#I realize I'm being unnecessarily aggressive here however
crybabysunflower · 4 years
The song which reminds me of Ritsuka's feelings for Mafuyu
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After making a similar blog for MafuYuki, I also wanted to do the same for MafuYama, since I haven't really made any Given related blog on him which is quite unfair of me since I really love this young guitarist.
It was a tough decision to choose one song for Ritsuka because the band whose song I am going to use has two songs which reminds me of Ritsuka's feelings for Mafuyu.
The song I am going to mention here is called What Can I do by the South Korean pop-punk, alt rock band, Day6 from their 2017 album Moonrise.
The lyrics
What am I to you
Do you even think about me
You're different everytime I see you
I can't figure it out
The lyrics above gives off an aggressive, tsundere-ish vibes, which reminds me of Ritsuka's tsundere personality. The lyrics above reminds me of the time when Ritsuka finds out that before meeting him Mafuyu had been in love with somebody else, Ritsuka was clearly jealous of that "somebody else". He was so jealous that his feelings started to affect his practice sessions which we can clearly seee when he was unnecessarily lashing out on Mafuyu. The first two lyrics also reminds me of how Ritsuka wants to be the one whom Mafuyu addresses in his next song.
You're making time for everyone else
But you don't have any time for me
This is unfair, why you gotta be
Making me impatient
The above lyrics reminds me of the time when Mafuyu rejected the proposal to join Ritsuka's band as their lead vocalist, Mafuyu's refusal had made Ritsuka really mad and impatient and he was so impatient that he repeatedly tried to persuade Mafuyu to join his band without carimg about the actual reason why Mafuyu had refused him. We also see Ritsuka getting impatient during the early episodes when he doesn't find Mafuyu at their usual spot.
You're bad and I know it
Then why the hell
Am I chasing you?
Ritsuka is evidiently madly in love with Mafuyu, however at times we see that he tries to avoid acknowledging it and rather questions them, just like the above lyrics. He thinks himself to be a "weirdo" for harbouring feelings for Mafuyu, a boy like him. It was not until he got Akihiko's help, he continously questioned his feelings for Mafuyu.
like you, I can't help it
I'm already into you
You're messing with me
And I like it
After getting help from Akihiko, Ritsuka finally accepts that he is in love with Mafuyu, just like the lyrics above says, he couldn't help but fall for the other main protagonist of the series, Mafuyu unintentionally makes a confident guy like Ritsuka weak and Ritsuka sort of likes that feeling, he compared his feelings for Mafuyu with that of his first time on stage, both of them makes his knees weak but thrills him at the same time.
Though I know
It's a dumb thing to do
I just like being with you
I am such a fool
I'm helpless
The lyrics above reminds me of the day after the Fuyu no hanashi concert where he realises that he ended up kissing Mafuyu out of the blue and had forgotten about it until then. This realization had made him so embarrassed that he was somewhat afraid of meeting Mafuyu again, he thought he had made a fool of himself, the above lyrics also reminds me of the fact that one of the reasons why Ritsuka had initially declined Mafuyu's offer to teach him (Mafuyu) how to play the guitar is because he thinks he couldn't properly teach him and would make a fool of himself in the process, but deep down, Ritsuka genuinely wants to teach Mafuyu play the guitar, as the lyrics mentions above, he likes being with Mafuyu. Ritsuka in the end was made helpless by Mafuyu's innocent charm and he finally had decided to teach him.
The smile you showed me sometimes
Keeps haunting me
One more time, One more time
I want to see you smile again
The texts you sent me someday
I keep looking through them
The "smile" mentioned above can be compared to Mafuyu's soft yet emotional and powerful voice which actually keeps haunting Ritsuka, who was enthralled by that voice. Another reason why he proposed Mafuyu to join his band is because he was in love with that voice and would get to hear his voice more. He loves Mafuyu's voice so much that he asks Mafuyu to sing for him again when he confronts Mafuyu after he ran away on seeing Hiiragi. Unlike the lyrics mentioned above we don't see Ritsuka reading the texts he got from Mafuyu over and over but whenever he reads those texts, he does so with a smile on his face. The only time we see reading the texts he had received was when Itaya texts him, informing him that Mafuyu didn't see their texts.
Among all the Korean rock bands I listen to, Day6 is my most favorite out of them so I am glad that I was able to include my current favorite anime with my current favorite Korean rock band. I hope the blog has turned out okay. I got the translated lyrics from the english subtitles of the music video
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tadpoledancer · 3 years
a warning and apology from an ex-tumblr discourse moron
during the several years I did discourse on here, my views changed wildly. I went from stereotypical blue haired SJW to mra centrist. this website seems super far left. it isn't. I didn't realize I had almost gotten sucked into the beginning of the right wing pipeline until well after I had stopped doing discourse. I thought that wasn't popular on tumblr of all places. be careful who you interact with on this site. there are far more horrible people than you think, and they're not all out in the open.
I thought I was being moderate and getting views from both side, which I still believe is crucial to making an educated standpoint on any political view. however, in my discourse days, I was needlessly aggressive and rude. I hurt people. I said a lot of things that make me cringe when I remember them. I remember when the conversation of false female on male accusations came up, and people said it didn't happen or didn't cause any real harm, I would bring up Emmet Till, despite the fact that my 15-year-old discourse-diseased brain didn't make the connection NOT between that he was a boy and the accuser was a girl, but that he was black and she was white, using her privilege to have him killed. when I think of that time, it makes me physically shrivel inwards on myself. I was disgusting. I stopped having empathy. I was angry and stressed all the time. I felt like I had to have the last word in, even if it meant using other's trauma as a political talking point or being unnecessarily toxic. my opinions then were purely reactionary, because that was around the time of SJW discourse and whatnot, and I wanted so badly to not be associated with them that I turned around and became not only the same thing, but worse. I hurt people. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. if you take anything away from this, let it be to not do internet politics. use critical thinking. it is so easy to get swept up in right wing propaganda, even on here. don't stop having empathy for others. if you catch yourself thinking, "is this rude?" then it most likely is. just delete it. that paragraph on neopronoun discourse isn't worth your time. please. learn from my mistakes.
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I'm going to shoot some soldifying Qs at you as well, t'was my main intention to lure you on for a reblog at least 😂 Please choose anyone you feel like, Kate or Charlie or both...1 (bc K's father gives me some kinda vibes), 4 (bc BOTH grandpas are so different, and also her parents...), 5&6 (your Charlie??), 24 (!), 32 and 35. And 41 to cap it off. I'd ask every single one of them, so sorry abt it 🙏
Aaaaaaaa okay, okay, here it is! I've been out of business for a while, taking exams and such. Uni takes all my strength away. Thank you for asking💜💜💜😍 and OF COURSE I'm going to make you participate in every ask possible 😌🤷‍♀️😍
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
Joseph Williams is an interesting piece; he is the youngest son of Nicholas and Aurora Williams (for another conversation). He has two siblings: Evira (stop calling her Elvira or else), the oldest, and Erick, in the middle. He was raised in a typical purist family and it’s a miracle that he didn’t turn out like his father and grandfather.
The loss of Jacob shook him to the core, but his stoic demeanour never showed it. This is something that Kate demands of him, that he could show a little more emotion or at least share his opinions. The man just talks with facts.
Another thing that truly exasperates Kate is the fact that, seemingly, he doesn’t stand up to his father. What she doesn’t know, but will learn later in her life, is that her father is the only one of the three siblings that broke a lot, if not every, rule his father had. One of them: marrying a girl with mixed blood. Nicholas is a man with a plan, probably having a member of his blood in every important position that could exist. Kate’s father probably wouldn’t have chosen a Ministry career, but at the time, he thought he didn’t have much of a choice when he found out that his father arranged it all. He insisted in dragging Jacob and Kate along, both refusing fervently and, when his father started arranging their lives, he finally put an end to the situation. This made him somewhat of an outcast, no one messes with Nicholas Williams. He is a truly terrifying man. Although aware of her grandfather’s severity, Kate didn’t know he had made plans for her and that her father was opposed to the idea.
He is hard-working, tenacious and has a way with words that help him in his job (He works at Dpt. International Magical cooperation) and that Kate also admires. She knows that you must be very careful if you talk to him, for he could be manipulative if that makes him accomplish a purpose.
Probably the most interesting thing that Kate could have learnt from him is crisis management (see #35 for more info). She does not agree with his “the end justifies the means” policy that was the cause of many arguments, but she tries to be more pragmatic and keep a cool head when a new problem arises.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
(I felt like these were together)
Kate was homeschooled before Hogwarts. Numerous tutors with the best qualifications were selected to prepare Jacob and Kate for school.
Jacob described the process as 'unnecessarily tough and strict', not very keen to rules, Jacob used to skip classes and wander around the grounds of the house.
Both siblings were extraordinarily brilliant and it was reflected in their studies, nevertheless, little Katie showed interest in learning new things, unlike her brother. Their schooling never included anything that had to do with learning magic. They were instructed in basic math, english, french (Kate doesn't remember much of it), music, biology and introduction to what muggles would call botanics. Kate was supposed to learn piano, but they had trouble finding a good teacher that was willing to go to the house. It is a bit scary.
There were strict rules that Kate had to follow; her grandparents respective studios were forbidden as well as the kitchen and the guest area and Kate never dared to go to the basement. Her room was situated on the far end of the house and although it had a decent size it lacked personality, it was just decorated with dark colours that suited the house but not her.
The remain space for living was the grounds of the place, big enough to explore at leisure and maybe find a hidden spot to spend the afternoon. Usually the siblings were allowed to disappear for hours without a word if that meant that they didn't annoy the family or the guests.
Kate remembers her only contact with magic before Hogwarts days, happening two times a week, when she was brought to Diagon Alley to play.
Kate remembers a lonely but happy childhood. Her parents lived in the house as well, petition of her father, that wanted to protect her half blood wife, Natalia. He used all the family name power to shelter her and her parents (Natalia's mother was a muggle and at the time, Voldemort killed and tortured muggles, probably half bloods and as well as blood traitors). The name of the family was never questioned because of all the influence they had in the Ministry, but the chances of a visit to her  grandparents were limited and very controlled.
She does not blame her parents for being away all the time, or her grandparents for ignoring her. She was happy just learning, playing and exploring.
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
-At Hogwarts, Kate participated in the Hogwarts gobstones club and she was very much like her grandfather Bernard when he plays chess. She rarely lost a game and she was known for her lack of compassion when playing. She quit after Hogwarts and its unusual to see her play.
- At the same time, she was a member of the Duelling Club, where she excelled. Flitwick said to Harry Potter that she could be the best duellist of the century. The club dissolved to be re-founded again several years later, but she managed to be one of the leaders for a year. A picture of her hangs in the duelling room.
- Later in her life, she takes French and Spanish classes, the last accompanied by her mother. She is not very fluid with languages but after a while, she starts to enjoy the bonding moments with her mother.
- As a mediwizard, she attends multiple conferences and symposiums, she usually goes as a guest. Later she would participate more actively, giving talks about the importance of international techniques around the world, promoting communication, sharing perspectives and open-minded politics.
Regarding medicine, she founds a small association of healers in St Mungo’s, that teaches basic healing magic and procedures when facing an emergency situation to children, teenagers and also adults.
Kate claims she is not a leader, probably out of modesty or lack of confidence. However, she likes to take the initiative in her projects and she eventually learns how to make herself respected. She finds that, after all, she likes taking the lead.
-Kate and Charlie made an effort to go to dancing classes, to spend some quality time together. Being both very private creatures, they hated it. Not wanting to hurt each other’s feelings they didn’t mention anything about it and kept going to class. After a year they became very elegant, not only in their dancing, but in their stance as well. Needless to say, they are the focus of all stares in whichever event they attend to.
After some years, they would reveal and laugh about how they despised those classes, and how they prefered to dance alone at home. They do not regret it.
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
Kate is a well balanced combination of all three.
If one thinks about stress because of work or studies, she doesn’t fear hard work she is very assertive with her goals.
While working for the Order, she was forced to face whoever wanted to hurt her, ad although she prefers the ‘run’ option, she knows how to stand and fight if necessary. While duelling, she prefers defense spells, which give her time to know her opponent and think of a strategy according to them.
Arguing with her can be difficult and oftentimes it ends in both parts hurt. She matures considerably in that aspect and learns that some things, even if they are true, are better left unsaid.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Kate’s father had a lot to do with her discipline in front of failure. He feared that her grandfather’s hard education would make Kate afraid of taking the wrong direction or ever scared of making decisions Through the years he taught her how to face mistakes, work around them and accept that one can’t change the past. Easier said than done, she is only human, and from time to time she needs reassurance that she is doing the right thing. She knows that she can count on her friends to help her fix any errors and give her support when needed.
This chances the day she loses a patient for the first time, and she has to reorganize her thoughts. It was a very philosophical and exhausting day.
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
She knows perfectly who she is, thanks to long talks with Charlie about everything. She is not afraid to change an opinion if she realizes she is wrong. Kate’s way of living is an state of evolutiotion; she is not only hungry for academic knowledge, she likes to discover herself and others everyday. Talking with Charlie is somewhat therapeutic and she values how he is patient enough with her to participate in those deep conversations she loves to get lost into.
She is not scared to be herself because she knows that to be loved for who you are is more precious than pretending to be someone smarter, fancier or cooler.
Bill, Tonks and Charlie like to pick on her, of course without malice, because they enjoy the friendly banter that always follows.
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