#I never put together that it kind of feels as good as hand flapping because of course I never NOTICED or started? hand flapping until
hiddenbysuccubi · 6 months
Just a question. Because I just thought of it and I do not know the answer. Ever since Jr High at the latest I've whipped my head rapidly side to side to dry my hair and as an adult I haven't much but I've done so again recently and - it's a very pleasant feeling / stimulation and is that a thing other people do
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Birthday Buddies - Max Verstappen
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<word count - 3009>
"OK Maxie, here you go," you said, handing him the envelope with his name scrawled on the front. "Thank you, my love," he smiled, running his fingers under the flap to open it. He eyed you suspiciously as he didn't see a card in the envelope, instead seeing a folded piece of paper. 
Unfolding it, he saw the words written on the page. 'Max, as you know, today is your birthday! You're 26, and have already achieved so much, and I am so proud of you! To find your gift, you have to use your brain a bit... So, your first clue is the place we went on our first date,'
"Making me use my brain... Honestly, my love?" he sighed.
"Yes, now, take me to where we had our first date," you smugly smirked. Max figured he may as well play along. You had planned it all out, and he already knew you had put a lot of effort into it. Plus, it was your birthday too, so he had to listen to you just as much as you listened to him. 
"OK, OK, follow me," Max smiled, taking your hand and leading you out of your apartment. He took you through the winding streets of Monaco, the sun slowly setting over the city. You arrived outside of a small cafe that he took you to, because it was out of the way of the world and you could get to know each other, without the prying eyes of the world on you. 
"Good job Max, you have unlocked the next clue!" You smiled, handing him another, identical envelope as he opened it. "So you could just let me skip straight to the end, but you're choosing not to?" 
"Where's the fun in that? I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane," you said, the both of you remembering the magic that was your first night out. Max thought it was a nice idea, since you had done a lot together since you had started going out, and these were definitely some of his favourites. 
He thought he had blown it after your first date, since he was a stuttering, babbling mess due to how much he liked you. He could barely hold a conversation without being gobsmacked that you were there with him. 
He just couldn't get over how much he liked you, but he thought he had ruined any chances with you. Little did he know, you found it endearing how nervous he was. "Yeah, I guess it is fun," he nodded, unfolding the next piece of paper. 
'Well done, but you're not quite near the finish line yet. Next spot: Where did we have our first kiss?' he read outloud. "You really have to make this a bit harder, these are too easy," he shook his head, taking your hand again. 
It wasn't too far away from the cafe, and it was out on the marina. Some of the boats had their lights on, and the buildings behind you were also lighting up. "You're not in the right spot, hang on," he said, placing his hands on the sides of your arms and shifting you so you were stood by the exact palm tree on the marina yacht club walk. 
"There, we are in the perfect spot," he said, standing in front of you. He remembered gazing at you as you looked out on all of the boats, your eyes glittering under the marina lights. You were entranced by the way the sea sparkled, and how the boats gently bobbed on the surface of the water. 
There was no resisting the urge to kiss you when you noticed him staring, and it was the best decision he had ever made. He drowned in the feeling of holding you close, getting to have his lips against yours. It was like sparks flew whenever he touched you. 
"Yes we are, meaning you get the next clue," you smiled, the memories making you feel drunk with happiness. "OK, this is kind of a two in one," you told him, fishing the next envelope out of your bag. 
'You can't have possibly forgotten this one, because I know I can't, and I don't think you'll ever let me! Take me to the first place that you told me you love me...' he read, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Oh I will never forget this one," he smiled, grabbing your arm.
You were almost reluctant to put this as a clue, since it was a bittersweet memory. Max had taken you to the most beautiful restaurant you had ever seen, and it was still one you frequented now. 
Then, he had taken you on a short walk around the streets of Monaco, before stopping you at a bench by the sea. He was so nervous, since he was about to tell you his feelings. You, on the other hand, were nervous because you were sure you were going to throw up. 
You had felt off all day, but you weren't going to cancel on Max, so you just grinned and bore it. But now, your actions were proving to have consequences. As Max stopped you by the bench, you remembered every little detail of the events that unfolded.
He sat you down, just like he did two years ago, and took your hands. As the both of you thought back to that night, it was as if it were yesterday. Max looked beyond nervous as he looked at you, terrified you weren't going to feel the same way.
Current Max started to stutter, reenacting the moment. "So, Y/N, I... Uhm-" he fumbled, jittering around just like he did. "I love you," he blurted out, and you could have sworn you were back there. "I-" you started, before turning around and pretending to wretch into the bin behind you. 
In the memory, Max didn't care that he could have just ruined everything and simultaneously embarrassed himself, he just cared that you were OK. He rushed to your side, before sitting you back down. 
Now, he said the exact same line he had said, "Me saying I love you wasn't that bad, was it?" he said, and it caused a smile to form on your face both times. "I do love you Max, I just feel awful," you said, leaning into him like you always did.
"That was a weird night," he smiled.
"It was. I was surprised you still loved me after that one, it was the worst timing possible," you laughed, looking at his dazzling smile. "I couldn't fall out of love with you for something so small, I was just relieved you felt the same, my love," he said, waiting for the next clue.
"Next up, the penultimate clue," you said, handing him the final of the normal envelopes for the night. 'Since it's your birthday, it wouldn't be a birthday treasure hunt without sending you to the place where we found out we have the same birthday!' 
"This has been the easiest treasure hunt I have ever been on," he smirked, walking off and expecting you to follow him. You had picked all the spots quite close together, so that you wouldn't have to walk too far. 
"OK, here we are," he said, just stopping in the middle of the street. It had simply come up in conversation when you were walking and talking, and the two of you were both shocked, but also excited. 
Ever since, you both went all out to have the best day the both of you could ask for. "Any reason you sent us here or?" he asked, rocking back and forth on the spot. 
"No, I just thought it was relevant," you shrugged, producing the final envelope of the excursion. "This one might be harder for you, but I don't know," you told him, handing him the golden object. 'Finally, take me to the place where I first fell in love with you,' it said.
Max looked confused, and you could see the cogs turning in his mind. "I would have remembered if you had told me where this was," he said, not moving from the spot as he thought. 
"Would you like a lifeline? You can phone a friend, take the bonus clue, or have me point you in the right direction," you told him. 
"I'll take the bonus clue," he decided, waiting for whatever it was going to be. 
"You have selected: 'Y/N's Bonus Clue!'" you enthusiastically said, revealing a blue envelope with a big, orange question mark adorning the front.  "Thank you, my love," he smiled, opening the envelope and looking more confused. 
'We've already been here today...' he read to you, taking a moment to think. It could have been any of them, really, but he went for the one he thought would be most likely. "OK, follow me," he skeptically said, taking you back to the marina yacht club walk, next to the palm tree where you had shared your first kiss. 
"Unfortunately, that is the first one you have gotten wrong today. You can still use one of your life lines, those being phone a friend or have me point you in the right direction," you told him, glad you hadn't made it too easy on him. "I'll phone a friend," he said.
"Alright then, phone a friend it is," you said, pulling your phone out of your bag and dialing a mystery number. Well, it was a known number, but you had changed the contact name to mystery number. "I thought it was phone a friend?" he said, taking the phone from you. 
"It is," you nodded as if it were obvious, the mystery person picking up on the other end of the line. "Hi, this is Max, I'm doing Y/N's treasure hunt, and I'm stuck on the last clue. I've been told you might be able to help me?" he asked, feeling positively ridiculous. 
"Hi, yes I can," the person tried not to burst out laughing, "You need to take her to the place where you first figured out she was the person you wanted to spend your life with," he laughed, remembering when Max had told him that. He had found it unbelievably cheesy, yet sweet at the same time. 
"OK, thank you Lan- I mean mystery person, I appreciate it," Max giggled, now knowing where to take you. "Right, off we go," he said, leading you to the final destination. He was hoping the mystery person wasn't wrong, because that would be embarrassing. 
"Here we are," he hummed, stopping you back outside the cafe that was your first place. "I think the mystery caller sent me to the wrong place," he sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck. Surely you hadn't loved him since your first date, right?
"No, you're at the right spot," you reassured, letting him figure it all out in his head. "What was the clue, Max?" you prompted. 
"The place you first fell in love with me," he recited, the pieces still not fitting together in his mind. "And where are we?"
"The place we had our first date?" he said, and it sounded more like a question due to his unsurity. "Exactly, because I've always loved you. Even if I couldn't put a name to how I felt back then, now I know it was just because I had never loved anyone as much as I love you," you smiled.
"Thank you, my love, that was beautiful," he smiled, trying to contain tears at how much your words had touched him. "As for your gift, it's back at home," you said, and nothing happened. "I said, as for your gift, it's back at home!" you shouted, craning your neck so your voice would carry further around the corner. 
A man appeared from around the corner, a hood pulled up over his eyes. He dropped something by your feet, and you picked it up. "Sorry, excuse me, you dropped this," you said, but the man kept on walking. "Well isn't that strange," you said, handing him the black, leather book that the man had dropped. 
"It is, isn't it?" Max joined in, catching onto the act. He ran opened the cover, immediately realising what this was. It was a photo album, with all the pictures you had taken at those spots you had sent him to today, as well as others from other good times.
He ran his fingers over your features, noting how you hadn't changed at all in the two years you had been together. "There's not much you can do for a man who has it all," you smiled, hoping he liked it. "You're right, I do have it all, I have you," he said, cringing at himself internally.
However, you couldn't hide the goofy smile and blush that tinted your cheeks. "But this is the best gift you could have gotten me besides yourself," he said, flicking through the pages upon pages of memories, forever recorded through colour. 
"I'm glad you like it," you grinned. 
"Now come on, birthday girl, let's get you home," he smiled, tucking the album underneath his arm, looping the other around your waist as he lead you home. When you got to the door of your apartment, you noticed it was open. 
"I swore I locked this when we left..." You said, worried. You didn't want your birthdays to be ruined by someone breaking into your home. "Yeah, you did," he reassured, but he was awful at hiding the smirk on his face. 
Pushing the door open, you saw that the room was lit up in nothing but candles, and relaxing spa music was playing. "I didn't take you to a single spa while we've been globe trotting, so I thought the least you deserved was the at home Spa de Max," he explained, pushing you through the door. 
"Well I already think Spa de Max is better than any spa you could take me anywhere else," you told him, walking into the apartment. "I hope to live up to your expectations, so, go put this on, and your masseuse will be with you when you are ready," he said, handing you a fluffy white robe - just like in a spa. 
"OK," you zealously nodded, excited for what Max had in store. You did just as he had said, changing out of your clothes and into the robe. When you got back out to the living room, you saw the dining room table in the middle of the room, with what looked to be a mattress topper on top.
"Trust me on this, it is actually very comfy," Max said, standing beside the table. "On you get," he told you, and you clambered onto the table. "May I?" he said, slipping his hands into the robe by your shoulders. "Yeah, course," you agreed, letting him slip the soft fabric off your shoulders, and leaving the rest handing on you hips. 
"Lie on your front for me, my love," he said, as you maneuvered onto your front, resting your head on your arms. "Now just close your eyes, and relax," he instructed. Max dabbed some essential oils on his hands, before running them over the span of your back.
As he worked his hands into your muscles, you were trying not to fall asleep. "How did you know we'd be going out?" you asked, wondering how he had managed to sneak someone in to set the house up.
"Because your little helper is also my little helper. He told me we'd be leaving, so I sent him to set all of this up. But, don't worry, he didn't tell me a single detail about what we'd be doing," he reassured you, knowing you wouldn't want the surprise to be ruined.
"Our helper has been a busy boy," you slurred, trying to keep yourself awake by talking. 
"Aww my love, are you tired?" he teased, moving his hands up your neck and across your shoulders. "This is just so nice," you mumbled against your arms.
"Don't fall asleep just yet, you still have a few more experiences in Spa de Max," he said, his hands ceasing their movements. "That'll be hard to beat," you said, sitting up on the table. "Fine, I'll take that as a challenge," he smiled, 
When you stood off the table, Max pulled your robe back up and over your shoulders, tying the belt back up to keep you warm. "Tonight is finally the night I will allow you to put a face mask on me," he said, pushing you onto the couch and sitting next to you. 
"Really?!" You asked, gobsmacked. For some reason, Max had plainly refused to put on a face mask whenever you did, but now was your opportunity. "Yes, anything for the birthday girl," he smiled, even if it was his birthday too. The best gift for him was seeing you happy, after all. 
You tugged your headband out of your hair, slotting it onto his head as his blonde strands were pushed back out of his face. On the coffee table, Max had differents pots of face masks with pre-sliced cucumbers to choose from. "Which one?" he asked.
"I'll go for blue," you nodded as he picked up the blue pot, unscrewing the lid. Max just dipped his fingers in, practically slapping the thick substance onto your face. He slathered it around until he thought he had covered enough of the area. 
"Max, you have put it on so thickly, it'll never dry," you whined, seeing half the container was gone, meaning half was on your face. "Just means you'll be extra refreshed," he smiled, picking up the green pot and handing it to you.
You did the exact same to him, slathering more than two thirds of it onto his face, before trying to put the cucumber slices on his eyes. Before you could, he pulled you in for an affectionate kiss. "Happy birthday, my love," he smiled, tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
"Happy birthday to you too, Max, I love you," 
A/N - Happy birthday to Maxie! And to me so I guess that's fun... Have a great day!
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venturelovebot · 11 days
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Premise: Fairy reader and beekeeper Venture headcanons for @f3r4lfr0gg3r since you enjoy my AU as much as I do! I hope you like them!
Warnings: None! Just tooth rotting fluff!
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(YouTube link for the song instead!)
🌱 They still remember the day they took you in like it all happened yesterday.
🌿 It was a warm and sunny day, fluffy cotton clouds dappling the azure sky.
🍀 They had just finished the days work tending to their bees when they start the process of filtering and storing their collected honey.
🐝 They had so much of it at this point that they really weren't sure what to do with it.
👒 Selling it at the farmers market was certainly a choice, but they didn't know how well it do or if their product was even worth selling.
🍯 They didn't even have a label. Or a farm name. Or anything, really.
🧺 All they had was a shed full of honey and beeswax that no one really wanted. Except themself, of course.
🍄‍🟫 Well... and, as it would seem... one other person.
🌾 They still remember finding their shed door slightly ajar, wondering if they had just forgotten to lock it or the wind somehow opened it on its own.
☀️ That's when they saw you.
🌷 At first, they were horrified. What kind of person breaks into another persons shed to drink that much honey? We're talking about several shelves full lining the walls from top to bottom.
🪻Are you going to be okay? Should they call an ambulance? Should they yell at you and tell you to get out of here?
🌻 You looked back at them with the most gentle eyes they've ever seen. That's when they notice the wings protruding from your back.
🍊 Come to think of it, you're not dressed like a normal human being either. It was like something out of a fantasy movie or maybe a subculture magazine.
🍓 "Oh? My? God?" Are the first words that leave their lips.
🌱 Your wings flap. They start to panic. Surely this has to be some sort of practical joke, right? Are they being filmed?
🌿 Nope. Just an extremely guilty fairy trapped inside a shed filled with sweet, goopy goodness and not a single person in sight to supervise them.
🍀 So they did what any rational human being would do– take you home.
🐝 It's near impossible to communicate at first. You don't seem to speak any known human languages, opting to speak... or more like, produce...? Naturalistic sounds, glimmers, soft chimes and gentle ringing noises instead.
👒 It seems like you understood them for the most part. You just... couldn't speak to them very well.
🍯 So they take it slow and easy over the next few days. They feed you nothing but milk and honey until they can find something better for you.
🧺 They can still remember asking you that question. "Can you tell me what your name is?"
🍄‍🟫 "⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹"
🌾 "Uhhh... can you repeat that?"
☀️ "‎⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。"
🌷 "Okay. Well, maybe some more honey could work." They think aloud to themself, putting a hand under their chin as they ponder about what to do.
🪻Then they hear it.
🌻 "Honey...?"
🍊 They nearly fall backwards. Did you sincerely just say your first word? Is this how parents feel? Except you're not a child– you're far more intelligent than that.
🍓 "Honey...!" You say again.
🌱 "Yes! Honey! You like that a lot!"
🌿 You smile from seeing them smile. Then you point at them. "Honey...!"
🍀 They're confused. "What? No. I'm not honey."
🐝 "Honey!"
👒 "No– no, no! My name is Sloan. Sloan Cameron."
🍯 "Sloan... honey...!"
🧺 They put two and two together. You were telling them that you liked them. A lot.
🍄‍🟫 Never in their entire life had they felt so special than in that moment.
🌾 A couple days later they take you to see the bees. Instantly they begin to swarm around you, settling in your hair, atop your head and fingertips.
☀️ They were so calm and gentle around you. It made harvesting a breeze.
🌷 A couple days later they also got to meet Lifeweaver– king of the fae– when he was worried about your whereabouts because it's not like fae to go missing.
🪻 The two of you converse in your strange little fairy language. You tell him you're happy, you love your new home and you're well taken care of.
🌻 You even make Sloan breakfast now– although Lifeweaver had to tell you that adding every type of candy you had available on top of pancakes drizzled with a full jar of honey isn't exactly good for humans.
🍊 Unlike fae, humans can build up sugar intolerances and too much can make them sick. So he teaches you simpler dressings and toppings that are equally as yummy as they are sweet.
🍓 And good god, they feel so spoiled.
🌱 A lot of your dates consists of picnics, walking through the city botanical gardens for hours on end, singing to them in your home language and watching TV together.
🌿 Of course, that's not to say you two didn't do other things. It's just the simplest things that you could both do right now.
🍀 Eventually they will teach you how to cook. They'll introduce you to more and more food over time. They want to be extra gentle in expanding your palette and make sure you don't experience the human world so fast that you get overwhelmed.
🐝 They learned that bread and butter was the next biggest hit to milk and honey. They learned that any type of meat made you sick, and to avoid it all costs. They also learned that a lot of vegetarian and vegan options tasted a lot better than they looked.
👒 They introduce you to pizza– you can't get enough of it. Garlic bread was next. Instant favorite. Giant pretzels and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ice cream. Various types of fruit smoothies and similar concoctions.
🍯 You loved every single one of them it seems. Unless– it was served by somebody else.
🧺 They learned that you refused to touch food unless they give it to you directly. That's how your fifth date ended in near disaster– but it's okay, garlic bread with extra butter swooped in and saved the day.
🍄‍🟫 "You know, [Y/N]. I'm glad you're still with me." They reach over for your hand and take it in theirs– you were told that hand holding was something only people very close to each other did, so you were honored.
🌾 In this case, [Y/N] was the name they chose for you because they can't pronounce your fairy name.
☀️ They look over at you. Their face is bright red– you were worried. You were taught that redness meant illness. Are they sick?
🌷 "No! I'm not sick. Don't worry about that." They reassure you. "I just–" They choke on what they want to say next. It won't leave their throat.
🪻 But they look at you. They have to tell you, or it's going to eat them alive inside.
🌻 "[Y/N]... I like you a lot. You know that?" Their face is radiating a thousand degrees of heat.
🍊 Your wings flap happily behind you. "I like you, too!" You smile.
🍓 "No! That's not what I meant. I mean– I like you more than you like honey. Or bread. Or pizza." They pause for a moment. "I love you."
🌱 The words tumble around inside your brain for a minute. Then, you understand completely.
🌿 "I love Sloan, too!" You smile.
🍀 Tears start falling. They cover their mouth with their free hand, finally deciding to go in for a hug all together.
🐝 "What is this called?" You ask.
👒 "It's a hug– you give it to the people you love and care for." They explain, holding you close by the waist to avoid bothering your wings.
🍯 "Me, too!" You excitedly wrap your arms around them to hug them back. They felt like they could hold you forever.
🧺 "Longer hugs are called cuddles. Would you like to do that?" They ask you.
🍄‍🟫 You furiously nod. Of course! Long hugs sounded so great!
🌾 The two of you cuddle to sleep every night, and in the morning you're still holding tightly on to them and refuse to let go.
☀️ Except, of course, when Sloan begged you to let them get up and use the bathroom. You knew what that meant. It's the only time they left your sight– but every single time you'd see their smiling face again and it cheered you right up.
🌷 Meanwhile, Lifeweaver approves of the whole thing. He has weekly visits where he comes and explains things a bit more thoroughly than Sloan can. You're learning and adapting so well, and they really couldn't be more proud of you.
🪻 "Niran told me that I should try something called a 'kiss'!" You mention. Before they even had time to react, you lean in and place a soft kiss to their lips and pull away just in time for them to turn the brightest shade of carmine.
🌻 "AAAAAAAAAAAAA—" They're frozen.
🍊 "Oh, dear... perhaps a little too soon for that, then?" He chuckles.
🍓 "Hm. Maybe garlic bread will help?" You point out.
🌱 It's all useless. You've broken them– you'll just have to wait this one out this time.
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ihni · 2 years
The best gifts are the ones someone put some thought into
For @harringroveweek day 2, "Steve Harrington's Jockstrap" (+ the daily set word count of 666 words)
(Read on AO3)
Billy had explicitly stated that he didn’t want a celebration. Which was probably exactly why he was now sitting in the couch at Hopper’s cabin, wearing a glittery party hat (against his will), flanked on both sides by Steve and Robin Buckley respectively, and being forced to blow out the nineteen candles on the cake that had been placed on the coffee table in front of him. Because the little shits never listened. Or, according to Steve, they listened ... and then did their best to do the exact opposite of what they’d been told to do.
Said little shits were all sitting on the floor around the table, ready with their plates to dig into the cake (courtesy of Mrs. Byers, who was standing with Chief Hopper in the corner of the room; they were also watching, but at least they kept their distance, unlike Max and her little friends). Rolling his eyes and sighing, Billy blew out the candles and endured the cheering and clapping as he did. He got a kiss on the cheek, and glanced over at Steve, who smiled at him from under his own glittery party hat.
“Cake!” Mrs. Byers proclaimed, just before the kids descended on the cake. “Then presents!”
She made good on her threat twenty minutes later, when everyone had gotten their fill of sugary sponge cake and blue frosting. Billy, who was still trapped between Buckley and his boyfriend – no doubt they had planned it like that so that he wouldn’t be able to escape, knowing he wouldn’t be used to being in the center of this kind of attention – had no choice but to bite back his protests and let them pile a small mountain of presents on the table in front of him.
Not looking anyone in the eye, he reached for the first one – he wouldn’t get out of it at this point, so he might as well just get it over with.
He got a shirt from Mrs. Byers, a handwritten ‘get out of jail a speeding ticket’ card from the Chief (who knew the man had a sense of humor?), a copy of “Rocky Horror” on VHS from Buckley (which, he never should have told her he liked that movie, now she wouldn’t shut up about it) and four different comics (two Marvel, two DC) from Max’s little friends. It was more presents than he’d ever gotten for a birthday before, and he hadn’t even gotten to the ones from Steve or Mrs. Henderson yet. Feeling warm, but less in a feverish way and more in a pleasant way, he reached for the next box on the table. This one was badly wrapped in something that looked like taped-together napkins, and there was no name on it.
“It’s from me,” El said, probably having seen him turn it over to try to find a card.
He gave her a small smile as he set about opening the box. When he got it open, it took him a second to understand what he was looking at. A second during which Steve and Robin both leaned in to see what it was. When understanding dawned, Billy squeaked and shoved the flaps of the box closed, face burning. Next to him, Steve choked on air.
“Uh, El?” Robin said from the other side of him. “Is that a … jockstrap?”
Eyes wide and guiltless, El nodded. “Yes,” she said, before informing them helpfully, “It’s Steve’s.”
Billy squeezed his eyes shut. God, no.
“Why are you giving Billy Steve’s jockstrap?” the Chief asked, and oh great, he’d walked closer and was now standing just behind them.
“You said good presents should be something that a person likes,” El said. “And Billy said he loved this.” She smiled angelically and looked proud as she added in a conspiratorial whisper; “I snooped.”
Hiding his face in his hands, Billy pressed the box to his chest and wished for death. Steve was stammering next to him. Robin burst out cackling.
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hyper-jam · 9 months
Neurodivergent related SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons because I am so autism abt them 🫶🫶🫶
-Mike has autism, Ness has autism and ADHD/AuDHD
-Mike is hardcore on the social related things. Doesn’t like eye contact and will either make way too much or way too little, his responses in conversations tend to be blunt and dry, he doesn’t enjoy small talk, he very much likes communication to have a point and to get to said point quickly, he only really talks more if it’s something he’s interested in/knows a lot about, he’ll actively say or do rude things without realizing or intending to (quite often in fact), he’s generally seen as kind of off putting, etc.
-Ness on the other hand is very social. They may be a little weird and struggle with social cues but they’re a hardcore extrovert and a huge theater kid so people just think he’s kinda quirky and leave it at that. He never stops yapping, knows a lot about a lot and makes sure everyone knows (in an info-dumpy way, not a condescending way) and generally loves learning about people. He is often seen as quite annoying by a lot of peoples standards, but many people also find him charming (Mike falls down the pipeline from one to the other lol)
-Mike is a subtle stimmer. Lots of stuff that might get him clocked as anxious at most but other than that most people don’t even notice. Lots of nail biting, skin picking, hair touching, face scratching, leg bouncing, squeezing his hands, rubbing his temples, rubbing his clothes, cracking/popping parts of his body (knuckles, neck, etc.) stuff like that
-Ness is usually also a pretty subtle stimmer, but has more noticeable stims way more often than Mike. Theyll click/tap pens, mess with the strings on their apron, fidget with their pins, run their hands through their hair, adjust their clothes, talk a lot with their hands, hum and sing and quote things, tap their fingers together, rock on their feet, generally swaying their weight, pacing, fidgeting with their face (poking their own face, chewing on their lips and cheeks, pulling on their lips, rubbing their eyes, etc.), little random dances, bouncng, hand flapping, etc.
-Mike experiences shut downs and meltdowns fairly often. He's incredibly stressed and tired all the time so frankly why wouldnt he. He'll get even quieter and more blunt than usual, he'll stim more, he'll try to be alone, he'll lash out a bit, etc. it usually takes him at least a couple hours to recover
-Ness experiences meltdowns somewhat often as well, though he doesnt really get shutdowns. His meltdowns are usually caused by simple overstimulation and they often result in a lot of rambling, more stimming, generally anxious behavior, sometimes snapping at people depending on the situation and how bad it is. He’s fairly good at calming himself down all things considered, but can easily be a bit over the top and kinda fall into the stress
-Usually the kind of thing that would make him full on shut down is social rejection. For multiple reasons, he doesnt handle social rejection very well, so on the somewhat rare occasion he picks up on the subtle hints of it or someone is direct with him about it, he’ll get insecure, quiet, fidgety, shaky. He's usually pretty good at putting on a face but he'll need to take a minute to kinda reset himself, usually via listening to music and mumble singing to himself while tapping his fingers or fidgeting with his clothes or something
-part of previously mentioned headcanons about how they hug and cuddle a lot and are also generally kinda clingy has to do with them stimming together. Mike loves a good pressure stim, so hugging or cuddling Ness can provide that easily. Ness loves things like playing with Mike’s hair and hands and face, just generally kinda fidgeting with his body. They’re huge on body doubling and parallel play, they like just generally being together cause they feel like they can be themselves around each other without any worries (for the most part lol) stuff like that
-they both have their comfort items, but Mike’s are usually a bit more subtle, like clothing or headphones or maybe smth Abby’s given him, while Ness’s are usually a bit more…strange lmao. Random trinkets and paraphernalia, stuff related to his many hyperfixations, some random piece of trash that’s been in his pocket too long, etc. /hj
-overall Mike is very quiet, overstimulated, blunt autism and Ness is very quirky, a bit too much, all over the place, never stops yapping AuDHD, and they can certainly clash at times but they definitely learn how to balance each other out
-idk what else to say rn lol but ill make more parts if i think of anything else 🥱🥱🥱
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pokemenlovingmen · 11 months
I've come on my hands and knees begging for some reader loving on some autistic submas, just a reader that loves these boys with all the quirks and hyper fixations included. A reader who understands the need to shake of that excess energy with some good hand flapping and loves to listen to hour long rants about the boys special interests (especially Ingo, that man WILL go on for hours if you let him, bb pls breath)
- 🐗 anon
PLEASE??? I need more positivity loving autism for autism, the good, the bad and the ugly. Sorry if these are a little short, I feel like a lot of headcanons here can overlap so I tried to find the specifics that I could.
Submas with male reader who loves their autistic traits!
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⚪ - He's happy you never force him to talk! Emmet goes nonverbal pretty frequently, not to say he doesn't want to talk. He wishes he was as verbose as his brother, because he does have a lot to say, but oh well. You always make him feel heard even if he isn't actually making any noise!
⚪ - If you live with him, things might be a little disorganized. He's more of a tactile stimmer and he'll do it with anything. If it isn't nailed down, he'll probably pick it up and start fiddling with it. Don't leave tools out. Usually he'll put those things down himself, though, shaking his head and saying "I am Emmet. And you need to keep this hammer away from me."
⚪ - You're all ears on the rare occasion he does talk a lot, which in a way only excites him more. He talks more and more the progressively more excited he gets and only gets more excited when he glances your way and sees you actually paying attention to him!
⚪ - If you are also an autistic or just generally stimmy person, you'll stim together! If he sees you stimming he'll start too. You're excited, why shouldn't he be, too?
⚪ - The number one most sympathetic person if you also go nv on him. He affords you every ounce of the kindness and respect you give him.
⚪ - He also just appreciates that you like him. Fact of the matter is, you really have to look a certain way, have certain interests, to be an autistic person afforded any respect and kindness. Emmet, and his brother too, neither of them are what people consider "cute" autistic people. He's a white-haired grown man in an elaborate costume with a cheshire smile and bizarre speech patterns. He expects not to be liked, expects not to be taken seriously, but you treat him as an equal and that matters. A lot.
⚪ - You never infantilize him and he's so grateful. Sometimes you need to slow things down in certain areas for him, or ask him to slow down in other spots, and you're always polite about it. You never speak for him, always ask first, and most importantly to Emmet, you never assume he doesn't understand things. He couldn't be happier with a man like you.
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⚫- You listen to him? You listen to him!! He talks so much, people often check out. But you listen! He's over the moon when you ask him questions about the subways or his favorite Pokemon he's been talking about, because that not only means you're listening, but that you're interested! Questions are his love language, strange as it is, but those tell him what he's saying to you matters.
⚫- He's more prone to external meltdowns than his brother. And you have his constant gratitude for never being embarrassed about him, you swiftly escort him out of places of high stress and are there as he decompresses.
⚫- Ingo is really thankful you don't have any expectations on him to react or even just emote certain ways. Pretty much all of the autistic flat effect got heaped on him and he's spent a lot of time, and I mean a lot of time, stressing about reacting the right way or feeling self conscious about how he's always frowning and people can't tell what he's thinking. But you know Ingo enough to know when he's happy even if his face doesn't say it.
⚫- I think generally he worries he embarrasses you, maybe with his behavior, or his looks, or the way he talks. That being said he always lights up when you reassure him of the contrary. Especially for someone who interacts with so many people on a day-to-day basis, he gets anxious that he looks unapproachable or even a bit ugly, so it means the world to him when you tell him you love his quirky little catlike frown, or the ways his eyes just shine when he's excited even if not much else changes facially.
⚫- Between him and his brother, I think Ingo concerned himself a lot more with masking. Both of them did it, of course, but Emmet is both more confident and he also has the image of "the happy one", so Ingo feels particularly self conscious about his stims. He doesn't do it often, even if you encourage him to relax a bit and not stress himself out about masking. He's masked for so long and so often he's almost ironed out stims from his life completely. That being said he does still stim occasionally, usually hand flapping, and he's glad you don't make a big deal out of it or draw attention to it. Ingo isn't sure he'll ever feel comfortable stimming like his brother can, but around you, it feels normal. And it's nice to feel normal.
⚫- He prefers it if you let him initiate touch, but also appreciates it when you lean into it and reciprocate. He just prefers to initiate, which he's glad you respect, because his touch-positive and touch-averse days come and go sort of at random.
⚫- Even better connections with him will form if some of your special interests overlap! He can indulge and rant for hours and hours and hours if you are there to enjoy his interests with him.
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meximango · 10 days
Day 16 - third-rate - Altani + Mogren  - G
Summary: Altani calms down her pissed off moogle friend, as they think about a certain redhead who wronged them
(Vaile would have loved moogles in another time/life, but this is the one where he still needs to unlock his childhood wonder yet again, so instead they just annoy him lol.)
“Can you believe the nerve of that guy, kupo?!” Mogren flapped their wings furiously as they flitted to and fro in front of Altani’s face. 
They’d been agitated like this for a while, so Altani had settled down cross-legged in front of their campfire, waiting to see how long her friend could go on. So far, it's been half a bell. She was currently roasting some fish over the fire, waiting for it to get flaky. A meal might be enough to distract the moogle. If not, at least it would fill her grumbling belly.
“Yeah, the laughter was a bit much. You weren’t even telling a joke! If you were, I would’ve laughed too, because you know I think you’re hilarious, buddy.” “So right you are, Tani. He was waaaay outta line! Not even grateful a moogle was gracing his presence. How many men can even say they’ve seen one of us, kupo. What a brat.” Altani chuckled lightly at that. Vaile was around her age, but he acted like he knew so much more about the world than her, and disregarded her when she tried to get him to loosen up a bit and have some fun with her and Mogren. He thought their antics were childish, but in her opinion, he really was a brat, thinking he was above enjoying time off and relaxing with a bit of drink and cheer. 
(Cahsi had been making some progress with the guy, getting him to open up and soften the sharp edges, probably because she could easily hand his ass to him and didn’t take his shite for very long. 
Altani had mixed success, if she was being generous. She didn’t see him as much, and with Mogren almost always at her side and butting heads with him every time they so much as got within 5 yalms of each other, Altani had had little time to try to strengthen their friendship on her own. They seemed to get along best when training together, martial prowess leading to mutual respect. She’d like to think they were friends, anyway. Vaile didn’t wholeheartedly threaten her anymore with his scythe, and that was good enough for her.
Luvon wasn’t doing so well with him, but he was a very hopeful and persistent guy, so she didn’t worry too much about him. Every time he opened up his mouth, he seemed to say just the wrong thing to set Vaile off, which was funny. Luvon may have been practically blind, but he had a way of seeing right through to the core of people immediately, making them vulnerable. It could be uncomfortable, forced to face yourself and be honest when you’re around him, so she could see how Vaile would hate it. It was difficult for someone who wanted to keep their true feelings hidden to interact with someone like that, so the two did not get along that well yet. Cahsi, Altani, and Luvon had hope for this project, though! Vaile was just like a feral kitten. Eventually with enough exposure to kindness, he would become tamed, but you had to mostly let him come to you. That was the goal, anyway - to ‘domesticate’ him. They were really sick of meeting up and nearly devolving into fights, and he seemed like he genuinely wanted to change and seemed interested in trying out heroics instead, so they agreed to work on befriending him. To give him a support network. That way he wouldn’t fall down back into the darkness again. The trio had explored numerous dungeons together now, but never with Vaile. The plan was to drag him along with their group sometime soon so they could all bond. Nothing like fighting together with someone, facing danger and putting your life in their hands to build trust and understanding quickly! 
Still. A work in progress. Vaile pisses Mogren off or vice versa, then Altani ends up being mediator. She’d like to move on from that, but not yet, apparently.)
“I agree Vaile’s a total brat, but you’re not the first moogle he’s seen, did you know that? That’s why he didn’t seem surprised or awestruck when he first met you. I learned from Cahsi that he had a run-in with a few of your fellow Churning Mist moogles once. They were all over him, teasing and poking fun! He tried attacking a few, but that didn’t end well for him. I don’t think he hates moogles, though. He’s never tried hurting you, right? He just talks a big game. I guess he’s not… whimsical enough to appreciate your kind as much as he should.” “Make him have more whimsy, then!” “I’m trying! He’s stubborn!” “Well keep trying. That does explain our first meeting, though, kupo. I brought out all the stops: the flourishes, the sparkles, I even shined up my pom! His reaction was one of the most lackluster I’d ever seen. But still, I’m not happy with him. He insulted my music!” “He should’ve been nicer about it for sure. Damn colorful insults when the twerp feels like it, though, I have to give him that. If only he’d use that creativity to join us in story time… And to be fair…” “Oh no, kupo, you better not be about to defend him! He called me a third-rate artist, Tani! Prepros-pros?-prostro…crazy!” As though to demonstrate, Mogren played a chord on their harp. The defense fell flat, as it was much messier than usual. “Nah, not an excuse for his rudeness, but you weren’t at the top of your game today, either. You hit the bottle a little hard today–barely saved any for me, you little puffball! And you forgot to tune your harp before offering to play a song. That plus your tipsy playing just wasn't the best mix. Sorry to say, Mogren, but it was a lil messy.” Altani made a motion with her thumb and pointer finger, bringing them close together, to show that it was just a tad off. Not too bad. But definitely not something that was going to impress someone as sober and serious as Vaile. Drunken songs only worked on other drunk people. Mogren plucked at their harp a bit more before sighing, their pom drooping down in front of their face. “It really is out of tune, wah!! How embarrassing, kupo. Still, he should’ve taken pity on a poor spirits-addled moogle! I bet my messy playing is still better than anything he could do.” “Hmmm…” Altani pretended to think for a moment. Before Mogren could shriek in outrage and try to fruitlessly pummel her with their fuzzy little fists, she grinned widely and continued. ”Oh most definitely. I’d bet on you for sure any day, Ren. You’re much older and practiced than him. Can you imagine him trying to play some delicate stringed instrument?” Mogren burst into giggles. “The brute would be so bad at it! The strings would snap immediately. If he messed up, he’d probably break his instrument like a baby having a tantrum!” “I could see that, yeah. Stomp on it or throw it in a ravine. Ooh, or throw it up in the air and slice it in half! Yeah, he’d do something dramatic like that. Bet he’d be great at the drums, though. If he took his anger out on those, we’d all go deaf!” Altani joined in with her own giggles. 
Was it a little mean to laugh about the guy she was trying to get closer to behind his back? Maybe, but also he started it by insulting her best friend when they were inebriated. He had to learn to be a little nicer if he didn’t want people poking fun at him. Besides, he made it so easy. 
“Next time he comes by, I’ll show him just how wrong he was. He’s going to be brought to tears by my beautiful playing! Then he’ll have to run away to hide the tears on his face, but I’ll know!” “Woohoo, that’s the spirit, buddy! Imagine how embarrassing it’d be for him to admit he was wrong and to give you a compliment? I can’t wait.” At least Mogren was no longer fuming and was back to their usual jovial and somewhat mischievous self.
A few malms away, Vaile felt a shiver pass through him as he rode away on his chocobo. Why did he suddenly feel like he should be regretful… Oh well, not worth worrying about. He was just glad to be away from the cacophony of that camp.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
fathers day was yesterday but for reference: around the beginning of june, baby starts spending time away from the house, giving the excuse that she's just going to the library to use their computers :) but jesse doesnt really believe this (and baby is a Bad liar) and his mind immediately jumps to "oh my god she put in the right combo of key words and found a news article and now she knows. she knows who i am". shes not home as much and seems a little secretive and suddenly theres bandaids on her fingers and hands, and the little inside out figures in his head are basically in constant conversation about "ok what horrible thing has happened/is happening and how can we blame ourselves". before he can articulate his anxiety though, sunday morning comes and baby is already waiting for him in the living room with demi, anxiously bouncing her leg but looking excited. "happy fathers day!!" she exclaims, jumping up with a little hand flap. demi hands her something that baby rushes over to him; he hasn't seen her so openly excited since their trip to the aquarium in anchorage. she presents to him a crooked little wooden box that has splinters and is sanded unevenly and has a gap between the lid and the edge of the box. a "j" has been painstakingly carved into the lid (it looks a little more like a distorted "v" but thats ok). "sheila taught me how to make one!! also i watched this one video a bunch of times about how to put all the sides together. its kind of messed up because i started before i found the video but maybe its ok??" all of his anxiety drains out of him, replaced by an overwhelming feeling thats love and grief and pride and heartbreak all at once. he knows all of these emotions are visible (he never learned how to make a good poker face) because baby leans in and gives him a hug. "i love u, j. ur my best friend." he spent years searching for a reliable father figure and now he's found one in himself.
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Clipped Wings - Chapter 4
@samatedeansbroccoli @lashlamb13 (Let me know if you would like to be added or removed to the tag list.)
“Hm?” She’d been speaking with Hali as her lady in waiting ate breakfast, and her thoughts must have wandered.
“Are you okay?” Hali pushed her empty plate away. “You seem in a dour mood.”
Anaria rubbed at her temple. “I am. What my father said about leaving me behind makes sense, but I don’t like it.”
Hali simply nodded. “He’s trying to look out for you.”
“I know. It’s just…”
“He should have told you earlier.” 
It was Anaria’s turn to nod. Hali could read her like an open book. 
“You’re still welcome to come with me to Anika’s class,” Hali offered. 
Anaria thought about it for a bit before declining. It would be nice to spend time with her friend, but struggling with healing magic was the last thing she wanted to do right now. She felt especially restless after her nap.
“I think I’ll spar with Sylvae,” Anaria said. “I kind of blew up at her yesterday. Maybe this will help both of us.” 
A worried look crossed Hali’s face.
“Look, if I get hurt, you’ll be there to heal me, right? Besides, I’ve never gotten hurt that badly from sparring.” 
Hali didn’t look happy with this, but she just nodded, and took a sip of her tea.
Anaria was good with a sword. Or, she at least thought so. She’d been training since she was 6. Her father hadn’t liked her starting so young, but she’d been stubborn and persistent about it. So, here she was, 15 years later, staring down Sylvae in one of the palace’s main courtyards. The Royal Guard trained here, and Anaria considered it an honor to be included. 
Anaria paced a section of the courtyard, sword drawn, wings spread in a display of dominance and power. Sylvae was across from her, doing very much the same thing. They’d clashed once already, were both nursing some bruises, and had parted to take on a new angle.
“You really should have told me what my father had planned,” Anaria said, trying not to let too much anger into her voice. She didn’t want this to turn into a real fight. 
Sylvae rushed her. Anaria brought up her sword to defend herself, the blades clashing together. They were using the flat of the blade so as not to draw blood, but Sylvae’s blow was still strong; it sent a shockwave down Anaria’s arms.
Luckily, Anaria’s arms were used to it. She pushed at the connection, trying to shove Sylvae away. 
“And how would you have taken it?” Sylvae asked. “Just as well as last night, I presume?”
That angered her. With a cry, Anaria shoved hard, and Sylvae stumbled back. It was Anaria’s turn to rush her. She tried going in for Sylvae’s knees, but Sylvae easily evaded the blow with a strong flap of her wings, the sword swinging just beneath her boots. 
Sylvae gave a powerful flap of tawny wings, charging Anaria. There was little space for Anaria to move out of the way, and she found herself down on her back, the air knocked out of her. 
She managed to roll out of the way in time to avoid Sylvae’s “death blow”. She pushed herself up, and their swords met again, standing between two angered women. 
“You’re immature,” Sylvae said through gritted teeth.
Anaria wanted to argue, but, in a way that was very unlike her, she relented.
Because maybe she was immature. She’d thrown a fit and stormed out on her father during a conversation, and was still throwing a fit about this.
“I…” Anaria lowered her sword, feeling Sylvae release pressure on hers. She sighed, ran a hand through her sweaty hair. Her braid was coming undone. “I’m upset,” she said. “I don’t want to marry a human I’ve never met.”
Sylvae frowned, nodded in understanding. “I wouldn’t want to marry one either, if I’m being honest.”
Anaria put a hand to her forehead, shook her head. “It’s just a mess. My father should have told me. I shouldn’t blame you for his mishaps.” She met Sylvae’s gaze. “I’m sorry.” 
Sylvae sprung at her, and for an instant, Anaria thought she saw anger twist her features.
But as their swords clashed, Sylvae smiled. 
“So we’re not fighting anymore?”
“Not for real, no.” 
“You’ll go easy on me then?”
Sylvae laughed. “Absolutely not!”
Anaria hissed as Hali felt over the bruises across her left side. Hali winced. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her friend more. 
“Sorry. I’m just trying to get a feel for the injury.”
“Nothing’s broken, right?”
“Mm…” Hali delved down with what little magical ability she had, pouring it into Anaria’s body. Anaria flinched, feeling the discomfort of that. “Some cracks, but nothing truly broken.”
“Can you fix it?”
Hali bit her lip, looking at Anaria with uncertainty. She wasn’t very confident with her skill in this yet. Then she looked towards Anika, who stood nearby, wings like a blue jay’s spread loosely.
“You can do this, Hali,” she encouraged her.
Hali took a deep breath, and with the magic she had in Anaria, she mended. She felt all the little cracks in her ribs, gave them a push to speed up the healing process, to close up and be strong.
Anaria gasped and flinched, flapping her wings a little. Magical healing had its merits, but it was always an uncomfortable process for the patient. Hali hadn’t felt it herself, but it made sense to her why it would be so uncomfortable. She was literally going into her body and telling a natural process to speed up.
“I think I did it,” Hali said breathlessly, feeling a little drained. A smile spread her lips. The bruises would take some time to fade on their own, but the ribs themselves were better. It was just a minor injury now. “Feel any different?” she asked of Anaria.
Anaria twisted her head to look at the bruises, gently prodded at one, then lowered her tunic. 
“It feels better,” she told Hali, also smiling. She took her hand, gave it a squeeze. “I’m grateful. Thank you.” 
“And I’m sure those bruises would appreciate a hot bath,” Anika said.
“All of me would appreciate a bath,” Anaria responded. “Maybe not too hot though. I was just outside.”
Hali nodded. “I’ll ready it for you.”
“Have Wyniin do it.”
“Oh, I really don’t mind.” Hali was telling the truth. She didn’t mind waiting on Anaria, even as fatigue began to set in. She’d used her magic a lot that day, and she didn’t have a strong ability to begin with.
But gods, she’d really wanted to learn to heal, and she was doing it! She sent a quick prayer of thanks to Inlego, the God (or Goddess) of Magic. She hadn’t been granted a lot of power, but what she did have, she could use to be helpful.
“All right,” Anaria ceded. She touched Hali’s hair affectionately. “Lukewarm maybe?”
Hali nodded, smiled, and then she was off. She knew how much water Anaria liked in her baths, what scents and soaps she used. It wasn’t very difficult for her to set up. 
She was distracted while doing it though, distracted by Anaria’s touch, her voice, her smile. Hali hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself, and only had some weeks ago, but she was in love with Anaria. Completely in love. 
She saw the same appeal in her that men did, but knew their relationship was closer than that, and that just made it worse. Here she was in love with the princess of Nessar, her best friend, when said princess was arranged to marry a human prince.
A tear may have mixed itself into the bath water. 
It had been a very long time since Sol had seen a human. Not since that night…
Sol steeled himself. This was different. This wasn’t a group of humans sent to assassinate the royal family. This was a human king.
They’d agreed to meet at their borders, both too wary to venture past them into the heart of the other’s kingdom. Shimmerfort straddled the line between the two countries. It was a perfect meeting place.
About four decades wasn’t necessarily long enough for Sol to give up his distrust of humans, but he wanted to make an effort, extend a kind hand. He could feel war looming, tensions brewing, and he would need allies if he was to win it. What that war was though? He, as of yet, had no idea. 
Shimmerfort had been abandoned for decades. For a long while, it had served as a reminder of the bitter tensions between Nessari and humans, something that was constantly fought over. But, after some time, both sides had deemed the fort not worth the fighting, and had both abandoned it to time. 
Now though, it was being warmed with fires in the dusty hearths, and it’s age being hidden by fresh cleaning, furniture, and tapestries. This would make a good meeting place for both kings.
Sol had arrived first, it had seemed. Perhaps it was faster to fly than it was to walk, or use some animal as a mode of transportation. (Sol remembered that humans often rode horses. Why the animals tolerated this: he had no idea.) 
The flight had taken about two days, and Sol was tired after it, but he stood in the courtyard, cleaned up as best as he could be, hands folded in front of him. He had no weapons with him, though his guards were armed. He wanted to show that he was here for peace, but not let his guard down too easily. Besides, if anything went wrong, he had his magic, something humans didn’t possess. 
A horn blew from the wall, a clear note in the cloudless day. Dyon and his entourage had arrived. 
“Open the gates!” Sol called. He was nervous for this, but he wasn’t going to admit it, or show it, to anyone. 
Sol got his first glimpse of a human in a very long time, and the king and his men came riding in. The king was a tall man, around Sol’s height, with dark blond hair and an equally colored pointed beard, (though his beard had some gray in it.) His eyes were a dark gray, his nose pointed. 
He dismounted his horse easily, showing no soreness in having been riding. Sol didn’t understand how humans did it. 
He took off his riding gloves as his men began to dismount as well, taking his doing so as a sign of being able to themselves. 
He was looking around the fort, completely ignoring Sol. Sol tried his best not to frown and keep his expression passive. He wondered where the prince was, as he didn’t appear to be here. Had Dyon changed his mind and decided to leave his child behind as well?
“You call this a fort?” Dyon asked incredulously. “No wonder we stopped fighting over it.” 
Oh, he’s that kind of person, Sol thought. He knew, right then and there, that he didn’t like this man. However, this meeting wasn’t about whether they liked each other personally or not—it was about the good of their nations. 
“You call that a greeting?” Sol couldn’t help himself. He knew he shouldn’t have given attitude as a king, but Dyon had gone there first.
“My apologies, Majesty,” Dyon said, though it didn’t sound like he actually meant it. He handed the reins of his horse to one of his men, then headed over to Sol. “I see you arrived first.” He looked through the large double doors of the fort that were open to let in some air. The end of spring was hot in Nessar, even this far north. “I suppose you’ve made the fort livable, for the time being?”
“Of course,” Sol said. “Let us talk inside.” 
He was glad that Dyon and his guards walked beside him rather than behind him when entering the keep. He didn’t trust his back and wings to a human, especially one he’d just met. 
They sat together in one of the main dining rooms. It still smelled of dust, but looked much brighter with the cleaning and the windows open. Dyon appeared to already be sweating from the heat, probably not used to it, as Aborsken’s territories extended far to the north.
Servants poured them drinks, but from different pitchers. Dyon raised his eyebrows at this, but didn’t ask why, which Sol was grateful for. He didn’t need Dyon to know his past with alcohol and that he only drank grape juice in favor of wine these days. 
“So…” Dyon tapped his fingers on the table, reaching for his goblet. “You propose a treaty.”
“I do.” 
“And what would be the benefits of said treaty?” Dyon asked. He took a sip of wine, eyeing Sol over the goblet. 
And so Sol went into his speech, having rehearsed it many times. He told Dyon of the resources Nessar could provide, that they could help each other in battle if the need ever arose. 
“And where is your daughter?” Dyon asked, seemingly ignoring everything Sol had said. He was probably most interested in the marriage proposal that had come up in their letters. “I don’t see her presence here.” 
“She is attending to my duties back in Feycrest,” Sol responded. “I see you didn’t bring your son either.” 
“No,” Dyon said, placing his goblet down a little too hard. He stroked his beard. “You think a marriage would unite our peoples?” 
“I do.” 
“And what if a human and Nessari cannot conceive?” 
Sol hated thinking about it, but he had thought of it. He’d done research with the help of the royal librarians, and had found old records about unifications between Nessari and human. 
“My research has shown me that it is possible,” Sol said, trying not to grit his teeth.
“How old is your research?” Dyon asked. “Humans and Nessari have been at odds for a very long time.”
Sol didn’t like looking like he didn’t have anything good to propose, but he needed to be honest. 
“A thousand years old, give or take a few decades,” Sol explained. He hadn’t been born then, and the records were old, even for Nessari. 
Dyon frowned, clearly thinking. 
“If your son already has a prior engagement, I understand, but—”
“He does not.” Dyon shook his head. “Girad has never really been that interested in women.” 
“Oh, well, if he isn’t, then—” 
“He will marry Anaria,” Dyon interrupted again. 
Sol didn’t like that. This man was haughty and clearly thought himself above him, though they both held the same station. Perhaps it was a farce. He knew that Nessari had magic and longer lifetimes. That was part of what had caused unrest between the two races. Humans had no magic for themselves and distrusted Nessari greatly for their use of it.
Dyon sighed when Sol didn’t say anything. “I suppose now it is time to try to draw up a treaty.”
Sol nodded, unclenching his jaw. A treaty would be good, despite his distaste for the man. “I suppose it is.”
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thechangeling · 2 years
"I love you, Kit." Ty said, not looking away from Kit’s eyes. "But not in the way you need me to."
"Okay." Kit exhaled shakily. "That's okay. I just- I can't lose you again. Not because of my stupid feelings."
"They aren't stupid."
"Yes they are-"
"No they aren't because they're yours. And no part of you is stupid."
The tears fell out of Kit’s eyes and he had to look away from the piercing storm clouds before he started crying more. "I've ruined everything."
"No-" Ty protested, slight emotions slipping through his voice. "No I have. I told Dru I wasn't going to hurt you again, and now you're sad because of me."
"I'm not sad." He choked out. "I'm overwhelmed and I don't want to talk about this. God I never wanted you to find out. Dru should've just minded her own fucking business." Kit slid down the brick wall, burying his face in his knees.
"I love you."
"You don't have to say that just because you think I want to hear it."
"I'm saying it because it's true. I do love you Kit. I just-" Ty started flapping his hands as he tried to calm down enough to stay verbal. "I can't love you the way you love me, I can't-" He flipped through the words in his limited vocabulary and tried not to think about how his favorite hoodie and socks were getting soaked by the rain. "I don't understand being in love."
Kit looked up at his, purposely avoiding his eyes because he knew he was getting overstimulated. "What," he paused, thinking of the best way to word his question, "what does that mean? What do you not understand?"
If anyone else had asked Ty, he'd think they were being condescending, but from Kit he knew it was a genuine question. "I don't know what being in love feels like. I'm," he thought of something to compare his feelings to. "It's like-" He breathed in, having a difficult time with speaking the words in his brain.
"Like Christopher Lightwood?"
That was Ty’s favorite part about Kit, he always knew where Ty’s mind would go. Always able to follow along and help when it got hard to say the connections out loud. "Yes. I, I feel broken. I think it might have something to do with not having a good example of a healthy romantic relationship as my brain was developing." He said it very quickly and worried that it wasn't understandable.
Kit started laughing, not his usual 'masking around shadowhunters or his parents' laughter, but a laugh like Ty said the funniest joke in the world. "Ty, Ty, that's not what's happened."
"What do you mean?"
"You're not broken, and it's not a psychological issue. I think you might be aromantic. Like Kit Lightwood."
"Yeah. God oh that makes so much more sense in my head now."
"What’s aromantic? Is it like autism?"
"No no, it's a sexuality, kind of. It means that you don't feel or have.. trouble experiencing romantic attraction."
"Oh." It was like a light just flickered on inside Ty’s head, illuminating his mind that had darkened with confusion and anxiety. "That, that sounds correct."
"You should ask Jaime about it. He's aromantic, and autistic, so he could probably help you more than I could."
"But you understand now? That I love you, just-"
"Not in a entirely romantic sense?" Ty nodded. "Yeah, I get it now." Kit looked up at the sky and laughed a little. "We are such a mess."
Ty sat down next to him. "But we are messes together?"
"Are you still upset?"
"Are we still friends?"
"Of course."
"Then how could I be upset, as long as our friendship stays healthy and happy, I'm great."
Ty put his head on Kit’s shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm not in love with you."
"I'm sorry you've been thinking you're broken."
They sat in silence for a while, just sitting in each other's presence.
"Can we go back inside? My socks are wet."
"Oh shit yeah we should probably go do that."
Arospec!ty drabble
Aro Ty supremacy!!!!! I love this! 😭😭💜💜
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Obey Me Brothers + Little Affections
AN: Keep thinking about the little things each brother would do to express affection. Some warm fluffy stuff because we all need it. Enjoy!!
The hair drying one on Lucifer’s sparked this entire thing thanks
- Washing and drying your hair. You know if you get your hair washed at a hairdressers and they just. Go to town with a towel drying your hair? He finds it hilarious and loves doing that. You’ll hear him chuckle, unable to see him because your face is covered by the towel. He’s softer towards the end but initially when trying to get most of the excess water his only concern is not actually hurting you. He’s also genuinely trying to help, just having a little fun with it at the same time.
- Continuing on from this, Lucifer will ruffle your hair. If it doesn’t really upset you, he loves to make a mess of it, and he grins at you, your hair sticking out every which way.
- The second his brothers aren’t around, he seems to canonically love holding your hand under the guise of keeping track of you or comforting you. Its partially true - the MC gets into trouble easily, so its good to keep a hand on them. However, the comforting affect goes both ways.
- Sharing information with you implies a close bond (or at the very least, a strong curiosity, like when he hints at where Mammon’s card is / when he talks about the album) and it means Luci cares about you a lot. He likes to talk about his interests and introduce you to things he cares a lot about. A lot of the time this comes in the form of music, because it’s something he’s able to enjoy whilst still doing his work.
- Doing origami or other paper crafts together? Really relaxes him. It’s so peacefully intimate and cosy. You sit together at his desk, work documents hidden out of sight for now, and make whatever you can out of colourful little bits of paper. He likes making flowers, although he’d never say it out loud, but he makes you countless crowns with paper flowers of all different kinds. You walk in one day when he’s taking a break from work and he’s got paper cranes lining the entire length of his desk. He calls you over and puts one on your head for absolutely no reason before acting like it never happened.
- If no one else is around and he’s feeling a bit daft, he’ll sweep you up into his arms with no warning and just hold you like that, staring directly into your eyes with a daring and loving smile on his face. This happens most when it’s late at night and all the coffee he’s had is starting to wear off and he feels a little more relaxed and open. He’ll carry you to his room to cuddle, too, if you don’t have anywhere else you need to be. Just pray none of his brothers encounter you two because he’ll set you down on your feet immediately and he won’t help you up if you fall.
[[Other Brothers under the read more]]
- Fist bumps!!! He passes you and holds his fist out, and pouts if you don’t immediately bump your hand into his. Do the snail or turkey thing once and he falls in love with it. Lucifer, tired and stressed after a lot of work, decides for once to go along with giving him a fist bump because he’s too tired and no one else is around, and Mammon does the snail thing. The look on Luci’s face is worth everything that happened after. But when its you, Mammon just smiles and beams at you. He’s really happy.
- Sitting so close together that you can’t possibly move without disturbing the other. Sides fully pressed together even if he doesn’t have an arm around you or your hand in his. He likes the constant contact, it’s healing. So heavily invested in whatever you’re watching that the two of you simply don’t realise how close you are until the episode ends and you realise you’re leaning your full weight against him and his face is red but he’s smiling so softly you can’t bring yourself to move.
- You’ll have to start the habit, but, tackle hugs. You see him in the distance somewhere and sprint over and tackle him full force. He’ll act mad at first, especially if he trips and falls over or he’d been talking with someone else, but he holds onto you tightly and his face is beautifully flushed. After a while he’ll do it too, although he’s a lot gentler, but if you hear him call your name you need to turn around quickly and hold your arms out. He’ll lift you up into the air and twirl you around once or twice before just, going on with his day as normal. You hear his laughter as he walks away, bright and bubbly and confident, exactly as he should be.
- The absence of insults is important for Mammon. He’ll tolerate it if it’s every now and then but he’ll really notice if you’re always kind to him, he pays attention and holds tightly on to every compliment you give him. When he feels low he finds you and holds you in his arms, fingers playing with the loops in your jeans, as he recites off every nice thing you’ve said to him, hoping you’ll reaffirm them. Did you mean it when you said he was one of the most caring people you’d ever met? When you said his eyes made you feel at home?
- He likes feeding the crows with you. It’s something he does without telling anyone, but one day he takes you out along with him and the crows take a liking to you instantly. He likes how you look with his crows standing proud and confident on your arm, your hair a mess from their flapping wings as you laugh and try to get the last bits of food out from the bag.
- If you style his hair and put random accessories in it - anything from silly plastic hair clips to flowers to feathers - he’ll keep them in all day. He doesn’t care who sees because his MC spent their time doing this for him, and he’s happy to tell anyone who dares criticise him.
- He’s awkward with any affection at first, but he actually builds up to quick tight hugs when he’s really happy. If he’s incredibly excited - just won tickets for something, or some idol liked his comments - expect to be tackled in a hug. He gets flustered after, but if you hold tightly onto him he won’t let go immediately.
- If they even vaguely relate to his own interests, Levi will try hard to be invested in anything you really enjoy. For example, he’ll watch your favourite shows with you or try and read things you enjoy, etc.
- At the same time, Levi will share his interests with you. It’s not something he can really avoid doing as it’s ingrained in him to ramble about his special interests, but it will come in seemingly smaller forms - for example, he’ll hand you his headphones one day, blushing, and ask what you think of this song, or he’ll show you a paragraph in a TSL book that has particularly good rhythm or evokes a lot of emotion. If he lends you his books or DVDs it’s practically a proposal.
- You two have full conversations with Henry as he swims about in his tank. About silly and pointless things or very serious topics, from jokingly scolding him to venting about the future and about school and such. It warms Levi’s heart.
- Horn pats. When he’s in his demon form, pull him down to your level and pat his horns. He’s so flustered he can’t move the first few times, but one day he’ll start coming up to you and asking you if you want to do it. He likes being able to be in his demon form, and likes that you’re comfortable with him even when he doesn’t look as human.
- When he’s very comfortable with you, he likes to wrap you up in surprise hugs and laughs if you try to squirm your way out of his grip, a brilliant mischievous glow in his eyes, any self-consciousness long forgotten.
- I’ve said this before on another post but Satan likes to pet your hair and run his thumbs over your palms, pressing into them gently like he’s touching the pads on the paws of a cat. He traces circles and presses kisses into your palm and over each finger tip and knuckle, like it’s his own form of worship.
- It takes a long time to build up the confidence to do so but I can see him like. Playfully nipping at your skin if he presses light kisses against your shoulders or neck. If it makes you laugh or blush he smiles against your skin.
- If you fall asleep somewhere he’s the first person to go get a blanket to throw over you - he’d rather just let you sleep if you’re somewhere safe instead of disturbing you to lift you elsewhere, and risking waking you up. Occasionally he’ll kneel down beside you and stay there with a book until you wake up, and he’s fallen asleep like that once or twice.
- Just. Talking. Laying down together and going from topic to topic, saying whatever crosses your minds with no filters and no judgement. Letting time pass by with the comfort of the other, laying on your back in the planetarium or library or in his room, wherever there aren’t books piled up. No responsibilities except to listen to the other, and every now and then you laugh and he feels like maybe this could be home.
- Sharing things, whatever it is. Food, clothes, jewellery. Taking a necklace off and putting it on him because “this would go so well with your outfit,” or holding out your fork and telling him to try some of your food, it tastes heavenly. Perfume, as well, is a must - he wants the two of you to smell the same.
- Like Mammon, he likes to have some kind of contact with you at all time - holding hands, an arm across your shoulders, anything. But the main point of contact he truly adores is if he has his hands on the skin of your stomach or back, even in the most innocent way possible. If his arms are around you and you’re comfortable with it, he’ll tuck his hands under your shirt and trace shapes against your hips, stomach, back, lower ribcage. Wherever he can. It’s something he’ll do absentmindedly without everything thinking about it, and it recharges him when he’s low on energy.
- He actually really likes working alongside you, whether it’s school work or something related to a part time job, or a potential business idea. He’s smarter than anyone would give him credit for and he loves how you look when you’re deep in thought, trying to solve something, and how your eyes light up as you figure it all out. He’s not one to just give you the answer to things, so if he knows something and you don’t he likes to hint at it like it’s a game. When you guess the answer right he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose and beams at you.
- Late night phone calls where you talk about whatever’s keeping you awake. He doesn’t mind who’s calling who, he wants to ramble or listen to you at any given moment and he’ll give up his sleep if it means you can get something that’s bothering you off your chest. Similarly, there is no greater comfort for him than getting to complain to you about something or other, something that’s genuinely bothering him and that’s stuck in his head. He feels like it only disappears when you take a hold of it for him for a little bit.
- Sharing food, obviously, means a lot to him. Feed him bites of your food, give him anything you don’t want, and he’ll love it. He especially loves if you share food that’s important to you in some way, and you’ll find him giving you little bites of his food too the closer you two get. It means a lot to him when people embrace the fact that he eats so much, instead of scolding him for it or making jokes about it.
- He really likes holding hands. Your hands are so small in his and yet you trust him not to injure them as you pull him along. He feels possessive sometimes but isn’t outwardly affectionate enough to do anything about it, and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable. It’s the perfect thing for him.
- Stacking random things on the other. Sitting cross-legged in a park, pulling daisies out of the lawn that’s about to be mowed anyway and gently placing them into each other’s hair, on the other’s shoulders and laps. If you’re laying in his bed he’ll take random light objects off his night stand and place them on top of you. There’s no purpose and no intention, and yet it makes him smile and gives him butterflies, and he laughs if you glare jokingly up at him but let him continue.
- Run your hands through his hair, down the sides of his face, under his jaw. Anywhere. He melts in an instant, mouth slightly open as you poke his cheeks or tickle his neck and shoulders with feather light touches.
- Nap. On. Him. Any time, any where. Snuggle up to him, lean your head against his shoulder or bury your face into his neck or lay down on his lap and just rest. He blushes every time and it takes him a second to recover. Sometimes he’ll angle himself so he can lean against you two and he’ll fall asleep as well.
- He likes those kind of monkey hugs where you wrap your entire body around him and he can bury his face in your neck and hold on as tight as he wants. He’ll walk around like that until you get to the attic and he can throw you into his pile of pillows and blankets, and he flops down on top of you and clings onto you again, trying to hide his face because he’s smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
- He loves playful, back and forth banter. He’ll tease you constantly, loves if you pout at him, loves it more if you retort with something and keep it running for a while before the two of you start laughing.
- Being childish. He’ll stick out his tongue at you or pull a sudden face and he expects you to do it back immediately. If you don’t he’ll poke and tickle you, telling you how disappointed and hurt he is.
- Headbumps! But not too hard. Gently bump your head against his shoulder to get his attention and he’ll pat it. Bonus points if you nuzzle into his hands then - he’s hard to fluster but you can hear him swallow as he starts to go red. You’ll immediately have all of his attention to yourself.
- Belphie is the king of silent conversations. The tiniest gestures, nods, tilts of the head. He can pick up on all of them, knows exactly what you’re trying to say without you saying it, to the point where sometimes you won’t even realise you’re not talking aloud.
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whythinktoomuch · 3 years
Andrea sighs. “I hate this part.”
“And what part would that be?” Kara spares a small glance for her, but continues to tug on her socks, her shoes, and anything else that she might need on her way out of Andrea’s apartment without a second thought. Again.
“The part where you make me sleep alone.”
Kara whips her head around. “… I’m sorry?”
Andrea regrets everything as she buries her head underneath her pillow. Maybe she can blame this sudden onset of weakness on her most recent trend of foregone sleep, or maybe even the very reason for said lack of sleep now standing at the foot of her soon-to-be half-emptied bed. But it certainly isn’t something that deserves any more elaboration, much less voiced.
Unfortunately though, Kara’s never been one to let something go. The rustle of clothing dies away, leading to a padding of steps which leads to the sagging of Andrea’s bed as Kara sits down beside her. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Andrea repeats, her voice firm despite being muffled under her pillow. “Make sure to lock the door on your way out.”
“No, come on…” Kara’s tugging on Andrea’s arm, thumb rubbing gently into her skin. “Talk to me. Please? I’m right here.”
Groaning to herself, Andrea finally sits up, frown deeply set and disgruntled. “Where are you even going anyway?”
Kara takes a deep breath before answering, and Andrea hates how these are the kinds of things that refuse to escape her notice now. “I told you,” Kara says slowly. “I’m meeting a source downtown.”
“Right now? After midnight?” Andrea says with a scoff. “You don’t have a better, more business-friendly time—I don’t know—during the day to be meeting up with these people?”
“I have to go where the story takes me! And I also have to meet my sources on their own terms if I want to cultivate a lasting sense of trust and profess—”
“But for what article?” Andrea demands. “You’ve already met all your deadlines for this week. You wouldn’t be here”—she gestures aimlessly about her bed—“otherwise, so what else could you possibly be researching right now?”
“It’s…” Kara stumbles slightly, and Andrea wills her heart to harden into something that can never sink. “This is for a new story. One that I’m thinking about pitching. Soon.”
“Okay. What story?”
“I can’t tell you yet! It’s not ready,” Kara says, and Andrea just scoffs again. “Hey, seriously. What’s really bothering you? You never care about my work.”
“I’m your boss, Kara. It’s literally my job to care about your work.”
“Just tell me what’s actually bothering you, and I’ll fix it.”
Andrea rubs at her face. “I’d just… really like to know what it’s like to sleep next to my girlfriend for once…”
“Your girlfriend?” Kara echoes. “Who’s your girl—oh!” Her eyebrows nearly shoot up to her hairline. “Wait, oh…”
Groaning once more, now about ready to bury her entire body beneath her pillow if possible, Andrea just waves her hand. “Never mind, okay? Just go.”
“No, hey, hey, hey…” Kara tugs on Andrea’s wrist, refusing, per usual, to let an unwieldy moment die down on its own. “Girlfriend?”
“Forget I even said anything…” Andrea starts, but Kara seems quite unwilling to. In fact, she’s looking at Andrea in complete awe, and Andrea can’t help but straighten up at the attention. Maybe even pushing out her chest a bit just to make a point. “All right, fine, we can talk about this. But you should know right now, that I can’t date anyone who refuses to sleep with me.”
“Pfft, what do you mean? We literally sleep with each other all the time,” Kara protests, until Andrea shoots her a meaningful look—glare. “Oh… Right. You meant, just sleeping, sleeping. Um. Okay. Well, I guess that’s something we can try if you really want…”
Andrea rolls her eyes. “I don’t want you to try it just to appease me, Kara. I want you to want it too. For your own sake.”
“I do want it too! I just didn’t realize that it was something that you’d want. From me, especially.”
“Why the hell not?” Andrea says. “I’m sorry—was the past hour and a half not convincing enough for you?”
Kara flushes all over, sputtering, “No, what I meant was… I didn’t realize that you actually liked me like that?”
“Again. Was the past hour and—”
“I get your point,” Kara says, flapping her hands. “And okay. I, you know… like you too.”
“Oh, how promising,” Andrea mutters, but her nerves were undeniably starting to settle. The flow of conversation now comfortably in her favor.
“And I do want that too,” Kara continues, cracking a smile. “So… let’s do it. Let’s be girlfriends who, you know, sleep together.”
“Deal.” Andrea clears her throat, fidgeting with her sheets. “I imagine that it’ll have to start another night though, no?”
Kara rubs at the back of her neck. “I’m sorry. I just really have to meet this source tonight. It’s really important, I swear.”
“Fine,” Andrea says in a sigh. “It’s not like I don’t understand the need to put one’s career first.”
Kara pouts. She reaches out to cradle Andrea’s face, thumb tracing down her cheek, and Andrea’s not melting, she’s not melting, she’s not.
“I’ll come back,” Kara says at last. “No matter how long this meeting goes for, I promise to come straight back here and sleep with you.”
“Oh, you promise?” Andrea laughs, but there’s a serious glint to Kara’s eyes, twinkling in the way that they do in the strangest moments sometimes.
“Absolutely. I’ll be right back. And I’ll be right here for you, okay?”
Andrea lets out another laugh, ducking her head slightly. “Okay. I guess we’ll see how you do then.”
“Thank you,” Kara says, beaming. “But for now, I really do have to go. I’m actually kinda late now.”
“Then go. I ain’t keeping ya.”
Kara leans in, clearly in askance of a goodbye kiss, but when Andrea goes to cup her face, Kara resists just a tad. “Trust me,” she says. “You kiss me like that, and I’ll never make it out of here.”
“Want to test that little theory?” Andrea asks, her voice dropped into huskier territory, and Kara accordingly flushes pink cheek to cheek.
“Oh… boy…” Kara says in a hushed whisper. “I… er, I gotta go though, so…” She quickly shakes her head. “Yup, gotta go, gotta go. So sorry, but bye!” Pecking at Andrea’s cheek, Kara all but bolts out the door.
With a tiny unseen pout, Andrea sinks back into her bed, her moment of vulnerability already regretted with that aching part of her chest. But Kara promised to come back, and she seems the type to keep promises like that—the girlfriend type, that is.
Andrea’s final thought as she’s drifting off is a fleeting hope that wherever Kara’s rushing off to meet her source wouldn’t be anywhere near the sirens that have been going off. The last thing this would-be relationship needs is for Andrea’s would-be girlfriend to get stuck in traffic this late at night because of fire trucks or something.
Andrea wakes up to a sudden dip in her bed, coherent thoughts still slow to return as a column of warmth wraps around her middle from behind. She blinks blearily into the darkness. The sharp bite of smoke lingering in the air somehow only seems to get stronger the clearer her vision gets.
“Sorry I’m late, baby,” comes a sleepy mumble close to her ear, and Andrea starts to chuckle, her surprise melting into blessed relief.
There’s a wry comment sitting on Andrea’s tongue as she glances over her shoulder, but the specifics of it all gets lost when she sees Supergirl curled up against her. “Whoa. W-wait…”
“Oh, m’s’rry…” Supergirl says softly, eyes still squeezed shut. “Forgot to ask… Can I call you ‘baby’ now, since we’re girlfriends who sleep together and stuff…?”
Andrea is reeling, as she takes in the sight. That is to say, the sight of National City’s darling and daring hero rapidly passing out in her bed, blonde hair strewn across Kara’s go-to pillow like a golden halo, her bulk scrunched up into a tiny ball of warmth pressed into Andrea’s side, cape splayed out without a care.
“You’re…” Andrea clears her throat, hopefully ridding herself of the dry stutter caught within. “Excuse me, you’re wearing boots in my bed.”
Supergirl lets out a small whine—there’s a literal, bona fide superhero whining all disgruntled in Andrea’s bed right now—and kicks out her feet. “But I’m so tired, maybe-baby.”
“Maybe-baby,” Andrea echoes, rolling her eyes, because okay, this is definitely Kara all right.
She manages to extricate herself from Kara’s embrace with surprising ease, considering, then manages to tug Supergirl’s boots off one by one with far less ease. But the sight that Andrea’s greeted with startles her into soft laughter.
“Hey. What’s so funny…”
“I like your socks,” Andrea says, slipping back under the sheets, eyes fluttering shut when Kara sidles right up against her once more. “You know, you weren’t wearing those when you left me.”
“Is it really leaving when I come right back?”
Kara snorts, burying herself into Andrea’s hair with a sigh. “Mm, I like my socks too. Was a gift from Santa,” she says, and Andrea can almost feel Kara wiggling her toes. “I like the smilin’ fruits…”
“Yes, I figured you would.”
Kara lets out a mock scandalized gasp, “It’s s’pposed to be secret Santa, you know…”
“You know what else is supposed be a secret?” Andrea shoots back, arching an eyebrow that is of course lost on her half-asleep almost-girlfriend. But Kara seems to know, because she grins.
“Hm. We can talk about it in the morning, mm’kay?”
“Oh, we most certainly will,” Andrea says, turning on her side, allowing herself to be happily spooned. “Good night, Supergirl.”
“Yeah, yeah, good night, maybe-baby.”
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Captive Together - Mer!Jotaro x Mer!Reader P1
Okay, fair warning, this oneshot is LONG. Like, really really long. I divided it into 4 parts but still every chapter is a monster. I edited it best I could, but when it takes a whole day to do so, you can get tired and unattentive, lol. This whole thing got out of hand and it is weird, but I like it. With that out of the way, enjoy some Mer!Joot 😌
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4
Word Count: 8531
Opening your eyes, you winced a little at the stinging jab of pain that shot through your abdomen. With sluggish movements, you drifted forward until you could feel your hand hit glass. 
Right. You were in that human facility...
How did you end up in this mess again?
- - - -
“Quick! Go! Go!!” Your voice was urgent and a little panicked, scaring the two pups in front of you to do as you asked. They didn’t know who you were, where you came from, and if you were even able to be truly trusted, but the looming shadow closing in on your location and the terrifying rumble and roar of - what they thought was - a shark was enough to spur them into doing whatever you said.
You had just been swimming by, travelling from place to place looking for a place to live, maybe even a pod who’d accept you. And that was when you spotted the two pups, all by themselves and playing with the sand on the ocean floor, no adults in sight.
Seeing how big and mischievous their grins were, you quickly realised they had most likely snuck away from their pod; bringing back some memories from when you had done that yourself. 
With a good-natured sigh, you started to swim over, deciding to take them back to their pod before something would happen.
“Hey, you two.” You clicked out as you approached them calmly, a warm smile on your face. Upon the sound of a voice, the two - they couldn’t have been older than 1,5 years - shot their heads up, eyes comically widening. “What’re you playing?” You asked as you bridged the remaining gap, letting yourself float down to sit on the seabed close to them about two meters away; giving them a little bit of space yet also sitting close enough, to show them you meant no harm.
“We’ve never seen this kind of sand before.” The pup with a pretty, dark blue tail and impressive hairdo spoke up a little meekly and your smile widened just a little bit more at the sweet answer, making both kids relax a bit.
“So you decided to come out here and play in it?”
“Mhm!” The other pup, with a darker grey tail and two markings running crossed down his face, hummed happily, his voice sounding gruff as if he had spent a week in the Red Sea, even at his young age.
“Soo, you didn’t sneakily sneak away from your pod and parents to go exploring the big blue and happened to stumble across this seabed with sand you hadn’t seen before, right?” You questioned cheekily, leaning your chin in your hand as you raised a teasing eyebrow.
Both their eyes widened a bit and you chuckled while the pup with the hairdo curled in a bit on himself. “Are we in trouble?” 
“Not with me, no.” You smiled, making him come out of his shell a bit again. “With your parents however? I can’t say.” Now they were both making themselves small, guilty looks on their faces. “C’mon, I’m sure it will be fine.” You reassured them as you pushed yourself off the seabed, swimming over to the two pups until you were in right by them and placing a hand on either of their backs. “It’s best to get you back to your pod now though.”
You hummed a little and pushed them gently to start swimming, one on either side of you. You looked between them both, seeing the anxious looks on their faces and decided to try and distract them a bit as you chaperoned them back. You happened to have noticed a pod took up residence in this area and these two smelled like they came from it, so you knew where to go. You also knew that pod was quite a ways away so you had to find a way to fill the time anyways.
“So, what are your names?”
“I-I’m Josuke, that’s Okuyasu.”
You hummed a little, giving them both another smile. “So, how long ago did you sneak out?”
“Uh, the sun was about there.” Josuke pointed up to where the sun had stood in the sky when they left, filtering through the surface of the water at an angle that told you they snuck out about an hour ago.
“Hm, well, maybe no one in your pod has noticed your absence yet and I can help you two sneak back in!” You started in a secretive voice, making both pups perk up. Okuyasu drifted a little closer to you and grabbed your hand, Josuke seeing and doing the same on your other side, nodding happily at you.
To be honest, you highly doubted no one had noticed their absence, but swimming with two anxious pups was something you would rather avoid. Not only because you feared your lack of experience would make you unable to handle it, but also because anxious pups meant slow pups, and matching their pace when they were anxiously swimming in dread for what was to come was about the most nail biting experience one could have.
“So, why did you swim out so far th-“ whatever you were going to ask was interrupted when your ears picked up on the distant sounds of a motorboat. 
Your eyes widening in alarm, the two pups noticed the warning signals you automatically gave off and soon picked up on the noise as well, seeing as the boat was speeding closer very fast. 
Now, humans were aware of the existence of Mer, but this was supposed to be a protected area. So if there were humans here, especially those with the loud motors? That could only mean bad news.
“Quick! Go! Go!!” You wrenched your hands from their grips before starting to push on their backs, trying to urge them to go.
Okuyasu let a feared whine escape from his throat while Josuke immediately employed the tactic he had been taught to use whenever in danger: call out.
“Shark! Shark!” He trilled out in a panic, the trills and clicks of his voice carrying a lot further through the water than at his normal pitch and volume, soon joined by Okuyasu in the same fashion as he remembered what he was supposed to do.
While you were glad they had their security systems in order, you knew how clever humans were, especially those who went against the rules set in place, and you feared that they might hear the two pups.
“Ssh, ssh, I’ll keep you safe from the shark! Let’s hide between those rocks, come on!!” You managed to grab both their little hands again and frantically dragged them along with you as you swam full speed towards the rocks that sat about forty meters away, both Josuke and Okuyasu too shocked by the sudden speed they were being pulled along with to keep shouting warnings in panic.
It was dangerous to get to the rocks. The boat was almost right above you by now and to get to safety, you had to swim with the pups underneath the belly of the thing. The water was crystal clear today and the chances of being seen were high.
Safety for the pups was your one and only priority though and so you gunned it.
With an incredible speed, you shot through the water, making full use of your tail as you dragged the poor kids with you, them trying their best to flap their tails and help swim - although it was mainly for decoration and show by now.
Forty meters,
Thirty five,
You were now swimming directly underneath the boat and you tilted your head, keeping a wary eye on the thing as you saw it suddenly stop and rock, presumably from movement from the humans on top.
Twenty five,
A shape on the boat, barely able to be made out through the distortion of the water, tipped you off to the incoming danger and you immediately pulled Josuke and Okuyasu in, pushing them forward with all your might right before a sharp and searing pain shot past your left side.
From the boat, someone had thrown a harpoon down, the speed and angle serving to graze your side, creating a nasty cut on your waist that ran from there, diagonally over part of your stomach before the thing embedded itself in the sea floor.
A sharp and searing pain came in waves but you refrained from calling out, only hissing through your teeth with a small grunt before you shook your head, ignoring it for now as you saw a rope was attached to the end of the sharp stick. It was slowly wrenched free from the sand and you wasted no time in shooting past it, scooping Okuyasu and Josuke up in your arms as you rushed past them, seeing as they were clinging onto each other in shock as they saw you being hit.
“You’re bleeding!” 
“It’s okay!” You chirped back over the rush of water coming past as you tried to swim as fast as possible with the pain, leaving a trail of blood behind as you went.
“Okay, hide behind those rocks and stay there no matter what happens okay? Don’t come out until someone from your pod comes and gets you, do you understand?!” You shook them both a little, maybe not being the best course of action but you had to make your point clear.
“Don’t make a sound either!” You called back over your shoulder as you started swimming away, secretly looking to see if they were well hidden and stayed put as you asked them to. You saw the both of them look at you with fear and anxiousness, peeking from behind the rocks, and sent them the last best reassuring smile you could muster before turning to look forward again and booking it. You were gonna save those pups if it cost you your damn life.
- - - -
Your fuzzy memory finally began to clear up a bit and you remembered how another boat came and chased the hunter’s one away. You had led the hunter’s boat away from the pups but got trapped in a cove, only for the new boat with science humans to come to your aid.
Upon seeing your injury, they got very concerned and offered to take you with them so they could treat you and help you.
Despite their honeyed words and friendly appearance though, there was one blaring warning signal. These humans that were claiming to trying to ‘help you’, smelled exactly like the ones from the boat that had injured you. Which meant these people had interacted; and not just in passing or a small falling out, no they spent a while with each other to have the scent rub off that heavily. 
In other words, these were no friends to you.
Despite knowing this, you had agreed to their offer. Those pups were still nearby, what could you have done? Maybe if they took you along they’d be satisfied, and never realise there were more Mer nearby. And so you allowed them to take you.
“Good news! Today the bandages come off and we are planning to transport you to a bigger tank while you further recover!” One of the humans you had come to see a little more often in your past two days in this tiny tank approached, that easily recognisable false smile on his face. Whenever he approached like that, there was something else behind it. Yet, you pretended to not notice, perking up in happiness and sloshing around in your tank like an excited puppy despite the pain that brought.
“For me?” You asked. Your human English was a little rusty and sounded somewhat garbled, which was no surprise given how you had to use completely different parts of your vocal cords to speak it, but at least it was understandable.
“Yes!” He grinned before stepping even closer. “And! Inside there is a surprise! Around the same time as we found you, we found another Mer, stuck in a fishing net. They’re in the tank you will be transferred to today!” He sounded genuinely happy this time and you realised with a bit of horror he probably saw it all as a big experiment. Most likely wanting to see how two of the same species reacted upon meeting. “It’s that one over there!” He pointed behind himself to a large tank on the opposite end of the large room.
You had noticed this tank almost immediately when you first got to this facility. After all, why were you stuffed into a tiny tank that was more fitted to fit an octopus rather than the large tank that was available right there? But if it housed another Mer then that was logical. Probably a bigger Mer than you as well.
You had seen the scientists hover around it but you never saw any creature inside when you looked at it.
Would it be a male or female waiting for you in there? Given the man’s excitement however, you had a hunch. All you could say was you hoped they hadn’t been injured by the humans to bring in like you were.
- - - -
You spent the rest of the day just trying everything in your power to annoy the ever living fuck out of the scientists around.
You were in a small glass tank, barely big enough to let you stretch your tail out fully and with an open top, allowing you to communicate.
Sloshing around and making water spill over the tank was one of your favourite things to do, your goal to make the papers in the hands of the scientists wet or to make them slip and slam a few teeth out on the floor. If they glare at you, you just acted like it was completely involuntary, having pain in your injury, or the need to move being the cause of you sloshing and splashing so much.
Your next method of annoying scientists was: throwing the small ball they had given you directly to their heads. It was a small yellow thing, apparently filled with air so that it would float on the water. And just the perfect size to lob at someone’s head.
Of course, if they turned around angry, ball in hand, you’d act as if it was all a game. All a game your dumb and simple mind could come up with. And so the scientists just let it happen, picking up the ball and begrudgingly returning it to you every time so you wouldn’t start sadly whining like some puppy.
And that was exactly what your goal was; to convince them you were no smarter than a seal.
Of course, you had the ability of speech, but you intentionally kept your vocabulary in the low. Talking a bit like a pup, with missing or incorrectly pronounced words while the rest of your behaviour mirrored it.
You smiled a lot, indulging the scientists in questions about Mer life that you answered ‘as best you could’ while in reality you were stringing lie after lie after lie. You pretended to be their friend, just like they did to you. What comes around, gets around, after all.
Sometimes though, when you were talking to the humans, you felt as if there were eyes on you. And not the scientist eyes or the camera eyes, but angrier ones.
As the morning bled into noon, you noticed how warily the scientists were being around the big tank. It was open at the top same as yours and reached until about the human’s midriff, but the rest of the tank disappeared into the floor for it was probably a lot deeper than it seemed to you if there was another Mer in there that you’d never even seen before.
But, noticing how hesitant the humans were to stick their head over the glass and look down, you figured you’d test them a little. 
No one was really paying attention to- or around you, so you picked up your little yellow ball - the only entertainment you had - and tested its weight a few times before chucking it so hard and so far that it soared over everyone’s heads and plopped right in the bigger tank.
As it landed, you cheered as if it had been your childish goal all along before expectantly looking at the humans. They were, after all, expected to bring it back to you.
Much to your internal delight, you watched how the humans looked back at you in horror and disbelief. It all but confirmed your suspicions that whoever was in there, was very much not happy. And different from you, they decided to go the aggressive route.
When none of the scientists made a move to retrieve your ball for you, you started to make a little whining noise in the back of your throat, making puppy eyes and starting to look all sad.
If the Mer in there indeed went the aggressive route, that meant that your plan was still in full swing. For, if they only exuded aggression, the scientists wouldn’t necessarily see many signs of higher intelligence. They would most likely chock it up to animal instinct instead of genuine anger. Which meant you could continue playing as dumb as you liked without them getting suspicious.
“It’s okay! I’ll, uh... go get it for you!” One of the scientists spoke up towards you and you perked up a little, gripping the edge of your tank and pushing up a bit to mock excitement.
Curiously, you watched as he went to grab a long net on a stick. Was it not within arms reach? 
You watched as he walked back over to the tank and warily started inching the pole towards the ball. The entire thing shook with nervousness and you watched in awe as suddenly, out of nowhere, a large Mer shot up, slashing through the invading item and breaking it clean in half before disappearing below the floor again in a flash.
The scientist screamed in fear as the pole got cut clean through, the net falling down into the water before sinking, while one of the other humans went to comfort the scared one.
That was the best thing you had seen in all your time being here.
“What has been said about unauthorised interactment with the large tank?!” A large booming voice suddenly sounded from the door the humans constantly walked in and out of and you, together with all the scientists, turned your heads towards it.
“S-She threw her ball in there, I was just trying to get it back like protocol says!”
“She can go get it herself. We’re transferring her right now.”
All eyes turned to you with that and you shrunk a little, lowering yourself into the water until only your eyes shyly peeked out. Somehow you had a bad feeling about this.
- - - - 
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! BAD!
You were dangling in mid air on a crane or contraption, some sort of harness put around you and painfully rubbing against your wound. Mers healed faster than humans but your wound was still very much present and open and painful. Did they completely forget you had that or something?? They were even supposed to take off the bandaging today and they didn’t! Although right now it was your only protection from excruciating pain.
Your tail barely had any support and was basically dangling in mid-air, held up only by the fact and grace of being attached to you and your attempt of using your abdominal muscles to keep it steady. Unfortunately for you, that was where your wound was as well, so WAHEY!
You were cursing up a storm as the crane moved you across the room, hovering over the floor as if you were flying. To the scientists, it just sounded like a bunch of panicked clicks and trills, but for you, you were using language so colourful, it would make anyone blush.
Water dripped from you like stalactites in a wet cave and the only satisfaction you had in this moment was that it would make the floor a little slippery for the scientists, hopefully with at least one falling on their face. After what seemed like an excruciatingly long time but was only a few minutes, you were dangling over the larger tank. 
Your knuckles were white as you gripped onto the harness holding you up. You looked down and noticed how big it actually was. As you tried to gauge the depth from above the water however, the support holding you up clicked loose and you fell down into the tank, harness and all.
Thankfully, you managed to angle yourself to dive in at least a little gracefully instead of just belly flop in - which would be very bad from that height and with your injury.
As you fell into the water you had your arms protectively shielded over your head and your eyes screwed shut, but now you hesitantly blinked them open, bringing your arms down as you sunk down a tiny bit more before stopping.
Looking to your right, you were surprised to see several scientists looking through the glass. Apparently there was a room a floor lower which gave them perfect view of the big tank and the happenings inside it. They all had clipboards and notes and whatever, ready to record and write down everything that was about to happen.
That was the last thought you could really give it, for you suddenly saw something large and fast move from the bottom of the tank, all the way up to you.
Curling in on yourself on instinct, you looked up only to be met by one of the biggest and most intimidating Mer you had ever seen. His torso was in proportion to you but his tail was absolutely massive, almost twice the size of yours. It was strong and powerful looking, sleek black and probably about four or four and a half meters in length while his torso himself was impressive as well, muscle and raw power screaming from every inch of him.
How in the fuck were those scientists ever able to capture him?
His face was set in a glare and you instantly averted your eyes, displaying submissiveness as you turned your head and bowed it a little.
Now, you had wanted to display submissive behaviour from the beginning, just to keep your act up, no matter what kind of Mer was in here, but when you opened your mouth to try and talk and he growled in warning, you immediately slammed it shut. This shark Mer made it very easy. 
After a few more seconds of him glowering at you, you opted for safety and abruptly turned around, swimming down as fast as you could to the bottom of this 20-meter deep tank and shooting into the massive skull that sat there. You had to struggle to fit through the eye, the harness still on you hooking against it and hindering you even more, but with some squeezing and manoeuvring, you managed to get inside.
Looking out of one of the eyes, you saw he hadn’t really moved but was still glaring at you before letting out a ‘Tch’ and casually turning to the side, languidly swimming away and down to the corner opposite of the one you were in. 
There was a thick, white, concrete column in the middle of the tank, impeding your vision of him as he disappeared behind it.
Letting out the breath you were holding, you closed your eyes for a second before inhaling the water around you. It felt much cleaner and more crisp than the stuffy tank you had been forced to sit in, though the scent of the other Mer was very present as well. 
Looking down at yourself, you hissed a little and cursed out the humans as you grabbed hold of the harness and lifted it as far away from the wound on your side and stomach as possible. 
The skull you were in provided cover yes, but it was also half buried in sand and you barely had any room to move or even breathe, let alone try to get that damn harness off. Going out while the shark Mer was around and wary of you seemed like a bad idea however so you just stayed put, opting to wait until night before getting out and trying to get the damn thing off.
So, in the time you were waiting, you decided to try and figure out what the fuck kind of skull you were in. It was slanted and half buried in sand, elongated jaw with big round eye sockets. It sure as hell wasn’t any animal you knew of. You even started doubting if it was a real animal at all. When you touched it it definitely didn’t feel like bone at least.
Several hours passed like that and you finally peeked your head out the eyehole again. 
The tank itself was not too bad. The bottom was filled with sand and rocks, water plants and seaweed and such sticking out and growing from it, making it look rather natural. 
With some effort, you squeezed yourself out of the eyehole again, hissing as you scraped your wound before settling on the sand right in front of the skull and starting to wriggle and tug at the harness.
Why did the humans do it like this? Weren’t they supposed to take it off? Or were they so afraid of your new tank-mate that they just decided ‘fuck it, you’re on your own’?
Aggravated, you attempted to pull it over your head. Unsuccessful. 
You tried to unclasp it. The clasps are at the back where you can’t reach. Unsuccessful.
You attempted to pull it apart. You are not strong enough. Unsuccessful. 
By now you were running out of options and just violently tugging at the constricting thing. It sat over your gills on your neck, making it hard to breathe - though that didn’t stop you from spitting every curse in the book at the scientists who were undoubtedly still watching, even if the glass where they stood earlier was as dark as the night. 
A flutter of the water suddenly reached your ears and you snapped your head up to see the shark Mer quickly swimming towards you, angry and with a murderous look in his eye. 
Under optimal circumstances you would have hidden somewhere he couldn’t fit, like the skull. Unfortunately for you, you were wearing a harness and also wouldn’t be able to get inside fast enough. 
With not many options left, you darted to the left, quickly swimming away. Taking a glance back, you gasped when you saw he was in hot pursuit. With his larger tail he was quickly gaining but you shot to the side, cutting the corner around the concrete pillar in the middle as much as possible.
Looking to the left briefly, you spotted a corner where the sand was more tailored than everywhere else, a large indent where a body had been resting. 
That was all the time you got to look at it however, since you were already rounding the pillar again to show the skull you had been hiding in. 
Right now, you cursed yourself for darting. There was no way you could outswim him. You should have just rushed into the skull back there or stayed still, hoping he wouldn’t tear you apart. Now, all you could do was try to get back in the skull.
That was a vain hope however, as he had already caught up with you. 
Your blood froze as his right arm curled around your waist, ready to grab. Yet before he did, he hesitated. Instead, he allowed you to slip away a bit further before clamping his arm around your tail, tightly grabbing hold there as he forcefully stopped your momentum and yanked you back, grabbing your shoulders with both hands once in range.
In one smooth motion, he slammed you shoulders first into the concrete pillar before removing one hand and using the claws on it to rip straight through the harness still stuck on you. 
“Stop disturbing the water with your thrashing and sleep!” He growled out, a threatening undertone in his voice while his face was so close to yours.
You were breathing fast and staring back with wide eyes but it seemed he wanted an answer before he backed off so you nodded. 
Seemingly content with that, he rudely shoved you aside before lazily swimming away, flicking his hand to get rid of some excess fabric of the harness, his tail swishing side to side as he disappeared behind the pillar again to the corner he seemed to have taken up residence in, not looking back once.
You blinked a few times, looking at where he disappeared for some seconds before you swam up, swimming out of the harness with as little tail motion as possible.
Your breathing finally levelled and you turned back around, grabbing the remains of the harness and swimming over to the skull, draping the destroyed thing over a lip on the outside before squeezing into the eye. 
- - - -
Waking from your slumber, you got to work digging. 
You had a hunch this skull was going to be your home for the time being, so you decided to make a better way of entering and exiting. Digging through the sand laying in the mouth of the skull, you followed the elongated jaw and dug until you made a nice little opening that you wouldn’t have to squeeze through.
While you were digging, you noticed the other Mer swimming around. He avoided your little hovel but otherwise would not sit still. Making laps, checking the corners, running his hand along the wall of the tank as if testing it. 
Everything pointed to him wanting to get out of here, just as much as you did.
For now, you decided to keep staying out of his way though.
Right as you exited your skull, you were met with the powerful and intimidating form of the merman. There goes your plan. “What’re you doing?” He snapped at you almost, his tone curt and to the point.
You were still half inside but decided to just stay there like that, looking up at him. “I’m making an easier and less painful entrance.” You explained, motioning to the blood stained bandage on your side. It was designed to be worn under water but even so you doubted it was doing much good.
“Well, be more quiet, you’re making too much noise.” He growled before turning around, nearly hitting you with his tail fin as he went.
You were about one second away from giving him a well earned tap on said tail fin, but managed to refrain yourself at the last second.
“Wait.” You called out after him and he surprisingly enough stopped, looking back at you over his shoulder while you got out of the skull fully. “What’s your name?”
He didn’t say anything for a second, just looking intently at you for a second, almost as if he was searching for something. Whatever he found he must have been satisfied with though.
A smile appeared on your face at his answer and that piqued his interest. For, when he had been watching you in the small tank opposite the room, you had smiled so much whenever the scientists interacted with you, and it had annoyed him to the point of making his blood boil. But now? Up close? He could see this was the first genuine smile you had given since arriving in this facility, even if it was timid.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N. Let’s get the fuck outta here soon, okay?”
Before anything else could be said, you heard your name being called from above. You had given it to the humans but that didn’t stop the pit of disgust when you heard it. Your face contorted for just a second before you steeled yourself and twisted it into the sweet innocent look the humans were used to.
Unknown to you, Jotaro warily watched you as you did that, sharp eyes following your form as you went to the skull and grabbed the harness laying on top before swimming up to the surface.
Shyly poking your head out of the water, you darted your eyes back and forth a bit before landing on the man standing right next to the edge of the tank who had called you.
“Good morning.” He smiled and you bobbed your head a bit in greeting. “Where is the harness?” He then asked and you let your hand drift to the surface, the broken harness in hand.
The man tutted a little but then stuck out his hand, taking it from you before moving it to his other hand and using the one in the water to motion you closer, pointing at the bandaging around your waist. “We didn’t have time to take a look at that yesterday. How about now, Hm?”
God how you wanted to bite his hand. Leave that damned harness on all night and then act like nothing happened? Claiming to just want to look at and take care of your wound again? It almost made you regret trying to trick them by acting dumb and nice.
Someone else didn’t have the gripe of trying to keep up the act of being friendly however.
Out of nowhere, Jotaro breached right in front of you, immediately diving back down and pushing you down with him while he violently smashed his tail against the scientists outstretched hand.
Said scientist screamed in pain as several of the bones snapped at the powerful strike, others rushing towards him while Jotaro just left the chaos behind and pushed you further down before abruptly letting go about halfway to the bottom.
“The fuck are you doing.” He snarled and you backed up a bit.
“What do you mean?”
“Interacting with them. What is your plan to get out of here that makes you need to get all friendly with them?” 
As he said that, you tried to steady your breathing. No matter his looks or his seeming temper, his mind was clearly not to be underestimated and already proved to be very sharp. He knew you were putting up an act.
“I’m trying to make them think I am no more intelligent than like, what? A four or three year old human?” You spoke, getting a little lost in thought thinking about human ages and their behaviours during it.
Jotaro’s voice snapped you out of it and you focused again.
“If they expect this level of intelligence from me-“ You kept your hand flat and stationary at the level of your bellybutton. “-they will tailor security measures and such around that level of intelligence. Humans like to cut corners. If they think I don’t know how to open a door, they won’t lock it.” You continued and Jotaro had his eyes narrowed at you. “So, when I suddenly show this level of intelligence-“ You moved your hand up and hovered it at the level of your neck. “-they won’t expect it and I’ll be able to get out of here while they try to figure out what happened.
Despite seemingly getting your explanation, Jotaro seemed truly revolted by the idea of buttering up the scientists.
Without another word, a frustrated rumble tumbled from his chest and he turned to the right, starting to swim away, back to his corner. But not before stopping once more and looking back at you. “Don’t let them touch you.” With that, he continued on his way.
Bringing your arm in, you held it to your chest as you watched him swim away.
- - - - 
About two days passed and during that, your communication with Jotaro had been minimal. You two more or less avoided each other - though there wasn’t any bad blood between you two.
Just now, a big slab of tuna had been lowered and - while you had planned to just wait until Jotaro was done - he seemed to have other plans. He sliced off a chunk, letting it drift down as if he didn’t notice it falling while he himself continued with what he had. Yet subtly, you could see him look at you, releasing one low click sound from deep within his chest. A non-verbal go-ahead that many leaders of a pod used; to show that it was for you.
Sending him a quick smile, you darted over and scooped up the meat from below him right before it could touch the floor. With that, you then turned around and went to the corner opposite of him. For once, Jotaro was not in his usual corner. And you were going to make full use of it by doing what you had been meaning to for the last few days.
Putting the tuna in your mouth and just holding it there, you started plucking the gigantic seaweed that grew from the bottom, slicing it at the soil with your claws until your arms were practically completely full.
Peeking your head around the pillar, you saw Jotaro still eating and thus silently yet quickly swam over to his corner.
The sand was bunched up in a small hill on one end, a deeper and bigger indent right in front of it, showing it was where Jotaro slept every night. There were some plants growing around it, but not many. None close enough that they would be able to bend in the current and annoy him as he tried to sleep at least. That was good.
Now, you knew sleeping on the sand was fine. You had been doing it yourself, even insulated and kept a little more warm because of your protective surrounding skull. And, while the heap of sand behind the dent was meant for the same purpose - to retain some body heat - you knew from experience that plants were way better at that.
So, you started placing the seaweed leaves on the sand indentation. One by one you placed them down, layering them over comfortably until it padded the entire space.
You were happy you picked a lot because you had underestimated how big Jotaro’s bedding would be, seeing he was quite massive as well.
Next came the tricky part. Getting the leaves to stick together and stay on the sand, paired with getting rid of all the prickly edges.
Opting to make sure it stayed in place first, you curled the edges of the leaves around the edge of the sand indent and buried it firmly in the grain, making sure to tuck it in well and good so that it would not let go. With that out of the way, you began chipping away at the sharp edges. 
You worked as fast as you could, wanting to be finished before Jotaro was done eating and would return here. 
Finally done with the snipping, you ran your hand across it, satisfied that there was no uncomfortable plant membrane sticking out anymore.
Onto the last step, you started with the hardest part: weaving the plants together. Cutting small incisions in the leaves with your nails, you started interlocking those cut sections, fitting them together like a puzzle until every leaf on the entire bed was interwoven.
You were almost done when you spotted movement out of the corner of your eye. Turning your head, you saw Jotaro swimming closer, a confused yet wary look on his face. 
In the blink of an eye you were already swimming away, booking it towards your skull and shooting inside with practiced ease. You were pretty sure Jotaro couldn’t fit through the mouth, so you felt relatively safe in case he got mad about you messing with his sleeping spot.
No angry sounds came however. 
- - - -
Several more days passed just like that. You had made a seaweed bed for yourself as well, stuffing it in the skull and spending quite some time digging a little further into the sand so that you would have a true little hovel. Because of this you realised the skull had no lower jaw, which allowed you to dig down into the sand, causing for even more insulation to keep yourself warm at night. Was it necessary? No. Did it feel great to sleep in a warm environment? You bet it did.
Your interaction with Jotaro was still bar to none. Although he did seem more accepting of you, no longer letting out a dangerous or angry rumble when you moved too much or splashed around a bit.
You had gone back to playing with your yellow ball, throwing it at the scientists heads - though they dodged it more easily now that their attention wasn’t divided between two tanks. Still, whenever you did hit one of them, it felt like a huge accomplishment. 
While pretending to play however, you took the opportunity to gather information. Pick up on what the scientists were saying, checking the tank walls while you were pretending to swim around as fast as you could - while in actuality you went only about half as fast. In particular, hopping up on top of the concrete column rewarded you with figuring out there were cameras in the thing. They were small, built in and probably very expensive.
So the scientists were watching your every move even if they weren’t watching.
You honestly felt terrible when you figured that out and had retreated back to your skull, not coming out for 28 hours, not even for food.
About thirteen days had passed since you first came here, and you still had no idea how to get out...
- - - -
To say the scientists of the research facility were in excited chaos and confusion that morning was an understatement. 
After nearly two weeks of no process at all with the Mer they captured - the two of them only avoiding each other as much as possible - they come in for work, only to see the two of them curled up in the male’s nest and sleeping together!?
“What the hell happened?! John! Get the footage of last night!”
“Right!” Said man immediately sprinted away to get it while the rest stayed glued to the glass, watching the two Mer as best as they could with how far away from the glass they had set up camp.
A few minutes later, John returned and they all watched with baited breath to see what happened. 
Operating the four cameras, they switched between them and fast forwarded the footage from last night until there was motion, pressing play.
“What happened that gave them a change of heart?” 
- - - -
Disturbance in the water had roused Jotaro from his sleep. 
There was absolutely nothing in this tank except for a feeble artificial water current that helped with filtering. So, to suddenly feel such jerking motions in the water could only mean that it was the other occupant of the tank.
Jotaro tried to ignore it for a bit and go back to sleep but the irregularity and violence in which you were moving meant there was no chance of that.
A little annoyed, Jotaro got up and started swimming over to the skull you had taken residence in. 
Unlike the last time you had woken him up during the night, you were not in front of it. Furrowing his brows, Jotaro turned up and swam to one of the eye sockets. Gripping the edge of it, he pulled himself closer and peered inside.
It was hard to make anything out in the dark but with the limited night vision he had, Jotaro could see your form, completely curled in on yourself on top of a bed similar to what you had made for him. 
Only, then you twitched.
Your whole body jolted for a bit, a barely audible squeak leaving you before you settled again, only for you to jolt again a few seconds later. Your face was screwed up in pain and discomfort and Jotaro let his gaze drift to your waist, seeing if you could be in pain from that, even if it should have healed for the majority of it.
It wasn’t that though. You didn’t clutch at it in pain or explicitly tried to avoid touching it. You seemed to just be having a nightmare.
For a moment Jotaro considered just leaving. You’d wake up from it eventually and would then just go back to sleep. But that thought was quickly chased away.
Not ever had he seen you so... vulnerable. And as he looked at you, something in him screamed at him to protect you. To protect you, to hold you, to keep you close and safe. Only after a few seconds of feeling his stomach twist did Jotaro realise. Wait, shit- did he just imprint on you?
Just like pups would imprint on parents, so could future mates imprint on each other. It didn’t always happen or all that often actually, but something in Jotaro told him that that was exactly what just happened. Fuck.
Stunned for a few seconds longer, it was another small whimper from you that snapped him out of it. Pushing forward, Jotaro got closer to the eye but he could soon see that he wouldn’t be able to reach you through there with his arm, you were too far to the back and he definitely wouldn’t be able to fit. Hell, he wouldn’t even be able to put both his shoulders through there, let alone his tail.
So, with no other option, Jotaro would have to fully go inside another way.
He didn’t want to invade your personal space, but what other choice did he have? With a bit of hesitation, he swam towards the entrance you had dug and looked down into it. While it was big enough for you to be a comfortable and easy fit, Jotaro would either not fit at all, or have to really squeeze.
He got up for a second and sighed. He could hardly believe he was actually gonna do this. With a little stretch of his back and tail in anticipation, he grabbed hold of the roof of the mouth of the skull. 
Lifting it out of the sand was less heavy than he had thought, most likely because of the light material of the skull, but that didn’t mean it was easy. The sand was suctioning it quite strongly but he only had to lift it a little bit to accommodate himself, not pull it out completely. 
After a few seconds of lifting it up, Jotaro released it, content to see it stayed at the same height he had put it in before he almost immediately ducked down and made his way inside.
Swimming slowly to not scare you awake even more than you probably would be, Jotaro reached where you were tucked in the corner.
“Y/N.” He softly called out your name but it didn’t do shit. With a lack of social skills or experience, and the need to do at least something, Jotaro instead just opted to grab your shoulder. “Wake up.”
In an instant, you came to life. Seeing nothing but a large form hovering over you caused an immediate fight or flight response and you grabbed at the hand on your shoulder, using your other to swipe at your attacker, only for them to grab both your wrists.
“It’s just me, calm down.” The voice of Jotaro spoke and your breath hitched in your throat. Jotaro? What? How?
Any logic was cast out of your mind as your instincts kicked in. Right as Jotaro let go of your wrists, you shot forward and clung to him. The safety that him being larger and stronger provided and the body heat he emitted the only thing playing in your barely awake mind, still half stuck in the nightmare.
Jotaro was taken aback as you wrapped around him, yet, for what felt like the first time in forever, he welcomed the contact. As he raised one arm to attempt to wrap it around you and provide more safety, he instead painfully slammed his elbow against the skull, making you squeak and cling tighter to him before realising it was not a threat and letting up a bit.
As much as Jotaro wanted to, he couldn’t stay here. This skull could barely fit him as is, let alone with another person there. 
Patting your shoulder twice, you looked up at him and Jotaro felt his heart seize at the look you gave him. You also understood what he meant however and let go of him, floating back a bit.
Placing his hand on your head, Jotaro turned with a bit of effort and swam out of the skull.
As his tail disappeared from sight, you cast your eyes down. You were so tired and barely conscious enough to keep your eyes open, yet still, going back to sleep sounded like the last thing you wanted to do.
Suddenly however, you felt your wrist being grabbed and Jotaro yanked you with him out of that skull.
Confusion riddled your sleep heavy mind and you barely had enough thought to move your tail, attempting to help swim but mostly being dragged along by Jotaro.
Before long, you two reached Jotaro’s nest and he sat down on it, pulling you a bit closer since you were practically as far away as you could be, stretched out arms and confused. When you still didn’t seem to get it, Jotaro pulled you down with him until you were pressed against him, your back to his chest as he had his arm around you from behind. His tail started curling around you until it fully encased your form, pushing under your head until you were laying it on top, as if using his tail as a pillow. 
“Sleep.” Jotaro spoke softly from right behind you, almost whispering it into your ear, making your heart skip a beat. Almost immediately after saying that, a faint and low rumble began coming from his chest, almost as if he were purring, and you could instantly feel yourself becoming less anxious.
The soft vibrations on your back together with the protective arm wrapped over you and the strong, thick tail curled around and in front of your entire body made you feel safer than you had in a long time - maybe ever. 
By now, you could barely remember your nightmare, only that it scared you to death. But even then, all those fears were slowly driven away by the comfort of Jotaro’s warmth and the protection he brought.
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4
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Beauty Should Be Admired
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Title: Beauty Should Be Admired Fandom: MCU Pairing: BuckyXReader Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Fatphobia, but I think that’s about it Words: 1,894 Summary:Your first date with Bucky, and the first time Bucky calls you beautiful.
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All mistakes are mine, but shout out to my beautiful BETA reader @welcome-to-the-sin-zone. This is purely self-indulgent. Please be kind!! <3 <3 I love you all!
Materlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You stand staring at yourself in the mirror, turning this way and that, smoothing your hands down your outfit. Today was your first date with Bucky Barnes, after weighing the pros and cons of dating again for over two months. And you hated how you looked. The dress was cut to hug your ‘curves’, but all you saw was how your breasts looked lopsided and squashed with half of them spilling out into your armpits, where your arm fat flapped like wings, your stomach bulging out and falling over your core making you feel like you look 8 months pregnant, and your hips looking like the top of a muffin just overflowing over your legs. Not to mention that the skirt stops just above your knees, so your thighs show that they are thicker than tree trunks, making your knees appear odd and fat as well as making it look like your legs turn in because it doesn’t matter how close you put your feet, your thighs don’t allow your feet to touch together, but your knees definitely do. The boots that would have looked amazing with this particular dress were too small to fit your giant calves, so they stayed in the closet, instead you were wearing a pair of Converse, the only shoe you really felt added to the dress. 
“Fuck…” You mutter, your shoulders sagging as you turn away from the mirror and back towards your closet. “Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck, fuck it all,” you grab your favorite pair of jeans and worn tshirt, throwing the cute dress you were wearing into the back of the closet with a huff.
Pulling the jeans on, feeling far more comfortable as soon as your stomach bulge is contained, and then the soft cotton of the tshirt embracing your torso, hiding your upper arm fat, you nod. “This will do fine.” You mutter to yourself, ignoring the mirror on the way out of your apartment. You hated that thing, anyway. 
The smile on Bucky’s face when you walk up to the small restaurant is enough to calm the last of your nerves about your outfit, and you take the flowers he offered to you.
“Well, aren’t you a gentleman?” You tease, inspecting the bundle of blue, purple, and white flowers. “My favorite colors…”
Bucky blushes, nodding his head as you smile at him. “I remember you saying that you wanted your apartment to be purple and teal, but they didn’t have any teal flowers… I guess that’s a special order kind of thing.”
“They are beautiful, and I love them. Thank you. So …” You look up at the sign of the restaurant and smile. “I’ve never heard of Mona’s before?”
You step inside as Bucky holds the door for you, your eyes never leaving his face. His 5 o’clock shadow has started to come in, accentuating his chiseled jawline, making you lick your lips subconsciously. 
“They’ve been around since the 30’s. Same family still owns them, they’re really good.” Bucky explains as he leads you to a secluded table that’s been reserved for you both.
You place the flowers on the table next to your silverware and pick up the menu. “I do love Italian food.”
“Good.” Bucky smiles at you and you could just melt. How was this guy real? “I suggest the fried chicken with tortellini. It’s their specialty, and they haven’t changed the recipe since they opened.”
“Did you and Steve frequent here when you were growing up or something?” You ask, intrigued at why he knows so much about the place.
His nod confirms, but he also explains. “Steve’s neighbor actually owned it back then. He immigrated here from Italy in 1930 to start a new life, so we spent most evenings here. Pabst Blue Ribbon actually donated the sign out front for them.”
“Really? That’s amazing. So, a real slice of history right here in Brooklyn, huh?”
“Yeah,” Bucky shifts in his seat and looks up at the waitress who comes to take your orders then asks for a glass for the flowers. The waitress comes back with a small vase full of water and smiles at you both before leaving you in peace again. 
Bucky takes the flowers then, adding them to the vase and adjusting them, picking off a dangling petal before placing it back down on the table and giving you another smile. “There.”
“There,” you giggle. “You remind me so much of my grandfather…” you muse, resting your chin on your hand. “He was always such an old fashioned gentleman. He would buy my grandma flowers every Friday except when his roses were blooming. He would always make sure she had a bouquet on the table,” you sigh, remembering how much love your grandfather had for your grandmother. It always made you sad, knowing he was gone, but he showed you what a real man does for the woman he loves. You had thought for the longest time that he had given you unreasonable expectations of men. But that was before you met Bucky. “You know, every night he would leave a chocolate on her pillow,” the smile on your face is both sad and bright. “God I miss him…”
“What happened to him?”
“He passed away in his sleep a few years ago. And about three months after that, my grandma passed. I miss them a lot,” you look up at Bucky and chuckle. “My grandma was the first person I admitted to being bisexual to. I told her I had a date one day, and she was like, ‘oh, with a guy!?’ and I asked her if she would still love me if I was dating a woman. She told me - I’ll always remember this. She looked at me, straight in the eyes, and said, ‘Oh, honey, I’d love you even if you dated a bird, as long as you are happy!’,” you sniffle and wipe your eyes as a few tears start to fall. “I miss her.”
Bucky reaches over and wipes a stray tear off your cheek. “I’m sorry… I’m glad you had them. But I’m sorry they passed.”
“It’s ok. They aren’t in pain anymore, and that’s what matters,” you say as you sniffle again and sit up a little straighter. “Anyway. Yeah, so you remind me a lot of him. He was a great guy.”
“I guess that’s better than ‘you remind me of my grandfather because you’re old’,” Bucky chuckles.
You smile and shake your head, looking down at the table for a moment before looking back up at Bucky. “No, just a gentleman. An old fashioned gentleman. Most men I’ve met have been, um… well, dicks,” you shrug. “Misogynistic  dicks.”
“I’ve heard that. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about dating anymore… I can’t believe it. Since when do men think that they’re just entitled to women?”
“Since forever?” You raise an eyebrow at him, snorting. “Seriously, forever. I mean, men back in the 40’s weren’t much better. They might have been, um… less obvious? But men have always felt they’re entitled to women’s bodies. We’ve always been objets to them. I mean, come on, Jack the Ripper disemboweled sex workers in the 1890’s because men believe they’re entitled to women!”
“I suppose you’re right…” Bucky sighs, shaking his head. “I’ve heard that Jack the Ripper could have been a woman, though.” he attempts to change the subject.
“It’s a theory. There’s no way to prove it anymore,” you say, shrugging as you sit back when the waitress comes over with your food.
You grin and thank the waitress before unwrapping your silverware. “This smells so amazing!” You dig into the food happily, forgetting conversation as you finish the chicken and start on the pasta.
Bucky watches you with a small smile on his face, eating much slower than you. When you realize you’re being watched, though, you stop, setting your fork down, suddenly embarrassed, bordering on humiliated.
“Sorry…” you mutter under your breath, “I -”
“No, no, don’t be sorry.” Bucky says immediately, giving you a bright smile. “I think it’s great. I’ve been on a few dates and they barely ate. I think it’s awesome that you enjoy it so much.”
You cast your eyes down, looking at your plate. “Oh, yeah, heh… I - I mean, I really like food… clearly. I mean, look at me.” You mutter, motioning down at yourself. “I live to eat, ya know? Carbs. I’m a whore for them.”
“I think it’s great.” Bucky says again.
“I think it’s why I’m fat. But I mean -”
“You’re beautiful.” Bucky interrupts you. “And your joy -”
“Please don’t,” You frown, looking up at Bucky then. “Please don’t patronize me like that. First of all, I said I’m fat, not ugly. I mean, I am ugly, but that’s not what I said. And I think it’s bullshit that the only time I ever hear any compliments like ‘you’re beautiful’ or ‘you’re so pretty’ is when I shit on myself for being fat. Like, what the fuck?” You shake your head and pick up your fork again, not angry, but not as happy as you were before. “Like - I get it. You probably asked me out because you think I’m interesting, I don’t need to be patronized and told I’m beautiful just because you don’t wanna feel bad about yourself for making me feel back about myself.”
“That’s not what I was doing,” he says slowly. “I mean it, you are beautiful. And so what if you’ve got a little more fat on yourself than someone else? Doesn’t make you any less beautiful.”
You scoff and take another bite of food, rolling your eyes as you don’t believe him.
“You’ve really never been told you’re beautiful outside of this context?” He asks, motioning around the table to indicate the current conversation.
You shake your head, “nope,” you pop the “p” as take another bite.
Bucky sits back and watches you for a moment, astounded. “Why?” He sounds absolutely amazed, like he can’t believe that you haven’t been told you’re beautiful every day of your life. “Doll, you’ve been robbed. Because you are beautiful. And you should be told that every damn day of your life.”
You look away, taking another bite of your food, and avoiding eye contact at all cost. “Please don’t,”
“No, I will,” Bucky insists. “And you’re going to sit there and listen because I remind you of your grandfather.” He grins.
You chuckle and shake your head. “You’re impossible.”
“I’m an old fashioned gentleman. And I think you are stunning. Very beautiful.”
“You’re pretty fuckin’ handsome yourself,” you say, finally looking back at him and giving him a shy smile. “For an old man.”
“Oh, that was low,” Bucky chuckles, shaking his head.
“It’s what you get! Now finish eating. I want dessert. Since you think it’s so great that I love food so much.”
Bucky smiles again and waves down the waitress, ordering you a slice of cheesecake and going back to his own meal. His eyes never stray from you for long, though, and you find yourself smiling every time you catch him staring.
“What can I say?” he asks, after you point out that he’s staring and it’s awkward. “Beauty should be admired.”
~*~ Fin ~*~
Next ->
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peskygirl13 · 3 years
If that's okay could i request Riddle and Azul (or just one of them!!) trying to bond with MC's pokémon cause the Pokémon doesn't trust them?
Bonus if MC's pokémon is very mischevious and gives them a hard time when they're alone and around MC is a little angel.
"what do you mean [insert pkmn] did that? He/she would never! He/she's such an angel!"
And in while MC is saying this he/she's giving them a shit eating grin.
If you don't feel like writing this feel free to ignore ok? (。・ω・。) Your writings are so good!
Woohoo! My first request!
This is Twst x Pokemon, but it isn’t apart of the series I’m working on.
I ended up only doing Riddle because I couldn't come up with anything for Azul. It may not be exactly what you wanted, but I hope you like it regardless.
Also, happy Fourth of July to anyone who celebrates it!
Riddle was walking in Heartslabyul’s garden, making sure that all the preparations for the Unbirthday Party was going well. 
The table was already set, covered with a pristine white table cloth. From where he was standing he could see Cater, Ace, and Deuce painting the white roses red. Other residents of the dorm were coloring the flamingos or feeding the hedgehogs. Trey was currently in the kitchen with a handful of students, making the food.
All in all, everything was going great.
The one thing Riddle couldn’t understand is why there was a teapot already on the table.
The table had already been set with the china they were using and decorated with flowers, but the teapot shouldn’t have been out yet. As a part of kitchen duty, Trey and whoever was helping him in the kitchen was responsible for brewing the tea. 
Not to mention Riddle had every pot and plate that Heartslabyul owned committed to memory, and that pot was not one of theirs. 
It didn’t even go with the dishes they had set out! And even from here Riddle could see multiple cracks and fractures on the pot.
Thinking that this was some kind of joke that Ace and Deuce were trying to pull, Riddle irritably marched over to the cracked teapot.
You’d think the two would’ve learned after the first Unbirthday Party.
However, once he was closer, Riddle could see something moving in the teapot. It wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing to happen at NRC, but how could there be tea in a cracked teapot?
Curiously, Riddle picked up the pot off the table, lifting the lid and peeking inside–
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Something jumped out of the pot, startling Riddle and making him drop it, but it didn’t hit the ground.
Riddle watched as a purple blob with a face appeared in the hovering teapot, lifting up the lid and tilting its head curiously at him.
“What in the name of the great seven–”
Riddle didn’t get to finish his thought when he heard screaming behind him.
He turned around to see several students floating in the air, outlined with a faint purple glow.
“What the hell?!” Ace yelled, hovering a few feet off the ground with Deuce and Cater, along with the paint brushes and buckets they had been using to paint the roses.
Riddle barely had anytime to react when he heard another yell.
Several students were chasing after the hedgehogs while others were trying to calm down the flamingos who were flapping wildly, both animals seemed to be in a state of confusion.
More screams were heard as the kitchen crew, Trey included, ran out out the kitchen while being chased by the food they had been making.
And, to top it all off, the china the table was set with started floating too, threatening to bump into each other and chip.
Amidst the chaos, Riddle could hear giggling and saw that the floating teapot creature seemed to be the only one enjoying this.
“This is your doing!” Riddle yelled, quickly putting the pieces together and pointing an accusing finger at the teapot.
Riddle lunged forward to grab it, but the creature easily dodged him. Riddle started chasing the creature around the dorm grounds, his temper growing as he continued to yell at the creature, demanding it fix everything only to be met with its giggles.
His temper was almost at the boiling point when he heard a new voice call out over all the chaos.
It took Riddle a second before he realized that it was your voice. Polteageist seemed to recognize it too because the moment it heard you everything stopped.
The students and the paint dropped to the ground as if they never left it at all. The flamingos and hedgehogs calmed down almost instantaneously. The food that had been chasing the kitchen crew vanished and reappeared on the table where the china had already been restored.
And all this happened just moments before you appeared.
You quickly spotted your Pokémon floating beside a frazzled looking Riddle who was looking around his dorm wildly in confusion.
“There you are, Polteageist.” You smiled.
Immediately, Polteageist zoomed over to you. It squeezed its body out of the spout of its teapot and hugged your cheek affectionately.
You smiled and rubbed it back gently with your finger before turning to a still bewildered looking Riddle.
“Thanks for taking care of Polteageist. I hope it didn’t cause you too much trouble.” You said, completely innocent of all the havoc your Pokémon wrecked on the dorm.
Riddle couldn’t find the energy in him to respond as you walked off with your teapot Pokémon. And the moment you and Polteageist were out of sight, everyone collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.
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Human/Beast Legoshi x Reader- Oneshot (Beastars) AU
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"You can't tell me you don't think he's at least a little cute."
Juno and a few of your other classmates had this strange infatuation with Legoshi. You could understand the attraction. He was tall, had nice gray hair, a muscular body, and soft gray eyes.
At Cherryton Academy, he was a hot topic. Next to Louis of course. You'd met a few times. He wasn't like most guys. Being that desired by the female population, you would think he'd be a player. But he was kind, thoughtful and a bit awkward. Then there was the next thing, maybe no one questioned it, but you always felt like he was hiding something.
So it wasn't that you didn't think he was cute, more like you didn't fully trust him. You felt like he had this darkness, and it felt like you were the only one who saw it, which made it that more frustrating. You'd never been one to nose around in others' business, but this particular feeling wouldn't leave.
"He's okay." you say absentmindedly. You weren't really focusing anymore on the conversation.
"Speak of the devil." One of your friends cheered. Legoshi and Louis were chatting as they walked through the school's halls. Louis turned to Juno to greet her, in which she smiled and started conversing. You smiled at the two.
"They would make a pretty cute couple."
"You think so." Legoshi's reply made you turn, and he flinched, scratching his head. "I-I guess they do look pretty good together." 
There was his awkwardness again.
"What are you hiding?" 
Now was as good a time as any, since Juno was otherwise occupied, you could drill him. "W-What do you mean?" He backed up into the wall, and you poked his chest. "Don't play dumb, everyone thinks you're this upstanding guy, but I'm not fooled. It's been my experience that overly nice people usually have something to hide. So what is it? Are you a felon or something?"
"Of course not!" He was sweating, definitely guilty.
"That's enough (Y/N), stop harassing Legoshi." Louis pressed a hand to your forehead pushing you back and you flapped your arms.
"No fair Louis-senpai!" Why did they all have to be so tall? With a grumble, you folded your arms.
"If you're interested in him all you had to do was admit it. There's no shame."
"L-Louis-senpai." Legoshi raised his hands to wave off the comment, and you just fumed.
"Like if I'd be interested in that awkward giant!"
Legoshi sweatdropped, and Louis let out a soft laugh. Juno was giggling too.
"I'm going to class!" you were already running off in the opposite direction. Juno followed, waving at the two males. Watching as Juno's form disappeared down the halls, Louis turned.
"You have to be more careful." Louis lectured.
Legoshi sulked. "I'm no good at that. "
Louis knew full well your curious nature, if anyone were to find out, it would be problematic, especially you. More so because of Legoshi's interest. "She smells really good." Legoshi muttered. His nose twitched, and Louis' face palmed.
"You two are hopeless. " He just walked off,
"W-Wait for me Senpai!"
"Baka Legoshi." You were nowhere closer to getting to the bottom of the mystery. Damn Louis and his need to butt into everything.
School let out a few hours ago, you were just heading to get some snacks. Maybe binge watch a few series since it was Friday. Then get on some of your homework and help Juno with her drama practices tomorrow. She was pretty serious about the club, you guessed that's why you admired her. She always put her all in whatever she was doing. Louis was quite the same. Passionate, assertive, charismatic. They really were a great pair. You directed your eyes at the moon above your head, nipping on your popsicle.
"Who would I match with?"
That was a good question.
Buzzing past the many houses, your gaze would shift from one to the other. A particularly older one made a chill rush up your spine. It was pretty rundown, deserted. That's why it wasn't a surprise at the rumors and stories that arise. It was abandoned years ago, and despite your knowledge that no one lived there, it still made you uneasy. You always felt like you were being watched when you walked by.
You hugged your body, increasing your pace. As you were about to cross the road, a familiar pair of gray striped pants caught your eyes. You squinted in confusion, coming to a stop. Whoever it was, ducked their head, freezing too. Because of the dark shadow casted over the building, you couldn't make out the face. That uniform though.
"It's Cherryton."
Without a doubt.
"Hey!" Your call caused whoever it was to step back, right before they took off.
You have no idea what possessed you to chase this stranger, but you're already running after the figure. They scaled over the fence easily, heading for the forest. For a split second your eyes widened. It was at least eight feet high, yet this person jumped over as if it were nothing. Squeezing through an opening at the side, you dropped your bag of treats and popsicle.
"Stop running!!" you yelled.
You were gaining a little bit of ground, still, this person was fast. Tall too.
Sliding around a couple trees, and dodging a broken branch, you used a smaller tree trunk to pivot yourself into the air. Grabbing onto a branch, you did a full swing, landing a few feet in front of your mystery figure.
"Stop!" you demand. Said person didn't have a choice. When you stood full height, you nearly screamed. The person, more like thing standing in front of you was...
"W-What the hell.."
It had the body of a man, but the grey ears and tail were anything but human. Not to mention the fur covering it's arms, from the looks of it, it's entire body. You staggered back.
The thing was without a shirt, but wearing a pair of your high school's pants.
"I'm not going to hurt you I promise!"
It was speaking your language too!!!
He took a step, and you fell onto your butt, lips quivering.
It had to be.
He shook his head vigorously.
"N-No! It's me Legoshi!!" He knelt, and if you weren't petrified with fear right now, you may have found your voice to scream, or at least try and make a break for it. His voice, those eyes. There's no way it could be him. That didn't make sense.
"L-Legoshi?" He nodded, grinning at you. Now you could see a full row of sharp teeth. You swallowed, and he shut his mouth, dropping into a sitting position. His furry ears lowered, and he buried his face into his knees.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled. You just sit there staring. This whole time your gut had been right. Legoshi was hiding something. Pretty huge too. Whatever you'd expected, this was far from it.
"I-I promise I won't hurt you. I'd never hurt you (Y/N)-san." He still had his head down as if he'd committed some heinous crime. You felt kind of sorry for him.
This is crazy, your brain knows that, so does your body. Yet, seeing him so distraught, it brings guilt. You were the one who decided to meddle in his personal life. This change, whatever it is, it's clear that he is ashamed of it. No wonder he took off when you called out. A stranger discovering this would have been horrifying, so you can just imagine how it feels to have one of your classmates treat you like a monster. You shift, about to move closer to him. Lifting a hand, you reach out.
"Don't." Your falter at his warning.
He isn't even looking up, so how does he know?
"It's bad enough when we're at school, I try to keep all my feelings in check. But with you just sitting there, if you touch me, I won't be able to resist the urge to kiss you." your cheeks flush, eyes widening.
You just gape. Legoshi raises his head slowly, and when he sees your blushing state, his cheeks become just as red.
"O-Oh I-I shouldn't have said. Listen, just ignore everything I just said, okay." He scrambles to his feet, nearly falling in the process. He rambles about something or the other, your brain isn't registering it fully. All you see is Legoshi. For the first time since you've met him, you finally truly see him.
"Legoshi.." He pauses mid sentence, and you rise to your feet. He doesn't move a muscle. That's until you reach out for him. "H-Hey wait don't-" you grab his arm and the hair on his arm stands up. You take another step, resting a hand on his chest, you just marvel at the expanse of fur.
"It's so soft.."
Legoshi is quite frankly losing his mind.
"What do I do!" He's trying his best not to panic, but you're touching him.
"This isn't good.."
Your fingers feel so heavenly against him. His tail begins to wag frantically, and you're still in a daze, brushing his fur. The moon casts a light on your bodies, highlighting the small area. When you grab a fistful and tug experimentally, he snaps, pushing you roughly against a tree. A growl elects from his throat, and he's gripping your wrists.
"I said don't." It's almost a hiss, and when his head lowers and he sniffs your neck, you hold your breath.
"I'm s-sorry." you really needed to work on your curious nature. It's beginning to become a dangerous problem.
"Why do you always smell so good, makes me want to bury myself within you." you whimper at the words. This shouldn't be so arousing, but somehow your body is responding. For all you know he could be thinking of eating you. You have no clue what he's capable of.
"Werewolves aren't like what you humans think. We don't eat people, we're quite the same as you, just our desires, senses, drives their heightened." His low tone is driving you crazy. He still has you bound to the tree. When he licks your neck, you're thoroughly convinced you'll pass out. He inhales, relishing in your response to him.
"I can smell it, how much this excites you. You've thought about me before, isn't that why you're always trying to figure me out?" When you get yourself to open your eyes, Legoshi's eyes are red. Your heart skips. It's like he's turned into a different person.
A cloud drifts over the moon, blocking the light that was shining below for a moment. He blinks, and the red fades. With a startled yell he releases you, jumping back.
"(Y-Y/N)-san!" you just stare at him, unable to move. Your heart is hammering, face fully red. Your knees finally buckle and you slide down the tree.
"P-Please don't say a word to anyone!"
He bows on the floor right in front of you.
It was a given that wouldn't say anything. This was still too much for even you to process.
Curiosity really does kill the cat.
"Should have just mind my own business. "
You'll be smarter in the future.
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