#I pinky promise ☝🏽
aghostnamedcalamity · 5 months
Is Benjamin the tyoe of kid to constantly ask Mordecai if they can get a puppy?
I’d say he’s more the type of kid to sneak the puppy into his room without telling anyone and cough loudly at the dinner table to cover the sounds of the barking. And the puppy would probably be a pigeon, he loves those things. Mordecai’s hatred for them only makes them all the more forbidden fruit.
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artsyaj99 · 2 years
Lessons I Learned in 2022 🌹☘️✨⚡️
Since it is the start of the lunar new year I wanted to share what I learned in 2022 🗣
2022 a hell of year, but a lot of good things to come out of it and good people with clean souls and hearts ♥️
Healing is different for everyone and there is no time table to heal from things you cannot speak on. Things will trigger you emotions will rush in uncontrollably. Coming to terms and letting go of those dark times, memories, places and people so what will set you free. It will unlock new doors and create new emotions and dreams. Follow your passions not a title or status. You get what you give in this world 🌎 Love is kind love doesn’t hurt or hit or scream and yell. It nourishes it supports it cares and nurtures. It is patient it is beautiful, it genuine. I was told once I have no idea what love is and that was accurate.
He was right I was absolutely ~clueless~.
Piece by piece I unlearned, to relearn I took the necessary steps and time I needed to comprehend love. Not only loving myself but loving others and giving to others In the smallest of ways.
It doesn’t quit or give up. It doesn’t fade over time or distance and if you let it go it will come back ten fold if it’s true. If it’s real and if it’s unconditional. When you love someone you push them to be the best version of themselves you empower them. When they want to quit you don’t let them you support them. You keep your pinky promises no matter how juvenile they may seem. You keep them in your heart no matter where you go or what you have to face ahead. You confide in them you open up you embrace vulnerability. You get butterflies no matter how old you are. You don’t have to wear a mask or a facade because they know you stripped down bear bruised and bloody. They accept you for you.
You rise to the occasion no matter the storm. You are connected with them through thick and thin. In a partnership/relationship you embrace them with your words, kind words. You move mountains if you could just to see them smile. You recognize their weaknesses but illuminate their strengths. You love them for who they are you pray for their safety.
Resilience in the face of adversity is what breads beasts 🎯
Feed your passions, chase your dreams and hold what you love in your heart because tomorrow is never promised.
Burnouts are real and if you overwork yourself into oblivion they will happen ❤️
Perception is reality and you choose what to intake on a daily basis✨
Happiness isn’t gift wrapped neither is love you don’t get it in a box from Nordstrom’s 🔈
Mindset is everything so make it optimistic and fill it with what you need 🟢
Family isn’t always blood 🩸
Dreams don’t work unless you do ✨
It’s your round table so pick your seats and make sure you choose good company 💆🏻‍♀️
Don’t take life for granted you only have one ☝🏽
Smiling is better ❤️
If you give energy to negative shit your life isn’t gonna be positive 😶‍🌫️
Stress can and will kill, protect your peace ☮️
Most growth is conducted outside of your comfort zone exploring new places ☀️
Keep humanity human ❤️
Reincarnation = real try and tell me otherwise and if you don’t think so ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽
You will watch nightmares unfold in this lifetime but how you handle them will always speak volumes ✨
Setting yourself on fire to keep others warm whom don’t deserve it will leave you with a tarnished soul ✨
Don’t be afraid of your shadow and to boss up when needed 🪢
It’s okay to ask for help and advice from people you trust ✨
Educate yourself on things that light fires in your soul 🌻
You are learning and perceiving knowledge of the outside world until the day you die ❤️
Be kind to others and treat them with the same respect you want to be treated with 💥
Perfection is a crack of shit and if you constantly are reaching for it you will never be happy in the now 🙊
Care for others help others no matter how big or small it goes a long way ❤️
Not everyone is out to get you, there are still good people in the world you just haven’t met them yet ✨
Young at heart in a old soul is the way to be don’t tell me otherwise ♣️
Take the wisdom your elders offer you they have learned through life experience and trial and error 🔂
Mistakes are human emotions are human it’s okay to be human ♥️
Normal is boring and lack luster 💥
You are your own critic 👍🏽
Some people were meant to stand out 🟢
What they don’t know they still can’t take and they take everything that makes you smile even if it’s a cat 🐱
Live in the present because the past is long gone and you cannot let it haunt you 💥
Trust in the universe and the plan that was paved for you by your ancestors and spiritual guides ☀️
The best years of your life haven’t happend yet 🌺
Trust the process and timing of life ✨
If someone puts their hands on you, don’t let it slide violence is never okay or the answer in times of chaos ✌🏽
You don’t always need your armor and it’s okay to put down the sword and pick up a pen 🖊
Everyone falls it’s how you get back up that matters 💥
The world can and will chew you up and spit you out if you give it the chance to ❄️
Everyone deserves a second chance ✨
Do not be a slave to the past it had no control over you and won’t if you don’t let it 🌈
It’s okay to start over but it’s never okay to give up 🌩
When life gives you lemons make limoncello and don’t be sour 🍋
It doesn’t have to make sense to others if it makes sense to you ✨
Not everyone deserves an explanation there is a method 🟢☑️
Not everyone wants to see you succeed, there are more people that benefit from your failures so watch closely and be observant 🌶
Time is the most valuable form of currency 💴
People are jealous of happiness above all else, some of the richest people are the loneliest souls 🥚
If you can’t recognize your worth and embrace your mistakes no one else will ✨
Prove them wrong, there will be people who doubt you don’t let them win 🥇
Failure is okay that’s how we learn and evolve 🙌🏼
Growth although necessary is uncomfortable 🥴
Vulnerability isn’t weak it’s how the whole hearted live. Better to be wholehearted then a prick 👍🏽
Be grateful for what you have around you and find joy in the smallest of things it will make life brighter ✨
Meditate for your soul 🧘🏻‍♀️
Uphold tradition and values for future generations , be a lion in a world plagued with sheep and try not to fall victim to society 🙉🙈🙊
Love yourself a little bit extra on bad days 🫂
Be the woman you always needed when you were younger for you 🐞
Educate yourself it never goes out of style 🫶🏼
Authenticity is the most beautiful foundation shade on the market 🌻
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