#I realized that I didn't erase some parts of the line of his right leg.
Sign of the Times
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Summary - Anon request for "ominis family kidnaps you and tortures u cause idk why maybe bc ur muggleborn or something"
Word Count - 2,130
Warnings - angst, violence
A/N - maybe room here for a more comforting type part 2? thoughts?
For Ominis, Hogwarts had been much more eventful than he had wished it to be. He thought it could help him escape from home, but with everything that had happened 5th year he didn't think it could possibly get worse.
The bright side was that it was also somehow the best year for him because he met you. He hadn't been looking for any kind of new relationship, but you fell right into his lap.
A lot of students avoided him altogether either because of his lineage or his blindness, but not you. You paraded in late to the sorting ceremony, knocked Sebastian on his ass although you were really just on your first year, then walked right up to him and introduced yourself.
You did everything you could to guide Sebastian the right way and when he wouldn't listen you would be there for Ominis. He would make himself sick with worry when Sebastian would lie to the both of you and go off to doomed quests.
His favorite thing was when you would nestle up with him and read muggle stories. He always got a laugh out of the more innocent fairytales for children with their fantasies of how magic worked. You were able to make him feel better and learn new things all at once.
It was year 6 when things came to fruition between the pair of you. Ominis was alone in the Undercroft again. He was sad beyond belief about the whole situation with the Sallows. He had come to realize he cared for you deeply, he was pretty sure he loved you, but you couldn't replace Sebastian. Some days it felt too much for him to bear, at least too much to do it alone.
You found him slumped against a wall, silent tears on his face. You could tell it was bad because he didn't even acknowledge that you had shown up. You sat down with your legs crisscrossed in front of him, wrapping your arms around his drawn up knees to rest your head.
For a few moments you just sat in silence together, Ominis treasured that you gave him moments like this; moments to not be alone, but to steal just a few more moments of peace before he had to face reality.
You spoke up first to take the burden off of him, "Ominis, I know no matter what I am to you, I'll never be any of them. I didn't grow up with you and have years to make innocent memories."
He traced patterns over the back of your hand as you continued, "I want to start, though. I want to put as much of these things behind us as we can. I'm happy to be your rock whenever you need, however often you need to talk about these things, but I do want to help you enjoy life again. I promise I won't ever leave you."
You were smiling at him softly with adoration, wishing nothing more than to erase all the bad things he'd endured in such a short time. He kept his eyes on you, deep in thought for several moments before slowly deciding to close the gap between the two of you, to finally cross that line.
He found your cheek with his palm and drew you close, pressing soft lips to yours, willing you to understand all the things he didn't have words for. He pulled away enough to speak, leaning his forward against yours and his voice was barely a whisper, "You really promise?"
Now, in your 7th year, nearing the end of your education, you both were looking forward to so much. Neither of you could wait to taste the freedom of making a home where nobody could find you, using magic as much or as little as you wanted, even going out into the muggle world because why not?
You met up during a free period in the court yard, enjoying the scents of Spring. He sat pressed into your side, never overly affection in public, but always being sure to touch you in some way.
"Which class are you going to miss skipping the most, Y/N?" You gave him a playful whack, shaking your head as he grinned at you.
"Thank you very much, I have been to all of my classes this year except for when I've been sick," you huffed, pretending to be angry.
"Besides, I've been keeping myself busy and surrounded to avoid any run-ins with your absolutely insane family."
Ominis felt a pit in his stomach at your words. He couldn't wait to run away with you, but for now you were just a sitting duck to their threats. He assumed other families must have told his, which he thought was ridiculous that any of them cared enough. He assumed their lives were just too boring.
His family had threatened Ominis with the idea of hurting you, torturing you as they loved to do with anyone who wasn't a pureblood. He stood his ground with them, though. He made it clear that if they dared to do anything, he would personally ensure consequences. It was one of the reasons he worked as hard as he did to be a good wizard; he had to protect you.
"I really think for now their threats are empty," he lied, "they just want me to be afraid and miserable and if they think I am that's really enough for them." He didn't want you to worry or know how much he kept an eye on you in secret.
You shuffled to grab your bag, sighing in annoyance before placing a chaste kiss on his lips, "Well, even if they aren't just promise you'll forgive me for whatever I have to do to them?"
You winked although he couldn't see it as you pushed back his hair. He grabbed your hips to pull you closer, nearly knocking you over before murmuring, "Maybe I can find a way to reward you instead?"
You playfully slapped his hands away before running off, "Ominis. I have a class that I don't attend to go to!"
He smiled in spite of himself as you left before a worried look came over his features. Every day you remained at Hogwarts felt like a day in a jail cell for Ominis.
You were on your way to Advanced Divination, guard down thinking about how cute Ominis was when he let himself open up to being silly. Then suddenly your lights were just out. Everything was dark for what seemed like seconds and then you came to at some place you didn't recognize.
You found yourself in a what seemed to be a cave. It wasn't well lit, but there were candles around. As you sat up from the cool floor, scanning the room with caution, you saw faces you didn't recognize. You didn't need to in order to understand what was going on. It was the Gaunts.
You felt quickly for your wand just to realize it was no longer on your person. You couldn't keep your mouth shut as you scanned over them; Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt at a makeshift table as if preparing to watch a show while Marvolo roused from his seat upon seeing you awake.
"So you're cowards? I'm so much lesser than you and yet I can't have my wand to prove otherwise?" You stood up tall, adrenaline pumping as you were determined to not show them weakness.
Marvolo practically snarled at you as his parents watched in amusement, "It would be a pitiful sight as much as it would be a disgrace," he spat at you as he walked closer.
You threw your hands in the air, slightly amused when all 3 of them flinched as they were aware you had this ancient magic nobody really knew about, "Well, that's fine. I know you can't kill me, there would be too many repercussions that I daresay you lot can't afford. Ominis and I will be long gone for you to never worry about again in a few months so give me your worst."
You swallowed thickly upon finishing your sentence, knowing you were stalling what was to come your way. All you could hope was that Ominis noticed you were gone quickly enough to keep your sanity.
The word crucio flew threw the air so fast that you could at least pretend you didn't hear it. The minute the sparks hit you a scream left your mouth, you fell to your knees. You could hear your heartbeat and your blood rushing through your veins, it all felt like it was boiling.
You clutched helpless at your face, your arms, any of your exposed skin, clawing at it as if tearing it of would make the pain go away. Every movement, every breath, every ounce of your existence was filled with searing agony. As you wriggled and clench your fingernails against the cave floors you just kept the shade of Ominis' eyes in your mind.
You couldn't think to form thoughts or daydreams, you couldn't commit to thinking about him and your future together, but you could remember the cloudy blue eyes that got you through the worst days of your life you'd yet to experience. And you just hoped the could get you threw this one too.
The Gaunts taunted you with words you couldn't even understand as Marvolo flung you about, every once of rage at your insults pouring into the spell.
Suddenly, things seemed a little bit quieter. Your body felt like every bone had snapped, like you had been forced to run a mile per second for hours, but you could hear your own sobs and labored breathing. You were still in the throes of pain and panic, but nothing was intensifying any longer.
You couldn't process your surroundings as Ominis lifted you carefully from the floor, murmuring your name hoping that any time would be the time you answer him back.
He had run into Garreth in the lavatory where he was immediately confused to be asked why you didn't make it; after you had bragged about your attendance all year.
Ominis rushed passed him, his wand ready to guide him wherever you were with the aid of a charmed locket he had given you. As badly as he wanted to rush to you, he barged into headmistress Weasley's office to tell her what was going. He knew where you were, what was happening, and he trusted her from your relationship to know she would spring into action when headmaster Black wouldn't.
He stormed in with a fury, knowing help would be on his tail. He disarmed his brother and flung them all to the floor. None of them had every seen violence from him, that hellfire in his eyes. They were really too curious to look away as several aurors filled the cavern, manhandling magic restraints onto them.
Ominis felt ready to pass out himself as he heard your continued whimpers and understood much too well what you were going through. He was scared out of his mind that you wouldn't come back to him.
Things went dark again for you, but it wasn't just black this time. You could hear Ominis' soothing voice reading to you. You could see him running his fingers over the braille pages, eyes closed as he read a story the two of you often joked about.
As your eyelids fluttered, you reached up a hand to rub them and found that Ominis really was there. He heard your movement and was immediately kneeling by your side on the sofa.
Your hand drooped across your face, you regretted the movement the second you had made it, "Son of a -"
"I know," he interrupted. He rested a hand carefully over yours, "I unfortunately do know."
He sounded so sad. As memories of everything that had happened flooded you all at once you let out a painful breath, "Ominis. It's not your fault."
You lulled your head to look at him, wishing you could move enough to embrace him. "I was only able to take it by having you to live for."
"It only happened to you because you have me." His voice was flat and dejected.
You knew it wasn't the time to be sad or cry or talk about the fear. It wouldn't help anyways since it was all done with except for the lingering pain.
You mustered every bit of strength you had left to bring a hand to his cheek, forcing his gaze towards you.
"You should have seen their faces when I called them poor." Ominis groaned at you and buried his face in your palm, but he knew you were beaming at him with pride.
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pikatrainer99 · 3 months
This is probably my favorite of my drawings of my Trollsona and Branch's friendship
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(Yes I draw the Trolls with paws now, I think it looks cuter, but my Trollsona is still the only one with a tail.)
My Trollsona is very childlike in nature (despite being a year older than Branch) which is why he looks terrified and is hiding behind Branch in this drawing (it's also because, y'know, being bullied relentlessly his whole life for being different from the other Pop Trolls, both in appearance and behaviors), and his tail is flicking around rapidly in distress, hence the blurred lines around it which are supposed to be indicating motion. His claws are out just in case, it's just pure instinct for him at this point in his life (I say "at this point in his life" because he didn't always have claws...his story is complicated 😅). This drawing also correctly (for once) shows his height compared to Branch's (and by extension Poppy's since she's barely taller than Branch) height. He's a bit taller in both body and hair height (it's not perspective, he is literally standing RIGHT behind Branch (he's way too freaked out to think about personal space at the moment, he doesn't wanna face his tormentors alone again and he doesn't realize how close he's standing to Branch because of how freaked out he is), with one of his feet positioned right beside Branch and his body slightly leaning out in that direction, so perspective BARELY comes into play here).
As for Branch himself, I went with his more grayish/desaturated color pallet since he desaturates often after regaining his colors in the first movie and this takes place a good amount after the events of the first movie. Again, his vest is NOT EASY to draw, but I tried my best (his ears actually gave me trouble this time too, it took forever to get the shape of his ears right). His arms and legs are spread out wide in a protective manner and he's telling the bullies that if they lay a paw on his best friend, they WILL be in trouble. These two are best friends who just GET each other because they went through similar things (being gray for years but for different reasons and different traumas), and I love drawing their friendship!
Hope you guys like the drawing! I've been nervous to post my Trollsona art these days for some reason...I don't know why but I just am...but now that I think about it, it's probably because it's all part of a long, complicated story that I don't feel like explaining much about because the story is NOT all cupcakes and rainbows whatsoever and it's also very VERY personal to me as it's based on my own life experiences. My Trollsona LITERALLY has my real name (which I'm never sharing btw, it's always gonna be censored or erased on all my art)...so yeah...it's personal stuff. With creative liberties taken, of course, because these are cute little magical Trolls, but still...personal stuff.
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dystopianhellscape · 2 years
Let Me In, Pt 2.
(Stranger Things x Reader)
The edit was quick so please forgive any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. I'm in the process of moving so I figured I would post this now. It's quite a bit longer than the last few but I'm trying to build relationships between characters. It's also kind of cute and fluffy but I thought it would be a good one to end on until I can get the next part posted. Enjoy! Feedback is welcome.
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Warnings ⚠️: swearing, touching, inappropriate gestures, tobacco use, flirting...just some real fluff with Steve Harrington.
Reading Time: ~15 mins.
The screen lit up the room as it showed a panicked Nancy Thompson thrashing around on a hospital bed in the middle of a sleep study. Her mother ran in to her rescue, waking her up. You watched as she began running her fingers through the brand new slice of silver hair placed conveniently along the side of Nancy's head, confused and worried. It almost made you laugh as the scene played out on the TV until you wondered how terrified she would have to be in real life for her hair to change color like that on it's own. This was a movie, of course. You knew how your recent nightmares made you feel but your hair remained the same shade it's always been. You weren't sure if it was even physically possible to be so traumatized that your hair color could damn near erase itself but you realized that if fear was able to alter your appearance the way it had so far, then you couldn't rule it out.
'Poor Nancy.' You empathized with her, feeling as though you shared similar burdens. No. You didn't want to think about that right now. Squinting ever so slightly, you forced your mind to wander away from that topic, a new thought popping into it's place. 'Nancy. Wait...isn't that Wheeler's first name? Shit...'
You mentally slapped your palm to your forehead at the realization, feeling like a failure as a friend. You tried to sneak a peek at Steve out of the corner of your eye, your way of checking in without revealing what you had just discovered. Even though it was something you should have already known with as much as you had heard about her. Guilt tugged at your chest. Steve and Robin had provided you comfort almost every time you've ever needed it. Whether you asked or not. You hoped if it came down to it, you could finally return the favor. But his face gave nothing away.
You heard Nancy's name called out again a few lines later and your eyes flicked back to Steve to watch for a reaction. His face stayed stoic but as you glanced down at his hand placed over the bicep closest to you, you noticed his grip tighten until his knuckles turned white. Your heart ached a little for him.
As you leaned into him to speak, attempting to serve as a distraction, the two of you looked down almost perfectly in sync with one another as you felt the blanket slide across your legs. Both pairs of eyes followed the blanket being pulled in Robin's direction and you realized at the same time that she had fallen asleep. Turning her back toward you with eyes glued shut, she yanked the blanket over her shoulder and tucked her hands up under her cheek like a makeshift pillow. She then unconsciously allowed herself to get comfortable, sinking down into the arm rest. A few more seconds passed and she let out a soft snore.
You turned to Steve and his eyes were already meeting yours. You were sure that you were both thinking the same thing. Robin always fell asleep in the middle of movie nights, sometimes toward the end of the first movie, other times toward the middle of the second. It was rare she ever made it longer than that. You decided to take advantage of this moment, desperately needing a smoke break.
With slow, steady movements, you grabbed the sliver of blanket still covering half of your lap and tucked it closer to Robin. After staring at her a while longer to make sure you didn't wake her, you turned back to Steve when she didn't move a muscle. Not even risking a whisper, you mouthed the words "smoke break" and brought two fingers to your lips before pulling them away, pretending to exhale. You were hoping if Steve couldn't tell what you were trying to say, he would at least put two and two together from the gesture that accompanied it. He wrinkled his nose in response and you snorted quietly, knowing then that he understood. Placing your palms together, you held your hands up as if in prayer, shooting him a pout. He mouthed back 'NOT FAIR' as a smirk appeared on his face. The pout always worked.
He pretended to think on it for a moment before letting out a barely audible sigh and nodding, giving in to your silent pleading. You answered with the slowest fist pump he'd ever seen, celebrating your small and kind of pointless victory. In response, Steve rubbed his face, trying to stifle the laugh that wanted to make itself known. Once he managed to wrestle it back, he placed a finger to his lips, reminding you to be as quiet as possible and eventually lifted himself off the couch with ease. You nodded back at him in understanding as he reached for your shoes under the table and handed them to you. Chancing a final glance back at Robin, you leaned down slowly to slip your shoes on. Once you had confirmed she had passed out, you pushed yourself up to a gradual stand the way he had a few moments ago and gave yourself an imaginary pat on the back for actually pulling it off.
Almost as if to prove otherwise, Robin stirred and your eyes darted back in her direction. You didn't have to look back at Steve to know he was holding his breath too and the pair of you stayed frozen in place until she had relaxed back into her previous position. The sound of a gentle snore filled the room, somehow loud enough to be heard over the shrieks coming from the TV. You could feel an uncontrollable urge to burst into laughter.
Noticing your extremely obvious attempt to choke down your giggle, Steve quickly yet gently placed his hand over your mouth, pulling you backwards into the kitchen before you could explode into a fit of laughter. You failed to keep a couple of loose giggles from spilling out. Thankfully, they were muffled and could hardly be heard over the noises continuing to sound off from the living room. Steve shushed you and you could feel the sudden warmth from his breath on your cheek as he leaned in close to your ear. "You're gonna wake her up!"
Without removing his hand from your mouth, he scooped your bag up off the counter with ease and continued to guide you through the house, swiftly but delicately, minding his steps. He led you out the back door. As he dragged you outside, he shut the door behind you and beamed at the fact that you both made it out successfully and without injury.
'All that sneaking into Wheeler's bedroom must have paid off, I guess!' You knew better than to state this out loud for him to hear but you couldn't deny that you were a little impressed. He finally let go of your mouth and you could smell his cologne clinging to your uniform. You only caught the scent because the wind picked up as it had been doing all night but it made it noticeable from that point on. It was a pleasant one. A comfortable one.
A broken laugh pushed it's way out as you gasped for air dramatically, still working to keep your voice at a reasonable level. Steve flashed his usual award-winning smile at you with his eyebrows raised. His hands found their way to his hips as he lectured, a playful, half-whispered yell. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, Y/L/N? YOU ALMOST WOKE THE BEAST! That's the quietest she's been all day! What were you thinking?!"
Your giggle lingered as you pulled the pack out of your bag and grabbed out a cigarette and the lighter. Steve wrinkled his nose again at the sight of it as you placed it between your fingers and trapped it in your lips to light up.
"I'M SORRY! I couldn't help it!" Your words came out in a mumble but your tone matched his. He watched your lips as you inhaled and his eyes flicked up to meet yours once again. Even in the dark, you could notice his ears growing red. The flush started creeping toward his cheeks and you wondered if he noticed it too or if it was just the result of the cold. "She does need the sleep though."
He nodded in agreement as you turned your head slightly away from him and exhaled. He added to your statement, "Yeah, I don't think she's been getting much lately either."
'Either? ' You weren't sure if he was referring to himself or trying to let you know that he noticed you were lacking sleep too. Trying to change the subject with subtlety, you held the cigarette out to him, offering it up just to be polite. You already knew his answer though. He held a palm up and shook his head. "Ugh. No. Thanks anyway." You laughed as you shrugged off his distaste and brought it back to your mouth to take another puff. He let out a harsh sigh.
"I know it's not my place to tell you what to do but..." He shook his head again, almost as disapproving as the last and continued, "....as a friend....you know. Someone that's concerned about your health and safety? You really should look into quitting." Your gaze was fixed on the smoke you just exhaled, watching it curl up as it hung in the air before quickly disappearing.
"I appreciate your concern, Harrington. As always." Your face softened as you realized his words were genuine and not just some sad attempt to flirt like it may have been back when he was more commonly referred to as King Steve. He was a completely different person back then. You snapped yourself out of old memories before the silence could become too awkward and finished your thought. "Really. I do. But I'm just not ready to quit yet." You could tell it wasn't the answer he was looking for but he nodded, respecting your decision and backing down from his argument.
Taking in another drag, you looked up at the sky. Pitch black. 'Thank god.' Your mouth all of a sudden felt dry and the corners of your lips twitched into a frown, berating yourself over your poor choice of the word 'god'. It resounded in your mind just as it had in your horrific episode earlier. 'God? Your 'God' is not here.'
Trying to distract yourself from the invading thought, you shook it off and forced yourself to inspect the sky further, noticing only a few stars sprinkled throughout the darkness. Your shoulders dropped and you let a breath out through your nose, hoping your limbs would stay numb to the cold. The smoke you inhaled came out with it.
Steve continued to watch you carefully without saying a word as you admired the sky and he admired you. The way your hair blew lightly with the breeze, your chill-kissed cheeks a stunning shade of pink and those eyes...even though they seemed heavy due to lack of sleep with the dark circles surrounding them as proof, they were still beautiful to him. Before he could get completely lost in you, he noticed as a subtle change in your expression broke through. He had always been kind of jealous of (and sometimes irritated by) your ability to keep your face from giving away everything you were feeling. But not in that moment. In that moment, you looked vulnerable...almost frightened. His instinct to comfort you was stronger than ever and he tossed the idea around in his head. But almost as quickly as it appeared, the distressed look left your face along with the sigh and the smoke you had let escape your lungs just now. He noticed your body relax after and internally thanked himself over and over again for not making the situation awkward by attempting to comfort you like he wanted to. When you finally broke the silence, he let out a sigh of his own. A sound of relief that went unnoticed by you.
"Horrible movie choices, by the way. I can't believe you let Robin pick!" He couldn't help but laugh at your snarky comment and threw his hands up in defense. "Hey, I had to! I told you earlier, those were the stakes of the bet and I lost." He paused as you shot him a sideways look. Curiosity, this time. And it was only obvious because you wanted it to be. He swayed nervously before adding another statement to avoid an interrogation. "I may be a sore loser, but I know when to admit defeat..." No, he didn't. "....for the most part." He corrected himself and followed it up with a smile as he ran his hand through his perfect hair to help soften the humility. It didn't work. "You're right though. Horrible movie choices."
Steve thought he managed to escape an explanation but you crushed that hope after inhaling another puff. "So what were the terms of the bet?" His mouth fell open slightly and his eyes searched every square inch of the back yard for an answer. Any answer that sounded better than the ACTUAL answer.
"Steve?" It was the way you said his name that ripped him from his thoughts. The tone was mostly curious, like before. But he detected a hint of nervousness, as if you might suspect it would be something you wouldn't want to hear. He realized he was silent for too long by now to play it off as something that didn't actually matter. Right as he mustered up the courage to say anything at all, you raised your palm up to him weakly and laughed it off. "Alright, alright. You don't have to tell me."
Taking in the last of the cigarette, your eyes wandered to a spot across the yard that opened up into a wooded area. The woods usually didn't bother you much during the day but at night, especially tonight, it seemed much more ominous. Plucking up a little bit of courage yourself, you headed in that direction, hoping that the way you were trudging over would be enough to intimidate whatever....or whoever could possibly be lurking in the shadows. You knew it was unlikely anyone would be out there but you kept your walk confident for good measure. Confusion flooded Steve's face and he called after you, forgetting all about trying to keep his voice down. "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
He couldn't wait long enough for you to answer. His feet carried him forward to follow behind you before he could stop himself. Hearing his hurried steps a few feet behind you, you turned your head and called back to him over your shoulder, not breaking stride. "Relax, Harrington. I'm just trying to be a polite house guest and dispose of my cigarette butt somewhere other than your backyard."
At this, he slowed down but continued to follow you until you reached the edge of the perfectly manicured lawn. You bent down to make sure the cigarette was completely out, snubbing the end in the damp grass before taking it between your thumb and middle finger and flicking it into the woods. You hadn't noticed it so much before but it was quiet out there. Almost too quiet. It was deafening. You turned back to Steve, desperate to hear anything at all to rid yourself of the shiver that ran down your spine. It wasn't from the cold this time.
You nearly bumped into him a second time as he stood directly in front of you now, looking down at you with gentle eyes. He didn't know you knew but every now and again, you'd catch him doing this - trying to study your expressions in an attempt to piece together how you were feeling or what you were thinking. You also noticed he'd get flustered if he couldn't figure it out. The corners of your mouth turned up slightly and you raised a brow with a challenge.
"You know.....I COULD just ask Robin." His eyes got wider and he crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head a little quicker than he probably intended. "Robin? Wh-what do you mean ask Robin? Ask Robin what?" You let your head fall to the side and let out a soft chuckle. If it wasn't clear before, it was clear now. Steve was nervous. Poking your index finger into his chest lightly, you took a step toward him without breaking eye contact. "You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about."
You noticed he swallowed hard and took a step back as you took your step closer. But his eyes never left yours. You let your finger drop from his chest and it looked as though he frowned a little. 'Maybe I should stop messing with him...did I hurt his feelings somehow?' You ran through the last few minutes of conversation in your head but couldn't pin point what may have caused a sudden change in his behavior. The playful look on your face turned into a suspicious one.
"Harrington, I'm talking about the bet.....what did you think I was talking about?" Your brows furrowed without you even realizing. His eyes fell to his feet and his hands returned to his hips as he shifted his weight. One foot to the other. Trying to lighten the mood, you brought the back of your hand up to his forehead as if checking for a fever. "Are you sure you're ok?"
Before your hand could make contact with his forehead, he grabbed it and pulled it away from his face, bringing it casually back down to your side. But he didn't let go of it. The confusion spread across your features now and you realized something really was wrong. You stayed quiet to give him the opportunity to speak and when he finally did, his gaze stayed fixed on his feet.
"It's about the bet." His words were short. He lifted his head to look across the yard and ran his free hand over his face in an anxious manner. It bothered you that just a second ago, he had no problem making eye contact with you but now he was doing everything he could to avoid it. Your voice came out a little more hushed than you intended, but it had a bite to it now. "What about it, Steve?" He rolled his head back and blew out a heavy breath before finally bringing his eyes back down to look at you again.
"During the last shift I worked with Robin, we were discussing my uh....my love life...." You smirked and narrowed your eyes. Why was he so nervous about that? You guys always discussed his love life at work. Still unsure of why this was so hard for him to tell you, you stayed silent and nodded at him reassuringly to keep going. He nodded back and gulped before opening his mouth again to speak.
"Long story short, Buckley tried to say I get too flustered when I talk to women now and I argued that wasn't the case...." He bit his bottom lip and pulled his hand through his hair again, realizing that even in this very moment, he was proving Robin right. He groaned internally at the thought of having to admit it later, already irritated over it. The irritation showed as his empty hand flew up before slapping back down to his thigh.
"Well. She basically told me to show up or shut up and bet that I wouldn't ask you out on a date. In her words," Both of his hands came up this time, abandoning yours at your side and he wiggled two fingers from each to signify air quotations, "it 'should be easier with her since you guys are already good friends.'" He dropped them to cross his arms up in defense as he continued. "She said she thought it might be harder to ask a stranger since I've been striking out left and right at Scoops."
You whispered with a breathy laugh and crossed your arms, unintentionally mirroring him. "Classic Robin." It turned into a giggle as you and Steve shared a knowing look. With a sudden realization, the confusion reappeared on your face and you pointed a finger at him again.
"Wait. You DID score a date though! Tomorrow night, right? I picked up your closing shift so you could go out with....." you winced as you struggled to remember the right name. It spilled from your lips slowly so he could correct you at any point if you got it wrong. "Mmmmiiiiinnndy?" He confirmed by saying her name at the same time you did, but his version was shorter and more precise. "Mindy, yeah. I uh....I made her up."
You slowly moved your hand up to your mouth to hide another giggle, your eyes wider now. "You made her up?! Why?!" The amusement in your voice was becoming harder to hide. He rubbed the back of his neck and the blush that covered his ears and cheeks earlier found it's place again, more intense this time.
"You know how Robin is! Relentless. I knew if I didn't make the attempt to follow through in some way, I'd never hear the end of it. So I told her I actually already had a date scheduled with 'Mindy'. That way, I wouldn't have to ask you out and she wouldn't bother me about it anymore." You lowered your gaze and nodded as he shared his explanation.
"But if Robin knows about your 'date' with 'Mindy', why did you lose the bet?" He shrugged as he cracked a small smile. "Because Robin specified it had to be you." His eyes roamed your face again, trying desperately to read your thoughts but failing. He added to his last statement in a hurry as a last ditch effort to save face.
"I tried to argue my point that a date is a date but...well...." his laugh sounded forced but you did him a hidden favor and laughed with him, agreeing. "It's Robin. No, I totally get it."
You let the news process for a moment in silence before you reached out and gently punched his arm. "You DID mention you knew when to take a loss. So tell me, Harrington. Was it worth it?" Your eyebrows shot up and you flashed him a lopsided grin to match the teasing tone in your voice. He stuck out his thumb and gestured back toward the house. "With THOSE movie picks? No, absolutely not. Not at all."
His anxiety melted away as you laughed again at his sarcasm and he stepped a little closer to you, feeling brave. You let out a soft gasp at the sudden closeness but Steve was too preoccupied with making sure his next words came out as perfect as he could manage to notice. "Look...I just want to say...."
'Do it, Harrington. Do it now. You might not get another chance like this...' The bravery was short-lived but his eyes stayed locked on yours. "...I just want to say that -"
His voice was cut off by another in the distance. A loud one, proceeded by the sound of a door slamming shut. Steve flinched without turning to look and you glanced over his shoulder at it's source.
You both laughed and shook your heads as Robin continued to scream at you from across the yard. You couldn't see her too well from this far away, but her eyes still held evidence of a heavy sleep and she had the blanket wrapped around her like a cloak, shielding her from the cold you had all but forgotten was there until now.
With this, Steve turned himself slightly to yell back. "KEEP IT DOWN, BUCKLEY, I HAVE NEIGHBORS!" Robin forced a hand through the blanket and threw up her middle finger in response before stomping back in the house. As the door slammed shut again and the coast seemed to be clear, he turned back to you and pointed toward the spot Robin had just disappeared from. "Why is she like this?"
The smile stayed planted on your face. "I don't know....but I guess that's our cue to get back inside." You pulled at his sleeve as a non-verbal gesture to follow you and you both started your walk back to the house. As you reached the door you placed your hand on the knob and turned back to Steve before opening it. Curiosity struck again.
"I'm sorry....you just wanted to sayyyyyy...." you dragged the last word out as if waiting for him to finish the sentence Robin had interrupted moments before. "...you know....before Robin so rudely interrupted..."
Steve's eyebrows flew up in surprise at the question before settling on an answer. Not THE answer. But an answer. He could feel his face warm up this time and tried to cut it off by making his response quick. "Oh, uh, I just wanted to say you don't have to work my shift tomorrow night. You know. Since Mindy won't be making it." You both chuckled.
"You mean since Mindy doesn't exist. I'll remember this, Harrington." You ruffled his hair lightly with your free hand. "Also, dont worry about it. I can still cover. I need the money anyway so just keep the night off." Before he could protest, you twisted the knob and pushed the door open. You braced yourself for the mouthful of silly insults and questions Robin was about to bombard you both with, as if she was actually angry. And just as you suspected, you couldn't even get through the door before she grabbed your arm and yanked you back to the couch, pulling you down next to her as she started in with the interrogation.
Steve stepped in right behind you, watching as Robin hauled you off to the living room. Making sure he was truly alone for the moment, he let out a dejected sigh and closed the door behind him. He stayed planted in front of the door and monitored your conversation from afar. Robin waved her arms wildly at you in mock annoyance. He could barely make out what was being said, finding himself just out of earshot, but he had a few ideas.
In his opinion, you seemed to be handling Robin's interrogation gracefully. That was until Robin's eyes finally landed on him and she jabbed a finger in his direction. "AND YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU TOO!" He snickered and shoved his hands in his pockets, sauntering over to join the two of you on the couch to accept his verbal punishment. There was never a dull moment, which could get overwhelming at times. But he knew he wouldn't trade these moments for anything. He couldn't help the smile spreading over his face as he attempted to comfort himself. 'Maybe next time, Harrington.'
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liang-rexy · 2 years
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Dewey Duck.
Don't repost.
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Hello! Your hcs are so good aa <3
May I request hcs of Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya, and any other TR character who has a tattoo’s reaction to their gn/fem s/o copying their tattoo? Just of their s/o just mindlessly doodling on their leg or arm their tattoo. Thank you and have a good dayy
♡ Tokyo Revengers boys reacting to s/o copying their tattoo ♡
Pairings : Adult!Kazutora x Fem!reader, Toman!Draken x Fem! reader, Toman!Mitsuya x Fem!reader, Adult!Hanma x Fem!reader, Bonten!Rindou x Fem!reader
Warnings : Kinda suggestive at Rindou's part ?
A/N : Thank you so much ! I had some ideas for other characters but not enough, so maybe one day I'll make a part 2. Also, I didn't know if you wanted teen or adult characters so I did both. I hope you'll like it ! Take care ♡
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You were bored out of your mind this day
You went to Chifuyu's pet shop, knowing your boyfriend was working there
Nothing changed, you were still bored but this time it was sitting behind the store counter
Kazutora told you to wait for him there while he was in the back room and Chifuyu was with some clients
Next thing you knew, you had a pen in your hand
While paying attention not to ruin your skirt, you started to draw on your thigh
You missed him so much
Even though you saw him the day before
You just wanted to have him close to you
Having your head in one side of his neck while you traced the lignes of his tattoo on the other side with your fingers
This tattoo that you knew by heart now
"A tattoo on you thigh would suit you well"
Startled, you turned around only to be face to face with your lover
Looking down, you noticed your drawing
"Ah maybe, but not just any tattoo !"
Looking twice, he realized it was the same as his
With a faint blush and a beautiful smile, he kissed you
"Yeah, not just any tattoo" he whispered between two kisses
(I absolutely adore Kazu omg)
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Draken finally agreed to study a tiny bit with you
Sitting at the other side of your small table, you waited for him to finish some math exercise
You found yourself staring at him
His tattoo, especially
It must've hurt a lot
You often wondered how you'd look like tattooed
Taking matter into yours hands, you took a black pen and started to draw along the length of your forearm
"I'm don- what's that ?"
"...a replica of your tattoo ?"
Mf laughed right in your face 😐
"Why are you laughing ?"
"It's cute, babe. But you'd never bear the pain"
"I would ! I'm braver than you think, you know ?"
"Then shave one side of your head so we can get matching tattoos"
"... I'm not that brave."
Laughed his ass off
It was impossible not to join him
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Mana and Luna insisted to play with your makeup
Seeing your boyfriend really busy, you offered to babysit his sisters so he could go to his school club
"Y/n-nee, let me do your makeup please !"
RIP your new palette 💀
She tried to do your eyeliner but she couldn't so she kept on erasing it with a tissue and tried it again only to erase it again
So much that the side of your eye hurts
"Do you, perhaps, want me to do it myself ?" you asked hoping she'd say yes
For your highest good, she did
You looked at your reflection in the mirror
It was a disaster 😭
But a cute one
You proceeded to do the first eye
And, for the second eye, you don't know what came into you
You slowly started to draw the line, replicating a miniature of Takashi's dragon tattoo
It took you a long time
So long that Luna and Mana fell asleep
Careful not to wake them up, you started to clean a bit until Mitsuya's return
"Welcome home !"
"What happened to your face ?" he laughed
"Shhhhh, the girls are sleeping !" you exclaimed, kind of freaked out. As busy as he is, you wanted to spent every last minute you could with him
Moving closer to you, he inspected your face giggling
"It's even worse close u- Is that a dragon ?"
"Huh ?"
There's not way in hell Luna could've drawn a dragon
You took the mirror and saw your eyeliner
You completely forgot about this while cleaning up waiting for him
"Oh yeah ! I drew this. Just like your secret tattoo !"
He blushed for a moment but quickly regained himself
"How are you this talented Y/n ? It's amazing !"
(This boy would always support you)
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His hand tattoos were the first things you notice when you met him
Instantly loved them
You actually loved his tattoo before you started to love him, which is understandable
You liked them so much that you actually wanted to try them
Armed with a thick black marker, you wrote the kanjis on your hands while he was on the phone
"Shuji, babe, come look at this"
Looking at you out of the corner of his eye, your hands caught his attention
"I'll call you back later Kisaki"
He came closer with a wide smile
"Oho ♡ what do we have here ?"
"We match now"
He kissed both of your hands
"Let me take a picture"
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Knowing that your husband was attending a Bonten meeting, chances of him coming home tired were high
Just as he took care of you, you wanted to take care of him
Being allowed to get off work earlier because you did what you've been ask to do, you rushed home
You wanted to cook Rindou's favourite dish
You set the table, lit some candles
Needless to say he was happy
But you weren't done
Pushing your silky robe on the side, you revealed your collarbone and shoulder
While you were waiting for him, you painted a small part of his tattoo on you
He started pen-mouthed, it was one of the hottest things he's ever seen
"Like what you see ?"
He came closer and whispered in your ear
"I'll show you how much I like it"
Bonus : "But Rin, honey, Ran has the same tattoo, do you think that's hot too ?
"Omg, Y/n, are you serious right now ?"
Biggest turn off in history 😭
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nctrice · 3 years
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Professor Jaehyun x Female Reader
Rating: 18+🛑
Word count: 2K
Content: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dominant Jaehyun, praising, teacherxstudent, dilf Jaehyun, slight public intercourse
Disclaimer: I do not own Jung Jaehyun nor claim him in any sort of way. This Fanfiction is made up out of pure imagination and is strictly just fiction.
A/N: this is my first time writing for this tumblr platform and please give strict constructive advice if needed! Thanks!
"Gosh he's hot!" I whispered under my breath gazing upon the dilf himself, Mr.Jung or in other words my calculus professor.
He stood tall and confident in front of the oddly huge white board, broad shoulders facing the class until he eventually turns around to ask a random student to answer the question that I had yet to even realize what it was. He swiftly scans the multiple rows of seats depicting who had been paying attention and who hasn't. I slowly began to sink in my seat avoiding be called on at any cost.
"Ah, y/n! I see you there! Come up here and answer this question for the class." He demands in a polite manner.
I had no problem with it of course, until he said to come forth. This is a first he's ever asked anyone to write the actual answer. My heart pounds within my chest, praying I don't make a fool of myself walking down or back up these unnecessarily wide stairs.
Mr.Jung steps aside and greets me with his well known charming smile. The amount of times this man alone has made me want scream to knock all the built up nerves out of my body. He made me feel more than just butterflies, I couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Need help?" Mr.Jung folds his arms stepping closer.
"N-no thank you, I'm sure I got it."
My hands fumbled to reach for the dry erase marker he held out for me. It was a bit warm considering he's been holding it for more than half the class. I took a quick glance at the question, immediately regretting what I said. I did indeed need help, and I don't got it. I'm sure he could tell I was hesitating as my finger sits comfortably above my top lip.
'here goes nothing.' I thought before writing what I thought was the right answer. Mr.Jung examined the question, "close but not quite. The answer was -9, you forgot to subtract this which why you got -2. Try another easy one similar to this."
Bullshit. This question didn't look no where as easy. If I mess up again oh well, it's not like he'd pop out with another question to further embarrass me. As I thought long and hard about the problem, it began to feel like it was just us two. Him applying an uncomfortable amount of pressure with just the distance between us and me panicking underneath his anticipated stare.
"Not quite right neither, it'd be best for you to stay after class you seem to be having a lot of troubles."
Mr.Jung wiped the whiteboard free of any writing once I answered the last question and moved on with his lessons. I barely made it to the first step before he had wrote the next problem to briefly go over thanks to me. His words far more stern and exaggerated in attempt to sub me. Out of my entire time being in his class this had been the most I've ever seen this man share eye contact. Yet, it wasn't sweet and kind, more like curiosity had taken over and he couldn't get why I answered both questions incorrectly.
That exact thought had been on his mind throughout the rest of the class. A part of him felt anxious to know what it was that made me fumble at the problem that he knew I could solve perfectly fine on my own.
"Alright you all have a great rest of your afternoon and please do study for this upcoming test. It'll be more than 40% of your grade!" Mr.Jung announced as the classroom flooded out the doors, All except one person.
He heaved a deep sigh, shoving his hands into his almost too tight dress pants pocket. He paced around his desk before sitting directly on the rounded edge. He looked dramatically intimidating, like he wanted to degrade you the moment he could.
"Is everything okay? You're normally really good with math. It hurt me to see you troubled with such an easy question."
My hands couldn't help but fiddle with the zipper sewed into my bag. How was I supposed to tell my teacher that he was the problem. Not in any sort of bad way, and not in any good way neither.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had a rough week." I lied.
"You seem kind of tense. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He innocently spoke while his eyes examined my body for some type of body language.
My knees buckled, hands folding anything to keep me calm, and not mentioning my blushed face. I was 100% sure that my face was completely flushed a crimson red. There was no denying it.
He didn't wait for an answer, and simply lowered his curtain covering the window then locked the door. I was unsure of what his intentions were but my mind was far off somewhere it shouldn't be regarding the fact that I'm just his student. The thought of him shoving all of his folders and papers off his desk and pinning me clouded my mind. My dying fantasy to have the slightest interaction that no other girl has ever had with him.
"I'm all ears. That's if you're comfortable with telling me of course." He knocked me into reality as I began to feel guilty for thinking negatively of his intentions.
"I'm not sure I can be completely honest." I mumbled beneath my breath breaking eye contact.
"And why is that?"
Mr.Jung held his arm out for me to grab. With little to no hesitation at all, I placed my hand in his. His thumb grazes over my knuckles a fee times until his eyes darted up towards mine.
"Cause I'm in no sort of position to have such thoughts."
I simply remove my hand from his grip feeling the tense sensation overwhelm me once again building up the need to put an end to this. He sensed it immediately.
"Turn around."
"I'm not gonna say it again." His voice had more depth and demand stringing to it.
I did exactly what he said, no questions asked. His hands set firmly on my shoulders guiding me closer towards him until I felt the warmth radiating off of his body and onto mine. His thumb running deep circles into my shoulder blades releasing the tension that remained.
"Now tell me what position you feel you need to be in."
His hands made its way to my spine tracing all the way down to my waist before kneading my lower back.
"That can work too but I meant regarding to what you said. What position do you need to be in to have such dirty thoughts?"
By now, you were inches away from in between his legs, as much as I wished to be in this dearest situation, my first instinct was to freeze up. Was this really happening?
"I'm just your student. The things I want to do will ruin your career." I admitted.
He hummed at my answer willingly holding my waist and pulling me directly into his lap. I felt the slightest bulge poking me through my thin leggings. His head rested onto my right shoulder sending shivers down my back.
"There's nothing wrong with the student getting a little extra lesson with chemistry." He bluntly stated right beneath my ear.
I began to feel throbbing and anticipation between my legs.  Or maybe I had just noticed it now. His hands ventured from my waist toward the hem of my leggings, thumb pushing past my leggings and rubbing the outline of my panties. My stomach bursted with butterflies under his touch. He bit his lips as he felt the smooth lace of my underwear.
"Good choice Ms.l/n," he huskily whispered.
"Tell me about how you fantasize about me in explicit detail if you would."
My chapped lips parted realizing a deep breath I held in since he began to touch me in the ways I haven't yet imagined. His fingers trailed down to palm my womanhood gently creating the knot in my stomach.
"You had me alone like now, desperately removing everything off the desk to pin me down. Ripping my shirt in half as you cupped my boobs. One hand busy playing with my nipples, the other rubbing rough circles on my clit as you told me come."
He chuckled in response as he removed his hand from me and remained silent. As much as I wanted to turn around a catch a glimpse of his face, I was already too embarrassed sharing my intimate dreams with him.
He bit his lips dauntingly, "can I?"
"Can I make that dream a reality?"
He slightly nibbled onto my ear, heat fuming from my dripping core soaking my panties by the second. I silently nodded afraid to speak at all. "I want to hear you say it, can I touch you?"
"Yes, Mr.Jung."
"Good girl, just for this I'll allow you to call me Jaehyun okay baby?"
I nodded once again holding back the whimpers threatening to leave my lips. His hands rubbed my ass gently getting rough within seconds, groping me every chance he got. The bulge teasingly poked at my core as he undid his pants lowering his draws enough to let his member spring free; slowly stroking himself onto my ass. Jaehyun grunted as the friction increased. His fingers tugged the the hem of my leggings sliding them down to my knees locking them in place.
"Damn you're sexy." He moaned taking in the sight of my now exposed ass. He stroked himself aggressively before tracing my spine with his fingers and bending me over. His other hand pushing my panties to the side as he inserted double digits into my soaked core curling his fingers and his thumb circled my clit. My breath became unstable panting like there was no tomorrow.  My walls clenched amongst his digits fighting the urge to come.  "Mhmm I-I can't hold it." I moaned balling my fists up against my knees for support. He took his digits out sucking every ounce making sure I heard the slurping noise before he lined himself at my entrance.
I inhaled a sharp breath as he entered his tip inside me. I had no clue how big he was but felt my walls adjusting to the girth of him. I bit my lip, holding back from the moans. His hands firmly placed on my hips as he shoved the rest of his large length inside me. I let out a small gasp followed with hitched breaths as his length reached what felt like my cervix. "Shh, you don't want no one to hear you don't you?" He whispered stopping in his tracks for a split second. He pulled almost all the way out coated with your juices only just to shove his length in back in reaching spots he may have missed.
"Oh fuck." Jaehyun groaned thrusting sluggishly. My walls clenched around him causing his grip to tighten on my waist. Tears streaming down my face in pleasure. He picked up the pace being careful enough to refrain from making any clapping noises. As much as he want to rail me until my eyes rolled back and seen stars he couldn't, not in this environment. Yet it was still enough to satisfy the both of our needs. Soft whimpers were the only thing he'd allow out of my mouth, anything louder than that he'd immediately pull out as a sign of punishment. His hand left my waist grabbing fistfuls of my hair and yanking it to see my fucked out facial expressions.
"Jaehyun." I breathed out as he rammed into me.
"Ms.l/n, you dirty little slut of mine, Ms.l/n you feel so good taking all my length in your wet pussy." He groaned aggressively in my ear pounded into me completely forgetting the fact that we were in his classroom. ~
"Ms.l/n! Please stop zoning out in my class!" Mr.Jung semi-shouts jolting me out of my day dream.  I immediately fixed my posture examining the dozens of eyes all drawn towards me including Mr.Jeong. He cocked an eyebrow at me before running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"See me after class." He demanded and continued on with his lesson. And just like that, I added on to my series of fantasies with my Calculus professor.
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Grow Up
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Male Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 981
🎵 Grow up
[You’re doing enough, you’re doing just fine. I know you and you’re trying your best right now. That’s all you need]
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As you finish drinking your 3rd cup of coffee of the day, a small wave of tiredness menaces to hit your body again. The dark circles under your eyes already gave away that these days haven't been good for you, and the way you moved and nearly slept on every spot you decide to take a break was enough for everyone to know that you were probably going through a rough time.
Truth is, balancing your part-time work and studies while being on finals was a complete nightmare. Your study sessions started to become more frequent and longer, and the only time you could actually spend in home were only dedicated to take showers while your boyfriend was working, and sleeping at late hours of the night, and just a few hours because you had to leave early to the university.
Your sleeping schedule was a mess and your body felt sore all the time. Your diet also started to be bad, which made you feel even more tired and weak. And for the cherry on top, you barely got time to spend with Chris; of course he did understand it since he was the most comprehensive person you've ever met, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. The only thing you've been wanting for a long while was to spend at least one day with him, to talk and maybe fall asleep between his arms.
As the clock strikes 3 p.m you collect your books and stand up, walking out of the library and deciding it was time to take a break and grab something to eat. Normally, you would eat whatever was on the menu on the cafeteria, but now you were in the mood for also taking a walk and clear your head for the first time this week.
When you're walking in the hallways of the building, your phone buzzes and a smile on your face appears almost immediately. Even though you haven't seen him these past days, Chris always made sure to leave you sweet and encouraging messages to go through your day, but this time you're surprised to see that he is asking you to drop by your shared apartment.
You quickly reply that you're on your way there, your mood changing drastically and your heart beating uncontrollably. You're almost running to the apartment once the bus stops to drop you in front of the street where your building is, and even take the stairs instead of the elevator to get there quickly.
Your legs are sore when you're at the door, but you think it is worth it when you see your boyfriend with the biggest smile and opening his arms to welcome you with the warmest hug. It is almost as if your worries vanishes when you're in between his arms, in his tight embrace, holding every piece of you and letting you breathe. To relax and melt in his soft touch.
"How is my baby boy doing?" He sweetly whispers to your ear, knowing you love that cheesy nickname.
His strong and captivating smell along with whatever is being cooked in the kitchen makes you feel happier.
"Good, now that I am finally hugging you." You answer and separate a bit to give him a kiss on his lips. He leaves many more on your cheeks and forehead before helping with your backpack and taking off your coat, making yourself comfortable and taking off your shoes before entering the living room.
"I made you your favorite," He says with the same big smile and marking those dimples you'd die for. "So go get a shower to relax, put on comfortable clothes and come back here to eat, what do you think?"
Without you even noticing, some tears start flooding your eyes and running down your cheeks, alarming Chan and make him feel worried.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks, concerned, leaving caresses to your back and neck, trying to calm you down.
"I am just really tired." You murmur against his neck, drying your tears on his hoodie and pulling him closer to you, wanting more comfort.
He understands it, letting you vent and relax as he keeps caressing and leaving more kisses.
"You have had pretty bad tough days, haven't you? My poor baby," He mutters and separates a little bit once you stop whimpering, erasing every trace of tears on your face and softly smiling at you. "You are so strong and admirable, you're really giving all of you. You're doing well."
You two keep hugging for a while until you decide to do what he told you and clean your face. For the rest of the day, Chan makes sure you're happy and comfortable, talking about how his days have been and making lighthearted jokes that genuinely make you laugh; and he swears he couldn't be any more in love with you, with the way you open up at him, the way you cover your face when he comes up with cheesy pickup lines and the way you let yourself be vulnerable for him to take care of you.
He already called your boss to let her know you couldn't go to work today, and it's not like you could protest about it, you weren't in the mood for it anyway. Instead, you put on your pajamas even if it's barely five p.m and cuddle with Chan on your bed, letting him hold you close and profess his love for you with sweet whispered words to your ear, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
As you both expected, you fall asleep pretty quickly, and Chan takes a few minutes to admire every single detail of you, feeling truthfully happy and in love; that warm feeling settling on his chest and making him realize how much you mean to him, that there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.
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ajaviary · 3 years
Shatter Me
Summary: One misstep and your carefully crafted world will shatter and reveal the truth you’ve worked so hard to hide. The ugly, shame filled void that you haven't been able to drag yourself out of. You never expect to be on his radar, a string of circumstances bring you two closer and unfortunately he’s drawn into your world.
Some Dark Content with mentions of physical & emotional abuse. Hints at self harm in later chapters.
Rating: M (Explicit) - 18+
Chapters: 1
Word count: 4168
A/N: Thanks for reading and feedback is appreciated. I decided to expand on my Vulnerable Piece, this is the first chapter of that expansion.
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You felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your leather jacket, but you ignored it as you leapt back out of the way of a fist that smashed against the street. You frown, doing a quick glance at the civilians in the area, too many were still lingering at the intersection, all the cars stopped, but that wasn’t before some of them had swerved to avoid hitting you as you’d suddenly appeared in their way. Your litheal body tucked itself, the palm of your hand glowed for a moment before you were able to attach the small gemstone to the car in a form of a really strong molding and pulled yourself in a twist onto the hood effectively avoiding the prospect of being roadkill.
You were a little too pretty to wind up the bug on someone's windshield today.
The radio in your ear clicked on effectively telling you the eta of your team. Kamui Woods was on his way, he’d gotten held up about three blocks away and that was still long enough for the guy you were facing to cause problems if you didn’t hold his attention. You hoped down off the hood of the car, your boots walking over the torn up roadway. “Throwing a tantrum now, what are you two years old?” you wonder with a tease as you grin. You’re not just the Pro Hero Gemini for shits and giggles, no you had earned the name and it was rising in popularity and your recent joining of The Lurkers.
You were rising in popularity. It was through your hard work. Everything you did was because of your dream to help people, but you weren’t delusional in assuming it wasn’t going to be hard fought to claw your way to the top, you weren’t aiming to be number one, but you were going to do your best.
“All that effort to rob that bank and to think you almost got away with it too, if only it wasn't for that meddling little Gemini.” Your grin was wide as you watched the large man sneer at you, his body glowing a brilliant blue at the center of chest and the color expanded outward along hands and down his legs before he was suddenly rushing you.
So predictable, but then again this is hired muscle for you.
You darted to the left avoiding his swing as you cupped your hand along his ear with a hard slap of sound. The blow left him staggering to the side, but blood oozed out his ear down his cheek. You’d blown out his ear drum.
This sort of thing affects things like balance and depth perception. Not to mention regular things like one's perceptions of sound.
“Oh look at you, all weak in the knees.” Your laughter is enough that even if he can only hear it out of one ear, he’s raising his venomous gaze to you and throwing out a large hand to smack you down.
The crowd expected you dodge and weave out of the way, but their cheers erupt as the smoke clears and your standing there having taken the blow, unmovable as you’d anchored your feet, and your legs are reinforced with the gemstones that gave you your Pro Hero name, your arms raised to block the swing as you hold him back.
The crowd cheering for Gemini shouldn’t have been such a booster to your confidence, you shouldn’t be looking for recognition in the public, when you should get that in your private life too, but you didn’t. When you took off the mask, took off your hero costume you were left with a shattered, broken (Y/N). Your freedom fell away and with it your confidence.
You break in thought, in focus is what left you realizing too late that he’d only hit you as test, but he’d been charing his attack for something else as his wide mouth opened and blue energy swirled inside his mouth, your eyes widened and you knew you couldn’t block that move, couldn’t move out of the way either, not with the civilians clustered behind you.
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Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) showed up just in the nick of time, shouting out his special move. “Lacquered Chain Prison!” He throws out his arm as wood from his left arm and entangled the bad guy, his branches curling tightly over his mouth and noise and along his body forcing his hands to his sides and his body back away from you. The crowd was stunned for a moment in silence before their was the clicking of cameras and the sounds of cheers. You should have been upset by your mistake, you were and yet in that moment, as you had stared your death in the face, you were disappointed he hadn’t fired. It was that dark though that left you shaken to your core for more reasons than you wanted to look at right now. Instead you plaster a smile on your face and pull all the emotion you needed too into playing your role for just a little longer. Hoping Kamui hadn’t noticed anything that might give you away.
“I hope you have a good reason for being late,” you joke, poking him in the chest and he only stammers out an apology. He was a little too easy to tease.
“There was a- “ he paused, looking away. “There was a what?” You pressed, sly grin widening. “A cat, ” he mumbled, embarrassed. “that almost got run over in all the confusion,” he defended.
“I always knew you were a softy Kamui-Ichi,” You teased good-naturedly.
You squeeze his shoulder and the ribbing stops as the two of you were just discussing what you were going to do about the muscle head whose part of the crew in charge of a string of robberies lately.
The rest had slipped away in the chaos.
“We keep being a step behind, we have to do better,” your words are low and spoken so only he can hear you. It’s been no secret that this crew has been making a fool out of the heroes who wind up chasing them. They’ve been dubbed Resurgence, but it's their leader the mastermind behind each and every successful hit.
It didn't help that every time their scapegoat was caught he was effectively let go, with the team escorting him to Tartarus unable to provide any details on how it happened, their memories seemed to be altered and in some cases, completely wiped.
“Report Gemini, ” Edgeshot had arrived on the scene, you frown slightly surprised and yet not that your boss had shown up, it wasn't just your reputation on the line after all. He’d become increasingly frustrated that this group kept slipping through their fingers making quite the mockery of all involved.
You efficiently relayed everything that happened to the current moment. How you’d been patrolling and had stumbled upon them as they had fled. You gave chase, but in the confusion, you were left chasing Mr. Humanoid Godzilla over there. You should have been able to do more, you knew this was your fault, but if you were honest you couldn't be too upset. You were alive and that sentiment couldn't be shared with the others who faced them and were left in far worse shape than a scrap or two. You got lucky and you tighten your fist all, too conscious of that fact.
“Let’s double back to the bank,” Edgeshot advises and as a team you head that way it was only a few blocks and traffic wasn’t permitted to pass around the area. Mt. Lady was currently guarding Mr. Godzilla, you hadn’t bothered to remember his real name, it had been in the file this morning, but well you had paid more attention to his looks and his quirk than feeling it necessary to remember his name. It will come back to you eventually.
The bank doesn’t seem very special and you head for the door first as the others are talking a few paces behind you discussing possible scenarios. Your hand curls around the door and pulls it open just as the door opens fully there is a rush of heat and explosion as you’re thrown back.
Edgeshot had reacted by pulling you from the explosion, before you could get hurt by any of the buildings as it exploded outward. You react on instinct, even as you're pulled back into the air your body hardening, golden gemstones extruding from every visible area of your body, even as your fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt, as he pulls you closer. “Careful, you’re bleeding,” his voice was hard to hear around the ringing in your ears, but you nodded after a moment as he set you down in the middle of the street and the three of you were left to stare at the rubble of the bank as several other Heroes arrived on the scene to put out the fire, and help with clean up miraculously no one had been hurt.
Your phone buzzed again in your pocket and you swallowed as it vibrated again signifying a call coming in, your hands were clammy as you stepped away from your boss and put a little more distance between you. Your face grim as you were all too aware of the camera’s recording every second of your life. Your heart was pounding in your chest, he knew and he wasn’t happy.
It was a few days later before you could convince Eizan to agree to let you go out with Nemuri at a bar she regularly frequented, you hadn’t been expecting any visitors, it was just supposed to be you and her and then you wouldn’t be lying. He always knew when you lied to him. Luck wasn’t on your side, not when two other Pro Heroes showed up, not when he'd shown up with Hizashi. The meeting hadn’t been planned, but they had been invited to join all the same, Nemuir didn’t realize the predicament she was putting you in, the danger. Nemuri knew so many heroes sometimes you were still left with your head spinning trying to keep up with them all.
Eraser overheard what you had said about your boyfriend, his most recent show up at your interview, how he’d been possessive, harboring a quiet anger over the fact that your interview had been a surprise appearance with you boss Edgeshot, you were there to dispel the rumors of any sort of romantic relationship, a picture that the was running had been of the two of you just a tad too close to each other, but there hadn’t been anything to it, but it hadn’t looked great either way, not when his arm had been around your waist as he’d used his quirk to swiftly curl around you and pull you out of harm's way, only to reform with his hand along your hip and your fingers carefully pressed against his chest, bleeding from a blow to the head. Shinya Kamihara had handled the situation well, and you had too, you knew what to do in these situations, but that didn’t mean the internet wasn’t blowing up either way.
After the interview you’d stepped off stage and Eizan had been there, chatting with your coworkers like it was the most casual thing in the world. Shinya had given him an accessing stare and looked to you, you gave a subtle shake of your head and he didn’t comment, but he wasn’t happy and you could have sworn you saw concern in his gaze when he’d left the station, but he hadn’t made a comment or a scene and instead let you handle it.
Aizawa had shared a quiet look with you before he left to get a drink at the bar before he and Hizashi would join you at the table. Leaving you to finish your conversation with Nemuri in private. She’d placed her hand gently over yours and softly told you that you needed to drop him, that he wasn’t safe for you to be around.
“He was just in the area, ” You grin widely as though to help ease her misgivings, hoped that your smile would be bright enough, convincing enough to hide the truth. You knew she had a right to be worried about you. It hadn’t been a secret that Nemuri wasn't his biggest fan when you guys had started dating. You had been too blinded by love to see him the truth and now you were in far too deep to get out.
You knew that, deep down you knew and the reason you hadn’t left yet was because you were in denial, and then deeper than that was the fear and then shame that you were in this situation in the first place.
It kept you up at night as you wondered what signs you had missed, this sort of thing happened to others, you saved people from abusive relationships and yet here you were in the exact same situation and it was suffocating. It felt like you were walking on a tightrope and it would snap at any moment if any more weight was put on your shoulders.
The conversation didn’t go much further into the subject once the boys came back. The night wore on and eventually you were the only one still sober, nursing a coke with some ice. Your limit was one drink, and that was it, you knew your limit and you had to protect the pretty glass house you had built. If you had a little too much, you would spill your guts to anyone who would listen. You dirty little secret exposed to the world.
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Aizawa had stayed with you at the table and sipped his whiskey occasionally, his muscular arms exposed at the forearms as his dark grey long sleeved shirt was pulled up and he leaned his cheek against his fist. You hadn’t expected him to stay there once Nemuri and Hizashi went to play a game of darts as drunk as they were.
Instead you two had talked quietly about life, UA, the hero world and eventually movies and books. He’d warmed up to you after your animated telling of how Kamui had rescued a cat today and how you two had gone back and dripped the little guy off at a no-kill shelter after your patrol was over.
It was crazy for you to get along so well with anyone, most of all a guy who you’d just met, who didn't shut you up or seem like he wanted you to talk about something else. He listened to you, really listened.
You always had to be on, to say the right thing, to have your hero persona on.
This, this was just you, just (Y/N). No special title, just a young woman in way over her head.
“You should be respected and trusted,” the words were soft and you glanced at him, seeing the way he nursed his whisky, but wasn’t nearly as intoxicated as Nemuri and Hizashi as the two played darts in the back. “No man should own you.”
His words wouldn’t normally have caused tears to fill your eyes. You knew that, you knew that, but it was sort of like a wake up call. You blinked and a tear trailed down your cheek. You hastily reached up to wipe it away, an apology on your lips, but he beat you to it. His thumb brushed gently over your cheek as he wiped it away, you shouldn’t have leaned into his hand. It was just so nice, so warm. It wasn’t laced with possessive rage.
“Don’t apologize, ” he cut it, a soft smile curving up his lips.
You stare wondering if he can read your mind and he only slowly draws back and gives you a soft smile before taking a sip of his whisky.
The sounds from Nemuri as she lets out a screech of trumpet has you twisting on reflex toward the noise that he had ignored, but glanced toward once the laughter at Hizashi’s groan. You were just about to thank him for the advice; when fingers curl around your wrist and jerk you from your seat, you stumble in your strappy heels. Only barely managing to catch your feet.
Your mouth is shooting off before you can formulate or stop your words. “Who do you-” the words die in your throat as you take in the form of someone who has their fingers tight along your wrist and they only seem to tighten as he glares at the dark haired man with his hair pulled back into a low ponytail and tipped up, exposing his sharp features.
‘What is he doing here?’ You can’t help but wonder.
Aizawa who had set his glass down and was watching the scene with displeasure in his dark eyes and barely banked anger. He had been taught to respect women, he may have been brash, and inconsiderate sometimes, but he knew what not to do. He didn’t like what he saw, but he was giving you a chance to handle it. He didn’t want to step on your toes, but his hand tightened into a fist under the table, as the other was relaxed and curled carefully around the glass.
“Baby, I thought you said you were getting drinks with Nemuri, you didn’t mention anyone else would be there,” he pulled you closer to him, his grip bruising your slim wrist with the mark of his fingers. You wince, unable to help the movement...to hide it. This side of the abuse is what you desperately tried to hide from the world, you were (Y/N) (Y/LN)...the slightest negative news about Gemini could topple everything you’d been working so hard for. Everything you built and he knew that.
“These are friends of Nemuri, Eizan...her coworkers from UA High. Don’t embarrass me, please. People are starting to stare,” she dropped her voice at the last part, but it wasn’t low enough that Aizawa couldn’t hear every word. He’d also noticed that Nemuri and Hizashi were coming back to the table, Nemuri looked furious like she was ready to go to war for you.
“Embarrass you?!” he suddenly exclaimed loudly, as he jerked you closer forcing you on the tips of your toes, any higher and he’d have you off the ground as he stared with angry eyes down into your own. “Fucking seriously (Y/N)?” he sneers. “You’re embarrassing yourself out here dressed like that for all the men to see. Just trying to get a quick fuck, is my cock not good enough for you, now that you’ve gotten a taste of fame Gemini?”
For a moment you are stunned into silence, unable to formulate a set of words to go with what you had just heard and been accused of. You’d never cheat on him...that was then’t who you were. Guilt courses through you though anyway, as you wonder if you had done something wrong and then you were angry, angry because you hadn’t done anything!
‘You should be respected and trusted,’
Those words from earlier give you an unexpected rush of conviction in your next action, a rush of resolve. You dropped your weight and tried to gain back your footing. “Let go Eizan, just let me go! I’m out with my friends, you don’t get to act like an obsessive jerk!” Her gaze slid to the people who were starting to notice, and someone had their phone out. “Just go home, we’ll -” you fumble here, finally telling him completely what you wanted. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
‘No man should own you.’
You can tell by the way his eyes widen he’d never expected you to attempt to turn this around on him, to make it out like he was the bad guy here, no he expected you to apologize like you always did. He was so hyper focused on you that he almost didn’t notice that Nemuri had come up on your left, her bare hand flush against his chest as she waited to shove him back or activate her quirk and put him to sleep and gladly watch him clumple to the ground. Hizashi was next to her, his hand on her shoulder, his eyes hard behind his glasses and Shota was on your right, his hand curling and tightening on his wrist, his grip was heavy, hard and held no remorse.
Eizan balled his hand and shot a nasty glare toward the man with long black hair. He was stronger than he looked, but now that he gave him another closer look, he recognized him. He was Eraserhead. Did everyone just think you were going to spread those pretty little thighs for them if they came to your rescue?
“You heard the lady, I suggest you take a walk before we get the authorities involved,” It wasn’t a threat exactly, there were plenty of other things he’d like to do, but Aizawa didn’t want to cause anymore of a scene, too many people were paying attention to them and some had heard your name dropped.
Eizan was livid and the look he shot Nemuri was murderous, it was clear who he blamed for this level of defiance. He smiled slowly and released your wrist and somehow that made your heart pound in your chest with a rapid cadence, so loudly it was all you could hear. It left you with such a stark fear, that you were sure something gave you away, because he slowly raised his hands, palms out in front of him. “We wouldn’t want any trouble, of course not,” he said passively, he gave up too easily but it was clear to you as he widened his smile in your direction for a moment before he turned and headed for the door he’d come in...this wasn't over.
“(Y/N)” Nemuri’s touch was gentle on her hand as she raised your wrist that had dropped to your side, the skin already darkening with a heavy bruise, one you knew you’d have to hide tomorrow. Her touch was so feather light you hadn’t felt it, still struggling to try and hear more than the pounding of your heart.
You didn’t wait to watch him leave, you were suddenly in a twist of limbs and legs as you blindly got some space as quickly as possible darting between your little group and shot for the restroom in the back, you didn’t run, but you moved with a stumble that was clear of the alcohol in your system. The shaking started the moment you shoved the door open, your arms curled around your shoulders as you shoved your fist against your mouth to silence the broken sob that tore from your lips.
No. No. No!!!
This isn’t over. You saw him, you saw him, you saw him!
Those were the only words your mind wanted to shout in your head as you flashed back to the look on his face, the dangerous glint in his eyes.
You were in trouble, you knew that, something bad was going to happen, something was going to happen, he was going to get even with you, he was going to hurt you.
“(Y/N)” the sound of your name spoken softly had you tensing, but you knew who it was, you knew the sound of her voice and somehow, somehow it made everything so much worse. You couldn't hide it now, everyone knew, everyone had seen.
It was another crack against your armor, another break in your chain, it exposed who you wanted so desperately to hide from the world.
Her arms were thrown around you as she drew you against her. “It’s going to be ok,” her words were soft and low in your ear.
Someone telling you everything was going to be ok, holding you with such care...it broke what tiny shred of your self control remained, your knees buckled and heavy soul wrenching sobs were expelled from your body as your fingers curled into the back of her shirt.
Nemuri sank to her knees when your legs gave out, she held you as you cried.
Outside Hizashi and Aizawa lingered outside the bathroom door, they had seen just a glimpse inside, but even the closed door couldn’t stop the sounds from escaping. Hizashi shoved his hands in the pocket of his jeans and looked up at the ceiling as he leaned his head against the wall. “What a night,” he muttered as he pressed his shoulder against his friends. Aizawa was silent for a long while, his gaze on the door, he was going over the night in his head looking for anything he might have missed. He knew leaving either of them alone wasn’t a good idea, not tonight...not for a while. Guys like that didn’t just give up. He sighed softly in the dimly light hallway. “Yeah,” he agreed as he let his gaze drift to the hand that he’d wiped your tears away with.
He knew he wouldn't be able to let this go.
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Young Oak Sapling
Part 2 to this (I seriously need to stop writing accidental multichapter fics...)
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1,7K
Warnings: typos (as always), angst, fluff (it's there, I promise!)
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi
A/N: this is really messy, i'm sorry
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'You have always been like a little sister I always wanted. I'm so sorry, we can still be friends'
For some unknown reason he kept having dreams about that one evening. 'Dreams,' he would scoff, 'more like nightmares.' They always end horribly. Either with you never talking to him again out of shame or him delivering those lines not so gently.
Loki couldn't understand why he kept dreaming about it. About her. How the light in her eyes slowly died when he told her. He told her the truth, right? It was the right thing to do, right?
She was hanging out with that soldier again. Loki's mouth twisted into disgusted grimace when he spot how he put his arm around her shoulders, how she held the single dandelion he gave her. A dandelion? Please, he couldn't really fall that low to give a lady some common weed, could he? A lady with such charm and class like Y/N deserves a dozen roses for every day she blessed this world with her smile and laugh.
Loki's eyes widened. Why was he thinking of her like that so suddenly? He never thought of her like that before. No. She's just a friend. Like his little sister. That's what he told her. She believed him. Now he has to believe it himself.
Sudden rain drove Loki away from his new favourite sitting spot in the corner of the garden. The oak stump. If only he kept a part of the tree. A twig or a leaf. He would've carried it around like a talisman. Or acorn, so he could grow another oak, even though it wouldn't be the same one.
His mind was on autopilot, he didn't even realize his legs carried him to your bedroom door. He stood there like a statue. Listening for any sounds. For any voices. He heard nothing. You must be somewhere else. That realization made him even more anxious. You could be with that soldier again. He can't have that.
He walked to only place he could always find you: library. As he wanted to open the heavy door you ran into him, colliding into his chest.
"Sorry-" your relax expression changed when you looked up into his eyes
"Hi," he smiled softly.
"Hello," you greeted, but without a smile. You tried to walk by him when he stopped you with his hand on your shoulder.
"Why are you running away from me?"
"I'm not. It's just.... this," you gestured between him and you, "it's awkward."
"Oh, so you avoid me, your oldest friend, and spend your entire day with Hofferson then," Loki crossed his arms on his chest.
"Aren't you supposed to be on a date or something?" you pushed yourself pass him, poison in your voice.
"Aren't you supposed to spend some time with me too?"
"I can't Loki. I'm trying to get rid of all of my feelings for you! I can't be near you if I want it to work!" you nearly screamed in his face.
Those words hurt Loki more than he thought. "Getting rid of ALL feelings? So you're trying to hate me then."
"No! Understand that I can't be friends with someone I love!"
"Platonic love exists too, you know," Loki remarked.
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. I don't want to argue with you anymore, I'm going."
"Where?" he asked as you escaped him.
"To someone that cares about me, and not just platonicly!" you shouted behind your back and ran.
He hasn't had a word or a single alone time with you since then. You were always near that soldier, always talking to him, hugging him, hanging on his arm all the time.
Loki felt nausea whenever he saw Y/N with anyone but him. He wasn't used to seeing Y/N with other men, she was always near him. He missed her. Her laugh, her smile, her hugs. Everything.
No matter how many girls or boys he came across on streets, none of them could ever take your place. None of them smiled as brightly or as truly as you always did. Even when he was telling you about anyone he was interested in, you still smiled and wished him well with the person. You wanted him to be happy, even if it hurt you.
So why can't he do the same? Be happy you're with someone who will love you? Instead he grits his teeth whenever he sees the two of you together. Why does he want you all to himself? Why the thought of you being with someone else makes him throw up?
Loki sighed and held his head in his hands. It is true what they say. You'll realize you love somebody only after you lose them.
He felt like a coward. Standing in front of your bedroom door, with heart anxiously pounding in his chest.
Loki took a deep breath and knocked. No one answered. You must be out again. With him.
He shook the thought away and opened the door. If anything, he'll at least be able to give you a message without having to look into your eyes. While he was looking for a piece of paper and a pen around your room he noticed a new pot on your windowsill. It was brown and smaller than the rest with a single tiny green sprout sticking from the dirt.
Loki took the pot in his hand, it was small enough to fit into his palm. He smiled. It was so tiny and fragile. He wondered what kind of plant it was.
Before he could use one of the runes to find out a door creaked open behind him. "What are you doing here?" you asked. He was so startled by you catching him he couldn't even deduce if you were angry or surprised to see him.
"I-I wanted to talk to you," he turned towards you.
You looked at his hand. "Why are you holding it? Put it back, you might break it!" before he could even move you rushed to him, took the pot from his hand and held it close to your chest. Could one be jealous when a plant gets a cuddle but her oldest friend doesn't? Apparently Loki could.
"What do you want to talk about? If it's some noble lady I don't want to hear it," you turned your head away from him.
Loki shook his head. "No, it's not a lady."
"Some son of a sailor then?"
"No, I came here to tell you something."
You turned your head back to him. "And what is that?"
Loki took a deep breath. It's now or never. "I came to a realization. And not just a common one. I didn't think my life could be so lonely without you in it. Every single day I've missed you, longed to spend time with you again. Laugh with you. It pained me to see that Hofferson boy with you. Ever since I saw the two of you in the stables I wanted to rip you away from him. Just like I every boy you got close to in our childhood. For a long time I couldn't understand why I wanted you all to myself and no other man. But now I do. It's because I love you. Romantically. Just like you love me," he didn't look away from you. He didn't dare.
You shook your head in disapointment. "You're so selfish, Loki."
He didn't expect that answer. It was far away from anything he was expecting. All blood left his face. "Well, that's what love makes out of person. It makes them selfish, possesive."
"So how come I could let you go after your monthly interests without complaining like you did?"
Loki froze. "Y-you're apparently a better person than me," he picked on his palm.
You hummed. "So...what now?"
Loki took your lack of emotions as a rejection. He concluded he traded places with you. Now you were the one without romantic feelings and he was the one being rejected.
He couldn't keep looking at the love of his life rejecting him. He studied the pot in her hamds instead. "Now? I guess I will have to find a spell to erase all romantic feelings I have for you and wish you all the best with Hoffer-I mean Arne," he thanked all heavens above for his training that didn't let him fall apart in front of you.
You looked at him, fear in your eyes." Why would you do that?"
Loki laughed. It was a bitter one, filled with sadness. "Because you don't love me anymore."
"That's not true," you whispered.
Loki's head snapped up. "What?"
"I-I said that's not true. I never stopped, no matter how much I tried. I even saved a little part of our tree," you said softly and caressed the little sprout.
"That's from the old oak?"
You nodded. "For some reason I couldn't just cut it down and erase its whole existence."
Now Loki knows what it means when a stone falls from someone's heart. "So, that means you still love me?" he asked hopefully.
You nodded. "And you love me too?"
"Of course my love. Can we please start over again?"
"I would love to," you blessed him with your kindest, purest smile.
"Can I kiss you?" he asked a little too excited.
"No," his heart fell to the floor, "you have to kiss me."
Loki sighed from relief. He walked over to you and cupped your cheeks. From up close your eyes were even more beautiful than he noticed the first time he kissed you. He reminded himself to tell you everyday from now on.
And just like that, the history repeated itself. Loki gently placed his lips on yours in a loving kiss. Your head spinned once again just like so many years ago. And one oak tree witnessed it all.
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch seven
read ch six here
an; you guys, i hit 100 followers. that’s crazy. 100 may seem like a bitch ass number compared to other accounts, but i couldn’t be more proud. thank you!! i hope you continue to enjoy this story and leave feedback.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 5.1k+
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edie's pov
i tried to help peter clean up, but he wasn't having any of it. so i was left to my own devices while he scrambled to get everything in order. after he leaves the room for the first time, i try to stand up. i wrap the blanket around my body and move towards to edge of the bed. everything is going just fine until i put weight onto my legs and attempt to take a step. my feet crumble beneath me and i snap a hand up to my mouth to stifle any noise that threatens to come from the pain. so for a while, i just sit. on the floor. waiting for peter to come back.
when footsteps sound off from down the hall, i brace myself for whatever reprimand i'm going to get from peter, but what comes through the door makes me sigh with relief and choke up with fear. not the kind of fear you get from jump scares or creepy noises, but the kind of fear you get when you know you've been a disappointment.
"what the hell are you doing on the floor?" tony asks as he waltzes over to help me up. his voice is unreadable. i let him wrap an arm around my upper back and lift me up onto the bed, but i'm too afraid to say anything. he pulls a chair over to sit in front of me and he rests there awaiting an answer, but i choose to avoid it altogether.
"where's peter?" i ask shyly. yeah, it's a good way to change the topic, but a part of me really does want to know.
tony raises one eyebrow and pauses to take in my features before replying, "i told the kid to stay out of the room until i got here. he's sitting in the living room like a lost puppy."
my head tilts at his words. why would he do that? wouldn't he want peter here with me?
"i wanted to talk to you without mr. parker in the room. and when i ask you this- i don't want you to think about him when you answer, got it?" i nod my head reluctantly, and he continues on with a sigh, "kid, do you wanna go home?"
"w-what? no! absolutely not." my insides tense up at the thought of being sent home after only a couple of weeks. mr. stark said he needed me here, why is he trying to send me home?
"just listen to me, okay? you've already gotten hurt for reasons i don't understand. and... i gotta be honest- i don't want to send you home, but i don't want you going back out there either."
"what happens to peter if you send me back?" my question comes out as a whisper, i want to challenge him somehow. surely he won't take this away from peter too. tony just sighs and shakes his head.
"don't worry about him right now. what we need to talk about is if you're-" i cut him off.
"you're going to send him home too." i accuse, borderline horrified at the idea, "how could you do that? you know how much this means to him." i take in a sharp breath of air as pain shoots up and down my side. it's silent for a few seconds.
"i don't want any of that. who else am i gonna have to protect all my toys?" he asks with a playful smile, but i know he's still hesitant about all of this, "i'll cut you a deal, alright?" i nod, "you don't go out until you are one hundred percent healed up. let peter handle all that. and i'm making happy stay here until you're ready to patrol again."
i immediately shake my head in protest, "happy hates babysitting! don't make him do that!" i plead, trying to pull the guilt card for happy's sake- and to be honest, i don't want anyone worrying about me and watching over my shoulder until i'm better, "peter can look after me. he got me this far." i say lightly, trying to make the situation a little less of a bummer.
tony takes in my features again, analyzing my words. he brings his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose, but to my luck he eventually nods his head.
"fine, fine. but you'll keep me updated on your recovery and only go out again when i say so, alright?" he bargains once again. this time i take his deal and nod my head with a smile. tony slaps his knees once and stands up.
"now lay back down and rest, young lady. i'll be expecting an update when you get up." tony says with a playful twinge to his words, but i know he's completely serious. before he's entirely out of the room, my mouth begins to move before i even realize it, "you know, peter does take good care of me."
i don't know why i just said that.
tony stops by the door and takes once last look around the room, "yeah, yeah," he pauses, "i know he does." and with that, he's gone.
it didn't take me long to fall asleep after mr. stark left. my body was tired and weak after working to heal as fast as it could. if only i was peter and i could heal on my own.
when i wake up, i panic slightly when i can't see anything. the light of the room is subdued and i can't even make out the ceiling above me. i move a hand to my face to find a piece of paper. it's taped to my forehead and covers my entire face. i peel it off and take in the messy handwriting scrawled across the page.
'left for patrol. mr. stark said to set out some fancy healing cream for you. it's next to your bed. he also said to leave it on for 5 minutes at most cause blah blah i don't remember why. be back before you know it -peter'
at the end of the note by his name, there's a faint 'x' next to it. the letter had been hastily erased, but my stomach jumps at the gesture. i wish he didn't feel like he had to erase it.
i fold the note carefully and set it on the cart next to my bed, next to that is the cream i assume he was talking about. i look over the text on the tube and read the directions. on the back it says something about enhanced cell regeneration, remove after five minutes, and does not diminish the appearance of scars.
i swallow thickly, nervous about applying this weird stuff to my skin. my fingers slowly twist the cap open and i squeeze a small amount onto my hand. the cream is clear and almost jelly-like as i rub it along my side. it stings at first, making me inhale with clenched teeth, but almost instantly it numbs my entire side along with my hand.
i'm afraid to keep it on my hand so i hop out of the bed and walk over to the sink to wash it off. only then does it occur to me that i hopped out of bed and walked over here. thank goodness for tony stark and his high tech, well, everything.
looking in the little mirror above the sink, i take in my tired appearance- complete with bags under my eyes and sunken cheeks. it's hard to look at myself this way, i have never fallen so low. i have never been hurt so badly before.
i just rest my now wet hands against the sides of the sink and let my head drop. i take notice i'm still in my bra and underwear, but since i'm alone at the moment i'm not worried about being seen. my cheeks do flush at the idea of peter seeing me this way, clad only in a dark purple bra and mismatched pale blue underwear.
after what feels like five minutes, i grab a hand towel and wet it under the running water of the faucet. the numbing properties of the cream are working surprisingly well- i don't feel anything as i wipe it away and wash it off.
still, my heart drops at the sight of the scar, now partially healed, but still red and angry. the line of it is jagged and violent looking. with hesitant fingers i run them along the length of it. it's horrible and ugly and for the first time in a long time- i feel ashamed. i now have to sport a scar for the rest of my life, one that i never saw coming.
i force myself to look away and tuck my hair behind my ears. my hair is riddled with sweat and it sticks to my neck, making me yearn for a shower. i let my feet carry me to the bathroom connected to my room. there i make the decision to take a bath instead when i spot the bubble bath under the sink.
after preparing everything, i slide my remaining clothes off and slip into the hot water of the tub. the bubbles are already everywhere and they easily cover the surface of the water. i close my eyes and let out a sigh.
my thoughts drift to peter, and i let myself think of him. i know something is going on inside his head, and i know it's because of me. it tugs on my heart every time he avoids or ignores me even during the slightest of encounters. i never wanted our friendship to turn into this and it bugs me beyond belief that i can't figure out why it's happening.
my eyes shoot open when i hear my name being called throughout the compound, followed by the sounds of something crashing. i sit up in the water and wait for it to stop sloshing around so that i can listen closer.
"edie?! oh my god mr. stark is going to kill me. i'll be dead by morning- edie! where are you?" it's peter, and from what i can tell he's freaking out, obviously. i let out a sigh of relief and call out to him.
"i'm in my room! it's okay, peter." the loud noises stop at my bedroom door.
"oh thank goodness. c-can i come in?" he asks, out of breath. i take in my current position— very naked and taking a bath; but covered completely by bubbles.
still a little hesitant and increasingly nervous, i call out again, "uh yeah. come in."
before the last words leave my mouth, a loud crunch and thud comes from the front of my room. i can barely see it through the crack of the bathroom door, but i know something is broken. it's silent for a hot second.
"um. oh yikes. i, uh, broke your door. not on purpose though! but it is, uh, not on the hinges anymore." he utters nervously. i can't help but laugh.
"what? who knew you were sooooo strong!" i tease, stretching out the words. some shuffling comes from my room.
"wait, where are you? what's going on?" his confused voice make me giggle. ew, giggle? really? i stifle the thought and take on a serious face.
"i'm in the bathroom, parker. stop freaking out." i reply, not at all annoyed despite my words and tone.
the shuffling behind the door stops, "you're pooping? and talking to me at the same time?" peter asks hesitantly. okay, now i’m annoyed.
"no you dipshit, im taking a bath. and everyone poops by the way, there's a children's book about it!" i yell. most of the time his innocent demeanor is endearing, but right now it's just making both of us uncomfortable.
suddenly the door creaks open wider and peter pops his head in the room, one hand covering his eyes. he still has his mask on and i roll my eyes. what is it with this boy and wearing his mask all the time?
"i just wanna make sure you're okay...a-are you okay?" he asks with a shaky voice. i can't help but smile at how nervous he is, but then again, so am i.
clearing my throat, i speak, "you can move your hand. i'm covered by, uh bubbles." peter slowly parts his fingers and peeks at me through them.
"hi." he whispers from the door.
"hi, peter." i whisper back.
he lowers his hand down to his side and steps completely into the spacious bathroom. he shuffles for a moment and decides on leaning against the doorframe with one arm up by his head. i eye him up and down, trying to get a feel for what is going through his head. he looks ridiculous standing in my bathroom, still clad in his spiderman suit that clings to his body like a second skin. it outlines the muscles in his arms, chest, and legs- truly not leaving much to the imagination. i feel my cheeks flush.
then for the second time that day, words are coming out of my mouth without my permission, "do you wanna sit?" i pull my hand out from beneath the water and tap the edge of the tub. the eyes on peter's mask widen and his arm slips from its position on the door frame. i just smile at him, despite my brain kicking me for saying anything at all.
to my surprise, he nods and settles himself on the edge of the tub down by my legs.
he whispers again, "hi."
a rush of heat floods my body at his new position and it's my turn to stutter, "hi." i'm suddenly all too aware of just how naked i am, only a thin layer of bubbles separating peter's eyes from seeing every bit of my body. and a tiny part of me doesn't hate the idea. an even smaller part wonders if peter is thinking the same thing.
"i'm glad you're okay." he says, a soft confidence laced within his words. his hand comes up to rest by my shoulder on the tub, just barely touching my skin. i nod my head and look down at the suddenly very interesting bubbles. i forgot that peter was the one who caught me when i fell in through the doors. he was the one to take care of me while we waited for mr. stark to arrive. he was the one who had to watch me bleed. with that thought, i look back up at him and gently rest my head on his hand, happy to find his eyes on mine.
"take your mask off peter." i whisper, still feeling foggy inside my head.
he shakes his head, "no."
"no?" my eyes widen at his words.
"no, e."
"come on, pete. it's not like i haven't see you before. what's the big deal?" as i say this i lean up in the water and stretch my hand to graze the edge of his mask. just as i'm about to pull it upwards and off his head, peter grabs my wrist roughly and holds it in his hand.
"if i take my mask off, all of this becomes much more real...and i don't want to see you like this." he says and looks away from my gaze. my stomach drops and i pull my hand away from his grip. all the comfort and confidence is instantly replaced with horrible, ugly nerves.
"what do you mean 'like this'? what- you can't look at me now? is it the scar? or is it because i invited you in and god forbid i'm naked under all these fucking bubbles? you didn't have you come in here, parker." my heart hurts and i spit out his name like it's venom on my lips. i can't stop my mind from reeling. peter looks at me and scoffs.
"you really don't get it, do you?" he questions as he stands up from his spot.
i sit up farther in the water, eyes glaring into his, "get what?"
his eyes widen as he rushes to put both his hands on my shoulders, shoving me back down into the water with unnecessary force. my head hits the back wall as water sloshes out of the tub, "for fucks sake, edie, cover yourself up!" his voice booms and i stay put. then it dawns on me. does he think-?
"i wasn't trying to-" i plead but he cuts me off.
"it's not that i don't want- fuck!" he pulls his mask off his head and stares at me with fiery eyes, "i do want to..." then he makes a growling noise that comes from the back of his throat, "what do you want me to say? what am i supposed to think coming in here?" he rambles on. i draw my eyebrows together and sink down into the water even more.
"i wasn't trying anything, peter. i-i'm sorry if you got the wrong idea," i whisper, defeated by how this whole thing is turning out. my head throbs from hitting the wall of the tub and my heart hurts from peter's words.
"yeah. okay, edie. i'll see you in the morning." and with that, he walks out of the bathroom, leaving his mask on the edge of the sink, the eyes glaring back at me.
my vision becomes blurry. just the idea of him thinking those things about me is enough to make me shut down completely. i stand up and step out of the tub, bubbles still clinging to my body. i walk over to the full-length mirror and my eyes lock on the scar. it looks the same as before, ugly, and a single tear runs down my chin.
peter's pov
i'm so unbelievably angry with myself. i can feel every part of my body on fire due to the complete and utter rage coursing through it. when people say they're so angry they see red, they aren't lying. there’s no way to erase what just happened between edie and i. the look on her face and the fast beat of her heart will forever be burned into my head. but above all my anger, that one thing i feel the most, is fear.
the fear i’ve ruined my relationship with edie all together because i'm too much of a coward to speak the truth. the fear that she now sees me as someone who would think those awful and cruel things about her. the fear that she thinks i don't want her just because of a scar.
none of it is true. sitting there, inches from her body made my head spin and my heart jump around my chest. i wanted to touch her, to feel her soft skin underneath my fingers as they danced down her neck and shoulders. instead, i panicked and said things so far from the truth.
i discard my suit and stand in the annoying thong that mr. stark insisted i wear to avoid having a visible panty line. he said it would be more embarrassing to have that than wear a goddamn thong. whatever, it doesn't even matter now. my brain is practically swimming in my head and making me sick to my stomach. i strip completely and prepare myself for a cold shower.
the next morning is quiet. i wake up earlier than usual for no good reason. maybe my brain just doesn't wanna give me the satisfaction of sleep. i step out of bed and tug a pair of sweatpants on over my hips along with a white t-shirt over my head. taking a deep breath, i make my way to the kitchen for some sort of breakfast, coming up with toast and a glass of orange juice.
my thoughts drift to edie, probably fast asleep in her bed. i hope she got to sleep last night, after everything that happened. that's the least she deserves.
something in my gut twists and i'm overwhelmed with the need to do something about this shitty situation. i'm fucking tired of walking on eggshells and making things worse, none of this is worth it.
with a deep breath, i allow my feet to carry me across the hardwood floors to edie's room with a glass of orange juice in my hand. the door is still off the hinges from when i ripped off accidentally. and there she is, sitting on her bed with a book in her hands. she looks peaceful and for a second it loosens the knot in my chest.
i clear my throat, "orange juice?" i extend my hand with the glass towards her.
her head snaps up and she meets my gaze. with an unreadable expression on her face, she sets the book down in her lap and gently closes the cover. my arm starts to shake from holding it still for too long and i pull it back to my chest. her head tilts the slightest bit at me, her eyes wandering over my body.
i shiver under her watch, suddenly extremely self-conscious about my clothes and my hair and the small pimple forming on my chin and-
"will you go to the store and get me some paint?" she asks, her question throws me off, "i can't stand these blank walls anymore. i'm thinking a soft yellow color will do just fine," she finishes. i bob my mouth like a fish and can only nod my head at her.
before i go to leave the room, she makes one more request, "leave the orange juice?” there is the smallest hint of a smile on her lips, and that’s enough for me.
edie's pov
when peter got back from the store, i had just finished the book i started last night. with no intention of sleeping, i pulled it out of the suitcase i had yet to unpack and got comfortable on the bed. just as i set it down, peter skid to a halt right outside my doorframe.
out of breath, he says, "i got two gallons of paint and a couple of brushes and those wheely things and...uh here." he holds the buckets of paint and bags out in front of him.
i smile at the boy. after last night's events, i've come to a conclusion; everything that happened up to that point was just a weird fluke in our friendship. all the strange feelings and awkward glances could be boiled down to one thing; us being alone in the compound. it was just hormonal teenage tendencies and it's truly nothing to worry about. every one of my feelings were just the result of built up emotions that showed themselves in weird ways. things can go back to normal now.
"thanks, pete. could you help me pull the bed away from the wall?" i chirp at him. for a second it seems like he's frozen in place, then a smile spreads across his face and he lets out a breathy little laugh.
"uh, yeah. of course." he replies and grasps the opposite side of the bed that i'm on. with a simple tug, the frame scrapes across the floor and comes to rest in the middle of the room. we both stand up straight and his eyes meet mine, he smiles wider.
"alrighty, let's get going then, yeah?" i huff out. with that, we each pour out paint into our respective pans and get to work. i take the south two walls and peter claims the north. i find myself enjoying the silence that falls between us.
every once in a while, i feel his eyes on me. i know when the other side of the room is completely silent, he's watching me. it doesn't bother me, i know he must feel bad about last night. that person wasn't peter and i know that. i just hope he'll forgive himself.
when i get to the parts of the wall i can't reach, i drag a stool in from the kitchen to stand on. unfortunately, it isn't enough height to allow me access to the top of the high ceiling. with a huff, i hop down and look around my room for something else to use. peter has turned his attention back to his side of the room and seems to be having a much easier time reaching the top, he’s much farther along than i am too.
after finding nothing else that could help, i climb back up on the stool and stand on my tiptoes, stretching as far as i can, giving me just enough height to get the job done. i smile at my victory and continue with a sense of pride. throughout this whole time, not one thought drifted to the scar on my side.
peter's pov
she looks beautiful, her frame stretching to reach the remaining white spots on the wall. i just finished the first coat on my side of the room when i set my paint roller down and stand back to admire her. the cotton fabric of her shirt is riding up her side, showing enough skin to let me see a part of her scar. i haven't seen it since it was first being mended back together by the fancy laser pen. it looks a lot better than it did, without the blood and all.
yet, it's still hard to look at. the line of it stretches along a good portion of her body. the marred skin still red and bruises are starting to form around the edges. my mind flashes back to the feeling of her in my arms when she collapsed, then to the sight of her in the tub. two contrasting events that made my feelings for her change.
edie's pov
"gotcha bitch!" i yell in triumph as i finally reach a part of the wall i was working on longer than i'd like to admit. the victory doesn't last long though as i survey the remaining sections of white. hiding my annoyance, i hop off the stool and move it to a new area, heart set on staying positive during these...trying times.
i'm back to painting for a few minutes and the other side of the room has gone silent again. i try to hide the small smirk that creeps along my lips, knowing what the silence entails. i know i vowed to forget everything that happened last night, but i'm growing to like the new attention from peter, whatever it may mean. i continue painting.
warm fingers brush against my exposed side and my body flinches at the contact, causing the wandering fingers to pull back. i squeeze my eyes shut and lower my hand holding the paintbrush. i don't want to turn my head. i don't want to move at all, but knowing the fingers belong to peter gives me a sense of relief, he's just curious. so i let him be.
peter slowly lifts my shirt ever so slightly and places one finger at the top of my scar, right under my ribcage. he drags it down along the jagged line, slow enough i'm not even sure it’s actually happening. his fingers feel nice on my hot skin, making my body shiver. he continues to run a single finger around the outline of the wound. every time he reaches my hip, his touch lingers just the tiniest bit longer.
this is okay. he's just curious. it isn't scary, it's...nice.
when he presses his lips to my skin, my heart explodes. i want to stop him, to tell him he doesn't have to do this. he doesn't have to touch me this way. i don't want him to touch me this way.
oh, but that would be a lie.
"peter..." i whisper, hands shaking along with my legs that still stand on the stool.
he trails soft, wet kisses down my side and hums a 'yes' at the sound of his name. each kiss is placed delicately on the edge of the scar, following the sharp line of it.
"what are you...?" i trail off when he lets out a soft hush between kisses. my head is reeling and my heart is beating faster than i ever thought possible. once peter reaches my hip, i force myself to slowly turn my body towards him. he's now eye level with my torso and i tentatively slide my fingers through his soft hair. he tilts his head up to look at me with his warm brown eyes. he wraps his arms around my body hesitantly and rests his hands on the small of my back.
"hi." he whispers sheepishly.
i let out a sound that can only be described as a sad laugh that got caught in my throat. i'm simply beyond words as i just stare down at the sweet boy with the widest, brightest smile i can manage. he breaks our gaze and peppers more kisses across my stomach. his touch is so gentle, so soft and careful.
"so so beautiful," he mumbles each word between every perfectly placed kiss. his lips linger in all the right spots, igniting a fire in my belly- among other places. the feeling is intoxicating. he is intoxicating. i want more. more of him and his sweet words.
i grab his fingers and thread them through my own. his lips break away from my skin and he peers up at me again, the smallest smile on his face. he takes my hands and wraps them around his neck, then he does something that throws me off my feet, literally. his hands slide down my body to take hold of my thighs and with one quick motions he lifts my feet off of the stool, making a gasp rise from my throat. peter lowers me down to his level and taps my legs with his fingers, whispering a soft come here, prompting me to wrap them around his waist.
i suck in a deep breath, staring into his dark eyes, "what is going on?" i ask in disbelief. he lets out a deep chuckle and kisses my forehead as he simply shakes his head. i furrow my brows at him.
he carries me over to the bed, still in the middle of the room and sits down on the edge, holding me tight in his lap. i'm in awe at his strength. and the way he treats me like the most precious thing in the world. peter leans forward and rests his forehead against mine. after a few long seconds, he whispers gentle words against my lips,
“i’ve wanted to do this ever since we got to this stupid compound.”
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit @kitykatnumber
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist :))
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agentmothman18 · 5 years
Merry Christmas! (Idk? Part 2)
Okay so I’ve been working on this for two days (two nights technically-) so sorry for misspelling or if it’s pretty crazy. Like all over the place crazy. I don’t write with a plan, that’s never fun in my opinion. So anyway, Merry Christmas! I hope this was a good gift to the few that wanted a second part!
Walking down the corridor, Dib realized that it wasn't just the high schoolers from the dance that got taken. He saw adults from stores he'd visited and fast food workers. There where even kids, no older than 5, crying in corners in a cell with strangers. Seeing this, and the faces given to him for walking 'free', made his gut twist and turn. The betrayed look, the hatred, it was something he hadn't seen in years. The hatred at least, the betrayal was new but very unwelcome. And could he blame them for feeling that way? No, he would too if he saw a another human walking next to a guard with no restrains.
So the boy kept his gaze ahead of himself, staring at the door at then of the hall. He would set them all free, one way or another, all that training during his pursuit of Zim would finally come in handy. But for now, he had to be tactical and see where he was going and what they were going to do to him.
"Move faster." A gruff voice grumbled behind him, a heavy hand placed in his shoulder and pushing him forwards. It hadn't been much strength behind that push but Dib could tell this alien could easily crush his skull if it wanted. Made him wonder why this alien was even hear, with that kind of strength he could easily leave. But, there was strength in numbers, so it wasn't hard to really grasp why this big alien was here still.
"I'm going, jeez." Dib huffed, shaking the aliens hand off his shoulder and walking faster. Beyond the door, was a rather big room with four doors. Even a little room with computers where a pink alien watched the screens, only looking up when the two had reached a sliding door. The pink alien had reached over with one of its extra arms and pressed a button to allow the door to slide open. An elevator, barely big enough for the alien escorting Dib. The boy thought for a moment that he'd be going up alone, but being squashed against the far wall of the elevator proved him wrong. 'Isn't this humiliating.' Dib thought, tensing when the aliens hand pressed against his back. Warning signals blared in his mind, more so when he felt something he slipped into his pants.
He had not time to react, the elevator doors opening and he was pushed out. Handed off to a different alien who found it necessary to cuff him. But he didn't acknowledge that to much, his mind racing with what could be in his pants now. It felt flat and when he was pushed into walking, he felt shark corners. However, with each set it moved farther down his pants, to which he quickly pressed his hands against his butt pocket to stop it. 'What the hell is this?!'
"My tallest, the human you requested." Dib could tell this wasn't their usual hang out area, it was far to close to the prison cells. The human could only guess they had come, guessing Zim had told them enough about himself to make them be cautious. Rightfully so, anymore sight seeing of this ship and Dib would have had a better idea of how to free everyone.
"You were shorter last we saw." Purple looked Dib over, both nearly the same height. However, the tallest's where an inch taller than Dib.
"Last you saw was over a screen nearly 5 years ago." Dib replied, keeping any snarky or rudeness out of his tone. It would be best not to anger them just yet. "Why was I requested?"
"Zim won't tell us what he's done with the information he stole, all data of it has been erased from his pak. You were the only human he talked so fondly of so you are going to get that information from him." Red stated, glaring at the human. Dib opened his mouth to speak but shut it quickly after. There were a few ideas that came to mind, but only one really stuck with him. One that would really make everyone feel betrayed but it was for a good cause.
"Fine, I'll get the information. But," That didn't make the tallest happy, but Red motioned for him to continue. Willing to listen to his demands. "I get to be one of your soldier's." He internally cringed after saying that, hating it more than anything. But he felt this was the best way to get everyone to safety, maybe even free other plants if things really went well.
"That requires skills and training that you don't have and-"
"If you can beat our best soldier with you hands bound then you'll be one of us."
"Purple! You.." Red sighed, seeing as there was not taking it back now. And he had faith that their best soldier would win, especially since the humans hands were bound. "Fine, Nyx!" A little Irken with a tray strapped to its head came running over, shaking slightly. "Take this human to the training deck. That's where the fight will be held."
The layout of the ship seemed fairly easy to navigate, but with all the twists and turns the Irken had taken him down, it would be a miracle if he remembered the way. But he had bigger issues right now, and that was the fight he was about to have. If their best soldier was anything like Tak, then Dib felt he might not be able to do this. That irken had been a nightmare to deal with, granted that was during the time he was young with no fight training behind him. But still, he had a disadvantage with his hands tied.
"This is the training room." The little Irken known as Nyx said, pushing Dib through the doors. There were a few Irken in the room, and a few aliens Dib didn't know that race of. Though, it did hit Dib with the realization that maybe their best soldier wasn't an Irken at all. It could be possible, given the various alien types in the room. "I hope you have nothing to lose." And then Nyx was gone, rushing out the doors like a bat out of hell. The only thing Dib had to lose was his sister and dad, but when it all came down to it, did he even have them? They weren't exactly the nicest to be around, or weren't even there to begin with.
Dib turned his attention back to the aliens in the room, all looking at him and examining him. So he did the same, looking each and everyone of them over. None of them looked strong, but from years of fighting Zim, he knew better than to assume ones strength by looks. The others decided he wasn't worth their time and continued on with their training, giving Dib the opportunity to not only watch their fighting styles but to also retrieve the thing in his pants.
It had been a chip of some sort, small and black with blue lines in it. He couldn't get a better look with his hands bound behind him, and struggling to look at it would cause suspicion so Dib shoved it into his back pocket for later. 'Why did he give it to me?' More questions like that rang through his head, none of which he could think of a good answer for. However, he felt this had to be tied to the information Zim had stolen, it couldn’t be anything else and if it was then he’d be surprised.
“This won’t be to the death,” Tallest Red’s voice started Dib, the boy quickly turning to look at the alien. “And if you fail, you’re still going to get that information.” Definitely a threat, Dib could tell by the edge and glare. He didn’t expect any less, Red always did seem like the more stern and cut throat kind of leader over the calls he dropped in on. So Dib only nodded his head in agreement to that, knowing better than to buck the system at this point. It was one against thousands and there was no way he’d win that kind of fight.
“One round,” Purple butted in, his eyes looking towards one of the bigger aliens in the room. And when the other acknowledged Purple, they were motioned over. Dib was a quick to assume this was their great soldier, sizing the taller alien up. This one held a bored expression, brownish green skin marked up with scars. “First one pinned to the ground looses.” They where just wanting him to loose, making this situation even more difficult that it had to be and unfair as hell. Nevertheless, both nodded to the conditions and where moved to the center of the training room.
The few aliens that where in the room still had quickly moved any equipment out of the way, pushing everything against the walls. The human watched as one pulled a whistle from its pocket, coming to stand by the Tallest’s. As they talked about the terms of what should happen, Dib glanced at the bigger alien in front of him. They were taller, had more muscles on them and a lizard like tail. He’d have to avoid that, as well as block any attacks. One hit from this alien could probably knock him out cold.
Dib mimicked his opponent and got ready for when the whistle would be blown. His stance, unlike the other, was less menacing and looked similar to one a racer would take except he wasn’t as hunched over. But when the whistle was blown, the boy tensed up at having the bigger alien rush him. However, he didn’t freeze in place, noticing quickly how the alien left it’s torso and legs exposed. It was sad when all the human had to do was side step the alien and trip them, a loud thud echoing in the room. But a win was a win, and Dib was quick to stand on the aliens back to keep it down. ‘This was anticlimactic.’ He thought, hearing a second whistle blow and quickly stepping down from the aliens back. “I think you need better soldiers.” The remark earned him a nice slap to the face, from Tallest Purple who clearly didn’t like his soldiers being insulted.
When the human had said he wanted to be a soldier, he hadn’t expected them to immediately gear him up. He had been un-cuffed and given a soldier outfit that looked like a mech suit but more fitted in a way. Less bulky and more movable. From the neck to the torso was blue, with an Irken soldier symbol indented in the middle of the chest. And since he had no pak, there where three holes where the pak would have been placed. It was easily covered by the pak shell built into the suit, meant for protecting a pak of course.
If it wasn’t for this suit being Irken made, Dib would have been stoked to wear it. But it only made him feel bad, like he was really betraying his people. ‘It’s for the best.’ He kept telling himself, keeping a straight face as he was lead to the room Zim was being held in.
From what his guide was telling him, this ‘room’ was meant for holding the worse prisoners and for creatures that would be later tested on. They had bring Zim into an interrogation room, which Dib wondered why he wasn’t there to begin with. Having any living thing isolated with nothing to do felt like a better thinking punishment than being in a room with others. He thought that way until he saw just was this room was like.
Fifty or more orbs filled the room, some bigger than others and all where floating a good 5 feet off the found. The room was fairly cold and the few workers he saw wore far more than he thought was necessary. But these were Irken workers, and from what he’s learned from Zim, Irkens were cold blooded creatures.
“This might take a second.” The guide told him, starting the boy a bit. They had reached Zim’s pod, a screen projecting from the pod to make a holographic keyboard. Dib paid more attention to Zim, noticing how the aliens breathing was slow and almost nonexistent. He didn’t move a muscle, curled into a ball and looking actually comfortable. The pod, like all the others, where filled with plush looking blankets. Dib wondered why they gave these prisoners nice blankets, they where the worst so shouldn’t they have the worst?
There was a loud, echoing ‘psh’ sound as the orb cracked open. A once seamless circle now had a prominent line around its middle, and soon it had no top when the Irken guide lifted it open. Dib watched as cuffs were put on the aliens small wrists, a groan leaving the waking Irken. Zim wasn’t given time to completely gather himself, pulled from the plush blankets and onto the hard floor with thud. Dib could only watch as his Irken guide yanked the taller Irken to his feet and started dragging him from the room. It barely gave Dib time to react, but he was able to quickly follow after the two.
The interrogation room was right across the hall and in the room was a chain welded to the ground. No seats or a table, just that, which Zim was cuffed to by the time Dib fully got into the room. “Take as long as you need.” The guide then left, a click of the door signally their complete departure. And the two finally looked at each other, Zim’s eyes widening as he looked Dib over. The humans could see a look of a betrayal in the fake contacts, the alien quickly glaring at him and attempting to cross his arms.
“All those years of stopping me and look at you know.” Zim hissed, yanking at the chains even though it was useless.
“Shut up, I have a plan and that involves doing this.” Dib said as he motioned to the suit he was wearing. “But seriously, what the fuck did you do? What information was so important that they come to earth just to get you?” The human demanded, watching as Zim glared off to the side. He looked like a scolded child who got more angry than upset.
“Why should I tell you anything? I’m going to be erased no matter what happens.” Dib was shocked to see the tears spill from Zims eyes. He’d never seen the Irken cry before. “I’d rather die than ruin everything we’ve been working towards.”
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S/O reacts to their heroes turning into villains. Pt I
You either die a hero, or live long enough to watch yourself become the villain.
Pt2 !
Warnings: Foul language, death, slightly nsfw ones are marked with "**".
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He hovered above you, making your heart beat in all directions. His clothes were all black, and he wore some sort of mask that only covered his hair line and down to his jaw.
"You're scared of me."
"Shinsou baby please. You are so much more than this."
"Your tears won't change my mind. Everybody knew it, it was just a matter of time before I realized it too. I'm not cut out to be a hero." With a finger he wipes your cheeks.
"You are not a villain, this isn't right. You want to help people, not hurt them. I know that."
"Oh but you're wrong, hurting them is so much more fun. For the first time ever, I feel alive!"
A finger dragged up from your stomach to your collarbone. He dug there with a razor blade, drawing out blood. Earning a scream from you.
"I want you to be with me. You said you'd support me no matter what, remember?"
His eyes weren't in yours anymore, but in the place where he was inflicting pain.
"No, not like this." you swallowed hard "I would rather die."
He frowned, sending shiver down your spine. His finger kept going up, until it reached the side of your neck.
"That won't be a problem either, angel."
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"Y/N-chan" he spoke in a sweet tone and took your hand "Why don't you see? Nobody can hurt me this way."
A sob escaped your lips. "Izuku... what happened to you?" Your hands go to his face.
Covered in blood. His face was covered in blood.
"No no, not Izuku. It's Deku now."
"Did Kachaan did this?" you sob, "I will kill him."
"He was right after all, I couldn't be a hero. Not without a quirk."
You started to become dizzy, and Izuku held you, dropping you gently on your knees and he got to your level.
"So I recurred to other ways, my good friend Tomura showed me. You're going to love him."
He held you lovingly, and you were trying hard to stay conscious. What had happened to your sweet Izuku?
"What did you do?" you whisper.
"What I had to, for them to respect me."
"What? Izuku I don't understand anything. This isn't you." He held you like a baby now, pressing you agaisnt his chest.
"It's alright sweetheart, you'll see. Now sleep, I'll take good care of you. I promise, I'm better than ever."
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"Let go of this one ... she's mine."
That voice, it couldn't be. The villain let go of your neck, having you fall to the floor, coughing for air.
"What a brute, look at how he treats my girl." He crouches down and cups your face.
"You're nothing to me." you snarl, pulling your face away.
"That is a lie, your heart belongs to me."
"That changed when you turned into.... this" your voice threatens to break, but you won't let it.
This was the first time you'd ever seen him, like this. You had been avoiding all of the news, not wanting to face the truth. But here he was, real as ever.
You looked him in the eye, this wasn't the man you loved. He got close to your face, and all you felt was cold.
"I'll give you one chance, join me, I'll give you everything you could ever want."
Your lip quivered.
"I'm sorry, I should've helped Shouto" you face the ground and a sob shakes your entire frame.
"Don't be stupid." his voice is harsh "There was no helping me. This, is the only way to get back at him, for everything he put me through." he spoke through grutted teeth.
You cried harder.
"I guess I only thought you how to make girls cry."
You looked up at Shouto, his face frozen somewhere between fear, shock and betrayal. His eyes pierced through you and he grabbed your neck lifting you from the floor, slowly freezing the delicate skin.
He turned to meet his fathers gaze.
"Let go of the girl Todoroki."
"Or what? You'll beat me up? I'll freeze her neck off if you don't back off."
"You love her too much."
He pressed harder and you gagged, he left you with no choice.
"I'm sorry Shouto" you spoke in a raspy voice, he looked at you for a second and that was all it took to end him.
You cried out loud as the metal pierced through his chest, both of your bodies hitting the floor instantly. Empty eyes stared at you, there was blood everywhere.
He was dead, and so was your heart.
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He turned around, as though he had been waiting for you.
"You're always one step ahead of the others aren't you." he asks.
"So I was right." you wished he would say no, you wished you were wrong. But there was no denying it.
Aizawa was the traitor.
"You weren't a part of my plan." he admits.
"You used me."
"No. That was real, all of it... I need you" his eyes inspected yours "You can be very helpful to us."
"Those kids were your responsability, they trusted you."
"Are you upset?" He walks closer, and despite your every instinct telling you to walk away you don't.
"Ofcourse I'm upset! They're going to be so hurt."
"Do you really care?..." he caresses your arm.
"Why did you do it? You're a hero Shouta."
He shrugs "It wasn't enough."
In a stupid attempt you try to use your quirk on him, but he just grabs your arms and turns you around. He pins your back agaisnt his chest tightly and leans on your ear.
"I know you want more too, dont deny it Y/N. You crave action, you want blood."
You clench your teeth and try to break free from his hold. Unsuccessfully. "Not the blood of inocents."
"Mmm I see, you think you're so high and migthy don't you?" his lips caress the skin of your ear and you sigh, unable to help it. Aizawa made you feel things, things you had never felt before.
"Fuck you."
"I hate to break it to you beautiful but you're not, you've killed, you've broken families. You're just as doomed as I am."
"Keep telling yourself that."
"Why do you resist so much? It was you who told me you were bored of living such a simple life."
"Well becoming a villain isn't exactly on my bucket list."
"Admit it, you're intrigued."
You chuckle ironically "What makes you think that?"
"You could've broken out of this hold two minutes ago yet here you are, still in my arms."
You throw your weight backwards, hitting him with your head and spin around once you're loose from his hold. The roof was probably not the best place to fight Aizawa, but you didn't really have a choice.
"You won't make me question my morals Shouta."
He has a hand on his chin, but his eyes are still on you.
"Oh, I think I already did."
You push him with your quirk (Invisible force) and pin him against the door. He quickly erases it but you take a jump on him and kick his face, knocking him to the ground.
Again you use your quirk to keep him on the floor, and walk towards him.
"I didn't want to hurt you, but I have to turn you in."
But before you get a chance he's erased your quirk again and he stands up too quickly. Pushing you against the edge of the building and pulling on your hair so as to have half of your body in the air. You scratch his arms, looking for something to hold on to, put he pulls harder.
You scream in fear, thinking he's going to throw you off and your eyes shut thightly.
There's silence, and the breeze hits you. Cold enough to make you shiver.
You're prepared for him to let you go, you're ready to fall into your death. All because you had discovered him.
But instead, Aizawa places himself between your legs and kisses you ferociously. Pulling you up bit by bit.
You hold on to his neck, securing your safety before returning the kiss. And when you finally pull away, he rests his forehead on yours.
"I would never hurt you." "I'm going with you."
You both say at the same time. Aizawa opens his eyes to find you staring back at him. And a smile creeps on his face before kissing you again.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Nine- Part Seven
"Stop moving, Harrington," Phina grumbles as she erases a line on the drawing.
Steve grins, "we're on a roof, Phina, it's a little uncomfortable."
She glares lightly at him but she knew what he meant. They had been sitting here for almost 30 minutes now. Angled towards each other so Phina could look at him over her book as she drew him. The angle on the roof made it incredibly uncomfortable but she was determined to make this drawing good.
"I don't care." She glances at him and then back to the drawing. "Sit still."
He smiles, "but-"
"Sit still or I'll make you, Harrington," she cuts him off, and glances back at him.
His smile turns into a smirk, "oh, really? Come on then, make me, Wheeler."
It was a clear challenge, one that she knew she could win easily, and so did he, but it still excited her. He starts to move even more than before, clearly to agitate her. She scowled at him but her lips twitched, wanting to smile. Fine, if he wanted her to make him, she would.
Phina sets her book down with her pencil tucked between the pages. She moves to her knees and jumps towards Steve, pushing him down to lay on the roof. He gasps a little. He had expected her to threaten him with her claws, not to tackle him.
Steve laughs, going to sit back up and move around more but she points at him, her finger almost touching his nose, "I don't think so, Harrington."
Without really thinking about it she moves to straddle his waist, holding him in place so he can't move. He freezes beneath her again, not expecting her to do that either.
She smirks down at him, "now, stay still."
He wordlessly nods and she grins, leaning over to grab her sketchbook. She opens the book back up to the drawing and glances at him before starting back up. He watches her over the edge of the book. Her red curls fall over her shoulders and curtain her face, her eyes shine brightly in the moonlight and she looks beautiful against the stars above them. She bites her lip as she focuses on the drawing, on him. Every few seconds she would glance over the book and down at him, her cheeks going red as she caught his eyes each time.
The way he was looking at her, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight like a glass of whiskey. There are traces of gold in them, shining in the light. It made her feel warm like she was safe from anything and everything as long as his eyes were on her.
He bites his lip and she gently hits him with her pencil, "don't move."
"Sorry," he whispers, breathlessly.
God, the things she did to him. His hands move without his consent and lightly lay on her hips, trailing down to her thighs. His fingers gently trail across her bare skin, his left hand finding the scars that adorned her right leg. She tries not to squirm under his touch as he traces little shapes over her skin.
Phina pulls her sketchbook closer to her so he can't see the blush on her cheeks. She had realized some things a month ago and continues to admit to herself some stuff about herself to this day. Somewhere along the crazy events last year and a month ago, she had found herself falling, falling slowly yet surely. She had tried to fight it, tried to grab onto the reasons she shouldn't, but they all broke. She had said she had done it for Nancy, but she had moved on, why couldn't she? Why couldn't she let herself fall? She knew there would be arms there to catch her, so why was she so afraid?
"Can we take a break," Steve whispers, his voice low and almost to quiet for her to hear.
She didn't want to, not because of the drawing, but because she was afraid of what she'd do if she wasn't focused on something besides him, "sure."
"You know," Steve whispers, "I wish I could draw so the real beauty here could be the muse."
She couldn't help the smile that came to her lips, "you're so cheesy, Harrington."
"Yeah," he says, "but you love me for it."
Slowly, she sets her sketchbook down to the side of them, not moving off of Steve like she should but instead just looks down at him, "yeah, I guess I do."
They are both silent, Steve's eyes widened as the words register in his ears, "what did you just say?"
"I said I do, Harrington," she whispers as her face grows warm in embarrassment, "I... I- I love you and I don't know why or how but I do. I love you, Steve Harrington. I love you."
His heart beats rapidly in his chest, the words echoing in his mind, I love you, I love you, I love you. Any words that he thought he would say are gone. Any bit of the smooth King Steve is gone to.
Phina's face grows hotter in embarrassment as she starts to get off him, "I'm sorry, I... I don't know what I'm saying. I'm sorry-"
His hands grab her hips and stop her from moving, "Phina, stop."
"No, I'm sorry," she shakes her head, "I shouldn't have said that-"
He sits up, his arms encircling her waist as her arms wrap around his neck. He smiles at her, so warmly that she felt like she could melt right then and there.
"I love you too," he whispers.
It felt like her world had shifted on its axis, spinning in the opposite direction. He loved her too, he said it, they both had. Her hands suddenly grab his face between them and she pulls him to her. Their lips connect in a slow passionate kiss and it isn't like the stories. There aren't fireworks but a deep warmth that feels like safety, like home.
His arms bring her closer to him, as close as she can possibly get. Her hands trail to the back of his neck and into his hair, tugging it softly in a way that makes him groan. He felt like he was floating through the sky and he would never come back down.
She slowly pulls away from him, reluctantly and painfully slow, bringing her right arm down to rest on his arm around her waist. They rest their foreheads together and stare into each other's eyes.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he whispers breathlessly.
She smiles, "yeah, how long?"
He pretends to ponder for a moment, "ever since I gave you that necklace, when you truly smiled at me for the first time after so many years of hating me."
His hand trails up her arm to her neck where he grabs the small silver chain, bringing the pendant into his hand, "I was a goner the moment I saw your eyes sparkle in the lights, just like this pendant."
He lets the pendant drop back down and he caresses her cheek, pulling her into a sweet, short kiss, "I'm glad I was."
"I'm glad you were," she breathes, "I'm glad I was too."
He smiles and brings her back in for a kiss, this one is longer, more passionate. Slowly he lays back and Phina lays on top of him. They lay there, kissing in the moonlight, and everything, for the first time in a long time, feels right.
-1260 words-
   And there it is!!!! The end!!!! Finally these two confessed and are now gonna be the annoying new couple instead of Nancy and Jon lol! God, this story means so much to me and I'm kinda sad that it's over, for now.
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mcmxcvixi · 2 years
"how bad is it that she had to move away and stayed in okinawa?" jes has to put away her cellphone and stare at the screen over the silent that's lingering too long on the other side, brows knitting when it shows she's still on the line with her dad. she continues the quietness, keeping her one hand busy with some documents, when the door of her office clicks open at the same time jun clears her throat, jes rises her hand to signal her secretary as the woman dips back out of the door.
"there was a man lingering outside the residence few days ago. it was rather a bad decision and strategy if the purpose laid on spying the family. we got rid of him but i can't stay still and keep your mother in danger so i reassured she will be much safer in okinawa."
she gulps hard, stopping on her track with the papers as she rubs her temples trying to not let the headache get in to her.
"so kyoto and osaka are empty now?" jes takes a little stroll around her office, anxiety slowly build in as every word delivered by her father is nothing but more into a mess she had never imagine to be in the way.
"she'll be safe." the little reassurance erases just a bit amount of weight but it feels better than nothing. jes nods at his voice, "she has to. and how about you?" she paces another stroll, back and forth, heels clicking softly on the surface.
"i'll be flying to new york tomorrow." the previous meeting with the company's biggest shareholder hits back as she realizes it is the reason of her father soon arrival in the city. jiro indeed made such a scene during jesslyn's first grand meeting with the shareholders. his ways of putting her in the mud was almost successful, with accusations of favouritism over professionalism inside the clan, and one thing about jes not having enough experience in the field of the family's multinational manufacturer, which, it was enough to drive some of the people attending the meeting to question her ability. however, bad fortune wasn't on her side that day. she used the moment to drag him in the mud with her, might as well be done with it, while his credibility is creating a lot more questions than what he accused of her, the lack of mannerism and stained history of her own uncle with the company back in the 2019 helped into it.
"if only your brother is nothing like a greedy pig."
"tomie." she smiles wickedly at her father's tones of warning her. anger from weeks ago comes crushing back at the memory of how jiro almost ruin down her moment.
"oh, but you would agree, daddy." she walks towards the front of her desk, resting her bottom there after wearing out her legs with the little stroll she did out of her anxiety. while jun stunned at his own daughter on the other side of line, thinking of where does the attitude comes from: the sarcasm hitting a rightful spot, completely neglecting it's the fact that it's all copied from him, which the only difference is how jes delivers it more forwardly and bold with her choice of words.
"you do not worry, sir, i did amazing for the rest of the meeting despite that little pest on the floor, i didn't mind getting my hands dirty to flick it away." jun continues to be struck with no words but again, he cannot reply a word of to warn the choice of a language his daughter chooses since she is telling a train of facts and nothing else. jes rotates in her heels, walking few steps as she sits back in her chair, "renault was nothing but delightful with every single thing. they were not completely distracted with uncle jiro, however, i had a small additional talk about his accusations but they were only making sure things are handled. they knew, at least on their part, you made the right choice." jes straightens her posture when her secretary with eyes pleading saying she has no more option to hold back another schedule as the phonecall stays too long than she expected. she takes the folder her secretary offers and her laptop clutched tight to her side as the woman ushers her to walk out and telling jes she will get the rest of her remaining works handled. jesslyn hushes a small thank you at her as she clicks away fast in her step.
"i know you're sick with my words that i wish you'd still be in charge and i still need time with this responsibility but," she stops in front of the glass door of her next meeting, sighing through her nose, "those wishes still stand. and i'm sure all this would never happen. i don't mind backfiring your brother and step on his dignity all over again but if all this endangering mom and... you... i don't want it."
jun creates much more silent than jes ever created during phonecalls, there are seconds of no words before he speaks and replying back.
"you are doing amazing. keep it up. i know you can."
her head drops, staring at her feet before she lifts herself up, knowing the respond would never be satisfying to her nerves. "of course." she forces a smile to herself, ending the call with her thumb pressing too harsh on the screen.
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