#I noticed people are actually possibly following this series
cookies-artblog · 1 year
Heyo! I forgot to post the inktober schedule so her it is:
Day 1: terrible terror (done)
Day 2 : deadly nadder (done)
Day 3: gronkle (done)
Day 4: monstrous nightmare (done)
Day 5 : hideous zippleback (done)
Day 6: night fury (done)
Day 7: changewing ( my beloved❤️) (coming soon)
Day 8: smothering smokebreath (coming soon)
Day 9: scauldron
Day 10: typhoomerang
Day 11: whispering death
Day 12: speedstinger
Day 13: screaming death
Day 14: thunderdrum
Day 15: night terror
Day 16: death song
Day 17: skrill
Day 18: flightmare
Day 19: snaptrapper
Day 20: triple strike
Day 21: fire worm
Day 22: cavern crasher
Day 23: timberjack
Day 24: snafflefang
Day 25: buffalord
Day 26: rumblehorn
Day 27: hot burple
Day 28: submaripper
Day 29: shellfire
Day 30: razorwhip
Day 31: red death
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jexnkookie · 3 months
The Law of Attraction (Lawyer!Jung Kook x Reader) [Part 1]
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Story Synopsis: Throughout his life, Jung Kook has only ever loved one girl. Despite her being out of his league and of an elite class that he wasn't born into, he fell hard, keeping his feelings a closely guarded secret. When they parted ways, and Jung Kook pursued his law career, he did so with the intent of moving on. But when she unexpectedly arrives back into his life, Jung Kook finds himself once again face to face with his own insecurities, and the girl of his dreams.
Story Rating: M (18+) [Language, sex, depression, alcoholism] Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Characters/Pairings: Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader (feat. Jimin x Reader)
Chapter Word Count: 2.6k
Authors Note: I have this listed as "part one", because I may want to continue it in the future! This is just an idea that I've had floating around in my head, and I really haven't been inspired to write more of my other story lately, so why not put this out? If you'd like more of this story, please let me know and I can possibly continue it, if it's something y'all are interested in!
(It got another part)
Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
New York City is always bustling on a Monday morning. Crowds of people piling onto the sprawling connection of subway, buses and sidewalks on their way for another week of hard work. Jung Kook was among them, wearing a discounted, freshly pressed suit, and a fresh cup of Starbucks coffee in his hand. AirPods in his ear, he let the newest pop playlist cover up the sound of the crowded street on his way to his new office. There was a little, barely noticeable pep in his step, hinting at his excitement for his first day. 
His office building was rather large, even by his own metrics. Coming from Seoul, Jung Kook was no stranger to towering buildings, but this fresh law office had something glistening about its structure. As he entered through the front rotating tour, scanning the pass in his lanyard to be let in, any seasoned attorney would quickly recognize the wide-eyed young man as an ambitious rookie. 
“Jung Kook!” A voice called out from across the lobby. Jung Kook stopped walking and looked up, scanning the room to see Mr. Kim Namjoon, one of the best defense attorneys he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting, greeting him with a dimpled smile. 
“Good morning, Mr. Kim!” Jung Kook responded, quickly making his way over to greet him. 
“Aish, Jung Kook. Call me Namjoon.” He smiled shyly. “We’ll be working together as partners, I won’t be just a mentor to you anymore. I want you to feel comfortable around me.” 
“Right, of course.” Jung Kook grinned. “Thank you for bringing me here, I’m really excited.” 
“That’s great to hear.” Namjoon’s voice was warm and sincere. “I wasn’t sure how’d willing you’d be to leave Korea, but I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, it um…” Jung Kook pauses, thinking to himself for a moment for the right words to say. “It was a move that was for the best.” 
Namjoon kept a smile on his face, but furrowed his brows just briefly as he read into the younger man’s explanation. Not wanting to press too much, he motioned Jung Kook to follow him to the elevator. They walked together with comfortable conversation, questions about Jung Kook’s move to the city and his commute. As the elevator took them high above the rest of the city, Jung Kook’s finger absentmindedly tapped on the coffee cup he held, jitters taking over. 
“We had a case come in that I think you’ll be perfect to help me with.” Namjoon said, leading Jung Kook to his new office overlooking the city. There was an unorganized set of case files already on the desk. “You can put your stuff here, please make this space your own. The case is centering a Korean family, actually, so I thought maybe the two of us could connect with them on that level. Wealthy family, they’ve been doing business in the States a long time. But the son of the founder just recently inherited the company, and he’s being accused of defrauding investors. I need you to look over the case, and tell me what you think.” 
Jung Kook nodded as he took his seat at his desk, opening up the file to read the defendant’s name, Park Jimin. The name sounded oddly familiar to him, but he brushed it aside as he read the details of the case. 
“…Coaxed into investments using fraudulent and misleading data and projections…” Jung Kook read out loud, under his breath, before looking up at Namjoon. “So, he allegedly massaged the numbers into looking bigger than they are, leading to an increase of investments.” 
“Hm.” Namjoon hummed, leaning against the door frame. “Then when the actual numbers came in, and they were nowhere close to what he had projected, he didn’t have the money to pay out. Now it’s our problem.” 
“Yeah, ok.” Jung Kook nodded. “I have some ideas but I’d like to ask him some questions.” 
“Perfect. I’ll give you his contact info, but he should be flying into the city tomorrow. He wants to meet with us anyways, he just needed a little time.” 
“For what?” 
“He recently got engaged.” Namjoon responded nonchalantly, scrolling through the contacts in his iPhone. “She comes from a wealthy family from Busan, apparently. Their fathers knew each other, since they’re both from the city..” 
“Oh, they’re both from my city, I knew his name sounded familiar.” Jung Kook acknowledged. “Since her family is wealthy, maybe I’ve heard of them, too. What’s her name?” 
“Aish, I can’t remember…” Namjoon thought for a moment. “Mr. Park mentioned her, and now my mind is blanking.” 
The two startled when Namjoon’s phone rang. Namjoon apologized before stepping out to take the client’s call, leaving Jung Kook with his case files to further review. The rest of the day passed for the new, young lawyer, buried in a mountain of papers and taking notes. Namjoon peeked into his office on occasion to bring him coffee, or chat, or ask him about the case. But it was a slow, calm first day. 
As was the next day, and the day after that. Jung Kook got into a routine as the weeks passed, feeling a growing sense of familiarity with the way that he was able to bury himself in his work. It was a nice way to briefly consume himself and chase away the loneliness of the last two years of his life. 
He slowly made friends at his new firm. Never the extrovert, he was shy at first and afraid to open up. But knowing Namjoon for several years gave him a foot in the door, and allowed him an entry way into conversations that he wouldn’t have had otherwise. They asked about his life back home, and never dug too deep when he gave vague answers. He appreciated that, and his colleagues grew to like the handsome young lawyer. 
Finally, on a Friday, as the week was winding down and Jung Kook was thinking of possible weekend plans, Namjoon quickly walked into his office after a brief warning knock to his door. 
“We have a surprise meeting with Mr. Park.” Namjoon explained. “He just flew in from Seoul with his fiancé, and called me to say they want to meet with us. They’ll be here in a few minutes, so grab your notes and meet me in the conference room.” 
Jung Kook’s eyes widened and he responded with a quick “ok”, before gathering up his collection of papers into a manila folder, and walking to meet Namjoon, stopping momentarily only to grab another quick cup of coffee to make sure he was alert. Being his first client meeting since joining the firm, he wanted to make sure he was at his best. 
Settling into the conference room, Jung Kook looked over his notes, and made sure to have a pen to write down anything he may need later. He could see a light reflection of himself in the wall of windows facing the rest of the office, which he used to make sure his hair and suit looked presentable. He was hoping that with the money he made off of this case, he could buy a new, nicer suit like the one he saw in a shop window that he passed by not long ago. 
His thoughts of a modest suit however were quieted by the presence of what he knew immediately to be his client walking down the office halls, nearing the conference room. Dressed in a luxurious, designer black suit and Louboutin loafers, Park Jimin was striking at first glance. He hid his eyes behind black sunglasses despite being indoors, and his dyed blonde hair complimented his glowing complexion and lush, pink lips. He looked expensive, the textbook definition of an heir. 
The woman by his side looked gorgeous, Jung Kook thought. She was also beautifully dressed, in a sharp, maroon pencil dress and heels, with sunglasses also covering her eyes. Her Chanel bag dangled off her shoulder, her head was down, and her hand was intertwined with Mr. Park’s as they walked.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Park.” Namjoon greeted with a bow as he opened the door for the couple. “How was the flight in?” 
“It was excellent, thank you. Please, call me Jimin.” Jimin responded, taking off his sunglasses, before turning his attention to Jung Kook. “Hello, I’m not sure we’ve met.” 
“Jeon Jung Kook. I’ve just recently been added to look over the case.” Jung Kook smiled, standing up from his chair to bow. “It’s a pleasure.” 
“Park Jimin.” Jimin introduced himself. “And this is my fiancé, Y/N.” 
Y/N. Jung Kook repeated in his head, his eyes widening. It’s not possible. 
You took off your glasses before bowing to Namjoon, and raised to meet Jung Kook’s eyes. Your expression matched his own, recognizing the man instantly. 
“Jung Kook?” You smiled warmly. “Jeon Jung Kook? Oh my God, what a small world!” 
“You two know each other?” Namjoon asked with a raised brow. He looked over at the young lawyer, who was staring at you with large eyes and parted lips. 
“Jung Kook is an old classmate of mine.” You explained to Namjoon and your fiancé. “We went to the same university ages ago, when we were still living in Busan.” 
This was Jung Kook’s worst nightmare unfolding right before his eyes. Here you were. You. Just as warm, beautiful, and personable as ever. Just as clueless as ever. It was amazing how you could be such an angel, but put him through so much pain, and not even know it. 
“How have you been?” You asked with an innocent, bright grin. “I haven’t seen you in so long!” 
“I-I’ve… been good.” Jung Kook stuttered, causing the other men in the room to look at him with growing suspicion. 
“Honey, I don’t know that you’ve ever mentioned a Jung Kook.” Jimin said in a sweet tone directed at you, while his eyes judgmentally looked Jung Kook up and down. Namjoon nervously watched the interaction, waiting to bud in at any opportune time. 
“We just had a couple classes together.” You explained. “Jung Kook, wasn’t it um…” 
“History.” He finished your sentence, quicker and more deadpan in his tone than what he meant to. “And our political science class.” 
“That’s right!” You nodded. “I remember you were always so smart, I guess it makes perfect sense you practice law now.” 
“We’re happy to have him on the team.” Namjoon interjected, walking over to Jung Kook’s side of the table. He noted how Jimin still seemed unsure of Jung Kook’s mannerisms, and wanted to press on with the meeting. “Let’s get started, I’m sure the two of you have plans for the evening.” 
Everyone took their seat, and Jung Kook stared at the blank notepad in front of him. He could feel Jimin’s eyes on him, but pretended not to be bothered. He scribbled down the date on the paper, desperate to not meet the client’s gaze. 
“So, we reviewed the case.” Namjoon began, seeing how Jimin’s death stare didn’t shake from Jung Kook as he spoke. “We think that we have an excellent shot at winning, and to be completely honest, we’re expecting the judge to throw the case out.” 
“That’s great news!” You said excitedly. “Honey, you’ve been so worried about this.” 
Jimin looked at you, his eyes softening and a soft smile appearing. He rested a hand on your thigh, and looked over towards Namjoon. 
“That is great news. Thank you, Mr. Kim.” 
“Jung Kook has been reviewing the case for several days now, and he put together a couple arguments that we’ll present to the court, and have this ordeal finished, so you can move on.” 
“Y-Yeah, so um…” Jung Kook started, the weight of everyone’s stare feeling heavy and thick in the air. He was careful to avoid your eyes in particular, sure that his reaction would be less than professional. “First of all, the numbers allegedly presented to investors were never your numbers, Mr. Park, they were the numbers that your father had supposedly projected. The suit is filed against you, not the company, so we can argue that you cannot be held personably liable for any losses. A-Also, there’s no um… There’s no physical evidence of these exact projections being shown that the plaintiffs presented so um… We could argue insufficient evidence.” 
If Jung Kook were brave, he’d look up from his notes to see the way you grinned at him with the same, beautiful smile he used to see walking across campus every day. If he were brave, he’d tell you how beautiful that smile, and the rest of you, have always been to him. 
If he were brave, he would’ve told you that a long time ago. But Jung Kook has never been brave. Not then, and definitely not now. Not when his client is shooting daggers at him from across the table, and a sparkling 24k gold and diamond on your finger reminds him of the thing he’s always known; you’re too good for someone like him. You deserve more. 
“I think that sounds like an excellent plan.” Jimin said calmly, eyeing the young lawyer up and down, before turning his attention to you. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I think Mr. Jeon has this whole thing figured out. What do you think, darling?”
“I agree.” You blushed at your fiancé’s uncharacteristic public affection. “He’s always been so smart.” 
“It seems so.” Jimin responded. “In that case, I believe we can wrap up this check-in meeting. I’d like to take my love out to dinner tonight. It’s her first time in New York City.” 
“Is it?” Namjoon’s voice was pleasant but quick as he spoke. “Well, let’s not keep you two waiting. Thank you for coming in, and we’ll be in touch. Please, Mr. Park, don’t be afraid to reach out to either of us if you need anything.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jimin said, getting up from his chair and helping you out of yours before bowing to the lawyers. 
“Jung Kook, it was so nice to see you.” You said, waving at him while Jimin placed a hand on your back to lead you from the room. “Thank you for working on this for us.” 
“O-Of course.” He bowed. “You two have a nice night.” 
With that, Jimin led you away from the room and down the office, and Jung Kook watched as he took your hand in his and caressed your skin with his thumb. It amazed him how even after all this time, seeing you with another man makes his chest ache. 
“So….” Namjoon’s irritable voice said, leaning against the table. “You want to tell me what the fuck that was about?” 
“It’s nothing.” Jung Kook responded quietly, cleaning up his papers to avoid making eye contact. “Just an old classmate.” 
“Nothing?” Namjoon asked with a scoff. “Our client just burned a hole through you with his glare the entire meeting, and you want to call that nothing?” 
“I want to go home.” Jung Kook said with growing frustration. “I promise, it’s nothing. It’s just been a hard first few weeks, ok?” 
Jung Kook was headed out the door quickly, when Namjoon grabbed his arm to make him stop for a moment.
“If something is going on with our client’s fiancé… if there’s a history there or whatever, you need to let me know so we can manage this. We can’t lose Jimin as a client, we’d both be out of a job. He brings in too much money.” 
“What, does he get into this type of shit a lot or something?” 
“What do you think?” Namjoon asks. “It’s part of the job, dealing with rich clients that have more money than sense. They didn’t teach you that in class? Or were you too busy ogling her?” 
“It’s really nothing.” Jung Kook said, this time more calmly through gritted teeth. “I just need to go home.” 
Namjoon sighed as Jung Kook left the room, and cursed his luck with the obvious situation under his breath. 
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Earth 42!Miles x Reader
The buzzing of the drill was soon drowned out by the shattering glass.
Summary: After a talk with Miles, reader finds herself at the nail salon. She was treating herself, just as he had requested. But that self care day soon turns into much more. Part 1. Here
Warnings: A little angst? Violence | Cursing | Some spice I suppose. | I’m gonna warn y’all now, I do not speak Spanish fluently at all, so if anything is wrong grammatically please correct me. | I’m actually thinking of making this into a mini series? Maybe a part. 3 after this. Also! Open to some title ideas.
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Miles kept his promise. He sent her money to get her nails done. Which is why now she sat in her usual salon, her friend Roxanne drilling at her nails. The salon was hidden deep within the city, a little hole in the wall. With New York in shambles, people had to find some sort of way to feel normal. “What design are we doing this time Y/N? Freestyle again?” Y/N shook her head at her pink haired friend, causing her Roxy to smirk. “Oh, I see. What’s the idea then?”
“Was thinking of doing purple and black. Maybe a little green.” Those were Miles signature colors. His prowler costume consisted of different shades of purple and black, and she was sure her friend could come up with something good. “Hm, that’s new. Alright whatever you say.” Roxy gave a fond smile before getting to work. As she did so, Y/N found herself pondering on what to do after getting her nails done. Maybe go get some food, check on a few friends, avoid the crooks on every street. Possibly invite Miles over for a late night rendezvous. She sighed at the thought. She was completely smitten with the guy.
As time went by, and Roxy made quick progress, a low rumble began to stir beneath their feet. Followed by the loud roar of an engine. She traded a look with Roxy, who had a brow raised in suspicion. “You feel that too?” She questioned as the drill buzzed just above Y/Ns nail. “Yeah, what the hell is that?” She replied to the woman with dyed hair. It wasn’t just the two who noticed. Most people within the nail salon glanced around, concerned and confused by the sudden rumbling. The same rumbling that suddenly stopped. “Maybe it’s construction.” Roxy chimed, doing her best to stay optimistic. Then she got right back to work. The drill buzzed, shaving down the black base of the nail. “What’s got you so preppy? You still with that guy?” Y/N flushed at the question, her gaze averting from Roxy’s. “Yeah, we’re still together. He’s a really good guy, just really busy.” She fawned. “That’s good, glad you’re doing well girl. Was getting worried about you after the whole..” Roxy’s voice trailed off, and Y/N took this as a chance to cut in, “I’m fine Rox, he makes me feel happy. I promise.” She gave her a look of confirmation and Roxanne only nodded.
The atmosphere of the salon was pleasant, relaxing. She found herself spacing out, her eyes focusing in on nothing too important while she lightly bopped her head to the music playing in the background. Then the rumbling returned, and much louder this time around. It sounded close, too close for comfort. Following the noise, her eyes landed on an incoming cop car. She could barely make out the sparking metal of the rim where the missing tire was before the car skidded onto the it’s side and tumbled into the big front window of the salon. The crashing of glass filled the shop, along with the blaring siren and tumbling debris. Y/N ducked down at the sight of the crash, pulling Roxy along with her as the broken down car came to a slow stop in the middle of the salon.
Amidst the carnage, she could faintly make out the crumpled figure of a cop within the drivers seat. She had no clue who the guy was. In fact, she had no clue what was even going on. All she knew was the salon was in utter ruins, and the car was spilling oil into a large puddle beneath it. She felt overwhelmed by the sight. By the sirens ringing in her ears, by the smoke rising from the cars engine. “Holy fuck..Rox we gotta get out of here!” She half whispered half shouted. Her hand found Roxy’s, giving it a light tug as she led the shell shocked woman to the wide opening left by the car. “Hurry up girl..! I’m not trying to die here..” She almost hissed. As they made their way past the wrecked car, the smoke from the debris and vehicle flooded their lungs. Roxy began to cough, heavy and intense. This would’ve caught her attention if the incoming villain didn’t. He was large, bulky, and clad in dark angular armor. His aura oozed superiority, while his hardly visible eyes were stuck on the cop unconscious in the car. It would seem the armored man had a target. With this new found knowledge (assumption), she made haste towards the exit, somehow managing to slither out without catching the attention of the man in armor. “Rox..we gotta get out of here man. Before that big dude spots us..” She muttered as they hid behind large pieces of debris. Her eyes took a glance over the fallen pieces of building, the sight of the man approaching the car bringing a sort of relief to her. “What are you talking about Y/N? We can’t leave that cop in there. That guy will kill him..!” Y/Ns jaw slacked, shocked by her friends desire to rush into danger. “The hell are you talking about? We’ll be squashed like bugs if we go in there..” She found Roxy’s arm, and have it a harsh squeeze as she tried to get the woman to stay back. Though it would seem to be pointless. Roxy was already slipping away and sneaking her way back into the building.
Y/Ns hands found her hair. Her fingers tugged at the root as she watched frantically as her friend entered the building once more. “What the hell am I supposed to do. I can’t fight that dude he’s fucking huge..and I’ll be caught if I-“ She paused mid sentence as she came to a realization. And soon she was dialing Miles’ number, hoping that the fool would answer his phone.
“Please pick up..please..fuck.” Click, “Yeah, what’s up ma?”
“Oh thank fuck-“ A breath of relief left her now chapped lips, she had never been so thankful to hear his voice. “Miles, baby, you need to come quick!.. I was getting my nails done and then a cop car bursted through the damn window..now some big armor dude is about to kill him and my friend is trying to be a hero tryna save him..” Her words were quick, breathy, and frantic. And Miles immediately took notice of this. “Im..im at my usual place. Need you to hurry.” She whispered into the phone as she attempted to peek over to the scene that was unfolding.
“I’m on my way now.” Was all she received from her boyfriend. She wanted to respond, truly. But her tongue was tied, and her friend was about to be fighting for her life. Roxy had managed to get the cop out of the car, now dragging him out as quickly as she could, slippery streams of oil leaving a trail behind. “Cmon Rox..” She had long forgotten about her phone, and found herself at a crossroads. Should she help, be the good person she was raised to be? Or should she sit there and do nothing? She gulped, her hand visibly shaking around her phone as she mentally began to hype herself up. She had no clue what the rhino was doing this in the middle of the day, or any clue why he was only after the cop. But what she did know was that her friend was in danger. “Y/N? What’re you about to do?” She heard from the other side of the line. However, she didn’t reply. Instead she rushed over, still crouched down behind rubble as she made her way inside. “Rox! Rox..cmon grab his heavy ass and let’s get the hell out of here.” She cursed out as she found the man’s arm and tugged him away from the car, he was much more heavy than she had anticipated. “Thank you Y/N.” Roxy replied before tugging at the cops other arm. They worked to pull him out as quickly as possible, but the rhino took notice of this. His hard glare turned deadly, and he visibly uttered something inaudible to the panicking woman. “Hurry! Hurry!”
He growled, his head lowering as he changed positions. At first, she wasn’t sure what he was doing, and then she realized. He was charging, at them.
She dropped the cops arm and attempted to pull Roxanne off of the cop, her movements quick and frantic. And she almost budged, but it would seem as though shock had gotten to her, her grip unbreakable. “Roxy cmon!” She screamed, shrill with panic. They were going to die. They were going to die in a broke down nail salon because her friend wanted to save a cop. Y/Ns eyes slammed shut as she waited for the inevitable. Her breath caught in her throat at the incoming impact, but it never came. Instead the crash of another vehicle caused her ears to ring, followed by large hands shaking her out of her fear. “Hey. Hey you okay? Talk to me!” Her eyes shot open, her hands coming up to wrap around the figures wrists. “M- Mil- prowler.” She was absolutely relieved to see him, to hear that robotic filter on his voice as she stared at his mask. “I’m..okay..where’s uhm.” She took a moment, swallowing as she gathered herself. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and her body was shaking with unease. She swallowed, spit wetting her dry mouth. Quickly she collected herself. “Roxy, where’s Roxy? And that cop?”
“They’re fine, but we gotta go before that dude wakes up. Cmon.” He said as he turned around and pulled her onto his back. She didn’t bother arguing, she didn’t have the energy. Somehow, Miles managed to drag all three of them out of the crash sight and far enough out of harms way. It was a dingy alley way, trash and other none-sense tossed around. Y/N was still resting on his back, her cheek pressed against his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his neck. “Thought I was gonna die back there.” She uttered the words, but he heard them loud and clear. “Nah, I would never let that happen. You know that mami. I called the cops for your friend and that man. You’re coming home with me.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling, and she was perfectly fine with that.
Miles slipped into his apartment through the window, and trudged inside. He tossed his metal gauntlet onto the floor, his hands free to lay her onto his bed. The plush mattress underneath her body managing to relax her muscles. Miles didn’t join her in bed immediately. Instead he was packing his suit up along with his gauntlets, before stepping back over. Now in a simple black tank top and sweats. His gaze was soft, solemn even. His hand found a strand of her hair, fiddling with it as he watched her cautiously. “Wanna go clean up? I can start a bath or shower for you..” He asked as he took a seat on the bed beside her.
“Yeah, all this damn dust and sweat is gonna make me look a hot mess.” He gave a small chuckle at her joke, though he wasn’t all to amused by the entire situation. He figured it was best to get her comfortable before talking about anything. “Ight. Cmon then ma.” His hands went under her body, picking her up princess style and bringing her over to the bathroom. “I’ll bring you a towel and wash cloth, just gimme a sec.” He gently set her down, his hand lingering on her arm before he left only to briefly return.
“I left some clothes for you on the counter.” He mentioned before placing a kiss upon her forehead and departing from the restroom. She smiled, thankful for his presence. And soon she hopped in the shower. It was relaxing, the hot water pattering gently across her skin. The feeling of cleanliness as she washed the remainders of the day away.
Eventually, she was hopping out of the shower and putting the clothes he had given her on. It wasn’t anything special. Just a pair of his shorts and a shirt, but it felt special to her. Y/N made her way through Miles (Rio’s) apartment, finding her way into the kitchen to snatch up a few snacks. Thankfully Mrs. Morales was fast asleep in her room, so she went without questioning. Y/N made her way back to Miles’ room, entering and shutting the door behind her. His room was mature, calm colors, basic necessities. The usual stuff. Plus his punching bag that she played with on the occasion. From the windows opening, she could see the moons light shining through. She was a bit surprised to see how dark it had gotten. But, she had no issue with it. Not when she was still alive. She gave Miles a faint smile, “Don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful for a shower.” She chimed jokingly as she set the snacks down onto the bedside table. Then she plopped back down on his bed and wrapped herself up in his blanket. Miles was currently standing in front of his closet, fiddling with a glove from his suit as though he was contemplating something. This caught her attention. Sitting up, she sighed. “So, how exactly did you beat that guy?” She inquired, which caused his eyes to meet hers.
“Threw my motorcycle at him. Knocked him down long enough to get you out.” He said before tossing his glove onto his desk chair and making his way over to the bed. Her jaw was wide at his explanation, surprised at his confession. “Your motorcycle? Are you serious babe? That’s fucking crazy.” He only smirked as his hands intruded the blanket and his arms wrapped firmly around her torso. “I’ll just make another one with Unc.” His weight caused her to fall back on his bed, her head now snug in his pillow. His arms felt comforting around her as his head rested on her chest, his soft breaths managing to calm her down. Her hands found his hair, now fiddling with the ends of his braids. Sure, it wasn’t her first time seeing them, but she certainly thought the style suited him well. “I like them, they’re cute.” She said, which caused him to shift and rest his chin on her chest. He had a satisfied look on his face, one only a victor would wear.
“Knew you did. Mom thought they made me look weird, but eh, I think I like them.”
“Good, they suit you.” She nodded in agreement. They sat in silence for a moment, watching each other with gentle eyes. Her hands scratched lightly at his scalp, managing to make his eyes shut. It would seem that the only time Miles could truly allow himself to feel vulnerable, was around her. After a few minutes of pleasant silence, Miles spoke again, his tone much more serious. “Me dejaste preocupado mami..” He muttered, his words muffled as he burried his face back into her chest. This made her heart ache, her brows knitting with concern. “Mi vida, I’m okay now. You saved me..and my friend. Thank you.” He shook his head. “Next time you run. Call me, I’ll help your little friends. For now though, you’re my main priority.” He proclaimed before sitting up from her chest and leaning up to kiss her lips. “I’m serious Y/N. You run.” He spoke against her lips.
“Okay..” She mumbled, her eyes shut and her hands resting on his jaw. Her lips grazed his, the distance growing tantalizingly close. And finally he pressed back into her, lips meshing into hers as his hands traversed her sides. “So glad you’re okay..” He said in a hushed manner as he poured his love into every movement. His kisses slowly began to lower, finding her neck, then her collar bone, and- she hissed. Wincing beneath him, her body tensed and he froze. His hard stare lingered on her, awaiting a sign to stop or continue. “Sorry, think I got a bruise or something. You can keep going Miles.” He didn’t. Not there.
His hands found her legs, now pulling her thighs apart just enough to get closer to her. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, the anticipation of what’s to happen making her giddy with excitement. “Relajate, Y/N. You’re tired and need to rest.” He said as he shifted them around, the two of them now lying on their sides wrapped in one another’s arms. This caused her to sigh, a frown on her face as she glared up at him. “Don’t look at me like that. You just went through a lot, don’t want you hurting yourself more.” He said as he tugged the blanket over their forms.
“Next time don’t start it if you’re not gonna finish it Miles.” She scoffed before scooting into his chest, his familiar scent drawing a small grin from her. “Who said I wouldn’t finish it mami? Just letting you get better first.” She could feel him smirk against her head as he rested his face against the crown of it. His words were enough to silence her, along with the sudden depletion of adrenaline. The two snuggled together, the soft blankets paired with the warmth of one another was enough to make them dreary. “Fine..Goodnight, love you Miles.”
“Te amo ma.”
Taglist? - @willowcxmilee @rinouko @chims-kookies @bbybubbles @supremeshrimpy2 @marice23top @korizzybee @otaku-degenarate @movie-enthusiast22 @corpsebridenightamare @thoughtfulbelieverstrawberry @marsbars09 @dystop4in14nd @ethanlandrysgf69 @mmxinne @brxght-world @rinisfruity14 @repostingmyfavs @sammarvel123 @idkwhatimdoingherehonestlyy @frissy @d4ridi0rsworld @julie03 @sakura-onesan @oh-kurva (Yall I’m never making a taglist again 🙁 props to y’all who do bc this is too much work.)
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lipringlrh · 10 months
'tis the damn season | OP81
summary: cold weather and old towns reunite an old love. based on ‘tis the damn season by taylor swift.
pairing: oscar piastri x ex!reader
an: start of my winter/chirstmas series and evermore series!! i'm writing more, especically for oscar. also, i apologise for my absence, im in the middle of exams atm :/
word count: 2.1k
warnings: none!
feedback appreciated!!!
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It had been a long time coming, seeing Oscar again. You were surprised you hadn’t run into him in other places around the country, during his breaks between races, but you didn’t know enough about him anymore to properly comment.
He hadn't been back in a while, you noticed from his instagram. You didn't like knowing what he was up to but you couldn't help but check everytime he showed up on your feed.
The first time you saw him was in a coffee shop, the one you use to frequent when you were together. You didn’t talk; you didn’t even meet eye to eye. You didn’t know if he saw you, you presumed he did but just had no interest in talking to you again. You walked right past him, surely he would’ve seen you, you thought.
He did see you but only to watch you leave. He was too focused on his phone to notice any of his surroundings whilst inside, it was only when you almost brushed past him that he felt an urge to look up. Possibly due to your familiar perfume or the familiar jacket you always wore, he didn’t consciously know, but the urge compelled him like no other. He watched you walk away, drink in hand, fighting the drive to run after you. He knew you’d seen him, he could feel it, but you didn’t say anything, using that as an excuse to hold back.
The second time you saw him was a shock too. You were parked in the rundown carpark behind the old church on the way to the early Sunday market. It was a tradition that you always dragged Oscar along to, every time parking in the same spot, the one in the top left-hand corner where the car lines seemed the least jagged, instead of the actual market's carpark, which was always too packed for your liking.
Oscar had been running around the town like a madman, visiting every place you two had ever been together. He didn’t understand it but some force inside him wanted to see you again. He didn’t know why or for what but deep down he knew he had to see you.
He pulled into the carpark, seeing very few cars parked there. He drove towards the top left but his heart dropped seeing a black toyota celica in your spot. It never crossed his mind it could’ve been you.
He bit his lip, instead parking along the same row but closer to the other side. He noticed someone in the car using the mirror in the sun visor before climbing out. He immediately recognised the jacket. How couldn’t he? Especially after he was the one who bought it for you all that time ago.
He couldn’t move. He felt frozen. His heart swelled with adoration yet he didn’t understand why. He watched you walk away again, slowly as though not the slip on the thin sheet of ice on the ground. He watched as you turned around the corner towards the market, desperate to follow but realising he was probably too late and would lose you in the crowds of people.
Instead he sat there for an amount of time he couldn’t count. He watched more cars pull in and park up and others drive away, critiquing each for just using it as a carpark and not loving it as he did. He felt stupid for thinking it but he couldn’t help it.
He almost missed you walking back towards your car as he was too focused on watching an old bmw fail to park well. He would’ve missed you completely if it wasn’t for your slight slip on the side of your pavement. You managed to catch yourself easily before brushing yourself off, peering around and hoping no one saw.
He jumped out of his car as fast as light, almost slipping himself in the process. He forgot to lock his car and just bolted toward you. As he got closer he began screaming your name whilst waving his arms, making sure you couldn’t miss him.
You recognised his voice instantly, freezing for a moment, your hand about to open your car door, before turning around to face him.
You waved back, trying not to laugh to yourself at his repeated slips on the ice due to his speed trying to reach you.
He was eventually in front of you, taking you all properly for the first time in what felt like years. He noticed you bought a new scarf: a burgundy-red one with tassels at the end. It looked warm and he couldn’t help but feel glad you were keeping cozy.
“Hi,” he spoke first, awkward as ever. His eyes were flicking everywhere but your own, barely keeping locked on anything for more than a split second.
You laughed lightly at his awkward, flustered state, glad he was the same as before, “hi, Oscar.”
His whole face brightened at hearing his name fall from your lips. He went red, smiling brighter than the sun. His eyes met yours and he just smiled, not saying anything in return.
“Have you been to the market yet? It’s gotten good again, especially now it’s getting colder,” you smiled, trying to make gentle conversation. You missed Oscar, you really did, but you thought any long conversation with him would throw you back into the deep end of feelings and you didn’t know if you could handle that.
“I was just about to, I haven’t been in a while,” he paused, looking like he wanted to say more so you kept quiet, waiting for him to continue, “do you- do you want to show me around?”
“Well, it’s pretty much the same layout as before, same people too-“
“I want you to show me around.” He stated, firmer but still soft, hoping you’d take the hint.
You nodded and began leading him towards the market again, reminiscing on old times; your time at the markets before, old snow days, and your relationship. It didn’t once feel wrong with him, even when he got awkward, the space was never awkward, it felt comforting and right.
You’d made your way around a lot of the stores, Oscar buying a few handmade cards he saw whilst you bought a mini trinket you debated buying your first time around.
You eventually reached the stall where you bought the scarf and he couldn’t help but notice the matching hat. It was the same colour with a matching pompom.
He picked up, walking closer to you so he could place it over your head, ignoring your complaints. He tugged it down, realised he pulled it too far down your forehead and pushed it back, messing up your hair until little bits were sticking out the front of the hat. He lifted the front of the hat, moving your hair around, placing it in the perfect position.
It was all out of your control but his closeness to you and ways he could fluster you with barely a touch still amazed you.
“Gorgeous,” he mumbled, his eyes trained on you, locking with yours rather than the hat.
He turned back towards the stall, ignoring your obvious flushed state, and finding the person selling all the hand-knitted woollens.
She was on older lady, possibly in her 60s, possibly in her 70s. She looked sweet, her demeanour radiating happiness.
“We’ll take it,” he told her, reaching for his wallet. You immediately tried to stop him, taking out your own wallet. It was a gorgeous hat, you regretted not buying it earlier, but you felt guilty for making him pay when you’ve only just seen each other again.
“Ignore her,” he grinned at the lady, handing her a note and a few coins.
She only smiled back, handing him a pre-handwritten receipt, “you two are the cutest couple around here. Don’t let my son and his girlfriend hear though.”
Oscar just smiled even more, laughing slightly before thanking her and putting his wallet back in his pocket. You were slightly shocked but just let it happen, smiling at the lady as you both walked away.
You carried on around the market, in your matching scarf and hat, completely ignoring whatever just happened. Oscar tried to buy you anything your eyes seemed to land on for more than a few seconds but you refused each time, feeling guilty.
Oscar noticed your growing irritation, he began to slow down his offers and take it easier with you, hoping he wasn't the cause.
You finished around the rest of the stalls rather quickly as Oscar didn’t have much of an interest in anything that wasn’t you. You began walking back to your cars, you quieter than before, and Oscar just locked in staring at you.
You looked down for most of the walk, deciding to not try and talk until your entering the car park again.
“Thank you, Oscar, but you didn’t need to buy me the hat. Let me pay you back please,” you asked, reaching for your purse.
He just shook his head, dismissing it as absurdity, “don’t be silly.”
“No, I told you I’d buy you anything you want, remember?” he told you with full certainty. You were reaching your car now and you both hated it, not wanting to leave each other.
You sighed, “that was when we were together, Osc, not anymore.”
He ignored every word you said, focusing on the old nickname that came out of your mouth. It made his heart beat faster and his palms get sweaty but he didn’t care, he loved it.
“Let’s be together again then,” he spoke, as it was the easiest thing he’d ever suggested. As much as you’d love it, all you could think about was the endless amount of things that could go wrong. You couldn’t handle another heartbreak, especially not an Oscar induced heartbreak. You’d never struggled particularly hardly to get over anything until it came to him. When you broke up, it shattered you both and you didn’t think you could handle that again.
“But- but what if-”
“What ifs are stupid. I know it didn’t work before but it can work again. I promise you everything that I will make this work, “ he spoke sincerely, finally reaching your car once again.
He watched your face for any signs he could recognise. He could feel your thoughts racing like second hand nature but he could see the feeling of love on your face, knowing you want this just as much as he does, it was just your own thoughts blocking you.
“I’ll show it to you, I'll prove it to you how much I want this and how I won’t give you up a second time. Give me until next weekend and I’ll show you how much I’m willing to give you my all in this,” he promised knowing he’d never mean anything this much.
Everything he felt was flowing back to him and he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it again. He knew he had been missing something and deep down he always knew it was you.
You were leant on your car, letting it hold up your weight. You were fiddling with your fingers, messing with anything to avoid looking at him. You wanted to think rationally but you knew looking up at him would mean it would all be over. You knew you loved him but you couldn’t go though another heartbreak again.
He grabbed your hands and felt immediate warmth spread all throughout him, blocking out the freezing air around him.
“Okay,” you whispered, the smile that was ghosting your face becoming full formed and beaming. You finally looked up at him and noticed he looked like he was on the verge of tears.
He pulled you in for a hug, holding you tighter than ever before. He head rested against yours and he wanted to keep it like that forever.
“Thank you,” he whispered, grateful for the opportunity and unable to express his pure admiration for you.
“There’s no need to thank me, Osc, I’d run back to you a thousands times if I could,” you replied in full honestly, your whole body full of love to give him.
“So does that mean you’ll spend the day with me? I need to get groceries and I need someone to guide me around the shop aisles.”
You laughed against him, squeezing him that little bit tighter, never wanting to let him go again.
He smiles against you, happy to hold you again, “you think I’m joking, I’m absolutely serious.”
feedback appreciated !!
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alistairsmonstercafe · 9 months
NSFW How to Gain the trust of a Dragon in the Dragons Den, Guide 02
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART ?
NOTICE; TOP/SWITCH Male Hybrid Reader
CW; Threesome, slight choking? Hella horny dragon, body worship, praise, face sitting, fingering, ass eating, cock suckin' shit like that.
ADDITIONAL; I don't mind Fem/Fem aligned readers reading but don't feel insulted/complain that I strictly don't do Fem reader, not my cuppa tea mate.
INSPIRATION; @/Bluegiragi Monster AU on Twt and Tumblr & @/thegnomelord for the scale idea on tumblr.
NOTE; Accidentally posted the draft... | This will be a mini series staring our favorite little hybrids. Part ? Will be a poll of a repeat character or a non 141 character.
As Price paced outside the office, the temptation to peek behind that imposing door grew stronger. His hybrid instincts nudged him toward curiosity, but his rationality warned against it. He wasn't your mate. Not Soap's either. He'd be a prick if he suddenly barged in purely because he was a horny dragon, he hasn't felt the urge for a proper mate for years, but it was uncommon for species to crossbreed, or to even have packs, or other mates then one that weren't of the same species.
Yet, there was something magnetic about the possibility—a pull he couldn't quite resist. The thought flickered in his mind like a distant flame, leaving him torn between his innate curiosity and the risk.
And despite the gentle reach of his claw near the door, he didn't. He was old. Older then most of you, who would dare date a dragon of his age? Even people of his kind preferred dragons who could keep up with them, not groan at a sudden back pain or a weak knee. Nor the crowfeet on his eyes, signs of age in his face. His body was not as strong as in his younger days, and well, his stomach. It had a lot more pudge to it, something he'd never openly admit.
The following day, despite his position as captain, Price found himself stealing more glances at you and Soap, your little cuddles during lunch, or the way your tails intertwined. The soft cooing and purrs left to each other left him with want, tugging at the fringes of his thoughts. He couldn't shake off the inexplicable allure it held, even though he knew his authority wouldn't grant him it.
As he maneuvered through his duties, his mind kept circling back to you. He questioned his own reluctance to simply talk to you, push the conversation open. It wasn't about rules or permissions; it was a deeper, primal restraint holding him back, a fear of the unknown that clashed with his innate curiosity.
Yet, when he came back to his desk later that evening, he saw a small pile of, to what to most, would seem as mindless trinkets, was actually an abundance of jewels, some of his favorite coffee, tea, and a make shift.. Scale? No. That wouldn't make sense. He could recognize it as yours and Soap's fur. In the shape of a scale.
Were you lads trying to court him? A deep rumble erupted from his chest as he gently held up the item to his nose, his wings relaxing at the mixed scent. The scent of a mate, his instincts whispered. And he couldn't help but agree.
Tucking away the items he placed them in a small box on his shelf full of items he hoarded before. He couldn't have a huge hoard, so he did what he could. And turned the scale shaped fur, into a necklace he could wear on his chest. Closest to his heart. For he knew they had won it already.
It was the next day where you and Soap were idly chatting, he sat down infront of you, and slid over a scale cut perfectly down the middle for you two. You both easily looked up in shock, mouths open. "Wha- Cap'n- Does this mean-" Soap sputtered, and you were still quiet with your jaw still wide open.
"It does. Means it quite bloody clearly, Soap." He replies almost shyly, his firm voice is softened with love and affection as he smiles. Those beautiful crow lines appear once more and the sight of both of your tails swaying happily is a tell-tale sign hes done the right choice.
He's quick to get back up, walking to the door before stopping and turning back to say; "My room, at nine exactly. Alright?"
You're both quick to say yes and despite his cool demeanor as he leaves, Price feels hard as a rock as the first blooms of heat start back in his stomach. A feeling he hasn't felt in ages, but that can wait for later tonight. He wouldn't be a captain without all that self-discipline, after all.
So its when Price comes to the dark of his room, a little worn out, he surprised to suddenly see a nest, and you and Soap sitting on his bed with only the moon light to illuminate your features. And coo he does because he melts at the sight that you both waited for him.
You're the first to pull him in with a grin, your tail wrapping around his waist as you and Soap are quick to strip him down until hes left in a shirt and boxers. But hes quick to push you down onto your back in the nest as he sits on your lap, Soap he behind Price, kissing down his back as his tail wags.
But as you look up at Price, he looks like a beauty, and your hand gently traces down from his chin, to his toned yet supple and beautifuy scared chest, to his stomach, caressing the pudge as you whisper praise. And it. Makes Prices face burn with pride at the fact someone accepts him and his appearance, something he didn't think he'd be self conscious on.
Soap continues quick and sloppy kisses up his back, leaving soft nips and bites on him, leaving it mostly betweem you and Price. He loves both of you but you had both discussed the idea before. You wanted to pamper Price, and make him feel higher then cloud 9.
And you did, each kiss, and bite, began to switch as Price was switched around by Soap. And you easily pulled Price's hips towards you and kissed his ass, making Price groan in response. The sound cut short as Soap began to kiss him, stroking your cock in the meantime to keep you satisfied as well. It was his turn to assist.
"Fuck- Price- So fuckin' pretty for us." Soap groans out to price, and you can only agree, pressing kisses up his neck as his tail makes soft noises against the nest as it wags aggressively against it.
Price only moans a little, his hips still bucking into your mouth as your tongue is quick, and perfectly long enough to reach deep into him inside, his dragoh tail is quick to curl around your neck and slightly squeeze lovingly. The way you and Soap praise Price and his body makes him melt. Hes an old lad, scales of iron from how the world has hardened him and yet you make him so soft.
So loved.
So accepted.
He thought he was content with 141 but knowing that two of the members in it are his mates? He can only purr.
Its when Soap slides down and suck off Price whilst hes still sitting on your face does he lose it. Not knowing where to buck his hips either back and forth, and instead sways them. His claws tugging at Soaps hair and your hands wrapped tightly on his hips, bits of blood is evident from your claws but neither notice.
Its when you suddenly slide in a finger that Price goes almost limp, his tail squeezes a little tighter and his moans get louder. Damn the thin walls because tonight he knows hes going to be fucked well in his nest.
And in his eyes thats a night well spent.
Aftermath; By morning Gaz is the first of the 141 to complain. Small eyebags under his eyes as he stares at you, Soap, and Price.
"Fucked real good huh? Give me some earplugs next time alright?" He remarks, drinking some coffee, Ghost watches but said nothing. But theres something about the way his smoke slides up his arm at the words 'fucked', before sliding back down, gives you slight curiosity.
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anthonsgi · 9 months
★’・゚:。・:*:First kiss with HSR characters PT.1:。・:*:・゚’★
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【Note: Hello! I haven't written anything in a while, but I recently got a surge of motivation, so why not take advantage of that? :) There will be a few parts because I want to write for many characters and the process of writing each one is really long for me so I prefer to spread them out a bit, so if the character you would like to read about isn't here, keep an eye out for future parts, perhaps I will include them there! As per usual, English isn't my first language and I'm learning as I go, please be patient with me. Requests are open! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧】
【Pairings: Kafka, Argenti, Blade x GN!Reader】
【CW: I may have added some angst here and there, but I couldn't resist (I tried to end it with a good, slightly bittersweet conclusion each time though)! I wanted to make the characters' traits as similar to the game's as possible, but a few things may still be out of character, sorry in advance!】
a lil note: this is literally just all of these characters being absolutely SMITTEN for you and them fawning over you, but every day is a good day to get praised left and right, no?
It shouldn't be much of a surprise that you fell in love with this young and exceptionally charming woman. As a Stellaron Hunter, she ensures that Elio's predicted plans are carried out. That being said, you were a completely unpredicted element in a series of missions; there was never a mention of you ever being included in situations that you always found yourself stuck in. Kafka always saw it as "the usual result of the unforeseen nature of destiny," as she liked to explain to you.
After a while of simple acquaintance, she has grown more fond of you than she has of anyone. Not only were you beautiful in her eyes, which was a big thing for a connoisseur of beauty such as herself, but she felt at ease with you. She may be a sly, unbothered criminal whose prize for capturing her is enough to provide many good-lived lives for a bunch of Vidyadharas, but she actually really appreciates the times when she doesn't feel like she's being chased by people or by time itself.
Being with you was as enjoyable as studying the waves—a peaceful activity, a thought-provoking process. She desired to look at the horizon and discover more than meets the eye, however, it was quite impossible. The job of a Stellaron Hunter is challenging not only because of the relentless pursuit of destiny and the never-ending dangers but also because it entails never staying in one place for too long, never forming more meaningful connections, and never attaching yourself to finite, frail matters. Even though she knew she was more unlikely to run into the same individual twice as a Devil Hunter than she was now, her options were usually limited.
Kafka isn't one to fully hide her true feelings; she spoke very highly of you, your way of being and thinking, your appearance, and your tendency to be the miracle of one's destiny (*cough* talking about herself there). She has developed a habit of complimenting you just to see you squirm away from her gaze and bite your lower lip to try and stop a smile from forming. These occurrences weren't rare; they always followed the same pattern: she said something = you discreetly reacted = she noticed and couldn't stop noticing.
A kiss from her would be more of an indication of her love than a reveal, showing rather than declaring it. It may have happened during one of your late-night chats where you slowly opened up to one another, or it could have happened in the early morning after she invited herself into your home after you had just woken up and weren't sure if you were still asleep. In any case, without having said much, she leaned in, rested her hand on your cheek, and left a tender and delicate kiss on your lips. It didn't last long, but it meant more than a decade of stolen glances and conversations with hidden meanings.
It didn't feel like a goodbye kiss, it never did, but it was clear it was some form of leaving you wanting more, leaving you yearning for her to come back and see you again, and leaving you wondering how long it would be before she does it once more.
Knight of Beauty, a follower of the fallen Aeon Idrila. He's constantly on the journey to honor the principles of beauty itself, spreading the grace of his Goddess all over the universe. Discovering numerous forms of beauty in the ordinary and in the extraordinary. When he first laid his eyes on you, it was as if time began to bend around you, a black hole in which the concept of time didn't seem to exist, trapping anyone and everyone residing in its proximity.
Recognizing refinement in people was second nature to him, admiring their souls that mirrored their personalities and beliefs. He wished nothing more than to convey compassion to those who possessed honorable qualities, pure hearts, and desirable traits. Your beauty shone with such radiance that it put the stars to shame; your existence was an excellent reminder of Idrila's presence in the universe.
To Argenti, love is a miraculous feeling that is a joy to experience; it reflects a person's deepest desires and is an act of care so poetic that it almost brings a tear to the eye. In a way, having never experienced it before and having no opportunity to try due to his commitment to traversing in solitude, he decided it wasn't he who was supposed to feel it and that he was merely destined to admire the beauty of it from afar.
Meeting you meant the world to him; you made him feel love for another person for the first time—the all-consuming love from every classical novel he had read. The purest form of it is tragic love, one that breaks down the foundations that hold one's life in perfect balance. He spent several days and nights with you, staying in one location longer than he ever did since becoming a knight—the place where he started to ponder his destiny and his vocation.
He made every effort to push these thoughts away, thinking such things felt like a violation of the universal code of chivalry he upholds, yet when he gazed at your gentle smile as he held your hand, it was a tougher battle than that of a wax candle facing the sun. He was melting into a pitiful puddle as your very being formed him again, never to be the same as before.
One beautiful night, when the birds had gone to sleep, no expectations were laid forth, and no secrets were to be unveiled, Argenti took you by both hands, kissing each knuckle as if they would break if he put pressure on them. He spoke of you as if you were the one he had devoted his life to worshiping, his lips singing silent praises; perhaps it was a prayer, perhaps an apology. His eyes met yours, a nonverbal plea, and you leaned in, connecting your mouths in a passionate kiss, electricity coursing between each soft teeth clashing.
What an outstanding farewell kiss that was. The thought alone made you gulp down the lump growing in your throat. Argenti has to leave, or rather, ought to leave; otherwise, he's afraid he may decide to stay. He's certain your paths will cross one day; it's just the way of the world. Either way, he always finds himself drifting towards beauty. Behind him, he will leave a timeless tale of a wounded and repaired heart, as well as a dose of fate that makes no mistakes.
The undying man who became a blade, a shell of a person, a mara-stricken monster with no hope for craved demise. His story is one of endless agony and misery. In this everlasting life, Blade's abilities are used in matters including bloodshed, spreading the pain he felt himself, and only then would he feel himself disappear, even for a moment. As bitter as that was, it was reality, his burden to bear. Blade didn't have "companionships" and never needed attachments. The closest he had to an acquaintance was Kafka, whose voice managed to calm the monsters who grew inside him relentlessly, and possibly Silver Wolf. However, he didn't understand her, nor did he wish to.
How you were able to capture his wounded heart remains a forever-unsolved mystery. He, of course, didn't decide one day that the way you laughed made him feel emotions so intense that he wondered if what he was feeling was some form of suffering he'd never experienced previously or that his intensified urge to protect you wasn't just due to the fact he was always nearby when danger struck, but because he genuinely cared. It was a lengthy process imbued with a myriad of understatements and denial. An "I love you" leaving his lips was as bizarre as the prospect of hell freezing over... yet when it did happen, you only wished to hear it again.
He frequently wonders why he finds himself faintly grinning primarily in your presence alone (and obviously during combat). When you resided in his vicinity, everyone could feel a shift in the atmosphere surrounding him, as well as a change in his usual behavior. It was almost comical to observe, especially to his fellow Stellaron Hunters, who never missed an opportunity to tease him. Nonetheless, love expressed by a presumably loveless man is as fascinating as it is arduous. Your existence was curative, helping him to rediscover parts of humanity he thought he had lost, yet healing is a part of him he has come to loathe with every fiber of his being. At one point, he distanced himself, as if limiting your healing influence on him was the sole thing that he could control about his 'condition'.
That didn't last long, and he scurried back to you like a moth to a flame. Blade didn't grasp the concept of physical touch as a kind of comfort; it never failed to remind him of how many times he had been hurt. You, once again, were the exception. Gentle arm touches, random lacing of fingers, your scent, and that insufferable (not really) look in your eyes whenever you stared at him drew him in. As much as he despised life, he did not detest the idea of living simply to be with you; that paradise that always seemed to be out of his reach, a mere push away, appeared to be standing right in front of him.
A minor brush of your body against his made you excited, but a kiss? It's overwhelming to even imagine. You'd have to initiate it, subtly steering the conversation to a topic where it wouldn't be too odd to inquire about moving to the next step in your relationship, acting as lovers. If Blade didn't wear a stoic expression on his face more than half the time, you could tell by his nervous swallowing that he would be at least blushing a little. He wasn't an adolescent, and he didn't think of a kiss as the grandest gesture of intimacy; nevertheless, that didn't free him of hesitations. Being vulnerable and helpless in the hands of another, all of his shortcomings could be easily revealed.
Kissing Blade had to come naturally when you were alone and indulging in small talk; there was no need for a perfectly timed gust of wind or a captivating blanket of stars above, just two imperfect people pouring all of their desires, yearning, and passion into a single imperfect kiss. Your lips met, linking your souls and creating a sensible spark deep within. There was no distance between you, and you were both entirely defenseless against the other's will. After you moved away, it was as if a thousand sentences were pulled from your mouths, yet no one spoke a word. With swollen lips, you were unable to resist a grin while Blade leaned in for another kiss.
lil ending note: hope you enjoyed! also, I have to mention that I know that both Kafka and Blade are Stellaron Hunters so the main problem portrayed in Kafka's part (the never being in one place too long) could potentially be brought up In Blade's part as well, but I decided that would be pretty repetitive so I wrote about Blade's history instead :D
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loveandmurders · 10 months
You belong to Ambrose II (poly!Sinclairs x f!reader)
Hello everyone! First, I really want to thank you all for the love you gave to the first part of this story (that you can find here). 😍🥰
It made me so happy but also very anxious about this next part haha! I planned 3 parts in total (a fourth maybe, if you ask for it), and I do hope you'll enjoy this series as much as you did at first <3 <3
Warnings: no proof reading, mentions of stalking, kidnapping and murders, morally grey reader, reader getting angry, sad and feeling guilty, some strong words, dark!brothers, very brief mentions of sexual desire and activities
Lester was good at following people without them to notice him, even if there was no one else on the road. He knew the roads by heart and his hearing was sharp, so he could guess where a car was without being right behind it. He actually parked near the forest and simply closed his eyes to guess which roads you were taking. He guessed you were at the campsite; a lot of tourists stayed there too. You were making things very easy for him and he thanked his luck. When everything seemed quiet again, he walked through the woods, just to make sure he was right and indeed, he found you sat with your people. You were five in total, but you all looked too gentle and soft to really be a problem for him and his brothers. He watched you, hidden behind a tree. His heart was clenching at the sight of you laughing. Even if it wasn’t with him, just hearing this beautiful sound once again was making him thrilled. He couldn’t wait for his hands to roam your body like they used to either.
He let you eat with your friends and he let you fall asleep under the bright sky full of stars. He saw you chatting a little while with one of the boys of the group and he had to admit he really didn’t like it. He didn’t know if he was your boyfriend or not, but he was definitively jealous. And he would need to talk about it to the twins so they could get rid of the man. Actually, he wanted everyone dead as quickly as possible, because you didn't belong to any of them.
He texted the location to his brothers.
Soon enough, the three men were towering over your group, their whole being finally calming down: you were back in their life and they weren’t going to let you go anymore. They couldn’t believe you were finally there and they didn’t attack your group right away. They wanted to enjoy the calmness written all over your face first. They always thought you were looking like an angel when you were sleeping. Vincent tried to memorise the scene so he could draw your sleeping form under the moon. Bo almost smiled, so relieved you hadn’t disappeared forever. Lester was the only one growing impatient. The twins knew things weren’t going to be too pretty after they kidnapped your group and they didn’t want that. They wanted to go straight to the moment where you would allow them to show you tenderness and to pleasure you. It was going to be so much work, so they wanted to enjoy the peace of the moment.
If only you had never left them; things would have been so much better.
If only you hadn’t decided to camp so close to Ambrose, you would have been safe.
Deep down, you knew you should have asked your friends to drive away as far away as possible, but you didn’t.
Because you didn’t want your friends to worry about anything and to ruin the nice mood.
Because you knew it was useless; the Sinclairs were hunters and they never let go of their prey until they had it.
Because you wanted the brothers to force you back into their lives, even though you would rather die than admit it.
You knew it was over when you woke up, in the middle of the night, feeling watched. You also heard quiet footsteps all over your group. You could have grabbed the little knife you had in your bag, or you could have screamed to wake up everyone, but you didn’t. You simply waited. You didn’t want the Sinclairs to have to hurt your friends or yourself. Maybe especially yourself.
You still jumped when you felt a hand over your mouth and you looked up. You recognised Bo’s touch on you and tried your best to not start crying out of fear. The man shushed you into your ear, before he took into your delicious scent.
“Shh, sweetheart, won’t hurt ya, 'kay? No need to make things difficult” he whispered to you and you nodded which made him smile “Atta girl” he praised you.
It was then you noticed two shadows moving over your friends. You weren’t too sure what they were going to do to them. You started to panic and tried to get away from Bo’s touch. “We won’t kill them. Yet. We’re just druggin’ them so we can brin’ them to Ambrose with us” Bo explained to you. You calmed down but you still shook your head at that. “I know ya want them all safe and sound, but we can’t let them go to the police, so they come” Bo replied and you heard the venom in his voice. He couldn’t hide the jealousy and the rage of his girl loving other people than him and his brothers “Time to go back to sleep, princess” he mused and you tried to fight as he pressed a tissue over your face.
You didn’t struggle for long before everything went dark.
When you opened your eyes again, you felt like you were back years ago. You were laying down in the guest room in the Sinclairs' house; a guest room that was actually yours because Trudy insisted for you to leave your belongings there, as it was your second house. It wasn’t like the Sinclairs were inviting anyone else at home anyways (or that anyone wanted to sleep in their house either). Your parents weren’t too happy about it, but you often slept there. The room was still the same with its pinkish walls and the cream furniture. Drawings were on the walls. You almost wondered if you were going to be late for school before you realised what truly happened. 
The Sinclairs kidnapped you and your friends. 
You tried to sit up but you realised one of your hands was cuffed to the bed frame. You cursed and tried to get your hand free until you heard footsteps in the corridor. You stopped breathing, waiting for someone to enter the room. Your heart was hammering inside your chest. You wanted to believe it was all a nightmare, and that you were going to wake up soon.
Bo cracked the door open and smiled when he noticed you were awake.
“Hello, doll,” he hummed as he entered the room.
You finally could have a good look at him and you had to admit he became as handsome as you thought he would be. You looked away, afraid of what was going to happen to you, afraid of him. Your whole body was tense and you cursed yourself for having tempted the devil like your mother asked you not to. You had been so so stupid.
Bo walked to you before cupping your face to force you to look at him. He had lost his smile. His thumb gently stroked your cheek. You tried very hard to not start crying. Or to not lean into his touch. His skin felt so warm against yours.
“Please, Bo. Let us go” you whispered. You noticed that the man’s jaw tightened. It was clearly not the first words he wanted to hear from you after all this time.
“Trust me, no one’s leavin’ no more” he harshly replied and tears fell down your cheeks. It calmed him down “Ah baby” he shushed as he knelt beside you to kiss your tears away. You hated how much you loved to feel his lips on your skin once again. “Ya’re meant to be a Sinclair, ‘s fate bringin’ ya where ya belong. And we’re all gonna take an extra good care of ya for all the years we had to go through without ya” he continued as he leaned his forehead against yours.
“You want me, keep me and let everyone else go, please. They have nothing to do with this.” you begged again. Bo sighted.
“Ya shouldn’t’ve left Ambrose, doll. Now ya have to pay the price for it” he simply shrugged and got up. “Gonna bring ya some breakfast, baby, I’ll be back” he added and left the room.
You cried even more, knowing you wouldn’t be able to reason with the Sinclairs. You hoped your people were still alive so you could help them to escape, even if it meant you would stay at Ambrose forever.
You were tugging on the handcuff again when you heard the door being opened a second time. You looked up to see Vincent watching you from the entrance. He looked like the shy boy you met the first time. You swallowed hard. You wanted to ask him what he did with your friends but you realised you were too afraid of the answer, so you stayed silent. Vincent finally moved closer to you and knelt in front of the bed. His fingers gently traced your face, as to memorise the change in your features since last time he saw you. You let him do it and closed your eyes. He removed the tears with a sad pout concealed behind his mask. You could pretend you were still a teenager, and Vincent was quietly flirting with you through tender touches.
You opened your eyes again when you felt the masked twin grab your free hand. He removed enough of his mask to press your palm against his scarred skin. You could have stayed immobile, but you didn’t. You gently stroked his cheek and he hummed in approval, his eye closed in well being. It felt so good to finally get your touch back.
“Hi, Vinny” you whispered and he looked up at you with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. He kissed your hand. “Not gonna hurt me, right?” you asked, just to make sure. The man instantly shook his head. “Not gonna turn me into a wax statue either?” you added with a bite of your lips. Same answer. Relief flooded through you.
Forever love you. Missed you so badly. He slowly signed to you, as he wasn’t certain you still remembered ASL, but you did.
You didn’t have time to answer before Bo entered the room with a trail of food. It smelt good; you could already recognise his signature pancakes. Vincent stood up as Bo put the trail on the nightstand.
“Gonna untie ya, but nothin’ stupid, girl” he warned you and you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes at him. You weren’t too sure how you could be any more stupid than you already had been. What were you thinking when you decided to bring your friends so close to Ambrose? You wondered if deep down you hadn’t wanted this. “Y/N” Bo groaned and you simply tug on the handcuff. “Hey, don’t hurt yourself now!” Bo exclaimed as his hand flew on your wrist and you stopped tugging.
“Untie me then” you replied and Bo let escape a little smirk
“Ah yes, ya’re so hot when ya’re all bossy, ain’t ya?” he teased as he removed the handcuff from your wrist. You didn’t reply because you refused to acknowledge him flirting with you, like he used to. You massaged your wrist as you sat up. 
Knowing they weren’t going to hurt or kill you, appeased you a little and you thanked Bo for the food. You actually ate it with appetite, even though the twins’ stares were making you feel uncomfortable. They both sat, on a chair or on a desk, staying silent. They shared looks from time to time, but you tried your best to not mind them.
“Are they dead already?” you suddenly asked, because you needed to know
“Who?” Bo asked back, feigning innocence
“My friends” you groaned, your stomach twisted in worry. Maybe you shouldn’t have eaten before asking this question, you thought.
“No idea who ya’re talkin’ ‘bout” Bo shrugged.
You had a very bad feeling. You turned your attention toward Vincent, who tried to look away from you.
"Vincent." you simply said "Are they dead?"
Vincent hesitated about what to say. In the end, he slowly nodded at you. 
You got up and threw the plate on the wall in one swift and yet brutal movement. The porcelain broke as you started to angrily scream at them.
“Fuck! Fuck you all!” you cried out as both the twins got up. Bo tried to sit you back on the bed but you shoved him to the side. You grabbed Vincent by the shoulders “I swear to God, Vincent, if you fucking turned them into wax statues, I’m gonna burn down your cherished House of Wax to the fucking ground!!” you yelled even more.
Vincent’s eye widened and he thought about the four bodies he had already prepared to turn into statues. He quickly nodded though. He had no desire in upsetting you even more. And god forbid the twins to think how hot and attractive you were when you were so angry… If only you weren’t mad at them.
“How ‘bout ya calm down?” Bo grumbled but it only angered you more
“That I calm down? That I fucking calm down? You killed my people!! And then you wonder why I left Ambrose and never came to you all?” you screamed. Your words hurt Bo a lot more than he could admit so his own anger rose inside his chest
“Oh yeah? Well it’s funny ‘cause I ain’t rememberin’ ya carin’ that much about the killin’ before! Ya knew what mother and father were doin’ and it didn’t stop ya from livin’ with us most of your time!” Bo argued back
“It was different, it was your parents! I thought we could all live away from this mess, but no, you both decided the mess was worth it!” you continued
“It was the only life for us, and ya know it!” Bo replied as he gestured at Vincent who looked down
“You scared me off Ambrose” you cried out
“But now ya’re back and ya’re never fuckin’ leavin’ ever again! Ya’re ours, don’t ya know it, Y/N? Ya gave us everythin’ and we gave ya our souls in exchange! Didn’t ya enjoy flirtin’, kissin’ and havin’ sex with us? Or maybe ya were just a whore” Bo replied and you slapped him. 
You didn’t even realise what you did, you just did it. Bo pushed you on the bed and Vincent quickly stopped his twin from coming closer to you. But you weren’t afraid. You couldn’t be afraid of the people you truly had loved the most in your existence, and who had always been eager to do anything for you.
It was why the brothers loved you with such fierce passion; you had the strength to call them out on their bullshit and to make them obey. They were wrapped around your little finger, but it came with a cost: they would burn the whole world down if it meant keeping you theirs.
“Is that what you think of me? Great, Beauregard! But it can’t hurt me more than what you just did to my friends! And then you dare tell me you love me?” you said as you sent a glance at Vincent who felt like you pierced his heart with a dagger “It ain’t love, that might be why I ran away from you all! I shouldn’t’ve come back to the South of the country. Stupid fucking bad luck!”
Bo was about to reply to this, even though Vincent was trying to calm him down, but the door opened again. You saw Lester entering the room with a worried expression written all over his face. Things were really not going the way it was supposed to, he thought. He had heard you arguing with Bo from downstairs and he hoped he could put everyone back in a good mood.
But you couldn’t even stand looking at him after what happened. You got up once again and pushed the twins away from you.
“You know what, get all the fuck out of my room!” you yelled and you continued to push them toward the door. Once they were all out, you slammed the door shut and fell on your knees as you silently started to cry.
Taglist : @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21 ; @thatbitchanna27 ; @robin-the-enby ; @i-like-horror-andshitt ; @cecilwritesstuff ; @delusion-is-convenient ; @artificialintestines ; @sugarrush-blush ; @crypticlxrsh ; @g0thl3zz ; @katerinaval ; @oneofvincentscandles ; @limehaspassed ; @sillylittlereader ; @mommymilkerfanclub ; @oranedgp ; @mottysith ; @partlyvee ; @gorewhore123 ; @mrstargayen09 ; @aesthetic-bitches-tum ; @mfnqueen1 ; @etheralrue ; @nanami-kento-simp ; @bluekuu ; @excusemyrandomramblings ; @fluffy-little-demon ; @oneofvincentscandles ; @domoron ; @narcolepticduck
(I really hope I didn't forget anyone! <3)
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seventhcallisto · 11 months
—Deep Down.
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Toc/cw; scenting. omega in heat. talk of s3x. featuring alpha g-idle. Language. Mature Content! Talk of gender, sex, and the weird system that a/b/o roles have, including the terrible hierarchy system. It's my series so I make my own rules, period!
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Never, absolutely never, does a person get their second sex when they're born. It's no surprise they get it towards puberty, yet the majority of times, heats or ruts do not start happening until they're in their late teens- early twenties. Betas never went through that issue. They hardly ever were considered more than peace makers. For a while, they were the least chosen. While not as valuable as an alpha or as wonderful at comforting like an omega. There was still some dull middle ground. They weren't that special.
That was only for a bit, anyway. Eventually, omegas took that spot, lower on the hierarchy, whilst betas gained the middle place. You didn't agree with the system, though. It doesn't matter your second sex. It matters how you hold yourself, how you go about through life with a second sex.
And you stood by that for decades.
You took hold of a company and shaped yourself to fit their mold. Although a foreigner in this strange city, following a dream you didn't know you could grasp, you still went for it. You molded yourself to fit whatever they wanted. A calm, level-headed, peace-maker, beta. With a heart of fire and determination that'll set a field ablaze. You worked your ass off. Getting up as early as possible. Practicing. Making something of yourself. Training yourself. Learning the language.
Someone who could make even the quietest of omegas open up, and the loudest of alphas silent. You were a patient and composed person.
And when you came out on top, the very top, unreachable and untouchable, you knew you maxed out your potential. It was only then that you let it slip from your hands and into the grasp of another. You let them see what you could do, and now it was their turn.
They took it with stride. Quickly, you found yourself linked to a group you'd be a part of for life. You were surprised, to say the least.
"It smells like testosterone in here," you grimaced.
Eventually, you did get used to the stench of 8 alphas. Soon enough, you could actually smell their undertones. A mix of everything drowns every corner of the apartment you live in with them.
You were fairly the least popular in the group by a good amount. Sometimes, you chalked it up to people being oblivious. It never hurt you, why would it? You're a rare gem. Sometimes, it needs a light shined on it to really sparkle.
It's years later of cleaning up after messy alphas and teaching yourself tricks to get used to their behaviors, that you suddenly notice a difference in yourself.
"Hey, you smell different," seonghwa scruches his nose, a pleasantly surprised look on his face. You slip your shoes off in the doorway, closing it behind you. "New perfume," you reply, half hazerdly, sliding your keys into the key bowl. "I thought you liked your own scent?" He comes over and helps you with the handbag in your arm.
You hand it over to the taller guy, slipping your mask down your face. "I'm starting to stink, so i changed my perfume scent. Maybe your guys' stench is making me allergic, or I'm getting sick." You sigh tiredly when he hangs your jacket up in the closet. "No, not sick. I know what you smell like when you're sick," seonghwas eyebrows scrunch.
"You smell.. sweeter.. have you been hanging out with any omegas lately?" He questions, folding his arms over his chest. His white sweater is rolled up his arms, and his black pants hang loosely. Surely, if seonghwa is to lounge around, he's gonna do it with style. You laugh, avoiding his eyes when he catches you looking him up and down. "Ha, yeah, actually. I'm helping Kimmie prep for her heat. She plans to have a couple of mini devils running around this summer. Can you believe it?" You scoff, mentioning your long time once-trainee close friend who you grew attached too.
"Kimmie with kids, I would have never thought," you mumble under your breath, years ago you would of scoffed at the idea of young- impressionable kimmie, mature enough to consider having kids with her beta husband whom you also knew to be a trainee from before. Are you really getting that old? Seonghwa stares for a couple of seconds. His piercing eyes guide you up and down. You're staring back now. Seonghwa doesn't flinch. "Right, let's hope kim is ready for that," he laughs, and just like that, the tension breaks.
You both shuffle into the living room. Calling it a night.
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Not even two days later, you're on the couch scrolling mindlessly on your phone whilst you wait for the guys to get dressed. The practice video for one of your group songs is soon. You've only been able to practice by yourself up until that point.
Yeosang takes a seat next to you, pushing you into his side. The alpha gently taps your leg to gain your attention. "What's up?" You put your phone down, giving him your full attention. "My scent is wearing off on you," he almost pouts. You smile, turning towards him and opening your arms. "Okay, c'mere." You beckon his face into your neck. Afterward, you let him take the lead.
It takes two seconds for you to realize he's not scenting you anymore. He didn't even start. "Yeosang?" You call out, threading your fingers on the back of his neck hairs. He hums, and it sounds so far away. His scent grows heavier. "You okay?" You attempt to pull back. he chases your neck. You can hear him breathing heavily, struggling to catch his breath after every strong inhale. His soft hand snakes around your neck, gently leaning your head the opposite way so he can get more room.
You follow, cause you trust your pack member. You can feel his mouth part, his lips drawing closer to your pulse. Your eyebrows furrowed. What are you doing? Obviously, something is up. You pull away from yeosangs grasp. Backing up just a bit. You put a hand to his chest to distance yourself. It's a few seconds before yeosang seems to come back, his foggy eyes focusing. "Sorry, I.. you smell really different lately," he admits, twisting his fingers in his lap.
"How so?" You question him. "Like.. sweeter. I can smell it linger, deep down under our scents I can smell.. an omega," he admits, his eyebrows twitch down. You haven't been to Kimmies house since seonghwa asked, yet you've completely washed and cleaned yourself of her scent entirely. You don't know what to say.
"Well," you fold your legs into your lap. "I think I might be coming down with something, I changed my perfume. It could be that, too?" You can't tell if you're reassuring yourself or yeosang. He hums. His eyes search your front, glancing up at you and then down to your neck where your scent glands are. "Could you wear one of my shirts for practice? I didn't get to properly scent you, and it'd make me feel better. " his tone is more of a demand yet hes still a little shy with it. Behind his eyes, you can see the strange look he casts aside.
You smile wearily. "Sure."
Yeosang had picked a black shirt he wore very often. It took him a hot minute, but by the time you watched him go through everything in his closet, the guys were done and slipping on their shoes. Once he was satisfied with his choice, he handed it to you. A shirt that would be tight fit for yeosang hanged off you. The deepest scents you can pick out are cocoa butter and honeyed citrus, like lemonade. There's the distant scent of strong tea. The cocoa butter blends well into his scent, perfectly layered. Perfectly yeosang.
You took a deep enhale, liking the freshness of his smell. Not noticing the satisfactory smile on yeosangs face, you slipped off into his bathroom and exchanged your shirt for his. Leaving yours behind. Once you came out, you were surprised to still see him there. His scent is everywhere in this room, heavier than normal.
His eyes look your form up and down. You give a tiny spin, smiling awkwardly. Finally, his eyes meet yours, clouded with an unknown emotion. It's a few seconds of silence. You never break off eye contact.
"We're gonna be late!" Hongjoong shouts out from the front door. His voice echoes in the hallway, leading to yeosangs' room. Yeosang smiles, looking away. He makes haste to the door and leaves you. You let the breath out you were holding. What was that?
Practice takes a hard minute to start, the coolness of the room makes it easier to warm up. You're not sweating when you begin repeating steps, adjusting what you deem unfinished or sloppy. Not long does the heat kick into the room. You find yourself removing your hoodie.
"Let's get started" the manager hits the button on the camera, beginning the recording. Your eyes follow your own movement. All of ateez has said you're the ace of the group, in everything you do it seems well-executed. You doubt that sometimes.
Every move and every breath is conditioned from years of practice everyday 'til you couldn't feel your legs. Sometimes you'd go as far as to even run, dance, and jump in terrible stilletos. Which worked out in the end since the majority of the time you'd have to wear heels or platforms to match the height of the guys during every event and performance.
Sweat pools on your collar, your neck, and your forehead as you work across the room. You can smell every one of the guys as they pass around you, a flurry of scents clog your senses. You try to focus on the choreography.
You tried until your shoulder slams into someone, throwing you off balance and onto the hard wood floor. Your elbow bounces off the wood. You slide to a stop quickly. "Fuck!" you curse at the sting in your leg, hip, and ankle. The room grows extremely quiet, the music stops as quickly. Mingi bends down to your level, shock still evident on his face. "Sorry! shit, my bad, are you okay?" He reaches for your head.
"Ow" you whine, like actually whine, instead of brushing it off like you normally would. Touching your elbow. You both simultaneously notice the blood dripping off your elbow. "Why aren't you watching where you're going!?" Yunho walks up to mingi. Mingi stands up from next to you. "I didn't do it on purpose!" Mingi defends, his jaw clenches. The two stare daggers, a tense standoff so sudden you don’t know truly if you falling is the cause of it or if something else is at play. Hongjoong steps forward to stop them. A heated discussion begins.
Wooyoung and San stand back, Jaws clenched, at any moment they look ready to pounce. Yeosang stands with Seonghwa and Jongho, who look just as concerned about the growing argument, yet their faces murge into something completely different at the smell in the air.
It's something no one can put their finger on.
Your ever growing weirdly sweet scent is surprising to even you, your gut twists in an unsettled way. You don't look at their faces, trying to understand the smell and your sudden shift. What the hell is going on with you?
"Boys, out in the hallway now, please" Jongsik. The manager you've had for years steps forward. As the oldest in the room take charge, the guys looked challenged. "What about her!?" Yunho shouts out, fustrated. In the distance another aurgument begins. Mingi squats back down to your level, gently pulling your attention back to him with his hands on either side of your face. "it's not that bad, yeah? It's alright?" He wants to reassure you. "Mingi" you practically whine, pulling at his wrist. The smell of harsh and swirling emotions makes your nose scrunch, it's intense and somewhat intoxicating.
You're dizzy.
Jongsik stands firm. "Out!" He repeats himself pointing to the practice room door. He reaches for mingi's shoulder. He who pushes the older man off, standing abruptly.
Hongjoong, the pack leader, is the one that rounds up the boys and pushes them out, even mingi. Before he shuts the door. He looks at you. He's so tempted to just run back in, coddle you and wrap your elbow in bandages. Yet he closes the door anyways.
There's no defiance or whining from you. because jongsik is a beta, and already mated. He's taken on a fatherly role to you when he pulls you to your feet. "I don't feel good.." You slur. Placing a hand on your head.
"Hey, it's gonna be alright. We're gonna get you to the hospital, alright?"
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You lay on an examination bed, squirming by yourself. Anxiously you wait twirling your hand around the bandage on your elbow.
"This is something we've never seen before." With your heightened hearing, you can feel they're talking about you.
"She showed signs of being a beta for years. How could something like this happen so suddenly? It's impossible." Whispers echo in your mind.
What the hell is going on?
"Hello," a doctor, also a lady, steps in. her face is covered with a mask. "I'm Dr Liana." You try to focus, but the ache in your stomach is distracting. "It seems to have been there for a while, most likely due to continuous, omega activities, from what my colleagues and I have assumed."
"Have you been noticing anything different from your usual routine?"
You recount what you can, anything you find weird yourself. And there's so many clues, like when you stole each hoodie and wore it from everyone for a week straight just because 'you wanted too'. Or how touchy you've been recently especially with hongjoong, your pack leader. The scent change, the continuous need to please your members and let them have their way lately.
How you, oh God, how you've started collecting everyone's clothing in your closet, you called it a clothing pile. It's a nest. You've been nesting.
You've been not so subtlety feeding this hunger within you.
Realization has dawned on you for the first time in a month. And after a few more tests, you've spent a total of two days in the hospital.
Once you're out, you're immediately escorted to a heat sanctuary. A common locked and secure place for omegas going into heat.
"What I'm hearing is you're about to go into heat. It'll be a difficult process for you considering you're a beta turned omega, and it's fairly late for you to be getting your first heat, but I'm sure there's plenty of options for you."
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There were plenty of other options, yet you opted for the least embarrassing and least dreadful one. It was too late to take heat suppressants. Now, you're stuck in a somewhat luxurious hotel room with glorified room service and plenty of meds to sedate you for a week or less. They're actually so you can't feel the actual pain that comes with a heat without having a knot to sedate the feeling. If you really hoped you could sleep it off, you'd be dead wrong.
The specific question of; "do you have anyone in mind that could take care of you during your heat?" Really lingered. You thought about it. Maybe more than once, but you turned it down. No way. Nooo wayyyy. You wouldn't dare go past the first pack of alphas your mind landed on. Wouldn't even touch that book or open it in your minds eye.
Everything is very sensitive for the first day. You sweat a ton. You feel like you've lost weight, although you eat when you're not... 'foggy'. You feel the sweat pool at every corner of your temporary bed.
Anything you can get your hands on you pull, hard, and rip and tear. A pile of blankets and pillows are strewn on the floor in one giant large pile. Every once in a while you'll come back to your senses and childishly get upset at what you're doing.
No you've got nothing against omegas. You just didn't ask to be one, so therefore you're mad about being one.
Once satisfied, you spraw out and get to working on yourself with whatever you can, clothes and all. Toys. Plugs. Lube. You would have never guessed you'd end up this way. You name it, and they have it. They say there's nothing more satisfying than a knot, yet you don't enjoy the idea of what comes after. Pups? Ew. Is there even anything to counteract that? How do people just sleep with a stranger during a heat and not feel scared about what will happen in the moment? There's nothing wrong with it. It's just not your particular cup of tea.
As a beta, or.. when you were one, it wasn't very hard to find someone to hook up with. Betas have the abilities to hook up with anyone, alphas, omegas, and other betas. Although pregnancies and knotting aren't as easy for betas(you're not a big fan of wrapping it) it'll work eventually if tried enough. There's this middle ground for betas who can have it all. Relationships get difficult when you aren't as drawn to each other as an alpha and omega are, but with patience, it'll work.
There's this gross scent lingering under your skin, you can still smell the scent of your old skin, the beta you once were is suddenly being washed away by a sweet, tropical smell, an omega in full bloom. It's your second day. Yet you couldn't get more miserable. Two or three more days of this? Seriously.
You've never been a girly girl, begging for your way or kissing up to get it. You were commonly told you were a tomboy growing up. Maybe that played its role on your first designated sex. Your company pushed that role, too. Tough girl act. Rapper, Dancer. Never the face of the group. But you weren't complaining. You were the top of top trainees. Nothing could beat you down.
Yet, dressing up in baggy clothes and never looking sexually appealing was your role in the group. Tomboy rapper. Compared to the beginning of fourth gen, you were considered a girl crush but nothing else. least lines, least screen time, least roles. I mean. You trained for this, right?
Now you're stuck with a new second gender you didn't ask for. Pushing you farther behind the scenes. Just your luck.
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As soon as your first heat ends. You realize you weren't as bad. Apparently, the first heat ever is the easiest. You're supposed to get worse. Seriously. Worse? God. You can't take this. You go to the only people you know won't make a big deal out of your new.. thing.
Soyeon places a hot cup of tea right in front of you. And you can smell the scent suppressant coming from the steam. "this is supposed to help?" You sniff at it warily, grimacing at the factory like smell.
"You came to us, at our dorm, smelling like the biggest ball of 'fuck me please', take it or leave it." She clicks her tongue at you, propped up on her bed. Minnie takes a seat opposite of you, as does shuhua. "You cant even smell me, you're on scent suppressants" you groan, swirling the tea. "How do yall cope." You sigh and chug the content of the large tea cup. Soyeon laughs, minnie grimaces, and despite having a shocked look, shuhua pumps her fist in encouragement.
You've come to the group of alpha women cause, well, they're your best friends. And they're the most encouraging about any and all supplements and suppressants. They've single handedly encouraged everyone you know to take suppressants. From the front door, you hear it open and close, stepping down the hallway comes yuqi and miyeon, who do a double take.
Yuqi takes a giant whiff, and her eyes bulge. "What happened to you!?" She coughs at the stench of omega. Something she doesn't find common in their room when you're around. Miyeon scoots to the side when Soojin pushes through with a cake of some sort and a tiny charcuterie board. She places it down in front of you. You can tell the alpha in her is desperately trying to please you.
"Somehow, our poor, once beta, girl friend has changed sex." Soyeon speaks through a bite of twizzlers. You don't comment at her choice of words. Yuqi and Miyeon scoot into the room, staring at their doting member.
"There you go." Soojin pats your head and takes a seat on the bean bag in front of you. "Thanks," you sigh, digging in. The cake, which soojin explains, is a long-lasting scent changer. Magic is baked into every bite.
As for the charcuterie board. It's just something to get you some protein with the lack of good supplements in your system. In her eyes, you've lost at least half of your body weight. You haven't. Yet she's still encouraging you to take care of yourself from such a rushed heat.
"Poor girl," miyeon sighs, "I've never heard of that happening to anyone before. How's that even possible?" She takes to removing her hoodie and placing it down properly. Yuqi shuffles off her bag. Plopping onto the bed next to you. "How'd the guys react?" She steals a piece of meat from your board.
"I haven't told them" you sigh, the room goes silent.
"That's fucked up" yuqi laughs. Miyeon slaps her ankle. "So we're the first to know?" Shuhua confirms, you nod. "Wow, I'm sure they'll be happy about that," soyeon laughs lightly. You tear your eyes off shuhua. "What do you mean by that?" You clearly speak, eyebrows pulled down. Minnie places a hand on your ankle to get your attention. "Well, we're your girl pack. We'll always be your girl pack." she looks nervous.
"But the last time I hung out with you, your boys stared at me like I was an intruder in their territory." she pats your ankle. Your eyebrows pull taunt. You want to defend them. "What? No way.." You truly think about it. "Whatever you say, your boys aren't as good as we are at keeping up with our contribution to not being alpha whores" soyeon sighs pushing to sit up. "Especially mingi, he's the whoriest of them all, he goes into rut every week it seems. He needs a heavy dose of rut suppressants." she takes another chunk off her twizzler.
"You shouldn't feel obligated to tell them first. Butt.. you shouldn't be surprised when they get upset about you telling us first." The girls all nod. You fall back onto soyeons pillows. A puff of sandal wood and cinnamon surrounds you. Slowly dying down as the tea takes its hold on your heightened senses. "Maybe I should have thought this through," you rub at your eyes.
"You're always welcomed here." soojin clears your mind, patting her hand against your hip in a friendly gesture. "This won't change anything. You're still my- our best friend," soojin speaks on behalf of the girls. Everyone hums to confirm.
"Thanks," you say genuinely. "It's a bit late for you to get a drive all the way home, What'd the company say to the guys?" Miyeon perks up from the edge of the bed. "Something about me needing medical evaluation. I'm pretty sure they think I'm still in the hospital." Yuqi scoots up next to you. "Did you check your phone?"
You didn't even think about it, pulling it from your pocket. You try to power it on. "No, everything was rushed. I didn't have a chance to check anything before I had to give it up so I wouldn't expose the place I was at." The screen doesn't light up. It's completely dead.
"It's dead," you pass it to soojin, who already had her hand out to take it. She plugs it into soyeons charger. "Well, I guess you're stuck here." Shuhua and yuqi topple on top of you, squishing you into the mattress.
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The next morning, you wake up sore. Not because of anything the girls did but because of such a long trial of whatever you did to yourself in the haze of heat. You groan when you shift your hip, burying yourself closer to the center of the makeshift bed you made in the living room.
The night was full of movies and being doted on by every one of the girls. Things aren't supposed to change because of your new sex, and that's remained true. They just baby you a little bit more than usual. "Shuhua, 'mega! Come eat! Now!" Minnie yells from the kitchen. The nickname startles you, something you've never heard before is somewhat pleasent to your ears. There's stomping towards the living room. Your head slams back down onto the pillow, pretending to sleep.
"I know you're awake." yuqis smile can be heard through her words. You can't help the prying of your lip. "Nu-uh," you grin, eyes still closed. "Get up!" She jumps on you, pulling you into a suffocating hug that she wiggles around in. You laugh and pull her equally as close. After the struggle of a couple of seconds, your exhaustion returns. Your arms fall limply around her waist.
"You doing alright?" She asks, picking herself up and off of you so you can breathe. "Yeah, I just tired myself out this week." you laugh, embarrassed. "Don't worry," shuhua perks her head up from the couch next to you. "You should have heard when yuqi had her first rut," shuhua laughs menacingly, yuqi springs up. "Shut up!" She yells. "She wouldn't stop! All night and day! We had to quarantine the whole top floor!" Shuhuas words stop on occasion when yuqi is wrestling to cover her mouth. You laugh at them.
"Hey," soojin stands over, ignoring her members. "Hi," you smile back. "Hungry?" She lends you her hand, pulling you up off the floor. "Starved," you take it, embracing her rose filled scent.
A platter of delicious food is placed right in front of you. Breakfast in their apartment is somewhat new to you. You've never really been able to stay long when you visit. Maybe you're starting to realize the guys have a stronger hold on you than you thought. Speaking of the guys. As soon as you finish your plate, Soojin places your phone down in front of you. The screen is still black, signaling she hasn't turned it on.
"You're gonna want to answer your boy toys before they stalk you down themselves," soyeon gestures. She's not wrong.
You power your phone on and let it reboot for a second. Yuqi is still eating with shuhua, talking to miyeon and minnie about something you don't pay attention to. Your phone makes a continuous notification sound when all of your messages pop up.
104 missed messages. 32 missed calls.
You're in deep shit.
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Taglist: @0325tiny @bratty-tingz @lelaleleb
(Thank you for reading ♡)
722 notes · View notes
munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Wanna Bet?
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tattoo artist!Eddie x tattoo artist!reader
Summary: You don't like Eddie, but he's going to convince you that you do, even if it takes a bet to prove it.
This takes places in the year 2,000!
word count: 4k
This series is being discontinued until further notice, but feel free to continue reading if you'd like!
part two part three part four
You stared at the door in front of you, the hours that were painted onto it staring back at you. Maybe if you had stood there long enough, the place would’ve closed and you could just leave. You didn’t know why you were so nervous. You had more tattoos than anyone you knew so this one should’ve been a breeze. 
Maybe it was because it was a new place. There were new people you didn’t really know yet. The tattoo shop where you had worked had shut down because of a fire and you were still in shock because of it. So not only had you lost your job, but the appointment you had set up with Kip, the owner, had been canceled. He was the only one you trusted so you were hesitant when he had given you a referral. You didn’t care if it was a friend of his, you were still nervous as shit. 
Your hand rested on the door handle. You couldn’t get yourself to open it, bile climbing up your throat. You were terrified to say the least, anxiety coursing through you as you thought of every possible thing that could’ve gone wrong. 
You had your consultation with Gareth weeks ago and had called to reschedule because you had been scared, but now you were ready. It was just a small tattoo and Gareth had assured you that he’d go easy on you and you could take as many breaks as you wanted. You were looking forward to working with him despite your nervousness. 
You finally went inside and the whole place was very tidy despite the sketchy looking exterior. It definitely seemed like whoever owned the place knew exactly how to make people feel comfortable. There was a seating area by the front door with a large couch and a coffee table with a bunch of magazines spread out on it neatly. 
A coffee bar was sitting by the front desk, complete with a freshly brewed pot and an array of mugs that fit the aesthetic of the building. There were also different types of sweeteners and a small refrigerator that was filled with many different brands of bottled water as well as multiple different flavors of coffee creamer. 
The walls were covered in framed sketches and you wished you had the time to look at them all, fascinated by the details of each one. Rock music was playing loudly over the speakers and it was a song that you had recognized from the radio. 
You walked up to the reception desk and the same guy you had remembered from before was behind it typing away on the computer. He looked up at you and gave you a bright smile as if you were old friends. 
He was on the phone with who you assumed was a customer and it didn’t seem to be going well just from hearing his side of the conversation. 
“Yes, I am so sorry, Rebecca. Believe me, it won’t happen again. Yes, he knows all about it. Yes, I’ll tell him. You have my word. Alright. Buh-bye.” He hung up the phone and brought his attention to you, a bright smile on his face. 
“Hey, so sorry about that. Welcome in,” he greeted, his honey eyes shining bright from the sun shining through the window. “How can I help you?” 
“I have an appointment.” You gave him your first and last name and he typed some stuff into the computer before looking back up at you. You eyed him and couldn’t help but notice how out of place he looked there. He didn’t have a single tattoo on him and looked like he would’ve been scared to actually step foot into the building. 
“Alright, y/n,” his smile widened and you wondered if his cheeks ever hurt from doing that as often as he seemed to do. “If you’ll follow me, we can-“ His words were cut off by the front door opening. It was slammed shut so loudly that the frames on the wall rattled. Whoever had just entered had wanted to make an entrance and it clearly had worked since everyone had turned to see what all the commotion was about. Both you and the receptionist turned to see for yourselves to see the most beautiful man you had ever laid your eyes on. 
“I’m back, baby,” he announced, holding his arms out. Your eyes trailed down his body from his long curly hair to his black combat boots. He was so attractive and you wondered how you had never seen him before. You definitely would have remembered him if you had. The receptionist made a beeline for him as well as a few of the employees. It was clear that the man had been gone a while considering everyone’s reaction to him. He must have been pretty popular around there. 
“Steve, hug me, honey,” he pulled ‘Steve’ into his arms and pressed a kiss to his cheek only for Steve to rub it away in response. Despite his disgust, you could hear a little giggle fall from his mouth. Was this man God? He must have been because no one would react that way to a mediocre man, would they? At least, you hoped not. You hoped they all had higher standards than that. 
He took a drag of the cigarette he was holding and flashed you a smile before crossing the floor to the desk. The smoke passed through his lips and into the air and he titled his head down, his eyes locking onto yours. 
You knew his type just by looking at him. He was the life of the party. The kind of guy who thought that everyone was into him just because of his giant ego. And they were into him because of the way he carried himself. Like he didn’t give a damn about anything. And he didn’t. Not even the people who he claimed to be friends with. 
You could see him eyeing you when he stepped behind the desk, going through the envelopes that had been sitting on top of it. When most men checked you out, you’d pull your shirt down to show them a little cleavage, but for this guy, you just wrapped your cardigan around yourself, wanting to hide your body. He didn’t seem amused but wasn’t backing off. 
It was as if seeing the man had brought your confidence back. Like you were no longer the shy woman you had been just moments ago. Being around men who were full of themselves tended to do that to you. It was as if you felt the need to one up them, having more confidence than they did. You wanted to show that you had superiority. 
You turned your back to him, looking at the frames on the wall as you waited for your appointment to get straightened away. You didn’t have anywhere to be until you had to work later that night so you supposed that you could’ve waited just a bit longer. 
Your eyes locked onto one in particular. It was a sunflower and you normally wouldn’t have noticed it if it hadn’t stood out amongst all the other images that were far more dark subject matter. It was pretty and so realistic, like you could have reached out and plucked it from the painting. 
“Who’s the babe?” Eddie leaned over to Steve, whispering so he was the only one who could hear him. They both looked at you and you just avoided them, still looking at the frames. 
“She’s a client,” Steve replied, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He loved the guy, but sometimes he couldn’t help but think that Eddie was nothing but a pig. “Jesus, Eddie. You just got back home and already can’t keep your dick in your pants?” 
“I’m human,” Eddie smirked, his eyes moving down to your ass, admiring the shape of it before turning back to Steve. “Sue me. I mean, look at her man,” he referred to you with his hand. “Look at that ass.” He leaned closer to Steve, pulling his lip between his teeth as he turned back to you to get another glimpse. 
“Did you miss the word ‘client’ coming out of my mouth? I’m serious, Ed, you can’t keep sleeping with them. It not only makes you look bad, it also makes the company look bad.” 
The shop had gotten multiple phone calls that Steve had the unfortunate pleasure of being on the receiving end of because that had been the phone number he has given the people he had slept with because he hadn’t deemed them important enough to give them his home number. 
Not only that, but Steve had walked in on too many of Eddie’s “meetings” in his office and was sick of the guy making a habit of it. Could he have not slept with them in his car or at his house like a normal person? 
He was getting tired of the new persona Eddie had taken on as he had gotten more popular. It was fine when he had gotten the motorcycle and when he flirted a little with the clients to make them more comfortable, but he drew the line at him acting like the complete dickhead he had become, using people for their bodies just to throw them away when he was done. 
“I just want to-“
“You want to what?” Steve cut him off “Seduce her?”
“Maybe,” Eddie rounded the desk. “We’ll see where it goes.” Steve grabbed onto the back of his jacket and pulled him back, causing Eddie to let out a yelp. 
“Not so fast,” Steve shook his head. 
“I just want to say hi,” Eddie held his hands up in defense even though the both of them knew that he was lying. 
“Saying ‘hi’ leads to flirting which leads to seducing which leads to ‘your place or mine’ which leads to you saying you’ll call and then you never do. I’ve been keeping a tally of all the people who have called here because you were an ass.” Steve held up the notebook he had been writing it and Eddie’s eyes widened. 
“Five, ten, fifteen, twenty-“ Eddie counted of the tallies to himself, not even trying to hold back his smile.  
“Forty-five, Eddie,” Steve cut him off with a glare. 
“Forty-five,” Eddie repeated, a smirk kicking up at the corner of his rosy lips. 
“And this is just with clients,” he sighed, throwing the book down “Look, you can fuck whoever you want as long as they’re not seeking business from us.” 
“No,” he pointed at his friend with the pencil he was holding. “If I find out that you did anything but greet her as the owner, I swear to god I will castrate you.” Eddie’s eyes widened at Steve’s threat but only for a second before his smirk took over again. 
“But what if-“
“No, this isn’t a challenge. I mean it, if you even so much as bat your eyelashes at her, I’m going to make sure that you can never use your dick again.”
“Are you coming on to me?” Eddie batted his eyelashes. That had only happened once and they both just decided that they were better off as friends. “Damn, Stevie. I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” Steve had felt that way about Eddie once upon a time, but not anymore. Especially not since Eddie started solely thinking with his dick. 
“You’re disgusting,” Steve glared before turning back to the computer. “Now leave me alone.” 
“Happy to.” Eddie rounded the desk and made a beeline to you. He had no intention of keeping Steve’s promise and seeing the look you gave him only made him want to flirt with you even more. He had to do what he could to get the sour look off of your face. 
Unbeknownst to Eddie, you had heard his entire conversation with Steve, neither of them quite knowing what an “inside voice” was. It didn’t surprise you that Eddie would fuck anyone who was human, and it especially didn’t surprise you that most of them were clients. If you hadn’t already gone through the consultation, you would have walked right out of there. 
Fat chance if he thought he was going to get with you, but you were going to have some fun with him first. You were going to knock him down a few pegs. It was what he deserved for having whoever he wanted just because he was famous in the tattoo industry. 
“Hi,” he propped himself against the wall and you had to hold back a laugh at his flirting attempt. How could that have worked on anyone? 
“Hi,” you nodded towards him then turned back to face the frames. 
“I’m Eddie,” he put his hand out to shake and you reluctantly took it, not wanting to be rude to owner of the establishment no matter how much you wanted to tell him to fuck off. 
“Y/n,” you replied and his smile got wider. You had to admit that it was really nice. You could see at least how that worked for him. 
“Y/n,” he nodded, saying it slowly, focusing on each syllable as they fell from his lips. “That’s pretty.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here. And trust me, I’d remember someone as smokin’ as you.” That didn’t actually work on people, did it? That didn’t actually get him into people’s pants. 
“If anyone’s smokin’ here, it’s you,” you winked and wondered how you could have submitted your name to the Academy to be nominated for an Oscar for your performance. 
“So what brings you here, darlin’?” He crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy. He almost looked  adorable. Almost. 
“I have an appointment with Gareth.” Of fucking course. Eddie took a vacation and now Gareth was getting all the pretty girls. Sometimes, life just wasn’t fair. 
“Oh,” he nodded. “I can take you to him.” 
“Okay, Edwin.” You walked ahead of him to head to wherever Gareth could have possibly been and Eddie took another opportunity to stare at your ass. The way your jeans clung to it. The way it moved when you walked. He needed to feel it, skin against skin. He just knew that it would have been soft. He desperately wanted to give it a little slap, but even he knew that wouldn’t have been appropriate. Even for him 
“It’s Eddie,” he corrected and you didn’t bother to look back at him when you spoke. 
“Sure, Eduardo.” He wasn’t used to women acting this way and he’d have been lying if he said he didn’t like it. He actually thought it was kind of hot. 
He was right behind you when you stopped abruptly at Gareth’s station. Eddie had been so busy staring that ran right into you and had to grab onto your shoulders to stop the both of you from falling to the floor. 
He let out a chuckle but you just ignored him, keeping your attention on Gareth. His face lit up when he saw you and he couldn’t help but smile as well. You hadn’t forgotten your flirty consultation and the way he looked at you from across the desk. Like he had wanted to take you right there and you would have let him. 
You had imagined running your hands through his curly hair, pressing your lips to his roughly, sticking your tongue into his mouth. Hearing his moans when you touched him in just the right spots. 
Eddie looked between the two of you and he didn’t like what he saw. The way you were smiling at each other, the flirty glint in your eyes. Whatever was going on had to be nipped right in the bud. If he couldn’t have you, no could. Not even Gareth. Especially not Gareth. 
“Hey, cutie,” you greeted, resting your hands on his table and Gareth just blushed. He wasn’t used to getting attention from people, at least not romantically. And when you had showed up and openly flirted with him, he could have sworn it was a joke. But seeing you then, he realized that you hadn’t been joking at all. 
“Hey,” he responded, a small smile forming on his lips. “How are you?”
“I’m great. And you?”
“I’m fantastic. Especially now that you’re here.” You giggled at his words, causing his blush to get pinker. Eddie watched the two of you for a bit longer then looked around the room for a trash can he could throw up in. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” You leaned closer and Eddie quickly turned away. No way in hell he was subjecting himself to seeing the two of you kiss. 
“Well, I’m ready when you are,” Gareth smiled and sat down in his chair, rolling it closer to the bench. 
“I’m ready now,” you nodded, sitting on the bench and Eddie took that as a sign to actually do his tasks that he had been putting off for far too long. 
“Gareth,” you gasped as you looked at your fresh ink in the mirror. It was a Sting from Lord of the rings and it was exactly what you wanted. He was somehow able to get it exactly how you imagined it. “This is fucking amazing.” 
“Really? You like it?” He had a sheepish smile on his face that you could see perfectly in the reflection. He was just so cute. And sweet. The complete opposite of the other guys you had been with. The complete opposite of Eddie. 
“I love it.” You turned around to face him and before you could stop yourself, you were throwing yourself into his arms. They were quick to wrap around your waist tightly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he smiled, making no move to let go of you. “I’m glad it was what you wanted.” 
“It’s perfect. Really.” Gareth had never gotten that kind of reaction from one of his clients. They usually just thanked him and paid before leaving. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, pulling away from him. “That was totally inappropriate.” 
“No,” he assured you. “It’s okay. I…liked it.” 
“Well, good.”
“C‘mon,” he nodded his head towards the front of the shop. “Let’s get your care instructions.”
You followed him to the front desk where Steve was still typing away on the computer. Eddie was beside him, going through some envelopes. He looked up at you and Gareth and didn’t miss your close proximity, your shoulders touching. He supposed that if you ended up with anyone, it should have been Gareth. He would have treated you right and wouldn’t have just wanted to fuck you like Eddie did. 
Eddie didn’t do relationships. He just liked to get laid and have no other connection to the people. That was the only way he could do it. Thinking about being romantic with someone made him feel gross. It made him want to laugh. He only had enough love in his life for his few friends and Wayne. 
You didn’t do relationships either, but you felt like if you played your cards right, you’d be able to start something with Gareth. He was sweet and he liked you and you didn’t get that weird feeling in your gut when you were around him. That feeling that always told you that the person was bad news. And it was always right. Maybe Gareth would end up being the right guy for you. Or maybe he wouldn’t, but you were willing to find out. 
“Well, let me see!” Steve exclaimed and you turned around, stepping closer to the desk. He leaned over it to get a better look, a wide smile spreading over his face. “That’s sick…what is it?”
“C’mon, Steve. It’s from Lord of the Rings,” Eddie replied. 
“That’s what it’s from?” Gareth asked, turning to you. “I thought it was just a dagger.”
“It’s Sting. It was an Elven short-sword made in Gondolin during the First Age,” you told them. 
“Bilbo discovered it in the year TA2941 in a Troll-hoard, and used it during the Quest of Erebor,” Eddie finished, a smirk forming on his lips. He had met many women who like Lord of the Rings and had even done a few tattoos, but he liked the fact that you were so passionate about it. 
“God, you guys are such fucking nerds,” Steve scoffed. “How do you know that from memory?”
“How do you not?” You and Eddie asked in unison, causing you both to laugh. 
“Alright,” Steve turned to you. “Your total is going to be-“
“Actually, it’s on the house, right Stevie?” Gareth asked and Steve just let out a sigh. 
“Sure, I uh, I guess it’s on the house.” With how many times Eddie had done the same thing, the company had surely lost a lot of money, but Steve supposed he could make an exception. Gareth had been shot down so many times that Steve thought he at least deserved to let one girl get her tattoo for free. 
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you shook your head vigorously. You always wanted to make sure that people were getting paid properly for their work. Especially tattoo artists because that kind of thing took a lot of time and patience. “I think Gareth should be compensated for his hard work.” 
“I can be compensated in other ways,” Gareth winked at you and Eddie feigned throwing up while Steve smiled. He was just happy that the guy was finally getting some attention. He always seemed to fade into the background when Eddie was around. People always seemed to care about him and Steve felt bad for Gareth. That he was always stuck in his best friend’s shadow. He hated it for him. 
“Sounds like a plan,” you winked back. “Maybe I could repay you tonight.” Gareth liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Eddie put his hand over his mouth and disappeared behind the door that was behind him. 
“I’d like that,” Gareth nodded, stepping towards you, the two of you completely ignoring Eddie. He was just jealous that he wasn’t on the receiving end of the flirting this time. He was always a sore loser even though he frequently tried to deny it. He loved Gareth. Like a brother, even. But he couldn’t help but feel jealous that the guy was getting your attention. He didn’t know why, but the fact that you didn’t seem to be interested in him only made him want to try harder. He wanted to prove himself that he could get you into bed. 
You grabbed a blank piece of paper and pen from the desk and scribbled down your phone number and address before handing it to him. He took it from you and quickly took his cell phone out of his pocket, quickly typing in the numbers and saving it under a cutesy nickname. 
“So you’ll come over after you get done here?”
“I definitely will,” he nodded.
“Great,” you smiled and Gareth could have sworn that he was feeling his knees giving out. You then leaned closer to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight, Emerson.”
After you were all set, you pulled Gareth into a lingering hug then exited the shop, the man watching you through the glass as you headed down the street. He had only had a few conversations with you and was already down bad. Why did he have to always fall so easily? He knew that you’d drop him for Eddie with one bat of his lashes so he didn’t even know why he was trying. 
Maybe he was wrong. Maybe you really did like him. Maybe this wasn’t all just an elaborate plan for you to get to Eddie like he had thought. He couldn’t even keep track of how many times that had happened to him and he was sick of it. What was wrong with him? Cleary something since he was never anyone’s first choice. But for once, he was yours. He was your first choice and he couldn’t have been more elated about it. 
You got to your car and was shocked to find Eddie leaning against it. He was smoking a cigarette and you hated how you kind of found it hot. But only kind of. He was leaning against the driver’s seat door, preventing you from getting in it and he looked like he had no intention of leaving any time soon. He gave you his signature smile and you smiled back, not wanting to show just how much he was getting to you. 
“So,” he spoke, blowing the smoke from his mouth and it wafted right into your face, causing you to cough. “You and Emerson, huh?” He used his cigarette to point to the building. 
“Yes,” you nodded, waving the smoke away from your face. “But I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” You crossed your arms over your chest, wondering why he cared so much. He could have anyone he wanted from what you had heard so you weren’t sure why he was so set on hitting on an almost taken woman.
“It’s my business because Gareth is my best friend and I’ll be damned if anyone hurts him.” He pushed off of the car and stood directly in front of you, attempting to look intimidating, but fell flat. You weren’t scared of anything, especially not Eddie Munson. 
Eddie really didn’t care who Gareth spent his time with, especially not romantically, but you weren’t one of the soft, innocent looking girls that the guy usually went for. Eddie just wanted to make sure that you were good for him. And maybe the way of seeing whether or not that was true was sleeping with you, but that was going to take a lot more effort than usual. But Eddie always liked a challenge. 
Usually, showing a woman just what she was missing after the initial shut down wasn’t a problem. He turned on the charm and was as nice as possible until he got what he wanted. He didn’t know why you wouldn’t just give in. He was sure that he could make you feel much more than Gareth ever could and he’d do it so much better. Gareth was less experienced than him and was seriously lacking in flirting skills so stealing you away would have been a breeze. It wouldn’t be long before you were racing into his arms, telling him that you had been wrong all along. And he couldn’t wait. 
“If anyone’s hurting Gareth, it’s you,” you crossed your arms over your chest. Those words stung Eddie more than they should have, but he wasn’t going to show it. “You just can’t stand the fact that someone prefers him over you. Gareth is sweet and caring and guess what? He’s also much more of a man than you will ever be. So fuck off and go find someone else to screw with because it sure as hell won’t be me.” You pushed him out of the way and got into your car before pulling out of your parking space and heading down the road. 
Eddie watched in shock as you drove away. No one had even spoken to him like that and he’d have been lying if he said that if didn’t make his dick hard. What was wrong with him? He hadn’t always been a pig. Once upon a time, he was actually a nice guy, but then he got just a sliver of fame in the tattoo industry and thought he could treat everyone any way he wanted. He had quickly become the kind of guy that he had usually despised and didn’t even care that his friends were getting tired of him. 
It was like an addiction. He had slept with one person and then another and then another and it was like he couldn’t stop. Now he couldn’t go a couple weeks without having someone between his sheets. It was getting to the point that he didn’t even really enjoy it, but he was so desperate for attention that he’d take home anyone that he could just so he wouldn’t have to sleep by himself and be alone with his thoughts. 
Eddie hung his head and reluctantly headed back inside. Gareth was still at the front desk and Eddie gave him a glare before heading to his office for some much needed alone time. He couldn’t let Gareth know that he had gotten to him. That would have just been embarrassing. Eddie thought that he was better than him in every way and didn’t like that he had gotten the girl for once. He had lost and hated the way the rejection felt. It was like a stab to the heart and he finally knew how his best friend had felt watching him leave with all of those different people. It was torture, but that still didn’t mean that he was just going to let him have you. He still had a point to prove, no matter what it took.
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byunpum · 2 years
Experiment 56 [part 7]*FINAL*
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
Others pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader
Tw: neteyam baby , reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, kinda Sad, Quaritch is an anti-villain?, soft stuff , all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Experiment 56 sequel
Note: Well… here is the final part of this series. "Experiment 56". To be honest, I didn't think that so many people would like my idea <3 If you want an alternative ending. Or you want me to expand on a part. You can send me a message. And don't forget that the requests are open, and I work with all the characters. Well that would be all, I hope you like it a lot!!!
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"What do you mean she's pregnant?" asks Lyle as he looks at Quaritch. "You and her…" Quaritch hits him over the head. "don't be an asshole, how am I going to get her pregnant, I've barely known her for 2 weeks…idiot" say Quaritch, as he sits down on one of the aisle seats. "We need to get her out of here, Lyle" Miles speaks, as he plays with his fingers on his hand. "Colonel with all due respect… but are you out of your mind? What's going to happen to us? "Lyle says as he sits down in the seat next to him. "What's going to happen? Lyle, what are we doing here?" Quaritch confronts Lyle. "They order us various missions, we go and do it, we're like watchdogs for these shitty people. For what? For nothing… we are no longer human, even the memories we have don't belong to us" There was a silence between the two men, lyle knew it was true what the man was saying. "I don't know what I'm doing here lyle, I feel lost" Quaritch says. "And what do you plan to do with y/n?" Lyle gives up, he wasn't going to leave his boss alone.
They need to be quiet, they are conscious that there are cameras everywhere. Quaritch moves closer to lyle's seat. "We need to plan something… but she needs to get out of here. I have a feeling what they're going to do to her is not at all pleasant." Lyle pulls his sunglasses off his head, as he runs his hands back and forth across the back of his neck. The colonel had lost his mind. " It's okay, I'm in… you're lucky I actually like that girl" lyle says, as Quaritch smiles a little. The moment is interrupted when a nurse walks out the door. "You guys are accompanying experiment 56?" the woman asks. My god, how awful that sounded. "Yes" says Miles, as he stands up. "Can only one person go through" says the woman. Lyle signals Quaritch for him to come in. "I'll wait here, go!!!" says lyle. "oh, wait…give her this candy, she gonna love it".
Miles follows the nurse, down the cold hallway of the nursing area. "It's over there, in space 4" the woman points to the blue curtains. Miles heads in that direction, until she slides the curtain. You were awake, half sitting up on the bed. He noticed how your face lit up at the sight of him. "Miles!!! You're here!!!" you say with a big smile on your face. "Hi little girl…" miles comes over, he is surprised when you come over and give him a hug. You were little so you were hugging his trunk. A smile breaks out on miles' face. In just two weeks, you had moved his whole world. This confirmed to him that he had to help you get out of here.
"Thank you for helping me, I was really feeling bad" you say, as you settle onto the bed. You watch as Quaritch sits up and looks at you with concern. "Do you know the results yet?" the man asks. "What results? Am I sick?" you ask. "Well… if you put it that way, yes. And it will last you about 9 months." Quaritch says, as he continues to look at your face, studying your expressions. There is silence in the cubicle, until you understand what the soldier just told you. "I'm pregnant?" you look at Quaritch. "Affirmative ma'am" Quaritch waits for you to respond. "but…it was the first time I…" you look at Quaritch shyly, you didn't want to talk about your intimacy with the man, but it's not like you had a choice. "Well…that can happen. You were in your fertile days and boom…a baby" Miles says, trying to sound funny. But he sees how your face is turning red and tears are pooling in your eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Quaritch tries to comfort you. " I'm having a baby and I'm not with neteyam" you start to cry. "no, no, no, don't cry, relax. I have good news" you look at Miles curiously. "what news?" you say whimpering. "I'm going to help you get out of here, I don't know when it will happen… but I'll help you" Quaritch says, as he adjusts a strand of your hair. You two make eye contact for a moment, and for the first time you could see how their expressions had relaxed. And you could notice the sincerity in their eyes.
Mo'at had always said that you had the ability to communicate with eywa, before moving to the aquatic clans. You and Kiri were apprenticed to Mo'at. You were learning how to prepare medicines, and how to connect with and interpret eywa decisions. Mo'at always said that you two were talented, that eywa had chosen you. This must be some kind of sign from eywa. "thank you" you say as you continue to look at him, miles blushes a little. "Are you blushing?" you laugh a little. "no, it's just that…" Quaritch tries to apologize, you push him a little and get comfortable on the bed. "Don't worry soldier… I awaken low passions in people." You laugh a little. "oh yeah, yeah …. such a player" he jokes with you, and pulls a small piece of candy out of his pants pocket. "Here's a Cinnamon candy, Lyle sent it to you" Miles hands it to you. "Mmm what is this?" you've never seen anything like this before. "It helps with nausea…and it tastes good" you take the wrapper off, pop it in your mouth. "hey …. I like it…ohhh" you feel the spicy taste in your mouth. "it stings a little, watch out" Quaritch laughs, as he watches you continue to eat. "I wish neteyam, was here and knew the news…he would be so happy" you say as Quaritch looks at you. "neteyam is a great man" You say as your gaze is lost somewhere.
Quaritch could see how in love you were, and could even notice the hint of sadness in your tone of voice. "you can stay longer with me, I don't want to be alone" Quaritch laughed, and settled closer on the bed. At that a lyle peeks through the blue curtain. "May I come in?" he asks, as he enters and sits in the chair next to the gurney. "Well… did you get the candy?" lyle asked. " yes, thank you… do you have any more of those?" you ask lyle, he bursts out laughing and starts digging through his pockets for more candy. Maybe they weren't the best people in the world, but at this moment they were to you.
Hours later you arrive at your room, still feeling sick. You are sure that the tests and everything that was happening was affecting you. And now…now you had a creature growing inside of you. You knew that these people were going to study more about the pregnancy, that they were going to do painful tests. But you had to take quaritch's word for it, he said he would help you get out of this place. You had no choice. You were a little bored and started looking in the drawers of the different closets to see what you could find, and you saw a little black box. It had a note written on it. "Here are more cinnamon candies, I brought you a whole bag… and there is a communicator, if you want… try to contact your family. You only have a few minutes, but I hope that helps. With love… Lyle" You opened the box as fast as you could, and it was true… there was the communicator. You laughed and ran to the bathroom, you didn't want anything to be seen by the cameras. You turned on the communicator and set the signal codes of the neteyam communicator. You had these devices, as Jake had taken them in one of the altercations he had with the people in the sky. Everyone in the family had one. Your hands were shaking, you could finally hear his voice after almost three weeks. The signal was very bad, so you climbed up on the toilet, near a small window. Trying to look for a signal. " Damn…connect!!!!" you curse, while still balancing.
Meanwhile at the refuge, spirits were low. The days were not the same. Neytiri tried to be strong, but couldn't help crying when she was alone. Loak, kiri, spider and tuk were trying to go about their daily lives, but it was almost impossible. Jake was losing his mind, every day….. He spent hours trying to figure out what to do to rescue you, with norm's help. But neteyam… was a lost cause, or so said neytiri. He would barely eat, he would wander around the common areas, he would go to the spirit tree to pray for your return. And he would return to the hut to sleep. Neytiri watched her son… he was lying on his side. As she comes closer. "neteyam dear, you have to eat something…" says neytiri stroking his hair. "mother, i don't want anything, i just want to be alone" he settles back in and turns his back to her. Neytiri knew this was a difficult thing for him, the separation of a couple… it was almost the same feeling of mourning. She couldn't stop what he was feeling, she just bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I love you… you know that. Y/N is fine, eywa is taking care of her" says neytiri, as she walks away. Neteyam is heartbroken, he was upset, he had anger, he was lost. He was about to sleep until he hears the sound of his communicator, this device is lying somewhere in the hut. At first he didn't think anything of it, but it wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that he gave it his full attention. Neytiri also heard the voice, they both ran to grab the device.
"Can anyone hear me?" you say on the other side of the device. Neteyam couldn't believe it, it was you. His heart raced, as he tried to speak. "ma y/n is that you!!!!? Where are you?" he was so excited, he didn't know what to say. "I'm at the base…I'm fine" you speak, and just by saying you were fine Neytiri felt a burden leave her shoulders, you were alive. Neytiri gestured to her son and went out to find Jake and the other family members. "I miss you, love" you speak trying to hold back your tears. "I do too, I swear I will come and get you… but you have to tell me where you are…" just as you were about to answer neteyam, jake enters the hut and takes the device in his hands". My precious!!! y/n how are you? where are you?" shouts jake, you could hear everyone talking at the same time. You knew everyone was scared, nervous. But they had to stay calm. "Please calm down! Listen to me" you speak, as you listen as everyone calms down and pays attention. "I don't have much time, but I'm fine, and I'm safe. They are going to help me get out of here, I don't know when it will be but I promise I will be back. Don't do anything, mom, dad… neteyam. Calm down, just… wait for me I promise" you say between sobs, you wanted to get out of here, you wanted to be with your family. Before jake could answer the call, he falls down. "y/n, Y/N, Y/N!!!" jake shouts into the communicator. DAMN!!! Now he was really frustrated. "I need to get this to norm, have him look for the location source" says jake, before leaving the shack. Neteyam accompanied his father to norm's lab.
"Norm, NORM" jake calls out to the boy, the boy was running some tests. " I'm here jake" shouts norm, from the other side of the lab. "Y/N talk to her …. We got in communication with her" says jake as he waves the communicator in his hand. " What do you mean you talked?" asks norm, he can't believe his ears. " Yeah, she talked to us over here… she told us she was okay. And that they would help her get off the base." Says jake, handing the device to norm. He runs to his computer and plugs it in. "we need to locate where the original audio location is" norm says, as jake looks at the screen. Neteyam is standing next to his father. On the computer screen comes up the location. "I knew it, base 12… it's a 2 hour plane ride from here, we have to" Neteyam interrupts Norm, "y/n told us not to do anything. Neteyam looks at his father, and then at Norm. "Well… it's the best we can do. That base is the biggest one in pandora, I don't want to imagine how secure it is. I imagine there will be someone in there who is on our side." Norm says, while placing an arm on Jake's shoulder. "we just have to wait for her to communicate again…" Norm speaks, as neteyam walks over to his father, and neteyam hugs him. "She's going to be okay, she's a strong girl… look at all the time she's been through and she's fine." Jake knows you're okay, but he's wondering who it is that's helping you.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
You lost the communicator signal. "Neteyam!!! NETEYAM!!!" you give a scream of frustration, as you get off the toilet. You drop to the bathroom floor, hug your knees and start crying. You didn't know if what Quaritch said was true, he may be lying to you to get closer to you and then pull you in. But something in you told you to trust and have confidence. Eywa would not tell you something false. But it was hard… you had heard neteyam's voice. The voices of your parents, and sisters. . Shit, you missed them. You couldn't even tell them you were pregnant. "you just have to be patient" you thought to yourself. Meanwhile…on the other side of the base.
"What did General Ardmore call us for?" asks Lyle to Miles, as they both walked to the briefing room. "I suspect it's about y/n's pregnancy, I can already imagine what they're going to do" Quaritch says, before entering the room he stops Lyle with his arm. "listen, whatever it is… let's just act normal. No one has to know what we're planning" Lyle nods his head and they both enter. As they entered they could see several doctors, scientists and General Ardmore sitting around already talking. "Welcome gentlemen…have a seat" says Ardmore. "Would you like something to drink?" she offers the soldiers, they refuse with their heads and sit down. Their tails wag back and forth, Lyle literally hides his tail under his thigh. "Well, Today's meeting is very important… as you may know the navi-human 'experiment 56' is pregnant." Speaks the general as she walks back and forth in the room. "Doctor Smith, how is it possible for that girl to be pregnant? Humans can't have navi offspring?" the woman asks. "well…technically experiment 56 shares similarities with the female navi body, although not the same it is similar. Yes, if nothing is complicated, this pregnancy would be of great importance. Never seen anything like this before. The girl is about a week pregnant, so we can't say much about the creature," says the doctor, while he continues talking nonsense, or so Quaritch thought.
He was sick of this meeting, the scientists and doctors kept talking about how great it would be if this baby was a hybrid and blah blah blah. "What do you think Colonel Miles?" asked General Ardmore. Quaritch didn't know what to say. "I think it's no big deal, it's just a baby." The less interest he gave that creature, the better. General Ardmore analyzed Quaritch's behavior and spoke." I would love for you to keep watching the girl" the woman says as she turns to look at the whole team. "We'll see how the pregnancy develops and we'll make a decision along the way, but this child is as important as the girl. That said the meeting is over, everyone back to work" General Ardmore watched as Quaritch got up and quickly left the room. She could have dared to swear she was seeing another man in the room. But she decided to ignore that fact and returned to her work.
Three months later…
It had been three months since you were at the base. Daily life was strange. But neteyam still hoped you would come back. They hadn't communicated with you since that one time. But they decided to take your advice and keep a low profile. Jake, on the other hand, was losing his patience, but he wanted to control himself. He didn't want to do something stupid and then regret it. It was night in Pandora, and everyone was already in the hut, since you were kidnapped Spider had become closer to the family, so he was helping Kiri to arrange everything for dinner. Today was your birthday… the navi didn't celebrate this holiday like the humans, but Jake did, so neytiri got into the habit of doing it with her children. They all gathered together in a circle. Neytiri prepared your favorite food, and decorated the place with the things you liked. Kiri put on your favorite top. Loak put your favorite beads in his hair. Meanwhile neteyam was holding the bracelet you shared in her hand. "She would have loved all this… "loak says, you could see her trying to hold back tears. Neteyam gave his arm a squeeze. "she'll be back, you'll see!!!" says neteyam, neytiri couldn't understand how he was so sure. It had already been three months and they hadn't heard from you. You could have died or you just couldn't communicate. But everything was uncertain. Still she gave her eldest son a smile. " ok, let's go eat…I'm sure wherever she is she is thinking of us too. We love you y/n" said jake. And they all followed him. Spider saw how kiri had tears coming down her cheeks, he put his hand on the girl's cheek. Spider took Kiri's hand and said, "Don't worry, she'll come back". "I know… it's hard to be without her. We've always been together." Kiri said, squeezing spider's hand. It was hard… but they still had hope.
And yes, you were celebrating your birthday, but alone in the cold room. Your small stomach was showing, you're sure this baby was going to be big. You were fine though, and so was your baby. You were still sad, you had your dinner in front of you. You were sitting on the floor… the room was dark. Shit… this was not what you expected. It wasn't until you saw the door to the room open. "May I come in?" asks Quaritch, holding something in his hands. You had to admit, he had become your only friend here at the base, him and Lyle. But you were much closer to Quaritch. He used to spend afternoons with you, take you for walks around the base and the surrounding area. You knew he had changed, something about him wasn't the same. Never in a million years, you thought you were going to be drinking coffee, or so Quaritch called it while talking about the things that had happened throughout their lives. They also talked about how the "human" Quaritch was a bad father, how he never cared for spider. You knew that the "now" Quaritch was not exactly spider's father, but you were excited to see him pay attention to you, as you talked about how great spider was. His tail was going back and forth. "do you think i'll ever meet him" asks miles. "well… if you want someday I'll introduce you to him. He's a great guy" Quaritch gives you a warm smile, and offers you more coffee.
"what's that?" you ask, as he comes over to your spot and sits with you on the floor. "it's a cake, it's something symbolic, I remembered you had told me today was your birthday… so here's your cake. " You watch as his tail swishes back and forth, as he places the cake on the floor right in front of you. "Lyle couldn't make it, but he told me he wishes you all the best and he was going to send you more candy later" You laugh a little, but Quaritch notices your sadness. "I know I promised you to get out of here, but security is stronger…but don't think I've forgotten what I promised you. Give me a little more time" he said as he took your hand and squeezed it a little. "go on…blow out the candle" you bend down a little and blow. "I know you will keep it…eywa told me" you look at him and he smiles back. It was already late at night and you had already eaten the cake. You were talking about everything. Your conversations were always about the things you did with neteyam and your family. You talked about how much you loved neteyam and how you hoped he knew about his son. How the connection with eywa worked and how everything was connected to each other. Quaritch didn't know if it was, the fact that he now shared a body equal to the inhabitants of this planet, or was it the simple fact that you were talking. That kept him so interested in everything you were telling him.
Dammit… he had a crush on you. But you don't belong to him, and you never will. He had promised to help you get out of here and get you back to being happy with your family. Miles was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when you approached him and placed a hand on his chest. Noticing the contact, he looked at you. "I know you can hear her… and you can feel her. But you must accept it. After all you are not that man" you say. The moment was very intimate, for a moment he felt that someone else was talking to him. You saw how some tears ran down his cheeks. "Yes I do" miles puts his hand next to yours. "Accept her and she will guide you" you say as you settle back. There was a rather long silence. "And if I accept her what will happen?" miles asks as he looks at you curiously. "you will be able to understand everything and you will feel complete" you say while eating some cake. "and I could change my name?" you look at him curiously. "you don't like your name?" you ask him. "well… it's not bad. But I don't identify myself when I'm called by it" Quaritch says, you could notice his anguish face. "And if we think of other names…something like rukoy or " miles interrupts you and says " I like noah't" he says firmly while looking at you, with a smile on his face. "I like it, it's very nice". He laughs a little and starts talking. "but I'll take Miles Quaritch". There is a small comfortable silence. "but I'll give it to you" you look at him curiously as he continues to speak. "It will be a proof that you were able to change the heart of a cruel monster" Quaritch says, you get up and hug him. He hugs you back. "I accept that… but you're not a monster, and I didn't change anything" you say as you get comfortable. Quaritch looks at his watch, and slowly gets up. "yes you did little one" he gives you a smile, as he leaves the room. "See you tomorrow" Miles says goodbye. The door closes, and you decide to pick everything up and put it on the table. You stand there reflecting for a bit, wow everything was so weird. You go to the bathroom to get ready, you were getting used to it, you settle into bed and fall into sleep quickly.
Miles was walking down the halls, he felt a sense of happiness inside him, he couldn't understand the feeling, but he liked it. But that feeling was interrupted, when he heard the voice of General Ardmore talking to a scientist. He was passing by the testing area by accident, and he could hear how the two people were trying to keep their voices low. Quaritch didn't want to be a gossip, but… he sensed that you were the topic of conversation. And he wasn't wrong.
He was hiding at the edge of the door, grateful for the hearing ability he had from the navi. At first he could only hear something about how the development of the pregnancy was continuing. But the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. "When the girl is about four or five months old, we can get the baby out. The sooner we get it out, the better," Miles felt his blood boil, "but the girl could die, this is a high-risk pregnancy, I think it is better for the baby to be born naturally," said the scientist. General Ardmore raises her voice. "listen to me, they have offered me an amount of money, which you have no idea… it is enough to create another base just like this one in pandora and finish this civilization, and all I have to do is to take that creature out of the mother and send it to earth" said the woman coldly. "but she can die!!!" the scientist tried to rationalize with her. "you have one week, to get that creature out of the mother's womb, prepare it and send it to earth." General Ardmore said, walking out of the room. Quaritch ran back, and hide in a wall. Miles couldn't believe what he was hearing…he had to get you out of this place now. And I had to do it fast.
Pandora's light came quickly, lately the nights were getting longer and the days shorter. Or so Neytiri thought. Today she decided to get ready to hunt, she hadn't done it for a long time. With everything that was going on, she was barely in the right mood. But today she felt it was a perfect day… so she took her bow and left the hut. The whole family was still asleep. He climbed into his ikran and set off. For the past few months, neytiri had spent near the base, waiting for a miracle to happen. Today she decided to hunt close to the area, not close enough to be in danger. On the other hand, you were already ready in your room, you already had a routine. By your calculations, Miles would be here with breakfast in about 20 minutes. You fixed your hair, put on your clothes and waited.
"Listen carefully Lyle, you will go to the hunt testing area, you will take blood from a thanator and put them in this container" Quaritch hands a glass container to Lyle. "and we will meet in the back area, in the storage rooms" Lyle nods his head. "As you order colonel." Quaritch had a plan in place, you were leaving this base today. He was going to make quite a scene. Since he used to walk with you lately, and take walks around… he was going to say that a thanator attacked them and took you. In his plan you would die, so they wouldn't have to follow you when you escaped. While they were making that scene, you would fly away with their ikran. It had to be quick, every day at 7:00 in the morning a herd of ikran used to fly near the base, towards the mountains, so you would be confused with the others. he had everything so organized, he knew this was going to work perfectly. Quaritch walked towards your room, his steps were quick but normal. He didn't want to arouse any suspicion.
Miles enters your room, you notice that he has nothing in his hands. "hey…and my breakfast…" you complain, but he grabs your arm. "we have to go, you're going home today" you looked at Quaritch surprised, you couldn't believe it. "are you serious?" miles looks at you and gives you a smile. "come, walk with me…we have to disguise" on the way to the storage area, Quaritch told you the whole plan, and you thought it was perfect. "but why are you doing this suddenly?" you ask, it seemed strange, he's been telling you to give him time to figure out a plan and magically now he's got one. Quaritch stops dead in his tracks and looks at you. "Y/n I didn't want you to leave…I liked you. I was trying to extend your stay here. But I heard about the plans General Ardmore has." He pauses and takes a breath, you can see beads of sweat pouring from his face. Quaritch liked you?. "She wants to extract your baby and sell it. No matter if you die, they only care about your genetics, and I'm not going to let that happen" Quaritch finished speaking. "I… I don't know what to say" you say as you touch your swollen belly. Quaritch stretches out his hand for you to take and you accept it. You both continue walking to the storage area.
When you arrive there was Lyle and Quaritch's ikran. "All ready sir, the clothes are full of blood and I put them in an area near here. The crime scene is ready" Lyle says, as you approach Quaritch's ikran, wow it was a beautiful specimen, but how were you going to ride it. "What's with those cameras?" you point to some cameras that were on the edges of the building. "shit" grumbles Miles. Lyle laughs a little and speaks "don't worry, I went in for a moment and deactivated them, we have about 30 minutes, before they activate you again". Quaritch walks over to you and looks at you a little worried. "This is my ikran, it's called 'cupcake'."
~~~~~~~~~~ silence~~~~~~~~~~
Lyle lets out a laugh. "cupcake? Are you serious?" you can't help but laugh, such a majestic beast, and what a name he has. "hey, don't tease….. The name isn't everything" Quaritch says, as he prepares his ikran. "I can't do it?" you say, as you step away from the ikran. "Why?" asks Lyle, the time running out. The ikran herd will pass in about 6 minutes. "I could never fly one of these things!!!" you yell a little. "but you can bond with them" speaks lyle. "yeah, but he's giant…" Quaritch kneels down and holds you by the shoulders. "well there's no time for that…it's now or never, little girl. Take good care of yourself, have your baby and take care of cupcake" You look into his eyes, and you could see the tears building up. "eywa has big plans with you, when you're ready…we'll be waiting for you." You say to Miles, then you look at Lyle. "And you too" You give Quaritch a big hug. "thank you" you see how he looks at you and hugs you back. "thank you to you" Quaritch says. You swear to see Lyle wipe his eyes. Quaritch removed a necklace with some badges on it from his neck, as well as Lyle. "Take this, it's for you to remember us" Miles says as he places the necklaces around your neck. "I love you guys so much" You smile, trying not to cry. "Go, go!!!!" Quaritch helped you up, You took your braid and connected it to the ikran. You had something special, the animals never got agitated with you." take care of cupcake!!!" shouts Quaritch, The two men walk away from the beast, while you start the flight. At that very moment the ikran herd are passing and you join him.
"You did well…. Very good" Lyle taps his boss on the shoulder. "We did good" Quaritch looks off into the distance, as you walk away. He still thinks you are the most beautiful creature he could have ever met. You look back, you couldn't believe it, you were free. You stroked the ikran and when you were far enough away from the base, you drifted to your destination. Your home.
After flying for a while you felt a little tired, this pregnancy was killing you with fatigue. And you felt that the ikran was getting uncomfortable because of your tiredness. So you decided to land on a tree, the landing was a success. "you saw that cupcake, I'm quite the expert" cupcake taps you on the head. You didn't have much time to celebrate, as you heard that distinguished noise. It was a shout, low but very firm. It was your mother's call, she used to do it to communicate with you, or when she went hunting. You couldn't believe it, she was close enough. You got down from the tree carefully and entered the forest. You were walking little by little following the noise. Until you saw in the distance, the figure of Neytiri, you wanted to cry, to scream… she was right there. Neytiri hadn't realized that you were right behind her. She was about to make her shot, when she felt something hugging her feet. When she looked down and saw you, her breath caught. "Mom, I got lost," you say, knowing she would remember that reference. Neytiri knelt down and hugged you. You could feel and hear her crying. "oh, thank you eywa… thank you!!!! My daughter has come home" neytiri kept hugging you, you shared her feelings. She pulled back, to look at your face, she was caressing your face. Until she looked at the bulge forming on your belly over the strange clothes you were wearing. "What is this?" neytiri put her hand on your belly. You lift up your shirt and show her your belly. "I am pregnant… neteyam" she looks into your eyes and you can see how neytiri's hand runs to her mouth, she is surprised. And she hugs you again. They were like that for about 10 minutes, it was a lot of information to process. "Let's go home!!!" says neytiri. "let me call cupcake "neytiri looks at you curiously." Cup…cupcake?" you look up at her, before whistling and the creature approaches the tree. "Mom, it's a long story."
Meanwhile back at the base…
Lyle and Quaritch called the rescue squad, they had reported a thanator attack. When the squad arrived, they looked at how the clothes were torn and full of blood, there was no trace of anything. "uhhh gross, it ate her completely" said one of the soldiers, while they were doing the routine tests. Quaritch was called to General Ardmore's briefing room. "What the fuck happened? You had a mission" said the general, not letting Quaritch fully enter the room. "Sorry general, but it wasn't that fast. We were taking a walk…you yourself authorized me to do off-base activities. And that creature came out of nowhere, I tried to stop it. But I didn't succeed, you know these creatures are very dangerous. I called the emergency team as fast as I could," Quaritch defended himself, good heavens… he was very good at lying. "What the hell are we going to do now? What am I going to do now?" says the general, while still cursing. "They couldn't find anything, the body is missing, he swallowed her whole. Poor girl, she had a great future" says Quaritch, while holding his waist. He was waiting for some response from the general. "'Miles… just go back to your station. Thank you" she says as she walks away towards her office. Quaritch leaves the room, as he pulls out of his pocket a seashell you had given him and a cinnamon candy. "I hope you are fine… little one" he says as he walks over to where his team is.
The trip to the shelter was short, you could feel your stomach turning, you were sure it wasn't the baby. It was just the nerves of seeing your family…and seeing neteyam. You two arrive, neytiri gets down from her ikran quickly and helps you down from yours. The first to notice who had arrived was tuk, the girl ran as fast as she could, "Y/N!!!!" she cried as she hugged you and cried. You were sure you would cry a lot today. Tuk dragged you towards the hut. As the girl dragged you, you noticed how everyone looked at you and waved. You saw someone run to the labs, you were sure they were going to tell Norm. As you entered the hut, you saw that Kiri, Loak and Spider were there. The boys looked at you and couldn't control themselves not to cry and ran to you. "You're here…I can't believe it" cries Kiri while hugging you. Loak didn't say anything and kept hugging you. "I knew you were coming back" says spider as you give him a tight hug. "You're still alive spider!!!" you say, all this time you thought he died. "well yes…here I am" he hugs you back. But then he notices something peculiar, just like your brothers. "are you…here's a baby?" asks loak, as he lifts the shirt off your belly. "yes…it's neteyam's" you look at your brothers, this made kiri start to cry more. The girl hugged your belly, while saying adorable things. "move aside… I want to hug her too" loak pushes kiri. These two were about to start arguing, until neytiri scolds them. " your sister has just arrived and you are already fighting!" Neytiri shouts. Spider laughs, and loak sticks his tongue out at kiri. You were so happy, you had missed them so much.
Out of nowhere, an agitated Jake walks in, he stands in the doorway of the hut in shock, he can't believe you were there. "Dad, I'm here" you say as you walk towards him. Jake walks over and carries you off the ground. "watch out!!!" complains neytiri. "my pretty girl, my sweet girl…. are you here!!!" jake looks into your eyes, as he examines you. And pauses, and then looks at you. "yes, she is pregnant" neytiri says. Jake hugs you again. "The important thing is that you are here!!!" jake keeps hugging you, and placing kisses on the top of your head. "we have to celebrate" says neytiri, as she joins in the hug. You were tiny in height, so your parents covered you completely. "I can't breathe!!!" you say, as Jake and Neytiri walk away laughing. You could see neytiri's smile, that smile… you loved her. You knew she was very happy. "mom, where is neteyam?" you asked her. " he is in the tree of spirits….. go, you are going to give him a big surprise" neytiri adjusts your hair a little bit. "hey, whose ikran is that?" asks jake, as he looks at the beast from the entrance of the hut. "it's mine… dad, it's a long story. It was given to me by a great friend" you say, as you run out of the hut. You want to see neteyam, then you would talk to your parents.
"Did they give it to her? The ikran can't only have one rider" jake asks neytiri. "yes, but… I don't know what to tell you" neytiri gives her partner a smile. She's too happy to worry about it. You go running to the soul tree, you had taken off your annoying shoes and could feel the grass under your feet. How you had missed all this… In the distance you saw the tree. And you kept getting closer.
Neteyam was sitting, he used to spend most of his time here. You came closer and could see him. His back was to you, he looked thinner and you swore he was taller. Neteyam had not noticed your presence, until you spoke. "Neteyam…" he looked up and saw you there. He stayed still for a while, he thought it was a game of his mind. He didn't move until he saw you waving your arms. "hello… ma nete" he interrupts you with a quick movement, he had knelt down in front of you and wrapped his arms around you. " ma y/n, you came back to me" you felt his tears fall on your shirt, you wrapped your arms around his head. " neteyam look at me" you took his face in your hands. you could see his dark circles under his eyes, how tired he was. Your poor neteyam, your dear neteyam. "You know I always come back to you" you pull him closer and give him a little kiss. Neteyam pulls you closer to him. It was not a perverse kiss, it was a kiss of "you have given me back my life" you separated from him to analyze his face. "So how come you're here? How did it happen?" asks Neteyam, checking every part of your body. You keep quiet for him to figure it out himself. The first thing he notices is the strange clothes you are wearing. And as he runs his hands down your side, he senses something in particular. You take his hand and bring it to your belly. "It's our baby, I'm about 3 months pregnant" neteyam was silent and then spoke. "That was at …." He asked, you reached over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. " yes, sir…. That day" neteyam hugged you again. you could see how his tail was wagging with excitement, his ears were perked up. Just then, loak arrives. "I don't want to interrupt you guys…but they're looking for you," says loak, as he approaches you. You knew he was happy too. You could see it on his face. Neteyam stood up and took your hand. When you approached loak, you also took his hand.
You went to the shelter, and you saw how everyone was preparing a party to welcome you. Kiri approached you and took you to the mo'at hut. When the woman saw you, she hugged you… and kissed you on the forehead. And said a few words to eywa. Kiri was already taking out of a drawer, an outfit that she had prepared for you. It was very beautiful, it had beautiful stones and corals. The women helped you take off your human clothes, while they dressed you in your new outfit. Mo'at caressed your belly, while drawing some white dots around it. It was a symbol of love and welcome to the new member of the clan. Kiri brushed your hair, you couldn't help crying a little. You missed these moments and here you were. Neytiri entered the hut and approached you. "Look… these are the items I wore during my pregnancies. They were mama mo'at's, then they were mine and now they are yours. When it is kiri's turn…she will inherit them from you" she says as she places them around your neck. "Mom don't say that… I'll never have a baby" complains Kiri, as she continues to fix your hair. "thank you mom" you caress her face, she leans into your touch.
When you came out of the hut, you could see that everyone was dancing and partying. Loak and neteyam were with their father. Spider was playing with tuk. And next to you were kiri and neytiri. They walked over to where everyone was. You looked beautiful, the men of the family looked at you with so much love. Jake took your hand and sat you right next to him. Neteyam sat on the other side of you and wrapped his tail around your belly. "Well family… now we are together" says Jake. You want to memorize this moment, everyone was together. Even spider was there…everyone. And they were happy. You feel neteyam give you a kiss just above your head. "i love you."
It was already very late and the party was over. You went back to the hut. Jake started asking you what happened in that place, and how you escaped. You told him the whole story, how Quaritch and Lyle had taken care of you and helped you get off the base. Jake couldn't believe what you were telling him. "y/n those men are dangerous," says Jake. "dad…they are not those men from before. Eywa has changed them. You have to believe me," you say as you look at him intently. Everyone in the family is listening. Neytiri looks at Jake. "It's okay… the important thing is that you are here and you are safe" jake gives your arm a squeeze. No one in the family was going to question what happened, they knew you had the ability to communicate and understand Eywa's decisions.
Everyone lay down to sleep, you and neteyam were lying together. His hand was on your belly. For the first time in three months, he was going to sleep in peace. The quietness of the hut was more than evident. "hey ma neteyam?" you say softly. "mmm?" neteyam's eyes are already closed. "how is my ilu Hì'i ? you have taken care of her, haven't you?" you ask, he can't believe you are asking that. "she is on the beach… she is fine and has eaten every day" says neteyam settling down to continue sleeping. "you saw that I have an ikran, miles gave it to me" you keep talking, neteyam couldn't be happier, for the first time in his life he didn't care that you were still talking. He wanted to keep hearing your voice all his life.
6 months later…
Your baby was born, he was a healthy baby, and he was completely navi, the only thing he had was the 5 fingers, someone that you, kiri, Jake and loak. They were all in the mo'at hut. Since you had returned things had slowly normalized. You were able to return to your old home in the forest, and the altercations with the humans were less. You knew Quaritch had something to do with this whole issue, and you were grateful for it…he was keeping his promise. "Let me see," said Neytiri as she took the child from your arms. You were tired…the delivery was difficult and painful, but you were fine. Neytiri held the baby carefully while jake took his little hand. "look at that…. Just like mom and grandpa. Welcome to the fraternity!!!" he said a little excited. Neteyam was next to you, he was stroking your hand. "thank you, love…" he said as he came up to your face, to give you a kiss on your cheek. Loak came in with spider and tuk. "make way… uncle loak wants to see his baby" neytiri hands him the baby. "watch out, loak if it happens to him…" says neteyam, as he gets up and goes to where his brother. Kiri had approached you, she was taking care of you. "hey, take it easy." Says spider, as he looks at the baby. "he is very beautiful!!!" spider looks at you, and you give him a smile. "now, hand over my son" neteyam says, taking the newborn out of his little brother's arms and carrying him to you. You take him, and neteyam settles down next to you. In fact, the whole family is sitting around you. "What are you going to name him?" neytiri asks you. You look at your son, keep silent for a moment, laugh a little and then speak. "his name will be… noah't".
p.s. What did you think of this ending? Did you like it? Well, in the end it didn't take too long to read. I had so many ideas, but this was my favorite. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone. I will be writing other stories, I have a lot of them. But if you want something specific, you can send me a message. <3
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fairytsuk1 · 8 months
innocent to wicked | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: touya "dabi" todoroki x reader
words: 5.9k
prompt: "getting summoned to the principal’s office for different things and both waiting for their verdict"
warnings: strangers to lovers, innocence kink, marijuana, drinking, make out session, unprotected sex, dirty talk
You couldn’t believe the position you were in. Sweaty hands wrung into the fabric of your skirt as students walked by with sympathetic or curious looks. You were there for one reason, one that couldn’t possibly be fault of your own because you hadn’t even been smoking the weed.
None of your friends had noticed the campus officer bounding towards you with a mean gleam in his eyes. Your friends covered for themselves quickly, but he saw right through your casual lie, “I was just walking by!”
 He didn’t believe you. Now, here you sat, soaking your skirt with droplets of anxiety. This couldn’t be happening. You were a top-notch student! You barely took a hit anyway; that doesn’t warrant potential trouble, potential suspension, or potential expulsion. Was that bile in your throat?
“Are you always so uptight?”
Your body reacts instantly, jumping away from the gravelly voice that spoke next to you. Dabi’s eyes search your face before snickering. He stinks of weed.
“I guess you are,” he asks, sinking into the plastic chair and manspreading.
“I-I’m not, actually,” you blubber weakly, “I just don’t get into trouble.”
He eyes you like he doesn’t believe you.
“Oh yeah? Then why’s someone like you, who doesn’t get in trouble, sitting pretty in front of the principal’s office?”
His voice makes your throat constrict. A strange feeling swirled throughout your body, like when you stood up too fast. Light-headed and hazy. Some other workers bustling in and out give Dabi cold, rugged looks of disdain. He doesn’t falter. Dabi’s cerulean eyes remain locked onto yours like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey.
“I was just, well, they um…” 
Your words die off, and Dabi feels like unhinging his jaw to eat you whole. How cute. With an embarrassed sheen in your eyes that matches your soft, pouty, glossy lips. You were an absolute beauty. The whole prim and proper package. 
“I was caught smoking, well! I was caught being around people who smoke weed,” you turn anxiously to him, fingers twitching in the fabric of your skirt, “has that ever happened to you!?”
He almost laughs, swallowing it down, “Sweetheart, I’m the one who has the weed. Your friends probably bought off of me… but that’s kinda why I’m here.”
“Unlike you,” his eyes lazily traced the curve of your neck, “I got caught actually smoking it.”
The silence spreads thickly between you. He’s like your friends but doesn’t feel like your friends. His piercing gaze and uncaring attitude seeped into the air like an aura you can only dryly swallow. Something about him screams, “danger!” Yet your eyes keep floating back to his sharp, creamy jaw as if he’s got you transfixed under a spell. His spell.
“Come on, you don’t think I’m a troublemaker, do you?”
Your eyes flicker to his, down to his piercings, and then away.
“...No. But I don’t do that stuff. Not like that.”
“That’s fine,” he sinks lower into his chair, “we don’t have to smoke tonight.”
“Yes, tonight,” he emphasizes the word with a smirk, “you’re free, aren’t you?”
“Well, yes, but—!”
“Then try having some fun.”
The door opens much too dramatically for your liking, a teary, blubbering girl bounding past you and Dabi to run away from the stern face of the principal. His eyes settle on yours and then Dabi’s. The mere presence of the boy makes his lips curl over his teeth to reveal a brutish snarl.
“Touya,” he starts, sighing, “come in.”
Dabi nods, standing easily and towering over your seated frame. He turns his head to give you a wink before following the man into his office. You gulp to swallow your nerves, but it’s useless. That wink had totally locked you in. 
Once his meeting is over, it’s the same routine as the last girl. Only Dabi doesn’t look worried at all. In fact, he merely looks blank as he exits the office. He does spare you a glance, but it’s brief. His footsteps are quiet as he walks off. You wonder what was swimming in those eyes. He was unreadable.
You almost forget the boy’s proposal as you lounge in bed. He didn’t even have your phone number, and after the anxiety that left you shaken post-meeting, you figured you’d have an early night. This sentiment of an early night is interrupted immediately by a vibration against your window. Sitting up, the stillness in your room contrasts with the loudness of your beating heart. There’s another thundering crack, and you yelp while springing off your bed. Was this a home invasion? Was someone trying to hurt you?
It’s quiet again. Your mind is running through all the safety rules drilled into you since childhood. Did you lock the door? Should you call the emergency hotline? The thoughts swim around your head like a school of fish as you hide behind the edge of your bed. But then, you hear it.
“Are you seriously gonna make me knock on your door!?”
Maybe it’s one of those kidnapping tactics. There’s simply no way, right?
“Don’t make me break the window!”
You’re at the window in seconds, the glass frame hitting its limit with a loud thud as you jut it open.
“Do you have any idea what time it is!?”
“It’s ten-thirty, my love,” he’s got another rock in his hand as he shifts his stance, “are you coming or what?”
“No! You threw a rock at my window!”
“And you said you were free,” he mockingly aims to throw the rock, “you want another?”
“Is that a threat? It’s too late! I’m already in my pajamas,” part of you wonders if your pajamas are really that big of a deal, “and you didn’t even tell me what we’re gonna do. You could kill me for all I know.”
You try to stay strong against his pressure despite your urgent curiosity screaming at you. The curiosity burns bright and hot, but your rationale tells you, “This is bad news.” 
Dabi wonders if he got you all wrong. He knew you. Of course, he did. You steered clear of everything bad, including him. He had to see what you were like outside of late nights spent studying or participating too much in class. One could even call it desperation. Part of him feels like forgetting you and heading back to his own home where he could find another girl desperate enough to get into his pants to hang all over him.
But Dabi had found you before you even knew you’d be discovered. He couldn’t turn to some other girl. It simply wouldn’t do.
Another part of him knew that you made him feel that rumble in his stomach and beating in his chest that spoke of things he’d forgotten long ago. He pressed, “I was just gonna hang out with you, drink a little… I’m sure you know what living a normal life is like; just come down!”
You worry your lip again as you back away from the window. This is crazy! It felt like such a bad idea that somehow made your knees weak and trembling. Alone, drinking, with a guy? Your mirror shows a reflection to you that gives you pause. Maybe there was a chance that this was what Dabi wasn’t seeing. He wasn’t paying attention to your demeanor or how much experience you had; he was noticing you as a sexy, beautiful woman. 
Of course, you lacked experience. You had taken your first hit of marijuana that noon, and now you were about to go sneaking out with a guy just because he asked you to. The angel and devil on your shoulder grappled for dominance. They kick and scream like a fussy child. There was no way you could give an opportunity like this up. The devil grins when his foot stands firm on the base of the angel’s wings. You ran to the window to yell, “Be down in a minute!”
Dabi was a lot nicer than you thought. Maybe that was the strawberry soju coursing through your veins, but the warmth of his arm around your shoulders felt more than good. Even the feeling of him starting to sweat was making you think of obscene things. You’d never thought your brain could think up such graphic daydreams… but you liked it. His hand squeezed your shoulder, and you liked it much more.
“What did I tell you? Told ya’ we were just gonna hang out, wasn’t gonna fuckin’, I don’t know, hurt you or something,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes, “where’d you get that idea from anyways?”
“I’m pretty sure you’re just putting words in my mouth!”
“Oh, don’t play that game with me. I heard you,” he hums in a low vibrato voice.
It’s not like before. It’s not just casual conversation. The way his eyelids lower and lips rub together is not just the two of you hanging out. Now, there’s something different. Something present and about to bloom in the night. It leaves his eyes gazing deeply into yours as if he was trying to figure something out about you. A sinful swirl in your heart told you that he had already found what he was looking for and was just waiting to take it. You were overwhelmed with the primal feeling of showing him that you already knew how powerful what you held inside you was, your lips connecting into a searing kiss that sparked and sizzled with every second that passed.
Dabi quickly set his beer down, letting my back hit mulch and dirt only covered by a thin black jacket; his jacket. Our lips connect and pull apart, connect and pull apart till you can feel the spit making them so slick and shiny that you’re both forced to take huffing breaths. He’s on top, lean body curved over yours with twitching hands that inch closer to your waist. You never lose each other’s gaze as rough fingertips glide across the plush skin on your waist.
“Dabi,” you mumble, voice hoarse and whispered.
The nighttime train passes by, producing a mini earthquake that tumbles the surrounding ground as it shuttles by. A soft, shushing noise accompanies the speeding hunk of metal. You go quiet, giving the working machine the audience it craved. 
“I’m not ready yet,” it kills you to stop breathing as you await his response, “I’m sorry.”
He’s not one for apologizing or responding to them, so he only adjusts your shirt to stroke over the fabric that respects the modesty of your waist. “Can I still kiss you?”
“God, yes.”
You can feel his bulge as you arch into the curve of his body, but it only excites you as you bring him closer to your face. Your nails scrape against his scalp, which makes Dabi croon like a cat; you can’t help but giggle lightly during a heated break in your make-out session.
“What’s so funny?”
“You sound like a cat when I do…” you scratch the center part of his head, and he twitches in your embrace, “That.”
“Fuck off,” it comes out meanly, but he squeezes you tighter against his body.
His total weight rests on you, and you almost suspect he wants you more than you initially believed. Then, he’s proclaiming about how it’s late enough, and he’s cold as ever.
How hard you fell after that night at the train tracks is pathetic. You’d gone home with mud splattered on your calf and an unwavering smile. You’d thought of it as you brushed your hair to perfection, added your prettiest jewelry just because, and as you’d adorned your best looks, you wondered if he was thinking the same things you were.
As you should’ve guessed from how he plainly shoved past you in the hallways, he probably didn’t think of you at all. No, he didn’t think of you at all. There was no reason for the lack of warmth he showed you. It felt so stupid to wear a skirt and a blouse that flared just right. Your face mirrored a sad clown every time you peered into a mirror, how could you be so dumb! 
You even texted him. Only a few times! But that still didn’t catch his attention, and you felt like a lost puppy left out in the rain. It was so cold and wet, and the water bubbled over your lashes every time. Even the people who walked by seemed to jeer at you with pointed whispers.
Talking to anyone doesn’t seem ideal. So you don’t look all pretty for anyone in particular. The hallway slowly disperses as people follow their priorities. A hand claps your back in a way that makes you stumble, head turning to not see Dabi but someone else entirely. Your hopes were dashed.
“Hey,” you’re face to face with Gyutaro, “what’s up with you?”
The two of you had never been close, per se, but there had been a friendship at a moment in time. You’d left Gyutaro behind the minute he thought female “friendship” translated to “let me try and shove my hand up her skirt.” Despite your pouty lips and ignited eyes, he still tended to seek you out.
“Gyutaro,” your voice is meek, with avoidant eyes up at him, “I need to get to class.”
“Oh, but–!” 
Your back hits the lockers behind you with a resounding thud; you can only shrug your shoulders and frown up at him, “Ow!! I need to go.”
Gyutaro doesn’t let up. In fact, it feels like the lockers press harder into your back. He doesn’t touch you with a hard exterior but with a gentle touch. Dabi was always gentle with you. The difference between them couldn’t be more drastic, and you wish Dabi would look at you for once.
“Why don’t you talk to me, huh?”
“Gyutaro, please,” your bunny ears tremble compared to his wolf-like ones, “I’m going to yell and scream!”
“And look even more like an inexperienced outcast? If that’s what you want, I’m just trying to see what’s wrong with you…”
His hand, almost bigger than your face, traces down your shoulder to squeeze the supple flesh of your bicep. Blood rushes through your ears as a response is barely croaked out of you, “I-I…”
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
The skin of your arm must be bruised by the force of his hand. It feels like he’s just waiting for the perfect moment to sink his sharp teeth into your jugular. The piercing pain never comes. In fact, you close your eyes, but relief emanates from your arm as his iron grip is released.
Your eyes open to see Dabi standing next to Gyutaro. His few inches of height added to his menacing presence and dominance. He looked like a charming dark prince.
“Hey, Gyutaro. What’s going on?”
The two eye each other momentarily, and it feels horrible to be trapped between the two heated bodies. Your tongue is fat and dry in your mouth, “he was just on his way!”
“Was he?”
Silence crowds the three of you thickly. No one else could be privy to the tension in the air.
“Didn’t really look like it to me. Looked like he was grabbing your arm, looked like he was hurting you,” Dabi says plainly, eyes landing on yours with a gaze that makes you squirm.
Gyutaro clenches his fist and licks his lips like he’s pretending to growl as he downright fumes, “We were just talking.”
He says it shortly and snappily before giving you one last glare and storming out. You let the breath held in your lungs deflate as you turn towards your savior–the one who had still not redeemed himself for his previous villain-like behaviors. 
“You didn’t have to step in…”
“I didn’t, the guy walked away himself. You saw him!”
You don’t respond to his little joke, even though you want to giggle behind your hand. No, you angle your body away from him and cross your arms, much to his displeasure, “what do you want, Dabi?”
You don’t even let him speak.
“You’re actually bothering me now, just like Gyutaro was before!”
“Am I? Or were you the one begging for my attention all weekend because she couldn’t stand that I had other priorities. So, which is it?”
“You’re a dick,” you mumble with a stuttered breath. 
“And you want me, so talk to me.”
It doesn’t feel like when Gyutaro threateningly caged you in like a flightless bird. Dabi was relaxed. He was confident and had no problem inching closer and leaning down just to drink you all. It was precisely what he was doing now. It left your head spinning with thighs rubbing together. It was so suave.
“You didn’t text me back.”
“I was busy. You want all my time, huh?”
“Stop putting words in my mouth!”
You snap, but he only grins at you like he’s playing with a meek kitten, “don’t be that way.”
His eyes search yours for… something, and you think you could go on your toes and kiss his lips sweetly. Oh, but you were too shy for that. He had to have known that.
“When’s your class again?”
At this point, the hallway had cleared out. You were sure you’d be late even if you ran away from Dabi immediately.
“Well, now,” a loud resounding bell echoes in the empty abyss of lockers, “you heard it.”
“I did. Are you going to go?”
For the first time, you don’t go running with your anxiety choking you like a scarf as you burst through the classroom doors. Your feet stay planted. Your arms grab the lapels of his jacket and press your lips together.
It’s heated, scorching the way his hands instantly find the curves that give him a sensual hold on your body. He thought you were too shy to kiss here, “you can be pretty confident when you want to, babe.”
Your cheeks are hot, and your lips are slicked pink.
“Shut up,” it suddenly feels so embarrassing to be in such a compromising position, “I was just…”
Why did you kiss him? You could say you’d wanted to, but you were too nervous to jump into that can of worms. What next, fucking in bathrooms or empty rooms?
When you really thought about it, that was quite a thing to imagine. 
Kissing partially exposed in the middle of the hallway against dingy lockers left your head spinning in the best way. It left Dabi’s words circling in your head. It left the feeling of his hands on your body seeping into your spine.
“I guess you can be pretty naughty too,” the way he says your name is downright sinful. 
You almost lose yourself in the feeling of kisses trailing up and down your neck, but he’s pulling away and wiping his hands over his face, “okay, no more.”
“What? Why?”
You say it dumbly, looking up at him with near-pleading eyes, but he only giggles.
“I have to go somewhere. I’m assuming you don’t want to be late, but first,” Dabi says, backing you up against the wall to slide a hand just over your throat.
Every sensation felt heightened as the tips of his fingers just barely stroked over your pulse point. Your eyelashes fluttered as he squeezed so lightly to pull the air out of your lungs. He was like a siren, swallowing your oxygen and eyes going hooded as you lost control in front of him. For him.
He moves slowly, not at all in a rush. You watch his hair slowly lower, watch his fingers lightly pull away, and feel the wet, harsh suck as he marks a hickey on the curve of your neck. A gasp is stolen from you as you arch up into his body and mouth.
Dabi’s name is pried from your mouth when his teeth nibble at the perfumed skin. You let your hips wiggle into his free hand, let his touch ghost over the front of your skirt and over the curve of your ass that perks up so cutely. Then, he’s done, which means you’re done.
You can feel the heat that aches to draw you two back together. Your panties have never been more soaked than now. Your clit downright aches for friction. His bulge is just as prominent when he reaches to adjust his jeans.
“I’ll see you, hm?”
Dabi pauses, rolling his tongue around as he thinks about it. For some reason, your hands twist together, and you worry your lip with bites. He licks his lips, pauses to get right in your space, and lets his honeyed breath hit the tip of your nose.
“Why don’t you come over tomorrow evening?
“Tomorrow? Are you sure?”
He scoffs, “are you sure?”
You let yourself think about it, really think of sweaty bodies grinding against each other with soft moans. Fucking is definitely on the table based on how he practically undresses you with his eyes; his cock would stretch and fuck you so well. Your eyes want to roll backward just from the lascivious thoughts of letting Dabi fuck your tight cunt with a hand forcing your back into an arch for him.
“Yes, yes! I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say with a bit of embarrassment.
He’s thinking of sinking his cock into you while you whine and squirm to feel the total weight of him inside.
“Good,” he gives a small, disarming smile, “I can’t wait.”
Truth be told, you couldn’t either. Dabi and you exchanged farewells, and you’re bursting through into a solo bathroom and shoving a hand into your panties. You cry out Dabi’s name into the plush of your hand, alone and needy for him only. 
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. You’d fallen asleep with slick thighs and panting breaths; you just couldn’t wait to be enveloped in him. He’d responded to your texts cooly, with simple phrasing that made your heart jumpstart in your chest at every notification.
[DABI]: Not coming to school
[DABI]: Meet me at the track, and I’ll walk you to my place
[DABI]: You got it?
You nod in real life before quickly typing, “Got it!” adorned with sweet emojis. It was lighthearted. Fluffy. Like the calm before the storm, the storm being fucked within an inch of your life on Dabi’s bed on Dabi’s pillows.
The school day is uneventful, and the train tracks are even worse. It’s cold, with a chill that runs through every vein in your body. You could swear you saw eyes that weren’t there and putrid smells that made you lament waiting here for such a beautiful, beautiful man.
“You don’t look happy,” a voice calls out from behind, clear and full of levity.
“I’m not, waiting here is so…”
You let your words trail off as you glance around with your nose in the air. Dabi knew what you meant and knew that you were not used to grim surroundings. A class difference, he figured. A decency difference, you thought.
“Then let’s get you warmed up,” he sneaks a hand around your waist, “we could watch a movie if you want’, or just sit and smoke.”
“Smoke weed? Don’t get me sent to the principal’s office again.”
“Oh, please. You’re already kissing in the hallways. I’m sure they know how bad you are.”
“Can you stop saying that?”
“Can you stop acting like you’re some innocent girl?”
The conversation dies out, choked, and suffocated into silence. You glower at him for a moment before whipping your head away.
“I don’t act like that or anything that you’re thinking,” you spit the words out, “I’ll smoke with you. It’s not even a big deal!”
Your emotions peek out at the end, voice rising and chest flaring with a mixture of hidden arousal and anger that mixed together with all the teasing. Dabi says nothing, only licking his lips repeatedly like he’s anxious.
“I like the innocent thing, for the record,” he says after a few minutes, “wasn’t tryin’ to offend you. But, I am excited for tonight.”
“And why would that be?”
“Because I’ll get to see you the way you really are. You know, put you in your place. I bet your pussy is dripping at the thought of it. I like this back-and-forth thing we do.”
What he doesn’t say turns him on. You know, though, the air doesn’t feel as nippy as before. He still pisses you off, still grates your nerves, and makes you feel that powerful slap of shame… and yet you want him so badly you might wither away if you don’t have him.
Is this what it means to fall in love? Or to be the girl who falls in love with the wrong boy that you know is bad for you, yet the dick–and his heart–are hopefully too good to leave. You couldn’t be sure of the heart for now, but you could tell from the steadily growing bulge that the dick would be more than good enough. 
His house would be good enough, too, more than good enough. It looked almost regal. It reminded you of secret nepo-babies who lived in mansions with maids yet still pretended to be out of money when it came lunchtime. Dabi didn’t seem like the type, though. Dabi’s life struggle seemed real, even if this was supposedly “his” house.
“You live here?”
“Yeah,” he says casually.
Dabi doesn’t even really elaborate, either, when he walks past the front door. It’s weird, but you don’t say anything as you follow his tall form.
“Is anyone home?”
“Nope, it’s just me and you.”
Both of you stand dumbly in the living room. Dabi looks down at you while your eyes trace the photos on the wall. He’s not in any of them.
“Why are you looking over there when you could be looking at me?”
You quickly snap your eyes to his piercing ones, mumbling an apology. The two of you stare at each other; it feels like you’ve never kissed.
“...Do you want to kiss me?”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
The two of you are closer now; his fingertips rub the edge of your long-sleeved sweater. The pads of his fingers touch your wrist tenderly as he snakes his hand up the sleeve to stroke your forearm. He just wants to feel you, and you’re left trembling with desire.
“Yes,” you whisper quietly with quivering lips, “I want to kiss you, I want to–to feel you.”
Your pleading hangs heavily in the air.
“Me too.”
It isn’t immediately messy and sloppy; it’s romantic and sweet. It’s layered with feelings that speak so many words into your heart as your sweater is peeled off your skin. Dabi’s lips take the lead, and the feeling of skin grazing across yours is so delightfully sinful; his back hits the wall moments later as you drag him down for another lungful of hot kisses.
All four hands are wandering. Unbuttoning, peeling, tugging, pulling. It all comes together into a hot mixture of making out while you fall into Dabi’s uncovered arms as he undresses; his hands are easily molding to your hips as he pushes a leg between yours. Your back hits the wall moments later as he heads towards your neck like a rocket, biting marks in a trail over the column of your throat.
“You’re so hot; I love how you fall apart for me every single time,” he rasps into your ear, leg flexing as you can’t your hips back and forth.
“You make me feel so, ah, so needy.”
“I’m the only one who can help you, baby. I’m the only one who can care for you how you need it. Let me show you,” Dabi whispers hotly into your ear, “let me make you cum as many times as I want.”
He’s got you locked in. 
“Pleasepleaseplease, do it! Make me feel good,” your words are nearly slurred as you grind against his thigh, feeling utterly pathetic as his jeans rub your clit just right over the fabric.
“You’re so fucking dirty,” and yet his eyes remain trained on every tilt of your hips, “get up here. Need to fuck you right now.”
Your body wants him so badly. It’s shocking how you instantly move like a dog on a leash. His hands grope you, and you’re keenly aware of the way he peels your panties from your dripping cunt. It’s embarrassing to you, but Dabi’s eyes never leave the way your hole clenches around nothing.
“Goddamn,” he breathes a low whistle, cerulean eyes snapping to yours before flicking back down to your pussy, “what a sweet, sweet pussy. You’re drooling, baby.”
It makes your cheeks feel hot. He takes your body in so openly; he’s so unafraid to slide a finger through your folds and listen to your weak whimper. It feels too good the way the rough pads of his finger circle your clit with the pressure that makes your eyes roll back.
“Oh god, Dabi,” you whine, head lifting to catch his gaze under your mussed hair.
He’s calm. Dominant aura as he starts working a finger in, “gotta stretch you out. Are you sure you’re not a virgin? That way you’re squeezing me is so… sexy.”
He’s thrusting his fingers and talking as if he’s recounting the weather; meanwhile, your legs shake as your breath quickens. His fingers are much longer than yours, and his precision drives you nuts when they curl against your spongy, sensitive insides.
“Fuuuck, your fingers are so long,” you gasp into his shoulder as the pressure builds.
The clicking is nonstop as Dabi finger-fucks you; he mumbles something sarcastic that goes through one ear out the other. His thumb skirts over your clit, and your thighs come swinging to a close, only blocked by the sturdiness of Dabi’s body as he forces you to take everything he’s giving you.
“Gonna make a mess, baby? Go on, come on, my fingers like the needy slut you are,” his voice groans with a raspy horniness. 
It’s overwhelming. Your breaths mix together as he maintains eye contact, and your orgasm crashes over you like Poseidon’s wave. It’s overpowering and heady. All your senses are dull initially, then sing like a chorus as you wail. Your hole creams as your mouth stays shaped in an “o.” Dabi merely smirked as you fell apart under his touch.
“Oh my god,” you wheeze, “Dabi…”
He’s quiet, only humming as he sucks lewdly on his ring and middle finger. You’re quiet, too. The only thing audible is the two of your pants as you share a moment. Then, pink lips curl over sharp teeth as he draws closer, “too tired?”
“Tired for what?”
Dabi’s wolfish grin grows, “Too tired to get fucked?”
Even though you came a bit ago, you still eye his bulge like it’s a meal. You bite your lip, shrugging and playing coy.
“I mean…”
He shuts you up with a kiss as his hands busy themselves with unbuckling and unbuttoning. You’re eager as the denim is haphazardly pushed down along with cotton boxers, mouth-watering as his flushed tip twitches. Dabi watches you admire him with a warm rush of pride. His fingers grip your chin and tug your look upward, eyes lidded and the head of his cock barely brushing against your folds.
“Yeah, yeah. Just look at me. I wanna see your face as I fuck you.”
“God,” you mumble, feeling exposed, “you’re so lewd!”
With that, his tip is suddenly pushing into you all at once. His cock fills you, and you’re shivering, “Dabi!”
“Aww, I’m not even all the way in yet,” he coos, nose against your cheek as he bullies inch by inch into your tight pussy, “I knew you’d feel fucking amazing.”
You’re consumed by Dabi. He takes over your senses and fills you to the absolute brim. His balls are nestled against your ass as he lets you adjust. Your hands first scrape against his chest before moving to his shoulders.
“Fuck me, Dabi. Please, mmf, wanna feel you fuck me,” you whine, nails scratching against his back.
“I won’t leave you out to dry,” he grunts, hands gripping your hips for purchase, “I’ll fuck you so good.”
Dabi doesn’t shy away from your requests. One minute, you’re waiting with bated breath to finally feel him move. The next, his hips are hitting yours with magnificent power as he ravages your insides. You’ve never felt like this–never been fucked like this, and it’s incredible.
The two of you are a sight as the man behind you jerks you up with his primal thrusts, “Aww, so cute. You’re all mush just for me, isn’t it amazing?”
“Yes, oh my god, yes! I’m yours.”
“Are you?”
Dabi sneaks a hand down to your clit, sliding over your folds as his dick stretches you to the brim. You could collapse if he wasn’t holding you. Everything feels so heightened, as if your nerves are singing with heady arousal. Dabi’s every touch leaves an almost searing trail as he completely envelops you.
“I am,” uttering a whimper that’s barely squeaked out, “let me cum, please!”
“Hmm,” but he’s losing his grip on dominance as his balls slap harder against your ass, and his hips grow just a tad shakier.
He moves so pointedly as he pants into your ear. Slippery fingers circle your clit hard, pushing you back to feel the punishing thrusts of his cock.
“Cum for me,” he grunts with hot breath, “cream on my cock, babe.”
It all comes crashing down on you hard. Your walls convulse as your heart stops beating; it’s too good. You can feel the blood rushing through your ears as everything goes hazy. Cries spill out of your mouth because you can’t help it, “Dabi, oh my… Dabi!”
“Yeah, fuck. This pussy is too good,” his voice trembles as he says ‘good,’ sweaty hands losing grip on your thighs as he humps you, “gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so well, shit!”
His cum spurts in hot ropes that spill out as Dabi creampies you. Hazy eyes glance down between your thighs to see his cum roll down your thigh, pussy spent and thoroughly fucked as he kneads your ass.
Both are you, a sweaty, debauched mess. Dabi slides his soft cock out past your lips, knuckles white as he spreads your ass cheeks. Knowing he’s watching intently with fire in his eyes as the physical evidence of your relationship drips out your hole.
You’re still trying to steady your breath when Dabi slides his finger up the trail of  cum and plunges two fingers into your pussy. Every part of your body jolts, coupled with a stifled cry, “Touya!”
“Ooh, I’m Touya now? Nice,” he hums, head leaning to rest in the crook of your neck, “we make a good pair.”
You agree sleepily, winding your arms around his shoulders as his arms keep you upright. Dabi stares down at you. He looks at you like he’s cracking a cryptid. You don’t know what he’s found inside your soul, but it brings you closer to his chest like he’s cradling a precious doll. To him, though, you are his precious doll.
Dabi sits on the plastic chair. It’s as uncomfortable as it’s always been. He could care less like he always has. It’s only made better by the exposure of a creamy thigh leading under a pleated navy skirt. Dabi’s eyes meet yours, and you give him a wide, bright smile. He smirks back at you. God, breaking the innocent was always so fun.
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Learn to Love (p.3)
A/N: this is the final part, I hope you enjoyed the mini-series!
Pairing: Rhea x Reader
Warnings: swearing probably, smut, fingering, oral/69-ing
Part two
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Your nerves were increasing as the day went on, not quite sure how the crowd was going to accept yours and Rhea’s partnership. You knew they loved her and they seemed to love you, but would they love you together?
Rhea stayed close to you throughout the day and you actually didn’t mind. While she calmed your nerves in some ways, she made them worse in others.
Now wasn’t the time to deal with those feelings bubbling up inside. You had bigger fish to fry and matches to win.
“You ready to go, babe?” Rhea asked, grabbing her bag to head to the show.
“Yeah, ‘babe’, I’m ready,” you laughed.
“I have an idea. Come here real quick,” she said, pulling out her phone. “Put this on.”
She handed you her hoodie and you slipped it on. She pulled the hood up and turned you toward her so your back was facing the mirror on the wall. She snapped a quick picture and posted it to her Instagram with the caption “big surprise coming tonight 😈”
No one could possibly tell it was you in the picture but you enjoyed the comments of people speculating what was going on.
Someone commented “Rhea’s new gf?” to which you noticed Rhea had liked.
“So I’m your new girlfriend then?” You asked, showing her your phone.
“Sure are, sweetheart,” she said with a smirk.
“That escalated quickly.”
“What did?” Dom asked, coming over.
“Rhea’s my girlfriend now,” you said, jokingly.
“Took long enough,” he said with a big smile. You were too confused by his reaction to notice Rhea’s, who was behind you waving her arm and signaling for him to shut up.
He looked at the confused look on your face and noticed Rhea’s panic and realized he may have messed up.
“I’m just saying…enemies to lovers is a very popular trope nowadays and that would be an interesting storyline for the two of you,” he quickly covered.
“Maybe we’ll run it past Vince,” she said, quickly stepping in front of you. She motioned for him to leave and he thankfully for the hint.
“Well, uh, good luck tonight!” He said before running off.
“What a weird kid,” you sighed, making Rhea snort.
“I’m telling him you said that.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you said. She turned to face you fully and came closer.
“Try me, sweetheart.”
You knew she was trying to be menacing but she never scared you. You straightened yourself out to stand taller, leaning in so you were only inches apart.
“Maybe I will,” you whispered.
“Don’t tease me now.”
You weren’t quite sure where your little exchange was going but it was pumping adrenaline through your veins.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Damian had taken a picture of the two of you and sent it to Rhea.
She felt her phone buzz and decided to step back with a small smirk on her face.
“Just kiss her already,” he wrote. Rhea looked up and saw him staring from down the hall.
You followed her gaze and he waved when he noticed you looking.
“Did I miss something?” You asked.
She turned her phone toward you so you could read his text with the picture attached.
“It looks like we’re about to kill each other, not kiss,” you laughed nervously. There was obvious tension between you, you just weren’t sure if it was sexual or otherwise.
“Would you rather kill me?”
“So you’d rather kiss me?” She asked, stepping closer once again. Your eyes widened and your heart was racing.
“That’s- that’s not what I said,” you stammered.
“But you said you didn’t want to kill me.”
“I didn’t say I wanted to kiss you either,” you argued.
“Do you want to?”
“Kiss you?”
“Ladies! You’re up next!” The producer interrupted, making you jump back from her.
“Let’s go kick some ass,” Rhea said, grabbing your hand to pull you along.
How could she just be so calm when you were left reeling? You’d have to figure that out later, after the match.
To say the fans loved the two of you together was an understatement. They went nuts when you were announced as her partner.
The match was just a warmup to see how you worked in the ring together and it went surprisingly well. You played off each other’s strengths and made up for weaknesses. When Rhea made the pin and the final bell rang, you ran into the ring and into her arms. She lifted you with ease and spun you around.
You made your way backstage and you were ecstatic. Rhea was looking at you with such adoration in her eyes; what a change from just a few days ago. Rhea was beginning to think Vince was a genius for teaming you together.
Rhea’s bliss was cut short when she saw Shayna coming over and scooping you up.
“That was awesome! You guys did so well!”
“You watched?” You asked, finally being set back down.
“Of course, I watch all your matches,” she answered.
A sour feeling was settling into Rhea’s stomach as she watched your exchange. She was jealous; there was no way to deny it. She brushed past the two of you and went into the locker room. Your smile fell as you noticed her walking off. You thought she’d be happier after your win.
“I’m gonna go make sure she’s alright,” you said, giving Shayna another hug.
“No worries- go get your girl,” she said with a smirk.
You went into the locker room and found Rhea scrolling through her phone. She didn’t even look up at you when you walked in.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she mumbled, still looking at her phone.
“You don’t seem fine,” you said.
“Well I am so why don’t you run back to Shayna,” she snapped.
“Seriously? We’re back to this? I thought we were past that,” you sighed.
“I’m just saying, you’d obviously rather be with her right now.”
“If that were true then I wouldn’t be here…with you,” you said, sitting down next to her. She finally looked up with regret in her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“I’m gonna need more than an apology to understand why you get so weird when I’m around other people.”
“I can’t explain it.”
“Try. Please?”
“I just don’t like how it makes me feel…”
Part of you, deep down, hoped it might be jealousy- a feeling you could easily relate to. It was how you felt every time you watched her be flirtatious with other women or even Dom. You figured that’s where part of your animosity toward her came from and you were hoping it was the same for her. Then the two of you could put those nasty feelings aside and admit to one another how you really felt.
“What does it make you feel, Rhea?”
“Confused, I guess,” she said quietly, looking down at her fidgeting hands in her lap.
“Can I maybe help un-confuse things?” You asked.
Rhea took a deep breath before looking up at you. Before you knew what was happening, she grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You were frozen at first, but you quickly reciprocated the kiss. You were certain your heart was going to beat out of your chest. You wanted to badly to deepen the kiss but before you could, Rhea pulled away.
“I have to go,” she said, quickly getting up and running out of the room. You were stuck in your spot- your mind racing with what just happened.
When your body finally caught up to your mind, you were racing after her. You weren’t sure where she went so you were looking anywhere you could think of.
You were running out of areas when you were stopped by the interview crew.
“Could we ask you a few questions about your new tag team with Rhea Ripley?”
“Oh um sure,” you said, bouncing back and forth and looking around for her.
“When did the two of you decide to be a team? It always seemed like the two of you were at odds with one another.”
“It was a recent decision actually. We’ve been getting to know each other inside the ring and out. I think we work pretty well together.”
“That’s an understatement! You guys were amazing out there; I think you might have something special on your hands.”
“Yeah, I agree. Rhea is definitely very special and I think we have a bright future ahead of us,” you said with a genuine smile. You excused yourself from the interview to continue your search.
You didn’t realize, however, Rhea had been watching the interview with Dom and Damian.
“She obviously likes you,” Damian told her.
“I don’t think so. She’s been pretty friendly with Shayna lately- and then I just go and kiss her and mess everything up!” She whined.
“First off- Shayna isn’t in the picture like that. She knows you like her and wouldn’t get between the two of you. Second- kissing her was probably the best idea you’ve had so far. Now she knows how you feel. Your only mistake was running away from her!” Dom said.
“How does Shayna know how I feel?” She asked.
“I may have mentioned it at the gym the other day,” Dom said quietly, looking at his feet.
“Is that why she canceled dinner?”
“Just so the two of you could have some time together,” he defended.
“I should kick your ass, but I’m too shaken up still,” she sighed.
“Why don’t you go find her? I know you’re worried things are gonna go wrong, but just remember, Mami always gets what she wants,” Damian chuckled. Rhea sighed and hanged her head in her hands.
“I think I’m just gonna wait for her at the hotel,” she said.
She quickly gathered her things and went back to your room. You searched the arena high and low and with every failed turn, your frustration was building. How dare she give you attitude, then kiss you, then run off?
You needed answers and you wanted them now. You finally found Dom who was packing up his gear.
“Have you seen Rhea?” You asked without greeting him.
“She left already. She said she was going back to the hotel,” he said.
“Seriously? Oh I’m gonna kick her ass,” you snapped.
“Is everything okay?” Dom asked cautiously.
“No, everything is not okay. You’re gonna need to find yourself a new Mami by the time I’m done with her!”
“I know she hasn’t always been the best at expressing herself, but she really does care about you,” he told you.
“Then why did she run away from me?”
“I think she’s scared- but you didn’t hear that from me!”
“Well off to the hotel it is then,” you sighed.
“Want a ride? I’m heading out now too,” he offered.
“That would be great,” you smiled.
The ride was quick and you tried to pry more information out of Dom but he didn’t let anything more slip.
Once back at the hotel, you practically ran to your room, hoping she was there. Thankfully, she was sitting on her bed when you went in.
“Are you done running from me?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of you.
“I’m not sure, are you going to yell at me?” She asked.
“I have half a mind to! First, you get an attitude when I’m with Shayna. Then you won’t tell me why. And then…and then you kiss me and run off to hide from me. Why shouldn’t I yell at you?”
She got up from the bed and stood in front of you. Your arms dropped to your side, subconsciously opening yourself up to her.
“I’m sorry for everything. And I’m sorry for kissing you. I was out of line and it won’t happen again,” she sighed. Your heart broke a little when she said that.
“I’m not mad that you kissed me,” you mumbled.
“You’re not?”
“I’d be more mad if you never kissed me again,” you admitted. A small smirk was playing on her lips.
“Is that so?” She asked, taking another step toward you.
“Yes, but you still need to tell me why you get so upset whenever you see me with someone else,” you said.
“I get scared. I get scared that they’re going to take you away from me- which I know sounds insane- but you’re mine, no one else’s.”
“Is that so?” Now it was your turn to smirk.
“Yeah, it is.”
She closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you again. This time you were ready for it and immediately deepened it. The kiss was full of passion and heat, each of your pouring your desire for one another into it.
She slid her tongue into your mouth, easily winning dominance over yours. She spun you so your back was to the bed and she laid you down, not once breaking the kiss.
She hovered over you and began to kiss down your jaw and neck, leaving love bites in her wake.
“Rhea, please,” you whined.
“Please what, pretty girl? Tell me what you want.”
“I want you. I want you to touch me,” you said.
She pulled your bottoms off quickly, sliding her hand in your panties.
“You wanted me to touch you here?” She asked, sliding her fingers through your folds.
“Fuck, yes!”
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, babygirl. I’m gonna make you forget anyone who isn’t me,” she said.
“I’m yours, only yours.”
“That’s right, sweetheart; good girl,” she said, circling your clit.
Your body jolted as she slid two fingers into your entrance, slowly pumping them in and out. Her thumb was still circling your clit and you couldn’t help the moans falling from your lips.
She quickened her actions when she felt your pussy gripping her fingers more, signaling you were close to your peak.
“Gonna cum for me, love? Cum all over my fingers,” she told you, sucking another hickey onto your neck.
“Fuck, Rhea, I’m cumming,” you moaned. You reached your climax moments later and you swore you’d never felt better in your life. She circled your clit slowly, allowing you to come down from your high once she was certain you were satisfied.
She pulled her fingers from you and licked them clean, moaning at the taste.
“I think I need more,” she said, smirking at you.
She tore your panties off and threw them across the room.
“Wait, it’s your turn though,” you said, tugging at her pants.
“I have an idea then.” She quickly pulled her pants and panties off, crawling over you once again. “Are you okay with this?”
“Of course, only if you are,” you replied.
“Okay with it? Sweetheart, I’m in love with it. Besides, Mami is always on top.”
She quickly turned herself around and knelt over your face. Her pussy was only inches from your tongue and your mouth was already watering.
“You ready, love?” She asked.
“So ready,” you sighed happily.
She lowered herself onto your face and leaned down so she was now level with your pussy as well.
You beat her to it, your tongue diving between her folds first. You felt her jump at the feeling before she quickly began to devour you as well.
It was hard to focus when she was making you feel so good, but you could tell she was enjoying herself as well by the noises she was making.
You could’ve sworn you had died and gone to heaven, with her body pressed to yours and being able to pleasure her just as much as she was you.
Your hips began to move, your climax approaching once again. But you were determined to get Rhea there first. You focused your attention on her clit, sucking and licking at the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Her legs began to shake slightly and you knew she was close. It was as if she caught onto the secret competition because she doubled her own efforts between your legs.
Before you realized it was even happened, your orgasm crashed over you in waves. You let out a whine but continued to lap at her pussy. Knowing she gave you your own climax sent her into hers. She continued to lick at your clit as you both rode out your orgasms together.
When you were both satisfied, Rhea got off and laid next to you. She pulled you in for another kiss, the taste of the both of you mixing on your tongues.
“So is it safe to say you’re mine now?” She asked, finally pulling away.
“I’m most definitely yours,” you said with a smile.
“Remind me to thank Vince,” she chuckled. “This may have been his best idea yet.”
“I definitely don’t think this was his idea,” you laughed.
“No, but still, if he hadn’t forced us together, I probably never would’ve worked up the courage to tell you how I feel.”
“Well I’m glad you did. And now we can move forward and be happy,” you said.
“I promise I’ll do anything to keep you happy.”
She kissed you once more and you sighed contently. Things may have gotten off to a rocky start, but everything works itself out eventually.
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ddoxhan · 11 months
say that it's love
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on a day when stars pour down, so precious and rare I'll listen to every word you say, especially when it's love
word count : 4.8k words
genre : fluff and a sprinkle of appreciation for the people around you; you've been planning to confess but end up failing and you finally realize plans don't work; florist!hanni x fem!reader (a year older than hanni); girlfriends for the win !
t/w : none :) mentions of murder but jokingly?? (i fr dk how to t/w stuff)
a/n : hello everyone ! i present to you the final chap for 'baby's breath and lemon candies' series :D i hope this was a good wrap up for the short series :) enjoy !
taglist : @keiji-jin
you've been telling yourself that you were going to confess to hanni. and that has been the seventh time you've told yourself that after making up your mind. thinking and imagining about it was the easy step of the plan, but as you try to move onto the next stage of actually carrying out the confession, you just can't find the right timing to do it. (or more like you were just second guessing everything and maybe, you misunderstood her actions and she doesn't actually like you)
your attempts to confess ended up futile. the first time was very ambitious, as you were overflowing with passion to make it the best (and last) confession hanni would ever receive in her entire life. but that passion was met with the 'closed' sign on blooming potion's front door. a small note in the owner's cute handwriting, indicated she had closed early for personal reasons. (you forgot that hanni told you she was going to close early that day for a high school reunion dinner)
and that fact made you feel a little disheartened as it meant that she was going to be meeting her acquaintances who might possibly take the initiative to hit on hanni. to be fair, she's so beautiful that if they were to find out she was still single, your chance would be out the window that very second. (in the near future, you will come to know that all this worry was all for nothing because this certain someone had already fallen down the rabbit hole of love so deep, and she's happier than ever to be there)
since your plans were technically ruined (by yourself), you trudged your way back to blue rain in hopes that your beloved bosses were still in the middle of cleaning up the cafe. lucky for you, they were and you offered to close together. chaewon and minju noticed that you were looking unusually down hence they invited to go for a drink at downtown. technically, you had nothing to do so why not take up the offer? (safe to say, those two had to carry you back to your place and throw you onto your bed cause you drank till you were wasted)
the following attempt had a small margin of success but you were being a coward during the walk back home with her. fidgeting with the bicycle handles, kicking the small pebbles by the road, looking up into the sky, you name it. you tried so hard to shake off the nervousness and fear of getting rejected if you were to confess at that very moment. and by the time you thought you were ready, hanni had already walked up to her doorstep, waving goodbye with that smile you love. (which had you waving back at her awkwardly, as if you weren't so close to shout across that you liked her. which you didn't because that wasn't the best way to confess, obviously)
many more attempts had similar outcomes — failure. you weren't sure why it would end up being bad timings, or your cowardice getting the better of you. or sometimes, the thought of the confession flew past your head because you were too busy admiring hanni as you adore the way she puckers her lips every now and then when she talks about something, and the way her eyes sparkle when it comes to a topic she is interested in. (you were a simp for her, and you loved every second of it)
"you know, just standing by that counter every day at 8 won't get you a girlfriend."
chaewon's voice broke your trance as you tried to figure what went wrong with the last time you tried to confess.
"and you say that because you confessed to minju-unnie on the third date."
"no, I'm saying that because your ass needs to get moving before someone else stumbles upon your crush and makes a move on her."
you slouched on the counter with your arms, running your hands through your hair in frustration.
"it's not that I don't try, unnie. I've been attempting to for the past seven times."
the older girl gave you a skeptical look before standing from her seat by the window, placing her book down next to her cup of iced tea. (it wasn't peak hour so the shop didn't have any customers for the time being, therefore chaewon took the opportunity to laze around as she sent minju out to deliver the online orders)
"I don't know how you've attempted the past seven times, but have you ever considered not planning ahead?"
you looked up from your slouched position to find her leaning against the counter, eyeing you from above before she made her way into the working station.
"I've known you for three years now, and I just know that you would plan things ahead, a little too much ahead."
all you could do was stay silent and chuckle awkwardly because whatever chaewon had said was undeniably true.
"you love things to be perfect, just like how you would want the confession to be the most special, wonderful and extravagant experience for hanni."
"but you missed out on the part where it needs to be heartfelt."
with that, something rang within you. the bell of realization. you realize you weren't able to bring yourself to confess or carry out that plan in your head as it made things artificial. telling hanni you liked her had to come from your heart, not your brain. (during these kind of times, you thank chaewon for not roasting your dumb ass)
"and with it being heartfelt, it can also be simple."
while the older had hit you with words of wisdom, she had already finished brewing up a fresh cup of ice americano for you. it was one of the easiest to make on the menu and also a staple drink for customers in this season of summer.
just like this cup of ice americano, your confession could be simple and straightforward. no public stunts, no sparkles and party poppers, no surprises that would ruin the mood. just you, yourself, would bring out the best confession that only both you and hanni would ever know.
chaewon could only chuckle at your face of astonishment and enlightenment from her words. if she were to be truthful, although she had confessed on her third date with minju, she had also struggled to confess a lot of times before saying sike by kissing her. she had long noticed her on campus before they had officially met through the arranged date. (therefore she was speaking from experience)
she handed you the cup of coffee before leaving to finish that book she left on the table. as you drank your dose of caffeine for the day, you were motivated to just let that confession come naturally, just like how your feelings for hanni fell upon you.
the day went by rather quickly compared to the previous days where you were racking your head over the confession. before you bid farewell to chaewon and minju after closing up, you felt the urge to throw those two into a bear hug, and you did.
"what's with the sudden affection? are you going to kill us and take over the shop?"
minju thought you were going through late puberty these days, so she just went with the flow of whatever you did. including squealing like a lovesick high school girl swooning over a hot guy, which wasn't too far from where instead, you were just squealing over how cute hanni looks when she's asleep. (you went over to blooming potion as usual to walk the florist home but was met with a breathtaking sight of her asleep on the counter. therefore you couldn't help but take approximately 100 photos of her before she woke up naturally)
"maybe, who knows?"
and your playful reply earned a smack on your back from chaewon. but you just laughed it off, knowing that she rolled her eyes at your antics.
"okay, I'm not going to kill you but I am going to thank you for always being here for me, like older sisters."
"you guys just know what to say and when to say it, and I just felt like I wanted to thank you for it."
chaewon and minju exchanged glances and soon tears filled their eyes as it was their turns to bring you into a bear hug.
"you're growing up so fast."
"our baby is so mature these days, I feel so sad."
"why the hell are you talking like you raised me or something?"
they actually do treat you like their baby, especially when minju is giving you butt pats and squishing your cheeks right now.
"technically we sort of did throughout university until we graduated, and we're still raising you through your uni days."
"alright moms, I think the affection session has ended, so I will get going."
as you squirm out of their tight grips, they each gave you a ruffle on your hair before they walked hand in hand towards the opposite direction. (those two act more like your parents than your actual ones)
when you turned around, the familiar sight of blooming potion filled your heart with warmth and love. the thought of being this in love with someone would have never crossed your mind even if just a year ago. it's about time you knew, maybe, you don't like her.
maybe, you love her.
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"need help with that?"
the soft ring of the bell on the door accompanied with your voice was something hanni could never get tired off. instead, it was more than she can ever ask for to have you by her side every day as you two walked home. all the days throughout spring into summer this year was special to her. (when she turned over to her left, you came into sight, smiling at her, and that's when her day is complete)
"unnie, I'm pretty sure you're shorter than I am."
she whipped her head towards the sound of your voice while she was arranging some stocks on the top shelves. your offended face had her burst out in laughter but thankfully, she was careful enough up there to not drop anything.
"you're lucky I'm in a good mood today, so I'm letting you off the hook."
it's been months since you've met hanni and came over every evening to walk her home. you oh so naturally walked over to the counter to close the cashier, followed with cleaning up the flower remnants on the countertops.
"what put you in a good mood?"
hanni came down from the ladder before walking over to you by the countertops.
"I don't know, I just feel happy and all that. just not in a bad mood, I guess."
you actually didn't know why. perhaps, you woke up on the right side of the bed, the cafe didn't have any nasty customers with complicated orders, and chaewon wasn't roasting your ass for once. maybe all of these combined made you a better day than the rest, which were undeniably good days too. (you had a hunch that something good was going to happen but couldn't pinpoint on what it was exactly)
"then that calls for a celebration!"
seeing the girl being happy on your behalf, although it was something so trivial. it warmed your heart a little, reminded that you have someone who cherishes you more than yourself.
"for my good mood?"
"yup! we can head to town for this really good ramen place, and right opposite it is a bakery I've really wanted to try."
whenever hanni talked about food, especially bread, her face would literally light up. the next thing you know, you'll have her ramble on about what bread she's into right now and what new stores she's discovered. (you found it really adorable, very endearing as all you do whenever she does that is stare and nod because whatever she likes, you will also)
"sounds like you're eager to go more than I do."
you couldn't help but let a chuckle escape your lips as her cheeks are painted with a light shade of pink. her attempt to hide by turning around with her back facing you let you know you were bullseye. (not sure if it's because you two spend so much time together, her ears turn red when she's shy or embarrassed, just like you do)
"alright, let's close up real quick and head over. hope you don't mind my driving."
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renting a car definitely wasn't within the budget. it simply amazes you every time when you find yourself doing the unimaginable for the love of your life.
"two bowls of regular pork bone soup ramen, with an agedashi tofu side. thank you."
the place was rather quiet, despite being in the always bustling town. you wonder how hanni had found such a place, and before you could even look over to ask her, it's as if she read your mind.
"actually, an old friend of mine owns this place. she's currently out right now so maybe later, I could introduce you to her."
"I haven't even asked you, yet you just know what goes on in my head."
"perks of spending time together every day? you know how much we talk throughout the walks and those calls."
"well that, I can't deny."
curiosity about this friend of hers occupied your mind, which had you shoot your question.
"who's this old friend by the way? high school acquaintaince?"
"mhm, we reconnected after losing contact with each other at the reunion dinner the other day."
a nod was your only answer, because what else could you have done? imagine being so young and already running a whole shop on your own, you could never. not when you're only a struggling university student. (to be honest, you were slightly jealous of this old friend of hers before coming to know that she was already dating someone)
before you could create the worst scenarios of hanni and her friend in your head, the food arrived quicker than you expected. maybe god was also trying to save you from unnecessary heartache and worry about those two because really, there was absolutely nothing to fret about.
you tried your best to tell yourself that, but you just couldn't shake off that feeling of uncertainty which began eating you up. rather than eating up the bowl of ramen in front of you. even the younger girl felt it in the air around you, constantly eyeing you as you looked troubled, contradicting the very reason why you were here.
an unfamiliar voice uttering her name had your head shoot up so fast, you almost choked on that piece of meat that you were swallowing. your eyes followed hanni's movements before it stopped upon a figure a lot taller than her. that was when your head short-circuited before it proceeded to run on that energy drink you had earlier.
"why didn't you tell me you were gonna drop by?"
"it isn't a surprise anymore if I just tell you."
their banter seemed so natural that it made you feel a little out of place. but you kept a façade that you believed wasn't too easy to see through, that you were making this stranger who is an acquaintance of hanni, your competition. (as you relived these memories in a very near future, you wished to smash your head into a wall, hoping to get a wake-up call because you were an idiot for even thinking)
but that didn't last long as your date tiptoed to whisper into jen's ears with the latter bending down a little to match their height. you had no right to be fuming but you did, internally and discreetly. (however, that was when you didn't know that hanni had been asking for advice from jen about her extremely obvious crush on an extremely obvious someone. what she whispered was, 'that's the girl I like by the way, so don't do anything stupid')
the two walked back over to your table before jen flashed you an unsettling and mysterious smile that had some meaning behind it, offering her hand along.
"nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you from hanni."
"jennifer, or yunjin. if you prefer korean."
her glance over to the said girl earned her a smack before you stood up to accept the handshake politely.
"nice to meet you, yunjin. although she hasn't told me anything about you, I did hear that you own this place."
"yes I do, along with my girlfriend. I hope you like the food so far, they're century-old recipes passed down from my girlfriend's family so I can guarantee it'd be the best ramen you can have in town."
although yunjin was explaining about the restaurant, you blanked out after hearing the word 'girlfriend'. it would have been great if you could just dig up a hole instantly and bury yourself in it cause oh boy, why did you put yourself through so much agony only to find out this rival of yours wasn't even competing with you in the first place. it was as if you were putting up a fight with an inflatable balloon, if that made sense.
"are you okay?"
the concern laced in hanni's voice dragged you out of your daze.
"yeah, I'm fine. sorry about that, just had a little something going in my head. not the best first impression, I know."
"don't worry, we all have those times. I'll take my leave first, I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner."
as yunjin excused herself to tend to the restaurant, the two of you resumed with your meals. hanni's eyes never left you the entire time which made you a little awkward before malfunctioning altogether. her undivided attention on you made you wary of everything you did, including the way you chewed on your food or how big each bite was. it was making your heart pound a little harder than usual, but the thought of that didn't cross her mind as she was genuinely worried that you might have been uncomfortable with something.
alas, she was put to ease when you started to regain that playful demeanor of yours towards the end of the meal. you also let your guard down a little when hanni gave yunjin and her girlfriend, kazuha, a hug before leaving the restaurant. the two owners were bigger lovebirds than you expected, ultimately letting out that breath you were holding unknowingly. (honey, loosen up because no one's gonna take your girlfriend away from you)
initially, you were to drive back after dinner and drop your date off before heading back to your place. but seeing how there probably won't be another chance like this (a car you meant) with her, here goes nothing.
"would you mind if we headed south to the beach?"
you suggestion was either a hit or miss, and you could tell hanni loved the idea from the way her eyes shimmered a little at the thought of the calming ambience and scent of the sea. (it's been a while since she visited and she had always loved the sea more than mountains. it oddly felt like home, and so did you)
"of course! after all, I'm not the one driving."
she tried to play off her excitement nonchalantly, earning a chuckle from you.
"alright, let's head off then."
"oh, and we can even have those pastries by the beach."
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perhaps because it was a weekday, there weren't many people by the beach. and you weren't complaining as that meant peace and quiet from potential screaming children. (you don't despise kids, but sometimes they can really get on your nerves)
you used to come to the beach back in your hometown as a kid with your parents and sister. your mom would enjoy the sun under the parasol while your dad went to fetch some drinks from the nearby store. you and your sister would build sandcastles and occasionally fight over who made a better one. (your dad would usually be the mediator, critiquing both sandcastles as if they were one of his projects)
the visits slowly died down as you grew older and you were convinced that your sister studying overseas contributed to it. but you do agree that the beach visits need not be so often, especially when your parents were getting old. (it was much better when your mom started reconnecting with her school friends and your dad going for golf with his retiree partners, enjoying the personal time they finally have after you moved out too)
"there's a really nice gazebo over there."
hanni pointed over to the lone gazebo sitting in the middle of the sand. it was a really odd place to see one but you did not question further as she pulled you along. (it would have been nice if she gave you more time to grab the box of pastries cause you almost shook up everything in it)
"hanni, slow down! the pastries are gonna get ruined!"
sometimes, you wonder if she loved bread more than she loved you. that does not sound right. hey, as a friend. (but not for long)
"my pastries!"
she came into an instant halt, making you almost squashing your face against her shoulder. the halt was necessary, with you by the gazebo already. it was a lot more cozy than you had expected, still a little chilly from the night breezes but it was just nice.
you knew she was very impatient ever since you had mentioned the beach. from the way her fingers kept fiddling with the hem of her shirt and how she struggled to conceal a wide grin from being plastered across her face.
hanni couldn't even wait for you to take a seat next to her as she opens the box, revealing the pastries that you and her had chosen before having dinner. even after a bowl of ramen, she still had more space for dessert. (you know what they say, people have a second stomach for desserts and hanni was not an exception)
the food you had earlier was finally easing down from potential indigestion. so you decided to watch the way her cheeks are puffed up from being full with pastries, the way her hair fluttered along the wind, and that cream below her mouth. (you found it adorable which had you leave it there for a while before doing something about it)
"you got some cream there."
pointing at your own to show her, hanni's eyes bore into yours as she attempts to wipe it off. she misses by a margin before trying again, and fails to locate it.
the smile on your face never left while she struggled, rummaging your pocket for the packet of tissue you usually carry along with you. pulling a single piece out, you folded it properly before facing her.
suddenly, you felt yourself break down. not emotionally, rather physically. you know when you see something so entrancing and mesmerizing, you just stop doing whatever you did and changed your course of action according to the visual info? yeah, that was your exact response.
the moonlight cascading on hanni's face, how her eyes glisten, as if she was looking at a person she cherishes a lot. perhaps she does cherish you a lot. and the proximity between your faces was a lot to take in (at this very moment, there was only one thing in your mind, and it sounds absolutely amazing)
your hand holding that tissue dropped down as you dived in to kiss the cream off of hanni's skin. it was a quick peck, your upper lip lightly grazing her lower lip as you pulled back to see her frozen. (big doe eyes, stiff body, mouth agape. if someone happened to walk past at that timing, they would've thought she saw a ghost)
you didn't know where that immense courage came from, and you were pretty sure even hanni was taken aback by your bold move. usually, she would be the one giving you cheek kisses for walking her back.
the grin that was already sporting on her face was replaced with a wider one if possible, and a different one at that. something about it told you that she was more than okay with what you had did back there. and maybe, it caused something to click in your head, figuratively and perhaps literally as if a switch had flipped on.
this very thought caused the adrenaline to course through your system, driving you into an overdrive of emotions. feeling that this was the timing to do it, you take a deep breath as you opened your mouth.
"I like you."
did you already say it before you actually thought you were ready? but that didn't sound like your voice. by the time you had snapped back from your questions, you felt a pair of hands cupping your cheeks before pulling you in closer.
everything went by like a flash and before you could comprehend things properly, hanni's lips on yours was the only thing that mattered at that moment. you could feel chills run down your back before leaving a tingling feeling across your whole body, contradicting the warmth that filled your insides. you weren't making any sense with your descriptions but whatever. (it might have been because of the wind but you knew better that it was hardly cold on summer nights)
'so this is how kisses feel like,' as you thought to yourself. the quick peck wasn't quite similar with this. you could feel hanni's feelings in that kiss, as if she was trying to tell you that she had been in love with you ever since she met you. (technically she did, but it was that she took approximately a week after to admit)
the kiss didn't last very long, considering how you practically broke down as your hands not knowing where to go. if anything, you were sure you looked like an absolute idiot in love with the person right in front of you, which was perfectly accurate.
"so.. do you like me too?"
maybe something about kissing hanni had a certain effect on you as you proceed to nod to her affirmative question, totally forgetting how to make up words to answer her. in a simple conclusion, your brain crashed and automatically had 404 error windows popping up, like how it usually does when she gets too close to you.
"gosh why are you so cute."
the compliments didn't help either with your crimson cheeks as they soon spread through your entire face. the sight of you being embarrassed than ever created the urge for her to wrap you in her arms as she coos at you, which she gladly succumbed to.
although you hadn't said much since, the reciprocated hug consisted of a thousand words of reassurance that you felt the same for her, if not more. as you remained still, listening carefully to your heartbeat and breaths slowly matching hers, your heart swelled when you realized that you found someone to love and that someone loves you very dearly too.
"you know, actually."
hanni's voice pierced through your attention on the everlasting moment. she pulled away slightly from the embrace, yet still holding onto you, before gazing into your eyes and saying the words that you didn't know you wanted to hear from the person you have met accidentally in spring, which was your most hated season.
"I love you,"
"and I will for as long as you and I are here."
every moment spent with hanni felt like a dream, even now. countless times, you had felt that you weren't someone who deserves such an angel in your mundane days, but she reassures you that you are someone who's deserving of all the nice things that exists in the world. (which she hates about because you were more than deserving of love and warmth, and she had been ready to be the one who gave those to you for a long time)
your hearty laugh wasn't something she or anyone in particular got to hear often. it was as if you were content with whatever that life was, for the first time. for the first time that you received the love that you had always wanted. and also because hanni stole your confession right out of your hands.
"you know, that was kinda my line, but I'll let it slide because I am in a good mood today."
"but also because it's you. you're my only exception, pham hanni."
"if I can, I'll say it over and over again until you get tired of me."
"I love you,"
"like baby's breath and lemon candies."
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topazadine · 8 days
Writing Research Notes: Horses
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I have complained before about fantasy writers (and others) using horses without really knowing anything about them, so I'd like to share some basic Horse Facts. These aren't things about horse physiology, because you probably don't need that for your specific story, but things that you can add into your story for verisimilitude.
I'm not a horse trainer or Horse Expert, just someone who loves horses and rides on a regular basis. This is a casual guide to help give you some inspiration (and know what to look up for more information.)
So, what will we discuss in this embarrassingly long post? This.
General horse knowledge
Approaching and sanitizing Horse
Tack, the Horse Accessory Kit
Putting the tack on Horse
Getting on Horse (second best part!)
Riding Horse (best part!)
Being nice to Horse (most important!!)
General Horse Knowledge
Horses are generally classified as hotblood, warmblood or coldblood.
Of course, being mammals, they are all actually warm-blooded. This is more about temperament and size.
Hotblooded horses are lighter, bred for speed and maneuverability. Thoroughbreds and Arabian horses are hotbloods. They're known for being a bit more temperamental, but they are also very fast and responsive.
Coldblood horses are larger, stockier, and more even-tempered. This includes draft horses like Percherons, Gypsy Vanners, and Clydesdales.
Note that a big horse doesn't necessarily mean they're a good war horse, because war horses need to be fast and light. Draft horses are meant to pull, not carry. In a military series, you can use them as cannon horses or cart horses.
Warmblood are crossbreeds of hotblood and coldblood, giving them a good temperament but also relatively good speed. They're often used for hunting, dressage, and showjumping: disciplines that require both maneuverability and a strong working relationship between horse and rider. Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Irish Sport Horses are warmbloods.
Horses are herd animals and need friends.
Having a singular horse all by themselves is going to cause them distress and lead to mental problems. This is why people who only own one horse often stable them so that they can get social stimulation and professional care.
Like humans, horses have buddies, acquaintances, and enemies.
There is often a pecking order in a herd, with a leader and followers. Horses may make friends, break up with them, reconcile, etc, just like people do.
And horses, of course, have people they like more than others. To get a horse to like you, be gentle and mindful of their boundaries, pay attention to their feelings, groom them, and speak in a soft friendly voice.
Horses aren't mindless animals: they think, feel, and strategize.
They're actually very sensitive and empathetic animals who can get jealous, have their feelings hurt, or need a little bit of TLC on a hard day. And yes, they can scheme.
Similar to dogs, horses are a bit like toddlers: they need firm but compassionate guidance.
This is why you need to think both for yourself and the horse when riding, keeping your mind clear and focused on your goals. Horses can notice when you're not paying attention and they will do their own thing.
Therapy horses are chosen for both their good nature and their sensitivity to human emotions. They will notice when the rider is getting upset or losing focus, and they will stop what they are doing until the rider is back in the right mindset.
They should get as much outside time as possible.
Horses will come to accept and even like their stalls because it's a safe, quiet space for them, but they should be allowed free time outside as much as possible.
It's important to make sure that their pasture is clean, free of dangerous plants or pesticides, and safe from tripping hazards (horse legs are very delicate).
Make sure they are not gorging themselves on grass, though, as this can cause colic. Horses cannot throw up: they've got a one-way digestive system. Intestinal blockages are a medical emergency.
Horses do like working with nice humans.
This isn't cope, I promise. Just like dogs, they have been bred over thousands of years to look to humans for guidance and to see us as caretakers.
Horses who are treated well like having a job, just like dogs who are treated well will like training sessions. Jobs offer them mental stimulation, offer them praise and rewards, and keep them busy so they're not bored.
You can see this in happy horses. The therapy horse I use, Truly, used to be a jumper and hunter before she came to the therapeutic stable, and she gets really excited if she sees vaults because she loves doing that! She gears up for the trot; you can feel it in her stride. She's ready and wants to go.
But, this implies that you're treating your horses well, praising them regularly, and bonding with them outside of sessions.
Horses that are being mistreated will balk at work because they associate it with pain and fear. Horses that are treated well will happily come out of their stall, ears forward and eyes bright, because they associate work with fun and stimulation.
Approaching and Sanitizing Horse
Horses have a blind spot in front of them and directly behind them.
Unlike humans, their eyes are on the sides of their head because they are prey animals. This means approaching a horse directly from the front or directly behind them may make them spook - and, if you are by their butt, kick you.
Generally, younger riders are taught never to pass behind a horse for safety reasons, so you go around them in a wide circle or duck under their neck. You can also walk behind them if you are out of kicking distance (about 3-4 feet) or right up against them so they can't get their leg up to kick you.
When tacking up or grooming, you should keep a hand on the horse as you move.
This lets the horse know where you are if you are in their blind spot and is especially important if you are around their butt so they don't spook and wonder where you went.
With grooming, you go with the curry comb and hold the bristle brush where you intend to go next so they know what to expect.
Grooming improves circulation and is a good bonding activity.
You use a curry comb, which is a rubber comb with little nubs, and then a brush. The curry comb is moved around in a circular motion to lift dirt and shedding hair, then the brush is angled with the grain of the hair to sweep it away.
Don't use a curry comb on a horse's face, legs, or stomach, which are sensitive areas. If you do want to use a curry comb in these areas because they are super dirty, be VERY gentle and light.
Horses generally like to be groomed because they do this to each other in the wild. It's a good way to make a horse like you.
Picking a horse's hooves, and having regular farrier checks, are crucial for their health.
Like human fingernails, horse hooves grow continuously; they're made from the same material as our hair and nails, keratin. They have a V-shaped "frog" in the middle of the underside of their hoof that is sensitive, but the rest of it isn't very sensitive unless you, like, stab it.
Farriers will file down a horse's feet so they are even, and they will also apply horseshoes if necessary (not all horses wear shoes). You can't just put any old horseshoe on a horse: it has to be fitted to their particular foot. This is a specialized job that not everyone can do, so if your character is not a farrier, they're not going to apply horseshoes themselves.
Cleaning a horse's hoof involves a hoof pick.
When picking a horse's hooves, you take an angled piece of metal called a hoof pick and dig out any dirt or manure or whatever has gotten stuck around the frog, then brush it out with a small brush. If they wear horseshoes, you also need to make sure you get the crevices underneath the shoe.
Generally, we pick feet both before and after riding.
Horses need to be trained to give you their leg. This usually means leaning your body weight into their shoulder, sliding your hand down their leg, and squeezing at the soft indent right above the hoof. You might also need to say "pick it up" or whatever command they've been taught to use.
It's a little scary for a horse to be off-balance like that; how would you feel if someone made you stand on one leg while they clipped your toenails? Be mindful that they may get nervous or put their foot down before you're ready. If this happens, just try again until their feet are clean.
Keep your feet and hands out of the way of the horse's hoof!
Pay attention to where your feet are in conjunction with the horse's hoof so they don't slam their hoof down on your toes. Horses may not even realize they stepped on you because they don't have a lot of sensitivity down there.
Never curl your fingers around the horse's hoof; that's a surefire way to break your hand. Hold it like you're cradling a baby's head.
Do not wear steel-toed shoes in a stable.
It's a common misconception that you should wear work boots or steel-toed shoes; after all, big horse very strong very heavy smash on foot!
Yeah, but a furry hydraulic press will crunch that steel right into your damn foot, and then you have guillotined all your toes.
Wear special riding boots instead. These don't have the ridges that hiking shoes or tennis shoes have, so they won't get caught on the stirrup. Cheap short ones cost like $40 and will last you a few good years. No need to go whole-hog on the long dressage boots if you're a casual rider.
Horses are usually taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from one side.
This may not apply to therapy horses, who are trained to accept whatever way is easiest for the rider.
For dressage horses, they are taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from the left. You should stand on the horse's left side when leading them. You'll dismount from the right.
Tack: The Stuff That Goes on Horse
No matter your discipline, you'll have these general things:
Halter. This is for leading the horse around before you tack them up. Generally, you will tie up the horse to cross-ties while you're grooming and tacking them. It is removed right before you put on the bridle.
Saddle blanket/pad. Western uses saddle blankets, but with English, you'll use a pad. Sometimes, with older horses or those that need a bit more comfort, you will have a blanket and a pad. This goes on before the saddle.
Saddle. Western saddles are very big, made for riding long distances. They are made mostly of leather, including the stirrups, which are attached directly to the saddle. English saddles are much smaller and lighter, and they have more removable parts. I won't get into all the specifics of them because it's probably irrelevant to your story.
There are also more specialized saddles, like jockey saddles.
Girth. Old-school Western saddles have cinches that you tie with the same knot you use for a necktie, but modern ones that detachable girths just like English saddles. They have buckles on both sides. One side will have leather straps; this is the one you put on first, from the left. The other side has elastic so it's a bit stretchier. This goes on the right side.
Bridle. How you control horse. Goes over the face and you hold onto the reins. This is put on last, right after you remove the halter. Put the reins over the horse's neck so you have something to hold onto after you remove the halter!
Bit. This is a metal bar that goes in the horse's mouth, over the tongue. Snaffle bits are the most common; they are made of two parts that meet in the middle. They aren't as uncomfortable for horses as other types. Some people are moving away from bits entirely and using bitless bridles.
Putting Tack on Horse
English stirrups are "run up" when tacking up and leading a horse.
The metal stirrups can bang against things and hurt the horse if they are not pulled up against the saddle by running them up the leather strap they hung from. You'll then tuck the excess strap into the stirrup to hold them in place.
Stirrups can be adjusted with a buckle hidden under the saddle seat. You'll run them up, pull the buckle down to a comfortable height, and then adjust as necessary. Then pull the stirrup down to the bottom, put your hand against the seat, and lift the stirrup up to run along your arm. It should brush against your armpit for most people.
Most dressage stirrups have numbered holes so you can remember what your height is.
Western saddles have leather stirrups that may or may not be detachable or adjustable.
Never tie a horse's reins to anything.
Don't listen to old Western movies that show this. If the horse spooks and they are tied up, they could rip the bit out of their mouth and really hurt themselves.
Horses have bars in their mouth - a blank space with no teeth. This is where the bit sits.
To get a horse to accept a bit, you can stick your thumb into this blank spot to make them open their mouth, just as you can do with dogs.
You then pull the bit up over their front teeth and settle it in there so it's comfortable.
There should be a small bit of pull you can see from the wrinkles around their mouth, but it shouldn't be squeezing them to death. Gentle pressure, happy horse.
Tighten the girth (the strap around their tummy) right before you get on.
Horses like to "bloat," meaning they suck in a bunch of air when you're putting the girth on, then relax so that the girth is loose. You don't want this, because then you can slide off. So put it on loosely at first, then put it up a few slots once you're about to get on.
Don't rachet it up to the highest possible setting you can reach, and don't yank on it, because this hurts the horse. Gently pull it up until it's tight enough to hold on, but not so much that it becomes a corset. You should be able to slide three fingers between the girth and the horse's stomach.
Getting On Horse
Lead the horse to where you want to go by bringing the reins over their head and holding them under the chin.
Do not use a death grip! You don't need to. Loose and happy. Keep the excess in your other hand so it's not a tripping hazard.
Then, of course, put the reins back over their head when you're ready to get on.
Mounting blocks are convenient and safer for the horse.
These are kind of like step stools, and they get you closer to the horse's back. Mounting from the ground puts a lot of pressure on the horse's back and should only be used sparingly.
The procedure is like so for English:
Gather the reins in your left hand, which should be placed near the front of the saddle.
Put your right hand near the back of the saddle for balance.
Put your left foot in the stirrup.
Swing your right leg over.
Settle your right foot in the stirrup.
Don't jump up; you might fall the hell over, lmao. Gentle easy swing.
The stirrup sits on the ball of your feet, with the heel pointing down.
This is true for both Western and dressage. You want it on the balls of your feet so you have leverage and can pivot your ankle to lightly tap the horse on the side, and you want your heel down to help maintain your balance.
A lot of riding boots, including cowboy boots, will have stitching that runs across the top of the foot. You can align this with the stirrup so you know that you don't have your foot too far back in the stirrup.
Your leg is slightly bent when in the saddle.
You do not have your legs straight out, because then you don't have leverage and can't maintain balance.
My instructor says it should feel like you're kneeling, and then when you post (rise out of the saddle during the trot or canter), you should feel like you're coming out of a squat. You're not springing all the way out of the saddle and standing up, because then you will fall over.
Your leg should stay as still as possible, with your heels pointing down to the ground. You shouldn't move them up or forward when you're trotting, a common beginner mistake.
When training in a ring, you don't have a right leg and left leg: you have an "outside" leg and "inside" leg.
Outside leg is the one closest to the wall (or fence), and inside leg is the leg closest to the middle of the ring. This keeps you from getting confused when you change directions.
Horses also have an outside leg and inside leg that you use to determine when to post or perform other maneuvers.
Horses need to be trained to go both clockwise and counterclockwise.
This helps them maintain balanced muscle tone on both sides of the body; otherwise, it's like doing leg exercises with only one leg. When getting a lesson, your instructor will ask you to change directions once you've done a certain exercise so that you can try it the other way, too.
Actually Riding Horse
You shouldn't yank on the reins like you're in a tug-of-war.
This can really hurt the horse and, paradoxically, make them more disobedient. It's like someone put their fingers in your mouth and then stretched your lips as far back as possible.
Keep your body loose.
Your horse is listening to your body language and will feel when you're tense. Every little movement means something to the horse. If you're tight, they think they should be nervous too.
Stay calm, upright, and loose. Legs slightly bent, elbows flexible, hands in line with the sides of the horse's neck and a bit above the front of the saddle.
Squeezing or tapping the horse is called impulsion.
It should be used lightly and with just enough pressure to get their attention. Don't kick the horse with all your might. The more movement you need from the horse, the more intense your impulsion will be.
Don't squeeze with your knees.
Pressure on the horse comes from the thighs and calves, not the knees. Your knees are there to bend.
Yes, your inner thighs will be super duper sore when you're done. It gets better though, prommie.
In dressage, you post at the trot in rhythm with the horse.
This reduces pressure on their back so you're not banging on their spine with each hootbeat. You post when their outside shoulder comes forward and lightly land back in the saddle when their inside shoulder rises: not sitting all the way down, just crouching a bit lower.
When you want the horse to walk again, you will sit down and pull (gently!!) back on the reins. The added pressure makes them not want to trot anymore because it would hurt them when you bump around on their back.
Being Nice to Horse (so Horse Is Nice to You)
Respect a horse's personal space and power.
They are big strong animals that can break your spine if they buck you, or crush your foot, or give you brain damage if they kick you in the head. Healthy respect (not fear) is crucial.
If a horse is pissed off, leave them alone. If they're scared, treat them kindly and speak soothingly. If they're not doing what you want, find a way to redirect them instead of screaming at them and making them more anxious.
And remember that they are prey animals despite their size and power! They may get nervous about things that you wouldn't even consider. Truly, the horse I ride on the regular, gets freaked out by jackets hanging over fence posts and barking dogs.
That's okay and natural; I just have to reassure her that she's going to be alright. You are the leader and caretaker of the horse, making them feel confident.
Training tools like whips, crops, or spurs should be used sparingly.
Any trainer who tells a beginner to use spurs as soon as possible is an asshole who doesn't actually know how to train horses. They don't know how to teach riders to control their body pressure, so they go right to the aversives.
I left a stable because the trainer demanded I buy spurs after like two lessons; my current stable doesn't use these at all, ever.
You should be able to control the horse with your hands and feet without these tools before adding them, and they should always be used as gently as possible: a slight tap with the spurs or crop, not beating the horse with a crop or digging your spurs into their sides. Horses are very sensitive animals and will respond well to a light kick with your heels if they are properly trained.
I've developed such a good rapport with the therapy horse I use (and she's such a good girl) that she can tell when I want to her trot. I start working her up to her "party walk" as my instructor calls it, and then click my tongue, and she's off. No kicking necessary.
Reward, Don't Punish
Same as when training dogs. Don't yell at them and say "no!! bad horse!!" Instead, offer a small correction, like checking the reins, or redirect them.
Do not hit or kick horses when they don't do what you want. They are trained that tap means go; you're going to make them gallop instead of stop.
Give them a pat on the neck and say "good horse!" when they do a good job. You can also talk to the horse while you're grooming and riding, offering them compliments and assurance.
Again, horses look to riders as leaders. They want to know the're performing correctly; if you've built up a good relationship, they want to make you happy and perform well.
Most of the time, horses are not trying to make you mad. You're just miscommunicating with them and need to figure out how to make your commands clearer.
Abusive training tactics are counterintuitive in the long run.
This makes for a nervous, flighty, disobedient, and anxious horse who may become dangerous. They're 1,200 pound animals, and if they don't like what you're doing, they will kick, buck, or bite.
Kicking, hitting, excessive use of spurs or crops, and screaming at horses doesn't make your horse respect you: it makes them fear you. You want your horse to be excited to work with you, to look forward to your training sessions, and to have fun.
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The posts I write can sometimes take me hours - they're always intricate, always thoughtful. This one took me about three hours to complete.
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9 Years Yearning is a gay coming-of-age romance set in a fantasy world. It follows Uileac Korviridi, a young soldier training at the War Academy. His primary motivations are honoring the memory of his late parents, protecting his little sister Cerie, and becoming a top-notch soldier.
However, there's a problem: Orrinir Relickim, a rough and tough fellow pupil who just can't seem to leave Uileac alone.
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The book features poetry, descriptions of a beautiful country inspired by Mongolia, and a whole lot of tsundere vibes.
Oh, and horse!!! Horse love!! SO MUCH HORSE LOVE.
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The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black!Reader) Pt. 2
A/N: Hey everyone! It’s almost twilight season and as a commitment to myself and to you, I will (attempt) to post every Sunday from now until Halloween! You’ve all responded and I have decided to turn this into a multiple part series! I’m playing a little loose with the blood singer/ mating vampire rules as a fun experiment..  Leave a comment AND follow if you’d like to be tagged going forward. As always like, comment and follow. Let me know what you think!   
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
*All gifs credited to original owner*
Pt. 1
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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Never were you the adrenaline junkie type. If your two feet were not able to stay on the ground, you did not participate. 
But damn. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the experience, just a little.
Curse your newfound curiosity.
  Or maybe, being in Jasper’s arms is what made it more enjoyable.
  What the hell? You barely know this pale-ass dude.
  It is when your hair stops moving that you start to tune back into your surroundings. Clinging to Jasper akin to a koala bear, eyes still shut, you meekly ask, 
  “Are we there yet?” 
  “I stopped moving a few minutes ago.”  Crap. 
   Popping one eye open, you see the Cullen house directly in front of you. Looking up at him, you notice he is looking down at you, slightly smirking. Coughing,  you signal him to put down. He does, gently and you stand in silence for a moment. 
  “You alright? I know reaching high speeds like that can affect humans pretty bad.” No shit sherlock.
   “I’m fine. Thank you for the, um, ride.” You shuffle your feet while studying your now slightly-dirty shoes.
  Then you suddenly remember the potentially dangerous situation you’re in-the anxiety slowly kicking back in. Jasper checks his surroundings, then gestures for you to move up the front porch steps. 
  “My pleasure. Let’s get you inside. After you.”
   Jasper Whitlock was a pale, ex-confederate, undead, man of few words. He has seen mostly wars and death in his human and afterlife. Peace and normalcy was a foreign concept to him, until he ran into Carlisle. He never would have chosen this life for himself, but then again, he never knew his current life was even possible until was in it.
  You, on the other hand, were the complete opposite of him. 
  From the day he saw you, he couldn’t get you out of his head. At first, it was pure curiosity. You were one of the few interesting humans he had met in his time that actually presented a mental challenge for him. 
  Although he couldn’t directly read minds like his brother, Jasper could easily deduce what people were thinking based on their feelings–enhanced by his empath abilities, no doubt. When it came to you, however, he could not sense a thing. If he could put a color to every emotion he sensed, yours would always be grey- neutral. 
  Educated guesses were always made on his part, but you still managed to catch him off guard and did something different. A literal wild card. 
  The day you were partnered with him on some random school project, he began to notice your intelligence and convictions. He was impressed at your ability to keep Bella’s dangerous moves in check while keeping your personal boundaries. It reminded him of some of the people in his past he had lost long ago. It was then, you had gained his respect. 
  Slowly, Bella started bringing you around their house more often. At the time, it was mostly a cover for him and his siblings to investigate newborn activity, especially after one broke into your house. When he was around, outside of class, Jasper kept his distance, mostly for your comfort level.
   Then, he noticed Bella’s or any human’s scent did not affect him as much anymore when you were around. After a few times, he realized something peculiar: you were the only human that didn’t stir his bloodlust, either. 
  Miraculously, you actually had seemed to quell it. 
    It was when Alice and his family confronted him on the possibility of you being his blood singer, he considered that he might have felt something more than just friendly admiration for you.  Carlisle let him know only blood singers have this much of an affect on vampires like this. 
  But Jasper wasn’t having any of it.
    At first, he denied it, immensely. Although he was intrigued by you, you didn’t seem to have the exact same affect on him the way Bella did with Edward. He had and was more than content with Alice. 
   He especially didn’t think it was possible when he found out Embry had imprinted on you. He had abandoned the idea entirely. There’s no way a shifter, let alone their imprint, would have any involvement with the vampires. They were sworn enemies after all.
   So, he did the only thing he could do- kept his distance. The last thing that needed to happen was the pot to be stirred at a time where their alliances were critical. Besides, you seemed happy with Embry. Unlike his brother’s situation, he didn’t want to turn your whole life upside-down for a silly school yard crush—
  And that was that for him.
   Until Alice told him for the first time that she saw you in his future the day they trained with the wolves. In what capacity, she didn’t know. What was certain was that you were going to be involved with the Cullen’s for the foreseeable future, whether anyone wanted or not. She also knew Jasper well enough to know that you meant something to him. 
   She didn’t have to be a clairvoyant to know that. 
   Regardless, you could not make any decisions until he actually told you. The women were right that it wasn’t fair of him to keep everything to himself, especially when that meant putting you in more danger. Blood singer or otherwise, he couldn’t subject anyone he cared about to that. Not on his watch.
  It was at that moment, he realized he had feelings for you—though he hated to admit it. 
  As you sat in the massive kitchen, the silence became deafening. You could tell he was deep in thought about something and, at first, you thought it was from today’s events. 
   Until he looked at you the way he did today. 
   He was keeping something from you and you were determined to find out what it is.
    Penny for your thoughts? You’ve been quiet the whole way over.” Breaking the silence, you take a sip from your glass of  water. 
  “Well we were running over 70 miles an hour.” You had to keep from facepalming yourself. 
    “Are you hungry? We have some leftovers from the other day still in the fridge.” He starts to cross the kitchen. You were starving and those leftovers did sound good at the moment, but you were persistent.
    “Yes, but you still didn’t answer my question.”
   “Just still on guard and keeping an eye out for any newborns is all.” And the lie detector test determined that was BS. 
   He starts to open the containers when you stop him, placing your hand over his. 
   “Jasper what aren’t you telling me? If it’s something about the newborns, you could tell me. At this point, nothing you can tell me will shock me too much.” He sighs. 
   “Not even if I told you that you are my bloodsinger.” Cue the glass in your hand dropping to the floor. 
   You and your big ass mouth. You did the only thing you could do at a time like this:
   Freak the hell out.
   “Wait a damn minute. How can that be? You already have Alice!” 
    “Yes, but it’s possible for a vampire to have multiple blood singers in their time as we live well—forever. It’s sort of rare but it happens.” Smartass. 
    “Okay, let’s say I buy that. But I’m also a shifter’s imprint.  How the hell can I also be a vampire’s bloodsinger? Isn’t that like impossible?” 
   “Honestly, I don’t really know. No one really does. Carlisle guesses that the imprint bond could have altered the usual signs of a singer. ”  
   “How come Alice didn’t see it sooner?”
    “Maybe you being an imprint blocked her from seeing your future. Or you could have the same neutralizing affect on her abilities as you do mine. Who knows? What we do know is that she saw you in my future, and as complicated as it sounds, you affect me as Alice did before she was turned. Unfortunately, she’s never wrong.” 
   At this point, you’re pacing back and forth, trying so hard not to lose your shit completely.
   “What am I going to do? What happens now?” What about Embry? 
     It would be just your damn luck as you are just starting to somewhat feel content about your bond with Embry, you now have a tie to not one-- but two creatures of the supernatural. 
     “Hey, hey, hey, he stops you, gently gripping your forearms and turning  you around to face him. You didn’t even hear him come behind you. Damn vampire stealth.
    “Let me stop you right there. This will be whatever you want it to be-or lack thereof. Although I can’t lie and say I don’t have feelings for you, I will not push or force anything. Just like anything else, we take it day by day. We will figure it out. I will be right beside you, only if you want me to be, (yn).” He pushes a coily strand behind your ear as you look up at him. 
   This time you actually get a good look at Jasper. His blonde hair was a bit messy, but framed his sculpted face perfectly. Against his porcelain skin, his eyes almost glowed. You noticed they were a little more gold than usual, most likely from his recent hunt.
  Now by this point, two things were going through your head:
  Good god. This man was fine.  
  You were in some deep shit.
   A deep, guttural growl snaps you from your trance. Whipping your head around, you see the large, glass pane door, wide open and a familiar native boy standing in front of it. And he is livid. 
–And the pile just got a whole lot deeper. 
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staytinyville · 1 year
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ATEEZ ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: None
A/N I have changed the updating schedule to every other day because I started on a new story. It's a BTS one if you wanna go check it out! It only has one chapter but I will be putting out more when I got more chapters. Please Enjoy the chapter!
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Towards the end of the day, when your family was getting ready to head out, you felt content with yourself. Having spent the morning with Jongho and Wooyoung really brightened up your day. Getting the chance to speak to people outside of the customers and your family gave you a feeling of fulfillment. Or possibly it could have been the fact that you enjoyed the attention the boys gave you. Not like it was crossing your mind much.
Seonghwa was cleaning up the bar as usual, the Thursday evening settling in as more people trickled in and out groaning about Friday being tomorrow. Jongho had been moving about, waiting for Seonghwa to finish up before they left to meet up with the others. Yeosang had also been finishing up his work, the day coming to an end for them all.
You helped Seonghwa wash and dry dishes, carefully taking them from the handsome man and placing them onto the rack. Jongho glanced over all of you, making small talk to have the time pass faster. 
“Don't let Wooyoung scare you.” He had said to you. “He's all bark no bite.”
The topic of the extroverted man was brought up when Seonghwa had asked how your day went. Jongho had been the one to tell him they had run into the member, which prompted a worried Seonghwa to ask if it had been okay for the boy to go out alone. Jongho then went on to say it had been the captain who told him to go out. 
From there, Jongho had begun the conversation about how Wooyoung wanted to meet the girl personally. It caused Seonghwa to laugh and point out that being rejected wasn’t really something Wooyoung was used to. At least not when it came to women. 
“Who said I was scared?” You grinned. 
“Wooyoung is the last one you should be scared of.” Seonghwa snorted, wiping down the counter when he finished with the glasses. 
“Who's the first?” You asked, tilting your head. 
“I think you know the answer.” The man hummed. 
The blue haired man suddenly popped up in your head, causing you to go stiff for a moment. There wasn’t a moment you wouldn’t spend your day idly moving about and catching sight of the wanted posters stapled around. Every time you saw the large hat the picture of Mingi had you would immediately be reminded of the man. You also hadn’t taken notice but there was also a wanted poster for the captain. However from what you could notice it seemed to be of lesser crimes compared to Mingi. 
You knew no one was going to be able to notice them if they were to dress differently. A wanted drawing poster wasn’t the same as a still picture that was able to capture their actual looks. Really it did them no justice, the only noticeable aspects were what they wore and maybe some features. But honestly if you were to pass them on the street you wouldn’t assume they were outlaws if they dressed like citizens. 
Thinking about the two you were reminded of the others you had yet to speak to properly. Yunho has been staying the same amount as Jongho but compared to the younger male, you hardly saw him much. He spent most of his time conversing with the captain which led you to think he was the second in command of sorts. 
San was a quiet man from what you got every time you saw him. He did what he was told and followed instructions with a neutral facial expression. However from the time you had worked with him on Mingi, you could remember his busted up knuckles that had long time scars. Compared to everyone else, he looked to be the most frightening with an attitude that clearly did not take anything from others. 
“When can I go?” You spoke up. 
“Go where?” Jongho asked, sipping on his drink.
“To meet you all.” You explained. “Properly.”
“Why would you wanna do that?” The sound of Yeosang’s voice brought you all to turn to the man. He strutted his way in, moving behind the bar to stand at your side. He had a teasing grin on his face as he placed a hand on the wood. 
“What? Don't tell me you actually want to keep me away?” You squint your eyes up at him. 
“Maybe for just a bit longer.” He whispered to you. 
You began to purse your lips as you looked anywhere that wasn’t Yeosang’s eyes. You felt the blush starting on your face which caused you to look down. A smile was threatening to overtake your face, something you always did when you were feeling flustered over something. Chuckling the man’s teasing words off, you looked at the other two.
“Where's Yunho?” You asked, trying to steer the conversation away from your state. 
“He went to meet with the sheriff. Talk about some things with him.” Jongho answered.
You hummed, eyes drifting away from them. They all shared a glance with each other, but Jongho had already noticed your ticks when it came to certain things. You were holding back from asking what you wanted. He once again thought you were scared of them which seemed to bother him. 
He couldn’t remember the last time any of them spent talking with people that wasn’t their own group. Most often Hongjoong would just scold them for even thinking they could befriend citizens or even other gang members. His captain had issues when it came to trusting people but that didn’t hinder them from trying to form bonds. 
It was hard to find people with common interests, at least ones who won’t rob you blind in the dead of night. Nobody was as open minded as they cared to say. It wasn’t the right era for them to live among people who saw them as heroes. 
However, you didn’t seem to mind. At least not with the way you would speak to all of them. You already knew the bluntness of the problem. They were criminals in the eyes of the community but you didn’t treat them any differently. And if Jongho could say, you did change your demeanor much more after learning the way they actually worked as a gang. 
So thinking that you were still scared of saying the wrong thing bother him to no end.
“You know. You keep saying you're not very good at hiding your emotions and I can see it now.” The younger male told you.
“I never said I was trying to keep them hidden.” You retorted.
“Why don't you ask what you want to then?” Jongho had started to lean over the bar, getting closer to you. 
“Would you give answers if I asked them?” You immediately said.
“Not fully.” Soenghwa spoke up from your side. “You're not normal.” He added. 
“So I've been told my whole life.” You smiled sarcastically. “You're a group of outlaws and criminals in the eyes of the public. You're not going to just give up everything to a person you just met.”
Your statement made Jongho sit up straight in his seat. His shoulders lost their tension learning that it wasn’t because you were scared of them. Though thinking over your words he noticed you were so much different than what he thought of. You were open minded sure, but you were also smart with the decisions you made. 
“You're very understanding. It's frightening how well you know what to say to others.” Yeosang said.
“I didn't have many friends. I don't go out often.” You shrugged, a frown on your face. “All that time I have is spent dreaming up things no one else would. Besides, I've lived long enough to know that gangs are not people you want to be friends with.”
“And yet here you are.” Seonghwa spoke up.
“Well we've all established that I'm not like others.” You went back to your chores, rearranging the bottles of liquor on the shelves. 
They all shared a look with one another once more. It was obvious they had never come across someone like you. They have expressed on multiple occasions that the way you acted was not something they found to be a nuisance. They liked your spirit, much more than they have ever liked anyone else's. There were a lot of people out there who had your spunk but when the time came down to it were they really going to spend the time to get to know them?
Who knows how many rejections each one of them have had when it came to friendships. Don’t even bother to think about a relationship. They had only each other to lean on for a long while. The past couple of years were not easy for them, far from it. You felt like a breath of fresh air to them. It gave them hope that one day others would see them as people who were just trying to fit in the world. 
“Tomorrow.” Yeosang called. 
“What about it?” You asked, turning to him.
“We'll take you to meet the others.” Seonghwa told you. “You're too perfect to not let them know you.”
Aside from the happy smile that grew on your face at knowing you were going to see the others, a blush bloomed as well. The way he had called you perfect made your heart skip a beat. There weren’t many people who would compliment you in such a way. You had your admirers who would come by and say you had the beauty of a goddess but oftentimes ended up retracting their offers of going out when you opened your mouth. You never really made it out of the talking phase with men. 
Hearing someone like Seonghwa call you perfect really made your heart soar and your stomach to squeeze with butterflies. It was something you weren’t used to but also something you wanted to hear more of. Not that you would ever tell them. 
 You scrunched up your nose when you heard Jongho laugh. 
“She's blushing.” Yeosang pushed himself off the bar, moving to stand closer to you to see your red face.
“I'll be damned. Pretty girl, likes compliments.” Seonghwa laughed, his hands moving to hold your cheeks.
“Seonghwa!” You scolded, moving your face away when the man cooed at you.
“Write that down, Jongho.” Yeosang laughed, causing the deputy to chuckle as he watched you become even more flustered. 
“I have work to do.” You could hear their laughs as you stormed away.
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@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred
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