve asked.
‘I was just asking where she lived, if she had any family or friends we could get in touch with and she went mental.’ Natasha sighed.
‘Loki, why don’t you try speaking to her? You seem to be the only one that can keep her calm.’ Thor suggested.
‘Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. For some strange reason you’re like the Natasha to her Hulk.’ Tony said.
Loki said nothing as he rose from his seat and made his way to Echo’s cell.
‘Is that wise, sending Loki to speak to her? I’m still not convinced with him.’ Steve said cautiously.
‘He will be fine. My brother is no threat to anyone anymore.’ Thor said, patting Steve on the back.
‘Hmm.’ Steve wasn’t convinced, he wasn’t sure if he ever would fully trust Loki. Even if the rest of the team seemed to trust him now.
Loki entered the room with Echo’s cell, she looked up when she heard someone entering. Upon seeing it was Loki, she slowly walked towards the front of her cell, watching him curiously.
‘Hello, Echo.’ Loki spoke calmly. She didn’t reply though, just kept watching him.
‘I see you’ve been a naughty girl again, trashing your cell.’ He drawled and began pacing back and fore on front of the glass, hands behind his back.
Echo’s eyes widened a bit, and Loki noticed a slight tint of red to her cheeks.
‘What do you hope to gain by doing so?’ He stopped right on front of her.
Her hand twitched and her jaw clenched ever so slightly, but only for a moment, before a raise of an eyebrow from him seemed to make her forget about going into a rage that had started to brew within.
‘Are you going to answer my question?’ He asked in a firm tone.
‘I… I can’t help it.’ She whispered and wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly looking very vulnerable.
Loki tilted his head to the side. ‘How come?’
Echo began shaking a bit, but didn’t go into a rage as she continued to speak. ‘Something in my brain.’ She closed her eyes as if in pain as she put her hand up to the side of her head. ‘I can’t help it!’ She shouted and began hitting her head.
‘Stop that!’ Loki demanded. He didn’t want to see her hurting herself like that.
She did as he said and stopped, but she clenched her hands into fists and turned away from him, moving towards the back of the cell.
‘Echo. I understand you’ve been through hell. Natasha found out some of your background, that you were experimented on by SHIELD. But you were lucky enough to escape. I am just wondering where you’ve been since? And what set you off the other day in the city?’ Loki decided to stop tiptoeing around and come clean that they knew about her past.
Echo turned to face him, looking slightly horrified.
‘It’s ok, Echo. I promise, you’re not going to be in any danger here…’ He used his Seidr to briefly cut off the camera and mic so the team wouldn’t hear him. ‘I give you my word, I will look after you now.’ He said softly.
She looked like she wanted to cry, but she kept composure and looked down at the floor instead.
‘I… I escaped hell. I found an abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere, where I wouldn’t hurt anyone. I don’t want to hurt… I just… I can’t help it.’ Her voice was shaky and she was fighting back tears. ‘I stayed there in peace, not hurting anyone. But then people came and broke in, set fire to the place, I tried not to hurt them… I really really tried.’ She looked at Loki, tears falling down her cheeks.
Loki smiled gently. ‘I know you did. It’s ok. Was it that incident that caused you to come to the city?’
‘I just… I don’t want to be alone anymore.’ Echo admitted, breaking everyone’s hearts.
‘You’re not alone anymore, Echo.’ Loki said, earning a very small smile from her in return.
The team looked at one another after listening to the conversation. Natasha even wiped a tear of her own away. She felt so sorry for her.
Loki returned to the team, he had been reluctant to leave Echo. He felt like there was more he could get from her… But he had a plan of his own forming.
‘We need to try and help her. There must be a way to fix her brain, to stop her rage.’ Natasha said.
‘We can only try our best.’ Bruce said and Tony agreed.
‘But she will need to remain in the cell. We don’t have any other option right now, for everyone’s safety. Including her own.’ Steve said.
They all agreed, as they all knew that her outbursts were going to be difficult to deal with. While they knew she had lived peacefully for years, without incident, that wasn’t the case anymore. She was easily triggered and too powerful for them to handle with ease.
‘She certainly seems to remain calm around you, Loki. Maybe you should be the main one to interact with her, then slowly introduce the rest of us with you. I think we need to build her trust more than anything.’ Wanda said.
Loki nodded in agreement to that plan. ‘It’s obvious why though, isn’t it?’
The team looked a bit confused. ‘No, it’s not.’ Thor said with a frown.
They were actually expecting him to come out with some smart reasoning, something that would make sense…
‘Because I am so devilishly handsome, of course. And she knows I’m the intelligent one.’ He smirked.
The team all rolled their eyes and face-palmed as they muttered curses at him under their breaths.
‘Don’t let your ego get too big, Loki. Or you won’t fit through the door.’ Tony sniggered.
Loki just smirked in response.
That night, Loki lay in bed thinking about Echo. The team wanted to try and help her, to fix her brain to stop her bursts of outrage. But he wondered how susceptible she would be to fight if they did fix her. She was an incredibly powerful being… no, weapon… right now.
‘The perfect weapon…’ Loki hummed to himself as he stared at the ceiling.
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shentanheng · 1 year
Summer Of Cum 2023
Hey guys! Day 3 entry for Summer Of Cum 2023
I can't seem to get it out of my head when I found out Esteban had been a Mercedes reserve driver after losing his seat. I really crave Toto x Esteban fic but there was no fics for the pairing so I decided I should make one. But since the prompt was Free Use I decided to throw in some other characters as well. I'm hoping to come up with more Toto x Esteban fic soon. And I hope others might be interested too!!! Ciao~
Ao3 profile
Day 3: Free Use
Toto Wolff x Esteban Ocon x Susie Wolff & Lewis Hamilton x Esteban Ocon & George Russell x Esteban Ocon
Esteban couldn't help himself, he moans heard clearly throughout Toto's office. He blushed hotly at the thought of his moans being heard outside where dozens of Mercedes employees were going about their workday, despite the fact the door was closed. Suddenly a thought came to mind as he shot a panicked look at the door.
"To..Toto, wait…ah…The door isn't locked!" Esteban panted as he pushed against the firm chest.
"Hmmmm? That's fine. No one's going to enter without knocking first. I don't have any appointments for today." Toto responded leisurely as he gripped his hips tighter.
"But… we… I….ahhhh" Esteban trailed off as he felt that huge cock hit his prostate. All the words and any thoughts flew out the window as he was washed over with pleasure.
Suddenly the door opened. Esteban felt shock and mortification shoot down his spin as he tried to hide himself and close his legs but to no avail as Toto held him in his arms, not allowing him to get off his cock.
"Nnn no…ah… Toto!" Esteban whined, humiliated.
"Shhh. Don't worry. It's just Susie." Toto said as he wheeled his chair towards his wife.
"Hello darlinga." Susie greeted them in a warm voice, with a heated undertone. Toto did not miss the arousal in her voice as he smirked at his wife.
Esteban, upon hearing her voice relaxed, and turned his flushed face towards her. Susie reached out, her fingers tipping his chin up and kisses him heatedly as she settled herself between her husband's spread legs. She kissed Estaban thoroughly with her hands braced on her husband's broad shoulders. As she pulled a way for air, a string of saliva dripped from both Estaban's and her lips. She then pressed herself against Estaban's naked back and kissed Toto with equal enthusiasm.
Esteban moaned as he watched the couple make out, with Toto's cock still buried in him, the feel of Susie's clothes breasts pressing up against his back sends his mind spinning in aroused daze. His hole fluttering around the cock currently buried in him and his cock leaking profusely. Toto let out an amused and affectionate chuckle.
"My my, Susie, our boy is getting quite worked up. Let's take it up a notch. He's been such a good boy today." Toto said with a wink as Susie pulled away to take of her clothes
"Of course my dear, let's make it quick. We have lunch with my mother soon after all. We can enjoy Estaban later tonight" Susie replied with a mischievous smile as she slid her hands between her hands down Estaban's chest, cupping his pecs. Esteban let out a moan.
Tot started to manhandle Estaban, gripping his hips and moving him up and down his cock vigorously as more moans spill from his plush lips. He noticed his wife's gaze turn more heated at the boy trashing on his lap, impaled by his cock.
"I…I'm almost…coming….please!" Esteban yelped.
Toto glance over Esteban's heaving body at his wife. They shared a look as she left on hand over Esteban's pec as the other pulled away and circled the rime of Estaban's stretched hole. Estaban let out a gasp. Susie inches her finger alongside her husband's cock into that warm wiling body. She could feel her own orgasm approaching as wet slick slid down her thighs.
As soon as her finger slid all the way in, Esteban's hole clenched up and he came. Eyes rolling back, tears streaming down his face as he cock gushed out hot thick cum between his and her husband's body. That in turn set off Toto's orgasm with him spilling his cum into Estaban. As soon as he came down from his high. Toto reach for Susie, slipping his larger warm hand between her legs, cupping her pussy, rubbing her roughly and she spilled. Hot slicked gushed out into her husband's hand as her clit was rubbed and her husband's finger dipping into her throbbing pussy.
As soon as all three calmed down from their orgasms, they pulled away reluctantly and started getting dressed to continue on with their day. Toto and Susie for lunch with her mother and Estaban to head over to the sim for his duties as the Mercedes reserve driver. As Estaban was about to reach out for his underwear, Susie pulled it away from him with a mischievous smirk on her face
"Uh uh, your underwear is completely soaked dear. Did you come in them earlier?" She teased. Estaban blushed as he recalled how he spent himself when to Toto teased him in the elevator. Toto chuckled as he dressed behind them, licking his lips as he recalled Estaban's embarrassed faced as he came into his pants.
"Naughty boy, and you know naughty boys can't wear underwear. Especially when their all wet from naughty juice yeah? Right Toto?" She teased.
"You are absolutely right my dear." Toto said with a smirk.
"See? Now quickly, run along now. I'm sure Lewis and George are waiting." Susie said as Estaban hurries put on the rest of his clothes. As he was about to dash off, he glanced back at the couple
"Ummm tonight… we?" Estaban trailed off, unsure on how to proceed.
"We'll send you a text. No need for you to go home, just come over. Your clothes from yesterday are still there. And I'm sure there is no need for pajamas or nightclothes" Toto replied.
" Okay!" Esteban brightened as he shuffled towards them for a parting kiss.
Susie gave his ass a slap as he pulled away and said,
"Cute boy, go on now. I'm sure George and Lewis are are….eager to get to work." She said with a knowing smile as Esteban squeaked and hurried out the door. Toto merely chuckled at his wife.
"Hmmm, subtle."
*What? I saw Lewis and George eying him up this morning. I'm sure they'll be having a really….fruitful… time working today." She replied with a cheeky wink as her husband pulled her into a kiss.
As soon as Esteban stepped into the sim room. He pushed up against the wall and kissed roughly. George had his hands over his hips rubbing his clothes cock against Esteban's. Behind them, he could hear Lewis chuckled amusedly
"Come on Georgie, share him yeah. Susie said she and Toto would be having him tonight. Gotta get our fill right now." Lewis winked at Estaban knowingly as George groaned and pulled Estaban away from the wall and positioned him between himself and Lewis. As Lewis started kissing him, sucking on his tongue, Esteban felt hands dip into his jeans and flushed at what George was going to find…or rather what he was not going to find.
"Oh my word, Lew, he isn't wearing any underwear!" George moaned aroused as his hands touched bare skin of his ass.
"Oh? Naughty boy. I'm pretty sure you were wearing them this morning in the urinals. Where did they go hmm?" Lewis asked as he gripped his chin between his fingers.
"Susie…. Susie took them…were wet. Toto made them wet." Esteban couldn't help but blush hotly as those words tumble out of his mouth. Arousal clouding his mind as he rutted against the older man. George cooed at those words as he slipped his finger into Estaban's loose and puffy hole.
"He is really fucked out Lew." George said dazedly.
"Well then that should make things easier, doesn't it Georgie? Let's have some fun!" Lewis said as he guided both men to the floor. George and Lewis proceeded to devour Estaban, intending to send him back to Toto and Susie in a debauched state. It was a long time before either of them stepped out of the sim room.
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the-lil-exorcist · 1 year
No Loafing Around|| Andy & Lil
Timing: Currentish Location: Bread Cemetery Feat: @declinlalune, @the-lil-exorcist Warnings: Missing Family, generally none! Summary: Lil locks herself out of the bakery, but Andy comes in for the assist.
Andy dragged her bag out of the passenger seat, wincing as it hit the door with a solid clunk. The bottle of lemonade inside– at a first glance, seemed okay. It wasn’t the first time she would have shattered something unintentionally. The walk from her jeep to Bread Cemetery was a short one, but she immediately noticed Lil peering through the window. Which, at first glance, was strange on its own considering her family owned the building. “What’re we looking at?” Andy asked with a tilt of her head. She looked towards the building, then back to Lil who seemed– stressed? Not uncommon, really. Nor were the slight purple bruises beneath her eyes– lack of sleep could do that to anyone. 
She pulled her bag further up onto her shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest, looking towards the door. “Are you trying to see what it looks like from potential customers? I mean, I have heard that it’s a good idea to see what the outside of your store looks like when looking through a window.” Andy hadn’t, but she was trying to make sense of why Lil was decidedly outside stressed instead of inside stressed.
Lil was admittedly not the smartest of her siblings, she could admit that. She could even admit she was a dumbass with a pension for making things a little more chaotic - but she was at least reliable. So, when she saw Jonas still sleeping she had decided that she could at least help open the shop. She wouldn’t even touch the ovens, just sweep up and make sure all the fiddly things were done before Andy and him arrived. She could even start the little coffee machine in the back so they’d all have a nice cup of coffee before the store opened.  After all, she wasn’t sleeping much lately so she might as well be helpful. To be fair to Lil - she was doing a pretty good job until she came outside to throw the trash, and somehow locked the back door behind her. She had hoped that she had unlocked the front door- but she clearly hadn’t. 
So - now Lil  was just staring at the door, wondering if it was worth breaking the glass panel or if she should call a lock pick - with the phone she didn’t have. She almost decided on breaking the glass when she heard a very helpful voice - who hopefully had a set of the keys. “Oh -no it’s not something I’m doing on purpose. Although I appreciate you thinking I’m not a dumbass. I seem to have locked myself out and was wondering if it was worth breaking the door to get in. ” 
Looking hopefully at Andy, Lil said in a meek voice , “Uh - you have a set of keys right?” 
Andy blinked at Lil’s comment about how she was grateful that Andy didn’t think she was a dumbass. Why would she think that? She thought some people were dumb, sure, but Lil hadn’t ever been one of them. “You locked yourself out?” Andy tilted her head back to look up towards the windows of the Ballard family apartment, then her gaze slowly sank back down to the front door. “Damn.” 
At Lil’s next question, Andy shook her head, suddenly feeling like a dumbass in her own right. “I actually left them here last night by accident.” She kept them separated from her main keychain, just in case somebody stole it and decided to test where the keys led. Not that there weren’t other buildings in Wicked’s Rest, but what if they had known where the keys gave access? “Are there any open windows?” She pulled out her phone and sent off a quick text to Jonas about being locked out, not knowing if he was even awake by now. If Lil were up and about, then chances were, Jonas was sound asleep. 
“We could use each other as a stool, you know? I throw you through the window.” 
Lil nodded slightly at the confirmation. “I sure did. I forgot to prop the backdoor open when I was taking out the trash and it locked behind me,” Lil sighed thinking about how much of a pain all of this was. It wasn’t that Lil wasn’t responsible, she actually really could be. She was just tired and if she was being honest overwhelmed. 
At Andy’s words Lil couldn’t help but sigh again, realizing that it really was never that simple. “Damn. That’s going to suck. I was hoping Jonas could sleep in today.” At the question Lil looked at Andy for a second, realizing that she had opened a window while she was sweeping. Maybe there was a chance to get in that didn’t involve waking up Jonas. 
 “Actually-  Yeah - I opened a window in the back to let some fresh air in - but that window’s gotta be high up. Do you even think I could get up there? I’m pretty good at pulling myself into windows, but I don’t think I can get you up there” Lil asked knowing if any of them could get her up there it would be Andy. While Lil was strong for an exorcist, she was still more nimble than anything else. After all, most ghosts couldn’t punch back, but she’d faint if she couldn’t outlast.  “I mean we could at least try?”
“I mean, there’s only one way to find out, right?” Andy hiked her bag over her shoulder and motioned for Lil to follow her. At the very least, anybody who was looking through their window wouldn’t find it all that suspicious if they saw Lil and Andy trying to break back into the Ballard apartment. Andy’s ginger hair was hard to  miss, so people in the area often always noticed her, if they weren’t getting confused with Alex. Wasn’t to say there weren’t other gingers in town, but she was pretty sure she was the only one to consistently be around Bread Cemetery. 
The window was high up, but it wasn’t anything that Andy couldn’t handle. Maybe. She’d hoisted Alex through plenty of windows before, and she’d crawled through a number on her own. It wasn’t her first time breaking in somewhere, either. Both she and Lil were only a few inches apart in height which meant they didn’t make up a very tall person, but did that really matter? “Okay, you can just step on my knee and I’ll shove you up into the window by holding onto your leg. Like gymnastics.” 
She was wrong about the comparison– it was cheerleading she was referencing, but Andy didn’t notice the slip. “Then it’ll be like uh, reverse whack-a-mole.” Another incorrect reference, but she was ignorant to her mistakes, and she dropped her bag to the ground and hunched over slightly, sticking out her right leg for Lil to step on top of.
Lil nodded following Andy wondering exactly how she was going to get up there. She was stronger than most Exorcists - at least most of the ones Lil had met. She couldn’t rely on others being willing to help her, and while Hunters had been sympathetic towards her being kicked out in the past there were times where it was just Lil and Jonas. So Lil had gotten a lot stronger then she might have otherwise. Sure she wasn’t Jane - she was pretty sure her sister could have launched herself up to the window- but she wasn’t exactly a shrinking violet either. 
So while she wasn’t sure, she did trust that Andy wasn’t going to just let her fall on her ass either. Still, when Andy said the plan Lil was concerned that she was going to end up needing to pull herself up. She was fairly sure she could do it, but oh boy was Jonas going to be mildly upset when he finally got there.  Still, she nodded and paused before slipping off her shoes.  “My shoes have the wheels in them today,” she said as an explanation. “Would probably hurt if I still had them on and they don’t make me that much taller. Also you did gymnastics? Nevermind not on topic.”  
Lil, looking up at the window, hoped that there was some luck on her side today before nodding to Andy and going to step on the other's leg, hoping that between the two of them this wouldn’t go wrong. 
 “What are those called again?” Andy wasn’t allowed to watch television the way normal kids were. A lot of it was news channels. Point out what is supernatural, examine this disaster, identify this mauling. Once, she had seen an ad for the shoes that Lil mentioned. She could only ever dream about having something like that. She could now, of course, but the idea seemed silly. Maybe it wasn’t, if her friend who was her age had them, too. “Wheelies?” That didn’t sound right. Whatever. 
Andy waited for Lil to take off her shoes and step onto her knee. At the question, Andy shook her head. “No, but I’ve watched people do it. I think I was thinking of cheerleading. You know, like they do at football games.” She’d gone to a couple of the games with Alex when they had first moved to Wicked’s Rest. At least she had gotten that right. 
Once Andy had hold of Lil’s leg, she crouched, and then hoisted the brunette up with ease. Lil was no bear trap, nor was she a sack of flour– she held her own weight, and Andy found it easy to lift her up towards the window. Maybe she should have shown signs of struggling, but what was the point in that? “You got it? I won’t let you fall.” 
“Heelys,” Lil said, looking down at her shoes on the ground. They had started out as a silly thing that she’d picked out for Christmas one year - but they had annoyed her dad a lot. They also used to make Jane giggle as Lil would wheel pass to get caught by her sister. For some reason she couldn’t seem to let that go, even if Jane would call them stupid now. “Close! I would recommend them, but you probably shouldn’t fall down in the back.” 
Lil nodded, trusting that Andy knew enough not to drop her, or if she did at least would attempt to catch Lil which was really the only thing she could count on. She hadn’t realized how quickly Andy would be able to pick her up, again more reminded of Jane then she should be as she scrambled to catch the lip of the window, pushing the window pane up as she pulled herself up. 
“Yeah no worries, I think I can get in,” Lil said, flopping over the lip hoping that she wasn’t about to tumble head first through the window. Taking a moment Lil breathed - thinking that this was the first time in a while she didn’t feel tired, and knowing that it was probably the adrenaline she didn’t need. After the moment she scrambled forward shimming through the windowsill and managing to flip herself landing sitting on the floor for a moment with a dull thud. It hurt for a second, knocking the wind out of her but it was mostly out of surprise then anything else. Lil had gone through worse after all. 
“I’m in! Meet you at the back door. Can you grab my shoes?” Lil called out after a moment looking out at Andy and giving the red haired woman a thumbs up. Scrambling up she went quickly to go downstairs to let the other in - making sure to grab her keys with the little cat charm that was sitting right next to the damn door. Opening the door she laughed and said, “You threw me like one of those flour sacks.” 
“Cool.” Andy stayed rooted to her spot at the side of the apartment building, not wanting to make any sudden movements that might cause Lil to sway or fall. In order to support Lil’s weight as she pulled herself through the window, Andy cupped the bottom of her foot and pushed upwards with enough force to get her the rest of the way through. The thud that sounded from above her made Andy grin before she called back to Lil that she would be there shortly. 
She scooped up the shoes and headed towards the back door. It opened just as she arrived and Andy shrugged with a smile. “I work out. What can I say? Maybe I channeled the bakers before me who also threw flour sacks.” Even without the build she’d gained by her workout regimen, she would have had strength. It was the ranger-ness of it all. Even though she detested every bit of herself that sideled with that way of life, she had made it a point to work out so that she had ownership of her strength; so that it had nothing to do with what she’d been born into.
“You ready?” Andy pointed towards the entrance to Bread Cemetery with a hopeful smile, taking note of the keys that the brunette held. 
Lil grabbed the shoes trying not to look like she was winded. She really needed to start working out more if she was going to get thrown places. “I believe it. You’re probably as strong as Jane is honestly.” Lil meant it as a compliment, even if part of her didn’t want to associate Andy with her sister. It was still a sore spot for her, and she didn’t want to remember how her hand got itchy sometimes thinking about it. 
Moving back through the doorway Lil laughed letting the other in and said, “ Yeah I’ll open in from the inside this time. I’ll start the coffee too. Sorry, I thought I’d have a pot running before you came.” Lil was mostly drinking energy and coffee drinks as of late. With the bakery and running around to find her family members - well while Lil couldn’t stop sleeping all together she didn’t sleep for very long. It was no doubt taking a toll on her body, but she couldn’t seem to care. 
After unlocking the front door Lil sat on a stool and Lil started to lace up her shoes again and looked at Andy for a second as she said hesitantly, “Did you ever meet her then? Jane?” 
Jane. There was that name again. Andy felt guilty that she couldn’t provide Jonas and Lil with more answers. That they had shown up one day to see her working the counter and everything behind it. She hadn’t known what to tell them when they asked where their mom had gone, because she didn’t know. Even though she hadn’t gotten too involved in the investigation, she kept her eye out. 
“No, you don’t need to apologize.” It was useless, anyway. She should have had her keys on her so that this kind of thing didn’t happen. “You should drink some water though, too.” Andy was an observant person, but even if she weren’t, it wouldn’t be hard to notice the slight shake in Lil’s hands, or the way that she spoke fast sometimes, probably because of the caffeine. “I think Jonas would approve of that statement.” 
Andy followed Lil inside, the smell of flour and sugar hitting her like a wall of bricks. Better than the sulfur outside. At Lil’s question, Andy shook her head. “No, I never did. Jonas talks about her too, and I’ve seen a picture… I think I’d remember those arms.” Jane was a bit more built than herself, but regardless, Andy could appreciate anyone’s build. 
Lil nodded thinking that water would be nice and carefully going towards her water bottle with a sigh after her shoes were securely on,  “ You’re right. I’m sure Jonas would probably even frown at me too. I’ll have water first then.” He wouldn’t stop her though. She stretched her neck and looked around thinking that she still had some stuff to set up before the store opened. It was all a lot, but then again she needed to do it anyway. Jonas had to be under more pressure than her - so she had to suck it up anyway. 
Lil laughed slightly at the thought after taking a sip of her water, “Yeah she was always jacked. Could pick up Jude no problem. I didn’t - well I guess I didn’t know if she helped Mom in the store. Guess she was out most of the time.” She tapped the side of the bottle at the thought and shook her head slightly deciding that it wasn’t important. 
“Well I guess we should probably get to it then. I’ll get the front ready for opening, but holler if you need any help,” Lil said with a smile. 
Andy watched Lil for a moment before averting her gaze to the empty trays in the back. She didn’t know what Jonas or Lil were going through. She knew what had happened to her parents. She had watched it. But she couldn’t imagine Alex or even Kaden at this point going missing and just not knowing. She kept her expression neutral, a small thoughtful smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “I’m not sure, but maybe? I’m not sure your mom could’ve lifted the flour on her own.” That was now her job, it seemed.  “Hm?” She nodded, then looked back at Lil, her smile growing a little. “Yeah, sure. Let me know if you need me to throw you through any more windows.” Andy winked at Lil before heading towards the dough that’d been left to proof overnight.
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lyokotyper95 · 2 years
Lin and Suyin: School Day
Suyin stands in front of a mirror thats sitting atop a dresser. Holding a pink brush, she lightly brushed her curls out beside her face. She placed it down on the dresser and smiles
“You know Lin, you could stand to look in the mirror and take pride in your appearance more”
Lin, who was packing her school bag, rolled her eyes
“I don’t care about appearances. So long as I pass my classes, I could care less”
Suyin turned to Lin
“Ever the book worm. Maybe if you tried hard enough you’d have a boyfriend right”
“You mean like those criminals you hang around with?”
Suyin stomped her foot
“They’re not criminals! You’re just jealous that I have a life and you’re just some boring girl who wants to be a cop!”
Lin zipped her bag and glared at Suyin. She stood up and the strap onto her shoulder
“Keep that up and I might end up arresting you some day”
She walked out their room. Suyin crossed her arms huffed in frustration
Lin walked downstairs. At the kitchen table she saw a cup of coffee laid out for her. She held the up by its handle and quickly sipped it down. She wipes her mouth with a napkin and throws it out in a trash bin. Looking back at the staircase, Suyin makes her way downstairs. She runs toward the table and sits down
“I’m so glad mom can whip up a good meal!” she says while munching on some eggs
“Just make sure you finish so you can catch the bus. Speaking of which”
Lin looks down at her wrist watch
“It’s gonna be here in 5 minutes!”
“Looks like you’re gonna be late miss smarty pants”
“You should take school more seriously! Better than wasting time in petty crimes”
Suyin waved her hand was she continued to eat. Sighing, Lin stormed out the house slamming the door behind her
She makes her way briskly down the street. A grey bus is stopped down by the block. Lin rushes down the block, reaching the bus just before the door closes. Catching her breathe, she steps onto the bus
“Made it just in time Lin”
Lin wipes her forehead
“Thanks. I only wish my stupid sister would come with me”
The bus driver laughed
“She’s just bein a kid. I’m sure she’ll end up like you some day!”
“If only”
Lin showed her student pass and then walked to sit down on a seat. She looks back down the block. The bus takes off as she pulls farther away from her home.
She opens out her bag and pulls out a book. She flips to a bookmark and reads silently. Kicking her feet lightly back and forth, she noticed a student out the corner of her eye. The boy looks over at her and Lin immediately looks back at her book, blushing deeply. The boy makes his way over to her
“Hey Lin”
Lin glances up at him
“C’mon don’t be nervous and hide behind your book”
The boy sits down next to her. Lin shudders and blushed harder
“So, I guess Su didn’t come this time?”
Lin marked her book and closed it
“You know the drill. She’d rather be lazy while our mom just looks the other way”
“It sounds like a lot for you. Dealing with that everyday”
“It is. Sometimes i just wish I was part of a different family”
“Same here. Being the youngest of 2 older brothers leaves you bruised. Here”
The buy raised his green jacket sleeve. Under a white sleeve is a red bump
“How’s you get that?”
“I got into a fight with my brother after he stole my candy. But it was after I snuck into his room last night?”
“Why’d you do that?”
“Guess I just wanted to mess with him”
“I think you fit fine into your family”
“Maybe I do”
The two laughed. Lin stared into his green eyes. His tan skin against his dark spiky hair that falls against his face causes her to melt
“So, you wanna go somewhere after school?”
“I don’t know. I promised my mom I’d visit her at the station”
“Ah. Officer training?”
“Yeah. I really want to be an officer”
“But why?”
Lin sighs
“You know why Makin”
“Just because you become a cop, doesn’t mean your mom will change how she feels”
Lin lowers her eyebrows
“I know that…”
The bus slows down
“Alright. I’m at Metalion High”
“Looks like we’d better get off”
Lin nodded
“Did I upset you?”
“No it’s fine. Let’s go”
The two hop off the bus and walk toward the entrance. Makin opens the door for Lin. They step inside and they stip by Lin’s locker
“I’ll see you in science class. And I’m sorry about what I said”
Lin shook her head
“It’s fine. I’ll see you later”
“Later Lin”
Makin winked as he walked to his locker. Lin blushed as she opened up her locker. As she was putting her books inside, her heart sank
“Oh no. I forgot my science test book!”
Part 2
Suyin has finished her meal. As she’s about to step out, she stops herself
“Darn! I forgot my hair pin!”
She rushes back upstairs. She retrieves her pin from on her dresser. As she turns to leave, she sees a book on Lin’s bed. She walks over to it
“Biology: The study of Plants, People, and Life. Great, she left it behind”
Suyin picks it up with her hands
“I can’t believe she holds this in her bag almost everyday. It’s so heavy! But she is gonna freak if she doesn’t have it”
Suyin checks the clock
“I’ll be late, but I can make it”
Suyin carries Lin’s text book and rushes downstairs
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Being the Sinclair Brothers’ adopted daughter headcanons (or “to be happy, you need a daughter” AU)
Hello everyone! I guess this is a new AU for the Sinclairs (House of Wax), thanks again to the person who requested it. This is basically headcanons about the brothers finding a baby and adopting her.
Hope you’ll enjoy this Sinclair brothers x daughter!reader.
As usual, there is no physical description for the reader.
Warnings: Baby you has been thrown away and you’re a little bit hurt (nothing serious), one or two strong words, mentions of murders. Otherwise quite fluffy.
It was a day like the others, nothing new, nothing unusual for the Sinclair brothers. Bo was in his garage, fixing a new car he just got thanks to the last tourists. Vincent was making more wax sculptures, and already thinking about where he was going to place them. Lester was cleaning the roads from the dead animals and throwing away the wax sculptures that got broken up in the last fight and that Vincent couldn’t repair.
Lester was driving to the pit, softly singing to himself. It was really sunny today and he enjoyed the warmth a lot. He was looking around. It was a nice day and he might even come back to have dinner with the twins, because he liked to spend some time with them when it was calm like that.
He arrived at the pit and took care of what needed to be thrown away. It was quite a bit of work, but he didn’t mind at all, lost into his own thoughts.
He was almost done when he heard something quite unusual.
It was soft crying coming from the pit. He froze as he was about to throw more animals into the pit, and tried to listen more carefully.
He swore he heard more cries and screams. But it was soft, like a baby animal being hurt.
For an instant, he thought he was just hallucinating. He perfectly remembered his father saying that the heat could make people hear or see things, so maybe that was the case.
But he also remembered how crazy his father was and he decided to go down into the pit and see what it was by himself.
His heart wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if he had known there might be a little baby down there, and he thought Jonesy would be super happy to have a little brother or sister around.
He looked for a little while through the dead animals and wax pieces before finding a trash bag. He was certain the noises were coming from it. 
He sat on a wax sculpture and carefully opened the bag to find…
A human baby, you.
Such a young human baby, maybe a few weeks old, maximum a month or two.
The girl was dirty and drenched in sweat. You clearly needed water, food and a bath and to be taken care of.
Lester had no idea what to do so he simply rocked you as he tried to quickly think.
He was lowkey panicking.
I can be the daddy of a puppy but of a freaking little girl? No, no, no. Gosh, I don’t even have a wife to help me with this… Oh, but I do have brothers!
Lester looked back down at the little baby who was still crying and he just knew he couldn’t let you die in the pit. You were too cute and… there was something about you, about your eyes.
He climbed out of the pit, being super careful with you and he put you on the passenger seat before looking for some water. He needed to clean you a bit and to make you drink before you could die from severe dehydration. And hopefully the water was going to be good enough for you, and it wasn’t going to make you even sicker.
He tried his best for several minutes and when he was half satisfied with himself, he went into the driver seat.
He did notice the bruises on your body. You must have been thrown away like he threw the dead animals.
He couldn’t understand how parents could hate their child so much… Even his own shitty parents didn’t abandon either of them.
He took the baby on his lap as he had no other way to keep you safe and he relaxed when you slowly stopped crying, probably being soothed by the movements of the truck.
He drove as fast as he could to his brothers.
Bo was under his new car, but he frowned as he heard Lester’s truck parking. And he frowned even more as he heard unknown noises that reminded him very much of when Lester was a baby.
“Bo, help” Lester said as he popped up into the garage.
Bo was quick to get out from under his car, always ready to help his brothers… 
And his eyes fell on the baby.
“What the fuck is that, Lester?” he asked him in disbelief.
“Look, found her in the pit!” Lester tried to explain, panicking once again.
“And why didn’t ya leave her there?” Bo arched an eyebrow, getting frustrated already. He really didn’t know what he would do of a fucking baby in his house; he had had enough to deal with, for God’s sake!
“But we need to do somethin’ ‘bout her!” Lester replied.
“Yeah, right. ‘M sure Vinny’ll be happy to have a baby wax sculpture. Doesn’t happen often” Bo replied, cynical before shrugging.
He was about to get back to his car but Lester stopped him.
“Ya crazy!! She’s a baby! We can’t hurt her! We need to…”
“We need to what?” Bo asked, as he was now pissed off.
“Please, we need to take care of her” Lester pleaded and you looked up at Bo and made little soft noises as you tried to reach for Bo. 
Bo grumbled and tried to stay strong, but gosh this girl was so cute.
“Bring her to Vince” Bo ordered and he turned his back to the two of you.
Lester quickly obeyed and he ran as fast as he could without hurting you, safely tucked in his arms. He went downstairs and called for Vincent who was quick to appear, wondering what was going on.
His eyes fell on the child and he gave the same disbelieving look as Bo to Lester.
“Please, found her in the pit. Bo ain’t wantin’ to keep her, but what can we do?” Lester said and Vincent stayed like that, without a reaction for quite a while.
He was quite lost. He knew everything about wax, a lot about art in general, but in taking care of a baby: nothing.
He remembered when Lester was a baby of course, but Trudy would have never let the twins around him, just in case.
“But we don’t know how to take care of a child… And it’s not a very suitable place for her… Maybe you can find somewhere else…” Vincent signed but his heart was aching.
The little girl reached for his hair and started to play with it, and Vincent knew he would never have the heart to let you go.
Jonesy woke up from her nap because of all the noises (she was in her bed next to Vincent’s desk). She sniffed and Lester knelt down for her to check on the baby.
Jonesy started to lick at you and Lester smiled brightly.
“See, even Jonesy thinks we need to keep her!”
And before they all knew, the three men and the dog were in the bathroom trying to clean up the little girl. Bo felt pure anger at all the bruises on your body; he couldn’t stand the sight of it. It was making him feel nauseous and it was giving him the urge to protect you.
You were now all giggling and cute and their hearts were warming at your sight.
But they needed to find you some proper food. Lester drove like a madman to the closest store while the twins were finding you clothes.
They found their old stuff and put it on you. It wasn’t the prettiest thing but it was doing the job. Bo was very careful, afraid to hurt you and Vincent was very precise in his movements.
They both tried to pretend you weren’t going to stay here, it was just because they needed some time to find you a better place. 
But your smile was a true ray of sunshine in their lives and they were slowly falling in love with you… Their child.
Lester came back home with food and they all settled in the kitchen to feed you. Jonesy was at their feet to keep an eye on the mission.
Bo revealed himself to be quite a natural father. Probably because he was a family man who had always hoped to have children of his own. Of course he wasn’t sure he deserved that kind of happiness or that he would be good enough for them, but gosh he loved the feeling of having a cute little girl in his arms. It calmed him a lot and even made him smile, a real smile like it didn’t happen often.
Vincent and Lester exchanged a look and they knew life was going to be different around here from now on. Bo knew it too.
He was wrapped around your very little fingers, and was taking care of you almost all day.
Vincent loved to stay up with you all night until you would fall asleep. He would also take care of changing you and feeding you in the middle of the night. He was used to not sleeping a lot so at least he was doing something very useful. You were making him as happy as art and it was telling a lot.
Lester would go buy you anything you might need: food, suitable water, clothes, toys, plushies, more toys and more plushies, bed, baby camera, etc. He would also cuddle and play with you when Bo wouldn’t be able to keep you in the garage with him because of the heat or because of the tourists.
The three of them started to truly be fathers to their daughter and they were overprotective, overcaring and over worried for you.
Little Y/N has a cough? Oh gosh, we need to check what it is asap.
Baby Y/N is crying? Oh no, baby, don’t cry, papa is here nothing can happen to you, it was just a bad dream, I promise.
Cute angel Y/N doesn’t want to nap? Oh it’s fine darlin’, you’ll be loved on until you feel like resting.
This baby was the most loved daughter on Earth.
Those men knew what it was to have awful parents and they couldn’t even stand the idea of being like them.
Bo would never hurt you, in any way. Vincent would never make you feel bad about your body. Lester would never make you feel unloved or unwanted.
Of course the tourists would sometimes notice the presence of a baby and they would be quite confused by it. Bo or Lester would never answer their questions, because they were very protective of their daughter. They actually tried their best to keep you away from strangers.
But as you grew up, tourists could sometimes stumble on you.
Bo would have to explain that yes this is his daughter, and yes it’s also his brother’s daughter. And yes they are brothers and nothing else. And yes, they found her and adopted her. And yes they are very capable of taking care of her, thank you very much!!
Bo and Vincent killed a lot quicker and cleaner now they had a baby around.
And they were very careful to make sure you couldn’t understand they were actually bad people killing tourists.
Vincent would love to show you how to sculpt once you were grown up enough. He would spend so much time with you and carefully teach you. He was more than happy to know that the House of Wax would be taken care of once he would be too old to do it himself. Of course, you were still unaware it was real people at first.
Bo would teach you mechanical stuff too. No matter if you were interested or not he would force you to stay in his garage. At first it was just for you to give him tools, but soon enough he showed you real things and he would teach you how to drive too. You wouldn’t mind, always happy to spend time with him.
Lester would take you with him on little road trips before bringing you home for a family dinner. You would also prank the twins together!! Bo would be pissed and Vincent not impressed at all, but you were so cute for their own good.
As you grew up, you started to slowly notice that your life wasn’t like people in the series you watched on the TV.
And even if the brothers taught you how to read, write, maths, history, geography, and basically everything they knew, and even though they brought you manuals and made you study, you could tell that growing up in a ghost town was strange.
One night you sat them down at the kitchen table and you asked them what was going on, who you were, who they were and what was this place and where all the tourists go, and why you could recognise some of them in the House of Wax.
Father Bo, Dad Vincent and Papa Lester were quite taken aback and they were speechless for a little while.
It was obvious their little angel would, one day, understand something was wrong but they always hoped you would wait a little longer. They loved this stage of innocence you were in.
They finally, and very cautiously, explained to you they found you in the pit and decided to adopt you, but they were killers and the wax sculptures were actually the tourists you saw before.
Even though you loved them with everything you had, you ran into your room. It was a shock and you needed time.
Your parents were heartbroken.
They tried to coax you out of your room with your favourite food and when you finally decided to open the door, you asked them what you could do to help.
“Nothing” was their first answer, with wide worried eyes. They couldn’t even think of letting you, their perfect darling, participate in such awful business.
But you started to play around with the tourists now.
You liked to pop up out of nowhere calling Bo “Daddy” even though you usually never called him that.
The first time, it took him aback but he quickly regained his composure in front of the tourists and he had to introduce you to them. He couldn’t argue how easy it had been to kill that group because “if this man has a kid he loves that much, he can’t be a bad man”.
You also loved to tell your very sad story and you would talk about Bo and his brothers with so much love and gratefulness, no one could believe the Sinclairs were untrustworthy men.
Bo knew you wanted to help, but he didn’t like it.
His heart still warmed and melted each time he heard you talk that way about him and his brothers because he loved you more than anything in this fucking broken and pathetic world. 
You were their everything.
But as more times passed, and more the way you called him “daddy” had the tourists arching an eyebrow. You were a young woman… and Bo was still good looking (for a not so old man).
Bo would see the way some of the men would watch you and Vincent could be certain he wouldn’t have enough pieces to make a wax sculpture out of them once Bo would be done.
There was no way anyone could touch you or even look at you the wrong way.
The day one of the victims grabbed you and tried to hold you hostage, it seemed like hell had arrived upon Ambrose because you never saw your parents so angry, full of rage and craziness.
Once Vincent was done with taking care of your little wounds, Bo gave you one big lecture of “ya stay out of the way when there’re tourists ‘round, idiot”. His lecture got a bit harsh and you started to cry and rushed into Lester’s arms for comfort.
Bo felt very bad about upsetting you that much but it was for your own good.
He tried his best to make it up to you though. (Lester and Vincent wouldn’t have let him live otherwise anyways).
But now you were an adult, you were helping Vincent with the sculptures. However, because you were his angel, he didn’t like when you took care of the still alive tourists or when you could still see the skin. So he always prepared the sculpture before letting you work on the wax.
You also helped with the cars and the garage, and you loved to cook as much as you could for your family; you needed to be useful to them. Bo was very proud of you.
You also continued to follow Lester outside to go to the stores with him or to clean up around Ambrose and the roads. He was glad you still enjoyed spending time with him.
You forced your parents to teach you how to use a knife to defend yourself, and a gun and your fists and legs. You had said it was just in case something happened to you, but it was because you wanted to be ready in case your parents would need your help with tourists.
And one day, before your parents could stop you, you actually became a killer.
A tourist had almost shot Bo down and you had grabbed the first knife you could to kill the man.
You were silent like Vincent, vicious like Bo and playful like Lester.
And even though your parents really didn’t like it, you truly were a Sinclair now and they could only be proud of you.
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metalhurricane · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Goth! reader, part 6
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Note : y/n repeated one year, so she’s 18, Eddie’s supposed to be 19-20.
y/n’s shorter than Eddie
Eddie changed the song and turned on the volume. He had a mixtape in the tape player, and this is one that he thought you would like. He started to drive, while Wild Child by W.A.S.P. started playing.  y/n’s eyes got bigger and she grinned all the way to her ears. Suddenly, she started singing the lyrics. Dustin in front of her, catching anything he could so he wouldn’t move around the trunk too much, looked at her amused. Eddie started singing too, which got Mike laughing at his attempt.
Mike : “that’s weird, you’re being way more cautious with your driving now that y/n’s here...”
Eddie glared at him and turned the volume up even more. Meanwhile, y/n and Dustin were being fools in the trunk, doing air guitar and air battery and laughing together.  The ride was quick, and the little group arrived at Family video. Eddie got the contact off of the car, and turned to Dustin.
Eddie : “Make it quick” y/n : “Do they have horror movies ?”
Everyone looked at her.
Dustin : “Yes they do” Eddie : “and she likes horror too...” he whispered, turning around. Mike : “Obviously, like... look at her !” he told him, pointing y/n y/n : “oh, can I come with you just to check real quick ? I won’t be long, promise !” Mike : “Well... now we’re here, might as well we all just take a quick look” he turned to Eddie “Right ?” Eddie : “Ah. Kids, what we do for them, right ?”
y/n giggled and everyone got out of the car.
Dustin : “Oh y/n, you’ll meet my friends, they’re working here” he checked his watch “they’re supposed to work tonight”. y/n : “I’m happy to meet them Dustin.” she said smiling
Robin was sitting in the chair behind the desk. She was throwing paper balls in the trash can, but with her head upside down. It was Monday night, so there wasn’t that many customers...
Until the entry bell rang.
Robin jumpscared on her seat, stood up really quick and brushed off her clothes that were covered with snacks’ crumbs.
“Hello, welcome to Family vi...”
She stopped when she saw y/n.  She never saw someone dressed like her before. Robin wasn’t shocked, just surprised. This unknown girl looked like someone you wouldn’t mess with, but she was pretty actually...
y/n : “ah yeah, my presence usually causes this kind of reaction” she giggled Robin : “no it’s not... I'm sorry. It’s just, I’ve never seen anyone look like you... you look very badass” y/n : “Oh... thank you” she smiled. y/n wasn’t accustomed to compliments Dustin : “Hi Robin, this is our new friend, y/n. y/n, this is my friend, Robin.” y/n : “Hi Robin” Robin : “Hi y/n” she waved and smiled. She noticed Eddie in the background and tried to hide a smile. “So, you have something to bring back I see ?”
While Dustin gave his cassette back, y/n, Mike and Eddie were strolling around the store, especially in the fantasy and horror sections. They were showing each other some funny movies names, when a voice was heard behind them.
“Welcome to Family Video ! May I help you ?”
The 3 of them turned to meet with a guy who had a lot of hair. Steve saw Mike who was with Eddie Munson and an unknown weird looking girl.
Mike : “Hi Steve, Dustin had a cassette he wanted to bring back.” he then turned to point at his friends “Steve, this is Eddie Munson, and y/n l/n. Eddie, y/n, this is Steve Harrington.” Eddie : “Yeah, Steve the hair Harrington” he grinned “I know you” Steve : “So do I, Eddie the freak Munson” he cocked his head on the side. y/n, looking at the boys : “Why do you give each others such stupid nicknames ?” she giggled.
Steve looked at her, more precisely this time. He’s never seen anyone like her... or maybe Elvira ? Yes, she was similar. The goth kind.
Steve : “Yeah, I don’t know, they are stupid indeed” he scratched his neck, and gave her his best smile “I don’t know if you heard of her, but you remind me of Elvira, mistress of the dark...” y/n : “Fuck yeah I know her, she’s so cool ! She’s everything I want to be when I grow up” she said with a child voice
They both laughed, which got Eddie very jealous. Of course Elvira, why he didn’t tell y/n she looked like her first ? Dustin arrived with Robin, and they saw everyone grouped together.
Dustin : “I thought y’all wanted to be quick ?” Eddie : “That’s right Henderson. We have other plans.” Dustin : “We are going to the arcade...” he said to Steve Steve : “Yeah, well, we’re working, in case you haven’t noticed.”
Dustin rolled his eyes, and told Steve maybe another time. While everyone was getting out of the store and saying goodbye, y/n turned around, waving at Robin and Steve.
y/n : “Bye Robin, bye Steve ! I’m happy I met you, I hope to see you soon !” she said with a big smile Robin : “yeah, same for us y/n ! Bye !” Steve : “Bye y/n”
As she left the store, Robin and Steve shared glances.
Robin : “Don’t even think about it.” Steve : “I haven’t said anything !!!” Robin : “I know what you’re thinking. I saw her first.” Steve : “I’m sorry Robin, but I don’t think she likes... boobies” Robin : “And I think she already has a type” she said, pointing to Eddie’s van Steve : “Uhh” Robin, laughing : “Looks like we got competition, Steve the hair Harrington.”
Everyone finally arrived at the arcade. Gareth’s group has started playing already, as they arrived first. 
Everyone got along very well, playing games, and laughing together. y/n wasn’t very good at the games, and everyone made fun of her, because she lost every time. She laughed along, though.
Time went by, teens were spending their money in games and sodas, until 9:30 arrived.
Dustin : “I’m so sorry, but I promised my mom to be on time, or else... she won’t let me go out for DnD ever again !” Eddie : “alright, alright... you’re being a real baby tonight Henderson.”
Eddie walked up to you, you were sitting in front of that game, finishing your soda.
Eddie, putting a hand on your shoulder : “Hey y/n. The kids must go to bed.” y/n : “oh yeah ?” she looked at her watch “Who am I to put myself between a dad and his kids ?” she said grinning
Eddie laughed, and while y/n finished her drink, went to the other guys to tell them they were going home. y/n said bye to everyone, and got out of the arcade with Eddie, Mike and Dustin.
Eddie : “You told me you got a ride home.” y/n : “I do.” Eddie : “a skateboard is not a ride home, y/n” he giggled y/n : “I don’t want to bother...” Eddie : “I insist. I don’t want you to go back home alone, it’s late.” Dustin : “Yes please y/n, and we’ll do some air guitar again !” Mike : “God, please don’t...” y/n : “Okay okay, I’ll come.” She turned to Eddie “thank you again, Munson. I owe you one.” Eddie, brushing it off with his hand : “No problem.”
Everyone went into the car, but not air guitar this time. The kids were starting to be tired, so y/n sat in the passenger’s seat this time. They first dropped Mike, who waved them goodbye with a “thank you”, picked up Dustin’s bike, and drove to Dustin’s, to drop him and his bike off.
Dustin : “Thank you Eddie !” Eddie : “yeah, whatever. Sleep well, Henderson.”
Dustin ran to the door, and waved to his friends. y/n and Eddie were alone again.
y/n : “You love these kids, right ?” Eddie, surprised : “Well... they’re my lost little sheep ?” y/n, shaking her head : “No, I mean... it’s more than that, they’re your friends.” Eddie, looking at the road : “Yeah... they were made fun of, just like me... so I wanted to take them under my wing... I give them shit sometimes, but they’re good kids.”
Eddie drove to y/n’s and dropped her off. He turned off the car, not wanting to disturb y/n’s grandma in case she was already sleeping.
y/n : “thank you for bringing me back home, Eddie.” Eddie : “you are welcome sweetheart. But I still don’t consider that as a ride” he said, pointing the skate y/n, slightly blushing at the pet name : “Yeah I know... I was supposed to drive my grandfather’s car, but I got... a bad intuition.” Eddie : “a bad intuition ?” y/n : “Yeah. I know it’s stupid, but... my intuition has never failed me. And for some reason, since I got here, it has become even... more intense ?” Eddie : “I don’t think it’s stupid. And if you ever need a ride, just ask.” he smiled. y/n : “well, thank you again.” 
She quickly got out of the van. Eddie groaned.
y/n : “hehe, too quick. You’re not going to open my door every time Munson” she grinned “So, I’ll see you tomorrow at school ?” Eddie : “you bet your ass I will” 
y/n giggled, before closing the door and getting in her house.
Eddie left the neighborhood, and thought : 
“I would open that damn door for you for the rest of my life if I could.”
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randomshyperson · 4 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - The One Where You Punch Tony Stark - Part One
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Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || AO3 (Complete)
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded. Or enemies to Lovers in high School.
Warnings: 18+; Enemies to Lovers/ Angry Sex/ Underage Sex/ High School AU/ Violence/ Fights/ Inappropriate language.
Words:  19,905K (Complete)
Sometimes it is just a punch “ - Chapter One
Rumors at your high school were spreading like the plague. No one would really admit to talking about it, but everyone knew they were gossiping. Everything about this place seemed to irritate you deeply, from your stupid and petty classmates, with their idiotic social circles and narcissistic behavior, to the body of psychotics professors who seemed to take pleasure in embarrassing the students.
Fortunately, it was your senior year. You couldn't wait to get out of this place, to get away from this troublesome town.  You let out a grumble when you noticed two teenagers pressed up against your locker. Fucking hell, you thought impatiently as you walked up to them. Then you noticed who they were, and your irritation increased even more.
Golden boy, captain of the soccer team, arrogant pain in the ass, Steve Rogers, was kissing Sharon Carter against her locker. Sharon was a cheerleader, human barbie, and honestly, she used to be a nice girl in elementary school, then you guys grew up and she became an arrogant bitch.
- Really, Rogers, don't you have your own locker? - commented a voice next to you, before you could say anything. It was Natasha, your locker-mate, with whom you had at least three classes together. She was very closed off and didn't let anyone near her, always alone at school. But if you could guess, she was the closest thing you had to a friend in this place. Steve stopped kissing Sharon when he heard Natasha, and throwing his arm around the girl's shoulders, he smiled wryly at Nat.
- Take it easy, Romanoff. We were just making out. - He says, and then adopts a debauched expression. - You know what this is, right?
- Screw you, Rogers. - Natasha says without hesitation, Steve laughs ironically and then his gaze falls on you.
- What are you looking at? - He threatens, you roll your eyes. He then leaves, dragging Sharon through the halls. 
- Fucking idiot. - Nat grumbles when you are alone. You don't really know what to say, so you just stay silent as you open the locker to get your chemistry books. - I heard about Stark's party.
That's the problem with rumors. You didn't look at Nat, but shrugged. 
- What about Stark's party? - You tried to play along, but Nat let out a little giggle.
- Everyone is talking about how you punched him in the face. - She said, turning to you as she leaned against the now closed locker, two notebooks in her hand. You finished picking up your books and turned to her. - I just think it was cool. - You smile awkwardly, looking at the floor. Nat speaks after a moment. - Are you going to the game on Friday?
You blink in surprise at the question.
- I don't like football.
Nat chuckles.
- I'm not going to the game. - She says, and seeing your frown, she adds. - You know the skate rink a little way past the bleachers. I'm meeting some friends there. You can come if you like. - Nat says finally, winking at you before turning away, walking in the opposite direction of the corridor.
 You are very surprised that you have been asked to go out with Natasha Romanoff and the friends you didn't even know she had. Ignoring how awkward the interaction was, you make your way to the classrooms, heading towards the chemistry lab.
Professor Agatha Harkness has been your chemistry teacher since the first grade. She is extremely strict, and demands that her students work hard and cannot stand, or rather absolutely detests, sycophants. You laugh with the memory of the day when Steve Rogers tried to buy a higher grade by bringing her a Teachers' Day gift, and Ms. Harkness simply threw the package in the trash at the front of the room, saying that if he wanted to pass her class, he better study.
You took your place in the last chair, yawning slightly as you sat down. You were startled when your colleague in front, Darcy Lewis, turned in her chair to look at you.
- Can I help you? - you asked.
- I heard that you punched Tony Stark. - She said. - I think it's awesome. Finally someone wiped the pretentious smile off his face.
You smiled wryly. Darcy was one of the smartest girls in the class, and she had never really talked to you before. She returned your smile before turning forward again.
 You were distracted by the landscape outside, but you noticed when the room suddenly fell absolutely silent, and turned your face to find out what had happened. You felt your body tense with the intensity of anger you received in the gaze of Tony Stark, entering the room at that moment, a large purple mark in his left eye. He didn't stare at you for long, taking a seat in one of the front chairs with his friend James Rhodes. Many of the classmates began to whisper about the party, glances running between you and Tony. But the room fell silent as Ms. Harkness entered, and the students began to rush to their seats.
If there was one thing that Harkness hated more than sycophants, it was tardiness, so you weren't surprised that everyone in the room held their breath as they watched the Maximoff twins arrive late to class.
- What an honor the Maximoffs have decided to join my class. - She sneered as they walked to their seats. A few giggles were heard.
Pietro Maximoff was a member of the football team along with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, and you guessed that's why he gave you an angry look before he sat down. You didn't really know the twins very well, but you knew that everyone knew them. 
While Pietro was extremely popular, and changed girlfriends like he changed clothes, his sister, Wanda Maximoff, was a member of the student council, as well as being the captain of the cheerleading squad. She was ridiculously beautiful, the kind that would bring boys crawling to her door. But you had never seen her date anyone, not that you really paid attention to Wanda anyway.
When Ms. Harkness started class, your mind wandered to lunchtime.
Your week went by too fast, you realized. With the final exam period approaching, you were spending a lot of time studying. Natasha didn't speak to you again all week, and you were beginning to imagine that the invitation to go out was your imagination, but then she smiled at you and told you that she hoped you could make it on Friday, and you just nodded, too surprised to say anything.
The school seemed to get even more unbearable on game days. The players were agitated and noisy, and disrupted all the classes. Also, the cheerleaders seemed to occupy every bathroom you entered, taking over the sinks with their makeup. 
You grumbled when last period finally came around. It was literature with Mrs. Hill, and she was probably the only teacher you liked.
It was hot, and you put your leather jacket on the chair as you stretched your body and raised your arms, lifting your shirt a little. You blushed in surprise as you noticed a girl you didn't know staring at you mischievously, her gaze drifting down to your waist tattoo, which had been visible for a moment.
She continued to stare at you brazenly, biting her lip, and you felt very uncomfortable. 
- Do you need anything? - you asked snidely. The girl was startled, and rolled her eyes in embarrassment, then turned to look away. - What the fuck was that. - you muttered to yourself, as you opened your notebooks.
You heard laughter, and raised your eyes, frowning as you felt your stomach flip at the vision of Wanda Maximoff throwing her head back as she laughed at something her partner said to her as the two of them entered the room. You blinked in confusion at your own reaction, quickly looking away. 
And then your lab partner for two years, Jessica Jones, with whom you had never exchanged a word that was not subject-related sat down next to you and asked how you were doing.
- I'm sorry, what's that? - You asked in surprise, but Jessica smiled.
- What's up with you? - she repeated, causing you to frown.
- Why are you talking to me? - you retorted, and Jessica just shrugged.
- I want to be friends with the girl who punched Tony Stark in the face. - She says simply, and you stare at her for a few seconds, not knowing exactly what to say.
- All right, then. - You say, turning your attention back to your materials. Jessica smiles before adjusting her posture to rest her head on her arms on the table. 
Professor Hill begins her class shortly after, and you reprimand yourself for letting your gaze wander to Wanda and then looking away. What the fuck is the matter with you today?
You were particularly focused on an exercise that didn't seem to make any sense when your classmate in front of you passed you a piece of paper. You looked around, seeing a small commotion, which indicated that the paper had been passed around the room. You frown, opening it.
- Ulala, you have an admirer. - Jessica teased, leaning yours shoulders together to read the paper. On it was simply written "want to make out? girls restroom, second floor". You laughed ruefully. - Are you going to accept?
- I don't even know who sent it. - You comment, looking around, but no one is looking at you. You quickly hide the paper to prevent the teacher from seeing. - Besides, it might just be a joke.
- Maybe. But the whole school is talking about you, so I think you might have suitors. - Jessica commented, writing in her notebook. - Besides, you're hot. It's not like no one notices you.
- Thanks. - You laughed, returning your attention to the exercise.
The class finally came to an end, and Jessica patted you on the shoulder, wishing you a good date even though she knew you weren't going, and you laughed, realizing it was a joke.
You were putting your notebooks away in your locker when school counselor Nicolas Fury approached you.
- Hello, Miss Y/L/N. Could we talk for a moment? - He asks, leading the way to his office. You sigh, knowing exactly what this is about, before nodding in agreement.
In Fury's office, you sit in the armchair opposite his desk, while he assumes his typical thoughtful position.
- I'll be straightforward, Y/N. - he begins. - I heard rumors about you getting involved in a street fight outside of school hours.
- Great choice of words, Fury. - You counter. - Out of school hours, and even off school grounds so I really don't understand why I'm here.
Fury smiles, crossing his legs.
- So you admit you were in a fight? You know as a counselor I need to warn your mother...
 - I admit nothing. - You cut without patience. - It's my word against the other gossips. 
The man lets out a chuckle before continuing.
- I imagine Anthony Stark's black eye was a domestic accident then?
You smile wryly, shrugging your shoulders.
- I think Tony Stark would rather say he hit his face against a wall than admit he got beaten by a girl, so I would put that in your report.
- Please, Y/N. - Fury asks with a serious expression. - If you tell me the reason for the conflict with Mr. Stark, I can find a way to help you.
You laugh, crossing your arms.
- The reason is that Tony Stark is an arrogant jerk who thinks he can do and say whatever he wants without consequences. - You say, and then stand up. - I don't have anything to tell you, and school hours are over. Excuse me, Mr. Fury.
You say before hurrying out of the room, annoyed by all the talk. Leaving the hallways, you roll your eyes at the excitement of your classmates, all of them heading for the soccer field, while the remaining team members in the hallway were applauded and patted on the back as if they were war heroes.
You were happy to remember your date with Nat and her friends as you walked out of the school.
Good thing I brought my jacket, was your first thought as you headed out to the skate park to meet Nat. You could hear the noise from the stands, which must have been packed since everyone in the school seemed to love football.
You had bought some French fries from one of the stalls set up for the game, and walked alone toward the park, around the iron bleachers.
A few minutes later you arrived at the skateboarding rink, observing the small group of people that was there. Nat waved to you as soon as she saw you, and you smiled.
- Hey, you made it. - She remarked as she approached. You waved. She turned to the group. - Guys, this is the girl I told you about, Y/N. 
You waved to everyone, who smiled at you.
- This is Clint, Laura, Thor, Valkyrie and my boyfriend Bruce. - Nat said, introducing everyone. You have never seen them at school. - They are owls.
Oh, that makes sense. You thought. They were all students at the state school that was two blocks away. Their mascot was an owl, and their team was your school's opponent in today's game. That's why they were all here.
You sat down with them, offering them some of the fries you had bought. You smiled as you noticed Nat sitting with Bruce, it was different to see her like this, completely comfortable and smiling openly.
Thor then stood up, a skateboard in his hand.
- Hey, Y/N, want to give it a try? - He suggested and you hesitated. You didn't really know how to skate. But Thor seemed nice and willing to teach you, so you nodded and stood up.
It was fun to learn from him. You laughed about the times you fell on your buttocks, and Thor seemed concerned about checking to see if you were all right. And when you got tired of that, you and he joined the group again, talking about various random things.
You eventually found out that Clint and Laura were already engaged to be married, and intended to move in together after college. You thought Thor and Valkyrie were boyfriend and girlfriend at first, but she commented that she hoped to meet more interesting girls in college. Also, Thor told you that he was applying to colleges outside of New York, wanting to be closer to his brother. Bruce wanted to go to medical school, and he and Nat were looking forward to sharing an apartment together. You told them that you had applied to colleges all over the country, that there was nothing really keeping you here. 
You spent the whole period of the game talking, and having fun. And then, when the fireworks went off from the stadium bleachers, you thought it was time to go.
The vast majority of the people had already gone home by the time you reached the stands, and then you thought you heard a noise. Investigating the source, you walked slowly around the iron construction, letting out an exclamation of surprise at the image you saw.
Tony Stark was wrapped around Steve Rogers in the passionate kiss. You wanted to laugh at the hypocrisy. You were going to leave in silence, because you didn't give a fuck about what these two were doing, but Tony pushed Steve away and opened his eyes, and then he saw you.
Assuming an aggressive posture, while Steve looked worried, he advanced toward you.
- What the fuck are you doing there girl? - He shouted, and you took a few steps back in surprise.
- You must be looking to get punched in the face again. - You retorted angrily, hiding your nervousness. You could fight, but being alone against Stark and Rogers, you might push your luck. 
- I think you'd better not tell anyone what you saw here. - He threatened when he approached you, Steve following close behind.
- You think I care if you're banging Rogers behind the locker room, Stark? Screw you. - You retorted in a provocative tone. Stark advanced on you, his fist raised, but Rogers held him back.
- You're out of your mind, it's a girl. - He spoke, shoving Tony away from you. 
- Listen to your boyfriend, Stark. - You teased last, reveling in Tony's anger.
Tony let out an irritated snort and jumped toward you again, but when Rogers grabbed him, he punched him in the face. You blinked in surprise, and then they started to fight, rolling on the ground.
What the fuck, you thought, frowning at the scene, and taking a few steps back to avoid being bumped into.
And then someone shouted, and you looked up from the fight to see Pietro Maximoff coming out of the locker room along with Wanda, and another boy from the team who you thought was named Bucky.
The boys ran to separate the two, and Pietro held Tony by the arms as Bucky stood in front of Steve.
- What the fuck are you guys doing? - shouted Pietro.
- It's all this crazy bitch's fault! - Tony shouted, pointing at you. You rolled your eyes as Pietro looked at you in confusion.
- Are you fighting over her? - he asked. And you burst out laughing when you understood.
- Oh, Maximoff, that's not the kind of fruit they like. - You sneered and Pietro had to hold Tony back to keep him from jumping on you. 
- Let's get them out of here. - Said Bucky dragging Steve away. Pietro nodded as he dragged Tony to the opposite side.
You frowned when you were left alone with Wanda, and she looked at you.
- Do you need something? - you said snidely, and Wanda let out a wry laugh.
- I don't know what your deal is, girl. - she said, stepping closer. - But I think you'd better leave my friends alone.
You laughed.
- What friends, Maximoff? - You countered. - Those kids are narcissistic sociopaths who will fuck anything that wears a skirt. And your brother is an asshole. You're just a trophy to them.
- You don't know shit. - Wanda spoke angrily.
- Try to stop behaving the way they want you to. - You provoked by taking a step forward. - One day of not being the perfect little lady that everyone thinks you are.
- You shut your mouth. - She retorted with fury in her eyes, and then she shoved your shoulders, making you laugh ironically. - Stay away from me.
- Oh but I can't wait to get out of this fucking school! - You shouted back, laughing wryly. - And I'll never have to endure Stark's little group ever again. But mostly, I won't have to deal with Miss Perfect Girl here, with her fake smiles and annoying comments. - You punctuated your sentences with your finger, as you approached Wanda, who was staring wide-eyed. You let out your breath through your mouth as you realized how close you were, and stared intensely at Wanda. - I hate you.
- I hate you too. - She whispered before breaking the distance between you.
You closed your eyes tightly, lifting your hands to Wanda's waist and squeezing. Wanda sighed against your mouth, and you took the opportunity to push your tongue against hers, moaning at the new sensation.
Feeling her whole body respond to the kiss, you pushed her, until she slammed her back against the locker room wall. You pressed your knee against Wanda's center, and she moaned against your lips, lifting her right leg and entwining it around your waist. You felt your body tremble in anticipation, and the new friction made you press Wanda tight against the wall.
You weren't thinking about anything. All you felt was Wanda. Her tongue circling in your mouth, stealing all the air from your lungs. You pulled your mouths apart to breathe, and moved your kisses down to Wanda's collarbone, which made her sigh. You kissed the skin, hard, marking her. The thought of her trying to hide those marks after that, stimulated you to suck. Wanda let out a loud groan, pressing her nails into your shoulder.
You brought your mouths together again, and let your hands run up the inside of Wanda's blouse. She was still wearing her cheerleader uniform, and you tried not to think about it so much.
Your hand reached her right breast, and you squeezed without hesitation.Wanda moaned against your mouth, and you kissed her hard as you pressed your bodies together.
She whimpered as you pushed your knee up, breaking the kiss to rest her head on your shoulder. You let out a wry chuckle, lifting her chin with your hand and forcing her to face you as you brought your mouths together again. This time you let your tongue play with hers slowly and sensually, making her shiver. 
And then you reached down into her blouse again, pulling down her bra. With her breasts exposed, you played with her hardened nipples, feeling Wanda rub against your knee. 
You lowered your hand around her waist, pulling up the fabric of her skirt. Your hand moved down to her now exposed ass, and you squeezed the flesh, pressing Wanda against you. The contact made you both moan with intensity.
When you interrupted the friction with your knee, Wanda grumbled at the lack of contact, but you kissed her firmly, one hand squeezing her neck, and she trembled completely. You released her ass, to run your fingers up her thigh, until finally you reached her pussy. 
Reaching up with your fingers to pull down Wanda's panties, you kept up the pace of the kiss, wanting to keep her distracted.
You found her pussy soaked, and moaned as you felt it. Massaging her superficially with just one finger, it didn't take long for Wanda to whimper, moving her hips in search of more contact.
She broke the kiss with a moan when you penetrated her without warning. You moved your hand from her breasts to grip her leg around your waist, seeing that the intensity of your touch was making Wanda shiver and lose her balance. 
You withdrew your finger and then sank in again, and Wanda rested her head on your collarbone, sighing breathlessly.
- I'm sorry, Wanda. But I won't be gentle. - You whispered against her ear before sticking two fingers in without warning.
Wanda cried out against your skin, completely surrendered. You didn't wait for her to get used to the sensation, moving your fingers immediately afterwards. She bit your shoulder to keep from moaning, and her hips began to move frantically against you next, trying to increase the speed. You smiled mischievously, following her request. 
It didn't take long for her body to quiver in spasms, you delighting in the feel of her pussy tightening against your fingers. A thrust or two later, and she came apart against you, letting out a sultry moan against your ear that made your own intimacy pulsate. 
You continued to stimulate Wanda's swollen clitoris even after she came, and she bit your shoulder, trying to normalize her breathing and stop shaking. She quickly lowered her hand to yours, asking you to stop your touch, and you gave her a dirty smile before moving your fingers up to your mouth, tasting Wanda's sweet flavor on your tongue. She looked at you with dilated pupils, and then moved forward, kissing you again and tasting herself in your mouth.
Kissing like this, she was soon ready for another. But you were interrupted, a hissing noise in the distance. You grumbled, pulling away, as you helped Wanda fix her clothes. 
- Who's there? The game is over! - says a voice. You knew it was the janitor, he had probably come to lock up the locker rooms. 
You and Wanda laughed as you ran past him, holding hands, while he yelled that you couldn't be there.
When you reached the parking area, you caught a glimpse of Rogers' car parked next to Pietro's car. The four boys were there, talking. They didn't see you.
Wanda also looked and then pulled you to the corner of the wall of the school building, hidden from the rest of the place. 
- I guess this is good-bye. - You commented, letting Wanda press you against the wall, as she slung her arms around your shoulders. You kept your hands on her waist. - It's a shame really. I wanted to make you cum in my mouth.
Wanda bites her lips, holding back a giggle as her eyes sparkle with mischief.
- It doesn't have to be the last time. - She says, bringing your mouths closer together.
- No, it doesn't. - You agree, closing the distance, meeting her in a slow kiss, while your hands press her ass into you.
- Hmmm, I should go. - She grumbles, breaking the kiss without pulling away. You bring your mouths together again, biting her lip gently, which makes her close her eyes and chase after your mouth, but you don't kiss her.
- You can go. - You play, squeezing her flesh again and pressing her against you.
- Fuck. - She whispers before kissing you again, one last time. 
You separate amidst giggles and stolen kisses. Wanda gives you one last look before walking toward the parking lot. You stand there against the wall for a while, your heart racing, with the promise that this would not be the last time.
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Naive (1)
Pairing: demon!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Of all the humans Wanda has met, you’re suddenly her favorite.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dark!fic, demon things™️ (be warned that this shit will get much darker in the future), subtle hand kink (don’t @ me)
A/N: special shoutout to the anon that inspired this fic series, I hope you enjoy this weird combo of AOU x IW Wanda. also if you have any previous knowledge of demons, throw it out the window before you read this because I guarantee that things will not add up here lmao
Wanda’s favorite thing about interacting with humans is her effect on them.
Walking through a crowd is fine. She’ll brush a few shoulders and rattle a few unsuspecting adults, flash solid black eyes at kids that either stare or scream. It’s temporary and brings a bit of fun to an otherwise dull day.
The real joy comes from direct contact. Wanda travels miles away from her apartment building, choosing different stores, restaurants and cafés just to keep things interesting. A new cashier each time. She’ll have an air of friendliness about her that isn’t exactly fake; she finds most humans to be charming, despite their fragile minds.
“Will that be all?” Roy--according to his name tag--asks with a grin and Wanda nods in response. “Okay, your total is $21.14. You can just swipe or insert your card in the machine there.”
Wanda inserts her card carefully, complimenting the decor as she waits for the transaction to be completed. After returning it to her wallet, she flashes a soft smile at Roy as he hands her the receipt, purposefully brushing her fingers with his. As his skin makes contact with one of her rings, she notices the goosebumps rising along his arm and hears his breathing pattern change.
“Roy? Everything alright?”
She hears the concerned voice of a coworker as she makes her way to a table to wait for her meal, already seated by the time Roy coughs in an effort to collect himself.
“Yeah, just feeling off I guess. I’ll be fine.”
A chuckle falls from her lips as she watches the poor cashier attempt to return to his previous state of mind, finding the urge to smile and wave when his eyes cut over to her. His voice trembles when he calls her name and he stands as far away as possible when she approaches the counter to grab her order.
“Thanks for everything, Roy.”
Sensing that he’s startled enough without it, she keeps her other tricks hidden in her sleeves and simply walks away, holding her laughter until the doors close behind her. A good meal with a side of human interaction, her absolute favorite.
The next day brings Wanda to a bookstore around lunchtime. She takes a minute to browse the aisles, taking an exceptionally long time lingering in the section harboring books on angels and demons. The stereotypes amuse more than upset her like they used to in the beginning.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
Wanda turns to make eye contact with the employee behind her, about to ask a question for the fun of it when a laugh catches her attention. Her gaze redirects to the café counter straight ahead, and a warm feeling washes over her when she hears the laugh again.
You’re genuinely entertained by the elderly woman purchasing a bagel with exact change, and Wanda manages to catch the end of the conversation as she draws near.
“Safe to say, I haven’t worn the blouse since that day.” She bids you farewell with her bagel and receipt in hand, eyes twinkling as she observes Wanda on her way past. “You have such bright and beautiful hair, dear.”
“Thank you,” Wanda responds with sincerity, attention locked on you while approaching the counter. “Hi.”
“Hey,” you greet her with a voice much calmer than the one you use with most of your other customers. “What can I get you today?”
You watch the orange haired woman turn her head to study the items behind the glass, taking the time to do your own inspection. You admire the dark red jacket that covers most of her torso, gaze lingering on the multiple rings hugging her fingers that seem to be smoothing nonexistent wrinkles in her dress, almost in a nervous fashion. It brought you a bit of comfort, assuming that she was affected in the same way.
“What do you recommend?”
“Oh, well…” You walk over to open the glass case from your side of the counter, naming each item as you grab it. “I usually have this pretzel that’s stuffed with spinach and cheese and this brownie. I can heat both of them for you, if you’d like.”
“I would love that,” Wanda responds in a grateful tone, placing a bottle of water on the counter after taking it from the fridge. “And I’ll also have one of these incredibly overpriced waters.”
You begin her order with a laugh, and she watches you ring everything up with the speed and expertise of a seasoned employee, wondering how she’d gone this long without running into you. The total price is brought to the digital screen just before her card is inserted, and she takes the time to quickly slip her rings into her pockets while you’re taking the pretzel and brownie over to the miniature oven. The last thing she wants to do is scramble your brain before she even gets the chance to explore it.
“Here’s your receipt,” you announce while giving Wanda the slip of paper, your eyes lingering on her hand for a moment before looking at her again. “Your food should be ready soon.”
“Okay, thank you…” Her sentence trails off as she searches for your name, the letters rolling off her tongue with ease when she finally locates it on the apron covering your chest.
“You’re welcome…” You trail off in the same fashion and she catches on quickly.
“You’re welcome, Wanda,” you repeat as you hand her the water bottle before she can walk away.
Less than two minutes later, you approach the table she’s taken over with two small ceramic plates and a sheepish grin.
“I should’ve asked if you were going to stay a while, but I can grab some bags if you need to go.”
Wanda shakes her head with a laugh as she takes them from you, startling you when she doesn’t react to the excessive heat radiating from the dishes.
“This is perfect.”
She takes her time with eating, and your attention is drawn to her between customers, grateful that she’s too busy with her phone to notice your stares. On the other hand, Wanda’s mind is filled with thoughts of you. What you look like when you think she can’t see you glancing over, what you smelled like when you were close. The nerves, the kindness, the desire to learn her name despite her being just another customer to you. She knows that you noticed her missing rings, but she’s already prepared with a cover story. A two minute conversation has her dying to pick your brain more, learn your habits and become more familiar with your body, beyond a simple brush of your fingertips. She already wants you to herself, just the way you came, without her interference for now; that’ll come later.
A good meal with a side of human interaction, her absolute favorite.
Despite Wanda leaving an hour before your shift ended, she lingers in your thoughts on the bus ride and walk home. You find yourself recalling her kind smile, fidgeting fingers and the scent of her perfume when she passed you on her way out, and you’re so deep in your memories that you end up colliding with your apartment door.
“That’s not going to get you inside any faster, dear.”
Your cheeks burn as you face Ruth for the second time today, the first time being earlier when you sold her a bagel.
“I know, Ruthie,” you respond sheepishly as you pull your keys from your pocket. “Is everything okay? You’re usually in bed watching a cowboy show by now.”
“I’ve been waiting for you to come home so I could talk to you.” She checks to see if the hallway is empty before opening her door and waving you over. “Come on, quickly.”
You scurry into the apartment behind her, taking in the scene before you while she locks the door. Having visited her before, you know she keeps the television at a higher volume, but it seems louder than normal.
“I know I might seem like I’ve lost my marbles, but I wanted to warn you about that woman you saw today....The one with the bright hair.”
“You mean Wanda?” you question, eyes widening when she nods. “Warn me about what?”
“There’s something off about that Wanda, if that even is her real name.” She snatches her arm out of her robe and brings it closer for you to see. “I’ve had these chills since I brushed against her earlier. Something’s not right with her. How do you even know her name? I’ve never seen her before.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” you assure her as you help her slip her arm back in the sleeve. “I only know her name because we were having a friendly conversation and she used mine. I was just being polite to someone I’ll probably never even see again.”
“Just be careful,” she pleads as you head toward her door again, and you offer your best attempt at a relaxed smile.
“I’ll be fine, Ruthie. Get some rest, okay?”
You hear her lock the door behind you as you make your way back to your own apartment, rushing through the process of unlocking the door and securing it once you’re inside. As much as you don’t want to let Ruth get you worked up over a stranger, you can’t help thinking about the odd little things you noticed earlier. 
It isn’t unusual for someone to linger after buying food or drinks from your counter, whether they have homework or even just a phone to keep them busy. Wanda seemed to be waiting for someone the entire time, and you remember hoping that she wasn’t on a date, despite not wanting her to be stood up. But she simply slid her phone in her pocket and departed with a friendly wave as if nothing had happened.
You especially remember her waving at you with those ringless fingers, and wondering silently where the intricate jewelry had disappeared to. Obviously you just assumed that the rings were tucked away on her person and not dumped in the trash, but she doesn’t seem like the type of person to give up on her accessories in the middle of the day. Part of you--a part that you didn’t dare to address--wondered if she’d emptied her hands to send you a subtle sign. No, that can’t possibly be it.
Sleeping proves to be difficult with so many unanswered questions floating about, but you eventually give into the act. A few hours later, you peel open your eyes when you think you hear something in the room. The digital clock that sits on your bedside and serves as an alarm and occasional radio reads 3:34am, and you’re just about to close your eyes again when you hear another sound. You raise your head to turn toward your closet, and a scream is trapped in your throat as you catch sight of a figure in the shadows.
The next time you wake, the sun is out and your alarm is blaring on the nightstand beside you. Your gaze flickers over to the closet as you reach out to silence it, your heartbeat dropping slightly when you don’t see anything other than clothes. Deciding that you must’ve been dreaming, you shake away the fearful thoughts and head to the bathroom to start getting ready for another day of work.
The only thing you haven’t decided on yet is whether you want to see Wanda again.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Hey Stephen - Steve Harrington
Request: Hi, can I please have a ride based on Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift with Steve Harrington where the reader is Dustin's sister and Dustin's watching his sister crush on his best friend like "this is disgusting, but adorable"? @thecaptaingingersnap 
A/N: Sorry this took so long...I was kinda sick last week and struggled to get on. 
Stranger Things Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Your infatuation started long before your little brother somehow managed to become friends with one of Hawkin’s High school’s most popular students. It was probably around the time you sprained your ankle during gym class and Steve Harrington volunteered to take you to the nurse’s office so you could get iced up and call your mom.  
There in the nurse’s office, as he held a pack of ice to your ankle, you were positive, was exactly when the crush began. It lasted through girlfriends that he had, the few times that Carol and Tommy had set their sights on you during a class and Steve had rushed an apology as the bell rung and he followed them out, and now, his friendship with your brother. You weren’t even really sure how Steve had become friends with Dustin, or why for that matter, but you couldn’t help being a little thankful. Sure, most of the time when you knew he would be stopping by you were doing your best not to embarrass yourself but at least you got to see him right? Got to really actually talk to him.  
“You’re such a creep, you know that?” Dustin teased, standing in the kitchen doorway as he ate the pizza lunchable he had just constructed and watched you try to look natural as you glanced out the window for any sign of Steve’s car.
“I’m not a creep Dustin.” You insisted, “I’m waiting for our ride, like people do.”  
“Yeah, except normal people don’t stand at the window like they’re an axe murderer waiting for a victim.” He replied. He was all dressed up for the winter dance that you had somehow been roped into chaperoning. You knew Nancy would be there and, while you weren’t always the best of friends, she was nice and you could at least talk to her. Steve would be there, apparently, and he’d offered to drive you and Dustin there too.  
A dance for middle schoolers shouldn’t make you this anxious but you couldn’t help it. You felt like you were going to burst from excitement and nerves all at the same time.  
“I don’t wanna be late!” You snapped, turning to glare at him. You’d been ready for the last two hours, picking at your hair and dress, trying on three different pairs of shoes, reapplying mascara and lipstick, practically shaking. You wanted to look good, but for what? So Steve might, maybe, notice you? And not just as Dustin’s sister or that girl who couldn’t manage to run the mile in seventh grade but as an actual person who he maybe could like.
“Okay, okay, take a chill pill, god. You’re negative attitude is gonna deflate my hair.”
“I’ll deflate your hair if you don’t stop bothering me Dustin!”  
With your back turned to the window, headlights turned into your driveway and a horn echoed in the car port. Dustin smiled, mouthing a “showtime” as he tossed his trash in the bin and headed for the front door. You followed, grabbing your purse and trying to catch one last glimpse of your appearance in the mirror.  
“You look fine.” Dustin promised, grabbing your arm and dragging you out the front door. He didn’t wanna be late, especially not because of you and your weird Steve Harrington hang up. Will told him it was the same as him liking Max or Stacey but Dustin was unwilling to believe that explanation. It was just weird, his sister having a crush on his friend.  
“Hey Hendersons, ready to party?” Steve joked, leaning over the middle console to pop the passenger side door for you. Dustin climbed in the back seat and smiled, his reflection catching in the rearview mirror.
“I was born ready.” He replied, enthusiastically. “She was born with one leg up in the air.”
“It was the Olympics that year,” you shrugged, smacking your brother when he leaned between the seats, “I was getting a head start on gymnastics.”
Steve laughed as if that was the funniest thing anyone had ever told him, “that’s great.”
“So, are you excited about going to your sixth grade winter formal all over again?” You asked, twisting a little in your seat to focus on Steve as he drove.  
In the backseat, Dustin rolled his eyes.  
“I was gonna wear the same tux but, ya know, I got taller.” He joked.  
“I thought your hair just got higher.” Dustin teased and you couldn’t help laughing.  
“Ha ha you’re so funny.” Steve replied, “hey, smack your brother for me?”
You obliged, leaning over the seat to hit him. As you leaned passed the center console, you held the edge of Steve’s seat for stability, your arm brushing against his and your hair falling into his line of vision for a moment, curly strands tickling his cheek. He turned his head when the car stopped for a red light, watching you as you laughed at Dustin and pulled yourself away from him, falling back into your seat.  
Tommy and Carol always said you had a hopeless crush on Steve but he was always a little too preoccupied by the girls who were more vocal about their feelings. He remembered when Nancy first started flirting with him at a party. He’d felt a little “on top of the world” every time someone paid attention to him. Steve honestly couldn’t remember a time when you were throwing yourself at him though. You were always friendly, and he’d seen more of you this year as he found himself hanging out with Dustin in an unironic way, but he’d never really thought of you liking him. Even when Tommy and Carol first said it, he just brushed it off.  
“So, Henderson, you excited?” He asked, trying to get back some of that junior year cool he’d had.  
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed to yourself, clarifying that it was you that he was talking to. When he nodded, you shrugged, “I guess.” You smiled at him as the light turned green, “I got a hot date after all.”
“She promised Will she’d dance with him at least once.” Dustin replied. Out of all his friends, Will was your favorite. Much nicer than Lucas and Mike, not so self-centered.  
“Oh man, I can’t compete with that.” Steve laughed, “save me a dance though, will you?”
“I’ll try to pencil you in.” You replied, even as you felt your face get hot, flushed with the suggestion that the two of you might actually share a dance. You definitely shouldn’t be this excited about a dance for sixth graders.  
Dustin made an exaggerated gagging noise from the backseat, “disgusting, you guys are disgusting.” He stated, trying to keep the smile at bay. Disgusting maybe, but kind of adorable, though he definitely wouldn’t tell you that.  
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wizkiddx · 3 years
your voice
angsty vibe, requested by @hollandlover19 than you for th rq and hop this doesn't disappoint too much :)))
summary: tom says something so stupid and has to deal with the consquences
warnings: a bit angsty, but ends in fluff! argumnts and raising voices, I guess could be associated with panic attacks tho not written with that intention
“Oh, Y/n er sorry.” Harrisons morning dulcet tones were what you were awoken to with a groan.
Everything was achy, and your head was pounding, making you grumble in discontent as you shifted uncomfortably on the technically too-small-to-sleep-on sofa.
This was not the morning you’d foreseen even 12 hours ago.
Lockdown had been difficult for everyone, even removing the tragic health crisis. Being locked in with your boyfriend and his brothers and friends was, for the most part, amazing. Lots of laughs, lots of beers and lots of quality time that you usually didn’t get. But it was also intense.
Without a doubt, since you first got together, this was the longest time you’d ever had with Tom. And it had been brilliant, your relationship getting so much closer and just learning the subtlest intricacies about the other. In fact, when lockdown had been announced, you’d never lived together (the most a week-long holiday).
Though it was also like a pressure cooker, Toms rented house. When one of you were in an understandable but stubborn lousy mood, it affected the whole house.
Yesterday night had been the perfect storm. The weather was unbelievably scorching; your work had announced that they had to let some staff go because of the financial implications of the pandemic; a ‘mole’ had released personal details of your relationship.
And it was like a pot on the stove; everything went from controllable to violently boiling over in a matter of minutes.
Honestly, you didn’t even know why you had started arguing - it was that pathetic. And yet you’d both said pretty horrible stuff - though it was Tom who had crossed the line. Frankly, the way he’d spoken to you was almost unforgivable.
You’d both known instantly too, all his anger at you had immediately evaporated when he’d realised what he had said. It took no time for him to become a grovelling apologetic mess, however even that- it was already too late.
It might sound feeble, but honestly, you’d run and locked yourself in the downstairs loo. You’d cried on the inside- whilst from the other side of the door, he had been begging and pleading with you.
After an hour though, Tom finally gave up - hence why you’d had a pretty uncomfortable night on the sofa.
This brings it back to Harrison, the early riser of the house, barrelling into the living room after his morning run. All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, except also slightly terrified looking as he stood awkwardly in the doorway.
“I’m up now” You sighed, dragging yourself into a sitting position on the sofa whilst massaging your crooked neck.
“You er…. you fell asleep watching the TV?” Rolling your eyes, you sighed at the blonde, even if his poor acting was a little entertaining.
“Are we both pretending that you don’t know what went down last night?” Of course, Harrison knew. The walls were thin, you’d been screaming and he was Tom’s best friend. No doubt, Tom had immediately gone to him for help and advice last night.
Harrison held his hands up in response, caught in the act, and clicked his tongue. “What he said was bad. You shouldn’t be the one ending up with the sore back.” He wasn’t wrong.
“And yet here I am…” With a sigh you smiled which he returned with a sickeningly empathetic one “Anyway, don’t let my sad self get in the way, did you come in here for anything?”
Now, because Harrison was mentally a five year old, that’s how you ended up sat crossed-legged on the floor, clutching a wii remote and angrily shouting at yoshi on the mariokart screen. The whole household was competitive as hell and you were no exception - so some rouge elbows were flying when he viciously knocked you off the track.
Slowly Harry and Tuwaine filtered in and picked up remotes too, so the quiet morning was very quickly switched into a tense atmosphere of yelps and shouts. None more so than Tuwaine, who was possibly the worst looser you had ever met.
Really, you knew all the boys were only doing this as there way of showing you they were with you. That they also thought Tom was a massive raging dickhead. And you appreciated it more than they would ever know. Locked down in Toms house, very much not mutual ground, having three stupid boys behind you meant everything.
Just as you got on to the 18th and final race of the house’s mario grand prix, another voice cut across the tense silence as you waited for the coutdown to turn into ‘go’. Naturally, you flipped round to see Tom, looking as though he literally just rolled out of bed with puffy eyes and messy hair and no top. The sight made your heart flutter, to the point you had to consciously check yourself - refusing to smile softly at him like you usually would, instead narrowing your eyebrows and looking back at the TV.
Tom had so desperately hoped that when he came down this morning, everything would be better. That all it’d take would be a quiet conversation for the two of you to make up - for him to have you in his arms again. Primarily as he had heard your excited laugh echoing through the halls in reactions to Tuwaines yelps of protests - it made him hopeful. Waking up to a cold and empty bed was almost soul-crushing this morning. He did not want it to ever happen again.
Which is why his heart sank so much when all you gave him was a scolding look, before turning your attention to the TV. Admittedly, he was naive to think that what he’d done last night would be an easy fix - he knew it too. So with dropping shoulders, Tom silently took a seat on the sofa, watching from afar. You spent the rest of the race more absent, not joining in with the Harrison or Harrys trash-talking, acutely aware of Tom’s eyes burning the back of your head.
Then came Harry’s celebrations as the overall winner (only just) and when Harrison suggested another game Tom piped up again.
“Give me a turn Harry.”
The three boys kneeling next to you all stiffened, looking immediately to you for what seemed like consent - as if they were engaging with the enemy. (At least it was good to know everyone was on your side).
“I’m gonna go prepare for my meeting anyway.” You spoke quietly, already placing the remote on the floor and standing up.
“Y/n I don’t mind swappin-“
“No. Thanks, H but no.” You weren’t being selfless and giving Tom a turn. You were running away from seeing him.
And Harrison was still really angry at Tom. He’d been so selfish and insensitive and had hurt you- someone who Haz also cared a lot about too. Yes Tom was his bestmate, that he’d grown up with and known for years - but Haz really liked you too, in fact all the boys did. So they were almost as pissed with Tom as you were.
So while you threw the cushion you were sat on back on the floor, Harrison shot Tom the filthiest look and practically shooed him away.
“come on Y/n … just one more? Then you can do your boring work.” You were about to refuse when Haz tilted his head toward the door, only then noticing that Tom had slipped out the room. Now that he was gone ,yes, just one more wouldn’t hurt. The meeting prep wasn’t time pressured; it was an excuse for an escape.
Tuwaine whooped a little when you nodded, planting back down and ready for the first race. Yet apart from that, the room was still a little awkward, you being the first to break the silence.
“Actually Haz, would you mind giving me a lift today?”
“What to the shops?
“Um no not quite.” Tuwaine laughed in his usual innocent and infectious style before asking more.
“Seriously? You know we’re locked down? Boris won’t be happy if you going mad and leaving the house.”
“Just to Y/f/n’s. She lives on her own so it’s legal.”
“She lives just down the road right? Can’t you walk?” Harry was confused, making him look away from the screen, ultimately leading to his ‘diddykong’ falling off the track.
“I’ll have my bags. I um… I think I’m going to stay with her till lockdown eases more.”
As soon as you said that, Harry pressed pause on the race, all three boys looking at you mouth-opened.
“For real?”
“Yeh I um… think me and Tom need some time apart and being locked in isn’t helping.”
“I’m not saying to forgive and forget what he said… but he is really sorry.”
“The twats literally kicking himself.” Tuwaine added, making you smile a little for calling Tom that.
“I know just… I need some space and-“
“Are you breaking up?” Harry almost announced, cutting you off. He would miss you too.
“No! Nono I … well I don’t know. I just- we both need this.”
The boys all nodded, looking at the floor for a moment before Harrison’s blue eyes were back on you.
“Course I’ll drive, but… but I’ll miss you.”
You’d left merely an hour later, whilst Tom was holed up in the garden doing what looked like an almost unbearable work out. It meant he was also out your hair and you could throw all your stuff into two suitcases without him being any the wiser. It was probably pretty cowardly to leave without speaking to him, but you couldn’t. It would hurt too much and you didn’t want to break down in front of him. No doubt as soon as you had got to Y/f/n you did - into a blubbering mess of tears - but Tom hadn’t seen so it was okay.
Speaking of. Tom.
Tom was not in a good way at all. He’d been trying really hard to curb his’ short fuse’ lately- all of which had been well and truly blown in the past 4 hours. After finally being realised from meetings, which he’d not been able to concentrate on anyway, Tom had mentally prepared himself for a lot of grovelling. Once he’d vaguely hunted the house and not found you there, he naturally asked Harry and Tuwaine (both of whom were in the living room) if they’d seen you around.
It was a typical question, the answer he was expecting was that you’d just gone on your daily walk. And yet the response he got was… well a lot more confusing. Harry’s eyes widened whilst T did his awkward-uncomfortable chuckle, the two locked in an intense bout of eye contact. It was as though they were arguing with each, but through the powers of telekinesis... and it put Tom on edge. He was already stressed because you were so angry with him, so not getting a clear answer out of his brother and best mate - lets just say it tested his patience.
“You two need to tell me what the hell is going on right now.”
The two boys both looked panicked to speak to him, which was the opposite of the usual situation. They were some of the ONLY people in his life that would just say it how it is, no sugar coating. Like if he was away and being ‘famous’ was getting to his head; or if he wore the wrong pair of jeans. Even yesterday evenings events, they’d both called him out on what he’d said to you.
So why the silence?
Eventually, it was Harry who spoke up, but in doing so, practically just waved all responsibility on to another innocent party.
“Ask Haz.”
And then Tom knew. He knew this was bad. Immediately his heart was pumping at an alarmingly fast rate, taking the stairs two at a time and not bothering to knock before bursting the door open.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Harrison was reclined back on his haphazardly made bed, laptop balanced on his lap as he looked up with a sigh. He’d known this conversation was coming, but it didn’t make it any less easy. With a sigh, Haz closed the lid of his MacBook and sat up on the bed.
“Tom just-“
“Where. Is. She.”
“She’s gone to Y/f/n’s.”
“Oh… okay.” Suddenly Tom’s voice was muted, thinking he might’ve blown his top at nothing. This wasn’t weird - Y/f/n was in your support bubble and you went to hers often.
Tom was grossly underestimating the situation - and Harrison heard didn’t fancy stringing him along though.
“No like gone. She um… she took all her stuff. I think she’s going to stay there till-“
Tom was already out his room at that point, slamming the door as he did so. Making a beeline for his own room, Tom then frantically started to pull out the draws and rummage around the shelves, confirming what he already knew. Your clothes were gone, your toothbrush and toiletries were gone, you were gone.
It’s important to note Tom didn’t really cry all that much. Or if he did - it was more inconsequential, at a sad movie or one of the rescue dog stories from battersea. Actually, when it came down to it, he didn’t really cry.
Now though, it was impossible to ignore the burning of his eyes, as he sank down onto the bed that now felt twice the size. With ragged breath, he repeatedly fisted his eyes, not actually letting the tears fall - but it was impossible to not acknowledge their presence. Harrison stood wordlessly at the door frame, knowing it best not to interrupt - whilst at the same time knowing Tom shouldn’t be left alone. There was a delicate balance between the two, which he was walking on a knife-edge on right now.
After a short while, Tom looked up with red eyes and nodded at Harrison, effectively granting him entrance. With a sigh once again, Haz moved and sat next to Tom on the bed, clasping his hands together nervously.
“She said you both just needed a break from each other. Think lockdown and everything was just a bit too intense.” Haz had tried to explain, yet it seemed Tom had only managed to lock onto one of the first words.
“A break? Or breaking up?”
“I uhm… she didn’t explicitly say ending things. But I just… I don’t know to be honest mate.”
“You see the way she looked at me this morning? Like she hated me. Wouldn’t even acknowledge that I was there.”
“I don’t know what to say… she needs time and space I think.” Tom was silent for a beat, shaking his head as he cradled his forehead.
“I hate the fact you and my girlfriend are on better terms than I am.” Anddd his voice was back to scathing.
“I’m not on anyones side. But your both my friends and she… she needed some time.”
With that, Harrison made a quick exit out, getting Harry to take over the Tom supervision.
Ever since the atmosphere in the house had been tense. To say Tom was highly strung was an understatement, particularly towards Harrison. Deep down he was thankful Haz was looking out for Y/n: he was glad that Haz was checking she was okay. It’s not like Tom could, because Y/n was refusing to answer his calls, texts, whatsapps, even the slip of paper he’d slipped under Y/f/n’s door in the middle of an especially dark night.
So it was good to know Y/n was okay, but the fact she was going on socially distanced walks with the rest of his housemates was rubbing salt in the wound.
After a week and a half of complete radio silence on your end Tom had utterly worn down. He didn’t have the emotional capacity to be angry anymore, he was just tired. Tired of missing you with every breath, tired of the ten-tonne weight of guilt pressing on his chest, fucking exhausted with being angry at Haz and Harry and Tuwaine.
The best thing in his life and one of the very limited opportunities was quality time with the people he loved more than anything else. He had ruined it all.
And it was the small things. It was waking up to your soft, whispered voice in the morning; it was your infectious giggle when he surprised you with a hug from behind and gentle kisses to your neck; it was your quiet singing in the shower. Especially when he knew Haz, Harry and Tuwaine were all still seeing you and laughing with you. It hurt like hell.
Which is how he ended up hesitantly knocking on Harrison’s bedroom door at half eleven at night, with his tail between his legs. Having been so uber-healthy all lockdown, Haz was already in bed following his sleep cycle, though for Tom right now- he would be awake.
“I’m um… I’m sorry I’ve been a knob. There’s no excuse of anything I’ve just… I’ve been a knob.”
“You’re not wrong.” Harrison nodded in agreement with a sly smile, motioning for Tom to come into the room, after which he perched on the edge of the bed.
“I just… I need to speak to her but I… I don’t want to push her if she’s still hurting and I…”
“You absolutely promise not to blow your fuse? Because she couldn’t handle that.” Tom’s eyes widened, thinking this would be a much harder pitch than how it seemed to be going.
“Yesyesyes i- I promise. I just, I feel broken you know? Even if all I get is the time to say sorry, I-I really need to.”
Harrison released a deep breath, nodding slowly before throwing the covers off himself. Tom watched all his movements with a curious gaze, silently sitting as Haz pulled on a hoodie, then socks too.
“Well? Let’s go.”
Now, what Tom had not in the slightest bit been prepared for was this to happen tonight. Really, he hadn’t even thought Harrison would agree to let him talk to you… and even if he had, Tom not in hell thought it’d be at 11:30 that evening.
His heart was thundering in his chest, trying to hurriedly script how on earth he was going to apologise meaningfully to you - as him and Haz walked the short distance to your friends house. Honestly the whole situation was peculiar to Tom - finding it hard to believe that if you weren’t to answer his texts you wouldn’t be open to an in person conversation.
What Tom didn’t know, was how you’d been texting Haz at a similar point of desperation. You weren’t happy and even given everything Tom had said and acted - you missed your boy. No matter how infuriating he could be when trapped 24/7 - you’d quickly learnt this was the only way you wanted to spend these weird times.
So yes, Tom’s best friend knew you were hardly sleeping either, but needed that little push to interact with you boyfriend. No doubt, you’d still be awake to answer the door.
Once he’d arrived at the apartment block and walked up the stairs to the right floor, it still took some prodding and pushing from Harrison to get Tom to knock on the door. Plainly, because he was shitting himself. Haz hadn’t given him enough pre warning, enough time to work it all out in his head. So it took another encouraging nod from Harrison for him to knock on the slightly rough-round-the-edges flat door.
Y/f/n was single and young, starting her career in Kingston - so the flat she could afford was modest at best. When it was just occupied by a single person, that was manageable - two was a push. You’d only been living with her for a week and a few days but it was enough to know this flat was not ideal for two people in lockdown. You were already stepping on each others toes. It also wasn’t technically legal to move households but Y/f/n had always been in your support bubble as a single household otherwise. And so there was also a layer of guilt to it all.
Naturally then, sharing a bed with someone who wasn’t Tom meant you just were not sleeping. Even if you had both gone to bed early (just to kill some hours in the day) you were still wide awake at quarter to twelve - when a timid knock echoed through the minuscule apartment. Curiosity peaked at who the hell would be calling now; you silently slipped out of bed, managing to not disturb Y/f/n, and closed the bedroom door.
Now you weren’t an idiot. Even though this was southwest london, hardly the capital for crime, Y/f/n lived in a dodgy building with some questionable characters. And it was midnight. Hence why you approached the situation cautiously, tiptoeing to the door and waiting with your ear pressed against the wood.
“I told you she wouldn’t answer!”
“She will! Might just be in the loo or something.”
“Haz this is stupid-“
The air in your chest froze when you immediately recognised the smooth tone of his voice. It was him… and you’d missed that so much. Already there were tears in your eyes and you couldn’t open the door just yet. So no, instead you slid down the doorframe before calling quietly out into the night.
The bickering on the otherside of the door was silenced, but you heard a quite tap on the door... and could envision exactly what was going on. Tom, pressing both palms and his ear to the door, as Harrison took a few steps back - sensing his work was done.
“Y/n? You there?” He sounded desperate, you could hear the emotion dripping off his voice. It was only when you tried to reply did you realise your own voice was having a harder time speaking.
“Yeh its-its me.” It felt as though this heavyweight that had been pressing down on your chest was slowly lifting, making your voice all cracky and low.
In response, there was a short and sharp exhale. It sounded relieved before some fidgeting as you imagined him crouching down beside the door - mirroring your image.
“Fuck, it… it feels so good to hear your voice.”
“Yours too… I’ve-i’ve missed you.”
Tom snorted at that, a gentle bang allowing you to realise he’d just whacked his head on the back of the wood.
“You have no idea how this week felt.” He was wrong though, you did.
Yes, maybe without the insurmountable guilt that Tom was rightfully feeling, but it didn’t mean that the time apart wasn’t easy.
“I do. This hasn’t been a nice holiday for me you know?”
He sighed, knowing that yet again he’d said the wrong thing. This time though, he didn’t rebut instantly (which surprised you), instead his response was more measured and calculated.
“I am so sorry. And of course, I know because I was the one that hurt you too. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that.” You nodded but given this conversation was happening through a door Tom didn’t see your gentle agreement - opting to fill the silence.
“I um… I’m not good at this whole um… speaking my feelings. But I’ve hated myself ever since I picked that fight with you. It was stupid and uh it-it was all my fault. I’m so so sorry for hurting you.”
“‘Why?” You tried to ask, except the words were stuck in your throat, making you have to clear it before asking again. “Why did you say it?”
“To get a rise out of you. It’s stupid and petty and fucking-fucking dumb. I said it not because I’ve ever thought it, I never ever have, but I knew it’d hurt you. I was preying on your insecurities because I was angry at the world and that was so unfair. “
“No shit.”
Silence reigned as you fiddled with your fingers - specifically with the promise ring he’d bought you a year ago.
“You-you think you could ever forgive me?”
“Thats the annoying part. I want to hate you because you literally stabbed me then twisted the knife but… but all I’ve done this week is miss you. Even when I saw Haz or Harry or Tuwaine. I just fucking missed you.”
“Can you open the door please love?”
Clumsily you scrubbed the tear tracks off your face, scrabbling to your feet so you could thrust open the doors. Because you might still be bloody pissed at him, but at the same time - you needed your Tom. Thrusting the door open, the first thing you registered was being pressed into Tom’s chest. His arms slinked around your waist and held him tight, which you reciprocated, squeezing tightly round his neck. Your senses were all being assaulted by one thing and one thing only. Tom.
He smelt like usual, except maybe the slightest bit stronger than usual - you figured he hadn’t showered in a day or two or bothered with cologne. The top of your forehead was pressed up against his chin, and as he readjusted his grip on you, you felt the scratchy feeling of his unshaven stubble. He kept whispering apologies against the top of your head, almost desperate and religiously.
Arching back, you brought both hands to cup his cheeks, looking into his glassy brown. eyes, which looked so lost and confused.
“I’m still angry.”
“Of course-“
“I’m still angry but I’m going to kiss you okay?”
Safe to say Tom didn’t require a verbal response, taking it upon himself to nudge his lips against yours, yet waiting for you to initiate the kiss. And that you did, everything else about this godforsaken week and a half. His index finger traced the angle of your jaw, whilst he held your lower back tight, pressing himself as close as physically possible to you. Needing you.
Eventually arching back, your thumb ran over his deep and sunken under-eyes, which added so much age to his face.
“You look tired Tommy.”
“Can’t sleep without you telling me goodnight.” That was another tradition you had had. Even when he was away, you’d even set an alarm for whatever bedtime was for the other across the world. Just so you could send a little message or voice not saying goodnight. Was it cringey? Yes. Did either of you care? No.
But since you’d been away all the evening wishes were absent from you. Which hurt Tom more than you may ever know.
“I know you’re still angry but will you please come home to me? I need you to be the last thing I hear at night and the first thing in the morning.”
would love to hear any feedback <333 (but think this is a bit of a shitter so im sorry!!!)
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @pandaxnienke @thegirlwiththeimpala @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @hollandlover19 @hunnybunimdun @crossyourpeter @thefernandasantana@hallecarey1
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