#I now want that kinda crackfic
amynchan · 2 years
One time, I was talking with my friend about her upcoming wedding and about all the fun things she and her fiancé had to figure out for said wedding, and she talked about the officiator, and I joked and said "Just let me do it!"
And guys. She didn't realize I was joking, but that's how I ended up getting ordained in 15 minutes and writing and scripting a whole wedding a few months later. The morning of the wedding.
I want to know which character would put themselves in this chaotic position and who the fortunate coupe would be. XD
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a-casual-egg · 4 months
I think one of the silliest oxventure (lowkey crack)ships I can think of is Cthulhu x La Vache Mauve. Two big bosses that are essentially opposites and both single parents. I feel like it would be enemies to business partners/uneasy alliance to friends to lovers.
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Accidental Targ
Scene II: he kinda looks like my ex boyfriend | Masterlist
Daemon Targaryen x Modern!Reader
Summary: After coming to terms with the fact you were in King's Landing some two thousand years before your birth, you get reunited with your friend and try to manifest your way back to the present. For the meantime, Harwin Strong is your bodyguard.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: fem!reader, time travel au, descriptions of reader's hair, incestuous gremlin!daemon, generally gross!daemon, harwin 'big daddy' strong, crackfic, typos, etc.
A/N: Following the events of our mighty poll 😁😁😁😁 im excited to say what won was was always my intention and im glad you lovely readers have synced with me on it BWHWAHA sorrows sorrows prayers
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"Fucking Seven," I sigh and gather my thick skirts, running up to the blue haired girl. The servant who escorted her promptly curtsies then walks away. I release the fabrics to grasp her face. I sigh in relief, "thank the gods you're here, Libby."
"What the fuck are you wearing?" she asks groggily, eyeing my dress.
I shake my head, "fuck, shit, I mean Lilibet."
"And how did you braid your hai-" Libby speaks the same time as me before freezing and raising a finger, "fuck you."
I growl and grab her hand, "no, no, no. Listen to me," I push her hand down, "you remember running through that damned arch?"
Libby wrangles out of my clutch and rather exasperatedly glares at me, "what?"
I release a shudder then grab her face again, "listen to me, Libby!" I sigh, "remember that stupid urban legend?"
Libby's face contorts as she groans. She pushes my hands off her à la 5-year-old tantrum; her blue hair, in turn, flies to her face.
"We crossed that arch," I grab her arms, "and now we're in fucking first century Westeros, Libby," I hiss, pulling her to the bed, "which is why I have to call you Lilibet-"
"Fuck you."
"-and you have to change and cover your hair," I release her to grab the clothing on the sheets, shoving them into her chest.
"What ABOUT my hair!"
I shake my head, "it's a dead giveaw-"
"You're closer to dead. You look like a fucking grandma and you have problems with my hair?!" Libby throws the clothes back on the bed, "listen, I know I got wasted and shit, and I'm sorry, but if you want me to cosplay as a peasant, just say that and get me coffee, please-"
Libby's ear's ring, "bitch, the fu-"
"THERE IS NO COFFEE!" I grab her arms and shake her, "we're being held hostage by Daemon Targaryen and this hair," I manically point to my head, "is our fucking lifeline!"
Libby's face pinches, the initial grogginess in her expression is expelled, "Ok, calm your tits, YN-wannabe. I told you reading fics of him would fuck with your head. Imagine reading fics about King fucking Charles-"
"IT'S NOT A FANFIC!" I pinch my fingers together, "THIS IS NOT A FANFIC! I AM telling you we fucking crossed that arch and now we're FUCKING-"
My words cease when a creaking sound of the heavy door fills the room. The both of us turn to the door as it opens. My heart begin to race.
Lo and behold, Daemon Targaryen walks in, one hand on his hilt, eyes looking us both up and down. Libby shifts in her spot as Daemon approaches. Her demeanor immediately changes when she sees him. She straightens up and pushes her hair back, dusting off her hot pink top. Aint no way.
"Do I look good?" Libby mutters to me before Daemon is in front of us. My eyes blow wide and my jaw slacks. Be so fucking for real. She fixes her radioactive blue hair and my upper lip curls in disgust and annoyance.
Libby and Daemon lock gazes; the former smirks, "hey, cutie pie."
I slap my hand to my face. The sound reverberates in the room.
"What is a cutie pie?" Daemon asks stoically.
Libby leans on one leg, "you."
"Seven fucking hells," I quip, roughly dragging my palm down my skin.
Daemon turns to me before tilting his head. He mirrors Libby's stance and his lips faintly curve upward, "in this era, girl, pies are food. What would I have in common with a type of pie?"
Libby lets out an airy chuckle, "you ren fair boys really like roleplay, huh?"
Daemon raises a brow, "I assure you, nothing about me is boyish."
Libby bites her lip and claws the air, "rawr."
I am unable to mask the sound I make. Daemon pulls his head back at Libby's actions.
I grit my teeth and grab her arm; she shakes me off, making sure to giggle as she does this. Daemon chuckles as he turns to me, "I see why you are keen on keeping her."
"You can keep me if you like," she blurts, stepping in front of me to garner his attention. Daemon steps back.
I grab Libby's arm again. This time, with much force that the ends of my hair whip around. I whisper-yell, "you do know that is Daemon Targaryen, right?"
Libby barely turns to me as she mutters, "what?"
"You're flirting with the Daemon Targaryen," I sneer, "first of his name," I lean in and whisper, "manwhore."
Libby looks at me from over her shoulder to me then back to Daemon, "ahhhh. A cosplayer."
"Libby, I swear to g-"
"It's pretty good," she crosses her arms then points, "is that a wig or hair dye?"
Daemon furrows his brows, face contorting at her words.
My eyes widen and suddenly the silver hair on my scalp itches like it doesn't belong to me. Well, see-- it doesn't! Not in a way that counts to the incestuous gremlin!
From the way his composure tightens, I could tell he was no longer amused. I yank Libby back, shooting her a glare, "literally shut the fuck up."
She scowls at my pressed tone, "what? I was just asking-"
"Hair dye?" Daemon blurts way too loud, shutting us both up.
We turn to him as he looks between us. He tilts his head and adjusts his grip on his sword. He straightens his posture. In that moment, his expression was changed dramatically. He reaches out for Libby's hair, inspecting it in his hand. His violet eyes dart to hers, "so, your hair is blue because of dye?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck.
I grab Libby's hand before she can think of saying some bullshit. She does not move a muscle as I squeeze her palm.
Daemon raises his brows impatiently.
"What?" she mumbles.
I clench my jaw at her ditzy response.
Daemon narrows his eyes, "are you so dimwitted not to understand me the first time?
Fucking fuck. A shiver runs down my spine. Libby raises her brows and turns to me as I stare at Daemon. I blurt, "it is a right of passage for her family."
Daemon eyes me hotly.
I release Libby's hand and scramble to the bed where my clothes were folded into a small sack. I go through my things and pull out my phone, opening my gallery, showing Daemon a photo of Libby and our friends with bright colored hair. I lie, "these are her cousins."
Daemon pulls his head back at the sight of the photo on my phone; it was the exact reaction he had when I showed him a screenshot of the maps of this very place.
Libby blinks rapidly as Daemon comes to my side. The man basically breathes down my neck as he looks a the screen like a boomer. He narrows his eyes and pulls back his chin.
I point to Sandra, who had pink hair, "they do this to... commemorate the war-- of their people."
Daemon looks at Libby again, seemingly expecting more of an explanation. I look at Daemon and begin to panic at the aloof expression Libby held. I place my hand on his arm and rub it gently. Thankfully, he's still a simple man and it seems to diffuse his unbelieving demeanor, "it's hard for her to talk about. It was a war over dye and trading. A lot of her family... were casualties."
Fuck. WELL, real wars have been fought for WAAAY less.
Daemon turns to me, "I find it hard to believe such traditions exist two thousand years from now."
"And yet," I wave my phone, "you could not also believe you were listening to music with me moments ago."
He hums and turns back to Libby. He nods, "well, have her dress," he turns back to me, "I want to break fast with you before the tourney, dragonling."
I nod rapidly. Daemon gives a smile and heads for the door, "you remember your way to the solar?"
"I do."
He eyes Libby as he walks off then turns to me, "very good."
The moment the door closes, Libby explodes, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!
"WE'RE IN FUCKING FIRST CENTURY WESTEROS," I whisper-yell, "now keep your voice down, you stupid fucking bitch, and change!"
It took me explaining everything that happened in detail as she got in her dress AND getting lost in the fucking castle then actually finding our way to the solar for Libby to believe I wasn't playing the most elaborate prank on her.
And when we got there, a servant informed us that the prince had been summoned by the king and that we should eat by ourselves.
Libby and I sit across each other. We decide to forfeit the fact the food could be poisoned because we were way too hungry not too eat. This blue haired rat, however, couldn't fucking stop saying the food could use salt and pepper. We were mortified when a servant came to us with a mortar of just that.
Before we could even say thank you, she runs off.
I snap at Libby, who scratches her headscarf for the nth time, "do you fucking understand you're a terrifying aristocrat right now?!"
"I'M SORRY!" Libby makes a repentant expression.
"You should be!"
"It's just that everything is fucking boiled and-"
The sound of the door opening ends Libby's yapping. We both snap to see who was entering.
In walks the dark haired man from the night before. Gold cloak, armor, and all. He steps in front of us and bows, "good morn."
"Hubba hubba," Libby tucks imaginary hair behind her ear.
"Fucking," I snap to her, "stop."
I look back at the man trying to remember his name, I can't seem to.
"Wait! Is this the madly good looking guard you were talking about?!" Libby speaks WAY to loud for a conversation between two people across each other.
The man makes a sound as he wipes his lips. My eyes widen and I sink in my chair.
"You clearly have a type," Libby mutters as she unabashedly eyes him. He is undeterred. She tilts her head, "he looks like your ex."
I snap back at her, "w h a t?"
"Or I mean he would look like him," she points her thumb, "if he wasn't so whiny, short, and pathetic," Libby turns to me.
"He literally looks nothing like Jon."
"He does!" she leans in, "dark curls, thick brows!"
I shove a bread roll into her mouth.
"Prince Daemon tasked me to be your chaperone for the day," he says, clutching his hand in front of him.
"I've always wanted a hot bodyguard," Libby smiles and leans back on her chair, "well, don't just stand there," she beckons him, "come join us for breakfast."
I pretend to fix my silver hair as I clear my throat, "breaking fast."
"Breaking fast," Libby corrects with a grin, "and what was your name again, pretty boy?"
I groan as I shove a bread roll into my mouth.
"Harwin Strong, my lady," Harwin mutters with another respectful nod, turning to me, "and please, forgive me for last night's encounter, Lady Gryffindor."
Libby titters and slaps her hand on her mouth.
"If I came off as impertinent or-"
"No, please, sir Strong," I raise a hand to him, "you were doing your job-- I mean your duty. Nothing needs to be forgiven."
"By the way," Libby raises a finger, "I'm Lady Hufflepuff and I would love it if you sat down next to me."
Harwin turns to Libby and I resist the urge to facepalm. My face twitches and I watch as Harwin shifts in his spot. I blurt, "you can call her Lilibet."
"Fuck you," Libby snaps.
I snap back, "well, that is your name, is it not?"
"I'm not entering my nun era."
I make a throaty sound and grab a goblet, "clearly," I take a sip, "but with that getup-"
"Hey!" Libby bangs on the table, "you're the one who made my cunt levels drop with this milkmaid outfit."
Harwin begins to cough.
"What? Like I chose that for you?"
"No," she props her elbow on the table, "but Daemon gave you a city girl-"
"Prince Daemon."
"-outfit and he made me look like your ugly handmaiden."
"Again," I brush my platinum hair out of my face, "that wasn't my choice, Lilibet."
"My ladies-" Harwin interjects, making us both turn to him. He clears his throat and offers pinched smile, "I am honored by the invitation, but I will stand watch out-"
"Oh, don't be rude and just sit down already," Libby presses with a playful look, "there's way more food than the two of us can eat."
And though she was correct, I kick her underneath the table.
Libby yelps and eyes me. I dodge her when she kicks me back.
"I don't think it appropri-"
"Nonsense!" Libby calls, turning back to Harwin as she fails to kick me again, "please, just join us."
"LILIBET!" I whisper-yell.
"UGH!" she turns to me with disgust and whisper-yells back, "stop fucking calling-"
"You do know he could literally be like your great-great-great-great-"
She raises a hand and cuts me off with a guttural groan, "oh miss me with that bullshit! You're LITERALLY a Targaryen!"
"I will wait outside," the man calls, making us turn to him.
Harwin walks off and Libby raises the bowl of bread rolls, "THE BREAD ROLLS ARE ACTUALLY REALLY NICE THOUGH!"
I wipe my face, "Libby, we're going to fucking die."
"Not before I try myself some Harwin Strong."
"I'M SAT!"
When we finished eating, Harwin escorted us to the arena to watch the tourney.
"Are you married, Harwin? Can I call you Harwin?" Libby asks.
I shoot her a look, "Lilibet."
Libby ignores me. The man we were following keeps walking, not bothering to look back at us, "you may call me whatever you like, my lady."
Libby and I turn to each other with a gasp. No, cause why he playing like that?
"And I am not married," he looks over his shoulder, eyes locking with mine momentarily.
Libby's jaw drops and begins to shake me. She mutters loudly under her breath, "bitch. why he looking at you, and not at me?"
"Probably because you're fucking stupid!" I retort quickly in the same manner, unable to mask my giddy tone.
Harwin clears his throat again as he looks front. Neither of us catch this.
"Libby, be so fucking real though," I grab her arm and whisper, "that's someone's grandpa."
"Yeah, well, today, he's my daddy," she mumbles then bites her lips, as if it could minimize her grin.
Harwin makes a face and whispers under his breath, "daddy?"
When we get to the arena, the sound of the cheering crowds make both of us excited, up until someone screamed in terror and the crowds continued cheering anyway. Harwin gave us spots quite near the front, and the sight of the horses and their long-ass sticks left me feeling uneasy.
Libby shoves into me as she points to the far right. I, in turn, collide into Harwin's bulky armor. Before I can apologize for it, she squeals, "LOOK, IT'S DAEMON!"
"Libby, he's the prince!"
"TAKE A PHOTO! He looks so good!"
I give her a look as I straighten up, "girl, shut the fuck up."
Without another thought, she pulls out her phone from her bosom and wipes the moisture off the screen.
Harwin looks away, eyes wide, pretending he did not just see that happen.
"Stop it! You have no idea how bad this could-"
"Oh, shut up, you showed Daemon your phone!" Libby makes a face.
"Shush," she opens her camera and begins to take photos of Daemon. She shouts his name along with the other spectators and I beg her to at least call him prince.
"What is that contraption," Harwin asks, eyes glued on Libby's cracked screen.
I turn to Harwin, to Libby's phone, back to him, "it's, err... an image capturing... box."
Harwin nods at me though his face is visibly confused. He furrows his brows as Libby switches to front cam and puckers her lips out, "SAY CHEESE, DADDY!"
The color in Harwin's face drains when he sees himself on the screen. I clutch his arm and give him a look, "it's okay. It's not dangerous."
"Will it capture my image?" he mutters and covers his face. He mutters under his breath, "I'd like to keep my face."
Fuck. "N-not like that. It's... it's not black magic."
All the while, Libby is pressing the buttons on her phone, rapidly taking photos no one asked for.
A few people around us begin to mutter to themselves. I find myself looking over my shoulder, catching a bunch of men staring right at us. I eye Libby, nonverbally telling her to quit it. She gives me a look and snaps a few more pics of Daemon before shoving her phone back in her cleavage.
I release a breath when she does, that, and ser Harwin's arm that I did not realize I was still latched on to. I offer a look, "sor- apologies."
He nods, "all is well, my Lady."
And yeah sure, maybe it was. Maybe all was well. Daemon was winning the tournament-- or tourney, I guess; I have no idea what the difference was. I mean I could barely watch because they were fucking gladiator-ing each other, but I knew he was winning because after every crash, came a trumpet and the announcement of it.
So yeah. Maybe it was fine then, in its own sick way, but then Libby pulled me by the arm and said, "I have to take a shit."
She gives me a look, "I need to take a shit."
"Libby," my eyes widen.
"I know!" she grabs my shoulders as the crowd cheers over whatever barbaric brawl was happening this time, "you think I want to know what their loos look like?" she shakes me, "am I going to have to shit in a river?"
I wipe my face and turn over to Harwin. His eyes turn from the match to me when I pull at his cloak, "mmm.... Lilibet has to... ... to poop."
Libby slaps my arm. I turn to her, frazzled. She hisses, "he doesn't know what poop is."
"You think I don't know that?!"
"I beg your pardon, my lady?" Harwin shifts to us, his thick brows knitting.
"Yeah, one second," I raise a finger at him, looking back at Libby, "I don't fucking remember the word."
Libby sighs, "Just tell him I need to sh- I NEED TO SH-"
I slap my hand on her mouth, "QUIT IT!"
Libby pushes my hand off, "WHAT?!"
"NO, THERE'S A TERM THAT THEY USE! Think about it! Have you never watched a BBC period drama?!"
"HARWIN," Libby shoves me to the side and grabs the man, "I HAVE TO SHIT."
Seven father fucking hells. I dig my fingers into the roots of my light hair and to Harwin, whose lips part and brows furrow. He nods, "I will lead you to the privy," he turns to me, "stay here in the meantime."
We both nod. Libby walks to Harwin's and makes a face at me, "they call it a privy on the BBC, do they? Sounds like an office."
"Libby- Just- if push comes to shove, tell him you'll shit in the river."
Libby groans as Harwin leads her off. She shoots me a glare, "I am not shitting in a river with Harwin watching!"
I shriek in shock when there is a loud crashing sound. My hands dart to my ears just as the crowd roars. A loud voice announces the victory of Prince Daemon from House Targaryen.
I drag my hands down my cheek and clutch my chest.
I dare to look at the casualties on the playing grounds, but to my horror, I see something far worse. Daemon's horse is galloping over to me. He rips his helmet off, tosses it, and sighs through a grin. He points his stick to me and loudly calls, "might a fair woman like you reward me something sweet?"
My eyes widen and I feel the entire stadium turn to me. My heart races and my jaw loosens inch by inch.
Daemon shoves his stick to the side and reaches his arms out to me, "a kiss perhaps?"
Rat, I wasn't even watching you play. Why should I reward you for winning a game I didn't watch?
I cannot help the sound that leaves me when the other audience members begin to spur me on and nudge me. Fuck. I hate peer pressure. I walk towards the railing and eye Daemon as if I had laser vision.
"I CANNOT REACH YOU!" I scream back, momentarily shocked by the ferocity and fury of my voice. I gulp and clear my throat, rubbing my neck that I would so like to keep. I raise my hands, "I must then stay here!"
Daemon, face shining with sweat, colored with dirt and blood, beams as he looks up. He chuckles and dismounts his steed. He walks closer to me and begins to remove his armor, "then come down to me, woman!"
The crowd loses it. The women around me scream that I should come down to him.
Maybe if I jump head first, I'll be done with all this bother.
Fuck, but then Libby would be all alone.
I groan under my breath, "fucking Libby. This is all her fucking fault!"
I look back at Daemon, who had two men helping him out of his armor at this point. His eyes are on me; they probably didn't leave. His lips are curved higher, "fear not," he smirks deeper, "did I swear to protect you?"
The crowd is feral. I glance around the place. Isn't the fucking king right there?!
"No!" I look down at him and shake my head, "you swore not to harm us!"
Daemon laughs, "is there a difference?"
"YES!" I blurt, eyes wide.
Daemon stands alone bellow me, free of his upper body armor. He raises his hands up to me, "then believe me when I say you will not be harmed when you jump."
"Oh gods," I grip the railing and screw my eyes shut, "I fucking hate this man."
"Will you make all of King's Landing wait days for you, girl?"
I growl as the people around me continue to pressure me to jump. Had there not been people around, maybe I would have spit at him. And yet - I climb the railing - I am nothing against peer pressure.
Daemon steps forward, arms higher, laugh louder.
The stadium gasps while heart leaps into my mouth when I let go of the railing and drop straight down. The collision is just as messy as I had dreaded it to be and the next thing I know, I've smack dabbed atop the fucking prince of the realm, crushing into the fucking dirt. So much for catching me.
Yet somehow, Daemon manages to let out giggles while the crowd cheers. His arms tighten around me as I push myself up on his chest, "my," he blows silver hair out of his face, "I didn't actually think you'd do it."
"Fuck you," I snap and shove myself off him.
I don't even know where I'm even going, but I storm off anyway, feeling like the biggest idiot in the known galaxy.
But of course, Daemon is quick to get up and grab my arm. He speaks some High Valyrian bullshit, but I care little for it and pry my limb out of his clutch.
It seemed that was the wrong course of action though, cause the next thing I knew, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. The audience flourishes over the way he took me like a piece of meat.
I fucking hate it here.
Make no mistake, I did my due diligence and tried to wrangle out of his grip. But he was pumped with far too much adrenaline, and his inflated ego would not let him let me go.
Eventually, I got tired and just let it happen. The moment he put me down when we arrived at his chambers though, I shoved him off and distanced myself as much as I could, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Daemon responds in High Valyrian, which effectively pisses me off more.
"I don't have TIME to decode your dragon-heir bullshit, so quit it! I am not a toy!"
Daemon chuckles as he takes a towel and wipes his face, "no?"
"Look," I snap, "I know you're, like, touch deprived and emotionally constipated," I stretch my arm out, "I mean, your family-- our family is a fucking wreath, so you're bound to be fucked up in the head, but please," I press my palms together, "PLEASE just be normal until the end of the day, Dae- Prince Daemon."
Daemon laughs as I go off on him. He watches me for a moment, throws the towel to his bed, and tilts his head.
My chest heaves as we stare at each other. Instead of relaxing, I begin to grow more tense with every passing second. I take a deep breath, but it does nothing for my nerves when Daemon walks forward.
"The truth in the matter is," he raises a hand, "you need me."
My stomach drops when he yanks me by the waist. His violet eyes dart down to my heaving chest. He places his one hand on my collarbone, "shhh."
The feel of him pressing onto my flesh does the exact opposite of what he wants. But no-- with how the corner of his mouth curves upward, I think it's actually the exact reaction he wanted.
When I try to push him off, he pulls me tighter into him and repeats, "you need me."
My nostrils flare but I stop repelling him.
"You need me," he lifts his gaze, "but I don't. I want you, but you need me."
I clench my jaw tightly. I am unable to contain my flinch when his hand strokes my side. He continues, "you need me to open the gate for you and your friend come midnight, do you not?"
I turn away from him.
He nudges me and asks louder, "do you not?"
"Yes," I whimper as I shut my eyes.
He hums, "then," he takes my chin in his fingers, "you'll be what I want, riñītsos." Little girl. He raises his brows. "If say you are a toy, then you say, 'yes, my prince'. If I say you are a rug, then I expect you under my heel. If I say you are my dog, then you ought to bark," he releases my chin, "now, bark, my sweet."
I glare at him, "if you want a dog, I suggest you go up North." I push him by his chest.
He laughs. He grabs my arms and pushes me back. I panic when I fumble on my feet and find myself pressed against a wall. "You're right, riñītsos. How wrong of me to liken dragon fire to dog breath."
I gasp when my back hits the wall.
"A shame," he tucks my silver hair behind my ear, "your parents did not give you violet eyes."
I am frozen in my spot when his lips brush against mine. My breath hitches when he simultaneously presses me back with his chest and pulls me forward with his hands.
I don't kiss him back. My brain was in a glitch. He doesn't seem to mind and feasts on my lips. The moment I have the wits to move, he pulls away and whispers, "worry not," he kisses my jaw, "I'll give your babes violet eyes."
Hearing that really snapped me out of my trance.
I finally turn away from him. It does not deter him though, and he makes due with kissing my neck. He moans against me, "you smell divine."
"I-it's called," I push him back, "personal hygiene."
He snakes his arms around me, "you were sent to me by the gods."
"I travelled here by accident!"
"And I plan to make good of this happy accident."
I fight him off when he claws my skirt up. I weigh my chances with screaming and with talking sense into him. I ponder of telling him my vagina is cursed, but then I think he'd be into that.
"Don't fight it," Daemon grabs my wrists, "I will quench the fires of the Targaryen blood in you that calls out to me."
"My blood does not call out to you!" I whimper.
"You may be Gryffindor by name, but you will be a Targaryen once I am done with you."
And then the doors slam open. "Your grace!"
"Harwin," I call out to the man that burst in.
Daemon growls and but does not pull away or turn, "I'm busy."
"It's Lady Hufflepuff," Harwin speaks through strained breath.
My stomach drops, "wait!" I push Daemon harder, "what happened to Libby?"
Daemon finally looks over his shoulder with annoyance, "what happened?"
Harwin takes a moment to respond. The dread that courses through me makes me strong enough to shove Daemon off. He grunts as I do so. I walk over to the dark haired man, "Harwin."
He clenches his jaw and turns to his feet, "I took her to the privy. She said she was having... trouble using it and that I should call a servant to help. So... I fetched a servant, but when I returned," he clears his throat, "she was gone."
I bring my hand to my mouth.
Daemon walks up behind me, "you lost a woman in King's Landing, Strong?"
"I- I did not think much of it at first," Harwin turns to Daemon, "at first I thought she may have just finished and was playing a trick on me," he glances to me but looks away at once, "but then I saw her contraption on the ground-"
I gasp.
"And then I saw a shoe... and then her headscarf-"
"Dear gods, Libby," my voice strains.
"She was taken by a group of three men," Harwin speaks sternly, "I know not for, but they've since regret their decision."
"And Libby!" I jump and grab his arm, "where is she now?!"
Harwin feels guilt eat away at him when he catches my distraught expression. He turns to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "she's being attended to by the maesters in the ward-"
I dash to the door, intent on reaching her, though I had no idea where I was going.
"It's this way!" Daemon calls.
When I turn to see where he meant, he was already right behind me. He grabs my arm and leads me down the hall.
The moment we get to the ward, I run around and look for Libby. I am shocked solid in my place when I see the cot she is laid upon. My hands slap to my face upon catching her messy hair, dirty skin, and tattered clothes. Her waist was bound in bandages, but that didn't prevent the red to seep through from her side.
I drop to my knees and crawl all the way over to her. I yelp when I feel how cold her hands are. Hot tears burn down my cheek, "Libby, please!"
My breathing becomes more erratic.
"I've spoken to the maesters," Daemon's voice sounds from behind.
"Fucking tetanus, fucking bacterial shock-"
"They said she lost some blood but she will recov-"
"SHUT UP!" I snap and get to my feet, "YOU GET A FUCKING FEVER HERE AND YOU DIE!" I point an accusing finger, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!"
"ME?" Daemon snaps back, "that Strong fool was the one that took his eyes off her!"
"If you had just let us stay in your chambers like I begged you to-- but no! You wanted us to watch your stupid fucking game, you EGOTISTICAL BASTARD!"
He steps forward and barks back, "she still would have needed to go to the privy, you whining nitwit!"
"Why did they even take her?!" I whine.
Daemon does not respond.
"I do not contest that the fault is mine," another voice speaks.
Daemon and I turn to Harwin. His hands are linked in front of him, and only then do I realize they were bloody. More tears gush down my face when the man continues, "it was my duty to keep her-"
"It doesn't matter now, does it!?" I wail, waving my hands around. I fall back on my knees and turn to Libby. Her blue hair was stuck on her sweaty skin. And as I wiped her forehead, it felt like a rehash of last night, except worse. I sob, "nothing's gonna change the fact she got fucking stabbed."
Daemon looks from me to Harwin, "what of the men that took her?"
"I killed them."
My expression drops as I turn to Harwin.
The two stare at each other for a moment.
"Well, we can't question the dead, now can we," Daemon mutters, "feed their corpses to Caraxes."
"W-wait," I feel bile rise up my throat, "did- did you actually kill them?"
Harwin looks at me but doesn't respond. He walks off when Daemon orders him to get a chair. I turn to Daemon and whimper, "he didn't actually kill them... did he actually kill them?"
Daemon nods, "he did," and grabs my arms, "do not insult yourself by sitting on the floor."
For once, I do not fight him back. I let him bring me to my feet. The moment I'm stood before him, he takes my cheeks and wipes my tears.
I shake my head, "I have to take her back."
Daemon raises his brows, "you would dare to move her in such a state?"
"It's the only way she will survive," I mumble through trembling lips.
The prince looks at me for a moment. Harwin finally brings a chair. He places it beside us then stations himself by the door. Neither Daemon nor I make a move for the chair. The former asks, "and you think you can carry her all the way back?"
"Daemon," I grab his arms, "I just have to get her back. Once I'm there, it'll be half the work done."
Daemon releases a breath. He takes my silver locks and fondles with the ends, "and what if I do not want you to leave."
Fuck. "Please," I beg, "please. We both know I don't belong here."
I can see it clearly. It was so clear that those words meant nothing to him. It was talking to a brick wall. I sigh and wipe my face, "I'll do what you want. Whatever it is, I'll do, as long as you let us go by midnight."
Daemon narrows his eyes.
I muster up the most sincere expression I am capable of.
"You will give me whatever I want?"
I close my eyes and shake my head, "yes... my prince."
He does not respond. Daemon turns from me to Libby. He pulls away and calls, "Strong."
"Your grace," Harwin responds.
"She could manage on the back of an ass, could she not?"
Harwin thinks for a moment then nods, "she could."
"Then fetch me an ass," Daemon says. Harwin promptly complies.
Daemon doesn't make me do anything besides sit on his lap while we watched Libby for the rest of the night. I knew in my gut that was not what he wanted out of me, but he didn't say otherwise and I didn't bring it up. Soon enough, it was midnight and there I, Daemon, Harwin, and Libby, sat on a donkey, stood before the open gate of the castle.
Rather than thinking this was stupid and it wasn't going to fucking work, I prayed under my breath to the Seven that we be delivered from this nightmare.
But every time I felt tranquil, the donkey made a sound and I just knew it had to go. What the hell was I going to do with the donkey when I got back to the city anyway?
I clutch the satchel containing our things around my shoulders, "I'll carry her instead."
Daemon and Harwin turn to me and mutter at the same time, "what?"
"I don't want to be responsible for the donk- the animal when I get there."
"Just leave the ass behind," Daemon mutters, rather annoyed.
I grab Libby, who I was already keeping upright, and wrap her arms around my shoulders, "I can carry her."
"No, you can't," Daemon mutters.
Harwin adds, "you are not in the right mind to do this."
"Just," Daemon add, "set the beast free when-"
"I can't just let a donkey loose in King's Landing, Daemon!" I snap, "now please! Help me-"
The bells begin to ring.
I immediately panic.
A surge of adrenaline helps me gather Libby onto my back. "Fucking hell," I grunt and try to fix her on me.
Daemon shakes his hand, "here, let me-"
"I GOT IT!" I scream as the sound of the bell tolling makes my entire body burn with agitation.
I shift Libby on my back one last time and beeline to the gate.
Harwin and Daemon watch. It's impossible to tell which of them is more skeptic in the moment.
I begin to struggle and nearly trip on the annoying skirts hindering my feet. Harwin steps forward, "watch your step."
Daemon eyes him in annoyance, "how helpful."
"Fuck," I panic and begin to walk faster towards the gate, "fucking hell, it's not even that far!"
I reach the large, tunnel-like gate and can't help but close my eyes, afraid that if I could see where I was going, it wouldn't work.
Then SPLAT! I fall face down on the ground.
I scream and immediately roll Libby off me, uncaring that it hurt me, that it hurt her, and quickly get on my feet. I drag her corpse-like body across the expanse and cry as I do so.
I was manic. I was delirious. The sound of the echoing bells did not help the situation at all. I couldn't stop pleading to the gods as I tugged my best friend across the ground. I couldn't even open my eyes because I didn't think my prayers were heard.
"Enough!" a voice calls.
No. NO! That was fucking Daemon. GET THE FUCK AWAY!
I feel someone mess with Libby's body. I screech and refuse to let her go, "LET US GO, DAEMON!"
"NO!" I squeal, finally opening my eyes. I release Libby and lunge at Daemon when I spot him. We crumble to the ground. Once he's on his back, I begin to beat him. It unfortunately doesn't take long for him to overpower me.
"ENOUGH!" he barks, both my hands now trapped in his.
"LET US GO!" I cry.
Daemon shakes his head, "STOP IT!"
"WE'RE GOING BACK!" I try to punch my way out of his grip. It doesn't work.
"Look at me!" Daemon yells, "you dragged her through."
"Get off me!"
"You've done it!!"
I flinch when he shakes me.
"You did it!" Daemon exclaims as he sits up, hands cradling my shoulders, "we're in your time now."
I finally register his words. Daemon looks around, "when you said ruins, I expected an empty castle, not... ruins."
A gasp leaves me when I hear a loud roar from the sky. Daemon looks up when I do, and I calm down when I realize it was only an airplane.
"Was that a dragon?" Daemon asks.
"No," I pull away from him, "that's an-" wait. I stare at him. Daemon fucking Targaryen came back with me?
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May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
The Video - Part 2
Summary: You and Cody race to do damage control after his mistake.
Pairing: Commander Cody x reader
Warnings: Lots of mentions of a sex tape, excessive use of the word ass, men being gross (not clones though they're gentlemen...well...most of them), may give you secondhand embarrassment, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, feelings, okay it's mostly a crackfic more than anything else
A/N: Whatever aligned in the universe that allowed me to pump out 4k words today after a week of nothing, bless you. The long awaited sequel. I decided not to add in smut since it didn't really feel right. It's kinda serious with lots of jokes thrown in to lighten it up. Also a few hints at some...things, so...if you can figure those out then cookies for you!!
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You hit him with surprising strength. Maybe it was the anger burning through you, or perhaps it was the shock he had to be feeling that left him so vulnerable and allowed for you to force him into the supply closet rather easily. 
“What the fuck did you do?” You hiss at him under your breath as soon as the door closes. 
He’s standing there, wide eyed and lips parted as he tries to process what he had just seen. You’re angry. Beyond angry. It burns through you red hot, heating your entire body so much you feel like you’re standing next to an open fire. Shame also burns through you, fueling the fire. The entire GAR has seen parts of you that were meant to be kept private. Though it would be impossible for anyone to figure out it was you, the knowledge that likely even GAR command and the Generals have seen you naked by this point is enough to send you spiraling. 
“How the fuck did this happen, Cody?” You breathe, trying to calm yourself enough that you don’t punch the Marshal Commander standing in front of you. 
“I-I don’t know.” He says, running a hand through his hair, brows furrowing in stress. “I swear I dropped it into my private files.” 
“Well, you obviously didn’t!” You snap, not even feeling guilty when he flinches. “Now my bare ass is all over the GAR network.” 
“It’s a nice ass.” He shrugs. 
He nearly folds under your glare. You could probably scare the General with a look like that. 
“Fix this.” You grit out from between your teeth. 
He nods slowly, brain trying to get over the shock of what had happened and formulate a plan at the same time. “Right. I can access the GAR servers and delete the video. That will prevent anyone from accessing it and downloading it. Of course, if it’s already been downloaded, then that’s going to pose an issue.” 
“Yeah? Figure that out too.” You take a deep breath, holding it for a moment before you let it out. “I’m going to go do my job and when I’m done, that video better be history.” You command. 
He has half a mind to salute you, but you might actually hit him. 
You hate it. Every person you pass, clone or civilian, on the way from the barracks to the hangar is a reminder of what happened. They’ve likely all seen the video. You wouldn’t be surprised if it made it past the confines of the GAR and onto the holoweb for anyone in the galaxy to see.
You can just imagine the title it’s been bestowed with. 
“Hot chick bangs clone trooper.” 
“Human girl takes huge clone dick.” 
“Barrack bunny commands clone trooper in bed.” 
“Sexy civilian fucks the brain right out of a Marshal Commander causing him to accidentally upload their sex tape onto the GAR server.” 
You want to scream. You had screamed into your pillow before exiting the barracks. You could scream again. You could scream until you have no voice left. 
You curse hyperspace as you make your way into the hangar. If the ship had still been docked on Coruscant, you might have just packed your bag and deserted the army. Hidden out in the underworld until it was safe for you to emerge. If you emerged at all. Instead you’re stuck on this floating prison hurtling at light speed through hyperspace to its next battle with all of its inhabitants replaying your sex tape over and over. 
You really want to scream as you spot your fellow civilian mechanics all huddled around a datapad. You don’t have to approach to know what they’re watching. Everyone was watching it.
“Hey, have you seen the video?” One of your coworkers asks as you grab a different datapad. 
You fight the inner panic rising. You have to play this cool. Any strange behavior or answer might make them suspicious. “Yeah.” You answer, not looking up. “Who hasn’t?” 
“Kriff, I wish that were me.” Another one says. “She’s so hot!” 
Your hands tighten just a little around the datapad. Being forced into a room of people watching the video was hard enough. The commentary is going to make you snap. 
“Who do you think it is?” Your coworker asks as he leans his arm on your shoulder. 
“Don’t know.” You duck out from under him, nearly making him fall over. “All I’ve heard is it’s probably some barrack bunny.” Saying it nearly has your cheeks burning again. 
“Whoever she is, I’d like to know so I can hit her up, if you know what I mean.” He wiggles his eyebrows, the others all laughing. 
“We have work to do.” You snap, holding up the datapad in your hand. “We have inspections to do and not a lot of time to do them.” 
They all grumble, but they know you’re right. If you can’t get the inspection report to the Admiral in time, you’ll all have hell to pay. 
“You’re awful tense this morning.” Your coworker says as he follows you to the nearest gunship. 
“We have a lot to do before the boys can ship out.” You say. “And you’re sitting around watching porn.” 
“We’re just having fun.” He shrugs. 
“Have fun on shore leave.” You push the datapad into his chest a little too hard. “You’re on duty as soon as you step on this ship.” 
“Obviously not everyone agrees with that.” Another coworker says as he passes by, making everyone laugh. 
You’re fuming. You had thought you could play it cool, but you should have known better. You’re one of the few women on this ship, the others all being medics. Of course they wouldn’t care about some poor girl being broadcast across the GAR for anyone to see, regardless of who it was. 
You should have gone to medical school. 
“Aww man. It’s gone.” Someone complains. 
You step around a gunship out of sight, leaning against the side. You let out a quiet sigh of relief, the tenseness of your shoulders easing. At least Cody had managed that bit. 
“Don’t worry, I downloaded it.” 
The relief is gone.
“I know the food’s bad, but I don’t think glaring at it is going to change anything.” 
You nearly jump as a tray is placed next to yours. You look stressed, you know you do. You had barely managed to get through half of the day between your coworkers comments and the video constantly being replayed around you despite it being removed from the server. 
Waxer and Boil seat themselves on either side of you. Two clone troopers you were hoping to avoid. It wasn’t that you didn’t like them. You love Waxer and Boil. They never cease to make you laugh and you consider them your friends. But you know they’re going to want to talk about the video. The last thing you want to do right now is talk about the video. You’re at your limit, and you might do something stupid. 
“The General is calling a meeting later.” Waxer says. “I bet it’s about the video.” 
“I overheard Cody saying all the Legions are holding meetings to talk about it.” Boil says. “Probably gonna come up with some kind of punishment for watching it on duty.” 
Good. You think. At least that way you could avoid it during the work day. Of course, you’ll have to avoid common areas for a while.
“We’ve got a plan, though.” Boil continues. 
Your breath catches in your lungs. Your hand tightens around your fork, the lumps of “food” on your tray looking even less appetizing than they had moments ago. 
“We’re going to figure out who it is.” Waxer says, leaning in close. “We’ve already got some headway in our quest.” 
You take a sip of your drink, wishing it was something much stronger. “Like what?” You ask, cursing the way your voice shakes. 
Boil pulls out a datapad, setting it up right in front of you so all three of you can see. You wish you could be anywhere but here right now he pulls up screenshots of the video. Thankfully they’re zoomed in, any shots of your body, or Cody’s are unrecognizable and blurry. 
Boil flips through screenshot after screenshot. “It’s definitely a commander, whoever it was.” He says. “These are commander's quarters on a starship. And it’s definitely a clone.” He says, flipping through very zoomed in shots of Cody’s lower body. 
“Too bad she’s human. Would have been really easy to figure out who it was if she wasn’t.” Waxer says, wiggling his brows. 
You know what they’re implying. They probably deserve a reprimand for even suggesting it, for speaking about a General and a commander in that way, but you don’t have it in you to scold them. Besides, it’s not exactly a secret that rumors float around about the 327th. 
You can’t say much, you’re fucking a Marshal Commander of the GAR. Well, you were. 
Cody will be lucky if you let him within breathing distance of you ever again. 
“We’re looking at any possible identifying marks on either of them.” Waxer says. “We may be clones, but we do have subtle differences.” 
“Besides, I’m not likely to forget a body like that.” Boil says, whistling lowly as he flips to a screenshot of you on your stomach, the curves of your body very visible from the angle.
You wore your loosest fitting uniform today for that very reason. One less chance of someone staring at you just a little too hard, in the video and in person. 
You just hope Waxer and Boil don’t have that kind of intimate knowledge of Cody’s anatomy. 
“So, what do you say?” Boil asks, pulling you from your thoughts. “You in?” 
You blink at him for a moment. “Oh, uh, I’m kind of busy right now. Inspections and stuff, you know.” You stand, not having touched your food but you haven’t had much of an appetite all day. “But, uh, let me know if you do figure it out?” 
You’d know if they did really figure it out regardless. 
You want to cry. You feel like you might as you enter your barracks. The medics are on break, their last moment to get some rest before the guys ship out tomorrow and they begin a long stretch of treating injuries. 
Naturally, they’re all discussing the video. 
Sitting through the meeting with the entirety of the population on The Negotiator had almost been unbearable. You had been squished between Waxer and Boil and their quiet discussion of their investigation hadn’t helped any. They weren’t much closer to figuring out who it was in the video, but they were determined. 
You’re not sure you’ve seen them so determined about anything since the last prank they pulled on Cody. 
You had been able to see Cody from where you were sitting. He had been cool and collected as always, nothing to give any hint at his involvement in the situation. Nothing to hint he was the reason they were having it in the first place. 
You wished you could have that much composure. 
Listening to the General and the Admiral discuss the situation and the video had felt almost demeaning. The shame that had coursed through you was enough to send your head spinning. You had feigned exhaustion, glad it was Boil next to you as you leaned against him for support. 
At least they had banned it from being played on duty or in any common areas. 
The GAR was calling for all datapads to be wiped as well, to remove any downloads or copies of the video that might slip through the cracks. That would have to wait until after the campaign, though. 
You silently thank Cody. As mad as you were at him, he was at least trying to rectify this. You’re not sure you’ll be able to forgive him, or trust him with something like this again, but he was trying. 
“It’s demeaning, just standing around watching things like that.” One of the medics says as you sink down on your thin mattress. It’s far from comfortable, but right now, you’d take anything. 
You’re exhausted from the stress of the day. It feels like it’s been a week, not a few hours since Cody’s mistake. It almost feels surreal now that your homemade sex tape found its way onto the GAR server for anyone to see. For all of the GAR to see. They had seen, even the higher ups. Even the Jedi. 
You lay yourself out, covering your face with the pillow. You wish you could disappear, that some portal might open under your bed and swallow you whole. 
“I can only imagine how your day went.” Your bunk mate says, squeezing your leg. “Alone with all those men in the hangar.” 
“It was nonstop.” You say, lifting the pillow just enough that your words are audible. “All day. Playing it, talking about it.” 
“At least they’re banning it from work spaces.” She says, climbing onto the bunk. “If I have to hear it one more time I’m going to smash all the datapads on this ship.” 
“Whoever she is, she’s one lucky girl.” Someone else says. 
Calls of agreement ring out around the barracks. 
“What I wouldn’t give to bag just one of them, and there’s some lucky lady out there with a commander totally in love with her.” She sighs, dropping dramatically on her bed. 
“How do you know they’re in love?” You ask, removing the pillow from your face. 
“Just by the way they interact.” The girl on the bunk beside yours says. “The way he touches her, the way he moves. He’s down bad for her.” 
You try to keep your cheeks from warming once again. Is Cody in love with you? You had never teased the idea. What you two had was purely physical, good fun and stress release. Nothing more. Or...was it? Even in your roughest, most desperate moments there was a tenderness to Cody when it came to you. You should feel at least a little proud that you made the pinnacle of control that was Marshal Commander Cody so pussy drunk he messed up in the worst way possible, but was there more to it? 
Is Cody in love with you? 
You’re half asleep at breakfast. The campaign will begin in a matter of hours. It will be quiet for a while for you at the start before the calls start coming in. Ships coming back for emergency servicing, requests for more ammo, more supplies, more ships, more troops. You’d be in the heat of it in the hangar, and the chances you’d get to rest over the next few weeks were going to be few and far between. 
So were your chances to see Cody. 
You jump as trays hit the table next to you, blinking away the bleariness as you glance between Waxer and Boil. They’re both grinning, mischievous glints in your eyes. You’ve gone the whole two hours you’ve been up without thinking about the video, too tired to put much thought into it, but now...now you’re worried. 
Had they figured it out somehow? 
Waxer sets a datapad in a familiar spot in front of you at the table. He pulls up a screenshot from the video, obviously not deterred by the new rules about having the video in common areas. 
“Look.” Waxer says, pointing to a very blurry, zoomed in screenshot of the side of Cody’s ass. “There’s a mark right there.” 
You squint at the blurry dark spot. You wipe the screen to make sure it’s not something stuck, but it’s not. There is, in fact, a small dark spot on Cody’s ass. You’ve never noticed it before. 
“Okay?” You say, staring at the screen still. 
“I don’t have one of those.” Waxer says. 
“Neither do I. We checked.” Boil continues. “We checked with a few others too. So whoever this is, has a unique spot right on his ass.” 
“And...what do you plan to do with this information?” You ask, looking between them. “Ask every clone commander in the GAR to pull down his pants so you can check for a spot on his ass cheek?” 
Waxer rests his chin on his hand, brows furrowing. “That is going to be a complication.” 
“Besides, how can you be sure it was a commander?” You continue, desperate to get them off the case before either they figured it out, or got in trouble for still having the video and many, many screenshots of it. “How do you know it’s not someone else using the commander’s quarters for more privacy. I wouldn’t want to film in the barracks if it were me.” 
They share a look over your head. “You’re right. This is going to be harder than we thought.” 
You pat their shoulders as you stand, an idea beginning to form in your mind. “Worry about the battle right now. You can do this when you get back.” 
You give them both a smile before you head towards the hangar, your stomach fluttering nervously. You hadn't slept much last night, your thoughts racing, replaying and analyzing every interaction you’ve had with Cody, both private and public. Things you might have overlooked, hidden signs that he harbors more for you than just lust.
You had also come up with a plan, a plan you were determined to enact before he shipped off to the planet where he’d spend what was going to likely be weeks in the heat of battle. He’d be planetside the entire fight, doing his job as commander. 
You nervously rock on your toes as you wait for Cody. You hadn’t warned him you were waiting, hadn’t told him you were going to confront him. He probably had so much to think about, so much to worry about the last thing he needs is an ambush by you, but you have to know. You have to know before you’re stuck worrying for weeks whether or not you’ll ever get to know. 
You all but ram into him, sending him stumbling into a closet as he walks by. It’s nothing but fate that you were alone in the hallway, that no one was walking by or walking with him to prevent this from happening. 
He rights himself as the closet door closes, staring at you with wide eyes. His gaze softens, an almost guilty look crossing his face as he recognizes you. He says your name quietly, the guilt prevalent in his tone. 
“I’m so sorry.” He says, avoiding looking at you. “I should have been more careful. I put us both at risk and then everyone was talking about it all day and I can’t imagine how horrible it was for you to have to listen to that nonstop.” 
“Yeah, it was pretty awful.” You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. 
“I wouldn’t blame you if you never forgive me. I wouldn’t blame you if you said you never wanted to see me again. You didn’t deserve this and it’s not fair to you. I know my apologies don’t mean anything, and it can never totally be undone, but I’ve been trying hard to rectify this and-” 
“Shut up.” You cut him off. You kind of liked him groveling a bit and it was reassuring he at least feels bad for it. You knew it wasn’t intentional. You knew he didn’t mean to do it. You know he feels bad, he’ll likely always feel bad about it. He can save the apologies for later. You need to ask him before you lose your nerve. “Shut up and listen.”
He blinks at you in surprise, but he stays quiet. You’d get one hell of a reprimanding if you ever spoke like that to him outside private spaces. 
You take a breath, staring into those dark eyes. “Do you love me?”
His eyes widen just a bit, lips parting as he takes in your words. It’s bold, asking so directly, but you don’t have a lot of time. He’s shipping out in less than an hour. You could save the fluffy words for when he comes back. 
“Some of the girls in the barracks last night were talking about the video and they said they could tell they love each other just by the way they move. The way you touch me.” You step up closer to him, close enough to touch. “I never noticed it, I never really bothered to. I didn’t think...it was just supposed to be for pleasure, right? But...someone who’s supposed to be just a casual fling isn’t supposed to look at me like that.” 
He gulps, his hand slowly lifting to your arm. His gloved fingers are warm, even through the thick material of your uniform. You know what they feel like against your bare skin. You know how dangerous those hands can be, but you also know how soft they can be. How gentle. 
How loving. 
“It’s a risk.” He finally says, breaking eye contact. “Fraternization of any kind could lead to decommission, even a court-martial. If anyone found out...both of us would get in trouble. It would be an abuse of authority, we could both face consequences...” 
Your stomach starts to sink. He’d never voiced his concerns to you. You knew it was a risk getting involved with him, you knew what would happen if anyone found out. He had never shown any concern for the rules. Perhaps, though, with his mistake, his mind had changed.
“I never cared.” He continues, his fingers trailing up to your shoulder. “It was worth the risk, you were worth the risk. It was supposed to be casual. Nothing more than some stress release. Plenty of others do it.” His hand continues to your neck, cupping the back of it. “It wasn’t supposed to become love.” 
His words take a moment to process in your mind. He loves you. He loves you. It is true. It wasn’t just your mind playing tricks on you, hoping for something more in those glances, in those touches. 
Cody loves you. 
“Cody,” You whisper as he leans down, pressing his forehead against yours. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t know how. I wasn’t sure it was what you wanted.” His breath is warm across your face. You’ve been this close before, you’ve been closer before, but none of it had felt like this. “I would happily suffer in silence if it meant I got to keep you forever.” 
You laugh, lifting your hands to cup his face. “You idiot.” Your thumbs rub his cheeks. “I love you too.” 
He closes the distance between you two, kissing you softly. It’s different from the other kisses you’ve shared. The passionate ones, the heated ones in the throes of lust. This one is soft, emotional, full of the unspoken love you both share. 
You hate having to pull away from him as his comm beeps. You hate that you’ve waited this long to notice, this long to say anything. He’s going away to war where the chances of him dying are high, and you’ll be stuck here, helpless to listen to the comms and hope his name doesn’t come up, or his body isn’t delivered on a gunship. 
“Say it.” You whisper, holding him close to you just for a moment longer. 
“I love you.” He says it with such conviction it almost knocks you off your feet. 
A smile tugs at your lips as you release him, letting him adjust himself before you sneak out of the closet. The halls are thankfully empty as everyone is gathering to prepare for shipping out. You wish you could hold his hand as you walk, but it’s too risky. Even if you managed to brush it off as nothing but emotional support for the rapidly approaching campaign, there’s too much going on right now. 
The last thing you need is someone else investigating you two and finding out Cody does, in fact, have a mark on his ass cheek that matches the one in the video. 
“Commander Cody.” 
A voice at the other end of the hall has you both freezing. Your heart drops into your stomach, and your stomach drops through the floors under you and out the bottom of the ship. You both turn, your face probably a painting of guilt and terror as you face General Kenobi. 
“Sir.” Cody salutes him.
You manage a stiff salute as well. 
“We’re deploying in ten minutes.” General Kenobi says. “It’s time for a final gear check.” 
“Yes, sir.” Cody nods, gripping his helmet just a little tighter. 
“Also,” Your hope for a quick retreat is squashed as the General eyes you both. “I would suggest a little more care is used when saving your...personal files.” 
You think you might die on the spot, a nervous sweat breaking out across your entire body. He knows. He knows and you’re about to get fired, or worse, court-martialed. It’s over. It’s over before it even got a chance to start. 
“I will see you in the hangar in eight minutes.” He says before walking past you to the lifts. 
You stare after him in shock. The General knew. He knew it was at least Cody in the video. He hadn’t seemed like he was going to report you, in fact he hadn’t seemed bothered at all. 
You turn to look at Cody wide eyed. “He knows.” 
Cody nods. “Yes. He does.” 
Your gaze moves back to the lifts, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest. You’re not sure you’re going to last with all the stress, and there’s still an entire campaign to get through. 
“Wait-” You hold your hand out before Cody can walk away. “How exactly did he know it was you?” 
Cody’s lips lift in a smirk, his shoulder lifting in a shrug. “No idea. Must be a Jedi thing.” 
You squint your eyes at his back as he makes his way to the lifts. “Yeah, a ‘Jedi thing.’” 
Everyone is exhausted. You can feel it in the air without even having to look at anyone. Even those of you that hadn’t seen any combat were feeling it, your own feet dragging as you move through the mess line. You need a long sleep and a few stiff drinks before you’ll even begin to feel back to normal. Everyone is moving slowly, bodies slumped over trays at tables, some having even fallen asleep sitting up. 
You drag yourself to the table Cody is sitting at, taking the seat across from him. You stare down at the “food” on your tray, none of it appetizing but you are hungry. 
You also haven’t heard mention of the video in weeks. 
It’s been a nice break, everyone too focused on staying alive and keeping others alive to make any mention of it. Things have settled and before long some other controversy will start and most of them will forget it ever happened. 
Two trays hit the table on either side of you, making you jump. You glance to both sides as Waxer and Boil take their seats next to you. They both look tired, but they also look disappointed. 
“What happened to you two?” You ask, looking between the two pouting clones. 
“Someone deleted all our research.” Boil says. “Every last screenshot and file is gone.” 
You pout in sympathy, patting his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know you put a lot of work into that.” 
He nods. “We were so close. Now it was all for nothing.” 
You glance across at Cody’s raised eyebrow, giving him a sly wink before you go back to comforting the two dejected clones. 
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@kaminocasey, @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations
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zzoomacroom · 9 months
Hey guys, soooo I have never written fanfiction in my life, but this just fell out of my brain for some reason. I don't know what came over me, but here's a little crackfic drabble for ya. Just a thousand words of Matthew being a complete idiot. Enjoy! (Yes, I know this premise has been done to death, but I'm having fun so shhhh)
Edit: now on ao3!
So there Matthew was, just minding his own business, catching up with Merv in the gardens outside the palace, when a goddamned nuclear bomb went off.
"JEEZUS FUCK!" Mervyn bellowed, his cigarette dropping from his open mouth and into the pile of leaves he'd been raking. Matthew squawked and catapulted himself ungracefully to the top of the nearest tree.
Oh, so not a bomb then, thought Matthew as he watched the stunning display of fireworks that had erupted above the palace, gold and crimson embers now drifting lazily towards the ground. Still, what the hell was that all about? He would have to ask the boss--if there was some kind of celebration happening in the Dreaming, he wanted to join the party! Hopefully he'd be off his feathery tits on dream champagne before the day was over.
Matthew launched himself from the tree branch, ears still ringing as he made his way up to the palace. He soared through an open window to the throne room. Hmm, empty. So where was the party? He made his way to the library--Lucienne would know what was up.
"Heya, Loosh," he called as he circled down to the table where Lucienne was occupied with cleaning up a puddle of ink that was spilled all over the yellowed scroll she had been writing on. "What was up with the fireworks?"
"Hmm?" she glanced over to him, preoccupied. "Ah. That sometimes happens when...actually, it's probably better if you don't know. For your own sake," she adds pointedly, peering over her glasses at him.
Uh, wow. Ouch. "What? Aw, come on, don't leave me out of the loop. Ravens aren't invited to the party? Wait, why aren't you at the party?"
Lucienne stared at the raven, confusion and irritation mingling on her face. "What party? Lord Morpheus is in his private chambers, there is no--"
But Matthew was already hopping off the table and flying towards the nearest window. So it was a private, VIP kinda thing, then. He was a little hurt that he wasn't invited, but no matter. He would slip in and infiltrate the event, just in case the boss needed protecting from a disgruntled fae or something. And if he managed to dip his beak into some unattended booze, he felt he was sneaky enough that no one would be the wiser.
"You really don't want to know!" Lucienne called out exasperatedly as he flitted away, not looking up from her work. "Don’t say I didn't warn you!"
Yeah, yeah, he'd been to parties full of snooty elites before. Whatever weird shit they were into couldn't be any worse than what he'd seen during his recent trip to Hell. He circled upwards towards the highest tower and perched on the balcony outside the boss's private chamber. There was definitely something happening in there, judging by the noises coming from inside. It sounded like things were getting crazy--a shout, glass breaking, a thud like a body hitting the ground, a screech that may or may not have been human. Shit, the boss man might be in trouble! Good thing Matthew was here to...well, he wasn't really sure how he could help, but he'd figure something out. And he just really, really wanted to know what was going on! Curiosity may kill the cat, but the raven should be fine, right?
He darted into the darkened room and blinked as his eyes adjusted. Oh. No party, then. The boss was standing in the middle of the room, looking even more like he'd just sucked on a lemon than usual. His robe flicked around him and drooped off one shoulder, like he'd just hastily pulled it on (was that...a tentacle peeking out from under the hem?). And was he sweating? He didn't normally sweat, did he? And hold on--did he have cat ears?? Matthew stared, and just as he noticed the ears they receded down into his disheveled mop of hair and disappeared.
"What is it, Matthew?" the Dreamlord demanded icily.
"Uh...sorry to interrupt whatever...this...is, but I thought maybe you were in trouble. And I was just wondering what was up with the fireworks. Scared the bejeesus outta me and Merv," Matthew explained.
The boss looked confused for a moment before answering. "Ah. My apologies for the disruption," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm even as Matthew failed to get the hint. "The matter has been handled. You need not come to my defense."
At that, a poorly-stifled chuckle sounded from behind a marble pillar. "Sorry," the pillar mumbled sheepishly. The boss shot a withering glare at it and the pillar instantly dissolved into a pile of sand, revealing...
Ohhhh. "Um...hi, Hob," Matthew said with an awkward wave of his wing, wishing very much that he could dissolve into sand right about now. Hell, that may very well be his fate soon enough, based on the way the boss was glaring at him.
"Hey Matt," Hob replied with a bashful smirk. He was mostly naked except for an Elizabethan ruff, white knee-high stockings and a pair of 18th century shoes with little bows on them. And he was wearing the boss's helm. But not on his head (cool, cool, not like Matthew had followed the boss to Hell to get it back or anything). Oh, and he also had cat ears. Wonderful.
"Ya know, I better get going, I think Merv may need some help with--oh, yep, he set the garden on fire." Matthew peered out the window down to where Mervyn was currently shouting at no one and flailing around a steadily growing conflagration. "So I should go deal with that. Just wanted to check in, glad everything's good here. Uhhh nice to see you Hob, Boss. Not that I, uh, saw anything. Okay bye!" Matthew zoomed out the window before either of them could say anything else. God, he really needed a drink now.
Morpheus continued to glare at the spot where Matthew had been perched as Hob came up and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"Right. So where were we?" asked Hob, apparently unphased by the whole incident.
"I think we should take this to the Waking if we wish to avoid any further interruptions," Dream replied through gritted teeth.
Hob chuckled and started to massage the knots out of his lover's shoulders. "Yeah, probably. Kids, right?" he sighed.
Morpheus raised an eyebrow at him. "Matthew is not my child."
"Isn't he, though?" Hob replied with a grin, peering over Dream's shoulder to watch Matthew and Mervyn frantically darting around the flaming pile of leaves, making no progress whatsoever in putting out the blaze. Morpheus merely sighed in exasperation.
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Jizz Fingers║ ⓞⓝⓔⓢⓗⓞⓣⓢ
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|| ꂵꍏꀤꈤ ꂵꍏꌗ꓄ꍟꋪ꒒ꀤꌗ꓄ || | PAIRING(s): alien!Joel x reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 3.2k | CONTENT: This is a crackfic. Joel is not Joel. He’s an alien that can shapeshift and isn’t into the splorgimums on their own planet. He wants to nut in you with his creampie fingers. It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s not supposed to be anything but fun and sexy and silly. It’s meta. It’s tongue-in-cheek. It’s self-indulgent. If you’re not into that kinda thing then idk what to tell ya, bud. 
| SYNOPSIS: u get creampied by a dick finger alien Joel Miller.
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The sonorous silver ship glided above you before descending gently into a large clearing in the field ahead. Bright light flooded your vision as a hidden door pushed away from the spacecraft and revealed an occupant.
It appeared to have an amorphous, fluid corporeal form, but no matter the shape it always remained an off-white greenish gray color. Six large onyx orbs were situated near the top of the form. You assumed they must be eyes or some other sort of organ. When the greenish grey flaps snapped together and apart a few times in quick succession, you realized they were in fact lidded eyes.
A warbled voice sounded inside your mind. “Do not be afraid. I come in peace, and I stand before you with no intention of harming you.”
You realize the creature is speaking to you through your own mind.
You should be afraid, but instead you’re just fascinated and exhilarated. You aren’t sure why they’d say the same thing twice, though, just in a slightly different way. You also aren’t sure if you should respond in your head, out loud, or at all.
“That’s kinda a weird thing to say. Like, you said it twice,” you point out, speaking loudly and clearly enough that the creature can hear you.
At least, you think they can hear you. You don’t see any ears. Then again, they possess the capability of telepathic speech, and there must be some equivalent to hearing for that. You try to think what that is called or what that might be called when the creature shifts back and forth but still doesn’t approach.
“Those were two separate statements,” the voice in your mind contends firmly.
“Huh?” you ask. You’re sure you sound dumb, but you were never really going to be a match for a higher level intelligent being anyways.
“When I bust, it is peaceful for every being involved. I also greet you with good intentions,” the voice patiently clarifies.
Suddenly you are standing no more than arm’s length away from the being. “I saved your achilles the trouble,” the voice in your mind said, as if it was some huge favor.
“My achilles is fine,” you grumble awkwardly. “I know I should hit leg day more, but sometimes it’s just so–”
“Our sex organs are complimentary,” the voice interrupts. “We could perform the Divine Dance, if you’d like.”
You wanted to ask why they had to come all the way to Earth just to get laid, but you think better of it.
“The splorgimums on my planet just don’t get me,” the voice explains. You realize you said your thought aloud.
“Oh. Uh, okay. S-Sorry about that. I, uh, didn’t mean to offen–”
The creature waves a gelatinous blob arm dismissively. “No offense taken. You’re not like other splorgimums. I can tell. You’re different,” it assures you.
You feel a blush creep onto your cheeks. “Oh. Well, uh–” an awkward giggle “—thank you. But I’m not really that special, here on Earth I mean. There are other women who are wayyyyyy more attractive. Oh! I know! You should try driving by Doja Cat’s house because oh my god she is so. fucking. fine. Like, if I had her in that I’m A Cow Bitch Moo costume for 5 minutes I’d—”
“No. No Doja Kitties. Only you.”
You shrug and accept their obsession with you.
“Okay. So now what? I don’t know where your Divine Dance hole is, and your floating blobs are sort of freaking me out,” you admit.
You keep tabs on the hovering goops that orbit the creature. They remind you of the time you tried to make Key Lime Jello Shots for your uncle’s cousin’s dog’s recital but added too much vodka.
“I can take the form of something pleasing to you. An earth male, perhaps? The female of your species is more difficult to capture as they are far superior.”
“So fuckin’ true,” you agree. “But, hhmmmm, a male specimen? I mean, I hate all men, but Pedro Pascal seems pretty decent. Maybe you could turn into Joel Miller? You know, from The Last of Us?”
The creature nods — you think it’s a nod — and transforms into Joel. Game Joel.
“Oh, uh, look, Pixel Daddy is fine as hell, especially in part 2, but I meant the HBO adaptation of the game. Please,” you correct.
“How’s this?” Pedro’s version of Joel’s voice asks aloud.
Your pussy bottoms out. “Oh, fuck yeah.”
You disrobe completely as you enter the spacecraft.
“I set it to 72º Fahrenheit. Is that a suitable climate for your meat suit?” Joel asks.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. Mr. Alien, could you, like, put more of the twang into his voice? And use words like he does?  Like, how he sounds on the show? You know what, let’s watch a few clips to get it right.”
You pull up your account on your phone, but it takes you a minute to find it because you forgot they changed it from HBO Max Go to just Max. “So fuckin’ stupid. Purple is a better color than blue anyway,” you mumble to yourself as you pull up an episode.
The galactic creature uses some magical time skip thing to binge the entire series and gets a yucky smudge of goop on your phone screen when it attempts to find season 2.
“There’s just one season? Please tell me there’s another one,” Joel implores.
“Yeah, there’s a second season, but it’s not out yet,” you inform him.
“Damn. But you said there’s two games already? So what happens in the second game?” he asks.
“You know what, we super don’t need to get into that right now. Let’s see what you’re working with,” you quickly change the subject and grab at his crotch.
He grunts in approval. “Needy lil thing, aren’t’cha? You want my cock, baby?”
Your eyes narrow suspiciously. “Did you use a time jump thing to read a whole bunch of Joel Miller smutfic on Tumblr?”
Joel blushes and scratches the back of his neck. “Eh, mighta read a few.”
“Oh my god, you’re gonna be super nasty and dominant, aren’t you?” you sigh.
“Only if that’s what you want, baby. I’m a consent king,” he assures you.
“Well, alright then. I want you to rawdog me and slap my ass, okay?”
He smirks and pulls you close. “I’ll give ya what I give ya, and you just gotta take it,” he grunts into your neck as he nibbles and sucks downward.
You gasp at the sensation and grind your hips into him. “Oh fuck, Joel,” you whine. “I want you to wreck me, please!”
“Gonna fill that cunt up,” he says gruffly as he gropes your ass and breasts.
“Yes, Daddy, please!” you beg.
He pauses for a moment and looks confused.
“Oh, uh, you must not have got to those kind of fics–” you cough awkwardly “–uh, anyway. Sorry. Joel. Yes, Joel, please.”
“I can sense the vibrations of your inner sex organ when you call me that. If it is sexually gratifying to you, I wholly welcome the use of it,” the original voice says inside your mind.
“Oh wow. I love that you’re not kink shaming me. Glad you didn’t make it to that side of Tumblr,” you huff in a laugh.
Joel suddenly pins you against the wall and presses his hard, clothed cock against your bare skin. Even through the denim you can tell he’s huge. Apparently all those fic writers were right all along.
“Who’s gonna fill up that pretty cunt uh’yours, huh?” he demands as he grabs the back of your neck for leverage.
“Y-You, Daddy,” you say in an aroused tremble.
“That’s fuckin’ right. When my fat cock is inside you, I better hear you singin’ some thank you’s to Daddy for fillin’ you up so good,” he warns.
“Yes, Daddy, I’ll be your good girl,” you promise. 
He flips you around without warning and pushes your chest flush against the wall. 
“Even good girls need to be reminded every once in a while what happens if they don’t listen to Daddy,” he says in a low gruff.
His clothes have magically disappeared with the help of his alien outerspace boi powers. You feel him firm against your backside before a harsh slap of his palm replaces it. You jump and yelp in pain at the surprise spanking.
“Mmmm, pretendin’ you don’t want it, but I feel you pushin’ your ass back for more,” he taunts. 
You whine because he’s right. You can only imagine the derisive comments he’d make if he felt how wet you are. 
He lands another three harsh swats on the same patch of skin. Tears prickle up in your eyes. “D-Daddy,” you moan. 
“You gonna thank Daddy for keepin’ you in line, baby?” Another swat. It stings so much you know there must be an imprint of his hand clearly outlined by your welting red flesh.
“Thank you, Daddy!” you choke out. “Th-Thank you for k-keeping me your good girl and not letting me b-be bad, Daddy. I only wanna be good for you, Daddy!” you wail.
“That’s what I like’tuh hear, baby,” he grunts into your ear. “Ask Daddy to make you into his own little cocksleeve. Ask Daddy to give you this big, fat cock.”
You whimper as he slips his length between your folds and rubs back and forth in teasing passes. 
“Daddy, I want you to use my pussy. I need it so bad. Please. I just wanna be your cocksleeve. Use my holes, Daddy,” you whimper.
You barely finish your sentence when he flips you around again and lines himself up with your entrance. Apparently the alien creature was just as into this as you are because their altered form reverted back to the amorphous gray green blob. You’re way too horny to be picky about it right now, so you squeeze your eyes shut. You forgot to charge your vibrator, anyway.
Their penis was more like fingers that kinda moved around randomly. You don’t know. You’re not an astrophysicist or whoever it is that would best be knowledgeable about alien wieners.   
Its spongy gray appendage felt firm and slimy as it entered you. There was some sort of phantom connection to your mouth and throat as well, the sensation of its finger-penis dragging back and forth, able to be felt in both your pussy and your mouth. It was weird, but you knew if it was Joel Miller doing it then it would somehow become totally fine and very hot. 
“You’re getting too lost in the sauce,” you whine. “You’re in your true form again. Change back.”
“Mmmmm, sorry, baby,” came the familiar gravelly voice once more.
When you felt brave enough to open your eyes again, you saw those familiar Wreck-It-Ralph sausage fingers and sighed in relief. The alien had changed back to your preferred form of Joel Miller as portrayed  by José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal.
As much as you wanted to stare at his face, you also wanted him to dick you down through the floorboards of the ship. You wiggle to sink down onto your hands and knees. “Wanna be wide open for you, Daddy,” you pout.
He makes an approving growling noise and scrambles behind you, shoving you downward between your shoulder blades until your face is smushed into the floor. He makes no effort to warn you before slamming his entire length into you. The impact of his wide tip against your cervix is so forceful it punches the air out of your lungs. You let out a panicked, strangled moan, suddenly unsure if you were going to be able to take this dick like a champ.
Joel grabs your hips for leverage and starts pistoning rough, deep strokes into your drenched pussy. “Gaahh–Goddamn! Fuckin’ chokin’ it, honey,” he rasps in a labored voice. “Feel so fuckin’ tight for me.”
“It’s s-so big, Daddy. I dunno if I can take it,” you cry.
“You can take it. You can take it for Daddy. Be a good girl or m'gonna hafta punish you,” he cautions. As a reminder of what that might entail, he strikes your backside so hard your entire body jerks as you let out a sob.
A high pitched moan gathers in Joel’s throat as you start to accommodate his size. “Yeah, fuckin’ like that, huh? Like when Daddy spanks you? Makes ya listen?”
“You’re so good to me, Daddy!” you sob. Your arousal is practically dripping down your thighs. You listen to the hum of the engines mixing with the sounds of your drooling cunt being fed Joel’s massive cock over and over again. He grabs your wrists and pulls you upward, using your limbs like reins on a horse. You have no control over the depth of penetration in these positions, and Joel is opting for nothing less than utterly devastating your pussy.
“M’gonna give you these fingers, too, baby. Know you can take it,” he pants.
He releases your arms and lets you scramble to catch yourself before faceplanting.
“Hey! You could’ve at least–”
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth and take what Daddy gives you,” he snarls.
You whine and clench around him. You feel a boogery churro type object prodding at your asshole. You turn your head quickly enough to see the creature has let Joel’s arm halfway revert back into the wiggly blobby thing.
“Did I say you could turn around?” he barks. He spanks you again with his 100% Joel hand, hard enough that you know there are pinpricks of blood beginning to seep through.
“I’m sorry, Daddy!” you scream.
You feel him now inside both holes. It’s overwhelming and amazing. The phantom throat thing is back again, and you like how you gag even with an “empty” mouth.
“Got enough for every hole you got and then some, sweetheart,” he practically slurs. He sounds completely wrecked.
You feel your lower belly heating up and quickly tightening.
“Oh my fucking god, Joel. I’m getting so close,” you gasp.
“THAT AIN’T MY FUCKIN’ NAME WHEN I’M STUFFIN’ YOU WITH MY COCK, SWEETHEART,” he grits out as he wraps his hand around the front of your throat and squeezes.
When your breaths quickly become hard to take, you know you’re going to come soon.
“I want your space juice inside me, Daddy!” you cry out, not caring if you’re breaking the illusion. You still needed to be clear and consensual in your approach to this intimate exchange, and you needed to address the weird topic of whether or not your birth control could do effective hand to hand combat with spaceboi cum. 
“Our sexual organs are compatible, but our reproductive hormones and liquids are not,” the voice explained in your mind.
The Jim Carrey baby grinch was kinda cute, but you still felt better knowing you weren’t going to birth a little green gremlin alien baby. (Although you did think Victor or Clementine would be nice names.)
“Put a baby in me, Daddy! Fuck your baby into me!” you beg now that you know you can’t actually get pregnant. 
“Uh, I mean, there’s just so much pregnancy fic out there,” Joel hedges carefully, still maintaining his merciless thrusts. “You don’t really wanna make this into a whole thing do you? Ya know, with the pregnancy storyline and stuff? Some users have actually said they prefer—”
“No, Joel, I’m not actually—” you interrupt in a huff “—I’m just saying it to be sexy. It sounds sexy. Besides, there’s some fic writers who basically only write creampies but none of their characters ever seem to get pregnant. It’s kinda wild. There’s a fic writer I can think  of right now, actually. She loves creampies so much.”
“So she’s just really into pussy gettin’ drenched but nobody’s gotta deal with babies? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal if ya ask me,” he approves.
“Yeah, I think the only pregnancy fic she has is, like, this really nasty oneshot where the reader is already pregnant and she gets double teamed by Tommy and you at the same time. Oh and she lactates. I wasn’t into it at first, but it was kinda hot. Maybe you’ve read it? The author calls herself Puddles?”
“Oh, her? That Gasoline Rainbow lady? I thought she just made memes?” He sounds surprised and impressed. He’s hitting your cervix repeatedly with such force that you feel like your vagina is going to look like somebody dropped a tray of lasagna on a pubic hair linoleum floor.
“No, she actually has, like, legit fic on there, too. She’s, like, really talented. I can’t believe she doesn’t have more followers,” you laugh incredulously. 
You’re glad he doesn’t ask how you would know how many followers she has since that isn’t publicly available information. You hate it when plot holes have to be smoothed out nicely and still fit in with the story. It’s so boring and way too much work sometimes.
“Maybe stuff like alien jizz fingers is a little too much for people to–”
“Okay, this is getting too meta. Let’s just get back to you fucking me so rough I can’t walk right for an entire week, okay?”
“Hnngg, fuck yeah. Daddy’s gonna wreck this cunt,” he hisses as his thrusts pick up pace.
“DADDY, I’M GONNA COME,” you cry as you start clenching and seizing around the massive circumference of his cock.
Joel lets out a guttural, choked moan as he empties inside you. You can feel it from his weird creampie fingertips, too — even the invisible one in your mouth and throat. You’re trembling, trying to keep yourself upright as Joel fucks into you through his orgasm. You lick your lips. There’s a flavor there. Is that….?
“You like Daddy’s brisket cum, sweetheart?” he grunts as his thrusts slow to a sloppy grind.
“I thought I tasted barbecue,” you muse. It was bewildering, but mostly satisfying.
“Yeah, tastes just like those Fourth of July backyard get-togethers you love in that Texas heat,” he breathes. "You runnin' around in barely anything, makin' me hafta adjust myself so your dad don't catch his best friend ogling his precious daughter."
“I’m starting to think you read more fic than you admitted to earlier,” you assert.
“I like it, darlin’,” he shrugs.
“Are you gonna follow Puddles now? Oh! Can you do a mind link thing with her and see what she’s working on next?” you implore.
Joel appears to zone out for a minute, and you take the opportunity to stare at his naked body. He looked perfect. His eyes focused again as he looked at you.
“Her waveforms are erratic and very concerning, but once I subdued a Brain Goblin inside her mind I was able to discern she is likely to be releasing some Ezra from Prospect centered fictional stories,” the voice inside your head revealed. "They are very sexually aggressive."
“Nice,” you say under your breath.
“So you gonna let me have that sweet pussy again, sweetheart?” Joel drawls.
“Yes. But I’m going to need you to familiarize yourself with Pedro’s extensive works. I’m thinking we could do some really great Mando roleplay in this spaceship,” you say with a big smile as you gesture around.
Joel smirks at you. “Don’t matter what form I take. You’re still gonna be callin’ me Daddy.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you agree with a big grin.
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I hope those splorgimums understand what they lost bc that's our man now! Special thanks to Multiversed Daydreamer (Fuzz) for inspiring part of the title and @xdaddysprincessxx for the shared derangement over That Old Man™.
Undying thanks to @psychedelic-ink and @bonezone44 for writing some of my fave ~aLtErNaTiVe KiNk CoNtEnT~ and inspiring me to let my brain run wild with this crackfic.
Art in graphic includes transformed works of the Mucinex booger man.
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
P.S. - I counted how many times "Daddy" appears in this, and it's 29.
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tagging: @wannab-urs, @gracieispunk, @milla-frenchy, @patti7dc. @lumoverheaven, @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog, @toxicanonymity, @rubyfruitjungle, @huffle-punk, @jupiter-soups, @swiftispunk, @theywhowriteandknowthings
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Something little I did a few weeks ago into my sketchbook. And this something sent me down the rabbithole of writing something again. And I kinda got to the point with the story where I wanted to arrive to, not the way I first expected, but that is just me nitpicking on the details of my stress writing during exam period.
Even though halfway a dramatic turn of events came to my mind for fun (to somehow elavate the stress of the exams) and in the last chapter I posted today too. I made a 'funny decision'. Though the whole thing was supposed to be a crackfic, so yeah, there is that.
However I am getting ready to post the last chapter too of the fic with this embanded into the chapter (soon today or tomorrow, it is up to my mood to edit it). I had way too much fun doing this again. And now that I don't have any exams to prepare for, I can be more active, hopefully.
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stormikitty · 6 months
I have a Hazbin Hotel crack fanfic idea that's been going through my head all day and it won't leave me alone, so I'm sharing it here if anyone wants to write it:
Emily and Molly are dating. Alastor's mom is dating Molly's and Angel's grandmother or something (saw a fic that briefly mentioned Angel being close with his grandma and not being sure if she was in heaven or hell. My mind is weird and this is where it went when I imagined her being in heaven.) And they run a restaurant together (maybe Molly sings for their customers sometimes?). Now what if Charlie introduces Emily to her friends at the hotel either through a groupchat or Emily falling from Heaven? What if she has heard about Alastor through his mom and almost immediately figures out who he is? What if she decides to see if anyone knows Molly's twin brother who never made it to heaven only to find out that Angel Dust is the Anthony she's heard so much about?
Like I said it's a crackfic idea and I have no clue where the fuck it came from. This is absolutely insane but it would be kinda funny if only because of the way the characters would probably react to realizing what's going on lol
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Y'know, I've seen a bunch of fanarts and also a couple of fics where Poseidon from Epic the musical gets isekaied into the Percy Jackson show and the god just kinda adopts Percy and now there's just 2 poseidons running around the world, which are Great and very funny, but a concept I haven't seen is Book Percy getting isekaied into the show.
Like, fully grown, college age, fought and won 2 wars, could and Would fold Zeus like a lawn chair with zero hesitation, Book!Percy getting sent into the world of the show and getting to meet this weird, alternate reality where things and people are like he remembers them being but just slightly to the left: Grover is more confident in himself, this weird toddler version of himself with blonde hair keeps butting heads with Annabeth because of their beliefs and not because of who their parents are, and then just Luke, Good God Luke. Percy would have a mental breakdown over the differences between his Luke and the show!Luke alone.
Just, veteran book!Percy, who just really wants a break from the bullshit, getting thrown into the beggining of the camp, seeing everything begin to unfold and having the same nervous breakdown we are all having by watching the show of "Oh my god they are all babies"
Like. I think it'd be neat for a crackfic. You could get around the "But he knows how things are going to end!" by the fact that no he doesn't, he knows how they happened on his side, but on his side he didn't have any guidance, on his side Luke wasn't kind, on his side Sally Jackson didn't attempt to fight the Minotaur like a matador. Percy can make an educated guess about how things will unfold, but he can't be sure, the best he can do is help train and then protect the little toddler versions of himself and his loved ones that they are sending on a quest. Due to timing he is aware that it would be extremely fucking sus if there were suddenly Two sons of poseidon just cassually walking around, so after a quick talk with Chiron and Mr.D to catch them up (Not to ask permission, just to give them a heads up) if anyone asks he's just a weird minor ocean god gone rogue who wants to be a good, reasonable older brother
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heartbeatbookclub · 6 months
yooo do u have any headcanons for what the girls (maybe even mc idk) would do after highschool?
My most confident answer is that I think Sayori would be a teacher. Maybe a daycare worker? I'd even say a child psychologist/school counselor. I've said this before, but I think Sayori would be amazing with kids, and would probably find working with children very gratifying. She's patient, she's compassionate, and she's very receptive. She'd be spending a lot of her time helping children struggling with similar issues that she did when she was young, and I think she'd really take pride in that.
As for her journey to get there after high school, I feel like she'd probably struggle a lot with college, but would eventually find her footing, especially with her support network around her. I don't think she'd want to spend a terribly long period of time getting multiple degrees and fighting for a super good position, either; I get the sense she'd want to start working as soon as possible, which might come back to bite her depending on which career she chooses...
Monika's a bit tough to say. It feels like a bit of a cop-out to say she'd take a coding job, but I do think that's a possibility. I also don't really think something like being a concert pianist would be something she'd seriously consider; in the first place, doing that as a career is inherently volatile, in the second, I don't think Monika would ever really have the confidence in herself to consider playing professionally. I'd imagine one of her friends would probably encourage her to try it, and although she might make some money off of a few gigs, it's always a side thing, and never something she'd consider diving headfirst into.
I get the sense that Monika's high standards for herself probably aren't entirely self-imposed. Girl's got gifted kid syndrome out the nose; I think if any of the girls were seriously considering college, Monika would be the one who felt the most pressure to get in and succeed. Conversely, I think of any of them that would go to college, she would have the absolute worst experience.
Maybe she goes in for a premed program. Maybe law. Maybe something in STEM that is similarly difficult to get through. Something with a high bar to pass, something with a lot of pressure riding on her success. Something likely to put a lot of debt over her head even with scholarships.
And under all of that pressure, she snaps. Maybe she drops out. Maybe she takes a year off. Maybe she fails an entire semester. Regardless, I think she's wont to put a whole lot of pressure onto herself, and then have a nervous breakdown when she can't keep it together, regardless of her support network. I think she'd probably end up in a period where she'd have to reevaluate what her actual goal in life is.
And I think she'd ultimately find it, and be significantly more satisfied with the result than if she just stuck it out wherever she was.
I don't really think Yuri would have very high aspirations. I think she'd hate working in something like fast food or retail, but then again she probably wouldn't enjoy working in general, especially in customer facing environments. Maybe something like a bookstore or coffee shop would be more tolerable. It's kinda funny because I have an old concept of a mild self-insert crackfic which involves Yuri coming to work at my Subway (which is a further offshoot of an old concept of Basil from Omori working at my Subway), so maybe she'd work there.
I think her dream job would be as a novelist, and while I don't really think she'd probably end up being some super famous writer, I do think she'd probably put enough effort into an original work that it would be passable. Now, convincing her to send it to a publisher? Hahaha good luck. In fact, I doubt she'd show anyone for a long, long time. But, with some encouragement, she might self-publish on, like, Amazon. Maybe start a patreon or something related to it, idk. Either way, she'd probably see it as a side-gig similarly to Monika.
I think Natsuki would be in a similar position to Yuri, though she'd have much more dislike of working retail or food-service just because she hates customer service explicitly and lacks a lot of the patience for it. I think there's a number of reasons why Natsuki wouldn't have particularly high aspirations for herself, but that's another story. She'd probably be quick about trying to get into her own place, though.
I think Natsuki would be a Twitch streamer. Completely deadass, I think of anyone in the group she's the most likely, and I think she'd go for it. I think she'd be a Vtuber, and she'd go all in on making her own model. I think that again, this would all be more of a side-gig, but she'd probably enjoy herself doing it, even if she had trouble finding her footing at first.
MC would probably work the most dead-end jobs between high school and a more stable career. I think he'd probably go to college for compsci just because he's a generic man (although they don't call them programmer socks for nothing ;)) and then get a shitty IT helpdesk job which is mostly fixing printers and installing drivers.
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sl33py-day · 2 years
Imposter AU with a twist Part 2!
Tw: Swearing, a bit of yandere Albedo, Your friend is a horrible person and gets slapped on the face with some Karma and Trauma.
A/n: I didn’t want to keep saying ‘Your friend’ so I named her Bethany and Beth. Also I feel like this blog is more of a crackfic blog since there’s barely any serious writing. But hey it’s fun to write. Someone wanted it and I hope I met the expectations
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Day’s and weeks and a single month has passed since you descended to Teyvat from the bottomless pits of hell. People are still after your head, the pick me imposter still has not been visited by Karma, and you got a yandere, kinda. I’m saying kinda because Albedo is possessive of you and that’s all…..for now.
During the month of being in Minecraft survival mode some more characters believed you’re the OG creator. That and they just can’t handle your friend, who I shall name Bethany. Sorry to all Bethany’s but Imma steal your name real quick.
Diluc is a good example of not handling Bethany. He has told you that she would cry when a man, his brother and five other men, don’t pay attention to her. She would tell Childe to get her the most expensive gift and throw it away afterwards. He finds her annoying and one point he told you “If I had to choose between Kaeya and….the girl. I would choose Kaeya right away. That’s how annoying she is.”
Now here comes the fun part of this AU. The finding out that the imposter is the OG creator. Like I said the last part Karma is gonna slap her face sooner and later, well Karma not only slapped her but gave her the ultimate shoe slap, with a boot and high heel.
In the Imposter AU the only thing to tell from Imposter and Real apart was the golden child blood test thingy. There is one way where I feel like would be more funny and that is the ‘accident’ way.
The accident way is probably the most funniest way of people finding out that they fucked up. Imagine this, Your walking back to where ever the failed experiment is to give him the flowers he needed. But along the way your arm got scratched by a random branch. This y/n is clumsy they bump into things a lot and whenever they do they just rub off the pain until they or someone else tells them that they’re bleeding. So back to the branch thing, you got scratched by the lonely piece of wood and kept walking. Only to cross a certain traveler and they’re somehow flying food.
They cross paths, Aether doesn’t bother looking and has a place to be. Paimon on the other hand saw the gold shimmering blood and was like “Wait a MINUTE!”
“You there! Paimon has a very serious question!” Paimon yelled out but you kept on walking ignoring her as if she’s a ghost. That was until paimon told Aether and Aether is now chasing after you. Like I know I need my daily dose of adrenaline but why it gotta be like this?
While running Aether was yelling and Venti being the little shit he is heard it in the wind. Don’t ask me how that makes sense he’s the god of air. Now venti is in front of you and let’s skip a hour or two after.
Scratch that make one hour turn into 3 hours of no stop arguing. Not between you and the worshipers or overly simps but between you and Bethany.
Bethany Heard that people found you and wanted to see you uh turn the bye bye life light on. So she came in the most ugliest dress ever in the mind of y/n.
While being surrounded by the archons as they looked at you with disgust. You were on the ground with a sword against your neck. The archons believe that you put gold glitter on your arm to get the chance of stealing their graces spot? Does glitter even exist in Tevyat?
“You go to such lengths to steal our graces spotlight?!” Yelled Zhongli still having the pole arm against your neck. You are just sitting there on the floor slightly terrified because my god scary archons are more scarier then your mom.
“Sir, I didn’t even have a choice to look like that Beth Meth girl. It’s called Genes. GEN-NET-ICS.” You called out making everyone yell out insults. All of a sudden Bethany comes walking down as the people spread out like the sea. Everyone bowed and said praises.
“You really wearing that dress? It looks like something that Carella Deville would wear and honey that’s not necessarily a good thing” and that sent the lighter to the bomb.
“Well at least I have more things then you do. I would have an entire world after you are dead.” Beth’s sassy ass said as everyone is just wondering if you two know each other. Not only are you two fighting but Diluc and Aether are having to hold back Albedo so he doesn’t do….bad things.
Back to Beth with the meth fighting match. The light you started finally reached the bomb having Bethany spill everything she has done, on earth and Teyvat out loud. My god she did more stuff than you thought.
“You are always in the fucking way! Nothing I do to you ever works! I had to take money from you so your parents would hate you so you would feel shitty because of them. I spread rumors of you so people hated you. Hell I even practiced make up so people would believe you hit me!”
That’s not even the tip of the ice burg and yet many many people are in a state of shock that they are frozen in place. Oh and albedo? Ya Diluc and Aether are having a struggle. With the bomb being set off nothing is stopping Bethany to say anything and everything she has done to you. What are you doing? Letting her scream and yell since Karma is coming closer and closer.
“Then when I was Teleported here people said I was a god! They treated me better than you! I got the attention I wanted! No one was gonna try and steal the spotlight if they did I would just send someone to kill them. I have men at my fingertips so if someone insulted me or I found the person annoying I would send them to kill the person. Easy Peasy just make up a reason and they’ll do it.”
After she said that many people gasped and a few people yelled “Is that why my son/daughter went missing/were found dead?!” Yeah what a shocker now. The once looked up god is now the imposter and committed more crimes then the Fatui. She was about to say more but you stopped her.
“You did all that? Dear you’re worse than the American government and the Fatui combined. I’ll tell you why people were nice to me and not you.” You stood up with you hands behind your back. No one stopped you they wanted to see what would happen. “I’m genuinely nice to people and they do it back but some don’t. Take yourself for example, I was nice to you. I checked up on you everyday to make sure you where ok but you did all this instead.”
Bethany’s face was more redder then Diluc and a tomato together. She was furious that you came an ruined everything. She started to shout nonsense as you backed away slowly. She didn’t notice so she kept throwing insults after insults while you were all the way in the back with albedo.
Some hydro slimes and cryo slimes were walking around her as they were just doing Slime things. But one electro slime made a mistake of walking in front of her and, by accident or not, zapping her feet slightly. She let out a screech and hopped from one foot to another. Since the hydro slimes were walking around her they made the ground slightly wet. Thanks to the cryo slimes they made the slightly wet ground icy and slippery.
So while she was hopping she slipped on the ice. Fortunately or unfortunately you guys were by a cliff of some sort. I think you know what happened, she fell down but survived as the cliff wasn’t that high. So yay?
After she fell you stood there for a few minutes before saying “Ah, Karma did give her a punch in the face after all……But that seemed planed.” You looked at the slimes with a suspicious face. The hydro slime just turned around and walked away while the electro slime was like “oh this Leaf on the floor is so interesting wow” what is the cryo slime doing? Looking over the cliff where Bethany feel almost mocking her. “Haha bish you slipped” is what the cryo slime is probably thinking.
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aroace-number-eight · 16 days
Crackfic John goes to IKEA to get the swedish meatballs for his and Adam's six month anniversary but can't figure out where his GPS is taking him and he ends up at a Denny's where Six is waiting for Sarah to bring her sword collection so they can have a swordfight at the parking lot and John asks Six if she can help him get to IKEA to buy the swedish meatballs and Six is like sure where's your car and John says he can't drive yet so he's been flying this whole time and Six goes why can't you drive literally all of us can and she shows a photo of Ella driving her to the Chuck E Cheese down the street and John asks why she was at Chuck E Cheese and Six says it's where she and Sarah got her sword collection then John says he can't drive because he knows how to fly anyway so it's useless to him but he really needs help figuring out the GPS so that he can fly to IKEA and get the swedish meatballs but Six points out why use the GPS when he can just spot the IKEA mascot and John asks what's the IKEA mascot and Six shows him this photo
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So then John starts flying and looks for the IKEA mascot but he's flying kinda high and everything looks a little small but if he flies any lower then he's going to accidentally hit a billboard like he did last Tuesday and while he's thinking about what to do he accidentally bumps into Five wearing a mascot suit from IKEA and John asks Five why is he wearing the mascot suit and Five explains he works at IKEA now because he's saving up to buy a car and John asks why he's working up money to buy a car when he can just fly and Five says he got his driver's license recently and plans on running over Nine with a car and it's really important that John doesn't tell Nine about it because Nine knows how to fly an airplane solely for hitting Five while he's in the air and John realizes that's why Five always flies in rubber form and bounced straight through the window that one time so he promises not to tell Nine about it and asks Five if he can take him to IKEA to get the swedish meatballs and Five agrees and takes him to IKEA then says goodbye when they get there so he can start working his job as the mascot and then while John is there he spots Adam talking to Marina and gets really scared he'll be seen so he turns invisible and gets close to them to overhear the conversation where Adam exclaims how glad he is to have gotten some of the swedish meatballs from IKEA and John starts to feel sad because now he doesn't know what to get for their six month anniversary and while he mopes Marina asks Adam what else he's looking to get at IKEA and Adam says he just wanted the swedish meatballs but for the longest time he always wanted to get a Kyoya Ootori body pillow and Marina dies inside remembering her self-insert fanfic she wrote once with Haruhi Fujioka when she was supposed to be staying up on watch duty back at the penthouse and while she's doing that John quicky goes home and tries to think of ways he can make a Kyoya Ootori body pillow for Adam but sadly he doesn't know how to sew so he calls up Nine who also doesn't know how to sew but has a bunch of homemade body pillows of Five that he requested John never tell anyone about so then Nine arrives and John tells him he needs a Kyoya Ootori body pillow for Adam to celebrate their six month anniversary and Nine is like don't worry I got you and takes a couple throw pillows from the couch and staples them together then staples a piece of paper onto one pillow and pulls out a photo reference and draws a perfect copy of Kyoya Ootori laying suggestively on the pillow wearing a frilly cat maid outfit then hands it to John and wishes him and Adam a happy six month anniversary and walks away so then John waits until Adam comes home and then when Adam comes home he surprises him with the body pillow for their anniversary and explains he wanted to get him swedish meatballs from IKEA but didn't know how to get there and goes on a long explanation how he went from point A to sitting on the couch with homemade body pillow Kyoya Ootori waiting for Adam to come home but he's so glad Adam is back and then Adam stares at John for a minute in silence and goes. Our anniversary was yesterday, John
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yeokii · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want
ouu wait why is this kinda 😊
@yenqa and jay — obvious and oblivious
so we all know who's the oblivious here 😊😊 LIKE HE COULD BE GIVING YOU HEART EYES AND YOUD BE LIKE "ahhh best friend 😝😝" LIKE BRUH you'd be the type to say "I want my kids to marry ur kids" LIKE JAY BUDDY IF I WERE YOU I WOULD NOT TAKE THAT 💀💀 but sooner or later you'd find out by realising or he'd straight have to tell you like there's no in between
@soov and sunoo — "you ladies alright 😏" and babygirl
OHHHH YOUD BE ALL OVER HIM respectfully . like hello I feel like you'd put an arm over the wall nd corner him WITH A SMIRK . idk where im going with this but good luck with sunoo and his cheating bf 😊😊
@urszn and riki — nerd and athlete
NOW HOLD ONNN . I feel like ur really smart and rikis a lewser gym rat sport muscle man guy anyways you'd prolly have to tutor him and BAAM he likes you and the day hes going to say he likes you he prolly messes it up by saying "oh if I make this shot, that means I like you" and like . completely misses 🧍‍♀️
@weoris and jungwon — flirt and never felt the touch of a woman except his mother
so like maybe the trope is projecting (I say j2 out loud with confidence) but I feel like you'd flirt with him just cuz you find it funny cuz hes flustered but you dont realise that hes like in love with you UMMMM like this man would stop his ongoing game of clash of clans to text you (😊) LIKE OHHH HES COMMITED
@wvnkoi and heeseung — stuco and loser
you're last for a reason 😒😒 (kidding I loev yoi) so like you both are losers in a way but hes way more of a geek and ur way more of a freak JOESKKKSS but yall would probs be secretly dating and when ygs get caught they're like 😧 but he'd prolly talk about you to everyone and LIKE I MEAN EVERYONE (loser behaviour) "bro my girlfriends like so FINEEEE like id say yes to anything she asks" "sir, your total is $5.99"
THESE WERE SO FUN 😭 and im sorry if I didnt add any more of my moots 🙏 im a bit tired soz
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tr4gictea · 2 years
Maybe Al Haitham helping Gender neutral teen reader with homework because their having some trouble on a problem?
(I can see Alhaitham being good a math)
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Tags: kinda Crackfic, alhaitham is bad at teaching, crying reader, you suck at math
A/n: Hi! This took me way too long to post even tho it was just sitting in my drafts. There are definitely spelling mistakes in here, please let me know how i can improve pls. Love u all <3
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- Um, this homework session may not be as wholesome as you thought. Did your dad have to help you with homework and when you didn’t get it he would get frustrated with you and then you’d start crying. Yeah, that’s how this is going to go.
- Alhaithem is a bright man and I can see him getting math concepts easily. But he’s terrible at explaining them and when someone doesn't get the concepts as easily as him he gets a bit frustrated and goes through 5 stages of grief:
1. Tone Change: He won’t yell at you but his tone will get deeper after the fifth or fourth time you got the question wrong.  
“Sigh, (Y/n) I don’t know why this is so hard for you.” Alhaithem said, sighing “The book even explains how to do it in the book.” 
“But what if I have two variables on both sides?” 
“Then you get rid of it.”
“So like this?” You said as you took the eraser and erased the x out of the question 12+x = 30+3x.
“NO, didn’t your teacher tell you how to get rid of variables?”
“Yeah but she was talking too fast and I got behind.” 
“I don’t understand what’s so hard about it even if the teacher was talking too fast you should be able to catch up easily.”
2. Movement: He’ll sigh and lean back in his chair, hands over his eyes, and aggressive pointing or tapping.
Alhaithem had his head in his hands and his elbows on the table. The problem was so simple, how could you not get it? He could do these kinds of problems in under a minute when he was half your age. 
“Alhaithem,” He had been silence for about 10 minutes and all he was doing was leaning back in his chair and groaning. 
“I still need help with my homework.” 
“Well until you find what 12 x 8 is then I can’t help you.” Alhaithem said after aggressively tapping the equation. 
“You seem like you know so why don’t you just tell me?” 
“Because you need this experience,”
You decided that you weren’t going to get any kind of help out of him so you tried figuring it out on your own asking if a certain number was correct and each time he said no. 
“I-i Don-n’t know.” After the 12th try you broke down and started crying.
“(Y/n) don’t start crying now,”
3. Talking: Talking about how he doesn't wanna spend all day trying to help you with math and he doesn’t know why you're crying right now.
“...You know if you just listened to your teacher during the lecture you would be having this much trouble with math. When I was you age…” It was about 8:00 pm and Alhaithem was giving a you a lecture on how not hard math is and this is simple. “...and I don’t know why you're crying right now, I’m only trying to help you…” 
4. Kaveh: He asks Kaveh to help you because he needs to get work done.
After he finished with his lecture he said he couldn’t do this and he had work to do. He asked Kaveh to help you with your math problem. While he’s doing his scribe work he’s think of how much trouble Kaveh is going to have trying to explain the problem to you. He thinks that if he can’t help you none can.
5. What do you mean he’s better?: When he comes back out you will be done with your homework and surprised when you told him Kaveh explained it better.
“I don’t understand what you're being such a grump about. They got the concepts easily.” Kaveh said with Alhaithem wondering how Kaveh, a broke architect, could have explained it better than him, who has multiple degrees in math. 
“And you got this done in 10 minutes?” Alhaithem questioned.
Unconvinced that Kaveh didn’t just do the problems for you he marched towards the couch where you sat and stood in front of you and crossed his arms. “(Y/n), how do you get rid of the number in 2x?”
“You divide the 2 by the 2 and do that on the other side of the equation.” 
“What do you do first in an equation? Multiple, divide, add, or subtract?” This was a trick question so there was no way you’d get it corr-
“You’re supposed to do the equation in the parentheses first but if there are no parentheses than multiply.” You said without looking up from your book.
Alhaithem was in shock, “I-I have work to do…”
-if you don’t have trouble with math then he won’t even try to help you
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Co-parenting Found Family
[Miu (has a baby), Rantaro, Tsumugi & Kokichi friend group, Saiouma]
Me: you ever read a crackfic one-shot and realize you'd want to read a serious longfic with the same premise? cause now I am thinking of this stupid.. pregnant Miu shows up to saiou's apartament, asking Kokichi for help but instead of going with the crap about her not realizing she's pregnant for this long, I would like it to be angst inspired by her lhs
Clown: Yessss!!! I read that one!!! Absolutely loved it, mostly because I'm a sucker for them navigating something like this so ridiculously
Me: I liked it too, the joke about her not being able to tell rubbed me the wrong way, but it was actually nice after that, I would read more of it if they write a continuation
Me: basically, Miu ghosts everyone for a few months, not that unusual, she can disappear in her projects, she pops back up to brag about the prize she got for it when she's done, but not this time, this time she shows up to saiou's apartment, severely pregnant and devastated turns out she jumped headfirst into a relationship with some guy, tried to go through with her baby-trapping idea from LHS, because, hello abandonment issues, and for a bit it looks like she's exactly where she wants to be, but then, only weeks before she's due the guy ditches, leaves some note about realizing he's too young to be a father, and he's gone also, I'd add https://archiveofourown.org/series/976308 friend group to the mix, so while Ouma is the first person she comes to, the whole gang unites to help her
Clown: The friend group coming together instead of another potential partner is clenches fist so good. Miu is someone who is pretty fixated on relationships, it's almost as though in her mind she won't really be completely until someone loves her that way. So to give her a chance to move past that in this situation is just so interesting AND ITS JUST SO GOOD! In my mind for her to come to ouma of all people. Because he provided some familiarity to her, some safe space where she can in her own way step back into her usual. And Ouma would low-key go "shit. I'd jump shit too" and shuichi sends him a look but doesn't dare say anything because he kinda agrees. And it's a complete wreck but it's good
Me: yeah, if it's platonic relationships being as important as romantic ones, if not put first (actually, love Kokichi kicking Shu out so he can focus on comforting Miu), I am an insane person unapologetically I just think. found family coming together to raise a child. like if you agree I've done it before with DICE adopting a kid and I'll do it again
Me: Kokichi would agree with being the father, he's going to use it to gaslit their other ex-classmates (I imagine this is a few years post-HPA) into thinking he's the one who ended up with a kid their friend group + Shuichi know the truth of the arrangement, but that's it she might have been in a state of shock when she suggested it to him, but he's embraced it he Will be "the ultimate dad", (she regrets coming to him instead of Rantaro or Tsumugi when she sees all the custom print tees he got) he's telling Kaito about His pregnancy and childbirth experience the next time he comes over, he's preparing stories when it's aliens that got him pregnant, but no it was actually one of those dinosaur foam pills he swallowed, unless… Kaito, who just wanted to eat lunch with Shuichi: Shuichi, who is a simp: [relieved emoji] he won't help you, Kaito
Aalliyah: He swallowed a watermelon seed
Clown: He's taking this so seriously jagdjdhs He laid an egg [pensive emoji] I love shuichi just going along with it. Everyone expects some sort of something from him and he's just "We planted him in our garden from a toe nail and-"
Ves: this is gonna be the most spoilt baby
Me: on some bigger (as in just about the whole class is there) reunion, (probably a regular event organized by Kaede, like a movie or boardgame night) they look to Rantaro, who's always been the most reasonable of their group, and he's just mentally in the hehe hoho I'm an uncle and doesn't have more to add, he's zeroed-in on the baby, will get back to you later, maybe. [replying to Ves] oh, absolutely Tsumugi is part of the problem, always making something but. there is always somebody who wants to carry the baby never left out of sight
Clown: How do the squad [sunglasses emoji] , eventually find out??
Me: I think after Miu cries herself to sleep Kokichi texts their group chat using their emergency code (sacred, extempt from lies) to get Rantaro & Mugi to come over the next morning so they can tackle it together because in reality, he's a little overwhelmed too, and in the moment doesn't know yet if Shuichi will adjust to this with him so they all eat breakfast together, reassure Miu that they'll be there for her no matter what, start making a plan, a shopping list, beginning of a schedule, then Kokichi has to take the first scary step of the plan - talk to Shuichi about it; but Shuichi is like: yeah, of course because how could he expect his boyfriend not to help out? this is literally why he loves him, of course he will go a little overboard when it's for his found family he knew he had to prepare himself for Something when he saw Miu crying on his couch, at least it doesn't involve committing crimes against whoever hurt her, for now.
Clown: It's a big step!! (And very sudden) Even if it'll be a shared responsibility It's an entire new person! One that ouma is already in his mind accepted he'll be there for. He wouldn't immeadiately expect Shuichi to agree to something like that on a whim, but to know Shuichi is willing to look for solutions, to stay and work through it with him without question because of course. Sobs. Yeah. They've GROWN!!! Planning would be hellish though. Oumas filling the table with hundreds of scribbled papers and everything. Yes absolutely we need to sign this bitch up for maternity classes. Fuck it, Rantaro you go too, check in with us later. Tsumugi!! Need 3 months of baby clothes STAT! SHUICHI!! you just sit there and look pretty…SIKE ERRAND BOY GET THIS FOR ME
Me: let's be real, he's the first to sign up for those parenting classes and buying books about it but yeah, he does make Miu go too, for sure
Clown: Yeah he would!! He wants to be prepared
Me: also not to take from egg's family au directly but https://eggs-can-draw.tumblr.com/post/711383943783579648/omg-i-just-thought-so-byakuya-would-be-like Togami's motherhenning = Kokichi here and, while this is all sweet, I think Miu also needs to get mental health help, get that girl some therapy, she needs to work out the flaw with her logic, because, while it was already proven wrong when the guy left her, she needs to be given alternatives and you know, I think she would struggle with her feelings about the kid, it was supposed to be her ticket to being loved, and the kid is certainly getting a lot of love, but… maybe she would want more attention for herself? how is she meant to score a relationship now? she's going to need help understanding that those people are her family and that she's already loved
Ves: yeah!!! i think kokichi would b pretty blunt abt it too he tells her to shape tf up
Clown: YEEEAHHH. Honestly having a lot of people helping her out, some who give out reassurance easier than others, is a good start. But she is in that place where she's looking for something else to latch on. Usually that's the kid. I feel like had she gone through this alone she'd be one of those mothers constantly flipping through "You ruined my life" and "your the only thing in my life that loves me unconditionally" towards her kid. Ouma definitely helps in the way that he doesn't sugarcoat a thing.
Ves: local cluster b morons try to make a child well-adjusted baby'll be ok tho i think
Clown: Yeah baby will be ok! Everyone gets therapy [gun emoji] by law
Ves: praying that includes whatever poor man miu fucked up RIP king the kid is gonna be FUNNY when it grows up tho
Clown: [2 sob emojis] they'll be the ultimate comedian
Ves: saihara please pretend to be normal they need a balancing influence
Apollo: That kid is gonna commit crimes and use the skills Shuichi teaches them to get away with it
Clown: Somehow they pick up only on saiharas ingrained need to find the answer to questions The question is what would happen if a fork goes into an outlet
Apollo: They manage to somehow get the baby proof thing off the outlet and Kokichi fucking dives to stop them
Clown: Miu is just "let it happen. This is how I learned!"
Apollo: Kokichi just looks at her, blood dripping from the cut in his forehead and mumbles about how 'That explains a lot' Kokichi acts like kids will be kids and thus they get injured so there's no need to panic but the kid trips and he freaks the fuck out Like the kid doesn't even fall over. They stumble slightly and Kokichi is instantly there
Clown: He's the doting one. He's sobbing going, "my god. Your going to hate me one day. I'll be cool!! You can do a drug!"
Apollo: Poor Shuichi wakes up to Kokichi sitting up in the middle of the night because he's stressing over if he's cool or not and Shuichi has to remind him that the kid isn't even a year old yet and thus, has no idea what cool even means
Beez: smh shuichi just lie to him and say he is
Clown: Shuichi for real he needs to know, is he the lamest guy at the daycare?
Apollo: He's too tired to lie right now. Kokichi bursts into tears because is this his way of saying he isn't cool?
Clown: The pure betrayal!! From the one he trusted most!!!
Apollo: It's 2 in the morning [sob emoji] Kokichi has to have his devices taken away because he's staying up searching up how to be the cool guardian Ves: miu and him fight over who's the cool one when the kid is older (it;s neither of them)
Me: I can see Miu and Kokichi arguing about which one of them is cooler, but it's definitely Miu who lets the kid get away with things (like not brushing teeth) to be cool, and would likely mean the letting them do drugs thing, Kokichi would scold her for that and then his version of cool is teaching them lockpicking and making the scary faces, which in turn, she tells him off for
Apollo: Kid says it's Rantaro and both of them decide that he must go /silly Rantaro is riding the high while running away from Miu and Kokichi
springbug: it [rising the baby] surprisingly goes well too sure the kid might pick up on swearing at the age of 5 BUT THAT'S OKAY
Apollo: I mean, kid's gotta learn at some point Okay but father's day at daycare and just Shuichi, Rantaro, Kiibo and Kokichi all show up [idek why Apollo added Kiibo to the mix, he wasn't mentioned before, I didn't skip anything like that]
springbug: "i'm the father" "no i am" "what are you guys talking about? i look just like them" "sorry ma'am, im actually the father"
Me: nah, daycare, kindergarten etc. people think Miu and Kokichi are divorced or something if they come together they probably have some of their barely censored banter; sometimes Kokichi comes in with Shuichi, or it's Shuichi who drops the kid off on his own while he's on the way to work, kid refers to him by his name and calls him "dad's boyfriend"; sometimes uncle Rantaro or aunt Tsumugi come to pick them up; both Miu and Kokichi love to act like they're a single mom, works three jobs when other kids' parents try to ask them about life, and sometimes complain about each other
springbug: imagine gonta taking them to the park and showing him all the cool bugs [smiling face with tear emoji]
Me: once the kid is a bit older they let Rantaro and Gonta organize a camping trip for them and their friends, Kokichi is crying when letting them go because he's a motherhen and his baby is growing up and not scared to sleep away from home and him because the bugs will kill them
Clown: Miu and Kokichi giving their all to be divorcecore so true Everyone has ideas of the outrageous affair that ended their marriage that never happened
Beez: u just know the tea is PIPING among the staff
Clown: They're picking sides for sure
Me: imagine someone on the staff is homophobic so one of those days when it's Shuichi's turn, he gets told that his gay agenda is the reason the kid has to live in a broken family he's so confused the asshole is dealt with, but the anecdote lives forever also, I think Kokichi is the parent that always takes the chance to help out at school when they ask for a volunteer to join the trip or some event at school idk, if it's an universal thing, but here it's common practice that when little kiddos go on trips around town one or two of the class moms are asked to join after the first time the teacher is like "does anyone other than mr. Ouma wants to join? [sweat smile emoji]" but he persists he's just a little to prepared for anything to happen and kids feed into that energy and it becomes entirely beyond the teacher's control
Clown: OUMA BECOMES A PTA MOM AKSHJDHD The children are the next in line to be a part of his criminal organization so he needs to see them regularly, duh
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