#I miss this goofy green dorito
queeny-v · 10 months
I forgot how much of a blast it is to draw peridot 💚
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nerd-peridot · 6 years
Peridot ofc!
Why I like them:
She’s hilarious and adorable, with incredible character development. Her arc is one of the best of the show.
Why I don’t:
The way she treated Pearl in “Back to the Barn” was a little hard to watch.
Favorite episode:
“Log Date 7 15 2.” There needs to be a Peridot spin off where the whole show is like that episode.
Favorite season:
I just so happen to have a tag named “season 2 Peri is the best Peri”
Favorite line:
There’s so many, but I was just laughing about this one today...
“Flowers for YOU! Flowers for YOU! Flowers for YOU! Wedding commander, all flowers have been deployed!”
Favorite outfit:
Her latest one is pretty cool.
Amedot all DAY!
Steven and Peridot (I have a tag for them too.) While I love the Shorty Squad, I miss seeing these two have one-on-one time. And they were so sweet in “Gem Drill.”
Head canon:
Peridot grew the hydrangeas used at Garnet’s wedding, but she actually originally grew them for Amethyst because she said they sounded cool in “Back to the Kindergarten.”
Unpopular opinion:
Lots of people agree, but we still feel like a minority... Lapi//dot is my NOTP.
A wish:
For Peridot to fuse with Steven or Amethyst
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen:
5 words to best describe them:
Goofy green space Dorito fave
My nickname for them:
Send me a character!
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
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pairing: college!peter x reader rating: all audiences welcome to this fluff what to listen to: roll up by fitz & the tantrums a/n: for the anons who gave me some ideas, here is the start of a potential series? or, as i would say, peter crushes on his TA.
After months of applications and tours and accepted student days, Peter had finally settled on MIT.
(It had helped that Tony had written his recommendation letter. A lot.)
September brings a new leaf.
Peter trades in the hustle and bustle for NYC for that of Boston. It is less shiny, less new. He likes it though; likes the cobblestone, the spirit, the history and the rhythmic rattle of the T under the Kendell stop. The late summer breeze is crisp as Peter shrugs his hoodie on, bagel dangling from his mouth as he chews and launches himself up the steps towards the quad.
His sense are in a haywire; it is the new environment. His sunglasses are maybe a little darker than they should be.
A week ago, his phone had been buzzing with kissy emoji from Aunt May, a good luck text from Tony and of course Ned -- his friend had settled in only a few T stops away at Harvard. The first day of classes had come and gone, bringing it with it an overwhelming sense of belonging. For once, Peter didn’t feel like an outlier.
The only text Peter is paying attention to this morning is yours, though.
pls help me study for my bio quiz later, peter, i am begging u
It makes him laugh. Peter grins, dimples digging in a little bit as he settles into a quick pace. Strawberry converse beat against the jagged cobblestone.
I mean, he wasn’t going to lie to himself -- you were, like, gorgeous. And funny. And you thought it was cool that he’d binged the entirety of Jason Todd and the Outlaws in one night. The fact that you’d excitedly added him on Facebook last Friday after class was enough; he’d messaged you, asking if avoiding the chicken at McCormick was a smart move.
You were a sophomore. You knew the ropes. Peter is totally using it as an excuse.
it’s literally the second week??? who is giving quizzes already??? who’s THAT evil???
You’re laughing, crossing the quad on the opposite side of campus when you get his texts.
It was only happenstance you two started to become friends. His first class, an 8:30am entry-level history course run by Professor Frankfurt (which was really just one big Captain America fanboy session) happened to be the class you’d decided to TA for -- and in turn, the class you’d first met Peter in. Forced to sit front row after arriving late -- he’d had trouble finding the Tang Auditorium -- he ended up being the one to sit next to you.
He was wearing a Saint Motel t-shirt. You’d stopped him after class, nervously chirping your admiration of that particular album. He’d stuttered in surprise. You were a little mortified, mostly since you had realize how pretty he was. He had big brown eyes and dimples. Dimples.
From that point forward, it was like you couldn’t escape him. He joined the Broadcasting club -- and you’d laughed out loud when he walked through the door wearing a different Saint Motel t-shirt. Comic Roundtable wasn’t safe either, as Peter Parker had suddenly become the fresh face among the small club of eight. It truly culminated when you realized Peter had taken up residency on Danny’s floor -- the R.A. was a fellow Anthropology major, and one of your closest friends.
So, yeah, texting him and asking for help on a Gen Ed Bio course quiz was kind of pushing it. You wanted to hate Peter, honestly -- as a freshman he’d already met a handful of prerequisites through his famed Stark Internship, working his way through a good half of the first year Computer Science and Molecular Biology course load. The air at MIT was competitive, but for some reason Peter didn’t feed into it. You felt okay admitting a fault.
It wasn’t like you were going to go to Academic Computing. They’d definitely roast you for not understanding cell structure and osmosis and all that other shit. You were an Anthropology and American History double major for god’s sake. You didn’t need that stuff in your brain. You needed room for other things.
So, you text Peter back.
it’s prof steck. don’t play urself. stay away from her. but is that a yes??? bc if it is i’ll swipe for u at baker!!!
Peter’s slipping through the auditorium doors when he texts you back.
Your phone buzzes on your desk, and you laugh a little when you read the message.
only if u buy me mozzerella stix!!!!
He shoulders you as he sits down. The touch is enough to light up Peter’s nervous system; he ignores the happy tingle that creeps up his back.
The stack of graded papers is jostled a bit by the movement -- Frankfurt had done an assessment on Wednesday, intending to get a gage for what he was working with in the class. So much for syllabus week. You, of course, had been tasked with grading. Not that you minded, though, it had distracted you from asking Peter to come out with you on Saturday night.
“You know,” you chirp, “Baker has make your own stir fry tonight...”
“No way!” Peter’s voice clips a bit, high and excited, “Then forget the fried cheese sticks, buy me stir fry.”
“Only if you don’t make fun of me,” you hum, rolling your eyes a little, “This quiz on is the simple stuff and I don’t know why, I just don’t get it.”
“Well,” Peter chides, settling back in his seat. His fingers dance across the trackpad of his laptop, waking it up, “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
You deadpan.
Peter grins. It’s toothy.
“Is that what the Stark Internship taught you?”
His laugh is boyish. Those dimples are back. Your chest caves a bit, face hot with a gooey expression. What the hell is wrong with you? Going gaga over a freshman?
“Naw, memes taught me that one.”
“Oh,” you wave your hands as Professor Frankfurt throws himself into the auditorium in a huff, “Even better.”
You’re both silenced into a hush as the rest of the first year class follows suit. Professor Frankfurt calls roll. Your name is called after Peter’s. You hand out the exams, and then sit beside Peter for the rest of the class, basking in the warm glow of his semi-permanent smile.
“You know it’s not a date, right?”
Your roommate has her fists halfway into a family sized bag of doritos. Netflix glows from the top bunk. You’re fixing your hair in the mirror hanging on the door.
“I know, but,” you sigh, “He’s cute.”
“He’s a freshman,” she waves as The Office drones on, “He’s fresh meat -- dead in the water. That’s social suicide, you know. At least wait until after Rush Week.”
“Peter doesn’t seem like the fraternity type.”
“That’s not a bad thing!” you huff, tugging your hair up and away, “Seriously, there’s a reason why you keep getting your heart broken by dumb boys.”
“Is it because I have an affinity for beefy rich assholes named Brad?”
“That’ll do it, honestly.”
“Fair enough,” she tosses a grin your way, “Good luck on your dinner date with Peter.”
“It’s not a date!”
It’s not a date.
Totally not?
Why is he so nervous?
Oh god, his hands are sweating.
“I’ll have the sweet and tangy sauce, please.”
The box of stir fry is handed to him -- you’re already digging in with a goofy grin on your face. You much on the lo mein noodles happily. You’re covering your own nervousness well. Thank god for deodorant because Peter has you sweating -- literally. It had climbed into the high 70s by late afternoon, leaving Parker in a t-shirt that seemed too tight to be legal and a pair of shorts. He was tan. And he had freckles. Everywhere.
Your hair is swept into hazy curls by the late summer heat. Peter watches the curls along the back of your neck as you both work your way through the check out in the dining hall.
You both make your way to the Hayden Library, strides slow. The sky looks gold, and the clouds glow in the deep blue of the September evening. Traffic drums on, but you both are locked into conversation. Nothing is breaking it -- not even the wave of friends across the street.
“So, New York, huh?”
“Yeah,” he laughs, taking a bite from his takeout container, “My Aunt told me that if I ever went to a Red Sox game, she’d murder me in cold blood.”
“Yikes,” you chatter, “You’re missing out -- I mean, no Big Papi anymore, but Hanley Ramirez is a big deal. Be a shame if you never saw him play in Boston.”
“Are you trying to convince me to go to a Red Sox game?” Peter’s voice hitches, “Because that’s not happening.”
“C’mon, the Yankees suck,” your smile is challenging and Peter laugh as you take a few steps ahead, turning around to watch him as you skip backwards, “Turn to the dark side, Peter! It’s more fun! We have a green monster.”
“I think I’d rather take the Hulk, honestly.”
“Me too,” you wink, “Bruce Banner is an absolute babe.”
Peter laughs at that -- loud and rowdy in the late summer heat. It’s intoxicating.
Your takeaway boxes have been abandoned, licked clean, in favor of a biology textbook and notepads. Though, it wasn’t a welcome abandonment. You wanted to pull your hair out. It showed.
Your lips are pulled into a pout. Peter watches your brows screw together. The study room is filled with the chatter of a Bio101 Youtube video he’d pulled up, hoping to explain osmosis and semipermeable membranes and the importance of saline.
“See?” Peter’s pen taps the screen, “From high to low!”
“Sounds fake,” you hum, mushing your cheeks together as you lean on the wooden table, “But okay.”
“It’s not fake! It’s science.”
“So,” you lean back, waving your fingers, “... magic?”
“Basically,” Peter shrugs, “My formal title after grad school will be Wizard.”
“I want to be a wizard.”
“Then --”
“And make this whole quiz disappear.”
Peter drops his head into his hands, laughing softly as he rubs his brows together. You were getting it, albeit slowly. He couldn’t say he really minded losing his Monday night to you -- in fact, he found himself enjoying this a little bit too much. Your knee brushes his under the table as you shift, eyes drawn back to the video.
His skin tingles. Hot and prickly.
“How about one more hour of studying?”
“Thank god,” you whisper, “I can do that.”
“Power hour?”
“Power hour.”
He walks you back to your dorm.
Even though it’s in the opposite direction of his.
“I hope I helped,” he sighs, “Even if it’s a little bit?”
“You helped a lot -- seriously, I think I’m a wizard now.”
You blossom with pride as he giggles, eyes screwing shut as his head falls backwards. His converse scuff against the pavement as he shoves his fingers into his pockets. Peter glows under pinks and yellows of the streetlights. It’s cute. You wind your own fingers together, toeing the ground.
There’s a weighted pause between you both. Brown eyes burrow into your own.
It’s broken by the door to your dorm swinging open and a group of guys bustling by. It prompts you both to laugh again.
“I’ll see you on Wednesday, then?”
“Yeah! And, uh, I’ll let you know how I do on my quiz!”
“Make me proud!”
He waves, you wave, and you swear it’s the warmest you’ve ever felt.
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Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Closed. Boogie man ain’t gettin this girl.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Nope, I bring my own.
Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? Si.
Where is your next vacation? Hopefully somewhere warm, or at least somewhere I can get lost & forget about the bullshit of the world.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Haha, no. I’ve always wanted to though. LIke the street sign of somewhere that means something to me.
Who do you think reads these? I have no clue, but it used to be really cathartic to do them when I was younger. I’d sit and listen to music & just do these surveys. It was so relaxing.
Do you have a calendar in your room? I have an astrology calendar in my office/yoga room.
Where are you? Living room.
What’s your plan for the day? To self care my migraine away, listen to some music, read, & numb my mind.
Are you reading any books right now? I don’t know if they’re “good” - but I’m reading two books: Love & Olives and Running Barefoot.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Lol yes, especially when I climb stairs.
Have you ever peed in the woods? Haha yessss
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Lol, mhm
Do you chew your pens and pencils? No
What is your “Song of the Week”? Push & Pull by Nikka Costa
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yup
Do you still watch cartoons? Fuck yes.
Whats your favorite love movie? I don’t mean to be “that girl” but, probably The Notebook. Something about the yelling, slapping, ice-cream-to-the-face, love note sending for 365 days, old house restoring kind of love that does it for me.
What do you drink with dinner? Water.
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Nothing. I hate condiments.
What is your favorite food/cuisine? I mostly eat Italian, Chinese, or Greek food. Or diner food. I’m a picky eater.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? I can watch Grown Ups legit every time it’s on and probably laugh just as hard every time. I love re-watching movies, I find it comforting.
Last person you hugged/kissed? :) <3 the most amazing man in the world.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Lol no, but I was a Junior firegirl(?) & I feel that’s just as bad lol.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Nope.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I guess Valentines Day would count.
Can you change the oil on a car? My dad showed me how like 3 times, but I can’t do it on my own.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yea, but it was dismissed.
Run out of gas? No.
Favorite kind of sandwich? In Florence I got a Prosciutto & Parmesan sandwich on a baguette. it was the best sandwich I’ve ever had in my entire life. 
Best thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes are my go-to. Or a waffle. i’ve been on a waffle kick lately. 
What is your usual bedtime? 11:30, If I don’t get my 8 hours of sleep I turn into a monster/pumpkin/vampire that basically kills everything.
Are you lazy? Sometimes lol.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? One year I think I was most creative & dressed up like my older brother. I just followed him around trick or treating & mimicked everything he did. He was so angry, and I was so pleased.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Way too many.
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? Legos, what kind of narc plays with Lincoln Logs?
Are you stubborn? aRe YoU sTuBbOrN? -_- yes.
Who is better…Leno or Letterman? I don’t watch either of those shows, so neither.
Ever watch soap operas? General Hospital was my jam in middle school.
Afraid of heights? Not really.
Sing in the car? All the time.
Dance in the shower? I basically perform in the shower. 
Dance in the car? Yup.
Ever used a gun? Laser, water, & nerf sure. 
Do you think musicals are cheesy? No - I enjoy some of them. Sometimes they’re too much though.
Is Christmas stressful? Nah.
Ever eat a pierogi? Yup.
Major annoyance right now? Stella won’t stop barking at the neighbor across the street.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? I always wanted to be an English teacher.
Do you believe in ghosts? 100%
Ever have a deja-vu feeling? All the time.
Do you take a vitamin daily? Women’s multi, hayy.
Wear slippers? Mhm
Wear a bath robe? No lol
What do you wear to bed? Tank top & sweats.
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart? Target. Come on, now.
Nike or Adidas? Nike, I s’pose.
Cheetos Or Fritos? Dorito’s. Which I realize weren’t an option, but I blaze my own path.
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Ooh, both.
Ever hear of, “gorp”? Wtf hahaha no.
Ever taken karate? No.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes
Can you curl your tongue? Yup
Ever won a spelling bee? No, but I accept this challenge.
Ever cried because you were so happy? Not because I was so happy - I’ve cried because I’ve seen people do kind things before though.
Own any record albums? Yes
Own a record player? I mean it’s not mine - but I guess technically.
Regularly burn incense? Not incense, essential oils.
Ever been in love? Yup
Hot tea or cold tea: Either.
Tea or coffee? Coffee.
Favorite kind of cookie? I will always be a choc. chip girl.
Can you swim well? Sure, I’d survive.
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? Yes
Are you patient? It depends, sometimes no.
Ever won a contest? I really can’t think of a time I won a contest, but I wanna say yes?
Ever had plastic surgery? No lol
Which are better black or green olives? I hate olives. 
Can you knit or crochet? I used to be able to.
Wash room or bathroom? Bathroom.
Do you want to get married? Mmm
Who was your High School crush? I had many
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Lol, no
Do you have kids? I have dog children.
Do you want kids? Mhm
What kind of mom are you? I don’t have real children, which I’ve covered.. but so far as a dog-mom, I’m the kind of mom who is super doting, loving, still slightly disciplinary but def goofy & approachable. I will def embarrass my children, for sure.
Do you miss anyone right now? Yup.
Who do you want to see right now? :)<3
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
The Chosen Juans (Camren Hogwarts AU)
Prompt:  Hogwarts Camren AU 
They’re in the same house and quidditch team and have a match against the Slytherins Camila gets injured seriously (like unconscious) and Lauren is really worried. 
The start is a little…well… (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) —————————————————————————————————
“Laurrr-oh wow,” Camila bit down on her lower lip in pleasure and arched her back into her girlfriend’s body. The full lips were attached to the base of her neck, peppering her with soft, wet kisses and sucking the skin along her collarbone.
She dug her fingernails into Lauren’s back and pulled the girl into her; who was now slowly running her tongue over the side of Camila’s neck to the earlobe and tugging it, between her teeth.
“S-stop baby…” The brown eyes dilated as the petite girl moaned, throwing her head back.
“Do you really want me to?” The taller girl husked into her ear causing another unrelenting moan to escape from within.
“N-no kee-” she began until a loud shriek tore them apart; her arms still draped around her girlfriend.
Oh fuck me.
Camila’s eyes widened at the sound of Professor McGonagall’s voice, directly behind them. She pushed Lauren off, rapidly, who fell back but managed to grab the support wood, throwing a glare in her direction. One that she promptly returned with, a ‘You fucking started this’ look.  
Today was a pretty important day for Gryffindor. Today was the Quidditch semi-final between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and never in the past decade had Gryffindor, ever failed to secure the cup. Especially, since Lauren Jauregui joined the team. Her impeccable skills as a goal keeper had secured the team victories with huge margins and earned her the honour of being the youngest Quidditch captain, in the history of Hogwarts, just in her fourth year.
So, when beautiful, smart and goofy third-year Camila Cabello joined them as a seeker, the raven-haired girl couldn’t help but be smitten by this adorable creature who played with prowess and passion, she had never seen before. The girl, however, initially started off hating the over-demanding captain who pressured them to practice at odd-timings and did not care much for their personal time. But early morning practices and time spent together, eventually formed a budding relationship that blossomed over the course of a year.
And when they won their first cup together; it was natural that Camila ran towards Lauren with a hard blazing look, throwing those lean arms around her and even more natural that without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching; Lauren kissed her. Everything since then, they had only grown. Sneaked kisses, midnight dates, teasing words became their routine and in her seventh year (Camila’s sixth); they had their first time. It was sweet and sometimes awkward, but full of love and adoration. She gave the brunette a string of promises and hopes of a life that awaited them after Hogwarts. She already had an offer to join the Holyhead Harpies after graduation, while Camila sought out to have a career in Magical Law Enforcement.
They were in love, there was no doubt about that.
Today was also pretty important for Lauren. It would be her second last (last if they lost the semi-finals) match and she was focused. Her mind was consumed with the silver cup of victory. That was until she saw her girlfriend, slipping her robe over the form fitting kit that enunciated every curve of her body. A wildfire erupted inside the pale girl’s body and her green eyes darkened. Before she knew it, they were behind the bleachers and she had Camila pinned against one of the wooden supports, moaning in pleasure.
Well before now at least.
Professor McGonagall’s expression was somewhere between shock and amusement as she narrowed her eyes at the pair. “Explain. Now.”
"Oh uh I-” The brunette tried to formulate words as a deep blush crept across her face.
"Camila thought something bit her and I was, um… inspecting the area?” Lauren cut her short and shot a cheeky grin at McGonagall, who looked at her like would grab her broomstick and make a sport out of hitting her across the head with it. “Gotta make sure all my players are in their prime today.” She lowered her head and coughed, uncomfortably.
The older witch pushed her glasses down to the tip of her nose and looked them over for a while before sighing.
“If I didn’t have a 10 Galleon bet with Professor Slughorn, I would have made sure you were cleaning the staircases with Mr. Filch, instead of playing today.” She grumbled and a smirk fell over the Quidditch captain’s lips, which quickly faded when she said, “10 point from Gryffindor, each. For frolicking around like blithering, hormonal idiots and being excessively loud while doing so.” Her eyes drifted to Camila’s face whose tan skin turned furiously red, while Lauren stifled a laugh. “Go.”
“Sorry Professor.” They mumbled and sprinted out of the room.
“Oh no, you come back here!” The young Latina narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend who was heading towards the stadium entrance to join the team. “This is your fault.”
“I, well…um? You looked so fucking beautiful, I couldn’t help myself?” The fill lips curled into a cocky simper, making Camila roll her eyes in response and grab the scruff of her girlfriend’s robe. She captured Lauren’s lips in a passionate kiss and bit down on them harshly, causing a low groan to escape the older girl’s throat.
“Yeah, well you better be prepared to finish what you started, Jauregui,” she rasped, pulling away; her brown eyes darkened with lust and want. “Tonight.” She winked and gave Lauren’s butt a light smack before joining the rest of the team.
Flabbergasted, the pale girl flushed and shook her head in amusement at Camila’s boldness. She made her way towards the front of the team (not before flashing Camila a quick grin) and whispered words of encouragement.
Within minutes, chanting ‘Gryffindor’ loudly, they ran into the stadium where they were greeted by red and gold confetti along with screaming from bleachers of every house, except Slytherin.
“I LOVE YOU JAUREGUI” screams erupted from the Gryffindor bleacher and a cloth like object was thrown towards her from the front. She caught the racy bra in her grasp and smirked but quickly threw it away, as she practically felt Camila boring holes into the back of her head with her glower.
“You guys are like, younger than fifteen, geez,” she shouted at the crowd who, merely, screamed in return. Camila’s name was chanted too, with thankfully, no clothing items flying their way. The Slytherin crowd finally burst into cheers as the latter team emerged, with green and silver overtaking the sky this time, and met them in the middle. The Slytherin captain, Austin, shot Lauren a glare which she straightaway returned. There were heated glances being exchanged between everyone to the point that they almost missed Madam Hooch’s mount whistle.
The match began smoothly with the Gryffindor Chaser, Normani taking the Quaffle. About twenty minutes into the match, Gryffindor was up by ninety points, while Slytherin had a miserable zero. The captain, doused in slivery green robes, began shouting at his teammates in anger, while Lauren bucked up her teammates with cheers, even those who lost the ball. The match suddenly grew heated as Camila and the Slytherin seeker, Lucy, darted off behind the goal posts, chasing the small, impossibly fast Snitch.
Seeing an opportunity, Austin signaled his Beater, Shawn to hit a Bludger towards Lauren who was a little distracted by the Snitch chase.
The next sequence of events occurred in a slow-motion split second; a hush falls over the crowd as her teammates shouted at her; Camila tore away from the Snitch with a look of dread and stared at the goalpost where the wild ball was heading straight towards her; this prompted her attention and she whirled around to see the ball, barely inches from her; her hands clasped the edge of her broomstick and she pulled her body upwards into a tumble roll with her eyes shut.
As she flew, the ball whooshed past her, grazing the tip of her helmet. The crowd drew in a collective breath and she prayed she had dodged it. The loud cheers made her face break into a triumphant grin, confirming her prayers and she opened her eyes, while fist pumping the air.
“Better luck next time, Dorito boy!” She sniggered and cast a look in his direction. He seemed oddly unfazed and sneered back in retaliation. A sense of panic and confusion invaded her and she whipped around to look in the direction Austin was staring at.  
“Wha…” she turned and her eyes met Camila’s, who was beaming at her.
And then she saw it.
From behind the petite brunette, the wild ball emerged.
“CAMILA DUCK!” She shouted and the other girl turned around. Camila’s eyes widened and the last thing she saw was a flash of dull gray and bright red.
“…and then thwack.”
“Yeah it was a pretty harsh blow.”
“Hey I think she’s waking up!”
The warm brown eyes fluttered open slowly and instantly began to blink back at thunderstorms swarming in her mind; the disjointed haze receding to the point where Camila could make sense of the world around her. Though the edges of her vision flickered and danced, she saw several faces looming over her and soft hands running along the length of her arms.
“H-how-” she tried to speak but felt a painful pressure against her chest and the soft strokes against her arms, picking up pace.
“No, baby don’t try to speak. You’ve broke like half of your ribs.” The voice, she recognized as Lauren cooed.
“Yeah Mila, the Bludger practically threw you off like 50 feet in the air, McGonagall had to cast a spell to lessen your blow.” Dinah, one of the Chasers and Camila’s best friend, said while placing a hand over hers.
“Even then, you broke both your arms and most of your ribs. Punctured a lung too.” Normani joined in. “You’re lucky we’re all magic folk. You could have been dead if this was the Muggle world.” The dark, Muggle-born girl grimaced, thinking about her own familial origin.
“Did w-we-” Camila tried to wheeze out the words and saw the faces of the team falter. She groaned and closed her eyes in disappointment, knowing what the answer was. 
She let everyone down. She let her teammates down, she let McGonagall down and worst of all; she let Lauren down. This would have been Lauren’s seventh consecutive win and would have made her the most successful Qudditch player, Hogwarts had ever produced. Her name would have echoed forever through the corridors, like the childhood dream she had narrated to Camila several times over, during their midnight strolls. And just like that, it was now gone.  
“Visiting hours are up. Off you go, let her get some rest!” Madam Pomfrey, barged in, squealing like a banshee.
“Drink up, dear.” She shoved a liquid flask in Camila’s hand as everyone mumbled goodbyes and dispersed not before helping her sit up. “You’ll be alright by tomorrow. Sleep tight, love.” The old woman patted her cheek and disappeared down the end of the hall, dimming the lights as she left. 
The silvery liquid, which smelled a lot like something the young Latina would never want to smell again, sizzled in her frail grasp and she downed the liquid in one go before she could throw it up. She had a horrible gag reflex and thankfully, her sexual preference ensured, that would never be put to the test.
As soon as the foul liquid was down her throat, she felt the ache inside her chest ease and her arms, gain a little mobility. It was the tingling in her arms that made her realize, the soft strokes against them had never stopped. An eerie sense of fear drenched over her and her eyes widened as she looked around.
“It’s only me.”
Camila screamed. The disembodied voice, no matter how familiar it sounded, combined with the dreariness of the medication, threw her off.
“Oh my God, Camz! You’re lucky I cast ‘Muffliato’ before you fucking screeched. Pomfrey would put me in one of these beds, if she caught me here.” Lauren’s head appeared level with the side of Camila’s bed.
“Y-you sc-ared me.” The brunette drew in large gulps of air, her speech becoming a little better and turned her head towards her girlfriend.
“I’m sorry baby,” the pale girl stood up, shredding off the cloak that rendered her invisible and peered through the hall, cautiously. The entire ward was now submerged in darkness, apart from the moonlight flooding through the large windows. Madam Pomfrey had probably sauntered off with Mr. Filtch for their usual late night dates; one they had accidently discovered during their own romantic misadventures. “Borrowed this from the Potter kid, nice guy. You didn’t think I was gonna leave you alone did you?”
“I figured…” Camila trailed off and lowered her gaze, as she felt tears prickling her eyes. Whatever it is she had drunk, it sure as hell was making her an emotional mess.
Lauren was quick to notice the distress and leaned beside her bed, taking her hand in a gentle grasp. “Hey, you can talk to me. What’s wrong, Camz?”
“I figured y-you wouldn’t want t-t-to see m-me.” She stuttered, the emotions threatening to erupt at the slightest provocation.
“Why would you think that, baby?” Lauren furrowed her brows and began tracing circles on the younger girl’s wrist like she had always done when Camila was upset.
“W-we lost and it wa-was my fault,” Camila choked out; the remaining pressure on her chest and the painful lump in her throat, made it hard to speak.
“No C-” The green eyed girl sighed but was cut short by her. She wasn’t even making an effort to conceal the tears anymore. “Lauren, if I hadn’t b-been gawking at you, I w-would have seen the s-stupid ba-ball!”
The older girl tightened her grip around Camila’s hand to get her attention and let out a small laugh. “You think that’s why we lost? Because you got knocked out?”
This made the brown eyes widen a little in confusion and little because Lauren’s laugh is her favourite thing. “You lost y-your Seeker…”
“Darling, we were up by 190 points to zero!” Lauren exclaimed. “We lost because, after you got knocked out, I left my post and grabbed Ally’s bat and started sending Bludger after Bludger in that twat’s direction. They had to pause the game to carry me away… Not before I got Mahone on a stretcher of his own though.” She spoke through gritted teeth and Camila felt her tongue form knots and her stomach do somersaults at the thought of how protective Lauren was of her. “And even then, we lost by ten points only.”
After a moment of silence, the warm eyes welled up again as she stared at her girlfriend. “W-why would y-you do that?”
“He hurt you.” The older girl shrugged and stated as a matter-of-fact.
Her brain, still a little unconvinced, began to form a thread of rambles, which she voiced exasperatedly. “But y-you wouldn’t have had to do that if I h-had just p-paid attention and you w-would have accomplished y-your dream-”
“Camila, I want you to listen to me very carefully,” Lauren cut her off and took her hand in both of her pale ones.
“Before I met you, the picture I had in my head, was a small, scrawny girl in shiny Qudditich robes standing in a humungous stadium, while the crowd chanted my name.” The older girl chuckled and pretended to whisper scream, “Jauregui! Jauregui!”
“Ever since the first day of Hogwarts, I always knew I wanted to be a professional Qudditch player. My family did not approve and thought it best for me to have a more Ministry based career. They doubted me, taunted me and I won every single cup hoping to win them over. All in vain” Her raspy voice cracked a little, as her green eyes began to shimmer, not with sadness but with pure adoration as they looked upon Camila, like they will never love anyone again as much as they love this woman before her.  
“You, my beautiful darling, were the first person to tell me you believed in me. You made me believe in myself. You told me, that I could be the world’s greatest Qudditch player and in that moment, it was all that mattered. It is all that matters.” She smiled and pressed her lips on top of her girlfriend’s hand, planting a gentle kiss. “Because the image I have in my head now is of the same, scrawny kid in Qudditch robes. But standing next to her, is this magnificent, intelligent and definitely the most gorgeous, woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and having her by my side is the only dream that I want.”
Camila was dumbfounded to say the least. Her mind was whirring with so many emotions and seeing Lauren look at her like that, with tears in her eyes, was the most vulnerable she had ever seen the older girl. She knew then and there, no doubts left in mind, that kneeling before her, is the woman she was going to marry someday.
“I love you, Camila Cabello. Making a life with you would be the greatest achievement of my life and not even a thousand of those silly cups could compare to that.” Lauren smiled earnestly and leaned forward to press her lips to the top her Camila’s head.
“I love you too.” Without waiting for her to pull away, with every ounce of strength in her body, the young Latina grabbed Lauren by the back of her neck and lifted herself off, to kiss her chastely.
Lauren, immediately, wrapped her arms around Camila’s midriff to keep her from falling and returned the kiss, wholeheartedly. It wasn’t like a normal kiss they shared, but one that carried their need for the other to see how much they wanted them; that their hearts would shrivel and grow cold if either were to ever let go. The kiss was a silent vow of ever after and a desire to show how much they craved each other. And when Camila moaned Lauren’s name in the kiss, Lauren knew she wanted to hear that sound until her ears were hard of hearing and old age took her; and when Lauren cupped Camila’s face tightly in her hands and stared at her with an intense gaze, Camila knew these pair of eyes were the last thing she wanted to see before she died.
Also, as of now, I’m not taking anymore prompt requests until I finish the ones I have lined up. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy <3 
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