#I promise I’ll stop eventually but I truly can’t help myself
gigglingsoftly · 11 months
We Bare Bears Tickle HCs
A/N: I’ve been rewatching We Bare Bears. I just wanted these headcanons out of my head. And I would add more every time I would get an idea. I’m pretty sure there is nothing else for me to add. So now I’m sharing them with you. I was originally going to keep them to myself but finding out there was practically no wbb stuff made me sad so I’m taking this into my own hands.
If you were a fan of the show I hope you like them and think they are accurate or at least some what accurate!
The residential tickle monster.
He wants his brothers to do something? Tickles! They’re being sassy/jerks? Tickles! They need cheering up? Tickles!He just wants to be annoying and bother them? Tickles!
He’s been like this since they were cubs and there truly is no escape.
He remembers where his little brothers are most to least ticklish like it’s literally embedded in his mind.
Ice Bear and Panda have literally had to gang up on him and make him promise to STOP.
They all know he can only keep that promise for so long.
Pan Pan and Ice don’t have to tease him really. Reminding him that this is for years of torment is usually enough.
Mimicking teases or things he’s done to them kills him.
He’ll take it in stride and usually he’ll admit that he deserved it.
Sometimes he’ll get cheer up tickles and his brothers will just remind him that they’re just returning the favor. He’s always so willing to cheer up his brothers.
It works but this usually just causes a massive tickle fight. He has to remind his brothers at all times he is the tickle king.
He definitely makes his brothers say he’s the best big brother ever. Like I just know he does bc that is literally such a him thing to do.
He’s literally soooo ticklish. Like he’s the most ticklish out of his brothers.
They tickle him all the time.
He’s also such a cutie that they can’t help it. Okay, Grizz is the one who can’t help it
Like he’s so giggly and he becomes such a wiggle worm. He gets super blushy. And if he laughs too hard he gets the hiccups. And he gets teary eyed. Like he’s so precious.
And pointing how cute he is just makes the tickles worse.
He’s going to curl into a ball and protect himself. It’s two against one a lot of the time and even if it isn’t he’s way more ticklish than his brothers will ever be. So he might as well just protect his most vulnerable spots and hope they get bored soon.
He has no issue getting his brothers back. They deserve it! Of course tho, that means he’s right back where he started. And he kinda knows that but revenge is always worth it.
Ice Bear
He will try not to laugh! He told Panda that if he doesn’t laugh Grizz will eventually just get bored. But Panda is too ticklish for that advice lol
It only works sometimes anyway. I mean Grizz already know he’s ticklish. It just depends on how determined his big brother is that day.
He will def try to escape.
He is a fighter! His brothers know they can’t go too far or someone will definitely get hurt (most likely them)
He’s not much of a beggar. He’ll just squirm around a lot and eventually just tap out. Or his brothers have to see he is literally dying in order for them to stop.
One time tho Grizz was like “I’ll only stop if you say you quit!” Panda had to tell Grizz he was going too far but he was equally amused. It’s what Ice what gets for being the strong silent type
Usually Grizz and Panda’s go to teases for him is reminding him he’s the baby and that he’s their baby brother. Incredibly effective.
His brothers will tickle him just to see him smile since he doesn’t smile often. And they know that’s just how he is and it doesn’t mean he’s sad but still they want to see him smile.
After his brothers give in then he’ll say something like “Ice Bear is the ultimate tickle monster.”
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bolton-buried · 30 days
File number 0240818-C
Statement of Harold Holt, regarding death, voices, and another universe. Statement begins.
This is so exciting. I’ve never given a statement before.
Y’know. Where I’m from there ain’t even a Magnus institute here. True facts. The Magnus Flock goes around, swarming after anything paranormal in a voyeuristic flurry, but they haven’t got a set base like y’all’s. Right, yeah yeah. Getting to it.
I suppose to y’all my universe looks backwards. But to me it’s y’all who’re bizarro world. We’re almost identical, but you’ve got all your fears mixed up to the wrong people.
I serve the Coming End That Waits For All And Cannot Be Avoided. But the Harold here serves Forever Deep Below Creation. He threw me out of the apartment the other day. You’ve gotta’ve fucked up real bad to—Wait. Home universe.
Right, yeah. So. My first memory is a family funeral. I looked into the coffin where some uncle or cousin was lain, and it connected for me. That one day that’d be me lying there. And you. And everyone else would find themselves lying there, and they’d never be again.
Childhood was a blur. I’ve been told I was a glum child. But I’ve also heard I was filled with a zest for living. Like my knowledge that it would end was a reminder that it, at that point, was.
Pa died when I was 8 or so—hunting trip to Spain—then my ma moved me back to America, where she took all o’ three years to fall to the Lightless Flame. Went mad, and tried to kill me. So I ran to the first place I thought of. Which was, as it would be for any child my age, the city morgue.
I put my self on one of those slats for corpses, the ones that wheel out, and I waited. And waited. And waited.
I don’t right know what I was waiting for, but it wasn’t to start hearing whispers. I took a while to start making out the words, but I got there eventually.
“I, Penelope Dorris, died at 9:32 on August 7th, 2011, when an accidental overdose on my own medication induced a heart attack. I was unable to reach my phone, and no one was in my home to help me…”
And then another talking over it.
“I, Grant Hugh, died at 17:51 on August 6th, 2011, when I choked on…”
And another. And another.
“I, Lance Cater, died at 0:13 on August 8th…” “I, Wilfred McIntyre died at 7:24…” “I, Meredith Ford, died…”
It was the bodies around me. Whispering the tales of their deaths. I tried to get out, but for several obvious reasons that don’t occur to 12-year olds, they only latch from the outside.
So I was there until morning, listening to the whispered echos of deaths until one of the doors was opened and I shouted for help.
My mom had been arrested, I learned. A family friend took me in. Then the story gets boring.
I move to London for college, major in philosophy. My “gifts” slowly spread from just the dead, to any person whose voice I hear. With my philosophy major, I naturally started working as a janitor at Hilltop Hospital, a temple to the Coming End. I would help protect it from invading powers. Yeah, I can’t do much aggressively, but nobody truly wants to die. And as a savant of my patron, I’m one of the few who can make that happen. At least in their minds.
A month or so ago I went to the basement there. And a crack opened up in the floor, which a spider leg reached through. It pulled me here, into this wrong world.
Harold—your Harold, Bolton—is mad at me because I knew how his friend would die, and I did nothing to stop it.
I can’t do anything to stop or change the deaths I hear. They’re final. A promise from the Coming End itself that this will be it, the moment you will cease to be.
I learned that the first time a living person told me their death. My college roommate.
“I, Matthew Kelsing, will die at 18:04 on May 12th, 2022, when I willingly strangle myself with a belt against the doorknob after learning that I failed an exam that my continued scholarship hinged on…” I’ll spare you the details.
I asked what he said, and he said it again. And again. And again. And I left.
I texted him to ask if everything was okay. He’d die tomorrow. He said so out loud, for fucks sake! He said he was fine.
I tried what I could. I stole the mail key and the router so that he wouldn’t be able to find out the exam score. Tossed all of my belts and his in the trunk of my car and drove it to the edge of town. I wanted to be back by 18:00. Just in case anyway. I hit traffic, and got home ten minutes late. He was dead, having taken the belt out of his pants.
There is no stopping the Coming End. I learned it the hard way. But that’s the way everyone learns it, ain’t it?
Statement ends.
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angie-baebii · 1 year
I know very well how it feels to be absolutely crushed by the weight of your own world, your own life, to feel like there is just nothing that can help you in this world because it can truly feel like that sometimes or for me and a lot of others, most of the time. Moonbin must have been going through a lot that he kept to himself which is completely normal because I keep most of my hardships to myself, it’s not healthy and it most likely makes everything worst but sometimes that’s all we know to do.
I don’t know what caused Binnie to eventually leave us so early but I won’t judge him because I’ve been there, Lord, have I been there many, many times, a lot of them as a kid. I was a kid that didn’t know how to handle why her emotions were so up and down and why her thoughts were so dark, I was a kid that needed help and although I was surrounded by tons of family, I felt completely alone. Binnie has so many fans that love him with all their hearts and he has members and family that knew him and loved him but loneliness can be a part of anyone’s life no matter how much people love them.
That darkness screams in your mind and tells you everyone is faking and tells you that something that may be small to others is the worst thing in the world and you should just end it all, what are you supposed to do when your mind is just screaming? You can’t hear anything else and you just want it to stop so bad so sometimes you do something that’ll hurt the people that love you but at least the screaming has stopped, at least it’s finally quiet.
Dear, Moonbin, I understand that it was hard, I understand that you just wanted to be free, I understand you in ways people who see it as selfish wouldn’t. Yes, your family and friends will hurt, they’ll hurt so bad, and yes, your fans will hurt and they’ll miss you dearly, me included but sometimes the noise just gets too loud and it wins. Binnie you bought so much sunshine into my life, whenever you’d smile I’d smile, your happiness was contagious and it made me happy. Your existence was an energy booster for me and I’ll forever be thankful and I’ll remember those moments and your smile. Thank you for making Aroha happy and for caring about us so much. I wish we could have saved you, I wish we could have made you happy the way you did us but sometimes happiness is just not reachable sometimes a rainbow can look like a tornado, your mind can completely rip apart everything that should make you happy and you just feel like giving up. I hope that wherever you are that it’s filled with lots of sunshine, rainbows, flowers, and the sweetest of treats and that you never go a day without that beautiful sunshine-filled smile ever again. You were my sunshine on my cloudy days, whenever my mind starts to get dark as it usually does I’ll think of your smile. Binnie, I could never manage to thank you enough, rest well my angel I’ll miss you dearly 💜
Dear, anyone reading this please if you’re thinking about ending it all, please reach out to your family and friends, and if you don’t have either please reach out to me because I understand you so much and I promise I’ll be there. I struggle with Insomnia and am literally always up so, please I swear I’m not one of those people being like “talk to me” I mean it with all of my heart. Please let me talk you out of your darkness I swear you don’t have to go. Let me give you one of my shoulders to hold up the world when it’s pushing down on both of yours. You are important, loved, and needed even when you feel like you aren’t. I may not know you but I love you, just breathe and please go outside and get sunshine and treat yourself, you deserve it even when you feel like you don’t
And if you don’t want to talk to me specifically here is the link to speak to at least someone else go to this link for any help you may need :) please keep fighting
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Star Wars: Dar'Aliit - Chapter 2: The Promises We Break (pt 2)
I don’t know how I’m still alive. I drag myself into the makeshift barracks now that the Umbaran’s are cleared out. Every muscle in my body hurts, but inside the door I can hear voices. Familiar voices.
“It doesn’t matter if I play against you! I’ll still lose.”
I poke my head around the corner. Hook has his injured leg stretched out across a bench. He and Nyo both have playing cards. Sabbac.
Nyo spots me and his gaze leads Hook to do the same. “Kian!” Hook waves. “Come play with us! We’re betting on who gets patrol duty.”
“You can’t take patrol, you’re still injured,” Nyo says, again.
“Kian can! Then you won’t automatically lose.”
I walk over to them and look at the cards. I don’t feel like playing. I want to lay down and close my eyes and wake up from a bad dream. They both stare at me, waiting for a decision. I rub at the side of my head and try not to stare at the empty spots.
“Kian?” Nyo’s voice is a lot quieter. I look back at him and he’s got a hand of cards ready for me.
He’s right even if he hasn’t said anything. Nyo was always good at that.
“C’mon!” Hook says.
I grab the hand of cards. “Sure, why not.” Grabbing a chair, I sit down. “You both know this is a bad idea, though.” A small smirk creeps onto my face. “I am the best at Sabbac.”
“Can it,” Hook rolls his eyes. “You can’t always win.”
“Just play the game,” Nyo sighs. “Both of you.”
We laugh and it almost feels natural. I glance at my cards and make a couple of judgements. The first rounds are slow, mostly because Hook keeps making snide remarks and whining about us making him lose just because he’s injured.
“That’s your own fault!” Nyo eventually snaps back. “Just show us your bluff already, Hook.”
“I’m not bluffing.” He throws down his cards and it only takes a glance to know. I’ve won. Again.
“You both suck at this,” I toss down my cards. “Who taught you Sabbac anyway?”
Hook slaps my shoulder. “Shut it! We all learned from the same person.”
“Oh, so you admit you’re just bad at it,” I jab back at his arm. “Finally!”
“I am not!”
Nyo groans. “I’m done,” he stands up. “This was highly skewed, I hope you both know that,” He pointed at us both, jabbing fingers in our faces. We laugh right back at him.
“I’ll take the Patrol,” Nyo consents and grabs his bucket off the table. Then he stops with a dead serious stare. “Both of you get some sleep.”
“You’re not our Platoon leader!” Hook cups his hands to his mouth and yells as Nyo stalks to the door.
I slump back. “You know he’s right.”
“I don’t wanna sleep,” Hook hauls his leg onto the floor. “Help me up, will you?”
I hop up and drag Hook’s arm over my shoulder. He groans but gets up and in a few steps we reach the bunks. I settle Hook on the bed and sit beside him. He stretches both arms in front of him with a yawn.
“That was intense,” he sighs. “All of it. How long have we been up?”
“Over eighteen hours.” I rub at my face. The exhaustions has been dulling all my senses, including the shock.
“We made it,” Hook lays back. He spreads his arms out. “Really made it. Next step, become decorated war veterans and get girlfriends!”
I laugh, just because that’s the only thing Hook has ever cared about. Really, all of us. You grow up a lab rat born in a test tube and all you learn to dream about is surviving to see what life is really like. The laughter hurts, because that was our dream. All our dream.
Hook socks me in the back of the arm. “Hey, you got quiet. What’s wrong?”
I shake my head. “Just thinking.”
“Don’t fall asleep thinking, I can’t get up if you fall on top of me.”
“Can it.” I roll my eyes. “I won’t fall asleep.”
Hook sits up slowly. “You know we’re going to survive this, Kian.”
I look back. We have the same face, but Hook’s hair is short and spiky, unlike mine which is long and wavy. He’s got a little scar over his right eye too. Fell out of bed. Truly a battle scar.
“Are we going to survive this?” I ask him.
“We have to,” Hook smiles. “Cause you can’t get a girlfriend without battle scars.”
It was almost peaceful for a day. The downtime was mostly spent playing sabbac and trying to forget that we lived in a warzone. It was short, however. The only thing I remembered was a bit of commotion about an execution. I tried to ask our platoon leader but he wouldn’t say anything.
Focus on the fight. I pull on my helmet. The Umbaran’s have made their next move and it’s up to us to hold them off. We must keep this airbase, or else.
“Ready?” Hook asks, his leg recovered enough to walk. He still limps as we move through the Umbaran forest toward the ridge where the enemy is supposed to be hiding.
I nod and look at Nyo. He checks his blaster as we move through the dark foliage. You can’t see a thing on this planet. I hate it here.
The platoon leader stops. He holds up a hand. “Watch out,” he says. “The enemy is supposedly disguised as clones. Don’t trust your eyes.”
“Sir!” We chorus back.
We’re on the move again. I can hear the fight up ahead. Nyo crouches beside me. The Platoon leader moves in and waves us forward. “Take cover!”
The sound of blasterfire is deafening. I drop to one knee behind a root system that’s sticking up and gives me cover. Blaster over it, I fire into the sea of blue laser bolts being traded back and forth. The intel was right. Those are clone blasters.
The Umbaran’s have fricking disguised themselves as us. I grimace and fire back at anything that moves. My eyes can barely track in the shadows.
Hook crouches behind me. “On your left!” he calls to me. I duck and a rocket buries itself several feet behind us.
“Move!” We lunged over the roots and out of the blast radius, stumbling into the battlefield. Crouching and running we advance toward where the enemy is. I can hear shouting as my back slams into a tree trunk and I haul my blaster up to fire around it.
“Stop shooting!” A voice echo’s past me. I look up, distracted, and see the Captain. He barrels past us, his helmet, off? He waves as he turns, shouting back. “We’re shooting at our own people! They’re clones!”
I drop my blaster. Hook turns. “What?” his voice is faint.
The three of us have ceased fire. The Captain is gone, but we all three peek around as the platoon leader himself stops and looks back at us. It’s a pale kind of fear that works it’s way into my face as we wait with bated breath.
“Take off your helmets!” The platoon leader shouts back. “Now!”
I jerk off my helmet. It falls to the ground. Nyo reveals his own face, his short hair, and the same hazel eyes we all share. Hook follows suit. All around us the others follow suit. We’re removing our helmets and looking across the ridge.
On the other side stare back yellow armored men, with the same faces as us. We share the horror of what happened and bit by bit, the battlefield goes silent.
I drop my blaster. “What have we done?” I gasp. I feel sick.
“We didn’t know,” Hook growls. “Who told us these guys were Umbaran!”
A 212th Trooper ventures across the break. We all slip out from behind the trees and rocks we’ve been sheltering behind and look among each other as if we’ve seen ghosts.
“We were told you were Umbaran’s in disguise,” one of the 212th men says as he walks up to us.
“So were we,” Nyo breaths.
“The others came from…above.” Hook looks up and his gaze meets mine.
I swallow hard. “But why?”
The past few days were quiet, but one thing stuck with me. Ever since General Skywalker left us under General Krell we’d marched till our boots were worn through, we dove into things headfirst. It was like everything was just one big simulation, except everyone around us was dying.
We were nothing but pawns, and now this. My head spins. I sit down on the ground and Nyo puts his hand on my head. “What do we do?” he asks.
“We can’t just slaughter each other!” The 212th trooper hoists his blaster. “We have a real war to fight!”
“Listen up!” The captains voice drowns everything out. I stagger back to my feet and look over.
The Captain walks back toward us, his face set firm and his eyes a bit more hollow than they were before, but burning with anger. I am at attention before I can think as are those around me. We all are, waiting to know where we go next.
The Captain looks us each in the eyes and the feeling is infectious. “This might be treason,” he warns us, “so if you’re not with me, speak now.”
The silence is resounding.
The captain nods. “I know where these orders came from, and I know now, General Krell has been using us from the start. That ends here and now. Am I understood?”
I join in the battle cry. “Sir, yes, sir!”
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loveandthings11 · 2 years
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Actually I completely believe that Kendall would have a flirty friendship with the Queen of Genovia
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tinythebunni · 2 years
Eddie Munson x “oblivious” reader
Sweet Girl
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¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸
Pt 1
You were ignoring Eddie. That much was obvious. Eddie had no idea what was going on. One day you two were cuddling up on the couch, and the next you avoiding him like the plague.
And the funny thing was, you started ignoring him right after that night. The night. The night he jerked off to you sleeping. He had no idea what he did wrong.
Best case scenario, you were just mad at him for something dumb. Worst case scenarios were you caught him and thought he was a perv, or finally figured out he wasn’t worth it.
He really hoped you were just mad at him. He missed you. Everything about you. How when you giggle your voice hitches in between each breath. How when you sneeze your face freezes up after. Or how you always trip over your right foot because of an injury you got when you were younger. Eddie truly loved you.
Eventually he devised yet another plan. He would go to your house on the day your parents were both working. He had a house key so he could just go inside. He could ask why you were avoiding him and figure things out. Hopefully you could fix things so he could go back to jerking off to you without feeling guilty.
The day Eddie decided to leave and put his plan into place, you showed up outside his trailer door. It was raining pretty badly so you were soaking wet. He could see through your baby blue shirt. The skimpy white skirt you wore didn’t help to conceal your ass either. Eddie got hard fast .
Eddie was so enveloped in his thoughts that he couldn’t hear your rambling. You were partly through your rant when he stopped you. “Hold on Princess, i didn’t catch what you said.” He mumbled.
“That night you came over to my house! You were touching yourself over me! And it made me feel so warm and tingly and I couldn’t stop it. I just wanted you so badly but I couldn’t do anything about it!” You chattered.
Despite Eddie’s extreme shock, he remembered that it was feeding outside and you were wet. And not in a fun way. “Sweetheart, we can talk more inside, just please come in before you get a cold.”
You shuffled inside and continued your rant after sitting down on his couch. “I tried avoiding you because I thought that the feeling would go away! But it’s been getting so bad. Usually I’d hump my pillow and it’d be okay but I can’t do it! I need you so badly but I don’t know how to fix it. I need you. Please!”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. You wanted him? In the way he wanted you. He could finally do all the dirty and perverted he thing he had only dreamt of.
Eddie sat down on the couch, close, really close to you. So close you could feel his leg against yours. So close that his leg was practically over yours. So close that you could feel his boner against you hip.
“Well, that means you want me, in a sexual way obviously. you need me.” He was only saying things you already know. “I want you in both ways! I want you to cuddle me and kiss me! But I also want you to fuck me and push my head into my mattress! I need you Eds.” You spoke, voice breathy with need.
Fuck, you were gonna be the death of him. “I’ll help you sweetheart, but you need to tell me something first.” He said. “Anything. I’ll tell you anything you wanna know!” You promised.
Oh he wanted to ruin you so badly right now. “Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
Holy shit. You didn’t answer right away, your face was hot and red. You could feel your chest rising with every breath. And why was it so hot in here all of a sudden?
When you didn’t answer, Eddie cupped your chin and forced you to look up at him. “I asked you a question babe. You gotta answer if you want me in you.”
“Yes! Yes, I think of you when I touch myself. You’re the only one I think of. I think of you fucking me hard and deep, I think of you making me sob when I give you head. I think of how you could throw me around so easily and how I’d just let you.” You were so fucking dirty. Such a pretty little whore, one whom Eddie could teach.
“Oh you’re more of a slut than I thought.” You whines at his words. You were so needy, you just wanted him so fucking bad.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll take care of you.” Eddie stood up and flipped you over his shoulder. You could feel yourself getting wetter over the show of strength. You thought he could smell it and his next words proved that.
“You smell sweeter than ever before bunny. Must be something new.” Eddie mumbled
When he reached his room he dropped you down on his bed and crawled over you. He slid his hands down your bare legs and reached under you skirt. He slid one finger under the waistband of your underwear and let go, letting it snap back into place. The pain of the snap only making you wetter.
Eddie pulled your underwear down your legs, once it was off he smelled them. He was in heaven right now. Staring at your pretty pussy while smelling your arousal. He needed to be in you so bad. But first, he had to take care of you.
Eddie flipped your skirt over your stomach and quickly went to work. He placed wet kisses all over your thighs, leaving hickeys in his wake. Once he made it up to your cunt he placed a delicate kiss on your clit that made you squirm. You needed him so fucking badly.
He licked a stripe up your lips and slowly slid his tongue into you, the intrusion making your back arch. This was better than anything you’d ever done. He flicked his tongue in a circular motion, touching all over your slick walls. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
Eddie used his dominant hand to rub circles on your clit, while his other hand held down your stomach. He needed you to be still. Couldn’t have his meal running away, now could he?
The lewd noises emitting from the both of you made the coil in your stomach tighten. You needed at little more. You couldn’t figure out what you needed. “Eddie! Please I need more!” You begged, practically pleaded. He almost didn’t hear you considering he was humping the edge of his bed right now.
Eddie replaced his tongue with his fingers, scissoring them inside of you. He let his tongue flick against your clit repeatedly.
With his fingers making you feel so good, and the added stimulation from his tongue made you lose control. You were thrashing around on his bedsheets, helplessly grasping at his pillow. You didn’t know if you were trying to get away, or get closer. But that didn’t matter anymore, because you finally came. And you came hard.
Eddie was in heaven right now. Your back arching off the bed, mouth open in a silent o, and your fingers grasping at whatever you could get at. Your beautiful plump thighs were wrapped around his head, practically humping his face. He couldn’t breath but that didn’t matter. He didn’t care if he died in between your legs. All that mattered was making his pretty baby feel good.
Once you rode out your high, you flopped onto the bed. Completely fucked out. You were staring blissfully at the ceiling, pupils blown, and head fuzzy. But Eddie wasn’t done with you yet.
“You think you got one more in you, Angel? I’m just so hard right now.” Eddie said in a mocking voice. He knew you’d say yes, you always said yes to him.
With a nod of your head, Eddie pulled you up off the bed and onto the floor. The thump of your knees on his carpet made him cringe but you didn’t complain. You wanted to make him feel good, just like he did for you.
Eddie undid his zipper just enough to pull his cock out his boxers. He half expected you to just go at it with how you were staring at him. But you just sat there. Eddie was big. Probably 6 or 7 inches, and he was thick. So very thick. There was no way that you could put that in your mouth!
But you were determined. You licked from the base of his cock, to the very tip that leaked precum. You slid as much of him down your throat as you could, and what you could fit you started jerking off.
Eventually, Eddie grabbed your hair and started fucking your face. He knew you didn’t know what you were doing, you were going so sloppily. Not that it mattered, all that mattered was that he had you, and nobody else did.
You sat and let Eddie messily thrust into your mouth. You let the hand that was jerking him off rest on your thighs, and the hand that was free you used to cupped his balls. You started massaging them while you sucked him off as best as you could.
Eddie could feel himself getting closer. His thrusts got sloppier and he was panting heavily, he was about to cum. You knew it and he knew it. You widened your mouth more and pushed your head all the way down to his pubes. You didn’t like the smell but it didn’t matter. You just wanted to taste his cum. You couldn’t let any of it go to waste.
Eddie’s his tilted back as he came, his eyes closed and Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. The moans and whimpers coming out his mouth were absolutely sinful. And he tasted so fucking good.
You didn’t care that he came already, you wanted more. You kept sucking him even after he rode out his high, pushing him further and further into overstimulation.
Eddie came a second time that night. All that came out was clear liquid. But you didn’t care. You were happy. Eddie slid his soft cock out your mouth and pulled you up.
He wiped away the spit and spilled cum with his thumb and stroked your cheek. Eddie used his other hand to cup the back of your head to tilt you up so you could reach his lips. He looked you in the eyes for confirmation and leaned in.
He tasted like corner store toothpaste and weed. But it was so deliciously good. You could feel your knees buckling under you, but Eddie don’t let you fall. The hand on your cheek slid down to your waist and held you up to him.
You could feel your air running out but you didn’t care. You needed more of him. The kiss went from tender and sweet, to sloppy and frantic. You were gasping into each other’s mouth, stealing each others air right out of their throats.
Everything that was his, was yours. Everything that was yours, was his. And you both were okay with that.
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon Requested: Omg wait can i request a fic where reader feels like they aren’t good enough for eddie and venom so reader breaks up with them and eddies sad and just a lot of angst (BUT happy ending) if not thats okay !
A/n: Day 5!! I'm think about just extending the weekathon to the entire month! Not too sure yet, but I should decide quickly huh!! I just think it'd be fun to do something like that. Maybe get more and more festive along the way. What do you think?
Song: Halley's Comet by Billie Eilish
"So, that's just it? You're just gonna up and leave and not tell us why?"
He wanted to sound mad, but his voice gave it all away. You couldn't stand the thought of what you were doing to them both. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at them as you left. You didn't even bother to grab your things. You just left emptyhanded.
Subconsciously, maybe you knew you'd find your way back eventually. But...Not now.
The weight of the world began to crush you with every step you took away from their place. You knew they were watching you from the window. If you had to leave, they'd at least make sure you'd stay safe.
It all felt like a cruel punchline to an unfunny joke. How could you be such a fool to think you'd be good for them? They....They were a protector. A lethal one, but still a protector. They helped people and saved the world from every threat imaginable. You sometimes couldn't even drag yourself out of bed.
It didn't seem fair to drag them down like that. They deserved better. They deserved the world, and you just couldn't give them that. Someday they'd find someone who would.
That night was spent alone on a friend's spare guest bed. The world was so quiet. There were no streetlights beaming into your room. There was no more sounds of late night traffic or the people talking and walking as they passed under your shared window.
There was no more fighting Venom for the comforter because he'd purposely hog it just to get your attention. It always worked. There wasn't the usually jokes about forgetting to set your alarms for the work morning ahead.
You simply set your alarm and laid down. The world seemed so much colder and emptier. It didn't seem fun and bright anymore. The bed felt much more spacious now.. The pillows felt too squishy and new. The sheets looked nothing like his.
Staring at the wall wasn't going to put you to sleep any faster, so you rolled over and clamped your eyes shut. You willed yourself to not cry.
The tv kept repeating the same old stuff. Robbery after robbery. Someone got shot. A car accident. Oh, it's going to rain tomorrow.
We should be fixing that..
"I don't feel like doing anything anymore."
"I don't feel like doing anything anymore either, V."
There was an uncomfortable silence. Normally there'd be some form of a pep talk from you, but now.. Your spot on the couch was empty. All that was there to suggest that you even existed was your favorite throw pillow.
With hesitation, Eddie grabbed the pillow and held it in his lap. It still looked brand new, and that's simply because you always knew how to take care of things. Nothing of yours ever really got broken or misplaced..And you always knew just how to handle things.
"I miss them."
A thought they shared in common. It's felt like months, but it's only been a couple of weeks. Your things were still occupying space here. It was almost torturous having to look at them each day and know that you weren't going to come home.
It was that thought that broke them both. They curled up on the couch, sad and defeated. The world was incomplete because you weren't here to make ti better. A rough day at work? You'd say, "Oh, don't worry." as you made some hot coco to relax with. Emotions getting out of control? You were always there with ways to fix them.
Did they take you for granted? Did they forget to cherish you? Did they do something wrong? Everyone always told them that they were just screwups who ruined everything, so maybe they just fucked it up again.
Maybe they'd learn to live with it. Just not today.
It's just not home anymore. Home is where you were.
The rain was awfully heavy today. But you were thankful. Today was hitting you harder than the last few. You were stumbling down the sidewalk, tears streaming down your face. Nothing seemed to hold any meaning anymore. You'd pass by Mrs. Chen's shop, and normally you'd stop by there to get Eddie and V a snack or two. But now, you simply keep walking.
Today you just let your body walk. To where? Wherever you felt like you needed to go. You were so tired, and so worn down. That only help cement in the fact that you just... You were an absolute nobody. Who could love a nobody?
If only you were born gifted with the brains, the talents or even the powers. Maybe you'd be worth something. Maybe you'd see yourself as more. Maybe if you felt like you held any importance to anyone, you'd find a reason to stick around anywhere, with anyone.
Despite wanted to be more to literally anyone, all you could think is being better for them. They meant so much, no, no, they mean so much to you. It felt so dumb and childish to be so hung up on two of the goofiest creatures on this planet. You couldn't lie to anyone. You were hopelessly in love with Eddie Brock, a man who truly was a breed of his own. And you were in love with Venom, an alien with a heart bigger than his stomach but he's too embarrassed to say it.
You don't want to love them anymore. Because you still believe it was better to not be with them.
You slumped against a light post and wiped your eyes. You tried everything to stop the tears from flowing, but that only made them multiply. You'd scold yourself if you had the energy.
The world really did begin to feel more and more empty. People seemed to walk pass and not even give you a second glance. None of them cared, and to be honest, neither did you. Normally you never noticed other people, because you'd be so wrapped up in whatever it was you and Eddie, and yes, Venom too, were doing.
But they aren't here anymore. You were back to where you started. Alone and afraid of what the world had in store. You used to wake up knowing what you'd be doing...But now you weren't sure.
You remained leaned against the streetlight for an eternity. The sun had set and the moon had risen, yet you remained put. Everything was cold now. The rain had subsided, but the light continued to drip down on you, but even then, you didn't have the willpower to move.
It's better to be cold than to have never been warm, right? That is how the saying goes...Right?
You sniffled, waiting for the next set of drops to hit your head, but they never did. You slowly looked up and saw someone's hands holding up a jacket. They looked like they were doing their best to hold it up like an umbrella, and without touching you. You recognized the jacket immediately, even just from seeing the inside of it. You'd worn it so many times.
You stood up straight and turned around, being greeted with the sight of Eddie. He looked just as tired as you, and just as lost. He looked like he had a million things to say, but it seems like the cat had his tongue.
The universe was giving you a chance. For some reason.
"I'm sorry." was the first thing to spill out of your mouth.
"We're sorry, too."
"You didn- It was me. I was.." You took a step back from under the jacket, but it seems like Venom wasn't having any of that. He moved Eddie's body for him, this time, draping the jacket on your shoulders.
You gently crossed your arms and held them close, appreciating the gesture now.
"You can leave now. If you want." Eddie moved back a little, "We just saw that you were cold.."
"I don't want to go." you gripped onto the jacket, trying to fight the new wave of tears threatening to come out, "I just.. I had to because I felt like I wasn't good enough."
You were about to ramble on when Eddie cut you off, "That's why you left?"
"I'm sorry." You felt like you could just curl up and die on the sidewalk.
You looked down, staring at the cracks that littered the walkway. You'd find someway to make this poetic.
Two hands, one human and the other very much not, wrapped themselves around you as they pulled you into a warm embrace.
"Did we make you feel that way?"
The way Eddie's voice cracked made your arms go limp at your sides.
"No. I made myself feel that way- But I can't help it. You guys do so much good and I-"
"We love you."
The hug got tighter, "We used to do what we did because it was the right thing to do. But then we met you and it all changed. It seems so cliche to say that, but...It's true."
"You're just saying that."
"We adore you. We promised to do everything we can to make sure we leave this world a better place for you."
Your hands shook as your fought with yourself. You wanted to hold them just as close as they were holding you, but you felt-
"I don't deserve this.."
In typical Brock fashion, and never knowing how to truly deal with his emotions, Eddie clung to you, almost pleading, "Would you just listen to what we're saying."
"You can't love me."
"Why the hell not? Huh? Whose going to stop us?"
"Nobody's going to stop us."
"Why is it me. Out of all the worthy people, why me?"
"You're such a good person. I know you don't see that..But you're the kindest person I've ever met."
"Certainly the nicest I've met..."
Every last word you wanted to yell out into the night sky just vanished from your mind. You wrapped your arms around Eddie and squeezed as hard as you could.
"How many times do we have to say it to make you believe it?"
"I'll say it a billion times," Eddie said, "Most guys would quit at a million but me? I don't know when to quit."
"It's true. He doesn't. But if saying it a billion times gets you to come home, then I'd do it a million more than him."
"I," You started, taking in a deep shaky breath, "I wanna go home regardless."
"We can talk more there if you're comfortable."
"With coco."
"I would like that."
The walk home was a talkative one.
Eddie's hand held yours tightly, but not too tight. He was so afraid that if he didn't hold it firmly enough, you'd simply slip away again. He was sure as hell not letting that happen again.
The apartment looked the exact same as when you left. You were so surprised by that. Normally they'd be a mess if you were gone for too long, and the apartment would reflect that.
"It all looks the same."
"Oh. Yeah." Eddie busied himself with fetching the hot chocolate ingredients.
"We couldn't bring ourselves to ruin your hard work...Or move your things." For the first time, Venom seemed sad.
They both seemed tired. You wanted to feel bad, knowing that they felt that way because of you. But knowing that they loved you meant that they felt bad, not because of you, but because you were gone.
Without thinking, your hand reached out and grabbed Eddie's arm, startling him a little.
"Can we go lay down for a little bit.." you asked quietly, "I think we all need a little rest."
Relief washed over him as he set down the cups and lead the way to the bedroom. There was no more words as you three crashed onto the mattress. Venom used a small tendril to turn the lamp off and pull you closer to Eddie.
"Are you okay with loving a nobody like me?" you asked as you watched him shut his eyes.
"Are you okay with loving two nobodies?"
"We are all losers."
Venom pulled a blanket over you and Eddie, going so far as to fluff the pillows under your heads.
"And that's okay. I love us the way we all are."
You yawned for the first time in ages as your eyes closed, "I love us too."
There was that familiar light coming through the window. And there was the sounds of the cars and the people. The world felt just right and you were home. You moved closer to Eddie and placed a quick, soft kiss on his lips, and his arms were quick to wrap around you.
You felt a soft tendril wrap around your arm.
"I know what you're feeling and what you're thinking." His voice sounded surprisingly quiet, "But you are more than enough for us. We don't say it, but sometimes we feel the same way. You could certainly do better than us. But.."
The tendril tighten a little, but not enough to really do much.
"You left and we realized...We don't know what to do without you. We didn't feel like doing anything anymore. It felt pointless."
You turned your head to look at your arm, seeing two small white eyes staring at you with a mixture of sadness and adoration.
"I know I'm not good with these human emotions..I might never be good with them, but..I know that I love you. And Eddie loves you too. We always try our best to show you..But you are truly all we need to be happy in this life."
You were a bit shocked with how much Venom had to say. Most of the time, he tried to use the least amount of words possible to get his point across, so you knew that he meant it.
"You both complete me, and for once, I finally have the courage to say it, because I don't know when I'll get the chance to say it again."
You smiled softly at him, and moved your arm in a way where you could place a soft kiss onto the top of his tiny little worm head.
"I won't leave again. I promise we can talk about it first."
"Talking is good."
"I love you, V."
"I love you too." He seemed to pause as he shot a glance up to Eddie, just to make sure he was still asleep, "More than that guy."
"Not possible." Eddie groaned, adjusting a little.
You smiled a little as you curled up under the blanket and actually shut your eyes for good for the night. Finally, a good night's rest. You still had doubts, maybe not many and none as big and frightening as before, but that was normal.
Not everything in life is a given or a certainty. You're not promised to tomorrow and it's not a give that you'll be a millionaire. But where you are now is where you're supposed to be. Don't doubt it. The two halves of your heart will quite literally walk to the ends of the universe just to see you smile, and that's more than enough for you.
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scarletmirrors · 2 years
[A3! Translation] Perfect hit! [Chikage R]
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Thanks to Hira for the raws!
Translation under the cut!
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Itaru: Yes! And with this I’m finished with the event~
Itaru: …wait, huh? Senpai, are you going to work on a weekend?
Chikage: Yeah, I think I'll be home around dusk.
Itaru: I see, good luck~
Chikage: Geez…
Chikage: Huh? That sound–
Itaru: …shit.
Chikage: …Chigasaki, that mountain over there just toppled over.
Chikage: Did I not ask you to clean the room before?
Itaru: That's, well, I did, when you said that I started to sort my games, but…
Chikage: but?
Itaru: …I sorted them all into a pile.
Chikage: I wouldn’t call that cleaning
Itaru: …sorry, sir.
Chikage: This time, I’d like the room to be clean when I come back.
Itaru: …I will do my best.
Itaru: Phew…stage clear! I think I’ve reached a good place to stop for now.
Itaru: Oh, shoot. I’ve gotta clean before Senpai gets back…
Itaru: …what a pain, but I guess it has to be done.
Itaru: Why hello there, I thought I’d lost you, never thought I’d see you here of all places. I’ll play this next week…
Itaru: I don’t need this anymo- well, it would be kind of a shame to toss it, guess it’s a keeper.
Itaru: Hm…I could send the rest to my parents…they might get pissed though.
Itaru: This one I have to keep…and I don’t wanna throw this one away…
Itaru: Ugh, if I keep this up Senpai'll be home in no time.
Itaru: (Now that I think back, something like this happened before)
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Chikage: Hey, Chigasaki…I asked you to clean before, didn’t I? Why is there a literal mountain of stuff on the floor here?
Itaru: You say that, but Senpai will take care of it, right?
Chikage: Hm…Well, alright then. I’ll be tossing anything I think isn’t worth keeping, though.
Itaru: I’m very sorry! I’ll clean it up myself…
Itaru: (He’s said the same thing about messes before, but in the end he never throws away my things even when he says he will.)
Itaru: (Maybe it’s because he had to go to work today, but what the heck, he really is kind~)
Itaru: Anyways, I’ll choose stuff that I’m sure I can get rid of.
Itaru: Heave-h…woah!!
Itaru: …I'm way too weak, lol.
Itaru: (Huh? What's under the box that just fell…?)
Itaru: This is…!
Itaru: The dartboard set we got for Senpai's birthday? 
Itaru: It's gotten all squashed…shoot!
Itaru: Ugh, seriously? It got so damaged…
Itaru: (I have to do something before Senpai gets back…in times like these, there's only one person to turn to!)
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Tsumugi: Tasuku has a guest performance today. He might be home late tonight.
Itaru: I’m screwed…
Tsumugi: Did something happen?
Itaru: Yeah, something like that…
Tsumugi: ?
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Itaru: (If I can’t get Tasuku to fix it, then I can only be honest about what happened.
Itaru: (No matter how kind Senpai is, if I saw his reaction to seeing a birthday gift broken, I wouldn’t be a fan of myself either.)
Itaru: (But, I am the person who broke it. This also happened because I didn’t properly clean like I was asked to, I’ll properly apologise about both…I won’t object if he’s upset with me)
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Chikage: I’m ho-
Itaru: I am extremely sorry!
Chikage: …huh?
Itaru: I will accept any punishment you choose to enact!
Chikage: ……I’ll admit. Coming home to you doing dogeza* I'm a little lost.
Itaru: Well the truth is…while cleaning the room, I broke your dartboard set…
Chikage: Oh, this? Hm…
Chikage: The board is broken pretty badly, I don’t think it’ll be usable for games.
Itaru: …
Chikage: Actually, I had promised to play darts with Sakuya and Citron the other day.
Itaru: …eh?
Chikage: And we were planning to invite you, Tsuzuru, and Masumi too.
Chikage: Since it was a dart board that Sakuya painstakingly chose for me, I thought it would be best to enjoy a fun night with all of the Spring Troupe…
Chikage: It’s kind of disappointing, we’ll have to apologise to Sakuya and the others…
Itaru: I’m…truly, truly sorry.
Chikage: It can’t be helped, all things break eventually. And it’s my fault for putting it somewhere so precarious.
Itaru: Guh…
Itaru: (Senpai’s not mad, but now I feel guilty as hell…)
Itaru: It wont fully make up for it, but I'll properly explain what happened to everyone and apologise…
Itaru: If I had just cleaned everyday, this wouldn’t have happened.
Chikage: …Well. At least now you understand the importance of cleaning.
Itaru: …huh?
Chikage: I’m just kidding.
Itaru: Wait, so just now that was…!?
Chikage: The thing you broke was something I got from some outing from work once.
Chikage: I didn’t need it, and was thinking about throwing it away.
Chikage: It does look similar to the dart board I got for my birthday, so I don't blame you for mistaking the two.
Itaru: S, so that's it…
Chikage: Plus, there's no way I'd put things that I get from you guys on the floor like that.
Itaru: That is true, if I thought about it more I would have realised it too…
Itaru: Phew…and I got into a panic for nothing.
Chikage: Well the fact that you broke something of mine still stands.
Itaru: And I am still very sorry.
Chikage: If you are, I think there's something beyond words that you can do.
Itaru: huh? Why do I have a bad feeling about this…
Chikage: Until you've finished cleaning, games are off-limits
Itaru: Huuuuh!? Thats, if you look closely at the mountain of games it's gotten a little smaller, I think,
Chikage: You'll do it, since you're so very sorry, right?
Itaru: …yes.
*dogeza is when one kneels on the ground to show deep apology
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egcdeath · 3 years
ways to say i love you without saying “i love you”
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pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: you and steve explore love languages
word count: 5.1k
warnings: fluff, a little angst because of miscommunications, reader & steve being idiots, good intentions but terrible delivery, mentions of other characters
author’s note: this fic has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long. this fic is like, ancient. this fic was almost destroyed because it was briefly in the library of alexandria. when i reopened the document with this fic, there were mold spores growing on it. (p.s. steve’s love langauge is acts of service, and the reader’s is quality time)
you can find my masterlist and taglist here
Steve was a multitasker. You knew this well. Perhaps too well.
That never seemed to bother you before, but if the man who was supposed to be taking a serene nature walk with you checked his goddamn flip phone one more time, you were completely sure that you’d lose it. 
You paused your story about your obnoxious coworkers for a moment, stopping in the middle of the gravelly trail you two were making your way down. 
“Steve, seriously, are you even listening?” you griped, ushering him towards the side of the pavement as a man on a bike flew by. 
He guffawed a bit at this, “of course I am. You just said something about…” he paused, and you gestured with your hands for him to continue. “Okay, sorry,” the blush on his face was becoming more and more apparent.
You involuntarily scoffed, rolling your eyes as you did so, “I’m glad to know that whatever you’re waiting for on there,” you gestured to his pocket, “is more important than spending quality time with your girlfriend, who, must I remind you, took time off to be here with you.”
“Nothing is more important to me than you, I’m just on call. I’m probably going to get called to go on a mission any moment now.”
“Steve!” you huffed, “you literally just got back, like, two hours ago. Can’t someone else go? Tony? Vision? Anyone?”
“I might’ve volunteered myself-“
“You’re unbelievable, Steve. Are you getting tired of me or something? You’ve been avoiding me like the plague ever since I moved in with you. If I upset you, or you’re gonna propose to me or something, can you just tell me?”
“I promise you it’s not personal at all,” he reached for your hand and gently held it. “Everything’s just been crazy. I mean, these Hydra bases have been popping up left and right. Just give me a little grace, okay? I don’t get upset with you when SHIELD starts making you work those ungodly hours.”
You opened your mouth to debate him, but surely enough, the canny and familiar ringtone of Steve’s work phone interrupted you before you could even begin. 
“Okay… Yeah. I’ll be there in thirty.”
You frowned at Steve as he spoke on the phone and shook your head disapprovingly, “unbelievable,” you muttered, storming in the direction of your home. 
Steve was no fool, he knew when he messed up, and he was more than willing to take responsibility for such. Now was one of those times. He knew that he should’ve been making more time for you. He was well aware that he shouldn’t have gotten defensive when you pointed this out. 
He just had no idea how to apologize.
You weren’t exactly making it easy for him either, taking much longer hours in an attempt to avoid him. While he could understand your frustrations, it became a little more difficult everyday for him to properly apologize to you in a way he felt was meaningful.
Eventually figuring to use your avoidance as a tool, Steve devised a plot to make an apology for you so considerate, so superb, that you could never be angry with him again. A plot that included a several course meal, all concocted by himself. 
He could imagine the look on your face as you came home from work, shocked, but the good kind of shock. Pleasantly surprised that your sweet boyfriend had put in such a huge amount of effort to say sorry. 
He couldn’t help but imagine the scenario: you would relax into your seat at the table after Steve pulled out the chair for you, hum in content as he poured your favorite wine. Moan happily at the taste of a homemade and rarely prepared salad dressing, before complimenting the melt-in-your-mouth entree he had spent an unknown amount of time laboring over. Finally, you’d gush over the dessert that Steve hadn’t had the chance to cook in years, tell him that he worked far too hard putting everything together, especially for a little argument. Steve would scoff, tell you you’re being too kind, and you would pull him in for a red wine and dark chocolate flavored kiss. 
The thought of you, your genuine and warm smile after a long day at work, and an even longer week worth of unspoken tension between you both, was enough to keep Steve motivated through the hours he spent preparing your meal.
He greeted you at the door like an excited puppy as soon as he heard your keys jingle. Sure, work had kept you a bit longer than he’d expected, and your food was likely a little cool by now, but he was excited to make amends. 
However, you did not seem to share the same enthusiasm as Steve. 
“Welcome home, gorgeous. Come sit,” Steve nudged you into the dining area, and you sluggishly followed, exhausted from a tiring day of training new agents.
“What’s wrong?” he inquired, pulling out a chair that you didn’t even attempt to sit down on. 
“I had a really long day. I kinda just wanna get to bed,” you shrugged before rubbing your creased temple.
Steve internally cringed at the thought of all of his hard work going to waste. For some reason, he’d not envisioned this less pleasant outcome before. “Sweetheart,” he began in a nearly whiny tone, but you weren’t in much of a mood to be persuaded.
“I’m sorry. Weird things were happening at work that I don’t care to get into now, and honestly, I’m not even that hungry,” you reached out and gave Steve’s hand a little squeeze. “But it all looks and smells so good! I Promise I’ll warm some up tomorrow for lunch.”
“I-,” he paused, “please. Maybe you could just take a few bites of everything. It took me a really long time to get everything prepped and ready.”
You frowned at the plea, feeling a bit guilty but almost… satisfied at the same time. Steve struggled to make time for you because of his work, and now he was getting a little taste of his own medicine. 
“I really am sorry. But hey, now we’re even?” you offered with a playful wink, slipping away before you gave your partner a chance to respond. You truly didn’t have the energy for a four course meal that night, let alone another argument. 
Wanda was silent for a moment as she sipped from a mug of coffee, watching you with a suspiciously focused look on her face. 
“Wanda?” you prompted, seemingly snapping her out of whatever trance she had found herself in. 
“Oh my God, I know exactly what you guys need,” she just about blurted, reaching across the café table to grab your hand. 
“Were you reading my mind?”
Your friend didn’t respond, but the devious smirk on her face was enough of an answer. 
“What happened to telling me before reading me?”
“You just looked like there was a lot on your mind. And absolutely no way that you’d tell me,” she shrugged nonchalantly.
“Of course I was gonna tell you! Why else would I ask my friend in a cute relationship to meet me for coffee?”
“Because you like me?”
“No, never that. I just needed advice,” the two of you shared a laugh for a moment.
“Well don’t waste your breath. When Vis and I had a rough patch, we just had to learn each other’s love languages. You’d be surprised just how much that synthezoid values those acts of services.”
“And you?”
“I’m a words of affirmation girl myself,” she shrugged. “You should find out yours, and try to figure out Steve’s. I guarantee it’ll be helpful in the long run. I can send you guys a test, if you want?”
“Oh god no, please don’t tell him that I told you about us. Actually, I didn’t even tell you! You were digging around in my brain, and I don’t appreciate that. Just do me a favor, and don’t share this with anyone, okay?” You paused dramatically, then leaned in to speak to your friend in a whisper, “but send me that test when you get the chance.”
Gift Giving
“A little reality-warping birdie told me you’ve been having some relationship problems,” Tony said teasingly once Bruce left the conference room, leaving him and Steve alone. 
Steve paused for a moment, trying to decide whether he should lie or fess up to the allegation. “How did she know?” Steve finally responded, standing up and pushing the chair he was sitting on behind him. 
Tony shrugged dismissively, “I don’t ask these kinds of things. I just hear in passing that the geriatric is having a hard time and tune in.”
Steve shook his head slightly, rolling his eyes to mask his clear embarrassment. 
“Well, is it true?”
“We’ve just been having the occasional… rift. A little more than occasionally.”
Tony nodded, fake pondering the situation, “well, I always know what I do for Pep, at least after I tell her I’m getting rid of the suit. Go buy her something nice. Really nice, like jewelry, or a purse if she’s into that kind of thing. I would say a car, but I know that Social Security check isn’t getting you too far. You know what? Put it on the company card. My treat.”
Steve wanted to scoff, turn his nose up at the offer like it was a terrible idea, but it really wasn’t. Maybe a material surprise was the way to win you back. He made a soft ‘hmph,’ noise as he mulled it over. “That’s definitely not your worst idea. Thanks,” he gave his teammate a soft smile before collecting himself and heading out of the conference room. 
His first stop after work was some local jeweler. Steve threw on a (not very) inconspicuous outfit before entering the building, where he browsed for a good hour, searching for something that he believed you’d like. After looking at more jewelry than he had ever cared to see in his life, he decided on a necklace with a thin golden chain with a decent sized diamond hanging off of it. It was a little pricier, and you’d be able to tell— but he hoped it would help the gift mean more to you. 
When you arrived home late that night, Steve was sitting in the living room waiting for you. It was almost daunting, the sight of him sitting alone on the couch mostly in the dark, only the television illuminating his face. He kind of reminded you of a parent waiting to confront their child who just snuck out, or a concerned friend seconds away from staging an intervention with you. 
Walking past the room, you peeked your head through the doorway, and observed the flat, small box in front of him on the coffee table. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he greeted, standing up so he could greet you with a hug and grabbing the little box as he did so.
“Is everything okay?” you probed, speaking into Steve’s shoulder.
“Of course. I just wanted you to know how much I love you, and that I’m sorry for not having as much time for you as I should,” he pulled away before holding the box out for you. 
You hesitantly took the box and opened it, letting out a gasp when you viewed the delicate looking gold necklace. 
You were having mixed emotions, because it was clearly beautiful and you were grateful to the gesture. But you knew that this must’ve been expensive, and that it was so unlike Steve to have done something like this. Your frugal, Great Depression era guy wasn’t exactly the most material. 
“I love it,” you gushed, admiring the jewelry. 
“Can I put it on you?” Steve asked, and received a nod in return.
Steve set the box down on the table and lifted up the necklace, bringing it up to your neck and focusing on clasping it in the back.
“Babe, how much was this?” you blurted, not even being able to filter the words before they left your mouth. 
“Hmm? That doesn’t matter,” he dismissed, then stepped away from you to admire your clavicle. 
“It just feels weird letting you spend so much on me.”
“It’s a gift, though. You’re not supposed to think about those things,” he hummed, pressing a chaste peck to your nose. 
“Steve, I got you a Nespresso for Christmas and you wouldn’t stop complaining about how expensive it was. I love it, I really do. It’s beautiful and I’ll always think of you when I wear it. I just think that maybe we should have the same standards for each other,” you stood up from your seat and sidestepped him. “I need a shower.”
Steve watched you walk off, letting your words simmer in his thoughts.
That was the last time he would take relationship advice from Tony. 
Words of Affirmation
This conclusion probably shouldn’t have taken you this long, but you were almost completely sure that this would be the love language to win Steve back over. You felt bad for some of the occurrences between the two of you lately, with sour exchanges and sweet moments that turned bitter on a whim.
In all honesty, you were concerned that Steve doubted your love for him. And if his love language really was words of affirmation, this would certainly convince him otherwise. 
You sat at your desk the night before Steve departed for a two-week mission, trying to write a nice message for him. You tapped your pen on the stock paper in deep thought as you tried to figure out the best thing to say. 
I’m sorry for arguing so much with you lately. You and everything that you do mean the world to me, even when you get on my nerves. I love you more than anything and that will never change. 
The words looked cramped and unkempt on the little note. Your handwriting got messier as you went. You groaned at it, crumpled the paper, and tossed it in your trash bin. Time to start over again.
I’m sorry for arguing with you. I love you a lot. Can you stop picking up your phone when we’re spending time together?
You groaned at the passive aggressive tone of your message. That certainly wasn’t going to get you anywhere. Straight to the bin it goes.
I love you so much so don’t die on your mission or I’ll be pretty upset. Be safe out there xx.
The tone was even more off now. You needed to think of something that would really make Steve remember you while he was gone. For a second, you considered snapping a nude with a polaroid and attaching it to the letter.
I’m sorry that things have been so bad nasty for us lately. I promise that I love you, despite our ups and downs. Nothing will ever change that. I’ll miss you more than you know while you’re gone. Make sure you call me every day, my love. 
A little cheesy, but you signed off with your name regardless, and contentedly looked at your work. The spacing looked correct, the tone wasn’t harsh, and you knew for a fact that Steve would appreciate it.
You stayed up a little later than normal, waiting for Steve to get home and change out of his ‘work clothes’ so that you could slip the note into his utility belt. 
You folded the note to a small little square and set it beside an granola bar in a pocket you’d assumed he frequently used. Content with your work, you laid back in bed until your partner slipped in bed beside you, and sleepily cuddled into you until you were both unconscious. 
Around two weeks had passed since Steve had seen you last, and he had decided to stop by the office and finish up paperwork before coming to see you. It had been radio silence on his end, despite the note in his clothing that clearly requested daily contact. Part of you wondered if Steve had seen it at all.
Steve had just finished signing the documents when he finally noticed it, reaching into a sparsely used part of his belt to have a quick snack. His hand landed on a folded piece of paper, and he cringed as he unfolded it, the letter becoming clearer and clearer as he did so. He wondered just how long the message had been waiting for him. 
He read your sweet words with a frown on his face, the guilt from not opening it sooner overriding the sweet feelings that he would otherwise have. He grabbed his phone and considered texting you, but abandoned that thought altogether. 
“FRIDAY, any idea where Y/N is right now?”
“I was told not to share any information about Ms. L/N, Captain Rogers.”
“Whose orders?” Steve pressed.
“Hers,” the bot quipped back. 
Steve groaned aloud. He was really in for it tonight.
Physical Touch
“Have you tried touching her more?” Thor casually queried. The water that Steve had just consumed nearly flew out of his nose, and his cheeks reddened instantly. 
“Pardon?” he asked, looking away from his friend instantly. 
“I understand that you and Y/N have been having troubles lately. Perhaps she does not feel held by you. Maybe she wants you to show her off in public, to hold her hand, hug her,” he suggested. 
Could Steve even be blamed for going there? He was having a chat with a god of fertility. Who wouldn’t think the same? 
“Stark’s gala tonight. Show the world that she’s yours, and I guarantee that she’ll love every moment of it.”
You were confused. Really confused.
The night began with some simple touches, hand holding as you entered the building, a casual arm around your waist as you chatted with donors and politicians you hadn’t seen in months, a playful match of footsie under the table while waiting for food. But it came to a head when Steve had decided to rest his hand on your ass and grope you in the midst of a conversation.
Now, in any other situation, you would welcome this affection. But both you and Steve had never been a fan of PDA, and this was a bit too far. 
As subtle as you could manage, you pushed his hand away, offering him a sour look as you did so. 
“Excuse us,” you told some rich old man in an artificially sweet tone before ushering Steve off to his office for a bit more privacy.
“What was that about?” you questioned, sitting down in the padded chair behind Steve’s desk, and running your fingers over your necklace in a bit of a nervous tick. 
“What do you mean?” he retorted, standing across from you at the desk and setting his hands on top of the clear table.
“Why were you groping me in front of people? That’s really... unlike you. And it made me uncomfortable.”
Steve frowned genuinely, looking down at the table in embarrassment. “I’m really sorry. For making you uncomfortable. It sounds ridiculous but I was just trying something new.”
“Apology accepted, but are you sure? You weren’t like, jealous of those guys or something? You know you’re the only hundred year old I have eyes for,” you set your hands atop of his and squeezed.
Steve chuckled at this, the flush of his cheeks only highlighted more by the laughter, “it’s just that, uh, Thor told me I should try showing you off more. Or something like that.”
“So you groped me in front of our guests? That’s silly. And a little unprofessional,” you glanced over at the cork board on his desk sitting next to his desktop, and amongst the neatly arranged scratched out to-do lists and random reminders, you couldn’t help but notice the creased paper of the note you’d left for his mission. Your chest warmed when your eyes fell upon it. 
“When did you find this thing?” you asked, pointing to the note. 
“I meant to say something, but when I found it, FRIDAY said you didn’t want to talk to me. SO I was going to bring it up when I got home, but you were still working. After that, I kinda… you know-”
“Forgot?” you finished with a hearty laugh, “It’s fine. You’re such a dork. C’mere so I can get my own groping in,” you chided, grinning to yourself when Steve wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. 
Acts of Service
Steve was quietly folding your laundry in your bedroom when it finally occurred to you, but when it did, it hit like a ton of bricks.
Steve’s love language was acts of service!
Things suddenly began to make sense to you, the way that he initially attempted to apologize by spending hours cooking one meal, how he consistently worked to make your life as comfortable as possible, and his great insistence to do house chores, despite you being more than capable.
Steve set down a stack of folded sweatshirts by your calf, snapping you away from your brief retrospective daze. If that really was the case, and Steve’s love language truly was acts of kindness, you had to come up with some sort of plan to communicate to him just how much you cared about him in a way that he really appreciated.
Luckily for you, you were a quick thinker. Before you even knew it, a week filled with random acts of kindness before he was off on yet another mission was quickly hatched.
You were up at the ass-crack of dawn. Really. Steve liked to get up earlier than the sun in order to run, or train, or whatever the hell it was that superheroes did. You were seriously regretting your decision to wake up around the same time as him in order to do some favors for him in the morning. 
By the time Steve was back from his run, his favorite coffee was brewed and cooling, and you were in the laundry room at the dryer, preparing to give Steve a warm towel after his shower.
Despite the three mugs of coffee you’d just downed, it was becoming more and more difficult to keep your eyes open. It didn’t help that your eyelids felt like they weighed fifty pounds each, and the warmth of the dryer next to you was providing you with just enough comfort to drift off.
And drift you did. In fact, half an hour later, you’d missed the frantic calling out for you from your boyfriend as he searched for you around the apartment. 
You finally awoke when he shook your shoulders, his amused voice bringing you back to consciousness. 
“What’s going on here?” Steve grinned, pushing some hair out of your face. 
“Mmm,” you began, “Iwantedtogetawarmtowel,” you slurred sleepily and incoherently.
“Even with super hearing I couldn’t decipher that. Let’s get you a mattress, okay?” Steve hoisted you up like you were nothing, and carried your half asleep body all the way up to your bedroom. 
The next thing you knew, you were buried under your favorite comforter and propped against a mountain of feathery pillows. A gentle forehead kiss and an incomprehensible sentence about calling off of work for you later, you were back in a deep sleep. 
So much for warm towels.
You were going to do better this time. That’s what you told yourself as you strolled through the grocery store, the same store that you hadn’t shopped in since moving in with Steve, as he preferred to do the shopping himself.
Equipped with a short paper list and sheer determination to make the trip as short and accurate as possible, you gathered all of the groceries that you believed were necessary— just enough to restock the fridge, and fill some gaps left in the cupboard. 
Your time at the store was indeed brief, as you found yourself in the checkout lane after just twenty minutes (you definitely weren’t going to brag about that to Steve later. Definitely not), and back home with just enough time to unload the groceries, and further prep yourself to go to work. 
You’d honestly forgotten about your trip to the store by the time that you arrived home, up until you found your boyfriend arm deep in your pantry, hellbent on finding… something.
“Can I help you?” you poked with a laugh, coming up beside Steve and peeking over his shoulder.
“I’m just… Did you happen to grab any protein bars while you were at the store?” he asked, pausing his search to look back at you.
“I don’t think so. Why? It’s not like you need any more protein,” you teased, squeezing a bicep to demonstrate your words.
“They’re pretty convenient when I’m out in the field. Don’t worry about it, though. I’ll just swing by the store and grab some before my mission tomorrow. Actually, I should probably go now. Y’know, before I forget,” Steve was already grabbing his car keys from the counter by the time his sentence was finished, leaving you to fight off your disappointment at your minor grocery store failure.
You looked at what you now knew was an insufficiently filled pantry and pinched the bridge of your nose. You had seriously underestimated the ins and outs of shopping for a super soldier. 
Well, third time’s the charm?
After this week, you would never complain about waking up early again. You were now up at an absolutely ungodly hour, scrambling eggs, flipping pancakes, and spreading jam on toast for a sleeping, unsuspecting Steve.
You placed the plate on a sturdy wooden tray, poured orange juice and an extra glass of water, and set a nicely folded napkin, along with utensils, next to the items.
You hoped that the scent of bacon wafting up to your bedroom would eventually pull him out of his slumber, and seeing how bacon was the only thing left to finish cooking, you took a little break. 
A round of Candy Crush turned into two, then three, and goddamnit, why can’t you beat this fourth level! You got so wrapped up in your mobile game that you didn’t even notice when the scent from your kitchen became slightly rancid, and when you rushed over to the oven to check on your now extremely burnt bacon, the smoke detector wailed.
You grabbed a kitchen towel and waved your arms like a madwoman near the smoke detector, the shrieking eventually stopping, but not before Steve was halfway down the stairs.
“Y/N, where are you? Is everything okay?” he nearly shouted, racing down the stairs and barreling through the smoky kitchen to find you. When he reached you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and began to pull you out of the kitchen. 
“Steve, relax. Everything is okay. Except those pieces of bacon,” you rubbed your now sweaty palms on your pajama pants before breaking away from him to crack open the kitchen window. 
“Christ, what happened? And why are you up so early?”
“I was trying to make you breakfast in bed,” you admitted, rather embarrassed by the dramatic scene you’d accidentally created. “Sorry,” you muttered.
Steve wrapped his arms around you once more, this time in a reassuring bear hug that left your cheeks pressed to his chest. “Don’t be. I really appreciate this, and everything else you’ve done this week. It’s the thought that counts, right?”
“I guess,” you mumbled into his shirt. 
“Besides, everything else looks delicious. And you tried your best for me while trying something new. I think that’s really sweet of you.”
“Really?” you pried, looking up at him.
“Really,” Steve confirmed.
“Well, I think it would be really sweet of you if you went back to bed and got all cozy so I can take care of you.”
Steve chuckled softly, pressed a little kiss to your nose, then nodded, “yes ma’am.”
Quality Time
Steve had been in a bubbly mood since getting back from his mission, and for no particular reason. It wasn’t like you weren’t happy that your partner was happy, but feeling like you were out of the loop was slightly concerning.
Before you could let your thoughts run too wild, you decided to pop the question during one of your evening walks. 
“Okay Steve, what is going on with you?” you asked, veering to the side of the trail when a biker rode past you. 
“Nothing big. Nothing too important. I’m just out of service for the next three months,” Steve said casually, playing it cool. 
“What?!” you paused, your brows raising and eyes widening in surprise as you searched his face for sincerity. “You’re serious?”
“Serious as a heart attack.”
“Steve!” you gasped happily, nearly roaring out his name in excitement. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I was going to tell you before wining and dining you, but you beat me to it. So…?”
“…So I’m happy to have you back. I may need you to negotiate some time away from work for me in the next few months, then. I don’t wanna miss this preview of stay-at-home-dad-Steve.”
“Hey, don’t push it.”
“Oh, I’m planning on pushing it.” 
The sun was beating down on you, but the soothing breeze that flowed past your checked blanket every so often provided a pleasant antidote to the summer heat.
You’d truly picked the best day for a picnic.
Despite spending a good amount of time with your partner, the last month and a half had truly felt like a whirlwind. You casually started looking for a forever home, found yourselves making plans for an early retirement, and you had a new, sneaking suspicion that a proposal was on the horizon.
In the midst of it all, Steve had suggested that the two of you take a midday tryst at your local park and throw yourselves a little picnic. Of course you obliged, because when your greek god of a boyfriend suggests going on a spur of the moment date, you agree.
You now watched the nearly cloudless sky with pure, unadulterated feelings of content and joy while Steve set a slice of cheese on a cracker, leaning over your body to feed you. As you opened your mouth, Steve paused abruptly at the soft vibration coming from his pocket. 
Steve resumed as if nothing had changed, popping the cracker into your open mouth and letting his phone continue to ring.
“Don’t you wanna get that?” you questioned.
“It can wait,” Steve stated nonchalantly, slipping his phone out of his pocket and pressing decline with absolutely no hesitation before tossing the device to the edge of your blanket.
You didn’t realize how long you’d been waiting to hear those three words.
a/n: this could’ve been solved in like 20 minutes by sitting down and taking a love language quiz together
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
Could you maybe do something about the brothers (and maybe Diavolo) with a MC that came from an abusive relationship in the past? You don't have to, but I really like your writing! So I figured I'd ask.
As a victim of past abuse myself, of course I’ll write this, darling
Brothers Reaction to an MC That Came From an Abusive Relationship
When you two first met, he quickly noticed how withdrawn you were from him touching you in any way and often flinching from him even remotely raising his hand around you
He never really planned on taking notice of your peculiar behaviour until you two officially started dating and the signs really started to get worrying...
He noticed the occasional signs of distress coming from you when he raises his voice or even just shows you basic affection and immediately decides to talk to you about it
He can hardly believe it when you slowly begin to tell him that you used to be in an abusive relationship and just can’t really fully recover from it
Who would dare hurt you. He’s honestly heartbroken for you and he can’t completely get over the anger he felt inside when you first told him
Takes time out of his day to regularly shower you in love and affection, and has began to start to ask you for permission first, as he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
Compliments you pretty much every second. He wants to let you know he’ll never harm you and just how incredible you truly are
When he first saw you; his first reaction was to immediately charge towards you, but he noticed how flinchy you were and he could’ve swore he saw a ping of fear flash through your eyes for a mere second
Tends to ignore all the signs, but does sometimes pick up on the way you tense up when he places a hand in your shoulder, and that honestly makes him really worried
When you two started dating, and you began to further stray away, and even reject his affection, he decides to ask why you’re so withdrawn from him
To hear you’d been in an abusive relationship in the past makes his blood boil and his heart hurt in a way he’s never experienced before
Why would anybody hurt you? You’d done nothing wrong... and you’re so kind?
He honestly wanted to break down and hug you tighter than he ever had before but restrained himself because he knew he may scare you, and he never wants that
Tries his best to give you time snd space when you want it, but doesn’t hold back when it comes to cute texts every 10 seconds, telling you how much he loves you
At first he thought you were just shy, like him, but when he saw the pained look in your eyes when he first insulted you, it just didn’t sit right with him
He quickly became the main person to stick around you and you two soon began to date. Neither of you were very touchy with eachother though, so it wasn’t until later into the relationship when he began to see the signs
He thought it would be cute to give you a surprise hug from behind one night, but immediately let go when he felt your entire body tense up and you spun around to turn him like he was about to hurt you?
He asked you what he did wrong but didn’t expect to hear about how you were previously abused
His heart practically sank at your words and he felt both worried and angry for you, and he couldn’t stop thinking about what cruel person would harm you in any way
He wants to see you improve and he really wants to be there every step of the way
He starts to refrain from touching you without your permission in fear of scaring you, but never forgets to send you multiple texts on how much he appreciates and likes you and constantly brings you random little gifts now
Couldn’t shake off the way you looked at everyone with this look of terror in your eyes, especially him. Even when he accidentally startles you, you look like you have this huge guard up that he can’t seem to break down
There was a time when he shouted at you for dropping a plate and you raised your hands to cover your face. He’s tried his best to never raise his voice around you again after that. He never wants to see that look again. Ever
When he started dating you, the once minor signs became more noticeable, and his acts of random affection always looked like they troubled you
He felt he needed to bring it up with you but he never honestly expected you to just let it all out to him. Hearing about your past made his heart hurt and he felt so much rage towards your abuser
He vowed right there and then to show you unconditional love, for as long as he lives. He’ll never treat you like how you were treated previously
He does research on how to help and what you may be feeling. He will help you. He wants to see you flourish
He tries not to be clingy as he knows space is important to you, but sometimes he just can’t stop himself from inviting himself in your room to read, or to show you a book or to play with the neighbouring cats with you
Being around a whole load of different people and been in many relationships, he can always tell the signs early on. So seeing you withdraw yourself away from his affection is always an issue
He never likes to jump to conclusions though, so he thought perhaps you were just quite shy or didn’t like to be touched
But as you two got closer and eventually got together, he started to really notice the way you jumped and flinched at his surprise attacks of love and affection
Feeling worried, he asks you about it one night, his face completely dropping at the words that came out your mouth; anger and confusing swarming his emotions
How could people be so cruel? And to hurt someone as innocent and sweet as you? He wants nothing more than to show you how much better he is than them
Little by little, he’ll slowly begin to give you affection like kisses or hugs, constantly asking if you’re alright and if he’s allowed to touch you. He’ll slip in multiple little compliments every now and then just to boost you up and remind you how amazing you are and you should never forget that
He treats you well. You want a massage? On it. Nails painted? Absolutely. A shoulder to cry on? Any time you want. He just wants to help you because he can’t get enough of you
Always wonders why you keep your head down around him. He can agree that he pretty much towers over you but he’d never intentionally hurt you...?
Tries to slowly introduce himself to you with different foods and warm smiles. He’s never felt happier when you smile back and eventually musters up the courage to ask you out
He’s affectionate over you straight away, asking for kisses and hugs, but doesn’t always notice how wary you are of his unexpected shows of affection
So when he came up behind you and wraps his arms around you one day, you stiffen up and attempt to push whoever was holding you still away. He notices this and lets go, apologising
You decide to tell him about how you were previously in an abusive relationship and he feels so hurt by what you were telling him, honestly close to crying. He slowly places his hand over yours and smiles at you
From then on, he swore to be your own personal body guard. He wants to protect you and keep you safe, and show you how imprortant you are to him and how much he really loves you
His random texts to you at god knows what time in the morning when he can’t sleep are always littered with emojis and kisses and just blatant tooth rotting sweet stuff that is guarantee to make you smile
Honestly took no notice of the clearly obvious signs of distress as, well, he did kill you once after all
When you flinched when his head hit your shoulder, or when his cruel sarcasm made your eyes turn into those of a puppies’ or even when he’d get all up in your space when napping and you turned as stiff as stone; he didn’t notice
Not until you two started dating though, and his affection increased, causing you to look as uncomfortable as you sound. He thought you were still just not over the time he murdered you though, but he presumed it was time to ask what was up
Never in his life would he have expected to hear you were a victim of past abuse. He thinks back to the shit he put you through and he has to stop himself from throwing himself on to you and hugging you as tight as he possibly can
He wants to find the person who hurt you and show them how it feels, how much they hurt you. He’s so angry but composes himself for you
He promises never to hurt you again, or let anybody else hurt you for that matter. He does his best to remember that you may not want to take a nap with him every hour, or you may not like his surprise tickle attacks either, and he’s ok with that!
He’ll be patient, as long as you let him love you unconditionally. He’ll never stop telling you how precious you are and how you didn’t deserve to be put through what you went through in the past
He guesses your lack of communication towards him is due to his position and his overall height difference from you. He supposes he can see how he may come off as threatening to you...
He didn’t realise coming up behind you to surprise you would be a bad idea when you turned around to face him quite suddenly with a slight look of panic in your eyes. It worries him, to say the least
When the day came when you two finally decided to date; the signs kicked in more clearly to him
It started off as small as jumping at the sight of him raising his hand, to flinching when he suddenly makes a loud noises, like laughter or just blatant yelling
Hearing for the first time about how you were treated in yoir past relationship was like getting an arrow to his chest. It hurt him like he’s never been hurt before. His smile fades as he thinks of what to do, but all he can think of is rubbing your shoulder as you cry
He will let nobody hurt you ever again. He’s on constant alert when it comes to you and always makes sure you’re happy and smiling. He’ll tell you jokes, and compliment you and text you funny things that’s happened in the castle throughout the day
Your health is the most important thing to him and he’ll be constantly checking up on you, and always asking for your permission to touch you, or at least letting you know when he’s about to hug you or kiss you
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sondepoch · 3 years
No Time Left | Xiao x Reader
Xiao + "Lie to me, then."
Xiao closes his eyes, hating how even now, you stroke his knuckles with the pads of your thumbs, hating more that he'll one day never be able to feel this sensation again.
Request a character or a ship and I’ll write an angsty drabble ^^
It’s always been like this.
You, running forward at full speed. Him, desperately chasing behind, watching as you push on further and further away. 
“You’re joking,” he whispers because that’s what this has to be, right? Some sick, twisted joke that can’t be real because if it is—if it is real, then—
If it is real, then Xiao doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, cradling his hands in yours. “But we have time. Baizhu said that I still have two months to live, and I’ll only start to grow weak in the final days. There’s still so much time for us to spend together, so—”
“So much time?” Xiao lets out a broken laugh, turning his eyes towards the midnight sky as if asking Celestia above why this had to happen to him, why this has to happen to you. “For every second you’ve breathed, I’ve lived a hundred years. Two months is nothing,” he spits. “There’s no time left.”
You keep quiet at that.
Xiao closes his eyes, hating how even now, you stroke his knuckles with the pads of your thumbs, knowing that he prefers this physical intimacy to any spoken words. He hates that he, a mighty adeptus, can be read so easily by a human. Hates how he knows he'll miss this same sensation when you’ve been handed to the God of Death in two months.
“I can bring you to Cloud Retainer,” Xiao says, pulling you closer to him. “He has cures that will make you immortal, so—”
“I don’t want that,” you whisper. “I don’t want to cheat death.”
No, of course you don’t. Because ever since Xiao met you, you’ve always refused that kind of assistance, too busy being a stubborn adventurer that declines all help from the magical spirits of Teyvat. You’re the kind of fool who likes to ignore preferential treatment, who purposefully evaded Xiao on your travels so you could experience the real world without the strength of a thousand spears by your side—a brilliant ploy until you ended up backed against a cliffside by enemies, pushed to the brink of death until his golden eyes caught sight of your figure falling to the ground where even then, you refused to whisper his name.
Xiao opens his eyes, and there’s nothing but pain in the twin ambers as they stare at you with longing.
He was fine with you evading him in the past, comfortable with you sprinting away because he knew that eventually, somehow, somewhere, he would find you. There would always be a way to catch up with that godly speed of his, and there was nowhere he couldn’t find you.
But now, you’re going to go to a place he can’t follow.
“Please,” he mumbles, pressing his forehead to yours. “Don’t be stubborn about this. Your pride is nowhere near as important as your life.”
“But my humanity is,” you respond, and when you speak to Xiao in such a voice, strong and confident and determined all in one, the adeptus finds it hard to believe that you’re carrying an illness best known for stealing its host’s strength. “And we promised. When we began this—whatever this is—you promised me that you wouldn’t ask me to give up my humanity to survive. It—it was a contract, Xiao. You can’t go back on that.”
“A contract?” The adeptus laughs a broken laugh, much too bitter and wholly unsweet. “The God of Contracts is dead. My master’s will has no bearing here.”
A long pause.
“He left me, just like you plan to.”
You say nothing.
Your grip is robust as you hold Xiao’s hand, the bones beneath retaining their strength of structure, but now that the adeptus senses the elemental flow within you, he can sense how it moves at a more languid pace. 
The disease is far progressed, he realizes abruptly, suddenly struck with the realization that the two months you proclaimed to have was a gross overestimate. There truly is no time left.
“I love you, Xiao.” You lift a hand to his cheek, and it’s unfair how you stare into his eyes with a gaze so expressive that it seems to capture the whole world within it: Xiao’s whole world, all of it orbiting around the life-filled pupil shining black in the center. “But you deserved to know. Soon, I’ll be gone, and you’ll have to start thinking about—”
“About what?” the man counters, beginning to feel defensive. “I refuse to busy myself with unneeded thoughts while you still walk this land.”
“No, Xiao.” Your lips are pursed and your eyebrows are scrunching up the way they always do when you get frustrated with him, when you’ve made up your mind and you’ve just begun to set on changing his. “You can’t pretend I’m not going to die. It’s—it’s part of life, part of me being human, and I’m not going to let you live a lie in my final months—”
“Why not?” Xiao wants his face to flare with anger, but the way your entire expression abruptly softens tells him that he’s doing a poor job of conveying it. Damn the bloody tears that have begun to stream down his face—and curse them for daring to do so when he’s given them no permission. 
“Listen, I know you aren’t used to death, but—”
“I am used to death,” Xiao snarls, but it makes him look like more of a wounded dog rather than the illuminated beast he is. “Every single person I’ve ever cared about has died on me, but never have they chosen to—”
“I’m not choosing!” you blurt in response, and now you’ve finally begun to look properly angry. “I’m—I’m a human, Xiao, and I belong to a human world. I know you love me, but I won’t be me if I let you give me an adeptal cure.”
And that’s the awful truth of it, isn’t it?
Xiao fell in love with someone he knew would leave him. It would have been too kind if he fell for another immortal, or even a human who could be tempted to obtain the same longevity Xiao has; of course, something in him made him fall in love with you, one of the only humans in the world who was destined to die.
“Please,” he whimpers. Pathetic isn’t it? A distinguished adeptus, slayer of thousands of demons, begging at the feet of a human. “Please let me take you to a healer. You can live. We can live. I just—I just want—”
“I can’t.” Your kiss is featherlight against Xiao’s forehead. “I don’t want to be immortal, Xiao, and—”
“You don’t have to be immortal,” he croaks. “Just not mortal. Just live long enough for me to love you some more. I just want to—”
“No, Xiao. I want to die a human. Deep down inside, I think you want that, too.”
“No!” It’s the first time he’s raising his voice at you, but he can’t calm himself down now. “I want you to be alive! That’s what I want!”
And then Xiao sobs. It’s the ugliest sound he’s ever heard, raw and primal and nowhere near as devastating as the pain he feels in his heart, but you don’t move, simply holding him close until he’s just barely trembling with the aftershocks of his misery.
“We have time, Xiao. We still have time to be happy together.”
“There’s no time,” he responds. “No time unless you take a cure.”
“A magic cure?”
“An adeptal cure.”
“I won’t.”
“I can’t, Xiao.”
“I’ve given you my answer. There’s nothing else to say.”
“Lie to me, then.”
And wouldn’t that be so sweet? For him to get to believe, even for a short second, that you might not slip from his fingers?
A troubled look crosses your face, worried and hesitant and pained all at once—and then Xiao can’t help but wonder if this would even be the first lie because you’ve certainly known about this illness for a long time. His mind races back to when you finally stopped avoiding him, calling his name for the first time and claiming a change of mind that had brought you to want to get to know the adeptus who spent so long chasing you whenever you crossed paths, an exchange that took place right on the brink of Liyue’s border, just outside that awful snake-bearing doctor’s hut where he—
Xiao banishes the thought from his mind.
“I won’t lie,” you say, brushing his hair back. “You love me because I don’t lie to you.”
It’s a true statement, but Xiao can’t decide right now if he hates that or loves that about you. Because for all his affections, the weeks he spent watching over you while you stubbornly declined his help and the months he spent chasing you when you ran from him after and the years he then spent thinking about you at the forefront of his mind, he can’t stop you from dying just like everybody else. 
Pathetic. It’s pathetic. 
When Xiao next looks at you, he understands that you were never the mesmerizing blessing he thought you to be. No, you were nothing but a curse, meant to plague his heart now until the end of time as retribution for everything he’s ever done, everything he will do when this cruel world steals his last sliver of happiness away.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Just Stay - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Cursing
Pt.1 Pt.2
Summary: It’s almost splits-ville for Bakugou and Y/N, but Bakugou’s not ready to let go.
“Hey....can we talk?”
Bakugou looked up from his seat on the couch and paused the TV to look towards Y/N. He took notice of her attire. Jacket and shoes on with her purse nearby.
The couple of 3 years had been on fighting ends for the past few months. It was always over little things and recently they had just gotten into their biggest fight over Bakugou’s jealousy. He had been wrongly suspicious of Y/N and her boss sleeping together and demanded she quit being a hero, claiming if she did he could take care of the both of them with his earnings. They fought it out with harsh words and plates being thrown across the kitchen, but eventually they made up. In the end, they were still cuddling in bed and giving each other kisses, and life was once again blissful. At least, to Bakugou. Y/N was in a different state of mind.
She had grown tired of the constant fighting. She missed her old Katsuki. The one who trusted her even with his insecurities and communicated. Now, he bottled everything up and constantly yelled. She felt like she was living in a war zone and she was losing, so she surrendered and made her decision. It was time for her to go.
“Sure babe. What’s up?” Bakugou said sitting up a little straight with a smile on his face. He felt nerves rising in his chest but he was hopeful it was nothing. He loved Y/N. Truly. Just seeing her or thinking about her gives him butterflies. He intends to marry this girl, but he can’t help his own problems. He’s been trying to deal with it himself but no progress has been made.
Y/N noticed the smile. It made her heart ache. It was the smile he always had on whenever he saw you, and it was also the smile that never stayed longer than a few minutes. After those minutes, his screaming would be introduced.
“Bakugou. Please don’t call me that right now,” Y/N said with shut eyes as she bit her lip and took a seat next to him. She didn’t sit close by like she usually did. She put some distance between them and when Bakugou tried to move in closer, she raised a hand to stop him.
“...Why can’t I call you ‘babe?’ And why the hell are you calling me ‘Bakugou?’” He seethed out. He was already pissed and it hadn’t even been 5 minutes. “Y/N! What’s going on?” He asked with concern. Y/N took a deep breath before she sighed and looked at him with sad eyes.
“I think we should break up.”
Bakugou’s eyes went wide and his anger turned off. He did a complete turn as fear and an uneasy feeling entered his system as those words left your mouth. He looked at you for any signs of weakness.
‘Maybe this is a joke. There’s no way she’s serious. She has to be lying!’ Bakugou thought to himself as he continued to shake in his seat.
“W-What?” Was the first thing he could put out. “Heh...I-I...No, you’re..you’re kidding, right?”
“Please don’t call me that, Princess. I-It’s Suki, Katsuki, Baby, please anything but that!”
“I’m sorry....” you said with your head down and hands in your lap.
Silence fell upon the room and you could hear Bakugou’s little whimpers of weakness from time to time. You saw in your peripheral vision that he was shaking and you noticed how his eyes glistened with tears.
“Why?” He asked with a whispering voice.
“It’s just...it’s not the same anymore Bakugou. All we do is fight and yell and yeah there’s some good times in between but the bad outweighs the good,” your tears began to fall because this hurts you just as much as him. “I don’t feel like the same person anymore, Katsuki! I used to be so happy and confident and ever since we’ve been fighting I’m always upset and I feel so weak and I’m always second guessing every move I make in fear of making you upset! ....I can’t live like this anymore.” You whispered the last part.
“Do you not love me anymore?” Bakugou asked with a shaky voice. Your head snapped as your jaw dropped in shock.
“I- I love you so much! Too much! I love you so much that I’ve been destroying myself just to stay with you!” You explained.
“So then why do you want to leave me?!” He screamed.
“I don’t want to but I have to!” You said as you stood, “This isn’t healthy anymore and I’m not as happy as I used to be and you’re not the same! You’re always mad now, you’re always yelling and I don’t want to feel like I’m in a war with my own boyfriend. It’s supposed to be me and you against the world, but recently its been feeling like me vs. you.” You said.
“Then I’ll change!” He began, “I’ll do better. Work’s been stressing me out and I’ll stay home more and spend more time with you! I-I’ll stop yelling and I’ll...I’ll be nicer and be better just please stay!” He stood as he spoke. You looked up to him with tears streaming down your face and you saw as his tears fell from his cheeks and went to the floor.
“Please Y/N! You can’t do this to me, I need you so much. I love you so much, I’m begging you not to go, PLEASE!” Bakugou knew this was so belittling of him, but he couldn’t care less about his ego. He couldn’t afford to lose you, the girl he courted for so long and spent years with.
“Katsuki!” He corrected. “It’s Katsuki to you!”
“....I have to go,” you said and gathered your things as you stood up. Bakugou shook his head and repeatedly said “no” as he ran after you and held you by your waist from behind to keep you from going.
“Let me go, please Bakugou.”
“Please! Please Y/N look at me!” You bit your lip to hold in your sobs as you turned to face him. It was the least you could do after he dropped his guard and held no dignity for himself in the moment.
“I’ll let you walk out that door right now, and I’ll leave you alone for the time being ONLY if you promise me you’ll come back to me. Please! If you need a break, I can give that to you but please don’t leave me permanently!” He offered. “You don’t even have to go! I’ll go, and I’ll find my own apartment to stay in until you’re ready for me again but please PLEASE stay in my life......I need you,”
His tears fell as his eyes were blood red and he held back his choked up sobs. You sighed as you went in to hug him one last time. He took it as a sign of agreement and settled the slightest bit as his arms quickly wrapped around you. But this was going to be your last hug for awhile.
“I’m sorry Suki. I love you so much...but I can’t stay here anymore,” you said as you looked up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. “Maybe some time in the future if things change and become different, I’ll come back to you, but right now, I need to get away.”
“No Y/N, please-“
“We’ll be okay. This is what we both need. We have to get away from each other.” He cried even more at your words and you followed his actions. “These past 3 years with you have been amazing, Katsuki. And I feel so blessed to have known you for as long as I have, but I just need a break. Please give me that.”
Bakugou looked into your eyes as he came to a decision. One that would break him.
“I can’t.” He said and backed away from you shaking his head, “I can’t allow myself to willing let you leave me. I love you so much and I need you in my life Y/N. I’m always going to beg you to just please stay...but I can’t stand to see you like this.”
Bakugou showed a sad smile before he spoke.
“So I won’t ‘willing’ let you go....but I’m gonna turn around. I’ll turn around and hopefully a certain amazing, beautiful, powerful goddess won’t try to get away. But if that goddess ever decides she wants to come back, I’ll be waiting for her with open arms.” Bakugou said and then turned, showing you his backside. You gave a sad smile as you realized this was him giving you the chance and break you needed.
You quickly ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him, giving him a hug from behind. You pecked his cheek and noticed his eyes were closed as tears fell.
“Bye Suki,” you whispered and walked out the door, leaving Katsuki alone with his back still turned and tears still falling like a flowing river.
“Bye Princess.”
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universalistotalis · 3 years
You fool
Gojo Satoru x Fem reader
1.7k words
“Do you Y/n, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?” Your eyes glowed as you looked at the love your life standing in front of you. This feeling of elation was something you never thought of experiencing in the past but here you are, fueled by passion and love for the person made for you.
“I do.” Your voice echoed in the venue.
Gojo Satoru’s dazzling eyes burned on your form as he too was fueled with the same passion and love for only you. The both of you had been through so much together. And as his sight was fixated with the image of your eyes, he can’t help but have a trip down to memory lane.
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la ~
Gojo’s voice echoed the halls playfully as you walked down the makeshift aisle lined with a red carpet in one of the hotels you both went to. The sides were designed with white and pastel colors of cloth, dotted with pink roses and yellow daisies. No one was around the marriage booth exhibit so the both of you, being the wacky couple that you were, barged in and played pretend.
Although this wasn’t pretend for Gojo. He may be smiling as if he was about to share a joke but his heart was beating like crazy while he’s looking at you, walking to him, who’s standing in front of the printed altar. He was singing the Bridal Chorus but stopped as you made your way in front of him.
“You’re so damn beautiful, babe.” He whispered as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
He was delighted as you blushed dangerously at his words. After all these years, you were still affected by his charms.
“Y-you’re not bad yourself.” You stuttered.
He laughed loudly at how cute you were being. It amazed him at how comfortable you were in his presence now. In the past, you could barely look at him in the eye, let alone talk to him... but now look at you!
Your chuckles mixed with his in the silence. After catching your breath, your eyes scanned the vicinity before pulling one of his hands. “C’mon, Satoru. We have to go.”
You expected him to agree and walk away with you to another place but he held his place, a foreign smile formed on his lips. It was not the playful smirk you were so accustomed to seeing, but it was so sincere, so full of love that you stared at it for a while. His hands removed the blindfold that covered his eyes and you silently gasped at the sparkles in them as the light illuminated the magnificent pale blue orbs. Then, he encased your hands in his before he took a deep breath and said…
“I love you. I thank all the gods everyday because out of the billions of people they built, they led me to you. I’m so glad I found you.”
“I mean you have six eyes so…” You snorted, even though you felt electrifying tingles from your head all the way to the tips of your toes.
He laughed again and hissed. “Stop ruining the moment!”
“Okay, okay. Continue, my lord.” You bowed respectfully, playfully.
He chuckled once more and hooked your chin on his fingers. “This. The way you make me laugh, the way you make me this happy, it’s enough… more than enough for me to stay and fight for you. Sometimes I wonder if it ever is legal for someone to be so perfect. You understand all parts of myself that I don't even notice. When you look at me, you don’t see that all powerful being everyone is talking about. You see me… the real me.”
A sigh escaped his lips, his eyes gloss over his thoughts. “I can never let them take you away from me. They’ve taken so much already and I am not going to just stand here and lose you.”
You suddenly felt a pang in your chest and the rapid fatigue overcome your body. After all the fun and games, you two were still in hiding. Hiding from the world, hiding from his family, both of which would never see you as a worthy match for the most powerful sorcerer of all time. He was destined for someone greater, someone better, someone of another godly descent! They didn’t care if she wasn’t born yet or was still wandering the streets of the world, clueless of his existence, but they are sure as hell that it wouldn’t and can’t be someone like you. Over their dead bodies!
Sometimes you believed them. You let their words and judgments cloud your mind but before they can take over, his voice guides you out.
His grip tightened on your fingers, eyes finding yours and holding your gaze. “I will not lose you. You’re the only right thing in my world and I intend to keep you with me for as long as I shall live. You showed me the love I never thought I deserved. You showed me immense kindness that I never thought someone could possess. You made me believe in the good. You gave me a reason to live everyday with a purpose in my head. You keep me sane. Alive. Free.”
“Oh Satoru.” You smiled through your tears at his revelation.
“I’d choose to spend all my infinities with you. No pun intended.” He joked, even when there were tears brimming in his eyes.
“I’d gladly spend them with you too.” You whispered, marveling at the warmth of his hands, wiping the tears away, erasing all the pain of the past, of the judgments and hurt…
“Stay with me.” He whispered back but you hear the tone of desperation in his voice. He was no fool. He could see you cracking at all the comments of his family and strangers alike. He would always thank you for being strong and for holding on…
You sighed as his lips found yours. Warmth coursed through your veins as you felt his soft breath brush your face. This is what home felt like. Suddenly, his tongue darted out to lick your bottom lip, asking you to give him entrance to the warm interior. And you did. It was a desperate kiss of tongue and teeth clashing, of heavy breaths and tight grips. There were no inhibitions, no doubts. You both were so in love with each other, refusing to let one another go, refusing to leave each other’s sides…
But eventually, both of you faded. There were trying times, too much of trying times actually… and you two are but victims to emotions, and it came to a point where love just wasn’t enough. So you let each other go, breathe, and fly away.
“You may now kiss the bride.” The pastor announced.
Gojo had to look away from the sight of you landing your lips on another, other than his. He thought he was going to be alright when the both of you agreed to go on separate ways. He reasoned that you both needed to grow in your respective fields, to grow as a person. He deluded himself that you could only do this when you both were away from each other. And maybe after, you can both come back to each other's arms but he knew that was too much to ask.
He was the one who kept asking you to shun out the harsh words from everybody even though he knew how much pain you had to endure. Now, he can’t help but feel guilty as he was the one who got swallowed up by those judgments until it ate him whole. It was supposed to be you and him against the world but he turned against you too.
The pain in your eyes were unbearable when he said his goodbyes. What happened to his speeches about making you stay with him? What happened to his promise of protecting you from all the barriers that separated you from one another? What happened to his love for you?
“Gojo sensei.” Megumi called while patted his back. “Are you alright?”
Gojo pushed his dark- rimmed glasses to the bridge of his nose while displaying a playful smirk. “Of course! I’m so happy for her! Look at them! Such a lovely couple!”
His blood boiled at the sight of you. He preferred to be battling cursed spirits than to be in this damned wedding. But he had to see you. He had to see if you were alright. He had to see that you were truly happy without him.
“That should have been me, Megumi.” He whispered to the man beside him.
“You’re crazy, sensei.” Megumi scoffed.
He chuckled. “No, no, I’m serious! I was supposed to propose to her that day! Can you believe it?!"
“This ring…” Gojo’s fingers reached for his pocket where he fetched a dazzling, silver, and diamond band with both your names engraved in it. “...is supposed to be resting on her finger, not that trashy one the other bastard got her.”
He sighed. “I never knew why I postponed though. Live in the moment, my ass! I'll do it next time, my ass! I'll make it the grandest, my ass! Look where she is now!"
"Hush!" Megumi's hands flew to his babbling mouth that was shouting all of his regrets.
Gojo's body deflated at the millions of ways he could have done the proposal right even when it's now useless to think of. "Maybe I took her presence for granted. Maybe I thought that she would always be there. Maybe I thought she would never leave. Maybe I thought that she would want to spend all her infinities with me.” His voice faltered at the end as he heard your voice saying the same words.
His eyes closed shut, remembering the promises you made to each other. “She meant it though when she said that. And when she said she loved me. She was so ready to be with me, so ready to fight for me. I’m the fool for letting her go.”
Megumi’s eyes filled with concern for his teacher, much like an older brother. He has never seen him at this state, all weak to the knees.
“Say, Megumi- chan.” Gojo’s lopsided smirk appeared again but everybody knows he’s not in the mood for any jokes.
“Does she look genuinely happy?” He asked, staring into the void.
Megumi’s eyes trailed from Gojo to you, who was smiling dearly at your beloved husband as you shared a dance in this reception. Your eyes were visibly twinkling under the lights and you looked like you can’t see anybody but the person in front of you.
“Yes, she does.” He replied.
“Then, let’s go.” He smiled sadly before sighing defeatedly. The ring was again tucked in his pockets, hidden, never to be seen by you, worn by you, cherished by you.
As he walked out of the doors, he took one last glance at the love of his life.
“If I could, I’d carve all the roads of infinity to lead you back to me. Maybe by then, I could have a chance with you again. I love you, I always will.”
His footsteps led him away from the venue. Away from you. But his heart stayed in your presence and his mind repeated the same thing over and over again.
Gojo Satoru, you fool.
Just painted Gojo Satoru and my head was like, "Why not write angst about this guy?" Lol
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hope you're all okay!
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
Masterlist!!! Read more here hihihi
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  T H R E E
Tumblr media
You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   t h r e e  |  j e a l o u s y
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.3k warnings: angst tbh. and not the healthiest relationship but ya know what it’s billy so we persevere, unwanted advances, more angst x
I had a request for a jealous billy, so I hope you like my take on it x
That was the third time in the last thirty minutes that Steve Shit-For-Brains Orth touched you. Three fucking times. The first two times he was willing to look past but the third? Fuck no. The asshole, who was sitting with his clunky arm on the back of your chair, had not-so-casually rubbed his thumb along your spine, inciting a rather surprised look from you and a rather murderous one from Billy.
Of course, Steve couldn’t see the rage practically oozing from Billy, but boy was it there. Especially when you went out of your way to lean further into your desk as though to avoid his grabby little hands.
But that didn’t stop Steve.
Billy could see the frustration on your face as you fought to keep your cool in front of your classmates as his hand dipped beneath the desk to give your thigh a firm squeeze.
The same thighs that Billy’s face had been buried in just this morning.
All Billy saw was red as you pushed Steve’s hand away, muttering something to him under your breath before raising your hand to excuse yourself. With an anger so palpable radiating from his every pore, Billy watched you leave the classroom and thought of the various ways he could kill that fucker before you returned.
“Billy,” the girl, Sam, he’d been paired up with groused, “are you even paying attention?”
“No,” he simply said, barely hearing her above the sound of his own blood coursing to his ears. “Sorry.”
He wasn’t sorry, of course, only irate. The vein in his neck pulsed against his skin as his blood pressure skyrocketed. This was the type of thing that drove him to the brink of insanity when it came to having to keep the two of you a secret for the sake of his plan. It was bad enough that he couldn’t parade you around like he wanted to, even worse that he knew, deep down, that your little arrangement hurt you beyond belief – but this? Watching you get pawed by these dickheads all the while he was forced to take a backseat?
He couldn’t stomach it.
His knuckles were white from the grip he had on his pencil but even as he felt it splinter off into his palm, his grip never waned. Not for a second. It was either that or kill Steve Orth and, while that sounded great, he couldn’t. Not yet, at least.
Just as the pressure of the pencil in his hand got to be too much, you waltzed back into the room with your head held high, seemingly unfazed by the naked eye – but Billy saw right through it. He knew you, more than either of you would like to admit, and he could see the irritation as clear as day in those gorgeous eyes of yours as Steve smirked playfully up at you from where he sat.
Subtly, you gave Billy a gentle nod, silently talking him down from doing anything stupid in the middle of the classroom, before taking your seat yet again.
Thankfully, Steve managed to keep his hands off of you for the remainder of the class but, unbeknownst to both you and Steve, that assholes fate had been sealed. Billy might not have been able to do anything to him yet, but he would. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.
The bell eventually rang out and Billy, wasting no time at all, pushed himself off of his desk and walked up beside you. “You okay?” He asked, but his eyes were trained on Steve who was much too busy high-fiving one of his friends to notice Billy’s murderous stare.
“I’m fine, Billy,” you laughed, “he’s an idiot, but he’s a harmless idiot.”
“Harmless?” Billy’s voice was low and impressively tame considering the fact that beneath it all, his blood was boiling. “He has no right to touch you.”
Glancing over your shoulder you smiled at one of the other cheerleaders before looking back at Billy. “I appreciate the concern, Billy, but I’m fine.”
That casual tone of yours just about killed him every single time. It was a punch to the gut compared the woman he had all to himself behind closed doors. This version of you, this censored version, was just a part of the charade, he knew that much, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
The rest of your classmates slowly filtered out of the room, eventually leaving you and Billy alone as you tossed your notebook into your bag. That weighty stare of his was ever present, but you pretended not to notice in fear of someone walking in. Billy Loomis was a lot of things, but subtle, he was not.
At least where you were concerned.
“That’s bullshit,” he seethed, “someone ought to show that fucker he can’t just go around touching what isn’t his. He—”
“What isn’t his?” A bitter laugh tumbled out of your lips. “I’m not a piece of fucking meat, Billy. I’m not his, sure, but I’m not yours, either.”
You watched the muscle in Billy’s jaw clench and that vein in his neck that always seemed to swell whilst he was under pressure visibly strained and pulsed before your very eyes. “I didn’t say you were,” he muttered, “I just meant that he needs to learn some respect.”
“He does,” you agreed, “but that’s not your job to teach him.”
Leaning against the desk, he ran a hand through his hair and glowered across at you. “I could tell it bothered you, so why the hell are you defending him?”
You rolled your eyes and swung your bag over your shoulder. “I’m not defending him, Billy. Steve’s an asshole, we all know this, but I don’t want you to get in shit thinking it’s your job to defend me. I can look after myself, Billy. I promise.” With another futile glance towards the door, you reached forward and gently ran your thumbnail against his bottom lip. “Besides, you’re too cute for a fistfight.”
Upon dropping your hand back down at your side, Billy caught it and gave it a squeeze. “I can’t help it if I get heated about all these assholes. Look at you.”
“You can help it, actually,” you laughed. “Don’t engage, first off. And, secondly,” you leaned in a little closer so that your lips were dangerously close to his ear, “try to remember who it is I’m fucking at the end of the day, hmm?” You pulled away and offered him a quick wink before walking out of the classroom. “See you at lunch, Loomis.”
“All I’m saying is that if he didn’t want me giving sage advice to those renting a fucking movie, then why hire me in the first place?” Randy asked with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You, Tatum, Sid and Randy were all outside eating at the fountain whilst waiting for the other two idiots to join. Pushing your sunglasses further up your nose you smirked across at Randy. “Randy, you told the guy not to rent the movie. Your job is to make people want to watch these movies.” You popped a carrot into your mouth. “How you’re still employed is truly a mystery.”
“That’s the thing,” he laughed, “he fired me!”
“Shocking,” Sid chuckled, “what did you say when he fired you?”
Randy stole a celery stick out of your Tupperware container and bit down. “Nothing, I kept working. Fire me? Not on my watch. No thanks.”
With a shake of your head, you stretched out your legs on the concrete slab of the fountain and found Stu bounding towards you with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you guys hear?” He asked, swooping down to kiss Tatum’s cheek. “Our man, Billy, snapped.”
You froze mid-bite and immediately looked at Sid who had sat up looking concerned as ever. “What?” She asked in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Billy and Steve, man,” Stu laughed and snatched a carrot stick from your stash. “The two of them got into it during one coach’s drills and Billy just,” he bawled his hand into a fist and slapped it against his other hand. A resounding smack echoed out around you. “Clobbered him, man. It was awesome!”
With your appetite long gone, you slowly swung your legs back onto the ground and pinched your brow. You were raging. Not only had the idiot ignored you by engaging with Steve, but he’d gone ahead and fought him, too.
“What?” Sidney croaked. “W-Why would he do that? He’s never been the type to just fight someone like that. Did Steve do something to provoke him?”
You chewed on your lip and stared ahead as Stu merely shrugged. “Don’t think so,” he stole another carrot and grinned at something in the distance. “Ask him yourself, here he comes.”
Your blood was boiling beneath your skin as you watched Billy casually waltz over to your group as though he wasn’t wielding one hell of a fucking bruise on his cheek, accentuated perfectly with a small, clean slice along his cheekbone that would almost surely scar. The fucking moron.
“Billy!” Sid gasped, jumping up to tend to her boyfriend’s injuries.
You, on the other hand, forever the other woman, remained dutifully planted on the edge of the fountain. Not that you would have tended to him in any way, shape, or form in that instance. In fact, you weren’t sure you could trust yourself not to add to the mess on his face.  
“I’m fine,” he muttered, giving her hand a quick kiss as she gently observed his cheek. “Things just got heated on the field, is all.”
“You should see the other guy,” Stu beamed, “I hear Steve lost a tooth!”
Your anger swelled, momentarily blinding you as the rest of your friends laughed and asked for a play-by-play of events. Not quite trusting yourself, you pushed yourself up from the edge of the fountain wall and grabbed your bag. “I’ll see you guys later,” you hummed, not looking up at the bruised idiot in fear or snarling at him.
“You don’t want to stay for story time?” Stu asked, looking between you and Billy in amusement.
“Can’t.” Smacking on what you only hoped was a convincing smile, you shook your head and gestured to the school. “Forgot I had a meeting with Miss Wills about getting my biology grade up.”
Just before you turned on your heel to head back into the school, you just managed to catch Billy’s eye as he dutifully sat beside Sidney. She was leaning into him, gently prodding the scar along his cheek with a concerned frown marring her pretty face. He, on the other hand, was staring evocatively across at you with a small frown of his own.
Clearing your throat, you waved them off rather quickly before heading back inside of the school. You were too angry to care about how you felt the weight of his stare all over you before finally disappearing from sight.
You locked your bedroom door that night and closed your curtains to avoid rolling over and seeing the idiot that was currently plaguing your every thought staring back at you from the second story of your house. In fact, that was what you did for the next three nights all the while managing to avoid Billy Loomis as much as humanly possible whilst at school.
So far, he had tried on four separate occurrences to get you alone. Whether it was subtly nodding towards an empty classroom with the gang around or lingering by your desk after English in hopes of pinning you down for a chat, it was obvious that Billy was desperate to talk with you. To smooth things over. To move on from this rather ugly display of jealousy.
But you weren’t. And, honestly, you weren’t sure if you were going to be any time soon, if at all.
A small dose of jealousy was only normal every once in a while. Not healthy, by any means, but a normal part of any relationship. Only this relationship you and Billy had was anything but normal. He had a girlfriend. A lovely, kind girlfriend who would have given him the world three times over if he asked. So just how Billy was the one with the audacity to be jealous made no sense.
Whenever you thought about it, you got mad. The injustice of it all was truly something you couldn’t wrap your head around. Just how Billy Loomis, the one with a girlfriend, could get jealous of a guy you were barely even acquaintances with really threw you for a loop. And yet you, the asshole who had somehow fallen in love with him, had to quietly take a seat and watch him dote over another girl in public.
Dote over your best friend.
Oh, the irony was delicious.
Tossing the book you’d been reading aside, you let out a quiet groan and closed your eyes as you heard the familiar jiggle of your window. It, like it had been for days, was still locked, thankfully, and your curtains still drawn in fear of seeing him.
The commotion tonight, was brief. He only tried for a second or two before you heard him meander his way back down to ground level. With an annoyed sigh, you reached for your book only to stop dead in your tracks when your doorbell rang out through your whole house.
Shooting up from your bed, you immediately lunged for the door and held your ear to it as your mother quietly complained about just who it could possibly be at this hour of the night.
Please be anyone else, please be anyone else, please be—”
“Oh, Billy,” your mother gushed. She’d always liked Billy. The traitor. “It’s awful late, is everything okay?”
Furling your brow, you pressed your ear further into your door and heard Billy’s deep voice say something – something probably charming – before your mother’s voice called up to you.
“Y/N, sweetie,” she beckoned, “Billy Loomis is here.”
You opened and shut your mouth several times over as you thought of your next few words. Somehow swearing at him from where you stood didn’t seem like the best idea with your parents in the house so, instead, you opted for the next best option.
You said nothing.
Holding your breath, you stood at the head of your room in nothing more than your flannel sleep shorts and tank top while hoping beyond hope that Billy would be ushered out of your house.
“I’m afraid she might be sleeping, dear,” your mother sympathetically cooed, “was there something you needed?”
Pressing your ear tighter to the wood, you barely made out the words ‘book’ and ‘homework’ before another sympathetic cluck escaped your mom’s lips. “And it’s due tomorrow?”
You panicked. His ploy was obviously to come up here and search for a book that didn’t exist all the while your parents carried on with their regular scheduled programming downstairs – but your parents weren’t dumb, nor were they naïve. Surely, your mother would offer to come up and root around for whatever it was he lied and said you had before she would inevitably have to wake you up in order to deliver the goods to the lying Loomis.
Your anger pulsed as realization dawned on you.
You had to go downstairs.
“Did you say something?” You asked, feigning innocence as you pushed your door open and made your way down, barely glancing at Billy who still stood in your entryway. “What are you doing here?”
Billy licked his lips. “I, uh, wanted to swing by and pick up the book for our English assignment. I think you must have grabbed mine, too, when you were putting your stuff away.”
“Nope,” you shrugged, “I don’t have it.”
Billy awkwardly smiled across at your parents before looking back at you. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you replied coolly. “Maybe you left it at Sid’s house?”
His shoulders briefly fell at your tone and, for a split second, you felt your heart fall into your stomach. You knew you were hurting him with the callousness of your words, but you had to stick to your guns this time around for your own sanity.
“Guess I must have misplaced it,” he wryly admitted. “Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Y/L/N.” His eyes flickered to you. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You nodded, prepared to watch him leave, but before he could get a foot out of the door, your mother stopped him.
“Wait, Billy,” she ran out of the living room and into the kitchen, leaving you and Billy alone for all of three seconds before she shuffled back in. “Here,” she held out a dish packed to the brim with Shepard’s Pie. “I know your dad’s been working a lot of late nights so dinner’s might not be the most well-balanced, but a growing boy has to eat.”
Feeding the enemy. Typical.
“Y/N made it,” she bragged, unwittingly fanning the flames of annoyance in your chest. “It’s delicious, too.”
Touched, Billy grabbed the Tupperware container from your mom before glancing at you. He knew you could cook, you’d cooked for him several times in the span of your friendship – long before the two of you began…doing whatever it was you were doing – but as he accepted the container, there was an emotion there that was much too raw and real for you to try and decompress.
You realized, slowly, that your mother’s offering of Shepard’s Pie was probably the first time a maternal figure had paid him any mind since his own mother had walked out on him all those months back.
Your stomach dropped at the thought.
“Y/N is a great cook,” he agreed. This time, his voice was much quieter. “And thank you again, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
Once again, you watched him turn on his heel to leave the house but, with that niggling feeling of guilt twisting inside of your belly, you opened your mouth before you could so much as think to stop yourself.
“I’ll walk you out,” you muttered, flashing your mother a fleeting smile. “Be right back.”
Slipping on some shoes, you ignored Billy’s obviously surprised face as he lingered in the doorway before finally looking across at him. “Let’s go.”
The night was brisk as the two of you strolled towards his car in silence. You shivered absentmindedly as your pajamas offered no real sense of protection from the chill before glancing at Billy. Naturally, his eyes were already on you.
“Do you think your mother’s watching us right now?”
“Knowing her?” You shrugged. “Probably.”
He swallowed hard. “We should talk about what happened.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I know what happened. You saw Steve touch me and got irrationally jealous over it and, rather than deal with it like a grown man, you punched him and he lost his fucking tooth.”
A flicker of anger crossed over his handsome features. “It’s not that simple, Y/N, he—”
“That is probably the only simple thing about our little situation, Billy,” you acknowledged quietly. “You got jealous and you punched a guy. Doesn’t get simpler than that.”
“He deserved it,” he argued. “He’s a moron and shouldn’t have touched you. Do you know how hard it is to see that and not defend you the way I wanted to while it was happening?”
“Defend me?” You sneered. “Or stake your claim on me? No offence, Billy, but the entire male population of our school could ask me on a date tomorrow, and you’d have no fucking say in the matter. Whether they touch me or ask me out or anything, because you and I aren’t a thing.”
Billy chewed on his bottom lip as his grip on the Tupperware tightened considerably. “Yes, we are.” His voice was eerily calm despite the panic surging through his chest. “I love you, I told you that at the cornfield and I meant it. I fucking love you, Y/N.”
“You did,” you said, “and my feelings haven’t changed but you can’t be blind to the fact that this isn’t working, Billy. You getting jealous over me getting unwanted attention from a guy all the while expecting me to sit there and watch you and Sid flaunt your shit all over town?” You could feel your eyes begin to water as your emotions got the better of you, but you wouldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t dare. “I’m supposed to sit there and trust what you’re telling me. That you will break up with Sid, that you do love me, that, if things were different, it would be me you’d be with and only me. But one guy squeezes my thigh and you lose your shit? Where’s the fucking sense in that?”
“I fucked up,” Billy admitted, his bravado long gone. “I see that now, I fucked up. But --”
“But,” you scoffed. “See, there it is. An excuse. I don’t want your excuses anymore, Billy. I want you and while I thought that was enough, I’m seeing it’s not that easy anymore. Not if you get to act like this unhinged asshole whenever I get a sliver of attention.”
You watched Billy’s eyes search your face as his hands trembled. He wanted to reach out and cradle your face, you could tell that much, but – tale as old as time – with an audience, even if it was just a possibility that it was your mother, he remained still. “Don’t do this to me, Y/N,” he pleaded, his voice shaky. “Please. I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sosorry.”
“I just think we need to take some time away from each other,” you muttered. “For our own sanity.”
“No,” Billy argued, stepping towards you in desperation. “No, Y/N, I need you. Please don’t do this.”
“I think you need to either make a decision with Sid or be more open with me about what the fuck is going on inside of that head of yours. You can’t go around punching people because you get jealous, Billy. And, until you figure your shit out, I think we should stop this. Whatever this is between us.”
“It’s a relationship,” Billy’s brows furrowed in outrage. “Two people who fucking love each other is a relationship, Y/N.”
A sad smile broke out across your face as you stared up at the starry sky above you. “Two people who love each other but can’t show it. Who have to hide whenever people are around in fear or being seen as anything more than good pals.” You shook your head and met his frenzied stare. “That’s not a relationship, Billy. That’s fucked up. We’re fucked up.” You sniffed and gestured down to the Tupperware in his hands. “Enjoy your food. I’m going back inside now, and I meant what I said. We need some time apart so, please, don’t come around here anymore. At least not until…” you let the sentence hang in the air, unsure of your next few words.
“Until what?” He was clinging to your every word but there was an anger so palpable radiating off of him that made you take a small step back. “Until you decide that you don’t want me anymore? Walk away and leave me like my mother did?”
You cocked your head to the side and hoped like hell the hurt you felt at that accusation didn’t directly show on your face. “If you truly think I would do that, Billy, then we’re even more fucked up than I thought.” You sniffed and began to turn back to your house. “I have a lot of faith in you, Billy, and a whole hell of a lot of trust. It’s about time you showed me that same consideration.”
The raw emotion on his face was jarring and almost made you hang back long enough to console him like you would any other time, but you couldn’t. If he couldn’t trust you, what the hell hope did either of you have at this becoming a real thing? Walking back to your house, your heart broke and any emotion you fought so desperately to keep down began to bubble to the surface. But you wouldn’t break down though, at least not yet.
You always had your cards on the table when it came to Billy Loomis and it was about time that he started showing his, as well.
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
If I Never Knew You Pt.1
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Pt.2   Pt.3   Pt.4   Pt.5   Pt.6
Warnings: 18+, eventual smut, arranged marriage plot, kinda royal au, some fighting, secret relationship, angst.
a/n: This is going to be a six part series. I’ve never done a series before, but I write so much anyway I thought why not make one. I’ll probably upload each part daily unless there is demand for them to come faster. I hope you enjoy. Requests/asks will be open if you wanna send smth to me! Although I will admit I am kinda slow in finishing requests. I have a lot to balance in my life so my apologies if I don’t get to them immediately!  
Word count: 1.8K
Loki x female!reader 
The sun shone through the window of your home, the golden rays warming up your cheeks and waking you from your slumber. Sitting up, you stretched, feeling the sleep vibrate out of your body. Tossing the sheets off your body, you swung your legs out of the bed and walked to the bathroom to begin your morning routine. Finishing with tending to the mass of hair on your head you trailed back into your bedroom to change into clothes appropriate for the day. An array of dresses always leaving you indecisive about what to wear.
Settling on an olive green one you walked towards the mirror and fastened the ties around the back of your neck. The loose sleeves draped over your shoulders, cascading down your back, and gold accents adorning the neckline. Finding your shoes, you slipped out of your bedroom, closing the door behind you, and walked down the hallway, the chatter of your family becoming more clear as you near the entrance of the main room. 
 “Good morning, mother. Father.”
It seemed you had slept in quite a bit, given your parents already eating breakfast. Your mother piped up
“There’s a portion left for you on the counter, my dear.”
Eying the food you decided you weren’t all that hungry yet. You had just woken up and your body had yet to settle. Declining, you grabbed your satchel and began to walk towards the door.
“But Y/N, you should really eat something before starting your day.”
“I’ll be fine, Mom. I promise. I’m just not that hungry right now. I’ll eat when I get back.”
Finally reaching the door, your father chimed in,
“You know, Y/N, just because you try to avoid the obvious, doesn’t mean it’s going to go away any sooner.”
Dropping your head, you sighed. You couldn’t seem to escape the duties of being a young woman in a world where royal obligations were something you were expected to partake in. Upon reaching the age of 18, you were supposed to be on the lookout for a decent suitor of a husband. The fact of the matter was, you were now approaching 22 and had yet to find someone acceptable, not only by your standards but by your parents. 
For this uniting of peoples would also be a uniting of families. You had until your 21st birthday to find a man suitable to everyone's liking and if you didn’t, arranged marriage was the next option. No one wanted to be known as the woman in Asgard who couldn’t get a man to offer his hand in marriage, yet here you were in all your glory. It was frustrating. 
If only they knew. 
“I know, Dad. Things are a little bit harder when I have to seek my parents' approval for my marriage.”
Your tone became short, frustrated at the entire situation. You already had someone, for a while now actually, but you hadn’t the guts to inform your parents because you knew they would shut him down. So you loved in silence. It was more than painful, not being able to be truly open with your lover, but you had yet to find the right time to pour out your heart to your family. Taking a deep breath, your grounded yourself and turned towards the door,
“I’ll be back later, I love you.”
Your mom got to responding before your father did,
“We love you too dear. Make sure to pay attention to who you’re around. Be safe.”
Smiling lightly you finally walked out the door and stepped into the fresh air that was Asgard. It never got old. The scent of the trees and freshwater that surrounded this place sent one into such serenity. Just being outside could allow your mind to drift elsewhere and forget about the troubles in your life. Walking as far as you could from your home you spaced out in the direction you were going. 
Coming back to when you accidentally kicked a pebble across the ground. Looking up you found yourself in one of the many gardens that surrounded Asgard. Walking to a marble bench, you scrunched up some of your dress in your hands, folding one leg under you before sitting atop it. Crossing your other leg across it and letting the fabric of your dress fall to the ground. 
Pulling your satchel into your lap, you grabbed your journal out of it and began to sketch the garden in front of you. Paying special attention to the detail of the flowers, wanting to make sure you entirely captured the essence of their beauty on paper. Lost in concentration, you failed to hear the footsteps approaching behind you. It wasn’t until you felt a hand rub small circles into your shoulder that you turned around. 
Hair fell in your face, obscuring your view of who was in front of you. Bringing your hand up to place your hair away from your face you dropped your pen on the ground. You went to reach for it, but a separate pair of hands grabbed it first.
“You seem to be quite the mess today, my darling.”
A genuine smile stretched across your features before looking up into the enchanting blue of his eyes. 
“Loki, hi! What are you doing out here?”
Sitting down next to you, careful to avoid your dress he spoke,
“Well, I was informed that a beautiful lady was sitting in the garden in front of the palace so of course, I had to go inspect the situation. And upon seeing a stunning shade of green draped over the bench, I had to introduce myself.” 
An airy laugh left your throat, blithe being showcased across your being.
“If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you fancy this beautiful woman.”
“How could I not? Her beauty extends beyond the physical. She's incredibly intelligent and the only one to unconditionally show kindness and love to those who deserve it. It’d be incredibly injudicious of me to not be aware of that.”
“Alright, alright Loki, you’ve buttered me up enough.” you chuckled
“It’s never enough, darling. And it’s not buttering you up if it’s true, which it is. So, against your wishes, I shall continue to do it.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. Looking down at his hands, you placed yours on top of his and gazed into his eyes once more. Glancing down to his lips and back up to his eyes, you slowly leaned in, Loki meeting you halfway. A kiss so tender you forgot it was Loki whose lips were tangled in a dance with your own. 
Loki moved his hand out from underneath yours and placed it on your cheek. You pulled away from the kiss and nestled your head into his hand, his thumb caressing your cheek allowing you to relish in the moment of being with each other. Flashing your eyes back up to his you asked,
“Shall we go for a walk?”
“Why not?”
Stuffing your journal and pen back into your satchel you untangled your legs and got up from the bench, Loki helping you stand up so that you didn’t trip on your dress. Taking your hand in his own, you two walked through the garden on a path that would eventually lead you to the entrance of the palace. 
“I’ve missed you Loki. I always miss you, I hate being away from you.”
“I know my love, I do as well, but you of all people know our predicament.”
You stopped in your tracks and turned in haste to stop him as well, making him face you. You brought both your hands up to cup his face, an idea flashing bright behind your eyes,
“Well, maybe we can change it! We can be the change to get rid of this stupid rule. I can’t imagine my life without you Loki. I don’t want to have to share my world with someone else. It’s only ever going to be you.” 
Bringing his hands up to your wrists, he looked deep into your eyes, sorrow and hope swimming behind his facial features. 
“Maybe we can, although we have to prepare for the worst...but that doesn't mean we can’t try.”
Giving a small smile, he moved his hands to the back of your head, thumb caressing your temple, and leaned in to kiss you. Giving you all the reassurance you could’ve asked for. Pulling away from each other you continued down the path hand in hand. Closing your eyes you took a deep breath, serenity washing over you. 
Opening your eyes, you realized you were closing in on the front of the palace meaning you would now be in the public eye and the last thing you wanted was more gossip to fall upon you. Looking at your lover, you stopped walking, halting him in his tracks. Forcing him to turn around and look at you.
“What is it?”
You sighed, suddenly being overcome with emotion.
“Well, if we walked any further, everyone would see us and I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble for you…”
“...Trouble? For me?”
Loki scoffed, his signature smirk following.
“Love, all I’m known for is for causing trouble, I wouldn’t mind another notch on my belt.”
You were hesitant. You loved Loki and you knew your feelings were reciprocated through him, but it was difficult breaking from the chains of what you ‘were supposed to do’. It left you in such dissonance and yet you felt in your heart to rebel so fiercely that Asgard would immortalize your change. Your silence alerted Loki and he spoke again,
“Y/N, if we are to ever make any sort of change we cannot hide in the shadows anymore. We cannot separate and scatter like roaches when the light is shined upon us. We must bask in it. That is the only way we can possibly aspire to reach our goal of loving one another in true fulfillment.”
“You’re right.”
“I always am.”
You placed your hand back in his and Loki smiled down at you. 
“Ready to have the target on your back, Y/N?”
“As long as you’re by my side, I can handle anything.”
Walking out of the secluded area of the garden, you finally stepped into the light. For the first time in the last year being open about your courtship with Loki. Asgard’s God of Mischief and your parent’s worst nightmare. You felt armored for anything to be hurled in your direction with Loki was by your side and always would be. 
The anxiety of it all had yet to drain from your bones and you couldn’t help but draft up ‘what ifs’ in your head. As if Loki was scavenging through your brain, he gave your hand an inspiriting squeeze, bringing you back into your body and out of your head. If only you knew how the whispers of your choice in partnership would rain the fires of hell all too soon.
164 notes · View notes
loving-daisy · 3 years
Cry For Me | George Weasley x Reader
Masterlist | Cry For Me Masterlist 
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Chapter 9 - Fool
Words: 6.8k
Warnings: nothing much; fluff and angst
I made a fool of myself
Much to Y/N Icestone’s dismay, her request to Draco; Draco’s request to his father; Draco’s father’s request to Professor Snape didn’t last long. After the official split of the controversial Gryffindor-Slytherin couple, Y/N let all the emotions flow. Months of bottled-up feelings freely flowing. 
Hatred, mostly. 
The girl just couldn’t stand to see or even get a tiny little glimpse at the boy who captured her heart, held it carelessly, and smashed it into pieces. The mere thought of him even enraged her. Hating the fact that she was so gullible to believe that someone truly liked her because of her and her alone. Not the titles, the money, or the power that she came with. 
But as the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens. Sure, her relationship with the Weasley had a very unfortunate ending but at least another story went on - her friendship with Draco Malfoy. And Draco, being the good friend he is, decided to help her. 
Even if all the blonde Slytherin did was send an owl to his father, it did help a lot, truly. 2 weeks being George-Weasley-free during potions class. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, as the individual potions’ work eventually dissolved as they had to work by pair again. 
“This next potion you’re about to brew is much more difficult than the last.” Professor Snape informed the class. “Truth be told, I’d still prefer everyone to work individually.” 
Honestly, there’s not a potion that Y/N Icestone can’t brew perfectly. Sure, there could be some difficult ones but the girl is always up for the challenge. Working alone versus working with a pair didn’t really have that much difference. She firmly believed that she’d do well even without a partner. I mean, the girl basically proved herself in the last 2 weeks. 
“But due to a lot of errors and mishaps, I’m gonna allow you to work in pairs. Your partner will be your previous partner. Now, get to work!” Snape ordered with a scowl, grasping his black robes as he started to walk around the classroom. 
I should’ve just asked my Father. Too bad he never got close with Snape. Too bad Draco’s not here. The Slytherin thought, letting out a huff before making her way towards her previous table - the one she shared with the boy she’s trying to avoid.
As the Slytherin sat on top of the stool beside the desk where their bubbling cauldron was placed, she couldn’t help but send a look towards Daphne who was putting ingredients into their cauldron. 
Sensing Icestone’s look, Greengrass’ attention diverted to her best friend, raising a brow as if asking “what’s wrong?”. Y/N rested her elbow on top of the desk, placing her chin on her palm, pouting. 
Daphne let out a small chuckle, shaking her head from left to right. But just before she was about to mouth a few sentences towards the sour-mood Icestone, the shocked look on her best friend’s face stopped her in her tracks. 
Professor Snape immediately waltzes towards Icestone and Weasley’s shared desk, crossing his arms as he towered over the ginger with a scowl. “Mr. Weasley, I know that you have a knack for making stuff explode but for the love of Salazar, stop practicing the nonsense in this class. Have you not learned your lesson from the past week?” He let out, tone full of disappointment. 
“As expected from a Gryffindor. You just lost your house 10 points.” Snape continued before reaching out for his wand, making the mess disappear. 
“Detention, Mr. Weasley.” The potion’s master ordered before turning his heels to walk away. 
Before the Slytherin was able to open her mouth and make a snide remark, Professor Snape looked back, eyes burning holes at the girl’s forehead. “You too, Ms. Icestone.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped in disbelief. It’s not like any of the mess was her fault. It was all Weasley’s! All she had to do was prepare all the ingredients and line them up in order for the ginger to put it in so what’s bubbling in the cauldron was definitely not under her control. The girl firmly believed that she should have gotten detention for actually doing her part right. “But professor-”
“Not another word.” 
Great. So much for avoiding George Weasley. 
Later that day, Y/N Icestone found herself walking out of the Great hall to go straight towards the dungeons. But not towards the Slytherin common room. Rather, towards the potion’s master’s classroom. To serve detention. 
Truthfully, the girl didn’t know what it was like to serve detention under Snape’s name. Was it harsh like what other students claimed it to be or were people just over exaggerating? 
But come to think of it, Y/N Icestone didn’t know what it was like to serve detention under any other professor’s name. She has never gotten herself into detention anyways. If it wasn’t for the Gryffindor, she wouldn’t have even been here. She would’ve kept her record clean! 
Fortunately for the girl, Professor Snape’s favoritism towards the students under Slytherin was true. The reason? Well, the only reason why Icestone got detention is so that someone could keep an eye on every other pupil who got detention as they manually scrub all the dirty cauldrons. The potion’s professor simply told the girl that he had important business to attend to and so he’s entrusting detention towards her. 
Additionally, he promised that Icestone’s record would still be clean and that he’s adding 10 points to Slytherin for the girl to help him. Unfortunately for the girl, no other pupil was serving detention under Snape but George Weasley himself. 
Oh how Y/N Icestone wished that there was another unfortunate student who messed up in Snape’s class today. 
25 minutes into detention, the Slytherin was starting to get bored. After all, she too wasn’t allowed to use her wand. But hers was kept inside her pocket either way; Kept inside her robes with the ginger’s. 
But still, despite having the privilege of just sitting there and not scrubbing dirty cauldrons, her rage towards the ginger didn’t disappear. No matter what angle you look at it, she still wouldn’t be here if the Gryffindor didn’t mess up. 
The Slytherin huffed in boredom, piercing her cold eyes towards the boy. 
“I hope you’re aware of how much I despise you right now.” Y/N spat, deciding to break the silence inside the classroom. 
“I’m sorry.” The ginger murmured, trying to scrub the cauldron he was holding a little faster. “I’ll try to work faster. There are about 12 cauldrons left.” George informed.
Y/N hatred flowed freely, yes. But no, it couldn’t last for so long. Not when George Weasley makes it so hard for her to hate him. Why was the boy so nice? 
You look happier. She recalled. It was all bullsh-. 
“What happened anyway? Didn’t I line up all the prepared ingredients for you on the table? Didn’t you follow what the book said?” The girl questioned, hoping to at least get a decent explanation from the ginger on why their potion was suddenly messed up. 
The last time George messed up his potion was because of someone else tampering with it. But since the partner system in Snape’s class was administered again, Y/N doubted that it was another work of her housemate because even if George was their target, Y/N would be included in that target because they were...well, partners.
And the girl knew that no one dared to mess with her. 
“I’m sorry.” George repeated. Refusing to look at the Slytherin, his attention was still mainly towards the cauldron. 
This time, Icestone was now really annoyed. “Is ‘I’m sorry’ the only words you know how to speak of?” she grunted, rolling her eyes. 
“Sorry-, I mean, I’ll do better in the future, I promise.” replied George. 
“If there is a future.” The girl murmured, huffing. 
The boy didn’t know what she meant but he decided to just ignore it and get to work.
“Where have you been?” The Malfoy heir questioned after standing from his seat to walk towards the Icestone heir. 
“Draco? What are you still doing here? It’s late.” The girl pointed out, moving past the boy to sit on one of the leather couches located inside the common room. 
“Hey, I asked you first!” The blonde complained, following the 6th year and sitting beside her. 
By now, the cold room located under the black lake was quiet, seeing that it’s already late at night and there were classes tomorrow. The only people present were Icestone, Malfoy, a few students from year 7 studying, and the prefect who decided to stop by and organize the announcement board. 
Y/N leaned her head on the seat, sighing before closing her eyes. “I was monitoring Professor Snape’s detention class.” She informed with annoyance not towards the blonde, but towards the task. 
“You? Why you?” asked Draco. 
The girl turned to face the curious boy, eyes staring at his confused ones. “Well, he did say that he had some important business to attend to.” 
The blonde furrowed his brows, still not satisfied with the answer. “Okay, but why you? It could have been the prefect or whatever.” 
The girl let out another sigh. “Because stupid George Weasley was my partner in potions and he messed up so Snape decided to include me in his suffering. Thankfully, I didn’t do any scrubbing. My nails would have sucked!” 
“Partner?! I thought you guys worked individually now? Didn’t my father...” 
“Yeah...but apparently, there are too many dunderheads in the class so…” The girl said, rolling her eyes before shrugging. 
“Why’d you wait for me? Didn’t you say you had a test on Defense today?” She asked to divert the topic away.
“Yes?” Y/N urged, anticipating as she examined the boy’s look. Draco’s usually perfectly styled hair was no more as he wore his uniform trousers and a plain white shirt. 
The Malfoy heir let out a small and shy smile. “I wanted to give you something.” 
Icestone stood straight, both hands held out towards Malfoy as she waited for him to give her whatever it was that he was planning to give. 
“Is it chocolate chip cookies? It better be chocolate chip cookies.” She commented with a grin, her eyes sparkling at the thought of her favorite sweet. 
Draco chuckled at her actions. “Close your eyes.” He instructed before fetching the object inside his pocket. 
Y/N felt the boy’s warm hands go over hers, feeling jewelry being put on her wrist. In the absence of the warm feeling of Draco’s hands, the girl opened her eyes, the grin on her face never faltering. 
Taking a look at her right hand, there it was, clasped on top of the Slytherin’s wrist, a silver chain bracelet with diamonds and emeralds resting beside each other. 
Her eyes made contact with the blonde’s gray ones, shock and slight confusion on her head. “What’s this? I don’t recall that it’s going to be my birthday soon.” She playfully asked. 
Draco grinned, eyes turning towards his own wrist. “Do you like it? It’s a family heirloom but I had it customized to give it a little bit more style that suited both of us. Diamonds for Icestone and Emeralds for Malfoy.” Draco explained as he lifted his own wrist, a similar bracelet placed on top of it. 
“Do I like it? No, I actually love it very much. It’s gorgeous.” Y/N stated, earning an even bigger grin from the blonde. 
“Thank you, Draco.” the girl thanked, engulfing the blonde into a big hug. 
Green apples and peppermint. That’s what Draco Malfoy smelled like. Y/N Icestone thought the scent made her feel nostalgic about her own childhood. After every tutoring session with Mr. Princeton, the fairy that she had back then would bring her some sliced green apples and tea. Specifically, it would be peppermint tea if it was the cold season. 
The girl didn’t know why she suddenly thought of her childhood. Maybe it was because of the way things are now. Maybe it was because she wanted to go back to the old days. Maybe it was because the boy on her arms made her day 100% better or maybe it was a sign. She is yet to find out.
“So, where’s my chocolate chip cookies?” 
Oh, thank Draco Lucius Malfoy for making THAT one day a little bit better. 
Ever since last week’s potions class and the detention that followed, the days passed by quickly. Sure, there was still a little tension whenever Gryffindor and Slytherin shared classes but slowly and surely, Y/N Icestone was starting to let go of it. 
There’s no point in dwelling in the past. Lixie once told her. Additionally, her hatred doesn’t even last long. Not when the ginger makes it so hard. Hatred will bring you nothing, anyways. 
It’s been two months since the Icestone heir sent that enchanted letter declaring how she was the one playing with the ginger. Meaning, two whole months have passed ever since the controversial couple split up. 
Truthfully, the time the Slytherin spent thinking about where she went wrong, what went wrong, and what lacked in her rarely came anymore. Back then, when she’d be idle and alone, she’d stare at nothing and suddenly cry due to her mean thoughts. Now, Y/N Icestone knew her worth, and turns out, she was too much for George. She was too good for him. Daphne and Draco made sure she knew that. 
However, even if months have passed ever since her relationship with the Gryffindor, both Icestone and Weasley were having a hard time. 
After being convinced that there’d be no way the ex-lovers would communicate seriously for final closure, both parties tried to bury their feelings deep inside them. But putting too much stuff inside a bottle will burst it open. 
“What did you want once it was all over, George?” Icestone quietly spat, trying hard not to divert the other people’s attention towards them. 
Today was the day where the week’s potions class happened. It was annoying for Icestone, really. 
Come to think of it, Y/N Icestone loved potions. She even wanted to practice a career centered in potions someday. But this class? She hates it. She used to love it but now she hates it and ironically, the same reason why she loved it and hated it now was the same - being partners with George Weasley. 
One minute they were quietly working on the contents of their cauldron and the next they were confronting each other about their previous relationship. 
The Slytherin sighed, dropping her hands beside her before putting a palm on her forehead. “I’m a fool!” She declared, disappointed laced all over her voice. 
The girl let out another sigh before continuing. “I was so bloody stupid for thinking that you were different. I’m a fool for believing that you love me. I’m such a fool! I was never like this before. How did you make me become such a fool for you?” 
“But did you?” Asked George, expression with a little bit of curiosity and unknown hope as his brown eyes pierced into the girl’s glassy ones. 
“Did I do what?”
It was only then when the boy started to feel a bit embarrassed about the thought of telling the girl in front of him what he wanted to say out loud. Despite being embarrassed, George was never raised to be a coward. He was sorted into Gryffindor after all. 
“Did you love me?”
The girl felt her breath hitch, flustered by the boy’s question. 
Y/N contemplated for a few moments before giving out her answer. 
The question merely required a “yes” or “no” as an answer but oh how it made it seem like it was the hardest question to answer right now. If the girl answered “yes”, then what would that make her? She’d be the gullible girl George Weasley played with! But if she answered “no”, then she’d be lying. Oh, how she hated lying. 
So instead of giving a direct answer, she asked back. “Did you?” 
One side of George’s lips curved, his expression a smirk but mischief absent. “I asked first.” 
He pointed out. “I said, did you?” The Slytherin pressed on, waiting. 
Truthfully, the girl didn’t know what answer she should expect. She didn’t know how to react when she hears the boy’s answer. Is she really ready to know whether the Gryffindor truly loved her or not? 
“Never.” George mumbled, turning his attention back towards their brewing potion. 
Icestone’s jaw dropped, shocked by the ginger’s declaration. Thankfully, her heart didn’t fall into her stomach. No, it didn’t hurt at all. Why? Because the girl knew better. 
“This is going to be the last time you’re ever going to lie in front of my face, Weasley.” She hissed before grabbing a vial to put in their brewed potion and gathering all of her belongings to leave the room. 
“Never did I not.” The Gryffindor continued, sighing nobody but himself. 
Two weeks after the confrontational outburst regarding Icestone and Weasley’s past relationship, the girl finally became fed up with the sight of George. 
Things just didn't go right for her when it was time for potions class. Mainly because her ex boyfriend was her partner. They just simply couldn’t get along. 
She was tired. For Merlin’s sake, all she wanted was a peaceful year and good grades but the ginger was hindering both of that for her. 
“Professor, can’t I change my partner? Daphne Greengrass and her partner gave me their permission to switch too!” Icestone convinced the potions master. 
The dark eyes of the professor bored itself on the face of the Slytherin. “Can you tell me, Ms. Icestone. Why do you have the need to change your partner? Didn’t I make myself clear at the start of the year that whoever you choose will be permanent?” Answered Snape. 
“I don’t think Weasley is a good partner, sir. Look what happened last time, Professor. I don’t want to fail this class and if he continues to be my partner, he might drag me down with him!” 
Snape’s lips curled into an unamused smirk. “That’s not my problem anymore, Ms. Icestone. You’re smart. You do something about it.”
At least Y/N tried. 
“Listen.” The Slytherin called out, making the Gryffindor face her with a nervous look.
The girl’s arms were crossed, an annoyed but compromising expression plastered all over her face as she stared at the boy’s eyes.
If present Y/N Icestone was to tell past Y/N Icestone how she would be the first one to let her pride down towards George Weasley, she probably wouldn’t believe her. 
But it must be done. Because there is no way that the Y/N Icestone is going to fail potions just because of a boy. 
“If we’re going to force ourselves to work together for Potions, then we have to at least be on speaking terms with each other.” Icestone began, earning a small nod from George.
“We need proper communication, okay?” She continued, earning another nod.
Y/N nodded at George’s acknowledging nod. “So how about we figure this out and start again?” She offered. 
“Yes, I would like that very much. Thank you.” The Gryffindor carefully began, sneaking a look at the girl’s expression before continuing. 
“And, I’m sorry. For everything. For ruining our potions the last weeks and for dragging you to detention with me. I didn’t mean it, I swear! It was just an accident.”  George reasoned, rambling in the middle of his explanation. 
The girl merely nodded to show how she was listening to every word. “So, friends?” asked George as he offered a hand towards the girl. 
Icestone’s cold eyes burned holes at the back of the boy’s hand, contemplating whether to shake it or not. 
Truthfully, the girl’s objective was to make them go in speaking terms again. They didn’t have to be friends, really. They just needed to communicate in potions class so that her grade doesn’t descend even further. 
Also, Icestone was not sure what being friends with George Weasley would bring her. Would it bring her the peace that she wanted? Or would it just mess up her head even more? What would be the consequences of shaking the ginger’s big warm hand? Was she prepared for those consequences? 
But nonetheless, the girl took the risk of compromising. She really wanted the good grades. “Friends.” 
Turns out being friends with George Weasley didn’t give any harm towards Y/N Icestone. In fact, it felt like a breath of fresh air. 
No, it wasn’t as if their previous midnight escapades at the astronomy tower resumed. It wasn’t as if they’d greet each other whenever they passed by each other. And no, it wasn’t as if they spent some time in the library to study. No, nothing was like that. 
Their interaction remained inside the potion’s classroom. And it was refreshing, really. Y/N Icestone didn’t have to dread attending the class anymore. She finally had proper teamwork with her partner and her grades were starting to stabilize once again.
Additionally, everyone always tried to be an insider towards the girl’s life. And truthfully? The girl didn’t want another set of rumors about herself and the Gryffindor rekindling their love or some other type of rubbish flying around the school. 
“Wanna know a secret?” George suddenly asks, making Y/N steal a quick glance at him. 
“Sure.” She muttered, resuming her work on squeezing the juice out of the beetle for today’s potion work. 
“The first task involves dragons.” The ginger whispered, looking proud at himself. 
“Dragons?! What are they gonna do with them? Fight them?” The girl asked, shocked.
“But...isn’t that dangerous?” 
George gave her a nod. “It is. The Triwizard tournament involves 3 extremely dangerous tasks anyways.”
Aside from the information about the Triwizard tournament, the Slytherin was rather amazed at how the Gryffindor got the information. 
“You really have a way around things, don’t you? How did you find out anyway?” Asked Y/N. 
“My older brother, Charlie, brought them here. He works with dragons.” 
However, even if Icestone and Weasley’s friendship remained during potions, the Slytherin was not free from her best friend’s concerned interrogation.
“What’s up with you and Weasley?” Daphne suddenly asks one night when the two were preparing to go to bed. 
“We’re friends, I guess.” Answered Y/N. 
The raven-haired girl sat on her bed, moving towards Icestone’s to lay down beside her, facing her. 
“You can’t be just friends with your ex-boyfriend!” She exclaimed, earning a raised brow.
“Why not?”
“Well, because he’s your ex!” Daphne said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Icestone chuckled, placing a hand on top of the Greengrass. “Relax, Daph! It wasn’t like...anything in our previous relationship was real.” 
“But you felt real emotions, didn’t you?”
“Well, that was on me!” Y/N reasoned. “It’s not like I have feelings for him, anymore.”
Instead of getting a verbal response from Daphne, all Y/N received was an unamused look. 
“Okay, maybe I do but I’m trying to move on! Like I said Daphne, what we used to be will never be again. We’re just not...compatible.”
Icestone’s best friend’s lips curled into a smirk. 
“You know, I read something in a magazine before. You can’t be just friends with your ex. Or, you can be friends but that only means that one still likes the other.”
“Well, the one who likes the other is definitely not me.” Y/N denied. 
Daphne gave her a raised brow. “Then it’s Weasley?”
“No! I don’t even know if he really did like me. Even if he did, I like to think that he didn’t. The thought makes it easier to move on. Besides, all those are behind us now. Right now, we’re just friends. Really.” 
“I just don’t want you to get hurt again, Y/N.”
“I won't, Daph. I won’t.” 
Meanwhile, inside Fred and George’s shared dorm with their best friend, Lee, who was actually nowhere to be seen. 
“So you’re telling me...you and Icestone are back to being friends?” The older twin tried to confirm, not really impressed with the idea. 
George answered with a nod and a short “yeah.”, earning a raised brow from his twin.  
“Why are you back to being friends? That’s impossible!” Fred exclaimed, shaking his head as he paced around the room.
“Why can’t we be friends? I think being friends is much better than being strangers. It gives us peace, you know? We don’t really fight during potions anymore.” The younger ginger reasoned. 
“Peace?!” Fred repeated. “Be honest with me, Georgie. Are you really at peace? Is your heart at peace? I know you know that you can’t be just friends with your ex!” 
Fred’s words started to sync into George’s mind. Was he really at peace after all the chaos that has happened in the past few months? Was he really at peace after being friends with Y/N Icestone despite still having real and genuine feelings for her? Was he really at peace even if answers to his questions were not being handed to him? Even if there was still no closure between them? 
But then again, being friends with the girl than being enemies was much better, right? At least he still saw her. At least he still talked to her. 
Is that enough?
“You know what, Fred? I can’t be just friends with Y/N Icestone.” The younger ginger declared, standing up from his bed. 
“I want her back, Freddie. But I don’t know what to do. What should I do?” He continued. 
The older ginger gave him a wide grin, patting his back. “Dear, dear, George. How about a plan b?” 
“Plan b?”
Fred nodded. “Yeah, plan b. B that stands for ‘boy I realized that I can’t live without you and that you’re the one that I want so please take me back’” 
“That’s such a long name.” Grunted George, shaking his head from left to right. 
“Oh, no need to be intimidated by it. I can guarantee you that this is 100% going to work.” Fred assured his twin as a million thoughts flooded his mind, one by one constructing a blueprint inside his head to help his brother. 
George sighed, unsure as the look of his worn-out pajamas came into his view. “I don’t know, Fred. The last time you and I made a plan that involved Y/N Icestone, it broke my heart. It broke her heart!”
“That is why we’re gonna mend it back!” Fred said enthusiastically. 
“How?” asked the younger ginger with uncertainty. 
Suddenly, George found himself alone in their dorm after Fred came running out and towards the common room. 
“Angelina!” George heard Fred call. Shaking his head afterward with the thought: how is Angelina going to help with me getting back Y/N Icestone? Fred will probably just flirt with her all throughout. 
“What do you want, Fred?” Huffed Angelina, annoyed at the look of a wide-grinned Fred because it could only mean one thing; mischief. 
“You in?” He asked without any other context, earning a confused Gryffindor chaser. However, the expression on the boy’s face didn’t falter. 
After a few moments of silence, the girl eventually understood what the tall ginger was pertaining to. They did talk about it previously anyway. 
This time, it was Angelina’s turn to call somebody. “Alicia!”  The other Gryffindor chaser stood from her seat, excusing herself from the study group she currently was in before approaching her teammates. “Angie, you called?” 
The dark-skinned girl turned to look at her, her expression the same with the boy; a wide grin. 
“You know that one time when you told me that you owe me because I covered you up from McGonagall for sneaking into the Ravenclaw tower that one night?”
“Yes…”“Well, now’s the time to pay it back.”
Fear started to spread in Alicia Spinnet’s eyes. “I don’t think I like where this is going…” she remarked. 
“Well, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
The next Monday morning, as Y/N Icestone made her way towards the Great hall, alone (for the reason that Daphne just had the habit of waking up much earlier than her to do all her morning rituals before starting the day), the Slytherin noticed how students of different houses passed on information with each other like it was their form of the morning paper. 
Typical. The Slytherin thought. 
But she wouldn’t lie, she too, was curious about what baseless rumors are being passed around this week. Last week, it was how Harry Potter would probably lose the first round in the first task for the Triwizard tournament. Draco even made it worse for the boy who lived by making his goons hand out pins that state “Potter Stinks”. Y/N thought it was childish but boys will be boys. 
What even made her curious is the way people stared at her, looking at her up and down as if she was a piece of meat. 
I mean, she was used to people keeping an eye on her, she did have a good sense of fashion and her presence alone demanded attention, but something was different for today. Why? Because as people gossiped, they were looking at her. 
“What’s everyone gossiping about these days?” Y/N asked her cat, Lixie, who she was carrying in her arms. 
“Would you really like to know?” The cat replied, still feeling sleepy. 
“That’s why I asked, didn’t I?” 
Lixie yawned, kneading his paws. “Seems like Weasley got himself a new girlfriend.” 
“Fred and Angelina became official?!” The girl asked, shocked. 
“Ron and...some girl from Gryffindor?” The girl asked, unsure. 
“No!” The cat hissed, clearly getting annoyed at the girl’s obliviousness. “It’s George, Y/N.” 
“Oh.” Icestone let out. 
I guess Lixie’s response gave her the understanding as to why people were staring at her. The gossip was about her ex-boyfriend. 
Surprisingly, she didn’t feel anything negative from the information. It was better than she expected. She didn’t feel blue, hatred, or any remorse at all. Although she felt a little annoyed at how the people still associated her with the Gryffindor. 
“Who is it then?” she pondered. 
No matter who she thought it was, none of them really matched George. But maybe it was someone she didn’t know. After all, there were a lot of students from Gryffindor that she had no idea of. 
“I don’t know and I don’t really care. I heard she’s not even pretty.” Lixie shared, hoping to close the topic so that he may get back to his nap. 
Meanwhile, at the Gryffindor table where the center of this week’s school gossip was located, was an annoyed yet slightly scared Alicia Spinnet. 
“I swear to Godric, Fred, if the Slytherins find out about this and make fun of me, I’m gonna tell Angelina to kick you off the team.” The girl grunted as she displayed a balled fist for the older Weasley twin. 
“Too bad she can’t do that ‘cause I’m literally one of the best beaters this team has ever had.” Fred teased, sticking a tongue out. 
Instead of the twins sitting beside each other like they usually do, Fred was seated in front of George who’s back was facing the Slytherin table. Beside George was Alicia while Lee was beside Fred. 
Today’s mission was to earn the attention of the Slytherin in which all George and Alicia had to do was sit beside each other after Lee purposely spread rumors about them dating. Additionally, to know whether the mission was a success or a failure, Lee and Fred were there to monitor everything. 
“Then I’ll tell her your secret!” Alicia challenged, crossing her arms in front of her. 
“What secret?” Fred hesitated, nervousness starting to engulf him. 
“I know you like her, Freddie!” gloated Alicia. 
“Oh yeah? Well, what is there to be afraid of? I’m no coward, I’m a Weasley!” 
“Lee, any news?” George queried after shaking his head at Alicia and Fred’s antics. 
“The snake just entered the hall,” Lee reported, quietly keeping an eye on the walking Slytherin as she took her usual seat on her house’s table. 
“She is seated in front of Malfoy. She’s also beside Greengrass and they’re whispering.” The boy continued. 
As Y/N took her usual seat beside the 6th year Greengrass, she noticed the girl being more ecstatic compared to every other morning. The girl was glowing, her grin was wide and a shade of pink flooded her cheeks. It seems like she was announcing something very important, seeing the tablemates’ attention focused solely on her.
At least something different was being talked about at Slytherin. Y/N thought, internally smiling at herself.
The Icestone heir observed all the attentive faces, her eyes landing on the blonde boy in front of her, the Italian boy seated next to the blonde, then the quiet boy who always had a book in hand who had the same shade of pink on his cheeks.
A thought entered the mind of the Slytherin, theorizing what her observations meant but deciding to find out to confirm everything. 
Y/N bumped her shoulders to the girl beside her, whispering. “Daphne? What’s going on?”
Greengrass turned to face her, her eyes shining. “Turns out, my parents found me a match! I just received the owl.”
The Icestone mirrored the girl’s smile. “Well, you seem happy about it, Who is it?”
The boy seated next to Blaise Zabini let out a cough, making Greengrass steal a glance before turning back to her best friend. 
“Theodore Nott.” Daphne giggled. 
The smile on Icestone’s face dropped, cold eyes piercing the mentioned boy as she put on her most intimidating look. 
“Alright, Nott. You listen here-” She began.
“Oh, poor boy.” Malfoy murmured, shaking his head with a smirk plastered around his face. 
“Don’t scare him!” Greengrass scolded, smacking her best friend on the arm.
“I’m just kidding!” Icestone snickered before laughing at the boy’s terrified look. 
“Cheer up, Theodore. I’m only joking.” She assured.
“But oh! I’m so happy for you, Daph! You were always waiting for this day to come, weren’t you?” Y/N commented before giving the raven-haired girl a side hug.
“Congrats best friend! We’re both betrothed!” Daphne beamed, returning the hug. 
A series of falling silverware started to fill the Slytherin table, making the two girls pull away at the sound. 
Icestone’s head became flooded with confusion, especially after seeing the shocked look on Draco and his friends’ faces. She slightly tilted her head, trying to figure out what was happening. 
Eyeing all the tables at the Great hall one by one - Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, then Slytherin, everything started to make sense when the majority of her housemates had their jaws dropped, eyes towards her. 
She couldn’t help but let her jaw drop too. 
“Daphne...” she quietly called, trying to avoid everyone else present on the table. 
“Bloody hell! I’m so sorry!” The girl agonized, her previously excited mood being replaced with guilt. 
“Oh Godric,” Lee happily murmured, face contorting into a smile. 
“What?” Fred, not really monitoring the Slytherin, asked with uncertainty. 
“Look over there!” Lee ordered, eyes never leaving the Icestone heir. 
After following Lee’s line of sight, Fred turned his attention towards his twin, beaming at him. “She looks shocked. I think she saw George! I think it worked!” he chimed with triumph. 
George felt his lips curling into a wide smile.
Later that day, after Y/N’s last class with Professor McGonagall for transfiguration was dismissed, just before the girl headed back towards the dungeons, her arm was grabbed and she was pulled into an empty hallway. 
Truthfully, the Slytherin felt like everything was a blur ever since the day started. Especially after breakfast at the Great hall. 
Therefore, she wasn’t really focused on everything that was around her, causing her to grab her wand from her robes and point it at the intruder. 
“Relax! It’s just me.” George assured, raising both his hands into a surrendering position. 
Icestone looked at the boy up and down, keeping her wand away before crossing her arms. 
“What do you want?” She mused, tapping her feet impatiently.  
The tall Gryffindor furrowed his brows, staring down at the Slytherin. “Why are you so cranky today?” He pondered before shaking his head. 
Y/N only gave him a grunt, hissing another “hurry up!” which made George grab the girl’s hand, placing a bag on top of it. 
Icestone’s icy orbs stared at the bag. “What’s this?”
“Chocolate chip cookies, your favorite. To cheer you up, somehow,” replied George with a small smile plastered on his face.
George knew why the girl was so out of mood today. It was because she was jealous after rumors about him and Alicia started to spread around the school! And he planned on making her feel better by doing some good deeds. What more deed could be better than gifting the Slytherin her favorite sweets? 
The Slytherin’s lips curled into a smirk. “You’re sure these aren’t raisins?” She teased.
“Hey! That was one time!”
Saving from turning the conversation into an awkward one, the girl muttered a quick “Thanks.” 
“Good thing your girlfriend doesn’t get mad jealous when you do this kind of stuff with other girls.” Y/N mindlessly added, internally slapping herself at the comment. 
She didn’t mean to let those sentences out, Y/N Icestone swears! It was at the tip of her tongue but she usually would’ve swallowed everything in. She didn’t know why words started to flow out of her mouth without any second thoughts. 
“Girlfriend?” The Gryffindor repeated, feeling ecstatic on the inside. 
George felt like he just won the lottery. Y/N’s statement just confirmed his theory of her being jealous. 
“Is she not? People were talking about it though?” The Slytherin quipped, raising a brow. 
George just gave a shrug for an answer. 
“You handed her cookies! What is she gonna think now, you stupid git!” Fred grunted, smacking his twin’s arm. 
“She thought Alicia was my girlfriend! How fun is that?” replied George. 
The older ginger shook his head in disbelief. “Sure, she thought that Alicia was your girlfriend but what kind of boyfriend will she think you’ll be? A boyfriend who goes out of their way to give gifts to their exes?!” 
“Oh, Godric! You’re right! That was a stupid move” George agonized, massaging his temples.  
Fred gave him a pat on the back, comforting him “It’s fine, Georgie. You’ll do better next time. ”
“If there is a next time.” 
The painting of the fat lady, which actually served as an entrance towards the Gryffindor common room, suddenly bursts open with an out-of-breath Ron Weasley who looked like he just came running away from a wild elephant together with his best friend, Harry Potter.
At their little brother’s disheveled appearance, the Weasley twins put their conversation to a halt as their attention was directed towards him. 
“You would not know what I just heard at Divination class earlier!” Ron gushed, calling over Hermione and Ginny to join in their little circle for him to deliver the information he knew. 
“What?” Hermione grunted, annoyed at the ginger for ruining her reading session as well as the thought of the stupid class.
“So you know how Gryffindor and Slytherin are always conveniently in the same class, right?” breathed Ron. 
“Of course...they pair us with those snakes as if we’re actually going to get along…” Fred commented, shaking his head.
The 4th year Weasley ignored his brother’s remark and continued on. “Well, when me and Harry entered the room, Malfoy and his lot were talking and it looked serious.” 
Ginny raised a brow towards his brother. “So, being the nosy boy you are, you eavesdropped?” She interrogated, displeased. 
“Ginny, it looked important. I had to know because what if one of us is involved? What if they’re planning another thing that could hurt George?” Ron reasoned before raising his right hand to swat the air. 
“But anyway, I heard Zabini scolding Malfoy. I know, hard to believe right? But he said something like the entirety of the Slytherin house finding out Malfoy’s most important secret.” 
All the people included in their little bubble gave a small nod, acknowledging the young Weasley, getting more and more curious. 
“And?” George pressed on, making Ron look directly into his eyes. 
“I heard what the secret was!” He rejoiced, being proud of himself. 
“They really should have kept their voices lower.” He added. 
“Just get to the point, Ronald!” Exclaimed Hermione, clearly getting annoyed by the lack of information.
“Y/N Icestone is betrothed to Draco Malfoy.” 
End of Chapter 9
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