#I prefer the latter
facts-i-just-made-up · 3 months
ok so like. what Is the difference between human and dancer
I missed that part, when I went to see the Killers I was just making out with some girl in the bleachers. Stephanie maybe? I dunno, I was just a boy then.
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 1 year
franks either letting sneegs pretty privilege overrun his weirdness or hes just a freak and is into his boyfriend eating alive rats and chewing on him like a dog toy
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Okay but do we want Mama B to show up to the wedding with Arkady or do we want her to show up at the house to pick them up right when Kensi tells Deeks and she walks in on them crying or kissing or both?
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granolagaeilgeoir · 2 years
to hell with personality tests are you an Audrey Hepburn or a Katherine Hepburn
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
sometimes looking at the calendar is just ughgb the passage of time what fuckign year is it again
and then sometimes its just a quiet wow. i actually made it this far?
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chxrrylungs · 1 month
do we fw sastiel..?
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scary-monsters · 3 months
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diego fans do we prefer smug diego being a pompous dickhead or do we prefer pathetic diego on his hands and knees where he belongs 🤔
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when an LDS person uses the term "mormons" vs when a non-LDS person uses it
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cardiagf · 4 months
I often think about this post in relation to dfqc and xlh
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something ab them is not only similar to hades x persephone but somehow i keep seeing orpheus and eurydice in them too
the scene where taisui was trying to find his weakness, something that will let him gain control of his mind and yet despite all attempts dfqc only wavered at the thought of xiyun/xlh forgetting him but that one short moment was enough for taisui to completely consume him. he couldn't help but (also) look back. figuratively, in this sense but it was that one "mistake" that doomed the three realms and his beloved at that moment.
not to mention these posters too in particular
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something ab these posters, these images where dfqc does not look at xlh directly yet she lingers near him, like a ghost he continues to let himself be haunted by. when he declared to xiyun that he will never forget xlh we all know that he would never forget her no matter how many milleniums may pass, he will still yearn and call for orchid.
and he's going to keep her and their memories together eternally engraved in his entire being.
much can also be said on how different he looks at the sword and the orchid plant but that's something that should be discussed at another time.
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unlikelypandahologram · 5 months
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new hot take: this is the SEXIEST panel of megatron ever drawn, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. that fucking evil smirk alone is so goddamn hot and panty wetting i'm losing my MIND
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mzminola · 10 days
Man, from like a character growth perspective I don't think Damian's love of animals as actually...positive? Like it's nice that there are things outside his status/survival that he cares about, but... Damian was raised in an eco-terrorist cult. Being protective of animals while struggling with the Bats' no-killing-people rule is just, like, basic status quo for him?
Not that the League of Assassins didn't harm plenty of animals & plants & ecosystems in their world domination schemes & even day to day life but the idealism of "I will become vegetarian because I love Batcow so much" is not a change. It's not growth away from his upbringing. That's fine, Damian is allowed to find things from his early childhood valuable, and if he actually grappled with it all I could see that being positive growth. Him actually examining the values and coming to his own conclusions.
But the way it's presented in the comics and the things fans to do with it don't feel like growth or change to me. It mostly feels like people are focusing on the murder/violence aspects of the cult he was raised in and completely ignoring the eco-terrorism. Ignoring that the League of Assassins values a fantasy of nature over humanity. Like they forget it's even a thing. And again, the comics are very much focused on the Assassin part so that makes sense.
It just means many of the things written to make Damian endearing to the audience just fall flat for me.
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candymay · 8 months
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bigbarabelly · 2 months
please draw homelander mpreg and lactating im begging
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LISTEN he’s just so [shakes violently]
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blood-starved-beast · 11 months
Alongside my replays of the games I've been slowly making my way through the Ocarina of Time Manga, and I can't help but notice how despite the immense trauma of learning that 1) his big plan with the Princess failed spectacularly and 2) his body has gone through immense physiological and psychological changes that he never expected to happen - the Hero of Time takes his situation in stride. He accepts he's the hero pretty quickly.
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By contrast, the Hero Twilight vehemently rejects the calling, denying it to the spirits' faces.
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His feelings are complex to say the least. He feels inadequate over being the hero cause he's got his issues back when he pulled the sword and lost his entire hometown. And his feelings about swordplay tie directly into that. He feels he cannot match up.
At the same time though, this Link is interesting in that he craves violence. He enjoys swordplay, even when it's caught up in all those bad memories. When he gets the Master Sword the inner part of him that loves fighting is thrilled. Cause while yes he's got his inferiority complex tied with his trauma, he also knows he's good. I mean, he is good at fighting. He's the Hero. This whole thing interplays and culminates in Link manifesting his dark inner side - which ends with him knocking himself out in the end cause that inner dark side is him. His ego gets too big.
But alas, the inferiority complex strikes again when Fi rejects him so throws himself onto the floor crying about it cause it confirms in his mind all his fears he has about not being enough. He thought, for a moment that he was enough (too much). I really love this version of Link.
Anyways I bring up the Hero of Time's manga cause his response to TP Link's whole deal in volume 7 is contextualized so well when you realize how quickly he accepts his new role. He tells TP Link to get over himself cause
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it is his destiny. He can't avoid it. And knowing that OoT Link accepted that. Accepted his fate so soon, and that the consequences of one's actions can cost so high, it makes sense no?
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platypotoo · 10 months
I started watching the show assuming (from pictures and such) that Sydney and C*rmy are the main couple. I didn't even know Richie existed.
But having finished the second season just now, I can't feel anything romantic between Syd and C*rmy. I expected to like them together, even to ship them at least a little. But I just don't.
Syd and Richie on the other hand? Wow.
In season 1, where they absolutely hate each other most of the time, their interactions are already so meaningful:
- The first time that we as viewers see Richie be vulnerable, Syd sees it too.
- His worry whether she is okay after the gunshots. Should be normal between colleagues, but... they used to dislike each other so much...
- When Syd resolves the fight between the gangsters, Richie looks at her in irritation, but also almost... awe? It also makes him actively change at this point already, actively change himself and how he sees certain things.
It's really a testament to the writing of this show, to the complexity of its characters that Richie is such a scumbag in season 1, in some ways saying exactly what you'd expect a guy like him to say, yet he could have been so much worse. He never crosses a certain line. And then in season 2, he becomes so much better.
Their interactions kind of hit me like a freight train - completely unexpected, raw, realistic, extremely emotional, almost forceful.
Thematically, too. The very new one and one of the oldest. At the beginning: always at each other's throats. Fighting, pulling, pushing. Is it possible that they might find peace with each other? Find even more?
The structure of season 2 had the main cast interact less, and since Syd and C*rmy were the ones working most closely together, I was sure that the strange vibes I got between her and Richie would disappear in favour of Syd/C*rmy. But except for the table scene (which I just didn’t read as romantic, more a continuation of Syd's personal arc), there were very few meaningful scenes between Syd and C*rmy.
There weren't many big scenes between Syd and Richie either, but... nobody really expected them to. However, we did get two scenes of weird awkwardness, like they didn’t know how to behave around each other without fighting. (her jumping away when nearly bumping into him! Their weird interaction when she's seeing him in a suit for the first time! "You smell good"?! Wtf? Ultimately it probably means nothing but I can't stop thinking about it!!) And of course the one scene in the last episode, when they are more than amicable colleagues - they are the perfect team without ever training together, same focus, same drive to make things exactly as they should be, helping each other, supporting each other and being impressed by each other.
It's just so weird how Sydrichie completely surprised me. I wouldn't even call it only "chemistry" or something. It's their entire dynamic, the way they made each other madly, almost exaggeratedly emotional in season 1, then went on parallel paths apart from each other - did some soul searching, improved themselves - and ended up as this weirdly perfect force together. I never expected it. I've never seen anything like it.
Right now, I think there's a 50:50 chance that in canon nobody of The Be*r's staff gets romantically involved, or that Syd gets together with M*rcus. No other option is realistic. But I'll be thinking about her with Richie for a good long while.
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t4tails · 4 months
going from gotham tv riddler to arkham riddler induces such whiplash its like heres a guy whos worst crime is murdering two people on accident and he feels really really bad about it and then heres jigsaw and hes going to call you a slur
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