#I put more effort into his design cause I just started doodling a bunch of ideas
bamboo9lordserf · 6 months
My guy yellow! :] (unrelated note but if anyone's wondering why I posted this so early, I didn't sleep at all last night. My excuse? It was Eid :D)
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Headcanons as usual:
Instead of actual wings he has wing ears, don't ask me how that works
Lucky block tail because why not?
Doesn't have any eye problems but wears goggles to shield from machinery work
Uses other games as well to expand his abilities on making machines
He's if the phrase "what's sleep" as a person
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years
Dance with Me, Chaton - 21
Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
< Previous
21. Rose
They agreed on a schedule. As unbelievable as it was, but Plagg proposed it himself: a set schedule for lessons instead of whatever chaotic non-system they had now. His only condition was that the lessons had to be daily. Adrien proposed early mornings, so he could have his evenings free. Five in the morning satisfied them both. What Adrien had forgotten to count in was that he’d have to show up for a lesson the very next day which left him with little sleep that night again. Sleep-deprived for weeks, he hated to get out of his bed. He still did because Plagg was making an effort to be civil. Adrien had to upkeep his end of a deal.
The clock showed three minutes to five when Adrien shuffled into Plagg’s studio. Upbeat music from the boombox quietly echoed through space as Plagg lounged on his throne, twirling a red rose in his hand. Too focused on it, he didn’t even look up at Adrien when he entered the room.
“Morning,” Adrien greeted.
Plagg spared him a glance, turning back to the rose. “Are you going to ask her out?”
Adrien put his bag on the floor, taking off his sweater. “Who? Marinette?”
“Unless you have someone else in mind.”
“Nope. No one else,” Adrien said, drinking from his water bottle. “And yes. I was thinking of that.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Soon.”
“Where are you going to take her?”
“Didn’t think of that yet. Somewhere private for sure.”
“Good. How are you going to ask her? You know, the way you go about it could make it or break it.”
Adrien frowned. “Not sure. I haven’t had a lot of time to think about that yet. I had barely enough time to sleep.”
Plagg jumped from his throne and headed to Adrien, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Then it’s your lucky day, kid. Thank the heavens. I’m willing to help you.”
Adrien suppressed a chuckle. “I’m thankful, Plagg, bu—”
“As you should be,” Plagg grinned, poking Adrien’s chest with a finger. “I’ve known Mlle Ladybug ever since she was an angsty teenager. My wife is her best friend, so I know tons of stuff about her to help you navigate the thorny path of dating.”
“With all due respect,” Adrien replied, trying to suppress a smile. “I think I can manage that myself.”
“Have you ever dated?”
Adrien shook his head. “Was kind of hard to meet anyone with my schedule.”
“Do you know what Marinette likes?”
“Yes.” Plagg rolled his eyes. “But apart from that? Other stuff like her favourite colour or a movie? Her dreams and her goals for the future? Her favourite game? Preferable time of the year? Stuff like that. Do you know any of that?”
“I know some stuff. The rest would be fun to find that out from her.”
“Nonsense!” Plagg exclaimed, heading towards Adrien. “You’ve got me for that. I’ll tell you everything there is about Marinette, so you can easily woo her. Free of charge. You’re welcome.”
“Plagg, no—”
“For example, our Little Lady has always dreamed of seeing you with a red rose in your teeth, looking at her seductively—”
“Plagg, stop!” Adrien covered his ears in a protest. “Why… How would you even know that?”
He grinned. “I saw doodles in her sketchbooks.”
“You went through her sketchbooks?”
“She showed them to me herself.” Plagg defended. “Well… to Tikki, but I was nearby. And there were mostly clothes designs, but a blond guy with a rose in his teeth was also there.”
“Plagg.” Adrien ran his hand over his face, exhaling. “Thank you. I really appreciate your desire to help, but I’d like to discover everything there is about Marinette myself. From her. You do what I’m paying you for: teach me to dance.”
Plagg pouted. “Your loss. I could’ve made it so much easier for you.”
“I appreciate the thought, but no, thank you.”
“Don’t come running back to me when you’re in trouble.”
“I won’t.”
“Keep the rose, though.” Plagg pushed the flower into Adrien’s hand and walked back to his throne. “In case you change your mind.”
Adrien chuckled, putting the rose on top of his bag. “Can we get to our lesson now? I have to be out by six to make it in time for work.”
“I don’t see my Camembert.”
Adrien pulled a container out from his bag and passed it to Plagg.
Plagg opened it and inhaled the stink. “Delicious.” Closing it back up, he turned to his boombox and clicked something on it, sounds of You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship filling the room. Turning to Adrien, he smirked. “Now tell me, kid: can you top your yesterday’s performance?”
“Is that a challenge?” Adrien asked, stretching, a smile playing on his lips.
“What do you think?” Plagg grinned and snapped his fingers, coming onto Adrien, already moving to the beat.
“You’re on,” Adrien said, a mischievous light igniting in his eyes. This should be fun. This kind of lessons would make his whole day better. He should’ve told Plagg to go to hell a long time ago. Rebellion did have its better sides.
Standing by the elevator at Gabriel, Adrien twirled the rose between his fingertips. Was that true? Did Marinette really dream of him seducing her with a rose in his teeth? Not that he was opposed to the idea—
“Good morning, Adrien.”
He jerked around. “Good morning, Kagami.”
She walked past him and pressed the button for the elevator. “You forgot to press it.”
“I did?” he nervously, chuckled. “Guess, I’m a bit distracted.”  
“Apart from that, how are you today?”
“Good. And you?”
“I’m fine,” she said, diverting her eyes to look at the elevator’s door. “Feeling better? After the company’s party?”
Adrien sighed. “So, you’ve heard.”
“I did.” She waited for Adrien to respond, but when he said nothing, Kagami added, “I’ve also seen the video.”
Adrien groaned as the elevator’s door opened. He motioned to her to enter first. “Kagami… I… I might have drunk a little too much.”
“A little?” She quirked an eyebrow, entering the elevator. “Getting so drunk you can’t even get to a room isn’t a little too much.”
Adrien followed her, pressing a button to their floor. The door closed. “It was just a few kisses. Nothing happened.”
“It didn’t look like just a few kisses, Adrien, but that doesn’t really matter. You can’t afford to get drunk and to make out in public. You’ve got your and your company’s reputation to uphold,” Kagami snapped, her usually strong facade cracking. Yet right after, she took a deep breath and a few moments to compose herself. “I’m sorry. I crossed the line. Your activities in your free time shouldn’t be any of my concern, but I am responsible for this company’s Public Relations and your actions do affect Gabriel ’s reputation. Please, be more careful next time.”
“Will do,” Adrien said with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”
“That’s fine,” she said, glancing his way. “Comparing to your father’s incident with the designer department, this is nothing serious. I’m sorry I snapped. I’ve just had a stressful week and next to no rest on the weekends.”
“We’re a troublesome bunch, aren’t we? Us, Agrestes?”
“You certainly are,” she said, huffing a moment later. “That’s why I never go to those parties. You never know what'll happen. One moment you’re having fun, the next thing you know, you’ve ruined your career.”
“The video’s down. Everyone will forget soon. Nothing’s ruined.”
“No, it isn’t. Not for you at least.” Kagami shrugged. “Have you thought about Marinette, though? She’d have to face consequences for making out with her boss’ son in public.”
“I don’t think Father has any strict no internal dating rules, does he?”
“No, he doesn’t,” Kagami nodded. “But I bet you’re a different deal. You’re his son. He might not like you dating one of his employees.”
Adrien fell quiet. He twirled the rose between his fingers, staring in front of himself. Father didn’t mention anything about punishing Marinette the last time they’d spoken. Still, Adrien would have to check with him again to ensure that Marinette was safe. She wasn’t using him for career advances, money, or fame. That much Adrien was sure off. And Father wouldn’t punish a girl just because Adrien fell in love with her, would he? Ludicrous. He’d never.
The bell rang, and the elevator’s door opened at their floor.
“It’s for Marinette, isn't it??” Kagami asked, glancing at the rose as she exited.
Adrien couldn’t keep a smile off his face. “Yeah. I really like her.”
“She seems likable,” Kagami said. “We didn’t interact much, but she seemed nice. Good luck with that.”
“Thanks,” Adrien said. Bidding their farewells, the pair parted.
Adrien headed straight to the designer department. It was still too early for anyone to be there. People were just starting to come in and there was a good chance he could sneak in the rose on Marinette’s desk without getting her in trouble for it being from him. The boss’ son. Why did he have to be him in this particular situation? Unnecessary complication.
Adrien creaked the door open. The studio was empty. Quickly, he walked in and headed straight for Marinette’s desk. He put the rose in a middle and rummaged the drawer for a sticky note and pencil.
Good morning to the most beautiful and amazing girl around. I hope you have a great day. <3
The note stuck on the desk by the rose, Adrien was about to depart when a nearby mirror caught his attention. Glancing at the flower on the table, he wondered…
“My Lady,” Adrien purred, standing in front of the mirror a moment later. His voice raw and alluring, the rose nestled in his teeth, he tried to look as seductive as he could muster. “Would you like me to ravage you now or should I take you on a date first?”
Someone exploded with laughter off to his side from behind. Adrien jerked around, rose falling out of his mouth.
“Marinette?” He nervously chuckled. “You’re in early.”
“Tikki had me up early for practice. Though, I can see you made it even earlier than I did.”
Adrien puffed, rolling his eyes. “I don’t think Plagg sleeps at all.”
Marinette giggled. “Well, Tikki has been complaining he started to nap during the days recently.”
Adrien narrowed his eyes. “He naps?”
Marinette chuckled. “Yup. He does.”
Adrien swore under his breath. Of course, Plagg napped. Why was he even surprised? He napped specifically during the daytime so he could torture Adrien during the night! How malicious, yet smart. That—
“And I’d love the date first, if you don’t mind,” Marinette added, struggling to contain her giggles.
Adrien’s face flamed. “Marinette… That wasn’t what you think… or what it looked like.”
“Oh, really?” She quirked an eyebrow. “What is it then?”
“It’s…” Adrien leaned down to pick up the rose. “Well, for starters, this is for you.”
“Thank you.” Marinette smiled, taking the flower. “I shall dry-press it and always remember the scene I’ve witnessed just a few moments ago when I look at it.”
Adrien groaned, throwing his head backwards. “It’s all Plagg’s fault. I swear. He insisted on teaching me how to woo you, and he said you’ve dreamed of me doing that. I didn’t want to do that, but I saw the mirror, and I wondered how it’ll look—”
“Wait,” Marinette interrupted. “Plagg said I was dreaming of you doing this?”
“You haven’t? He said he saw doodles in your sketchbooks?”
“What doodles?”
“Of me with a rose between my teeth? He said you showed them to Tikki and he saw.”
Marinette’s frown deepened. Then her eyes widened, cheeks flared crimson, a startled gasp slipping her lips.
Adrien chuckled. “So, I guess the doodles exist?”
“Maybe?” she mumbled. “But I was fifteen and in my weeb stage, and that wasn’t you. That was Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club.”
Adrien’s eyes sparkled. “I love that show! We should rewatch it together.”
Marinette chuckled. “I see you didn’t outgrow your weeb stage.”
“And I’m proudly not ashamed of that.”
“Good morning, Marinette, Adrien.” Mme Bustier walked past them. “Sober enough to work today?”
Her cheeks crimson, Marinette replied affirmatively and turned back to Adrien. “Sorry, I have to get to work, but maybe we can chat during lunch?”
Adrien grinned. “Are you asking me on a date?”
“I’m asking if you want to chat during lunch,” Marinette said. “You decide what it is.”
“It’s a date then,” Adrien said, taking her hand and placing a lingering kiss on her knuckles. Some other person entered the room. Adrien let her go, taking a step back. “Have a great day, my Lady.”
“You too,” she whispered, her lips curling into a smile.
Adrien left. Unfortunately for him, models were starting their preparations for the big show this week, and that demanded his attention in another department. Otherwise, he’d spend the day glued to Marinette’s desk, chasing away anyone who’d dared to cause her troubles on his behalf. He’d have to ask her about that at lunch. As well as beg her to become his girlfriend because with Marinette by his side, Adrien didn’t need to leave Gabriel to be free. She was his freedom, and he’d be flying high in her cage. As long as she’d be by his side.
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sunbroofomegle · 8 years
uumm i guess i’ll tag @vkm11 and @sunbroofomegle since they’re my cool friends! (edit: totally didnt add these later cause i forgot their urls @daftbutts @aliendoc) Alright, ladies and gents, more specifically @enkyostar, @jakerdoodle, and @allosauroid, we in this.
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
Assuming this is for a bag I currently have and use for class...
1. Small sketchbook of just a bunch of doodles. Nothing really out of the ordinary
2. Tiny sketchbook used as notes for the various cryptids of the realm of one Savannah art school. It’s still being worked on, but it’s a personal project I think will be fun to just have. It’s sortof like a journal and informative book of the friends and scares of this realm. Maybe when I work on it more, I’ll share it with you all~ 
3. A bunch of pencils of various types. Got some prismacolors in there, some mechanical pencils of varying lead sizes, a lot of graphite pencils, it’s a mess. I need a new one, it has a giant hole in the side, but I’ve had this one since around the start of high school. I have sentimental attachment, y’know? It’s been there since I decided to become an artist. I can’t just throw that away.
4. Binders filled with notes. Lots of stuff on art history, game design, and game tech. I also have a bunch of other notes from classes that I get too lazy to put into a separate box that I have of all my old stuff, all organized and safe at home back in Jersey.
5. If I need it, my laptop. I usually don’t bring it around everywhere because I don’t usually need it outside of my dorm, but if there would be a 5th object in there, that would be it. I really don’t carry much...
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom: (the most important place to me)
1. My laptop. I need it to do work, my dude.
2. My tablet. I need it to do work, my dude
3. The various silly little memorabilia in my room. I can’t just name one, they’re all too important to me
4. Video games of all kinds. Like before, I cannot just name one. It’s too much.
Five Things I Want To Do With My Life: (I hate this question...)
1. Well, I want to be a game designer, preferably a texture artist, possibly environment artist. 
2. I guess just be able to do art for a living. It’s a hobby I want to make my lifestyle and it’s something I both enjoy and feel I can consider myself good at.
3. Sortof settle down in a nice, cold suburban area. Nice, quiet, peaceful. Y’know, the quiet life.
4. I can’t name much else. Maybe just have a relaxed life. A wife and kids in the distant future sounds nice, too...
5. I guess try to find a way to be happy consistently, especially nowadays. I can’t think of much else that wouldn’t be said in one of the future questions. I’m also not good with these, honestly.
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
2. Video games as a whole, really. They also make me sad, but that’s because I love them.
3. The closer friends I have here. They’re assholes, but they make me feel wanted. This blog also applies. You’re all so wonderful and I cannot thank you all enough. You make me actually feel like myself, and I really appreciate that.
4. Getting compliments on my work. I’ll shit on it, but hearing someone talk about your work in a positive light is always a wonderful feeling. I remember in one class I made a short animation in After Effects that took me a long-ass time to make. It’s pretty mediocre, but at the time I loved it. Apparently the professor showed it off to his other classes and it made me REALLY giddy. 
If you wanna see it, here it is. Like I said, it’s pretty mediocre, but this was my first time using after effects. I loved this project a lot!
5. All the pets I’ve had in my life. My followers know the ones, those silly little kids of mine~
Five Things On My To-Do List:
1. Git gud at art
2. Have a portfolio design that is both unique while also simple and not gaudy.
3. Play through a lot of video games that I currently have on my backlog.
4. Improve myself personality wise. I’m way too bitter and I feel that I’m unpleasant to be around, so I’m trying to fix the way I say things. Not the best with words...
5. Get back on track emotionally. I’ve been really out of it as of late and really, feeling like myself again is top priority. I just made it 5 because I’m a dumbo who thinks of other things first.
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
1. Okay, I know some of you are gonna get a kick out of this. I have had a youtube channel for several years now, but on it I have a series of videos that spawned from a joke. It is called The Life of Dr. Frankington. It is 5 episodes and has 1 trailer for Episode 4 because I delayed it for over a year and 3 for Episode 5 because hype. They’re REALLY stupid, but were incredibly fun to make. I put more time and effort into them than I think I did anything else before college. 
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7E7BA85282F76555 Legit, this is my magnum opus. It’s so dumb and possibly cringey, but I love the fact that it exists. The first 4 episodes were made in movie maker and 5 and 2 of the trailers were made in Sony Vegas. It also has my face and I know you kids go nuts about that for some reason.
2. I used to be a part of an FRC robotics group in high school. What a wild time that was...so many stories I could tell about that one group alone. Years of nonsense and bullshit. I’m glad I did it, though. Met some great people and have some funny stories~
3. It sounds mundane, but I can do a front flip. I remember doing it while one of my friends was attacking other friends with a blanket on his head and then jumping onto cardboard. I took the blanket, screamed “I AM THE NEGA CULTIST”, ran off, did a front flip, and landed on my knees to lay down while the blanket was still partially floating. I peered out, and my friends were screaming in both amazement and fear. They legitimately thought their friend, good ol’ Solaire, just went to a new realm. They also learned how strong my legs are. Seriously, I have REALLY strong legs!
4. As mentioned before, I have REALLY strong legs. Not sure why, but I’ve had people question if I’m a frog or something. My younger brother, who’s a gym rat who works out 75% of the day, every day of the week, constantly brings up how huge my legs are. It’s an anomaly that my entire family debates over, actually. Pretty funny.
5. I know it was mentioned before, but I have a small sketchbook of things I see around where I live, which include things I’m told about or things I have seen in person. The little baby doll you may have seen in some of my snaps? That is Yubble: a demon who is the product of my roommate. He is a part of this small sketchbook. You see it in my snapchat? It’s likely in it or going to be in it. This really took my mind off of a lot of bad things, so really, thanks @aigislovesrobots . You’re a top tier friend. It helped out a lot.
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