#I read aftg years ago
adamprrishcycle · 1 year
Is it popular opinion that all for the game is on the same level as the raven cycle???
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centaur-dreaming · 4 months
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Yes im crying who's fucking asking
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tiny-planet-13 · 10 days
I think a bottle of wine and a night alone to read through all the aftg extra content would heal me (and hurt me)
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livingasaghost · 7 days
okay i probably should not go down this rabbit hole but i think i deserve to do some andreil proposal/wedding headcanon because who cares!!
this is going to be inspired by these three posts because i cannot stop thinking about them
also the usual disclaimer: if this is bad or goes against your own personal headcanon....so be it<3
when andrew finally accepts that this is a THIS, he and neil do not talk about The Future
both of them know how quickly things can change and how you can't plan for anything in life because shit happens and life isn't fair and people always hurt you...so they just keep living in the present
but after a while it kind of becomes clear that neither one of them is going anywhere, even though neither of them actually believes it
more than that, they keep running into problems
like when neil plays a game for Court and ends up getting crunched against the wall and has to go to the ER and andrew has no idea where they took him because he wasn't fast enough to follow him and then when he finally gets to the hospital no one will let him back there and then when he almost attacks a nurse, kevin finally intervenes and lays on the charm to get the two of them back there to see him
and when they finally get in the room, neil is knocked the fuck out and that's when andrew decides that yeah fuck that we can't keep doing this
he doesn't tell neil he's decided this because neil will probably argue or try to run or come up with a bunch of excuses or worse he'll say yes
andrew asks renee for advice, and she doesn't make a big deal out of it because she knows that's the best way to get andrew to not want to do anything
so she decides to be casual
and by casual she actually just tells andrew that she had a conversation with katelyn that sounded like she and aaron were maybe thinking about getting engaged soon
andrew picks up his phone, intending to ask neil right there, but renee stops him and forces him to reconsider this proposal to at least do it in person
even so, there isn't a lot of fanfare
neil can sense something is off immediately when andrew walks in the door but he doesn't push him because he knows that's not the best way to get anything out of andrew
andrew won't look at him at all, doesn't say a word, just sits down next to him on the couch
neil: "drew?"
andrew: "i don't want to wait for kevin to get me to you"
neil doesn't really know what he's even talking about, so he just kind of stares at him, waiting
andrew, actively staring at the wall: "this is not going to be some kind of fairytale shit and i refuse to get down on one fucking knee so yes or no?"
neil, finally having his lightbulb moment: "don't ask stupid questions"
andrew rolls his eyes because of course he'd get stuck with this one: "yes or no, junkie"
neil: "i already told you. it's always yes with you."
andrew: "this is different"
neil: "not the way i see it"
andrew: "this means no running away"
neil: "i stopped running a long time ago"
andrew really is going to kill this guy one day
they don't discuss real details until a few days later when neil asks if they have to have a "real" wedding or if they can just go to a courthouse and getting the papers signed
andrew was under the impression that that WAS a real wedding and thus it was the only thing they would be doing regardless
the two of them settle on a date — only a few days out because hey, might as well just get it done because "who knows the next time some fuckface is gonna kick your ass and land you in the hospital"
at first they decide they aren't going to tell anybody, but then renee asks andrew if he ever actually talked to neil and so she becomes the only person to know about this weird wedding thing
she keeps trying to convince them to tell everybody else, but that does not go over well
neil decides it's probably best if he dresses kind of nice for his wedding (even though he's a thousand percent certain that andrew is just gonna show up in his usual attire) and since he doesn't want to tell nicky what's going on (for everyone's sake), he calls wymack instead thinking he can just vaguely ask a few questions and wymack'll stay out of his business
wymack: "somebody better be dead for you to be calling me this late"
neil: "what are you supposed to wear to a wedding?"
wymack: "who the hell is getting married?"
neil: "me"
wymack: "are you fucking with me?"
neil: "andrew is sick of asking kevin to get him into my hospital rooms"
wymack: "maybe if you stopped going to the fucking hospital—"
even though neil didn't think he needed wymack there, he unexpectedly asks if coach'll be his best man.....and even though wymack is so sick of these idiot kids shortening his life-span, he can't help but say yes
so that is how the four of them end up at the courthouse, waiting for the judge to make it all official
that is, until andrew gets a phone call
neil doesn't see who it is when he picks up, he just watches andrew as he answers straightfaced
andrew: "we're at the courthouse....getting married.......coach is here.....no."
the others look at each other, but andrew keeps staring at the wall ahead of him
neil nudges his knee: "who was that?"
andrew: "nicky"
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pinkeebwui · 5 months
WAIT, NEIL AND JEAN ARE THE SAME AGE??? HELLOOOO???? Fucked up nineteen year old club
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hella1975 · 2 years
fuck it im gonna reread aftg
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thepriceofsurvival · 11 months
Guess who's back
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Back again!
According to my last post, the last time I used this tumblr was almost exactly 4 years ago.
I have no idea how many of my followers are still active but i still wanted to make a post!
Since then I got a bachelors degree and an office job, bought a house, a car and a dog I am doing Search and Rescue with.
I have not watched a single of the skam remakes (yet!!!!) but i HAVE watched and obsessed over several fantastic series, movies and books.
The reason I am reigniting my tumblr id because I just finished All For The Game series by Nora Sakavic and I just really miss the tumblr community. I am also completely in love with Young Royals, Deadly Class (RIP), Captive Prince, Last of Us, Game of Thrones/asoiaf, and much more. After finishing high school and university i finally have the time and energy to go back to obsessing over plot holes, loose ends (seriously, what was up with Nooras parents?) rowboats (or tiny ships. If you know you know. All for the game people, Jean is my baby and I am dying for more Kevin/Jean content.) and of course all the fan-content.
Anyways. Where on earth do i start with the skam remakes?
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vanveronicango · 1 year
im less than 100 pages from finishing the aftg trilogy and im. im hyperfixating. i can feel it happening someone help
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alien-from-planet-zog · 9 months
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Something I made with my sibling today (@just-a-little-kreature) after we learned about The Sunshine Court and went insane.
*edit: apparently Jean going to therapy is already canon?! Good for him.
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kevinkevinson · 5 months
finished the sunshine court days ago and can’t stop thinking about it book 2 when I have EVEN MORE QUESTIONS
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lexalovesbooks · 4 months
No one on the planet earth has ever loved a sport as much as neil josten loves exy
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kevindaes · 5 months
are there any shadowhunter au aftg fics or am i making things up
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joyglass · 7 months
honestly i think one of the things that worries me the most about TSC is literally the TEN year gap between this book and atkm. obviously canon will be canon but what with 90% of the fandom hating nora's "extra" content and nora talking about people trying to push their expectations on her for the new book already...idk im kinda wary of reading it but also i obviously WILL be reading it
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snakegentleman · 11 months
Not to get deep about All For The Game, but I really wish that series dug more into the idea of players as commodities because all the building blocks are right there! For example, the contracts with the mafia, you know, the ones were they literally are allowed to live as long as they spend the rest of their viable careers(and youth) playing exy. Like, the mafia thematically could be a hyperbole of exploitation of college athletes and the ways in which sports are a way impoverished and marginalized communities can better their living conditions at the expense of their health and youth(of course there is no hint of this metaphor ever being realized; I sorta doubt Sakavic even had this in mind). For Neil and Kevin, playing exy for the rest of their careers and lives is a dream and basically their goals, but for someone like Jean, who has never had any choice and doesn’t seem to be as exy obsessed, what does he feel about the deal? Does it feel like a chain tethering him to a sport that has only ever been a source of trauma? I wish Sakavic had explored that! The only time they even call a player a commodity is in the famous Riko takedown speech which is played for laughs, but the line “always a commodity, never a human being” digs at something super interesting and Sakavic doesn’t seem to care about exploring it any further. Like, I’m all here for the sports anime bullshit that happens in this series, but it could be so much better!
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foxstens · 4 months
what's with the trend of characters only referring to each other by their last names
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butterflygemini · 5 months
finished my reread of aftg and #1 i am now officially an audiobook fan bc i have tried to reread it at least 5 times in the past few years and just couldn't get through it because my brain is poisoned (the poison is adhd) and #2 i cannot get over how beautiful of a slowburn that series is and how satisfying the ending is and #3 i always forget how much the 3rd book just knocks the absolute wind out of me
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